#like okay. they were doing terrible things. so why does this text think those things are good
alittlegreekreader · 1 year
coming in hot but i don’t give a shit about whether characters in epic or whatever were good people. like honestly i also think it’s kind of a dead end to argue about the morality of real people from the ancient world but i especially do not care about like odysseus or achilles or whoever being “bad”. what an absolute waste of time.
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xreader-writing · 2 months
Still here | Lando Norris
Sumarry: Y/n comes to her ex-boyfriend Lando Norris' defense when he's being canceled, and Lando couldn't be happier about it.
Pairing: Ex!Lando Norris X Actress!Reader
A/n: So this will probably become a series lol English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
The next chapter will be WRITTEN, so tell me if you approve this for series or not, thanks :)
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F1news Some internet users are questioning and disapproving of Lando Norris' behavior with Lewis Hamilton, and even pointing out other times when the driver acted rudely with other people around him. What do you think about this?
User1 Disrespectful, that's all.
User2 I think the fame went to his head.
User3 That's probably why Y/n broke up with him.
User4 I bet he was toxic to her.
User5 Y/n is so sweet, how did she put up with him for 2 years?
User6 Wow completely disappointed
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Liked by user1 and 985,765 others
F1news Old photos of a fight between the former couple Lando and Y/n are circulating on the internet again after the cancellation of the pilot, some internet users are saying that he took out his frustrations on his partner.
User1 This is getting worse every day...
User2 Unfollowing Lando.
User3 I think the haters are taking advantage of this.
User4 I've always suspected this
user5 That's because he was born into a rich family and she wasn't.
User6 What does this have to do with anything?
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Liked by mclaren, carlossainz55 and 1,680,593 others
Youruser Okay, I wouldn't say anything about it, but I think things got a little out of hand, and that's not right, some people have been saying how bad and rude Lando is, and how apparently he "was terrible" to me during our relationship, those people couldn't be more wrong.
Lando is the kindest and most kind person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and the two years we spent together were nothing but magical and happy with him, the photos that are circulating say that he's taking his anger out on me, my dears... rest assured that on that day the one who was taking the risk was him lol we had a normal fight like any other couple, don't blow it up or make too many theories about it.
We ended our relationship for other reasons, but we remain friends, he has all my affection and love and I know I have his too, so please stop this gratuitous and completely unnecessary hatred towards him, it hurts me too.
Thank you for your attention, Y/n.
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Liked by user1 and 905,035 others
F1news Actress Y/n came out in defense of her ex-boyfriend Lando Norris, after all the theories and the cancellation of the pilot, she wrote a very cute text clarifying some speculations about the life of the former couple "Lando is the kindest and most kind person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting" says the actress in a part of her text that was posted in a publication on the actress's Instagram.
User1 Oh my God, I miss them so much 😭😭😭
User2 I love this woman
User3 McLaren liked it, they may have paid her to post this
User4 Oh, fuck you
User5 We never found out why they broke up
User6 I still think what he did was disrespectful..
User7 I think Lando is happier than ever now lol
User8 Hadn't she been with Pierre before dating Lando?
User 9 They have only been seen together a few times, they might be friends.
User10 Yes, nothing was ever confirmed.
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luveline · 2 months
how do u deal with adult loneliness? i’m 22, i live at home but my family’s never been close to do stuff or hang out and work is just not an environment i can be close to people in and all my friends work or live together so i don’t ever get to spend time with them like they do each other so i always feel out of the loop. i come home and just hang out by myself and it’s been making me so sad recently. (i’m so sorry for venting in ur asks but u seem very wise.)
I am so sorry I wrote a massive answer to this and it just didn’t save but most of it wasn’t helpful anyways so let’s do round two of the better points
it’s totally okay to vent if you want, I can’t always answer but I try to when I can cos I know how it feels to really want to tell someone something and feel like you have no one to tell! I am also a very lonely adult, but I used to be even lonelier, and here are the things I do to cope with being lonely and to improve how often I feel lonely
I think we must first poke the relationship between poor self-esteem and loneliness, I hope you love yourself dearly but if you don’t it does tend to make you feel lonelier, so if that’s one of the reasons here is my case as to why you should like yourself more : you said you come home and hang out with yourself and that makes you sad but I actually loved how you phrased it, you’re hanging out with you. Not only are you unique and special and interesting, but you do have the ability to be your own company (though I won’t suggest it’s easy to just suddenly feel content by yourself OR that this will erase the need for connection with others). But I do think that anyone who knows you is experiencing a great privilege and that you should feel that way about yourself, you are amazing, you can do amazing things. my scenario was when you’re with Friend A, you’re not lonely because Friend A is amazing and good company. When Friend A goes home she feels lonely too, but why? Wasn’t she amazing to be around? I think if you can put some weight on the pleasure of being yourself even if that’s like. Even if it’s just that when you’re alone you don’t have to worry about being judged, and you give yourself leniency or something, does that make sense?
My next point is that to cope with loneliness I started writing about wish fulfilment stuff, fics where someone appreciated me, loved me, saw my struggles, and I read those so much. When I first started writing, a thousand words probably took me a week, and I would just constantly reread the things I wrote because they always made me feel less alone, even the process of writing now years later makes me feel less alone. If I couldn’t write I’m sure I’d constantly feel alone because I don’t have many friends either and I don’t see them much!! I feel so out of the loop with everything that I realised I actually can’t deal with social media and the feelings they give me and I deleted them all over again a few weeks ago (besides of course this and one other evil app). It’s actually my big recommendation to everyone ever to get off of social media if you can but I totally understand that it’s not easy and can make it worse rather than better. My point here before is that having a hobby and something to work on and to be with yourself instead of by yourself is a great way to deal.
Other ways I coped with loneliness were jigsaw puzzles (so many), rewatching the same TV shows, movies, reading A LOT, daydreaming, learning how to make friendship bracelets, nature documentaries (especially good to see how huge the world is)
If being alone is upsetting you and you can’t cope, please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. You’re very important, and the way you feel is important to. You don’t have to suffer through any bad feelings even loneliness which may feel incurable alone. In the UK there are lots of free resources (many terrible) but ones I would actually recommend are the Samaritan email service and the SHOUT crisis text line for stress anxiety and depression. Both are busy services which can make the loneliness more exasperating but they can help when you’re feeling awful. I’m really sorry you’re feeling lonely right now because it’s an awful feeling that genuinely goes to the bone, and I hope you feel less alone soon!! I’m sorry if this has assumed anything wrong about you but just based off of how I experienced my worst loneliness and what I did to feel better I hope my advice can help you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
du bist mein schultenbrau
Tell me!! 🤍😂
ITS SO DUMB ITS JUST THE WORKING TITLE for everyone super confused by the context, the title is from this banger of a dutch après ski hit the title has mostly nothing to do with the fic except lando and oscar go on a ski trip in the winter break because oscar was supposed to go with his gf but she broke up with him and lando's like 'i'll go with you' and they spend a whole week on a super romantic couples ski trip As Bros (who fall in love. obviously) anyway thats a terrible explanation here's the first two opening scenes that actually set up the plot perfectly lmao:
Max texts Lando on one of this last days in the MTC, right before winter break is supposed to start. Lando doesn’t even notice at first, spending most of his time in and out of meetings, filming a few last minute promo vids. When he does notice, he sighs, annoyed, a little disappointed.
“Hm?” Oscar says, from across the table, where he’s slouched down in one of the office chairs, scrolling through his own phone.
“Max cancelled our trip,” Lando says, dropping his phone down on his thigh and staring up at the ceiling as he contemplates his options. He could go visit his parents, maybe. Maybe other Max and Martijn wanted to hang out for a bit.
“Verstappen?” Oscar asks, without glancing up from his phone. He’s been quiet all day, more quiet than usual. There’s a downward pitch to his mouth, bags under his eyes. Lando gets it, maybe. It’s been a long season, and even though they ended on a high note, he can understand the exhaustion. He’s feeling it himself, the aftereffects of months of giving it his all. It’s why he’d been looking forward to this trip so much.
“Fewtrell. We were going to the Maldives. But now his girlfriend wants to go visit her family, so.” He tries not to sound bitter about it. He gets it. She hardly gets to see him as it is, and it’s not like Max owes him anything.
He’d just really been looking forward to it.
“Can you cancel?” Oscar asks. He’s put his phone down, and he’s looking at Lando now, the way he always does. Like there’s nothing else in the world more worth looking at than Lando. It had unnerved Lando a little, in the beginning, until he’d realized that’s just how Oscar looks at people. Or, well, he assumes that’s just how Oscar looks at people. He’s never really been able to test this theory, but it makes sense, so. It’s probably true.
“Yeah,” Lando says. “Full deposit back and everything. Still. Rather be on a beach.”
Oscar snorts. “Luckier than me, then.”
“Why?” Lando asks, frowning, wondering if he’s forgetting something.
“I was supposed to go to this ski resort with Lily. But now. Well.” He looks pained, and when Lando sends him a confused look, he adds. “We, uh. We broke up. So.”
“Ah,” Lando says. So maybe it hadn’t all been exhaustion, then. “I’m sorry.”
Oscar shrugs, but his mouth is still pitched down and he’s not looking at Lando, instead focusing on his hands, where he’s fiddling with his phone. “It’s okay. It just wasn’t working out anymore. For either of us. But uh. Yeah. Still sucks. Plus I can’t get my deposit back, so now I either go on this stupid ski trip alone, which is just sad, or I just lose the money.”
Technically, Oscar could probably afford to lose the money. He’s rich enough. But it’s the principal of the thing. Also, Oscar still has that sad puppy look on his face and it’s pulling at Lando’s heart a little bit. It’s the only excuse he has for blurting out. “I’ll go with you.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, looking up, surprised.
“Yeah,” Lando says, thinking about it a little more seriously. “Yeah, why not? Teammate bonding outside of the season. It’ll be good for us. Plus, it solves both of our problems. You don’t lose the money and you don’t look like a sad sack of shit in front of all those fancy ski people, and I get to go on a vacation after all. Win win.”
“I mean,” Oscar says, and he seems to actually consider it now. “It’s no beach.”
Lando shrugs. “Bet the gin and tonics still taste roughly the same,” he says, and Oscar laughs, one of those full body things where he folds in half with the force of it. The joke’s not that funny, but it’s the happiest he’s seen Oscar all day, so he’ll take it.
“Sure,” Oscar says. “Why not. Let’s go.”
It isn’t until Lando’s standing in the door opening of their little cabin for the weekend, backpack hanging off one shoulder and suitcase at his feet, that he realizes how intimate this is. He should’ve guessed, maybe. Oscar had said it was a trip he’d booked for him and his girlfriend, so. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, perse. But this is. It’s small. It’s cozy. There’s a fireplace.
“Lando, I don’t want to rush you, mate, but it’s like minus ten out here and I’m not wearing my ski jacket yet,” Oscar says, from somewhere behind him, a noticeable shiver in his voice.
“Right, yeah, sorry,” Lando says, moving further into the cabin, dragging his luggage with him. Lando had flown in from Monaco, fresh off celebrating New Year’s with his friends. Oscar had flown in from London, and Lando’s pretty sure he spend both Christmas and New Year’s alone. It shouldn’t tug at his heart strings as much as it does, probably.
Oscar makes his way inside, dumping his suitcase by the couch and looking around. “Quaint,” he settles on.
“All right, big fancy words man,” Lando says, rolling his eyes. “Please tell me you know how to make a fire, it’s fucking freezing in here.”
“I do, actually,” Oscar says, beelining for the fireplace while Lando wanders further into the cabin, darkly muttering ‘of course you do’.
The living room is massive, with a giant L shaped couch in front of the fireplace, and big open windows looking out over the beautiful snowy landscape outside. To the left, there’s an open archway to a kitchen and dining room, and to the right are two doors. One, upon opening it, turns out to lead to a pretty decently sized bathroom. The other-
“Oscar,” Lando says, frowning a little. “Are you aware there’s only one bed?”
“What?” Oscar says, looking up from where he’s fidgeting with something in the fireplace. Lando doesn’t say anything, just holds open the bedroom door and gestures at the frankly giant bed. “Oh, yeah,” he says, looking a little forlorn. “I mean. Yeah. When I booked it- Well. They didn’t have any cabins with single beds, so.” He shrugs a little bashfully. “I’ll uh, take the couch. It’s big enough.”
And he looks so small, and so sad, crouched in front of the fire, shoulders slightly hunched over, that tired, sad expression back on his face, and goddamnit. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Lando says, closing the door resolutely and going to grab his luggage. “We’ll share.”
“But-“ Oscar shares, and behind him, there seems to have appeared an actual fire in the fireplace. Lando raises an impressed eyebrow.
“No. We’ll share. It’s fine, the bed is giant. I think we’d be sleeping closer together if they had given us separate beds, that’s how big it is,” Lando says, grabbing his bags and making his way back to the bedroom.
“Okay,” Oscar says, but he doesn’t look so sad anymore, smiling a little at Lando’s dumb little joke, and that’s. Lando will take that, if anything.
“So,” Lando says, flopping down on the giant couch after he’s managed to ditch all of their luggage. “What’s the plan for tonight?”
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 11
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: well, y/n is kidnapped so there's that, weapons, implied unethical experimenting
Genre: Kinda angst ig
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
Wanda did get your emergency code and she practically ran off in the middle of her date with Vision when she saw your text. It only took her a few minutes to realize something wasn't right when she got back to the apartment. First of all the front door was open, no, not just open, it was splintered. Someone broke the door and Wanda winces at the realization. The landlord is going to be so pissed about that, but she can't really worry about the door right now. Her initial instinct is to call out for you when she enters the apartment but there's a sinking feeling of dread settling within her at the thought, reminding her of your SOS, reminding her that something is wrong. She scans the living room quickly, the coffee table is askew, the rug is half flipped, and one of the armchairs is on its back. She frantically pulls out her phone to call you and when she sees it ringing on the floor her heart stops. She wasn't quick enough to get to you. Something terrible has happened and she couldn't get here in time to help you. Without a second thought, she conjures a portal that takes her to the only other people she trusts with your safety.
"You two." She says. The sound of guns cocking sound throughout the room in quick succession. It looks like she's interrupted a meeting but right now she can't be bothered to give a damn about that. "Alright, if all of you want to leave this room alive I suggest you lower those guns because I promise that I could kill all of you faster than any of you could pull a single trigger." She says without even looking around the room at any of them. Steve's hands shoot up as he prepares to defuse the situation before it goes south.
"Lower your weapons. She's a friend." He says to the men in the room and slowly, hesitantly, firearms are put down but not away. "Wanda we're in the middle of something you can't just do... whatever the hell that was whenever you feel like it." He sighs.
"I thought you had security watching my best friend." Wanda says ignoring Steve's admonition.
"We do. Can we talk about this later?" Steve says.
"No, we cannot because if you have security watching her, watching our place, you have to explain to me how it is possible that our apartment was broken into and y/n is currently missing." She grits out.
"What?" The color drains from Steve's face at her words.
"Meeting dismissed." Bucky says to the room.
"Boss this is-"
"Out. Now." Bucky glares, not letting the random guy finish his statement. All but two men scurry out of the room quickly.
"Y/n's missing? You're sure?" Steve asks.
"Positive. I was out on a date and she sent me an SOS message, I got there and our front door was broken, furniture was overturned and her phone was dropped on the floor when I tried to call her."
"Can you find her? Like with magic, I mean?" Steve asks.
"Maybe." Wanda says.
"Maybe?" Bucky asks.
"This kind of thing isn't exactly a one-step process, okay? Locating people with magic it- it can be a little complicated." Wanda says.
"You've never been here and you got to us just fine." He frowns.
"I've been inside your heads before getting here was light work." She shrugs.
"Excuse you?" Steve blinks.
"I won't apologize for it. You wanted to date my best friend I wanted to make sure you weren't going to hurt her. Especially after what happened with Bruce. She wouldn't consider seeing you otherwise. I'm the reason she agreed to that date that got yall together." Wanda waves her hand dismissively.
"You went inside our heads?!" Bucky asks.
"Oh relax it's not like I went through your trade secrets. I was only interested in your thoughts on y/n."
"You can control what you see?" He asks.
"Think of your mind like one of those rooms filled with filing cabinets. Every thought you've ever had goes in a file in a drawer in a filing cabinet, if you know what you're looking for you only open the drawer you need to open and knowing my way around people's minds is like my specialty when it comes to magic. And whatever you've thought about her that has you making that guilty expression right now Bucky I promise did not see it, this was before your first date with her."
"Invasion of privacy aside that is nowhere near our biggest problem right now so back to the abduction situation. You think you can find her, right? How do we help?" Steve asks.
"Unless either of you has magic powers you've been hiding, this part you can't help with. All you need to do is have a plan, a team, or whatever it is you do, have something in place for if I find her. I could probably go by myself depending on the situation but it's been a while since I've had to get my own hands dirty and why change that when my best friend has the mob to do her bidding? So just be ready to go so we can rescue her."
"Buck." Steve says.
"On it. Sam you're with me." Bucky says exiting the room with one of the two that stayed in tow.
"Clint I want you to find out what the hell happened with our guys that it was even possible for us to end up in this situation and see if you can find anything that will help us find her, security footage, something dropped at the apartment, witnesses, anything, Clint. I want answers and quickly." Steve orders the one still in the room.
"Will do." The guy nods and stomps out quickly.
"Whatever it is you do, Wanda, do it and try to do it fast." Steve says to her. Wanda nods at him before sitting at the table and closing her eyes. Steve takes a seat across from her, waiting for her to do something and hopefully quickly. They have to find you. They'll raise hell if they don't. They'll raise hell if they do find you too.
You blink slowly as you come to. The bright lights are overwhelming while you try to get your bearings, ignoring the way your head throbs. It's not the worst headache you've had but it certainly isn't making things any easier.
"Well look who's awake." You grunt when a loud voice fills the room you're in. You jump up and look around. Stark white walls surround you, except one. One plexiglass 'wall' is directly in front of you showing you the hallway filled with rooms identical to yours. All of which are empty, at least the ones you can see. A sinking feeling of familiarity settles like a pit in your stomach but you can't dwell on it long. You look around for the source of the disembodied voice. A camera stares down at you from one corner at the back of the room and you assume the voice is watching you from it.
"Who are you? What am I doing here?" You glare at the camera.
"I'm a scientist. You, if it wasn't obvious, are here as part of an experiment." The voice says.
"Do you have a name disembodied so-called scientist or is 'scientist' all you identify as?" You cross your arms.
"My name doesn't matter. And while you're in there neither does yours. You are subject AZM89273. That is how you will be referred to while here."
"Ooo I've got a serial number. How cute. Did you come up with that all by yourself?" You roll your eyes.
"If you think you're going to hurt me with your snarky attitude, remember that I am out here and you are in there."
"Oh no, sticks and stones my dude, sticks and stones. The snark isn't for you that's just my way of processing this whole straight out of taken nightmare situation, if it happens to annoy you in the process well, that's just a bonus. Look, personally, I already know there are only really, like, two ways this situation ends. I find a way out of here on my own and rip your throat out myself or if I don't there will be an army here in the next if you're lucky, 48 hours but I'd guess you've got at best 24 but most likely less depending on how long I've been in here already. Either way, your clock is definitely ticking. So I'm really not worried at all, you, however, might want to figure out an escape plan because they will burn this place to the fucking ground with all of you inside it, without a second thought." You say.
"You can make threats all you want but you're the one locked in a room." The voice says after a moment. He sounds snappy now like you're getting under his skin actually.
"For now, but like I said I'm not worried." You shrug.
"We'll begin testing in an hour." He forces out. If you had to guess, he's clenching his teeth.
"I'll be counting down the minutes! Anything I should study?" You watch the camera disappear into the wall, although you're sure you're still being monitored. "Alright y/n, got an hour. Let's brainstorm." You glance around the room. It's mostly empty. There's a bed and a clock on the wall and that's about it. Okay. You just threatened to rip out a throat so chances are they aren't gonna cart you out of here conscious. Which, likely means, sedation. They might use gas. That would be safest, they don't have to risk sending someone in here with you, but for all they know could have the lung capacity of a free diver. A shot would be risker but easier to ensure incapacitation. Either way, you probably won't be able to escape on your way to whatever testing they have planned for you. Your best bet is during the 'testing' or on the way back.
An hour goes by and suddenly gas fills the space you're in. Yeah, you totally saw that choice coming. You hold your breath for as long as you can but eventually, the sedative fills your lungs when they start to burn from not breathing. You barely catch two people in white suits entering the room before your eyes shut.
When you wake up again you're not sure how much time has passed really. A quick glance around makes you aware of a couple of things. You're facing the ceiling, you're moving actually. The lights passing over you are reminiscent of every drama ever when a character is being wheeled through a hospital on a gurney. Except this isn't a drama and while there are people pushing the gurney they are calm and quiet as they wheel you... wherever you're going, none of the chaos and yelling you've seen in shows. Your hands are also locked in place. Metal digs into your wrists when you try to move them. You don't want to make any sudden movements, maybe if you're careful they won't notice you're awake yet. Using your peripheral vision to the best of your ability you try to pinpoint where you're going, or at least where you are now. This is the one time in your life that you wish you had visited Bruce more often at the lab. You have no clue what the layout of this place is, you can't remember from the one time Bruce showed you around. Getting out of here might be much harder than you initially anticipated.
"-really think... is a good idea? Feels like... plan is going to..." Despite your efforts to focus, you miss parts of the sentence. Maybe you're not as awake as you thought.
"I sure hope not... all screwed." The response comes in broken too. You assume they're referring to whatever plan you are here to be part of. If they're so skeptical, why are they even involved? What exactly is going on here?
When Wanda's eyes finally snap open she lets out a gasp. Steve looks up at the sudden movement, waiting for her to say something, to give any indication that this time she was successful in locating you. She's been at it for hours and the longer this goes on the more anxious it makes them both.
"Did you find her?" Steve asks.
"Fucking hell." She breathes out.
Part 11/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10 @vicmc624 @mandijo17 @marvel-fandom23
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
Can I request woozi with a reader who loves loves loves music? I’m autistic and music is just one of those things that make me so so so happy! And I really vibe with svt songs it’s crazy…
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woozi with a s/o who loves music ✧˖°.
i feel like it's necessary for woozi's s/o to LOVE music
i think he said in an interview one time that his ideal type is someone who loves music as much as he does!
but anyway, if he knows you love music, he'd be so overjoyed!
he'd feel even more motivated to keep producing music
he'd send you lots of song recommendations and playlists
and he'd sing your favorite songs to you on very lucky days
one day, when you were attending one of seventeen's concerts when you guys just started dating
he memorized where you were supposed to be seated
and whenever he'd look over at you and saw you bopping your head to the music and listening happily as you get lost in the wonderful sounds he put together
he can't help but smile at you and fall in love with you
the way you can get so lost in music just like he does
it just makes his heart so happy
he wishes he could've taken a photo or video of that moment, but he treasures that memory and makes sure to remember it vividly
during the time he has to go on tour and leave you home alone for a long weekend, he compiles a playlist of music he loves, music he thinks you would love, and music he KNOWS you love for you to play on a speaker for when the house feels too quiet
when you're in the car together, he insists he always has the aux, but of course, he'd play specific songs especially for you
since this drabble is kind of short...
here's an imagine for you!
imagine it's been a terribly long day, and you're feeling so exhausted on your way home
when you get home, you aren't surprised jihoon's not there
i mean, he stays up pretty late working
but you decide you're gonna beg for him to come home at a reasonable time so he can come chill with you at home
so you shoot him a text like
you: ji
you: pls come home
and he responds
jihoon: right now?
you: just earlier than usual
jihoon: why? what's wrong?
you: i've had such a long day
jihoon: you can't come to the studio and hang out with me here?
you: ...
jihoon: fine i'll come home in a bit
and you lay there on the couch with your work clothes still on
you don't even have the energy to clean yourself up or make yourself something to eat
when he comes home, he tsks at you
"wow. have you just been laying here since you called me?"
he chuckles, plopping himself on top of you
"want to call it an early night tonight?" he mumbles into your shoulder
"yes, please."
he gets up and helps you up, leading both of you to your room
he takes off your jacket for you before laying it over your desk chair
you go to the bathroom to actually change into some pjs
and he changes into some shorts that he left over at your house
and then you both lay next to each other in bed
"i'm so tired," you say, sighing
you lay your head on his chest and listen to the rhythm of his heart
"why? did you not have a good day?"
"it was an okay day, just felt like it was too long."
"oh, makes sense," he says.
he doesn't ask if you want to talk about it
because, to be honest, he doesn't know how to comfort you with words
and if you really wanted to talk about it, you would go on ahead and do it
you lay there in silence until he starts singing "hug" to you
you listen to his voice and the meaningful lyrics
and it feels so wholesome and so pure
you want moments like these to last forever because you love music and you love him
so if he's singing to you, it's just everything you love at once
you quickly fall asleep in his loose grasp
his arm wrapped around your shoulders with his fingers drumming a soft beat on your chest
and when he finishes singing, he quickly notices your soft snores, and he feels so accomplished and happy
he feels so warm in these music sharing moments with you
he plays some of your favorite songs on his phone at a low volume
and you both sleep well together 🫶
thank you so much for the request! i hope you enjoyed it <3 feel free to request many, many more things ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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How would Elena and Caroline react to Klaus and Bonnie? Bonnie’s their bestfriend.
Negative at first. This isn’t an anti-Elena or Caroline moment at all. I do think they'd warm up to Klonnie in their own way. Let me explain.
Elena’s arc is about grief, keeping those close to her and finding a way to be happy again after lost. So, in return Elena grows attached to people that essentially wouldn't leave like vampires or Bonnie. I'm going off S1-2 was the strongest that Bonnie and Elena were. They shared secrets with each other, texted every day, did cheerleading, sleepovers, and viewed each other as sisters. Elena wanted Bonnie to be close with Stefan because they both were important to her. When Elena is upset, she goes to Bonnie for comforting. When Bonnie is hurting Elena wants to be there for her. The writing doesn't allow that though. Elena certainly doesn't like being cut off from Bonnie or finding out she's hurt. Elena loved that Beremy was a thing. It kept Bonnie close and her brother happy. Now include everything that goes on in S1-3. My point is Elena is very dependent on Bonnie.
Caroline's issues with Elena were insecurities and projection but even then, when DE became a thing, she didn't mind frequently bashing their relationship as she saw fit. Keeping Elena informed on who she was dating context does matter because the series ignores how Damon treated her. But with that in mind, she'd do the same about Klaus just venting about how terrible he is and how much of a problem he creates for everyone. The series doesn't consider Bonnie someone Caroline has to be jealous of for obvious reasons but if Bonnie was being given a great amount of attention, I do think those patterns could repeat with Bonnie. In general, Caroline does exist in her own world but still depends on or expects Bonnie to be there. We've seen Caroline venting to Bonnie often.
Klonnie would be a lowkey thing for a while. Bonnie would feel conflicted in her feelings and trust for Klaus, she wouldn't take him seriously while keeping up the mentality that she has to be there for everyone. Klaus have to do way more than giving her gifts to win her over. Bonnie wouldn't try to make Klaus suddenly like her friends either. She wouldn't allow a relationship to persist if he's harming them. Klaus would be so determined on making Bonnie believe him. Adding in Klaus will claim he doesn't care if Bonnie bonds with his family but he's lying. She'd get closet to Kol and Rebekah in the meantime since they wouldn't go tell the MF about Klonnie imo. Bonnie would want to confide in her friends about her relationship as it grows. When it all does come out, I do think Elena would only once mention Jenna's death in an argument out of being hurt that Bonnie kept this secret for so long. Or not knowing where their friendship stands if Bonnie continues to be separated from her since she's been holding onto that secret relationship for who knows how long. Same, for Care completely I do think she'd slip up and imply once why would Klaus take an interest in Bonnie, that he's using her for magic or how it all is some bad idea. Which would be all fears Bonnie has had and wanted to share more than anything else, but I do believe once Elena and Caroline see how happy Bonnie is and lets her confide in them about her relationship, they would love that Bonnie is happy that's all that would matter to them. If she was happy, and getting the love back she was given then they're okay. Would they like Klaus for her? Nah, and certainly not going to enjoy getting used to not being so dependent on Bonnie cause Klaus would break that up.
To sum it all up they'd be negative and very critical at first still wouldn't like Klaus for Bonnie long-term. They may say the wrong things initially but they'd both apologize talk out why they said or feared things with Bonnie being with him. Most of the hurt would be not understanding why Bonnie didn't come to them about Klaus. Then they'd go interrogate Klaus demanding he'd treat her right. I can see Carolena stalking Klonnie on their dates just to see how this relationship was going. Bonnie would just have to catch her bestfriends up at a sleepover that's all.
Hope this helps!
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loftec · 3 months
time zone tag game time
Tagged by the lovely @deedala and @wehangout ty!
Name: lofty
Age: 38 (this is good practice for me, having to say it every week, so I remember)
Location: Sweden
And now...
What is your DJ name? Not sure if I need to do something to acquire a DJ name (it feels like the sort of thing I should be given to me) but I always use the squid emoji as an avatar for me when I text, so maybe DJ Squid... or no! The main reason I use the squid emoji is because of its flailing tentacles, so really what I'm trying to get at is the movement of the thing. DJ Whacky Waving Inflatable Tube Pal. (This would also be my signature dance move.) (Wednesday night is Flail Night with DJ Whacky Waving Inflatable Tube Pal, 6 feet apart at all times or you will be Whacky Smacked in the face!)
If you were a genre of music, what would it be?
Something like this, so I guess the tuba/pedal steel genre?
What would you title your biography?
Mellanbocken Bruse
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Okay so first thing is travel to London and I will count the trains to and from the airports as part of one thing, one journey (or just pay for those, but sneak on the plane) and then I would sneak into the wildly expensive Spirited Away stage show and watch it from the dang orchestra pit I'm going to be so close, I'll stand in the front and not be in the way of anyone, and then maybe I'll do it again the next day for my third thing.
What subject do you wish was taught in every school?  What even are taxes and how does it work.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? Last week my friend had Banoffee flavoured oat milk in her coffee and I got to taste it, I thought I wouldn't like it because I don't generally want my coffee to be sweet, but it wasn't terribly sweet and mostly tasted of banana, so it was pretty nice!
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited?  I don't know what cities I like are underrated, but I definitely underrated Norrtälje before I visited for the first time, and my colleague suddenly turned our walk into a tour of different filming locations for one of my childhood favourite films. Mind blown.
What day in your life would you like to relive? One specific day in New York two years ago. (Two years!! When did that happen?)
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?  I would say dishes but I am trying to learn to love them and it's been going pretty well so. I suppose the thing I'm trying to absolutely banish from my routine is doomscrolling reels, which I did only this morning even though I feel like shit every time I do it. I don't know if that counts, but it's like, some things like dishes are just things that you have to do so I would rather learn to like them, but some things become routine even though they actively just make my life worse and that's algorithmic social media, and I want it gone.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?  I like to claim that I would not last a day but I'm not sure that's true actually. I would try to find a group of friends and work together and build a little secure community somewhere and if I'm not on my own, I think we could make it work for a while, until we get eaten.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? I was going to say some sort of magic but then I remembered that like, audio recording is still magic to me so what do I know.
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose?
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I think lots of people have already been tagged, but if you haven't and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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gffa · 2 years
Sorry in advance if this is an incoherent ramble, but I have Thoughts about the Jedi and emotional regulation I want to share with you, if it's okay.
So I have ADHD and pretty strong emotional disregulation that I really, really struggle with. In my late teens/early twenties I was convinced that my emotions, all of them, were inherently destructive and harmful to others because of how intense they are.
My favorite Star Wars character is Anakin and I think you can guess why 😅. I don't really like admitting it but I understand him and relate to him sooo much.
Okay here's the relevant part: I love the Jedi Order's teachings about mindfulness and emotional control. So often I do feel ruled by my emotions! I can so easily see how embracing that leads to the dark side, and I know that staying in the light really is a constant battle against one's own darkness because I've done that! Without the psychic/telekinetic powers, obviously, but honestly it's a good thing I can't accidentally fling objects around the room if I get upset. I've often wished the Jedi Order was real and I could be part of it just so I could learn to better control my emotions.
It's why I just don't get the argument that Jedi "repress" their emotions. Where does that even come from? They have such sensible responses to such stressful situations. And unbridled unregulated emotion is NOT a good thing, as I know far too well. The Sith don't practice "emotional freedom" or whatever those people call it. With my disregulation problems I'm not "free," I'm even more shackled by it. I hate it and I want to control it- which is what the Jedi practice.
Anyway, just wanted to share my point of view on that whole debate. I also just want to say thanks for running this blog! I adore your meta posts and I love your unending Jedi positivity. You're definitely my favorite Star Wars blog. You're so good at articulating analyses that I can see for myself in the text but am terrible at putting into words lol. I'm sorry that your popularity attracts so many people who want to argue with you or be nasty. I hope you know how happy you make us fellow Jedi-supporters. 😊
Hi!  This ask was from before today’s discussion on the Force and emotions (here and here), so it’s good timing to come across it in my drafts again! You and I are in a similar boat--I relate to Anakin the most, too.  And I had a lot of years in my life without a solid grasp on my emotions, where my anger was entirely justifiable, but it was absolute misery and cost me a lot of time and relationships with people.  In the moment, it felt good to lash out with that anger, but I was consumed by it, that’s all I was so much of the time, and it really, really was not good to let my emotions run rampant that way.  So, I understand and I’m sorry that you’ve gone through that and I’m glad you seem like you’re in a better place now. While the Jedi may not be real, thankfully a lot of the same ideas totally are, like Buddhism is real, different kinds of therapy techniques are real, we absolutely can learn to regulate our emotions, even if it’s really hard.  You could probably even do a Google search for “how to learn to regulate my emotions” and find some good starting places! I can’t speak for any part of fandom, especially one I’m not part of, but I suspect that a lot of the “Jedi repress emotions” thing comes from a conflict of how mainstream media almost always supports the idea that emotions fuel powers, that if you tap into your anger or any other intense emotion, you’ll get a major power-up and you can save the day with it.  Think of almost any major display of power in a superhero movie and it’s usually because the character just had an explosion of emotion, right?  Because their control on their temper finally snapped or because they suddenly became tunnel-visioned about who they needed to save.  It’s everywhere. Star Wars, in contrast, says:
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But we’re primed to think emotional regulation is suppression.  We’re primed to think that it’s not being true to ourselves, that we’re chaining a part of ourselves up.  We’re primed to think that any kind of sacrifice or concession to the greater society is suppression of the self. So, along come the Jedi who say, “Actually, emotional regulation is good.  Sometimes you do have to sacrifice things to make the world better, but the selfness love for other people is worth it.” we’re primed to think they’re suppressing themselves and living half-lived lives. But that’s not true for the worldbuilding in Star Wars.  Individualism is not king in Star Wars.  Selflness and care for others and the willingness to understand that life is impermanent and we have to let go of things are the core themes. And you’re absolutely right--one of Lucas’ themes in Star Wars is, "Most of my movies are about the fact that you're in that little place, it's the little prison in your brain—the door's open but you can't leave. But all you have to do is walk out and say, 'Hey! I'm gonna do this.'” (Sundance Q&A, 2015) and  “All of my movies are about one thing.  Which is the fact that the only prison you’re in is the prison of your mind.  And if you decide to open the door and get out, you can.  There’s nothing stopping you.“ (American Voices, 2015) The dark side is a prison in your mind, one you’re trapping yourself into.  You’re not free, your emotions are ruling you.  They control you because you can’t stop yourself from screaming or lashing out or destroying things in your rage, you can’t stop from saying hurtful things to the people you care about.  That’s not freedom, that’s being dragged along in the wake of your own unchecked feelings.  It’s a dark pit that you have to decide to climb out of. And the Jedi echo that theme:     "You said we would be trapped."     "Not by the cave you were but by your mind. Lessons, you have learned. Find courage, you did.  Hope, patience. Trust, confidence, and selflessness." --Yoda, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, “The Gathering”
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bloodhoundluke · 2 years
nervous ✧ luke hemmings [university au]
description: luke and y/n met on their first year of university. they connected with each other in a way no one else could understand. they are best friends but in secret, luke had caught feelings towards y/n within the first weeks of getting to know each other. little does he know, the feelings are mutual. today, y/n is going to a party alone and feels anxious about it. a drunken late night conversation leads to a late night gesture y/n didn't see coming.
pairing: best friend!reader x luke hemmings
warnings: social anxiety, alcohol consumption, cursing, angst, fluff. please let me know if there's anything else.
word count: 2,1k-ish.
a/:n: i haven't published anything in a while, so i am kinda nervous...🥺 i hope you like this! 💙 and ps. if you are struggling with social anxiety, or anxiety, know that you're not alone. i am always here to listen, and i am sure many others are too. <333 i think this could be a series, let's see what the future holds...
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You had promised to attend a party tonight, and the time was moving unpleasantly fast. Irrational and chaotic thoughts filled your brain. The only one who could make this better was your best friend of two years. Luke. That's why you had invited him to your place earlier. Before Luke arrived, you had paced all around your apartment and tried to calm yourself down. Needless to say, you failed to do so.
"But Luke, I don't go to parties. Not usually. And especially not without you", you sighed and checked yourself on the full-body mirror in your bedroom. You turned to to Luke whose tall body was leant against the wall. The curly-haired best friend of yours had help you paint your apartment, and thanks to him, you managed to paint the bedroom walls dark blue. Thinking back now, a different shade of blue would have been better. Baby blue.
"I know, I know. I promise you'll get through it. If you feel horrible, text me. And do those breathing exercises you talked about? And Y/N, you can always leave if you don't want to be there", Luke shifted his gaze from his hands to your eyes.
"I know you're probably right. But in my head, it's a different story. What if they don't like me? What if I say all the wrong things? What if they end up hating me? What if I-", you were soon interrupted by Luke's hand which covered your mouth for a few seconds.
"Y/N, sit down". You did as you were told, and Luke sat down next to you on your bed. 
"Your feelings are valid. But I promise you'll be okay. Look at me, hmm?".
You looked at his baby blue eyes, which always made you smile. They were so pretty. And calming. Luke's whole presence was calming. You were gutted that he couldn't go with you. He cupped your hands in his and smiled that effortlessly beautiful smile you've grown to love.
"Come to the store if the party's terrible. I wish I could get someone to cover my shift, but I can't", he sighed. He had been working at the vinyl store for nearly a year now, mostly doing night shifts hence most of his lectures were in the morning. His thumbs gently caressed the palm of your hands.
"It's okay. I'll be okay, Lu", you affirmed. You didn't want him to worry any more than he already did. You felt bad for opening up about your anxiety to him, but you simply couldn't keep it in.
"I know you'll be. Just annoyed can't be there with you. Would be fun to get shit-faced with you", he commented and his lips curved into an inviting smile.
"I know right? Can't believe we haven't done that in months", you giggled. You loved how Luke could always make things so much better. Without him, you'd feel like something would be missing from your life. "Yeah", he agreed and let go of your hands. You felt your heart sank. His touch made you feel something you didn't want to feel towards your best friend.
You packed your clutch with the essentials and got changed into a little black dress and a plaid shirt. Like always, Luke helped you pick up the outfit. He was especially keen on the low strappy heels covered in glitter. You were convinced he was your personal stylist, as you were the same to him. You and Luke left your apartment and were soon met by the chilly autumnal air. Thank god it didn't rain. It wouldn't have been a surprise if it would have, since you were living in London. As you were about to part your ways, he wished you good luck with the most charming smile you had ever seen. You wished him good luck too, knowing he was irritated to go to work tonight.
For as long as you could remember, you had struggled with social anxiety. Sometimes, it made you feel so small. And at other times, it felt like people could see you too much. As if you were the only one people were concentrating at. You weren't much of a fan of attention. You just wanted to belong somewhere. And Luke surely made you feel like that. He was the most supportive friend you could ask for. You didn't understand what you had done to deserve him. Whatever it was, you were eternally grateful for it. You had told him things you hadn't told anyone else. You could trust him with your deepest and darkest secrets. And the best part was that you knew he could never judge you. 
You arrived at the party. The place was packed with people. That just aggravated your nerves. You felt like a nervous wreck. Holy shit. How am I going to get through this? What if I say some stupid shit and make a complete fool of myself? Damn, I gotta stop overthinking. You tried to shake off the gnarly thoughts and kept on walking directly to the kitchen. You put on a wide smile and tried to look for the person who invited you in the crowd. Her name was Kacey, you remembered.
You made some small talk with Kacey and her friend, Raye. They were giggly and polite, you liked them. They introduced you to their friends Farrah and Jackson, too. They were drunk, but you couldn't blame them since the exam season was at its peak. You were getting tipsy too. It was easing your nerves and you were pretty happy with that. The party had gone alright, you hadn't said anything even remotely embarrassing, you thought. Some people were playing beer pong, some dancing along to the music and others were deep in conversation. 
Luke had sent you texts and funny memes every chance he could get. He was asking how the party was, how many people were there, the usual stuff. He told how his shift was going boringly. He sent you a plethora of emojis too. Especially the white heart ones. Something about his supportive - even protective - behavior made you smile like an idiot. He was adorable, you knew that. You had always known that. But what you didn't know was how he was anxiously tapping his fingers on the table at work. How he was trying to make the time go faster by reorganizing the vinyls on the shelves. He was eagerly waiting for his shift to be over so he could come and surprise you at the party. 
It was 9:15pm, which meant Luke's shift had ended 15 minutes ago. You texted him about that and he didn't answer. Maybe he was driving to his apartment, you figured. Or maybe he was working over-time.
"Oh my god. Who's that beautiful man over there? He's like...literally so gorgeous", Farrah gushed. You turned around to see who she was talking about. In the sea of people, there he was. Luke. What on earth is going on?
"Y/N! Hi", Luke came up to you and smiled widely. You instantly went to hug him and he wrapped his arms around you. "What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home?", you beamed and looked at the baby blues of his.
"I couldn't miss the party, could I?", he commented and you let go of him, secretly wanting to hug him a little while longer. But if you did, people would probably start talking. Over the course of being friends with him, many people thought you were dating. You didn't quite understand why since you acted like best friends normally would.
"And getting shit-faced with me", you added. He nodded eagerly and you two disappeared to do some shots. The night continued on by dancing on tables and having fun. Luke wanted to sing karaoke and wanted you to be his crowd, so there you were standing with a margarita in your hands. His song choice was Bruises by Lewis Capaldi. 
His voice was heavenly. Angelic. You had learned that when you two were singing karaoke during the first year of university. You had absolutely slaughtered the Panic! At the Disco song, but Luke on the other hand, had sounded like an angel. Luke had told you that he wanted to start his own band, but couldn't get anyone to join it. That made you gloomy. You knew how much he loved to sing. And play guitar and piano. You were starting to believe that there was nothing he couldn't really do (if you didn't count cooking which he was down-right terrible at). 
The clock hit midnight and you led Luke outside to get some air. You sat on a garden bench together and talked about the party. Both of you were enjoying yourselves, being more than just tipsy from the alcohol you had been consuming.
"Am so glad you came", you confessed and took a little sip of the water cup. You didn't want to be really hungover tomorrow. 
"Yeah, me too. We should do this more often. Party, I mean. I have so much fun with you", he giggled his famous drunken giggle. You nodded, making him know you agreed.
"Can I kiss you?".
What? Did you really hear that? That he asked that?
You choked down on your water and coughed for what it felt like forever. With an amused look on his face, Luke looked at you and bit his lower lip. It was like he knew what he was doing to you. "What do you mean? Kiss?", you asked him since you wanted to know what his intentions were. And if you really had heard his question right.
"Well, usually when people talk about kissing, they mean...putting their lips together?", the dark blonde elaborated with his left eyebrow lifted.
"Yes, I know the definition of kissing, ya idiot", you slapped his shoulder gently, a chuckle escaping your mouth. "Hey!", Luke chuckled along with you. After a brief moment of silence, he opened his mouth to ask you a question.
"So, what do you think?".
In your mind, he seemed to be serious. But you couldn't help yourself from analyzing his intentions behind the question. He was just drunk and affectionate, you convinced yourself.
"Honestly, I don't...know. Things could get awkward and who knows, maybe we wouldn't even want to see each other again after that. And if the kiss is shit, it'd be disappointing. And I am not that experienced of a kisser, so I can guarantee you you'd be disappointed. Big time. You've kissed like dozens of girls before me, so...yeah. I don't know", you rambled and tried to make sense of your thoughts. You wanted to kiss him, of course. It's not like you hadn't thought of it like thousand of times.
"Well, the easy question is, the determining one in my head...do you want kiss me?", he asked.
After a brief moment of silence, you nodded and fixated on your hands which rested on your lap. You didn't want to look at him, but couldn't fight the sudden urge to do so. So you did. Luke had moved closer to you. And his drink was no longer in his hands. Instead, it was laying on the ground.
"In that case, no more excuses. Let me kiss you Y/N? I promise it won't be shit. It's you", he convinced with his head tilted to the side.
"Uh...okay?", you nervously answered him, not knowing if the question was directed at yourself or him. Or both.
He cupped your face with his ring adorned hands and you couldn't help but giggle. Sure, he had touched you before. But not like this. He lifted your head and your eyes met his.
And it felt like in seconds, his lips were on yours. It felt gentle, insecure. Still, it made butterflies fly in your stomach. You answered his kiss and closed your eyes to enjoy the heartfelt moment. And just as quickly as he had put your lips on yours, he pulled away from you with a beaming smile on his face. You swore he had never looked as handsome. Calling him a Greek statue would be a great understatement.
"Was it okay? I am sorry if things are weird now", he licked his lips slightly and scratched the back of his neck. 
"It was more than okay, Luke. I wanted it. Don't worry. You were great", you assured him. You couldn't believe he was the one having doubts of himself. But that was one of the things you liked about Luke. He was down to earth, but sometimes you wished he had a lot more self-confidence.  
"Good, 'cause I felt so fuckin' nervous to do that", he confessed and you giggled as a response. He was nervous? You couldn't believe your ears. And just as you turned away from looking at him, he shot another question at you.
"Wanna do it again?".
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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drowninginredink · 6 months
How did it take me until April 3, 2024 to realize that Lemony Snicket is absolutely a trans woman and someone needs to get her some E, stat?
- Lemony is always, always, always hiding her face. Well... okay they cut it from Netflix, but in the books and movie, the most iconic thing about Lemony is that in every photograph, she's managed to hide her face. And yes, allegedly that's to hide her identity, but like... Is it? Or is that an excuse and really Lemony just does not like her face because it's too masculine? God knows most pre-transition folks hate being photographed
- Have you seen the way she talks about Beatrice? Have you read that letter from The Beatrice Letters? "Summer without you is as cold as winter. Winter without you is even colder," "I cherished, you perished, the world's been nightmarished," "When we first met, you were pretty and I was lonely. Now I am pretty lonely." Straight men do not write about women like that. Lesbians do. Especially that letter. Do you think that a straight man wrote "I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you next Tuesday" or "I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from skim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory" or "I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else – your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry?" Absolutely not. Those are obviously the words of a lesbian.
- Pretty much everyone important in Lemony's life is a woman. All of the people closest to him: Beatrice, Kit, R, Moxie, and Ellington. Sure, he does interact with other people, but those are the 5 closest relationships indicated by the text. Obviously you can be a man with all female friends, but how many times has a "man" always gotten along better with women and ended up not being a man.
- The audiobooks are (mostly) read by Tim Curry, and we all know he plays a pretty famous transsexual
- Lemony strikes me as very self-sabotaging. Now, this is my own opinion. One could believe that all of the mess that Lemony is in is purely VFD's fault. Maybe VFD forced her to take the blame for Olaf's crimes and generally end up buried so deep in accusations that she had to fake her own death and go on the lam. However, I can see an absolutely self-hating Lemony who volunteered to take on the role that she did. Who chose to be the fall guy. And why would she hate herself so much? Dysphoria. A deeply dysphoric and closeted woman who figures that since she isn't happy with herself, she might as well be the one to have her life ruined by the schism. That way all the actually happy and good people don't need to have their potential ruined.
- Similarly, Lemony never actually jumps in to save the Baudelaires, merely writing about them from afar. She is, to put it bluntly, a coward. She tells herself she's doing something to help them, but won't intervene in the way they really need. Why not? Because she's so deep in self-loathing! Again, that could just be because of her failures in life, but like... What if she also hates herself because of repressed dysphoria?
- Lemony is just generally really, really, really, really sad. And look, I know I'm aromantic as hell, but do we really think that's *just* because she lost the love of his life? Or do we think maybe something else is making her that gloomy?
- Look I just really want Lemony to have a way to be happy. And there's no bringing Beatrice back. But. HRT? Sure. I bet there's HRT in the snicketverse. Why not? I take the reading that Beatrice and Bertrand had Violet at like 20, which makes Lemony only like 35. He's 35, and yet she's completely given up on life. She is just a shelll of a person. She doesn't actually interact with anyone and spends all her time researching terrible things that happen. She's too young to be resigned to misery. I want Lemony to have a way to be reborn and find some form of happiness again. Thus, I would like to blame some of her misery on living as a man, and propose that transition could save her.
- Again. Lemony hates pictures and doesn't like to show her face. Give her some FFS! Stat!
- Come on. Beatrice and Lemony are an iconic couple. You cannot tell me that if given the choice, you want them to be M/F when they could be F/F
Okay. I rest my case. Now to submit to @couldtransitionsaveher
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
(y’all lack imagination this is so easy to rationalize. PLATONIC JungleHook)
“Okay, what was that,” Hook says, as he pushes open the door to Jack’s room. He’ll never understand why the guy keeps his room so damn warm. It’s like walking into a sauna. Is this a jungle thing again? Ugh, he’s already sweating.
“What was what?” Jack asks. He’s playing nonchalant at looking down at his phone, but does an absolutely terrible job at faking the keyboard mashing. As if Hook is going to really believe he just sent a text that says IIIILLLLL9999991113FFFJS.
Hook wants to smack him. “The hugs.”
“It’s normal for tag partners to hug when they are friends, Hook,” Jack says, with the most obnoxious preschool teacher voice Hook has ever heard.
“One hug is normal, Jack. That was three.”
Jack shrugs. “I just wanted to make sure they got the footage. For television. In case they missed it.”
“In case they...” Hook stops. Narrows his eyes. “Oh. Oh, I see. This is about earlier in the show. This is about the end of Orange’s match.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“God dammit, Jack, don’t put me in the middle of this.” Hook sighs.
“Don’t put you in the middle?” Jack repeats, eyebrows hiked. His voice goes high, that thing it does when he’s starting up into one of his rants. “Don’t put you in the middle, Hook? Are you serious right now?”
“Oh my god.”
Jack waves his phone in the air. “I’ve been getting death threats for months, Hook. Months.”
“You’re being dramatic, those aren’t death threats.”
Jack stares at him, and then opens his phone with exaggerated flourishes. While glaring. It would be a little impressive if Hook wasn’t annoyed by the whole thing. “May 24: Remember when you were mute? Good times.”
“Not a threat,” Hook says. “Plus, it’s nice that he remembers so much about your past.”
“May 15,” Jack continues reading. “Have you tried the blowfish in catering? Supposedly they can kill you. You should eat one. Or ten.”
“Trying to expand your culinary palette. That’s friendly.”
One of Jack’s eyes twitches. “May 2: Self-driving cars are having terrible accidents. One just drove off a cliff! Danhausen will buy you one as a gift.”
“Look at that, he remembered your birthday.”
“My birthday is in two weeks,” Jack says.
Hook waves a hand in the air. “Better early than late, right?”
“Hook.” Jack’s got that tone.
Hook groans. “Oh my god, okay. Maybe...maybe I’ve been doing the same thing to you.”
“Yeah, since January.”
“Well, then let’s just hope your hugs were visible to the right people, because I gotta feeling you’re gonna have to turn your phone off tonight with all the messages you’ve invited.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Fine, fine. Look, I’m turning it off, see? Hurry up so we can finish season 3 of Grey’s Anatomy.”
“There are like 18 seasons of this. I told you we should have started with the West Wing.”
“Oh, you wanna switch now?” Jack asks.
“No, I’m invested,” Hook snips, tugging the unpopped popcorn package out of his bag. At least these hotel rooms have microwaves. They’d had to bribe Adam Page with like twenty bucks worth of vending machine food to use the one he bought at Target in Vegas. “And I hate you for this.”
“No, you don’t.” Jack settles onto the mattress, clicking on his laptop to cast it over onto the hotel’s smart TV. “We’re learning valuable things here.”
“I don’t think any of these medical procedures are correct,” Hook says.
“About ourselves, not surgical practices.”
“Whatever. Don’t you dare start it until this is done, I don’t wanna miss half the dialogue again when the popcorn goes.”
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kevjrr · 1 year
Title: Breath
Summary: When a text from his father sends Neymar into a panic attack, Kylian has to try to bring him back to the surface.
Pairing: Neybappe (Neymar and Kylian)
Tags: hurt/comfort, established relationship, doesn’t follow any timeline
TW: verbal abuse (NOT between kylian and Ney), mentions of self harm, panic attack, cursing
A/N: Wrote this while having a mental breakdown, so it’s kinda sad but it has a happy ending! I made Neymar’s father the bad guy. Don’t read this if you like him please.
He doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t actually care about me. He doesn’t care about us.
Neymar slams his head against the bathroom wall in a futile attempt at getting that dreadful sentence out of his head. He knows he must be overreacting like he always does but he cannot help it. Why does he not understand him? He tries so so hard to please him but it never works. It’s never enough.
He doesn’t know what to do more. He doesn’t know how to be better.
Kylian frantically runs along the corridors of their training center, opening each door and looking through each window. Only one thought in his mind.
I need to find Neymar.
The last time he saw him, the older man was looking at his phone and there were tears running down his cheeks. The hurt in his eyes was almost palpable before he bolted inside the building. Kylian has no idea what caused the Brazilian to react like that and this was killing him. He immediately wanted to run after him but their coach wouldn’t stop talking. Screw him because now he cannot find Ney and he cannot ask for help. He knows his boyfriend. He will not want a crowd surrounding him if he’s not okay.
Trying to wave the others off while they didn’t know if something were actually wrong was hard enough, if he told them that Neymar was crying while he ran away, they would smother him.
Kylian stops in the middle of the hallway, trying to ignore the staffs sending him weird looks. He doesn’t have time to give them an excuse. He takes a deep breath and tries to think of where Ney could have gone.
Not the changing rooms, too high of a chance of a staff member finding him. Not the cafeteria. Not the nurse’s room. Not the offices obviousl-
Or can it be there? Maybe whatever he has seen had something to do with the higher ups? Perhaps they changed their mind about Neymar’s punishment for that punch.
But it can also be anything else and going upstairs will be a waste of time. Time that he doesn’t have. Neymar sometimes does things when he’s hurt enough and Kylian can’t bear the thought of that happening while he’s right here. In the same building.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
What should he do?
Neymar grips his phone tightly, trying his best not to look at the screen. He can’t see those words again. The words that he somehow always manages to make someone say.
He knows he shouldn’t have punched that ‘fan’ however the latter had not only insulted him but Rafaella as well.
In that moment all he could think about was that his sister shouldn’t have to deal with people like this. He’s used to it -the degradation, the dehumanizing insults, the racism but she isn’t. He’s used to being hurt in that way but she isn’t. They only knew her because of him. It’ll be his fault. He can’t be the reason she gets hurt.
He told his dad this. He told him everything that the man had called him and his sister, so why can’t he still not understand why he did it?
He’s not sorry but he also is. He’s sorry. He’s so sorry. So so sorry. Please don’t be disappointed in me, Pai. I’ll do better. I’ll do better. Please understand me. Whycan’tyoueverunderstandme?
Why don’t you ever care enough to try?
On his brightly lit screen, a message glares at anyone who dares to look.
Do you know how
many people are calling us
terrible parents right now?
is this how I raised you? You
should have known better than
to fucking punch someone in
front of the whole stadium.
So what they called you those
words? Why haven’t you learned to
suck it up by now?
I’m disappointed in you.
Neymar chokes on his sobs as he tries his best to breath but he can’t. His lungs refusing to let the air in. And he can’t see either. His vision blurred with tears.
He scrambles up, his hands huriedly trying to find something to lean on because his legs feel like jelly. He doesn’t want to fall and injure himself. He had promised Kylian he would not hurt himself again.
The Brazilian harshly wipes at his eyes to get rid of the tears because he can’t see.
He wants Kylian. Please. Where is he?
Hoping he’s not making a giant mistake Kylian rushes towards the bathroom. The one that no one uses because it’s supposedly haunted. The perfect place to go to when you don’t want anyone to walk in on you.
He runs faster than he has ever run in his life.
They had a serious conversation about the older man’s habit of running away and isolating himself after Kylian had to search almost the entire city in order to find him. Since then Neymar never runs, he usually tells the French man that he needs time or even explains what happened.
Kylian digs his nails into his palms and hopes the slight sting will help him calm down. He wants to slap himself when he sees Greta, their janitor, walking towards the bathroom. How could he have forgotten about the cleaners?
"Greta!" He shouts and stops a little behind her. "I need a favour."
The woman turns around clearly startled before smiling, despite looking slightly concerned. Kylian does not have to look in a mirror to know that he must look terrible. Wide eyed, sweaty, his chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath
"What is it, dear?"
"Can you make sure no one comes near that bathroom for a little while? Please."
She purses her lips, looking conflicted.
"I won’t take long. Please it’s important." He pleads.
Sighing, she nods her head, "Okay but be quick."
"Thank you!"
Kylian pauses in thought. "Also, do you have the key?"
Greta frowns at him but hands it to him anyway.
"Thank you again, I owe you one." He smiles at her although he is pretty sure it must have looked more like a grimace than anything else.
He immediately starts running towards the bathroom once again as the lady stands guard at the entrance of the hallway.
She stares at his back and silently prays that nothing is wrong. She has never seen that young man so terrified before.
Neymar finally manages to grasp the sink when he hears a voice. Even in his panicked haze he recognizes it. Kylian.
"Ney! Are you inside?"
He hears the younger man curse.
Has he already done something wrong? He should not have ran away-
"Amour, can you take a deep breath for me please?"
Neymar tries only to choke again.
"Ney, baby, you can do it. Just follow what I do." Kylian starts to breath as noisily as he possibly can.
Neymar clenches his fists in order to get his mind to focus on the encouraging words that his boyfriend continues to utter and tries to imitate him.
It takes a minute but it works. Before he knows it he can breath again.
"You did wonderful, amour. Can you open the door please?"
The Brazilian hesitates, he does not want Kylian to see him like this, however he will be lying if he says that he does not want the younger man’s company and comfort.
He slowly walks towards the door, his hand tightly clutching the sink and then the wall. It takes three tries before his trembling hand unlocks it.
The relief that washes over him when he comes face to face with his Kyks causes him to tear up again.
The other man immediately catches him when he stumbles in his haste to hug him. Kylian lets them gently slide down and lay on the floor with his back against the wall and Neymar in between his legs, leaning on his chest.
He rubs the older man’s back and presses kisses all over his face, while also subtly searching for any injuries. He trusts Ney and knows that he always keeps his promises. However, he also knows what pain does to a person. Pride and relief blooms in his chest when he doesn’t find any.
He places one last kiss on Ney’s forehead before asking, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
Neymar doesn’t even have to think about it, he lifts his hand and hands him the phone. The latter takes it and reads the message still displayed on the screen.
He almost throws the device across the room in anger. How dare that old man-
No. Now’s not the time to get angry.
Ney nuzzles against him and closes his eyes. “Why can’t he just understand me?”
Kylian’s heart clenches at the despair in his voice. “I don’t know, Ney. But I understand you, your sister understands and so does your mother. Remember what she told you last time?”
He does remember.
“I would’ve done the same thing. No one insults my babies and gets away with it. Don’t beat yourself over this, meu amor. I love you.”
“Plus the team understands you too. Marqui was ready to punch that bastard himself. You bet Leandro and Edi would have too, you saw their faces when you told us what he said. Even Tuchel looked pissed. See, with all due respect, your father is the odd one out meaning he’s wrong.”
Neymar chuckles, amused but he sees the logic as well. Maybe Kylian is right. His father is in the wrong, not him.
“With all due respect huh?”
Kylian snorts, “Nope, no respect at all.”
The Brazilian sighs, having given up on making them get along. He did just have a panic attack -wasn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last either- because of his father, so he can’t really blame Kyks either.
Neymar leans up and kisses the younger man, trying to express his gratitude in a way mere words can’t. He will never know what he did to deserve a boyfriend like him.
“Te amo.” He whispers against Kylian’s lips when they pull away.
“Je t’aime encore plus.” The latter mutters back, pecking his lips again and again.
In the back of his mind, as he wipes Neymar’s face with a handkerchief, Kylian makes a mental note to thank Greta. Oh and to think of a plausible excuse to tell the guys. And their coach too.
Once they’re in the safety of their home, they have a talk about running away again. And kylian spends the rest of the day making sure that Neymar’s father doesn’t get to him. Not anymore.
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floatinginzerogravity · 6 months
Murder Drones Episode 3 Analysis
I was bored and in the mood to theorize, so this series continues. Also, I've given up on keeping these free from future episode spoilers, so be warned I guess.
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Right off the bat, I find "3071" to be an oddly specific number, and it is for this reason that I think the mansion era stuff took place in 3021, because 50 is a nice round number that makes sense, and follows the "year of production" thing that shows do, aka, make the year in show the same as the real world date. You may be asking, "Tessa doesn't look over 50!" And to that I reply, Cryogenics, Cyborg, Tessa is dead and that's not Tessa.
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Text: [Name: Angela Palmer [Age: 19 [Description: 4'7" Gray hair Grey eyes Grey shirt [Last seen: Confusing the ancient digital artifact collection "The Office with a personality core. [Additional Info: To further prevent further dying, I'm sorry, "going missing," the WDF recommends avoiding the following: Going anywhere, being curious about anything, thinking about making friends, talking to anyone, looking at anyone, ignoring someone for too long, being unlucky, being too lucky around those less fortunate than you, {come on back} Text: [PROM: CLASS OF 3071 [THEME: ANCIENT DARK AGES LIKE YEAR 2000. EWW] [TIME: LIKE TOTALLY WHENEVER] Text: [Name: Kenzie Rivers [Age: 19] [Height: 4'4"] [Last seen: Coonnstantly talking about how much her limbs and organs are soooooo intact, God she's insufferable]
Text: [Name: Lainey Gilmore [Age: 20] [Height: 4'4" [Last seen: Playing the best long con prank on her friends and family
Text: [End of year exams [Where: in the... idk why you... [When: ... i guess [Why: judging your... pay i haven't... (I can't read it) Text: [Name: Dillan Hall [Age: 18 [Description: 5'2" [Last seen: Being a bad person, so this is okay. This is a fine narrative path to take. This is a good message - I'm a hero] <- Liam talking to himself lol
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Text: [ERROR: OPTICAL CALIBRATION [20/160]] [LOL NICE VISION [KELSY [SURVIVIAL MODE While we're here, I think it's worth mentioning how V wore glasses in the mansion, but no longer does as a Disassembly Drone. This leads to the conclusion of either: A. With the orbs acting as replacement eyes, any previous visual defects are rendered null or B. V has been walking around with terrible vision, and in the end, that's what will save her from the sentinels, not being able to see them. I mean, we haven't seen her be bootlooped by them, sooooooo- ...Probably the first one
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Doll has some weird anti-gravity stuff going on with her hair, similarly to the anti-gravity effect seen in the FINAL DESTINATION trailer
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It seems object duplication is within the solver's arsenal Do you think that would work on entire drones, mayhaps related to the Disassembly Drone cloning?
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It was revealed in Glitch X that these roaches were originally self-duplicating cleaner bots, but duplicated too much and became pests Just some lore :> THEORY TIME! Today we are analyzing: the symbolism of killing cleaner roaches (yay!)
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It has been pointed out by Youtuber Narujen that certain characters, who are seen as more malicious, are seen killing roaches (Pictured above: Doll stepping on a roach), while others...
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(pictured: N stopping himself from stepping on a roach)
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(Pictured: Uzi healing a roach) ... are seen valuing the lives of them more. What am I getting at here?
Well, What's the other notable roach scene?
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When the solver killed the roach in Cyn's introduction scene. While this is most likely simply an indication of the solver's evilness and nothing more, it could also suggest, that while Cyn is a separate entity from the solver, perhaps she's not entirely opposed to it either... Yeah, this is literally just my recent fascination with this headcannon talking. I think the show itself will take the good-Cyn route, but it's fun to think about!
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Text: [Phrase, Absolute Solver could mean: [1. It solves math shit (like a nerd)] <- Strong words from someone who built a railgun, oh, excuse me, a "magnetically amplified photon converter." You telling me you didn't use math for that?? [2. It's an algorithm for "big worm thing] [3. It absolutely sucks lol GGs]
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Text: [TRUST NO ONE: That's why I don't have any friends... no other reason...
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Text: [STRANG DRONES FOUND] [MOBILE, Ala, Oct. 8. - The... Commission today adopted recommendations of the committee of public health closing all schools in the niotion(?) joture(?) houses and theater on account of the prevalence of the epidemic of Spanish influenza (The spanish flu) Public gatherings including Liberty raliee have been ordered stopped. The health authorities have recommended that persons refrain from kissing] I... have no idea what this means. Most likely from pre-core collapse era, but the headline and the text have nothing to do with each other...
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Text: [Gravitational (Waves?) Detected] In light of recent events,
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Braiden's head is still on fire from when Uzi possessed him Also, Uzi sitting directly on top of the desk :D
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What's up with the picture on the side of Uzi's locker? Some sort of Drone boyband? An advertisement posted in every locker in the school?
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Jank school posters
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(Rebecca tripped Uzi with her foot) You can't say she didn't get what she friggin deserved in Cabin Fever
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That is... a lot more missing posters than there were before
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CAUTION: WET MURDER I want to own one of these
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another shot of Uzi's room
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whore4abby · 10 months
omg thank you for permission! this is gonna be long as hell though because i talk too much (sorry if some things are said weird I literally sent it the way that I would tell the story to my friends and I always trail off during convos also sorry that a curse like a sailor) but anyway…
so, i’m pretty (pretty as in very not pretty as in appearance✌️😙) high femme with a preference for mascs (because yes) and I just so happen to have this friend who is masc and she is like pure perfection. she’s completely my type, she’s ripped as hell (as an abby lover4life clearly i have a type), she has a wolf cut, a gorgeous smile, tall as hell (she’s 5’11” and so very close to 6’ we checked) and i love it cause she’s so much taller than me (i’m 4’10” for reference i know it’s terrible you can make fun of me it’s okay 😔) and her voice is smooth and rich like freaking honey.
anyway, we’ve known each other for a while but we aren’t all that close (we actually met through a mutual friend at a birthday party like a few months ago). we playfully flirt with each other all the time though but she has this “no dating friends or being close friends with exes” rule that somehow she actually is able to keep up with (i honestly dunno how she does it cause how the hell aren’t you friends with a single ex? 🤔 that’s like a staple for the lesbian community at my school anyway. it kinda makes sense though cause she doesn’t date much). so essentially nothing has ever happened between us and, in my mind, nothing ever would because she’s so strict on not dating (or sleeping with 😉) friends.
anywho, today we were chilling out in my dorm suite after we got back from a mutual class and we were just talking with each other and wasting time before her next class. she got a text from someone and she got this weird look on her face when she looked at it so i asked her about it (because i’m nosy as fuck 🤭) and she told me it was from a past hookup who wanted to meet up and do the devil’s tango. in my mind, i was like okay? why not?? so I asked her that and she said that she didn’t want to and I asked why and she said because she was hanging out with me. and the only thing i could think was why should i be stopping you from getting your strap wet? so i told her to just go and she was like no. somehow the conversation turned to her teasing me about her hook up because i guess she thought i sounded upset when i told her to leave (i wasn’t upset i’ll admit i was a little annoyed because i was enjoying my time with her but NOT upset 🙄). so, naturally, i kept denying it and she kept going on and on and i think at some point she was just saying shit to try and get a rise out of me because then she started talking about things she did with this girl and was saying that she bet i wished she did those things to me and what not (and at this point I’m losing my shit because yes i do wish she did those things with me but did she? no. and did i tell her that? also no.)
I wasn’t uncomfortable with the convo because we’d talked about her past hookups several times before in detail but this time it just felt different for some reason so i tried to get up and leave the room (we were in my bedroom btw) to escape her teasing comments that were now about me being jealous and she chased me. SHE CHASED ME VANNY! i HATE being chased and she knows that. my fight of flight flips on every time i get chased (i’m built like a toothpick but i run track sooo you best believe I’m sprinting every time 🏃‍♀️💨) so i immediately just take off and there we were sprinting around the entire damn suite like a cat and mouse. she caught me eventually in the tiny kitchenette (which my dumbass ran into knowing damn well there was no way out. track can help me run away but it can’t save me from my own stupidity 😔). she picked me up and took me to the living where she basically threw me on the damn couch and when i tried to get up and run again she laid her giant ass on top of me and just stayed there.
i was still trying to get away from her so I’m just laying there wriggling around like a worm caught beneath a brick wall and she’s just laughing her ass off about it above me. she tells me to give up and i almost do because i’m tired as shit at this point but then i remember that she tried to tell me what to do so i keep going and she ends basically pinning me to the couch and she’s still panting from having just been chasing me around and she gets real close to my ear and has the audacity to whisper “stop. be good for me” and i almost died. i swear i couldn’t breathe for a minute because how and why the hell was she talking to me like that???? (who gave her permission??? 😫) she was so damn close to me and she had this stupid smug look on her face that was driving me nuts and the way she looked at me? vanny the way she looked at me!!!! had me laid out beneath her with niagra falls between my legs in seconds!😩
two of my suitemates apparently thought that moment was the best moment to come in (it probably was if I’m being honest because I was ready to risk it all right then 🤭). the front door of suite opens directly into the living room so they had a clear view of her lying on top of me and neither one of them were phased whatsoever (we flirt all the time and they’ve seen us be touchy with each other before just not this touchy). they just told us not to fuck on the couch and went to their rooms. I was caught off guard completely and started trying to wriggle away again but she wouldn’t let me move and pinned my wrists down when I tried to push her away. then she started saying more stuff and it was causing more…issues downstairs if you catch my drift and I was literally losing it because how the hell was this happening to me?? before she finally decided to let me go, she kissed me on the cheek called me and my reaction to her cute and said she was going to do this more often. after all that she let me go and walked back to my room. I just laid there staring at the ceiling like an idiot.
she stayed for about another thirty minutes after that but had to leave because she had another class but before she left she told me that she’ll be back later tonight (which made me pause for a second because who tf does she think she is constantly telling me what I’m gonna do and what’s gonna happen without my permission??? who said you could come over?? not me that’s for damn sure!). But anyway yeah she’s coming over later tonight (I say while kicking my feet and curling a strand of my hair) and she’ll probably end up spending the night (which has happened before).
damn this is long as shit. sorry vanny (and all your followers). i didn’t mean for this to be that long but i just had to tell someone and I can’t tell my irl friends because they’d run with it and start planning our wedding or some shit. my suitemates and i were talking about it though when she left and they think she likes me but we always fuck around like this (we’ve never really gone this far before but i mean there’s always a first time for everything right?) so i don’t think she likes me that way, i just think she’s probably having fun which there’s nothing wrong with because I’m also having fun. anyway yeah 🙃 hope you enjoyed reading about the tomfoolery i had to deal with. lemme know if you want me to keep you posted on where this shitshow goes i guess.
adore you and you’re writing btw! ♥️
nonnie damn this is gonna be a good story i can already tell
you are her both sound so hot already omfg (also nonnie im like 5’0 i would never make fun of ur height)
okay okay valid i guess
pls nonnie ur so funny😭😭
SHE CHASED U PLSSSSS😭😭😭 i also hate being chased omfg
nonnie thats so hot omfg this is like straight out of a MOVIE she literally wants u so bad
bitch i would be all wet too tf
omg she’s coming over ?!?!?!?
wdymmmm u don’t think she likes u that way ?!?!open ur eyes nonnie
yes omfg pls keep me updated !!!!!
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qserasera · 1 year
hi i'm finally back. writing meme questions please: 19, 23, 32 as well, and 36
wahhhh im finally here to answer these friend!! questions from this writing meme here. 19.Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? o v o this is a tough one...man. i suppose mine would be one of those typical bookworm-since-i-could-read turned beginning writer pipeline....i have vague memories of making like. stapled together picture books with my own writing in them since i was six years old possibly!!! hahaha.
went thru the whole run of fic-writing during the rlly rough years of middle school-ft-high school etc.
still writing fic now (with some pieces actually going. over. 10k!!! unbelievable), with some attempts at original writing here and there (true) (intention is there)( ; v ; everything is a work in progress and that's okay!!) 23.Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture. long desk which makes a satisfying knocking sound if u thump your palms against it...looks like it's made of fake pine. surface covered in assortment of scattered pens, neatly stashed headphones, filed-away recipes for meals, and cute stationary paper. in the right corner, a reassuringly chunky radio clock (ft the kind in a studio ghibli film set) blinks red as the hours change.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
novel quote: this TGCF quote which strikes me in the kokoro every time for obvious reasons!!: “to me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. what matters is you, and not the state of you.”
fic quote: ok so this is from a natsume yuujinchou fic ft my very talented friend @defeateddetectives and yes. it is. under 1k. bUT NO LESS INCREDIBLY DEVASTATING!!!!!
this entire scene is basically between matoba seiji and nanase, after matoba is irate from a clan talk about marriage:
Briefly, she wonders if this target practice had always been more than it appeared to the untrained eye, wonders if he pictures the mark to be his heart with the belief that practice made perfect after all...
A beat later, she asks. "What do you want, Seiji?" It is the wrong question. His stillness fractures for a moment and his hair comes undone from its loose tie atop his head when he shakes it violently once. "Do not play games with me," he nearly snarls. "I want this house to survive and you know this."
He does not say: The rest is irrelevant.
in case you were wondering what the irrelevant thing was....he was thinking about natori shuuichi The Repression......the doomed feeling of Power and Devotion to his duty forcing him to crush down any softer sentimental feelings of his own, choosing Survival over love!!!....the archery as a metaphor for him striking at his own heart. exquisite work!!!! 36.They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know? oooh i did answer this one time here, but i don't mind having a second try at this!!
hmmmmm....i think one thing either my beta reader or one of my other readers mentioned was how the ships i tend to favor have a really....natural intimate dynamic when i end up writing them in a fic?? or they have an implicit understanding of each other, and they respond and react to that accordingly without having it pointed out explicitly in-text. which kind of gives the atmosphere a 'romance-without-being-rated-as-romantic' feel.
i accept it as a compliment but im not sure how i do it though....maybe it's the influence of a constant stream of cdramas? im thinking of that one fic i wrote where childe had a long journey, and zhongli, being thoughtful of him took a seat near the corner of a table that was the coldest spot and blocked the wind from where childe was sitting and he doesn't comment on it and the fic....doesn't linger on it especially! zhongli just does it!! love expressed as....an act of care?? or something??? i don't know what it shows that i know but it's something ; w ;
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