#like if something isn’t making u happy u can walk away and take a break
glovehearts · 5 months
like i get the history and the struggle but sometimes i question if some leafs fans actually even like the team with the way they’re already writing them off in the playoffs.
part of what i love about being a sports fan is having blind faith in something, hoping for the very best, hoping that this time they do it, and willing on a group of dummies that i genuinely love dearly.
if you don’t have that feeling then i kinda don’t know what you get out of sports. like there’s enough in day to day life to be an eternal miserable pessimist about, i don’t wanna do it with sports.
also it’s the playoffs, literally anything can happen. sometimes it’s just dumb fucking luck.
go leafs go 💙
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almostempty · 2 months
Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Looking for an escape from a horrible day, you take a sexy stranger home from the bar. 
Warnings: drinking, smoking, smut, glorification of substance use as a coping mechanism, using sex to avoid processing emotions, PWP, like mostly just porn and emotions, spit, one (1) pussy slap, pussy pronouns, size kink, sort of pleasuredom!javi, AU unprotected sex has no risks bc i like it that way, piv sex, fingering, creampie,
Notes: cigarette vending machines were real, part 2 exists and if one single person asks for it i’ll post it 
please leave feedback! open to constructive criticism or delusional inspiration
Thanks: to @auteurdelabre , u know what u did 
WC: 6.7K
AO3: here
Part 2: here
Masterlist: Here
It’s not enough.
You feel the inescapable temptation racing like wildfire through your veins. Thick, hot air whips your hair into your face, and you laugh, throaty and as loud as a barking German Shepherd with saliva frothing against their teeth. The thought of jerking the wheel and rolling your car into oncoming traffic causes your fingers to twitch. The roar of the semi-truck you pass drowns out everything else, your music, the wind surging through the windows, and your violent intrusive thoughts. You decide not to opt for a head-on collision. Heading towards your side of town, you slow to a less reckless speed, immediately missing the road noise. 
The temptation still pounds in your head, unbearable. Something stronger. You need something stronger before you drive to his house and choke on the smoke while you burn it to the ground. 
But you’re free! You grin as you race directionless through the streets, the kind of grin that would unsettle a small child. The evening sun blinds you whenever you choose a street facing west, and you welcome the jarring obtrusion, the pain. But driving into the sun isn’t enough. 
You pull over at the first parking spot you can see, ripping off your seatbelt and twisting around to dig under your seat. Nails catch on the carpeting, but you only recognize some change, receipts, and a petrified french fry. The muscles in your shoulder could tear from the tendons for all you care as you contort yourself to check under the passenger seat before digging through every compartment you can fit your fingers into. 
A cigarette seems healthy in comparison to crashing your car or lighting your ex’s house on fire. You swore there was a forgotten pack of smokes under one of the seats in your car, stashed away in case of emotional emergencies months ago before you committed to quitting. Nate must have found them and tossed them. Of course, he could still keep making this day worse. Even after you’d walked out on him mid-rant about how it was somehow your fault that he’d become even more of a repulsive asshole during the months you’d spent apart. “Hope you’re happy with how you chose to use your last ‘second chance,’” you had spat at him, already halfway to the door. You imagined the look cemented on his face as you left. You hope to never imagine his face again. 
Dried tears sting the corners of your eyes. Rubbing at the raw skin burns. You stare at your red eyes in your rearview mirror, and you can see the flicker of your soul nearly snuffed out from the years of despair. Blood pounding in your ears, you roll your head on your shoulders, and popping and grinding noises in your neck add to the symphony of your pulse. Tipping back against the headrest, you refocus and take in your surroundings. A bar. A beacon in the fading golden hour as dusk overtakes her glow. 
Bars have cigarettes. A drink, or four, would help, too. You need to feel something else. Find something strong enough to break through the numbness of anger and embarrassment. Something to override your loquacious internal monologue. It’s not enough.
Your demons materialize on your shoulders, prepared to fight your morality. The neon beer signs in the window sing a siren song. Temptation wins in the first round, she’s a seductress not to be outclassed. 
The gravel crunches under your feet as you cross the parking lot, kicking up little clouds of dust in your wake. Inside, you swerve between the pool tables, crossing the dimly lit space in a beeline to the cigarette vending machine for a new pack and matches before lasering in on an empty stool at the bar. Tunnel vision. 
Cold beer soothes the burn in your throat from the tequila shot you slammed before you even settled your full weight on the barstool. The liquid waterfalls down your throat until the bottle runs dry. The surly bartender replaces it with another, and her eyes flick from yours to the empty shot glass and back. 
“I’ll just stick to beer for now,” you answer. A barely perceptible snicker yanks your attention to your right. He’s smirking to himself, trying to hide it with a swig from his bottle. Your scowl softens by a hair as you rake your eyes down his profile. Strong features, sparkling dark eyes, well-groomed, and an open collar that teases you with a glimpse of the skin of his chest. His look piques your interest. But that smug curl of his lip raises your hackles as you return to your mission: a neurochemical intervention. Maybe he knows where you could procure a lobotomy if nicotine and booze don’t help. 
You slam the second beer, signaling for another. Your head weighs heavily on your shoulders, but you can start to feel the warmth of the alcohol blooming within your chest. A welcome warmth despite the suffocatingly thick air in the bar. You feel the layer of sweat coating your torso. The skin bared on your thighs sticks to the vinyl stool, but you don’t care about being warm and sticky. Your assignment is simple. Get the liquor to your brain before you recruit Smug Mustache and Silent Barkeep to your crew. She can drive; he can be the lookout. Accomplice to arson shouldn’t be a hard sell.
You smile to yourself at the thought. 
The tiny muscles in your face start to relax, and the line between your brows softens. The racing thoughts get quieter, and you can process your environment more easily. The clack of the billiard balls on the pool table, the rock ballad barely audible over the buzz of the patrons. A variety of mostly bald or bearded men occupy different seats, and women with brassy hair and loud laughs hold all the secrets. You and the man seated next to you don’t quite fit the demographic, but nobody seems bothered. 
You slide a cigarette out of your pack, and before you tuck it between your lips, the man next to you pushes the amber-colored ashtray he’d been hoarding towards you and offers you a light. 
Leaning towards him, you’re hit with an intoxicating rush of spicy aftershave, leather, and tobacco. You seize the opportunity to take in his features head-on, inhaling deeply while he unabashedly sweeps his dark eyes over you in turn. Sinfully dark, they flick back up to yours. He drags his thumb across his bottom lip, and you’re entranced momentarily by the need to feel that plush lip between your teeth. 
That could work. Ease the restlessness and the deepening impulse to scream. Maybe that’s the third ingredient to your impulsive master plan. 
“Thanks,” you exhale, breaking the heady silence. The rush of nicotine entwined with alcohol begins to replace the rage in your veins. Vengeful racing thoughts are replaced with a mantra. A dull pounding in the back of your skull. More. You smile. More. More. He tracks your mouth as you press the cold glass bottle to your lips. You swallow and swallow. He raises one eyebrow, head cocked, as you drain the bottle. 
“I’d offer to buy you a drink, but I’m not sure you’d taste it at this rate,” he teases in a voice thick as molasses. 
You consider your frenzied rate of consumption. Might be time to slow down. 
“Maybe you could convince me to savor it,” you challenge. He nods and orders. He studies your lips as you take another drag from your cigarette. More. He doesn’t shy from holding your gaze. Not when you smile or when you look him up and down again. You usually aren’t so forward. The cocktail of substances and the emotional hangover from your failed reconciliation emboldens you. But, one tiny crack fractures, and for a brief moment, you’re gone. 
Your eyes lose focus. Disconnected from your body, the bar, and reality. He watches with amusement. He knows that look. He wears it often. 
Your thoughts flash and crack like a lightning storm. Nate’s face. Livid, red, and sputtering foul insults at you. Enraged that you’re drinking, smoking, and desperate to whore yourself out to the first man you see. Worse. You don’t care. Nate wasted your time and shattered your goodwill. You want to be set free. Erase him and his pathetic voice altogether. 
You take another sip and another drag, hoping one of them will detach his grubby claws from your conscience. You blink, and the horrifying hallucination is gone. 
“Drinking to forget, cariño?” the man you’d been staring past interrupts your thoughts. His tone is genuine. But why? Is that his schtick? Offering to fix broken women with a well-timed light and teasing glance?
“Something like that,” you muse, taking another drag. You hadn’t realized how close you were sat until now. It’s intimate. Smoke curls in a delicate dance between you, alluring as it winds and flares. You feel drawn to him, connected by chance. Something new to focus on. To study. He watches you with such intensity you note. Unwavering. Too sober and too shiny to be a regular old barfly. It’s not a bar full of singles. He’s out of place. Maybe he got lost along a warpath like you. Good. More.
He’s still watching. Waiting for you to elaborate? You let your knee slide forward until it’s pressing into his firm thigh. “Just trying to feel something,” you answer honestly. 
“Mm,” he takes another swig, and you watch his neck in slow motion as he swallows. 
“And you?” 
“Same goal, I guess,” he confirms. His hand drags slowly down his thigh and slides onto your knee. Your mouth parts at the contact of his palm. A new fire rips through your veins, but it’s not rage. More. 
“Would you say it’s working?” you gesture to the bottles coated in beads of condensation on the bar top. 
“No.” He stares at you openly. His carnivorous mouth splits into a grin. 
His boldness makes a giggle bubble up in your throat. You tilt your head back with a laugh. Your hair slides behind your shoulders, exposing the delicate flesh of your neck.
“No,” you repeat in agreement. You match his physicality and grasp his own thigh firmly with your hand, studying his face for any hint of a response. “It’s not enough,” you add, dragging your hand further up his leg. Slowly. 
“You’re looking for more, cariño?” he dares with cloying charm. Yes! More!
You might've rolled your eyes at the whole situation if you weren’t so many drinks in with a sinister desire for escapism. You’ve barely spoken to each other, engaged in an elite-level erotic staring competition instead. 
The best you could do was exchange names. 
“Javier Peña,” you repeated back to him. Deciding if you liked the way it sounded on your tongue. You wet your lips. 
“Just Javi is fine,” he counters while leaving enough cash on the bar to cover both your tabs with a generous tip. 
“Smooth, Just Javi,” you bait, looking at the cash and back to him. He flashes a wolfish smile back. It makes you want to fuck him right here on the bar. More, you scream at him with your eyes. 
He removes the nearly finished cigarette between your much smaller fingers, takes the last drag, and stubs it out in the ashtray. 
If you weren’t so aroused by everything about him, you’d chastise him for trying to get you out of here so quickly. But you feel it rolling off of him, too. It feels like taking a narcotic. Time is syrupy and slow. You feel your smile sticking longer than you meant, your eyes linger hotly, and you squeeze his upper arm harder than intended. It’s an addictive rush to feel your desire reciprocated. And with such urgency. You take in his height and broad frame now that you stand face to face. He stills. Observant. You don’t need any more time to decide what you want. You need to feel him and only him as soon as possible. 
“Let’s go. Now,” you order as you lead him out of the dingy establishment into the clear night. 
You expect him to cage you against the cool metal of his pickup, but he’s a suave gentleman opening the passenger door for you instead. Fine. You slide across the bench seat just as he’s turning the key in the ignition, pressing your curves into the side of his firm body. Restless and grabby, your fingers dance over him, unsure where to start when he grips your chin in his large palm and tilts your face towards his. 
Rage flashes behind your eyes at his interruption. Never far from the surface, ready to lash out.
“Be good for me, cariño,” he says sternly. 
“Oh, I’ll be so good,” you purr, dragging your hand down his chest towards the bulge in his too-tight jeans and batting your lashes before he grabs your hand. 
You huff, indignant. Rolling your eyes. 
 “I’d like to give you my full attention.”
“You can have mine.” 
“Who put you in charge?” you spit out with a fierceness. 
He laughs, harsh and mean. You flush with irritation, recoiling like his grip suddenly burned. What is this? You thought you were reading everything right; you’re in his truck, ready and wanting. Frustrating man. You need something to ease your anger, or you’ll spit venom. 
He leans into your ear like he has a secret despite the privacy of the cab of his truck. Dragging his voice over broken glass and gravel, he murmurs, “You want to feel something?” his hand is suddenly wedged between your legs. “You want more?” He squeezes tight, pressing his fingers against the seam of your denim shorts, and you choke back a moan. His spiced scent fills your nose. You feel his smile against your ear. Your head spins. Yes. You need it now. No games. Your nails dig marks into his wrist, pleading. 
“You get to touch, but I don’t? What is this, Javier? Afraid you won’t last?” You jeer at him. 
His hot laugh fans down your neck. Your body betrays your mind in search of friction. Shamelessly, your hips roll against his hand. 
“Such a sharp tongue,” he tuts at you, pulling back to look into your eyes, “for such a needy pussy,” he pulls his hand away. You fight to still your body and level his stare, feeling the heat of anger and lust in your face. He lists his demands. 
Be good for me. Until we get home. 
Then I will give you what you need. 
Something different washes over you, but you keep pushing at him. 
“And what do I need, Javi?” 
“Need to be stuffed full of this cock until you forget what ‘more’ means.” 
Soaked. Your traitorous pussy floods your already ruined panties. But you can’t shut yourself up. You have to push him harder. 
“Awfully confident, Javi. Hope you aren’t the type to oversell and underdeliver–” Your snide remark is cut off when he covers your hand with his and presses it into the hard bulge in his jeans. 
“Does it feel like an oversell?”
You barely hear him over the sound of your heartbeat pulsing in your ears. No, it most definitely does not feel like an oversell; you refuse to admit it out loud. He grazes the edges of his teeth down tender skin. At the slope where your neck meets your shoulder, he snaps you back into reality with a sharp bite. A small gasp escapes you that he definitely doesn’t miss. 
You catch the smirk. Cocky bastard. 
“Now,” he demands your attention, “you’ll be good for me all the way home.”
It’s definitely not a question, but he stares like he’s waiting for a response. 
You fold your hands in your lap begrudgingly and nod. But something in your chest blooms brightly. The dance for dominance does exhilarate you. He grips your upper thigh like he’s the only thing holding you to the earth. Like you might fly out the window if he lets go. Or, like you might crawl into his lap, sink down onto his cock, and cause you both to launch through the windshield when he crashes into a ditch. 
His fingers tease under the edge of your shorts, white-hot flesh against flesh. You’re wired.
You direct him to your place. It’s close, and you’ve no patience. He doesn’t argue. 
You lead him into your home. He doesn’t take you ferociously against the back of the door. Infuriating. You behaved all the way home. He’s a curious juxtaposition of lewd and polite. Restrained, he takes his shoes off at the door and asks for a glass of water. Like he’s your neighbor invited over for tea. But, you can feel the carnality radiating off him as he watches to see if you’ll show good manners. More.
“That’s good, cariño,” he praises, soft and raspy, taking the icy glass from your hand. “Show me your room,” he instructs. How is it your turf, but he’s still in charge? You glare at him briefly before you acquiesce and traipse down your hallway to your bedroom. 
He places the glass of water on your nightstand, still full, and turns to assess you. You furrow your brows. Was the water some kind of test? Whatever. You behaved in the car. You behaved all the way to your bedroom. You’re nearly dizzy with need. Every breath feels like a lifetime.
His golden skin glows in the lamplight. You’d describe it as angelic if he wasn’t driving you mad. Morbid desire crawls under your skin, itchy and tense. He gestures for you to sit on your bed, and you do. If he insists on leading, you’ll follow. 
You fold your hands in your lap again as if awaiting his next command. He cradles your cheek in his palm, and you look up through your lashes. You are not the saint of patience; your fingers twitch with the urge to tear his clothes into shreds. Why is he taking his time? Your mind is racing for a snarky comment when he interrupts your thoughts like he could hear them. 
His touch is so gentle. Patient. Like he’s experienced in domesticating rabid animals. 
“Shhh, I know,” his voice is earnest. Not teasing. Not mocking. 
It catches you off guard. Grounding you. Strange. 
His expression seems to slip into something unguarded as well. A moment of understanding. You see him. Something is building in the distance in your mind. Like the shore is receding before a tidal wave hits. But it’s too quiet without the waves breaking on the rocks. More.
“Make me feel something, Javier,” you reply. 
It hangs delicately in the air. You aren’t provoking or begging. It’s a genuine expression of your desire to run from your internal state.
“I intend to,” he confirms with confidence. Like that’s the permission he was waiting for, the wait is over. Your lips connect. He kisses you with a bright and burning passion. Plush lips and wet tongues slide together expertly. Sharp little nips pull whiny melodies out of you. Your hands tug and pull at his hair, shoulders, and shirt. It’s not enough to just have his mouth. 
“More,” you demand into his tongue. 
“So needy,” he condescends, and you feel your cheeks warm. 
He peels off your shirt, and his hands fly to exposed breasts.
“No bra?” he tuts as if he didn’t put that together while ogling you at the bar. You shake your head in response as he kneads at your soft skin. “Of course not.” He pinches at your nipples with precision, pleasure bridging on pain coursing through your body. You feel your chest arch towards him for relief, deep moans falling from your mouth. You want him to consume you. He looks like he might. 
Javi hums at the way your body responds to him. Pliant but strong. You move into his touch, seeking intensity. He increases pressure and maps out your body. 
He lets all his thoughts be filled with you. Your warm skin and soft vanilla scent are hidden until his nose trails behind your ear. You freely let all the sounds and breath spill from your mouth as he caresses you reverently. He wants to know how many sounds you can make. 
You were a delightful surprise, crashing into the bar next to him. He recognized the look in your eyes. He’s going to give you what you need. Because you want it. And because he wants to drown himself in it. He feels drawn to you somehow. 
Despite how good it feels to have his hands and mouth on your body, your neglected clit aches for attention. He continues on, almost obliviously, and you reach a fever pitch that splits your eyes wide open. Possessed by one word. More. 
Your fingers come to life and work rapidly, yanking at his belt and the button on his jeans before slipping a hand in to feel. You’re struck with a surge of delight as your hand skates over his hot flesh and coarse hair. A hedonic sense of imminent victory unfurls in your core. 
“No underwear?” you tut back at him. 
“Nope,” you swear he winked at you as he said it. 
He pulls you up to stand, stripping the rest of both of your clothes off quickly. You push him back a step to get a better look at his now fully naked form. 
“Shit.” “Fuck.”
You mutter over each other at the same time. Like you’ve been compelled, you reach for him, needing to immediately taste and touch him everywhere. You knew he was a gem in that dive bar, but in front of you in your bedroom, you realize: he’s fucking gorgeous. 
Of course, he won’t allow you to touch him. Nasty man with his beautiful body and devilish disposition. He scoops you up like the petulant child you are about to become and drops you onto your back in the middle of your bed with ease. You bounce against the mattress. 
He catches the sour pout on your face as he settles himself between your legs. 
“No need to think now, princesa,” he kisses just inside your left knee, “that’s my job now.” His mustache tickles the soft skin of your inner thighs, but it’s the spark in his dark eyes that makes you squirm. You groan in frustration at being deprived of the freedom to touch him once again, but you remain malleable. 
“I need you to lay back and spread these legs for me.” 
You comply. Parting your legs wider as his hands slide towards your center. Your eyes are locked on his, and his eyes are locked on your glistening folds in front of his face. 
“Fuck, cariño, yes, just like that.” 
You curse your body for needing to blink. Enraptured with the look on his face, you don’t want to see anything else. Floating and lightheaded, nobody has ever seen you like this. Seen the truth in your eyes so easily. Seen your blaring evidence of need pooling and dripping. And still looked at you the way he does. Desperate to be touched, you are grounded in the present. No other conscious thoughts. More. 
He pulls at the skin on the top of your thighs, nowhere near close enough for your liking, but fully exposing your achy clit and fluttering entrance to his eyes. You’ve needed his touch since you left the bar, or maybe since you first felt his husky voice frazzle your brain. 
He stares and stares as you watch impatiently. 
“Such a gorgeous pussy,” he says to himself before he hovers closer and blows a stream of cool air over your swollen folds. 
You could slap him for that or scream, but what comes out is a breathy “fuck,” and you clench your fists in an attempt to remain composed through this macabre sexual torture. You feel like he’s been down there for an eternity. And still, he’s given you no relief. 
You brace for another stream of air, but instead, you watch agape as a glob of spit falls in slow motion from his lips to your clit. The barely there sensation snaps something in your mind as his saliva flows downward. 
“You just gonna look, or you gonna touch any time soon?” you goad. 
Javi’s eyes shoot to yours, narrowed. You’ve interrupted a private conversation. Vague and meaningless threats start flowing from your mouth, and you shift to reach for him when an abrupt slap to your pussy jolts your nervous system. 
Before your brain and mouth can comment on his audacity, your body betrays you. You feel the patchy flush on your chest burning and the gush of lubrication in anticipation. He clocks both signs. 
“Cariño,” he coos at you darkly. “I told you,” head shaking with disappointment, “no need to think.” He looks back down, “Now look, she’s crying for me, and I haven’t even had a taste yet.” 
Your head sinks into your pillows with an exasperated sigh. How can torture feel exquisite? Wretched man. 
“No. You don’t take your eyes off me,” the edge in his tone suggests you don’t want to disobey. 
You find the strength to tilt your head back towards him. And it’s just in time to watch as he runs two fingers up and down your glossy folds. He ghosts around your clit, avoiding what you need most until he’s satisfied with his coated fingers. He plunges them both into your eagerly awaiting hole, petting at your velvety walls. An animalistic noise that must come from you fills the room in competition with the slick, wet sounds of his fingers. 
“That’s right. Keep those pretty eyes on me while I play with your pussy.” Javi looks down to watch for himself. “You look so good swallowing my fingers,” he rasps thickly. Your walls clench and constrict around his fingers as his voice carves out a home in your mind. 
Your room is cool, thanks to the hum of your window AC unit, but your body runs hot. You’ve never had a man in your bed who was this good with his words before. It forces you to stay focused. Present and aware of every sensation. Your ex was too insecure to be vocal. Other partners lacked tact or creativity. None of them ever took charge like this or took their time. You feel your chest heaving and see the wide smile break across his face. Your skin tingles as a sheen of sweat breaks out.
Javi takes his time experimenting with the ways your body responds. He speeds up and slows down, changes pressure and patterns, tapping and tracing, petting and prodding. It’s like the nine extra settings you don’t need your vibrator to have, but better. It’s not careless. You watch, like he instructed. He seems studious, observing how you respond, scanning your face and body. Microexpressions on his face calculating and plotting. 
You flex, tense, and writhe as much as you dare, trying to maintain some control over your body. Your eyebrows are pinched, and your hips are tight as you strain. 
Javier can tell. Do you not trust him? He needs you to give in to him. 
“Let me take you there, cariño,” he urges. “Can feel she wants it; just relax for me, breathe.” 
“Fuck,” you confirm with a whisper and do your best to let go of some of the rigid tension. He maintains a steady rhythm for you to focus on. He slowly builds in intensity, and he continues to murmur encouragement to you. Breathe. There you go. Easy. 
You slowly melt into it and let him puppet your mind and body. Building and building. Breathing and breathing. Allowed to be out of control. That does it. Your climax crashes violently against your loose frame. Yes, cariño, just like that, fuck. Contracting muscles in your core pull your chest forward. Jerking and spasming, you raise with stuttering gasps. You aren’t sure if you should laugh or be embarrassed as you pant, feeling like he just performed an exorcism on you. His expression settles you. Pleased with an edge of ravenous. 
He slides his fingers from you and sits up, looming tall and strong on his knees over your damp, limp body. Your eyes are glued to his weeping cock, softly bobbing at your eye level. Saliva pools in your mouth, craving the weight of it sliding over your tongue. You swallow and blink. Recalibrating your senses and figuring out what he just said to you. 
He runs his fingers back through your overly sensitive folds to get your attention. Your entire body twitches, wrenching your attention to his face. He already has you at his mercy. 
“Close your mouth, baby,” he commands. You weren’t aware it had been hanging open and snap it shut. He laughs gently at your stupor. Enamored. Then he’s running his slick coated fingers over your lips like a debauched lipgloss. Your mouth parts to question him, and he slides them onto your tongue before a word gets out. 
“Good,” he praises, “suck.” You do. And as he drags his fingers out he replaces them with his tongue. He sucks and nips at your lips, tasting everything. The bright flavor of your arousal, the lingering beer from the bar, the smoky tobacco, and the gum you tried to sneak on your way out of the bar. It’s a potent concoction, and it fuels his thirst. You run your tongue along his neck and commit the flavor of his sweat-salted skin to memory. 
You can feel the rumbly groans filling his chest, and you’re back to needing more. Clawing at his skin and tugging at his hair. One of your soft hands finds his throbbing cock, and wrapping your fingers around it causes you to exchange throaty moans. You slip your thumb around the head, coating it in precome and using it to glide your full fist down his shaft. It’s stupid how big his cock is, and part of you is loathe to admit it. You just know he’s already aware, but a mindless so big slips out of your mouth anyway. You feel him smile against you. 
“Y’think so?” he breathes against your neck. 
You roll your eyes at him and tease, “Don’t be trite, Javi.” You tug firmly at his length. “I’m sure all the ladies you pick up in shitty dive bars fawn over your pretty cock.” 
A distant look flickers across his face before he flashes a sly grin at you. 
“Y’think it’s pretty?” Is that all he heard? 
“Oh my god,” you groan in feigned annoyance at him. 
He looks down to watch your hand stroke him and decides that is a pretty sight. 
You hope he was right in the cab of his truck. That when he fills you up, you’ll forget how to think. He pulls back from your greedy little grasp. I know, I know. He says with the marks he leaves along your skin. 
“You think she’s ready for me?” he asks as he adjusts to line up with you. You’re too entranced to respond. He slides himself through your folds, and you whimper at the pressure. He’s still waiting for an answer. He pauses and stares at your face. He gives your clit a playful swat with the weight of his cock. 
You blink back up to him, “huh?” 
“You think she’s ready to take me?” he repeats. 
“Yes, Javi, m’ready.” 
He gives you a disapproving look, for god knows why. And shifts further away from you. You feel your face shift into a pout. 
”I think she can give me a couple more first.” 
Something in you loosens, and you realize you’re defenseless. Willing.
This time, he doesn’t toy with you. He strikes swiftly. Overwhelming your senses when his fingers slide back inside of you and the hot furnace of his mouth envelopes your no longer neglected clit. He brings you over the edge rapidly with the combination of his curling fingers and the firm pressure of the flat of his tongue. 
He praises you adoringly, but he doesn’t let up. That’s it. Dámelo. Breathe. You can take it. Another. Know she wants it. Like that. Taking you further than you thought you could go. Again and again. You’re blind and boneless, a sticky mess. He could watch you like this for hours. Writhing against his fingers as his other arm wraps over your belly, holding you in place. 
“What’d you say?” he asks as you come down from another flood of endorphins. You weren’t aware you could form words. You blink dazedly before you can figure it out. 
“Please, Javi, please,” you repeat. You don’t know what you’re begging for anymore. 
His lips are pressed to your sweaty forehead. When he pulls back, a mischievous grin spreads across his face. You’re trying to think of what you were trying to communicate, but it’s hazy. 
“Doing so good for me, cariño, you deserve it now.” 
You can only nod and whisper another “please.” He slides the head of his cock through your dripping, sensitive folds. That’s what you wanted. More.
“Yes,” you chant, “please, oh god, yes, Javi, please, fuck.” You exercise the full extent of your current vocabulary in quick succession. 
“Beautiful, cariño,” his words drip over you like honey. 
“Yes, Javi, please,” you continue your chant. 
Slowly. Painfully slowly, he begins to feed his cock into you, eyes rapidly flipping between studying the expressions crossing your face and the view of your pussy stretching around him. 
“Oh god, oh,” you repeat mindlessly as he works his way inside of you. 
“Fuck” he exhales and locks his eyes on your face before pushing the rest of the way in. When your eyes widen, and your jaw falls slack, he knows the image will be seared into his memory. 
“Yes, Javi, fuck–” your mantra is cut off with a deep moan as he grinds his hips into yours. You're so full. You run your hands down his back, trying to force him closer. Trying to merge solid bodies into liquid pleasure. Transform physical vessels into the intangible. More.
He begins to slide in and out, never leaving the clutch of your warm walls all the way. His pace steadily increases, along with the intensity of the snap of his hips once he’s as deep as possible inside of you. He folds your knees towards your chest and thrusts with fervor, captivated by the way your tits bounce. 
A cacophony of lewd noises bounces off the walls in your room. Your shared panting, the rocking bedframe, the wet slip of his cock sawing into you, the skin-to-skin slap of his heavy balls bouncing against your ass, it’s all a debased symphony together. 
A delirious giggle pours from you as the realization strikes. He was right, no need to think; all you need is to feel how perfectly he fills you up. He’s not thrown by your fit of laughter. You think he knows. His mouth is moving, though. He’s speaking to you. You focus with all the effort you can muster. 
“Again, cariño. You’re going to come on my cock for me,” he breathes like he’s the one ready to beg. You obey. It takes the slightest touch, swirling your fingers around your sensitive nerves. Watching the tense expression on his face. The weight of his body fucking you into your mattress. You’re clenching around him like you could pull him any deeper.
“Fuck, that’s right,” he drops his mouth to your salty neck, “so well-behaved for me.” 
You preen at that. Breathing each other's air. 
“These legs still work?” he asks, swatting at your thighs. 
“A little,” you shrug. 
“Good.” He sits up, pulling your chest into his, breathing with you for a minute as you wrap your legs around him and settle on his lap. “Not done with you yet,” he growls into your hair. You think about the moment at the bar earlier, when he lit your cigarette for you. You hoped he’d be good. You didn’t think he’d be this good. 
“Yes, Javi,” you agree as if you know what’s next. He shifts, and you let him arrange your body as he pleases. It’s blissful. Not having to think. He maneuvers you like a doll, but you know you aren’t an object to him. Not with the way he gently rolls you onto your belly, arranging a pillow under your head. You rest your cheek against it and peer dreamily at him. He lifts your hips, propping you up on your knees, and pauses for a second to admire the way your pussy glistens readily for him. The way your smooth back arches in presentation just for him. But it’s the expression on your face, the insatiable more in your eyes, that gives him purpose. 
He kneels behind you and sinks in easily, a groan ripping through his throat as you push your hips back into him with more energy than he expected. You moan loudly in response, attempting to muffle it into the pillow. 
“Oh my god, Javi,” you rasp at him. “How can you possibly get any deeper?” you ask incredulously. 
“How are you still talking, cariño?” he taunts, picking up an unyielding and brutal pace. 
“M’not” you decide, “no thoughts.” 
“Fuck” you both echo as he hits a new angle. 
“Please, don’t stop,” you beg openly, “just like that, Javi, holy shit.” He slips one hand underneath you to play with your swollen clit. 
“Yes,” you begin chanting again. But you want him to come. You need it. You slide your own hand under his to replace it. Reaching further to feel the way you’re stretched around him. You wish you could see it. The feeling alone turns your brain to mush. 
“Javi?” you plead for his attention. You could sob with the intensity building in your core. 
“Yes?” he asks without slowing down. 
“Need you to come,” you whine into the pillow your face rocks into. 
“Yes, cariño,” he consents. 
“No, now. I need you to fill me up, please; I need to feel it,” you beg like you were invented for him in a dream. So perfect. 
“I know,” he asserts, “gonna stuff you full,” and that sends you. 
“Fuck, Javi, yes, I need it,” you sob out as your muscles flex and contract around him once more. 
He grips your spineless frame and tugs your back into his chest. You might be drooling as your head rolls into his shoulder. You register a hand squeezing at your tits as he gives you what you want. A few more harsh thrusts and he’s filling you up. You can feel his cock flexing and straining to give you everything he’s got. Javier’s rough breaths reverberate through your blissfully quiet mind. It’s enough. 
He lowers you back to your pillow, still on your knees, and he slides out of you with a soft groan. You echo it, feeling immediately emptier without him.
You stretch across the bed to fish for your cigarettes in your pile of discarded belongings from earlier or maybe a lifetime ago. 
He accepts one when you offer and, in turn, offers you the water he asked for earlier. You gratefully accept. You ask if the water trick works on all the women he picks up in dive bars. He argues that it’s not really a trick if the sex happens before you drink it, and you share a real belly laugh at that, realizing he’s right. You finish your cigarettes in a calm silence next to each other. Your mind is quiet. You let out a satisfied little sigh. 
He gets up and starts pulling on his jeans. Reality hits you like a brick smashing into your skull. Leaving blood and bone fragments across your pillow. Substances and sex are temporary. Distractions, not solutions. A fleeting release to quell your demons. The ones that reappear back on your shoulders, cackling with glee over the chaos. Your mind is back in action racing. You drag your hands down your face. Holding your eyes shut tightly. You wait, holding your breath. Listening for the sound of your front door opening and closing any second. 
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kingkunigami · 2 years
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You may be the only woman that’s been able to break Oliver and his promiscuous streak. You’ve ruined other women for him, when all he can think about is you.
Warnings: 18+, smut, not proofed.
Pairing: Aiku Oliver x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.1k.
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Oliver is cocky about his conquests, even though he’s never made the majority cum. He’s too focused on his own pleasure, too obsessed with adding another notch to his bedpost instead of forming an actual relationship. It isn’t entirely his fault though, as a star football player of course it’s normal to get bored.
He acts like a manwhore, and most would probably agree that he is one. That he knows a thing or two about sex, relationships and women— when really he doesn’t have a clue.
Hours clocked up fucking his fist to porn or camgirl shows could never have prepared him having a woman actually want him. Word travels fast, and even faster when you’re the captain of Japan U-20. So it’s no secret to social media that Aiku Oliver is greedy, and it’s a fact that would put most women off.
But you’re not most women, are you? There’s something so salacious about bringing a man like Oliver down to his knees, to give him a taste of his own medicine.
You may be the only woman to make Aiku Oliver blush, as you’re straddling his hips and pressing his hands up beside his head, sliding your hands along his muscular arms until they’re trailing through the messy happy trail that disappears below his jeans.
It’s pretty pathetic really, how quick and easy he is. The downright sinful groans that spill from his lips as you ride his cock, certain that he’s never been graced with a woman being so dominant with him before, so assertive.
But this isn’t for him, it’s for you. You grind your hips against him in just the right way to have your clit catching against his pelvis, hands splayed against his muscular chest as you greedily search for your own release. He can’t take his eyes off you as you roll your hips, moving his palms to grip onto you as you grab his wrists to move them to your tits.
“Yeah? You like that, baby?” He hums in affirmation as another dark, guttural grunt spills from his lips when he feels your walls clench around his thick cock, “You gonna cum for me?”
A messy whine of his name tumbles from your lips when you reach your bliss, biting down on your glossed lip as Oliver continues to pinch and pull at your taut nipples. 
“That’s it, good fucking girl.” He groans, his chest heaving as he feels his own climax swiftly approaching. Your tight cunt sucks him in as though you were made for him, his eyes drifting down to where your bodies are connected as he watches his length disappear inside your warm, wet heat. 
“Are you going to cum for me?” You coo, repeating his question back to him and it completely throws him off.
Not once had a woman ever asked about his pleasure, only ever focused on trying to get themselves off or the infamy that could come from being with a man such as himself.
“W-what?” He stutters as you lean over him, your tits bouncing in time with each hypnotising roll of your hips.
“I said, are you going to cum for me, Oliver?”
He can’t help the moan that rumbles from deep in his chest at the sound of his name whispered so salaciously from your lips. The increased tightness only adds to his pleasure as he gives a few messy ruts of his hips as he finds his own end, spilling white hot spurts of cum inside your sloppy cunt.
“Good boy,” You smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips as his cock twitches inside you.
Good boy. The sound of it already has his cock throbbing from half-mast as you climb off him.
You get dressed and he pulls his shorts back on so he can walk you to the door, his hand giving your ass a soft squeeze as he presses a sultry kiss to your lips.
“You sure you’ll be alright getting home, sweetheart?” Because only a gentleman would walk you to the train station that’s less than two blocks away.
Oliver expects you to text the next day, so he can give you the same spiel about being busy with training— An excuse that as the star Captain works every time. Except, you never text.
He keeps checking your contact in his phone to see the last message sent that still shows read hours before you came to his apartment, and after that radio silence. He starts to do things he’s never done before with other women— he checks your socials. Seeing the last time you posted, if you’re vague posting about him, or if you’re miserable because he hasn’t messaged you since the pair of you had sex. But you’re not.
You’re the one he thinks about at night, no longer scrolling the internet for porn or cam girls. It’s your pretty face he sees in his mind as you’re sat above him, the sound of you calling him a good boy imprinted in his memory as he spills his release all over his fist.
There’s fresh pictures since the two of you hooked up, posts with you smiling and positive captions, posts with you hanging out at bars with your friends. No indication that you’d ever met up with the star player days earlier. And it pisses him off.
For the first time in his life, Oliver is doing the chasing. He’s the first to text back, sending a friendly text to check in with how you’re doing, and it takes hours to get a response.
Tries to satiate the itch inside him from you ignoring him by texting other women who he has on standby, but not one of them can scratch the itch that you’ve created.
And his football starts to suffer. Missed kicks, free penalties, yellow cards— all because of you. His coach telling him that he better shape up or there will be a new fucking captain, and he’s pissed.
Because this is all your fault, you’ve done this to him. You’ve ruined him.
And then he opens his phone, ready to give you a piece of his mind, when he sees it. Fucking Kunigami flirting with you over Twitter, that fucking virgin.
Oliver has never done the chasing, he’s never needed to. But now he hasn’t so much as looked at another women for weeks and you’re all he can think about.
You’ve quite literally ruined Aiku Oliver for anyone else.
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Haii okay here’s my angst request! I love a good regretful jealous Mel hehehe. I was thinking you’re both teachers and she likes u but is like “I’m too cool for pining” so she does the extreme opposite and is kinda standoff-ish or blunt w u at school. When you’re alone she’s a little better but still not super lovey dovey. You “take the hint” and move on, and someone new comes into ur life (can you PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD name this rando new person joy??). And then one day Mel’s like “let’s be official” And you’re like what? Why? I thought u didn’t like me also I have Joy now. And then Mel’s like wtf and she gets rlly jealous when she sees u w her now and then she tries to sabotage y’all’s blooming relationship. In the end maybe no happy ending pls?? If ur comfortable writing that :)
Hehe I LOVE a good heartbreak. Also I’m obsessed w joy Huerta (hence my username) and have been asking everyone to use it in fics AND PPL DONT ALFJKS. lmao anyways. I hope this is sumn ur comfortable writing!
OMG! you’re really testing me here! If I’m honest, it was hard to write. I rewrote it a few times, it hurt a little, might make a part 2. Honestly if even one person requests a part 2 with a happy ending then I will write one. As always, not edited in the slightest, I hope you like it!
On another note: keep sending prompts for one shots! I decided to write one shots about Chessy from parent trap played by our favourite redhead, Lisa Ann Walter, so you can send prompts for her too!
Part 2
Green Isn’t Your Colour
Warnings: (where do I start lol) Jealous Mel, upset Mel, a bit of toxic Mel, angst and no comfort, no happy ending , good luck lol
Words: 3.2k
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You walk in through the entrance of Abbott Elementary. You’ve been here for a year already and you’re finally feeling like you’re settling in. You’re a third grade teacher, you helped Melissa out as she wouldn’t have another split class again and that made her happy from the day you got there and hearing the news.
You walk into the break room, hot chocolate in hand, you don’t like coffee that much, but nothing could beat a good hot chocolate. You go and sit on an empty table, taking some tests out and start marking them. Melissa looks over at you from her table. She looks at the way you’re flawlessly marking, glasses on and concentrating on what you’re doing.
You glance up as you feel like you’re being watched and see Melissa looking at you, but then she quickly looks away when you notice and you smile. You liked her since you first set eyes on her and it only grew from there. But lately it seems like she’s off and you’re unsure why. She was nice to you when you started but now it’s like she’s the opposite and you don’t know why. You asked everyone else if they could answer why she’s different but no one noticed the change.
You got up and picked up the tests and decided to just carry them to your classroom. You passed by Melissa on the way out. “See you later Melissa.” You told her with a smile. She just nodded her head at you and went back to her phone. You looked at Barb and she just shrugged, not noticing a difference.
During your second period prep you finished marking the tests with a breath of relief. Just then Melissa knocks on your door and you look at her and smile. “Hey Melissa.” You tell her and she just has a neutral face and you drop your smile.
“I found the book you were asking for. The little eagles liked it last year and I’m sure they’ll like it again.” She said and handed you the book.
“Oh perfect, thank you.” You told her and smiled at the book. Melissa looked at you and couldn’t help the small smile forming at your excitement of the book. And you looked up at her to see the small smile on her face. “Hey Melissa, can I ask you something?” You asked and she looked at you confused.
“You can but it doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Melissa said.
“Um ok. Well I was just wondering why you’re acting differently around me?” You ask and she looks at you with a neutral face again.
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“Well you were nice to me last year but now you’re acting distant and I don’t know why.” You asked her. “Did I do something wrong?” You added and that took her by surprise. She doesn’t want you to think you did anything wrong because you didn’t. Melissa has a crush on you and she doesn’t want to show it or let anyone know, and her acting nicely to you last year definitely raised suspicions, so she went back to how she acts with everyone else.
“You didn’t do anything kid. This is just how I am with people.” She said.
“You’re not like that with Barb.” You said.
“Barb is my best friend, so of course I’m nice to her.”
“What about Janine? Jacob? Gregory? Or when Ava at times? You’re nice to them.” You told her, getting a little frustrated.
“That’s because they’re my friends.” She said and you were taken back by that and it definitely stung. Melissa looks at your expression and knew she shouldn’t have said that. She does think of you as a friend but it just slipped out.
“Oh ok, well glad to know where we stand then, just co workers. Thank you for the book Ms. Schemmenti, I’ll return it tomorrow.” You tell her and go back to your desk. “If that was all then if you don’t mind, I have a lesson plan to do.” You told her and she nodded her head.
“See ya around kid.” She said and left. She knew she fucked up there. She’ll have to start being a bit nicer to you to get back in your good graces.
Back in your classroom you took a big breath. You thought you and Melissa were friends but I guess you were wrong. No wonder she’s always short and blunt with you.
The next day you were at the coffee shop, receiving your hot chocolate like always, turning around to leave and bumped into someone, spilling your hot chocolate all over them and a bit on yourself.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I just wanted to talk to you and didn’t expect you to turn around.” The person said.
“Oh well I feel like I should be apologising, my hot chocolate mostly went on you. Wait, you wanted to talk to me? Why?”
“Because I see you in here everyday and I think you’re pretty.” She said with a blush and you blushed at her compliment.
“Oh uh th-thank you.” You stuttered a bit, not used to compliments.
“Can I buy you another hot chocolate? As an apology?” She said and you looked at her.
“Oh you don’t have too.”
“I want to though. Please, I insist.” She said and you smiled at her. She bought you another hot chocolate and handed it to you with a smile. “And there we go.” She said.
“Thank you.” You told her and saw the time. “Oh I gotta get to work.” You told her.
“Oh that’s alright I understand. I’ll see you again tomorrow?” She asked.
“Ya, I come here, same time every day.” You said with a smile and began to leave but turned around to her. “I never got your name btw.”
“It’s Joy.” She told you.
“I’m y/n.” You tell her and she smiles.
“You have a lovely name, it suits you.” She tells you. You blush and leave the coffee shop. You get to the school and immediately go to your classroom instead of the break room. You put your stuff done and see the book that Melissa gave you yesterday sitting on your desk. You might as well return it now, you got a few minutes before the students get here. You picked up the book and walked to the classroom next to yours and knocked on the open door. Melissa was stapling something and looked up at you and gave you a little smile.
Your heart fluttered a little at the smile and you remembered what she said yesterday. “Hi Ms Schemmenti, I came to return the book.” You told her, and held the book up.
She looked at you and remembered what happened yesterday and sighed. “Thanks y/n” she said and got up and walked over to you to take the book. “Did the little eagles like it?” She asked.
“Ya they did.” You said confused at her using your actual name
“I knew they would. You can borrow it whenever you want.” She told you and you offered her a small smile and nodded your head.
“Thanks Ms Schemmenti, I’ll keep that in mind.” You told her and left. She stared at you as you walked back to your own classroom and did a huge sigh and leaned back against her door.
A month goes by and you run into Joy everyday at the coffee shop. She took it upon herself to order you a hot chocolate and have it ready by the time you get there. You kept offering her the money for it but she always refuses, saying your company was payment enough. You exchanged numbers after a couple days and started texting for hours on end. By the second week she asked you out on a date and you said yes. By the third week she asked you to be her girlfriend to which you agreed excitedly.
At school, you noticed that Melissa has been a bit friendlier with you. You took her sudden change with caution though, you don’t want to get hurt again.
For Melissa, she wants to ask you out but she keeps getting scared. But after a month of being friendly with you, she decides to bite the bullet and just do it. She went to go see you at your classroom after the students left on Monday.
“Hey y/n, can I ask you something?” She asked you as she stepped in your classroom.
“Sure Melissa, what’s up?” You said and she smiled. You’ve been calling her by her first name again for about a week, and after you calling her Ms Schemmenti for 3 weeks, well she still smiles when you call her Melissa now.
“I wanted to ask you on a date.” She says and you look at her and freeze.
“What?” You ask, confused as hell.
“I wanted to officially ask you on a date.” She says and you look at her confused.
“What do you mean why?”
“I thought you didn’t like me.” You tell her and she looks a bit guilty.
“I never not liked you, when I realised I liked you near the end of the last year, I didn’t want to give away my feelings so I started acting distant towards you.” She says and looks down for a second then back up at you. “So will you go on a date with me?” She asks again.
“No.” You told her and she looked upset. “I did like you but I have a girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? I thought you were single.” She says confused and still hurt.
“I was, until 2 weeks ago, her name is Joy.” You said with a smile. And Melissa looks at you with a bit of fire in her eyes. “If she’s real then I would like to meet her.” She tells you, crossing her arms,
“Oh ok, ya sure. I can ask if she can come meet everyone tomorrow morning if you want.” You tell her.
“Ok, I look forward to meeting her then.” Melissa says and leaves disappointed.
You asked Joy if she wanted to meet your coworkers tomorrow morning and she excitedly agreed immediately.
So the next morning, you meet Joy at the coffee shop as usual and she hands you your hot chocolate then you drive over to the school and walk in with her. You head to the break room with her and enter and all eyes look up at you and her.
“Everyone, I would like you to meet Joy, my girlfriend. Joy, this is Janine, Jacob, Gregory, Barb, Ava.” You said, pointing to everyone as you said their name. “And this is Melissa, the one who asked to meet you.”
“Hi everyone! And hi Melissa, I’m very much real as you can see.” Joy says and Melissa doesn’t look happy, she crosses her arms and the fire in her eyes come back. She thought you were lying and would have to keep being nicer to you before you agree to go on a date with her. Barb notices Melissa getting angry and puts a hand on her arm and that startles her and then just sits there, staring at you. She sees you being all happy as Jacob and Janine got up to come say hi to your girlfriend.
She wanted to be that person, be your girlfriend and she blew it. But then remembered that you said yesterday that you did have feelings for her, so maybe you still do. Then she smiles at that thought and thinks of different ways to play it. Joy would have to go of course, she ain’t gonna put a hit on her but instead she’ll try to sabotage it, and to do that, she’ll have to be nice first and get information.
So she gets up and goes over to you two. “Hi, nice to meet you. Ya I didn’t think you were real when y/n here as been single since I’ve known her.” She says to your girlfriend then proceeds to put an arm around your back as she mentions you being single and your eyes widen a bit.
“Oh that’s alright, it was a shock to y/n too when I asked her.” Joy says, and Melissa thinks it’s a shame she’ll have to sabotage it as she seems nice. But this person is getting in the way of her happiness so she gots to go.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you two meet?” Melissa asks.
“Oh we met at the coffee shop down the street, the one you told me about and I get a hot chocolate there every morning. And then I bumped into Joy about a month ago, like physically bumped into her and spilled my drink all over her.” You say with a chuckle.
“Ya she did but it was my fault, I saw her there every morning and after a couple weeks I decided to go talk to her and didn’t expect her to turn around at that very moment. So I offered to get her a replacement one and then we started talking.” Joy said with a smile.
And you noticed how Melissa’s hand got a bit lower on your back and you subtly get out of her grip and say an excuse. “Joy, do you want to go see my classroom?” You ask her and she immediately said yes. Joy waves bye to everyone and they all tell her it was nice to meet her and hope to see her again. And Melissa thinks that if it goes according to plan then she won’t be back to see them again.
At the end of the day, Melissa visits your classroom. “Hey y/n.” She says as you’re packing your things up.
“Oh hey Melissa. What’s up?” You ask her and sling your bag over your shoulders.
“Well I was wondering if I could go with you to the coffee shop tomorrow? I haven’t been there in awhile and wouldn’t mind a good store bought coffee once in awhile instead of one from the break room.” She says and you look at her confused.
“Oh I always meet Joy at the coffee shop in the morning.” You say and Melissa smiles, she knew it.
“Well that’s alright, maybe I could get to know her better then.” She says and you agree and tell her the time that you meet up with Joy.
The next morning, Melissa gets to the coffee shop first and orders a coffee for her and a hot chocolate for you. You and Joy come in a couple minutes later and see Melissa near a table with 2 drinks. “Hey Melissa.” You say and she looks over at you and smiles.
“Hey y/n and Joy. Here y/n, I got you a hot chocolate.” She says and sees the frown on Joy’s face before smiling again. Melissa smiles at that, she knew that Joy was still getting you a hot chocolate every morning. You said it yesterday to Janine and Jacob. “I would have gotten something for you but I forgot to ask y/n here what you like.” Melissa says and puts a hand on your shoulder.
Joy looks at the interaction and gives a confused look. “That’s alright, I’ll just go get a drink for myself. I’ll be right back.” She says and you and Melissa nod.
You look at Melissa a little confused. “Why are you being so much nicer all of a sudden?” You say to her and she just shrugs, feigning innocence.
“I don’t know what you mean y/n? I’m just getting to know your little girlfriend over there.” She says and hits you, Melissa is jealous.
“Melissa, are you jealous?” You asked and she scoffs. “I’m being serious, yesterday you asked me out saying you liked me. And now you’re at the coffee shop that I meet Joy at every morning and meeting nicer to me in front of her.”
“I’m just trying to make sure that she’s right for you, is all.” Trying to cover up the fact that you were right.
Before either of you can say anything else, Joy comes back with her drink. “Hey y/n, I would like to stay longer but worked called and asked if I could come in earlier. Like right now earlier. And I wouldn’t mind the extra cash.” She says and you nod.
“That’s alright, I understand, have a good day at work.” You tell her and she gives you a goodbye kiss on the lips and the fire in Melissa’s eyes return.
“Alright thanks for understanding, it was nice seeing you again Melissa.”
“Ya you too.” Melissa says back to her. Melissa didn’t like that kiss, and worse is that the only issue she has with Joy is that she’s with you. Other than that, Joy seems like a nice person, and she hates that fact.
At the end of the day Melissa stops by your classroom again. “Hey y/n.”
“Should I expect this to be a daily occurrence? You stopping by my classroom at the end of the day?” You say with a laugh and she gives a small laugh at that.
“Maybe.” She says and closes your door and walks up to you. You look at her confused for closing the door, but then think she probably wants to talk to you privately. “I don’t like her. Your girlfriend.” She says and you frown.
“I don't know, there’s just something about her that I don’t like.”
“Well you’ve only just met her. If you see her more then you might grow to like her.” You tell her with a smile.
“No I won’t actually.” She says and you’re confused.
“And how do you know you won’t?”
She looks you dead in the eyes and walks closer to you. “Because as long as she’s with you, then I won’t like her.” She says and she got very close to you and you had to walk back and you end up backing into your desk and she puts her hands on the desk on both sides of you, effectively trapping you. You look at her with wide eyes.
“Melissa, I-” and you don’t get to say what you were about to as her lips are on yours. You begin to kiss her back and then push her off. “Melissa what the fuck? You know I’m with Joy.” You tell her and she smirks.
“Then why did you kiss me back? And don’t deny it. I know you did before you pushed me off.” And you look at her speechless since she’s right. Melissa smiles at you and goes to kiss you again but you stop her.
“No Melissa, I’m with Joy now.” You tell her and she frowns.
“You wouldn’t rather be with me?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’m happy with who I’m with. I’m sorry.” You tell her and walk out of your classroom, leaving behind a hurt Melissa who has a tear rolling down her cheek.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
after hours (part 5)
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: after your wild night with toji, you're forced to return back to reality. and by reality, you mean geto and gojo's house party. you're so tired, but nothing a few shots won't fix :) wait, hold on, who's that girl gojo is all over? wait, are you...jealous? ☆ warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! implications of sex, moderate to heavy drinking, partying, jealousy, sexting, over the shirt action, kissing, y/n and other characters get high/drunk/crossed and horny lol ☆ tags: modernAU, academiaAU ☆ a/n: HAPPY VDAY BABES xx 💜🖤💜🖤 sorry it's been a while since i updated this series (i got my period and then had lots of werk to do but im BACK). hope u guys enjoy some gojo and reader sexual tension >:) also to the anon who sent the passive aggressive msg about me not updating after hours...hope ur happy now 😒 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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“morning, riko!” you greet the raven haired barista sleepily, “iced cappuccino with soy milk, please.”
“what…are you sure?” riko says, her face surprised. you always order your signature iced matcha latte with oat milk, unsweetened of course. riko knows it, every one knows it. 
“yeahhh, i know. i just had a late night and then an early morning…” you groan. you won’t lie — you feel like you just got hit by a thousand trucks and your eyes are stinging (and probably red from the lack of sleep). “i’m bad at time management,” you confess sheepishly.
riko giggles. “not as bad as your friend trying to order a latte and pretending he likes it”. you sneak a glance at geto, who’s taking a sip of his americano and grimacing at the taste, which makes you smile at his lovesick gesture. “does he know we have other beverages?”
“ehh, i think he does but…he’s just trying to impress a very pretty girl who works here,” you say, trying your best to be obvious…but not too obvious that geto would be upset.
“oh my god, y/n! you know kuroi is happily engaged!” riko jokes, laughing lightly. 
“oh darn, i have to break the bad news to suguru…he’s gonna be sooo upset,” you say sadly, pretending to wipe away a false tear dramatically, as riko rings you up for your order. just then, you think of something awful that suguru would definitely kill you for, but you’re already pretty bold for wearing the same outfit from last night that you got fucked in and showing up 30 minutes late to meet your friends, so fuck it. 
“speaking of which, riko…are you doing anything tonight?”
“besides closing up…nope.” she answers. 
“well, a bunch of us are going to the new barcade that opened up downtown this evening. i’m thinking around 9, think you can make it? you can tell suguru himself to lay off kuroi,” you joke jovially. 
riko laughs heartily. “i’ll see you guys there”, she says, handing you your receipt, as you wave goodbye and head to your friends in the corner table. you try not to act flummoxed as you approach your friends, suddenly acutely aware of the how your hair was all over the place (why doesn’t toji own a hairbrush?) and that your jumpsuit was clearly wrinkled and that you hadn’t been able to take a shower yet. god, this was not your sexiest look. 
“do they usually allow walk of shames in this cafe? i thought it this was a safe space?” satoru grins, already thinking of 30 ways to roast you for showing your face here after being 30 minutes late. he’s trying to push away any thoughts of you getting fucked by toji out of his head. 
“shut up! i…i didn’t bring any extra clothes and i woke up late, okay!” you say, defending yourself earnestly. 
“leave her alone, satoru,” suguru chastises, as he scoots down a chair to make room for you. “anyway, why were you talking to riko for such a long time? did she…say anything? it’s my haircut isn’t it? i just wanted to trim the bangs a little bit but they went sooo overboard and now-“
“oh my god suguru, chill!” shoko says, rolling her eyes. “he hasn’t been able to shut the fuck about riko and it’s so annoying that me and satoru are thinking of just asking her out on his behalf, at this point.” suguru tries hard to hide a blush before trying to deflect, but you interrupt them both. 
“no need,” you say, turning to face suguru, “you can ask her yourself what we talked about…tonight. at the barcade.” you smile wide with your teeth and give suguru pleading eyes, hoping he won’t get upset with you for taking the liberty to speed run his first date with riko. 
his face immediately is unreadable, and satoru elbows his ribs hard and hits his back. “congrats, pal! you finally have something to look forward to tonight that isn’t on your nintendo switch.”
“yeah. i mean…i d-don’t care. at all. i mean…good for her for coming. i don’t know if i’ll even be there but if i see her then i see her. no big deal…” suguru says, mostly to himself. 
everyone at the table laughs, and you find your initial weariness of your extended walk of shame slowly melt away. you take a sip of your cappuccino, as utahime complains about how tired she is from playing animal crossing with shoko all night. you feel soft thinking about how utahime probably stayed up later than her usual early bedtime for shoko, knowing full well she has to wake up at 7am the next morning for both getting coffee and teaching her 1st period homeroom at the local high school. shoko has been recently trying to fix her sleep schedule from her night float rotation all junior residents had to do at the hospital their third year. 
“also, before i forget, pre-game at ours at 7. we’re inviting nanami and haibara and some other people,” satoru says absentmindedly, his eyes focused on responding to a text on his phone before turning and facing you. “you’re still good on giving me a ride to lab today, right y/n?” 
oh shit. “oh, umm, yeah, definitely still good with that.” you say quickly. you don’t exactly remember when you offered to give satoru a ride, but you assume it was one of the many times you tuned him out when he spoke. who’s satoru texting? the intrusive thought came out of nowhere, but you push the newfound irritation back where it came from. 
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satoru and you walk back to your car while you both lament about how awful this week’s lab has been. “i mean, why even give us a lab when we have a final in like less than a week?” you say exasperatedly, as you search for the keys to your cream white mini cooper and unlock it. 
“speak for yourself, i finished that lab last week.” satoru boasts, grinning at your when you give him a confused look. “i’m only going to help the cute girls in class with their work.” he shrugs. what a slag. 
“you’re a whore,” you scoff, slightly annoyed at satoru. so he has time to help some random cute girl in class but not his best friend. you buckle in, and take pleasure in watching satoru struggle to situate his legs inside your tiny cramped car. his knees are bent at awkward angles, and his head practically touches the roof of the car. 
satoru groans loudly and dramatically. “you have the smallest fucking car in the world, y/n, y'know that?” 
“fits me perfectly,” you say nonchalantly, as you back up and drive out to campus. 
“well it baaareeelyyyy fits me,” he pouts, the sun visor bumping his head while he pulls it down. 
“it’s not even that tight,” you assure him.. 
“it’s very tight, y/n. i can feel the walls squeezing me.”
“get over it.” 
“oh, so it’s okay if toji says that to you but when i say it, it’s a fuckin’ problem?” 
you practically choke on your saliva and swerve into the other lane upon hearing satoru’s comment. “h-how did you know…he said that to me?” you say incredulously. there’s no way he like…hacked your phone or something right? maybe you accidentally butt dialed shoko last night and they all heard you moan god knows what. the storm of thoughts in your head is interrupted by satoru’s laughter. 
“i didn’t know he said that but now i do.” oh, god. you fell for it like a fucking idiot, y/n. you try to retort something back but you’re left speechless. actually you’re a bit impressed — satoru got that out of you masterfully, and you have to appreciate the tact (or perhaps lack thereof) he had. you try to be angry towards him, but it’s futile as you both start laughing. 
“i hate you — stop making me laugh it’s not funny i need to focus on the road, idiot,” you say in between giggles. your eyes stay fixed on the road as you playfully flick satoru’s head (he lets you — your laughter makes his heart beat faster and he ignores it). satoru grabs your hand with his and starts rubbing your fingers together in an effort to warm them up. 
“you’re hands are so cold all the time…” he murmurs. to him, it feels so natural to play with your hands, and you let him (his touch brings an undetectable heat to your face…and other parts of your body). you look steal quick glance over at him, and are overcome with a sudden and foreign shyness that instinctually forces you to retract your hand back to the wheel almost immediately. you clear your throat, before announcing to satoru that he was here. 
satoru’s knees and joints crack as they are finally released from the prison of your mini cooper, and he dramatically lets out a sigh of relief. he gets out of the car and makes a show of stretching his long legs and arms. his collegiate basketball crewneck slides up, and you catch a glimpse of his toned abs and happy trail. you hope he doesn’t hear your breath hitch before snapping out of the trance and rolling your eyes. “have fun harassing the cute girls in your class!” you say sarcastically, as he flips you off before heading to class. 
during your drive back home, you don’t want to process the familiar feeling you felt last night when satoru texted you before you had sex with toji. the thoughts you had of him choking you and kissing your while toji played with your titties. oh god, you’re thinking about it again! stop it!
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your neck aches from staring at your laptop screen for the last two hours as you try to make going out tonight worth it by studying extra for your final exam next week. your neck cracks loudly in all the right places and you head straight for a quick hot shower. you practically moan when the hot water hits your scalp, and allow the water to wash away all the stickiness of your complicated relationship with toji and satoru. tonight’s just for having fun and not doting on the future, you tell yourself, but not before taking a look at your soapy chest and thinking this is just the perfect picture for toji to see. you quickly snap a pic, promising yourself you won’t be one of those desperate girls toji always brings over to his house. 
y/n: [1 Photo] hi :)
okay, you know you had just sent the photo to toji, but it did kind of break your heart that he didn’t immediately respond. okay, sure he’s a single dad so he might be busy…or he’s fucking some other girl. your heart drops slightly at the thought of him blowing some other unsuspecting girl’s back out, and the sadness quickly turns to annoyance. you’re better than this, y/n. who cares anyway — no one sucks dick like you do. you smirk. you definitely aren’t the type of girl who would hook up with anyone, but you know how to not sell your skills short. if toji was busy with his own life, well, so were you. 
you hop out of the shower, checking your phone once again to see if toji had responded, only to be met with a text from satoru in the group chat:
satoru: [1 Photo] got the goods 😛
you open the photo to see him with a couple packs of white claws, and suguru in the background looking intently at two wine bottles in his hands. no way is satoru’s lightweight ass is gonna make through even one can before getting sloshed, you think to yourself. 
shoko: what’s sugu doing?
satoru: deciding on what wine to get for riko lmfao 
you can’t help but smile at how cute suguru was, being so nervous for something that wasn’t even a formal first date. 
y/n: awww 🥹 get the rosé bby 
shoko: y/n if ur ass isn’t ready in 10 mins i s2g i’m gonna leave without u
you scrunch your nose and throw your phone on the bed — if you really hurry you could easily be out your door in fifteen. after thinking for five minutes, you decide on a classic little black skirt with a slit on the side paired with a lace cropped bralette (that honestly really did wonders to your boobs). you wore an oversized leather button down shirt, sheer black tights, and a pair of black gogo boots. you quickly fixed up your hair, figuring that “wet” look was already trendy anyway. after applying your makeup at the speed of light (you went for a subtle yet sultry neutral look), you grab your little purse and sprint out your room, and see that shoko was staying true to her word, as she was just about to head out the door. she sees you, stops, and grins. 
“you barely made it,” she teases, as she holds the door open for you. 
“you bitch.” you respond, rolling your eyes. “is utahime meeting us there?”
“yes she’s already there,” shoko says, not looking up from her phone as she calls an uber. so that’s why she’s been dying to get out of the house so impatiently. 
as both of you get into the uber, shoko pulls out two gummies from her purse and offers one to you. “pregame the pregame?” she says, and you both start giggling as you pop the gummy in your mouth. it’s probably not going to hit for a while, which leaves you plenty of time to get there and say your greetings to nanami and haibara before you get extremely crossed. you check your phone one last time, only to be met with no texts from toji. 
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“thanks for the ride!”, shoko yells out as the uber driver speeds away. 
“umm, i’ve never been to oovoo javer…”, you say through giggles uncontrollably. oh, fuck. this must’ve been one of those fast acting gummies. shoko must have been feeling the effects too because she starts laughing noiselessly and you both are doubling over outside of satoru and suguru’s apartment, grabbing each other for support so you both don’t fall from how much you both are laughing.
the door of the boys’ apartment flies open and it’s some couple open mouth kissing each other, stumbling their way out of the confines of the living room rager that lied ahead for both of you. you and shoko both bit back another giggling fit before stepping in. suddenly, two arms engulfed both of you in a strong yet familiar bear hug. 
“himeee~” you hear shoko greet cheerfully. 
utahime hiccups, already a bit tipsy. she pouts jokingly before shoko kisses her cheek and you squeeze her torso back in another bear hug. “you bitches are awful for leaving me with dumb and dumber…” she says, punctuating her words with hiccups. 
“i’m sorry, 'hime. let’s grab a drink. i also packed you a joint,” shoko apologizes before utahime drags the both of you to the kitchen for a drink. in the kitchen, you find nanami slouching against the fridge, looking annoyed as ever, and haibara animatedly talking to some lower class men. haibara locks eyes with you and immediately turns and embraces you in a warm hug, while nanami manages a shoddy wave. 
"ahhh my favorite little babiessss~" you squeal, pulling both guys closers to you and giving them a strong hug. you always get very touchy and sentimental when under the influence. "i haven't seen you guys in sooooo long!"
"please let go, y/n." nanami says calmly, but not before briefly squeezing you back for what felt like half a second. wait a minute -- what the hell is nanami doing here? he never comes to these things.
"wait why are you he-"
"save it," nanami interrupts, running his fingers through his hair. "i'm only here because i wanted a referral to the lab gojo works at, and he said yes but that i needed to come over this evening so he could ask me some questions regarding the referral application."
"oh, yeah! what questions did he want to ask you?" haibara asks quizzically.
nanami takes an even deeper sigh. "i showed up and he asked if i wanted to take a shot and when i sad 'no just ask me what you need for the referral', he was like 'that's the question, do you want a shot?' and that's how i got fucking tricked into coming to this godforsaken rager." nanami seems truly miserable having fallen for satoru's scheme so easily. "anyway...given the circumstances, i did take a shot..." he groans, slowly sliding down the fridge onto the kitchen floor.
you and haibara laugh, and utahime hands you a white claw. you open the chilled can, and take a sip, your hazy state of mind helping you not feel the slight burning in the back of your throat.
"speaking of that idiot, where is he?" you ask, your eyes scanning the room for his bright white hair. you frown not seeing him anywhere, but your face quickly relaxes when you see suguru and riko heading to you and your friends. oh nice, suguru finally managed to ask riko to come to the pregame, too.
"hey riko!" shoko greets, "didn't expect to see you here..." she teases.
riko giggles and take a sip of her wine. "i couldn't say no to seeing my favorite customers!" she steals a quick glance up at suguru and you swear you see him blush. "also, this wine suguru picked out is amazing! how did you know i love rosé?"
you bite back a smile, making quick eye contact with suguru. "oh...lucky guess..." he shrugs, playing it off nonchalantly.
"oh by the way, i got a joint for us to share," shoko says, pulling it out of her bag. "anyone interested in puff puff passing?" she asks, already holding utahime's hand and heading to the balcony. suguru and riko follow suit, and you quickly bid nanami and haibara farewell.
as you turn around, you bump into the man you've been looking for, wearing the same basketball collegiate crewneck, white hair disheveled, and a drunken flush to his face.
you don't even get to say hello to satoru as he lifts you up in a giant hug that encompasses you and spins you around, making you squeal. you can't help but wrap your legs around him, knowing full well you probably shouldn't since your skirt was not long enough for it, but you needed to feel the warmth and comfort of his body around yours. you always got a bit too touchy feely when you were under the influence...
"eeep satoru~ put me down!"
"nope, missed ya", he mumbes into your hair. oh, he's definitely drunk right now. sober satoru would never openly admit something like that and it makes you giggle.
"please~ my skirt is too short for this ahh~" you plead, unwrapping your legs from his torso, all of sudden feeling embarrassed through the warm haze engulfing your body. satoru finally puts you down and shamelessly eyes you up and down while taking large sips of his beer.
"that skirt can definitely be shorter," he says cheekily, his blue eyes filled with drunken mischief. you roll your eyes dramatically and also take a sip of your claw.
"you're drunk, satoru..."
"and you need to get drunker!" he yells, already grabbing you a shot glass and pouring some of rankest shit you've ever smelled. the music starts pounding louder, and you need to raise your voice even higher to make sure he hears you.
"aren't you gonna take one with me?" you shout.
"y'know i'm a fuckin' lightweight, baby~" he frowns, handing you the shot, a little bit spilling with his sloppy actions.
you scrunch your nose at the strong stench. "i'm a bit stoned though so only one, okay?" you say to him. you close your eyes, hold your breath, and down it. your eyes water and you have to prevent yourself from dry heaving as you immediately grab the nearest can of cola on the table and chug it as a chaser.
"wooow, you're such a baby," satoru jeers, thinking about how you've always needed a non-alcoholic drink to wash down your alcohol. you're not a heavy drinker by any means -- not even a moderate drinker. as as a social drinker, you always feel the need to try to at least sort of keep up with your friends when they drink the rankest and cheapest liquor. thank god satoru has always been a lightweight.
"shut up~" you say, rolling your eyes. you grab satoru's arm and pull him closer to the balcony where all your friends are. he slides his arm down so that you're holding his hands. your heart beats faster, knowing full well your vices always made you...hornier than usual. you're trying really hard to not look back at satoru, but you steal a glance anyway. his flush face and tired eyes are all of a sudden looking really attractive to you. your eyes slide down and look at his hands, the shape of his long calloused fingers gripping your hand and you can't help but imagine how they would feel pumping inside you. oh god, was he always this attractive? ugh! why can't toji just message you back so you can just go over to his place instead of having to lust over your best friend?!
you both enter the balcony, and the cool yet humid evening air hits your face, allowing you to finally breath something that wasn't beer and sweat. that is, until the stench of weed hits your nose.
"ugh, this shit's gross! i dunno how you guys can fuckin' stand the smell," satoru complains, dramatically making a gagging face.
"and you call me a baby?!" you snort, still trying to not be obnoxiously flirtatious throughout the night to satoru. you cannot let the horniness win tonight. god, what's gotten in you? you're never this...desperate? it's satoru's fault because he's looking so good tonight, you tell yourself. you pass on the joint, and try to focus on the conversation at hand, but it's hard when satoru puts his arms around you and pulls your closer to his chest.
almost instinctively, you melt into his chest, allowing yourself to feel his warmth and focus on his breathing chest. you smell the beer from his mouth as he laughs at something suguru said and you giggle too so people can know you're sort of paying attention.
you're a perfect mix of drunk and high, and you're feeling blissful being out on this balcony with your best friends, albeit minus the thoughts of how good satoru was looking tonight. is it even that wrong to think that your friend looks hot? you're not being delusional right?
"suguru is definitely being a comedian tonight for riko, isn't he?" you tiptoe up to satoru and whipser into his ear, thinking you're being subtle. unfortunately for you (and suguru), the loud music isn't being carried out to the balcony, and everyone hears you, and starts laughing. oh shit. you immediately pan over to suguru and see him pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"oh my god, suguru i- riko, i'm obviously joking!" you say really fast, slurring through your words as the shot finally is taking effect into your body. "obviously, suguru is the funniest person i know!"
"second funniest but i'm letting suguru tell all the jokes tonight. he needs this more than i do." satoru smiles brightly, looking at his best mate and making a kissy face at him.
"okay, riko, we are actually. um. we are leaving. and going to my room or the living room or literally anywhere else but here," suguru says, abruptly standing and helping riko up.
"wait what no, i wanna hear more about this-" she starts to tease, but ends up laughing.
"you're taking her to your room?!" shoko teases, raising her eyebrows comically. utahime chokes on the joint and starts laughing coughing and you do too, before you immediately stop. you cannot get on suguru's nerves tonight, as you know that'll make him too in his head to actually focus on having a fun time with riko.
you lift your body weight off of satoru and make way for suguru to leave. satoru side steps in front of suguru and pulls him into a hug, to which he scowls and tries to break free of. "mate, we LOVE you. i love you. and y/n loves you. and i'm going to absolutely obliterate you at street fighter at the barcade tonight." satoru slurs through his words and you almost feel bad for riko for having to deal with you and your friends.
you give a sympathetic look to riko as she trails behind suguru, patting his back softly and giggling. you're about to whisper a quick sorry to her, but she takes you by surprise by whispering "i hope i get obliterated by him tonight."
your jaw drops and you could almost cry laughing at what riko just said. i mean, okay, yeah it makes sense, and good for her but oh my god? i didn't know she had that in her?, you think to yourself.
"queen, i hope it happens. i'm for real manifesting this for you," you whisper back quickly and she sips her wine and giggles and follows suguru out of the balcony.
you turn around incredulously to shoko and utahime and look up satoru, all of them completely in shock at what they heard. there's a moment of silence to process before the intrusive thoughts win in your head. "honestly, i hope i get obliterated tonight, too."
shoko groans. "shut the fuck. up! you literally got obliterated last night! can you be normal about physical touch for just one night?"
"i can't, shoko, you know i get horny when i'm crossed~" you whine, your doe eyes getting wider in desperation. oh cool, you're off the deep end now. you're just fully horny and admitting it in front of satoru who will, at the very least, use this as incriminating evidence tomorrow.
"i can help with that," satoru flirts brazenly through the alcohol in his system, bringing you closer to him and holding you tight.
"desperation is such a turn off," utahime says almost immediately.
you giggle as you melt into satoru's chest once more. "what's going on, toji not treatin' ya right?"
your body almost instantaneously goes rigid upon hearing his name, and your senses almost clear up. you whip your phone of your purse, completely ignoring satoru's question and check your messages to see if you got a notification from toji, only to see nothing. you groan and rub your temples in stress. "okay guys, gather around. this is an emergency," you say as everyone huddles closer to you.
"it's not an emergency, FYI", shoko clarifies, already having heard this story in the uber ride here.
you explain to utahime and satoru about how toji had not responded to your explicit picture since this afternoon, and how you're feeling stupid and insecure about it. "i mean, is there something wrong with me? did i cross a line? how can you ignore the same titties you sucked on less than 24 hours ago?" you say frustratingly, the alcohol once again allowing you to give way more detail than you normally would.
"you see, it's a bit hard for me to, like, understand exactly what the situation is. i think i need to see the picture you sent him to really understand and help you out, y/n." satoru says with dead seriousness as he locks his eyes with you.
"oh yeah of course!" you say as you unlock your phone and are about to show him before shoko grabs your phone away and utahime flicks his forehead.
"you nasty disgusting pervert..." she mumbles, shaking her head.
"she was literally about to show me~" he whines. "i was asking as a friend, a homie."
"okay, listen y/n. he's probably busy. he's literally a single dad, and maybe he's busy with megumi. maybe he's trying to find a real job besides being a gigolo, we don't know but it's lame to dwell on it. let's just finish up this joint and head to the barcade soon, okay?" shoko assures, holding your hand as utahime puts your phone back in your purse. god, you love them so much it hurts.
you nod your head rapidly, as satoru gets a chime on his phone.
"ohhh, shit!" he exclaims, "this girl i helped today during lab is here. and she might actually show me her titties unlike you guys, so...i'm gonna leave."
you roll your eyes in even more annoyance. great, now satoru is gonna be hanging out some random airhead while you're left to your own vices for the rest of the night? you really don't want to spend the night waiting for toji to text, and you don't care to particularly ask satoru for help. but it does make you even more desperate knowing that you're still pretty drunk and everyone in your friend group seems to be getting laid tonight except for you. maybe you can find someone cute in the barcade?
as you all bid satoru goodbye, you continue to enjoy a couple more minutes with shoko and utahime while they finish smoking the joint. once it's finished, you all are ready to head out.
"okay, you get satoru, and we'll get suguru and riko," utahime instructs. that's so high school teacher of her, you think and bite back a smile.
"who's gonna kick everyone out of this...pregame house party thing?" you ask, gesturing to the 20 or so people getting progressively more drunk and sweaty in the boys' living room and kitchen.
"suguru will handle it, not our problem," utahime says, lighting out the joint into the nearest succulent pot in the balcony. she grabs shoko's hand and leads her out of the balcony, and you follow suit.
your nose is once again met with the stench of beer and sweat, and you make a face. your eyes scan the room full of party goers for satoru, as it shouldn't be hard to find the tallest person in the room with the brightest hair, but with no luck. ugh, he's probably somewhere in the rest of the apartment with that girl, you think, not looking forward to meeting some random slag satoru was probably going to sleep with.
as you made your way through the living room to the hallway to the boys' room and bathroom, trying your best to avoid the damp sweaty skins of people and sticky floors, you realize you need to pee really badly. you shove your way to the empty hallway and quickly down the rest of your white claw before beelining to the restroom at the end of the hallway.
as you're nearing the corner turn, you hear...oh god, are you hearing? moans? of course, someone is bound to hook up at this trashy party and make you feel even worse for being so drunk and horny and having no one tonight. that's okay though, you have a plan: you'll do your best not to make eye contact to the couple just turn right into the bathroom. just as you're about to execute this plan and turn the corner, you hear them moan, "o-oh satoru~" and your head immediately whips to the direction of the person who made the offensive noise.
you're not sure what you feel and you think you feel many things, including but not limited to: disgust, hostility, annoyance and...jealousy? wait, no, that can't be right.
your eyes widen and your jaw drops and you scoff as you see satoru french kissing some floozy outside his room, his hands up her shirt feeling her titties. wait, are you jealous or turned on? wait, what's happening?
satoru hears your scoff and rapidly removes his hands from the girl's shirt and stops kissing her to look at your bewildered and exasperated face. you give him a look that says "are you serious?" before you chuck your empty white claw can at him (he deftly dodges it) and shout, "get a room! but also get ready, you horndog, we're leaving to the barcade!"
you don't wait to hear an answer as you immediately slip into the bathroom and lock the door. god what was that? okay, let's break this down, you think to yourself, desperately scrambling to get your intoxicated thoughts in order. your head is slightly spinning and you lean on the bathroom sink for support as you try to sort out why you're feeling your chest drop in what you can only identify as jealousy. no, you're not jealous because you're in love with satoru, you're jealous because it just doesn't make sense.
if satoru is gonna fuck around with anyone tonight, it might as well be you, right? it's just rude, like as a friend, to kiss someone else who's not your friend when your friend is really horny, right? god, are your inebriated thoughts even making sense?
you try to snap out of delirium by turning on the faucet and drinking some water, trying to sober yourself down. or maybe you actually need to just get another drink? maybe you just need to find some cute guy to buy you a drink at the bar later and you'll snap out of it.
actually, maybe toji should just fucking text you back so you can go crawling to him at the end of the night so he can obliterate your pussy. you fish your phone out of your purse only to be met with no notifications from toji. you click on the message between you and toji, and start to draft out some lewd and lecherous texts to him. you thankfully, you don't have time to contemplate your actions or hit send before you hear the music die and people groaning.
you hear suguru yelling at everyone to get the fuck out and either go home or to the barcade, and you hear satoru start singing closing time, slurring the lyrics. this is the guy you're jealous about? this is the fella you want to lowkey fuck?
you pray that either a) toji messages you back or b) you find a nice non-creepy guy at the bar who's willing to at least make out with you, or 3) you instantly get sober after peeing.
only time will tell.
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kosije · 8 months
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a/n ★ ׂ forgot my log in info (oops!) happy to be back, ive missed u all :) part 2? never leave a crowded place if you suspect someone is watching you. don’t walk alone in the night. stay safe♡
c/w ★ ׂ ghostface!toji x fem!reader. noncon. stalking. toji follows reader home. crying. toji cuts readers clothes. mdni!
— main masterlist | jjk masterlist
there’s an eeriness in the fog.
static of a chill vibrates through your spine, as you walk as fast as you can, not caring about how your short skirt rides up your body. regret hazes you and you struggle to walk straight after drinking so much. maybe you should have stayed there? the party wasn’t bad in itself. decent music, decent costumes, decent snacks. but you just couldn’t get away from him—whoever he is. first it was when you had first gotten there. readjusting your clothes, you brush through your friends’ door to familiar faces. it doesn’t take you long to gravitate to the drink bar with a girl dressed as some kind of clown.
“I-C-P,” she says, pouring you your third drink. “I’m Violent J, my girlfriend’s Shaggy… i’ll just show you later.”
you think you say something like, “cool,” but you can’t pay attention to anything after you spot him. he’s huge. long black robe that’s tattered around the edges, dirtied ghostface mask that completely covers his face, serrated knife with dried blood that you note looks more realistic than what you’re comfortable with, and an aura that makes you uneasy. he’s standing in front of you, but it’s almost like he’s standing over you by the shear build of him. you watch the girl, what’s her name again? whatever it is, she begins to walk away, grumbling about how the costume will be more recognizable once you see her girlfriend. the whole time you keep glancing back to the man in the ghostface costume, and despite his face being covered, it’s obvious that he’s staring at you. a icy gust fans over you, still feeling his gaze hot on you as you follow the girl.
that first encounter left you unsettled, but then it multiplies and you find him at every corner you turn. in front of the door to the bathrooms. standing in the shadows of the dance floor as you grind on some park random in a spiderman costume. on the patio of the backyard. and then the doorframe of your friend’s house as you leave. you can’t shake the scorching burn of paranoia as you walk down the dark and foggy street that makes you weary of every sound and twitch that echoes your feet quickly padding against the damp pavement. your vision feels delayed as houses seemingly speed by you, and you’re struggling to walk in a straight line, repeatedly veering off the sidewalk and onto someone’s grass. goosebumps riddle your bare legs as you break out more into a run, finally seeing your apartment complex come into view.
it’s all just wind in your ears, you tell yourself. no one is following you, you aren’t in danger. but still you can’t will yourself to keep your eyes forwards and glance behind you just to make sure you have nothing to worry about. and maybe it’s the alcohol—god you hope it’s the alcohol. because just as you’re about to enter the complex, in the corner of your eye, lingering in the shadows, you think you see that same figure, staring dead at you.
your room is on the third floor. adrenaline is pumping through your veins as you mash into the “three” elevator button
you’re in your room at last. shake hands secure you’re locks, and only after everything do you slump your head against your door in exaughstion.
“too slow.”
snapping your head up, you notice the same shadow, once again standing over you, and your heart drops. you make one last effort to escape, rapidly unlocking your door, but when you crack it open his hand slams against it so fast and strong, that your hand isn’t even around the handle anymore. there’s a moment that you think of screaming. a moment that is cut short by the sensation of cold metal meeting your throat. his knife is real—you get the message fast. tears stream down your face as your legs give out, and you’re falling to the floor. suddenly, his arm leaves the door and wraps you tightly, and you lose all hope. because by the strenght of his thick arms, and how easily just one can wrap all around you, you know there is no overpowering him.
“you put up a good fight.” the muffled voice is deep and taunting on the shell of your ear.
“a-are you gonna… kill me?”
he only laughs at that. it’s loud, obnoxious, and leaves you more scared that before.
he’s completely unhinged.
he doesn’t give you the closure of an explicit answer. you’re lifted off the ground, anchored between his arm and chest—both of which are firm and un— and throws you on your couch. you regret not spending that extra 250$ on the more plush one, cause the impact sends your back straight into the wooden support pillar, barely cushioned by your pillows. you wince.
“if that hurt you, i’m worried ill destroy you, sweetheart.”
and you’re convinced you’ll die here, on your couch, by some masked man on the night before halloween day. he approaches you slowly, and instinctively you kick roughly at his knee. he curses something crude, and for a split moment you’re running to your door, but a second later there’s and hand in your hair and you’re ripped back to him. you thrash, and cry, and kick, but his grip doesn’t falter. and there it is, that laugh again. he tips your head back, and his other arm traps you to him, and in your lower back you feel it.
the bastard is fucking hard.
“you’re gonna be more fun than i thought. pretty thing like you deserves to learn not to walk alone at night in such a,” he’s speaking into your neck, knife dipping between your skirt, cutting it until the fabric falls to the ground, completely ruined. “short thing.”
you’re entire body is shaking, and you have to pant to breathe because your nose is so full of snot. mascara is running down your face but he just moves his knife through every thread on you, until you’re completely bare below him.
“pretty little thing, ain’t ya?” he says to no one in particular.
you’re still wailing, and something about it seems to push him over the edge.
first it’s a hard slap to your cheek, then a firm hold.
a yell of “oh, shut the fuck up, it’s getting real old.”
he doesn’t let go until you compose yourself. chest still falling fast and rising faster, but your weeping is diminished to sobs and hiccups.
“why what, doll?”
“why are you doing this?”
you didn’t say anything funny, and yet here he is laughing. again.
“what a fickle question. it’s quite simple, doll. it’s cause you’re pretty.”
you can feel your brows nearly touch. the blood rushes from your face for what feels like the umpteenth and your sobs get a bit louder. “then, why hurt me?”
“cause you look better with a lil blood on ya,”
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star-girl69 · 2 years
this kinda goes w the last headcannons u posted but what about ronal and tonowaris family reactions to reader being pregnant?
My Heart Never Knows
ronal, tonowari, tsireya and ao’nung’s reaction to reader being pregnant (with a little sprinkling of the sully’s)
their reactions:
if she’s still trying to get over her prejudice of jake and neytiri then she just kinda side eyes them while she hugs you
“wait… this is like… y’all actually…”
she’s distraught a bit
“ronal pls i’m literally pregnant bc nice”
gets a little sad
“i’m sorry baby sister i really am so happy for you i love you so much just… them???”
does a double take
“what in the what”
laughs so hard when it clicks and hugs you
gets scared when he wonders if you’re going to be anything like ronal
does a happy dance and almost falls over
starts talking to the baby immediately
“hi baby, ah, i’m your cousin, i love you,”
“oh ok cool”
is secretly a little excited and scared (he will deny it so hard)
wants a boy obviously
when you’re actually pregnant
sometimes you’ll just like walk over to her and she’ll forget your pregnant and have a whole heart attack
then she remembers and everything is fine
i feel like she actually wouldn’t judge your cravings
invites you over to make the weirdest of them together
the hormones are strong we need some sister bonding
needs the cravings to STOP.
smells up the entire house
once you were walking with him and almost tripped
he practically threw himself on the ground to break your fall
you barely even stumbled so it’s ok
also talks to the baby so much
makes clothes for the baby
always manages to work it into the conversation that her aunt is pregnant and she’s so excited
even if she was talking to someone about fishing patterns
it’s kinda creepy but
he’s just living his best life tbh
if you ask him to go grab something for you he’ll do it but moan and groan on the inside
if anyone’s seen the original headcannons:
when the ball lands near you he doesn’t think anything of it
then when lo’ak throws it back to him his eye is twitching
is so confused
when you turn your back lo’ak says smth like
“remember, she’s your aunt but MY mama”
is scared now
when you’re actually in labor
is doing her tsahìk duties and helping you
is scared out of her mind tho
“you’re my baby sister, and you are strong. you can do this.”
she thought something was wrong for like a split second and almost fainted but then she double checked and it was fine
seriously almost had a heart attack though
just goes about his regular day
thinks about you a lot tho
if he’s in the village he’ll keep seeing people walking around with a baby and smiles and thinks of you
probably waiting right outside with the rest of the family
her and tuk cry together
is so confused when jake punches the wall
scared and stressing
“oh you’re giving birth? oh yeah ok”
“good luck break a leg”
(is secretly worried)
his friends keep asking him why he keeps missing the ball or something
tells them to shut up and that he’s doing amazing
meeting the baby
just the biggest sigh of relief
so happy for you
when she sees you holding the baby she has to look away
if the baby has five fingers her eye twitches a little
laughs bc the baby is so small
he always forgets how small they are
like his hand is literally 3/4 the length of the baby or smth
claps jake on the back and says “good job son”
jake is like “thank you?”
(they’re secretly excited to be like bro dads)
laughs in disbelief when she holds the baby
immediately starts asking about the name
says it’s so beautiful and the baby is so cute
“oh it’s a girl”
*ronal smacks him*
*ronal is side eyeing him*
secretly thinks the baby isn’t so bad when it’s not crying
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angelgoeslewd · 8 months
cannot find aNY OMEGAVERSE Sigma headcanons SO ILL DO IT
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alpha sigma is 100% the alpha everyone wants to have.
he’s super in tune with his omega: aftercare during heats (or even just in general tbh), senses even the slightest change in your scent (probably will tell u when ur heat is coming even before you know). literally an omega’s alpha. he’s head over heels when it comes to taking care of you.
but do not confuse his gentle care towards you for weakness. his alphaness can be a crutch of sorts, at times. since he isn’t combat gifted, he heavily relies on his scent and fangs to keep people away from you. he is 100% the type to jump to baring his teeth when he feels like you’re in danger. which, in this omegaverse, is Not Good™️ and also Very Illegal™️ (basically on the same level as pulling a gun)
u are probably covered in his scent 24/7
in fact, he loves to come over you on his break or lunch (or bOTH) and rescent you. nuzzling your neck until he’s doused you in his own smell. 🥰 he loves your own scent, but he can’t stand the thought of anyone thinking you are anything but His.
stronger alphas like fyodor or dazai can tell he does this as overcompensation but it works on the general population Very Well. and he will keep doing it.
this also includes your mark.
he prefers if you keep it displayed and will happily remark you at anytime, but understands if you want or have to keep it under wraps. not that he likes it. (and yes, this will make him somehow scent you MORE)
but all in all, Sigma’s truly just worried about your safety. he hates to think that he wouldn’t be able to defend his other half, something so entirely His in this world that he is so objectively removed from, if push came to shove.
but his defensiveness can also work against him at times. it does make people think he’s a lot worse than he actually is. many people ask if you’re alright when you’re alone, and if you need help. you have to reassure many other omegas that your alpha is a lovely man and would never do anything to harm you, in any sort of way. your parents probably had a heart attack when you visited, thoroughly covered in Sigma’s smell. wondering if you would ever be coming back again or if you hid bruises under your clothes… of course, you brought him with you next time, and they were happy and satisfied when they met the kind, gentle man you had made your alpha.
you would be known around the casino as his. basically treated like a VIP. people would make way when you walked around. the Casino Man’s Omega was not to be messed with. most people knew better than to hit on you or make you uncomfortable. That was probably one of the only way to be thrown out, but it was most literally.
you could play any game you wanted for free, and the dealers would always make it so you could win… if you wanted. drinks and food were always on the house. anything else would be airlifted within an hour. Sigma would spare no expense on you.
the only thing that would worried him would be Fyodor. he knows he wouldn’t be able to take you from him, whether or not it was willful. he has severe anxiety attacks over you ever meeting him. and whether or not he should keep you from his knowledge or not. he knows Fyodor will probably find out anyways, and it might make it worse if he keeps you a secret from him, but the thought of you ever even touching his hand as a greeting spirals him. as a happy medium, he does tell Fyodor about you but makes sure you have a self care day in his chambers ALONE and MONITORED by no one else but himself whenever Fyodor comes around. (logistically he knows that wouldn’t stop him if he really tried but it’s a way Sigmas copes, ok!?)
he doesn’t know that Fyodor has already gone out of his way to meet you. he’s happy that you give Sigma extra motivation to stay on his plan and to defend the casino for the moment, but he does realize that you can be a loose end for his end goal. but you are a gorgeous Omega… he has never thought of himself as an Alpha to take an Omega but you might change those thoughts in him…
Sigma gets extremely needy when his rut rolls around. He’s basically holed up in his office all day, cock buried in you, as you perch on his lap, his nose shove into your neck so he can just breath you in all day long. he’s never rough, but is very handsy. you might be left with small bruises just from how many times he grabs you.
do not make fun of him if he tears up at the amount of pleasure. he has literally never experienced anything close to this before and it Euphoric. he sometimes can’t stand it, but he doesn’t want it to stop either. he didn’t even know HOW to be an Alpha before you.
and that thought is grounding. the fact that you’ve made something out of his nothing. it makes him feel worthy. it makes him feel special. it makes you feel like his home.
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Hiii! Ik ur not taking requests buuut I did have this kinda angsty idea I thought was worth sharing 😁, tangerine comes home to fem!readers apartment for dinner, and sees that the place was broken into and is immediately alarmed and runs around trying to find reader. Then he stumbles upon her cat (u can name it whatever) dead because it turns out the people who broke in were some of tangerines enemies and sent a message. :( anyways he finds reader scared to death hiding in a closet, and she asks him where her cat is, and now he has to break the news :(((
hii!! as a fellow cat mum, you just ripped out my heart:((( I love and hate this. im gonna say this, and im sorry in advance, but this isn’t my best work, I had too many ideas and im not entirely sure it all works. ive just been working on it for a little while so I need to post this so I can start others. im really sorry again, I feel a little embarrassed. if you’d like me to rewrite it, that’s okay too :) thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x f reader
wc || 0.76k
warnings || death of readers cat (no details, I couldn’t bring myself to add descriptions) and no happy ending, bc im mean hehe
also I am taking requests, this is just an old ask. but there is a delay atm, sorry
masterlist + rules
As the girlfriend of a well-known assassin, you were well aware of the likelihood of being used as bait between rivalries. You knew the cost but nothing could’ve ever prepared you for being caught in a vendetta fuelled crossfire.
You were huddled at the back of your closet hiding under piles of clothes with your face buried in your knees, mouth muffled by your hand as you waited for the final clatter of objects in the room next door. You didn’t know what they wanted and you didn’t know why. All you wanted was Tangerine.
After the long-awaited silence, copious amounts of fear settles in when you hear the front door swing open again. Blocking your ears, you cower in on yourself, trying to be as still as possible in the chance they had returned for seconds. But what you didn’t know, is that Tangerine had just made his way back to your place from the local shop.
A thick lump gets caught in his throat as his eyes bug wide, staring around at your trashed apartment. Fear engulfs him when he sees tipped sofas, broken frames and holes in walls. He bolts inside unarmed without a second thought, stumbling over destroyed objects as he searched for something he hoped wasn’t true.
Tangerine stands panicked in the centre of the room, breathing erratically as he gazes around your place.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He mutters, frustratedly running his fingers through his hair. His eyes dart around, searching for signs of kidnapping until his gaze hones in on a still fluffy object just out of sight. He slowly makes his way over, walking lightly as not to scare the possible creature.
As he gets closer he feels his heart begin to crumble further. Whispering. “Mandy?”
He stands mere inches away as he looks upon your lifeless furry companion, avoiding glances at your cat's crippled state as he bends next to her. Silently comforting her with a delicate stroke as he sniffles. “What have they done to you?” He says, barely audible as he swallows a couple tears.
His body stiffens when he hears a rustle from your bedroom, immediately rushing up and darting into your room, heatedly kicking the door open. “Who’s there?” He shouts, fury-filled adrenaline being his only distinguishable emotion.
You hear the familiar voice of your boyfriend so you begin to slowly push the door open, looking through the gap to check you weren’t thinking wishfully. Steadily crawling out you see him.
The initial noise startles him, but when he sees you, he instantly softens. Running over, he drops to his knees before you. “Oh thank fuck,” he mumbles, instantly wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight into him. “I thought I lost you.”
He momentarily separates to look over you, his worried eyes darting across your face as he wipes the dampness from under your eyes. “Are you hurt?” He questions, cupping your face in his hands. “You okay?” He asks again, searching your eyes as they widen with thought.
“Did Mandy get out? I-I opened the bathroom door for her— she- she was supposed to go out the window— did she? Did she get out? … Did she get out? Did she?” You repeatedly question, more and more panic fills your tone.
Pushing away his hands you rush to your feet, stumbling up as you try to get away.
“No— please,” he mumbles, gripping you to stop you from leaving. “You don’t need to go in there.”
Speaking with hurt as you immediately think the worst. “Why?” Bottom lip slowly starts to quiver.
“You don’t need to… okay?” He whispers, pulling you back to him. Embracing you tightly.
“No…” you mouth, feeling your eyes instantly well. “…no…”
His tone is filled with empathy as he cradles your head, softly smoothing over the back of it. “I’m so sorry.”
“Get off me.” You retort, pushing away as you stand to your feet. You see the pain of dismissal on his face as you reach for the door. Speaking sternly as you avoid his gaze. “Just… just leave me alone.”
There was nothing that Tangerine could say or do right now that could possibly help you, you needed time… and lots of it. You knew that it wasn’t directly his fault, but you couldn’t help but feel angry at him. You had just lost your best friend because of his enemies. Because of him.
hii! sorryy but I won’t be doing a part 2, I left this as an ending that’s up for interpretation 💌
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @screams-and-scarecrows @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @woffelle
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adrienneleclerc · 2 years
could u do an imagine for xavier based off the song i love you by billie eilish where it’s angsty but with a fluff ending?
I most certainly can! I love getting requests, makes me feel like a real Tumblr fanfic writer. Just forewarning you, I did not understand the song at all, I listened to it, I read the lyrics, I had to look at someone’s else note on the lyrics, have zero clue what I’m working with
I Love You
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Xavier tells Y/N he loves her but she doesn’t say it back and asks for a break. Xavier doesn’t know why.
Warning: errors because I don’t proofread til it’s posted, me self projecting, some thoughts that go through my head for some reason, I guess ED but not really.
Y/N is a person who is very much has her guard up. When she was younger, she was bullied for not looking like the other girls so whenever someone was nice to her, she proceeded with caution. Not to mention her own mother commenting on her weight whenever she was eating, trying on clothes, sometimes her mom would look a at old pictures of her and say ‘look how skinny you were’ and would even text her old pictures of herself and say ‘you looked so pretty, try to lose weight’ (yeah…that’s my mom, everyone). Years of receiving mean comments from her classmates and her own mother made her think she did not deserve a happy ending, didn’t deserve to be loved. She is very insecure, has self image issues, it’s a whole thing. However, with Xavier, she let her guard down, all those voices she has in her head suddenly go mute when he’s around, everything was going well. She likes the way things are. Xavier and Y/N were in the Weathervane.
“Y/N, you already had three brownies,” Xavier said,
“Then can i get one more brownie to make it even?” Y/N asked with her puppy dog eyes, she’s comfortable eating with him. Xavier looked away but then looked back and Y/N also added a pout.
“Anything for you.” Xavier said, kissing her cheek, and going to the counter to buy another brownie. Xavier came back. “Here you go, sweetheart, all warmed up.”
“Thank you, Flaquito.” Y/N said, kissing cheek. “Now what did you and Ajax do again? I still don’t understand how you guys could stone the principal.”
“It was an accident! The principal didn’t know that Ajax was a gorgon and they reached over and took his beanie off, I covered my eyes, the principal got turned to stone. Besides, he shouldn’t try to take someone’s hat away without asking ‘why are you wearing a hat’ so that is their fault completely.” Xavier said.
“Alright, fine, i believe you.” Y/N said. They talked some more, then took an Uber back to Nevermore, and now they are in Xavier’s art shed. “Why did you bring me here? Are you going to kill me or are you trying to kidnap me?” Y/N asked jokingly.
“Those are the two conclusions you came up with? Damn, sweetheart, you’re slipping.” Xavier.
“Haha, pero de verdad, why am i here?” Y/N asked.
“I wanted to show you something, hold on.” Xavier said as he pulled out a big canvas underneath a white tarp. When he unveiled it, it was a portrait of Y/N. Since Y/N has the power of botanokinesis, she can control plant life, Xavier painted Y/N surrounded by plants and with flowers in her hair.
“Flaquito, this is so beautiful, thank you.” Y/N said, hugging Xavier.
“I know we’ve only been dating three months but…I love you.” Xavier said. Y/N’s heart dropped. She backed away from Xavier.
“You’re kidding, right?” Y/N asked awkwardly.
“Kidding? No, Y/N, my feelings for you are real, i love you.” Xavier said, walking towards Y/N but she out her hands up in defense and back up.
“Xavier, you can’t love me, it’s only been 3 months, not even 6 months, not even a whole year.” Y/N said.
“Love isn’t a timing thing, it’s just what you feel and I feel great when I’m with you, you make me feel safe, you feel like home, I love you, Y/N.” Xavier said,
“Can you please stop saying you love me?” Y/N asked exasperated. She looked at Xavier and he had tears in his eyes.
“You don’t love me, is that it? You want to break up?” Xavier asked through tears.
“I don’t think you understand something, you can’t love me.” Y/N said.
“You don’t understand, you can’t tell me what my feelings are for you, why can’t you just accept the fact that I love you.” Xavier said.
“Oh my gosh, please stop saying that. I like that you painted me as Persephone, that’s how you see me, cool, I accept that, but I’m not Persephone, I am not good for you.” Y/N said,
“I think that’s for me to decided. You don’t get to decide whether or not you’re good for me.” Xavier said.
“I think we need a break, Xavier, just to think things over, so I can think things over.” Y/N said. Xavier gave Y/N a weak smile and left the shed, slamming the door. Y/N began to cry. She loved him, but she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t deserve it. It’s amazing how Xavier could see her as Persephone when she doesn’t see herself like that at all.
She was on the couch, crying, thinking about how sad she made Xavier, that made her cry even more. He didn’t need Y/N to burden him with her problems, but she also didn’t want him to think she doesn’t care about him. After a few more minutes, she went back to her dorm she shared with Enid and Wednesday.
“Hey Y/N, wait, why are you crying, what’s wrong?” Enid asked her, immediately getting off the bed to comfort her friend.
“Mm Nothing, Xavier told me he loved me and I said I needed a break, so here I am.” Y/N said as she was wiping her tears.
“You really liked him, Y/N, why did you decide to have a break?” Enid asked.
“Enid, It’s clearly a personal decision to Y/N, she doesn’t need to tell why she wanted a break, it was up to her, she did it, leave it be.” Wednesday defended Y/N.
“Thank you, Wednesday.” Y/N said. She went to the bathroom to do her business, brush her teeth, wash her face and change into her pajamas. She walked out and went to bed. However the events of today replayed in her mind and she hated it so much.
The next day, she did her morning routine and went to the quad for breakfast in her uniform. Out if everything, Y/N just grabbed a banana.
“You’re not going to eat anything else, mama?” Ajax asked.
“Just the banana, papito, I’m not very hungry.” Y/N said, gotta make up for eating four brownies yesterday, she thought.
“Okay, just checking.” Ajax said and walked away to sit next to Xavier,
“Did you notice anything weird?” Xavier asked immediately after Ajax sat down.
“I just saw her grab a banana for breakfast, that’s it.” Ajax informed him. “I’ll ask Enid if she knows anything if that helps.”
“Yes that would help, thank you.” Xavier said. He was looking at Y/N’s table. He didn’t take his eyes off her until the bell rang. As everyone was leaving the quad, Ajax went to talk to Enid.
“How’s Y/N doing by the way?” Ajax asked.
“She was crying yesterday because of Xavier, but she hasn’t told me anything about why she asked for a break. She really liked him, I don’t understand what could have happened, she was so happy to go to the weathervane with him.” Enid commented.
“It’s a mystery, Xavier is also curious about what changed. Maybe it’s a shapeshifter that looks like Y/N and the real Y/N is trapped somewhere!” Ajax exclaimed.
“Are you stoned?” Enid asked,
“Of course not, it’s too early. I’m gonna sit with Xavier today.” Ajax said,
“And I’ll sit with Y/N.” Enid said. They went to their classes and as promised, she sat next to Y/N in all the classes until school was over. During lunch, she noticed that Y/N only ate a salad and nothing else. Which is fine, nothing against it, but she chose a salad over her favorite food. Enid was starting to get worried. “Wednesday, you like observing people, have you noticed anything strange happening with Y/N?” Enid asked.
“Not really, just looks like her habits have increased.” Wednesday commented.
“What do you mean about that?” Enid asked.
“At lunch, she only eats half her food and saves the rest for later, right now, she’s eating half and throwing the rest out, meaning she doesn’t intend on eating later anytime soon.” Wednesday said.
“Thanks, Wednesday.” Enid thanked the goth girl. She was about to talk to Y/N when Xavier approached her.
“Y/N, we need to talk.” Xavier said. Y/N agreed and went to the woods with Xavier. As they were walking, Y/N tried making wildflowers grow in the grass, she succeeded and that brought a smile to her face. “Why did you ask for a break?” Xavier asked and Y/N stopped playing with her powers.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“Why did you ask for a break?” Xavier repeated.
“Xavier, i love you, i really do, but im not emotionally stable for you, don’t you see? The longer you’re with me, the more you are going to see how broken I truly am. I don’t love myself, I can barely believe that you love me, what I see in the mirror is nothing like what you painted, there are going to be moments where I would restrict myself to much that I will go to bed starving because the last meal I ate was at 3pm (which does happen to me often), I don’t want you to regret being with me. As the months this go on, you’ll see how much of a burden I am after you have to reassure me time and time again that you only love me, and you’re going to resent me because I’d be holding you back. I don’t want you to resent me, okay?” Y/N explained, at this point she was full on crying so Xavier went closer to her and pulled her in a hug. That’s when she let out a sob. Xavier’s eyes started to water, he started letting Y/N’s hair, trying to soothe her. After her sobbing has calmed down, Xavier pulled her away and lifted her chin up with his finger so he could see her face.
“You are not a burden, okay. As for the self love part, we will work on that together. I’ll be with you no matter what, I won’t resent you, if you see that I’m unhappy, although I doubt that I would be unhappy by your side, talk to me about it and break it off. If you feel like you’re broken, we’ll put the pieces back together. I would never regret being with you, you just need to talk to me about all these doubts you’re having. When did it start? How long have you been feeling like this?” Xavier asked, wiping away her tears.
“It started since I was younger, you know how ethic moms are, they always have something to say about your weight. My mom still makes comment about my weight, then there’s the elementary school bullies, so I always felt like this.” Y/N said with glassy eyes.
“You never told me that before. You have been carrying that around for years, have you?” Xavier asked. Y/N nodded, holding back a sob with teary eyes.
“I didn’t want to tell anyone but it feels so good to let it out.” Y/N said.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way, okay. We will work on your self esteem, you will learn to love yourself, we will do this together.” Xavier said. Y/N nodded and hugged him. “We won’t date until you’re ready, okay.”
“Thank you, i need that.” Y/N said.
“Anything for you.” Xavier said, kissing the top of her forehead.
The End
Don’t know how to feel about this. I will admit I cried a little since I’m technically writing about my own experiences, it came out a little short but hope you liked it though!
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writerpey · 7 months
Cg!Gale ‘Buck’ Cleven & Regressor!John ‘Bucky’ Egan Headcanons
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masters of the air was so good I had to write something for this pair. happy series finale, everyone! sad it’s over but so happy with the show, it totally blew my expectations out of the water. pls enjoy & request more of them if u want! & please be careful reading this if you’re sensitive to the topics of the show. take care of yourselves, everyone <3
John keeps his regression tucked away from the others at Thorpe Abbotts as a secret little part of himself that, before Gale found out about it, he wished he could drop straight out of a B-17. He tried to deal with things the way all his comrades did. He drank, slept around, got into fights with the British soldiers at the bar and placed bets on the Yankees against the Cubs. It just wasn’t enough. It felt close to enough when Gale would wrap a hand around the back of his neck and drag him away from a stupid midnight decision, or when he’d be drunk enough for Gale to walk him to his bunk and help him tug off his boots with a familiar sigh.
Gale could tell when John was close to a breaking point, when his best friend was itching at his own skin and antsy to get in a plane and out of one at the same time. He knew something was different about John, especially when it would get late and John’s eyes would glaze over and he would refuse to leave Gale’s side. Gale had an inkling that sometimes John acted out just to get his attention. And when Meatball would run over John would gasp happily, the joy of a little boy emanating from his excitement.
Gale climbed out of bed one night after seeing John’s was empty, throwing on his jacket and stepping outside. Sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, John was sniffling, hands rubbing at his eyes and shoulders shaking.
“Bucky? What’s goin’ on?” Gale questioned gently, concerned for his friend and ready to take any step necessary to comfort John.
John was terribly embarrassed that night. Sniffled and cried and blubbered unintelligibly to Gale about a fog in his brain that wouldn’t go away until he felt like a kid again. That Gale made it worse, but better, and he was so fucked in the head for being like this and—
Gale stopped John’s negativity in an instant. “Bucky. It’s okay. I’m here for you. You know that, I know that. That’s all that matters.”
The pair fell into step with one another with the ease expected for two soulmates. It took a lot of coaxing from Gale to get John to not only tell him when he was feeling small, but to encourage him to regress more often to avoid all the bad decisions that came with John not dealing with war trauma properly.
John had come back to his bunk one night with a bleeding nose from an escapade in town, and the lecture he got from Gale was enough to make him regress instantly. He looked up at Gale with big, apologetic eyes while Gale’s steady hands wiped away the blood under his nose with a damp rag. “Sorry, Buck. Shouldn’t have been bad.”
As a caregiver, Gale is very accustomed to John’s needs and loves to dote on him, though he’s never afraid to pull rank on the other. His stern tone carries an air of disappointment to John when it’s necessary, which serves to make John regress fairly easily.
John has a lot of energy when he’s small, well-rested, and knows his group isn’t going to be called on mission for a couple of days. He’ll tear around base on his bike and steal extra eggs from Lemmons at breakfast, play fight with Gale and beg Curt, Rosie and Croz to play a game of baseball together. He’s at his happiest when he can be as carefree as he wants while everyone except Gale has no idea he feels small.
Gale has to work hard to reign in John on those kinds of days. “Bucky, no. You can’t take without asking. I don’t wanna hear that you’re hungry. You ate a dozen eggs.”
John is a super touchy person in general, and when he’s small he’ll literally hang off whatever part of Gale he can get a hand on. Throwing himself over Gale’s shoulders at mealtimes. Clutching the back of Gale’s jacket while running away from Curt. Trying to stick his finger up Gale’s nose for no apparent reason. He likes to annoy Gale, a little shit-disturber at heart.
On harder days for John, fresh off a mission, he gets far more needy. Gale’s heart always breaks in his chest when he wakes up to John making small noises of distress in the night. He often wakes him up with soft shushing and his hand stroking through John’s dark curls. “Just a dream, Bucky. I got you.” Gale whispers, even while knowing that truly, they lived out their nightmares. But the deep timbre of Gale’s voice and his steadying presence always soothes John, who often stretches his arms out to be pulled into Gale’s lap.
Gale really likes when John is especially small. He flushed red the first time he asked John if “maybe, you would let me read you a story?” Gale loves the quiet, intimate moments they get to have together, tucked up in a B-17 with The Hobbit in hand and the sun setting, whisked away to another world even just for a few moments. He feels untouchable with John’s head under his chin and the sound of Lemmons tapping away under the hull of the plane.
When it comes to nicknames, Gale isn’t the most creative person in the world. And quite frankly, if he even dared to call John something too sappy, John would explode from embarrassment. So Gale sticks to Bucky most of the time, but Johnny also made its way into his vocabulary. John’s ears go red and he grins very, very widely when Gale taps him under the chin with a gentle utterance of “Good Johnny.”
John calls Gale a plethora of names. They range from Buck to old man to a very shy Papa, only when John is super small and feeling especially brave. It makes Gale cover his face in kisses.
All in all, Gale is an attentive, kind, thoughtful caregiver who is stern when he needs go be with the little rascal that John is. And John is a fireball when regressed, but in desperate need of the care that Gale is always, always willing to give him.
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fabraies-archive · 2 years
good, bad, ugly
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original ask: hii! 💒 anon here <3 can u do kazuha x flreader? :3 college au, reader is his roommate hehe, kazuha x fem!reader, fluff, angst repost from @ningningification
“What !?”
“We’re very sorry. If it makes you feel better, he’s a very quiet person, and knows how to cook. We don’t typically allow mixed gender dorms but we don’t have any other left.” The assistant at the desk desperately tries to calm you down. Her attempts are only in vain however, as you continue to rant about this whole situation.
“I applied for a room for myself 3 months in advance, as soon as I got my acceptance letter! I can even show you the confirmation e-mail I got! This has to be some sort of mistake, I—“ your cheeks feel hot and you feel like crying from all the frustration. You did not spend months on constant lookout for an available solo room just for it to snooped from under your nose the moment you were about to move in.
The poor assistant repeats what she’s been repeating for the past 10 minutes, that the boy you’re supposed to room with isn’t all that bad, and is actually a very smart and educated student, with whom she is sure you will be “excellent friends” with.
Yeah, right. As if. Except you don’t care if he’s nice and well-behaved, you just want a room for yourself. Specifically the one you have booked. You’ve tried asking her a million times why on earth the room you’ve been assigned to wasn’t available anymore, but her only answers seem to be that “all the rooms are full until the following year”. Realising that telling her this just isn’t possible won’t solve anything,
“I’ll call my father real quick, I need to sort some things out” you inform the woman at the desk and step away. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that she seems rather happy to finally catch a break from this whole ordeal. As mad as you are, you can’t blame her. Your phone rings, and you can hear your dad picking up. “Oh, hey y/n. Already moved everything in?”
“No. Actually, I didn’t even move anything at all since you left. I have a huge problem. I’m not kidding. I feel like suing the school. I wholeheartedly cannot believe how a school with this kind of reputation could ever fuck up this—“
“Woah, woah. Rewind. First of all, we’re not suing anybody. Your tuition is already costing me and your mother enough. Second of all, not moved anything? Huge problem? Just go through everything calmly before going on a rampage honey.”
You take a deep breath, and start again.
“The lady at the desk told me there was some problem and my room isn’t available anymore. The only dorm left is one for two people; which, no, I wouldn’t mind, but they want me to room with a boy, dad! Please just, help me out!”
On the other end, you can hear your father sigh, “Look, if it’s not there anymore, there’s not much we can do. I understand this looks sketchy sweetheart but, tell you what, you suck it up for one semester and we’ll try to do something about it for the second. How’s that sound?”
You huff. It’s better than nothing, but a whole semester? This roommate of yours better be just as quiet as the lady promised you. “Ugh. ‘S not the best but.. I guess that’ll do. But promise me you’ll do your best for second semester. Please.”
“C’mon [y/n]! Of course we will! Just put on your big girl pants for now and this’ll be over before you can even say ‘roommate’. Okay?”
You thank him, and hang up. As you walk back to the front desk, the lady looks up at you in slight fear of another soap-opera-worthy scene. Luckily for her, you’ve had just about enough this afternoon, and you just want to move in your damned stuff.
“I’ll take it. The room, I mean.” The lady, whose name tag reads ‘Ningguang’ lets out a sigh of relief and beams at your simultaneously as she leaves to go get your key. She hands it to you all the while giving out instructions and what to expect during your on campus experience. Once she’s done, you apologise for the mess and thank her.
Well, I’m alone now. Ningguang left for a coffee a few moments earlier and you’ve been trying to find the most efficient way to move your belongings up to your dorm for the past 10 minutes. Not that anything had come to you during this time.
“I’m sorry, but uh.. You’ve been standing here for a very long time and I was just wondering if perhaps you.. might need any help? It’s just, you’ve kind of been staring off into space and there’s a lot of stuff around you -which I’m assuming is yours- so I couldn’t help but wonder if you’re moving into the dorms as well, so I thought that you might want a few helping hands to get all that up and also because first years gotta stick together, right?”
The girl in question is quite an eyesore. She’s got two spikey pigtails at the side of her head with random streaks of color, and her clothes suggest that she’s heading out to a metal festival. She’s looking up at you, awaiting your answer.
“Uh.. yeah, sure. I guess some help would be nice.” You let out and awkward laugh, uncharacteristically so. You’ve never had a hard time making friends, but for some reason, you’ve struggled a lot over the course of the last few days.
“Awesome! I’m Xinyan by the way. With an x. Room 416. You?”
“[y/n]. I’m uh..” you fumble your bag, get a hold of your keys and squint your eyes “uh.. right next to you I think. 415.”
“Really? That’s great! That means we can use the shortcut!”
“Yeah, follow me, it’s a game-changer. Will get all your things up in 20 minutes, tops. Also, we can get to meet your roommate together!”
“How did you know I had a roommate?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“Got a sneak peak of your room while I was walking past. I saw two beds, so I figured it out.”
A few minutes later, you could confirm that the mysterious shortcut most definitely was a game-changer. Xinyan had left some time ago, something about books, and you were left to wonder alone on your dorms inviting flooring. You look over to the other bed and think, this’ll all be over in one semester. In just 15 weeks’ time, you’ll be out and ready to move in into your new dorm, alone. Sure, Xinyan won't be your neighbour anymore, but it's not like you know for sure you two'll grow close. For now, as bitchy as it might sound, she's just a distraction fr the fact that your new roommate is a man.
Just as you were getting done with your inner monologue, the door creaks open, and the first thing you see is blonde hair, and a fair-skinned hand moving the handle. His head finally peaks through the crack of the door and begins speaking.
"You're the roommate I presume? The front desk lady told me there were some changes and my roommate would end up being a girl.."
He doesn't sound very thrilled at the idea of rooming with a girl. Good! At least we're on the same page, because i don't wanna room with the opposite gender either, you internally huff.
"Good afternoon to you, too. And yes, I am your roommate."
"Sorry. Good afternoon to you, too. I'm Kazuha Kaedera. It's nice to meet you. I'm sure rooming with a boy must be a let down for your first year, so I'll try to make myself as discreet as possible."
His way of speaking is.. strange. He’s either rich, or incredibly stuck up.
"Jeez, relax, you can talk like a normal person. Also, do what you want as long as it doesn't involve me or my side of the room."
You feel sorry for him, really, you do. After all, being the recipient of somebody’s anger and frustration must suck. But you’re bitchy in general, and even worse now. If you have to put up with a male roommate, he has to put up with your attitude.
"Noted." He nods, and quietly leaves the room. Nothing more, nothing less. At this point, you think that he might be less of a bother than you initially thought.
"So, how did your first days go ?"
After moving into the dorms, Xinyan had dragged you out to meet the people she had conversed with in the mere 15 minutes you had spent talking to one person. This had gone more or less well, and you now already had a group of people you could in some way call your friend group, for which you had Xinyan and her incredible socializing skills to thank. The 5 of you had sat down in the dining hall at a long rectangle table on the far-right corner, rearranging the seats to take up the entire space and deter unwanted to sit at your table.
"Good" You say while munching on your dry sandwich
"Went awesome. Bunch of hot guys in this college, it's crazy." Lisa answers.
The rest unanimously agrees, while Hu Tao speaks up.
"Talking about guys, did you guys hear about this one girl that got to room with a guy? They don't usually allow it, but from what I heard, the guy's super cute, so kudos to the girl, she totally hit the jackpot."
"Yeah! I heard about it in my Communications class. Isn't his name something like.. Ka.. Ke... Ugh, I don't know. Something that starts with K, for sure." Yanfei adds.
"Kazuha ?"
Suddenly, all eyes are on you, and Yanfei snaps her fingers in recognition.
"Kazuha! Yeah, that was it! How'd you guess? You know him, [y/n]?"
"Not personally or anything, no! It's just.. uhh..." You suppose there's no point in hiding it anymore. They’re the people you’ll be stuck with the entire year, so it’s not like they won’t find out soon enough anyways, "We're roommates. I'm the girl that had to room with him, so.."
"Are you kidding? What is it like? What's he like?" Hu Tao, asks, her eyes as wide as saucers.
Suddenly, she bombards you with questions about him. Why was she so interested in Kazuha? Was he famous or something? The year had barely started, there was no way he'd already achieved such a reputation already.
"W-- I'm not sure, we haven't even had a proper conversation yet. Why are so invested anyways ?" You ask her. It's not like you're jealous or anything, but this girl is seriously getting on your nerves.
"No reason. It's just, the sooner i get cuffed, the better. I haven't been in a single relationship since my day of birth, and I cannot let this go on any longer. This year is totally gonna be my year!" She punches the air while standing up, and the rest of you can't help but feel the second hand embarrassment as the rest of the hall looks over at the five of you.
Her year, huh? Too bad for her, it just so seemed she'd have some competition, because you weren't about to let some mishap get into the way of making this your year, as well.
"Hey! I told you this like, a million times, either you put your laundry in your laundry basket, or you leave them on your side of the room! God, you are so annoying!"
For the past few months, things have actually been okay. Well, actually more okay than you let on, because you even refused to change dorms when the end of the first semester arrived. You didn't have anybody you knew in any of your classes, with only Kazuha being in two of them. In desperate need of a seatmate, you reluctantly sat next to him. He didn't seem phased by your attitude though, as he ended up asking you if you wanted to go home with him, considering you lived together. After that, you ended up easing up a little around him so Kazuha and you ended up becoming really good friends. There were some side effects to this friendship, however. His organisation skills, which had seriously affected your dorm life, and even worse, his popularity among girls.
Despite your attitude at the beginning of the year, your initial friendgroup had taught you to let loose a little, and
"I'll pick it up later, hold on."
You let out a groan. How could he possibly be the same person as the one you had met at the beginning of the year? Where'd all the politeness go? Sure, it looked like a little stuck up, but it he was somewhat sweet, in his own way. Well, maybe you could assume it's sort of a good thing, because if he's gotten so comfortable, it can only mean he's warmed up to you, right?
"Just make sure I don't see any of this by the time I come back in here." You huff, while gathering your tiny backpack.
You had made plans with Hu Tao, Lisa and Yanfei to go to the gym on campus. Xinyan had excused herself, saying she had a bunch of readings to do, and wasn't available to go this time. You weren't so keen to go at first either, considering the snowstorm, as you were in the middle of January, and the walk you had to endure from your dorm to the gym.
However, you decided last minute that after spending so luch time hunched over your desk, a little gym session didn't sound too bad.
You closed the door on your way out, ready to face the insane amount of snow that was awaiting you outside. With a little huff, you push another door open, and start walking, a tight grip on your coat.
You soon enter the place, and realise the amount of people. Now you understand why your friends insisted on going despite such a weather.
"[y/n]! You made it!" Hu Tao calls out first. The rest waves, with smiles adorning their faces.
After all the hello's and how are you's are exchanged, you all leave to your own prefered machines. You weren't looking forward to going on the treadmill alone, but luckily for you, Yanfei ended up keeping you company by stepping on the other machine on your left. Unlike other people, you liked making conversation while going to the gym.
"So," Your pink haired friend clears her throat, "Any progress with Kazuha ?"
"No, and I don't plan on making any. We're just friends, and that's all there is to it." You deny through and through, just like you have been for the past 4 months.
Ever since you'd announced to your friends that you were rooming with Kazuha, they had instantly started to try and convince you that you were both meant to be. Ironically, Hu Tao was the first one to jump to this absurd conclusion, as she was one of the first students to start fawning over him.
Yanfei only sighs at your stubborness, and continues, "I've seen the way you look at him. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's been 4 months. You're not even concious of it, but you talk about him all the time. Even Hu Tao's complained, so that's saying something. Either way, I'm not going to push you to do something you don't want to, but, I just want you to at least realize that there is something going on, and he does make you feel things. We don't just think you'd be a nice couple just because the whole roommates thing sounds like a fanfiction trope, but because we genuinely think there is something going on. Just consider it, at least."
You outwardly groan, but what she says makes you think. A lot. You run on the treadmill, but your mind isn't really all into it. You keep replaying what Yanfei said in your head over and over again, and you can't seem to be able to get rid of it. She's right. You know she is. but it's just so.. embarrassing. His looks alone granted him an instant reputation at the start of the year, and he got all the girls on his knees in a measly week. There was no way in hell you'd ever be one of those girls.. right?
"Whatever. He sucks. His politeness act literally lasted a grand total of 2 seconds, he's a two faced jerk! And he leaves all his stuff on my floor. Also, his notes are super messy. How does he even manage to re-read all of them ?"
"[y/n]... You know what I think. Go get him before some other chick gets to him. You out of all people should know that"
"What are insinuating ?" You narrow your eyes at her
"I'm insinuating that I've seen Kazuha hanging out with some girl from my Law 101 class. A lot. And I'm insinuating that the exact reaction you're having right now is due to the fact that you have feelings you just won't own up to! God, just do something about it!"
You need to think.
“I’m back home.”
You close the door rather harshly and sigh, sitting down on your bed. You’re thinking of watching a move tonight, so you grab your laptop, and begin browsing Netflix for some good comedy show that could cheer you up.
“You don’t sound very happy.” Kazuha notes, sitting in front of his desk, highlighting sentences in his textbook.
“I’ve spent almost the entire day at the gym. I’m exhausted.” You huff.
“Whatever you say.”
“Huh ?” Your head snaps towards him.
“I said ‘whatever you say’. Is that problem ?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. You’re ready to collapse on the bed, pull a Snow White and sleep forever. You don’t have time for his stupid games.
“Stop acting dumb. There’s obviously a double meaning here. So what is it?”
“There’s obviously more to it than just exhaustion. I want to know what’s going on inside your head, is all.”
You feel like you’re fuming.
“What is it with all of you playing the therapists !? There is nothing wrong with me. I don’t need to talk to anybody. All I need is for you all to leave me alone!”
You make your way to the communal bathrooms, hoping to freshen yourself up, and get some time to yourself. You gather your stuff, and make sure to slam the door on your way out to signal your anger.
You're relieved to find an empty bathroom. The last thing you need is another person asking you if you're doing okay. The truth is, you're not. Of course you aren't, how could you? You were awfully aware of your personality problems, and your feelings for Kazuha simultaneously. Yanfei informing you he might have been seeing someone just made you feel even worse. You were just getting to a stable point in your life. Knowing Kazuha had found someone made you feel like you were falling. Falling into a big black hole, engulfing you, where you had no choice but go back to your old, insecure, angry self. Of course you knew of the possiblities that Kazuha might even not be seeing someone, and that it was simply a friend. But you felt so scared and alone, you couldn't help but see the worst in things.
You feel so stupid. You've never told him anything regarding your feelings ever, so how would you know if he likes you back or not? Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out.
You hide your face in your hands and slide down the wall next to the entrance.
When you wake up, you're stunned to find yourself back in your bed, under your covers. As far as you remember, you were back in the bathrooms, on the floor. Did I go back and just not remember? What if-
"You're up already?" Kazuha enters your field of view.
"I woke up just a minute ago. Do you happen to know how I got back here ?"
"Oh, that. You took your bathroom stuff with you when you stormed out, so I figured you went to the girls' bathroom. When you didn't come back, I got worried so I went there just to check. Sure enough, you were asleep on the floor. You're a heavy sleeper, you know that ? I carried you all the way over here, and you didn't budge." He finishes his story with a chuckle, and continues. "Seriously though. You scared me. I care about you, a lot. I kind of always think about you, so.. This wasn't the way I wanted it to go down but-"
Your brain can't seem to process all the information at once, and all you can do is deny. Everything is going too fast. Your brain repeats it like a mantra. You don't deserve him, you don't deserve him, you don't deserve him. Just yesterday you were starting to realize your faults. You had to fix yourself before he could have a chance to take a look at your ugly side.
But suddenly, you feel like you're gasping for air, and you let everything loose. You can't let this go on any longer. Your facade is breaking and there's nothing you cand do about it. "No. No you don't. You can't. You're seeing that, other girl. Besides, I don't deserve you. I was awful to you. I was awful to practiaclly everyone on campus. I'd ruin your repuation. I'm constantly upset about something- anything. We're like polar opposites, and any other girl would be better for you. I don't want to drag you down, and I just want you to stop giving me hope, so I can move on and you can just-"
Without any time to finish your rant, he kisses you. It’s not a simple liplock, or a peck. It’s a real kiss, with all the emotions and and the butterflies that come with it. It made your head spin, and you feel the sensations surging through your entire body. You don’t find it in yourself to pull away. Instead you pull him closer.
After a few seconds, Kazuha pulls away, and holds your chin to get you to look up at him, and opens his mouth.
“For the record, you can be pretty awful. But if anyone saw you the way I do, they’d be a fool to not love you.”
Your eyes crinkle as you smile, and you feel like crying. You've never felt this before, and suddenly you understand why some people are so crazy about love. You have to feel it to understand it.
Kazuha loves you. All of you. The good, the bad, and the ugly you.
an: another repost because I got so lazy I couldn’t get myself to post everything at once. 💒 anon I miss you I hope you find your way back to me😭😭 + if you see this I did see the tutor cyno ask I will get to it even if it’s not on the old blog I PROMISE. the “original —“ thing is just here to help me cope with the fact that I lost everything from my last blog so don’t mind LOL
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originally posted on: 11/09/2022
original number of notes: 176
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kptssecretsanta · 9 months
Merry Christmas, @monochrome-crisis!
Dear @monochrome-crisis, I have really enjoyed writing this for you, and I hope you like it. Your prompts were delightful and it was a lot fun playing around with these two. Happy Holidays if you observe, and happy fic-gift-day to you if you don’t! Best, your anon gifter. 
TAGS: established relationship, secret relationship, arranged marriage, road trip, sort of, running away, 
SUMMARY: Chay stands quite still and watches him for several seconds, but it doesn’t help to make the jumble of nonsense words rearrange themselves into useful sentences in his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “An inauspicious start to what, precisely?”
“Why, to your marriage, of course!”
can’t let this wait one more day
It’s Tankhun who accidentally breaks the news to Chay, on a rainy October afternoon when he’d expected to face nothing more challenging than a couple of hours playing the new Spider-Man game. A problem with his XBox has him venturing down to Arm’s office-cum-armoury-cum-tech lab, where he finds Tankhun sitting cross-legged on the floor, cutting pictures of floral arrangements and men in alarmingly colourful suits out of a vertiginously tall stack of bridal magazines. He snips some of them out with painstaking precision, and scratches the scissors angrily across others, his choices made according to some arcane and unknowable criteria. The images that survive his process are passed to Arm, who dutifully and efficiently pastes them down into a pastel pink, faux-fur-covered scrapbook.
“Khun? Is everything… Are you ok?”
“Auhhh! My favourite brother-in-law!” Tankhun cries at a volume that isn’t quite ear-piercing, but is certainly louder than required given the three of them are alone in an echo-y room, and Chay’s ears are less than thirty centimetres away from his mouth. “Everything is so much more than fine! It’s all wonderful! Practically perfect, in fact! Only do say you’ll let me dress you, nong, it would kill me to see you walk down the aisle in someone else’s shoes! And you wouldn’t break my heart like that, hmm, not on your wedding day? It would be a harbinger of so, so much bad luck! Such an inauspicious start, no?!”
Chay stands quite still and watches him for several seconds, but it doesn’t help to make the jumble of nonsense words rearrange themselves into useful sentences in his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “An inauspicious start to what, precisely?”
“Why, to your marriage, of course!”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Arm promises him, trying to calm him down while Tankhun flaps off to find Porsche. “It’s just an idea, at this stage, that’s all. Just something that was suggested - really, it’s more like it was vaguely alluded to - at the last family meeting. It doesn’t mean you have to marry anyone you don’t want to.”
The atmosphere in Arm’s little misery-bunker has always been a bit sad, but it’s never felt quite as overwhelmingly damp and awful as this moment in time. 
“I know you mean well, but ‘we might not marry you off against your will’ isn’t actually as reassuring as you seem to think it is,” Chay points out. He’s just pleased he can still form coherent words; that must mean the worst of the panic attack is subsiding.
“Yeah, that’s fair,” Arm says, and Chay tries very hard to find the deeply sympathetic look on his face comforting instead of terrifying. 
Chay: hey 
Chay: u busy?
Chay: i need to see u its urgent
Chay: ive run away im at the boba place 
Chay: the one with the cute plants inside where you kissed me that time 
Chay: pls don’t take long they’re cutting me off
not my secret bf: be there in ten
Macau picks Chay up in his older brother’s convertible, stolen for the occasion, and drives off without any questions. The extent to which he’s ride-or-die is, in Chay’s opinion, one of his absolute top-ten best traits. At Chay’s request, he heads out of the city, no particular destination in mind. He doesn’t say anything until they’re far enough out they’re relying on headlights, and the sound of rain on the windscreen is louder than the traffic. 
“Whatever happened, it’s ok, babe. I promise.”
“You won’t say that when you know!” Chay cries. “Hia wants me to get married, Cau, it’s really serious!” 
“That’s what Arm said. And Khun! I’m sorry, babe, I know he’s your cousin, but also. What the fuck? How could he know something like that and not tell me!” Chay’s voice rises frantically, reaching a fever pitch as he vents his frustration at once again being the last one to find out important information about his life. “Oh my god, what if it’s to some disgusting greasy old man who wants a good little wifey, that Kinn needs to sign some business deal with?” Chay says suddenly, face awash with horror. 
“Ok, first of all,” Macau says, glancing over at Chay from the driver’s seat of with a grin of a distinctly gremlin-y variety creeping across his face, “if Kinn needed someone to sign a contract that badly, he’d just break their fingers until they signed it.”
“That’s not reassuring, Cau.”
“And second of all,” Macau presses on, ignoring Chay’s point completely, “I’m not gonna let you marry anyone else, so it doesn’t matter anyway, hmm?”
“You really think they’ll listen to you?”
Macau frowns, impish grin fading as quickly as it had appeared, and clicks his fingernails on the wheel, the way Vegas really hates. “I dunno. Maybe? And if they don’t, we could just… leave, I guess.”
“I’m not - listen, babe, I love you, but your uncle kept my mum locked away in an attic for eighteen years because she married the wrong guy, so like. I don’t have that much faith in Kinn or Korn or Vegas to be super chill about someone trying to leave the family.” 
Macau shoots him a quick glance, eyes slicking sideways before snapping back to the road. “Well, if you put it like that…”
“Look, you don’t have to come with me,” Chay says, voice laced with grim determination. “I know you – all your family are here, your whole life is here. But I think I have to leave.”
“Ok, ok. But you don’t have to go now,” Macau says. “We can come up with a real plan, take a little time.”
“I can’t go back. I can’t walk back in there. I can’t spend another second there.”
Macau swerves suddenly and pulls up on the side of the road, switching the engine off but leaving the headlights on, so the curtains of thick rain ahead of them are illuminated in their glow. Turning to face Chay, he reaches over and takes his hand, linking their fingers together and squeezing gently. 
“Hey,” Macau says softly, which catches Chay’s attention more than any amount of screaming would have. “I’m sorry my family is such a fucking nightmare. I’m not - of course I’m not gonna make you go back. If you wanna leave tonight and never come back, we can do that.”
“But?” Chay asks nervously. Macau lifts a questioning eyebrow. “It sounded like there was a ‘but’ coming next.”
“Nope,” Macau says easily, shaking his head and letting Chay see the truth shining bright in his eyes. “No ‘but.’ I’d follow you anywhere, Porchay.”
“Cau…” Chay says, releasing the name like an invocation into the night air. 
Macau stares at him, gaze far too intense to bear for long, and then he turns to look out at the road spilling away into the darkness ahead of them. “Chay, you know, we could - if you want - they can’t make you marry anyone if you’re already married.”
“Fuck.” Chay lets out a breath, a long, deep exhalation that carries away half the tension in his whole frame. “How are you so perfect when your family is so…”
“Shit, no idea.” Macau laughs and it’s not pleasant. “This is why I didn’t want to tell them about us. They ruin everything they touch, and I wanted to try and keep you whole as long as possible. So I’d get it, you know, if you don’t want - augh!”
Macau shrieks a little, very bravely, as Chay throws himself across the centre console and clambers eagerly if awkwardly into his lap, winding long slender brown arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely until one of them accidentally jams a knee into the horn. 
The hotel is not quite clean enough to be boring, and just a little too rundown to be charming. It’s the last place anyone would ever think to look for them, which means it’s Macau’s new favourite spot. He pays for one room, daring the older man behind the desk to say something about the way he has his arm wrapped around Chay’s waist, fingers tapping out a gentle rhythm on his hips. Chay’s arm is draped over his shoulder in turn, so he can lean easily into his side, soaking up his warmth. 
There’s a horrible pause where the guy hangs on to the key a little too long, and then Macau tips his chin up defiantly. His hand closes around the key and whisks it away from him. 
“We can find it ourselves,” he says. It’s not until they’re halfway down the hallway to their room that he realises the guy had absolutely no intention of helping them with their bags. 
Not that they have bags, per se. Chay has his old school backpack with him, which he’d hurriedly stuffed with a couple of pairs of underwear and some clean socks, a spare power bank for his phone and laptop, and more snacks than Macau’s seen in one place outside of a child’s birthday party. 
Macau, on the other hand, has his phone, battery currently hovering around 19%, and his wallet. 
“I thought,” Chay says defensively, when he catches Macau eyeing his stash, “that I might have to get the bus somewhere.”
Macau shrugs out of his bomber jacket and tosses it haphazardly across the room. “You shut your mouth. My fiancé doesn’t take the fucking bus.” 
“Fiancé,” Chay murmurs to himself, rolling the word around his mouth. “Shit, Cau. Are you sure?”
“I am if you are.” Macau swallows and ignores the too-fast beat of his heart. Chay’s hand wraps around his wrist, fingertips pressing gently against his pulse point. Macau loves his touch so much; he hates why they’re here, but he’d be lying if he said he hates getting this much attention from Chay all at once, after months of existing from one stolen moment to the next.
Macau’s vague idea of showering and then planning the rest of his life is quickly shelved. He’s too busy letting Chay tumble them into bed, rolling over so Chay can pin his wrists and grind his hips down. Chay licks into his mouth and then laughs at the dramatic whine he lets out when he pulls away again too soon. It’s just for show; they both know Chay would never leave him so unsatisfied. 
They make love on scratchy sheets in a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city, because neither of them could bear to drive any further, because they both need to get their hands on each other, because Chay doesn’t mind being Macau’s dirty little secret but he’s damned if he’ll be anyone else’s husband, and because Macau has had a lifetime of watching his family destroy every good thing that wanders into its path, and he’ll be damned if he lets Chay be their next target. 
As they fall asleep curled into each other, all warm skin and slow breathing, soft lips and steady heartbeats, Chay gives Macau the other reason he couldn’t marry anyone his hia chose for him. “I want to wake up next to you. Tomorrow. All my tomorrows.”
Arm wakes Chay gently, shaking his shoulder and stepping back discreetly as his eyes flutter open. Years of practice avoiding the flailing arms of a recently-roused Tankhun, Chay assumes. 
“Shit. How did you find us?” he mumbles, pulling the sheets over his head. 
“I don’t know where to start. You and Khun Macau have about twelve trackers between you, not counting your phones and his credit card.” Arm tugs the sheet away and turns his tablet around; it’s a mass of blinking dots concentrated in a small cluster. 
“Where’s Macau? What have you done to him?” Chay cries when he realises he’s alone in bed. 
“It’s ok, Khun Chay, he’s just getting coffee,” Arm says. He sounds calm, but Chay’s seen him like this before and knows it doesn’t mean he’s not alert.  
“If you try and keep us apart, I’ll scream so loudly that everyone in the hotel’s gonna think you’re murdering me,” Chay says. “I’m a singer, I can do it, phi. My lungs can do things you wouldn’t believe!” He’s aware that he doesn’t look all that threatening, probably, sleep-dopey and with his hair all mussed up, but it’s worth a try. His hia raised Chay very carefully, though, and the second most important lesson he ever taught Chay was not to back down from a fight he believed in.
(The first lesson was not to start fights you can’t win, but Chay is deliberately choosing to ignore that.)
“Ah, no, it’s ok, nong,” Arm says quickly. “Look, here’s Khun Porsche, I’m sure he can explain it all better than I can.”
As the door opens, Chay snorts the snort of a man who has a deep fraternal understanding of Porsche’s ability to explain anything at all. 
“Hia!” Chay leaps off the bed and strides angrily across the room, shoving at Porsche’s shoulder before the door has even swung closed behind him. “You son-of-a-bitch! You couldn’t even tell me to my face, what the fuck!” 
“Chay – ” 
“No! NO!” Chay pushes him again, hot tears of frustration welling in his eyes and making his brother’s face mercifully blurry. “How dare you? I had to find out from Tankhun, of all people?! And it’s not until I leave that you suddenly give a damn what happens to me? Get out of my way, I’m going to find Cau and if you try to stop me, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll. I’ll fucking bite you, I don’t know!” He’s properly crying now, beating his fists uselessly against Porsche’s chest. 
“Chay,” Porsche says again, far more gently this time, and he catches Chay’s wrists before pulling him into a tight hug. “Chay, it’s ok, it’s all ok, I promise.”
“Hia!” Chay squeezes out between loud sobs. “Hia, please.”
“Arm,” Porsche says, craning to speak over Chay’s head. “Arm, I think you need to go fetch Macau now.”
“The thing is, Khun Chay, that while the relationship between the major and minor families is much closer these days – ”
“You mean because hia and Khun Kinn can’t keep their hands off each other,” Chay asks. He knows that’s not really why, but it’s funny to see Arm trying to work out how to answer the question in front of Porsche. He’s currently sitting on Macau’s lap, arms wound around his neck, and while he hasn’t actually growled or snapped his teeth at anyone who comes near them, his demeanour is carefully cultivated to suggest that he might.
“Uh, yeah. Yes. That’s not how I’d – but yes, I suppose Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche do have quite a noticeable physical connection,” Arm admits reluctantly. “And it’s good that they’re married. That’s great! But obviously there’s the deposed remnants of the former minor family to consider – oh. Umm. Sorry for your loss, Khun Macau – but the point is that now we all have some distance from the attempted coup, Khuns Kinn and Porsche thought that, uh.”
“They thought it would be convenient to get me married off, I know.”
“No, hang on, it wasn’t - it was just a silly thing Khun suggested, and Kinn said it - ok, yeah, he said it would be convenient, yeah, but we weren’t going to actually do anything about it!” Porsche throws his hands up in exasperation, nearly knocking the tablet out of Arm’s hands. “You didn’t have to run away on a whim, Chay!”
“Hang on, what does this have to do with Vegas and I?” Macau asks, at the same time as Chay mutters ‘It wasn’t a whim!’
“What do you mean?” Porsche asks him, leaning forward with genuine confusion on his face. (Chay recognises it from the days when he used to ask Porsche for help with his algebra homework.) “It was – the plan was – well, no, it wasn’t a plan, but Khun’s idea was that you two should marry each other.”
“Oh shit,” Macau says, squeezing Chay’s waist tightly. “Oh, shit, babe! Do you know what this means?!”
Chay wriggles around in his lap to face him, disbelief and hope warring on his face. “Is he saying what I think he’s saying?”
“I think he’s saying that they’re not gonna stop us being together, actually,” Macau says. He reaches up to stroke Chay’s face gently, running the back of his knuckles reverently along his cheekbones. 
“Hang on,” Porsche says. “Hang on, are you two – is that why you shared a room?!” He turns to stare at Arm accusingly; Arm quickly buries his head in his tablet and starts tapping away furiously. Porsche tuts and turns back to the disgraced runaways. “Macau! Did you fuck my brother last night?”
“Of course not!” Macau says quickly, and then his little gremlin grin returns. “Fun fact, phi, your baby brother is a very talented top.”
“Gah, shut up, shut the fuck up,” Porsche shouts, then covers his ears and starts humming when Macau opens his mouth to elaborate. 
“Stop antagonising him, and I’ll stop Tankhun from dressing you in cerise on our wedding day,” Chay murmurs to Macau, slapping a hand over his open mouth. Macau licks his palm, mostly out of habit, but nods his agreement. 
“It’s ok, hia, you can listen again,” Chay says. Arm leans over without looking up from his tablet and taps him on the shoulder. “I said, it’s ok. We’ve decided to take a rain check on the eloping plan today.”
“Oh, Khun Nu will be so relieved,” Arm says. “He was so worried.”
“Aww,” Chay says, willing to be far more lenient now things are going his way. “He was worried about Cau and I? That’s so sweet.”
“Oh, yes.” Arm pauses briefly. “Well. That, and he was worried he’d ordered a custom Armani for nothing.”
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aeoki · 2 years
School Festival ☆ Tamayori’s Haunted Dollhouse - Chapter 12
Location: Hallway (In Front of Haunted House) Characters: Hinata, Shinobu & Yuuta
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Shinobu: (Heheh. I’m finally at the ninja house ~de gozaru…☆)
(It’s been on my mind the entire time I was out patrolling, but I couldn’t simply abandon my job to visit it~)
(All I could do was leave with a heavy heart ~de gozaru.)
(But the hero show ended in a huge success… And Taichou-dono said he and Shinkai-dono will take care of the stall so the first-years can have a break.)
(Taichou-dono is the same when it comes to “RYUUSEITAI” work but I’m grateful that he gives us proper breaks~♪)
(Tetora-kun went to see Kiryuu-dono and Midori-kun said he’d rest in the garden terrace.)
(I actually would have liked the two of them to come with me to the ninja house, but it couldn’t have been helped ~de gozaru.)
Hinata: Welcome, come swing by~☆
Yuuta: No one knows what’ll happen inside this house! What kinda thing can you experience, you ask? Well, you’ll just have to go in yourself to find out~♪
Hinata: Come, come. Come for a visit! Everyone is welcome~♪
We’ll be really happy if you get a good surprise~♪ So make sure to scream a lot like this!
Hinata & Yuuta: Kyaaaaaa…♪
Shinobu: (Kyaaaaaaa…!)
(T-That was dangerous! I ended up screaming without realising ~de gozaru!)
(The two walking in front of me… They’re the twin unit “2wink”, right?)
(One of them is my classmate but I can’t tell them apart at all, so I have no idea.)
(It’s not as though we know each other that well; we hardly know each other, if anything… so I don’t think it would be a problem if I ignore them.)
(No, it’d feel terrible to ignore a classmate, right? I shouldn’t let my shyness take over and go say hi to them ~de gozaru!)
(But, but talking to people I don’t really know is scary~! I want to run away immediately right now!)
Yuuta: Hmm…? Is that Sengoku-kun?
Hinata: Yuuta-kun, what’s wrong? Did you spot a friend or something~?
Yuuta: I suppose he’d be my classmate. Sengoku-kun, what’re you doing here?
Shinobu: …………
(Eek, they’ve started calling out to me! W-W-What do I do~!?)
Yuuta: Oh? He’s frozen. Heey, Sengoku-kun~?
Hinata: Hm…? Isn’t that the Transfer Student coming from over there? Ahaha, we’re seeing familiar faces one after the other ♪
Hinata: Heey, Transfer Student-san! Over here!
Yuuta: Are you enjoying the “School Festival” too?
Hinata: Yeah! We’re having a blast~♪ It’s a lotta fun dressing up as ghosts and scaring the visitors. I could get used to this~!
Shinobu: Oh, Transfer Student-dono~♪
Yuuta: Oh~ So you know the Transfer Student, Sengoku-kun!
Shinobu: Hyaa!? Y-Yeah ~de gozaru…!
Yuuta: (Looking at Sengoku-kun makes it feel like I’m watching a wild animal…)
Hinata: By the way, were you wanting to go inside, Transfer Student?
What!? Really? Yaay ☆ We hope you have a good time!
One visitor coming through!
Shinobu: Ah!
Yuuta: Hm? What’s wrong, Sengoku-kun?
Shinobu: U-Um! I-I’d also… uhh…
Yuuta: Did you also want to go inside? Then, why don’t you go with the Transfer Student? It’s the perfect timing, right?
Hinata: Sounds good ♪ You’re super welcome to!
Shinobu: Umm. Transfer Student-dono, may I go with you…?
Really!? Yaaay ♪ Thank you, thank you so much ~de gozaru! I knew it, you’re really like my goddess ♪
Alright! Let’s head inside the ninja house! Transfer Student-dono, come on ~de gozaru!
Hinata: Two visitors coming in…☆
Yuuta: Have a good time! Sengoku-kun will have a chance to talk with the Transfer Student one-on-one now~
He might run away if it was just us two with him, so I’m a little envious.
Hinata: The Transfer Student isn’t someone timid, after all~ Well, that goes the same for us, though! So we should be able to be friends with Sengoku-kun someday too ♪
Yuuta: That’s some positive thinking… It’s a shame he ran from us, but I’m in the same class as him so we’ll have plenty of opportunities to talk.
I hope we can slowly become friends~ I have a feeling Sengoku-kun might end up being my best friend at school ♪
Hinata: Like me and Sora-kun? I hope so! I’m rooting for you~!
Yuuta: Oh, right. This is about something else but Sengoku-kun called this the “ninja house”, didn’t he?
Hinata: Oh, yeah, he did. Did he make a mistake?
Yuuta: Well, we can’t do anything now since he’s already inside. It’s a haunted house, not a ninja house, so I hope he can still have a good time in there.
Hinata: He’ll be fine. Mostly everyone that went inside came out saying, “It was fun~♪” at the end.
Let’s continue to do our best and attract more people. “UNDEAD’s” cafe is probably the most popular thing right now so we’ve gotta catch up to them.
Yuuta: Yeah. We’ve got three units and they’ve only got one, so it’ll be frustrating to lose to them.
Hinata & Yuuta: Come right on in! We’ve got a super fun haunted house that’s awaiting your arrival~☆
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aajjks · 7 months
mommy issues!JK
your eyes widen when jungkook asks you if you’re ready to leave and from the look on his face, he’s pissed. what nara did was completely on purpose and instead of walking up there and punching her in the face like you want to, you nod your head, grab your black purse, and give eunwoo and alina a ‘goodbye hug.’
“jungkook?” calls a frantic mr. gang “how could you turn down an opportunity as big as that? i think you’d make a great director. you’re loyal, determined, dedicated, punctual, and get along well with your colleagues. please, just think about it? if i had a choice about who would run that building, it’d be you”
“u-um, mr. gang? hi, i’m his partner y/n”
“o-oh, i’m sorry. it’s nice to meet you y/n”
“you as well. listen, can you talk to jungkook about this another time? we need time to think about this”
“oh! yes yes yes, that’s fine. i apologize. you two have a wonderful night. think about it jungkook!” mr. gang says before walking away and leaving the four of you alone. jungkook gives a hug to alina and daps up eunwoo before taking your hand in his and leaving the venue.
nara smirks as she watches you both leave the party. “i’ll be waiting on your response, jungkook!” nara says in the mic to get his attention because she really wants to put him in incheon. not only for his capabilities but to piss him off. something about his exit gives her an odd sense of deja vu because this isn’t his first time leaving her alone without turning back.
she could’ve loved him better than anyone else could. she knows can love him better than you. she’ll give his son, who should be 5-years old, a great future and love him unconditionally. you can’t do that. you can’t provide him that and she’ll sure that he regrets ever ending their marriage.
as the two of you walk through the long halls of the venue, you can’t help but take looks at jungkook. he hasn’t said a word since you both left the party. you didn’t want to say anything since he seemed to be cooling off but you always enjoy talking with him.
you gently bump his shoulder with yours and say “jungkook? i enjoyed myself tonight. sure, we had a couple of hiccups but i had fun and eunwoo is hilarious” your comment does make jungkook crack a small smile because he’s happy you enjoyed yourself here with him.
“i know this isn’t any of my business but are you going to take the position in incheon? it is a good offer and you basically manage a whole building. you’ll make twice the amount of money, i’m sure and there are so many good schools there. seol would love it there too and you could bring him back to busan when he’s on break…it’s just my opinion on it”
You don’t care if he leaves with his son? His sons absence won’t make a difference to you? His absence won’t make a difference to you?
Jungkook looks into your eyes and he’s sure his eyes are glossy right now, because his biggest fear is almost coming, true and that is being away from you because he’s grown so attached to you. And he knows that Seol won’t accept his father, moving to another city with him because of you.
“Yn? I don’t want any more money…. For us two? this salary, package is more than enough. I can provide for him. He is into a great school and you’re the greatest teacher he’s ever had.” He says, stopping in his tracks, and he takes your hand and grabs them so he can calm down.
“I don’t know if you can tell, but she did this on purpose so she just wants to have her revenge, because she thinks that we’re really dating and she wants me to break up with you, she needs to send me to another city where we will have no contact,”
He really wishes that you were really dating so you would move with him too… he can keep you so happy but maybe this is all moving too fast for you, and this is not the right time for him to confess his feelings and ask you to be his girlfriend.
The kiss you gave him today means so much to him and maybe that’s why he’s a little calm, but he cannot completely have a mental breakdown in front of you because you’re gonna think that he’s insane
Jungkook traces his fingers on your palm. “I… I have to tell you something but I don’t think that you’re gonna like it.” Should he tell you the truth and get this burden off of his chest?
He’s liked you for almost 2 years and.. he really wants you to want him as well. So he decides to take a deep breath and you’re looking at him with your beautiful eyes. Full of sympathy.
He’s going to tell you everything he feels for you. And even if you reject him that’s OK because that will just give him a reason to move on but he’s not sure if he can actually move on from you.
That is not possible.
“Y-Yn you’re going to hate me for this b-but…” he takes a step so he’s really close to you, he’s still holding onto your hands, you’re face to face, merely inches away, “I… like you a lot yn.”
Correction: I love you so much, yn
“I… have liked you from the first moment I saw you. A-And honestly? I’m not ashamed to admit it- I don’t care if after this, you don’t want anything to do with me but I want to be with you. I want you to be mine.”
He is going to break down. “I.. know that I’m not the most ideal man to date because I’m a single father of a five-year-old and you’re his teacher- a lot of baggage comes with me and there’s nothing really special about me except for my fucked up past and family… who would want to date a man who’s got a child from another woman? But…. The way you love him and care for him has made me fall even deeper for you and I know you’ll treat all of the children the same but… you’re so special to me and my son.”
His heart is going to burst at any moment now.
“you’re probably never going to date me or be interested in me romantically because you’re really professional and.. I don’t know but.. I really want a chance to show you that I love you and- I can be the best man for you..”
“please just one chance.”
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heart has his heart | part 7.
Summary: (Y/N) Heart is chosen alongside her friends to attend Auradon Prep. Of course her friend Mal’s mom, Maleficent, has a much more sinister plan than the kids just attending Auradon. Will they be able to pull of stealing the wand or will (Y/N) find herself liking Auradon a bit too much?
Pairing: Ben x reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: none
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You were with Mal, and Evie in the bleachers watching the tourney game.
“I’m not going to lie, I don’t understand this game at all,” you said watching the game.
“Same here. And Mr. Announcer isn’t actually making anything easier to follow,” Evie said looking on confused.
“Don’t worry. I’ve spent my whole life in Auradon and still don’t get tourney either. All that matters is that our team wins.” Moetini came up with little buckets of popcorn for everyone.
“Well, right now we’re tied.”
You dug into your popcorn.
You kept watching as Jay was passed the ball. You cheered loudly for your friends as Jay, Ben, and Carlos made a play that resulted in scoring the winning point. The crowd was going wild. This was Auradon Prep’s big match determining who was moving on to the play-offs.
Ben grabbed the mic from the MC. You were sure whatever winning speech he was going to give would be lovely but you wished he wouldn’t do anything because the stands were getting kind of hot and you wanted to leave for ice cream.
“Everyone. I’ve got a special announcement to make. For my girl out there. Everyone give me an H!”
You ignored how sweaty the stands were and followed the crowd screaming out the letter Ben requested.
“Give me an E!”
“Give me an A!”
“How about a R?!”
You repeated R with the crowd and then stopped. H-E-A-R… you already knew what letter was following.
“And a T!”
You listened to the crowd say T but remained silent, shaking your head. Not like Ben was paying attention, he was too excited about his idea.
“What’s that spell?”
“This is for you, Heart. Did I mention I’m in love with you? Hit it Doug!”
“Oh no,” you whispered.
You watched in horror as Ben started dancing and singing.
“My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!”
You glared at your friends as they repeated along with everyone else in the stands.
“You gotta show me that you’re only ever gonna be mine.” He threw you his jersey.
“What did you put in that cookie?” you whispered to Mal during the dance break.
“I didn’t know it would do all that… oh! Okay.”
Mal stepped back as Ben jumped into the stands, landing right in front of you. He grabbed your waist, it wasn’t like he hadn’t before just hours earlier but this time there was definitely a different feeling behind it.
“And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss! (Y/N) would you go to coronation with me?”
“Uh, yes!”
“She said yes!”
The crowd cheered Ben on. He leaned down to try and kiss you when you held up his jersey in between you two.
Audrey came up into the stands, “I won’t stand for this, Chad’s my boyfriend now! So you can have fun taking Heart to coronation okay, Benny-Boo.”
“I’ll see you guys for ice cream up at the front of the school in five minutes? I just gotta get my stuff from the locker room.” Ben walked away.
You noticed Evie looking a little down, it hit you that it was because of Audrey now dating Chad. Were they even dating though?
“You know I feel bad for Audrey.”
“You do?” Evie asked.
“Yeah, she thinks she needs a boy to be happy.”
Evie smiled a little. Mal clapped her on the back. “Who needs a boy when you’ve got us.”
“And you’ve got your wicked style and smarts too,” Moetini chimed in.
You all group hugged and walked off the bleachers to go get ice cream.
The ice cream parlor was packed yet it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. You, Moetini, the VKs, and Ben were all in a booth.
“Carlos, if you keep it that fast you’re gonna get a brain freeze.” You watched your friend scarf down a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream.
“Uh duh. That’s the point. I wanna know what one feels like.”
“Something’s seriously wrong with you.” You went back to your bowl of (favorite ice cream flavor).
You tried to look everywhere but in front of you, vaguely aware of Ben staring. You finally turned to face him.
“Thanks for the ice cream, Ben.”
“Anything for you.”
Is this how he was going to be now? You watched him take a spoonful of ice cream, the melted part dribbled down his bottom lip.
You quickly grabbed a napkin and leaned across the table to wipe it. When you sat back down you noticed the VKs staring.
“Don’t look at me like that. It was going to…I was just making sure he didn’t look a hot mess. How are you supposed to run a Kingdom with ice cream on your face, at this rate we might as well let Jay be king.”
Ben smiled and took another spoonful, dribble free.
“What? No banter?? No insults? Are you out of ideas, loser? Did I finally win? I’m the hot stepsister! Mark this down in history people.”
Ben laughed, “I just don’t feel like it.”
“Don’t feel like it.”
“I don’t like insulting you, that’s not how you should treat your lady.”
So he was going to be like this from now on. You lips tightened. Ben noticed and frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You took a bite of ice cream. This was going to be a long wait for coronation.
“Princess (Y/N)?”
You turned immediately. It was the first time you heard yourself addresses by the title of Princess in Auradon. People had made it painfully clear that the Valley of Hearts was ruled by no one. You turned to see Cogsworth holding a glass of iced tea for you.
“Hmm, thank you Mr. Cogsworth.”
“Just Cogsworth is fine, dear. Prince Ben told me to inform you that he regrets he won’t be here. Business.”
“Oh that’s fine. I’ll just head out when I finish, then.”
You were attempting to trim the hedges right at the entrance of Belle’s garden. You were secretly glad Ben wouldn’t make it. It was harder than you thought, dealing with this new Ben.
The hedge you were trimming was giving you trouble. “Ugh! Why is this not coming out right?!”
“Never trim while angry.”
You jumped. Beast had appeared by the entrance. He extended a hand and you placed the hedge trimmers in them. You watched as Beast trimmed the hedge into the exact shape you were looking to achieve.
“I learned the hard way. Trimming while frustrated leads to nothing pretty. What’s on your mind?”
“I just…it’s nothing.” You didn’t think telling Beast that you were so over being around Ben at the moment was your problem.
“Well whatever nothing is, you should solve it before you try to shape anything. Here.” Beast handed the hedge trimmers back to you.
You started to head back when Beast called your name. “Just talk to him. He’s a boy we aren’t that complicated.”
Evie was in your room. She was doing your makeup while Moetini was picking out some clothes for you.
“Okay, E, is all this necessary? I’ve never worn this much makeup before in my life.”
“You’ve never had a date before in your life, either.”
Mal came strolling in a while later. She threw you a tiny vial of purplish liquid.
“Here. If you can’t listen to him talk anymore just drink this.”
“What’s it do?” Moetini eyed the vial.
Even though you guys kept her at a distance from certain things like knowing you spelled Ben, you considered her a VK. It’s not like Maui was always the nicest and perfect person.
“Sends (Y/N) into her finest daydreams for an hour while her body goes into autopilot. You don’t have to pay attention to a damn thing, but Ben still has a date.”
“Can you make me some of that for class?” Moetini half-joked.
There was a knock at your door.
“That would be Ben, and that’s my cue. Catch you girls later.”
You grabbed the backpack of stuff Moetini packed for you and opened the door to see Ben standing there.
“Wow. For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay Ben, let’s head out.”
“My middle name is Alice.”
You were having fun walking across the suspension bridge that led to who knows where. You were lightly skipping from board to board, enjoying the kind of swaying the bridge had when you landed. It was better when Ben was asking you questions, he seemed more like his old self in the moment.
“But isn’t…”
You ran up to Ben, so close that your noses almost touched“Yep.”  
You turned back to keep walking.
“They had disagreements but my mother loved that girl like a daughter. She’s really a good person you know? Temper like no other sure, but that’s about it. The real evil one’s, my aunt. The Red Queen. If my mother is blind fury that woman is pure dark wrath. She’s the one who owned the Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch. We don’t even talk to her on the Isle.”
You and Ben walked further and further until you reached a pavilion by a lake.
“You like?”
“Yeah, a lot.”
You sat down on one side of the picnic blanket that Ben had set up, eating lunch.
“I can’t help but think about this… about when I called you an Auradon girl, was it really that bad?”
“I’m a VK. I was forced to grow up on the Isle no choice. Saying I’m Auradon girl almost makes it seem like the Isle doesn’t matter. I don’t like the Isle necessarily but I don’t want anyone to forget that’s where some of us were forced to grow up.”
“Well, I didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted you to know.”
“I never thought you meant it any sort of way. Besides, even if I didn’t care that deep about the Isle. You’d still be wrong. I’m supposed to be a Wonderland dame… wonder what that place looks like now.”
Ben reached into the picnic basket.
“I know you’re amazing at making tarts but have you ever had a quality fast food doughnut?”
“A what?”
“Here.” Ben handed you a glazed doughnut.
You took a small bite and then looked up him excited before taking another bite, “This is so good.”
“You got a little.” Ben reached to wipe some glaze from your bottom lip.
You didn’t even hear a word Ben said as you finished your doughnut. He was back to being the love potioned Ben, you found yourself bored once again.
You kicked back the little vial that Mal gave you and zoned out. You could still hear Ben speaking and were vaguely aware of what you were saying but you were mainly off in your own world.
“You want to go for a swim?” You heard Ben ask.
Next thing you knew you were soaking wet in the lake. You suddenly became clear and swam up to the surface as fast as you could. You started to panic.
Ben scooped you up and started to carry you back to the pavilion. The minute you were in a shallow area, you quickly got out of Ben’s arms and stomped back up to the pavilion, not looking at him.
“I can’t believe that just happened, I could’ve died, I can’t swim! Ugh, Mal’s stupid potion. She needs to stop being so heavy-handed!”
“Woah, woah, what potion?”
“The zoning out potion I just took.”
“Why would you want to take a zoning out potion?” Ben placed his jacket over your shoulders, causing you to turn around annoyed.
“Because I don’t want to listen to you anymore, Ben! Not like this! I don’t like this Ben. I want the boy who can take a joke with me, the one who tries to get mulch in my hair every time we tend the garden, who calls me his punk, never misses a beat and dishes right back whatever I throw at him. I don’t whatever boy I’ve got here, Ben. I want my friend back! I want the boy I think I’m falling in love with back…I didn’t, I didn’t mean that last, I can’t believe I just said that.”
Your wet clothes weighed you down as you ran. You could hear Ben calling your name but you kept running.
You sat a table outside, alone. Everyone else had class but yours was cancelled. You were sipping on a lemonade as you put out your supplies on the table. You were making a wreath out of roses.
You were going to make three of them. The branches were perfect. All you had to do was paint the roses before weaving them through the sticks. You opened up tiny bright red, shiny gold, and dark blue cans of paint.
You delicately painted the roses. Some were being done in full color others were going to have petals of various colors on the same rose.
“She’s even painting roses. Crazy like her mother. Next thing you know…”
You heard some people whispering as they walked by. Not everyone in Auradon liked you guys. Actually most people were still afraid. A lot of the time, you guys were used for your skills and then avoided. You tried not to mind it because every little step would eventually make Auradon come to appreciate you guys.
“You know it doesn’t hurt to keep your mouth shut.”
“We didn’t mean…”
“No, that’s exactly what you meant. Word of advice, if you’re gonna talk shit at least make sure the girl you’re talking about can’t hear you.”
“I don’t need you fighting my battles for me, Ben.” You knew his voice anywhere.
Ben came closer to the table. “Why do you let them talk about you that way.”
“They talk because they’re afraid. If I go VK it only keeps the fear going. I’m trying to keep quiet about it, trust me I  could really give it to them if I wanted.”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I haven’t been avoiding, I’ve been busy.”
“Busy?” Ben sat down, he reached over and grabbed your lemonade taking a sip. “Yeah, okay, punk. We’ll say you’re busy.”
You looked up from the roses for the first time. “Did you just call me punk?”
Ben didn’t answer your question. “What are you doing with the roses?”
You tried to grab your lemonade back but Ben held it out of reach.
“Give me my drink back.”
“Answer my question.”
“Answer my first one.”
“What? You don’t like that name? Should I go with Princess Rotten? Loser? No wait, that’s your thing for me. I kind of like punk. Fits you.”
Ben smiled and continued to drink you lemonade before finally handing it back to you.
“It’s almost empty.”
“Yeah, that’s for the spinach puff, punk. I’ll go get you a new one.” Ben stood up from the table. “Nachos or pretzels?”
Ben came back moments later with a giant lemonade for the two of you and nachos from the snack bar.
“So the roses?”
“For some wreaths. I’m making three. Auradon Prep, Wonderland, the Palace. As soon as I get them finished, I’ll give them out.”
“Oh, I see it now. Blue for the school and palace. Red for Wonderland… gold?”
“Gold for all of them, and plain white for Wonderland as well. The paints just need to dry, should be like five more minutes now?”
“Are we going to talk about the other day, (Y/N)?”
“You mean me making a fool of myself, no thank you.”
You shoved a few nachos in your mouth. You couldn’t talk if you were too busy eating.
“You made a fool of yourself? I sang a song for you publicly… with a dance number.”
“Yeah, that whole thing was pretty—”
“Don’t say it.”
You laughed as Ben buried his head in his hands. You were genuinely enjoying yourself again. Ben was being the Ben you liked again. You listened to him talk about his day as you finished creating your wreaths.
“All done!” You held them up.
“They look beautiful. My parents are really gonna like that one.”
“Really? I hope so. I’m gonna give the other to Fairy Godmother and then I guess I’ll just hang this one up in mine and Moetini’s room.”
“Or you could hang it up at your castle.”
“Haha, loser, I don’t own a castle.”
“Is the Valley of Hearts not yours? I’m sure I remembered something about Carlos saying never usurped.”
You looked at the boy in front of you. “Ben, what are you going on about?”
“I talked to Lady Alice and everyone agrees that Wonderland is missing something.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Ben, I swear if you’re playing with me.”
“I’m not playing anything. We leave Friday after school. Bring the VKs if you want.”
Ben got up from the table. “Your classes may have been cancelled today, but some of us still have to work. I’ll see you later, punk.”
(Part 8)...
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