#like the only reason they don't accept it is because it's never verbally stated that she's trans
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flilisskywalker · 7 months
I guess what keeps me up at night is asking what's the point of Sabine's search for Ezra, like... as an emotional arc.
(This text is an adaptation of the thread I wrote on Twitter)
Because when I rewatch the fourth season of Rebels, I get the impression that they are paired together in many episodes as a way to prepare us for a hurtful goodbye between the two at the end of the show, which is to me the same reason why they decided to go heavy on confirming Kanan and Hera's romance because they knew he was going to die.
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I don't really know if the parallels between Sabezra and Kanera are intentional considering how Filoni talks about the former, but Ezra does become Kanan (even has a whole stretch arms sacrifice) and Sabine does become Hera (Deep grief for losing him) and not in a "The kid got this from his/her parent." sense, but in the sense of that the situation is really similar, which is interesting because it wasn't like this originally.
Ahsoka made Sabine's grief towards Ezra not being by her side all the time a thing.
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Instead of simply letting Sabine's mission be about bringing Ezra home like in the original animated epilogue, Filoni complicates things a little bit by implying that Sabine is not doing this for Ezra, but for herself. Beyond that, almost every character notices how devoted she is to him and it even confuses some of them.
Thrawn, for example, has studied Sabine. He is well aware that Ezra is her compatriot and friend and yet... he is confused by her choice. Sabine states "You wouldn't understand." and then accepts to be stranded on Peridea just to see Ezra again. Once she found him and even after hearing he wants to get home, she did not say a word about Thrawn being his only ticket home. Instead, she simply enjoys time with him.
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If you know Sabine Wren, you know that she would never ignore a huge Imperial threat and put in danger people like Hera, who is definitely an older sister type of role model to her, or feel that Ezra is the only family she has, so I do understand why people think she is very distant from the original show.
There might be a reason for all of this. A reason that I'm not sure Filoni wants to dive into, but the way he's been writing Sabine, the vagueness every time Ezra is the conversation's topic, feels like she has fallen in love with him during his absence and honestly? This makes far more sense than any other explanation.
We've seen in Star Wars before, fiction in general, that love is blind. Sabine's focus on finding Ezra is described by Baylan as something that blinds her. Not only this would justify her out of character attitude, but also the parallels with Kanan and Hera.
Star Wars live-action TV shows this year have been interesting to decode. In both The Mandalorian season 3 and Ahsoka season 1, there's a lot of subtle implications that characters want to build a life with somebody.
Mando does this in Chapter 22 - Guns For Hire, an episode surrounded by romantic love, where a droid bartender tells Din and Bo that human life is so short and then they look at each other. They want to be together, but that has not been verbalized yet. It is still very much in the subconscious.
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Ahsoka does it in Part 7 - Dreams and Madness, by showing Sabine's lack of urgency regarding Thrawn and simply enjoying Ezra's company. It really implies that this was what her mission was all about: Be with Ezra. Her real desire is build a life with him, but that desire is still in the subconscious.
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I believe Favreau knows all of that when it comes to Din and Bo.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 years
when a character visibly drops a ruse
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You know that post? It’s been stuck in my head for a very long time, because I love the concept so much but couldn’t really think of many examples in the stories I know. Oh, but this--hmm
You might remember a while back I was gushing about Katsuki’s lack of a mask during the rescue mission. I still think it’s symbolic to an extent. He’s had his mask torn on multiple occasions too, including the current chapters. I have no doubt that Katsuki is now way more in touch with and accepting of his feelings than Izuku is. His mask being absent or removed is like a flag for his vulnerability. And I’m thinking that for a long time now, since before the apology and even before ch 285, Katsuki has been outgrowing his knee-jerk defensiveness and aloof persona. Sure, he’ll always be a spitfire, but that doesn’t mean he has to stay distant. That doesn’t mean he’s incapable of gentleness. 
But the thing is he does still act defensive. He makes a point to remind Izuku they’re still rivals, keeps him on his toes with his harsh retorts and surprise attacks. However I really don’t think it’s genuine anymore. Some of his classmates may complain about the way his behavior hasn't changed, but there’s a reason for it that they don't see: Katsuki’s apology is a true apology, one that doesn’t ask for anything in return. He learned this from Endeavor, and he even said he doesn’t expect things to change. So he has to keep up their established dynamic in case that’s all Izuku wants them to have. With this in mind, his actions make a lot more sense. 
But for the most part this was just an idea I entertained for fun, not much to back it up. That is, until ch 362 came around. I had a hard time talking about it in the moment, because, ya know. Yet I couldn’t ignore how blatantly different he looked, the way he carried his face. When a character spends like 90% of the story looking like a growling feral animal, anything less is certainly startling. That’s one thing, he’s had his expression go neutral before. In 362 it was so consistent though. I mean, there was zero tension, only bliss and calm. And then he actually smiles in a fond, nostalgic way. It’s like in the privacy of his own mind or wherever he is, his old self just melts away. Suddenly he appears sweet and thoughtful. If you didn’t know his character at all, you would never guess based on these images that he has a whole other demeanor most of the time. On the long list of things the story has yet to address which proves Katsuki’s death wouldn’t make sense, this is near the top. I’m now fully attached to the concept of Katsuki consciously pretending to be like his old self, while having done all this character evolution in secret. Katsuki must live for Izuku to see him drop the ruse. But what will it take for that to happen?
The only thing I can be sure of is that Katsuki would need to see how Izuku really actually does want their relationship to change. This could come from witnessing Izuku’s breakdown, or feeling it through whatever vestige-y coma sort of form he might be in now, or through 2nd’s quirk. I really don’t know at this point. I do want to reiterate what I said in regards to Heroes Rising though, since that theory now looks more likely than ever. The character development that happened in the ending of that movie which had to be erased was Katsuki realizing Izuku “chooses” him, so this must also be a key part of their manga development. Though I don’t have any leads as to how it will happen, my favorite options are: 
Either Izuku is finally pushed by his greatest nightmare (almost) being realized to finally verbalize his feelings to Katsuki
Or Izuku remains stubbornly in denial even though his feelings are now obvious to Katsuki, so Katsuki takes matters into his own hands. 
Most recently, I now like the second idea better because as stated above, I think Katsuki is the more emotionally open of the two at this point. Thus he may even be the one to reach out and initiate that handhold moment we’re all waiting for. I mean, you know how badly he wants it. What a lovely role reversal that would be.
One more thing. I have a hunch. Just a hunch. And it has to do with Monoma. Before ch 363 I was musing about the fact that Monoma is the only one besides Izuku and the vestiges who witnessed the whole event of Izuku awakening blackwhip. He is the only one who knows (or might be able to infer) why Izuku lost control. Idk if this is relevant to Katsuki figuring it out necessarily, but it might matter for the audience’s perspective. I actually gasped when I saw Monoma have a flashback to joint training in 363, because there could be more to come. If we’re right, and there’s continuity to be found from blackwhip’s awakening, to Izuku keeping the detail about his heart a secret, to Shigaraki seeing that Katsuki is Izuku’s weakness, then Monoma can be the one to draw that through line. There’s already some (rather dark) irony being established as Monoma, who could be seen as representing a Bakugou anti, is now deeply shaken by his loss. Horikoshi must be hoping he can sway some antis in the same way, so if Monoma carries their POV and Hori also uses him to spell out the nature of Izuku’s feelings, that would mean Hori is seeking to defy people’s narrow understanding of their relationship as well. Again, Monoma is the ONLY other person who knows exactly what happened in joint training, and he’s right there, witnessing and commenting on this fight. Joint training memories are already on his mind. We are actually so close to an explicit confirmation of this theory about Izuku’s first vestige quirk awakening and his locked up emotions. It’s like I can see the shadow of the last puzzle piece coming into place.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
When I say that Dazai's relationship with Chuuya and Atsushi are the only ones not rife with core misunderstanding of each other and messy then what?
Like Atsushi is fine with Dazai keeping secrets and whole heartedly trusts Dazai while not idolizing him as a person. Acknowledging that Dazai has a shitty past and still sees the good in him.
Chuuya's major misunderstanding with Dazai happened all the way back in stormbringer and even then it was Chuuya projecting on Dazai and being fully aware that he was projecting on Dazai. And since then he has tried to point out the actual more humane side of Dazai's behaviour (which imo is messy af on Chuuya's part) once again looking towards the more human part of Dazai and his seemingly heartless actions. The only thing left is light banter (which modern purity obsessed fans think is verbal abuse) and the occasional trolling. The most important thing is that they see each other as human beings with flaws and positive traits removing any idolization there.
And from Dazai's end, while he does try to be more sincere towards people now (to some extent) Atsushi is the only one who doesn't need him to be super sincere and understands why he might not be fully open. While Chuuya doesn't need him to be sincere because he has experienced Dazai's sincerity hidden under layers of fake bravado and manipulation. Chuuya gets that Dazai is a little fucked in the head and does things for Chuuya and Oda and the ADA in ways that don't seem moral to a regular person.
None of Dazai's other surviving relationships have that level of clarity and understanding. Yes he gets along with Kunikida but there is major misunderstanding and clash there, way too many secrets and a core inability to fully come to terms with each other because of how far apart their morality is (no Kunikida isn't pure and innocent but still). Dazai and Sigma's entire dynamic is built on the desperation of keeping someone alive for a promise and surviving at all costs and Dazai's only moment of genuine sincerity had been in the elevator. Dazai and Ango have a very bitter relationship because of what happened to Oda where they both blame each other (yes I know Dazai lowkey also holds Ango responsible, rightfully so, but he does hold himself responsible too). Even with Oda there was a core misunderstanding on both ends that while not problematic is a major misunderstanding. Dazai idolized Oda as this perfect being far removed from all things tainted by the mafia when Oda was just a traumatized young adult, barely 22 at that. Like he was so young. And then Oda constantly put the distance of their status between them refusing to ask Dazai for aid when he desperately needed it and constantly flip flopping between calling Dazai a child stuck in a bad place and thinking he was born to be in the mafia. It doesn't help that Dazai misunderstood Oda's final words so badly (then again that poor man was at death's door, he didn't exactly have time to sit him down and explain).
I also think Dazai and Ranpo can have that dynamic where they are on the same level as Atsushi and Chuuya with Dazai but how much of that would be Dazai being sincere with him vs how much Ranpo found out against Dazai's wishes?
And even with just how much Chuuya understands and accepts about Dazai, Chuuya did project on him back in sb. Chuuya's initial hatred for Dazai stemmed from his fear of becoming callous and heartless like him before he realised that Dazai isnt any of that in sb after finding out that Dazai did everything to get his hands on the documents for Chuuya and the offer to change his plan for Chuuya's humanity. But Atsushi never once projected on him.
Atsushi is the best thing that happened to Dazai for his mental state, and imo Atsushi is the one who will ultimately be the reason Dazai's perception of himself changes completely.
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astrobydalia · 1 year
When doing chart readings, what placements/aspects do you see that make you feel sad the most?
This is actually a great question and I've been thinking about doing a post like this for a while
TW: mentions of abuse and trauma
Placements and aspects that make me feel sad when reading a chart
Aquarius Moon
The only reason why they are “okay” it’s because they have detached from their trauma to the point where they genuinely don’t even recognize or acknowledge it as trauma, just imagine being THAT emotionally starved.
Saturn in water houses
If you have this placement I just wanna say hang in there luv you got this
Saturn/Chiron/Pluto/Mercury/Mars/Uranus in the 6th house
Constant stress meets health issues. Mundane life and routines are a genuine struggle for them
Inner placements in the 8th house
I've noticed these people were just thrown into the deep end at a young age in regards to the themes of the planet here. For example I've seen Mars in the 8th house a lot in people who were forcefully introduced into sex... or people with Mercury here experienced verbal abuse and manipulation around them from a young age, etc
Scorpio Moon
80% of the times their mental health is not the best and they haven’t had the best life experience. I feel sorry for them cause their inner world really is their worst enemy to be honest, it's like that have to constantly survive to their own emotions. They genuinely feel comfortable around toxicity, chaos and drama wether they like to admit it or not
South Node/Vertex/Sun/Moon/Saturn in the 7th house
Extremely codependent to the point where they'd rather choose to keep the wrong people over being alone
Moon-Saturn conjunction
I mean I feel like I don't even need to explain. These people have been BROKEN as humans. Every single person I've seen with this conjunction lives in a constant state of internal constriction. I've actually noticed this aspect can be much more "dark" emotionally than Moon-Pluto
Neptune in the angels/cardinal houses or conjunct personal planets
They are too idealistic for this world and never feel fully satisfied with their lives
Prominent Lilith (women)
From my experience, most Lilith women I've met were actually pretty sweet, smart and didn't really have that "femme fatale" personality of Lilith. It's actually other people that project this into them and only see that in them, so they experience this constant theme of being objectified and people then judging them the second they actually accept that sexual role people have projected into them
Neptune dominance, heavy Neptune in the chart, sometimes Neptune in hard aspects to personal planets
Can you sense a theme? This makes for someone who is SO easily victimized (this is common in natives who have suffered prolonged abuse of some kind), people disrespect them and their boundaries all the damn time and they're not always taken very seriously (unless they have heavy Saturn/Pluto/Mars influence). They are made the target for others' projections which makes these natives feel like they're never really "seen", it's common for them to feel like they're just a shadow
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
I know this is a weird question, but in your opinion, to what extent does Will love Hannibal? As far as I am aware, the relationship is not subtext only from Hannibal's side. Will, on the other hand, doesn't have any kind of strong confirmation or demonstration that shows his feeling for Hannibal is romantic. I've read some of your metas, I do believe Will has some sort of attachment to Hannibal. I fully acknowledge that Will has feelings for Hannibal, since Hannibal is strongly associated with his own darkness. However, I cannot say for sure that those feelings are romantic. Subtexts and the creators' words are not credible as queerbaiting is too common these days. I've heard that Bryan didn't plan any romance between them initially in ss1. I know that Will is not the type of person that expresses openly, and he lies too often. But unfortunately, that's also why we can never know his emotions for sure. We can only have speculations and interpretations that fit our expectations. I see the only reason why Will feels attachment to Hannibal is because Hannibal is the only one in his life that offers him the opportunity to be understood and accepted, not because Hannibal is Hannibal. We all know that Hannibal loves Will because Will is Will, he literally turns down all the offers from others (Tobias, Antony and Francis). Hannibal only wants to be seen by Will. Will, on the other hand, well, I feel like if there was another person that offered him the same opportunity for understanding, he wouldn't necessarily refuse. He doesn't really reject Matthew, you know. And also, Will strikes me as someone too straight. In short, I think Will does have some sort of feelings for Hannibal, but I am not sure they are romantic, and it seems to me that Will could have Hannibal replaced if the circumstances allowed.
Hello! I mostly voiced my thoughts about how Will expresses his feelings in this meta  - if you haven't read it, I think you might be interested. If you have, then I'll add some more thoughts here.
You are right in that Hannibal's feelings for Will are more verbally romantic. Hannibal is more open emotionally on a whole: he's at peace with himself, he understands what he wants and what he feels. Will doesn't have the same luxury. Throughout the show, he undergoes various self-conflicts and he's very confused about his own feelings.
Personally, I don't really consider these feelings ambiguous. Will's romantic love in the show is confirmed through his actions and reactions. He's silent when Bedelia asks him if he's also in love with Hannibal. This silence is an undeniable "yes" in my eyes - otherwise, there is simply no point in it. If he wanted to say no, he would have done it. He would have snorted or asked Bedelia why in the world she would think that. Instead, we have a long focus on Will's pained face, his silence, and a slow blurring into Hannibal. This is a standard story-telling technique - silence to such questions speaks very loudly in shows/movies. And based on Bedelia's face, she knew very well what the answer would be. After this, Will stages Hannibal's escape and chooses him above everyone else before running away with him, and I think it's one more confirmation of his positive answer.
'Hannibal' is not the show where lots of things are stated directly. In fact, many viewers considered "Is Hannibal in love with me" redundant and strange exactly because it was too direct for a show like this. Will's feelings are pretty glaring to me without any verbal declarations. The fact that he loves Hannibal as a friend is textual. The romantic side is revealed through visible jealousy (otherwise, what's the point of it? He clearly hates the idea of Bedelia being with Hannibal instead of him), lingering looks, anguished glances, flirtations, and so on. There is sexual fantasy of S2: Will tries to fantasize about Alana as he’s having sex with Margot. However, he sees the image of the Stagman (Hannibal’s reflection) near the fireplace. He actually sees Hannibal’s room and consequently, he sees himself in it (or he sees their rooms united). Will’s eyes widen and then his vision begins to contract, focusing on the Stagman, on how it’s sitting and then standing up in all its dark glory. Will is having an orgasm at this very moment, imagining the Stagman’s face very close. Still through the misty eyes, he tries to focus on Alana again, but his gaze moves up to the Stagman above her, as if he can’t help himself. He and Hannibal reach orgasm first, with Alana and Margot following them.
There are some bits in the text itself, too. Bedelia called Will out on "visiting his old flame". This is romantic. The whole "bride" and "wife" stuff is romantic as well. Will flirts with Hannibal with obvious relish - his "I'm yours" quote and an annoyed expression when Hannibal didn't react happen for no reason other than him feeling like this. "I need you... please" was also shown as flirty, and Will enjoyed it, it came naturally to him. I don't think he would feel comfortable with Hannibal if he wasn't in love with him back. One-sided infatuation is extremely awkward.
Finally, the show promotes the idea of their unity. It's not the show about unreciprocated love and personally, I can't see it ever being a part of the plot, especially after all "we are one" elements. Will's stubborn desire to be normal was holding him back, not his lack of feelings.
I've never seen Will as straight: he only ever has shallow attraction to Alana that conflicts with his pull to Hannibal as shown in a sexual fantasy of S2. His sex with Margot and kiss with Chiyoh are done so emotionlessly, I think it emphasizes that he's going through motions. It's impossible to determine his sexuality with what we've seen, especially since the only deep bond he has is with a man.
About turning down offers from others: I do think Will showed zero interest in Matthew. He was cold and manipulative with him, he showed no willingness to really open up or strike any kind of friendship, and he never even mentioned him again after that episode. Will's entire focus has always been on Hannibal. I don't believe Hannibal is replaceable to him in any way since their obsession is mutual. Will admires him, wants to be loved by him, is jealous whenever Hannibal pays someone else attention, can't let him go no matter what happens and how much time passes.
As an example, when Will comes looking for Hannibal in ‘Primavera’, after his pining and his confessions to Alana and Jack, he’s almost reverent about him.
Will: We were all supposed to leave together. He made a place for us. Why did I lie to him? He gave me a chance to take it all back, and I just kept lying.
Will keeps talking about him over and over again.
Will: This isn’t Hannibal, it’s just where he begins. Beyond this, far and complex, light and dark, is the vast structure of his mind. A thousand rooms, miles of corridors. Everything he remembers, wonderfully and fearfully reconstructed.
Will touches the Valentine Hannibal left for him and watches it come alive under his fingers; he lies in that spot to feel physically closer to him. He says:
Will: A valentine written on a broken man … I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I would be without him … He left me his broken heart … He misses me.
He looks on the verge of tears, so Hannibal’s gift touched him. Will is overcome by emotions. At this very moment, his more frightened side suggests that Hannibal is also playing with him.
Will: Hannibal follows several trains of thought at once without distraction from any, and one of the trains is always for his own amusement.
We know it’s not the case, especially here, but Will has trust issues and a low self-esteem. He’s worried that Hannibal’s feelings for him aren’t as strong as he thinks they are, which is why he’s not sure how to react himself. He asks himself, “I still want to go with him?” and replies, “Yes.” He wonders about what life they’d have if they left.
Will: What if no one died? What if we all left together? Like we were supposed to. After he served the lamb. Where would we have gone? … In some other world.
This is obsession, this is a love letter at its finest. Will is as focused on Hannibal as Hannibal is focused on him, and I agree with the part of Bedelia’s words that they cannot live without each other. I think we have enough romantic text, subtext, actions and reactions to understand that Will is in love with Hannibal, even if it is not stated verbally. 
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I think, having thought about the episode a lot, What's My Line is fundamentally about Buffy's death.
This sounds like a bold statement, but I would argue that it is true. At the start of the episode, there is a large focus on the job fair. It serves as a reminder to Buffy of something that, up until this point in the show, she has been anxious about: the notion that her Slayer duties will take precedence over her dreams and aspirations (1×05, 2×05, 1×03, and 1×11 especially). Her mystic destiny, she fears, will make it impossible for her to hold a regular job. This generally sets the tone for the themes of the episode.
The Order of Tarokka are also thematically significant. We can see them in many different ways. The fact that they will never stop coming, no matter how many of them die, leads to two distinct readings: The first is to see the order as a mirror to the slayer line. Like the order, no matter how many slayers one kills, there will always be another called. There will always be a slayer somewhere to fight the forces of darkness. The second reading is to see the order as a representation of the inevitability of a slayer dying in the line of duty. There is nothing buffy can do to prevent the order from - eventually - killing her. Slayers don't die of old age and the order is a grim reminder of this.
Most of the episodes of season two are reflections of the larger Bangel tragedy. This is no exception. Angel's life is necessary to revive Drusilla. Angelus's blood opens the gateway to Acathala's demon dimension. Angel himself, like Drusilla, later becomes "a very dark power [that] rise[s] in sunnydale."
Kendra serves as a blending of these themes. Kendra is the slayer who buffy feels she will become. Kendra has nothing but slayer duties to sustain her. Kendra has no real dreams or aspirations. Also, Kendra's calling is a byproduct of Buffy's death. The only reason Kendra is called is that Buffy died.
Also, Angel nearly dies because of Kendra's (future buffy's) actions. Not going to go in depth on that one.
On the note of Kendra only being called because Buffy died, I would like to talk about Insect Reflections. At the end of 5×06 "Family" Tara states that "Your insect reflection represents your insignificance in the Karmic cycle." The show as a whole - up until Chosen - is about Buffy's insect reflection. Vampires and demons never stop coming, people around her repeatedly verbally dress her down and strip her of worth (2×15, 3×02, 3×07, 5×10, etc.). Every good deed Buffy does is not done because it makes a difference but because, as stated on Angel 2×16, "If nothing we do matters, then the only thing that matters is what we do."
Also going to put into your head the phrase "slayer calling as a karmic rebirth" even if I don't have super well formed thoughts on that one.
In many ways a part of the Point of Kendra's inclusion here is that Buffy is given the alternate path. Buffy can choose to retire and let Kendra be the only active slayer. Im doing so she can avoid the source of the dread caused by the career fair. Because Kendra has been so thoroughly groomed by the council, its highly likely that Kendra would accept this. Buffy wants this, because she sees the alternative as "becoming" Kendra. (Season Five, especially Intervention, touches on this sentiment as Buffy feels that being the slayer is turning her to stone (emotionally))
Instead of taking this out from a bleak potential future, Buffy decides to extend kindness to this omen and help Kendra rediscover the sense of self that was taken from her by the council. This, and the Angel quote above, are what we need to consider when looking at Kendra's line near the end of the episode "You talk about slaying like it's a job. It's not. It's who you are."
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hellsrebellion · 7 months
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It wasn't a command. And Roman was once again reminded that this version of Camilla both confused and terrified him. Rather than demanding with harshness, it's a gentle plea within her soft voice. Had there been some sort of domineering tone to it, he might've just offered some muttered excuse as to why he needed to go.
He was busy-- and he didn't necessarily need rest or sleep like she did. It was optional; although his meat suit certainly would've appreciated it. Not that there was anyone in there with needs, he'd made sure of that. It had been more on the front of selfishness than him having some 'sanctity of human life' bullshit.
'You can pretend and act like you're so different from the others, but how good can you be? You're holding someone hostage inside their own body right now, you're no better.' Roman still remembered a time not too long ago when she'd looked at him with disgust and voiced her disdain for him.
Her words like daggers, sharp with the intention to cut him up.
"Meat suit was already dead." He'd retorted flatly, turning back to face her after nearly leaving Singer's because he 'didn't need this shit'. Not knowing why he even felt the need to whip around explaining himself to her- as if he needed to. He could've just left despite the tether, then it would've been on her to call him back if she wanted to continue throwing verbal punches. Remind him of what he was, the hatred she harbored toward him. "Gunshot victim.. he'd already been beamed up, Scotty…he'd flatlined, they called time- lights out. There ain't nobody in here with me." His words had been spit with the same amount of venom, "So.. got anything else you wanna reem me for.. or we done for now?"
At the time, Roman had just accepted they'd never be able to see beyond black eyes and soullessness-- she'd always circle right back around to what he was despite his intentions. When Camilla had been of her own judgement Roman remembered her trying to reason with the Winchesters and Singer that he'd gain nothing from lying to them about what he knew. She hadn't known he'd been listening, but he had. As long as she had Dean in her's, that animosity would remain.. they were the only family that she had left. She'd never do anything to compromise that.. especially side with a demon.
"Look--we don't gotta get along, don't even gotta speak to one another 'less we have to. I'm just intel, can leave all the personal shit out of the equation.. I tell you what I know, you do with that information what you will. Call me here, just make sure it's need-to-know basis.. Dean can bottle his noise up 'til this is over and take me out for what Azazel did to his family after- we all got bigger problems right now."
It hadn't been some lifetime ago-- they'd still only known one another for a few months now. Which is why it was unnerving how quickly she'd become something.. important to him. He did care what she thought of him, had wanted her trust and that sense of longing he'd been grappling with never faded out, it only grew the longer he was around her.
Roman's expression softens on her in slight at the singular word, shifting his weight in his worn combats as those doe eyes search his own. He swallows and nods, barely detectable.
"Alright.." he says quietly to her, his low and deep voice in that uncharacteristically gentle tone- the one he only ever held with her when she got like this. Confusing, infuritating.. he didn't know which it was more of anymore.
Once again he just finds himself full of excuses. They were states away from the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen, that weapon stash, her books.. anything she had that could've protected her or evened the odds should anyone downstairs have caught wind that she was alone in the city, and taken their chances trying to catch her off guard.
He had to stay.. to keep her safe.
But deep down, he knows better. Those hex bags kept her invisible-- nobody had any idea where she was; wouldn't have been able to sniff her out if they tried and at the moment Caim and the others' priorities were more focused on the bigger picture. As satisfying as it would've been to take the last remaining Remington out for them, they wouldn't be seeking her out. The only thing that was keeping him in that hotel room with her was his desire to be there.
She'd just handed the excuse to him, by asking for him to stay.
Roman's dark orbs linger down on her when he goes to pass by, his shoulder brushing against her own as he strides over to one of the beds to sit down on the foot of it with an exhale. Unsure of what to do then. It would've been less uncomfortable gargling holy water than it was trying to do this little song and dance, pretend like what was going on wasn't going on.
"Should've picked up some cards.. or.. Monopoly or somethin'.." he finally mumbles, sniffing and lifting his gaze to her. His head of unruly hair shakes once as his gaze flicks away from her again; untrusting that his own eyes wouldn't wander all over her, palms spreading down his thighs as he shifts on the mattress.
And he knew.. of course he fucking knew that she was treading a line seeing if he would finally cross over it. But she was the only thing he was terrified of.. and never for the reasons it would've made sense for him to be. He'd have never given her that knife she had tucked away in her bag if that were the case. It would be more likely Hell froze over before he ever allowed himself to give into the temptation she was offering him. No matter how badly he may have wanted to. The dynamic was already a complicated mess as was.. he couldn't imagine how much more complicated it would be if he did.
'You're walking a very dangerous path, Roman.' Jericho's words echo in his mind with warning. God knew he was.
"Can't help but keep wonderin'.." he finally starts again, any sense of amusement he'd held before drained from his voice entirely as his dark orbs stay planted on the warped wooden floor of that seedy hotel room. "..once this ends.. however it does.." he pauses in thought, his gaze finally lifting in search of her.
"..say we kill Lilith- Caim.. stop the domino effect should they start breakin' these seals. Lucifer never pops the cage.. or the war happens, and humanity wins.." he lists through scenarios, shrugging at her a bit as his gaze lingers up at her and shifts.
"You ain't the only hunter, Camilla.." he says finally, a warning in his tone- a knowing one. "Dean.. I don't know any way of savin' him.. even if that's the case, there's just as many hunters like Dean out there as there are like you, like Sam.." he explains in an even tone, swallowing as he stares up at her from the end of the bed.
" ..once the behemoth is out the way.. we both know who the targets are gonna be and other hunters aren't gonna be so understandin' that we ain't all the same." He exhales slowly as he watches her, nodding and dropping his gaze again.
He didn't know what he was looking for. Typically it was her looking to him for reassurance and he wasn't even sure that's what this was. More that he was just explaining a valid reason as to why he wouldn't even let himself get close to her- not any closer than he already was. Ever since Jericho jumping down his throat over his priorities it had turned into Roman just.. scrapbooking moments he'd had with her, the seed already having been planted that there was as much an inevitability here as there was with Dean's clock ticking, as there was with this little pissing contest between Hell and the Heavens. And to Roman that inevitability was only going to be harder if he allowed himself to let her in anymore than she already was…
"Likelihood is I'm gonna have to disappear.. once this is over." he says finally, his tone lowering as he swallows again. Not wanting to look up at her again for fear of what he'd find there. The worst part was that it didn't matter if any line was crossed or not. Camilla had crept into that godforsaken organ in his chest like a thief in the night and he already knew that he wouldn't be the same afterward. She'd made him feel the closest to human as he'd ever get again.
He didn't know if that was better, or worse in the end of things.'
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drsycz · 1 year
Damnit, I forgot about it again. Looks like you're getting another unnecessary long post, guys XD
7 April: Do you have other diagnoses? What are they? Do you think that some could be incorrect?
Yeah, I have one, and it's exactly the reason why I think our local medical system is bullshit. First of all, it was all done in secret. They used my personal files from school and university instead of actually asking me questions, they dragged me in hiding it as "productivity test" so there were no proper diagnosis process, just some old brats whispering behind my back. I even wasn't supposed to know my diagnosis, the only reason why I know what it was - a year later one of the doctors have accidentally left me alone while my files were on his table. And of course, the image of my psychological state and personality, and the diagnosis itself had nothing to do with realty, because they haven't bothered to ask me about any of it. I don't want to even say what my diagnosis was because it's nonsesnse.
8 April: Do you struggle to read long texts or are you one of those people who can read everything with ease (Braille counts too of course)?
Honestly it heavily depends on what kind of text I'm reading. I usually have no problems with reading fiction and pop-science as long as the book is intresting for me personally. However, I can get lost in some scientific articles if they put sources and big massives of data directly into sentences, or simply use too much punctuation marks. It's much easier for me to find information I need if it's put in a numbered list or a table. I'm generally very visual person, so having tables and illustrations is very helpful.
9 April: Did an interest ever turn into an "obsession" for you? If not, do you regularly experience hyperfocus when you engage in your special interest? If nothing applies, tell us about your longest interest, no matter if it's a special interest or not!
Obsessions… Well, they're kinda a part of normal life for me. A friend of mine says that I tend to run in cycles of switching from one special interest to another, when one of them becomes a literal obsession and when it happens, around 80% of our discussions end up being related to this special interest. Each such obsession lasts for at least couple of weeks, and sometimes I have 2-3 obsession at once. However, the overall number of them is very limited.
10 April: Can you understand speech when there is background noise?
No. I can handle a basic amount of noise, but my limit is something like a street in the center of a middle-sized city, where there are cars but traffic jams are rare. Then I start to loose ability to understand what's going on, including speech, and up to being completely disoriented and loosing ability to think conciously.
11 April: If you learned to speak as a child (definition for this post: the ability to use spontaneous speech (mouth words) to communicate in at least two-word sentences), did your ability to speak improve after that, stayed the same, decrease, or did something happen that you can't speak at all anymore now?
I think it generally stayed the same, but I'm more concious now of the fact that I'm actually semi-verbal. I did have situations of loosing ability to speak in my childhood, varying from forgetting particular words to not being able to speak at all, but it never crossed my mind it wasn't common among other kids. The only thing that changed, honestly, is that I now use way more texting because it's easier for me.
12 April: Were/are you in speech therapy? If so, for what? If not, do you think speech therapy could have helped you?
I weren't since the only obvious problem I had is difficulties with the "r" sound (my first language is Russian, where "r" is a very distinct sound), but it's a common problem for children who's first language is some sort of a Slavic language. However I was a unique case because when I was a toddler, I used to growl instead of screaming/crying, and later somehow lost this ability temporarily.
13 April: How important are routines to you? Are your routines more based on time ("I always do this at 6pm!"), on habits ("I always drink from this cup!") or both?
I think it's more habits than time. My parents have never insisted on keeping a stable timetable, and from early childhood I have gained a habit to think more in weeks rather than days: I was attending a couple of various after-class activities since grade 2, and such stuff usually only takes place once or twice a week. I also had very irregular timetable at university, when one day classes start at 8 a.m, but next day they only start at 2 p.m, but it was the same each week, so it has solidifyed this week-by-week mindset.
However, habits and keeping a particular order are important for me. I might not seem the most habitual person from the outside, but in fact it's just some level of flexibility combined with readiness to form several interchangable habits for one thing, and usually I form them slowly one by one. For example, I might have three different routes to get home from work, but it will stressful for me to make a fourth one, and the other three were created one by one and it was stressful each time.
14 April: If you learned to speak as a child, were you a late talker, average age, or did you speak at a really young age?
I think it was average, maybe slightly earlier, but nothing intresting besides the fact that my first word was "grandpa", not "mom" like for majority of kids. However, I had a weird experience with reading. My parents tried to teach me reading when I was around 3-4 years old, but I agressively refused to learn letters. But when they have already given up and left me alone, I somehow managed to learn reading on my own, and it took me a couple of hours sitting alone with a book.
15 April: If you can perceive the facial expression of others and learned to recognise the meaning to a degree, did you learn that in social skills training, by your own "hard work", or was it a mix of both? Are there patterns that you understand intuitively (for example recognising fear because it's not so different from how you behave when you feel fear)? - if this question doesn't apply to you, you have a day off! :)
I can somewhat percieve facial expressions, but I can't say that I learned it conciously. Looks like I have learned to recognise the most basic and clear emotions, like laugh = happiness or screaming = angry, and my mind have just given up on the rest. When watching movies, I can recognise more complex emotions and even analyse characters from psychological point of view, but it doesn't work with real people in most cases.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
All Of The OC Questions For: Richard uwu
| OC Questions
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🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
"No not anymore, as a kid was made to think this but I see that isn't true now, I can see connection outside your blood can be far more meaningful. Like my son we share no blood but that kid is my son if anyone tries to harm a single feather well they will get a punch with about 275 pounds behind it" Richard comes from a family of old money, meaning the family's wealth has been passed down for generations. Mainly through the Evans Ensured company. Richard was raised to feel all is worth was thanks to being born an Evans. Causing a lot of heartache and more for him growing up. Richard has found more meaningful connections through friends, and non-blood-related family. Such has his friend Val, or his adoptive son Buddy.
✂️ - What kind of thing would have your OC cut someone out of their life? How likely are they to let someone back in? "I have in truth only cut out two people in my life, my parents. And that took a lot to do if it weren't for Bailey pleading with to me to do so because of well.." he sighs " Because of the abuse they put me through as a kid that has left me with some pretty bad ..scars into my adulthood. I will never let them back in, there is also my ex but that can be tricky." Sadly it takes a lot for Richard to cut someone out of his life thanks to his inflated ego having a need to prove he is better off without that person as a way to him to get back at them. For a time Richard was going through his family company for insurance on the café. He only stopped because of his husband intervened there. As for letting someone back in? I feel Richard is a bit too petty but the people he has cut out I just don't see having the reason for even being considered back into his life.
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
"I am as I am no matter what, I am perfect having the honor and privilege of knowing me. Though Bailey dose get a different side of me I guess, hard not to be different around them though." Yes and no? I feel Richard shows off his ego no matter what, but his more genuine side I feel would be the one that he has only shown to a few. Bailey and his son of course get this side of Richard the most, but even at that, it's not often. As he is often teased over being a sap (lovingly) by them when he does get just a little sappy with them. I feel him around Vlad is also a different side Richard is far more aggressive. Not in that he wants to physically punch them okay he doesn't act on it at least. But the more In he's verbally combative the more calm approach he has is gone. Bailey also gets to see Richard in a more vulnerable state even if Richard utterly hates showing that side, he at least knows he can be with them.
🩺 - Does your OC accept help easily? Are they willing to admit when they need help? "..No." He does not. He is a very stick my heels in the dirt kind of person and once he plants himself getting him to budge? you'd have better luck with literally anything else. Richard struggles even mentioning he may need some help having to force that out when at his wit's end. Richard has become so fierce and independent to a fault thanks to his ego once more he struggles to let anyone see him as he sees as being weak. Richard would much rather push himself till he can not any more than simply say he needs help.
💡 - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it? "I have a very well organized and perfect system when it comes to making plans. Charts, timetables, calendar reminders. I plan every second out if you think I ever just wing something no I thought it a while back and even plan when to show it. I work on my menus months ahead just to stay on top even. when I wish to gift something? I looked into it a long time ago as well, sudden dates with my pollito? ha, I plan that as well." Richard is a giant ass nerd. Do not be fooled by his face. This man loves having things all planned out. Richard is that person who plans out his weeks two months ahead, he lives for meal prep and journalling. When he has to break route he's not always happy to but hard to say no when your husband has the most amazing eyes you have ever seen, or your son simply said please. On the gift bit that a slight lie sometimes gifts are sudden that when he nearly buys out shops of thier flowers or stuffed toys.
🌋 - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
"I'm a refine grown man I have my temper well handled......unless bailey's in a mood to piss me off. Or Starducks get mention.. or someone doesn't finish thier coffee. The few times I got out for coffee and my trust barista isn't there." Richard is a slow boil but when he does come to his temper but once he is mad he is mad. He is crossing his arms, clicking his tongue letting feathers bristle up, and giving a lot of attitude. Unless your Bailey and you know how to piss him off with one word alone but he is the husband who has the power of being a brat so I don't think that should count.
⏰ - What is your OC like at timekeeping? Are they punctual, or always running late?
" Always early never late. Im only late when I show up on time." Richard can get anxious when it comes to appointments or shifts for work anything that needs him to be somewhere by a certain time so he leaves earlier than needed so he can be early. Always making use of every second of this day this is why this man has a hard time resting and relaxing he's too busy thinking of a clock and every second spent not doing something is a waste of time and he needs to correct that. The only other thing to keep Richard from being on time is Bailey uwu once the rooster got him he's trapped u3u
🎁 - What kind of gift-giver are they? Do they give thoughtful gifts? Expensive gifts? Practical gifts?
"I don't think I'm amazing with my gifts, I deffently never miss with them though. But I do try to keep in mind what they like. For Bailey, I'll just spoil him and get him tons of bath bombs and such so he can have an at-home spa days. or update frame photos of the family, us, me. Buddy, I'll maybe get them new books. Or something more personal like the family portrait I had commissioned or Buddy's apron." I Feel Richard is far more thoughtful which out seeing it that way, to him, he's just getting something he knows the other person may like or can make use of. But simply cause he paid enough attention to be able to make that guess.
📎 - How organised is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute?
"I may own a label maker..in blue with my name engraved into it." Richard Is very much a type A person he is competitive, and work obessed and just likes things a certain way I wouldn’t be surprised if this man dose a lot of cleaning up after his husband. He just likes to be organized everything has its place and if it is not in its place he grows upset.
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
".... I am not a marshmallow Bailey"
He is though. Richard on the outside is a grump, he is stoic and stern. But he can be very soft as well and just pours out all the love he holds for someone out in a second. Bailey is right to call him out on it too. Bailey does or says one nice thing for him and Richard isn't nothing but a sap for the rooster. Extra kissing, tighter hugs lots of sweet nothings being said Bailey's way, the love feast has begun and you can not stop it now.
💬 - Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others?
"Depends on the topic, but if it's something I like sure. If it's about me? even more. Bailey does most of the talking when we're together, however. I find it annoying for most people, but I like listening to that dork so I don't mind when he rambles on for hours about nonsense." Not too much, I find it funny but Richard is not all that social a person. He doesn't hate social events or anything if anything he enjoys going out and about a lot. He just doesn't talk all that much it's okay I'm sure his husband says plenty to make up for it. Richard is just kind of a quiet person generally and it is a way he can sneak up on others which he finds funny.
🌅 - What is your OCs favourite time of day? Are they a morning person or a night owl?
"mm when I first wake up alarm hasn't gone yet, the sun hasn't risen. I have time to just lie in bed, and Bailey is asleep. Nestled in my arms still softly breathing hair was a mess not a speck of makeup on his face. He looks so at peace and I enjoy holding him close. Or when I first get home from work and Bailey is there ready to welcome me back home from a long day. When Bailey comes to the café, when laying back in bed for the night together," Richard, Is a bit of both he wakes up at the crack of dawn but he is also know for pulling all nighters, or just struggles to get to bed. For as much as he loves work. His favorite part of his days is when he is with Bailey. Bailey is the safe space he doesn't need to be anything but himself when around the rooster. He always can make Richard laugh, he accepts Richard's flaws and just knows how to cheer him up. Bailey is not just his husband but his best friend they can tell them anything even if Bailey might not get it he'll listen. Sitting around together even doing thier own thing Richard just generally loves Bailey's company.
🥦 - Does your OC eat healthily or live off junk food?
"Well, I happen to be a fan of white meat, chicken being my favorite meal to indulge in." Richard is pretty good about eating healthy being a golden eagle however he does tend to favor his meats so red meat, beef, fish, and white meat. In the least, he makes sure to make the sides up with veggies and rice. He can have a bit of a sweet tooth, seeing how one of his favorite foods is conchas Of course he also gets a lot of chicken in his diet too uwu.
🍹 - Does your OC drink? If so, what’s their drink of choice?
"I would like to replace every blood cell with coffee.” He starts off with “I know this is about alcohol but I haven’t gotten to mention my love for coffee. I was never much of one in the first place but when I do I prefer Scotch neat. Mix drinks the closest I go is things like a coffee martini." Richard isn't against drinking he likes to pair wine with his meals, and he loves a good scotch to go with a good smoke from time to time. He never was a party guy so binge drinking or bar crawls are just not things Richard ever took part in even in college. So he has a pretty low trolanace. Since Bailey went sober, however, Richard has decreased his own drinking even more than it was in support of his husband trying to clean up.
🍺 - What kind of drunk are they? (e.g. talkative, sleepy, flirty etc.)
" I am none I am completely fine after a few drinks in my system." Around his husband a flirty drunk uwu Once Richard gets enough in him he doesn't just lower his walls he just dropkicks them out of his way. Far more talkative and open when he has enough in him. I feel relaxed drunk is the best way to word it he doesn't do anything risky. However, because alcohol can affect the chemicals of one's brain and Richard does have ptsd so drinking can also bring his mood down even worse.
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jelenina · 7 months
Hey, since im technically an aunt/uncle now, i thought id share this (this is from my personal experience).
Cutlery theory, regardless of nt/nd: everyone has an amount of spoons, and everyone has bad days. Sometimes, you can get through a day without any negative effects. Sometimes, getting out of bed and showering takes so many spoons that you dissociate or breakdown. If you have a child, make sure to check in, see whats worrying them, or just ask and see if its a bad day or not. On bad days, even a single fork can be too much - just one thing too many that pushes you into a breakdown. Sometimes, its lots of little forks, and what you need to do is help out where possible to get rid of said forks. Taking a knife out means being prepared for blood - this applies to many things, but mostly trauma and anxiety over pretty much anything. Solving a problem may have some side effects. Pay attention to them.
Emotional availability and acceptance: i cannot state this enough. You have a kid now. They are alive, and they need to have someone to confide in when this shitty world wears them out. It does not matter whether there lgbtq+, or don't follow your religion, they are entitled to their own experience. They didn't ask to be here.
Time, for creations and for experiences: in most cases, you decided to have this kid. That means you decided you have the time for them. If they make something, engage them about it. Spend time with them. Make sure you are available to them as much as possible. If you have a spouse or someone who is helping raise the child, this is on them too. Make sure you child knows who you are. Make sure your child knows they have parents.
Physical abuse: there is NEVER an excuse for hitting a child. Ever. The only thing you teach them is fear of you. Explain that what they did was wrong, reward them for good behaviour, but NEVER hurt them.
Emotional and verbal abuse, guilt tripping, positive affirmation: children take everything you do into account. Telling them their emotions are invalid, or that they're lazy, will make them distrust you, or ingrain self deprecation into them. Tell them what they do is good, praise them for creativity and work.
Diagnosis: if they say they think they have depression, which, in this economy, is extremely likely, fucking listen. If you can, try get a diagnosis. If it doesn't come out with anything, then still listen to them - what they say is not without reason. Help them - you may be able to ease at least something.
Degrading/ downgrading: it matters if what you went through was worse. It probably was. But that is NOT an excuse to downgrade your child for suffering. What they are going through still hurts them. Pay attention. Help them where possible. If you can't, speak to a professional, or someone who you trust, then go from there. Keep your child in the loop - they are the one experiencing it.
New experiences and reactions: a child will not know what a broken arm feels like until it happens, so they will be scared and hurt. But this goes for everything: a skinned knee, which may not seem that bad to you, may feel like the worst ever experience to them - because it might be. Let them react, then comfort them and help them goddamnit. They are a child. They cannot do it themselves.
Sex ed: especially if they are afab, but regardless honestly. Tell them how periods work, tell them how UTI's work, tell them about condoms and birth control and abortion. They will need to know. We do not need another generation of people that don't know what a fucking period is.
Hard skills: tell them how to work a computer. Teach them how to cook, to sew, to garden, to write, to iron a shirt, to clean a bathroom, to unblock a sink, to take care of themselves. Don't make them do it for you, that is your job. But make sure they know how.
Responsibility - oldest/middle/youngest/only differences: the whole 'joke' of parents favouring the youngest child, the middle child being forgotten, the eldest doing all the work? Do not. Yes, you are a new parent. Yes, your experience will only grow. Do not let your children bear the burden of it. They are your responsibility, not your trophy or slave.
Truth and fairness, morality, objectiveness, echo chambers: teach your child to fact check, to know good from bad where possible, and the ability to use logic where needed. So few people nowadays do, and thats how you get social media echo chambers.
Internalised isms, stereotypes: you will have some internalised shit. Full stop. Make sure you talk to people, make sure you try to find out what they are, before you pass them on. Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, antisemitism, the list goes on. You may not think you do, and you might not! But fucking check. Before you ingrain it in your child.
Generational trauma: this kinda ties in with a few things here. You will think some things are acceptable, just because thats how you were raised. You may not realise it - i sure didn't, until i talked about it with close friends and i realised i had internalised a lot of shit that, if i had a kid, i would have unwittingly passed it on to.
Respect, boundaries for both sides: you will need some alone time every now and then. So will they. Privacy is always important, but especially then. Knock on their door, ask if they are alright talking, and they will do it back. This teaches respect and politeness too - respect is built and earned, not an automatic feature. Respect them. They will respect you.
This is not an exhaustive list. This is mostly what my experiences taught me. I am so, so tired. Please stop fucking up your children. Please add to this list.
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
A warrior and a member of a TEAM. An expert and professional. You serve the people of the United States and live those VALUES. 
The Army's leadership values are:
Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. All of those are ACTIONS not voiced words and definitely not those you use to one up someone based on what God called you to do. 
It's time to start acting like professionals who are supposed to be doing something for your country and her people that's greater than yourself. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
Military Service is just that... it's a service and it's not for your personal resume to use as a tool for your secondary career and/or personal gain... And definitely not to make others feel inadequate and unworthy because they didn't do what you did. War is not an opportunity, it's an unfortunate, unnecessary evil, even when justified. 
Let others brag about you and your service and accomplishments. Let your awards, medals, and accomplishments do the talking when the time of display is appropriate. Let it come as a surprise to people in conversation if the topic arises. The whole "when I was in Iraq", "when I was in Afghanistan", "when I was deployed" in random conversations NOTHING to do with Military only points to narcissism, lack of attention, lack of acceptance, the need for self-gratification, from those who never answered the call and duty of service. Those were your DUTY which is the whole part of service. There's a time and place for everything. Being tough doesn't come in words. The Lion isn't feared for its roar, it's feared when it cannot be heard. 
How about understanding how the Military is funded? We've ALL been living under the wake of false narratives, lies, and certain personal agendas, and it was all predicted by an actual General and President not that long ago. 
And Civilians... SHAME on you. Nobody should beat you up for your decision not to serve, as it is just that, a volunteer service, but comments as such exemplify a 'lack of spine' on any level. Have you no decency left? Don't be a Keyboard Warrior who NEVER raised your right hand to verbalize or write such comments to those who answered THEIR call. If this fits you, you of all people have nothing to contribute to the conversation, but your gratitude for their call for the lack of yours. 
And Veterans who's resumes are more loaded and decorated... Congrats. You did your job. You answered YOUR call. You fulfilled your DUTY. Not everyone can be the hero like you just have to be. But someone had to hold the line for you, kind of like the Offensive Line of protection of the Quarterback. How come the Quarterback doesn't play defense? It's a team for a reason. You'll receive your glory and honor a lot quicker by letting others around you uplift your achievements when you learn to humble yourself and understand Military Service is something greater than yourself...  
The WORST part of ALL of these numbers above... they're all in the past tense where we can "study" why some Veterans have demonstrated why they think and feel they're 'better' than others. That's why they call it "studies and data" as these organizations have statistics via letters and comments before these acts were committed, not just numbers. Truly sad, devastating, and all for what? 
So, congrats to all the Heroes and Zeroes. Is this what you want and wanted?
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pinkkalam · 2 years
7 days (first 3 days)
I'm back. It took a lot of courage to decide to come back. I'm still unsure what's waiting for me there. If I start imagining my family and friends' faces, somehow I feel like I've really messed up in my life. What I'm gonna say if they'll start asking me questions like what have I been up to or why did I decided to return? I don't have answer for that... Maybe I should say that I have a work trip, but I already quit it. Or maybe I'll say that I've decided to take a gap year. That kinda sounds cool, at least until I run out of money. Or maybe I'll do a makeover, change my hairstyle from long to short, wear heals instead of sneakers, do a "I've just woke up like this" makeup and transform from Diane to Donna. Ugh, forget it, who am I trying to fool? Do I even have to come up with those ridiculous reasons to justify myself? Fuck it... I will just not meet anyone. I think that's a good decision.(Sound of cars on a highway road)
It's been only a day here and I'm already feeling like a shit. My mom started asking about My Ex (I don't even what to pronounce his name) and what really happened between us. I just said that we were not meant to be together and I'm better off without him. My mom looked at me furiously, judging every decision I made up until now. And the fact that I'm already 30 and have no family of my own is really bothering her. I wonder if she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming after having a dream about me, where I am at the age of 60, sitting in a garden wearing a wedding dress with a glass of whisky and a cigarette in my hand and just laughing my guts out, because I don't give a shit. I still want to believe that I'm fit and sexy at 60, even if it's in my mom's dream. Anyway she thinks that I'm too much self-observed and spoiled, and getting married is the only thing that will fix my life and give me a purpose to live. However, I just keep ignoring her malicious comments about my personal life and try to not take them personally. On the other hand, my dad is the person, who doesn't need any explanations, he just accepts me in any state of mind and I'm really blessed to have him around or I would really kill myself if I had to spend another few days in the company of my mom.
Today we'll be hosting a birthday party for my brother, so I kinda expect to be the center of attention as the one, who hasn't been able to bless others with a joy of dancing on my wedding and not bringing someone new to our family. Are all family gathering meant to be a time for people to discuss your personal life and say any bullshit advise they think you deserve to hear or you would never figure it out yourself. My cousin Sarah was the first to come up to me and say right away "Oh my god, you look so bad. Have you been eating healthy lately? You should definitely get a new moisturizer from PerfectSkin. I saw the video on tiktok how people have been fancying it and I'm planning to buy it myself, even though I don't think I need it. But looking at you, I should really keep taking care of my skin before I turn 30." Oh my god, that's an explosion of toxicity. I feel like a big bucket of toxin waste has been poured over me and I couldn't even make a sound. Is there a police that can take care of the case if I report it as a verbal attack. I think there should be a group of minion police that will be tracking this kind of accusations and will be giving fines to people, who will be actively toxic towards others.
Next was my ant Paris. She asked me how I'm doing and when am I getting married. I just said that I've decided to live alone instead of hearing someone farting next to me and she was a little bit shocked, so she just kept walking pass me and avoiding me the whole evening further on. Well, I should admit that she at least tried to be polite and ask my well being first and not leaving any comments on my looks.
That are just few highlights of the evening for me, however the rest was fine. My brother just got a promotion at work. He's been in a happy relationship with his girlfriend and doing fine, which made me a little bit happy in the end of the day.
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amoc94 · 3 years
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All Bark No Bite
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader.
Genre : Yandere, High School AU.
Warning : Non - Consensual Fellatio (Non-descriptive), Manipulative behavior, Jungkook is an asshole here.
Wordcount : 2,6K.
Full Masterlist and elaborate warning please read here.
You gasped when suddenly your body being spun around and then pinned on the locker door, the boy in front of you completely imprisoned you with his tall and built frame.
Jeon Jungkook.
The school hot boy, captain of the winning basketball team, president of the student council, and the son of the member of the state council.
He was everything that girls in your high school ever dreamed of.
And that was very well proven by the string of girls he had successfully landed on his bed.
Except you. Because you knew him better than anyone else.
"Where are you going after this?"
He could be cute whenever he had that charming bunny smile flashed around, but right now all he had was an intimidating stare at you.
"None of your business."
"Wrong answer, Y/N. Don't make me have to repeat."
"Or what? You have always threatened me. Both of us know you have no right over me."
"Oh, but I do. You just haven't yet admit it. We can fix that, of course. I've been patient enough all this time, but I have my limit."
His sinister smile made you wondered, how girls fell in love with this kind of boy. He had two different kind of persona, the charming one and the evil one.
It was too bad, you were the one who always had to face with his evil side.
Jungkook has been pestering you for weeks, wanting you to be his girlfriend, but you had no intention to be in his endless conquest list.
Not to mention his crazy fans could make your life like living hell, with their constant threats whenever they thought Jungkook liked a particular girl.
Not that you were helpless, they wouldn't dare to try anything beyond verbal threats, but still, it could be very annoying.
You have been lucky so far, you were quite successful in avoiding his advances and improper remarks.
"Just let me go. You have so many options, why it have to be me? Trust me, I'm just an empty shell. You will get bored with me."
"Oh Y/N, how can I not adore you? You are so cute to think so low of yourself. It's time for you to accept your status as my girlfriend. I don't want to wait anymore."
"Just leave me alone, Jungkook. You are not my type."
Playboy like Jungkook would never make his way into your candidate list to be considered as boyfriend. You would prefer someone low profile, not the school celebrity.
"Your threats start to get so old for me. Always all bark no bite." You answered him with a bored manner.
Straightened your back, you pushed him away and proceeded to the parking lot, towards your brand new red Porsche, a birthday gift from your father.
You were one of the very few students in the school that weren't affected with the way Jungkook behaved. He was cocky and quite above himself most of the time, but you knew he couldn't touch you.
Not when your father was a regular contributor for the school, and not when the principal herself would reprimand him whenever he bothered you too far, albeit the warnings sometimes were too mild to your liking.
Because Jungkook's father was also very well off and influential. He was the member of state council after all.
Starting the engine, you thought about how nice it would be if only Jungkook wasn't the kind of womanizer and snob like he was.
Maybe you would even fall for him.
Even though relationship was the last thing in your mind right now.
Being on your last year of senior high, you already aimed for the seat at several favorite universities in America. You wished to fly as far away as possible from Seoul, from your overprotective mother. You needed to build your independence, and unlike your brother who preferred the comfort zone at home, you have always liked to explore new things.
The reason why you argued a lot with your over paranoid mother.
Your father was not that bad, although most of the time he would relent and just did what your mother said to avoid argument.
You loved them both, but your mom could be quite exasperating sometimes.
When you arrived at home half an hour later, the vast house was empty. It was very unusual, since your mother's voice enlivening the lounge or near the pool most of the time.
Mr. Park, your household butler was nowhere in sight, the surrounding rooms were strangely quiet.
"Hello? I'm hoomee...!"
Cho, the petite maid that usually helped in the kitchen hurriedly came to you in her small steps.
"Miss ... Haven't you got the news? I thought Mrs. Kim contacted you already. Your father was having a heart attack this afternoon. They are taking him to the hospital."
You didn't wait for her to explain further, fished out your phone from your bag. Still in silent mode, you saw twenty missed calls from your mum, your brother and Mr. Park.
You were too busy trying to escape from Jungkook, you forgot to switch on the ringer on your phone.
Frantically you called your mother while running to your car. Starting the engine, you heard your mother's nasal voice from crying, answering the call.
"Mum? What happen?"
"Oh Y/N. Your ... your father ... he ... he ... "
Random sobs could be heard and her ragged breathing made it hard for her to speak, you started to worry if she would fall into panic attack.
"Mum, I'll go there now. Where are you right now?"
"Samsung Medical Center. It was too sudden, your ... your father couldn't take it. The permit for the housing complex was revoked, something ... something about the compliance of the building structure, they said. We thought it were all settled. That Old Jeon ... "
Jeon? Jungkook's father?
"He has everything to do with this..."
"Mum, hang on...how is father now?"
"They put him in the ICU, said that we need to wait until his vitals stabilize, only then..they will move him to the private room."
"Soobin, is he there?"
"Y ... yes ... he is next to me ... "
You didn't wait further, just hung up the phone after promised your mom that you would be there as soon as possible.
You knew Jungkook's house when your father mentioned about it several times, back then when he started the development of luxury housing complex in Daechi.
Jungkook's father was the one in charge with granting the permit and certificate of compliance for the construction.
The complex was already halfway through, and you knew your father invested a fortune on the project.
So when the permit being revoked, that meant the project had to be halted until further notice.
Demolishing current structure to build a new one would mean more expenses and the process would be back to square one.
No wonder your father couldn't take the news well, he had poured his effort and money on his dream project, before being squashed down mercilessly.
You just hoped that your assumption was wrong, there was no way Jungkook would stoop so low, right? Besides, what kind of father and official Mr. Jeon was, if he comply to his son's whim?
Business and personal matters shouldn't be mixed.
To think about it, Jungkook was unusually confident on his advances to you today.
The Jeon's house was monstrous, more like a palace. It was perched atop of a small sloping highland, a little bit outside the city center.
The driveway from the gate to the house was long, there was a pond with a big fountain at the center, typical the riches' mansion.
You tried to contact his number twice, but he didn't pick up, so you decided to just go straight away.
The butler let you in without even asked who you were, guiding you through intricate hallway, the property was indeed massive.
He was inside an indoor basketball court, doing the dribbling and shooting alone.
He had changed into a white long sleeves shirt and faded blue ripped denim, looked so casual and young.
One that could deceive the eyes of outsider, thinking he was just a mere innocent pretty boy. He didn't even need to look at your direction to know who was coming.
"Well ... well ... if it isn't the princess herself. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?"
He still didn't pause from throwing and catching the ball.
Winter was around the corner, and the weather was cold, you wondered if the chilly air affected him at all, with his light clothing.
You tried to compose yourself, you couldn't just berate him, you had to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"Tell me that you don't have anything to do with my father's project."
He finally concluded his activity, throwing the ball to the floor with lazy move.
"You mean, the permit? Right. That is quite dangerous, don't you think? To build a housing complex without proper base construction."
He didn't even deny it, he knew exactly what you were talking about.
All your self control was vanished now.
"My father complied all the requirements! There was no way he would be that reckless. You fabricated all of this!"
"Do you even have any proof? Because if you don't have, I can charge you for slandering offense. Imagine the result should that happen."
You stared at him with disbelief and anger. Here was an eighteen year old boy who you thought more often using his dick than his brain, but seemed like you underestimated him.
"Why ... why did you do this? And I can't believe your father actually approved all of this."
"It doesn't matter Y/N. How I did it, I had my way. Don't you think there is a more pressing problem now?"
"My father got a heart attack because of this! You bastard!"
He threw a surprise look, feigned the sympathetic tone in his voice.
"I didn't expect that, to be honest. The last thing I want is something happen to my future father in law, of course. That is just ... "
He clicked his tongue in a bored manner, like he just found the right words for it.
"Collateral damage."
His nonchalant answer enraged you even more.
"You are fucking insane!"
"Insane? No. I'm ambitious, Y/N. And you are a part of my big plan for the future. I reminded you already. You just didn't listen carefully."
He walked to you with slow steps, his tall and robust frame looked forbidding, you unwittingly took few steps back away from him.
"I warned you many times, but you seemed too above yourself, to think that you are untouchable."
Your back finally hit the wall, and he put both of his hand on your sides, completely caged you in.
"Now, the million dollar question, what are you willing to do for me to turn back this situation?"
You narrowed your eyes on him. Never knew he could have the upperhand, you were too unguarded.
"What do you want?"
"I have several actually. First, of course, you become my girlfriend. Correction, my fiancee."
Your eyes widened on his words, staring at him like he was some kind of madman.
"You are delusional!"
He made a gesture with his forefinger to shut you up. "You better listen to me. Remember about your father, Y/N."
His words silenced you right away, you stared at him with hatred and loathe.
"Second, we will sign an agreement with my lawyer tomorrow morning, confidential of course, that you will comply with all of my demand, including your willingness to marry me three years from now. We will finalize everything once we graduate from University."
He already planned all of this apparently, twisted was probably a soft term to describe him.
"Oh, and you're gonna drop your college application naturally, you will have to stay with me here."
"Like hell I would!"
"Oh, you will baby. Or I will burn your passport instead."
You flung your hand to hit him, but he smoothly dodged the strike, giving you a condescending smirk while grabbed your arm.
"I will watch my attitude if I were you, you really don't want to drag this further, or I will have to punish you later."
You snatched your arm away from him, almost too tempted to spit on him. But it would do no good to your father's situation.
"Last one, I want down payment for today. You know, before I call my father and fix everything for you tomorrow."
His cocky and arrogant smile was so infuriating, you had to put a high level of restraint from punching his pretty face.
"You have more money than me."
"Oh Y/N, you know that is not what I want. I have been in predicament lately, you know, imagining you, while trying to satiate myself with other girls or my hands. It exhausted me to no end. Now that I have you with me, you know what I want, right?"
It was like all blood drained from your face. This man was the true epitome of devil, disguised in the form of seemingly cute and harmless boy with bunny-like smile.
"Go to fucking hell!"
He gripped on your jaw and forcing you to look up at him in the eyes.
"You can make this easy or hard for you and your family, either way, it doesn't matter for me. I can add more terms to the agreement if you choose to make it difficult. For example, how about making that pretty mouth of yours to be more useful than just swearing, in addition for the service tonight?"
"I'll give you a head, but not sex!" You hissed at him.
"Ah ... ah ... no can do. You just finalized my decision actually. I want it here and now."
Your face got paler upon hearing his mocking words. "Someone can walk in on us, are you crazy?"
"That's the thing Y/N, I like the adrenaline rush. You just need to make sure I come fast, then it will be settled without anyone walk in. Now, time is ticking, before my terms get more demanding."
"You ... you're a monster!"
"I just added a handcuff for tonight, baby. I'm sure we're gonna have more fun."
You didn't have any choice, before his demand got more taxing.
You got down on your knees, watching him through the blurred eyes from the tears, as he unbuckling his pants with obvious eagerness.
"Now baby, I must warn you, if you bite, I'll ravish you here, the weather is quite chilly, don't you think? I'm sure you don't want that."
Sometime in between him stroking your hair while watching you doing the deed, he couldn't keep his arrogant smile that you tried so hard to avoid, but he held your head to make you looked up at him.
"I can't wait to break the news to my parents, they will be ecstatic to have you as my fiancee. And your parents, ... oh ... they will be so proud to have such a filial daughter."
When he finally got his release, he sighed in relief, fixing his pants and acted like everything went on normally.
Pulling you in his arms, he kissed you on your lips, ignoring your resistance as you tried to pull yourself from his embrace with aggression.
Taking a knot of your hair while gripped on your forearm to keep you in place, he mockingly cooed near your ear,
"I'm really glad my bark is finally loud enough for you to pay attention to me, Y/N. You definitely won't like it if I have to make some bites."
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Every job I've ever had has had a script, some rambling lines I was required to say to every single customer because my boss would get on my case if I missed anything. I used to work at a fireworks warehouse, and this was around the time they introduced cards with chips in them, so I had to walk everyone through our system, "is this credit or debit? For credit, just wait until the prompt goes away; for debit, press the blue button that says credit. We don't know why it says credit but it means debit. If you have a chip card, insert it at the bottom when you see the blue arrows light up, otherwise swipe it like normal."
When I worked at Lowes, I had to ask every single solitary customer if they wanted to sign up for a store credit card and explain the benefits even if they said no, just in case they change their minds after hearing it. Management gave us quotas, said we had to sign up at least 5 people per week, which just wasn't feasible because it was a PROCESS™. On the rare ocassion someone said yes, I had to take multiple forms of ID from them, which few people carry, and type all their information manually into an old DOS system because they never updated the computers and there was no means of scanning anyone's ID, and then we had to wait for the application to go through which could take 10 or 15 minutes if we were lucky, and we rarely were; I had to close my lane multiple times and redirect a line of customers to other registers because we were stuck waiting for half an hour or longer while some Bush era computer in another state decided whether or not this person qualified for a chance to save 5% on certain business purchases. Sometimes they would get rejected and I'd have to send them over to customer service because they got mad and wanted all their info removed from our system, and on the Blue Moon ocassions that they were accepted in a timely manner they still had to wait 4 to 6 weeks for a physical card to be sent out, so I had to send them to customer service anyway to get a temporary one. But no, my manager wouldn't let customer service handle credit card applications in the first place, only cashiers, so it was a needless bottleneck.
It was not fun.
I currently work the front desk of a motel, and my boss gave me a longwinded spiel I have to give every customer after they make their reservation. She insisted I learn it verbatim, no streamlining, no improv, no variation, because "this script has worked perfectly for 20 years, so you don't need to change a thing."
"We have you coming in at 4PM on [date] in a [style of room], and checking out the morning of [date]. We have a two-day cancelation and no show policy, so if you are unable to make your reservation for any reason you have until [date] to let us know, otherwise there would be a one night charge. The room is guaranteed with the [amex/visa/mastercard/discover] you've just given me so long as it has an open line or credit, but when you get here you can pay with that card, or another card, or cash if you'd like."
I say this probably five or six times a day if it's slow, and close to 20 when it's the height of lobster season. Even with this speech, we still get a handful of mindless tourists who insist that they were told something else, or not told anything at all. "I was supposed to check out tomorrow," nope, we told you it was today. "They said I could check out in the afternoon," nope, the maids need to clean the room for the next guest so you have to be out by 10 (we give an extra half hour as a courtesy before we go knocking on doors, and we don't start kicking people out until after 11). "I asked for a room with two beds and a kitchen," nope, you asked for one bed with no kitchen, we have it written down on your reservation card and we confirmed it verbally before hanging up. They try to weasel around me by saying "well, I spoke to some lady and she said XYZ, so can you honor that?" And I tell them that the only lady who works here is my boss, and she wouldn't have told you that because she knows her own policy. And if they say "I spoke to a young man" instead, well that's me, and I know what I told them, so they're lying to my face.
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obeyme-headcanons · 3 years
Now this is something I really want to do in the game. And I'm so dissapointed that we cant. So....I've written it down!! :)
What if MC helped clear ALL of Mammon's debts??
A/N: Much fluff, a G/N MC, and possible TWs.
TW: Much fluff, blood, some cursing, mean witches 😡, some bullying, and a wholesome baby Mammon 💛.
Please enjoy!! :) 💛
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Mammon comes into your room all bloody and bruised. He staggers a bit before plopping on your bed next to you.
"M-Mammon...are you okay??" You question. You hear a muffled grunt from your left side.
"Mammon? Who did this to you?" You hear silence. Mammon must not want to answer. You think about who could've done this. His brother's are abusive, but only mentally. No lesser demon would dare mess with the second-born. Hmm. Wait, wasn't Mammon summoned by the witches earlier? It must have been them. They're always attacking him in some way,
"Mammon? Did the witches do this to you," you ask. "Please tell me the truth." The second you finish, Mammon lifts his head to you, and you see tears running down his face. From his reaction, it's safe to say the witches did it.
"Why would the witches do this?"
"It because of my DAMN debt!! I don't know what I did to them...*sniff* I never even met them before they came up and told me I owed them!!"
Poor Mammoney. He didn't deserve this. Every day, he either came back with nothing, bruised and bloodied or so emotional. Mammon kept talking about the witches, and what they'd do to him. He was spiling his heart out.
"And one time...OH!! I can't forget about...then they said..." Mammon kept going. Eventually, he stopped talking, realizing what he'd just said. You getting more furious, you kept thinking if a plan to get Mammoney out of debt. Getting more furious at the witches with each of Mammon's words, you can't think of anything. So you decide to try and make him feel better at least,
You fix Mammon up, get him emotionally stable and watch his favorite movie. He rests his head on your shoulder, and you die inside. How the hell is he so cute?! You slowly take out your D.D.D, set the brightness all the way down, and snap a few pictures. You head over to devilgram, of course stopping by your settings to update your wallpaper, and scroll around. You find a certain demon's page, supposedly the owner of ristorante six, and scroll.
You see a post of the demon stating that they need more workers. The pay seemed pretty good! 10 hours a day for 10k Grimm! Sure, it'd be hard. And painful and annoying. But you already had quite bit of Grimm saved up. About 666k (😈) to be exact. And you'd do anything to see him smile. So you DM the demon and ask for an interview. They accepted and wanted to see you the next day after 2. You smiled and sighed, praying to Lord Diavolo you could get the job.
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"Hey, human. Where are ya going?" Of course Mammon had to barge in. Not that you hated it, now just wasn't a good time. All dressed up, you glance around nervously.
"Ahh, I'm just...going..." You couldn't find the words. You had to make up an excuse for this man. "Ahhuumm..."
"Jeez human. Just say you're going out! It's not that hard, ya know?" He sighed. With his hands on his hips, he pauses, and walks out. You're confused, but understand when he comes back with your backpack.
"H-Here you go. Sorry I took it. I was looking for Goldie-"
"It's okay Mammon." You walk over, kiss him on the cheek and walk out the door. His face turns red and he's very glad you walked out. After he's calmed down, he knows something is up. Everytime you go out together, you never dress up. Are you going to see someone? Do you not like him?? His thoughts spiral until he convinces himself that even if you did find someone, at least they made you happy. Not like a scummy, stupid brother would be able to do the job. But hey, he could hope. Right?
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"So that's why you want this job..." and you nod. You see them ponder for a moment. "Okay. You're hired!!" You jump. It was unexpected and surprisingly very easy. You thank them over and over again and ask them when you can start.
"Right now if you're up for it! We're short on staff today, so I'm paying whoever works a little more today." You eagerly nod, and you're shown to the staff room. You put on your apron, and get to work. At the end of the day, you get 2k more than you should have. And including the tips you form in total you got 15k Grimm. Not bad for a first day! Exhausted, sweaty and hungry, you walk home with a coworker and head inside.
It's a good thing no one was awake. You make it to your bed and melt. To help pay off his debts and give him a little extra money, you're going to have to work-overtime. Meaning you can't hang out with the brothers anymore. Especially Mammon.
"Sorry Mammon..." You whisper, before falling into sleep.
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It's been 5 months since you've started working. Luckily, Mammon had also been trying to pay off his debts. Which has helped you alot, but now you have enough money to help pay Mammon's debts off. But you're tired, and he can wait until morning, right? You slowly walk home and luckily no demons come to pick on you. You thank Lord Diavolo. You slowly open the door so it won't creak.
Luckily no one is awake. Except for Lucifer and Beel. You practically zombie walked into your room because you were so tired. Your about to open your door, but you hear a small sob. You stop in your tracks and listen.
"T-They don't love me. Why would they? I'm just a s-scummy second-born..." it sounded like Mammon. And by what they said, it confirmed your beliefs. And you're pretty sure he was taling about you. You open your door and walk in. Mammon looks up at you in surprise.
"Y-You weren't supposed to be back for another hour." He says while sloppily wiping off his tears.
"Well, they let me go early," You respond. You need to tell him. "Mammon..I have something really good to tell you. I-"
"Save it human. I already know, I don't want any details."
"You do? Mammon, isn't it wondererful?! Now you won't be bullied by your brother's or the witches!"
"If anything, they'll bully me more..."
"W-Why would they continue...?"
"Because they know I love you," he slams his head onto a pillow that oddly looks a lot like you. " And now you're going out with someone. I don't want any details. But...do they treat ya well?" His head pops back up, and you can see the tears in his eyes. His question hurt. Why would he think that?
"Going out with someone? Why would you think th-" you finally connect it all together. Leaving at 2 to get home at 12, if not later. Always dressing up and giving Mammon less and less time and attention to Mammon. It doesn't help that this has been going on for 5 months. And now that you got your last paycheck, you thanked them, quit and wished them well. You were free of that hell.
"Mammon, I'm not seeing anyone." You walk closer to him and rest you're hand on his cheek, and he blushes a little.
"Then why were you gone so much?"
"Silly demon. I was helping you pay off your debts!"
"You what...?" You could see the confusion in his eyes. But you also saw a glimmer of hope.
"That's right. I was gone for 5 months to help you pay of your debts to your brother's and the witches! And...I may have put a little money of Goldie."
"B-But why?" He realized there was no reason to lie about this. His eyes lit up and he perked up. But he was still so very confused.
"Because, I see what they do to you. And you just take it, like a man." He blushes at the word 'man', but gladly takes your compliment. You climb onto your bed, make room for him and pat the side next to you.
"Now come on Mammon. I'm tired, and I need snuggles." He blushes but gladly climbs in. He wraps his body around yours, pretty much pretty much protecting you from anything to come.
"Goodnight Mammon..." You whisper, before falling into the best sleep you've ever had.
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The next day, Mammon is more than ready to pay off his debts. He pays off the witches and each of his brothers. You loved the look he had on his face. The witches could no longer attack him and his brother's could no longer verbally abuse his either. At the end of the day, he was excited to find out he had 500k Grimm on his card. He thanked you and pulled you into the biggest hug ever.
"Thank you MC...I feel more safe than I have been in decades." The comment made you sad, but made you smile. No one could hurt him, because you'd be there to protect him.
"I love you Mammoney...💛💛"
"I love you MC..." And you share a tender kiss.
The end~!!
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Did you enjoy it? Give me more ideas please! My brain is too smol. Bye my little Grimm!!
💖 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤
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