#like she would probably be pointing at the phone excitedly at tyler like ' TYLER TYLER OMG LOOK AT HOW MANY CATS ARE ON THIS MAGIC BOX OF-
brutalmasks · 6 months
i feel like bunny mask would highkey have so much fun with a phone if someone gave one to her... ( possibly too much fun ) and i say this because of how much cat content is on the internet. like forget spamming your friends, she'd LITERALLY make your phone EXPLODE with how many cat gifs / photos she'd be sending you. exhibit a:
she'd probably be sending you TONS of silly little gifs like this with a caption like ' oh my god look at haow cute thais CAT is ' [ she still doesn't quite know how to type on the phone yet, though... bless her heart. so her messages are literally just FILLED with typos. ]
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac is getting a starter from Jules:
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A few weeks after Jules meeting up with someone she had been texting on this app, she realized that the person who hooked up with her was married and had two children with their wife, Jules knew that that had to end before she got herself into some serious shit. But she met someone else, someone who was named Tyler - they’ve never met but as the time went on and they both talked as often as they could considering that they were both in school still, Jules felt her world light up after meeting this mysterious guy on the other side of the phone. 
What she didn’t know was that it was Nate Jacobs who was pretending to be Tyler, and once she finds out - she’d probably never speak to him again (not like she ever did anyway) but that’s besides the point of the present. Jules was busy, looking into her locker when her phone pinged to which she thought was Tyler but ended up being Rue just telling Jules that she will be a bit late today because something came up.
Jules knew deep down that it was about another drug test she would have to do but instead for Lexi to do the sample because there was at least one person who would never touch drugs in the friend group that the three of them formed and that person was obviously Cassie’s younger sister - Lexi Howard. 
Closing her locker, Jules decided to be the one to text Tyler first for once because most of the time it was Tyler texting Jules first and never the other way around - so that’s exactly what the girl done, she would always smile at the messages between Tyler and her even though some of it was more confidential due to Jules being able to open up around him, considering that she never met Tyler, she felt he understood what she went through. 
Jules didn’t really expect Tyler to reply to her because she knew he already started school, which was the same time that she would usually start - providing that she never skipped homeroom but it just wasn’t something she fancied most of the time when it was the literal definition of hell. 
But to her surprise, Tyler responded and they hit off another conversation - by this time Rue had returned from wherever she was with Lexi as soon as the bell went, “guys… I know that you both have just walked through the door but I’ve got something to say” Jules said excitedly for the first time in a while. Rue and Lexi gave each other the odd look as if they thought that Jules was messing about with them because it was something that Jules made them used to. 
She was known as the joker of the group so whenever she had something, both Rue and Lexi never knew when Jules was being serious with what she was saying, “okay - so what’s the news? And please don’t joke around because you genuinely seem really happy” Jules heard Lexi say while Rue looked like she had seen a ghost.
“So, I’ve been talking to someone else since I’ve told you about what happened with that other fucker who was sick and needed someone else to suit his pleasure but then I found out that he was married and he even had children!” Jules hoped that both of the other girls got who she was on about because Jules went to them about anything on her mind - well tell a little white lie - except for self harming herself and when her usage of drugs got out of control sometimes. 
“But anyway-“ as she continued once explaining about DominantDaddy and the shit she got herself into with him to which were about hooking up but she would never tell anyone about, “I’ve met a guy called Tyler and no we’ve never met but I feel like there’s some mad chemistry going on between us over texts, like - I’ve told him stuff that I would never be able to say in person to people. Overall, he just makes me happy and I’m grateful for that”
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beauvibaby · 3 years
there won’t be anyone else — t.seguin
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a/n: obviously my timeline isn’t going to be accurate, and I know he went back to Canada for a large portion of his recovery but this is what worked… should I do a part 2???
Part two here!
summary: tyler asks his best friend to stay with him and his daughter during his recovery
word count: 5.2k
tagging people who interacted with my post: @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @mandypants95 @fallinallincurls @sidscrosbyy @myhockeyworld87 @lilyhood22 @joeyisourranger @je-ne-regrette-rien @youngbeezer @slimdebrusk
“Y/N?” Tyler spoke nervously, you tore your eyes off of the six month old in your arms, she gurgled in complaint as she grabbed at your face, “what’s up?” You asked him, shushing his daughter as she kept pinching your face. He smiled at the sight of you two, “I have to have a couple of surgeries, big surgeries, and I’m going to need a lot of help with Willow.” He explained, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, “do you think you could come stay with us for a while?” He finally asked, you nodded instantly, you’d known Tyler ever since he came to Dallas. Long before he ended up as a single father to little Willow. “Of course, Ty.” You assured him, “anything you guys need.” You added, giving him a soft smile as Willow reached for her daddy. “Hi baby girl.” He grinned, smothering her in kisses, “glad you finally wanted to come back to me.” He teased her, holding her above his head as she giggled, the sight alone melted your heart as she grabbed at his beard the second it was in reach. “When is the surgery?” You asked him, you were fortunate enough to run an online shop, so really, as long as you could bring your supplies to his house, which you knew he’d have no problem with, you’d be set.
“Next week,” he paused, glancing over at you, “in New York.” He rushed his words together. “New York?” You gasped, eyes going a little wide. “You don’t have to come!” He stated, “my mom is going to meet me there, and then she’ll fly with me back here.” He explained, “I’ll be gone for a little over a week, then I can rehab here.” He added, realizing he didn’t explain anything very well. “Are you sure you don’t want us there?” You asked, motioning to Willow who was happily laying on his chest, gurgling away, probably close to taking a nap since she just ate. “I do, I really do, but it’s not worth the hassle, she’ll be happier here.” Tyler sighed, resting his chin on top of her head. “I’ll send you a bunch of pictures and videos of her, promise.” You laughed softly, thinking of how crazy this recovery is going to be for him. “You’re going to do great.” You assured him, seeing the wheels turning in his head, “I’m sure of it, and I’ll do anything I can to help.” You murmured, running a hand through your hair as all he could do was muster up a smile.
Day 1.
Tyler’s mom FaceTimed you that night, once he was coherent enough to remember seeing his daughter. “Hi, Mrs. Seguin.” You spoke softly, Willow looking around with wide eyes on your lap, you flipped the camera to show her, “Tyler.” His mom mumbled, handing the phone over, he looked exhausted but the way his eyes lit up when he saw Willow, she’d just had a bath so she was only in a diaper, showing off her chunky little legs. “Hey, Willow, hi baby.” He spoke, she focused in on the phone, rapidly swatting at it as she recognized his face. You giggled, moving her around to be sitting more on your chest, her face next to yours. “Say hi.” You cooed to her, waving her hand for her, she bounced excitedly as he smiled at her.
Day 2.
He was a little grumpy that day, but tried not to show it as he got to see Willow via FaceTime again, you knew he was already tired of being unable to move.
Day 3.
You were talking to him encouragely as he walked for the first time in three days, Willow sleeping in her room, Tyler’s mom held the phone out in front of her. You knew it had to be hard for her as well, to see her son like this, all because he was playing the sport he loved. You took some time to talk to her as the nurses helped Tyler get back in bed.
He didn’t feel up to talking again that day so you were sure to send him photos and videos of Willow, she was finally sitting up on her own without falling over.
The next week went on like that until he was finally coming home, luckily it was right during Willow’s long afternoon nap, so you could help him get settled and get everything in order before his mother had to leave to catch a flight tonight.
“Hey, Tyler.” You smiled, opening the car door, greeting him brightly, he tried to mimic your eyes excitement, but you could tell it didn’t quite meet his eyes. “Hey.” He mumbled, letting out a soft groan as you helped him get out and onto his feet, he gave his mom a hard time about using the wheelchair, you could see the pain floating in her eyes, just overly worried that he would fall. “I’ve got him, Jackie.” You assured, walking directly beside him as he hobbled with his crutches, she nodded, grabbing the bags out of the car as you helped him get inside the house.
“Thank you.” He sighed, leaning into the couch cushion as you put a pillow under his leg. You just gave him a reassuring smile, his mom dropping the stuff by the entryway, “be easy on her, I know it’s hard for you, but imagine if you saw Willow like this.” You added in a whisper, understanding came across his face as he nodded, motioning for her to sit beside him, you let them have their moment as you grabbed his bags and brought them to the room he’d been staying in, on the first floor for now, until stairs weren’t a questionable decision.
You put the clothes in the laundry, and moved some stuff down to the guest room, humming softly as you did this stuff without question, just doing it to be helpful, not thinking of how much the small gesture would really mean to him.
After a while, you peeked in on Willow and she was still sleeping soundly with her arms above her head, you smiled, carefully shutting the door to the nursery and heading down the stairs with the monitor, Jackie had to get going if she was going to make it to the airport in time. So you both said your goodbyes, and you could tell it was hard for Tyler to let her leave like that, but what was he to do, she has a life to get on with as well.
“How has she been while I was gone?” Tyler asked, looking at Willow on the monitor, his heart clenching in his chest, wanting nothing more than to hold his baby girl again. “She was good, Ty.” You giggled, easing his nerves, he nodded, “thank you, so much, I know we just started the recovery process but you’ve already helped so much.” He explained, adjusting himself on the cushions, “you don’t have to keep thanking me, I’m happy to help, I love spending time with her, and you.” He smiled at your words, giving you the side eye as you turned away in embarrassment. You two had always been flirty, but once he came to you and said that was going to be a dad, he changed, he stopped going out, he spent his time at home, and it only made it easier for you to imagine a life with him. “We like spending time with you too.” He whispered, resting his hand on your knee right before Willow started to cry. You could tell he briefly forgot he couldn’t go get her as he went to sit up but then stopped himself. “Don’t worry, I’ll get her.” You hopped up, excited to see her when she finally got to see him for the first time in over a week, you took the stairs two at a time as you heard her crying get more intense.
As you picked her up, you completely forgot that Tyler had the monitor, and could hear and see you tending to her. “Oh my goodness.” You cooed, scooping her up, “your daddy is so excited to see you.” You grinned, kissing her chubby cheeks, making a brief face of disgust as you got a whiff of her diaper, “let’s get you cleaned up first.” You whispered, grabbing her a new outfit, this one having dealt with a small blowout. You quickly changed her and put her in her little jean shorts and a pink shirt, if it wasn’t for you, you were certain Tyler wouldn’t have anything girly for her to wear. He was watching the whole time as you took care of her like she was your own, his heart swelling in his chest, he’d always had a thing for you, but as he saw you with his baby, it only made him fall harder. And he became determined to make you his by the time he was back to playing.
He turned the monitor off and shimmied himself to be sitting up more properly as you came down the stairs, “who is that, Willow?” You gasped, pointing towards Tyler, she began to bounce in your arms. “It’s daddy.” You grinned at her, walking over to him and allowing him to take her. He breathed out in relief, “I missed you so much, baby girl.” He groaned, hugging her tightly, she pushed on him so she could lean back and look at him, she looked at him with a completely serious face before trying to bite his nose. He broke into a fit of laughter as he moved her away from his face, “that’s not nice princess.” He joked, tickling her sides, she giggled swinging her little legs as he lifted her up. “I swear she grew in a week.” He mumbled, sitting her on his good side, she sat on the couch, chewing on her hands and getting drool everywhere. “And she sits now.” He groaned, dramatically resting his head in the couch, she mimicked him and fell into the cushion. “Crazy girl.” You commented, taking the chance while she was distracted to tie up the top part of her hair, she definitely had his hair and all it did was fall in her eyes. Tyler smirked at you, you rolled your eyes at him, “now she looks like a real little princess.” You quipped to him, he faked a gasp, dramatically hoisting her into his chest. “How dare Y/N say that about my princess.”
It was a lot of extra work, and mess, but you brought her jar of food and bib to the couch so Tyler could feed her, knowing it was one of his favorite times with her as she was so smiley. “Have you ever tried this?” Tyler asked curiously as you sat beside him with her in your lap, she happily ate the spoonful of puréed apples, peas and beets. “Baby food?” You asked with a laugh, he nodded, pushing some more into her gummy smile, she gnawed on the spoon as he tried to take it away. “No, I haven’t.” You answered as you contained your laughter, “I tried it once, I figured it couldn’t be so bad, and it was even worse than bad.” He explained, carefully prying the spoon from her hands, she pouted at him, about to cry until he gave her the last bite and let her chew on the soft rubber spoon. “I’m sure it was.” You snickered, lightly wiping around her mouth, “when’s that first tooth gonna come in? Hmm.” He spoke to her, rubbing her little tummy as she burped, he smiled at her, the love he had for her was something only a father and daughter could share, and it was beautiful as you could see the concern on his face as she began to whimper. You let him take her as you went to get rid of the jar and spoon, coming back with her bottle.
“I just changed her, so she should be good for a while after this, is it alright if I go get some work done?” You asked him, he easily nodded as he laid her back on his chest, holding the bottle up to her lips as she eagerly started sucking on it. “Yeah, of course.” He spoke, not hearing you had already started walking away once he nodded, he smiled as you were tying your hair up sloppily while you walked, something you’d always done when you were getting focused on a project.
He turned on the golf channel, sinking into the couch with Willow as she fell asleep once her bottle was empty, he laid her down in the cushion beside him, boxing her in with a rolled up blanket and leaving his hand resting on her as he himself fell asleep.
Tyler had been home for a couple of weeks, physical therapy had been stepping up a lot, which meant he was incredibly sore by the time he got home, and incredibly stubborn. He figured, if he could do it just fine with a doctor walking beside him, there was no reason he couldn’t walk ten feet into the bathroom. Well, he quickly found out he was wrong as he stumbled from a pain in his hip and ended up on his knees, cursing as he couldn’t push himself up. You heard him fall, then the sounds of him cursing to himself and you shot up. “Tyler!” You called, rushing towards his room, he felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as you rounded the corner. “Hey, hey, are you ok?” You gasped kneeling beside him. He shook his head, slumping against the wall in defeat, “what’s wrong?” You asked, looking over him, trying to make sure he didn’t pull any stitches, or injure himself again. “I just can’t get up.” He muttered, slamming his fist on the wall. “I’m a fucking professional athlete and I can’t stand up on my own!” He snapped, he thought you’d move away at the tone of his voice, but you didn’t, you only moved closer, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. “I know, Ty. It’s going to be ok.” You whispered, his breathing was ragged as he finally gave in and hugged you back. He calmed down as you just stayed there, letting him hug you as tight as he needed, you pushed his curly mop of hair back once he completely calmed down. “You ready to get back up again?” You whispered, he nodded watching you stand up and give him your hands. “Just push with your good leg, alright.” You gently reminded him, stepping a little sideways to give your feet some traction. “One, two, three.” You pulled on his hands as he slid up, his back against the wall steadying him, he planted both feet on the ground, you quickly grabbed his crutches.
“I’ll just wait until you’re back in bed.” You mumbled, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he nodded, hobbling to the bathroom right outside the room. Your adrenaline high quickly crashed as you waited for him, and you found yourself laying flat on the bed as you waited.
Tyler came back into the room, stopping in the doorway as he saw you stretched out on half of the bed. A smile came over his face as you shifted in your sleep, burying half your face in the pillow, inhaling softly as you felt at peace. He didn’t wake you, he couldn’t bring himself too, so he carefully got into the opposite side of the bed, the thumping in his chest so loud he was certain you could feel it as you subconsciously rolled towards him, resting your hand on his chest as he threw the blanket over you.
Eventually, morning came, and when you woke up in the empty bed, the events of last night came rushing back and you leaped out of bed, not only was Willow crying from her room, but you didn’t see Tyler anywhere, you instantly became worried he’d fallen again and you’d slept right through it. “Y/N?” Tyler called as you went rushing past the kitchen looking for him. “Tyler!” You gasped in relief, placing a hand over your chest as you saw him pouring a cup of coffee. “I thought you fell again, oh my god, where did you sleep? Oh, the baby, let me get the baby!” You rambled heading for the stairs, he chuckled as he listened to you stomp up them, Willow’s crying soon stopping as you picked her up.
He was feeling a little better today, so he managed to get Willow’s morning bottle ready, and some toast for himself, settling himself at the table as you came down the steps. Your hair was tangled in itself, you didn’t have makeup on, and you were in oversized sweats and a tank top, but you’d never looked better to him as you giggled with his daughter on your hip.
You called his name as you walked into the kitchen, spotting him at the table, he didn’t answer, but his eyes were pointed in your direction, “Tyler?” You called again, snapping your fingers. He blinked, “what? Sorry.” Tyler muttered sheepishly, “did you want eggs?” You asked him, eyeing him suspiciously as you maneuvered Willow in your arms to give her her bottle. She happily started drinking it as you propped it up on your cheek, pulling the eggs out of the fridge. “Give her to me.” Tyler chuckled, making grabby hands for her as you struggled to balance everything, you happily gave her over, glancing back as he cooed down to her, whispering a good morning as he kissed her messy head of his hair, they looked so like in that moment, Tyler with his hair sticking all over the place, and Willow with hers pushed to the side from you, with a clip barely holding it back.
“I’m not sure if you’re up to it, or if you want to, but I was going to go to the pumpkin patch later today, if you and Willow want to come?” You offered, “I know you hate having to use that wheelchair but it would be so fun to see her next to all those giant pumpkins.” You raddled on, giving Tyler the chance to admire you, “yeah, that sounds fun.” He answered, smiling when you turned to face him excitedly, “I’m sure you have some cute outfit for her planned out too.” He rolled his eyes jokingly, and you nodded eagerly, of course you did, how could you not, it is her first fall season after all.
“Here ya go.” You mumbled, sliding a plate in front of him, he furrowed his eyebrows, “I never answered about the eggs.” He didn’t argue though, as he picked up his fork and took a bite. “I know, but you’re doing a lot today, you need them.” You giggled, offering a small piece to Willow, now nearly eight months old. She happily mushed it with her couple of teeth, smiling brightly at Tyler, he nodded reassuring her that she was doing good.
Finally you were loading up into the car to go out for a while, Willow dressed in the cutest outfit she had, something you’d bought before she was even born. The belle sleeve onesie just barely still fit her chunky frame, and the red overall skirt over top just made her look even more adorable, and of course, a matching red bow in her hair. Tyler jokingly didn’t approve of how short her skirt was as he took her from you once you arrived, she sat perched on his lap as you pushed the wheelchair down the isles, thankful for the wood boards they had put down as paths in the dirt, Willow was making noises at everything she saw, reaching out to touch the pumpkins every once in a while. “Let me get a picture of you two.” You stopped his chair next to a huge pile of pumpkins, and he stood Willow up on his lap as she grinned at you, it was by far one of your favorite photos of them so far.
An older couple was walking by and smiled at you, “would you like me to take a photo for you?” She asked, and before you could even process her words, Tyler was answering with a yes please. You felt the blood rush to your face as you approached him, he handed Willow to you, and you were about to stand beside him but he gently pulled you to sit on his good leg, you didn’t have time to react, you only smiled for the camera just like he was. “Oh, how beautiful.” The older woman cheered, handing the phone back over to you. “Thanks.” You mumbled, Willow hiding her face in your neck, suddenly shy. You clicked on the picture, and you felt like your chest would explode, you looked like a family, but you weren’t. “Y/N?” Tyler called, you quickly shoved your phone in your pocket, “are you ready to go?” He asked, taking the baby back from you, confusion laced in his tone as he saw the look on your face. “Yeah, Uh, yeah let’s go.” You mumbled, pushing the chair towards the exit, he held in a sigh, trying to figure out what had caused your sudden mood change.
“It’s Christmas!” You heard Tyler cheer as he got Willow out of her crib, the nine month old clapping her hands out of his excitement. Tyler was on the upside now, his second surgery complete, and now rehabbing both, he was able to walk without his crutches, he had to go slow on the stairs, but the doctor encouraged him to keep working on them. In a few weeks he’s going to be skating for the first time in months, and you were terrified, meanwhile he was ecstatic, ready to feel like his normal self again. You smiled, keeping your eyes shut as your door opened, “it’s Christmas!” Tyler shouted, putting Willow on the bed and letting her crawl up to your head, mushing on your cheeks, you gasped lifting her up quickly, sending her into a fit of giggles in her reindeer pajamas. “Christmas? Your first one!” You spoke to her, Tyler smiled, sitting beside you. “Merry Christmas.” He whispered, handing you an envelope, he laughed as you put Willow down and quickly pushed yourself to be sitting against the headboard beside him. She made her little baby babble as she played with the bunched up blanket. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” You spoke softly, opening the envelope, revealing a gorgeous Christmas card. “Oh shush, just read it.” You could hear the nerves in his tone, you shot him a smile before letting your eyes run over the extensive writing he’d done.
“Y/N, you have been a godsend in mine and Willow’s life, there isn’t anyone else I would’ve trusted to leave her with during all of this, there isn’t anyone else I’d want to be helping me off the floor at three am. What I’m trying to get at is,
There isn’t anyone else. I don’t think there will be anyone else.
So, if you’d kindly accept my gift, dinner, without Willow, a date, that’s what I’d like to call it.
Love, Tyler.”
“What’s the matter, Seguin? Too afraid to ask me in person?” You quipped, he opened and closed his mouth searching for the right words to say, “is that a yes?” He finally asked, a hopeful look dancing in his eyes. “Of course it’s a yes. I’ve only been waiting months for you to ask.” You giggled, catching him off guard by pecking his lips, it isn’t like you two hadn’t shared kisses before, but it was normally in a drunken state. “Uh-huh.” He hummed pulling you back in for a proper kiss, Willow shrieked, startling you both. She was looking at you angrily, before snuggling up to her dad, as if saying you weren’t allowed near him. “Good job, princess, gotta protect daddy from mean ol’ Y/N.” He murmured to her, earning a glare from you, but as he broke into laughter, you couldn’t even keep up your charades. “Come on, it’s Christmas, she’s got presents to open.” You mumbled, kissing her chubby cheek, “presents!” He cheered, holding her up highly, she giggled as he lunged her back down.
The date had gone as good as you could’ve hoped,
not exactly how he’d planned, but still a great night, the sitter had cancelled, and the restaurant he wanted to take you too didn’t offer a pick up option, so you ended up eating pizza on the living room floor, watching Disney movies, per your request, and talking about everything and anything. And of course, there were lots of stolen kisses.
“It’s alright to be a little scared you know.” You reminded your now boyfriend, he was about to go on the ice for the first time in months, and the anxiety just hit him, what if’s repeating themselves in his head. Willow was fast asleep in the stroller, tired from her own activities this morning. “But–“ “No but, you’ve got this babe, you’ve been warming up to this for months, hell, you probably skate better than you walk.” You cut him off, giving him a short pep talk, you squealed in delight when he pulled you in for a quick kiss. You pulled away with a smile, “now, go show that ice whose boss.” You giggled, pecking him once more before patting his shoulder, you weren’t allowed to watch him rinkside, no distractions allowed, so you took Willow for a short walk, all the while she slept. You kept yourself busy, getting caught up with things on your phone as you waited for Tyler to call and say he was done.
Finally as you went back to get him, Willow was awake but grumpy, and hungry, so you kind of just rushed in with her on your hip. Also remembering you had some stuff to do for work today that was time sensitive, “how’d it go?” You asked as you bounced her in an attempt to get her to calm down. Tyler slung his bag over his shoulder, “it was great, rusty, but it felt good.” He explained shortly, sending your urgency, “I’ll put her in the car.” He offered, taking her from you, and instantly she calmed down, only making you feel worse. You knew it was common for her to go through phases, hell, she’d done this with Tyler where she wanted nothing to do with him for almost a whole month, you didn’t realize how bad it would hurt. He shot you an apologetic smile, “hey, just take a deep breath. You’re gonna get everything done on time.” He assured you.
New Years had come and gone, and Willow’s first birthday was quickly approaching, as were her first steps. Tyler was sad that they were going to be happening so soon, but at the same time he was beyond excited for her to be running around in no time.
She quickly grew out of the phase of only wanting Tyler, which both of you were grateful for, as he could see it eating away at you.
“Come on, come to dada.” You heard Tyler, you peeked your head around the wall, seeing him sitting on the floor arms reach away from Willow, she looked at him quizzically, reaching her arms out, she wobbled but didn’t fall. “Come on baby.” He encouraged her, she took one step, two, three, and he just kept sliding back until she couldn’t go any further. “Oh my god!” You and Tyler shouted at the same time, “shit,” he jumped now knowing you were behind him. “Hi.” You laughed, sitting beside him, “I think you officially have a walker on your hands.” You told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He furrowed his brows for a moment, he looked as if he was going to say something, but then decided against it. “Yeah I do.” He chuckled in agreement, setting her back on her feet and grinning as she did it again, and again, and again until she was too tired to do anymore and just plopped herself on your lap.
“Hi baby.” You mumbled, kissing her forehead, she sighed, nuzzling into your neck, instantly falling asleep. “She loves you.” Tyler mumbled, tucking your loose hair behind your hair, you bit your lip as you looked over at him. “I love you.” He breathed out, relief hitting him when you broke into a huge smile, “I love you, Ty.” You mumbled, he kissed you as good as he could with Willow curled up on your lap. “Let’s go put her to bed, yeah.” He laughed, taking her from you and disappearing to her room in record speed.
Tyler had his first morning skate today, finally getting back into a routine with the team, he was anxious as it was on a Saturday, thankfully no game today, but it was Willow’s birthday party. Of course, all planned by you, Tyler clueless on what to do for a one year old, all he knew is it had to be puppy themed, because those were her absolute favorite things.
“Woah.” Tyler stopped in his tracks, seeing the decorations you’d spread out around the house, his dogs happily laying with party hats on their heads. “Baby, this is awesome.” He chuckled as you came around the corner to greet him, “I know it is.” You laughed, welcoming the hug he offered you. “Thanks for doing all this for her.” He mumbled against your head, “of course.”
“Dada, dada, dada!” Willow shrieked running towards him, “Willow?” He gasped, his first game back resulting in a loss, but he scored and you couldn’t lie, it made you emotional. And he was all the clueless to you two being here, “surprise!” You grinned as he scooped her up, “you came?” He mumbled in shock, kissing his daughter before pulling you in with his other arm, “of course we came.” You whispered against his lips, smiling as he finally kissed you, “you did so amazing, babe, I’m so proud of you.” You cupped his jaw with one hand, “thank you.” Is all he could get out before Willow started to speak. She reached for you, “mama.” Your breathing hitched, and Tyler’s smile had grown. You looked to him, afraid to over step, “yes baby, that’s mama.” He assured her, “Tyler.” You cautioned, taking her as she kept reaching for you.
“Y/N, she’s just as much yours as she is mine, you’ve been here since she came home, you’ve taken care of her like a mother, and I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon. So yes. You’re her mom.” His words brought tears to your eyes, he smiled softly wiping away the tears, kissing your forehead as Willow watched curiously, she kissed your cheek with a smile, having learned early on to be affectionate to people she liked. “Thank you baby,” you cooed to her, resting your head on top of hers. “Mama?” She hummed, smiling against you. “Yeah.” You agreed. “I love you.” Tyler sighed, snapping a picture of his girls, he said the words right before he snapped the picture, getting the most genuine smile from you. “I love you.”
taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @calgarycanuck
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eberles · 4 years
New Years
Jamie Benn
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Request: Heyyy if you are taking requests just now could i request a jealous Jamie Benn pleaseee like you are on a night on the town and something happens and he gets jealous or either comes to your rescue when a fight breaks out at a bar when the team are out celebrating a big win? I love a rough aggressive Jamie and i am ranting now hahahaha 🤣🤣
A/N: this is pretty short, but i hope you like it! 🥰 italics=flashback
Warnings: drunk asshole @ bar
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“Guess what!?” your best friend, Marissa, stormed through your front door where you and a few of your other friends were getting ready for the night.
“You’re late?” you asked, pointing to your wrist, laughing when she shoved your shoulder playfully.
“No! Well yes, but no! I have a date tonight!” Marissa spoke, jumping up and down excitedly while you just stared at her not as enthused by her announcement.
“What? We made a deal.” you said, looking around the room waiting for your other friends to back you up. “This is a girls night, remember?”
“Both of them have dates too…” Marissa defended, and you sighed heavily looking at Rachel and Jordan for confirmation. They avoided eye contact with you and nodded their heads slowly while you stormed around the apartment.
“So what? I’m 7th wheeling? That’s bullshit.”
“Why don’t you call Jamie?” Jordan asked in a sing-songy voice, laughing when you rolled your eyes.
“He has plans.”
“So, what are your plans for new years?” you asked Jamie, swinging your legs over his as you both sat on his couch.
“Tyler’s got me going on this blind date thing.” Jamie shrugged his shoulders, scrolling on his phone and your eyes nearly bugged out of your head.
“You? A blind date?” you laughed, feeling Jamie glare over at you. “and on new year’s eve?”
“What's wrong with that? Maybe I want to have someone to bring in the new year with.”
“Yea, but a stranger?” you scoffed, trying not to judge Jamie’s choices. He was more than capable of choosing deciding this stuff on his own, no matter how stupid you thought it was.
“If I would have known any better i’d think you were jealous.” Jamie said, sitting up and poking your nose. You rolled your eyes pushing his hand away from your face and laughing sarcastically.
“For your information, I’m having a girls night.”
You’ve been friends with Jamie for years now and none of your friends seemed to understand that you and Jamie were not interested in being romantic other than the few times you ended up in each other's beds. Whether you shared shoulders to cry on after break ups or a body to help get over said break up, your friendship had many layers. Neither of you ever talked about taking your friendship to another level, both of you just assumed what you had was for the best. In your 4 years of friendship, you’ve never spent a new years eve with Jamie and you weren’t going to start now because you didn’t have a date.
A few hours and many drinks later, you were hoping the more you drank the less you would be bothered by not having a date for the night. Seeing all the couples at the club only made it harder for you to accept not having someone to kiss when the ball dropped at midnight.
“Jamie. Jamie, Jamie, Jam-”
“Hello? Y/N?” Jamie answered your call, and you sighed in content resting your arms on the bar with your phone up to your ear. “Y/N, are you there?”
“JAMIE! Hiiiiiiii!!”
“I can barely hear you, are you okay?”
“Yes, dad. I’m fine. I’m just the only one at this stupid club without a person.” you waved your arms around, emphasizing your words even though Jamie couldn’t see you.
“Without a person? I thought you were with your friends?” Jamie said, stepping away from his friends so he could hopefully hear you better over the phone.
“Yessssss, you knowww what I mean! I don’t have someone to kisssssss.” you whispered the last part, laughing as you said it feeling your cheeks heat up. Probably from the amount of alcohol you've consumed in the last 3 hours.
“Hey, babe.” you looked up bringing your attention to the handsome stranger resting his hand on your lower back and you smiled up at him.
“Did he say babe?”
“Byeeee Jamieeeee!”
“You wanna dance?” the stranger whispered in your ear, you let out a drunken giggle and took his hands letting him bring you to the dance floor. You could feel the alcohol running through your bloodstream and making your head feel hazy and heightening your senses. The man you were dancing with held onto your hips, pulling you close. You grinded into him resting your hands on top of his on your hips and letting him do most of the work. “It’s almost midnight.”
You gasped, pulling slightly away from him and realizing how late it was not wanting to ring in the new year with a rando, “I have to find my friends.”
“No, but you’re already with me.” he tugged on your hand pulling you back into him.
“No, please leave me alone.” you attempted to walk away one more time before he pulled you back again. You felt another hand grab your shoulder pulling you in the opposite direction and turned around to see the stranger being knocked to the ground. “Oh my god!”
“Don’t fucking touch her ever again.” Jamie said through gritted teeth, leaning over the guy currently splayed on the ground holding his nose.
“Fuck you.” the guy on the ground said, spitting up blood. Jamie grabbed him by the shirt lifting him off the ground and throwing him back down again, giving him one last punch to the jaw.
“Are you okay?” Jamie turned to look at you, grabbing your arm gently and leading you outside and away from the crowd that had gathered.
“What are you doing here?” you clung onto Jamie, suddenly feeling safer in his arms.
“You called me.” Jamie laughed, pinching your side playfully, hoping to get a smile onto your face instead of the slight frown.
“I did not invite you, goof.” you laughed, pulling him into a hug. “But thank you for coming.”
“Some guy called you babe, I had to see what that was about.” Jamie pulled away from the hug, holding your hands in his.
“Ohhhh so you were jealous.” you teased, poking his chest and laughing when he started to blush.
“Pfft no, I don’t get jealous.”
You and Jamie walked back into the club hand in hand just in time to hear everyone counting down to midnight. You guys looked around the club at all the couples moving closer together ready to celebrate with a kiss. You looked up at Jamie, feeling giddy when he started to lean down closer to your face.
“Three...Two...One...” Your lips brushed against Jamie’s and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in closer. You melted into him like never before and felt tingles throughout your body feeling his hands cupping your face. You both started to smile into the kiss, pulling away leaving your foreheads rested against one anothers.
“Wow. I’m glad we got to bring in the new year together.” you whispered, looking into his eyes suddenly looking at one of your best friends in a different light. The past kisses you've shared were nothing compared to this one and you couldn’t wrap your brain around it.
“I might be in love with my best friend.”
“Jamie, kiss me again.” Jamie lifted up your chin pressing his lips to yours again, the butterflies in your stomach blossoming bringing chills throughout your body.
“I think this is going to be a very good year.”
taglist: @sortagaysortahigh @sweeterthansammy @butgilinsky @kiedhara @bestestbenn @taiter-tots @jjmaybanksbaby @jamiedrysdales @ana-maa @iamtheblondestblonde @elitebarzal @softboybarzal @himbos-on-ice @dreamypeaches @mycaptaintazer @dunnerbarzal @tysjostys @sidscrosbyy @calgarycanuck @celestialblae @makarsy @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @lovenhlboys 
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harryskalechips · 4 years
Will we ever be more than friends? Part 3
A/N this is crazy! Here is part 3 that many were asking for! This is a continuation of one the first pieces I wrote on here. Tysm for the support xxx
It’s been four years since Y/N broke her friendship off with Harry. How is she going to react after seeing him at their high school reunion and finding out he’s still in love with her?
Word count 2135
Part 1, Part 2
4 years later...
“Y/N, you made it!” Sarah hugs me as she greets me at the front door. It’s been 4 years since I’ve seen her and truthfully, I wouldn't be here tonight if it wasn’t our little mini high school reunion. I never knew this party was happening well, not until Kacey, my only friend I still talk to from high school reached out and convinced me.
“Your apartment looks lovely!” I smile as she lets me in. I take my jacket off and rest it on one of her hooks as I step further inside.
“Thank you!” Sarah’s eyes light up with excitement as she takes my hand.“ I didn’t invite everyone from our year.,just to let you know! I only invited our friend group.” she rambles while she drags me where most of the people are.
Sarah. I liked her in high school. We had a couple classes together and we did hang out at the mall a couple times but things got awkward when she started dating Harry. After they broke up, she never reached out to me again and that's when I realized she was just using me.
People say high school is the most memorable time of their life but for me, I was traded the wrong deck of cards.
“Y/N!” Kacey stands up from the couch to hug me. I almost fell over from the amount of force she had. “I knew you would come!”
“Well, you did present a good case.” I smirk as Tyler opens a can of smirnoff ice and passes it to me. “Thanks, Ty! You look good.” I pull away from Kacey and hug him. Alice, and Joseph were there too as they greeted me with a hello and sat back down on the couch.
“Okay, we’re missing one more person from our lil friend group.” Sarah pouts and texts someone on her phone. I knew she was talking about Harry but for some reason, I was hoping it was someone else.
“H. Man! Where is that guy?” Joseph takes a handful of chips from the bowl presented in front of us.
“Wait, didn’t you and Harry date?” Alice calls me out as I take a sip from my drink. I just shake my head and lean on Kacey beside me. She knew what happened between us that night but no one else heard a thing.
But it’s simple really, if I were to tell them the story. Harry and I were best friends. I was in love with him and he knew. He continued to string me along for years and that’s when I decided we should stop being friends. I’m not gonna lie though, it was pretty rough to see him during graduation and not even get a picture with him.  
“That’s crazy! Everyone at least had a date with him.” Alice laughs as Joseph puts his arm around her.
“Well, what’s also crazy is that you’re dating me.” Alice kisses him on the cheek. I never expected them to get together. Alice hated him since he was such a class clown. It’s nice to see him more mature and finally dating her though.
“Ah he’s here! I heard he got more cuter!” Sarah puts on a playful face as she hops off the couch to open her door. The rest of our friends cheered for Harry’s entrance while I stayed quiet just looking at Kacey. My heart was beating way too fast and my fingers were gripping my drink a little bit too hard. But as much as I tried to ignore my anxiety, Sarah appeared right in front of us.“Ladies and gentlemen let me announce the heartthrob of our year... Harry Styles!” Alice  and Kacey cheer excitedly as the boys playfully cat whistle. Sarah moves aside, and that’s when my eyes catch his figure.. there he is. He’s finally here.
He’s wearing a simple white button up and black jeans. As he looks up, he has a little smirk on his face as he bows his head to everyone as a playful gesture of appreciation. “Heard everyone’s been looking for me.” He glances at me and looks away. He doesn’t even seem affected that I’m here! He goes around kissing the girls on the cheeks and giving some hugs to the guys. I knew he was purposely ignoring me, since he wanted to greet me last.
“Hey.” He murmurs against my cheek as he leans down to kiss me.
“Hey. Long time no see.” I lean over to give him a hug.
“Are you two seriously going to act like that?” Tyler teases us. “You guys were best friends for 10 years!” Sarah laughs at Tyler’s joke as she comes with pizza in her arms.
“Kace, can you clear the table?” She asks politely as she puts the pizza down. “Wow, I haven’t seen you guys in 4 years. Time passes by so quickly.”
“I know right!” Alice cheers excitedly. “Now, we’re all about to graduate university!”
The night went by in a breeze. After dinner, we played some board games and caught up with each other. Now it was only Harry and I left to share what we’ve been up to.
“I’ve been good. I don’t think there’s anything new with me.” Harry casually laughs as he sits across from me beside Tyler.
“Come on man! Look at what you’re wearing! You’re a new guy!” Tyler elbows him which makes Harry look up at me. Fuck, he just caught me staring.
“I’ve been working at my dad’s company that’s all. Trust me nothing new!”
“No new girlfriend?” Sarah teases him. He just shakes his head and takes a sip from his bottle of beer. “What? No, come on you aren’t fooling anyone here!” Sarah tries to pull the truth out of him. It seemed to me she was a little bit too interested in what he had to say which made me just roll my eyes.
“I dated a few girls but no nothing serious.” Tyler cheers him on as he puts his arm around him and smiles.
“See! Too young to settle down!” Kacey just laughs while Joseph shakes his head.
“Tyler, you just haven’t been in love yet!” He tries to reason. “Harry, you probably haven’t been in love too huh?”
“Oh, no I have been.”
“What!” Tyler chokes as Joseph louds out loud. Alice and Sarah are shocked while Kacey and I just smile at their reaction and quietly listen.
“Who was it?” Tyler questions. “Some girl from your uni?”
“No, she went to high school with us.” Harry avoids my eye contact and laughs at Tyler’s curiosity.
“That better not be me, Styles.” Sarah takes another slice of our leftover pizza. Kacey looks at me while I just look down. Why does everything have to be so weird?
“I bet it’s Y/N. Remember how they would cuddle all the time!” Alice speaks out as if she just solved the puzzle. Which she did. Everyone looks at me which makes my little invisible bubble pop.
“No, it’s not me.” I shake my head. I don’t wanna think of it. I don’t want to think of this.
For the rest of the night, the guys try to make Harry tell the truth but he keeps his mouth shut. I tried to have fun despite all the attention on him but, now that our hangout is over, it’s time to go home.
“I’ll see you guys four years from now!” I joke as I put on my jacket.
“Y/N seriously, keep in touch. We miss you.” Alice hugs me.
“I miss you guys too. It’s nice catching up with you guys.” I genuinely reply back. Although I stopped talking to everyone here, I do miss them. It's nostalgic.
“How are you getting home?” Joseph asks me as he puts on his jacket too.
“Just taking an uber, my car’s in the shop.”
“I can ask Josh to drop you off?” Kacey suggests but I rather be on my own than let her fiancé go out of his way for me.
“I can drive you home.” Harry opens the front door.
“No, guys it’s okay.” I try to brush them off but Harry softly grabs my hand as he bids everyone goodbye.
“Okay, Y/N and I are going to go, goodnight guys!” He waves at our friends as he pulls me to his car. I give everyone a confused look and let Harry pull me away.
“Harry, you don’t have to drop me off.” I try to convince him but he doesn’t let my hand go until he opens my door and helps me into his car. I finally give up and put my seatbelt on as he gets into his seat too.
“Where do you live?” He asks as he zooms out of Sarah’s driveway.
“In Richmond.”
��Can you put the address on my GPS?” He turns it on and points it at me. It was weird between us. There’s this big elephant between us but we’re acting like we’re over it. I just nod my head and do it.
As we drive to my place, I just watch the street lights pass by and listen to his music. Harry seemed like something was bothering him since he kept his jaw clenched. “You okay?” I try to ask him.
“Fine. What about you?”
“I’m okay.”
“Look Y/N...I’ve just been thinking and I’m wondering when we get to your place... could we maybe I don’t know...talk?”
“About us?” There was no point of acting oblivious to this. What happened between us years ago still plays in my mind.  
“Yeah.” He stutters as he looks at me.
“Lovely townhouse you got here.” He walks in with me as I open my door.
“Thanks, I got a few roommates but they’re probably in bed. Um, You can sit in the living room.” I gesture him to the room as I take my jacket off. “Would you like some tea?”
“No, thanks.” He sits down while I sit next to him.
“Okay, let’s talk. What’s up?” “How have you been?”
“Good, what about you?”
“Thanks. I’ve been doing well too. Are you um...seeing anyone?” He asks out of the blue. “It’s just everyone spoke up about their love lives and you didn’t really say anything.” I awkwardly laugh at his question. I mean I’m not surprised he asked out of the blue. We used to be so close.  
“No, I broke up with my boyfriend a couple months ago.”
“Long term?” “Yeah, we dated for 2 years.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear about that.” He just shakes his head while I laugh at his awkwardness.
“Harry, it’s fine. It’s nice to see you through and catch up.”
“Y/N I have- I have to tell you something.”
“Okay.” I try to brace myself. I may have known him for years but I have no idea what he’s going to say.
“I miss you.”
“Please, Y/N. Just give me another chance.” He turns towards me. “I’ve been trying to talk to you after our fight but you just completely cut me off.”
“You used me!” I exclaim.
“You don’t understand. I didn’t want to lose you!” He rubs his face in stress. “And I did. I did lose you!”
“Why do you even still want me? It’s been four years Harry maybe, it’s better if we just let the past go.” I stand up and try to walk away but Harry grabs my hands and keeps me in between his legs.
“You don’t mean that, Y/N.” his sad eyes look at me. “I miss you. Didn’t you miss me too?” he whispers as he tries to shake my hands. He was desperate for me to say the words he missed coming from my mouth. “Of course I did!”
“I don’t care if you don’t love me anymore or if you don’t want to be best friends. I just need you in my life again.”
“I’m scared to be you again.”
“I love you.” He leans down and rests his head on my stomach as he tries to pull me in closer. My hands fall into his hair and play with the curly strands just like I used to high school. “I was stupid and immature in high school but I’m ready to be the man you deserve. I just want you with me again.” “I love you Harry.” I pull his face up and lean down to kiss him. His hands urgently grasps my face as he helps me straddle him on the couch.
“I always knew we were going to be more than friends, baby.” He whispers to me as he pulls away and smiles at me.
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fictionisfact · 4 years
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A/N: I’m in love with Ty so I really wanted to write this little Ty x reader. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ty and Annie together, I just wanted to try writing. I really hope you guys enjoy and this gif is so cute. 🥺
Here for you
Based on S1 Ep. 9
“Prom does not sound fun, at all, especially if you have no one to go with.” Annie stated unamused.
“Prom is probably going to be the best experience of our high school lives!” You exclaimed confidently with a huge grin on your face. “Plus we can always go together.”
You were currently chilling on Annie’s bed making small talk. She just got back from Aunt Helen’s not too long ago. You lived with Annie and Dana Sue ever since your parents died, which happened when you were 5. Although you and Annie were cousins, you practically became sisters and Dana Sue was basically your second mom.
Just as you girls stopped laughing at your dumbfounded excitement, Dana Sue leaned against the door frame of the current occupied room.
“Okay girls, it’s Margarita night so get dressed. We’re going over to Maddie’s house tonight. Lord knows she needs this after the whole Kyle situation today.”
Your face turned into a frown at the mention of Kyle. He was like the little brother you never had and you loved him dearly.
“Yes ma’am.” You responded excitedly at the thought of seeing him. You jumped off the bed and ran to your room to get dressed.
“Well, we know who she’s excited to see.” Dana Sue said chuckling. Annie laughed along as she nodded her head knowing what her mom was talking about.
You scanned through your closet and settled on a white crop top with light blue jeans. You looked at yourself in the full length mirror you had in your room and was very pleased.
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You tied your white shoes after slipping them on and decided to wait in the kitchen for Dana Sue and Annie. After a few minutes of waiting with Annie. Dana Sue came out of her room and told you both to get in the car.
The drive was not long at all and it was very familiar, as you came to Maddie’s often. After all Tyler, or Ty, was your best friend and you guys hung out non-stop. It’s funny because everyone swears you guys would be a cute couple. They expect you guys to get married when you’re both older because of how close you are. You always turned the idea down though because you thought it was extremely cheesy.
When you walked through the front door, Aunt Helen and Aunt Maddie were standing there waiting for Annie and you.
“Oh! How are you honey?” Maddie asked as she gave you a bone crushing hug, while Annie gave Helen one at the same time.
“I’ve been well thank you. I don’t even need to ask about you though. If you ever need help, I’m here for you Aunt Maddie.” You replied sweetly as you pulled away from the hug with a small smile on your lips.
“You’re too kind *y/n*, I can always count on you.” She said as she rested her hands on your shoulders. You and Annie switched Aunts to hug the other. After the hugging was done Maddie called down Kyle.
He walked down the stairs begrudgingly, as everyone stared at him. Maddie walked away once he was at the bottom of the steps, to let his friends talk to him.
He stood there awkwardly until he mustered up enough courage to say something to the three people waiting.
“I was a jerk today, not a team player at all,” he started, as Helen gave him a slight nod confirming his claims, “and I’m very sorry,” he finished. Helen gave him a tight lipped smile while you gave him a small comforting one.
“You put us in a very bad state, dear heart. You’ll have to make apologies tomorrow to the rest of the team. You know that, don’t you?” She queried as he stared blankly until he looked up at her.
“Yes Aunt Helen.” He replied solemnly.
“Hmm. All right then. I am not gonna pile on you, considering that you’re probably grounded for a dog’s age already.” She said as she leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. You and Annie giggled quietly at Helen’s funny remark. She walked away leaving you, Annie, and Kyle alone.
You pulled him in for a tight hug. You sighed happily, knowing that he is safe and sound
“Don’t ever scare me like that again ok? I love you.” You mumbled into his ear. He eargely shook his head agreeing.
You stepped back away from him and looked between Annie and him. You sensed that they needed to be alone after what had happened.
“Umm, I’m going to check on Ty.” You said as you rubbed the back of your neck and start for the stairs.
“Mhmm. You go do that. Have fun!” Annie said with a huge smirk on her face. Her and Kyle started laughing at your blushed state. Nobody will ever live that down you thought to yourself.
“You’re evil you know that?” You asked looking back at them while walking up the stairs. He’s talking to CeCe anyways, he doesn’t like me like that you assured yourself. Although he has been acting weird around you lately.
Once you made it to the top, you turn the corner and head towards the familiar room you have been in countless of times. You open the door and close it leaving a little crack open. Ty sat on his bed on his phone. Once he saw you he sat up with a huge grin plastered across his face.
“Hey *y/n*!” He said, happy that he finally had some company let alone his best friend. You two hugged and then sat on his bed to chill for a bit.
“So how are you and CeCe?” You asked poking him in his side with an innocent smile. You were genuinely curious as he never talked about her. Another point to him acting weird. He always talked about everything with you but recently, he hasn’t which you understand as it was most likely because of his parents divorce.
“Good I guess,” he responded rubbing his neck. You nodded understanding he didn’t want to expand on the subject. CeCe has never liked you as you were one of the most prettiest girls in school, which meant you were slightly more popular than her. She’s jealous of you and Ty’s relationship too.
You shivered from the fan’s cool breeze above you. You immediately regretted wearing a tank top that was exposing a lot of skin.
“Why is it so cold in here?!” You blurted out in irritation. Ty shot you a weird look.
“What do you mean? I’m super hot.” He said standing up from the bed. “You know you’re too sensitive for your own good.” He chuckled lightly at your face you were making. He grabbed one of his sweatshirts and tossed it at you. It landed right on your face.
“Thank you.” You said, muffled from the sweatshirt on your face. He sat back down again while you slid on the sweatshirt it was big on you but that’s how you liked it. He leaned his head on his hand looking down at you. You turned to see him staring at you.
“What?” You queried as he gave you a look he’s never given you before. You smiled cautiously at his strange behavior. 
“Noreen left my dad.” He said with a slight shrug, still looking at you. A frown creeped onto your face knowing that he’s going to be affected once again.
“I’m so sorry Ty. I know how hard the divorce was for you, this must be a little hard to.” You grabbed his free hand to comfort him. “I’m always here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. I’m great at listening.” You told him smiling from ear to ear.
“That’s what I love about you, you’re so kind, caring, beautiful.” He said throwing the last adjective out of the blue. Still you smiled at his kind words.
Before you could thank him, he started leaning in. It all happened so fast you couldn’t comprehend. He kissed you softly. As you realize what was happening you push him off and you sit up with a jolt. Tyler Townsend, your best friend since the age of 5, just kissed you. Your eyes grew wide and you just stared blankly in front of you.
“I-I’m sorry I don’t know what I was thinking-“ he claimed as he scrambled off the bed. He too had wide eyes from his previous actions. “Um, I have to get to Gabe’s, I’ll see you later?” He nervously said as he tried to move past what just happened.
Before you could say “okay”, he bolted out of his room and down the stairs. You quickly realized that you guys needed to talk. You tried to chase after him, but him being a lot faster than you, you knew you couldn’t make it in time.
“Later, prisoners. I am a law-abiding citizen so I am going to Gabe’s!” You heard him yell from the living room. As you get to the bottom of the stairs, he had already shut the door behind him.
You sigh in disbelief. You didn’t mean to be so frozen or quiet about it. You were just caught off guard, EXTREMLY off guard. You slowly walked into living room to see Annie and Kyle playing cards. They just finished talking about their prom night plans. Although you wanted to oppose of it and make Annie go with you, you were to busy with your own problems.
“Can I join you guys?” You asked shyly with a small smile. You sat on the floor across from Kyle.
“Of course!” Annie responded enthusiastically. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, you ok?” She asked hesitantly. You stopped staring into space at her sudden question.
“Yup. All good here.” You said not so confidently. Little did they know, a lot was going to be changing soon.
Part 2
Okay wow kinda happy with this, I might make a part 2 because I had more planned out like reader going to prom with Jackson making Ty jealous.
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Slides and Serendipity
Part 6 (4.2k)
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AN: Back to back updates what is going on and also happy reading. I hope everyone is doing okay during quarantine
Warnings: pretty sure there’s some language in there but who is even surprised anymore
I was really excited to finally see Mia again because she was this amazingly sweet girl. She’d moved to New York in pursuit of her career as a graphics designer after graduating and then contact had fizzled out not soon after.
That was the sad part about graduating. It was impossible to keep up with everyone because after years of spending so much time together everyone was starting their own lives. We all got caught up in our own things and I lost touch with many great people from college. I always told myself I’d reach out when things would quiet down but at this point it would mostly be awkward.
I arrived a little early at the restaurant and asked for a table where I could watch the door so I could wave Mia over. She arrived not soon after, a bright smile on her face as soon as she spotted me. She looked good, still perfectly styled and her make up on point. She’d lost her baby face like most of us by now and her look was more sophisticated but overall I’d have recognized her anywhere.
“How is it possible that you’re even hotter now than you were three years ago?”, she greeted me with a laugh and I joined her, standing up to hug her tightly. She was taller than me, even with the heeled booties I wore, her model height had always had her towering over everyone else in our girl gang during college.
“You’re one to talk, I’m pretty sure your boobs make every porn star jealous at this point.”
“Don’t even get me started on these babies, my back is killing me to the point that I’m actually considering a reduction. I’d rather have your boobs, big enough to turn heads but not to the point where they’re constantly fighting gravity.” She winked at me and gave me a playful once over, an approving look on her face.
“God I’ve missed you. Now we only need Lisa to complete the Holy European Trinity so we can wreak havoc over this city”, I sighed and she agreed before sitting back down. With Mia’s cute Irish accent and Lisa’s passionate Italian heritage we’d turned quite a few heads during our time in college but we’d all been very picky with our choices.
“Perhaps it’s good that she’s still in Denver, Dallas can’t handle all three of us.”
We ordered our drinks and then quickly decided on sharing one of the menus the restaurant offered for couples. She was about to show me something on her phone when I did a double take at her background picture.
“Holy shit you have a son?!”, I exclaimed, looking at the picture of a toddler in her arms. It had to be her son, the resemblance was uncanny even if he didn’t share her red locks.
“Yeah this is Elias, he just turned two. I totally forgot that we stopped talking right before I found out that I was pregnant”, she said sheepishly and I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, 25 and enjoying the single life while one of my closest friends from college had started a family. I couldn’t spot a wedding ring on her finger though and while I usually wouldn’t dare ask this question in most cases, Mia and I had shared far more personal details before.
“Who’s the dad, the guy you met at the supermarket?” I was pretty sure that she mentioned liking this guy but I could be wrong, it had been a while after all.
“No not him, some guy I met before him but he doesn’t even know that I got pregnant after hooking up. Supermarket guy fled as soon as I told him that I was three months pregnant and that it wasn’t his. It’s been Elias and I ever since but now I moved back so my parents could watch their grandchild grow up, they always complained about not seeing him enough.”
“He’s too cute, such a stud already because he gets his looks from you. I really want to meet the little guy, I’ll be the best auntie ever since he doesn’t have any real ones. And if you ever need a babysitter I’d love to watch him”, I said excitedly. I loved kids but wasn’t ready to have any on my own, besides the fact that I also didn’t have a baby daddy in sight either. Mia was an only child so I’d decided that it was now my responsibility to spoil her kid.
“He’s with my parents right now but I’ll come visit with him sometime next week if you want.”
I agreed of course and then she told me all about him until our food arrived. Elias sounded hilarious and I already loved him without ever having met him. I waited until after we finished eating to talk to her about what I really wanted.
“I don’t know if Lisa told you anything yet, but I’m starting my own business and I really want you to work with me. I want you to be in charge of the graphics and we can get started as soon as I find someone else to help me with the coding because I have so many requests lined up I can’t do them all by myself.”
“Yeah she hinted at something like that. What kind of stuff would you want me to do and where would we work?”, she asked and I knew that I had her.
“At first I was planning on renting an office somewhere downtown but then I realized that that would be wasted time and money. I have a big house now so I turned one of the big rooms into an office with a conference table and everything. The table is set to be delivered tomorrow and then we’re ready to move in. The designs are really up to you, of course there are requests but you know best so I won’t meddle in any of that.”
She asked me how we’d do it payment wise but I knew that unless I’d really screw her over in that department, which I would never do, she’d agree.
“Okay I’ll do it. And I might also have someone to help you with the programming part. His name is Jason and he works with me right now. He’s really good and also knows a thing or two about marketing if you ever want to fly solo again and if that doesn’t convince you already, his wife Madelyn rivals your cooking skills so there’s always going to be amazing lunch to go around.”
I’d been convinced that she’d agree, yet I couldn’t help the feeling of relief coursing through me right now. I’d tried to convince Lisa to move with me but she didn’t want to leave her family in Denver behind and I understood that. Now I’d have Mia by my side at least.
I’d moved to Texas to be closer to the Bumble headquarters, finally feeling ready to step up again but ultimately liking Dallas better than Austin. Most of the meetings could be done via Skype and for everything else I’d just have to bear the drive down.
“Do you think this Jason will go for my offer?”, I asked unsure, Mia was my friend so perhaps she was more inclined to leave her safe office job for a startup business but I didn’t know this guy.
“Of course, especially with what you’re offering to pay. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to work with the Olivia Haller either, you’re famous in our circles. Plus he’s probably sick of following orders too, I know I am at least.”
Tonight couldn’t have gone any better and I was so happy. Mia decided to call this Jason on the spot and I talked to him for a bit before inviting him over to the office at the beginning of next week. I trusted Mia’s judge of character but I still wanted to see if he really was a good fit because I really wanted this to work.
She had to leave a while later to pick up Elias and we agreed that she’d be there for the meeting with Jason so I would see her in a few days again. I hugged her tightly as we said our goodbyes, happy to be reunited with an old friend.
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Tyler texted me on Saturday morning to see if I wanted to hand out with him tonight, but I told him that I’d already made plans with the girls to go out.
Tyler: See I told you that my friends like you better than me already. They’ve never asked me to go out with them
Me: Maybe they’re afraid that you’ll hit on them
Tyler: Very funny but probably also true
I laughed at his response because at least he was honest with himself, something that I really liked. He knew he’d fucked up before and wasn’t shy about admitting his mistakes.
Katie had told me to dress up for the club we’d be going to and I picked out a satin wrap-style dress that I’d loved in the store but never had the chance to wear since. The material was so soft and flowy that I couldn’t stop my hands from running over it. I even took the time to do my make up properly, gluing on fake lashes and applying bold red lipstick, a color that I’d come to love over the past few years.
I looked hot and after I sent a pic in the group chat Lisa told me to get some tonight so I could get sleeping with Tyler out of my head. I told her that I’d think about it but I already knew that I probably wouldn’t do it because I’d never been a fan of one night stands. I also didn’t want to pursue a hookup in front of Katie and the other girls, that would be a little weird after all.
After thanking my Uber driver I got out and spotted the girls immediately. I recognized Katie, Dominika and Alandra but there were three other girls I hadn’t met before.
“Liv I want you to meet Anna, Fanny and Taylor. Girls this is Liv, the one that has Tyler going absolutely crazy”, Katie introduced everyone and I had to laugh at the last part because I knew that she couldn’t be telling the truth.
Tyler was so chill with me lately I couldn’t imagine him ever losing his head over anyone, especially me. The only apparent lapse in his judgement had been at the party but ever since he’d only been friendly with perhaps a touch of affectionate.
The cold breeze that hit our exposed legs quickly made all of us walk inside, where we were immediately greeted by thumping music and bodies writhing to the beat.
“Drinks first?”, someone shouted and we all nodded, slowly making our way over to the bar. Even with my heels on I was still smaller than most and I was nearly hit in the face by elbows more than once. I didn’t mind masses of people per se, but I didn’t like the feeling of people closing in on me to the point of me feeling like Jon Snow at the end of season six.
The bar was crowded and I knew that there was no point of me being the one up front ordering. Usually I flirted with the bartenders to get my drinks faster but there were so many tall guys that no barkeeper would even be able to see me throwing a smile at him.
Dominika soon turned around with two glasses of Tequila for everyone and we quickly downed them. We ordered some more drinks and then set out to find a booth so we could relax for a bit before we’d make our way to the dance floor. I’d ordered a beer instead because I knew that the small opening of the bottle made it harder to slip something in when dancing, something I had to learn the hard way. Unless I knew that I could leave my drink and that it would be watched I always stuck with beer and shots.
Tonight seemed to be our night because just as we walked over another group of girls abandoned their booth to go dance and we quickly slid in, spreading around the table. I tried my best to ignore the disgusting sticky surface in front of me and joined the conversation on which type of heels was best suited to go clubbing.
Eventually I got up to order more rounds of shots for us, this time determined that the barkeeper would notice me. I found a free spot next to a big guy and waved over to the barkeeper, giving him my brightest smile. My plan worked as he immediately came over, abandoning a group of guys to my left.
“Two rounds of tequila for seven please”, I yelled over the loud music and he winked at me with a flirty smile.
“Add that to my tab Jake”, the tall guy on my left said as the barkeeper asked for my credit card. I quickly hid the black piece of plastic back in my tiny purse and looked up at the guy for the first time. He was decently handsome but I didn’t like the way he smiled at me though, as if offering to pay for the drinks was the single greatest thing to have ever been achieved by mankind.
I wouldn’t turn down free shots though so I gave him a coy smile and thanked him before grabbing the tray and making my way back, years of waitressing paying off.
“Courtesy of a dude at the bar so bottoms up everyone”, I said and they all cheered.
“Only you would get a guy to spend well over 50 bucks on your drinks without saying a single word to him before”, Alandra laughed after I told everyone how we snagged those free drinks. I just shrugged and winked at her which made everyone laugh.
Everyone was starting to feel buzzed enough to hit the dance floor and I was glad to have finished off my beer a while ago, nothing stopping me from dancing now. We had a great time, swaying our hips to the beat with our arms thrown around each other and the others took multiple videos of everyone dancing for their stories. We asked a girl to take pictures of us to commemorate the evening and I posted one where all of us looked super hot, tagging the girls after everyone was now following me.
Of course the male population had to ruin the amazing time I was having as a pair of hands grabbed my hips from behind. I immediately slapped them off and turned around to give whoever had the audacity an ear full, sighing as I realized that it was the guy from the bar earlier.
“You never properly thanked me”, he said, probably trying to sound sexy but failing miserably because he was creeping the hell out of me.
“I already said thank you back at the bar”, I responded coldly, not wanting to put up with this shit when I’d been having so much fun up until now.
“I spent so much money on you and you can’t even be nice to me?!”, he exclaimed and I could tell that he was pissed. He’d balled his hands to fists and taken a step closer to me, I really hoped that he wouldn’t get violent.
“No one asked you to do that, that’s all on you buddy. I don’t owe you anything and I’ve been nothing but polite up until now but if you don’t leave us alone right this second I will make sure that you’re kicked out of this club for good”, I threatened, switching my posture to a more intimidating stance and already calculating in my head how much I’d need to bribe some bouncers to get what I wanted. It was still a little shocking what money could achieve. He seemed to realize that he better not mess with me because he backed up and left with a huff and a dirty glance back.
I turned around to the girls, all of them staring at me in shock.
“What?”, I asked, subconsciously reaching up to fix my hair as if that were the reason they were looking at me like that.
“The way you stood up to him, despite being like half his size. Girl I love you already”, Anna said and I laughed at her comment but I couldn’t stop the blush from spreading on my cheeks.
“I need more alcohol after this and this time I’m actually buying”, I said, needing this night to get back on track. I managed the trip without any incidents this time, returning not soon after with a full tray of shots.
As a German I wasn’t a lightweight by any means, the American night out our pregame but even I could feel the buzz of the alcohol by now. We continued drinking and dancing until our feet screamed at us to take a break.
Back in a different booth I checked my phone to see that Tyler had texted me a while ago. I was surprised to see that he was still up as it had gotten pretty late.
Tyler: Looks like you’re having all the fun without me :(
He’d attached a screenshot of Fanny’s Instagram story where you could see me practically grinding on Dominika.
Me: Don’t worry we can still have lots of fun if you want
I couldn’t help it, alcohol made me horny and my alcohol clouded brain had forgotten to put my don’t-hook-up-with-Tyler-filter on.
Tyler: Sounds promising
Tyler: Do you want me to come pick you up?
I had to read the message twice, not really sure if he really meant it the way I thought he did.
Me: To have fun?
Tyler: Fuck no I didn’t mean for this to come out that way I swear
Tyler: I just don’t want you to have to catch a ride alone this late and I know that none of the girls live close to us
My alcohol clouded brain had now proceeded to make heart eyes at Tyler’s sweet gesture.
Me: Look at you being cute and shit but I don’t want to keep you up
Tyler: Don’t worry about it just text me when you’re ready to go
I looked at the girls, noticing that most of them looked just as exhausted as I felt at this point. We had been in here for hours and I knew that we would probably head out soon so I texted Tyler to leave now. By the time he’d get here we would probably be outside already.
“Do you want me to call an Uber for you too?”, Taylor asked me a bit later and I shook my head no, telling them that Tyler would pick me up.
“Wow that’s really sweet and unusual of him, you really got him good.” Katie’s comment had me lost in my thoughts until we were outside again. It had cooled off even more now and I was glad that we didn’t have to wait long.
Tyler pulled up to the curb almost at the same time as the Ubers and we all hugged goodbye, promising to go out again soon. I opened the door to the G wagon and smiled happily at Tyler, my judgement still a little woozy from too much tequila.
“As much as I’m enjoying my view right now you should probably put on the jacket that’s on the backseat, you must be freezing”, he said, probably noticing my slight shivering in the short dress. I nodded thankfully and tried to reach back but the damn car was so big that I practically had to climb on top of the middle console to finally get my hands on the piece of clothing.
This way I’d basically pushed my ass in Tyler’s face but I didn’t realize my mistake until I turned back and saw him look at me with a wild expression on his face. I tried to act as if I didn’t notice what had happened and after shaking his head to snap out of it he shifted to drive and pulled away from the club.
He asked me if I’d had fun and I giggled before telling him that he sounded like my parent right now, at which point he pulled a face. I could swear that I heard him mutter something like ‘fucking parentzoned’ under his breath but perhaps the alcohol was making me hear things.
He told me about how he had spent his evening skyping with his sisters and I loved that family man aspect about him. One could only dream of being as close as the Seguins.
Once in a while he’d quietly sing along to the songs playing over the speakers and I slowly found myself growing more tired by the second. It was really all his fault with his comfortable car seats and his stupidly soothing voice.
By the time he pulled into my driveway I was so close to falling asleep that I didn’t want to open my eyes anymore. Tyler laughed at me but then he surprisingly got out and walked around the car before picking me up and carrying me bridal style towards the front door.
“Tell me your code”, he said and I was more than happy to supply him with the numbers if that meant that he’d carry me for a while longer. Yogi greeted us excitedly and I told Tyler to let him out before I demanded he take me upstairs. I could feel his chest shaking with laughter but he didn’t complain, instead gripping me tighter so he could move around better.
“I still need to take off my make up”, I stopped him before he could lay me down on my bed, finally opening my eyes to look up at Tyler.
“Alright I’ll set you down on the bathroom counter and then leave so you can work your magic.” He smiled his adorable smile at me but I wasn’t quite ready for him to leave yet.
“I need your help with the dress though, I tied it really well so it wouldn’t come loose and I don’t know if I can get it off by myself now”, I pouted at him, hoping that he’d agree to take my dress of for me again. Just like the last time I was fully capable of doing it myself but I wanted to tease him for a little bit before he left.
From my angle I could watch Tyler visibly gulp but he still agreed before gently setting me down in the bathroom. Reluctantly I let go of his neck and turned to the side so he could access the part where I’d tied the fabric of the dress together.
His big beautiful hands were now struggling with the knots and his nose was scrunched up in concentration. I’d never seen anyone look so hot and cute at the same time.
He finally managed to get the last part and as soon as he let the strings go the flowy nature of the dress made it slip down my body, exposing my underwear. I’d expected something like this to happen and it may have been one of the reasons why I’d asked him to help me.
Despite having told Lisa that I wouldn’t hook up with anyone I’d picked out a matching lace set for tonight just in case and I could see that it took everything out of Tyler to avert his eyes. Not before looking me up and down though. I let the dress fall down the rest of the way and reached for my robe by the door, catching Tyler checking me out as soon as I turned my back on him in the mirror.
“Thanks for coming to pick me up, you really didn’t have to”, I said as we walked down the stairs again. I needed to let Yogi in again and I also wanted to escort him to the door.
“I didn’t mind, really it’s nothing”, he shrugged and I smiled, knowing that it definitely wasn’t nothing.
“Well in my books I owe you one now, so if you ever need me to pick you up or anything really, just let me know.” I tried to get my point across, already knowing that he’d probably never drunk call me in the middle of the night to ask for a ride.
“I’ll try to remember but I’ll let you catch some sleep now. If you want to you can come over for breakfast tomorrow, we didn’t get to hang out today after all”
I wished he wouldn’t leave and instead climb into bed with me but I knew that there was no way. Instead I settled for a kiss on his cheek and a hug.
“Of course I’ll come, I might need some grilled cheese after all. Goodnight Ty.”
“Goodnight Liv, see you in a few hours.”
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minah-delacroix · 4 years
Welcome back to being single (Part I)
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How to survive being single AU
Word count: 1,6k
“If he doesn’t get over the backstabbing, career-ruiner mess that woman is, I hope at least he chokes on this,” says Jane handing Mark a breast-shaped cake and closing the door behind her with a loud thud. Mark rolls eyes amused and ignores the fact somewhere in the house Tyler is bragging about successfully setting a Tinder account for Sungjae.
"T, where should I put this?" the man asks, dodging a bunch of balloons scattered around as he walks through the living room, where his girlfriend and M are hanging a gold streamer backdrop.
“On the table, babe” Tara says, her voice rising just enough for Daniel to come out the kitchen.
"Seriously, Jane, a boob cake?" He scoffs as Mark walks past him "Did you perhaps hire a hooker as well?" His nose scrunches up in disgust “That’s the only thing missing in this stereotypically heterosexual party. Tyler even got him a Tinder account "
There’s a forced laugh and Tyler Lee materializes, eyebrows up and smug smirk clinging to the corner of his lips
"What’s wrong with Tinder?" He asks, though his question is not meant to be answered because he goes on “Sungjae just needs to fuck Ashleigh out of his system” He says naturally, causing Jane and Mark to wince.
"You can’t create a lasting bond over an app, it’s impersonal" M offers quietly, his words barely audible for Tyler who is standing next to him.
"Not everybody is looking to create a bond with some stranger on the internet, sometimes people just want to fuck" Tyler says as he plops onto the couch next to Jane.
"You might have a point" she shrugs "That’s exactly what Jaehyun-"
“For all we know Sungjae might want to be alone for a while before jumping into a relationship again” Daniel cuts her off, looking at Jane with a revolted expression “Or maybe experiment a bit?” he adds casually.
“It's not gonna happen, Daniel” Tyler is about to start another of his famous arguments with the model when Tara jumps excitedly off the chair where she was standing on a second ago.
“Ok, ok, children…” the woman says standing in the middle of her friends and clapping for their attention “We want this to be perfect. I've been working on this for 8 hours straight. If this goes according to my plans, Sungjae will be over Ashleigh by the end of- "
"T, stop worrying, I swear on my new Gucci kicks, Sungjae won’t even get the time to think about Ashleigh because he’ll be busy enough."
"Because he’ll be fucking like a-"
"Sweetheart, the cake is on the wrong table, it's supposed to be on the food table" Tara ignores her brother in favor of scolding Mark's lack of common sense, her observant eyes catching on every detail as she walks around the living room making sure there's not a single thing out of place. "I told you like 20 times"
"Sorry babe, there are like 5 tables" Mark says moving faster than the Flash to move the cake. Tyler and Daniel exchange knowing glances, probably agreeing on how pathetic it is that Mark is wrapped around Tara’s little finger.
"I really hope this goes well" M says before taking a deep breath "If you don't do it for Sungjae, please do it for me" The group of friends looks at M questioningly "What hurts him, hurts me too" he says solemnly, earning laughs from his friends and one or two cushions thrown at him.
The details on why “the squad” has gathered in Sungjae and M's apartment and there's a sign reading “welcome back to single life” hanging from the ceiling are still up to debate, but briefly explained, it all comes down to the fact Sungjae has turned into an overnight sensation on social media after discovering, during the premiere of his latest movie and in the most unceremonious of the ways, that his girlfriend had been cheating on him. Though his friends had tried to omit the fact Sungjae was on his knee when a reporter asked about a video shared on social media that showed Ashleigh in a very compromising position with another man, news traveled fast, and over the last couple of days, a good portion if not the whole British population had already watched the video of Sungjae losing his cool and nearly punching said reporter.
The details on why the whole squad followed Sungjae to his first Tinder date are also still up to debate but as Tyler reminds Daniel through a text message the only reason they’re doing it is to make sure they can offer their advice if things get out of control, or maybe serve him as an alibi in case he wants to leave earlier.
That’s exactly why in Tyler’s opinion, Daniel’s date’s presence is as unnecessary as the huge sculpture blocking Sungjae’s face. Though on second thought the same could be said about Maude who’s sitting right next to Director Hwang, a respectable and world-celebrated filmmaker Daniel has been a fan of for as long as Tyler can remember and for some reason agreed to accompany the model tonight.
Across the room, Mark and Tara sit with an air of satisfaction surrounding them. Much to their friends’ (who had even placed some bets about whether they would show up or not) annoyance, the couple occupies the most coveted table in The Penthouse, with a full view over the Thames. It is of common knowledge that Tara and Mark tend to be on the receiving end of their friends' jokes about leading a boring and monotonous life, so they laugh at the way Jane reluctantly slides a 20-pound bill over the table she is sharing with M while they sip from glasses of exotic cocktails whose names they have already forgot.
Sungjae’s date is a twenty-something young girl named Olivia, who happens to google Sungjae’s name and find out about the Ashleigh fiasco during the first 10 minutes of their date. She is laidback, lacks some manners, and is fixated on watching Sungjae cry, because after all, “that’s what actors do”. It doesn’t take long before Sungjae is seeking help from his friends. He goes to Tara and Mark first simply because they’re the closest to his table and they always offer the best advice. Sungjae regrets his choice immediately once he realizes they’re both tipsy and are acting unlike themselves, giggling like school kids who’ve been drinking for the first time.
“What’s wrong with you two?” Sungjae says sliding on the free seat next to Mark “You may want to slow down with the alcohol” he says.
“So, who’s the boring one now? Not me” Tara slurs her words, “Did you bet against us as well?”
“That’s not important” Sungjae says, brushing the accusation off simply because he doesn’t want to admit he might’ve placed his bet against his friends. “My date is going horribly, she wants me to cry and I can’t stop embarrassing myself. I don’t know what’s wrong with me”
“Sungjae, bro” Mark says wrapping an arm around Sungjae’s shoulders, his movements erratic and his voice a bit unrecognizable. “Olivia is just a rebound, she’s doesn’t have to be the love of your life, just a girl you have a good time with. Relax” Sungjae winces at Mark’s words, not quite believing he’s getting such useless advice from one of his wisest friends.
“No, no, it’s just the opposite, she could become someone special, love” Tara says, leaning across the table to hold Sungjae’s hand and give it a squeeze “Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be in touch with your feelings, women like that”
The couple’s advice proves to be completely useless once Sungjae goes back to his table and Olivia’s phone starts ringing with notifications Sungjae recognizes as Tinder messages. Against his better judgment, minutes later Sungjae finds himself interrupting what seems to be a very lively conversation between his best friend and Jane.
“Olivia is on Tinder, this is definitely not going well” he informs as he sits across Jane.
“It sounds a lot like a movie I watched last-“ M starts to say but is interrupted by Jane’s exasperated voice.
“Don’t be so easily intimidated, Lee” She snorts, “We women like assertive men, who are confident and know what they want”
“Yes, be confident, Sungjae. You’re Sungjae Lee, the famous and renowned actor” M continues. Sungjae tries to ignore the way his friend’s cheeks slightly heat when Jane nods along, approving of his words.  
“Okay, okay, be confident” Sungjae repeats to himself. “I can do that, or at least pretend to”
As he walks back to his table, Sungjae can hear Tyler scoffing at Director Hwang’s praises to Daniel’s "very proportional face". He concludes that he’ll rather finish his date before asking for that table’s advice next.
Then, it happens. Sungjae spots the most beautiful creature he has ever laid his eyes upon. The woman in question is sitting on her own, a few tables away from his, her eyes are big, her lips full and her hair falls gracefully in soft waves. She wears an expensive-looking dress that leaves her back completely bare but is long enough to hide her ankles. Sungjae almost bumps into a waiter when the woman’s eyes briefly meet his and she smiles a Mona Lisa smile that is enigmatic, attractive and seems to say “Yes, I know”.
Sungjae is not a religious man, but for some reason the first thought invading his brain is that whoever said God is a woman had probably seen this woman before.
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Seven
Where Did We Go | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 1878
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this one! :) (picture credit)
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“What else do we need?” Tyler asked, leaning over your shoulder to look at the grocery list that was in your hands.
“Chips, salad, and you specifically requested that we get cookies. After that, we should have everything on this list.”
Although today was supposed to be your lazy day, you and Tyler had decided to go out and run some errands. It was something that the two of you enjoyed doing together, even if it wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world.
“Where should we start?”
“The chips and cookies are right down here, so let’s get those out of the way.”
Tyler turned your cart down the aisle and headed towards the chips. You had barely gotten a few steps into the aisle when two teenage girls turned in your direction, their eyes going wide.
“Oh my god, it’s Tyler Joseph,” one of them said quickly before throwing a hand over her mouth.
The two girls exchanged a look before walking towards you. Tyler was already running a hand through his hair, trying to make it look less like he had spent the night before heavily drinking and just rolled out of bed to run errands, even though that was exactly what he had done.
“Can we get a picture?” one of them asked.
“Yeah, of course,” Tyler smiled.
You held out your hand for the girl’s phone, already knowing where this scenario was going; it was one that you had been in countless times before. Tyler wrapped his arms around each of the girls and smiled in your direction which, even if it wasn’t necessarily directed at you, made you smile a little. After taking a couple good pictures, you passed the phone back to its owner.
“Thank you so much,” she smiled at you. “You’re so pretty, by the way.”
Your eyebrows raised, having not expected that compliment. “Thank you, you are too.”
The girl’s smile grew even more as she turned to her friend. They quickly walked off, already whispering excitedly to one another. Tyler once again leaned on the cart, slowly beginning to push it forward once again.
“Who’s the celebrity now?” he smiled, giving your arm a nudge.
“The only reason I have even an ounce of fame is because I’m dating you,” you said.
“Fame is still fame, no matter how you get it.”
“Whatever. Just pick out your cookies, Joseph.”
You went a little further down the aisle to grab some chips while Tyler looked over his cookie options. It usually took him a little while to decide, so you took your time picking out some chips to keep around the house as well.
“I’ve got it!” Tyler announced triumphantly, holding up his selected cookies. He was loud enough that you were sure people a couple aisles over would hear him too. “I want these ones.”
You shook your head; sometimes you were amazed by how little some of Tyler’s mannerisms had changed since high school.
“Ok, put them in the cart.”
Tyler gently put the cookies into the cart among the rest of your groceries and then pushed the cart down towards you, lightly bumping you with it. You turned to him with a smile.
“What do you think? Tortilla chips?” you asked.
Tyler walked around the cart so that he was standing next to you, wrapping one arm around your waist. You couldn’t resist turning to look at him while he considered chip options. There was something about his thinking face that you found, well, adorable.
“I think tortilla chips are good,” he nodded, turning to you. “Oh, hi, I didn’t realize your face was that close.”
“Sorry, just admiring you again,” you smiled before grabbing the chips and adding them to the cart with the rest.
“Dork,” Tyler laughed. “Alright, what’s next?”
*     *     *
When the groceries were finally put away, you and Tyler got comfortable on the couch to watch some TV for awhile. You were quick to rest your head in Tyler’s lap and start scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch. Tyler, however, was paying close attention to something on his phone.
“What do you want to watch?” you asked, looking up at him.
No answer. You waited a few more seconds to see if he would say anything before you went back to scrolling. He was probably just distracted. After another ten seconds of silence, you gave up on asking for his opinion.
When you finally found a show that looked good, you turned to Tyler again. His eyes were moving quickly across his phone screen, one hand pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. You waited a little longer to see if he would come to a stop, but he didn’t.
“Hey, Ty?”
“What do you think of this show?”
Tyler’s eyes barely flicked up to the TV for a second before they were back on his phone. “Yeah, looks good.”
You weren’t entirely convinced by his approval of the show, but decided not to push the matter. Whatever he was reading was obviously important, and you didn’t want to start an argument over a Netflix show. Instead, you hit play and made yourself comfortable on his legs again.
“I’m going to need you to move.”
You were only a few minutes into the TV show when Tyler said it. Confused, you turned to look at him. He had finally stopped reading for the first time since he had picked his phone up, but it was still in his hand. His comment took you back a little bit, Tyler rarely asked you to stop cuddling with him.
“Um, ok,” you said, pushing yourself up to a sitting position and scooting away from him.
“I’m sorry. The label sent a really long email about stuff coming up this week but they got it wrong, so now I’m going to have to get this all sorted out.”
“Oh.” You tried to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach. It seemed the lazy day you had planned to spend with Tyler was quickly being flipped on its head. “That’s ok.”
“I’ll still sit and watch TV with you, I’ll just have to be on my computer while we do it.”
Tyler leaned over and kissed you before getting up to grab his laptop from the office. You forced a smile and decided to make yourself comfortable on the opposite end of the couch since cuddling wouldn’t really be an option if Tyler was having to send emails. At least he would still be at home and close to you.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
*     *     *
You had been watching TV for a couple hours and Tyler was still working away at his laptop, sending out emails and coordinating with various companies to figure out what was wrong. The TV show you picked had ended up being super interesting, although you weren’t even sure that Tyler knew the plot at this point. You had barely seen him look up from his computer once this entire time.
“Are you getting close to finishing, Ty?” you asked.
“I have no idea,” he said, his tone harsher than you had been expecting. “I’m trying to get this done as quickly as I can, but new emails are coming in faster than I can keep up.”
“Ok, sorry I asked.”
You tried to focus your attention back on the TV show, but you couldn’t quite get yourself to pay attention. Your mind kept replaying Tyler’s reaction to your question. You hadn’t meant to upset him with it, yet he had snapped at you for wanting to know when you would actually get to spend some quality time with him. That had been the original plan, after all.
The more you thought about your exchange with Tyler, the more frustrated you started to become. Eventually it was too much for you to keep inside, so you paused the show and practically stormed upstairs so that you could get some of your restless energy out without bothering Tyler. You hated getting into arguments with him and the longer you stayed downstairs and let your frustration grow, the more likely it was that you would end up snapping at him. Up here, you could let yourself calm down and think through the situation.
You couldn’t have been pacing your bedroom for more than a few minutes before Tyler joined you upstairs. He practically burst through the door of the bedroom, his shoulders relaxing as soon as he laid eyes on you.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere downstairs… thought you might have left without me noticing,” he said.
You held back a sigh. Him not noticing what you were up to was half of the problem, wasn’t it?
“I was just up here.”
“Are you ok?”
You began to chew on your lower lip, debating if you should even tell him why you were upset. He was already stressed enough as it was and you didn’t want to add to that, but you knew he would also want to know if he had done something wrong.
“Not really.”
He came closer to you now, only leaving a foot or two of space between you until he had an ok to get closer.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m just… I don’t know, I’m frustrated, I guess.”
“About what?”
“We were just supposed to have this nice lazy day today,” you sighed, crossing your arms, “and then of course the label had to email you and you had to work anyway. And I don’t want to be mad because I know it’s important, but it stings a little bit when our plans get ruined like this.”
Tyler reached up and ran a hand through his hair, twirling it around his fingers at the end.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“What if I make you a deal?” he asked. “I’ll work for another hour or so and then once it’s time to make dinner, I’ll stop. Even if there’s more to be done, I’ll save it for tomorrow and we can just spend the entire night together. How does that sound?”
You nodded, “I like that idea.”
He reached out and put his hands on your arms, “I promise that I want to make it up to you however I can. I know work takes up a lot of my time, but you’re still my first priority at the end of the day.”
Tyler stepped closer so that he could press a soft kiss to your forehead. The small gesture made you smile and, before you knew it, you had your arms wrapped around him. He hugged you tightly, making all of your frustration melt away in an instant.
“I’m sorry for not being more patient,” you mumbled into his chest.
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said. “We got it worked out.”
“Ok. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After hugging him a little while longer, you followed him back downstairs and got comfy on the couch again, this time a little closer to him. Although you didn’t like that he had to do more work, you were reassured by the fact that you would have the rest of the night to spend with him.
And that was enough for you.
*     *     *     *     *
@tylersheavydirtysoul @faceofcontvsions @ohprettyweeper @shaytwentyonep @tyler-josephs-floof @buzzybeebandaid @topownsmyheart @harishaanne @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah @somethingboutyou1 @boiled-onionrings @heythereitm3 @gaysludge @breadbinishigh @5secondsofmoxley @patdsinner33 @littlerachelbee @royal-avengers
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kingtylerreigns · 4 years
INVOLVED: Tyler Carter, Mia Carter, Farrah Parker, James Parker, James Parker, Jr, Nadia Montgomery, Greyson Montgomery, Rachelle Patterson, Daniel Patterson, Charlie Patterson, Harper Patterson, Patricia Parker, Gloria Greene, Brittnay Stevens, Vivian Parker, Kathy Hicks-Patrick, Carmen Carter, Anthony Carter, Aria Carter, Fátima N. Rivers-Luna, Ezra Rivers, Ángel I. Rivers-Luna, Natalia Dawson, Russell Dawson, Michael Dawson, Mila Rivers-Luna, Jason Artists, Gabriel Rivers-Luna, Joelle Cook, Axel Carter, Vivian Carter, Dominic Carter, Roxanna Emmerson, Alex Carter, Lexi Carter, Naomi Carter, and Madison Carter TIME FRAME: Saturday, May 2, 2020 LOCATION: Masraffs; Houston, Texas SUMMARY: Tyler and Mia get their families together to celebrate and party for the gender of their baby. It’s a fun and festive event that ends in a firework show revealing that Tyler and Mia are having a baby girl.
Tyler held Mia’s hand in his own as he escorted her into the venue with a small smile, nodding at the manager as he moved past. He let go of Mia’s hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Reaching out his freehand, he pushed the doors to their private room open and entered with Mia, smiling at all of their friends and family.
Mia walked with Tyler; she held the purple dress up a bit so that it didn’t drag on the ground as they walked. She looked at him and smiled, she was so curious to see what his mother had put together for them. She was sure no matter what it would be cute and heart felt. As they reached the doors to the private room, she smirked as he kissed her, walking along behind her and he pushed the doors open and she walked in her heart racing. The room was filled with their friends and family; she smiled releasing a chuckle as she took the venue in. “Aw,” she said happily as tip toed further into the room with all the commotion.
Fátima sat at one of the tables in the center of the room, looking around at all of her family members on one side of the room and who she assumed to be this Mia girl’s family on the other side. She swung her foot back and forth, her legs crossed with her hand over her knee as she looked towards her daughter, prepared to say something before Mia and Tyler entered. She turned her body in the chair, looking at her grandson and his wife as they entered. “Whoo,” she said aloud verbally, shocked to see how large the girl was.
Carmen sat at the table with her husband, mother, and father with a hum as she sipped some of her lemonade. She looked at her watch on her wrist before she stood up and made her way over to Mia’s family, wanting to introduce herself to a few people. However, as Tyler and Mia entered, she smiled brightly, looking over at them. Seeing Mia, she gushed. “Oh, you look so beautiful,” she said loudly in Spanish as she sat her cup down on a table and rushed over to them in her heels.
Tyler smiled as he looked around the room, trying to hide his shock and disappointment. He had honestly expected a bit more from his mother. She had begged and begged to be able to plan this party and this is what she had come up with. He let out a small sigh, shaking it off as he looked at his mother as she came rushing over. “Hey mom,” he smiled at her before he looked around the room, taking in their various family members.
Rachelle sat next to her sister and she smiled excitedly, her little niece was married and pregnant. Though it happened so fast, she’d been watching them on YouTube, and she couldn’t deny their chemistry was beautiful. “I know she looks beautiful, she probably bet her face to perfection,” she said gushing over the thought as she turned to Farrah. “Look, look at mama’s face,” she pointed out, “why is she eyeing those people like that?” she asked her older sister. When Mia walked through the door, she lit up again. “Aw, look at her,” she said as she stood up at the table smiling. “My little me-me,” she said.
Farrah watched around the room at everyone, there was a decent amount of people in there for the majority not to know the other. She looked at James and then at her sister nodding her head. “Yeah, I am sure,” she said quietly. She looked over at Nadia and raised her brow. “That is your mother,” she told the woman with a headshake. “You know how she is about people she doesn't know...” she said sighing. However, when Mia and Tyler walked into the room she smiled watching as a taller fair skinned woman ran over to them. “I think that’s his mother,” she said to her sister. “She put this together, I guess,” she shrugged, “I could've done better though,” she said slyly.
Mia continued to smile, her shoulders to her ears, as she beamed happily. When Carmen moved towards them, she smirked. “Hey ma,” she said reaching her arms out for a hug from the woman. “It’s beautiful ma, I love it,” she told her happily. “It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed.
Fátima watched her daughter run across the room and she pursed her lips as she rose slowly, smoothing out her dress with her hands. She gathered herself for a moment before she found herself walking over towards her daughter, grandson, and her supposed granddaughter-in-law. She placed her hand on Carmen’s shoulder as she approached, pulling her back and out of her way as she gazed at the couple. Her dark eyes took them in, scrutinizing every little thing about them before she finally said, “hello,” to Mia. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she said, looking at Tyler with a raised eyebrow.
Carmen beamed from ear to ear as she hugged Mia close, rubbing the young girl’s back lovingly. “I am so happy that you like it,” she said with a chuckle as she pulled away. “I was so nervous,” she admitted, smiling. Feeling her mother’s hand on her shoulder, she stepped aside, watching closely as the older woman looked the couple over. “Mamá,” she hissed out to the woman softly before she greeted Mia. Pursing her lips, she shook her head slightly, looking around at all of the other guests nervously. She had told her mother not to do this and yet, here she was, doing it anyway, and in front of everyone at that.
Tyler watched as Mia and his mother hugged before he looked up at his grandmother, lips tucked into his mouth knowingly. If he thought his mother was upset when he told her that he had gotten married, it was mistaken. When he called his grandmother and told her that he was not only married, but his wife was expecting a child, and that she was invited to the baby shower Fátima tore him a new asshole in her native tongue. So, he knew for a fact, that the woman was not happy after she had called him all types of stupid asses and idiots over the phone.
Ezra sat at the table, shaking his head a bit. His back was to them, but he knew exactly what was happening. He took a sip from his glass, looking across the table at his son-in-law, Anthony.
Rachelle looked at her sister and said, “well do we go up there or…” she asked curiously, “wait our turn?” she breathed softly as she moved to sit back down.
Farrah watched as Mia hugged Tyler’s apparent mother and then she watched as the older version of the same woman rose up and walked over to her daughter. “Uh, uh,” she said to her sister. “I am going to go up there because I have not liked miss thangs face the entire time,” she said. “Have you seen the faces she’s been making?” she asked her as she rose to her feet, in her fitted dress moving on her heels only for her husband to grab her by her hip and hold her still.
James looked at Farrah and said, “no, you are going to sit and unlike some people carry ourselves with some dignity and class,” he told his wife.
“I agree,” Daniel said to his brother-in-law, “they haven’t even gotten into the venue good and people are bomb rushing them”, taking a sip from his glass he looked at his wife Rachelle and then their two daughters Harper and Charlie.
Nadia watched on as the older woman walked up towards the front behind the woman with the long legs in the short dress. She got up and moved towards the table with her kids and she tilted her head with her arms over her chest. “Now just when in the hell is Mia going to come greet us?” she asked them in Creole. “She wants me to yank her little ass from up there aye?” she said in her native tongue. “Flashing gum with these people who didn’t even have the decency to really come greet us after they put together this blue and pink circus of an event,” she rambled on.
Anthony looked across at his father-in-law and he shook his head back at the man. “I don’t even know why you’re surprised,” he said before he pulled a flask out his inner jacket pocket. He turned the cap, popping it open, pouring a little Cîroc into his lemonade before he slid it over to Ezra. “Drink up and just sit back,” he said with a chuckle as he brought his glass to his mouth, taking a sip.
Fátima cut her eyes at her daughter. “Hush child,” she said in Spanish, giving her a look of you not to grown for me to beat your butt before she looked back at the young couple. “Mia is it?” she asked as she took the girl’s hand into her own. She turned Mia slowly, forcing the young woman to do a full spin before her. She looked Mia over carefully, taking in the woman’s round stomach, full cheeks, and dark brown skin with a hum. “mmm.” She let Mia’s hand go before she said, “Mhm…” she knew exactly what the girl was having. The girl was carrying high and her stomach was very round. Now she wasn’t completely sure if that was due to the baby or if the girl was really just naturally round as such, but she had to assume it was a combination of both from looking at her.
Carmen clamped her lips shut now, looking at Mia with apologetic eyes before she looked at her son. She forced a smile into her face as she turned to everyone, saying, “let’s properly welcome the expecting couple,” loudly, to get her mother to sit the hell down. Clapping her hands, Carmen looked to her family for help.
Ángel looked at his sister, a smirk on his face. He was amused to no end as he sat at the table with their sister, Natalia, and her husband and their son. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. He had told her to sedate good old Fátima, but she hadn’t listened to him. At her insistence and clapping, he pushed his chair back and stood up, clapping along with her as he began to hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, pumping his hand in the air a little for the couple.
Farrah pursed her lips at her mother and husband, sitting down in a chair. She looked at JJ who sat quietly before them before she said, “everyone let’s just calm down and be merry,” raising the sweet tea before she sipped it.
“Be merry?” Nadia asked her daughter with a scrunched face. “I still don’t know how you let this happen Farrah...” she countered.
Rachelle looked around the table and sighed. “Yes, be merry, there is a baby involved,” she reminded their mother easily. “And look at her, she’s beaming with joy. She’s glowing, how could you not be happy right now?” she asked them all. “Little Mia, aka me-me is having a baby,” she said, bright teeth flashing.
Mia looked at Tyler’s grandmother and she blushed a bit as the woman took her in. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve been wanting to-” she said stopped short as the woman spun her around. Mia furrowed her brows once her back was to the woman, she looked at Tyler unsure what she should take from the act. She looked back at the woman. “Yes, Mia,” she said nodding her head, “and you?” she asked her, the woman hadn’t given her a name yet. “Your ma’s, ma?” she said gesturing Carmen next to them. “Oh, you have to give me a hug,” she exclaimed happily as she leaned in for one. At Carmen’s words she smirked and watched the crowd greet them again and she chuckled finally meeting eyes with her family off in the corner, and she groaned inwardly.
Ezra took the flask from Anthony with a wicked smile and he said, “you always come prepared,” as he poured a bit of the liquor into his own glass. He recapped the flask before returning it to his son-in-law and he took a sip, letting the liquor slide down his throat easily before he turned back, looking at his newest family member with a hum. This is not what he expected but he was pleasantly surprised.
“Ma’s, ma?” Fátima repeated softly before she looked at Carmen with a raised eyebrow. She absolutely hated that Tyler called Carmen that and here Mia was calling Carmen that. She ground her teeth together momentarily before she finally said shocked, “oh you don’t even know my name,” she was taken back as Mia spread her arms and out of respect Fátima hugged the girl back, looking at Tyler with a squint. “My name is Fátima, dear,” she told Mia as she rubbed the girl’s back. Pulling away, she looked at Tyler once more, wanting to drag him by his ear, but they were in front of everyone so she would do it later. Following Mia’s gaze over to her family, Fátima eyed them all, her eyes settling on the two white men and she let out an amused chuckle as she moved to go sit back down.
Tyler stood there, hands in his pockets now as he watched Mia and Fátima interact. Oh, there was a lot happening there, all wordlessly of course. He tucked his lips further into his mouth, clearing his throat a bit before he said, “we can get further into introductions and things soon, can we please just get out of the doorway.” He watched his grandmother to go sit down, knowing that he wouldn’t hear the end of it later before he gave his mother a look, “we will make our rounds, go sit down,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at the older woman, her brow raising as she repeated her; the woman actually hugged her and she embraced her lovingly. “Fátima,” she repeated softly to her. “I love that name, beautiful,” she said easily, and she meant it. Smiling she let the woman go, allowing her to pull away from her as well. As the woman walked off chuckling, she eyed her a bit and tried not to be offended by the woman’s actions. She pushed a few braids over her shoulder as Tyler spoke with Carmen and tucked her lips in. “Where do we even start?” she asked him over the lightly played music and chatter.
Tyler smiled softly at Mia, trying to make the best of what just happened. Looking between his side of the family and then her own, he said, “let’s start with your family since mine is clearly out of control,” chuckling a bit. He placed his hand on the small of Mia’s back, as he pressed another kiss to her temple before ushering her towards her family. He also knew that they had to make this quick because Mia was wearing heels at the moment and he knew that soon enough, her feet would be killing her, if they weren’t already.
Mia looked at her husband and she nodded her head resting a hand on her stomach gently. She felt his kiss and she smiled gently at him as he ushered her towards her family, and she smiled. “Hey guys,” she waved gently as she moved for each one, shifting between the chairs. “Pop-Pop,” she squealed as she moved towards her grandfather and hugged the man tightly. “Grandma,” she said as she moved for Nadia and held her arms out. “I’ve missed you guys so much,” she told them. “Grandma, grandpa, this is Tyler, my husband. Tyler” she said shifting back for him, “this is my grandfather Greyson and my grandmother Nadia,” she said to him happily. “These are my mother’s parents,” she clarified.
Greyson watched Mia move over for him and he smiled as the tall man stood up and embraced her in a hug. “My special girl,” he sang out happily as he hugged her tightly in his arms before releasing her. He pecked her forehead gently before he pulled back. “Nice to finally meet you Tyler,” the cream-colored man said as he reached his hand out for him to shake. He looked at his wife knowingly and hoped she didn’t make a scene. After all there was a videographer in the building and a photographer as well.
Nadia looked at Mia and then her children as her husband stood and embraced the girl and her husband with no problem. She licked her lips and she smirked a bit hugging her back. “Oh, you look like a princess,” she said in creole. “Perfection,” she said to her sweetly as she pecked the girl’s cheek easily. She looked at Tyler and said, “yeah nice to meet you Tyler…” rubbing Mia’s back and smiling at her. Her other hand moving to her stomach as she rubbed it gently. “Aw,” she said she was still in disbelief about all of this.
Tyler moved with Mia over to the members of her family, his new extended family. As they approached and Mia began to introduce the man and woman to him, he smiled a bit, trying his best to hide his shock as he stared at the white man before him. Grandpa? Maybe the man had married her grandmother later on, after she had kids in a previous marriage or relationship or something. Licking his lips, he held his hand out to Greyson. “Nice to meet you as well,” he shook the man’s hand firmly with a smile, his dimples creasing. Releasing Greyson’s hand, Tyler looked at Nadia, Mia’s grandmother. As the woman spoke to him short and sweet, he tucked his dimples away, glancing at Mia quickly as he said, “... yup…” in response to the woman. “Nice to meet you too... “
Farrah stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia now. “Tyler don’t mind my mother, she’s just an old school Haitian woman,” she said, eyeing her mother with large eyes. “She believes in the traditional,” she spoke up. “Now that you have met my father and mother,” she said pulling her son-in-law with her, “you know James and JJ,” she waved off moving him further. “This is my baby sister Rachelle,” she said with her arm around Tyler’s waist. “Her husband Daniel,” she pointed, “their two kids Harper and Charlie,” she pointed to the mixed children nearby. “And this is Patricia, James' mother,” she said gesturing to the woman.
Mia watched her grandmother and she looked at her oddly, she looked at her grandfather before her mother walked over and spoke up. What in the hell was that? She watched her mother take Tyler off and introduce him to the people at her table, her extended family, and she followed behind them. Only stopping to speak to a few people at the table alongside theirs. She followed up behind her mother and she hugged JJ, who wasted no time to greet her finally.
Tyler looked at Farrah, smiling softly at the woman as he dismissed her words slightly. “It’s fine,” he said casually, willing to let it go because it was indeed Mia’s grandmother and they didn’t really know each other yet. Plus, he had been working on his anger. Following Farrah willingly, Tyler looked at Rachelle and he said, “hi,” greeting the woman easily before he looked at Daniel, smirking a bit. Well, after finding out who Mia’s grandfather was, this was just amusing. “Nice to meet you both,” he said to Rachelle and Daniel before he looked at the children giving them a wave. Looking to Patricia, Tyler nodded slightly, smiling. “Hello, I’m Tyler,” he said politely.
Mia stopped to hug Charlie and Harper, then she moved to her uncle Daniel, shifting to her aunt Rachelle and she hugged her tightly for a long while rocking back and forth gently. “I am so happy you guys came,” she said gently to her as she embraced her. “He’s a dream, we all have to go out for dinner or something. In a closed setting,” she said gesturing with her hands. “Daddy,” Mia sang out as she moved to hug the man tightly to her side, chuckling a bit at him as he rubbed her stomach with his large hand. Meeting Farrah in the middle she hugged her grandmother from behind pecking her cheek sweetly. “Granny,” she said, greeting her in their embrace.
Rachelle smiled at Tyler with a head nod, “hello,” she greeted happily taking him in, he was handsome. When Mia moved for her, she smiled and stood up embracing the girl’s hug, hugging her so tightly. “You looked beautiful me-me,” she gushed again. “We would not have missed this are you kidding?” she asked her seriously as they pulled away from each other finally. She nodded her head at the girl and tossed hair over her shoulder as she moved to sit down watching them make their rounds.
Daniel looked at Tyler and raised his glass to the man. “Welcome to the family,” he said with a grin. He smiled at Mia as she rounded to them saying her hello’s.
James watched Mia and he smirked to himself, so this was really happening, huh? His daughter was having a baby and he was sitting in a room full of people waiting to hear just what she’d be having. Life is crazy. As she hugged him before he got up from his seated position, he hugged her back, his head resting against her side as he placed his hand over her stomach protectively.
Patricia watched the young man approach her and unlike her daughter-in-law’s mother she was raised to treat everyone equally and with respect. No matter how peculiar it was that the girl jumped up and got married and was expecting a baby. “Hello,” she told the boy gently with a smile. “Nice meeting you Tyler,” she said, crossing her ankles. She felt Mia from behind and she smiled as she kissed her cheek. “Hey, my baby doll,” she told her as she looked over her shoulder at her.
Farrah watched the couple before she pulled Tyler further. “This is James’ sister, Vivian,” she told him, pointing her out. “This is James’ aunt Gloria and her daughter Brittany,” she said as she moved around the next table. “And James’ aunt on his father’s side Kathy,” she told the boy. “Back there are a few more cousins', honey,” she said gesturing the table in the back before she turned him back around. “James' father passed away 2 years ago,” she noted to him quietly before she said. “You look good, I like this,” as she brushed some lint off his sweater. “You guys go ahead and make your rounds,” she said as she swayed back towards her table.
Tyler smiled at Patricia, nodding at her slightly. “No, ma’am the pleasure is all mine,” he said charmingly, with his dimples creasing as he gazed at her. He took Patricia’s hand on his own, giving her a gentle squeeze before he released her, looking at Farrah as she drug him over to more family members. “Vivian,” he said with a smile, “that’s one of my grandmother’s names,” he said thoughtfully as he greeted the woman with a smile and a wave before Farrah was introducing him to more people. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he verbalized with a hum to both of the ladies, following Farrah once more. Looking at Kathy, he smiled and waved once more, his eyes looking to the cousins Farrah pointed out and he smiled over at them before he nodded at Farrah. “I’m sorry to hear that…” he said a small frown on his face as Farah spoke to him, brushing off his sweater. “Thank you,” he said before he finally leaned in giving the woman a hug, since he hadn’t been able to do it previously. Pulling back, he nodded, looking to Mia with a smile. He pulled her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand resting on her belly as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Ready for my side?” he asked her lovingly.
Mia let go of her grandmother and moved to slide past the back of her chair, squeezing past as she moved to follow them. “Hey aunt Viv,” she cheered, she didn’t get to see the woman much with the work she did in D.C. but it was always nice to see her. She hugged the chocolate woman before she moved to the next person “TT Goria and Britt,” she said hugging her aunt and her cousin, she let her aunt kiss her cheek gently and she squeezed her cousin. “In October,” she told her cousin with a head nod, “yeah,” she chuckled. “In Paris,” she said looking at her aunt Gloria now and she nodded her head before she moved to the next body. “Aunt Kathy,” she said as she hugged the woman from behind, bending over slightly “I missed you too,” she told her sweetly kissing her cheek. “I know,” she said nodding her head at the mention of her departed grandfather and she rubbed the woman’s back gently as she told her. “I didn’t have a preference really; I was excited no matter the way it swayed,” she joked lightly. Mia moved to Tyler’s side as she rested her hand on top of his kissing his lips back gently. “Yeah,” she said lovingly, a smirk on her face.
Vivian watched Farrah and she smiled, flashing her dark gums and white teeth. It was often she got to hang around with family but when she did, she happened to enjoy every minute. And this occasion was worth the time off from work. “Nice to meet you Tyler,” the woman nodded, having overheard his name a few times. She looked at Mia and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful mama,” she told her as she took the opportunity to rub the belly her niece was sporting.
Gloria and Brittany both waved gently to Tyler as Farrah walked them through their family line. “Hey TT baby,” Gloria said to the girl as she kissed her cheek and she smiled. She hugged the girl back patting her hand. “So, where did you two get married,” she fired off as she and her daughter asked questions. She nodded her head at the responses and said, “you look good girl,” as she moved to walk away.
Brittany smirked and said, “I love your makeup girl,” knowing Mia most likely did it herself, she hugged her back and asked. “When are you due?” curiously, unsure. “Oh, that will breeze past before you know it,” she told her cousin. At her mother’s question she smirked looking up at Mia and then over to Tyler and she nodded her head at the girl’s response. “He got money mama,” she told Gloria as Mia walked away. “I mean look at this party, this is a lot of stuff for just a gender reveal,” she mused.
Kathy waved at the boy and said, “nice to meet you too son,” to him easily before Mia walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. “Hey baby girl,” she breathed. “I think the last time I saw you was at my brother's funeral,” she told the girl. “It’s been a while,” she told her before she asked. “So which did you want, boy or girl?” just curious to know before she casted her vote. But Mia gave her nothing, so she smirked and chuckled as the girl moved to excuse herself.
Tyler smiled down at Mia, kissing her lips one more time before he let out a hum as he lifted his head. He looked over at his family members and chuckled gently. “This is going to be fun,” he said as he turned with Mia to face his family. “Brace yourself,” he whispered into her ear he guided her over slowly, moving at her pace. As they reached the first table, Tyler smiled softly as he said, “Mia of course you already know ma and pops,” as he looked at them. “You’ve just met my lovely abuela,” he said with a smirk, placing his hand on his grandmother’s shoulder. “But this is my grandfather, Ezra Rivers,” he said with a hum.
As Tyler finally approached the family, Ezra took another sip from his spiked glass and he turned to the young couple, gazing at Mia with a smile. “Hello dear,” he said with a hum, “it’s nice to finally meet you, we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said offering Mia another smile.
Fátima gazed at Tyler and Mia as they finally approached their side of the family and she sat there, her lips tugged into a wide side smirk as she sat up straight, hands on her knee as she nodded curtly.
Anthony stood up slowly as Tyler and Mia approached and he moved around the table pulling Mia into a warm hug. “Hey, it’s great to see you,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing her arm warmly before he pulled away.
Mia kissed Tyler back again, and she moved with him hearing his words after his grandmother, what more did his family have to dish? She looked at Carmen and Anthony chuckling at them and she hugged her father-in-law gently, “good seeing you too, it’s been a while,” she acknowledged. Looking at his grandfather she said, “nice to finally meet you too Mr. Ezra,” she said before she looked to his grandmother and she smiled faintly at her.
Tyler stood there, allowing Mia time to speak with and greet the few members of his family that he had introduced. He watched his dad, smirking a little, the man had clearly been drinking a bit. So had his grandfather. He licked his lips and smiled. Looking down at his grandmother, he gave her a look before he said, “and over here…” he guided Mia over to the other table, “we have my uncle Ángel and my aunt Natalia,” he said as he smiled at the two of them. “Also, this is Russell, my uncle, Natalia’s husband,” he informed Mia before he looked around a bit before he pointed, “over there is Michael, my cousin,” he told her.
Ángel watched as Tyler brought his wife over and he looked at the two of them before he stood up and pulled Tyler into a hug, patting his hat a little. “You did good boy, damn good,” he chuckled before he pulled away looking at Mia. “‘Sup, I’m Ángel… the second oldest,” he informed her as he pulled her into a hug as well, “whoa there,” he chuckled as he pulled back, looking down at her stomach. “Precious cargo,” he joked as he placed his hand there gently before he pulled away moving to sit down.
Natalia sat there, leaning against her husband's shoulder with a hum as her nephew and niece-in-law approached. Sitting up some, she watched her older brother speak with Mia and Tyler before she rose slowly, walking over to them. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she pressed a kiss to Tyler’s cheek before she looked at Mia smiling. “You look so beautiful,” she told Mia easily as she opened her arms, giving Mia the option to hug her or not. “It’s so wonderful to meet you,” she said sweetly, her voice soft.
Russell sat there with his wife and he looked over at Ángel before he looked at Mia and Tyler. The man didn’t smile much but the corners of his lips did twitch a bit as he nodded towards them both, sending a small wave their way.
Mia moved with Tyler and her hands rested on the back of a chair as she shifted on her feet. “Nice to meet you,” she told Ángel as he greeted them and she chuckled at his words amused, she hugged the man back moving her way closer to him and she chuckled at his words. “Mhm,” she said quietly as he touched her stomach. “Hi,” Mia said, greeting the boy's aunt easily and she moved into the woman’s hug. “It is nice to meet you as well” she said to her, “and thank you,” she added for the woman’s compliment. Looking at Russell, she smirked at him and then looked over at little Michael with a grin.
Natalia smiled at Mia as the young woman moved into her arms for a hug and she hugged her close, rubbing up and down Mia’s back warmly before she pulled back. “You’re so very welcome.” She let out a small hum of appreciation as she caressed Mia’s cheek before she moved to sit down once more.
Tyler hugged Ángel back, chuckling at the man. As he pulled back, he readjusted his hat on his head saying, “you know, I try, I try,” with a chuckle as he dusted his shoulders off a bit. As Mia and Natalia interacted, he smiled. Natalia was such a quiet but sweet spirit. Humming out, he whispered into Mia’s ear. “Just a few more people and then we can sit down,” he told her knowingly as he guided her over to the next table. “Here we have my other aunt Mila, her boyfriend Jason, my uncle Gabriel and his girlfriend Joelle,” he told Mia easily.
As Tyler and Mia approached, Mila sat her glass down, smiling and squealing. “Oh Tyler,” she said as she gazed at Mia’s belly. “I can’t believe my little sobrino is about to have a kid,” she gushed sweetly before she moved to stand up to properly greet Mia. “It’s so nice to have you as a part of our already large family,” she chuckled out as she hugged Mia close, rocking with the girl from left to right before she pulled back, gesturing to her boyfriend, “this is Jason,” she smiled as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
Jason smiled, adjusting in his chair a bit and he waved at Mia. “Hi,” he said easily, picking up his glass and taking a sip of his drink as Mila kissed his cheek. “It’s a pleasure,” he voiced with a smile.
Gabriel waited his turn before he stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia. He playfully knocked the hat off Tyler’s head, catching it in his hand and placing it on his own head before he leaned in to press a kiss to Mia’s cheek. “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things,” he told her easily. “Blessed that you’re bringing more family into the world,” he said with a smile before he looked over at Joelle. “This is Joelle,” he introduced, “my heartbeat,” he told Mia.
Joelle stood with Gabrielle, holding her hands in front of her until Gabriel introduced her. “Hi sweetheart,” she said easily, leaning in to press a kiss to both of Mia’s cheeks before embracing the girl in a hug.
Mia walked with Tyler a little further though her feet were screaming for her to take her shoes off. “Hi,” she said waving at the boy's aunt and her boyfriend, “thank you,” she said, his family was far more inviting than hers had been. Well her grandmother had been. Mia hugged the woman back gently, rocking with her as she did. She shifted her weight on her feet and she licked her lips gently. “Hello,” she said to Jason before she looked at Gabriel and she smirked at the man’s interaction with Tyler. “Nice meeting you too,” she told the man. “Aw, thanks,” she said moving her hand to her stomach. “Hi,” she told Joelle as the woman kissed both of her cheeks and then hugged her. Mia hugged the woman back tenderly and said, “nice to meet you,” she told her.
Tyler snatched his hat back from Gabriel, placing it back onto his head before he moved along swiftly after Mia had spoken to and hugged with people from this table before he moved to the last one. Finally moving to his father’s side of the family. Walking over with Mia, Tyler said, “Mia I would like you to meet Axel and Vivian Carter,” smiled, “my father’s parents,” he informed. “Grandma, grandpa this beautiful woman beside me is my wife, Mia.” He beamed proudly from ear to ear before he looked to Dominic and his at the moment, girlfriend, Roxanna, “and this is my dad’s brother, Dominic, and his… Roxanna,” he told Mia, giving her a knowing look before he turned to look at Naomi, “and last but certainly not least, my aunt Naomi, my dad’s sister,” he told Mia.
Axel stood up, along with his wife Vivian, as Tyler approached. He smiled, his old hand shaking a bit as he held it out towards Mia. “Hello, my darling,” he said easily, shaking her hand before he moved to sit back down slowly.
Vivian placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder giving it a squeeze as he spoke to Mia before she smiled gently, her eyes taking the woman in sweetly. “Nice to meet you,” she said softly as she took Mia’s hand into her own, giving it a squeeze. “My first great grand,” she smiled, looking down at Mia’s belly before she asked, “may I?” her hand hovering over it.
Dominic sat there, waiting for his parents to finish so that he could properly speak to and introduce himself to Mia, a chuckle escaping him at Tyler’s not knowing what to call Roxanna as he looked over at her.
Roxanna sat back, swinging her leg a little from her knees crossed as she waited quietly for Mia to be free and able to truly speak with them, knowing not to interrupt Miss Vivian.
Following behind Tyler as he swiftly walked towards the last table, she smiled at them, resting one hand on her lower back. “Hello,” she breathed, dropping her hand to shake his grandfathers. “It is so very nice to meet you both,” she said dearly. “My aunt’s named Vivian,” she said slyly, looking at Tyler amused as she gave the woman all her attention. At the woman’s announcement she smirked widely at her. “First for everyone,” she said so very proud of that fact. “Yes of course,” Mia said, noticing that she actually asked before she truly touched her stomach. “Nice to meet you,” she said to Dominic and Roxanna, whomever Roxanna was to the man. She looked at Naomi and smiled at her, “hello,” she said sweetly.    
Vivian smiled at Mia, “oh well you can call me Sadie if you’d like,” she told Mia easily. As Mia told her this would be the first great grandchild on her side of the family as well, the woman’s lips pulled into a smile. “That’s wonderful,” she said before she placed her hand on Mia’s stomach, giving her a loving rub. “Oh, I know what you’re having,” she chuckled before she leaned in and gave Mia another hug before she moved to sit down.
As his mother sat down, Dominic stood up and he moved to Mia and Tyler. He hugged Mia, then Tyler with a smile. “Congrats,” he said with a chuckle.
Roxanna stayed seated even as Dominic stood up and she leaned over the table a bit. “Nice to meet you,” she said with a smile, eyeing Mia’s belly with a hum. “You’re glowing,” she said sweetly.
Naomi stood up behind her older brother, moving in, to hug Mia, a bright smile on her face. “I never thought I’d see the day,” she chuckled, “that Tyler settled on down,” she said before she discreetly pointed her thumb over at Dominic and Roxanna, “because you know…” she giggled.
Tyler stood there chuckling at everyone as they spoke to Mia and he looked at Naomi with a smirk. “Aye, aye, don’t start now,” he smiled laughing a bit as he pulled her in for a hug himself. “Okay, now we’re going to take a seat and let mama here rest for a bit,” he told them as he guided Mia over to the throne-like chairs over in the corner of the room where they could easily see everyone. He helped Mia lower herself down in the chair before he leaned over her, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Do you want me to take off your shoes?” he asked her knowingly.
“No, I am will call you granny Viv,” Mia said to her sweetly as the woman rubbed her stomach and she looked at her amused. “You do?” she asked her with a smirk. “We will see granny,” she told the woman with a chuckle before hugging the woman back a second time. “Thank you,” she told Dominic sweetly before she looked at Roxanna and said, “you too,” and tossed out a thank you to her as she shifted on her heels again. As Naomi greeted them, she smiled looking at Tyler at his aunt's comment, a smile still on her face, amused. “I hear it takes a real woman to slow and lock down certain men,” she joked gently with his family. As he said that they were going to go sit down Mia followed along with the taller man she sat down with his help. Sighing heavily, as she held his hand as she sat down and shifted sitting back in the chair as she looked at him. “Please, dear lord,” she told him seriously as she hiked her dress up a bit to reveal her feet to him. “My feet are killing me,” she told him.
Roxanna jerked her neck back at Mia’s comment before she pursed her lips, rolling her eyes gently as she folded her arms over her chest. She looked over at Dominic who found it to be oh so funny and she shoved his shoulder with a huff. “Shut your stupid ha-ha-ha ass up,” she grumbled to him.
Tyler smiled at Mia, kneeling down before her as she lifted her dress a bit. Tyler swiftly unbuckled Mia’s heels, taking them off carefully and sitting them aside. He began to rub her feet a bit, knowing that they had to be hurting as he gazed up at her. “So, thoughts?” he smirked as he caressed her feet.
Mia watched as Tyler shifted to take her shoes off of her feet, sitting them aside. She smiled, “thank you,” she said to him gratefully as he rubbed her feet gently. “Everyone is so kind and clearly so excited about the baby. Which I am happy about,” she told him nodding her head “the baby's acceptance is all I need” she told him stroking her stomach gently.
Tyler nodded at Mia gently. “You’re welcome baby,” he told her lovingly as he kept at it, rubbing her feet a bit more. At her words, he smiled a bit before he gently lowered her feet back to the ground and he moved to sit down beside her. “Yeah,” he chuckled. “First great-grand is a pretty big deal,” he said knowingly as he leaned over, placing his hand on her stomach as well. “I love you babe,” he told her with a smile.
Carmen sat at the table, speaking back and forth in Spanish with her mother, laughing a bit as she did. However, upon looking over and seeing Mia and Tyler resting in the corner, she smiled and moved to stand up. She walked towards the center of the room, against the dance floor in her tall heels. She picked up the microphone and turned it on before she smiled widely, looking around the room. “Well, well,” she began, “now that all of the wonderful introductions are out of the way,” she smirked, “I want to invite anyone up to the microphone if they’d like to say anything to Tyler and Mia,” she smiled looking around, “please let’s keep it to about a minute or so,” she chuckled before offering the microphone out to let anyone come up and speak.
Mia smiled at him and she nodded her head. “It is,” she told her sweetly. She pecked his lips tenderly before she said, “I love you more baby,” softly to him. When Carmen got up to begin speaking in the center stage, she smiled easily as she rested back in her chair.
Rachelle heard the woman speak on the microphone and she smiled as she got up happily. Of course, she’d be first, she was just that type of person really. She moved for the tall woman and smiled. “I have something I would like to say,” she told her as she grabbed the microphone. “Hi, my name is Rachelle,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s aunt,” she told them as well placing her hand over her chest. “I’m going to talk long, because I can be very long winded, my husband tells me,” she said looking at him. “However, Mia is my one and only niece and I would just like to say I am so very proud of how far she’s come,” she said looking over at the girl. “I’ve been keeping up with you and Tyler on YouTube and I would just like to say that you two are perfect together… perfect for each other and truly I cannot wait to meet my great niece or nephew,” she smiled proudly. “Congrats you two, on the baby and on the marriage, I pray for nothing but happiness and prosperity,” she said easily as she handed Carmen the microphone back and moved to sit down.
Carmen looked at the woman as she approached and she handed the mic over easily, stepping aside to give the woman center stage, listening and nodding along as she spoke.
Fátima leaned over to Anthony and asked him, “YouTube? What is YouTube?” she questioned him in a whisper.
Anthony looked at Fátima before he waved her off chuckling softly. “It’s nothing,” he told Fátima easily.
As Rachelle finished, Carmen stepped back up and she took the microphone. “That was beautiful,” she beamed, “anyone else?” she asked, holding the microphone out once more.
Mila stood up as her older sister offered the mic to everyone again and she walked over, giving Carmen a side hug before she hooked her fingers around the belt loops of her fitted jeans and took the microphone. “Hello everyone,” she said sweetly. “I am Mila,” she beamed, “Tyler’s tía, or aunt, whatever…” she told everyone, looking around the room, “and I would just like to say,” she turned to look at Tyler and Mia, “I am so happy for you two,” she giggled. “I have watched Tyler grow up into such an amazing young man and I am so happy that he has finally settled down with such a wonderful young woman,” she said as she blew them a kiss. “I truly hope that you two continue to thrive and be merry,” she smiled. “I pray that Mary continues to bless you,” she said with a bright smile before she handed the microphone back to Carmen.
Hugging, Mila back, Carmen handed over the microphone and stepped aside. She stood there, smiling softly as her youngest sister spoke. She nodded along, smiling from ear to ear, before she took the microphone back. “Mila, so sweet,” she said before she looked around more. “Anymore takers?” she asked, pointing the microphone at a few people.
Patricia listened and waited for the woman to finish and she nodded her head a soft smile on her face as the woman concluded. She moved to stand up and walked up to Carmen, accepting the mic from her and she smiled. “Hello,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s grandmother, her father’s mother to be exact,” she explained. “And I would just like to say that Mia has always been an amazing young woman. I’ve had the privilege to watch her grow up and blossom with each day” she told the crowd. “I am very proud of her and everything that she is accomplishing right now in life. IBM, marriage, a baby, a very elite scholar,” she listed. “You have made me very proud baby,” she said turning to her with a smile, “you grandfather would be so proud of you Mia, I wish he could be here to see the woman that you are,” she said offering the woman a bright and sad smile.
Mia watched as people walked up to speak and when her grandmother did, she smiled happily at her. Nodding her head as the woman went on to explain her thoughts about her right now. As she went on to explain how happy and proud of her, she was, she smiled at her, and then moved to stand up as the woman mentioned her late grandfather. Mia walked towards her grandmother bare foot and she hugged her tightly. “I love you, thank you,” she said sweetly to her, as a tear rolled down her cheek gently as she closed her eyes, arms wrapped around the woman’s neck.
Tyler sat back, watching everyone as they got up and spoke sweet and encouraging words to them. As Mia’s grandmother stood up, Tyler watched Mia rise and he rose with her but stayed put as she walked over to her grandmother.
Carmen handed the microphone over, stepping back once more and as the two women embraced, she dipped her head, trying to make herself small, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Mia pulled away from Patricia and she smiled at her kissing her cheek gently and she told the woman. “I love you,” again sweetly, as she wiped her grandmother’s tears with her fingers gently.
Patricia released Mia finally and she nodded her head telling her, “I love you too gently,” as the girl wiped her tears. She sniffled slightly before she pulled away from her completely moving to go sit down.
Mia wiped her grandmother's cheeks dry with her thumbs before she released the woman, she tapped her face with a single finger. She needed a napkin really and when she sat down with Tyler, she picked up her napkin and she dabbed her face gently to dry the tear, sniffling slightly at the thought of her grandfather not being here and another tear rolled.
Tyler watched and waited for Mia and when she sat down, he slid his chair closer to hers, taking her hand and giving it a loving squeeze. “You okay?” he asked her gently.
Carmen bit her painted lip softly, watching as the two embraced and cried and when they pulled away and cleared the area and stayed quiet for a moment, letting the room recover from the moment before she said, “and with that, I do believe it’s time for us to move on to the next activity.” She paused for a moment, blinking hard to push back her own emotional tears, feeling for the women, before she put on a smile. “On your tables you’ll all find blue and pink paddles,” she explained, “and it’s now time to lift one up and cast your votes,” she smiled at them, “first up, is a boy,” she said, “lift up a blue paddle if you think Tyler and Mia are having a boy,” she said sweetly.
Mia looked to her husband and she nodded her head at him sadly, using the napkin to pat her face and to dry the corner of her eyes. “I’m okay,” she told him easily before, she sat the napkin down. “May I have something to drink?” she asked him as Carmen began to speak once more she looked at the group of people watching as people lifted their paddle and she smirked.
Tyler nodded at Mia and at her request he said, “of course,” as he rose from his chair and moved to the table that housed the finger foods and drinks. He grabbed a cup and poured some pink lemonade for Mia, looking back at his mother as she spoke as he did. Returning to Mia, he handed over the cup, looking around the room as he sat back down, watching everyone raise their paddles for the boy vote.
Farrah watched Carmen, wondering to herself why the woman didn’t ask her to help with this planning and event. As she spoke Farrah looked around before she raised a blue paddle.
Ezra listened to his daughter and he picked up his blue paddle, raising it high for everyone to see.
James raised a blue paddle when instructed to do so from the woman looking around to see who else had up blue.
Ángel licked his lips, raising his blue paddle as he looked around the room slowly.
Nadia watched on and she offered Patricia a kiss of which she blew to her as she moved back to her seat. She looked at the tall woman over the event and she moved to raise her blue paddle up high.
Lifting her blue paddle, Natalia smirked as she looked over at her brother before her eyes scanned the room.
Greyson watched the woman and he looked at his wife before he raised a blue paddle up, looking over at James with a smirk.
Mila lifted her blue paddle, glancing around at Mia’s side of the family with a smirk. She was seeing a lot of blue rising. They had to be right.
Daniel looked at Farrah and James before he raised a blue paddle up.
Gabriel listened to his sister, nodding slowly before he looked between the two-colored paddles. He had no idea. On a whim, he grabbed blue, holding it up.
Patricia moved back to her seat listening to the woman, she made sure her face was dry before she grabbed her paddle and raised the blue one up.
Joelle followed her boyfriend’s lead and grabbed a blue paddle, raising it into the air.
Gloria figured they needed a boy in the family and hoped that Mia and Tyler were having one, so she proudly raised her blue paddle to cast her vote along with her sister.
Axel looked at his wife as he picked up the blue paddle and held it up. “I don’t know about this whole high, low round stomach thing,” he said chuckling, his hand shaking as he held the paddle up.
Kathy watched Patricia sit back down and she rubbed the woman’s shoulder loving before she raised her blue paddle up behind the woman. “Come on, we need a boy,” she said happily.
Dominic snatched the blue paddle immediately, holding it high for Carmen to see.
Looking around the room, Roxanna counted all of the blue paddles in the air and knew they would take the majority, so she went with it as she rose her blue one into the air as well.
Carmen looked around the room, watching the blue paddles rise. She nodded slowly as she said, “please keep your paddles up while I take a tally,” she said before she began counting everyone that had a blue paddle in the air. “And it looks like Blue’s have… 17,” she said with a bright smile. “Okay you may go ahead and lower your paddles blues,” she said before she went on, “pinks please go ahead and raise your paddles now,” she hummed out as she moved to pick up a pink paddle herself, lifting it with her freehand.
Anthony lifted his pink paddle behind his wife as she stood in the center of the room.
Hearing the woman ask for pink paddles Rachelle wasted no time to lift her paddle in the air proudly.
Aria sat at the table with her younger cousins and though they weren’t voting, she was. She lifted her pink paddle into the air with a smile, really hoping for a girl.
JJ looked at Mia and Tyler, though his parents thought it was a boy he didn’t mind a little niece. So, he raised a pink paddle up in the air for them to see.
Fátima grabbed her pink paddle and lifted it into the air as she looked at her husband. “I can look at her and see it,” she said easily with a smug expression on her face.
Following behind their cousin Charlie raised a pink paddle.
Russell grabbed his pink paddle and lifted it with a hum.
Harper raised a pink paddle behind her sister, choosing what Charlie chose easy.
Jason had no shame as he lifted his pink paddle into the air.
Brittany waited for the pink turn and she raised her paddle, thinking Mia would be cute with a mini her.
With a sure smile, Vivian lifted her pink paddle into the air, winking over at Mia.
Nova sat in the back next to Aaron, she raised a pink paddle thinking the idea of Mia having a girl while she brought forth the boy would be cute.
Aaron wrapped his arm around Nova as he lifted his pink paddle into the air, looking at her with a chuckle.
Riley sat at a table with a bunch of random school friends noticing Aaron and Nova did not sit beside her and she raised a pink paddle, looking at them and then up at the front of the building.
Naomi lifted her pink paddle, smiling sweetly as she gazed around the room.
Quickly Carmen began to count as the pink paddles were raised, being sure to count herself. “Well,” she smirked, “it looks like the Pinks have 16, so the blue’s win for now,” she said chuckling. “We will find out the true gender of the baby a little later,” she informed everyone sweetly as she turned to the small chalk board and wrote down, “17 under blue and 16 under pink.” Turning back to everyone she said, “now at this time I would like to offer Tyler and Mia a chance to speak,” she said smiling as she turned to the couple.
Mia watched on as people voted, taking a sip of her lemonade from the cup Tyler made her and she licked her lips, smirking. Some paddles had been raised so fast you’d think there was money or a prize on the line. As Carmen wrote down the predictions down on the chalkboard she clapped playfully. When Carmen mentioned them speaking, she smiled and nodded her head. Standing up on her feet she moved towards the woman resting her hands on her lower back with a smirk as she waited for Tyler.
Tyler chuckled as he watched people vote. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting when the truth was revealed. As his mother spoke, inviting them up, Tyler rose with a smile and he walked over with Mia. Gently he took the microphone from his mother as he stood there beside Mia. Turning to look at their family members Tyler began, “firstly I would just like to thank all of you guys, all of our family members and all of our friends in the building,” he said looking over at Aaron and Nova, “I know some of you traveled pretty far to be here today,” he said knowingly. “And all I got to say is let’s have a good time, we're going to turn up a little bit, live ya’ life, you know what… what you want to say babe,” he said, extending the microphone to Mia before he pulled it back saying, “yeah I’m a daddy, you know what I’m saying,” with a smirk on his face. “And the last thing I got to day is, life is good, you know what I’m saying,” he paused for a moment, letting his family members speak back to him before he said, “I need an all the time, I’ma say it again, life is good...” he held the microphone out to everyone, his family saying back all of the time happily and he said, “that’s what’s up,” before he wrapped his arm around Mia’s shoulders with a smile as he handed her the microphone.
Mia stood there licking her lips slowly and she watched as Tyler as he grabbed the microphone. Now just what was he going to say? As he began to speak, she nodded her head gently. She had one hand on her lower back and the other now on her stomach. As he began to talk about turning up, she smiled at him a bit, listening and keeping her eyes focused on him as he did. She rubbed her stomach lovingly as he went on. She chuckled gently at the man as he went speaking about everything and nothing at this point of time. As he extended the mic, she was going to reach for it, but he kept up and she couldn’t help but drop her head and laugh at him along with everything else’s laughter and cheer. When he said life was good, she looked at him again watching him, he asked for an all the time from everyone and her mouth parted slightly. When their family and friends actually repeated him, she looked at the crowd like they were nuts before she chuckled lightly grabbing the microphone. “Okay,” she started another chuckle leaving her she said, “so we all know that Tyler isn’t good with words so…” she snorted lightly as she shifted on her bare feet. “Forgive me, I have taken my shoes off, growing a life is a full-time job,” she told the crowd. “Uh, I just want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us. The last 4 months have been a very fast paced and magical rollercoaster for him and I both,” she stressed. “And we haven’t been able to take you all on that journey with us so far but for this we would greatly appreciate everyone in the building maintaining this tight knit village for our little pumpkin,” she said touching her stomach. “Rather boy or girl, Tyler and I are ecstatic about the journey we are embarking on right now and we just want to thank our family and friends for being understanding and supportive right now,” she said happily.
Tyler stood beside Mia, hugging her close with a chuckle as she spoke now and he nodded along to her words. Licking his lips, he looked around at their families, all sitting on separate sides and he hummed out softly as Mia finished. “We really do appreciate each and every one of you,” he said loud enough to be heard without the microphone. “Let’s dance, let’s party, let’s mingle,” he smiled. “I have a task for everyone, by the end of this I want everyone to know at least one new person,” he said looking around the room, trying to get their families to bond, “and one fact about them,” he smirked.
Mia looked to Tyler as he had more things to say and she nodded her head at him holding the microphone up for him to speak. She smirked at his suggestion nodding her head, she liked the idea. They needed to be one, they needed to be a unit. “Thank you,” she said graciously again considering some people had taken the time to bring a few gifts and she handed the microphone back over to Carmen. Mia shifted on her bare feet and she fixed her earring subtly, shifting some braids over her shoulder. “What did you have planned?” she asked the woman discreetly, fully ready to eat.
Tyler smiled at Mia nodding along as Mia said thank you to everyone before he looked to his mother as Mia handed the microphone back to her.
Carmen stepped forward, taking the microphone from Mia and she held it down at the girl’s question before she smiled. Lifting the microphone, she looked around at everyone, “and now we eat, we mingle, and we have a good time,” she said smiling brightly. “If you all look right over here,” she gestured over, “the food has been brought out and is ready for everyone to grab a plate,” she said smiling, “music will commence shortly,” she told them before she added, “let’s allow Tyler and Mia to get their plates first, then all of the grandparents, and then everyone else,” she said knowingly with a smile, “with that, enjoy everyone,” she said sweetly before she clicked the microphone off and turned to look at Tyler and Mia with a smile. “I basically ordered a buffet style set up of everything on the menu and they’ll come and replenish as needed for the next three hours before we head outside,” she told them.
Mia licked her lips and she nodded her head at her. “Okay,” she told her sweetly. She looked at Tyler and tried to decide whether she trusted him with making her a plate for her or if she should. Hm. “Sounds good,” she told the woman as she looked at her husband “I’m hungry,” she said to him with a smile.
Tyler nodded at his mother as she spoke to everyone and when she turned to them, he smirked. “Okay,” he said easily before he looked at Mia. “You rest your feet, I’ll make your plate,” he told her lovingly, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he moved to go do so. Walking over to the buffet table, Tyler picked up two plates, balancing one in the palm of his hand and one on his arm as he began to place food on them. When he was done, he moved to Mia at their little thrones as a table was now pushed close for them to eat. He sat Mia’s plate before her, before he sat down beside her.
After Tyler walked away from the table Vivian stood up, “don’t worry baby, I’ll make your plate for you,” she told her husband easily before she walked over slowly, picking up a plate.
Rising from her seat, Fátima made her way over. She grabbed a plate and began to select her food looking over the options carefully before she looked over at Vivian, her lips pulled into a tight line. “I see you rose from your coffin to make it, how wonderful,” she said to the woman easily.
Moving to make his plate, Ezra hissed at his wife. “Fátima,” he said quickly. “Stop it,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at Tyler and she nodded her head at him as he moved to prepare them plates. Mia moved back to their table sitting down, and she smiled as a few of her cousins came over wanting to touch her stomach and talk a bit. She shifted the chair angling them for them and she laughed and talked before Tyler returned. She smiled hugging her cousin close to her in her seated position as another cousin took a photo gently. The girls left to go back to their table and she turned back to their food. “Thank you, baby,” she told him gently as she moved to test the food, forking some into her mouth gently and moaning out softly in appreciation.
Nadia moved to stand up with her husband Greyson, they walked to the buffet grabbing plates and waiting their turn as she waited to fix the plate. Seeing the other two grandmothers of this clan standing there and she said, “hello,” to them both, “I am Nadia, Mia’s grandmother,” she said, “and my husband Greyson, her grandfather,” she said happily. “Nice to meet you both,” she said politely as she picked up some tongues and placed a dinner roll on her husband’s plate and hers.
Patricia stood up and looked at her sister. “Hopefully the food is good,” she said to her with a chuckle. No one could cook better than her in her opinion. She moved to grab a plate following in line with Nadia and her husband, she licked her lips as she listened, and she nodded her head. “And I am Patricia, her other grandmother,” she told the two women with a smile. “Nice meet y’all,” she said in a southern accent.
Vivian looked at Fátima, squinting slightly at the woman. “Don’t start with me you old cow,” she began before she looked over at Nadia and Patricia. “Hello,” she said politely, brushing Fátima off. “I am Vivian, Tyler’s father’s mother,” she explained, “and my husband Axel is seated over there,” she told them before she placed a bit more food down on Axel’s plate. “It’s very nice to meet you as well,” she hummed out.
Placing some chicken on her plate, Fátima looked at Vivian. “Shut your mouth,” she hissed back in a thick Spanish accent before she looked at her husband as she moved down the line, gazing over at Nadia and Patricia, she took them in. “Fátima,” she said her name easily. “Carmen’s mother,” she added before she pointed her thumb, “and my husband Ezra,” she explained. “Yes, it’s nice,” she nodded her head. “I just don’t understand these kids these days, rushing to do everything,” she said, shaking her head.
Nadia scooped some food up with a spoon placing it on her plate and Grayson's listening to the Fátima woman as she ranted a little. “Yeah, their generation scares me,” she said, “her little friend is back there pregnant too,” she said to the woman. “Jumping quick is their claim in life these days,” she sighed. “I can say though… I can’t wait to see this little baby,” she breathed happily.
Patricia looked at the women smiling and nodding as she added a little of everything on her plate to try. She heard them and she nodded her head gently. “You know I wondered if they planned it myself, her and that Nova girl has been friends since the 9th grade,” she said to them all. “Her little boyfriend is back there with her; this is just everyday life for those kids,” she spoke.
Vivian snorted at Fátima as she rambled off in Spanish and she shook her head. Looking over at Nadia, she nodded slightly, looking over at the other pregnant young woman in the room. “I saw that,” she said, humming out before she looked at Patricia, “I wondered the same thing,” she added. “I think it’s popular,” she stated. “All the kids are getting pregnant these days,” she said, licking her lips as she covered Axel’s plate with a napkin before she moved to make her own. “It’s trendy,” she said, “babies having babies.”
Fátima nodded at Nadia and Patricia and she squinted over at Vivian as she added more food to her plate. She looked over at Nova and her boyfriend, Aaron, asking, “is her friend married as well?” questioning with an arched eyebrow as she stood there with her finished plate.
Nadia looked at the meat selections and chose steak for her husband easily allowing him to walk away. The man didn’t eat much so his plate was done and she nodded her head. “Mhm,” she said to them easily “I guess in a sense our children are to blame,” she acknowledged. “What they were doing, I don’t know...” she said to them.
Patricia shook her head at Fátima and said, “nope they are not, and that poor probably won’t marry that girl. That’s another trend,” she pointed out with pursed lips. She looked at Nadia and said, “I can agree with that, though,” she said paused, “Farrah was much older in life when she had Mia and James Jr.” she reminded the woman. “Mia was a quiet and withdrawn girl; I am shocked she even came out of that shell of hers enough to get pregnant or get married,” she told them.
Vivian listened to the other women, ignoring the looks from Fátima, Vivian said, “I don’t know,” she said, “I raised Anthony right,” she hummed out. “But that Carmen… now she’s a piece of work…” she said, looking at Fátima once more before she looked at Patricia. “Now that’s just sad,” she shook her head in shock. “Well you know, Tyler is very charming,” she said with a hum before she finished her own plate and she walked away with that, picking up Axel’s plate as she did.
Fátima scrunched her nose at Vivian. “Watch it,” she said quickly to Vivian, giving the woman a look. She was trying to be nice because of the occasion but the woman was pushing it. “I raised five wonderful children,” she told Vivian harshly before she looked at Patricia and Nadia. “Quiet and withdrawn?” she asked with a hum. “Interesting,” she said before she moved to walk off, sitting down beside her husband who had long since sat down and began to eat.
Nadia looked at the two women and she raised her brows looking over at Patricia with a knowing look. “Honey they are buck wild and lose,” she said in Creole to herself with a shake of her head. She continued to fix her plate moving down. “How are you holding up Pat?” she asked the woman looking at her. She held her plate in her hand, done fixing it now.
Patricia grabbed a napkin and looked at the two women before she looked at Nadia. All these years and much like her son she did not know a lick of creole. She smiled at her and said, “I am holding up honey, thanks for asking,” she said softly. “One day at a time, I know my Kenneth is in a better place,” she said to her nodding her head before she walked off from the woman offering her another smile.
Nadia nodded her head at the woman offering her a smile and a pat on her shoulder before she walked off and moved to her table.
Nova moved to stand up and she pulled the card out of her bag, “I’ll meet you at the buffet,” she told Aaron as she moved towards Mia in her Gucci get up. She walked on her heels towards Mia and Tyler. “Hey guys,” she said happily sitting the card down at the table. “You two look good,” she said as she kissed Mia’s cheek hugging her gently before she moved for Tyler offering him a hug as well.
Tyler sat there eating his food hungrily and he didn’t have to ask Mia if she thought the food was good because she was giving her approval with every bite, causing him to smile as he thought about their first date. As Nova approached them, Tyler smiled, looking up at her. “Hey,” he said, “sorry we never made it over to you guys,” he said knowingly. “A lot going on here,” he smirked a bit as he hugged his friend back.
Mia smiled at Nova and sat her fork down for a moment covering her mouth with her hand. “Hey bestie,” she said happily. “I don’t know how you and Aaron ended up all the way back there,” she told her. She rested her hand on Nova’s stomach giving it a rub. “You are rounding out now,” she commented to her with a smirk before Nova moved towards Tyler. “You should have text me and told me Riley was here,” she said leaning against the table a bit as she shifted in the chair drinking down some juice.
Nova smiled at Mia and chuckled at Tyler. “It’s fine, I know the feeling,” she told them before she moved in front of the table they were sitting at. She rested her hands against the table gently leaning in to hear Mia and she gave her a knowing look. “Who knew she was invited?” she asked her confused herself. She moved her hand to her stomach rubbing it gently and she said, “Aaron and I sat on the other side,” she said gesturing with her head. “Because you know how I am,” she told them easily.
Tyler chuckled at Nova and he nodded a bit before he ate a bit more of his food. “Ma made the seating chart,” he told Mia easily. “Organized the whole thing,” he emphasized before he looked at Riley as she sat at a random table and he shook his head. “I don’t even know how my mom would have gotten in contact with her,” he said with a deep sigh.
Aaron walked over to his friends and he sat Nova’s plate before her easily before he stood beside her, forking some food into his mouth. “Congrats y’all,” he said easily as he just walked in on the conversation.
“Well you know damn well I didn’t want the bitch that fucked my husband here,” Mia told Nova with a knowing expression. “Anyway, she’s here and it’s nothing we can do about it,” she told Nova knowingly. “Let it lie,” she said looking over at the girl. “Although I still don't know how the bitch sleeps at night knowing she’s slept with Tyler,” she said as she tilted her head over at him. “But is supposed to be my close friend,” she added. “Hey A,” she said, pulling her eyes from Tyler as she looked at the man with gentler eyes. “Thank you, brother-man,” she smirked.
Nova looked at Aaron and she smirked. “Thank you, baby,” she told him as she continued to lean against Mia and Tyler’s table. “Don’t get me started,” she chuckled with a headshake, she leaned upright and grabbed her plate. “You right though,” she told the woman before she looked at Tyler. “I’ll see y’all on the dance floor,” she said pulling her dress down a bit as she moved in the thigh high boots back towards her table, looking over at Riley again as she did.
Tyler dropped his head, eating his food hungrily now. He heard every word Mia said but he didn’t dare lift his head or look over at her as she went on. He only looked up when Aaron approached and he nodded at his still, still not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smirked at Tyler before he cued in on the conversation and he tucked his lips in until Nova rose up. Grabbing her plate, he moved with her back to their table.
Tyler stood on the dance floor with Mia as bodies surrounded them. With his hips pressed to her ass, he lifted her hands into the air as he moved against her easily to the music with a wide smile on his face.
Mia swayed to the music, surrounded by all their family members and friends as they danced to the music. She planted her bare feet and she wind her hips to the song playing, “Joanna,” she repeated to the lyrics of the song.
Tyler laced their fingers as he moved in sync with her. He smiled, looking over at everyone else as they dance as well. He dipped his hips a bit, really getting up under Mia’s ass as he danced against her, knees bent.
Mia continued to dance against Tyler as he laced their fingers together, she smirked watching her cousins dance outrageously on the dance floor around her. She bent over a bit as she wind her hips to the beat.
Thrusting his hips, a bit, Tyler chuckled as he looked over at his parents as they danced against each other grinding, thrusting, and touching all over. As Mia bent over, Tyler let go of one of her hand, moving it to her hip as she wound against him. Leaning over her some, he whispered into her ear. “Mmmm, that ass.”
Mia continued to dance giggling a little to herself as she did, as Tyler leaned over her whispering in her ear she smirked widely, another chuckle leaving her before she began to tick-tock her hips to the beat, tapping into her native style of dances.
Tyler smirked softly, his hips moving along with Mia’s effortlessly as she ticked against him. “Alright now,” he chuckled as he gripped her hip gently in his hand. “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish,” he told her softly, his hand moving down from her hip to her thigh.
Carmen pressed her ass back into her husband, leaning over a bit as she moved against him, knees bent as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder, looking back at him with a wicked smile as she rolled her hips to the music.
Anthony stood behind his wife, hands on her hips as he rode the wave, moving against her with a lick of his lips, even smacking the side of her ass a few times without a care.
Mia smirked at Tyler not saying much as the song changed and all of her cousins screamed as the beat dropped. Mia leaned up right pulling from Tyler and she turned to face him as she continued to dance pressed into him, her hands on his hips as she did.
Farrah sat next to James cutely and she smiled as the music filled the room watching everyone enjoy themselves as she rocked gently into the chair. “Come on,” she to her husband poking him as she moved for the dance floor tugging him up with her.
James looked to Farrah licking his lips slowly and when she pulled him up, he moved with her onto the dance floor chuckling a bit. They were elbow to elbow dancing with everyone.
Tyler licked his lips as Mia turned around to face him and he smirked, looking around as her cousins squealed out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as his body rolled against hers. He pressed a kiss to her nose, his own scrunching playfully as he slid his hands to her ass holding her there as they moved as one.
As the song changed, Carmen leaned up turning around and wrapping her arms around her husband's neck as they danced close. She bit her lip softly, a bit of sweat rolling down her back from the dancing and all the hot bodies around them.
Anthony held Carmen by her ass as she turned around and he gripped her close, looking into her eyes as they danced. He licked his lips slowly, smirking at her before he looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the dance floor.
Mia smirked, closing her eyes for a moment humming to the chorus of the song as Tyler kissed her nose, she opened her eyes moving along with him. As the man held her by her ass, she began to wind her hips grinding her ass into his hand. She moved her hands around his neck pulling him down for a kiss before she looked over at her mother. “Uh oh,” she said with a grin.
Farrah rocked her hips as she moved on her tall heels towards the dance floor with James. Once there the woman brushed a few bangs out of her hair as she snapped her fingers the woman wind her hips a bit lowering herself down towards the floor before she picked herself back up. “Ye,” she mouthed along with the lyrics.
James moved onto the dance floor and he watched his wife with a sly chuckle as he bobbed his head to the music and his shoes slid against the flooring as he moved along with the music.
Looking over at his mother and father, Tyler shook his head with a smirk before he looked back at Mia. Her ass grinding into his hands only made him pull her closer, grinding his hips into hers. Glancing at Farrah as she dropped it low, Tyler’s eyes went wide and he said, “well now I know where you get it from,” he smirked.
Carmen looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the party and she watched the woman drop it low before she giggled out, “whoo!” she hollered to Farrah. “You better drop it low!” she screamed out over the blaring music. Pulling away from her husband a bit, she took Farrah’s lead dropping it low in her own little dress, making sure to hold it down as she did. She popped her ass back up slowly to the music.
Anthony chuckled at Farrah and James and when his wife pulled away from him, dropping it low, he smirked at her. “That’s what I’m talking about!” he clapped his hands as he watched her closely, circling around her getting a full view.
Mia looked back at her mother and squealed chuckling at Tyler’s comment. She covered her face partially as she laughed looking back at the woman before she looked at Carmen. “They are showing out,” she told him with a chuckle. She continued to move against her husband, her hands resting against the back of his head.
Farrah moved closer to James pulling the man to her by his hips as she moved along with him, she rolled her body against him with a smirk, ignoring the catcalls on purpose. She licked her full lips as she danced to the familiar song.
James chuckled a little at Farrah as she pulled him close by his hips and he moved, wrapping her up as they swayed together. He leaned in pressing, his lips to her ear as she rolled her body against his. He smirked wickedly, pulling back and watching the slightly bounce of his wife’s full breast as she moved to the beat.
Nova held Aaron’s hands, lacing their fingers. She danced with the boy gently in her heels on the dance floor watching the parents of the parents-to-be dancing and smiling widely. Her own parents were here but they would not have dared, she looked over at them in the corner sitting and talking.
Aaron moved with Nova to the music humming to himself. He was looking over at the parents, smirking a bit. This was wild. His parents would absolutely never, especially his mother. Looking back at Nova, he held squeezed her hands.
As the song changed once more, Tyler paused as he listened to the music before he smiled widely and he took Mia’s hand spinning her around before he began a salsa with her, his feet moving effortlessly.
“Aye! Aye! Aye!” Carmen called out as the song changed and she grabbed her husband quickly as they began to salsa across the floor, moving as one as they did, spinning and stepping together.
Anthony grabbed his wife’s hand immediately as the song changed and he knowingly fell right into a salsa, moving with her in perfect sync.
Mia smirked as the song changed and she spun around with Tyler’s help with a grin, the song change did not eliminate the bodies on the dance floor. She moved with Tyler. She didn’t know how to salsa dance, but she would let him guide her with a bright smile. “Babe, I didn’t know you could salsa dance,” she giggled at him. She looked at Carmen and Anthony and she smirked watching them as she held Tyler’s hand in hers.
Nova smirked at everyone before the song changed again and she smirked widely as Tyler’s family lit up the dance floor, her hands still laced with Aaron’s.
Tyler snorted softly at Mia as he danced her around the limited space, twirling her body and pulling her close, his footwork immaculate as he guided her easily. “What?!” he said shocked before he laughed, “I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t salsa,” he told her with another chuckle.
Aaron looked at Nova, moving with her easily. He looked around at everyone, smiling as they got really into it, dancing across the floor. He licked his lips before he looked back at Nova letting her hands go to hug her close.
Tyler gathered outside, his arms wrapped around Mia holding her close as they stood out in the sand, waiting for the firework show to commence.
Mia had been most excited about this part of course; she stood with Tyler and she wrapped her arms around him as well, resting her head on his chest as they waited for the firework show to start. She shifted her feet in the sandals her mother gave her from the trunk of her car. “I am so excited,” she said giddily.
Tyler pressed a kiss to Mia’s cheek as he chuckled. “Me too, I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions,” he smiled a bit, hugging her to him. It was a bit chilly considering they were on the beach in the night air, so he wanted to make sure she stayed warm.
Carmen walked across the sand barefoot, holding the microphone in her hand as she turned to address everyone. “And now we’ve finally come to the part of the evening that everyone has been waiting on,” she beamed. “We have a special treat for you all,” she smirked. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering why we’ve moved to the beach but that is because you’re about to experience a firework spectacular,” she giggled. “Remember what you voted for because you’re about to find out now!” she said happily, a bit excited to find out herself. “So, everyone please without further ado, turn your attention to the water,” she said, gesturing it to it as she walked off, cutting off the microphone before she found herself snuggled in her husband's arms, waiting for it all to begin.
James stood on the beach with Farrah in front of him, holding her from behind arms wrapped around her as Carmen spoke. Nodding his head, he watched on anticipation killing him.
Farrah caressed James' hands lovingly before she moved hers to JJ’s shoulders as he stood before her. She hugged the boy close to her as they waited for the fireworks. She was nervous as hell.
Mia smiled as Tyler pecked her cheek, she held him close to her as Carmen spoke and she chuckled as different voices yelled out cheers as they all waited. When the fireworks started, she gripped onto Tyler a little harder now.
Tyler looked over at his mother and father and then at Mia’s parents before he turned his head, looking at his grandparents as they watched with anticipation as well. Smirking, he gave Mia a gentle squeeze before he returned his gaze back out over the water as the duds began to fly out and fizzle with nothing more.
Rachelle stood with her two girls hugged up against her watching as a few shot up not showing them much of anything. Tricksters. She continued to watch on as a few more were dispensed. “Oh goodness,” she said nervously.
Nadia watched over the water with a smirk. “This is a neat little idea,” she told her husband with a smile as she waited for the reveal.
Patricia stood off to the side and she waited like everyone else, her fingers crossed secretly as she waited to see what they were having, as two shot up in the air she watched as they burst in a bright pink color. Her vote lost but she couldn’t deny how happy she was as she watched on in shock.
Ángel stood there with his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the sky, waiting with bated breaths. As pink filled the air, he let out a happy chuckle. He had lost but he didn’t mind one bit.
Fátima sat in a beach chair beside her husband as they watched the pink fireworks fill the night sky. She smirked smugly, looking over her husband. “I knew it,” she said with a satisfied hum as she sat back.
Carmen stood there in Anthony arms, watching with tears in her eyes as pink filled the dark skies. “Oh my!” she squealed out happily, bouncing a bit. “A girl,” she said sweetly in Spanish.
Mia watched as the action stopped for only just a moment before pink fireworks burst in the air and she gasped, shocked. “What?” she said in disbelief and she looked up at Tyler quickly. “A girl?” she asked him, her mouth parted as she gazed at him. She heard the cheers in the background and the loud screams from friends and family, but she was in shock.
Tyler watched the sky closely and as soon as the first pink burst erupted, he looked down at Mia, nodding his head with tears in his eyes. “A girl,” he confirmed, placing his hands on her stomach. “We’re having a baby girl,” he told her sweetly, blinking hard, a tear of emotion sliding down his cheek as he gazed at her, all of the commotion from their family and friends drowning out around him as he focused on her.
Mia watched his lips as he confirmed it and she covered her face with her hand as she began to cry because of the news. She couldn’t believe it still; they were having a little girl. She leaned her forehead into his chest, letting out a soft cry before she dropped her hand looking up at him again. She looked at him as a tear lid down his cheek she covered her face again, sniffling hard.
Tyler watched as Mia covered her face and he smiled softly, sniffling a little. As she leaned against him, he held her close, rubbing his hands up and down her back tenderly. “A little girl,” he said again, having already known. He found out right after their appointment to be able to set up the firework show. Pulling her hand from her face, Tyler leaned down and he captured her lips in a tender, loving kiss.
Mia reluctantly allowed him to remove her hands as she continued to cry as she kissed him back gently. She cupped his face, closing her eyes and kissed him deeply. The night still lit with pink orbs before the grand finale and more colorful fireworks burst in the sky. She pulled away from him chuckling a little. “A girl,” she finally said sweetly back to him. “I’m so happy baby, I am so happy,” she told him. “I love you so much,” she breathed as she pecked his lips gently.
Tyler ignored everything else but her. He was solely focused on her as she cupped his face and he kissed her once more. Looking into her eyes, he nodded at her with a smile, another tear of joy rolling down his face. “I am happy too,” he told her truthfully with a small nod before he breathed. “I love you too baby, you’re my world.”
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
Hard and Fast
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Summary: Dylan falls hard and fast for the reader who is auditioning for Teen Wolf.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader
Prompt: “Can you two flirt on your own time?”
You’re anxiously tapping your foot in a stuffy waiting room but it’s not just any waiting room. No. It’s only the gateway to the biggest fucking audition of your life. No pressure or anything.
You’re about to audition for a role on MTV’s Teen Wolf and the fact that it’s your favorite show makes this even more nerve racking. It’s a character named Kelsey who’s a new mysterious student in Beacon Hills and she will also be Stiles’ new love interest.
And this isn’t a small arc, the role is expected to last for an entire season. That kind of exposure would be insane and also a dream come true. Today is your second callback and you’ve heard that two of the leads with be present in the room with you.
Tyler is making his directorial debut and that’s when the character will make her first appearance. And Dylan will be reading with the small group of girls that made the cut so far including yourself.
“Y/N L/N!”
Shit. Here we go.
“You can do this. You can fucking do this.” You whisper confidently before walking through the heavy metal door. You enter a large, white plain looking room and you can feel your pulse instantly start to race.
Hm. There are only five people present including the two handsome actors. Dylan is standing off to the side chatting on his iPhone and Tyler is sitting in a director’s chair with his baseball cap pulled down low. And the other three are the show’s producers who all seem ready for a nap.
Good vibes. Ugh. You quickly introduce yourself and the part you’re reading for while facing the camera that’s setup in the room. You’re now standing around awkwardly as you wait for Dylan to finish his phone call.
Dylan barely glances in your direction but moves closer still with the phone to his ear. He finally pauses in front of you as he hangs up, making your heart immediately jump into your throat. The man is even better looking in person. You didn’t think that was possible.
“Hi! I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.” You thankfully snap out of your slight fangirl moment, reminding yourself to get your shit together. Although Dylan looks strangely caught off guard and barely makes a sound when he holds out his hand. Kinda weird.
“Ok, people. Let’s do this.” Tyler quickly interrupts as he leans back in his wooden chair.
Dylan gives him a quick nod before turning back towards you. He suddenly freezes with an expression you can’t read before spinning the fuck around and bolting over to his co-star.
They are now both whispering and looking over at you while you do your best to act unaffected. But it’s making you feel self conscious as fuck at the moment. You notice Tyler give Dylan a stern look and it makes him rush back over to you.
“Everything ok?” You ask wearily.
“Oh. Uh…yup.” Dylan lies unconvincingly. Awesome.
“Let’s start at the top of page two. Stiles sneaks into the school library at night to research and loudly interrupts Kesley who’s already there.” He mumbles focusing on the floor instead of you.
“Ok.” You decide to just dive right into the role and forget the weirdness that’s happening right now.
“Can I help you, dude?” You dryly inquire acting annoyed towards “Stiles”.
“Nope. I’m good.” Dylan delivers a strained smile before clearing his throat. “Sorry for the noise.”
“Yeah I came here for peace and quiet so...”
“I…uhh I…” Dylan stutters before breaking character and then he starts coughing. “I need…water.”
Dylan gives you a nervous smile before stomping towards the table where the producers are sitting. You’re officially fucking confused at this point and start to think that you’re the problem. He makes his way back to you wearing a shy smile.
“Do you want me to still read for this?“ You ask carefully. “If you’re not feeling it then I can leave.”
“No!” Dylan all but yells catching everyone’s attention. A cute shade of pink appears on his cheeks and Tyler can’t help but crack up laughing.
“Sorry, Y/N. Dyl thinks your hot. He’s not very smooth around girls he likes.” Tyler smirks as his best friend’s mouth drops open.
“Oh.” It’s all your brain can think of at the moment because you’re beyond surprised.
But you recover quickly with a chuckle, “I didn’t picture you as the type who’s scared of girls.”
“Aw, shit!” Tyler exclaims clearly entertained by this whole train wreck.
“Can we try this again before I die of embarrassment please?” Dylan groans asking the room. Everyone nods and you can’t help but giggle at Dylan when he looks at you. He instantly runs a hand through his messy hair before taking a deep breath.
“Get your act together, O’Brien.” You hear him grumble to himself.
“Yeah O’Brien…you’re a god damn professional.” You whisper making him burst out laughing.
“Can you two flirt on your own time?” Tyler huffs sounding bored. Dylan gives him the finger before turning his attention back to you.
“Hopefully third time’s the charm.” He says with a more confident smile.
Thank god this scene goes a lot better than before and it gives you hope about actually landing this role. Sadly it ends too soon and you have to say your goodbyes.
You blush when you see Dylan give you a cute wave as he watches you leave the room. The distraction almost makes you walk right into the door jam and it makes Tyler cackle behind you.
“You two are such dorks, Dyl. She’s clearly the girl for you.” He howls as you rush out the door.
Do something lame in front of an insanely attractive actor? Check. You can cross that off your fucking bucket list.
“So what do you guys think?” Tyler questions everyone after they see the last girl who auditioned. He instinctively rolls his eyes already knowing what his co-star is about to say.
“I vote for Y/N L/N.” Dylan replies with a goofy grin.
“What a shock.”
“Dude! Y/N’s amazing. She’s gorgeous, funny, sweet, bad ass and talented! I’m pretty sure she’ll be my wife someday.”
“Jesus, Dylan. You sound like a twelve year old girl.”
“Whatever, man. I can’t help it. I’ve never met a girl like her before.” Dylan admits already looking love struck.
“Actually…you and Y/N did have good chemistry. Even if you weren’t fangirling over her, I’d probably choose her for the role.”
“Yes!” Dylan excitedly jumps up from his seat. “Who’s gonna call her? Can I call her? What’s her number?”
“Don’t make me regret this, dude. You’re already acting crazy.” Tyler warns trying to hide an amused smile. His best friend is such a dope.
“Crazy or not…I like her. And I think she likes me back.”
“Totally. She didn’t make fun of you for being scared of chicks or anything.”
Dylan shoots Tyler a classic bitch face and it makes him snicker, “Whatever! As long as you two film without eye banging each other. Especially when I’m directing.”
“No promises.” Dylan smirks knowingly.
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holidaywishes · 6 years
It Had To Be You VIII
Chapter Eight: Go Your Own Way
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 Summary: When Tyler and the Stars are in town for a game, he takes you out to dinner with Jamie, Katie and Candace, knowing that James will be out of town that weekend. But when James comes back early, you invite him to the dinner and emotions start running high.
 Author’s Note: Sorry this one took so long to post. I promise I’ll start being a little more consistent and the chapters will be better. Hope you like this one! Happy Halloween!
 Warnings: none
 Song Credit: Go Your Own Way -- Fleetwood Mac
 You contemplated phoning Candace and asking her about the voicemail she left you last month but she was on her way to Calgary before the team got here so you’d ask her in person. You figured you’d be able to tell if she was really just that drunk or if she was telling the truth.
 “Do me a favour,” Lucy started, raising her eyebrow when you looked at her curiously, “don’t make this dinner awkward…”
 “You’re not even going to be there…” you scowled, munching on the carrots on your plate
 “That’s exactly why you can’t make it awkward. I can’t save you from yourself” she said plainly
 “Whatever…” you dismissed your sister and finished your supper. After everything that happened with Ethan, her relationship was in a weird place so she was fixated on your life again. As she tells it, Charlie thought the shooting was horrible but he really didn’t care but you were sure that wasn’t true, that he probably just meant he didn’t know Ethan well enough to get as worried as you all did; Charlie was a good guy, that much you knew. Regardless, Lucy was shocked when she heard that you were going to a dinner date without James -- even though you assured her it wasn’t a date.
 “Look all I’m saying is, it sounds like a date. It sounds like Candace even thought it sounded like a date. After what you told me she said to you… I don’t know it just seems like trouble,” she said and you rolled your eyes knowing she was being way too overprotective, “what are you gonna do if he tries something?”
 “Lucy,” you said softly, “it’s Tyler. Come on…”
 “Exactly, it’s Tyler. Seguin. Just because he’s slowed down doesn’t mean he’s not still a party boy” she snapped, you couldn’t say you were surprised by her reaction but you were offended. Not so much at what she was saying about Tyler, that was a given with her, but that she thought you would let something happen.
 “Stop!” you said sharply, taking a breath to calm yourself enough to continue, “look I get it. You’re worried.. Fine. But I’m not the type of girl to let something happen with someone else when I’m in a relationship. I’m committed to James. The fact you think differently, that you’d think I’d stray, is extremely offensive!” You saw the shocked look on her face. This was probably the most you’d talked back to her since you were kids, she wasn’t used to you standing up for yourself and it left her speechless. So speechless in fact, that you were able to continue.
 “Lucy, I love you. And I appreciate your concern. For me and for James. But I can’t keep defending my actions or defending Tyler’s non-existent attempts of… whatever you think he’s attempting. If you feel bad about this, and you need me to reassure you every five minutes that there’s nothing happening, I will do my best but it can only last so long before I blow up like this. Come on you knew this was coming…” you waited for any kind of response but she just started walking towards the door, putting her jacket on to leave, “Lucy! Wait.. just talk to me!”
 “You know what?! I’m just trying to protect you,” she shouted, “I don’t want you to reassure me for me, I want you to reassure me for you. So you can hear what I’m hearing. See what I’m seeing. Be a little more objective about this situation with Tyler. Come to terms with the fact that maybe there’s something more than friendship there. I… you…” she faltered and you took a step toward her in an attempt to comfort her but she stopped you, stepping closer to the door as she finished her thought, “I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you’re committed to James -- I trust that you are anyway -- I wasn’t trying to suggest that you would stray… I just wanted you to answer what you’d do if he tried something so you could hear yourself defend him. The way I hear you defend him. The way I never hear you defend James” she sighed and walked out the door, leaving you to contemplate every conversation with her you’d ever had about James and compare them to the conversations you’d had about Tyler. You never defended James -- because you never had to. He was always the knight in shining armour you never asked for but were so grateful for. He always seemed to be on this pedestal in both Lucy and Chris’ eyes; he could do no wrong. Tyler on the other hand, hadn’t quite won them over. They hadn’t gotten a chance to know him and see the change in him that you had -- so you defended him because he deserved better than some passing judgement your sister or guardian would give.
 “Lucy… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I love you. I understand what you were trying to do but can I just tell you why I never defend James?” you texted your sister, hoping for a reply
 “Because you’ve seen who he is. You’ve seen how good he is to me. Even if things aren’t always perfect with us, he is good to me. And you. And Chris. Even to Karen. So you’ve got this image in your head of him being perfect that you don’t push me to defend him. The way you do with Tyler”
 “You’re still doing it…”
 “This is what I mean Luce, you hear me defending Tyler and you jump on the chance to tell me that it’s wrong. I know you see him as the guy he was in Boston and yeah, he still parties now, but he’s better. He’s better than you give him credit for. I have to defend him or you’ll never see him as anything other than a party boy”
 “Okay. I understand. You make a good point. A few actually. But you know that, as your big sister, I’m obligated to look after you. Especially about guy/relationship stuff. Chris would just tell you not to worry about it until you turned 35. I just don’t want to see you get hurt and go back to how you were. I know it won’t happen that instantly, but I hated seeing you in the hospital. Getting that call. It terrified me as much as it did Chris. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what will throw you over the edge and I’ll be damned if it’s Seguin.”
 “I love you too, Lucy.” All she sent back was the emoji blowing a kiss and you knew all was good. Now, you just had to prepare for the dinner that was definitely not a date.
 When James walked through the apartment door and noticed you in a fancy dress, he understandably looked confused.
 “Going somewhere?” he said jokingly
 “Yes… and so are you. So get changed” you replied and he looked at you confused, “the Stars are playing the Flames tomorrow night, so Tyler invited me and Candace to join him, Jamie and Katie for dinner at the Tower.”
 “Now?” you could hear in his voice that he was stunned but you weren’t expecting him home so soon. He kept doing this, popping in much earlier than he said he would -- it was weirdly annoying to you.
 “Yes silly, it is dinner time” you laughed, continuing to get ready
 “Babe, I can’t. I’ve been on a plane for almost eight hours, I would have to shower, change. I’ll just see you when you get home. Don’t be too late” he urged
 “Nonsense!” you said happily, “just meet us there! I’ll let the staff know, we’ll call them now, or text them! They do that there, it’s pretty cool.” James laughed and you were expecting him to say no when he nodded his head.
 “Alright, alright. I will call you when I’m on my way. You can order for me if you want -- or not. I’m easy” he replied with a smile and you squeaked, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
 “Yay! Okay my Über is here, I will see you later. Love you bye!” you said as you flew out the door.
 You noticed Tyler sitting in his Jeep in the Palliser Parkade, watching the crowd pass by, so you waved but he ignored you, or just didn’t see you. Candace, however, waved to you excitedly and ran quickly across the street to meet you.
 “Hey!!” she said in a sing-song kind of voice, “long time no see”
 “We need to talk” you started, earning a timid laugh from her, “what the hell was that voicemail?”
 “What voicemail?” she furrowed her brow
 “You left me a voicemail last month and sa--” you started but she interrupted you before you could finish
 “Oh that! I was drunk. It’s fine. Richie isn’t dead” she joked
 “I’m not talking about that, I don’t care about him. Sorry for the break up by the way,” you interjected and Candace just shrugged, “I’m talking about what you said about Tyler…” You were waiting for her face to give you an answer or lead you into something, but before anything could come out of Candace’s mouth, Tyler was standing right behind you, mouth at your ear.
 “Boo!” he whispered and you jumped ever so slightly, earning a laugh from the group.
 “Hey! Everyone hungry?” you asked, “ready to eat and spin?”
 “Does it actually do that?” Katie asked, concern on her face, “that seems like a recipe for disaster..”
 “It goes really slowly, it’s actually kind of cool” Jamie reassured her, “plus we can walk on the glass floor!” It was cute how excited he was and how nervous she was. The five of you walked into the lobby of the Calgary Tower and were led to the elevator that took you up 525 floors to the Sky 360 restaurant. The ride up was quiet and a little awkward with Katie and Jamie cuddling in the corner and Tyler, Candace and you standing on the other side watching the floors pass, occasionally smiling uncomfortably at each other until the doors finally opened. As soon as the elevator stopped, Jamie budged through, with Katie following closely behind, to head onto the observation floor. You laughed and walked in the same direction when you felt someone tug at your arm.
 “Can I talk to you for a sec?” Tyler asked
 “Sure, what’s up?” you said, noncommittally
 “How’s Ethan?” he questioned, which surprised you but you responded quickly by saying that Ethan was way better than he was, almost back to his old self.
 “Good, good. I hope it’s not weird that this is where I chose to take us…” he said, motioning to the restaurant and the view of the Tower
 “No, it’s awesome. I haven’t actually ever eaten up here, only ever been on the observation floor, so I’m excited. And I think James is too” you had to sneak it in before it got too late.
 “James? Why? He’s still out of town” he asked concerned
 “Well, actually, he got home early. Again. Walked in the door when I was getting ready and I, uhm.. I invited him. I hope that’s okay” you said, baring your teeth in an anticipatory way.
 “No, I mean yes. Of course it’s okay. The more the merrier,” you could tell he was a little bit annoyed but he just kind of let it go, “let’s go sit down.” You looked at your phone continuously as the five of you sat down at the table, waiting for James’ text; hopefully everything was okay. The table began to order and just as you were about to tell the waiter there was one more coming, James shouted a happy hello to everyone, startling you.
 “You said you were going to text me?” you smiled as he kiss your cheek
 “Sorry, traffic, couldn’t text. We ordering?” he said nonchalantly as he ordered his steak, the rest of the table finishing their orders.
 “It’s good to see you James! How have you been?” Katie cooed, she was always a big fan of James so they got along really well every time the four of you, Jamie, Katie, James and you, were together.
 “I’ve been good, busy, but good. Always working” he joked and Tyler scoffed, making everyone turn their heads to look at him. It took him a second to realize that you were all looking at him, once he did all he could say was “sorry, just got a weird text from Dev.” James continued his conversation with Katie and continued around the table, asking what everyone was up to.
 “What about you Candy? How have you been?” James asked and you laughed awkwardly, he had never called Candace Candy before and it felt weird; you weren’t the only one who thought so.
 “Candy?” Jamie chirped, “dude, she’s not a stripper…” Tyler gave both Jamie and James a glare before settling on you, unnerving you with the intensity in his eyes. You took a deep breath and nudged James’ shoulder.
 “Yeah, I’ve never heard you call Candace that and I don’t know how I feel about it…” you added
 “Sorry, thought I’d try it out. Candace” he emphasized her name this time, “how have you been?”
 “Uhm,” she said after taking a sip of her wine, clearing her throat, “I’ve been fine. Newly single and enjoying every second of it…” Everyone at the table smiled, even Tyler, which made you think he was planning something.
 “Yeah, her boyfriend turned out to be a dick,” he continued then cocked his head slightly, “it sucks when that happens, doesn’t it?” You saw James tense his jaw and raise his eyebrows as he looked down at his lap, laughing slightly.
 “I guess it would be,” he said tersely, “can’t say I know what it’s like though…”
 “You sure?” Tyler sat back in his chair, searching for some kind of answer from James.
 “Most definitely” the two of them were having a staring contest and you were convinced that one of them was going to jump across the table to attack, so you stepped in.
 “Babe!” you said to James, “let’s go look at the view, on the observation floor.”
 “Yeah, okay. Let’s go” he replied, his gaze never leaving Tylers. When the two of you got to the floor, you confronted James timidly.
 “Is everything okay?” You started, “why is there so much tension with you and Tyler?”
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about” was all he could muster before getting angry, “he obviously doesn’t like me… I mean I guess he wanted this to be more than just a dinner with friends. I mean you know that everyone being here is just a ploy right? Please tell me you’re not stupid enough to think this was a friendly invite.”
 “Wow…” you were speechless, you didn’t want to say anything you’d regret so you started walking away, but went against your better judgement and turned around to yell at him, “you know, this is the first time I’ve seen them, ANY of them, in months and it was supposed to be a nice night to catch up before life got in the way again. It is not my fault that every time the two of you get into a room together, it becomes a dick measuring contest. Get over yourself. Stop thinking that something is happening because it is driving me insane, he’s my friend, one of my best friends. You are my boyfriend and I love you, but not when you act like this. Come back to the table, let it go. Apologize or don’t, I don’t care right now. Let’s just finish the night in peace” you pleaded, he nodded and the two of you returned to the table.
 “So, did we miss anything?” you sighed as you sat back down.
 “Nope, just catching up. So, (Y/N), what are you up to lately?” Candace asked
 “Well, I’ve been busy planning my trip…” you said before taking a sip of your Manhattan
 “Trip?” Tyler and James said in unison,
 “Where are you going?” Candace added
 “Scotland!” you smiled, so excited to finally tell everyone, “I’ll be there for six months. A whole semester. Then, maybe, hopefully, I’ll get to see some of Europe as well!”
 “Wow… when did you decide this?” James asked stunned, “were you going to tell me?”
 “I just got my letter of confirmation yesterday from the University there, and you’ve been so busy that I didn’t have a chance to call you. Of course, I was going to tell you. Don’t be silly.”
 “When do you leave?” Jamie interjected,
 “Not until January, but I have to go to Vancouver to get all the paperwork in before Christmas so I can get my Visa…” you answered, turning to James, noticing he was still fixated on you “so, hopefully you and I can go on some dates, I think you’ll be in town more over the holidays yeah?”
 “Yeah, that’s--” he shook himself out of his head, “I mean no. I’m back in January, but I’m away for a few weeks in December. I wish you had told me sooner, I could’ve figured something out.” You could tell he was upset, this probably wasn’t the best time to have shared this, but you so excited and it was so new.
 “Well, I don’t leave until mid-January. Classes start January 20th, I leave January 15th. So, I can settle in before hand,” you tried to reassure him, “we could have a going away party?”
 “Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s talk about this at home okay?” he said shyly and you nodded sympathetically. As everyone finished off their meals, the tension slowly went away and the conversations changed from passive aggressive to easy breezy but once you got into James’ car, there was nothing but silence.
 “Did you really think that was the best time to bring it up?” James yelled when you got back into the apartment, “in front of everyone?”
 “James, I told you. I only got the letter yesterday. I didn’t really have anything to tell before that,” you said, following him into the apartment, “it’s not like I planned this, it just came out. I was excited.”
 “Yeah, I get that. And yay Scotland…” he replied, unenthusiastically, “I knew you were thinking about it, but I didn’t think you were serious and I definitely didn’t think you’d decided.”
 “Why wouldn’t I have been serious? I went to all those meetings, did all that research, why would I have done that if I weren’t serious about going?” you questioned
 “I mean it’s a big deal and we barely see each other as it is. I guess I just figured... “ he mumbled, “I guess I figured you want to spend time with me instead of leaving the continent for half a year.”
 “This is a big deal for me! I’ve never really been outside of the country before. Living with you was the first time I lived with anyone besides my sister or Chris. It’s an incredible opportunity for me, why can’t you understand that? Why are you being so selfish?” you shouted
 “I’m not being selfish!” he shouted back, “I just.. GOD DAMNIT (Y/N), I’m just nervous, I’m going to miss you because, you know... I love you.” The way he said it was almost dismissive, like it was just something to say which was different from how he’d usually say it, you just squinted at him for a second and dropped your head to your hands and wiped your face quickly before continuing.
 “I love you too, and of course I’ll miss you too, but acting like this…” you gestured to him, “does not instill much confidence.”
 “I’m sorry, you’re right. This is exciting! I’m excited for you, honest. I promise I’ll be better, we’ll throw a going away party to outdo all the other going away parties!” he said, and it seemed to be the truth, so you smiled and gave him a hug. It did, however, force you to look at all the times he said I promise. It kind of became a joke, because it was the first thing you said to each other, but the more he said it the more it lost its meaning. Especially, when he acted so defensively.
 You couldn’t help but wonder what he was keeping from you.
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hmorris0712 · 6 years
night of my life~ tyler joseph x reader (PART FOUR)
~about two months later~
your p.o.v.
today’s the day.
you and tyler still hadn’t exactly become official yet, but if people were to observe all your texts and face times, they would probably assume you two were already a couple. you text each other daily and face time when you can, whether that be after a show, first thing in the morning, or even in the middle of the night.
meanwhile sam and josh were out here calling each other babe every single second they’d talk. yes, they did indeed become an item about a month after they met. and you’d be telling such a big fat white lie if you said they aren’t cute together. you want desperately to see them together in person. whenever you watch sam talking to him over the phone, she just sounds and looks so happy.
all sam wants now is for you and tyler to finally become a thing. you do too, but at the same time you’re a little unsure, and you can tell tyler feels the same way about it. so until then, the two of you remain...friends with benefits? you don’t exactly know how to put it.
change of topic; you and sam have talked about the idea before and are really sold on it, so you two decided to surprise the boys by...
moving to columbus, ohio.
and today is the day.
however, sam really wanted josh to know, so you caved and said that it was fine if she told him. so about a week ago, she facetimed him with you, and the two of you together broke the news to him. his smile was the biggest you had ever seen it before. the three of you planned it all out quickly. he gave you his and tyler’s apartment address so you knew where to go.
today’s the day.
the two of you are currently on a plane to columbus, and your excitement and nerves are overwhelmingly strong. it’s only been an hour, so you have roughly one more hour to go before you land at the airport. you and sam are sharing a pair of earbuds and jamming out to, yes, twenty one pilots.
“girl are you ready?” sam asks you with excitement. “heck yeah! i’ve been ready ever since we told josh!!” you answer enthusiastically. sam sighs like a teenage girl in love. “i can’t wait to finally see him again after two whole months.” she smiles up at the ceiling. you laugh. “and i can’t wait to see you and josh being a couple in real life, not just over a screen.” you joke. well, only partially.
“(y/n) when do you think tyler will finally ask you to be his girlfriend? you guys practically act like a couple already, why not just make it official?” she ponders. you sigh before responding. “i don’t know. i think i’m fine with the idea, but it’s really up to him. i don’t know how he feels about it yet, but i’ll probably ask him about it later.” you explain to her. she nods.
“yeah, i understand that. anyway, guess what? only about 45 more minutes till we land!” she says in a sing-song voice. you smile. as the two of you continue to jam.
today’s the day.
when you guys land at the airport, you get a text from tyler.
tyjo: hey (y/n)
tyjo: josh is ignoring me, he’s talking to sam :(
you smile and quickly type a reply.
(y/n): hey ty. yeah, they can be like that sometimes. did you guys make it back yet?
tyjo: actually no. our flight was delayed, so we’re a little behind schedule.
(y/n): aw, that sucks. i’m sorry about that. how long until you land, do you know?
tyjo: i think it should be about a half hour more. so not too bad.
(y/n): oh well that’s good. hey, what are some cool things to do in columbus? (my aunt is visiting for couple days and asked me if i knew anyone who lived there)
tyjo: oh there’s lots of stuff. my personal favorite place to go is either taco bell or chipotle.
(y/n): ...that’s just food tyler
tyjo: ...your point is?
(y/n): whatever, i’m sure she’ll be fine with food recommendations alone.
tyjo: of course she will. it’s food.
(y/n): alright, well sam and i are gonna go head over to torchy’s for dinner. i’ll text you later!
(y/n): i’m afraid i cannot, sorry:(
tyjo: you’re mean :(
tyjo: but i guess i’ll let you go now
tyjo: i care about you
tyjo: like, a lot
(y/n): aw you’re such a romantic tyler
(y/n): but, you’re my favorite person in the whole world
tyjo: :)
(y/n): :)
you put your phone away and then to sam. “tyler said chipotle and taco bell.” you tell her flatly. she makes a face. “ew why taco bell? let’s get chipotle. and you know what? we’re gonna be nice and get them some food as well. i’ll ask josh what their favorite meals are.”
you guys stall at chipotle for ten more minutes while you wait for josh to tell sam that they’ve made it home.
you hold the bag up to your nose and take a big whiff of the wondrous smell. “ugh remind me again why we have to wait for them to eat this? i’m starvingggg.” you groan. sam smirks. “well we wanna eat lunch together with them, right?” you sigh. “yeah i guess we do.” she laughs at your impatient-ness.
after a couple more minutes, sam’s phone goes off. she checks it and gasps with a smile. “they’re home!” she says excitedly. you jump up. “yes! now we can finally eat this amazingness!!” you say as the two of you rush out the doors.
sam scrolls up on her conversation with josh to find his address. the two of you are just chattering the whole way there, almost unable to contain yourselves.
you turn onto the street their apartment complex is on, and the nerves hit you. it suddenly gets harder to breathe because you’re kind of just now actually realizing that you’re going to see tyler again after over two months.
“this is the building!” sam announces cheerily. you two enter and go up to the second floor in search of room 211. the elevator opens and the first room you see is 219. sam shrugs. “i guess theirs is all the way down the hall.
you press your hands against your thighs to try and stop their shaking.
you look across the way from room 212 and the number on the wall by the door almost lose your breath completely.
room 211.
sam is almost bursting at the seams with excitement as she knocks on the door. not four seconds later does the door open to reveal a very happy josh. sam practically lunges at her boyfriend, jumping onto him. he catches her and picks her up, rushing out into the hallway and spinning her a couple times. you decide that this moment is too cute and you wanna get a picture. you happen pull your phone out at the right time, because when josh stops spinning her, he kisses her. it takes everything in you not to squeal. after all, this is their first kiss.
you look at the picture you got. josh is picking her up, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. sam’s feet are off the ground and her arms are thrown around his neck, both of them smiling brightly against one another’s lips.
he sets her down gently and hugs her for roughly ten seconds. when they finally pull back, josh turns to you with a smile. “tyler’s in his room if you wanna go scare him. it’s the door to the left by the way.” he says before pressing one final kiss to sam’s cheek. “alright, thanks! and so good to see you after so long!” you say before entering. “i know, it’s been way too long.” josh replies as he and sam follow you into the apartment room.
you wander off to the two small bedrooms. you stop and point at the door on the left and look at josh with a questioning expression. he chuckles and nods, affirming that indeed, that is the room. you nod slowly and turn the knob, entering the room.
you turn around once you close the door, and your eyes immediately fall on him. he’s unpacking his bags still, but it looks like he’s almost done. “who was it?” he asks as he grabs a shirt out of his bag, probably assuming you’re josh. you hold back a laugh.
“oh, just some girl. she keeps claiming she knows you, but i’m not sure.” you say with a smirk, taking a few steps forward. he immediately stops what he’s doing at the sound of your voice and spins around quickly to face you. his mouth drops open and his hand comes up to cover it briefly. “no way...” he says quietly, a huge smile making its way onto his face. you put your hands behind your back as a giddy smile takes over you.
“oh my god.” he mumbles before he runs forward to you, dropping the shirt on the ground. he crashes into you, causing you to stumble back a few steps. he’s hugging you so tightly, you don’t think it’s possible to get any closer to someone. you hug him back with equal pressure, glad to finally be in his arms again after two extremely long months.
“i missed you so much you don’t even know.” he mumbles into your hair. “well, i might have an idea.” you reply. he pulls back with the biggest smile you’ve seen from him yet. his hands slide up to the sides of your face and he just looks at you. you can’t help but smile as you feel yourself explode with happiness.
he laughs, one of the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard. “you’re so pretty.” he says, resting his forehead against yours. you laugh as well, but sarcastically. “me? i literally haven’t done anything with my hair today, and i’m just in a hoodie and jeans.” you bring up.
“so? that doesn’t make a difference.” he assures sweetly as he pushes some of your hair behind your ear. the two of you stand there for a few seconds more just looking at each other. tyler looks so happy right now, you wish you could snap a picture or something and save the expression on his forever. his seemingly eternal smile is still plastered on his face, and his eyes are shining with pure joy. in one swift movement, tyler moves one of his hands to the back of your head and presses his lips to yours.
oh my god he’s kissing me. tyler joseph is kissing me. you feel your heart jump in your chest before speeding up to 10000 beats a second, your face heating up quickly at this newfound feeling.
he breaks the kiss shortly and laughs again, touching his nose to yours in the cutest way possible. “i love you (y/n).” he mumbles softly. your heart jumps. you never thought you’d hear him say those words, especially to you. “i love you too tyler.” you say before burying your face into his shirt.
“okay i still have one question though.” he says, making you lift up your head and look up at him again. “hm?” “how are you here?” he asks. “don’t get me wrong, this is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, but i’m just extremely confused.” he explains. you laugh and grab his hand to lead him out of the room. “c’mon, we’ll explain over lunch.”
“we?” he says before spotting josh and sam, who are throwing m&m’s into each other’s mouths. how long they’ve been at this, who knows.
“ohhh. you came here with her.” tyler says in realization as the two of you approach them. sam is about to throw one into josh’s mouth before she stops and looks at tyler. “yes, and ‘her’ does have a name tyler.” sam says sassily before aiming to throw her m&m. tyler lets go of your hand and crosses his arms over his chest. “i am aware of that, samantha ann williams.” tyler states snarkily as sam launches her m&m. but his statement shocked her so bad that it caused her arm to jerk, throwing her aim off course. the m&m went flying and landed on the ground, bouncing its way to josh’s feet.
josh gasps and doubles over in laughter while sam gapes, turning to tyler. “how-” “(y/n) tells me all the things, don’t worry.” tyler smirks in victory and glances at you. he walks over to the counter and grabs the bag of m&m’s, closing it and putting it away. “alright game over. there’s food and i wanna eat it.”
josh and sam whine, but comply shortly after, because who turns down food? that’s right, no one.
the four of you talk for hours while eating, playing mario kart, and moving bags into certain rooms. josh moves his stuff into tyler’s room so you and sam could have his.
eventually josh gets hungry again, so you all decide to head to a nearby fair and have some fun.
josh saw one of those rip off games and claimed he could beat tyler. tyler immediately took him up on the challenge and they played about five rounds. while they were doing that, you and sam went and got yourselves some cotton candy for enjoyment since you guys practically rode all the rides already. well, at least all the crazy ones.
the boys came back after about five minutes, tyler with a victorious smirk victorious and josh pouting, giving away who won and who lost. you laugh at the sight along with sam, who steps forward and loops her and through josh’s as you four start walking. “aw you poor baby. i think i know what’ll cheer you up though. how about a ride on the ferris wheel?” sam offers. josh’s face lights up immediately. “yES LET’S GO!” he yells as he starts running, pulling sam by the hand.
you laugh at their cuteness as tyler slings his left arm around your shoulders. you smile at him and reach up to grab his hand, lacing your fingers through his and laying your head on his shoulder as you walk. “gosh, i still can’t believe you’re here.” he says, looking at you with the most loving of heart eyes. “honestly i can’t either.” you reply with a smile.
“soooo you wanna go with them?” he says as you two walk in the general direction the other couple went. “well, i personally am not a big fan of heights, but i’m sure i’ll be fine if you’re there with me.” you say, wrapping an arm around tyler’s waist. “are you sure? you don’t have to, you know. i was just asking.” he looks down at you, his eyebrows raised slightly. you nod. “yeah i’m sure.” he smiles. “well then what are we waiting for?” he says with a smile that shows his cute teeth.
he laughs and runs off, you hot on his trail. soon you get close enough to where you’re able to grab his hand and let him pull you along the pavement under the evening sky. he slows down when you guys approach josh and sam, who are talking excitedly about something. luckily no one had gotten in line after them yet, so you and tyler were able to talk to them while waiting.
once they board their little cart, you watch as it goes up and up to the very top, and you realize just how high this thing really is. maybe you should have thought about this a little more carefully. your hand tightens around tyler’s, and he looks at you with concern. “hey, we can still step outta line if you don’t wanna do this (y/n).” he says as he places his hands on your shoulders. you give a half smile. “no i’m good, i can do this.” you half lie, trying to convince both tyler and yourself of that statement.
“alright. but if you do get scared, don’t worry. i’ll be right beside you the whole way.” he gives the smallest, cutest reassuring smile. “thanks ty.”
the two of you step into your cart and await the start. you grab tyler’s hand immediately when you feel it start moving. “if you ever need to, just close your eyes or look at me. if you’re not looking at the ground, you won’t feel as scared.” you nod and lay your head down on his shoulder as he pulls you closer to him. you mentally kick yourself for coming up here. “why did i want to do this?” you groan. you feel tyler chuckle against you. “well you didn’t exactly tell me why, you just said you’d do it.”
“oh.” was all you could say to that. god, you can be so dumb sometimes, can’t you? “i personally love scaring myself, so i’ll always climb the tallest thing possible solely for the thrill.” he starts talking. you laugh. “i’m not surprised actually, that sounds exactly like you. you’re the biggest daredevil i’ve ever seen.” you say, looking up at him with a smile.
he laughs and plants a kiss on your cheek. “you’re adorable (y/n).” he says, captivating you as his eyes linger on yours for a duration of time. the cart stops abruptly, snapping you out of your trance and back into the reality of fear as your eyes make their way to the ground which is very, very far below you. “oh my god we’re so high up right now. is it getting hard to breathe or is it just me?” you say as you mildly start hyperventilating.
“hey, hey don’t look down, look out.” tyler tells you in a soothing manner as he takes your hands in his and gestures with his eyes the view around you. you do as he says and take a look at the world around you from this height. you notice all the lights from the rides shining, their bright neon colors contrasting the dark night sky. you see a few stars shining, their natural light fighting to be seen against the fluorescent fair lights. you soon feel a smile within you begin to surface as your anxiety washes away.
“can-...can i ask you something?” tyler says quietly. you turn your gaze away from the beauty and back onto him. “yeah go ahead.” tyler looks down for a moment. “would you ever...want to be my girlfriend? like w- would that ever be something you’d consider?” he stutters out timidly, looking back up at you with those adorable eyes you’ve grown so fond of.
you smile so big, you’re afraid it might consume the entirety of your face. “it would. why do you ask?” he mirrors your smile and runs a hand through his hair quickly. “i was just wondering, because i wanted to ask you tonight, if- if maybe you wanted to...y’know..be my girlfriend.” he looks down as he slowly manages to get the sentence out, soon meeting your eyes again. the vibrant lights from all around reflect off of his eyes beautifully, making this moment all the better.
you laugh and bring his face closer to yours. “of course i do tyler.” his smile increases as he presses his lips to yours for the second time today. you don’t know how on earth you managed to win this amazing boy over, but you did somehow. and boy are you grateful.
you and tyler break apart at the sudden outburst and look down at the source. you see sam and josh in their cart, two spaces away from yours, clapping, whistling, and cheering. you groan and lean your head on tyler’s chest. he sighs in disappointment and shouts back down at them. “you guys do know that wasn’t our first kiss, right?”
sam’s eyes widen and she gasps loudly. “(Y/N) (L/N) WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?” she yells up at you. her comment sends you laughing as their commotion below continues. tyler smiles. “just ignore them. they’ll stop eventually.” he says as he captures your lips once more.
maybe it was a good idea you decided to come up here. the feeling of his lips on yours really wakes you up mentally, reminding you that this is where you were meant to be, that this is right.
this is home.
~end:)))) <3
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psychospeak-blog · 6 years
Won’t Go Slowly // 11
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One // Two  // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten
A/N:   SO much love to everyone who has been reading this series, liking it, reblogging it, or sending me messages about it.  You all rock!
You just couldn't help it. Every single time you stood in front of a mirror, you found yourself turning to the side, smoothing your t-shirt or dress over you belly, imaging what you'd look like pregnant.
You'd also be lying if you said you'd hadn't found yourself scrolling through pages of nursery furniture on your phone, when you were trying to watch T.V. or after you crawled into bed at night.  You knew, logically, that you weren't at that point yet, but you couldn't stop yourself from imagining.
"This is crazy," Danielle said, looking over your shoulder where you were signing and initialing  the contract that was laid across your kitchen table.  For some reason, you'd expected it to be a simple page but, no, it was a whole freaking booklet, pages and pages of legalese that basically said just the same thing over and over.   You looked up at her, and she was smiling, and you knew instantly that she wasn't talking about just the paperwork.
"I know," you said, finally completely the last page and then stacking all of the papers on top of each other, and then going to look through your purse for a paper clip before you put it back in the envelope because you had a vision of Tyler opening it only to send the papers scattering all over the place, and then having to try and put them back in order.
"I totally knew he was serious," she said.
"What?" you flipped your head back around, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because," she laughed, "I didn't know how you felt about it.  And it wasn't my place to say how I felt."
You sighed just out of instinct now.  It wasn't that your Mom and sister weren't being supportive, but you knew they were hesitant.  You knew they were holding back, that this was what you wanted, but that this wasn't how they expected it to go for you, and the thought of you doing it alone seemed overwhelming.  They weren't downright telling you not to do it, but they weren't as excited as you wanted them to be.  What's worse was that your sister had accidentally let it slip to your Dad, and he didn't even bother trying to hide how he felt.
"Hey," Danielle said, putting her arm around your shoulder, "don't worry about that.  We've got you."
You didn't even have to ask who 'we' was.
"Seriously," she continued, "This kid is going to be so loved, it isn't even funny."
And you knew that was true.  And you knew that you Mom and sister would get excited eventually, but you kind of felt like you just needed a bit of distance for now, to surround yourself with positivity.
So, after Danielle left, you scrolled through 'Babies R Us' on your phone for a few minutes, and then headed over to Tyler's house, that envelope securely on the passenger seat.  Once you got there, you opened the door, immediately to be swarmed with dogs, tails wagging and tongues panting excitedly  and you crouched down saying your hellos.  Yeah, you definately had no shortage of love.
"At least let her get in the door, guys," Tyler laughed, rounding the corner.  
You laughed, standing up, aware of the legal documents in your hand, which should probably not be crushed by paw prints.
"Is that the thing?" Tyler said, gesturing towards the envelope, his eyebrows raised.  
"Yeah," you said, handing it over to him, "So, if you want to look it over with your lawyer and then just get it back to me when you're done."
"Mmmk," he said easily, taking it from you.  You bent over again and thoroughly petted the dogs this time, who were still trailing around your feet. Once they seemed to calm down a little bit, you went where Tyler had gone, discovering him leaning over the kitchen counter, his tongue pulled between his lips as he flipped through the papers.
"What's this about gifts?" he asked, reading something and then looking over at you, "Because, I swear to god, I am buying your kid gifts, I really don't give a fuck what you say."
You laughed, and then frowned because that didn't make any sense at all, taking a look at the portion he was pointing to.  "No, that says I'm not supposed to compensate you with gifts."
"Wait," he pouted at you, "Does that mean you're not going to buy me a birthday gift?"
"No," you laughed again, "just, like, you're agreeing that you understand that you're not going to be compensated in any way."
"Mmmk," he said easily, and then he picked up the pen that you didn't see on the counter and scrawled his name quickly across the bottom of the page.
"What are you doing?" you cried, because you couldn't even move fast enough to stop him.
He blinked, looking at you in confusion, "I thought you wanted me to sign it."
"After you got your lawyer to look at it," you said, running your hand through your hair, trying to troubleshoot, "Do you think we can just, like, rip it up?"
"What is the big deal?" he asked, "I thought you said this was, like, standard.  You didn't get a lawyer."
Yeah, but he had money.  And you assumed that there might be, like, some PR stuff that you'd need to be held to or something.  "You should make sure that I, like, can't sue you or something."
He laughed like he couldn't even believe you were saying that, "You're not going to sue me."
You weren't, of course, but these papers were supposed to protect him just as much as it was supposed to protect you.  
"It's not that complicated," he said, "I'm just giving up my parental - parental, is that a word?"
"Yes," you said.
"I'm giving up my parental rights, and you're not compensating me for anything."
"And you're not required to pay me child support," you added.
"See? It's all in there, you don't need to worry so much," he said, putting his arm around you, "By the way, Danielle said I need to tell you that you've, and I quote, 'got your shit together'."
You laughed, burying your head in his shoulder.
"She's totally right though," he said, and you could feel him looking down at you, just waiting for you to explain.
"My sister accidentally told my Dad I'm going to try and have a baby.  On my own," you said, "And he didn't, I don't know, didn't get why I would want to do that."
"Fuck your dad," Tyler said suddenly, and then seemed to regain himself, "Sorry, but fuck your dad."
You laughed, because it was no secret that you didn't have the closest relationship with your dad, especially since your parents had split when you were young, so you'd been raised pretty much just by your mom.  Now that you thought about it, you supposed that was why your mom was likely hesitant about this whole thing, because she had been a single mother.  But you were also going into this with the knowledge that you would be, and you were prepared for it.  And you also had a great job, with benefits and a childcare centre, so you wouldn't need to try and work multiple jobs like your mom had to try and make ends meet.
"He's probably just jealous," Tyler added, "I'm sure he knows for sure that you're going to be a better Dad AND Mom that he ever was."
"I'm serious," he said firmly, "And you know that if you need an actual man to help teach your kid....man stuff, I'm here."
"Man stuff?" you laughed, "what man stuff?"
"Like, fishing and...." he said, "well, that's not really a man thing, really.  I don't know actually.  But I'll buy a book or something."
You laughed again, because you were pretty sure no such book existed, but it really was the thought that counted.  "I just wanted to wait to tell him until after I got pregnant, though," you told him.
"Yeah, don't worry babe, you're going to be pregnant super quick," he said, wiggling his eyebrows, "I have really excellent sperm."
"No, you don't," you laughed, pushing him away and you could see him frowning, "I've seen your test results."
"They said it was good," he said, his arm crossed over his chest, and you suspected that this was something that he wanted to brag about to probably everyone, only then he'd have to explain why he actually knew about that, and you knew he wouldn't do that to you.  
"Yeah, it's great," you agreed, "just not off-the-charts spectacular like you seem to think."
"Whatever," he complained, even though he was laughing so you knew he wasn't actually offended, "I'm still going to get you pregnant.  It's my new summer project."
So, at first his summer project was to find you a boyfriend and now it was to get you pregnant?  "Why do your summer projects always have to include me?" you asked, wondering why he couldn't do something normal for a summer project like build a shed or something. It wasn't that you were complaining, of course, but calling it a summer project was just a little too much.
"Because, I don't get to see you much during the season," he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "Duh."
48 hours.
As you got in your car, ready to drive to work, you couldn't help noticing that in 48 hours time, you'd be at your appointment.
As you pulled out of the driveway, you used your voice to command your bluetooth to call Tyler.
"Hey," he answered, "what's up?"
"So, you know you can't masturbate or have sex for the next two days, right?" you asked.
He laughed, "Well, you could have at least says 'hi' back to me first."
"Sorry, hi," you said sincerely, "but you know, right?"
"Yes, I'm aware."
"Well, make sure you don't forget," you said, "Maybe you should...." you trailed off, looking over your shoulder as you changed lanes, trying to think what he could do.  Maybe put a post-it note on his pillow or something?
"You want to come supervise me?" he asked gruffly.
"Sorry," you cringed, "I just want to make sure everything goes right."
"It will," he reassured you, "But I got my part covered, okay?  Trust me.  You just have to worry about your part."
You took a deep inhale and exhale, knowing that he was right.  "Okay."
"Good," he said decidedly, and then added in a softer voice, "You alright?"
And you told him that you were because you were, for the most part, going about your next two days focused on your work, and being secure in knowing that everything that needed to be done was going to be done.  The night before though, you were restless, and you didn't think you'd ever be able to sleep.  
You picked up your phone, and then set it down, remembering that Tyler had to be at the clinic two hours before you did.  But then you picked it up again, texting him 'Are you still awake?"
Tyler: Yeah
Tyler: Can't sleep?
You: No :(
Tyler: Come over
Tyler: Bring your PJ's
You smiled, gathering up your pyjamas, a toiletry bag, as well as what you'd need for tomorrow, driving over to his place, you body pumping with adrenaline.  It wasn't really nerves, though, not really, more just really a state of anxiousness, of just wanting it to be tomorrow already so you could just do it.
Tyler suggested you take the dogs for a walk, and you assumed this suggestion was due to the fact that you were pretty much pacing in his kitchen or raising yourself up on your heels, pretty much unable to stand still.
So you did, enjoying the cool, night air, the quiet sidewalk illuminated by streetlights, so it felt like you were pretty much the only ones who existed.  
"At least give me one," you sighed, Tyler slowed down to untangle the leashes yet again.  This time you stopped, extending your hand.  
"I got it," he protested, and then you followed the line of his eyesight to a quick glance at your belly and....oh.
" Tyler, I'm not pregnant yet," you laughed, " And even if I was, I can still walk a dog."
He gave you a sheepish look, handing over one of the leashes.  You walked in silence for a moment, your mind wandering.  "Tyler?"
"Do you think it's weird we're still friends?"
"Weird? No, why would it be weird?"
You stopped, because apparently there was an extremely interesting tree.  "I just mean, do you even still talk to anyone we went to high school with?"
"Other than you, no."
"Exactly," you said, " and, like, did you even think that we would be the ones who would still be friends? We didn't even really like each other when we first met, like, if it wasn't for Kirsten--"
"Why are you getting all philosophical and shit?" Tyler interrupted. "Obviously we were meant to be friends, it doesnt really matter why, does it? Seriously, youre so weird sometimes."
"No," you reasoned, "I was just thinking about it though."
"Sometimes life works in weird ways," he said.  He was quiet for a moment, and all you could hear was the sound of your shoes on the pavement.  "Y'know, you've actually been my friend longer than anyone.  Which means that you've got a headstart on being my best friend of all time."
"And do I get a prize if I stick around?"
"The prize is getting to be my friend," he scoffed, "Obviously."
When you got back to Tyler's place, you both got ready for bed, and he insisted that you watch a movie, despite the fact that you thought he looked rather tired.
"I feel like it's a good idea for you to stay here tonight," Tyler said, as you climbed into his bed, a wall of dogs practically separating the two of you, "it'll align our chakras."
"Align our chakras?" You laughed, "you're so weird."
He stuck his tongue out at you, and you adjusted the pillows behind your back, so you were sitting up.  Although, with the way the dogs moved into the now vacated space, you weren't sure you'd be able to lay down again.  He really needed a bigger bed, honestly.  "Moana?" You questioned, taking a look at the television screen.  
" Yeah, it's a happy movie," he said, "plus, I also wanted to see what all the hype was about."
You laughed softly, but settled in.  However, as you suspected, he didn't even make it 15 minutes in.  You still weren't ready to fall asleep, but you really did feel a sense of heaviness and calm take over your body, cuddling up and watching the movie in its entirety.
You heard Tyler get up in the morning, but he took care to keep quiet, so you were able to squeeze in a little extra rest.  Once you got up and got ready though, he still hadn't come back home, like you'd thought he would.  A small part of you worried that something hadn't gone quite right, but there were no calls on your phone, so you assumed he must have gone to work out or something, even though you also thought he would have told you.
As you drove, you focused on keeping your breathing steady and deep, stretching your neck out when you were stopped at an intersection, trying to keep your grip relaxed on the steering wheel.  
Once you got there, though, you were on a mission.  So much so, that you barely noticed the familiar figure sitting in a chair along the wall, legs extended and ankles crossed.  He looked over the magazine and gave you a small smile.  
" What are you doing here?" You asked quietly, keeping your voice low like you were in a library because it somehow seemed appropriate for the situation.  
"Waiting for you," he said simply.  But, even though you were here now, he made no effort to move, looking like he was comfortable for the long haul.  
You looked over at the receptionist and then back at him, "It's going to be awhile."
"I know, I'll wait."
Sure enough, when you came out, he was still there, setting down the magazine and standing up, slowly loitering off in the back of the waiting room as you made an appointment with the receptionist to have your blood taken in two weeks, meeting you at the door when you were done, holding it open so you could pass under his arm. "Thank you."
"Mhmm," he responded, as you stepped into the quiet holiday.  "how was your thing?"
"It was..." you paused, not knowing how to quite explain it, "fine.  Kind of weird, but fine."
He reacted lightly, with a quick glance to make sure you really were okay.  "Mine was great, thanks for asking," he said, "they gave me lube AND porn."
"Oh my god, Tyler...shhh..." you said, your face flaming red even though he was the one who was speaking incredibly loud in the otherwise pretty quiet medical building, and you could only assume everyone in the waiting room of the podiatrist's office you just past by had heard him.
Instinctively, you started walking faster, but he caught up to you, "I mean, the porn kind of sucked, but it was still porn," he said, just as an older lady stepped out of the optometrist's office looking at the two of your sternly, your eyes widening, and your gaze shooting nervously towards her, but Tyler just made a snorting noise as he tried not to laugh, finally bursting out laughing once she disappeared around the corner.
"You're going to get us kicked out of here," you said in a harsh whisper, grabbing his wrist and tugging it once to get him to move.
"Sorry, sorry," he said quickly, neither of you talking until you reached the bottom of the stairs, heading towards the doors, "So can I take you out for lunch?  Or do you have to, like, lay down or something?"
"I already did," you said, "that's what took so long."
"Oh," he said, his hand going up to scratch the back of his neck, "you don't have to, like, lay down with your legs up in the air now or something?"
"No, that's not how it works," you said, an amused tone to your voice, "we can get lunch."
"'K," he replied lightly. He offered to take his car and then come back later to grab your car so you agreed, although you noticed once he pulled out of the parking lot he looked at you just once with a sly grin on his face and then pushed a button on the console, directing his attention back to the road.
Music filled the car and you were trying to identify the song, until you heard the opening "Baby, ohhh..." from the Backstreet Boy's "Quit Playing Games with My Heart" and could see Tyler grinning widely at you and you started laughing, "Oh my god, seriously?"
"It made you laugh," he said, "I feel like that's a good thing."
He turned it up louder and, while you knew the lyrics off by heart, you couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this song was so inappropriate in that it had nothing to do with babies at all, and wasn't even a happy song, for god's sake, but Tyler kept doing some weird car dancing thing move, except for when he had to stop to sing all the "Oh Baby Baby"'s very loudly and very poorly, but also very enthusiastically, looking at you each time the word 'baby' was mentioned.  
You couldn't help but dissolve into giggles in the passenger seat, partially concerned someone was going to drive by and recognize him.  "You are such a dork."
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
How did this happen? - Part 5
Word count: 3,624
Players: Tyler Seguin, Alexander Radulov
Warning: cussing
Authors note: This part jumps time a few times to make this story not feel like its completely dragging on in the beginning :) Before each separate part I'm going to specify who's point of view it is. I also think that I'm going to be changing Brooke's POV from the imagine format to first person like the rest of the POVs are. Hopefully that makes sense. I may or may not go back to the other 4 parts and change it to first person.. Idk yet lol (There is a very good chance there will be random "you" and such as I keep accidentally switching between first and second person. I'm going to try and make sure there aren't any but I might miss some so I apologize lol)
Hope you enjoy!
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4     Part 6
(Brooke's POV)
It had been two weeks since Tyler had left for the away trip. He had facetimed with me every night, claiming it was to check in with the dogs but it became a routine after a while and he actually stopped asking for them right away. Even still the dogs would always get excited when they would hear their dad's voice but always be confused why he was stuck in my phone.
I had just finished taking them on a walk, and was in the middle of getting them some water when I heard the gate open. I gasped, wide eyed, looking at the clock on the oven. Tyler wasn't suppose to be home for another hour I thought but maybe Ashlyn decided to stop by after work before the boys got home.
I brought the dog's water bowls over to where they normally got fed and set them down on the floor. It may be the middle of February now but it had hit 80 degrees today which I was still not exactly use to but I loved it way more than snow. I grabbed a few ice cubes from the freezer and popped them into the water bowls.
I turned just in time to see the door open and Tyler walk in with his bags.
"Hey!" He smiled, the dogs rushing to greet him, leaving a trail of water behind them from drinking.
"Hey welcome home!" I smiled at him, standing over by the counter.
"Well the boys greeted me a lot more excitedly than you did," Tyler smirked at me.
"What you want me to run over to you and start licking your face?" I laughed as I grabbed a water out of the fridge for myself.
"No probably not," he laughed and set his bag down in the hallway.
There were moments like this that it still was weird that I was in Tyler Seguin's house. Let alone staying there for another couple days until I finished moving all of my things into the apartment. 2 months ago I had only ever seen him on the internet or on my computer screen when I watched the games and now here I stood, in his kitchen, best friends with him.
God damn my life is so fucking weird
Tyler pulled me from my thoughts as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Did ya miss me?" I could hear the smirk in his voice even though I couldn't see his face.
"Well..." I tried not to smile.
He pulled back and looked down at me with one eyebrow raised and I cracked, laughing. "That's what I thought," he said and returned to hugging me for a little bit longer.
"So how was the plane ride back?" I asked as we pulled back from the hug.
"It was fine, I slept most of the way so it went by quick for me," he said as he leaned against the counter, grabbing my water bottle and taking a sip.
I gasped "Hey that was my water!" I protested.
"Oh this?" he smirked and held it higher than I could reach.
"That's not fair Tylerrrrr!" I whined a bit as I tried to jump for it. It didn't help that he was already almost a whole foot taller than me. Reaching both arms up I jumped to grab it, actually getting it but I soon figured out that was all part of Tyler's plan as he easily let go of the water and went to tickle me.
"Nooo!!!!" I laughed and ran into the living room.
"Get her boys!" Tyler smirked and followed after me.
All three dogs were excited thinking it was play time and jumped onto the couch, kissing my face and laying all over me.
"Nooo you all have gross doggy breath!" I laughed and tried to turn my face away.
After a minute everything calmed down and I could regain my breath finally.
"I had no idea you were ticklish!" Tyler laughed as he got off the couch and helped me up.
"I have no idea what you are talking about," I smirked at him.
He reached over and poked my side, causing me to pull away.
"Quiiit, Ty," I laughed.
"See! You are ticklish."
"Lies," I said and walked back into the kitchen, opening the fridge. "Ugh what are we going to eat for dinner?"
"Hmm.. how about some nachos?" he asked as he leaned against the counter, tilting his head and looking over at me.
I looked around to make sure we had all of the ingredients and nodded "Yeah that'll be pretty easy and fast to make."
"Good I'm so hungry," he laughed.
"Me too!"
"Oh! So your apartment is ready tomorrow have you went to go check it out yet?"
"No I wanted to wait until you got back home first."
"Well you were the one who helped me pick which one so I thought it would be exciting to go together," I shrugged, looking at him and grabbing the chip bag off the counter and started loading up a pan with them.
"No that's a good idea actually I didn't think about it like that," he smiled.
"Do you want just cheese and salsa?"
"There's other options?" he asked.
"Uh yeah! We could put burger on it too," I said opening the fridge again and making sure I had burger left still.
"Brooke you know my specialty is only grilled cheese."
"This is very true. I'll just make some fancy nachos and you can be surprised."
"Alright sounds like a deal! While you do that I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower and I'll be back down in 5," he said standing up from the counter and walked over to the hallway, grabbing his bag and headed upstairs.
"Okay," I answered and went to work on cooking dinner.
We had a nice night in just relaxing on the couch and watching a couple movies. I ended up falling asleep not long after the fourth one started, resting my head against Tyler's shoulder. After the movie was over Tyler gently woke me up and helped me to my room. He followed me into the room and laughed as I flopped onto the bed on top of the covers.
"Whaaaaat?" I mumbled into the pillow, slowly turning over to look up at him, one eye closed and the other one squinting.
"Nothing you are just funny when you are over tired," he said as he grabbed the blanket and pulled it out from under meand pulled it back up over me.
"Is Tyler Seguin really tucking me in to bed right now?" I half laughed which turned into a yawn.
"Yes," he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Now get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day," he said and turned my light off.
"But whyyyyy," I groaned.
"We are moving your stuff remember?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me.
"Oh yeah," I mumbled as my eyes closed.
Tyler laughed and shook his head walking over to the door. "Goodnight Brooke," he left the room, closing the door softly behind him.
2 months later...
Life was fucking good. No not good it was great! I had been in my own place and it was going really well, Tyler and I had been hanging out consistently when he wasn't busy with games and traveling, and Ashlyn and Alexander had been spending a lot of time together lately too.
I had seen how he looked at her and I knew that he was going to ask her out soon, but for some reason she didn't believe me. She had made it very adamant that Tyler and I were for sure going to get together before her and Alexander would but I wasn't so sure about that.
Tyler was one of the sweetest guys I had met and spending time with him was my favorite part of the day but it was kind of clear to me that he only saw me as a friend. He still had his flings with random girls and he would always call and ask me stupid questions about what something meant when one of them would text him something. I loved having him as a best friend but when it came to the topic of girls I didn't exactly want to be apart of that. Obviously I wanted nothing more than to see him happy but I knew what girls like that were really like. I also knew that if any of them ever lasted I would probably end up losing my best friend because those girls never liked me, and honestly the feelings were mutual.
I had of course had feelings for Tyler and wanted to be with him, but I knew that if it was meant to happen it would in its own time. I just wanted to enjoy being close to him for now and not put any strain on our friendship.
(Tylers POV)
Rad and I had decided to go grab some food after our morning practice. Brooke was going to be at work until 5 so that meant I had nothing to do until then besides take the dogs for a run.
This was the same restaurant that we had met the girls at almost 4 months ago. It was crazy how fast time had gone by.
Rad and I ordered our food and we sat there waiting, I was checking Instagram when I looked up seeing that Rad was just staring at his hands.
"Whats up with you today?" I ask him, putting down my phone.
"Nothing," he mumbled.
"Lies," I said. Something I picked up from Brooke saying it all the time.
Rad looked up at me, his face serious. "Just thinking."
"Oooh. Yeah hows that been going?"
"Okay well then why do you look so serious then?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"I haven't felt this interested in a girl since Darya," he said looking back down to his hands.
I sat back in my seat looking at him. I knew that was a touchy subject with him, rightfully so. But I was happy to see that he had found someone who made him happy. "Well that's good though isn't it?" Rad nodded. "Why the worried face then?" I asked him.
"Darya made me feel this way too. Then it ended. I'm scared it will happen again."
"Dude you can't compare Ashlyn to Darya. What happened between you and her doesn't mean it'll happen again."
Rad looked up at me, his face a little less worried. "You sure?"
I nod "You should give it a shot if you feel like it's right. I see you two together and it's great, you already look like you are together. Even if it doesn't work out in the long run at least you wont ever wonder what would of happened if you don't try."
Rad just nodded in agreement with what I had said and responded with "I will talk to her tonight."
(Brooke's POV)
I had just gotten out of work, finally. The day was only suppose to last until 5 but my boss had called a meeting that lasted an extra 2 hours. My phone of course had died and so I was sure to have a few texts from Tyler since he and I had planned on going to grab dinner and see a movie after I got out of work but now it looked like only one of those was going to happen.
I climbed into my car and plugged my phone in, starting up the car and resting my head against the headrest and closing my eyes to rest for a second. After my phone had charged enough to turn on it started going crazy with notifications.
"Jesus I'm gone for 2 hours and now everyone wants my attention," I laugh to myself as I pick up my phone.
I had two missed phone calls from Tyler and about 5 texts, a text from my mom, and Ashlyn had called like 3 times.
I decided to shoot Tyler a text first so he would stop worrying and then call Ashlyn afterwards.
Me: Sorry Ty, got caught up at work and my phone died. I'm free now! finally 😂
I then scrolled to my contacts and called Ashlyn. It only rang twice before she picked it up.
"Oh. My. God. where have you been?!"
"Jeez! I was stuck at work is everything okay? You called me like 3 tim-"
"Yeah everything is fine! More than fine!" I could hear how excited she was and wondered what had happened.
"Well?! About what?"
"Alexander came over to my apartment and he said he needed to talk. He told me that over these last couple months he realized that I mean a lot to him and no other girl since his ex wife made him feel this way and he asked me out!"
I gasped into the phone "Ashlyn!! I'm so happy for you!"
"I know! This is crazy, all the times we joked about this over the last year-"
"I know! I told you it would happen!" I laughed a bit. "Well I don't want to bother you two-"
"Oh he just left to go pick up the takeout so he's not here right now. I just wanted to tell you as soon as it happened!"
"I'm so excited for you, for both of you! You guys seriously do look great together."
"Aww thank you," I could hear how big the smile on Ashlyn's face was and I knew that smile wasn't going to be fading anytime soon.
My phone buzzed in my hand and I pulled it away from my face to see I had an incoming call from Tyler.
"Alright I'm gonna let you get back to your night, Ty is calling me right now. Have fun. Be safe, use protection," I laughed.
Ashlyn laughed back "Okay talk to you tomorrow!" she said and I quickly flipped over to the other call before it went to voicemail.
"Finally! I thought you were screening my calls or something."
"No Ty I would never do that to you," I laughed and shook my head "Didn't you get my text?"
"Yeah and I responded but you didn't, I was a little worried, I'm sorry."
"Aww well don't be Ty, I'm okay. I was just on the phone with Ashlyn, do you know whats been going on?"
"Yeah Rad and I got lunch today, I told him to go for it. He was worried it was going to be a repeat of what happened with his ex," I could hear in the background of the call Tyler was throwing a ball for one of the dogs outside, something he would do when he was overthinking and worried.
"Aww well I doubt that will happen."
"Me too. They are so great together. I've seen how his attitude has changed since she's been around."
"Yeah I'm so happy for them. Alright so I'm out of work now, just sitting in my car, did you still want to hang out tonight?"
"Yeah but lets just stay in and watch a movie at my place. Is that ok?"
"Sounds perfect to me. Do you want me to pick up some food on the way?"
"Yeah how about Chinese?" Tyler asks, you knew he had thought of this already.
"Mmm sounds good. Wanna call it in so it'll be ready when I get there?"
"Sure, usual order?"
"Well of course! I'll see you in 20."
"Okay, drive safe."
"I will."
"Bye," I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear and hit the end call button. I sat up straight in my seat and put my seat belt on and pulled out of my parking spot, headed towards the Chinese restaurant.
When I got inside I walked up to the counter, not seeing my takeout bag yet I decided to sit in the waiting area. That's when I noticed Rads was here too.
"Hey you!" I said, catching his attention from his phone.
"Brooke!" He smiled happily and stood up to give me a hug.
"I heard the big news! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you two," I smiled as I sat down next to him.
"Thank you. I'm glad she said yes."
"Of course she would! She adores you so much."
Rads nodded "What about you?"
"What about me?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"You and Tyler?"
"Oh.. no he and I are just friends," I said and looked down at my phone in my hands.
"But what?" I asked, not looking up at him.
"You like him?"
I looked at Rad out of the corner of my eye for a moment before turning my gaze back to my hands.
I felt a hand on my back just before Rad spoke "I wont tell."
I closed my eyes and nodded.
"He know?"
I shook my head, eyes still closed.
"I'm not his type and I don't want to ruin our friendship," I respond, finally opening my eyes and looking over at Rad.
"Yeah you know I don't look like a model or anything so.."
Rad shook his head "You are beautiful, those girls never around for long."
"I know. We'll see, but for now friends is okay," I took a deep breath. I wanted to be with Tyler and I felt like something was there but I knew he wasn't ready to settle down and if I tried to step anywhere near that topic there was a chance he would run from me, which was the last thing I wanted. I decided that when the time was right I would know, and that's when it would happen. But until then this was still nice.
Rad nodded and rubbed my back a bit before standing up after his name was called for his takeout, my name followed behind it. He reached his hand out and I took it, standing up.
"Don't worry. It'll happen," Rad smiled at you and walked over to the counter.
"I hope so," I whispered and followed him. We both paid for our food and walked out to the parking lot together.
"Congrats again Rads, I'm very excited and happy for you guys," I smiled as we started to walk to our cars.
"Thank you Brooke! See you soon?"
"Yeah! I'll be at the game with Ashlyn tomorrow night," I said as I set the paper bag of takeout on the hood of my car to fish out my keys from my pocket, and unlocking the door.
"Okay! Have a good night," Rad said and got into his car.
The two of us waved and drove separate directions out of the parking lot.
I couldn't help but think about what Rads had said. I wasn't sure if he knew something that I didn't, maybe Ty had said something but I didn't give it too much thought, not wanting to give myself false hope or anything.
I drove to Tyler's house and was greeted by three big dogs at the door like normal. I brought the food into the kitchen and set it on the counter, starting to take things out of the paper bag and set them on the counter.
I could hear Tyler's footsteps above me getting closer to the staircase.
"Fuck that smells good," I heard him mumble to himself as he started down the stairs and I just laughed.
"Hey," Tyler smiled as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed some plates for us. "How was work?"
"Ugh," I groaned. "It was work. Meetings all day pretty much, which was why I had to stay for another two hours instead of getting out at 5 like I was suppose to. But hey money is nice especially since rent is due soon," I laughed as I started to plate some of my food.
"Good point," Tyler said as he started to put food onto his plate as well.
"How was your day?" I asked.
"It was good. Practice this morning like usual, and then lunch with Rad, and I was worried for about two hours when you didn't answer. So you know usual day," he smirked over at me.
"Hey! I'm the one who answers right away unlike someone," I smirked back at him.
"Listen that was one time okay?" He shook his head. "Never gonna let me live that one down."
"Nope!" I laughed.
"Not fair," He smirked at me that faded into a smile.
"So the whole Ashlyn and Rad thing is awesome to hear!"
"Yeah finally."
"Right? I mean it was like they were already together anyways, the way they act around each other but I'm glad that he asked her."
"Yeah me too, they are great, and I'm glad to see him so happy again," Tyler smiled and followed me into the living room with our food, a movie ready on the TV.
For the rest of the night after dinner we just spent it on the couch watching movies. I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder after the long day that I had. A number of times since I moved down to Dallas and spent time with Tyler I had found myself falling asleep against him while we relaxed and stayed in for the night. It was nice to be doing that again tonight. I vaguely remembered him waking me up and bringing me to the guest room down the hall, I didn't have work the next morning so staying the night would be okay.
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gentlemanmendes · 7 years
Philophobia// s.m chapter 1
"Are you even listening to me?" Mia questions me causing me to look up at her blankly, her brown eyes practically burning holes into my soul .
"No." I answer honestly turning my attention back to the roof of our shared dorm.
Letting out a sigh she drops the dress in her hand on her bed before making her way towards me. In one swift move she throws herself on my bed causing me to bounce slightly as she wraps her arms around me.
"I wish I could give you advice but I don't have any." She replies honestly, her tone showing how much it truly disturbed her. I respect Mia more for openly telling me she doesn't know what to say than giving me horrible advice and empty promises that she knows will not help. I suppose she knows me well enough now.
Mia and I met when we where thirteen years old. Her mum had moved into the house just down the street and I was curious and bored. Soon the two of us became friends and would meet up after school to see each other. We never went to the same school though, my mum insisted on me going to a private school where as her mum never had that kind of money. I don't think my mum ever really like Mia which probably made me like her more. At school neither of us had friends but that was okay because we had each other and as soon as we graduated we looked into colleges together so we could start a new life. It was our own new adventure and so we did just that.
Unfortunately our plan didn't go the way we expected it. We always wanted an apartment with a good view, turns our in New York that is a little harder than we expected for two eighteen year old girls who barley had enough money for the tuition let alone a place to live. But as Mia said, it's something and something is always a better start than nothing.
The only problem of rooming with Mia now was the fact that she saw and heard practically   everything that happened in my life. So the argument I had with my elder brother on the phone fifteen minutes ago, she witnessed that. Well what I was shouting back into the phone anyway. But Mia new better than to ask which was why I had always appreciated about her, she respects the boundaries of the things I do not want to share.
"Come on, the party will help take your mind off it." She tells me as she jumps off the bed. She rushes over to her bed and picks up the dress she was previously holding, extending her arm towards me as if signalling for me to take it.
"I'm not wearing that." I inform her, refusing to wear a dress. It is something my mother and I fought about many times. She hated how I refused to dress like a lady but I reminded her that what you wear doesn't define the gender that you are, however she was too close minded to accept my answer.
"Well what are you going to wear?" She huffs slamming herself onto her bed as she looks over at me.
Jumping up, I make sure I am standing so he can see me clearly.
"This." I send her an innocent smile as I gesture to what I have been wearing all day. High waisted boyfriend jeans with a black crop top paired with a pair of good old black low cut converse.
Rolling here eyes she pushes herself off her bed making her way to her wardrobe where she places the dress back on the hook before slipping on a pair of ballet flats.
You know how they say opposites attract, well I never ever believed that until I realised just how different Mia and I truly are but I wouldn't have it any other way. I think we balance each other out. Like salt and pepper; although extremely different in taste, they somehow compliment one another when put together. We bring out the best in each other and protect the worst from others.
"Should I call an uber?" I question picking up my phone from the charger as I make my way to the door.
"No. Tyler said he'd pick us up." Mia cheers as she skips past me with the keys in her hand.
Tyler is Mia's boyfriend of three months. They met online almost two years ago and once she graduated high school she finally agreed to meet him so he flew from New York to San Francisco, where we used to live, to meet her and sure enough the two hit it off. She hadn't wanted to start anything serious with him until she was positive we were moving to New York, which I can't say I blame her, long distance relationships look like they suck. He is turning twenty one and I believe he  is in his second year of studying business management. His mother started some online clothing line and he plans to take it over.
Mia seems happy with him and he is honestly a great guy but it is still early days.
The music was loud and my mind slightly buzzing from the drink in my hand but I didn't feel much in the party mood. Usually I would love dancing in the crowd of sweaty bodies but today it just didn't seem too appealing to me.
"Adee." Someone yells but I only notice when I feel someone jump on my shoulders.
Cocking my head to the side slightly I see Mia clinging to me from behind, no doubt a little tipsy. She always becomes childish when drunk, it's honestly quite amusing to watch.
"I want you to meet someone." She cheers excitedly causing me to roll my eyes.
Here we go again.
Mia has a very bad habit of trying to set me up with guys even though she knows very well I don't want a relationship. She thinks it's just a act, that I just want someone who will try harder , but she doesn't get it. She is a lovesick puppy and thinks of life as nothing without love. I can't blame her though. Both parents showered her with love and affection even though they had very little.
When her parents divorced they were civil and did everything in their power to get rid of any tension between them so they could raise Mia happily together. They are actually best friends and went to all of Mia's sports events and even graduation together. Sometimes on Christmas he would join in on their Christmas dinner . At first, Mia admitted to me, that it was weird for her. She was used to seeing her parents fighting but as she got older she learned to respect them for it and is now beyond grateful that even though she has moved on they still remain civil.
I think it gave her hope. Hope that happiness could come from every relationship, failed or not. I on the other hand failed to see things that way.
But being friends with Mia for so long I learned that no matter how much I tell her I don't  want to meet a guy she will go out of her way just to make sure I end up on a date. Surprisingly one trait we both share, she is just as stubborn as I am. When we decide on something we will go through with it no matter what.
Getting off of me, Mia steps in front of me gripping onto my wrist as she pulls me through the crowded house of one of Tyler's friends.
We make our way to one of the back rooms where it is less noisy and sure enough in the corner I see Tyler standing and talking with some random guy dressed in black skinny jeans and a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up  and I immediately know that's where we are heading.
"Shawn." Mia shouts loudly over the music. "This is Adee." The way Mia is smiling makes me want to tackle her to the ground but Mia isn't the violent type which is the only thing that has ever stopped me from hitting her.
She pulls me forward so I am standing directly in front of the stranger who is towering above me. His face is attractive, I must give Mia that. His brown waves on top of his hair are a little messy, his brown eyes warm against his fair skin.
"Hi." He smiles down at me his facial expression brightening as though he was bored and suddenly became interested in being here.
"Hey." I greet awkwardly raising my hand in a small wave.
"I'm shawn." He introduces.
"Adee" I offer.
I have gone through enough of these awkward introductions to know how it plays out. We will awkwardly exchange names, Mia will see that as her cue to leave taking tyler along with her, then the stranger will try hopelessly to start a conversation which I will openly act uninterested in, and then I will make an excuse and leave. I have rehearsed this scenario so many times that I am now a pro at it.
"Well I think Ty and I are gonna go and get a drink." Mia announced as I had predicted. Although she could have come up with a more reasonable excuse considering both her and Tyler had drinks in their hands. But before I could point this out she was already across the room pulling Tyler behind her.
Letting out a reluctant sigh I turn my attention back to Shawn who is awkwardly shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
When shawn notices my attention on him he opens his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off.
"Look Shawn. Im going to spare us both the pain of the awkward small talk and let you know that I'm not the relationship  type. So I think it's best if we just go our separate ways  and never see each other again." I summarise watching his face clearly to see if I can read his thoughts. The human face gives away everything a person is thinking. I had to learn the hard way to turn that off and it took years of practice, it is hard to control something that comes out of habit but I eventually learned.
He shakes his head as though he is waking himself from a daze before he smiles over at me.
"Great!"he chuckles and I have to stop myself from frowning in response. "Cause I'm not a relationship guy either." He shrugs and I know he is lying which causes me to giggle slightly. He's not a very good actor that's for sure.
"Really?" I quiz not bothering to hide the coy smile playing on my lips.
"Nope not one bit. Zero romance for me please." He over does it causing me to laugh.
"Well Mr Zero Romance, what are you here for?" I wonder, interested to see how he will play this out. In less than ten seconds he has managed to catch my attention which is a very first for me, even maybe an unknown feeling. There is just something about the unknown that tempts me. A mystery with no right or wrong answer. No telling whether you will succeed or fail.
His eyes widen briefly before flickering around the room as though hoping to find an answer written on the walls or something and judging by the way he straightens his posture, I can tell he has found it.
"Sex." he shrugs, in what I think he is attempting a cool way causing me to raise my eyebrows in disbelief.
When I don't respond he looks at me as though he is trying to figure out whether I see through his 'cool boy' act or not which of course I could. I'm pretty sure anyone could. This guy came off as innocent as a butterfly.
"Well then, lets go." I push and have to bite down on the sides of my cheeks to stop myself from laughing at his expression. His eyes have widened to the size of tennis balls and his face has gone blank. In all honesty I'm surprised his mouth isn't hung open to the floor the way they over exaggerate in animations.
When he doesn't respond I press on.
"So your place or mine?" I taunt and that seems to bring him back to reality. He blinks a few times before responding with a mumbled 'mine' that I had almost missed as he eagerly led me out of the party.
He leads me to a black jeep and is quick to get in. I don't pay much attention to the radio that is drowning out the silence, enjoying watching how he was eagerly tapping on the steering wheel and his leg was shaking in anticipation and I knew that I was in for an interesting night. This guy was defiantly not used to having one night stands, I was sure of it.
"Wow, nice place." I breath out in awe as I look around the dark apartment. The only light coming through is the city lights the wide glass windows let in. I had not expected someone so young to live in a place as nice as this.
"Thanks." He says standing next to me as I stare out the window at the city that surrounded us. This was the New York I wanted to be in. This was the New York I fell in love with. Although I had only seen this kind of view from picture I knew this was my dream. And now standing here in this strangers home I knew that I would stop at nothing to get here, not my parents, not my lack of money, nothing.
Reaching into my back pocket, I take out my phone and take a quick picture so I could look back and remember what I was thinking right now.
"So, where's the bedroom?" I wonder turning my attention to Shawn realising that he had just witnessed an intimate moment for me. Even if he hadn't realised it, I still felt emotionally exposed to him and I didn't like that one little bit.
"Oh, right, this way." He says as though he just remembered why we were here. He keeps the lights off as he leads me to the bedroom which is fine with me.
When he turns around I immediately smash my lips against his. He stumbles back, slightly taken off by guard, but quickly regains himself. His hand grips my waist firmly letting me know he has no intentions of moving them causing me to furrow my eyebrows slightly. My hands fumble with the buttons of his shirt before pushing it off of his body. In one swift move I take charge, not that I hadn't been doing that before, by pushing him onto the edge of the bed before removing my crop top and straddling his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck I'm glad when his fingers begin to make there way to the clasp of my bra but that relief is soon gone when he struggles.
"Don't worry I'm pro at this." He breaths out heavily as I begin to suck down his neck.
Growing in patient, I swat his hands away before un clasping it while still working on his hickey. In one swift move I slide my bra off and pull away to find him looking at me impressed.
"Really pro." I sarcastically snort before placing my lips roughly on his again.
Pushing him back so he is now lying on the bed, the last thing I expected was for him to flip us over so I was down bottom and he was hovering over me. Something about taking a jab at a guys ego really gets them annoyed. They feel the need to show off and prove that they are worthy of there masculinity or something.
"Got a condom or would you rather give me half of everything you own?" I quiz and for a few moments he stare at  me confused before realising what I was implying and hurrying away to get what I had asked for.
"Wow." Shawn breathed out in awe causing me to bite back a laugh. "That was... That was really good." He stutters slightly causing me to roll my eyes.
Instead of responding I slide off of the bed pulling the sheets with me to cover my naked body even though he had just seen me naked, something about being naked in front of guys at any time other than sex made me feel exposed.
"What are you doing?" Shawn wonders as I begin to get dressed awkwardly behind the sheet.
"Getting dressed." I state the obvious giving an eye roll though he couldn't see because of the lack of light in the room. Dropping the sheet from my body now that I am dressed I crawl around the room to find my socks and shoes. Shawn is watching me from the bed now hoisted up on his arms.
"But I thought that was good?" the hurt in his tone is obvious which causes me to sigh.
Reluctantly, I use the bed to help push myself up so I am now standing in front of the bed. The only problem in going for the nice guys is that they get attached way to easily, besides that they are perfect! They are gentle and sweet and in some ways caring when it comes to sex almost like the appreciate it more, but they just don't understand how it ends. They are innocent to the hurt that this world can cause which is why I stay clear of them. They don't understand what it's like to feel alone like I do. The bad are just those who have suffered a broken heart, the good are just those that have remained unharmed by reality.
"I told you, I don't do relationships." I remind him of what I told him when we first met over an hour ago.
"No. Yeah." He shoots up off of the bed before realizing he was the only person naked in the room and using his hands to cover his member. "I mean no I don't want a relationship but yeah I remember you saying the same thing." He babbles causing me to let out a small chuckle.
I see him frown slightly as though he wasn't sure what he had just said made sense to him let alone anyone else, which only causes me to let out another muffled laugh glad that it is dark so he can't see me clearly.
"I was more suggesting coffee." He shrugs innocently and for a moment I consider it. Something about the blank innocent look playing on his fair features deceives me for a split second to take up his offer. But just as quick as the thought came, it also left.
"I need to get to bed, I have to get up for work tomorrow." I sigh checking the time.
It was already one am and I needed to be up at six if I wanted to make it to work on time. By the time I called a uber, got home, and in bed it would probably be two- thirty. It's a shame I couldn't stay the night in this strangers place the place was gorgeous but it would be weird.
"Well, I'm going to go." I awkwardly state making my way towards the door.
"At least let me give you a ride home." I stop in my tracks at Shawn's offer. It would be good to save a couple of dollars and I wouldn't have to wait for the uber to come here so I would be saving a few minutes as well.
"Just letting you know I hate small talk." I inform him. He nods his head furiously like a little kid agreeing to behave right before they do something wrong.
"Psh, I hate talking.  I will have the music blasting so loud we won't even be able to hear the cars passing by." He assures me. "Let's go." He heads past me through the door, only to look back at me in confusion when I don't follow him.
My eyes trail down his body and quickly back to his face hoping he would understand what I was implying. His eyes widen in shock and a small smile of embarrassment forms on his lips.
"I should probably put some clothes on." He affirmed as though it hadn't been obvious.
"Most likely a good idea." I commented as he walked past me yet again only this time making his way back into his bedroom.   Giving him his privacy I wait out in the main area of the apartment where I admit I snooped around a little while I waited. Though the room remained dark, I stood in the spacious lounge room that was set up so you could get a good view of the city while still getting a view of everything else in the room. The open kitchen and open dining room made the room look a lot bigger and the fact that the room wasn't overfilled with decoration probably helped a lot.
"Now we can go." He assures me, dangling the keys to his jeep in hand as he slips on his shoes.
I want to ask him how he managed to afford a place like this at such a young age but decide against it. It would probably come off as rude, intrusive, or even make it out as though I was interested in him. I learned a long time ago that if you want a guy to know your not interested don't ask him anything about himself. I remind myself that I don't care as I follow him into the lift, downstairs to the underground car park.
I sit in the back seat causing Shawn to give me a funny look as he hops into the drivers seat.
"Where to madam?" He attempts a posh accent and I can't make out whether this is just his goofy personality or if he is mocking me for sitting in the back seat like a snob. Deciding not to over think it too much,I give him my address but he doesn't type it in to his navi confusing me a little but then I wonder if he knows where the campus is from dropping previous girls off at their dorms.
"So what are you studying?" He wonders, watching me from the rear-view mirror as he stops at a red light. I give him a knowing look causing his eyes to widen. "Right! no conversations for little miss anti-social." He recalls as he begins to play around with the radio. I was about to reply with a sarcastic remark but decided against it. I had managed to get him to shut up, if I spoke that might encourage him to start up a conversation.
Before the car has even fully stopped I have already pushed my door wide open and am already out of the car when he puts it in park. However before I have the chance to run away he has pulled down the window and called out to me causing me to reluctantly turn around on the balls of my feet and make my way up to the passenger side window. He is leaning over the passenger seat as though eager to talk to me causing me to roll my eyes. This boy doesn't know when to quit.
"So I'm assuming we will never see each other again."He voiced,his tone giving away that he hoped I would tell him otherwise. Unfortunately you can hope all you want but that won't change anything, seems like that was a life lesson that he hadn't learned yet. It will happen sooner or later, he will get hurt and hope that things would change but realize that the only way things will change is if you try and change them and even then you may not get the response you had hoped for.
"You assume correctly." I summarized hoping to leave no room for him to think or say otherwise.
Rocking back and forwards on my heels with my hands shoved into my pockets, I hope he is an expert at reading body language and knows that I just want to walk away from him.
"Well then, I guess I will never see you again." He smiles causing me to frown slightly. He is smiling, why is he smiling?
"That is the plan." I reply coldly hoping he will somehow read my mind and know that I hate stretched out goodbyes. Why stretch something out over five minutes when it could be over and done with in two seconds?
Knowing that he was enjoying this, I turn away from the car and walk towards my dorm.
"Bye!" He yells loudly once I am a good twenty feet away from the car. The few people who are walking around the campus look over at the car but I refuse to give him the satisfaction. Instead I keep my head down as I hurry away from him to my bed.
When I step into my dorm I am met with only the dim light of the fairy lights hanging over my bed illuminating the room. In the dim light I make out Mia's body crawled up in a ball as she cuddles into her blankets like a child causing me to mentally thank Tyler. For a moment I contemplate on sending him a text to let him know that I was thankful but decide against it. I shouldn't have to thank him for bringing his girlfriend back home safely. Besides I'm sure Mia thanks him for that kind of stuff in other ways.
Mia stirs in her sleep as I pull off my jeans and place them at the end of my bed followed by my bra leaving me in just my underwear and crop top, I should probably shower before work tomorrow but I am too lazy. I suppose that is what dry shampoo and Victoria secret body sprays are for .
"Adee, is that you?" Her eyes stay shut as she mumbles making me stop and wonder whether she is asleep or awake.
"Yeah, it's me." I whisper gently slowly making my way towards her, not wanting to wake her if she is indeed still asleep.
"Were you with Shawn?" For a moment I consider lying. I don't know why but I suddenly felt ashamed of being with him for the past hour and a half.
"Yeah." I answer honestly, uncertainty clear in my voice but thankfully in her drunk, passed out state Mia didn't notice.
"That's good. Shawn's nice." She hums turning over and pulling the blanket tighter to her chest reminding me of an innocent child who still believes in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.
"I'm sure he is." I answer with doubt as I brush the few messy strands of her blonde shoulder length hair out of her face. "Now get some sleep." I encourage before tip toeing into my bed and switching off the lights.
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