#like that could’ve been so epically good
stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
So we can all agree that Eddie’s s5 breakdown story arc was intended to actually be him repressing his queerness and got swapped out for his ptsd trauma instead right
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coconut530 · 1 year
Gotta be one of the coolest Dragon Prince seasons ever, my god 🌊💔🧞📚🧜🏼‍♀️🎣🏴‍☠️🪵👶🏻
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genderfluid-druid · 48 minutes
“what happened to him?” “he read a book so bad he returned it to the library a third of the way through, but now his brain won’t stop chewing on the potential it had 😔”
#f**rth w*ng isn’t even a case of “this would be so good if it was good”#but it is unfortunately a case of “this would be such epic catnip for me if it was good”#i fear i may have to check it out again and hate-binge it to get it out of my system#ugghhhhhh i’m not even gonna enjoy a single minute of it#but i need to convince my brain there’s nothing there! it was never going to get good! trust me dude it wasn’t!#negativity#i just want to pick it up from the start of the bonding scene and rewrite it completely#without the fuckin. deus ex machina all-powerful mythic rare ancient dragon#and without any intervention from xaden#and just focus on violet and the feathertail#i read the wiki and that kiddo has TIME MAGIC?#yeah fuck off you do not need anyone else’s help#with TIME MAGIC and a bonded human who has even an ounce of competence and brainpower#you do NOT need a fuckin legendary dragon’s help#that could’ve been SO COOL C’MON#you’re really gonna build the whole core of your story around how Violet is not strong but has a sharp mind#and then get her out of her tight spot by introducing a BIG STRONG DRAGON#instead of letting her work with the tiny smart-but-not-strong dragon????? come the fUCK on#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it could’ve been so cool#ughhhhhhhhhh and then the first flight was the most fuckin lackluster bit of storytelling i’ve ever read#like yeah cool okay i love how she’s having to work with Tairn to keep her seat. that part was fun#but then the fucking handwave of “wow it’s amazing being on a dragon’s back”#you could never be toothless and hiccup#god#anyway#had to get my rant out#it pisses me off when dragon stories are bad XD
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el-255 · 4 months
I find it so poignant in Epic the idea that all of Odysseus’s actions of ‘kindness’ so to speak always come back to bite him in the end (going to the cave to try and show open arms in trusting the lotus eaters, offering the wine to Polyphemus, sparing Polyphemus, his apology to Poseidon) except for his plea to Circe after denying her advances.
And you know why I think that is? Because it’s the only open arms approach that is completely sincere in nature.
Let me explain a little further, everything I’ve listed up to that point has been deception in some sort of way, they only went to the cave on the advice of the lotus eaters because they were desperate. I have no doubt that if given any other choice, Odysseus wouldn’t have gone. He only offered the wine to Polyphemus in an attempt to bargain for his and his crew’s lives and he ends up spiking it with lotus anyways so even if Polyphemus had let them go, he still would’ve ended up being betrayed in some sense. Him sparing Polyphemus is an act of spite against Athena and Polyphemus because he believes himself to be above any sort of repercussions and wants to taunt him for killing his friends. And finally, his apology to Poseidon is insincere at best because at no point does he ever utter the words “I’m sorry”. Not that Poseidon would’ve let him go anyways because I firmly believe at that point he’d already made up his mind to kill Odysseus and his crew but it’s the thought that counts and Odysseus clearly wasn’t sorry in the slightest, only sorry it came back to bite him.
Then we move to Circe and that’s when Odysseus’s luck changes when, after telling her that he will not cheat on his wife, she shows him mercy and helps him out. Because Odysseus was sincere in his affections for his wife and Circe, a woman who has been burned and abused by men in the past, has watched her nymphs suffer at the hands of men, and as a woman who deems all men as pigs because she believes they do not care for women at all, respects him for that. It humanises him.
It gives Circe some sort of hope that things could be better. Her line “maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more” may be immediately followed up with her declaring that instead one day it could need her more and things will get worse, but it gives Circe hope that she never had before. Circe already held the views of her final line, it’s nothing new for her to be untrustworthy of men at best, but for a moment, she wants to believe in a world where men are good and her nymphs would be safe even without her protection. A world where she would be safe.
All because Odysseus was finally being sincere to someone and genuinely poured his heart out which worked! Circe let his men go and helped them get to the underworld which she didn’t have to do at all, she could’ve sent them on their merry way and washed her hands of the whole incident but she didn’t. She wanted to believe in the love between Odysseus and Penelope and did everything in her power to make their reunion possible.
This makes his turn to becoming a monster in the underworld saga all the more upsetting because one good outcome to his kindness does not change others that got his friends killed so he completely gives up on it and embraces the role of being a monster who doesn’t care for anything but getting home, no matter the cost.
Even by the point of his plea for mercy from Circe, a part of Odysseus has already given up on everything Polites tried to in-still in him, but loves his wife so much that he’d never even fathom betraying her despite the fact that he believes cheating on her with Circe (unaware that her seduction is only a farce to kill him) will make her release his men and she’d likely never know that Odysseus had betrayed her. He still can’t do it, it’s Odysseus’s last ditch attempt to try and resolve things peacefully and he’s only doing it for the love of his wife.
It’s tragic irony that the very thing he believes in so sincerely, humanises him so much, and garners him the most help and sympathy is what leads to his downfall to a monster, his love for his wife and his son.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
I am Supergirl
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〚 Notes- Okay so this was just a small lil idea I had, not much else to say really :P I wrote this before the poll so anyone who voted Kara enjoy :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Kara Danvers x Reader (+ Platonic Lena) 〛
〚 Summary - After solar flaring, Kara catches the flu but in true fashion goes to work feverish and delirious - much to the disbelief of her boss.〛
〚 Wordcount- 1745 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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It was a brisk morning in National City, and the aftermath of the previous day's epic battle were still evident. Kara had fought tirelessly against a formidable alien threat, leading to an intense solar flare. She had been drained completely of her Kyrptonian abilities.  
Ignoring her pounding headache and the chills that racked her body, Kara dragged herself out of bed and donned herself in a thick jumper and pants. She hoped that the outfit would help warm her up a little, but as she looked in the mirror, she couldn't help but notice the paleness of her usually vibrant face. 
Taking the bus was the worse decision she could’ve made. It was awful. Everything seemed to swirl and spin around her. Not only that the clammy atmosphere and cramped seats made her feel as if she was being boiled – wearing this jumper was definitely not a good idea. 
As the bus finally arrived at CatCo Worldwide Media, Kara stumbled off, feeling more disoriented than ever. She clutched her bag tightly and forced a weak smile as she entered the building. The fluorescent lights seemed extra bright, and the noise of the bustling office felt like an assault on her senses. She desperately tried to push through the fatigue and make her way to Lena’s office to get her morning debriefing. 
Kara sneezed; the sound amplified by the quiet surroundings as everyone turned to look. Her weakened muscles couldn't keep her fully balanced, and she swayed dangerously. Instinctively, she reached out to steady herself against the nearest wall, but her fingers only grazed the surface before she lost her balance completely. 
“Kara? Kara!” Lena yelled seeing the blonde physically stumble into a reporter's desk, rubbing at her nose with her sleeve and mumbling something under breath. 
“Kara, what on earth are you doing?” The Luthor asked, she reached out to pull her into her office but as Lena’s hand met Kara’s skin her eyes widened in concern at the blazing heat radiating from her. 
“Mmmh ‘ere to work.” She slurred, “‘s got a job to do.” 
Lena practically carried Kara into her office where she sat her down on the sofa, placing her hand gently on her forehead, “Shit Kara, you’re really burning up. Why on earth would you come in with a fever like this, never mind better question, how did you get here like this?”  
Her mind was racing with the million dangerous things that could’ve happened to her. Kara was the first ever real friend she’d had and something like this filled her with worry. 
“Mmh’ took ‘s bus”. Kara mumbled before breaking off into a chesty sounding cough, curling further in on herself. 
Lena was kneeling down at her side with some water in an instant, “Honey you need to drink this,” she instructed, holding the glass to her lips as she supported the back of the blonde’s head, helping her drink, “I’m gonna call Y/N, alright? They’ll come pick you up. In the meantime, you’re going to sleep. I’ve never seen you like this.” 
Kara shivered, chills running down her exposed arms, “I am?” 
“Yes. You are, stay here and I’ll go get you a blanket from storage.” Lena sighed before hurriedly going off towards storage. 
Despite Lena's best efforts to convince Kara to rest and take care of herself, the stubborn Kryptonian journalist was having none of it. As soon as Lena left to get a blanket, Kara attempted to get up from the sofa, but her weakened state caused her to stumble - it was by some sheer stroke of luck that she managed to stay upright. 
“Excuse me?” A sudden stern voice stopped her in her tracks, “Kara what the hell are you doing up?” Lena sighed, leading the mumbling girl back to the sofa, instructing her to lay down before draping a soft grey blanket over her. 
Kara's eyes drifted closed as exhaustion weighed heavily on her. "But I hav’ responsibilities..." 
"You're no good to anyone if you push yourself to the point of collapse," Lena insisted firmly. "Trust me, the world can wait. Right now, you need to prioritise your health." 
Kara groaned weakly, her eyes half-lidded as she mumbled, "Can't rest... people... need Supergirl." 
Lena furrowed her brows in concern, just how delirious was this girl, "Supergirl can handle things. Right now, you need to focus on getting better. You can trust her to take care of the city." 
"Nooo... I am Supergirl," Kara murmured, her voice barely audible as she coughed again. 
Lena's eyes widened, and she leaned in closer, thinking she must have misheard. "What did you say?" 
"I'm Supergirl," Kara repeated, her words clearer this time, though her eyes were still unfocused, “Its’s me.” 
Lena couldn't help but let out a small, disbelieving laugh. "Kara, you're just delirious from the fever honey. It's okay. I know you're dedicated to your job, but you don't have to pretend to be Supergirl right now." 
Kara's brow furrowed, and she weakly protested, "No, I mean it. I'm Supergirl... I've always been Supergirl. I can fly like woosh.” She made the motion with her hand which apparently was a bad idea and she groaned in response. 
Lena sighed, deciding to play along with Kara's delusion to keep her calm. "Alright, alright. Of course, you’re Supergirl. Now, close your eyes and get some rest, okay?” Boy, was she going to tease her about this once she was feeling better. 
As Kara drifted in and out of consciousness, Lena kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she stayed as comfortable as possible. She grabbed her phone and dialled a number she knew by heart, putting the phone on speaker so she could tend to Kara while waiting for the call to connect. 
After a few rings, a familiar voice answered, "Hey, Lena, what's up?" 
"Y/N, it's Kara. She's really sick," Lena replied, concern evident in her voice. 
"Oh no, is she okay?" You asked, immediately picking up on Lena's worried tone. You didn’t hear it often so when you didn’t you knew it was serious. 
"She’s got a pretty high fever, and she's delirious, probably the flu I think. Can you come to CatCo and take her home? I'm really worried about her," Lena explained, glancing at Kara, who was still half-conscious on the sofa. 
"Of course, I'll be right there," You replied reassuringly, as you searched your pockets for your car keys, "Tell her I'm on my way." 
You rushed to CatCo , worrying about Kara's condition. When you arrived, you found Lena sitting next to Kara, who was wrapped in a blanket and looking awfully pale. Lena looked relieved to see you and quickly filled you in on what had happened there. 
"She's been insisting she's Supergirl," Lena whispered to you, a hint of amusement in her voice, "I think it's just the fever talking, but she's really out of it." 
You gave Kara a gentle smile and stroked her hair as you tried to hide the flicker of worry. Kara never told anyone about Supergirl, you’d been there countless times when hiding the truth became too much so to hear she’d finally said it in her feverish delirium, well that worried you a little. At least Lena didn’t seem to buy it. "Hey, Supergirl, I'm here to take you home. Let's get you out of here and into bed, okay?" 
Kara weakly smiled back at you, her eyes still unfocused, "Y/N?” 
"It’s me sweetheart," you replied, trying to keep your voice light to put her at ease. "You should’ve told me this morning you were sick; you should’ve stayed home love.” 
You carefully helped Kara stand up, supporting her with your arm around her waist as she swayed slightly. Lena followed closely; concern etched on her face. With your help, you managed to get Kara outside and into your car, laying her down in the backseat. 
As you drove back to her apartment, Kara drifted in and out of consciousness, occasionally muttering something about saving people and protecting the city. You kept as close as an eye possible on her in the rearview mirror, making sure she was okay as you quickly got her home. 
As soon as you reached Kara's apartment, you carefully carried her inside, laying her down on her bed. Lena followed behind, offering her assistance. Together, you made sure Kara was comfortable and tucked her in under the covers. The apartment was cooler than CatCo, which was a relief to the very clammy Kara. 
Her fevered mind seemed to latch onto your comforting presence as she reached out to grab your hand before you could leave, “Stay?” 
"Of course, I will baby." you replied, feeling a mix of worry and tenderness for the woman lying in front of you. You had seen her as Supergirl, strong and confident, but seeing her vulnerable like this was a reminder that in some ways she was just as human as you were. You climbed onto the bed and settled down beside her, making sure to keep a safe distance so she wouldn't feel overheated. "Just rest, and I'll be here if you need anything." 
Kara shifted slightly closer to you, seeking your warmth and comfort. She curled up against your side, resting her head on your shoulder. "Thank you," she whispered, "You always take care of me." 
"You're welcome, Kara," you replied softly, gently rubbing her back to soothe her. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." 
As Kara nuzzled against you, seeking solace in your presence, she let out a small, involuntary sneeze. The sound was muffled by your chest, and you could feel her body shivering with chills. You pulled the covers up to her shoulders, ensuring she was snug and warm. 
"Sorry," Kara sniffled, sounding apologetic, "I can't seem to stop sneezing." 
"It's okay, don't worry about it," you reassured her, running your fingers through her hair. "Just focus on resting and getting better. I'll take care of you." 
Kara's eyes fluttered closed, and she let out a tired sigh. "You're the best," she whispered, her words slurring slightly from exhaustion. 
“You’re the best too but maybe we can work on staying home when we’re sick and not spilling your secret to everyone?” You teased whilst rubbing her back sweetly. 
Kara managed a weak chuckle, her eyes still closed. "Yeah, maybe I should work on that." she mumbled, her voice growing fainter as she drifted closer to sleep. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗 @natashamaximoff69 @lovelyy-moonlight @santana1437 @kljhsong @inluvwithfictionalwomen @shamelessbearunknown @kathleenmikaelson @bloomingflowersthings @observeowl @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve  @somber-sapphic @lexasaurs634 
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base0h · 2 years
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a/n - @countingsheepboi had the idea and now I’m gonna do a part two bec these are funny >:)
Warnings ⚠️ - chaotic g/n reader, crack-ish
Opposites attract p2
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- he’s never wanted to cry from stress until now
- he could be just talking to one of his siblings for one second, and when he turns around, you’re gone
- you enjoy messing with him by hanging onto his back so he can never find you until he either uses haki or you scare the absolute shit out of him
- will go to brulee for advice
- he’s the only thing keeping you alive, and you’re singlehandedly shortening his lifespan
- “KURI! Look at this cute mushroom! It’s so small-!” You said, poking the spotted little plant
- it was so squishy and adorable that you decided to stick the whole thing in your mouth to see if it tasted good
- tasted like shit mixed with tree sap
- you choked on it lmao 😭
- “Y/n did you swallow it??”
- whats the ginormous mochi man wearing platform boots with spurs gonna do-?! (as you can see I love his boots a lot lmao)
- he doesn’t want to hurt you but he also doesn’t want you to keep choking so he’s trying to pat your back with two of his fingers gently
- it still hurt
- he swore he could’ve fainted at some point from anxiety
- you’ve unfortunately introduced him to panic attacks
- cannot sleep without knowing you’re in bed, ok, not eating poisonous things, and that you’re not hurt
- yes he’s stressed now, but you’re the only thing that makes him happy
- and so fucking stressed at the same time
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- joins therapy with smoker
- he’s already stressed, and now he’s more stressed
- requires screaming into a pillow every once in a while to blow off some steam
- will make bepo or shachi or even Penguin watch over you
- almost every time you manage to magically disappear
- the amount of energy and effort it’s taking him not to scream is amazing
- he needs to get you a rope for you to hold onto like a kindergartner lmao
- before he even gets to say a word about his plan you’re already beating people’s asses with no second thoughts
- a little part of him becomes more depressed every single time you rush on ahead
- spends all his time on these plans 😭
- inside he secretly appreciates it when you bring over a marine that’s been beaten up by you with a smile
- makes him happy :)
- you’re so thoughtful and he loves that 🙃
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- he’s clumsy enough already 💀
- he ends up setting you on fire as well sometimes
- nooo but his devilfruit with your abilities is so overpowered 😭
- no sound is made when you literally rush in and beat every single person up inside the room while Corazon throws a grenade inside when you’re done
- y’all have the epic moment of walking away from the explosion
- and then his coat catches on fire
- will be by your side whenever you need
- you’re the one who’s dragging him along by his coat into danger because he can’t run a single minute without falling
- imagine seeing a 9’7 man getting dragged by someone half his size 💀
- doffy will always be confused as to how you two got together
- 10 year old law is even more stressed now
- poor kid is surrounded by clumsy reckless people lol
- Cora is the type of guy who would run into danger without thinking just because you were right next to him :)
- he didn’t know wtf to do when you ate something poisonous
- he is freaking out
- started sobbing thinking you were gonna die, “Y/N I LOVE YOU SO MUCH-“
- he’s now crying out of happiness while suffocating law in a hug
- I think he sobbed for a solid hour straight into poor law’s ears
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a/n - poor katakuri :’)
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 year
Here is some of those wonderfully nostalgic girly-girl shows in vague order in which I watched/discovered them that no one asked for but I’m giving to you anyways.
1. First up, we’ve got the Horseland
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Back in the day, I was a major horse girl (a part of me still is), but this show was so awesome and adorable. It’s just a bunch of gals riding their horses and hanging out at the barn. And their horses and other animals talk amongst themselves. It is all an animal lover like me could want. It’s just so cute and gives sweet life lessons. And occasionally, I found it interesting that they do touch upon some serious topics such as eating disorders and loss. The episode “Mosey” always makes me cry. All the episodes are on YouTube.
Overall, I have to say my favorite character is Alma Rodriguez.
2. LEGO Friends
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The first generation of LEGO Friends is nostalgic, but I also seriously love the LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission. It’s just a bunch of teenage girls getting up to shenanigans and being besties (Oddly, though they are high school age, we barely see them in school XD). I particularly enjoy Girls on a Mission (the episodes are on YouTube) because the episodes were so well put together and it fleshes out each girl a bit more uniquely. It’s a genuinely fun show though I generally am partial to LEGO shows. I am personally not a fan of latest generation of LEGO Friends. I’ve watched a few episodes and it’s just blegh. It might be the nostalgia talking but I just can’t get into it.
My fave character has always been Emma (she’s so adorable) and my fave ship is Emma x Ethan in the Girls on a Mission iteration.
3. Barbie Movies
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Not sure if all the movies are pictured above, but there’s a good portion of them. I admit, I haven’t seen all of the Barbie movies (especially the good old classics mainly due to animation that did not age well so sorry) and did not really become a fan until later than most little girls. However, I still find the movies to be very enjoyable and cute. I think a lot of my affinity comes from many familiar Canadian voice actors being in most of the movies and I find it fun trying to pick out familiar voices.
A few of my personal favorite movies are “Princess Charm School” (it’s the first Barbie movie I ever watched with one of my best friends), “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” (so many voices and characters to listen to and try and remember), and “Mariposa” (I am rather partial to the voice of Chiara Zanni and loved her playing Barbie).
4. Ever After High
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It is so sad that Ever After High ended after Epic Winter. I really wish we got to see more. I loved the imaginative twist on fairytale characters and the whole “facing your destiny” storyline. The princesses, knights, dragons, and wonderland were all great components as a lover of fantasy. Disney Descendants ain’t got nothing on Ever After. It was a very creative show and it was interesting to see all the characters that would pop up.
A few of my favorite characters are Rosabella Beauty, Ginger Breadhouse, and Lizzie Hearts. Call me basic but I really do like the ship Darabella (obviously the execution of it could’ve been better but I still like it.)
5. Miraculous Ladybug
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Simply put, this show is a mess. Miraculous Ladybug barely made the list only because I have fond memories of it. I’m not caught up on any recent events and admittedly quit watching it after season 3 or 4 (I don’t exactly remember). The show had potential and many amazing fanworks, but after a while, the episodes just get repetitive. I still like the earlier seasons before things got too messy. As a lover of side characters, I also wish they fleshed out the side characters a bit more instead of keeping on creating more and more side characters. I still occasionally pop in to see what is going on and apparently Nathalie is dead?! Idk what’s going on and I love looking at spoilers with no context because it makes the show all the more funny.
My fave character list includes Alya Césaire, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Juleka Couffaine and I’m partial to the ship DJWifi.
6. Monster High
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Since I was a fan of Ever After High, it was only inevitable that I would eventually become a fan of Monster High. It took a while but I eventually did fall in love with the show. And I fell hard. All the characters are so unique and while I absolutely love all the generation 1 content, I do not completely hate the g3 series. I loved the message of standing out yet belonging at Monster High, freaky flaws and all. The animation is very dated yet endearingly nostalgic at the same time. I love all the different twists on various monster creatures.
My favorite characters list gets pretty extensive, as I love g1 and g3 Abbey Bominable (I always love an ice queen), along with g1/g3 Cleo De Nile (bc she’s your typical mean girl/diva but truly cares for her friends), Robecca Steam (her steampunk aesthetic and little accent are adorable), Deuce Gorgon (a kind yet popular jockish character is rare), Jinafire Long (Chinese dragon is always a win), and Rochelle Goyle (she’s just neat).
Fave ships = Cleuce (CleoxDeuce) and AbbeyxHeath. I just love them okay!
7. Lolirock
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I believe I discovered this show coming off of Storm Hawks and Steven Universe so the crystal motif and everything was already an intriguing concept for me (plus familiar Canadian voice actors drew me in). I just love the trio of girls trying to “secretly” protect earth with sparkles and spells while putting up the front of being a girl band (the songs are very catchy by the way if you can get past an ungodly amount of auto tune). The episodes gave me vibes similar to Miraculous Ladybug but somewhat better with less convoluted characters. Overall, it’s a very bright energetic show and I wish they would’ve delved into the backstories of the other princesses a bit more instead of focusing on Iris all the time. Here’s to hoping they eventually do come out with season 3. All the current episodes are on YouTube.
My favorite characters are the sisters Izira and Talia. They have so much power and the show needs to actually do them justice.
8. Mysticons
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This one is definitely lesser known than most on this list. I found it shortly after LoliRock since it has similar features and characters. It’s a very simple show with simple characters but I am fond of it still (and I’m pretty sure it made me cry at one point. I don’t remember when but I remember something about it made me emotional). The fantasy magic of the world was definitely a big win for me. I think the creators did a decent job at world building. It’s your typical prophesied heroes must save the world from certain destruction but I found the show overall enjoyable and cute with a nice dose of found family thrown in.
My top favorite characters are Zarya Moonwolf and Emerald Goldenbraid.
9. DC Super Hero Girls
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I started out as a G1 fan when it was still coming out and became a fan of the reboot as well. It was interesting to all these wonderful kickbutt superheroes placed in a high school -esque setting. The original series was very average with their shorts but it was such fun to see what characters would pop up to help (I even will tolerate and enjoy the LEGO specials). The reboot had better design and animation. I am sad it didn’t get a chance to run longer. My only qualm was that some characters had such a drastic change from their backstory and original character development that it moved from being whimsical and imaginative to simply keeping the name and having an entirely different character. *cough* Jessica *cough* They don’t get that she was such a powerful Green Lantern because she was bold but because most of the time she was scared out of mind due to her past trauma but still acted and pushed through the fear to save people.
Rant aside, my fave character is Jessica Cruz despite the reboot overhauling her character and erasing her backstory.
10. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Not necessarily my favorite glittery girly series I’ve watched but definitely an enjoyable series. True to my usual form, I unfortunately did not end up caring for most of the main plot and characters. However, the idea of this show was fun nonetheless and it had its nice moments, so I’m glad it got a decent number of seasons. The magic, weaponry, and elemental powers drew me to this show. I wish they delved a bit deeper into the true effects and trauma that fighting a war would have on all of the characters as they are leaders of their respective kingdoms.
My favorite characters include Entrapta (little nerdy characters are almost always a win for me), Mermista (Vella Lovell was perfect for voicing her and her character design is nice), Netossa (another awesome blue character; if anyone’s seen Six: The Musical, does she vaguely remind you of Catherine Parr?)
Bonus: Rainbow High
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An interesting premise though it ultimately falls flat for me because I am not a fashion-oriented person in the slightest. However, I still like the show and all the drama that comes with it. I just overall find it hilarious to watch the squabbles that happen because everyone is just so high strung. (Why do all the guy characters literally look the exact same with that same stupid little hairstyle?) XD
Fave characters are Ainsley Slater and Jade Hunter.
Bonus: God’s School
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Greek mythology! Need I say more? This is such an imaginative show. It is even more amazing considering one guy does all the animation. The webisodes that are out are great and I definitely recommend watching them on YouTube. Zeus looks like Disney Hercules and I find that hilarious. All the character designs for the gods are so awesome and I love the details that help indicate who they are. Ignore the fact that over half of them are related in some form or another and everything is fine.
Fave definitely has to be Athena! (…bad*** in the arena. Unmatched witty and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen.)
Bonus: Tinkerbell
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These are just cute adventures. I wish the series could’ve continued so we could’ve gotten movies highlighting each of the fairies.
My fave is Silvermist.
Bonus: Steven Universe
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I personally enjoyed this show and know it had a large fan base so I don’t get why so many people are going back and hating on it so fervently. It’s a flawed show like any but it still has it fine points and I have a soft spot for it. I heavily debated on whether this qualified for a magical girl show but I think it does. It’s nice seeing Steven grow alongside the gems and it’s a good show to put on in the background.
My favorites have to be Garnet and Sapphire.
Honorable mentions that I never fully watched but seem nice:
My Little Pony - I’m disappointed in myself for never getting into this show because it has all the right points for me to like it, including great Canadian voice actors and magic and ponies. I have watched some episodes and enjoyed them but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit through and binge the entire show.
LEGO Elves - watched some but I never got truly immersed.
Totally Spies! - never really gave it a go but it seems okay.
Winx Club - I tried to like it but the characters just didn’t hit for me.
W.I.T.C.H. - watched the first few episodes but nothing made me want to continue.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Alright so the post about the idea of Delta being severely depressed and attempting su*cide by sneaking into a battle between the Stars and Nightmare, and tries to kill Nightmare by giving it his Whole Ass Everything has been living in my head rent free and makes me ask two questions.
1. If the "good ending" happened and everyone lived, how would Color and Epic react to Delta's attempt? (Especially knowing that Beta would have had to allow the body to die as well, meaning that the poor kid was ok with death?) How could they (Color and Epic) possibly attempt to cope with the fact that their best friend(s) was going to commit suicide and didn't want to tell anyone because they didn't want to be any more of a burden than they had to be, in their (Delta/Beta's) view?
2. If the "bad ending" happened, how would they react to his death?
(I was also thinking about how Zorox would be affected but then I decided it was too sad to put a dog through that lmao, so we're gonna leave him out of this one)
Zorox paws at delta’s bedroom door. sleeps in front of the door. will sleep on the bed if anyone opens the door, drags delta and beta’s old clothes out of the drawers and closet and whimpers when anyone tries to take them back (likely to clean them.) he whines all night at the closed door of delta’s workshop/garage.
whenever taken to their gravesites he just slumps down on the ground nearby and whines like hes been stabbed. He barks and panics whenever epic and color are gone too long and probably develops separation anxiety. he probably keeps trying to constantly linger around color and do specific things he only did for delta and beta (like lying on their lap or chest for deep pressure) and color suspects its because of the bravery soul he absorbed.
dogs cats and animals in general are said to be sensitive to the supernatural and the like. perhaps he sense the bits of colors bravery soul and its familiar.
can see a scene where zorox can sense epics pain and grief despite how epics constantly doing everything to pretend that hes not in as much pain as he is. hes constantly making his jokes and memes and trying to focus on avoiding the topic and changing the subject and avoiding sleep more often than not and forgetting to eat.
and zorox keeps doing his old alerts that he used to do for beta and delta for epic and color now and he keeps pushing and pushing epic to eat or sit or drink and color may be too simply because he shifted gears into full caretaker mode and is trying to avoid feeling the anguish—both his and epics—that he can feel building in his chest.
and I don’t maybe there’s a scene like from mockingjay, the one with Katniss and buttercup. This scene. with zorox and either color or epic.
as for if delta and beta survived (especially if they’re injured) I feel like colors gonna immediately turn on that therapist/mother henning instinct. i feel like hed be treating their injuries and hed have tears in his eye because the thought of how much pain they must’ve been in to make that decision, how he “didn’t notice,” is fucking painful.
and i feel like beta and delta are going to feel so guilty and ashamed and constantly avoiding looking color in the eye. (honestly i like to think that colors just the type of person no one really likes making or watching or listening to him cry (except for nightmare) especially delta and epic and beta.
especially not in this situation, where he could’ve lost two more friends to the likes of nightmare. fighting and struggling to save and protect killer from him was traumatic and stressful on its own. the thought of losing anyone else to nightmare is terrifying and makes him so angry.)
i feel like delta and beta might have an easier time meeting epics eye, if only because he has that ability to make people laugh. and because they dont have the added feeling of guilt of having made him cry (they did epic just knows how to hide it).
epic would probably try to hide any pain from this under a joke and a meme, expressing his worry and concern and care of course.
but i feel like he wouldn’t allow the two to see how deeply it effected him and colors probably the one who’s aware of it and holds him whenever he allows himself a cry or wants to have a serious talk about it. (please feel free to chime in and add more onto this i feel like my brain stuttered to a stop near the end 🙏)
(side note but do yall think killer would call color pretty and beautiful whenever he cries. and like when hes wiping away colors tears and probably nuzzles or kisses his cheeks. like hes a sadistic little freak would he find colors crying pretty in certain situations.)
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 9 months
Hiiii bfr i send my req, just wanna say i love your acc sm!! Could you pls write any tooth-rotting domestic fluff (can also drop a hint of suggestiveness hehe) abt jean pls? My idea would be abt his lover trying out her new lipstick where she cheekily smothers him with kisses just to see if it's transfer-proof heheh. Thank youu <33!!!
pairing: jean kirstein x fem!reader
word count: just under 1k
warnings: nothing, just fluffff :) ok maybe a little bit of suggestiveness at the end ;)
a/n: i love jean so much this is an epic request i hope you like it :)) sorry it took so long ily & i’m happy you like my account
you and jean had been going out for quite some time now. tonight would mark your three year anniversary. it was funny to think about; time flies when you’re in love. you could’ve sworn you just met jean yesterday. jean had that way about him, that effortless, sweep you off your feet type of deal. he had never once stopped making you feel loved or needed through out the entirety of your relationship.
there’s a dinner planned tonight. jean’d organized everything himself. he always took care of all the little things like picking the place and making reservations. he even took the liberty of buying you a new dress to wear, accompanied by a matching set of heels and a little tube of a burgundy-red lipstick. your heart swells when you come home and see it on your bed. jean leans against the door frame and clears his throat, making you jump a little.
“do you like them?” he asks. he doesn’t need you to answer. jean knows you so well he knows you love him. your answer just gives him that extra satisfaction.
“i love all of it. it’s amazing. thank you, jean.” you mean it sincerely. your fingers find their way to the lipstick. it was expensive.
“don’t thank me yet, baby. we’ve still got to get you dressed and to the restaurant.” jean walks over to where you stand by the bed. he gently takes the lipstick out of your hand and examines it. “hmm..”
“i just think it’ll look good on you, that’s all.” he sets the tube back on the bed and kisses you on the top of your head. “now go get in the shower.”
the shower is nice and warm. you can’t help but feel a growing pit in the bottom of your stomach. you were nervous. the good type of nervous. it wasn’t often you had the time to get all dolled up. jean knew how much you loved getting all pretty but he loved it even more. he loved to spoil you. he loved the way you look in a dress. you couldn’t help but feel you need to uphold a certain standard. you wanted to feel beautiful, especially on a night like tonight.
after drying off and doing your hair, you slip into the dress you’d found laying on your bed earlier. it’s a little black dress with bits of lace here and here. it conforms to your body, hugging your hips. you had to admit, you looked damn good. “jean?” you called as you opened the bathroom door.
within seconds, your boyfriend is there. “yes, baby? what’sa matter?”
“do you like it?” you whispered, smoothing your dress out with your palms. jean’s eyes slowly trailed all the way down from your head. his eyes made their way back up to yours.
“you look gorgeous.” his eyes said everything. “you’re forgetting something, though.” jean furrowed an eyebrow and brushed a hand against the side of your warm face. he turned away without another word and headed to grab the tube of lipstick you left on the bed.
“oh, duh.” you laughed at yourself. you reached a hand out to take the makeup from him. he pulled his hand back. “i kind of need that if i want to wear it.” you cocked your head and crossed your arms.
jean just chuckled and shook his head. “don’t be a smart ass, (y/n.) get your cute self a little closer.” he snaked a hand around your waist and pulled you towards him. “open your mouth.” it came out in a whisper.
“jean, what?”
“do you trust me?” he asked with a glimmer in his eye. you nodded your head reluctantly. you did trust him but hell, did he make you nervous. you parted your lips, shallow breaths coming out of them. he grabbed your chin and lifted it up. he’s staring into your eyes and you can’t help but take in just exactly how handsome he is. your cheeks flushed as if you haven’t been living with him for almost two years. he flicked open the lipstick and raised it gently to your open lips. jean squinted his eyes in concentration. the lipstick glided against your lips smoothly. jean’s hazel eyes met yours once more. you rubbed your lips together slightly as he capped the lipstick.
“well?” you wondered outloud.
“it suits you perfectly. suppose i really know my lady, huh?”
“i think it’d suit you too, handsome.” you purred as a devilish smile crept across your face.
“i love you but you’re crazy if you think i’m wearing lipstick.” before jean could say another word, you stood on your tippy toes and grabbed the sides of his face. you smooshed your lips right against his cheekbone and held them there for a second. you pulled away to see a perfect stamp of your lips, the burgundy popping against his skin.
a smile formed slowly on jean’s face. the smile turned into a grin with shades of red rushing into his cheeks. he rubbed the back of neck awkwardly.
“damn. i’m thinking we’re going to be a little late, baby.”
you drop your hands and cross them behind your back. jean had made you feel beautiful. he would have made you feel that way even if he hadn’t said anything. you could see it in his eyes and you could feel it in his touch, just how much he adored you.
find my jean fic right here <3
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abhainnwhump · 3 months
IMYM Chapter 37
Nightmare's Labyrinth: Dream?
(Content warnings: Torture, psychological torture, hallucinations, eye gore, minor mouth gore, noncon body modification, hypnosis/mind control, child torture, injuries via glass, pseudo death, minor body horror, bad pun. Yippee! This chapter is fun.)
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Dream fell to the ground, and it was a miracle his bones didn’t break. His emaciated body trembled as he sat up and looked around. He tried to nap, but the portal opened beneath him snapped him out of it. They were in a hall made of gray bricks varying in shade. It seemed familiar, yet they couldn’t place why. He could’ve sworn the corridor was shifting, but that could’ve been his tired eye lights.
“Hell- hello? Core? Cross? Blue? Is anyone here?” Dream’s voice was raspy from lack of use and lack of water. His voice echoed through the corridor, but no one responded.
His body went cold like a coat of ice covered his body. Dream knew the feeling from anywhere, especially from the last month or so of torture. He looked down at the Anti-Magic cuffs on his wrists. They had been attached so long that they began to rub his wrists raw, leaving nasty wounds.
Nightmare’s smooth voice echoed through the space. “Welcome. welcome, my dear prisoners. I assume you have many questions about your current predicament. Let me explain. This is a challenge I came up with to deal with you. It’s a maze you must traverse to get to the other side. There is no time limit, so don't feel pressured to rush and hurt yourselves. The rules are simple, there are three. One, no magic allowed. However, you can have your weapons back.” The voice paused and Dream’s twin blades clattered down in front of them. They were useless as a bow since he had no arrows, magic or otherwise. 
“Two, you may team up with your friends if you see them. It’s not my fault nor the fault of anyone else if they’re . . . different. Three, the challenges will involve you challenging your moral compasses. Don’t be afraid to act a little selfish to survive. If you find your way out, you will be free to leave. If you don’t, you’ll still belong to me. Is that fair? Good. That’s what I assumed. Ta ta." The voice went silent, leaving Dream to only hear their own breathing.
“Nightmare . . . why.” Dream muttered. Sighing, he picked up the swords off the ground. He looked around for an exit but saw nothing. The only path was the corridor ahead. To freedom, to death, to better, or worse, Dream didn’t know. He didn’t have a choice. The hall was as cold as Nightmare’s soul. The walls were made of bricks tainted with purple. While his aura-sensing magic worked for a while since he was so powerful, it couldn’t anymore. They wished it did.
They watched for the others, cautious. He stopped and yelped as he felt something clench around his foot. He kicked and pulled it out of what appeared to be a large mouse trap. This place was booby-trapped. He still heard nothing of the others, no sign they were okay.
Dream walked a while longer until he came across a fork in the structure. Purple glitter shone on both paths, enchanting the maze. Dream’s gaze flipped between both paths. They feared one of them would lead him to a hole where he would fall to his death. Truthfully, compared to everything else, an eternity of falling through darkness sounded peaceful. Dream looked around and spotted some pebbles. He picked both of them up and threw them down the hall. They both bounced and made an equal amount of noise, equally safe, he wouldn't die yet. Dream hummed, taking the left path after a bit more thought.
What were these puzzles Nightmare spoke of? That's what worried Dream the most. He wasn't mentally prepared for the horrors his brother had up his sleeve. They had to get out, it may be their only way back home.
“I hate that octopus bruh . . .”
Epic trudged through the maze, muttering to himself. He squeezed his chicken to have something to do. The only thing to keep him interested was the hallways kept changing directions. He ignored the scuttles and creaks because he knew it was Nightmare trying to scare him. Or one of the Murder Time Trio members. Epic liked pranks, but those guys were just assholes. Was Nightmare serious about everyone being in here? Epic smirked. He wasn’t going to break, he told himself that a thousand times in his cell.
Two thuds caused him to turn. He didn’t see anything, he thought his nerves were taking over. Epic looked forward and footsteps ran up to him. When he turned around, no one was there. He could barely react before he accidentally stepped on a pressure plate and spikes ripped out of the ground, tearing into his coat and bones.
"Ow! What the heck?" Epic pulled his spiked and bleeding body from the trap. His clothes were all torn up and his jacket was shreds. He also bled from several bones. Epic shed the jacket off, it was useless now.
If it couldn't get any worse, ghosts surrounded him. They were pure black with purple eyes that looked so white. Epic squinted and felt sick. He recognized Alphy's tense and short figure anywhere. All these ghosts were the souls of the monsters Nightmare corrupted when he infected the AU. They muttered muddled words, either nonsense to disturb him or his final words.
You can make the guilt fade away, all you need to do is let your feelings go. A voice echoed through the hall, or maybe it was in his head. A sash appeared at his feet, melted from malice and whatever the floor was made of.
"What? I'm not doing that! Why would I blow up my dead friends? That'd make them double dead." Epic laughed and tried to make a joke, but it did affect him. The Omega Timeline was a great place to live, sure, but he missed his AU.
The shadows started to surround him, clawing at him and crying for his help. Epic pushed them aside. For some reason, his hand didn't go right through their bodies. It felt a solid surface, which made it worse when they could all grab and touch him, scratching up his bleeding body further. Epic kicked them aside, but it hurt since well, he knew these people. That was the guy he got drinks from every Tuesday. That was his coworker. That was his friend's girlfriend.
"Get off me! I tried to help you, but I couldn't save everyone! Leave me alone!" Epic looked at the grenades. That would only make him feel worse, right? Epic groaned and gave in, grabbing the sash and throwing a bomb at some shadows nearby. He squeezed his eye sockets shut so he wouldn't have to watch.
The shadow screamed way too humanly for his liking. He opened his eye sockets to notice he wasn't being attacked anymore. Epic looked around. The room went silent with only a shadow puddle where the bomb hit. He felt even guiltier than before. The malice that gave him the bomb sash before now summoned a white jacket with darker camo prints. It was even a trench coat like his old one with a new black turtleneck, how considerate! Epic switched out his clothes and noticed the ends of the sleeves at strange buttons on his palms. They were tiny black devices that reminded him of a web-slinger. The purple liquid with the drop sign on the bottom helped him figure out it was a poison blaster, one on each hand.
Epic stared down in one of the malice puddles and his hand slacked. His face had new scars across his nasal bridge and right cheek from the spikes. A teal swirl spun around inside, going right to his soul. Also going right to his soul was malice climbing up his body and eroding his soul. His worldview changed completely. As the voices said, all his feelings of guilt faded away. He wondered if he could finally sleep at night. Not a bad deal if he did say so himself.
He looked around and threw another bomb at some shadows. It screamed and ran away with a misty arm. Then he tried the poison blaster and stung one in the eyes with a yelp of pain. Epic began to laugh. Holy bruh, this was a lot of fun! He could wipe them out like one of the video games he used to play with Cross! He could even make fake points and have a score. Cross was going to love this, wherever he was.
Blue tried to keep his head up as he went through the maze. He was glad Nightmare let him keep his hammer. He kept it on his shoulder, swinging it slightly. He thought the maze switching around was fun if infuriating at times. It was more interesting than staring at the same gray stone walls every day. He held Error's scarf, which he started wearing after his murder. But he also found it weird he hadn’t seen anyone. Were the others okay?
“Dream! Cross! Epic! DREAM! Is anyone around?” Blue called into the darkness, but the only response he got was his echo. He worried about them. What if this was all a death trap? Blue had to watch his step to keep from setting off a spike trap or something else. He came across a gap in the middle of the floor and took a running jump. His left foot slipped, but he did make it over the edge. He accidentally stepped on a button and glass shot through his foot. He hissed, looking down at his red boot turning dark purple. How strong was that glass to break through his boots?
He paid more attention to the ground this time. He listened for any possible footsteps or screams. What if they were in danger? The knight tilted his head. He didn’t hear screams, but he did hear laughter.
Wait, laughter?
Blue cocked his head and walked faster. He traveled toward the sound until he came across a hallway. He walked through it, barely avoiding the malice crawling around on the floor.
He entered a palace so gray it was white. Blueish-white light shone through the windows. Queen Toriel sat on her throne, wearing a gold crown and a purple dress adorned with jewels. She held a sword across her lap. But that was only at the end of the massive hall. A long red rug lined the ground and barriers blocked off the side. Dozens of monsters stood and looked at him, expecting something. Blue squinted and noticed the banners lining the sides of the huge castle. The Deltarune sign? But that was only used in the royal guard ceremony! He knew this because he watched hundreds on TV when he was a babybones, dreaming he could be up there someday.
“Woah, a knighting ceremony? Home? But . . .” It was long gone. Blue knew that. His world was turned to dust by Error. Error kept him as a hostage, but grew attached. Thinking about Error made his soul ache, so he focused on the current moment.
Queen Toriel laughed. Blue hadn’t heard that sound in ages. She held a gloved hand out toward him. “Of course this is your home, this is your knighting ceremony. This is your moment, come here.”
“My knighting ceremony? Are you saying I got into the royal guard? Wowie . . ."
"Yes, you've proven yourself brave. Come here, hero."
Blue stepped a foot forward, but he hesitated. This could be one of those puzzles Nightmare talked about.
Stretch set his hand on his shoulder. Blue's older brother, he hadn't seen him in years and teared up. He still smoked and refused to get out of his orange hoodie. But Blue couldn't care less. “G’job, bro. You earned it. Go get yer reward, I'm here for you."
"Th- thanks." Blue stammered out. He took the chance and walked down the hall. No one seemed to mind he was a glitch with a mostly inverted color palette. When he made it to the end, he got down on one knee out of respect. Toriel laughed lightly and waved her finger. With magic, his unwashed old glitching armor turned into a fine set of royal guard gear. That . . . wasn't something she could do before, but oh well.
"I hereby knight Blue PopPrince as a member of the royal guard. You'll start tomorrow morning. You'll arrive each day at four in the morning, you'll train and fight from sunrise to sunset, you will never take the armor off, and you'll see your brother on holiday only. Most of all, you'll leave the Star Sanses. Your life is devoted to this cause alone. That's why it's an honor."
“Wait, what? This isn’t what I wanted!” Alarm bells went off in Blue's head, the ones trying to warn him earlier. That wasn't even right, he knew the guard guidebook by heart. He clawed at the armor, trying to pull it off, but it wouldn’t budge. It was like it was part of his bones. Blue screamed and kept trying to yank his gloves off, but it still didn’t do anything.
Toriel, or at least what he thought was Toriel, laughed the same laugh, but darker. "I thought it was. This is how the world works. Nothing is as we want. It's a miserable and cynical place, chasing our dreams will only lead to more heartbreak. You'll learn."
Toriel's face glitched into a spiral and malice crawled up his legs. It held him down and forced him to look. The malice that didn't restrain him swam into his soul and sucked the joy out of him. He still couldn't take the armor off.
As he stared into the teal swirl, Blue scrunched his face. It felt like weights pulling down his mouth and eyes and forcing his face into a permanent scowl. The strangest part was it felt . . . natural. He tried to look away, but something kept him looking. His friends and brother faded around him, including Toriel.
Blue blinked away the swirls now reflecting in his eye lights. His soul went cold and ached. He finally managed to look away. The room around him faded and he was back in the boring, dreary hallway. Blue scoffed at the walls. This place sucked. He still had the metal armor stuck on his body. Something in his head told him malice held it in place.
Cross paused at the sound of a scream, followed by a shifting a new hallway opening up. It had to be Epic, he could recognize his best friend’s voice from anywhere. Cross narrowed his gaze and bolted toward the hall. The halls shifted again and Cross focused on hearing in order to find him.
After Fresh and his home world, he wasn’t going to lose anyone else. Dream had already been falling mentally, along with himself. Cross jumped through a small opening and rolled on the floor. He finally spotted Epic on the floor, crouching with his hand covering his eye sockets.
Cross’s eye sockets darted around the room in case there were any traps. Coast was clear. He was expecting a torture chamber, but instead, it was a normal hall. Epic sat in the middle of it, scratching at his arms like he was covered in fleas. He didn't notice Cross at first, not even when he snapped his fingers to get his attention. Cross raised a browbone in suspicion. Just in case, he tightened his grip on his swords. Nightmare wouldn't let them find each other this easy, right? He hasn't even seen any of the 'puzzles' he boasted about.
Epic turned around and wiped his forehead with a dramatic sigh of relief. "Bruh! Finally! I was waiting for you to show up!
Cross relaxed when he spoke. It sounded like him, but something was still off. That wasn't Epic's normal jacket. He wore purple and black clothes, Cross had never seen him wear white camo in his life. Where did he even get it? Epic noticed his skepticism and laughed it off. "Got caught in some spikes and it ripped my coat to shreds. It's somewhere in that area." Cross gestured vaguely behind Cross. He looked back at where he pointed but saw nothing.
Epic picked up a sash from the ground. Shocking Cross, the whole thing was lined with grenades. "I got this too. Wanna see something cool? There are these shadow things around this area that are annoying as hell, but I figured out how to get rid of them. Watch and learn, Oreo."
Epic loaded a grenade and threw it up on a tripwire trap. Shadows of Epictale's citizens wandered around the place. Epic kicked the side of the wall. It set off a wire and the bomb rolled down onto the group of five creatures. It exploded and Epic covered the sides of his skull. Two of them flew against the wall and the others scattered and screamed, leaving what looked like Monster Kid to be charred. As Epic said, they disappeared.
"Bruh, their screams! They sound so desperate! It's one bomb, you're overreacting! Easy kill!" He braced himself on the wall to stop his laughter.
Cross wasn't as disturbed about the fact Epic blew up these . . . creatures, but his reaction. They've laughed at memes about dark humor or death, but directly someone's suffering? That was something Killer, Dust, and Horror would do. The confusion and disturbance must've shown on his face because Epic relaxed.
"Oh come on, that was a little funny. Live a little! I thought you liked my jokes!" Epic jabbed his elbow into Cross's side. Cross pushed him aside. Something was wrong with Epic, more than the clothes. Cross shook his head, making Epic roll his eye lights.
"Boring. Come on, one hit, give it a shot!" He held a bomb out for him. Cross pushed it away with gentle force. Epic frowned, dissatisfied. “Ooo, you still got your necklace! Maybe this will knock you out of your daze because I don't know bruh, but it's going to be fun." Epic pounced on Cross.
Cross tried to push him off, but Epic snuck around the back. He grabbed the necklace and dangled it in front of Cross to taunt him. "Aw, ya want this? Fetch!" He threw it far down the hallway.
Cross blinked in shock and grunted. He ran after and grabbed his locket as Epic laughed at him. He glared back at him, both out of anger and confusion. Nothing was broken. The pent-up rage mixed with the hope he could snap him out of it made him slap Epic in the face. It caught him off guard and made him clutch his cheekbone. Epic's eye lights lost the glaze for a brief moment and he looked scared. Then it turned cocky again, and Cross could tell he pissed him off.
"The hell is with you, bruh?" Epic asked. Cross got his act together and huffed, grabbing his friend by his collar and pulling him up.
Cross tried to explain he wanted to bring Epic out of there with hand gestures and sounds. Epic watched and shook his head, shoving him away. "I get whatcha trying to say, but no. What's the point? Not gonna lie, being this is a lot more fun than that rubber chicken I used. I betcha I could find better friends than you." He crossed his arms and slid down the wall, glaring at Cross. He stuck his tongue out at him.
Cross's eye socket twitched. He gave up on arguing, he wasn't listening like this. He planned to come back for Epic, but for now, he stormed off. He couldn't bring himself to leave him behind, even if he was acting like a complete prick for no reason. He had to snap back to his senses soon, Nightmare was inside his head. He wouldn't get inside his.
Nightmare nuzzled close to Ribbon as she cuddled into his lap, head leaning on his chest. Nightmare kissed her skull as he watched Cross leave Epic alone in the hall. Ribbon tilted her head with interest, taking a small handful of popcorn to eat. They sat in the fancy living room of his castle, relaxing on the black velvet couch on a dark wood floor.
He looked behind himself at the two souls strung up in black threads. They throbbed as liquid hatred covered them. One was a regular white monster soul and one was a black soul covered in glitches. Three more sets of threads hung empty. Killer poked Blue’s soul, Horror watched the footage with him and Ribbon, and Dust leaned against the wall. It was his idea to bring popcorn and treat the torment like a reality show. He believed that was what Dust called them. Nightmare never watched one.
“This is possibly the greatest idea I’ve ever had, don't you agree?” Nightmare inquired, enjoying watching them break and split from each other.
“Hey!” Ribbon argued.
“The second greatest idea I’ve ever had,” Nightmare corrected. He fed Ribbon another popcorn piece. He kept her under his jacket to use as a blanket. “You will always be my number one.”
Ribbon seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to watching the others suffer. Nightmare wrapped an arm around her. She seemed to enjoy the suffering as much as he was, what a perfect wife. He watched as Core tried to traverse their way through dirt, dust, and traps, Dream looked miserable, and Epic fell asleep. The traps were only there because he felt a little extra today. It sounded entertaining. He also decided to give them all new outfits. If they would be his toys, he decided how to use them.
Killer poked Blue’s soul again and this time, a screen appeared. Killer jumped back. “Shit! Boss? I think I broke it.”
Nightmare hummed and looked behind him. “Ah, you're fine. That’s simply a little extra spell I put on them so I can see through their eyes.” Nightmare snapped his fingers and one more appeared above Epic’s soul.
“Is it possible to get out? Or did you make it secretly the traps impossible to do?” Killer asked.
“It is possible. None of them have been smart enough to solve their puzzles though.” Nightmare smirked at the screen. “Which one do you think will make it out?”
“I’m betting twenty gold on Cross. He already doesn’t trust anyone, I bet he won’t get into his trap. He’s too smart for that.”
“None of them. You owe me and Horror twenty gold. each if he fails.” Dust muttered.
“Had hope for Blue but . . . not anymore." Horror added.
Nightmare looked down at Ribbon, curious for her answer. She just shrugged and lay her head back onto his chest. He didn’t need an answer. Ribbon’s comfort was enough to satisfy him. He looked back up at the screens and watched as the next prisoner fell to their trait.
Core Frisk figured out where they were a few steps after the announcement. (name) in the Omega Graveyard. It made them antsy. They were right there.
They squinted as they tried to see through Nightmare’s magic's block. If the negativity wasn’t enough, the Anti-Magic cuffs made their foresight useless. They didn’t care about that though. Their thoughts surrounded the Omega Timeline. The graveyard was only about five miles from the central and while they still had no clue what went down, it was bad. The second they got out of here, if they got out of here, they planned to rush back and save whoever was left.
Core was so lost in their thoughts about rescue and cooking Nightmare into sushi that they didn't notice the floor change. Instead of the dark stone, it was smooth, almost blue tile. The walls were the same texture. An archway with a sterile purple light glowed above them. Core walked onto a bridge and looked down, realizing where they were. It was pure white light, the color of the void. Undertale's CORE. They covered their mouth. The memories they tried to repress for decades. If this is what they thought it was, then they knew who was coming.
“Kid,” Sans said.
Core glanced to the side. They caught sight of their hands, which turned almost yellowish. Their sweater transformed from gray to blue and purple. They haven’t been in this position for a century, it was how they turned into an outcode. And when that happened, their mind stuffed this memory down as deep as possible. This trap made all those memories smack them in the face.
Sans kept his usual nonchalant smile as he walked onto the bridge. He kept his hands inside his blue jacket, but his look was different. Sans’ face was burned in Core’s mind, so they knew. His face blurred, like imagining a drawing but when it came time to put it on paper, it was confused.
“Sans?” Core asked. They took a step back. If this was what they thought it was, they had to get out of here.
"Heya, you've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya." He raised his hand and blue magic surrounded Core. Sans' eye lit up blue and they threw Core into the white void below. They screamed and reached out as their body fell further and further into the abyss. As they fell through the top, their body stung like a million scissors cut into it.
Just as their hands faded, they woke right back up at the start of the maze. They blinked in confusion but ran across this time. Sans wrapped them up in blue magic. "Kid. You've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya."
He threw Core Frisk back into the void, scattering their remains across time and space. It hurt as much and like before, they're right back to the start, clutching their arms. Black malice began to form from both sides of the bridge. Oh, now they figured out their puzzle.
Over and over, Core Frisk tried to make it across the bridge or fight, only to get the same results every time.
"You've been causing a lot of problems-"
Help, HELP!
"I hate to pick-"
Another scatter.
"This can't happen anymore. See ya."
Core's entire body stung and they panted.
It’s too much stress, isn’t it? It’s driving you mad. You can't handle it and want to cry and hide.
Core listened to the voice over the speaker in the corner. It didn't sound like Nightmare, but it was something he would say. They narrowed their eyes. No way in the multiverse were they going to do it. Especially not with the malice crawling around the floor. It threatened to eat their soul. Core narrowed their eyes and groaned. As they teleported back to the start, they knew they needed a new plan.
Give up. You're just a child. This is too much pressure for you.
"Shut up! I'm thinking!" Core shouted at nobody. They shut their eyes to avoid looking at the spirals appearing on the screens around the CORE. They didn't have much time before Sans came back in. Their eyes darted between the malice puddle growing on both sides. Their eyes set on the bridge itself. It wasn't that wide and there were pipes around it . . . they had an idea.
Sans walked back inside. "Kid. You've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya." His eye flashed blue and he wrapped Core in his magic, throwing them into the abyss. Core wrapped one hand around the pipe and swung under it, holding on for dear life. The dust slipping from the boots fell into the void.
Core waited for Sans to leave, listening for his sigh and the slippers walking away. Their hands started to slip as they clung to the bottom pole of the bridge. Their shoes slid off the bars and they almost fell again, kicking dust into the void. Core summoned all their strength and pulled themself up. They rolled onto the bridge and took a deep breath. They kept an eye out for more malice or another trap, but there weren’t any. It all faded away when they solved the puzzle. The door in the back of the room opened. Core ran to it, but checked for traps before going through. There weren’t any.
They were safe for now and ran off. Their body turned back to monochrome, everything was good. Well, except their body stinging with pins from being soul scattered twelve times.
Dream walked through the hall, dead-eyed like a zombie. Glass and spikes ripped into his feet and boots, but he managed to ignore it.
He hadn’t seen another soul in this maze and it felt like he was wandering for hours. Did Nightmare lie? Or did the others escape? Or did they . . . no, he wouldn’t think about that. Stay positive. Hold onto that little bit of hope left in his heart.
He turned down another one of the hallways that never ended. They could’ve been searching in circles and he would never know. Maybe this was Nightmare’s punishment for him, dooming him to walk in a maze alone with no exit yet a desperate goal. Dream sighed, but then a sound caught their attention.
They didn’t sound friendly, but Dream was desperate. “Hello! It’s me, Dream! Who’s there?”
“Dream?” Blue’s voice echoed clearer. Dream grinned when he came into view. However, something was off about him. His clothes, where did he get the suit of armor? His eye lights were dull, more white than blue, but that was natural for monsters in pain. More magic was used to keep them alive than to keep their soul bright.
Dream ran up to Blue and hugged him. For some reason, he didn’t hug him back. "Thank the stars, I thought you were dead or worse. We have to stay together. I'm worried about Cross. I've been hearing voices saying he could be in danger, come on. We have to find him and the others." They took his hand.
“Oh boo hoo hoo, your boyfriend is gone. We all lost people, get over it. You’re not special, Dream. You're the last one who needs pity.” Blue said his name with a sneer.
Dream blinked, trying to be sure he heard that correctly. He also had to be sure he didn’t see Blue’s eye lights flash with teal swirls. “I . . . I wasn’t saying I was special or deserved extra attention. I’m saying I’m worried about our friends! Blue, what’s going on with you? Did something happen? Where did you get the armor? I can try and help you, I'm not held back by a cage anymore."
Blue rolled his eyes lights. “You can’t help with anything! Even if you could, it would just get worse again. Everything always gets worse.”
“That’s not . . . well, it is true. Things have been getting worse, but we have to get out of this maze. We can get angry about it later." He gave him a questionable look. “Why are you talking like this? This isn’t you. The Blue I know would be finding an optimistic approach to this and never giving up. That's what you've done this whole time! Now when we need the support, you're stopping?"
“Optimistic?” Blue scoffed and turned away from him. “Why would I ever be an optimist? That’s just another word for naive and stupid.” He flicked the front piece of his guard helmet down over his face.
Dream was taken aback by his words. They brushed their fingers against his arm, which was cold and smooth. He reached out and took his soul in his hands. His white soul turned dark and appeared scorched in a fire, dappled with bits of teal. That wasn't Blue.
The Guardian of Positivity tried to use his magic to purify Blue's soul, but then he remembered the cuffs. He groaned in frustration and let it go. "Fine, if you're going to be miserable and not help, then figure this out on your own! I don't need you!"
"Good! I don't need you either, you pompous piece of shit!" Blue yelled. He rolled his eye lights and stormed away at the same time as Dream. Dream was almost too angry to feel bad for him. He nearly punched the wall, but his senses knew better. The injury wasn't worth it. He turned and walked away. This must've been what the maze did, turn them into evil caricatures of themselves. Oh, he hoped Cross wasn't affected. He worried what a twisted version of him would be.
Dream thought he was hallucinating, but it was Cross. His eye lights seemed less glazed than Blue's, in fact, none at all. His clothes were the same. Dream didn't run up to and hug him this time, he kept his distance. Cross sighed in relief at the sight of him and leaped over a tripwire. He pressed Dream against his body, using one hand to hold the back of his head. Dream melted in the comfort and hugged him back. Cross was still himself, this was real.
“Cookie, something happened to Blue. He’s acting weird. He was cold, angry, and almost heartless.” Dream shivered and spoke with a rasp. "Have you seen Epic? Or Core?"
Cross nodded at Epic and shook his head at Core. He frowned at the sound of his name and Dream assumed the worst, he was acting like Blue was. What was going on here? Core was likely infected with whatever this strain of the virus was too.
“Let's get out of here. If we can't save them, we have to save ourselves. I'll protect you, come on." The couple held hands as they worked their way through the maze. If it picked them off one by one, it should have a harder time when they were together.
The maze opened a fork as usual and they took the right at Cross's request. They took a few steps before the room went dark, near pitch black. Cross held Dream close with his daggers out. A light flashed in the distance and revealed a platform with three mini stairs. On top was a delicate piece of metal, a shiny steel. As if it was modeled to fit his skull, it was a lower jaw bone the perfect size to fit Cross. He walked toward it, but then the floor broke, separating Cross and Dream.
Cross wobbled as it separated them over two arm's length away. The light on the metal appeared to glow brighter. Dream could almost hear Nightmare's laughter, enjoying tearing them apart. He gasped as he advanced a hand toward it. It made his eye lights unfocus.
"Cookie dough, no! It's a trap! I promise that as soon as we leave, I'll find you a prosthetic or a spell! I know you want to talk again, but don't. Believe me, I will help." Dream reached their hand out.
Cross stared at him. Faint sounds Dream couldn't hear whispered around him, but they made Cross agitated. He gave in and took the lower jaw off the platform. He held it up to his own and attached it in place. It sealed on its own, digging into his jaw and leaving indents to fit. Cross yelled out. Dream held back from running to him.
Malice surrounded Cross's soul and made his eye lights flash. Dream ran to the exit, but his boyfriend jumped in front of him, blocking the path. He smiled down at him, but not his usual caring bashful grin. Dream didn't want to fight him, but he kept his swords out. "You're just going to leave me here? Dream, I got my voice back! I don't have to be fed with those tubes anymore. Why aren't you happy for me?"
Dream stepped back. Cross winced as the new jaw made a chain grow around his neck, locking tight. The end was a lock with the letters C + K engraved in it. Cross tried to remove it, but it wouldn't budge. Dream took his chance, wiping tears out of his eyes. He'd have to leave him behind too. Dream dashed for the exit, pushing Cross aside. But he was faster, the magic gave him a power-up, and he pinned Dream to the wall.
I thought you cared about me, you're going to leave me behind? Alright then, flower." Cross brought his dagger down in his eye socket and Dream screamed. Despite all the torture Nightmare put him through, not a single beating or electrocution compared to this. It burned and sent bolts of pain through his mind. He pulled it out and Dream clutched his eye socket, gold blood running between his fingers. They pulled it away and blinked it. It was dark. Cross blinded him.
Cross had no remorse. His scowl turned crueler if possible. Dream was frozen in shock, horror, and mind-numbing pain.
“Get up, it’s just an eye. Or are you too kind to do anything about it? Fight me! It was a mistake to be with you, I could've had a fun relationship with someone like Killer. But you? You're boring and pathetic.” Cross set a hand on his head as horns broke out the top, curving out. It reminded Dream too much of when he was infected in Birdtale.
“Cross, stop it! Snap out of it! I know you're not in control right now! Oh my stars . . . ow, ow!" Dream gasped in pain. Was this how Nightmare felt when he lost his eye to the corruption?
Cross ignored him. Instead, his hand brushed against his locket. He ripped it off, snapping the chain, and threw it at the ground. A crescent moon mark appeared on his cheekbone. "Don't need this anymore, don't know why I kept it."
Dream looked between his boyfriend and the other direction. He grabbed Cross’s locket and ran as fast as he could in his condition. His starved, exhausted, powerless condition couldn’t go far before tripping and skidding. He took a moment to catch his breath before moving. Cross didn't chase him, he lost interest.
Dream dragged himself through the corridor, clutching the locket in one hand and holding the wall with the other. He let go of the wall occasionally to put pressure on his bloody eye. Golden blood covered his gloves. Dream took deep breaths before collapsing to the ground again. This was torture in its purest form.
“Is this what you want, Nightmare? I have nothing left to lose, you won!” Dream looked around, expecting his corrupted twin to appear from the mist and mock him. The guardian wasn’t sure why he still had his soul. It should have been drained by now. Their gaze settled on a strange sight, a small cardinal. Where did it come from? Or was it another trap?
The bird chirped. Come on! I know a way to safety! Come, come! Quickly, before he gets back!
Dream didn't hesitate. He chased after the bird as it led him down a special path. He slipped between the walls of the maze, not quite a corridor, and entered a different room. They breathed in the smell of fresh grass and warm water. The bird landed on the grass beside the pond and grew to be twice as large as Dream in a spark of blue magic. Dream blinked in surprise. Sit down, let it out.
Dream did as the bird asked, crouching in front of it with one hand still on their eye socket. The bleeding failed to cease. The bird tilted his head and blinked at him. For a brief moment, its eyes flashed into spirals. Dream looked away, but it was long enough to stir something inside him. The negativity building up finally spilled.
“It’s not fair . . . IT’S NOT FAIR!” Dream screamed through his tears. “I work so hard to make everyone else happy, but my life keeps getting worse each time I do! My friends are gone, my boyfriend beat me, the multiverse is falling apart . . .” He sobbed, every word feeling like a bullet into his weakened soul. He was so tired, he just wanted to sit out of a fight or conflict for once. He wanted someone to let him rest and tell him everything was going to be fine, he was so sick of being strong . . .
Dream turned back to the cardinal. “I’m too nice, is that it? Everyone uses me as a doormat. None of this would've happened if I wasn't nice! Everything bad that has ever happened to me was my own fault. Blue was right."
The cardinal gently nudged their shoulder. It opened its beak, but instead of the squeaky voice he was expecting, it was a cold booming voice. That’s right, there’s no one left for you. Your friends, your boyfriend, your home, they all turned on you. Stop pretending you’re a hero when all you do is lose. You’re bitter and cold, and your heart knows it’s true.
Dream listened to those words with a conflicted heart. Part of him wanted to deny it, but the stronger bit believed it to be true, just as the words said. They had to urge to get revenge on the villagers, a wish they didn’t die so he could torture them. They felt like someone was going to hurt them and they had to fight first. The cardinal kept speaking in that same voice, the painful words telling him he was envious, bitter, angry, hateful, sadistic. If no one would respect him, fear would be a good replacement.
The bird's eyes flashed into spirals and Dream didn't bother to look away. An outfit melted out of the malice for Dream to try on. He recognized it from the variant of him in his visions. Dream tossed his gold cape off and replaced it with the dark gray one. He pulled the hood up and took the eye patch for his bloody eye.
Give up, give in. It would be so much easier since you’re too far gone to win.
Dream covered the sides of his skull as he continued to feel hate rip apart his soul. It shaped into something else. It fed faster due to the sheer amount of positivity. He could barely breathe and let himself embrace the malice. The blue crescent moon appeared on his cheekbone.
“Fine! If the multiverse won't let me be happy, then I won’t allow anyone else to be either!” Dream threw aside his gold circlet and replaced it with the black thorn crown.
Core ran through the maze, still shaking after that puzzle. They brought themself together and kept going. It was too silent, even by creepy labyrinth standards. They expected to see someone by this point, or at least hear running and traps. But nothing. Where was everyone else?
Their legs ached, but the rest of their body finally shook the stinging off. They held their left arm with their hand and walked down another hall. But the end of this one was different. Instead of a dark path, it was an arch carved with a black apple on the top. Core didn't hesitate and ran to it, jumping over for speed and jumping outside. They rolled on the soft dewy grass and looked around. It was dark outside and only crickets chirped, but who cares?
“I’m out . . . I’m out! WOO HOO!” Core shot their fist in the air and did a little happy dance in a circle. As they spun, they realized they were the only person there. Where were the others? They closed their eyes. Despite being outside, Nightmare’s magic still interfered with their foresight. But they had glimpses of the maze. Maybe there were multiple exits, or they were the first one? How long were they in there for-
“Well done, Core.”
Core turned their head around to the sound of slow clapping. Killer, Horror, and Dust stepped out of the shadows from behind them, clapping in sync. Killer and Horror grinned, Dust was apathetic. Core’s body went cold.
"Killer, you owe me twenty gold." Dust whispered to him. Killer sighed.
Nightmare walked out last, holding Ribbon’s hand as he bounced. Core scoffed. They couldn’t look any more different from each other with their clashing aesthetics. And they thought Nightmare had taste. Core stepped up. “Where are the four?”
Nightmare waved his hand and four bodies dropped from portals, hanging by ropes made of malice. It looked like it would snap any second. In order, Blue, Dream, Cross, and Epic hung unconscious from them. Their outfits were all darker and their souls were stained black. Their cheekbones glowed with blue moon marks.
Core covered their mouth. Nightmare laughed at their face, which was followed by the Murder Time Trio. Ribbon only smiled. “You’re the only one who escaped, you’re a smart cookie. I should've given you more credit. They all could have made it if they acted on logic rather than emotion. That was part of the challenge. They have no one to blame but themselves.” Nightmare walked around and placed his hand under Dream’s chin, grinning at Core. “I was honest when I said I would play fair.”
Core stomped on the ground. “Play fair? You . . . you just doomed the Doodlepshere and killed thousands. That's not fair, you-"
“Still, I didn’t break my rules.” Nightmare’s voice stayed nonchalant. His face looked extremely punchable right now. Core stared back up at their friends. "I should've mentioned one more rule, my apologies. If you want, you can exchange your life for one of theirs, choose wisely."
Core Frisk glanced between all four of them. If they saved Blue, he wasn't strong enough to take this on his own. If they saved Dream, he'd drown in guilt over the others. If they saved Cross, he'd want to get Dream or Epic back. And Epic wasn't experienced in multiverse combat enough, plus he'd try and save Cross. Core felt a pang of selfishness, just what Nightmare wanted. "None of them. I'll keep my life."
"Very well, congratulations. Now, you may go. I won't be after you unless you try and attack me first, sound fair?" Nightmare snapped his fingers and the cuffs broke off Core's wrists. Then he opened a portal behind them to the middle of the corrupted Omega Timeline. Core glared back at Nightmare, then up at their friends. They wanted to take Nightmare down right now and wipe the smug grins off the MTT's faces.
But Core wasn’t a fighter, they were a seer, a mentor. It would be suicide to attempt to fight. Instead, they balled their fist and looked at the necklace. Each soul charm glowed brighter the closer they got to their friends. They looked at Ribbon, remembering how they first met Ink. Core sensed a disturbance in the multiverse and found him zipping around AUs. He introduced himself and called himself the Protector and the rest is history. So was Ink's existence now.
Core glanced at the others and ran through the portal. Nightmare shut it as soon as they left. Ribbon bounced with cheer. "We did it! We did it! They won't hurt us anymore, right?"
Nightmare chuckled and brushed her chin. "No, of course not. If they do, I will protect you. The multiverse is ours. Oh, and before I forget, Killer, what do you think of your new boyfriend?" Nightmare lowered Cross's unconscious body. "He despises everyone and no longer has his loyalty, but I adjusted him to adore you and you alone. Well, and serve me and Ribbon. Dress him up however you like."
Killer set his hand on Cross's cheek, pressing his skull against it. He pulled on the chain collar around his neck. "I love him, boss. Hell, he's hotter like this. How much does he hate Dream and everyone else?"
“If I put them all in the same room while they’re active, they’d kill each other. But he will be loyal to you. I don’t want to lose my new toys in a bloodbath, at least not yet. Give me some time to test them out.” Nightmare stared Dream in the eyes. His naive, pathetic brother was finally on his level. He knew the perfect place to place him. He'd have him patrol the Omega Timeline while Nightmare was tending to the rest of the multiverse.
Everything he ever wanted, Nightmare had right here in the palms of his hands.
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christinesficrecs · 11 months
Hey! I love you so much for the work you do ❤️
I was looking for some good fics where stiles is Derek’s guardian angel!
Thank you so much!
Hey! ❤️
I am drawing a blank, but here are some angel!stiles fics. Also you might like the sentinel au's if you haven't read them yet. Try this one and also this one.
The Will of Heaven by Saucery | 1.2K
"Hello, angel.” Stiles crouches next to Derek, smirking. His eyes have a gold-tinged, fiery gleam, and his curving black horns glint in the setting sun. His leathery wings fade into a dark, ashy smoke, which soon disappears, along with his pointed tail. “Watching over your human again?”
It’s a Wonderful Life by kitsunequeen | 10.9K
In which Derek wishes he were never born, Stiles is angel who sets out to show him just how terrible that would be, and things turn out far better than anyone could’ve expected.
What Forever Means To Us by Green | 8.9K
City of Angels AU with much less heartbreak. Derek falls for Stiles in every way.
The Epic Love of Scott McCall by ferretbaby | 14.7K
Actually this isn’t about Scott’s love life, not really. It’s about the angel sent down to protect Scott’s fledgling romance and his love life. The angel’s, just so you know. Derek really wishes he bought a vacuum.
a dying breed that still believes by paxlux | 15.5K
He thinks, Mom, we can do this, we’ll fly.
The Concept Of Grace by demonicweirdo | 20.2K
There was a small part of him, tucked away in a self-deprecating corner of his mind, that refused to believe Stiles was anything other than a figment of Derek's imagination.
Derek dismissed the notion whenever it rose, because his imagination had never been vivid enough to conjure up something as pure and light as an angel. Never vivid enough to conjure up Stiles.
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flowersofstarlight · 7 months
Okay so, @themisfitmouse explained what McBasilRocks said and finding out about the Original storyline of Epic Mickey 2, and reposting what the original plot was, I was shocked by the fact that Prescott was supposed to die in the second game, which sounded dark and insane. The Mad Doctor was supposed to be possessed by the Shadow Blot as they transformed into some kind of a monstrous, abomination creature would be interesting. And the fact that Oswald was supposed to gain a heart of his own after he and Mickey defeated the Mad Doctor and the Blot sounds a lot better than the second game’s ending.
While I still love and enjoy Epic Mickey 2 as much as the first game, there are many things that I hated about and wish we could’ve gotten the original plot that @themisfitmouse said. Epic Mickey 2 would have been greater and I think it should’ve been a little darker, not too dark at least from the concept art for both games. It also made me question why they made The Mad Doctor sing the whole cutscene when he’s on screen.
The story in the second game is poorly put together, lacks consistency, and very predictable on who the villain is. It seems like there was no thought put into it and they only did it to get a younger audience, even though most people who played Epic Mickey weren’t little kids. I also feel like the Mad Doctor is kinda pathetic. I feel like him gone for good would be a better ending than in the game. I honestly didn’t care much about the Doctor, so I think the original plot would’ve been better.
I really hate what Disney did to Oswald in the second game. He went from a well developed character to one of Mickey’s dorky sidekicks. They really didn’t take him seriously and made him idiotic. Throughout the game he’s praising the Mad Doctor, saying that he trusts him and instantly believes he’s changed.
But they really made him not learn his lessons or forgot that the Mad Doctor BETRAY him and choose to side with the Blot in the first game. In the cutscene, when he and Mickey find out what The Mad Doctor was really planning, Oswald acted shocked and said “I can’t believe the Doc lie to me.” And I was like, “Dude! He literally betrayed you in the first game and destroyed the Mean Street while singing!” It really disappointed me and I’m sure the Oswald Fans would agree.
I really think they could’ve made Oswald a bit serious, smart, and not trusting the Mad Doctor easily even though he’s giving him a chance. They could’ve made Oswald not trusting him fully, and is suspicious what the Doctor’s up to, to keep in eye on him a little bit and trying to find secrets while Ortensia and Gus create a machine that can transport Mickey back to Wasteland to find out if the Mad Doctor is still a threat. But again, they really made it so predictable in the game, it was really obvious that the Mad Doctor is still evil and lied that he changed. And then Oswald’s only concern is that people aren’t paying any attention to him. Like what exactly did you think this was going to happen when you and Mickey are on an adventure to find clues?
And the other thing that annoys me is the Mad Doctor is the only one singing the whole cutscene while on screen. I really don’t understand why they made him sing instead of just talking like Mickey and the others. I don’t see the point of why singing is necessary. It would’ve been better if he didn’t sing.
While I never played the second game, I did hear that people complain about the gameplay, sidequests and puzzles. I heard that it was tedious, confusing, and too difficult to figure out. The bosses were easy but also tedious.
The only few things I like about Epic Mickey 2 is the animation, the voice acting, Oswald and Mickey’s friendship, and Gremlin Prescott. What I like about Prescott is his personality, his voice fits his character, he has a unique design compared to the other gremlins, and I found his motivation and becoming an enemy is well written and thought out well. In fact, I think he could’ve had redemption after helping Mickey and Oswald defeat The Mad Doctor by dismantling his machines in the final battle while Gus frees Ortensia and the others.
I feel like they could’ve wrote Prescott to be a sad, prideful and bitter character to redeeming himself by helping the duo by distracting the Mad Doctor in the final battle to give them the opportunity to defeat the Doctor. I imagined at first Prescott thinks he doesn’t deserve forgiveness and is accepting whatever punishment they’ll give him, but Mickey sees the good in him and gives him a second chance. Oswald and Gus agreed, and while both of them forgive him, he still needs to atone what he has done and fix the projectors, help rebuild the town, and other things that got damaged by the earthquake that the Mad Doctor caused to bring the Shadow Blot back to life. Prescott would be surprised and may never understand why or how Mickey and the others would forgive him and have faith in him after everything he has done working with the Mad Doctor.
But I also think he would have been a great surprise villain and that would have made him an even better villain than the Mad Doctor. He has the perfect motivation and was tired of feeling under appreciated by Gus and the other Gremlins and wants to prove that he’s better and more intelligent then them, which I think makes him a better villain.
So yeah. That’s all I want to talk about Epic Mickey 2. I’m really excited to see Epic Mickey: Rebrushed! The gameplay and animation looks great, they’re fixing the camera that people complain about in the original first game and I heard they’re adding new skills for the remake that might be for combat and puzzles, which sounds cool.
I’m also wondering if the cutscenes will still have 2D animation like in the original and have actual voice acting in the remake instead of just dialogue. If that’s not the case, then I guess it’s fine. Anyway, to those who are Epic Mickey fans or enjoyed the games, let me know what you think in the comments or reblog it, because I am curious what you’re excited about the Epic Mickey remake and my thoughts about Epic Mickey 2.
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
Slasher!Wheezy Weasel x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You manage to slip out of that house and find a cop! You think in the dark the cop looks like an angel- that is until he’s handcuffing your wrists too-tight and grumbling tobacco-wretched breath into your ear.  
(Okay!! So this is a part of @marinerainbow ’s epic AU the ‘Killer Patrol’, which is SLASHER WEASELS! This was supposed to be an ask for her but I got too into it and it got too long so I’m posting it here, but I don’t expect everyone to read it though 😅 . Its pretty much written for her XD (hence no tags) But for those who do read- don’t expect regular chill Wheezy in this, Wheezy in this is very dark, very apathetic, and very mean+violent; and we have been having a ball with him so far XD @marinerainbow I hope you like this! 😅😅 )
Warnings: Impersonation of an officer of the law + yandere themes + abduction + mentions of cannibalism. Written in a rush/unedited.
The night air is colder than you anticipated, colder than his eyes even, and you realise you must have been in that house for a long time- because it was Autumn the last time you were out, when he dragged you inside and you got used to the dark and the smell of rot. You don’t let the cold prickling all over your skin through your thin clothes disturb you, though, not even the hard wet asphalt under your bare feet (Wheezy had pulled your shoes off you the moment he had you inside and never gave them back. At first he told you it would be harder to escape without them, that’s why. Then as time went on and you asked again, he told you only good girls get shoes.), as you force yourself forward down the street. It’s been a couple hours, and your feet are sore from the abuse and your teeth are chattering from the weather, but you have to keep going. You have to find someone who can help you stay away; keep you free.
So far all you’ve seen is empty, quiet city streets. It’s the bad end of town but not the part that’s wild and dangerous- it’s the almost completely abandoned, filthy part that not even the trash trucks drive through anymore. Its looks like it’s only the weasels who live here… you haven’t seen proof of life anywhere.
But you keep walking; your arms crossed against the cold and the skin on the balls and heels of your feet stinging every time they touch the ground again. Because, eventually, this has to turn into something else doesn’t it?? Uptown, or- or the dangerous downtown area. Anything where there’s people. Where there’s police.
Constantly while you walk you’re afraid that Wheezy will come up behind you and yank you back into that panel truck and all the way back through the front door of that horror house and into his dark, suffocating bedroom. Terrified. He doesn’t get mad, you know that after all this time- but that doesn’t mean he won’t teach you a lesson for trying to leave him. And his lessons, are…
Eyes blank and unseeing of the scenery in front of you, you think back to the times where you’ve done something bad. When you refused to do as you were told or you let Greasy get too close to you… you remember how Wheezy, wiry and strong with those long sinewy limbs of his, wrapped his rough hand around your wrist and threw you into a little room in the basement. Through grit teeth he told you you’d get to come out when he would ‘remember you’re in ‘ere’, then he slammed the door shut and it was dark and it smelled, and there were… things… in there. You couldn’t see, but you felt them, and you thought they were-
Squeezing your arms tightly, nails digging in through your cotton shirt and into your skin, you cut off that thoughts. No… Sniffing, your arms and shake your head. No, I can’t think… what it could’ve been…
The wet, splintery feeling of the things creeps into your subconscious, forcing its way into the forefront of your mind and filling up all the empty space as you push on forward- across a thick main road. There aren’t any cars driving by, because its late, but up ahead there are lights.
Noticing the lights, you feel a sense of hope race through you; eyes widening. You speed up in your walking, the pain starting to ebb and the cold getting somewhat bearable as you get closer, and closer, to people. God, you see cars! Cars, and traffic lights, and-
When you see a cop car parked on the side of the road up ahead you start to run. You’re weak from a lack of sunlight for months and months and often being starved, and probably some kind of cancer rotting your lungs from breathing in all that smoke, so you’re pathetic and slow but when you finally reach that car you put your hands on it and you don’t let go. “Hey! Hey, ex- excuse me! I need help! Please- hello- please h- “
Your hands slide along the wet car as you get around to the front- and find there’s no one inside. Your heart thuds in your chest, seeing the dark vehicle, and you want to cry. “… help me.”
When you’re about to move on and keep walking, towards the people and the 24 Hour Mart up ahead, not 30 feet from you (not 5 cars lengths from you), you suddenly feel a gloved hand wrap around your upper arm. Gasping, you whip around, back against the car, and look up at a dark figure… wearing a police officers uniform.
Oh my god. You can’t see his face, the brim of his hat covering it with dark shadow, but you don’t fucking care. You’re already reaching for him; your hands on his chest and his shoulders (Arms outstretched- Tall gentleman, this is), fingers grabbing for the material of his shirt and leaving damp spots from the rain all over your hands from his car. Words fly out of your mouth, like help me and please and thank god. He doesn’t say a word, just listening to you. Waiting for you to calm down so you can explain.
“I- I- I- I just need your help! There was- there was- god, thank god thank god, thank god you’re here and I- I found you! There’s a m- man, and he- He took me and-- Please take me to st- station, please! I- I- he- “
“Alright.” He just says, very shortly (so shortly you barely hear him), and guides you by your upper arms around so you face your back to him. When you hear a jangling, you figure its keys.
Then the cuffs clip on around your wrists, and you can’t move. You’re trapped. What?-
He puts one hand on your hip and the other on your shoulder, holding you still. “Officer- “
“… pain in my ass,” The officer mutters, seeming to be waiting for something while you stand there confused and beginning to panic. Wh- what?- When he sees a truck down the way, coming from the bad end of town that you just came from, he raises a hand for it; getting its attention. Slowly the truck comes in to focus, and its familiar… and a nagging, daunting realisation flickers tantalisingly in the back of your brain but its just so horrible, you can’t quite get it. The officer, behind you, pulls you in towards his body, and leans into your ear.
You smell tobacco. Thick, disgusting tobacco. Like the stuff rotting your lungs, and that’s all in your hair, and that’s seeped into the fibres your clothes. The thought in your head screams louder, a headache forming from the smell. “You. You’re the pain in my ass.”
Parting your lips and turning your head to the side where you can almost see the man, you go to weakly respond, but no words come out.
“It’s cold, its rainy, and I left my smokes at home comin’ after your dumb ass.” His grip on you tightens, and you gasp; straightening up in his grip as pain shoots through your body. “I should kill you,” Those words are so calm, so level, so matter-o-fact that a shock of sheer terror courses through your lightning fast; realising exactly who this is and why you know the truck pulling up right in front of you black as the night. No, no-no- You start to try to wriggle, and try to thrash, and try to yank your body away from Wheezy but he’s strong as an ox, and just holds you tight as the door slides open. The old man doesn’t shove you in just yet, though, he’s still talking to you as tears begin to well-up in your eyes. “Then I’d be ‘lright. Wouldn’t haveta worry about shit like this, anymore. I should kill you, then at least we could eat you, and you’d be helpful for once. Betchu taste great, actually.”  
“No!” No, no, no!
Wheezy pulls your body in even closer to his, pressing your back into his front, and you’re suffocating again; that smoke-scent filling up your insides so that’s all you can smell. You’re held so tight, too, that you can’t move, anymore. “This time you’re losin’ those pants. Next time its yer shirt. Keep goin’ like this and you’re gonna be wanderin’ ‘round the house butt naked.”
“No… “You weep, defeated.
For a moment, he seems thoughtful; listening to your crying. “… lets get ya home and those pants off ya.” Then he shoves you hard into the van.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰A Bit Tied Up ๑ ꒱
✧.* featuring: stan calling yn to help get human kite out of a sticky situation after a run in with professor chaos
✧.* tags: college au, comedy, superhero au
✧.* Characters: kyle broflovski, stan marsh
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“Dude, you have to just grab my hand.” 
“I’m trying- bleugh- fuck!” 
“You’re obviously not or else you’d be out of the tree by now.”
When Stan told me Kyle had gotten stuck in a tree during one of their ‘epic battles’ against Professor Chaos, I pictured the situation in my head. A human kite can only get stuck in a tree in so many ways after all. But the sight I was greeted with when I pulled up to PC Park was so much funnier. 
He’d somehow gotten the string of the kite wrapped around his left arm and leg, trapping them against the branches. A small branch sat against his face and wacked his face with leaves whenever he moved his head. (Which worked perfectly because Kyle always had to have the last word resulting in a leave shaped mark on the side of his face) Another branch pierced his kite, leaving him as stuck in the tree as humanly possible. 
The first ten minutes of my trip were, understandably, spent laughing at the predicament Kyle had gotten himself into. I mean, I did tell them to not do their superhero shit in the park. Especially after last time when Clyde had run into a family barbeque and had gotten blasted by bug spray. But no. I’m the crazy one! How could I possibly suggest that staying out of the park with an odd amount of park related superheroes would be a better idea? 
So I spent the next 10 minutes after the first 10 laughing at Kyle some more. Then Stan and I began to try and pull him out of the tree. However, we underestimated the difficulty of dragging a 6’2 stubborn redhead out of a tree while said redhead throws a fit.
Kyle’s arms went limp, swinging loosely as he breathed heavily from the exertion. 
“This is ridiculous.” He weakly tugged his left arm against the string but it didn’t budge. The movement shook the branch, sending the small branch flying into his face for the hundredth time that day. Kyle cursed and swiped at the branch. 
I smirked up at him, biting back another wave of laughter, “Glad to see you still have your stunning analytical abilities.” 
Kyle shot me a sour look. He wasn’t amused with the first 20 minutes of laughter and I had a feeling 30 minutes would be pushing it.
Beside me, Stan had backed up to take stock of the current situation. He was still in his Toolshed outfit, utility belt hanging around his waist with various power tools ready to be used against the various forces of evil which plagued South Park. Like the devious Professor Chaos that led them to this conundrum. 
Yeah if ‘devious’ means a silly little guy who’s counting down the days to the Barbie movie. Then he’s the most devious motherfucker I know. 
“I’m just saying-” I started. 
“Yeah, like you’ve been saying this whole time.” Kyle snapped, cursing again as the branch returned for another smack. You think he’d learn to just stop talking or break the branch but I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him that.
I continued, not acknowledging his remark, “This situation could’ve been entirely avoided if you didn’t take this chase through the park like I told you.” Stan groaned behind me, talking while he paced around the tree in search of an easy way to release his friend.
“And like I told you, Chaos had the deed to Kenny’s house and he was going to destroy it! We had to follow him!” Stan pulled out a circle saw and held it up to the trunk of the tree, moving it back and forth to test the small saw against the large tree. 
“And what good are you doing standing here with fucknuts stuck in the tree?” I asked, pointing up at Kyle who was growing more pissed off with each passing minute that he was stuck in the tree. 
“HEY! Don’t call me fucknuts, dickwipe!” He snapped, the branch sound now consistently following all of his quips.
We all went silent at the sound of the crack. Stan and I looked up, catching a glimpse of Kyle’s own shocked face before the branch holding his arm and leg captive let out another cracking noise. The branch dipped, shaking Kyle and ripping through the top of his kite. Without his back being held up, Kyle’s right side pulled towards the ground as all his weight pulled on the slowly splintering branch. 
Kyle’s eyes met my own in the split second before catastrophe. 
“Oh fuck.” He said before the branch broke, sending him plummeting to the ground. 
Kyle collided with the ground in a pile of plastic canvas looking like a kite that was sent through a garbage disposal. He groaned, pulling his now free arm and leg away from the branch before flopping back onto the ground with a weak sigh. 
A moment of silence out of respect. One…two…three…
Okay. Now we laugh. Kyle was not amused with my behavior for the next 40 minutes. I, on the other hand, found everything about the situation utterly hilarious.
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radios-universe · 5 months
Have you ever listened to welcome to nightvale? Oseman mentions it as being an inspiration for radio silence (the podcast), but nightvale is a bit more action heavy. Would radio silence have been even cooler if Aled added an epic action scene with febuary friday?
admittedly i have only listened to the pilot … it freaked me out a lot more than i expected!! i’m not good with horror and i know it’s not… HORROR horror but even like atmospheric horror can get me
but i did really enjoy it nevertheless, and i could absolutely hear the similarities between that and universe city
and HAH hm i know universe city had guest speakers particularly toulouse/frances, and probably could’ve had something like that
maybe not february (carys) since radio isn’t actually in touch with them, and instead just leaves letters for them at the end of excerpts.
there is so much of radio silence that we don’t get to see (which is why i adore @universe-friday so much peace n love) so who knows aled could’ve written one or even a few in! he seems like he would have fun with that honestly
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kaleidoscopiccc · 5 months
Yuma jumpscare while looking through ride the cyclone tags (I saw the Friday night and Sunday shows lol) it was so good it’s threatening to get me back into a show that I haven’t really thought about in what feels like years
It was so rad💞💞💞 but I think I’ll have to check out the trinity theaters production if your blog is anything to go by 👀
Hope your day is going well! :D
I was there Sunday too (WISH I could’ve been there Friday but I live like 3 hours away) we probably saw each other! I was the short curly haired girl w a chain belt and bandana who was absolutely losing her mind😭
My cyclone hyperfix was starting to calm down a little bit but yumas made it stronger than ever which is really quite fun I think
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