#like that sinking feeling you get when you realise something's gone wrong and you can't stop it any more
funforahermit · 8 months
When Rhys does a live show and he reaches the point where he starts bringing back some elements from before, that's simultaneously the worst feeling and the best - the best because heck yeah this is gonna be epic, and the worst because shit fuck no this is the finale i don't want it to end yet
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danisbrainrot · 4 months
reader calming down johanna during quarter quell and the others are like wtf
johanna mason x reader
the thick hot blood had you blind, choking and running around like headless chickens. johanna screamed, her hand reaching out for yours; your hands were already full, unfortunately. between your large knife and wiress' hand, you couldn't console johanna as she grew more panicked.
she grabbed the back of beetee's neck, dragging him through the forest, while you held tightly onto wiress and ran. the blood wasn't slowing down, instead pouring even harder.
suddenly, you heard the screams of johanna's district partner and turned around. you and johanna began calling for him—you even turned around and tried to follow the direction the sound had come from; after a minute of silence, everyone heard the sound of a cannon and jumped out of their skin. he was gone forever.
the group of four finally made it to the beach, you snapped your head to the sound of someone running up to you and calling out your name. still running on adrenaline, you held out your sword—ready to swing—before realising that it was finnick as he shouts, "johanna!"
"finnick!" she cried, you both lowered your weapons before she ran up to greet him. sheathing your sword, you swiftly made your way to johanna's side, hugging finnick tightly; you were glad to see another person you could consider your ally.
you spot katniss and peeta hiding in the trees; noticing the absence of mags, your heart sinks as you realise that one of the cannons you'd heard from before must have been hers.
the moment of relief passes when finnick was joined by the two figures who were hiding in the foliage, "rain started. thought it was water at first. turned out to be blood. thick and hot. we were choking, staggering around blind," johanna answers, talking quickly, "that's when blight hit the force field," she shakes her head, trying to hold the tears back. "he wasn't much, but he was from home."
you reach out for her hand, and she looks down at it at first, before sighing softly and taking it—she offers you a weak nod.
"what's wrong with her?" katniss asked, nodding at wiress. you shrug, looking over your shoulder to see the woman mumbling something to herself.
"she's in shock. dehydration isn't helping," betee replies, taking his glasses off to clean them.
johanna looks behind her, yelling at wiress, frustration evident on her face, when katniss shoves her to get her to stop. "hey!" johanna cried, shoving her back, "I got her out for you!" your eyes widen as you realise what johanna was saying.
you grab her by the arm, softly dragging her to the water. she grumbles, wanting to swing at katniss, but you sigh and shake your head. "you know what she means. you can't just hit her because she's annoying," you explain, wincing at the cool feeling of the water.
you only went to your waist, before dunking your head underwater and scrubbing the blood off your body. johanna does the same, mirroring your movements. as she washes out her hair, you pull her into a soft embrace, nuzzling your face into her neck and sighing. "this is so unfair," you mumble.
she hums in agreement, tentatively placing an arm around your waist and pulling you in closer. she hated being affectionate in public—she felt weak and vulnerable knowing that snow would target you next if he knew. she supposed it didn't matter much anymore; you either both died in the arena or you ended up in district 13—and johanna was going to make sure that you made it out of the arena alive.
katniss nods to where the two of you were standing, "what's going on with them?" she asks finnick.
he sighs and shakes his head. "you and peeta aren't the only star crossed lovers forced to compete against each other," he replies, digging his trident in the sand.
"but they're from different districts," katniss states, hoping for further clarification. peeta also looks up, squinting at finnick as he waits for finnick's answer.
finnick snorts, betee and wiress also smirk knowingly at each other. "doesn't matter to them, they make it work," his hand shields his eyes from the blaring sun, as he watches the two of you kiss passionately in the water.
it was such an intimate moment, that they all turn away and talk about something else, hoping to give the couple privacy—well, as much privacy as you can for someone being constantly filmed for the capitol's entertainment.
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
can i request florist boyfriend!tighnari with a gender neutral reader smut? i don’t really mind the length of it, but maybe ‘nari needs to… “unwind” after dealing unruly customers demanding to see the manager and treating him badly (when in reality, he is… in fact, the manager)
i just think ‘nari is the sweetest boy! he’s so used to taking care of us and giving us gifts, so perhaps it’s time that we take good care of him and shower him with some intimate and loving nighttime indulgences (top!reader x sub!tighnari)? <3
i hope i followed the format correctly :>>
Got a bit carried away, I hope this is what you wanted!
I didn't end up doing any actual penetration, it didn't feel needed with the way I took it! But if you want to see it, feel free to send in another ask and I'll try again! This is my first time writing smut so please be gentle with me!
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Stressful Business
Character: Sub!Tighnari // Reader: Dom!Gn
Genre: Smut // CW: massage, nipple play, handjob, slight biting, praise, pet name "baby" quite a bit, dumbification?
Plot: Yes // Word count: 3.8k
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Two long hours. Is that really how long it's been? You double check the clock once more, but it doesn't change what you are now certain that you'd seen a second before.
Tighnari, your competent boyfriend of the past 3 years, has never once been home late from working at the flower shop he owned. Not without warning you of the possibility of such in the morning. But he hadn't done that today. He wasn't supposed to be late.
As much as you know you shouldn't worry about him - don't have to worry about him - you can't help the feeling that something has gone wrong...
'POP!' The gurgling crackle of the overflowing pan you'd left on the stove breaks your tense reverie.
"Oh shit!" You exclaim, before promptly forcing yourself to calm down once you realise it's not as bad as you thought, and move to turn down the heat and place the pan in the sink. You hope the contents haven't burned... that'd make Tighnari's night even worse than it likely already is.
He's been dropping hints lately that he'd been craving a particular dish that you knew him to be fond of: mushroom stew. Mushrooms were his favourite, after all. And, after planning to make it today, you'd kept it a surprise, knowing that regardless of his mood in the evening (right now), the reveal of the food would cheer him up! Hopefully.
You'd just started stirring the pot for a final time, when the front door to your and Tighnari's shared house suddenly opened. Had you been so lost in thought as to not even hear his keys jangling outside? (He often gets his keys out before even trying the handle to see if the door was indeed locked. Because of this, he'd locked himself outside plenty of times before now, and you're certain he'll do it again)
You wait to hear him call out to you as he always does, but his voice never comes. You're relieved that he's home, but now you're more worried as to whether or not he is okay... It's unusual for him not to seek you out first thing after returning home.
"Tighnari? Are you home? I'm in the kitchen!" You say, raising your voice only slightly, knowing that he'll hear it wherever in the house he is. In return, you hear his distinct voice uttering a displeased grumble, followed by a painful sounding hiss. At this, your brows furrow, and a minute later, his arms sneak around your front to hug you from behind, peeking over your shoulder. Turning your face slightly, you greet him with a quick peck on the cheek.
"You making dinner?" He asks simply, his voice holding a barely hidden sigh as he slumps behind you, obviously tired.
"Yeah," is your reply, keeping your voice a bit hushed to not hurt his sensitive ears, what with his extremely close proximity, "are you hungry? You seem a bit off..." He nuzzles his face into your neck, hiding his eyes as he leans on you for support against the counter top.
"Got a headache from work today... I'm not much in the mood to eat right now. Sorry..."
At this, you turn around and tenderly cup his face in your soft hands, making him look you directly in the eyes, wanting to properly convey your next message. "There's no need to apologise, 'Nari. It's okay if you're not feeling well, but I promise you're gonna want what I've made for you." You end, sending a knowing smile his way, and move to start serving the food.
"Go sit at the table, Nari! If you really don't want to eat it, that's okay. We can just heat it up later when you are hungry. Or I can make you an extra 'special' breakfast tomorrow~" Putting some emphasis on the word 'special', you shoot him a wink, to which he huffs and turns around quickly to hide his reddening cheeks, taking a seat at the table behind you, further back in the room. "Well, that's odd..." you think, normally he'd hit right back with some teasing of his own. He must've had a super hard day at the shop.
After a couple minutes of relatively comfortable silence, you break it, eagerly wanting to hear about what kept him away tonight, and brought him home in his testy mood. "Sooo... what happened? Bad day?"
He let out a sad sounding sigh, "To say the least... a few weeks ago, I had a customer come into the store wanting a bouquet comprised of hard-to-get flowers... because they don't grow in Sumeru."
You look over your shoulder as you let out an understanding hum, seeing him rearranging the vase of flowers displayed in the middle of the table. He'd brought them home a few days ago, and even then he'd spent an hour getting them to lay 'perfectly' as he'd said. He was just never satisfied, always having to focus on something. Perhaps that's why he's been getting so stressed recently... he just needs some help taking his mind off things... to relax.
"I told them then that it'd take a couple of weeks for the flowers to be shipped over, and even then, they weren't likely to make the journey healthy enough to survive. But, still, they wanted me to try anyway. Even though it wouldn't likely work." He rolls his eye, adding in an annoyed scoff, " they came in yesterday, and even I was surprised that they looked well; they stood tall, their colours vibrant, no fallen or ripped petals or leaves, and they looked amazing in the bouquet I arranged."
He lifts his head to look you in the eyes, his face softening upon seeing you so interested in his story, despite being busy with the food. "I honestly think it was the best one I've made yet, I would've loved for you to see it." He let's a weary smile make its way onto his face as you approach, holding a bowl of the mushroom stew in each hand, and setting it on the table in both of your places.
Upon realising what the food was, his ears perk up, nose twitching as he took a revering sniff, picking up the spoon you'd laid in front of him at the same time. "Oh, love... you really shouldn't have-"
"Shhh!" You interrupt, "I know what I do and don't have to do, Tighnari. And I know what I want to do for you." You take his hand across the table, gently running your thumb over his knuckles and feeling him soften under your touch. "Now finish your story and eat your dinner."
He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, the flush rising higher on his cheek bones. "Right... uh.. s-so the customer came in this morning to retrieve the bouquet, but then- and this is the most ridiculous complaint I've ever gotten thus far: the flowers weren't the right colour! They never specified a colour!" He threw his arms up I'm the air, still holding the spoon, as if he were still in disbelief. "They said, when they made the order, 'The colour doesn't matter'!"
Though his voice was full of fury, his eyes betrayed him: eyes wide and tearing up, he was blinking quickly in succession to try and bid them away. As he finished, his throat was wracked with barely fought down sniffles, "I spent the last two hours arguing, trying to come to an agreement with them, and eventually I had to make up a new flower arrangement including what we already had in the store..."
You stand up from your seat abruptly, taking your dish and stepping behind Tighnari. As you pass by him, you rest your hand on his shoulder, rubbing his taut muscles through the fabric, "you know that this incident has nothing to do with your skills, right, 'Nari? None of it was your fault. You had no obligation to continue helping that person, but you did because you're a good person. Unlike them." He pushed into your touch, a faint whine forcing its way through him before he could repress it. You could tell be the way that his alert ears pricked up then went slack that he'd liked your response, his inner instincts keening at the venom your voice held towards the rude customer, proud that you'd agreed with him.
Before he can get ahead of himself, you step away into the kitchen, but not before leaning down to press a slow kiss and a nip onto the back of his neck, and whispering next to his ear: "Finish your dinner, Tighnari. Don't keep me waiting too long..."
To which he replies with a barely audible, "Y-yes, Y/N..." with a certain shake in his voice.
Then, you place your bowl on the counter, ready to be washed later, before heading to the bedroom. Opening the door, you look back to see Tighnari shovelling the stew into his mouth, eating almost as quickly as possible, when he then notices you staring at him. He nearly chokes and looks away in embarrassment, covering his face with one hand. At that, you step into the bedroom and close the door behind you. He really can be quite immature, sometimes... as endearing as it is...
While undressing yourself and changing into some light sleeping clothes that you knew Tighnari liked, you begin some preparations. It seems as though your dear boyfriend could do with some... stress relief, to say the least. After everything he does: working so hard at the flower shop, being so caring towards you, and even bringing home some flowers every now and then for you, you decide that it's time for you to pay back some of those amassing favours to him...
You start by blowing out the flames of the scented candles around the room, preventing them from disturbing Tighnari's sensitive nose, but still letting their calming scent and effects roam through the air. Then, you go into the bathroom, open a cupboard, and pull out some massage oil and a towel; after touching his shoulder earlier, you knew that his muscles were extremely tense, and you were going to help him with that tonight.
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No more than 10 minutes later, Tighnari opens the door, walking into the dimly lit room, the only light being that of the few unscented candles that you'd left burning. His eyes met your own as you sat on the bed, your lips upturned in a welcoming smile as you motioned for him to come closer. He eyed the towel and bottle of lotion next to you with an air of suspicion, then met your eyes again, one of his eyebrows going upwards in a questioning manner.
In response, you sigh and roll your eyes playfully, starting, "I'm giving you a massage, silly." You pat the bed in front of you, urging him to sit on the edge. "C'mon, 'Nari, hop up here and sit down like a good boy!" You knew just how to get the reaction you wanted.
He growled in warning. There it was.
Usually he'd try to put up a bit of a fight when you did this, denying the praise and demeaning acts, declaring that he "hated being treated like a pet!", but you knew better. You knew the truth.
You knew he loved it. And you knew he was too exhausted to play his usual games tonight, that he'd accept and do anything you wanted. Because tonight, he wanted to hear those words.
"Good boy." You let out as barely more than a whisper, voice soft and encouraging as he comes closer, turning around to sit between your thighs, sitting right on the edge of the bed. Just where you want him. "I knew you could do it, 'Nari." He looked back at you over his shoulder, a deceiving glare shadowed his features, but his tail was wagging discreetly. After the years of living with him, of loving him, of playing with him, you knew exactly how to read his reactions.
Not paying any mind to his slightly rude actions, you slowly slide your hands up under his shirt, making him flinch a bit in surprise before he eases into your warm touch. Splaying your fingers flat against his stomach, tracing each curve and line, dragging your nails lightly against the tight skin of his abdomen, you do anything you can to make his breath hitch, to make his chest rise faster and faster, until he can't help but beg you to do more. To touch him more, to give him more. He could be so greedy sometimes, your Tighnari, but you were glad that he was comfortable enough to act that way around you. You wouldn't want him any other way.
"Are you going to take your shirt off for me, baby?" You chuckle softly at his confused expression. During your ministrations, his eyes had drifted closed and his lips had strayed open to let out his content breaths, but upon your arm pulling away, his eyes had shot open, his mouth has slammed shut, and his hand had darted out to grab tight a hold of your receding wrist. "Well how else am I gonna give you a massage, hmm?"
"You could always just give me one through my clothes... or are you not that good?" He smirks at you over his shoulder, the light that can usually be found in his sly eyes finally shining bright again.
"Oh, but then it wouldn't feel as good! And tonight is all about helping you, Tighnari, I want you to relax for me..." You place a hand on his cheek and guide him to face you, giving him a deep kiss. When you pull away, he chases after you, trying to capture your lips with his again. "Do you think you can do that for me?"
He grumbles an answer, and even just from the implied tone you can guess what it meant, but you want to be sure, you want to take care of him and give him what he needs. "I want you to tell me properly, baby. Tell me you want this. Tell me you want what I'm going to give you." You look him in the eyes, imploring him to obey.
And, just like that, he crumbles.
"I want you, I want this, please, Y/N..." He begs, shifting to take off his shirt in a hurry, as if he couldn't possibly wait to feel your hands on him again.
This is how things always go between you and Tighnari; he pretends he doesn't need your help, pretends he will be fine without your touch, when, in reality, he craves it, begs for it with so much as a slight prod or a threat of receiving nothing. He's so easy to read, and yet, still just as fun as when you first met.
As soon as his shirt is peeled from his body, he casts it off into the room, only to be found in the morning, and as soon as it is out of the way, he reaches to grab your arms. You let him, of course. You just can't help giving him what he wants, especially when he's being so open about it, so... needy.
He leads your hands straight to fondle his nipples as he coaches your fingers to play with them just the way he wants, pinching, pulling, flicking and circling them as he groans, whines, whimpers and cries. This is the loudest he's ever been so soon after starting, and you haven't even really done anything yet... maybe you should just let him use you however he wants at some point? Make him tell you exactly what he wants, where he wants it, make him tell you how to do it, as if you don't already know what makes him cum the hardest... and the fastest... let him think he has control, only to make him submit and beg for forgiveness when you refuse to help him anymore, watch as the embarrassment paints his face a deep red as he realises he was giving you what you wanted the entire time... Well. That's for another night, perhaps. Tonight, right now, all your generous, caring boyfriend needs is some loving touches and sweet pleasure.
Once he is certain that your fingers will continue the set rhythm on his perky, pink nipples, Tighnari moves his hands to traverse his own body, surfing across the soft planes of his stomach and thighs, working himself up for you, just as you've taught him before now.
One of your hands moves away from him and to your side, reaching to grab the massage oil you'd planned to use before Tighnari got ahead of himself. He complains about it, but you know this will make it all that much better for him in the end, so you ignore his pitiful questioning whines and shuffles.
You spurt a few small pumps of the oil onto your palms, running them along his body where he'd been stroking himself a few mere seconds ago, giving him more lubrication to warm himself up and provide more pleasure in even the simplest of touches. In addition to this, you begin kissing and nipping his neck, littering bruises and bite marks of different sizes and severity trailing from his jaw down to his shoulders. Each bite earns a high keen from deep within him and a tilt of his head, readily giving you even more access to the surface he so wants you to bite into, to mar and stake your ownership.
"You're such a good boy for me, baby... so, so good. You want me this much? Yeah? Want me to claim you as my own, make you mine and let everyone know?"
He lets out an unabashed moan at that, nodding desperately in agreement, "mhm! W-want you so bad, wanna be yours, wanna be your- mmh! Y-your good boy!"
Leaving his hard nipples lonely before they become uncomfortable sensitive from your teasing, you smooth your fingers along his strong, slender shoulders, pressing into the crevices and rubbing in the oil, continuing the massage that he was so ready to forget and push past, wanting to skip straight to the main act. But, as you've come to learn, while Tighnari loves to care for you and your well being, he can be quick to forego his own. Well, you're going to show him right now, that taking care of himself can feel amazing. Starting with a massage.
You press and grind into all of his muscles, slowing the frantic pace that he has set for himself. He cries out, upset that you're teasing him further, but he quickly shuts up when you pull lightly on the base of his tail.
"Shush, baby. Trust me here... it'll feel good."
You gradually work your way down, following after his own hands in their wanton display of lust, feeling out the tense knots in his muscles and working them beneath your insistent fingers and the lubricant oil until the stresses on his body yield and he sighs and moans in relief. You work his abs, his arms, his thighs, all the way to the top, where you pull away just before making it to where he wants you most.
He breaks.
"Pl- hah! Please! Please Y/N, touch me! I'll be such a good boy! I need it so bad!" He sobs, crystalline tears finally falling, begging as he shakes under your calm gaze.
"Awh, 'Nari... there's no need to cry, baby... you know I'll always give you what you want, right? I just want to take care of you first."
You press your lips against his again to take his mind off of it, pushing your tongue into his mouth when he gasps. For a few seconds, he tries to take control, pushing against your tongue and attempting to set the pace, but he quickly learns that he much prefers when you take the lead, letting his spit swap and mix with yours as your tongues slide against each other, swallowing each other's noises.
Again, you uncap the oil bottle, spilling a generous drizzle onto your open hand, and take it to his ready and aching cock. Instantly, as your hand wraps around him, the clear oil mixes with milky white, precum drooling from his sobbing slit. He mewls at the touch, unconsciously bucking his hips up into the wet, tight heat enveloping his cock head. One hand slipping over his hard cock over and over again, and the other swapping between each nipple, giving them both equal attention, you proceed to kiss him at the same time, nipping his lips with each pullback for breath. You're overwhelming his senses, making him feel so much more, and even the lewd 'shlik shlik shlik' that resounds around the room only serves to make him shudder and whine and beg for more.
"Please, please- Ahhn~ Please~!" Is the constant moan streaming from his mouth, as if there were a dam inside of him that could no longer be contained.
Just from his erratic mannerisms you knew he was close: the tightening of his hands on your thighs, the shaking of his legs as they hang over the side of the bed, his ears twitching and tail jerking faster and faster.
"Cum for me, baby. It's okay, just relax... let it all out..."
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, he stiffens, a silent cry forcing his lips wide, tiny squeals of his voice intermittently ringing out when his throat loosens enough to let them escape.
Still, as he's coming down from the high of it all, you continue to stroke his now sensitive cock until he begins shaking, and his face scrunches in displeasure. Only then, do you release him, guiding him to lay back comfortably in the pillows of the bed.
5 minutes later, after a short break and a continued massage all the way up both legs, -which he did, admittedly, enjoy- Tighnari leans up onto his elbows, staring down at you in your position between his thighs.
"Uh.. mmm.... do you.. -I mean, should I return the favour? Can I make you feel good? Or is that not allowed?"
Ah. It'd seem as though he's beginning to regain his wits enough to start being snarky again, accompanied with that signature little smirk he always wears when he's proud of himself. Seems the shock to his senses was just what he needed.
Maybe he could do with some more.
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Thank you for reading! 🩷
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jvstheworld · 9 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E16 (part 2)
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
And here is where the episode gets so much worse.
Buffy, under the effects of a love spell is offering to comfort Xander, and Xander's first thought is 'lap dance?' Just when you think he can't sink any lower, he somehow manages to.
Was he really going to kiss Buffy if Amy didn't walk in and interrupt them?
Don't mess with people's emotions, it will not turn out well for anyone.
Well, there's your problem Cordelia, you've been trying to make other people happy instead of yourself, because you value other people's opinions above your own.
Xander admitting his dumbassery to Giles and being rightfully being scolded by him. Love spells are horrible and on par with date r**e drugs.
Is there any redeeming part to this episode? Or am I just realising how disturbing it is? Buffy, under the spell, walks into the library wearing only a rain coat and tries to get Xander to undress her. Xander does consider it, if only for a moment, but it's his foolishness that caused this to happen in the first place. If Buffy was in her right mind then she would never have done something like this.
Buffy turned into a rat.
Oh look, there's the redeeming part, Oz punching Xander. Much deserved too. Willow got over Xander and is all for her new relationship. But because of the spell, Xander could have potentially screwed it up and her up.
Giles is rightfully pissed off at Xander, especially if buffy gets hurt while in rat form.
Giles going for a verbal smackdown with Amy. Go Giles.
Willow with an axe is not to be messed with.
Is Oz tracking tracking the Buffy rat using his heightened werewolf sense of smell?
Yeah Xander, go to Buffy's house, where her mum is, who will likely be under the spell too. A great plan.
Then Angelus appears, but is only concerned about Buffy. Dru arrives to save him, then an angry mob of very pissed off women turn up to either kiss him (reads more like SA at this point) or kill him.
Cordelia's reaction to finding out that the spell was meant for her is one of shock but she is okay with it. What the actual hell? No. It is not okay to hear that your ex decided to manipulate you into loving him. And he did it to get revenge for you breaking up with him because Xander is a vindictive shit. If I haven't made it clear enough, what he did is wrong on so many levels and should be seen as such. But no, let's continue with romanticising manipulation tactics as a sign of love. For fucks sake.
Yay, Buffy is human again.
Joyce is probably repressing so many things because of all the weird shit that goes on.
Willow is rightfully and seriously pissed off at Xander. She loved him before she was with Oz and now she is moving on and beginning a new relationship. He could have royally fucked that up for her, not to mention screwing with her emotions which could leave her feeling worse off. he is going to have to do a lot of grovelling to make it up to her, and he better fucking mean it. But he doesn't face any serious consequences, it just gets covered up and then nothing.
He couldn't take advantage of Buffy like that? Well, there is a plus, I guess.
Cordy standing up to her 'friends', good on her. they are sheep and only around Cordy for her popularity. In my opinion, Xander is not worth it, I care more about Cordy and her happiness than Xander.
I'm going to put this episode down as one of my least favourites. There are some bad episodes of Buffy, 'Beer Bad' for one, but that was an attempt at humour gone wrong, this was just straight up wrong.
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Pardon me while I expell some Dual Destinies thoughts. Not kind ones this time but that's okay. Gotta fill the old complaint box every once in a while! If I wanted to insult something I'd make that crystal-clear, but that's not the intention. Hope that comes across here.
So... Bobby Fulbright. Fool Bright. Robert Maximum Luminosity. Booby Fulltits, if you will.
Here you have the potential development of a detective devoted to justice but learning that his methods could stand to be more humane. His actions are reasonable but have lead to more harm than good to his prosecutor. Justice isn't just about making people fall in-line or mindlessly following what is seen as right and failing to realise that has lead to the potential doom of his newfound friends. We would realise that - under trying times and having the right buttons pushed - a paragon of good can be truly monstrous. The paragon himself will be forced to either change their ways for the better, or go down as the villain he has become. Because he's not a super-hero. He's as human as the rest of us...
...or that goodness could be a facade. A front to hide the fact that the detective never cared if he was "good", traditionally speaking - only that he could justify his actions under hollow rhetorics and super-hero theatrics. That he feels completely in the right because his position allows him to enforce what is right and wrong unto others. He has no emotional attachment to doing "good" by others, so why should he care? Maybe it's not even a facade. Maybe he genuinely believes he's good by his own standards. A living lesson that you shouldn't trust someone purely off the image they wish to project of themselves, and rather by their verifiable action. Faith without doubt is blind, and can lead you to trust those without your best interests in mind...
...or we can have ghosts. You guys like ghosts right? Yeah, everyone loves things that can't be proven! Especially me. Love it!
If you hadn't guessed I've had Phanty on the brain for a while now. And I think the ideas that he presents regarding Bobby Fulbright - who he could have been as a person and how he could change or change the people around him, the false persona of a righteous champion of justice - hit me a lot harder than the spectre himself ever did. Why was I so invested in Bobby being a bastard, but completely deflated when the phantom revealed he was nothing at all? This why. Actively telling the audience that the main villain of your story is as deep as a dry puddle after getting me invested in all those ideas took me all the way out.
I'll concede those ideas are still present. Bobby could have been as good or terrible as the phantom portrayed. But that's besides the point for me. For me, it came off as an excuse for a villain to be and do anything. He's the phantom! He can be whatever the writers want him to be because he literally has no personality! We even actively detached him from the last personality we gave him by saying he isn't even that person! In fact, that person was dead the whole time! They can both be whatever you want! The things Phanty brings to the table - the false persona giving way to a man with no emotional attachments, running away from himself because confronting his true self would mean death from within and without - are interesting ideas, but by then it's too late for me to really sink my teeth into them before he's gone.
The phantom COULD have been a bastard who genuinely thought he was doing the right thing. He COULD have been using a cheesey comic book-level persona as a projection of his thoroughly twisted ideas of what's right. It COULD have been that he slipped into the role so easily because it's not too far from where he started; someone who wanted to do the right thing by his home country, but made to repress who he really is in order to do terrible things, eventually internalising that has the righteous path. "Whatever I say is just, is just!" But I don't get the impression that that's what Dual Destinies - as written - was going for. They wanted a twist villain and did so by any means necessary without considering the implications or potential such a twist could have. Bobby exists because we need a dopey, likeable character to backstab us at the end. The phantom is a non-entity because it gives the writers a blank cheque to do anything and have it make sense without needing to give it any more thought.
There's a bit of advice in theatre that you shouldn't play a character as bored because you'd just be boring to watch. Similarly, I don't think you should write a character to be a hollow husk from the outset. People are just going to see it for what it is; a husk. The phantom's actions can contradict that all they want, the audience has already decided you want him to be seen like that. No take-backs on that decision. This one's on you, chief.
...or maybe I'm too invested in a villain from a series that, with occassional exception, does not have the most deep and fascinating final bosses in terms of writing. The person matters a lot less than the impact they leave, the concepts that they embody. It's just particularly insulting that a potentially interesting character is thrown to the wayside in favour of an easy out.
I can rattle off the first few paragraphs and even the a couple paragraphs earlier all I want but damn if Dual Destinies actually goes anywhere with it. Ya know?
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adelalovesmadara · 10 months
Naruto Runaways From His Impending Marriage Fic Idea lol
Naruto knows he should be happy so he keeps the smile on his face. Nothing big, just a smile that he is sure he can maintain for the rest of the day.
It's his wedding day. A day where he would be tied to Hinata. A day where he will live in a house and have a wife to return to. A day that he has never envisioned before ― at least not with Hinata. A day where he will be as pliant as the Hyuuga want him to be.
Something is churning deep inside his belly at that thought process and Naruto breathes out, feeling suddenly cold.
Cherry blossoms are floating around outside in their deep pink glory. It's a beautiful yet fleeting sight. Does Sasuke see those in his journey?
It's been two months since the Toneri Incident. In that time, Naruto had taken Hinata to dates, trying to spend as much time as possible with her, always searching, always looking.
It's the ugly truth that he finds her boring. Only to discover that while she loves him, but not the real him. It's the him that he tried so hard to be. The him that needs to put on a smile.
"Your smile saved me," Hinata had said.
But it's not her that saved him.
Naruto wonders if Sasuke would be here attending his wedding. He gets the feeling Sasuke won't, judging by the absent of the returning letter.
He feels nothing. Even his body is almost numb. It's his wedding day. He should be on cloud nine or something.
"Naruto! It's time."
All Naruto feels right now is terror. The kind that is paralyzing. The kind that eats him up from the inside.
He throws up on the toilet sink and promptly passes out. Only one thought is floating inside his mind;
"Wait, are you ― the wedding?"
"I wasn't planning to come."
"Why are you here then?"
Sasuke exhales forcefully through his nose. "I felt your immense... emotional distress," he impassively says. "I made a portal and I went through it."
"Huh. Since when can you do that?"
"A while now."
"That's... awesome..."
"Unfortunately, my Rinnegan powers are gone."
"Temporarily. I was traveling through three of Kaguya's dimensions, the chakra drain is enough for my power to shut down for a period of time."
"We can't go back?" Naruto, suddenly a ray of hope make its existence known. "For how long?"
"Perhaps a day if I have your assistance ―"
Somewhere along the way, Naruto realises he doesn't want their adoration, their worshipful gazes. He wants them to... get him, like Sasuke does. He doesn't want Hinata's admiration of him.
Naruto's eyes stutter to a close.
He doesn't want her. He doesn't want anyone.
Anyone other than Sasuke.
Men can't get married to other men. Men can't have children. Besides, it's gross ― vulgar. And it's abnormal and sick to have fantasies about Sasuke doing... er, stuff with a man (that obviously is not himself).
It's just wrong. Gross!
Does this mean Naruto is a deviant?
... He doesn't feel gross. Everything with Sasuke feels right.
Naruto groans. Because that is an answer in itself...
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[ HAND ]:     sender extends a hand to the receiver, wordlessly asking for a dance. @alwayshorrible (from drowned bitch)
It was strange to mourn someone who was standing right there in front of you. But the Accomplice supposes they've had plenty of practice.
Murdock wasn't the first, and he probably won't be the last. They're not sure why they didn't expect it; like everything else in their many, many lives, he wasn't to last. Just another tangent of a plot line in a story much too convoluted and deranged to keep track of. Another story left to come to an abrupt and agonizing end, character threads left to unravel and dangle away into nothing, making way for the next to begin weaving it's equally as doomed tale.
They supposed they'd grown comfortable here. With Murdock, and Slasher, and the little cabin in the woods, and their midnight crimes. They'd never been the one to deal out the deaths before. They had always been the victim, at the mercy of the story, helplessly pulled along different plot lines, only to be brutally cut short by a cruel and often unusual demise. But here it had been different. A deviation from the usual script. So why would it stop there?
They should have known better.
They know something is wrong the moment they're jolted into actual lucidity by police officers interrupting their work day. The fuzzy blur of the courtroom sharpens just enough to allow them to quietly escort them out, their faces impossible to look at. The Accomplice's gaze refuses to stay on them, simply sliding over it like too clean glass, treacherous and slippery.
It's the same feeling they get when they try to remember their own face.
They lead them out of the courtroom and into a freezing morgue, the transit lost to time judged too boring to be included in this story. Even as they stare at the silhouette of the white sheet draped over the specimen table, so similar to the ones they and Murdock had stood over all those nights, carving their souls into skin and bone, the roles now reserved in such a way that makes their skin crawl, they can't quite believe it's happening.
It isn't until they lift it to see Murdock's colourless face that it sinks in.
Of course. Of course. They had grown complacent. They'd forgotten the cruel reality of the world they lived in; that nothing was truly theirs to keep. It was all just another act, another show, and once the director tried of it, they would move on to the next. No thoughts for the characters left behind. They had outlived their usefulness, after all. Nothing for it but to move on to the next. They can already feel the narrative shifting around them, their very role being edited and rewritten, words backspaced on a screen and replaced with new plot threads. It’s all they can do just to give their statement and leave, standing in the blurry street as the town reshapes itself around them. They wonder what it’ll be this time. Will they remember this one when it’s gone? Or will Murdock join the rest of the supporting roles they’ve forgotten?
They don’t realise they’re at the cabin until Slasher’s greeting caws jolt them from their thoughts. They’re glad that he’s still here, at least, reaching out to scratch his head fondly when he lands on their shoulder. They suppose it’s as good a place as any to wait for reality to collapse in on itself and be born again. But as they step closer, they realise that the door is slightly ajar, which doesn’t make any sense. The only person who could possibly be inside was dead.
Maybe it’s the police. Maybe it’s some stupid kids. Whoever it is, the Accomplice refuses to let them fuck up the only thing they have left to prove that Murdock even existed at all. Even if soon enough, it’ll all be pointless anyway. It matters now. They stalk inside, Slasher flapping away in a blur of feathers as they’re jostled off their perch, the Accomplice too enraged to care for their comfort, footsteps splashing and soaking through the soles of their shoes as—
Wait. What?
The first thing they notice is that it looks like the cabin’s been flooded. There’s water up to their ankles, streaming from the windows like the outside is completely engulfed, even as the open door proves that can’t be so. The roof sags with leaking pockets of water, already burst in some places to allow rushing currents to add to the steadily rising pool. Odds and ends are floating through it, spare glasses of Murdock’s, soaked through clothes, cutlery... It doesn’t make any sense. The Accomplice has seen some weird shit in Murderville, but dry floodings? That’s new. They wade through the water, forcing open doors that fight against the weight of the flood, thinking that perhaps if they open enough exits, they can drain it out, until...
The second thing they notice is Murdock in the living room.
Except it can’t be. Murdock is still in the morgue, cold and lifeless, another autopsy report clipped into a file, more evidence to be tucked away, but he’s also here. The Accomplice recognises the silhouette of his ridiculous coat, his arms splayed out, the short cut of his hair, his distinctive gloves... It can’t be anyone else. They stand, frozen, helpless to do anything but stare at the ghost in front of them, their baffled mind somehow fixating on the fact that he seems to be waltzing, legs moving too smoothly through water now almost high enough to reach his knees, seeming to either not notice or care for the trickling water running from every crevice and opening around him. A floating radio warbles a crackling song somewhere in the room. The Accomplice watches as he sways, turning to face them, and what they see only makes them more confused.
It’s Murdock’s face, but... Different. The details are all wrong. It’s like someone tried to recreate Murdock from memory, giving him the wrong glasses, styling his hair differently, dressing him in something close to his usual wear, but just different enough to be unsettling... But most damning of all is his eyes. Though they’re still as red as before, there’s not a trace of recognition in them as they meet theirs. Nothing but an emptiness as deep as the water rising around them, creeping further and further up as he slowly raises his hand to theirs in a silent invitation.
The Accomplice only hesitates for a second.
What else can they do? They don’t try to fight against the current engulfing them. They were doomed anyway. Perhaps this is simply how this story ends; with waterlogged furniture and burning lungs, this version of Murdock here only to keep them company as they dance to the music of the credits to their little movie. They let him tug them closer, circling their other hand loosely around his neck as he leads them in a waltz. The water’s up to their waist now. His gloves are wet against their skin, clammy and uncomfortable, but they don’t pull away.
They stay like this until everything is submerged; even their own lungs.
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girirajattawar · 2 years
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When I read this poem for the first time I was in the 8th class, aged 12 or 13 maybe....I had this poem by W.H. Davies called "Leisure" included in our English's syllabus...as a kid I simply rote learned the poem and critically appreciated it in the test and scored well....I was happy but I was just a "kid" and I didn't realise how deep this poem is. Obviously my English professor was also at fault but...no worries... i spare her...because I know the fact that since the last one hundred years the only thing that has remained unchanged is THE EDUCATION SYSTEM....just saying. 🙂 So, two years hence, when I was in the 10th year, somehow I got to read this poem again...I don't know if I was mentally more matured than what and how I was in the 8th class but this time I understood the depth...oh Maybe I wasn't more matured....I just had more vocabulary...cuz me and maturity still haven't met 😑...leave it. So, this time I understood what Mr. Davies actually wants us to grab from this poem...the actual meaning...in the 8th class, even after rote learning the poem the message didn't sink in my mind....but this time it did...this is what is the difference between understanding and blindly learning...Anyway...since then...like since the time I read this poem for the second time after 2 years, it's just been with me !
Friends....really..just have a look at it and you will understand how true it is....I remember of asking myself a question when I understood the poem...it was....Giriraj, when was your mind totally empty and relaxed the last time ? And I didn't get an answer because even if I do nothing, I keep on thinking about something...something that bothers me...till today never did I ever enjoy my own company...I always want someone to accompany me so that we keep on chatting...I never sat with a thoughtless, calm and relaxed mind beneath the sky, listening to my favorite music pieces, enjoying the beauty around me, just looking around and enjoying my own company...ah...what a feeling it is...I have never been in a state where I ain't sleeping but I am not even fully awake..believe me it's the best state a person can be in ! Completely relaxed but not sleeping...
We always think about our physical appearance..overall our body but do we ever think about our soul ? some of you surely do but most including me don't..... Sometimes we should do things according to our hearts...just tell our professional minds to shut up and let the heart speak up !
Just once...just once in my life I want to forget all my duties, all my responsibilities, all my worries...I want to forget about my goals and just relax..just once ! I just want to know that this life, once gone is gone forever !
This poem taught me that yeah...it's not possible to be totally careless everyday in this world but be like that at least once !
The last last line literally is a slap on my face...howsoever rich you are...you are a poor person if you can't give yourself a day without any worry, any responsibility and any restriction !
Indeed this poem rules my mind and everytime I am stressed or worried I read this poem and it acts as heaven !
I will soon be better at this..I promise......tell me my mistakes...I m just trying to open up and share my thoughts..if I have gone wrong somewhere or said something wrong..i am really sorry 🙏
Thank you !!
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letteredwings · 2 years
Our Things | L.HJ
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Hyunjae x Fem!Reader
Simply put, these are memories most precious, because they are of us.
Contains: Fluff, minor angst; brief mentions of death (and also one suggestive comment) | AU: Domestic, Slice-of-Life, Romance | W.C: 3.2k+
A/N: I can't believe I managed to keep this relatively short. I haven't tried writing in this format(?) before, but I hope everyone enjoys <3
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— Our Embraces
(i) It’s a burden.
To feel pain. It’s a burden.
And it’s a burden that you felt the need to have someone relieve it for you.
You felt small. And utterly weak. You didn’t even know why you were letting it get to you— well you did. But you didn’t know why you weren’t handling it as you normally would have. All you needed to do is be rational. It was just one of those days, you needed to tell yourself. Where each mistake striked you till you were crumbling, the weight of each minute thing pinning you until your chest felt like it would cave in and you couldn't breathe.
I should have cancelled. Why didn’t I just go home and mope in bed instead?
But before you knew it, you’re in front of his door, knuckles tapping against its surface and before you could think to turn away, he’s pulled it open with a smile that crashed heavily against you.
“Hey! I have everything set up,” He started, pulling the door open wider and moving to let you in. He carried on talking while you removed your shoes and he locked up. “Don’t forget our deal— holding my hand, hiding against me, or using me as any sort of protection and you’re paying for our next date. You might as well give up now.” He stared at the back of your head grinning, not noticing how stagnant you were. That your shoulders were completely slumped. He probably didn’t notice the tiredness in your eyes sinking the skin beneath them. “Just know though, that if you hug me it is very unlikely I’ll let go.”
Your next breath felt painful. From his voice alone it was obvious that his mood was skies higher than yours and it made you feel worse. Because there you were to ruin it.
Though, your heart grappled for something— for the last of his words— it is very unlikely I’ll let go. And soon that became a need. An overwhelming all consuming need that you tried to swallow in your suddenly sore throat.
Turning, he seemed to finally notice because the warm expression faltered, brows faintly pulling together.
Not wanting that smile of his to leave, you attempted your own, croaking out his name. “Jae…” It’s already gone though, dark eyes fixated on yours, waiting. Swallowing, the urge to backtrack overcame you and you shook your head, smiling as wide as you could bear. “Nevermind. Let’s start the movie, huh? I hope you got my snacks.”
As you went to turn his fingers wrapped around your wrist delicately, stopping you in your tracks. I can’t look at him…
He called out your name, softly, so unbelievably soft, but it grated at your insides, like his voice was trying to penetrate you and bring you to him. “What’s wrong? Please tell me.”
So weak…
No stopping yourself, the painful dryness in your throat made your words come out croaky when softly you asked “can I have a hug?”
So warm. So secure. He didn’t hesitate to drag you into his chest and the immediate relief allowed each pain of the day that clogged up inside you to release as tears. But he didn’t let go. He held you tighter, as if he could squeeze out every ounce of bad eating you up.
And you suppose he could.
(ii) It’s never a burden.
There’s usually relief upon coming home. Locked away from the outside world and finally able to shed the troubles of the day is usually enough for him.
But getting into his empty bed and turning over to stare at that spot he feels this longing in his chest that makes him realise that merely coming back to the place he calls home isn’t enough.
With only a minor hesitation, he pulls up your name and sends you a message. The phone feels heavy on his chest with the seconds ticking by and him wishing harder and harder each moment it does that you’ll respond soon.
So when his phone pings and he sees your simple ‘of course, love’ on his screen, he’s jumping up and shoving his feet into his shoes in no time at all.
The time it takes to get to yours seems far too long, though it really isn’t. It’s just that he really needs you in his arms right now.
And when he finally gets what he wants, pulling you against his chest as he lays beside you in bed, he finally feels ready to fall asleep, and with the most content smile on his face.
— Our Kisses
(i) It’s scary.
The term falling in love has started to feel literal, in the sense that you undoubtedly feel like you’re free-falling.
But it’s not the falling that's scary necessarily, it’s that you were okay with it.
Each moment seemed doused in golden syrup, drowning you in such sweetness that there was never a moment you weren't buzzing.
Focusing as much as he was, your hands clasped together in front of you, eyeing up the target. Hyunjae drew his hand back, squinting while he prepared to release the dart.
It was barely a second of the dart being released to it hitting the round wood, but you held your breath, wide eyes apprehensive and then—
The one word brought squeals and cheers, your hand latching onto his arm in your excitement. Hyunjae grinned smugly and asked for a bear. You eye it curiously, since you were sure he had been eyeing the nerf gun before.
When he turned to you, his intentions were clear and it had you smiling shyly.
“Thank you.”
Spring warmth furled around you, sedating your body in it, and whatever was in the air had you kissing the bear and then placing its snout on Hyunjae’s cheek. There was glimmer of surprise in his eyes, but that warmth reached him and spilt into a glow that hummed over every inch of his face — in that smile of his.
He stared at you with that smile and then suddenly he moved closer. Your heart skipped and then you were acutely aware of the fact that you hadn’t shared your first kiss with him yet.
So when he cupped your face, you instinctively squeezed your eyes shut. It was unintentional that you froze up and truthfully, you’re not sure why you did when you know how often you’d wondered what it would be like to feel his lips on yours.
Instead, as you waited there with your tightly shut eyes, you felt the bear pulled from your hands. When your lids blinked open, he was still hovering just above your lips and you very nearly squeezed them shut again. Lips curved, he brought the bear to his own lips and just as you had done, he pecked its snout and then kissed your mouth with it.
God, I really am falling.
Feeling giddy and embarrassed at once, your face fell against his chest and you responded by hitting his arm. He only chuckled, holding you against him.
(ii) It’s no longer scary.
“Babe, I’m going now.”
Nearly slipping in your little jog from your bedroom to the front door, you can hear him laugh as you rush out “waitwaitwait.”
Crashing into him purposefully, he catches you as always, grinning right back at you. And as always, you kiss the tips of your fingers and press it to his lips, watching his cheeks bunch up before he kisses his own fingers, laying them on your mouth.
And then, he drags you in for a proper kiss that never ceases to make you feel like you’re free-falling.
— Our I Love You's
(i) It was without a thought.
Though you had never asked, Hyunjae developed a habit of buying books for you. They were definitely more your thing than his, but as soon as he saw your vast collection the first time he visited your home, he made it his mission to add to it.
The man really knew his way into your heart.
But that wasn’t the only thing he did.
Every gift would already have his mark left inside. He’d scour the pages, telling you he never really read any of them properly, but he would go through it until he found a quote he liked. It was his way of expressing himself. His circle around a quote his message to you.
It may seem like something miniscule, but you recall the way your heart tightened as if it was preparing to detonate the first time you had read a book he gifted you and saw that something was already circled, with a small heart and his initials.
Well more than a mere something.
You texted him immediately to ask if that was him and when he confirmed you screamed into your pillow as if that would be enough to absolve you of the overwhelming emotion.
The words he circled, that you are sure not to forget to this day, especially as you could clearly picture his voice whispering them in your ear, were:
“But I liked you from the start.”
“Sometimes, often, always, I think about you before falling asleep.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Is there something you need? Name it. It’s yours. If I have it, it’s yours.”
You also remember the faint mark of pencil by the following passage— yet he had chosen not to circle it.
“This is it. He thinks, I love you. He thinks, Maybe, one day, you’ll even let me tell you.”
But, that didn’t matter.
Though it took many books later. The next time he gave you one, rather than a whole quote, he merely circled three important words.
“I.” “Love.” “You.”
(ii) It’s because she thinks of me.
Hyunjae laughs as he sits on the plane. He knows he must look like a madman snickering to himself, but he doesn’t care.
Inside the packed lunch you made for his business trip is a photo of you pulling a silly face. It’s so ridiculous, how could he not laugh? Each tooth is bared, muscles pulling his cheeks taut and high until they ache, but he can ignore that, because that smile is there because of you after all.
He pulls out the envelope that he carries with him whenever he goes away, from his briefcase. Inside are countless other pictures you’ve gifted him of your silly faces.
He finds the first one you ever gave him. Hungover, with your makeup from the night before smudged, you pulled the face of an unhinged killer from a b-side horror and he laughs all over again.
Memories pile in his head until it stops at a particular moment. From the early days of you dating, he remembers you catching him doing something weird. He was only speaking to himself and the food he was preparing in a funny voice, but his ears immediately turned red when you caught him, laughing loudly at the scene before you.
He remembers asking if you thought he was a weirdo and how his heart sunk when you immediately answered yes.
But when you saw the hurt flash across his face, you quickly took his hands and made him look at you. Gently pulling from him an insecurity that many do not know he had. That he’s scared of getting judged and that he might be misunderstood if people find him strange. He remembers the way you squished his cheeks between your palms till his lips jutted out.
You told him to never hide himself from you.
And in your eyes he could see it then. Your love was to let him be.
— Our Touch
(i) If heaven had hands, it would be hers.
“I’m sorry, angel.”
“Don’t be silly. You’re in so much pain. What we ordering— chicken?”
He grinned, “you know me so well.” His expression soon twisted into a grimace, hand moving to his back once more.
Worriedly, your hand smoothed over his shoulder. “It’s really that bad?”
Though he tried to brush it off, you could see right through him. “I’ll get over it.”
“Nu uh. Come on.” He had no choice but to comply when you started to carefully drag him towards the bedroom. “Lie down. Take off your shirt.”
“Uh, babe. Not that I totally would, but I don’t think I have the strength for that right now.”
Offended, your face pulled into one of disgust. “Ew no, I’m going to massage your back.”
“For goodness sake, just take your shirt off and lie down, Jae.”
It took a stern look with your hands on your hips for him to actually do as you said. But as soon as you saw him wince as he started to pull his tee from over his head, it melted into concern. Grabbing your body oil and rubbing it between your palms, carefully you straddled the backs of Hyunjae’s thighs.
Starting low, Hyunjae relaxed feeling your thumbs dig into the soft skin, rolling by his spine and palms pressing down, You slowly worked your way up like that, pressing and rubbing your fingers against his skin, using the heel of your palm in circular motions, easing out any tenseness.
He groaned, head turned sideways against the bed with his eyes drawing low. “That feels so good.”
Taking time to work the expanse of his back, Hyunjae felt like you’d been doing it for hours. Reaching his shoulders, he felt you squeeze and circle against him before returning to his shoulder blades, using some of your weight as your hands laid flat and moved over his skin.
Leaning down, you kissed his shoulder, then his cheek.
“Better, love?”
“Better.” He hummed.
(ii) If heaven had hands, it would be his.
Seeing you close to tears and totally miserable, he feels helpless. And the only thing he can offer is the comfort of his hugs. No energy to move yourself, he pulls at your thigh, slinging it over his lap, then slides his arm around your waist to drag you completely over him until you’re sitting in his lap.
He knows that it’s a natural thing to happen, but seeing you so drained and in pain makes him want to physically fight your period.
You feel his fingers against your head, tucking your face against his neck and you whimper, wanting his comfort above all else when you feel like this.
“It’s okay baby, I’m here.”
His hands start to run soothingly over your back and soon he feels your weight sinking into him. “Where’s it hurt most? Here?” His hands stop at your lower back and you nod, closing your eyes and tightening your fists around his hoodie. Hyunjae focuses his touch on that area, moving under your shirt so you can feel the heat of his hands rub warm circles over and over.
The heat and the movement help ease some of the pain, your body actually feeling relaxed enough to want to sleep now. His hands move to your hips and squeeze there, working their way back in and restarting his circles, the expanse of his hands creating heat across your lower back. You peck his throat in thanks, Hyunjae responding with a kiss on your forehead.
“Rest, angel. I got you.”
— Our Traditions
(i) Sometimes, you have to make the best out of what you have.
And you think you did a good job.
White table cloth, candles, fairlights, window view and of course the food, you think you’ve managed to imitate the ambience of a romantic dinner in Italy quite well.
Looking yourself over in the mirror, you quickly put on your faux pearl earring and smoothed your hand down your gold satin dress.
Hyunjae’s dress shirt and pants were hanging, ready for him to change into when he’s home. The screen and projector were in your closet ready to be pulled out to imitate the view you would have gotten from your hotel room and the champagne is chilling in the bucket.
Breathing out, knowing that everything was done, you started to feel the excitement well inside you.
And fifteen minutes later, he was coming through the doors, calling out for you.
“Bedroom, babe.”
His jaw nearly dropped to the floor seeing you. “Wow… You look. Wow.”
Laughing, your hands rested around his neck and you pecked his lips. “Thank you. Now you go and quickly look wow too.”
“But— what is all this?”
“Well I know how gutted you were we couldn’t go away for our anniversary this year, so I thought I’d bring Italy to us.”
He stared at you. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I know.” You chuckled. “Now quick, get ready. I’ve just about stopped myself from eating all the food.”
(ii) The best that you have, is the person you have.
Hyunjae blows on the spoon before shoving it in his mouth, nodding to himself in satisfaction. Giving the curry a stir, he turns down the heat and moves to turn up his music, bobbing his head.
It’s no wonder he doesn’t hear you come up behind him.
“Boo!” Throwing your arms over his shoulders from behind, you laugh feeling him jump. “Hey, baby.” Craning his head to the side, he leaves his lips there for you to peck, giving you a smile while he starts to slice some garlic. “Where we off to this time then?”
He hums, placing the knife down and turning to face you, hands automatically gravitating to rest on your hips. “Well. We’ve done Italy, Sri Lanka, Nigeria… I’m thinking… Thailand?”
Grinning, you quickly kiss him. “I’m thinking, perfect.”
— Our Forevers
(i) Our next step?
It was this. Our promise. Our forever.
Tears welled in Hyunjae’s eyes the moment they laid on you. Every second of you walking down the aisle was far too long for him. He had half a mind to run to you right then and there. Every inch of him trembled at the sight of you— his goddess, his love — and he couldn't believe that the stars, the universe (or if there’s anyone above) had deemed him fit enough to have you, to make you his wife.
His thick lashes are stained with the tears he barely managed to keep from falling by the time you reached him, smiling so radiantly it knocked the breath from him.
“You’re beautiful.” He choked out, restraining himself from taking you in his arms and kissing you until you would be far too breathless to even say I do.
God. The smile you give him. How do you make him feel like he’s fallen in love with you all over again?
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” You teased.
“Nothing compared to you, my love.”
How does he still make you feel so shy?
“Ready to spend the rest of your life with me?”
(ii) What else is there?
A lifetime you’ve shared. A love that felt timeless.
"We always said till death do us part, but… I told you not to go before me." He croaks, willing his frail hand to hold your tighter. "But I'll be with you soon my love, I can feel it. My heart won't go on without you." He holds your wrinkly hand, the wedding band still there, reaching over from his bed to yours and wishing he had you in his arms one last time.
As the nurses come in, the ringing filling his ears, his eyes start to close as his heart slows.
He doesn’t let go of your hand.
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esper-game · 2 years
Ouch okay that last ask hit a little hard…
What if mc came back early from the date and when the RO asks why, mc gets really quiet for a moment before saying:
“Because the whole time I was on that date, I couldn’t stop thinking about you…It made me realise that the only person I wanted to spend my night with…was you.”
Haha well I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
Referring to this ask!
L: As soon as MC comes back early they'd be worried. And they'd also be ready to fight the other person if they hurt MC. When MC tells them they wanted to spend the night with them instead, they wouldn't know what to say. They want to say that they felt the same. They want to say that they've felt that way for a while now. They want to hold MC. But they also know they shoudn't.
S: They'd immediately feel a rush of relief but quickly stop themselves. What if some thing's happened to MC? As soon as they know MC is fine, they'd relax. Then the words would sink in and they'd realise just what MC said. MC wanted to be with them instead. And they wanted to be with MC. They'd push away any nervousness, because this is something they need to do. They'd take a deep breath, and just tell MC that they feel the same.
I: They would try to act like they weren't concerned, if also slightly relieved when MC came back early. It would take them a little while to actually ask why, because they hate prying, but once they do they realise they actually want to know. And when they hear what MC says, they won't know what to do. MC can't mean-? They must mean as friends. Even though that doesn't make sense. They would just be standing there, mouth open. Then suddenly they'd start to get flushed and blurt out "What?"
V: They wouldn't be that worried until MC pauses when they ask what's wrong. But when they hear what MC says, all concern would be gone. They'd be flooded with relief that their feelings are being reciprocated. They'd be smiling, ear to ear, and just say "yes." Then once they recover, they'd explain how they feel the same way for MC.
Thanks for the ask!!! <3
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Brown Eyes [Din Djarin x Reader]
*Hi. The episode has been out for three hours. The devil works hard but I work harder. I hope you enjoy! xx*
Summary: Din has always wanted to confess his love to you— but with his devotion to the Creed and with the risk of losing you, he wonders if the revelation would really be worth it. Would you even consider being with him if he refused to remove his helmet? When Grogu is taken away from Din and in the fiendish hands of Moff Gideon, Din realises there isn't anything he won't do to get his son back.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: descriptions of anxiety, *SPOILERS FOR Season 2 Episode 15: The Believer of The Mandalorian*
Word count: 2.6k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos
gif credit: @siennablake
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"Din," you froze up, backing away from the Imperial who was sitting at a table drinking caf. "I- I can't do it."
Din's head snapped to face you, masked by the Imperial Shocktrooper helmet he was doting. "Why not?" His voice was firm, but the tone of his question dripped with concern. You bawled your fingers into a fist as you squeezed your eyes tight shut, beginning to anxiously pace around in circles.
"That's Valen Hess," you muttered, trying your hardest to regulate your nervous breathing. "He- I used to serve under him. I- can't… go in there. Din, he'll recognise me." the thoughts in your head were jumbled. Din placed two hands steady on your shoulders.
"I'll go, hand me the dataspike." Din told you calmly. You felt like putty under his touch. Usually, his firm grip would calm you down and ease any of your troubles away— but not this time. You felt completely nauseated.
Grogu was at stake. When you met the Mandalorian, it took him some time to find the confidence in introducing you to the child. You were Ex-Imperial after all. But he warmed up to you, seeing the way you cared so deeply for the children on Sorgan. When he introduced you to the little green bean, who did not yet have a name, you were enamoured. That's when Din knew he was in love with you. Ever since that day, he'd only fallen in love with you more and more. His feelings became stronger with every waking second he spent with you.
Of course, he never acted on his feelings. He wished he had, he wished he could say something. He knew that if something happened to you and you didn't know how he truly felt, he'd regret it for the rest of his life. There had been countless times where you and him brushed paths on the Razor Crest. Plenty of times to say something, plenty of times to mutter the three words that had consumed his mind, body and soul. ‘I love you’. The words were like a broken record in the back of his mind. He looked at you through his visor, seeing your distress and his heart aching and he wanted— no, he had to do something.
His son had been kidnapped and suddenly, Din was an unstoppable force. Nothing could hold him back— not his friends, not the Creed, nothing. The regret ate him up like flies on a corpse. If there was one thing he learned from Grogu's disappearance, is that you never know what is coming around the corner. Din began to treat everyday with you like it was your last because there was no way of telling what the future was holding. And that only stirred him on, the desire of telling you how much you meant to him.
"You can't go," you removed your finger from your lips where you had been anxiously biting your nails. "The security system is biometric facial recognition. There must be another way." you tried to rack your brain for a solution, but Din's mind was already made up.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes in search for an answer. You steadied your breathing. "Din," you whispered. "What if we distract them? You go in there and speak to him so he's looking the other way and I'll use that moment to sneak past and access the terminal."
No answer. "Din?" you asked, cautiously opening your eyes. He was already gone. Your mouth began to open and close like a goldfish as you watched his approach the terminal. He paused, midway between two tables, shakily saluting Valen Hess. Din turned back to the terminal, held his head up high and carried on over to it.
Upon examining it, Din found it was no different to any other information point— whether it had been New Republic or Independent, Din was lucky enough to already know how to navigate the system. He clicked a few buttons on the keypad, bringing up the facial recognition scanner. He stood still, letting it roam down his face. He didn't have much faith, but it was worth a shot.
Din cursed under his breath as the scanner light lit up red, beeping ecstatically.
"Error. Error. Facial scanning incomplete. Ten seconds until system shutdown." An automated voice informed. Din felt a few gazes burn into his back, no doubt Valen Hess noticing the commotion. "Ten, nine, eight-"
You watched as the timer went down, your hand fingers curling around the blaster in your holster. You didn't know what Din was going to, but you knew if anything— he was a man with a plan.
And that was when he removed his helmet.
It hit you like a ton of bricks, it took the air from your lungs leaving you gasping in silence. You felt like a criminal, looking at him with your own eyes. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't tear the gaze from the back of his head.
Brown hair. Dark brown hair, slightly messy from the helmet. Although you were some distance away, you noticed the little waves and the way it curled at the nape of his neck. The cut of the Imperial armour revealed just a sliver of his skin. It was golden tan— surprising to you.
"Facial scanning complete." The dataspike ejected from the terminal, a small light lit up in green, validating that the information had been processed and Din was now the owner of Moff Gideon’s co-ordinates. Just as he was about to put his helmet back on, a voice interrupted him.
Your heart sank when you saw that Valen Hess had approached Din.
"Trooper, where are you stationed?"
"My designation is transport— co-pilot."
"No son, what's your TK number?"
Din felt his throat dry up as he looked the man in the eyes. Valen Hess stared at Din right back, looking into the eyes that nobody had gazed into since Din had been sworn to the Creed. Din swallowed the lump in his throat, only for it to return immediately.
"He's with me." you announced, walking over to Din and Hess. A wash of relief shuttled through Din's body upon hearing your voice, but that was completely blown away when he realised you had seen him. It was true, you had seen his face— but there was no time to act up. Din had sacrificed everything for Grogu and you weren't going to let this go wrong. "This is my trooper, sir."
"Who is he and what's his TK number?" Valen Hess repeated, clicking his tongue between his teeth.
"This is my commanding officer TK-0402, and I'm TK-0322. I'm afraid he doesn't speak much. Ever since his vessel lost pressure on Tanaab." You explained with confidence, sighing apologetically and placing a hand on your hip.
Din found the courage to look at you, making brief yet bewildered glances between you and Valen Hess. He had a thousand questions but he knew he could trust you, and so, he smiled wearily, nodding his head in agreement to your little story.
"What's his name?" Hess inquired.
You took a deep breath, and turned to face Din. He looked at you too, his face softening as your eyes met for the very first time. You felt your heart rate slow down as you took in his appearance. You were nervous, and tensions were high, but as you looked into the Mandalorian's sparkling eyes, you felt a familiar sense of belonging. You felt complete.
"Brown eyes." you whispered, feeling the tears pool up as you tried to choke back a sob. Din smiled at you, just a small smile, but enough to make the corners of his eyes crinkle. It gave you the reassurance to know that this was all worth it.
"Well, brown eyes," Valen Hess adjusted his belt. "You troopers were both on the transport that brought in the valium, correct? The only surviving shocktroopers, might I add." he grinned, raising an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah, that was us." You answered hesitantly.
"Please, come join me for drinks. We must celebrate." Hess said, approaching the table he was originally sat at and ushering you over with an exaggerated gesture.
You and Din exchanged a look before walking over to the table and sinking down into the chair. Hess poured out two cups of caf and slid them over. Din stayed silent for most of the conversation, briefly making utterances of affirmation and nodding his head to suggest that he was indeed listening.
Although, he wasn't listening really. His mind was racing and he couldn't concentrate on anything. Although it wasn't necessarily true, he felt like every head in the room was looking at him. Staring at him. Judging him breaking his oath. Was he a failure? Was he a disgrace to the Creed? Dishonourable? A monster?
"I could blather on 'to health' or 'to success', but… tell me TK-0322, where do you come from?"
"Alderaan." you said without hesitation. Din looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why exactly you had given Hess the details of your real planet.
"Ah, I see…" Hess frowned. "Well, to Alderaan!" he grinned, raising his glass in the air.
"No." you deadpanned and Hess shot you a confused look.
"No." you repeated. "Alderaan was a peaceful planet destroyed by the Empire."
"And those on the Death Star, those who aided in the destruction of Alderaan became heroes of the Empire. I was there." he said with pride.
Din watched your face harden as your cheeks burned up with rage. "Heroes?" you croaked out. "For attacking and murdering innocents? Hundreds of thousands of people died on Alderaan. I lost my family."
"Losing the ones we love is simply part of life," Hess revealed with a sigh— and Din felt his heart shatter at his words. He stiffened up, his gaze fixating on the concrete wall as his surroundings began to faze out.
"At what cost?" you whispered. "You know, every day I think about it. I wished there was something I could do to stop it. But no, I was here, fighting for the Empire. While the Empire was out killing my people." You gritted out as tears pricked your eyes. You felt Dins hand manouver under the table and take place on your thigh, as his gloved fingers rubbed comforting circles into the thin material that covered your skin. His hand was large, fitting around your leg perfectly. He held you down, stopping your anxious shaking and you immediately calmed down. Din wasn't going to stop you, but he did want you to not let your feelings intrude on what was really happening right now. Valen Hess, however, looked mortified. You picked up the glass and forced a smile. Din copied your movement and you clinked your glass with his. "To family." you toast, and Din smiles. He smiles so wide a dimple appears in his cheek.
"To family." he confirms, thinking about his son and how close he was to getting him back.
You put the glass of caf back down on the table and quickdrew your blaster, shooting Valen Hess in the chest.
Din knew better than to question you. He took out his own pistol and helped you take down the remaining troopers and Imps in the room before you both raced out of the base.
Of course, you knew that there'd be commotion. You heard the TIE fighter engines as soon as you stepped foot outside. Din grabbed your hand, pulling you along as you both sprinted into the depths of the forest. Once deep enough, you looked up. It was dark, strings of light beaming through the gaps in the trees. But it was enough to illuminate Din. You had envisioned what Din looked like beneath his beskar helmet every single day, and now, you had your answer.
Din took one look at you. He pulled off his leather gloves, dropping them to the ground and placed his hand on your cheek. Subconsciously, you leaned into the warmth of his palm as his fingers tucked the strands of hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes, humming in delight as his bodily warmth transferred to you.
"Din, when we return to the ship you can put your helmet back on. I never saw you." you promised, your voice barely above a whisper and your eyes remaining closed.
"Cyare," Din mumbled, his heart yearning. The pad of his thumb traced your face, following the height of your cheek bones and the arch of your eyebrows and down your nose. "Open your eyes." he requested. Cautiously, you obeyed, your eyes fluttering open as you drunk in his appearance once more.
Brown stubble with a patch of grey graced the lower portion of his face. You reached out, this time your own hand cupping his cheek. Din didn't let go of you, and he let you touch him. Your finger nervously brushed over the coarse hairs and you let out a small giggle as you remembered him telling you from the Fresher room on the Razor Crest that he was going to shave. He had, and now you could see for yourself that it had started growing back.
"Do… do you like what you see?" Din asked nervously, his gaze only temporarily lifting from yours.
You nodded your head. "I do," you admitted. "You're… so handsome."
Din felt his cheeks heat up as you watched the small blush creep upon his face. You were enthralled, seeing him like this. Seeing his humanity— his emotions and expressions. You knew you loved Din, with or without the helmet— but this confirmed everything.
"May I?" Din asked, leaning into you slowly and closing his eyes. The curve of his nose bumped against yours as and the softness of his lips touched you so delicately.
You mumbled a small 'yes' and as your lips parted, Din kissed you. Soft, sweet, but passionate and with heart. You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging at it and encouraging Din to kiss you deeper and further. He done so, willingly, a groan of pleasure escaping his mouth and vibrating through your body.
He pulled away eventually, breathless and his eyes dark and glazed. "I-I…" he was speechless, looking at you with the utmost adoration. "I love you." He sighed in defeat, knowing now was a better time than any to admit his true feelings. He had to do it one day, and it just so happened to be in the depths of a forest as you hid from Imperials.
"I love you too." you exhaled shakily, thrusting forward into his arms and letting him hold you tight to his chest. He pressed a kiss into your hair.
"I love you so much." Din sobbed, his grip around you tightening like he was afraid that if he let go, you'd vanish just like Grogu did. "Please, never leave me. Please."
"I'm not going anywhere Din," you promised. "Now c’mon, let's go get Grogu."
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nethercomfies · 2 years
HELLO!! Congrats Jupe on 200 once again omg.
Waddles in with a request for your 200 follower event if that's ok 🐧
Okay so I was thinking 9 and 11 for Gorou (ofc feel free to pick either or if you can't do both, that's absolutely fine). I was just thinking of something super fluffy, maybe Gorou thinks that his love towards reader is unrequited, and gets super emotional and blushy upon realising that his feelings are shared🥺. I imagine this as like the war is ending or something but... interpretation is up 2 you :D
Gorou is starting to become one of my favourites and I'm really happy to see fic writers who like writing him a lot 🥺 Thank you for feeding my silly little gorou heart OIJD!!
SPRAY HI!! OMG it’s been way too long but all the other stuff happened and ahhh… I’m really happy to FINALLY have gotten to this cuz I got great ideas for these prompts the moment I first read them so kdnfkjdn
Also pls the penguin waddle is so adorable ToT <3
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Character: Gorou
Prompts: “if you cry, I’ll cry -- and that won’t be fun for anyone.” + “I’ve dreamt about this.”
Content: Slight angst at the beginning, turns into fluff; hurt comfort, gn!reader
Word count: 781
My 200 Followers Event
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There’s a general festiveness wherever you go on Watatsumi Island as people are celebrating that the fighting has finally come to an end. You stroll across the island, greeting the people you walk past on your search for Gorou. When you asked Kokomi for him, she could only tell you that she saw him headed off south earlier, and after asking a few of his soldiers, you were finally able to determine that he seems to have gone down to the beach.
When you arrive at the shore, you spot Gorou in the distance and hurry up to get to him. You let yourself sink down next to him, feeling how warm the sand still is, even as the first stars are appearing on the purple sky. You gently bump your shoulder against Gorou’s as a greeting. “What are you doing so far out here when everyone else is celebrating?” You ask.
Gorou has his knees pulled to his chest, head resting on top of them. He just shrugs at your question, looking out to the gentle ripples of the sea. At first you thought he just needed a small breather, but seeing his response now has you feeling a bit worried. You get on your knees, moving to kneel in front of him now, your head tilted to the side. “Are you alright?” You reach out a hand to stroke his arm, his eyes following your movement, but still not reacting.
After a while he shifts with a sigh, finally meeting your gaze. “Are you going back home now that the war is over?” His voice is quiet, tone uncharacteristically flat. You hadn’t even thought about that yet -- When the vision hunt decree first started, you had, like many others, made your way to Watatsumi Island, hoping to join the resistance to escape the shogunate for a while.
“I don’t know you,” you admit. “Although I guess… I should at least get back for a while to let everyone know I’m still alive?” You try to follow it up with a lighthearted laugh, but it comes out a little more strained than you wanted it to. Gorou nods, biting his lip. He’s clearly trying not to show it, but by the way his ears are tilted, you can tell there’s something he’s not saying. You feel bad seeing him like this, wanting nothing more than to see Gorou with his usual cheerful smile. “Why? What’s wrong?” Somehow, he just keeps looking sadder and sadder, so you scoot closer to wrap your arms around him. “Hey now,” you softly whisper, “please talk to me, yeah? It’s okay, just… You know, if you cry, I’ll cry -- and that won’t be fun for anyone. I’m sure whatever it is, we’ll figure it out somehow,” you promise.
Gorou leans into your touch, pulling you closer against him and holding on to you like you might disappear if he lets go. “It’s just… I’ll miss you,” he admits. “I’m scared that you’ll leave and I won’t see you again… I didn’t even have the chance to tell you…” He falls quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next. You patiently wait, gently rubbing circles against his back. Finally, Gorou takes a deep breath. “I couldn’t even tell you how much I like you. During the war I was always worried that it wasn’t the right time for such things, and now that everything has gone back to normal you’re going to leave.”
It takes you a moment to make sense of his words, but when you do, your gaze softens. “This doesn’t mean I’ll be gone forever,” you start, leaning back just far enough to let Gorou see your gentle smile. “To be honest, I like you as well. And now that things have calmed down, it will be much easier to just travel between islands. I never would’ve just left you behind forever like this.”
Gorou’s face lights up a little at this, his ears finally perking up again. “You really like me back?” You can see his tail wagging slightly and can’t help but giggle.
“Of course I do! How could I not? You’re just the sweetest,” you smile, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
The two of you sit there for a while, watching the stars. You lean your head against Gorou’s shoulder, your hand finding his to interlace your fingers. Gorou nuzzles his face into your hair, softly smiling. “You know,” he starts, “I’ve dreamt about this so many times… Being with you like this. I’d love to stay with you right here forever.”
You blush a little, glancing up at him. “I’d like that as well.”
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wajjs · 2 years
It's my turn to be a menace now
1, 2, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 29, 30 for GuyHal + a quick n easy bonus of 6.
1. Who makes the first move and how?
It's Hal, and it's adrenaline induced.
They're fighting, both injured and hurting after a task/mission nearly gone wrong, and all that stress leads to them fighting over the most stupid of things. Guy gives Hal a mean, "I'm one second away from punching you", smirk and Hal is SO frustrated.
He doesn't even think. He grabs Guy by the collar of his vest and kisses him. It takes Guy a whole two seconds to start kissing back.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Guy's definitely the most insecure. There are things that still don't feel quite right in his head and sometimes he feels like he's sinking in oil, unable to get out. Sometimes things that should be easy are so hard for him, and it causes pain to flare up. Sometimes he doesn't feel quite like himself.
Hal isn't always the greatest at noticing when Guy's insecurities get the best of him, but one way or another he manages to be there for Guy. Either by giving him purpose or by providing a distraction that drowns out the doubts and mean thoughts.
Or by giving him head so good Guy has to sleep for a couple of hours and then he wakes up like a whole new person.
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Hal: he slips on a stray sock left on the floor and hits his head hard on the way down, leaving him concussed.
Guy: he's barely ashamed of anything but one time he couldn't get it up during sexy times and he still feels bad over it months after
11. What do they hide from one another?
Their injuries. Mostly. And then they both get angry at each other over it. Hal's the one who hides his injuries the most.
13. When do they realise they should get together?
After they keep trying to find good enough excuses to make out and Guy is like eh, fuck it, I just wanna kiss you, don't need any other reason. Hal is bewildered by this!
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
They both are SO tempted to go back in time to prevent Coast City's tragedy, or even Parallax's tragedy, but ultimately destroy the time machine before they do something they can't fix.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
They need a couple of days to cool off, then they eventually drift back to each other. Guy forces Hal to talk about it because he knows that if he leaves it up to Hal, he's gonna try and ignore what happened for the rest of his life.
Guy is also the most understanding one out of the two.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
One morning Guy wakes up to Hal getting dressed and notices how he's softer around the edges, his stomach isn't as toned, how there are early wrinkles at the corner of his eyes.
Hal doesn't immediately comb his hair or get ready for the day. He looks at Guy and smiles. Asks about coffee. Talks about breakfast.
And Guy knows Hal is finally letting himself live instead of just surviving. And Guy goes and buys a wedding ring shortly after.
After a particularly bad day, all Hal craves is silence. He needs to be quiet because his chest feels tight with an energy he can't shake off. He feels like his head will implode, and one bad interaction might just set the timer off.
Guy gives him the space he needs without leaving him. Without comment. Almost as if it's natural, it's part of their rhythm. For someone so loud, Guy gives him a quiet, tranquil moment.
And Hal thinks this isn't bad, being known and cared for isn't so bad. Hal thinks he might want this for the rest of his life
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
It works, it works because they have seen the good, the bad, the ugly each other has to offer and they have stuck around through all of it. They have been foes, they've hated each other, back then, but they held on, they kept trying until they got it right.
They know each other. And they accept themselves just like that.
( ask game )
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albertasunrise · 3 years
It's Yours - Chapter 1
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Summary: You and Javier have been sleeping together for almost two years but after his name was leaked by the papers, he is sent home for investigation. You remain behind with Steve to catch Escobar but when he’s finally dead, you decide to go after the man you’ve fallen for. You don’t like what you find when you finally reunite with him.
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Unplanned Pregnancy 18+
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader
Your nails dig into the strong muscles on his back as he thrusts his hips at a maddening pace, teeth sinking into your shoulder as he chases his release. It was your last night together and you weren’t going to let him go without feeling him one last time and he couldn’t leave without one final taste of you. Pulling his head back his dark, lust-blown, eyes lock with yours and he lets out a primal growl as he feels your walls start to tighten around him.
‘You going to cum for me?’ He asks, in a low tone as he angles his hips so that he’s hitting that toe-curling spot over and over.
‘Yes.’ You moan ‘Fuck.’
You cum hard, screaming his name as tears leak from the corner of your eyes and you pull him right along with you. He collapses beside you, chest heaving as he fights to catch his breath and you chuckle as you roll onto your side to look at him. You both remain silent for a short while, revelling in your post-sex bliss as the sounds of the city drift through the open window.
‘You need to quit smoking.’ You say as you place a loving kiss on his shoulder.
‘I think you may be right Hermosa.’ He replied with a breathy laugh as he turned his head to look at you 'But I don't need to start tonight.' He sniggers as he lights one and takes a long toke, blowing the smoke away from you.
‘What time is your flight tomorrow?’ You ask, smiling sadly at him.
‘A little after 12.’ He replies, turning his head back towards the textured ceiling.
‘Do you need a lift?’
‘Murphy’s driving me.’ He replies coldly, not looking at you as he speaks.
‘Right.’ You roll out of his bed and start to collect your clothes, grabbing his attention.
‘What are you doing?’ He asks, his stomach sinking at the sight of you getting ready to leave.
‘Getting dressed so I can go home.’ You state plainly as you scan the floor for your shirt ‘Isn’t that how it works? We fuck and then go our separate ways?’
‘Can you stay?’ He asks and you look at him in surprise ‘Just for tonight.’ He paused as he gave you a wounded expression ‘Please.'
You left early in the morning, taking one last glance at his sleeping form before turning to leave. You knew it was wrong of you to just go, but your heart was aching at the knowledge that he was leaving you and you had to stay behind to finish what he's started. He deserved to see this to the end. Sure he'd made mistakes but he made them for the right reasons. Sometimes you have to do bad things to catch bad people as he would say.
One month later…
Staring up at the departures board you see your flight listed just below Murphy’s and you glance at your partner who stood at your side, watching you curiously.
‘What Murphy?’ You grumble as you let out an exasperated huff.
‘You’re going to Texas?’
‘Because you felt like a change or because that’s where Javi is?’
‘I have family there. I have a ton of leave to take so decided to visit them.’ You lie, shrugging your shoulders ‘Since my parents died, my aunt and uncle are the only family I have left.’
Murphy looks away guiltily. You’ve fooled him. Good.
'What will you do when you get back to Miami?'
'Hold my wife and daughter.' He states as he smiles at the thought of them 'I've missed out on so much.'
'Connie loves you, Steve. She'll be overjoyed to have you back.' You say sweetly as you give him a genuine smile.
'I hope so.' He replies, giving you a slight nod.
You look at the departures board again and see that your flight's terminal is nowhere near your partners so you turn to Murphy and prepare to say goodbye.
‘It’s been a pleasure Stevo.’ You say with a smile as you hug him tightly.
‘Don’t be a stranger.’ He replies, giving your arm a friendly squeeze.
‘I won’t.’ You give him one last hug and then head your separate ways.
'Say hi to Javi for me.' He shouts over his shoulder and you can't help the smile that crosses your lips.
When you finally reach your gate, you take a seat on one of the thinly padded benches and pull out the address Javier had given you on your last night together.
‘This is where I’ll be.’ He’d told you ‘You know… If you wanted to come to see me.’
You’d chuckled at that and told him you'd consider it... Then you’d left early that morning before he’d even woken up because you hadn't wanted to face saying goodbye to him. You’d regretted that move but knew he wouldn’t have cared, you were just fucking after all.
The flight was long and you weren’t able to sleep a wink, your leg shaking nervously the entire time. They'd served the in-flight meal but you couldn't eat a bite, the smell making your stomach turn. When you heard the captain announce that you would be landing in Laredo airport you feel your pulse quicken, palms starting to sweat as your nerves got the better of you. It was late when you landed, gone 11 pm by the time you made it out of the airport and so you decide that you would find a motel for the night and drive to Javier’s father’s ranch in the morning. You rent a car at the airport and drive around the unfamiliar town until you find a semi-clean looking hotel, the vacancy sign flashing in the dim light of night.
‘That’ll be 100 dollars for the night with breakfast included.’ The lady at the desk states, passing you a key with a large wooden tag attached, 101 carved onto it.
‘Thank you.’ You reply as you give her a genuine smile ‘Is there anywhere around here that’s still open where I can get something to eat? Just had a long flight and the plane food made my stomach roll.’
‘There’s a bar down the street.’ She replies ‘Does the best nachos you’ll ever taste.’
‘Great. Thanks.’
You make your way to your room, dropping off your luggage before heading to the bar the girl had mentioned. It was painted a dark red, a neon sign flashing ‘Open’ hanging in the window and you push open the door and make your way inside. Taking a seat at the bar you raise your hand to grab the barman’s attention, smiling as he approaches you.
‘Not seen you here before.’ He says as he smiles at you and you can’t help but notice how attractive he is.
‘I’m visiting some family.’ You reply ‘I hear the Nachos here are the best around.’
‘You heard right. Can I get you an order of those?’
‘And a beer.’ You finish as you give him a genuine grin and he gives you a wink before going off to give the kitchen your order.
You let your eyes scan the bar. It’s fairly busy for a Wednesday night. Mainly men scattered around the various tables and booths, a few women in small groups giggling as they sip their cocktails and you suddenly feel lonely, but the feeling disappeared when your beer is placed down in front of you.
‘So, how come you’re here alone?’ He asks as he leans against the bar polishing a glass.
‘I only landed an hour or so ago.’ You reply as you sip at your beer ‘Noting it’s a favourite of yours yet you’re finding it bitter.’
‘And is there a boyfriend in the picture?’ He asks and you can’t help but blush.
‘There’s a guy.’ You reply, taking another sip of your bitter beer ‘But he’s not my boyfriend. Not sure what we are if I'm honest. We kinda had a -friends with benefits- situation going on but I fell for him. They never end well eh?’ You chuckle and he responds in kind.
‘Shame.’ He replies as he gives you a cheeky grin ‘Would love you take you out.’
Your nachos arrive and sure enough, they are the best you’ve ever had. You chat to the barman, learning all there is to know about Lurado. You talk for a few hours before you inevitably have to leave.
'If things with that guy don't work. Feel free to call me.' States the barman as he hands you a scrap of paper with his name and number on it.
'I will.' You reply as you suck on your bottom lip.
When you get back to your room for find yourself emptying your stomach. You put it down to being jet-lagged and decide that sleep will help but when you wake up in the morning you find yourself hugging the toilet again, a thin layer of sweat coating your skin as you lean against the tiled wall. You brush your teeth and head down for breakfast but every smell that greets you makes your stomach turn and you soon find yourself sprinting for the toilet again but all you can do is heave, your stomach completely empty now.
‘What the fuck is wrong with me?’ You asked yourself as you rinse your mouth and face with water.
Then your mind starts to go over the facts. Your tastes have changed, smells are making you sick.
‘I can't be… can I?’ You ask yourself as you count back the days since your last cycle and your breath hitches.
You're two weeks late.
You practically sprint out of the motel, remembering that you’d seen a pharmacy down the road. You buy a pack of tests and make your way back to the motel, taking it a little slower as the Texas sun beats down on you. You happen to peer into a diner as you approach it and your heart stops when you see who’s sat by the window, smiling at a woman sat opposite. You stop dead in your tracks. Your heart in your throat, stomach twisting in knots as you watch him laugh at something she says whilst he strokes his thumb over her knuckles and he looks at her the way he used to look at you. A server comes to speak to the woman he’s with and he looks up and out of the window, his eyes then locking with yours. You don’t realise your crying but he can see it and his brows furrow as he tilts his head slightly. You can’t look at him a moment longer. You have bigger things to worry about and so you will your legs to move, practically sprinting down the sidewalk to get away.
You stop dead in your tracks but you don’t turn to face him. You’re shoulders shake as your sobs wrack your exhausted body.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asks and this makes you turn to face him.
‘Seriously?’ You spit, eyes red with tears ‘You should get back to your date Javier.’
‘Hermosa wait.’
‘Don’t you dare call me that!’ You growl ‘You don’t get to call me that. Not now.’
'You left me.' He states and you feel your anger explode.
Without another work you storm towards the motel, stopping by the front desk and asking if you’re able to extend your stay another night. You pay her and sprint back up to the room, pulling out the tests and heading into the bathroom. You're angry because he's right. You did leave him but as you look down at the box of tests in your hands you decide that this is more important right now. You need to know. So you follow the instructions and you pee on two of them, deciding that it's better to be safe than sorry and you place them facing down beside the sink, watching the minutes tick away on the clock opposite the bathroom door. You wait the five minutes it states on the box and turn to look at them, your hands shaking as you close your eyes and flip them over. Taking a deep breath you crack your eyes open and let out a sob at what you see.
Both of them are positive.
A million and one thoughts go through your head. You’re panicking as you think about what to do. Do you tell him? It’s his after all. You’d not been with anyone since he’d left. You sit there and stare at the tests, allowing your mind to think about the future. You growing round with Javier’s baby and you feel a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. What if he doesn't want it? What if he's serious with that woman? You don't want to be a homewrecker. Do you want to keep it? Are you ready to be a mum? You ponder all of these things for a long while as you stare and the two sticks of plastic in your hands. Yes. Yes, you are ready.
‘I’ll tell him.’ You say to the tiny being inside you ‘If he doesn’t want anything to do with you then that’s fine. We’ll be okay on our own.’ You pause as rest your hand on your stomach 'He's a good man your dad but he's complicated. Never one for settling down yet despite us not being an official couple he remained faithful to me for two years and I was to him.'
You shower and brush your teeth, needing to remove all evidence of your rough morning and head out a little after midday. Hopping into your rental car you pull the address out of your pocket, fingers brushing against the positive test you’d decided to bring and causing your heart to skip a beat. You sat there for a moment and imagined what they might look like. Would they have his expressive brown eyes and golden skin tone? Or would they have yours? Shaking your head you start up the car and pull out of the parking lot, following the signs for the area stated on the slip of paper on your lap. His father’s ranch is surprisingly easy to find. It sits a few miles outside of town and you feel your heart race as you make your way down the dusty drive. The house is a decent size. It's well kept with one large truck parked out front. To the left are some stables, two horses grazing in the field beside it and the nicker and whinny when they see you hop out of your car and head towards the house. You let out a shaky breath as pluck up the courage to knock on the door, your stomach doing somersaults as an older man answers and studies you for a moment before he speaks.
‘Can I help you?’ He asks, his accent much like Javier's Must be his father You think to yourself.
‘I’m looking for Javier Peña. Is her here?’ You asked, your voice shaking as you speak.
‘He’s up by the river mending fences.' The man states 'Follow that track up... You can't miss him.’ He states and you nod your thanks before getting back in your car.
'You're her aren't you?' He asks, stopping you dead 'He mentioned that he'd seen his partner from Columbia in town this morning. Also mentioned it wasn't a pleasant reunion.' You turn to look at him as he sizes you up 'He was broken when he left to fix those fences. You best not be going up there to break him more.'
'That's not my intention.' You state and he nods before heading back inside.
You get back into your car and make your way down the road you were told to follow and sure enough, you see Javier. He's adorning the same shirt he’d been wearing this morning, his signature yellow aviators tight jeans. He looks up when he hears the sound of tires on gravel and watches as you exit your car. His eyes follow you as you step towards him, gaze locked to his. He removes his shades as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing and you finally you come to a stop opposite him, your heart thundering so hard you’re sure he can hear it.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asks coldly with a stoic expression.
Your mouth moves but no words leave your lips. You think long and hard for a few moments about what to say to him but decide to cut straight to the chase. You need to get it out there.
‘I’m pregnant Javier.’ You state plainly as you pull out the positive test from your pocket ‘I'm pregnant and it’s yours.’
Chapter 2
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret - Chapter 2
A/N- I'm still so excited for this series! I love writing angst, so this is perfect for me. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. Please let me know your thoughts, I've left it on a cliff hanger but I promise in the next chapter you will find out who is who. 💛
Summary- You've got a secret to hide and it's going to cause complete and utter destruction.
Word count- 2742
Warnings- Mature themes, swearing, smut, angst, deceit, lies
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
18+ Only!
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @mostly-marvel-musings
Posted- 16th May 2021
Part 1
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Watching the steady rise and fall of your boyfriend's chest as he sleeps, the sound of his heavy breath filling the deathly silent room. Counting every time you see him inhale and exhale... Sixty... Sixty-one... Sixty-two. Trying, desperately to make yourself fall into the heaven of slumber, where your thoughts can't follow you like a stalker in the night.
No such luck - You were wide awake, rolling onto your back with a huff. Jealous of your boyfriend beside you, no worries or guilt to keep him awake at night. Of course it was your own fault, no one to blame here but yourself. You'd allowed this to go on, allowed it to consume you and eat away at you for almost a year. You could've avoided it all if you weren't so weak and selfish, giving in to your own personal needs and not thinking about anybody else. The amount of people that are going to pay the price make your stomach turn - there's no way of escaping it.
Bile rises in your throat, burning its way up your oesophagus like a fireball. You swallow it back down, the taste lingering in your mouth making you feel even more nauseous. Coming to terms with the fact sleep wasn't going to happen you swing your legs over the side of the bed slowly. Looking back to make sure you didn't wake him and seeing him still lost in the land of nod.
You tiptoe out of the room, bending down to fish your phone from the pocket of your discarded shirt as you went. Memories of your steamy love making replaying in your mind. 
- Why are you not answering me?
- Please answer the phone, just go to the bathroom or something.
- Are you fucking? You're fucking him aren't you, I can't handle this.
- Please answer the goddam phone.
Ah fuck. The last message was sent thirty minutes ago, he's still awake, of course he is. He's just as much to blame as you, he's got just as much to lose as you and he feels just as much guilt as you - enough to keep him awake at night too. Well that and the thought of you fucking someone else but let's not think about that right now.
You turn the kitchen sink, tap on - trying to muffle the sound of your voice so your boyfriend can't hear while you press call.
"Fuck, finally" he answers on the second ring, the anger in his voice more than apparent.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't get away" you apologise, ignoring the pangs you feel just from hearing his voice.
"Yeah -" you hear him take a deep breathe before he continues " - You were fucking weren't you?" His voice was oozing with resentment, you hate that it's come to this.
"I mean you don't really want me to answer that, do you?" You whisper, looking down at your hands imagining the hurt on his face.
"Fuck... - " You were both silent for a painfully long time before he finally spoke up. " - I think you've already answered it." The hurt in his voice broke your heart. You wish you could take his pain away.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I fucking hate this but you know the situation." Your voice was becoming shaky, filled with tears.
"I know -" another deep sigh " - Will you come meet me now? Even if it's just for two minutes, I need to see you." The desperateness in his voice makes your stomach flip, you need to see him too but you know you shouldn't.
"I can't. Baby, you know I can't. What if he wakes up?" 
"I don't fucking care, he's had you all night" He spat, the venomousness in his voice making you close your eyes and whince. 
"Don't talk like that, please" 
"I need to feel you Y/N please, I've been sat thinking about you in bed with him all night and I can't stand it. I just need to see you. I need to see that look in your eye, that thing that happens when we touch. I need it, it makes it all worth it. Please..." He pleads, the sincerity in his voice is pulling you apart. How can you say no to that? 
"I'll come to yours but I can't stay long" The rush of adrenaline you feel when you give in, makes you feel light headed. It should be a rush, it should make you excited but it's the opposite. 
"Thank you." The deep sigh in his voice is full of relief.
You check in to make sure he's still sleeping before you set off, thinking of the excuses you can use if he does wake up while your gone. He's still fast asleep, you know he can sleep through a tornado so you shouldn't have any problems but still, you take one last lingering look at him. The innocence on his face as he sleeps, unaware of the things going on around him that will tear his world apart if he found out. Fuck sake. You hang your head back, looking at the ceiling, doubting yourself.
You have to do it, you can't let him down as well, not after you heard the need in his voice, the way it cut deep like a knife to the heart.
As soon as you knock on the door he's already pulling you into the house by your hand, his lips on yours instantly.
"I've missed you so much." He breathes against your neck, planting kisses sloppily on the skin. Wrapping his arms tightly around you, savouring every last moment before he knows you'll have to leave again.
"I've missed you too - " You sigh, fighting back the tears. " - I can't stay long" 
"Please can we just pretend like you don't have to rush off for just a minute, can we just pretend you're all mine." His words sting, they hang heavy with a deep neediness. The way his hands cling to your body, kneeding your hips with the softness of his fingertips, makes your body tingle. 
"I want you so bad" he says through gritted teeth, his eyes screwed shut while he rests his forehead to yours. You can feel how much he wants you by the buldge in his pants, pushing against your stomach as he holds himself tightly against you. 
"I want you so fucking bad" The lust in his voice makes you feel weak, hard to resist. You've always been weak for him which is why you're in this predicament in the first place. 
"I want you too - " Your breath quickening as he fumbles under your dress. " - But..." 
"Please don't say but - " You're both panting with adrenaline now " - I'll be quick" he finishes, leaning back to unzip his jeans. Looking down to scramble with the zip as fast as he can. "Fuck" 
You can't help but whine when he finally pulls his dick out, desperate to feel it inside of you. He wastes no time in picking you up with one arm and pressing your back against the wall, moving your panties to the side and easing his cock straight in.
The way his cock fills you up so perfectly, you're in ecstasy but it's doesn't last long. There's no pleasantries, no romance just a quick dirty fuck. A need for him to get his end away, to feel you wrapped around his cock. He's selfish with it, a couple of pumps and he's already coming. You wish you hadn't rushed him now, it's made you feel used and dirty.
"Fuck, I love you Y/N."He says breathlessly against your chest, feeling satisfied.
"I need to go." You say harshly, unable to hide the hurt and anger in your voice. 
This has never happened before, you usually feel the love oozing from him, the deep connection you have. It's the reason it's been going on for so long, you know he loves you, you can feel it. When you're together it feels right - usually - it doesn't feel like a betrayal, you're in love. Now you feel a deep shame, this feels like betrayal, like a cheap whore in a dirty motel. You didn't feel his love, he used you for his own selfish satisfaction
"Wait - " he grabs you by your arm as you turn around, hiding your face from him. "What's wrong? Are you crying?" You're pulling against him, desperate to leave. "Fuck, Y/N. Look at me" 
You turn around to look at him, tears silently falling down your cheeks involuntarily. 
"You were selfish, you couldn't stand that i fucked him, you know, my boyfriend -" He whinced like you'd just slapped him in the face " - So you had to get your end away too, you... You. Used me" The tears fell silently from your eyes, a look of pain on etched onto your face. All the emotions consuming you all at once, not just this, but everything. Everything that's happened in the last couple of years finally being released all at once. You know you were taking your anger out on him, the only person you could take your anger out on and now you were feeling guilty again. You needed to get out of here, you needed to be alone, to not feel pulled apart between two people.
He rubs his hand down his face, closing his eyes tightly, realising how much he's fucked up.
"Y/N it's not like that at all, I'm so sorry. I can't believe that's how you feel - " he moves towards you, gently cupping your face " - Fuck - " he thinks for a minute " - I was selfish wasn't I, I knew you had to rush off and I... I needed to feel you" 
"That doesn't mean all romance needs to go out the window" You say softly, looking down at your feet, anywhere but into his eyes. 
"No. No it doesn't... Shit Y/N I'm sorry, that will never happen again" 
"I have to go" You say, turning to leave.
"Please don't leave being angry with me, come here." You stop with your hand on the door handle, turning slowly to look at him, tears still falling.
He tenderly holds your face in his hands, looking into your eyes, searching your face. 
"Shit Y/N I fucking love you, I'd never purposefully hurt you." He says bleakly. 
Your eyes soften as you hear the sincerity in his voice and see the love in his eyes. He reaches down to kiss you, softly and tenderly, full of his love.
"I love you too but I can't carry on doing this for much longer, it's tearing me apart" You say with your eyes still closed.
"What are you saying?" He looks worried.
"We'll talk about it Friday." you say finally turning to leave.
"Wait a minute, you can't just say something like that and then leave." He catches you by your hand again, brushing his thumb softly over your palm.
"I have to go, I've been gone too long. I promise we'll talk about it Friday." You murmur, giving him a apologetic look.
"Fuck." He lets go of your hand, brushing his hand through his hair wearily and watches you leave helplessly.
You sit in your car for a while, thinking, you're in no state to go home. You'd have no way of explaining why you were in such a terrible mood. You could text and tell him you couldn't sleep and you've gone for a coffee before heading into work early to catch up on your deadlines. That could work and it would give you plenty of time to think before actually going into work but you'd have to sneak home first and get clothes and just hope you don't get caught.
All this sneaking about is exhausting and you were serious when you said you couldn't do it for much longer. You wanted a life even if it meant a life without either of them in it. You loved them both dearly and didn't want to lose either of them but being realistic - you can't keep this up.
There's going to be one hell of a shit storm when it all comes out, especially when the tabloids find out about it. Which there's no doubt that they will, they find out everything, another reason for it to be out in the open. Imagine if he found out that way, it would break him even more.
Later that night you stand in front of your front door, getting ready to put on the mask of happiness before you have to face your boyfriend. Faking a smile you walk into the kitchen - there's no smells of delicious food today but there is flowers, beautiful pink lily's. You sniff their amazing scent, ignoring the pangs of guilt once again.
"Hey, I'm home!" You shout, waiting to hear his voice.
"Hi babe, how was work?" He says coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Oh you know, the usual. What about you? Have you had a good day?" You ask turning around in his arms, leaning on the kitchen counter.
"I've been reading through this script, amazing... Do you like them?" He gestures his head towards the flowers, his face buried in the papers he's holding.
"Oh they're amazing baby, thank you -" You kiss him softly on the lips. " - What's the script about?"  
"It's an action movie, sounds a lot different to anything I've done before. You should read it, I think you'll like it." 
"That sounds awesome babe, you should take it" You say excitedly, you love the way his face lights up when he talks about acting. Planting kisses softly on your lips, chin and then down your neck.
"What we doing for dinner?" You murmur.
"Take-out? - " He says in-between kisses, unbuttoning your top buttons while he makes his way down to your chest " - Maybe dessert first?" He stops to cock his eyebrow at you questioningly.
"Mmm" you agree, your head still hanging back loosely. Taking the lead he finishes unbuttoning your shirt, caressing and kissing your breasts tenderly. You can't help thinking about this morning, about how differently you feel now than you did then.
He lifts you up on to the counter, pushing your skirt up and pulling your panties off. You still can't stop thinking about leaving him in the lurch like that, the way his face looked as you walked out of the door.
Unzipping his jeans brings back another memory, no time to think as he kisses you making you forget for just a minute. Holding on to your hips affectionately as he trys to ease himself in, you're not wet enough - too distracted. Fuck! You try to wipe away your thoughts and focus on the moment, concentrating on watching him instead of being inside your brain.
You gasp as he pushes his fingers inside of you, loosening you up, kissing your neck at the same time. Those long fingers can reach your spot perfectly, you feel sick when you think about how similar they are. Definitely not something you should be thinking about - it's wrong on all levels.
Curling his fingers around and stroking your spot, biting his lip as he looks at you. You notice him furrowing his brow, he knows something is different, you're struggling to hide it.
Finally easing himself into your opening, it feels amazing, tightening around his cock. You lean backwards on your hands watching him, so why can't you stop thinking about him.
He searches your face, he's concerned, you're not in the moment.
"Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?" He asks worried.
"No, god no" You really didn't want him to stop, you were just completely distracted, it still felt amazing you were just dwelling in your guilt.
You can see he's nearly ready, you knew you weren't in the right place to finish. You could enjoy it and still not finish right?
oh shit, you're going to have to fake it. For the first time in your whole life you're going to have to fake a orgasm with the love of your life, the guy you thought was your everything. That was until you met his Brother.
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Hi. I have an angsty request. It's totally fine if you can't do it or don't wanna do it. Javi comes back home at night, after seeing some shitTM. Shit involving children, pretty disturbing. She finds his girlfriend/fling sleeping so peacefully... And knowing she's a kindergarden teacher, who loves working with children of poor neighborhoods... What do you think he would do to take that weight off his chest?
Angst is good! Javi dealt with so much of this shit on his own the least we can do is give him someone to hold though it 😭😭 I think we saw after what Carillo did in 2x3 that he’d try to fuck away his PTSD but if he was in a committed relationship with someone he knows works with kids? Oof.  I think he’d try to do what’s always worked because he doesn’t know how else to deal  but the second she asks him what’s up, he’s gonna need softness.
Anyways I wrote a lil fill beneath the cut! 
Javier Peña x OFC (named Mia) 
Word count: 969
Warnings: Mentions of canon-level violence + death. A bit of bad language.
Javier closed the apartment door as quietly as he could. Mia would be asleep in the bedroom if she hadn’t fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him. He’d meant to call hours ago but then it had happened and everything had spiralled downwards so quickly that now, past 1am, he was still reeling.
A bomb had gone off downtown. Another day at the DEA, another roster of casualties, but when Javier had arrived with fire pumping in his veins at the possibility of catching the motherfucker that had planted it, the wind had been knocked out him. Steve fared just as poorly, vomiting off to one side. He was probably thinking about Olivia. Olivia, who in a few years would fit into the little pink dress that was tangled in the rubble.
Javier could still smell the blood and smoke as he walked to the bedroom in the dark.
Mia was curled up on top of the covers with a book strewn to her side when he entered.
He knew she was safe. He’d known that before he got home but all he could think about was the group of children that had been there when that bomb exploded. How they might even be some of the kids from Mia’s class.
Quietly toeing off his shoes and shrugging off his tac vest, he slid onto the bed behind her. It was awkward given the way she’d spread out while waiting for him, but he pressed himself to her back, breathing in her scent. His hands had been steady this whole time but he felt shaken inside, like his bones were trembling apart. A part of him itched to wake her, to bite at her skin and sink into her, to rut until he stopped thinking and he stopped feeling like his blood was on fire.
He didn’t realise how tightly he’d been holding her until she stirred, squirming in his grasp. She smiled sleepily at him, the light that broke in through the curtains from the streetlamp outside casting a soft orange glow onto her face. Her sleep-mussed hair and the quirk of her lips left him breathless.
“Hey, I waited for you,” she whispered. He reached up and brushed a hand across her cheek. There was a fine tremor in it now, a chill that wouldn’t stop when he thought of how she spoke to her children when he picked her up outside the school, how she smiled at them. How he couldn’t protect any of them. Or her.
“I know,” he said. His voice must have given away the heaviness inside him because she propped herself up on her elbow, frowning.
“What happened?”
Javier meant to shake his head, to tell her that it was a long night at the office and nothing more, but the need broke through and he surged forward for a bruising kiss.
She made a muffled sound of surprise and he tried to swallow it, closing his eyes to try and imagine that this was okay, that he could hold her in his arms and she’d be safe from all the terrible shit Escobar was doing to the city.
She pushed at his shoulders and he rocked back with a sound partway between frustration and desolation.
“Javi, what’s wrong?”
He could lie. He could pretend and push it away or tell her that he just needed her to let him do this. She’d let him. God help him, she loved him enough that she’d do whatever he needed, but she knew what that was more than he did these days.
He breathed out for what seemed like the first time since that afternoon when she ran her fingers through his hair.
“There was a bomb… Escobar – there were kids. A little girl…” He could barely speak but Mia understood, gasping, her face softening. It pained her too, so much so that he saw the brim of tears in her eyes before she wrapped her arms around him.
“I’m so sorry,” she said.
“No, I’m sorry cariño, I should have called, I should have-” Protected those children. I should be protecting you.
“No, shh, it’s okay. You know I’ll always wait for you and I’m going to be here when you get home, whatever you need. Don’t shut me out. If you need to talk, we talk. If not… whatever you need. But don’t think you have to deal with this on your own or that you have to push this away from me. Steve’s got Connie – and you’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere.”
Javier dropped his head slowly to the soft duvet as she spoke, the gentle brush of her fingers leeching the shakes from his muscles. The burn of need and shame became less clamorous in his bones and he sank into the moment, the immediacy of his girl running her hands through his hair. He pulled her so close that he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.
“It’s not down to just you to protect everyone, you’re doing the best you can.”
He tilted his head to protest but she fixed him with a look so gentle, so filled with awe and love that it burnt away the itching remnants of need in his skin. It would return, maybe tomorrow or another day when he’d ask her to let him push her against a wall and let go, but he could already feel how much smaller the hole in his chest felt. How different it was to share the pain in him than try to push it onto someone else for a night.
“We’ll protect each other,” Mia said.
It was different, something Javier never expected he could have again, but as he began to drift in her arms, he found it was exactly what he needed.
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