#like ok don't read it?? there have been tons of fics I didn't read cause I didn't vibe with the characterisation
boy-in-the-stars · 9 months
is it I back for more shitty long scollace prompts 😈😈😈 I'm so glad u liked the first ones cause like ik they're cringe 😭😭 anyway sorry again for how fucking long this is:
- I like to imagine they have a lot of movie nights cause scott just orders a ton and still rents movies from that place I forget the name of where Kim works 😭 most nights acott would prolly pick the movie but sometimes wallace gets a chance. idrk what kinda movies he would like but I feel at least once he would waste his turn to purposefully rent a movie he knows scott would hate just to see him suffer <3 true love. in his defense he had to sit through the sonic movie (or if it takes place in 2004 then sonic ova) at least a hundred times.
- I don't think scott would particularly be scared of horror movies but whenever they watch one wallace would definitely tease and try to freak him out. scott would get very annoyed and insist his teasing isn't working and in his defense it isn't!! it's a shitty 80s slasher film or at least he thinks until all the lights are off and there's weird noises outside. suddenly he's tugging on wallace and holding onto him without even realizing.
^^ I j wanna make a point bc I don't want this to come off as like babying or ooc or even fetishizing cause i think scott could definitely handle horror movies. I don't think he's a horror fanatic but he has respect for the classics. it's like wallaces relentless teasing after an especially scary horror movie he hasn't seen, in the middle of the night, with particular weird noises outside. it's like a rly specific situation cause he's usually fine with horror. I j wanted to makebthat clear cause ik there's like a lot of weird fanfics where scotts like an uwu soft boy and. ew. i don't mean it like that. bleh
- after they're official I feel like their dynamic would basically stay the same cause cmon they were pretty much dating before. only difference is now wallace gets to full on make out with him and give him a little more forehead kisses than he did before. at first I feel like scott would act annoyed or maybe not annoyed but dismissive of the little kisses not cause he didn't like them but bc he acted like he didn't like them before they're dating and he feels the need to keep it up. he doesn't wanna give wallace that satisfaction of I told u so u obviously enjoyed them. but either when scotts sick or even tired or whatever wallace gives him a little kiss and Scott pathetically is like another plsss ☹️☹️☹️. Wallace is like oh? now we like my kisses?? with his little smug ass face. when scott fully wakes up he still barely admits to liking them but now doesnt completely ignore them (he loves them). after like a week I think scott would give up the bit and embrace them like kiss it better?? good luck kiss?? goodnight kiss?? morning kiss?? greedy bitch
sorry for how much I write I j wanna like makebmyself clear plus I rlly suck with words so I hope this comes across ok. sorry these are worse but ofc I have more cause of the autism ☹️☹️ hope u enjoyed reading this fucking novel 😭😭
these are all so cute anon!! don’t you even worry, i haven’t been getting many prompts so these mean a lot to me. the first one shot (haircut) should be up as soon as my comic artist finishes the panels!!
shout out to @literallylee btw, they’re drawing some comics for the fics and they’re literally amazing, can’t wait for you guys to see them!!
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another anon competing for my girl's attention? this is unacceptable i didn't know we were allowed to send detailed date ideas
firstly, i'm heavy on diy gifts so rest assured you're getting a lego bouquet set and we're making it together. i'm a masc on the outside but on the inside i'm a softie (shh don't tell anyone) so i can be a little shy at times but i'd like to hold your hand if that's alright. we'd go get coffee and rant about our fav fictional characters for HOURS. then to a bookstore where we'd browse and look at books we've read and tell each other everything about them and i'd just look at you and how beautiful you are.
then we'd go to the beach to watch the sunset and i'd hold your shoes so they don't get sand in them and we'd take tons of pictures of course. the golden hour would make you look like an angel and i'd kiss your cheek because you'd be too busy laughing for me to kiss you properly (i've been told i'm funny so you'd never have a dull moment). i'd take you home then and even though you'd be disappointed that i didn't kiss you it'd make you even more excited for the second date and you'd go to bed thinking about me with the lego flowers on your bedside table.
i'd text you goodnight and say how much fun i had and then we'd set up the second date already. i'd mix in my subtle shyness with my effortless flirtiness and you'd be wishing i was with you and your hand would miss the warmth of mine and you'd dream about me.
og anon <3
Ok but this actually made me blush and is adorable omg😭🥹
If it involves lego i’m immediately sold. I love it so much😭 I really wanted to get that lego avengers tower or the cap shield but lego is crazy expensive 😔
Plsss i’d say im a masc too but im just so ridiculously awkward that im soft 😭
Ugh i could fr talk about wanda and nat for hours😩 There’s a reason i have so many fic ideas😭
Sunsets at beaches are amazing🫠 U gotta plan it well tho cause u should know how unpredictable english weather is😭😭 I was at the beach today and it was sunny then it suddenly started to chuck it down😔
This was such a sweet idea 🥹 thanks og anon <3
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13, 22, 25 & 32 - for the weird questions for writers
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
lets start with easy. lol don't know if this counts as a subject but whatever my fixation is HAHHAH that's really easy to write. idk i think i'm mostly a fluff/crack writer. probably nonsensical/silly subjects are my forte HAHAHA i love writing weird pieces that make you giggle and think 'wtf did my eyes just witness' AHAHAHAHAH.
and well, i have expressed my joy in creating angst fics and i've had people cry at me for them, which is great HAHAHAH thus people may think i'm idk good at that but tbh i find writing angst really hard. i don't think i can write angst honestly; there is only a time and place when i can, and i usually go through a lot of prompt ideas for it, so if you see me reblogging any prompt ideas, then that probably means im going to attempt to write angst
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
i have no idea if i'm organized at writing. ok wait maybe im not. im not the type of person that does bullet points or whatnot, though sometimes i do. i mostly just go ham and barf on the keyboard. my method is just go for it. i literally just use the text creator on wherever im going to be posting the fic. sometimes i do write on my phone notes, maybe ms word or gdocs, i used to write fics on my notebook whilst at school cos i would day dream too much (ive even written a story at the back of my exam paper because the interval between our exams was too long) i dont write on my notebooks anymore though, and again, i mostly just write on site textboxes.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
see i flesh out my characters SO MUCH, esp if its like for a series im doing or if im writing for a really interesting prompt. then i just assume people can read the between the lines and know on instinct that 'oh this means she's probably into yoga' or some shit HAHAHH. suddenly i couldnt think of anything. had to rack my brain for this one. in stone cold, i imagined reader showering her step kids with tons of gifts during their namedays and them being partial to her during events cos she enables sweeties and is the cool third parent 'I WANNA SIT NEXT TO HER' 'NO I WANNA' 'everyone stfu'
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
well, i have tons and tons of favorite lines from the little prince that i could gladly share but i thought of a line from to kill a mockingbird, which is the only thing i got from that book cause i didn't get passed... like 5 pages of it T_T HAHAHAH. 'Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself' this was my pinned tweet when i had a twitter way back in the olden days. HAAHH. yeah i just found it in the book i borrowed. and i only borrowed it cos my library had like a bazillion new copies for some reason, also i wanted bragging rights 'i read that :P'. i just think the line puts an interesting introspective light on things. like, fear is in your head, you're only as scared as you think you are. but also, i like the fact it also doest make sense to me and it sounds like a silly line posing as something profound HAAHAHH
thank you for stopping by my ask my love <3 <3 <3
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tyrantmade · 2 years
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Ok, I am FINALLY going to start working on chapter 1 for my fanfic of Resident Evil. It is a Chrisker Ship, and the summary is this.
SUMMARY: Wesker and Chris both have harbored an attraction for each other. But when the incident at the mansion happens. Chris goes missing, sending His sister and Leon into a panic. Wesker kidnapped Redfield and took him back to his own mansion. Where he gets locked up and get experimented on. Experiments happen, and one night, Chris gets out of the area he was being held in. But Albert learns and attacks him, but during a fight, something else transpires. Things get steamy, and when morning comes, Albert takes chris back to where he is being held. But Leon and Claire find out where Chris and come for him. But left behind is Redfield’s DNA, on a petri dish. And Wesker notices his own DNA mixed with Chris’s. Soon, a embryo forms, and it is revealed to be a baby. Which Wesker is thrilled over. He puts the child in a cylinder, much like being in the womb of a mother and let’s it continue growing. Wesker IS VERY HAPPY. But he doesn’t tell Chris. Will Chris learn about his son? How does Stefan turn out? You will have to read along to find out.
And I don't own the banner above, I didn't make that. It is someone elses. But it is so damn cuuuuuute, Wesker is fucking adorable, and so is Ada and Birkin. I am going to add Birkin to my Multi-Muse. Cause noone is writing as Him, and he is another favorite of mine. So yea, anyhow. Yes I owe 19 drafts, 9 Starters, and TONS OF MEMES. But I have been promising this chapter for over a month now. And I need to do it. IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF WHEN THE CHAPTER GOES LIVE, Give this a like and I will tag you in the fic. It will be posted on my Personal Wesker/RE Blog. @weskerincorpcrated and the name of it is Power Born in Blood.
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run to you | Harry Styles
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Summary: harry can’t help but feel a little jealous when it seems like his best friend is interested in someone else
GENRE: angst, fluff at the end
WARNING: jealous harry, roommates, being dumped, drunk reader briefly, crying
Pairing: harry styles x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Author note: I write a ton of friends to Lovers fic
Blog appropriate for all ages
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission.
Harry's fingers drummed on the table he was sitting at. His eyes knitted as he watched your figure across the room like you were some type of prey.
You were grinding up against a guy as the alcohol you consumed ran through your veins. You were carefree, living you life and enjoying yourself like lots of people were doing in the club that night except harry.
God he hated how that guy was touching your waist, and how you smiled as you looked at him, and how your lips were almost touching his. He hated it, harry really fucking hated it.
He wanted nothing more than tear that guy away from you, but he couldn't.
Harry adjusted himself in his seat, tearing his eyes away from you and the mystery man. His hands went down to his lap and he cleared his throat. He used every inch in his body to not look back over at you.
5 minutes later the song died down and you came back giggling. "Hi harry." Harry looked up at you, pressing his lips into a thin line.
You of course didn't notice and kept talking. "It's fun night. I just met this cute guy and he blew me away. He's going to take me on a date later this week because he likes me. It's going to be so fun." You squealed.
Harry growled under his breath before getting up. "Let's go." He took your hand. You looked up at him confused as to what the problem was. "Harry, what is it?"
Harry pulled you out of the club and to the car he drove you in. "It's late and you're really drunk. It's time to go."
You got in the car, harry did as well, and he drove you away to your apartment.
The whole ride harry grip on the steering wheel was tight. His mind was clouded with thoughts he just couldn't shake.
You on the other hand was confused. You peered over at Harry every now and then seeing his jaw tighten and his knuckles white from his grip. You didn't know what was wrong with him but you didn't bother trying to figure out either.
About 10 minutes later harry pulled into the driveway. He parked the car and got out. He helped you out of the car Because of your drunk state before letting you into the house.
Harry walked right passed you to his room with out a word. You felt yourself tear up at the action. You don't know if it was because you were drunk or you were genuinely upset, but you hated it.
That night you went to sleep crying and confused. Harry heard your cries loud and clear seeing that he was in the room next to you. He felt guilty for treating you like that but he was pissed.
The next morning harry woke up at the crack of dawn. He ripped the blanket off and dragged himself out of bed.
He went straight to the kitchen to get you some water Because he knew you were going to have a killer headache when you awoke. He still cared about you of course.
He walked back up the creaking stairs, grabbed an aspirin from the bathroom before walking to your room.
You were sprawled out on the bed, mouth open as you snored. Harry chuckled to himself at the image. He sat the water and pill down on your nightstand before shaking you awake.
"y/n, time to wake up."
You opened your eyes, groaning as your head started to throb. You easily regretted getting wasted last night.
You looked up at harry; he had a faint smile on his face that didn't quite meet the eyes. Images of last night flooded in your brain of harry being unknowingly mad at you. It made your heart drop in your chest.
You sat up and reached out for the water and aspirin. With harry's help you gulped it down before you looked up at him.
"uhh what was your problem yesterday?"
Harry sighed, "nothin' I was just ready to go." Harry lied. You knew it was a lie but didn't pry.
Your phone on the bedside table ring causing you to reach over for it. You opened your messages and began to read.
Harry watched as a smile creeped up on your face. "What is it?"
"the guy from yesterday message me. He wants to take me on a date tonight." You giddy said.
Harry swallowed, jaw tightening. "Well.. that sounds fun."
Before you could get a word out, harry walked out of the room. You sat there dumbfounded. You didn't understand what his problem was and right now you seriously had a problem with him. He was being an huge ass.
Your makeup was done, you were dressed in a silk dress and a few expensive pieces of jewelry for your date. You exhaled as you stood in front of the mirror in the foyer. You were waiting for your date to come.
Harry walked down the stairs and saw you in that beautiful dress. God you were beautiful but it wasn't for him.
He walked straight to the kitchen without saying a word to you even though you looked right at him.
You walked into the kitchen ignoring his pissed state. "so, I'm probably going to be out till 11 so I'll see you later." You said to him.
He turned away from you grabbing a mug from the cabinet. "Have fun I guess."
You grew angry at him, "what is your problem? You've been acting like a huge jackass!"
Harry scuffed, "I'm a jackass. At least I'm not the one who's going out with a fuck boy." He placed the kettle on and placed the mug on the counter. His eyes didn't met yours at all. You decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and ignore him like he's been ignoring you.
You walked out of the kitchen as you heard a knock on the door. You grabbed your bag and coat before walking to the door. Before you left you yelled out to harry.
"have a good Rest of your fucking day Harry." You walked out of the house, slamming the door slightly.
"you too y/n." Harry spat out to himself.
Days and days went on since you and harry talked on the night on your date.
Everytime you both were in the same room you ignored each other. It was like you were both strangers in your own home.
It wasn't like you both wanted to do this but harry was being a prick and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
It was the day of another date with the guy you met at the bar. You were really excited. You sat in the restaurant waiting for him to come.
5 minutes turned to 10 minutes, 10 turned to 20, and 20 turned to 30 and he hasn't shown up. You started to worry, aggressively texting him but there was no response.
You were getting embarrassed at all the waiting you were doing right now. After a while you just decided to leave. After telling the waiters you were leaving, you walked out of the restaurant. As soon as you reached your car your phone went off.
You opened it seeing a message.
Bar guy | I'm not coming, I found another girl. Sry
You felt your heart drop as you got in your car. You held in your tears as you drove to your apartment. The only thing you wanted more than anything was to be with Harry. Even though you hated his guts, he was always the one there when you had a breakup.
You pulled into the driveway, parking the car. Harry who was inside wasn't expecting you back so early. He frowned as he sat his guitar down.
The door open revealing you. You were crying and went straight to harry.
"hey, love what happened?" Harry asked as placed a kiss on your forehead, wrapping his arms around you.
"he dumped me." You cried out. Harry awed as he once again kissed your head. "It's okay, he didn't deserve you."
You pulled away sniffling. "I'm sorry. I called you a jackass and you were right. He was a fuck boy and I didn't see it and I'm so so-"
"hey, no no it's okay, it's okay." Harry stopped you. "You didn't do anything wrong. He's the one I'm mad at not you ok."
"yeah... Ok." You whipped your eyes and sat down on the couch. Harry did the same. He picked up his guitar. "So I know I'm a shit friend sometimes but what do you think about us having a little bit of fun. Just me and you. I'll sing you a song."
You chuckled, "okay."
Harry smiled, "alright, let's do this."
You and Harry spent the whole night enjoying each other's company. After a few days of not talking it was worth it.
Later that night you and harry are laying on the floor after you both had a long dance party– yes you both were cheesy like that.
Your chest was rising and falling as you looked up at the ceiling. "that was fun."
Harry looked up at you, "of course it was, you're with me bitch, it's obviously going to be fun." Harry said
You laughed. You turned to harry and smiled. "Thanks for today." Harry smiled at you, "you're welcome."
He leaned over and placed a kiss on your nose, something that was normal and he has been doing for years. But this felt different to you.
His lips lingered making your skin tingle. When Harry pulled away he was inches away from your face. You couldn't help but close the gap between the both of you.
Your lips moved with his slowly with meaning. You moaned softly into his lips as harry pushed your back on the ground and hovered over you.
Eventually he pulled away and looked down at you. "Wow." Was all you could get out as he stared down at you. Harry chuckled, "yeah, wow." He placed another soft kiss on your lips before getting up leaving you shocked on the ground.
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simpinforyoongi · 4 years
Shameless ~
Yoongi x reader
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: Angst, (a lot of it)
Warnings: none
Summary: After coming back from Yoongi's studio heartbroken, you decide to scribble your thoughts down on paper, like you've done so many times. What you didn't know was how that little poem would led to your worst heartbreak yet.
Note: Heyy guys! So i just wanted to say that this one is heavily inspired by @krreader 's fic Jealousy and you can treat it like a sequel to hers (but mine ends in angst too and I've changed a few things up). Like you wouldn't believe how much i cried when i read hers amd i just couldn't not write it!! AnYWaYS, enjoy!!
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"Can i go? "
"Go wherever you want hyung, why are you asking me??" Namjoon answered as he put on his winter boots to prevent the cold chilly November winds from freezing his feet.
"No i meant...I want to go..to her.." Yoongi's voice was unnaturally small and feeble, contradicting his usual deep tone.
Namjoon jerked up, standing straight suddenly.
"But hyu-"
"Please Namjoon, I know you care deeply for her, and don't want her to get hurt anymore because of me but I just.."
Namjoon instantly started shaking his head no,
"No no hyung, go, all that happened, i know you didn't mean it to." He gave the older man a small smile "I'll let her know."
"NO! No, she, " Yoongi said with wide eyes, "She won't even open the door if she knows it's me."
"Oh right haha lol ok uh.. I won't call her then" Namjoon says fidgeting awkwardly, almost wanting to say something, but when he saw Yoongi looking at the door with a certain amount of longing, mixed with regret, guilt, fear and everything in between, he decided it was worth a shot.
"Hyung, i know you love her," They held eye contact and Namjoon continued, "and if I'm not wrong, she loves you too. And she's been hurting, for long, just like you and even longer, actually. I know I'm younger than you, but i gotta say this. don't fuck it up."
Namjoon looked down for a moment before looking back up with a sincere smile, "Best of luck! Fighting!" and with that, Yoongi left for your apartment without any bodyguards, without anything at all because that was a risk he had to take.
You were still in bed, Namjoon had called earlier saying he's coming, and to be honest you actually wanted him to come. You needed someone to talk to, and he was the best person for that. You were completely undercovers, and came out only when it became too difficult to breathe in the carbon dioxide that gathered inside your little blanket-bubble.
It had been two weeks since the breakup, and you had even visited them in the meantime because you were strong, and knew how to keep your emotions in control when in front of others, despite the fact that you were about to breakdown any moment. You had cooped yourself up in your little apartment for way too long and your loving friends, aka members of Bangtan had dragged you back to their apartment, even though they knew it was dangerous considering the fact that the cause of all your pain was right there. But there wasn't much they could do and places they could go because, well, they're like only the biggest boy group on Earth. So you went there, insisting you were fine.
But you weren't.
Realllyy weren't.
But once the question left his lips, you knew it was over for you. This, this facáde was instantly crushed when he asked the question.
You had been playing "Truth and Dare" because no matter how sucky you were feeling, you just couldn't seem to say no to the three pairs of puppy eyes that you received. And that landed you in a somewhat boring, somewhat funny game of Truth and Dare, and even though he was there, you seemed to have fun until he asked you that question.
"Do you love someone else now?" and it was something you never in a million years had expected.
So you sat there, completely dumbfounded, much like the rest of the group, at the question that had left Yoongi's lips. And you just, couldn't do anything.
But shortly, anger bubbled up inside you.
How dare he accuse you of loving someone else when you were literally on the verge of just ripping your heart out? How dare he accuse you like that when he was the one who broke up with you? How dare he ask you that when he hadn't even given you enough time to speak before he started yelling at you that day?? How dare he??
"How dare you?" And that's all that seemed to leave your mouth before you stood up and stumbled out of the dorm with everyone except him calling after you.
Another tear escaped as you remembered the happenings of the day. But before you could wail in your sorrow any more, a bell rung throughout your apartment.
You stood up and walked to the door with tears still decorating your cheeks,
Finally Joon is here.
You felt like you could breath better for a second but all wind was knocked from your lungs when your eyes landed upon the face that stood in front of you.
With a black mask and cap, and covered completely in winter clothes, there he stood in all his wintery glory, and you still knew it was him despite only his eyes being visible, that too, partly visible.
You felt your heart constrict and your rib cage felt too small now. A brand new bolt of pain jolted up your sides, almost as if physical, and striked your heart with such force you wouldn't be surprised if you had a heart attack then and there. But you didn't, you stood there, watching him, and he stood there ,watching you.
It wasn't until you shivered from the cold winds hitting your body which was bare of any winter clothing, that you jumped back into reality.
"Do you mind if I..." He trailed off, but you moved aside letting him in. He had expected a much harsher reaction, after all, he did throw some extremelt hurtful and lewd accusations at you that day. But he was grateful you didn't close the door in his face, or throw the little dried up potted plant at him. He took that as a good sign, but with you, everything wasn't as simple.
He took off his coat and hung them on the rack beside the shoe cabinet, before pulling off his boots and keeping them aside. Then he followed you into the living room.
"Coffee??" You questioned while preparing some. He wasn't sure if he wanted one, he opened and closed his mouth for a few seconds, and finally settled on a yes.
A few beats passed in complete silence, before you joined him and handed him a simple black coffee and took a seat on the single sofa opposing him.
Another few moments passed
"You still remember," he said motioning to the coffee in his hands
"It's not that hard to remember two ingredients, Suga. Besides, it's been just two weeks."
His heart shattered when you said that, firstly, on hearing 'Suga' instead of the usual 'Yoongs' or 'Yoongles' that you called him, especially because you knew he pretended to hate, but actually loved it. Hell he would've been more happy to be addressed by his full name, Min Yoongi, rather than Suga. And secondly, because of the small and almost inaudible, crack that he heard in your voice towards the end of the sentence.
You still didn't know why exactly you were so calm and not driving him out of your home. It was as if everything stopped mattering for a moment
"Two weeks. Yea," he finally spoke, eyes not quite meeting yours.
A few moments passed in complete and utter silence.
"I didn't know you wrote lyrics too." Ah yes, the song that Namjoon was producing, you had helped him with the lyrics. Not as much as helped actually, you had just randomly written some words and sentences and somehow he noticed it. He said it fit perfectly with the previous verse he had written and asked if he could use the whole poem in his song. You were completely flabbergasted and thought he was kidding, or perhaps pitying you, but after a lot of convincing, he told you he wasn't. And you told him he could, that's why you were in the professional studio in the first place. Another reason why Yoongi misunderstood you, but it was in no way Namjoon's fault. And Yoongi knew that.
"I didn't. It was supposed to be a poem. He saw it by accident." You yourself were pretty surprised at how calm you were.
"But.. I thought i read all your poems..?" his voice had a questioning tone to it.
"You did.. It was recent.." It indeed was recent. Painfully recent. You had written it just the night before, after coming back from Yoongi's studio without even talking to him properly, because he had, and i quote "a shitton of work to do" . Shit ton of work, with her. That completely broke your heart into a million pieces. You thought it couldn't break any further but you were terribly wrong. That was when you wrote it.
The poem was about, well, you guessed it, heartbreak; loneliness. Something about empty bed sides, lost warmth, tear streaked pillows, you couldn't fully remember. Your mind had been hanging like a 2005 Dell Laptop because of all the crying.
"That night after i came back from your studio." You smiled a little, even if your insides were aching, "speaking of that, hows the production going?"
"Oh it's.. going well I suppose." He looked immensely intrigued by his cup of coffee,
You again smiled.
"Yea, you looked...quite happy." You took a sip of your own coffee, before looking out the window. Frosty winds were blowing, it was getting darker by the minute. It looked...serene.
But Yoongi was having none of this serenity,
"Happy? What...do you mean?" His voice had a sudden change of colour. But this question had your heart clenching and unclenching at a rapid, unhealthy rate.
"You and Suran." You finally croaked out, "You looked happy..with her. It was.. a sight for sore eyes, really." Earlier, whenever you even remotely thought about this, your eyes turned to waterfalls, but now, they seemed dry of any excessive moisture.
Yoongi was dumbfounded. He and Suran?
"What do you mean me and Suran? I'm just helping her!" He semi-yelled, but you didn't flinch like you did last time.
"I know that."
"But what did you mean by happy... wait...did you think we...oh my god." He slumped down back to his seat, coffee long forgotten on the coffee table.
"Y/n why didn't you tell me that?? Why didn't you tell me what you were feeling?? Why di-"
"I DID!!" You finally broke and yelled out with tears streaming down your eyes for the umpteenth time that day.
"I did tell you!!! I texted you a thousand times!! But you didn't read any of those. I called you a thousand times but i was always directed to voicemail. And the times that you did actually listen to me you had the same excuse every time. 'Im just helping her.' I know that Yoongi, I freaking.know. But what do you expect me to think when you cancelled evey date the past three months?? When the smile that you usually had when you were with me, could only be seen when you were with her?? When the way that you looked at her, the way that you smiled at her, the way that you admired every little thing she did completely resembled the way only a lover would. What did you expect me to do, when i felt like you were her mentor, her idol, her Min yoongi, not my...not my..." You couldn't finish the sentence before you completely bursted out in tears.
And as you sobbed uncontrollably, Yoongi was left to think about what you had said. And as he recalled everything he realized that none of your words were wrong.
The fact that he had ignored you so freaking much despite you being so patient with him hit him like a truck and he started spiralling into a dark deep hole of guilt and regret when you suddenly-
He was shocked back to his senses.
"Y/n wha-"
"I said. Leave. " You said as you stood up on lightly trembling feet and started walking towards the door.
"Y/n just listen to me give me a chance to expl-"
"Did YOU give me a chance to fuckin' explain??!! Did you even let me SPEAK when i was begging in front of you to calm down?! No. So leave."
Your heart was pounding at such an extreme rate that you feared he'd hear it and realize, that he was still your weakness. And you couldn't let that happen.
"Suga. I'm asking you to leave." With a shaking hand you opened the door and stood aside.
"Y/n please jus-"
"Are you that shameless?!"
That effectively shut him up. Just as you expected. As he finally left with a wounded heart, you slammed the door and slid down to the floor, trembling with quiet sobs.
"Are you that shameless?? That you finally resorted to seducing one of my brothers?? What else did you do huh y/n? Did you try your luck with Jungkook too?? Oh and what about Taehyung?!"
"Hyung it isn't what it looks like. Just listen to-" Namjoon spoke, trying to calm him down but to no avail.
"Namjoon just...just stay out of it. I just can't believe she'd do this to me. I can't freaking believe she'd cheat on me with yo-"
"Yoongi stop it!" You yelled while crying as you stood in front of the man you loved and who apparently loved you too.
"Why y/n? Why should i stop?? Just so you can go behind my back again? Just so you can break my heart again? Just so tha-"
"Can you pleeasee just let me speak Yoongi. I was here because -"
"Enough! Enough of your lies! I really can't believe you out of all people would do this to me. We're done y/n. We're freaking done." And with that, he stomped out of the studio, leaving you a crying, heartbroken mess.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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