#like when a cashew is bad its just hard
wariomolly · 3 months
eating pistachios is the exact same as russian roulette but instead of a bullet its the bitterest most sour nasty tasting cursed nut
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qiutls · 1 year
I climbed on Sen's palm and looked around.
Since Kyle is busy searching with his eyes wide open, this girl should head straight over to his study. Earlier, I couldn't take a good look on the way here because I was in a hurry to run away, so I should take this chance to learn.
That way tomorrow, I can use "Summon" at the storage room and wear Kyle's clothes that I hid, then I can go to the opposite room from the study.
The point is that I can only specify the location for "Summon" to be within 10m radius. Of course, I have to get more clothes. It's so damn cold, it isn't called the North for a reason.
"Sen, where are you going?"
A maid who was moving a laundry basket called Sen. The place I was hiding in, seemed to be where the servants do the laundry.
"I found it!"
Sen lifted me up proudly, and I carefully held onto her palm with my body in case I slip. Hey, don't raise me up so high, I can't see anything.
"I guess it wasn't that shy. It even seemed nice. It's so cute looking around trying to find the way back."
After hearing that, the maids gathered around her and said, 'I envy you,' 'It must be cute,' 'I want to raise one too,' and etcetera. If you wrote their words and arranged them in one line, it seemed like it would even reach Busan.
I burrowed my face in Sen's palm feeling ashamed.
'... Was I too obvious while looking around?'
I'll get weary if I'm too self-conscious.
"Can you take me with you?"
A maid who seemed to be close with Sen approached me with her eyes shining. How dare you put your spoon into someone else's bowl. No, hmph. Is this decision up to Serena?
― Squeak [ Get lost! ]
She was visibly embarrassed when I started squeaking and stretching out of Sen's palm.
"Ack! What's wrong with it? Wasn't it very quiet just a while ago..."
― Squeak! Squeak! [ You foolish human! You want to share the merit, how greedy! ]
Were you fated to be Serena, the best woman in the empire? Of course, I must've messed up that fate but anyways... Why do you need Kyle's favorable impression!
Right then, a low voice rang behind us.
"Cashew Nut."
"G-grand Duke!"
This ghostlike bastard. He found me so easily.
Kyle's eyes which were tinted with red turned to look at me, then he frowned slightly... That action made everyone feel more intimidated. Seriously, his looks are enough to win a battle.
Hey! Why won't you smile. Didn't you find me already. I don't even have a single scratch on my body. Don't make the atmosphere too heavy, don't you feel sorry for these maids.
Speaking of them, among all the maids, only Sen wasn't shaking with fear, and even turned towards Kyle.
"Your Highness, I've found the beast as you've commanded."
Kyle tried to reach out to me but stopped when he saw me sitting comfortably on Sen's hand.
"... I guess it's comfortable staying with you."
"That, Your Highness..."
"Will you come to my study with me?"
Sen looked down at me for a moment, stroked my back with her thumb and nodded. The other maids have went back to their original positions and could only glance.
After arriving at the study, Kyle tried to put me inside the hamster house.
Of course, I tried my best to resist. You said we would sleep together today! How can you give me freedom then take it away like this, you cheating bastard!
Sadly, Kyle seemed to have misunderstood my actions.
"It seems like it really likes you."
"I guess it does, Your Highness."
Sen smiled slightly, with a hint of embarrassment and happiness. However, she still put me firmly inside the hamster house.
"You have to go in. It's bad to leave the house so recklessly. You made His Highness worried."
But, I'll be back after 30 minutes anyways. I was just taking a quick walk.
"I'll make it up to you."
Kyle said after closing the ceiling of the hamster house. Sen only stared at him, so he added.
"I thought it would be hard to find. I had that hunch after the magicians said they couldn't track its mana. But thanks to you, I was able to easily find Cashew Nut..."
"Tell me what you want. I swear on the name the Grand Duke of Blake, I will grant you anything you wish."
Sen's eyes turned to me, who was leaning on the wheel. She seemed to be troubled.
Her eyes were filled with both longing and resignation then it turned to melancholy for a moment, but it quickly snapped back to her usual look.
"It's alright, Your Highness, there's no need."
Sen replied in a firm voice.
"What I wish for is something Your Highness cannot grant, so I'll handle it myself. Please just know that I have done my best, and if there comes to be a day in this castle where I face injustice, I just hope that Your Highness is willing to lend a hand."
Kyle leaned back onto the sofa and spoke slowly.
"Is there a wish that cannot be granted within this territory of mine?"
Hey, don't fight with a maid and her wish. I mumbled while washing my dirty paws in the water bowl.
'... By the way, what could Sen's wish be?'
To marry Belial? Anyway, I don't remember what the ending of the story was but I remember these two were in love with each other. And isn't it a common ending for novels for the leads to live happily ever after. This ending is basically a national rule.
But... It's impossible to fall in love with Belial here in the north, which is a long way from the Imperial City, maybe her wish is to raise her status?
Then a system window popped up.
[ Revenge. ]
Sen's wish is revenge?
[ Serena's only wish is revenge. ]
Not Sen, but Serena's.
The system was still calling her Serena and not Sen.
Does that mean, she's still fated to be Serena.
Even if the fate of transmigration was changed, the part of her becoming empress seems to not have changed. This made me feel strange. I blinked and looked up at Sen.
'What the hell happened to you.'
It felt really strange to think that the novel I read is someone's vivid life and not just a few lines typed on paper.
"By the way."
Kyle called Sen's attention quietly and she looked back at him calmly, not afraid of his aura a single bit. Seems like her liver is big.
*Koreans equate the liver to what English equates the heart to bigger heart / liver = more courageous*
"Your face looks familiar."
Sen flinched and her shoulders stiffened, her strong appearance seemed to crumble right there and then. Her green eyes which had been calm all this time shook and her lower lip turned pale for a moment.
But she quickly recovered, she turned her head towards me and closed her eyes tightly. The moment she opened them, she smiled and it looked so natural, making me think twice whether the expression I saw earlier was a moment of illusion.
"I'm not even a maid that's in charge of Your Highness, how could I look familiar?"
"But... It seems like we have met before?"
​Your Highness, the Grand Duke, that's such an old-fashioned comment.
Sen replied with a meaningful smile.
"I am one of your subjects. Besides, I'm a maid working in this castle, so it's natural that my face is familiar."
"Yes, I suppose so."
Kyle seemed to move on without much thought on the problem.
Come to think of it, Kyle was quite obsessed with Serena in the original version of the novel. But what was the reason? There must have been a good reason to be obsessed with someone who you could not even see in your territory...
It was not easy to remember all the content of the novel because there was so much happening, it's a good thing that the system helps most of the time.
"What's your name?"
"Sen, Your Highness."
"Alright, Sen."
Kyle thought of something then looked at me.
No, don't look so friendly, maintain your dignity as a solemn and grand person. Don't suddenly open the door and lift me up and shower me with kisses.
"I'll cut back on your work a little, so can you come and check on Cashew Nut from time to time?"
Sen was undeniably shocked at the unexpected request.
"Cashew Nut, this magical beast?"
*might use demonic & magical interchangeably since sometimes the characters mention the word in obvious demeaning tone and sometimes it's neutral like this one.*
"Yeah it seems to like being around you. Originally, I was the only one it met here at the study all day, and it must have felt lonely because I was away preparing for the festival. I think it might have run away in frustration..."
Well, that's not such a bad decision. I'll take it.
The first part of the original revolved around Serena, Belial and Kyle. Right now, since Belial is at the Imperial City, it can't be helped that I can only increase the miracle value by changing Kyle & Serena's fates.
Unfortunately, I have to spend most of the day as a hamster so it's better if they are the ones to approach me.
Sen turned towards where I was again, and I slowly approached the wall that was near her and put my hands up against it. I didn't forget to wink either. I used up all my sincerity for this fanservice.
"... I'll do it!"
Sen called out as if she was possessed.
"I-I mean, I've never taken care of a mouse, no a h-hamster, but I've raised a dog before... I'll study hard to learn how to take care of it! I-"
"It's not just a hamster, it's a magical beast."
Just like this, Sen became my second guardian.
Both of you please get along well. Don't be too obsessed, okay? Don't fight each other for my affection alright?
After Sen left the study, Kyle looked at me in the hamster house for a long time. He looks like he was dying to take me out, but wouldn't dare to do so hastily.
'Were you that shocked to lose me once.'
But I couldn't help it either. If you came back to a strange man on the bed naked, and the hamster was gone, the situation would be a lot worse.
Then a rumor will spread that Your Highness, who is not married, has a taste for men. Of course, I couldn't let that happen.
In any case, it's a difficult situation, I also would not take out a hamster outside of the cage if there's a single chance it might run away again.
Should I pretend to be depressed for a while. No, this isn't my fault, it's all because of this "Summon" skill. Why didn't you explain the details of the skill to me first!
[ (อิ_อี;;;) ]
'Anyways... Tomorrow, it should be fine right?'
The clothes were hidden well, so I'll use "Summon" in that location and take a look at the situation in the castle. It's time for the festival anways so it wouldn't look weird to see a stranger walking around.
'Before that... I'll have to get some pants and shoes.'
If I keep walking barefoot all this time in this freezing weather, all my toes will fall off.
novel ⠀✿⠀ next
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hikari-ni-naritai · 4 months
What would be Violet's favorite food and/or snacks? (you can also take this as a prompt for all your girls, if you're feeling up to it)
hmmmm that is a GOOD question.... for a proper meal, i think she'd really like pizza. you can eat pizza clockwise SO easily! its so much harder to eat like, a plate full of disparate items clockwise. theres a lot of precise cutting and if youve got anything that doesnt hold its shape, youre fucked. pizza's round, it's cut already, and you can put basically anything on it! she wouldnt want it greasy though. she needs a dry ass crust. as for snacks... i think violet would really like hard candies. in a perfect world she would have a big jar full of individually wrapped candies and every night she'd sort them by colour. she would have a serious love/hate relationship with the sheer number of flavours that come in red. strawberry, cherry, watermelon, lime, fruit punch. its confusing when youre trying to keep things orderly!
and since u asked.......
hikari - ive said this before but hikari's a massive sweet tooth. her favorite snack is cheesecake with the eorzean equivalent of strawberries. her favorite non-sweet food is .... hmmm.. she's got a taste for fish but i think her favourite is mammoth. they used to hunt them on the steppe before her tribe was killed off and then make skewers with the meat. reminds her of home<3
aoi - aoi likes cappuccino and coffee cake. for a meal, she'll just have a light salad thanks. (she has a lot of cake waiting for her back at home, hikari made it)
lia - food isnt really one of lia's special interests so she doesnt have much in the way of opinions on it. as a general rule, if shes eating out somewhere she'll always try to order something she hasnt tried before. over a thousand years and several universes, she's tried a LOT of things. her current go-to, having exhausted all the options at every diner and tavern in the city after several hundred years of living there, is the 'sandwich of the day'. which is whatever sandwich theyre selling at her favorite tavern. as for a snack, she'll just have tea back at home.
nest - literally anything cooked over a campfire. as snacks, anything sweet cooked over a campfire.
valyrie - valyrie is too pragmatic to really have a favorite but she does relish the times when she gets to eat a fancy expensive dinner in a super high-end place. shes wildly out of place but her outfit makes her look like she fits in if you dont look too closely. as for snacks... is whiskey a snack?
dr marion - what the fuck does this woman eat. hang on let me try to catch this fish for 10 minutes real quick. ok i did not manage to think of anything. i think dr marion focuses so much on proper nutrition that she doesnt actually care what anything tastes like. eating right is the first step to claiming immortality for ourselves in rebellion against god. she doesnt snack.
cassidy - hmmm. cassidy honestly mostly just misses her wife's cooking. frankly, it wasnt very good, she was just the least bad at cooking of the two, but yknow. tasted like home. she made a particularly bad chicken with cranberry sauce dish and they both used to laugh about how bad it was (WAY too sweet for a dinner dish) but she misses it like you wouldnt believe. as for snacks, something salty that you can munch on? like cashews, if she could get her hands on them.
adela - as a shambling corpse, adela doesnt need to eat. when she was alive, she particularly enjoyed butchering the best cow of the town she just conquered and eating it in front of the farmer who raised it (while using his wife as a chair). as a snack, perhaps a tall glass of the blood of her enemies?
elyria - elyria likes street food! anything a guy sells you from a cart is basically perfect. if she can get crepes, thats ideal. yknow they make crepes that arent sweet? i had crepes in baltimore on a field trip in a real french type place. they sold some lovely savoury crepes. as i recall, most of my classmates had like. half of one. but i ended up with two. emily likes food. so anyway, elyria's favorite meal is a meat and veggie crepe, and her favorite snack is a sweeter one with fruits and chocolate and cream.
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5 Drinks To Get To Know Me
@first-kanaphan Thanks for tagging me.😚💖
Well first thing it's that I don't drink alcohol, so it's the "normal" drinks that I drink 😁
1. Water : So the first has to be water... simple but complex at the same. Love to be hydrated all day. Its a freaking nightmare that there is people who don't enjoy water! Like wtf? It's Amazing! The good old H2o 💙
2. Mint Tea : some will say the correct is mint infusion, but I like to call it tea! It's like my favorite tea ever! Its good to my digestion problems too, like what an amazing blessing 🥹. There's nothing to compare with the flavor of the fresh mint or the even stronger peppermint! I love it so much, i have 2 or 3 cups a day. ✨ offer me some mint tea and I'm a happy person on sight!
3. Coffee : Black coffee made in a french press is such a beautiful alchemy 🥲 not better coffee than a french press coffee,really.
I just in love when I can have a good brand of coffee with notes of vanilla, toffee and hazelnuts.... Sublime!
No with sugar, but with a little of agave syrup.
4. Vegan milk : For someone with lactose intolerance, you have to learn about vegan milk. There's like the amazing almond milk, great to make milkshakes and ice cream, cashew nut milk is good to cappuccinos, soy milk it's the one I love to drink a pure glass sometimes.
5. Pepsi or Red Bull : so for the sake of it's caffeine it's one or another. I can't have iced coffee, like serious, I throw the fuck up. I think it's my digestion problems,IBS, that don't let me have it, so I go with some iced Pepsi (Yes, Pepsi! I hate Coke, it tastes bad). Or I will have some of the great weird flavor of iced Red Bull.
Honor mention: I love pineapple juice or strawberry orange juice, and fresh Lemonade!!! But it's hard for me to have some fresh fruits to make it. 😁
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catbreedstips · 9 months
Can Cats Eat Nuts: Healthy Benefits, Consider The Truth Advice From a Vet
 Does a cat like nuts? Taking the price, benefits, and risks of food into account
Even though some nuts, like those with Omega-3 fats and protein, are good for people, the bottom line is that you shouldn't give nuts to cats or dogs. Keep nuts out of your pets' reach and in the right place to keep them from getting sick or poisoned by accident.
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Getting started
"Can cats eat peanuts?" Most cats eat meat, which makes some people wonder if they should also eat nuts. We want to give our cats a variety of treats, so we want to learn more about nuts' nutritional value, possible benefits, possible risks, and how well they work with a cat's digestive system.
What Nuts Can Do for Your Health
People like nuts because they are full of healthy fats, protein, and other important nutrients. People often say that these small packages are healthy and full of energy. Almonds, walnuts, and cashews are all good sources of essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, which keep skin and fur healthy and shiny. Nuts also have a lot of important vitamins and minerals, like vitamin E, some B vitamins, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Why giving your cat nuts is a good idea
Even though cats must eat mostly animal protein because they are "obligate carnivores," giving them nuts in small amounts may be good for them. Nuts have healthy fats that can help keep the skin and coat healthy. Your cat can get vitamin E from nuts like almonds. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that could be good for your cat's health as a whole.
Possible Dangers of Giving Nuts
"Can cats eat peanuts?" It's important to remember that giving a cat new foods can make its stomach hurt. Since nuts are not a natural part of their diet, they can make them sick and make them throw up or have diarrhoea. Also, some nuts, like macadamia nuts, contain chemicals that are bad for dogs. People worry about how safe they are for cats because of this.
Can cats safely eat nuts?
In small amounts and under certain conditions, some nuts can be safe for cats to eat. But be careful when you do this. Avoid at all costs nuts that are heavily salted or covered in spices. A person could also choke on nuts with hard shells or husks.
Can cats break down nuts?
"Can cats eat peanuts?" Cats have a digestive system that does a good job of breaking down animal proteins. Even though cats can eat and digest small amounts of plant-based substances, they can only get a small amount of nutrients from them.
Cats can get sick from eating too many nuts.
If a cat eats nuts that are bad for them, it might throw up, have diarrhoea, feel tired, and have trouble moving around. In the worst cases, eating nuts could cause pancreatitis, which is when the pancreas gets inflamed.
Stop cats from eating nuts by accident.
Keep nuts in tightly sealed containers that are out of reach of cats so they don't eat them by accident. Also, watching how cats interact with the things around them can help stop them from eating something they shouldn't.
How Many Nuts Can a Cat Have?
"Can cats eat peanuts?" "Less is more" is very true when it comes to giving nuts to cats. It only takes a tiny bit, about the size of a nibble. It's important to keep in mind that nuts are high in calories and fat, and that a cat's diet should be mostly made up of protein from animals.
How Much and How Often to Feed
Nuts should be shown as a treat that you can have every so often, not as something you should eat every day. Nuts can be unhealthy for cats because they have too much fat and calories.
Different options and extras
"Can cats eat peanuts?" Even though nuts are good for you in some ways, the focus should always be on foods that are good for you in all ways. Instead of treats, you should give your cat lean meat or treats made just for cats.
How about nuts? Can cats eat them?
In the end, the question "Can Cats Eat Nuts?" Cats might occasionally enjoy a small amount of some nuts. But nuts shouldn't be thought of as the main thing they eat. Before giving a cat new foods, it's important to talk to a vet first.
The Last Word on Giving Your Cat Nuts
Even though it's natural to want to feed your cat different foods, the cat's health and happiness should always come first. Cats have certain dietary needs, and it's important to make sure they get the right amount of everything they need.
How important it is to talk to a vet about your pet's diet
"Can cats eat peanuts?" Veterinarians have special training that lets them give good advice about what cats should eat. Their professional knowledge is needed to make sure that a cat's nutritional needs are met in a way that doesn't hurt its health.
Adding nuts to a cat's diet should be done with care and with the help of a professional. Always get advice from a professional before giving your cat a new food.
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shop-korea · 11 months
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30 MIN - BACK - & - FORTH
NIGHTS - JUST - 15 MIN - 4
DON'T - WANT - 2 - LET - GO
WAS - 90 LBS - AT - 5'7 1/2 FT
MY - YEAR - 2023 - AS - 90 LBS
ITEM - $25
FEE - $1.25
ANNUAL - FEE - $69
INSTEAD - OF - $!6.95 - US
CRISPIEST - $20 - $10 - MOST
COINS - $0.95 - SO - 2 COMPETE
THEN - I - PAY - THE - APP - 2
1 1/2 - HRS PAID - $2.50 USD
5'9FT - BACK - 2 - RUNWAY FR
B 4 - US - ITS - GOOD - 2 RUN
HE - WANTS - US - 2 - KNOW
$3 - AT - FOOD - STAMPS - 2
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stupidlildumby · 1 year
Training Montage
You ever watch a lvl 3 bug type pokemon that only knows tackle fight a lvl 3 bug type pokemon that only knows protect? Terrible five minute stretch of my life. But after many wild donphans, ilumises, and burmys, the team is ready to continue!
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Rock is looking good, he seems a little angry though.
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Beat was the hardest to get to level ten, she is a tackling girl but doesnt seem too great at it.
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Lastly we have roll, who is living with it, but she learned thundershock so she is the first team member to not be a tackler!
With them prepared, and with roll at the front I continue down route 202.
We run into our first trainer battle on the road
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A new trainer hunter, he seems to have it out for me with his infernape right next to baby town. Hopefully he won't hit too hard.
He spends a few turns setting up with taunts and leers, and when he finally attacks, hes been whittled down enough by Roll that hitting the steel wool knocks him out.
The rest of 202 is a breeze, a few trainers, a few encounters, nothing we can't handle. Roll gets a little hurt after being paralyzed but the rest of the team fills in while she takes a nap.
I run into an old man as I enter Jubilife city, he pretends to be a part of interpol, he says there are poke thieves on the loose and gives me a piece of junk. After he leaves the professors assistant says i can go to battle school to learn and that Weekly is there... I am about to head away but then I remember the package for Weekly from his mom. I give him the package, and pick up the X attack some kid left on the ground. Steal, its mine now.
As I leave a new old man makes fun of me for not having a gucci watch. He says if I solve the clown riddles I can get his gucci so you know what. Clown time. First I'm gonna take a look around town. Taking a peak, I see route 204, a new friend for the team.
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We just have to catch her. There was a joke my dad always told me about slugma...but I can't remember it.
Oh yeah
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Slugma nuts
I don't think she liked that
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As soon as I told her her name was Cashew she tried to jump into the ocean, which would be very bad for her considering she is magma.
With our fourth friend finally in tow, I seek out clowns, but they each have tricky riddles. The first two were easy, Pokemon get stronger with exp, moves have types.
Then came the third "pokemon can hold items"
This gucci might just be a fake...
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The road to the west is closed, leaving 204 to the north, and 205 to the east, I'm not fully sure on where to go.
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imaginesmai · 3 years
With all my heart (IRONDAD) - Chapter 1
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Hey there! I’m back with a full fic! ❤💕💕💕 This is an irondad/bambi/The game plan AU! It’s finished, so it will have two updates every week, or more (if you guys like it a lot!) Make sure to follow me on instagram:@ irondadiscanon to know when I update, more irondad content and fic recs!
SUMMARY: Tony Stark isn't the best dad - distant, cold, almost neglectful. But when his ex-wife dies, he has to take care of his son; 5-year-old Peter, a boy with too many allergies and that can't talk to Tony without stuttering. Follow the path of two hurt people, a man and a boy, who learn how to love each other through thick and thin.-A Bambi AU (Disney) that @buckets_of_stars inspired me into writting that I've mixed with The Game Plan.
AO3 link
Tony has a tight smile on during the funeral. He knows he has no right being there, that most of the people around him, even if they are strangers for Tony, were closer to Mary than him. He shifts uncomfortable in his black suit, fighting the hangover from last night. On his right, Mary’s sister is crying her eyes out, looking at the coffin as its lowered on the ground. From what he has heard, the man besides May is Ben, his husband, and both of them have made a long journey to come to the funeral. It makes him feel bad, because Tony was the one arriving late and he lives barely thirty minutes away.
 But the news hit him hard. 
For six years, he has been doing just fine. He gets drunk, sleeps around with anyone that catches his eye, bosses around and goes to sleep really, really late. It’s not something to take pride of, but Tony likes his life – now, his past life. There is another thing that has been a constant for the last five years and a half; monthly cheques to his ex-girlfriend account. Since he lost any type of right over his son. Five and half years ago.
 Now, Mary is lying eight foot deep in a coffin. He received a call yesterday, and found comfort in his liquor cabinet. He shouldn’t have, he’s sure of it, because he knows that there has to be new changes on his life from now on; but he still kept a small place of his heart for the brunette girl with big, doe eyes that had a contagious laugh. Tony tightens the grip on his left wrist, trying to control the shaking of his hands. 
When that doesn’t work, he tries next looking at the small figure gripping May’s legs, close to Tony. It’s not the first time Tony has seen Peter Parker, because once or twice every two months, he gets to spend a weekend with his son. He has a room on the tower, as dull as a white paper, and Tony is listed as his second emergency contact. It doesn’t matter how much he tries to distance himself from Howard. Most of the times the kid is with him, Tony is reminded of the lost chance of raising him. Peter sees him as a stranger, and Tony drinks.
 Peter sniffles softly, and May runs a careful hand through his curls. Taking after Tony, he’s short and skinny. The father doesn’t know much about him – that he likes science, is asthmatic and has a list of allergies, dyslexic, and his favourite colour is blue and red. Mary made sure to keep him away from Tony, and she wasn’t wrong. Because Tony is the worst influence the kid can have.
 It doesn’t matter, though, because May and Ben are both active workers that are barely home, and Peter doesn’t have any other family left.
 He turns around, and shamefully discovers that almost everyone is gone now. Only May, the priest and Peter remain. The last one is still hiding between May’s legs, hiccupping every now and then. Tony blinks and coughs the awkwardness; he tries to clear the wetness around his eyes, and thanks himself for getting dark glasses before leaving that morning. May, always the kind woman, gives him a soft smile, and squeezes his forearm gently. His husband doesn’t like Tony that much, but it seems that May sees something not even Tony himself can see.
 “We have to arrange some things. Custody papers and legal documents” she says.
 “Yes. I’ll – My driver is just there. He will take us to the notary. He has enough space for all of us. And don’t worry, Happy is discrete. He won’t – “
 “Ben and I can take care of it just fine” May interrupts him. He pushes Peter forward, but the boy doesn’t look up. “Peter hasn’t slept much, and he hasn’t eaten since yesterday. I thought that, maybe, you could take him home and rest a little. It’s been hard for everyone.”
 “Happy can take him”
 “Peter needs his father”
 It’s her stern voice. He has only heard it twice; once, when Peter was born and he was late for the birth, and Mary decided she didn’t even want him to meet his son. May had used her stern voice on her and Tony had held Peter close, as the boy latched on his little finger. The second time was directed at him. He was ready to give up the custody of Peter, he didn’t want to go to the trial; and thanks to May, who dragged him out of his ear, he got to see Peter every two months. Even if he hadn’t known how to do it right.
 Peter looks up at Tony, and the man notices the tears still falling from his eyes. He has the same look he always carries around Tony; as if he wasn’t his father, just an authoritative stranger that he had to respect.
 “I think a nap will do you some good” Tony lowers his voice, and tries to give Peter a reassuring smile. “Did you pack your bag already?”
 “No” he answers in a small voice. “Uncle Ben said I c-could do it later”
 “We can bring it later. Maybe have a last dinner together before we leave?” May suggests, and Peter nods vigorously. “We have to leave tomorrow morning. But we are only a few hours away. If he gets sick or needs anything, we’ll be here as soon as possible. And that goes for you too Tony. You can call me anytime you want”
 “I think we’re gonna be just fine. Right, Peter?”
 Tony holds his fist so that Peter can bump it, but the kid just stares at it. Possibly, it’s not the best place to do something like that. Reluctantly, he lowers his fist. He remembers the first time Peter was brought to him as a conscious human being, not a baby. Mary had been on a trip with him for three months, and Tony got to stay with Peter for a week – and in that moment, when Peter didn’t call Tony daddy but ‘Mr Tony’, Tony realized that Peter didn’t see him as a father. As a dad.
 It hurts him that he hasn’t known how to be there for his son. Some of the dates Mary and him set for Peter to stay with Tony were spent poorly; Tony out drinking and Peter with Pepper or with a nanny. Tony missed some of them because he liked to party, and the man wasn’t there when the kid had his first asthma attack and ended up in hospital. He wasn’t even there for Peter’s fourth birthday, because he was lost somewhere in Monaco drinking expensive liquors and losing consciousness.
 Selfishly, he thinks that this is his chance to make things right. Peter has to stay with him, because there is no chance that he lets the boy in the system, and staying with his aunt is impossible. So, he tries to bury his hurt and keeps the kind smile on.
 “Give me a call when you’re finished” he tells May, who nods. The woman kneels in front of Peter, and cradles his cheek.
 “We can come whenever you need us. Ask Tony to call us or use the phone mom got you, it’s in the bottom of your bag. You remember Ben’s number?” May asks. Peter doesn’t answer. “Come here, give me a big hug”
 Peter launches himself to his aunt’s arms, letting out a chocked sob. May hugs him tight and lets him cry on her shoulder. As most of the times he’s with his son, Tony feels misplaced. Like he’s watching a show he’s not a part of – like it isn’t his family. It’s not, his mind supplies. They break the hug before Tony can dwell on the thought for too long. If someone expected Peter to hug his father next, they get a huge disappointment. Peter moves to stand close to Tony, and quickly dries his tears so Tony doesn’t notice them.
 “No peanuts, walnuts, cashews or hazels. That goes for Nutella or other chocolate sweet that could have hazels” May remembers him, although Tony has JARVIS programmed to keep up with Peter’s allergies. “There are epinephrine injections in his bag, with the instructions. He has to take his vitamins every morning. After breakfast”
 “And I have to be careful with lobsters and oysters, because they upset his stomach”
 “You have to cut the crust off the sandwiches, and Peter doesn’t like cheese sandwiches. But make sure to put extra cheese on his pizza”
 “He also likes mac and cheese, I know” Tony says with a bit of annoyance. “He’s my son. I know him better than what you think”
 “You better take care of him, because I don’t care how much money you have or how important your last name is” May takes a threatening step forward. “If I have to drag your sorry Stark ass to court, I will. Without blinking once”
 Tony briefly remembers the conversation he has had with May before the funeral. Mary said it in her will, Ben and May knew they would have to change their life style if Peter came to life with them, and Tony was the most capable person, in materials and financial terms, to take care of Peter. But still, she had offered to take him. And Ben had threatened Tony. The man hopes he can live to everyone’s expectations.
 He reaches a hand and brings Peter closer. In a soft whisper that only comes out every now and then when he’s with his son, he tells him to go and wait in the car. Peter gives a quiet ‘yes sir’ and hugs May one last time. Tony doesn’t miss the glassy eyes May gets when Peter wraps his skinny arms around her waist and squeezes her tight. He has never received a hug from Peter.
 Not like he feels worthy of them.
 Peter waves at her and drags his feet to the car. The boy likes Happy, or at least he likes him as much as he can like someone from Tony’s life – he gives the man some rare smiles and actually answers to his questions. He watches as Peter disappear inside the car, and closes the door behind him. Then, he turns to May.
 “You can’t say those things in front of Peter” he argues. “He’s gonna think I’m some kind of monster that it’s gonna eat him at night”
 “He already thinks that. Why do you think he wanted to spend the night with us in the hotel instead of going with you? Peter is afraid. The only memories he has with his father are you sitting on a couch drinking, hiding in the lab or giving him away to nannies” May points a shaky finger at him. “He spent the whole night crying and sobbing, but when he comes here, he tries to hide it so you don’t see him. Trust me when I say he knows where he’s going”
 “And what am I supposed to do? If he hates me so much, then maybe you should take him!”
 There is a second of silence in the lonely cemetery.
 “Peter doesn’t hate you, Tony. He thinks you don’t want him” she says sadly, and Tony thinks he preferred the idea of Peter hating him. “All he knows is a cold man with a hard face, that didn’t make an effort to love him when he went to see you”
 “I really don’t know how to fix that, May” he admits. He realises his own eyes are getting misty behind the glasses, but he doesn’t feel strong enough to wipe them. He only wants to go back home and lock himself in the lab with a bottle of whisky, maybe two.
 “You and I both know you love him. You did things wrong, but so did Mary. So just – show him you love him, now. Consider this your chance to be a father to Peter, a real father”
 May surprises Tony by dragging him into her arms, and he goes rigid. He doesn’t like behind handed things, he doesn’t like shaking people’s hands, he doesn’t like touching anyone and doesn’t like being touched unless it’s Pepper. He has ignored Rhodey’s calls and Happy attempt to comfort him, because he knew that no matter how much he hated physical touch, he would break down.
 So, Tony breaks down in sobs, and hugs May Parker back. The woman is tall but skinny, yet is almost as strong as Tony. It’s the touch he needs, because it manages to keep him together. Tony thinks of Mary, of how beautiful everything was before he fucked up and she left, pregnant without knowing. He thinks of her sweet smile and dimples, of her brown curls that fell loose on her back. And he sees her in the boy in the car, in the way he pretends to be collected but wears his heart on his sleeve.
 A raindrop hit him on the nose, and when he looks up, he’s met with another on his left glass. He tears away from May who doesn’t bother wiping the tears away from her cheeks. They share a short nod and a few words, then Tony walks towards the car. He tries to make the small distance to it as long as possible, because he doesn’t want to meet the doe, bambi eyes that will stare at him in the car.
 Because Peter does that a lot – staring at Tony. Not talking, not smiling. Staring at Tony as if he’s looking for something that he doesn’t have. That’s part of the reason why he avoids the boy so much, because if he can’t be what Peter needs, then what good can he make?
 Apparently, he’s about to find out.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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scaryscarecrows · 3 years
I'd Crawl on Broken Glass to be the One That Laughs Last
Gotham’s gone straight to Hell in a handbasket. Scarecrow’s dead, which is no loss, but Bruce is missing, Arkham blew up for reasons unknown, and the Arkham Knight’s Militia is still in control. Oh, sure, there’s a fair chunk of them in lockup, but they’ve been getting steadily more riled as the days wear on (three days since the Asylum, their boss has to be dead, who’s in charge now?), and the tanks are still running patrols, the bombs are still in the road, and there are checkpoints and watchtowers everywhere.
Jim thinks they’re waiting for something. There’s been no assault, not like he thought there might be. The street thugs and any uncaptured Rogues are still allowed to run wild, though the watchtowers have been spotted taking shots at something big flying around out there. Honestly, they’re even leaving the police alone, for the most part...but they will still shoot at the cars if they get too close. It’s like they’re on babysitting duty or something until the Knight gets back. It’s unsettling.
He’s out doing a little exploration-he doubts they’ve killed Batman, or they’d be gone, but Bruce still isn’t around-when something drops onto the roof of his car. He hits the brakes, tires screeching, and narrowly avoids sliding into a tank crossing the road.
Jim has no time to go for his gun before the driver’s side door gets ripped open by what Jim can only describe as the Hulk. The man outside is only a little smaller than Bane*. There’s a rocket launcher on his back and Jim’s sure he’s not the one that landed on the car, because the car would be a pancake.
He’s proven right a second later when the polar opposite of the giant jumps down. That said, this guy might be tiny, but he moves like he knows half a dozen ways to kill you. The cherry on the disaster sundae? Both of them are wearing army fatigues.
Militia. Shit.
“Boys,” he says, already planning on how to get that rocket launcher from the big one, “don’t be stupid.”
The little one doesn’t say anything. The big one laughs and before Jim can move, he’s been pulled out of the car.
“Boss wants to see ya.”
So they have a boss. Who. Who is it? One of their own? Riddler? Penguin? Goddamn Deathstroke? Who is his new problem?
“Sorry.” The man does sound mostly sorry. “Not really askin’. C’mon.”
Jim tries to slam his elbow into the man’s collarbone. He doesn’t even really get to move before the little guy grabs his arm and wrenches it behind his back. Not hard enough to dislocate it, but hard enough to be a warning.
“We don’t want to have to hurt you, Commissioner,” the big man says. “We’re just picking you up.”
“Go to Hell.”
A gun presses against his back. Fine. He’ll go. But he won’t like it.
* * *
He’s disarmed, bundled into an APC, and blindfolded. After way too many sharp turns and double-backs, he’s...somewhere in the underside of the city. He’s thinking over near Drescher.
Wherever it is, he’s pulled out of the APC, taken inside somewhere, and handed off to new hands. When the blindfold comes off, his kidnappers are nowhere to be seen.
The men in charge of him now (and only for now, give him time…) are less...unnerving...than the other two. One is wearing the white uniform of a medic, and the other is having a snack. Cashews? Cashews.
The medic is a man on a mission. Jim doesn’t even manage to get out a, ‘you’ll be sorry’ before the man’s turning on his heel, jaw working furiously, and snapping, “Come on.”
“Where are we going.”
“Boss wants to see you, won’t listen to reason. This way.”
He stalks off and the snacker chuckles.
“Suit yourself.” They follow the medic down a crumbling hallway. “They didn’t scare you too much, did they?”
“What’s with the good-cop-bad-cop routine?” he demands. “Is your friend up there gonna come back and threaten to carve my face off?”
The man just laughs.
“Probably, but he does that to everyone.”
“Sometime today!”
Jim thinks they might be in the old mall. Scarecrow had been driving that way when something had happened, and, well, if Jim were going to have an evil base of operations, this would be a good one. Lot of ways in and out, nobody ever comes down here anymore-too dangerous-and it’s big, big enough to hold tanks and soldiers and whatever else these boys have. When they round a corner, he sees a familiar logo and decides that yes, that’s where they are. Hm.
They round another corner and end up in the back of the building. Jim’s not sure what this was, but there’s a corridor lined with doors. The medic stops in front of one and turns, hands clasped behind his back.
“Twenty minutes and no more,” he snarls at Jim. “You’re lucky you get that many minutes. You try anything, you might live to regret it. Might. You tire him out, out you go, I don’t care if it’s been two minutes. Don’t touch shit, don’t knock shit down, don’t--”
“I think he’s got the picture,” his other escort soothes. “Don’t terrorize him.”
“Humph. With the amount of work I had to put in to keep his dumb ass alive, I’m entitled to terrorize people.”
“And I’ll tell you something else. You lay a finger, one solitary finger on him, you so much as breathe too hard--”
“There won’t be anything left to bury,” the other man says, smiles with all his teeth. “Here you go, Commissioner.”
“Twenty. Minutes.”
And then he’s shoved into a room with--and good God, how--the Arkham Knight.
The Knight is lying in bed. He looks the worse for wear, but Jim can’t quite muster up pity for him. This...this is his fault. Gotham, Bruce, Barbara…
He swallows down the rage. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because the Knight’s not alone. Jim supposes they wouldn’t just leave him unattended, not with those injuries, but still.
The Knight doesn’t seem to notice Jim. He’s certainly not looking at him. He’s looking at the laptop the other man has. Right now, at this exact second, he looks like a sick kid, wan and tired, eyes fluttering like he’s fighting to stay awake. But he’s not. Robin or not, he’s...the Knight’s not that boy anymore. Robin wouldn’t have done this, any of this. Robin’s dead.
“Sir.” The other man here isn’t wearing a uniform, he’s wearing jeans and a raggedy flannel that hangs open over some sort of band shirt. But his bearing is still that of a soldier’s, and the rifle leaning against the wall by his chair is top-of-the-line. “Gordon’s here.”
“Remember? You wanted to see him.” The Knight blinks a few times, heavy and confused, and tries to lever himself up before his companion reaches over to pin his shoulder. “Don’t do that.”
More confused silence. Now that he’s moved his head, Jim can see his pupils are blown wide. That’s not a surprise. He’s pretty sure he was in Arkham when it came down, and he hadn’t looked well before that.
Serves him right, he thinks, remembering the cuts on Barbara’s cheeks and chin. Serves the bastard right.
He keeps his mouth shut. The laptop has been closed and set aside, and the rifle is now in its owner’s lap. It’s casual enough, but the threat’s there all the same: you’ll go through me to get to him.
He wonders, a bit, what drives these men. He doesn’t really care, but he wonders a little all the same. Even the ones in the cells have been resolute that ‘the boss’ will get them out, that he’s got everything in hand, just you wait and see.
...in their defense, Jim had thought he had to be dead, and yet here he is. So.
“S’right,” the Knight finally breathes. He sounds terrible, and Jim suddenly matches the purple swelling on his throat to handprints. That scares him. Not out of pity or sympathy, but because what little he’s seen of the man says he can handle himself. Whoever did that… “S’right.”
“You up for it?”
He’d better be. Jim was kidnapped off the street for this.
“Yes.” Good. “Glad to see you’re unharmed.”
No thanks to you, Jim doesn’t snap, resolutely ignores the memory of the Knight holding up his hands and telling Scarecrow, voice painfully earnest, to take him and let Jim and his men and Robin leave in one piece. He settles for a curt nod, can’t quite muster up a, wish I could say the same.
The Knight pulls in a painful-sounding breath and drops his head to the side.
“Bring up the footage for Commissioner Gordon, would you?”
“Yessir.” The laptop returns, balanced delicately over the rifle. Jim doesn’t know if he wants to know what’s going on. “Hang on...give it a sec to load…”
The Knight moves and visibly bites back a wince, but the new angle means that Jim can see the full extent of the bruising on his neck.
“There we go--you okay, boss?”
“Ribs,” he breathes. “They don’t like it when people zipline into them.”
“Need me to call--”
“No.” He swallows hard and beckons Jim closer. “M’fine. Just sore. And stiff.” He clears his throat, grimacing. “You worry too much.”
“I worry exactly the right amount.”
“M’just not used to being still this long--”
“Deal,” his friend says sharply. The Knight just grins, but that annoys the other guy. “Did you miss the flatline bit?”
“I--never mind.” He makes an irritated noise in the back of his throat. “Never mind...okay, all set.”
He turns the laptop around and Jim hesitates before perching on the very edge of the bed. Nothing terrible happens to him.
“This is footage from my helmet. How it kept going after that level of trauma, I’ll never know, but my IT department managed to recover it remotely.”
The footage picks up in a dark area, abandoned sewer network or something, probably, and it’s glitchy and stuttery.
Bruce has been caught on camera before, but not like this. This is...savage, animalistic. He comes out of nowhere, dodging gunfire and seemingly oblivious to the shouts of surprise, and moves in via a flying kick to the camera itself, which goes white and static-y for a second. A few of them come up behind him and suffer backhands and powerful kicks for their troubles, and then Bruce fills up the frame, shoulders positioned like he’s got his arms out and...and...
He looks at the Knight, looks at the bruises around his neck, and looks back at the screen in time to see Bruce going down and being dragged backwards.
“He do this to you?”
The look the man gives him is so reminiscent of the little boy Jim remembers that it makes his head spin. It screams, I know you’re not really that stupid...right?
“Well, I didn’t do it to myself.”
“--okay, sir, I’m just gonna…”
The helmet moves and Jim spots the medic from earlier before it gets set on the ground, facing Bruce. Bruce is chained to a pipe, seemingly unconscious.
“Don’t talk, just nod. Can you breathe okay?”
There’s an obvious cut--they don’t want to share it all, apparently--and then Bruce stirs and starts...giggling. Jim knows that giggle.
“What the hell.”
The Knight shudders and burrows under his blankets.
“It’s complicated. We’re reasonably sure he’s been eliminated, or at the very least contained, but--” A hand moves, presumably indicating himself. “I made it out. He might have, too.”
His friend closes his laptop and sets it aside.
“We’ve got teams sweeping Arkham’s grounds to the best of our ability,” he says. “Unfortunately, we are not a rescue team and as such are not fully equipped to handle the more unstable areas. That said, given the police department’s...track record...we would very much prefer that your men stay out of our way until we either find the individual formerly known as the Batman, or definitively confirm his demise. We’re hoping that at the very least, any injuries he may have sustained slowed him down, but we can’t prove that, given the lack of video footage for the incident.”
“It’s our understanding that Batman has, at least for the time being, lost his fight against the effects of J.” The Knight swallows. “Of Joker’s blood. I attempted to contain him--”
“Contain, my ass,” his friend grumbles. The Knight ignores him.
“I attempted to contain him,” he says again, “via...ah…”
“He blew up the goddamn asylum with himself and Batman inside,” comes the sharp interjection. “In case you managed to miss that.”
Jim had not managed to miss that, thank you very much.
“I noticed,” he says dryly. The Knight huffs a painful-sounding laugh and falls silent.
There’s. There’s a lot Jim wants to say. The Knight was Robin, and Joker killed him (and made sure they all knew it, that tape, good God, he’d sent it to everyone and Jim remembers Dove bursting into tears when she tried to tell him), but he’s not dead now, and look at what he’s done.
Much as he’d like to demand answers--or at least bring half of that up--he won’t. He doubts the man with the laptop will react well; now that he really looks, the man’s tense, clearly poised to move if he has to.
Jim can probably take him. He absolutely can’t take the others that will come at the commotion.
There’s a small dinging sound, and silence, and then an urgent, “Sir. Sir.”
“We got something.”
The Knight blinks a few times before half-surging up and demanding, “Let’s go, let’s go, then, help me up--”
“Chair or Trent?”
“Chair or Trent.”
“Chair,” he grumbles after a second. “But I can walk on my own--”
“Yeah, but if the doc sees you, he’ll be mad. Here it is.”
Jim moves, semi-prepared to offer to help but not really wanting to, but they must have a system, because the Knight’s in the chair with a blanket in short order.
“I feel like a cheap Bond villain,” he’s complaining now. “One that rolls down a ramp into an electrified pool or something.”
“Maybe next time, you’ll consider your life choices, sir.”
“They weren’t supposed to come back to haunt me!”
“I know, sir.”
“Christ...what do we have.”
Should he…? Sure, apparently.
What a day. He needs a drink. A good strong one.
“My understanding is it’s better seen than explained, sir. No body, I don’t think.”
“Fantastic...the bastard’ll survive anything.”
Jim privately thinks the same applies to him, but he doesn’t share that thought. He doubts it will go over well.
The computer room isn’t crammed full of people. There’s one guy on the monitors and another one-one of the ones from before, actually, the one with the cashews-lounging in a chair next to him, drinking a Coke.
“What’s going on, you said something turned up--” He doesn’t quite hide a shiver, but when the other people in the room zero in on him, he shakes his head and insists, “M’fine.”
“Boss, I can link this to a laptop if you’re s’posed to be in bed--”
“M’fine. Pull up the footage.”
“You’re not gonna like it,” monitor-guy says, spinning around and wheeling over to make room. “Looks like he got out, same as you.”
“Would I joke when it mattered, sir? Here, look. See this?” He makes the screen bigger. “That look familiar to you?”
It certainly looks familiar to Jim. Bruce’s cowl is difficult to mistake, and there it is, crumpled in the rubble. It’s singed, and one of the ears is broken, but it is Bruce’s cowl.
“Damn,” the Knight breathes, and...Jim doesn’t like admitting it, not after tonight, but...he looks so young. A scared little boy, that’s all. “That’s not good.”
“What do we do, sir?”
“We don’t even know for sure if he’s out.” The Knight’s friend leans over the chair to get a better look at the monitor. “Maybe he tried getting out and died, we don’t--”
“I made it out,” the Knight says quietly.
There’s a wave of annoyed grumbling that includes at least one, ‘self-sacrificing dumbass’ and a, ‘in spite of your best efforts’. Jim has to wonder about that one. He can’t muster up that much sympathy, but he does wonder.
The Knight just sighs and adjusts his blanket around his shoulders.
“Fair. Anyways, seeing as I found a way out, it’s not unlikely that he’s done the same, barring the. The possibility of an instant death. I suspect we wound up in a pocket, though, so.”
“You didn’t notice anything on your way out?” Jim demands. “Was he right with you?”
“I was--”
“Concussed and bleeding to death,” a new voice snaps. “And in no shape to be walking, let alone note-taking. What the hell are you doing out of bed?”
“Briefing the--”
“Literally anybody else can do that.” The angry voice belongs to the medic from before. “You don’t seem to understand what ‘flatline’ means, sir, or maybe you’ve just got a death wish, but tough fucking titty, said the kitty, you’re not dying on my watch. Say bye-bye to the commissioner, you’re going back to bed and staying there or on God, I’ll put you in a coma and keep you there until you don’t have so much as a bruise. Do I make myself clear?”
Jim expects argument. None of the Robins ever let Batman boss them around to that extent, and he knows damn well that if he’d backtalked his superiors like that, he’d be in, frankly, deep shit. But the Knight just sighs.
“He’s been here long enough, anyway.” Long enough for what? “Keep your men out of our way, Commissioner. No offense, but Batman existed for a reason. You can’t handle him.”
Jim bristles.
“Can’t handle--”
“You know it’s true,” he snaps, and straightens up, turns to the man with the cashews. “Call everyone back.” All of a sudden that’s no longer a little boy playing Soldiers. That’s the man that crippled Gotham within hours. “I want everyone off the streets and back at base, now. Do not engage under any circumstances.”
“Get into the street cameras,” he continues. “If a rat comes out of a sewer, I want to see it. I want whatever drones we have left out and searching, but leave the car alone. That hasn’t worked so far and I’m not losing more--”
He must breathe wrong, because he suddenly starts coughing, harsh, violent whoops from down in his chest.
“Get him back to bed,” the medic orders once the coughs cease. “Or he’ll be Snow White and believe you me, nobody is getting in here to kiss him awake.”
“We can handle this, sir. We’ll let you know if something comes up.”
“You trained us for this, remember? We’re professionals.”
The Knight falls silent, one hand still pressed against his ribs, and finally melts back into his chair.
“Fine,” he says at last. “Bye, commish.”
He doesn’t recognize the men that take him back. The streets are empty, though, barring the patrolling drones, and they make it back to the GCPD unscathed.
Unfortunately, Jim returns to, quite frankly, a disaster. The officers on duty are tied up, and the militia cells are empty. Not a man left. He’s just freeing Cash when the broadcast screen crackles and the Knight appears on it, face serious.
“I mean it, Commissioner,” he says. “Keep out of the way, or I’ll put you in a cell instead.”
“Tell Bullock hey for me, would ya?” He leans forward. “Stay safe.”
*I’m figuring Bane is bigger than the Giant Mooks because his boss fight consists of you jumping on him to slash his Venom tubes AND because he can and will run you over, while Giant Mooks of any affiliation are not rideable and don’t run.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Rx Queen
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Pairing: criminal!Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Warnings: obsession, stalking, non-con, breeding, minor depiction of violence.
Words: 2567. 
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes was the most difficult patient you had ever treated as a criminal psychiatrist. His release from prison doesn’t make things easier for you. 
You turned off the phone and threw it on a chair, clenching your teeth. Whatever Dr. Strange wanted you to do, you wouldn’t stay another day in this goddamn place, waiting to be abducted or even murdered. It was too much. Today you found the new bottle of your favourite perfume on your nightstand. It wasn’t there before you went to bed last night. In fact, you could hardly remember the last time you bought yourself a perfume.
It all started two months ago when James Buchanan Barnes, the patient you had been working with during those seven long years, was finally released from State prison after serving 15 years of life sentence. The Soldier, as prisoners called him, once gone mad and murdered his commander. Bucky – that’s how he asked you to call him during your first seance – had PTSD, antisocial personality disorder, and severe depression. You could say he became better after all those years of treatment, including insane doses of antidepressants and mood stabilizers, but it was not enough to set him free. He was dangerous, psychotic even, yet devilishly clever: he knew how to portray a man who had reconsidered his life choices and deeply regretted taking someone’s life. 
You knew he had never truly cared. Patients like him did not have capacity for remorse.
You started treating him once you became a criminal psychiatrist; Bucky was among your very first patients. Now when you thought of it, you could hardly believe Dr. Strange just transferred a patient like him to you, a young girl with too little experience to handle an unpredictable psychopath hiding behind a façade of a victim. Of course, you made many mistakes, starting from telling Bucky about your own past and some mental issues. That time you believed you can gain trust of your patients by being more open about yourself. You were a complete idiot.
Now there was not much to do once his time in prison was up. You didn’t have true evidence to make him stay. A part of you wasn’t even sure you wanted it – when a riot had started in the prison three years ago, it was Bucky who shielded you with his own body from Brock Rumlow, a serial killer and your second most dangerous patient. Bucky was the only reason you were still alive.
But he was also the reason why you were leaving in haste, packing only necessities. 
It all started quite innocently with him sending you flowers and thanking for everything you had done for him. It didn’t alert you that he knew what your favourite flowers were. You thought it was just a coincidence since bouquets like these were sold in any flower shop in the city.
Then you stumbled upon him in a café where you often had your breakfast on weekends. It could alert you, but Bucky was sitting with a charming red-haired woman, her manicured hand resting on his thigh. She didn’t quite strike you as his sister, especially since you knew he had no relatives left after his violent father died in a car accident. Seeing such a beautiful woman with him just two weeks after Bucky was released from a prison was surprising, but you knew how seductively charming Barnes could be. Besides, he looked really good in his biker jacket, his tight black jeans showing his strong muscular legs.
In the end, you just talked to both of them a little and gave your advice on which dishes to choose. You walked away, praying you were wrong about Bucky and hoping he could settle peacefully like some of your former patients. Actually, even though many of them were imprisoned again, others were able to return to normal life. Some even had families now – from time to time you received thank-you notes with nice photos and many heartwarming words. It was probably one of the few things that made you keep your job.
It was over now. You were not going to stay in a place Bucky break into multiple times. Maybe you were not sure before, but the bottle of perfume was an obvious sign. It also meant that when a week ago you woke up and smell a man’s scent on your sheets you were not delirious. Bucky was there. He was laying beside you on your fucking bed.
How did it happen? Why didn’t you see his obsession growing with each day? You were his psychiatrist; you knew him better than anyone. How could he hide his infatuation with you for so long? Of course, you knew he had some feelings for you, but it was never that bad. You thought he would forget about you once he would be released. In the end, now you were not the only woman he saw around.
You kept stumbling upon his beefy figure more and more often. You realized Bucky was stalking you when after a month of his release you saw him watching your house from the forest. He was hiding behind the trees and bushes. It was a miracle you managed to see him at all – after 15 years he was still the Soldier, his skills remaining keen.
You tried talking to Dr. Strange. It wasn’t your first time being followed by your former patient, and police had always assisted you. But Barnes wasn’t like any of those stupid psychos who left tons of evidence behind them. Police had nothing to work with.
Well, you weren’t going to sit there and wait for Barnes to come and get you. You had no idea what was going on in his unstable mind, and you weren’t ready to take risks. You had already booked a flight to Austria tonight.
It was scary, thinking about wandering around a city you had never been, in a foreign country where you had neither relatives nor friends. But Barnes would have a hard time following you there, and that’s what mattered.
You threw a pack of salted cashew in the bag and returned to the bedroom to grab your phone from the chair. It wasn’t there. Although you dropped it just five minutes ago, your phone simply wasn’t there.
You were so fucked.
Next minute you were in the kitchen grabbing a knife, but a strong muscular arm knocked it out of your hand, and you felt Bucky’s musky scent. He stood behind your back, caging you with his bulky arms. You froze and held your breath. You knew you better obeyed the man instead of provoking him to become violent.
“And where were you going, honey?” His husky voice was enough to make you tremble. “It’s not nice to leave without saying goodbye, is it?”
“Please, Bucky.” You did your best to hide how frightened you were. “Stop.”
“No, honey.”
He leaned closer to you and buried his nose in your hair, inhaling its smell. His rough hands were already caressing your body through the clothes.
“You’re free to start a new life. You can find a good woman, have a family if you’d like.” Panic was rising in your chest. 
“That’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“No, Bucky, it’s not.” You said in a calm voice. “It will only get you back behind the bars. Don’t throw away your life, please.”
“What life?” He growled, turning you around harshly, and you almost fell on his chest, his arms holding you still. “I have no life. I should have never left my cell, you know this better than anyone else. I’m rotten. Damaged goods. I will never have the life I’ve always wanted. Do you know I have nightmares every fucking night again?”
“It’s because you don’t take your pills.” You carefully put your hands against Bucky’s chest. He tried manipulating you, you knew that. “When was the last time you had thioridazine?”
“Stay with me, and I’ll take whatever pills you want me to.” He grinned suddenly, cupping your face. 
Bucky’s strong athletic body emanated heat, and you were already sweating from both his closeness to you and an extreme agitation. Why did it take you so long to leave? You should have done it the first thing in the morning, just grab your documents and money and run to the car. Maybe then you had a chance. Unless Bucky had already been hiding inside your house…
“Why do you want to make a wrong choice again?” You felt his heart beating loudly with your palm against his chest. “You are given a chance to start over. If you want me to consult you still, I can figure something out. I can continue helping you, but you need to find your way. Don’t you think it’s good to meet new people, have friends, find a job, date a girl?”
“Who wants to deal with a psychopath like me?” He let out a chuckle, his expression darkening. “No one can handle me, doc. No one but you. Do you know I wanted to commit suicide before you showed up seven years ago? If not you, they’d already buried me.”
Before you opened your mouth to protest, he turned you around again and gently nudged you towards your bedroom. You broke out in cold sweat. If Bucky was able to outpower Rumlow, that beast of a man, he would have no problems forcing you to do whatever he pleased. It took three strong prison guards to bring someone like Bucky down. You were helpless.
“No one out there is good enough.” His breath was tickling your ear. “You’re the only one, can’t you see? Maybe I’m rotten to the core, but you still helped me. You made me better.”
You stopped in front of your bed, the white cotton sheets and blue blanket crumpled. You stormed off early in the morning once you saw a bottle of perfume on the nightstand and didn’t care to make your bed.
You needed to keep calm. As far as you could see, Bucky didn’t plan to murder you, not when you would accept him, that is. He obviously had a nice plan how to make you stay with him without police knowing, but as long as he kept you alive you still had a chance. You needed to play along.
“On the bed.” He let out a low growl, and you felt the bulge in his pants pressing against your ass.
Shivering, you took off your slippers and sat on the bed facing him. His erection was obvious; Bucky was breathing heavily, his pupils dilated. The next second he was pulling his black t-shirt over his head, and you saw his shredded body littered with scars. You saw one particularly long one on the side close to his waistline: this was the one Rumlow gave him when Bucky was protecting you during the riot. The man let out a quiet laugh when he saw your eyes focused on a nasty pink line.
“Why are you frightened, honey? I know you want a family too. You good-for-nothing ex wasn’t able to give it to you, but I can.” His hands landed on your bared shoulders, and you flinched a little. “Let’s get married, and I swear I’ll do whatever you tell me to.”
“Bucky, relationships don’t work like this.” You whispered, withholding a cry when his hand pushed you down on the bed. 
“Don’t they?” The man smiled and cocked his head to the side, removing his black leather belt. “You do something for me, I do something for you. That’s what I learnt in prison.”
You dragged yourself back as quickly as you could, but your back was pressed into the wall once Bucky put his knee on your bed. There was nowhere to run.
“Don’t be scared, honey.” His sweet voice broke the silence, and he crawled to you, slowly caging you with his bodyweight. “Let’s make a deal. You marry me, you bear my child, and I will return to prison. I don’t care if they’ll give me twice more pills or make me a lethal injection as far as you take care of my kid. You’ll love my kid, won’t you? You’ll take care of them. You’ll make them a better person than I am.”
The more he spoke, the more feverishly he touched you, his left hand pinning your palms above your head. He traced his arm along your breast, ripping your shirt with so much force that its green buttons ended on the floor. You realized your cheeks were wet with tears when Bucky kissed you on the forehead and wiped your face with his other hand.
He wanted to have kids with you. Why? Why you? Why did he consider you a perfect mother? Why did he consider returning to prison? Why was he ready to trade his goddamn life for a chance of having a child? Why couldn’t he have a child with someone else and just keep living?
Oh, of course he couldn’t. Bucky loathed himself. It wasn’t uncommon for the patients with Cluster B personality disorders, and it was probably true he wanted to end his life since you saw his self-destructing behavior. In the end, even his effort to save your life back than in the prison might be some kind of a suicide attempt. 
And the reason he wanted you and no one else… Well, you were the one who had been taking care of him all these years. The only one to navigate him through his nightmares when everyone else gave up on him. He saw good in you. He wanted it for himself. He wanted to make sure his child would never be treated the way he was.
You cried out when Bucky suddenly forced his cock into you. It felt like he was ripping you apart – he was huge. Your eyes flooded with tears again, and he cooed at you softly, pressing his chapped lips to your burning face. You couldn’t even remember when was the last time you had sex since you broke up with your ex a year ago. Thankfully, Bucky gave you time to adjust. He kept whispering filth into your ears and stroking your naked thighs. When did he take off your jeans?..
He kissed the top of your head, playing with your hair, and moved his hips slightly. You hissed in pain, but then realized it was a bit better – the pleasure started building up slowly, and you squeezed your eyes shut. No, no, you were not disgusting, your body tried to cope the best way it could, nothing else, it was a perfectly normal reaction, you knew that. Then you felt Bucky licking up the shell of your ear and whined desperately.
“It’ll be ok.” He whispered and kissed your temple. “I’ll take you to a nice place, and we’ll be there all alone. Once I make sure you’re pregnant I’ll return to prison, I give you my word.”
You bit down on your lip to muffle the noise coming out of your mouth.
“If they keep me alive, I might become your patient again.” He sounded almost ecstatic, rutting deep into you. “I’ll do whatever you say. I’ll stuff my mouth with your pills. Please, just stay with me.”
Staring at the white ceiling, you bit your tongue so hard your mouth filled with blood. You’d survive this. You’d get him behind the bars again. 
You wouldn’t stay.
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revisionaryhistory · 3 years
Three Days ~ 87
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Slow dancing and kissing in the middle of the floor had been as perfect of goodbye as a goodbye could be. Sebastian had updated his playlists. There was nothing sexual. Every song was I love you, I've been waiting for you, I'm happy you're mine. Intense love songs. I felt every one. I stayed in the moment, focusing on how good this felt. We held each other, swaying to the music and alternating between my head laying on his shoulder, gazing in the other's eyes, or kissing. We were in our own little bubble. There was nothing but how his body felt against mine, how he smelled, and the look of his face. All I felt was encapsulated in a swirl of feelings. Love, joy, and a touch of sadness hiding on the edge.
The bubble burst with the knock on the door. Time to go. there was no chance of getting through this without tears. Strong emotions always bring tears. I don't fight them. Letting them out feels better. I don't think emotions are anything to be ashamed of or hide. They're also not something to manipulate others with.
At the car, we were both crying. Not holding onto each other sobbing, just tears.
Saying goodbye was hard. His "I love you. I'll miss you. I'll talk to you Later. Send nudes." broke the sadness enough to get the car door closed. I watched him slide away. I wiped away a few more tears before talking myself down. Six weeks was a long fucking time, but it wasn't forever. It would probably feel like it, however.
My solution was to avail myself of the Air France business class lounge. Two shots of tequila and I switched to wine. It went better with the cheese. I was going to have to hit the gym hard when I got home. And eat better. Not today though I was sad and there was free cheese.
As usual, I was asleep before we reached cruising altitude. I woke up with about five hours to go. Fingers crossed that helped with the jet lag. I put on my favorites playlist and read until we landed.
Emma ~ I’ve landed Sebastian ~ Yay! Emma ~ Go back to sleep. Sebastian ~ XOXO
I knew he had an early call time tomorrow. It was only five pm here in New York. Closer to seven by the time I got back to Sebastian's place. I made it long enough to throw a load of laundry into the washer and the cheese into the fridge before crawling into bed. I took over his side of the bed, sniffing the pillows to find the one that smelled most like him. I curled around it and was out.
Five am was the latest my body was going to let me sleep. That was eleven am in France. So too early for New York and kinda late for France. I grabbed my phone to take a sleepy selfie but was distracted by my text notification. Sebastian had sent me a picture of him reclining on a couch, not in our rooms, with Guiletta asleep on his chest.
Sebastian ~ Found someone new to sleep on my chest.
I continued with my original plan to take an up-close picture of my eyes peeking out over the top of his pillow. My hair was a mess, my eyes look half-asleep, and there was a faint pillow crease on my temple. Perfect.
Emma ~ I miss you too
The sun was up with a bright blue sky. Since it was Saturday the traffic at this time of day would be much less. I had a clean pair of shorts, but not a shirt. No problem. My boyfriend had t-shirts. A little big, but perfectly functional. Runners, earphones, keys and I was out the door for an early morning run.
The city was beautiful. sunlight crept around corners and over the tops of shorter buildings. I ran south past the 9-11 memorial to Battery Park. I'd always been fascinated by the metal world with tears and chunks missing. The first time I'd seen I'd said out loud, "It looks like the world blew up." I guess I wasn't far off. The sculpture had been in the World Trade Center Plaza and been damaged by falling debris. I was only eight and all I remember was my parents being glued to CNN for hours. It would be years later, when I called the city home, before I really understood. As much as a non-native New Yorker could.
The worst thing about running this early was all the stores were closed. The best thing about running this early was all the stores were closed. I admit my shopping had been out of hand. In my defense, it had been a very long time since I'd had someone to dress up for. Don't take that wrong. Beacon dates with a man or friends was an opportunity to dress up. Coming into New York to be with Angie and Eli was a good opportunity. Both opportunities I used well. Still, having a man appreciate what you wear and how you look in it is another level. I know what I look good in. I'm not changing my choices for Sebastian, or any man, but I will take his preferences into account. Shopping right now would be a bad idea. I’m sure I'm packing around a few extra pounds of cheese, bread, and wine. I'm hoping all the walking mitigated some of the damage.
On my way back, a couple of blocks from Sebastian's the city was waking up. More people and sounds. I realized tonight would be the first time I'd been alone in the city in about five years. I made plans to sit in the dark and just listen. I picked up a bagel and a smoothie that I was told would rejuvenate me. I wonder if the barista could tell? I broke into Sebastian's stash of nut butter. Half a bagel with cashew butter the other with almond. Cashew was better.
Being alone in his space is weird. None of my stuff is here. It's like a hotel, but not. I got a little nosey after I'd showered and dressed. Not in a going through his drawers and medicine cabinet nosey. Looking at his DVD and CD collection. Running my fingers down the spines of his books, pulling out ones that caught my interest to thumb through. I made a stack of things I wanted to read. I did go through his kitchen pretty thoroughly. It looks like a single man who travels and eats out a lot lives here. He doesn't have flour. How does one not have flour? He does have quite a condiment collection. I threw out expired things and made a list to replace them. That led me on a short journey to see if there was anything else he was almost out of and added things to the list.
Time to call the best friends. Angie picked up on the third ring, her voice excited to hear from me, "You're home!"
"I’m at Sebastian's. I meet with my advisor Monday."
"I want to see all the pictures and hear all the stories. We're going out tonight. Some friends are playing. You're welcome."
"Can I let you know later? I don't know what the time change is going to do."
"Absolutely. So.... " the paused after dragging out the word, "are you missing him? How was goodbye?"
"Goodbye took forever. Neither of us wanted to let go. At least half a dozen last kisses. Sucked. I miss him, but I'm okay. I'll be fine when I get home and am doing stuff. I've cleaned expired shit out of his kitchen and made a grocery list."
"That's cute. Hope he thinks so."
I hadn't thought about his opinion one way or another. I was just getting rid of shit before it stank up the place. "He won't care."
We talked for a while, deciding we'd do brunch tomorrow.
I was bored. I didn't lack for things to do, but I didn't have a routine here. Especially not without him. It didn't feel like home without him. Once I'd figured that out I was good and went about making myself at home.
I'd changed Sebastian's ringtone from "Dancing Queen" to my favorite part in "Every Time I’m With You." It was near the end after a heavy drumbeat "cause every time I'm with you I feel wanted. We could make believers if we dare. We're just two believers if we dare." It was incredible the first time we'd danced to it and it was incredible now. I heard it about six, midnight in France.
I'd barely registered his face before I heard his voice, "If I put that picture on my laptop and my laptop in the bed, I can pretend it's you."
I felt warm all over and smiled, "Yes, you can. Tell me about the first day of shooting."
"It was good. Long, but good. I'm comfortable with Jess and I like her direction." He told me stories that made me proud and made me laugh. "I did well today. What have you been up to?"
I gave him a quick rundown on my day, leaving the bit about making myself at home until last.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I can't believe you restocked my kitchen. Thank you. Do whatever you want to feel at home."
"What if I reorganized your drawers because your way doesn't make sense?"
"Have at it. I'll just think I forget and think I did it."
"And your kitchen so it flows better."
He shook his head, "I don't know what that means. Knock yourself out."
I laughed, "I didn't do either."
I loved the lines that formed at the corners of his eyes when he genuinely smiled. Like now, "I don't care what you do. I just want you to feel at home.”
Now we were where I wanted to be, "Here's the thing... my favorite foods in your kitchen, finding where I'm most comfortable to work on my laptop, and figuring out where has the best view when I want to relax with a book are good, but it's not enough. Doing all that did help me figure what's missing."
"What's missing and where can we get it?"
"It's free and I already found it. You make where ever we are home. You're my home."
"I'm your home." He looked a little dazed.
"When you were in my place I felt at home. At your parents, I felt at home. Being at your place with you I was perfectly at home. Paris too. Now I’m back and I did things to feel at home. Took a while until I realized its missing something. You. When I'm with you, wherever we are, I’m home."
I could tell he was processing, by the way his tongue moved, "I like that."
He kept thinking, squinting his eyes a little, "I don't know if you're my home. Not sure where home is. Sometimes I don't feel at home in my own skin. I like that I’m your home." He cringed, "The next couple of weeks are going to suck for you."
I banred out a laugh, "No, once I knew what the issue was I adjusted. I'm good now."
"You don't miss me anymore?"
"Oh, I miss you a lot." Were transitioned into silly conversation.
"Ok, good."
I gasped, "You want me to suffer?"
"Terribly." His eyes were wide as he nodded his head. "So much so that when you see me again you throw yourself into my arms and hold on so tight I can't breathe."
"Therefore making you suffer."
"Yes, please."
I did end up going out with Angie and Eli. Thankfully it was a jeans sort of bar. My hope was if I stayed moving I'd fall over, get a good night's sleep, and get back on New York time. It was a good fun night.
Sunday I took a run before getting ready for Angie to come over. I'd bribed her with her favorite home-cooked meal. I had her take pictures of me in various outfits around his apartment. At one point Angie rolled her eyes, "I can not believe I'm taking pictures of you rolling around in his bed."
"Six weeks, Angie. I suck at selfies. I need a stockpile to pull from."
"What you need is a class in basic photo editing on an iPhone."
"I know."
We went back to her place, stopping for supplies on the way. A few hours later we were feasting on cilantro lime salmon,  a creamy garlic parmesan orzo, and a greek salad. I've taught Angie to cook this several times, but she tells me it's never quite right. I think she skimps on the butter and that's a big no. And a healthy splash of the Sauvignon blanc lifts the whole thing a little.
Sebastian and I exchanged texts over the course of the day. A comment or question with stretches of time between answers. Mostly from him. I got excited when an unexpected text came through. His response to my dinner picture was a request for the same meal. Maybe with his parents.
Monday was a busier day. I had to dress like a doctoral student, pack my bags, clean up after myself, and plant surprises like the notes I keep finding in my condo. Mine are more fun. The green g- string from concert night is mixed in with his boxers. A couple of dresses parked next to something they matched well. A peach tank top mixed in with his workout gear. I had Angie take a picture in each room. Printed and framed them. My favorite is me sitting on the toilet. It has a lovely frame and is now on the wall across from the throne. I wanted everything ready for me to leave for home straight from my advisory meeting
My advisory meeting lasted a little over three hours. Three good hours. Dr. Kershaw had been appointed my advisor. I'd taken a class with her while working on my Master's and my second winter in Beacon, but at the time I'd been excited to work with students and studying digital classroom technology was something I wasn't wanting to explore. I wanted to be hands-on molding little minds and still wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I'd enjoyed working on our team's website. Google Classroom was functional but limited by design. Three hours later I had it narrowed down.
Sebastian had texted me good luck this morning with a picture of his face, eyes closed and lips puckered. I'd sent back a picture of my legs, crossed at the ankles with my skirt draped to the side, while sitting in his favorite chair. I was more than halfway home when his ringtone came through my vehicle's speaker. I hit the button, "Hey, baby."
I could hear his smile in his voice, "Sounds like your lunch went well."
"It did!" I was still excited from lunch and the phone call with Angie after. "I like my advisor. There's only ten of us in the program with the plan to add ten more each fall."
"Wow!" He interjected. "So being accepted is even more impressive."
"Yeah." I was proud of myself. "Small and first-year makes everything very personalized. All of the potential classes overlap with other programs. Cognitive theory from Psych, advanced reading from Education, some Education Law and leadership, computer tech, and even game design. We spent a lot of time talking about what I’m passionate about. In the and I’m thinking I want to focus on reading intervention and programming for K-3."
"Which is what you're passionate about."
I laughed, "and you."
"And me. Did you just talk about direction or is there a plan? What coursework did they accept."
"The fifteen hours I've taken will apply. We designed a basic timeline. I've taken six hours the last two years. I'm confident I can handle that with work and having a life. If I want to take more I can. I don't want to take classes in the summer. Those are usually compressed and pretty intense, plus I'm not in a hurry. Somewhere in the middle, I write a thesis, which looks at a problem or a hole in what already exists. That will feed into my dissertation. I can either do research and design an experiment like comparing existing programs or create my own product."
"Any idea which way you want to go?"
"None at all. I figure the thesis will help figure that out."
"And when do I have to start calling you Doctor?" The seductive tone in his voice told me "have to" wasn't going to be a hardship.
"Three to four years. No summers and using the last semester for my dissertation is four. If I add a class in a couple of semesters or summer and do my dissertation concurrently then three. I have to be done in ten. I'm thinking I’ll figure out what I want to do the first two then design and implement the last two. A lot will depend on how long that takes." He couldn't see me, but I was waving a hand in the air. "It will work itself out."
"I love you."
"I love you. Enough me, tell me about your day."
We talked the rest of the way home where we had some fun.
I called Seattle and went through it all again with Ed. He was as excited and proud of me as was Seb. I found it a little sadly ironic that my lover was in a time zone six hours ahead, my family was three hours behind, and the ones in the same time zone weren't going to know for a few days. I didn't trust them to not take away from my accomplishment, neither did Ed, which meant they'd have to wait. Hell, they barely knew I'd been in France. They'd get to know once I was finished celebrating with people who would just be happy for me. That pushed a Georgia phone call off to the weekend after the volleyball tournament. Maybe after practice tomorrow if I could get my school lunch bunch to come for drinks, I’d even buy. I had no problem funding my own celebration. I just wanted my friends there. Angie and Eli were coming for the weekend. Maybe I'd call while they were here. Eli could make angry faces while Angie tried to scold him. Then either way it went we could drink our way through. That was a good plan. I texted all involved and they agreed.
I ran back out to the grocery for fresh berries, yogurt, and wine to go with my cheese. I bought other good for detox items and healthy foods. A stopped by a smoothie shop for a raspberry white chocolate protein drink. It was amazing how quickly I slid into my summer schedule. Run to the gym to work out. Run home. Have breakfast and practice guitar. Do whatever until it was warm enough to go lay by the pool and read or float. Have dinner, meet up with friends, volleyball practice, or lay on the couch with Netflix
Sebastian and I would text sporadically throughout the day. About nine my time, so three am for him, I'd send him a picture. One Angie took or something I'd taken during the day. He always woke up to see me. Some days that was more arousing than others. We talked almost every day. Maybe five minutes or an hour. Night shoots were the worst. He was working while I was awake and I was asleep during his time off.
The weekend Angie and Eli came down was fun. Friday night we stayed in watching movies and drinking. Saturday's tournament was going well until storms came through. The radar said there were hours of rain left, so they canceled. Since all our plans had been canceled we decided on a bar crawl. Which meant Sunday was spent recovering. We went to brunch at the riverside restaurant where Sebastian and I had our first date. On the drive back I made plans for calling Georgia. Angie and Eli were my get away plan. We went out on the back patio. I set up my iPad where they would only see me, but I could see my support system.
Dad picked up almost immediately, “Hey, Emma. You’re home. Amy told us you were in France.”
“Sebastian had an event so we made it a short vacation.”
“Sounds fun.” My mom had entered the frame. “I bet you appreciated things you overlooked before.”
I laughed, “I did. All those things I saw pictures of later and wished I’d paid more attention to. We had a good time.”
“That’s great.”
Time to dive in. “I wanted to tell you some good news.”
Amy jumped into frame and interrupted, “Can I hear too?”
I ignored the question and just went on, “I was accepted into a new Doctoral program at NYU. It’s education and digital media. It’s new so we’re building my program as we go.”
“That’s great news, Emma.” Dad looked excited, “Dissertation and everything?”
“Yes, it can be research or designing a project. I’ve got about three years to get that figured out. They accepted the post-grad classes I’ve been taking.”
“Congratulations, sweetheart. We’re proud of you.” Mom’s smile was bright.
“My baby sister is going to be a Doctor. I need to figure out my future.”
I shook my head, “You’ll figure it out. What’s right for you and my beautiful niece. She’s a job and a half.”
“I am not enjoying this age.”
“That’s why I teach first grade and not kindergarten or preschool.”
We talked a bit more about school, what was going on there, and how things were with Amy and Max. Mom asked about Sebastian, where he was, and if things were good between us. Instead of shutting her down, like I had in the car, I talked about him.
Not a minute after we hung up Amy texted, “How’s Sebastian feel about calling you Dr? *wink*wink*”
I sent back, “Exactly, like that.”
I closed my tablet and looked at my friends. I was not comfortable. Sure, the conversation had gone fine, but it didn’t feel fine. “That went better than expected.”
“This time.” Eli grimaced, “Sorry.”
“That’s what makes this so hard. This looks normal, but it’s not. If it was, I wouldn’t have this not in the bit of my stomach and want friends here when I talk to them. That’s not normal.”
Angie came over to kneel beside me, bringing me into a hug, “No, it’s not. You don’t need us when you call Seattle.”
Eli joined us, “I don’t think they know what they’re doing, but it doesn’t change it, Emma.”
I laughed, “I know.” I kissed his cheek. Dealing with my parents was worse for him than it was for me. I hated seeing people I love hurt too. I wasn’t hurt though. It was a weird numb.
“You ok, Em?”
I met Angie’s eyes, “I am. Just weird. The happier I am, the more good things going on, the more distant I feel. The better I’m doing, the less supportive they are.”
“Yep!” Eli didn’t hesitate to agree. “And that’s not alright.”
I mussed his hair, “No, it’s not.”
The next week was more of the same. I registered for my fall classes and my books were delivered by Wednesday. I started reading. Yes, I'm that student. I liked to get a head start. I'd never taken classes in the fall. The first month of teaching was exhausting. It took time and energy to get first graders ready to learn. I wasn't sure how that would work with starting my classes. Getting ahead on reading seemed the safest approach.
Thursday afternoon Sebastian called. Drunk. I guess wrapping in Paris was worthy of a party. The rest of cast and crew were packing up and heading to Rome. Sebastian was flying halfway around the world to San Diego's Comic-Con. He'd spend thirty-two hours of his four day weekend in a plane, which meant he was drunk and a little grumpy. By the time I was done with him he was still drunk, but no longer grumpy. He was naked, smiling, and satisfied. Well, as satisfied as he could be over the phone. Even drunk he was insistent that he not see me masturbating for the first time on video. We should have taken care of this.
I set an alarm for the middle of the night to make sure he was awake and would make his plane. It was worth it to lay in bed together.
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chubbyhl · 3 years
Button Popping (from the vault)
Hi all, a bunch of you requested a button popping scene from my feedee Louis au I’ve been posting about recently, so here’s a loooong scene for you all to enjoy, featuring too small clothes and homemade Chinese food 🥰 
Louis slipped off to his room, making sure the door was shut tightly behind him before he began to rifle through his closet. Louis was just wearing his pajama pants and a once-loose t-shirt, which now clung tightly to his newfound weight. It would usually be his outfit of choice for a big dinner, but he figured tonight was perfect for something something else. Harry had put in all this effort for him, he wanted to give him something in return.
After a bit of digging, Louis pulled out a pair of pants he had bought a few weeks ago but were already getting far too tight, and a button up shirt that was also growing to be a tight fit.
Louis stripped down, taking a minute to touch and fondle his empty, soft belly with a smile, and then set to putting on his outfit. He had to wiggle hard to get the pants up his thick legs, the fabric clinging uncomfortably tight. He had to hop again to get his ass in them, making his belly bounce as he jumped. He was eventually able to shove himself in, and then he had to suck in hard to get the button done up. It creaked and strained but stayed closed, but the zipper was hopeless, open and gaping and with no hope of growing closed. So he just left it like that, and then moved onto the shirt. He was able to get all the buttons closed, although he had to suck in his stomach again and pull hard on the flaps of the shirt to get a few of them done. When it was all closed up, it was stretched tight against his body, completely smooth and free of wrinkles. The buttons were straining and showed generous gaps of his belly underneath, and he smoothed a hand over all of it, grinning to himself.
He came back outside, then, waddling a bit at the tight fit of his pants. Harry was at the table, laying down all his homemade noodles, dumplings, and egg rolls. He still looked a bit grumpy, but his expression was smoothing over with the promise of a serving a new meal.
And then he looked up, and his eyes turned into two wide, perfect circles.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, straightening up, and Louis just smiled.
“What?” he asked sweetly.
“You – “ Harry shook his head, “You look incredible.”
“Thanks,” Louis smiled, “Thought I would dress up for our special dinner.”
He walked over and plopped himself down at the table, his pants button creaking a bit as he did so. His shirt was still holding up like a champ, but when Louis looked up at Harry, the other man was just still staring. His eyes were dark, and his mouth lolled weakly open as he looked at Louis in his too-tight clothes.
“So can I start?” Louis asked, “I’m hungry.”
“Uh,” Harry said, “Yes, yes, let me get you a plate.”
Harry moved with quick efficiency, putting up a heaping pile of food for Louis. It all smelled delicious, doused in grease and sauce, and Louis already picked up his fork as Harry put the food in front of him. The other man poured Louis a tall glass of soda to go with his food, and then Harry sat down, getting himself his own meal. He had made a small bowl of steamed cashew vegetables, and he spooned it into a bowl now before picking up a set of chopsticks.
“I didn’t know you could use chopsticks,” Louis said, taking his time twirling his noodles around his fork.
“Uh huh,” Harry said, and narrowed his eyes as Louis kept twirling his fork, “Eat your dinner, you fucking tease.”
“Okay, okay,” Louis said, lifting up his fork, “I know how much work you put into it.”
Harry grunted in agreement and lifted a veggie-laden set of chopsticks to his mouth, chewing slowly as he just watched Louis. Louis gave him another bright smile, and then started eating.
Even though his kitchen was a mess and Harry looked like he needed to take a centuries-long nap after this, his food as always was delicious. The noodles were soft and chewy and laden with sweet and sour sauce, and Louis hummed as he ate them.
“That’s so good, babe,” Louis said after he swallowed his first bite and went on to the next. His empty stomach gurgled at the promise of more food, and he kept with big forkfuls of the noodles. Harry had given him a big portion, but soon enough, he was scraping the plate, every single noodle gone. Louis moved onto the dumplings then, warm and so soft. Harry had clearly put a lot of butter in his filling; the grease and butter dripped out the sides of Louis’s mouth as he ate it. He quickly moved on to another one, looking up at Harry sheepishly.
“These took you hours and I’m going to finish them in a few minutes, these are so good,” Louis said.
“Don’t be sorry,” Harry quickly said, “Although, yes, it did take me a long time.”
“Well it’s so good. These are delicious. Better than take away, really,” Louis said. He popped around buttery dumpling into his mouth, chewing quickly. Harry was eating his own dinner slowly, but he had a laser focus on Louis. Louis could feel his gaze, and he tried to shift as best he could, so Harry could get a good view of his body and his straining buttons.
After his third dumpling, Louis was feeling comfortably full, but only half his plate was finished, and he had plenty more food on the table. So, as he had learned to do, he kept going.
He bit into the fried eggrolls Harry had made, which once again were stuffed with just as much melted butter as they had chicken and vegetables. He ate through the four on his plate, and then picked up his fork again to eat the mound of orange chicken and soft white rice on his plate.
Louis’s fork had just scrapped the empty plate when Harry asked “Seconds?” and Louis nodded quickly.
Harry loaded his plate with more chicken, more fried treats, more noodles and rice, and handed it to Louis. He took a moment to take a long chug of his soda, clearly his throat, and then he dug in again.
His belly felt tight and round, pushed right up against its increasingly growing capacity. But Louis was getting pretty bad at stopping at his capacity, so he powered on, welcoming more butter and carbs and fried dough into his mouth.
Harry was completely done eating and had moved his chair forward to watch Louis work through his second plate. It was efficiently being finished; Louis felt his mouth getting sticky with sauce and his breathing was getting hard, his tight belly bloating and compressing his lungs.
Louis finished the plate, and Harry was right there, filling him up with more food, always more food. Louis leaned forward to take it, and the movement of it finally made something come close.  
One of the tiny buttons on his shirt popped, pinging against the floor. Louis paused for a moment, his mouth opening as he looked at Harry. Louis’s belly shifted forward just a bit, still mostly constricted by tight fabric but freed just a bit. Harry just stared back at him, his eyes still wide and his mouth unspeaking.
It made Louis flush, and as he shifted in his chair, he felt every tight button that was pressed against his hard gut, and he wanted them gone. Harry wanted them gone. He didn’t really know what was more important to him; his own desire or his boyfriend’s, but he knew right now they were the same. So Louis kept going.
The third plate was getting hard. Harry had given him an extra eggroll and dumpling from the other plates, a heavy mountain of chicken and rice, enough noodles that they needed their own separate bowl. Harry had also topped off Louis’s soda, and Louis took appreciative sips nearly after every bite. He was really cramming everything now, his stomach protesting and his skin starting to sweat. But his mouth wanted more.
When he’d found the bottom of his third helping of chicken, Louis shifted, and finally, his trooper of a pants button gave up its battle.
It gave a loud pop as it went, hitting the floor, and Louis’s entire belly surged further into his lap, pushing out the flaps of his pants. As it moved, another shirt button gave up, leaving his shirt wide and gaping open. Louis shifted, grunting unhappily at one button that stayed done up on the underside of his stomach, straining against the growing weight but hanging in there. He wanted to undo it, to free himself entirely, but that would be too easy.
So he reached for another eggroll and shoved it into his mouth, and then picked up his soda and took a long chug. He followed the full bowl of noodles, which he shoveled into his mouth eagerly, moaning happily and complimenting Harry’s cooking as he ate.
His belly was drum tight, and he wasn’t even sure he could reach his goal without making himself sick. But finally, the final button creaked and then gave up, popping joining the others on the floor. Louis shoveled the last few forkfuls of noodles into his waiting wait, and when he was done entirely, his stomach was a happy, full, heavy weight in his lap, pale and unencumbered. The only buttons left on his shirt were on the very top of the curve of his belly, pushed up, and across his softening chest. The fabric still felt tight, though, so Louis reached up and undid everything, letting his soft body breath. When he was done entirely, he leaned back with a pleased burp and patted his belly, giving it a little jiggle.
He lifted his gaze, meeting Harry’s, and he saw Harry was flushed red, his eyes nearly black as he watched Louis.
“That was delicious,” Louis said, barely getting it out with all the hiccups crowding his voice, “Think I need some new clothes soon, though. Not exactly a size small anymore.”
He gave Harry a smile and a shrug, delicately rubbing a hand over the curve of his gut, “Or a medium, really. Getting kind of big here.”
He pushed his hips out and rubbed his stomach with both hands, patting and jiggling it. It finally made Harry stand and come closer to him, and then he grabbed Louis’s face in his hands and kissed him hard.
Louis gasped but kissed Harry back. His lips were still sauce-sticky, and it made him blush, knowing Harry could taste his meal on his mouth.
Harry kissed him hard and thoroughly, and then when he was done, he held Louis’s plush cheeks in his hands, looking a him firmly.
“You think you’re big now?” Harry asked, a brow arched, “We’re just getting started.”
He let a hand drop from Louis’s cheek and slapped and rubbed the side of Louis’s gut, making him gasp and hiccup. Both his hands were down soon enough, picking up Louis’s heavy stomach even more from his pants and spreading it out. When he was empty, his belly spread out a bit more, but know it was just a round, heavy weight on his lap.
Harry just looked at him and felt him, shaking his head.
“Christ, if you didn’t eat yourself out of these things, your thighs would’ve split the seams at some point,” Harry said, rubbing over Louis’s legs, where his legs were still covered in skin-tight fabric.
His hands ghosted back up, and he poked at the big red circle on Louis’s stomach were his pants button had dug in, and then up, where the shirt buttons had made smaller indents along his abdomen.
“Fucking incredible,” he sighed, and then looked up at Louis, his dark expression softening, “You’re incredible.”
It made Louis flush with pride. Harry had done this many times, with many times, but Louis was incredible. Louis was making Harry proud with what he ate and how big he was getting. How big he was going to keep getting.
200 was his first goal, but it was clear to him now this wasn’t the end for him. Not even close.
He hiccupped again, and then weakly reached out, making grabby fingers for his soda. Harry chuckled and gave it to him, looking proud at Louis drained the glass.
“Good boy. Soda does your belly good,” Harry said, rubbing Louis’s tight midsection again.
“Tha – “ Louis started, and then was deterred by another hiccup, “Thank you for the food. Was so good.”
“You’re welcome,” Harry said, and then grimaced, “I mean. I have no idea if I’ll make it again. This was kind of a lot. But if you want it, it’s yours.”
Louis smiled at that, and then groaned. His stomach gave an unhappy gurgle as it tried to digest the mountain of food inside of him. He grabbed his belly, and Harry touched his shoulder.
“Time to get you on the couch,” Harry said, “Give you a nice rub down. Gotta make sure all that food turns into fat on your pretty little frame.”
Louis just nodded, and then let Harry haul him to his wobbling, unsteady feet. His belly surged again as he stood, sticking straight out from his open pants, he groaned, pulling on the skin-tight fabric, which were really hurting his legs now.
“We’ll get those off, don’t worry,” Harry cooed, “Just follow me.”
Louis just collapsed weakly on Harry, who managed to hold tight and strong onto Louis’s growing frame, and he let his hot, sweating body be guided back to the living room.
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dented-nado · 4 years
Well I mean, since you asked for requests - “If you want me, come and get me.” Maybe with the trinity? I can picture Bruce saying it as Diana and Clark try and force him to go to bed like a normal person 😂 or you know, whatever strikes your fancy!
[[HELL YES. Bruce is slightly ooc because he’s incredibly sleep deprived and I saw it as an opportunity for him to act a little loopy lol. That’s how I am at least when I’m very sleep deprived, so pulling from personal experience here. Enjoy!!]]
“It’s only been one night. Give me a break.”
“Bruce, Honey, I know its hard to tell in Gotham, especially in the winter, but it’s been several nights you haven’t been getting any sleep.” Diana pulled the chair Bruce was sitting in away from the bat-computer against Batman’s wishes.
Bruce was sure she and Clark were exaggerating, it couldn’t have been that long. Besides, he wasn’t even tired, not even a little bit.
“I’m fine, you two can stop clucking over me like hens, thanks.”
“I’ll cluck all I want when it comes to your sleeping schedule mister.” Clark declared firmly.
“Especially not after you convinced me that some humans can be ‘totally fine’ not sleeping for several days and making me feel like I wasn’t quite so weird for a split second before that all came crashing down.” Clark crossed his arms, pouting just a little bit. He didn’t seem actually that annoyed but…
Admittedly, he still felt a little bit bad about that.
“I know… I lied when I said some humans. I meant me, specifically, because I’m fine, I’m great, I’m good, I’m bursting with youthful vigor now both of you let me work. There’s crime afoot.” He declared, trying to pull his chair back forward, only to frown as he realized Diana still had an iron grip on it, so instead he stood up and walked back to the computer instead.
“Bruce, your being ridiculous… and you said "There’s crime afoot” out loud. You’re tired.“ Diana said exasperated with a hand on her head.
"Also, no offense sweet bean… but you look like you’ve been through hell, you have probably the most intense looking bags under your eyes I’ve ever seen.” Clark said, trying to be gentle but serious.
“I look fucking awesome.” Bruce protested in annoyance, not even sure what he was really doing on the computer outside of looking busy. “You’ve heard Harv, I’m a fucking pretty boy. And I feel fan-god-damn-tastic.”
Clark and Diana gave each other a look that said “Yep, he’s lost it.” That Bruce didn’t much appreciate.
He forgot what he was even doing, his new ultimate goal was to not go to sleep no matter what because he was f i n e dammit.
“Bruce, please come to bed. Besides, you know, we’ll be right there with you, we miss you.” Clark pleaded, giving Bruce very tempting puppy dog eyes.
“We can spend a little time tiring you out if you want Bat.” Diana said, soothingly rubbing his shoulder.
Tempting. But he was the god damn batman, so… “No, no bribing me doing the horizontal tango, I have a job to do.”
“The horizontal…” Diana began.
“T a n g o. Bruce, pl ea se , you need to sleep.” Clark finished.
“Why can’t I use creative words without you two thinking it means I’m tired, hmm? Clark’s called me a bean before, I am but a bean, let me live my bean life.” He momentarily felt a little dizzy and a little like he was loosing track of time and space, but regardless he made his way to the bat-mobile to go… somewhere…. who knows.
“Oh-ho-ho no, absolutely not, you are not driving like this.” Clark said immediately super-speeding in front of Bruce acting as a big warm teddy bear-like wall between Bruce and his car.
“I can do what I want. I’m rich, I’m bi, I’m batman, and I fight crime. Now ”scoot your boot.“ as they say where you come from.” Bruce said, trying to move around Clark who was so freaking fast for some reason.
“I have never said scoot your boot.” Clark said with raised eyebrows.
“Really?” Bruce asked somewhat deliriously. “Seems like a cowboy thing…” He  mumbled while moving the cowl up slightly so he could rub at his eye.
“…Would you come to bed if I dressed like a cowboy?”
Tempting. But not even saving a horse and riding a cowboy could get him to give up on his current stubborn crusade that he couldn’t even remember why he had to be on so bad… why had he been up in the first place??
“…No, so yeehaw your ass out of my  w a y .”
“No way, and your yee-haw-ing your a… s…… booty up to bed now,  you’re completely delirious.”
“Fine… maybe I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I’m going, or why right now, but I’m the world’s greatest detective, I’ll figure it out.” Bruce grumbled in annoyance.
He started walking back to his computer since he apparently couldn’t go to his car, but when he tried to sit back down he nearly yelped as it seemed Diana had thought ahead, so he had sat down right into her lap and now her very strong muscular arms were now wrapped around his waist.
“Fu c k.” Bruce mumbled.
This was quite the predicament Batman had gotten himself into! Would he be able to figure out how to escape the strong arms of the Wonder Woman? Tune in next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
… Bruce squirmed for a moment grumbling before bowing his head.
“Fine… you’ve won, let’s go to bed…” Bruce conceded.
“That’s more like it” Diana said with a sigh as she gingerly let go.
That was when Bruce took his chance to escape with a triumphant and slightly evil laugh as he took off into the depths of the bat-cave.
“BruCE!” Diana chided.
Bruce just continued cackling, dropping a smoke bomb as he completely forgot that would do nothing against Clark’s super vision as he decided to head for the bat-plane. Good thing he had several bat-themed vehicles.
“Bruce get back here!” He heard Clark call sternly.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt!” Diana yelled.
“If you want me, come and get me!” Bruce taunted with an incredibly delirious smile, not realizing he was about to run into a wall.
He would have, if Clark had not been in front of him again in an instant, causing Bruce to collide with Clark’s chest rather than a rock hard wall. Clark scooped Bruce up into his arms despite the Bat’s protesting and flew him back over to where Diana had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.
She softly flicked the tip of Bruce’s nose to get his attention and to stop flailing. “Now are you going to be a good bat and change out of the suit yourself, or are we going to have to rip you out of it kicking and screaming?”
Bruce frowned, before getting another idea and perking up slightly. “…There are other ways of getting me out of it~” He said putting on his flirtiest Brucie voice.
“Nice try B, but you blew your chance at the 'horizontal tango’ when you decided to bolt like that.” Clark said looking down at Bruce now with his own smirk on his face.
“Aw, nuts…” Bruce grumbled in surrender, going limp as Clark set him down, pulling off the cowl as he knew he was defeated.
“Your not getting any nuts B, keep up.” Clark said absolutely delighted.
Diana rolled her eyes. “You pick now to make a joke like that Kansas?”
Clark grinned. “Judging by how sleepy he is he won’t even remember that I made my first ever joke like that in front of him.”
“How devilish of you.” Diana commented with an amused smile.
Bruce grumbled as he stripped off the rest of the batsuit. “I wanted nuts though.” He mumbled. “nuts sound good. I like nuts… especially cashews.”
“Your right, he’s definitely not going to remember.” Diana commented, taking Bruce’s hand once he was down to the black undershirt and thin pants he wore under the suit.
Clark put his hand on Bruce’s back as the moved out of the cave. “Come on sleepy-head, off to an adventure called 'bed-time’.”
“But I wanted to fightttt…” Bruce slurred slightly.
“You can fight exaustion by sleeping.” Diana suggested.
“I’ll kick exaust-ian’s a s s.”
“That’s the spirit.” Clark laughed as he gingerly lifted the incredibly tired bat onto his bed before going to get ready for bed himself along with Diana.
“What are we going to do with that man?” Diana whispered, unable to help a small smile, after they had changed into their sleep clothes and came back to find Bruce completely zonked out , snoring slightly with his mouth hanging open.
“We’ll force him to have a normal sleep schedule yet.” Clark whispered, getting into bed and pulling Bruce close in order to spoon him.
Diana joined in on the other side, snuggling Bruce’s head against her chest and putting her arm around both him and Clark as she got settled.
“Our new mission?” Diana suggested.
“Our new mission, will kick ’'exaust-ian’s” butt.“ Clark whispered with a grin.
Diana had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.
"You’ll make a joke about Bruce wanting 'nuts’ but you’ll never say the word "ass”, will you?“ She asked with a raised eyebrow.
They shared a quiet chuckle before settling in to fall asleep themselves, their very tired, but at least now very asleep bat cuddled between them.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What was the last thing to upset you? I was just annoyed that the place I wanted to get penne pesto from was out of it and gave me tortellini pesto instead. Like I explained in a previous survey, I’m particular about my food like with how it’s prepared, its texture, shape, etc and I prefer penne noodles. Also, different noodles change the taste. 
How’s the weather been today? Hot and miserable of course.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? I’ve said for several years if I ever worked up the nerve I’d get ‘free bird’ tattooed on my inner wrist, but I really don’t see that ever happening.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? Walmart. Yeah, I bought some food items.
Have you ever been late for school or work? Yeah, it happened sometimes.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? At night.
Do you dip your pretzels in anything? I like soft pretzels with cheese.
What is your favourite kind of fruit cobbler? I don’t like fruit cobbler.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? Nope.
When was the last time you were intoxicated? Almost a decade ago.
Have you been swimming today? No. It’s been several years since the last time I went swimming.
Is your phone fully charged at the moment? No.
Have you driven a car today? >> No, because I don't drive. <<<
When was the last time you felt extremely nervous? I always do at doctor appointments.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? Small.
Where was your first job and how old were you? I haven’t had a job.
Have you eaten soup this week? I eat ramen every night.
Have you ever made your own survey? I made one once several years ago.
Do you know your birthstone and if so, do you have any jewelry containing it? It’s a ruby and yes I have a few jewelry pieces.
What colour is your hairbrush? I have a rose gold one and a purple one.
Do you hear any other people talking right now? Just the people in the commercial that’s currently on.
Are you a fan of The Office? No. I feel like the only person who isn’t.
When was the last time you started a new medication? It’s been quite awhile. What is your favourite type of nut? I like peanuts, pistachios, and cashews.
Where did you eat the best pizza you’ve ever eaten in your life? I really enjoy one of my local places.
Do you know what year your parents married? They aren’t married.
Did you ever watch The Rugrats when you were a kid? Yes, I loved Rugrats. I still watch it sometimes.
Would you ever shave your head to raise money for cancer? I would donate money instead.
Did you watch Breaking Bad as it aired or did you catch up later on? I never watched it.
Is there anything you’re looking forward to at the moment? My mom and brother getting back with my Wingstop.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yes.
What is your fast food place of choice? Jack in the Box or Carl’s Jr because I really like their chicken tenders.
How close is the nearest Starbucks from your house? Like a 5 minute drive.
Have you ever played in the snow? Yes.
Do you know anyone who was adopted? Yes.
Do you write shopping lists on paper or just remember it in your head? I make lists on my phone.
Have you put your phone on silent today? No. 
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities? No.
Have you been to the mall today? Nope. I haven’t gone anywhere today.
Have you ever watched Scrubs? If so, did you like it? I’ve seen it here and there cause my mom watched it, but I was really into it myself. Do you prefer loose leaf tea or teabags? I just use teabags. I’m not a big tea drinker and don’t get fancy with it haha.
How often do you check your emails? Everyday at least once.
Do you read John Green novels? Yeah, I’ve read a few.
What was the last thing you purchased at a supermarket? Food.
Have you ever used a lawnmower? Nope.
Have you ever played QuizUp on iOS? No. I’ve played other trivia games on my phone, though.
Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you vomited? Yes. A few times, unfortunately.
Have you ever been to Thailand? No.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? Once, but I was like 7 and vaguely remember. I’d like to go and check out the Harry Potter stuff. 
Have you had a bath this week? I take showers, but yes.
Do you like pumpkin pie? Ew, no.
Do you know anyone who smokes in their car? Yes. 
Have you ever seen a shooting star? No.
Can you tie balloons? I always had a hard time with that, but eventually got it.
What is your favourite place to get Chinese food? This local place.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It’s been awhile.
Do you do a big weekly shop or just shop for groceries as you need them? We do our big shopping trips twice a month and then in between we get stuff as needed.
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chanquill · 4 years
⋉ aмor odιѕѕe ⋊
aмor odιѕѕe; тнe love тo нaтe
A/N: yes. we’re PG in this household so no swears, only creative insults. those, and those only.
Pairing: Chan x Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: none, but creative insults???
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Angst
──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
Everyone on campus always thought that you and Chan would make the cutest couple; the King and Queen of Clé University, but they also knew that you two weren’t on the best terms. The smug-faced rat in question was always right behind you, whether it be handing in assignments, test scores or even standing in queue. Whenever you turned around you felt those condescending eyes searing into your skin. “Ugh!” you exclaimed, ”JESUS CHRIST I WISH THAT COCKY LITTLE SWINE WOULD STOP IT. HE’S SO ANNOYING!”
Your best friend Jisung patted your shoulder and tried to reassure you, telling you that it was going to be okay and that it’ll all get better. “‘Sung, I swear there are a couple of screws that aren’t put in right in your head. What the hell are you on about I-“ Before you could finish your sentence, a hand cupped around your mouth from the back and muffled your cries. “WHAT THE- JISUNG, THIS ISN’T FUNNY!” you protested, peeling the hand off your face. As you turned around, you began to realise that the hand that cupped your face didn’t belong to Jisung, much to your dismay. It was the one person you really, really didn’t want to see at that moment. It was Chan, his trademark smirk plastered across his infuriatingly perfect face. You rolled your eyes in disgust and asked, “What?! What do you want now? Do you want me to fall at your feet and grovel? You want me to give you my notes?”
His smirk faltered a little, but returned to its original state as quickly as you had seen it waver. “Well, you see, I wanted to ask you something, but I can see that I’m not welcome right now (or at any other time actually) so...I’ll just...leave? Bye.” Sighing, you grabbed onto his hand with both of yours, pulling him back towards you and Jisung, who was still staring at you and Chan with his mouth open in disbelief. “Fine...FINE. Okay, fine I’ll hear you out. Just don’t pull another kidnapper move like that and you’ll be fine, okay?”
He took a deep breath and slipped his long, slender fingers out of yours, overworked and covered in plasters. “Um, so... basically...I uh... c-can we study together? I’m having t-trouble with this particular part of code and i’m not sure what’s wr-wrong with it. Can y-you help? Please?” The stuttering mess stood in front of you wasn’t the Chan you knew. The one you knew was the arrogant little son of a seahorse-faced cashew, fricking little- You sighed and stroked his hand. “Okay buddy, what’s up? Is this your idea of a joke? Why are you shaking; what happened? Talk to me.” This wasn’t usually you; you never cared about him, and you thought you never would, yet here you were, putting your arm around Chan’s shoulders, guiding him to the nearest bench. After sitting him down and ruffling his hair, you took your water bottle out of your bad and handed it to him. “Here, drink some water.” He grimaced and looked at you weird. “Really? A Bokémon waterbottle? We both know that Migimon is better, right?”
“Are you going to drink the water or not, huh?” you snapped, aware that he was right. Turning your head to face Jisung, you mouthed, “Go! I’ll find you later! GO!!” and shooed him away. “Um so...What did you need help with then?” you asked Chan, “Also did you write the code in Javascript or Python?” You looked back at Chan, not expecting his deep brown eyes, now filled with worry and warmth. He inched closer to you, returning your water bottle to your bag and sighed in relief. “T-thank you, y/n, and uh, I wrote the code in Python,” he mumbled, still occasionally stuttering and stumbling on his words. “Hm okay. Meet me at the library in an hour. I’m just going to drop my bags off at my place and I’ll be back, okay?” You were just getting up to leave when Chan grabbed your hand and pulled you back down, turning your head with one hand, while holding you down with the other. You knew he went to the gym regularly (unfortunately, you had encountered him enough times at the on-site gym to know), BUT BOY WAS HE STRONG. “Uhhhh...Chan?” you asked, unpleasantly surprised, “You need something?” With a puppy-like glint in his eye, he said, “Let me drop you off! Where do you live?” You were puzzled but...something felt wrong about turning him down, and as much as you wanted to refuse, your body somehow urged you to accept. “Fine, I guess...,” you trailed off, unaware of the events that were about to unfold.
As he drove up to the house, you slowly took off your seatbelt and slung your bag over your shoulder. “Give me 20...actually no, you can come in. You wanna come in?,” you asked, not too sure of what to expect. Chan nodded and grinned, a sight you were startled to see.
“Is he usually like this? Am I the one being mean? Oh my god. What if I’m the one being mean. Oh frick oh frick oh frick oh frick. Wait, hang on, AM I IMAGINING THINGS?! Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. C a l m. I am CALM. Wait but-“ you thought to yourself, trudging up the stairs to your apartment. You pulled a key out of your pocket and jammed it into the keyhole. “I- Wait, wait, I swear this was the right key. Hang on-“ This was not going well. Welp. Chan couldn’t hate you any more than he did already so... oh well. After jiggling the key around for a while, Chan offered to open door for you. With a strange mastery, Chan jammed the key into the hole and turned it while pushing it in. Click. “HANG ON A DAMN MINUTE- I’VE BEEN LIVING HERE FOR WHAT? OVER 8 MONTHS NOW? AND I CAN’T EVEN OPEN MY OWN DOOR??? BUT THIS GUY- FRICKING ALMOST 6 FOOT WORM- HE JUST MANAGED TO CLICK IT OPEN???” you wondered to yourself, trying to suppress a scream inside of you. He cracked a smile. “There, the door’s open now, just had to give it a little strength,” he proclaimed, “I’m happy to help any time.” With a humoured look on your face, you pushed Chan into the apartment and locked the door behind you. You threw yourself on the couch and sighed, you didn’t usually invite people in, especially not people you hated.
One of your roommates, Ryujin, walked in, drinking yet another bubble tea. You turned to face her and gave her a long, hard stare. “I swear you run on bubble tea and that’s not healthy, you know? I swear if you get diabetes from the amount of sugar you consume, I’m not coming to funeral because I warned you,” you sighed, massaging your temples. Ryujin stopped sipping on her tea and sauntered up to you, “Sir, whether I’m addicted to boba or not, I’m still the crazy (but cool) kid that you picked up in middle school. You’re never getting rid of me. Ever. And anyway, who’s this guy?” she asked, gesturing to Chan, “Your boyfriend? If so, damn girl, you have TASTE.” You and Chan blushed in unison and started muttering excuses. You stood up, still embarrassed, and stuttered put something along the lines of, “Y-yeah I’m going to go ch-change and I’ll be b-back, okay? Chan, you can sit down, ‘Jin, get him s-some water or juice or w-whatever.” You ran into your room, and quietly slammed the door behind you. “FKSJKDS SHIN RYUJIN YOU’VE REALLY DONE IT THIS TIME I- GAHHHH I CAN’T EVEN DENY THAT HE’S PRETTY- GOD FRICKING DAMN IT!” you thought to yourself, throwing on the closest set of comfortable clothes you could find.
Opening your door ever so slightly, you made eye contact with Ryujin and hissed at her to come over. From across the living room, she shrugged and made her way to you in the least inconspicuous way possible; ‘accidentally’ knocking over a lamp, tripping over Chan and almost spilling her tea. “Ryujin why would you- BRUH THAT’S NOT COOL! YOU DON’T JUST ASK US IF WE’RE TOGETHER! HE’S CHAN. AS IN THE GUY I HATE. YES, THAT GUY!” you exclaimed with an air of exasperation. “U-uh huh. Keep going, you aren’t fooling anyone. This. This is peak whipped behaviour. Face it, y/n, you have a lil pash. oOoOohHh THINK OF THE BLACKMAIL MATERIAL; THERE’S TEA TO LAST ME MONTHS, LITERALLY!” Ryujin made kissy faces and walked back into the kitchen after announcing that she was the official third wheel and no one, not even Lord Changbin himself, could stop her. And the worst part was that you knew deep, down inside, that you really had taken a liking to that raw salmon. Well, it was more of a pash. A strong pash.
You waved your hand and choked. “pSh, ‘Jin’s got nothing on me, I don’t have a small crush on THAT guy; hell, I don’t even like him as an acquaintance...maybe-“ You were confused but nonetheless walked out of your room with fake confidence.
Sitting down next to Chan, you pulled out your laptop from your bag, a pretty new Macbook, plastered with stickers of Stray Kids, a new and upcoming group that hadn’t debuted yet. Chan had a slight bewildered-but-shocked-but-proud expression on his face that was quickly wiped off as you told him to show you his code so far.
Both you and Chan had spent hours and hours finishing the project, and it seemed as if it would never end, but at long last came a sigh of drained relief from Chan. He threw his laptop onto the cherry wood coffee table. And leant back into the sofa, a soft murmur of fatigue muttered. You stood up and glanced at the clock by the door, rubbing your eyes to make sure you hadn’t read it wrong; it was one in the morning. That’s right, you and your not-so-much-enemy-anymore had spent all night working on some code. Some stupid code. “Chan? It’s uh...it’s one am. And I’m pretty sure the dorms won’t be open now, and even if they were, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let you in, considering the grisly state you’re in, at the moment. I really would let you crash this one time, but uh, where would you sleep??? CHAN GET UPPPPPP!” you urged, a small part of begging him to stay. Brushing those thoughts away, you started stepping over Chan to get to your room, when he grabbed your hand pulled you back down. But not back to where you were sitting, oh no no no, he pulled you down to his lap. Wrapping his arm around you, he begged to stay the night. “We can stay like this forever, if you want to. Do you want you?” you joked. “Absolutely,” replied Chan, a slight beam coming across his face, “Good Night.”
──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
A/N: hM yeah okay, i could’ve done better but y’know. i’m satisfied. thank you for reading!
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Im getting to writing this a little later then normal. Not wildly later. But I felt like I lost a lot of energy after work and am just feeling a little better right now. Thankfully sleeping last night after James brought me home juice and a donut knocked out my headache. And I slept pretty well for the most part. Waking up is still hard but it wasnt so bad today. 
I got up and washed and dressed. I felt a little off but not to bad. Dasia let me know she wasnt going to be in and that was alright. We had someone else coming today anyway so it just worked out. James drove me to work and I was happy about that. 
I was a little upset though because I had seen a dead cat on the road yesterday and I didnt want to see it squished today. So when we got near there I told James I was going to close my eyes because it had upset me so bad yesterday. And he let me know we had passed it but then was about to tell me what it looked like!! I literally just closed my eyes to not see!! He didnt tell me but it threw me off that he would do that. 
But soon I was at work and I had to focus on the kids. And they were a little tougher today. The two newer girls lied to me a lot today. First about classwork, then about their actual classes. And they figured out a work around to get on youtube (which is supposed to be blocked on their chromebooks) and we caught them on them multiple times today. To say I was stress about this would be an understatement. I dont like talking to the kids so sternly but I was not happy. And after having such a nice day yesterday. Ugh. 
Then I went to have a snack and discovered that my bunny grahams tasted like tomatoes sauce because of the container they were in and the actual lunch of leftovers was spoiled and I just sort of spiraled in upset.  Texting James and being upset and frustrated and so to try to help me feel less grossed out he promised to clean out the fridge and he did and that made me feel a little better. But it didnt help my food situation much. Thankfully I still had grapes and cashews but it was just a weird food day. 
We had some fun though. Sewing. Working on things. Skateboarding at lunch. It was a beautiful day and that helped my weird feelings. We only got outside once though because the kids had a lot of afternoon stuff. Though the sisters told me they didnt have anything for almost 2 hours and when I insisted on looking at their schedule I discovered they both had a whole class that they may have never gone to?? Like ever?? I think their parent, or the people at the other daycare they had been going to,  dont know how to use the schoology site and so they had gotten used to being able to show them a page and be like "See! I did everything Im supposed to do!" but I opened up like two things and found they havent actually completed anything. So I made them complete a few of them at least. I hope mom comes in tomorrow morning so we can talk about it. I know she knows the one was behind but I dont think she is aware by how much they both are. Im trying my best for sure but man. Frustrating. 
Soon the day was wrapping up. And James was on his way to come get me. I finished cleaning up my area and was about to leave when I remebered I left the ipad in the class so I went back in and found that the two girls who I know had class for another half hour were on youtube again!! I told Mr Burns, who takes over after me, and so he went in to watch them closer. So frustrating. 
But James was here and off we went. We stopped at tacobell since I had no lunch. And then we drove out to Timonium so I could meet up with an guy I bought James a christmas gift from. He was having shipping issues and because we were so close I was like. Its all good Ill come to you and he was really nice. The building was the Pay Pal office and it was really pretty inside, all marble. Plants. And the guy was really nice and I think James will really like the gifts. The guy gave me another free thing for driving out there. 
We headed home after that. But made a pitstop for a milkshake. Which was good but I think zapped my energy. 
We got home and James went to play video games and I went to pack up some orders. Be proud, I surpassed $800 in sales today. In my first month!! Im pretty proud of that. But I packed those up and took them down for drop off. And then I felt weird and tired so I went and laid in bed and watched a video until James got off the switch so I could play for a little. I just did some clean up and some christmas decorating. But then I got off and got back to laying in bed. Being mopey. 
Eventually James came and laid with me. But he had been cutting peppers and touched my face and them my face was burning from the peppers!! Rude. So we had to run to the bathroom to wash my face and his hands. 
I did mope around a little more but then we got to work on decorating our tree and that was fun. James had dried an orange and I strung those slices with cinnamon and anise stars. We might add cranberries but I am really happy with how it looks and it smells like black licorice but its so cute. It was a fun activity for sure. 
Once that was done I got to work and made some more bears that Im really proud of. Im going to have to get more fluffy fabric even though it sucks to sew because the results are just to good. Just entirely to cute. So I worked on those until almost 930 and finally called it a day. 
I went and showered and washed my hair. I found sweetP sleeping in the towel basket in the closet. So cute. And now I am in bed. I have to dry my hair still. But I feel a lot better. Just sleepy. 
I hope tomorrow is a good day with less lying and more just hanging out and enjoying the day. I hope you all have a nice night and a great day. Goodnight everyone!
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