onlyplatonicirl · 4 months
I do NOT create content that is NSFW, Problematic, or that has "Extreme" dark themes. You will never see content depicting inc*st/n0n-c*n or even vanilla NSFW or anything like that like that from me, I am not comfortable with it! I would also ask that no body discuss/bring up anything in regards to it either! i.e., please don't bring up dreamm/re, or any other severe darkships. I do not have a "dark/nsfw alt" either on any other website, I am just uncomfortable across the board. Please respect that.
I will NOT reblog problematic content. You just straight up will never see me discuss it anywhere (unless im telling people to stop talking about it LMAO)
I will reblog artwork from other artists!! I do not police or do a deep dive of a person's blog before I reblog their artwork if I enjoy it. It is up to you as a internet user to curate and navigate your experience once you leave my blog. Someone else's blog has nothing to do with me, nor does it mean i am "promoting them" ???? Unless someone is a GENUINE homo/transphobe, racist, groomer, genuine piece of shit with proof, I will block them and delete the reblog. But I will not engage with proship/antiship discourse as it has gone way too far way too quickly.
If I interact with and am friendly with other blogs who create "problematic" (mostly just dreamm/re, because of this fandom that's kinda the biggest problem here lmao) content, then that's all I'm being - friendly. I know this is crazy, but im not "supporting" people. People are not political campaigns. Being friends with people and being friendly with them does not mean I agree with and support every decision they have ever made in their life. I am being kind to them as another human being on this planet. If you don't like them that's fine, but I find it really shitty when people try to get mad at me for things that the guy standing next to me did. Again, once you leave my blog and go to another person's blog, you are on a whole ass other person's blog.
I will not engage in label discourse, I will not engage in toxicity of any kind, and I will not engage in ANY sort of drama. Keep all that shit out of here. My blog is just for me to have fun and be silly on, do not bring weird shit here. Be NORMAL!!!!!!! WHADDA HELL!!!! ITS NOT HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways the yapfest is over. Be normal and kind. or else a shadow creature will literally eat your toenails off your toes and you will wake up and they will be FLESH STUMPS.
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yes-thelatter-blog · 2 years
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I decided to start blogging again. I have this feeling for awhile now and never had to time to put it into action. So, here it is.
Why and what makes me started to, so-called, rewrite. I guess I needed that space to let out. I lost hope in humanity. I lost hope in friendship. So I’m going to use this space to let my thoughts out.
So, here’s why. She whom we gonna label as NRL is a colleague who is soon going to be an ex-colleague. She’s new with us for almost 3 months. Only during her last month, we somehow got close and I, got invested. It started off with her ranting to me about her reporting manager who is my ‘longest’ colleague MCSH. MCSH has always been that loud, grumpy and aggressive kind of ‘Boss’. Also, nothing new to me, all his ex-female drafters have approached me with the same vent. This ranting session is nothing new to me, however why NRL was an exceptional? First off, she’s someone much elder that me, 18 years older (a year older than MCSH). I’ve always connect with people whom older than me much better that those of my peers. My peers are all so lame. Secondly, it was easy to talk to her as she’s very laid back kind of type. Thirdly, we both decided to take up a course together, this very point - I have been waiting to pursue this course for the longest time just that I procrastinated cause I didn’t want to go alone. So, things clicked on well. We spoke casually. She also allowed me to hop on the journey to school with her. And I always thanked her graciously after each ride. To add on, we even decided to go a second course together in the following week. We wanted to go for baking. Always wanted my sister to go, but there is always a but. Save that for another.
I decided to allocate 3 days back to office to so-called accompany her and prevent her from further ‘bully’ from MSCH. I did that. I even did not bring my home cooked food so that we can have lunch together. I took 3 days off from site for this. That’s something big that I have never done for anyone else in the Company.  I was concerned for her health condition, any excessive stress might cost her life or even back to stroke. I went out of the way to ensure that she doesn’t get pressured towards her last days with the Company. True indeed, MCSH toned down when I’m around and she felt better. I thought of her as friend.
Then. One day. On the 3rd day of those allocated days, before I return to site on Monday. She. Have accidentally vented to the wrong chat. To me. About me.
She was ‘frustrated’? I don’t know how to describe her feelings. Now that she’s no longer truthful, I can’t really tell. So, she frustrated that I didn’t acknowledge her as “Kakak” and spoke to her in aku-kau lingo. Ok. Listen. Where do I even freaking begin.
1. I don’t even call my own Kakak, Kakak.
2. Aku-Kau? I used that lingo during jokes, only. Most of the times I go by I / You.
3. Everybody in the Company is technically older than me! You expect me go everywhere Kakak Abang every single bugger? This is a Company. Not my family tree. (See point 1)
4. If you hear me calling someone Kakak / Abang, I clearly need something from them or we’re casually talking and joking with each other.
5. People like Kakak Thien, Kakak Jenny, Uncle Neo, all this people have been with me since I was 20. Until now. My respect for them is different compare to her whom I invested 3 days with. You cannot claim yourself a big deal just because of your age.
6. In Company, despite age, we look at designation. You have to call me Ms A, because I’m sitting on a higher pedestal than you are now. But, I’m humble and kid shit about designation. You are holding my position when I was 20. I’m not looking down on you. But, move on. These little petty things don’t worth to be on my mind.
7. You are new to the Company. Some people were there and returned. Some people grew up in the Company. You cannot bring in your culture into ours and you cannot think that because you are older (in age), hence making you the senior in the Company. I repeat, I am not mocking her age or whatsoever. I have been called “Kakak” from someone elder than me cause they see me as Senior in the Company. Now how?
8. I am younger than you. I have a say in the Company. My voice is heard. I climbed my way up. Hence, I get things done my way and I make sure things get done too. So if you heard me say “Ahh. Aku balik dulu ah.” at 1530hrs. You jolly well shut the hell up cause you don’t know how much I have invested in the Company and yes, that’s a privilege. Sorry, you didn’t get to live that life.
9. I grew up in the Company. I’ve been through so many idiotic managements. And what I learnt is not to bring my heart to work. Whenever I leave for work, I leave my heart for my love at home, unless he’s not home, I leave my heart at the door. I’ll pick it up once I’m back from work. Metaphorically saying that, I don’t care about the people at work. I go to work, to work. Not to care about people. Yes, there are some we care for. But we don’t give our heart and soul to them. We care by listening. That’s all. Unlike her, she cares. She cares so damn much that later she question herself why after she rants about it.
10. Rude. Is it Rude? To not call your colleagues with Kakak / Abang. Eh sial ah ni office tau! Office!
I don’t know man. I just gave 10 points. So, have I been rude and sinful all these while?
I have another 6 days with her. May Allah spare me some of his patience.
This betrayal hit me different cause it’s been some time I didn’t have a female companion. And this is why I’m so done with making friends with the females.
I think because she overheard me calling another colleague as AbangNZM. But that is because he also knew from way back and plus he asked to be called AbangNZM.  Another thing, even if I don’t call you as “kakakxx” or “abangxx”, that doesn’t mean I treat you as adik-adik what.
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yue-muffin · 4 years
The muffin watches Love and Redemption (insert preemptive crying here)
Aright, I finally FINALLY finished live blogging this episode. @mejomonster my thoughts are aplenty! I actually wrote way too much! 
Edit: I’m an idiot, I forgot to mention a prediction/observation.
Episode 1:
The CGI is actually very nice in this drama, I’m pleased. I will definitely watch dramas with cringe-worthy CGI, but it’s always nice when they manage to integrate it with the actors and set pieces well, which is even harder to accomplish in Xianxia.
Wait, what did the god of war do to deserve the reincarnation out of the heavenly realm punishment? Didn’t she defeat the Asura/Mosha guy? Was it because she used his weapon or something? And in the first place, why does that half of the Mosha guy’s soul qualify as a celestial that can be reborn? I suppose everyone is subject to reincarnation, but this batch is explicitly for those who have committed crimes in the heavens and wasn’t he on the demon/asura side? Or…maybe he was a celestial who betrayed them? Who knows, I’m just wildly speculating…
The scene definitely suggests there is a lot the narration is not telling us about how these two ended up being reincarnated - yet.
If she lacks the six senses, then why can she see and hear just fine? She apparently can’t feel pain, which would count for the deficiency of touch. Hm.
Xuanji, I relate to just wanting to go back to sleep and not deal with visitors so much lol.
HA, that little look of alarm one of the shixiongs (Liuzi?) has on his face when Linglong tries to convince Xuanji it’ll be fun because they get to check out the handsome guys. So is Linglong supposed to be her twin since they’re both 16 years old?
The dragon wolf thing moves a little funny, but at least it doesn’t look glaringly out of place and the camera doesn’t focus on it for too long, as is typical of CGI monsters. Kudos to them!
Cheng Yi is low-key really good looking in action scenes, just putting that out there. I didn’t think I would adjust to him in period clothing and long hair so quickly, since it usually takes me a while to make the switch (after seeing him in The Lost Tomb 2), but nope! He looks really good!
Ah, so this is the ruthless sect. I love how their first rule, which is literally more important than anything else they may value or encourage in their members, is to not show their entire face when outside the sect…also, what’s the point in hiding only half your face?? Sifeng’s mask only covers one eye, his forehead, and cheek on one side…at least have it cover the entire upper or lower half like everyone else in the sect (I know it’s so we can actually see the actor’s face and not supposed to make sense in-universe)?? I actually do like how they designed it though, it’s far less clunky than the full-face masks we saw in the opening sequence, probably due to the curves.
Sect leader…Sifeng is 16, he IS little pfft. Even adjusting for the times, he is a BABY haha. As I grow older, I realize more and more how young a lot of protags in fantasy stories really are. Also, sect leader is a drama queen, like he’s just lounging on his chair with this dramatic laid-back pose, takes a deep breath, and turns his chin up. So extra.
Aw, yes, I want to see more of Cheng Yi’s easy smiles. He’s so serious in TLT2, except when the warmth seeps into this expression when he’s smiling fondly at Wu Xie…
These devil/asura people have a weird bowing pose. I can’t help but think their hands make them look like…eagle claws or something lol.
Ah, a classic ‘I forgot my invitation’ situation. Well, Xuanji doesn’t have to feel too bad, apparently none of the other Shaoyang disciples know how to fly on a sword either lol. Her sister was tied down by that spell, but could none of the others have attempted to chase after the jerk who grabbed her? (Side note: I really love the color of his sect’s outfits.)
:3 I like Xuanji’s expressions, they’re just cute? So cute. Like her little huff when she’s defending her big sister from the jerkass. Also, I love characters who are like little kittens who puff up and try to protect their friends/family even though the one they’re trying to protect is probably more capable than them.
Jerkass really does take it too far when he just DROPS HER FROM THE SKY. Like, I can accept if youthful teasing goes a little far in that he snatched her and took her for a joy ride, but when it’s apparently that she really can’t summon a sword, it’s 100% not okay to just drop her and laugh it off. If Sifeng didn’t catch her, she could’ve died, and how exactly do you plan on explaining THAT to her father, huh Mr. Jerkass? He had like a dozen witnesses too.
Well, what can you expect from a guy who forgot to bring his invitation and literally was too arrogant and entitled to wait for his teacher to come out and let them in. :p Not the smartest cookie, is he. Even if you got in trouble for forgetting your invitation, you’d get in x10 more trouble for murdering a girl. Good thing she has plot armor and Sifeng was conveniently in the right spot to catch her lol.
Small note, he left her on his sword and she fell off after a bit - so…how exactly is HE flying? Can people fly without the help of their sword? Is he able to make more than one?
Lol Xuanji tugs at him like she does to her sister, it’s cute. But he’s so PANIC every time she touches him haha poor guy. He’s so awkward…why is it so endearing…
It took me a second to realize that he stutters, also that he has a voice actor this time! Idk why, Cheng Yi has a good voice. It would’ve fit this role just fine, unless there were parts they were concerned he couldn’t do. They did a good job matching the VA to his lip movements though, it’s really hard to tell it’s not his voice. It’s been a while since I heard Cheng Yi on video, but listening and comparing, now I can tell that it’s not his in this drama. Anyways, this might be my only complaint lol. Both he and his VA do a good job conveying the stuttering though!
Cheng Yi, you’re playing another character who’s good at disappearing in the blink of an eye lol…
Aah, so normally her sister’s personality type is the annoying sort, which is why she works well as a supporting character. I love how she turns her brattiness up to eleven in order to help Xuanji get out of a scolding by their father. I just really love how these two are so supportive and defensive of each other.
Edit: Alright, but Xuanji did you really just raise a flag for yourself so early in the show. ‘I think tears are the most precious things’. I WILL EAT MY HAT IF THIS DOES NOT BECOME RELEVANT LATER.
And instead of holding onto Sifeng’s name tag for like 50 episodes, she remembers she has it and goes to give it back + some birthday snacks because it’s his birthday too! GAH Xuanji is too cute.
I love how the guy who answered the door just his back only to turn around and smoothly give an explanation for his friend’s disfluency lol (so it’s a language thing!). AND THEN HE GOES ‘carry on!’ AND TURNS AROUND AGAIN. Idk why I find this funny but.
? Why all that effort for dew from a peach blossom tree. Is this one a special peach blossom tree. Why is he making tea with it. OH OK it’s good for cultivation.
He’s so vicious ha, he’s clearly perplexed by her - I mean, he’s the top disciple in his sect, so likely he doesn’t get how she can live so carefree and not have any desire to cultivate or anything. It’s perplexing and kind of total opposite to his worldview, so he reacts harshly.
Ah, I really like Cheng Yi’s acting! He goes from flat/indifferent face to reacting angrily to her picking the snake up, then a subtle worry as his eyes drop down from her to the snake.
I don’t know why I like this snake scene but I dooo. xD Also, it’s interesting how she doesn’t feel any strong emotions (she’s actually rather intensely curious tho!), while he puts on a mask literally/figuratively to seem like he doesn’t and yet gets worked up quite easily.
I’m glad she stops imitating him when he tells her to and is explicitly angry/upset, I get enough of people being assholes and making fun of others for things they can’t help like their speech impairments or mannerisms, it’s just kind of a personal thing that irks me.
Why is it always the peach tree forests?? They’re always weird places that trap people. I can think of two other dramas where this happens haha. I know peaches do have significant symbolism in Chinese culture, so maybe that explains it.
Lol he still flips out a bit when she gets close. Poor girl, getting dropped from the air AGAIN.
Ah, this is the lake! Where they sealed part of that Mosha guy’s soul! This can’t be good.
Aw, look at his face, he’s genuinely worried for his little snake. CHENG YI YOUR RANGE OF EMOTIONS. GAH. 
I CAN’T OPEN IT. Oh wait.
Here’s an idea, she finds the snake, you fight the dragon, and then all three of you get out of there.
OH the mask comes off!! Ok, but you have seen like most of his face already…Hahaha the look on his face ‘wait…why do I feel a hand why is she touching me there…OH NO’
Ah, a nice detail I didn’t think they’d think to add in: his stuttering got way worse without the mask on, since he was so upset/shaken.
?? What just happened with her blood lol.
Final Thoughts:
An interesting start, with nice character dynamics revealed and a dangerous situation to move the plot right along. I have been informed the drama really differentiates itself from the typical setup that has been supplied thus far, and I’m excited to see it unfold.
For now, I have a tiiiiny crush on Cheng Yi and I’m interested in where they take Xuanji’s character. Also, what disasters will result from their little excursion into the super lake where a demon lord thing was sort of sealed away a long time ago...
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Halloween Drabble - A Night In
Anonymous asked:
Hello! Can you do one where Taron and his girlfriend stay in for Halloween, pass out candy & watch scary movies? And she gets scared and he tries to make her laugh and it’s just super cute and fluffy? Thank you! Love your blog!!💕💕
Alright, Halloween anon, I present to you, a night in. It’s not terribly long, and I’m awful at conversation and fluffiness, but I really tried for you! I really hope you like it and it’s everything you wanted <3
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Autumn was my absolute favorite time of year.
The gorgeous pops of red and gold covering the trees, leaves lining sidewalks and streets with beautiful debris.
The gray skies, bringing 'comfy cuddled on the couch watching movies wrapped in a fuzzy blanket' rainy days.
And of course, the best holiday, Halloween.
I love, love, love everything about it. The decorations, carving jack-o-lanterns and picking out costumes. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I usually go out with my friends to a club, or a friend's party, but this year I decided to stay in with my boyfriend.
Taron and I were going to just going to throw on some scary movies and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids. We even put on costumes just to stay in the spirit. Halloween isn't Halloween if you don't dress up!
I decided on an old red riding hood costume I had stored away and Taron went for Robin Hood. Tights do him justice, I must say.
“Babe, what did you do with the candy I just bought?” My voice echoed through the house, traveling into the bedroom where Taron was still assembling his attire.
“In the first cupboard”
“Which first, left or right side?”
“Left, top shelf”
Yelling through the house wasn't the best way to communicate, but I was on a mission to find the bag of Reece's I just bought, and I was tearing the kitchen apart.
I rolled my eyes, he knows I can't reach up there, even with a step stool. I was much too short.
I started mumbling annoyances to myself while I grabbed the step stool and got on my very tippy-toes to see if I could reach the bag.
I stretched as far as I possibly could, my toes were pointed like a ballerina ready to pirouette, when I felt everything begin to shake. I was about to crash, hard, onto the tile below. Just as gravity was about to win, I was saved. Taron was there to catch me and prevent a nasty fall.
“What on Earth are you doing?”
“What do you think?” I couldn't help but let out a slight hint of snark.
“I would have gotten it love, why are you trying to hurt yourself?” He was laughing at me, knowing I would try to get them myself and fail miserably.
“There's going to be kids knocking soon, we have to get ready!”
“Always so impatient” Still chuckling while easily grabbing the elusive bag I was sure did not exist.
I dumped the bright orange squares into a makeshift candy bowl, using a plastic cauldron I had from years ago.
“Look at you, miss riding hood, Going to grandma's house?”
His accent always got me, especially when he laid it on thick.
I could listen to him read the phone book and still swoon.
“Yes, through the forest, grandmother is expecting me”
“Best be careful love, there's wolves out there. They'll eat you right up! “ And with a quick lunge, his mouth was at my neck pretending to bite, complete with exaggerated grunts and wolf howls.
“You're such a dork” I was laughing so hard I could barely get out the words.
One of my favorite things about him was his sense of humor, no matter how I was feeling, he always found a way to make me laugh. It instantly put me in a better mood, whether it be a stupid dad joke, a witty pun, or a silly accent, he was amazingly funny.
I was saved by the bell, quite literally, we had our first trick or treaters.
A darling mermaid, an adorable princess, and a tiny Capt America stood with outstretched hands, holding up their bags.
“Trick or Treat!”
I popped a few candies in each of their bags and they happily went on their way.
“Babe, you should have seen how cute they were!”
“Sorry love, was searching for something to watch, what do you think...Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, or Saw?”
I shuddered, horror movies. Not that I didn't like them, but I was really, in the most basic terms, a scaredy cat. I loved everything that came along with Halloween, except being scared, which of course, is the basis of this holiday.
“You choose, they're all going to make me wretch with fear anyway”
Yet again, he laughed at me.
“Don't worry darling, I will use my trusty bow and arrow to defend you from those lurking monsters”
His pose was firm, head high in the air, chest pushed out, hands on his hips. I shook my head and couldn't find him anything less but adorable.
We settled on the couch listening to the beginning narrative of 1970s Texas, based on a true story passed on from person to person.
I've had nightmares about this kind of thing, remind me never to go there. I'd definitely be the first victim.
We had to pause the movie a few times to greet more pirates, witches, and vampires. Of course, the screen would always be frozen on Leatherface chainsawing someone's body part off.
The doorbell and knocks became less and less, and I settled in back on the couch.
Taron's arm wrapped tightly around me.
With each revving of the chainsaw and blood curdling scream, I clung onto him tighter and tighter.
I could feel his chest shaking, I know he was laughing at me again.
“Are you OK under there love?” My head was buried in his side, trying to shield my eyes from this creepiness.
“This is based on a true story! This could happen to us!”
“And are you planning to go through Texas on the way to grandmother's house?”
I swatted at him, barely connecting with his arm.
“I'm serious, there are crazy people everywhere!”
“Yes, of course, I am with one now” He couldn't help but laugh again, he was much too amused with me.
I glared at him, and stuck out my tongue. “You're sooo funny, I forgot to laugh”
“Better watch that tongue, the Big Bad wolf will bite it off!”
His voice reached a high pitch, repeating the story line “The better to eat you with my dear!”
His hands were frantic, tickling me everywhere he knew made me crazy.
“Taron stop!” “You're going to make me pee my pants!” I couldn't stop laughing like a maniac.
His mouth was back at my neck, nibbling and gently chomping.
“You're adorable.”
“Don't make fun of me” My arms crossed, mouth shifted into a pouty frown.
His warm hands rested on my face, giving me a slightly guilty look. “I'm sorry sweetheart, you are just too cute. Don't worry, you'll be safe in my arms” His lips made their way to mine, giving me the sweetest gentle kiss. “Come on then.”   He reached out his arms and I settled in against him again.
The noise of meat hooks swinging and crying stopped abruptly and changed into much more pleasant sounds.
Linus was ranting about the Great Pumpkin to Charlie Brown, while the rest of the gang was getting ready for tricks or treats.
“All better now then eh?”
“You didn't have to turn it off, I can handle it.”
Yet another laughed escaped from him. “Clearly”
To be honest, I am relieved he changed it, I knew I would have nightmares if I had to keep listening to any more of that.
His hands stroked my hair, and lips kissed the top of my head.
He popped a Reece's in his mouth and winked. “Next year, a haunted house then?”
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queencatherynerhys · 4 years
The Fighter - Chapter 7
A/N: I’ve had this published in Wattpad for a while now. I just have been too lazy to publish it here. Sorry. I just got back into being active this week when editing my Masterlist.
Summary: Will Maxon finally found out what happened to America all those years ago?
Tags: @devineinterventions2 @madaraism @theroyalweisme @drakewalkerwhipped @drakesfiance @hhiggs @hellospunkiebrewster @alicars @mrswalkerreynolds @mfackenthal @simplyaiden-blog @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @cocomaxley @boneandfur @lizeboredom @crayziimaginations @umccall71 @zarina-x-zig @writtenbycandy @ranishajay @heatherfilliez @drakelover78 @indiacater @pens-girl-87 @katurrade @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @barbaravalentino @zilch3 @mynameiskaylabella @darley1101 @blznbaby @trashbagfullofflannels @bella-ca @highlyselectiveextrovert *I just used my usual tag list. Let me know if you want to be taken off if you don’t want to receive notifications about this story. Also let me know if you want to be added.*
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The flashback takes a toll on my mental state. I struggle to tear myself away from it and get back to reality. James' grip on my hand becomes tighter as he sees the internal battle, I am absorbed in.
He silently communicates with me, Are you ok?
I don't know, I reply with honesty
I am right here if you need anything.
I know, I respond with my eyes.
I squeeze his hand conveying my gratitude of him being here with me. And not just on this mission and this wretched meal but being with me and supporting me over the last six years. I highly doubt I would have survived for as long as I have if not for him and it works the other way around.
Just as I was about to reminisce of the memories that James and I have shared through the past, I am interrupted by Princess Kriss asking me a question.
"How do you two do that? If you don't mind me asking?"
"I beg your pardon, Your Highness?" confused at the query.
"Oh, I apologize. How do you always seem to know what the other is communicating about just by simply looking at each other?"
Ah, only a few are lucky enough to have such a loyal friend in their lifetime just as James has been for me. Many have wondered and asked the very same question. James and I glance at each other and I converse with him briefly before answering the inquiry
Aren't you just tired of being asked the same damn questions over and over again, I say.
You have no idea.
You wanna tell her, or should I?
Why don't you take this one; I think I answered the last time.
I hide a smirk as I cut off the conversation and look back at the royal to reply.
"Well, Your Highness, that is a great question. James, my wonderful assistant, and I have known each other for six years. The ability to silently communicate with each other comes as a result of many years of knowing each other. Also, we have certainly been in countless life-and-death, and close call situations. Those experiences of having to depend on each other to survive and keeping each other alive has given us the wonderful gift of silent, unobtrusive communication."
She nods and a flash of curiosity goes over her face. She seems to be contemplating whether asking the question she now clearly has in her mind. She is relieved when the queen speaks.
"Miss Ryan, I–
"Please, Your Majesty, just address me as Scarlet. I'm not very fond of formalities," I boldly interrupt her.
"I am beginning to see why you and America were friends. She wasn't one for formalities either. I can recall the time that she called Maxon by his name instead of addressing him with his formal title during the Report in front of national tv," she amusedly recalls.
I remember that. I was so embarrassed when I caught my mistake after hearing the gasps and whispers that emitted from the crowd and the other selected.
"Scarlet," she corrects herself, "if I may be so bold to ask, what do you mean by those life-and-death, close call situations? Illéa has had a peaceful several years."
"Well, Queen Amberly, I don't mean to be forward with my answer, but you are not really naïve to think that the peace you've had over the last few years just came to be, do you?" I answer bluntly.
"It would be wise for you to check your tone, Miss Ryan," King Clarkson speaks with a reprimanding tone.
"It's alright, Clarkson. I appreciate her honesty and candid response. And no, Scarlet, I don't believe it just came to be, but we haven't heard any news about the Southerner's chaos or any kinds of attacks in a long while."
"That's a comfort to me. The Force operates in the shadows. The fact that you aren't seeing or hearing any news means we are doing our job. My agency has worked hard to minimize these barbaric attacks. I have spent the better half of my career trying to eradicate this group. I take a personal offense that there are still members wreaking havoc. But I promise this is the last time they go after you and your family." I declare with conviction.
I meant every word of my promise. I will do everything in my power to stop Griffin and his brother, Gareth, from destroying everything I have worked to protect. Even it meant dying in the end. I know this isn't going to be a simple negotiation. Either I kill them, or I die trying.
"So, how exactly have youcontributed to your agency's fight in eliminating these barbarians? I don't see someone like you, being the director which I'm assuming is the highest rank in your group, actively doing anything. I assume you push paper all day long, ordering your henchmen to perform your tasks," Maxon condescendingly says. After being quiet throughout this entire meal, he has the nerve to say such things as if he knows what I've been through.
My temper and anger threaten to retort, and I see James tense up and prepare to respond back, without a doubt with a bite, but I pull him back with a squeeze of the hand.
"On the contrary, Prince Maxon, I wasn't born into my title. I started from the bottom as a recruit just as everyone in the Force. I worked hard to get to where I am. I have sacrificed more than you will ever know to have the honors you are privy to for simply being born. And as far as what I've contributed to my agency, I have fought alongside my comrades. I have watched some killed before my very eyes. Many brave agents have laid down their lives so you can continue to sit in your chair comfortably and eat in peace," I didn't mean to be so forthright with my words, but he always had a knack to bring this side of me.
Why must we always argue with each other? How did we ever manage to fall for one another? All throughout the selection all we did was be angry and be on each other's throat, but his comment now was over the line! To assume that I merely fell into my position is outlandish and frankly, I didn't expect such a comment to come him. I would with his malicious father, but not him. What happened in the last six years that made him so cold, so spiteful?
I glare at him and he shifts his mouth into a thin white line as he scowls at me. The standoff between has caused the air to fill with an uncomfortable silence and tension. It's so distinct it's almost palpable. His actions over the past 24 hours has led me asking why I am even moving heaven and earth to protect him.
I tear my stare away from him to see Kriss shift in her seat in awkwardness. I quietly sigh as I start to feel the familiar dull of a headache. James rubs soothing circles on my hand for he knows the struggle I have put myself into.
Finally, the king breaks the icy tension and says, "Miss Ryan, when you are finished here, I need you to meet me in my office. We have matters to discuss concerning you and your agency."
No doubt he is also going to let me hear his opinions of this awful breakfast debacle. He places his table napkin on the table and gets up to leave. The lovely queen does the same and exit to head into the Women's' Room with Kriss following her, leaving Maxon, James and I on the dinner table.
The bitter prince stands up from his chair but doesn't take his leave. As the staff works on clearing the table, he addresses us.
"Mister James, may I speak Ms. Ryan in private?"
James grips my hand even tighter and looks at me with hesitation and panic so clearly written in his chiseled face. A strand of brown lock falls from his neatly kept temple and he corrects it before returning his gaze back at me.
I told you we shouldn't have come here! He's probable figured out who you are and compromised your identity!
Relax. I highly doubt that. I can handle this. Just do as he says.
Scarlet, this isn't a good idea and you know it. He scolds me with his gray eyes. I see so much concern in his orbs and I knew he had every right to be scolding me for allowing myself to be put in such a compromising situation, but I just can't help myself when it came to Maxon. When it came to him, I lose all sense of control, conceding to the whims and desires of America.
James gives my hand a reassuring grip before letting go and getting up to leave. He bows at the remaining royal before heading for the grand doors. Just before walking out, he gives me one last look to tell me to be careful.
Always, I blink.
As I move my head to concentrate on the only other person in the room, I see him seat down on the chair directly in front of me. He carries an imposing aura, one I would normally associate to the likes of his father, but not him. Where has my lovely prince gone?
As he observes me, I watch his eyes for any sign of detecting my true identity and so far, have come up empty. All I see is pain and anger in them. I would know it from anywhere for it's what my eyes held for many years.
My heart thumps wildly at being so close to him and I yearn to have him touch me and love me once more. I long to hear my name roll off his beautiful lips. At this moment, I struggle to remember who I am. My past and present battling for control and the ache in my head only grows. I hear the loud beating of my heart in my ears and it takes me a second to register that he has spoken.
"I apologize, Amer –..."
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tf-imagines · 6 years
TFP!Guardian Autobots with a human charge who's rather laid back and lazy, they're obedient and don't really cause anyone trouble. Maybe one day they surprise their bots by rushing into a fight to save their bot with healing powers after taking the enemy out first using their tiny bare hands. The reason they laze around so much is because they have to save their energy to use the ability and using it makes them very sluggish. (Congrats on 100 followers! You totally deserve it your blog rocks!)
Thank you so much sweetspark! I’m doing my best and this is a great way to relax in between things I have to do for school!
Optimus Prime
Optimus never thought too much of your relaxed attitude, because so long as you will listen and don’t cause any problems, he has nothing to complain about. He was having a one on one fight with Megatron while the rest of Team Prime fought against other Decepticons, and he was currently on the losing end, having received a serious hit to his side that led to energon pouring from the wound despite his attempt to stem it. When he saw you rushing forward, his optics widened as he shouted for someone to grab you, but you managed to dodge them all. He didn’t know how, but you managed to land a single hit on Megatron’s helm hard enough to make the warlord stumble. In his shock and pain Optimus took a knee, putting him at a better level for you to go to him while the Decepticons called a retreat. You worked on healing Optimus’ wound, interrupting his attempted scolding by scolding him in turn, also explaining your ability. Once he was healed and you had finished your explanation he’d sigh, expression softening but still clearly concerned, carefully picking you up in his servo so you can rest as he stands up. “While your gift is greatly appreciated, you must be more careful. Now let us return to base so you may rest.”
Ratchet is a little frustrated by how lazy you are since there’s always something to be done in the base, be it cleaning or helping the other humans, anything. But after The Incident, he doesn’t complain about it when you spend the day moving as little as humanly possible. Said incident was his bright idea that he could handle fighting Knockout by himself, which was a failure since he’s terribly out of practice. While he had been left alive, he was leaking energon profusely. He had honestly forgotten you came along with him to investigate the decepticon activity until you came charging from your hiding spot, stealing the relic from Knockout and hitting him hard enough to dent his armor. Of course the Decepticon hadn’t expected such force from a small organic, and scurried off to tell Megatron of this development. Afterwards you rushed to Ratchet and healed him despite him trying to keep you from getting the energon on yourself. Primus knows what energon on human skin would do. However his protests were silenced when he realized the wound was closing, per your efforts. He remained silent until you were done, catching you before you could fall. “How…?” He mumbled more to himself, picking you up in both servos carefully with the relic safely stored in his subspace before bridging back to base to ensure you were still ok and try to figure out how you had healed a Cybertronian. After a slow but basic explanation of your ability to Ratchet, he puts you on couch rest for the remainder of the day, still prohibits you from going on missions if he can help it, and he stops complaining when he finds you lazing about. No one else knows about The Incident.
Bumblebee had taken you for a casual drive while Raf was at school and to do patrol. It was nice and peaceful until two vehicons showed up. Bee transformed and hid you behind a rock before turning to face the cons, not seeing you come out of your hiding place to help him take down the vehicons. Unfortunately Bee didn’t think you would be able to protect yourself so he ended up getting blasted in the abdomen while trying to get you behind the rock again, knocking the scout to the ground. You took out that vehicon with a few punches before rushing to tend to Bee, who was beeping worriedly at you and trying to check for any injuries. You shushed him and proceeded to heal him, laughing a little when you heard soft whirs of amazement come from him as he watched the wound close. You’d have to explain what you just did to him as you two continued the patrol, and he would make sure no one gave you any slag for lazing around after this.
Bulkhead had thought he had gotten pretty good at making sure his charges hadn’t followed him on missions thanks to Miko. Despite this you somehow managed to sneak through the ground bridge with him, watching him take on Breakdown. You paid close attention before sneaking into the heat of it and managing to yank Breakdown back by pulling on his leg after he landed a hard hit on Bulkhead, sending the large mech flying. Startled by this development, Breakdown headed back to rendezvous with Knockout and return to the Nemesis. In the meantime you ran over to Bulkhead, seeing he had a thankfully small wound, but one you still felt should be taken care of now. He started to scold you but you didn’t say anything, instead working on healing his wound to stop the flow of energon. He was about to ask what you were doing when he could feel the plating mending itself, his eyes widening in shock. Once you finished he caught you in his servo carefully, taking you back to base while letting you explain what had happened. Once he gets the full story he finally gives his opinion on it. “As awesome as that is, you really shouldn’t go rushing into a battle, especially since I sort of had it under control. I don’t want you getting hurt.” He doesn’t complain about your laziness, instead letting you relax and making sure Miko doesn’t try to make you do too much and ensuring you get the rest you need.
Arcee of course noticed you were less active than the other kids, but didn’t think much of it. You weren’t a problem so she wasn’t going to complain. However what she would complain about would be timing. You and she were out on what was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance mission. In and out, no fighting. Then Airachnid showed up and...you can imagine how that went. A full out brawl started between the two femmes with Arcee urging you to run and get somewhere safe. What neither femme expected was for you to start running towards them, and even manage to rip off one of Airachnid’s spindly spider legs, sending her tumbling and dripping energon. She retreated, cursing you out and swearing you’ll be her next trophy for that. Arcee was breathing heavily, battered and bruised, but alive. She immediately turned to you to start scolding you for being more impulsive than Wheeljack! However she stumbled mid-sentence when you started to heal her, making her trail off in silence with her jaw slightly dropped in surprise. You have to explain it to her on the way back to base because she’s very confused and knows most humans can’t heal Cybertronians or fight them. After this, she doesn’t think twice about seeing you lounging around. Have at it, you aren’t hurting anyone.
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shamrock96 · 5 years
So I’ve been thinking about Polyamory lately...
I started watching this show called Siren where this couple meets a mermaid and all three of them slowly start falling in love with each other and this is my first exposure to polyamorous representation and I think it’s a great triad relationship the writers have going here to explain the more complex emotions involved in a polyamorous relationship.
If anyone gets bored gong through this or knows you’re in for a long post as least know that this is the main idea of this post before scrolling past it: The best kind of love is a healthy tender relationship to people you can trust and who love you unconditionally. 
Now I’m not poly myself, I don’t know what I am to be honest, so I don’t know what’s all involved. I’ve done research and I know that there are many different types of polyamory for it to just be whittled down to one example but what really strikes me and fascinates me about the polyamorous relationship depicted in Siren is the deep love and commitment each of the partners have with each other. 
In the past I’ve joked about polyamory in the sense “haha let’s just forget this bogus love triangle and have everyone just get together” and after hearing other people’s stories and learning about their relationships I know there’s a lot more to it than just saying “screw it, let everyone just have sex!”
So I’ve put together a list of other possible areas where other writers could have gone this way. Because representation is important and love triangles have become an extremely cliché and toxic trope in television and movies to the point I don’t think writers really know what a healthy relationship between partners looks like anymore. 
I got a lot of these from Triad of the Day but I just wanted to explain more in depth why I think these characters would be so good together
1. Veronica Lodge and Cheryl Blossom and Betty Cooper
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So I’ve got to admit, I don’t actually watch Riverdale and this is probably a bad example to start with because my reasoning for these three being a triad is: just look at them. They’re obviously in love. And they can all still have their men on the side if that’s what they want but from what I’ve seen of gifs and on other people’s blogs, there is a strong feminine power here that transcends just being friends/frenemies/whatever. 
2. Harley Quinn and Catwoman and Poison Ivy a.k.a The Gotham City Sirens
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Harley and Poison Ivy are already renown for their amazing sapphic relationship but I feel like Catwoman is a good addition to their love because of how often she gets snubbed by Batman (a man she clearly has feelings for a who has feelings for her) for embracing her darker side. Harley, more than anyone, understands being sidelined and downright abused by someone you care about and I think Poison Ivy would praise Selina for embracing the side of her that come more naturally. Harley and Poison Ivy already have a great and more or less healthy (as healthy as trauma inflicted villains can be) and Selina could really use some of that love in her life. 
This is also probably my inspiration for the whole Veronica/Cheryl/Betty triad I have above. 
3.  Kathy and Don and Cosmo
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Again, so I haven’t really seen this movie in its entirety yet (just bits and pieces) but I’ve seen enough to know they were all just meant to be together. Especially in the “Good Morning” number where they talk about “danced the whole night through”. Like what is better than one person finding two other people they can laugh and have fun together until dawn? This just seems super figured out to me.
4. Miles O'brien and Keiko O'brien and Kira Nerys
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This is one where I think things get a little complicated for so many reasons. For starters it’s a great example how a polytriad relationship works when children are involved. For those who aren’t familiar with Star Trek: Deep Space 9, the story between these three are that Miles and Keiko have been married ever since they were on Star Trek: The Next Generation. They even have a daughter who is about four when the couple are expecting their next baby. Due to a transporter malfunction Kira is accidentally impregnated with Keiko’s baby. This was the writers’ way of explaining Kira’s actress, Nana Visitor’s, own pregnancy (coincidently with other co-star, Alexander Siddig, but that’s a whole other story). 
Anyways, once Kira is unexpectedly carrying the O’Brien’s child she moves in with them so that they can still experience the pregnancy and become closer to their new surrogate. As a result Kira also becomes closer to the O’Brien’s and their daughter Molly. The birth of Kirayoshi is a really touching episode and it’s obvious that Kira has become extremely attached to the baby. After the birth the O’Briens make Kira Kirayoshi’s godmother (and also kind of name him after her) and she becomes a part of the family, like an aunt.
The only reason this gets complicated is because of Kira’s work relationship with Miles. While Kira and Keiko become super close and it could easily have turned into something romantic there’s not a lot of that bonding going on with Miles. And I know there are relationships where person A (Kieko) has a strong relationship with persons B (Miles) and C (Kira) but persons B and C aren’t as close, but my main objective in putting these characters together is to form a perfect triad where everyone loves and is loved equally. The writers could have also easily done this by having Kira and Miles bond more emotionally rather than professionally but they didn’t so we don’t get to see what that would have looked like except in fanfiction. 
5. Elphaba and Galinda and Fiyero
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Like I think a majority of the fans of Wicked agree that these three were all in love one way or the other. Some ship Glinda and Elphaba, Glinda shipped herself with Fiyero, and the mainstream is that Elphaba and Fiyero utlimately belonged together. And while the musical puts a heavy emphasis on the “friendship” between Glinda and Elphaba, anyone who ever watches “For Good” can tell you that their relationship was way deeper than your average best friends or sisters for that matter. Not to mention in “One Short Day” the two fo them make a point of saying “we’re just two friends” “two good friends” “two best friends”. The whole “just friends” has been used to keep LGBT+ couples in the closet since forever. 
We also know Fiyero and Elphaba were given a wonderfully laid out relationship which has a very important role in the musical. Fiyero’s relationship with Glinda can be analyzed as what society wants to see vs. Fiyero and Elphaba’s relationship which is something society doesn’t want to see. Perfect vs. Unconventional. HOWEVER, Fiyero and Glinda did have a connection, so much so that Glinda did mourn losing him (to her “best friend” nonetheless). The reverse could also be argued that Glinda was mourning losing Elphaba to Fiyero. OR it could be argued that the two people she loved most ran off into the sunset (albeit, as fugitives) without her and she was left behind. In a polyamorous relationship nobody would be left behind singing a reprise of “I’m Not That Girl”. I haven’t seen the full musical in a while but I think Elphaba gave Glinda the chance to come with her and Fiyero and Glinda opted to stay behind in the public figure position she was given. I could be wrong about that, like I said I haven’t seen the musical in a while, but if I’m not wrong the that decision to stay behind could have all sorts of different analyses for the relationship between the three. 
Let’s not forget to mention that Glinda and Elphaba were ROOMMATES! Ok, memes aside, these three had a lot of chemistry and history together that bonded them. For me, one of the saddest parts of the ending wasn’t the “For Good” scene where Elphaba “sacrifices” herself because Glinda knew full well what Elphaba had planned with Fiyero, leaving Glinda as the last one standing and being the one left behind to fix the corrupt government in the land of Oz. She was sad because she knew Elphaba had to stay dead in the eyes of the people if she was ever going to live a normal life after all that had happened. The actual ending of the book is way sadder so I’ll take the canon ending of the musical any day but I can’t help but feel like the life Elphaba and Fiyero started after running off into their official sunset probably felt a little incomplete without Glinda. 
6. DJ Fuller and Steve Hale and Matt Harmon
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THIS ONE. Never has an audience ever been given the run around about a heteronormative live triangle than they have been with Fuller House. As soon as I saw this on Triad of the Day’s list of polyamorous couples I was just like YES! When DJ chose Steve I was a little skeptical and torn. Both of these men seemed really great and had great chemistry with DJ. I stan the whole decision for DJ to choose herself the first time around and take some time to figure out who she was (especially so soon after the death of her husband). But immediately after that decision the writers went and gave Steve and Matt a great bro relationship. THEY EVEN HAD STEVE AND MATT KISS!!!! Although that was before they became friends. And they were SO into that kiss and we ALL loved it! The fact that it was used for laughs is such a pity. Fuller House could have pulled a Modern Family by creating a positive social commentary on polyamorous families and play off the title of the show (Fuller House) more than they already do by adding both men to the family. Instead one of them got pushed away and to be honest I stopped watching after season 2. I love the wholesome family vibes Fuller House gives out and even the ones given out by Hallmark (which Candace Cameron Bure and Lori Laughlin are major actresses in) but something these wholesome shows and tv networks forget is that you can represent LGBT+ relationships without the emphasis of sex. It’s like if someone were to pitch a gay Christmas romance movie to Hallmark the board would immediately say, “Nice idea, but this is a family friendly program.” My definition of family friendly is a group of adults who are in loving and healthy relationships with each other who all love and take care of the children in their lives. And my definition of wholesome is lack of profanity and vulgar humor and displays honest values (just for the record). 
Fuller House really missed out on taking a step forward into the modern age by not making these three a polyamorous triad. 
7.Victor Van Dort and Emily and Victoria Everglot
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So I’m not sure about this one because I REALLY love how it ended (with Emily getting justice for her murder and then being emotionally liberated to the point she burst into a kaleidoscope of butterflies). Not to mention Emily and Victoria didn’t exactly get much bonding time throughout the movie though I think Emily can heavily relate to Victoria’s overly sheltered life and especially to getting screwed over in the marriage department (although Victoria luckily dodged that bullet). But I feel like that would make Emily (and Victor) all the more protective of Victoria when it comes to those who would abuse her. And maybe Emily could have taught both Victor and Victoria more about standing up for themselves. I know Emily can seem naive and like she doesn’t have much life experience (for obvious reasons) but we’ve seen how strong, powerful, and dedicated she is. I don’t think anybody would be surprised if Emily scorched the earth for Victor and Victoria. Also Victor needs some strong women in his life. I feel like the implications of what these three would have been like in a polyamorous relationship is pretty obvious and has no doubt been written about a thousand times in fanfiction. As much as I love Emily being released from what was tying her down to earth, this would have been a good alternative ending as well. 
8.  Tulio is dating Miguel and Chel
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These guys. Need I say more?
I think I might because while we see the obvious attraction between Tulio and Chel and the fanmade art and fanfiction of Tulio and Miguel, that still leaves out the question of what Chel and Miguel’s relationship would be like. Obviously in the movie Miguel wasn’t a big fan of Chel moving in on his and Tulio’s “bromance” and while jealousy doesn’t have much place in an ideal triad relationship (from what I understand anyway), I think they could make good partners in crime. 
9. Flora and Fauna and Merryweather a.k.a the Three Good Fairies
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Now these hoes. I’ve heard some dispute somewhere that they may or may not be sisters but I distinctly remember them only being referred to as “the three good fairies”. Older women (fairies) who have known each other for a very long time. But they dead ass raised a daughter together as mortals, in the same cottage for 16 years. We’ve seen said cottage and we’ve seen Aurora’s bedroom but anyone can see that there’s no way there was enough from in that cottage for 3 individual bedrooms or even one room for three twin beds (maybe bunk beds if they had existed in the 14th century). They’re depicted as incompetent characters in Malificent but they aren’t that way in the 1959 Sleeping Beauty. In fact, they’re portrayed as willing to do anything for their daughter. Not to mention the constant bickering of Flora and Merryweather being pacified by Fauna. That is typical married old couple behavior right there. Being 1959 there’s no way anyone was ready for a polyamorous triad of fairies in a children’s animated feature but that’s basically what they gave us. 
10. Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers
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This is also a hard one. Because similar to Glinda and Fiyero’s relationship Steve and Nancy were together for high school politics. In this scenario Steve is Glinda because he gets left behind to ponder on his life as a shallow popular high school king. But protecting Jonathan and Nancy with that homemade nail bat from that demagorgan is what any good partner would do for his other partners. 
The reason this one is tricky is not only because Steve got left behind but also because the relationship dynamic is pretty unequal. Because while Nancy and Steve are together at the beginning of Season 2, it’s clear they’re still putting on a facade that things can go back to normal for them during their senior year of high school. By the end of Season 2 Nancy is officially with Jonathan and Steve is not only left behind but he’s left behind to take care of the kids. 
Not to mention Steve and Jonathan don’t necessarily have a good relationship with each other. Although I think Steve has been humbled down in Season 3 after realizing his glory days are more or less behind him. But we don’t get a lot of interaction between these three anymore. 
I’m not really sure where I’m going with this one besides the fact that I think there’s some potential somewhere here. Especially with the introduction of Robin. I feel like she could be a great sexual awakening for a lot of the characters in this show. 
BONUS:  Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin and just about anyone
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It doesn’t have to be Raven. Honestly it could be any character who has a good relationship with both Clark and Bellamy. I think it’s safe to say a majority of the fandom is holding out for Bellark to ride off into their sunset but I think they’d be pretty inclusive to someone else they have a strong relationship with. I haven’t watched the series in a really long time so I don’t know if there is a character left alive who fits that description but the characters have definitely formed a pack mentality of survival and sticking close. I imagine if they (Clark, Bellamy, and their third partner) would have kids they’d have the same protective circle. 
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lakinda5654 · 5 years
~~~~A Girl and A God~~~~ Chapter 21- Touched
A Girl and A God is a RATED M Loki Fanfic with an original character, Alexa, who is taken in by Tony Stark after the revelation of abilities of her own. There’s sex, romance, heartbreak, action, fluff, angst, all that good stuff. Full description in blog, and a jump-to-chapter list if you just want the smut or the cuteness bits. Enjoy <3 
Chapter Summary: Loki shows Alexa a side of him she has never seen, and Alexa tries to play a prank on him using her new power phase...
Contains: Cuteness, fluff
Word Count: 2,013
~Previous Chapter~~Next Chapter~
~~Beginning of Story~~
Alexa was silent for a moment. Loki watched her reaction and waited patiently for her response. “You love me?”
“I do.” He became nervous when he realized that she looked confused. “Please tell me your thoughts Petal.” He said nervously.
Alexa looked up at him. “Why? I’m mortal. I thought you determined us to be inferior and useless… how could you want to love me if you believe that? I mean if course I knew there was something between us, but…”
Alexa was cut off by his gentle kiss. “I know you are mortal, but you’re the only being who has given me a chance. Not only a chance but welcomed me with open arms and accept my past as it is a part of me.”
Loki was staring down at the sheets beneath them. “Alexa you don’t have selfish intentions. You’ve taken risks and made sacrifices, just to help me be more comfortable. No one has ever done anything like that for me.”
His voice was quiet and low. He finally looked back up at her, and their eyes locked once more. “I love you.”
They kissed again, gently. She couldn’t believe that this wasn’t a dream. He loves me...
“I love you too Loki,” she said into his lips.
After a moment of watching his warm smile, Alexa realized the time. She’d missed lunch. It shouldn’t be a big deal, all the members missed a group meal now and then. “Are you hungry?”
Loki nodded. “Ok, I’ve got something to make…” she said as she rolled over and got off the bed. She went to her closet first and pulled a sundress over her body, and slipped on underwear beneath. Loki watched her contently. She saw him staring and rolled her eyes as she made her way to the kitchen.
She made grilled cheese with tomato soup for the two of them, and Loki wasn’t a huge fan, saying it was far too bland, but he ate it regardless.
The tension from what they’d done only a half-hour ago still hung in the room. Every now and then, Alexa would look at Loki and see those green eyes look at her with the same look he’d given before tearing her leggings off her body. It was once again driving her crazy. But she had other things on her mind, and she wanted those thoughts tended to.
His attention turned from his plate to her.
“I just… I want to know you. We’re in love but we hardly know anything about each other.”
Loki pondered this for a moment. She was right, there was much to learn of the mortal he’d just confessed his love to.
“Alright. What would you like to know?”
“Well… I’d really like to know about the reason you’re skin is so cold for one.”
Loki nodded. “Alright, Petal... I'll tell you.” 
After a moment to collect his thoughts, he explained to her that he was half frost-giant. How his father had taken him from a battle when he was an infant, how he didn’t know until he was an adult.
Alexa listened patiently and asked questions when she didn’t understand. “So… what makes you change form? Just anything cold?”
“No, it’s a bit more complex than that. It has to be a certain temperature, I don’t know exactly what though. I just know that it’s fairly extreme.”
Alexa nodded and paused. “Would you be okay with me seeing it?”
Loki looked uneasy for a moment. “Well, yes I suppose but we don’t have anything that…” he stopped when he realized what she was thinking. She could likely trigger it with her skin.
Loki now seemed more nervous. “Petal, it’s really not attractive. I don’t think…”
“It’s you. I don’t care if it’s attractive or not. It’s a part of you. If you’ll let me, I’d love to see it.”
Loki was clearly nervous, but he stood and walked to the couch, motioning her to follow.
He sat down, his body facing hers and she sat cross-legged on the cushion. Alexa looked into Loki’s eyes and saw his fear. 
What if she’s disgusted with me…
“Hey…” Alexa said softly.
Loki looked up at her.
“I love you. If you want to keep this to yourself, you can. But I am always going to love you, no matter what you look like.”
Loki took in her words and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and held out his hands. Gently, she took them in her own and began to make her skin freeze.
She watched in fascination as Loki’s pale skin turned muted blue over his fingers, then his hands, and up his arms. The color spread until he was entirely blue. His eyes remained closed, and she took in the sight of him. He was different, but still him. There were lines along his skin, sort of like markings, that weren’t present before. Then Loki opened his eyes. They were deep red- that she hadn’t expected. Loki looked at her, his eyes full of worry about what she would say.
She leaned forward and kissed him. Gently and carefully. His lips seemed much colder than before, but she wasn’t surprised. Suddenly, he stopped her and backed up, looking afraid. Then his face changed from afraid to surprised. “You can touch me.”
“Normally any non-front giant who touches me when I’m like that gets… almost like frostbite. Extreme frostbite that onsets immediately.”
“I mean, my own skin doesn’t hurt me. So maybe when I’m in this phase, I can.”
She then let go of his hands and watched as the blue faded from his body.
“Hey… I love you Loki.” She reached up and touched his face, not realizing her hands were still frozen cold and blue started to spread on his face from her touch. “You’re gorgeous in every form.” As she spoke, his face transformed once more, and she kissed him again. She could almost feel his relief in his every movement. He was quiet when he finally spoke.
“Thank you”
After a pause, he transformed back. Then suddenly, he became his usual mischievous self. “Gorgeous in all forms love?”
“Yes,” she said happily and kissed his nose
“Even this?” He said, and suddenly he was a very creepy looking old man, with a handlebar mustache.
“Oh my Loki, I…”
“What? You said all forms.”
“Ok... yes because I know it’s you”
“How about this?” He became a very sexy woman in a tight dress. “Yep,” Alexa said with a smile.
“Oh but what about this?” And suddenly, Loki had turned into Thor. Shirtless Thor. “Still craving and yearning for love from me?” His voice even changed with each illusion, and he leaned over close to Alexa
Alexa laughed. “I... abstain?” (*)
“Good girl.” He said in his own smiling voice as he became himself once more. They settled down a bit and began to speak more of their pasts.
Loki spoke of Asgard. Even though it wasn’t his true origin, it was his home. When he talked about it, he seemed to beam. He spoke of its beauty and the food, the palace, the mountains, everything. He also spoke of all the secret hiding places and forts he’d created for himself as a child and a teen, that were hidden by illusions from the rest of the world.
“I do hope someday we could go there so I could show you. But I don’t know if I would ever be welcome after what happened.”
Alexa was quiet. By the way he described this place, she wanted to go too. But more than that, she wanted Loki to be innocent so that they could just live their lives together. Everywhere they went, even apparently other realms, she was dating an outcast.
Breaking her train of thought, he asked “What about you? Tell me of the land you came from.”
Alexa smiled and told him about Oregon, on the other side of the country. She told him about the lush valley she lived in, and the small town she’d been raised in. 
They kept talking endlessly about their pasts, how others had wronged them, how it had changed them. Their conversation went well into the evening.
Alexa hated to break the talk, but she needed to go to dinner. She also needed to sneak into Loki’s cell and get rid of the food on the plates so that it would seem he had been eating.
At dinner, she sat with Peter and quietly spoke with him about Thunder and how he was doing. He wanted to come to visit, but she told him tonight wasn’t good. She still wasn’t sure exactly where she could hide Loki if he ever wanted to stop by. She couldn’t just keep him in the bathroom, because for one that seemed weird to just shove him in there with nothing to do, but mainly because Peter also would probably need to use the bathroom at some point.
When she returned that night, Loki was already asleep on the couch in front of the TV. The show “Parks and Recreation” was still playing. She’d recommended it to him, she thought it was funny, but apparently, it bored Loki to sleep. She quietly pulled a blanket off of their bed and laid it over him. Then she leaned down and kissed his forehead.
Alexa spent the rest of that night playing with little Thunder, cleaning up their suite, and soaking up the moonlight from the helicopter pad.
As lonely as it could be, she loved having the nights all to herself. It was as if it was something only she had, even though she knew others in the world were awake, most weren’t. As the world slept, she was forever awake, able to have all this time that others didn’t. And it was all just for her. She sometimes felt that she could get away with anything because no one was there to see it.
Another day passed, and it was fairly uneventful. Alexa spent the day cuddling with Loki, watching Netflix and having him taste-test more Midguardian delights. It was so nice to spend this much time with someone she was so carefree with. It was foreign, to be so comfortable with another person, and yet she was more at peace then she had ever been. Loki felt the same. He trusted her, which was something he couldn’t ever say of anyone else in the tower or in his life at the moment.
The next evening, what Alexa called her ghost phase began to fade in. She could go through walls and float in the air as if she were in space. When she was in the height of this phase, with some effort she could even turn transparent, becoming fully what was essentially a ghost. She had been excited about this, as it provided plenty of opportunities to play tricks on her lover.
That night, Loki decided he’d shower before heading to bed. She saw her opportunity. When he wasn’t looking, she went outside and told him she would be charging for a while. Instead, she quickly floated up and faded from the outdoor balcony into the bathroom through the wall. She couldn’t be invisible just yet, but she slipped into the tub, and the shower curtain was still closed, so he couldn’t see her when he entered. She heard him sigh and she assumed he used his magic to undress because she didn’t hear any zippers or clothes hit the floor. 
It was at that moment that she realized this would be the very first time she’d ever see him naked.
Do I really want this moment to be like this? A prank? Really?
Suddenly frantic, she tried to fade back through the wall behind her. Due to her moment of panic, however, she didn’t have full control and she immediately faded through the floor, not floating. With a thud, she hit the floor of the room below.
…Ow. Her back hurt from the fall, and she quickly realized the horror that she had just fallen, in her pajamas, into someone else’s private room.
* That bit where Loki turned into Thor was inspired from a https://gingerwritess.tumblr.com/  story, I don't remember which but I know it was her.
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smuttykpopscenarios · 6 years
The Drummer Next Door
Anon: Hi, I love your blog! could you do neighbors with drummer Park Chanyeol that practices at random times late at night when OC goes to complain in her pjs he says "want a private show?" while smirking you can end it however you want it doesn't have to be Chanyeol. Pretty please with a cherry on top? Thank you so much.
Author: Admin A
Character(s): Chanyeol (EXO)/Reader
Word Count: 2,287
Summary: Who the hell thinks it’s ok to practice drums at 3:30 in the morning? My neighbor, that’s who. 
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I growled and pulled the pillow down over my head, but it did little to drown out the consistent drumming. Bass drum, snare, cymbals. The whole nine yards. This happened on the regular where my neighbor would be up at all hours banging away on his drum set. And it pissed me the fuck off. With an aggravated yell, I sat up and hurled my pillow against the wall, turning to look at the clock. 3:35 am. 3:35 am?! What the fuck is this?! Does he not sleep?!
Enough is enough.
I pulled myself out of bed, running my hands through my hair quickly as I slipped on my shoes. I stepped outside my door, turning to knock on my neighbor’s. At least sharing a duplex, I didn’t need to walk very far. I brought down my fist on his door before stepping back and crossing my arms. There was the crash of a cymbal and some muttered swearing before the front door opened. I glared up at my neighbor as he wiped his face with the white towel around his neck.
“Can I help you?” He looked me up and down, biting his lip.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?!” I yelled.
          “I could ask you the same thing. Have a habit of going over to guy’s places at 3:30 in the morning?” He smirked and leaned against the door frame, looking down at me.
“Only when they decide it’s time to play rock star and I need to tell them to shut the fuck up! You’ve been doing this for the past month and I’ve had enough. You know, I thought you were cute when you moved in but I’m so fed up with your consistent-“
“You think I’m cute, eh?” His eyebrow quirked up as he cut me off and I felt my cheeks flush. Shouldn’t have said that. His smirk widened and he leaned down closer to me, the light sheen of sweat on his face and neck glistened in the light of the doorway. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, trying to find the words to say.
“W-well I mean, yeah…But that’s not the point here! The point is I can’t sleep and it’s almost 4 in the morning!” I tried so hard to get my wits about me to sound commanding, but my voice let me down, coming out much softer and less assured than I had hoped it would.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your beauty sleep, gorgeous.” The smirk was ever present on his face as he righted himself, opening the door a bit more as he stepped up to me. I could feel the heat coming off of him. “How about I give you a private show, to make up for it?” He brushed a bit of my messy hair from my face as I stared up at him with wide eyes, at a loss for words. “Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.” He winked and moved inside, leaving the door open for me. I had to admit, his confidence was incredibly attractive. I hesitated for a moment before stepping in after him, shutting the door behind me.
I wasn’t sure what I was expecting his house to look like. After all, it was just a mirror image of mine. It was extremely clean, the shelves well organize with books and figurines. I set my shoes next to his, following the sound of the snare that he has started rapping away at again. The bedroom he was using as his music room was full of instruments. Several guitars sat on stands or wall mounts in one corner, accompanied with their amps. A keyboard was set up across from the rather extensive drum kit that Chanyeol was currently sitting at, twirling his drumstick. There was a set of shelves with music books, knickknacks and more figurines. He was clearly quite the collector. He smirked when he saw me walk in.
“I had a feeling you’d follow me.”
“Yeah, well, I’m already up I guess.” I sat down on the keyboard chair, across from him. He winked at me again as he brushed his hair back from his eyes.
“You’re in for a treat, doll.” With that, he started pumping the bass, launching in to a jam session. I couldn’t keep myself from tapping my foot along to the beat. I’d be lying if I said he was a bad drummer. I had just never paid much attention, cause it was usually while I was trying to sleep that I heard him playing. I watched him as he played, the muscles in his arms rippled and his nearly too tight black tank top accentuated every move he made. I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly very self-conscious of the fact that I came over in my pajamas. He glanced up at me and smiled before finishing his session. He set his sticks down and came over to me, his chest rising and falling at a quicker rate, the sheen of sweat visible on his arms now. He stood over me as I looked up at him.
“Well, what did you think beautiful?” I reached up and scratched the back of my head, a nervous tick of mine.
“You’re really good,” was all I was able to get out. He chuckled and bent down so his face was inches from mine.
“Am I?” His breath smelt minty fresh and his face was so beautiful any words I could have said got caught in my throat. All I could do was nod. His smirk was back on his face as he watched me. “Cat got your tongue gorgeous?” I nodded again, glancing down at his lips before back at his eyes, my ears feeling like they were on fire. “I saw that glance. You know, the drums wasn’t the only think I meant by a private show, beautiful.” He tilted his head slightly, leaning towards me till there was barely any space between us. My heart was sprinting as I closed my eyes. He closed the distance between us, pressing his lips against mine gently, but assertively. He was in charge, and he made it known by the controlled power in his kiss. My heart lept to my throat. He broke the kiss a moment later, watching my face. My eyes fluttered open and I looked back at him. There was a moment of silence before I reached up and cupped his face, pulling his lips back to mine in a needy kiss.
I could feel him smirking into the kiss as he returned mine. His hands snaked around my waist and he picked me up. I locked my legs around his body, clinging to him as I kissed him. His hands supported my weight under my ass, massaging it gently as he walked us to what I assumed was his bedroom. He broke the kiss to set me on the bed before ridding himself of his tank top, tossing it somewhere in the room. Once rid of the garment, he crawled over me, sliding his hands up under my shirt, lifting it off. The grin on his face was blinding. “No bra?” I flushed a bright red.
“W-Well, I was trying to sleep when I came over a-and-“ He cut me off with a quick kiss.
“All the better for me beautiful.” With that, he moved to kissing down my neck, nipping gently at the skin as he did. I reached up and laid my hands on his shoulders, lolling my head back to feel his lips more against my skin. As he worked his way down, he pressed his hips against me, and I could feel him getting excited through his sweatpants. Trying to tease a bit, I bucked my hips up against him. The friction caused a moan to come from my lips and a growl to come from his. He leaned back, stopping his trail of kisses to look down at me. There was a primal glint in his eyes that caused an excited shiver to run up my spine. I smirked up at him, a mirror of his own.
“You wanna tease baby girl?” He leaned closer to my face. “That could be a dangerous game to play.”
“Maybe I like a little danger?” He grinned and I felt his fingers slip in to the hem of my pants for a moment before yanking then down. I arched my hips up to let help and he yanked them off of me, discarding them in the room with the rest of our clothes.
“Simple white panties, how cute.” He grinned and swiped a finger over me. I gasped and bucked at the sudden stimulation. “And they’re already absolutely soaked. You naughty girl.” My cheeks were a fiery shade of red, I was certain of it. “Don’t worry, I’ll take perfect care of you.” I nodded slightly, before reaching up to tug at the hem of his pants. He chuckled low in his throat before sitting back and obliging me, ridding himself of his pants and boxers. My eyes widened slightly when I saw how big he was and he chuckled, reaching up to cup my cheek. “Everything will be ok baby girl.” With that, his lips were back on mine as a hand dipped between my legs, teasing my clit.
I grabbed his biceps, digging my nails lightly in to the skin as I moaned, bucking my hips up against his hand. He swallowed my moans, nibbling at my lips as he slipped a finger inside of me, quickly followed by another. It was his turn to moan in to my mouth as I clenched down around his fingers. I had never felt such amazing need before.
After he had had enough fun teasing me, he slipped his fingers out of me, drawing a whine from my lips. “Patience, baby girl. You’re going to like this so much better.” He spread my legs, kneeling between them as he reached in to the night stand, pulling out a condom. He tore the foil with his teeth before slipping it on. Once he was satisfied with that, he leaned down, hovering over me as he reached between us, lining himself up with me. With a firm yet gentle thrust, he slowly guided himself in to me. I gripped tightly on to his arms as I arched my back, my eyes closing tightly. Chanyeol let out a moan that resonated through his chest.
“Fuck, oh fuck,” he hissed out between his teeth. I could feel his eyes watching me as he slowly sank the rest of the way in to me. “How’s that baby girl?” I whimpered softly, nodding as I opened my eyes to look at him.
“M-move, Chanyeol.” He smirked at me and I felt his hips draw back before he thrust back into me, hard. I gasped and tossed my head back again, the pleasure already starting to run through me. Chanyeol’s head fell to the crook of my neck and he bit down on the skin, drawling a mewl from my lips. The sound only spurred him on, his hips moving even faster, causing the bed to rock with every thrust. The moans coming from my mouth were nearly constant, and the pitch was steadily raising.
Suddenly, his hips stopped and he pulled out of me. I let out a whine of displeasure until he flipped me over, picking up my hips before slamming back into me from behind. I let out a scream of pleasure as he did, barely able to catch my breath as my stomach started to tighten up. “O-Oh f-fuck! Chanyeol!” He growled as I screamed his name, hunching over me as he pressed his stomach against my back, bucking in to me. “Fuck I’m cl-close!” I whined as he bit down on my shoulder again before lifting his head to brush his lips against my ear.
“Fucking cum for me baby girl. Let me hear you scream.” He bit my ear and my hands balled up in to fists as he words tipped me over the edge. My vision turned white as the pleasure washed over me, his name a scream on my lips. He continued to pound into me, drawing out the pleasure until he met me at my high. He held his hips firmly against mine, biting down on my shoulder again. That would definitely leave a bruise tomorrow. My chest heaved and heart raced as I tried to catch my breath.
As he relaxed, he carefully slipped out of me, catching me as I collapsed and laid me gently on the bed before going to dispose of his condom, cleaning up a bit before lying next to me in bed. I rolled over to face him, my cheeks still flushed. He smirked at me, brushing my damp hair from my face.
“How was that for a private show, gorgeous?” I smiled and chuckled, shaking my head.
“You’re quite the performer, I’ll give you that.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead before pulling me to him, wrapping his arms around me.
“Maybe I could interest you in another sometime.”
“I think I could be convinced.” I could feel him shake with light laughter against me as I closed my eyes, yawning. “But now, I need to catch up on that sleep that you kept me from getting.”
“You don’t regret any of it.��� His voice was confident, a statement of fact rather than a question.
“You’re not wrong.” With that, I pecked his chest before dozing off, the sound of his heartbeat steady as a drum next to my ear.
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50yearoldteenager · 6 years
The story so far...
So since November 2017, I've been feeling like a teenager again. Not in a zombie apocalypse kind of way, or looking forward to the next party... Hell no! My memory is so bad I couldn't even organise my own surprise party 🎉 No, it's the damn raging hormones, mood swings and, worst of all... bursting into tears and getting upset at T.H.E. slightest thing.
I'm usually such a laid back and easy going person, but like a teenager, I feel like everyone is against me and if they're not against me then I've clearly managed to piss everyone off and everyone hates me. This all stresses me out and my body feels like a tightly sprung coil ready to release on some poor unsuspecting person who just happens to look at me the wrong way or say the wrong thing to me at the wrong time, in the wrong place. So for the sake of whoever I might end up murdering (metorphorically speaking of course!), I thought the responsible thing to do would be to go get myself sorted out... And go see the doctor!
So two to three weeks ago I made that appointment and last Thursday I'm on my way, and my mood is lifted a little believing I'm finally going to get sorted out and able to start living my life again. Firstly, as I check-in at the screen as I walk through the door I see I'm booked in with the doctor I'm registered with and NOT the lovely Dr I've asked to see.... I'm told she left a few months ago... I can't cope with this and I say to the receptionist I can't see the one I'm booked in with. I've had bad experiences with her so the receptionist goes off to try and see what she can do. She's lovely and whilst she's sorting that out, 'said' doctor comes out and calls me in. In hindsight I feel bad for telling her publicly I didn't want to see her and I'm not seeing her! She looks a bit shocked as if she doesn't know what she's done wrong but the damage is done now.
I'm back an hour later to see a different doctor but when I tell him my woes I feel that sinking feeling when he asks me what I want him to do about it... Ffs I just want to be told, directly, what is available when taking into account my medical bloody history after all he's the fricking doctor! I try reasoning with him that I struggle with the making of hospital appointments as you now have to wait for two letters, one with a password and one with your login details before getting some appointment. I seriously can't deal with it. It stresses me out having to think. I tell him if I'm given an appointment I'll turn up hoping he'll see I can't cope with decision making so prescribe what he believes in his professional opinion is best for me. So I have blood tests after he's faffed about. Two lots six weeks apart to see if I'm definitely going through the menopause which to be fair I expected. It didn't help that it was a male doctor but far worse my 13yr old son looked older than him. Nice lad but really doesn't have the experience needed to deal with somebody like me. There's still two hospital appointments I won't have because of the hassle and stress just having to fire up the computer to complete all the security questions before I even get to where I need to be.
I come out wondering why I even bother, I've told him I ache, I sleep constantly along with loads of other stuff and if I didn't feel like life was passing me by I'd be OK but no... I'm still banging my head against a brick wall! Doctors just want you to pop pills. I want to do so much for myself but my body stops me. I feel useless. I feel helpless!
As I head out along the road I toy with the idea of going straight home rather than go shopping at the supermarket I work at. I AM STRONG so I decide everyone will be busy, too busy to notice me if I slink in, WRONG...
I'm crossing the road and I've seen a girl I am quite close to being dropped off. I figure if I keep walking she won't notice me... I'm WRONG again... She calls out my name and I pretend not to hear, but like I say, we are quite close so when she calls again I can't ignore her, I wouldn't want her to think badly of me. I try to smile and she asks if I'm OK and that's it I'm a wreck... I can't even talk to lie to her that I'm OK, and then I crumble. I decide I can't go in to do my shopping but she persuades me... And she links arms with me to show support. She carries on in, I've made her late but she's more bothered about me, I'm touched! I quickly get what I need and everyone I want to avoid (the team I work with are like a little family unit) is there. I go to the self service and my boss who I'm so very fond of is covering. I try to avoid eye contact and I think I've done OK, then the detagger is playing up so I help him. Now I know he's going to know something is wrong because I've always got time for him and I practically blank him. He's busy so I hope I've gotten away with it.
I get home and my daughter who I'm so very close to calls. She makes a comment when I tell her I'm fed up having no money. She makes it sound like she's going through the same as me and when I say she's not she bites my head off. She's got a lot going on but she's so wrapped up with her lifestyle, and keeping my two allergy ridden bits alive, it's all about her and just for once it would have been nice for her not to have made it about her. I worry if I'll be able to pay the rent ghe following month, she doesn't have those sorts of money worries. They'll just borrow from their savings, a luxury I've long forgotten what it was like to have.
We end our call. I'm tired and go back to bed. She's called a couple of times, then she calls my mum. My mum does NOT need anything else to worry about. She fractured her right arm at Christmas then a month later she fell on a slippery surface outside a supermarket and broke her other arm. I'm 300 miles away from her and that stresses me out too. I can't afford to even hop on a train to see her while I'm off this week
So work is my saviour but then I see my boss who stops me and says my friend is concerned about me. I know they will have discussed her seeing me so distraught and he's very intuitive, I've a really good relationship with him, he knows when I'm hiding shit from him so now I know he's concerned to. But I can't talk at work as I don't want to end up balling my eyes out again so I think he feels hurt because he thinks I don't want his help. My first hour, especially after that, is hard, but I manage to muster up a few smiles. By the end of the evening I'm feeling like I've done well. Nobody suspects a thing. So long as nobody asks me if I'm OK I cope well.
So it's Saturday and I sleep in till gone 10am. My daughter hasn't called all morning. She's normally called by 9am but today she doesn't call till about 4pm. So I spend the morning feeling down. I'm holding it together and I feel ready for my shopping trip with my 13yr old son who's cooking dinner tonight. I feel really anxious as we head off and the anxiety gets worse as we go about our business. I'm scanning the area so I can avoid people, the people who I love working with. I spot my boss, but I'm already turning so I may have got away with it. It's kinda going OK but it's quite busy and I don't want to be in store any longer than necessary. My boy heads us over to self service and I feel my stomach begin to churn... My lovely lovely friend is supervising there. Luckily its busy and I'm thankful but standing in the queue feels like forever. We're next, as we wait he asks that question I don't want to be asked... "are you OK?" Again I think I've hidden that I'm not and gotten away with it when he says, I saw you around the corner with 'X' and was gonna stop but thought twice, for my sake. He's been through dark times too... I begin to crumble and admit I'm not good. He repeats my own words I've said to him back to me. I know he's right. It's my turn and I go to the free pay point. He's so lovely. I love him with all my heart. He hugs me and I hold back tears... As best I can anyway. My son then realises I'm still not good. He picked me up when I was down in Wednesday. As we leave another colleague (or rather ex-colleague) turns up and I remember I was meant to have met up with her today. Again, I can't talk so I motion to call me... Which she did so later but I missed the call. I'd thought it was someone else so ignored it. I find it hard to talk to people just now so I switched my phone to do not disturb.
So that is the story so far... I can't go on like this. Doctors, as you've seen, are of no help to me so I'm going to try and sort myself out and hopefully, in the end, this blog may help people get out of their own version of anxiety, stress or depression.
So my plan is to live my life by a tick list. I'm a single parent (that is a completely other story) and I feel very alone. It feels like I have no purpose. My boy doesn't really want to be around his mother so my tick list gives me a purpose. More about that another time
Goodnight xxx
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whispelanix · 6 years
Proof as to why Murdoc would murder someone (and other horrible theory shit)
Wow. I never expected my previous theory to get as much recognition as it did. I just thought everyone would see it as a bit of an over-analysis, which is EXACTLY what I did. So I’ll do some more stuff on it because I’m stupid... :)
The title might be a bit of a stretch, I think, but just bare with it.
I just want to clear one thing up - I never said Murdoc DID kill anyone or that 2D IS dead, but at this point of time I believe an ATTEMPTED homicide is likely and if Murdoc were to kill/attempt to kill any band members, it would most likely be 2D.
This first one was posted to The Guardian on January 22nd, 2006 (that was my 4th birthday lol) Murdoc clearly states he can get away with some shit
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Yep. He can get away with murder. He doesn’t say he COULD get away with murder, meaning he’s done it more than once...
Next up is an interview from Redbull on June 13th, last year.
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It’s not Murdoc murder, but it talks about 2D dying. Going up in flames, because that boy is on FIRE!
Here’s another one, a quote that is. I believe I’ve seen it somewhere in Rise of the Ogre
“Kids, eh? Little treasures, I love ‘em... couldn’t eat one whole though.”
Yeah, this might be a one-off thing, but I found a 2017 interview relating to Plastic Beach. I’m currently failing to find a link, but there was something mentioned about bread and then Murdoc mentioned cannibalism, idk. I can’t find it ANYWHERE.
Lol, Murdoc wouldn’t CANNIBALIZE a member of his band, EVER. I’m just pointing that out 
Here’s another one - page 143 of Rise of the Ogre:
Murdoc exploded, lunging at 2D. Grabbing his twig-like throat with both hands he began throttling the hapless singer, squeezing the very life out of him. Russel stood up, raising himself to his full height.
Russel: Put him down Muds. Now
Murdoc, oblivious to the potential danger of a riled-up Russel Hobbs, continued his vicious and merciless assault. 2D's head was thrown from side to side.
Noodle too lept to her feet, throwing herself between Murdoc and 2D. She bit hard into Murdoc's hand trying to get him to release his stranglehold, but the red mist had come down and Murdoc held on tight. 2D's face had now turned a deep shade of blue, matching the colour of his spiky eyes. If he'd had eyes they'd have been popping right out of his head by now.
That’s only half of it on the page. But Murdoc eventually says this:
Murdoc, his eyes ablaze with vitriol and venom, pointed his bony nicotine-encrusted finger right into 2D's face.
Murdoc: And you, you little blue-haired pigmy sod boy, are way to stupid to be alive. Let this be known, you've been a curse of banality since I first laid eyes on you. If it weren't for your precious vocals, I'd have strangled you into a box years ago.
So yeah. Back then the only thing practically keeping 2D alive was his vocals. Not even for talking, just his singing. Murdoc literally tells him he’s too stupid to be alive. He’s not afraid to kill 2D.
This is why Gorillaz first split as a band, because Murdoc tried to strangle Stuart to death. That in itself is obvious from the constant abuse.
(Shit, I’m just going off the rails now.)
This is all getting really random, but I’m just trying to point out related stuff here. Like the fact that 2D has bad dreams as said by Noodle in a Dazed interview.
It’s understandable. 2D wouldn’t have bad dreams, or maybe nightmares, if something bad wasn’t going on in his life. Murdoc still treats him like shit.
I mean, just look at this from the Spirit House App:
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His rooms a mess as well. Looks like it belongs to a mentally unstable person...
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Also, here’s a list of things Murdoc has been doing to 2D:
- Making him work late hours in a sweatshop
- Getting him to dress as a fox so he can pretend to shoot 2D (with something) without hurting a real animal
- Gets him to wake him up with an electric shock, before proceeding to punch him in the face
Murdoc just treats him like an animal in general. I shouldn’t have to explain things, but I guess I will. He gets him to “go for walks”, throw a stick and chase ducks.
Old image of 2D wearing a fucking leash:
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Also, Murdoc wants to fly 2D to space. Permanently. And chloroform.
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Ok. I should ACTUALLY stop. Uhhh... kill meeeee?
Sources and shit:
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saibh29 · 7 years
You know that Right?
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Pairings: Bellamy / Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angsty and also Fluff
Request: Long Bellamy x reader request where reader and him are best friends and they both secretly want more. Peace has been established and reader notices bell is tense and not getting sleep so she offers a massage and says something like "you know you can come to me if somethings bothering you. Whenever, however, whatever it is you can come to me." And so when he has nightmares he goes to her tent and eventually they both admit how they feel. Sorry its specific just need some fluffy fluff.
Feel free to add yourself to my Taglist over here.... TAGLIST 
@the-chosen-one-time-lord @no-other-names-availible-blog @angelaiswriting @selldraug @angryares @thenovarose @georgiagrl1990 @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered @dontstopxx @iamabeautifulperson18 @madelinecraig03 @ka-x-in @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell @something--awesome @weirdpotato-14 @putinontheritzz @soulslaststand @fuckthatfeeling @ember1201 @morganlb23 @maria-tifa @kitkatbadass @cordelia-stark-jones @tomhoppersarms @fakingintrest @artprincessbree @dreamer-lover-laughter @artprincessbree @rime-warrior @captainvaneswife @coffeebooksandfandom @diaryoftherealme @blusnowflakee @ineedyourloveandsupport @neverunderestimateacelt @kalliria @cynicalricin @itsbubbaog @demoninyourshadow
You didn’t like the black smudges and shadows that were taking up residence under his eyes. Were worried that they were indicative of a much larger problem than lack of sleep. You were finally at peace, at least for the next few days and surely that should mean that he was finally able to rest. It definitely didn’t look like he was getting any rest though.
“Bell?” you came up beside him “you don’t look so good”
He smiled down at you putting one hand on your shoulder and squeezing. “Don’t worry so much Y/N” he tried to smile too but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“But I do worry” you insisted “Your still not sleeping?”
He didn’t answer but then he didn’t need to, the answer to that question was clear to see on his face and his sudden avoidance of eye contact with you.
“You’re still having nightmares, aren’t you?”
“Sometimes” he confessed still avoiding your eyes.
“Most nights” he amended hand dropping from your shoulder as taking your hand instead he pulled you away from the group of delinquents and over to a quieter part of camp where your conversation couldn’t be overheard by prying ears.
“Bell, please talk to me”
“If I close my eyes…” he stuttered breaking off, unable to look at you. “If I close my eyes Y/N, I’m scared of what I’ll see. If I scream in my sleep what will people think of me?”
Your heart was breaking for him and the pain in his voice. You’d do anything to be able to comfort him but you weren’t sure what exactly there was you could do to help him. “Bell if you can’t sleep, or if you’re worried about sleeping. Come to my tent”
“You’re my best friend Blake. You look after me, always have” you smiled crookedly at him. “Let me look after you as well” he was staring at you bemused. “Tonight, come to my tent. You can sleep and if you start to have a nightmare I’ll be there. I’ll wake you up before you can scream or shout out”
“I don’t deserve you”
You laughed at that patting his cheek. “Your right you don’t somehow though you have me anyhow”
You turned at Raven’s voice shouting your name. You’d been helping out in engineering a lot recently, your maths skills finally coming in useful for something other than calculating lightyears between stars and such.
“Alright coming!” you shouted back waving a hand at here to show you’d heard her. You turned back to Bellamy. “Remember ok?”
“Try and smile more Bell” you advised reaching up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek grasping his shoulders for balance. “I’ll see you later”
Bellamy nodded his hand offering you a weak smile in return to your advice. As you ran off towards Raven and whatever mathematical conundrum she’d come up with this time.
Sighing you pushed stray pieces of hair out of your face, rubbing at your tired eyes. “Raven I’ve got to go. It’s past midnight and I’m exhausted”
“Yeah yeah, I’ll see you in the morning” the mechanic didn’t even really bother to look up at you, still keeping her eyes fastened on her work.
“Wow! No complaints that I’m slacking off or anything?”
She smiled briefly “No I’ll give you this one” finally turning away from her work she looked over at you. “You and Blake, what’s going on there?”
“What? Me and Bellamy?” she nodded. “He’s my best friend”
Raven’s eyebrows rose “you know he likes you though?”
You fought and probably failed to contain your blush at those words, instantly shaking your head in denial. “He doesn’t like me as anything other than a friend”
“Y/N you know he watches you when he thinks no one’s looking? The way he protects you and smiles at you, no guy looks at a girl like he looks at you and isn’t in love with them”
“Raven…” you rubbed at the back of your neck. “We’re friends. Nothing more”
She shrugged making even that action look smooth and fluid. “Whatever you say” she turned back to her work “now go away, I still have another hour’s worth of good work in me”
You wanted to argue with her, to press her on why she suddenly thought that Bellamy liked you as anything other than a friend. However, you also knew Raven. Once she was ensconced in her work nothing was getting through to her.
You walked back towards your tent with your mind in a different place to your feet. Sure, you liked Bellamy, he was your best friend and had been since long before you were all sent down to the Earth to die like lab rats. Did you like him as more than a friend though?
You were trying to be honest with yourself right now, at one point in time you had definitely gone through a period of desperate I’m in lust with Bellamy Blake. You noticed everything about him from the shape of his hands down to the hard line of his jaw. You’d imagined what it would be like to kiss him, for him to hold you and protect you. Those thoughts though had been squashed ages ago. After all Bellamy had never shown any signs of thinking about you as anything other than his friend.
You pushed your way into your tent and stopped, frozen in place. He was laid out on your bed, big body sprawled out with his arm thrown up over his head, shirt off and eyes closed. Finally, asleep.
You had told him to come here, told him you’d stop him from having nightmares. A big part of you hadn’t expected him to listen to you though and for him to continue being his usual stubborn self.
Going over to your bed you reached out and pushed a stray strand of hair out of his face, mouth quirking up in a half smile as his nose crinkled up at your touch.
Leaving him to sleep you went to the other side of your not huge tent pulling off your jacket and jumper and kicking off your shoes. You debated for a moment whether or not to sleep next to him, eventually logical won out. You had slept with Bellamy multiple times before and never thought twice about it, it was only because of what Raven had said moments before that was making you uncomfortable. Going over to the bed you crawled over Bellamy and curled yourself up into his side.
You hadn’t thought you would sleep being so pressed up against Bellamy but you clearly must have because you were brought out of slumber by Bellamy starting to writhe around beside you. He was gasping in his sleep, having a nightmare.
Sitting up you reached out taking hold of his shoulder and shaking him gently. “Bell, wake up” he didn’t stir. “Bell!” you tried again louder. “Bellamy, it’s just a nightmare. Come on wake up”
His eyes flew open and he jerked upright beside you breathing hard. You kept you hand on his back rubbing soothing circles on to his shoulder blade. Leaning over you rested your head against his side. “It’s alright. You’re alright”
Bellamy took a deep breath his body shuddering as he turned his head to look at you. “You weren’t here when I went to sleep”
“I stayed late with Raven. Want to tell me what you were dreaming about?”
He looked at you for a long time for such a long time that you didn’t think he was going to answer you. Finally he opened his mouth to speak “You. I was dreaming about you”
“Me? In a nightmare? Well that’s flattering” you were trying to tease him but apparently it wasn’t working because he didn’t even manage to crack the smallest of smiles.
“The grounders, they were attacking and I couldn’t save you” his head dropped forwards breaking eye contact with you. “I can never save you”
“Bell…” you moved your hand to wrap your arm around his shoulders keeping your head resting against his shoulder. “You don’t have to save me, I’m right here”
“I can’t lose you”
“Why would you lose me?”
His heart broken stare looked over at you. “I lose everybody I love. My mum, Octavia… I can’t lose you as well”
“Alright Blake” you finally removed your arm from his shoulders grabbing his face in both hands you forced him to look at you properly. “Listen to me very carefully right now ok. You are not going to lose me. I am not going anywhere and I’m not planning on going anywhere in the future.”
“I fucking swear it”
He shuddered once more breaking your grip on his face to let his head fall down onto your shoulder. You lifted your hand to play with the long strands of hair around the back of his neck.
“I love you, you know that right Y/N”
“I know. I love you too”
“No” he pulled back finally a smile quirking the side of his mouth. “I really love you”
“I know. I really love you too”
He shook his head, apparently frustrated at you for some reason. Then without warning he leant forward and took your mouth with his own. You remained paralysed for a moment before finding your body melting into Bellamy’s.
He pulled back still with that half smile on his face. “I love you, you know that right?”
You laughed at that this time. Nodding your head to his question. “I know. I love you too”
He wrapped you in his arms once more laying back down on the bed and pulling you with him. You snuggled yourself into Bellamy’s side laying with your head on his chest as his hand ran up and down your back.
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I Was Back At Arkham Asylum (part 3) - Jokers Daughter & Jerome
Joker x daughter!reader Jerome x reader Warnings: none a/n: Ok so in this Jerome's face never got cut off. this is part 3, there will be 10. i hope you guys enjoy, if you want to be tagged on the tag list for this story just message or ask me.and if you guys have any ideas for more then 1 part stories or imagines that you want me to write go ahead and request. if you want to request a one-shot then go to @chloe-skywalker it my other blog and that one i do alot more different things then just stories and imagines, NSFW, headcanons, dating would include. etc etc 
parts: part 1 - part 2 - 
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It's been a week since I saw my dad, he apparently thought I was joking when I said be good so I can visit him again, well he wasn't. Now he can't even call me.
 I have been however getting a lot of calls from Jerome. The first time I answered an Arkham number I naturally thought it would have been my dad but no it was Jerome. I was shocked but in a way, I felt happy. Jerome gave me this feeling I had only felt it when crushing on celebrity. So I guess I'm crushing on him but how many times he's called me I kinda have the right to.
 Mom always told me if I feel that feeling but intensified is called love, and when you feel this feeling then you have found your very own puddin.
 I don't know if Jerome is my puddin. But when we talk on the phone it's like have been super close for years.
 Since the time I saw my dad last I had been keepin low but when I found out I couldn't see my dad because of him beating up guards got himself into solitary. So just to spite him I robbed small things and caused chaos at shops by the GCPD. They never caught me but I knew my dad would hear about it and he would be mad but he should know me better than that and he shouldn't have gotten himself in trouble where I couldn't visit him.
 Joker's p.o.v.
  I had to spend a week in solitary. Which blowed and I am also pissed that my daughter has been causing chaos. I wanted her to stay low and not give them the chance to arrest her. But I overheard some guards talkin and not only was she causing chaos but she was doing it all by the GCPD. which made me growl every time I heard she did something and it was there. They wouldn't let me call her at all and no visits. I know that's what set her off. I was proud of her for what she was doing, but not where she was doing it.
 Since I was in solitary I didn't know if Jerome and my princess had had contact.
 They told me today I get to make a call, jet out of solitary and I am allowed to mingle with the other prisoners. And let me tell you if I see that kid and he has plans for my princess that could get her hurt, he's gonna wish that he never laid his psycho eyes on her.
As they escorted me out of my cell and down they hall and took the cuffs off of me and putting me into the basically giant cage. I looked around for the red-headed psycho. As I sat down at a table I noticed that many people recognized me and moved to the other side of the room. I sat at a table and I noticed the redhead sitting at a table on the way other side of the room he saw me and swung his legs other the bench and made his way towards me and sat down and swung his legs inward and sat in front of me.
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 “Joker- or J- what do you want to be called?” he asked excitedly.
 “It's Joker to you Psych” I growled in return.
 He crackled like a maniac “I get it short for psycho. That's a good one Mr.Joker”
 I glared and growled this time showing teeth at him. “Fine if we are gonna talk why don’t you tell me what you want with my daughter” I said aggressively.
 “Your daughter and I have only met once, trust me I'll see her soon. Plus I’ve been calling her all week.” he said smiling like he knew he shouldn’t have said the last part.
 I reached across the table and grabbed him by those annoying black and white shirts. “Listen here Psych, if you told her to cause all that chaos right by the GCPD then so help me, I will rip out your throat” I growled in his ear.
 “She chose doing all the chaos and where she caused it on her own. Me, myself, and I had no part in that, what's so ever. Plus when I asked her why she was doing it so close she said to spite you.” Jerome said the first part all serious then he decided to use hand movements.
 “Thank for confirming that” I said sarcastically.
 “No problem” he said back smiling because he knew it was sarcasm.
 “So Psych you ended up here after everything you caused” I asked deciding to get to know him a bit.
 “For the most part yeah, that and cop’s don't like me very much-” I cut him off.
 “Got it- got it- got it” I said motioning with my hand to stop.
 “So! How’d did they get you in here, hm?” he said generally curious.
 “Me and my princess were pulling off a heist and I made sure she got out of there when the police came in and a very pissed of Bat, cops shot me with tranks and the Bat brought me here.” I told him gesturing around with my hands to the room.
 “Well sucks that you got taken here, but I would have done the same thing for her” Jerome said.
 “You just met my daughter and you would if it meant saving her you would come back to, here” I said more as a statement then a question to myself.
 “Yes, I've have met her once in person I've been talking to her on the phone. Liberating.” he said.I had to smirk at that because she was.
After talking to Jerome for a while the kid started to grow on me and dare I say might start liken the kid.  I don't like the idea of her being by herself but I can't get out of here yet but. . .  maybe he can. Get y/n to break him out. Then she won’t be with just Frost she’ll have a friend. And if he likes her as much as it sounds like he does then she’ll be protected.
 “Why don’t ya say we get my princess to come down here and make a plan you break you out?” I said to him, and winked.
 “Are you serious?you just met me and a few minutes ago you were threatening me. Now you want her to get me out of here?” he said shocked.
 “You clearly have some feelings towards my princess, and I might not like it that much but she needs a friend, especially now and I can't be there but you can they are expecting me to break out any minute but you they won't. Plus my daughter will probably want to break you out sometime so why not now.” I told him. 
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(pretend hes sitting down and in arkham asylum outfit and there arent people around him)
“I'm in! let's call your daughter” he said agreeing with me. “I'm growing on you aren't I”
 “Kid, shut up before I change my mind” I wasn't about to tell him he was right.
 part 4
tag list:@insanityismysanity12345@colagirl5 @theminicupcakeofficial @thegingerthatwaited @gloriaherbs@pupl618-blog  @ ohlookitsabi @ redheadedkillerprincess @ thekathyneformer @aqswdefrgthzjukilop  
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btsxlami · 8 years
Hey guys its your favourite Namjoon promoter here again a.k.a LAMI! My last post got a lot of notes so whoop whoop and included my personal favourite 23 Namjoon tracks which you can find here
Part 2 of my underrated Namjoon series.
Here are 23 more bc damn Namjoon has a lot of fcking songs!
1. i will include tracks that Namjoon covered
2. I will include tracks that Namjoon featured in
3. I will include tracks that I personally feel the need to be well known *so no I won’t put expensive girl even tho thats my shit*
4. This list will be a bit more laid back since I covered a lot of the most important songs in the last list sooo
5. since i covered his best and most “important” tracks in the last list theres not many left but ill probably include his REALLY early like pre debut fetus tracks with his underground rapper friends, tbh I personally don’t think they are the best but you can definitely see how he grew and where he started from
6. enjoY! and reblog kekeke
8. you can always go to BTS’s official soundcloud for unofficial official tracks yeet
9. titles with stars are ones i recommend ( i should of done this for part one yikes)
1. Voices by Rap Monster ⭐
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from his first 2015 mixtape RM > Check out the full album here >>  X  *you can refer to more mixtape songs in my previous list
I feel as if this song is the closest a fan can get with Kim Namjoon. Just listening to it you feel a bit relaxed and almost a bit sad when you start listening to the first half of the song. This song reflects a person’s tender emotions and voices that run inside of someone’s head when they are confused. I remember listening to this 2 years ago and towards the end Namjoon starts screaming out all his pain and I started crying. C R Y I N G
Namjoon had a really smooth life up until he started pursuing hip hop. He was a beyond smart student and had a happy family so why the hell would he be depressed? He had his whole life ahead of him right?
But this lyrics totally breaks that facade down
 “ I didn’t have any dreams just like my lyrics, every day in that way the functions and equations that couldn’t give me an answer in the end those things became uncountable injuries “
Despite having such amazing grades Namjoon did not know what the hell he wanted to do with his life, he didnt want to go into something academic despite being good at it, he was lost in life and his academics could not make him happy but instead hurt him even more.
“ thought I could catch the mirage known as happiness but the me in front of my desk wasn’t happy even for a moment without my mom knowing, I put a sheet of white paper between the pages of my workbook “
This verse totally broke me apart. He wanted to be happy while being in school but school sure as hell did not make him happy. His parents looked up to him as some smartass freak but without them knowing he started writing his own lyrics to cope with his hardships.
“my identity that I wrote down matched to the drum and bass a different, relaxed feeling compared to when I got my report card even when I was #1 my heart couldn’t relax”
The music brought out his true inner feelings, music brought out his true personality rather than when he was almost robot like studying with no self-identity. Despite being number one in class he still felt an emptiness that only music could fill.
“even as 7 years passed... still making my mixtape by myself in one corner of my room some say I’m fake, okay, I admit it, my dark past I can justify it, but I won’t, so that kind of problem won’t happen again the pedal that I stepped on for 7 years has finally been oiled “
Namjoon has been writing music and tried to get recognition for 7 years, despite Bangtan getting fame he is still lonely writing his own mixtape in a dark corner, kind of pathetic ehh idk, in his mixtape interview his dark past was his problematic sayings and actions. He felt the need to appropriate culture in order to rap. He then figured out that music and culture had nothing to do with eachother, music is for everyone. *I’m fake*
And finally after all the hardships after 7 years he is finally started to receive praise and attention!
2. WE ARE BULLETPROOF PT.1 by: Rap Monster, Supreme Boi, and Iron ⭐
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Composed 6-7 years ago when Namjoonie was about 15 or 16 THIS SONG IS FUCKING BOP. 
2 of Bangtans were also first members are featured here: Supreme boi (yall probably familiar with him) and Iron! (i hope iron never affiliates with Bangtan ever again tho we dont need a criminal around them yikes)
3. Hook by Supreme Boi, Iron, and Namjoon (also the track used in Yoongi’s all i do is win)
Extremely old and pre debut, but old is gold
Probably one of Namjoon’s only ‘diss’ song, he usually doesnt diss others while he raps tbvh
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4. Seventeen by Rap monster
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5. SKOOL OF TEARS By: Rap Monster, Suga, and Jin ⭐
I think its absolutely amazing how Namjoon especially writes song towards youth suffering in school, it takes a lot of guts to write against a society that has been around for decades. 
“  This is a ring called a classroom This is a stadium with no referee only an audience You know there will never be a victor everyone will lose There will be no victor everyone will lose”
“ That’s right, in the end school is like another mini society A jungle made carelessly by adults They made the weaklings weak, they made the strong powerful Of course since they were strong they made the weak suffer A society built on the teachings that friends are only for pretend The morals of adults made us step on the weak to rise to the top “
Its clear to see that Namjoon has suffered in school but also isnt afraid to address the truth.
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6. Expensive girl by Rap Monster 
“Take it off now girl just take it off (I’m a master, baby with your bra)Take it off now girl just take it off (I can help you slide those panties off)(..I’m a beat that pussy like you never ever felt before)x2″
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7. Converse High (original version SUNG by Rap Monster)⭐
Yall probably heard Bangtan’s Converse High but here was the original version written by Namjoon that was rejected bc of the swearing omg damn joonie, BUT HE SINGS SO BEAUTIFUL IN THIS YESS
(funny story in seventh grade when this came out it was the last day of school and i requested my teacher to stay after school late so i could finish listening to the whole thing)
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8. Suicide by Rap Monster
Rapmon wrote this mixtape in the point of view of a baby in his mother’s tummy. The baby’s parents are high school kids who are forced to go through abortion.
*this song was deleted bc of copyright and also the source of it is unknown but hey ITS IN ENGLISH AND DAMN NAMJOON RIGHTS DEEP SHIT*
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(tf is namjoon doing u good)
9. What am I to you by Rap Monster from the 2014 Dark & wILD ⭐
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So Namjoon used to have a girlfriend who “mistreated” him. Tbvh we really don’t know what happened but on problematic men he said it wasnt anything serious it was just she would neglect him and not spend enough time but also hang out with other men.
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(gif aint mine so gif blogs dont come at me)
But clearly the lyrics of this song are very emotional but the real reason why this song is a masterpiece is because of the rise of  emotions.
It starts off slow and cute, Namjoon mentions how he loves the girl and how their love is pure and innocent, throwing cute love phrases and the song sounds so soft, hopeful, and romantic. But in the middle the music starts to get more serious and Namjoon starts to question the relationship. He feels as if the girl thinks of this relationship as more of a task and a job, and slowly as the song comes to an end NAMJOON STARTS FUCKING SCREAMING AND BELTING! ALL THE EMOTIONS BUILD UP AND HE STARTS SCREAMING “WHAT AM I TO YOU GIRL WHAT AM I TO YOU I DO LOVE YOU CRAZY UH DO YOU” LIKE IT WAS SCARY I WAS CRYING IM LIKE NAMJOON WHO TF HURT YOU
10. Always by Rap Monster ⭐
This song is more recent and farely well known but I still felt the need to put this masterpiece here. Namjoon said not to worry about him as the lyrics are really sad and almost ???SUICIDAL??? but he said he wrote this when he was stressed last year. Its kind of a self questioning song about life and your purpose. I cried when it came out. well i always cry when i listen to namjoon is it a surprise.
I'm honestly in tears because this song goes to show how hurt Namjoon still is even after all these years. Even after all these awards, fans, and accomplishments. Depression still hurts after a long time. I can tell that this song was talking about his past. This song literally made me realize Namjoon was questioning his existence and I wanna hold him so badly. Guys...we could of lost Kim Namjoon. My absolute favourite human being in the entire world who saved my life. He is a human being who does not deserve such pain but I am so proud he endured it so well and look how far he came. One of my favourite verses "I live for the sake of understanding this world, but why hasnt the world tried to understand me atleast once" Its a really vague phrase which is why I like it. WORLD could mean destiny, fate, life, even parents.  He tries so hard to accept his life, to understand his parents wishes, sacrificing his own happiness yet fate decides to only give him the worst. "Dad please listen to me" "dead dad, your dead to me," Talking about how his dad wouldn't let him rap. I remember him mentioning that his dad once told him all that education he worked hard for was for nothing and I can’t imagine how sad Namjoon felt in that moment. "I would tell god if I ever meet him, i would hold him by the collar and tell him this life is like a coffee I never ordered" A pretty sad and a bit confusing verse, maybe leading to why Namjoon eventually became an atheist. Namjoon was in so much pain he didnt want to be born. "I wished I was dead...... I wished “Someone would kill me" No Namjoon never utter such words. My joonie mini I hope you are better and hopeful now, look at how far you came, your so successful and loved, and you made your family proud. Dont ever doubt yourself and even think about death, just keep living happily and moving forward. He honestly felt lost in this point of his life and still continues to feel lost. Namjoon you have such in important role and your existence was destined. You were born for a reason. You were born to change lives. 
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11.  J-Lim ft. Rap Monster & Iron - Ashes
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Namjoon wrote this in the beginning of his rap career when he was still trying to find where he stood as a rapper. He mentions how he isnt doing this for the fame or money and he isnt the next Nas or Tupac he just wants to rap for the love of it.
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13.  Rap Monster of 방탄소년단 (BANGTAN),Supreme Boi,i11evn,Marvel.J - You can't do that
*i suggest you skip ahead to 1:30 for namjoon fire verse, shade intended*
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14.  RAP MONSTER of 방탄소년단,Suprema,Marvel.J,Kyum2 - Rollin
I also recommend you to skip ahead to 2:40 BC DAMN BOY GOES HARD
But tbvh pre debut namjoon squad (supreme boi , young jeezy, iron are hella problematic and say the n word in this and still do so im like yikes im happy nam left you) “ They pissed, now rape me" bitch whet
yeah im just here for namjoons verse bye
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imma mufukin balla on this mufuckin beat spit mufuckin rap on this mufuckin shit got mufuckin skill so im mufuckin phat its mufuckin trick and a mufuckin track i i bet you betta stop stopin da chatter im a rapper man, and i represent BPB im juss so greater than hoes
Zico was 15 and RapMon was 13 when they rapped this, Namjoon sounds like a chipmunk BUT ZICO SOUNDS LIKE JIMIN I STG!
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16. Rap Monster- Thinking Bout you
Joonie Mini Representing Biggie smalls eyyy!
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17. Glory By Rap Monster
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"I'm a dick? Yeah, when you disturb me, I grow bigger" SO FUCKING DONE
*there was lowkey lowkey controversy bc he said he tore 4 hymens BUT DETECTIVE LAMI FIXED IT*
 In the beginning Namjoon says that people looked at him pitifully because he joined BTS,  the Underground rappers were disappointed with him which led the Underground rappers to leave him, which has ripped his hymen. Not 4 hymen of random girls. 4 and "I" sound the same in Korean
it's a bit weird but in this case he is talking about himself all the hate people showed has ripped his hymen symbolizing his innocence for music.
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A really sweet and open-minded song about Namjoon wanting a “regular girl” “Height? I don’t care. Age? I don’t mind it. When you say, “I’ll only look at you” then I’m okay. Whether your skin is light or dark it doesn’t really matter, our love is deeper than that. “
I feel as if idols are pressured to have certain ideal types and say them out in the open, Namjoon had bad influences around him *underground rappers* which also influenced his negative sayings towards certain things but he wrote this song all alone at a young age which shows that his intentions are pure, and ever since he apologized for his wrong doings you go joon.
his voice sounds like sex
okay but seriously you can see that despite being young he put a lot of effort and thought into this song!
21.  RAP MONSTER of 방탄소년단 feat.김거덕 - RAP
23. Trouble by Rap Monster 🔞 🔞
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alpha-centari27 · 7 years
Fanfic: “Stuck”
:wave: I occasionally write fanfiction and sometimes I even finish my project and release it for people to read.
Fandom: Undertale
Title: “Stuck“
Characters: “Hope“ / “Hopeless“ and “Wings“ mostly.
Content / Trigger Warnings: Some swearing and mention of self harm.
Summary: This is inspired by the metal pipe discourse on hopxlcss’s blog a few months back.
Pipe discourse can be found: here, here, here, here, here and here.
Obligatory Disclaimer: Undertale is the property of Toby Fox. 
“Hope” / “Hopeless” belongs to @hopxlcss and Wings belongs to Ziz @unseenbutnotgone and @synensis  .
Notes:  Thoughts are in bold to distinguish them from dialogue and description.
Wings = Wings and because Hope does not like his fragment name I refer to him as Gaster mostly.  I think Wings calls him by his fragment name once.
If you don’t have anything nice to say or at least anything constructive don’t say anything at all.
Fanfic is hidden behind cut.
Reading Start!
How did he let this happen?  Of all the compromising and undignified predicaments to be caught up in, having one's tongue stuck to a frozen metal pipe in a place where such a thing should not exist had to be the most embarrassing experience of his entire existence--dead or alive.   "HEH..."  He breathes.  The ordeal is not over.  He is not free of his imprisonment, yet.  He chides himself on letting his thoughts turn to self pity. IT DOES NOT MATTER.  WHAT MATTERS IS GETTING UNSTUCK.  But what more is there to try?  Teleportation: failure.  De-materializing his tongue: failure.  Breaking the pole just above and below the points where his tongue is stuck would allow him to move freely, but create a new problem of having an unsupported chunk of metal stuck to his tongue.
Using his magical attacks poses the same problem with some additional risks.  His blasters were not exactly surgical instruments designed for precision cutting.   And despite his formidable size and strength, physical momentum alone does not seem to be enough to peel his tongue from the pipe.  From what his lone eye allows him to see the point at which his tongue first makes contact with the pipe is very close to his jaw.  If he had more length to work with he could generate more force.   Then a thought occurred to him.  If by some means he could warm his tongue or the surface of the metal, surely he could be freed--but how!? 
HMMM...  THERE MUST BE A SOLUTION.  WHAT HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF?  THERE HAS TO BE A WAY.  I HAVE MY MAGIC AND MY BODY TO WORK WITH--   His thought processes came to a screeching halt.  He could feel it.  He was no longer alone and there was more than one. "Oh my god!" "Is that him?" "Yeah, it's him alright.  Big.  Bad.  And ugly." "He's stuck to a metal pipe!"  Someone chuckled.  It sounded like the voices were to his right, his blind side.  Gaster muttered a curse.  Just what he needed spectators to his humiliation. 
HOW DID THEY FIND ME?  NEVER MIND.  Their presence was an unneeded distraction, drowning out his ability to think clearly. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?"  More than anything he wanted to turn his head to properly threaten them, but he could only rotate his head a few degrees before reaching a dead stop. "We're looking at you of course." "Is this a trick?  Is he really stuck?" "Do you really want to find out?  Even now he kinda scares me." "Yeah, I think so." "We could poke him with a bone from a safe distance." "Serves him right, the bastard." "ALL OF YOU CAN GO FUCK OFF!"  He roared.   "No need to be rude." "Maybe you should being nicer to us seeing as you're stuck.  We could help you, ya know.  Not that you deserve it."
"BY THE NON-EXISTENT GODS..."  Their senseless chatter and laughter was beginning to give him a headache.   "Guys maybe we should stop." "Do what you want.  I got an idea."  A flash of light.  First one, then three, then five in quick succession and they kept on coming.   "ARE YOU TAKING MY PICTURE!?"  He asked in disbelief.  Although he could not directly see the flashing what he saw out of the corner of his eye and reflecting off the metal pipe was more than enough.  A perfectly angled flash met his gaze dead on, blinding him.  "STOP!"  He closed his eye and yet he could see spots and he could still see the flashing though it was now dimmed.  He covered his eye with the crook of his elbow which dimmed the flashing more.  "HOW MANY DAMN PICTURES DO YOU NEED!?  IS THIS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!?  YOU SADISTIC FUCKS!  LEAVE!   LEAVE ME BE!"  The brightness of the flashing was started to increase again.  Were they moving closer?  THAT DOES IT.  He turns to face his tormentors, or at least as much as his situation allows him to.  His eye twitches from the flashing, but he does not turn away.  "I WILL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!"  He bellowed.  In an instant he materialized four Gaster Blasters and laid waste to the area.  A barrage of consecutive blasts shook the level plain.  He heard a collective gasp and then everything went silent.  The blasters continued to fire until he was satisfied and willed them away.  
It had been a while since circumstances transpired to make him this angry.  He needed to rest and catch his breathe.  He learned his weight against the pole, it was better than nothing. Sufficiently recovered and alone at last with his thoughts he could think uninterrupted and undisturbed. "FUCK." His teeth painfully pinched his tongue.  Now that he thought of it, it was amazing that his tongue did not profusely bleed every time he summoned it.  Maybe it did happen, but he rarely noticed it because the cuts were always clean because of the sharpness of his triangular teeth.   PINCH?  CUT?  THAT'S IT...  AS UNPLEASANT AS IT SOUNDS I COULD BITE MY TONGUE OFF.  IF I DO THIS RIGHT IT SHOULD BE QUICK.   PAINLESS?  AT FIRST THE PAIN WILL NOT BE IMMEDIATE.  IN THE SECONDS AND MINUTES FOLLOWING IT WILL PROBABLY BE EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL.  HEH...   NOTHING THAT SOME ALCOHOL CANNOT FIX.  IT'S WORTH A SHOT.  I DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER OPTIONS TO WORK WITH CURRENTLY.  ON THE COUNT OF THREE...   ONE...  TWO... "OH DEAR."  A voice called.
I THOUGHT I TOLD THEM TO GO FUCK OFF.  "WHO'S THERE?"   "OH, IT'S ONLY ME."  It was not a Sans or Papyrus who stepped into his line of sight, but another Gaster who went by the fragment name: "Wings."   "YOU LOOK A LITTLE STUCK MY FRIEND."  He said, pleasantly.   "OBVIOUSLY.  AND I AM NO--"  He stopped.  Wings was holding something most peculiar and out of place.  "WHAT IS THAT?"  He motioned with his hand pointing at the ceramic cup.  The shorter skeleton shrugged, a small smile tugging at the edges of his face.       "I THINK A WARM CUP OF TEA CAN REMEDY THE SITUATION." "TEA?" "I DO NOT MEAN FOR YOU TO DRINK THIS, BUT TO APPLY IT TO YOUR TONGUE.  I THINK THIS SHOULD DO THE TRICK, UNLESS YOU ARE STUCK HERE BY MEANS OF A CHEMICAL ADHESIVE, OR SOME OTHER METHOD--" "BY ALL MY OBSERVATIONS THE PIPE IS INDEED FROZEN." "HEHE...IT'S FUNNY I JUST HAPPENED TO BE MAKING SOME TEA WHEN--" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR EXPLANATION.  IF YOUR INTENT IS TO FREE ME THEN DO IT."   "I AM GOING TO STEP CLOSER NOW, IF THAT IS OK WITH YOU."   "AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT TOUCH ME."  Wings gave a curt nod and slowly advanced.  True to his word he did not lay a hand on him.  He merely let his fingers trail over the surface of the pipe. "THE PIPE IS DEFINITELY FROZEN.  THIS SHOULD WORK."
"ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING.  FROZEN PIPE IS VERIFIED TO BE FROZEN.  GIVE ME THAT!"  Gaster reached for the ceramic cup with the intent of ripping it away from Wings.  His hand missed the mark and the cup fell, spilling it's contents.  Wings carefully bent down to pick up the still intact cup. "HUH...  YOU STARTLED ME.  I-I AM A-AFRAID A PUDDLE OF TEA ON THE GROUND IS OF NO USE TO EITHER OF U-US."   "NO SHIT.  MY HEAD...FEELS LIKE IT IS GOING TO SPLIT OPEN."  Gaster expected Wings to say something, but when he looked around he was no where in sight.  "HE'S GONE."  He heavily sighed.  As much as he wanted to enjoy the freedom of movement again having two sources of pain to cope with was more than he felt capable of handling at the moment.  The headache that had blossomed into a migraine was making him feel light headed and like he would pass out.  He just had to grit his teeth and bare it.  It would pass sooner or later.  It may take be a while, but his pain would end and he could move forward with what needed to be done.   "HOPE?  ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"  The voice startled him, prompting Gaster to stand up straighter and glance around.  It was Wings, he had returned. "THAT IS NOT MY--WHATEVER."  He huffed.  "I'M FINE."  HE CAME BACK?  WHY?  "ANOTHER CUP OF TEA?"  Wings meekly smiled. "I AM AFRAID I LET THE WATER GET TOO HOT.  WE WILL NEED TO WAIT AND LET IT COOL.  I DO NOT EXPECT YOU WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF I BURNED YOUR TONGUE.  IF I MAY ASK HOW DID YOU--" "NO, YOU MAY NOT." "OK.  HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" "MY HEAD IS KILLING ME.  STOP TALKING, OR I WILL GO BACK TO MY OTHER PLAN AND BITE MY TONGUE OFF." "DON'T DO THAT, PLEASE.  I WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO HURT YOURSELF."
"YOU'RE RIGHT.  BECAUSE WHAT MATTERS IS THAT I AM HERE NOW."  Wings dipped a finger into the ceramic cup.  "AH, I THINK THE WATER HAS COOLED ENOUGH.  NOT TOO HOT AND NOT TOO COLD."  Taking carefully measured steps Wings moved closer to his position.  "THIS WILL ALL BE OVER IN A SECOND."  Wings lifted and tilted the cup pouring a small amount of water onto the top of Gaster's tongue.  He repeated the process two more times until the cup was emptied.  Effortlessly Gaster was able to gradually pull his tongue away from the pipe.  Having his tongue back in his mouth felt, odd, but not unexpected.  The sensation would pass and be forgotten about in time.   "ARE YOU EXPECTING ME TO SAY SOMETHING?" "WELL, A THANK YOU, WOULD BE THE POLITE THING TO SAY, BUT I AM NOT EXPECTING YOU TO SAY IT.  WE SHOULD HELP EACH OTHER BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO, NOT BECAUSE WE ARE GETTING SOMETHING IN RETURN." "HEH..." It was more than tempting to reply with a 'FUCK YOU' yet he chose not to.  Without saying a word he walked away and when he felt ready teleported to his part of the void--where he belonged.
888888888888888888888888 When Hope teleported, Wings examined the pipe more closely.  "HMMM...  WHO PUT THIS HERE?"  He muttered to himself, once again running a hand along the length of the pipe. "AND WHY DID YOU GET STUCK?  SOME SORT OF PRANK PERHAPS? MAYBE ONE OF THESE DAYS WE CAN SIT DOWN AND TALK OPENLY WITHOUT THE DEFENSIVE POSTURING.  I WONDER WHAT NESS MUST THINK OF ALL THIS?"  With that final thought Wings teleported back to his home in the void. 888888888888888888888888 The metal pipe in the void remained standing.  A curious oddity in a strange landscape. 
A long figure emerged out of the perpetual darkness.   He could not stop himself from laughing when staring at the metal pipe.  It was a clever plan and it worked.  He is kind, but he will fight back to defend himself.  "I CAN FIGHT YOU--WITHOUT ACTUALLY FIGHTING YOU.  LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU."  Through the use of his magic Kindness made the pipe disappear. 88888888888888888888888
Writer Notes:
1) Not being familiar with all version of Sans, Papyrus and Gaster I decided it would be a lot less hassle to leave the identities of Hope’s tormentors ambiguous.
2) If people don’t get the ending.  I like to think that Hope and Kindness got into some sort of argument that escalated into a physical fight and binding Hope to the pipe was Ness’s idea of a non-violent solution.  I also like to think that Ness may have been the one to anonymously tip of Wings about Hope’s plight.  But it’s also possible a guilt ridden Sans, Papyrus or Gaster told Wings about what they saw.  As to how the “miscreants“ found Hope in the first place?  Maybe that was also Kindness’s doing?
3) I probably could have put in some more descriptive details in places, but I wanted to try to keep things simple.  And unless the details are pivotal to the plot, character interaction, etc why put them in?  I think the dialogue back and forth between Wings and Hope speaks for itself.
4) I don’t really know what the rules are concerning void physics and magic.  You could argue that Hope ought to be able to unsummon his tongue--problem solved, but the fact that it is in contact with something else complicates this, or at least in my opinion.  And if Hope did bite off his tongue...  I am unsure if the damage done would be permanent, if his tongue could be healed and regenerate on it’s own or if he could outright generate a new, undamaged one.
Hope you enjoyed this for what it was!  I have a fuck ass long Wings x Void fanfic that has been sitting in my gmail account as a draft for almost a year that I would eventually like to finish.  And I have a few other shorter pieces, around the length of this one that I have started, but am having a hard time finishing.
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Welcome to the tropical island of Bali.
Kuta and Seminyak.
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Now you will have to bare with me. Whilst most places have WiFi, the quality of it varies. My tumblr app seems relatively temperamental so uploading photos and blog entries has been somewhat difficult. If have however been writing in my notes ready to publish when decent WiFi is available, so if I seem to be a bit all over the place with my tense then now you know why. So you’re clear, I’m now in Ubud having started our Bali trip in Kuta and Seminyak, so therefore they will be the focus of this blog.
Many people, like ourselves, have vicariously experienced the allure of Bali. The endless social media photos of infinity pools and perfect sunsets creates a level of expectation that anywhere would find difficult to follow. Moral of the story; never trust social media.
Arriving to find the complimentary airport transfer had failed to show up, we became fair game to the hundreds of persistent taxi hawkers which line the arrivals hall. Having purposely booked a room close to the airport we contemplated walking, I’m glad we didn’t. My little book (though outdated) suggests one person dies on Bali’s roads everyday, and it’s easy to understand why. In short, they can’t drive.
We managed to get in touch with the hotel and the owner collected us. I don’t know what we expected for the £17 (325,000Rp) we were paying for the night, but it certainly wasn’t worthy of social media. If Singapore had raised expectations, this was most definitely the lead balloon.
At best an opportunity to test out the mosquito net (the picture below is generous), we went to bed with different accommodation booked for the following night further north near Kuta Beach.
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Ok, the room itself was crap. As was the WiFi. Even for someone quite laid back (guess which one of us I’m talking about), arriving at the airport was stressful. Maybe I’ve been harsh. The hotel staff were nice, despite probably overcharging is for the 2 mile drive north to our next residence in Kuta. To be fair, given what I’ve said about the driving, he was risking his life.
The Ida Hotel, now this is much more like it. We can’t check in until 2pm, so I thought I would take the opportunity to update this. Just to give you a flavour of where I’m writing from (see below). Understandably, mood has improved significantly.
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Kuta and nearby Legian are known to be a hotbed of Australian tourism. Australia’s very own Costa del Sol. Low and behold a noisy family of Australians, fully adorned in swim t-shirts to protect their pale skin, are ruining what could be a peaceful atmosphere. The irony isn’t lost on us, that annoying shared poolside behaviour clearly preceeds their ancestors departure from British shores.
Kuta Beach is famous for its waves and people trying to sell you tat. It disappointed on neither front. Whilst surfing (attempting) is on the to do list, the hard-bargain in me didn’t see the value getting a board which are rented for the day for the few hours we spent there. Despite costing less than a fiver. Sounds stingy when I write it down. If scored on a school report, taking the constant sales pitches in to account, Kuta Beach would score ‘must improve’. Without the palm trees which line it’s perimeter, and the abundance of Asian people (obviously a given), you could have been on any budget resort in the Med. Not quite what we expected.
We leave Kuta tomorrow, heading north to Seminyak which is reportedly my type on paper (a bit more plush). In order to avoid the hawkers and (potentially) rabid dogs, we decided to stay in the hotel and frequent the hotel bar. For less than a tenner, my night was sorted. See you in Seminyak.
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P.s. I didn’t want to do these extra notes at the end of posts, but this deserves it. Look at the size of the door to our room! This was either designed for a hobbit, or a Westwood...
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If Kuta was Bali’s answer to Magaluf, then I would say Seminyak is its Marbella. Much nicer, similar vibe. Our hosts in the Seminyak Oasis were incredibly welcoming, cooking us breakfast on demand in the mornings. Generally, the locals can’t do enough for you.
It was just a short walk down from our lodgings to Seminyak beach. No less busy than Kuta, the beach was nice without being remarkable. Unsurprising given the little distance between the two. Beach hawkers here were notably less persistent though, which was a positive. The beach itself is lined with established beachfront bars and small stalls selling Bintang and coconuts. Whilst busy throughout the day, these really see their business in the early evenings when hordes (including us) flock to the beach to watch the famed sunset.
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It was on my way back to for the evening I made an investment. Anyone who knows me will know I appreciate nice watches. So having left mine at home, for fear of losing it, I invested in a fine timepiece for my trip. A Rolex no less. However, to Nicole’s embarrassment (I’m a bit of a haggling amateur) I was so focused on bringing down the price, I never tried it on. Lovely as it is, I now need to find a DIY solution to removing watch links on the road. Any suggestions, let me know.
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Rested and full of breakfast, we headed to Potato Head Beach Club for the day. Similar to an Ocean Beach Ibiza/Marbella kind of set up, with fewer six packs and pouting girls. Anticipating an expensive day, we saved on a taxi by walking the 2 miles north along the beach. Expensive it was but the beach club was fantastic. Decent cocktails, tasty burgers and an average pool to boot...
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We leave the beach, for now, as we are headed inland to Ubud; home to sprawling rice terraces, a monkey forest and a shedload of instagram opportunities. We’ve initially planned 3 nights there, however subject to plans that may change. Here’s hoping the WiFi there improves ✌🏻
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