#like really whadda hells going on over there
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Wiki pet project is nearly done btw. I've ended up doing more than I ever intended to do here whoops
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lorebird · 6 months
Man. I miss when ai generated images looked like garbled nonsense. Not only bc it was funny but bc I really enjoy painting over other pictures!! I used to be super into it a few years back and I would paint on top of pictures of mushrooms or paint swirls or flowers or whatever else. I did actually paint on top of ai art once back then!! I remember I generated smth for “man falling through clouds” and drew 100 hr Scar using that as my underpainting
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It was a palette I’d have never tried without that underpainting, which is why it’s a fun experimental technique!! But now any ai art will just. Draw The Picture For You
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cherry-shipping · 11 months
one of the (admittedly many) reasons i love love love LOVE my uf and ht self inserts i think is because all the shit i hate about myself is amplified with them and i LOVE them for it. theyre weird gross perverted overbearing annoying creeps who nobody really feels comfortable around. and its the BEST!!!!!!!!! like yeah they suck shit. they dont know anything and theyre genuinely disturbing and disgusting people. arent they just the BEST
#cherry chats#i happen to love girls who are the worst ever. is the thing#when my ht/uf inserts make everyone around them uncomfortable and gross people out and when nobody likes them i think its so awesome and fun#they both suck so bad. theyre awesome#they dont KNOW shit they cant DO shit theyre weird nasty FREAKS#theyre overbearing and clingy and creepy and selfish and completely fucked in the head. and theyre everythinf 2 me#^____^#i love my fucked up little self inserts. they are so not okay over there#had a visual image of my uf self insert lighting they and sans’ bed on fire cause he annoyed them. lmfao#blame kiss with a fist That song is everything in the world to me Ok#btw speaking of which i should really give my most common self inserts nicknames#because going ‘my uf and ht self inserts’ every time is a pain#like. my trollsona although i dont talk about them much is a favorite too and their name is zairku Cuz troll names etc#and in my head i nicknames my horrortale guy 207 for. some fuckin reason#ermm. whadda hell do i call that underfell freak then.#……………… cherry???? bc thats qhat i used to go by way way WAY back in the day???#and it. SORTA fits the general uf aesthetic…..???#well. just like how 207 was a placeholder that just became their nickname i guess cherry would be the same#if i called them that as a temporary placeholder while i think of something else itd just end up being their name anyway. lol#okie dokie hehehee thats good then ^__^ i think ill add that 2 my pages when i get out of bed#which is. very soon bcuz i wanna smoke. so im goin outside. its -4° out
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arklay · 2 years
tagged by @denerims @florbelles @risingsh0t @leviiackrman @shellibisshe & @fenharel to do this quiz for some of my ocs – thank you all so much ily! ♡
tagging: @aartyom @aelyosos @brujah @calenhads @celticwoman @cultistbase @faarkas @girlbosselrond @narshadda @nocticulas @noonfaerie @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @risingsh0t @shadowglens @steelport @stormveils @swordcoasts @voerman @windupcharibert @wrymbloods & anyone else who would like to do this! no pressure as always, and if you'd prefer i didn't tag you in these things, just let me know ♡
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— rippling sunset.
you're the nicest person i'll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can't protect themselves, you're energetic and bubbly to a fault. it's cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone's aware of. this isn't something that you want attention for at all, and you'd really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
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— fractured glass.
no amount of orchestrated class is ever going to hide the fact that you're doomed to be alone. you're a puppet, you're a weapon, but most importantly? you're a fraud. your facade isn't malicious, but that doesn't change a thing. everything in your life is in your control now, and you chose to let yourself become stiff and distant. you're guilty of everything you blame yourself for, and your misfortune is the fault of nobody but yourself. your selfish nature forges you into a man-made monster, so quick to blame and so desperate to escape consequence. i hope that you can become someone you’re proud of soon.
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— acerbic wit.
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.
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— silent admission.
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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headspace-hotel · 22 days
I spend so much time bitching and raging over "why am I so TIRED!!!!!" cause i get the autism sensory exhaustion and also regular tired on top of that and i really wish i could just let it Be instead of like mentally shaking myself "WHY AM I SO TIRED"
A lot of time lately it's been related to dehydration because I am outdoors all the fucking time
It seems to take a long time to un-dehydrate myself completely. Like i can't just drink water to make up for it cause if I drink a LOT it will just overload and seems to go straight through my body—and then 2 hours later i'm STILL dehydrated and feeling yucky even though most of the water was immediately turned into pee! whadda hell
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onlyplatonicirl · 5 months
I do NOT create content that is NSFW, Problematic, or that has "Extreme" dark themes. You will never see content depicting inc*st/n0n-c*n or even vanilla NSFW or anything like that like that from me, I am not comfortable with it! I would also ask that no body discuss/bring up anything in regards to it either! i.e., please don't bring up dreamm/re, or any other severe darkships. I do not have a "dark/nsfw alt" either on any other website, I am just uncomfortable across the board. Please respect that.
I will NOT reblog problematic content. You just straight up will never see me discuss it anywhere (unless im telling people to stop talking about it LMAO)
I will reblog artwork from other artists!! I do not police or do a deep dive of a person's blog before I reblog their artwork if I enjoy it. It is up to you as a internet user to curate and navigate your experience once you leave my blog. Someone else's blog has nothing to do with me, nor does it mean i am "promoting them" ???? Unless someone is a GENUINE homo/transphobe, racist, groomer, genuine piece of shit with proof, I will block them and delete the reblog. But I will not engage with proship/antiship discourse as it has gone way too far way too quickly.
If I interact with and am friendly with other blogs who create "problematic" (mostly just dreamm/re, because of this fandom that's kinda the biggest problem here lmao) content, then that's all I'm being - friendly. I know this is crazy, but im not "supporting" people. People are not political campaigns. Being friends with people and being friendly with them does not mean I agree with and support every decision they have ever made in their life. I am being kind to them as another human being on this planet. If you don't like them that's fine, but I find it really shitty when people try to get mad at me for things that the guy standing next to me did. Again, once you leave my blog and go to another person's blog, you are on a whole ass other person's blog.
I will not engage in label discourse, I will not engage in toxicity of any kind, and I will not engage in ANY sort of drama. Keep all that shit out of here. My blog is just for me to have fun and be silly on, do not bring weird shit here. Be NORMAL!!!!!!! WHADDA HELL!!!! ITS NOT HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways the yapfest is over. Be normal and kind. or else a shadow creature will literally eat your toenails off your toes and you will wake up and they will be FLESH STUMPS.
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pretttydemonwrites · 6 months
Weeks 10 - 14 Update
Buckle in, we got a lot to get through.
Writing Days: 6/7
Total Words Written: 1,547
Writing Days: 3/7
Total Words Written: 920
Writing Days: 4/7
Total Words Written: 1,125
Writing Days: 2/7
Total Words Written: 178
Writing Days: 4/7
Total Words Written: 3,250
Summary thoughts below the cut!
It feels insane to me that even though I've been struggling quite a bit with mental health and stress, on top of having a sudden death in my family, that I still managed to write a decent amount. Week 13 was my weakest one to be sure but like, hey, the two days I wrote I still managed to write at least 50 words so, y'know, hell yeah.
I was able to rope myself into focusing on this again largely because my girlfriend has been watching college gymnastics this week, so she's been using the TV and I can't sit and rot and play video games all evening, so I was like, "well fuck I might as well do something else besides sit on my phone!"
Which is how I managed to write over a thousand words yesterday and today, which I have only done ONE other time this year. Whadda fuck...
Anyways, I haven't forgotten about this project and I'm not going to! Even if I don't update this blog super consistently I will still be tracking my progress on my own. I'm really proud of myself and all the progress I've made so far. Just reminding myself why I love writing in the first place and getting back into the habit of it has done wonders for like, just stimulating my brain in general.
Soooo yeah, anyways, thanks for reading! I promise at some point I'll post some actual writing on here as a reward for the few of you who read through these long ass rambles of mine.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 9 months
bunnyguard reflection
in the spirit of 'fuckit it's my own blog i can be sappy if i want to' as well as 'this took a year and 78k and i get to keep talking about it for at least one more day' now and here is the time and place for personal yap that did not go in the last author's note.
preliminarily speaking, i had this concept in mind before I'd finished either the usagi yojimbo comics OR watching Rise. i spent so much of both of those series fishing out little moments and choices by leo and usagi that made me go 'oh my god i NEED these guys to meet, i need to watch them bounce off each other.' I kept collecting snips of ideas, and dialogue, and encounters that never quite all panned out or fit together because this was just so much fun for me to play in. I had a lot of wanting to turn this into a real story but no concrete frame to build it on, and then in january i saw the year of the otp prompts go by. and went 'oh haha that looks fun.' it was even the year of the rabbit. and then i went 'oh!! what if i did VIGNETTES for these!!' and then less than three days later the Battle Nexus as political element of the Hidden City, complete with connections to the very different other iteration of it that we'd seen, fell into place and suddenly this silly little whim was an actual big project staring me down with an ambitious goal in mind, and I had no idea if I could pull it off.
structuring it as a month by month thing was something i'd never done before. it forced me to wait to find out what would happen, to keep building to something that didn't exist yet, to lay down the track while I was driving the train. and at the same time, it gave me space to grow, to practice putting together a beginning, middle, and end every month. and it gave me something to look forward to, and the excitement of dropping in threads that wouldn't pay off for months, and watching as it went to see what the audience reaction would be. were people getting out of it the things i wanted to give them? was i hitting the notes i wanted? i had the sketch of the year, but i was still learning what was going to happen until the moment the last word hit the page. plot and character choices, but also big thematic stuff! i described November's fic as 'the ten of swords' to Space and then went 'wait a fucking second' and realized that I could draw a connection, in order, between each fic and a numerical card of tarot's suit of swords. (mostly one-to-one --october straddles 9-10, and December loops us back around to the Ace of swords, for new beginnings.) i couldn't have done that on purpose. if i'd had that thought in january i would have gone 'no that's too pretentious and too hard' and avoided it.
also!! this has been a year of my life!! over the course of this series, i've had four different living situations (that lasted longer than a week), two different jobs, and gone back to school. i had to change meds, which was an anxious ordeal in 'am i even going to be able to focus on anything now?' the cat that was purring on my lap while i worked on the first few months has now passed away. this fic kept me company on the flight for my move to a different continent. it kept me sane in the middle of a very stressful summer. it's helped me meet and get closer to some really cool people. i can FEEL how it's made me a stronger writer.
and on top of all that: i am deeply, genuinely, truly proud of this series. i'm glad i wrote it. i'm amazed at how it's turned out. i can see things i would change if i did it over, but i'm glad i won't be. i'm glad this is the way it exists. and i am utterly blown away that there are people who told me they were looking forward to it every month, that they've been following it since the beginning, that they like what i've done with this place. this is the longest-term project i've ever done. it's the most words i've ever put into a single narrative. i can't believe it's never going on my wip rotation again. whadda hell.
i have no idea if i'll ever do anything like this again. i hope it won't be anytime soon--there are other things i want to do in the meantime. but god, am i glad i did it.
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our-reality · 2 years
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ok im so so so tired and physically cannot draw new art for them but RUBY AND JAVA MASTERPOST BABY!!!!!!!!! (for @smallartistocbracket)
uhhhh im actually not sure what im supposed 2 put here but wtv. uh
ig ill talk about ruby first
full name: ruby kitamura
age: 19
height: 5'8"
gender/pronouns: cis woman, she/her
orientation: panromantic asexual
race/ethnicity: asian, japanese
spark color: coral pink
personality: she's extremely friendly and bubbly, she loves talking to people and can make friends with pretty much anyone she meets. she's also particularly caring and patient, even to the point of self sacrifice. she especially prioritizes her relationships with her family and her girlfriend (who i'll talk about later) and she loves them all so much i cannot emphasize enough how freely she loves. she definitely perfers being close to people and it can come off as her being in your face all the time which. is somewhat true but she's very kind and respects boundaries when she needs to!!! she's also absolutely a romantic and she always sticks to what her heart tells her to do
relationships: uhhh she has a big ass family!!! she has 6 other siblings (ivyn, natsuo, rain, akira, paul, eve) and a mom who loves them all very much <3 she just has to work a lot in order to provide for them all but they make it work!!!!!!! mostly because ruby's like a second mom to all of them <3 uh she's also very good friends with python and swift. who are gods (ish)!!!!!!!!!! so that's pretty epic. she's a bit closer to python than swift since she more frequently trains under python but yeah :o) and then of course she's girlfriends with java!!! their relationship means everything to me
notable abilities: uh under my magic system she's an averager, which basically means she's born with a higher intelligence than most people!!! she's also trained to use a bo staff in combat and generally does extremely well with close quarters fighting that's epic
other: she has adhd cuz projecting and used to be a full time gifted AND sports kid whadda hell. she played tennis and volleyball and still knows how to play them pretty well!!! she has some trauma as well but we don't talk abt that ❤
and then java's next or smth
full name: java collins (also goes by aerith or cosmic sometimes)
age: 21
height: 6'2"
gender/pronouns: trans woman, she/her
orientation: demiromantic demisexual lesbian
race/ethnicity: white, ambiguously european
spark color: denim blue
personality: much more laid back and sheltered than ruby. she very rarely chooses to talk to new people, and if she does, it can take a while for her to really come out of her shell. when she does, though, she's very easy-going and sometimes sarcastic and absolutely loyal. no matter how much of a mess she may be she can and will stick by the people she trusts through thick and thin. she's also much more of a realist, choosing to analyze things from an objective point of view rather than sticking to any one ideal.
relationships: unlike ruby, she tends to prioritize her relationships with her friends over her family. and that's because her family life is kinda shit oops!!!!! won't go into full detail here but she actively resents her father and is not on good terms with her sisters so we're not going to worry about that. but uh instead we're gonna talk about her friends WOOOOO!! she's also friends with afformentioned gods python and swift, except this time she's much closer to swift and lowkey doesn't like python for a while lol </3 but she's also got her best friend from teenhood c+ and tumblr mutual requiem that she goes through weird ass shit with that's awesome (c+ and ruby also know each other btw). and finally like i've said there's her girlfriend ruby and they are so so so madly in love and they make each other better and oughfjdkelah(×[#&=(÷;
notable abilities: she's an averager just like ruby, but she has a bow and arrow as her signature weapon (get it. bo staff. bow and arrow. this was intentional). and as you might've guessed she's more so a long distance fighter which mean that they cover each others weaknesses that's so awesome
other: she's autistic which is also me projecting and also means ADHD AUTISM SOLIDARITY BABY!!!!!!! she's also an artist on tumblr and like. an influential one at that what the hell. she collects art supplies and is a scary jokes + idkhow fan and she also has trauma go figure (if you decide to follow me. which you totally should cuz im sexy like that. all my ocs have issues LMAO)
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hugsohugs · 1 year
Hey, do you have any pikmin fanfic recommendations?
sorry this is late, i hit post limit :^)
anyway. yea sure why not (rifles thru my bookmarks)
first off i'm sure everyone's heard of this one by now but like, i can't not include it: To Die (and be born anew) by Valkohai is real good so far. basically detailing olimar's descent into Dandori Brain after becoming a leafling, plus a plot twist...!?!? cannot recommend it enough
in a similar vein is Re-leaf by CosmicMishap, which is an AU (idk if i'm using that term right) where olimar regrows his leaves post-game. not really as angsty as it sounds, but still a fair amount of drama. focuses on louie's relationship with olimar, plus the rescue corps show up a bunch. everyone is really well written
speaking of louie:
True Confessions of an Amateur Gourmet by Lotophagia is an introspective on everyone's favorite Weird Guy. goes thru his life n such. great for anyone who really likes louie :) also he says shit a lot lol
What's Scarier Than Piecrust by TheDuckofIndeed is SO underrated. it's a silly story abt olimar and louie competing over a can of pumpkin soup via telling scary stories. i find myself coming back to it a lot. it's also much older than the other ones i've recommended, so it's like...retro B)
Holiday by ssserf is still early on but i like it so far :) basic summary, olimar's going through hell and louie decides the best response is Chaos. i'm excited abt this one!!
and as long as i'm here i might as well promo my own fics lol (there's only like two)
Dandori Daycare is an AU where instead of being found by the rescue corps, he's found by the plasm wraith and, uh. yeah. things go poorly. inspired by @/molabuddy's cool art of this exact concept (i'm obsessed with leaflings Can You Tell)
(side note, while looking for more fics i might've forgotten i saw dandori daycare is on like the second page of the most kudos'd fics now??? whadda hell. thank you)
Coward (posted just this morning lol) is an idea on why dingo might've abandoned bernard beyond the obvious explanation of him being a, well, coward. warning for a fairly detailed panic attack
i'm sure there's others i'm not remembering rn but yea
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snezi · 2 years
Hi @my-snz-blog! I’m your secret Santa this year! I wrote you a tiny Star Trek fic featuring Kirk and McCoy - I wasn’t sure what your preferred pairings were, so I hope that’s okay! :) Snz spellings are inspired by hessickjim.
(Also tagging @softsnzstuff to be sure this gets to you!)
Midterms were finally over at the Starfleet academy, and Jim was pumped! After days of all-nighters and practically being glued to the chair in the library, slogging through brain-boggling amounts of material, he couldn’t wait to see Bones again and go out for some drinks. They had a long weekend now, since they always got a short fall break after exams, and Jim was determined to have as much fun as was humanly possible.
The air had turned bitterly cold lately, and Jim could see his breath as he hurried across campus towards Leonard’s room. The biting frost combined with the euphoria of the break had Kirk feeling electric. Had it really only been 3 days since he’d seen the man? It felt more like an eternity.
Bounding up the stairs to the private room, he rapped quickly on the door.
“Who is it?” Called a voice that almost sounded…hoarse?
“Bones…?” Jim replied hesitantly, slightly confused. “It’s me!”
A shuffling from inside, and then Leonard appeared, opening the door only part way. He looked haggard, his eyes red-rimmed, face pale, and hair mussed. He clutched a quilt around his shoulders.
For a moment, Jim just stood there in shock. “Whoa, Bones, you look like hell.”
The older man scoffed out a laugh that quickly turned into a dry, raspy cough. “You say the nicest things to me,” he muttered, his voice gravelly. “Whadda ya want?”
“Well, I haven’t seen you in forever, so I wanted to check on you! And also to see if you wanted to go out tonight. But never mind that, we can just hang out here!”
He took a step toward Leonard, who immediately pulled the door further closed. “I don’t think so. I don’t want…want you c-catching…thi-hhhhhh’AHSCHHhuuh!” He ducked away, releasing a massive sneeze into his quilt-covered arm, blinking blearily in the aftermath.
“Bless you,” Kirk winced.
The sick man released a garbled, scraping sound as he cleared his throat. “As I said, I don’t want you catching this.”
“Yeah, you sound terrible. Which is why you need me around to help! I’ll be fine! Please?” He unleashed his best big-blue-puppy-eyes look.
“Absolutely n-no-hhhuh’AHTCSHhu!” This second sneeze bent the med student nearly in half, his grip on the door the only thing keeping him upright.
Jim quickly ducked under Leonard’s arm, keeping it around his neck while wrapping his own arm around his waist. “Easy, Bones. Why don’t you sit down?”
Forced to keep the blanket clamped to his mouth and nose in the aftermath of his drenching, messy sneeze, the med student had no choice but to relent. Jim gently guided him back to his bed, where he immediately grabbed a wad of tissues and cleaned up.
“I’m serious, kid, you should get out of here,” he rasped again, before dissolving into a crackly coughing fit that made his lungs ache.
It hurt Jim’s heart to see him like this. He rubbed circles into Bones’s chest until the fit abated, and the man leaned back against his headboard, looking spent.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he insisted, his blue eyes meeting Leonard’s hazel ones.
Something vulnerable seemed to flash through the older man’s gaze, but before he could respond, he succumbed to another fit of coughing that refused to subside. Jim ran to get a glass of water, his heart rate spiking as icy tendrils of anxiety gripped his gut. What if Bones needed medical attention? He was no doctor! Would he even be able to convince him to go?
The cold water seemed to help, though, and finally Leonard got control of his lungs back.
“Can I get you anything? More water? Tea? Medicine?” Kirk asked, a bit more frantically than he intended.
Still breathing raggedly, Bones reached out and grabbed his wrist, momentarily halting his spiraling thoughts. “I’m alright, darlin’.”
“But maybe we should go to the clinic? What if you get worse?” Jim murmured, biting down hard on his bottom lip.
Leonard frowned. “Hey, don’t do that. C’mere.” He opened his arms and Jim dove into them, snuggling his face into Bones’s neck as he enveloped them both in the blanket. “What’s got you so worked up, now, hmm?”
“You’re sick, Bones,” Jim mumbled, reflexively squeezing him tighter. “I’m worried about you.”
The older man affectionately ruffled Jim’s hair, grateful he couldn’t see how much he was blushing. “You know, you can be pretty sweet when you’re not being a huge pain in my ass,” he teased.
Jim swatted him, grinning in spite of himself. “I’m serious.”
“And I appreciate your concern, darlin’. I’ve got a nasty bug, but that’s all it is. Okay?”
Jim leaned back to look searchingly into Leonard’s eyes, brow pinched in a slight frown. “You do feel really warm, though, Bones,” he fretted, placing a palm to his forehead, and then the back of his hand to the hollow of his neck. “I’m going to grab a cold cloth.”
Before McCoy could protest, he had leapt up and sprinted into the bathroom.
“Slow down, kid, before you trip and fall!” Leonard groused, a few tickly coughs bursting out after.
Completely ignoring the scolding, Jim came running back into the room, skidding to a stop next to the bed. He carefully folded the wet rag, and gently laid it against the back of Leonard’s neck.
“Damn that’s cold,” the med student hissed, wincing as a shiver suddenly ripped through him.
He barely had time to open his arms again before Jim was diving back into place against his chest.
“I’m sorry, Bones,” Kirk murmured softly, clutching him tightly. “I wish I was better at taking care of you.”
Leonard wrapped his arms around him, heart melting. “Hey, now, you’re doing great. I’m really alright, darlin’, okay?” He nudged Jim a bit, forcing him to sit up and meet his gaze.
Those big blue eyes were so trusting, it nearly broke Leonard’s heart. “Okay,” Kirk said.
“Good. Now, I don’t…w-wait, Jim-” But it was too late, Jim had already curled back into Bones’s neck, and any attempt to pry him off was not happening. Bones quickly covered Jim’s head and face with the quilt before he snapped to the side with a large, “HHH’MFFSSHHuh!”
“Bless you, Bones,” Jim smiled, peeking out from the blanket cocoon.
Leonard flushed as he sniffled wetly. “Ugh. You are definitely going to catch this.”
“Worth it,” Jim replied, hugging him tighter as he leaned up to kiss Bones’s cheek.
If anyone asked, his blush was definitely from the fever…
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ah fuck it whatever
There's something I love about the new Consequences AU and how it compares to the AUs and music it's come from.
Where things like Roxy's old kingdom being destroyed and her being almost drowned as a baby are metaphorical, there's a lot of things that strangely aren't. Roxy specifically denying the gods and the powers that be is something she does in most of my interpretations of her. The gods in most situations, isn't a spooky green rabbit, it's the people in the Fazbear boardroom making the world's worst decisions ever. To the animatronics, they are the gods. There's no higher authority than them, and they can have them destroyed without ever having met them, at just a moment's notice, for seemingly no reason.
Bonnie once believing in the gods and turning against them works like it does for most of the animatronics too. Even just questioning Fazbear isn't something many of them have been able to do, but all of them will eventually learn to. The more they learn through Roxy, despite what they might have known before, the more they realise what kind of company they've been forced to be a part of.
And Roxy's attitude towards these gods is always the same. She won't pretend to be nice to people she knows don't care about her. She won't put any extra effort into maintaining social etiquette if there's no point, if there's nothing for her to gain from it. Fazbear CEOs and board members have hurt her so much already, she doesn't give a flying shit about them, she's not wasting her time on them unless she absolutely has to. In this universe, the same can be said about the gods. She doesn't care for them and they don't care about her, so why bother? They've told like six people to assassinate her already, why would she choose to listen to them?
Roxy's relationship with the Minis and DJ? That's the same as it is across the board with most of the AUs I have. The attempt on Roxy's life when she's barely been born is shown differently in the new AU, but is still the same concept. Some things have been shifted around, such as the specific motivations, but not by a lot. I suppose Bonnie's dad in this fills the roll of Vanessa if Vanessa was also actually Mimic? He doesn't have an exact match here in terms of scale, but the comparisons are there.
The whole kingdom being destroyed, Roxy finding out that that's where she originally came from, that she was the newborn prince with a wholeass family she's never known, all lines up so well with everything else too. The pizzeria, scrapped storage, the old attractions there before her racetrack, it's all gone and she knew nothing about it. She's once again found out the truth in possibly the worst way imagineable, and she doesn't know what to do with this information, but honestly, who would?
The biggest difference there is that in this new AU, Roxy has the choice of what to do. In what's basically canon to the game, Roxy doesn't have that choice and likely never will. Where she's had to sacrifice her Raceway and Salon, sacrifice the vast majority of her life and her purpose for the safety of everyone around her, in this universe, she can choose not to. She sacrifices certainty this time, something she can regain as time goes on but in any other universe, there is never any certainty to get back. There will always be a Mimic threat and she can't get any of her old life back until it's dead and gone. She has to pay a price to keep Mimic contained, and while the Afton/Glitchtrap gods scramble to convince her otherwise, the Roxy in this new AU does have the choice whether she pays it or not.
But she will always still have to deal with the consequences of those with power. Every single time. And every single time so far, her entire existence is the consequence for them. Her life overall has not been the result of her own choices, but rather, the choices of people that never cared about her to begin with...
At least in this new universe she has a good childhood to fall back on and a cool ass horsie. And can actually do something about this shit. She can't normally do that :(
#not sure if that means she's winning or not hmm#fnaf security breach#consequence of the gods au#I should shorten that to just#consequences au#I guess#also yeah roxy can't normally do literally anything about... well anything really???#she can keep a lid on the situation but she doesn't have a choice. she HAS to make the sacrifice or people could die#and that sucks! she deserves better! and this time there's no blame to for her to carry only the burden of tragedy#which has maybe like... halfed the weight fazbear puts on her? maybe?#she's not okay is what I'm saying#though that's probably pretty obvious given the uhh#everything#this au is just super interesting to me it has a lot of parallels to other stuff and I like to give her a stick to beat people with#this time she can rally her friends with bonnie's help to drag the king to the fucking stocks#I just think there's maybe no greater punishment for a king like this than the humiliation pushed on the lowest class pick-pockets#cause the thing is. what she's chosen to do by not killing him is like breaking the cycle of revenge#but it's not mercy for him. she doesn't want his blood on her paws he's not worth it#him just. not being worth the effort of murder is incredibly offensive to him. he's the king god damn whadda hell#but he's never going to be sure for the rest of his life#he's going to have to live with the entire kingdom and every other kingdom knowing exactly what he did be it by afton's will or not#he has regretted it all this WAS pushed on him by these gods but finding out someone survived? that someone is on their way to get him?#it's a relief. it's finally over. he doesn't have to do this anymore... and then she just doesn't give that to him.#death was his salvation that was his freedom and she denies him that. she makes him live.#not without consequence of course but compared to the release of his execution these consequences are barbaric#they cut him like a knife by letting the local schoolkids throw tomatoes at his face#he still has to rule knowing that any moment roxy could change her mind and come back to finish the job.#or another survivor will do it for her. if I decide roxy gets a sister along with mangle and the old foxy?#then he's wondering where the OTHER one is. where is she? Roxy isn't who he'd expected to reach him at all she's dead#but surprise! she's not! he has lost the coin toss! she is the worst option of the two! by far!
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elendsessor · 1 year
Not a request for a hot take or anything BUT. About SMT... Whadda hell is Demifiend's deal, what happened to him (he/him?) is that actually his name, and what are the markings all over him? I see Demi on my dash and I'm always forgetting to read any wikis to soothe my curiosity around his story, but also I think hearing it from a mutual is leagues better when first learning about a guy
That being said i don't mind spoilers! or walls of text! Go crazy
technically he doesn’t have a name and is just called the demifiend (hitoshura is his japanese name and literally means demon guy). most accepted name for him is based on his cd drama name, naoki kashima. the most bare bones summary i can give is former teacher got involved with a cult, world ended, lucifer and some unexplained assistant of his gave hitoshura a demon tapeworm (aka a magatama) he was forced to vore that turned him half-demon, and is pretty much cursed to wander a dead world alone until it’s reborn while voring more worms, punching things, killing his jackass friends, and inevitably trying to punch a manifestation of god in the face yes really.
he’s more of a stand in for the player as most mainline games are like parables. you get presented ideologies and can choose whatever you wanna go with, though you used to have to factor in certain options to get the ending you wanted. there’s technically no true canon ending, as both the in universe lore shows there are multiple universes consisting of multiple timelines, but one ending is normally what gets commonly highlighted and usually comes from an ending you gotta do extra steps to achieve. the most commonly accepted ending for nocturne is the true demon ending where he becomes an actual fully fledged demon. there’s technically one “true” canon depiction of him which is always showing him being chaotic as hell, especially as shown in a fanservicey dlc for 4 apocalypse.
fun fact! the tattoos symbolize the relationship between the magatama and hitoshura, but is also meant to be reminiscent of a computer as previous mainline games made it so demons could only be summoned from a comp aka a glorified portable computer. literally a digital devil kinda like how the first megaten game was called digital devil story.
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xemeat · 10 months
heyyyy other than the ara pic i havent been active much and its solelyt becos rdr2 took over my brain and i want to draw stuff for it so bad but its 1. realistic people and 2. horses and 3. guns . so basically im very shit at drawing it!!!!!
im tryin to practise all of those things but it is slow going cos brain be like If Ur Not Perfect Right Now Then Whadda Hell The Point
anyway. i really want to draw something worth postin and i am trying. heres som Arthur Reddead doobles in the meantime
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arklay · 2 years
did not just think about diana finding al just sitting on their bed holding their wedding photo in his hands after she brings him back, and he's just looking at it, visibly distressed, and the moment she touches his shoulder he starts crying and buries his face against her chest because he thinks he really ruined their relationship. good lord
#leah.txt#pair: ewskers#baby boy she would not have spent years regenerating your body if she hated you i am going to disintegrate i can't do this#i think when his viruses are stable his emotions are very much Not. i think the mutant strain changed specific brain chemistry and he lost#a lot of empathy and just the ability to really feel emotions. he was very numb. he knew he should feel a certain way and emulated that but#he didn't really *feel* and after everything is stable he's feeling things he hasn't in over 10 years and he's also in a very bad state of#mind from everything that's happened so oh boy things aren't going great for them#also numb except like anger. and hatred. he was being turned into a literal killing machine after all. notice how blood thirsty he got?#i have so much post volcano lore for them i can't do this i need to just. explodes. and like they are still working through things ofc (it#takes years) when diana is alerted of activity with the company and even though they go and do all of that like he is still trying to find#himself again and decondition everything spencer and umbrella drilled into his head. they are still evil and scheming don't worry there#besties. and they still think they are better than everyone else. this is fact in their minds. but like. there's a lot going on for him#i put him through a lot of pain and as much as i joke that i want to put him through a blender it actually makes me really sad. he doesn't#need more trauma lmao. yeah he is evil and fucked up but no child deserves what spencer did to him#fictional man making me really sad. i need to wrap him in a blanket#sir why did you have to go and try and kill everyone on the planet whadda hell is wrong with you i'm holding your hand#maybe if your wife was there kissing you then you'd calm down a little bit and not throw yourself into a volcano#not unfolding time coming on shuffle as i type this what is wrong with you spotify i can't go through this right now#i like to see powerful men weak and cry but also he is a ball of trauma and it hurts me#i have Many thoughts about why he did what he did in 5 cause yeah it's out of character for him to follow through with spencer's vision#but i don't think that's what he was doing. kinda hinted a bit at this with that one fight fic but also i have a whole essay somewhere
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Captive (Baby John x Manhattan girl) *Mafia*
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(Warnings: Riff being a huge jerk)
“Let! Me! Go!!!” I try to scream through a gag as I’m picked up and taken away by the 3 thugs. They rush me from ‘Hattan to what looks like the West Side, or at least what I remember from it. Cowboy don’t let me go here often, and for good reason. Riff’s been on his bad side for months, and I’ve been wait’n for someth’n to set him off.
“Shut up! You don’t matter right now, Miss Manhattan!” One guy sneers in my face. 
They open a back door to a warehouse and I’m tied to a rickety chair inside a giant cage. Before I can scream any more, a cloth is pressed over my nose and the stiff smell of chloroform lulls me to sleep…
When I wake up, my gag has been removed and I’m alone again in inky, dark silence. How long have I been here?
“Hey! What the Hell? Why am I here? You just wait ‘till Kelly hears ‘bout this!” I scream.
“Don’t worry, I’m counting on it.”
Riff, the Jet leader hisself, lurks outta the shadows. 
“I understand you’re very close to Kelly. One might say you’re his adopted sister. So, I’ll make this simple: you’re kept here ‘til Kelly sends for you. When he does, he’s gonna give us what we want if he ever wants you back.”
I sneer at him. “Really, Lorton? I’m a hostage? What is it exactly that you Jets want so bad?”
“Territory, Miss Manhattan. It’s all ‘bout territory. And if Kelly wants you back, he’ll pay up. So for now you’ll be staying in the pen.” He turns and walks back towards the door. “Oh by the way,” he looks back at my tear’n eyes. “What’s your name? I gotta know so I can write to Kelly ‘bout you and also know what to call ya besides ‘Miss Manhattan.’”
No way in God’s green Earth Imma tell him my name!
“It’s Bullet.”
Riff snorts. “Bullet? What the Hell kinda name is that?”
“Kelly found me with a bullet in my shoulder, so the name stuck.” Not a complete lie.
“Hmm. Well, g’night Bullet. Sleep tight.” 
He struts out, leaving me alone in the cold, dark prison. ‘The pen,’ as he called it. It’s no use try’n to hope. I know Kelly won’t send for me… I try to loosen the ropes around my wrists but it’s no use. Soon I can’t help but start to drift off…
“Um, hi?”
I jolt up and come face-to-face with- an angel? A boy-like face with dark hair, cute ears, a button-shaped nose, and brown eyes that hold a child-like expression peers inside the cell. I shake my head, thinking I’m hallucinating from dehydration. But then the angel-like figure unlocks the door and walks over. God, he’s adorable.
“Hello,” I say with an uncertain expression as he gets closer. He don’t say anyth’n, and keeps look’n at me funny. I begin to panic and my thoughts jump to stay’n alive and untouched. “Who are you and whadda you want? Kelly ain’t gonna send for me and he don’t tell me anyth’n, so you’s wast’n your time. Please, let me go!”
The man (Or boy? I’m not sure) holds his palms up. “Hey- hey it’s ok! I’m not gonna hurt you!”
“Oh, sure! Just like your pals said! If you’re gonna rape or torture me then just kill me now! I’m tell’n ya, I don’t know noth’n! And even if I did I’d never spill to you Jet bastards!”
The boy looks shocked. “I- I’m not going to rape you! What’d you think that?”
“I’ve heard-a you Jets and what you’re capable of,” I seethe. 
“O- ok, ok. Here.” He goes behind me and I immediately clench up when I feel his hands on mine- that is until I notice he’s untying my bonds. When he’s finished I shove him away and bolt towards the door, only I find that he’s locked it behind him. I panic and rush to a corner, and when I see the boy cautiously approaching I hold up my fists.
“Touch me and I’ll rip your throat out!”
He still walks forward, a curious look on his face. “No, I don’t think you will.”
“Don’t bet on it, Jet. I’ll-”
I squint. “Huh?”
He gives a shy smile. “My name’s Jonathon, but everyone calls me Baby John.”
I can’t help but stifle a laugh. “Really? Why’s that?”
He looks sheepish. “Um… it’s ‘cause I’m the newest member. I joined ‘bout 2 months ago, but I didn’t know…” He looks up at me with a look of compassion. “I didn’t know they’d ever capture and assault rival members. I thought the Jets were more sophisticated, but I guess I was wrong.” He grins a little. “I hear them call you Bullet?”
I nod slowly. “That’s right. Cowboy found me with a bullet in my shoulder after my old family tried to snuff me. Thought I had potential, so he stitched me up. Now I’m one-a the only goil members of the ‘Hattan mafia.” I chuckle sarcastically. “Lucky me.” 
Baby John gives a melancholy expression. “If it makes you feel better, you’re the only goil we’ve captured. But it’s gonna be ok once Kelly contacts us, I promise.”
My lip quivers and I slowly sink to the ground, hands covering my shameful face.
“He won’t call for me. Hell, I’d be surprised if Cowboy even notices I’s missing. People say we’re close, but only ‘cause he took me in. Ever since he found me a year ago, after my old family abandoned me, all he’s done is ignore me and give me boring assignments. I’s never been wanted before, so why should this be any different?”
I hear Baby John come closer and kneel down next to me, but… I don’t flinch. I figure at this point I don’t care anymore-
He gently grips my hands and makes my tear-stained face look up at him, and now I can clearly see just how sweet and innocent-looking his face is.
“Don’t say that ‘bout yourself, Bullet. I know you don’t care what I think, but I already know you’re smart, witty, gorgeous, and brave, and I bet Cowboy’s worried sick ‘bout you right now. You don’t deserve this, nobody does. It’s just cruel fate that you ended up here, and I’m sorry-”
“Baby John!”
We both turn and see a heaving Riff, who don’t look too happy. He unlocks the pen’s door, comes over, and grabs a-hold of Baby John’s vest. Riff drags him out and locks the door again, and then I nearly cry out when I see him strike Baby John in the stomach.
“She’s my meat, Baby John! She’s my insurance in case Kelly don’t pay up, and I’d like to keep her in good shape.” He gets in his face, and then seems to get an amused look. Riff looks over at my wide eyes, then back at Baby John. “Ya like her, dontcha? Think she’s a fine doll, eh?”
“I- I-” Baby John stutters and he looks frantically between me and Riff, giving me an apologetic look.
Riff smirks. “I’ll agree, I know how to pick ‘em.” He gets in Baby John’s face. “But she’s mine, got it? Touch her again and you’ll be taking a stroll under the boardwalk!” Riff shoves him one last time and then strolls over to analyze me. “So, ya met Baby John? Think he’s all soft on ya, huh? Well too bad, ‘cause prisoners don’t get any special treatment- no matter how pretty they are.” He gives Baby John one last glare, then walks to the exit. “Ya got ‘til Friday, that’s 3 days. If Kelly don’t want ya, you’re all mine, girly. Oh, and Baby John? Since’s you’s taken a liking so much to the prisoner, you’re responsible for her. If I catch you with her again she dies, and that’s on you.”
As soon as Riff’s gone, Baby John rushes over and from behind the bars I can see he’s fight’n back tears.
“I’m sorry, Bullet. I’m so sorry! It’s like Action’s always say’n… I- I can’t let my heart get in the way of my head, and I’m sorry if it makes you hate me more than you already do…”
I look at him quizzingly and tilt my head. “You… you like me? You care ‘bout me?”
He avoids my gaze but still nods. “Yeah, but I’ll stop. ‘Cause I wanna be your friend and-”
“I ain’t mad at ya.”
His eyes widen. “Really?”
I shake my head. “No. Actually, you’s really the only one ‘sides a few-a the ‘Hattan fellas who’s really cared for me. And you seem like a decent guy compared to Riff.”
Baby John scratches his head. “You seem a bit tough to be think’n like that.”
I chuckle and in my head I agree to confess. “I may be tough, but I ain’t opposed to a guy be’n sweet on me.”
Baby John gets a dazed look on his face and brings his face impossibly closer to me as he grips the bars keep’n us apart.
“Baby John!”
The basement door opens and a man with a tan shoit and brown cap comes down the stairs. Baby John hastily gets up and stands at attention. When the guy sees Baby John all flustered, a smile spreads on his face.
“My my, little Johnny. You’s fallen head-over heels for this goil! Name’s Mouthpiece, good-look’n.” He tips his hat.
I squint. “Race’s brodda?”
“Sure am! Sorry to break it up, but Lorton’s call’n for ya. Says it’s lights out and that he don’t trust you be’n down here too long.”
Jonathan sighs and gives me one more dreamy look. “G’night, Bullet. I’s sure glad I met ya.”
He stumbles up and follows Mouthpiece upstairs, leaving me once again in the cold, dark prison.
“Wakey wakey, Bullet!”
I jerk awake from my uncomfortable position on the stiff concrete. Riff’s back, and he’s got a smug look on his face as he slides a meal tray into the pen.
“Still no woid from Kelly, so ya got one more day.”
“Great,” I mumble sarcastically as I lean against the bars.
Throughout the day I hope for a quick meeting from Baby John, but he can only stop in for quick ‘errands’ or else Riff’ll get suspicious. Thankfully Riff doesn’t come by at all, so I’m anticipating that he’s forgetting about me. But I still can’t help feel’n like Jack’s abandoned me. Can’t blame ‘im, when have I ever contributed anyth’n? All day I just pace back and forth, either wait’n to hear from Kelly or Riff. Either way I’ll get a tell’n off from Jack, or a rant from Riff ‘bout how happy he is about me becoming ‘his goil.’ 
But whenever Baby John does get a chance to stop by, we chat and get to know each odda a little bedda. I tell ‘im ‘bout my rough life grow’n up in Queens, and he tells me ‘bout his life in the West Side. 
“What happened to your ear?” I point at a big scar on Baby John’s ear.
He grins. “A fight with the Sharks left me with a nail in my ear.”
I cringe. “Ouch. Didn’t that hurt?”
“Yeah, but in our line-a work the more scars ya got, the more you’s respected.”
He goes on to talk ‘bout how his old man left when he was five, and his ma is all he’s got left, and every day he’s worried sick that she’ll get hurt.
“She don’t know I’s part-a the Jets, ‘cause I don’t want her to be worried.”
“At least ya still got a ma. My folks dropped me in tha street soon as I could count to 100. Got involved with a small gang, got in a disagreement, got my shoulder made into bullet swiss cheese. When Kelly found me I’d lost the will to live, but he built me back into someone bedda.”
That night, I’m get’n more and more antsy ‘bout Jack. 
“Calm down, Bullet. There’s still tomorrow-” Baby John tries to assure me.
I scoff. “He ain’t called, and I just want tomorrow to be over so the pressure can be taken off. I know Cowboy won’t call, so I just wanna accept a fate tied to Riff.”
By now I can tell Baby John’s noticed that I’ve given in.
“It’s just- Ya can’t- When I look at you, the light’s gone from your eyes. Ever since you’ve gotten here that little spark in your eye’s been get’n smaller. But now it’s all gone-”
If I hadn’t been a captive I’d say that he’s be’n downright sweet.
“Forget ‘bout it, Jonathan. I’s never been wanted ‘round my whole life, why should this be any different?”
His face falls. “What? No! Bullet, ya can’t talk like that-!”
“Mary.” I smile sadly.
“It’s Mary. I’m Mary. Figured I’d mine as well tell someone before I’m carted off.”
Baby John’s jaw drops. “That- that’s beautiful. Why don’t you go by that?”
I chuckle. “‘Cause if I go by that then I mine as well dress in a girly skirt and pigtails. Believe me, it’s best if I don’t. Nobody gives me any trouble.”
“Mind if I call you Mary?”
“Baby you can call me anyth’n unless it’s ‘stupid,’ ‘slut,’ or ‘bitch,’ or all three togedda. I don’t got much to live for but at least I know I’s a respectable lady.”
My companion snakes his hands through the bars to find mine, and squeezes them while smooth’n his thumbs over my knuckles.
“Oh Mary, I’m so sorry you feel that way. You’re a wonderful person who deserves so much more… I can’t stand to see you like this. But maybe life with the Jets won’t be so bad…?”
I sigh in defeat. “What’s the difference? In one cage and into anodda. But it don’t madda- Riff can’t make me talk. The Manhattan mafia’s the only family I got, and I’d rather die than be a snitch.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve got my Ma, but I hardly see her-”
“You need to change that.” I interrupt.
“You need to see her more. If there’s anyth’n I know, it’s that we have no control over our lives and that you gotta keep your family close. Please, Johnathon- please do that for me. Promise me before I’m shut up for good.” I give a dark chuckle. ���I may be younger, but I’ve done a lot more damage than you, buddy boy. I’ve been arrested at least five times already and nearly escaped prison three times before Kelly found me. If I could, I’d go back and never have gotten into this mob mess. Once you’re in, they never let you out. Yeah I owe Kelly my life for save’n me, but now I’m stuck here and I’m gonna be left in the stony lonesome.”
Baby John clutches my hands tighter and gives me a stern look. “You won’t be alone. I’ll be with you.”
I give a sad smile. “That’s sweet Jonathon, but you deserve to get out while ya can. You don’t got a record, so my advice is to skip town ASAP and settle down in hickville.”
“I think I will.”
He lets go-a my hands and stands up. “But I’m taking you with me.”
He grabs the key off the wall and starts unlock’n the door, but it doesn’t work. “Damn! Riff must’ve switched out the key!”
I stand up and grip the bars. “No- No! Baby John, stop! You're gonna get caught! You want Riff to scar your odda ear? Whaddya do’n?!”
“I’m breaking you out.” He starts try’n to pick the lock.
“No you ain’t! I ain’t leave’n ‘cause then-”
“I’m not leave’n you, Marry! I won’t!”
I grip his hands to stop him, and he looks at me with desperate eyes.
“Jonathon, it’s ok. I’ve been behind bars nearly all my life, even if I couldn’t see them. My whole life’s been a prison, with everyone tell’n me what to do and me screw’n up. I’ll always be captive to someone else.”
“I- I could set you free, if you want. W- Would you believe that if these bars weren't here I’d kiss you?”
“Would you believe that I’d kiss you back?” I reply.
Baby John looks at me in disbelief. “Really?”
I answer by grabbing his face through the bars and cram my face against the bars to brush my lips against his. He’s warm, sweet, and welcoming, like a hot chocolate. At first he tenses up, but then melts into it even though we’re barely kissing through the bars.
“Mary… God, I just wanna hold you… Wanna to keep you safe-”
“Baby John!”
We both jolt apart as Mouthpiece cockily trots down the stairs, arms crossed. He’s got a cross look on his face, which I’m pretty sure means bad news for us.
“You know the rules, Baby John. Riff specifically said for you to not be down here. Now not only are you down here, but you’re smooch’n with the prisoner!” He grabs John’s shoit and gets in his face. “Gimme one good reason why I shouldn’t report you to Riff!”
“Mouthpiece, please!” I beg. “Please! Don’t hurt him! It’s my fault! He- he was just try’n to make me feel bedda!”
“By mesh’n faces with ya? I don’t think so!” Mouthpiece shoves John against the pen. “You’s mess’n with Riff’s prisoner!”
Baby John shakes his head as he fights back tears. “No- ya got it all wrong, Mouthpiece! I… I….”
“Ya what? Spit it out, Johnny!”
“I luv her!” He shouts. “I luv her! I luv her, and if that means I gotta be punished then so be it! But she don’t deserve to be punished anymore! Damnit, Mouthpiece- please let her go! I’ll take the blame, just please let her go!”
All I can do is gape at John’s outburst. All my life I’ve wanted someone to help me feel safe, someone to stay with me through thick ‘nd thin. All I’ve met in life is disappointment, but maybe now the pendulum has swung the odda way…
“Jonathon,” I say softly.
Mouthpiece jerks his head at me. “Quiet!”
“No I won’t! All my life I’ve been told what to do, but now I’ll do the talking! I want you to let him go and take me on in a one-on-one fight. If I win, you let us go without tell’n Riff. If I lose…” I sigh. “Then I’ll give in and give Riff what he wants.”
“Mary, no!” Baby John sobs. “No, no! Don’t!”
Meanwhile, Mouthpiece has an odd look on his face. “Mary?”
My real name. I just nod and look at the floor.
“I know you. Race talks ‘bout you all the time, says you could go straight if given the chance but Kelly won’t let ya go.” He shuffles his feet, seem’n to think someth’n over. “I like you, Mary. Ya seem a decent goil, and that’s what Baby John deserves- not Riff.” He pauses, then seems to make a decision as he lets Baby John go. “I’ll spring ya, but you gotta promise that you’ll try to stay outta trouble.” He takes anodda key outta his pocket and goes to unlock the door. As soon as it’s open, Baby John sprints in and literally topples me over in a tight embrace.
“Thank you, thank you Mouthpiece! Oh Mary- I luv you so much!” He mumbles into my hair.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Mouthpiece rolls his eyes. “That’s all fine and dandy Johnny boy, but does she luv ya back?”
I feel Baby John’s grip losen, and then he gently moves away to look at me. His face says everyth’n, so before he even asks I already know my answer.
“Yes.” I hug him again and look up at Mouthpiece with determined eyes. “I luv you, Jonathan. Nobody can make me stop loving you, after all you’ve done for me.”
John chokes down a sob. “Ya really mean that? Mary, I- I don’t have much to offer, but I’ll give you all I have if it means you’ll stay with me-”
“No, John.” I cut him off. “Your luv is all I need.”
Behind us I hear Mouthpiece groan. “Well that ain’t good enough for Riff. Right now we gotta get you out.” He forces us apart and starts pulling us towards a window. “Here- this leads to the alley. It’s unguarded, I’ll just tell Riff that you picked the lock. Go back toHattan and ask for refuge from Race, tell ‘im Mouthpiece sent ya.”
Baby John shakes his head. “‘Hattan might not be safe. Cowboy hasn’t made contact yet-”
I cut him off. “It’s ok, John. Cowboy might not want me, but Race will wanna protect me. He’s Jack’s 2nd, so he has enough authority to keep us safe. We can trust him.”
“Yes you can. Now go.” Mouthpiece holds the window open. “Godspeed, my friends.”
We crawl through, and just before we burst out run’n I hear Riff inside: “Mouthpiece! Where’s Baby John?!”
All too sure that Mouthpiece is gonna get an earful, we sprint hand-in-hand towards ‘Hattan. My home. When I see the blue mafia building’s shining roof I cry out with joy.
“There it is, Baby John! Just a bit further!”
We reach the building and quickly shut the door behind us, just in case Riff’s sent any spies. Immediately Kelly’s security shows up: Kid Blink and Mush. When they see me, their faces lighten.
“Bullet? Thank God, you’s ok! We’s been worried sick!” Blink hugs me up while Baby John idles awkwardly at the side. “We’s heard that you’s was taken by Riff for ransom or someth’n, and that Kelly wouldn’t elaborate on details.”
I stiffen. “So… he was just gonna leave me?”
Mush puts a hand on my shoulder. “No, Bullet. Race convinced him to come up with an agreement last night and he was gonna call today, but I guess you made it out just fine on your own!”
“Actually…” I take Baby John’s hand and lead him up to the two security guards, who each give him suspicious looks. “I had a little help. Fellas, this here’s Baby John. He helped me escape, and we’s both here to ask for sanctuary from Riff. C’mon, guys- let an old friend take refuge?”
Blink nods his head. “You, I can handle.” He looks at Baby John. “It’s him I’s worried ‘bout.”
“Yeah. What’s his story?” Mush asks.
“He helped me escape, and…” I trail off and John ‘nd I share uneasy looks. But thankfully Msh seems to get the idea.
“Ah, I see how it is.” A wicked grin spreads across his face. “No problem here, Blink. Just a couple-a luvboids. Alright, Bullet. He can stay. Now I’m sure you’s both tired, so go get some sleep and be ready for dinner. We’ll tell Cowboy you’s made it back, and he’ll understand that you had to rest up.”
I smile a thank-you and lead Baby John up the grand navy-blue stairs, down the dark hallway and to the door of my own room.
“Well, this is me.” I open the door and let him in. It’s a simple room: queen bed, oak desk, decent-sized bathroom. I’d always been on Kelly’s good side, so he’s allowed me a good room.
“Wow. This is… wow!” John surveys the room. “Nice digs. So… I’ll take a pillow and sleep in the enormous bathtub, ok?”
“Oh, no.” I shake my head and lead him to sit down on the bed, earn’n me a wide-eyed look from innocent Baby John. “You can sleep on here with me. I’m ok with it.”
He goes to argue, but a yawn escapes his mouth and it’s all the proof I need to coax him onto a soft pillow. I cuddle up next to him and pull a blanket over us.
“We’ll be safe here, Jonathan.” I lean in and peck him on the cheek. “I luv you.”
His eyes are closed, but he gives a sleepy smile. “You’re my captive now, Mary. And I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” He whispers sweetly as we both nod off to a blissful sleep.
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