#like no shit every time i put the scarf on i hear them telling me how important scarves are
omni-scient-pan-da · 7 months
A scarf is one of the most... Romantic isn't quite the right word? But I think a scarf is one of the most caring things you can gift someone I think
Like... Here, take this, stay warm, think of me while you wear it, I don't want you to get cold outside so please take this as a sign that I care about you and your well being
It's not something you really need to measure in order to see if it'll fit someone, and it's easy enough to find a scarf that matches someone's aesthetic I think and... Idk
I feel like it says a lot, but maybe I'm just sentimental
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neesieiumz · 1 year
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⸻ synopsis ⫸〖 when your home gets flooded out by a bad storm, it's only right for sheriff erwin smith to help you out, right love?〗
⸻ warnings ⫸ sm*t. fluff. minors do not interact. part ii of the gold rush anthology. sheriff!erwin. bar-owner!reader. canon-age Erwin. reader is in her late twenties, or early thirties, however, you wanna see it. afab reader. female reader. black-coded reader. soft-dom!erwin. fingering. squirting. titty-sucking. full-nelson position (yes, can you tell I have a fantasy that I really wanna do?) soft-dom!erwin. he's also really stressed out in this. he also calls you "love" all the time. he also calls you a good girl during this as well. friends-to-lovers. p*rn with plot.
⸻ writers note ⫸ lol much like reiner's this took me like two months to write. y'all better pray it don't take me that long to do eren's or we're gonna have a problem!! I just hope you all enjoy this.
⸻ word count ⫸ 7.0k.
masterlist. | previous part in the anthology | next part in the anthology |
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The bar was empty, the kitchen cleaned up, and all quiet as well. The air that once smelled of cheap beer and grease now began to fade into the smell of night dew and wet sand. You stood behind the bar, wiping down the few wet glasses to put away. Glancing out the door, seeing the moon and stars glowing against the midnight sky, sighing as your mind faded back to the events before. Back to the way Erwin and his men had rushed out of here. It has been chaotic for the people within this town. For the past two weeks, those bandits had been ravaging the town, escaping with no trace within the wind. You had overheard their frustrations from both the police force and Garrison boys and how they evaded their every movement. Wiping your wet hands against your dress, turning around to do a final count of the beer stocked behind you. It was a hassle, always being the last one, but you knew no one else could leave your bar the way you do. As you did so, you suddenly heard the door creak and swing open. Gasping, jumping in slight shock, grabbing the closest thing to you before a familiar voice hissed through the air. 
The very same man you were thinking about stomped right through the bar, face red, grumbling in anger. He wasn’t wearing his hat, probably left it at the office as he trampled on through. His bronze-brown vest was unbuttoned, showing off his buttoned-down shirt stained with sand and dirt stains. The smell of wet mud, rain, and sweat hit your nose but you said nothing as he made his way towards you, sitting right down at one of the bar stools. He let out a loud groan, reaching up, losing the scarf he tied around his neck. You let out a breath, not saying a word as you turned right back around, going to one of the beer barrels. Filling it with the one he drinks the most, before sliding it to him. Not missing a beat, he took the tall glass, downing most of it in one go.
“Thank ya kindly, love,” he said, slamming the glass down on the table. 
“Don’t go and break my glass, Erwin,” you joked, taking the glass and going to fill it. 
“My apologies, and no need for more, I’ll be too dizzy to head back home.”
You hummed, before lifting the glass up, sipping down the little you had already poured back into the cup. Erwin said nothing, watching as you licked your lips, shuddering slightly at the taste of the bitter wheat alcohol. 
“I don’t know how you boys can be drinking that shit all day,” a grimace took over your face. 
Erwin smirked, “it’s an acquired taste, could say the same thing about the fancy lil wine you’re always drinking.”
You rolled your eyes at that, smirking, “alright now Erwin..”
Rinsing and washing the glass, before taking the damp rag and wiping it down. Back facing towards him, you spoke once more. 
“Assuming from your attitude, you don’t have any good news about them bandits?”
Almost immediately, you could feel his mood dampen. He groaned, hearing sink further into the table. You glanced back at him, finding both of his large hands covering his face in further frustration. 
“I’m assuming that’s a no,” you said. 
He let out a softer sigh, before pushing himself up once more, looking at you as you shuffled around, still facing the back of the bar. 
“They’re tricky lil things, constantly evading my men,” he sighed, groaning as well as he sat up fully. 
“We chased 'em down to the big forest all the way out there, but we lost' em. Still don’t know how, not like there’s many places to hide up there. We even checked the big cave over there as well and all the possible trees they could hide in.”
Sighing, you placed the glass down with the rest of them before turning around and facing him fully. You leaned over the table, pressing your abdomen against the shiny wood. Using your free hand, you placed your pad on his cheeks, your longer fingers reaching his blond hair, while your thumb stroked his cheek. You could feel his smile form against your hand, smiling soon after that. 
“Kirstein’s been on my ass about finding them, they took a lot of his equipment and it was real expensive for him to buy new ones in the city. Told him to sell his wife’s jewelry and he looked at me like I got two cow heads.”
You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped your lips, thinking about Jean waving his fist over at Erwin, before speaking, “You can’t catch em all Erwin in one night, plus them robbers real sneaky too. First we’ve ever seen someone like this. It’ll be alright, m’kay?”
He nodded his head, and you soon moved your hand, lifting your body upright once again. He glanced around the bar, seemingly noticing that there was no one else there but him. He glanced over at you as you placed the wet rag on the rack hanging from the counter, before stepping out from behind it. Erwin watched you begin slowly turning off the lights hanging around the bar, dimming down all the lanterns. 
“Lemme walk you home, love. Can’t have you out here at night like this.”
You couldn't suppress your smile as you dimmed the last lantern, nothing but the low light of the moon peeking through the door surrounding, darkness swallowing you two whole. 
You sighed, walking back to the bar to grab your bag, “if by home, you mean the motel across town then yeah.”
Turning around, jumping at the sudden tall figure right in front of you. He peered down at you, eyes slightly wide. 
“What you mean by that, love? Why you staying in a place like that?” He asked you.
Letting out a shaky breath, and taking a step back. Erwin was close, so close that it had your heart suddenly palpated a bit, heat suddenly flashing through your body. 
“Um..” your mind went blank for a bit, before resetting, “that storm a few nights ago put me out, my roof and walls leaking so I grabbed what I could and ran down to the motel. Was soaking wet when I got there too.” You slightly snorted at that last part but Erwin’s face didn’t change at all.
“Now why didn’t you tell me about this? I could have helped you?”
You crossed your arms, taking a deep breath to help calm yourself just a bit, “and do what? You and the entire damn force were worried about those bandits. You know I don’t wanna be a bother, Erwin.”
His large, coarse came up to your face, pressing it against your cheek. Your heart kicked back up as he took a step closer to you, stomping over the distance you had put between the two of you. 
“Now you know you could never be a bother to me, love.”
You couldn’t help the smile, looking up into his usually icy blue eyes, hardened from years on the job, that now had a softened look to them. You couldn't help but use your free hand, reaching up and placing it on top of his own. The two of you smiled at each other, before dropping your hands at the same time. Erwin turned around, heading towards the opened door together. 
“I don’t feel comfortable with you staying in the motel, especially with these bandits running around,” he mentioned as he opened the door, holding it open for you. 
Sighing, turning around to lock up the bar, “well, what would you have me do Erwin? Everyone else I know is packed full, and I’m not going into the forest late at night. The carpenter’s are stretched thin with everyone else and won’t finish with my place until next week.”
You put your keys back in your bag, turning around to look at him. His face was lowered, eyebrows furrowed in a look of pondering as the two of you walked through the almost silent town. You could hear a commotion in the background, most likely people having their own get-togethers as well.  
“You could come stay with me. Until they repair your house of course.”
Your eyes widened, head swinging to look at him. The two of you locked eyes as your heart dropped for a quick moment. Stay… at Erwin’s place…? You shuffled a bit as you thought upon the idea, the idea of you two sharing a space for at least a week. Just for a quick moment, a flash of a much more, racy sight of him had your heart pounding a mile a minute. 
“I really don’t wanna put you out like that Erwin,” you spoke up, shuffling and looking away from him, trying your best to be still with your beating heart
Cool hands reached out to your chin, pulling your head up to look at the 6’2 man. 
“Now what did I just say, love? You could never be a burden to me, and you could never put me out.”
With no other words, his other hand reached out, sliding your bag out of his hands before swinging it over his shoulders. He began walking ahead of you, taking a few steps before looking back at you. He jerked his head, motioning for you to follow him. With no other words, softly smiling as you turned and walked towards him, the two of you walking in step as you walked through the town. Despite the sheriff's office being in the center of town, Erwin preferred to live a bit of the way in the opposite direction away from the forest. He likes being near the main entrance of the town, just in case something happens. As you were halfway there, a large gust of sudden cold wind blew past the two of you, causing you to shiver a bit. Your arms crossed each other, your hands stroking them to create some kind of heat. Erwin must have noticed your actions as all of a sudden, you heard a ‘plop’ before a weight fell upon your shoulders. Looking around, you saw the jacket Erwin was wearing draped across your shoulders. You looked up at him, noting him pointedly not looking back down at you as he continued walking. You let off a small smile, snuggling into the warm jacket, sounding off a soft “thank you” before continuing to walk behind him. 
The two of you soon got to his home, a simple two-story house given to him by the townspeople, a thank you for all that he does. You followed behind him as he fished for his keys out of his pockets, unlocking the door and pushing it open as he did so. He gestured for you to enter his home first, stepping out of the way for you. Soon after, he walked in behind you, closing the door behind you as you stood in his dark living room. He carefully slid past you, his hands reaching out to your waist to stabilize you easily as he walked over to a corner. Soon the room began to illuminate, allowing you to look at the quaint and simplistic living room. There was barely anything in the living room, a simple couch, a table along with a record sitting in the corner. Erwin straightened himself before turning around and walking abc towards you. 
“Let me take you to where you’ll be resting your head, love.”
He took you by the hand, causing you to gasp as he took you towards the stairs, which you hadn't noticed right near the front door. He guided you up the stairs, your bag still sitting and swinging on his shoulders. Coming up to the second floor, he took you down a hall before pushing a door open. You tilted your body behind him, peeking into the place where he led you. It was a bedroom, presumably the place where you would be resting your head for the next week or so. It was simple, a bed on a wooden stand with a night drawer right beside it. You followed behind him as he placed the bag right onto the bed before turning around. 
“This is one of the guest bedrooms, mainly for Levi whenever he comes into town, but he’s busy working on another case.” 
You blinked, nodding along as he explained where some of the things are. 
“The bathroom is the door right here,” he said, gesturing to the only other door in the room. 
There was also a huge dresser, instead of a closet which was fine as well, better for you since you wouldn't be staying for long anyways
“There’s one more guest bedroom down the hall, but it’s unfurnished so it's just full of boxes. So the only other room you’ll see up here is my own room.”
You turned towards him smiling, eyes welling up with tears of appreciation, “thank you again for this Erwin, you really didn't have to.”
He approached you, his long arms reaching out holding you on the shoulders, “how many times do I have to tell you, it's not a problem, love. Now, make yourself at home.” He said, before letting your shoulders go. 
He gave one last smile, before walking towards the door, opening it, and walking it out. The moment he left, you let out a sigh of relief, fanning off the sudden heat of nervousness from your face. You crossed the room, sitting on top of the bed before reaching for your bag. This was all you had brought with you when you left your home, most of your things water-damaged from the storm. You unzipped it, before sifting through all your clothes and things before pulling out a few night dresses that weren’t damaged. 
The rest of the night was uneventful, taking a shower to wash off the smell of alcohol and food on my body before slipping under the cool sheets. Despite the obvious unused in the room, the sheets still smelled fresh, like they were recently cleaned. You smiled, relishing in the soft feeling, unlike the itchy blankets over at the motel. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── ·
It had been three days since you had taken solace in Erwin’s home, and the two of you found yourself in comfortable waters so easily. At first, it was nerve-wracking being in such close proximity to him, but you soon found it easier the more he reassured you. He had shown you around in the morning after you had arrived, before personally walking you back to the bar to open up for the day. He would meet you at the end of the day, even if he had night duty, to walk you back to the house as well. His pure actions and gestures only made you yearn and pine for him more. 
As you stood in his kitchen, the bar closed up early to account for the sudden curfew the mayor had just put out. You knew Erwin was working hard and late nights, you would hear him come in late at night sometimes, your mind only tuning into his heavy footsteps creaking against the wood floors before falling back into your heavy sleep. And like clockwork, he would get up at the same time as you, to walk you to the bar. He would come in when it closed to walk you home before heading back to his office as well. You knew it was weighing over him, all this responsibility to bring peace back to your town, where more and more people were coming in from the city to experience the rush happening all over. 
You glanced over to your left, out the window, where you could see Erwin’s form hunched over, barely illuminated by the light inside the home. Sighing, you closed the pot of stew you were brewing, wiping your hands cleaning with a wet rag before walking out, towards the door. The breeze was blowing slightly, sand sifting out in the distance. The scenery in front of you was enjoyable, much more than what your own home would have to offer. The slight rancid smell of smoke pulled you out of your thoughts. Turning towards your right, seeing the blonde man hunched over the railing, a cigar in one hand, a glass of brown liquor in the other. 
“Those things’ll kill you, Erwin.” you spoke out, cutting through the slice of the night. 
His head turned slightly towards you, eyes staring right back at you. He smirked, lifting up his cigar before taking another hit. 
“This stress’ll kill me before these things do.”
You rolled your eyes, walking towards him, taking the space right beside him. The cigar smoke only smells stronger, so you knew this wasn't his first one of the night. He leaned back suddenly, throwing back the rest of his bourbon, pressing his half-burnt cigar into the railing, making another of what seemed to be numerous burn marks. Glancing behind you, at the small little area Erwin had set up on his porch, you found the bottle of bourbon along with a pack of cigars and another empty glass. You took a step back, grabbing the bottle and the glass before standing right beside him again. You poured yourself one before pointing the bottle towards Erwin, who looked down at the bottle, before holding his own glass out. You poured halfway to his cup, before placing the bottle on the railing beside you. 
You turned back towards him, tipping your glass towards him, and Erwin immediately clinked it with yours. You took a sip while Erwin basically downed the whole thing once more. Pulling the glass away, a scowl appeared on your face as you looked at the drink. 
“I still don’t know how you people drink this type of shit,” You spoke, reminiscent of when you took a sip of beer a few days ago, leaning down again the railing, holding the glass with two hands. 
He chuckled, shuffling closer to you, leaning over the railing as well. 
It was silent between the two of you, just taking in the scenery at the moment. The wind was blowing just a little harder than before, the air smelling just a bit humid from the past storms tormenting the town. You could see the Kierstein ranches in the distance, along with the forest where your friend and coworker lived as well. 
“Tell me what’s on your mind Erwin, you know I’m worried.”
His chuckle lightly echoed through the almost empty home, facing straight as he pushed himself up, “Hange’s been on me about getting these bandits. Luckily it seems they’ve stopped for now, but we still can't find whatever they’ve stolen. Towns ‘n a riot.”
You knew about the last part, as many angry men walked into your bar, cursing out both the thieves and Erwin for not finding their missing things. You were only lucky that your bar still hadn't been hit yet, but you couldn’t say the same thing for the other bars and pubs around town. You’d honestly never have seen anything like this, the way people have only confirmed three people yet they were able to flip a huge town like this on its head. You move your hand on his face towards his back, rubbing and caressing him trying your best to provide some solace. 
“Cut yourself some slack Erwin, there’s only so much you can do in this. I’m sure you are doing all you can.”
He only sighed, leaning back fully, looking up towards his ceiling, “but am I doing enough? There’s something I’m missing in this.” He shook his head, hand reaching up and basically slapping his forehead. 
“Fuck, I got a nasty headache,” he mumbled, before suddenly sniffing. 
He blinked, eyes furrowed in confusion, before turning back towards you, “you cooking something?”
You blinked, before the smell of char hit your nose, causing you to jump straight up. Squeaking as you raced inside, throwing the door open before running back to the kitchen. You reached the stove, grabbing the pot before moving it to an unused burner kneeling down, disconnecting the gas. You could feel Erwin’s eyes on you as you lifted the pot, sighing in relief as the smell of strong spices and herbs fully filled the air instead of a charcoal-burnt smell. Slowly you turned towards Erwin, locking eyes with his slightly concerned ones. 
“Want some soup?”
He smiled before standing up, you tried to tell him to sit down, as you didn't want him to do any to aggregate his said headache even further but he didn’t listen to you. He crossed the kitchen before standing right behind you, placing his hand on your waist as he reached up to the cupboards.
“‘Scuse me, love,” he said, opening the cupboards to bring out two bowls. 
His large hand rested right on your waist, letting an almost silent shaky breath as he squeezed it, bringing down the bowls to your level. Your hyperawareness only caused you to ache down there, your thighs squeezing together as he placed the bowls down on the counter. He helped you prepare the dishes, washing his hands before he did so. He grabbed the silverware along with two glasses of water as you ladled the food into the bowls. The two of you carried the food into the living room, rather than the fancy little dining room Erwin barely used. The two of you sat right next to each other, eating away at the late-night dinner you made. 
You did your best to keep Erwin’s mind off of work, and it seemed to have worked, the tense furrow on his brow reposting as you spoke of the latest gossip between the townsfolk, what you would hear day by day. How one of your long-time patrons’ had suspicions of his husband cheating, only for his husband and best friend to roll in two hours after he left. People have a lot of audaciousness is what he said after you told him about that. 
The soup you cooked soon disappeared between the two of you, along with the glasses of water as you spoke way into the night. Erwin had brought in the bourbon he was drinking, and the two of you shared the bottle, diluting it with water of course. You don’t know how it happened but the space you had put between you and the tall man had slowly decreased. Your thighs touching, shoulders grazing each other, the two of you unconsciously getting closer. 
“Oh, you got a little something here, love,” Erwin suddenly said, cutting into your giggles. 
Before you could say anything, his hand suddenly reached out to your face, his large hand cupping your face. 
With a slight sharp inhale, you could only look over at the side, seeing his thumb rub away at stains you had not seen from the corner of your eye. Erwin rubbed at it a little harder, but it seemed the smudge wouldn’t go away. He moved closer to you, leveling eye contact with you as his rough hands finally cleaned off the stain. By then, his face and you were so close together, your noses were barely touching. You let off a smile, thanking him for the help. He only smiled at your face, but his hand still rested on your face. Breathing deeply, as you closed your eyes, the scent of his sweat mixed in with his cologne, the smell of smoky vanilla bourbon, and cedar wood, along with the smell of blackened cigar smoke. It didn't deter you though. You could feel his presence get closer to you, the heat of his face radiating into your own. 
You opened your eyes just in time as Erwin closed the gap between the two of you, pressing his lips harshly against your own. You gasped, the sudden intensity catching you off guard, the sudden pressure causing you to stumble back a bit. Reaching up to him, one hand reaching up to his shoulder and the other resting right underneath his jawline. He tasted savory, the lingering taste of your late-night dinner still on his tongue. It didn’t deter you, in fact, you only pushed against him, your panties beginning to soak as his arms reached around you, wrapping and picking you up with ease. He placed you right on his lap, his other hand leaving your face, sliding down your hips to underneath your bottom, cupping it before squeezing gently. 
You suddenly let go of the kiss, lips wet as looked down into his blue eyes, which seemed deeper in color than usual. His usual cerulean blues now looked more like royal blue as you pressed your hips against him. You could feel his hard-on pressing up against your panties underneath your thin dress. Your hands reached, running them through his blonde hair. He smirked, lifting his head to look up at you.
“Erwin,” was all you said before he kissed you again.
You were much more ready for his kiss, accepting it with equal pressure. Unconsciously, your hips began to move above him. His gentle squeeze turned brutal as you rutted into him more, your juices beginning to seep into his rough jeans. Your hands soon left his hair, sliding down his neck, your delicate touches only causing him to shiver against you. Your manicured nails soon reached down to his shirt, the first few buttons unfastened already. Unbuttoning the rest, your hands grazed over his muscles, over every ridge and every scar from years on the job. He shivered under you, letting go of the kiss for a quick moment. 
“So fucking long,” he groaned, moving up against your ear, “I’ve waited for this.”
Before you could say anything, Erwin cut you off, pressing his wet lips behind your ear, trailing down to your neck. Steadying yourself, digging your nails into his side as he reached your collarbone, nibbling away at it. The aching within you only growing, and sweat beginning to drop down your back, seeping through your thin dress. His head soon dipped to the valley between your breasts as your own hands slid down to his jeans, fiddling with the belt that held them up. Erwin’s large hands left your bottom, reaching under before grabbing at the fabric. 
You could hear a stretch, the sound echoing through the room as you gasped, lifting your head to glare at the sudden cool air breeze against your back. 
“Erwin! I really liked that dress!” 
He only chuckled, seeing the rest of the scraps falling off your body, leaving you and nothing but your drenched panties. He only groaned at the sight, his hands leaving you as they shrugged off his vest, unwrapping his scarf. You assisted him, gliding your hands underneath the sleeves of his shirt, before sliding the shirt off his body. Once off his body. You threw the shirt into an obscure corner, before facing him again. Erwin thumbed at your panties, hooking underneath the waist and thigh band before slowly pulling it down. Your arousal dripped as you clenched around nothing, resting your naked body against Erwin’s half-naked own. Gasping as cool air hit your clit as he pulled your panties down fully, your nails digging into his biceps. The around you was hot as you lifted your legs up as best as you could, helping him slide the clothing off fully of your body. 
Seeing as you were fully naked while Erwin was still in his jeans, your hands gently brushed down his arms, reaching to his belt before slowly beginning to unbuckle it. At the same time, Erwin leaned down towards you, lips pressed against your neck. Hands fumbling as you shivered, the feeling of his trailing down your neck, towards your chest. His own hands slide up and around your waist, sliding up your abdomen before reaching your breasts. His large hands reached your breasts, pushing and massaging them. His lips soon wrapped around your hardened nipple, before sucking away at it. 
“Fuck,” cursing and gasping as a rush of euphoria shot through you. 
The fingers on his other hand squeezed your other nipple slightly, just enough to increase the inciting feeling rushing through you. Your hands slide up, grazing against his slightly scarred back, reaching into his soft, blonde hair before gripping harshly. The sensitivity in your nipples only amplified as he sucked at it. You let out long breathy moans as he teased you, letting out a particularly high-pitched moan as he suddenly pinched and moaned at your free nipple. Soon after he let up, the cool air hit your wet nipple before moving his attention to your other one. His hand slid back down your body, sliding in between your legs, before slowly parting your thighs, revealing your drenched cunt. His long fingers slipped in between your folds, swiping up and down in between them before slowly pressing his finger against your clit.
“Erwin,” you gasped, pulling on his hair, causing him to groan, lips still wrapped around your nipple. 
His finger continued to press and slowly rub circles into your clit, collecting the juices that continued to seep out of you. Your hips ground against him, your body aching for more, something else to fill the need trying to build within you. Erwin’s actions taunted you, his finger slipping in between your folds, the tip of his finger teasing the entrance to your hole. Your back curled as he slowly, ever so slowly, pressed his fingers inside of your, your arousal making it easier for him to slip inside of you. Your hips jerked and buckled, craving more and more stimulation. As he moved his finger, his mouth let go of your nipple, before resting his head right on our shoulder, lips lined up with your ear. 
“More,” you cried, burrowing your face into his shoulder. 
He only chuckled, his raspy chuckle only rousing you further, “you know you have to relax for me,” he mumbled. 
Taking a breath, you tried your best to, release the hold you have in his hair, sliding them and crossing them behind his neck, holding him close. 
“That’s it,” he murmured, before pressing another finger inside of you, “open up just for me.”
The stretch was slightly painful, but as quickly as the pain came, it went. You cried out even louder against his ear as his thumb pressed against your clit. Erwin’s fingers moved up and down inside of you, just as he began to nibble and kiss along the outer part of your ear, his heated breath only causing you to shiver and shudder against him. You tried to move your hips along the movement of his digits before a loud smack rippled against your skin, the pain heated so gratifyingly against you. 
“Stop moving,” his voice was harsh, it caused your heart to skip a beat. 
You trembled in his hold, but his voice commanded you, taking charge as your movements suddenly slowed down to a complete stop. 
“Good girl,” he groaned before continuing his actions. 
You could only whimper as his words, combined with the increasing pace of his fingering only caused the aching feeling building within you to surge and skyrocket. You basically drenched his fingers as he made his way with you, fucking you with his fingers while playing with your clit. Letting a high-pitched moan, you curled over, forehead resting right against Erwin as heat surged up and built within you. Your already quivering body trembles further. 
Suddenly, before you could reach that high peak, Erwin suddenly pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you shivering, cold and empty. You couldn't help but whine in his arms as he lifted his hands up, his two fingers and his top knuckles covered in your arousal. He soon pressed his hand against his lips, tasting your juices before licking his fingers clean. Once finished, his now-free hand joined his other, gripping your ass. Without warning, he suddenly stood up, his grip around you only tightening to keep you up in the air as you shriek, your arms tightening around his neck and shoulders. 
“Erwin—” you shrieked as you were lifted up into the air. 
Below you, you could see his pants and boxers pooled around his ankles before looking up to look at him. With no warning, you leaned towards him, capturing him into another kiss as you could feel him lifting the lower part of your body up, readjusting him and yourself. You melted into the kiss, your arms sliding back to allow you to hold his head between your heads. His usual cleaned-up hair was messed up, slightly drenched with sweat. Saliva was exchanged between the two of you, tongues swirling within each other's mouths. 
For a moment, you let go of his kiss, lips still pressed against him as you whispered, “I need you inside me, please, please, please, I can’t wait anymore…”
Erwin didn’t say a word, only enrapturing you into another kiss. Eventually, you could feel the tip of his hard-on pressing up against you, parting your inner labia. You let out a restrained moan into his mouth. With no other warning, he pressed on, overwhelming you even further. You abruptly let go of the kiss as you let out an impassioned cry, tongue falling out of your mouth as you brace yourself. The intensity had you convulsing within Erwin’s arms, your shaking legs easily held together by his strong arms. You could hear Erwin grunting and letting off heavy groans as he began to bottom out into you. His motions started off slow, just like his fingering actions before, allowing you to get used to his large size. The heated pressure around adding on to the sweat dripping down your body as Erwin began to move. 
“Fuck,” he cursed in your ear.
“Erwin,” you called out his name, laying your head on his shoulder as your face twisted in intensity. 
He grunted against you before speaking lowly into it, “Move your head, wanna— fuck— wanna see your pretty face.”
His voice was thick and sweet, like the most delicious chocolate cake, it coaxed you, as you moved your head, your locs brushing to the side as you gazed into his blue eyes. His pace quickened, the wet smacks echoing through the room, adding volume to your already thunderous moans. It was overwhelming, Erwin was overwhelming, a man who commanded the space around him, you couldn't help but succumb deeper and deeper to his glamor. He ravished you, his restraint breaking more and more as he savored your expressions, your sounds, and even the way you smelled. Your juices leaked all over the both of you, his hips plunged into you, the tip of his cock hitting your very core. The two of you bring out the best and worst in each other. 
You cried out his name once more, your body lurching against him, “Erwin, ahh—” You were suddenly cut off by your own lewd moan, dripping in lust. 
Erwin let off a deep groan disguised as a chuckle as he felt you involuntary clenching around him, the sudden tightening pushing him to a whole new level. His once strong-rhythmic thrust became erratic in nature. 
“You gonna come for me, love?” He groaned in your ear, the grip he had on your ass bruise-worthy. 
Nodding your head erratically, you only had a moment’s reprieve before your climax came rushing at you at full speed.
“Aaaahhh,” you threw your head back in ecstasy as you went still for a moment, everything tensing over as your orgasm washed over you. 
Erwin wasn’t letting up, as overstimulation began to set within you, your recently mind-numbing orgasm not helping you. You could do nothing but hang off for Erwin as he basically used you like a fuck-toy until he had reached his own peak. With a few final grunts, you could feel him spilling inside of you. The room now only echoed with your heavy breaths. Slowly, you opened your eyes, looking at his drenched blonde hair before using what little strength you had to pick up your head. The two of you locked eyes before breaking out into soft smiles. The two of you placed soft kisses on each other, as he turned around before slowly lowering your connected bodies on the couch. He slowly lowered you there before easing himself out of you, a slight hiss leaving your mouth as he did so. You grimaced as you felt your mixed fluids beginning to ooze out of you. You bent down, picking up your panties before sighing at the scraps of your dress on the floor. 
The two of you cleaned up, with you walking around in Erwin’s shirt while he stood in nothing but his boxers. He helped you put away the soup, and clean up the bowls you used. Once everything was clean, he dimmed out the latent, swallowing you all in darkness as you waited for him by the stairs. You could see his presence right in front of you, before squealing as he suddenly picked you up, bridal style. 
You wrapped your arms around him, before speaking, “you always gonna pick me up like this?”
He hummed, as he made it to the top of the stairs, shifting his body towards his bedroom door. He easily opened it with one hand whilst still holding you up. His room was quaint, with not many decorations, the few you could see were mainly photo frames of him and his team of police officers. Erwin laid you comfortably on the bed, however before he could walk to the other side and join you. A loud knock echoed through the house, jolting the both of you. You looked over at Erwin whose relaxed expression now took on a more hardened one. He walked over to his dresser, grabbing a pair of sweatpants before slipping them on. 
“Stay here,” he told you, seeing as you were beginning to push yourself off the bed. 
His words were stern and clear, so you sat back against the bed, watching him exit the room. Outside, Erwin walked down the stairs before eyeing his front door. Besides him, he reached into a drawer to pull out his gun. He slowly walked towards the door, slowly placing his hand on the knob before looking through the peephole. Erwin saw the familiar figure, relaxing as he opened the door fully. 
Standing on his porch was his secretary, a person he was not planning on seeing until he went in for work the next day. 
Erwin placed the gun on the table near him,, “almost thought you were someone else, what are you doing here?”
She let off a little awkward smile before handing him a file, “for you, sir.”
Erwin blinked, before taking the file and flipping through it. The familiar notes and words had Erwin furrowing his brow.
“This is the Kierstein report… Jaeger was supposed to get this for me, yesterday.”
The secretary shrugged her shoulders, “you know Eren was never going to get it done, especially when it comes to Jean. So it was either get it done or get Jean on our ass again.”
Erwin sighed, smacking the file against his head slightly, the migraine that had gone away slowly returning as he thought about his most ambitious officer. 
“I’ll have a few words with him tomorrow, get home, go get some sleep.” He called out to her, beginning to close the door not before hearing a noise, resembling a giggle coming from her. 
“Oh I’ll definitely get some sleep tonight, I wonder if you will as well.”
Erwin stopped in his tracks, turning back towards his secretary before seeing her point toward his chest. Erwin glanced down only seeing small red and purple bruises littered all over his neck and upper chest. His secretary could no longer hold back their giggles, muffling them with her hand as Erwin felt a flush of heat run through him. 
“Just, just get home.” He said sternly, before slamming the door shut. 
He waited until he heard steps leading away from his porch before letting out a breath, leaning against his door for a moment.
“Erwin,” your sweet voice called out.
He looked up, seeing you standing at the top of the stairs. He could see the light from the hallway illuminating, allowing him to see you standing there, still in his shirt. 
“Everything okay?” you asked, beginning to take a step down. 
He nodded his head, before placing the file on his living room table and heading towards the stairs, “Yeah, just someone dropping off a report, I’ll be up soon.”
You nodded your head, fiddling with the buttons before slowly turning your body. He could only stare as you slowly unbuttoned each and every button, before slowly lowering the shirt, revealing the top half of your naked body. You said nothing, only giving him a knowing smirk before walking to the right back to his own bedroom. 
Erwin glanced over at the report, before looking back up the stairs where you had just stood before him, enticing him. With no other thought, he left the report on the table before scaling up the stairs, making it to his bedroom, and shutting the door behind him. 
taglist: @kanekisfavoritegf @daisynik7 @where-the-blackbirds-sing @nathalunalune @secretanimesimp @kentucky-fried-me @levin4nami @liv-vy @mortqlprojections @invisible-mori @desiray562 @liliorsstuff-blog @sophiiluvvs @magictrump @ventdavi154 @ircngirl @lostinbeidou @missmadness123 @introvered-violinist @dior-fawn @saway4ma @reallongwire @nerdy-simp-7120 @stareatceiling @ehveerivv @zzg0d @custard-exe @phillygraves @rapsgoddess @pumpkin-toffee @theemrsjaeger @sharkiebarkie @jnsa-17 @itmightbejo @chile-im-embarrassed
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mood-2017 · 4 months
initial thoughts after finishing the first three episodes of the atla netflix adaptation bc I have thoughts in my brain (contrains spoiler)
first, things I really liked and appreciated so far:
the cgi looks GOOD, the animals actually look like they belong in this world
the bending looks insane (it actually has impact other than.. yk)
combat choreography and costume design is also a 10/10
idk a lot about score but I like what I hear lol
story progression is also interesting, of course they had to combine 2-3 episodes worth of information to fit their format and I feel like they put a lot of thought into that (it's more of a 50/50 tho)
starting the show with the air normad genocide was cruel but it really set the mood (I may have cried over that one aang and gyatso scene)
the actors actually look like the kids they are portraying
got nothing to complain about zuko, iroh, suki, zhao, etc.
I actually think that they portrayed zuko very well with him being very grumpy and goal driven but also has his awkward moments
I still have hope that they bring out irohs personality more
next, the bad and the ugly oof:
line delivery and interaction between the main characters feel a little stiff and awkward (might get better idk but where is the chemistry??)
I'm sorry but they sucked the life out of katara. If I didn't know the original character, I would find her really boring?? No hate to the actress tho, the lines she was given are just not it imo she did what she could with what she had
NO relationship building between katara and aang?? (they basically cut every important scene of their relationship out? like her being the one who breaks aang out of the ice, her being the first person he sees, her being the one calming him down after he goes into avatar mode at the southern air temple and probably more that I missed) > kind of makes me think that they're actually gonna go for zutara and idk what to feel (we all saw that scarf scene)
still don't know how to feel about them introducing azula, ty lee and mai so early? why introduce them so early when you already have to cut so much from the original to fit the 8 episode format? (their actresses slayed tho)
pacing lacks now and again and makes the flow a bit awkward (probably bc of how compressed it is)
I feel like the adaptation relies on the knowledge of their viewers who know the original a lot, especially when it comes to the main characters bc if this was my first introduction to atla I wouldn't feel connected to any of these characters YET
mind you, I still have 5 more episodes to watch so maybe this will turn around idk
I'd give it a 6,5/10 SO FAR but only bc I'm SO attached to the original so therefore I'm probably not as open minded as someone who hasn't watched the show 17 times
the original is a near perfect show and I think everyone knew, that there was nothing that the adaptation could do much better but you can still tell, that the people behind the scenes have a real passion for the original so I still appreciate everything that turns out better than the movie that shall not be named
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naivesilver · 2 months
Tumblr media
@lizardthelizard please forgive the unorthodox method of response, but Tumblr was, as we tend to say, a fucking bitch - also, I'm sorry, this might be the little shit in me, but my first reaction upon seeing this request was "why not both?" ashkdhaljskfhlkjaf 💗
Kid/Parent Dialogue Prompts
6. "How did you grow up so fast? Yesterday you were still my little baby..."
(Related, of course, to my very self indulgent EAH Uncle Wick AU 😊)
"Uuuuh, guys?" Cedar ventures, unsure of who exactly she has to address at this point. "Why can't anyone tell me where we're going? Is it another secret dance? Because it's going to be fairy hard for me to spoil the secret, if I'm already going down there with you."
She hears repressed giggles around her, which confuse her even more. "Nothing like that, I promise," Raven replies from somewhere to her left - the blindfold makes it hard to pinpoint the exact spot, but Cedar can feel her friend holding tight onto her hand, warm and familiar. "Just a little surprise."
Cedar's plenty used to surprises - learning things at the very last minute is pretty much the norm, when you can't help but blurt them out otherwise - but they don't often focus on her, in truth. She doesn't think Raven, Maddie and Cerise would lead her astray just for a laugh, and it's not like they can go very far; the chaos surrounding them can only belong to the Book End village, as familiar as it can be grating. She should be safe from nasty tricks, strictly speaking.
Still, none of that is enough to make her relax completely. "Alright, but where are we going? I feel like I'm walking my feet to splinters."
"We're here!" Maddie announces cheerfully. "Are you ready?"
Cedar is, in fact, very far from ready, but she only manages an unconvinced mumble before she is made to stop abruptly and the scarf is pulled from around her head. Her eyes don't need time adjusting to the sudden bright light as much as real ones would, but she's still so taken aback that for a moment all she can do is look up in confusion at the area around them, the clear sky and the top of the Mad Hatter's Tea Shoppe.
Then a man's voice says, "What, no warm welcome for me?"
Cedar gasps, glancing down in a second - though not much further down, it has to be said. There is a fairy familiar figure standing in front of the Tea Shoppe, tall and slim and grinning broadly at her, though he has his hands buried deeply in his coat pockets, as if he were pretending not to be all that invested in her reaction.
There is a beat of shocked silence; then Cedar throws herself at him, shrieking in joy as Lampwick drops the facade and wraps his arms around her, lifting her up as though she weighed nothing. "Uncle Wick, how- What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever after!"
"That's exactly why I'm here, sprout. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye when you left for school, so since I had some business in the area I thought I'd swing by... And I asked your friends to help me set this nice meeting up, to see tha' sweet shocked face of yours."
He presses a kiss to her cheek that makes her snicker, before putting her down with an exaggerated huff. "How did you get so big in so little time is beyond me- I coulda sworn you were just a green bud last week, and now you're almost as tall as me."
"That's never going to happen, Uncle Wick." Undeterred, Cedar clings to him like a lifeline, though she turns to smile gratefully at her friends, who are standing a few feet away to give them space. Maddie looks fit to burst with excitement, and Cerise seems pleased under the brim of her hood, but it's Raven that appears the most self-satisfied, regarding them with a proud smirk and her arms crossed against her chest.
And she has every right to act so, Cedar thinks. There's a good chance this might be the best weekend she's had since the beginning of the school years - she always knows exactly when and where she might see her father and grandfather, but Uncle Wick is as slippery as an eel, here one day, gone the next. To have him on hand like this, so unexpectedly... It beats every encounter she made on Yester Day, that's for sure.
"Still, we gotta water your roots some, kiddo." He ruffles her curls with fond cheekiness, then makes a broad gesture that encompasses them all and the building behind them.
"Let's go, girls. Tea's on me for everyone- let's see if the old Hatter is still as good as I remember, shall we?"
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deada55 · 9 months
A Night In
for kloktober day 6: comedy or tragedy
synopsis: Dethklok, the #8 economic power in the world and the most decorated all-female death metal band the world could imagine, has a night in.
fun stuff: some slight nickles, less ambiguous skwisface.
tws: lots of puke.
When Pickles sawed off the top half off of the chip bag,  she left the greasy silver ring on the countertop. 
“Hey, you know those, those uh,”
Hopefully, the res on her fingers wouldn’t have a taste, but she interrupted herself to lick barbeque chip cheetle off of them like she wished it would. She bit underneath her nub-nails to get every last sticky-salty bit.
“Those neck traction things you and Stina keep talkin’ about?”
“The what?” Natalie could barely hear over her own chewing, arms full of freshly-washed celery. Munchies and being on a fitness kick didn’t mix, but it was working out pretty well. Her teeth were like a whale’s, like a striped cornfield of celery strings trapping themselves in her teeth. 
“The neck traction sling. Around your head? With the… the door?- Hey, wanna take a shot with me?” Pickles poured two shots of Everclear without waiting for an answer, leaving cloudy streaks on the outside of the bottle. Natalie was always good for it, and Pickles poured without expecting an answer.
“Neck traction thing?” She sucked celery juice back into her mouth through her teeth. Real cute, Nat.
“Yeah. What if we got two of ‘em and you used ‘em like a bra?”
“Pickles, that’s fucking brutal. That’s fucking great.”
“Yeah! Like for an album cover?”
“Yeah- Oh my god, I love celery-”
Natalie’s eyes were agate pink and she was put away celery like she worked at Walmart. “Even if it makes my tongue numb.”
“Dude, your what?”
“My tongue hurts when I eat it but it’s so good. Allergy or something.”
Pickles shook her head. Natalie wasn’t the type of person you oughta talk your feelings to, even if they were good. She took things a little far, she was selfish, she was haughty, and Pickles loved being her friend. Even without saying it, Pickles liked to believe Natalie thought the same way. She couldn’t ask, but she could watch them scarf celery in the same sweaty clothes she’d worn at the bar, with stringy hair and mascara raccoon-eyes. 
“Here.” She put the glass into Natalie’s hand. “Ready? Three, two, one-” Dink it and sink it, without even a choke. 
“Aw, shit, we shoulda tried the arm thing. Where you… you link arms?”
In the other room, Murderface shouted above the sound of The Bachelorette, “Jesus fucking Christ! Trana!” Like it was a recording, there was a response in perfect time, hysterical, mucus-y and loaded with “more” yet to come:
“Stops yellings at m-me!” 
“Trana, Trana… sits up, come ons, sits up,” The lilt in Stina’s voice was martini-high and impatient but way better than Wilma’s furious monologue of grievances to no one in particular, describing how Trana was fine one minute and covered in puke the next. Trana leaned over and deposited some more on the floor in front of her. It wasn’t uncommon. The running theory was that Trana just couldn’t hold on to that much liquid at once. Compared to the rest of the band, Trana had a tendency to be messy, but her tolerance was fine compared to any other girl her size.
Pickles and Natalie did some eyebrow lifting until Natalie cracked up. Natalie closed the distance and got all up in Pickles business, speaking low through giggles: “Hey, Pickles. Pickles. What if we go watch The Little Mermaid in your room?”
Natalie swallowed the lingering plant mass in her numb mouth and dropped her shoulders when Trana started to cry and Murderface started telling her to “clean this bullshit up!” 
“Shit, we gotta check on her, don’t we?” She’d already stepped towards the sound.
In the living room, Stina was trying to tie up what dry hair Trana had while she was trying to move forward and slump to the floor. “Shh, Trana, stays right here where you are, don’ts move, stops-” 
Through sobs and belches, Trana started to mumble, “Ok, I cleans it up, I can dos it, I need…” still spitting up mouthfuls. 
Natalie grabbed her from behind by the armpits to scoot her back onto the couch. Luckily, Trana didn’t fight this time. Pickles put a stray trash can in Trana’s hands and rested a hand on her wet forearm, which was a horrible mistake, but taking her hand away wouldn’t make it smell less like Trana-puke. It didn’t scare her: when Natalie moved Trana back, Stina moved back to sit fully on the couch, providing space for Pickles to perch on the coffee table right in front of Trana with her boots sitting in the puddle of pink, wet flakes.
“Hey, don’t worry about it dude, relax... Wilma’s full of shit.”
“I’m what?! Are you seriousch?”
Pickles whipped her head to the side to talk to Wilma directly. “Yeah, I sure am fuckin serious! Dooya really think she can do that right now? Jesus Chriest!” 
“Look at this schit!”
“Dood, we pay people to clean it up!”
“Oh, yeah… Wait, not until the morning!”
“And?! Get a fuckin’ towel to cover it like we always do and keep your fuckin’ shoes on!”
“Stops,” said the metal trash can sitting on Trana’s knees. Pickles turned her attention back for a moment to shush her, putting one hand on the trash can to keep it from spilling on her if Trana suddenly stopped holding herself up. Wilma sucked her teeth.
“Sure, sure, I’ll keep my damn shoesthchs on when you shtop talking about my ‘crusty cliffhangersh’-”
“AYE. DOHN’T. DOO. THAT! Get it right! Fuck! Fucking listen to who talks to you, are you deaf?-”
 Stina uncrossed her legs and let her hand fall from Trana’s shoulder to her the small of her back, and looked over her shoulder at Wilma, interrupting Pickles.“Look, Murderface, I’m stop talking about yous fucking toes when theys am look normal-”
Trana moaned and heaved up a short splatter. “Aw, sees what they dos to Trana, look at hers!” Stina started to rub her back again until Trana leaned towards her… 
Natalie came back into the room like the smell of toast at the start of an aneurysm, and there was an awkward silence save for Trana sighing and coughing until Natalie cleared her throat.
“ ‘Sup?”
She froze up looking at the coffee table with eyes so thickly glazed they may as well have been strawberry-flavored donettes.
“Whats, Natalies?” 
“What’s whats? Which whats?”
“I said whats Natalie! You am not makings any sense, ‘ ‘sup, fuckings’...”
“Hey…” Trana interrupted, taking her head out of the trash can. The wet front sections of her hair were stuck to the inside of its metal walls, and she grew fidgety. “I’m… I think I wansts go to bed, please.”
Pickles reached forward towards Trana. “Ahlright, Wilma, can you-”
“Oh fuck no! You can’t just dump her on me this time.”
Pickles could have smacked her, if it wouldn’t send her ice skating in sick. “Jesus fuck, Murderface! Shit! I just wanted to ask you to take the damn trayshcan, that’s all.”
“I’ll help her get inside of hers room. I need to change clothes anyway.” Stina got up and Natalie took her place beside Trana, pulling all of her brown hair back, committing herself to dirty hands. With the trash can placed gently on the ground, Natalie held Trana up with an arm around her back, which seemed to be the only dry part of her. Trana was better on her feet than Natalie expected, and they walked up the stairs together.
To avoid breathing too deeply through her nose, Natalie scratched around in her mind for some small talk. Trana reeked of chunky, pink pineapple juice and cheese. Something wet and bready squished under Natalie’s fingers as she led Trana around by her waist. “Trana, you hear me?”
“You have to stop drinking like this. At least give us a fucking warning, ok? We-”
“Natalies, I fucked up with the wines, ok? I knows what I’m doins-”
“Yeah seriouslies! Only serious, total confidensk, I’m, I’m so smart Natalies, you have nos ideas how much. You…”
“Trana, you are smart, ok?”
“Yeah, I ams! I’ve.. am so smart!”
“Pick up your feet.”
Stina didn’t want to hang around Trana’s mess and went off to her room, followed by Murderface. Higher than the motherfucking night sky, Pickles kept watching the Bachelorette from the floor in front of the coffee table. 
“Stina, is it really that bad?”
“What’s really that bads?” She always looked phenomenal, laid up in an old bra and a pair of plaid cotton pajama shorts. She changed just in case any lingering traces of Trana were stuck to her. Wilma struggled to keep her eyes up in Stina’s hair. They kept falling into the gap of Stina’s cup and thinking about how warm her breasts might be…
It made the topic at-hand more embarrassing, but she’d think about it for weeks if she didn’t bring it up. Fuck, she’d probably obsess about whatever Stina said anyway. Trana was always kissing Stina’s feet, but Wilma definitely was a victim to the appeal.
“Uh, my toes.”
Stina moved the guitar off her lap and looked off towards the corner of her throw.
“No, it amns’t horrible. You just need diffterent sandals.”
“That’s what’s ams cliffhangers. When your toes am over the fronts.”
“You’re just jealous since you rolled your ankle-”
“Ams no one jealous of fuckings… platform flip flops. Eugh.”
Wilma laid on the foot of the bed on her back, flipping through the contacts on her dethphone while Stina practiced until she noticed the sound getting less crisp and less regular… Stina’s head drifted back before her fingers stopped moving, and she fell asleep with her mouth open.
Wilma slid off the bed slowly, but not softly enough to keep Stina from snapping back to life and twitching her fingers over the strings again. “Where yous going?”
“To bed.” Wilma’s chest got as tight as a shrunk grow-a-dino sponge with a sudden awareness of the size and shape of her shadow across Stina’s bedroom floor.
“-If you wants to. You can stays here, too.”
Wilma laid down where Stina patted the bed, closer than she expected. She slept alongside her, fluttering with validation and buzzing with fantasy.
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astrowaffles · 1 year
The Mrs Tachibana Incident
General Audiences | Fluff, Megumi & Gojo being little shits
“I can walk,” Megumi huffed. “Stop pushing me.”
“I’m being encouraging and supportive,” Gojo argued, moving Megumi along. “And you’re late, so speed it up.”
“It’s not my fault I’m late,” Megumi complained. “And we’re late every day, I’m pretty sure she’s used to it.”
“Who’s used to it?”
“Mrs Tachibana.”
“Who’s she?”
��My teacher, Satoru, who you met. Yesterday. At parents’ night.”
“Ohhhh, is that who she was? I had no idea.”
“I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.”
“Kidding? I never kid. I genuinely had no idea who she was.”
“That doesn’t reassure me. At all.”
“Why not? I was being 100% serious.”
“That makes it worse.”
OR: meeting the teacher, feat. Megumi hating his life
Whether it was Gojo popping in to ‘borrow’ the hairdryer, or Tsumiki on a mission from Gojo to straight up steal his extra strength hair gel, Megumi was used to never being alone in his room. Even when Gojo was out or Tsumiki was at a sleepover, he still never felt alone, as Gojo had set alarms on Megumi’s phone using his own voice.
“Time to get up, Megumi~!” Megumi’s phone chirped. Megumi debated throwing it out the window.
“I heard that alarm, Megumi~!” Real Gojo yelled from the kitchen. “Get up before I throw you out myself!”
Megumi threw his phone at the wall as a compromise, unrolled his bedcovers, set his feet on the floor, and tried to get himself to move.
“Life sucks,” he groaned, shuffling slowly towards the door. He could already hear Tsumiki’s phone alarm going off; not Gojo’s voice, but a terrible pop song that made Megumi want to tear his ears off. He almost wished Gojo hadn’t bothered buying them phones, just so he was still allowed to get up far too late for school and didn’t have to hear Gojo’s annoying ass first thing.
“Hiya, Megs!” Gojo beamed as soon as Megumi set foot in the kitchen. “Ooh, rough night?”
Megumi put a hand on his bedhead defensively. “It’s genetic.”
“Suuure it is,” Gojo nodded. “And that’s why Tsumiki gets the exact same one.”
“We’re not related.”
“That’s the point,” Gojo said. “It’s all down to how you sleep.”
Megumi stared at him; Gojo laughed and turned back to the frying pan he’d left unattended. “You nearly had me commit a crime, Gumi. Be more careful next time.”
“The crime of burning my pancakes?”
“Bingo! Get the plates, would you?”
“I can’t reach.”
“Fine, then watch the pancake.” Gojo slid away from the pan and manoeuvred Megumi into position, snickering at Megumi’s expression. “Don’t look so hard done by, you just have to watch a pancake cook.”
“Why are you putting me, a child, in charge of this?”
“I’m literally right here, it’s totally allowed,” Gojo reasoned. “Besides, no-one considers you a kid. Far too cynical.”
“I’m not cynical, I’m realistic.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Gojo waved him off. “Do you know where Miki is? She’s gonna be late…”
   In the end, Megumi managed to only be ten minutes late for school, and that included the time Gojo took to fuss over him like he did every morning. After Gojo was satisfied with how Megumi’s scarf looked and how spiky his hair had been made, he pushed him encouragingly towards the school building like Megumi was a small child who wouldn’t leave him alone.
“I can walk,” Megumi huffed. “Stop pushing me.”
“I’m being encouraging and supportive,” Gojo argued, moving Megumi along. “And you’re late, so speed it up.”
“It’s not my fault I’m late,” Megumi complained. “And we’re late every day, I’m pretty sure she’s used to it.”
“Who’s used to it?”
“Mrs Tachibana.”
“Who’s she?”
“My teacher, Satoru, who you met. Yesterday. At parents’ night.”
“Ohhhh, is that who she was? I had no idea.”
“I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.”
“Kidding? I never kid. I genuinely had no idea who she was.”
“That doesn’t reassure me. At all.”
“Why not? I was being 100% serious.”
“That makes it worse.”
“How am I magically meant to know who your teacher is? No-one ever tells me this stuff.”
“You got a letter at the start of the year.”
“I never read those things.” Gojo shrugged, opening the door and stepping aside to let Megumi through first. “There’s no point to them, they’re meaningless.”
“Well, the point to them is that you’d know who my teacher is.”
“Hey, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Peace and love, Megumi-“
“Mr Fushiguro?” a voice interrupted, stopping Megumi’s retort.
“Mrs Tachibana?!”
“Kinda weird to refer to a kid as ‘Mr Fushiguro,” Gojo commented.
“I wasn’t talking to him, I was talking to you,” Mrs Tachibana corrected.
“Oh, well, I’m not called Fushiguro. Don’t you have a file or something?”
“Maybe somewhere, but I don’t have total access to it. I just wanted a little chat; do you have time?”
“Sure, sure. I’m made of time.”
“Thank you. Megumi, you can hurry along to class now. You’re a bit late, I’m afraid,” she smiled, gently ushering Megumi along. “You’ll see your … friend … after school.”
“I’m his guardian,” Gojo objected loudly.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Megumi said, nervously eyeing the two adults. “Satoru can be a little-“
“No, no, you don’t need to worry about me,” Gojo waved. “Have a good day, Megs. Bite some bitch- oops.” He quickly covered his mouth with his hand. “I didn’t say that.”
Mrs Tachibana sighed heavily. “Well, at least I see where Megumi gets some of his habits from. Step this way.”
It was a bit of a struggle to curb his pace so he didn’t overtake the teacher, but Gojo managed to follow her obediently down a strangely ominous corridor after saying goodbye to Megumi. Was this what school was like nowadays? He’d never been, he wouldn’t know.
“In here.” Mrs Tachibana opened a side door and ushered Gojo through. “Feel free to get comfortable. Tea?”
“No, thank you,” Gojo declined, resisting the urge to sit up straighter. “I prefer vodka.”
Mrs Tachibana glared at him.
“Alright, alright, professional face on,” he backtracked, hands up in a ‘surrender’ gesture. “Tough crowd.”
“We’re here to discuss your … ward?...’s wellbeing, Mr Gojo. I ask that you take this seriously.” She sat down opposite him.
“No need for the question,” Gojo prickled. “He is my ward. Actually, I’ve adopted him, so son. He’s my son.”
“Yes. Hmm. You look very young.”
“Thank you, would you like my skin routine? Some of the products may be a little pricey, but I always say quality over-“
“That’s quite enough, Mr Gojo. That was not a compliment. How old are you?”
“I see. And are you Megumi’s sole guardian?”
“That’s me.”
“Hmm,” Mrs Tachibana said again. She didn’t say anything after that for quite a while. Gojo began to get nervous; he’d never really thought about it before, but he’d been leading quite an anti-social life.
“Megumi is quite a bad influence on the other children,” she said, finally.
“Oh, is he?” Gojo wasn’t actually that surprised; Megumi was a bad influence on him, and he was a grown man. “What’s he been doing?”
“He has set up a gum trading business.”
“Has he? That’s actually quite smart, I wonder- I mean, oh, that’s terrible. Is it?”
“It is.”
“Why’s that, then?”
“We do not allow children to bring or earn money to or at school,” Mrs Tachibana recited. “Nor are they allowed to take money – or anything else, for that matter – from the other children.”
“So, if he’s not allowed, how’d he managed to do it?”
“We have asked him to stop multiple times.”
“Did you consider taking his gum off him?”
“We have. We have also removed his ‘earnings’-“
“Woah, woah, hold it. You’re taking his money?”
“We return it to the children, of course.”
“But they keep the gum they bought?”
“If Megumi has chosen to distribute his gum, that is his choice, and-“
“He sold his gum. If they get their money back, he should get the product back. That’s how refunds work, even forced ones.”
“That is not the point, Mr Gojo,” Mrs Tachibana said hotly. “We ask that you speak with Megumi about his behaviour and don’t let it happen again.”
“Yeah, yeah. Is that all?” Gojo yawned. “I have better things to do than have you tell me I’m raising my son wrong.”
“I am not criticising your parenting at all, but we do have certain rules-“
“And that’s why you commented on my age?”
“Megumi simply needs a mature role model who will tell him what is right and wrong.”
“You mean, tell him he can’t earn money from his chewing gum?”
“I see.” Gojo thought for a minute. “What will happen if it doesn’t stop?”
Mrs Tachibana didn’t answer that with anything more than a glare. “I ask that you speak with Megumi at the next opportunity.”
“Yeah, well, he’s kinda in school at the moment, so. Thanks, I think?”
“You are most welcome. Thank you for your time, Mr Gojo. I hope to see an improvement in Megumi soon.” She stood to open the door. “Call me anytime if you have questions.”
“Of course,” Gojo agreed, knowing full well he didn’t know her phone number. “Nice meeting you, Mrs Tachihara.”
“It’s Tachibana.”
   “So, are you gonna tell me to stop selling gum?” Megumi asked.
Gojo swung their joined hands back and forth between them. “What? No. And you know what else? Your silly teacher told me I was too young to raise you.”
“What?! But you’re old and wrinkly! Who thinks you’re too young?!”
“Exactly, that’s what I- Megumi! You wound me!”
“Good. I hope it hurts.”
“Fine then. Stop selling gum on the playground.”
“But Satoruuuuuu-“
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
if you have a moment, I'd love to hear about eddie's kinks 😊🥵🤷‍♀️ - 🐠
challenge fucking accepted nonnie.
I limited myself to a top 5….enjoy!
🔥friday night fever!🔥
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eddie munson is a kinky little shit okay but here we go…
ok ok like c’mon you’re gonna tell me eddie is NOT a bondage king? pls.
I don’t think he brings it up right away though. I think it’s more subtle with it, wanting to ease you into it before he’s showing you everything (and showing you that even with how good it already is, it could always be better). I think he’d be pretty grabby from the start, and the first few times you fuck, he’s pinning your wrists above your head — only after you say it’s okay, of course — and grinding down into you.
I even wanna say that he wouldn’t say anything about it until you do, curiosity getting the better of you after seeing the chains and cuffs literally dangling from his wall. like c’mon…but he’d get a little giddy when he sees that you’re intrigued, maybe even grabbing them off the hook and letting you handle them, maybe he lets you put them on him, shows you how to unlock them, just tryna reassure you that you’re not gonna get stuck or anything like that.
but once you agree, then it’s game on. he loves it. the first time he cuffs you, hooks the chain connecting your wrists around your bedpost, and eats your pussy until you’re flooding his mouth and nearly suffocating him with your thighs. it’s fucking blissful, and it gets him rock fucking hard.
and it’s not just you getting restrained either. no, no, eddie gets off on being the one tied up just as much as he does when he’s tying you up. having you loom over him, your body just out of his reach, hands straining to touch you, having to just sit there and take it, accept the pleasure and let hide brain shut up for a while, it’s more addictive than any drug in his stash.
eddie likes to bite, 1000000%
like, he’s touchy to start, always with an arm around your shoulders or waist and his face pressed into your neck, but he nips like a puppy. every kiss features his teeth sunk into your lip at some point, or grazing your pulse, or sucking bruises into your collarbone. he likes to look, afterward, likes to see the evidence of his affections spelled out on your skin, even more so after he’s just fucked your brains out.
and it’s definitely not just your neck. oh no, he leaves bites everywhere he can reach. the insides of your thighs and the curve of your breast, right beside your nipple when he’s feeling feisty. the first time he ate you out from behind you couldn’t sit comfortably for a week cuz he’d left so many bruises on your ass, both hickies and handprints.
it’s like a roadmap, in the morning, a way for his brain to pick out all the little scraps of memory. he drags his eyes — and lips — over each mark and remembers, remembers the little noises you made, remembers how your back arched, pushing you closer to him as he worked you over.
and just like being restrained, eddie takes as well as he gives. your teeth on his skin sends a thrill through his blood, finding the marks you’ve riddled his neck with gives him an odd sense of pride. where you’ll moan and groan at him about how you’ll have to wear a turtleneck in the middle of summer or a scarf indoors, eddie likes to show off his marks. he likes having an arm around your shoulders and that pale neck on display, bruised six ways to sunday from your lips.
voyeurism/public sex:
like………ed’s a bit of a menace to society, to a degree, and he knows it. he thrives on it, SOMEWHAT (everyone has their limits, hunt the freak was like a knife to the gut) but that being said, the idea of having you right out in the open, where someone could catch you at any point? it makes him hot.
he’s definitely the type to drag you under the bleachers at the football game and have his way with you, your tandem moaning covered up by the sound of the marching band and the cheerleaders. the van is definitely parked in the starcourt parking lot (even after the mall burns down) with his bandana tied around the handle of the back door. he’s definitely had you sit in his lap when you’re wearing a skirt and snuck his hand between your legs. he’s asked for handjobs at the movies (and gotten them). and that one time you went out on a double date with steve and his flavour of the week, eddie definitely pretended to be asleep on the ride home and shoved his head under your dress. 
the only place he doesn’t chance it, though, is at the trailer. he’s got too much respect for wayne to subject his uncle to that. sure, he’s definitely fucked you in the kitchen and on the sofa and the floor of the hallway when you both got back from a party too plastered and horny to make it all the way to bed and got naked halfway between the front door and his room. but eddie cleans up after himself, and if he knows wayne is either ending his shift or asleep down the hall, he keeps things confined behind closed doors.
this probably goes hand in hand with having you beg, probably with the restraints, but eds likes to be in control, to a degree. not completely, he likes you to have some way of gaining the upper hand occasionally, and you usually catch him off guard with it which makes him hot as hell, but he likes to be the one with all the power, just for a moment.
so holding your orgasm over your head like a carrot on a string, yeah, that gets him off. that gets him off good.
especially when you’re strung out, writhing on the sheets beneath him and begging him to let you cum. he never does it the same way twice, always some patterned combination of his mouth, fingers, cock, leaving you wanting for more and making his chest puff like nothing else.
eddie please baby I need it so bad I want you so bad please let me cum eds please oh my god fuck oh my god
yeah, he likes it when you beg for it, and he likes watching your body, likes seeing your muscles tense as you start to chase the pleasure he offers, but then he’s taking it away just as quickly, licking his knuckles clean while your hips lift into the air.
he can do it for hours, wringing multiple orgasm out of you, dragging you up to them slowly but surely each time, letting you get close enough that there are tears in your eyes before he pulls back, but he always lets you have it, in the end.
oh my god eds, you’re so good.
eddie deserves all the praise in the world to begin with, gentleman and incredible human that he is, but hearing it from you definitely get him going. knowing you like what he’s doing, it makes his brain go a bit fuzzy when he hears you moaning for him, dripping more when he repeats the motions that dragged the words out of you to start.
right there, oh my god, how are you so good at this? jesus christ eddie I’m gonna— it has him rutting into the bed when he’s facedown in your pussy, hips picking up pace but hitting the same spot when he’s deep inside you, knuckles curling when he’s got his hand between your legs. hearing any sort of praise from your lips automatically kicks his senses into high gear.
the first time you call him a good boy? he nearly cums on the spot.
it spurs him on. it makes him wanna do more, be better, be everything he can be for you.
you use it to your advantage, especially when he has to repeat senior year. the first paper he gets back has a C+ on it, and it earns him a purred that’s my smart boy, eds. his next essay is a solid B.
I have a taglist! if you’d like to be tagged in future works, please fill out this form!💕
eddie munson tags: @steadyasthe-flowers @trickstersp8 @nightthou @bluestuesday @a-hopeless-fan @billyhargrovesprincess @h-ness1944 @princessbby3002 @detectivecarisi-1 @kbakery @hannyhoe @murnsondock @dixontardis @tsismymother @dnxgma
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double dare, m | ksj, knj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader x namjoon — also yoongi x reader, implied ot7 x reader
summary: Kim Seokjin calls to issue a challenge. A (double) dare, if you will. He says you can't take two dicks at once. Kim Namjoon, his roommate, argues that you can. Well, you never back down from a dare, especially when it involves Seokjin and Namjoon.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, low-key horny crack + chaotic energy; smut (fem reader, doggy, threesome, slight D/s dynamics, mild restraint, nipple play, finger sucking, fingering, double penetration); non-idol!AU - ot7 x sex friend!reader, focusing on Seokjin and Namjoon in this one :D (cough with some Yoongi)
'journey (to the dick)' au aka you as the main character in harem hentai and BTS is your (horny af) harem
“What? Ah, f-fuck!”
“I need you to get over here. There is a particular matter that needs to be discussed,” came the very serious, no-nonsense tone from your phone, speaking rather sternly for someone who called you three times in a row and forced you to answer in the middle of your, ahem, dick appointment.
You were holding the phone in one hand and your other was on the bed, fingers clutching the sheets, jerked forward periodically with firm, hard thrusts.
Someone was shouting behind the one on the phone.
“I told hyung that you could take dick in both holes and he doesn’t believe me!”
You immediately recognized that deep, sultry voice in the background. Still, you needed to address the accusation first.
“Kim Seokjin,” you panted. “What the fuck?”
You could hear his exaggerated eye roll. Well, you couldn’t, but you could, you know?
“Namjoon thinks you can take dick in the pussy and the ass at the same time,” Seokjin spat as if that was utter bullshit. “And that’s just not possible.”
Smack! “Why–” Smack! “Would–” Smack! “You–” Smack! “Think–” Smack! “I couldn’t – mmm, fuck, yes right theeere, fuck, so deep and so hard, ugh, you’re so good…”
Seokjin continued like you weren’t in the middle of getting fucked right that very second.
“Because, okay, you could take some small dick, sure, but us? Us? Come on, you totally couldn’t.”
“That was absolutely absurd of you to say so, Kim Seokjin,” you snapped, your words curling into a lustful moan as a firm hand pushed the small of your back down, forcing you to your elbow, leisurely spanking your ass hard with his open palm, keeping you on the edge, so close to hitting your peak but not quite there, thrusting steady but rough.
The headboard was hammering the wall at the same deliberate pace.
The neighbor who lived on the other side of the wall was cursing again.
“Are you both going to be home?” you gasped out, all of your muscles tensing. Almost…
Seokjin snorted. “Pfft, obviously, we are human beings who sleep, you know–”
“We’ll see about that.”
You hung up on him.
“I gotta go.”
Surprisingly, the deep, husky voice behind you actually responded.
“After this one.”
“You asshole, you are holding out – a-ah, wait, oooooooh, fuck!”
"I took a shower, Yoongi helped me clean all my bits, I dried my hair, went back home to put on a fresh dress and you're fucking ASLEEP, KIM SEOKJIN, WHAT THE FUCK?!"
“Zzzzzzz – guh!”
Total chaos as you threw yourself onto Kim Seokjin’s lap, disturbing the perfect image of self-proclaimed Worldwide Handsome laying on the couch covered with a fluffy white blanket and squishy alpaca plush with a red neck scarf tucked in his inner arm, grabbing said plush and smacking him with it repeatedly as Seokjin lost his shit, flailing about and throwing his arms over his head, wailing at you to stop. His roommate, Kim Namjoon, was unabashedly cackling like a lunatic behind you.
“You–” FWOOP! “Bossy–” FLOOP! “Pillow–” BOOP! “Princess!”
“Namjoon, h-help!”
“Hell no,” Namjoon snorted in laughter. “I’m having a great time watching.”
“First you doubt me, then you fall asleep on me, what’s next, you–”
Seokjin grabbed both your wrists, thinking he had won, already cheering for himself, only for you to plant your tits right onto his handsome face, his nose jammed right into your cleavage because of the sweetheart neckline of your red lace dress, hot breath warming your chest, brown eyes wide, grip on your wrists lessening in his shock. You yanked your hands out and clutched his head, sinking your fingers into his black hair, violently muffling his half-squeal, half-moan with your breasts, blaringly obvious that you weren’t wearing a bra because your prominent nipples were already hard and creating stiff peaks under the fabric, poking him incessantly in the cheeks.
You gasped as another pair of strong hands grabbed your forearms and made you release Seokjin’s head, forcing them up and your back to arch. A deep voice dipped down to caress your ear, not paying attention to Seokjin who did not detach himself from your tits.
He was making the most of it while you were distracted.
“Woah there, what do you think you’re doing?” Namjoon drawled, grip tightening, bending your arms back, elbows up, pressing your wrists to your upper back. “That’s not a punishment.”
You tried to breathe but Namjoon’s heavenly deep voice was taking your breath away.
“You know what punishments are.”
He pressed your head back, leaving your arms the way they were, and Namjoon’s sultry eyes appeared, half-lidded brown orbs completely visible because he had cut his hair very short now, dark gray-brown and spiked up, cocking an eyebrow at you. You whimpered at his gaze, suddenly feeling hotness on the curve of your breast, lips pressed to one of your nipples, and then wetness closing in, sucking you through lace and satin, the short flared skirt rising because of your spread thighs, but there was too much fabric between you and Seokjin’s hardness, the blanket and pajama pants and boxer briefs, so frustrating, about to lower your head to rectify that, but Namjoon’s palm pressed into your chin, fingers closing in around your cheeks, immobile.
“Where do you think you’re looking?”
Every time Namjoon smirked, one of his dimples peeked out at you. Ugh, so sexy.
“I… I’m s-supposed to be punishing Seokjinnie…” you gasped out, feeling said man’s teeth nicking at your nipple through your dress, his large hands closing in on your waist, pulling you closer, causing you to bend back more, unable to escape Namjoon’s grip and gaze.
Namjoon tilted his head, amused. “Yeah? Were you so, so mad that hyung wasn’t awake so you could show off how well you can take it in both holes?”
You didn’t want to whine and be pathetic, but Seokjin’s mouth and hands were all over your breasts and waist, pinching you through your clothes and sucking on the hard nubs, rushes of pleasure clouding your head and making you forget your defiance, remembering all the things Namjoon liked, like when you were so drunk on sex that you just gave into him, now whimpering and opening your mouth, your tongue sliding out, feeling him shift his palm, Namjoon’s finger leisurely tracing your lips. Your tongue followed, licking the pads of his fingers, rolling your body into Seokjin’s mouth, wanting to grab his shoulders but not letting yourself do so because Namjoon hadn’t allowed you to do so yet.
He liked you bad, but he also liked you obedient.
“W… Want it…”
You felt Namjoon’s other hand tangle in your hair, fingers molding to your scalp, sliding two of his long fingers into your mouth and making you suck on them, your eyelids fluttering as he fucked your mouth with his fingers, rubbing your tongue, pushing your arms down, your name growled by that deep, deep voice.
“Look at me.”
You fixated your eyes on Namjoon’s stern expression, shuddering as you felt Seokjin push the sleeves of your dress down, scooping out your breasts, moaning as his lips touched your skin, hot tongue teasing your hard nipples and you couldn’t tell him to do more or less, trapped by Namjoon’s fingers in your mouth and his hand in your hair, tugging at it lightly so you sucked his fingers like a cock, vision hazing out at the helplessness of it all.
Voluntary helplessness, to be clear.
“You want it? You had Yoongi-hyung fucking you earlier and now you want more? So dirty and so insatiable,” Namjoon taunted, not meaning it of course, because how could he mean it when he too wanted it all, knew you were insatiable and loved it as much as the rest of them, addicted to the feeling you gave him, pushing your head down, fingers still in your mouth. Seokjin raised his head, black hair, large brown eyes, pink lips lush and full and gorgeous, meeting the image of fingers sliding in and out of your glossy lips, your eyes glassy and reflected in his.
Namjoon pushed his fingers apart, opening your mouth.
Your tongue lolled out, swiping around his knuckle, staring into Seokjin’s eyes.
“F… Fuck…”
The oldest was dirty-minded but resistant in showing it, clenching his jaw, weakening as your fingers danced up his arms and you moaned his name messily between Namjoon’s long wet digits, tits pushed up by the neckline of your dress straining under them, knowing your sensuality was irresistible and infectious, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, pulling him closer.
“I still… don’t think you can take us both at once…” he breathed, staring into your eyes.
You smirked, Namjoon’s fingers sliding out, saliva smearing onto your chin, the taste of his skin on your tongue.
“Only one way to find out.”
And you leaned in and kissed those perfect lips, soft and passionate kiss, wrapping your arms around him, fingers splaying over his back and in his hair, his name trapped in the kiss, sudden hardness pressing to your back, breaking the first kiss and turning your head to be trapped in another, full lips commanding the lip-lock, two different hands on your breasts, Seokjin and Namjoon toying with them, the rush of pleasure only just beginning.
“Whose face am I looking at?”
“Obviously mine,” Seokjin scoffed. “Do you even have to ask?”
You gasped. “But Namjoon is so handsome.”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but you want him to make you look at him, so that completely defeats the purpose of being forced when the default is you facing him.”
“Also, hyung thinks he’s the most handsome,” Namjoon chuckled, tugging your dress off, kisses across your chest as it left your body, hands travelling to push your panties down.
“No,” Seokjin choked, affronted as you moaned and gripped Namjoon’s shoulders, enjoying his powerful grip. “I am not that self-centered. I just happen to like how I look very much. Namjoon is very handsome, capable, and intelligent.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
Namjoon shoved a finger inside your wetness, making you stumble into the sofa, raising your leg to place it against Seokjin’s naked thigh, almost falling if it wasn’t for your ass being suddenly grabbed by Seokjin’s firm hands.
“You are still clumsy, Namjoon,” Seokjin sighed, lowering you slightly to look over your shoulder.
You reached back and held onto the sofa, Namjoon’s mouth on your nipple and his finger in your soaked pussy, thrusting deeply to match his swiping tongue, maddeningly slow but rough, so dangerous, losing your mind at the leisurely pace, trying to buck your hips to get more but Seokjin’s hands were preventing you.
You heard the oldest huff and make a disapproving tongue click.
“Not like that. She likes it faster than that.”
Namjoon knew that. Obviously.
Your eyes widened.
He smirked around your nipple as one of Seokjin’s hands left your ass.
“Seok– oh, fuuuck!”
You gasped as you felt another finger enter your dripping pussy, another finger of a different hand, stretching your walls and a different pace, faster, your eyes rolling back, head hitting Seokjin’s shoulder, but either he didn’t notice or didn’t care, your moans in his ear, Namjoon matching the rhythm, oh, shit, they were fingering you together, Seokjin from between your legs from behind and Namjoon from the front, the backs of their hands slick with your juices, Seokjin’s other hand still squeezing one ass cheek and Namjoon’s other hand on your waist, his mouth on your breasts.
“Come on, I know you’re close,” Seokjin muttered, exhaling hard. “I can feel your pussy sucking me in, asking for dick already.”
He was not normally one for dirty talk, but sometimes Seokjin let himself got lost in the lust, lost in the moment of your throbbing walls and shaking body, moans of their names tumbling from your lips, filling up their living room with obscenity and depravity, thrusting in unison, loud and wet and heavy breathing blending with your sound, pushed to the edge, thighs tensing, electricity flashing throughout your nerves.
“Namjoon, Seokjin, fuck!”
Wet squelch, sweet gush of your juices soaking their hands, your eyes rolling back, yelping as Namjoon’s hand retreated and Seokjin stuffed another finger in you. You didn’t need to say it, one glance at Namjoon and he could see it, harder, hyung, she can take it, gasping as Seokjin obeyed and Namjoon's wet fingers pressed onto your throbbing clit, wild howl at the contact, sparks of sensitivity because it was right after your orgasm, heat at your neck from Seokjin’s cheeks, his teeth finding your shoulder, biting it, maybe from his realization of how crazy this moment was or in the heated moment of wanting to feed you even more pleasure, but the sharp unexpected pain only hiked your moans, Namjoon rubbing your clit as Seokjin shoved his fingers into you hard and fast, the angle a little awkward but there was so much going on that it didn’t matter, already there once again, obsessed with the overabundance of ecstasy, I’m cumming, fuck, Namjoon, Seokjin, a-ah, clit engorged and pulsing strongly to Namjoon’s punishing touch, words jumbled and woven with breathless cries, orgasm crashing down and soaking Seokjin’s hand once more, thick and sweet and honey-like, viscous juices clinging to your inner thighs, painted with your high.
Namjoon leaned in, silencing your shuddering gasps with his mouth, deep kisses and swirling tongue dazing you, aftershocks flinching through your torso as he pressed his fingertips to your jerking core, lowering you from the crashing waves, whispering darkly against your lips.
“We haven’t even started.”
Releasing you, and you were already turning around, meeting Seokjin’s gaze and his panting smile, kissing it, sighing contentedly in his touch, just something about those lips and his large frame surrounding you, something about the way he shivered when you sucked his breath away and drank it, almost innocent, but not that innocent, because the second your wandering hand found the condom on the sofa and pressed it into his palm, his lips curved into a teasing grin, nipping at yours.
“Already?” he teased.
You reached between you and him, fingers ghosting his length, smirking at Seokjin’s gasp, gazing at him under your lashes.
“You get hard from kisses, Seokjinnie.”
“I – gah, d-don’t…”
But he didn’t mean it, of course not, because he was humping your hand that was closing around his hot, hardening cock, stroking him slowly from base to tip, spreading the pre-cum over the sensitive head, his jaw clenching at the feeling, desire and need clouding his eyes, pupils blown-out, ripping open the foil packet, heavier exhales, staring into your eyes.
“You want to look at me that bad, huh?” he breathed against your lips, fishing for it.
You gave it to him, exactly what he wanted.
“Mhm, Seokjin, I want to look at your handsome, perfect face while you fuck my pussy and Namjoon fucks my ass.”
He sucked in a breath, caught in his throat.
“You’re crazy, but so, so hot.”
Eh, you’ll take it.
You moved your hand and he rolled the condom down, yelping as you captured his lips again, addicted to his kiss and his soft cries, his hand and your hand guiding his stiff cock to your quivering pussy, already saturated with slickness, spread knees and lowering body, sinking down onto him, moaning into his mouth and he moaned into your throat, suffocating each other with your noises, rolling your hips and breaking the kiss, both of your faces pointed to heaven with the true heaven between your connected hips, pleasure at being filled and doing the filling, his hands on your ass to push you down.
“Hyung, spread her ass,” Namjoon ordered behind you.
You pitched forward slightly, wrapping your arms around Seokjin’s shoulders, gasping as you felt him tug outwards, sinking his fingers into your softness, your lips pressed to his cheek, his sweet voice murmuring your name, filling you with warmth despite being exposed so vulnerably.
You inhaled deeply, breathing in Seokjin’s clean scent.
Then you flexed your asshole, tightening and relaxing the ring of muscle.
“Fuck, that’s so sexy.”
You gazed at him in your periphery, eyes widening as you realized Namjoon too was naked now, muscular body towering behind you, flicking open a bottle of lube and spreading it over his fingers, rubbing them together as they became shiny and slippery, catching your interested expression.
He smirked, dimple on display. “Ready?”
“I’ve been ready since I walked in the door, Namjoon,” you smirked back, enamored with his seductive dark brown eyes.
He chuckled.
“Nah, you were ready the second Seokjin challenged you and said you couldn’t do it.”
Oops, he got ya.
You gasped hotly, feeling his fingers press up against your tight hole, tracing circles and teasing you, pushing into your ass in the opposing rhythm of Seokjin’s rocking hips, your hold on Seokjin’s shoulders tightening, hearing him gasp with you, watching two Namjoon’s fingers dip in and snake into the tightness, both of them inhaling sharply at the sound, wet squelch and your wanton cry, your hips rocking into it, pleasure shimmering all over.
“T-That’s still not a dick,” Seokjin managed to get out, still stubborn but mixed with awe regardless.
“Gotta stretch her out,” Namjoon chuckled. “Don’t wanna hurt our good girl, right?”
Well, if you weren’t in euphoria before, you definitely were there now.
“N… Namjoon-ah…”
“Shh, I got you, just enjoy.”
You arched your back a little more, Seokjin sliding down to accommodate, slowly thrusting and gasping at the sensation, turning to him and intense kisses, needing to occupy your mouth, fullness in your ass and your pussy, whimpering as your felt Namjoon’s fingers flex, nudging your muscles to relax, core throbbing, clenching around Seokjin’s stiff length instead, so good, oh, yes, it was so good, his kisses and slapping your hips down, wanting more, already chasing more, intoxicated by the feeling of both your holes being filled.
You heard the bottle of lube fall to the floor and the slick sound of hand on hardness.
Shivers up and down your spine.
“Say it.”
You broke Seokjin’s kiss, gasping.
“Tell us that you want it,” Namjoon growled.
Drunk on the idea, commanded by lust.
“P-Please, Namjoon…” you breathed, eyes hazy and half-lidded, staring at Seokjin. “Want you to fuck my ass as Seokjin fucks my pussy. Want you two to ruin me.”
The brown eyes beneath you widened, mouthing, you’re crazy.
You grinned, Namjoon’s fingers buried in your ass.
“Told you, hyung.”
His fingers pulled out, pushing the small of your back down with his palm. One a second to mourn the loss and then your eyes widened, the thick head of Namjoon’s cock pressed against your ass.
Wait, maybe you should have asked if Namjoon could be in your puss–
Too late.
“Oh, f-fuck!”
You clutched Seokjin’s shoulders, digging your nails into him as slowly, carefully, Namjoon’s girth entered your tight, tight hole, still tight even through he worked you up and stretched you out, the lube helping him slip inside, your mind going blank, realizing that maybe you went over your head a little, but too far to turn back and, to be honest, you didn’t want to turn back, the fullness already too good to regret it, gasping as Namjoon gripped your hips, holding you completely still as he bottomed out, hot breath on your shoulder blades.
Your mind wasn’t so blank that you forgot to speak.
“Still…” you panted, slowly grinning at Seokjin’s shocked and stunned face, his jaw dropped as he felt and witnessed it. “Think it’s impossible for me to take dick in both holes?”
“Y-Y-You…” he sputtered, choking a little as Namjoon began to move, his scrambled words mixing with your lustful moans. “Are absurd.”
It was almost too much, but Namjoon did not let you command the pace, instead firmly keeping you in one spot as he nudged Seokjin to move, guiding you both expertly, groaning when you pulsated around the two dicks, able to feel the reverberations from the closeness, body to body to body, trembling from the overwhelming sensation, Seokjin thrusting up from below, his handsome face tense, panting with effort.
“Oh, fuck… it’s so tight… fuck, I can feel it, I can feel his dick fucking your ass, that’s so weird…”
You weren’t quite sure what he expected to feel. What did Seokjin originally think he was getting into when he called you? He was the one who had been touting their superior size! What did he think it would feel like–?!
“A-Ah, y-yes, there, like that, oh f-fuck, like thaaaaaaat…”
You forgot about questioning Seokjin’s brain, refocusing on the feeling of the consistent thrusting and depth of the two cocks, an almost melodic rhythm and substantial fullness. There was a sweet spot, right, oh, there, Namjoon’s hand flat against your back, his deep grunts of effort paired with each smack of hips to ass and Seokjin’s crotch to yours.
Oh, huh, were those loud, pitched moans resonating off the apartment walls you? But the ecstasy too high, too real, too good, so good that you seemed to forget that it was already very late at night.
Surely their neighbors would complain – was that part of your brand now? oops – but it seemed that neither Seokjin or Namjoon noticed or cared, pants and moans and groans and chasing carnal pleasure, irrational, wild, heads thrown back, lashes fluttering and lost in bliss, stuffing your tight, wet heat from both holes, kissing Seokjin sloppily before turning your head to make out with Namjoon, his teeth trapping your tongue and sucking on it, gargled moan and shaking body at the mercy of his iron grip, snapping back to Seokjin’s pillowy lips, juxtaposition of hard and soft, crashing pleasure and coiled constriction, letting go, orgasm overtaking you in shudders, not realizing you had been so close, their names falling from your throat between fucked-out, loud, blissful cries.
“Seokjin… Namjoon…”
Couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but peak in that gratifying elation, shivers up and down your spine, the lower half of your body throbbing and trembling, chin lowering only to witness Seokjin shutting his eyes and clenching his jaw, groaning out your name as he shot into the condom, jerking cock twitching inside you, vibrating front to back, no, that was Namjoon’s low hiss of your name, his fingernails digging in your hips he shot into your ass, your eyes snapping open, thick spurts of his orgasm so strong that you could feel his cock twitching deep inside, your pulse roaring in your ears, chest heaving, struggling for breath.
Feeling far too proud that they both came with you.
Namjoon’s sweaty chest hit your back, sandwiching you between that big body and Seokjin’s broad shoulders. Seokjin looked to be two seconds away from passing out from the ecstasy of orgasm.
“Don’t… question me… again,” you snickered, panting heavily.
Seokjin mumbled and shrugged, incoherent.
“I think he’s saying you could do this, but not the reverse of him in the ass and me in the pussy,” Namjoon clarified, kissing your shoulders with an amused chuckle.
“What?!” you roared.
“That’s n-not…!”
“We still have unfinished business.”
“Yoongi, I just got DP’ed last night. Have mercy.”
Kisses on your neck, lowering the strap of your bra, wrapping his arms around you, purring your name.
“I guess you can buy me dinner and we can watch a movie instead.”
“I have to buy?!”
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goldengoddess · 3 years
dating kaz brekker headcanons
request(s): Hi!! I loveee your matthias head cannons!!! If requests are open, can we get some hc’s of dating Kaz? / Dating Kaz headcanons? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
a/n: i’ve been scared of writing this because i dont think i can do kaz justice but i shall do my best 
warnings: cursing, teasing threats, kaz’s trauma 
kaz brekker is the definition of ‘touch her and i’ll kill you’ bf 
he's really protective 
even though he knows you could kick ass if you needed 
for a long time he couldn’t admit how much he needed you 
so instead of saying it 
he’d threaten anyone who looked at you wrong 
or he’d leave your favorite cake on your desk 
he never said it was him, but who else knew about your love for red velvet 
or he’d nudge you with his cane if he could tell you were having a hard day
he’d do everything but tell you he loved you 
so one day you sat him down 
all business 
you know 
speaking his language 
and told him that you cared about him and you wanted more 
you’d never seen kaz brekker smile so much 
after that things were different between the two of you 
but kaz insisted on keeping your relationship a secret 
because he knew his enemies could use you against him 
people who’d hurt you to hurt him 
you were his weakness 
and for your safety, he would admit it
but your friends obviously knew 
it was hard to keep the longing glances across the room hidden from a bunch of trained criminals 
“jesus fuck we know already, just sit next to each other i can’t take anymore of this”
jesper’s comment caused kaz brekker himself to blush 
but all of your friends loved the two of you together
they loved seeing kaz happy
and of course they loved teasing kaz 
“so brekker, have you gone soft now?”
“nina zenik i will bury you where you stand if you don’t shut up”
he’d only gone a little soft 
but all of this hiding was not good for a man like kaz brekker 
a man who got jealous like kaz brekker 
he’d stare bullets into the man talking to you at the crow club 
growling about how stupid he looked to jesper all night 
you could practically feel kaz’s glare 
you’d excuse yourself from the man trying to flirt with you 
striding across the club’s floor 
smug and smirking 
he’d roll his eyes at you 
“c’mon dirtyhands, admit it. you were jealous.”
he saved his most vulnerable moments for you 
laying his head in your lap as you both talked strategy
usually he fell asleep with your fingers in his hair 
he’d wake up embarrassed and a little shaky
some days were better than other with kaz 
communication felt like an obstacle the two of you never managed to overcome 
“saints kaz, just talk to me” you’d plead as turned away from you 
“get out.” he’d all but growl 
there were days he could touch you 
and days he couldn’t 
you knew he hated himself for it 
thought you deserved better 
better than this on and off panic he couldn’t control 
but you didn’t love him less
you didn’t need him to kiss you for you to know he loved you 
he’d rip a mans eyeball out for you if you needed it 
those bad days usually ended with the two of you sat on the floor together 
“i’m sorry” 
the first time he’d whispered it, you’d cried
because kaz brekker did not say sorry 
then you’d force him to stay up late
so you could remind him over and over 
that you loved him despite this 
loved the parts of him that couldn’t handle big crowds or touching 
he loved reading to you 
and you loved hearing him speak 
it woke you up and lulled you to sleep at the same time 
you liked sitting on his bed while he counted kruge at his desk 
he’s ask for your advice while planning heists
letting you in on his own underlying schemes 
if you ever got hurt while on a job 
his whole demeanor would change
and as much as you reassured him you were okay 
he would insist on cleaning you up himself 
every time he saw you flinch in pain 
his anger towards whoever hurt you would grow 
and that person would pay 
“i’ll kill them” he would mutter, wrapping the cut on your arm 
he called you angel 
it started as a joke 
a teasing remark as he gave your pointers on your fighting 
“put your arms up, i know you can do better than that angel”
it shouldn’t have stuck 
but it did 
slipping from his lips as he invited you to lay with him 
“come here angel”
it made your stomach flutter 
and from then on you were dubbed angel 
to him and him only obviously 
he’d keep everything you ever gave him in a box 
the letter from when you went away a couple of weeks
or the ticket from the bakery that served your favorite sweet rolls
even the scarf you left in his room one night 
the two of you were so glued to the hip 
that you started copying some of his mannerisms 
even his faces 
“holy shit, they’re both using the scheming face”
the bastard of the barrell surprisingly makes a good boyfriend 
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sevlgi · 3 years
requested: yes (months ago smh)
group: stray kids
pairing: felix x fem!reader
genre: fluff
contents: established relationship, meeting the fam™, shy!reader, canonverse, felix is the perfect boyfriend what the fuck
warnings: none
synopsis: Felix just wants you to meet his family, and for once, you don’t feel that nervous about it.
a/n: is this entire month gonna be holiday fics? ... maybe
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word count: 1.2k
When Felix trips on the staircase leading up to your floor yet again, nose frozen by the bitter cold and fingers shaking where they’re stuffed into his shallow pockets, he decides that he’s going to buy you a different apartment and request that you move, sincerely for his own sanity and safety.
It’s ungodly that an apartment building in Seoul has outdoor hallways, he decides as he fumbles with the spare key you gave him. It’s winter, and every time Felix says he’s coming over, you have to remind him to bundle up for the ten minutes he spends navigating to your apartment.
Of course, he forgets, and he’s stuck outside in a sweatshirt that’s losing its battle with the cold.
You probably hear his key rattling in the door, and open the door for your boyfriend before he dies of frostbite. You smile incredulously at the sight of him. “I thought I told you to wear a scarf.”
“I forgot,” Felix complains. He breathes out a sigh of relief as he enters the living room, comfortably warm and smelling like the candles you’ve stationed around the place. Glancing back, he realizes that you’re still in sweatpants-- admittedly cute, but not exactly what he’d imagine for a holiday dinner. “Oh, do you need more time?”
“Uh... I was hoping we could just stay here,” you admit, closing the door on the draft.
The Australian boy frowns, having already burrowed himself into the cushy couch. You crack a slight smile. “Why? Are you feeling bad? We can reschedule... I did say that these outdoor hallways are bad for your health,” he sighs, just a little fussy.
“No, no, I’m fine. I’m just... I don’t feel up to meeting them.”
Felix’s mouth falls open in a small “o”, and he puts his phone away, originally pulled up to their group chat. “Y/N-ah, I’m sure they’re going to love you. I tell them so much about you that they practically know you already. Who’re you concerned about? I’m going to make sure you know how excited they are.”
He looks so determined that you manage to let out a quiet laugh, moving closer so that you can hug him. “It’s not about them. It’s just me,” you whisper.
“Okay. What about you?”
You shrug. “Nothing in specific. I just feel like they won’t like me, even if you think they will. What if you’re wrong?”
“Then I’ll beat some sense into them.” Felix raises his fist, but reconsiders his statement, sighing, “Actually, I could never beat Chan hyung. Or Minho hyung, or Changbin hyung. Seungmin and Jeongin could probably rock my shit if they wanted to.”
“I love the exclusion of Jisung and Hyunjin,” you laugh.
Your boyfriend shrugs. “Jisung has punched me on accident. It didn’t hurt.”
“I’ll be sure to ask him about that.”
In answer, Felix turns slightly so that your nose is just an inch away from his cheek. You can see his freckles and his eyelashes in perfect detail as his eyes crinkle in a smile. He asks excitedly, “So you’ve decided to go?”
“Yeah. I think I can do it,” you answer softly, “but you can’t hold me accountable if I back out.”
“Never,” Felix announces, bolting to his feet. “Do you want me to do anything? Help pick out an outfit?”
You wave your hand in the air, getting up as well. “No, I’m prepared. Just needed you to talk me into it.”
Lix flashes you thumbs up and his trademark brilliant smile. “Always!”
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“I told you not to buy the spicy one!”
Yelling even travels through the door of the dorm, and Felix laughs awkwardly as the two of you approach it. “I guess grocery shopping didn’t go well,” he grins, and reaches for his key.
“Get it yourself then,” Seungmin’s calm voice says, although a bit of affront makes its way into his tone.
A bang. “Cook it yourself!” Minho threatens. Felix can imagine him waving a spatula in the air, making stabbing motions in the air as Hyunjin’s high-pitched laugh makes its way through.
Just then, the door clicks open, and Felix gestures for you to enter. You slip your shoes off when you spot the racks of barely-organized sneakers next to the door; no one has noticed your arrival, their voices only getting louder. You do recognize their voices from the backgrounds of your boyfriend’s video calls, and you only needed a bit of simple googling to learn their faces. (The advantages of them being literal celebrities, you suppose.)
“Hwang Hyunjin, you come back here! That was too much salt, and you know it!” Following the screech, a tall dark-haired guy skids into the hallway in front of you, eyes scrunching up with the force of his laugh as he ducks under a flying towel. 
Chan follows, slinging another towel onto Hyunjin’s head before he notices the two of you just standing there. “Oh, Felix!” he says in English, thick accent coming through.
“Hi,” you say weakly, and Hyunjin returns your tiny wave.
“Uh. Come in, I guess,” Chan laughs, cheeks reddening as he tugs Hyunjin into the kitchen by the elbow. “Guys! They’re here!”
The five members clustered in the kitchen collectively raise their heads; Seungmin almost drops the knife he holds and Minho accidentally hits his head on a cupboard. Jeongin and Jisung give you big smiles, accompanied by Changbin’s enthusiastic “Y/N!”
“I will beat you if you guys don’t be nice,” Felix announces, probably too proudly for what he says. You smack him on the head with the beanie you hold, and Jisung cheers. “Introductions, please!”
Before you can protest that you don’t really need them (partially from your compulsive Googling and partially from Felix’s endless anecdotes), Chan sticks his hand out at you. “I’m Chan. Glad you’re here,” he smiles.
Changbin runs his hands under the tap, probably to get rid of the gochujang smeared on them, and beams, “Changbin. I’m Felix’s favorite.”
All the introductions basically go the same way, with a short statement of their name and a weak smile from you. By the time you get to Jeongin, who squints at you as if he doesn’t believe you’re standing there, Minho is already pouring the food out onto a huge plate, making sure to spray droplets of spicy sauce onto Hyunjin. “Let’s eat,” Minho says loudly.
“I promise we’re not usually this chaotic,” Felix says softly, squeezing your hand. He brushes a kiss onto your cheek, a habit of his that always serves to make you feel better. “Are you overwhelmed?”
“A little bit. But in a good way,” you assure him. He smiles.
It’s so obvious how much he loves his members that you can’t help but love them too, even if you’ve barely spoken a word since you step foot through the door. You know Felix will take you home whenever you ask, but as you watch them squabble over where you’re going to sit, you feel like you don’t want to go home, ever.
“He’s lying, by the way. We’re always this chaotic,” Jisung grins, taking your other hand and yanking you towards the table. “Now come on. It’s Christmas!”
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thenastyotherblog · 2 years
Hello!!! Can you maybe write some hc's of Hizashi having a partner who takes care of them a lot and loves giving them gifts, thank you!!!
A caring Partner whose love language is gift giving? Oh, yes, that shit is good.
Hopefully these are ok! I have fun writing them!
Present Mic with a Caring/Gift Giver Partner
Having three jobs is a heavy tool, so Mic appreaciates anything you do to make his routine easier for him.
He is grateful even for the little things you do for him daily, things like:
Making him breakfast every morning.
Arrange Mic's hair/skin routine in advance and in order -lets be real that hair must take a long time to style, so he is very thankful when he gets in the bathroom and you already put all the products, hairbrushes, combs out for him.
Having all his things ready for him -car keys, school stuff, throat spray.- for when he heads out.
When you help him warm up his voice before leaving.
You dont let him go if he doesnt and seriously he thinks you are so adorable when you stop him right in the door and ask him to warm up.
Making him wear a jacket + scarf combo when its too cold outside
Or remind him to take water when its too hot.
Mic prefers your cooking over eating on the UA's cafeteria.
Cant wait to see what you make for him everyday -and you never dissapoint-.
Absolutely brags about it with everyone, specially when you make his food in a funny/cute shape.
Thinks its adorable when you check on him before and after his show.
"Dont forget to take water! Love you! see you at home!"
Mic usually gets home very late and while he doesnt want you to miss any sleep waiting for him, it certainly makes his entire day when you do.
His heart just flutters when you welcome him home.
I feel like he appreaciates more when you take care of him after long days.
Days where he just dont or cant do anything beside probably crawl to bed and pass out from exahustion.
Helping him grade all the assigments he couldnt do because hero work.
Mumbles words of appreciation while you lead him to a warm bath, almost falling asleep as you help him wash his hair.
Checking his vocal cords yet again.
Patching him up if he comes back injuried.
"Im sorry Songbird"
"Shh is ok Zashi, Im glad you came back safe"
Reassuring him that he is never too loud, or annoying.
He sometimes need to hear those words.
Sending him pictures of little trinkets that reminds you of him.
"Look Zashi! Is you!" Mostly with a picture of something with birds -specially parrots or cockatoos- attached.
Keeps all the small gifts- small plushies or figurines, keychains- you gave him on his desk and he is running out of space for them.
There was this time you bought him a bright yellow parrot pattern tie. -look at me in the eye and tell me he wouldnt wear it-
Oh you better believe he uses it every fancy hero event he goes.
Most of his coworkers -Aizawa Im talking about him- believes the tie is horrendous but that aint stopping him to wear it.
Goes in a rant about the lastest thing you gave him.
"YO! Check out this sick keychain my partner gave me!"
Is surprised and a bit nervous when you get him expensive stuff out of nowhere.
Such like vinyls or new leather jacket.
Did he forgot an important date? You guys anniversary? Birthday??? He is rummaging his brain to remember what day it is.
"None? I been saving a bit! You been looking for this one havent you?"
Tears up, promising you to get you something back.
You want to really make this man weep?
Doesnt matter what it is, or how well they are made, he will absolutely love anything you made for him.
Proudly wears the first scarf you knit for him even when its all wonky or way too long.
You have made him many others since but he says that one is his favorite.
Has a collection of bead bracelets to choose from.
Little knitted plushies.
These are the gifts he keeps the most on his desk, cuz they remind him of you most.
I bet Mic would a sucker for scrapbooks where you collect souvenirs from dates you had.
Of course, the classic mixtape.
If you take the time and patience to make an actual tape and not like a spotify list he is gonna be all over you for weeks.
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Not Him (Negan X Grimes!Reader)
A/N: I have a other Negan x Grimes reader series, but this is NOT a apart of that series, just a one shot i wrote :) You can read part 1 of that series here: I'm Her Daddy Now
TW: Gore, Make out, Blood, Angst
Her back was pressed to the RV. The Saviours had started to force the people from Alexandria to kneel in front of it in a half circle. They hadn't noticed her yet. Would they recognize her? She had changed a lot since the last time she saw her dad and younger brother. Her hair was longer and darker, and her scarf was covering half her mouth and nose. She had started to look more and more like her father though, the famous Grimes stare would stare back at her in the mirror every morning. A cruel reminder of the family she had lost. The family she thought she had lost, until she saw them in front of her now.
Her eyes wouldn't leave her baby brother, how much he had grown! He was not the scared 11 year old she got separated from all those years ago, now he was a tough young man. And by the looks of his eye situation, it had been a long and rough journey since they last saw each other.
“Are we pissing our pants yet?” She rolled her eyes at Negans extravagant entrance. He was always like this, so much. “Boy do I have a feeling we're getting close”
She had been with The Saviours the past two years, been with Negan for one. She wasn't a wife, she was more than that. She was his girl, his right hand woman. By the look of how her father was staring at Negan, telling him about their relationship would be a tough talk. But nonetheless she looked forward to talking with him, to be able to be a family with them. She prayed they would forgive her for being on The Saviours side. Considering what was about to happen. This wasn't the first ‘punishment’ she had been a part of. She knew what was going to happen. She droned out when Negan went on with his speech about how they needed punishment, and how he owned them now. It wasn't until he was deciding who to kill that she focused on the conversation.
“eenie ... meenie ... miney ... mo '' Her blood ran cold when Lucille landed in front of her younger brother. “No!” She heard her father exclaim. “Shit, man. I’m usually not happy about child murdering, but Lucille is a thirsty woman!” He raised the bat. Her body acted before her brain could tell it no. She took long strides and placed herself protective in front of Carl, shielding his body from Lucille.
“Not him” She hissed out. Negan was taken back, usually (Y/N) wouldn't have trouble when he had to punish new communities. “The hell you saying?”
“Not. Him” She glared at him, she would rather die than let anything happen to her brother. Negan leaned down so only she could hear what he was saying. “You know him?”
“He's my brother,” she whispered. Negan took a step back and rubbed his beard. “You know I have to punish them” He gave her a stern look. “You want to kill him? You have to go through me. Take somebody else”.
“Listen folks” He was addressing his men. “Now some new information has occurred and it looks like my girl here knows this boy. Now I am a gentleman” His famous smirke etched its way to his face. “You all know I can't say no to my girl, but my other girl demands some punishment for their actions. Now I want to please both my girls at the same time. So, we spare the boy, but my girl has to choose who will take his place AND finish the job” He held out the end of Lucille to her, while the men in the back murmured in agreement and some even cheered her on.
She grabbed Lucille. “Go get em BabyGirl”. She turned around and faced Carl. He was crying now. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it didn't seem as if it helped. Her eyes danced between the group that was kneeling. Her eyes landed on the large redhead, he pushed up his chest, as if he presented himself as a sacrifice. She walked over and stood in front of him. The dark skinned girl next to him cried out when she realized what was about to happen. (Y/N) was standing in front of him and leaned in, whispering so only he could hear. “I’m sorry”
“Don't worry, if it saves the boy. I’ll gladly take it” She raised the bat. and with all her might swung it down. The sound of the cracking of a skull was a sound all too familiar to her, but she had never heard it when she was the cause. it almost made her stop. But she couldn't stop. She took swing after swing. Knowing how Negan wanted him to end up, to end up in a mess of blood and brain goo. Blood splattered everywhere, and she had to fight back her dinner making its way up when she saw his skin tear and expose his brain. The bat felt heavier and heavier after each blow down onto the man's head. Christ, she didn't even know the name of whom she was killing. Cries and cheers filled the silent night. When she heard the splattering sound of the bat hitting the brain goo, she stopped. She turned around to face Negan, avoiding her family's gaze.
“Look at my dirty girls!” He exclaimed, and pulled her towards him, her back pressing against his chest. Blood had splattered on her face and upper body, but Negan didn't care. He never cared about blood getting in the way. He grabbed Lucille from her and turned her head sideways, so he could whisper into her ear: “Good Girl”
“(Y/N), I, what-” Rick was trying to speak, the shock of the situation still not leaving him. “I have to say, seeing my girls work together like this, just warms my heart-” He squeezed her closer; “and tickles my balls” He grinned at his men, who mostly chuckled at his crude words. “You can go to him” He whispered and realised his grip on her. She was about to walk away, but was stopped when he grabbed her arm. “Wait” He pulled her back so they were chest against chest. “Give me a kiss first” She just rolled her eyes, knowing he wanted to rub it in Rick's face that his daughter was with them, with Negan. Standing on her toes, she reached up and kissed him, she was going for a simple peck. But he tightened his grip around her and deepened the kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth and she had to bite back a moan. When he pulled back a string of saliva was still connected between them God, how he loved the look on her face. Covered in blood, with a post makeout haze still in her eyes. He laughed out and realised her. And without being pulled back, she walked over to Carl and kneeled down in front of him.
“Hey” She whispered out, he stared back at her with a dirty glare. But tears of seeing his sister for the first time after thinking she was dead was pressing on. But then one of the guys in the line up jumped up and punched Negan in the face. You gasped and were about to stand up. But Negans men handled it and held him down. “No, nope. Put him back”
She knew what was going to happen, Negan was going to kill one more. She wouldn't let Carl see that, see it again. “Don't look” She pulled him closer so his face was pressed against her chest, face turned the opposite direction of the group. Carl was fighting back, but gave up after his sobs got the best of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and cried into her chest. “Shhh”. The sounds of someone else getting beaten and the all too familiar cries filled the air once again. “No!”
“Its going to be okay” She tried to comfort him, “I won't let them hurt you” His sobs got louder when he heard the stuttering of the man who was being beaten; “Maggie I will find you”. He whispered the name of the dead man into her chest. “Glenn” Negan speaking and the cries of the group became just background noise. All she cared and focused on was her brother. She rubbed his head and back, trying to lull him into a calmer state. But she was pulled from her work on comforting her brother when Negan grabbed Rick and pulled him away. “No!” Carl shouted, sitting straight up and separated from her. (Y/N) held Carl back from punching up and attacking Negan. Negan sent (Y/N) a small nod, which she returned with her own nod. They were telling each other without words:
‘I can't promise he wont die’
‘As long as Carl lives, I don't care’
“Calm down Carl!” She held her back. He started to cry again, the fear of losing her father taking its hold on him. (Y/N) wiped his tears, bur cringed when some blood from her fingers stained his cheek. “Come here” He fell into her arms again. She didn't know what to do. She hoped Negan saved her father, but her father was a grown man. Her primary mission now was to secure her brother. And she would be damned if she didn't succeed.
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izukusjoyfriend · 3 years
Deku and Bakugou analysis,a bit of a KatsuDeku theroy post.
Warning!!! This thread is very long and has suggestice themes. Please proceed with caution.
"After that, he lit a fire under me like that"
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That's way to sus.
One thing I've noticed too,Deku refers and reacts to Bakugou differently than big heros,even ones that he strongly admires,like,really admires,like all might.
Which makes me thinks..Is all the romantic-like shit done on purpose?
Stuff like this:
That first line translates into: The burning longing in my chest will not disappear.
Second line:I want it to change
He said he daydreams about him and Katsuki in some opening I don't remember.
Stars are VERY prominent with them to,after when Deku said that sus line,he looks up at a star,and saids,he wants it to change,ya know,there is also another song about Katsuki and Deku,Its Polaris. It being about Deku and Katsuki,makes a lot of sense.
Heres why;
"If I could go back and give up everything I had,I would never hide my scars for anything. No not for no one"
When Katsuki bullied Deku,he was scar-ed.
It makes sense. He regrets what he did to Deku. Hes trying to Atone. He absolutely hates what he did to Midoriya,and The line saying,"No,not for no one". It makes sense!
Katsuki hid his scars and tried to act like a big and tough boy,which in reality..
He was the weak one. That's canon,that was touched apond in the manga
"Say goodbye ,I don't have the strength to let it all end,I would give all and everything if we could mend,All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear,I've decided I will follow my heart,Promise yours will always be right near me.."
Makes a lot of sense. Let me explain,The "Say goodbye" line is a play on deku leaving U.A,and after that..Bakugou saids this,
"I don't have the strength to let it all end!"
Which is..f***ing heart breaking.. Alright let me bring this up,
Yes, Izuku's exhaustion and pain is the primary focus, but those tiny details imply that Katsuki Bakugou, the guy who has had a strict bedtime and diet his whole life, who puts every bit of effort into his own health, has completely disregarded his self-care to go after Izuku. Which also implies that his body didn't just move on its own when he risked his life for Izuku. It's further evidence that he isn't just trying to atone for his own sake. This guy straight up stopped taking care of himself because he was WORRIED for Izuku. He stopped sleeping in favor of searching. He reaggravated a very serious injury (one that he got already protecting Izuku) in order to protect him AGAIN.
Which..Makes sense... It shows more of a..Softer caring side of Bakugou. It explains it itself.
"I would give all and everything if we could mend,All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear,I've decided I will follow my heart,Promise yours will always be right near me.."
Wow. If this is Katsuki..Its makes a lot of sense.. He would give..A lot for him and dekus friendship to be better again. That's why he did the training with him.
He would do anything to make the connection with him and deku because..He,wants to mend with Midoriya. Repair the friendship..
But what is really interesting and important is,that,He said "I've decided I will follow my heart,promise yours will also be right near me!" Which means,it wasn't just not his mortal compass..It was also where his,Heart was leading him too..
Which means,Bakugou doesn't just want to mend things for sake of mortality and heroism,but also,it's because..He feels that he should. And I would say he feeling like he should do this because he feels bad for deku,BUT,he said he wants deku heart to stay near his..which means:
"Close to your heart" is an English idiom describing something or someone dearly loved. It can be used to describe anything that has earned a great deal of affection from a person, often through familiarity with it over time. The meaning of this phrase comes from the fact that the heart is considered the organ of the human body that is the source of all love and affection. As such, anyone or anything that resides close to it will be on the receiving end of those feelings."
It could be platonic-- but...he wants..There..Hearts to be close?? That's oddly specify..He could just say he want them to be close..The thing is,he didn't even have too say anything about hearts..Hearts are symbolized as,a love thing.
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You're probably asking "Why does this matter???" Well..Ummm..Look at the background. There bubbles,the trope which is used is called love bubbles.
A romantic moment in anime is often accompanied by a pastel background with lots of bubbles. Nobody knows who wanders into all these series with an invisible bubble machine, but maybe they should stop before they get soap in somebody's eye...
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Is..Is he blushing..? That explains the bubble and sparkles..
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HuH..???? HOW-
Look I don't know what to tell you.
But if that's not romantic,then I don't know what it is.
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Peace sign is confirmed to be a bakugou and deku song. He calls this story,MY HERO ACADEMIA,"OUR STORY"...huh..Remember the song "Datte atashi no Hero?" He also called bakugou his hero. Let that sink in.
Remember shout baby...? Heres more crap to make Bakudeku romantic.
Let's go over that one line again..
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Can't sugar code it. Nope. That's romantic in nature. Unless deku has fucking heart problems,this is romantic. No doubt on my end.
Heres something that just plain romantic.
"It’s frustrating that this unusual scent of hair made my heart flutter. So I hid my lips that’s forming a smile under my scarf.."
Wow... This sounds like Bakugou.
Let me explain why it does sounds like Bakugou. Frustration. About something small as that seems like him. It sounds like him too. And also,Bakugou rarely smiles.. I wonder what they where doing which made his heart flutter.
And why it's romantic..? Hear the way that's worded. The person hide the lips after their heart flutters.
Alright let's go here. This is a song that supposedly between Bakugou and Deku.
Let's see it here,
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And the kanji used for this song is not helping.
They use the words like "Suki" Suki is only plantoic when revfiring to non humans. Deku uses it to Katsuki at the end of the song in another translation like this,
Suki da suki da suki da suki da
Context clue:
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Suki da,
Suki da yo.
I like you.
This phrase is commonly used in everyday life. It reveals to the interlocutor that you have feelings for him. It is up to him to interpret the strength of your love.
To avoid misunderstandings, do not tell people with whom you have friendly relations. I already imagine your Japanese friends feeling uncomfortable because they think you are trying to get out of the friend-zone. 
Kimi ga daisuki da yo.
Daisuki da.
I really like you.
Daisuki implies that you are a big fan of something when you talk about an object, food or a sports team. This is also the case when you talk about an artist, an athlete or some other famous personality.
But when you say that to someone, it implies that you have strong feelings for that person. These feelings must be beyond normal friendship.
Here's more of the song
"Update! I want to fly, to fly, just to fly so far away, away from here. It can’t be anybody else, I don’t want anybody else. Because I don’t want to regret, I’ve got to say it now,I love, I love, I love, I love,I love being here with you."
The more I read into it. The more the song sounds like Katsuki. And it make sense if somewhat of update is sang by Katsuki.
Think about it. The song said this,
"It's not what you do,or what you say,it who you're with."
And if you think about,someone of these song lyrics sound like Katsuki himself.
This song is blunt. Blunter,then fuck,and you know who's blunt..?
I'm not saying he sang all of it.. No. Update actually in the outro points about Deku and makes him the main focus. But,these lines make more sense for Bakugou then Deku,
"If you are, you are, you are, you are,If you are with me,Not back, not down, but the reason I was able to see the front only was,You were here"
Those lines make more sense for s5 bakugou and up,then s3 deku. Let me explain why. "The only reason I was able to see the front is because you where here" remember the apology..? If you don't it's chapter 322
Also for a second,let pay attention to this
It can’t be anybody else, I don’t want anybody else.
That's literally at least saying that Katsuki is VERY special to deku. And the context for this is that,who he'd run away with. It's basically saying he'd spend his life with Katsuki away from everybody else..and he would be..Fine..?
That really saying something about his favoritism to Katsuki-
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SEE WHATS WRONG...? If ya don't then,here;
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It's really just explains itself,Katsuki and Deku are the only ones here.
Tags: #bakudeku #decchan #bkdk #Izuku x Katsuki #bkdk canon #katsudeku #deku x kacchan #dkkt #dkbk #wonder duo #bakugou x deku #deku x bakugou #dekugou #dekugo #dekubaku #dyandeku #midoriya x bakugou #bakugou x midoriya #bakumido #bakudeku analysis #bakudoriya #bkdk fluff #bkdk soulmates #Katsuki x Izuku #katsuki x deku #deku bakugou #mha bkdk #long post #twin stars
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Obnoxious Couple | Stiles Stilinski
✦ pairing — Stiles Stilinski x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.3k
✦ request — Obviously the reader(female preferably) would be plus sized. Maybe, she’s having a bad day concerning her weight and image. And she compares herself to Lydia and Allison. So she wants comfort from Stiles but he’s not there atm so she takes in of his hoodies, which doesn’t fit correctly,and she gets frustrated and stiles walks in and sees her distress and then comforts her. Maybe end it with a minor make out sesh. But nothing beyond that?
✦ warnings — angst, self-esteem issues, some vagueness in an attempt to not trigger anybody’s dysmorphia, light fluff.
Stiles found you crying at the foot of the bed, arms tangled in black fabric as sobs raked your body.
It wasn’t the first time he saw you cry, he knew it wouldn’t be the last either, but it didn’t hurt any less.
“Baby,” he softly spoke to get your attention.
You lifted your head, startled. Embarrassment washed over you, only making you sob harder.
He approached you slowly as though you were a hurt animal, frowning as he tried to figure out what you were wearing.
Crouching down, he hesitated as his hand trembled. He eventually placed it on your back.
You couldn’t stop crying — you didn’t know how you’d ever look at him in the eye and explain what was going on.
Your day started poorly, honestly. From the moment you made the mistake of looking at yourself in the mirror while attempting to get ready, you knew it would be one of those days.
It made you consider canceling plans with your friends which in hindsight you should have done.
But you didn’t. You sucked it up and met Allison and Lydia. You missed them, life often got in the way and you didn’t want to lose them just because you weren’t teenagers with free time anymore.
However, the moment you arrived at the meeting point, you knew how badly you had fucked up. They looked so pretty and so happy to see you — that should have been enough, and it was until you observed Allison was wearing her partner’s oversized t-shirt.
People weren’t supposed to feel like shit around their friends, even less when their friends had missed them and are glad to see them. So feeling like shit prompted you to feel guilty.
You knew it wasn’t completely rational, but you couldn’t help the way you felt.
You came up with an excuse to leave early. Allison and Lydia knew you were lying, but they let you be — you needed space.
You truly did, but you didn’t want to be alone. And when you felt like not being alone although it would be wiser, you always went to Stiles.
He wasn’t home. He didn’t tell you he’d be busy or what he’d do while you were out so everything you could do was wait.
Your shared bedroom felt too big without him and too small all at once.
Big. Big. Big. Big. Your brain wasn’t helping.
Comfort became a need as the minutes passed. You had always found Stiles’s scent comforting and seeing as he didn’t seem to be getting home soon, you took the liberty to pick a piece of clothing from his closet.
As you inhaled his scent, you remembered how good Allison looked in her partner’s clothes.
That was what lead you to cry on the bedroom floor, stuck in your boyfriend’s hoodie.
You knew the idea had been silly, he was smaller than you, but you had to try to fit in his clothes. You had always wanted to wear something of his.
“I just wish I could wear your clothes like my friends wear their partners’.” Admitting it was not only embarrassing but unbelievably sad.
You had never told him how you felt about sharing clothes so he wouldn’t get upset. What if he didn’t even want to wear yours?
“I know.” He rubbed your back in circles. “But their partners are bigger than me.”
“Well, your girlfriend is bigger than their girlfriends,” you bitterly answered. “And than you.”
He sighed heavily. “Did you expect me to change my body when I started dating you?”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to change yours either. I’m not an asshole.” He made a pause then admitted, “I mean, I am, but not like that and not towards you.”
You attempted to huff a laugh, but your clogged nose didn’t let you.
He wiped your tears. “Let’s get you out of this thing and clean your pretty face.”
You lifted your arms, avoiding his face as you waited for him to get you unstuck from his hoodie.
Stiles tugged on the fabric and pulled the hoodie off you. “Oooh, is this new?” he asked, referring to your blouse.
You nodded.
“It’s pretty. You look good.” He threw the hoodie onto the bed and stood up. “You need help?”
“No. I’ll wash my face in the bathroom.”
You looked down at the sink as you stood in the bathroom. You felt stupid for crying over a hoodie that didn’t fit; clothes hadn’t fit you before and it had never hurt like this.
Cold water hit your skin and you reminded yourself to avoid the mirror as you lifted your head to dab your face dry.
What would Stiles think of you now? Would this make him realize he wanted to be with somebody who fit in his clothes?
It took you some courage to go back to the bedroom.
“Come here, baby.” Stiles patted the other side of the bed.
He had already changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. As you approached him, you observed the tv control was on his lap.
You sat with your back against the headboard. “What are you watching?”
“Nothing yet.”
You hummed.
“Hey.” He placed his hand on your thigh so you’d look at him. When you did, he said, “You can always talk to me when you have a bad day.”
“I know.” In fact, you often told him how you were feeling and why, but this particular thing was different. “It’s kinda embarrassing, though... I mean, it’s not something I can suddenly change, is it?”
“No,” he admitted. “I just don’t want you to go through that all by yourself.”
“Yeah, but you’ll tell me there’s nothing wrong with me or whatever and—“ You interrupted yourself.
“And what?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to put it out there and manifest it or something.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, but it’s normal to feel bad sometimes.” He turned the TV off, shuffling on the bed to face you properly. “Look, I get insecure every time you hang out with your tall coworker, but you come home to me, so who cares?”
“Yeah, but come on! You fit in my clothes but I don’t fit in yours, it’s...”
You glared at him.
“I think it’s cute,” he assured you. “Besides, you smell better than I do.”
“I like the way you smell.”
“You can wear other things I own. A scarf? I think you’d look beautiful in my yellow scarf.”
“That’s a nice scarf,” you conceded.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “We can also wear matching jackets or something if you want.”
“You hate it when people wear matching clothes.”
“Maybe it’s time we become an obnoxious couple.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Resting your head on his shoulder, you told him, “I think we’re already obnoxious.”
“How dare you?” he feigned offense. “We’re perfect, baby.”
“Whatever you say.”
He wiggled his shoulder so you’d lift your head.
You did so and gazed at him. “What?”
“Give me a kiss.”
You gave his lips a peck. Stiles frowned and reached over to take you by the face. He brought you onto him and captured your lips with his.
Kissing him back, you shifted so you wouldn’t hurt him or yourself. Stiles prodded your mouth open and deepened the kiss, holding you tight.
Once you parted, you rested your forehead on his. He smiled at you. “You know I love you, right? Like a lot?”
“I know.” You inhaled and exhaled softly. “I love you too. So much.”
“Mmhmm. I like hearing it.”
It was your time to smile.
As the day came to an end, the room got darker and although you didn’t know what time it was exactly, you knew many hours had passed since you left your friends.
“I should probably text Lydia and Allison...”
“Yeah, you should.” Stiles allowed you to move as he sat up. “Can I choose what we watch?”
You nodded before leaving the bed in search for your cellphone.
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deada55 · 2 years
A Night In with Dethklok (Ladyklok)
synopsis: Trana (Toki) becomes "a sloppys mess."
content warnings: puke :(
[Pickles' kept her name, then we have Natalie, Stina (Skwisgaar), and Wilma (William Murderface.)]
for kloktober day 25, Ladies' Night!
I originally wrote this as a character warm-up and multiple-character dialogue practice for a bigger Ladyklok WIP. Wilma's got a crush and Nickles is implied (I like them as besties BUT! do what you will 💕.)
When Pickles cut the top of the chip bag off, she left the greasy silver ring on the countertop. 
“Hey, you know those, those uh,”
Hopefully, the bud resin on her fingers wouldn’t have a taste, but she interrupted herself to lick barbeque chip cheetle off of them like she wished it would. She bit underneath her nub-nails to get every last sticky-salty bit.
“Those neck traction things you and Stina keep talkin’ about?”
“The what?” Natalie could barely hear over her own chewing, arms full of freshly-washed celery. Munchies and being on a fitness kick didn’t mix, but it was working out pretty well save for the green strings stuck in her teeth. 
“The neck traction sling. Around your head? With the… the door?- Hey, wanna take a shot with me?” Pickles poured two shots of Everclear without waiting for an answer, leaving cloudy streaks on the outside of the bottle. Natalie was always good for it, and Pickles poured without expecting an answer.
“Neck traction thing?” She sucked celery juice back into her mouth through her teeth. Real cute, Nat.
“Yeah. What if we got two of ‘em and you used ‘em like a bra?”
“Pickles, that’s fucking brutal. That’s fucking great.”
“Yeah! Like for an album cover?”
“Yeah- Oh my god, I love celery-”
Natalie’s eyes were red as dog dick, and she was putting away celery like she worked at Walmart. “Even if it makes my tongue numb.”
“Dude, your what?”
“My tongue hurts when I eat it but it’s so good. Allergy or something.”
Pickles shook her head. Natalie wasn’t the type of person you oughta talk your feelings to, even if they were good. She took things a little far, she was selfish, she was haughty, and Pickles loved being her friend. Even without saying it, Pickles liked to believe Natalie thought the same way. She couldn’t ask, but she could watch them scarf celery in the same sweaty clothes she’d worn at the bar, with stringy hair and mascara raccoon-eyes. 
“Here.” She put the glass into Natalie’s hand. “Ready? Three, two, one-” Dink it and sink it, without even a choke. 
“Aw, shit, we shoulda tried the arm thing. Where you… you link arms?”
In the other room, Murderface shouted above the sound of The Bachelorette, “Jesus fucking Christ! Trana!” Like it was a recording, there was a response in perfect time, hysterical, mucus-y and loaded with “more” yet to come:
“Stops yellings at m-me!” 
“Trana, Trana… sits up, come ons, sits up,” The lilt in Stina’s voice was rum-soaked and impatient but way better than Wilma’s furious monologue of grievances to no one in particular, describing how Trana was fine one minute and covered in puke the next, before she leaned over and deposited some more on the floor in front of her. It wasn’t uncommon. The running theory was that Trana, not particularly a lightweight when compared to the general population, couldn’t hold on to that much liquid at once. Compared to the rest of the band, Trana had a tendency to be messy.
Pickles and Natalie did some eyebrow lifting before Natalie started to crack up. Natalie closed the distance and got all up in Pickles business (standard fare for when they were faded, not like Pickles minded after putting the five-bowl piece to good use.) “Hey, Pickles. Pickles. What if we go watch The Little Mermaid in your room?”
Natalie swallowed the lingering plant mass in her numb mouth and dropped her shoulders when Trana started to cry and Murderface started telling her to “clean this bullshit up!” 
Natalie rolled her eyes, but she was already turning towards the sound. “Shit, we gotta check on her, don’t we?”
In the living room, Stina was trying to tie up what dry hair Trana had while she was trying to move forward and slump to the floor. “Shh, Trana, stays right here where you are, don’ts move, stops-” 
Through sobs and belches, Trana started to mumble, “Ok, I cleans it up, I can dos it, I needs…” still spitting up mouthfuls of swill. 
Natalie grabbed her from behind by the armpits to scoot her back onto the couch. Luckily, Trana didn’t fight this time. Pickles put a stray trash can in Trana’s hands and rested a hand on her wet forearm, which was a horrible mistake, but taking her hand away wouldn’t make it smell less like Trana-puke. It didn’t scare her: when Natalie moved Trana back, Stina moved back to sit fully on the couch, providing space for Pickles to perch on the coffee table right in front of Trana with her boots sitting in the puddle of pink, wet flakes.
“Hey, don’t worry about it dude, relax... Wilma’s full of shit.”
“I’m what?! Are you seriousch?”
Pickles whipped her head to the side to talk to Wilma directly. “Yeah, I sure am fuckin serious! Dooya really think she can do that right now? Jesus Chriest!” 
“Look at this shit!”
“Dude, we pay people to clean it up!”
“Oh, yeah… Wait, not until the morning!”
“And?! Get a fuckin’ towel to cover it like we always do and keep your fuckin’ shoes on!”
“Stops,” said the metal trash can sitting on Trana’s knees. Pickles turned her attention back for a moment to shush her, putting one hand on the trash can to keep it from spilling on her if Trana suddenly stopped holding herself up. Wilma sucked her teeth.
“Sure, sure, I’ll keep my damn shoesthchs on when you shtop talking about my ‘crusty cliffhangersh’-”
“AYE. DOHN’T. DOO. THAT! Get it right! Fuck! Fucking listen to who talks to you, are you deaf?-”
 Stina uncrossed her legs and let her hand fall from Trana’s shoulder to her the small of her back, and looked over her shoulder at Wilma, interrupting Pickles.“Look, Murderface, I’ll stop talkings about your fucking toes when theys looks normal-”
Trana moaned and heaved up a short splatter. “Aw, sees what they dos to Trana, look at hers!” Stina started to rub her back again until Trana leaned towards her…
Natalie came back into the room like the smell of toast at the start of an aneurysm, and there was an awkward silence save for Trana sighing and coughing until Natalie cleared her throat.
“ ‘Sup?”
She froze up looking at the coffee table with eyes so thickly glazed they may as well have been strawberry-flavored donettes.
“Whats, Natalies?” 
“What’s whats? Which whats?”
“I said whats Natalie! You am not makings any sense, ‘ ‘sup, fuckings’...”
“Hey…” Trana interrupted, taking her head out of the trash can. The wet front sections of her hair were stuck to the inside its metal walls, and she grew fidgety. “I’m… I think I wansts go to bed, please.”
Pickles reached forward towards Trana. “Ahlright, Murderface, can you-”
“Oh fuck no! You can’t just dump her on me this time.”
Pickles could have smacked her, if it wouldn’t send her ice skating in sick. “Jesus fuck, Wilma! Shit! I just wanted to ask you to take the damn trayshcan, that’s all.”
“I’ll help her get up to her room. I gotta change clothes anyway.” Stina got up and Natalie took her place beside Trana, pulling all of her brown hair back, committing herself to dirty hands. With the trash can placed gently on the ground, Natalie held Trana up with an arm around her back, which seemed to be the only dry part of her. Trana was better on her feet than Natalie expected, and they walked up the stairs together.
To avoid breathing too deeply through her nose, Natalie scratched around in her mind for some small talk. Trana reeked of chunky, pink pineapple juice and cheese. Something wet and bready squished under Natalie’s fingers as she led Trana around by her waist. “Trana, you hear me?”
“Bitch, you have to stop drinkin’ like this. At least give us a fucking warning, ok? We-”
“Natalies, I fucked up with the wines, ok? I knows what I’m doins-”
“Yeah seriouslies! Only serious, total confidensk, I’m, I’m so smart Natalies, you have nos ideas how much. You…”
“Trana, you are smart, ok?”
“Yeah, I ams! I’ve.. am so smart!”
“Pick up your feet.”
    Stina didn’t want to hang around Trana’s mess and went off to her room, followed by Murderface. Higher than the motherfucking night sky, Pickes kept watching the Bachelorette from the floor in front of the coffee table. 
    “Stina, is it really that bad?”
    “What’s really that bads?” She always looked phenomenal, laid up in an old bra and a pair of plaid cotton pajama shorts. She changed just in case any lingering traces of Trana were stuck to her. Wilma struggled to keep her eyes up in Stina’s hair. They kept falling into the gap of Stina’s cup and thinking about how warm iher breasts might be…
    It made the topic at-hand more embarrassing, but she’d think about it for weeks if she didn’t bring it up. Fuck, she’d probably obsess about whatever Stina said anyway. Trana was always kissing Stina’s feet, but Wilma definitely was a victim to the appeal.
    “Uh, my toes.”
    Stina moved the guitar off her lap and looked off towards the corner of her throw.
    “No, it’s not bad. You just needs different sandals.”
    “That’s what’s ams cliffhangers. When your toes am over the fronts of the shoe.”
    “You’re just jealous since you rolled your ankle-”
    “Ams no one jealous of fuckings… platform flip flops. Eugh.”
    Wilma laid on the foot of the bed on her back, flipping through the contacts on her dethphone while Stina practiced until she noticed the sound getting less crisp and less regular… Stina’s head drifted back before her fingers stopped moving, and she fell asleep with her mouth open.
    Wilma slid off the bed slowly, but not softly enough to keep Stina from snapping back to life and twitching her fingers over the strings again. “Where yous going?”
    “To bed.” Wilma’s chest got as tight as a shrunk grow-a-dino sponge with a sudden awareness of the size and shape of her shadow across Stina’s bedroom floor.
    “-If you wants to. You can stays, too.”
    Wilma laid down where Stina patted the bed, closer than she expected. She slept alongside her, fluttering with validation and buzzing with fantasy.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Their Alright... For A Boomer
Summary: Being a girl with a larger chest always got you attention, maybe having your nipples pierced to try and fell more confident handt been the best idea, but how can you regret it when your latest client; the sexy Mr Cavill  was ogling them but could this end up being more then just that one time you were eyed by a hot celebrity?
Warnings: Suggestive, No Smut, Fluffy? Cute and funny, Swearing
A/N: this was a request from @fanficlover91​ i hope you like this hun, i tried to keep it hot but sweet and respectful? Which was a struggle but i hope i got the vibe you wanted. And as always i hope you all enjoy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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You blushed as you looked down the lense at your model. He smirked sweeping his eyes over you non to subtly. You could feel the blues penetrating you with a hot stare. The was the distinctive fast clicks on you camera snapping a burst of shots managing to capture his smirking face and eyes sweeping over your form appreciatively.
You stood tall and smiled pulling away double checking the shoots. You bit your lip. Fucking hell this was both the best and worst job you had. Henry Cavill was the most enticing male you'd ever had the pleasure to photograph. He didn't even have a good side, every side was good! There wasn't an unflattering angle on the man!
"And that's a wrap? I think we have everything we need Mr Cavill" you said professionally making to move away from him and begin to swap sd cards and label them before packing away. Henry gawfed and rose quickly panicked almost.
"I- err no! Wait I was... Well hoping that I could have some more done?" he said chaseing you across the small studio you could hear his agent Leah scoff from the side lines. You frowned and looked to her nervously. The woman had been watching and tutting, scoffing and clicking her tongue through the whole session. It actually made you nervous, wasn't she pleased with the shoot? You were worried, being freelance this was your first time doing a celebrity shoot for a magazine but the usual photographer was in hospital having a stroke a few days prior and you were the only free photographer in the agency that was close enough to take the job. Sure you wasn't well known but still it was a little disheartening to have someone seemingly unimpressed with your work.
But it was when you eyed her you saw she wasn't giving you the evil eye. Her frown was directed at henry, a scolding look you'd give a misbehaving child. You frowned a little puzzled, but shook it off in favour of looking to Henry. Your actual client.
"More? I... I? Thought the piece only needed a few to choose from? They were very ah... How do I put it? Thorough? With the brief" you explained hoping Leah would step in and clarify just what was going on. Because you didn't have a clue.
"I yes but- I'd love to top up my portfolio? You know? I err yeah have a few changes going on and... I mean a few greys and such... Just want to update it a tad... I'll pay obviously- I'd pay anything for more time please?" he pleaded watching you closely eyes wide and bright full of hope.
"I... Err" you shifted swapping your camera from one hand to the other and craned your head around the man trying to spy his agent. But you had no hope of peeking around this gargantuan man. Just like with the camera he demanded your full attention.
"And for Instagram and stuff! There's only so much I can do in a selfie... I'd even recommend you- advertise your work!" he quickly added sounding desperate now. It would help you out if you did have a few shots of him for in your own catalogue. It shouldn't matter but having a celeb under your belt was actually a good thing. It meant you'd acted professionally and been good to work with.
"I suppose so, I do have a few extra sd's here... Tell you what I'll do another shoot for you as long as I can pick a few to put in my portfolio? Then we both update our files?" you nodded to him speaking slowly. He grinned and relaxed nodding quickly pleased with himself for wrangling more shots. You'd never know he was just glad to has more time with you.
"Oh yes absolutly! That's fine here should we get started now or?" he asked biting his lip trying not to stare at you for too long. But it was hard you were fucking stunning!
"Oh yeah sure iv got time, let me just sort these out and set up, need to switch, you've tired my poor camera" you said with a grin trying to ignore the man as he beamed at you looking excited nodding enthusiastically. You backed up and spun around trying not to blush as you felt henry gazing openly at you.
"Right well if the magazine ones are done I will be off then" Leah called packing up her bag with a small chuckle to herself. You froze and spun quickly seeing her seemingly abandoning you with Henry.
"Wha- oh you don't have to you can stay-" you tried to reason unsure why, I mean who wouldn't want to be alone with this huge glorious man? Maybe you just didn't trust yourself with him? He had been 'making love' to the camera all afternoon. Smouldering bedroom eyes that was making it hard to focus. You had been getting hot under the collar all day as you kidded yourself he was eyeing you, not the camera or would be readers.
It didn't help that you had caught him oogling your breasts earlier. But you wasn't mad, it was your own fault. It was the Hight of summer and you had on a string vest with a thin bra, that you could clearly see your nipple bars through. You didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, you didn't blame Henry for looking. You cant exactly ignore your tits.. The were pretty large for your frame. You were curvy but they were as one ex put it 'exceptional'. And besides he had looked not touched and he hadn't been a creep about it. In fact he had done a double take and then blushed when he realised he had been caught looking. But as you said you get that with big boobs, you'd had it your entire life, it was actually one of the reasons you'd got them pierced. It helped with your confidence and you convince yourself that they were looking at the bars. Not you per say.  
"Okay aunt Leah I will see you in a few days." henry interrupted you quickly smiling practically ushering the woman out the door. He moved fast ever picking the womans phone and juice bottle to help her leave quicker.
"Yes, behave Henry I'll see you soon" she said with a giggle before calling a thank you and goodbye over her shoulder at you. You swallowed nervously and gave a quick bye as the door clicked behind her and you were left alone with Henry. The man groaned stretching as he spun around a huge grin on his face, making your knees tremble a little. Fuck.
Henry came over and watched you closely as you scribbled the name and date along with the publication name on the sd case label. You tried not to notice as he hovered biting his lip then took off the blazer and threw it on the table beside you drawing your attention as he did grunting a little. The v neck letting the smallest amount of soft looking chest fuzz that had been teasing you all day. He grinned slyly as he caught you eyeing him and crossed his arms over his chest flexing for your benefit. You gasped and quickly looked back to the camera in your hands inserting a new scarf into the new fully charges camera.
"Soo how do you like this kind of work?" henry said casually trying not to seem like a creeper but god damnit he couldn't stop eyeing you. If he had known how sexy you'd be he would have demanded to be doing a bloody swim wear shoot!
"You mean people?" you stuttered trying not to look him in the eye. Not that it helped because the rest of him was just as fucking sexy! You quivered all over desperately trying to remember how to breath, yet didn't want to draw in too deep a breath and make your tits bounce for him and look like a slut. There was a very fine line for a big busted girl, to much wobble will make you look like your trying to get attention.
"I mean celebrities, magazines we were told you mainly do private shoots for events and model portfolios" he offered leaning forward as he leant back on the desk next to you hooking one ankle behind the other. The way he stood placed his crotch in your line of sight as you looked down and worked on setting up the camera. You flushed. Oh god he looked er... Bigger then you'd thought earlier, not that you were looking but... Well you couldn't help notice the package! The man was a fucking serial man spreader! And that thing was huge! With the muscles he was packing he could probably bench press you with his crotch!
"Oh well its different... And you sir popped my celebrity cherry" you froze on the spot as you said that, it had meant to be an ice breaker, a joke but instead had sounded fucking creepy!. You snapped up to him making to apologize as your face flamed mortified but he had thrown his head back laughing. The deep rumble sent chilled down your spine.
"Well I'm honoured to have popped your cherry~" he teased placing a hand over his heart with a cheeky grin making you blush and nod then turned to him with the new camera all set up.
"Soo where do we start?" you said moving on quickly looking up at him trying to forget the whole cherry comment.
"Where ever you want me, i will let you take the reigns command me as you will" he chuckled standing tall once more and looked about the room casually to the various small set ups, different furniture, seats sofas and mini tables dotting the space.
"I... Okay then you said Instagram? How about we start with some facials-FACE SHOTS! Face. Shots. Not facials fuck. Shit" you quickly tried repairing the damage whist cursing yourself wanting nothing more then to be swallowed up by the floor.
"No, no love facials sounded perfect~" he said winking before gliding past you making you stutter and almost choke on your breath. Oh good lord this was a bad idea. You followed as he sat down on a sturdy sofa and looked head on at you and bit his lip once again watching you with a sultry look.
And that was the beginning. You followed him about taking various snaps whislt having small talk. He seemed to be very flirtatious as he spoke, dropping lines and compliments as he made eyes at you. You flushed each time clamming up at his suggestive comments. And rightly or wrongly you flirted back trying to seem cool and suave. But inside you were fangirling unable to belive you were here with this incredibly gorgeous man teasing one another. On a few occasions he even growled as you scampered about him, crouching and taking shots from blow getting some delicious angles that dampened your knickers. Then in between all this he managed to get little tied bits. You'd told him you were on agency freelance and were trying to get into the social media platform as it seemed easier in this day and age rather then to be in fashion photography. You wanted to be commercial not private but no one would really take a chance anymore.
Then you suggested a few shots on the sofa laying back trying to think of something different for your portfolio, maybe a body length shot. He was quick to agree and dived onto the sofa saying he had an idea you swallowed nodding not fully trusting the look in his eyes. But that was forgotten as he relaxed stretching out over the sofa legs crossed and resting on the arm of his hands behind his head and a devilish smirk looking down the lenght of his body. You knelt at his feet trying to get a flattering image of him looking down but cursed as the camera wasn't playing ball. The lense was focusing, this was why you used the other one first, the camera had a few issues and was temperamental.
"What's wrong?" he asked frowning a little at you as you growled pulling the camera away fro your face and began trying to manually focus the lense.
"Oh its.. It wont focus.. It does this sometime, really need to throw it out but.. She was my first I'm sentimental" you said feeling silly as you battled with the camera.
"We all are with our firsts... How about you come closer instead, I really want to see this shot, never done one at this angle.. Out of all my shoots your the first to suggest this~" you froze and looked to him but he just smiled impishly at you. Slowly you rounded the sofa and leant over him positioning the camera at his stomach as he looked right into the lense giving you a definite bedroom eyes, half lidded and burning. Both dreamy and amazingly sexy. It was as if he could see you beyond the lense, as if it wasn't even there!
"You can come closer love, I wont bite, not if you don't want me to~" his voice was low and teasing, luring you in like a siren. You trembled and moved along him but he tutted and moved a hand to your hip and pressed, coaxing you onto the sofa and sat you on him making you straddle him. You gasped squeazing your camera tighter as he moved you easily, warm palms holding you both delicatly and firmly. You could see in his eyes he was weary unsure if he had gone to far but you squeezed him between your thighs and relaxed making him grin up at you getting the message you didn't mind at all. You aimed the lense at him once more and got the shots you wanted.
"Perfect! Mr Cavill" you said actually a little sad that this session was over. It had been nice playing this little cat and mouse game with him. But all good things come to an end.
"Ah now i have a policy love, when a womans on top they can call me henry, among other things~" he said smoothly laughing as you chuckled nervously fiddling with the camera in your hands and shifted over him a little.
"I will try to remember that for next time boomer~" you teased managing to overcome your nerves as you pulled away the camera with a giggle winking at him as he stuttered. For a second you thought you'd gone too far but a quirk to his lips made you relax once more.
"That hurt, that was hurtful" he teased pouting not releasing you from his lap, instead holding you tighter, fingers digging into your sides making you gasp and bit your lip as he pulled you to his crotch and ground into you teasingly.
"I'm so sorry~" you uttered breathless trying to keep yourself together. But this man was something else, like a drug- the devil all fanged smiles and smooth words. God you were fucked, you knew this man could do anything to you and youd thank him for it~
"I doubt that" he cooed and slid his hand higher growing more and more confident. The last few hours of casual flirting had built up his appitite. There was no misconceptions, you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"Oh yeah?" you said coyly tipping your head to him playing along willing for this to happen, whether it be a one of fuck or something longer. You didnt have any complaints~ this was your body and youd enjoy it with who ever you wanted to!
"Yeah prove it!" he hissed and moved quickly sitting up and swinging around planting his feet on the floor. You yelped as he moved surprizingly fast and managed to keep you in his lap now face to face with you eyes roaming your face settling on your lips.
"And how should i do that" you teased tilting your head skimming your lips with his as you spoke. He groaned and held you tighter making you whine breathlessly willing this to happen. You wanted him and you wont deny yourself the chance.
"Make and old mans day" he said plainly and leant back resting on the back of the sofa, you watched him closely and brought your hands to his shoulders prodding at the neck of the t shirt and drew your fingers down slowly feeling him shiver at the light skimming fingertips.
"Oh really Boomer? And how would i make and old mans day?" you teased once more making him grunt but he quickly caught himself as your fingers smoothed over the teasing curls that peeked over his top. You scratched over them lightly with your nails making him draw a needy breath and chuckled at him. He was sexy and cute~
"By accepting a job offer?" he said before smileing smugly as you paused and frowned. Had you missed something? Was he after a freebee?
"Job offer? Really another shoot?" you snorted suddenly not feeling sexy, more like he was trying to butter you up for some fuck for parts shoots or something. He sighed and began speaking before you could get yourself all twisted. But then again you could have taken his offer wrong.
"Manage my social media. I have many companies and brands reach out to me for endorsements. They want me caught wearing their brands. But I'm to busy most of the time I cant make it to the locations they want. It actually doesn't seem worth it most of the time, with cost of flights and time lost travelling to and from studios itd be easier if I had my own personal photographer that travelled with me its be easy, slip on the clothes and what not take a few snaps and then you touch them up and post them on my social media." he explained watching as it sunk in that he wasnt trying to pull a fast one. Well he was but not trying to fuck you over... Just fuck you... And keep you because you were fantastic and he wants nothing more then to have you around hime as much as possible. In the single dat he had spent working with you, you had enchanted him, not only were you sexy but you were good at your job and easy to work with but also funny and cute and he needed to get to know you.
"Of course its a very big venture and we'd have to have a few dinner and lunch dates to work out all the nitty gritty" he added after a few beats of silence trying to make it clear he was interested... Very interested~ it worked as you fluched and a playfull look donned your face your fingers began stoking his chest hair once more. He relaxed shuddering under the nails as they teased his curls.
"Is this a big ploy to get a date Boomer?" you purred his new nick name making him groan when you squeezed him between your thick thighs once more grinding on him and the considerable bulge below you that twitched.
"No... Maybe is it working?" he said quickly hissing at you shifted in his lap once more, his hands snapping to your hips trying to still you before he came undone in his boxers. You were a very dangerous woman and something told him you knew.
"Well it sounds like an offer I'd be very, very interested in taking further~" you clarified giggling when he swallowed dryly and eyed you surprized that his plan had seemed  to work.
"Good to hear~ so got anything planned after this?" he asked feeling a wave of confidence at the prospect of snagging a date with you. He hadn't meant to sound so eager but... He was eager and that was that.
"Yes" you said with a straight face and got up off of him spinning around heading to the table with your camera bags. You gave him a glance and giggled seeing him still sitting there gobsmacked legs wide open and his crotch that was now definitely bigger then it had been earlier.
"O-oh" he stuttered seemingly unsure how to proceed. You giggled as he fumbled over his words. Then decided to grant him some mercy and began speaking whilst popping out the sd card from the camera labeling it like the previous one.
"You see I had a very cheeky client today who asked for a shoot last mineut. But I wasn't to bothered he was very very sexy even if he was a boomer, but get this out of nowhere gave me a job offer? And we're having dinner- he promised pizza~" you giggled glancing at Henry as he slumped in the seat realising halfway through that you were talking about him. He smoothed his hands over his face and jumped up coming over to you shaking his head.
"You know I'm not actually a boomer?" he quipped folding his arms. You rolled your eyes at him as you packed your stuff away making sure to recheck everything.
"Have you seen your selfies? Your a boomer, boomer" you teased making him scoff but laugh at the name that has now stuck.
"Wait you've seen my selfies? What do you think?" he asked wanting feedback on the silly shots he took. You paused halfway through zipping up your bag and turned facing him fully giving him a thoughtful look then shrugged
"Their alright... For a boomer" you giggled when he preened for a second then his face dropped into a pout when you finished the comment.
"I repeat...That was hurtful" he said covering his heart with a kicked puppy look making you laugh and hoist your bags over your shoulder and make for the door with him hot on your heels.
"Its fine boomer a second date will make up for it I'm sure~" you sniggered at him playfully looking back at him as he followed you out of the door.
"A date for each time you call me boomer? Deal" he quipped walking along side you offering you his arm like a true gentleman unlike the teasing horny little shit he had been all day. Not that you minded either. Gentleman on the streets, freak in the sheets and all that jazz.
"God we may aswell marry now then boomer" he laughed nodding in agreement the banter from the day still in play as you both left the building.
"Seems so, I mean were at ten that's what the kids consider boyfriend girlfreind territory" he anounced with a sigh playing on the 'boomer' joke making you giggle and roll your eyes as he mentioned the tally. Then you frowned and quickly counted your 'boomers' and opened your mouth you correct him, arguing that ten was incorrect.
"I think its nine boomer- ah see what you did their sneaky boomer!" you cried pushing him playfully at his little trick. He roared with laughter and quickly tangled his fingers with yours dragging you back alongside him guiding you down the street towards a place he knew served pizza, he didn't remember but apparantly he promised pizza...
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