#please don’t judge me it’s like 1am
el-255 · 4 months
I find it so poignant in Epic the idea that all of Odysseus’s actions of ‘kindness’ so to speak always come back to bite him in the end (going to the cave to try and show open arms in trusting the lotus eaters, offering the wine to Polyphemus, sparing Polyphemus, his apology to Poseidon) except for his plea to Circe after denying her advances.
And you know why I think that is? Because it’s the only open arms approach that is completely sincere in nature.
Let me explain a little further, everything I’ve listed up to that point has been deception in some sort of way, they only went to the cave on the advice of the lotus eaters because they were desperate. I have no doubt that if given any other choice, Odysseus wouldn’t have gone. He only offered the wine to Polyphemus in an attempt to bargain for his and his crew’s lives and he ends up spiking it with lotus anyways so even if Polyphemus had let them go, he still would’ve ended up being betrayed in some sense. Him sparing Polyphemus is an act of spite against Athena and Polyphemus because he believes himself to be above any sort of repercussions and wants to taunt him for killing his friends. And finally, his apology to Poseidon is insincere at best because at no point does he ever utter the words “I’m sorry”. Not that Poseidon would’ve let him go anyways because I firmly believe at that point he’d already made up his mind to kill Odysseus and his crew but it’s the thought that counts and Odysseus clearly wasn’t sorry in the slightest, only sorry it came back to bite him.
Then we move to Circe and that’s when Odysseus’s luck changes when, after telling her that he will not cheat on his wife, she shows him mercy and helps him out. Because Odysseus was sincere in his affections for his wife and Circe, a woman who has been burned and abused by men in the past, has watched her nymphs suffer at the hands of men, and as a woman who deems all men as pigs because she believes they do not care for women at all, respects him for that. It humanises him.
It gives Circe some sort of hope that things could be better. Her line “maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more” may be immediately followed up with her declaring that instead one day it could need her more and things will get worse, but it gives Circe hope that she never had before. Circe already held the views of her final line, it’s nothing new for her to be untrustworthy of men at best, but for a moment, she wants to believe in a world where men are good and her nymphs would be safe even without her protection. A world where she would be safe.
All because Odysseus was finally being sincere to someone and genuinely poured his heart out which worked! Circe let his men go and helped them get to the underworld which she didn’t have to do at all, she could’ve sent them on their merry way and washed her hands of the whole incident but she didn’t. She wanted to believe in the love between Odysseus and Penelope and did everything in her power to make their reunion possible.
This makes his turn to becoming a monster in the underworld saga all the more upsetting because one good outcome to his kindness does not change others that got his friends killed so he completely gives up on it and embraces the role of being a monster who doesn’t care for anything but getting home, no matter the cost.
Even by the point of his plea for mercy from Circe, a part of Odysseus has already given up on everything Polites tried to in-still in him, but loves his wife so much that he’d never even fathom betraying her despite the fact that he believes cheating on her with Circe (unaware that her seduction is only a farce to kill him) will make her release his men and she’d likely never know that Odysseus had betrayed her. He still can’t do it, it’s Odysseus’s last ditch attempt to try and resolve things peacefully and he’s only doing it for the love of his wife.
It’s tragic irony that the very thing he believes in so sincerely, humanises him so much, and garners him the most help and sympathy is what leads to his downfall to a monster, his love for his wife and his son.
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p3terparker · 1 year
𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗺𝗲 - 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: peter wants to be babied.
𝘄/𝗰: 0.5k
𝗮/𝗻: hey guys!! it has been nearly a year since i’ve last written and i just wanna say i’m sorry for leaving for so long </3 please do bear with me, this may not be that good judging by how long it’s been since i’ve last written. i hope you enjoy though! also for everyone who has requested something, i haven’t forgotten about you! i’m getting to those soon :)
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“please hold me” 
it’s nearly 1am and you’re sprawled out on your bed watching some random movie that was playing on tv. you’ve been up waiting for hours for peter to come by after patrol, and now he’s finally here sneaking in through your window.
“are you okay baby? you finished up pretty late” you question softly as you take off his mask and brush his hair out of his face.
“i’m fine. i just want you to hold me” he says tiredly and practically puts all of his body weight on you, causing you both to fall back onto your bed.
adjusting yourselves to get more comfortable, you’re now laid back on your pillow as you hug peters large frame while his face is nuzzled in your chest.
you two lay silently as you rub his back until you decide to break the silence.
“you know, you’re still in your suit. you’re getting my bed dirty.”
“you just want me to take it off so you can see me naked”
“you’re done” you say before attempting to push him off of you. peter quickly caught your hands before you could even try.
“how did you–”
“i’m spider-man, baby”
“clearly” you chuckle, referring to him still being in his suit.
“since you want to see me naked so bad, i’ll take it off” he groans as if it’s the hardest task in the world. “happy now?”
“very. now come lay back down”
you don’t have to tell him twice. he quickly gets back into the position you two were in before and enjoys the warmth and comfort you bring him.
“you’re so perfect petey, did you know that?”
“mmm” he groans into as he nuzzles his face further into your chest, enjoying the sudden compliment.
“i mean seriously. you’re so smart, so strong, so caring and so funny. you being handsome is just the cherry on top”
“stoppp” he whines. “i’m blushing.”
“okay fine, i’m done”
“nooo, i didn’t mean it! keep going please” he cries as he lifts up his head to look at you.
“you are truly such a big baby”
“i’m your big baby. now continue please, i love being praised by you.”
how could you deny him?
“i love how cute you are. you have the prettiest brown hair and eyes. your face is perfectly sculpted too. i don’t know how i got blessed with the most handsome boyfriend in the world.” 
“mmm” he groans again in complete ecstasy. hearing your compliments is like music to his ears.
“you’re so cute, i just want to squish your cheeks” you say before lifting his head up slightly and squishing his cheeks together.
you cannot believe he’s letting you baby him like this.
“aww petey, you’re so adorable” 
“thank you” he says with a pink tint on his cheeks as he rests his head on your chest again, suddenly feeling sleepy.
you two sat in silence for a few more minutes and he peacefully drifted to sleep.
you were definitely going to make fun of him for tonight in the morning.
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kimsohn · 9 months
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pairing . eric x gn! reader about . 2k words, fluff (suggestive) warnings . 16+ cause there is heavy making out at the end, drinking wine, mentions of murder but it's all jokes!!
synopsis . it takes one dinner and a late-night drive for you to fall in love with your fiancé all over again. note . the inspo for this fic was @sohnric's plot twist make-out scene (and this pic) i hope i did it justice 💗 i wrote this on a whim and am posting this at 1am so please excuse me for this monstrosity 😭 tysm @juyeonszn and @mars101 for cheering me on YUPP tagging . @stealanity @invuwrld @gfksn (+ bar)
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The background noise of the waiters shuffling around fades away as your two glasses clink together. Vivaldi’s Spring is playing in the background, a piece you’ve only heard once in a blue moon at an orchestra concert. Eric seems to have experienced differently, though, judging by the taps of his dress-shoe-covered foot beneath the table and the twinkle in his eyes.
“Cheers,” you whisper, giddy with excitement.
“Cheers, baby,” Eric whispers back, the corners of his mouth lifting in a grin.
The wine in your glass swishes as you take a tentative sip. It’s sweet and fruity, and you’ve already forgotten the name Eric rattled off to the waiter as if expensive drinks were second nature to him. They probably were second nature to the Sohn family, considering the elegance of this fancy restaurant, the outfit he bought that now adorns you, and the sparkling ring that sits on your finger.
You set the glass down next to you, already a little overwhelmed with the elegance of this atmosphere. You knew you married rich, but it never particularly occurred to you just how rich your fiancé is. In fact, you feel a little out of place sitting in a chair that costs half of your monthly paycheck and staring at a menu that you once never would’ve been able to. Despite already being engaged to the love of your life, you’re not sure you’ll ever find a way to fit into the intricate setting that the Sohns have grown up in.
“What’s wrong?” Eric asks, seeing the glimmer in your eyes dissipate with your overthinking.
He reaches across the table to take your hands in his, running his thumb over your ring. He traces the lines of it, following the swirl pattern as if he were seeing it for the first time. As if he didn’t spend hours agonizing over what design to gift you, so sure that you would reject him if it wasn’t up to your liking.
(You would’ve said yes even if he proposed to you with a lollipop.)
“I feel like I don’t belong here,” you admit, your head hanging low as the embarrassment clouds your features.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, lacing them tightly. Eric is all too knowing of the nagging thoughts in your brain, telling you you’re undeserving of the man in front of you and the wealth that comes along with it. However, you’ve hit the jackpot in the fact that Eric is always ready to argue back with the devil on your shoulder, even if it’s three in the morning and you’re delirious from sleep or if you’re a little bit too tipsy and crying in his lap. Eric, for lack of better words, is always there for you. Even now, as he holds your hands and stares into your eyes as if you’re the only person in the universe, he is here for you.
“I’m going to eat that little voice in your head so it goes away,” he responds a moment later with finality, extremely serious.
The statement is so absurd and unexpected that it has you giggling, and you grip Eric’s fingers tighter as you lean forward and can’t find it in you to stop. All your previous tension disappears when you look into Eric’s eyes, filled with mirth and kindness.
“You’re crazy,” you voice through laughter, reaching for the wine glass to calm your jumbling nerves.
Eric just shakes his head, unable to hold back a smile that reflects your current predicament.
“Crazy for you, babe. Now stop worrying your pretty little head and enjoy your food, okay?”
And enjoy the food you do. The three-course meal followed by dessert has you clutching your stomach after, full and bloated from the amount of delicious food you’ve consumed. You can’t even bring yourself to take a couple more bites of the black forest delicacy that sits on your plate, but luckily, you have the universe to thank for the takeout box that now rests in Eric’s left hand.
His other hand holds the car keys, and as he clicks the unlock button, the Orange Corvette lights up from across the parking garage. Its bright color is exactly reminiscent of the man standing next to you, exuberant and dashing. You felt like a little kid the first time he picked you up in his car, extremely impressed with the interior neon lights he showed off to you in the earlier stages of your relationship. Now, as his fiancé, the car is something comfortable to you, having seen it too many times to count by this point. 
He helps you into the front seat before getting in beside you, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the back of your headrest as he backs the car out. You’ll never admit this to him, but the view of him looking back and inching the car out is devilishly handsome to you, and you have to fight the warmth that rises to your cheeks.
Once he repositions the vehicle and drives forward, the hand that’s behind you now moves to your thigh. The shiny watch on his wrist glints in the moonlight, and he absentmindedly draws circles on your clothed skin to the beat of the song. It doesn’t help that it’s an R&B track, so every movement of his finger is slow and torturous, and every trace ignites fire against the cloth. 
“Eric,” you start, watching as he pulls to a stop before the red light.
“Hm?” he responds, turning his head to face you.
You notice that he’s wearing a singular stud earring on his right ear. You can only pray that you’ll find some strength to survive the rest of this car ride because as soon as it’s over, you won’t let him see the light of day.
“How much longer?” you ask tentatively, like a little kid squirming in their seat.
He rolls his eyes, turning back to focus on the road. It doesn’t help though, because his side profile is just as alluring as his front.
“Couple more minutes, baby.”
True to his word, he exits the main road a few minutes later, driving up a dirt path unfamiliar to you. The road is slightly bumpy, and you’re a little tipsy from the wine so you shift around quite frequently, but Eric’s unwavering, strong grip on your thigh keeps you grounded. The more you stare at his hand, the more sexy you find his hand pressed against the silk you’re wearing.
You’re reconsidering your decision to spend the rest of your life with this ridiculously hot man when he pulls into a forest clearing.
“Are you going to murder me, Eric Sohn?” you tease as he parks the car, swiftly maneuvering the wheel.
You move to step out once he’s done, but he’s faster than you, and he opens the car door before you can even reach for the handle.
“If I wanted to murder you,” he says, holding your arm as you step out, “I would’ve already done so, my love.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, but you have little to be annoyed about as you survey your surroundings. The dark forest around you is a contrast to the vividness of the car, but nothing seems brighter than Eric’s smile at the moment and the twinkling stars around you.
Eric leads you to a clearing, his hand pressed against the small of your back. You peer over, fascinated at the realization that you can see the whole city from here. The twinkling lights of the bustling city below you are something of a dream, and as you look towards Eric, you can see the stars reflected in his eyes.
Minutes like these, where you’re not surrounded by extravagance, are when you truly feel your connection with Eric. Raw, unearthed, and simply pure, you feel like you’re stripped of all labels. You both are just insignificant specks in the universe, and he is truly just some guy to you in this moment, but you know wholeheartedly that this very guy is the one you truly love. You would never have it any other way.
The grin on Eric’s face is infectious as you face him with one of your own. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, clasping them together as his arms find their way around your waist. 
“Found this place the other day,” he explains as if he could hear your thoughts, “I kinda regret not proposing to you here.”
“Don’t lie,” you mutter, knowing that he definitely does not regret whisking you away to his private condo in the mountains just to put a ring on your finger.
He laughs, pressing his forehead against yours. The cicadas chirp around you, and all is silent when he calms down except for your two breaths in unison. His gaze circulates from your eyes to your lips and then back to your eyes, and whatever triangle method he’s using is working because one second later, you lean in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
He tastes like strawberries, and you smile against his lips remembering that you’d gifted him strawberry lip balm two days ago. Your man, your sexy, diligent man, following your orders to take care of his lips stirs butterflies in your stomach. The fact that you hold some kind of power over the Sohn family’s heir makes you feel a little dizzy, but your only response is to pull Eric closer and kiss him harder.
The sweetness of both the strawberry scent and the kiss fade as he presses back with just as fervor, adjusting his arms around you to pull you in tighter. The space between you feels unbearable, and despite the proximity between you two, the gap is still too big for your liking. You need him viscerally, every part of him on you as if the very concept of distance is poisonous and Eric is your antidote.
“Baby,” he whispers, pulling back with shallow breaths, “the car.”
You end up in the front seat of his car, the seat tilted backward and you in Eric’s lap. One of his knees holds you in place against your back, and his hands rest on your waist. The position is far too intimate that anyone walking by will know exactly what’s going on. Your kisses have turned heady, mirroring the darkness in his eyes and the way you clutch onto the front of his black shirt. You work on unbuttoning his shirt, but Eric distracts you with his tongue swiping across your lips and the way he softly bites when you protest. By some miracle, you finish moments later, and you run your hands down his skin. He shivers, and everything feels like pure electricity between you two the way his fingers press into your sides tighter. 
(It will bruise tomorrow, but you don’t care. You’ll simply shrug on a shirt and try to fight a blush as Eric stares at you from the bed shirtless, a knowing grin on his face.)
His kisses trail down your lips, your cheeks, and your neck, finally finding a home in your collarbone, biting and sucking as if it was his favorite pastime. It probably is, with the way he kisses down your shoulder and tugs the strap of clothing down.
Your fingers trace his collarbone, and you hold his head in your hands as he looks up at you. He’s needy and restless, but he’ll always listen to you when you have something to say.
You may be an insignificant speck in the world, but in Eric’s eyes, you’re the whole universe.
“I love you,” you whisper.
It’s all you have to say before he flips you around, pressing you into the dip of the seat as he slides your clothing down. The air conditioning of the car and the ambient music bring goosebumps to your now exposed skin, but Eric makes everything disappear by resuming his previous ministrations.
He looks into your eyes before pressing a kiss right above your heart. It beats against your chest, heavy, and Eric knows it’s only for him. It will always be only for him.
“I love you too,” he whispers back, smiling against your skin.
“Forever and always.”
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j0kers-light · 1 year
I am not sure if your requests are open but was wondering if you would do a smut one-shot where y/n and joker dress up like their getting married maybe it's y/ns weird fetish or jokers but it is one of thems idea that's up to you
[Most importantly hope you don't mind this but the joker isn't wearing any makeup in this]
Ps. Love his lighthouse love it
His Lighthouse: A White Future (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
A White Future - Oneshot
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Hey hi @jokerslittlepage 🖤✨
Please excuse me for taking so long in writing this! This one was tricky to write I'm not gonna lie… I feel like Joker is a little OOC in it since I mostly head canon his against marriage but hey. I did what needed to be done. Please don’t hate me!! 🥹🥹 and at this point Joker rarely wears his clown makeup around Y/n so you’re all good beloved!
Enjoy as I post this in the dark at 1AM!
— Oh and this is definitely not possibly canon with His Lighthouse. You'll understand after reading lol 🤭
Also I'm kinda feeling this song playing in the background as Joker and Y/n dance on the balcony. Its soft and gentle enough yet angst for this ill fated couple 😘
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
Joker blamed you for this.
You unlocked another one of his weird fetishes that he never would have known existed, all completely by accident.
You were cleaning out the closet in the guest bedroom and trying on things to see if they still fit. If it didn't, you were donating it.
Joker had returned from a late night meeting at the main hideout and was relaxing on the bed, still dressed in this three piece suit. This one was all black, giving off mafia vibes, especially since he proudly wore the gold chain you bought him around his neck.
Your initials were on a small charm hanging from it. It was a subtle way for Joker to acknowledge his girl; he never took it off.
Joker washed his clown makeup off in the bathroom and was content watching the strip tease and mini fashion show you were putting on. So far he kept his hands to himself.
No surprise Joker was a great judge with his killer fashion sense. He was honest about the things you tried on.
"It's a no for meee."
"Wait, Bunny! Keep that one. It makes your hips look... mmm. C'mere pretty thing.."
"I dunno.. bell bottoms are making a uhhh comeback. I like the color, doll."
"Don't even try that on. Toss it."
"Y/n, what possessed you to buy that?"
Rude comments and all, you were making progress with Joker's help! You had almost everything cleared out and ready to either return back into the closet or in bins for charity, that is, until you squealed and dug out a white garment bag.
"I forgot about this!" You laid the bag out on the nearby couch and unzipped it.
Joker lifted his head at the sound and watched you eagerly lift up a dress. From here it looked cream or was it white? He spoke up to ask. "What's that, bunny?"
He missed your megawatt smile. "One of my fans invited me to her all white wedding before you and I met. She asked me to be her bridesmaid and I totally forgot I kept the dress!"
You held it up to your body and faced the mirror. She was so happy you made it and they were such a beautiful couple. You were glad you made her day even more special by being there. You smiled while reminiscing fond memories.
You turned just enough for J to finally see that garment in its entirety and his brain swiftly short circuited.
"Put it on."
You turned towards Joker. "Huh?"
He had this hazy look in his eyes as he watched you stand before the mirror. The urge to see you in white struck him hard and fast. He didn't know why.
"I said.. Put. It. On."
You knew that tone very well and scrambled to do what Joker said before he lost patience.
You took off your bra and shimmied into the cool satin material. The panty line was too harsh in the white fabric so without thinking, you peeled off your panties and tossed them aside.
Joker swallowed audibly watching them go. He liked that pair very much. However they looked better on the floor.
"Can you zip and button me up?" You held the front of the dress up to your breasts and moved your hair back for him.
Joker took in a shaky breath. The dress wasn't even on properly and he was already having impure thoughts. The ivory color against your darker skin just made it pop even more. You tried on countless articles of clothing tonight but this was the icing on the cake. He stood up from the bed and walked over to you.
His green eyes met your e/c ones in the mirror before you looked away, hiding your flushed cheeks. For once he didn't comment on your skittish behavior.
He reached out and pulled the zipper up, letting his fingers brush against your skin like a feather.
The intimate gesture sent shivers down your spine.
Joker was so close you could feel his body heat on your exposed skin and his hands were like a branding iron buttoning the two pearls at your neck. When he was done, Joker rested his hands on your shoulder and spoke to your reflection.
"You ahhh need heels." He whispered on your neck.
You didn't understand where he was going with this. You weren't trying on full outfits, just the clothing itself.
Joker rolled his eyes when you didn't move and stalked over to your endless pile of heels for himself. He flung a few to the side and mumbled under his breath when he couldn't find the ones he was looking for.
"J what are you doing?" You walked over barefoot but jumped when J laughed after finding the perfect pair. He wordlessly pointed for you to sit down.
Thank goodness a chair was nearby. Joker meant business when he didn't speak. You flopped down in your sage accent chair and waited for the lion to stalk its prey.
You were speechless when Joker got down on his knees to put a pair of Tom Ford stilettos on your dainty feet. They were the same pair he gifted you recently. He swore he purchased them with real money.
Like you actually believed him.
Regardless if he obtained them legally or not, they made your skin tone pop even more and highlighted the stark white of the bridesmaid dress.
You wore clear heels to the wedding but Joker was in charge here. Only the best for his Light.
"There... perfect." He whispered more to himself than you. His green eyes snapped up to you. Joker's hands were rubbing your calves but they slowly creeped up under the gown to caress your thighs. "A vision in white."
From the halter neck to the draped bodice, you were a sight to behold. This gown, what it represented, was doing things to him. His Light bathed in white whereas he was swallowed in darkness.
Yin and yang. The two of you were polar opposites and he absolutely loved it.
"A-Alrighty.. um it still fits! So um... can I take this dress off now?" You asked with a shaky breath. Green eyes pinned you down further into the seat as Joker's lips inched closer and closer to yours.
"NoPe. It's our big day and you look... phenomenal. You look so heavenly.. n' all for me." Joker tucked a wayward curl of hair back behind your ear.
His words made your eyes widen. Big day? What was he going on about?
"J.. what're you..?"
"Stay right here, doll. Don't. Move." He ordered. He grinned at you before backing away and leaving the room altogether.
You blinked in shock but did as you were told.
Just what had gotten into Joker and where did he go? It was taking him longer than a minute to return.
You tapped your heels on the floor as you waited.
He came back with your fresh bouquet of flowers that you always kept on display in the foyer. This week it was a hodgepodge of wildflowers mixed in with chrysanthemums and snapdragons; the perfect wedding arrangement. You finally had an understanding of what was going on here.
"Did you know it's considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?" You accepted the fresh flora and discreetly shook off the excess water from the stems before it soaked into your satin dress.
Joker just shrugged and helped you to your feet. He kissed your cheek and led you out of the bedroom. "Who needs luck when I have you?"
Now that was sweet.
You bowed your head and let Joker guide you out onto the balcony. He walked you out just like a newlywed couple to the reception.
The night was balmy and the distant lights from the Fashion District cast a neon glow on everything. Joker stepped away to turn on the patio's string of lights to soften things up a bit.
They came on and illuminated you in a warm intimate glow. You were missing a veil for this to truly be a dream come true. Joker would just have to go without. Your smile monopolized all of his attention anyways.
You shined brightly just like the lighthouse he named you after. You laughed when Joker bowed and offered you his hand, like a true gentleman.
You both knew he was anything but.
"May I have this uhh, dance?"
Joker's smile was genuine and without his signature makeup, he looked dazzling under the twinkling lights.
You could stare at J for hours. You didn't care about his scars. Yes, they made him into the fearsome man he was, but in your opinion, Joker was beyond stunning no matter how you looked at him.
How could you say no to such a handsome man?
With your bouquet in one hand– you gave Joker the other as he swept you up into a ballroom waltz right there on the balcony.
You heard gentle music playing from the speakers and knew this must've been what he ran off to prepare.
"But you don't plan things.." You mumbled under your breath.
Joker kissed your cheek to silence his laugh. You loved pointing out his affinity for structure and plans.
The two of you danced along to the soft music and stared into each other's eyes. Yours were more bashful whereas Joker did nothing to hide his desire. The grip he had on your hip clenched tighter when you bit your lip. It wasn't unusual for Joker to get handsy but your curiosity got the better of you at the origin of his passion.
"So... um you're not gonna tell me what brought this on?"
He scoffed as if you should've already known the answer. "Do I need an excuse to dance with my wife?" Joker dipped you suddenly.
You were sputtering and gaping like a fish. "W-Whahh? Wife?" He slowly straightened you back up.
"Do play along, Y/n." Joker said with an eye roll.
"Oh I'm sorry Joker! I didn't know we were roleplaying tonight. I was trying on clothes and you went all... thison me! How was I supposed to know you had a bridal fetish or whatever this is? I bet you wanna skip straight to the honeymoon anyways."
You looked away and missed Joker's licking his scars in agitation. You knew the exact buttons to press with him, it was infuriating.
The scene was set. Why couldn't you just play along?
Joker spun you again but this time he jerked you roughly so your back was against his chest. He kept you steady on your feet with his strong grip.
"I.... didn't know I had one until you found this... this... dress. White looks soo... ethereal on you my Light. So what if I wanna end our uhhh re-cep-tion early and consummate our bond. Hmm? Are ya gonna stop me? We both know that's what you wanT."
Joker leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You wanted me since the moment I came home."
That may be true, but he didn't have to call you out on it!
That matte black suit of his was equal parts sinful and alluring plus you really wanted that gold chain of his swinging in your face tonight.. An airy moan slipped out before you could stop it.
How did he know your body better than you?!
Joker ran his hand down the front of your dress and bunched the satin material up until your legs were bare to his touch. The humid air teased your bare sex, making you shiver.
"I bet you're thinking about it.. righT now, aren't ya? Let's see just how needy my wife is..." 
Without warning, Joker plunged his fingers into your wet pussy. You clutched onto his forearms and gasped at the intrusion.
"Told ya, princess.. you're sopping wet for me." He groaned at hearing your wet lips gush out as he thrusted them deeper inside. Your eyes fluttered half mast but flew back open in fear.
You looked left and right, hoping it was dark enough for your neighbors to not witness what was going on your balcony.
Just because you owned the penthouse didn't mean there weren't other buildings surrounding yours. Gotham City was notorious for peeping toms and noisy neighbors.
"J-J... my mmph!" Your complaint fizzled away when Joker's thumb rubbed at your clit. Why did you take your panties off around this man?
J loves when you wear dresses and skirts for 'easy access' and for good reason.
The man was a sorcerer with his fingers and you loved when he worked his magic. He curled them just so and had you hurling straight to the cusp of pleasure in record time.
You were wet the moment he walked in the bedroom but he didn't need to know that. Joker knew his tailored suits turned you on.
Finally getting some much needed stimulation was sending you over the edge. You clawed at J's arms as the heat threatened to consume you entirely.
A flick of his thumb against your bundle of nerves and you were moaning out in ecstasy.
You made a mess of his fingers right there for anyone to see if they looked out their window. The thrill of being seen had you squirming in J's arms. You swatted at his hand with your flowers when he tried to prolong your orgasm.
He easily overpowered you and laughed at your sensitive walls clenching down on his fingers. Joker clicked his tongue when you tried bucking away from him.
"Tsk. Always running away." He sighed.
You squeaked when he picked you up, bridal style, and carried you back inside.
Usually Joker would toss you down on any nearby surface and watch your body bounce helplessly before he dragged you back towards him, but today was different.
Today, Joker stopped into your enclosed sunroom and set you down gently on the couch. He hit the light switch and instantly the balcony lights went out and plunged the both of you into darkness.
Now only the moonlight shining in from the glass roof guided his lips to yours.
You dropped your flowers to cradle the back of Joker's head and deepened the kiss. He let you have control for as long as it took him to discard his suit jacket and rip off his tie. He was working on the buttons on his shirt when you pulled away.
"Ngh, no let me... l-let your wife do it." You moaned out.
Your hands were shaking as you undid the buttons. You were too nervous to look up at the panting dragon before you.
Joker let you push his shirt off his shoulders but he tilted your chin up when you failed to look up.
You acknowledged your role and needed to be rewarded.
He whispered your name amongst the lush plants and flora in your sunroom. The air in here was stuffy since he left the balcony's sliding door open. You were already collecting sweat on your brow and good thing Joker took off his makeup earlier or it would be melting off of him.
He still licked at lips in that nervous habit of his.
"Do you want this? Tell me to uhh stop if ya don't." Joker slowly pushed your dress up to bunch up around your stomach. He had no plans of taking it off. If he did, he'd risk tearing it to shreds and that wouldn't do.
If he had it his way, you would wear white everyday, you looked so beautiful in it. But back to the matter at hand.
You nodded in the dark and wrapped an arm around Joker's shoulder. His gold chain was still cool to the touch and you ran your fingers over it fondly.
"I want this. I-I want you. Please, J."
He left a kiss to your forehead and groaned. "You already have me, Y/n."
Joker moved to remove his pants after earning your consent. The sound of his belt buckle in the dark sent a rush of adrenaline to your core. You were excited and the fact you could hardly see made this encounter even more hot.
Your heart was beating out of your chest when you felt Joker's hands slide up your heel clad legs and yank you closer to him. Your back hit the couch cushions and you scrambled for something to hold onto in the dark.
Joker must've seen you flailing around since he guided your hands back onto his shoulders.
No fair how he could see perfectly in the dark whereas you were blind as a hehe... bat. 
"Hey.. I wanna see yo— ah!"
Joker slapped his cock on your pussy as if he heard your joke. You jumped at each impact of his hard on hitting your clit and clawed at his upper back in delight.
He seemed to enjoy the sting and tipped his head back in a groan.
Then a pair of neon green eyes stole your attention. It was unnatural the way they reflected off the lack of light, almost feline at times. Joker's night vision was legendary and it was all focused on you.
Your beautiful body sprawled out on the couch. Your curls framing your face like a halo and Joker swore the white of your gown made your melanin skin glow.
How did he get so lucky? He must be dreaming. If it were a dream, he would enjoy it while it lasted.
Joker slid his dick into you, slacked jaw and eyes filled with longing. Your eyes rolled back feeling him stretch you open and come to a rest inside. Joker panted above you and braced his weight on his hands near your head.
You were now caged in with nowhere to go.
"Yeah? This what you– mmhm d__n, is this what you needed, my Light? If ya want me, then take it. Take. All. Of. Meee." Joker grunted and set a rhythm; steady deep thrusts that jolted your entire body and stole your breath.
You buried your hands into his hair and tugged, knowing J loved that. He moved with the motion and laughed to himself.
"F__k, relax Princess and work with me." He pulled his hips back so he could slam into your pussy deeper.
You cried out and wrapped your legs around his waist. He felt the straps of your heels press into his back.
Note to self, clothed sex was hot.
"See? There ya go.. now I can beat it up just the way ya like it. Ohhhh, I got the best wife. Tight cunt, killer body... sexy moans– louder doll. I wanna hear just how good I'm making ya feel."
You bared your neck as he picked up the pace and plowed into your womb. Each rock of his hips hit your g spot and made you dizzy.
You looked up and watched the clouds distort the image of the moon through the roof. Such a beautiful night spent with the one you love.
Joker noticed your distracted gaze and brought your focus back on him by pressing down on your lower belly. You keened loudly in his ear.
"Haha. Eyes on me, Princess. I know, I know. You can cum if it feels that go~od."
You nodded, gasped sweetly, and then came on Joker's cock. And he didn't stop his powerful thrusts either. He plowed right through your orgasm with no regard for your hypersensitivity.
You couldn't escape his passion and took out your agony on his back. Joker hissed when your nails initially dug into his skin but laughed it off.
"Argh, those d__n nails of yours are sharp! Is it really that good, darling? Too much cock making you go crazy stupid already? You want me to stop? Huh? Too bad, cuz I'm noT done yet." He groaned when your walls clamped down tighter on this dick but he recovered quickly to resume his brutal thrusts.
He picked you up by your waist and positioned you to straddle him properly on the couch.
You cried out when you sank further down on Joker's cock due to the angle.
Now he could see you properly as a beam of moonlight shined down from the roof to a spotlight on you bathed in white.
Your hair was in complete disarray and your lips red from biting them in pleasure but in Joker's eyes, you were absolutely stunning.
You locked eyes with Joker and braced your hands on his shoulders. His fair skin was flushed red from exertion but he still looked every bit of Gotham's City most wanted criminal.
The dark gleam in his eyes was a warning in itself.
Your gaze latched onto the gold chain hanging around his neck, and most importantly, the tiny charm with your initial bouncing with each thrust Joker made up into your pussy.
It was hypnotizing and you couldn't help but lean forward to kiss Joker.
He didn't mind and slowed things down so you could feel each vein sliding against your gummy walls. The wet slap of skin and heavy pants was the only sound in the sunroom. You wouldn't be surprised if the glass behind Joker was fogged up by your lovemaking. It was still too dark to tell for sure.
You were the focal point here so you leaned back and put in some work to get Joker off.
You rolled your hips in figure eights that he loved so much and was quickly rewarded.
Joker placed his hands onto your hips and used them like handlebars.
"D__n Y/n. F__k meeeeee." He leaned back on the couch and watched you ride his dick, chasing another orgasm.
You didn't care that you were getting your dress dirty or that your feet were killing you in your stilettos.
Joker took one look at you dressed in white and gold and smacked your behind. You whimpered softly. The sting spurred you to go faster and you began chanting Joker's name like a prayer.
"Nuh uh bunny. You know what ta call me." J whined when you clenched tighter around him.
You bit your lip, looking away.
He could call you wife all night long but it was something different about returning the favor. You knew Joker needed this to get off but it meant more to you.
"Say it Y/n.. p-plea— nghh just once. That's all I, ahhh, that's all I neeeed, darling. I want you to have it, but I need.."
Oh. Joker begging meant he was serious. His eyes were squeezed shut as he neared his own release but you could tell something was holding him back.
You could feel it with how handsy and needy he became. Anything could spill from Joker's lips as he reached his summit. He needed whatever this fetish was.
You drew in limited air and blew it out in a shaky moan.
Just the sight of Joker, usually so composed and calculated, losing all self control– because of you, was empowering. At this rate you were gonna cum again.
You wanted Joker to cum with you; it felt right with the emotions floating in the air tonight.
You choked back a moan, "I want it! I want my husband to c-cum. I need you, J! Please fill me up!"
His reaction was instant.
"Yeah? Ya want it? My beautiful wife wants my cum? Anything you want, it's yours, Y/n. Ask of me anything. I will defy my own will to grant your desires!! Y-You can have it all just.. stay with me. F-Foreever. Never.. s__t, so tight! Never leave me Bunny." 
You recognized your own book quote mixed in with Joker's pleas and moans. If possible, you fell even deeper in love. You wouldn't stop for anything after hearing that.
You felt the moment Joker came undone.
He squeezed you close as his hips bucked up into yours uncontrollably. He didn't care about moaning obscenely in your ear because he babbled his deepest darkest fears to you in between struggling to breathe.
"Stay with me, Y/n.. I need.. I need you please— you complete me. You own me. Don't go.. my beautiful wife. M-My Light. All mine.."
It was the most vulnerable you ever heard Joker speak. He was open about his future with you.
You were uncertain about his plans after he healed up and left, but tonight you got a glimpse of the future. He wasn't going anywhere and neither were you and you never felt more closer to him than in that moment.
You bared down and let a silent scream paint your features as your own climax was ripped from out under you.
The fact you came with Joker made the release ten times more intense and hearing him confess in your ear was like an atomic bomb.
Joker fell back and took you with him as the afterglow hit you both. Shivers and gasps were exchanged in the muggy room.
Your dress was sticking to your sweaty skin and you felt absolutely euphoric wrapped up in the arms of your lover. Joker wasn't in any better shape. The satin fabric of your dress was brushing up against his sensitive skin with every rise and fall of your breathing but he couldn't move.
He was slowly softening inside of you and cum was oozing from your pussy and pooling down to your inner thighs.
It was filthy but neither of you could bear to move. You were right where you needed to be. In his arms.
If Joker had a shred of morals he would carry you to the bath and help wash you up but first he had to address what he said during the heat of the moment.
Joker rubbed his scarred lips along your collarbone and subtly cleared his throat.
"I.. meanT it, Y/n." You turned your head and rested it under Joker's chin. "I dunno what started all of this but I uhh.. I'd like that. Us. You know... together.. Not right now! But ahh uhh.. it's on the table for the future... if ya want."
You tensed up in his arms and he thought the worst.
What if you disagreed and thought he was insane? What if you wanted nothing more to do with him? Was this the end of this phenomenal relationship all because he considered marriage?
Joker sounded so cute, all bashful and unsure of himself and you loved watching his eyes dart around in a panic. You put his worries at ease by leaning up and kissing him soundly.
"I meant what I said too silly. I-I need you too but only if you'll have me." You looped your hands with Joker's much larger ones.
He stared at the clash of skin tones and sighed. He was worrying over nothing.
"Forever then, yeah?" He kissed your palm before looking down at you. That breathtaking smile of yours was highlighted by the moonlight.
Since J quoted The Greeks Among Us, you decided to do the same.
"Until the last star fades in the night sky, I'm yours forever and ever, ο εραστής μου."
He rolled his eyes at your direct quote but attacked you with kisses anyway. His sweet little nerd. However the phrase summarized your love perfectly, all for a man who didn't deserve a single ounce of it.
Joker would spend the rest of his days proving his love for you. He could start by giving you that ring he bought.
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lovedbz1 · 2 years
Every Song That Made Me Cry Uncontrollably While Thinking Of MH Jam
Don’t you Dare (make me fall in love with you) by Kaden MacKay - https://youtu.be/CRllw_LSesQ Glimpse of Us by Joji - https://youtu.be/FvOpPeKSf_4 Lost on You (cover) by Scott Hoying and Mario Jose - https://youtu.be/_vaI7pOjc0M John My Beloved by Sufjan Stevens - https://youtu.be/SfjkhzNI2DU Little Bird by Elizabeth Mitchell - https://youtu.be/aQJhhP6PhKY (with the animatic that made me love the song even more)
I Know Those Eyes / This Man Is Dead performed by Thomas Borchert & Brandi Burkhardt - https://youtu.be/NDwxqaICCgA
I Exist I Exist I Exist by Flatsound - https://youtu.be/jrVnwnR4kKc
In The Water by Anadel - https://youtu.be/v3nrNFVUgTg Edit 1: More Songs because I am an emotional mess (A few are just strong emotions about Tim, and in turn Jay, but like, yeah)
death bed by Powfu - https://youtu.be/jJPMnTXl63E
Honeywell by Clem Turner - https://youtu.be/Lt7qWOJLZtY (Thank you shinaa191 for the suggestion)
Blame by Air Traffic Controller - https://youtu.be/y46uRo4-WZI
Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji (He’s probably gonna pop up a lot in the future) - https://youtu.be/K3Qzzggn--s Die For You by Joji - https://youtu.be/kIEWJ1ljEro
After Dark by Mr. Kitty - https://youtu.be/sVx1mJDeUjY
Happier by Marshmello - https://youtu.be/RE87rQkXdNw I Love You by Billie Eilish - https://youtu.be/WiinVuzh4DA Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish - https://youtu.be/qCTMq7xvdXU
I Lost a Friend by Finneas - https://youtu.be/3mMVcCMO_Ng
Tales of Dominica by Lil Nas X - https://youtu.be/BHc2E3pNgA0
Cigarettes by JuiceWRLD - https://youtu.be/sGxzXEP9xJk
Diagnosis by Milo McAllister - https://youtu.be/l9fqQ_sO0zw 
Edit 2!:
Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez - https://youtu.be/DpA6DnrYc9c
Older by Ben Platt - https://youtu.be/y_sADbvPmzE
Paper Hearts by Jeon Jungkook (Idk why this version specifically made me cry) - https://youtu.be/aoiXvOkOjW0
Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie (I have a version where at the end there’s a gunshot ((left over from Hamilton hyperfixation ough)) so it made it . . . So much worse, I will not share that version tho) - https://youtu.be/pUlX8ltm_JU
So Cold (Remix) by Breaking Benjamin - https://youtu.be/In5yLjvUE0Y
If the World Was Ending by JP Saxe ft Julia Michaels - https://youtu.be/1jO2wSpAoxA
YUKON (Interlude) by Joji - https://youtu.be/2Sd_mvOotaA
Karma by AJR - https://youtu.be/Vy1JwiXHwI4
The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance - https://youtu.be/JE-I9uXmH_0
The End of the World (live) by Billie Eilish - https://youtu.be/PaxKhR6FQwA
Sorry by Halsey - https://youtu.be/4XlLjnY22sE
1AM FREESTYLE by Joji - https://youtu.be/QTxMAycHnos
Trying Not to Love You by Nickleback (don’t judge me, I’m a sap) - https://youtu.be/lTaIiE3kWms
Lovesick Fool by The Cab - https://youtu.be/K37dNxP24vY
Terrible Things by Mayday Parade - https://youtu.be/bllr63yMszw
Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift - https://youtu.be/YFEDTtKaFzU
(I’ll keep this updated as the list grows and I continue to sob . ALSO PLEASE LET ME KNOW OF YOUR EMOTIONAL JAM SONGS PLS)
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ciarkat · 1 year
It’s interesting to discover who you are at your core. Who you are when you’re alone with your thoughts. No one to judge you or hold you to any moral standards. Where you’re allowed to entertain your darker thoughts. I feel that, as I grow and heal, more often than not my moral standards naturally lean towards good. I have so much compassion and empathy, that I forgive just about anyone, no matter how wrong they have done me. Even when I’m alone with my thoughts. I consider circumstances, I consider a persons life experiences, I consider the psychology of their actions. Learning about myself, that I am annoyingly positive also explains it. I wouldn’t go as far as to call myself an optimist, though I’ve tried it out, I still consider myself a realist. Yet, the flighty, imaginative, willfully naive, hopeless, head in the clouds, dreamer side of me that only wants to see the world in peace and harmony always always always wins.
I’m laying here at 1am thinking about my parents. Both of them were diagnosed with cancer recently. Both of which seem pretty serious. And all the things I wish I could say to them before they go, things that probably would help heal me. It goes something like, you absolutely destroyed me and I just want to know why. I am, a broken, lost, scared, and lonely human. And when I think back to when I was little, to some of my first memories, who I’ve become as I’ve healed, as I’ve begun to learn who I am again, is the exact same little girl who never understood why i deserved so much pain. I still have the biggest heart, I still feel fulfilled by helping others, by spreading love, by seeing other people happy, successful, and thriving. I never feel envious, it never makes me feel bitter. When I think about the people who have wronged me, it makes me happy to think of them growing and healing too because at the end of the day we all want the same thing, to feel fulfilled, whatever it means to each of us.
Thinking about my parents dying, while it doesn’t devastate me, it also doesn’t bring me joy to know they’re suffering. I keep feeling like I’m not reacting enough, like I’m not reacting properly, like I should care more. When my mother calls me crying, I feel.. uncomfortable. I feel empty. I keep searching for something to say, everything feels so insignificant, and disproportionate. I really want to care, I really want to be empathetic and compassionate. I don’t know if this just goes to show how deep rooted my trauma is. I am not someone who holds grudges by any means. I feel like something inside me is just broken when it comes to my parents. I have no patience for evil people. Maybe it’s because I feel like they don’t care or acknowledge the cruelty they forced upon me as an innocent child.
My development started with not understanding why these people hurt me, were always angry and upset with me, and all I remember thinking as a 6 year old child was how I would do literally anything to please these people, to make the pain stop and yet to this day I don’t know what I could have done differently. At the age of 7, I had a teacher ask me about the marks all over my body, the welts and the bruises, and without hesitation I came up with a lie on the spot, to protect the people who were stupid and cruel enough to leave marks up and down my body. Luckily I’ve never been a good liar, so my reward was having to occasionally strip down for these two strangers who would search my body for marks because their job was to protect children from harm. They weren’t around for long though.
By 8, the suicidal thoughts had started. So I decided to kill myself the only way I knew how, by holding my breath. I would hold and hold and hold until I was lightheaded and blue in the face. I never so much as passed out but I like to think of how funny it would be now, to think back on when i would have woken up from trying to stop breathing because I wasn’t even old enough to understand that you can’t kill your self by holding your breath.
I would go on to face years of abuse - verbal, mental, physical, sexual, torture, neglect. Witnessing an unstable marriage, substance abuse, domestic violence, and financial instability. I started to abuse myself even, the self mutilation, the starving, the suicide attempts. The incessant daydreaming, dissociating, escaping into my head to avoid my reality.
And here I am worrying about if I’m not being empathetic and compassionate enough to the people who never showed me an ounce of mercy. I am told often that I’m too forgiving, that I let people go too far, I let people come back even after everything that transpired, that pushed me far enough to remove them from my life. I blame having to regularly endure abuse and having to wake up every day and tell those people I loved them, the people who were chipping away at my soul, who were changing me into this dark, ugly, empty, and angry creature.
Let me be clear, that I wasn’t someone who broke rules. I never skipped school, I never talked back, never snuck out, I never drank alcohol or did drugs, I never had sex. I buried my nose in books, I memorized Taylor Swift albums, and I tried to exist as little as possible. I never asked for a dime of money in my life, I never asked for clothes, shoes, makeup, toys, electronics. It still begs the question of, what did I possibly do to deserve it.
The icing on the cake is that these people didn’t even conceive me. They adopted me. It’s not even like they were stuck with a child they didn’t want.
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wyattjohnston · 3 years
not as bad as it seems - tyson jost
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series: this is getting good now
summary: tyson gets traded to minnesota.
word count: 1,960
note: it's entirely unedited because it's 1am and i want to post this before i go to sleep. if there's anything glaringly wrong please tell me.
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Flick still felt remnants of an anger she didn’t know she was capable of just over a week removed from finding out that Tyson was going to play with a broken jaw.
Even his birthday had been more tense than previous years, despite them only having the morning together before he got on a plane to California. There had been presents and sweet kisses because, despite the lingering anger, she loved him. She had to trust that he knew his limits when it came to playing injured. They even spoke on the phone after he was taken out for dinner by the boys.
Nothing could have prepared her for the next day. An over exaggeration, maybe, given all the trade rumours involving his name but she never expected the day to actually come.
She was sneaking in a quick lunch between client when the notification banner appeared at the top of her phone.
Peter Baugh tweeted: The #Avs have traded Tyson Jost to Minnesota for Nico Sturm.
“You alright?” Jane, her boss, asked as she walked into the salon’s backroom. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Flick didn’t raise her head when she said, “Tyson just got traded to Minnesota. I have to move to Minnesota.”
There were tears at the edge of her vision yet she couldn’t make them fall. Beyond the sadness there was an emptiness-she had no idea how to process any of what was going to happen.
“I can call your clients and reschedule if you need to be somewhere.”
“No, I can—I can work. He’s—god, he’s in LA.”
Jane didn’t look convinced and Flick knew she was going to be monitored for the rest of the day. She packaged up the remaining half of her sandwich, ignored the next tweet that came with through Nico Sturm’s stats, because the bell above the door chimed and her next client walked in.
Flick’s phone started to buzz when she was talking to her client about what they were going to do with her hair. It started to ring again as soon as it stopped—and then again. She focused on the hair between her fingers and the colour she was mixing. The call vibrations turned to text messages and they were more easily ignored.
It was much harder to ignore the door flying open and Piper appearing in the mirror, glaring holes in Flick. Piper continued to do so until it was time to wait for the hair dye to prove, at which point she hooked her hand in Flick’s elbow and pulled her into the backroom.
“What’re you doing here?” Flick asked in a mumble.
“We thought you might be dead,” Piper said tersely, her arms crossed. “Judging by the look on your face, there’s a reason you’re ignoring calls.”
“How do you even know?”
Piper might as well have been tapping her foot she was so mad when she said, “Nate called me.”
“I didn’t think you and Nate were talking.”
“We aren’t. That should tell you all you need to know about how fucking worried Tyson is. He’s having a fucking breakdown.”
Flick closed her eyes, inhaled through her nose, pushed the idea of Tyson having a meltdown out of her mind and said, “I’m working.”
Piper’s hand touched Flick’s forearm. “Felicity,” she said, the use of her first name enough for Flick to open her eyes, “Tyson needs to talk to you. If you think you’re not taking this well, he’s dealing with a trade and his fiancée ignoring him.”
“I don’t know what to say to him,” Flick admitted, her voice small.
“Anything. He just wants to talk to you.”
Flick knew she had to. She wanted to because, despite everything she always wanted to talk to Tyson anyway, and she herself needed to know what was going on. Deep in the back of her mind she knew that this trade wasn’t about her, that it wasn’t Tyson’s job to calm her down. She needed him to, though.
Piper disappeared from the room, coming back moments later with Jane, mid-explanation about what was happening.
“Just finish up and take the rest of the day,” Jane said, looking to Flick with a kind and caring and expression. “We can talk about where the trade leaves you another day.”
Flick nodded mutely—the more she thought about it all the closer she was to actually crying, and she didn’t want that to happen in front of her boss. Piper thanked Jane and then watched Jane leave.
She managed to ask Piper, “Can you let Tyson know?”
“Yeah,” Piper said, sarcasm and displeasure laced in her voice. “I’ll play messenger between you and your fiancé.”
“Please,” Flick pleaded, not up to handling or understanding Piper’s sarcasm in that moment.
“I will,” Piper said, her tone shifting to something more caring.
Piper pulled Flick into a hug, then, and it was the final straw. Flick started to cry. She didn’t really know what she was crying about—it could have been because of the trade itself, because she was already upset with Tyson, because she’d made him upset. It was likely a combination of all those and more.
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Flick made sure she was comfortable on the couch before she dialled Tyson on FaceTime—wearing an Avalanche hoodie she’d stolen from him and with a blanket pulled tightly around her.
“Hey,” Tyson answered the phone, looking and sounding tired, breathless and relieved all in one. “Flick—hey.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t answer my phone.”
“It’s just good to hear your voice. To see you,” he said solemnly. “I’m at the airport waiting for my flight and I didn’t—I wanted to talk to you first.”
Flick buried herself deeper into the blankets. She honestly didn’t know what to say to him, but it seemed that Tyson didn’t know either. She couldn’t begrudge him just wanting to be on the phone with her, especially not when they often had a call running while they went about any number of activities, including total silence on the odd occasion.
She did end up saying, though, quiet and worried, “Did you know?”
“I called my mum as soon JP called. I hadn’t even been on the phone for two minutes when the tweet went out. I’m sorry you didn’t hear it from me.”
“But did you—did you know that this was going to happen now?”
“No,” he said, honest, “I thought they’d stopped trying to move me.”
Flick nodded. It was the answer she expected because they’d spoken sporadically about trades and Tyson hadn’t mentioned anything since the summer. It didn’t make the idea any easier to stomach and she’d honestly been on edge since he first requested the trade.
“When am I going to see you again?” she asked, hating the way his face fell.
“They have—we have, I guess—a really long homestand. I’ll buy you a flight for tomorrow. You can visit every homestand if you want.”
“Visit?” Flick’s voice was weak and small, her heart beating nervously. “You don’t want me to come with you?”
Tyson’s face crumpled even more. He said, “If you want to come for what could be three months, then yeah. Of course, I want you with me. I just—I know you so well but I have no fucking clue what’s going through your head right now. That scares me.”
“I don’t want to live here if you live in Minneapolis.”
“It’s St Paul, actually.”
“I know,” he sighed, because it didn’t make a difference what city in Minnesota he was in. Neither changed their conversation. “I’m sorry.”
Flick wanted nothing more than to be with him in that moment, to be in that hotel room next to him on the couch. It would solve everything.
“What if I packed up some of your things and fly up on Thursday and we can talk about it?” she suggested. “About what we’re going to do?”
Tyson’s face relaxed. “That’d be great, Flick.”
“Are you, like, okay, though?”
“I have no idea. I cried in the car on the way to the airport.”
“I’m sorry.”
“We’re gonna sort it out. We always do.”
She wasn’t angry anymore, that feeling being well and truly taken over by misery and anxiety—if she tried to feel anything more, she would combust.
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It went against everything her father has ever told her about stopping in an airport store. They were all disgustingly overpriced and filled with items only forgetful people needed, something that could be avoided with a proper packing checklist.
This was different. There was no better or more convenient place to get what she was buying between the apartment in Denver and the hotel room in St. Paul. It wasn’t a matter of forgetting anything.
Tyson wasn’t able to pick her up from the airport due to team things, which wouldn’t have upset her before but things were still more tense than she would like and all she wanted to do was see him. She wheeled two suitcases through the airport and out to a cab—a large one for Tyson and a medium sized one for herself—and then through the hotel lobby. By the time she had reached the hotel she had decided she was going to surprise Tyson instead of having him come down to get her. Especially because she had to put on her latest purchase.
The nerves flowing through her when she finally knocked on his hotel room door were nonsensical, and yet she was clicking the latch on the suitcase handle, the one that allows it to move up and down, to release some of the nervous energy.
Tyson might have been just as nervous because the door opened so quickly that Flick was certain he’d been sitting and waiting for her. Flick was being pulled into his arms immediately, his arms around her shoulders and holding her tightly. Flick leant her head back just enough to kiss him, longing and desperate as if they’d been separated for more than three days.
“That’s a good look on you,” Tyson said when he was helping her move the suitcases into the room, eyeing off the Minnesota Wild logo on her new hoodie.
“I couldn’t get a jersey made up so quickly,” she said.
Tyson nodded, promising to get her one the next time he was at the practice rink. They’d discussed after the Bruins game how good she thought he looked in the Wild’s green and she’d laughed with him as he told her, relieved, that he’d actually been a bit worried about it.
No unpacking was done at that moment, instead, Tyson led her to the couch. They wasted no time in cuddling up against each other, Flick sitting sideways on his lap because he wasn’t going to let her sit anywhere else.
So, naturally, that was when Flick said, “Minnesota ended Lola Faraday’s relationship with Alex Galchenyuk.”
Tyson froze, one on her waist and the other on her thigh, and his face nuzzled in her neck. He asked, “What does that mean?”
Flick sighed, understanding immediately what Tyson had taken away from her statement, “She—Lola’s a model and when Galchenyuk was traded to Minnesota she stopped posting photos of him. I think Minnesota ended their relationship.”
“Are you saying Minnesota’s going to end ours?”
She kissed his cheek, nuzzling as close as she could, and told him, “I don’t want to be in Denver and try to do long distance like I reckon they had to.”
“You want to live in this hotel? Leave your friends behind? Your job?”
“I’ve done it before. I’ll do it now and I’ll do it again if I have to. You’re my best friend.”
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Please consider leaving feedback—reblog and write in the tags or send an ask, I’m not fussed. I just want to know what you’re thinking!
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not a date - extra!
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wc: 1k+
*EXTRA - PART 1.5*
You shut the door behind you, leaned against it for a second and blinked a few times. What on earth?
Your lips curled towards the ceiling, you slipped out of your coat and pulled open your phone to call Evie. It rang a few times as you watched your own reflection on the screen: a blush on your cheeks and a smile that you couldn’t wipe off your face if you tried.
“Well hello,” she answered with a flutter of her eyelashes. “To what do I owe this afternoon delight?”
“Hi,” you greeted, cutting right to the chase. “I’m calling for intel on Jason Sudeikis.”
“Jason Sudeikis?” She asked, her head tilted to the side. “I’ve never worked with him, why?”
“I just went on a date with him.”
“What?! He’s like, in his forties, right?”
“I know,” you whined. “Is that weird? Am I a psychopath?”
“No,” she let out a laugh. “If you’re a psychopath then so are a lot of other people--but, how did this happen? Please provide details,” she watched you expectantly as you moved towards your own couch.
“His assistant texted Mia the other day, Monday, I think. Just asked to get a drink and so of course I was telling myself it was just a work thing.”
“What time did he ask you to meet?”
“I know--” you blushed.
“And you thought it was a business thing?!”
“I don’t know if people in their forties do shit late at night, okay? I don’t know how this works!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, you had no idea?” She pushed.
You rolled your eyes, a pause before you sighed. “I was wondering if it was more than that but I didn’t know and I didn’t want to be presumptuous.”
It was mid-day in LA, Evie ran a hand through her hair and the sun glowed behind her between floor length curtains in her living room. “So how’d it go? Did you hook up?”
“What? No! We met for a drink.”
“Well isn’t it like, almost 1am there? You drank with him for four hours?”
You shrugged, “basically.”
Her eyebrows arched, I call bullshit. “And that’s all?”
“I went back to his place for a drink, it was definitely flirty.”
She smiled, nodded, kept her eyes on you.
“What?” You asked. “Are you judging me?”
“No!” She laughed. “I love this for you. An older man? I didn’t pick you for that but I still love it.”
“Alright, well what do you know about him?”
She clenched her teeth together, shook her head when she looked off in the distance. “Not much, honestly. I think my friend Carrie knows him, I think her boyfriend worked on a movie he did. I can try to gather some info.”
“That’d be great,” you nodded.
“Wait--don’t Blake and Ryan know him? Aren’t him and Ryan really close?”
“Yeah,” you waved her off, “which is exactly why I can’t bring them into this. They’ll never be objective.”
“And God knows Ryan will get his hopes up,” she laughed. Evie also knew Blake and Ryan, she ran in your circle back in New York but had moved to LA when she got a gig as a writer for a new sitcom.
“Right, so let’s avoid that.”
“Okay,” she looked distracted. “I’m texting Carrie. What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing that makes it obvious. Just ask what she knows about him. Tell her a friend of yours might work with him or something.”
“A friend of mine might work with him in the bedroom,” Evie spoke aloud as she texted.
You shot forward on the couch. “Evie!”
“I’m kidding, fucking relax!”
You sighed, rolled your eyes at her and sunk back into the cushions. “You’d tell me if you thought this was weird, right? He’s like forty-five and I’m twenty-eight.”
“Yes, I would,” she nodded honestly, her attention back on you. “It’s definitely a decent gap, but it’s not like you’d be the first.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hello? Florence Pugh and Zach Braff…”
“Oh right. Do people like them? Or do they think it’s weird?”
She munched on something now, reached her hand into a bag of chips or some other type of snack on her counter. “Oh my god, no,” she made a face, “people love them, totally obsessed. And I think she’s like, twenty-five maybe?”
A sigh of relief. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that crazy.
“Oop Carrie texted me back.”
You sat up again, nervous. “If you said anything stupid I’ll be so pissed.”
“I said: What do you know about Jason Sudeikis? Friend of mine might work on a project with him,” she glanced up at you to prove her innocence. “She said: He’s super sweet. Max worked on We’re the Millers and loved him, said he was super nice and super professional. I’ve met him twice and he’s always seemed like a good guy.”
She watched you process, another handful of what you now could tell was Smartfood.
“Okay so literally no dirt,” you nodded sarcastically. “Thanks for nothing, Carrie!”
“Dirt?! I mean, he called off an engagement last year, right? That’s not enough dirt for you?”
You shrugged. Was that a bad sign? Engaged for all that time and then something stopped working?
“He has kids.”
Evie nodded, waited a beat. “Oh I thought there was a second half of that sentence.”
You shook your head. “No, just questioning my sanity.”
“Everyone comes with a past.”
“Not everyone comes with a wife and kids past.”
“They never got married,” she made a face at you as if she was taking the wind out of your sails.
“That’s supposed to reassure me? Isn’t that another red flag?!”
“You went on one date. You never agreed to spend the rest of your life with him, okay?”
Another sigh, “I know. I just…I don’t know. I had a really good time with him. Like, really good.”
“So have a good time with him next week, too.”
You were quiet and Evie smirked when she realized you didn’t have anything to say. “Want me to ask about--oh, she texted again. What project?”
You let out a groan. “Don’t answer, just ignore it.”
“A porno,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Fuck you.”
“I would never say that!” She defended, then muttered under her breath: “unless it was true.”
“Yeah if my music career doesn’t work out we all know pornos will be next on my list.”
“Says the girl who’s already sold millions of albums.”
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tag list: @golden-hoax @fineelineee @westcoastrry @missing-you-like-war
AN: wooooowwww surprise! a little insight into what happened when Y/N got home from their first date, and the beginnings of the rumblings on social media!
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weasleylangs · 3 years
swipe right / f.w
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Summary: Finding your best friend and your biggest crush on Tinder is always awkward.  Pairing: Muggle!Fred Weasley x Muggle!Fem!Reader Warnings: Discussions of sex, language, alcohol, food/drink mention.  Word Count: 6.9k (this is the longest thing i’ve ever written)
AUTHORS NOTE / hiiiii... this is my first fic in SO long but thank you for waiting for me!!! a huge thank you to my lovely rosie @spacexcowgirl for inspiring this fic and also listening to me ramble on about it for hours on end as i was writing it and for also beta reading it guys this fic rly wouldnt exist if it wasnt for rose so.........
/ also, george’s girlfriend in the fic is named ‘em’ and she has no physical description besides also using she/her pronouns. i’m trying this out so even people who aren’t (primarily) fred simps can self insert in this fic!!!
taglist / @amourtentiaa​ @weelittleweasley​ @lumos-barnes​​ @lumosandnoxwriting​​ @loveboyhalo​​ @harrysweasleys​​ @freds-slut​​ @rcwenaclaw​​ @barneswidow​ @fandomhideout​​​
Y/N stared at her screen, the Tinder profile of Fred Weasley staring right back at her, teasing her ominously. She eventually decides to lock her phone to avoid the familiar and unwelcomed feelings rising in her throat. The last thing she ever expected to see during her mindless swiping at 1am was her best friend’s Tinder profile. 
She knows it’s hypocritical to feel this way but she’s also not stupid. She and Fred both have had their fair share of dates and hookups thanks to dating apps- they’re in the twenties and single after all. But she can’t shake how weird she feels finding Fred. Like she’s stumbled across something private.
Y/N unlocks her phone again, curiosity eventually making her cave after staring at her ceiling blankly for way too long. 
‘Pros: I’m an Aries (I’ve been told that's a good thing). Cons: I’m an Aries (I’ve been told that’s a bad thing).’
It’s a short and simple bio, much like her own but she has to stifle a choked laugh. She and George’s girlfriend have said these to both the twins and she feels a sense of accomplishment that she can’t explain. Almost like Fred thinking of her while he sets up his dating profile means something. 
She hesitates a moment, debating between swiping left and never thinking about Fred and dating profiles ever again and swiping right just to see what happens. Y/N’s definitely making it a bigger issue than it has to be, which is why she doesn’t realise when George’s girlfriend and her roommate suddenly appears in her doorway holding chocolate.
“Em, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow?” She questions and the girl in the doorway shrugs, making her way into the room and sitting down without an invitation.
“I can vaguely hear you monologuing next door,” she laughs as she breaks a line of chocolate off the bar and hands it to Y/N. She groans, in her moment of panic she completely forgot about the fact it’s late and their bedroom walls are paper-thin. “All I heard was something about Fred and the word fuck. I hope I’m not interrupting anything…” she winks and Y/N cringes, Em’s usual 15-year-old boy humour shining through as she pops the piece of chocolate in her mouth. 
“You’re hilarious,” Y/N says rolling her eyes but she can’t deny the fondness that’s there for her best friend. “No, you’re not interrupting anything, rather the opposite actually, look.” She passes her unlocked phone to Em and Y/N wishes she could have captured the shocked look on Em's face.
“Fred has a fucking active Tinder?” She’s quickly swiping through his profile and she hates to admit he has good pictures, but when she gets to his bio she snorts and rolls her eyes. “That’s something you say, Y/N.” 
Y/N feels her face go red at Em’s comment. She’s acknowledged this already but when someone else says it she feels like she isn’t being as far fetched as she’s convinced herself. While she outright refuses to acknowledge her feelings for Fred to anyone who isn’t herself, she knows Em knows without having to tell her. Call it best friend instinct, ‘dating-his-twin-brother’ instinct, whatever she pleases, which is why when there’s a mischievous glint in Em’s eyes, Y/N immediately is reaching for her phone. “No.”
Em whines, rolling onto her back. “Why not, you’re so boring!” 
“I am not swiping right on Frederick fucking Weasley.” She feels her face becoming warmer as she says it. Em gives her a look as if to say ‘I believe you’ with a glint in her eye that makes Y/N know she doesn’t. “I’m just never going to open the app again!”
Em rolls her eyes but the fond smile on her face is unmistakable. “And do what, love?” 
Y/N falters for a second before shrugging. “Not perceive his profile. It’ll be gone into the abyss of people who live in London and I’ll never think about it again.” She’s smiling, thinking she’s concocted the most perfect plan.
It wasn’t the most perfect plan, for when Y/N is hanging out with Fred two days later she’s faced yet again with the ‘Tinder Predicament’ as dubbed by Em. Fred and Y/N are sitting in their favourite park, the new spring weather of London on their skin as they soak up the friendly sun rays after a harsh winter. Y/N is laying on her stomach, the book open but she’s barely reading as she pretends to listen to Fred ramble on about only God knows what. 
It’s 11am, not too early for the park to be empty but busy enough that other people are turning up, mostly couples. Y/N tunes Fred out, quickly getting lost in her own thoughts. Do other people think we’re a couple? she thinks to herself. She knows if Em could read her mind she’d say yes and Y/N is quick to push the thought out of her mind. 
Everything is interrupted when her phone lights up with a ‘You’ve got a new match!’ notification and before she can hide it from prying eyes, Fred’s wolf-whistling. 
“You’ve got dating apps, do ya, Y/L/N?” he teases and Y/N wants the Earth to swallow her up, she can’t think of a worse situation to be in. 
“Yeah, don’t you?” The second the words leave her mouth she regrets them. Fred’s smirking at her, a signature smirk of his he only does when she knows he’s up to something. Unfortunately for her, she is on the receiving end of that something.
“Something along the lines of ‘looking for a golden retriever boy?’. Ring any bells, darling?” Y/N feels her blood drain from her body and Fred releases a laugh that can only be described as a full-body chortle. “You know I have one, darling. Besides, you popped up last night. I already knew.” 
Y/N groans. This shouldn’t be as embarrassing as it feels but it’s Fred and knowing Fred has seen her dating profile was low on her wishes for this week, or for her entire life for that matter. 
“Did you at least swipe right on me?” 
It’s said with a teasing manner, falling right out of Y/N’s mouth before she can stop it. Her curiosity always gets the best of her and she wants to kick herself for it. But she doesn’t even notice Fred’s slight falter, the red tint kissing his cheeks and emphasising the freckles across his face at the comment. “You’ll have to swipe right on me to find out.” 
She can’t tell if he’s joking. But Fred is always joking. So she laughs and pushes him slightly, “If I come across your Tinder profile, I’m reporting it.” 
“It would be a blessing from the universe for you to come across my dating profile. I’m sure you’d appreciate my bio.” 
“Let me guess. ‘6’3 if it matters’?” Fred scowls looking down at her and she knows she looks way too proud for that comment but she doesn’t care and after a few seconds, Fred doesn’t care either. He starts to feel a small shred of jealousy from knowing Y/N has a Tinder profile, but he swallows it, tabling it for later when he isn’t with her.
“Why do you have the app?” He blurts out, annoyed at himself for letting it slip out. “Just… Curious, y’know?” He adds on when he notices Y/N looking up at him with an eyebrow raised. He doesn’t really want to know, but the words are out there and the cute scrunch of Y/N’s nose as she thinks of an answer almost makes it worth it.
“Male validation, mostly,” she laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck when she hears Fred laugh along with her. “I don’t know, Freddie.” She says, exasperatedly. “I barely use it. What about you?”
“Sex, if I’m honest.” Now it’s his turn to awkwardly laugh because he knows he answered that way too quickly and a little too honest for his own comfort. Y/N’s been his best friend for years, probably knows him best besides George but she didn’t really need to know he uses his Tinder profile to hook up with people. 
When Y/N doesn’t respond immediately, Fred takes it badly. He knows she would never judge him, not about anything and especially not this, but his thoughts get the best of him and sometimes he can’t help it. He has no idea Y/N is in her own head, jealous other girls get to hold Fred at a distance closer than she ever will. 
He clears his throat and checks his phone to see no notifications besides a direct message from Lee Jordan. He knows George isn’t expecting him home- cursing his brother when he remembers George demanded the flat to himself (and in turn, also Em) today for a few hours. “Hey, uh. I’ve gotta go. Emergency with George apparently.” 
He knows he shouldn’t have lied, it’s not even a good lie but it was the first thing he thought of. He notices Y/N’s eyebrows furrow before she shrugs, nodding before closing her book. “That’s okay, I was getting tired anyway. I might pop back to my flat for a nap.” 
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” Fred asks and his chest feels warm when Y/N meets his face with a smile. 
“Of course, Freddie.” 
She watches Fred leave, her thoughts getting the best of her. She knows for a fact there is no ‘George emergency’- she knows George is with Em probably being sick and in love and she’s sure Fred knows this too. The realisation Fred made an excuse to not spend time with her hits her like a truck, her mind frantically searching for what she could’ve possibly done to upset her best friend. 
“Fuck,” she whispers to herself, the second she realises.
To: Em > if you come home tonight dont mind me being drunk x 
Y/N sends the text as she stands in the kitchen, pouring herself her second glass of wine before it has even hit 6pm. On her way home, she stopped by the liquor store, picked up her favourite wine and decided to drink away the anxieties of upsetting Fred.
From: Em > ill be home. ill pick up chinese on the way. save me some wine!!! x
She smiles down at her phone, knowing Em would always be there without even realising it. She sits down on their couch and turns on the television- old reruns of early 2000s sitcoms playing on almost every channel. 
It’s 20 minutes late when Em turns up. She’s nursing the Chinese food as if it’s a child as she tries to unlock the front door without dropping the food or her bottle of wine. She smiles proudly at Y/N the second she gets in, putting the food on the table before she grabs her own wine glass. 
“What happened today?” 
Y/N is caught off guard but she shouldn’t be shocked. She doesn’t usually drink and when she does, it’s very rarely without Em. “Nothing’s wrong!” she says, skulling the rest of her wine when Em gives her a knowing look.
“You were with Fred today and now you’re sad drinking. What happened?” Usually, she loves when Em is her all-knowing best friend, but right now she wishes she’d shut up. 
“Nothing happened!” She’s adamant to not say too much. She knows it’s probably all in her head, that she and Fred will be fine in a few days but when Em gives her one more knowing look, she breaks. “Okay, fine. I think I upset him today.” 
Em’s confused, to say the least. Fred, for as long as she has known him, has never been upset with Y/N- even on accident. She has the tall redhead wrapped around her finger. “How?” she questions, because she truly can’t think of a single thing that Y/N could do to hurt him. 
Em places Y/N’s food in front of her when she starts speaking. “We were talking about Tinder- don’t give me that look he saw a notification and it came up and he asked why I had it. I said I don’t know and when I asked him, he said he uses it for sex,” Y/N says softly, pouring herself another glass of wine before continuing. “I didn’t say anything when he said that, because… Well… You know why.” 
Em does know. She knew the second she became Y/N’s roommate their first year of University that she had feelings for Fred and she knew immediately Fred liked her too but Y/N’s never believed her. “You think he got upset you didn’t say anything about sex?” 
“I think he thinks I was being judgemental.” Em sighs at Y/N’s response. She loves both her best friends- they’re her favourite people besides George but she knows they can be idiots. They sit in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the forks against their Chinese containers before Em grab’s Y/N’s phone, unlocking it.
“Well if Fred’s using Tinder for sex, so should you!” she says matter-of-factly and when Y/N groans from the kitchen sink, Em speaks again. “It’s true! He likes you but won’t tell you, you like him but won’t tell anyone! Who’s a good meaningless shag going to hurt?” 
That’s how they end up in Em’s bed, cuddling under the duvet with ice cream and Y/N’s Tinder profile open on her phone. “You’re so fucking picky, holy shit,” Em says when Y/N scrunches her nose up at the sixth consecutive guy. “It’s a shag, not a hand in marriage, love.”
“They don’t do it for me!” Y/N is avoiding the elephant in the room- that she’s comparing every guy that pops up to Fred. “I have to be attracted to them for this meaningless shag you’re preaching about… See, he’s cute!” His name’s Cormac, he’s 21 so only a few years younger than Y/N and he’s not bad looking. 
“He looks like a douchebag!” Em exclaims and Y/N groans. 
“You told me to stop being picky!” 
“Stop being picky doesn’t mean saying yes to the first conventionally attractive guy we see!” Em exclaims as she swipes left on poor Cormac. Y/N gets up to pour herself and Em one more glass of wine each and she hears Em starting giggling to herself when the new profile shows up, hiding the phone from Y/N’s eyes when she walks over. Without even questioning Y/N, Em swipes right and immediately she starts howling laughing. 
‘New Match!’ the screen reads and Y/N feels her breath hitch when snatches the phone from Em’s hands and she sees who she matched with.
Fred, 24. 2km away.
“I remembered after dinner, you said he told you to swipe right to see what he did,” Em says proudly, and Y/N regrets even mentioning it to Em offhandedly. Y/N’s eyes are transfixed on the tiny screen. There’s no way he seriously swiped right, she’s sure it’s only a joke- people jokingly match with their friends all the time. “So here you go, Freddie swiped right on my lil Y/N/N.” 
Y/N shakes her head at this. “I’m sure he only did it as a joke. People do that when they find their friends on Tinder all the time!” she says, sitting back down on the bed and cuddling up next to Em. “You were telling me to swipe right on him last night, after all.” 
Em looks at Y/N and sighs, clearly sensing how uncomfortable Y/N is feeling right now from the confrontation of her feelings for Fred. “I was telling you to swipe right because I know you’re in love with him,” she says softly, not missing the way Y/N’s eyes soften at the mention of her feelings for Fred. “I’m sorry if I’d known-”
“Don’t apologise! I’m just going to ignore the fact we matched,” she says softly, unlocking her phone and immediately exiting from Fred’s profile. The tension from a few moments ago quickly dissipates as Y/N receives another match, this time from a boy named Neville who Y/N knows is friends with Fred’s little brother. 
“When did you swipe on Nev?” Em asks and Y/N shrugs. She knows she probably did it to be funny, like what she thinks Fred’s done to her, but the more she thinks about it, Neville isn’t a bad match. He’s nice, friendly and now he’s in his twenties, he isn’t bad looking either.  
“Nev’s sweet. If he asked me out I’d say yes.” She says. She isn’t lying- there’s been times she’s considered going on dates to avoid her feelings for Fred, to get over him once and for all but whenever it gets to that point, she chickens out. “I know you want a meaningless shag, but I think maybe a date would be a good idea. You know?”
Em nods, pulling Y/N closer to cuddle her and suddenly feeling bad about preaching for meaningless sex. “Maybe you’re more of a date before shagging kind of girl, and that’s okay.” 
“Yeah, maybe.” 
Em’s fast asleep and Y/N’s overthinking next to her when she gets a message from a match. Y/N rolls her eyes when she sees the time reads 2am; knowing whoever's messaging at this time is just looking for a booty call but she opens the notification nonetheless.
From: Fred > i can be a golden retriever boy :) 
She smiles at the message, Fred’s presence always does that to her. She never expected him to message her on tinder considering she’s convinced it was just a joke swipe right, but this is probably just a joking message too. She checks his bio is still the same Aries joke before quickly replying.  
To: Fred > good thing im a big aries fan then ;)  > how tall are you though? im sure youre well aware it matters
She hopes Fred laughs at her messages because making Fred laugh is her favourite pastime. The three dots signalling Fred’s typing pops up and her heart starts to race.
From: Fred
> im 7’5 if its that important :/ 
She giggles and when doesn’t know how to reply after that, she exits out of their messages, but it’s not like she has to keep a conversation with Fred going. She’s trying to think of a funny message to send Fred when she gets another message; this time from Neville.
From: Neville > hi Y/N! i hope this isnt a weird time to message you, i just finished grading some work. i was wondering if you’d like to get dinner sometime this week? we were kind of friends at school, after all, and it’ll be nice to catch up :) 
The message from Neville is sweet, and she almost feels guilty reading it. Attached is his number and everything and Y/N feels her throat closing up. She would feel terrible going on a date with Neville despite what she claimed earlier, knowing her heart currently belongs to Fred. 
But Fred’s lack of interest in her is eating at her as much as her own feelings for him do, and she knows she deserves better than to sit around and wait for him any longer. If Em was awake the date would already be confirmed, she knows that much so she decides to say yes to Neville, to at least put herself out there. She can imagine the little Devil version of Em dancing on her shoulder as she begins to type out a reply to Neville.
She doesn’t even think to look at who it’s being sent to before clicking send. But by then it’s too late- she doesn’t even know how she ended up back in Fred’s messages but now she wants to roll up into a ball and die.
To: Fred > hi neville! id love to grab dinner one day, here’s my number and we can organise it tomorrow because im going to bed now! x
She’s staring at the message for so long she doesn’t even notice the ‘???’ she gets back from Fred. She quickly copies and pastes the message to the right recipient this time before plugging in her phone and rolling over to sleep.
Em’s slight snoring lulls her to sleep, thoughts of Fred filling her mind before she passes out for the night. What she doesn’t know is that while she falls asleep, Fred lays awake, staring at his ceiling. Contemplating the knowledge he has knowing Y/N’s potentially organising a date with one of  his little brother’s best friends. 
Fred hates this feeling; this feeling of jealousy in his stomach that’s threatening to spill out of his throat. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about Y/N accidentally messaging him about a date with another person all morning and he knows George is getting annoyed with him. 
“Why are you being such a prat this morning?” George had asked when Fred scowled at his brother for simply standing in the kitchen. Fred had huffed as a reply, grabbing the milk for his tea before sitting down at their table to munch on his toast.
“Not being a prat,” he says, words muffled by the food in his mouth and George gives him a disgusted look before taking a bite of his own toast. “Do you remember Neville Longbottom?” 
George nods, of course, he knows Neville. “Ron’s friend? Super nice bloke. Think him and Hannah Abbott just broke up, why?” 
Fred shrugs, he’s almost positive it’s the same Neville now. “Think Y/N’s going on a date with him, that’s all.” When George raises his eyebrows, Fred speaks again, “Just wanted to make sure she wasn’t going on a date with a prat.”
“Wanted to know who she is going on a date with in general, more like it,” George mutters under his breath. He knows Fred better than he knows anybody, better than he knows his girlfriend and almost better than he knows himself. “You sure you’re not jealous?”
Fred squints at George. “Why would I be jealous?” Fred stands and makes his way to the kitchen to wash up his dishes and he almost drops them in the sink when George speaks again.
“Because you’re in love with Y/N?” He says it so casually Fred almost chokes on air. He’s never thought about himself and Y/N in that way. Sure they like to cuddle when they’re drunk and they spend every waking moment together but he’s not in love with Y/N.
Is he?
“What makes you say that?” Fred asks quietly, hoping to hide the red blush forming on his cheeks. George might be his best friend and twin brother but he knows he would never live it down admitting he has feelings for Y/N. 
“You two are worse than Em and I, and we’re actually dating,” George speaks as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “When Em first met Y/N, she asked how long you and she had been together for, mate.” 
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Fred says a little too quickly. 
“I’m sure it doesn’t, Freddie,” George smirks as he speaks, getting up to wash his dishes now. Fred stands in the kitchen, nursing his cup of tea as he contemplates George’s words. Sure, he always knew he had some kind of feelings for his best friend, but being in love was another whole ordeal. It means wanting long term commitment, probably a house together, maybe marriage, perhaps kids if Y/N wanted them and the longer Fred sits with these in his mind, he quickly realises he does want all that and even more with Y/N. He’s probably wanted it with her for a while and he just hasn’t ever realised.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, low enough for George not to hear but when Fred doesn’t have a rebuttal to George’s words he knows he’s accidentally sent Fred into an existential crisis. 
“Look, Fred. If Y/N going on a date bothers you, you need to tell her.” George knows he’s about to cross some lines that he promised himself he would never cross but it’s getting dire in his eyes. “Y/N likes you and deep down you know you like her too, even if you’re oblivious. She deserves to know and if you’re too much of a chicken to admit it to her, then you don’t get to be bothered about her going on a date with Neville Longbottom.” 
Fred huffs. He knows George is right, but he can’t help but feel like he truly noticed too late. He swiped right on her on Tinder hoping she would swipe right back and they could go from there. But he knows Y/N only swiped right to see if he had done it first, that she only swiped right out of curiosity and right now, Fred is cursing the app under his breath. 
“Well, fine, yes I like Y/N, but I can’t just stop her from going on a date. That’s controlling and mean.” Fred states and George just sighs. “I’ll talk to her after her date, if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.”
George stares at him. “Since when are you mister Que sera, sera, Freddie?” Fred shrugs, not understanding the reference George made. “Since when are you just letting it happen?” George translates when he notices the blank stare on Fred’s face.
“Since right now. I don’t want to come off controlling to Y/N.” Fred says. In actuality, even though he knows George would never lie to him, he’s scared. Y/N is his best friend and the last thing he ever wants to do is ruin his closest friendship all because of some jealousy. 
“Okay fine, but if she gets a boyfriend, I’m sorry mate,” George says and he knows putting the threat of losing Y/N romantically on the line is harsh, but it’s what he has to do. He’s watched the pair pine for each other for years and he’s sure this is the last straw. 
“We’re going out with the lads in a few days, by the way! Maybe you can stop moping enough for a shag!” George calls out and Fred flips him the finger as he walks off to his bedroom. 
Y/N and Neville decide on getting dinner together three days later. It’s a Friday so neither of them has to worry about work or coursework the next day, which is perfect. Neville tells Y/N about his favourite Italian restaurant right near Old Street subway station in Shoreditch, so that’s where the pair decide to meet. 
It’s rather busy when Y/N gets to the station. Neville has apologised profusely for still being fifteen minutes away but she reassures him it’s fine and that she’ll meet him outside the station so they can walk to the restaurant together. 
Y/N’s on her phone, texting Em and telling her she’s safe when she feels a presence next to her. She tenses up quickly but she soon relaxes when she looks at the person next to her and realises it’s Fred. 
“Hi,” she says, smiling. She hasn’t seen him since the day in the park, but they’ve texted and called so she’s sure everything is fine. “What are you doing all the way on this side of London?” 
Fred smiles and shoves his hands in his jeans pocket before replying, “Grabbing a drink with the lads tonight, love. What about you?” His tone is casual and Y/N has to stop herself from checking him out. He’s dressed in a nice dress shirt, it’s orange and on anyone else, it would clash with his hair but Fred somehow manages to pull it off. He’s got a black jacket over the top of his shirt, alongside black jeans that show off his long and muscular legs on and his outfit is paired off with a pair of boots on his feet. 
He’s not making it easy to get over him, that’s for sure. 
“I’ve got a date,” she’s shy when she says it, looking away from Fred and then back down at her phone. The time reads 6:47pm and Neville’s train will be getting in any second now. She’s trying to get over Fred and the last thing she needs is Fred lingering when said date turns up. 
“Ah yes, with Neville, if I remember correctly,” Fred’s teasing and Y/N has to force a laugh out. She blocked out the fact she’d accidentally messaged him instead of Neville and was hoping he would forget as well. But this is Fred she was talking about, and Fred never lets up a chance to tease Y/N for something.
“Yeah, Neville Longbottom,” she says and she catches the look of recognition that flashes across Fred’s face. “He was friends with your brother in school.” 
Fred nods in acknowledgement while he can’t decide whether or not he’s happy with the confirmation that he was right. He’s sad and jealous, that much is obvious, but he’s a little happy. Happy that even though Y/N is going on a date with someone who isn’t himself, it’s someone he knows would treat her like she deserves. 
“Neville’s a good guy, I’m happy for you,” he forces out and Y/N smiles up at Fred and he wants to sink into the Earth. The smile on her face is one he wants to be the cause for forever. “I should get going, tell Nev hello for me!”
He pulls Y/N into a quick hug, presses a quick kiss absentmindedly on the top of her head before letting her go and crossing the street and making his way to the bar he’s meeting Lee, George, Harry and Ron at. 
Y/N watches him leave, dumbfounded. The kiss on the top of her head is nothing less than usual; Fred’s always been touchy with her but now it feels weird. All she wants is to call out to Fred and demand the redhead take her on a date instead. 
But before Y/N can do anything drastic, she hears Neville call out her name and she turns around quickly. He’s just as sweet and cute as she remembers and even if she wishes Fred was the boy she was on a date with, Neville is someone she would be friends with above anything. 
“I hope you weren’t waiting too long!” He says when he reaches her, kissing her cheek as Y/N pulls him into a hug. His presence is comforting and he smells like cinnamon and Y/N feels herself instantly relax.
“Not too long!” She replies as she begins walking towards the restaurant with Neville. During Spring, the cold weather still returns at night so their hands are shoved inside their jacket pockets to keep warm but they’re walking closely together. “I ran into Fred just before, so he kept me company.”
“Good, I’m glad,” Neville says as he grabs the door to the restaurant, “can’t have a pretty girl waiting outside a subway station alone.” Y/N feels her cheeks heat up at his comment. 
They’re quickly seated and wine is ordered. They’ve been placed in a booth right near the window, where they’re able to watch the City of London go by. “How’s teaching going?” Y/N asks when she remembers Neville recently graduated and got an immediate job offer at the Agriculture department at a college in Surrey. 
“It’s going well! I specifically teach the floriculture courses so I love it, of course,” Neville’s smile couldn’t get any wider. Y/N specifically remembers his constant fascination with plants and flowers in school and she couldn’t be happier for him to be doing what he so clearly loves, “What about you?” 
“Being hammered by my postgrad coursework,” she says, laughing and taking a sip of her wine. “My job at the bookstore near my flat doesn’t suck but I definitely don’t work as much as I used to, unfortunately.” Neville raises his glass, almost to say I’ll drink to that when the waiter comes over to take their order.
Dinner goes quickly, conversation flows easily between the two and soon enough the bill arrives and Neville grabs the cheque before Y/N can even say anything. “You can grab it next time.” 
Y/N falters at this. She knows she should say something to Neville; that this has been nice but there won’t be a second date. She’s too caught up in her panic and she’s beginning to curse Fred Weasley under her breath when Neville gently places his hand on the small of her back to lead her out of the restaurant. 
“Are you okay?” Neville asks when they get outside. He noticed the tensed look on Y/N’s face the second they got outside and when she nods and sighs he takes it as a sign to stop walking.
“This has been nice, Nev,” she starts and she feels terrible even though she knows it’s better, to be honest. “But I don’t think I’m-”
“Ready for a relationship?” Neville finishes for her, and he’s not condescending when he says it. He could tell even before dinner was finished that she probably felt that way and he doesn’t mind. “I don’t think I am either. But this was fun, was it not?” 
Y/N nods, smiling as the anxieties of hurting Neville wash away. “It was fun!” she says, “I hope we can do it again. Even as friends?” 
He nods back, a warm smile gracing his cheeks. “Of course.”
They walk back to the station together, promises of seeing each other again soon leaves their mouths as they walk to their respective platforms. 
From: Neville  > thanks for tonight. i forgot to mention, please tell me when you’re home safe!
She smiles down at the text, shooting Neville a reply of reassurance that she will before opening her messages with Em to let her know she’s on her way home. She’s jumping through her apps, Snapchat that she only uses for filters, Facebook she only uses to check the ‘Dogspotting’ group until she lands on Instagram. 
She sees a story from George and when she opens it, she immediately regrets it. It’s their friendship group, that much she expected but she sees a girl sitting next to Fred nursing what looks like a Gin and Tonic and Y/N feels sick. 
She immediately closes the app, pretending she didn’t see it. She has no right to be upset over this but it plagues her thoughts for the entire subway trip home.
That’s when she decides she’s going to demand answers from Fred. She doesn’t know how, or when or if she’ll even do it without Em forcing her to, but she knows she deserves better. That she doesn’t deserve to hang on the end of every touch, every word of Fred’s in hopes he’ll hold her closer than arm's length while she desperately wants more. 
The next night, Fred’s laying on his couch in an uncomfortable position searching Netflix at 10pm when he hears a knock at the front door. He knows it isn’t George, or any member of his family for that matter and any normal person would ring before coming over this late at night. So when Fred gets up and looks through his peephole to ensure he’s not about to be murdered, he’s shocked to see an angry-looking Y/N.  
He opens the door and she’s immediately inside, pushing past Fred’s body and when she turns around, she has the most determined look on her face he’s ever seen. 
“I’m annoyed at you.” Fred’s taken aback, he tries to think back at their interaction the evening before, trying to piece together anything that would annoy Y/N but he’s coming up blank.
“What did I do?” He wearily asks and when Y/N purses her lips together and looks like she’s about to cry Fred has to resist the urge to apologise without knowing what he needs to apologise for.
“I’m annoyed at you because,” she pauses and takes a shaky breath, “I’m annoyed because I went on a date last night. I went on a date with the loveliest man I’ve ever met. And I spent the whole fucking time wishing I was on a date with you. And I’ve spent all of today debating coming over here and telling you that so I drank half of Em’s bottle of wine for some liquid courage and here I fucking am!” 
That’s the last thing Fred was expecting to come out of Y/N’s mouth. “Well, that’s not-” 
“I’m not finished.” She stares at Fred and he immediately shuts up. 
“I’ve been in love with you for years and it’s not fair on me anymore, Freddie.” Her voice is shaking like she needs to get everything out as soon as possible. “I need to know if you feel anything for me, even in the slightest, because if I need to move on, I’m begging you to be honest with me.” 
Fred feels his heartbreak at how sweet, how broken, how defeated Y/N looked standing in front of him right now. He can see the need for an honest answer swimming in Y/N’s eyes and he’s never felt braver to admit his feelings than he does right now.
“I’m an idiot,” Y/N scoffs but lets him continue, “because I didn’t realise how fucking in love with you I am until I almost lost you. I thought…” he pauses, looking for the right words and when his eyes meet Y/N’s, there’s a softness there that wasn’t there previously. “I thought what we had was normal; the cuddling, the constant need to be with each other, the constant subtle touches. But George knocked some sense into me.” Y/N lets out a breath as she laughs, of course, it was George’s doing.
“I’m in love with you, and I think I have been since we were 17. So I’m so fucking sorry, for ever letting you think you meant any less to me, my love.” 
Y/N’s eyes are overflowing with tears at his words and Fred panics for a second before he sees the biggest and most loving smile overtake Y/N’s face. “Fucking hell, you big dummy.” 
She crosses the room, quicker than she’s ever moved before and pulls Fred’s 6’3 frame into her arms. She feels Fred pull her away, only slightly, so he can look down into her eyes and cup her cheek with his hand. His thumb is providing comfort as it strokes across her cheek and wiping away any stray tears. 
She cups the outside of his hand with her own and brings her face to the side to kiss his palm. This is the closest the two have ever been and both their hearts feel like they could beat out of their chests at any moment. It’s the adrenaline from this moment that causes Fred to blurt out his next question, without any hesitation.
“Can I please kiss you before I die?” 
Y/N laughs as she looks up at Fred. She doesn’t even give him an answer, she just pulls the tall boy down before locking their lips together. They’ve both kissed plenty of people, had many first kisses whether it be with first dates or partners but they can both agree this is the best kiss either of them has ever experienced. 
Y/N is pouring everything she can into the kiss, knowing she will never get tired of the taste of caramel that she will forever associate with kissing the love of her life. She presses her lips harder against his, her tongue running along Fred’s chapped lips asking for more before he opens his mouth to massage his tongue with hers. 
Fred decides to be a tease, pulling back slightly before capturing her lips again and biting her bottom lip slightly. This action pulls a moan from Y/N’s throat, soft enough that Fred almost misses it but he can’t help but smirk into the kiss. He wants nothing more than to kiss Y/N for the rest of his life, but eventually, he has to pull away to catch his breath and the whine that leaves Y/N’s mouth might be the cutest sound he’s ever heard in his life. 
“I hope to God you know I’m never letting you kiss anyone else ever again, holy shit,” she says, cheeks flushed red and when she looks at Fred she thinks she’s fallen even further in love with him. His hair’s messy, thanks to her running her hands through it and his lips are slightly swollen. She thinks this might be the most beautiful she’s ever seen Fred in her life and if this is how gorgeous he looks after a few minutes of kissing, she’s secretly anticipating how gorgeous he’s going to look laying in her bed, naked. 
Fred smiles dopily down at her, “Don’t worry darling, I never want to be with someone who isn’t you ever again.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Phone Call Anxiety
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When wanting to make quality merch, one needs a quality team there to produce and work on quality ideas. Great minds think alike. Great eyes see alike and great hands make alike - the three keys to the formula of creating a clothing line that will be fashionable and up to his brand. Luckily, Corpse knows just who to call.
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your wonderful request, I absolutely loved the idea! Sorry you’ve had to wait for it to be turned into a fic for so long, but I still hope you come across it and give it a read in which case I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
He’s not a fan of phone calls. Anyone who knows him even remotely is very well informed on Corpse’s distaste for phone calls and upholding a conversation over the phone. He’d even go as far as to say talking to a person face to face is less stressful for him than that previous option.
But still, seeing as how the person he’s trying to reach lives in a different state and is rather busy all the time, arranging an IRL meeting is basically impossible at the moment, and sending her a text results in running the risk of having the text overlooked or completely lost in the sea of notifications she probably gets on the daily.
Therefore, a phone call was his only proper way of reaching her. And it’s what’s got him pacing the room with his nervousness peaking.  He doesn’t know anything about this girl, nothing concrete at least. He was referred to her by Jack who brought her up in their passing conversation when Corpse mentioned how paranoid he was regarding his upcoming merch project. He specifically stated he doesn’t want anything basic and he wants the clothes to be fashionable, suitable for anyone no matter the age or gender and to be endurable. With all the love he has for his fans, he doesn’t want to give them anything less than what they deserve - the best.
“My friend’s the person you’re looking for.“ Jack said enthusiastically and confidently, “She helped me design the latest merch line I put out and I’ve never been more satisfied with my own merch. I’m planning on offering her a position in Cloak for her birthday. Make sure not to let that one slip out if you give her a call though.“ He warned half-jokingly. 
Bottom line, with that kind of intro, Corpse couldn’t help but let his interest be piqued. And so, he asked for this girl - Y/N’s contact info from Jack before he went to surf through her social media where she thankfully posted plenty of pictures of her creations, never failing to mention specifications in the caption of each picture so the viewers would get the perfect and most detailed idea of how high the standard for her work is.
And so he’s finally managed to talk himself into dialing her number that’s been sitting in his phone for weeks now. As he paces his living room, his nerves chewing him out like a dog would with a toy, listening to the ear piercing ring of the dial waiting to get picked up by the girl he’s trying to reach. 
Just then, Corpse’s head turns so that his eyes meet the glowing red numbers on his digital clock on his desk and he damn near hangs up the call right away - it’s half an hour past midnight. Fast as lightning, he removes the phone from his ear, his thumb flying over to press the red ‘end call’ button. Just then, a faint ‘hello’ reaches his ears, coming from the phone’s speaker. She’s answered the call.
He hurries to put the phone back up to his ear.
“Hey, sorry for taking so long to pick up, I ought to clean my desk eventually cause my phone was literally BURIED under a pile of papers.“ A cheerful sing-song voice rattles his stale and sleep deprived consciousness, as if awakening him from a half-dream state. “You’re either a wrong number caller or a last minute client, aren’t you? Need something done urgently?“
Corpse is taken the hell aback by her strong and downright awing first impression. Not to mention her energy at an hour unsuitable for calls. Lord knows he wouldn’t have picked up if her were in her spot. With the intention of not wasting any more of her time than necessary, he hurries to explain his situation. “Y/N, right? Um no, I’m neither actually. I was told about you by a friend, he said you were a real miracle-doer with fashion design.” He trails off for a second, not completely sure of how to hold this conversation, “Uh, sorry for the odd timed call, I lost track of time. I’ve been meaning to call you for hours now but I...I was nervous.” He cringes the second the word leaves his lips, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He doesn’t know why he wants to leave her with a great, better than realistic impression of himself but he does and as of now he deems his attempts as ultimate failures.
He hears her giggle from her end, rifling through what sounds to be papers, “Yeah, I’m her. And boy is it refreshing to get someone who’s calling with an actual purpose.” She sighs as if a weight’s been lifted off her shoulders, “And don’t worry about the phone call anxiety. Makes two of us, to be honest.”
This catches him off-guard. The last thing he’d expect is for this girl to have phone call anxiety. In fact, she appears to be a natural, God-given talent at carrying conversations and upholding chit-chat with people. Maybe he’s a little too quick to judge - probably, considering he’s ‘known’ her for less than five minutes and knows nothing but her occupation, her name and the state she lives in - but that bubbly persona she greeted him with gave off the impression that it’s immune to any and all kinds of social anxiety - or anxiety in general. To hear such an honest and counter-to-assumptions confession on her part rattles him a tiny bit. In a good way though.
“How does that work for you? Isn’t your whole job depending on your phone conversational skills?“ He doesn’t mind that he didn’t phrase that too perfectly or that he straight up blurted it out. He knows he’ll be understood. She’s obviously a person who understands. Not just something specific, but everything. She simply understands. How he drew this conclusion and how accurate it is, he may not know until further notice.
“Well...“ she sighs as if genuinely looking to give him a proper answer, “You see, after doing it for so long and having been caught off guard quite a few times with some absolutely absurd orders, I’ve grown prepared of literally ANYTHING and I have a line prepared for anything the caller has to say. I just no longer let them catch me off guard and it’s fine. Helps avoid any possible awkward silences.“
Corpse’s eyebrows shoot up, her explanation only raising more questions rather than providing answers. But he’s not gonna be the annoying dumbass asking those questions at close to 1AM and bugging her. After all, if she agrees to this partnership, they’ll be hearing and potentially seeing a lot more of each other soon. “Impressive, honestly. You’re gonna need to teach me sometime.“ He’s unaware he’s smiling until he catches his reflection in the window. However, he doesn’t bother hiding it. This conversation is actually making him feel good, serving as a reminder that he’s not the only one who periodically goes through turmoil over small things. 
She giggles again, this time the sound manages to draw a blush out of him, coating his cheeks, “I’d typically stray for revealing my secrets to professional success, but I’m willing to make an exception for you...” she pauses for a second as though she’s just now remembered something, “Oh shoot, I don’t even know your name.”
He wheezes out a nervous laugh, realizing he never introduced him, “Oh yeah, sorry, that’s my bad. My name’s Corpse, nice to meet ya.”
“Nice to meet you too, Corpse.“ Y/N replies, sounding pleased but teasing simultaneously, “Now tell me, you didn’t call me about my phone call secrets, did you? What may be the real purpose of your call?“
Oh shoot, he himself almost forgot what he was calling for. Luckily, the reference designs displayed on his computer screen remind him. “Right, well, I’ve been thinking of launching a new merch line either this month or the next, depending on how long the procedure will take, and I needed someone great on my team to make some merch actually worth the money people are paying for it. And, as I said, I was told you were in that ‘someone great’ category.”
“Told by who, if you don’t mind me asking?“ She briefly cuts him off, her voice now giving away the fact that she’s half-absent-minded in this conversation, added evidence be the ruffling of more papers on her end.
“Jack. I mean, Sean. You know, Jacksepticeye.“ Corpse explains, contemplating whether he should’ve ratted Jack out like that. Hearing the sound of delight Y/N lets out eases his worries ASAP though.
“Oh Gosh, I haven’t seen that cutie in so long! He’s like a brother to me so a friend of Jack’s is a friend of min-“ this time she cuts herself off so abruptly Corpse thought the line was cut or she hung up on him. She doesn’t let him wonder for long though, “Wait, wait, wait....Merch? And you’re friends with Jack?“ She pauses for a second once again, once again not a long enough second for Corpse to speak up. “You’re a famous YouTuber, aren’t you?“
He was completely unaware of the fact Y/N hadn’t realized he was someone famous yet. In fact, he didn’t think of it because he thought it wouldn’t be a big deal to her considering she’s friends with Jack-fucking-septiceye! In his mind, his ranking is far lower than Jack’s - despite that mindset being absurd - so the last thing he expected was for her to have some sort of impressed reaction to have been talking to him on the phone this whole time. Hell, she doesn’t even know his full YouTube name or what kind of content he produces.
“WAIT!“ She shouts urgently, startling him a tiny bit, “You’re Corpse Husband, aren’t you? Oh my God, yes you are, how didn’t I put it together sooner? Ah crap, I really need more coffee for this.“
“No! No, you need more sleep.“ Corpse hurries to correct her but is very clearly ignored or overlapped with the many sounds that are coming from her end, “What are you doing?“
“You’re getting the first rough sketch of a design by tomorrow morning.“ She says, taking a sip of whatever beverage she’s acquired for the purpose of keeping her awake, “You go ahead and get some sleep, I know exactly what I’m doing. Don’t worry about it.“
“I’m not worried about the design.“ He hurries to say before she, God forbid, hangs up on him, “It’s 1AM, woman, you need sleep! I don’t need those designs done by tomorrow. Hell, I don’t even need them this week!“
“You don’t, but I do.“ Y/N says, sounding almost breathless because of what seems to be overwhelming excitement, “You don’t get it - I’m designing merch for Corpse fucking Husband! You have any idea how crazy that is?“
“I personally would say it’s underwhelming. I mean, I’m no Pewdiepie, after all.“ He says, now sat at his desk with his free hand rubbing his temple as he stares at the designs he’s pulled up on his screen, ones he probably won’t need given that he’s now working with a professional.
“Oh, shut it.“ She chuckles, “Shut it and get some sleep, ok? I’ll talk to you in the morning.“
“Noooo...“ He leisurely stretches the word, “Tell me, Y/N, do you have Discord?” She clicks her tongue instantly, giving him a signal that the question he’s asked is bordering into the territory of ridiculous. He playfully rolls his eyes, “Alright then, lemme find you. If we’re partnering up on this, we’re both staying up.”
“You know you can just straight up tell me you don’t fully trust me with this? Like, I won’t be offended, I get it.“ She murmurs in-thought, the sound of clicking evident on her end. 
“You know you can just straight up tell me you don’t want me bothering you and want me to leave you alone?“ He mimics her statement, smirking to himself as he pulls up Discord, knowing he’s already won.
She huffs and tells him her Discord info, quickly adding a small comment, “...but only because great minds think alike. I know we’ll be getting along on this design pretty nicely.”
“Yeah, yeah, right, sure, whatever you say.“ He laughs, “Accept my friend request and let’s drop this phone call.“
“Hey! - um, before we do that, I just wanna say a quick thank you.“ Y/N murmurs quietly, as if half-hoping he doesn’t hear her.
“For what?“ Corpse asks, his brows furrowing, unsure if they’re on the same page about this gratitude.
“For never once triggering my phone call anxiety.“ She admits, “I mean, I know I said I have lines prepared for every conversation scenario possible, but you totally caught me off-guard.“ She giggles a tiny bit, now sounding dangerously close to nervous, “But, not in a bad way, if that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn’t, I need more coffee.“
“No, no, it does!“ He hurries to reassure her, “It really does. And thank you too. Thank you for, you know, tolerating my BS at this hour. God knows I would’ve ignored your call if our roles were reversed.“
He hears her scoff and can’t help but laugh, “Huh ok, I see.“ She says, sounding greatly triggered and mock-pissed at his confession, “I’ll make sure to think of that next time you call me after midnight. Or at all, ever.“
Laughing his butt off, the only thing Corpse can think of in this moment is:
Damn, this girl and I are gonna get along
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Eating at POP’s
Summary: (Y/N) and Cheryl bond go to pop’s and everybody fawns over them.
autor’s note: It isn’t much, just a bunch of fluff. Just wanted to let you guy’s know i’m not abandoning this story event though it has been ages since i posted for it.
P.S.: It is 1AM at the time of writing this so don’t kill me if their are any mistakes in it.
part 1- part 2- part 3
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Over the weekend you continue your research about the town. You found out that they had a local bike gang, the ‘South Side Serpents’. Apparently, even small towns like this have their gangs, you were curious if they were the same as the gangs in the city. your research however was interrupted when Saturday afternoon Cheryl Blossom stood at your doorstep. While you were repairing her car you opted on driving her to and from school as well as practice and you had come at a point where she let her guard down when the two of you were alone, but she had never come over without a reason.
She stood at your doorstep in what you think were comfy clothes. You were in a similar state as you hadn’t taken much effort in searching for clothes that morning. Opting for sweatpants and nothing but your sports bra.
“Cheryl? What are you doing here?” your brows scrunched together in confusion. Cheryl couldn’t help but think it was cute. A word that she didn’t think she would ever use to describe someone like you. Even the rough ways you dealt with certain things or people she thought was cute.
“well, you said you would fix my car and looking as I don’t have your number…” Cheryl trailed off. Your chuckle made her look back up at you.
“afraid I would rack your car darling.” The smirk on your face and the nickname made Cheryl blush. It took her a moment to take to pick herself together but was soon back to her usual banter.
“Can’t be careful enough.” She matched your smirk now with her own as you let her in the garage.
  That is how you spend the next two weeks after school and in the weekend working on Cheryl’s car, with her watching you from the couch that was placed in the garage/ workplace. The first time she saw all of the cars and high-tech equipment her jaw dropped. She knew you were rich, but this was even much for her. Imagen her surprise the first time she heard FRIDAY. First, she freaked out and demanded to know if someone else was there. You told her one no there wasn’t anybody else and second that FRYDAY was an IA that you had built together with your uncle after her precious one died.
 Over the hours that she watched you both of you started to relax and now she didn’t even look up when FRIDAY spoke, she even started asking them questions.
“miss I like to inform you that a vehicle from the compound is arriving later today,” FRIDAY informed. She didn’t give too much information because Cheryl was there but not much was needed.
“Thanks, FRIDAY.” You thank the AI. You were able to work for a couple more minutes before a body draped itself over your back while being bend forward over the car. Cheryl relaxing was becoming touchy and craving cuddles.
“(Y/N)?” Cheryl asked her voice muffled by being buried in your hoody. The whininess in her voice made you chuckle. She could be so cute when nobody was around to judge her.
“yes, Red?” you look over your shoulder at her and see her pouting.
“I’m hungry.” The way she said it made clear you had to do something about it. You turn around, making her fall into your chest. She immediately pulls away and starts blushing heavily.
“well hum. I can make something or I could drive us to pops. My treat.” You propose shyly. Cheryl looked up and again couldn’t help but think how cute you looked.
“How trustworthy is your cooking?” she asks you with a raised eyebrow. Not really knowing if she trusted you in the kitchen. And chuckling at your reaction.
“Haven’t burned down the kitchen jet, but it would probably be safer if we went out.” You admit scratching the back of your neck. Wanda had tried to teach you how to cook and you weren’t bad but like your mom, it didn’t really interest you and you sometimes forgot you had left something on the fire. So at the compound, Wanda took the role of big sister seriously and forbade you from using the kitchen and always made something from you.
To your surprise, Cheryl agreed to go with you on your bike, something that was short of shocking. When she put on one of your helmets and leather jackets you had to take a minute. You thought she look hot before but that had nothing on her now. She noticed you staring and turned around with one hand on her hip.
“See something you like sugar.” She asked in a flirty tone and you had to shake your head a little to get the daze out and could only nod. Yes, you were liking what you saw.
“you look good in leather.” Was the only thing you could say in response. Instead of saying anything Cheryl smiled and straddled the bike. This woman was going to the death of you.
 A motorcycle-riding up the parking of with 2 people on it did raze a couple of heads. Even more when started recognizing Cheryl as she took off her helmet. Cheryl however didn’t seem to notice or care so you didn’t make a big deal out of it either. It wasn’t going to change the way you were going to treat her, it never did.
Walking out in front of her you held the door open for her and it made her laugh but she accepted it.
“what a gentlewoman.” She teased with a smile.
“well, I do aim to please and saw this hot girl in the parking lot and had to get her attention.” You fired back, with a smirk. She giggled slapping your shoulder before walking in. not ready to let it go you continued.
“you think she would be interested?” you wiggle your eyebrows at her.
  Betty who was sitting at one of the booths in POP’s, together with Veronica, Archie and Jugghead looked up when she heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching. Thinking one of the Serpents want to kick up some trouble.
“who’s that?” she askes, not recognizing the drive. Her friend's lookup.
“don’t recognize the bike. It is not someone from the Serpents.” Jugghead comments. Something familiar does spike when they see the driver park the bike, not yet realising it's you. At school, you only wear baggy clothes so they had never seen you like this.
“I don’t know who they are but they look good.” Veronica was openly gawking at the muscles that were on display through your leather jacket and skinny jeans. Archie on his turn was checking out the bike under you.
Recognizing your companion wasn’t that hard, her red hair came flowing from underneath the helmet and gave away their identity.
“well, whoever they are they have convinced Cheryl Blossom to ride on a bike with them.” Jugghead didn’t even try to be as amazed as his friends were, even though he was curious who the driver was.
All four being blown away when you took off your helmet and setting it on your lap while smiling at Cheryl who looked at you with a mock glare.
  “don’t have to be so fuzzy Red, you look good either way.” Your smooth words made her heart flutter while heat streamed to her face. Instead of responding she turned and marched toward the door. Although before she could even open it you already holding it open for her. Giving you a small smile she walked in and you followed. Leading Cheryl to one of the booths in the back of the shop. You tell her to relax as you take her order and walked toward the counter.
Sitting down Cheryl had the time to go over all the emotions she was feeling. You made her feel warm and secure. She only ever felled like that with Jason. Over the weekends she spends with you, you insisted you wanted to get to know the ‘real’ Cheryl as you called it and against her better judgment she caved, so she let the bitch side of her drop.
The other thing you did was take care of her, getting her food was only one of the small things you did and you never asked for anything in return. You also checked on her emotionally, telling her it was okay to be sad and mad over Jason’s death. With you, she was allowed to grieve, at school, she always had to keep up her perfect persona and her parents were sharks waiting for her to mess up to break her down some more. To say her feeling for you were growing was an understatement, the only she couldn’t say was where they were growing toward.
So Cheryl couldn’t help but smile when she saw you walking toward her with two food stray in hand.
Part 5
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bookyeom · 3 years
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pairing: jin x reader / word count: 2.6k / genre: idiots to lovers, friends (kinda?) to lovers
summary: It was her birthday, and she really only wanted one thing.
tags: pure unadulterated fluff, maknae line shenanigans
warnings: none, just... alcohol maybe?
Happiest of early birthdays, dearest @taejinnies. It’s short and it’s sweet and I hope you like it. I love you!  (This is completely unedited and I’m sorry for that, I wanted to get it out for bb’s birthday before I head out on vacation!! I know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow - it’s already the 4th here - but I hope it’s okay that it’s early!!!)
She drew out the last syllable of her roommate’s name, the wine making her a little bit more tipsy than she probably should have been at this hour. Who cared? It was her birthday, and all of the people she loved the most were in the apartment she shared with her best friend, and she was happy… and so she’d had an extra glass. Sue her.
Hoseok let out a chuckle. “I guess you like the wine Tae got for you? He pretended he was at a small winery in the French countryside the entire time we were in the store picking it out.”
“I’m sad I missed that,” came her solemn reply. “I’ll have to thank him for going all the way to Bordeaux for me. It’s great, though. Have you tried some of it?”
Hoseok shook his head, holding up his cup. “I’ve got my trusty rum and coke, I’m satisfied.” 
She hummed in response, her eyes wandering over her friend’s shoulder to look around the room. She heard her name, and turned back to find Hoseok staring at her, eyebrows raised teasingly.
“Don’t worry, I asked Jin to come. Just for you.”
“Huh?” She tried to play innocent, but Hoseok simply took a sip of his drink, staring back at her. “Where is he then?” She finally caved with a pout. 
Her friend rolled his eyes fondly as he grabbed her by the shoulders. He gave her a little shake as he replied, “You’re so whipped, and you’ve only met him like four times.”
“We’ve met five times,” she muttered, looking away, and Hobi let out a snort. She paused, contemplating. “How drunk do you think I need to be before I ask him to make out?”
Her friend opened his mouth to respond, but the voice that spoke came from behind her.
“Why don’t you ask him now?”
She turned around in a flash, her eyes landing on the man before her, his eyes crinkled at the sides as he smiled. Even without alcohol, she was usually confident, but ever since she’d met Jin months prior, she’d felt a bit like a fraud. She could easily talk to her friends about him, about how hot he was, about how nice he was, about how much she wanted to shove her tongue down his throat… but as soon as he walked into a room, she forgot how to function.
Her gaze finally broke from his, eyes wandering up to his hair, parted on one side and falling softly across his forehead on the other. Her gaze traveled down to find him wearing a yellow and white collared casual dress shirt, and it briefly crossed her mind that the only other person who could pull off a shirt like that was Hoseok. On Jin, it looked amazing. It was a shirt she couldn’t ever recall seeing him wear in the few months she’d known him, and a thought suddenly crossed her mind. The last time she’d seen him, he’d asked, and she’d told him that yellow was her favourite colour. It was just a coincidence, right? There was no way he’d worn a yellow shirt on purpose because she’d said she liked that colour… Right?
But then his hand was lifting towards her, extending a yellow gift bag in her direction. “Happy Birthday,” he said softly. 
His free hand lifted to scratch the back of his neck, and she felt rooted in place. She wasn’t sober, but she also wasn’t drunk enough not to realize the implications. Either he’d remembered, or he just also happened to really love the colour yellow. It was too much for her hazy brain to comprehend.
It wasn’t a secret that she had the hots for Jin, and all of their friends told her they could tell he felt the same. When she flirted with him, he would blatantly flirt back, and she knew that there was definitely something there. Still, a voice in the back of her mind was consistently filling her with doubt. It had been three months since he’d transferred to their university, three months since they’d met, and he still hadn’t made an official move. Her friends all told her that maybe she needed to be the one to do it, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She was confident, sure, but she still didn’t like being rejected.
After a moment passed without her taking the bag from Jin’s outstretched hand, she heard Hoseok clear his throat from behind them. 
“I’ll put this with the other stuff,” he said, and she nodded at him gratefully. He sent her a smile, and she turned back to Jin, hoping her cheeks weren’t as flushed as they felt.
“I like your shirt,” she managed, and her stomach flipped as the smile on his mouth grew even wider. She could tell he was pleased with her compliment, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was a soft pink blush dusting across his cheekbones. 
“Thanks. I bought it just for you.” He stated it simply, and the wind was knocked out of her for a moment, before she finally managed to steel herself for a witty response.
“For me? Didn’t I say my favourite colour was puke green?”
Jin let out a barking laugh at that, and she couldn’t help smiling, too. “Shit. Guess I’ll have to take it back and exchange it, then.” He paused before adding, eyes twinkling, “I’d do it for you, you know.”
The words left his mouth, and she wondered, yet again, if she should just do it. If she should just ask him out first, kiss him first, cross the line first. As he looked down at her, brown eyes sparkling as he teased her, she made a promise to herself. Tonight, she would do it. It was her birthday party, after all. Why not ask for the gift she really wanted?
She did not do it.
What she did do was get roped into taking shots with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook - lots of shots. Lots and lots of shots.
Before she knew it, she was drunk, Happy Birthday had been sung, they’d cut the cake, it was 1am, and everyone was leaving. As she lay on the couch with her head in Hoseok’s lap, all she could think about was how grateful she was… and how absolutely exhausted she felt. 
“I’m going to head out.”
She looked up to find Jin, tipsy but not drunk. Curse him and his high tolerance. He was smiling over at her, a bag of recycling in his hands, and she could do nothing but stare at him for a moment. 
“How are you getting home?” She’d meant to ask it, but it was Hobi that finally did. He spoke from above her, and she looked up at him before looking back at Jin, waiting for his answer. 
“Taxi,” Jin shrugged. He lifted up the bag. “I’ll take this out on the way.”
“You should stay,” Hoseok suggested, and she turned to him in surprise. Hoseok shrugged. “Tae and Jimin are already crashed in the spare room, but the couch folds out.”
She could feel Jin’s eyes on her. Every fiber of her being wanted him to stay - but with her. In her bed. She somehow managed to stay silent, the sane side of her thankfully warning that that would be a very, very bad idea. Especially with how good he looked now, his hair looser than when he’d arrived, and his shirt unbuttoned more at the top. If she wasn’t so tired, she’d have gone over and messed his hair up some more herself.
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
She woke up in the morning, a soft pounding in her head, her mouth dry. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and she was grateful for that, but she still had to grab an Advil from her bedside table. She quickly brushed her teeth in the bathroom, wincing at her reflection in the mirror. She could thank her past self for remembering to take her makeup off, at least.
She headed into the hall towards the kitchen to grab some water, but stopped short in her tracks as she saw a familiar, broad back stretching from the foldout bed in the living room. He was sitting up, wearing just the white t-shirt he’d had on underneath his yellow shirt, his hair messy from sleep, and she wanted nothing more than to climb in with him.
“Morning,” was what she said instead, because there was no way she could get to the kitchen without him seeing her.
He turned to her mid-stretch, his face lighting up when he saw her, arms falling back to his sides. “Morning,” he replied back, and when he lifted a hand to rub some more sleep out of his eye, she was a goner. He was so, so cute. How had she let last night pass her by?
“I’m getting some water, if you want some.” She jutted her thumb towards the kitchen, and he nodded. She had meant that she would bring him some, but he stood up to follow her, still clad in his jeans from the night before. “Sorry if you were uncomfortable last night.”
Jin shook his head, leaning against the counter as she grabbed the water judge from the fridge, as well as two glasses from the cupboard. “Nah, I was out like a light,” he reassured her. 
She handed him one of the glasses, ignoring the way their fingers brushed as she did so. He thanked her, bringing the glass to his lips, and she cursed herself for being unable to look away as he swallowed. She finally turned to her own glass, but she knew he’d seen her ogling when she caught the soft smirk on his lips. 
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, it was fine,” came her reply. “Didn’t get too much of it, but I’m alright.”
“You could always go back to sleep,” he suggested, and she brought the glass back up to her lips with a shrug. 
“I have a hard time getting back to sleep once I’m awake,” she admitted. Jin hummed in acknowledgement. 
“Well, if you’re up for it, we could always do something else.”
She nearly spat out her water, and she watched his eyes widen as he realized what he’d said. 
“I meant we could play Mario Kart or something,” he groaned, and she could see the tips of his ears becoming red. 
As she watched him apologize, so genuine and endearing, she finally made the decision. She couldn’t go one more day without trying. 
It was now or never.
“I’m up for anything you have in mind, Jin,” she said softly, making sure to keep her gaze firm on his, trying to convey just exactly what she meant. 
He seemed to understand almost immediately, straightening his shoulders. “Yeah?”
She nodded, her back leaning against the counter as he took a hesitant step towards her. He continued to close the distance, their eyes never once wavering from each other. He was tentative as he reached her, giving her room to back out if she wanted, but as her eyes fell to his mouth, he seemed to realize that she didn’t plan on going anywhere. 
“You know,” she began, voice a soft mumble. “I didn’t get what I really wanted for my birthday.”
“No? And what was that?” He was staring down at her, his brown eyes twinkling as he asked the question. He was so close now, his mouth inches from hers, and she slowly lifted a hand to his face.
Their noses brushed as Jin’s hand gripped into her waist, pulling her even closer before she whispered, “A million dollars to pay off my student loans.”
It was silent for a moment, Jin’s eyes opening slowly, and he blinked down at her. She couldn’t help but giggle, her hand falling from his face to cover her mouth, and she watched as he began to laugh, too. 
“You’re the worst,” he whined, his forehead falling to rest against hers, and she couldn’t help but loop her arms around his neck. 
She was still smiling, giggles getting quieter until she was able to speak again. “I think you know exactly what I wanted, Jin.” She paused, her skin feeling electric wherever he touched her. “What I still want.”
He moved his face away then, his hands finding the small of her back as his eyes wandered across her face. “I think I have some idea,” he said softly, and she nodded as he closed the distance again.
“Dude, Jin! You actually did it? You asked her out? Nice!” 
The two of them sprang apart as Jimin and Taehyung entered the kitchen, and she held back an audible groan. 
“Could you knock?” She cried, her heart still pounding in her chest. Jin leaned back against the counter next to her, his arms crossed as he tried to contain his laughter at her obvious irritation.
Jimin furrowed his brows in confusion. “It’s a kitchen… without a door.”
“We just wanted some Lucky Charms,” Taehyung added, as if that would help dispel the tension.
She sighed, raising her eyebrows at the two men pointedly, and Jimin finally seemed to take the hint, tugging on Taehyung’s arm. “Let’s go to the cafe across the street, Tae, my treat.” 
The two of them turned to leave, but not before Taehyung gave Jin a pointed look, eyes flitting between the two of them leaning against the counter. When they were finally out of sight, she let out the breath she’d been holding, her eyes squeezing shut. It was Jin that spoke first.
“Should I get going?”
She opened her eyes to look at him again, and he gazed back. He sent her a soft smile, and she could have killed her friends for ruining their moment. 
“Um, yeah,” she said softly, looking down at the floor. “If you want to.”
He didn’t move. 
She felt his eyes on her, and she met his gaze again, eyebrows raising in question.
“Taehyung’s not crazy,” Jin finally spoke into the silence. “I had planned to ask you out, that’s why he asked if I’d done it.”
She short circuited. It took a second before she managed, “What?” 
Jin let out a soft chuckle. “I was going to ask you yesterday. At your party.”
She stared up at him, blinking slowly, before letting her head fall back with a groan. “Fuck. Fuck Jeon Jungkook for roping me into a drinking game,” she whined, and she could hear Jin begin to laugh. “You’re telling me we actually could have made out last night?” She sounded delirious, but she didn’t care - she would never forgive her friends for this one.
“Yes,” the man beside her grinned. He took a step forward, and she turned to him again. “We also can make out right now. Which is what I was trying to do before we were rudely interrupted.”
She couldn’t help it as her mouth parted slightly at his words. Sure, they’d almost kissed just moments before, but hearing him say the words out loud had goosebumps spreading across her skin. 
“You’d better fucking do it this time,” she managed breathlessly, and then he was beaming, his smile wider than she’d ever seen it, and then - his lips were pressed to hers.
It was everything she’d imagined, but better. He kissed her soft but firm, slow but insistent, his mouth moving against hers in a way that had her entire world spinning. He pulled her in flush against him, one hand in the hair at the nape of her neck, the other firm on her waist. Her fingers twisted into his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer as they kissed each other breathless. She couldn’t get enough. They finally pulled apart, chests heaving, and Jin moved to rest his forehead against hers.
“Happy Birthday,” he whispered, and she pulled him back in for another kiss before she replied.
“Happy, indeed.”
tagging @taehyungsupremacy @tae-bebe @snackhobi @moon-write @xjoonchildx​ @hazeltae​ if you wanna read xoxoxo
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stonerjesusbaby · 3 years
How about MC getting tired of watching Felix overwork himself, so they just pick him up and go to bed
here you go, anon! I really liked this request. Thank you!
warnings: none. just fluff
During your time with Felix, you had been through ups and downs. From having to deal with his dead ex to trying to help him out of his own house, you decided to sit through it all with him. This particular night, however, you were quite annoyed with Felix. Judging from the moon and how deep it was into the night, you guessed it was 1AM. You had promised yourself that you would not go to sleep unless Felix went to sleep. With how annoyingly stubborn the both of you were, you were aware of how long this would eventually take. Every now and then, Felix would glance up at you, worry in his eyes. He used to be reminding you to go to sleep but every time he said something, you would shoot down his objection. Usually with a “Not until you sleep as well, Felix” or with a head shake. You were frustrated by this point. Not only did he do the same thing, he was practically falling sleep on his book!
You leaned back in your seat and looked at him. “Felix, dear, you really should be getting to sleep now…” You said, your voice soft from your fatigue. Felix let out an exasperated sigh and turned his gaze towards you. If this were any other time, you would melt from his attention to you but this time, you faced him with a strong glare. The look in Felix’s eyes faltered as he looked you in the eye but he still stood his ground. “Dear Barista, you know I still have piles of work.” You rolled your eyes and leaned forward, propping yourself up on your elbow. “So? That shouldn’t warrant your sleep. Tomorrow’s a new day. even if you have to wake up early, it would be better to get some sleep than no sleep.” You said, trying your best to convince the necromancer to sleep.
Felix only shook his head. “Y/n love, please don’t nag… you know this work is important!” Felix objected to your request. You were getting fed up and this game was getting tiring really fast. You stood up from your seat and put your hands on your hips. “Again, you have all day to finish it! You have been working all day and I’m tired of watching you wither yourself away with your work.” You took a step closer to him. He didn’t say much to you but he turned his body to face you. “I will literally get on my knees and beg if that’s what it takes for you to sleep.” Your voice was softer now as you stood in front of him. Felix could see the desperate pleading in your eyes and it hurt his heart. He didn’t like seeing his lover this way… But it’s not like he can just say no to important paperwork.
Felix took a sharp breath in and shook his head. “There’s no need for you to do that, love.” Felix replied. You think that he’s finally going to go to bed on his own accord but then he speaks up again. “No amount of begging is going to make me turn in for the night.” You scoffed and crossed your arms. “Don’t make me force you. Because I can and I will.” You threatened him. It seems Felix doesn’t take you seriously because he turns back to his work and starts writing away. In all honesty, he knew his actions hurt you and he couldn’t stand to look at your heartbroken expression anymore.
“you know what, fine.” You scoffed. You moved suddenly, picking Felix up. You picked him up bridal style. You looked down at Felix in your arms and started walking to bed. “If you’re not going to go to bed on your own accord, then I’ll make you.” You said. You were just so fed up with watching him overwork himself. It was unhealthy! You didn’t care if he was already aware that his habits were unhealthy but you didn’t care. You glanced at Felix again, his face was shaded with a burning blush that reached the tip of his ears. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
Felix frowned and crossed his arms. “Y-You unhand me this instant!” He stuttered, nervousness kick-starting his heart like an engine. Instead of being put down, he felt his lover lean back on the bed. You moved Felix so his head rested on your chest. You stroked his hair and took a breath in. “I do not ask much from you, Felix.” You spoke softly, closing your eyes. You could feel Felix stir a bit but he had the courtesy to stay still so that you could talk. Felix calmed down and let his breathing calm.
“I don’t ask for much from you. I don’t ask for much attention or touch. However, I do ask that you take care of yourself. It tires me to see you overwork yourself so much. The way you push me off, it… it hurts.” as you spoke, Felix listened to your heartbeat as you spoke. He knew that he had been brushing you off lately. Felix sat up, propping himself up on his shoulders. “okay… if that’s how you feel then I apologize. I did not mean to make you feel that way. Now that your feelings are clear to me, I’ve decided to comply.” Felix spoke. Your smile brightened and you started to drift off. “good… I’m starting to fall asleep.” Felix smiled as well and laid his head back down on your chest, slowly drifting to sleep as well. Perhaps work could wait.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
I recently had an experience with sexual harassment/ assault at my college and I was wondering what project v! Bucky would do if his girl/ BFF showed up at his door in the middle of the night. I totally understand if you’re not comfortable answering but this is a sad reality for a lot of college going girls, I’m sure you’re aware. Anyway I love you and your stories and they’ve helped me cope recently. I wish you the best and have a great day 💕
Wait omg this makes me so mad akdjskdjks how are you??? Did you report it??? Does anyone know about this? Bestie I am honestly worried for you, please let me know how you are coping 😔
I hope this little drabble would help you feel better ascnkajcnaj
Under the cut for trigger warning: sexual harassment and some violence
You should have really allowed Bucky to tag along when you said you were going out with some of your female blockmates. It was supposed to be a fun night at a sorority’s house party. A girls’ night out, but you should have expected that some frat boys would be dropping by as well.
You weren’t drunk, not even close to tipsy when some guy approached you for a conversation. He didn’t seem drunk, didn’t seem sleazy at all until he had you locked inside the bathroom, his mouth latching onto the skin on your neck despite your protests.
He almost had you, thank god he didn’t because you were able to knee him in the crotch. But he touched you in certain places that made you feel dirty and disgusted. And you shouldn’t be blaming yourself for what happened but you couldn’t help it.
What if you agreed to bring Bucky along? What if you didn’t wear something so accessible? What if you just stayed home? What if you didn’t talk to him?
Suddenly, you were standing in front of Steve and Bucky’s room at 1am. You almost wanted to back away, not wanting to interrupt their sleep but you badly needed someone right now. So you knocked and hugged yourself as you felt your entire body shudder from the terrible memories.
A sleepy Steve opened the door, rubbing his eyes as he frowned. “Hey, it’s late. What’s up?” he asked.
“I...” you choked because suddenly, you felt vulnerable.
Steve figured that something must have happened, judging by the streaks of mascara staining your face and by how distant you looked. He opened the door wider and allowed you inside before going over to Bucky’s bed, shaking him awake.
Bucky groaned but when he lifted his head up and saw you standing in their room, looking small and fragile with your eyes flooding with tears, he immediately knew what was going on. He practically jumped out of his bed to take you in his arms, carefully bringing you to sit down on his bed.
“Hey, what happened?” he worriedly asked, wiping away your tears with his thumbs.
You told him what happened and you saw how Bucky’s face turned dark. You’d never seen him so angry like this, it almost scared you. He kissed your forehead and hugged you to his chest, reassuring you that none of it was your fault and that you shouldn’t blame yourself.
You were the victim.
“Is he still there?” Bucky asked, voice low and rough.
“I don’t know, I think so.” you sniffed.
“Steve, can you call the police and tell them to head over to the sorority house?”
And then Bucky was pulling you up to your feet, taking your hand in his as he stormed out of his room. He didn’t care whether his hair was sticking up in different directions or if he was merely clad in a shirt and a pair of shorts. He didn’t even bother changing his slippers.
By the time the both of you arrived at the sorority house, a group of guys were hanging outside, one of which was your assailant.
“Who the fuck harassed you?” Bucky asked sternly.
“Bucky, let’s just go back. I don’t want to cause any trouble.” you murmured, tugging at his arm.
“It’s a trouble worth causing. Now tell me who.” Bucky asked again.
You heaved out a sigh and tipped your head towards the guy and Bucky wasted no time to charge at him with a hard punch to the face.
“You’re a fucking asshole!” Bucky growled, grabbing the guy’s collar before punching him again, letting him fall to the ground.
“You ever lay your hands on her again and I will fucking kill you, you hear me?!” Bucky warned.
The guy kept on denying the accusation and tried to put up a fight. However, Bucky's punches already did a number on him. You tried pulling Bucky away, afraid that he might get hurt but he was feral. Fortunately, the police arrived and asked what the hell was going on and Bucky immediately told them what happened.
Your assailant was brought to the police station, turned out that he had inappropriately touched several girls at the party too.
“Thank you.” you whispered as you and Bucky headed back to his dorm, hand in hand.
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again. Ever.” Bucky said with a soft chuckle, hoping to ease your nerves.
“Oh bummer, gonna get even clingier.” you teased with a playful laugh.
“Yeah, you can’t get rid of me now. That’s a promise.”
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boomboombakugou · 4 years
A Dumb Little Bakugou Drabble About You Guys Spending The Night Together
part one : this one will kinda make sense without reading the first part but it’ll but it’ll just be better if you do. okay here we go ah
It was 1am. You couldn’t sleep, but you didn’t wanna take out your phone in case Katsuki was a sensitive sleeper. He was on the floor and you felt bad, but also didn’t want to make it weird by offering to share the bed.
He was awake too. Neither of you know eachother was a wake and neither wanted to risk waking the other up. He flipped his pillow over to the cold side. You didn’t know if it was an unconscious thing or if we was really awake.
“Katsuki?” You said, sort of quiet, but loud enough for him to hear if he was up. He turned around to face you. The room was dark, but it felt like his red eyes were glowing, burning holes into you. You tell him to go back to bed because you assumed you had woke him up.
“Im already up, what do you want?” He asked you annoyed, but truthfully he wanted nothing more than for you to want something because he was so bored.
You shuffle in your blankets before finally deciding to just sit up, “Cant sleep.” You state. He keeps staring at you. “What? Imagining me naked?” You can’t help but make perv jokes whenever he looks at you.
“Stop making everything weird. I can’t sleep either, it’s just dark as hell in this room so I can’t see shit.” He spits. You don’t move, so he gets up and turns on the light. “Ew freak what if i was naked!” You whisper scream.
“Stop! You’re so weird.” He hisses back at you.
The joke is that when you were getting introduced to the class, Denki pointed back and both Mineta and Bakugou and said, “That’s Mineta.” Of course he didn’t know Bakugou was standing there too. All day long the girls told you about how weird and perverted Mineta was. You thought they were talking about Bakugou, but later you found out they weren’t. It’s still just super funny to you though. Katsuki hates it.
He goes to sit back on the floor, but you scoot over and pat the spot beside you on the bed. “Are you gonna try to kiss me?” He mocks.
You feel his weight press down on the mattress. He looks tired. Calm. He looks calm. Well, calmer than usual. “Stop looking at me, freak.” He says, waving his hands in front of your eyes.
You keep looking at him because you can’t stop thinking about how he says he cries for no reason too sometimes. You can’t imagine him crying. Obviously you knew he has emotions like everyone else, but you just couldn’t imagine it.
“So you cry for no reason sometimes?” You question. He stares at you. More of a glare. An annoyed glare. “Yes. I do. And what about it? I’d still kick anyone’s ass at any given time.”
You hold your hands up in defense. You weren’t trying to make fun of him. It was just interesting. “Cool.” You say as genuine as possible.
Another glare. “Yeah obviously.” Classic Katsuki. This is supposed to be a heartwarming moment, but this man will never miss a chance to flaunt his confidence.
More silence
The air turns off abruptly, making the room even more quiet. He sighs loudly and throws himself back into the bed so that his legs are hanging off but his top half his laying vertically. “Why do you wanna become a hero Y/N?” He asks. It sounds aggressive and angry, but he genuinely wants to know. Sort of like a judge of character.
You actually don’t know. Why wouldn’t you wanna be a hero? Saving people seems cool, you guess. “Why do you wanna be #1?” You ask, switching the conversation back to him.
He pauses and stares at you in a sorta disgusted way, “It’s less of a ‘i want to be number one’ and more of a ‘i’m going to be number one,’” Pause. “It’s a fact. I’m working to meet my goal and I will end up on top. Fact.” He continues.
A/N: honestly idk where i was going with this... i write them at like 2am when i’m bored. enjoy this though! i might end up making this a series tho🤭 titled “a dumb little bakugou drabble” are we rocking w the idea or no?? i think it’d be kinda fun because i have a lot of ideas. it would be sort of like a slow burn type thing with angst because that’s fun.. should i?! please comment or something telling me if i should lmao.
also reminder that requests are still open for mha charcters😁 it could be whatever you want. also does anyone wanna be added to my tag list i think that’s what it’s called? okay byee
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sehoenghwa · 4 years
cake [c.s] [final part]
concept: Choi San x gender neutral reader (ft. Park Seonghwa) warnings ⚠: smut, angst, choking, shitty behaviour
[Part 1]
A/N: aaaa it’s finally done!! I really like the endinggg I hope you enjoy part 2!! I’m sorry if I ever mention a gender on the reader, sometimes I get distracted but please let me know!! All criticism is appreciated :D
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 You thanked all of the gods in existance for the fact that the academic year would be over in a couple of days. You decided that missing them wouldn't be of much importance, since you couldn't bear the embsfassment. You didn't want to face San, and you weren't sure you could face anyone at all. You felt like everyone knew about what had happened, and like everyone was silently judging you for falling right onto his trap. You needed time away from everyone in that place, as everyone reminded you of him.
  You spent days crying onto your pillow, because the unbearable heartbreak and weird sense of betrayal you couldn't help but to feel.
   It had been about two weeks into summer vacation when you decided to pick yourself up from bed. You looked at yourself in the mirror: bloated face, massive eye bags, hair severely overgrown and your body looked unhealthy. Your heart broke at the sight, and you cursed yourself for getting to this point because of a man.
   You decided that, from that point on, you'd get better. You'd treat yourself, and become someone new. But it's easier said than done of course... You sort of did that. At least you were happier...
    When you finally emerged from the comfort of your bed you fixed yourself the best you could and made way towards the nearest non-suspicious looking bar. It was a nice medium-sized bar, that looked like it was straight from a gossip girl set. It was only 5pm, but as soon as you closed the door behind you, it felt like it was 1am. The music wasn't loud nor quiet, the decoration wasn't exaggerated, and the purple and pink neon lights lit up the bar nicely.
  Despite not having any windows, the smell of smoke wasn't unbearable like most bars, it was almost as if it was just setting the ambient.
   You sat at the bar and order a 'whatever you recommend here'. You actually had about 4 of those. You felt surprisingly well, that is, until you stood up to go to the bathroom. Your legs were wobbly and suddenly the room was spinning. Somehow you made it to the bathroom and came back, to find that your seat was taken. Yes, there were about 5 other seats, but slightly drunk you had decided that that was your seat. How dare guy-who-looked-handsome-from-the-back tke it from you?
   You tapped his shoulder, a little too harshly but you couldn't control it really. The male turned around and you gasped loudly. He raised an eyebrow at your extreme reaction, but again, your emotions, actions and reactions were highly enhanced with the help of alcohol.
   You recognized those deep dark eyes and eye-catching lips anywhere.
    Seonghwa. He was one of San's 'og' friends. You saw him in San's ig pictures from years ago, and you'd never seen one without the other walking around the halls.
    You could feel your face get hotter, out of anger. You turned around and wobbled towards the door, but Seonghwa was faster. He grabbed your wrist.
    'Y/N, are you drunk? It's 7pm what are you doing here?'
    You turned to face him and placed your index finger on his chest, pushing him back.
    'None of your business. Don't talk to me.'
   Seonghwa was smart, it didn't take him long to understand your behaviour. His grip on your wrist was steady and he didn't let you go.
    'You know I'm not him, right? I didn't do it, and I would never do something like that.' He told you.
   Tears immediately brimmed in your eyes and your furrowed your eyebrows angrily.
    'So you know about it.'
    Seonghwa sighed and nodded.
    'He tells me about every single one...'
    You fought his grip and ran outside, the best you could. Seonghwa followed you, not wanting to leave you alone, drunk and wobbling in the streets that had already gotten dark.
     'Y/N please, I'm sorry he did that to you. I had no idea.' He tried to excuse himself.
     'But you're still friends with him!' You yelled, earning a couple of looks from people passing by.
     'I can't just drop him Y/N! I've been his friend since we were kids. I hate that he does this, and I hate that I'm associated with it even more. You don't see it, but I see the dirty looks I get from every girl he fucked and trashed away because they think I'm just like him.'
   'Oh boo hoo poor you!' You mocked.
   He placed his hands on his hips and sighed.
   'Do you live nearby?' He asked.
   'Why? So you can fuck me and dump me too?' You mocked.
   'Because I'm driving you home before some idiot on the street picks you up and convinces you to fuck him.'
   You felt a little shy for assuming anything about him when he meant to do something good. You just nodded and told him your address as you walked to his car. The drive was silent, the only sound being his finger tapping on the wheel.
   Once he pulled up in your driveway, he turned off the engine and sighed.
    'Y/N I'm genuinely worried for you. I'm not San, okay? He texted me after you left his house, and told me what happened. The days after he does that we usually get some nasty comments from whoever he fucks. I looked for you, I expected to see you breaking a couple pencils imagining it was his dick or shooting him death glares, but you didn't come to class. Neither did you the next day. And it's two weeks into summer vacation and I find you, completely different, getting drunk in a bar at 5pm. I don't want you to waste one of the best years in your life because of my friend. I don't know how he gets away with that façade, I guess no one believes that he's actually kind of an ass...'
   You listened to him carefully. He sounded genuinely concerned, and you were touched by his words for a second.
   'The deed is done.' You told him, coldly.
   He sighed, a little sad at your disbelief in him.
   'Let me give you my number. Text me if it gets to your head again, please.'
   The next day, when you woke up, you felt a little embarrassed at the way you spoke to him. A couple days went by but you never texted him, your pride wouldn't let you. But you couldn't stop thinking about him. How sweet he had been to you even though he didn't know you at all. How genuine he seemed...
    Still, you didn't text him. You got in some nice clothes, fixed the hair you still hadn't bother to get an appointment for, and went to the same bar you had seen him the other day. Except at a decent hour this time.
   As soon as you walked in you spotted him. He was very hard to miss, as he always seemed to be the best mannered and best composed person in the room.
  'Drink alone often?'   He turned around, a little surprised to hear your voice again. Seonghwa smirked.
  'Didn't think I'd see you again so soon.' He told you, setting down his drink.
  You said nothing. Your ego stopped you from doing so, you'd never admit you felt bad for being so cold to him.
  There wasn't much of a conversation between the two of you, only some small talk accompanied by one too many drinks.
   You only realized how late it was when the music became louder and the dance floor started becoming full of drunk men and women. The bar around you was spinning a little, but not enough that you couldn’t grab Seonghwa’s hand and pull him to dance with you.
   ‘Who knew you could act normal for once instead of stone cold?’ 
   You slapped his chest as you drunk-danced to a random trap song. 
   ‘I’m not stone cold, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t like your dear friend.’ You explained, looking at him as if you meant an offense.
    Seonghwa rolled his eyes and pulled close so you could see well his eyes under the flashing lights. He was dead serious. 
    ‘Y/N, please stop. I’m not like him. I told this over and over, I hate what he does, so please stop comparing me to San.’ 
    You looked at him for a second, not knowing what to do, or say. Up until this point you were the harsh one, but now his calm, soft side had turned into a serious person that you had never seen before.
    As you thought about what he said, you gulped, rummaging through your brain, trying to find an adequate response. 
    ‘Then help me take him down.’
    Seonghwa tilted his head and frowned, not quite understanding what you meant.
    ‘If you hate it so much, help me do something about it. No one deserves to be treated that way and I want to make sure no other girl gets fooled by him.’ 
    The male was a little mervous about it. A frienship with San was something he had known his whole life. Hell, he had a key to San’s house, he was on a first name basis with San’s parents... The male gulped and sighed.
    He grabbed your wrist and took you outside, so you could speak properly without the banging sound of the music interrupting you.
   ‘Y/N you know I can’t do that, he’s my-’
    ‘Your friend? Is he though? Is he the person you became friends with? If a narcissistic asshole who lures in girls with a fake persona just to fuck them and trash them the second after came up to you and asked you to be ‘best friends’ would you happily take it?’ You interrupted him. 
    Seonghwa’s head was confused. It was torn between the comfort of a life-long friendship and what was morally correct. His head was trying to separate all the events, all the good memories and fun times, from the things that he didn’t like. And after a short minute, he came to a conclusion: you were right. All of the rainbows and flowers were buried in the past, all of the laughs and giggles he could remember was from little San, that went to church every Sunday and refused to kill any backyard bug because ‘bugs are friends’. Not new San. Not bubblegum-haired San that got Seonghwa in trouble over and over, not San that had Seonghwa pick him up from random girls’ houses at 2am because ‘he didn’t want to be in the same room as them after he fucked them’. Current San wasn’t Seonghwa’s friend.
   ‘Fine, I’ll help you. But how?’ He finally replied, earning a wide grin from you.
   You didn’t exactly know how tho... You only knew that you wanted- no, you needed revenge. You thought for a while, before something came to mind. 
   ‘Like this!’ 
   You grabbed Seonghwa’s face and kissed his lips, for a brief second. When you pulled away his face was red and his eyeballs looked like they were going to pop out of the socket at any second.
   ‘By kissing me!? I’m not complaining Y/N but, what?’
   ‘No dumb dumb, pretend we’re dating. It’ll make him uncomfortable. At least enough until he throws a fit and I get a confession out of him. Plus, if I’m close to his best friend it adds credibility when I say that he’s an ass, and people won’t just take me for ‘another crazy bitch who was rejected by San’.’
   Seonghwa just shrugged.
   ‘Fine by me, I don’t care.’
   After saying that, Seonghwa grabbed your waist and pulled you close, close enough so he could close the gap between your lips, just for a second longer than you had before. 
   ‘What was that for?’ You asked, a little shocked, once you two pulled away.
   ‘Would you believe my excuse if I told you it’s to make it seem more realistic and not because you look very fuckable right now?’ Whether it was the alcohol or a hidden desire speaking, he meant it.
   You just laughed him off, thinking it was a joke. Quickly you understood it wasn’t, by taking a look at the way his eyes became even darker and the way he bit his lower lip.
  You didn’t hesitate when Seonghwa gently grabbed your hair and intertwined your fingers with his, as he dragged you along to his flat.
 As soon as you stepped inside, the male shut the door and pressed you against it, taking a second to appreciate the way you looked under the dim lights. Seonghwa crashed his lips against yours and began undressing you in his living room, too needy to even let you get to his bedroom. 
   Unlike San, Seonghwa was gentle with his touch. It was a nice mix of romantic and passionate. He removed your clothes as his lips moved down your neck, leving very light bites so it wouldn’t be shamelessly marked on your neck. As soon as he got to your chest, however, you could tell the purple spots would be lasting for weeks. 
   You undressed him just as quickly as he undressed you, and it was truly mesmerizing what clothes could hide. Seonghwa’s body was just perfectly: fit, but not in excess. Broad shoulders, thick thighs and toned torso, that you kept on admiring as he picked you up and laid you on the couch slowly. 
   Seonghwa’s tip grazed over your entrance and you moaned into the kiss.
   ‘O-oh wait!’ He said, and stood up, leaving you confused as he stepped away.
   He soon came back with a little bottle of lube, causing you both to flush.
   ‘I didn’t... want it to hurt?’
   You smiled a little, and watched as the light from the moon shined and reflected on his slightly sweaty body.
    Seonghwa aligned his tip by your entrance once more, and hovered over you, allowing you to encircle his neck with your arms.
   He filled you up, slowly. You bit down on his shoulder causing him to groan. He started slow, but you could see he wanted to do more.
   ‘D-do it.’
   ‘What?’ He asked.
   ‘Don’t hold back, please.’
   Seonghwa stopped for a second and looked at you.
   ‘I don’t want to hurt you...’
   ‘You won’t.’
   The male licked his lips and kissed your temple.
   ‘Fine by me.’
   Seonghwa grabbed waist, snapping his hips rapidly against yours, causing you to grip onto the couch for dear life. He reached for your neck, encircling it with his hand in a way that you didn’t even know you liked.
   There were so many groans and moans and noises echoing around the room, and you couldn’t even hear them. You were too focused on the way he fucked you.
   ‘You like that? Like when I fuck your pretty little head dumb?’
   ‘S-shit! Yes!’
   Soon enough you came, but he kept thrusting into you. The overstimulation was painful, yet pleasurable. 
   ‘Can y-you take it babydoll?’ 
   ‘Fuck- yes! Seonghwa!’ 
   You came once more, with a yell for his name, and almost immediately he pulled out and came all over your torso. 
    He looked down at the mess he made. 
   ‘Oh... Sorry about that. You look good though.’
   You collected some of the cum on your finger, put it in your mouth, and winked at him.
   ‘Fuck... You’re golden.’
  Weeks went by and the changes were slow. You wanted it to look natural. It started with a couple of selfies the two of you posted when you met from time to time, then the dates became more frequent, and more public, and then you became his lockscreen photo. Soon enough, academic year began once more, and you agreed to walk into the building holding hands, as if you truly were in love. It shocked everybody, even San. They all had seen you two, but people just assumed that it was a summer fling, not a serious thing.
   San wouldn’t deny that it bothered him, because it did. Very much actually. It made him uncomfortable that he treated you like that, because to him you were nothing, and now you were hanging out with his best friend all the time, which meant you were hanging out with him. And you didn’t even look bothered, at all.
   The day came when you and Seonghwa first kissed in front of everybody, it was about a week into it, and that’s when San lost it. You were sitting with Seonghwa, San and a couple other guys that often hung out with them in the cafeteria. San was desperately trying not to look at the two of you. How did this even happen? Seonghwa did tell him he was seeing somebody but... You? He usually never looked at any other person he fucked again and now not only did he have to look at you, but he also had to hang out with you. 
   You were sitting so close to your ‘boyfriend’ that you were nearly on his lap. Your head was resting on his shoulder as he caressed your thigh. Seonghwa said something funny, and as both of you laughed you looked at each other. Your lips were awfully close, and as you stared into each other’s eyes you couldn’t help but share a brief, innocent kiss. A kiss that triggered San.
   ‘Okay what the fuck is going on!?’ The irritated male finally asked, through gritted teeth, while looking at the two of you. 
   ‘What do you mean?’ You asked, feigning ignorance. 
   Seonghwa squeezed your thigh, as a warning to take it easy.
   ‘You know exactly what I mean.’
   ‘No, I don’t. I met Seonghwa, we started talking, enjoying our time together and eventually... we fell for each other.’ You told him, looking at Seonghwa lovingly to sell the lie. 
   ‘Is this a part of some fucking plan to make me jealous?’
   ‘You? Why would this be about you?’ 
   ‘You know why.’ 
   ‘I really don’t.’ 
   San gripped his cutlery hard. The way you were pretending nothing had happened was pissing him off beyond belief. 
   ‘Stop pretending you don’t remember.’
   ‘Did... Something happen between the two of you? Did you date or something?’ Yeosang, who had become a little awkward by the conversation asked.
   A couple curious students that were eating in tables nearby were overeharing the conversation, and quickly stopped what they were doing to focus on the gossip.
   ‘No, we didn’t date.’ San told Yeosang. 
   ‘We didn’t, but I think I seem to remember something... Oh! Right! It was the way you pretended to be interested in me, then fucked me, and kicked me out of your house to never speak to me again.’
   Yeosang and Yunho looked at San, with disgust painted all over their faces.
   ‘Dude, you still do that!?’ Yunho asked.
   ‘He never stopped.’ 
    Everyone was shocked, as Seonghwa said that. He didn’t look up from his sad chocolate pudding. 
    ‘What the fuck Seonghwa!? Is that what you do now!? Screw my leftovers and then stab me in the back!?’ San exclaimed.
   Seonghwa slammed his fist on the table and looked up at San to meet his eyes. It was an expression that the latter had never seen on his cute, kind, puppy-like best-friend, and he wasn’t so sure he ever wanted to see it.
   ‘I’ve had enough! I’ve had fucking enough of you and your shitty behaviour, I’ve had enough of you using our friendship as an excuse to make me run around like a dog doing whatever you need, and I’m tired of getting angry looks from all the girls you fucked and then trashed away in this school. All while putting up this angel boy façade! You wanna fuck random girls and leave them on the side of the road the next day!? Get a hooker. You’re disgusting for toying with people like that. I’ve had it!’
   Murmurs and whispers could be heard in the cafeteria, after Seonghwa’s explosion. There was silence in the table, however.
   Suddenly, San’s famously adored pink hair was stained by brown goo. 
   ‘This is for screwing me and telling me to ‘skidaddle’ right after you came.’ A sobbing girl said, as she dumped another pudding on his head. ‘And this one is for running off and fucking my sister the next day.’ 
   San looked around. There was an occasional ‘you go king’ face from some pathetic little man who seemed to love his behaviour, but those ones were hidden behind the dozens angry and disgusted faces of every single peer of his.
   He panicked. A guy stood up and as he started to step towards San, the latter just ran away. He dashed out of the cafeteria to never be seen again, at least in that building.
   You turned to Seonghwa and hugged him. 
   ‘Thank you.’
   He smiled at you, as he pet your head. 
   ‘It’s alright honey, it needed to be done.’ 
   Seonghwa leaned in to kiss you, a sweet victory kiss, but you backed away.
   ‘Woah, we did it, we don’t need to fake it anymore!’ You told him with a smile. Silly him, he had forgotten!
   ‘Oh... Yes sorry, it’s the habit. Excuse me I... I need to go to the bathroom.’ 
   He stood up and walked away, and you were left to talk to his friends. But you missed the way tears pooled in his eyes. You missed the way his face grew red and the unstability in his voice. You missed the red, puffy eyes and the bruised knuckles he tried to hide once he came back from the bathroom. 
   Seonghwa cursed himself for forgetting that it was all fake.
   taglist: @sansbun​ @haram-monbebe​ @beefpork​ @softvelvetkisses​ @palegardenrebel​ @swimmingkpopblog​ @mirror-juliet​ @mingismoon​ @raysanshine​ @staytinyy​ 
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