#like the show feels like it could've used 2-3 more episodes
crehador · 1 year
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helluvathings · 3 months
It's interesting that the episode description straight up warned for Stolas lacking self-awareness. It's more or less a confirmation that Stolas and his character arc aren't finished, and between that and the content of the last couple episodes, I ended up going back through the series and looking at the path he's taken so far. Warning now, there's a lot of 'deconstructing' Stolas at first, but I do think he's on a positive trajectory and the set up serves as foundation for future character development.
Anyway for anyone interested in a from-the-beginning rundown of Stolas's arc, full post is below.
From his first conversation with Blitzø, you have Stolas in his bath making the favors for favors offer, while Blitzø is working and in a life-or-death situation. The language Stolas is using is too formal; it causes communication issues, and Blitzø has to tell him to stop using "rich person talk." The scene that sets up their whole dynamic is 1. Stolas establishing the transaction (given he could've straight up punished Blitzø for stealing or just taken back the book, this isn't bad; it just is), 2. Stolas at leisure while Blitzø's job has him in danger, and 3. the class/education difference resulting in Blitzø having difficulty understanding what Stolas is saying.
Move forward to Loo Loo Land. The language Stolas uses with Blitzø gets a lot of attention already, as does Stolas's rather poor grasp of social cues/difficulty seeing outside his own perspective causing him to clash with Octavia. One point I don't see raised as often is that Stolas hiring Blitzø to spend time together, when he doesn't need a bodyguard, and then sexualizing Blitzø while he does his job, is both condescending, and doesn't show much respect for what Blitzø actually does. He pays him more or less to put on a show, so Stolas can indulge a fantasy of them having a relationship (not because he's evil, because he doesn't know better).
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Then you've got Stolas in the newest episode, getting annoyed with Blitzø for saying he thought Stolas couldn't be hurt because he was immortal. That if I.M.P. could handle Striker, Stolas surely could. Stolas's sarcastic, "It's not an imp's place to protect a Goetia, is it?" comes across different when considering Stolas literally once hired them as mock bodyguards. It just... escapes him, why Blitzø would think the idea of Stolas needing their help is outrageous. Never mind how clear Stolas's rescue in Truthseekers made their power disparity. Stolas often has trouble putting himself in other people's shoes, and it shows here.
The Harvest Moon Festival brings in Striker, who's basically a "class problems" mouthpiece, exaggerated for emphasis. He even remarks directly on how Stolas's treatment of Blitzø can look from the outside. There's also the episode's opening bedroom scene, where Stolas's idea of flirty talk is copious use of microaggressions, plus the later scene with Blitzø snapping about Stolas not using his proper name. It's likely not an accident that these things happen the same episode Striker appears.
Truthseekers has "impish little plaything," with honorable mention to Stolas pinching Blitzø's cheek and scolding I.M.P. like children. But it also has Blitzø's vision all but screaming how Stolas makes him feel. On the one hand, it's Stolas who brings him back to himself. He washes away the muck. He's something beautiful amidst the ugliness. But he's on a pedestal, he has Blitzø in chains. He has shadow Blitzøs fanning him like servants, and Blitzø stumbles away from him blind and mute, smothered by feathers.
Ozzie's is actually good for Stolas's development, because he gets his first reality check when Blitzø makes it clear he thinks Stolas only wants sex. (It also shows how Stolas feels about Blitzø behind the bad erotic-novel scripts he's been using, which is the first time the audience sees this outright). After that, Stolas realizes his relationship with Blitzø was problematic. He sees the transaction and gets rid of it, and he senses something off with his behavior that has him start calling Blitzø by name and stopping with the 'plaything' type remarks.
But the past two episodes have made it evident he'd made those realizations in a vacuum. His broader class awareness is basically nonexistent, and when Blitzø tries raising the issue, he groups Blitzø with Striker by default, as if any criticism of his status/wealth/privilege is unreliable and antagonistic toward him specifically. He refuses to sincerely consider that Blitzø isn't merely judging him, and that he might be saying something with legitimate basis.
The Circus is especially interesting. Aside from the commentary underlying the 'buying Blitzø' plot, the episode shows Stolas getting scolded by Paimon like a dog for showing respect to an imp; that likely wouldn't have been an isolated incident. It's played somewhat for humor ("I'm so good at daddying"), but it also shows why he'd have so much trouble with things like microaggressions. He has literally been trained to hold himself above others. And just going off the way Stolas is framed at Stella's party, isolated and alone, being laughed at by Stella and her friends, I suspect Stolas may see himself as a "good rich person," because he doesn't seem to fit well with the Goetia either; he's laughed at and bullied, he lacks privilege in his own ways. He identifies more with other demons than his own class--and it blinds him, I think, to the fact that he is still part of his class, and isn't immune to the problems that come with that.
Even in Seeing Stars, there's the moment with Stolas all but strangling that poor butler and hardly seeming to notice. In an episode that's almost entirely focused on father-daughter relationships, that still gets tossed in. Regarding the Octavia plot, Stolas lacking self-awareness comes up again; it's understandable that he's distracted with the divorce, and we do see him try to resolve the issue, but it feels like a quiet alarm indicating hey, you might have a recurring problem where your daughter is concerned.
Western Energy is another 'Striker shouting that class issues matter in this show' moment. While I think Stolas going the 'well, you're part of the system, so you can't complain' route when Striker tries bringing it up is loosely relevant, I also don't blame him for that one. Poor guy is being tortured, he deserves some slack. Oops, in my opinion, shows Stolas at his best; he's just been turned down by Ozzie, but he still sticks around and helps. We even see how sincerely happy he is when Fizz returns. It's a good example of how decent Stolas can be beneath it all, as well as his sense of romance appearing in a healthier way.
Then come Full Moon and Apology Tour, where most of the Stolas subtext gets screamed and/or bitterly snapped in his face by Blitzø. It's stated directly by the main character that those things matter, in a way that imo portrays Blitzø as at least partially sympathetic. And of course the Apology Tour episode description, yelling it for the folks in back.
What all this is trying to say is: 90% of Stolas's time on screen has set him up to have a 'getting more self aware' arc. I see a lot of accusations of the show babying Stolas, but I think it's more that it hasn't gotten around to doing what it wants with Stolas. There are 4 seasons. We're in the second. We've had Stolas's post-Ozzie's revelation, and now he's getting a lot more "you're part of the problem" feedback thrown his way. It's implied Octavia is going to contribute to that as well.
Anyway!! My personal guess so far is that if the "loses his powers and/or titles" theory that's been going around has any merit, that's going to instigate the start of actual, substantial change. Will that actually happen? No idea. But Stolas's flaws have been as articulated and developed as Blitzø's, and at this point, if the consequences aren't explored in the same way, it'll be dropping a ball that's already well in the air. I also think this isn't going to be a "fixed by the end of season 2" thing. Stolas problably won't appear again until Mastermind, and then there's just Sinsmas. There isn't time for him to change in two episodes. There is, however, time for him to have some big realizations, and for the change to happen next season.
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tobyscloset · 4 months
I am going to talk about my favourite things from chaos theory and of course, the downsides, and my personal opinions!! (Opinions based around the benrius/yasammy topic) So major spoilers ahead under the cut!
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Goodsides :D
While chaos theory is a kids show, it definitely displays more mature content, something camp cretaceous did not show! This includes blood, and visual character death (Daniel Kons was specifically gruesome), and description of mental issues, this is specifically PTSD, implied depressive states and breakdowns, the show dives deep into the world of surprise, watching it i was shocked in a good way when a scene came up. Kenji's breakdown was perfectly animated and portrayed.
Each character never faded into the background and they were all equally focused on throughout the season. The show also focused on relationships between the campers, and their families. Specifically Sammy's. Each character has their own comical relief line even when in a dangerous situation. The campers never matured, only grew, they stayed themselves and still act as a group! Same way they did on Nublar.
The plot twists are bonkers, I was not expecting the DPW to be up to sketchy business, nor did I expect suddenly blossoming romance between characters. The budget is definitely higher than it was with camp cretaceous, I couldn't tell if some scenes were animated or real. Beautifully portrayed landscapes.
Overall, the show deserved every amazing rating and my personal rating is an 11/10.
Downsides D:
My first itch was the one-sided romance with Darius and Brooklynn. It certainly was a plot twist but I feel that it was absolutely unnecessary and could've been kept platonic. I feel it would be more heartbreaking and deep if Darius sent her voice messages as a friend, telling her that he's sorry and telling her things about his day. That one scene threw me off on the episode, not because I'm an angry benrius shipper but because it very much could've been kept platonic and felt unnecessary, but was written and played into perfectly. I have absolutely no criticism of the actual writing.
(this was talked about on the discord) - It feels like Brooklynn used to be independent and a baddie in camp cretaceous until she started becoming the love interest, and then it felt like she just became dependent on Kenji and unable to do things herself, so I am hoping that if we get a season 2, that we really get to see Brooklynn not be the love interest and work independently. And I genuinely hope that it won't turn out into another klance situation with Brooklynn, because she was super overhated before, and some angry benrius/benji shippers WILL hate her for "getting in the way of a mlm ship", which is not the case.
My last point was with Darius' health. Darius never got that shine through and we really never got to see how he coped with Brooklynn's death or after the island. They show little cracks but never unpack his full health, which I do hope we get to see in future seasons.
Other than those three points, I really do have nothing to criticise because it was perfect.
Personal opinions/hopes on ships :3
I really do hope we get to see more yasammy content specifically how they build up their relationship more, especially comforting scenes like we got in Ben's soggy van. And Sammy telling Yaz about her family not being in contact, and I would really love to see their relationship play out further and elaborate on the family situation!! :)
As I autismed a little too hard and have had a hyperfixation on Benrius since 2021(?), it's not to say I didn't have my hopes up for their relationship in chaos theory, but I also can't say that I expected them to be canon. What maybe the directors could've done is provide that teeny bit of fan-headcanons, because from what I've seen, alot of people from the fandom headcanoned Ben as a gay man, so instead of a girlfriend he would've had a boyfriend. Or they could have Ben lie about the girlfriend because he may have worked out he likes boys, and has internalised homophobia. But back to benrius, they had ALOT of chemistry in camp cretaceous, and for me it was a little disappointing that their relationship dwindled down a little. What I am hoping (manifesting) is that Ben realises his feelings for Darius, and has issues coming out to him and confessing.
Despite my opinions and criticism, the show is definitely worth the watch and deserves every thumbs up from the viewers. I thank everyone who worked on chaos theory and put their best effort into it. 11/10 show. Thank you.
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mejcinta · 1 month
Writing and Directing Choices of HoTD Season 2 and How They Harmed Storylines and Characters.
Hotd is a cinematic marvel...that much cannot be denied. However, I can't help but wonder had they just directed scenes better, if we could've gotten MORE from the characters as a result?
To me, what is off about season 2 compared to season 1 is this feeling that we're shoved outside as the audience. We're not in the characters' heads and experiencing what they're experiencing in the moment, therefore we wound up feeling like their actions in season 2 are ooc.
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Think of Aemond in s1 vs s2. In season 1 we had time alone with him as a kid, when he went hunting for a dragon TWICE. The camera lingered on his face during tense moments to convey his feelings like when his eye was slashed out and he was boiling with anger and vengeance at Viserys' dismissal of his pain. Additionally, we had a lot of screen time with Aemond in s1, whereas in s2 he barely has any.
It's hard enough having a season slashed down to 8 episodes from 10, now we have more new characters thrown into the mix that need focusing on. So the writers had to be smart and the directors super efficient.
A scene of Aemond walking through the Streets of Silk, despondent about the B&C incident before he stops to go inside the brothel to be with Sylvi and vent out his frustrations and hurt would've done WONDERS for Aemond. Just that one scene would put us in his headspace and take us through this new development he has taken up over the 10 days since Alicent pushed him away, his shame, his guilt and resentments. With this one Aemond centered scene we would have perfect set up and context for why Aemond does what he does in RR to Aegon, why he clips Alicent's wings at the small council and tries to force Helaena out of her comfort zone.
Instead, the brothel scene started off with the pleasure house and we followed whores around before being thrust with the shocking scene of Aemond there without any explanation or justification.
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Helaena also suffered a bit from poor visual direction. Instead of following her around the Keep before the B&C attack, we're forced to hang around with the criminals and at some point attempts are made to make them seem FUNNY and relatable (Cheese and his dog).
In all that confusion, we are somehow thrust into Jaehaerys' bedchamber where Cheese is holding Helaena captive. So random. Why did we not see HOW that happened?
Would it not have been better to cut from Blood and Cheese approaching to HELAENA preparing to retire to bed and suddenly seeing Cheese in the doorway??? Would it not have been better to be in the room with Helaena as she spends her final moments with her peacefully sleeping children before horror strikes?
Wouldn't it have been better for Helaena to remain in the chamber with her dead child in her arms as his head is carried away, unable to scream...instead of distracting us with her walking into Alicent having sex?
This moment was supposed to be about Helaena and her mental trauma, her grief, her pain. If anything her stumbling into Aegon as she tries to escape would've made more creative sense. And we end with Aegon screaming.
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I feel like so much story potential and character potential was wasted in efforts to forcefully remind us that House of the Dragon is Alicent and Rhaenyra's show. In fact if you carefully observe the season, you can notice easily how focus is put on pointless and repetitive scenes featuring them while other characters remain underutilized and unexplored, even just by visual direction.
I truly hope that season 3 will apply better directing and writing that adds depth to characters in the minimal screen time that they have because this season just wasn't it.
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
Finale Thoughts
The show stuck the ending far better than I thought it would and when compared to the preceding episodes it knocks it out of the park. That being said, I think because the bar was so low going in, that it makes this episode feel spectacular when really every episode should have done this well, at minimum.
Solo Lessons and Ares Battle
I'm so happy they included the one-on-one training sessions with Luke since its so essential to foreshadowing. I also liked the setting in the woods but why was it like autumn/fall in the flashback lol? However, I think that did unintentionally add a dreamlike quality to the scene which I did really like so whatever I'm here for it.
That being said I do wish these scenes were in episode 2/3 alongside the other chb stuff instead of being a flashback in the finale because it makes it just so on the nose that Luke's the traitor. However, the shot panning from Luke's extended sword to Percy's on the beach ate I can't lie.
Honestly it may have been interesting if they had established some of the solo lessons early on in episode 3 and then done periodic flashbacks to expand on them throughout the series. That way, its not so obvious that Luke's the traitor in the final hour and we also get cool transition shots and establishing that Percy is thinking about what he's learned from his lessons with Luke.
#Relieved that the Ares and Percy fight was not a single sword strike and then cut to black. Glad we had some action. Still think we should've pushed the limits much harder tho.
Oh but Percy's wave did go hard. They actually made the wave much bigger than what happened in the book and now I'm just sitting here wondering why we couldn't see some more of this instead of 10,000 cut to black scenes every time Percy uses his powers.
I wish we had gotten this Ares's reaction from the book when he lost: "The roar that followed made Hades’s earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide." Show Ares's reaction seemed so anticlimactic in comparison.
And no curse???? huh??
I know Ares was like "we're enemies 4 life now" but the curse and dialogue from the book goes so unbelievably hard: “You have made an enemy, godling. You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware.”
Why couldn't show Ares say that??
Olympus, Zeus, & Poseidon
[Insert aw, she's ugly John Mulaney Meme]
sorry Olympus could've should've been prettier.
Like Olympus in the book felt a lot more wondrous and lush and colorful. But in the show it seemed so dull. Idk if its cause the "war's happening" or whatever it was just bland. a wash of dull-looking cgi and then an instant cut to the Big Palace.
Lance Reddick's Zeus was amazing tho. He had that godly presence I've been waiting for.
And Toby Stephens's Poseidon? oh I loved it.
I especially loved their conversation in greek.
I still wish however they would have done effects on the gods' eyes. Like glowing with energy or something when they get emotional. I felt like I was waiting to see electricity burst from Zeus when he was yelling at Percy.
And so it turns out that the reason why they changed it to Percy missing the deadline in the show was to create a situation in which Poseidon surrenders a war for his son.
And listen, if this scene existed in a vacuum I'd be so here for it. I guess a part of me can't fathom the solstice being anything other than a hard deadline. I enjoy the scene without context, within context I have mixed feelings about it.
But the "do you dream?" convo between Percy and Poseidon. Oh my god no notes. I loved it.
Some more book dialogue that I wish made it: “You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.”
Luke's Betrayal
Okay here's where we get some high highs and low lows.
Some things I sincerely liked:
The setting. Fireworks going off in the background. The lantern illuminating the side of Luke's face with the scar. So visually nice.
Luke actively trying to recruit Percy! I've always joked that if Luke was just a little smarter he would have tried to persuade Percy to join his side rather than immediately kill him. And I do like that the show went this direction.
While I do mourn the loss of the scorpion them battling via swords is a great subversion of the sword mentor/mentee dynamic they share. It makes the scene tense and fast pace.
And its all of the above that makes me wonder why we didn't have more of this throughout the show: talking while battling, visually appealing and dynamic settings, unique visuals, etc.
I love how triggered Luke was at Percy's mention of meeting Hermes. I still hate how much Hermes introduction bogged down the show but damn if it didn't lead to one singular funny moment.
Percy getting a hit in on Luke and then immediately apologizing
"I didn't think you'd give the shoes to Grover." Oh that was cold.
Walker and Charlie deserve their flowers and more they were fantastic and carried.
Now things I DIDN'T like:
I don't like how Percy pieced it together with the information he did have... which honestly isn't a lot in the show? If he was going to figure out that Luke was the traitor I would've have had Luke show more of his bitterness like he did in the book. Like the fact the show never even mentioned Luke's failed his quest loses the entire element of Percy succeeding an "impossible" quest and being celebrated while Luke only got a scar and a chip on his shoulder from his failed one.
Luke's scar shoulda been worse idc.
Percy should have been mortally wounded. That's where we run into an issue with there being no scorpion because yeah, a fatal sword injury probably would've been a bit much to depict. I also 10000% think that Luke is enough of a baby to get his daddy issues triggered and then try to off Percy for it even if his original intention was to recruit him.
Also the fact that you see Luke raise his sword for a damning blow and then the very next day you have Percy like "I don't think Luke was trying to kill me." and Chiron agreeing? asdlkfjsdlkf WRONG.
Also, sorry, I don't like that Annabeth was there.
But if you're gonna have Annabeth there, her reaction to Luke betraying her and trying to hurt Percy should've been way more severe than a solemn "I heard everything."
She shoulda been crying, questioning, yelling even if she had suspected him. It's one thing to suspect it, it's another to see the person you consider your family to actually prove it true.
(And this isn't on Leah! It's 100% on the directors cause what was the thought process here? Her brother figure betrays her and she's like :/)
And sure, in the book Annabeth isn't actually all that surprised by Luke's betrayal when Percy tells her about it... but we also never got to see her initial reaction to it. Percy was out for 2 days.
Just, if book Annabeth had been there, she would've been so emotional and that's okay!! let Leah show off her chops!
I mourn book Sally. I mourn her arc. I mourn the power of Sally unapologetically petrifying Gabe with Medusa's head.
One of the most iconic storylines from the book and it was sanitized in the show to the point that it lost all sense and meaning.
Honestly one of the biggest disappointments of the show for me.
I love the fact that a flower is the searcher's license for satyrs its just so silly and sweet.
I love Annabeth sincerely hugging Percy but also using it for strategizing purposes it feels very on point for her.
Also her braids at the end!! so sweet!
I am very very bitter that Percy didn't see the fates. This + the changes made to Sally's characterization and arc... the show truly doesn't get it.
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emiko-matsui · 10 months
wait but which goes wrong play had the most miatakes fr 😭
Ah, let's make a fun little list, shall we!!
11. Cornley Drama Festival
A surprise to no one probably we have our lowest one here. Can't be that many mistakes when it isn't scripted, right? Well, wrong, but each part of the Cornley Drama Festival had 64 mistakes. Counted them individually because it would be unfair to add them up
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10. 90 Degrees
A surprise to many! This was one of the most guessed episodes for MOST mistakes. If the set hadn't been built sideways it would've been Cornley's most successful episode of all fucking time. 90 Degrees is coming in with a motherfucking whooping record of only 77 mistakes
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9. The Lodge
Also a shockingly low amount of mistakes, but worry not, we've already reached the hundreds! A very sweet episode with only 108 mistakes. Yes, again, a record breaking low for the society. They actually seem quite professional at this end of the list comparing to the other...
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8. Harper's Locket
Yes, now we're onto the good stuff... Our mistake counter is up to 110 mistakes as Harper's Locker airs and it's only gonna get better (worse)! Still quite nice!
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7. The Spirit of Christmas
Classic episode and very run of the mill mistake counter. Many mistakes, disastrous show, very fun! 116 mistakes that could've been slashed in half if they'd used prop alcohol for Robert.
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6. The Most Lamentable
Halfway there and we're coming in with a fan favourite! Just beating The Spirit of Christmas with a single mistake we have a nice and round 117 over here. Feels like it should've been more, but we're gonna have some surprise spots on this list...
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5. A Trial To Watch
Beating season 2's fan favourite with, once again, only one more mistake, is season 1's fan favourite, A Trial To Watch! 118 mistakes, and rightly suspected, Dennis stands for most of them! I love you, Dennis.
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4. The Pilot (Not The Pilot)
Of course The Pilot (Not The Pilot) is up here amongst the best (worst!) episodes, it's one of the all time classics. Standing proud with 119 mistakes it is rightfully one of the best (worst) episodes they've done
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3. The Nativity
And here we are with the episode that made Robert finally perform his coup. The Nativity. And, all credit where credit is due, it was, at the time, Chris' worst production thus far that prompted Robert to go for the successful coup. 120 mistakes.
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2. There Is No Escape
There Is No Escape truly for the Cornley Drama Society. Probably the biggest shocker here, because when I did this poll almost nobody guessed this episode. Chris got back his title as director and then immediately went and did his worst performance yet. Even worse than the episode that got him couped! 123 mistakes!
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1. Summer Once Again
Here we finally are... Yes, ignoring the number two spot, you were right. Of fucking course Summer Once Again had the most mistakes! Robert couped and did the worst job they've ever done! And it's not even close! The previous like 7 episodes have been like a mistake or two more than the previous. Chris' worst episode is 123 mistakes and Robert, always vying to outdo Chris, barrels down the door with 142 mistakes.
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sunflowerofchaos · 3 months
Okay enough time has passed for me to throw my two cents into the Bridgerton discourse. Many are displeased with the season and part 2 specifically. I have been trying to piece together what my issues were with it and I hope that someone can find this and maybe find something that clicks as to why the season may have been disappointing.
I am a big polin stan. In fact I started watching for and because of them. Totally believed in the supremacy of their story because of their adorable friendship and the long build up ever since the pilot.
I loved part one. That will be controversial but I truly did. Was the pacing a bit off? Yes it was!
But did it give us the romcom atmosphere, the yearning, the love? Yes definitely! I'll even argue that part one, the going from "friendship to love" is done more beautifully in the show than in the book. People said one kiss is all it takes for Colin but that's really not true in the show. If you take account of the history we have because of season 1 and 2 it doesn't feel that way.
And the funny thing is that despite part one having a bunch of side plots, it worked. It was walking on the edge of being too much but it didn't cross the line.
Not yet anyways... so here are my 6 big errors of part 2
Like everyone I was way too hyped after the carriage scene, which leads to..
Error number 1: The break after the carriage scene set the bar too high. The long break filled with press and interviews further hyping up part 2 after that high consequently did damage to the reception of part 2. I believe that almost anything after the carriage would appear as a let down due to the wait. That's kind of unfair to the show I know, but it also makes sense as we, the audience would have abnormally high expectations that are difficult to please.
Part 2 is flawed and there is no arguing that. The beginning of it felt like a let down due to the split right after the carriage scene aka the climax of part 1 (pun intended) but fine objectively speaking episode 5 and 6 are nice. But then comes error number 2, the fact that we have 2 episodes where their love is clouded by the secret of lady whistledown. I feel like that was problematic to the pacing of part 2 (which is a problem in itself). The tension in episode 5 was necessary but also so much. So much that Colin literally questions her feelings. Then episode 6 instead of lifting that cloud sooner, continues to sour the polin scenes until the very end of the episode. The reveal should have been earlier in episode 6, so they have time to properly heal and be happy. (Seperate errors that I will adress)
Error number 3 is how the wedding fell under the dark cloud of the angst. I was wishing it would be the happy wedding of bridgerton and it was happier than Daphne's or Anthony's (not that we saw the real one) but the queen disrupting the wedding felt like another punch. One more time we were close to seeing their happiness but couldn't. (Something we barely get to see at all)
Then error number 4 (my personal enemy). The pacing of the conflict and healing. The way Colin was hurting was amazingly portrayed by Luke and I even understand how Colin wanted to hurt Pen with the entrapment comment and unlike many I won't hate him for it at all. But one thing where the writing really failed me is how polin shared a number of scenes that could've had a bigger role in their healing but ultimately didn't. I will list the scenes and how EVERYTIME we think they are a step closer to healing, they go back to square one and how that effects the scene where they eventually do "heal".
Exhibit A: The modiste scene. Beautiful confrontation and it really set up the possibility of them talking through it more but then it ends abruptly with Colin shutting down (however I'm inclined to give this one some saving grace because at least they talk)
Exhibit B: The wedding. Colin once again gives us hope that perhaps they're closer to making up but when Colin walked away with Pen and they had a second confrontation where she states that she is lady whistledown, I expected Colin to at least accept that statement and not revert back to being in denial about it afterwards and shutting down again. This could've been the scene where Colin starts to accept them as one. (Not to take away from the letters scene but it would have been a great foundation for it)
Exhibit C: The bedroom scene. Ah my personal nominee. This scene could've been so much more and no I don't mean a sexy scene. This scene could've been thee scene where they talk. It would've felt more powerful to have the talk that they have in Bridgerton house in their bedroom instead. I can't stress how it would've fit perfectly and been book compliant. If they had utilized this scene better, then polin being at Fran's wedding the next day would've have felt more emotional and helped convince us of them gradually solving the conflict. Netflix, that wouldn't even take from your running time. Pen could've confronted him there as she did in the book. Colin could've faced his jealousy right then and there instead of having Cressida point it out for him and still not facing it.
Exhibit D: Bridgerton house. Yes they do talk here and you can see that scene as the one where they settle things prior to the ball, BUT one it is too close to the end and it feels cut short which frankly doesn't seem enough for the viewers to believe that they now have joined hands. This scene was personally not enough for me. I think if you expand the conversation it would be much better or again if you put this dialogue in the bedroom scene it would have been powerful and helped the pacing as the bedroom scene was in the first half of the finale and this one way too close to the ball.
You'll see that every scene post reveal is following the same frustrating pattern of them brushing over the problem. You in turn get your hopes up for it to develop further into forgiveness, then voila Colin shuts down and goes back to square one. That was extremely frustrating for me as a viewer as it happened multiple times, especially since it seems ridiculous to leave the conflict in the air till the last 10 minutes when they have had several opportunities to solve it sooner. Colin's peace at the end comes too suddenly as those previous scenes don't see him gradually make peace with the matter but always shutting down and running. Those scenes could have been used to show the steps of him gradually getting over it, forgiving her and facing himself.
Error number 5. The side plots and overall pacing.. As I said part 1 walked the fine line but part 2 crossed it. What do you mean that we get more scenes of secondary characters than polin getting over their conflict and having some time to see their happiness. That messes with the pacing, making part 2 seem to want to cram up as much plot as possible. You have Francesca's love match, Benedict's exploration, Eloise's general conflict and dynamic with Cressida, Cressida's own story, Violet's arc, lady Danbury and her brother's conflict, the Mondrichs arc, the solicitor, queen etc...
This season was simply TOO ambitious for its own good. It tried to do too much. Suddenly it didn't feel like polin season but rather the season to set everything up for the next season and that really hurts as a polin fan.
Finally error number six which is by far the most famous error. The lack of happy polin. As I explained episode 5 and 6 while showed some happiness it didn't feel real because of the secret constantly hanging around. They were happy but you as a viewer might have felt more worried and had a more bittersweet feeling. Especially when you see Colin get more and more anxious and insecure during those episodes. Then episode 7 and 8 sees them miserable most of the time. That sucks even though it is necessary it still sucks. Sucks because after all that put together we don't get to see it pay off. 4 episodes of angst and they give you one scene that suddenly heals it, 10 seconds sexy scene and an epilogue scene where they suddenly have a baby. It is simply not enough to balance out the dark vibe of the entirety of part 2. That is why thousands of people are hanging onto the petition to release the deleted scenes. So we can finally see the pay off of the angst and can properly balance out the emotions that came with it and move on.
Not to mention the absolutely wasted confession of Colin Bridgerton.. when he said I love you at the end of episode 8 I was already thinking "with everything that you are, everything you have been and everything you hope to be????!!!" But then he didn't say it and I was confused as to why they would possibly not use THEE love confession??? Since that's Bridgertons thing??? Having incredible confessions... And it's not like it didn't fit in fact it would have fit so well. At this point if you squint you might imagine hearing luke continuing the line for God's sake. That remains a mystery that makes no sense to me.
So by now I don't think anyone got that far and I can't complain because I wrote this for me. To structure my thoughts and make peace with it. And so to sum up these errors: the split, the structure of episode 5/6, the wedding sadness, the way the conflict/healing was handled, the pacing with the side plots and the lack of happiness to counteract the angst. I will revisit part 1 happily and just stop after the mirror lol. I will look forward to seeing polin happy in 2 years I guess.. and I do believe that when season 4 comes out and they're happy and are hanging around we will accept season 3 way more and come to hopefully love it.
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correlance · 6 months
Rewriting Vaggie's Character Arc and Backstory in Season 1 of 'Hazbin Hotel'
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One of my biggest issues with Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel, and the Charlie/Vaggie relationship, was how Vaggie's character and arc for the season were written - or, specifically, the lack of solid, thoughtful writing, as well as character and relationship development for Vaggie.
First up are the two main songs in Season 1 that feature, or relate to, Vaggie specifically: "Whatever It Takes" in Episode 3 ("Scrambled Eggs"), and "Out For Love" in Episode 7 ("Hello Rosie"). Both notably feature Carmilla Carmine, who serves as a foil for Vaggie in the show.
I've seen "Whatever It Takes" compared to "Do It For Her" from Steven Universe, except the latter has several seasons and dozens of episodes' worth of character development for Pearl, as well as the exploration of her relationship with Rose Quartz. Meanwhile, "Whatever It Takes" comes in just Episode 3 of Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel, and the song feels really out-of-place. It sounds like a song that should be later in Season 1, or even in Season 2, and not Episode 3, which I feel made the song seem shoehorned in due to the fast pace of Season 1, and lessened its impact, for many fans and viewers.
We also have no prior character development for Vaggie that would explain how and why she is singing those particular lyrics, especially for first-time viewers who never watched the original pilot episode. This is a big problem for the song itself, and its notability, overall.
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The way the song is written and framed also gives off the impression that Vaggie and Carmilla have some sort of prior connection, or that Vaggie may be one of Carmilla's daughters...only for this not to be the case in Episode 7. Even Carmilla's song, "Out For Love", in Episode 7 makes a lot more sense, if you consider the possibility that Vaggie may have been originally written to be one of Carmilla's daughters in early drafts of the show. Many also assumed as much from the song.
However, once Vaggie's backstory was changed, the songs were still kept in, which led to highly confusing lyrics which make no sense. This is because we're never told what Vaggie's motivations actually are, outside of her wanting to be a protector for Charlie in Episode 3. However, this is also a problem, because it reduces Vaggie's character to just being "Charlie's girlfriend", with no other attributes. I think Vaggie could've been written to be a more compelling person.
Here's what I think Vaggie's original character arc in Season 1 was, prior to rewrites due to a short episode count: Vaggie was one of Carmilla's daughters, and a moth sinner, as opposed to an angel. The angels went after Carmilla and her daughters, and Vaggie killed one of the exorcists to protect Carmilla and her sisters. However, Adam and Lute are now hunting for Vaggie, so Vaggie has to go into hiding.
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The Hazbin Hotel provides the perfect opportunity for Vaggie to do so. Vaggie doesn't believe that sinners can be redeemed, though she does befriend and fall in love with Charlie, and helps her with her project.
Vaggie and Charlie bond over how much the exterminations suck, but Vaggie wants revenge on Heaven, and hates Heaven, for murdering so many sinners in cold blood, and is more militaristic - wanting to use Carmilla's angelic steel weapons to fight against Heaven - whereas Charlie is all "eat, pray, love" and "kumbaya", and wants to find a peaceful solution (redemption of sinners) with Heaven instead.
Things come to a head in Episode 6, when Vaggie has a fight with Charlie over where the Hotel is headed - as redemption isn't working - and how they should handle Adam, Lute, and the exterminations. Vaggie's hatred and self-loathing eventually lead her to Carmilla's doorstep, where Carmilla then sings "Out For Love" about how Vaggie should fight because she loves Charlie, and not hates Heaven.
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There, I just wrote a better and more interesting character arc for Vaggie than just "hurr durr, let's just copy the most popular fan theory about Vaggie, something something, lazy and boring writing".
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie 7x04 Meta Part 4 (of 4)
Click here for part 1, part 2, and part 3.
This is the last part so it probably won't be as long (hopefully).
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This entire conversation with Tommy includes a lot of references to Eddie. Whether Eddie's mad, how Eddie feels, why Eddie would like Tommy, how Eddie/Chris feel about Buck, how Eddie is such a great person and everyone would want to be friends with him, etc. Even when they're not talking about Eddie, they're talking about Eddie. And I love the idea of Tommy and Eddie being friends. Because honestly at the end of the day, it was Buck who was projecting more than friendship onto Tommy and Eddie's relationship. Queer men can have platonic friends that they like without wanting to be with them, and it genuinely does seem like that's what Tommy and Eddie are to each other. Their chemistry wasn't all in Buck's head, but how the two of them together made Buck feel? That was so real and super super telling.
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Here's callback number ∞ to the streetfighting arc. This line in particular borrows a very particular...word...from a very particular grocery store fight. In 3x05, Eddie is the maddest he's ever been at Buck because Buck starting the lawsuit meant "I couldn't even talk to you", "Do you know how much Christopher misses you? How could you you weren't around?", "because you're exhausting!" Exhausting has been a buzzword in the Buddie fandom for many years and most people use it as an excuse for overdone and unnecessary Buck whump, but it's an interesting choice here. Especially in conjunction with Buck's acknowledgment of "making everything about him" which is another thing that is mentioned in the same episode 3x05 AS WELL AS in 3x09. But now, it's being used in a different context. Buck is falsely ascribing all of his attempts to get Eddie's attention over the last however many days to trying to get Tommy's attention. Even Tommy's like huh? "My attention?"
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Lou places emphasis on "my". "My attention?" So even Tommy knows that this whole time Buck has been trying to get Eddie's attention. He's surprised that Buck is suddenly saying it's been about Tommy the whole time when quite obviously, it has not been.
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Even Buck himself is not so certain about that. He "guesses so" because in this moment he's feeling infatuation, a connection with Tommy, a warm feeling that maybe reminds him of how he felt in the early days getting to know Eddie. He "guesses so" because that's the easy explanation to a question that's been circling his mind non-stop the past few days. It's an answer, and as we know Buck is always seeking an answer. It's a "for now readily available easy explanation" that Buck can take at face value because it means he can sleep easy at night knowing that his place with Eddie is safe again for the time being.
Even just a couple of seconds before the kiss happens, Buck brings up Eddie one last time in case you forget who's always on Buck's mind. He then mentions Maddie's words "There are better ways to get someone's attention", before he's interrupted. But before I dive into the kiss, I want to mention the implications that Tommy believes the best way to get someone's attention when you like them, instead of getting jealous, is to kiss them. It's an interesting suggestion, that all of this time, instead of all Buck's stupid peacocking attempts to try and get Eddie's attention this episode...he could've just kissed him. Foreshadowing? Only time will tell.
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And boom. There we have it folks. Tommy kisses Buck, and the lightbulb goes off. Buck is attracted to men, he likes men AND women. This is 911's definitive statement that yes, we were right, Buck is bisexual, has been this whole time, and will always be in the future. And no, it's not just in relation to Eddie (which by the way is an IMPORTANT distinction). Buck is attracted to men in general, he's a bisexual man, and the show is not doing a "gay for you" trope here. They're committing to Buck being a queer man and this opens a world of new doors for him.
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And again, I've said it once and I'll say it again: finally letting Buck realize his bisexuality, and act on it ON SCREEN (not just a throw-away mention) is REVOLUTIONARY. This representation is incredibly important and Buck's bisexuality on its own, separate from any love interest, will always be a part of him. Whether you like Tommy or not, that's not what matters. What matters is that Buck is realizing he can find happiness with a man. And more than likely, he will end up with a man, not because he has to, but because his perfect partner in the show has already been proven to be a man.
Eddie Diaz.
With this kiss, we are officially on the path towards Buddie. Buck kissing Tommy, or having a temporary relationship with him does not negate that. Just like Buck was always going to end up with Eddie even through his relationships with Abby, Ali, Taylor, and Natalia. Tommy is no different. And if after four long essays explaining point by point why that is true isn't enough to open your eyes, then I simply can't help you anymore.
Some last tidbits:
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This reminded me of the Lonestar crossover where Eddie begs Marjan to "for the love of God, please follow Buck back on Insta." Just interesting since Eddie x Marjan was another fake-out love interest coupling.
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And finally, the last 3x09 callback. This reminded me of the line when Buck says Eddie wanted to throw punches at him, Eddie says "I wouldn't do that", gives him a seductive look, and then says "You're on blood thinners". To which Buck says his famous "I could still take you". Yet another verbal comparison of Tommy to Eddie.
Final thoughts: This episode was fucking amazing (I really liked Athena's story too). This episode was more than enough proof for me that Buck and Eddie are going to get together. Buck is bisexual and FREE!!!!!!!
We were right about that, we're gonna be right about Eddie, and we're gonna be right about Buddie. Just unclench and enjoy the ride.
And for my fellow warriors who've been in the trenches for years telling everyone that the story will get there eventually, I salute us all! I hope yesterday's episode was vindication for you all as much as it was for me. I had a blast working with you all. See you all again for our celebrations when Eddie comes out and Buddie becomes canon. For now, I hope everyone had a Happy Bi Buck day!!
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Full meta: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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iheartchv · 1 year
Sunny Day Jack x Reader:
I Never Forgot
What if you were one of the few people who remembered vividly about Sunny Day Jack... even after the whole show seemed to have been forgotten?
☀️Rating: Fluffy
🌈 Part 2 | 🌈 Part 3
As a child growing up, you watched The SunnyTime Crew Show. You were 3 or 4 years old then, and you would watch every episode whenever they came out. Sure, there were plenty of interesting characters, but one that stood out to you was Sunny Day Jack. The blue haired clown was your favorite, the best friend you always wanted, and you wanted to meet him in person. At the time, money was tight, so that was one crushed childhood dream. The other was when there were no more episodes of The SunnyTime Crew Show being released. You had asked but no answers were given. You cried that one night (a few days after the incident); you felt like you had lost a best friend, and all the drawings and paintings you did hurt your little heart that you put them away in a box of memories. Jack was gone, but not forgotten...
You're now at a threft shop, looking for clothes that wouldn't remind you of your ex, Ian. As you picked up some random stuff that fell over, you didn't notice a VCR tape that fell in your basket. As you were checking out, you were about to object to buying it, but decided that it wasn't worth 25 cents over. What could've been on the tape?On it was written '84- Incident'. Bells went off in your head seeing the year... A memory or something was trying to resurface... Borrowing a VCR player, you popped in the tape.
The static on the TV continued for a moment until you heard... a voice... saying,"Hello?" Bells went off in your head again as you stared at the static screen. That voice... it sounded familiar. Just then a shape formed through the jagged lines of the TV screen. It looked... human... And it was coming closer.
"Who... are you?" The voice said. Your heart started to beat faster. You felt like you were in a horror movie. You wanted to back up and run away, but you were frozen with fear. Your chest tightened as your flight or fight response kicked in. "You seem nice... Do you want to be my friend?"
The figure then... came through the screen as if it was climbing through a window. You wanted to scream but it was stuck in your throat. You choked on it. The figure then stood... they were tall. The scream then finally made its way out of your lungs as you bumped into the coffee table.
"Oh, gosh. Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you, Sunspot." the figure said in a concerned tone.
Sunspot? You remembered... him always calling you Sunspot... As your eyes adjusted to the dimness of your living room, you could see that he (you assumed) had... blue hair? You also caught glimpses of his primary colored clothes... A memory was triggered. Everything was put together like a puzzle. No... this couldn't be?
"Jack... Sunny Day Jack?"
"You... know me?" He looked surprised.
"Yeah... I used to watch your show all the time as a kid. But... how... why...?" You had so many questions that you wanted answered. You were a ball of wound up emotions right now. You didn't know what to feel right now.
Jack cleared his throat, trying to change the subject to something simpler. "I'm sorry for bring rude, but I didn't get your name..." he said with a small chuckle and a smile.
"It's... y/n."
"Y/n. That's a nice name. Do you want to be my new best friend, Sunspot?"
He reached his hand out toward you for a handshake. At this moment, you strangely felt like a kid again. You were meeting Sunny Day Jack... in person (or the closest thing, at least). His cheery voice drew you in, like it did those many years ago. You took his hand in a firm handshake. "Sure." That was the last thing you remember before blacking out.
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Been working on this idea for a couple of days, and I plan on writing a few more parts to this c: I also don't know if anything like this has already been written, but here it is nonetheless. I really hope you all in the SDJ fandom enjoys~☁️🌈☀️
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 3 months
So I'm doing a season 3 rewatch and I've noticed some things (some ramblings about 3x01)
1. Hopper goes to Joyce and makes her write the heart-to-heart to Mike and El, nothing super significant about that alone (and of course Hopper actually ends up writing his own letter). I just think it's interesting how later on Will is the one to create a heart-to-heart "from El" to Mike... The Byers are always solving everyone else's problems lol, I love them but babe you needa focus on yourself and your happiness too😭
2. Also, when the party + El and Max are going up the hill to use Cerebro to talk to Suzie, Dustin mentions that Suzie is Mormon. He explains that: "her parents would never approve. It's all a bit Shakespearean. Like Romeo and Juliet. Star crossed lovers". I thought this was interesting because you could say the same about Mike and Will being gay in the 80's in a small town where being in a gay relationship does seem forbidden. And when Dustin says, "her parents would never approve" El is cut off from the frame... Idk the fact that she's the only one out of frame is interesting to me, especially since she's clinging right onto Mike's arm the whole scene. Instead, the two people in the back of the group who aren't engaging in the conversation are Mike and Will. Then she comes back into frame when Dustin mentions Romeo and Juliet. Now the thing about Romeo and Juliet is that it's regarded as a romantic tale, but I disagree with that perspective honestly... R + J love for each other is so intense and passion filled that they ignore everything else, even important things like family and other responsibilities. Their love is destructive, kind of like Mike and El's love. In Hopper's letter he mentions that he misses when he and El would spend time together and is feeling her distance because of her new relationship. Similar to how Will, Lucas, and Dustin recount that Mike is being super distant and annoying because he is neglecting the group to makeout with El all the time. Max opposes them by stating "It's romantic". Max is also the person who's been in the group the shortest amount of time, the boys who have known Mike since childhood state, "It's gross" and "it's bullshit". Mike is severely neglecting his friendships in the name of love, El is doing the same to her paternal figure.
3. Another thing I love about this season is how Lucas is quick to call out Mike on his bs. When Mike makes the excuse of "I was spending romantic time with my girlfriend" Lucas says "Yeah well I'm spending romantic time with MY girlfriend" (whilst still spending time with his friends) But it's also funny because Lucas is insinuating that this theater going experience is romantic, like everyone has pointed out by now, this was essentially a Byler + Lumax double date (like this scene didn't HAVE to happen, they could've waited until Dustin got back to see a movie together, and once Dustin does return we already see how neglectful Mike is being towards everyone. So, what was the point of this whole mall movie theater scene...well to establish the mall setting and the new characters, thats first and foremost, but it was also to show that Mike is still trying to at least put in some effort into his relationship to Will. It shows that he still cares and is at least kindaa keeping his promises from the previous season (making sure his best friend is feeling safe).
4. The hand grab Joyce does to Hopper to reassure him... Byler heart-to-heart vibes...
Question: Why aren't there more Nancy and Mike scenes when they share the same passion of writing???
Anyways this episode is just so funny honestly, I love how angry Hopper gets at Mike. All their scenes together in every season are so good. We missed out on those in season 4, I hope we get some more in s5
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CX-2 Theory
I know we all think that he's Tech, Cody, or even a Crosshair clone, but what if he's actually a regular clone with traits of all the Batch? It would explain a lot for sure.
Look, Tech is very near and dear to me as he is to all of our little TBB community. But unless he got snatched by a ship mid air, I just don't see how he could've survived such a massive fall and a railcar. We do know that Hemlock found his goggles, but they could've been ripped from his head during the fall. Even if it was his reanimated corpse, we don't have time to fully explain it. 4 episodes are left and there are still so many unanswered questions. Also, it would be so heartbreaking for it to be Tech, but not the one we know and love. We don't know if it's possible to break free once a clone is fully 100% conditioned. And with Emerie getting the redemption arc treatment, I also think we just don't have time for a full Winter Soldier Tech mini arc. But I could be wrong.
Here are the things we know about CX-2:
his voice changes inflections from Crosshair, Tech, and regular clones
he can snipe as well as Crosshair
he's a tracker like Hunter
he's extremely durable like Wrecker
he's good with technology like Tech
his height is that of a regular clone
Having CX-2 be a weird hybrid of all the Batch, mainly Crosshair would be extremely twisted and show how messed up Hemlock is. (It also explains why he seems to be like 3 different people constantly). Crosshair hasn't told us everything yet (and for good reason; he's traumatized). I have a feeling that once CX-2 is revealed, we will also get information from Crosshair as to what happened.
Thoughts? I personally think that this would be the more interesting route, but that's just me.
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2023 Naughty list
There have been a lot of lists and I have a real problem narrowing down my faves, so I'll start with a less than positive list because honestly it's just easier for me to bitch about things. I need to get this one out of my system to get to the good stuff.
Characters that had me seriously consider my stance on violence
This guy (they don't deserve names) - Love Tractor
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HOW DARE HE??? I seriously wanted to reach through the screen and hit with something heavy. He made my baby Ye Chan cry and for that alone I will not never forgive nor forget.
This guy - Happy Merry Ending
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I see him on a street, I'm running him over with my car. Period.
This pretty guy - Never let me go
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I think the fact that several of us wanted Chopper to shoot him kinda says it all.
This guy - Unintentional Love Story
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Won Young is a better person than me. His speech was awesome but for what he did to TaeJoon he deserved more.
That guy ( no pic necessary) - Bed Friend
Running him over. Twice. Maybe 3 times.
This guy - Sing My Crush
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He made Ba Ram cry and stole his song. I wanna get that stupid smile of his face. Perhaps with a bat. This guy - I Feel You Linger In The Air
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Prison is too good for him.
Ok. There are more but I'll finish here. I'm sure I forgot a bunch and I'm sure someone will gladly remind me.
Shows that had me pulling my hair, screaming at the screen or were a challenge to my completionist nature
The Promise
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Anyone who saw this show knows why it's here, and whoever didn't, well I envy you. I wanted to slap Phupa on a weekly basis and was screaming "Nan, why do you like this guy??!! at regular intervals.
I think the only good thing that I can say about this show (other than Party) is that I think it was the first interaction I had on BL tumblr and it was with @respectthepetty that like me was suffering through it weekly.
Absolute Zero
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What is there more to say that I haven't said? As @twig-tea and anyone who read my recaps knows, I started really liking this show, and my discussions with Twig about the time traveling aspect in the beginning were great. But halfway through, the show trough any logic out of the window and I began eye rolling and screaming at the screen at an increasing rate.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2
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These two were my lifeline. I apologize to the fans but I was already getting tired of Minato when they threw the amnesia plot in there so I was pulling my hair in the final episodes when Asuka and Shu weren't on screen.
Shadow Part II
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Other Mentions: What did I just watch? Why am I watching this? Why did I not drop this? Love Syndrome III , Tin Tem Jai, Past-Senger (that ending...); House of Stars (Thailand) and You Are Mine (Taiwan)
Now I can get to my other lists. I won't tag anyone but please tag me if anybody makes a naughty list.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
Hi! You mentioned you were a bit disappointed by part 2 - what do you think could've been done better? Personally I needed more Colin, I felt like he got lost in the Whistledown plot
Hi Nonny!
Ooff, I have very complicated feelings about all of this, lol.
I was initially disappointed when I first watched because there are a lot of subtle emotions going on and it all goes by so quickly, and is in such short bursts that it's hard to unpack all of it on first watch. It also COMPLETELY plays with expectations and has them in the middle of a fight while getting married which is... so bonkers. So bonkers. And it is incredibly disorienting.
Having rewatched it (multiple times now) and having some MAJOR revelations about Colin (I mean I was casually watching two months ago -- I had zero real idea bout his character) I actually love a lot of the second half, and really appreciate what they were going for.
Is it perfect? No - there are still some issues (I'll get to that in a sec) but I appreciate the story that they were attempting to tell. Because it's fascinating. And there are a lot of delicious elements to it.
I think one of the biggest issues is that they were trying to cram this incredibly complex story into 8 episodes. And with the addition of the million subplots, it didn't fully work. Honestly, I wish we had gotten an episode or two longer just to let the full story breathe a little more.
I agree that, overall, they we needed a tad more of Colin's process. It's there but it's subtle. And I think his entire character arc, while there, is subtle. As just a casual viewer who hadn't watched the previous seasons - ngl, I felt slightly lost and slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see /more/.
Also it's hard. HARD. That they don't get to connect post-wedding, because Whistledown still hangs down over them. Because you WANT to them to have that post-wedding bliss. You WANT them to consummate the marriage and have that after glow and we don't get that. And my god, I really wanted to wake up in bed together, happy and blissful like we got with Kanthany.
But that's not the story.
I will say, once I unpacked it a little - the story we get is absolutely delicious. And I actually really love what we did get. There's this fascinating angst there -- where the characters are so IN LOVE and yet they both have their own journeys of dealing with the Whistledown of it all. And the fact that they do go through with this wedding, the fact that their their friendship means they have groundwork to get them through the nonsense, it's so good. I really love it.
But yeah, ultimately, I just wanted more of it. Because we don't get enough. But, honestly, I feel like we'd never get enough really.
About the side plots -- I haven't gone back and watch the first two seasons other than the rewatch I did a month ago. I'll have to see how many subplots are in those seasons, because idk know if there are /that/ many more. It's just that we're used to Polin being the subplot that it's odd when someone else takes that space.
About the ending -- here's where I feel like it could have been better. And here's where I think that maybe Season 4 can deliver on what was ultimately cut short in Season 3. I think Season 4 will have them be a united front and whatever Pen is going to go through they go through it together.
But we also get the happiness we didn't fully get at the end of Season 3. I hope -- would like to believe that Polin will settle into their comfortable roles as subplots again.
And maybe selfishly, I hope the show can keep Nic and Luke as long as possible because -- with their story being there from the beginning they have the chance to be a backbone of the entire show. And I mean, think about how much story that accumulates over all those seasons.
Anyway - I have more to say about the episodes, and maybe I'll kind of write up more on Season 3 as a whole, or episode by episode or something. Because, y'all who've been here with me know, media analysis has just become my second job. (I say as if I don't love every second of it.)
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copiouscouples · 4 months
Bridgerton - A Dissertation
Chemistry is subjective and that's why I love Bridgerton. If one couple isn't your bag, then there are others to choose from.
Personally, I've enjoyed all the seasons. I just love to see love unfold.
Season 1 was such a new animal. It was the novelty of it all. Nothing had been done like this before. You either had the adulterous, explicit, and/or violent sex scenes of Outlander or Game of Thrones or you had chaste Austen (which j'adore but still). There is no other show (even though there have been attempts) that combines the sweet romantic side of love with sexy times. And on top of that you have the costumes and the humor and the diversity.
Simon and Daphne's love story for me was so beautiful watching it simply because it was like they'd turned the historical romances I love reading so much into a tv show.
Season 2 I was so pumped for. The first 4 episodes were delicious. The looks, the stares, the verbal sparring, the passionate declarations, and almost kisses. Be still my heart. The wedding episode was a giant buzzkill. It ground all that momentum to a halt. Edwina deciding not to marry Anthony should've been a 5 minute scene max. That episode took up time when we could've seen them make progress on their relationship. After that, the plot did bounce back. Then, we got their love scene in the garden. I think the most apt description I've seen of that is that it was like a hot music video. It was fine and all, but I was wanting more. It wasn't rewatchable like the Simon and Daphne scenes.
Then Queen Charlotte came along and wowzers did I love that show on so many levels. It was gorgeously done, funny, sweet, heartbreaking, and sexy. George and Charlotte were a good couple but knowing their ending wasn't so happy definitely put an asterisk next to it.
Season 3 came along and at first I was a little indifferent about it for multiple reasons.
1) I hadn't been fully sold on Luke and Nicola's chemistry. It seemed too friend-like (which I know is the point but still). On top of that, there's their real life age gap. Luke N. is super attractive but I was envisioning someone older and more mature (because I know the books have Pen and Colin as older).
2) Friends to lovers isn't a favorite trope of mine.
3) I really wanted Eloise or Benedict's season to be next.
But oh my word, guys, I am really digging this season. Probably more so than even Queen Charlotte.
Things I Love:
Colin being the pursuer and driver of the relationship instead of Daphne in season 1 or Daphne/Edwina/circumstances in season 2. It's delicious to see Colin chasing Penelope. And yeah, she did ask him to kiss her but home skillet didn't ask him to show up at her house for a late night rendezvous. That was all him.
A less angry/bitter male lead. Colin likely has daddy issues too, but he is just more emotionally in-tune (when he allows himself to be) and doesn't take it out on others. He's sweet and lovable and a perfect cinnamon roll when he's not posing.
The Sexy times are back! That carriage scene was 10/10 - no notes. And it was sexy because of the feelings component. And we're getting more! I'm gonna pass out!
Even though I wish they'd hurry a bit and get them back to being friends, I do enjoy seeing the Eloise and Penelope friendship aftermath. I love seeing how much they care about each other despite being angry/hurt by one another.
That height difference, tho!
I feel like we can all take enjoyment from different couples and different seasons. We're all different and different tropes resonate with us. There is something to be enjoyed by all with Bridgerton.
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icee133 · 6 months
Hi! This is part 6 of the ongoing Marionette series I'm writing. This part is the longest one yet, and finally feels like we are getting somewhere with the story (lol). This series is going to be a bit on the longer side as "slow burn" might be an understatement anyways hope you guys like this part! Sorry for any writing errors 🤍🤍
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The Marionette
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6🤍
Word count for this part: 2643. Enjoy!👻👻
A new overlord has manifested in hell seemingly overnight. One that overpowered many if not all of the current overlords in all the right ways. Will this overlord use her powers for good to help the members of the hotel? Will she fall in love with a man and end up in a loving gentle relationship? Or will she get her heart broken and turn against them all, burning each bridge she meticulously made. 
The Marionette is a heart wrenching fic with many turns you won't see coming. Stay tuned for each of the episodes as they are released.
It had been a few days since Nette had talked about her regret. The aftermath of which resulted in a long hug and discussion from Charlie that it wasn't her fault -despite not knowing all the details- she stood firmly on that statement as she truly believes it. Nette on the other hand firmly believed the opposite. She could've prevented it, and possibly could've changed her outcome. Though she wasn't certain of that half of it anyway.
Charlie had ended the exercise early after Nette’s confession. Thinking it probably best to try to do one or two instead of everyone at the same due to the heavy load each one is carrying with them. Nette had thanked each of them afterwards before retiring to her room for the night (despite it being early still). A part of her felt embarrassed that she had let the others see her in a very vulnerable state. A state that she thought she had been able to hide away to prevent it being used against her. After all, blackmail was something she was used to dealing with especially when it came to her kids. Many overlords thinking her love and affection for them made her weak, and attempting to take them from her. Leading to a unforseen bloody massacre led by the other 2 boys and her. Though she didn't like violence she definitely could show others a picture perfect reference to the definition of the word. Her kindness was never a weakness. Just more of a strength to her as ‘you don't need to be an asshole to be strong’ she would always say. Teaching her boys that manners truly matter and show a sense of superiority over your opponent.
Though she was embarrassed about that version of herself she knew Charlie and the others wouldn't judge her for it. Nor look at her any differently because they were each carrying something of a similar weight. They still saw her as their terrifying friend who isn't afraid to put a rude customer in their place. Nette had been thankful they had given her a bit of space after as they were sure she might need it, but she found herself feeling rather lonely in that time rather than anything else. Which led to her talking with Angel sitting at the bar one night feeling much better by just being in his company. She found herself often seeking out Angel for comfort as he seemed to be the one who understood her the most. He never judged her for anything she needed to talk to him about, and she offered him the same amount of comfort on that matter. They often spoke about things that the others didn’t know much about them both. Their relationship had evolved to one of being truly comfortable around each other. Even going as far as to reveal their true names to each other. Promising to keep quiet on the matter and to never use them around the others.
A bit later Nette took a few days away from the group to start working on the project of talking to a winner with her boys. Attempting to find out ways to get heaven to listen to them speaking with a winner. After all, the chances of heaven allowing them to sit down and talk to a winner was slim. Nette knew they would be worried about the sinners ‘corrupting’ the winner and having them fall down to hell. Though could a winner even fall? Could they even end up down in hell if during their life they proved to be worthy of heaven? Could they be corrupted? It wasn’t even a fact that sinners could be redeemed- though Nette had her suspicions about that- so if they couldn’t get redeemed could a winner even fall? They knew an Angel could fall, but that was a heaven born creature. Much like some imps and such in hell. Wait- could imps go to heaven? Wow what a way to get side tracked what a weird thought. Nette felt like they possibly wouldn’t allow it especially if they attempted to speak with the seraphim again. Though the one Charlie spoke of called ‘Emily’ might allow it. Seeing as she wasn’t high seraphim though might cause issues if the other one thought she was beginning to undermine her authority. The last thing they wanted is to cause another Angel to fall. Lucifer had been through enough down here. Seeing only the worst of people, only the evil and malignant. Lucifer might be able to help. How would she ask him though? ‘Hey Lucifer, could you reach out to speak to heaven?’ Yeah cuz that went swell the last time. Though heaven seems to still care about what he thinks. Or wants for that matter. But this isn’t them wanting to talk to the court of angels, this is wanting to speak with a winner. A soul that had ascended to heaven after their life on earth. Nette knew she could reach out to someone else for help but doing that would possibly cause a bigger problem than necessary for this. She figured she should at least speak to Lucifer first. Asking him for a few ideas on the matter wouldn’t hurt.
Nette’s relationship with Lucifer had evolved as well. Becoming more comfortable in being able to speak to him about anything to do with the hotel. She found herself not wanting to push their boundaries, often tiptoeing around any personal matters. She was also thankful he hadn't brought up her confession of her deepest regret since she last spoke about it. About him though, Hyperfixation seemed to be an issue of his. Leading to more issues such as the king forgetting to eat. Finding himself up to his chest in a mountain of paperwork that needed to be completed and time passing by without him realizing. She had brought him a few meals to his office as a way to ensure he didn’t starve for days. Seeing as he didn’t have anyone else but Charlie at the hotel. Choosing to leave his staff at his castle after him moving into the hotel. His way of ensuring he didn’t make it seem like his daughter was incapable of running the hotel on her own. Depression was also something Nette had found the king had. Anytime he wasn’t engrossed in a mountain of paperwork he was in his office creating ducks. Rubber ducks. Nette had to admit the ducks were cute, and found herself asking him about one of them that was on his desk when she went in to deliver a meal. Leading to an hour long discussion about ducks. Not that she minded, in fact, she didn’t mind one bit. After all, the king seemed a bit happier after being able to talk to someone about it so much so that she allowed him to do it again. Actually she allowed him to do it about 6 more times, but nobody needed to know that. She enjoyed listening to him talk about things he was proud of.
After thinking it over for a while Nette found herself standing in front of Lucifer’s office door. Behind it was an apple shaped part of the building. The door was an elegant red color adorning his signature symbol and a golden apple door handle. She wanted to knock but found herself feeling nervous about the situation at hand. Asking a fallen Angel to speak to the place that cast him out was not something she wanted to do. It felt a little too personal. Sure she let the man talk her ear off about ducks,but this was different. This is the place that caused him to end up down here. She sighed lightly before raising her hand to the door knocking 3 times before hearing a ‘come in’ echo from the other side. Taking a deep breath she opened the door, seeing Lucifer sitting at his desk reading paperwork with his hat and overcoat on the chair next to him. “Nette what can I do for you?” She hadn’t realized she had been staring at the man till he spoke. “I have something to ask of you but first, when was the last time you ate something?” She looked at him accusingly. “Oh uh- maybe a bit ago…” he trailed off at the end of his sentence. “I’ll bring you something after we talk, you really shouldn’t forget to eat Lucifer it could cause Charlie to worry” Nette found herself giving him the same speech she did each time she reminded him to eat. “You are right, I shouldn't forget something so important. Apologies, I did not realize how much time had passed. What was it you needed to talk to me about?” He stood from his desk walking to sit at the table he had off to the side. Motioning for Nette to join him there as well. She walked over to the table Lucifer had pulled out her chair to allow her to sit down before seating himself across from her.
He could tell she was a bit nervous about whatever this was about, which in turn made him nervous. As Nette wasn’t one who usually was readable in terms of her emotions, at least not this readable. “Thank you, It has to do with what Charlie and I discussed the other day about speaking to a soul in heaven. I was wondering if it was something you had given any thought to?” Nette could feel her nerves about the topic, and was hoping he couldn’t see them as much as she could feel them. The tidal wave of anxiety growing in tune with the second of silence between the two. “Of course, I had forgotten about that. What were you thinking?” Of course he wanted to hear my ideas Nette thought to herself. Still very much a pile of anxiety. “Well heaven wasn’t very keen on the idea of redeeming a sinner. They didn’t seem to take it very seriously either from what Charlie had told me. Though I wonder if Adam had anything to do with that. On the opposite side though many of them had no idea the extermination was even going on, or that any sinners were attempting to rewrite the wrongs they had done in life that landed them down here to begin with.” She paused, Lucifer had been listening to her intently as she spoke. Her slight accent and rambling gave away her nerves about this topic causing a small smile to form on his lips. “I believe that since the last extermination led to many of the exorcists being disposed of and the first man no longer being ‘alive’ -in a sense I guess- that they would be more willing to hear out what we have to say. Though I have suspicions about no sinner ever being redeemed. It makes no sense as to why they would think they needed to begin the extermination anyway without having some kind of reason. An uprising doesn’t seem like a reliable enough reason especially since angels were thought to not be able to be killed. The only thing I can think of is that a sinner had been redeemed before and possibly caused issues in heaven? Though I’m not sure. Sorry getting off topic” she turned her head away from the man in front of her.
Thinking to herself that she was rambling about nothing at this point. “No need to apologize, I’m following.” Lucifer said allowing Nette to continue “I just am not sure if they would risk us talking to a winner. After all I believe they would be worried that the soul might end up corrupted and find themself well… down here.” Nette said quietly. Lucifer nodded before saying “I haven’t heard anything about souls falling from heaven. After all they proved they could end up there in their life on earth, but I do see the issue. If we are saying a sinner can be redeemed that would mean a winner can be corrupted. Which would cause issues with the very foundation of heaven itself.” “Yes, this is why I wanted to speak with you about it before I went to Charlie. After all, the chances of them speaking to hell again after last time might be a bit more, but I have a feeling they’d want to hear us out at least. All things considered. But allowing us to speak to one of their souls might be pushing it. I just don’t want to let her down but I think this might be out of the question.” Both found themselves pondering over the thought for a bit. Before Lucifer spoke “I think it would be worth asking them. If your feeling is right about a sinner having been redeemed then that would mean all the souls that had been exterminated could have been redeemed and sent to heaven. Corrupting a soul could be as easy as it is to redeem one, which is not at all. I think reaching out couldn’t hurt.” “Who would you ask? Sera doesn’t seem one to listen, but the archangels are well… them” Nette said before realizing she spoke as if she knew them personally. “I mean they’re basically the equivalent of the sins down here, and if they’re anything even remotely close I doubt they’d hear out what Charlie has to say.” She quickly corrected herself. “I believe they will listen even if just for a moment.” Lucifer seemed to have a much more determined demeanor about the hotel then how Charlie originally explained it. “Okay I think that’s for the best then. We start with asking them and see where it goes from there.” Nette said before standing. “Thank you for hearing me out about it, and glad we came to a consensus about the matter.” ‘Of course, thank you for coming to me about it first” Lucifer said standing from his chair as well. He could help but find himself smiling at the overlord in front of him. Forgetting his earlier feelings of reprise towards her thinking to himself that he enjoys her company. Nette opened the door to the office before turning back towards the Angel and saying “I’ll be back with food for you. Also, don’t work too late, you need to try to get some sleep tonight. I know you didn’t sleep at all last night Luci, that's not good for you.” He sheepishly nodded before saying “would you join me for the meal?” “Of course Luci I’d be delighted to” Nette smiled before closing the door behind her. Leaving the Angel alone in his office once again to ponder over how she knew he didn’t go to bed last night, and how she had given him the nickname ‘Luci’. Maybe he liked her calling him that.
While walking down to the kitchen Nette found herself enthralled in admiring how Lucifer stood by Charlie’s dream and would do anything to help her with it. Whatever lies in store he would help her through it. Nette found herself wishing she had a father figure like this. One that was proud to call himself her father, one that would help her through things. She couldn’t help but want that. But she knew it was an absurd dream to wish for anything like that from her actual father. After all, he was the one who ended her life as she knew it. The one who stripped everything from her and threw her away like she was nothing. Maybe that’s why she found herself not wanting to overstep into personal matters with the fallen Angel. Perhaps she related to him a bit more than she’d like to admit. But she also couldn’t help wanting to get closer to him.
@popamolly @preciousbabypeter
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