#like its not something to be ashamed of
jadenvargen · 3 months
it's kind of crazy how many percentage of people will tell me at cons like oh i know you from pinterest when it's like i most certainly did not put it there😭
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varietyshiw · 1 year
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a silly little comic i made about plurality & unmasking
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
you know those stories people tell about how a man was acting weird to them and a drag queen intervened? DRAG QUEEN DICK GRAYSON WOULD. HE SO WOULD
yeah you're so right.
one time he stops a mugging outside the club he regulars at, and has to play it off to onlookers that he's just taken a couple casual martial arts classes in the past for his own self-defence.
another time dick catches news of a guy who's been getting weird with whatever girls he can get the attention of. next thing you know this guy is extremely embarrassed as dick grayson (who is in full drag, and taller than the man himself) comes up and wraps an arm around him, interrupting his interaction to give him a taste of his own medicine, 'flirting him up'.
he ends up getting dubbed as the 'mother' of the club.
any other queen has a problem with certain patrons? they're asking dick to walk them out.
there's a girl in the club feeling uncomfortable? they've been advised to ask the bartender for a certain queen who will come out and chat with them like they're old friends until she feels safe to be on her own again.
a girl's crying in the bathroom because she's been ditched by whoever she came with? a regular patron saw her and walked her over to the backstage doors, where the girl was welcomed by dick grayson, who let her come in and hang out backstage for the rest of the night, putting her in drag and making her forget all about the negative start to her night.
during his performance, he sees someone in the audience who looks especially entraced with the drag. he seeks them out after the show and finds out drag is something they're super interested in. by the end of the conversation dick's convinced them to give it a shot.
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nicosraf · 2 months
so yesterday my family (who are visiting to help me move) i thought discovered some paperwork and money for an ABM deal, and while it turned out to be something else, i had a panic attack after they left and ive been trying to stop being miserable and shaky since. i finally got up from rotting on the carpet all day yesterday so thats a start but my heart hurts very much
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savage-rhi · 3 months
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skunkes · 3 months
severe and extreme exaggeration but igts so crazy how ive been having the Energy and Drive to do lots of comms lately but when I calculate everything its like. yey i finally have the energy to do 50 comms this month ^_^!! how much will that earn me? and the answer is like. $300
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favesgrave · 11 months
blurr deserves a vacation but honestly i think he'd be the guy who can't fucking relax and would keep finding problems to solve
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
its time to stop perpetuating the mindset that its only socially acceptable or normal to make fancontent for a series if its max 1-2 years old. theres literally nothing odd, unbelieveable or off about making stuff for older series, fandoms have been doin it forever
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goldfish-trick · 14 days
don't ever look at popular social media personalities opinions on or check the tags related to a movie explicitly about the queer experience Worst mistake of my life. every single time a queer movie has gotten popular cishet people come out in droves to posit that Actually, my interpretation of the film where instead of being weird faggots everyone is normal is Just as valid as your stupid gay interpretation . and I'm meant to be like yeah okay
#yes i saw todd in the shadows tweet about i saw the tv glow yes im mad about it#for someone whose entire career spanning over a decade is built upon scrutinizing art#youd think he wouldnt have maybe the most dense idiotic take on this explicitly trans movie that ive ever seen in my life#“what if the curtains are just blue” type shit. never graduated from picture books type of reading comprehension#and i LIKE his videos and i have for years. this shit was just maybe the dumbest thing hes ever said#and i feel like since hes an out and proud lefty guy that people give him too much slack for very much still being white and cishet#not that those are things to be ashamed of but they do obviously color his opinions and the things he says#and for what its worth heres your obligatory reminder that this post is hyperbole lest anyone be offended#that im mocking their favorite internet personality. i guess#can we not just have literally a single thing that belongs to us. must we always cede ground to allowing alternative interpretations#to art that is explicitly about us.#god forbid. GOD FORBID anything not be for the majority audience. GOD FORBID anything be made by us for us#and GOD FORBID anyone ever have to admit that they just fundamentally cant relate to something that isnt about them#whatever i will probably delete this later because im not like a “discourse account”#and im mostly just ranting about a singular interaction i saw on twitter#but a lot of people have been having horrible opinions about this movie and its making me evil#through the teeth#i saw the tv glow
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 5 months
do you have any writing tips? im trying to write this thing about sneeg/frank and i only have my incoherent thoughts in my notes app
sorry i just saw this uh. i dont have any like Actual advice but i can say to just write whatever you want forever. get freaky with it go into depth or dont if you want. make it as cringe as you want have fun with it. write it shitty or however you deem good it doesnt matter !! write whatever genre or ship or trope or whatever just have fun with it. you dont even have to like it after!! if you have fun and like it while writing it thats perfectly fine!!!! and dont feel pressured to write more or write something else because then youre not having fun anymore and it just makes this vicious cycle of hating writing and everything you write and thats not good!!!!
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superbellsubways · 8 months
Hello! I hope this isn't rude as I'm just trying to learn and understand, what is it that makes objects attractive to you?
Dw about it! it doesn't upset me
Honestly I'm like. the Worst person to come to when it comes to this kinda thing... only because I didn't really accept myself as objectum+posic until recent. I didn't even know there were words associated with these feelings before. I really don't know how to put my thoughts into coherent words...
If you really want an indepth look into what exactly Being objectum Is, i rec this post . it's really insightful in my opinion!!
but uh idk I've just always personally liked projecting human feelings onto objects.. Like my phone is a baby to me I have to take good care of.. otherwise ill feel bad for it.
and I've Always liked non-human looking robot/ai characters in media as well so that definitely. influenced me a bit fhsjjsf there's just something about certain robotic/computer features that I find alluring and I can't really explain why?
Apologies if you wanted a much clearer answer, my brain doesn't allow me to be comprehensible a majority of the time when someone wants me to explain why I am how I am Lol
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gramarye · 2 months
it kinda sucks that even in like. Mental Health Positive spaces you cannot really talk or show or depict or discuss self harm scars or talk about it in a past sense like. there is always an assumption you are Edgy or romanticizing it or endorsing it or something else when it's like. man. its just a fact of life for some people. that is just how some people's bodies look.
like ive seen people roll their eyes at and talk rudely about others drawing characters with self harm scars or writing about it and its like man. real people have bodies with scars from self harm sometimes. im sorry it offends you but Some People Look Like That And They Cannot Change It. my body looks like that and its clear after over a decade that its never going away and im not really ashamed of it its just a neutral thing to me. its a part of my body its how i look and its me. but depicting that is somehow Wrong and people will make all sorts of honestly very rude assumptions about you!
nd god forbid you post a picture of yourself like a completely normal photo where your arms with old scars are visible because that is how your body looks. its insane how even in spaces where its widely accepted that you shouldn't police people's bodies and its insane to ask people to Trigger Warning their bodies otherwise, its still somehow reasonable to do that to people with self harm scars. girl that is peoples bodies! im sorry it makes you uncomfortable but that has to be a You Problem. all of this is just like. another form of judging people's mental health and bodies audibly but because its under the guise of Well This Is Uncomfortable >_< its okay i guess. man.
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coccolithophore · 4 months
my paranoia about social situations is so bad rn
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fellhellion · 11 months
The way Miles accidentally hits what seems to be - given the severity of Miguel’s reaction - such a huge fucking bruise with the “Are those claws? Dude, are you sure you’re spiderman?” and it’s this trigger for Miguel just fucking. Exploding with everything he’s kept under lock and key like. Resentment over the way he seems to feel deeply isolated in the emotional burden of what he does, blaming Miles for what he believes was the catalyst which led to him being in this position (RIPeter’s death), hitting back (verbally) to hurt with the anomaly comments when it’s like dude. If they keep your origin intact, you’re both the so similar, and because this kid is living proof of every doubt you’re trying to suppress.
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catlokis-blog · 5 months
How do you imagine the Boomers (and Gman as an extra partner/parent if you please, ik you’re the Gubby Mastermind) would feel about having kids? Yay? Nay? Something they want and talk about or something they flat out reject, so on and so on
OHHH ITS BEEN MONTHS SINCE IVE EVER BEEN ASKED TO TALK ABOUT MY HEADCANONS AND THE BOOMER/GUBBY POLYCULE <33 i am gonna do it as seperate relationships just this one time bc theyd have different outlooks on it thoo
For Bubby he never really HAD a childhood. he was quite literally born to be an adult (canonically having been created to be around elderly around arrival)
i feel like he wouldn't really know how to be a parent. he wouldn't even have the retrospective your average person has where you can look back on your childhood and say "well, this didn't help me, and this did. this left me with wounds, and this healed them to scars"
assuming joshua is not in his life often, bubby... wouldn't know ANYTHING about kids outside of theory. and sure, he's cocky - he's "the best", - but you need experience in parenthood. experience he doesn't have.
gman does have parenting experience. depending on who you ask, it's questionable, but i like to think he's been a good father. i think he's happy with tommy as he is, though, and probably wouldn't consider any new "heirs" now that he's grown. it'd be awkward to introduce a new sibling to the family thats 37 years younger than your eldest, after all.
bubby wouldn't push for one, so they wouldn't consider it.
in coomer's case, though, i think (s)he'd (am i allowed to push the penelope agenda here? ww) get on good with kids. he has a very maternal vibe to him, if a little brash about it. someone who's not afraid to give a good scolding, but always means well
he'd be a good parent. great one, even. and he has probably considered having kids! but with bubby's anxiousness about it, i doubt it'd be a conversation they'd have without bubby shutting it down. he already fucked up one life with gordon's arm, he wouldn't want to make that kind of mistake again
coomer would reassure him that he could learn, though. i'm not sure they'd have a kid of their own, or even adopt a baby - they're both quite old! - but maybe they'd start trying to help with joshua more, make bubby feel more comfort interacting with kids.
at the end of the day, though, they'd probably just only end up fostering if anything. or getting pet babies, since bubby's shown to be quite keen of xen fauna like a certain man he shares a model with :3
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Dweeb(s) in love
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@harriyanna​ @ishiphumasohard​ @incometaxevasion​ 
Harry likes loves that one day/night every one or two months where Uma takes out her braids and he gets to see her natural hair, which reaches just past her shoulders and always looks so soft and bouncy, he never touches her hair without her permission, but she always has her hands running through his hair. its just a simple couple hours of being able to just-deflate. when she finally finishes Harry traps her comb arm between his chin and her leg and fully wraps his arms around her legs, forcing her to pay attention to him; she never minds giving it.
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did i mention Harry is a cat before? yes? well im saying it again. fucking dweeb(s) in love.
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