#like mobius being a Thor variant! Mobius???
twinge-of-cosmicangst · 11 months
I can deal with Mobius being straight and having a wife but I draw the line at him being a Thor variant
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charliewrites99 · 10 months
It's so funny to me how season one Lokius shippers went: Oh I love how an all powerful god has a crush on just this guy. This random man.
And then some people were like NO! Mobius is going to be a watcher or a he who remains variant or x,y,z important person.
And season two rolls around: Oh look at them, just a human man and a diety.
And AGAIN people go: NO! Mobius is going to be thor or odin or balder.
But in the end...He did end up being just a guy. A random SINGLE dad selling jetskies.
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cleabellanov · 8 months
"But Lokius isn't even canon! Stop making everything gay!"
The Loki series isn't just about romantic relationships and shouldn't be seen as so. However, there is a lot of subtext. Maybe this ship is not canon, but it was intended to be seen as so by the fans.
If Lokius isn't canon, then why were the last two shots of the series showing Mobius and Loki?
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If Lokius isn't canon, why would there be so much touching and scenes so physically close to one another? (believe me I know they're friends. that just offers a solid base for something more)
If Lokius isn't canon, why is there an OFFICIAL track named like that?
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Why is said track played or incorporated in different scenes of the series? like
-the first McDonalds meeting with Sylvie,
-the back-in-time conversation with Kang
- the ASCENSION to the throne?
Why is the Sylvie and Loki kiss never mentioned, by the producers, in the series per se, or even in the season 1 recap?
Why is Mobius the only one looking at Loki when he leaves down to the temporal loom?
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And the other way around, why did Loki only make eye contact with Mobius in that scene?
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Why is Mobius the only one to notice there is something wrong when Loki is still trying to fix the Loom?
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Why did Mobius/Don on the original timeline, mention he's single, trust a complete stranger, invite him for a drink, AND offer to sell him a quite personal jet-ski?
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Why did Loki, the LITERAL GOD OF MISCHIEF stutter and fix his hair and coat for no one else but Mobius (who by the way is just a jetski salesman on that timeline)?
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Why is the timeslipping Loki had to go through directed to Mobius twice, him being the the only one he doesn't need a TemPad to "recruit"?
Why would Loki bring up Thor and Jane if it wasn't to mirror him and Mobius? (because, as he already was talking to Sylvie, he certainly wasn't implying it's about her. They were arguing, AND Mobius was implied in the conversation. Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, in case you forgot.)
Why would Mobius's voice be the one to echo back to Loki on his throne? let time pass time pass time pass
Why the RAINBOW?
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WHY DID LOKI LOOK AT MOBIUS RIGHT BEFORE THE FAMOUS LINE "IT'S ABOUT WHO"? (important mention: Sylvie was behind him when he said that. why didn't he just turn around when saying it? nope, they know what they're doing)
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Why is the shot cut to Mobi after Loki's "it was more about what I wanted" line?
Why the shot where 7 characters could've been showed (Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, O.B., Victor Timely) there are only 2: Mobius and Loki?
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Why is Mobius the only one to tell Loki he can be someone good, and the first one Loki actually believes despite his tendency to do the other way around in the past?
Why does Mobius finally find insight, and reinvent his whole life at the TVA because Loki helped him do so? (they're not even the first Loki variant he faced, but something clicked this time)
Why does the bloody sleeve, representing Loki being hurt by Sylvie just because he "wore his heart on his sleeve" disappear on episode 2? (because he finally understands who he needs to be next to)
Why did Mobius risk his life on the first episode?
Why did Loki go to past Mobius for the final advice, not to the present one, not to Sylvie?
Why did Loki ultimately sacrifice his life for the ones he loves?
And why is Mobius left alone, with the door locked, after Loki leaves in the Loom's radiation?
Why would there be so much endearing looks, and smiles at each other, if not for a conscious acting choice?
Why why why why why if it isn't canon?
Nothing is for nothing. Especially in television, where everything counts from the light to the angles and the way the lines are spoken.
We don't need to see two characters kiss to know they are made for one another. In fact, I think implied canon is so much better for now, because it leaves free interpretation for the fans, and nothing to strike on for the haters.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the ending is still tragic, although it holds its sweet from bittersweet. But remember: there aren't tragedies without love.
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makkarisbelova · 10 months
not really sure how the mcu’s going to come together again at this point but I really want them to include mobius in the gayest and most irrelevant way. like imagine: it’s the next avengers movie. the latest avengers + whatever other superheroes they can scavenge are at the avengers headquarters discussing what to do next in the fight against kang (or whoever else it is if they switch it idk I’m not here for my logistical theorizing). all of a sudden, a security breach. someone’s at their front door, an unknown person unidentifiable to their facial recognition. this intrigues them. they let him in. he’s a man with a mustache and possibly the most non threatening demeanour one could ever encounter. he’s holding an envelope with the avengers logo stamped onto it.
they ask him what he’s doing here. he holds up the blank envelope and explains how he figured their mail go mixed up with his (he lives nowhere near them. like, in a completely different state.) this is also strange because they don’t get their mail sent to the compound. immediately they’re suspicious. especially because the guy keeps gawking at them.
“sorry,” he says. “this is pretty cool for me, seeing all of you in person. it’s kind of like meeting all of the characters from your favourite tv show, except the show is loki’s life so you all come off a little unfavourably—”
not half a second passes before thor is marching across the room and picking this man up off the ground by the neck. “loki? you know my brother, tell me right at once how you know him.”
the other avengers are trying to yank the man free from thor’s grasp. “you’ve got to keep his airway intact if you want him to explain,” the shout at thor. he finally drops him.
“my name is mobius m. mobius,” he says. “I was an agent with the Time Variant’s Authority, also known as the TVA. we were in charge of maintaining a single timeline until recently, when the man in charge of all that died. I didn’t get a name, loki only ever referred to him as He Who Remains— which if we’re being honest is much cooler, I mean he had this variant that was named victor timely but that’s just such a non-villain kind of name, you know, I just thought—”
“get to the point,” one of them demands.
“right, sorry. loki was working with us to figure out how to stop the timelines from imploding. your precious multiverse would have destroyed itself if not for him holding it together now.”
“that’s where he is?” thor asks.
mobius nods. “at the end of time. keeping every timeline intact, every universe safe. he sacrificed himself for me. for all of us.”
“you knowing loki can’t be a coincidence, you must have come here for a reason. what’s in the letter.”
“well that’s just it: I don’t know,” mobius says. “I haven’t opened it. I mean that’s still a felony on this earth, right? I just thought I’d return it. didn’t show up in my mailbox or anything either. just appeared on my front doorstep like magic.”
“not like magic,” bruce says as he opens the letter. “I think this is magic.”
thor grabs the letter and looks at it. everyone looks over his shoulder hoping to read it as well. it’s a single piece of paper with three simple sentences.
My Jane. Protect him with your life. Please.
— Loki
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lokielly · 1 month
because i've never had the guts to do it, i'm finally making myself post the idea i had for my post-loki s2 loki/lokius fic. this has been in the works for a while. it's a combo of a "what if loki didn't die in infinity war fic" and a lokius idea i had.
mobius realizes he was deeply in love with loki once he's gone. he doesn't stop thinking about it. he can't stop thinking about it.
he drops by the tva often to find information on different loki variants. he has plenty of conversations about them whenever he visits sylvie.
sylvie tells him he shouldn't poke around in those timelines. but he finds one that he likes a lot.
thanos doesn't kill this loki; he injures him, but spares him. so he accompanies thor throughout infinity war. this loki lives in new asgard now, sometime between the events of infinity war and before endgame. he's trying to be someone his people can trust. someone that his brother can trust, but he's finding all of it to be quite difficult. this loki is the closest variant mobius has found to his loki.
enter mobius, who despite being told how much of a bad idea this was, couldn't help but introduce himself to loki as a "norse mythology buff" (not really. he just wanted to be near him).
... and it goes from there. maybe i'll write a draft of it good enough to put out there soon! i personally really love it and have been working on it and thinking about it since november.
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boredintjqueen · 9 months
I have a theory:
Here's what we know:
Our Loki, TVA Loki, is a variant. Therefore variants can affect and be affected by the Sacred Timeline even if they're not from the Sacred Timeline.
A variant simply being in a different timeline cannot cause a branch- that's why in the Pompeii apocalypse Mobius suggests making 'bird noises'. If you don't cause enough of a disturbance you can get away with it.
Loki is canonically bisexual, genderfluid, and capable of shapeshifting.
The 'Centuries' Loki spent studying had to have been spent in the Sacred Timeline because any other branch would have disappeared too quickly.
Loki would have to leave before Don's nexus event.
Loki couldn't have spent centuries on the Sacred Timeline as himself because people would recognise him and he would risk encountering the Sacred variant.
Don's wife is 'long gone', he never says he's divorced.
Don's children, Sean and Kevin are very much like Thor and Loki (one likes snakes and the other likes chaos) while Don is nothing like Odin which leads me to this conclusion:
Loki timeslipped back to the Sacred Timeline as a woman to study whatever he needed to study and during the course of that time he married and had children with Don. He couldn't stay long enough because Don is mortal and Loki probably didn't want to watch him die, so he existed in a time-loop that amounted to centuries, a time-loop that ended at a point in time where Don assumed his wife simply up and left him. Loki probably used a different name which is why Don didn't know his name when Loki timeslips to him the first time but he did find him familiar enough to trust.
I wouldn't put it past the creatives behind the show to leave these breadcrumbs for us to draw this conclusion even if they would never admit it to the higher-ups. The higher-ups couldn't even let lokius happen, so no way they were aware of these breadcrumbs.
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rems-writing · 3 months
Variant 1126
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Pairing: Loki!Wooyoung × Avenger!reader
Warning(s): Mentions of a painful past (iykyk, especially if you're a Bucky fan), Wooyoung being a cheeky little fuck lol, Fandral and Volstagg being absolute dicks (trigger warning: Volstagg mentions ripping off body parts), slight coercion, fluffy ending
Genre: Cracked out fluff with some angst
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
Context: Loki is the Norse god of mischief. In the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), he is dead. When the Avengers defeated him in 2012, he was last seen chained up and ready to go back to Asgard to be imprisoned. However, in Avengers: Endgame, Loki escapes with the Tessaract when the 2023 Avengers show up and fuck up shit as they try to gather the Infinity Stones from all across the realms in different time periods.
Setting: this will take place during the Loki series. Specifically, season two. If you do not know by now, Loki sacrificed himself in the end of this series and is now the god of stories. He did this so the others could live. The fic will start with Mobius hanging out with Hunter B-15, Casey, and Sylvie before all five of them look onto a random screen to see other versions of the Earth we know today. Yes Wooyoung will be a variant lol
Includes: Hongjoong as Odin, Seonghwa as Freya, Yunho as Thor, Yeosang as Dr. Darcy Lewis, San as Bucky, Mingi as Dr. Jane Foster, and Jongho as Lady Sif.
To clear up any confusion, Odin!Hongjoong and Apollo!Hongjoong are two completely different godly figures.
Thank you to @bunnliix for helping me decide the order of the fics that I write and post
I also decided to tag @ja3hwa since they're a huge Bucky enthusiast 👁👁
"You know... I'm curious about something."
Mobius said out of the blue as he looked at his three friends peacefully eating their key lime pie. Hunter B-15 looked up at him curiously.
"What is it?" B-15 asked.
"Have we ever taken in variants that were actually doing what is told in accordance with the sacred timeline? As in they were doing what they were supposed to do yet we accidentally took them in?"
Mobius's question left them puzzled and they were now thinking about it.
"I want to know as well." Sylvie asked as well. The blonde Loki variant tilted her head curiously. Casey then came up with something.
"Remember that one Loki variant we took in? The one that Renslayer misinformed us about? He had eyeliner and a lot of piercings on his ear. He also bites."
B-15 knew who Casey was talking about and she blushed out of embarrassment.
"We were all awkward that day, including Renslayer. She apologized to the variant and we all left quickly. That same day, we never did anymore missions and just waited the next day." B-15 explained. Casey & Mobius nodded grimly while Sylvie was confused.
"A Loki variant that bites?! What is this variant? A vampire?" Sylvie exclaimed and Mobius chuckled before taking out his tempad and scrolling through the past Loki variants before stopping on the one they were talking about.
"This is him. Variant 1126. He is a Loki variant but when he visits Earth often, he goes by Jung Wooyoung."
Sylvie's jaw dropped as she saw a picture of a beautiful man on the tempad screen.
"He's a Loki variant?! He certainly doesn't look like one!" She exclaimed as she kept staring at him."
"I wonder what he's doing now." Mobius said curiously. The other three grew curious as well and they all sat beside Mobius. The older man soon clicked on the file and all four of them peered into the life of Variant 1126.
Yunho laughed heartily while San giggled lightly and tightened his hold on his sibling. One minute, you were sleeping peacefully. The next minute, your brother hoisted you up and over his shoulder before walking alongside the taller man outside of the Avengers Compound.
The two doctors tagging along simply giggled. Yeosang playfully swatted your ass while Mingi shrugged jokingly as if to say 'Sorry. My hands are tied.' Finally, you gave up and laid limp in San's hold.
A bright light descended from the sky and crashed down onto the five of you before beaming you upwards to Yunho's realm.
You thought you were going to hurl.
After you guys successfully made it to Asgard, you immediately ran over to the beginning of the rainbow bridge and dry heaved. Luckily, nothing came out. However, you were still nauseous. San patted your back and helped you stand up. Once you recovered, the five of you began walking to the kingdom of Asgard, taking in the sights before you.
You soon arrived at the entrance and two soldiers greeted you guys before allowing entry inside. You, Yeosang, San, and Mingi marveled at the sights of the golden interior before seeing two golden thrones and two men sitting atop said thrones.
"Welcome back home, my dearest Thor." The king greeted the god of thunder.
"Father~ I told you to call me Yunho!" Yunho whined softly and the king chuckled before standing up and walking towards him. He brought him into a hug. The queen followed suit.
"You know your father. The ever forgetful man he is." The second man chuckled. "Are these your friends?" He asked as he gestured to the rest of you.
"Ahh yeah! This is Dr. Kang Yeosang, San Barnes, and Y/N Barnes! But uh..." Yunho grabbed Mingi's hand and his voice softened. There was a hint of love and affection.
"This is Dr. Song Mingi. He's my boyfriend."
The second man clapped in delight while the first man's pretty smile never left his face.
"Greetings, Dr. Song. My name is Odin but you can call me Hongjoong."
"My name is Freya but you can call me Seonghwa. It is lovely to finally meet you. We have heard so much about you from our eldest son. He wouldn't stop gushing about you!"
"Mother!" Yunho exclaimed out of embarrassment and the tips of his ears turned red while Seonghwa simply giggled. While Hongjoong was talking Mingi's ears off, Seonghwa approached the four of you.
"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Kang."
"Same here, Hwa!"
You were about to swat Yeosang's head for being informal in front of the queen when you heard him laugh.
"Oh my. You are quite the excitable one."
Yeosang toothily grinned and Seonghwa returned it before turning to you. Both you and San were nervous as all hell. You two were sure that Hongjoong and Seonghwa would treat you differently due to them hearing about your past sins. When Seonghwa brought you two into a hug, all of those worries washed away and all that was left was shock and confusion.
"Welcome to Asgard, Namhae Wolves."
To hear him call you guys your official hero names rather than the Winter Soldiers almost made you cry. San let out a shaky breath of relief as Seonghwa pulled away. He held San's face in his hands and a choked sob escaped San's lips.
"I thought we would be treated differently. Forgive us for the hesitancy, your majesty." San spoke quietly. You nodded along in agreement and Seonghwa shushed you both.
"You are freed from the hands of HYDRA. You are both forgiven."
San smiled weakly while you bowed before Seonghwa. The queen turned to you and tilted his head curiously. His eyes were assessing you and you were growing anxious under his gaze. A teasing smirk appeared on the pretty man's lips.
"Y/N Barnes right?"
You nodded nervously and a slight chuckle escaped his lips.
"Oh my... so you're the one that my youngest son sees in his dreams. Looks like his prophetic visions have come to life." That smirk never left his lips and you grew confused by his words.
"Uh... what do you mean by that?"
"Oh don't fret, my dear. I just...remembered something. That's all." He patted your head lightly before bringing his hand down to your face. His fingers caressed your cheek and you found yourself leaning into his touch.
"Come now. We all have much to discuss."
It had only been a few hours since you landed in Asgard and so far, you loved it. The food was great, the conversation was lively, and the environment was relaxing. After lunch ended, all of you went your separate ways. Yunho and Mingi went with Hongjoong and Seonghwa to walk around in the gardens while Yeosang dragged San along to go check out the labs.
Leaving you by yourself to wander the grand hallways alone.
As you walked around, you were making a mental note of the structures and the archways perched above various giant doors that lead into different rooms. You then noticed a lone figure leaning against the balcony, reading a book. You were about to approach him when another figure blocked your path.
"Hey. May you please move out of the way?" You asked politely. The new person, with an arrogant smile, stood before you defiantly.
"Greetings! I am Fandral! Welcome to Asgard!"
He was one of those people. Oh boy.
"Shall I show you around this grand ole palace or... shall I introduce you to a special room just beyond those doors? Where you and I can be alone."
As Fandral wiggled his eyebrows, his friends behind him cheered loudly and egged him on. Except for a young man who seemed tired of the bullshit his friend was doing.
"Since when...?"
Fandral was confused by your statement yet he kept the smile on his face.
"Whatever do you mean?!"
"Since when did I fucking ask for this shit right here?"
Your snappish tone made his friends quiet down, the young man snap his head up to pay attention, and Fandral's smile waver.
"Surely, you must jest with your words. I mean... look at me."
"Yeah i'm looking at you. All I see is an egotistic douchebag who thinks he can sweep anyone off their feet with those horrid pick up lines alone. Now run along. My patience is running thin and you do not want to see me when I'm impatient."
"But -"
Your raised voice made everyone flinch and they ran off. Fandral trailed behind them like a dog with its tail hanging between its hind legs. Only the young man remained and his gummy smile was present.
"No one has ever stood up to and rejected Fandral like that before. You certainly have guts."
"Let's just say I've had my own fair share of Fandrals before back on Earth, or Midgard as you call it."
"Fair enough."
The man with the gummy smile stuck out his hand.
"I'm Lord Sif, but you may call me Jongho."
"Nice to meet you, Jongho. I'm Y/N."
As the two of you walked down the hallways to get to know one another, you were unaware of the lone figure looking straight at you as you passed by. A mischievious smirk played on his lips as he closed his book shut.
"Well well... you're certainly a fiery one."
As he walked towards the library, he thought about you some more.
It had been now a few weeks since your stay here in Asgard.
Yeosang and Mingi were making good progress on whatever project they were working on with Hongjoong and Yunho by their side. Meanwhile, you were bored so you pulled San into a practice room and asked to spar with him.
Ever the competitor, San obliged.
As you two were stretching, you heard light footsteps approach you. You lifted your head to see who approached you.
And you almost toppled over onto San.
A body clad in black and green armor with gold accents, a sharp jawline, piercing eyes that reminded you of a fox, eyeliner underneath said eyes, and many piercings adorning both ears.
'His lips look soft'
'But they are'
"If you want to know how soft they are, why don't you come here and test them out yourself?"
His mischievous voice snapped you out of the daze you were in.
"Did I say that out loud?! Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed and hid yourself behind San's wide frame, hoping your brother would protect you. The young man chuckled smoothly and stepped closer.
"No you didn't. I can read minds y'know?"
Ok that was fine.
"Wait. Mind reading, black and green armor, a mischievous voice, and..."
That's when you noticed it.
The golden horned helmet he was holding in one hand along with a book in the other hand.
"You're Loki... aren't you?"
Your shy voice made his heart melt yet he hid it behind a suave demeanor.
"Yes. It is I. But since everyone here is using their Midgardian names, then I supposed you can call me Wooyoung."
The tales of his silver tongue were no joke.
As you approached him, you studied his facial features more. Wooyoung noticed this and decided to take advantage of your curious nature by leaning in. You squeaked in surprise and Wooyoung laughed airily at this. He retracted himself and walked over to the bleachers before finding a suitable spot and sitting down.
"Oh don't mind me. I am just observing. Continue with what you are doing."
As if to prove that he's telling the truth, he opened the book he was carrying and began reading. You huffed lightly and continued stretching before turning to face San.
"Want to start?"
San, who noticed the entire thing unfold, nodded. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he narrowed his feline eyes suspiciously at Wooyoung momentarily before getting into a fighting stance.
You were slammed down into the mat while San hovered over you.
"You're getting weak, little sis." He teased you while he helped you up. You were breathing heavily and hunched over. Wooyoung looked up discreetly from his book and watched the beads of sweat trail down your face.
How could you look so ethereal even whilst sparring?
He felt himself blush and looked back down at his book so San wouldn't catch him staring.
"Best two out of three!"
"You already said that -"
"I don't care! Best two out of three!"
San lightly chuckled before getting into a fighting stance once more. You tackled him and tried to get him in a headlock yet he beat you to it.
"Come on now. You should know by now that this tactic is getting old."
"I'm aware. Which is why I'm doing this!"
You jumped up and slipped out of his hold before grabbing his wrist and flipping him onto his front whilst you landed after practically doing a somersault mid-air. San groaned in pain and you pinned his arm behind his back.
"Ha! I win."
San laughed weakly as you let him go and helped him up.
"Finally! That was fun. I'll be right back. I'm going to grab us some water."
San turned and jogged off somewhere to fetch water for the both of you. You walked towards the bleachers and sat next to Wooyoung. The young god conjured a towel and handed it to you. You thanked him as you wiped your face to get rid of any sweat buildup.
"You sure fight hard. Do you and San always do this?" Wooyoung asked curiously.
"Yeah we do. Even way before we were captured by HYDRA, we would always spar in our old gym and see who the best was." You told him and looked down at the metal arm that was beside you. You moved it, flexed it, and wiggled your fingers around before sighing deeply.
"With these metal appendages, we're stronger than ever. However, we both try not to use them as much as possible since... uh..."
"I heard about what you both had to go through. And I'm so sorry this happened to you. This must not have been easy for you."
All mischief was lost and all you heard in Wooyoung's voice was softness and care. As he scooted closer to you, he looked down at your metal arm.
"May I...?"
You were unsure of what he would do yet you trusted him somehow so you nodded and Wooyoung lifted your arm before observing closely.
The intense gaze in those fox eyes made you anxious. He trailed his slender fingers up and down the metallic plating before skimming downwards to your hand. He then intertwined his fingers with yours and brought your hand up to his lips.
Wooyoung's plush lips made contact with the cold metal and stayed there for a minute before bringing it up to his face. He flinched slightly as your metallic palm made contact with the warmth radiating off his face. He leaned into your touch and his stare softened. A small smile was on his lips and he shifted closer to you.
"I'm sorry. I don't even know your name. My apologies." He said sheepishly and you laughed quietly before reassuring him that it was fine.
"My name's Y/N. Y/N Barnes."
The way your name rolled off his tongue made your insides feel tingly. Before he could speak any further, you heard a cacophony of voices booming down the hallway. You both turned to see Fandral, Jongho, and a bunch of Fandral's friends storming towards you. One of them threw Wooyoung off the bleachers so Fandral can take his place. Jongho helped him up while you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
"Listen here, you lowly mortal. I am Fandral the Dashing! I will not stop until you are mine! Do you think your malicious words can bring me down?!"
"Well you seemed butthurt so I assumed you were -"
You rolled your eyes but shut up nonetheless as Fandral talked nonsense.
"However, I am willing to forgive you. You just need to do one thing."
"What?" You growled.
"Give me a kiss."
The man that shoved Wooyoung off grabbed the back of your head and pushed you towards Fandral's puckered lips. You squirmed in his hold and tried to resist him without using your metal arm.
You were annoyed but you vowed to never touch anyone with your metal arm again.
A loud voice was heard and all of you turned to see an angry San sprinting towards you at lightning speed. The man holding your head punched San square in the face and laughed as he went down.
Wooyoung sprinted into action and tackled the man holding your head, leaving you to be free. Jongho helped Wooyoung pin down the man while you tried to get up so you could help San. However, you were stopped by Fandral.
"Come on now. It's just one measly kiss. What could go wrong?"
"Everything could go wrong if you don't unhand them right now."
You were relieved to hear Yunho's voice echoing in the hallways. Fandral froze and turned to see the god of thunder with the angriest of faces on.
"Thor! What a surprise. Could you please tell them to just -"
"I will not tell them anything. You on the other hand..."
Yunho grabbed Fandral by the collar and lifted him from the bleachers easily. Fandral's feet dangled as he tried to escape his grasp.
"Wait! Thor! You misunderstand -"
"Shut up, dude!" Jongho hissed to the man that was pinned down.
"Sif, you are on that pa-"
"Choose your words carefully, Volstagg."
"Like I will listen to you, Loki! Do you not know of both their past misdeeds as Winter Soldiers?! They have killed countless people mercilessly! And with those metal arms! If I was there, I would've ripped their arms off and beat them with it!"
Everyone went quiet as Volstagg, the pinned man, spoke of yours and San's former HYDRA induced sins in such an arrogant and proud tone. Yunho grew angrier but Wooyoung saw red. He was about to lash out when a booming authoritative voice.
Fandral nor Volstagg spoke a word as Hongjoong walked into the room.
"O-Odin... sire -"
"That's your majesty to you! Guards, take them down to the prison cells!"
Two guards dragged Volstagg while Fandral was released from Yunho's grasp and taken as well. You were glad that was over.
You could cry freely.
You fell to your knees and sobbed into your hands, which startled everyone.
"Father, should I wake San -"
"No, my dear. Look."
After Seonghwa finished speaking, Yunho looked to see his little brother comforting you to the best of his ability. Wooyoung held you in his arms and shushed you gently and lovingly.
"You are free of them. They will not track you down. It's ok. It's ok."
It had been a month since the incident. San was grateful for Wooyoung's presence. At first, he was weary of the young god. However, when he heard from Yunho that Wooyoung successfully calmed you down, he approved of him.
You were leaning against Wooyoung as you two watched the sunset from the balcony of Wooyoung's room. Your head was on his shoulder while his arm was wrapped around your waist.
"So what happened during that meet up with your friends?"
You knew that Wooyoung went away for a bit before coming back in time for dinner. But you were curious as to what for.
"One of my good friends is gone."
Your eyes widened. A god died?!
"No no, my dear. You misunderstand me. He left behind his life in the Duat, the Egyptian underworld, and joined Midgard as a completely different man. With a clear mind and an open clean heart. He is currently with his beloved right now."
After the clarification he gave based off reading your mind, you understood.
"May I see what he looks like?"
"Of course."
He pulled out a group photo and showed it to you. You recognized Yunho and Wooyoung but the others were new to you. He pointed out each one.
"The one that looks like my father? That's Apollo. The one that looks like Dr. Kang? That's Ptah. The one that looks like your brother? That's Hercules. The one that looks like Sif? That's Sekhmet."
He pointed to the last god.
"The one that looks like my mother? That's the god that joined Midgard. His name was Anubis."
After looking at the eerily similar figures of the five gods, you looked back up at him. Wooyoung's face was filled with nostalgia and a hint of sadness. You gave him a side hug and Wooyoung gladly returned it.
"Have you guys thought about finding him?"
"We have, but we wouldn't know where to look. We don't even know if he is a man, woman, non-binary person, a pet, and so on. All we know is that... he is happy. And if he is happy, then who are we to rain on his parade? While we would love to know who he is in his new body and reunite with him, it just wouldn't feel the same."
You nodded in acknowledgement to his explanation and kissed his cheek.
"I love you, Wooyoung."
"And I love you, Y/N."
He kissed the back of your metal hand before holding it gently as you two continued watching the sunset.
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mysticcollectionbee · 11 months
Loki season 2 Ep.5
This just gonna be a list of things I’m obsessing over in the new episode by order of importance to me (I’m sorry):
GOD. OF. STORIES. Buildup. YES!!! From the episode title to Loki specifically mentioning saving their stories (only other time he mentioned stories to represent a person’s life was in the very first episode of this show I think). I’m way too excited.
Mobius…I’m sorry this will be mainly Lokius based. *Ahem* Mobius a single dad who can’t shut up about being single and the only person he talks about stuff that isn’t just Jet-Ski related is Loki. Everyone else he meets he kinda just stays on topic but Loki; “Hey, stranger who might of followed me from work, want a beer? I’m also a single dad.” And two things I feel like I see differently than a lot of the fandom: a) I don’t think Don (Just remembered that’s his name) has a dead wife. Like, who describes your wife being dead as ‘Long gone’ and immediately tries to pawn off a belonging that you used as a couple? b) People saying the kids act like Loki and Thor which means Mobius represents Odin but…Odin kinda sucked as a dad? And Frigga was a MASSIVE part of raising the kids, so an Odin variant being able to step in is. Unrealistic. Oh and Hela? Hi??? Hela exists. So nah, I think they made it that way the same way they made Thor adopt Love, to fix the mistakes of the past generation with the new ones. Thor is raising Love unlike how his father raised him. Loki could raise the brothers to not have the same issues he had with his own brother, and what they both had issues with when raised together by Odin.
(Last one was long) I think I made a theory a long time ago that Casey/Frank was related to the unsolved case of the guys escaping Alcatraz. Could be wrong, if not, hey one of my theories was right!
O.B. my baby boi was a failed Sci-Fi writer that ended up inspiring the god of stories to save all the stories across the multiverse. He’s secretly the most important writer character in the MCU :’)
B-15 being a nurse makes a lot of sense and explains why she became softer and more focused on helping others after she got her memories back. Her true nature of helping others came back to her, which probably ask explains why she really hate the idea of pruning people again.
I want to talk about Sylvie and all the neat stuff about her…But my Bi brain keeps getting distracted by that scene of her without her jacket…She’s- she’s great here too 👍
Final unimportant thing: Any Doctor who fan get time explanation flashback the moment O.B picked up that mug with pens in it? “I’m a pen in a mug?” “Yes you are, Donna Noble.”
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gloriousburden · 20 days
A few types of MCU Loki fans I’ve encountered/noticed being in the fandom for over three years now:
DISCLAIMER: DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY PLEASEEEE IT’S LIGHTHEARTED!! Some of these things apply to me as well, and some don’t lol. Doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone it’s all just for giggles.
The Lokius shipper Series Fan:
- Usually younger Gen Z. Can be anywhere from 14 to 23 years old. They’re younger teenagers most of the time.
- Heavily on TikTok but also on Pinterest/Twitter.
- Got into the MCU/Loki more recently. Either from the Series, or from Ragnarok.
- For some reason, wholeheartedly believes that one Tumblr post from like ten years ago that states Loki is 16/17 in human years. Even though that’s not canon at all and it does not work like that.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be the Variant/Ragnarok. Sometimes Avengers.
- Almost ALWAYS a fan of Good Omens or OFMD.
- Obviously… Ships Lokius.
- Very anti Sylvie/Sylki, but LOVES Mobius.
- EXTREMELY anti Thorki, even though not a lot of people ship them anymore.
- Spreads a lot of misinformation. Such as taking the fact that Marvel confirmed that the Scepter influenced Loki, and mistaking that with them 100% confirming the theory of Loki being brainwashed by Thanos.
- Thinks Loki’s eyes are green???
- Newer to fandom in general.
- Doesn’t talk a whole lot about the series outside of the ships/fanon discourse.
- Making Loki tree/Yggdrasil jokes CONSTANTLY.
- Either thinks that Loki before the series was completely evil, or an angel. No in between.
- “For you, for all of us 🥺” / “Your savior is here!”
- Often forgets/doesn’t remember the fact that Loki/OG Loki are two different characters, and groups them together.
- Either a Swiftie who likes to constantly joke about when Taylor and Tom dated for 3 months like 8 years ago and also associates a lot of her Songs/Lyrics with Loki, or is someone who has a bit more of an Alternative taste in Music/Fashion.
- Doesn’t really talk about Thor that much, or really wants him and Loki to reunite.
- They’ve probably seen other movies including Tom like Crimson Peak, Skull Island, and High Rise. The more popular ones.
- Owns a lot of TVA related merch.
- “He’s not Odin’s son, or Laufey’s son… He’s Frigga’s son 🥺” or insists on calling Loki by “Laufeyson.”
- In Fanon, sort of treats Loki as a very normal, modern human, and not a god from an entirely different realm.
- Has either dropped the Series/their love of Loki a few months after the Series ended for the “next best thing”, or is currently still raving about all of it.
- Quite immature about other’s opinions/perspectives on Loki/or even people who ship the opposite ship from their own. This is mainly because they’re younger or because they really like their Fanon idea of Loki/Which ship should be Canon.
- Has some questionable headcanons/opinions of their own on Loki.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The OG Loki fan who’s been a fan of him since 2011/2012, but is a bit more casual about his characterization:
- Usually a Millennial/in their late twenties or mid thirties. May even be in their fourties.
- Has been here for a good while, and saw just about every movie featuring him as well as other MCU movies in the theater when they first came out. Was probably a younger adult/older teenager when Avengers came out.
- Fanfic writer!!
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be Ragnarok, TDW, or Avengers.
- Mainly reside on Tumblr/AO3 but also on Twitter from time to time.
- “The Sun will shine on us again.” / “Love is a Dagger.”
- Some depict Loki in their Fanfics in a Smutty/BookTok YA Fantasy Novel style. Some in other ways. They also have a lot of fun with their Fics! So many AUs.
- They are carrying the Loki x Reader tag, I won’t lie. 🫡
- Doesn’t necessarily love the Series, but also doesn’t necessarily hate it. Does prefer the OG Loki they know and love over the Series and had a few disappointments with the Series, though.
- MAJOR Hiddlestoner. Some may like Tom more than they like Loki. Have watched his entire filmography and then some.
- A lot of them have really cool Loki related tattoos.
- Collects a lot of merch. Both from the Series, as well as more OG Loki merch. Also owns about fourty Tom magazines.
- Probably has met Tom/owns an autograph or something signed by him.
- Usually ships Loki with Sigyn, Jane, Tony, or an OC they’ve had since 2013. Honestly, I don’t personally see them that often anymore, but may ship Thorki. Does not really ship Lokius/Sylki whatsoever, or uses Sylvie as a bit of a self insert in Fics.
- Sometimes also a huge fan of Bucky/The Winter Soldier or Sebastian Stan. Associates Bucky and Loki a lot especially in Fics.
- Some are also fans of Star Wars who love Kylo Ren.
- Actually they like a lot of other morally grey characters.
- Probably has a pet named after Loki.
- Feels deeply for Loki, and relates to him in certain ways. Really likes humanizing him in their fics. Loves the more vulnerable side of him.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The Loki purist/“He’s literally me” Fan:
- Anywhere from 16 - 28 years old. May be a bit older than that. Usually Mid/Older Gen Z, or younger Millennial.
- Has either grown up loving Loki, or became a fan a bit more recently.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be TDW, but obviously can be any of the three OG depictions of him.
- LIVES on Tumblr. A bit of an extinct species elsewhere, but some may also be on Twitter.
- #1 Loki defenders. Very protective of/sensitive about how he is depicted not only in Canon, but also in Fanon. Usually deemed as harsh by series fans/non series haters whenever they criticize the Series or Ragnarok, but in reality, deeply relates to Loki and takes it very personally when he is depicted inaccurately. They see themselves in him, and are so, so, SO tired of seeing him mischaracterized. But also can be genuinely harsh at times. I’ve been guilty of that.
- Either heavily believes the “Thanos Brainwashed Loki” theory, or completely rejects it.
- “I never wanted the Throne. I only ever wanted to be your Equal.” / “Trust my Rage.”
- Very creative. Creates Art of Loki, Fanfics, Edits, Cosplays him, etc…
- Sometimes weirdly resembles him in ways??? LOL. Taking “He’s literally me” literally
- Has a more Alternative taste in Music, Fashion, Aesthetics, etc..
- They either see Loki as their bff, their life partner, or as an enigma to observe. Or all of the above.
- Pretty into Norse Myth, and likes incorporating aspects of it creatively, or when talking about Loki.
- Has a good amount of Fandom experience, and does not tend to argue with other Loki purists/OG Loki fans over petty things. Because at the end of the day… it’s just Tumblr. And we usually all have a common middle ground. Or, is constantly arguing with others.
- They don’t really ship Loki with anyone, but if they do… it’s usually Sigyn or Thor. Or someone really random.
- Either really enjoys depicting Loki in a more Feminine/Neutral form, and wishes his fluidity was depicted in the MCU, or doesn’t talk about it all that much.
- Single handedly keeping the memory of Loki (prior to Ragnarok) alive. 🫡
- Loves the comics, or hasn’t touched a single one.
- Disliked Taika Waititi before it was cool.
- Lost complete trust in the MCU after the handling of Loki’s characterization in Ragnarok, and had no hope in the Series when it was first announced. Or… really hoped it would be our last hope.
- Either deems Thor as the origin of all evil, or actually likes him.
- Wishes it was still 2013 everyday of their lives.
- Either respects/likes Tom to a certain extent, or really does not like him.
- Has a few really cool merch items, or has a lot of everything and anything they can find that doesn’t include Ragnarok/The series. Usually, they DIY their merch.
- Needs to emulate him at any given moment and in any way possible.
- Likes Frigga, but acknowledges that she has messed up in ways. Or really does not like her, period.
- Hates Odin.
The… Male MCU casual/dudebro who strictly lives on TikTok/Instagram/Twitter and did not really like Loki that much until the Series finale came out and thinks Loki is a Sigma Male who dropped everything in order for his friends and his… “Girl” to live:
- ????? Wtf
- Okay I added this one more as a joke because obviously they’re not Loki fans, but…
- Anywhere from ages 15, to 24. No older than that.
- Definitely disregarded Loki’s character before the Series. Also due to him having a fanbase where Women/Girls are the majority. Now Loki is the best MCU character and has the best arc out of everyone else. 🤦🏻‍♀️
- Wholeheartedly believes that Loki was a narcissist/was overreacting about everything he’s been through, or believes that Loki is an angel now because he had a “Redemption Arc”.
- Has never picked up a single Loki comic.
- Jokes a lot about Loki “loving” himself (Sylki kiss).
- Calls the Series “Peak Fiction” just because the rest of the bullshit the MCU has been putting out was absolute garbage, and also because they haven’t really watched anything else.
- If you as an actual Loki fan correct them on any of their bullshit, they act like they know more than you because they loved the series. How could anyone hate it?
- Makes self insert memes/tries to project onto Loki in the absolute worst ways possible.
- Worships the ground that Michael Waldron walks on. Though, they all hated Multiverse of Magic..
- “Let time pass…” / “I know what kind of god I have to be. For you, for all of us.” (Once again.)
- Similarly to our Lokius shipper Series Fans… they do not realize that Loki/the Variant are literally two different people.
- Loves Mobius JUST because he is portrayed by Owen Wilson.
- Also very annoying about Loki being confirmed bisexual in the Series.
- Really wants not only Thor and Loki to reunite, but also Hela.
- Hated the earlier Thor movies, loved Ragnarok, hated Love and Thunder.
- Probably thinks the treatment of Thor in Infinity War was funny af.
- Who’s Frigga?
- Loves Odin probably. (Hehe)
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inwantofamuse · 11 months
The Loki finale broke my heart.
It's a beautiful ending, but it shouldn't be this Loki's final ending.
This should not be the end of the story. For Mobius or Loki.
Loki honestly should have killed Sylvie since it was all her fault, anyway. She was so blase at the end about Loki being gone while Mobius was so devastated he could do nothing but stand there.
And Loki's comments were to Mobius, because Loki knew Mobius would KNOW, because Mobius had seen most of his life. The comments to Mobius and Sylvie were the same as Loki's to Odin and Thor at the end of Thor. It's at that moment that Mobius, and ONLY Mobius, realizes what Loki intends to do, even before the door shuts.
Speaking of Mobius, he might never know that Loki defended him to Sylvie. Or, that Loki told Don, that he/Mobius saved Loki's life. But either way, Mobius now needs to make it his glorious purpose, his mission, to help defeat all the Kang variants and find a way to free Loki from that tree.
Like seriously, Loki and Mobius, Loki and Thor, deserve to be reunited.
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thewritergremlin-rae · 3 months
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Not Your Place
Pairing: Loki x Mutant!Fem!Reader Characters: Renslayer, Mobius, Classic!Loki, Alligator!Loki Rating: M Words: 1,848 Content: 2nd person, TVA, Post(ish)-Avengers: Infinity War, Suicidal Thoughts, Attempted Suicide (Non-graphic) Summary: In your grief, you saved the Universe from Thanos but, according to the TVA, that was not your role to play. Ao3: HERE
Notes: Obviously leading up to here didn't totally follow MCU - otherwise there would be no time for Reader and Loki to get together but it's not toooo important and might come up later? Haven't decided hahaha
I know being Norse the whole 'Laufeyson' is not really a family name and they don't have one - therefore there would've been no family name for Reader to take and honestly? Loki would probably take hers cos up until Infinity War - I can't imagine he's happy wih Laufeyson OR Odinson but we know the TVA has him down as Laufeyson.
I wanted to use it as the reveal - and also some kind of name was needed for Reader - and it works as an alias.
Aaaaand yet another Loki/Reader one-shot with basically no Loki - I'm so sorry!!!
Banners by cafekitsune
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“…charged with sequence violation, 9-45-51. How do you plead?”
Your head spun with thoughts of the battle you’d left behind, the yelling, the fighting, the grief. All the dirt and grim still clung to you, showing the war you had been dragged from, yet your weapons had been taken and logged for evidence, your mutation somehow not working.
You felt numb.
“How do you plead?” The woman's voice echoed, sharp and annoyed, as you looked up to meet her gaze. No compassion, no empathy. Despite not having seen anyone else and you having a feeling you were already considered guilty - this whole court thing was probably very boring.
“Not guilty.” But maybe it would be better if you were. Erased, sent to nothingness or heaven or Valhalla or whatever existed after, if anything.
“Mrs Laufeyson, you killed Thanos.”
Your grip tightened as you remembered reaching inside of him for every molecule of water and holding it, freezing it. Can’t click if your hands are frozen, can’t do anything when all the water in your body is frozen. His water content hadn’t been that much different from a human.
And then you’d torn him apart.
“Yeah, I stopped him from killing half of Earth, half of the universe!” Anger rose up in you as it had done then. As it had when you had seen Thor come to the battlefield with only a raccoon and a tree.
Because grief would’ve gotten you ripped apart by those aliens in Wakanda and when Thor didn’t strike a death blow? You knew deep down he was out for revenge.
And Loki must’ve fallen.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” the woman answered and your mind went back to the cartoon explanation of the Time-Keepers.
“Then what was supposed to happen?! Thanos killed my husband! If he snapped his fingers, he’d half life across your stupid ‘Sacred Timeline,’ but I’m wrong for killing him?”
“Oh, he’ll be stopped, but not by you.” She banged the gavel. “The court finds you guilty of violating the sacred timeline. Your sentence is to be reset. Next case.”
And just like that, they pulled you from the stand. Like your victory meant nothing, your anger and grief pointless in the face of how time was supposed to flow.
That you were supposed to lose Loki.
“Reset? What does that mean?” A guard held you as the other pulled their stick from their belt, it clicking ominously as it lit up.
“Wait, wait-” You nearly missed the man who jogged to the front of the courtroom. “She could help us find the variant-”
“She was married to one, even if the variant looks different. How do you know she won’t fall for this one too?” The conversation floated above your head, but that got your attention immediately.
“You want me to help you… find Loki?”
The old man turned to you with a gentle smile. “A Loki. There’s a variant causing some trouble, so I thought maybe you could help us find them?”
You watched him, like you were thinking about it. The guard relaxed their grip on you, that gave you an opportunity. “Like hell I’d betray Loki-” you snarled, grabbing at the stick and pulling it into you.
Losing him was bad enough, betraying him was completely out of the question.
You didn’t see their faces or the reaction to your suicide. You just hoped that this would be enough of a battle to take you to Valhalla.
Your eyes snapped open to an overcast sky. Wind rustled the dry grass beneath you as you slowly sat up.
This seemed far from the golden halls of Valhalla.
Failed, you’d failed again. You pushed yourself to your feet and surveyed the long abandoned buildings and debris. A dumping ground it looked like. Was this really what came after?
You trudged steadily across the vast fields, moving further away from the rumbling cloud - much to your relief. The last thing you needed was a storm above you.
You’d passed an Avengers Tower at some point, the building dull and power long-gone. You missed it or rather you missed those peaceful days, coming to live with all the Avengers, drawn to Loki and his cooler aura.
You should’ve known he loved the ice as much as you. Your ice mutation, his true heritage as a Frost Giant - maybe that was what had eventually drawn the two of you to one another. There was always something so quiet about the ice rink and it had become your secret place. Snowball fights, skating, certain activities that weren’t entirely designed to happen on ice.
Tears misted your eyes as you kept going, not sure if you would even find another person - human, alien or anything else - in this realm. Just buildings and places that you did or didn’t know from time gone or time to come.
It seemed like there was no day or night here, just endless clouds. A place that time had forgotten, a place outside of time? You wondered if it sat somewhere on Yggdrasil or if one of those Sorcerers, the ones Bruce had met, could come here.
But if it was a different time and not just a different space… A semi-sphere sticking out of the ground caught your attention. Some kind of wheel on it that reminded you of the way bank vault doors always looked in movies.
It probably couldn’t hurt to open it and see what lay beneath - if anything. You grunted and pushed and pulled at the thing until you found the right way to open it. It creaked in protest, moving slowly before you heard a loud clunk and you began to pull.
The door opened, though you couldn’t see much inside, but there was a ladder to take you down. Death being the worst that could happen, you climbed in and made your slow descent.
The darkness didn’t last long before the hodge-podge of interior decorating greeted you.. Not that this place seemed to have any furniture stores handy.
“Hello?” you called, reaching for the next rung.
A rung that didn't exist. Your grip slid and the ice you reached for did little to soften your fall as you landed with a smack on the floor. The world turned blissfully black. Finally.
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Your head throbbed and you groaned in disappointment - where was death when you needed it?
“Hold still a moment longer.” A hand cradled where the throbbing pulsed from in your head as another hand told the rest of you to stay in place. The pain lessened and soon vanished. “There we are.”
You opened your eyes to question what had been done, to find out why something in it was familiar. Your eyes met before your gaze flickered up to a familiar yet different head piece. You shook your head. “I - I was climbing down the ladder - where am I?”
The older man snorted. “At the bottom of the ladder, my dear.” Your eyes swept over his clothes, but soon returned to the horns.
“Loki…?” you whispered tentatively before staring at his face. But, as you suspected;
“I don’t think I’m the Loki you seek, hmm?”
You dropped your gaze, that familiar lump forming in your throat again as you shook your head. There was no way your Loki could have become this old and you weren’t sure that this was what he would look like if he was older.
He patted your head gently. “I suppose you’re the same as all of us, caught by the TVA?”
You nodded, telling him your name. “They - said something about a Loki - they were looking for, I didn’t want -” You breathed out a sorry before taking deep breaths and trying to force that emotion down again so you could speak. “I used the stick thing, I thought it was how they would ‘reset’ me. But I’m here, I thought I would die but…”
Loki tipped your chin gently and shook his head. “No, there’s no peaceful death for us here, I’m afraid. Come on.” He pulled you easily to your feet, still holding one hand as he carefully helped you down the steps to some seats. It almost reminded you of a bowling alley as you took a seat on the two person couch.
He moved away and you took in the space around you, the large chair that could’ve belonged to a mall Santa, bowling pins, old arcade machines, boxed wine, a paddling pool and an - “An alligator?!”
“Another Loki,” he calmly told you, handing over a glass of water. The alligator made its way closer and accepted your tentative pat on its head. Your fingers ran over the cool scales and it seemed content not to attack you.
You sipped the water and shook your head in silent disbelief. “Sure, why not Loki as an alligator.” You looked up, finding the older Loki looking back. “Are there other… people, Asgardians, aliens here?”
“There’s a much younger version of myself who is here too. There are other Lokis out there.” He nodded up to the ladder you’d come down. “But many of them can’t work together - just backstabbing each other until someone rises to the top.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head and sipping from his goblet.
“What happened, if you don’t mind my curiosity?”
Your gaze slipped away. “Something happened with Odin and he died. And- and Loki and Thor have a sister? They went to Sakaar and found Bruce but he was Hulk for a long while. And Asgard was destroyed, Ragnarok happened? I only had Bruce to ask and he - wasn’t totally sure. The most important thing was that Thanos was coming.”
“Ah, yes,” Loki murmured in understanding and you fell silent. It all felt too new. “I managed to escape him on that ship. I disguised myself as debris. He didn’t notice and I was able to drift through space until I found somewhere to stay in solitude. As you can see, I spent a long time there, I’ve aged much since then, but I missed everyone. I wondered if Thor missed me, or Sigyn, anyone.” He sighed and sat back in his chair. “As soon as I started to put something into action in regards to leaving? The TVA showed up.”
“I’m sure they did,” you whispered. After all, it had been Thor’s blow, one of revenge not instant death, that had been the nail in the coffin of your hope. “He wanted revenge on Thanos.”
“You came straight from battle?” At your nod, Loki gestured behind you. “It’s not much but you can clean up, I’ll find something for you to sleep on.”
He got to his feet, leaving you alone, and even Alligator Loki slid back into his paddling pool. Perhaps in some sort of effort to give you privacy. You stripped out of the TVA jumpsuit and climbed into the bath, pulling the curtain around you.
You turned on the water and in your first moment of silence, of tentative safeness, you found the ability to mourn the loss of your husband.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Loki fic? Go here
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saraakpotter · 7 months
you lied (loki x reader)
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summery: when Loki came to TVA he has to watch his life. and not all parts are happy. genre: angst warning: spoilers for Loki season 1
They were in the interview room. Mobius was showing him some tragic pictures\ videos of his life.
''you think i care?'' Loki said obviously annoyed .
''you don't?'' Mobius asked looking at the video of Loki s first fake death confused
''not a bit''
''well maybe it would change with your little crush.''
Loki went pale: ''i have no idea what your talking about!''
''oh please Loki! i have been studying your whole life, i know these things!'' by that he clicked on a a file that showed a female avenger at the battle of New York\the first time they captured Loki. since he saw her he started having a crush on her!
''y\n....isn‌‌'t it?'' Mobius said slyly, then he show the next video: y\n helping them in Ragnarok. Loki smiled but refused to talk. Mobius annoyed of his actions went to the next slide witch literally broke Loki's heart:(y\n kissing Thor) his eyes filed with tears while he was trying to hold back a scream. Mobius left the room satisfied with what he had done.
Loki watched the video being played over and over again: y\n was in the hospital obviously injured and Thor sitting next to her. the video had no voice so he didn't heared what they where saying but suddenly y\n pushed her y\h\c (your hair color) behined her ear and blushed then they kissed. they kissed! every minuet seemed like torture to him. Loki sighed and went to the next slide they were some of y\n's battels then a slide from Loki's death: y\n was struggling to make Thanos let him go and when his body fell to the ground tears flowed down her face then she screamed making an energy blast that ruined the whole place
the next video was y\n sacrificing herself in end game. Loki felt tears again he was struggling to hold back a scream when the next video got played, but this wasn't y\n, it was one of the TVA guards
''Mobius i faked the kiss between y\l\n and Odinson as you wanted i hope this could make the variant talk'' the guard said before the video fades away Loki wanted to either scream in anger or stab someone.
Mobius entered the room and saw the situation: ''oh shit! shit! shit!''
''why did you lied to me?''
''ok Loki calm down.....how about you tell me what i need and i will tell you the truth!''
''pfff how can i trust YOU?''
''she isn't dead!'' Loki paused for a second for him to continue ''in fact she is here.'' Mobius said pointing to the corridor behind the door.
Loki sat with hesitation ''start''
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 11 months
Sylki Pie Room Analysis (Loki 2x4 Spoilers)
I have to talk about the pie room scene between Sylvie and Loki in 2x4, because I can't tell you how much I loved that scene between them and I have thoughts, so many thoughts.
Obviously these are all just my own opinions and interpretation of the scene, I'm not here to tell anyone else how they should interpret it themselves, just sharing my own thoughts.
What I love about this scene is how it shows just how much Loki has grown over the course of the Loki series. But I also love what it says about Sylvie's character development, which is just as important. I'm going to break this up into sections to hopefully make it a little easier to follow.
Doing What's Hard.
I want to start with the part where Sylvie confesses that she couldn't kill Victor and why she couldn't kill him, because this was really interesting to me. If we remember back to 1x6 when Sylvie is about to kill He Who Remains, she asks him if he is going to beg for his life. In that moment it seemed to me almost like she wanted him to beg, she wanted to see his fear, for him to be afraid of her. I think this is because of the fear she felt constantly being hunted by the TVA, she felt afraid for so long and that was because of He Who Remains. So now she wants him to feel that same fear, to know what he put her through for all those years. It really reminds me of what Loki says to Mobius in ep 1 about not enjoying hurting people but doing it because he felt he had to in order to keep up the illusion, the trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear, or as Mobius puts it, a desperate play for control. In that moment Sylvie wanted control over He Who Remains.
It's interesting then that when she comes face to face with his variant, its Victor's fear that stops her from killing him. Because in that moment seeing his fear, seeing him talk about how he isn't He Who Remains, hasn't made the same choices as HWR and can make his own choices, reminds Sylvie so much of herself and how if she did kill Victor she wouldn't be any better than HWR. But I also think seeing Victor's fear reminded her that he was human. To her HWR was the monster who had destroyed her home, killing her family and people and who hunted her down her whole life. The fact that he didn't show any fear only cemented that image in her head. But Victor was afraid, he was human.
Yet in this moment we can see that Sylvie is doubting her decision to spare him, she thinks it makes her weak, which I think is why Loki tells her the story about Thor and how Loki mocked him for being 'soft' when he returned to Asgard. I think he tells her this story to show her that he understands how she feels because he too used to think that being 'soft', showing mercy, caring and trusting in others, is a weakness. We know Sylvie feels like being these things is a weakness because she says, 'soft gets you killed.' She has had to harden up over the eons she's been hunted in order to survive, so it makes sense that she thinks this way.
After she says this Loki reassures her by reminding her that by sparing Victor she also saved the remaining branches and all the lives exsisting on them. What I love about this moment is that Sylvie doesn't need to say that she feels weak for sparing Victor, Loki just knows that is how she is feeling and also knows just what to say to get through to her, he's basically telling her, you're not soft, or weak, you did a hard thing and spared more than just Victor's life in the process.
The next moment I want to talk about comes directing after this one. Realising how much faith Loki is putting in OB, Casey and Victor, Sylvie looks confused. She seems to be figuring out why Loki would trust them. I don't think she is judging him for his faith though, I think she is trying to understand it. The TVA has, needless to say, traumatised Sylvie and hurt her deeply. But the thing that helped Sylvie and Loki bond in season 1 was that the TVA had also hurt Loki, it was their mission to bring down this organisation that had ruined both their lives that brought them together. Sylvie is really struggling to trust the TVA and so she wants to understand why Loki does. She reminds him about Dox, and how those billion of lives lost were the fault of the TVA. Again this makes sense because in ep 2 Loki told her that the TVA was the only defence for the branches and yet it was a member of the TVA that pruned them, which only deepened Sylvie's mistrust of the TVA. She believes its too corrupt to fix.
But once again Loki knows exactly what to say, pointing out that there are branches that still survive and that is because of Mobius, B-15, OB and Casey who are all part of the same TVA but who are fighting to protect those lives.
I really enjoyed the push and pull between them both in this scene and how it leads into the conversation about burning things down being easy and that trying to fix what's broken is hard, hope is hard. I loved that part of their conversation. You can see that it really does get Sylvie thinking, that she's listening to Loki and actually taking in his words and considering them.
But she still has a lot of mistrust that has to be worked through. Hope is a very foreign concept to her and again that comes down to her past, if she had relied on hope in the past she never would have survived. She survived by relying on herself. So this idea of giving up control and instead relying on hope, relying on others, is very scary to her, its hard for her. But she is still willing to hear Loki out and so she asks about what they are going to do with Victor, are they really going to show him all of this then just send him home. But I do think Sylvie gets a little triggered by Loki's response of we can watch him and protect him as she sees this as 'interfering for good'. It's too close in her eyes to what the TVA was doing before. Always watching and always guarding, controlling how others live their lives.
It's interesting to me that at this moment Loki gets frustrated with her, up until now he's been calm and collected and responded to her viewpoint reasonably. But it's here that he gets frustrated, his tone gets a little more heated and he also looks and moves away from her. I do think there is a reason why he gets frustrated at this particular moment, but I am going to talk about that a little bit later on.
Loki is of the view that you can't just give people freewill and walk away, that it doesn't work that way. In an idealistic world maybe, but in the real world its not that simple or easy. I think some of Loki's frustration comes from the fact that Sylvie was the one that caused the branches to be freed, she is the one that wants the branches to be protected and says she cares about the lives on those branches, yet whenever he asks for help she seems reluctant to help, it seems to him like she just wants to walk away from the responsibility, from doing the hard part.
But I don't necessarily think that is true, I don't think she wants to walk away because its too hard, I just don't think she trusts the TVA, she is struggling to see the TVA as the solution and as this protector like Loki does.
We Are Gods
As I said above one of the great things about this whole scene is the way it shows just how far Loki has come and how much he has grown as a character. I think one of the things that shows just how much he has changed is the conversation they have about how they have to do better, to be better than HWR. Sylvie points out that no matter what they do they'll be playing god to which Loki replies, we are gods.
What is so significant about this line is that if 2012 Loki had said it he would have meant it boastfully, as if being a god made him surperior and better than everyone else. As if being a god gave him the right to rule over and dictate the lives of those who he considered beneath him. But this Loki doesn't mean it like that. He lets out this resigned sigh right before he says the line, because now he really understands what it means to be a god, to be a king. It's not about power or recognition, its about responsibilty, its about protecting others, looking out for them and often doing it thanklessly. It about having the responsibility of making those really hard choices, of being the ones to solve the problem, of having the responsibilty of carrying the burden for those who can't. This was something that 2012 Loki didn't understand but that our Loki has come to learn and I just love that growth.
But this concept of gods and the role they play also tells us alot about Sylvie and her character. We can see that she looks genuinely distressed at the idea of them 'playing god.' I think this is because of the way she sees the role of a god and its similar to how Loki used to think. She thinks a god is someone who ruthlessly rules over others, who dictates and controls their lives, who makes up their own rules and enforces them when people don't live within the constraints they've created for them. She sees it this way because its what HWR did to her, dictated her life, claimed to have written it all out for her and then tried to erase her when she didn't follow the path he had set out for her. Although I don't think He Who Remains was a god it was very much a role he played into. Sylvie is just so desperate to not be like HWR that I don't think she really knows what to do with herself, it seems to me like she is just second guessing every decision and as a result she isn't really doing anything, she's struggling to make any decision at all. This could be because of her decision to kill HWR. In the moment she was so sure that she was making the correct choice, that freeing the timelines was the right thing to do, but since then the problem with the loom has come up, threatening those very timelines she wanted to free, a variant of HWR showed up just as HWR warned them and I think that has lead to Sylvie just having alot of self doubt that she doesn't want to face, so instead she's just kind of burying her head in the sand so that she doesn't get overwhelmed by the guilt of thinking this is all her fault because she 'played god' when she killed HWR and its created a whole load more problems.
There is another really interesting way that they showed the difference in Loki and Sylvie's journey in this scene though. Though I could just be looking into this way too much but it was something I noticed and that is the, I think they call it blocking, of the scene. The positioning of the characters and the way they move.
When Loki first comes into the room, where Sylvie already is, he actually moves away from her, over to one side of the room, but then turns to face her. What is interesting is that as he moves away from her, she actually follows him but stops in the centre of the room. It creates this idea that they are both mirroring each other, that she is following him, but they don't quite meet just yet.
Loki actually moves several times during this scene, whilst Sylvie stays fixed on that one spot. I think this is meant to show how Loki has gone on a journey and changed, he hasn't stayed in the same place he was at at the beginning of season 1, whereas Sylvie is currently stuck in one spot and still at the start of her journey.
The first time Loki moves is right after Sylvie talks about his faith in OB and Casey and as he brings up how Mobius, B-15 and the guys are protecting the timelines. I think its significant that he moves at this moment as it represents the first step or milestone in his journey, the moment he learnt to trust, to put his faith in others and to come to care for others.
He moves again when he tells Sylvie that you can't give people free will and then just walk away and when he talks about needing to do better and protect the timelines. Again I think this shows the progression of his journey, now instead of playing the part of the villain, of wanting to control and rule over people, he is playing the part of the protector, he has literally bettered himself.
As a sidenote, something significant for Sylvie's character in this scene is that although she is stuck on that one spot, she shifts as Loki moves to keep herself facing him, so its like she is following his journey which could be a hint that eventually Sylvie will reach the same place Loki has.
The final time he moves is when he approaches Sylvie and then says the line 'we are gods.' I think there are a couple of things that are significant here. The first is that again this represents the final step in Loki's journey, him realising the true meaning of being a god and the responsibility that goes with it. The second is that he moves closer to Sylvie so that he is standing with her now. He brings them together, literally closing the distance between them. I also think this ties in with what I said just above about Sylvie eventually reaching the same place Loki has, in this moment they are standing in the same place. As the camera pans out we are shown them standing together as one unit. Which brings me to my next and final section.
All The Things They Didn't Say.
So ever since the citadel where Loki betrayed his promise to Sylvie when he didn't stand with her against HWR and Sylvie betrayed Loki's trust when she kicked him through the time door, these two have had this huge distance and barrier between them. They both feel betrayed by the other, they both feel hurt by the other and since then they've just continued to have disagreements with each other and haven't really spoken about their issues.
What I thought was interesting about the scene in the pie room is that although it could seem like they are having a disagreement like all the other times they've talked this season, its actually the first time they communicate openly and clearly with each other. I also think its the first time they really stop and listen to what the other person is actually saying and then explaining themselves in turn. Loki is listening to Sylvie's concerns and then reassuring her and explaining to her his way of thinking. Sylvie in turn is actually taking in Loki's point of view and making an effort to understand them and I think Loki really does give her some food for thought here. They aren't hurriedly screaming at each other whilst one of them tries to kill somebody and the other stands in their way, they aren't being interrupted with the news that an attack is going to be carried out on the branches. Despite the seriousness and urgency of the Loom's possible destruction, they are having a calm conversation. I personally love that progress.
But as I mentioned above there was one moment where Loki does get frustrated with Sylvie and he gets just a tad heated. I did promise I would come back to it and here is why I think it is significant that he gets frustrated at that moment. It is as he says the words 'walk away' that the frustration comes in and he himself actually moves further away from Sylvie and he turns away from her too, breaking their eye contact for a moment. I think the reason why he is upset is actually because he believes she walked away from him finding a new life on her branch where she is happy without him. He feels like she abandoned him just like he feels like she is abandoning the job of keeping the branches safe.
At the start of the scene Loki says that he asked for Sylvie's help but she walked away, her response is to point out no she didn't she was there, to which he counters only because she couldn't kill Victor. To me Loki seemed a bit bitter when he said this and it reminded me so much of the moment on the Ferris wheel when Sylvie asks if Loki cares about anything other than the TVA. In both these instances I think they both wanted the other to say that they were there for them, that they had shown up for them. The sad part is that actually I do think they did show up for the other person, because they wanted to know the other person was ok but they've been unable to communicate that to each other. So Sylvie is upset and hurt because she thinks Loki only came looking for her because he cared about the TVA and Loki is upset because he believes Sylvie only showed up because she couldn't kill Victor and still doesn't trust him and not because she actually wants to help or be near Loki.
I do think some parts of this conversation are acting as a film for what they really want to say to each other but can't seem to find the confidence to. There's alot of subtext here in my opinion.
One of those moments is Loki telling that story about Thor going soft. The part Loki left out was that the thing that made Thor change was meeting and falling in love with Jane. I think what Loki wants to say but doesn't here is that it wasn't just Mobius, B-15, Casey and OB that changed him, it was meeting and falling in love with her. He has grown because of her, his change began when he heard her story, when they worked together on Lamentis, when he for the first time began to care about someone other than himself, he just wanted her to be ok. She was such an instrumental part of his character growth, just like Jane was such a big part of Thor's growth and I like to think that the writers were drawing parallel between the two couples here.
There's also the part where Loki is talking about how fixing what's broken is hard. Again I think this has some relevance to their relationship. Like Loki is almost challenging her, that fixing their broken relationship is hard but just like fixing the TVA could make it into something better, something stronger, fixing their relationship could make it better, make them stronger. At the moment they are both taking the easy path of keeping those barriers between them up, because they trusted each other before, opened themselves up to another person for the first time and fell in love and in the end they both got hurt. So its easier to keep their distance and stay closed off from the other instead of trying to fix what's broken between them and potentially opening themselves up for more hurt.
Loki also says that hope is hard, but I do think that there is a little bit of hope for Sylki's relationship in this scene, its subtle but its there. And that little glimmer of hope comes when they are talking about having to do better and about playing god. They use two terms that I think are really important, 'we' and 'us'. Loki doesn't say I have to do better, or you have to do better, he says we have to better. Sylvie doesn't say you're playing god or I'm playing god but we are playing god. And again Loki doesn't say I am a god or you are a god but we are gods. Despite the distance between them, despite them struggling to get back to a place they were in their relationship before, they are talking about themselves as one unit. It's a discussion about what they are going to do together. This is actually a subtle shift from earlier in their conversation where Sylvie says what if you're wrong and what if I'm wrong or when she says you're going to show timely all this. Here she is talking about them as two separate units, which I think shows that shift in her thinking where she starts out seeing Loki and the TVA on one side together and her on the other at the start of the conversation, but come the end of it she is seeing her and Loki on the same side. I also think it adds more significance to that shot towards the end of the scene where they are both standing in the same spot, close together.
Anyway, as I said before it is possible that I am looking way too much into this, I have watched that scene more times than is healthy so. But I did really enjoy seeing Loki and Sylvie working together again in this episode, there were other little moments between them that I really loved. Like when Sylvie first shows up when they are talking to Victor Loki actually looks at her twice. He looks back when she first approaches, then back to Victor, but then you see him turn to look at Sylvie again like he just had to double check she was still there, which I don't know, I found it cute. Also when OB brings up Sylvie killing HWR Loki quickly looks over to her like he wants to check she's not upset, of course she's just looking smug about it. There were lots of little looks like that throughout the episode. Him making sure she was ok when she got stuck in the elevator was another cute moment. I also loved them shouting down the phone together at OB when he said he'd have to turn off the dampeners that prevent magic and watching them team up against brad. So I am really excited to see where they are going to take their relationship in the next couple of episodes.
I know some people are worried that they haven't got enough time to reunite them romantically and that it would seem too rushed, I personally am not too worried about that. I think I'd be more worried if they had never developed them romantically before but we've got season 1 as a foundation to build upon, is not like they have to develop a romance from scratch. Also they did a really good job of building alot of their romantic relationship in ep 3 and 4 of season 1 without it feeling rushed so I am choosing to have faith in the writing team that they can reunite them in a satisfying way in the last couple of episodes, as I do think they did make alot of headway in this episode in bringing them back together.
Anyway I have rambled on enough now, so this is where I am going to leave it. If you have read all the way to end, thank you for your time, I know this got long.
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oatm3al-c00kies · 11 months
me: i have no fears
*that one post i saw about mobius potentially being an odin variant and his kids being thor & loki variants, effectively making a mobius/loki relationship like father and son*
me: i have one fear
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p4nishers · 11 months
all i gotta say about mobius potentially being thor's variant is that it would actually make me so sad for loki bc like. it would be basically sending loki the message that no one outside his family loves them for themselves, like they always thought thor and frigga loved them out of obligation and if it turns out mobius is basically their brother it'd be like the one person who you thought loved you for being you is actually your brother and like they spent their WHOLE life wanting friends that aren't just thor/thor's friends and here came this silly little bureaucrat who finds THEM charming and wants to be THEIR friend and is impressed by THEM and would no doubt pick THEM over thor if it came down to it like why ruin that?? this is the first time anyone ever valued loki more than thor only for it to be revealed that surprise no one likes you that much if they aren't your family sorry xoxo like talk about fucking up character growth seriously
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itscomplicatedx · 11 months
Marvel at the beginning of the show: So this show will be about Loki learning to love himself and not being afraid of being lonely anymore.
Also Marvel: completely ignores Loki‘s trauma and tries to make him an evil narcissist** (Mobius is not qualified to make that assessment, especially since according to the TVA, Loki was supposed to do the bad things he did) at the beginning, tries to stick him with a Thor light version of himself, and has him end up alone, where once again, very few people will know or care when he did something heroic.
I liked season 2 a lot better than season 1, but that ending was whack.
If you don’t feel like reading a long rant, feel free to skip below. If you disagree with me and want to make your own long answer, write your own post. I’m mostly here to express my opinion, not get into long debates.
**Marvel doesn’t seem to understand much at all about mental health. I wish we could get whoever wrote Moon Knight to write everything about mental health in the MCU as they handled it in a decent way for a TV show. The last guy they tried to call a narcissist (Tony Stark) literally either tried to or sacrificed himself to save the universe more than once; as did Loki and his variants. Loki was set up to fail since the beginning of the timeline; and while obviously he’s far from innocent, acting like it was all his grievances were in his head and “imagined slights” or just a function of a narcissist is a pretty awful message to send about trauma. We know for a fact there’s a shit load wrong with Asgard, and an amazing slew of double standards in the MCU. It would be a great way to explain it to say it was all part of a timeline that was meant for somethings to turn out a certain way, but I’m not sure they’ll do that. But that’s my head canon anyway, based on what we saw in the What If series. There we see that when certain events aren’t set up and happen differently, heroes can go off the trail and villains can be just fine.
They conveniently showed Loki how Odin “loves him”, but not that he literally kidnapped him and lied that his birthright “was to die”, and just basically let everybody else off the hook including people who have done worse than Loki.
I understand if they didn’t want to use another actual mental health term, but instead of “narcissist” they could’ve just gone with Loki having “severe attachment issues” or something more vague like that, but then they might’ve actually had to talk about how he got them. Because I guarantee you when the majority of people hear the term narcissist they think of the worst kind who have all the worst full blown traits on the spectrum, not of the fragile kind, who do have self-esteem issues, share a lot of traits with BPD, and are said to be more rare. They most definitely don’t think of people who would sacrifice themselves.  
I personally see Loki as Borderline with some narcissistic traits (who wouldn’t have them being raised a royal in a place like Asgard). With Tony I think some of his supposedly worst traits were him trying to cover up his trauma. Sorry Natasha, but an assassin/spy who works for a shady government organization is not qualified to make a mental health assessment. Neither is Mobius.
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