#like if you're just being racist or homophobic towards them that's shitty
dragontatoes · 2 years
I wish everyone knew that hating your family is completely fine, and expecting everyone to have a story of very obvious abuse from said family members in order to have justified hatred towards them is just blaming victims. Plenty of people have no idea that they’ve been abused by family until years or decades after the fact, and all you’re doing when you act like family should be assumed innocent until proven abusive is leaving those people in the dust.
If I didn’t allow myself to feel what I felt about family members it would have taken me much longer to stop hating myself, because it took 15ish years to put together that I was abused at all. And even if you weren’t abused and your parents are just mean and rude to everyone else, you’re still allowed to hate them! They sound like shitty people, I’d hate them too!
I’m saying it again: you are not required to love your family, including your parents. You likely have a good reason to feel the way that you do about them
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
I find it fascinating that the people who act like OFMD is an insanely nuanced and groundbreaking exploration of traumas and healing (from colonialism and homophobia and classism to cycles of domestic violence) are also the people most likely to joke-but-not-really that Izzy Hands is not that deep and probably just Like That. Like in a vacuum I totally would have called it the other way around.
I mean, in my view of OFMD as a workplace romcom above all (that is saying some interesting things about personal trauma as internalized character beats but not nearly to that degree), it is implied that Izzy has his own similar traumas but we don't actually need to get into them that much. His entire arc toward betterment - which he gets because it's a workplace comedy - could absolutely be resolved without any backstory details, and you can just connect that he was on the same boat as Edward so the broadly bad aspects of pirate culture apply to him. One teary conversation about how he thought his only friend was dumping him and you're golden. And since it's funny that our protagonists are kinda shitty people, then Izzy being a shitty person is A) not that bad, and B) something you could conceivably make "He's just Like That" jokes about without it losing necessary sympathy points OR message. Because it's funny.
Conversely, if the show is this like completely in-depth exploration of trauma inflicted by the external pressures of society that also brilliantly utilizes deeply intellectual layered humor and a subversive queer romance as romcom framing / revolutionary push back, then it's baffling to me why you wouldn't want the main on-screen antagonist to be one of the deepest people in the show??? Like whether you are telling a story about how everyone can overcome and heal (hopeful) OR a story about the contrast between people who do make effort to get better and people who don't (warning), it is going to work so much better if you dedicate time and energy to at least one major "What made my antagonist Like This?" Explore the dark mirror of it all. Stories about the evils of oppressive systems that write things as an Us vs Them scenario without really caring about Them (ex: the British Empire) make a good setup for slaughtering your way through the evil army, not so much a strong message applicable to countering and healing oppressive systems in real life. Especially since Izzy's not even a traditional Them - he's also a pirate! "The bad guys are the racist homophobes because that's bad" is like the opposite of a brilliant theme, even if you think they are saying it a bunch of different ways.
I think, in retrospect, this is a long way of saying if the major character conflict is internally motivated then the antagonist is just the guy keeping the plot framing moving while our protagonists go through their character arcs, but if it's externally motivated then the antagonist is critical to the story as the main embodiment of the conflict and you have to spend time developing him if you want to say anything interesting at all?
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spacedykensfw2 · 3 months
Could you speak on the oppression in the kink community? I’m trying to talk to my friend about it and they keep shutting me down, I feel like you could explain better
I am SO sorry it took me so long to respond to this. This is an amazing question, and I'll do my best to answer it.
There are a couple ways to look at this, I think: intra-community oppression (the call is coming from inside the house), and oppression faced by the community as a whole.
I don't think it's surprising to anyone that there are shitty people in the kink community. There are (real) sexists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc etc etc. Right? And I think a lot of this shows up in the forms of what roles are acceptable for which people to take on, the fact that kink spaces tend to be very, very, very white, and the unfortunate prevalence of typically middle aged white men trying to use kink as an excuse for them to take advantage of new, young, typically female, subs (this is particularly noticeable in online spaces). I'm not going to go too deep into this because this takes the form of so many issues I'd be here for the length of a novel if I tried to tackle all of them, but I don't think this is what you're really asking about anyway, and beyond that I'm not going to be the best person to talk about certain issues because I am a white, afab sub. There are other people on this website who are going to be much better suited to speak on issues such as racism, or the homophobia/biphobia associated with male subs--that kind of thing.
As for the oppression the community faces as a whole. For this, we have to look at a handful of things: the completely inseparable entanglement of kink with the original pride movement, societal views towards sex as a whole, how those views impact how society views the non-sexual aspects of being queer, the stigma associated with mental health struggles and trauma, and probably a bunch of other things I'm forgetting.
There's a reason there's a leather pride flag.
Society, particularly conservatives, views queer identities as "a weird sex thing" even when that is not inherently the case. To conservatives, being gay, being trans, being into BDSM, and being a groomer/pedophile/rapist/etc are all the same thing. We saw this decades ago with gay bars being raided thanks to public indecency laws, we see this now with the attempted eradication of trans people and outlawing of drag queens (and some gay bars being raided thanks to public indecency laws). (Side note, these people do not see a meaningful difference between being trans and being a drag queen. While you can be both, of course, they do not mean the same thing, but conservatives ultimately see being a drag queen as a form of adult entertainment, and therefore a weird sex thing, just like being trans. Even though there is nothing inherently sexual about either of these things.)
Because the persecution of queer people in recent history also ended up taking the form of persecuting non-queer people over kinks and fetishes, the two communities formed a very strong bond, and most kink spaces at this point are very queer-friendly, if not full of queer people in the first place. (This is not to say that at any point there weren't queer people in kink spaces or vice versa--there absolutely were! This is just a simplification of events because I'm not an expert and if I try to do all the research to do an extremely in-depth explanation, we'll be here all day.)
I'd say the most obvious way this overlapping oppression takes place today is the whole "no kink at pride" thing. Like I said earlier, there's a reason there's a leather pride flag, and you cannot untangle the pride movement from the kink community. Other ways this takes form: there are still anti-sodomy laws in fourteen states in the US, there are laws regarding how many sex toys someone can own in Texas (and possibly Arizona?), Mississippi, Virginia, and Alabama all have laws on the books banning the sale of sex toys entirely, and frankly, the entire legal battle over access to reproductive healthcare, abortion, and birth control overlap with this as well--basically, if you aren't having extremely boring, basically chaste sex for the explicit purpose of reproducing, someone is coming for your right to do that in some way.
Anyway, this was kind of a broad swing at this, but if you have any more specific questions or topics you want me to get into, I'd be happy to do that!
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blacklezrage · 2 years
How do I get my friend to read rad leaning material without scaring her away? I’m 18, a lesbian, and she’s my only lesbian friend. I love her very much and want her to be happy with herself as a lesbian and young woman. Radfem content helped me when I was sexually assaulted and realize that being a woman isn’t a horrible curse. She feels estranged from womanhood and has grown to resent other women because of her experience with being bullied by them. In high school, she would be pushed out of the locker room by the straight girls bc they thought she would “perv out” on them. She’s lost friends when she came out, her mother is also very homophobic and has called her a dyke more than once and makes fun of her for not being as girly. She’s also very hateful towards her body because she thinks having a bigger chest makes her look sloppy, slutty, and saggy and has hinted at “chopping them off”. I remember feeling hateful towards by downstairs area because porn made me feel like my vagina was ugly because my labia wasn’t bleached pink and tiny. So I think rad leaning content would help, but she’s been reading more trans content which I think would harm her if she ever decided to chop her boobs off instead of learning that they don’t make her sloppy and that there’s nothing wrong with having breast that aren’t perky like in porn.
i was putting off answering this because to be honest, i'm still struggling to get my best friend to see the value of being a womon (and breaking up with her shitty bf), and i didn't want to give you bad advice, but i guess something is better than nothing
i'm not going to lie. my work with my friend has been less "here's this book to read" and more "why do you think you're feeling that way?" and "is this something you believe or is it something you feel people want you to believe?" the thing i think helped her the most was me creating a space where she can be away from men and can speak her mind without being afraid of being judged. also incredibly important was helping her start the healing process between her and her mom, but that isn't feasible with every womon obviously
she had absolutely no idea of any feminist history (and she and i are both usamericans), so before i recommended any books to her, i recommended her "Mrs. America," which is a single season show following the fight to ratify the ERA in the 70s. it features fictionalized versions of womyn like Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisolm, Gloria Steinem, and Phyllis Schlafly (renowned anti-feminist, but whoever wrote the show at least understood the gist of Right Wing Women). this helped her (a) realize how important the rights of womyn are and how easily they're taken away and (b) that (second-wave/radical) feminists weren't just a group a man-hating racist white ladies like everyone online claims
it wasn't until after all that that i recommended her the book Dietland by Sarai Walker. it's fictional, but in my opinion, it offers a great beginning into radfem ideology. it follows a fat womon who's waiting to live her life until she's skinny as a sort of coming-into-her-own story, but then it takes a turn into some wild (but very much connected) areas including:
womyn's separatism
exploring same-sex attraction
anti-porn activism
an anti-beauty book called "Fuckability Theory"
and a feminist terrorist group
she actually just borrowed my copy of Anita Diamant's The Red Tent (also fiction), which is a feminist retelling of Dinah, a character from biblical canon. i actually don't remember the book that well (only read it once) but i really enjoyed it, and i actually think that book made me want to go to womyn's land badly enough to actually go
one of the biggest books that helped me personally was Soraya Chemaly's Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger (i read that alongside Brittany Cooper's Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower which is more of a memoir, so i'd recommend Rage Becomes Her first). these were basically the first two rad-leaning (although Eloquent Rage isn't necessarily radical feminist) books i read and they lit a fire under me. they both helped me realize how much negative energy i was directing toward myself and helped me gain back my ability to speak up and be unafraid
Audre Lorde, imo, is essential lesbian reading, so i'd recommend Sister Outsider, as well. it's a collection of essays, so it's a great start into her works and worldview
i think Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie is also a good starting point (if she hasn't been indoctrinated to be afraid of her), but i've only read We Should All Be Feminists and Dear Ijeawele (A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions)
i had a moment of courage and sent my friend a request on goodreads, and now whenever i'm reading a radfem text, she usually asks me about it and will sometimes add it to her reading list
i've definitely been where your friend has been, and i'm sorry to hear she's dealing with so much pressure... i think even more important than the books is for you to continue to support her and be there for her and listen to her, everything she says. help her stop apologizing, help her take up space, help her find her voice. make sure she knows that her unique experience/perspective matters. but also, don't be afraid to disagree with her. it may take being challenged for her to realize what she really believes
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archive2394934 · 2 years
this isn't meant as hate but im interested in how you're justifying henrys killing of innocent people (mostly children) who couldn't be somehow oppressing him or w/e. people like his sister. the other children at the lab. chrissy. max. etc?
I'm not so much "justifying" those murders but more explaining why they occurred, and why, from Henry's POV, they were not entirely evil actions and that I don't believe Henry has ever intended to be outright evil. I actually believe he thinks he's good and what he is doing he is doing for altruistic reasons, even as Vecna. I will die on this hill of there being a lot more to “Vecna” than is being acknowledged currently in the fandom. Which is strange to me because not only do we have blatant text backing it up but we also have people like Jamie backing it up as well. Jamie has pretty much confirmed Vecna’s motives are not entirely evil and that's not what the character is suppose to be, and I trust what Jamie says because he had a big part in helping shape the character. I’m not saying Vecna’s not an antagonist, but I am pretty assured in the idea that he’s actually not the big bad - at least NOT in the way people think he is. 
A lot of the fandom will say Human Evil TM is the overarching theme of Stranger Things and I absolutely agree but I think there is a misconception that Henry is wholly representative of his “human evil” in the sense they think that he is an “evil human” and not in the sense that it was the “human evils” he suffered and witnessed that had a huge hand making him what he is and putting him on his current path. And that's a very concerning misconception I see repeated in the fandom toward all the characters the fandom strangely thinks are meant to be the real “evil humans,” hence responsible for the “human evil” and so are the ones being “condemned as evil irredeemable people” which isn’t really it from what I’ve seen in canon. 
I think a major example of this is the way people think Billy is the villain of Stranger Things. But via canon Billy is literally an abused teenager who was struggling against and falling into “the cycle of abuse.” He was lashing out at his sister because of what his father was doing to him. The human evil / “villain” here was Neil Hargrove. The man who was abusing and controlling his son, physically, mentally and emotionally, and brining these negative perceptions and actions out in Billy, who really was just a fucking child for the most part (16-17 to 18 years old like come on. That was a kid, not a fully formed adult.) 
Later, we see Billy die heroically to protect his sister and her friends. He wasn’t condemned as a monster, he was shown as a victim and “redeemed.” Billy’s sacrifice had a profound effect on Max that helps set up season 4.  So people like Dr Brenner, his associates (People literally employed by the US government and that represent some of its most shady and terrifying aspects), Neil Hargrove (Homophobic abusive racist), Lonnie Byers (Homophobic abuser) and the behaviors and social constructs that validate and perpetuate their behaviors and views, allowing them to victimize those around them, and the disastrous effects this abuse has on their victims, I think, are the actual “human evils” demonstrated in the show and thus the real “villains.”  This is also disturbingly shown with Kali, who the fandom has been VERY shitty toward since day one and that we’re now having a little resurgence of as people are being confronted with the fact Henry and Kali are related and likely wouldn’t consider each other enemies. Kali has never actually killed or hurt anyone who didn’t explicitly deserve it. She has only hurt people who explicitly abused her and her friends. She is shown as an anti-hero type character who, while being damaged and obviously capable of being volatile, has good intentions and has been a savior to other people. (Such as her friends, many of whom literally think of her as saving them. All of these explicitly being people of colour or people who are mentally ill (Dottie)-- or suggested with Axel to be neurodivergent, people who are the most vulnerable members of society and who were noted to have been victims of oppression and abuse, “societies outcasts” This being directly canon text mind you.)  Strangely, instead of accepting that this very much indicates Vecna/Henry isn’t some sort of deplorable, univocal evil, they’re now demonizing Kali as a horrible monster. I’ve seen people outright say she is the MOST TERRIYING of characters to them and just.... What the fuck? Back to Henry though, to explain further, I currently don't believe Henry controls the mindflayer- or maybe more that the mindflayer hasn't had some type of influence over him rather than the other way around. There is little nuggets all through canon that suggest that it was the mindflayer that shaped Henry as much as he shaped it. Both literally and figuratively. And I dont think the mindflayer being some sort of otherworldly entity with some type of conciseness (primitive or advanced) of its own takes away from the theme of the show being “human evil” because the horror genre has always drawn from metaphors and used monsters and demons to represent faults in human behavior and nature. This goes back to old times when people did literally explain darker aspects of the human condition and even instances of mental illness and behaviors that can manifest from trauma as the fault of some "demonic” influence. The mindflayer being something that represents emotions like sadness and anger and Vecna becoming a creature that represents trauma doesn’t take away from the commentary and condemnation of what evils humans are capable of doing. I've wrote posts about this before but to summarize: We've been shown Henry's entire demeanor changed when he moved into the Creel house. In the first scenes in Victor’s memory Henry seems pretty happy and mesmerized by the house like his sister. But this quickly changes. There is a scene in Victor's memories that shows Henry innocently drawing in the living(?) room of the house, when suddenly the lights in the room start flickering in and out. Henry notices this and looks confused. From canon we know a way to make contact with the real world from the upside down is through lights. If Henry was the one manipulating the lights in this scene why did he seem so confused when the event occurred? Victor said he could see that Henry knew something was wrong with the house. We also have the fact that Henry felt compelled to draw some omnipresent super-creature he was apparently imagining. I don't think Henry made it up entirely on his own, I think he was just illustrating what he imagined the “presence” he was somehow communing with to look, even if this was done subconsciously. (Its also possible the mindflayer suggested to Henry that it looked like this, perhaps praying on Henry’s love of spiders to make itself more  friendly/appealing to him) We also have the way Henry's powers kept multiplying and becoming "stronger" while living in the Creel house. Henry, a little boy in the 50s, starts to get some very complex and advanced views about human civilization and everything wrong with it. Which, while I think some of this absolutely comes from Henry’s own expereinces as a minority and the oppression he was already suffering because of it, he was still a little boy at this point. He also starts to learn how to essentially sucks souls out of people. I don't think a 12 year old boy has the capacity to come up with this kind of stuff entirely on his own. He wasn't in an environment where he could pull that stuff without a little bit of help, particularly at that age. We also have other things about the mindflayer that we know from past seasons. We know its a living darkness, that it can invade bodies and minds, we know it emphasizes feelings of anger and sadness, (the feelings Henry says make his powers stronger) we know Max described that it doesn't seem like Vecna is able to see anything else inside of people but anger and sadness, and we know Dustin described Vecna as the mindflayer’s 5 star general. I think that line in particular is extremely important because its not even just a clue, it seems to have completely revealed the truth.  So I don't think Henry was entirely responsible for what the mindflayer is or how it functions. I think they influence each other, I would be VERY SUPRISED if this was actually the case and that canon has been intending to show that Henry is literally the mindflayer and that it isn’t more complicated than that because it doesn’t match up with a lot of the clues we’ve been given. Furthermore, we have the description of the Elder Brain, the final phase of the mind-flayer life cycle from DnD that I think is insanely interesting and relevant:
 An elder brain was the final stage of the mind flayer life cycle. The elder brain lived in a brine-filled pool in the center of a mind flayer city, where it guided its community by filling them with dark dreams of illithid domination. The elder brain's strong mind-affecting powers stemmed from the brains of long-dead mind flayers making up its viscous mass. Being composed of many brains as energy source for its intellect, it could communicate telepathically with any creature within a distance of 350 feet (110 meters) and sense the presence of any sentient creature within 5 miles
Although its intellect was of godlike proportions, its only physical attack was by using its tendrils to lash out at or grapple an opponent. Therefore, mind flayers protected their elder brain by securing it in a well-protected cave inside the city
That sounds a hell of a lot like the mindflayer and seems to me like its used Henry as a tool as much as Henry has “used” it. We also know from canon that Henry’s “link” with the mindflayer is the reason he became the creature we call Vecna. It is the thing that “transformed” him. He explains it himself as the mindflayer being the “means” to “ascend” his human form. This confirms both that Vecna’s not a human anymore and that the mindflayer is somehow capable of transmogrification, which we also saw with the “flayed” and the spider creature in season 3. That implies whatever the mindflayer is its not just a harmless mass of “”particles”” on its own.  All that aside for Henry’s actual “killings”, I'll start with his sister because in my opinion his sister is the one that is mostly personal. I think Henry was jealous of her and I think more than that its pretty obviously shown in canon that Henry felt deeply, deeply betrayed by his family. We know Henry was a kid who was struggling. The adult figures in his life had decided there was something “wrong” with Henry. He was “different”. He was “broken”. This heavily alludes to Henry being some type of neurodivergent, particularly as a lot of these opinions are coming from doctors and teachers. And surely from his own mother, father and sister. 
It seems that Alice, unlike Henry, didn’t have any of those issues. While its kind of hard to say exactly what Henry and Alice’s relationship looked like I got the impression we were suppose to see the Creels as an inverted parallel to the Byers family. To me this means Henry and Alice probably didn’t have a good relationship. I feel like Alice would have been scornful and rejecting of Henry, due to him being “different”, inverting the relationship between Jonathan and William.  But again we don’t see a lot of Alice or her relationship with Henry so all this is purely headcanon and theory for me. We basically see nothing. And she’s very strange to me because she’s suppose to be older than Henry. She's suppose to be 15 at the time of her death but for some reason the actress that played her was MUCH younger and so she was shown as much younger. She even appeared younger than Henry in the canon and I don’t know if this was lazy casting or what, but we know Alice was meant to be 15 years old in canon and the news paper clipping that talks about “Victors crimes” lists her as 15. 
What we do know as actual canon is that Henry was very deeply angry with and betrayed by his family. Initially, he blamed himself for being different and not fitting in. He felt like people hated him, he felt like people only wanted to get rid of him, he couldn’t understand exactly why that was, but he related to spiders and took comfort in being able to see himself in them as a result of this. Henry didn’t know why he was different, but he knew he was and he knew it caused problems. In contrast he looked at his family as good, perfect and normal. All the things it seemed he couldn’t be and kept falling short of. He was judged apparently pretty harshly for the fact he wasn’t measuring up to the expectations his family and the rest of the world had for him.  Then Henry somehow unlocks the power of reading minds and sees this perfect family that is judging him are not perfect. He is hurt and distraught and labels his family hypocrites. Keeping in mind, Henry never really did anything wrong, he was just wired differently but his family and others made him feel “wrong” and “bad”, they labeled him broken but suddenly he knows that the only thing actually wrong with him is that he couldn’t seem to hide the things that made him “different” as well as his family members could. Something particularly empathized in canon is that Henry’s loving father, the war hero and otherwise someone who would have been very esteemed and someone Henry would have looked up to, was actually someone who had committed a horrible, horrible mistake. He had a terrible dark secret. Henry saw Victor’s actions during the War and the mistake he made in gruesome detail that lead to the deaths of many, many innocent civilians.  This traumatized Henry as well as exasperated Henry’s budding disillusion with the world he lived in, and made him extremely angry with his family. The thing is Henry didn’t just come to see his family as liars and hypocrites, but he came to see them as his enemies. For them to judge him the way they did for being “different” when Henry hadn’t actually done anything extremely bad in comparison, it would have felt to him that these people just hate him. Still Henry tried to show them their faults to level with them:  
As I practiced, I realized I could do more than I possibly imagined. I could reach into others, into their minds, their memories. I became an explorer. I saw my parents as they truly were. To the world, they presented themselves as good, normal people. But like everything else in this world, it was all a lie. A terrible lie. They had done things, Eleven. Such awful things. I showed them who they really were. I held up a mirror.
This is where it gets interesting for me because like... When Henry starts using his powers to force his family to see they’re not what they’re pretending to be and therefore their judgement of him is entirely unfair, Henry only gets blamed and spurned more. For some reason, Henry’s mother begins blaming him for everything going on in the house. And it seems Henry believes maybe he is the one that is “haunting” the home because yeah, Henry’s used to being seen as somehow the bad guy and it makes sense with his other experiences. But as previously mentioned there's evidence that whatever was going on in the Creel house wasn’t actually all Henry. None the less this is what Henry says: 
My naive father believed it was a demon cursing them for their sins. But my mother somehow knew. Knew it was I who was holding up that mirror, and she despised me for it. She called a doctor, an expert. She wanted him to lock me away, to fix me, even though it wasn't I who was broken. It was them. And so she left me with no choice. No choice but to act. To break free.
This suggests that Virginia somehow knew Henry had powers. We could assume that this might actually be one of the reasons that Virginia treated Henry in some kind of way. Yet its odd because VICTOR seems to have no clue Henry has powers and it further seems he’s completely oblivious to Virginias contact with Brenner.  For me the most sensible possibilities here are: A) Virginia knew Henry had powers, maybe because Henry showed her, as his mother and someone he would have trusted in the past only for Virginia to sow that seed of aversion and self loathing in Henry by maybe telling Henry his powers were bad or maybe that he must not ever show anyone his powers and he can’t ever use them. But then we also know Henry’s powers didn’t start becoming really substantial until they moved to Hawkins.  The next theory for me is B) Maybe Virginia contacted Brenner as an “expert on the human mind” and psychologist (Most likely one of the most esteemed in his field, and we know the Creels had money at least on Virginias side of the family so this wouldn’t be beyond her means) and began to explain her situation and the concerns she had about her son (We already know Henry had previous history with not just one doctor but multiples) and it was BRENNER that convinced her Henry might have some sort of powers. We know Brenner was interested in this kind of thing and we know he was predatory and opportunistic. I don’t think it would be out of character for him to prey on a mother like Virginia in order to get access to her son, because whether Henry actually had powers or not, it provided him with a test subject.   Or maybe its a combination of both options, or some other third option that could be revealed in s5. Not sure. But anyway, what canon has shown and explained was that Henry discovered his mother wasn’t the loving housewife she painted herself as. He discovered she not only disliked him and blamed him for the troubles their family had, but she had full intentions to have him taken away by a doctor. (Again, note, it seems Virginia went completely behind Victors back on this, and like. This is the 50s. Women acting without the permission of their husbands would have been a little odd, let alone without their husband even knowing that they were planning to do something that would have a massive impact on the entire family.)  But back to Alice. I think Alice similarly blamed Henry for things he couldn’t control. (She could have potentially blamed him for the fact they had to move to Hawkins in the first place as its suggested the decision to move did have something to do with Henry.) 
Henry obviously thought Alice had to die and I’m not gonna say this wasn’t probably influenced from his own person feelings of jealousy and hurt toward her. There's a suggestion that maybe Henry killed her because he didn’t want her to be an orphan and maybe that factors in somehow too but ultimately for me I think it was more that, yeah, Henry didn’t have a good relationship with her and if she was left alive she would be a witness to Victor’s side of the story that he didn’t kill his wife. To me it seems more like Henry saw her as in the way of his plan to escape his mother’s plans for him and he didn’t have too much empathy for her because they just weren't close like that.  And I think its somehow true that Henry spared Victor alone because Victor was the member of his family that Henry had the better relationship with, even if he ultimately came to feel very betrayed by and angry with him and probably somehow thought Victor didn’t actually care about him, all things considered. But then we could also look at it as Henry having MORE anger toward his father for those exact reasons, because there is a heavy suggestion that Henry’s victims are not actually gone. Those Henry has killed (In his weird soul sucking way) are somehow the real mercy which moves me to the kids in the lab.  I’ve spoke about them before as well but what we know from canon is that the other subjects in the lab were literally created to undermine Henry. Henry was Brenner’s first subject, but Henry failed to be Brenner's obedient little weapon, so he neutralized Henry, made a literal slave out of him. He forced him to stand by and even assist as Brenner made attempts to recrate him in younger, better ‘groomed’ and thus more malleable children that he could actually use for his own means without question.  And this worked. I don’t think Henry hated the other subjects but again, he wasn’t close to them and it seems he wasn’t able to be. It seems Henry was only able to form alliances with two of these eighteen subjects. Eleven (Jane) and POSSIBLY Eight (Kali.) These two are also shown to us as DIFFERENT from the others, like Henry is. Kali was abducted when she was about five, so while she was very young she already had a sense of herself and a knowing that where she was now wasn’t right, something Brenner couldn’t erase from her, so this prevented Brenner from completely controlling her. 
And while Jane was abducted the minute she was born, she is heavily autistic coded and as a result she is shown as an outcast among the other children. They bully her. She is described by Two as “clumsy” and “stupid” which the other children seem to agree with as some of them start giggling when he says these things and others don’t seem all that troubled by them. No one but Henry seems to be on El’s side or have any inclination to want to protect or help her. Canon seems to show that Eleven was thought of as a failure by the other children because she struggled to preform in the group settings. While its also suggested she showed potential in her one-on-one tests. (Again the neurodivergent coding is heavy here). 
I wrote more in depth about Henry and El and the stuff in the lab here but basically Henry took interest in her for these reasons. He literally says he sees himself in her at that age and he even tells her that he struggled “to preform” as well. By his own admission, there seems to be a point when Henry was a test subject that Henry was having trouble with his powers until he figured out that using sadness and anger gives him greater control over them. This is interesting because it suggests that Brenner probably betrayed Henry in a similar way that he betrays El in “Papa”. As in, the moment El gains control over her powers and makes a decision for herself in how she wants to use them (To save her friends, rather than continue working with Brenner.) Brenner tricks her, tranquilizes her, and collars her like an animal to suppress and control her powers for himself. (Along with using the safety of doctor Owens as leverage against her as well) 
We know that the other test subjects (the most powerful) were being weaponized against El. Seemingly for Brenner to really test whether or not she was a worthwhile subject. Henry tried to step in and help El show her powers in a way that wouldn’t require hurting or possibly killing her, but this fails. And I’m not sure why Brenner was so hell bent in hurting Eleven here but it seems possible by his reactions to Henry that he might actually be doing it to hurt Henry as well, as he noticed Henry had formed a type of friendship with her and I wouldn’t put those types of mind games and emotional abuse past Benner as he was very, very interested in dominating and controlling Henry in ways that go beyond what's fair and maybe even what's logical.  Its shown that the other test subjects were very brainwashed by Brenner. It would have taken a lot more than Henry suddenly getting his powers back and showing them they had been lied to their entire lives for them to suddenly become allies to him and Eleven. I actually think if the other test subjects knew Henry had powers and had more potential than them they would become hyper competitive and antagonistic toward him too because it seemed one of Brenner’s ways of keeping complete control over the children was to encourage and foster this weird hierarchy between them, which it seems the children viciously competed to keep. We saw Two was instantly turned against El to the point of being willing and eager to attack and kill her as soon as he was made to feel threatened by her possibly being stronger than him. It seemed the children’s main concern was pleasing Brenner and gaining / keeping his favour which makes perfect sense given Brenner was shown to literally torture them as punishment for doing things that disappointed him.  When Henry got his powers back he knew he couldn’t make allies out of the other test subjects (there was no time for that anyway) and more importantly he knew he couldn’t leave them alive because they would be used as very effective weapons against him and El. They had to go. And by killing them Henry did SAVE El. If any of the other test subjects survived its likely El never would have been able to escape and its also likely Brenner might have terminated the other subjects himself in order to focus more on Eleven who showed potential beyond all others.  But yeah, back to this, Henry does say something very interesting when he tries to explain his actions to El. He tries to comfort her by telling her the other test subjects are not really gone. He might mean this literally, brining me to Chrissy, Fred, Patrick and Max.  Something else the whole fandom seems to have missed about one of Henry’s “new” powers as Vecna is he seems to have wicked accurate precognition. It seems he literally sees and knows the future, something he showed to Nancy. And I really feel like this does not get brought up enough when it comes to discussions about him and potential stuff in s5. Actually I’m the only person I know of who has talked about it. 
But anyway, Vecna himself and his attacks are suppose to be metaphors for things like depression, trauma, PTSD and suicide. I’ve also spoke about this before but basically Vecna’s victims are not random, and the only real reason they're teenagers is because canon needed a way to tie them to the Hawkins gang who are all highschoolers. The victims had to be instantly visible to them for plot purposes, but outside of this Vecna’s victims are heavily suggested to be people who had a future of committing suicide. He chose them specifically because suicided was on the near horizon for them. This is insanely explicit when we get to Max, I don’t know how people miss it. The way she’s completely withdrawn herself from her friends, the way she ended her relationship with Lucas, all her incredibly self isolating behavior, the letters, etc.  Like I said I’ve made a post before talking exclusively about this, about Vecna’s attack rituals and the “symbolization” behind it but nutshell: Vecna is referred to as the “trauma monster” not entirely as a joke but because he in ALL WAYS he represents trauma, as someone who suffered it all his human life and thus as something who's supernatural form manifests and is drawn particularly toward others who have suffered it.  Copy pasting from my private post on this:  
There is definitely something to be said about how Vecna preys on his victims shown in S4. Yes, he targets those with trauma and he “hurts” them but there is this weird, freaky "soothing” quality about it. On more than one occasion he’s shown comforting them. He “tortures” them but he’s telling them he's going to free them, he's going to take their pain away. I’m not sure how to properly explain my thoughts here but its very reminiscent to me of the way Dr. Brenner manipulates the children, he makes them think their suffering is their fault but he has this creepy ass mother gothel esque quality to all of it that serves to manipulate the victim into thinking that he cares about them and what he’s doing has some kind of love / kindness behind it. That he's only hurting them because he has to. Because they’ve forced his hand. Keeping in mind, Brenner was a psychiatrist. He was VERY good at fucking with people’s heads. Vecna’s attack methods seem to mimic this a little in how he tortures them mentally and emotionally. He starts with making the victim question reality, then he emotionally abuses the victim, exaggerates their feelings of guilt and self loathing, breaks them down. He shows them the parts of themselves theyre hiding from or trying to reject. When the victim “gives in” and dies, its over, they’re “free.” They’re no longer trapped waiting to finally bring themselves to end it. That also mirrors Henry’s human experiences. He spent all his time trapped, abused, trying to deny his reality. Suffering. Waiting for it to end. When freedom, or “release” from his suffering did come for him it come for him in the form of “death”. 
Through all this he’s ‘comforting’ them in various ways, he tells them he’s going to take their pain away, he’s ending their suffering. With the idea that these are people who are already leaning toward suicidal tendencies, it seems hes speeding up the inevitable and that this is not a cruelty on his behalf but a kindness. So yeah, I don’t think it would be a stretch of the imagination to think that this pattern comes from Henry’s own abuse. It starts with the gaslighting, making the subject question their reality, then the emotional abuse, judgement, blame, belittlement and finally the physical assault / agony and then freedom. For me, Vecna’s personal attack ritual probably goes like largely in part because this is  a super twisted projection of the pattern Henry internalized from his own life experiences, particularly with Brenner while he was human.
These victims in particularly are ‘visited’ by and ‘taken’ by Vecna as a dark act of mercy on his behalf. (Which is why he’s been shown to sooth and comfort them) On top of that, yes their deaths were necessary components to a greater scheme. (The opening of the gates) But, technically, with that in mind it seems Vecna didn’t seek out anyone to kill personally that wasn’t already “marked” to die.  
Still, Henry/Vecna claims his victims aren't really gone. This pre-dates Henry’s time as Vecna so its not a Vecna-only quality. Again, Henry tells Eleven that all the other test subjects aren't really gone. They’re still with him “in here”, pointing to his head. He never gets to explain what he means by this and maybe we should take it as just he means he wont forget them but I’m not sure that is the case. (Because how would that comfort Eleven, and it seems in that scene he was trying to comfort / reassure her) From the minute I saw this scene I built up a whole theory that he means this more literally. This ties into Vecna/Henry’s method of killing. The way the characters theorize Vecna’s not just killing he's “absorbing” his victims. The aesthetic is to draw parallels to a spider dissolving and consuming the insides of a meal, leaving nothing but a empty husk, but I think its also deeper because freaky supernatural psychic mind fantasy horror stuff. Vecna (and Henry) leaves his victims body as mangled husks after “sucking” out what's inside them and assimilates it into himself, meaning, in some way, they're psychically connected to him. They’re not really gone, as he literally says, their physical bodies are dead but it might indicate that their mental / spiritual selves, THEIR SOULS if you will, still exist within some kind of pocket realm maybe within Vecna somewhere. Which may also be why Vecna, in particular, assures his victims he’s freeing them, viewing himself as their savior and why the whole thing is kind of portrayed to be some kind of twisted mercy by him. Like he’s doing them a service. He’s killing them, at least in our very physical plane of existence but is he? Is he if he’s keeping their spiritual forms in some other realm or something?
It would make sense if you think that Vecna hates the physical world as we know it. He views it as a broken, cruel, oppressive place that needs to be torn down and reset. It would make sense that he must see what he’s doing as a mercy, he’s destroying the physical body but perhaps “rescuing” the soul from crossing into oblivion or whatever other world a soul might drift away to upon the loss of the body and putting them somewhere he might deem “better”? I mean it might not be the case but it seems it might not be a completely insane theory either if you consider how we last see Max and the presence of a book called the talisman. (I recommend taking a look at that book, along with other books linked to it such as Insomnia, Dark tower and Black house because I think its a huge clue to reference that particular universe Stephan King created as far as getting an idea of what season 5 might be looking like.) El was able to psychically interfere with Vecna’s “process” and stop Max’s body from dying but Max “slips” into a “coma.” Later, when Eleven tries to reach into Max’s mind she can’t find her. Max’s mind is completely empty. Its just Eleven standing in an empty space. This could very much indicate that Max’s coma was brought on by the fact her spiritual / soul self has been “captured/stolen” by Vecna. The one difference between her and Vecna’s other victims being Eleven was able to stop him from completely destroying Max’s body, thus killing her in the physical world. So this at least gives her a vessel to come back to from wherever she might be if this theory holds any truth. So theres a suggestion that Vecna/Henry might have been transporting his victims to another dimension, which lends itself to the idea that Vecna isn’t the ultimate villain here, at least not in the way the fandom seems to think, and there is actually a lot more going on with him and in the universe of stranger things in general.  I also don’t believe Vecna’s trying to destroy the world as such and I don’t think hes trying to actually commit omnicide either. He doesn’t seem to be targeting humanity directly, because its not exactly humans he hates. It seems what Vecna wants to do from his own admissions and from things that have been said about him behind the scenes and clues left in canon, is to bring about the collapse of civilization, thus brining about the fall of most major social constructs and institutions of power over the world which lead to the very systems of oppression and hatred that Henry was a victim of and learned to hate as a human. Merging the upside down with Hawkins is a first step in creating some type of ecological disaster that will aid in this.  Which will indeed lead to a lot of deaths of “innocent” people. But I don’t think thats Vecna’s concern because I think in his mind the ends will justify the means. Which isn’t to say he’s “”right”” or anything, but no, I think its clear his motives don't just come from place of senseless destruction and death out of enjoying these things and wanting to kill and hurt people because he likes it and thinks other people are below him. To the contrary. But everything he’s doing he’s convinced himself he has to do for the “greater good.”
FINALLY, also mentioned many times before at this point but Vecna seems to take a LOT of inspiration from the Hindu goddess Kali. I think brushing up on her and mythology about her might also provide clues toward themes that might pop up (particularly with Vecna) In s5 particularly as THERE HAS been a suggestion he’s going to be somehow “”redeemed”” in season 5. I’m not sure if that's actually happening and I don't know if I think it will happen like a lot of people might imagine, but with EVERYTHING ELSE in mind I wouldn’t be surprised at all if some sort of redemption arc does occur with him in the very end. 
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antipolin · 9 months
Hello I love this blog so much I am certain I'll be coming back a few times to bring receipts and thoughts more than once so I'll like to be known as 🌷/Tulip!
I think you've covered most of the heinous things both Pen stans and the passive aggressive shit Nicola has done towards RJP and Simone but I would like to remind/refresh everyone's memory as to what she did to the first co-star she had a problem with: Ruby Barker. NC's passive aggressive comments sent crazy Pen stans to leave so much hate on Ruby's IG page, it drove Ruby to being hospitalised. No wonder she spoke up against the Marina discourse after she left the show. NC has consistently shown she has a huge problem with her costars of colour who she feels threatened by of outshining her. It's super gross. This post is pretty comprehensive about what happened: https://www.tumblr.com/viscountessevie/690551093581807616/i-noticed-her-tendencies-during-the-run-up-to?source=share
The blog also gives a pretty good rundown with receipts of things Pen and Nicola antics if anyone else wants to check out their Anti-Polin tag. (Note to anyone reading the post above and their blog: This is has been shared with their permission and they wanted to let yall know that most of the links in their posts are outdated due to a username change. They are working on correcting that slowly but most of the related posts can be found on the tags or in their archives) Also to any haters who love Polin stalking this page, don't bother sending that person hate, they have anon off and you will be blocked & deleted. No one has time for shitty bullshit or wanna give yall the attention you so badly crave. Speaking of yall, the asks hoping Simone and Jonny die (from AIDS no less wtf) is why everyone hates your fandom you racist and homophobic freaks. Those who claim they aren't like them are just as bad cos they enable it and keep quiet, pretending they didn't do it or chalk it down to a 'few bad apples' 🙄  Anyway thank you again for this space OP, I'm glad you're blocking the hate now but please do take breaks if you need it and take care of yourself!!
Tulip anon!!!!
The link for anyone who doesn't want to copy/paste it.
I plan on keeping anon on but I plan on just continuing to block and delete their messages without even reading them. Not my fault they claim I'm the 'pathetic' one and then spend all this time sending me hate.
Those who claim they aren't like them are just as bad cos they enable it and keep quiet, pretending they didn't do it or chalk it down to a 'few bad apples' BOOM THERE IT IS.
I appreciate it tulip anon! I will do that if necessary but these Polin's are very unoriginal with their hate that it's just borderline laughable really.
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violentdevotion · 9 months
It's weird to talk casually Abt your Nazi phase but I would disagree that "if you had a Nazi phase u are probably still a Nazi" cause like there such a thing as working on yourself and unlearning shit and it's kinda a spit in the face when you do that and someone acts like just because you were shitty at some point that means you are destined to be shitty for the rest of your life
my problem isn't people who have grown and educated themselves and as such are no longer nazis. my problem is with people who think by virtue of being marginalised in some way they aren't nazis. there's a difference between being 15 and being a nazi and educating yourself on,,, why being a nazi is bad, especially listening to Jewish and other marginalised voices to reach your conclusion. and being 15 and being a nazi and realising you're gay, so being a nazi is no longer in your best interest so you think you're no longer a nazi but you haven't done any work to remedy on your other opinions. that's how you get white gays who say racist shit and think they're not racist bc at least they don't vote trump ya know. women can be misogynistic, nonwhite people can be racist, trans people can be transphobic, gay people can be homophobic, disabled people can be ableist etc etc etc but some people think that because they experience an intersect of oppression they're exempt from being prejudiced towards other groups and most likely someone who lacks enough self awareness to announce they used to have a nazi phase also lacks the self awareness to know in what other avenues they hurt the people around them
edit: also if someone throwing your ex nazi phase in your face is all it takes for you to go back to it then maybe you haven't grown all that much actually
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brokenfoxproductions · 8 months
Yeah I really think I'm just going to change how I describe myself because of how this website has turned my community into something that I don't recognize anymore.
I'm crippled. I have multiple physical disabilities that have affected me my entire life and I've spent the majority of my life as either a part-time can user or a part-time wheelchair user other than the times whenever I was temporarily paralyzed and was confined to a wheelchair for weeks at a time. I've spent literally months of my life and physical therapy and in hospital beds for things that would kill most fucking people.
I'm a punk. I'm anti-fascist, pro-equality, I don't give a shit about what people find conventionally attractive or appropriate, and I match people's energy, so if you come at me with negative bullshit I will throw it back in your fucking face. I literally even have fucking email evidence on here of me confronting a neo-Nazi child trafficker and helping bring her to fucking Justice in any way possible.
But I'm not a cripple punk anymore. I'm not okay with sharing a community with a bunch of fucking teenagers and assholes who never grew up who think that the only way to be crippled is in the specific way that they are disabled. I'm not going to keep letting myself fucking argue with people who haven't changed their opinions on anything since they were 12 and who think it's appropriate to be outwardly racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise bigoted. I'm not okay arguing with people about how they use their physical disability to discriminate against or be bigoted against other people who are disabled.
"Oh but the cripple punk community is only for physically disabled people, there's other stuff for other people" is the biggest fucking bullshit line I've ever heard. You don't know by talking to someone what their diagnosis is. By pretending that you do, you are literally being ableist. You can't be ableist and be a punk.
Plus just because you don't want someone to be part of "your cripple punk community" doesn't mean that you can call them r*tarded, stupid, or crazy. Just because you're physically disabled doesn't mean that it's okay for you to be shitty towards people who have a non-physical disability, but apparently people think now that being part of the cripple punk community means that you have to hate people who are mentally ill or if someone is physically disabled and mentally ill they're not allowed to be part of the community and you have to be disturbingly nasty towards them.
And I'm sorry but as someone who's been physically disabled my entire fucking life I'm tired of being fucking treated like shit because I fucking developed bipolar disorder 7 years after I started showing symptoms of ehlers-danlos syndrome, or because I have anxiety left over from the fucking horrors of being paralyzed. I literally have physical issues from trauma that also cause PTSD but I'm not allowed to talk about it in the cripple punk community anymore without being told that I'm crazy so it doesn't count.
Honestly too I really just wish that some people could understand that if the only thing that they have going on is a physical disability that they were born with they are fucking lucky. Good for you for not having a spinal cord injury that gave you PTSD. Good for you for not having vaginismus and chronic pelvic pain from having been fucking raped. Good for you for not having constant fucking seizures and muscle spasms that have caused you to have multiple fucking concussions because a psychiatrist didn't take you off abilify whenever you started having a bad side effect. Good for you for having the fucking nerve to tell people that they are disabled enough because you have been able to access medical care and have been seen as being physically disabled your whole life and you know nothing different.
I really wish that people who use their physical disabilities as an excuse to be shitty towards other disabled people would fucking understand that you aren't protecting the cripple punk community you are fucking destroying it and you are causing people like myself who have been in this fucking community for decades to not want anything to fucking do with you.
I don't want part of any of the fucking neuro-punk cripple punk fucking communities anymore because all it is is just an excuse to be fucking ableist against a different part of the disabled community and I'm forced to be involved in all parts of the disabled community because I am physically, mentally, AND neurologically disabled. But I'm not fucking welcome anywhere because I'm too ugly for my physical disabilities to be allowed in the mad punk or neuro punk communities and I'm too crazy from my mental health issues to be allowed in the cripple punk community anymore.
At this point just fuck all of it. If I wanted to be part of a fucking community that constantly told me that I was a piece of shit and that I'm not welcome I would go back to being a fucking Christian.
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weebsinstash · 3 years
Since I've been chugging that isekai Reader x yandere Chocobros juice, there's another idea I figured I'd share! (Most of these are specifically for a female Reader though so keep that in mind)
So the general idea up to this point has been "Reader is from America and trying to find their way home somehow" and along the way the bros are hearing all these stories about your homeland and what kind of place it was, which, leaves them more than just a little hesitant to even let you try and look for a way back honestly --between shitty healthcare, rampant social issues, economic inequality, so on so forth-- but they're traveling for their own reasons and take you along for the journey, since this is kind of a special case. The Crown Prince just happening to bump into a visitor from another world? It must be fate! It's only an extra bonus that they become so attached to you, really
So imagine if, after months of traveling together and bonding and such, if the group were to bump into ANOTHER otherworlder like you, also from America! You're so excited for your first (and only, tbh) major clue, though your companions are a little more hesitant because, frankly, they don't want you going home at this point, but they play friendly for your sake.
And this other otherworlder, who we'll call Curtis for now, is pretty alright at first, but eventually turns out to be one of the biggest assholes the group has ever met, just an uncanny amalgamation of all of these negative ignorant mindsets. He acts friendly and puts up a front to the guys, but he's shitty to you when you're in private, ESPECIALLY if you're a woman. He finds his own spot in the group and deliberately tries to drive a wedge between you and the guys because, the way Curtis sees it, you're just the dumb girl of the group, piggy-backing off of all the men's hard work, and he'll eventually start telling you as such, breaking down your confidence, belittling you. He'll make you doubt yourself and doubt how close you really are to your new friends, making little comments that freak you out or hurt your feelings and cause you to avoid your new companions
"Oh, you guys were sharing a tent before, huh? Didn't know you were that kind of woman."
"Hey, why not get me and the fellas a couple of cold ones, sweetheart? Since you were here at camp while we were out hunting."
"You should try and learn some more from Ignis. A woman should know how to actually cook a decent meal or two, you know."
"So, like, these boys are fighting monsters and you can't even... help shoot a gun? ...pffft."
You eventually reach your breaking point when Curtis becomes more openly rude towards, well, everyone in the group after about a month or so. His attempts to try and get the guys to abandon you have failed, his attempts to run you off aren't working fast enough for his liking, and he's finally letting more of his true colors show. He's a blatant misogynist, he's racist, refusing to eat Takka's food or respectfully speak to Dr. Yeagre, and eventually, he starts insulting your four new friends, and that's when you finally have enough. The guys were just being good friends and physically affectionate with each other when Curtis makes some homophobic comment like "yeesh, good thing I have my own tent, bunch of fruits" and none of the Lucians even know what that means, but you do, and you finally stand up to him, SO upset as you start scolding him, getting so angry you're crying
"How dare you?! After we've been helping you and traveling with you, you're going to treat them like that?! After Ignis has been cooking your food, and Gladio helping protect you from monsters, and Prompto--"
And Curtis just. Slaps you hard enough that it knocks you down and starts launching into a tirade about how you're the last person who gets to tell him what to do, that "you stole his adventure". It turns out he had appeared in Lucis not too far from where you had been transported to and blames you for every single hardship he faced before encountering the group. He could have been running around with a group of magic-using young guys, having a blast in their fancy car, having some sort of grand destiny like one big video game, but they found you instead of him. He's spoiled, he's selfish, and he's had it; he's ready to actually fucking kill you to get you out of his way
But your new friends won't let him. Now that he's shown his true self, the men have had enough. They were putting up with his behavior for your sake, but now that it's apparent that Curtis is the source of your recent depression, that the man has been belittling you in secret, and now has had the audacity to physically hurt you, they don't care anymore; he's got to go.
Ignis takes you by the hand and leads you away from the camp to soothe your tears elsewhere as the boys begin to demand Curtis gets his things and leaves, but really, that's just a front while you're in earshot. When you finally return, Curtis is gone without a trace, and there's particular bruises on some of the men's knuckles.
They're left to try and piece your wounded confidence back together as they all secretly decide, hey, if we meet another outsider, maybe you don't need to know about it. After all, just look at what kind of person Curtis turned out to be! They don't need to let you go back to a world filled with people like that, now do they? Just stay here in Lucis, just stay here with them
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
i think its sad now that so many litg blogs are leaving/have left the fandom. i still remember the hype when s2 came out and even when s3 came we're still hyping s2.
then things started to change when some blogs got intense hate, (which i thought was from a group of haters but turned out it was only one person) leading to some of them deactivating their blogs or left the fandom. that's when i realized the whole vibes in the fandom have changed. we got new blogs and got more contents but it felt different.
then came 2021 and this whole thing about fusebox happened and it kinda destroy the fandom- or at least the 'old' fandom.
i personally have lost all of my hyperfixation on litg but stayed bcs i made friends in the fandom and i just want to support them whether they make litg related contents or other IFs related contents.
I let this sit because I didn't think it was entirely accurate (I hope that doesn't sound accusatory, I don't mean it that way! Just like I disagree with some of the conclusions), but I think it really speaks to the quiet mourning that everyone in the LITG fandom has done.
For context, I first played the game in late 2019 then joined the fandom actively in 2020 (insane to lay it out like that, where has the time gone). I enjoyed S1, but obviously everyone in the fandom prefers S2 for a reason. It's just so much richer than a lot of mobile games, the characters are written with such love by the writers that they stay with you.
I definitely think the fandom peaked when S2 was being released- you can see from the reddit and old tumblr that way more people were involved in the fandom. But I don't think 'things changed' after that point to become more toxic. If you look at old posts from that era, especially on the reddit, people were incredibly openly misogynistic, racist, and homophobic when S2 was being released. Multiple black fans said in the reddit that they felt uncomfortable with how characters were talked about, and then they were harassed until they left the fandom.
And I think that's why I disagree- It's really easy to look at one conflict and say 'that killed the fandom', but people have always been shitty (in every fandom, LITG included). I definitely think the positivity towards the game and Fusebox shifted as S3 came out and was disappointing, then Matchmaker came out, then Boat Party and CMM came out instead of S4. But the negativity within fan circles was consistent through all my time here.
I don't really think the anon hate was one person, tbh, nor do I think that was the biggest problem in the fandom. A lot of the anons went out to different people and had difference voices and contexts. Inevitably, fans formed groups of 2 or 3 people who were closer to each other and then there were fallings out between groups. I can think of at least 6 different 'dramas' within the tumblr fandom. I came into the fandom during a big drama, so I think I never had the vibe to begin with.
I really think that the fandom's dying as a whole is more directly tied to Fusebox's new content not using what made S2 so unique rather than it was fandom conflict. Like yeah certain creators left for certain reasons, but a lot of the hype petered out when S3 was so bland.
It sucks because LITG was a lot of people's introduction to interactive fiction and being in a small fandom, and now that it's fallen apart you're just left with this sense of having... No where to go.
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fatpinkbitch · 2 years
I find a lot of the online queer discourse so weird?? Like my gf is a non-binary ace-spec lesbian and I'm non-binary grey ace/demisexual biromantic disaster, and my closest handful of friends are a mostly cis lesbian, a gay cis man, a gay non-binary person, a cis bisexual who leans more towards men and AMABs, and a cishet man.
I met my gf in secondary school, my oldest friend in primary school, three of these people through uni (none of them on my courses) and the cishet guy through tinder before I got with my gf.
Like 97% of my wider friend circle are some flavour of queer- we naturally seem to flock together and find each other. I've only once been part of a "queer friend group" at uni and they all ditched me and my cis gay friend and ended up being shitty to us because they were super exclusionary and all white, middle class, AFABs (my cis gay friend is a poc and I'm white but working class af). That group wanted to live in a self contained bubble and that's not really how the world works if you wanna be a functional adult.
I've gone off point a bit, but none of my friends are exclusionary- I'm the connecting dot between my friends but the reason they are my friends is because they're genuinely lovely kind people who don't care about labels and shit. Real life grown up queers acknowledge that we live in a predominantly cishet world, and we stick together and don't exclude each other for not being or not being cis, or for being bi, or on the acey side of queer. When I get my little ragtag bunch of people together for my birthdays we all get on and have a laugh and even though they don't know each other well they all get on and I can feel their love for me and our bonding over shared issues. They also all accepted my cishet guy friend, no questions asked. "He's Kat's friend, so he must be decent, so we're all gonna be nice to him" seems to be the general vibe and it's lovely.
Sorry if this is rambly and doesn't make much sense, but basically I find the discourse and exclusionism of online queer communities so weird because in real life its not like that- at the smaller gay clubs we all mix and mingle, in physical spaces we all unite over the fact that we are some flavour of queer, and if non queer people enter the space we're all respectful of each other. I know that's not always the case, but mostly we all just blend and come together, in my experience.
I get that for a lot of queers online communities are the only true safe spaces- if it wasn't for tumblr I'd probably still be convincing myself I was straight and cis! But don't push each other out. Unless someone is transphobic/homophobic/biphobic/acephobic/racist/ableist/generally shitty, allow them in. We all belong in the LGBTQIA community and infighting can be really harmful.
If you're not cis or het you belong, I promise. Stop shitting on bi people, on ace people, on trans/non-binary/gender non conforming people. The more divided we are the easier it is to turn against each other, when we should be supporting each other instead.
Also don't be too disheartened if that queer friend group turns out to suck- there are better people out there, I swear.
Also don't get too sucked into the discourse. It's important to develop your own opinions and critical thinking skills, and it can be too easy to fall into the vacuum of "all men are bad, all cis people suck, aces aren't really part of the community, bi people cheat/are fakers" and all those other shitty views designed to divide us. The real world is messy and complicated and yeah, some people suck, but not everyone does and if you can find your people you'll be okay! It might take time, you might lose and gain friends here and there, but you will get there!
Also, it's okay to change labels! I identified as grey ace/demisexual at first aged 20ish, then pansexual at 21ish, then finally bisexual at 22, and then eventually realised I was non-binary at 24! Now I know I'm a funky flavourful mix of these things, and that's okay!
I just wish I'd known all this stuff 10 years ago tbh. Maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure out who I am, maybe it would have saved me a lot of heartache and anguish knowing that I can just call myself queer! (also the queer is a slur discourse is a whole other weird kettle of fish oh my goodness)
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
Yeah I agree. China is acting like a bully to Taiwan, it’s pathetic. (For what it’s worth I have heard the President of Taiwan has stated she wants to help LGBT people) And you’re right about Disney too. I heard that stuff about Raine in the dubs too. It’s two-faced duplicitous bullshit. Cowardice on Disney’s part.
Oh absolutely. Tbh when I see people bootlicking for the Chinese government it just absolutely makes my blood boil. Like, you're not defending communism bc China has a state capitalist system that just calls itself communist for propaganda reasons, you're not being anti-racist bc the Chinese government is imperialist towards Taiwan, East Turkestan, Tibet and Hong Kong, and you can and should defend Chinese people (who aren't just from mainland China btw) without sucking up to one of the most totalitarian governments in the world! It makes me just as angry when people are racist towards Chinese or Asian people and use the Chinese government's actions as a justification as well- there's never a justification for racism bc it's in and of itself unjust, and you're not morally right for being a bigoted dickhead to people with little to no control over their country's government's shitty actions! Sorry, just had to vent there. But yeah agreed, the impression I get is that Disney are just cowards who would prefer to take the side of homophobes 99% of the time in America and western Europe and 100% of the time outside of them.
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mellometal · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
If you saw the post from earlier, I had to delete it. There were things I forgot to discuss and things that didn't get saved into my drafts. Sorry if you have to see this again.
I've been WAITING to talk about Glee. Not in the good way either. There's so much wrong with the show, and it's sickening. Yes, I've watched the show last year. Against my will, but that's because of other people refusing to put on anything else besides Glee. I can say that I hate Glee with my entire being. (My initial reason for hating it was because they covered "SING" by My Chemical Romance and turned it into a slow, patriotic song when it's a song about rebellion. NOTHING about "SING" is patriotic. I hated the show since I first heard about it...for that very reason. I was like thirteen or so at the time when I first heard about Glee? Despite it being out since 2009.
Though it's been over for several years now, it's a show that many people have mixed feelings about. From what I've seen, you either love Glee or you absolutely hate it. There's no in-between that I've seen. (If you can't already tell, I hate the show.)
The show is a literal dumpster fire, the characters are all fucking awful people and all of them are poorly written, the script pisses me off, it literally makes me feel disgusting, and don't even get me started on the covers. Most of the covers aren't that good. A lot of them sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. The pacing of the show makes NO sense in certain areas (like when Blaine was initially made to be a grade above Kurt, but was then changed to be like the same grade as him so he'd stay). It just feels like everyone in the show is either a Mary Sue, a Gary Stu, their whole personality is just that they're from a minority group or they're EDGY AND HARDCORE DELINQUENTS BLEEEEHHHHH, creepy as fuck, bigoted as all hell, or they're just background characters who occasionally have the spotlight.
TW: The following post and any other posts that I'll make about this show contains subject matter that may be triggering for some audiences. It will go into subjects like racism, homophobia, ableism, outing of a person in the LGBT community, bigotry in general, statutory r@pe (between teachers and students), teachers being creepy towards students, mentioned past child m0l3stati0n and invalidation of the victim's trauma, making fun of su1c1d3, making fun of overdose, making fun of drug addiction....a lot of fucked up things.
If anything mentioned above is triggering for you, please feel free to scroll and consume safe media instead. I'd rather have you be safe than to be triggered by anything I'm gonna talk about.
Let's start off easy. The characters. It's easy to tear them apart. At least the most problematic ones.
Rachel, the Main Character™️, is textbook definition of a Mary Sue. Instead of calling her Rachel, I'm gonna call her Mary Sue for the whole post. She's almost completely perfect (like too perfect), her flaws are minor if anything, she gets all the special treatment....you get the picture. When Mary Sue does anything fucked up or she says anything fucked up, it either goes unnoticed, people make up excuses for her being a shitty person, or it gets twisted so it looks like Mary Sue is the hero! (I hate her. So much. I cannot stand her.)
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Aaawwww, Mary Sue didn't want some OTHER GIRL (Sunshine) to steal HER spotlight, so she SENT THIS GIRL TO A CRACK HOUSE. A FUCKING CRACK HOUSE, OF ALL PLACES. A PLACE WHERE THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN SERIOUS DANGER. THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AT BEST AND KILLED AT WORST. Yes, I'm aware not all drug houses are the same, but still. It doesn't matter what this girl did. What Sunshine did is irrelevant. It's not okay to send people to strange places where they don't know anyone, and are put in danger, even to the point of either getting injured or killed. But it's okay, because at least it's not an "active" crack house you sent Sunshine to, RIGHT, Mary Sue? You still sent some poor girl to a place where she could have been put in serious danger, even to possibly get injured or killed, all because you didn't want her to steal YOUR spotlight. You fucking disgusting, entitled, bratty cunt. You don't need the spotlight all the time anyway. THAT'S HOW THEATRE WORKS. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE LEAD ROLE. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE ROLE YOU WANT. AND THAT'S OKAY. YOU WORK WITH WHAT YOU GOT. Sincerely, a theatre kid.
There are other fucked up things Mary Sue has done, but this is the one thing I could find anyone talking about. If I remember correctly, she hurt her Gay Best Friend™️ Kurt in some way. All I remember is that Kurt was mad at Mary Sue about something. Mary Sue is annoying as fuck. What else can I say about her?
Next, we have Finn, who's textbook definition of a Gary Stu. I'll call him Gary Stu throughout this post. I hate this fucker too. He's the Main Character's Boyfriend™️, the Hot Quarterback™️, and The Good Guy™️. Yet....he's not a good person. He's treated like he's a good person, but he's really not. His flaws are fairly minor and excused (and any major flaws aren't even talked about much), he's almost completely perfect, and every fucked up thing he does is ignored or is justified in some way. Like how he outed Santana as lesbian in the hallway WITHIN EARSHOT OF EVERYONE. HE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR THIS.
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As a woman who has struggled with her sexuality growing up, this really brought back shit I went through. I "dated" boys when I was younger to cover up the fact that I'm only attracted to other women. I wasn't happy with these guys at all. I acted like I did so nobody would suspect anything. I felt nothing for them, except for in a platonic way. I've been outed twice. Once when I thought I was bisexual with a strong preference for other women (by my dad's girlfriend at the time), and when I came out as lesbian (by my brother). It sucks to be outed. The people who outed me in real life could have put me in danger. They could have made it so I had no place to go back to. They could have had me get hurt. It's a scary feeling. Like, it doesn't matter if you're supportive or if you're in the LGBT community. You don't fucking out people without their explicit permission. You especially don't out people to their abusers or to people they don't trust, let alone out them publicly. That's what happened to me. I don't wish this on anyone.
***By the way, for anyone who's closeted, you're valid, I love you, and I know how it feels to be stuck in the closet. You don't have to come out right now. Come out whenever you're ready to. Whenever it's safe for you to do so.***
Or how about the fact that Gary Stu made fun of Kurt's voice because he's gay? Gary Stu apparently has ✨anger issues✨ and that's pretty much the excuse they use to justify him doing fucked up shit to people.
They treat the characters who are from minority groups (i.e., BIPOC, AAPI, LGBT community, disabled people) like absolute garbage, put them through all this horrific shit, or they put them on a pedestal simply for being in a minority group. The teachers and other school staff are either written to be total bigots (Sue), or they're total pr3dators (Mr. Schue, the school nurse, and another teacher who I can't remember her name off the top of my head).
Sue pretty much only exists to be a poorly written villain who's a bigoted bitch just to be a bigoted bitch. Yes, there were some things she WAS right about (like how "Blurred Lines" wasn't an appropriate song choice for the Glee Club™️, but Mr. Schue The Pr3dator™️ downplayed it). Other than that...that's all I can think of. Because everything else that came out of her mouth was bigoted bullshit. Like these right here, for example:
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Or how she drugged the principal, date r@ped him, and blackmailed him?
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How about them making a tasteless joke about Sue committing su1c1d3 and having her "overdose" on multivitamin gummies?
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DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN HOW FUCKED UP ALL OF THIS IS? I do? Well, first of all, she called people racist, homophobic, ableist, and otherwise disgusting names. She boiled them down to their race, sexual orientation, their disability, and their appearance in general. Second, SHE DRUGGED, BLACKMAILED, AND DATE R@PED SOMEBODY. I don't think I need to explain how that's bad. The evidence is right there. Third, she said she was committing "sue-icide" by overdosing on multivitamin gummies. (Yes, you actually can OD on vitamins in supplement form, and it can cause serious symptoms and even death. Specifically with vitamins A, D, E, and K, and Iron. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. They're a lot harder to remove from the body. The B vitamins and vitamin C aren't as severe if you do OD on them because they're water-soluble, but still be careful. You can't OD on vitamins and minerals you find in food. If you take supplements, vitamins, etc., only take what's on the bottle.) As someone who has su1c1d@l thoughts on and off, this is extremely insulting. Yes, I do use humor and I joke about my own experiences to cope, but this? Nah. Nothing about this is funny or cute in the slightest. Enough said.
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Do I need to explain how fucking terrible it is to make light of a serious topic like this? It was never funny to see Britney Spears' mental health be at that low of a point in 2007. It was never funny to see the abuse the paparazzi inflicted on her. How the fuck was this ever okay? You can dislike Britney Spears all you want, but this was never it.
This is all I have for now. I'll probably make a part two because there are way too many things to talk about.
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keefechambers · 6 years
he got fired for tweeting about touching little boys. you're the one trying to rewrite the narrative. just because garbage A accuses garbage B of being garbage doesn't mean B suddnely. isnt garbage anymore
if you read literally anything i’ve posted or tweeted about the whole gunn situation, you’ll notice that i’ve never defended any of the things he actually said? like, they’re bad. they’re bad enough that when i initially heard about disney’s reaction, i shrugged and said “i mean, that’s what you get when you say shit like that. it sucks but that’s disney”
 I’m not rewriting any narrative. there are literally butthurt dudes blaming “SJW”s for this when they were never involved. (SJW being sexist dick shorthand for women) that’s the narrative being rewritten. nothing about that is about gunn as a person. it’s about nerdboys treatment of women in fandom. 
an alt-right dude made a stink about this, not “SJWs”. that was the whole point of my statement. not defending anything actually said, but warning that there are people trying to shift the blame onto, predominately, young women who engage in nerd culture and try to hold people accountable for shittiness therein. it was so abrupt there wasn’t even time for “SJW”s to make anything happen. women are getting blamed for this when they had nothing to do with it. THAT’S what i was talking about. i don’t think a 21 year old who loves marvel but doesn’t like racism should be the target of nerdboy vitriol because a director they liked got fired.
and...well, this is gonna get long, because i think your attitude belies a larger problem across the internet. we have a problem letting go now that things from the past are so easy to access, and especially younger folks have an issue accepting that people change. those tweets were ten years ago. i’m all for people being held accountable for the shitty things they’ve done or said, but you do know people can grow as human beings right? especially in the span of ten years? he apologized six years ago for saying those things and apologized again two weeks ago when it came out. he’s never been accused of untoward behavior on his film sets, or by fans, as far as anyone can tell. there is no avalanche of exposes about what a shitty person he is like there was with louis ck or weinstein. there’s just these twitter jokes. this wasn’t a dam breaking, this was a drop in a puddle. it should have been treated as such.
you know who else made rape jokes on the internet ten years ago? donald glover. i know, because i was there. you might be too young to remember “bro-rape” but...i’m not. i still love him as a person and artist, because he’s grown and matured since then, and saying shitty things is way further below “doing shitty things” on the morality scale.
you know disney still employs known wife beater johnny depp, right? so does universal! and i mean, fox still let fassbender play magneto. another known abusive shitstack.
like, be mad about james gunn’s shitty tweets, but being selectively mad at him and not rallying against disney keeping people like johnny depp (who beats women) or josh brolin (who has also...beaten women) around, or not holding every single marvel/disney employee’s twitter account to the same scrutiny just makes you a fucking hypocrite. 
saying that gunn is remotely comparable to an actual rapist for making really horrible jokes is absurd, you know that right? that’s not “garbage A” and “garbage B” that’s “someone who has caused actual harm to actual human beings” and “someone who said offensive shit for the sake of being offensive ten years ago”. they aren’t comparable. you can’t compare people who have actually done harm to people who have said things they shouldn’t have. 
that attitude creates the cultural expectation of moral purity that no one can attain. it tells people, especially men, that there’s no point to improving because no one will accept that you’ve changed for the better. like, if you said something horrible (not did something, SAID something), you’re the same as a rapist? why would anyone ever bother to improve as a person with that sort of attitude prevalent around them? like, fuck, calm down, dude. people can fucking change,
they were horrible jokes and he should be ashamed of making them. but...you know...i said horrible shit ten years ago. i did horrible shit that i’m ashamed of and i hope no one holds it against me now that i’ve matured and understand the world better. everyone has shit they regret. everyone. you do too. no one is perfect. no one came out of the womb a perfectly socially aware butterfly who has never hurt anyone or said anything wrong or offensive. 
and here’s the other point you’re missing that i was making; disney is committing to bending to the will of the alt-right. someone came at their employee not for what he said but for his political position (MIKE CERNOVICH DOESNT CARE THAT JAMES GUNN MADE RAPE JOKES OR ANY OTHER HORRIBLE JOKES, LET ME REEMPHASIZE THAT. HE USED THEM AS A WEAPON IN A POLITICAL ATTACK. HE IS A NAZI). this was not someone actually concerned that james gunn said horrible things, this was someone who DID NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT using it to punish him. he got fired because he was vocally anti-trump and THATS NOT A WORLD WE SHOULD WANT TO LIVE IN. disney REWARDED A NAZI to avoid alienating their right wing fanbase by telling people this was a politically motivated move.
filmmakers should not feel like they have to tread lightly in their own personal politics because they’re employed by disney and disney won’t back them if political extremists come for them. that’s terrible on disney’s part. all this scenario should have required was a sincere apology and a commitment to be better. it was ancient history and i legitimately doubt that disney didn’t know about them before cernovich brought them back up. they wanted a victorious roseanne moment where people lauded them for their swift action against someone bad, but here’s the thing (and i think the whole point of this incredibly long rant):
there’s a difference between being racist/homophobic/sexist/otherwise shitty yesterday and ten years ago. 
johnny depp was accused of beating his wife what, two years ago? the most recent pirates movie came out what, six months ago? disney hasn’t fired him and i don’t see you on the frontlines demanding it. there’s more shit coming out every day about his abusive behavior towards people around him. so get off gunn if you aren’t also advocating for every single employee at disney to also be scrutinized for the terrible things they’ve done or said. oh, what do you mean “if they did that they’d have no employees left?” 
yeah. thought so.
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lgbtqmybeloved · 3 years
Hi cuties, welcome to my blog <3
Before interacting, I just wanna let you all know that I block all exclusionists, terfs, transmeds, pedophiles/"""MAPs""", zoophiles, homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, biphobes, panphobes, fatphobes, racists, ableists, xenophobes, antisemitists, and generally any other kind of nasty person. Being queer doesn't automatically excuse you from being bigoted! Even if you're gay/trans, if you act shitty towards other marginalized groups, I don't want you here. This blog is supposed to bring people up, not push them down!
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At the moment this blog only has one admin, and that's me :)
Here's some stuff you may want to know about me:
My name is Tobias (I usually go by Toby or just Tobe though)
I am a 17 year old transgender nonbinary guy. I hord pronouns (and flags), so you can call me just about anything :) The only ones I'm not comfortable with so far are she/her. I'm queer (something mspec, but it's just tiring for me to choose a specific label and stick with it, so I either switch it up every now and then or just say queer), and I'm on the asexual spectrum. I have anxiety, depression and (self diagnosed) ADHD.
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Heads up for people with hospital/food/weight related triggers:
I have chrones disease and was recently hospitalized because of it. I was very malnourished for a while and may or may not bring this up in my posts. If I do, I will make an attempt to tag it with any necessary trigger warnings, but if you'd like to be safe, there are no hard feelings if you want to block/unfollow me.
If you would like me to start tagging a trigger, all you have to do is ask, and I'll do my best to accommodate you :)
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This blog is meant to be a safe and peaceful place for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. If it seems like I'm leaving an identity out, it's probably not on purpose! Let me know in an ask, or a message, and I'll try to include it more in my posts! <3
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founditinsilence · 7 years
All the numbers if you're down >:)
i can’t believe you asked this and i also can’t believe i actually did it
i got rid of some of the sex/relationship/drugs ones i have nothing to say for and some of the boring ones (eg i can’t imagine anyone caring about my shoe size??)
(i hope someone reads to make it worth all that typing haha)
1: namealice
2: age19
3: fearsmy family dying and fire
4: 3 things I lovethe colour yellow, the sea, when people say ‘sweet dreams’5: 4 turn onsnice smile, making me laugh, good taste in clothes, intelligence
6: 4 turn offsarrogance, stubbornness, being racist/homophobic/ generally bigoted, smoking tbh.
7: my best friendi love her so much. we’ve known each other since we were 4 or 5 but we grew together as two separate friendship groups showed their true colours. she’s naive and doesn’t understand sarcasm and has the nicest smile and is the most selfless person to ever exist outside of a disney cartoon. we’ve been through some really shitty times together and not once have i spoken to her without her making me laugh or smile.
8: sexual orientationso bi
9: my best first datethe only date i’ve ever been on i realised was a date half way through so i’m not really the best person to ask
11: what/ who do i miss?home
12: what time was i bornhalf 11 at night
13: favourite colouryellow
14: do i have a crushkind of
15: favourite quote“every human life is worth the same, and worth saving”
16: favourite placewhen you’re walking towards the sea and the blue appears over the horizon
17: favourite foodpizza
18: do i use sarcasmnot much
19: what am i listening to right nowmy ‘world’ playlist on spotify, it’s supposed to mean i can’t get distracted by the lyrics while i’m doing revision but it’s actually just meant that i spent the last 10 minutes dancing round my room to despacito
21: shoe size6
22: eye colourbrown
23: hair colourbrown. i’m about to dye it lighter
24: favourite style of clothingi want to dress like the cast of skam; long coats, jumpers, beanies, bright lipstick. my actual style is more like ‘yes this is the identical striped top i was wearing yesterday but i swear i wash them i just ordered 5 in the sale at forever 21′
25: ever done a prank callme and my friend prank called 999 when we were about 6. it ended up as our voicemail message.
27: meaning behind my urlif i was a witch i’d be interning at flourish and blotts as we speak
28: favourite moviepride! is the one i rewatch the most. i do love to wack hairspray on though when i fancy a bit of a dance
29: favourite songat the minute probably no other way by jack johnson. it’s always calmed me down from being a little girl, my mum would put the cassette in and i’d lay my head on her lap in the back of the car when we went on long drives
31: how i feel right now?like i should be sleeping
32: someone i lovemy friends
33: current relationship statussingle
34: my relationship with my parentsgood. it used to be Awful with my dad but we’re so much closer after he went through cancer and a whole load of other shit happened to the fam
35: favourite holidaychristmas
36: tattoos and piercings i havejust my earlobes pierced!
37: tattoos and piercings i wantthere’s a pinterest board for that
38: the reason i joined tumblra girl from school i thought was super Cool shared stuff from hers on facebook and i found it funny
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morningabout an hour if i’m making a proper breakfast, packed lunch and doing make up and my hair
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three daysno
45: if i’m drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of menever happened, but one of my flatmates. they’d find it hilarious
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable levelloud if i’m home alone, otherwise quiet
48: do i live with my mum and dadwhen i’m not at uni, yes
49: am i excited for anythingfinishing my exams and going home for my birthday, seeing my best friend, and coming back up to uni to celebrate with everyone!
51: how often do i wear a fake smilea lot
52: when was the last time i hugged someonethis morning when i met up with my friend
54: is there anyone i trust even though i shouldn’tidk, i think 
55: what is something i disliked about todayi was the third wheel with two of my flatmates who are better friends
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth, who would it bemy “soulmate” or whatever you’d call it idk just someone i can read in bed with and maybe buy a cat
57: what do i think about mostif something really bad or really good has happened recently i tend to obsess about it for days
58: what’s my strangest talenti’ve always been the person people in class have asked to do their bubble writing for them
59: do i have any strange phobiasi’m a little afraid of birds tbh. like not a full on phobia but i like them as much as spiders
61: what was the last lie i toldconstantly pretending i’ve done more revision than i actually have so people don’t judge me
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chattingboth are traumatic experiences but phone calls
63: do i believe in ghosts or aliensyes aliens (as in life on other planets not green ppl) and i believe noah czerny can do anything he sets his mind to if that counts
64: do i believe in magici rly like that post where it’s like, maybe we all have little super powers we just don’t realise are magical, like someone who always catches their toast when they drop it and someone who’s never broken a bone. i believe in little magic like that
65: do i believe in luckyes
66: what’s the weather like right nowit’s stopped raining for the first time all day
67: what was the last book i readfar from you by tess sharpe
69: do i have any nicknamesmy dad calls me dodger. i think it’s because of how many jammy dodgers i had as a kid but i’m not sure
71: do i spend money or save itsave, then have the occasional shopping spree
73: is there anything pink within 10ft of meyes so many things i love pink, my mirror and candles and towels are pink and i have a few pink clothes
74: favourite animalbeluga whales. i also love hedgehogs and bears
75: what was i doing last night at 12ami think i was watching crazy ex girlfriend?? but i’ll be honest the past few nights have kind of blurred together
76: who do i think satan’s last name isthis is so random and after studying paradise lost i should be able to come up with an intellectual answer but i really can’t
77: what’s a song that always makes me happyshut up and dance by walk the moon
78: how can you win my heartjust be genuinely nice and smiley
79: what would i want written on my tombstonei don’t think i want a tombstone!! they’re really sad and i definitely don’t want to be buried
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr@chronicintrovert​ , @siriuslyweasley​ , @lilieevans​ , @alrightpotter​ and @lilyvans​ are getting the most of my love apparently!! which makes sense bc they’re all fab
82: if the whole world were listening to me rn, what would i sayshhhhhhhhhhhh. sshhhhhhh.
83: do i have any relatives in jailummmm no close/ blood relatives no
84: what superpower would i choosemaybe healing
85: what would be a question i’d be afraid to tell the truth oni guess if you asked me to name/describe a crush or anything like that, i’m a bit iffy about sharing really personal stuff now
86: what’s my current desktop picturea generic one of a tent under the stars
95: have i ever left the house without my walletyes i did it too many times at school it was a nightmare
96: bulled someone on the internet?no never!
98: played on a sports team?nope i tried to avoid playing sports at school as much as i could
103: am i vegetarian/veganvegetarian, although i can go a good few days without having any dairy
104: been overweight/ underweightno i don’t think so. my view of my own weight’s always been a bit skew whiff though so who knows
106: been to a weddingyes but only two, my cousin’s and my aunty’s
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straightthat was basically my life every day after school
108: watched tv for 5 hours straighti always have friends reruns on in the background for hours
109: been outside my countryyes! i’ve only left europe once though
114: been to promyes, twice
115: been in an aeroplane/ helicopter/ ambulanceyes, no and no
117: what concerts have i been tobruno mars, luke friend, and a few festivals. my mum used to take me to the x factor tours when i was younger
118: had a crush on someone of the same sexhooooo boy. oh boy. yes
119: learned another languagei did french and spanish up until a level. i learnt a bit of sign language but i’ve forgotten it all now!
123: dyed my hairi literally did it for the first time ever today! it’s not a proper dye, just a lightening gel to get a bit of an ombre 
124: voted in an electioni voted remain in brexit and i’ll be voting again this time
126: had surgeryyes, i had to get an extra tooth removed before i could have braces
127: met someone famousi was once in manchester and bumped into the cast of coronation street, eastenders, hollyoaks and emmerdale on their way to an awards show it was wild
128: stalked someone on a social networkobviously
129: peed outsideyes sometimes that’s been the better option when we’ve pulled in at grim service stations lol
131: helped with charityyes! my best friend is super into charity work and i’ve helped out at a few of her fundraisers and stuff. i don’t have any regular donations set up but i give when i can
132: been rejected by a crushno i never give them the chance, everyone always knows who i’m crushing on because i’m So Obvious about it but i never actually say anything to the person
134: what do i want for my birthdayit’s coming up soon actually! i’ve asked for some earrings and some money towards getting prescription sunglasses so i can see on holiday
135: how many kids do i want and what will their names bei like the names ellie and jacob and i think i want two! but i might want none or one who knows. i don’t really like to think about the future with a massive Plan™ because anything can happen and i don’t wanna be disappointed
136: was i named after anyonenope! my mum just liked the name
137: do i like my handwritingwhen i put effort into it, yes. it’s really scruffy at the minute though, i’m just trying to get through notes as quickly as i can!
138: what was my favourite toy as a childi always loved stuff like dolls houses and books that opened up into a house that you could put paper furniture and people in
139: favourite tv showright now i’m loving this is us, jane the virgin, crazy ex-girlfriend and brooklyn nine nine. they’re just (bar this is us Every Single episode of that show has left me a crying mess) happy and cheerful and feminist and lovely and have saved me from exam season god bless
141: play a musical instrumenti learnt keyboard all through primary school but i tried to pick it back up recently and i could barely manage hot cross buns
142: one of my scars, how did i get iti went on my french exchange friend’s scooter and didn’t realise i didn’t know how to stop til i was half way down her (very steep) drive. (i was 16). i fell over the handle bars and still have the scars on my elbows and shins.
143: favourite pizza toppingveg and hella cheese
144: am i afraid of the darkVery atm because one of my flatmates likes to scare people when they leave their rooms at night
145: am i afraid of heightsno, i’m actually really good with heights! 
146: have i ever got caught sneaking outno, when i was about 6 i very proudly announced that i was leaving home. i think i got to the end of the drive
147: have i ever tried my hardest then been disappointed in the endi put the most effort into my art gcse project then ended up getting the worst grade in it of all my subjects. still bitter
148: what i’m really bad attalking about myself!!! (believe it or not 150 questions later)
149: my greatest achievementeveryone who knew me before uni is really amazed when they meet me again because i’m So much more confident and happy speaking to people
if you’re still reading omg well done thanks for sticking with me hope at least some of it was vaguely interesting x
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