#like the doctor loses everyone they love!!
youreverydayfangirl · 21 hours
Death By A Thousand Cuts
pairing: lando norris x fretwell! reader
summary: y/n y/ln has always been in love with lando, or in which lando brushed y/n off until its too late
warning: angsty tbh, attempted sa, roofie, swearing
a/n: i like this one tbh, also this takes places over a couple years tbh
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Y/n wasn't entirely sure when it happened, whether it was love at first sight or something more gradual, all she knew was she was entirely and irrevocably in love with Lando Norris.
Y/n first met Lando when she was 10 and he was 11. To him she was his best mates little sister. He found her childish and annoying. She found him kind and attractive, although she barely saw him because he was always off karting.
The moment that solidified her crush on the boy was when their families went on their first family vacation together. They had booked a holiday house at the beach for a week during summer. Both families had made there way done the beach.
Max and Lando were playing catch on the beach, chatting about random things, there parents were busy gossiping and sunbaking and Flo and Y/n were swimming in the ocean.
"Y/n sweetie, don't swim out too far please." Her mother called out to her and she nodded back.
"I'm gonna give this to my mom so I don't lose it." Flo said, gesturing to the bracelet her grandmother had given her for her birthday. Y/n nodded in response and watched as Flo ran back ashore, heading over to her mom.
Y/n watched everyone, feeling peaceful. Lando was currently watching Max strike out with a girl who was definitely to old for him and Flo was talking to their parents.
Suddenly she was dragged underwater, getting completely disoriented. Her lungs screamed for air, a burning sensation spreading through her chest. She tried to swim to the top, splashing above the water for a split second before being pulled back down.
Her legs were powerless no matter how hard she tried to kick. Her vision was spotty, she struggled to fight off the black spots dancing in her vision when she felt herself being pulled up above the water and dragged onto the beach.
She fell to her hands and knees and began coughing up salt water, someone holding her hair behind her head. She looked up to see Lando looking down at her worried and annoyed.
"Are you crazy? He asked the girl. Before she could answer her parents came over to her wrapping her around in a towel and fussing over her. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks at how she had embarrassed herself but also at the fact that Lando had come to save her.
Y/n looked at the diy grave she had made. Her pet hamster had died and she was holding a full funeral. The Norris' had come aswell, paying there respects.
"I'm sorry about fluffy Y/n." Lando said, moving to stand next to her. She looked up sending him a small, sad smile and he held out a bouquet of flowers for her. They were scrappy, definitely picked from his moms garden which he would get in trouble for later but the thought counted. She gave him large smile and took them from him before wrapping her arms around him.
"Thanks Lan." She said.
"Its alright to cry you know, you don't have to be strong." He said, whispering into the top of her head before planting a kiss on it.
She began crying into the boys chest and he let her until she felt better.
By the time she was 14 Y/n felt so out of place in their little group. Flo, Max and Lando had all become quite close due to their closeness in age and interests. She didn't feel out of place in the social sense, it was more out of place in life. The boys had karting, Flo had riding but what exactly did Y/n have. She had no clue what she wanted to be, a doctor? A journalist? Something in fashion? She just had no clue.
She felt a nudge in her side and turned to look at Lando whos eyes were trained to the TV. He looked at her, "Are you okay?" He whispered to her. She nodded. "Y/n, tell me the truth." She sighed, Lando could always see straight through her.
"No. Yes. I don't know. Its just, I feel so out of place, all of you guys know what you wanna do and I - I just don't know." Lando snorted and Y/ns eyes shot to him.
"What? What's wrong?" She asked, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Lando felt bad seeing the panicked look on her face.
"Sorry, Its just you shouldn't be worried over something like that. Whatever you end up doing is going to be amazing just like you, don't stress Y/n." He said, sincerity in his tone.
She smiled, thankful that he couldn't see how red her face had gotten and turned to face the tv.
Once she had turned 15 two things were pretty obvious. Y/n was head over heels in love with Lando Norris and Lando wasn't interested, shutting her affections down a million times with the excuse of her being Max's little sister.
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yourusername summer 2015 so far
tagged: yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, landonorris, flonorris
maxfretwelll get off instagram your a baby
yourbsfusername LITERALLY SO FUN
→ yourusername I KNOWWWWW
Y/n found herself drunkenly dancing with Y/bsf, the girls opting to go to a party instead of staying in. She started dancing with the random guy when she felt herself get pulled away. "Hey." She stuttered out, not coping well with how much she had already had to drink.
"What the fuck are you doing here Y/n."
Still, she defiantly crossed her arms, glaring at him. "I'm having fun, what are you the fun police."
Lando faltered at the attitude he got, before glaring at her. "Your too young to be drinking, and your definitely too young to be at Thomas Bakers party." She just rolled her eyes, "I'm sixteen, not a baby anymore."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not." She said again.
"You sure are acting like one right now, now come on." He said grabbing at her wrist but she refused to move. "Where are we going." She asked him, not wanting to move.
"Home, Max is literally going to kill me." Lando responded, trying to grab at the girl but she refused to budge.
"Lando." She said back to him, "You know I'm not going to move." She stated, Lando raising his eyebrows at this, as if it were a challenge.
"Really?" Lando asked, challenging her right back, she faltered for a second before nodding firmly. He smirked a little, before grabbing at her waist and tossing her over his shoulder.
"Lando? What the fuck! Put me down." She said, people at the party watching but being to drunk to properly care.
"Nope, your going home Y/n." The girl sighed defeatedly, letting it happen. Lando walked over to his car, putting the girl down and helping her into his front seat.
He hopped in and began to drive back to her house. Y/n looked at the window, resting her head against the glass. Once they got home, Y/n saw a familiar figure standing on the front porch. "Really? You had to call Max?"
"Goodnight Y/n." He said, she rolled her eyes, about to exit the car before she decided to plant a cheeky kiss on his cheek before hopping out of the car.
"Y/n get inside now." Max said sternly.
"But I-"
"Inside." He raised his voice, not shouting but Y/n could tell he was mad. She went inside and watched from her bedroom window as Max and Lando talked about something before Lando drove off. She sighed and fell back on her bed, just wanting the day to be over.
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tagged: yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, landonorris, flonorris
yourbsfusername oh heyyyy
→ yourusername heyyy
→ yourusername I MISS YOUUU
maxfretwell cringe tbh
→ yourusername loser tbh
"Maxiieee." Y/n stumbled out of the kitchen onto the back porch looking around for her older brother. They host was a mutual friend of theirs which is why they had both been invited. The girl was about the fall down the porch steps when an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back firmly onto the porch.
"Woah, be careful there little Max." She heard that familiar voice say. She turned around to face him still slightly dazed and confused, a pout on her lips when his words registered in her head. "Landoo." She drunkenly whined, "I told you to stop calling me that, 'm no little. "
The boy laughed, smiling down at her "Yes you are little max," he teased, smiling before noticing the faint tear tracks on her face. Landos body language changed, worry seeping into his gaze. "Y/n whats wrong?" He asked, brushing her hair out of her face so he could see her more clearly.
"Tom." She said shakily, ready to burst into tears. Lando tensed at the mention of the girls boyfriend , a million different things running through his mind, if she was hurt, if he had hurt her. Lando began checking her up and down, making sure she wasn't injured, once he was certain that she was alright he looked back at her.
"What did he do love?" The nickname slipped out, Lando hadn't meant to say it, it just felt so natural. Luckily for him, she didn't catch onto what he said, her brain to scattered to pick up on it.
"He cheated on me. I walked in on him and some chick." She wailed out, throwing herself into Landos arms, a gesture that Lando was not against. Lando wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing small circles on her back.
"Oh dove, its gonna be okay." Lando rested his head on her hers, squeezing her tightly before pulling away. "I'm gonna take you to the car, can you wait there for me and Max to come out." He spoke softly, waiting for a nod before heading towards the car. Once he walked her to the car he instructed her to wait there while he went back inside to look for Max.
Max came out of the party, far less drunk than the other two and immediately went to his sister, forcing her to look up at him. "Are you okay." He asked her, Y/n just nodded and quietly mumbled something about wanting to go home.
On the car ride back, with Max driving, Lando opted to sit in the back seat next to Y/n who nearly fell asleep on his shoulder. The drive back was silent, no one feeling up to making conversation. When the car stopped Lando looked down at the girl sleeping on his shoulder, "Feeling better?" He croaked out, Y/n turned to look up at him. She paused for a second, absorbing the moment when she felt bile rise up her throat. She paused, trying to undo her seatbelt, before opening the doer landing on the grass, puking. "Ah shit moms gonna kill me." Max groaned while a pair of hands grabbed her hair in a makeshift pony tail, rubbing her back. "Lets get you inside." Lando said, helping the girl up.
When they got to her room, Lando grabbed her a change of clothes passing them to her. "Put these on, I'll be right back."
Lando came back up the stairs, opening the door to Y/ns room. "Look I need you to - oh shit." Lando said, closing his eyes tightly. The drunk girl turned around to look at him, clad in her bra and underwear. "Landoo, can you please help mee get these offf." She said, still clearly drunk. Lando swallowed hard, cursing whatever God was out there. "You can't get it off yourself." The girl shook her head.
He swallowed, putting the things in his hands down before moving the girl towards him. He ran his fingers up her back, definitely slower than he should have, goosebumps forming on her back at the touch. He reached her bra and unbuttoned it slowly, eyes looking at all of her bare skin. He shook his head spinning around. "Now put you shirt on." She did without a fuss.
He then took her to the bathroom, stating that she would regret not taking it off in the morning and while that was true, he really just wanted more time to hang around the girl.
He grabbed a cotton pad and makeup cleaner, instructing her to sit on the bench as he walked between her legs. He gently wiped her makeup off, Y/n looking up at him, admiring his features. "Your pretty you know that." She mumbled, not entirely meaning to say it out loud.
"Oh am I." Lando said teasingly, a grin making its way across his face. "Mhm." She nodded, Lando wiped the last bit of mascara off before looking down into her eyes. The pair stayed their, Y/n could have sworn he leaned in slightly but the jingle of the front door was heard, Max having returned from dropping his girlfriend off. Lando pulled away quickly, throwing the cotton pad in the bin. "Done." He mumbled, ready to walk out the room and never return.
Y/n followed him out of her conjoining bathroom into her room. "Goodnight Y/n." He said, making his way to her bedroom door as she climbed into bed. "Goodnight Lan." She said, the duvet pulled up to her chin at this point. Lando paused at the door to looked at her, "And Y/n?" She hummed in response, "Next time pick someone who isn't a complete dick okay." He continued before closing his door gently.
Y/n felt her hear shatter all over again, it was just a reminder that no matter how much she wanted to, Y/n and Lando were never going to be together.
The next day when Y/n went to pick up her stuff from Toms she noticed a huge black eye but Tom refused to tell her how it got there.
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liked by yourbsfusername, maxfretwell and 678 others
yourusername officially the big 17
tagged: landonorris, yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, flo_norris_showjumping
landonorris happy birthday little max
→ yourusername your the worst
yourbsfusername besties legal nowww
→ yourusername yayayaya
→ maxfretwell nononono
maxfretwell happy birthday little sis
→ yourusername thanks loser
flo_norris_showjumping YAYYY
→ yourusername YAYAYYAYAYAY
friend1 happy birthday
→ yourusername thank you
friend2 hope you had a fun birthday
→ yourusername i did thanks
Y/n sat watching the fire. Her family and Landos were having a bonfire and celebrating Y/ns seventeenth and Lando who was doing really well in his Formula 3 season.
She felt the bench she was sitting on dip and looked to see Lando sitting next to her. "So the big seventeen huh?"
Y/n sent him a warm smile, "Yeah actually, its funny though cause I don't feel older even though I am." She said.
"That's what happens, any big plans for the future." He asked her, staring at the fire. Y/n glanced at him confused for a bit, Lando never really was willing to have proper conversations with her if he could escape it.
"Um yeah actually. I signed a campaign with Louis Vuitton so next month I'm flying out to Paris." She said excitedly, a fond smile crossed Landos face.
"Thats great Y/n, I'm really happy for you." He said, giving her a small nudge which she giggled at.
"How are you holding up Lan." He rolled his eyes slightly at the nickname, it had been something that she had never stopped calling him, despite his protests against him.
"Um alright, everything is going so well at the moment, but I'm kinda scared I guess, like I'm worried its all gonna go wrong and I'm gonna fuck everything up." He said, slightly shaky, Y/n turned to look at him and that was the first time she truly saw him, she could see how broken and scared he was. She smiled.
"The last thing your gonna do is fuck this up Lando, this is your dream, this is what your good at. I know you well enough to know that your not gonna fuck it up." She said, seriously and wholeheartedly which mad Lando believe her.
It was silent for a moment and then Lando spoke up, "Thank you."
"Always Lan."
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yourusername sometimes you need a little break
tagged: landonorris, maxfretwell, flo_norris_showjumping
landonorris no pic creds????
→ yourusername SORRY guys ill just repost this because lando needs creds
yourbsfusername miss you so much
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MOREE
flo_norris_showjumping y/ns everything and landos just there
→ yourusername don't speak to loudly hell hear you
→ landonorris HEY rude much
user2 whos the man
→ user3 Lando hes y/ns brothers best
It had been nearly a year since Y/n had last seen Lando, things had gotten busy with her modeling. The families had decided to go on a beach vacation together, forcing Y/n and Lando to spend the next two weeks together.
Flo had decided that the four of them should go clubbing together, a group catch up or something like that. After not seeing her brother and one of her best friends for so long it was necessary.
"Drink up Y/n." Flo said, passing a shot to her. Y/n downed the shot quickly scrunching her nose slightly.
"Slow down there sis." Max said whilst Lando bit back a grin, snorting slightly.
A while later Max had left the booth to go dance with his girlfriend whilst Flo had wondered off to get more shots. "Hey Lan." Y/n said giggling drunkly, Lando smiled back at her.
"You might wanna slow down on the drinks there Little max." Lando said, acting nonchalant but eyeing the drink in her hand.
"Oh come off it Lan, were here to have fun." She said raising her eyebrows slightly before downing the whole drink in front of him, acting as if it were a competition.
His face changed, into awe and an expression that she couldn't quite place. She smiled slightly before getting more serious, "Lan I-"
"Oh my god Lando?" They both turned to face the girl standing on the outside of the booth, Lando scooting away from her as if he had been burned.
"Alyssa what are you doing here?" Lando asked, shock taking over his face. Alyssa. Y/n felt the bile come up her throat, the burning hot jealousy. The pair started talking but she tuned out what they were saying until Lando turned to face her. She quickly fixed her expression into a smile when he faced her.
"Do you mind if I?" He paused, she shook her head. "No go ahead." She said, moving to leave the booth.
"Y/n you don't have to leave." She smiled, falsely and it was something Lando saw right through.
"Its fine really I just need to go to the toilet." She said, moving to leave again.
"Y/n, wait what were you going to ask me?" He asked her, she smiled at him, heart fluttering at the fact he was paying attention.
"Oh um- just if you wanted another drink." She said, lying through her teeth.
"I'm alright thanks." He said before turning to face Alyssa. Y/n headed straight to the bar, her plan to go to the toilets long forgotten.
"Two shots please." She asked, leaning against the bar.
"Rough night?" Y/n turned to look at a man standing next to her, he wasn't ugly in any sense, but definitely wasn't her type, he wasn't Lando.
She just smiled, muttering something under her breathe before turning back to the counter praying for the bar tender to hurry up.
"What's your name gorgeous." The guy asked, stepping closer, obviously not being very happy with the way he was being ignored. Before she could answer the bar tender came back and she quickly downed the two shots.
"Can I buy you a drink?" The guy asked, clearly annoyed at this point from the lack of response. She turned to him, about to tell him to fuck off when her eyes locked on something, Lando and the blonde. He was smiling at her, looking at her in a way Y/n could only dream of being looked at. She turned back around to face the man, unaware of the eyes that had clocked her and the guy. "Sure." She said with a forced smile and a shaky voice.
Once she had gotten a drink from the bar tender she moved with the guy onto the dance floor. As she danced Y/n noticed a pair of eyes staring daggers at the guy behind him, Lando. She decided to test the waters a little, grinding up against him. Her eyes clocked the way Landos grip tightened around his glass, knuckles going white. She smiled a little and drank the last of her drink. As she took a sip she noticed that she had begun to feel hazy, out of place.
She pulled away from the guy, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She slurred out, shaking the black spots from her vision.
She stumbled into the corridor when she felt someone's hand grab her and pin her against the wall. "What are you doing? Stop." She got out, trying to fight the urge to slip unconscious.
"Don't act like you didn't want it slut. The way you were acting, Grinding against me." Her wrapped his hand around her throat and placed sloppy, drunken kissed down it.
"Stop get off me." She said, to weak to push him off. He didn't.
She kept muttering at him to get off when someone ripped him off of her. She sunk to the floor, trying to pick up on her surrounds.
"Lando get off him you've already done enough damage." She heard someone say. Lando. Her eyes locked in on the head of curly brunette hair, punching the guy over and over again, rage present on his face.
"Lando." She called out to him, he stopped instantly throwing the guy down. Two hands came to cup her cheeks. "Y/n hey. Can you hear me." He asked her softly to which she nodded.
"Were going home alright, woah hey stake awake for me love." He said, grabbing onto her as she fought off the spots.
"Your okay." He muttered, more to reassure himself than her.
"Flo hey." Lando said, grabbing onto his sister who was dancing. The girl spun around, face dropping at the barely conscious girl Lando was gripping onto like a lifeline. "I need you to find Max now okay? I'm bringing her to the car."
She nodded and walked off, "I'm just gonna have one word with the bar tender okay? Then we can go home."
He walked over to the bar, "Hey were you the prick who served her." Lando asked one of the bar tenders who spun around to face her.
"I uh-"
"I suggest you keep a better eye out, my girlfriend got drugged because of you." Lando spat out, anger filling him. The bar tender nodded shakily, unsure of what else to do. Lando exchange a couple more heated words before heading over to the car.
His phone rung in his back pocket. "Hey Flo whats up?"
"I can't find Max, do you just wanna take Y/n back to the hotel and we can uber back." Flo said, worried for her friend.
"Okay sure." Lando said before chucking the phone in the back seat. Once he was sure that Y/n had gotten in the car safely he started driving back to the Hotel and Y/n blacked out.
"Y/n" Lando asked softly. "Y/n." He called out more loudly this time, no response. Shit, he muttered to himself, changing the route he was headed.
After sending a quick text to Flo, he sped up taking her to the hospital. When he carried her to the hospital a nurse immediately came over. "My girlfriend was drugged." Was all he could seem to say.
Y/n woke up to a beeping sound, the light was very bright when she opened her eyes. The nurse turned around to look at the girl, "Oh great your up, your boyfriend was very worried about you."
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion now picking up on the sleeping boy beside her. Once she had finished talking with the nurse she turned to look at the boy beside her.
"Lando." She said nudging him with no response. "Lan." She called out more and the boy shot up awake confused, he quickly got out of his daze when he saw the girl who was staring back at him.
"Y/n." He said, standing up and cupping her face. He stayed there for a moment, but then realised what was happening, where he was and stepped back awkwardly.
"Where's Flo and Max?" Y/n asked, trying to break the awkward tension.
"Oh, um back at the hotel, they needed to sober up and everything." Lando said.
"Oh right. And you stayed because?"
"I wanted to." He said quickly, much to his embarrassment.
"Right." She said, nodding slowly, causing a flush to run through his body.
"How are you?" He asked, clearing his throat, worry taking over his face.
"I'm fine." She said, brushing him off.
"Do you want to-"
"No Lando I'm fine." She said more sternly, causing an awkward tension to rise up in the room. After a moment she spoke up again, wanting to keep a lighthearted conversation with him since they barely talked.
"So girlfriend hey?"
"Fuck off."
yourusername has posted
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liked by landonorris, yourbsfusername and 283, 686 others
yourusername couldn't be prouder of you landonorris i knew you could do it ✨🧡
tagged: landonorris
landonorris 🧡🧡
→ yourusername GO LANDO
→ user1 HELP shes too cute
maxfretwell Lando gets posted 3 times and i don't get 1 measly slide
→ yourusername sucks to suck
→ landonorris im juts better🤷
yourbsfusername GO ORANGE
→ yourusername actually its papaya
→ yourusername better fruit anyways
mclaren our fav papaya girl
→ yourusername my favourite papaya team
user2 EVERYONE SHUT UP!!! new y/lando lore just dropped
→ user3 no frfr they have to be a couple now just look at them
Y/n could hear the click of cameras following her as she headed towards the Mclaren garage. She had come to the Bahrain Grand Prix after missing Landos first due to scheduling conflicts.
"Y/n, its good to see you here." She heard a voice say and turned around to see her brother.
"Maxie." She screamed excitedly, jumping to wrap her arms around him, making him stumble back slightly.
"Easy there, how are you dove?" He asked his sister, pulling back to take her in.
"Pretty good, just exhausted." She said, rotating herself so could lean back against him and watch the track.
"Does Lando know your here?" He asked his sister, noting the familiar hue that still spread across her cheeks at the mention of the boy.
"No, I thought I'd surprise him." She responded, taking in the surroundings. Everything was so much bigger, a vast contrast to what she was used to watching Lando race at. She smiled slightly thinking about how far he had come.
"Hes gonna be really happy to see you, I'm really happy too see you." Y/n smiled up at her brother before looking at her watch.
"I'm gonna go surprise him now before things get to hectic." She said, patting her brothers arm before the siblings split off.
Y/ns eyes went everywhere, taking in her surroundings as she walked into the McLaren garage, eyes finding Lando instantly who was staring at something on his phone. She walked over to him, covering his eyes as she reached him.
"Guess who?" She whispered in the boys ear and he spun around immediately to face her.
"Y/n." He said excitedly, a huge smile spreading across his face as he took her in. Once he felt like he had fully looked over at her to make sure she was really there he pulled her into a tight huge. "What are you doing here?"
"Mf, thought I'd surprise you," She said her voice muffled in his chest, "I'm sorry I missed your first race."
Lando shook his head, "I don't care, as long as your hear now." He said, placing a small kiss on her head.
"Let the girl breathe Lando." Y/n heard someone with a thick accent say and the pair both turned to face Lando teammate, Carlos Sainz. "Carlos, pleasure to meet you." He said, sticking out his hand.
"Y/n." She said, shaking his hand, Landos arm draped protectively around her shoulders. A flicker of recognition crossed Carlos' face.
"Ah, So your the famous Y/n I've hear so much about."
"That would be me, all good things I hope." She said smiling.
"I don't think he could ever say bad things." Carlos said, giving Lando a pointed look. A confused look crossed her face for a second before she went back to smiling.
As she went to say something else someone called the two boys over. Carlos left but Lando lingered for a bit, "Stay here, please, I want to know you'll be here when I finish." He asked her, nearly begging.
"Of course." She said softly, up at him. A smile took over Landos face as he looked at her, quickly placing a kiss on his cheek and a quick goodbye as he was called for the fourteenth time.
"Y/n right?" She spun around to see a pretty girl looking at her, missing the way Carlos nudged Lando before whispering something to him.
"Yeah I am." The girl said blushing.
"I'm Isa, Carlos' girlfriend. Come sit, we can watch the race together."
The two girls sat together, watching the race and chatting although Y/n spent half the time forcing down her nerves. She watched in anticipation as the race came to a close, celebrating when Lando got sixth, his first points in Formula 1.
After everything came to a close, Lando came over to Y/n, wrapping her in a tight hug. She hugged him back tightly, disregarding how sweaty the boy was.
"I'm so so proud of you Lan, you did such a good job today." She said beaming from ear to ear, pulling back to look at him.
"Nothing without my good luck charm here." He said, making a rosy blush make its way across his cheeks.
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liked by maxfretwell, yourbsfusername and 967, 394 others
yourusername conragulations lando 🎉
tagged: landonorris, lilymhe
lilymhe i MISSED you so much
→ yourusername stop i wanna see you again alreadyyyy
yourbsfusername GORGEOUS GIRL OML
→ yourusername STOP I LOVE YOU
maxfretwell missed you by one weeked
→ yourusername I'll BE HOME SOOON TRUST
user1 no lando interaction
user2 something feels off about this one tbh
user3 this seems so forced
Y/n and Lily walked towards the bar when she felt an arm wrap around her wrist, pulling her to the.
"What the - Carlos?" She asked, confusion and shock present on her face. "What are you doing."
"Your over Lando aren't you?" Carlos asked her making the girl stop and stutter.
"I- How did you- why?" The girl started and stopped, not sure what to say.
"Come with me, we should go find Isa or-" Carlos said, pulling her away from Lily.
"Carlos what's going on." She asked confused, turning around to look back at the Lily, and thats when she saw them.
A gorgeous brunette had her arm wrapped around Landos. She was slim, tall and had a gorgeous smile and made Y/n want to hide in a corner and cry. Its not like Y/n was jealous, she knew she was gorgeous, she was a model after all but this girl ha d something Y/n didn't, Lando. And he seemed infatuated with her.
Lando couldn't take his eyes off her, he was beaming. Y/n watched as the girl grabbed onto his arm, playfully swatting at his chest. Y/n felt like she had been stabbed over and over and Lando was just watching as she slowly bled out. "Oh."
"I'm so sorry, I knew he was talking to someone but I never thought it was serious enough for him to bring her to a race." Carlos said, pity laced in his voice. Y/n shook it off. "No, its fine, I'm fine. I guess I just didn't really think." She said.
She turned around and headed off in a random direction, Lily following behind her. It was at that moment Lando looked up, eyes finding the head of hair that was making its way further and further away and Carlos looking at him disappointedly before shaking his head and following after the two girls.
Lily was rubbing a comforting hand on her back when Carlos caught up with them. "Y/n." He said softly before engulfing her in a hug. She finally broke down, all those years of built up hurt and frustration caused by Lando was all let out.
"I just don't understand why he can't love me, whats wrong with me?" She sobbed, Carlos hugged her tighter.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Nothing Y/n. He's the one with the problem." Lily said so her. Carlos knew that when he had the chance he was going to rip into Lando.
"Why can't I just be happy?"
It had made one thing crystal clear, something that Lando had seemed to be repeating to her for years, he didn't want her. It was time to move on.
Landos first podium felt bittersweet, she gave him a small half hearted hug, but it had become obvious that it was over. This was the last moment for a long while that Y/n knew she would share with Lando, she needed space.
On her way out she accidently walked into to something, someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry."
"No its completely my fault, I should have been paying more attention." Someone said to her. She looked up to see a rather attractive man. She recognised him from around the track but they had never spoken before. "I'll buy you a new coffee." He said again.
"You don't have to but if your offering a doughnut with that I might just have to accept." She said to him.
"Of course, wouldn't want you to miss out on a free doughnut now would I." He said, matching her tone.
She smiled up at him, "Y/n Y/ln by the way." She said, sticking out her hand to him.
"I know - I mean nice to meet you, George Russell." The boy stuttered out, blushing slightly.
yourusername has posted
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yourusername nothing like monaco grand prix guys. so excited to be here and enjoy with those closest to me. ✨
tagged: maxfretwell, yourbsfusername, lilymhe, carlossainz55
maxfretwell always fun with my sister around
→ yourusername RARE!!!! max showing love to his sister
yourbsfusername BESTEST TIME WITH YOU
→ yourusername agghffghhgfhfg
carlossainz55 my number 1 supporter
→ yourusername ferrari is legit my bae so...
mclaren 😢😢
→ yourusername IM SORRY
scuderiaferrari our favourite
→ mclaren back off she was ours first
user1 doesn't feel right without lando
user2 wheres lando
user3 i miss lando tbh
→ user4 so does everyone else in the comments tbh
user5 lando camping out in the likes frfr
user6 y/n here means a lando podium
→ user7 no cause shes his good luck charm fr
It was the first time Y/n had been to a Grand Prix since Austrias Grand Prix the year before. Monaco was a big deal in the Formula 1 world and she knew it, the glamour, the elegance, it was one of her favourite races for a reason.
The day also marked the first race that she would go to since she started dating George. The pair had decided to keep their relationship lowkey and away from the public eye until they figured out how they wanted to function as a couple.
After meeting at the Austrian Grand Prix, Y/n and George had become good friends. Y/n trying to give herself sometime before jumping straight into a relationship. George was patient, he knew that there was history between Lando and Y/n but didn't push it. He took her out on picnic dates, would make dinner for her and was overall a loving a respectful boyfriend, never pushing her boundaries, he had been the perfect candidate for Y/n to move on.
The pair had gone long distance for a while because of busy schedules, but Y/n had made an effort to come to the first Grand Prix back.
Y/n had organised to meet at the Paddock Club with Lily and begun to make her way over when she bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." She said, bending down to pick her stuff up. The person helped her and she felt a spark touching his hand as they both went to pick something up. "Lando." She said in recognition.
The boy tilted his head as he looked at the girl, "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked confusion laced in his tone. It didn't make sense, Max wasn't there and she only ever went if Max went.
"I came here to watch the race." She said curtly, shooting a small smile, the tone in her voice sounding as though she was saying 'duh.' She began to walk away from him. Lando chased after her confused, grabbing at her arm to make her stop walking and face him.
"Yeah but like why, you never come if Max isn't, you don't like being in the garage alone." She rolled her eyes. Lando felt his heart clench in his chest, why was she acting like this.
"Have you stopped to think maybe I won't be alone, maybe I'm not here for you Lando." She said and Lando felt as if Y/n had personally stabbed him herself. He had never experienced this side before.
Y/n forced herself to look at his face, trying to distract herself from how hot he looked, and how hurt he looked. Lando opened his mouth to say something but a voice called over from the side.
"Y/n." They both turned to see George. He came over and planted a kiss on her cheek, wrapping an arm around her wait. Lando tensed up immediately. "Hey baby." She said, leaning into him slightly, although she felt very tense.
"Lando." George said, nodding towards the man. Lando ignored him, eyes focused on the arm wrapped around her waist, heart hammering in his chest and blood pumping in his ears. When he noticed the look that Y/n had given him he responded to George, venom laced in his tone. George didn't notice but he did sense the awkward tension.
"So you guys are-"
"Dating, its pretty new though." Y/n cut him off, wrapping her hand around Georges which was sitting on her waist. "We very happy."
Lando could pick up on her tone, one telling him to leave them alone. He excused himself, coming up with some bullshit reason to get away. Once he had gotten far enough away Lando turned to watch Y/n and George, she hugged him tightly and placed a kiss to his cheek before walking off.
Lando felt sick. That should be him. He hated George. He hated himself. He didn't understand why he was feeling like this, maybe he always had. He just knew if he cared for Y/n the way he claimed, his heart wouldn't be hurting so much to see her and George together.
Carlos watched the whole interaction painfully. Lando had been in love with her for a while now and Carlos knew it, but Lando had never admitted it. From day one Lando talked about Y/n. How she was caring, kind, one of Landos best friend. He liked her in a platonic way he argued, he just admired how she would always stop to pat random pets, would bring him food after each race, could tell when he was upset. He even admired the way she would bite off the heads of gummy snakes so they wouldn't feel the pain. After Lando had spotted her at the last grand prix he broke it off with his girlfriend. He had argued that it had nothing to do with her he just didn't feel the same way about his girlfriend anymore.
Lando should be relieved that Y/n had moved on, its what he wanted for years. So why did he feel so uneasy about the whole situation?
yourusername has posted
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liked by georgerussell, yourbsfusername and 1, 586, 986 others
yourusername brazil with my fav
tagged: georgerussell
georgerussell 💙
→ yourusername IM SO PROUD OF YOU
yourbsfusername your so sexy ml
→ yourusername I LOVE YOUUUU
francisca.cgomes my fav
→ yourusername STOP ILY SO MUCH
lilymhe CUTIE
→ yourusername YOUR A CUTIE
mercedesamgf1 OUR FAV
→ yourusername stopppppp
user1 missing the y/lando content so much
→ user2 grow up shes moved on
user3 idk something just feels wrong
user4 anyone find it so interesting that the two races Y/n came to was Landos only podium and a dnf
Y/n wasn't a hundred percent sure how she had ended up there. It was Christmas time and she had brought George home with her. Her family and Landos were doing there annual Christmas celebration and somehow Lando and George both had to be there.
Lando was unable to keep his eyes off of her the whole night, it was getting creepy and he knew it. Max had also noticed Landos borderline creepy staring. Lando had been rotating between pouting like a toddler and not subtle staring through the whole night and Max was sick of it.
"Come grab a beer with me." Max said standing up off the couch.
"What-" Lando started but Max forcibly grabbed him up, pulling him into the kitchen.
"You need to stop Lando, I'm sick of it. You either like my sister or you don't. She's happy and I don't want you ruining it." Max said in a threatening tone.
"What are you - How?" Lando stuttered.
"Its obvious." Max sighed, "Just answer me this and I'll be on your side."
"What is it?"
"Do you love her?" Before Lando could answer Max's question the girl in question walked in. Lando felt his heart jump, she looked gorgeous as ever.
"Interrupting boy time?" She asked teasingly, moving past them to pour herself a champagne.
"No, just grabbing a beer." Max said uncomfortably.
She nodded, "I see how it is." She said, heading back into the living room.
Lando turned back to face Max once she left, not giving Max a chance to speak before speaking up, "I'm so in love with her it hurts me. I need her more than the air I breathe, I need her more than the moon needs the sun. She's everything."
Max nodded, engulfing Lando in a tight hug, the boy bursting into tears. He wasn't a hundred percent sure why, but he was.
Y/n was frozen in her place in the door frame, there it was, the words she wanted to hear her whole life. It wasn't fucking fair. She left with George pretty soon after, making some excuse about not feeling well when really she couldn't be in the same vicinity as Lando.
She was done, she had decided. She was fucking done with Lando Norris.
yourusername has posted
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liked by yourbsfusername, maxfretwell and 1, 384, 734 others
yourusername life out and about
tagged: yourbsfusername, friend1, friend2
friend1 last night was WILD
→ yourusername not worth the hangover
yourbsfusername never again
→ yourusername NEVER I SAY
maxfretwell are you coming home soon???
→ yourusername if i have time
fransica.cgomes missing my baby
→ yourusername i miss you too
lilymhe HOT
→ yourusername HOTHOTHOT
user1 sorry but shes spiraling
user2 i miss the old y/n era
→ user3 nah this era is the best era
Y/n had lost track of how many drinks she'd had at this point. She was in Singapore for a modelling event, conveniently Lando was in Singapore for the Singapore Grand Prix.
She had convinced the other girls to go drinking with her, needing to get Lando out of her mind. She was spiraling and she knew it. Ever since Landos confession the year prior she had completely gone out of control. Her and George had a messy break up, not for the lack of trying from George to make things work out. He had finally called it quits when she cheated on him during one of her many drunken escapades.
He wasn't certain but George was pretty sure her completely 180 had something to do with Lando, after that Christmas she had started acting weird. After her breakup with George Y/n completely lost it, going out every night, a million different hookups, everyone close to her knew she was out of control.
They wanted to help but they didn't know how. She didn't listen no matter how much they tried to shut it down. They all just wanted her to get better, to feel better. This lead them to hear, at a random club in Singapore. With much reluctance she finally convinced her friends to go out with her.
Y/n swung her hips to the beat, leaning against some random guy. He was her prey for the night she had decided. She turned around to face him. "I'll be right back." She whispered in his ear, heading over to the bar, aware of his stare on her ass as she walked away.
"Another shot." She said the bartender when someone slide next to her.
"Can I get a whiskey please." A familiar gravely voice asked. It couldn't be. The girl turned to look at the guy standing next to her. Lando.
The boy felt someone's gaze on him and shot a glance to the side before double backing. "Y/n." He whispered her name out like a prayer, like something had saved him.
"Norris." She sent him a tight lipped smile. Lando could hear his heart shatter, the indifference was killing him.
"What are you doing hear." He asked her.
"Just a modelling gig. Thank you." She said to the bar tender before taking the shot, making Landos eyebrows raise in surprise. "Look I have to go but it was great seeing you."
Somehow Lando could tell that it was insensire.
Y/n had felt Landos eyes on her all night, she basked in it but also hated in. It was so conflicting. She had bumped into Carlos one her way back to the dancefloor and they had talked for a little while.
The dudes hands started to explore her body, running up her chest to cup at her boobs. She embraced the feeling, imagining it was Lando instead. The guy began to kiss down her neck and she lifted her hand to grab at his hair when all of a sudden he was pulled away.
"What the fuck." She turned around to see Lando holding the guy and yelling in his face. "Lando what are you doing." He ignored her. The dude pushed Lando off him.
"Fuck this shit, this pussy isn't worth it." The dude said, Lando went to chase after him but she held him back.
"What is your problem Norris." She yelled at him in his face, not caring who was watching.
"What's my problem? Whats your problem Y/n. And can you stop with the Norris, what happened to Lan or even Lando? When did you start hating me." He said, emotion thick in his voice.
"Hate you? I don't hate you I just really fucking sick of being treated like shit. I loved you Lando, and you just lead me on for years. I got sick of it, of you never doing anything." She screamed at him, Lando deflated slightly.
"Loved?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes, stepping away from him.
"I'm done listening to this bullshit." She said, walking off, he pulled her back to him.
"You still love me. I know you do." He said, taking step closer.
"No I don't, I don't want you anymore Lando." She said, her resolve crumbling.
"If you didn't you wouldn't have been dancing with some other guy, trying to make me jealous." He said, pausing slightly. "Tell me, were you imaging my hands instead of his, wishing it was me." He whispered, Y/n felt a flush break over her because it was true, she felt like she had been caught red handed.
"Come on, baby, you miss me, I know you do." He said, pulling her chin up lips closing in on hers.
Y/n was in a daze, breathing in the familiar smell of his cologne after so long without him. All of a sudden she felt herself get pulled out of the trance she was in. She pushed him off, Landos gaze filtered in confusion.
"You know what I'm so done with you. Of course you want me now, I'm trying to get over you Lando, I need to get over you." She said, her voice breaking a little. He wanted to grab her, hold her, apologise.
"What if I don't want you to." He said.
She completely stepped back, tears in her eyes.
"Fuck you Lando Norris."
a/n: tbh did not spell check this so it might be completly shit also tell me why it took me a whole week to write this and also ignore if timeline is completely wrong - 8K words which is insane
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Keep Running
In between one moment and the next reality quakes and for the briefest of moments Jason finds himself standing in the remnants of a destroyed Star City. He knows it's not real, that it's just some magical mumbo jumbo overlaying memory magic nonsense bleeding into their timeline but he can smell the smoke in the air from the fires and hear her tired laughter as the static filled image of a red haired woman sits down beside him. He knows her or at least this version of him does as they talk about the little suicide run they were planning in order to hopefully end things for good and Jason can feel how tired his alternate self is as he takes a seat on the ground beside her. It's all a rush of emotions and faint memories that were getting harder and harder to ignore before he's suddenly back on the Watchtower with every other available hero the League could call in stuck arguing about these stupid visions affecting heroes and villains all over the globe if some of Ra's latest movements were any indication. His men were searching everywhere for answers while others like Luthor were making more subtle inquiries. The only upside to all of this was the reactions coming out of Arkham but that didn't mean he wanted to be up here with the League nearly at each other's throats.
With everything he's managing to piece together through a couple of brief check-ins with Dickie and the girls he could see why B wanted answers.
As morbid as it sounded Dick and the others were a few of the lucky ones who were able to be pulled out of their memories faster since they were at ground zero when the Watchtower was pulled out of orbit. The quicker you died the quicker it was over but neither of them were as lucky.
In those jumbled memories him and Bruce were the only two left after Gotham went up in flames since Phantom went after them first and there were still a few lingering effects clinging to that since he could still remember what the older version of himself felt. It was somewhat muted now but some of it was still there and if he focused hard enough Jason could still see the makeshift doctor's office in his mind. He could feel the phantom pain and see her flowing red hair. She seemed so relieved to find him alive and he wanted his own answers but Impulse was in the wind.
The little speedster was gone before anyone could really recover from the sudden onslaught of memories and while Bruce was doing everything he could to figure out a plan of sorts the others weren't as lucky with Superman stuck bouncing between the moments of his own brutal death and worrying about his family's safety. Whoever or whatever Phantom was, he knew exactly where to hurt them with Jon nearly losing it in public after being forced to live through the memories of his mom dying and the man of steel's own death at the hands of some magical Martian whatever.
Wonder Woman seemed the most put together out of everyone but even she was kind of twitchy, her had never leaving the pummel of her sword as Zatara went over what he could piece together on his own since the bulk of JLD was still out of commission.
His own daughter was comatose from the magical backlash of whatever this was while Constantine was just missing, his home a mess of overturned books and hurried scribbles which left them on the back foot for now since the only solid lead anyone had was Impulse and Young Justice was closing ranks around their missing speedster.
With JLD in shambles and Ra's on the move Replacement was running his own investigation into whatever was going on and shutting everyone else out of his systems after the first attempt at locating Impulse through his tracker backfired horribly.
I blame my cough medicine and a love for Fallout for whatever this is turning into but I felt like adding onto Run a little. I wouldn't even begin to know how to explain it but I just have this image in my head of Bart and Danny in a Fallout like world but the whole memory thing could be anything really. I just like the idea of reality shifting to the left just enough that Bart suddenly remembers details about his past he'd forgotten thanks to time travel/reality resetting and he suddenly remembers Danny while the rest of his team remember bits and pieces of their missing teammate Phantom. Everyone else just gets doomsday memories cause I really don't care and mostly think it's funny so I'm either blaming this on the gauntlet from the movie or Clockwork but anyone could add something else if they want.
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dixons-sunshine · 3 days
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU Headcannons Part 4 | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 625.
A/n: Okay, so here's some more of my own personal headcannons for this au because I have nothing else to post lol. However, these focus more on the canon timeline, because I want to write more for this au in the show's events. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy!
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★ When the quarry camp got overrun with walkers, Daryl couldn't find you at first.
★ His whole world shattered for a moment when he called for you but you didn't answer him. He thought that the walkers had gotten you, and he was ready to kill anyone and anything in his path.
★ However, you finally called out to him. When you did, he ran to you and practically crushed your body to him.
★ He had just lost his brother. He couldn't handle losing you, too.
★ He held you that entire night. He wouldn't let you go.
★ When everyone got to the CDC, Daryl was relieved. Not only were you safe, but there was a doctor that could help deliver the baby.
★ He spent the night (while very slightly intoxicated) cuddled up on your stomach. Before he fell asleep, he whispered sweet nothings to your baby, his baby, as well as saying an endless amount of “I love you's” to you.
★ Yeah, that dream of his got ruined quickly. You think he was pissed at Jenner in the show? Multiply that by a hundred when his wife and unborn child are in danger. The only reason Jenner didn't get a beating was because you were clinging to him and trying to calm him down.
★ When those doors opened, he practically dragged you out of there. The others were still stumbling around, but the two of you were running for those doors upstairs the minute Jenner opened the doors.
★ When the horde on the highway passed and everyone was looking for Sophia, you were right by his side. He wanted you to stay by the RV but with T-Dog injured and him not fully trusting only Dale to keep you safe, he brought you along.
★ Not without a gun, though. He trusted your shooting skills. The two of you had taken up shooting practice with guns for hunting back in the day, so he felt comfortable enough with letting you carry a gun.
★ It did take a lot of threatening convincing for Shane to give in, but Daryl wouldn't let up.
★ When the farm finally came along, your escapades were put on a temporary halt.
★ Not because he didn't trust you to help look for Sophia, but because with the safety the farm provided and with a doctor available, it was time to properly start thinking of the baby.
★ Hershel gave the two of you a few baby books to read, and Daryl stayed up late into the night while you slept, reading and preparing himself for everything.
★ He did get excited when he learnt that having sex didn't hurt the baby, but he would never force you into that. It was just nice knowing that if you wanted to, he could give you what you wanted without having to worry about hurting the baby.
★ You did want it, more easily aroused than ever before because of your hormones, but there was a time and place for that—Hershel's farm while sleeping in a tent near everyone wasn't the time nor place for that.
★ Daryl really wanted the farm to work out. Unlike in the show, he'd be on Rick's side with wanting to stay. It was the safest option for you and your unborn baby, and he'd be damned if someone (Shane) ruined everything.
★ When Daryl got shot, he may or may not have been proud of you when news of you punching Andrea circled back to him.
★ He did get a proper scolding from you for scaring you like that, though.
★ He wasn't mad because he understood, and when he saw your tears, he brought you into his arms, despite the pain in his body.
★ You were the only one who was able to reach out to him when everyone found out that Sophia was dead.
★ Seeing walker Sophia instilled a new yet old fear in him—what if he failed your baby? What if your baby died because he couldn't protect them? What if you died because he couldn't protect you?
★ It took a lot of comforting to calm him down. You knew that you wouldn't be able to erase his fear, but you could be there for him and reassure him to the best of your abilities.
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creature-wizard · 2 days
The importance of separating belief from practice from economy when criticizing spirituality
I notice that a lot of people who want to criticize harmful expressions of spirituality often conflate the beliefs and practices of those spiritualities together, rather than separating them and asking themselves which one is harmful exactly, and why.
Sometimes, both practice and belief are harmful. For example, going on a highly restrictive detox diet because it will supposedly rid your body of toxins put into regular food by an evil conspiracy. There's no evidence that detox diets actually work as claimed (and if they seem to, it may be that you actually have a food allergy or intolerance, and you feel better because you happen to be cutting out that food for awhile), and they can actually be very harmful. Meanwhile, this sort of conspiratorial worldview has roots in old antisemitic conspiracy theories used to justify violence against Jews in the past, and today, justify queerphobia and ableism by way of suggesting that an evil conspiracy is putting chemicals in our food and water that turn kids gay, transgender, or give them ADHD, autism, or whathveyou.
But other times, it's not quite so simple. For example, let's look at modes of faith healing that hold that you should eschew evidence-based medicine in favor of praying and getting right with God. Meanwhile, studies show that people who rely on faith healing don't exactly have a great recovery rate. Many children have died from treatable diseases because their parents were taught that sickness was a test of faith and God would damn them for seeking conventional medicine. (Can you even imagine how terrified of eternal damnation you'd have to be in order to watch your own child die in agony?)
If we look at most people who believe in prayer, we can see that most of them don't agree with this extreme position. Most people believe in prayer and evidence-based medicine. If anything, prayer gives many people a way to feel like they aren't just sitting around doing nothing while their loved ones are in the hospital, and that itself is arguably beneficial.
Now, if you personally have trauma connected to prayer, or just don't find any meaning or satisfaction in prayer, then it's fine if you don't want to do it. But that doesn't mean it's appropriate to tell everyone else that they shouldn't do it. When you do this, you're just using your own personal feelings as a moral compass, and as we know from observing the "thinking about gay sex grosses me out, therefore it's unnatural and against God's will" crowd, that's no way to go.
So how about beliefs and practices used to extort people? For example, energy healing services often come with steep price tags. But let's be real, so does evidence-based medicine in places like the US. This clearly does not mean people should just stop seeking evidence-based medicine. It does means that we drastically need to change the system, so healthcare is more accessible. Additionally, if there's one thing I've learned from researching alternative medicine, it's that practitioners are more likely to actually offer something for patients' complains, rather than telling them that it's all in their heads or that they need to lose weight. This doesn't mean that an exploitative alternative industry should be allowed to exist, of course. But it does mean that we need to understand how prejudice among doctors fuels it. Moreover, I think we can agree that someone who watches energy healing videos on free YouTube after they've done all they can from an evidence-based medicine standpoint, or offers free energy healing sessions to friends who are in the same boat, are not in the same category as scam victims and scammers.
So yeah, when you're out there criticizing harmful forms of spirituality and religion, remember to separate practice from belief from economy and examine each one separately and in terms of how they connect to each other and to larger issues, rather than putting it all on blast together.
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alwayzraven · 2 days
Kardeşlerim Ep 132 - FINALE
After the uni entrance exam, they did a 3 week time jump to results day. Aybike got into law school and Berk got into business school and they both got into the same university 🥳 Sometimes universities have different departments so I guess that makes sense. Ayla was so happy for Aybike and congratulated her.
Two days later, Susom tried to get married but they couldn’t. Oglucan took them somewhere to take pictures and their car got stuck in the mud and then the tractor that picked them up also broke down. Then they tried to get married again a couple of years later and Sarp and Omer fought with someone on their way to Susen’s house and ended up at the police station. A couple of years later, after they finished uni, they tried to get married again, this time Aybike and Berk came with Omer to pick Susen up. Aybike was pregnant and just when they were about to leave for city hall, Aybike screamed and said that she was giving birth.
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Everyone panicked, Omer told them:”DO NOT PANIC” while he was panicking himself 😂
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Berk looked like he was the one giving birth. Susen told Aybike:”DO NOT GIVE BIRTH RIGHT NOW” as if she can control it 😂 Berk threw himself in the backseat and told Omer to drive. He was hyperventilating and telling Aybike to breathe while also screaming:”I am becoming a dad!!!”. 
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When they got to the hospital, Aybike was screaming at Berk to not go anywhere, He told her that he loves her and that he was going to wait for her.
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After a long wait the doctor came out and Berk asked her if everything was okay and if it was a girl or a boy. He told her that he and Aybike chose not to find out about the gender of their child. The doctor told Berk that Aybike and the “babies” were okay. Berk was confused. The doctor told him that Aybike gave birth to twin boys.
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Berk was overjoyed and screaming that he became a father of twins. Oglucan was crying and saying that he became an uncle (dayı oldum).  This scene was so WHOLESOME ❤️
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Then, there was another time jump (probably a year later). The twins were playing with Berk and Aybike was getting ready to go to court.
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Berk told her that she is going to win the lawsuit. AND THEN THEY KISSED! THEY ACTUALLY KISSED 😭😭
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OKAY here is what happened. I was in the kitchen making dinner during the commercial break and then the show came back and I was still making dinner but I had my headphones on so I was listening to the episode and then they showed this scene and I heard the sound of a kiss but having watched 4 seasons of this show I assumed it was a cheek kiss and I didn’t pay much attention to it and then when I came back to watch, they had already moved on to another scene. I didn’t check twitter or ig so I didn’t see ppl losing their shit about the kiss scene and then @ksjiuvrs commented :”did you see the kiss scene” and I thought why would she ask me that if it was a regular cheek kiss scene and then I thought”did they 🤔??? No, that’s impossible…….but let me check anyway just to be sure” and then I saw it all over twitter. I could not believe it. I still can’t believe it! ppl have been asking for this kiss scene since S1. They caught us by surprise, no one was expecting this 😭
Okay back to the episode.
Aybike asked Berk if he was going to be able to take care of the twins while she was gone or if she should take them to Ayten. Berk told her that he can take care of these two cuties and he can even take care of five cuties. He meant he wants more children in case it wasn’t clear 😂 He told her that if she doesn’t believe him, they should make more. Aybike was preparing to leave and Berk picked up the twins and told them to wish their mother good luck and to tell her that they want more siblings 😂
Berk had a business call and the twins were crying so he couldn’t focus. After the call ended, he told his assistant to postpone a meeting he had tomorrow because Aybike had a meeting and he had to take care of the twins. Berk kept his promise. He said he was going to put his kids first and that’s what he did ❤️ Aybike and the kids were his priority. He supported Aybike so she can work without having to worry about the kids. We love a supportive partner 💚 Their relationship is the healthiest one on this show 🥺
Omer and Emel finally moved out of the chicken coop. Omer bought a house. Oglucan and Aybike bought a house for Orhan and Ayten which was close to Omer’s house. Aybike thanked her father for taking care of them despite the rough times they went through and she thanked Ayten for treating them like her children. Berk was with her. He didn’t say a word but he was proud of her as always.
Susen and Omer were finally getting married for real this time. Berk was with the twins and Aybike was helping Susen get ready. Yasmin came to play with the twins and then asked Berk about the girls. He told her that they were in the room (with Susen) and he couldn’t go in there. He asked Yasmin if she could tell Aybike something for him and Yasmin said:”What do you want me to tell her”
Berk:”That I love her very much”
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Yasmin smiled and said:”okay I will tell her, ask adam(man in love)”
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After the wedding, the group went to the beach and made a bonfire. Oglucan asked Tolga if he was staying. Tolga told him that he missed all of them and that he doesn’t know what he missed when he was traveling the word. Berk told him that he didn’t miss anything. Tolga told him that he didn’t have kids when he left and now he has two. Berk told him that this was only the beginning. Aybike told him that she doesn’t understand how two kids weren’t enough for him. Aybike said that they are always running after the twins and taking care of them is tiring. Berk said that he is okay with that. This man is dead set on having a football team of children 😂
In the end, Akif decided that he was going to confess all of his crimes to the police (Veli’s death, Resul’s death, how he framed Kadir…..). Honestly, the list is so long I don’t remember everything he did. The police didn’t take him seriously and they told him to provide them with proof so he whipped out that cursed usb. I don’t know if it has more than one video on it but apparently it was enough to land him in jail. There was one secret that wasn’t revealed in the end which was Leyla’s death. It's so sad that after all of those deaths, this is how they chose to deal with the main plot of the show.
This episode felt like a dream. I’ve always wished to see married Ayber scenes and a kiss scene and we got everything in this one episode. I am satisfied with the ending despite everything. Of course, there is always room for improvement but I think the writers did what they could, especially since they didn’t have enough time. Ayber will always live rent free in my mind. They hold a special place in my heart and they are my all time favorite ship ❤️ I wish Melis and Recep all the best in their careers and I will be keeping an eye on their future projects 🫶🫶
Ayber brought me to this show after I watched an edit of them on YouTube. I have never imagined that I would write “recaps” of a tv show after each episode airs but I wrote +100 recaps of Kardeslerim episodes. I would like to thank every single one of you on this site who read my recaps, sent an ask or commented their opinion about Ayber ❤️❤️ I had so much fun discussing everything related to Ayber with you and this blog will always be an Ayber blog 🥰 
Now, if anyone is looking for me, I will be camped at the 3 second Ayber kiss scene 🏕️ That’s where I live now. Thank you and good night!
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starrytalkstoomuch · 2 days
hii! <3 could you write an angst matt fic based on the song 'the night we met' by Lord Huron? Thanks smmmm!!
The Night We Met | M.S
Warnings: Descriptions of panic attacks, talks of anxiety and depression, suicide, suicidal thoughts
I am not the only traveler Who has not repaid his debt
Matt and I had been close friends for about 8 months. We had been through our ups and downs but in the end we always ended up right where we belonged. Together. Even when we felt alone. Matt had talk about a few girls he had dated before . How he had dated other girls for a few days with months in between. He said he wanted something real. He wanted someone real. He wanted to not be alone.
I've been searching for a trail to follow again Take me back to the night we met
He told me about wanting to have someone he could hold, and love. Someone who could love him the way he needed. I thought back to me and him meeting in that parking lot. It was that middle of May and I had run out to go get a few drinks for me and my group of friends. I was alone. I had been struggling a lot that month so on the curb I had taken a minute to collect myself. I could feel my heart rate quicken, and my breathing become shallow. He had been walking up to the entrance of the store when he saw me sitting there. Alone.
"Hey um.. are you ok?" He had asked so softly but so kindly. I looked up at the boy. He had kinda messy, short, brown hair. He was wearing a black hoodie with some jeans and Air Forces. I could see through my tear filled eyes his hand fidgeting with his fingers as if to calm himself. The anxious boy sat down next to me and we talked for about an hour or so. In the end he had given me his phone number, and comfort. I knew then that he would become my safe space. My comfort. My home.
And then I can tell myself What the hell I'm supposed to do
Matt stood there now. Alone. He had stopped being responsive after finding them. His best friend had taken their own life. In his home. In his care. Matt had always leaned on them. They we're each others crutches for living. Their support. So when that support is taken, stolen even, what more can he do but stand there. Alone.
The next few months of Matt's life had been hell. Not just for him but for everyone who loved him. Chris and Nick had taken him to hospitals and doctors. He had to stay at the hospital for 2 weeks in the first month of their death. He had stopped eating. Nick and Chris had done everything imaginable.
And then I can tell myself Not to ride along with you
Matt wouldn't talk. Not a word. He wants to speak he just can't seem to find his voice. He wishes he could speak. So he could say that he doesn't regret a single moment he had with you. But some part of him does. He wishes he had comforted them, but then left them on that sidewalk. He wishes he had done that because maybe then they could still be here. Sure, they wouldn't be with him, but they would be here. Not alone.
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you
He often thought back on the time they had spent together. He remember the weeks after they had met. The healing. He had opened up to them about his own struggles. His anxiety, his depression and other things life had throw his way. And they did the same with him. They talked about life with him. He remember the moment when he realized that you had both healed. That you two were whole again. That neither of you were alone. But it got worse. It had gotten worse and they said nothing. He knew they didn't speak up because they felt like they were burdening him but them being gone was the biggest burden of all. He remember watching them get worse but saying nothing, believing they would come to him when they were ready. But they never did. So he sat on his bed. Alone. He drove out to that parking lot. Alone. He had taken his own life after losing yours in that parking lot. Alone. His last thoughts were remembering that fateful night when he saw a stranger crying on the curb. Alone.
Take me back to the night we met
How we feeling lol?
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years
i know ive made like 16 identical posts to this but the night we met by lord huron is literally such a good dw song and it makes me want to scream
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aq2003 · 9 months
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“ten is a bad person” you never even tried to understand him
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buckttommy · 8 months
married firstprince au set 10ish years in the future where alex is a victim of an assassination attempt while him and henry are apart and the absolutely heartstopping, bone crushing fear when henry gets the call........ bonus points if they were in the middle of a fight at the time............. hold on. i'm throwing up on myself....
#GOD. Everyone shut up okay just shut up#Henry just doing his thing minding his business#fighting the everlooming stress of the fact that it's been six days since he's seen his husband#and the last time he saw him they were hurling biting words and insults at each other#(something they agreed to never do since they got married)#and he's already not sleeping because he can't sleep without Alex#so he's a bit miserable.#But then Shaan comes to him one morning and he KNOWS#The minute he looks at his face he feels his heart fucking drop down to his stomach#and he's just like 'tell me he's not dead. tell me'#and Shaan is like 'he's not but it's bad. We need to go'#So the whole flight Henry's just sat there torturing himself over every horrible word he's ever said to ALEX#of all people. It's stupid. The whole fight was stupid and none of it matters because the love of his life might be fucking#dead by the time he gets to the hospital. Anyways. Alex is in surgery again when he gets there#and he has to wait another EIGHT hours just for a doctor to come out and tell him Alex is fine it was touch and go for a minute there#but he really doesn't hear anything beyond 'Alex is fine.'#Anyways when Henry sees his husband he crawls into bed beside him (careful not to hurt him of course) and just holds him#(and cries softly because he's just had the worst twenty-four hours of his life)#and he's still holding him when Alex wakes up and the first words out of his mouth are 'hey baby' and that's when Henry really loses it#Alex drifts back off to sleep (not without mumbling a sleepy apology and an I love you)#but when he wakes up#they talk and Alex is just like 'I was so fucking scared I would hurt you the way your dad did' and Henry is like#'what do you mean sweetheart?' and Alex is like 'i don't want you to know the pain of losing me i don't want to do that to you'#which nearly sends them BOTH over the edge and it's all very tender and sweet.#Anyways then they make out and fall asleep together in the hospital bed#and it's the best sleep Henry has had in days.#the end#future wips#fandom: rwrb
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just finished Planet Of Fire part 2 and although I'm not as hopelessly sad at being close running out of turlough and 5 episodes as I was with 2, jamie and zoe it's started to hit me how I actually adore these characters and don't want to say goodbye to them. I'm not ready.
I mean, I saw Resurrection Of The Daleks earlier this afternoon and now I'm just spending the whole time watching peri in this serial going "pathetic. hopeless. tegan would never. #notmycompanion" because tegan is absolutely iconic and she's been there since goddamn Logopolis in season 18 and it's just plain weird not having her around anymore. Sorry peri but you haven't immediately caught my attention like tegan did
agghhh classic who really hitting you with the anticipation of having to say goodbye because you know what's coming next. With nuwho you don't know what's coming which is good for some other reasons but omfg the anticipation of knowing exactly when and how a companion departs from fandom osmosis and just watching you edge closer and closer and love the character more and more omfg it's PAIN and I'd never have it any other way.
Like when I was watching season 19 and the amazing shit like adric spend the whole dance just getting food in Black Orchid. And I was just like "omg just like me fr iconic i love it". And then it hit me that he's going to be blown up in a few episodes. He's going to fucking die.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
OH RIGHT. rose. i was thinking about this because jack might be the one person who can actually put into words what was going on between the doctor & rose because he was there, he was in the middle of it. not that the information comes out easily, but he’s less avoidant of saying the words ‘he loved her’ than the doctor is. which. i just think it would be kind of sweet and sad for even to also for the first time actually connect the word to the feeling. that’s love. that’s what that is.
#it’s not that they didn’t. you know. love anyone before. objectively they did.#they just didn’t really connect that that. ‘love’. that’s what that was that made them act that way. that made them feel that way.#that made it hurt so much when they lost someone they were trying to keep with them.#and to understand now that that’s what was between the doctor and rose as well. and the beginning of understanding that. rose Is something#to them as well. (<- not information they know how to handle or what to do with.)#but what im actually saying here is. that because jack is the one who gives them that. because jack is so much built from love and memory.#man who references his ex-boyfriends constantly and fondly. who loves knowing he’ll lose the person he’s choosing now like everyone before.#does it anyway.#what im saying here is that when jack leaves. for whatever amount of time he’s joined up on the tardis taking a break from torchwood i guess#dealing with him and the doctor’s. Thing. as best they can (not very well)#what im saying is that when jack leaves. even pushes themselves into a hug with him and burrows close because they dont want him to leave.#of course they dont. they have like. three friends. and he’s one of them. and he’s leaving.#but this is important and he won’t stay. so they hug him. and they whisper. very very seriously. but softly. like they’re scared someone#will hear or they’ll mess up. they tell him that they love him. and that’s how they say goodbye.#dw oc
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
music from 2018 you are my mental health
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vanity-complex · 1 year
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kung-fu-cutbug · 2 years
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make sure to respect your elders
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or else they might become an archangel of plague & disease and kill you
#oops i dropped a pencil ~art~#ocs#dr. veit von brandt#pestilence horseman of the apocalypse#cw blood#you ever just lose your lover to a terminal illness and feel a shitton of survivor's guilt because you're a doctor#and then you pray to god on the night of the full moon and he turns you into a horseman of the apocalypse#and you kill everyone in your hometown before turning back to normal and fleeing because what the fuck you just killed like dozens of people#and when you're in the United States you meet a bunch of other people who accidentally gave themselves superpowers like you#and for some reason even when they realize you're a horseman of the apocalypse they don't run away in terror#and you become their dad friend and start dating one of them#and this is the first time in at least a decade you've had any semblance of friends or family because of your fear and paranoia#and you haven't felt this happy and loved since before your first lover died#because this ragtag group of misfits didn't leave your side after you laid your worst sins bare to them all#and now after grappling with denial and self-esteem issues for who knows how long#you're ready to accept that they never will leave your side and you will never leave theirs either#...yeah he's been through a lot but he's mostly okay now#in Pestilence form he's actually a really nice guy once you get to know him#(oh and by the way no they're not a plural system or anything)#(Veit and Pestilence are the exact same entity but Pestilence has absolutely zero inhibition)#(hence why he's so willing to immediately resort to violence in that form)#(his friends have reigned him in at this point though so he won't kill you probably)#(unless you're explicitly trying to kill him or the friends in question but you wouldn't do that would you)
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ilostyou · 1 year
lallaaalalala just some things on my mind
#this has been a rant#<- in advance. im going off in the tags. xo#getting close to making a decision abt doctoral programs is STRESSING ME OUT even tho i think ik which i'll choose#one ik will be a good school environment and will be manageable but the other has much. better training and will prep me for#literally anything i could want to do with a whole ass doctorate afterwards when im licensed#next thing. i fucking hate that i have no clue what i look like objectively lmfao. losing weight is great and all (healthy) but#it's fucking with my idea of myself even more than it ever was bc. now it's a 'bad' thing that some things look big on me#(bc THEY FUCKING ARE lol) like today i ended up buying some clothes and yay great but like. my mom was like#yeah so you can wear these instead of what. ur wearing now bc that's gotten big on you etc#and im just ksjghdf it's just a little baggy and also i like it?? but ok whatevesjkdkfdhkh i like the. new ones too im juyst. ??#just in general there's always gonna be Something yknow? annoying. anyway#next thing is that im away w family rn and lovemy fam love spending time with them but it;'s been TWO DAYS and im already#losing......so much patience with some people like. my younger cousins. im. GRR.and i love having some other people around#but we're meeting up w the rest of our group tom and we'll basically be DOUBLE in size for the next week plus and im so#nervous that i'm already at my last nerve with everyone adn that i'll be too overwhelmed/tired/etc that i won't enjoy the rest of the trip#next thing is that it's WILD graduation is literally in six weeks but so mmuch has to happen before then it's making me dizzy#other side note thing im beyond excited to see taylor and have weird anxiety about it but meh. im fucking PUMPED#another thing. it's someones bday tomorrow who ive had a Rough year with (ive mentioned stuff abt them before) and it's just. weird feeling#i dont rem if they even texted me for my bday now im curious im gonna go look lmfao but. obv i'll text them anyway#it's just ... lots of weird feeling thinking abt how much has changed in a year with them. shrug#ok maybe that's it woo
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