#but i will end this on Zeus. feels fitting.
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Wiki pet project is nearly done btw. I've ended up doing more than I ever intended to do here whoops
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boxingcleverrr · 10 months
Popular Hades & Persephone "retellings" are, rightly, getting dunked on all over the socials right now and, as a Pagan who has an altar to the Queen, I could not be happier. But also, I feel like a lot of people miss WHY they're bad - aside from just plain bad writing and lazy tropes. Which are, yeah, also REALLY bad.
Pretty much all retellings try to wave away, or excuse, or twist the whole kidnapping bit. And I actually do have sympathy and understanding for why, when speaking from a modern perspective.
But honestly...you gotta get over it. There are other stories to play fix-it with, not this one.
The Abduction is The Thing.
Were I a little more sober I could bring up chapter and verse of the Hymn to Demeter but frankly, if you know even the middle school mythology curriculum version of the story, you SHOULD know the themes. The story of Persephone was one mothers and daughters in the ancient world held dear, because it was a reality: you will, one day, be swept away from your home to go cleave to a man you most likely know nothing about. You will miss your mother, but chances are very good that he will be a good husband, once you get to know him, certainly better than Zeus or Ares, and he will make you a queen of his home.
Leaving home to marry was often scary, and violent (look up the history of the tradition of Bridesmaids, if you don't already know it - they were originally decoys on the marriage road). Centuries later we'd have tales like Beauty & The Beast serving the same function: comfort, hope, you are leaving your safe loving home to figure life out with a (often older, powerful) stranger. Your trauma over this sudden ending of your childhood made manifest in a Beast, or a God of The Underworld.
It's wonderful that we don't NEED stories like this anymore to comfort us (here, at least, in this culture). But if you try to force them into modern vernacular it just will not work, not really, because you're gutting out the whole point just to have a more tidy romantic male hero.
I have read MANY very good ...novelizations? fanfic(? however you would frame them, but they're certainly not "retellings"), etc. that simply take advantage of the blank spaces in the myth, and there are many!
It's not explicit that sexual assault happens - "The Rape of Persephone" as a title was coined in much earlier eras, when the word was just as often used to simply refer to abduction.
"She was starving!" the gods didn't need to eat. So it's easy to read her eating the Pom seeds as a deliberate choice on her part. Like, shit, people, scholars have written whole papers on the symbolism of this moment, between marriage rites and even yeah, Seph choosing both worlds with her husband's knowing consent.
And that, I think, is the real heart of the thing. People want an utterly mundane, spelled-out story here, as opposed to what it really is, has always been, just like any other myth or religious parable: IT'S A METAPHOOOOOOR.
They don't need to be destined, or meet at a goddamned BALL and then CONSPIRE to fake her kidnapping, or shit, I once saw one where Hades got MIND CONTROLLED by Zeus?! Jesus.
Persephone was yoinked into the Underworld against her will.
That's how it went.
I don't mean this in a "stay out of my belief system!" way, shit I'm a white American chick with delusions of witchery. I mean this in a "stop stressing yourself out trying to make things palatable" way:
This is a very real, very precious myth to many people, BECAUSE for at least that one event, Persephone had no autonomy, BECAUSE for thousands of years most women had no autonomy. Erasing that, sanitizing the fact that a girl is ripped out of the spring, from her mother's arms, is erasing the thing that gave comfort to women for centuries. And people can and should still find power and healing in it now!
Fill in the blanks the story leaves in whatever manner seems fit to you, there's plenty of room, but. Come the fuck on.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
I was reading a post about CoTG and I realized: Rick has seemingly started to write every character pairing with the exact same dynamic, and he's not good at writing that dynamic and it doesn't make sense for 90% of the characters he writes it for.
It's that very specific dynamic of one half of the pair who is almost aggressive to the other party - "teasing" them constantly/insulting them, affectionately punching/judo flipping/maiming/etc, seemingly almost always exasperated with the other - and said other party usually just accepts this treatment or blanketly views it fondly, and may generally be framed as more incompetent than their partner and a little bit of a doormat (particularly relating to being insulted/teased/etc by their partner).
We start seeing this dynamic in HoO with Percy and Annabeth, as a sort of semi-inconsistent twist on their rivals-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic from the first series. Then the dynamic pattern develops further with Leo and Calypso. Then Magnus and Alex. Then Nico and Will, particularly in TSATS. And now in CoTG, it's Percy and Annabeth again but even more in this direction.
I know people have talked about Nico and Will's relationship over the series rapidly being shoehorned into Percabeth Two™, and it's extremely apparent in TSATS that Rick's doing it on purpose (including directly quoting Percabeth scenes but minorly tweaking them to be Solangelo). But recognizing it as an overarching trend in Rick's later books honestly reminds me a lot of how Rick started trying to apply the "Percy Formula" so-to-speak to nearly every protagonist in HoO (and then try to replicate similar character archetypes with Magnus and Apollo's narrations - moreso Magnus in being jaded and sarcastic, very much trying to be first series Percy. He only sounds unique because Rick failed at making him Percy 2. Apollo is more akin to later-series Percy characterization of being goofy and incompetent. Apollo [and Zeus] even got retconned to give Apollo a more similar backstory to Percy's). Rick seems to have decided that he thinks the audience wants this specific dynamic but 10 times over, except he's not good at writing it the first time because it's a bastardization of the time he did a different thing okay.
And Rick also seems aware of that too! Because he retconned Calypso and Leo at the end of TOA, probably because he realized how absolutely awful it was reading when they were written with that dynamic of Calypso just functionally hating Leo and constantly being aggressive towards him! The only time Rick's actually made the dynamic even semi-successful was with Magnus and Alex, because it actually fits within their characters, their dynamics with each other, and their environment. Alex beheading Magnus on the regular works out fine because there are no repercussions to that in Valhalla, Magnus will be fine, so it does genuinely come off as humorous. And Alex has been effectively established to be abrasive at times but have her genuine feelings shine through regularly, and that meshes well with Magnus' jaded-and-aloof-but-quietly-very-empathetic character. And Magnus has been established to, yes, not be great at combat, particularly compared to Alex. They are the only time that flavor of dynamic in that form was effective and cohesive.
Percabeth is no longer rivals-to-friends-to-lovers badasses on equal levels with shaky pasts who finally found some form of permanence with one another. Now it's super smart doting and affectionately aggressive girlfriend and her silly goofy 50%-of-the-time incompetent boyfriend who she judo flips/pushes off cliffs/etc - but affectionately~! Solangelo is trying to riff off of the early series "Poseidon & Athena are enemies" dynamic that Percabeth had but with Apollo & Hades being "opposites" but learning to accept each other, except it ends up with Will just coming off as a huge asshole and Nico being retconned to a complete doormat about it - when prior to that those characterizations would be completely contrary to their established characters (even just from TOA!). Calypso in HoO gets retconned from her PJO characterization to being snooty and aggressive, and Leo's false persona gets merged into his just normal personality except he just also becomes a doormat but more goofy than Nico with occasional haha-dark/depression-humor! Which Nico also got. Which was also a bastardized Percy trait that got redistributed.
It's exhausting. Rick write more than one relationship dynamic you can do it I promise
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howling-goldendemon · 24 days
How I'm starting to believe in Greek gods
I just wanted to share my story, including some doubts because I'm not sure about some things. I have never been a really religious person, as growing up in a very religious family, i think even having some connection to Christianity when it comes to a town near where I live.
Anyways, as I was saying, I have never been that much about beliefs, always wondering about what else could be out there waiting for me.
After all, my family said that the most important part of being human is worshipping a greater deity, specially god; I decided to try to take that in mind while searching for a religion where I could feel kind of comfortable.
Despite the taboo that it is, i started with Satanism, my reason behind it being "I'm not comfortable in what surrounds me, maybe if I try the opposite...?".
I moved on to try atheism, it didn't feel right, something was missing.
Then I tried believing in Greek gods, this being the reason because of a famous musical based on The Odyssey.
I don't know why, but this one really felt like it called me, something in Greek gods drew my attention and respect.
I tried then making my first prayer, being it to Poseidon, I still don't know if I did it right or if I chose the wrong god to start, but my ask was for clear skies on the weekend in exchange of being able to make it rain as hard as he wanted on my 18th birthday, the reason for the ask was that there was going to be a camp; in the end, the camp was moved to next week, but it did rain in my birthday and the weekend was clear skies.
I am a little ashamed of this but I ended up asking again 2 times, this time to Zeus too, as the camp was moved to another date 3 times, this time i tried my best to not be disrespectful and I promised I'd try to make something in return.
The day of the camp, I made a quick prayer to Gaea, asking for a safe travel and general safety during said camp.
As soon as I got back to school, I got cherry incense, I am still new to this and today I lit up one of the incenses.
I was going to try Aztec gods, but I ended up feeling more comfortable in Greek mythology.
I am willing to make a tiny altar for Gaea, Poseidon and Zeus, As I feel like I still need to make a proper offering to all of them, I would've thought it was coincidence and I know it's not 100% true or reliable, but the weather forecast for those weekends I asked were written with a high probability of heavy rain.
It may have been coincidence, but I like to think it was a way to receive me with open arms in this religion.
Now for the questions:
Do I need to make separate altars for each god? I don't have much space, and I don't know what my family would thing of it if I made an altar they could see, I could fit one in my closet or a tiny table in my room.
What would I do with offerings? specifically food, I cannot leave it to rot, that feels kind of wrong, but eating or throwing it out feels too disrespectful, what is the common practice when it comes to food offerings?
Am I praying correctly? I tend to pray in this way: Treat the gods like I would treat a Teacher I respect a lot, with a lot of respect and trying to not ask for too much.
Is there a guide on what to pray to which god? I just wanna show respect by believing in every Greek god, regardless of if I ask for something or not, I wanna keep doing this.
Thank you so much for reading until the end.
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yallemagne · 24 days
I'm watching people trauma bond with Calypso from EPIC in real-time. Y'all. A character can be a woman and be a rapist at the same time. And her being a woman doesn't mean that ACTUALLY there's some trauma in her past that justifies her imprisoning men on her island and taking them to bed against their will, it means that she's a rapist that just happens to also be a woman.
I love how Calypso is depicted in EPIC, she's just dripping with a nastiness that is only matched by Penelope's entitled suitors. She's sugary sweet at the outset, but when Odysseus rather violently rejects her, she laughs at his rejection, saying he's adorable when he's angry and that he doesn't have any choice but to submit to her will as a god. And then she goes right back to the sweet lover in paradise ruse!!! It's sickening! She denies his autonomy because it gets in the way of the fantasy romance that she's forcing upon him.
So, I'm frustrated with people trying to paint it as though she's the victim in the situation, that what she's doing is somehow okay because she's a pretty woman and they feel bad for her. That's so patronizing.
I've seen people justify her behaviour by saying she's lonely. Tough shit get a hobby. Being starved for affection has never justified being an abuser.
I've seen people insist she truly cares about Odysseus because she tries to talk him down from suicide... but an abuser talking you down from taking drastic measures to escape their abuse isn't them showing genuine care, it's them not wanting the game to end, it's them exerting control over your very life. If anything, it's more disturbing because she is the one who drove him to be suicidal. So she's playing this game where she drives him to the precipice and then tries to lure him back down with "reminders" of "their love", those reminders actually being of the words of his dead loved ones that she's pilfered and warped as though they were her own.
The most ridiculous argument I've seen in defending Calypso's behaviour is saying that we can't use terms like "rapist" for her because "it was a different time" so "it's not certain whether or not what she did would be considered non-consensual for the time"... Like must I even point out that... that sleeping with someone against their will has always been and will always be rape? Anyway, her actions fit the ancient definition of rape to a t anyhow, so it's weird to try and weaponize "cultural differences" for the sake of having plausible deniability in Calypso's favour. Rape is also used to mean kidnapping, which is why we have pieces titled the Rape of Ganymede, the Rape of Persephone, etc..
Even if Jorge were to come out and say that, somehow, nothing sexual took place on Calypso's island in seven years, that despite her explicitly telling Odysseus that his "no" means nothing to her as a goddess she somehow never went so far as to sexually assault him... it doesn't make her abuse any less bad that she spared him that one trauma! Like holy shit dude.
Imagine if there was an adaptation that featured Zeus' rape of Io, and the audience responded to every literally dehumanizing action Zeus took against Io by saying "ooohh but he's lonely. i feel bad for him the most he's just a widdle lonely baby man. his wife is so meaaan."
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xoxochb · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * please, please, please
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warnings: set during that one scene from ttc, reader is a minor goddess of music/singing (to fit the sabrina carpenter vibe ykwim?), a bunch of quotes are not mine they are direct from the book so credits to uncle rick!! there’s also a lorelai gilmore reference at the end
pairing: apollo x goddess! daughter of aphrodite and ares
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“absolutely not”
you give the sun god a look of pleading and he laughs at your desperation
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
you hit his head “yes you do”
“she’s my dear old sister-” apollo begins
“exactly. along with her hunters and others”
“I don’t see the problem”
“the problem is that you can’t control yourself”
“well when I’m around you…”
“oh my gods!” you hit him twice this time “this is what I’m talking about. you’re an idiot”
apollo ignores your comment and drives (??) the sun chariot to the snowy ground
“I beg you do not embarrass motherfucker” you warn
when you step out onto the wet grass and before you have the chance to greet everyone apollo speaks,
"little sister!" he calls "what's up? you never call. you never write. I was getting worried!"
artemis sighs "I'm fine, apollo. and I am not your little sister"
"hey, I was born first."
"we're twins! how many millennia do we have to argue?"
"so what's up?" he interrupted. "got the girls with you, I see. you all need some tips on archery?”
“I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to camp half-blood”
"sure, sis" he then raised his hands in a stop everything gesture “I feel a haiku coming”
the hunters groaned but nonetheless he held up a dramatic hand and began to speak,
‘green grass breaks through snow
artemis pleads for my help
I am so cool’
he grinned waiting for an applause
“last line was four syllables” you point out
apollo frowns "was it?"
"yes” artemis agrees “what about I am so big-headed?"
"no, no, that's six syllables” he starts to mutter to himself but you ignore it, you could be here for days
one of the hunters, zoe you recognized turned to the demigods and explained how apollo had been into haikus since he got back from japan, and said god interrupted her soon after
"I've got it!" he announced "I am so awesome. that's five syllables!" he bowed feeling pleased with himself
"and now, sis” he continues “transportation for the hunters, you say? good timing. I was just about ready to roll”
"these demigods will also need a ride," artemis points to them
"no problem!" apollo checked them out "let's see... thalia, right? I've heard all about you."
thalia blushes "hi, lord apollo"
‘isn’t that his sister?’ you think
"zeus's girl, yes? makes you my half sister. used to be a tree, didn't you? glad you're back. I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees. man, I remember one time-”
you cut him off with an elbow to his stomach, he winces in pain. a black haired demigod- with sea green eyes to differentiate him from the others, he must be poseidon’s- eyes you before asking,
“are you a goddess? how come I don’t recognize you?”
“minor goddess” you confirm “of music. my parents are ares and aphrodite, and unfortunately I am married to this idiot” you give apollo an angry look but he throws an arm around your shoulder
the daughter of zeus chokes on nearly nothing “married?!”
you nod “twelve years”
artemis speaks again “how she can put up with him is a mystery”
“well we should get going” apollo interrupts
“yes, I agree” you say and pull the sun god’s arm off of you, he frowns at the loss of contact
the hunters and demigods pack up their belongings and you pull apollo to the side, he prepares himself for whatever you’re going to say, which he’s sure will be a scolding because he ignored the one thing you asked of him
“listen-” he starts
“how about I talk you listen?” you cross your arms
this was going to be a long scolding…
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luveternals · 13 days
paring: 5. simon 'ghost' riley x reader rating: — cw: none. if you read between the lines the MC is just insecure, of what? it depends on how you interpret it, i guess. a/n: make sure to reblog and/or comment. it literally makes my day, thank you! ~ ~ ~
It's pouring, angry thunder shaking your windows. You press your cold fingers against the side of your burning cup, steam brushes past the tip of your nose, but your fingertips are numb and you can't seem to get any warmth out of it. You consider giving the chimney a try, but the living room is quite big and you're alone. Lighting flashes, illuminating the room, before everything plunges back into a darkness broken only by the dimly lit screen of your phone.
"I'm sorry." The words are soft as they come from the other side of the line.
"Don't be," you say. Your voice is leveled, a little flatter than normal, but still steady, "a blackout just killed the lights anyway, the TV is useless now."
"The road's closed and the—"
"You don't have to make excuses." You take a sip of your drip, but press your lips into a line as you look at it. It's shit. "We'll see the movie tomorrow, when Zeus stops throwing a fit."
There's a long pause from the other side and the faintest sigh, as if Simon pulled away just so you can't hear it. Jokes on him, he's forgotten the noise cancellation off again and the microphone on his phone is picking up everything. The rain pouring, the cars honking, the crowd laughing. The glasses clinking together.
"Alright," he says, spelling every letter of the word like he wants to be sure you hear it properly. "I'll see you tomorrow, then? Love you, darlin'."
"Yeah," you nod into your cup. You reach your hand forward and let your finger hover over the button to end the call for a second. It's redder than you remember. "Love you too," you say in one breath final before you tap the screen and the call finally cuts off.
You take the phone with your now free hand and stare at the lock screen. There's a picture of him, fast asleep with his face buried into your pillow. He lives a few hours drive away, and the day you snapped the picture he came to visit and ended up staying for a week. He'd steal your clothes and you found you didn't mind one bit.
Your heart clenches but the corners still pull into a fond, sad smile.
You're tired, sore and mentally numb. Your two weeks work trip went quite well despite everything but the stress of both the social interactions and the need to impress some people who probably already forgot about you, drained your batteries.
You were looking forward to a cozy night with the person that gives light to your days but it seems all you'll get is a cold, dark dreamless night.
You leave the cup barely touched on the center table and stretch out on the couch. It's a little small but you curl on a side, tuck an arm under your head and pull the blanket over your head.
You stir when a gentle weight is settled over your blanket with tender care. You shift as you feel warm breath brushing against your forehead, "sometimes, I wonder if I'm dating a puppy with abandonment issues," he chuckles against your ear.
You're still out of it, you can't even open your eyes properly, but scooching up the pillows to make space for him comes to you like second nature. He lifts both of the blankets and weasels his way on top of you, his head resting on your shoulders and his legs tangles with yours in a way that, with no doubt, will get both of you sore very soon. He ignores the strange, unhealthy position you're both puzzled into the tiny couch and sighs contently against your neck. The warmth of his body sips into yours and you feel the stiffness of hour muscles melts away.
His hair is a little damp as it tickles your chin. You reach your hand up to check but when you frown ready to ask, you feel his weight settle heavily about your body. He fell asleep, already?
You consider looking at the time but a yawn throws the thought out the window. You circle your arms around him and pull him closer. Questions can be asked later, enjoying his presence now is what really matters now.
~ ~ ~
a/n: anyone who wants to be added to the taglist, feel free to tell me :)
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 month
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༺𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝༻
Pairing: cowboy!rafe x cowgirl!reader
Warning: language, suggestive touching/speaking and that’s all :)
(Just a blurb not a chapter)
Just another sunny day at Y/l/n ranch. The warm weather and slight summer breeze runs through your hair. Thankfully the breeze isn’t strong enough to wear a jacket or knock your brown cowboy hat off.
You were currently squatting, grabbing a big bag of chicken feed. As you were about to stand up with the big bag, there was a knock. You looked up, over your shoulder. You smiled at the sight. It was Rafe, his famous smirk on his lips.
“Hey doll, need help?”
“Uh yeah sure, thanks”
You moved out of the way for Rafe to effortlessly pick up the chicken feed and walk out of the storage shed. You point to your quad “just put it on there f’me, please” he nodded and walked over putting the bag down. You climb onto the quad. You look to Rafe “I thought you had to help your dad out today?” He smile and rested his one palm on the front of your quad. “We ended up doing at all yesterday, turns out the fence for the goats didn’t take as long as we thought.”
You smiled “you got the kids?!” He chuckled and nodded “yeah, baby, we got ‘em.” You smile widens “aww, when are they arriving at the ranch?” “Next week, and before you say it, yes, you can come and see ‘em.” You practically squealed in excitement, to which he laughed at.
You offered “since you probably don’t have much to do, you can hang out with me and help a bit…” he smiled and nodded “sure thing, princess.” He walked round and climbed onto the quad. Wrapping his one arm around your waist as the other holds the bag of chicken feed so it wouldn’t fall off. You turned the ignition of the quad before driving it down a small dirt path and over to the ducks and chickens. You park up the quad and climb off, your brown worn in Chelsea Docs hit the dirt and gravel.
You were about to reach for the bag, Rafe swatted your hands away “I’ve got it.” You playfully roll your eyes. He knew you could do it, you’ve done it many times. By he wanted to.
You walk over to the coops, grabbing the ‘egg collector’ your mother would say. It’s a navy apron that has many pockets to fit eggs in. You started to collect the eggs as Rafe would feel the ducks and chickens.
You feel pinching on your leg, you laugh “Betty, quit!” You look down to see the chicken pecking at your leg… once again… like always.
You see Rafe walk back over “how many eggs?” You smile and turn to him “uhh seven chicken, three duck.” He smiles “seems like a good day, eh?” You nod.
You head over to the quad and putting the eggs in the cream that’s tied onto the back of the quad by bungee cords. You carefully place the eggs into the cotton and straw. You look over to see your two border collies run over, Zeus and Athena. You raise an eyebrow, they were in the house earlier. Then you see your younger brother by the open front door. You shout “what’re you doing with the dogs!?” He shouted back “mom said to bring the sheep in, shaving day later today!” You nodded.
Rafe smiled “let’s get this flock in, huh?” You nodded and climbed onto the quad “drop the eggs off first.” He climbed on and wrapped both arms around your waist. He rested his chin on your shoulder as you drove. As you make your way over to the front of the house, your mom was already at the porch waiting. You smile “hey momma” she smiled “hey both, got the eggs?” Rafe nodded “got ‘em all here for you, ma’am.” Your mother playfully rolls her eyes “Rafe, you don’t need to go all formal on me, I’m particularly another mother to ya!” You all laugh. She steps down from the porch and collected the eggs from the basket and into her cardigan pockets.
“Alright, I’ll let you two gather the flock in.” She gave you both a wave before heading inside. You turn in the quad, heading down one of the far fields.
As you rolled up, Zeus and Athena ran along the sides of the quad and waited for your call. “Walk up!” The two dogs ran into the large open field.
You stood on the quad, Rafe remains seated. His hands on the outside of your jean covered thighs. You shout “Zeus away t’me!” Zeus pushes the flock to the right. “Athena come by!” She pushes the rest of the flock to the left. Brining the flock of sheep into the middle of the field.
Soon enough, you and the help of your two border collies, had got the sheep into a small field ready for later. Rafe smiles and pats your thigh “atta girl.” You playfully roll your eyes as you sit on the quad. You thought for a moment.
“A penny for ya thought?”
“I can’t remember what else… oh! I remember!”
You turn the quad back on and drive towards the stables.
Soon enough you’re outside the horses stables. You park up and climb off, Rafe doing the same.
You walk into the large open stables, horses hooves and neighs can be heard. You walk over to your horses stable ‘thunder’. You climb up on the shelf as you couldn’t see over the tall (taller than you, not taller than Rafe) stable door. Rage smirks “need a hand?” You fake laugh “har har, funny…” you look over and see your stallion.
Your horse since you were five, you grew up together, literally. You smile when you see the grey and white horse. The name came from his colour of her coat. The mix of grey and white, representing a thunder cloud.
You reach out “hey there, girl, gonna give ya a fresh stable.” You hop down and grab the two fresh bales of hay. You look to Rafe “you gonna grab the hay? Or move Thunder to the outside part?” He nodded at the hay “I’ll take the hay, you get her out.” You nod. Opening the stable door, you walk over to Thunder. “Hey sweet girl, gonna have to get you to go outside f’me.”
You pat her side, using yourself as a ‘traffic cone’ you guide her to the extension of her stable. It had an indoor outdoor type of place. You were moving her to the outside part. Once you got her outside, you closed the gate. Her head peaking through the gap of the gate and the tall doorframe. You patted her neck “won’t be too long.”
You turn to see Rafe moving the second bale to near the stable door. You both grab a pitchfork each and started to dig up any dung.
You pick up one of the bales of hay, bringing it inside the stable. You pull out your pocket knife and tug on one of the strings. You rub your knife against the string, you huff when it’s not working. “You’ve forgotten to sharping your knife, huh?” You nodded at Rafe’s question.
Rafe handed you his pocket knife. “Thanks.” You use his knife that cuts the string without moving your hand against it. You do the same for three other strings. You pocket the strings. And then you both started to kick the hay around. As you try to even out the hay, you hear Rafe and his not so subtle evil laugh. As you were about to turn around, you feel hay getting kicked over you.
“You fuckin’! Get back here!”
You started to chase him around the stables. Once you got the chance, you jumped on Rafe’s back. He held your thighs so you wouldn’t fall. You balled your fist and gave him a good old noogie against his blond hair.
He laughed “hey! I’ll get ya back for that!” You laugh and hop down from his back.
Sometime later…
After a good days work, you both had got to your room. Rafe had already showed in your en-suite. Now it’s your turn. You took your Docs off, tossing them near your bedroom door. You pull your tshirt off and same goes with your jeans. Rafe let out a low whistle “damn girl, strippin’ right in front of me now??” You smile and flip him off as you stand in your en-suite.
He laughed as he rest his head on your pillows “gotta say, I’m liking the view back here!” You fake laugh, which made him laugh, then you closed the bathroom door.
After around ten or so minutes, you reemerge. You wearing one of Rafe’s Carhartt camouflage hoodies along with a pair of black cycling shorts. You walk over to the bed and climb on. Rafe was quick to pull you onto him. Your body on his. His arms snake under the hoodie and around your waist. He kissed the top of your head “good job today, baby.” “Thank you.”
You rest your chin on his chest as you look up to him. He smiles then places a soft kiss on your pink lips. You smile when he pulls away. You rest your head back on his chest.
The silence was comforting, after hearing dogs bark, horses neigh, engines roar and loads more of animals. The silence was nice after a hard day of work. That was all interrupted when you swatted Rafe’s chest. “Rafe! Don’t kill the mood!”
He chuckles, his hand still lightly squeezing your ass. “What?! Can’t help myself, when it’s right there..”
“It was staring at me first!”
“Oh that ol’ chest nut, eh?!”
You both stared at each other, then it all broke when you both started laughing. He kept his hands right where they were when you swatted him. You didn’t mind, why would you?
You close your eyes, resting your head back on his chest. You smile to yourself. Then you feel Rafe moved under you, next thing you hear is your tv. You look over to see he’s putting on a tv show you were both watching together. You both cuddle as you watched the show together, after a hard day at work, it always pays off.
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a-d-nox · 8 months
can you list any of the aspects in synastry or composite charts (if possible) where it indicates who breaks up with the other first ? for example, i just read a post saying more often than not, in venus conjuct pluto aspect- the pluto breaks up with venus first.
what causes break-up/rejection in synastry and composite
i wouldn't count on that always being the case, sounds like someone is justifying their specific situation because conjuncts are atypical in nature - they often don't have predictable results. some people say that they promote positivity (for example, venus person is enamored by pluto person and pluto person is obsessed with venus person like the twisted book series that went viral on tiktok) and some say that nothing good comes from them (like whichever post the example is from in the ask)...
i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be included or added after the fact). finally, i would like to state that NO TWO CHARTS ARE THE SAME. what i am about to list out does not mean you will for sure need these exact things (or all of these things) to be shy, nervous, and/or anxious around one another. if you don't understand my thought process, feel free to comment with questions!
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8h/12h saturn
often the ending of this relationship is not pretty and involves a long-term coupling falling out of love with one another.
8h uranus
uranus person likely feels that the house person is too clingy for them and will be the first to pull away.
12h aries (1°, 13°, 25°) and/or mars
tends to indicate an ugly split.
12h capricorn (10°, 22°)
tends to indicate a harsh breakup/rejection from the house person which causes the saturn person to fall into a despair. this connection is often of a long-term variety.
12h aquarius (11°, 23°)
this might end with one of the partners in the connection asking for an open relationship, cheating on their partner, and/or ghosting the other partner.
sun negatively aspecting mars
sun person denies mars person. sun person tends to not like the mars person's energy and how passionate they are - they tend to not feel as deeply as the mars person.
mars negatively aspecting saturn
saturn person rejects mars person. usually the saturn person doesn't see the mars person as a good fit for them long-term - it tend to have to do with how clingy/possessive the mars person is. often the saturn person doesn't think that the mars person is worth fighting with, while the mars person sees the saturn person as someone worth fighting for.
mars negatively aspecting uranus
uranus person rejects mars person. the mars person often doesn't see this coming as an uranus person in this connection is quick to ghost/disappear from the mars person's life. the mars person tend to lack closure in the connection.
1h salome (562)
in oscar wilde's play salome, she is enticed by jokanaan but still wants him dead, and the play ends up with them both dead but him by salome's order.
apollo (1862) negatively aspecting kassandra (114)
kassandra person may seem interested at first but ends up just using the apollo person only to get ahead then rejects the apollo person.
medusa (149) negatively aspecting poseidon (4341 / h47)
poseidon person aggressively pursues medusa person but medusa person wants nothing to do with poseidon person
narcissus (37117) negatively aspecting echo (60)
echo might adore narcissus person, but narcissus person may either just enjoy that echo person likes them or they might decide they are too good for echo person.
rhea (577) negatively aspecting kronos (h43)
rhea person tend to be unhappy in the connection and plots against the kronos person.
zeus (h42 / 5731) negatively aspecting hera (103) and/or juno (3) negatively aspecting jupiter
typically, the hera/juno is hurt by the zeus/jupiter person because hera/juno person learns that they are being cheated on. oftentimes, this leads to a breakup. however, if there is a hera/juno prominent person in the connection, the relationship tends to continue but at the expense of the loyal (and unhappy) hera/juno person.
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
Just read hades!Idia x persephone!reader drabble, do you have any more ideas? I might have loved the concept a little too much 😍
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Oh but of course I have more hcs for him, he's my silly little guy! Drabble darling is referring can be read here.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, kidnapping mention
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Idia makes your crown himself and decorates it with different flowers, in its composition there are blossoming buds, big, strong flowers exuding their life and then their weakened bodies, each one representing their lives during spring.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He made you eat some pomegranate seeds and so now there is really no way out of this world for you, although a few more seeds wouldn't do any harm, just in case.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He is a respectful god. Idia may have kidnapped you and made you a captive of his kingdom, but you're also given all the space you want and are free to explore his world as you see fit. Idia knows where and what you are doing all the time so he doesn't feel anxiety eating him up inside like he felt every time he had to leave Olympus and couldn't bring you home yet. He also like to take you sightseeing sometimes.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He loves talking about what he does as king of the Underworld, how it is separated into sections and what happens to the souls in his care. And he loves it when you ask him this and that.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Being a deity so different from him, you offer a certain comfort to the souls passing through the Underworld, especially for those who end up going to Tartarus and he thinks this is noble and honorable on your part.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Absolutely melts when you start to reciprocate his efforts, you can hear him laugh when he's alone and his voice cracks, changing from its regular tone to a high pitched one. It's lovely to see.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When Zeus butts in and demands that you go home and spend time with your mother for six months, Idia feels a part of him die a little inside. Six months is a long time, if he could he would deny it, even with you offering your best puppy ​​eyes. He is selfish and loves having you all to himself. Inevitably he can't stop you from leaving, but over the next six months he is more irritable and aggressive without you there to keep him company.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But when do you return to the Underworld? He forgets everything, even his shyness to wrap you in a long, warm hug that makes you melt into him and he spin around with you. He also kisses you until both of your lips are swollen and sore, there is so much he wants to tell you, so much he wants to say and of course he also listens to whatever you want to say.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He is highly affectionate towards you every time you come back, almost a little suffocating, but that soon passes. For now, hold on a little.
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stayconnecteed · 2 months
stray kids as demigods? who's their godly parent?
moony, you're the queen of my ot8 skz headcanons 🫶🏼 this is not based on percy jackson's gods, but the real stories about them btw & either as gods or sons of them, i'm just talking about their characteristics. also YEAH the gods selected are the parents of my pjo au djksndlsndkd couldn't help it !!
﹙ ★ ﹚ bangchan — zeus. hear me out, he's the king of gods. the leader. of course it suits him. it's true that everyone knows zeus is the worst thing that could happen, but with chan wouldn't be like that. he is powerful, we all have seen those videos of him using his leader card. he's also wise, because he has to control the weather and resolve conflicts or problems between the gods with a minimum of justice. his symbols is the thunder, and i can almost see the lightning, blinding light of a storm in his eyes every time he gets really angry. and, how could it be otherwise, his love life. he may be delulu in real life, but he has also that fuckboy vibe. fits all of zeus's affairs tbh.
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee know — hades. shady, reserved hades. he might have a three headed cat instead of the original hades' dog (soonie's, soongie's & dori's heads all in one big ass kitty) but he loves his place in the underworld. calmness, quietness, tranquility, far far away from all the chaos of the other gods. he might travel to the outside just to add to the chaos, ngl, but at the end of the day he wants to drown in the silence. he perseveres a lot too, and he's stern. very forbidding, and he doesn't interfere into his jugdes sessions - he might be the guardian of the death, but he doesn't take favourites. except his wife, whom he worships every day.
﹙ ★ ﹚ seo changbin — hephaestus. he's described as a kind & hardworking god. he's very resilient, doesn't care about power. he just wants to do his thing and be happy. binnie as hephaestus wouldn't be very good (he's too clumsy to be a blacksmith) but he tries. many people reject him because of his physique, but he just wants to help. he likes to create tools and objects that can be of help to the people around him, he likes to fix things that have been broken. he might not talk about his feelings, but he deserves to be treated with a lot of care and affection, because he feels other people's feelings are more important that his own.
﹙ ★ ﹚ hwang hyunjin — aphrodite. hell yeah. first of all, he's changbin's wife (let's ignore that the real greek gods are married but hate each other). the god of love and desire. because he's in love with love and the idea of giving and receiving love and being in love - but he also spills desire wherever he goes. one look at him and oh you're soo doomed. he's an influencer too. obviously not like the ones we see on ig, but you naturally just tend to imitate him a little bit whenever you see him (and he can influence you and your love life and your perception of reality if he wants). also, like aphrodite, he rised from the past. she was born out of sea foam when uranus was murdered, our hyune was born again when he came back from his hiatus.
﹙ ★ ﹚ han jisung — apollo. every single characteristic of the thousands of symbols apollo has as a god fit jisung. god of medicine, because he is slowly healing from his own wounds, and one genuine smile of him can heal our days. god of music, because with his lyrics and a lazy scratch of the strings of his guitar he creates masterpieces. god of light, because even if the sun is too bright and he represents more that shadowy, warm sunset oranges, he brings light into our lives. and god of knowledge, because he's very very smart and he's always watching documentals and reading about whatever he's into at the moment, learning something every day. he's a calm but chaotic god, and he's sliightly dependent on zeus (he's chan's first stray kid after all).
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee felix — poseidon. i know the original poseidon is more of a bad tempered, almost dictatorial god and it doesn't fit him at all, so here i was thinking more of percy jackson. that adhd kid, so energetic and ready to have a good time, humorous but completely oblivious. he gets angry when things don't go his way, or when he loses (in videogames or real demigod battles), but he's loyal to his friends. loyal to dead. and brave and caring and sensitive, even if he tries to hide it with sarcasm because it's dangerous to show who do you care about.
﹙ ★ ﹚ kim seungmin — athena. our witty, wise, smart ass boy. he loves a good fight. he loves to create chaos. but when he's involved, he's always, always going to adopt a strategic warfare, ready to win with the most unexpected but intelligent tricks. he prefers to defend than to attack, unless he's with friends and in a space where he feels comfortable - then he will destroy you and you won't be able to say a word. but it's his love language bdkwnfke he has a strong vision of justice, and will act as he thinks because he knows he's generally right. he's helped heroes when they needed it because he knows what it is to feel helpless and alone and doesn't want anyone to feel that way, and he also is the god of homehold crafts, like cooking (just remember that athena & poseidon do not mix well and it will be even worse if you put them together in the kitchen).
﹙ ★ ﹚ jeongin — hermes. the cunning thief of the great twelve. he's the messenger of the gods, and the only one who is allowed to leave the underworld without consequences (because hades has a soft spot for him, ofc). he's very quick, guardian of literati and athletes, a troublemaker and trickster, but also solemn and responsible. he was the one who gave apollo one of his first instruments after a robbery in which he was caught, and somewhat he always finds himself in the middle of the most famous love stories (either helping the lovers or causing trouble). he hasn't find love yet, but he doesn't really care. he's enjoying his life, if it has to come, it will.
i am well aware that each one has a different perspective about the boys and yess i also see lix as apollo or changbin as ares, but i decided to give them these gods because i think they fit better. you're welcome to comment your opinion too 🫶🏼
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phyrestartr · 21 days
Man of Worship (P.1) | Zagreus x M!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
w/c: 2.3k #NSFW themes, demigod reader, eventual polyamory, traumatic past, healing from trauma, mentions of dub-con, mentions of suicide, hurt/comfort, boys being boys, toxic parents, olympic gods doing typical olympic god bs
Note: SO this is basically a rework of Rhubarb, even though I still want to pursue the rest of Rhubarb with that particular reader character, HOWEVER I generally make two or three versions of the same story while I'm brainstorming, and I ended up digging into more Greek mythos while looking for inspo and BOOM.
ANYWAY I didn't tag for this since it's a new fandom I'm writing for, but if you'd like to be tagged, pls feel free to leave a comment!! I'll update my tag form thing in a moment too :D I hope this is a fun read!!
1. A Gardener?
He noticed first the flutter of feathered wings. It was an odd thing to hear in the underworld, and even odder still to hear it come from the outer gardens–the place poor, pitiful Zagreus was barred from. 
Father won't tell me anything of this. And that was true--Hades was anything but straightforward and honest with his son. So, to the real parent of the house was where the prince went.
“Erm, Nyx?” Zagreus asked, shooting glances back at the iron gates as he met his mother-figure. “I've got a question for you, if you don't mind.”
“I do not mind. I will do my best to answer, my child.” She watched him with eased attention, then followed his gaze to the forbidden outdoors. “Is something the matter?” 
“No–well, maybe? Not sure, but. Well.” Zagreus rubbed the back of his neck. “Just–are there birds out in the garden?” 
Nyx blinked. “Birds?” 
“Yes. I keep hearing something fluttering around every now and then, and I swear I've seen something moving around in the garden. You know, the one I'm not allowed to enter?” 
“Ah.” The goddess nodded. “Of course. There is a new servant of the house, one who was chosen to tend to the gardens.”  
“Really.” Zagreus planted his hands on his hips and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, gaze returning to the forbidden area. “Well, that's the first I've heard of it.” 
“He does not linger long; he arrives with the sun, and leaves only when the work is done,” Nyx explained. “He is a diligent helper of the House. Your father is quite pleased, I've noticed.” 
“Well, I've never thought that Father could be pleased in any regards.” Zagreus’ mismatched gaze flickered back to Nyx. “But why now? The garden's never needed a tender before.”
“A flower wilted,” Nyx sighed, looking aside. “And your father has grown concerned.”
“Hah. Concerned for the plants? Good to know he can still give a damn about something,” Zagreus bit, sending a scalding glare to the throne. “Guess that's why he locked it up, kept it from me.”
Night smiled, sympathetic. “You do have a reputation.”
“One that I must uphold,” he agreed, heart light and spirit lifted higher. “Thank you, Nyx. I should get back to ransacking my father's domain.”
Nyx nodded sagely and reached a hand up, fixing the tilt of Zagreus’ burning laurel. “I would hope for nothing less, my child.” 
“You play music?” 
Your voice startled Zagreus, sending a Zeus-like jolt through him and holding him in place with a fit of numbing static. Thankfully, however, twas not the true bite of the sky king, and Zagreus had the luxury to back out of his room a few paces. 
“You heard?” He asked, face somehow both paling and burning in tandem.
You, whilst leaning against the iron gate, nodded. “‘N if I did?”
“Oh.” Zagreus rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “That's unfortunate. Sorry for the bother.”
“Don't misunderstand me, god.” Your spectral eyes bore into him with easy confidence. Zagreus quite liked that look. “You played much like a dying pigeon at first, I'll admit, but you've improved.” 
Zagreus laughed and approached you. Your dry informality pricked him with intrigue. “Well, now I know you're lying.”
“Lies are useless for those who need the truth.” Your words came so bold, the prince had no choice but to believe you. “I can hear it. The notes–they come easier to you. Sweeter, even. Like figs ripe on the tree.” 
“Figs?” Zagreus tilted his head much like Cerberus might. “Huh. Can't say I've had one of those.” 
“Really? Well, then I shall see to it that you wonder no longer, god.” You leaned away, nearly out of sight of the iron-barred gateway, and jostled through the leaves of a bush or tree of sorts before the sharp snap of something announced your return. 
You stuck your arm through a gap in the fence, one where your glowing skin was threatened by a cascade of decorative thorns, but you didn't much care. That care, instead, found itself funneled into the deliverance of a ripe fig to the prince of the underworld, it seemed. 
Zagreus stared for a moment. He wasn't used to receiving gifts unless he bestowed one upon another, first. To him, this almost felt like–could it be--
“If you don't take it in the next three seconds, I'm going to eat it myself and not hand you another,” you groused.
“Hah.” He snatched the fruit from your hand. “You wouldn't dare.” 
“I've dared much worse, god, believe me.” You withdrew your hand and drummed your palms against the iron. “Well, enjoy. And be sure to clean your hands before touching that lyre again.” You looked him over, face placid as it'd been for his entire short history knowing you–but your eyes, the strange things, they hinted at hidden curiosities. “I'll be listening.” 
“Say, Meg, do you know much about the new House attendant?” Zagreus asked, flourishing his Stygian blade as he walked towards the Fury, prepared to fight after a quick chat.
Megaera's eyes narrowed. “You're talking about the flirt.”
“The flirt?” Zagreus rested his sword down, digging its diamond tip into the cracked ground. “Is that really what he's known for? Flirting? He doesn't seem like the type.”
A heavy sigh left Meg. “Ask Than. He might be more willing to endure your rambling and answer questions. I am not.” 
“You know, I think we really need to work on your patience.” Still, he flicked up his blade of the underworld, and lunged first. 
As the Fates would have it, Thanatos was already at the House. Even more fateful, still, was where he stood–not by the river Styx, no, but by the garden’s gate for a change. Death's presence on that side of the house seemed…odd, despite his infrequent visits to the lounge. Never before did he show interest in a coworker, neither, not unless it was his twin who needed some firm and stringent guidance. 
“Admiring the flowers?” Zagreus asked, and Death flinched. 
“No, I–” He sighed, and spared a look over his shoulder. “What do you want, Zagreus?” 
The shorter one shrugged, and stood beside his age-old friend. “Came to find you. Is that so odd?” 
“If you're going to shove more nectar in my hands, then you can forget it.” Thanatos looked away again and scowled beyond iron bars. “You've made your bed.”
Zagreus stifled a sigh, and rubbed the back of his neck. “I–well–in all honesty, I had a question, one that I'd hoped you could answer.”
“Then ask.”
“Right to the point then.” Zagreus cleared his throat and shuffled closer to Death. “Who exactly is the new gardener? Meg said you might know.” 
Thanatos graced him with a wide-eyed stare. “I thought you'd know by now.”
Zagreus shrugged. “I wouldn't be asking if I knew.” 
“He is–” Death paused, his jaw tightening, tendons threatening to snap. “Why do you want to know?”
Zagreus convinced himself not to pry. “We haven't had a new servant of the House in, well, eternities. Father wouldn't allow just anyone in here.” 
“Sure, but don't you think you should ask him yourself?”
“It's hard to catch him. He's quite flighty, as Fate would have it. Must be the wings.” 
“Must be.” Zagreus swore he heard the inkling of a smile on those words. “Well, I don't think it's fair for me to spoil the introduction. But I will say this–he was a servant of the House in life, and now continues on in death.” 
“Really?” Zagreus couldn't quite wrap his head around it. How could someone be devoted to the house before even arriving?
“Yes. He made my job easier, in some regards. Assisted, at the very least,” Death said.
“Huh.” Zagreus crossed his arms and scuffed his sole against time-worn stone. “Guess that explains that. I don't suppose you'd be willing to go into elaborate detail regarding what exactly our avian gardener did in life to earn yours and Father's favour? Or, even just his name?” 
“No.” A luminous wash of turquoise licked off Death's shoulders, his scythe. “Ask him yourself. I've work to do.”
And with the toll of a bell, he was gone. 
It took a while to catch you again. Apparently, you kept to a strict, self-imposed schedule that Zagreus couldn't even begin to understand despite its simplicity. Nyx told him you arrived come morning, at the very least. That may have been helpful, if Zagreus could tell the damn time in the underworld. 
So, he resorted to guessing; if he could not find you through the convenience of your daily routine, he'd swing by whenever he died. He was bound to run into you at some point. 
And he did. It was when he wandered to the lounge, eager to deliver a wealth of fish to the head chef, that he caught the ghostly sound of feathers against leaves.
Zagreus backed out of the lounge in time to see your curious glance. A rush pulsed through him–finally, finally, he'd get his chance to interrogate you.
“Hey!” He called. 
“Hey,” You called back. 
“Just--don’t go anywhere. I need to hand over some river denizens and then I need to speak with you,” Zagreus rambled off as quickly as he could. 
Your brows furrowed, but you offered a shallow nod. “I'll wait up.”
With that, Zagreus sped by the gossiping Meg and Dusa and a gaggle of other patrons to all but throw his catch to the head chef. It was a good haul today. Hopefully that meant–ah ha. 
Zagreus rolled the bottle of nectar over in his hands. “Pleasure doing business with you,” he sang, and ran off, tucking the gift away before approaching the iron bars.
You were toiling away, a little farther in the garden than before, but not too far to escape the prince's presence. It gave him a chance to take a good look at you: simple black chiton on a well-muscled frame, wings full of bronze feathers, wild hair tied back into the smallest of ponytails. You looked quite ordinary, save for the wings. 
But your eyes had been strange: they glowed. Not with the morose cold of Ixion, but with the exact opposite. Warm. Bronze. Sunlit, maybe. He'd never known sunlight, but you must have kept a drop of it in your very soul.
“So?” You said as you meandered back to him. You walked with unbothered confidence, much different to Zagreus’ sprightly impatience. “What important matters must we discuss?”
“Your name, first of all,” the prince requested. “I am Zagreus, son of Hades and--"
“Prince of the underworld,” you added. “Well, I figured you were him. Good to have a proper introduction, I suppose.” You took a breath. “As for me, you'll call me (Name).” 
Zagreus repeated the name. It held a fullness in his mouth, something sweet and foreign, too much like the fig you'd offered him not too long ago. Maybe you were the minor god of figs (wouldn't that be something?).
“Pleased to meet you, then. I trust the garden will be well-kept in your capable hands. And wings,” Zag said. “Oh! And, ah, here--a token of thanks for your hard work.”
Your brows raised and Zagreus’ chest filled with hope; for once, your blank mask changed, and you looked less like a gorgon-born statue and more like a human. Somehow, it gave him relief.
But your expression crumpled into furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. “Nectar?” You wondered aloud. 
Zagreus nodded and slipped the bottle best he could through the gap. “Yes, I…I hope you will take it, if it pleases you.”
You examined the bottle as it slipped into your hand and leaned a shoulder up against the gate. “Odd. Why is it in the underworld?”
The tension left Zagreus’ muscles as you accepted the gift. “Not a clue. Maybe Olympus ferries some down here from time to time to try and liven things up.”
“Hah.” The mock laughter almost sounded genuine. “Dionysus would, from what I've heard of him.” You held the bottle up, watching the light reflect shards of gold and ghostly greens. “He's not so bad, that god of wine.” 
“You've met him?” Zagreus wondered.
“No,” you admitted. Your light-filled eyes found him again. “But I've met gods, when I once lived. No man should have to meet them. They bring misfortune, even the supposed good ones.” 
The prince took a sure step forward, and your eyes steeled. “Well, you're right about Dionysus,” he assured instead of scorned. “He's good. I'm sure he's had his moments, still. But I get on with him well.” I'm sure you would, too, he decided against saying; the more he took in your features, the more he realized the god's work carved into you, painting you unnatural colours and robbing you of something only humans could have. He didn't think you'd much enjoy being forced into a hypothetical with them. 
“Then I shall take your word for it,” you said. “And I will pretend this bottle comes from Dionysus, to make it more palatable.”
“Well, whatever pleases you.” Zagreus smiled and leaned against the wall by the gate. “But, if I may ask, which gods have you–”
“Boy,” Hades’ voice thundered, echoing down the hall. “Do not disturb the rest of the House and distract them from their duties. Unlike you, they do not wish to disappoint.” 
Zagreus clicked his tongue and looked over his shoulder. “Yes, of course, Father. I'll get right to ignoring every blasted person in this damn House. Perhaps I'll consider a life of solitude while I'm at it!” 
“Do not test me further, boy.”
Zagreus rolled his eyes, but gave in, finding your (gentler?) eyes once again. “Well. I'd more than happily argue with my father all day–or night–about this, but I wouldn't want you to bear the punishment.” 
You nodded a little and glanced from the prince back down to the bottle. “I appreciate this, princeling.”
“It's nothing, really.” Though Zagreus did indeed beam with delight. “Well, then I'll leave you to your work.”
“Be sure to come back. I need to return the favour,” you said as you turned. “Until then, princeling.”
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tumblingghosts · 2 months
eurylochus time travel [snippet]
(i am going to add time travel to every fandom i am in, so help me-)
Eurylochus knows this is where it ends.
He knows he will not be returning to Itheca from the moment Odysseus is presented with that choice, from the moment Zeus tells him to choose. His captain, his king, his brother turns slowly—there is already grief in his eyes. He is mourning them, even before he opens his mouth to say the words: “I have to see her again.”
“But we’ll die,” says Eurylochus. He is resigned, more than anything. His anger is muted, and he feels oddly detached from the outraged protests that are cropping up around him. Odysseus has made his decision, and he understands.
Eurylochus’s own words come back to haunt him: You must carry all the blame! 
And he knows that Odysseus’s mind will not be changed.
Eurylochus is still, as the rest of the crew charges forward, weapons raised, fearful and enraged. This was their captain, who had led them to victory in Troy, who had salvaged their crew after the cyclops, who had saved them from Circe, who had sacrificed them at Scylla—and now, he was casting aside the rest of them. Eurylochus is a stone in a river, with the water rushing past, with the crew bumping his shoulders in their haste ahead.
Odysseus’s expression does not change.
He looks past the rest of the men—his men, his men whose lives he had given up for his own—at meets Eurylochus’s gaze. He does not speak a word, but Eurylochus thinks he can hear what he might say: I’m sorry.
Eurylochus does not know what words Odyssus sees in his eyes.
Perhaps it is: I understand.
Or: I hate you. Traitor. Deserter. Murderer.
Or: I love you. My king. My captain. My brother.
In those final moments, Eurylochus hopes it might be: I am sorry as well.
And the clouds converge in a divine, unavoidable, cataclysmic storm.
Eurylochus thinks he knows what to expect from death.
He and the rest of the crew had ventured into the Underworld. Eurylochus had seen Polites, had seen the faces of all the men they had lost. He would be another face in the ocean of the dead, another soul drifting in the shadowy realm, seeking solace in the company of those who had perished before him.
His afterlife looks like the crew that he had poured his life into. It is a kind sight, one with no starving friends, no tragedies that they had been forced to face. Many of them are familiar, but Eurylochus is first approached by Polites, the smile on his face as sure as the sun shining upon them all past clear skies.
“Will you not join the celebration?” asks Polites. He waves an arm broadly, to the men deep in their cups, before offering him a glass of wine. Polites nudges him until he accepts, amicably making conversation before he wanders off to mingle elsewhere.
What nice illusions death brings, Eurylochus thinks. 
Eurylochus’s sense of peace is disrupted when he glances down at his hazy reflection in his rippling drink. He reaches up to his face, to un-sunken cheeks and tireless eyes, and feels unease creeping up his spine. Eurylochus looks around him, to the unbroken ship he stands upon, to the fleet that is sailing adjacent, to the six hundred men indulging in a joyous victory—they had all been in high spirits after Troy, when the prospect of home was an expectation, not a fitful dream.
Then, his gaze falls upon someone who would not have joined in him the Underworld so soon. Odysseus looks younger, or perhaps it is simply because he is unburdened. He has not been aged by the stresses forced upon him, engaged in a conversation with Polites. Eurylochus had not seen Odysseus so carefree since—oh, he thinks. Since before the cyclops had dealt the blows that had killed their men and their morale.
And Eurylochus realizes: this is not what death is.
Eurylochus curses himself for allowing his mind to be enraptured by the foolish tale it had initially spun. Death is not an isle of happiness; the Underworld had been a grim affair. It had been their men trapped in their last moments—that fear that would never leave them, their soul bared for them to see, in the eternity that they would remain. 
Polites had been optimistic until his end, and in his unending spirit that would linger in those depths they had crossed to reach the prophet. But Polites had not been like this—not in what Eurylochus had just witnessed, had just interacted with. Polites had only been so bright in his memories. 
But this was far more vivid than a memory.
If Eurylochus was not dead…perhaps it was divine intervention. It must be. How could he explain living beyond the storm that had thundered down upon them all? He had died there, yet he was not dead any longer. He was not on the isle of Helios any longer. He was long before then, for reasons unknown. But what being would dare surpass a punishment delivered by the king of gods, the thunder bringer and lightning wielder himself? 
Eurylochus decides that he would rather not find out.
(...aaaand that all i've got for now, but i'll reblog this with an ao3 link when i finish up the full fic :D)
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
How would the yanderes react to the character and way of being of Piper and her relationship with Percy, I mean, I'm not judging Rick, but he went out of his way to make a Mary Sue and an icon for women with his way of being even at the expense of ruining his other characters (Annabeth, Percy, etc.) giving him powers that are not relevant in the previous books we had been told that the witchspeaker does not It worked with the gods and out of nowhere comes Piper and it worked when she manipulated Gai later with her attitude of "I'm a daughter of Aphrodite who doesn't like to be pretty, attract attention, be rich." I don't like that my father is a famous actor either, he knows how to fight and that makes me different from my mother's other children." What is this about? Aphrodite's children demonstrated several times that not only did they She worries about their appearance and that they know how to fight especially in the last hero of Olympus and most of the time Piper likes to be paid attention when she is with the 7 in the Argo I feel like Piper would be the type of character who has the script on her side and that's why things turn out well for her. While Rick gives Percy and Nico every character development that makes you think "stop Rick, he's one step away from breaking down," Piper literally said that he suffered a lot in his childhood because"Her father was not with her and he preferred to spend his time working" that is not suffering, your father spent his time working so he could take care of you Meanwhile, Percy's mother also worked and kept her away from him and she did not put herself in a suffering role, Nico Zeus killed his mother, Jason was abandoned by his mother, Leo had to see his mother Dying and blaming himself for it, But each one moved forward While Percy and the others, sorry, but I'm going to focus on my daughter in the books, it seems to me that sometimes Piper doesn't like Percy for the simple fact of being a competition.For Jason being the son of Poseidon
Sorry, I got excited and deviated from the question, what is it:
How would the yanderes react to Piper if she somehow didn't like Percy or treated her badly in the Argo when Percy tried to (as she did in most of the Mark of Athenea book) give orders
It may be a very unlikely situation according to some that Piper treats her badly but it is that in blue arsenic Percy adopted a personality that Piper and most feminists would not like.(Act adorable and like a helpless little girl)
so a long time ago i found this funny website about the types of mary sues, and here are the ones i feel like piper fits the bill for:
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-> not just about piper's issues with her dad and being rich, but her whole thing with jason, which is ESPECIALLY prevalent in toa, where she bemoans about how hera and aphrodite FORCED her into a relationship with jason, when that was not the case at all. throughout all of hoo, we read about piper going through with the false memories even after being told that they were fake memories conjured by the mist, wishing that jason doesn't remember his past so he would stay with her, getting jealous over reyna, getting upset whenever jason thinks about anything related to camp jupiter, etc.
but rick was getting a lot of backlash over jasper/jiper, so he breaks them up in toa, but does it in a way to make PIPER look like the victim instead because, again, he really likes her and wants ppl to sympathize with her
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-> someone on quotev mentioned this, but basically piper and annabeth lol. when piper first landed in camp, annabeth was spilling EVERYTHING to her and immediately became vulnerable, when annabeth was never characterized to be like that. she has always been standoffish at times, and after the war, she definitely wouldn't be spilling all her woes to a random girl. but again, rick wants her to be liked, and the best way to do that was immediately have her connect with a well-loved character from the first series
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(i'm really sorry about these big ass adds that appear in the middle 💀)
-> piper out-charmspeaking drew, which was made easier for her since the aphrodite kids were given a massive downgrade personality and skill-wise. and like you mentioned before, her charmspeak working on goddesses even though it shouldn't.
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-> piper has done a lot of stuff wrong. before they get to kansas, she gets visions from katoptris about jason having golden eyes (he and percy gets possessed by the eidolons and are forced to try and kill each other), REPEATEDLY gets a vision of her, jason, and percy DROWNING, and a dude with a vine hat (bacchus). and she only every speaks about the dude with the vine hat 💀. and after she, jason, and percy drown, she confesses that she had seen it before and apologizes for not saying anything because "i didn't know how to tell you guys 🥺" and she's immediately forgiven
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-> honestly, it's not really just piper, but it shows more with her 💀 rick was trying to make her a feminist icon, but she reeked of internalized misogyny and it didn't help that all of her enemies or rivals were female characters who were comfortable with their femininity (they liked pink, wore makeup, liked dresses/skirts, etc.) and she triumphed over them every single time, which is basically proves that piper was RIGHT to think that way 💀
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-> she was obsessed with jason bro 💀 like, almost possessive kinda yandere, but ofc it was never supposed to be seen that way, rick just unwittingly wrote her that way which is kinda funny
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-> she's not exactly a villain (she's supposed to be one of the good guys) but she was DEFINITELY spoiled by the story for sure 💀
i'm not gonna have piper and percy interact much, tho to be fair, they didn't interact much in canon either so i don't think anything will change. piper will definitely notice percy's more girly side and be like "ew :/" but she's mostly going to be daunted by her because YES, she's girly and a bit of a girlflop, but she's seen her fight and seen how powerful she can be. she's mostly just gonna be sus and jealous cuz i plan on fleshing out percy and jason's relationship
(i plan on making jason lowkey jealous and bitter about percy because percy is everything he strives to be: perfect, and it makes him insecure. plus, she's clearly well-loved not just by the camp, but by her father and other gods, and he feels inadequate and wants to be like her, but percy's gonna try and help him through with it 🥺💖)
daddyseidon obviously detests piper and is pissed that she refuses to obey percy's orders. in his eyes, his daughter has the highest status out of everyone there and every word she says should be law 💀
hades is put off by piper. he doesn't understand what her problem is LMAO. while he doesn't think it's right for percy to be in charge (she's just a wittle baby, she should be in the palace and chilling, not fighting for her life! 🥺), she's still of higher status and should be obeyed.
(imagine their shock when they find out that percy's actually NOT treated as a princess there and is just treated as One of Them, which she's perfectly cool with ofc, but they hate ittttt 😂😂😂)
apollo is disgusted. his whole thing is about loving yourself and with piper's blaring internalized misogyny, she clearly does NOT love herself and makes it everyone's problem in his eyes 😭😭 he's so worried about percy, what piper's her pissy attitude influences his darling?!?!?! 🥺
beelzebub would just want her dead 💀 his stress levels are high okay, this poor man is stuck watching the love of his life fight against giants, monster, and GAEA 24/7, he just wants them all DEAD ALREADY
loki would find her the most hilarious thing ever (in a derogatory way). she's so full of contradictions it almost makes him feel better about himself 😭 says she's not boy-obsessed and that her siblings are pathetic losers, but acts crazy when it comes to jason. etc etc. it's not until she makes her dislike to percy known that he sobers up and goes "ok that bitch has got to go 😤"
anubis (omg i think this is the first i ever got to write about him like this?!) wouldn't even CARE about piper. she wasn't even in his RADAR and she would've been perfectly safe!! ...but then she goes and does ONE wrong thing to percy and now all bets are off 💀 anubis would've been the only one who would've spared her cuz his only concern is percy, but once she goes after her, he's planning on killing her and using her bones as a chew toy 💀
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etoileee · 2 months
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au; sorry this took so long! I ended up getting sick and goddamn did I feel like a sick orphan in the 1800s. I was also debating the format I wanted to share this experience with you all.. informative or in first person, but I settled on both! I hope you all enjoy it! ❤︎
the storyline of it is that I'm the only child of NYX. the goddess of the night. Since she is a primordial goddess, to me it made sense that she wasn’t up to the same shinagains that the gods would be up to. for example, having demigod children like they’re being paid to, so to me, her only having one child in her entire existence is fitting.
In my dr it isn’t the prophecy of seven, it's the prophecy of ten. (I added Nico and Reyna!) and of course, me being the last member.
In the Sibilene books at camp Jupiter, they mentioned a prophecy of nine but they eventually found out it was supposed to be ten, not nine. so the prophecy of ten is what was engraved into the floor of the Jupiter temple.
by the type the prophecy is formed, everyone else in it but I was already there and had formed relationships with each other, some coming in did throw them off a bit.
‘the tenth member of the prophecy’ had become more like a legend as people wondered if there was one person left;
since every member of the prophecy but I had come together and there were more documents of there supposedly being nine instead of ten, everyone just assumed that the documents were wrong, but then I came along and was the last and final person.
when I woke up I was in one of the beds in the infirmary. I didn’t script where I would wake up but I found out that the reason I was there is because when I got to Camp Half-Blood I passed out when I saw Chiron (LMAO??) but I didn’t find that out till later.
. Honestly, I'm starting to think that in the Percy Jackson universe when it rains, it RAINS. like full thunder, lightning and everything. I haven’t met Zeus but he seems very theatrical judging by the state of the weather was in when I woke up.
eventually, I got up and started walking around, I made my way out of the building and once I was outside there was this girl on her way to the infirmary to check up on me. She isn’t someone from the books but honestly, I was pretty excited to meet her (though I didn’t show it because that would’ve been weird) one of the things I was most excited about was meeting campers who weren’t in the series.
she told me her name (Madeline) and that she came to see how I was doing and if I was okay she'd take me to speak to Dionysus and Chiron because they needed to speak with me.
once I’m there I like to stand there awkwardly in front of Dionysus and Chiron, like zoned tf out staring at the wall while they stare at me probably thinking there’s not a thought behind my eyes.
a few minutes later the rest of the prophecy comes in, as they were walking in a few of them were talking and laughing, but once they saw me and the serious looks on both Chiron and Dionysus's faces they settled down.
the first thing I noticed was his eyes. I know that sounds cheesy as hell but truly he has really pretty eyes. In the books, he’s described as having ‘sea green’ eyes and they didn’t disappoint. I at one point ended up smiling at him. I couldn’t help it lolz but I think once I did that he seemed to relax a bit. his face softened and he smiled back at me a little bit. that’s when he let his guard down with me. Alexa play Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish!
she was looking at me very attentively. I won't lie I got nervous it felt like she was looking into my SOUL I was shaking in my boots low key. she’s beautiful though I hope I wasn’t blushing I have a sick-ass feeling I was, unfortunately. She watched me and Percy smile at each other and I think her guard went up MORE?? after the campfire me and her got the chance to talk a little bit. I think at that point she started to accept me a bit more but she was still a bit wary of me but PROGRESSSS!
HUGE. BIG ASS GUY. gorgeous eyes as well. he and Annebeth were both very serious at the moment, but he didn’t look at me suspiciously the way Annebeth was looking at me, he looked more curious than anything. very well-mannered and respectful, charming ahh smile, I did however notice he does have a bit of a habit of pushing his glasses up his nose? like they’ll slide down and he pushes them up.. now I don’t if it’s because his glasses or too big or if its a habit but either way I counted how much times he pushed them up because I noticed, 36 TIMES.
unserious mf. Of course, he was serious when he had to be but he was having a field when he found out that I was the last member of the prophecy. I and Percy were both ON ME on wanting to know more about me, and my ‘story’ if you will. he also got very excited about the fact that I’m also Mexican and now he has someone to talk shit with in Spanish. he genuinely was making me smile not to get all sappy lol. and he was flirty just as expected.
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GIRLS LOVE SOUP! I was blushing again. I won't lie she’s genuinely so cool. She was also watching me very attentively but she seemed more relaxed and curious than the others. I think I and I connected well honestly. I didn’t script anything about my love life but I can see us getting closer.
I couldn’t really read his face during the meeting, he seemed both uninterested and intrigued at the same time. we made eye contact a few times and every time he didn’t look away ONCE. we did end up speaking a little bit later at the campfire, we said probably five words but I think we got along. I also think a made him smile a tiny bit, which is a win.
my gay ass was so excited to meet her like I've had such a fascination with the amazons since I was a little girl, even though it looked like she was psychoanalyzing me. She and Annabeth both had their guard but the most around me. THEY WERE SUSPICIOUS. I don’t know if she likes me but IT'S OKAY.
She is so cute truly. she was also very friendly! She was the first one to smile at me and let her guard down. she’s also very talkative which was nice! when me and I started talking she asked me how the ride to the camp was and we bonded over our motion sickness LMAO
HUGE MF #2 he is genuinely so nice and calm, it’s almost calming to be around. very soft spoken, likes to listen to others talk. at one point later in the night we were making s’mores and I was speaking with Leo so I failed to realize that my marshmallow was on fire and BURNING and he ended up taking the stick from me and blowing it out for me. thanks, frank. :(( </3
(my pov)
I stand there before the nine demigods,
and a man with fucking horse legs,
‘What the hell am I doing here?’ I think to myself. Well, I know exactly why I'm here, apparently, I'm a demigod myself, but this is not what I thought I’d be doing during this summer.
“We've brought you all here for a serious discussion,” Chiron says calmly, his hands clasped together in front of him while that other guy pours himself a glass of red wine, filling it up basically to the top.
not very classy.
I turn back to the nine other teenagers in the room, making eye contact with the tall boy with raven hair and green eyes. his gaze is unwavering against mine, his eyebrows are furrowed and the tip of his tongue sits at the corner of his mouth as his gaze zeroes in on me.
he doesn’t.
This interaction didn't go unnoticed by the blonde girl that stood next to him, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed at me. her eyes attentively studying my expressions and body language. making me feel like a bug under a magnifying glass.
“you all know how we thought there being ten prophecy members was a legend, right?” Dionysus takes a sip of the red liquid in his glass, letting out a sigh of relief before putting it back down and leaning forward on the wooden table in front of him. resting his arms against it.
“We found the last one,” he says nodding towards me, like this is a normal thing that happens on a Friday night for him. “HER?” the boy wearing overalls and a tool belt says loudly pointing a finger at me.
“yeah, her,”
Dionysus takes a longer sip of his wine and I look back at the other demigods, my eyebrows furrowed together trying to understand what the hell the wine addict just told me.
prophecy of what and why the fuck am I in it?
horse legs— sorry— ‘Chiron’ notices the look on my face. “how much did your father tell you about yourself, child?” his voice is comforting, and his eyes are soft and wise. very different from the man standing up next to him.
I feel bad for calling him horse legs.
“he told me I was a demigod.. in the car,” I shrug and fix my bangs spread across my forehead. “he’s right about that,” he nods. his expression thoughtful. “what else he tell you?” Dionysus cuts in, his pointer finger circling the rim of his wine glass.
the world outside flashes something between blue and violet. the large windows letting the hue into the room. I turn my attention to the widows looking at the lighting in the sky creating different shapes, and eventually stroking far into the distance. creating a loud boom.
“damn,” I murmured to myself before looking back at everyone else, only to find them all staring at me, waiting for my answer.
“oh! Sorry— um—“ I look up trying to remember whatever the hell my dad told me in the car but my memory is fuzzy. as if it was a dream. “don’t think too hard, you fainting probably messed with your memory,” the tall blonde boy urges me, pushing his round frames up his nose with the tip of his middle finger.
I like his voice. It's nice.
“So you don’t know who your godly parent is?” Dionysus's eyes narrow on me waiting for my answer. “uh.. no, I don’t,” my gaze goes to a random spot on the floor.
”Well, we know who it is,” a wicked smirk on his lips, enjoying that he knows something I don’t, and it seems like he’s enjoying the anticipation and suspense he’s creating. “who?” the blonde girl next to ocean eyes, clearly getting tired of his act.
Dionysus drinks more of his wine in large gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. he sets the glass back down on the table and wipes his lips with the back of his hand.
the room goes silent. the name hanging in the air.
In this moment I realize I don’t know shit about greek mythology.
In the 6th grade, I did a Greek gods and goddesses program and I painted myself green because I got assigned to be Gaia and sang a song about peace. that’s about it.
“You know about greek mythology?” repair boy asks me raising his eyebrow at me, his lips tugging upwards teasingly finding my lack of knowledge amusing
“I know some things, but not a lot,” my voice quiet and I shrug. apparently, I’m a demigod who has no idea about Greek mythology. my eyes meet the emo boy’s eyes before I look away hearing Chiron's voice. “Nyx is an ancient, powerful, goddess. she’s been around longer than most gods,” I take a deep breath in and breathe out, taking all this information in.
my eyebrows pull together in confusion still not knowing what she’s the goddess of. “the goddess of the night,” Dionysus says to me simply, seeing the look of confusion and curiosity on my face.
the goddess of the night.
They continue to talk, probably about me, amongst each other as my thoughts begin to run wild making their conversation sound like fluffy background noise.
everything begins to make sense. the way I find comfort in the night, my hyper fixation on stars and the moon, the fact that my room always looks like a damn bat cave from never turning the light on.
“We don't even have a Nyx cabin,” that snaps me out of my zoned-out state. “She’ll stay in the Hermes cabin,” Dionysus says simply taking another sip of the red liquid in his glass.
“you guys will be spending a lot of time together, go get to know each other,” Chiron walks over to the door, opening it up so we can walk out.
time for icebreakers.. I guess.
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
Wait wait wait, so like in an AU where Hera is Leo’s godly parent, how do you think Zeus would react?
In The Lost Hero, Annabeth tells Piper that Hera is the goddess of marriage and doesn’t have kids with anyone but Zeus.
Would he be like “I don’t like my wife, but no one else is allowed to like her either”? She’d probably hide the fact, maybe pose Leo as a child of Hephaestus since like, Hephaestus had to get his intelligence from somewhere right? And Esperanza is gonna teach him all about engineering anyway so. Or maybe she hides it in a more blatant way and just plans for him to remain unclaimed until the right moment. 
But things always come out eventually- (she probably resents Percy and his requirement that the gods claim their children even more) would Zeus be angry like Juno was about Jason? Would he demand to be given the child? But it’s Zeus so he might just be like, “I don’t want to deal with a kid.” Maybe he wants to just kill him. Maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe he does demand the child but relegates the task of raising him to one of his subordinates. 
Also, I’m wheezing because that makes Jason and Leo step brothers. Like the weirdest, most unenthusiastic step siblings. Leo’s thinking, I finally have a brother and it’s him, who I can never live up to? Great. It’s not even a one to one comparison but Leo feels even more inadequate now. Thalia is 1) furious but 2) having the time of her life because she has something to hold over Hera’s head now. She tells Leo that it’s a good thing it was Hera and not Juno, because Jupiter wouldn’t have been as lenient as Zeus. 
But also like. Hera IS the goddess of marriage and it’s not like if the maiden goddesses had kids through alternate means, they aren’t bound to the same restrictions as Hera, this is literally antithetical to her very nature. She and Jason discuss why she doesn’t have demigod children and the ramifications of this at the end of TLH. She’s often abducted because she holds the Olympians together, imagine what kind of damage this would wreak, the way it would shake the foundation of Olympus. Yeah, Zeus probably can’t let it slide because of this. (The first great prophecy says ‘the eldest gods’ right? Because honestly this would fit great in a Leo Was Around Then AU and he could have been the prophecy child that could end the gods reign if the eldest goddesses counted)
And that’s not helping Leo’s belief that he’s a mistake and the cause of so many problems. If Leo doesn’t have his fire in this AU then Esperanza likely dies in some sort of attack from monsters or gods that were after Leo and of course he’s going to blame himself. 
Or maybe she doesn’t die at all because Hera is actually really proactive and involved in the lives of the demigods and her plan for the prophecy of seven does work so she can probably find some way to keep Esperanza safe.
And if Gaea does try to kill her to break Leo, oh just imagine Gaea versus Hera, the previous mother of everything against the current queen of the universe. I’m already of the mind that there should have been something there burning between them in canon, they were the ones scheming, add to it all this context?  Let’s go.
Also, if Drew was willing to use Jason because he was prince of the universe then she’d probably be willing to do the same to Leo since he is also a prince of the universe and that’s really funny. And I have a head canon that Drew genuinely respects Hera for securing her power when there were so few options for her, so there is something like real admiration for Leo and that could lead to an actual friendship.  
But there is genuinely a lot of resentment and hurt feelings and envy going on between Leo, Jason and Thalia. It’s the sort of emotions all the enemies in TLH wanted to stir up to get the Greeks and Romans to turn on one another, and since Aphrodite told Piper that she’d be the deciding factor of what happens when Greeks and Romans meet, well that’s some material for the lost trio to contend with. 
And Leo wants to resent Hera and he does, but he also is so, so aware of how much she must have loved his mother to break her marriage vows, even if just emotionally. If Esperanza is still alive and Leo sees them together? Oh he would not know how to handle that. Because it’s clear his mom loves Hera, but she’s not expecting or even wanting to rekindle things, she just wants what’s best for Leo. 
And since she does know, she does understand the importance of Leo’s role in the prophecy, it might actually be that she had him not out of love, but out of necessity. Like she saw that he needed to exist (in this context she sees that she would be the immortal to bring him about, not Hephaestus) and yes it is the antithesis of what she is, but it must happen. There is power in that choice itself. They talk about how much of a gamble she took in shaping the seven of prophecy, this would be the gamble.
And either way- Leo is the literal embodiment of broken vows, add to that that those vows were probably the only ones ever kept in the Olympians’ world. He is the sins of his godly mother, and much like Jason was predestined to be what the gods shaped him into, the journey Leo would go though because he’s the one destined to fulfill an oath with his final breath that has been prophesied for millennia? He does it in part for atonement, not because he believes he’s at fault any longer, but because it’s what has to be done. 
That juxtaposition? That irony? That goddamn growth and tragedy? 
Hera did consider making him immortal when he was a baby. She knew she wouldn’t, the world needed him to be a hero. But she also knew the kind of life her child would have and she didn’t want him to suffer that pain for the sake of pain itself. If he was immortal he would suffer it for eternity. He’d be bound to follow her husband’s orders in a way that demigods didn’t have to, even though they should. 
He would take commitment incredibly seriously. Take his canon loyalty and selflessness and add to it this visceral, integral awareness  of the consequences of going back on one’s word. 
The dynamics he could have with the rest of the main characters. Percy’s the savior of Olympus and Leo’s the potential key to its destruction. There might be bad blood on Percy’s side at first because of the way Hera’s treated his friends, but it wouldn’t last long because he knows Leo isn’t at fault.
Annabeth is not so quick to let go of her resentment. It’s irrational but it’s what it is. The Romans would be even more appalled than they were about Annabeth’s existence. He wouldn’t even need to be possessed and attack New Rome, his presence is enough.
Thalia would likely be the one to understand him best because she struggled so much with the temptation that came with being the child of the last great prophecy and became a hunter to take herself out of that narrative. Leo doesn’t have that option or anyone to take his place because there’s no role or job or quest, it’s just his identity.
And them being close makes Jason envious because in TLH he felt like Thalia didn’t have room for him in her life. If Leo is Jupiter’s by his demands then it’s Jason and Leo belonging to one another’s parents and that is complicated because they don’t want to be in the others place but still- there’s a degree of belonging that the other doesn’t have with their own parent.
By the end of TLH, Jason is talking to Zeus’s statue telling him he understands why Zeus has to keep his distance and that Jason is going to try and make him proud. Leo being acknowledged by his father even in this way when his father can’t do the same for Jason is hard to deal with. He knows Leo’s not at fault, he knows Leo doesn’t want this, but that doesn’t erase how it feels.
Nico is both deeply unsettled because he has respect and understanding for the ways of their world and completely unfazed because he knows what it is to be shunned, and he has to look at the bright side here because he has never been treated with such blatant hostility.  
I’m gonna have to make a part 2 for this
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