#like my best friends love it so we WILL have pineapple pizza
f1version · 7 months
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pairing: oscar piastri & driver!reader & logan sargeant ( she/her )
summary: best friends on the daily, galentines on february 13. here’s a little bit of the chaotic celebrations!
author’s note: because we also celebrate friendships <3
love on top, a vday special ♥︎ general masterlist
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now playing ♫₊⊹ tongue tied by GROUPLOVE
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yourusername and logansargeant just added to their story!
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my PR team will be in touch
how dare you expose us like that
cry osc cry
also, you can say it to my face? i'm an isle away
so? 🙄
you are SO annoying sometimes
say it to my face
that’s my phrase but
bet 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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oscarpiastri and yourusername just added to their story!
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Liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 102,222
logansargeant We even made pizza!
👥 yourusername, oscarpiastri
View all 3,002 comments
yourusername and it was AMAZING
user4 galentines gate is that girl
oscarpiastri galentines was our best idea
logansargeant 100% a must do each year
user7 ok but did it have pineapple 🤨
user9 cutiessss
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Liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and 200,812
yourusername I was hesitant about it but... same time next year?
👥 logansargeant, oscarpiastri
View all 5,281 comments
logansargeant HELL YEAH!!!
yourusername 🦅🦅🦅
logansargeant 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
user1 i want to be like them when i grow up
oscarpiastri I TOLD you it was a good idea 😎
yourusername i apologize for ever doubting you mr koala
oscarpiastri i do my best as the koala king 🤷🤷
user10 2023 rookies on TOP!!!
logansargeant also that cake… 😔
yourusername you SUCK (ily)
user3 my favorites forever
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Liked by logansargeant, yourusername and 362,018
oscarpiastri Actually... 🫢
👥 yourusername, logansargeant
View all 6,092 comments
yourusername I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT
yourusername 🥳🥳🥳
logansargeant WHAT
yourusername TAKE THAT LOSER
logansargeant NOT FAIR WHAT
logansargeant THIS DOESN’T END HERE
oscarpiastri and that’s how you start a new war 😉
602 notes · View notes
kat-thepoet · 2 months
Veins of Violet
Logan Howlett X Female Reader
Part 1: A grumpy Canadian enters
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A/N: Hello guys! This is a Logan x Female reader story. So please enjoy!
Description: Violet, on the run from a dark past, finds herself stuck with Logan as her roommate, with her unpredictable best friend Wade by her side. As she navigates the chaos of her new life, she must choose between a love that could save her and a darkness that could consume her.
3.6k words
"Have you thought about what I told you?" I asked Vanessa as I sat across from her at our local coffee shop. 
"Yes, and I think I'm ready to talk to him about us." she says with a soft smile. 
A few weeks ago, before Wade unexpectedly left on his birthday party, I told Vannesa that she should get back together with him. They are such a cute couple, and Vanessa deserves to be with the person she loves, even though he's a total dickwad. I have known Wade for about six years when I auditioned for his superhero team. Or whatever you can call a group of morons who all collectively came together to save a chubby kid from being killed by a time travel freak with a medal arm. Regardless of mine and Wade's differences, like who is better, Edward or Jacob, or if pineapple belongs on pizza (it doesn't), he is still considered one of my best friends, along with Vanessa, whom I love dearly like a sister.
As I come back from my daydreaming, Vanessa gives me a slight grin and proceeds to ask her annoying question.
"So... now that Wade and I are possibly getting back together, why have you been avoiding the dating pool? I mean, I love you, but I don't want to see you die alone or possibly be forced to marry someone just to settle down. I want you to find someone who you can pour your heart into, like I do with Wade."
I look at her with annoyance and roll my eyes at her dramatic statement. After my last cheating boyfriend Adam who fucked my roommate by the way in my apartment, I've never found someone who truly moved me and made me feel special. I have gone on dates alone and even double dates with Nessa and Wade, but I have never felt something inside of me that truly made me desire them. When Vanessa talks about her and Wade's love lives and even their sex lives, she makes it sound like it's filled with passion and thrill, and I haven't experienced that with anyone yet. And I'm not even sure I ever will. 
"We've talked about this, Vanessa. I haven't found anyone interesting, and I'm not going to force it by going to some lame bar and picking up the first person who shows interest." She laughs at my statement but doesn't say anything in response.
As we walked back to our building, we saw Wade with a dog who looked strangly like him, and along with him was a man with a very nice build and he was really handsome. As Wade spotted Vanessa walking down the street with me, he quickly let his dog sit on the ground and sprinted over to her, arms wide open.
"Vanessa! My love, my light, my everything! You look stunning as ever. It's like seeing the sun come up after a night of binge-watching questionable rom-coms. How about we skip all this mundane reality stuff and dive straight into a romantic montage? I've missed you more than tacos on a Tuesday!"
She pushes her off him. "Where the hell have you been? You left the party without even saying anything, and you expect me to be happy to see you?!" She says it angerfully.
I laugh, and he turns to me. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite partner in crime," he said, giving me a playful nudge. "Looking fabulous as always. I swear, every time I see you, it's like someone cranked up the glam dial to eleven." He says with a sly smile.
I roll my eyes and, angrly, ask him the same question. "No, Wade, where the hell have you been? I called 20 times, and not one single call was returned!" I quickly glanced at his friend, and he was already staring at me. I quickly looked back at Wade, waiting for a response.
Wade raised his hands in mock surrender, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Whoa, whoa, easy there, tiger! I knew I should've upgraded my phone plan to include 'dealing with angry best friends' insurance. But in my defense, I was, uh... busy saving the world? Or maybe I got distracted by a marathon of cat videos. They're surprisingly addictive, you know!"
He glanced at his friend, who was still watching the exchange with interest, and then turned back to me with a wink.
"But seriously, I'm sorry for ghosting you two. I'll explain everything later, but for now, I need to kiss my girl."
He looked at Vanessa, and she stopped him, putting her hand on his mouth. "I'm not your girl; we still have a lot to talk about, Wade."
Wade paused, eyes wide with mock horror. He slowly removed her hand, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk.
"Oh, come on, Vanessa! You know, I can't resist kissing my favorite girl, even if I have to work a little harder for it. But I get it, I get it—relationship talk first, smooches later. Consider me on my best behavior. We can talk about anything and everything you want—whether it's why I've been MIA or what I'm planning for our next adventure."
As he looks at his friend, he slaps his own forehead.
"I almost forgot, ladies, feast your eyes on the one, the only, the eternally grumpy Canadian himself—Wolverine! Or, as I like to call him, Logan, he is the sharpest guy I know. And no, that's not just a reference to his claws." He nudged Wolverine with his elbow, grinning.
"This is the guy who puts the 'X' in 'X-Men' and the 'grr' in 'gruff.' When he's not busy saving the world or scowling, he's perfecting his signature brooding look and cutting sarcasm. You might say he's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is... make me look even more sexy by comparison." Wade turned to Vanessa and I with a wink.
"Don't worry; he's not as intimidating as he seems. Just give him a beer, and he'll be your best friend—or at least tolerate you with only minimal growling. Logan, meet Vanessa, my stunning muse, and Violet, my partner in crime. Try not to scare them off with your rugged charm, alright?" Logan just rolls his eyes at his stupid introduction.
Vanessa extends her arm to shake his hand, and he hesitates for a moment but shakes it with a firm grip. "Nice to meet you, Logan." She says with a smile. Logan responds with a sarcastic tone, "Yeah, you too."
I extend my hand to do the same, and he takes it, but my hand lingers in his for a moment before he quickly pulls away. It's nice to meet you, Logan. Knowing the mouth that Wade has on him, you must have dealt with a few suicidal thoughts." I ask, trying to lighten the mood.
He smirks at my question and says , "Yeah, you could say that."
Wade clapped his hands together with an exaggerated gasp, clearly delighted by the interaction.
"Oh, I see what's happening here! Bonding over my endless ability to drive people nuts! Classic move, Vi." he said with a playful grin.
He waggled his eyebrows at Wolverine. "See, Logan? I told you my best friend's got a wicked sense of humor. We could start a support group for people who've survived my witty repartee. 'Deadpool's Survivors Club.' Meetings every Tuesday—blizzard dust and therapy provided."
Vanessa and I laughed at his comment, and we all headed back to his place.
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Before I went to wades place I departed from the group and went into my apartment that was two doors over from his. I decided to get comfortable and take my working clothes off that had dirt on them from washing flowers. 
I work at a flower shop that's about two blocks from here. I started working there about two years ago. The pay is great; I can pay my bills and treat myself once in a while. but I also live comfortingly because of my grandparents trust fund. My grandparents took care of me until I was 19 years old. They were doctors and were very successful. My parents died in a car crash when I was five. I don't really remember anything from that time. I guess my brain blocked all that trauma out. But regardless, I still ended up being experimented on by these mad scientists with some glowy gems. That's what granted me my abilities. And they used me to kill people. I try to forget at times, but now, ten years later, I'm here, surrounded by family who I adore.
I decided to change into a red tank top and grey sweatpants with my black and white Converse. By the look of the clouds, it looks like it's going to start to rain. I brush my hair and add a little makeup to clean myself up a bit. I finish up with a vanilla mist that Vanessa got me for my birthday, and I head out the door. 
I knock on Wade's door, and through the door I hear muffling sounds and loud music. Nobody answers, so I open the door myself. The room is filled with some X-force members, along with Tin Man. Ellie and their adorable girl friend are singing kareoke. On the other side of the room in the kitchen, I see blind Al sniffing a line, Vanessa and Wade making out, and other junkies eating and drinking food. How did this escalate so quickly? I was only gone for 30 minutes. As I scanned the room to find a spot to sit, I saw Logan on the couch with a beer in his hand, watching Beyonce and Ariana horribly sing. There's a seat next to his, so I decided to sit next to him. 
"Are you enjoying the party?" I asked with a smile.
Logan glanced at you, his expression flat.
"It's something, all right," he grumbled, taking another sip of his beer. "At least the beer's cold."
He shook his head slightly, watching the chaos unfold with a weary look.
"I've seen worse," he added with a shrug. 
Logan leaned back, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "You here to rescue me, or just enjoying the show?"
I pressed my lips together. He's not one to have a conversation with because he's so moody, and I'm determined to find out why, but I'll just play along with his nonchalant attitude for now. 
"Just enjoying the show," I replied with a smirk. Logan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't press further, turning his attention back to the chaos around us. 
"Are you going to drink something?" he asked in a low voice.
"There's nothing here that doesn't destroy your liver." I said it with a tight smile.
"You don't drink?" he asked curiously.
"No." I said firmly, trying to keep the conversation light. "I prefer to keep a clear head in situations like this." Logan nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response, and we continued to watch the chaos unfold around us in silence. 
"So, how did you meet Wade?" I asked curiously. 
Logan took a moment, swirling his beer thoughtfully before answering.
"Well, it wasn't exactly a fairy tale," he replied with a wry smile. "Wade showed up out of nowhere, talking about timelines and some TVA nonsense. I thought he was just some weird fuck who wanted to mess with me."
He sighed, shaking his head at the memory.
"But then there was this whole thing with Cassandra threatening the timeline. I guess we ended up being unlikely allies. Not my first choice, but he's persistent."
Logan glanced at you, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Wade's like a bad rash; he just keeps coming back until you deal with him. At least this time, we managed to save the day and avoid a multiverse meltdown."
He shrugged, taking another sip of his beer. "You could say it was... educational."
I looked at him confused because, honestly, I did not understand any word that he said. He saw my expression puzzled but didn't focus too much on it. 
"How did you meet a fucker like Wade?" he asked.
"It's a long story, but I've known him for about 6 years, and I met him when I auditioned for the X Force." 
"Wait, you auditioned for the X Force? Why? " He looked at me strangely. 
"Well, I have abilities of my own, and I wanted to use them for good." I said with a dry smile. 
Logan nodded, processing your answer with a gruff expression.
"Abilities, huh?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "Wade's got a knack for attracting people like us. But an audition? That sounds like something only Wade would come up with."
Logan leaned back, giving you a more appraising look. "So, what can you do? And how've you survived six years with Wade without losing your mind?"
We talked about Wade and how fucked up in the head he was. Until I saw the time. It read 11:50. 
"Oh, shoot, I have to get going. I have work in the morning." I said as I quickly stood up. 
I quickly turned around and waved everyone good bye. As I headed for the door, Wade trotted after me with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Hey, wait up!" he called, catching up to me just as I stepped outside. "Before you disappear into the responsible adult dimension, I've got a burning question."
He leaned in conspiratorially, lowering his voice with mock seriousness. "So, does your annoying roommate still haunt your apartment, or have you finally exorcised that particular demon? I mean, I can't be the only one who thinks she's a walking buzzkill, right?"
I laughed at his remark about my ex roommate. I crossed my arms at his question. 
"Why?" I said with a stern face. 
Wade put on his best innocent face, which was hard to take seriously with the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Oh, no reason," he said, feigning nonchalance as he rocked back on his heels. "It's just that I have this furry, brooding friend who might be in the market for a new place to crash."
He leaned in closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "You see, Logan here has this whole 'lone wolf' vibe going on, but I think deep down, he's just a cuddly, oversized teddy bear in need of a cozy new den."
Wade wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Plus, think about it: free security, and you'll never have to worry about running out of beer. And if you two ever get into an argument, he's got that healing factor, so no worries about broken bones or anything."
He flashed a grin, clearly enjoying himself. "So, what do you say? Got room for one more grumpy Canadian in your life?"
I looked at him, trying to see if this would be a good idea. He gave me puppy eyes, and I responded by rolling my eyes back. "Is he messy?" I asked, annoyed. 
"I don't think so; let me ask." He quickly turned around and started skipping to his door. Before I could say anything, he brought out Logan. In the dim light of the hallway, I could see through his white beater tank top, which revealed his muscular physique. It made my mouth salivate. Why am I thinking this way? 
I look at Wade, and he looks at Logan. " Are you messy?" 
Logan crossed his arms, giving Wade a skeptical look before turning his attention to you.
"Messy?" he grunted, his voice gravelly. "Not really. I keep to myself and clean up after I eat.
Logan glanced at Wade, then back at you, with a hint of a smirk. "But if you're expecting a neat freak, you might want to look elsewhere. I'm not exactly Martha Stewart."
He paused for a moment, reading your expression, and added, "And don't worry, I don't bite. Much."
I rolled my eyes at his comment. He's clearly drunk, but I trust he's just trying to make a joke. Plus, his honesty about his habits is refreshing in a roommate. 
"Fine." I said with a thin smile.
Wade's eyes lit up with excitement as soon as I said "fine."
"Score one for Team Wolverine!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air like he'd just won a championship. "You won't regret it! Well, maybe a little, but hey, what's life without some excitement, right?"
He clapped Logan on the back with a playful grin. "Welcome to your new home, bub! Remember, no claw marks on the good furniture, and try to keep the late-night growling to a minimum unless you want Violet to reconsider."
Wade turned back to you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You've got yourself a real-life superhero as a roommate! Not everyone can say that. Just don't let him hog the remote on movie night—or the weed stash."
He gave you a thumbs up, clearly pleased with the outcome. "So, when's the housewarming party? I'll bring the chimichangas and some earplugs for those late-night howls, or we can do a threesome, whichever you prefer."
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 
I drew my attention to Logan before I spoke. "Go get your stuff so you can settle in." I said this as I turned to unlock my door. Wade kissed me on the cheek and walked with Logan back to his apartment. 
I turned on the light from the spare room and thanked God that I cleaned it the second that whore Sara moved out because it was a mess. Luckily, the bed had fresh sheets, and it smelled clean. I heard a firm knock on the door. 
That must be Logan. 
I opened the door and saw Adam drunk and crying. 
"Adam, what the hell are you doing here?" Adam, my cheating ex-boyfriend that I mentioned before, was here begging me to take him back and to forgive him for fucking my roommate on my new couch. 
I crotched down to his level and said, "I'm never going to fucking forgive you for what you did to me. We were fucking engaged, but you chose to fuck another girl. Not a random girl, my fucking roommate, who I considered my closest friend. You know how I feel about lies and betrayals." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I know that he used and hurt me, but I can't help but feel heartbroken, even though this happened two months ago. He started to come closer until I tripped back on my ass. I landed on the floor, and he was on top of me. "Get off of me!" I said angrly. As I squirmed under him, I felt my eyes glow, and my powers wanted to come out and play, but I held the urge as I was fighting him off. All of a sudden, I hear loud footsteps coming towards us. Logan comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the collar. He yanks him onto the floor. My eyes are still closed as I try to control my outburst. I hear Logan yell at him, to never set foot here again, and Adam runs off. 
As I control my breathing, Logan comes next to me and leans in. "It's ok, he's gone." He said in a low voice. I feel better for some reason now that he's by my side. I thank him still, with my eyes closed. I stand up and open my eyes to see him staring into mine. I blink the tears away and grab a glass of water. 
"Who was that punk?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. I take a deep breath before responding, "My ex-boyfriend." I said calmly. 
He doesn't say anything. I stand still until I finish my cup of water. 
"Ok, sorry about that. Let's start with the tour. I have to get up early tomorrow. " I said with a soft smile. He nodded and proceeded with the living room.
As I gave the tour, he stared very intently at everything. How the laundry machines worked and where stuff was located in the kitchen. And I offered him a glass of water. After I gave a tour of everything but the bedrooms, he jugged the glass of water, and I stared intensely. The way his Adam's apple would bob from the gulp and the water droplets rolling down on his throat onto his hairy chest. He's so handsome and muscular. The way his dark blue jeans hug his thighs and how tight his pants are around the crotch area makes me feel parched. I quickly composed myself before he noticed I was staring too hard. Oh, he noticed
I opened my bedroom to let him take a peek. "Here's my bedroom, so if you need anything, just knock on the door. Next to mine is yours." I opened the bedroom door, and it was simple not girly or masculine, just normal. He shook his head in greatfulness. "Thank you for letting me stay here. It means a lot." I smiled at him as a response. 
"I left you some things on your bed that you might need, but if you don't have any questions, then this is it." I smiled once more and walked into my room. 
He walked into his, and we both closed our doors. I quickly put on my pijamas, which were a pair of short shorts and a small tank top. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I walked back to my room, I heard a knock on my door. It was him asking if he could borrow a toothbrush. I thought I gave him one, but I must have forgotten. I walked over to the restroom, and he followed. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't pay too much attention. I leaned down to grab a new toothbrush from under the sink, forgetting that my ass was full on display for him to see. I gave him the brush and said good night. 
"Goodnight," he said back in a nicer tone. 
Next part: Part 2: Of claws and heart
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tpwk-formula1 · 8 days
Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria
It’s time to custom-make your Pizza (fic)!!
Here at Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria, you can order whatever you like with as many toppings as you would enjoy!
Lee-Lee’s Pizzeria will be closed from October 1st - October 15th so I can catch up on all of your orders (right around 25+ currently) as well as make sure all of kinktober gets done on time! At 12pm PST I will open requests back up on the 15th.
Pick 1 or more! I do poly fics! (Only written a couple so far so they might be a bit rough to begin)
Lando Norris
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Oscar Piastri
Carlos Sainz
Lewis Hamilton
George Russell
Fernando Alonso
Alex Albon
Daniel Ricciardo
Pierre Gasly
Ollie Bearman
Franco Colapinto
Logan Sargeant
Jack Doohan
Liam Lawson
Kimi Antonelli
Dino Beganovic
Toto Wolff
Seb Vettel
Pizza Crust
At Lee-Lee's we understand that all great pizzas start with a great crust just like how fics start with a great trope! Pick 1
Thin Crust - Brother's best friend
Thick Crust - Sugar Daddy
Cauliflower Crust - Sunshine x Grumpy
Gluten-Free - Enemies to lovers/ Rivals
Deep Dish - Teammates to lovers
Sicilian Crust - Dating or hooking up
Pizza Sauce
Here at Lee-Lee's our sauce is the overall vibe of the fic! Pick 1
Red Sauce - Rough Sex
Alfredo Sauce - Sweet Sex
Pizza Toppings
Pick 1 or more
Pepperoni - "Be a good girl, and you'll get what you want"
Sausage - "Better not waste a drop"
Olives - "Swallow every last bit. NOW!"
Jalapenos - "Always such a fucking brat"
Onions - "I saw you being a little slut"
Green Peppers - "I'm gonna have that ass glowing red by the time I'm done with you"
Tomatoes - "Do you enjoy pissing me off?"
Mushrooms - "Wrong, wanna try again"
Salami - "Such a little cum slut"
Chicken - "Awe, you thought I'd let you cum that easy?"
Basil - "I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy"
Garlic - "I know you love it when I fill that pretty pussy with my cum"
Cilantro - "Stop crying and fucking take it"
Roasted Peppers - "Such a good whore"
Artichokes - "Imagine your father saw you now. On your knees like a proper trained slut for me to use"
Bacon - "What would your brother think if he caught us"
Banana Peppers - "Look so pretty riding my cock"
Ham - "You're so infuriating. Walking around like you own the place and then come back to my room to get fucked properly"
Buffalo Chicken - "Such a fucking crybaby, just fucking take it all"
Spinach - "Awe I love to know I stretched you out just enough to take all my cock"
Pineapple - "Look so pretty wrapped around my cock"
Arugula - "I love stretching this pussy out"
Broccoli - "Made just for me huh?"
Gorgonzola cheese - "Are you always this fucking loud?"
Parmesan cheese - "Awe... did that hurt? Tuff luck I'm gonna do it again"
Mozzarella- “All you ever do is bitch and complain, just fucking take it”
Feta cheese - “God, I love watching your makeup get ruined”
Cheddar cheese - “cumming for me already? Such a meedy slut”
Roasted Mushrooms - “Fucking you so good you I can see myself in your tummy”
Roasted Artichokes - “im gonna put a baby in you”
Gouda cheese - “Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl”
Red peppers - “No. Go change”
BBQ Chicken - “Gonna let me cum in you? I know you wanna have my baby”
Canadian bacon - "Do you need an attitude adjustment"
Meatballs - "Why do you always have to complain?"
Chorizo - "Alright, you spent my money. You know what to do now"
Pulled pork - "God, I love when I fuck the attitude out of you"
Egg - "My favorite slut"
Prosciutto - "I love making this pretty pussy squirt"
Anchovies - "How are you already drenched"
Sweet Onions - "Are you done complaining?"
Cherry Tomatoes - "I can't wait to watch you swell with my babies"
Sun-dried tomatoes - "Gonna look so pretty pregnant"
Provolone - "Always look best with a face covered in my cum"
Ricotta - "I love your voice but it's always my favorite when you're moaning my name"
Goat cheese - "Look so pretty like this"
Buratta - "How many was that? three... I think you can give me another"
Fontina - "wipe that fucking smirk off your face"
Pepper jack. - "If you wanna be a whore go back to his place then"
Colby Jack - "If you keep running that mouth you're not gonna cum tonight"
Romano - "You're the biggest disappointment me to your family. You're a whore and now you're a fucking liar"
Kielbasa - "A preschooler is better behaved than you are"
Kale - "I love knowing I ruined you so good you can only cum when I make you"
Eggplant - "Are you sure you want me to take it baby?"
Shrimp - "I'll be gentle"
Turkey sausage - "Only the best for my girl"
Pancetta - "Your father always finds a way to piss me off"
Roasted asparagus - "Stop trying to get away. Just be a good girl and take it"
Shallots - "I love marking you up. Let everyone know I own you"
Oregano - "Please, let me cum in you"
Drink Time
Every great pizza comes with a drink! Just like every great fic comes with kink/s! Pick 1 or more
Beer - Edging/ orgasm denial
Coke - Spanking
Sprite - Size Kink
Dr Pepper - Dirty Talk
Root beer - Daddy Kink
Sweet tea - Dumbification
Lemonade - Body Worship (Reader giving or receiving)
Pink lemonade - Degrading Kink
Diet Coke - Recording Kink
Pepsi - Oral Kink
Diet Pepsi - Biting
Sparkling Water - Spitting
Red bull - Hickeys
Mt. Dew - Dom/ Sub (Is reader a dom or sub?)
Water - Breeding Kink
Wine - Free Use Kink
Black Tea - Choking
Green Tea - Doggy Position
Boba - Anal
Strawberry Smoothie - Bondage
Apple Juice - Pain Kink
Slushie - Safe word used
Sun Tea - Sir kink
White Claw - Crying
Truly - Belly Bulge
Mango Smoothie - Baby trapping
Orange juice - morning sex
Vodka soda - Somnophilia/ sleepy sex
Tequila sunrise - Wax Play
Vodka redbull - Squirting
Coke Zero - High sex
Cranberry juice - Caught in the act
Mojito - Loss of virginity
Old Fashion - Drunk sex
Dessert Time!
Do you want dessert with your pizza? Dessert will represent if you would like to see aftercare at the end or not.
Yes - Aftercare
No - No Aftercare
Our menu is ever-changing which means new options will be added when new ideas come!
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wed-in-the-apocalypse · 10 months
Tara carpenter x reader
Drabble 2
2 months of dating Tara, it had to be the best 2 months of your life, but dating Tara also came with some difficulties, you see, it was hard not to tell absolutely everyone in the world about your beautiful, amazing, talented girlfriend: Tara Carpenter.
And this was one of those times.
You were hanging out with the core 4, along with Mindy's girlfriend and your best friend; Anika, and Ethan with Quinn.
You guys were walking in the city as usual, per Tara's request to explore the city, and of course you loved showing them around, but you weren't in the greatist mood, the problem was that Chad had been all over Tara the entire evening, you tried to keep your jealousness at bay, it wasn't his fault, afterall, your relationship with Tara was a secret, still you couldn't help but feel jealous at the sight of Chads arm slung over Tara's shoulder as he talked her ear off, but you tried not to look and kept going.
"Hey guys, Can we stop for some food?, I'm hungry" Ethan whined, "Sure, There's a pizza joint right here" Anika said, pointing at a small building, "There's alot of people in there.." Sam muttered, eyeing it wearily, "It's fine, I'll go in and grab some pizza," Quinn said from behind you, "Who has money?" "Oh, I do," You reached into your pocket and pulled out some 10 dollar bills, "Here" Quinn took it, "Thanks, Okay, What kinda pizza do you guys want?" "Mushrooms!" Chad exclaimed, "Pineapple is fine" Sam murmured, "Ugh, That's all so gross, Get some cheese pizza for me" Mindy made a disgusted look, (idk, mushrooms and pineapple on pizza is just gross to me) Quinn nodded and went inside.
You didn't have to wait to long before she came back with four boxes, "Thank god," Ethan whimpered, "Mmm, this is great" He said taking a huge bite out of his pizza slice, "Alright guys let's go back to the apartment" Sam called, so you all followed her back.
When you got back and Sam finally found the key you all burst in, Mindy crashing into the couch as a loud groan left her, and you chuckled, "My fucking ass is sore," Mindy whined, "Why'd we have to go ice skating?" "Because i wanted to remember?," Anika said flopping on top of her girlfriend, "And it was funny watching you and Chad fall" "Hey!," Chad protested, "It was slippery.." They countinued to insult eachother and you sighed, quietly slipping into Tara's room, you sat on the bed with a heavy sigh, trying to get the image of Chad catching Tara from nearly falling on the ice out of your head.
It wasn't working very well.
You groaned, falling back on the bed and putting your hands over your face, you couldn't hear the quiet pitter-patter of feet over the yelling and laughing, the door creaked softly as a small head poked through the crack, "Hey baby," A voice said softly, "You okay?, You were quiet almost the whole time we were out" Tara approached the bed, sitting at your side, "Yeah, i'm okay Tar, just a bit tired" You gave her a comforting smile, but she knew better, she raised her brow, you sighed, you both knew you couldn't lie to her, "I just.. it's silly but, it, hurts.. watching you with Chad, i mean, he acts like he owns everything! And i know it's not his fault, we're a secret but still" You sniffed, moving to face the wall. She put her hand on your chin, making you face her, "Y/n, I want you to know that i don't have any feelings for Chad, He's just a friend, And if you want, I can tell him that, Okay?"
Tears welled in your eyes at her reassurance, you sat up, smiling at her, whispering a soft, "I know", you leaned in, and she met you halfway. The kiss was like a promise, filled with love, and passion, words can't describe how you felt in that moment, you could cry, it was overwhelming the feelings you held for Tara. You kissed her with everything you had, telling her without words that you would be with her forever, because words didn't matter. You broke for air but she pulled you back in, this time with more hunger, desire, she tilted her head to deepen the kiss, your tounge swipping over her bottom lip, and she gasped, allowing your entry. Your hand snaked under her shirt, fingers softly scratching the perfect skin under her ribs, and she whimpered at the feeling.
You were to entirely entranced by one anothers beings to hear the footsteps approaching the door, you hadn't even noticed anyone else was in the room until she cleared her throat, you broke away. Anika was standing at the door, with the biggest grin on her face, "I fucking knew it!" Yours and Tara's faces were both bright red, from both emotion, and embarrassment. You stuttered out a "I-I-, Wait, you're not like, Mad?" Anika looked slightly confused at that, "What?, No?, I mean a little because you didn't tell me but no. I'm not Sam for fucks sake" A beat of silence passed, less than a second, as you both sat there in shock, "Okay, Well, I came to tell you guys that we're watching insidious," She went to leave, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Then she left you alone. Tara groaned, hiding her face in the crook of your neck as you laughed at her embarrassed state. She pinced your side, "It's not funny!" she complained, "Well it kinda is-" your sentence was cut short by Tara's lips on yours, she crawled back into your lap, and you happily shut up. "It's not funny" She muttered against your lips, "Okay, Okay, It's not funny" "Damn right" You chuckled at that, "Okay, I think we should go before they think we're having sex" You joked, and Tara nodded, sliding off of you, "Yeah, c'mon".
You walked into the living room, suprisingly no one looked at you differently, Chad looked at you and Tara with a hint of jealousy, and Anika smirked at you, but the others were busy watching the movie. You moved to sit next to Ethan, and Tara sat in the empty space next to you, subtly putting her hand on yours, in the dim light of the tv, no one saw as Tara leaned her head on your shoulder, Sam though, had seen it, giving you a slight smile and an approving nod. You smiled back, turning to the tv, you melted into Tara, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you.
Maybe this would work out.
sorry for procrastinating on this drabble <3
@melrodrigo ?
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1d1195 · 1 year
Traditional III
I think this is a little bit of a slow start for this series, and I apologize for that, I'm still kinda setting up some background pieces. I got a few big plans ahead here. I hope you like it. You can find the first two parts here: Traditional
Warnings: slight 18+ topics mentioned (like you have to squint to see them)
“Do...you expect...more from me?” She asked quietly. She didn’t meet his gaze as she asked. Harry saw the way her cheeks turned pink as she spoke.
"I would love t’do more with you of course. But m’not an animal. M’not going to make you.”
“You kind of pay me to do that though,” she reminded him still not fully looking at him.
"M’not gonna make you do anything you don’t want to. I just want to spoil you.”
Harry was quietly but almost assuredly in love. There were hundreds of reasons not to be. First and foremost, she was his intern. Maybe not his directly...but at his company, nonetheless. There were so many issues with falling in love with someone that was subordinate to him. But here he was. The second reason was of course that he wasn’t supposed to fall in love with someone he was paying money to for the arrangement agreed upon.
But how could he not? She was the most adorable thing he had ever laid eyes on. She was so kind and intelligent. The way her nerves seemed to amplify while she was at dinner with him versus the confidence she exuded when she shook his hand was unbelievably cute. He thought of all the things to be nervous about, it would be working at his company. But apparently, spending the evening with someone who already wanted to be in her presence was the kind of thing to get someone so cutely riled up.
The second he heard her voice say Styles Incorporated he was done for. He wanted it to be her last name—he didn’t care about how ridiculous the sentiment was. Hearing her say his last name sounded so perfect in her voice he practically melted. The moment he saw her in person was like trying to balance himself on a tightrope. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let her go. But he was the boss of the company she was interning for, so he had to pretend he was just meeting her. Like he didn’t just scour her interest profile and all social media looking at her cute little being.
Hey beautiful. What are you up to today? Do you want to come over? I make really good Ramen.
Oh, I’d really like that! She answered almost instantly. Harry smiled excitedly at the prospect of seeing the sweet girl in a few minutes. But...I’m building my furniture with Louis and Eleanor :(
Harry frowned. He didn’t want her to build her cheap furniture. He didn’t want her buying cheap furniture. But he wasn’t going to make her return everything she already bought...and he wasn’t going to make her skip out on her friends...as much as he wanted her to. Oh. Don’t you mean you and Eleanor? He remembered what she said good naturedly about her best friend.
No literally, lol. Yes. Me and Eleanor, you’re right. She sent a laughing emoji and Harry wished he could hear her laugh out loud. He loved her light little giggle that he got to enjoy at dinner the other night. He didn’t get to see her today at work, but he wished he did. It was why he was asking her if she wanted to come over now.
While he was reminiscing about her, he missed the three little dots signaling her second reply. We were going to order pizza...if you like pineapple on your pizza you CAN’T come over but if you like GOOD pizza, then you can come and entertain Eleanor and I if you’d like.
He thought her humor was easily one of his favorite qualities about her. Have you tried it love? It’s not that bad.
Here I was, starting to like you...I’m not ordering it.
He chuckled at her response. I won’t make you...I’ll be there in fifteen?
I’ll see you then :)
Harry wasn’t really one to worry about what to wear, but suddenly he had no idea. What do you wear to help your employee, but also love interest, but also companion that he found off the internet to help build cheap furniture? He decided on a pair of dark jeans, a T-shirt, and some trainers he had lying by the door of his home. It occurred to him he was meeting her best friends and he thought that maybe he should have put in a bit more effort. It was only their second time together outside of work. Nonetheless, he was very excited and really looking forward to seeing her in her element.
“Louis,” she begged.
“I just want to ask him how many millions he’s worth. I don’t know why that’s an issue.”
She looked at Eleanor pleadingly. “Lou,” she said gently and then smiled kindly.
“Oh alright,” he rolled his eyes. “I’ll behave. But I won’t like it.”
At that moment, her phone signaled she had a visitor waiting in the lobby. She didn’t know if it would be pizza or Harry, so she headed down with her wallet just in case.
As she descended the staircase the one floor, she seemed to have an epiphany that she was wearing a pair of leggings and a t-shirt she would typically wear to the spin class she went to once a year with Eleanor. She realized she was entirely underdressed to see someone as beautiful as Harry. More so someone that she was employed by—in more than one way. She doesn’t know what possessed her to invite Harry over to meet her friends and build furniture. But she did know. She knew because she already liked him so much.
“Wow, thanks, mate,” the man was stuffing the money into his pocket as Harry held the three pizza boxes in his hands. She imagined Harry must have given him a substantial tip. In her head, Harry probably didn’t walk around with any bill smaller than a fifty.
“Oh, Harry. You didn’t have to do that,” she said quickly hurrying over to the pizza guy and Harry. The delivery guy was someone that she had run into several times over the last few years since she loved this pizza place.
“Oh, hey lady,” he smirked at her. “Your boyfriend said he would pay. Figured it wasn’t an issue,” he shrugged. Her cheeks pinked at the word boyfriend directed at Harry and she bit her lip waiting for Harry to answer instead. She waved gently to the man exiting with the large tip and he winked at her over his shoulder. He gave her a thumbs up and she swore she could see him mouth the word upgrade.
“Not a problem, love,” he responded with an easy smile. “Just happened here at the same time.”
With pizza in hand, she awkwardly made her way back to the stairwell trying to calm her nerves. Especially since Louis never had a filter. Harry was professional and lovely. He paid her in more than one way, and he was about to meet her crazy best friends. She worried she was about to lose both sources of income in a matter of minutes. “Y’okay, kitten?” He asked quietly as she approached her door.
“Mhmm...” she hummed. “Nervous.”
He chuckled. “Don’t be,” he said it easily. “M’excited t’meet your friends.” Swallowing, she nodded and pushed the door open.
“How much do we owe you?” Louis called from the living room.
“Um...Harry paid, so you’d have to ask him,” she still sounded nervous as she kicked her flipflops off at the door and made her way through the little entry way.
“S’all set,” Harry said easily. Obviously. It was pizza, and he didn’t mind in the slightest paying for the four of them. He set the pizzas on the counter in the kitchen and turned to her friends spread about empty cardboard boxes and plastic bags. Her couch was pushed against the wall facing the TV and the new stand it sat upon. She had music playing softly in the background that echoed through the room from the TV. Eleanor was focused on the directions in front of her while Louis twirled the little wrench in his hand.
“Thanks, Harry,” Louis said and stood to hold his hand out. “Nice t’meet you. Heard a lot about you,” he smirked.
“Hi Harry,” Eleanor chirped leaving the directions to flutter back to the floor and gave him a hug. “Thanks for coming to help. Louis gets us distracted a lot.”
“Entertained,” he corrected. Harry chuckled.
“Looks like you’ve made a lot of progress,” he noted that the coffee table was also completed in addition to the TV stand.
“Miss Impatient over there couldn’t wait,” Louis said. “El and I are on dresser duty.”
“Shh,” she hushed as she was still putting out paper plates and getting some napkins to put beside the pizza. “The coffee table and TV stand were like three parts total.”
Harry chuckled. “Didn’t take you as impatient, love,” he said softly in her direction.
She ignored his comment. “Can I get you a drink?” She asked as if the conversation around her wasn’t happening.
“Oh, she hides it very well,” Louis told Harry.
“She’s not impatient Louis,” Eleanor rolled her eyes. “She’s independent.”
“Terrible really,” Louis murmured causing Harry to chuckle.
“Water is fine, kitten,” he finally responded as if he wasn’t causing the racing of her heart just by being there.
Louis and Eleanor left after two bookshelves, the dresser, and the night table were put together. Louis claimed exhaustion because he was old despite Eleanor and her doing most of the heavy lifting. After a grateful goodbye, she ushered them out the door, Eleanor whispering to call her later in her ear.
In her eyes, it was really starting to look and feel like home. Harry was extremely helpful and wasn’t irritated at all by the lifting or the tedious labor of putting together cheap furniture. Harry was in fact pushing the bookshelves into position. “Y’should really anchor this down,” he told her.
“Er...I don’t want to mess up the walls. They charge you a fortune for that when you move out,” she explained. Harry smirked at her knowingly.
“I’d like t’see them try.”
She snorted and pushed her boxes labeled books toward the shelves. “Sorry, I forgot,” she said. “You’re very...down to earth.”
“Thank you, love. I try t’be.” Harry was reading the titles of the books as he put them on her shelves. He thought you could learn a lot about a person based on what they read. She seemed to read a bit of everything which made sense. She appeared worldly and intelligent. Her choices ranged from psychological non-fiction to romantic novels set at Christmas time. There were several historical fiction books as well. “You read a lot?” He asked.
“I used to...” she shrugged. “I get really caught up in my schoolwork. When I have time in the summer, I can read two to three books a week but that’s only when I’m not stressed about other things.”
“I see.”
“Do you read?”
“Uh...a little here and there...but not too often. I should read more. I get very busy with the company and everything,” he explained.
“I’ve been trying to read for thirty minutes every day since...well...since I was staying with Louis and Eleanor. I turn my phone off and set a timer on the microwave and everything. Louis hated waiting for it to be over so we could watch our shows and stuff.”
“S’nice you have Louis and Eleanor,” Harry remarked. “I don’t know what I’d do without Niall.”
“They’ve been the best people in my life for so long,” she said with so much kindness, so much reverence for them, Harry felt his heart stutter just as a bystander for her love for the pair.
“How did you meet them?”
“Louis was my older brother’s best friend. Since before grade school. They did everything together. He’s like my own brother...and Eleanor has been in his life since they were in high school, she’s like an older sister to me, too.”
“Oh, s’nice. I didn’t know you had a brother.”
There was a pause. If Harry wasn’t so enthralled by her, he might have missed how brief the pause really was. But he watched her swallow as she broke the cardboard box down and set it to the side as she slid the next one in front of her to start placing more books on the shelf. Her eyebrows pinched together just slightly. “He died when I was in high school,” she murmured. “Louis and Eleanor haven’t left me alone since.”
Harry thought of his older sister Gemma. The thought of her dying was enough to break his heart. He was overcome with grief for the poor girl who just casually went on organizing her books. Harry wasn’t sure how she could remain upright. How she could continue living. Gemma was one of his best friends. The way she spoke about Louis and Eleanor with so much admiration...he could only imagine how much love she had for her biological brother. “Jesus,” he muttered under his breath. “M’so sorry, love,” he said quietly.
She nodded, swallowed hard again. She didn’t speak for a few minutes. Harry just let her put her books on the shelf and he silently watched her as it was clear the grief while manageable probably hurt a lot at times like this. Her eyes glistened a bit and she shook her head. “You have a sister, you said?” She asked eventually.
“Yeah, she’s older than me, too. Her name’s Gemma.”
She nodded. “You should call her and tell her you love her,” she said quietly. “Often,” she mumbled.
Harry thought he would cry. “I will,” he promised.
They were quiet for a bit of time until all the books were neatly displayed. She stood up and cracked her neck side to side and put her hands on her hips. “Thank you,” she said finally. He shook his head.
“Not a problem, love.”
He was looking at her like she might break down crying. “Can I ask you something?” She wondered.
“Of course.”
“Do...you expect...more from me?” She asked quietly. She didn’t meet his gaze as she asked. Harry saw the way her cheeks turned pink as she spoke. The change in subject seemed so rapid but Harry didn’t know much about the grief she was feeling. It may have been over five years since it happened, but he imagined that coping with it was something that was still so prominent in her life. He wished he dug deeper into her social media. Wished that he searched her name in obituary searches or asked about her family earlier. It seemed like an entirely vulnerable way to bring it up and now she was stuck with him in her apartment where she probably felt completely exposed.
Hence her question. Taking a deep breath Harry wanted to tell her he would love to make out with her like a horny college frat boy. And yes, he had thought of bending her over this cheap furniture at least ten times since he arrived. But Harry liked to believe he wasn’t like most men on the website he found her on; he would never make her do anything she didn’t want to. He wanted her to be comfortable around him. Especially since he was kind of falling madly in love with her with every passing second. “I don’t expect anything but for you t’be yourself, kitten,” he said softly. “If our...relationship heads that way, m’open to it, of course. You’re beautiful, intelligent, kind, and funny. I would love t’do more with you of course. But m’not an animal. M’not going to make you.”
“You kind of pay me to do that though,” she reminded him still not fully looking at him. Her eyes darted to the pile of flattened cardboard boxes, and he watched the way her fingers kind of shook as she reached for other scraps of plastic and Styrofoam to put in the trash pile.
Tilting his head at her, he reached out and placed a hand over hers, stilling the shakiness and gave her a squeeze. It felt like heaven just to hold her hand. Harry felt so lucky he found her before someone else did. “M’not gonna make you do anything you don’t want to. I just want to spoil you.”
“And help me build cheap furniture that you hate?” She asked with a smirk. She squeezed his hand back and Harry swore he could hear wedding bells in his head.
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t remind me,” he practically groaned. “I would’ve bought you real furniture.”
She grinned so cutely, wrinkling her nose at him. “I bought a real couch and bed.”
“A miracle, it seems,” he grumbled looking at the particle board that seemed to bend a bit with each book she placed on the last shelf.
Harry felt he was floating he sat in his office. Spending the evening with her, even just building furniture, furthered how smitten he was with the angel he happened to find on the Internet. Over the last month they hung out several more times, not doing much of anything of importance. Some nights they went out and Harry bought her fancy meals and drinks (and her favorite desserts). Other nights they watched a movie on her comfy, stable couch while Harry wondered if her TV stand was going to fall apart under the weight of her TV.
In the meantime, she didn’t see much of Harry while at work. Most of the time she was in Niall’s office tending to his needs and learning the ins and outs of his job. From what Niall said and what he could see, she was a natural, of course. She was brilliant. “If m’not careful, she might take my job,” Niall chuckled rubbing the back of his head. They were meeting in Harry’s office going over his latest spreadsheet that was so much more organized than the last five years of spreadsheets Niall ever provided. As anticipated, it was all thanks to her.
Harry smirked and rolled his eyes. “You would be so lucky,” he muttered.
“You like this one,” Niall noted. Harry avoided his friend’s eye contact as he looked through the papers on his desk.
Harry nodded. “She’s good,” he shrugged.
“The others were good,” Niall replied, knowingly.
“Are y’snooping as my employee or my friend?” He asked without looking up.
“Best friend,” he qualified.
Harry shrugged again and thought about the pretty girl just down the hall looking adorable and being her perfect self. He hadn’t told Niall yet. But he wanted to. His only hesitation was making her uncomfortable. He didn’t think Niall would say or do anything, but...the idea of betraying her trust or making her feel inadequate at work made him feel like it could be the most horrible thing in the world. “She gets me tea,” he smirked.
“Honestly, I was shocked you gave her company card on the first day,” he chuckled.
Harry felt his eyebrows knit close together. “What?” He said simply.
Niall was seated across from him casually and he glanced at Harry almost curiously. He shrugged. “The coffee and tea?” He asked.
“I thought you gave her a card.”
Niall blinked in surprise. “Uh...no,” he shook his head. “I didn’t give her anything.”
Harry felt irritated. The kind of irritation he felt when she tried to pay for dinner. Or when she bought cheap furniture. Or any time she thought she was inconveniencing him. There was a knock on the other side of Harry’s office at that moment. “Come in,” he called.
“Oh, speak of the angel,” Niall grinned brightly. Harry stared at her, coffee, tea in her hand. Smiling kindly as she entered, she set the tray of drinks on Harry’s desk, and he watched her every movement.
“Talking about me?” She asked quietly. “Doesn’t sound good.”
“All good things, darling,” he promised.
“How do you pay for our coffee?” Harry asked bluntly, quickly, ignoring Niall entirely. He was miffed. In over a month of being here she had probably spent at least a hundred dollars a week of her own money on coffee for the three of them. More, if she went on behalf of other people. Which she was apt to do if anyone asked while in the same room when she asked Niall if he wanted something.
“Harry,” he said quietly. “Stop,” Niall rolled his eyes.
“Uh...I pay for it,” she admitted.
Niall blinked. “You pay for it?” He asked.
“Um...yeah...I thought—”
“Darling, that’s probably cost you a small fortune...s’not sustainable.”
Technically it was Harry buying coffee. But that’s not what he gave her money for.
“Really, it’s okay. I have—”
Harry was already pulling a checkbook out of his top desk drawer. He wrote her name and made it out for a thousand dollars before sliding it to her. She blanched seeing the amount. Oh, she was going to get an earful later. She just knew it. “Let me know if you need more,” he said simply. “Niall, can you please go get her a company card?” Niall stood taking his drink from the tray and headed for the door. He knew when Harry meant business. Literally and figuratively. This was one of those times. He didn’t fully understand why Harry was all up in arms about this, but if he was going to write her a check for coffee, he wasn’t going to question his friend’s reasoning.
“Wait, Niall...,” she said hurriedly. Her cheeks were warming, and her heart rate felt aflutter...like when Harry picked her up from her apartment and held doors open for her. “I...I just set up a tab with the Starbucks across the street. They give us a discount because I go so often. I just tip them and pay at the end of each week...it’s not this much,” she said quickly handing the check back to Harry. A look passed between the two of them and Harry looked away briefly before Niall caught it. He didn’t want him to be suspicious...he would tell him. Niall was his best friend after all. But he couldn’t do it in the workplace. This was a private conversation for sure.
“You set up a tab?” Niall asked. Harry stared at her with so much...annoyance. She could feel his irritation seeping through the air, and she truly thought she was going to lose both her jobs for this. It was just coffee and she had already told Harry she didn’t need as much money as he gave her. Coffee was the least she could do. “Why didn’t we think of that?” Niall directed his question to Harry.
Harry didn’t know either. His agitation disintegrated by the second as he realized she was much more brilliant than he gave her credit for—even for something as simple and lovely as coffee. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone. It made her look like she was in trouble with a school principal. Her fingers fidgeted with the pockets of her skirt and Harry thought about how he wanted to kick Niall out of his office and how much he would love to rip the skirt off her so he could have her all to himself. She was too beautiful, too smart. He was grateful he was seated behind his desk hiding his lower half. “Don’t buy coffee for anyone here with your own money,” Harry told her.
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh stop,” Niall said shaking his head coming back to her. He put a hand on her arm and gave her a gentle squeeze. “‘Thank you, darling.’ Is what Harry meant.”
“Yes. Thank you. Don’t do it again.” Harry didn’t fully understand what was happening to him regarding this perfect girl. Never in his life did he anticipate finding a companion online, spoiling her rotten, and seemingly falling for her at the same time. So much so that he was jealous of Niall. He wanted to yank his best friend’s arm out of its socket solely for touching her arm.
Unfortunately, she saw the way his eyes connected with Niall’s hand on her arm. She was definitely going to get an earful tonight.
taglist: @tpwkstiles @matildasatellite @jessitpwk @jerseygirlinca
399 notes · View notes
crackedpumpkin · 2 years
Heyyyy! Do you still do tmnt 2012 fics? If so can you write a Donnie x fem reader one shot? it could go like this: reader has been friends with the turtles for a while and developed feeling for Donnie and has been struggling to confess cuz he still has a thing for April
-🪁 anón
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a/n: Hello lovely kite anon!! I absolutely adore this request and did my best for 2012 Donnie, so I really hope you enjoy this! He always deserved better imo, writers did April so dirty
|| ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ || 2012! ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
“So, the usual?” 
Donnie looks up from his tinkering, nodding at you gratefully with a tired smile. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles, having stayed up the past few days to finish working on the Shellraiser.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna try something new? Be adventurous?” You ask, already calling the pizza place you usually order from. 
“What would you suggest?” 
“Hawaiian pizza.” 
“Surely you jest,” Donnie frowns at the suggestion, your joking tone making him relax slightly. Surely you wouldn’t. You give him a nonchalant shrug, starting to speak to the staff that picks up the phone.
“One large Hawaiian Pizza, please, with extra pineapples.”
The wrench clatters to the floor. He sits upright, eyes wide, when he registers your words. “That’s it; you’re no longer welcome at the lair.”
You chuckle with a roll of your eyes as he resumes his tinkering. “And another large pepperoni pizza as well.” You add before giving them the address of the alleyway and hanging up.
You see him breathe a sigh of relief, walking over and peering over his shoulder at the gadget he’s tinkering with. “So, what’s the progress on the Shellraiser?” You ask, intrigued by the device on his desk. 
He’s about to answer, but his phone buzzing distracts him. He checks the screen, and a photo of April shows up. “One sec,” He holds up a finger to you, immediately picking up her call.
You purse your lips, slightly displeased by how he brushed you off so quickly. You try to shrug off the uncomfortable sensation that settles on your shoulders, sitting down on his seat and spinning around while scrolling through social media. 
You hoped it wasn’t about April coming over again. You had been looking forward to your movie night for weeks. Especially after you had finally mustered up the courage to ask him, only for him to take it as a friendly hangout instead of a date. You hesitated in correcting him, as he was still blinded by love for April.
You held nothing against the girl; you had seen how she looked at Casey Jones. But you couldn’t bring yourself to tell Donnie; you couldn’t handle the guilt of the heartbreak he’d go through.
It’s almost pitiful how you always push aside your feelings to make him happy. April needs help with an essay? Sure, you wouldn’t mind him ditching you for that instead. April wants to rant about friends at school? Of course, you didn’t mind him leaving the middle of a gaming session to rush over to her place.
But the ache in your heart worsens with every prick of envy whenever he prioritizes her instead of you. 
This is what having a one-sided love is like, you suppose. However, you’re quickly reaching your limit to how much heartache you were willing to take. But after weeks of him putting off the movie night in favour of hanging out with April, surely he wouldn’t do it again, right? Not after you had explicitly said you had looked forward to it.
“You won’t believe this! April’s coming over because she needs help with her chemistry homework! I’m sorry, Y/n, can we postpone movie night? You don’t mind, do you?” Donnie asks, already knowing that you’d understand.
A flicker of irritation pricks your heart, and you cross your arms. “Again? You already kept putting off movie nights because of her. I’ve been waiting for weeks, even rented the DVD for the fifth time, Donnie.” You can feel the annoyance in your tone, unable to hide it any longer. You cross your arms, almost glaring at him.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’ll reimburse you the amount. How about we hang out tomorrow instead?” Donnie offers, still absentmindedly tinkering away.
“But for now, since she’s coming over, could you give us some privacy?” He asks with a sheepish grin, his eyes full of dumbstruck love when he glances at the picture of her on his phone.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d absolutely love that.” You mutter snarkily, all the warmth gone from your voice.
"What?" The skin above Donnie's autumn brown eyes furrows, surprised by your sudden remark. 
You stare at the floor, words strangled in your throat as you debate whether or not to say what's on your mind.
“I’m tired of seeing you always rush to her with a simple call of your name, a single flick of her finger. When it comes to her, nothing else matters to you. Not even me.”
“That’s not true, Y/n.” Donnie tries to defend himself, wondering what it was he said that triggered this sudden outburst from you.
“Yes, it is, and you don’t see that there’s better out there for you. You don’t notice at all.”
“What’re you talking about?” Now he’s even more confused, worry filling his chest as he processes the pain in your eyes. Maybe you had watched another sad show again, which was why you reacted this way.
He didn’t think you’d mind since you always brushed it off like it was nothing, so why was this time any different?
"You don't know what it feels like, Y/n, to be stuck in a one-sided relationship." Donnie chuckles, not really minding your earlier response. 
You frown, standing up and walking over to stand opposite where he sits at his desk. Anger pricks your eyes as you start to feel them water. 
"I know how it feels, Donnie. Because I like you."
You’re horrified as soon as you blurt out the words, hands gripping his desk so tightly the skin on your knuckles turns white. 
He glances up at you with pure shock; your confession is the last thing he expected. His jaw goes slack, lips parted in an 'o'. 
"I hate how you'd do anything for her, choose her over anyone any day —choose her over me. It frustrates me because I know you deserve better." You brush your fingers through your hair, sighing exasperatedly as you ramble. May as well say everything since you had already confessed anyway.
"Just... forget it." You finally calm yourself down, pink dusting your cheeks when you realize what you've just done. You leave the lab, heading back home to scream into your pillow.
Donnie watches you leave, still in shock, as he processes the sudden confession that had come out of the blue.
April walks in moments after, his eyes still trained on the door you left through.
"Donnie? Are you good?" April waves her hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his dazed state.
"Y-yeah," He replies flusteredly, using his arm to push aside the tools scattered on his desk to make space for the girl he's had a crush on since day one.
"So, I'm confused about this part of molecular biology." He can barely register April's words, his thoughts drifting back to the pure pain that clouded your face earlier.
Have you always felt that way?
Why hadn't he noticed? 
"-onnie? Donnie!" 
He's returned to reality again when April calls his name, looking down at her with an apologetic smile. 
"Seriously, what's going on?" April asks worriedly.
He hesitates. "Y/n confessed to me…" He admits quietly, fidgeting with his fingers and tapping them against each other.
A slow grin spreads across April's lips. "She did?? About time!!" 
"W-wait, you knew?" Donnie asks, shocked by this sudden revelation. April nods eagerly, eyes shining with joy as she leans in. 
"So? What'd you say?"
"I didn't say anything." Donnie rubs the back of his neck, guilt consuming him from how he reacted earlier.
April leans back in her seat, crossing her arms with a disapproving glance. "You should call her. This homework isn't due until the end of the week anyway." She shuts her laptop, Donnie watching her leave after she gives him an encouraging thumbs up.
"You guys would make a cute couple." She remarks casually, making her exit.
Donnie's left in his lab, alone. He picks up his phone, scrolling through his contacts until your name appears. He gulps, suddenly nervous.
You were clearly angry from how you stormed out of his lab. But he presses down on your name on the screen, a picture of you appearing on the screen as he calls you.
His stomach feels funny, nauseous even. He gnaws on his bottom lip, eyes darting around his lab as anticipation grows with each ring.
You pick up the call on the way back home from the lair.
"Hello?" You ask hesitantly. Maybe this call was him rejecting you. Your heart clenches in pain at the thought, taking a nervous breath.
On the other end of the phone, Donnie's lips part. He can't think of any words to say, his mind going blank when he hears your voice.
However, one thought lingers in his mind — the question on the tip of his tongue. He swallows the sudden lump in his throat, licks his dry lips, and starts to speak.
"How long?"
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hubbvrd · 4 months
Pizza date | Sam Hubbard
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summary — Sam and you spend your date at the pizzeria of Sam's friend. There you bake your pizzas together and when Sam puts pineapple on his pizza you start to tease him a bit
pairing — sam hubbard x reader
words — 1444
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Date Night.
You and Sam loved to have special dates, so a few weeks ago you both sat down together and wrote down special dates that sam and you wanted to work through in order.
The list consisted of 20 dates, of which the two of you had already completed 2 items.
A few days ago, you both had picked out a difficult recipe which sam and you tried to cook.
In fact, it had turned into a big mess, making it impossible to even begin to get the recipe right.
However, you and Sam had found out that both of you couldn't really cook, which is why your date tonight was at a pizza place.
Sam knew the owner of the small pizzeria, not far from your flat, so you two had the pizzeria to themselves that evening.
You both were going to learn how to make a pizza together - hopefully this would be easier than cooking.
But you had a good feeling when you came to a stop in front of the small and cosy looking pizzeria and waited for Sam.
You had found out by now that Sam always arrived a little later than you did, but it wasn't because he was late.
It had a completely different reason. The Bengals player never came to a date without flowers, like now.
Sam approached you with quick steps, holding a small bouquet of your favourite flowers that he had asked for on the very first date.
Sam was really thoughtful and you loved this little gesture incredibly about Sam.
"Hello y/n", Sam greeted you by pulling you into a short hug, then giving you a kiss on the cheek, making you blush slightly, before handing yo the small bouquet of y/ns favourite flowers.
"Hey Sam," you returned the greeting, smelling the flowers, which once again smelled heavenly.
"Shall we go in?" Without waiting for your reply, he had also opened the door for you gentleman like, so you quickly slipped inside.
Even though the pizzeria must have been closed for hours, the typical pizza smell still hung in the air, making your stomach start to growl.
"I think we should hurry up with the pizza baking," Sam said with a grin, who had heard your growling belly.
You looked around for a vase or something similar that you could use as a vase.
Because you didn't want the beautiful flowers to be broken by the heat in the pizzeria in the next few hours.
"Ciao" greeted you two, the owner of the pizzeria, who first greeted Sam as a brother and then pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Do you want to start right away?" , the Italian asked you two, who introduced himself as Giovanni.
"I guess my flowers need water first," you said, because you still hadn't spotted a vase.
"I'll take care of that. Why don't you go into the kitchen and put on the aprons I had set aside for you," Giovanni let you both know as he took the flowers from you.
You followed Sam into the kitchen where you found the aprons and helped each other tie the apron at the back.
On the table in the middle of the room, Giovanni had already prepared a dough for both of them and various toppings for the pizzas were in small bowls on the table.
There was indeed a huge selection, so you were already thinking about what you would put on your pizza.
Shortly afterwards Giovanni came into the kitchen and showed you both how to prepare the pizza dough professionally.
And indeed, you and Sam found out that you both were more talented at this than at cooking.
"I guess my work is done. I'll leave you guys to it. You can just drop the key in my mailbox later," , Giovanni pressed a bunch of keys into Sam's hand before saying goodbye to both of them and you and Sam were then alone.
Over the last twenty minutes you two had learned from Giovanni the perfect methods for making the best pizza dough, so there were now two perfectly and finished pizza doughs in front of each of you, waiting to be topped.
"Do you feel like listening to some music?" Sam asked as he pulled out his mobile phone and seemed to connect it to the small Bluetooth box.
"Sure," you said and began to carefully spread tomato sauce on your pizza dough.
A moment later, after Sam had connected his phone to the box, he had started one of his favourite playlists and quietly the music enveloped the room.
So, quietly but with concentration, you both began to take care of your pizza toppings.
And in doing so, both realised how different tastes actually were.
While your pizza had all her favourite toppings, Sam had spared no small amount of cheese, salami and pineapple, causing you to tear up.
"Pineapple on pizza? Really?" Almost shocked, you looked at the older man, who looked at her uncomprehendingly.
"What's wrong with that?"
"Pineapple just doesn't belong on a pizza. I'm really disappointed in you. Why are we dating again?" , you asked him playfully indignant while you just wanted to tease him.
Even though it was really a no-go for you to eat pineapple on a pizza.
Sam just rolled his eyes while a slight smirk formed on his lips and then both of you finished their pizzas and Sam put them in the oven.
So while Sam took care of the pizzas, you walked through the small and cosy pizzeria, which was decorated in an Italian style and immediately delighted everyone.
As you looked around, you still couldn't get over why he could put pineapple on his pizza when he had a huge selection of other foods.
And so you decided to tease Sam a bit as a kind of 'revenge'.
With the pizzas ready, you and Sam sat at one of the tables while a candle burned in front of you, and Sam told you what he was going to do with the rest of his football break.
You listened intently to the Bengals star as you reached for another slice of your pizza and bit into it with relish.
In fact, you hadn't thought your own pizza would taste so incredibly good.
"Shall we swap a slice?" Sam asked you a moment later, after he had finished his story.
You looked puzzled at your counterpart, who pointed at his pizza.
"Y/n? Have you lost your voice?" Sam asked you again, while his opposite continued not to say a word.
Confused, Sam raised his eyebrow, while you just looked at Sam.
Had he done something wrong?
Or was it actually still the pineapple that was on his pizza?
Sam started to ask you a few more questions, but you didn't answer them and ate your pizza in silence.
But Sam spotted a small grin on your lips, which made Sam stop worrying about whether he had done something wrong, because he knew that you was just teasing him.
And all because of the pineapple on his pizza.
But over the next few minutes, Sam began to be more and more bothered by the fact that the younger girl seemed to ignore him, so he couldn't stand it any longer.
He really wanted to talk to y/n, get to know her a little better and continue to enjoy the date, which had already been a complete success.
"Can you stop ignoring me please? I'm going crazy."
Sam started to pout slightly, whereupon you lifted his eyes and looked at Sam.
His pouting increased, whereupon you began to giggle, ensuring that you 'plan' was now noticed.
"Is this the punishment now for having pineapple on my pizza?" , Sam asked you sulkily, to which you nodded with a grin.
"Have you even tried this? It's really tasty" , he tried to convince you about the pineapple on his pizza.
"No, because it just doesn't fit" you answered convincingly, whereupon Sam held a slice of pizza in front of your mouth and asked you to try it.
And that's exactly what you did.
She chewed for a few seconds and took your time answering while Sam watched you carefully.
"It's quite good," you said, even though it tasted really good, but you didn't want to let Sam win, so you didn't tell him.
With a grin on his lips, Sam just nodded and both of you finished the rest of your pizza while both talked and a successful date slowly came to an end.
And who knew what great things the next date would bring?
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brandogenius · 8 months
hellooo :b can we get a oneshot of the reader surprising pheobe on tour after they’ve been apart for months? I feel like it’ll be so sweet :(
of course!!
Surprises on tour.
Phoebe x reader
Word count: 1,580
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the house being empty without phoebes presence was something you hated. no laughter or yelling as phoebe threw flour at you while baking cupcakes. no sounds of phoebe humming tunes to unreleased songs of hers filling the air. it was quiet and empty.
of course, phoebe promised nightly phone calls before both of you went to sleep after her shows. usually for an hour or two, both of you would catch up on your day. phoebe telling you all about what went on backstage, while you rambled on about the gossip you heard in the store.
tonight’s phone call was a bit different. the smile on phoebes face was wide as she listened to you. the connection and service sometimes cutting in and out as the tour has traveled to their new destination.
“where are you?” phoebes asks through the phone. noticing the layout behind you wasn’t the same as the shared bedroom both of you are so familiar with.
“at my friends house. staying while she’s out of town” phoebe nodded “you’re not coming to the show tomorrow?” there was a lace of sadness and disappointment in phoebes voice, ringing throughout the phone. you tried your best to look sad and upset. not wanting to ruin the plan.
“unfortunately.. bad timing baby. i’ll try come to the next show in new york?” you looked up from the phone, glancing down at your suitcase. the hotel was big and spacious. a double bed, for one person tonight- room for a familiar platinum silver woman to join you tomorrow.
“that’s fine” phoebe reassured, bundled up in your hoodie. you rested your head on the hotel pillow, holding the phone above your face. “honey, it is pretty late. you need sleep before the gig tomorrow” you checked the time on the phone. 12:45am.
phoebes laughed. the small dim light from the bunk illuminating her face. the way her eyes scrunched up when laughing made you smile. “ even millions of miles apart, you still are worried about my sleep schedule. rest assured i will be sleeping the minute we end call”
you felt satisfied with the answer as you nodded. “i’ll let you sleep now then baby. you text me when you wake up alright?”
phoebe nodded on the other side, giving a thumbs up.
“i miss you” phoebe frowned, her voice small. you smiled a bit, feeling your heart hurt a bit. “don’t get sappy on me tonight. you’ll be back here in two months.” the older woman looked away for a moment “i suppose so.. just missing those cuddles and late night chats”
“i know you do baby” you chuckled. checking the time again you watched as phoebe moved around in her bunk. moving onto her side as she propped the phone up against the wall.
“go to sleep baby”
getting phoebe to sleep was always a bit of a challenge. as someone who has a shit sleep schedule, she values the free time she has in the night. taking it as a form of alone time to be able to scroll freely on social media without the countdown before she gets her hair done or having to preform on stage.
she knew you were looking out for her but it was different. phoebe was a clingy person especially at night. always loving to hold onto someone or something. extra pillows stuffed into her bunk to hold onto at night and pretend it was you beside her. back at home when not on tour, both of you would stay awake until early hours. talking and rambling about anything. it was phoebes favourite time of the night. you allowing her to come up with topics for both of you to debate on.
is pineapple on pizza allowed or should it be banned?
which is the better hair colour, pink hair or blue?
they were silly little debates that kept both of you awake till sunrise. in each others arms, legs tangled as you were given the role of defending pinapple on pizza to be the best whilst phoebe have herself the role of wanting it to be banned.
it was something that entertained both of you. then there was the more serious, deep conversations. some on the topic of mental health, the world crisis, climate change and politics.
phoebe just liked to hear you talk for hours on end. something about hearing you dive deep into theories and why you believe each star represents someone who was once on this earth, intrigues her. you had a way with how you phrased stuff. an intelligent grasp on words that made phoebe wonder how you could possible say something so poetic about pineapple or stars.
phoebe guesses you were doing a good thing. forcing the blonde to shut off her phone while the buss driver drove overnight to the state for their performance. LA was on their next stop. closest to home and closest to you. there wouldn’t have been time to visit you with the schedule packed with unloading and preparing for the show.
but at least she can be thankful every night. shutting off the phone at a reasonable time, waking up at 6am to get ready for the day. when on a normal day, the two of you would be going to sleep at this time.
shutting off the phone, the silver haired woman grabbed the nearest pillows, hugging them close to her chest as she shut her eyes, waiting for the bus to stop.
you were always considered a morning person. waking up to the sound of the birds chirping always gave you immense joy.
waking up at 9am was a bit later than normal for you. you didn’t have much to do other than get ready and head to the venue. you had it prepared a week in advance. discussing amongst lucy and julien to surprise phoebe on tour.
it has been four months since you last seen your girlfriend. it was needed. you had it schemed out. book a hotel in LA close to the stadium and surprise phoebe backstage.
lucy working with the security to make sure you get in without anyone noticing. she was going to meet you at the venue in an hour so you had time to prepare.
taking a quick shower and putting on some makeup, you made your way to the hotel lobby. booking a taxi to the arena wasn’t that bad. it was a quick ride. you tipped the driver, sending a quick message to lucy.
not long after, lucy makes her out. the brings you into a hug. “it’s been so long” the taller woman announced, breaking away from the hug, slinging a lanyard around your neck. ‘CREW’ was written in big bold letters.
“it’s been too long” you answered, walking with lucy into the venue. lucy herself had a lanyard with ARTIST on it. staff instantly recognising and allowing both of you to enter.
you were nervous. was phoebe going to be mad at you? would she be excited? so many thoughts ran through your brain as lucy lead you down the hallway. staff and crew busied themselves with preparing for the upcoming show tonight.
lucy stopped you outside the dressing room door. “i’ll go in first and you come in after me yeah?” lucy tilted her head, smiling at you. you nodded your head, feeling anxious. “yeah sure-“ you watched as lucy opened the door, slipping into the room.
you quietly snuck in. phoebes back was turned to you as lucy talked to her. julien was sat on the couch, her smile growing wider, eyes flicking between you and phoebe.
julien cleared her throat as lucy looked over phoebes head. “what’s that?” lucy pointed towards your direction, causing phoebe to turn around confused. phoebes eyes landed on you as she dropped the phone that was in her hands.
“holy fuck-“ phoebe wasted no time running full force at you. she jumped into your arms, wrapping her legs around your waist as she yelled excitedly. you stumbled back a bit, holding onto her tightly. julien grinning while she sipped her coffee as lucy recorded the surprise on her phone.
phoebe lifted her head up from your neck, attacking your face with kisses. “i thought you weren’t coming?!” she said in between kisses on your cheek, neck, lips and forehead. you kissed phoebe back softly, moving to the couch, phoebe still in your lap.
“well it was a surprise wasn’t it? had it planned for a while, with the help of those two” you gestured to the other two boys. phoebe sighed happily, resting her head back onto your shoulder. “you don’t know how much i missed you”
you ran a hand across her back. “i know honey. but you know what?” your hands found themselves in phoebes hair, twirling some strands around with your finger. phoebe lifts her head up, raising an eyebrow.
“i’ll be with you for the rest of the tour. as if you can’t get rid of me now” you missed her on the forehead.
“seriously? like - for real?” she perked up with a grin. “i don’t need to hug pillows anymore i can just cuddle you?” you nodded your head
“fuck- this is the best surprise ever” phoebe laughed, hugging you tighter. you leaned back on the couch, holding onto phoebe for a little while longer before she had to be physically dragged away from you to get her makeup done
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papaziggy-devblog · 4 months
Out of all your favorite yans who would you rather be pining after you in real life?
Hmmmmm... Thats a hard one... I have a looooot of faves too... So Imma focus on the one I have MCs designed for
Friend (@stnaf-vn ) is absolute bbg but I get stir crazy if kept inside for too long and gaslighting don't really work on me so I see that causing issues, sry bby but you can't bullshit a bullshitter... Also he don't like pineapple on pizza so 💔💔💔 u3u
I love Adam (@you-and-him-vn ) to bits and I'm lil shit which apparently he's into... but I'm also highly allergic to being stabbed :\
Virgil (@wouldyoustayvn ) I feel like I would get too many disappointed stares for what I put my computer through, and I can't handle that kinda judgment u.u
Ezra (@restartheartvn ) oddly enough I think would be a safe-ish bet... I feel he'd be one of the more receptive to me just being like "Ahaaah, nice try but that ain't gonna work on me bby... respect the effort tho 👉😎👉" Also feel like he'd be one of the more open to communication
Krow (@thekrows-nest ) I feel like would also be safe-ish? I feel like we'd vibe... Plus artist hubby so thats pretty poggers... Aaaand if he gets mad or jelly I can just smother in smoochies and we gucci~... Plus I like tendies over nuggies anyway ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
So it's kinda a toss up between Ezra and Krow if I'm being realistic
I'm leaning slightly more towards Krow cause I think we'd vibe the best... Plus I too wish to consume the rich (⓿v⓿)
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A/N: it starts off a little angsty and then gets a little silly. I hope the sex scene isn't too silly. I just think that sometimes sex with Eddie can be silly. He's a silly man.
Summary: Steve needs to come down from his panic attack. Eddie helps him out.
It was the fourth of July, 1986. . .exactly one year since Starcourt. Steve had been feeling twitchy all day and very on edge. He couldn't sleep last night either. Nightmares plagued him all night long. He heard the term from Hopper before. The anniversary effect. He knows the signs of PTSD. Hopper had sat them all down to explain what to look for and what to do when something like this happened. Steve should have called Eddie to cancel, but Steve had been looking forward to hanging out with one of his best friends all week. This would be the first time they would be hanging out alone, and for some reason, Steve was really looking forward to that. A knock on the door nearly caused him to jump out of his skin.
"Is he knocking to the beat of a Metallica song?" Steve asked himself, and he smiled softly. "It's definitely Eddie."
Steve opened the door and grinned at the sight of Eddie. He wore tight black cut-off shorts, a stripped crop top with cut-off sleeves, and his hair was braided down his back. There were sparkly butterfly barrettes pinning his bangs back.
"Uh, hey, Eddie," Steve said, staring at him in confusion.
"El was hanging out at Max's trailer, I didn't want to say no to the kid," Eddie said, shrugging his shoulders and grinning.
"You spoil her," Steve said grinning fondly at him.
"She deserves it," Eddie said.
"Yeah, she does," Steve said. "By the way, did you knock to the tune of a Metallica song?"
"If you know it through a door, then something tells me that you've been listening to it without me. Stevie. . .are you a secret fan?" Eddie asked, smirking.
"Shut up," Steve said blushing.
He didn't want to tell him that he was listening to the music when he wasn't around because, well, he didn't know why he did it. He recognized the top Eddie was wearing. It was his old black polo that he had given Eddie. It looked better on him than it ever did on Steve. He grinned when he realized that Eddie had ripped off the buttons, leaving a slit open in the middle of his chest. He was showing off his tattoos and not just his tattoos but his scars as well. Eddie had never been afraid to show them off.
"You going to let me in, big boy?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, right," he said stepping aside.
Just as Eddie was walking by him, a set of fireworks went off in the distance. Steve jumped and grabbed Eddie's bicep, gripping it tightly.
"Stevie?" Eddie asked softly.
Eddie placed a gentle hand over the top of Steve’s hand. The sight of Eddie's nails painted a red glittery color caused him to break from his reverie, and he laughed.
"The food is getting cold," Steve said as he closed the door behind Eddie.
"Don't worry. The fireworks fuck me up too," Eddie replied as he followed him into the kitchen. "Stevie! You ordered my favorite. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me."
"Please, if I were trying to seduce you, I would do better than pineapple pizza," Steve replied.
"You dare insult the food of gods?!" Eddie exclaimed and Steve laughed.
"You and Argyle should start a long-haired, weed smoking, pineapple pizza loving club," Steve laughed.
"Oh, we already have," Eddie said cheerfully. "By the way, that dude can smoke me under the table."
Steve tried to focus on what was happening inside of the house. They were watching a movie, their empty plates lying on the coffee table. Eddie was sitting so close to him that his shoulder was brushing against his. He tried to focus on Eddie, but there were fireworks going off outside, and suddenly, the guy on the TV started speaking Russian. Steve tried to breathe but found that he couldn't. His chest hurt, and his entire body was trembling. He let out a gasp as he struggled to catch his breath.
"Who do you work for?!"
"I told you! Scoops Ahoy!" Steve screamed. "I swear!"
Steve screamed when they hit him again. He wanted it to stop. He was begging it to stop.
"I don't believe you! How did you find us?!"
He was crazy. This man was crazy. After he hit him, the man ran a hand through his hair, and it was sickening how gentle he was because Steve knew it wasn't real. It was just another tactic. Steve hated the way he leaned in at first, and then he yanked himself away. He hated that he was crying.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," the man said softly. "Just tell us who you work for, and this will all stop. It's okay."
"Steve?!" Eddie's panicked voice broke him out of his memory.
Steve was gasping for breath, and he was crying. Why was he crying?
"I - can't -," Steve trembled.
"Stevie, can I touch you?" Eddie asked.
Eddie placed his hands on his shoulders. Steve flinched but relaxed when he realized it was Eddie who was touching him. He trusted Eddie. The fireworks were still going off, and Steve still couldn't breathe.
"I was telling the truth, Eddie," Steve sobbed. "They still wouldn't stop. T-they wouldn't stop."
"You need to breathe for me, Stevie," Eddie said. "Focus. Breathe in and out, okay? Can you focus on my voice?"
"I'm trying!" Steve snapped.
"I've been reading about this. Okay. Um, you need to focus on the moment. You're safe, okay? Nothing is going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Stevie, do you trust me?" Eddie asked.
"Of course," Steve gasped.
"I need to anchor you. I need you to come back down, and this is the only way I can think to do it. Can I?" Eddie asked and Steve nodded.
Eddie cupped his face and pressed his lips to Steve’s softly. He could feel Steve relax, and his breathing became steady. Steve started moving his lips against Eddie's, softly at first, and then it became hungry. Eddie could taste the salt of his tears on his lips and the desperation on his tongue. Steve broke the kiss, smiling.
"I think I'm properly anchored now," Steve said, and another firework went off. "Ugh, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."
"You're telling me that you need help, big boy?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, I think so."
The two young men stumbled upstairs, and once again, Eddie was pushing Steve against a wall. This time, it was the wall of his bedroom, and he was pressed up against him completely, grinding against Steve’s thigh as they kissed. Steve broke the kiss to take off his shirt and smirked at the hungry look in Eddie's eyes. Eddie grinned and went to take off his own shirt. . .and got stuck.
"Steve! Something went wrong! I got stuck! Steve! Stop laughing, asshole! How am I supposed to see your tits?!" Eddie panicked.
Steve continued to laugh as he helped Eddie out of his shirt. He took off the butterfly clips and set them on his dresser. He cupped Eddie's face and kissed him deeply.
"That was very sexy," Steve giggled.
"Fuck off," Eddie said.
Eddie grabbed him by the back of his thighs and picked him up into his arms.
"Jesus!" Steve exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm stronger than I look, big boy," Eddie winked as he threw him onto the bed. "Now watch as the Magnificent Munson makes his lovely assistants' pants disappear!"
Eddie unbuckled Steve’s pants before yanking them down and completely off, tossing them behind him.
"You're crazy!" Steve giggled.
"Oh, baby, you have no idea," Eddie laughed maniacally.
He placed his knees on either side of Steve’s hips and leaned down to kiss him. He moved his lips down to his neck, his chest, and then down to his stomach. Eddie grinned mischievously.
"Whatever is that you're going to do, don't do it," Steve warned.
Eddie pressed his lips to Steve’s stomach and blew a raspberry near his bellybutton. Steve burst into laughter. Eddie sat up a little.
"I'm sorry, is this not how you blow someone?" Eddie asked innocently.
"No, Eddie!" Steve giggled.
"Are you sure?" Eddie asked and blew another raspberry on his stomach.
"I'm sorry, I think you're going to have to come up with a safe word," Eddie said and blew yet another raspberry.
"Anchor!" Steve laughed.
"That's a good safeword, baby," Eddie said, pressing a kiss to his stomach.
He started kissing the rest of the way down until he came to Steve’s boxers. He grinned and took the elastic part in between his teeth. Using his mouth, Eddie lifted up Steve’s hips and dragged his boxers down until they were off completely. Still in his mouth, he shook his head and then spat them on the floor. Steve shook with laughter.
"Are you putting on a show, or you going to fuck me?" Steve grinned.
"Can't I do both?" Eddie asked.
It finally happened, Eddie was now deep inside of Steve.
"Are you going to move?" Steve asked.
"Gentleman, make sure you keep your arms and legs wrapped around your metalhead at all times!" Eddie said as if he was a train conductor. "Most importantly, enjoy the ride. All aboard the Munson express!"
Eddie slowly started to thrust into Steve and grunted as he moved. Steve moaned, gripping Eddie's back tightly. It wasn't long before Eddie started to make train noises as he thrusted inside of him. Steve rolled his eyes back as he laughed, his body shaking around Eddie's dick.
"Eddie!" Steve giggled.
"You feeling a little unsafe, Stevie? Do you need to use the safeword?" Eddie asked.
Somehow, Steve arrived on time. Eddie had followed soon after, spilling into the condom. Steve was still laughing when Eddie left and came back to clean him up.
"I don't know how I managed to laugh and cum at the same time. That is the silliest sex that I ever had," Steve grinned. "I don't want to have sex with anyone else ever again."
"That was my plan all along, baby," Eddie said, snuggling into Steve’s side.
Steve finally managed to get some sleep that night with a smile on his face and the man of his dreams in his arms even with the fireworks going off outside. All was well.
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lonesome-witching · 5 months
This is such a short and ridiculous one requested by @rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh.
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
“You can’t be fucking serious!” Nancy yelled.
“Of course I’m serious. I can’t believe you would disagree on this!” Robin shouted back.
Steve hadn’t ever heard them fight before. They had always been so cuddly together, constantly taking each other’s side in every argument. It was foreign and it was a little scary.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked.
“None of your business,” Nancy replied instantly.
She was probably right. He also wasn’t sure he wanted to be mixed up in this. But Robin was his best friend and Steve worried about her. He worried about Nancy too.
“Nancy is just being ridiculous.”
“Oh, I’m the one being ridiculous? You’ve lost your damn mind.”
“What happened?” Steve inquired.
“I’m not going to talk to her anymore. I’m done talking to her,” Nancy said, turning away from her girlfriend.
“You are acting insane!!” Robin yelled.
“Can you please tell me what the hell happened?”
“You eat pineapple on your pizza,” Nancy scoffed.
“And that makes me the insane one?”
Steve stared at them. Was this a joke? This must be a joke. They were pranking him for whatever reason they had to prank him. They could not be serious about this.
“This is a joke?”
Nancy shook her head, scowling at him. “It’s disgusting.”
“It’s just pizza,” Steve replied with an incredulous look on his face. “You two love each other, you’re going to ruin that because of pizza?”
“No, you’re right. I don’t need to have pineapple on my pizza. I care more about you, Nance.”
Nancy slowly turned back towards Robin. “Are you serious?” She smiled softly.
“Yes, I love you and pizza is just pizza. I’ll never have pineapple on my pizza again.”
“Aww, Robin. That’s so sweet. I guess it isn’t too bad that you like pineapple on your pizza. Maybe you’re right, maybe I just need to give it a try.” Nancy took a step closer, grabbing Robin’s hands.
“Are we alright?” Robin asked with a hesitant half smile on her face.
“Yeah, we’re alright. I love you, Robin.”
“I love you so much, Nancy. Let’s not fight again.”
Steve rolled his eyes. They were ridiculous. He still wasn’t sure this wasn’t one big joke. He sighed and fell down on the couch.
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moxxis-bar · 2 years
I think something platonic with the Calypsos would be cool! Maybe you all became friends on the ECHOnet as kids before they started streaming?
Internet Friends
Platonic Calypso Twins x Gender Neutral Reader
I’m so sorry it took me forever to write this! I’m a dummy who’s bad at time management. It wasn’t specified if this was a oneshot or headcanons, so I just wrote a oneshot, but I liked how this turned out so I might come back and write another part for this. I don’t remember if the Calypsos had access to the ECHOnet as kids since it’s been a minute since I’ve played through Borderlands 3, but we’re just going to assume they did lol
Content: Platonic fic, takes place before the events of Borderlands 3
SPOILER WARNING! Slight spoilers for Borderlands 3 and the Calypso Twins’ backstories.
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Your phone couldn’t seem to stop vibrating because of the sudden influx of messages from two of your internet friends, a set of twins who looked to the ECHOnet to save them from the boredom of their lives, at least, that’s what they told you. You spent an amount of your time online, talking to them about everything there was to talk about, and they kept in touch with you often, creating a group chat between the three of you to talk in.
‘u should get online’
‘nd settle a fight between me n troy’
‘bc this idiot thinks pineapple belongs on pizza’
Tyreen blew up your Echo Device as she often did, desperate to get your attention. The heavy hand unit never seemed to stop buzzing, even as you picked it up, only now you were being bombarded by both twins.
‘ty is a LIAR’ 
‘that is NOT what we were fighting abt’
‘and my pizza opinions have NOTHING to do with this’
‘plz get on’
‘i need another voice of reason’
This was a very common occurrence, you can’t even begin to count the number of times you’ve been dragged into their weird arguments with absolutely zero context, but it was always fun to watch how passionate they were about these weird disagreements. Ready to join in and get some context, you typed into the group chat you shared with the twins.
‘whats this abt troy liking pineapple on pizza?’
It only took a few seconds for Troy to respond, Tyreen following shortly after.
‘nuh uh he totally said that’
‘did not’
‘ok he basically said that’
‘basically and totally arent the same thing’
The conversation was taken over by Troy and Tyreen again until you typed back.
‘wait ok so what did troy say?’
‘all i said was that pineapple on pizza can still be valid if you dont like it’
Tyreen was quick to respond, excited by what she assumed was an admission from Troy.
‘y’know who would say that? people who like pineapple on pizza’
The chat continued to be flooded with messages of Tyreen accusing Troy of liking pineapple on pizza, while Troy tried his best to explain himself, though you weren’t really sure if he was desperate to make Tyreen believe him, or if he was actually hiding the possibility of him liking pineapple on pizza. The world may never know.
‘whenever we meet up we gotta get troy some pineapple pizza and settle this’
Tyreen typed back excitedly, loving the suggestion, much to Troy’s chagrin you assumed.
‘im not eating pineapple on pizza for you weirdos’
‘even if i would’
‘its not like dad would ever let us go see you’
‘he definitely wouldn’t let you come see us either’
‘not like you could find us anyhow’
Oh. That’s right. You’d nearly forgotten. They’d mentioned before that their dad refused to let them go out. Something about him being super protective of them. Well, even if it wasn’t possible, it was a fun idea to imagine, spending actual, in-person, time with the twins. You would be able to see them face-to-face and fulfill all the other weird plans that stemmed from the strange but fun conversations you had with the twins. They’d told you that it was unrealistic to ever actually see each other, but you still held on to that slight hope that maybe one day you’d be able to finally meet them.
Tyreen texted back.
‘ugh thats right’
‘its not like he can actually keep us here all our lives’
‘even if he tried’
‘he won’t be able to stop us >:)’
‘we’ll be so sneaky nd run away’
‘and then we’ll come see u’
‘waddya think troy?’
‘i guess…’
‘but i do wanna see (y/n)’
Tyreen was often playful when she talked with you and Troy, but you wondered if any part of her was serious about that. About running away from her father with Troy. Your thoughts were interrupted as your ECHO device vibrated once again, this time a message from Troy.
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dangerpronebuddie · 5 months
❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯📢📢👏👏👏#claiming that T is the best thing to ever happen to B is erasing E#who- btw- is a main character outside of B and has his own storylines that don't get near the praise B does#i agree. if they went with E and T like they originally planned the feelings about it would be incredibly different#they'd hate E because he's not completely devoted to B#they hate him anyway for wanting to find happiness#the same thing Bs doing#but B can do it for some reason and E can't#because apparently E only exists for B📢📢📢💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏 So so so so tired of this trend in buddie fandom 😬 love your tags. Keep saying it! Louder!
Hi darling! It really is irritating that so many reduce such a brilliant character to being just the love interest. As someone who identifies a lot with him, it's really frustrating to see that people will diminish him so easily. I've said it before and I'll say it a hundred times more: these characters exist, first and foremost, as their own separate stories. I love Buck, I love Eddie. On their own. I do not ship them simply because I want to see them make out. I think the traits they possess balance each other well. This is six years of love we've seen develop, while witnessing them grow as individuals. Buck finding someone who will stay and Eddie finding someone he's willing to stay with makes for a brilliant pairing. But it takes time for them to realize they have that with each other, and I'm willing to wait.
I do not mind them being with other characters. I have absolutely nothing against those who ship BT. It's like pineapple on pizza- you like it or you don't.
What I mind is people going to the lengths they have been over it all. Because T is a man, he's somehow perfect?? I won't get into why I hate that idea, I feel like I've been on my high horse all day lol. But I will say again that it infuriates me that the fandom would've called for Eddie's head on a stick if he had been the one to be with Tommy. It's okay for Buck to be in relationship after relationship, but it's not okay for Eddie to want that too? It's not okay for this man who lost the woman he loved to want to find that magic again? Buck can physically hurt his best friend in a fit of petty jealousy and we just move on? If Eddie had done anything slightly like that, the fandom would go insane. (I'm not condoning it, btw, that scene was reminiscent of dv and I'm glad Maddie bit Buck's head off about it. It still makes me ill). All I'm saying is the double standard between Buck and Eddie in this fandom is honestly disturbing.
Ship whatever you want. I'm not gonna attack anyone for it. But don't reduce one of the most beautiful stories to ever exist to the rank of disposable love interest.
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blkgirlsreadfanfic2 · 4 months
CHAPTER ONE: The Vanishing of Will Byers
series masterlist chapter warnings: potentially inaccurate 80s references steve harrington x sinclair!oc
“Thanks, doll.” Jaz said, handing the pre-pubescent pizza boy a $20 bill.
“No problem.” He replied, walking back to his bike.
Jasmine Sinclair closed the door to her parents’ home in Hawkins, Indiana. 15-years-old and the oldest child of Charles and Sue Sinclair, Jasmine (or “Jaz”), carried herself with confidence. Her brown curly hair was pulled into a pineapple updo, and her tattered AC/DC shirt fell loosely over her shoulder. It was a Tuesday night, and while her brother Lucas was playing D&D at Mike Wheeler’s house, she was hosting band practice with two of her best friends, Amelia Rose and Katherine Brown.
“Was he cute?” a voice called from the kitchen.
Jasmine rolled her eyes as she set the pepperoni pizza down on the counter. The voice belonged to Amelia (or “Lia”); Lia’s orange hair glowed in the pale-yellow light of the Sinclair kitchen. Her hazel eyes gleamed with mischief and 12 freckles were grouped along her nose and cheeks.
“He was like 13, Lia. Way too young for you.”
“Hey, I was asking for Kat.” Lia defended.
“If he’s 13 then he’s definitely too young for me.” Kat said.
Katherine Brown was the oldest of the trio, a junior in high school and the unofficial leader. She popped open a Coke bottle on the kitchen counter, her perfectly manicured nails catching in the light. She had wavy black hair that came down to her shoulders and jet black eyes that often seemed to gaze into the depths of your very soul. It was fitting, she was also the most observant of the group.
The three girls had met during Lia and Jaz’s freshman year and Kat’s sophomore year. The three of them tried out for the school’s band but were told that their instruments were not needed. Frustrated over their rejection, the trio decided to start their own rock band. They named it the Bikini Roses which, in retrospect, probably wasn’t the best name they could have come up with. However, they had become attached to the name and used it when applying for gigs at the few clubs that would allow them in. Band practices were frequent in the beginning of the school year; the time where the summer air still lingered and teachers were more concerned with get-to-know you questions than whether or not your paper followed MLA format.
Jaz grabbed a paper plate from the stack and grabbed a slice of pizza, sitting on the stool next to Lia.
“Hey, what time was Lucas supposed to be home?” Kat asked.
“Like an hour ago. He never finishes on time though, I’ll call in the next 30 minutes.” Jaz answered.
In reality, Jaz would have been happier if Lucas just slept at Mike’s. She loved her little brother with all her heart, but his D&D nights meant she could have longer band practices with Lia and Kat. Erica was a heavy sleeper, so she was never bothered by the loud sounds of drums smashing in the garage. The band was Jaz’s ticket out of Hawkins for good, and the better they sounded, the better their chances of being famous.
“We should probably get going, Kat. My mom wants me home early tonight.” Lia said.
Kat nods and chugs the last of her Coke, placing the bottle down on the counter and wiping her mouth off. Kat and Lia finished their slices of pizza and exchanged hugs with Jaz. Once she head Kat’s car pull out of the driveway, Jaz made her way over to the phone, dialing the number to the Wheeler’s house. The line rang for a few seconds before Karen Wheeler’s voice was heard through the speaker.
“Wheeler residence.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Jasmine. Is Lucas still there?” Jaz asked, using her best “talking to someone’s mom” voice.
“Yes, the boys are still downstairs. Do you want me to put him on the phone?”
“No, it’s all right. Can you just tell him that he needs to start making his way home?”
“Of course, Jasmine. Say hello to your mother for me.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Jaz hung up the receiver and began putting the pizza away, making sure the paper plates and napkins were stored properly. She closed the garage, made sure the porch lights were turned on, and grabbed her song book before settling down on the couch and turning the channel to MTV. They were still playing Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” music video. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the front door clicked and Lucas came into the house.
“Hey, Lucas.” Jaz greeted. “There’s pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry.”
“I’m okay.” Lucas told her, grabbing some water from the sink instead.
Jaz knew that Lucas had gone to bed after she heard a clink in the sink and the creak of the stairs as Lucas walked to his room. She got up and turned off the lights inside the house before turning in for the night.
the next morning…
“Jaz! Kat and Lia are here!”
Jaz jumped down the steps two at a time after her mother’s shouts. She kissed her parents on the cheek and jumped in the backseat of Kat’s Toyota Corolla. Lia reached back and handed Jaz a donut, and the trio began the drive to Hawkins High. Once they got there, the three separated and went off to their respective lockers then first period classes. Jaz’s first period was English, one of her favorite classes. Mrs. Jefferson was sweet; she picked interesting books for the class and allowed her students to choose almost any topic for their papers. English was also Jaz’s favorite because it was one of the few times she got to see her best friend - Jonathan Byers.
Jaz and Jonathan met at a thrift store in the city when they were in the eighth grade. With her birthday money in a small green wallet, Jaz wandered between the aisles before finding what she was looking for: cameras. She stared at the assortment of cameras, sticking to the used ones that cost $150 or less. As she was searching, a gangly boy with brown shaggy hair approached her.
“Um…hi.” He said, rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hi?” Jaz answered, unsure of his intentions.
“Are you new? To photography, I mean.”
“Yeah…I don’t know which camera to get.”
He looked at the cameras on the shelf before picking one up and inspecting it.
“This is a Chinon CE4. It’s uh…it’s pretty banged up but it should still work.”
“How much is it?”
The boy checked the tag before handing Jaz the camera. “It’s $120.”
“Cool.” Jax looked at the black-and-silver camera, turning it over in her hands. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jaz and the boy awkwardly stared at each other for a bit before she spoke again.
“What’s your name?”
“Jonathan. What’s yours?”
“Well um…I was gonna go…check out the cassettes section.”
“What are you looking for?”
“The new Phil Collins album.”
“Oh my gosh, I love it! My parents got it for my birthday but on vinyl.”
“Wanna help me look for it?”
Jaz smiled and nodded, following Jonathan to the music section. They looked around for 15 minutes, coming up empty.
“Sorry we didn’t find it, Jonathan.” Jaz apologized, feeling bad for her newfound friend.
“It’s okay, Jasmine. I can come back next month.”
“Well…do you live near Hawkins?” Jaz asked nervously.
“I actually live in Hawkins!” Jonathan answered excitedly.
“You can borrow my vinyl, you just gotta promise to bring it back.”
Jaz extended her pinky and Jonathan wrapped his around hers. The two of them smiled as Jaz walked to the register and Jonathan walked back to his mother’s car. As the years went by, their shared love of rock music and photography caused them to grow even closer.
As Jaz took her seat, she noticed that Jonathan was missing. Odd…he was always insanely early to English class. Jaz didn’t have a chance to think on it much though; Mrs. Jefferson was about to start class. The rest of school went by in a similar manner. Even in her classes with Kat and Lia, Jaz noticed Jonathan’s absence more and more. He wasn’t a straight-A student, but it wasn’t like him to skip all of his classes - unless something was going on. Once the final bell rang, Jaz made a beeline for Hawkins Middle, searching for her brother. She found him getting on his bike alongside his friends Mike and Dustin. Oddly enough, Will Byers was also missing.
“Lucas!” She called as she rushed across the parking lot.
“Yeah, Jasmine?”
“You seen Will or Jonathan?”
Lucas opens his mouth to give some excuse, but his face gives it all away. Something is wrong.
“Lucas, where’s Will?”
“Will is missing.”
The words bounce around in Jasmine’s head, the weight of them unbearable.
“Go straight home, you hear me?” She tells Lucas, not waiting for him to respond as she runs back to the high school.
She finds Lia in the parking lot, talking to some of the D&D kids by her car.
“Lia! Lia!”
“Yeah Jaz?” She asks, pausing mid-conversation.
Jaz takes a second to catch her breath before continuing. “Can you give me a ride to Jonathan’s?”
“Yeah sure.” Lia turns back to who she was talking to. “I’ll find you at the Hideout later, Eddie.”
“’K.” Eddie Munson replies, shoving his hands into his pockets. “See you around Lia. Bye Jasmine.”
“Bye.” Jaz said. She watches as he walks off, turning back to Lia after he disappeared behind the building.
“You can’t be serious.” Lia scoffs, rolling her eyes at Jaz.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re not still harboring a crush on Munson?”
“I never had a crush on him.”
“I saw diary entries that would beg to differ.”
“It’s whatever. He’s like 80.”
“More like 19. Come on, let’s go.”
Jaz rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat of the car. Lia starts the car and the two of them begin the drive to the Byers’ house.
later that night…
After arriving at the Byers’ residence, Jonathan and Joyce catch Jaz up on the situation. They tell her how Will had been missing since the night before and how the chief had found his bicycle on the side of the road. After a bit of time, Jaz and Jonathan agreed to get some pizza for dinner. They got in the car and Jonathan began driving.
“So how are you really feeling, J?”
“I dunno…I feel like it’s my fault. I should’ve been there for when he got home; I shouldn’t have taken that extra shift.”
Jaz places a hand on Jonathan’s arm. “It’s not your fault. There’s no way you could have-”
“If Lucas had gone missing that night and you weren’t home, how would you feel?” Jonathan snapped.
Jaz sighed. “Probably the same as you.”
Jaz crossed her arms and looked out the window, unsure of how to continue. After a bit of time, she spoke up.
“So…Joyce mentioned a phone call? Are you sure it was Will?”
Jonathan visibly tensed at the question. Backtracking, Jaz said, “We don’t have to talk about it if-”
“No, it’s fine. She said she heard breathing, and she’s sure it was Will.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“Well I didn’t hear it. And how could she know? I mean, it’s just breathing. How does she know Will’s?”
“She’s a mom, Jon. She knows her son’s breathing, the same way she would know your scream or your voice.”
Jonathan goes silent for a moment before speaking up again. “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know, she just seems…out of it.”
“Well her son is missing. She’s allowed to be a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jaz gives him a small smile and places a hand on his knee. “Hey, I’m sure he’ll turn up soon. I made Lia and Kat join the search party.”
“Thanks JJ.”
“Anytime Jon.”
Jonathan grabs Jaz’s hand as he continues driving. It’s moments like these where the pair are grateful for each other. They’ve been there for all the big milestones - good and bad. Jonathan would always have Jasmine, and Jasmine would always have Jonathan. No matter what happens, they’ll always have each other.
i hope you all enjoyed! this is my first time trying to make a series like this, so I hope this worked! - z
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wyntereyez · 1 year
I should probably post about GalaxyCon before I forget everything, huh? 
My first day was Saturday and I. Was not prepared. Most of the cons I’ve attended are fandom-specific, and can draw large crowds, but nothing compared to this. According to a news article the next day, there were some 50,000 attendees.
I’d originally only planned to go Saturday, but then Colin’s panel was announced for Sunday, so I got another ticket for then. Saturday was spent beating my way through the crowds (or, more accurate, being beaten) - and getting my photo op with Colin.
It’s been four years since I’d last seen him at Enchanted 2, and damn, he looked amazing. The op was brief, because they do thousands of photos in one day, so I barely had time to do more than say ‘hi’ and ‘thank you.’ He thanked me for coming, and at that point I remembered just how blue his eyes were, and how lovely that Irish brogue is, since it’s currently very thick after being in Ireland for so long. Yup, I still swoon for Colin.
I didn’t get an autograph, but a friend did, and I hung around in line with her until were almost to Colin. His line was so long, it wrapped into the next aisle. I’m not sure the staff anticipated his popularity. And while I was in line, someone told Colin how long his line was, and he gave a little “Yeah!” and put up his arms.
Then we have the Sunday panel. I’m trying to remember as much as I can, but I know I’ll miss things. I’ll put it under a cut, since this is starting to run long.
First of all, kudos to the panel moderator, who helped rephrase questions and guide Colin so he could follow strike rules. That can’t have been easy, so good on GalaxyCon for being prepared and still being able to give us a great panel experience.
Colin was introduced as that actor from That Show, and That Other Show, and That One Movie, etc. At some point, OUAT became ‘The Thing,’ and now I want to embrace that as the show’s alternate title. Also, that would be an awesome crossover.
Anyway... We got a brief introduction, and Colin talked about how hot it was (it had been well over 90 degrees, with a Real Feel of over a hundred, on the day he arrived) and how he’d chosen to wear a suit jacket over his t-shirt and had Regrets.
He apologized for if he was difficult to understand, because he knew how thick his accent was, but someone yelled out they loved it, which he then said was why he brought it up, because he wanted people to say that.
He also said he was doing the panel because he liked having people tell him how great he was, to which the moderator had the entire crowd yell out, “You’re great!”
Then we got to the most bizarre mix of questions I’ve ever heard, and it was wonderful. Things we learned included:
- Colin owns 30 guitars, one of which belonged to Ringo Starr. He has another one that belonged to someone famous, but I can’t remember whom
- If he were a dog breed, he’d be a black Labrador retriever mix
- If he were a comic book superhero (the comic part is very important) he’d want to be Batman. He wanted to be Superman once, but now he wants to be Batman. He earned a blue candy for this, which he promptly put in his mouth with predictable results. Dude, don’t eat candy when you know you’re gonna have questions, LOL.
- Voice acting roles aren’t taboo, so he talked a bit about how different it was to voice Douxie, and how different it was to do dialogue in a booth because he had to be more dynamic rather than speak normally. He also at one point did a bit of Gerry the Leprechaun for us.
- Colin was asked about his feelings on ‘Rise of the Titans.’ He said he enjoyed it, then said he trusted the writers to know what’s best for the characters. I’m not sure if that’s how he really felt, or if he’s just being careful.
- If he were two scoops of ice cream, he’d be pistachio and vanilla - the real vanilla, with the bean.
- He likes pineapple on pizza. He will accept no criticism of this.
- If that one character with the thing on his hand had a dog breed, it would be a black Labrador retriever mix.
- Something he did for The Thing was play INXS’s ‘Need You Tonight’ and did a little strut while wearing the coat. Colin demonstrated. I died.
- When asked what comic villain he would want to be, he said the Joker. This earned him a green candy. He ate it, though he also said he didn’t care for the candy. Colin, why.
- If he could have one mythical creature as a pet, it would be Cerberus. But the heads would be black Labrador retriever mixes. I’m starting to think Colin really loves his dog.
- At one point, Colin said he was having a lot of trouble with this, and that he was worried he’d say the wrong thing. The panel mod assured him that he was doing well. I felt bad for him, because yeah, this can’t have been easy.
- Colin was asked what his most ridiculous phobia is. Colin answered that he fears NOTHING. Except panels.
- When asked if he still talks to people from The Thing, he said a very firm but teasing NO - then proceeded to list a number of people that he does, in fact, talk to.
- Then there’s the beard... at the end of the panel, he said he can’t talk about it, but there’s a reason he has the ‘stupid beard.’ He really doesn’t like it, and it’s kind of hilarious that thanks to the strike, he’s kinda stuck with it for an indeterminate period of time.
And that’s all I remember. If you have more, please add to this post!
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catb-fics · 7 months
🎸 so many questions! None of the them like pineapple pizza. Whenever my boyfriend and I get pizza we always get a few slices of Hawaiian for my elderly neighbor in compensation for letting us use her storage unit. We messed with the boys two or three times making them think it was for them while their real pizzas were hidden. Hangry Bondy scares me.
I’ve never seen Van angry tho I’ve seen him deeply upset and frustrated a dozen times. I don’t believe much in zodiac stuff but we’re both fire signs and sure acted like it. He is so goddamn argumentative and stubborn. if he wasn’t a gentleman and never apologized I would’ve hated him. He’s such a Leo regarding being confident about knowing what he wants and how he’s getting it, being charismatic and having enough ego for 3 people. He can acknowledge when he’s completely wrong and is the most thoughtful man after. I was surprised and very happy that he knows to get flowers arranged at the florist at the supermarket before leaving. He told me a few days after a full blown argument “all men are arseholes. Those who acknowledge and do something about it are the ones worth keeping around. I love you and I’m sorry honey”. That’s the sweet boy I want him to be thought of as
Van and Larry’s bromance is stronger than ever. When I first met Van he talked to much about Larry and all they’ve done together that I thought they were gay. I asked if Van was gay and I don’t think I’ve anyone laugh harder in my life. Many people think Van’s not completely straight but he adores women much more 😂
He’s not coming back to social media. He only uses it for work now and to keep up with friends. I don’t know who Red is about tho he’s said “she hates me for it cos she’s married to the guy I was jealous of and has kids with him. Her loss”
I’m happy to answer questions the best I can 🤗
Here ya go anons who were asking questions….
Laughing at hangry Bondy being scary now that I can imagine for some reason 😂
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