#if you get mad at me then to the gulag with you
onlyplatonicirl · 4 months
I do NOT create content that is NSFW, Problematic, or that has "Extreme" dark themes. You will never see content depicting inc*st/n0n-c*n or even vanilla NSFW or anything like that like that from me, I am not comfortable with it! I would also ask that no body discuss/bring up anything in regards to it either! i.e., please don't bring up dreamm/re, or any other severe darkships. I do not have a "dark/nsfw alt" either on any other website, I am just uncomfortable across the board. Please respect that.
I will NOT reblog problematic content. You just straight up will never see me discuss it anywhere (unless im telling people to stop talking about it LMAO)
I will reblog artwork from other artists!! I do not police or do a deep dive of a person's blog before I reblog their artwork if I enjoy it. It is up to you as a internet user to curate and navigate your experience once you leave my blog. Someone else's blog has nothing to do with me, nor does it mean i am "promoting them" ???? Unless someone is a GENUINE homo/transphobe, racist, groomer, genuine piece of shit with proof, I will block them and delete the reblog. But I will not engage with proship/antiship discourse as it has gone way too far way too quickly.
If I interact with and am friendly with other blogs who create "problematic" (mostly just dreamm/re, because of this fandom that's kinda the biggest problem here lmao) content, then that's all I'm being - friendly. I know this is crazy, but im not "supporting" people. People are not political campaigns. Being friends with people and being friendly with them does not mean I agree with and support every decision they have ever made in their life. I am being kind to them as another human being on this planet. If you don't like them that's fine, but I find it really shitty when people try to get mad at me for things that the guy standing next to me did. Again, once you leave my blog and go to another person's blog, you are on a whole ass other person's blog.
I will not engage in label discourse, I will not engage in toxicity of any kind, and I will not engage in ANY sort of drama. Keep all that shit out of here. My blog is just for me to have fun and be silly on, do not bring weird shit here. Be NORMAL!!!!!!! WHADDA HELL!!!! ITS NOT HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways the yapfest is over. Be normal and kind. or else a shadow creature will literally eat your toenails off your toes and you will wake up and they will be FLESH STUMPS.
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cer-rata · 10 days
Fic WIP: "World War III"
Billy was halfway through taking his shirt off when his phone started ringing.
His work phone. Crap.
“Uh, Sorry, I need to take this real quick–”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be here.”
Billy offered a grateful smile before turning around and grabbing his phone. He squinted when he realized who was calling.
“Hey, Conrad, this is a really bad time–”
“Yeah, yeah it’s a really bad time actually, fucking catastrophic, that’s exactly why I’m calling you.” Billy opened his mouth to ask a number of questions, but Conrad started up again. “Hey, sorry, that sounded flippant, I am actually concerned about what you’re currently dealing with. What uh…what’re you dealing with?” There was a bit of an echo as he spoke.
“Um.” Billy sputtered. “N-nothing, just uh, just kind of occupied–”
“Conrad!” Billy was sure his face was going to shoot off of his skull from the sudden blood pressure.
“Sorry, I’m just excited for you, I thought I was going to have to set you up or deal with it myself–”
“--so I’m glad you have some game. I am about to ruin it though. Sorry. I bet I can fix it, or again I can just–”
“Conrad, focus! What's going on? What’s so urgent, why's there an echo–”
“Oh that’s just the acoustics in Black Adam’s gulag.”
“Okay, please don’t be mad at me–”
“Conrad, why are you in Kahndaq?!”
“I was trying to do my job! I got an alert that a really powerful and important love was in danger of breaking, and I was like ‘yeah, send me there right now!" And then I was in their throne room.”
Billy resisted the urge to scream. “You blindly teleported into a dangerous situation without thinking? Again?”
Billy could hear the pout in his voice. “Duuuude, c’mon, don’t bully me, I’ll cu–”
“I’m going to let Teth execute you.”
“Oh, I’m not trapped. This is a regular jail. No, I'm more concerned about the fight Adam and Isis started having after he spiked me like a football. He did NOT like my relationship advice. Isis did. Anyway, It sounded like they were about to start World War III or something, and like…”
“...If they split up, who rules Kahndaq…”
“...And what happens when they’re not keeping each other tethered? Yeah Adam is kind of a–well he spiked me like a football cause I said he needed to listen more–but also I think Isis is stronger than him in some ways, and I mean…what WOULD she do if she wasn’t in Kahndaq? Plus Osiris would probably go with her too from what I gleaned about their connection–”
“Amon is there?”
“Yeah, I think he’s coming down to see me, that’s what the proximity scan says. Gosh, he seems dangerous. But he’s also sort of dreamy? Like he’s a real cutie and he’s got that haunted look that I apparently gravitate towards–”
Billy groaned and shook his head. “I’ll be right there, do not flirt with Amon–PLEASE do not flirt with–”
“Skkchchh–I can’t hear you, I think–schkkkksss–his scary magic lighting powers are interfering sksssshhhh. Well, see you when you get here!”
Billy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, before turning back around and offering a sheepish smile.
“Um…sorry….can we…reschedule…?’‘
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g0ose-bumps · 11 months
2009! Ghoap (2/?)
2009! OG codmw2 Ghostsoap. An argument between Captain and Lieutenant. Mostly a chat drabble after The Gulag mission.
"I don't believe this is the best option, sir." Simon hisses, his eyes glaring through his shades. 
Mactavish grits his teeth. "I didn't ask for your opinion, Lieutenant." His captain is a hulking mass of fury, shaking to be let free. All of his carefully vaunted control, straining to contain himself.
"But you're getting it anyway. Captain." He sneers. 
Simon can't let John do this. Letting Price be their commander on the task force is a mistake. One that would cost them their men's lives let alone their own. 
"That man is a bloody lunatic. He's been imprisoned for five years and you just think—"
Mactavish roars. "That's enough!" I won't have any grounds for insubordination in this task force. Price will be the commander for 141 and that's that." 
"Are we clear lieutenant?" 
He isn't clear at all. Simon badly wants to punch something. Shout all the frustration and worries trapped in his maw and then go and find Price and maul him to death. He wants to grab ahold of John and shake him till all the desperate worship falls out of him. 
"Are we clear?" Mactavish's voice going deceptively quiet. It's a warning and a promise wrapped in one. 
Simon capitulates. "Yes sir."
MacTavish pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, suddenly deflating. All the fury that had enlivened the man leaving as suddenly as it came and only a tired man stands in its wake. "Look Simon, you don't know the man like I do." John pleads. Fatigue lines the creases of his face.
Simon grinds his teeth together, molars clacking noisily against each other. His hands tear off his shades and balaclava in one go, leaving them on John's desk. He's not above a little emotional manipulation to get his way. And his bare face was often an effective tactic. 
"I don't need to know the man to see what's in front of my eyes John." Eyes now free of the perpetual darkness and focused on the weary man in front of him. 
Simon usually kept his mask on when on the job. It was a way of separating who they were privately, a rarity that underlined the severity of this moment. They had both tacitly agreed to keep it as professional as they could. This was anything but professional.
Hands grip the edge of John's desk tightly. "He's a half mad dog that would gnaw his own leg to escape imprisonment. Whatever he used to be, he's not the same captain you remember." 
"I know he saved your life, but you don't owe him anything. Not your gun and definitely not your life." He begs. "Please. Don't do this." 
John freezes. Stricken at the sound of Simon's pleas to change his mind.
There's a sharp inhale. 
Simon hopes. 
John shakes his head, looking away. "You don't understand." 
"Then make me understand. Why put him in charge when he's only seen the inside of a cell for as long as you've been captain?" John flinches. At that remark, his captain shrinks further into himself.
"He was always supposed to be the one in charge of 141. I was only a placeholder for the real deal. A cheap imitation." 
"John..." He trails off. 
"After they told me he died, I wondered why it wasn't me instead. Why I was the one left alive and him, my superior in every way, dead." 
"I drove myself crazy with thoughts of how it could've been if we just did things differently. Made up elaborate plans for everything."
John still isn't looking at him, grief heavy on the man's tongue. He's a big man brought low. Despite his bulk, he looks as if one small touch would smash him to pieces all over the floor.
"I felt like I failed them all."
"But now I finally have this chance to make it right." 
John finally looks at him.
The eyes of a man unfamiliar to him stare back at him. "Price was always meant to lead us. You'll see."
Now it's Simon's turn to freeze. He can see the delicate fracture lines widening. More cracks appearing when once, they could not be seen.
John preaches like a man who has seen Christ arisen. Blind faith lining every word. "With him here, we finally have a chance at finding Makarov and ending this once and for all." 
"You told me once you'd follow me anywhere. Would you still?"
Simon swallows. It feels like one false word will shatter something irreparably. Like he's at a crossroad between two paths. Both of them leading to lands unknown and terrible. 
There's a horrible silence. The two of them poised on some unknowable precipice. 
"Always." He whispers hoarsely. 
Simon prays that he's made the right choice.
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f0point5 · 1 year
I couldn't describe the Mercedes lineup better than you did, GR really isn't the type that stays around all quiet like Bottas used to, me and y/n are here for the drama
I really feel for George. He’s not my favourite driver, but I think it’s clear the Mercedes he signed for is not the Mercedes he arrived to.
He signed up to a well oiled machine with a dominant car, to take over from a legend and write his own ticket. Then ‘21 happens (I still think LH would have retired if he’d won the 8th but even if he hadn’t he would have been out after ‘22 for sure), and George is like “okay I’ll hang on, I’m doing better than him in this crap car anyway this is going to force him out and when they get the concept right again, it’s my time”. And then Lewis signs another two years. So now George is forced to go up against Lewis to be the team number 1 rather than the smooth transition he was sold. And he’s driving like a man possessed, because he can’t afford to spend another two years being Hamilton’s back up, especially if Merc pull a championship contender out of the bag.
Yes, he’s got time because he’s young but every season that goes by he runs the risk that once Lewis retires, Leclerc breaks free of the Ferrari gulag, Norris does a madness, or some kid like Kimi Antonelli arrives like Verstappen before George has had time fully bed in as Number One.
I can see why he’d be anxious to assert dominance. But he’s doing it in a team made famous by his teammate…how does he think this going to go for him?
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beefrobeefcal · 11 months
BB, you know who I am, but submitting as anon for my own privacy.
Prior to coming across your Catfish & Mouse, I thought I was incapable of having an orgasm. I'm a woman in my 30s and had assumed that kind of physical pleasure was off the table for me.
So if "fucked up fantasies" are what it takes to get me going, I will go to the gulag in their defense. The content you write litchurally hurts no one. There is no abuse, there is vocal and repeated consent, and there is fluffy sticky sweet love in abundance. What is so fucked up about that?
If my kink is not your kink, that's totally okay! But please don't do a drive-by call out on writers who produce content that you don't seek out.
All that free time could be used so much more productively...like getting off. It's how I use mine...
Love you, BB 💜🥩
To Nonnie, Love Beefro
I feel this deep in my bones. This sat in my drafts most of the day, but I think it's important that I have one final word on it. Tomorrow is a new day and we can move on from this as a community.
Nonnie, thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad that you found what made you 🍾🎆🧨🚀💣 and I'm proud of you!!!! You're a gem and I'm so fucking grateful that you're here and we can all call you Friendo. 💜💜💜
Before I throw my gloves off, I want to thank each and everyone of you for flying in and dropping the love in the THOT TANK, comments, posts and DM's. I am truly a blessed and lucky individual to be held in the care of this group and I'm genuinely moved by how kind each of you are. Thank you. This humble beef is grateful.
Mad Beefro is under the cut and you're not required to read if you're here for funzies and don't want to get deep. Take care and be gentle to yourselves; know that you're loved and appreciated here at the Bistro - you have a seat at the table.
Mmmbop-ba-do-ba-dop-ba-doo-bop regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Now, it's one thing to spew hate at me - I wrote it, I can handle the nasties. Go ahead. Tell me I'm a fucking whack-job or I'm fucked up. I'll take it and make my peace. But knowing how deep that Blocked-Nonnie's ask cut the Friendos - my Friendos - makes me feel an intolerable rage.
I whole heartedly agree that instead of hate, the five knuckle shuffle is a far better use of time. I encourage anyone looking for a fight to take a breather and make yourself cum before dropping any kind of negativity here. Basically, go fuck yourself.
This is the one and final warning to anyone who wants to breach this blog with that hateful bullshit - fuck you and the horse you came into town on. You don't get to hurt my people. Any further bullshit like that will just be blocked on site and not brought to the surface to breathe. I'll let your hate suffocate and drown like it fucking deserves.
I hope you have the day you fucking deserve. 🥩
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Hi! Uuuh I've been reading your stories for a while now and I was wondering if I could request a platonic TF2 mercenaries with a Gopnik S/O? A gopnik is basically a young and spunky Russian hoodlum, they're like scout except russian so they're annoying in some ways but still kind and quirky, if the mercs are tired or annoyed S/O usually brings something of a "Peace Offering" or well something small like a cool rock or maybe a bag of food just so the mercs don't get mad at them, S/O is chill out of battle and become friends with the mercenaries up until the mercs ask about their family lofe which suddenly S/O turns cold nd very hostile, they'll snap at the mercs until the topic is changed, its as if the very mention of fmily triggers them
One day after a long while of knowing the mercs or when S/O is drunk they spill their childhood, they had to live through poverty with their family in russia with their parents and baby sister but one day when trying to escape the country they are sent to a gulag, spending a couple of years there until they're 13 when their father gets killed during a revolt S/O, their mum and baby sister escape to the U.S, but both their mother and sister end up dying during the trip so S/O is the only one to make it to the states, their story his the mercenaries in the feels but it hits Heavy the hardest, seeing this spunky, funny and tough Gopnik cry while telling their story
You can ignore this if its to angsty I just got this idea a few minutes ago so I was wondering if you could do it
This was a little hard to write but enjoyable!
Mercs x Gopnik! Reader
A/n: Sorry if it seems I'm stereotyping, I'm not. I did a little bit of research on the internet. If there's anything incorrect, please let me know so I can correct it! WARNING: A bit angsty
Scout found you wrestling with someone in an alley. He stopped to watch. You beat them down and took back the bread you had stolen. Scout stopped you. You cursed at him in Russian, kicked both his shins and ran away. The following day, Scout was waiting for you in the alley. You were careful to approach him. You didn’t know who he was and you didn’t trust him either. What if he was here to steal something from you or worse? You were ready to snatch his wallet away from him and run for the hills when all of a sudden, Scout pulled out some money.
“Go buy you some lunch,” he said. He stuffed the dollar bills in your hand and left. After that, you kept coming back. On some days, Scout wouldn’t be there. You thought you did something wrong, like insulting his hair or something. Probably you joke around too much about him being fatherless and he got hurt, emotionally. You didn’t like talking much about family since yours was gone. On your way to the base, you found a sparkling rock and took it. You found out he was merc long ago, but you didn’t mind. Scout was surprised you managed to find him. He rambled about your arrival, a bit annoyed about this. To shut him up about coming onto a dangerous battlefield, you gave him the rock. The plan actually worked and he shut up.
Since Scout agreed to create an allowance for you, you spent the money on paying bills and booze. He’d come over to check on you. You were rambling in Russian about something. Scout chuckled. “Enough booze for you,” he said. You smacked his hand away.
“Nyet,” you answered. “I need more.” You gulped down the last drops and wiped your mouth. “Scout, have I ever told you about how my father used liquor to clean our wounds since we couldn’t afford medical alcohol?” Now this was strange. You never, and Scout knew you never, talked about your family. During your time living in Russia, you had a baby sister, mother and father. You were poor and couldn’t afford much. Your father was part of a revolution that failed. You and your family ended up getting thrown into a gulag. Scout held your hand as you started to cry.
“We don’t have to continue, you know,” he said. You shook your head. You had to finish the story. When you were thirteen years old, your father got killed in another revolt. You managed to escape with your mother and sister. Your destination was the US, but they never made it. As a punk, you sure cried hard. Scout hugged you all night until you calmed down. He never left your side.
Soldier was minding his business when he heard you arguing with the baker. He was just here to pick up some bread. Soldier was not about to walk into a fight. He would join in it if it got physical, but he wouldn’t walk in on it. You slammed the entrance door and gave the baker an unkind word in Russian. Soldier didn’t think much about what just happened, but he noticed your hand reach for his back pocket. He felt a small tug and you ran off with his wallet. Soldier was furious. Engineer tried to calm him down but he was so bent on revenge, he managed to find you. His intentions changed when he saw the conditions you were living in. To help out with the rent, Soldier moved in. It took some persuasion, but you let it happen.As revenge though, you annoyed Soldier as much as you could.
“Ugh, who covered the toilet seat in mayo?!?” Soldier exclaimed. He came out of the bathroom.
“Eto byl ne ya (It wasn’t me),” you replied. Soldier fumed with anger and marched into his room, slamming the door. You did cover the toilet in mayo. You knocked on Soldier’s door after five hours of waiting for him to come out.
“Go away!” he yelled.
“I brought bread and a bucket,” you answered. It was a peace offering to make up for the mayo. The door opened. Soldier’s hand reached out for the bread and bucket, which you gave him. He calmed down. Yes, you were annoying, but you were also caring. Even if you got drunk a lot. He took care of you. Especially when you got emotional. You never liked talking about your family. Today was different. You started bawling and filling the room with tears.
“Hey, what’s wrong, cupcake?” he asked.
“I just miss my sem'ya (family) so much,” you cried. You dove into your story. Your family couldn’t afford anything. You lived in the dumps, but got by. There was hope you were going to make it to a new life. You helped save up to leave but you and your family got thrown into a gulag. It was hard. You used to be happy and cheerful once, but the gulag changed you. Your father joined some men who were planning to escape. During the revolt, he died, but you escaped with your mother and sister. They didn’t make it far though. Halfway during the trip, they succumbed to their sicknesses. You had to make it to the US alone. “And that’s why I don’t open up,” you said through tears. Soldier patted your back.
“Don’t worry my little comrade, I won’t let anyone take you away,” he said, hugging you.
You were trying to outrun some gangsters that were chasing you. You owed them some money you never paid back. You jumped over the fence that surrounded the base and landed on Pyro. You begged him desperately not to be burned. He scared away the gangsters and offered you a place to stay in case they came back. It was an offer you wished you could’ve denied but was forced to take. Pyro was very gentle and caring with you. You tried to scare him off with your annoying self but it didn’t work. Trying to scare him off with some cool tricks, like blowing fire out of your mouth using a match and vodka, didn’t scare him off. Pyro was amazed by that trick.
“B'yus' ob zaklad, ya drakon v drugoy zhizni (I bet I’m a dragon in another life),” you said. Pyro nodded his head. “Vhat do you think, podzhigatel (firebug)?” Pyro was a fun fella to talk to. He took interest in everything you said or brought him, like a geode you found lying around on the battlefield. He enjoyed it when you brought him flammable things. One thing he would constantly ask was about your family. You told him to shut up about it. You were mean about it. Pyro knew you were holding something back. You found you passed out on the couch, a bottle of scrumpy in hand.
“Mmph (Y/n drinks)?” Pyro took the bottle out of your hand. You mumbled something, turning to the other side.
“Pochemu ty dolzhen byl uyti (Why did you have to go)?” you asked. “Mama? Papa?” Now this was interesting. Was this the secret you refused to tell Pyro? He sat down next to you. You told your whole story as you slept. Your father used to be wealthy until he lost it all. He struggled to make ends meet. You tried your best to keep everything moving on. You were thrown into a gulag for crimes against the government. Your family soon followed. For years you suffered there, blaming yourself for everything. Your father didn’t like how you beat yourself up about that and led an unsuccessful revolt. He granted you, your mother and baby sister’s escape. You made it to the Americas. Not your first choice, but it was good. Until they got sick. It was hard to take care of your mother and sister. You turned to the mafia for money and help. You tried to get medical attention for them, but it didn’t work out. Your mother and sister died. And you owed money. If it wasn’t for Pyro, you would’ve been killed.
“Mmmph mmph,” he mumbled. Pyro stood up from the couch and gave you a kiss on your forehead. When you woke up, you found the same geode Pyro had given you on the coffee table with a note that read, “Stay strong.”
You both met at the bar. Demoman was just walking in when you kicked some drunk to the otherside of the room. You had started a bar fight and got away. Demo followed you through the back door. It was just a distraction to get free booze without getting caught. To keep Demo silent, you gave him half your earnings. You hoped to never see Demoman again after that, but he kept coming back. It got annoying. He would always ask for an equal share. You were selfish, you didn’t want to share. At first, you stood up on a crate and raised some bottles over your head. Demo, half drunk, couldn’t reach for the bottles. But you’d always give him his share and run away.
“Bye, you one-eyed korol’ (king)!” you would always yell. Heavy taught Demo the meaning behind his nickname. He’d always wonder why’d you call him king.
“Privet (hello).” You and Demoman quickly became friends over the course of two months. He’d ramble about his mom back in Scotland, which angered you. You always asked him to shut up about his family. One night at the bar, Demo had to carry you home. You had him come over once or twice in the past and this happened several times. He knew what to do. “Mama…” you groaned. This was strange. You never mentioned or called out for your parents. People eyed Demo. You were crying now. He didn’t want to seem suspicious, so he made the trip back home quick.
“Wake up Y/n,” he said. Your eyes fluttered open. They were red from crying. “What’s wrong?” Demo asked.
“It’s uh, nothing,” you replied.
“C’mon lad, you can tell me.” You sighed.
“They uh, they’ve been dead for a long time.” You told Demo what happened. Your parents used to be rich until they lost it all. You used to be a weak child who got sick all the time. It got worse when you and your family were thrown into a gulag. It was hard there. You were constantly sick. Your father knew you wouldn’t survive. He, alongside your mother, managed to pull an elaborate plan and escaped. You were thirteen when you and thousands escaped. Your mother and father were shot by guards and never made it out. It was just you and your little sister. This time, you weren’t the one sick. She was struck with terrible sickness. She could’ve made it to America, but she didn’t. She passed away before you arrived at New Mexico’s border. Now you were here being comforted by Demoman. He was a good friend.
Heavy knew immediately what your situation was. You were caught sneaking around on the base’s premises. You were a good fighter. You struggled your way out before Heavy came in and gave you a big squeeze that finally defeated you. He was a good hugger. Heavy promised to look after you and make sure you didn’t get into more trouble. You tried to escape several times with no hope. You even touched Sasha! This got annoying quickly. Heavy was stressed out more than usual. You felt bad. This man was working hard to make sure you had a somewhat perfect life. You decided to make it up to Heavy.
“Vot, ya poluchil eto dlya vas (Here, I got this for you),” you said, holding out your hand. In your hand was a small package. Heavy took the gift from your hand. Inside the package was a small glowing orb. You stole it from Merasmus and got away safely. The orb could grant anyone protection.
“Spasbio (thank you), Y/n,” Heavy replied. You smirked.
“I hate spheres,” you said. “Vhy do they even exist? There’s no point.” Heavy laughed at your joke. You were funny when you weren’t annoying Heavy. You were actually good at repairing weapons. You were now allowed to touch any of Heavy’s guns to fix them.
There were times when Heavy would write to his family. You would get very hostile, sometimes you were just angry. Heavy had a hunch you had some reason behind your drop-of-a-hat anger. One day, Heavy caught you crying. It was just after he finished sending mail to his family. He sat down on the bed next to you and patted your back. He noticed a photo in your hand.
“Mozhete li vy skazat' mne, chto sluchilos' (Can you tell me what’s wrong)?” he asked.
“No, I don’t want to tell you,” you replied. Heavy sighed.
“Let me guess, was it a gulag that took them?” he asked. You looked away. “Y/n, Otvet' mne (answer me).”
“It vas,” you answered quietly. Your father was a thief. It wasn’t his fault though. He needed to steal to provide for his family. He was trying to escape the country, but got caught and as punishment, you and your family were thrown into a gulag. You worked many nights and days. You were only a child. Your sister was born there without knowing what the real world was like. Your father blamed himself for your misfortunes. Several men in the gulag planned a revolt. He was killed in the battle. You escaped with your mother and sister. You were only thirteen and you were fourteen when your remaining family died. You had to make it to America alone.
Heavy was crying when you finished your story. He knew what it was like to lose someone. He knew what it was like to suffer there. Heavy hugged you. He would never allow someone to hurt you again.
Engineer wasn’t expecting to get his wallet stolen while shopping at the hardware store. You had gone in, seeing Engy had a wad of money stuck in his pocket. He wasn’t paying attention. You kept your distance and pretended to look at stuff. Engineer didn’t notice you in time when you stole his wallet. A punk like you wouldn’t get away with it. Engineer spent days trying to find you. He found you arguing with a group of people. You flipped them off and cursed in Russian. You were injured from a fight you previously had before arguing with the gang.
“Hey partner,” Engineer said. You stopped in your tracks, rolling your eyes.
“Vhat do you want?” you asked, turning around. “U menya net vremeni, tak chto sdelay eto bystro (I don’t have time so make it quick).”
“Can Ah get my money back?” he asked. You laughed, wiping a tear. 
“Oh, leetle man, I already used it,” you answered. “But, if you want, I can get it back for you.” And indeed you did. After two weeks, you got Engineer back his money. You had made a profit shining shoes and snatching loose change off your customers. Engineer was quite surprised. He thought you were just going to run off and never return. “Schastliv, inzhener (Happy, engineer)?” You began to bring Engineer things. You’d sneak onto the battlefield to give him screws he could use or paintings you put on his sentries.
“So, do you have any family?” This was a question that made you punch a dispenser hard.
“Don’t ask that again,” you growled. Engineer was taken aback. You were usually chill and goofy, not hostile. He was curious though. Why did the mention of family anger you? He kept asking and asking and asking, until one day you finally snapped. “Otlichno! Ty khochesh' znat'? Nu, ugadayte chto! Moya sem'ya mertva (Fine! You want to know? Well, guess what! My family is dead)!”  you yelled. Tears streamed down your cheeks. Engineer had poked the beehive. The Texan gave you a hug as you cried into his shoulder. You wailed about how you lived your entire life poor. Your parents worked hard to escape. Patrol guards caught you leaving and threw you into a gulag. Your parents tried to break you out but they got thrown into the gulag as well. You worked hard, devising a plan to escape, but never actually put it in motion. Your father found the plans and put it into motion. He escaped with you, but died due to his wounds. Your mother made sure you and your sister were on the boat out of there. You kept in touch with her, but your mother soon passed away from sickness. You and your sister lived in New Mexico for a while. There was a shooting though and your sister was killed. You were alone, until you met Engineer. He patted your back and dried your tears.
“There, there, honeybee,” he said in a calming voice. “Ain’t no one gonna hurt ya anymore.”
“Otpusti menya, sumasshedshiy doktor (Let me go, you insane doctor)!” Medic carried your screaming self over his shoulder. He had caught you stealing medicine from his cabinet and selling it on the streets as drugs. He was very angry. You never thought you would get caught, but now the entire team watched as you kicked your arms and legs while being carried to the medbay. Medic decided to take you on as an apprentice so you could make up for how much medicine you stole. You didn’t like it one bit. You were dragged along to battles. 
“Watch and learn,” Medic would always say. While he went off to harvest organs, you went off to search for cool stuff. You “found” some delicious baked goods and brought it back to Medic as a snack. He appreciated this. Unfortunately, you got caught stealing the food and you were almost thrown in jail. You cracked your knuckles, rolled up your sleeves, and learned how to bake. Medic enjoyed eating your treats.
“Baking is a whisky business,” you said with a smile. You always cracked jokes about your baking (or Medic’s medical license) that had him laughing loudly all the time. All boozed up, you were funnier. But even boozed up, you told secrets you never wanted to tell anyone. Medic would never mention the word “family.” The first time he said it, you freaked out. He dared to never mention or ask about your family ever again, until one particular night. Medic was returning late from a last minute mission. You were drinking a little too much that night.
“Guten abend (Good evening), Y/n,” he said, closing the medbay door. He had finished telling Scout good night.
“Znayete, vy kak odna bol'shaya sem'ya (You know, you are like one big family),” you slurred. “You’re lucky.”
“Vhat do jou mean?” Tears started welling up in your eyes.
“I-I used to have family too,” you said. You were crying out an ocean now. Medic rushed over and started patting your back.
“Calm down Y/n,” he said. “Vhat happened?” You explained you used to live in a gulag. Your mother had to take care of your sickly father. He wasn’t working and your mother couldn’t get a job. The family couldn’t pay off debts and so you were forced to work in a gulag. You were thirteen when your father and mother worked together to bust the family out. Your father was the distraction while your mother took you and your sister out of the country. Your father was killed in the action. Your mother was wounded, so was your sister. They never left the country. You were on your own. Medic handed you a tissue. “Don’t cry,” he whispered softly. He wiped your tears. “Jou have me now, I won’t let anything happen to Jou, I swear.”
Sniper went into town to get some takeout for the team. They were getting ravenous for food. You were lying in an alley, wounded. You had previously fought a gang that owed you money. You lost the fight, but at least you got your money back. Sniper was walking back when he noticed you on the ground. Your stomach was rumbling loudly, that’s the first thing he noticed. You were wiggling your limp body to the trash can, hoping you could lift yourself up from there. Sniper approached you. You looked up at the hunter and frowned.
“Chto vam nuzhno (what do you need)?” you asked.
“Need help?” Sniper asked. You shook your head. Your stomach roared again. “Seems you’re hungry, mate.” You noticed the food in his hand.
“Give me a fry, will you?” you asked. Sniper grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to your feet. You ate everyone’s food on the way back to the base. From there, Medic tended to your wounds. Sniper returned you back home. He never thought you’d find out where he worked and visit him. He was scouting the area with his scope when he found you roaming around, a lunch box in hand. He waved you up to his nest. You apparently brought Sniper homemade food to make up for the dinner he gave you. You came every afternoon with food. Sometimes it was takeout or leftovers from the previous meals. In your lunch box were words scratched into it. It read “Priyatnogo obeda. Lyubite mamu i papu (Have a delightful lunch. Love mama and papa).” Sniper asked you about the writing. You got angry and threw the lunch box at the wall. It was damaged a bit. Sniper had it repaired for you.
“Hey, mate, it’s me,” he said. It took two weeks to get it fixed and now he was returning it to you. You opened the door and hunched against the doorway.
“Vhat?” you asked. You looked at the lunch box in Sniper’s hand. “Come in.” There were bottles of beer littered everywhere. You were drunk. “Oh hey, you have Mama and Papa.” You took the lunch box out of Sniper’s hand. You started sniffing. “I haven’t seen them in forever…” You started to cry. “It’s been so long,” you sobbed. Sniper awkwardly hugged you.
“Do you need to talk?” he asked. He didn’t know how to deal with these kinds of situations. You started wailing about your life. It didn’t seem like it, but you grew up poor as a child. You were happy, with your family. Life seemed perfect. But then you and your family were placed in a gulag. You had to work to pay off your debts. You tried to make the best of it. There was a revolt planned by other workers. Your father didn’t want anything to do with it. You used the attack to your advantage. Your father made sure your mother, sister, and you escaped. That was the last time you saw him. Your mother carried you and your sister to freedom. She didn’t make the trip. Your sister died just as you arrived in America. You never wanted to go back. Sniper sighed. “We don’t need to talk about this if you want,” he said. You wiped a tear. A heavy burden was lifted off your shoulders.
“Na samom dele, ya by khotel, chtoby vy pozvolili mne pogovorit' o nikh. Ya budu chuvstvovat' sebya luchshe (Actually, I'd like it if you let me talk about them. I'll feel better about it),” you replied. Sniper smiled and nodded.
He was not going to deal with another punk. Scout was hard enough to deal with. You were yelling at Spy and cursing in Russian. He had bumped into you and didn’t say sorry. It was annoying. He just walked away. Unfortunately, he found you again wrestling with some other punk. Spy decided to ignore this. You were losing the battle though. You were yelling for help. Spy sighed and turned around. He stabbed the other punk and dragged him into an alley. 
“Pft, I didn’t need your help,” you said, standing up.
“Whatever,” he replied, walking away. After that, Spy made it his duty to watch over you. You knew he was there. You constantly yelled at him to leave you alone. He wouldn’t leave. Eventually, you started bringing Spy stuff you found on the streets. You found simple things, like marbles, old shoe laces, loose change (that you probably stole, Spy assumed), free gift cards (again, that you probably stole), and free, abandoned furniture! You brought it in and built forts with it. Spy proved to be an expert builder at forts. You two were like father and child. It brought back memories (and regrets). But you started to shut out Spy. He wondered why.
He found you drunk, roaming around the streets after returning home from work. This wasn’t a shocker to him. You were usually drunk. Drunker than Demoman. It worried the Spy sometimes. He didn’t mind carrying you home. “Come Y/n, you need to be home,” he said. You snatched your hand away from Spy’s grip.
“Nyet (no),” you slurred. You pointed a shaky finger at him. “You’re not my father and you never will be. My father is (Father’s name)!” you exclaimed. You started to cry. “On umer! On umer, spasaya menya (He’s dead! He died saving me).” Your father used to be a wealthy man, but he gave it all up for your mother. Your family wasn’t rich and that was okay. You didn’t see why the men dragged you away to that cold desolate place they called a gulag. Why did you have to work? Why did you have to suffer? Your father was working a small job so why did this happen? You were thirteen when you escaped with your mother and sister. You didn’t know what your father had planned out. All you remember was running away. But your sister and mother didn’t make it far before they got shot down. You were told to keep running. You never looked back. You knew you would never see your family again. Spy understood why you were ignoring him. You didn’t want to get hurt again. And he was going to make sure you weren’t going to get hurt ever again.
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callofdutylorist · 1 year
Potential Deaths In MWIII (2023)
Okay- Okay- As much as I will be shooketh, dramatic, and hysterically crying if Price dies, I won't actually be that mad.
If the equivalents of Ghost, Soap, and Gaz (Roach & Yuri too) all die in the original series...
Then someone else would have to die to maintain the stakes and reputation of Call of Duty storytelling
What character is worth that many characters? Price!
(A Black Ops style fakeout death is also very possible, potentially leading to Reboot Price also getting imprisoned in a gulag and becoming prisoner 627)
As much as I will bawl my eyes out over any of these characters dying, I might actually get mad if no one important dies anytime soon
In the past few games we haven't had a lot drop. It ruins a lot of the tension for the storyline to me, especially in compared to the previous games.
I guess you can say they're trading the lives of several characters for the Price of one.
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mike-haters-dni · 1 year
okay yes hop has probably atoned for his sins by now and his monologue at rock bottom was really good but it still pisses me off sometimes idkk. im just waiting for the payoff of seeing him actually DO better this time😭
and exactly! the angst in s2 is like- messy- but that’s good television! it gave us a top 5 millie preformance how can i even be mad
men in stranger things are weird sometimes cuz you have to overlook their CRIMES, (i’ll be like “omg jancy!” then i REMEMBER…) it’s weird when a character is randomly at their worst for a scene or a season just to meet the story’s requirements
jopper can scream at each other all sam and diane for nostalgia in s3 but when you look at it in a larger context it’s kinda dicey. like how weird of hop to doubt her when he already knows to trust her instincts.
and also it’s just like- nobody drags him enough for me! he’s so loved- male characters can do ANYTHING kinda- so i have to get him. out of principle. and i see that hopper (and like david harbour) is too important to kill off in the show and that him and el’s relationship isn’t all lows, not even in s2. i think i’m just bitter that 1. st tiktok treats el like she was SO unreasonable in that scene>:( (i need to stop going there it makes me want to rant on tumblr) and 2. how much time was devoted to bringing him back last season like my cali boys were so neglected. :( (after 2 failed prison escape attempts i was like (why i am still looking at this insanely bruised man) so-
but yeah i need to stop typing now cause i have a million thoughts in my head about hopper and the way that he is. and the way the show treats him. (how funny is it that even the viewers can have a complicated relationship with him. maybe i’m not giving the writers enough credit in that regard)
: )
-No like, I agree 100%. We forgive but we never forget
-I have a hard time even being really mad at Jonathan for the Incident cuz like, that was such a weird ooc moment that was clearly just so the plot would happen. Like he got possessed by the spirit of the writers to do that shit. And like I can't even be mad at the writers either because like, the plot they were servicing is really fucking good? I might be the only person in the world who thinks this but I think this show is phenomenally written esp from a plot structure perspective. Near perfectly even. Like this show single-handedly instilled a sense of how to do super satisfying setup and payoff, and how to have every scene push multiple things forward, and how everything seen on screen needs to be relevant to as much as possible. Its so tightly written that its like...yeah Jonathan had to do that shit. It allowed like 3 perfectly intersecting plotlines to play out. There was no other option. And like there probably was and maybe I'm coping or whatever but like...idk it's perfect to me :) But still we forgive but we never forget. And we only forgive after they display a marked change in behavior. And we still never forget <3 (side note: remember when El dumped him and Mike ((and Lucas)) went full andrew tate for a second? That's the one thing he's ((they've)) actually ever done wrong lmaooo ((tbf they were also 13 so like)))
-Who tf is saying she was being unreasonable??? child???? traumatized??? isolated in a tiny cabin for a year?????? With Hopper?????? A cop????????? HellO?????????? Bro ppl HATE her bro this needs to stop
-I think the biggest problem with the Russia plotline is just that it's not fun? Watching Hopper get tortured in a labor camp is not fun? I came here for 80s vibes, friendship and supernatural shit and it only delivers that whenever Joyce and Murray are onscreen (who are really fantastic together tho) and once the monster finally shows up way too late into the proceedings. There should have been inklings of monster throughout to add some intrigue and let us know that this was all going to have a point that tied into the plot of Stranger Things the 80s Monster Show. But alas.
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infamous-raven-x · 2 years
Mechtanium surge S4 part 2 watching it so far...
This is just for humor but I do state things that really got me mad or just questions on does...
I started to watch the S4 of Bakugan just because I was searching for material of Runo/ Gunz dinamic and Holy shit, S4 is like... Bruh moment this, Burh that, and I remember why I didn't watch it so far...
--I haven't saw 10 episodes and they already send Mira to the hospital because she sleep late 1 day (Like LMAOOOO).
--Julie been Gay with Mira is priceless.
--Mira been like "But who would help the Brawlers?", bruh, like they know other 5 vestals instead of you and one of them is your fucking brother that for some reason it dissapeared like he didn't exist???? (He got trap in the Gulag with Alice must likely)
--Julie been the comedic relief in the series just makes me feel bad for her, but she do a great job.
--(Not me wondering who did Marucho made an entire city in the United states... But then I remember that he is just Rich)
--I am truly offended that Runo didn't know the city like bruh...
--W H Y can't they stop with the shipping of Runo and Dan since even Shun was like "Oh Dan and Runo go on a Date????" and Marucho was like "That's because is a strategy boi, they are not in love like everytime we ask as they hang out together wonder WHY"
-- In the English dub, so far like 5 bakugan has the same voice of Helios LMAO
--Does lazy ass didn't even change the ending with the Bakugan from the previous part, they deserve a Meh
--I would say Spectra would be mad if he finds out the Baku-suites where stolen but he's opininon doesn't matter because he's in the Gulag.
--I can't get over the fact that they just tell "screw Bakugan, we are making a Mecha anime"
--"Runo knows from Vestal tecnology" is the Bakugan example of "She knows how to use Excel"
--... Dan just fucking fall from a Cliff and he was like "I'm okey" but they put Mira to rest for 2 weeks when she didn't sleep 1 night, like excuse me W T F
--They are moving so fast that first they are drawling and then we are having an emotional touching moment.
--Also, they drawl in every episode lol
--Mira didn't faint in the battle of the night cuz she slept 5 minutes.
--Omfg, they just gave Runo a Bakugan and Dan brawls it, fuck this
--How to make infinite power with a Henkidama and a robot?. Yahoo answers
--and that's how Dan got lost in the ocean
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angeloswings · 2 years
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hihi, im Jasper!
uhhaha so, this is my…
introduction my loves.
im disabled, im haitan and puerto rican
i’m ftm, he/him, im 18 and an aries ~
i’m omnisexual, and here’s some tw’s for my blog 💉
block and avoid if you find my account uncomfy, would never be mad i totally get it!
some but not all of my posts include
~ yandere coping posts
~ nudity and sexual posts
~ blood, vampire, and generally uncomfy aesthetics
~ me making jokes about my trauma & issues to help me cope lol
~ fandom stuff including, undertale, deltarune, encanto, coco, hetalia doja cat, billie eilish and melanie martinez
~ gay shit
!!do not interact if!!
honestly ion have a huge problem with most of tumblr but, if you're an encanto proshipper? to the mf gulag with you, oh and if you’re into usuk, sorry! and if you're truscum or don't support neopronouns. lol you're banished
please interact with
if you're a poc
(i rly dont trust white people lol-)
are also into kinky stuff or yandere stuff (but don't get any ideas, i'm more than taken my husband LOVES ME.)
like drawing/animating and wanna talk about it!
into my certain fandoms
are interested in rp
are anti twt/elongated muskrat
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himedia · 10 months
I Ran Into The Boss That Mad Me Delete Sekiro In The First Place by Evan From HI Media Consider Supporting Us For A Few Bucks A Month: https://discord.com/servers/hi-media-426459490725134339 Check This Link Out: https://linktr.ee/himediatv Podcasts: https://www.spreaker.com/user/haggardinnovations Subscribe On Youtube: https://bit.ly/himvideo Backup Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6tOBTZ18gMmFIS-JVlHDAQ Social Media: https://facebook.com/HIMediaTV https://instagram.com/himediatv https://bsky.app/profile/himediatv.bsky.social https://twitter.com/HIMediaTV Merch Store: https://bit.ly/himrkt Support HI Media! 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵 Want The Games We Play? Buy Them On Our Nexus And Support the Show!: http://bit.ly/himnexus Get Your Own Minecraft Server Using Our Affiliate Link: https://bit.ly/himinecraft ======================= Big Thank You To VLNS BEATS for making the Outro music you heard In This video https://msha.ke/vlnsbeats/ Big Thank You To Mikel From Gamechops for making the background music you heard In This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ2OhGwZaK4 #HIMedia - Everything After this is AI generated for SEO Purposes Ignore This s**t i am in h*ll and i hate i have to do this so Youtube doesn't send me to the gulag =============================================================================== via YouTube https://youtu.be/EWaDsFOCSAY
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ezpzsstuff · 11 months
can someone explain to me rationally why the USA suffers fools thee entire fucked up corrupted to the core current administration a 90 % unconstitutional govt s so far off the charts everything they do now is so off the constitution every last fucking one of them deserve to be hung for treason
we were formed a constitutional representative republic but the crazy ass wipes have taken us to commie country in front of the mad mad mad world the globalist mafia has created and we are so fucked the insanity gets worse by the mother fucking minute but you fucking better smile or your ass off or its to the gulag for any fucking reason what so fucking ever their evil imaginations can make sound more legit than our own Constitution is the entire fucking lame as shit bag country is running on make believe, we have no legit govt any fucking longer kids but fucking keep pretending and lets see where we end up in a couple months,
deal fuckers?
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spark-glow · 1 year
3 12 13 14 for the ask meme (:
Thanks a bunch!!! Mwa mwa.
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3.) 1-3 games you played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed.
Uhhhhh... Let's see. This is a bit of a toughie cause I tend to come back to old games over and over instead of playing new ones, but... Darkest Dungeon 2, Project Zomboid, and Sons of the Forest.
DD2 is something i'd been hyped for for awhile, and it hasn't disappointed me yet. It's a much different experience from DD1, but I still enjoy it. The artstyle translated beautifully into 3D and there is just... so much heart in it. All I need now is Red Hook to show me where Shieldbreaker is. Project Zomboid isn't something I expected to enjoy as much as I do, but i'm the local survival game enjoyer, so I guess I shouldn't be super surprised. It's great to play with friends, though still fucking terrifying. I'm the local The Forest enjoyer, despite that game being a garbage fire. The Gulag was all over SOTF when it was announced, and we all got it launch day and played it for like a week straight once it came out. It's The Forest though so it needs time to grow and flesh itself out, so i've left it on the back burner... FOR NOW. ━━━━━━━
12.) A character you particularly like in the game you're currently playing.
You look over and i'm just sweating fucking bullets.
Horizon from Apex Legends has very firmly embedded herself in my brain, so that's been fun. I won't get super into it but I like her a lot, and i've been having fun getting better with her kit! If you know, you know.
Though uh... Mad Maggie also bears mentioning, because that is a woman that has totally and entirely bewitched me over the passed month. I'm genuinely super embarrassed about it sometimes, but she is Suzie Love Bait to the max. It's one thing for her to be a handsome masc woman, but her story and unrepentant pride in being indigenous genuinely almost brings me to tears sometimes. I love that woman. I want Respawn to tell us she's a dyke already so I can rest. ━━━━━━━
13.) Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind.
Already did this one, but i'll do it again!!!!!
Quixotic, from Hotline Miami 2's OST, is still such a kickass song to me. I love how deep it feels, and how it just reverberates through your bones. Underrated pick from the OST if you ask me. ━━━━━━━
14.) A song that's sure to hit your nostalgia buttons.
I could put literally any god damn Spyro song here, but I already talked about Spyro earlier so i'm gonna swerve and drop the theme for my other favorite game from when I was little.
Warped is and always will be my favorite Crash game. I had such a blast with it. I really need to actually finish the fucking N. Sane Trilogy one of these days. Fake Crash Bandicoot fan over here.
Special shout outs go to the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger theme, as I played that series to fucking DEATH as a child, the Croc: Legend of the Gobbos theme since it goes hard as hell, and like... the entire OST for Pac Man World 2.
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welldonekhushi · 4 years
Feeling Me | Vladimir Makarov x Reader
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Summary: Unlike the other villains, Makarov was the different one. How will you tend to resist him?
Warnings: S t e a m y, but not too much
A madman. But so good looking?
I mean, can you imagine him being so strong then how would his appearance be?
Yuri, his best friend said that he was a Vice Captain in the Spetsnaz, so he had gone through a lot of training and excercise to reach that rank. Whenever you saw him shirtless, very rarely, you couldn't do anything but blush at it. You hid your flustered face around him because you were too nervous to make him notice that. At the practice room, it was way worse. He was wearing a black vest, making most of the parts that make you weak visible in front of your eyes. The way he lifted the weights and those biceps flexed, you were left gaping and dropped your dumbbells. You felt more surprised, and others started laughing while they looked at you funny.
"Looks like someone is blushing over boss, right Y/N?" Anatoly chuckled.
"N-no, I know, he's been a Captain in the army, of course.. he required a body like that. Since we're dating I realised it for the first time." You replied, sitting down beside them.
"Wait, did Makarov never told you more about him?" Viktor raised his eyebrow.
"Nope, but I don't care." You shrugged. "I know he doesn't like to share his more personal life often, I respect his privacy. That's not an issue."
"It's even the first time that our boss has got a girlfriend like you. Other than that, whoever the girls he had met, they were either killed in his hands or thrown in Gulag."
"What really?" You sipped your water bottle, carefully listening to him.
"You know.. girls nowadays, are kinda weird to him. He thinks women just want physical attention and pleasure, and he cautious for the fact that they can also steal his personal information."
There was one incident that happened to him before you came. A girl named Natalya dated him to gather information about the man, after secretly informing that she had successfully known his entire data, Makarov knew this whole time that the girl he dated actually was a spy who tried to take details from him. Natalya begged to spare him but Makarov being the madman he is, shot her in the head.
Though it was an issue and a trouble for him but it did break his heart for some reason. Being a ruthless, cunning yet cold-hearted person, some feelings were inside of him that he wanted to show only for his beloved one. When life treated him harsh, he became too.
The story kind of made you shocked. Not just for him, but the entirety of the case. The second choice was you, where he didn't trust anyone because for what happened to him earlier. You were never a spy yet an assassin who was appointed to kill him. He randomly found you, and after that, things changed and you both got along with each other, unexpectedly.
Only thing left, you had to gain his trust. 
He was just afraid, that it might break his heart again.
After training, Makarov was heading upstairs along with the others, you joined him and gave him a smile. He smiled back but after that he turned away and wiped off his sweat with the towel on his shouders. 
"Well, that sure was a tough training. Specially for you." You chuckled nervously.
"Not really. You know these workouts don't tire me that much." He replied, rubbing his hair to wash away the sweat.
".. I.. I never knew that you even were so.. fit and sturdy than the others.. really." You blushed away, so he won't notice.
Never believing that Makarov could read you like an open book, since he knew the secret that his body was a blessing to you. His comrades had told you about his fitness reason, so he feels casual rather to be mad. It wasn't actually really about WHY he started training in the Spetsnaz.
Time passed, and you still can't get over what happened in the workout room. "My arms did burn after picking up those dumbbells. Makarov sure wouldn't have felt it at all, he's strong anyway." You wanted to go to his room, but sometimes there was a thing that mainly troubled you.
Does he really trust you? Or like you?
You needed an answer.
You stepped in Makarov's room, to ask him out but the moment you could have spoke, you were left gaping. Looking at Makarov who just came out from a bath. You were trapped, and totally, blessed again.
His six-pack were visible enough to make you fall on your knees. You questioned yourself, how can a terrorist look so—
"What are you doing here?" He asked, gently but with a little seriousness in his tone.
"A-ah, I'm sorry!" You covered your eyes. "I didn't mean to step on the wrong time, I gotta go now!" You just started leaving before he could run and grab your hand.
"I didn't ask you to leave, didn't I? I wasn't mad." He stated.
"But you just came out almost naked in front of me!" You removed his hand on your arm. "I-I can't disrespect your privacy!"
"We're already dating, malishka. It doesn't matter. Unless.. if it's a girl who just wants to gather information on me. But I know you won't break my trust.."
That did make you a bit sad. He would never be so personal like that even after being so open, cause he was trusting on you.
"Don't you trust me?"
"I do trust you, Vladimir but.. you would have called me a woman who just needed physical attention.." You shook your head in desperation.
He lifted your face with his finger, looking at your upset eyes with his. "Do you always want to say things like that before asking me for once?" He whispered. "You're not a spy, I know it. I would have known it a long time ago when I first met."
To be honest, he was a really intellect person. The whole Ultranationalists were scared of him because of his intelligence and the way to notice things. He could quickly find your background from where you belong to.
"I love you, milaya." He leaned close and wrapped his arms around you. "You can be free to ask everything about me. Even about my physical appearance." He winked.
You stuttered, blushing heavily. "W-what do you mean, Vladimir?"
"But isn't that you wanted? To see my beautiful yet, strong body, as you want to say?" His deep, seductive voice, filled inside while speaking in his Russian accent just left you in blushing harder.
"Tell me, kitten. You were thinking about me like that in the workout room, hmm?" He smirked playfully, as you clenched your eyes while being flustered, I swear.. he was super hot.
"Y-yeah.. I was.." You spoke confidently, as he darkened his eyes, leaning close to your lips.
"Then have it." He growled, before pressing his lips onto yours, both pulling in a huge, steamy moment. He moved towards your neck, leaving kisses and then slight bruises on the neck, your gasps turned into moans, exciting him more.
"Why don't I drag you to bed and do everything I want to do?" He chuckled. "You will be feeling my blessed body all over you, when you'll show me yours..~" He whispered in your ear, picking you up in bridal style before shutting the door, and unleashing all the fantasies and moments you imagined having with him.
That was one crazy night, indeed.
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papirouge · 2 years
The Nazis who killed millions are no longer around, Germany has renounced Nazism. The scene of their crimes remain to educate the future generations on the evil that took place. Society will never again accept Nazis. "Nazi" is derogatory nowadays.
The millions killed by communism is swept under the rug in Western education, ignoring the countless souls lost to the Chinese Communist Party currently in power in one of the most powerful countries on Earth. Genocide by the communist party is happening RIGHT NOW. The Uyghurs are being rounded up, held in camps, and God knows what happens next. "Communists" don't want to own the Uyghur genocide, they don't want to own North Korea, they don't want to own Che Guevara being a racist, homophobic, murderer, they don't want to own the failures of communism, they don't want to own the tens of millions killed by communism. I've spoken to survivors of communist take overs, let me tell you, they don't take kindly to this white-washing of communism by those who have never witnessed the horrors they have.
"The millions killed by communism is swept under the rug in Western education, ignoring the countless souls lost to the Chinese Communist Party currently in power in one of the most powerful countries on Earth" IDK what lacklustre school you attended but mine educated me about the atrocities of Communism regime. I will NEVER get this weird obsession of acting like Communism was somehow more threatening today than Nazism : Communism is DEAD, been dead, for a couple of years now.
Today's China is a weird mix of filthy economical capitalism and social communism. But China isn't here threatening the world to military & politically advance its "Communist empire" like the Nazi did.
All this anti-Communism charade is a joke bc you know damn well you aren't personally threatened to end up in a gulag for bitching about communism governments. This is performative slacktivism. Which is funny bc the rightoids with an obsessive hate boner against Communism and proudly claiming being "anti commie" were the ones a few years ago clowning "anti nazi" liberals, saying it was a 'phantom menace'. Well, so does being "anti Communist" in 2022.
The genocide perpetuated by China on Uighurs has nothing to do with communism, but rather cultural/religious authoritarianism. The USA does the very same thing to plentiful of countries they bombed, for being Muslim AND resisting to USA imperialism (Liban, Irak, etc.) and I've yet to see anti-communists clutch their pearls and whine about capitalism/liberals being a threat for humanity and trying to shut down any discourse painting these political regimes positively.
Saying that Communism achieved good things doesn't absolve the fact that some Communist figure were POS ; idk why Communism should be above reproach for people to support it. USA imperialism bred some of the biggest war criminals and yet people still brag that US capitalism is still the best regime in the world. Don't be shook that people feel entitled to do the same with Communism.
In the end of the day, I don't need no white washing of Communism to choose a commie over a Nazi ANY DAY lmao. Communism ideology is not saying I'm from an inferior race because I'm not a blue haired blood Aryan. Communism, as much of a bloodshed trainwreck it turned out to be, didn't aim killing people for simply existing/not being of the 'right' race. There's a reason it exported so well in third world countries, unlike Nazism who was peak White people madness. Whites will NEVER understand that. That's why they get so pissy at non Whites preferring communism to Nazism. But they need to get over themselves and grasp that other demographics have just a whole different perspective on History.
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thebestoftragedy · 2 years
the coolest part about reading a lot of books is when you get to constantly find new parallels and references between writers and topics
I’m reading a history of colonial Australia right now (The Fatal Shore) and drawing connections between that and historical fiction (Germinal), science fiction (Dune), romance novels set in the era, histories of concentration camps (One Long Night, which I recommend, and Gulag, which I don’t), and movies (mostly The Nightingale) and it makes me feel Smart. And I’m learning new words! and new things to be mad at the British for doing! and that’s what reading is all about.
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