#like maybe talk to jade about fungi and nature?
nrc-confessions · 4 months
Is there really any "talking to them normally" when it's one of the leech twins?
- 🦎
Thank you for your confession!
Honestly, probably not.
But there are probably better ways to get their attention that don’t include putting yourself in harms way
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
may i request a gn!reader who'll sit with jade while he either works or does other stuff and listens to him ramble abt mushrooms? the reader isnt the same level of hyperfixated- just mildly interested and loves hearing jade talk, emphasis on loving jades voice www
(also i know you said no oc x oc interactions, but i wanted to ask if youd be fine doing a short kyuu and honey secret date hc from when we joked abt it- if you arent thats totally fine dear!)
also for Honey, I decided I'd do Honeyuu x Reader (but brackets for short parts of how Honeyuu would alternatively be with Kyuu over it cuz- Kyuu my beloved- I can't resist-)
Btw, for more info of requests, you can check out here!
TWST s/o who loves to listen to them
Jade Leech
At first, Jade didn't really take much notice, simply because he was too engrossed with sharing to you all about his "fungi expertise". He was just very happy you paid close attention to him and showed genuine interest in them.
He likes to go on and on about it, in contrast to his softspoken nature that most people know (as well as that sly, sneaky and skeptic persona people can also get intimidated by-).
But the more he looked at you in the eye, the more he realized they looked rather dazed and... dreamy? He was rather curious, simply because he didn't think you'd be so in awe about his mushrooms.
He placed his terrarium bowl down, smiling teasingly at you. "My, my, I didn't know you were so 'awe-struck' by my collection and knowledge of fungi, s/o. Are you really into it, more than me? I won't lie I'm quite jealous of your burning passion, much brighter than mine it seems, fufu~"
You blinked. "Huh? I mean, I am for sure, but the way you talk and share about it is just really cute, and you sound really handsome just like that, hehe~" you smiled back, oblivious to how you made the eel feel his heart leap out.
Slowly, a blush crept up from his neck towards his cheeks, a bright pink doused his fair cheeks.
He smiles dumbfounded but regains his usual polite (just less poised) smile, and his eyes softened.
"Ah... so that's why... ", he mutters to himself. <3
Honey (Honeyuu) Ryuu
This is Honeyuu btw, they're my Yuusona! ^^
Unlike Jade, Honey's not really into fungi. They're actually way nerdier than expected (or maybe it was expected-). They love Literature, a nose stuck into a book and when they aren't, they're sharing all about the book they have recently read to someone close (such as Deuce or A*e).
With you, it's no exception. Be prepared to have Honey ramble about History class, Literature class, the books they have read, and if you're really close to them, so much lovey-dovey, cheesy romance chapters that made them squeal and kicked their legs like a crazy person on the bed.
(Kyuu: Honey would read to them their favourite chapters over key lime pie and fawn over how the chapters are so good, and they wished they were the main character who got their prince charming- they're slightly joking they love Kyuu/ S/o the most- <3)
Sometimes Honey thinks you also have similar interests with them about books, and love novels and just all the "nerdy-book stuff" A*e summarizes it as. You just looked as dazed as they were, and Honey wonders if you love them a lot, or if you're dozing off-
"Say, you always get so dreamy whenever I talk about all my books. Do you love them a lot or are you paying attention...? I- I mean, not to sound rude, I really don't have any bad intentions, it's just that, you know, you look really dazed and all, and I wonder if you're-"
"I am interested. It's just that I also love how you ramble about them and it's just really adorable and cute when you do that. Your voice makes it more charming and endearing," you smiled.
*Honeyuu.exe has stopped working*
Honey malfunctions, with their whole face turning bright red, cheeks burning out of embarrassment and fluster. "H-hey! Y-you can't just say that out of the blue like that...!" they stutter. (Kyuu: "W-WAIT- KYUU- Y-YOU- I-I- MMMHRPPHHHHHDGHDJH-") <3
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