#like most- if not all- of that type of advice is basically a recipe for inducing burn-out... trying to immolate me mentally??? no thanks ✋
rosen-dovecote · 2 months
@autisticslp asked (on the old blog):
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So a lot of cooking advice that people tend to give that seems very basic honestly comes from decades of experience; there's a post that floats around Tumblr sometimes, actually, that talks about how a lot of "cooking from intuition" isn't actually intuition at all. It's deeply ingrained memorization about the "laws of cooking" that we've learned over time, that feel like second nature to us to the point where we no longer have to think about it or physically reference recipes or tutorials anymore.
In essence: We're good at "taking what we have on hand and making a meal of it" because we have a lot of practice! We've built up a skill! A skill you're lacking in. And that's not a bad thing! But it also means that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself because you don't know or can't seem to grasp this stuff that seems so "second nature" or "easy" to a lot of the cooks you know. You're still really new at this! And with various disabilities and mental illnesses, cognitive issues, etc? Of course you're going to struggle harder at it than "most" seem to, to you!
As a secondary aside to that, you mentioned growing up on a farm. But farming and gardening, and the various forms of food preservation that frequently comes alongside small family subsistence farms, is a very different skill set! Knowing what's seasonal in your garden doesn't necessarily inherently translate into cooking it, and building a full meal up from scratch unless you also had someone who had that skill as well to teach you that.
I know my Husband's mom sure as hell didn't. He grew up on a farm like that, and she could can all day ... But Lord. She couldn't cook to save her life. She attempted to impart neither of these skills to my Husband, either ... I grew up on one, as well. But where my mom couldn't can or garden to save her life, she was a damned good cook and imparted those skills to me. Now I'm passing them on to my Husband decades later, because his mother failed to.
What you're ultimately missing is a fundamental set of basic skills, and a knowledge set built up over time and practice. And the good news is, those are really simple skills to learn. The bad news is, it does take a while to learn them and to build up that pool of knowledge. Most of it's experimentation, though, and not a lot of it's super difficult.
For basic knowledge of cooking science and spices, I'd recommend The Science of Cooking and The Science of Spice- both by Dr. Stuart Farrimond. I own both and love them dearly. They'll debunk some common myths, and give you a basic understanding of certain food sciences that are honestly really helpful.
When you feel like you're ready to actually sit down and experiment with spices, I love The Encyclopedia of Spices and Herbs: An Essential Guide to the Flavors of the World by Padma Lakshmi. It has information on various spices, tells you their cultural contexts, mentions what they're usually used on in those contexts (vegetables, which meats, etc), and even gives you some common cultural spice blends (though doesn't provide measurements). It's a thick boy, but it's a really fun one to work through if you have no introduction to spices or idea how to use them.
Past that, something you need to build yourself is a well stocked pantry with staple basics. I can't tell you what those are for you. That's something you have to figure out for yourself based on what you cook, how often, etc. But my minimum has always been at least 2 months worth of food in my pantry at any given time, across a broad enough spectrum that I can pick just about anything out of a recipe and only really need to shop for the fresh or immediate-need ingredients each week.
Staple Grains like Rice, Lentils, Cous Cous, and Quinoa.
Pasta Noodles of various types- like Elbow, Rigatoni, Bowtie, Penne, Fettuccini, and Spaghetti
Potatoes in the form of Mashed Potatoes and Scalloped Potatoes both, as well as a "fresh" bag each of Russet, Yellow, and Red Potatoes
Onions. I keep a mesh bag each of Red and Yellow (or White; whichever's cheapest at the time I'm shopping) on hand at all times.
Boxes of Stock (Chicken, Beef, Vegetable, and Protein Broth when I can find it)
Canned items that I use a lot of, like Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, every kind of Bean (Cannellini, Great Northern, Dark Red, Light red, Black, Pinto, etc), and Chickpeas; plus canned fish (Tuna and Salmon, Sardines, etc)
Condensed Creams Of (Chicken and Mushroom are the two we use most often)
Spices. Of every kind. You literally do not want to see my spice box. It's insane. Yes I'm proud of it. But it would make the average person cry with confusion and fear.
Frozen Veggies in the freezer (Green Beans, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Carrots, Squashes, etc; personally I prefer the frozen to the canned)
I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting. But ultimately when you have a full pantry and only have to buy your fresh or immediate-need ingredients? It not only massively saves your grocery bill each week, but it also makes it so much easier to "make things with what you have on hand". Because a large part of the trick is, honestly, having things on hand to make stuff with in the first place. And that's really the big secret that goes unspoken in a lot of circles. But it really shouldn't be an unspoken secret, because it holds so many people back.
Another secret is just knowing basic cooking methods. What is chopping vs dicing? How do you pan fry? What's a dry fry vs a wet fry? What about baking? Broiling? Boiling? What happens if you stew an ingredient instead? How big does it have to be for each of these methods? How does it perform with rice as opposed to cous cous? How is it raw- if it can be eaten raw? Other than that, just knowing recipes is really going to be the big key.
Unfortunately I don't have a recommend for learning any of these ones, since I learned all this the hard way. I do see some cook books that could be useful (like Veg-table: Recipes, Techniques, and Plant Science for Big-Flavored Vegetable-Focused Meals by Nik Sharma; or Vegetables: The Ultimate Cookbook Featuring 300+ Delicious Plant-Based Recipes by Laura Sorkin). I can't personally recommend them, however, because I've never read or used them. But there's a lot of information out there on youtube that can be very helpful, especially for methodology since it's a visual medium- which is, I think, the best way to learn some of these skills in particular.
Personally, I did the recipe thing by looking at cuisines from regions where those foods or ingredients were really popular. So take your Eggplant for example. Eggplants feature a lot in Mediterranean, Levantine, and Middle Eastern cuisines. So when you want to learn how to use Eggplant and build up your knowledge about it? Looking at the people in those regions who use this ingredient a lot already is going to be really helpful to you. They know what they're doing with it!
When you've made those dishes a few times, you're going to get an understanding not only of how to prepare Eggplant for various methods of cooking, and how to cook it for those methods. But you're also going to get an understanding of what flavors pair well with it. And after a while of doing that, you're naturally going to start thinking "what if I do x instead?" and start experimenting on your own. Play with them. Get to know the ingredient on the most foundational level. And yeah, throw some herbs on it if you're comfortable! See what meshes with what flavors. What do you like? And yeah, some of those are going to be flops. But by the time you start thinking "what if" your skills are usually further progressed than you'd think to give yourself credit for. Just ask my Husband, ha!
As for the stuff regarding disability, mental illness, and cognitive function, I gotchu, babe! One of the most distressing things for me when I became disabled, started suffering really bad from cognitive decline, and started dealing with memory loss, was looking at the potential of never being able to cook for myself again. And that scared the piss out of me, because cooking is my joy. And so my Husband and I sat down and prioritized cooking and making it disability friendly for me. Here's some of the stuff we did.
First step: Get your butt a stool that's a comfortable height for your counter height. Once acquired, sit as much as you can in the kitchen. It conserves energy and lets you use more of it to focus your head.
Second: Get yourself all those fun little gadgets you think look interesting or helpful. Personally I have a fruit slicer (that works on more than just apples), a slap chopper microplane thingy, and a few others. Mostly I got these because occasionally my body loses my hands and has no idea where they went and it's safer for me. But I can't tell you how nice they are even when my body knows where my hands are, ha; they speed up prep, keep your fingers safe (usually), and leave more room for the brain to do its thing.
Third: Make as many lists as you can! I have a list on the inside of all my pantry doors of the staples that are in that section. When something needs refilling it allows me to put a mark there so I know to put it on the grocery list. But it also provides a quick reference when my brain's tired; it's so much easier for me to read a list than try and decipher box labels with various colors, font sizes, etc. Make lists wherever you need them and always keep them accessible.
Fourth: The recipe box. Yes. A good, old fashioned, classic recipe box. I have mine filled with tried and true recipes that I know for a fact my Husband and I love, that I know we have at least 90% of the ingredients on hand for at any given moment. So if all else fails and I can't think of anything? I can just go pull something out of the box and have him jot down to the store for anything we don't have.
Fifth: Keep easy meals on stock, because some days you really can't cook. Your brain won't let you, and that's ok! That's fine! But you still gotta eat, right? So we keep stuff like bagged Blackened Chicken Alfredo, Dirty Rice, Mongolian Beef, Jambalaya, Broccoli Beef, Red Beans & Rice, etc, on hand in the outdoor fridge. If at any point I just can't do it? We grab some of those instead.
And the good news is, you can spruce up a quick meal! Making Dirty Rice? Throw in some bread and butter, and a side of boiled Green Beans from the garden. Blackened Chicken Alfredo? Throw some Bell Pepper on in there; you can bulk this stuff up easily with your produce, and it takes even less effort most of the time.
As for the Covid sense of taste / smell? Keep trucking. It does get better; I suffered bad from Post-Covid Parosmia for nearly 2 years after I caught Covid the first time- bad enough to the point I couldn't bathe myself because of the smell of our water being nauseating to me; couldn't eat anything with Corn, or Wheat, or Onion, or Garlic in it for a year, either. the second I tried, my body auto rejected it. Bananas tastes like Iris flowers smelt ... I feel your pain so hard.
But it does get better. Your system is just rewiring itself completely from scratch right now. And Lord, it's so unpleasant. But the more you give it to taste, and smell, the better it does and the faster it rewires itself. Don't force yourself to eat things that are nauseating or unpleasant. But do branch out. Experiment. Even if it tastes left of how you remember it, keep going! I can't promise you'll get everything back (Lord knows there's still some things that aren't quite right for me, even 4 years later now). But it gets better!
I hope any of this helps- even if it's not as helpful if you'd like it to be. Hang in there, love.
My ask box is always open and Anon is currently ON.
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lovablethings · 4 months
Welcome to lovablethings!
inbox: OPEN! Check what's next here: link
This is a blog created by @raygunwestern and his system to reach out to and support the kin community.
How do we intend to achieve this?
Promoting Discords, projects, and other blogs similar to this one!
Offering advice and ideas where I can. (I am NOT a medical professional and cannot and will not provide medical advice or therapy.)
Helping folks get kin calls out there.
And, what you're probably here for- fulfilling requests!
Requests? What requests do you do?
A few kinds. While Raygun is the only mod, the following will be offered:
Name + pronoun ideas
Recipe ideas (PLEASE let me know if you have allergies or specific foods to avoid!)
Shopping / selfcare kits (6 items relating to your kin)
Icons (including pride edits and matching icons)
Sketches or emotes
Read for more info beneath the cut!
What rules do you have?
While not a RULE per se, it should be noted that this blog has a specific focus. The following types of kintypes are welcome to be requested for:
Real animal species, domesticated or wild.
Fantasy animal species in general, such as dragons, unicorns, etc.
Fictional species of animal/monster from media (such as night stalkers from Fallout).
General non-human identities (such as spirits, demons, angels, etc.) including concepts and objects.
Basically, because I admittedly live under a rock and am LARGELY unfamiliar with most sources, I'll be mostly focusing on therians, otherkin, adjacent fictionkin, and the like rather than specific characters. I have nothing against fictionkin! I have many fictionkin types myself, and our system has a couple fictives. I just don't want to disappoint anybody.
If you have a fictionkintype that is an otherwise normal animal (such as Rex from Fallout), if you're willing to give some extra details about what you're looking for, I might be able to help.
On that note, you are very welcome to make requests for your nonhuman alters! Those who don't align themselves with any of these terms but still see themselves as nonhuman in some way are welcome to send in requests, as well, so long as you generally follow the above guidelines.
Furthermore, the actual rules are as follows:
Please have a specific request, at the very least what kind of post you'd like me to make for you! Details relevant to what you're asking for are great, too!
Please be patient. Raygun is the only mod right now and has a brain that beats the hell out of him sometimes.
While I can't control every interaction, it should be noted that trans people are VERY welcome, that BLM and Palestine are supported by the mod, and that I am distinctly not pr0ship.
Please no requests regarding 18+ material of any kind. While the mod is an adult, this blog is intended to be safe for all ages.
All messages regarding any kind of discourse will be promptly deleted.
lomebly :( and wanted to be helpful,,,
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sleepingasimdead · 7 days
This post covers two topics. First, the common types of "magic books" and second my personal advice for when making your own. The "read more" includes a link to a tutorial and the amino post I am quoting myself from.
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Books of Shadows, Grimoires, & Books of Mirrors
Modernly these terms are often used interchangeably for personal spellbooks/witchcraft based journals; however, originally they had three distinct meanings.
I originally read about the differences in my moms older books circa late 80s - late 90s.
Books of Shadows:
First, the term you are likely to encounter most often. A Book of Shadows (BoS) was originally specifically a Wiccan term in reference to a shared book containing spells, rituals, basic theory, and associations. It was meant to be used as a reference and teaching tool between a Coven as well as a place to record Coven specific practices. Usually, the High Priest(ess) would look after, control what is added to, and control who has access to this book. It was not shared with people outside of the Coven and was considered a sacred object. With the rise of solitary practice valued over Coven based practice, the term has lost its Coven, and often Wiccan, associations.
Next, Grimoire was originally in reference to a personal book of spells, theory, and associations that had a textbook or cookbook tone of writing. This term is older and doesn’t have religious connotations and is usually used as a reference or teaching tool. This was basically a Witches recipe book. However, it was still usually in a more neutral to formal format.
Books of Mirrors:
Lastly, a Book of Mirrors. This term is not as popular as the other two despite, modernly, being what many people have and are actually referencing when they say BoS. The term is in reference to a journal outlining or recording a person’s experiences and path in relation to witchcraft. This book was highly personal but was not required to be kept secret. 
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As mentioned before, these terms are modernly used interchangeably due to people just having one book that is more of a mix of all three. They range from a fancy homemade leatherbound book to a cheap planner, there are no specific rules on their construction or what a Practitioner puts in them and not everyone calls their Witchcraft book by any of these terms.
It is usually a very personal item, and so each person has their own rules for it. There are many theories behind the item ranging from it being sacred and having magic of its own to its significance being rooted more in a personal nature.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Dead's Advice for When You are Making Your Grimoire, Book of Shadows, Book of Mirrors, and/or Magical Tome(s)
The Materials
As tempting as buying a really pretty stylized notebook is, they simply rarely work well if what you want is equally stylized pages. They are too easy to mess up, misplace, run out of space, and tend to be expensive.
Instead try binders + laminate pockets. Binders allow you to remove and reorganize pages. This eliminates the pressure of making the page perfect the first time and lets you remove out of date info with ease. Stylizing is made so much easier when you can safely remove pages.
Not to mention the pockets allow for you to include things like pressed plants with 0 risk of destroying your whole book thanks to rot, protect your pages from water damage, and make making "secret pages" much easier, allows you to make pages digitally first. You can personalize binders with fabric, paper machete, cardboard, hot glue, wood, clay, etc.
Personally, I made 3 "book sleeve bags" out of scrap leather and fabric that allow me to switch up the style and determine how many pockets are necessary that day. On top of just making an embroidered cover and gluing it to the cover of the binder.
The Writing
• Always write full notes before you even open your book and then condense the info like you would if you were rewriting notes for test/exam purposes to act as your Rough Draft.
• Don't use hard to read/made up script unless you are fluent in it. Elsewise the book becomes 20× harder to actually use.
• Make a laminate sheet for base "step by step" sheets for things like sigils or spellmaking and pair with dry erase to make it easier on the environment when you make new ones. Then if they work give them their own page.
• Try to keep one topic / subtopic to a couple of pages and succinct.
The Art
• Do any motifs or small artwork first and then use a tracing method to add to your book so that it can be consistent.
• Section out space on the page for large artwork/diagrams before writing, but don't do them until after you have written your text.
• Try using tracing paper / see-through sticky notes for any 3d diagrams. Diagrams as watermarks are also a good idea. Or if you don't intend to make a Symbarium section you can make them into watermarks as well.
• Don't be afraid to "hide" diagrams behind things like stickinotes + flaps to mixinmize possible text.
OG Amino Post:
Below is a quick tutorial video on making fabric covers with handles that I actually used myself (although I adjusted my measurements to fit a large binder). However, tbh you can find quite a few on youtube, as well as tutorials on making your own binder.
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samueldays · 3 months
Factorio Space Exploration: Arcosphere Cookbook with explanations
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I found the arcosphere puzzle intriguing but poorly explained and clunky, and when looking for advice I found a lot of other frustrated people who were brute-forcing the puzzle, using giant combinator fields, and/or copying entire solution blocks from other people's blueprints. I have further complaints, like the strict spoiler policy and the F:SE wiki deliberately avoiding this info, so I'm going to talk about arcospheres and try to make this be something like the reference I wanted. I will try to explain principles, not just solve, to help people understand. This will be long, and have colored diagrams.
Contributing to my frustration is that Arcospheres are a finite*, accidentally losable resource that are required for victory. On the Cruelty Scale from interactive fiction, Arcospheres put Space Exploration somewhere around Nasty. Having a spoiler policy on top of this is rude!
So. When you first get spaceballs, they are bland grey. You can get some from looting ancient ruins and the Interburbul game on other planets, but the main source is from the deep void, by launching arcosphere collectors from deep space asteroid fields. These have diminishing returns, so start with about 5 from each field. Make sure to launch the collector, not the arcosphere, I've seen one guy lose his spheres that way because he was outputting silo spheres into the same container that collectors were loading from, and the loader loaded arcospheres instead.
Then you put them through Arcosphere Polarization. This takes in 4 grey balls and puts out a set of 4 colored arcospheres: either [Lambda, Zeta, Epsilon, Gamma] or [Xi, Theta, Phi, Omega]. Do some of both recipes to get all 8 types. A machine set to run continuously will randomly flip between them - this comes up later - but you can manually set it for your first few spaceballs.
Arcospheres are unusual in that they're not consumed like most ingredients in Factorio, instead they are merely transformed between the different polarities. The recipe for a Naquium Tesseract takes in 3 arcospheres [Lambda, Xi, Zeta] and outputs 3 arcospheres [Theta, Epsilon, Phi].
Productivity modules are banned here, naturally.
*Finite: Arcospheres are hard to produce, with arcosphere collection from space having logarithmically diminishing returns, which means at some point it would take a lifetime of play to get another set. Make sure to keep them well protected from biters, meteor strikes, spaceship landings, and so on.
Since the full names are heck to diagram and the greek letters are heck to type, I'm going to refer to the 8 polarizations by their English-language initials: L, X, Z, T, E, P, G, O. That's the order the items are sorted ingame, don't blame me.
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Next it's useful to visualize the various arcosphere folds and transforms. Since there's 8 of them, we can map them to the corners of a cube, and a cube is relatively simple to diagram as two squares. I will label the corners in semi-clockwise order, which makes several of the folds easier to visualize the patterns for, and color them correspondingly. Starting with the Arcosphere Polarization, you can see it produces either inner (LZEG) or outer (XTPO) spheres.
Next is the Arcosphere Inversion basic recipes, it would be a nuisance to memorize exactly which four invert, but with the diagram...
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...it's swapping the diagonals. Inversion is invertible.
Then there's 8 kinds of basic Arcosphere Folding. The first one is [LO] -> [XT] and we can think of this as X-centric. Each fold is centered on a corner: it takes in the "previous" (counterclockwise) and the parallell sphere, outputs the chosen corner and the "next" (clockwise) sphere. Each fold takes one inner and one outer sphere, outputs either two inner or two outer. Here's the X-centered and the L-centered fold.
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Here's all eight of them in a block. Stare at it, feel the patterns.
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With this, I find it much easier to think about recipes in terms of "I have..." and "I need..." when I know they move sorta-clockwise, and are output in adjacent pairs.
Also, each column as presented forms a combination to build from. If you have [OL,XG] you can run the two leftmost recipes and output [XT,LZ]. Reorder these and it's [LXGO] -> [LXZT]. We have used LX as a catalyst to turn GO into ZT.
This generalizes by rotation. If you have one of the half-diagonals such as [LX], [ZT], [EP] or [GO], you can convert it into the opposite half-diagonal this way. This is the 1st combination recipe.
Here's what this looks like in practice in Factorio, with the pair from the fourth column that combines [GP]->[OX] and [EO]->[GL], with a net result of [EP] -> [LX].
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[EP] comes in at left, is taken up by the first set of filter inserters. [GO] is a catalyst, passed between the two gravimetrics machines indefinitely. [LX] is output to the right.
In addition to turning a half-diagonal-pair into its opposite with 2 catalyst spheres, any two of a single polarity can be turned into their opposite with 1 catalyst. (Opposite corner cubewise, so L becomes P, not E.) This is the 2nd combination recipe.
You may want to copy the Eight Folds diagram to use as a reference for the individual steps here. Starting with for example two Lambda, we use an Omega as a catalyst, and perform the following folds, converting the pair marked in brackets at each step.
L [L O] [L T] X E [Z X] [E T] P O P P
And here's that built in Factorio:
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Place an [O]mega catalyst in the upper left machine once the very first time, then insert many L in top chest. They will be converted to P, and the O catalyst returned to upper left after each pass.
The topmost filter inserters from the L chest are wired to take only when (Lambda > 1) to ensure even splits in my demo, you could use a splitter belt or something else for the same effect. The middle red long inserter uses a nonobvious Factorio feature: when pointing into a machine, inserters will only take ingredients needed in that machine's recipe, so it will only take the E and not the Z from the top-right machine to the lower-left machine.
The full set of 8 opposite-corner chains:
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Now we've got the Inversion recipe that switches full diagonals of 4, turning a diagonally adjacent pair into the other half of the diagonal, and turning a single ball into its opposite corner, and. That leaves one more building block of useful folding combinations:
Turning an opposite-corner pair into the other two on its long diagonal. This phrase sounds clunky even to me, so here's the visual: starting with a bunch of L, generate LP, and from there XLEP.
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The [LP] -> [XE] transform is accomplished with only one catalyst ball, but needs more balls to be converted. You need to start with LLPP, and use T as catalyst into XXEE, with subelements of [LP]->EE and [LP]->[XX]. This is the 3rd combination recipe.
The specific steps: [TL] P E [ZP] EE G and then use that G as intermediate catalyst for [GP] L X [OL] XX T giving you the T back.
This takes a little bit of sorting input to build the machines. Factorio build with similar 4-machine shape to the above, note again the wired inserters set to (L>1) and (P>1), can be replaced with belt splitters or other method of even distribution. The whole system can be rotated and rearranged. Think of this as a Lego-like toolkit, not a definitive solution. (That's why I'm posting diagrams, not blueprints.)
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Place a single catalyst T in the top-left [LT] machine to start, and the system will turn sets of [LLPP] into [XXEE], returning the T.
The four sets of this are: T as catalyst to turn [LLPP] into [XXEE] O as catalyst to turn [XXEE] into [LLPP] P as catalyst to turn [ZZOO] into [GGTT] X as catalyst to turn [GGTT] into [ZZOO].
Let's revisit the diagram.
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Starting from a bucket of one single arcosphere such as L, you now have the steps and components to:
Turn it into the opposite corner. (-> LP)
Turn those opposites into the rest of the diagonal. (-> XLEP)
Invert the diagonal. (-> OGZT)
Turn two diagonally adjacent balls into the opposite diagonal. (OG < - > ZT.)
and the rotations of these.
Combining these steps now gets you from any ball to any other ball, in sufficient quantities. For example, if you're running the Naquium Processor recipe that outputs five Lambdas, and you want to turn your stack of L into E:
L -> LP with opposite-corner LP -> XE with on-diagonal X -> E with opposite-corner.
With the building-block theory done for converting arcospheres, let's look at productive recipes featuring spaceballs. I'll start with the first data card from Deep Space Science 3: Space Folding Data.
The recipe for this card comes in two flavors: each takes Naquium Plate, Significant Data, -273C Thermofluid, and arcospheres [LX]. One flavor outputs ZT, and the other flavor outputs EP as our arcospheres. You can manually choose which the first time, but Factorio is all about the automation, and a machine set to automake Space Folding data may randomly swap between recipes each time a crafting has completed! So you need to plan for getting a mix of ZTEP out, unpredictably. Let's consult the diagram again. White for input, but grey and black for the two sets of output.
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Well the EP is easy: just convert it back to LX, using a set of OG as catalysts.
The ZT output is a little harder. Convert half of it to OG (using a set of EP as catalysts) giving you the OGZT diagonal, then invert that into XLEP. Then filter the XL back into the data card maker, and and the EP can convert to XL.
How this might look in practice, zoomed out and labeled:
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Zoomed in and cropped so it's easier to see filter settings:
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Tracing the path through this system, start with the machine on the right. Insert some LX. If it comes out as EP, it takes the upper belt leftwards, and gets converted back into LX, easy peasy.
If it comes out as ZT, the two lower filters put that onto belts, and split them so that some ZT goes to become OG at the bottom, while the other ZT goes to join the fresh OG in the OGZT inversion machine on the left.
Space Warping Data is very similar and straightforward. You input [EP], get out OG and/or ZT, you convert as necessary until you have an OGZT set to turn into XLEP, and turn the extra XL into EP.
Space Dilation Data is a little harder. You input [ZO], and get out either LL or PP. Conditional wires on your inserters start to be useful here, as does having more arcospheres for a buffer when the random number generator is streaky. Hope for LLPP; but plan to convert LLLL or PPPP into LLPP. Turn some of the LP into XE, then a whole XLEP diagonal inverts to OGZT, and GT can be converted into OZ.
Space Injection Data gets tricky. You input [GT] and get out either ZZ or EE. For the first time, these aren't on the same diagonal. Oh well.
When you get Z, convert half of it to O with opposite-corner, then ZO to GT.
When you get E, convert half of it to X with opposite-corner, then convert half of the resulting EX mix to LP, giving you a full diagonal. Invert the XLEP diagonal to OGZT, and then convert OZ to GT. This requires five sets of folding combination machines, and it sprawls quite a bit and wants a large buffer of extra spheres.
I will note one more data card later in tech tree: Wormhole Data, [LZEG] -> [XTPO]. No randomization here.
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This is a sneaky recipe, because the diagonal steps described above can be used but it gets much larger than necessary because they're a poor fit.
Notice instead how this takes inners and produces outers. What turns outers back into inners? The basic Arcosphere Foldings.
Produce a set of XTPO, and keep a spare set of LZEG as a catalyst. Run the lower four basic foldings from the Arcosphere Folding block once each, like [XG]->[LZ], producing [LZ]+[ZE]+[EG]+[GL], or two sets of LZEG.
For the other recipes, like Naquium Tesseract, hopefully these visualizations and combinations have helped you understand what's going on and how to build your own design from parts. Or you can download someone else's solved blueprint. You don't need to bash your head against a wall of obfuscated math to play with spaceships.
You are welcome to copy, annotate, share and edit this guide as you like.
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in2thenewworld · 7 months
Hi 👋🏻😊 hope you dont mind me sending my request here instead of PMing you; I'm curious who you'd pair me with :3
I'd like a matchup for a male DMC character. My pronouns are she/her.
Appearance: I'm 5'3", got a full figure body with a round face. I have mid back length, dark chocolate colored hair with down turned eyes of the same color. Under my left eye are 2 freckles that look exactly like this -> : <- I usually wear comfy clothes, but will dress up if I need to. Most of the time I just wear a tshirt with pj pants, or leggings with a tshirt.
Personality: I am introverted, possibly an INFJ, I am more emotional than logical, and am a Gemini
Interests: I like to read, write, and basically do anything creative; I like working with/using my hands to make something, or to help someone out (giving massage, need first aid, etc.) I am also a foodie, love looking up recipes to try and love to cook/bake.
What I look for in a partner is someone who has a sense of humor, knows how to have fun and when to be serious, can make me smile, and are kind-hearted or compassionate. They can be introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted, it dont matter to me as long as I feel I could vibe with them and talk to them about anything.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I don't really have an ideal date, just staying home with either a cooked meal or takeout would be fine with me as long as I'm with my partner.
heya! however you prefer to send the info is good! and thank you again for the matchup you wrote, i absolutely adored it 🥹
anyway, let’s get into it!
hope you’re alright with a chit chat or monologue, because I’m loading your match!
…ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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Nero first met you during his off time between jobs at home in Fortuna. You would probably bump into each other by chance. I can imagine a scenario of you helping out a group of children who were lost perhaps? Nero knows how to help them get back home, so he jumps in to assist you. Then, once it’s just the two of you after all of that, you spark up a conversation, and funnily enough, there’s certainly a spark.
You cross paths a few more times before you eventually decide to make the first move. You bring him a small variety of baked goods when you swing by to ask the big question, and Nero tries to play off like he’s much cooler about the whole thing than he really is.
Nero’s sense of humour often comes in the form of poking fun and being a bit of a tease. You can also make him laugh pretty easily. That being said, he knows when to turn it off, so that’s not an issue.
You can talk to Nero about absolutely anything. He won’t tell a soul if you don’t want him to, and he’s got a level enough head to give good advice to others. Sometimes he might be the type to offer solution before comfort, though, so if you’d rather the latter, you might have to tell him.
Nero would go to hell and back a million times for his loved ones. He’s got a kind heart, and he’ll do almost anything to make you happy. His tone when he speaks with you is softer than with anyone else. It’s almost funny. Alright, it’s hilarious. Nico rinses him to death for it, but she’s always on the receiving end of his sarcasm, so it goes both ways really.
Nico would totally get along with you, though. You’re around her a lot by association with Nero, and if you enjoy hands on tasks you might find yourself in the garage as a project partner quite often.
Nero is totally here for the chilled home dates. He finds it comforting to have this space with you that you can call your own, so there’s not many places he’d rather be. He’ll let you choose the food and a movie, he’s just happy to be there.
Sometimes he’s away for a long time on missions… Luckily, you’re always there to welcome him home with your affection and some form of small gift, favour or a date planned. He brings you back souvenirs too if he gets a job in a new, fascinating place. Think of it as making up for lost time. (You also spend a lot of time together post mission because you’re patching up his wounds and insisting that a massage will ease all of the tension and aches that come from fighting. Not that he’s complaining, he welcomes your touch.)
I hope this is to your liking! :) and to my followers, what do we think of the slight format change?
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memoriescut · 1 year
i wanted to give this a proper title but really it's just an addendum to my pudding & sanji as frenemies propaganda lmao
i'm gonna skip the wci arc as i already talked about it, just as a general note in my canon pudding erases a whole lot memories of her from sanji's mind. while she's affectionate toward him, she has no romantic feelings. her crying in the hallway happens because by that point she's quite literally the only traitor left on the island - she can't escape because bm needs her for her powers but also knows the woman won't be so kind about the disrespect
technically they're still married. it doesn't matter as it's not like they'll get together at any point but since divorce as an institution doesn't exist, there is this loose end. pudding will never mention it as she believes it's not relevant to her life choices. doesn't want to be referred as vinsmoke or black leg for that matter, mention those names to her and she will stare blankly pretending not to know who that is. she will however take a page from sanji's book and give herself a brand new last name at some point after finding the one piece
i know fandom loves to pit women against each other but i think pudding would lowkey push nami into pursuing sanji eventually. in her mind they seem good for each other in a way that doesn't feel like trauma bonding, you know. as a matter of fact i think pudding and nami would be good friends and she'd be someone pud trusts during her time with the SH
pudding has the habit to be in places she shouldn't be, except that nothing of what she does is random and it's her fatal flaw. she crosses paths with the SH plenty of times after finding the one piece, mostly because they always get in trouble and she's traveling around following the voices. does she keep tabs on them? possibly. she considers them allies, so in most cases she will lend an helpful hand and then dip before they can get all mushy on her
on that note... i headcanon that while no romantic feelings are involved due to pudding making sure all those memories are cut and hidden away, throughout the years she and sanji meet up to have ONE (1) dinner to catch up and then everyone is on their own way. it probably happens once a year, they cook things, share and swap recipes, stuff like this. pudding will never talk too much about her business - she might be reformed but a part of her will always dabble in the darkness as it's part of the balance of all things. she will however give him leads about treasures she's heard of. [ when i think of them i imagine the song bells in santa fe, ngl ]
speaking of memories, pudding still has the film from sanji's memories. whether she gives it back or not eventually is up to plotting, but generally speaking i think she'd rather not for the fact that then they'd have to talk about... everything, which is not really something she wants to do. while she hasn't used memo memo on him since then, she can hear him loud and clear through her third eye powers and absolutely hates it. she probably told him too!
if wci / final arc pudding is more akin to alice in terms of character development, post op pudding is lowkey the cheshire cat. the more years pass the more different she looks. it's a good type of change even though it basically makes her look like an hermit most of the time. on a good day she might be sentimental enough to share some wisdom with him on whatever occasion they cross paths. she loves to speak to him in riddles just to mess around and that's really the only sign of her teen self left
post op pudding has a vivre card, and it looks like a queen of hearts card from any deck. she's given sanji a piece of it mostly because "you can never know" but also told him to not pester her, so you see where she stands. she is however always available through den den mushi for serious talks or mildly tough advices
at some point pudding has written a children's book called tales from the all blue which are basically a collection of stories she's heard from sea creatures. at the very first page there's a dedication that says may our dreams carry us throughout the darkest times. this is probably the most openly affectionate she's been toward him
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blccmingrose · 1 year
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.*・。゚ ━ (natasha liu bordizzo, cis woman, she/her) the fates have spotted katherine "kate" zhang walking along the streets of ogygia. the 27 year old has been here for four years and currently lives in delos cottages. word on the street is that she is attentive & caring, but can be pretty overbearing & vengeful. i’ve heard she is a nurse, which is pretty fitting for someone who was demeter in a past life. on the night of the murder she was supposedly working, but who knows if that’s true or not.
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Basics !‎
Full Name : Katherine Rose Zhang
Alias : Kate (most common), Katie, Kat, Rose
Gender Identity | Pronouns : Cis woman ; she/her
Sexuality : Bisexual
Occupation : Nurse
Personality Traits :
+ : attentive | caring | empathetic | reliable | loyal | generous | organized | compassionate
– : overbearing | vengeful | controlling | petty | nosy | temperamental | bossy | stubborn
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Background !‎
Past Life:
In ancient Greece, DEMETER was mainly known as the goddess of harvest and agriculture but also related to health, birth, and marriage. Most of the time, she was depicted as a compassionate and generous goddess, but one shouldn't take her kindness for granted, for she was also pretty vengeful and her wrath would often cause great damage.
Current Life:
[Coming Soon] (I actually have to finish plotting it out with Kat, but I'm lazy and in a hurry to interact, sorry)
SUMMARY: she's a tired nurse trying to keep her life together, sometimes as bitter as her everyday coffee, but also very loving and gentle. She really just wants to take care of her plants in peace.
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Headcanons !‎
Gardening is one of her major hobbies, has one of the most beautiful gardens in town. Her entire house is full of plants, the most healthy and vibrant one has ever seen, she tends to them like they were her children.
She is a problem solver, the person you should call if you want to get shit done.
She is an excellent cook, a lot of the ingredients she uses were grown by herself. Often gifts her neighbors and friends with food. She's also generally a food enthusiast, likes trying new recipes, and values eating at a good restaurant.
Mom friend!!! She takes care of everyone around her, making sure they are all fine and healthy, you can always count on her, gives a lot of (mostly unsolicited) advice.
She's the type of person who loves to help others and feel useful, but she might complain and be bitter about it, but she's doing it out of the kindness in her heart! definitely an "I told you so" kind of person.
Totally a spring/summer baby, hates the winter with her entire being (👀). She thinks it's depressing and cold like it wants to steal the happiness of everything around. She gets really moody during the season.
Tea lover and may be considered a coffee addict. She refuses to do anything without having her coffee first, she'll love you if you get her a cup.
Kate is also a poetry lover. Has written some pieces that she keeps to herself.
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Connections !‎
Younger Sister: Kora Dunn-Zhang
Good/Bad influence (she's our rule following, goody two shoes, control freak kind of person, let's get her someone who's the opposite of that and wants to make her relax, or only make her worry more, who knows?)
Regular Patient (someone who often comes to her for medical care and she worries about)
A friend that she can have tea/coffee with, occasionally drink, someone that would listen to her complaints, and will turn the table and give her unsolicited advice
Someone she can be a mom friend to
Exes / One-Night Stands (ngl would love some drama)
Someone she dislikes for no reason (?)
***Give me anything, let's plot
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Ooc Info !‎
I'm Anne (she/her), a 21yo, Brazilian, stressed uni student on her way to changing majors. I don’t know how to properly maintain a conversation, but I’m always eager to plot. You can check my other muse Liz (Nike) here @victorylaurels
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pearlescent-soda · 2 years
✨️//A Third Helping of My Headcanons on the Dragon Daddies (Magic Crafters Edition):
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A well intentioned elder who won't let boundaries such as, morals, laws, or any other silly social constructs stop him from pursuing his goals. This man has broken many laws in his potion making career, if that seems a bit too implausible than ask his cellmate Boldar. Although, unlike his lifelong friend, he knows how to take precautions before working with magic.
The texture of his potions can best be described as 'gello-like' as a lot of his products are salves meant for external use only. The number of customers sending complaints for stomach pains after ingestion has been steadily decreasing as the years go by. 'One gent came in with a purple tongue, and, ancestors forgive me, I laughed in his face'. The instructions are on the back, but, hey, the customers always right, except when they're wrong, then they come back and complain.
Spyro can hardly keep his eyes open during Eldrid's 'enthralling' lectures. He holds out for his favorite part of the visit, the 'taste test', Eldrid dips his spoon in the cauldron and hands it to Spyro. If he guesses the right flavor, he gets to take a prize from his 'prize box', which is basically a box of junk he hasn't thrown out yet, but if the boy wants necklace carved from a unicorn horn, he can take it.
He's got severe back pain, if his horrible posture didn't give it away, and it's been getting worse year after year. He'll wear a back brace every now and then, when he feels like it, but most the time he'll take medicine for the pain and move on with his day. He'll make one of the boys put some homemade numbing ointment on his back and that stuff smells like stale mint and rotten eggs.
Him and Boldar go way back, he's got both of their mugshots hanging in his shop from the 'good the good ol' days'. That can't be good for business, but look at how happy they look, aw. He made copies for Boldar to carry with him during his travels and he wrote on them, 'To my dearest, and most wondrous, friend, Boulder'. That's no error, that's legitimately how he believes his lifelong friend's name is spelled.
Only twenty-five percent of his scribbles are illegible, the rest are complex recipes for whatever experiment he's working on. His terrible penmanship is a result of Eldrid trying to write with his tail, behind his back where he can't see, instead of just using his hands. 'It makes perfect sense to me. Hmm, maybe you need bifocals, young one'.
The horns are his head are actually sprinklers connected to his goggles. There's a fire in his laboratory daily, so to combat such a regular occurrence Lucas gifted the geezer a pair of safety goggles. 'Ah, Lu-Lu was always the generous type'. Yes, bottles still explode, except, this time, the kitchen is still functional afterward. Soggy, but functional.
A know-it-all drama queen who thinks he's got the answers to all of life's mysteries. While his temperament is nowhere near as bad as Cosmos', he can be just as haughty and standoffish. Surprisingly, he's much easier to befriend than his leader. His insults are unintentional, he hates to sugarcoat his words, so when he gives advice, wanted or otherwise, it's blunt and to the point. Never EVER argue with him on anything, it doesn't matter who's right, he'll drag it out till he feels like the conversation is over.
He's NOT the 'Master of Wind', that is a title he despises with a passion. 'I'm the 'Master of Air', Lord Kelvin. The 'Master of Wind' was my father, and he was a dirty, treacherous, THIEF!!!' Never mention this to him, but he possesses the exact same abilities as his father such as creating sizeable storms, whirlwinds, and increasing windspeeds, something he very much likes to do to dispose of Thieves.
Spyro nearly died on his way to the library, and it wasn't due to the windspeeds, but a famished Beast who blocked his path. That was an interesting day to say the least, he met a Peace Keeper he'd never seen before, and Kelvin was actually nice to him for once. Spyro and Sparx took note of the usual Magic Crafter dislike for the Peace Keepers, but the way that Kelvin spoke to the dragon was as if his very presence was a bad omen.
His 'Vortex of Doom' surrounding the Alpine Ridge library was implemented after an incident regarding a Druid break-in. That's why Magic Crafters use alternate routes and 'short cuts' to reach the building, because the windspeeds near the eye are well over one hundred miles per hour, and no, he can't control it anymore. 'It's out of my hands now. My advice to you is never cast an angry spell, they're impossible to reason with'.
The key hanging off his neck is for 'travel'. To where? 'Wherever I please, so stop pestering me'. A key for every door? Sounds kind of intrusive, but he's not the type to pry into other people's lives. It's just one of the many, many, many ways that Magic Crafters are able to travel around the world. Don't be surprised if there's a keyhole in the wall, all that means is that Kelvin has arrived... So, bring earplugs.
The orb often pondered about by passersby is the remedy to a nasty cursed inflicted by a Cat Witch rumored to have been a 'close friend' of his prior to their falling out. 'Samantha was a heartless wench, if you ever plan on settling dow- I mean acquiring a roommate, make sure they're truly loyal to you.' What happens when the orb is removed, er... It's too embarrassing to share. Just know that it includes endless singing and lots of feathers.
He's read every book in Magic Crafters and Artisans, right now he's focusing his energy on getting Dream Weaver literature, which was easy... At first. Dream Weavers don't exactly share information through the written word, and any literary works found don't go over two thousand words. 'Ugh, it's all bedtime stories, lullabies, and dream journals. It's so juvenile, I swear, I'm never getting those precious hours back!!-' He continues on like that for a while before finally giving in to attend to his duties or whenever his listener decides they've had enough and bails.
Within the Alpine Ridge quartet, he could be identified as a stand in for the 'straight man'. For starters, he's the most 'normal' one there, he's polite and open, but he's not above cutting corners to get the desired results. He's definitely business oriented, anytime he senses a potential sale, he starts pushing his wares like his life depends in it.
Enchanted items, enchanted items galore! He's the 'Master of Transmogrification and Magic Infusion' for good reason. Peace Keepers wanting enhanced weapons, Beast Makers wanting a perfectly balanced pot, or even Artisans needing a permanently sharpened pencil are all welcome in his shop.
He shows the boys secret tunnels and passages used by the Magic Crafters. There was one tunnel that wasn't in the Dragon Realms, it was chilly there, the leaves were a stunning red orange, but the portals lead to unfamiliar realms. Zander was oddly nervous at his little 'slip up' and quickly tried to usher them back home. Anytime Spyro tried to inquire about what they'd just seen; Zander would change the subject and try to distract him with something else. 'I don't want dumb book, uncle!! I want to know what Zephyr'
He had normal wings in his youth, when asked why or how they became crystalline, he'll reply with 'I wouldn't try anything on a customer if I didn't try it on myself'. It's true, he is more than capable of altering physical appearances, but he likes to avoid talking about his own appearance, especially if too many people are present.
The late Peace Keeper General would frequent his store for upgrades to his axe, increased durability, a lightweight grip, and his personal favorite, a blade sharp enough to cut through stone. 'He was gallant knight and a lovely friend. His passing was a great loss for us all'.
He was going to be a travelling merchant, but he wasn't able to tame a Beast and get it to pull his wagon. 'The domestic life suits me better anyway. But, if you want to look at some of my wares, I'd be more than happy to share'. He figured that the business would be good for Alpine Ridge as a whole if he stayed, so now all the wagon does is collect dust in the backroom.
'Dark Gems?... Aw, yes... Did I ever tell you about the time I was evil for a day?' He got an order from a robed figure long ago to make a staff adorned with Dark Gems, but when the staff was completed, the figure turned his own creation against him and embedded a shard into his chest. Zander became a malevolent creature with grotesque features, but as previously stated, the 'day' he's referring to was actually a month because the Magic Crafters had to wait for Cosmos to arrive back from Peace Keepers. Upon his arrival, he was greeted with frantic pleas for him to go to Alpine Ridge and save Zander from himself. Their leader was able to remove a majority of the shards, but some fused with Zander, and that's how he obtained his crystalline appearance.
The worrywart bookworm, he's very shy around those he doesn't know, and he won't talk to people he's unfamiliar with. He prefers to watch someone from afar for weeks prior to actually speaking with them, and, no, it's not a healthy thing to do, but he can't help it. Speaking with strangers takes a lot of energy and leaves him utterly defeated if he feels he's done it wrong the 'wrong' way. It doesn't help that his speaking voice is low with a noticeable stutter, so it's no surprise that he prefers not to speak at all. 
His ability, aptly named 'mimic', allows him to learn spells and magics through 'absorption' which means all he requires is one demonstration and he quietly conjures up a page for it. He's learned so many spells that he needs a one hundred- and fifteen-pound book to hold them all. He's become a powerful mage thanks to this ability with the only limitations being that the book must be close to him, and he has to open it to cast his spells.
He admires Spyro's unbreakable spirit and doesn't mind at all when he tags along with him during errands. But he has a terrible habit of spoiling Spyro and Sparx with whatever they want. 'I-I can't deny them anything, look at t-them, they're adorable, Kelvin. Aw, I'm going to give them one more piece of candy, I'll be right b-back.' He lets them read the table of contents of his spell book; he may let them cast a few before bed if no one's around.
The spell book was originally his journal, his name is engraved on the cover in swirling gold. There's one actual entry followed by a million different spells, hexes and incantations; jarring would be putting it lightly.  'You want t-to read it? It's very boring, I wrote about the weather, m-mind you this was before my ability manifested'. Wow, it's his first entry... And it's about a... Heavy snowstorm.  He was right, that was kind of boring.
The first time he had to interact with anyone outside his realm, he froze up, which still haunts him to this day. He was a teenager then, so it's not hard to see why he cringes at the memory, oh, and this interaction just had to occur with Jarvis and Lucas, the liveliest dragons in the known realms. Lucas is polite enough to not bring it up, but it's the first topic Jarvis brings up when he sees Zane.
Indecisive when making decisions for himself, but if it's to aid others, he'll jump right in to help. 'Jumping right in', means maybe casting a spell from afar or doing most, if not all, the work in their place. Yes, he's an ABSOLUTE pushover and a people pleaser, he doesn't want to upset anyone, but he isn't completely spineless either. He won't give up the hood and he won't, will not, under any circumstances, lend the book to anyone without his guidance.
He can't fly due to an injury sustained during his adolescent, one reason he wears the hood is to cover a star-shaped scar on his head. He got caught spying on a coven of Armored Druids while casting 'mimic', and he's been unable to raise or lower his wings properly ever since. Kelvin was kind enough to share 'levitation' with him, and now it's hard to keep his feet planted on the ground for more than a millisecond.
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masteringcheesecake · 7 months
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Have you heard about the 'Mastering Cheesecake' website yet? 
This small and very entertaining space on the internet is extremely dedicated to the delicious combination of cheesecake and coffee.
It even shares with you ideas for cheesecake and coffee tours around the world.
They seem to enjoy celebrating the affection that millions of people around the world have for these two decadent treats and try to communicate the best ways to enjoy both taste sensations.
Whether you're a seasoned cheesecake fan or a coffee connoisseur looking to try new flavours, this website looks like it could be the ultimate guide to mastering the art of cheesecake and discovering the best coffee pairings.
Exploring the Mastering Cheesecake Website.
At the Mastering Cheesecake website, they tend to encourage people to think of cheesecake as much more than just a dessert; explaining that it represents happiness, celebration, comfort, and indulgence.
Equally suggesting that a love for cheesecake is well justified, as cheesecake is easily one of the top desserts in the world. 
This Website contains a wealth of cheesecake-making information, tips, and recipes to help you create the most delicious cheesecakes in the comfort of your own kitchen.
From the most basic and classic cheesecake recipes to novel ideas involving freshly picked seasonal fruit flavour combinations.
They do their best to ensure that you are covered on all cheesecake-related topics and cater to the majority of people's preferences.
But an appreciation for delicious cheesecake does not end there; there is one thing that should always be served alongside cheesecake, and that is 'coffee', specifically high-quality coffee.
They believe that the ideal cheesecake is best enjoyed with a cup of high-quality coffee that complements its flavour.
They also make recommendations for the best coffee pairings for various types of cheesecakes.
Whether you prefer a bold espresso or a smooth latte, they will endeavour to help you find the perfect coffee to complement your cheesecake.
The Overall Intent of the Mastering Cheesecake Website.
The overall intent of Mastering Cheesecake is to be a comprehensive resource for cheesecake lovers and coffee enthusiasts alike.
Their goal is to inspire and empower you to create incredible cheesecakes in your own kitchen while expanding your knowledge of coffee pairings. They want to make the process of mastering the art of cheesecake accessible and enjoyable for everyone on the planet.
Top 5 Takeaways from the Mastering Cheesecake Website.
You’ll Get Plenty of Recipes: There are numerous cheesecake recipes available to you. 
Mastering Cheesecake includes a large number of recipes, ranging from traditional favourites to unique and creative variations.
Whether you want a classic cheesecake or a decadent freshly picked raspberry-filled cheesecake, you'll find a recipe to suit your taste buds and the time of year.
Tips, Tricks and Techniques a great Cheesecake: They seem to enjoy sharing valuable tips, tricks and techniques to help you achieve a fantastic cheesecake.
From achieving the ideal creamy texture to preventing cracks on the surface, hopefully my advice will elevate your cheesecake-making skills to new heights.
Coffee Pairings for Cheesecake: Discover the art of pairing coffee with cheesecake.
They always seem to do their best to provide you with the best coffee recommendation for specific types of cheesecake. 
They’re always trying to help their readers find the perfect coffee that enhances the unique flavours of your chosen cheesecake dessert.
Whether you're a fan of robust dark roasts or prefer a milder brew, they seem to cover it all.
They offer plenty of assistance: They always seem to offer the best possible advice they are aware of on ingredients selection.  
As we know, choosing the right ingredients is essential for making a delicious cheesecake.
The Mastering Cheesecake Website expresses its love for cheesecake very clearly and offer lots of great ways to make cheesecake using the ingredients they enjoy using.  
They seem to provide solid advice and offer a plethora of ingredient selections, no matter what it is or how little it may be used in the recipe, such as the type of cream cheese to use, crust making options, and flavourings, to ensure that your cheesecake turns out perfectly every time.
Cheesecake Community and Inspiration: Mastering Cheesecake is not just a website; it's comes across as a haven for the cheesecake lovers community which consists of some very passionate people.
Connect with fellow cheesecake loving enthusiasts, share your own recipes, and find inspiration from others who share your love for these delectable desserts.
The Blog Page looks to be growing every day and there are some great cheesecake and coffee stories to be absorbed.
Join them in celebrating the joy of cheesecake and coffee!
In conclusion, the ‘Mastering Cheesecake Website’ looks to be delightfully different foodie website that celebrates the love for quality cheesecake and superb coffee and it’s very hard to find fault with that.
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makomore · 1 year
Why New Writers Really Need To Learn Grammar
Is it worth taking the time to learn grammar for new writers?
Today, you have online tools to correct, rewrite, and even auto-generate text.
But writing is more than simply being correct. It’s about developing your style, voice, and clarity and learning what works with your readers.
The best way to achieve this is to have a basic understanding of grammar, but you don’t need to be an expert.
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Why bother learning grammar?
Grammar is to writing what recipes are to cooking.
When you know about the ingredients and techniques, you can cook better.
The same goes for grammar and writing. The more you understand about the building blocks of language, the better you will write.
But don’t worry about trying to learn everything. However, if you are curious, you can add a little to your knowledge almost every day.
It might sound strange, but when I was studying to become an English teacher, I was concerned about the depth of my grammar knowledge.
One of my tutors gave me a great piece of advice.
“Don’t worry. Your students will teach you!”
It was true because, during my first couple of years of teaching, it was questions from my students and marking their assignments that helped me improve my grammar knowledge at a rapid pace.
The same is true for writing, as long as you are willing to ask yourself questions.
The more you write, the more mistakes you make, the more errors you fix, the more you will learn.
What is grammar?
Grammar is a set of rules governing how we use language and construct sentences.
In essence, grammar defines the proper order of words and the relationships between them.
It also gives you guidance for the correct use of elements like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.
For example, you capitalize nouns when you start a sentence.
Another is that when you use prepositions, they are always followed by nouns or pronouns.
Grammar also includes some other general guiding elements.
Syntax (sentence structure).
Morphology (word formation).
Semantics (meaning).
Register (formality).
Grammar helps organize words and phrases into meaningful, coherent sentences for more effective communication.
Do you need to learn all of this? No, of course not.
However, taking the time to learn grammar at a basic level always helps new writers improve their writing skills.
What are the basics?
You probably know a lot already, so you’ll only need to brush up on a few grammar points.
But here are the five key aspects to always keep in mind.
Parts of speech: The different types of words you use, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Sentence structure: The way you combine words to form sentences.
Punctuation: Use commas, periods, and question marks to help organize and clarify your writing.
Agreement: The words you use in a sentence should agree in number, gender, and case.
Usage: The correct use of words and phrases within a sentence.
Let’s look at some of these in more detail.
Here are what I believe are the most essential grammar points for new writers to master.
1. Subject-verb agreement
This is usually very easy to get right.
The dog barks whenever someone comes to the door. (Singular) 
The dogs bark whenever someone comes to the door. (Plural)
My manager was not much help. (Singular)
My managers were not much help. (Plural)
But some subjects can sometimes be more challenging to get right.
One is with entities, groups, or teams. In this case, the correct verb agreement is singular.
My team are winning! (Incorrect)
My team is winning! (Correct)
Neither-nor sentences can also be problematic. Look at these two examples.
Neither the boss nor the employees seem satisfied with the situation.
Neither the employees nor the boss seems satisfied with the situation.
As you can see, the correct agreement can change depending on the order and number of the subjects.
2. Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Check that a pronoun agrees in number and gender with its antecedent, which is often the subject of a sentence.
Here are two quick examples.
The cat chased its tail. (Singular agreement)
The cats chased their tails. (Plural agreement)
3. Commas
We use commas to separate independent clauses, items in a series, and nonessential information.
While there are a lot of comma rules, most of them are easy to learn.
The only one that causes confusion is the Oxford or Serial comma. It is the comma before the last item in a list.
Some style guides recommend using it, while others say no.
It’s up to you to decide, but then to make sure you are consistent in your use.
4. Understanding parallelism
Parallelism in grammar is using similar grammatical structures in a sentence or phrase to create balance and emphasis.
You can use it to join two or more words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Words: She ran quickly and quietly.
Phrases: He ate breakfast, grabbed his coat, and ran for the bus.
Clauses: I like to swim, play tennis, and sing.
Sentences: The cat jumped on the table, knocked over the vase, and ran away.
Errors with parallelism occur when you mix structures.
She likes to swim, running, and dancing. 
The verb forms are not parallel. Swim is the infinitive form, while running and dancing are gerund forms.
5. Active voice
Identifying the grammar structure of the passive voice will help you find it and change it to the active voice.
When you use active voice, it makes writing more concise and forceful.
Of all the grammar points in my list, this is the big one for new writers to master.
Passive sentences are usually less engaging for readers because they don’t know who or what is actively performing the action.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute.
In the phrase above, we don’t know who canceled the meeting.
A quick fix would be to add the operator, by. However, it makes the sentence much longer than necessary.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute by the managing director.
The best solution is almost always to use active voice.
The managing director canceled the meeting at the last minute.
Now, the sentence is clear, direct, less wordy, and informative.
6. Identifying adverbs
Adverbs are a necessary part of grammar. We use them to describe verbs in a similar way to how we use adjectives to describe nouns.
I walked past a store in the high street and noticed an unusual teapot.
In this example, past is the adverb, which is essential to the meaning of the sentence.
But too many adverbs can dilute a piece of writing. Stephen King called them weeds.
You usually find them directly after a verb; however, this is not always the case. You can see how adverbs can move in these examples.
I very quickly ran to the store.
I ran to the store very quickly.
Very quickly, I ran to the store.
In most instances, you can remove an adverb by using a stronger verb.
I dashed to the store.
When you learn to identify adverbs, you can easily make changes to improve your writing.
You don’t need to aim to be a grammarian.
All you need is a basic understanding of some of the critical elements in grammar.
For new writers, taking the time to learn grammar is a step-by-step process. You won’t do it in one day.
The best way is to want to learn and stay curious about grammatical elements that can improve your writing.
Yes, use all the online tools at your disposal, but learn from them.
Before you do a one-click correction, take a moment to analyze why.
Online writing correctors are not 100% accurate, so it’s up to you to make the right decisions.
I use Grammarly a lot, but I only accept around 60-70% of its suggestions because many are either wrong or inappropriate.
For new writers, when you take the time to learn a little about grammar, it helps put you in charge of your writing.
Related Reading: How To Edit There Is And There Are Sentences
Read more here https://bookmarketingandbookpromotiontools.blogspot.com/2023/06/amazon-kdp-categories-also-see-bottom.html
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justjaynemansfield · 1 year
Why New Writers Really Need To Learn Grammar
Is it worth taking the time to learn grammar for new writers?
Today, you have online tools to correct, rewrite, and even auto-generate text.
But writing is more than simply being correct. It’s about developing your style, voice, and clarity and learning what works with your readers.
The best way to achieve this is to have a basic understanding of grammar, but you don’t need to be an expert.
In This Article Hide
Why bother learning grammar?
Grammar is to writing what recipes are to cooking.
When you know about the ingredients and techniques, you can cook better.
The same goes for grammar and writing. The more you understand about the building blocks of language, the better you will write.
But don’t worry about trying to learn everything. However, if you are curious, you can add a little to your knowledge almost every day.
It might sound strange, but when I was studying to become an English teacher, I was concerned about the depth of my grammar knowledge.
One of my tutors gave me a great piece of advice.
“Don’t worry. Your students will teach you!”
It was true because, during my first couple of years of teaching, it was questions from my students and marking their assignments that helped me improve my grammar knowledge at a rapid pace.
The same is true for writing, as long as you are willing to ask yourself questions.
The more you write, the more mistakes you make, the more errors you fix, the more you will learn.
What is grammar?
Grammar is a set of rules governing how we use language and construct sentences.
In essence, grammar defines the proper order of words and the relationships between them.
It also gives you guidance for the correct use of elements like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.
For example, you capitalize nouns when you start a sentence.
Another is that when you use prepositions, they are always followed by nouns or pronouns.
Grammar also includes some other general guiding elements.
Syntax (sentence structure).
Morphology (word formation).
Semantics (meaning).
Register (formality).
Grammar helps organize words and phrases into meaningful, coherent sentences for more effective communication.
Do you need to learn all of this? No, of course not.
However, taking the time to learn grammar at a basic level always helps new writers improve their writing skills.
What are the basics?
You probably know a lot already, so you’ll only need to brush up on a few grammar points.
But here are the five key aspects to always keep in mind.
Parts of speech: The different types of words you use, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Sentence structure: The way you combine words to form sentences.
Punctuation: Use commas, periods, and question marks to help organize and clarify your writing.
Agreement: The words you use in a sentence should agree in number, gender, and case.
Usage: The correct use of words and phrases within a sentence.
Let’s look at some of these in more detail.
Here are what I believe are the most essential grammar points for new writers to master.
1. Subject-verb agreement
This is usually very easy to get right.
The dog barks whenever someone comes to the door. (Singular) 
The dogs bark whenever someone comes to the door. (Plural)
My manager was not much help. (Singular)
My managers were not much help. (Plural)
But some subjects can sometimes be more challenging to get right.
One is with entities, groups, or teams. In this case, the correct verb agreement is singular.
My team are winning! (Incorrect)
My team is winning! (Correct)
Neither-nor sentences can also be problematic. Look at these two examples.
Neither the boss nor the employees seem satisfied with the situation.
Neither the employees nor the boss seems satisfied with the situation.
As you can see, the correct agreement can change depending on the order and number of the subjects.
2. Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Check that a pronoun agrees in number and gender with its antecedent, which is often the subject of a sentence.
Here are two quick examples.
The cat chased its tail. (Singular agreement)
The cats chased their tails. (Plural agreement)
3. Commas
We use commas to separate independent clauses, items in a series, and nonessential information.
While there are a lot of comma rules, most of them are easy to learn.
The only one that causes confusion is the Oxford or Serial comma. It is the comma before the last item in a list.
Some style guides recommend using it, while others say no.
It’s up to you to decide, but then to make sure you are consistent in your use.
4. Understanding parallelism
Parallelism in grammar is using similar grammatical structures in a sentence or phrase to create balance and emphasis.
You can use it to join two or more words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Words: She ran quickly and quietly.
Phrases: He ate breakfast, grabbed his coat, and ran for the bus.
Clauses: I like to swim, play tennis, and sing.
Sentences: The cat jumped on the table, knocked over the vase, and ran away.
Errors with parallelism occur when you mix structures.
She likes to swim, running, and dancing. 
The verb forms are not parallel. Swim is the infinitive form, while running and dancing are gerund forms.
5. Active voice
Identifying the grammar structure of the passive voice will help you find it and change it to the active voice.
When you use active voice, it makes writing more concise and forceful.
Of all the grammar points in my list, this is the big one for new writers to master.
Passive sentences are usually less engaging for readers because they don’t know who or what is actively performing the action.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute.
In the phrase above, we don’t know who canceled the meeting.
A quick fix would be to add the operator, by. However, it makes the sentence much longer than necessary.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute by the managing director.
The best solution is almost always to use active voice.
The managing director canceled the meeting at the last minute.
Now, the sentence is clear, direct, less wordy, and informative.
6. Identifying adverbs
Adverbs are a necessary part of grammar. We use them to describe verbs in a similar way to how we use adjectives to describe nouns.
I walked past a store in the high street and noticed an unusual teapot.
In this example, past is the adverb, which is essential to the meaning of the sentence.
But too many adverbs can dilute a piece of writing. Stephen King called them weeds.
You usually find them directly after a verb; however, this is not always the case. You can see how adverbs can move in these examples.
I very quickly ran to the store.
I ran to the store very quickly.
Very quickly, I ran to the store.
In most instances, you can remove an adverb by using a stronger verb.
I dashed to the store.
When you learn to identify adverbs, you can easily make changes to improve your writing.
You don’t need to aim to be a grammarian.
All you need is a basic understanding of some of the critical elements in grammar.
For new writers, taking the time to learn grammar is a step-by-step process. You won’t do it in one day.
The best way is to want to learn and stay curious about grammatical elements that can improve your writing.
Yes, use all the online tools at your disposal, but learn from them.
Before you do a one-click correction, take a moment to analyze why.
Online writing correctors are not 100% accurate, so it’s up to you to make the right decisions.
I use Grammarly a lot, but I only accept around 60-70% of its suggestions because many are either wrong or inappropriate.
For new writers, when you take the time to learn a little about grammar, it helps put you in charge of your writing.
Related Reading: How To Edit There Is And There Are Sentences
Read more here https://bookmarketingandbookpromotiontools.blogspot.com/2023/06/amazon-kdp-categories-also-see-bottom.html
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tovio-rogers · 1 year
Why New Writers Really Need To Learn Grammar
Is it worth taking the time to learn grammar for new writers?
Today, you have online tools to correct, rewrite, and even auto-generate text.
But writing is more than simply being correct. It’s about developing your style, voice, and clarity and learning what works with your readers.
The best way to achieve this is to have a basic understanding of grammar, but you don’t need to be an expert.
In This Article Hide
Why bother learning grammar?
Grammar is to writing what recipes are to cooking.
When you know about the ingredients and techniques, you can cook better.
The same goes for grammar and writing. The more you understand about the building blocks of language, the better you will write.
But don’t worry about trying to learn everything. However, if you are curious, you can add a little to your knowledge almost every day.
It might sound strange, but when I was studying to become an English teacher, I was concerned about the depth of my grammar knowledge.
One of my tutors gave me a great piece of advice.
“Don’t worry. Your students will teach you!”
It was true because, during my first couple of years of teaching, it was questions from my students and marking their assignments that helped me improve my grammar knowledge at a rapid pace.
The same is true for writing, as long as you are willing to ask yourself questions.
The more you write, the more mistakes you make, the more errors you fix, the more you will learn.
What is grammar?
Grammar is a set of rules governing how we use language and construct sentences.
In essence, grammar defines the proper order of words and the relationships between them.
It also gives you guidance for the correct use of elements like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.
For example, you capitalize nouns when you start a sentence.
Another is that when you use prepositions, they are always followed by nouns or pronouns.
Grammar also includes some other general guiding elements.
Syntax (sentence structure).
Morphology (word formation).
Semantics (meaning).
Register (formality).
Grammar helps organize words and phrases into meaningful, coherent sentences for more effective communication.
Do you need to learn all of this? No, of course not.
However, taking the time to learn grammar at a basic level always helps new writers improve their writing skills.
What are the basics?
You probably know a lot already, so you’ll only need to brush up on a few grammar points.
But here are the five key aspects to always keep in mind.
Parts of speech: The different types of words you use, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Sentence structure: The way you combine words to form sentences.
Punctuation: Use commas, periods, and question marks to help organize and clarify your writing.
Agreement: The words you use in a sentence should agree in number, gender, and case.
Usage: The correct use of words and phrases within a sentence.
Let’s look at some of these in more detail.
Here are what I believe are the most essential grammar points for new writers to master.
1. Subject-verb agreement
This is usually very easy to get right.
The dog barks whenever someone comes to the door. (Singular) 
The dogs bark whenever someone comes to the door. (Plural)
My manager was not much help. (Singular)
My managers were not much help. (Plural)
But some subjects can sometimes be more challenging to get right.
One is with entities, groups, or teams. In this case, the correct verb agreement is singular.
My team are winning! (Incorrect)
My team is winning! (Correct)
Neither-nor sentences can also be problematic. Look at these two examples.
Neither the boss nor the employees seem satisfied with the situation.
Neither the employees nor the boss seems satisfied with the situation.
As you can see, the correct agreement can change depending on the order and number of the subjects.
2. Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Check that a pronoun agrees in number and gender with its antecedent, which is often the subject of a sentence.
Here are two quick examples.
The cat chased its tail. (Singular agreement)
The cats chased their tails. (Plural agreement)
3. Commas
We use commas to separate independent clauses, items in a series, and nonessential information.
While there are a lot of comma rules, most of them are easy to learn.
The only one that causes confusion is the Oxford or Serial comma. It is the comma before the last item in a list.
Some style guides recommend using it, while others say no.
It’s up to you to decide, but then to make sure you are consistent in your use.
4. Understanding parallelism
Parallelism in grammar is using similar grammatical structures in a sentence or phrase to create balance and emphasis.
You can use it to join two or more words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Words: She ran quickly and quietly.
Phrases: He ate breakfast, grabbed his coat, and ran for the bus.
Clauses: I like to swim, play tennis, and sing.
Sentences: The cat jumped on the table, knocked over the vase, and ran away.
Errors with parallelism occur when you mix structures.
She likes to swim, running, and dancing. 
The verb forms are not parallel. Swim is the infinitive form, while running and dancing are gerund forms.
5. Active voice
Identifying the grammar structure of the passive voice will help you find it and change it to the active voice.
When you use active voice, it makes writing more concise and forceful.
Of all the grammar points in my list, this is the big one for new writers to master.
Passive sentences are usually less engaging for readers because they don’t know who or what is actively performing the action.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute.
In the phrase above, we don’t know who canceled the meeting.
A quick fix would be to add the operator, by. However, it makes the sentence much longer than necessary.
The meeting was canceled at the last minute by the managing director.
The best solution is almost always to use active voice.
The managing director canceled the meeting at the last minute.
Now, the sentence is clear, direct, less wordy, and informative.
6. Identifying adverbs
Adverbs are a necessary part of grammar. We use them to describe verbs in a similar way to how we use adjectives to describe nouns.
I walked past a store in the high street and noticed an unusual teapot.
In this example, past is the adverb, which is essential to the meaning of the sentence.
But too many adverbs can dilute a piece of writing. Stephen King called them weeds.
You usually find them directly after a verb; however, this is not always the case. You can see how adverbs can move in these examples.
I very quickly ran to the store.
I ran to the store very quickly.
Very quickly, I ran to the store.
In most instances, you can remove an adverb by using a stronger verb.
I dashed to the store.
When you learn to identify adverbs, you can easily make changes to improve your writing.
You don’t need to aim to be a grammarian.
All you need is a basic understanding of some of the critical elements in grammar.
For new writers, taking the time to learn grammar is a step-by-step process. You won’t do it in one day.
The best way is to want to learn and stay curious about grammatical elements that can improve your writing.
Yes, use all the online tools at your disposal, but learn from them.
Before you do a one-click correction, take a moment to analyze why.
Online writing correctors are not 100% accurate, so it’s up to you to make the right decisions.
I use Grammarly a lot, but I only accept around 60-70% of its suggestions because many are either wrong or inappropriate.
For new writers, when you take the time to learn a little about grammar, it helps put you in charge of your writing.
Related Reading: How To Edit There Is And There Are Sentences
Read more here https://bookmarketingandbookpromotiontools.blogspot.com/2023/06/amazon-kdp-categories-also-see-bottom.html
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Can You Halve a Cake Recipe? Baking Measurement Tips
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Have you ever wanted to bake a cake but had no idea how to scale down the recipe? I know I have! After all, it's not always necessary (or practical) to make an entire cake. That's where half-cake recipes come in handy! In this article, we'll be discussing the ins and outs of halving a cake recipe. We'll cover everything from ingredient measurements to baking times - so if you're ready for some serious baking advice, let's get started! Maybe You Also Like: - Can You Get Recipes On Echo Show - Can You Patent A Drink Recipe - Can You Replace Bourbon With Whiskey In A Recipe Understanding The Basics Of Halving Recipes When it comes to halving a cake recipe, the key is understanding how exact ratios and changing measurements can affect your baking results. The most important factor to consider when halving a cake recipe is that there are precise amounts of ingredients called for in order for the desired result. If you try to just cut all of the ingredients in half – such as two eggs instead of four – that won’t necessarily yield the same outcome as if you had followed the original measurements precisely. This means that some adjustments may need to be made along with cutting everything in half, depending on what type of consistency or texture you want from your finished product. For example, if a particular recipe calls for one cup of sugar, then you would only use ½ cup when halving it. However, if this recipe also includes vinegar or another acidic ingredient like lemon juice, then you should reduce the amount by an additional ¼ teaspoon since these ingredients tend to become more intense after being cooked at high temperatures. On the other hand, if something needs to be measured out precisely (like salt), then don't make any reductions – just stick with exactly half of whatever measurement was originally called for. This process takes practice but once you get comfortable with knowing which recipes will require extra attention and why certain adjustments should be made during halving, you'll find yourself easily producing delicious cakes time and time again! Converting Measurements For Ingredients I'm having trouble converting measurements for ingredients when I'm baking. For example, I'm not sure how many tablespoons are in a teaspoon, or how many milliliters are in a cup. I know I need to be able to convert measurements in order to successfully bake, so I'm hoping to get some help here! Does anyone have any tips for converting teaspoons to tablespoons, or cups to milliliters? Converting Teaspoons To Tablespoons When it comes to baking, you know that measurements need to be precise. And when it comes to converting teaspoons into tablespoons and vice versa it can get tricky! That's why I'm here with some helpful advice on how to make sure your portion control is top-notch and your cakes come out perfectly every time. The most important thing to keep in mind when converting teaspoons into tablespoon is the size of your baking pans. If you have smaller pans, a teaspoon may not fit, therefore, it needs to be converted into at least two or three tablespoons instead. On the other hand, if you're using larger pans for your cake recipes, then one teaspoon could easily turn into half a tablespoon. No matter what type of pan you decide to use for baking, just remember: accuracy is key! Be mindful of each measurement so that all ingredients are well balanced and evenly distributed throughout the dough before popping them in the oven for perfect results every time. Converting Cups To Milliliters When it comes to baking, shopping lists and portion control are key. But what about converting measurements for ingredients? Well, that's just as important! Let's take a look at how we can convert cups into milliliters - an especially helpful tip when dealing with small or precise amounts of ingredients. To start off, you'll need to know the volume of your cup; most often this is 8 ounces, or 240 milliliters. So if your recipe calls for one cup of ingredient A, then you're looking at measuring out 240 milliliters in total. To make sure you don't overfill or under-measure, I recommend using a kitchen scale to get more accurate readings. That way you won't have any surprises when it comes time to bake! And there you have it - now you know exactly how much of each ingredient should go into your cake batter without having to guess or eyeball the measurements. With these tips in mind, all that's left is to grab those mixing bowls and let the baking begin! Adjusting Baking Times Once you've converted the measurements for your cake recipe, it's time to adjust baking times. Baking can be tricky and there are a few things you should keep in mind when troubleshooting problems. - First of all, check that your oven is preheated correctly before putting the cake in – this will ensure even heating which is key to getting a perfectly cooked result. - Secondly, use an oven thermometer if possible; they're very affordable and provide more accurate temperature readings than the traditional dials on most ovens. - Lastly, don't forget to set a timer while baking! Checking progress regularly helps prevent over-baked cakes or cupcakes with dry centers. When done right, properly adjusted baking times can make all the difference between a delicious treat and disappointment! Modifying Baking Utensils And Temperatures I'm standing in front of the oven, ready to begin baking the cake I've been dreaming about for weeks. I take a moment and look around; my kitchen is filled with ingredients, utensils, and appliances all set up and prepared to help me make this delicious treat. Now it's time to get started! First, I need to scale down the pans according to the recipe's directions. This means that if the original recipe calls for two 9-inch round pans, then I'll use one 8-inch pan instead – half of what was originally called for. With that done and out of the way, I can move on to adjusting the heat as directed by my recipe. When halving a cake recipe, you may have to lower or increase your oven temperature accordingly so that your cake bakes evenly throughout its cooking time. In some cases, reducing baking time might also be necessary. As I slide my halved cake into the preheated oven and watch it start baking away, I'm filled with anticipation of how amazing it will taste when finished – fingers crossed! All there's left to do now is wait patiently until it’s fully cooked before taking out from the oven and letting cool before decorating and eating. Decorating And Serving A Half Cake Once you have halved your cake recipe, the next step is to decide how to decorate and serve it. There are plenty of creative ways you can use your half cake for a special occasion or just as an everyday treat! Here are some ideas that might inspire you. When it comes to decorating, think outside the box. You don't need fancy ingredients - try sprinkling chopped nuts along the top or adding a few edible flowers in pastel colors. For something more indulgent, drizzle melted chocolate over your masterpiece or add swirls of fresh cream. Get creative with whatever toppings you have at home! Serving tips depend on who'll be eating your cake and what type of atmosphere you want to create. If it's a party, cut up small slices so everyone has enough to enjoy. On a romantic date night? Serve two generous pieces accompanied by glasses of bubbly for extra romance. Enjoyed alone? Cut yourself one large slice and share the rest with friends or family later on! Frequently Asked Questions Can I Freeze A Half Cake? Sure, you can freeze a half cake! Just make sure that the icing techniques and portion sizes are correct before freezing it. The best way to do this is by cutting the cake into two halves and wrapping each one tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Once your cakes have been frozen, they should last for up to three months if kept at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. So go ahead and enjoy your delicious treat without worrying about time constraints! Is It Possible To Double A Cake Recipe? Yes, it is possible to double a cake recipe. All you have to do is increase the amount of ingredients by two times the original ratio and portion sizes. For example, if your original recipe calls for one cup of flour, you will need two cups if you decide to double the recipe. You can also use this trick when halving or reducing the ratios and portion sizes in a recipe as well! How Can I Make A Half Cake Look Presentable? Decorating a half cake can be tricky. But, with the right portioning tips and decorating techniques you can make it look just as presentable as an entire cake! When cutting your cake in half, use a sharp serrated knife to get nice clean cuts. Then, frost both sides evenly for a neat presentation. You can also add decorations such as sprinkles or fondant shapes to give it that extra touch of elegance. With these easy steps, your half cake will be looking great in no time! What Is The Best Way To Store A Half Cake? When you have a half cake, it can be difficult to know how best to store it. The key is portion size and keeping the cake fresh. Sharing tips like cutting the remaining half into smaller portions will help keep your cake from drying out over time. For an optimal experience, wrap each slice individually in plastic wrap or place them in airtight containers so they stay moist and flavorful. This way, you don't have to worry about using up a whole cake before it goes bad! Can I Use An Electric Mixer To Make A Half Cake? Absolutely! When it comes to baking a half cake with an electric mixer, you'll first want to halve the ingredients and adjust your baking time accordingly. Depending on the size of your portion, this could mean reducing the cooking time significantly. For example, if you're making just one cupcake instead of a full-sized cake, be sure to check for doneness after only a few minutes in the oven. Conclusion Yes, it is absolutely possible to half a cake recipe. The key is to make sure you are measuring your ingredients carefully and making any necessary adjustments along the way. When baking a half cake, I recommend using an electric mixer if you have one available as this will help create a more even texture. Additionally, when storing the finished product, consider wrapping it in plastic wrap or foil before putting it into the refrigerator so that it stays fresh for longer. With these tips in mind, halving a cake recipe can be done with ease! If you're looking for more delicious recipes to try, be sure to check out The Disney Chef's recipe categories! Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like a cake recipe, something savory like a chicken or pork recipe, or something fresh like a vegetable or seafood recipe, there's something for everyone. And if you're a meat-lover, don't forget to check out the beef recipes category for hearty and satisfying meals. With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite recipe to add to your collection. Read the full article
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cookingforcucks · 1 year
0.5kg potatoes 1 cup flour (plus extra for rolling and spilling on the floor) 0.5 a pinch of salt 1 egg serves about 3. Ideally you'd serve these with an antipasto of salad, so it could serve 4, and i have no doubt that's what everyone reading this is going to do.
Concise Method
boil potatoes. flour surface, add mashed/riced potatoes, flour, egg and salt. combine, working the dough as little as possible. cut into gnocchi-sized chunks and optionally press lightly with forks to imprint texture. boil in salt water until they float. add to whatever sauce you want, which is probably something pre-made in a jar if you don't care enough about gnocchi to read my whole recipe. Ok concise part over I'm gonna rant now.
Equipment - because this is a whimsical fantasy quest apparently.
The ingredient for this recipe are pretty simple, but the real kicker for this is needing a potato ricer. if you have trypophobia, be warned before googling what that is, but basically it's like a big garlic press, shockingly, for potatoes. The benefit of using a ricer over just mashing/chopping them is that it's thorough and also incorporates air into the potato mush. You can make gnocchi without one, it might just be a bit harder to combine all your ingredients. The aim when making gnocchi, unlike other types of pasta, is to knead the dough as little as possible. This maintains their fluffiness, and will remind you of how your wife used to fluff your pillows, and how they'd always be a fresh cloud to lay your weary head on. So, if you mess with your dough excessively, it's gonna end up tough and dense like most sad store-bought gnocchi.
Method - I probably divided this into too many numbers but I don't care because I hate large paragraphs.
Peel and boil yer taters. I'm gonna trust you know how to do this. If you don't have a potato ricer, give them a thorough mash. Ok boring step done.
Thoroughly flour your surface, unless you'd like to combine your gnocchi and tabletop into one being. Or hell, even start by just dumping your cup of flour onto the table. If you have your handy dandy little potato ricer, you can rice your potatoes right onto the flour. If you don't like following my advice of having incredibly niche cooking utensils, unceremoniously plop your potato on top of the flour.
Add the pinch of salt and egg (yes you can do the thing where you make a little well and put the egg in the middle). When I say a pinch of salt, I mean a hefty italian pinch. like, half a teaspoon. Come on, don't be a coward; use three fingers.
If you didn't already, add the rest of your cup of flour and combine all the things. You may need to add more flour if your dough starts sticking to the bench, but you shouldn't need to add water or any liquid because of the wetness of the potatoes. Take some time to reflect on the wetness of your potatoes and crack a joke at your own expense. IMPORTANTLY, mix only enough so that the ingredients are combined. I repeat, the more you mess with your dough, the tougher your gnocchi will be.
SNAKES! unleash your inner child who ate play-doh and start turning your dough into some damn snakes. Approximately hotdog-width, but really it's up to personal preference. I'm not gonna judge if you like big gnocchi. Next, murder your newborn snake children by cutting them into bits approximately the length of your thumb (or however long you want - I can't stop you from making long gurthy gnocchi). Keep in mind, your gnocchi will expand a bit upon cooking them.
If you're silly and don't like your pasta to have a bit extra texture, you can skip this step, because, in fairness, it is a bit time consuming. Otherwise, take 2 forks and lightly squish each gnocchi blob between them. I recommend lightly rolling each dough ball in a little flour so they don't stick to the forks. Furthermore, prevent fork stickage and flat gnocchi by only squishing gently, ok? We're not making pancakes. What we want is just some light ridges so that whatever sauce you serve them with dosn't slide off the pasta and instead is caught by the increased surface area. Sauce intermission.* Make sure you have your sauce ready to go at this point because the next step is pretty quick.
Boil your gnocchi! Take a pot of water and remember add salt unless you hate Italians. Some people will say to salt your water like the sea, but that would assume you remember what the sea tastes like. Anywho, carefully drop your gnocchi into the boiling water and make sure they're not all falling to the bottom of the pot and sticking together. You'll know your gnocchi are ready when they start floating, which should only take a few minutes. Scoop 'em out carefully with a slotted spoon. I'd recommend against draining them with a colander because they're too soft uwu and that sounds like it could be a mess. and Bam! sauceless, seasoningless, plain gnocchi!
*Sauce for your sauce intermission.
I'm gonna assume you'll want them with sauce though so here are my recommendations: Cherry tomato or Leek & Butter.
Cherry tomato sauce
I guess you can do this with non-cherry tomatoes, but the nice thing about using tiny, fresh sweet tomatoes is that the sauce is obviously more fresh and sweet too. Cut into halves 1 punnet of tomatoes (about 200 grams). Oil your medium-heat pan. Add tomatoes and a pinch of salt. Cook and stir every now and then until they start breaking apart and becoming, well, sauce. Add a handful of fresh basil, lightly torn/chopped. Done! This sauce is really quick and simple, but it does rely heavily on the quality of your tomatoes. Given the fact that every other ingredient required for gnocchi is really cheap, this is usually where I splurge and buy nice ingredients. Because of the basil and tomatoes, this sauce is better suited for summertime, when these are in season, but we do live in the 21st century (I assume) when greenhouses and importing exists, so it'll probably still be fine in winter.
Leek & Butter sauce
if you want to impress your guests/friends on discord who you send photos of your food to, you can call this Gnocchi con Porro è Burro (with rolled r's if you're cool).
Leek - skip this bit if you know how to go about cutting half a leek.
Firstly, cut off the greener tougher top bit where the layers of the leek start to fan out, and the very bottom where the roots poke out. what you want for this recipe is about half of that delicious white shaft you're left with. Secondly, wash it. If you're unfamiliar with leek, there's often dirt between some of the outermost layers. If you're unfamiliar with plants, dirt is often what they grow in, so this is all fine, just remember to wash properly. The last thing you want is the earth's rough grains seasoning your little tryhard italian cuisine. The easiest way to go about washing leek I've found is to cut it in half lengthways, separate the layers, chuck 'em into a sieve and put that under a tap. Return to your chopping board with your newly dirtless leek and slice width-ways so you end up with a bunch of semicircles, preferably only a few millimetres thick.
Acquire an upsetting amount of butter. Like, a couple tablespoons per person. If there ever was a meal to not care about how greasy it is, it's this.
Make-a the sauce At medium heat, melt your butter. Add leek. Add some salt, pepper and ground nutmeg. Cook until the leek is tender and the butter is lightly browned. Done! and tasty as hell. Told you the butter was worth it. when you add your gnocchi, you can cook them until they form a bit of a crust if you like that cronch.
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And that's how make gnocchi how I do! want to know my qualification? I'm half Italian. Half Australian though too so that should explain the sarcasm. Anywho, have a good one and remember to recycle properly and kiss your friends.
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ultra-pet-supplies · 2 years
How can you pick the best portion of pet food?
Are you trying to pick the best portion of high quality dog food new Zealand? Proper nutrition is one of the basic needs of dogs. A good diet is one of the best ways to keep your pup healthy. Many dog food options are available, so selecting the right food can be tough. Opinions about canine nutrition will vary among breeders, trainers, veterinarians, and other dog owners.
It's because there is not just one solution. The bottom line is that experts don't always agree on the best portion of dog food. Ultimately, you are the one who decides what food suits your dog.
You need to consider things like the type of Dry dog food New Zealand. Think about the quality of ingredients, and cost to fit your budget. Research so that you can make an informed decision about your dog's diet.
Once you have researched and decided on a general food category, ask others for opinions about specific brands or recipes. Your veterinarian is the best place to start.
Think about feeding your dog.
Most dog food manufacturing firms offer samples and a money-back guarantee. You can let your dog try the food before you finalize the decision. Bring home a few varieties to see which one is the most palatable.
When you decide on a pack of grain free dog food NZ, you can change your dog's diet. You can add a little more new food to the old food each day after several days.
Ask people about dog food they would like to buy.
You can also talk to dog breeders, groomers, and trainers for more options. Your local pet supply store can be also of assistance. It is more so if it's an independent shop with top-quality diet.
Educated experts can give you their opinions, but remember that not all experts will agree when it comes to canine nutrition.
Read the dog food labels before ordering.
The association of American feed control developed a profile for Dog and puppy nutrition. The standards get reflected on the dog food label. Labels can be misleading often.
It does not mean that it is the best food for your dog. Look for Ultra dog food manufacturing firms that exceed guidelines and use high-quality ingredients. Pick food with meat best items listed as the first two to three ingredients.
Get educated about nutrition choices.
There is a lot of information about canine nutrition available online. Use caution while following advice online as not all the information you find will be reliable. Some sites are more reliable than others.
Nevertheless, your veterinarian is always the best resource. If you still have questions about feeding your dog, you may ask for a referral to a nutritionist.
Most commercial dog diets are available in wet and dry forms. Some also come in a dehydrated form so that you can add water before feeding your dog.
Some prefer to avoid commercial diets and make their dogs food at home.
These are the things to think about when ordering high quality dog food new Zealand.
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dinbuckyenthusiasts · 2 years
Bucky Barnes Shopping HCs
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Grocery shopping:
Bucky going grocery shopping would be both funny and sad. Food would be more of a basic thing to him, just a means to survive, until you opened him up more to the idea of learning to cook different comfort foods. No matter what some ff writers say, I firmly believe that because of the era he grew up in/environment he was kept in, he doesn’t know how to cook. He would’ve been the kind of boy to sit and watch his mom cook, but never would’ve joined in. Now that he has freedom, I can see him following your advice and would try to recreate old recipes his mom used to make for him. That would be a never-ending project for him and he would definitely ask both you and Sam to help him taste test. It would take him a long time to figure out cooking, like what kind of spices to use, different types of cuisine, etc. Bucky would definitely go to smaller grocery stores, like farmers markets, because that’s what would feel the most natural to him, the most comfortable. I am also a strong believer that Bucky hates jello with a passion. I don’t know why but it’s just not him.
Clothes shopping:
Bucky going clothes shopping alone and going clothes shopping with you would be two VERY different things. When Bucky first went clothes shopping alone (after hydra/shield yk…) he would’ve been SO overwhelmed by the choices. It was a lifetime ago that he had the opportunity to choose so he wouldn’t know what to get. He wouldn’t really have a sense of style either and would end up quickly buying the most generic clothes (henleys, tees, etc.) so he could blend in with the crowd easily. But around the time TFATWS took place, he would start to get back out into the world, and would definitely take shopping as something a bit more significant. It’s still definitely not his favourite activity, but he’s slowly learning to incorporate his own style/what he enjoys (leather jacket, TIGHT tee shirts).
If he went shopping with you, he would enjoy it A LOT more. He’d love watching you try things on and would be convinced that you’d have to get every single outfit. Alone, he probably wouldn’t try this but with you, he would check out the food court and get something to eat. He’d really like the food court because of all the types of food they have available from different cultures. All in all, he would purely enjoy having people around and not needing to be anxious. He would love walking around with you and having a “normal” experience. That would mean the world to him.
Gift shopping:
The holidays would be such a stressful time for Bucky because he would not like gift shopping. It’s not that he doesn’t like giving gifts, it’s that the shopping, picking, and planning itself is so exhausting. He would have no idea what to get for his loved ones. He’s definitely more of a people pleaser so he wants to get something that people will use and enjoy, no matter the price. In the end, he would ponder over his options for an absurd amount of time and then get something more last minute. He wouldn’t expect the person to like the gift and would downplay it so much, but the receiver would love it. He’d be in disbelief for a while but then would be so happy that he got a gift that someone loved.
Car shopping:
Bucky going car shopping would be an ordeal. This man just wants a nice, comfortable method of transportation but of course it’s not that easy. He would end up going to a car shop that was around back in the day, something like Chevrolet but would be so confused at all the new different kinds of cars there are. He doesn’t really understand why some people are obsessed with cars, to him it’s just a thing that gets you places (it’s not like it flies). He would almost give up on the idea of buying a car, but then he’d happen to walk past an older garage shop and see a few older vehicles. He would be pleased at the lack of confusing language and would see an older motorcycle and would just buy it immediately. The owner of the shop would be so confused at a simple walk-in purchase but Bucky would be so happy that this mission of his was over.
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