#And so can aphobes and biphobes
agrebel18 · 1 year
m-spec people 🤝 aspec people 
being seen as “not real queer people” and that we “hog up REAL queer communites” plus some bigots think that we have to eventually “pick a side” and whenever we get some representation of one or both of these sexualities in media, some think it’s “not gay enough”
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erela-tsisdu · 7 months
Watching Jumblr call out Gretchen Felker-Martin makes me feel that much better about always having despised the woman.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
Hey this might be a weird question but you seem to know a lot about the strategies TERFs use and what they're hiding, so I just wanted to ask and you don't have to answer.
Why do so many TERFs have this weird hostility towards bi and ace people? I don't think either of those identities have anything to do with being trans but I've seen so many TERFs who are also biphobic and/or aphobic. My gut instinct was that there was some large overlap between bi/ace people and trans people, but then I've found TERFs give shit to cis bis and aces so I'm not sure if it's that or some other reason. I'm not trans myself but I want to be able to recognize TERF rhetoric to be a better ally to trans people.
A couple reasons.
First one is that hating bis/aces is at the entrance of the TERF pipeline; they utilize this 'soft bigotry' to radicalize LGBTs and it usually looks like this:
To recruit queer ppl first they try to get us to stop considering aces as Oppressed. That's how it starts. They're aren't Doing anything so how can they be oppressed? They don't know what it's like to marginalized....how could they? They're just stealing the spotlight of Actually oppressed ppl
And once you accept that they turn to bisexuals. Who are only half gay, you know? And most of them date men anyway or end up marrying men so like? How the hell would they know what it's like to literally Live oppression 24/7? Do we we really want them to have a voice and speak for those of us that don't have an escape from our oppression?
This works because on the surface TERFS/Radfems appear to care about women and gender equality, which a lot of queer people obviously support. But they exploit those of us that don't know enough about feminism's intersectional (and very gay) history to identify them as bad actors.
From here the person they've targeted will either a- accept this and likewise will eventually also accept that trans oppression isnt real either (fulfilling the TERF's actual goal of recruitment) OR b- they'll realize they've been manipulated and try to deconstruct.
TERFs are white supremacist and their beliefs are founded white supremacist ideology and outdated scientific theories that Support white supremacist rhetoric.
It's called gender-essentialism which is a branch of bio-essentialism which is the belief that the biological body you have has inherent skills and abilities. Racists have used this to deny Black humanity just as TERFs use it to deny the existence of gender diversity.
But nobody is inherently weaker because of a uterus, nor are they bad drivers just because they have a uterus. All women are not good mothers just because they are women. Men are not all abusers just because they are men.
TERFs would have you swallow these beliefs; they're vital to maintaining the Core TERF Value that that trans people aren't Real and people with uteri are always helpless victims to be defended against evil men.
And as white supremacists their goal is to disrupt and destroy minority communities so that we are too divided to unify against legal attacks. TERFs do this from the inside out by putting bis/aces in a different category from the other queers while disguising their bigotry as feminist. They get us to voluntarily undermine and destroy our own movement this way by causing intercommunity "bi/ace discourse" that makes bis/aces out to be an enemy of "real" oppressed people (like transphobic lesbians for example)
Lots of queer people are feminists which makes us easy targets and that's why they focus on the queer community. Additionally, the queer community has a history of being a threat to the white supremacist establishment so dividing us is vital to their goal of eventually wiping out anyone who isnt cis, straight, white, neurotypical, and able bodied
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starsthewitch · 3 months
★ My name is Star! I am 18, an asexual lesbian and i use she/her pronouns
★ I’m a novice witch that’s just trying to find my place in this community by asking all the questions I can and share my experiences with my deities
★ I work with Lady Freyja and Lady Aphrodite! I’ll try and post things about them as I journey more into witchcraft and deity work
★ i’ve been practicing for almost a year now, going off and on a lot due to some outside sources, but now i’m back and here to stay :) I also work with tarots
★ i don’t really mind if minors interact with me? as long as things are kept appropriate, same with older audiences as well
★ i’m really open to making all sorts of friends so feel free to dm me! i’m also very open to learning about any practices, tips, and advice. if you have any questions about me and my work, please feel free to ask, my ask box is always open! i’ll do everything in my best ability to answer ^^
★ occasional shit posts
★ safe space for all who are neurodivergent! i have ADHD :D
★ average DNI criteria, no racists, ableists, homophobes, proshippers, aphobes, biphobes, bigots, free palestine antis, race fetishizers (please actually do not interact with me i don’t want this on my feed at all.) etc. along with being disrespectful to the gods and showing general ignorance (with no want to actually being educated)
★ i am a black, neurodivergent, gay woman. any disrespect towards any of those fronts will have you or your comment immediately blocked or deleted
this is not, i repeat, NOT a fandom blog for things like percy jackson or lore olympus 
i dont see my gods as fictional characters
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the-hydra-sys · 5 months
Pinned Post / Introduction!
We are Hydra.
@the-hydra-sys-spam - Spam, mostly reblogs
@hydra-creates - Requests for templates, userboxes, banners, writing snippets, sketches, etc etc
@michaels-multiverse - Michael rambling about science and source
@tales-from-systok, @tales-from-syscord, @tales-from-sysblr - Askblogs all about people's experiences with system spaces. Positive and negative submissions welcome!
@demonized-infodumps - A blog for rants, rambles, infodumps, and just general community around demonized and stigmatized disorders. A judgement free space.
Discord: the_hydra_sys
Collective Pronouns: Xe/xem and they/them. While most alters are okay with one of these, we prefer you use each specific alter's name/pronouns to talk about/to them unless referring to us as a collective.
Find us on TikTok
Read our system dictionary (google doc)
See Plague's anti-endo community blog masterpost
Join our system-centric discord
[Discord contains a 16+ RAMCOA sector and a sector for systems of colour. Singlets are allowed, but there is a seperate category without them for those that want a system-only space.]
Feel free to send asks, we like answering them!
Sometimes we post about stuff from communities we aren't in, please correct us if we say something wrong, and let us know if we're misusing your community's tags.
Blocklist of narc abuse believers. People w/NPD you are safe here.
Tags, DNI, Alter Info & Sysboxes under the cut.
#[alter name or emoji] blogs = [alter] is fronting, and they are the one who created a post
#[alter name or emoji] reblogs = [alter] reblogged this post
#[alter name or emoji] opinions = [alter]'s opinions may not align with the rest of the system
#[alter name or emoji] likes = posts [alter] likes
#[alter name or emoji] replies = posts [alter] replies to
#hydra blogs = blogs from our system
#hydra reblogs = reblogs from our system
#hydra opinions = collective opinions
#hydra likes = collective likes
#hydra replies = posts we collectively reply to, typically from our inbox
All posts should have some of these tags. If you see us reblog a post with no tags, or create a post with no tags, it's probably Echo forgetting again. If a post is tagged with 'blurry' or 'anon' in place of the alter name, then it's a blurry alter or an alter who wishes to remain anonymous.
Zionists, nazis, etc.
Misogynists, sexists, etc.
Homophobes, biphobes, lesbophobes, etc.
Arophobes, acephobes, aphobes.
Transphobes, transmisogynysts, transandrophobes.
Anti-furry, anti-therian.
RCTA, DCTA, NCTA, and other transIDs.
Endogenic systems.*
Anyone who uses the word "sysmed." (Pro)endo or not.
Those who say littles can consent to sex/romance.
If you are under the age of 15, please interact with care. Our blog is SFW, however some topics may be heavy and some alters may vent. Please skip these posts if you wish to interact with us as a younger person.
*We are anti-endo, pro-belief, endo-critical and anti-fakeclaiming. If they say they are endogenic, we will simply not interact.
*This DNI does not apply to our syscourse posts.
Fluid Opinions
If you don't agree with these, you can still interact, and we're open to discussion about these.
Transfemme alters in AFAB bodies and transmasc alters in AMAB bodies can exist, but they should clarify that they aren't bodily transfemme/transmasc. The way we see it is that if an AFAB system can't have transfemme alters, then doesn't that imply all of their male alters are trans? Does that mean AFAB systems can't have cis male alters?
Alter Information
In our system, frequent fronters change rapidly, but we'll list our alters most likely to front. Others may sign off from time to time, and you may hear about an alter once but never again - this is to be expected, our alter count is high and constantly fluctuating.
So, with that in mind:
Serpent Hill Fronters
The Nightmare Gang
If we get more frequent fronters, I'll add them!
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All sysboxes from sysboxes on tumblr!
Made by Echo
Later edits by: Angeldust, Lexi, Orion
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4dbstar · 8 days
heyyy so
this is kinda just my blog where i be me and stuff and i reveal my TRUE INTENTIONS HUAHAHAHAH nah jk I’m just really queer so
TW: I AM agere but this blog may not be 100% sfw!! You’ve been warned!! DNI if:
EXCLUSIONIST; anti-agere, anti-alterhuman, queerphobic (that means transphobic, aphobic, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, if you hate on neopronouns and xenogenders, or any other hate towards 2LGBTQIAP+ people), sexist, racist, ableist, or if you hate on people because of their religion or their identity at all.
CREEP; Minor Attracted Person (MAP), aka PEDOPHILE, zoophile, if you’re one of those people with that agere kink or whatever is up with that, or just a creep. Also if you’d ever blame a victim of rape for what happened to them, that applies, whether they’re male, female, non binary, agender, androgynous/bigender, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous, no matter who they are.
Anyways next topic
I’m gender-fluid (afab) and use he/it/starself (neo)pronouns as I do use xenogenders. I’m aroflux, reciprosexual, hypersexual, and abrosexual as well.
I’m an alterhuman and a furry, TWO SEPARATE things. If you’d like me to explain what they are and the differences, or anything about my queer identities, I will. I’m also agere. Remember, please be respectful. ☺️
I am very uh fluid, that is for sure. I’m either in a horror movies, true crime, Elsbeth typa mood, or a Sanrio and Bluey typa mood.
also I’m a 40billion year old star as in like the burning ball of gas and shit so yeah
MY FAVORITE: (finishing later in order to avoid someone 🥲)
FOODS; Grilled cheese, strawberries, muffins, cake, brownies
DRINKS; milk, fizzy pop (those hello kitty and stuff ones ❤️), apple juice
GAMES; Genshin Impact, LoZ games, Animal Crossing, FNaF
MANGA; One Piece, Naruto, Death Note
BOOKS; Life as We Knew It - Susan Beth Pfeffer and Mondays Not Coming - Tiffany D. Jackson (I like too many books—these are the best bro)
MUSIC ARTISTS: Crane Wives, 100 gecs, Alice Gas, bo en, BTS, Vocaloid artists, and Childish Gambino (these change regularly 😭)
SHOWS; Sister Sister, Moon Knight, Elsbeth, Bluey
MOVIES; The Insidious five, Slenderman, Captain Marvel
ALL TIME FAVE STUFF; Dinosaurs, trains, LoZ, Creepypasta, Bluey, Sanrio, Peppa Pig, ASMR, Childish Gambino, cats, and collecting Fizzy Pop cans!! (Ex. Rillakuma, Hello Kitty, Tokidoki, etc)
Don’t be hateful, as there are tags for people in the communities I’m in, and we’re not going to trigger them because of your ignorance
have a great day, and be kind, you never know what someone is going through.
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aveline-amelia · 7 months
I might get shit for this, but...
Irene Adler referred to herself as 'gay'. Not as a lesbian.
It's possible she is one, but it is also possible that she meant it in the same way some people (who feel comfortable) use 'queer' today.
It's possible she is mostly homosexual, or homoromantic bisexual, or biromantic homosexual or maybe she is bisexual but biphobic, or she simply prefers women, so she calls herself gay.
We have no evidence she ever slept with male individuals either as part of her job or outside of if (her website doesn't mention sex, only scolding and secrets).
You hardly need my permission to ship Adlock, but just a reminder that "she is a lesbian" is not a valid reason to hate on people who do ship her with Sherlock especially not to send them hate and call them names.
Same with Sherlock. His sexuality is ambigious. Do I think canon Sherlock is different/opposite sex attracted? No. Does that mean I will call someone who ships him with Irene or Molly a homophobe or an acephobe/aphobe? No.
There is canon and fanon. I have my headcanons about most characters, including Irene. You are free to have yours.
You cannot prove me wrong but I cannot prove you wrong either.
You are also free to think Sherlock is aroace, or gay ace, or bi ace, or grey ace, or that he is sex repulsed, or that he loves sex very much.
You can also think he is bi or gay in BBC Sherlock. You can believe he is straight too, just in case you did want my permission.
Or maybe you'd prefer not to label him at all. After all, "Who the hell knows about Sherlock Holmes?"
This was a public service announcement.
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Basics ✨
💖 Call me Hope, Princess or Dazzler! 💖 she/her ✨cis aceflux omniromantic 💖 I am 30 years old! Minors please dni, thank you. 💖 I interact from my main, HopethePrincess! 💖 My Carrd has information about my f/os, both romantic and platonic! Feel free to browse. I'm not personally comfortable with sharing my romantic f/os, but as long as you don't chat with me about it I'm fine with you following! 💖 tl;dr version of this point, I'm not a proshipper as you probably define it, absolutely do not interact with me if you ship adults with minors or ship incest. Thank you. Basically, I cannot keep up with proship or anti labels anymore, because the definitions for these terms keep changing. I've seen takes like "shipping w/ a villain or criminal is proship" and "having platonic f/os who are underage is proship and pe/do behavior" so fuck it lol. I am just gonna lay out what I don't like in my dni, which is below the cut.
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❌ Minors! Literally anyone under 18 years old. I'm an adult and I don't want to talk to, be talked to, or be seen by minors ❌ Shippers I don't want to interact: incest shippers, minor and adult shippers (regardless of if you're aging characters up or down) Charlastor shippers, Radioapple shippers, Zemyx shippers, Xigdem shippers, thank you! ❌ Fatphobes, esp if you claim to be "concerned about fat people's health" ❌ Homophobes, biphobes, transphobes, aphobes, every kind of LGBTphobe get outta here
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❓ I do not send anons, I always send asks from my main and sign it as this blog! ❓ If you dislike something I like, please just block me, I promise I already know how much people hate Hazbin Hotel or FNAF or whatever else you hate lol ❓ I am diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I use "problematic" media and have "problematic" ships to cope with it and express borderline thoughts and fantasies in a contained and fictitious manner. My therapist of nearly a decade has said and still says this is healthy behavior, so don't start with me. ❓ I will occasionally reblog smutty stuff. I always tag it as #nsfw and/or #nsft! I do have a nsfw blog now as well, feel free to ask for that if you are over 18! ❓ Occasionally there may be a bloody art or two, I tag every single variation of tw I can think of for these but I'm sorry if I miss the one you use!! Please let me know if you need something tagged.
blinkies were made on blinkiescafe!
dividers used on this post, and probably a shitload of my posts, are from animatedglittergraphics-n-more and cafekitsune!
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werewolf4vampire · 4 months
it is crazy that to this day i still see posts claiming that having a bunch of adults convince youto identify as ace at like 13 years old is completely harmless. like i have LOTS to say about my experiences during this time but tldr, it caused a massive amount of harm to my perception of myself, my sexuality, sexuality in general, and sex. for YEARS. i'll put a break here cause the rest got kinda long lmao
i was 13 or 14 when i first "realized" i was asexual. and a couple years later, when i grew out of it - because yeah, turned out it was basically just because i was a kid, with a side of stress and medication - i was so entrenched in the community and the way they talked about disgusting filthy sinful "allos" that i ended up mislabeling myself as fucking hypersexual to cope with the guilt and confusion. i was 16. i was bisexual, i was just your average horny teen, and they had me literally convinced that how much i was interested in sex was pathologically abnormal. i felt like a freak, and incredibly demonized
the worst part of all though is that to this day, it's still almost impossible to talk about these things because people will just plug their ears and accuse you of being aphobic. and despite me being FAR from the only one to go through this, it's easy for them to dismiss it, because many people are afraid to bring it up, don't feel like it's worth the backlash, or don't want to bother arguing with brick walls, so i appear to be an outlier. that lends more credence to the "you're just aphobic" claim in their eyes
at the same time, i still felt the need to identify as ~demisexual~ because i still felt so ashamed of the idea of being "allo" that i couldn't fully let go of an ace label. essentially, i ended up rationalizing my sexual feelings as being something i didn't want to experience, it was just my disorder - because wanting it, enjoying it would be yucky disgusting. i think i literally had "hypersexual biromantic demisexual" in my bio for a bit lmaoo
i think my being bisexual made me especially susceptible to being afraid of being seen as promiscuous and overly sexual. the ace community was very biphobic then too - probably still are to some extent if only because everyone is biphobic, but i don't run in those circles at all anymore so who knows
(which to be honest, even if i were, it's not exactly as if the traumatic experience of sexually inappropriate interactions with manipulative adults and puritanical group shaming doesn't warrant some kind of fear looool)
"what's the worst that can happen if a kids misidentifies as asexual for a while, not having sex?" is a frankly laughable question
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tastethea-bow · 4 months
Friendly reminder that the Lesbian Masterdoc isn't really a good source of "am I a Lesbian?" as one may think/may have been led to believe.
I'm not gonna touch on the "creator/writer/editor being bi, actually" thing cause I can't really find anything on that nor do I think that really matters. But I think the Doc being biphobic (mspec-phobic in general)/misandrist/misogynistic/aphobic should always be said with it.
IF IT HELPED YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY A LESBIAN, THAT'S GREAT. This isn't supposed to be a Lesbophobic post! I just want people to be aware that the Lesbian Masterdoc isn't at all close to end all be all of Queer theory.
You can like different sexes/genders at different amounts and still be mspec. Hating men doesn't make you a Lesbian (if Straight Women can understand this then COME ON GUYS). Liking certain fictional characters doesn't really determine your sexuality. CompHet is a general Queer & Feminist thing, and not just a Sapphic/mono Lesbian thing (welcome to being Queer in a heteronormative world 🎉 / welcome to being a Woman in a patriarchal world 🎉). Hell, there are more labels out there than just straight, bi & gay/lesbian. Aspec people exist! You could have split attraction going on, and if so, welcome to the Dark Side 👏👏👏
All in all, if you think you're Queer, don't just stop at ONE (1) piece of "if you're ___, then you'll find this applies to you!". It's a spectrum, a rainbow if you will (haha), and not every ___ is going to have a carbon copy experience. Do some serious introspection folks, I love y'all ♥️
Here's some reading: 🐸 / 🐸 (this YTer has great bi/mspec content in general) / 🐸
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starsdoart · 2 months
ᯓᡣ𐭩 my name is Star, I am 18, an asexual lesbian, and I use she/her pronouns
ᯓᡣ𐭩 this is a side blog for my main account @starsthewitch that i made for art and writing purposes! i don’t want my spiritual practice and my works to be in the same space and be all cluttered
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i have 3 comics in the works at the moment and hopefully more to come. the comics are called VYNL, The Worlds Broken Hearth, and Someko meets Someko, all of which i plan on posting about
ᯓᡣ𐭩 when i’m not focusing on writing lore for my comics, i write and draw things for my ocs instead! i have a lottttt of them, more than 30 which i absolutely adore, they aren’t apart of the comics but i’ll just post about them anyway
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i play dnd! so i’ll be posting things about my character as well
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i’ve been drawing for as long as i can remember, but only took it seriously when i was in the 8th grade. writing is something i’ve always done as well, but the first comic i wrote and drew was when i was a freshman in highschool
ᯓᡣ𐭩 just like it says on my main blog, i don’t mind if minors interact with me as long as things are kept appropriate, same goes for older audiences
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i’m always open to making new art and writer friends so please feel free to dm me! my asks are always open so if you want to ask me anything about what i create, also feel free!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 safe space for those who are neurodivergent, i have ADHD :D
ᯓᡣ𐭩 average DNI criteria, no racists, ableists, homophobes, proshippers, aphobes, biphobes, bigots, free palestine antis, race fetishizers (please actually do not interact with me i don't want this on my feed at all.) etc.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i am a black, neurodivergent, gay woman. any disrespect towards any of those fronts will have you or your comment immediately blocked or deleted
ᯓᡣ𐭩 my commissions are open! i just need to make an official post about them, you can dm me if you’d like one :))
i wont be able to post consistently, i still go to school, i have finals coming up, i have a job, i’m in the process of moving, and i’m getting ready to go to college! so please bear with me during this time ^^
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Best Siblings Tournament
Making a pinned post cause everyone has them.
Pay attention! I edit this post any time something changes or something new comes up!
Submissions closed of Feb 6!!!!!! Bracket has been made, and polls will be up sometime this week.
In 2023, the 1st place was Mario & Luigi, the 2nd place was the Beaudelaires, and the 3rd place was T'Challa & Shuri.
Propaganda is heavily encouraged! Please @ me with propaganda, put propaganda in the asks or reblog with propaganda.
I am biased. If you don't like it, find a different tournament. (I do think I'm kind of mild about it? Whatever...)
Tags- I've used tags on all my posts, but this was my first tournament so when I started I didn't make them specific enough, and now I don't wanna change them. Anything that isn't a poll but is tournament related, is tagged 'tournament related'. Anything that has nothing to do with the tournament, is tagged as 'not tournament related'. Polls are tagged with 'polls' as well as 'best siblings tournament', the names of the characters, their source and whatever other tags I deem appliable. Reblogs of other tournaments are tagged "other tournaments", and polls that aren't the tournament are tagged "other polls".
Anti-propaganda is allowed, but keep it respectfull and remember what the tournament is about. I don't want to hear yammering about how much you hate a character and how bigoted or toxic they are. I want to hear about how their being a sibling doesn't make sense or how they don't actually care about eachother or how they weren't even raised together so how can they be the better siblings etc.
Anyone who's actually homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, aphobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic, racist, sexist, ableist, fatphobic, etc is NOT welcome at this tournament whatsoever, no exeptions.
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Can pointless queer discourse end? No, pansexuality is not biphobic or transphobic, and bisexuality is not panphobic or transphobic. The creator of the pan flag is not lesbophobic, they just support people who use mspec or bi lesbian labels, which aren't lesbophobic. The creator of the pan flag support kink at pride, which is fine. kink is still an important part of queer history, so queer people who partake in kink should be at pride. Truscum rhetoric is transphobic and usually excludes nonbinary identities. Asexual people aren't just straight people and they do get discriminated against. Aromantic people are human, and they don't have to explain how their relationships are important. The battleaxe bi tag is becoming a mspec exclusionist dog whistle tag, like why are pan and bi people fighting? Similar labels can coexist without being queerphobic to the other label. Solidarity isn't "clearing your concise of knowing that x label is y phobic". If you don't like the word queer for yourself, use LGBTQ. if you feel like queer is a good description of your identity, use the word queer. Mogai identities are just as valid as any other identity. Even if you dislike someone's pronouns/ think they're "fake", use them. Unlabeled and queer can be synonyms if you want them to be, if they have different definitions to you then use them how you understand them. People can use the term bisexual if they only have an attraction to 2 genders, or it can be attraction to all genders. Don't be rude to someone who you think has "confusing/contradicting labels"
Yes, this shade to a post I saw on my dash that was purposely panphobic.
Instead of fighting about useless shit, lets fight for reproductive rights and making sure lgbtq+ rights aren't stripped away.
minorities can still have bigoted views.
you cant take our queer rights.
Quick edit, it's in the tags, so I thought people might see it: Radfems, panphobes, biphobes, aphobes, transphobes, homophobes, truscum, and queerphobes dni.
I realized trying to change people's minds and fighting is fucking stupid so sincerely, no discourse please?
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
Ok but let's talk about how deeply offensive and oppressive it is to take a stand against pride icons in any context.
Their purpose is simply to declare the users identity. Thats it.
Now I think some of you are maybe a bit too young to remember, but we haven't always been able to do that. There was a time that doing something like simply having a pride flag in your icon could be very, very dangerous. God forbid you get doxxed and face real life consequences.
There are people reading your crap that have in their lifetime gone from hiding their identity out of fear for their lives to using fucking pride edit icons. Do you not realise what a big deal that is?
Its normal now. Do you understand that? Its NORMAL. To have a pride flag in your icon. Where anyone can see it. Not even on secret forums but on TUMBLR. on TWITTER. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS?
And then you have the nerve to demand people bury their identities if they want to appreciate a fictional fucking character? You want to demand people give up what people have fought so hard for, even died for, over a fictional fucking character? Open pride and open declarations of our identities is something so many did not dare dream they would live to see. Fuck every homophobe, every biphobe, every lesbophobe and aphobe and transphobe and queerphobe trying to push us back into the closet over a man who is not fucking real. Do not cede any ground to this shit, even if its not your identity and not your fandom. You all know how this shit goes.
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sapphiccharacterotd · 8 months
Sapphic Character of the Day Submissions + FAQ
HELLO!! I'm accepting submissions for sapphic characters! I prefer characters who are canon sapphics, but implied is okay as well! You're allowed to submit headcanons, but I would prefer to promote media that features canon sapphics :) (/nm)
Submit as many characters as you like, but please try and keep it to this format so I can search for the character:
"[Character Name] from [Media] is a [canon/implied/headcanoned] sapphic. " (You may paraphrase, btw!)
You may also include things like:
Disability (I have a soft spot for this one as a disabled sapphic, haha. I would prefer this to only be canon/implied disabilities though)
Who they're in a relationship with/have a crush on (Only canon/implied stuff for this one please)
Your username
Anything else you'd like to include
If it's from a lesser-known media, you may wanna submit a photo with it.
Here's an example of one of my posts:
Tumblr media
(I'm writing this when I first started this blog so these technically aren't "frequently asked questions" but you get the idea T_T)
1. Can I submit real people?
2. Can I submit characters played by actors?
You may! HOWEVER, I won't edit them onto a pride flag as I usually do because I feel uncomfortable putting a real person's face on them.
3. Can I submit my own characters?
Sorry, but no, unless your characters are like, published or something, if that makes sense? If you're the creator of like a webcomic, video game, or whatever, you can submit your character, but please indicate that you're the creator and what series they are from in case I need more info.
4. Someone has submitted a character from a problematic media.
I'm sorry! I try to do a little digging, but if I happened to miss something about a show/book/etc. being problematic, please let me know (and explain why it is) so I can take it down!
5. Someone has submitted a character as something that goes against their canon sexuality/gender.
What I mean by this is basically any kind of lesbian/bi/trans/ace/etc. erasure. If this happens, I'm sorry! Again, I try to do a bit digging, but if I happened to miss something, please let me know (and explain what they canonically are) so I can either edit the post or take it down!
6. Why haven't you posted my submission?
Sorry! There could be many reasons for this:
Tumblr being weird and losing it.
I couldn't find the character or media.
Your character was from problematic media.
Your submission was lesbophobic/biphobic/transphobic/aphobic/etc. or offensive for other reasons.
I was uncomfortable with your submission.
Your submission is currently queued but is going to take a bit to post.
Something else.
I do not have to give a reason for why I do not accept any particular submission.
7. Do you tag trigger warnings?
I try to! But if I miss something, let me know and I'll add it right away!
8. Is this blog sapphic run?
9. Can I use your pride flag edits as a profile pic?
10. How many times a day do you post?
Once a day, but not during weekends since I don't wanna run out of characters! But if I happen to get a bunch of submissions, I'll change that.
(I may update this in the future ^u^)
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immogoat · 1 year
Tumblr media
So I usually stick to personal projects, but I really wanna make pride icons!!
For those who can’t read my handwriting (I don’t blame you) here are my prices/info:
You can contact me through DM here on tumblr, notes @~SebastianFerret on Furaffinity, or (quickest) @color_in_stereo on Telegram!
I have chibi, painterly, cartoon, and realistic art styles, and can do flat colors OR shading for any of them—please ask about combining these, but a few simple ones are as follows:
chibi flat color: $25
cartoon flat color $15
cartoon color and shaded head: $30
realistic shaded head: $25
painterly shaded head: $20
(I can put several flags in the background if you want too, like if you’re trans AND nonbinary, or lesbian AND agender!)
I accept payment via Paypal or Venmo, and will send you that info after we’ve squared away what you want—payment is up front, but if you don’t like my rough sketch after I show you and want to stop business I will offer a refund of however much you paid minus $5 for the sketch.
After the rough sketch phase I will NOT do refunds but I WILL make edits for free, within reason, and will send you progress pics every step of the way (roughs, lines, colors, shading)!
- BDSM and kink pride!
- Nude characters!
- Animals (anthro or realistic), humans, demons, monsters, aliens, Pokémon, fairies, you name it!
- ALL bodies, ethnicities! clear skin, acne, thin, fat, dreadlocks, straight hair, curly hair, surgery scars, eyebags, stretch marks, mobility aids or assistive devices… etc!
- Fascist/nazi/racist/ableist/fatphobic/transphobic/homophobic/aphobic/biphobic characters
- Babies or children
- Zoophilia or animal abuse
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