#like when he was chewing out eridan
dersitedreamr · 2 years
actually its crazy how much karkat and dave can get away with being assholes sometimes VS dirk. Karkat is like. A DICK HEAD. Mind you i like dave and also was an avid bakugo stan (for context he tells deku to Kay why es) so it’s not like im sensitive to that but DAMN. Reading karkat’s dialogue sometimes had me reeling i think its because he GOES IN. Like he doesnt stop. Once he makes one scathing remark he sinks his talons in and goes for the kill, then plays with the corpse for like five minutes after.
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sodapops0lstice · 10 months
If youve all been wondering where grubpeta and friends have been the answer is theyve all been busy growing up!
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More info about the guys under cut ⬇️
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Equius Strider-Zahhak
Equius wasn't originally meant to go Dirk. Considering his reputation of him and children. Dirk didn't exactly disagree and was more than willing to just be a collective uncle that visits sometimes. Unluckily for him, Equius almost immediately attached to Dirk. Whenever he was took to someone else's house to be raised, Equius started to chew up table and chair legs and causing general mayhem. So he was dropped over to Dirk's. Not under the control of a demonic puppet that was made by literally the most evil entity in the universe, Dirk is actually a pretty solid dad. Equius helps out with robot projects.
Nepeta "Grubpeta" Vantas
As y'all saw before Nepeta went under the care of Karkat. He had felt guilty about how he treated Nepeta in his past so in an odd sign of repentance he adopted Nepeta. Most people still refer to her as Grubpeta or other derivatives of that. She's only ever called Nepeta by Karkat. Karkat has 0 drip so she got that scarf from Kanaya who is basically another parent for her since Karkat is pretty inept at parenting.
Tavros Strider
When Vriska saw that a Tavros grub was up for grabs, she immediately dibbed on him. Obviously, everyone knew that was the worst idea possible but everyone who would of reasonably adopted him was already handling a child of their own (whether that child was one of the omega kids or the grubs). Dave basically threw his hands up and took one for the team. Promising to "swag this baby out". And he sure did that. Tavros Strider ending up as a lot more confident than his other self. Vriska is still not allowed near him.
Eridan "Caligula" Lalonde
Eridan was adopted by Calliope and Roxy due to Roxy wanting "tha wizard bby". Calliope attempted to paint herself to appear more lusii-like for Eridan. Roxy had to talk her out of it. The cardigan was made by Kanaya as a forgiveness gift. Which was a really serious/awkward confrontation with essentially an aunt and he 5 year old niece who was getting forgave for actions he didn't even get the chance to commit. The tail was by Calliope from scraps of her cosplay works. He was affectionately nicknamed Caligula by Calliope.
Feferi Crocker-English-Peixes
Was picked up by Jane to end the cycle of abuse started by the Condesce. She was adopted before Dirk became a part of the polyamourous clusterfuck that is Jane and Jake's marriage, the only real issue it brought up for anyone was that Feferi asked awkward questions with little to know hesitation. Made even funnier cause she adopted a very formal way of speaking. The tiaratop still works but has no ads/brainwashing mechanisms. Spoilt to hell and back by Jane and Jake but when has Feferi not been spoilt?
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tinycatstars · 1 year
Could you do little eridan and maybe cg feferi? (btw I love ur story’s!!)
ee thank you so much!! i know this one is a bit short, sorry for that, but hereee u go!! some momma fef and little eridan for uuuu :D please enjoy !! <3 <3 <3
lil tw for panic attacks !
Feferi really didn’t expect to be woken up in the middle of the night by her phone ringing, but hey, there’s a first for everything.
She sluggishly grabs her glasses off of her nightstand to see that Eridan was calling her. Eridan wasn’t one to call, which was the first sign that something was wrong. Secondly, when she picked up the call and sleepily asked “...Eridan? Why’re you calling me this late?”, all she heard from the other end was wails coming from the other; Panicked hyperventilating and crying. 
That woke her up quickly. “Glub! Okay, Eridan, I’m on my way now. Are you at your hive?” she asked, panicking as she got dressed. Between sobs he whined out an “mhm”.
“Be there soon!” She said, and before she could hang up, he cried out “No, don’t go!”
She sadly smiled at his response, “I’ll stay on the line bub, okay?” He hummed, still breathing way too fast. She left her hive soon after that, swimming up to the surface to reach Eridan’s shipwreck. Thankfully, he didn’t live too far away.
“I’m here, Eridan, I’m gonna hang up the phone now”, she says loudly as she enters through his doorway, making sure he had heard her. She could hear Eridan hiccup, his crying was still loud and unbearable to hear, but it had calmed down a little.
She finds the little in his room, curled up on the floor. He had a thick blanket wrapped around him, his glasses were slightly askewed on his face, tears tracked down his face. Feferi thought he looked so small, physically and probably mentally.
Definitely mentally, she thinks, as he sticks a thumb into his mouth and begins to chew on it.
“Momma…”, he whines, reaching out to her with his free hand.
“Hi, baby, Momma’s here now”, she says, bending down to sit on the floor. She picks him up and sits him in her lap, encasing the little in a warm hug. 
He sobs into her shoulder, both out of relief and exhaustion. Feferi holds him tight, letting him cry out all of his big feelings. She began to rock him gently, whispering reassurances into his fins as he wailed to his momma.
After a while, Eridan calms down. He slumps in Feferi’s arms, he had already tired himself out from the nonstop crying. “Is someone sleepy?” she asks, to which Eridan slowly nods.
“What was that all about, hm? Can you tell Momma what’s wrong?” Feferi pressed. She didn’t want to pressure her baby, but she was really concerned to why he was this upset this late at night.
Eridan just shook his head, whining as he buried it into Feferi’s shoulder. She sighs, “That’s okay, bub, you don’t have to tell me”.
She looks over to the clock that was hung on Eridan’s wall, it read 1:23 am. “Are you ready for bed, bub? Or would you like some milk to help?” 
Eridan thinks for a moment before mumbling “Milk” around his thumb that he had moved to his mouth. He sucked on it as Feferi moved him to her hip so she could pick up the smaller. Eridan really didn’t weigh anything, so it wasn’t very hard to carry the other troll to the kitchen.
She grabs his baby bottle and fills it with milk, putting it in the microwave for a moment. The bottle was black with purple fish and bubbles covering it, something she thought was so cute and just so Eridan. She tested the milk before handing the bottle back to Eridan, and sure enough, the temperature was perfect. He gratefully accepts his bottle, chewing on the teet as he drank his milk.
“Let’s head back to bed, baby, ok? Momma’s gonna spend the night tonight”, Feferi said. They made their way back to Eridan’s bedroom, and thankfully he had something else they could cuddle on besides his recuperacoon. She couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be. In the corner of the room was an actual bed, home to Eridan’s many blankets and stuffed animals. Most of them were cute sea creatures, all gifted to him by Feferi. 
She sits Eridan down on the bed so she can go find his pacifier. His little stuff was hiding somewhere in his room, she just couldn’t remember where!
Eventually, she finds the soother tucked underneath some old research papers, which were littered all over the bedroom. It had a protective cap on it, so she wouldn’t need to leave the room to wash it. Feferi didn’t think Eridan would react very well to her leaving right now.
She makes her way back to the bed, replacing his thumb with the pacifier he probably had been yearning for all night. He gives his Momma a wobbly smile, his arms outreached, silently asking to be held.
 She gives in, giving the little one a tight hug before getting into bed, tucking them in and making sure Eridan was comfortable. She carefully takes off his glasses, setting them on the endtable of the bed. She tracts a thumb underneath his eyes, gently wiping away his dried tears. Maybe he would talk about what had happened later, but she didn’t feel like putting any extra stress onto him now. Glub knows he would just start crying again, exhausting himself even more. 
For now, they were just going to cuddle and go to bed. She wraps her arms around the little, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Momma loves you, Eridan”, she whispers.
“Love you too…” he mumbles, and soon, he’s fast asleep.
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
The reason they don't talk about it is because most of the fandom doesn't even want to acknowledge that Equius exists. They'd rather if he was just a bad fucking dream. Still others posit that he is literally their sexual abuser or something along those lines, made manifest in fiction. Thats what Equius is. Your rapist ex.
Thats what people genuinely believe about him. Yep. The dead horse.
Not Gamzee. The guy who canonically "sexually coerced a minor" (teenage Vriska) as a 40 year old guy, in Homestuck 2. This was a developement Hussie approved, OK'd and then shipped for public consumption. Gamzee "sexually coercing" Vriska is ACTUAL, HUSSIE-APPROVED CANON.
He definitely has no friends outside Nepeta. It was never fully explored. But yes I think she definitely would've made a difference in Equius if she was allowed to do that.
At the very least, her death, and him letting down Nepeta as a moirail and a friend, started something in Equius.
Despite him being adamant about the hemocaste and the supposed rules he and others must live by, at least he could see that what he did was wrong.
He understood that he hurt Nepeta, which he would never ever want to happen. He admitted his sins, and when confronted with Fefetasprite, he admitted to himself and others that he believes that he doesn't deserve forgiveness.
I'd say, that all that, coming from the most racist, stick-in-the-mud bastard, asshole character, is definitely something, and I think it should be noticed.
So yes, I think Nepeta tried what she could do so that Equius wouldn't be such a fucking piece a shit loser. With the best way possible. By being a light-hearted, loyal, lovely, silly friend who doesnt take things too seriously, and also tells Equius off when he's being a bastard.
I think Hussie also mentioned at one point, that Aradia was not under the influence of the heart-chip when she made the move. Almost immadiately after, the comic explains QUADRANT VACCILATION to the readers. Troll sure are alien and weird!
Yeah and the thing about Vriska... Aradia just simply doesn't give a shit anymore. On the pirate ship Vriska actually makes it a point to apologize to Aradia. But Aradia says not to think anything of it, because the wounds of the past doesnt fucking matter to her.
Because Aradia is INFINITELY more interested in "watching this whole place break apart :)" than be pissed because Vriska murdered her and crippled Tavros or whatever.
I genuinely think that she HONESTLY doesnt give a goddamn about SHITTY DICKHEAD BLUEBLOODS. And you know what? Absolutely fucking amazing for her! Hell yes, fuck haters, they dont fucking matter. Got bigger fish to fry.
And honestly? She wouldve had every right to COMPLETELY DESTROY Equius here, Sollux was right there too. Yet neither of them, nor Hussie decided to chew out or dunk on Equius. Eridan gets plenty of that.
But for some reason Equius seemingly only suffers, as much as he deserves. No more, no less.
No, instead of tearing into Equius, Aradia just says "im sorry, itwas a mistake for us to get involved :(" I think quite politely.
You'd think a dead horse, a complete joke of a fucking character, Equius, would deserve to get fucked with the painstick a little bit harder than that.
But no, Aradia is just like "sorry, it was a mistake", no telling him that he's a disgusting blueblood snob or whatever else. Neither does Sollux go for that either. If you remember, right before Aradiabot explodes on the meteor hideout, Sollux complains that "since she (aradia) became Equius' smoochbot they barely had any time to talk".
Which I guess means, that as fucked up as their relationship was I guess at least Sollux respected whatever Aradia had going on to not try to get involved in it, because Hussie couldve given him some choice lines regarding Equius. But he didnt.
Fitting for the Heir of Void to be left unnoticed by the fandom and the nu-fandom thinking he is nothing without Nepeta at his side. Probably for the best for him, because they probably would have spun him as some non-binary or trans because he had crossdressed as a maid in that Ministrife that one time. Though maybe not because he is mostly depicted as a muscular sweaty type. The modern fanbase don't like that body type. You have to be fat fat not muscle fat. Strange double-standards that Equius does not receive the harsh end compared to Eridan. I can only think that he did not get too much shit is probably because he is a highblood and Aradia is a lowblood. So him making out with Aradiabot (she is still a rusty as a ghost) and keeping her is all within his right compared to Eridan killing Feferi (who is the next Heiress). But that all ties in the hemocaste system that he would have to get over with. That and Equius is a part of Hussie in terms of liking horses. Not a full self insert, but like "Hey, I made this OC based on my weird interests in this one animal. So he is like a part of me in some way!" - Hussie
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classpect-crew · 3 years
Hope and Rage: Narrative Engagement
I've talked quite a bit about Hope and Rage on this blog in the past, but I've stumbled upon something recently that I think puts a different spin on these two Aspects. I think it's quite fortunate we have a few different Classes to look at with regards to both Aspects, so I'll dive in with a quick summary of what I mean to get us started.
Hope and Rage are the Aspect pair that deals with emotions, belief, and one's range of options. However, they also represent something a bit more abstract: one's willingness to engage with a narrative. Now, this is something that applies if we're going with the interpretation that each Aspect also represents a concept in storytelling. (This is explained very well by both optimisticDuelist and Tex Talks on YouTube, both of whom you should absolutely check out if you haven't already.) What does this really mean, though? I argue that Hope represents getting sucked into a narrative and willingly embracing it, while Rage represents rejecting that narrative and actively mocking it. Hope is eulogy: Rage is satire.
In the comic, we see this most clearly in Jake, whose role as a Page of Hope pretty much dictates a strong relationship with his Aspect. He is theatrical and presents himself as someone who loves zany adventures and getting into scrums. When he speaks, he's like the unholy cross between an action film protagonist and a wealthy, antiquated gentleman. Later on in the story, we see counters to this narrative of who he is and what he truly enjoys. Jake seems to chew the scenery every time we see him, to the point of annoyance by others, and he seems to believe the spotlight is always focused on him. It's not necessarily out of pride, either, but rather his solitary lifestyle that gives him a sort of "protagonist complex," so to speak. All of this fits into what I've been describing: Jake is entrenched in his own narrative identity, built up from all the media he's consumed, and he embraces it as a way to escape from his current reality.
Heroes of Hope are empowered with the ability to affect their reality based on their own strong-held beliefs. It's the ultimate confidence in one's own abilities, taken to a ridiculous extreme. One of the most important themes of Homestuck is that each character is creating their own reality: Hope players do so in a very literal way. The stories they relate to and begin to live through start to impress themselves upon reality, and the players embrace it further. As long as their belief remains firm, this cycle continues.
We do see the very same theatrics and flamboyance in Eridan, who plays into his fantasies about killing the landdwellers. He engages with this aspect of Hope, just like Jake does. Yet, as the Prince of Hope, he also quite literally destroys the narrative set out for him when he begins his genocide of the angels on his planet. He later comes into conflict with the optimistic narrative of the other trolls, believing that their one way forward is to join Jack Noir. He then destroys the Matriorb in an attempt to tear apart the possibility of that story becoming reality. (Granted, he fails, because Life, uh, finds a way.) We also see the same traits in Cronus, though he has even stronger ties to Hope at the beginning of his own story. For much of his life, he fully believed in his own legacy, basically being Troll Harry Potter. Although he was convinced at some point to completely give up these beliefs, this was a big part of the narrative he wholeheartedly accepted. He now carries the perspective that he's "humankin," even dressing the part, and this new narrative has become what he engages with.
Now, Rage is a bit tougher to explain directly, since we don't have any Heroes of Rage who aren't a Destroyer Class, but we can still speculate based on what we know from the comic. Rage, broadly, is an Aspect that is drawn on when a character shows utter contempt for a narrative that's playing out. We see this extremely clearly when Caliborn is quite literally smashing around the terminal through which Hussie is speaking to him to explain his Quest, or his general frustrations at the idea that he must undertake a Hero's Journey, wishing to simply skip ahead to the point where he can fulfill his desire for power. We also see this during John's exploration of Homosuck, when Caliborn's unbelievably shitty storytelling and art skills lead John to express outright disgust and anger by the end.
When we look at a character like Gamzee, however, his relationship to this is a bit different. At the beginning of his story, he fully believes in the power of miracles and rejects other explanations for how everyday, mundane things happen, such as the fizz in sodas. He's absolutely indulging in a narrative as he allows the Rage in himself to melt away. As soon as the bubble bursts and Murderstuck begins, though, he stands once again on the razor's edge of his Aspect, but on the other side this time. He fully embraces his legacy of the mirthful messiahs being him (and also him) in a self-deifying way that seems to be toying with the protagonist complex of Hope, while also blaspheming his own religion in a way that echoes Rage. Gamzee begins to go off and do his own weird, bloody things. (Side note: the idea that Gamzee erupted into a fit of fury (Rage) when Dave showed him the ICP video where his religion (Hope) was being mocked (Rage) and seemed ready to start a one-man crusade (Hope) shows further how interlocked these opposites are in our resident Bard.)
I'll speak briefly on Kurloz, because I've got to keep things even, but dear lord, this is becoming quite long. Kurloz is obviously extremely faithful to the religion of his bloodline, even moreso than Gamzee at times, which leads to a humorous scene in one walkaround when Kurloz is attempting to show extreme reverence and speak in prose with Gamzee, who gets quickly fed up and cuts him off, all business. His dedication to Lord English is obvious, and he often seems to showcase more traits associated with Hope than Rage. Of course, this is intended in his role as a Prince, though his destruction of Hope is clearly seen in his ability to convince Cronus to give up his belief in his destiny to destroy Lord English.
To make a long story longer, Hope and Rage represent how one engages with their own story and the expectations placed on them by their role. Hope players embrace these wholeheartedly and seek to impress them onto reality, which rushes to meet them as their powers develop. Rage players reject and mock the reality that would box them in, laughing in the face of such audacity, and go off to do their own thing. It's a complete inverse from the Aspects' method of problem-solving, where Hope players tend toward open-mindedness and the ever-present Plan B, and Rage players limit their perspective to break through whatever obstacles dare to challenge them. Hope is Romanticism. Rage is Dadaism.
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nihilbliss · 2 years
In death, Karkat had peace and rest like he never experienced in life. The cosmic stakes were gone, some other Karkat's problem. Death also gave Karkat opportunities he'd never had in life, like experiencing the romantic quadrants. And along comes his prospective matesprit, Eridan Ampora, ready for a second date.It's time to go skating.
Rated T for Teen and up due to swearing.
Eridan Ampora/Karkat Vantas
Ice Skating
Dream Bubbles (Homestuck)
Doomed Timeline(s) (Homestuck)
Angst with a Happy Ending
Angst and Feels
Fluff and Angst
Existential Angst
Awkward Dates
Nonbinary Eridan Ampora
Flushed Romance | Matesprits
Dream bubbles were mutable, so Karkat's choice to spend his afterlife somewhere identical to his old hive was conscious. It had advantages. Familiarity and empty routine offered Karkat comfort he'd never had in life. There was truth in the humans' RIP platitude: in death, he had peace and rest aplenty. 
Death also gave him a chance to experience all of the romantic quadrants firsthand.
The doorbell rang, and his pump biscuit raced. He peered through the reinforced ganderportal in his door, just to make sure. There stood Eridan, chewing their lip, one hand crushing a bouquet of flowers, the other curled into a fist at their side. Karkat wasn't sure whether he wanted to open the door right away or to watch for a moment, just to see all the little ways Eridan moved when they thought they were alone. He could watch for hours if he wanted, and Eridan would stay there, waiting for the door to open, waiting to shower Karkat with his custom blend of arrogance and affection. Waiting for the chance at this second date. Waiting.
Karkat didn't wait. He yanked the door open, scowling as if he needed to hide what he'd been thinking beneath a blanket of anger. It's not like Eridan could see into his thinkpan. Eridan stared, holding the flowers to their chest, trying and failing to look unfazed. They wondered how they could have already fucked up and soured their maybe-hopefully-please-matesprit's mood without saying a word.
Karkat was pointing. Eridan looked down - the flowers. Their arm shot out, all but shoving them into Karkat's face.
"wwhatevver, they're the best i could find, and if you don't like them, you can fuck off," said Eridan. "it's not like there are florassassin bunkers in evvery other dream bubble out here so i had ta do the best i could, an i already spent hours finding these fuckin things. so you'd better be grateful, or..."
Karkat took the flowers and stormed inside, stuffing them into a mostly-empty bottle of grubsauce, the most vase-like thing in easy reach of his recreation block. He stopped and looked at them, really looked for the first time. Little purple flowers outnumbered much larger red ones, and he didn't recognize either as Alternian.
"THEY'RE GREAT," he said. Eridan, still in the doorway, blinked.
"wwell a course they are," they said. "i picked them."
Karkat groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. But he kept staring at the bouquet, turning over the mass of feelings they formed within him like a puzzle box. They were Relevant in a way not much was out here, and he couldn't let them go.
"anywway, you wwanna get going? wwe gotta find the right dream bubble," said Eridan, offering their hand. Karkat stared at it as if it might grow fangs and bite him. Then he thought about the prospect of holding Eridan's hand in public. What that would feel -- look like, he meant. What it would look like. Karkat stuffed both hands in his pockets and stared at his shoes.
"LEAD THE WAY," he said. Eridan's hand sank to their side, and they turned away from Karkat’s door before their expression could fall with it, and they started walking. And Karkat followed.
Cold air sat still and heavy over the snowy outdoor recreational space, and the echo of frolicking trolls scored the scene. The chill brought a sense of peace and calm to the dream bubble, casting the subtle spell that winter nights so often do. Karkat and Eridan trouped along the cobblestone path, toward a golden glow. There, in a low spot in the land, ghosts gathered around a frozen-solid pond. Lattices all around held strings of lights overhead. Some of those already present skated, alone, in pairs, or in groups, while others sat on the benches alongside the pond, or bustled in and out of a wooden lean-to that billowed steam from its doorway. Still others had set up quaint booths to peddle wares.
"FUCKING DAMMIT," Karkat swore as much under his breath as he was capable. One stand had a sign above reading "skate rental," and it was staffed by a dead Gamzee. Was this a crazed, murderous Gamzee, or was this a stoned and useless Gamzee? Neither option was pleasant. Karkat took a deep breath, bracing himself for a long and useless interlude, and...
A sack of coins hit the ramshackle wooden counter. Eridan stared at Gamzee, expression somewhere between impassive and irritated.
"twwo pairs a skates," they said. "keep your horrible face-hole from making the stupid sounds you call talking, and you can keep the change."
Gamzee opened his mouth, but he said nothing. Eridan clicked a golden ring against the counter. This snapped Gamzee out of his reverie. He snatched the sack and produced a pair of ice skates, which Eridan took with a huff. They took Karkat's hand and led the way toward the ice rink, nose all but in the air. Karkat stared at Eridan, not quite sure how he felt about what just took place. Eridan took a seat on a bench and offered Karkat his skates.
"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT," Karkat said, sitting to put his skates on.
"wwhatevver convversation you wwere about to havve wwith gamzee, nobody wwanted it to happen," they said, pulling their shoes off. "this is about you and me, not anybody else."
A warmth bloomed in Karkat's core and spread to his cheeks. This was about him . Him especially, undivided, no underlying agenda. He pulled his skate-laces as tight as he could stand.
It wasn't as easy as that human romance cartoon made it look, but Karkat had been studying the foibles of the figure skater and his coach for some time. The basics of skating weren't too hard, though any kind of jumping belonged in the "not doing that now or any time in the foreseeable future" bin. He followed the slow swirl of the crowd around the pond. It was nice to feel the breeze in his hair as he moved, not quite alive but closer than he could remember. But, to think about it, life itself had never felt this good.
Eridan hadn't joined Karkat on the pond. They stood a few feet away from the bench, stiff-legged and sliding backwards across the ice. The crowd parted and reformed without acknowledging them. Jaw clenched, Eridan slid their feet backwards and forwards with increasing fervor to no effect. One heel pushed too hard, and Eridan crashed to the ice, face first. There was no pain, but it hurt all the more for it. 
How pathetic, Eridan thought. How predictable. How pathetically predictable. Of course they would come up with a romantic idea that wound up flat on its face within minutes. If they could get a bloody nose here, in death, well, that would be the perfect way to finish this picture of miserable, flailing incompetence. There were so many reasons they were alone. Why not add "picks shitty dates" to the list?
Then, a hand rested on their shoulder. Eridan turned their head, and, through nascent tears, saw a familiar face. 
"YOU COULD HAVE ASKED FOR HELP," said Karkat, pulling them to their feet.
"wwhatevver," said Eridan. "frozen wwater is stupid. i don't knoww wwhy i thought wwe should do this. it wwas fuckin stupid." 
But there it was: Karkat's hands, on them, touching. They shivered, pretensions to anger quivering and dropping like flies at first frost. Karkat held Eridan's hand tight and pulled them close, more than close enough to help them stand. A warm, comforting buzz of thoughts and emotions that would not articulate themselves enveloped their thinkpan like a warm recuperacoon.
Eridan sniffled, wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
"wwait a second, kar, like this?"
Other thoughts rose up in Karkat's thinkpan. Things like closeness. The hand he didn't grasp earlier. Making up for that. How rarely he felt the touch of another troll. He beat them all down with the task at hand.
They circled the pond, unhurried. Eridan's ankles wobbled, or his knees quivered. But every time they felt like they might fall, Karkat clutched their hand a little tighter. They slowed down, took a breath, recentered, and kept going. Skating was nothing like swimming, but it flowed in a similar way, smooth and easy, like nothing Eridan had done with their feet on the ground. It made the words come easily, even the ones that stuck on prickly thoughts.
"y'knoww, kar, i keep thinkin about howw much it sucks that wwe're ghosts," they said. "it fuckin blowws wwhen you think there's some other vversion a you and me out there doin some cosmically relevvant wwho-the-fuck-knowws-wwhat kinda cool, important stuff. but this? this ain't bad."
They squeezed Karkat's hand, chancing to turn and stare at the faint pink that played across his face, under those intense, dark-rimmed eyes. That ever-hard expression couldn't mask the softness of Karkat's features. In a way, in a very faint way, Eridan was glad Karkat always looked underslept and irked. They weren't sure they could handle what he looked like without that barbedness.
Eridan grimaced.
"really, kar? that wwas gross evven for you," they said.
Karkat sighed.
"i could tell."
He sighed. Some of the tension on his face melted into weary sorrow, and he turned to Eridan.
Karkat always tried to look dangerous. But he was even more dangerous with his guard down. He was beautiful. Awe threw red sparks in Eridan's thinkpan.
"no," they said, quiet. "but maybe that's because i'm selfish too."
Both looked away. But their hands pulled them closer. They said nothing for a long time. Haunting the pond as other ghosts came and went.
Somewhere away from the noise, Eridan and Karkat sat on a bench with steaming mugs of a human drink called cocoa in their hands.
Eridan broke the silence first.
"I don't actually think I'd be doin somethin important if I weren't dead," they said. "I don't think I have it in me to be a hero like you, Kar. I havven't evven met a vversion a me who isn't a self-absorbed asshole the size of a collapsed star. I see wwhy nobody evver liked me and wwhy you alwways brushed me off. i wasn't kiddin when I said i'm selfish, either. I can't get anythin right, and I don't know..."
Karkat clapped his hand across Eridan's mouth.
Red beaded at the corners of Karkat's eyes.
"NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT MY MATESPRIT LIKE THAT," said Karkat, putting his hand back around his cocoa. "NOBODY."
Eridan pulled Karkat into a tight and desperate hug, letting their mug fall into the snow.
"i lovve you, kar," said Eridan. "i lovve you. i lovve you. i lovve you forevver, so much, so fuckin much."
They rambled flushed platitudes, shaking like earthquakes. Karkat's thinkpan overloaded, melted down. He set his mug down on the bench and hugged Eridan back.
In time, they separated, wiping tears from eyes.
Eridan nodded, smiling. They were cute when they smiled, Karkat thought. They needed to do that more; Karkat needed to make them do that more. He didn't say this out loud. Instead, he sipped his cocoa.
"i dunno, kar, i don't think you havve it in you to pick a better date than this," said Eridan. "you'd probably come up wwith somethin boring like sittin in your recreation block and wwatchin movvies and cuddlin under a blanket until wwe fall asleep on each other."
Eridan flushed as they realized just how good an idea that was.
"WE... WE CAN DO THAT," said Karkat.
"see? i'm the best at dates. i came up wwith a perfect kar date off the top a my head."
"wwhat, no kiss?"
Karkat groaned. He stood, turned, walked five paces away. Paused. Turned and walked back. Leaned over Eridan, soft face safely locked behind a mask of irritation.
"FUCK YOU," he said. He pressed his lips to Eridan's, crude and graceless. Eridan reeled until the moment passed and Karkat was walking away. They touched a finger to their lips, wondering at how soft Karkat's lips were. A rumble built in their core, pure energy growing and sending every atom in their body aquiver. Their eyes changed, white spheres turning yellow with proper pupils as they forgot they were dead. As they had never before felt so alive.
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
The Cancer King's Court ~ The Holy Prince
Eridan Ampora/The Holy Prince
This Eridan is, in fact, the Eridan from our timeline. 
After his death at the hands of Kanaya, Eridan mopes around the dreambubbles in a self loathing haze. Without Feferi or Karkat around to try and keep him afloat, Eridan is left to wallow in his own pathetic self pity. He takes every excuse to dive deeper into his own self loathing. Alternate versions of himself who have it better than him just go to show what a fuck-up he is, and those that don’t just reinforce his image of how miserable his life is.
He eventually runs into the Cancer King, who is absolutely pissed to see him. Karkat verbally tears Eridan to shreads, lambasting him for continually burying himself in his own self pity.
“you’re right, kar. god, you’re alwways right. i really am just a-”
Eridan stares silently. Karkat sighs and leaves.
Eridan wanders the Dreambubbles some more, Karkat’s lines repeating in his head. At first, it’s just another ember in his smouldering fire of self-loathing, but he can’t keep himself from chewing on it a bit more. Eridan’s conflicted thoughts come to a head when he meets himself from the New Timeline.
The Eridan from this timeline sold out his friends to The Condescension. He’s the reason she rose to power. And everything she’s done is on his shoulders.
When Eridan confronts his alternate self, he starts spewing all the same excuses that Eridan himself has used before. He didn’t have a choice, it’s his duty as royal blood, what did you expect him to do? When pressed, his alternate self admits to regretting what he did.
So, Eridan asks why he hasn’t tried to fix it yet? He’s a Grand Admiral in the Condescension’s navy. He has plenty of resources. He could easily fund the rebellion, work as a spy, plot some assassinations. He could try to fix this. Alternate Eridan refuses.
He’s always been the bad guy. Why pretend he could be anything else?
Eridan leaves in disgust. Karkat’s words finally sink in.
Even when given every reason in the world to change, Eridan couldn’t be bothered. Well, that ends today.
So, Eridan sets out to make amends. He visits the dreams of players still doing their sessions and gives them advice. He gives them hope, listens to their problems, helps them reach God-Tier and guides them away from the mistakes he made. He isn’t very good at it. Not initially. He finds himself listening to them as much as they listen to him. But, still, he grows. And, in doing so, he saves several sessions from the brink of disaster.
Eventually, Eridan meets Feferi. His Feferi.
The two awkwardly catch up, dancing around the obvious. They compare notes on the Dreambubbles and Eridan explains what he’s been up too.
Eridan bursts the bubble first. He asks her if she can forgive him.
…Feferi looks forlorn, devistated even, as she confesses that she doesn’t think she can.
Eridan quietly accepts this as he leaves.
He’s moping to himself in a memory of his old hive when the Pirate Queen knocks on his door. She comforts him and they try to make light of what terrible people they were. Again, they dance around the issue a bit, even humoring a bit of roleplay for old times sake, before they finally talk about the main issue.
Eridan laments how much it hurts to not be forgiven. Vriska can relate, but only to an extent. “I can live with Tavros not forgiving me, 8ut I don’t know where I’d 8e without Terezi. That sounds a 8it closer to what you’re going through.”
Vriska offers that, sense he’s making amends, maybe he could join the King’s Court.
Eridan turns her down. He wants to make amends on his own terms first.
So, Eridan gathers all the Players he’s helped and unties them against his alternate self. Playing on the flaws he knows his alternate self has, Eridan orchestrates his downfall, proving to himself that he’s outgrown the pathetic leech he once was. Eridan sees his new friends off with pride, inspiring them to join the Rebellion and fight fir the freedom of the Multiverse.
With that done, Eridan tracks down the Cancer King. 
“i'vve wwon back my honor. noww i wwant to wwin back my friend.”
Eridan is the King’s commander in chief against the forces of Her Imperious Condescension. He intends to undo the damage done by his alternate self and win back Karkat’s friendship in one foul swoop. Like Vriska, his opponents tend to underestimate him. They expect the same arrogant manchild he used to be, which he uses to catch them off guard. In fact, his effectiveness was so great, that it took Karkat awhile to realize that he wasn’t God-Tier and was, in fact, still dead. Karkat rectified the issue soon after, but it’s a testament to how far he’s come.
Eridan spends most of his time with Vriska. The two of them forming something of a support group about being “the reformed bad guys” of the group. It never quite reaches the outright moirail levels that she has with Terezi though. 
Gamzee holds him in considerably high regard for doing such a 180. It’s the reason he gave him and Vriska such lofty titles. Rose speculates if that has something to do with Gamzee’s unwillingness to face his own issues, but that’s for another day.
Like Aradia, Eridan never forgets the weight of what they’re doing. In fact, he refuses to associate with the ‘sacrifice’ side of the Court’s buisness. He understands the necessity of it, but he’s a reformed man. He can’t bring himself to sink back down there.
For a similar reason, he tries to let anyone know that he's The Holy Prince. He can’t stand to think about what the Players might say if they knew what their mentor was a part of.
Still, Eridan makes a point of befriending those he dismissed. He shares hunting stories with the Purrdator, he relates to the Bard’s loneliness. He even buries the hatchet with Sollux.
Eridan trusts in Terezi to keep Karkat on the straight and narrow, but he still worries about him. Eridan knows exactly what it’s like to bury yourself in your flaws. Luckily, he tends to inspire Karkat to be more merciful just by his example. The King even took the time to learn some of Eridan’s favorite board games. 
In the end, The Holy Prince is a loyal man who holds himself to a high moral standard. A competent commander and a friend to all his students. Eridan Ampora is someone Karkat is proud to call his friend.
god I love that you just submitted this because I SCREAMED when I saw it. 
also????? eridan being a source of advice for KARKAT????? YES PLEASE
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anyways you said figure and I went OF ANGELS??? because hell yeah I'm gonna incorporate more aspect stuff. also eridan being a voice of reason is concerning and funny at the same time. i respect that you had vriska relate to him but even then like she has terezi which is SUCH a valid point!!!! eridan has to get there for a LONNNNNNNGGGG while but I'm actually glad that he’s working towards being better seeing he always had that potential but never took it. 
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beta troll humanstuck hcs
-when he was in middle school, tavros tried to get into punk/emo/goth stuff to impress vriska serket, the edgy, rebellious girl in his class who kinda picked on him that he had a huge crush on for a while. it didn’t work, but he actually ended up getting kinda into it and enjoying a lot of the music. he’s particularly fond of famous last words by mcr and jet pack blues by fall out boy.
-vriska likes the song bubblegum bitch by marina and the diamonds.
-when kanaya was younger (think 4th/5th grade), she used her birthday money to buy a bunch of candycane-patterned fabric and reupholster her backpack, sewing kit, lunchkit, pencilcase, ect. and make herself her very first dress and skirt. she thought the colours were nice, and she still uses the candycane sewing kit, although she’s changed the fabric on everything else and outgrown the clothes.
-karkat has a tendency to accidentally chew through the mouthpiece on his waterbottle (one of those plastic contigo ones)
-terezi thinks ace attorney is cool.
-sollux is really good at with minecraft redstone
-feferi really likes bubblegum- her favourite flavor’s strawberry kiwi
-kanaya likes wearing dangly earrings
-eridan listens to vitamin string quartet and postmodern jukebox along with classical music
-aradia is a dancer- she started very young, and by the time she was 13 she was on pointe regularly. for solos, she likes doing more memento-mori style routines.
-eridan drinks black tea
-feferi did tap dance when she was younger, and she’s also done volleyball and swimming
-gamzee can skateboard, albeit not very well
-feferi likes roller rinks
-nepeta’s favourite character in harry potter was luna lovegood.
-gamzee thought that one “clown husbandry” meme that went around on tumblr a while back was absolutely hilarious
-nepeta has like five different pairs of those decked-out claire’s cat ears- her first pair was a birthday present from equius, and she thought they were fantastic so she eventually got more. she wears them a frankly disconcerting amount.
-tavros looked up to his older brother rufioh a ton as a kid, and rufioh helped him grow his self-confidence a lot, but he definitely had that moment of realizing that your role model is a flawed person when he grew up.
-gamzee’s notification tone is a bike horn honk
-terezi did that thing where you do a test to skip a preliminary course in highschool, and she ended up in law 30 in like tenth grade
-nepeta is Having A Moment with all the cat-merch stuff right now. her diary and fic drafts are in a cat-themed journal, she has cat person stickers on her laptop, there are whiskers on her popsocket, ect, ect.
-terezi likes cherry slushies
-karkat is an avid participator in all those hallmark channel competitions- like the fantasy football league but hallmark movies thing.
-terezi dressed up for halloween in a dragon costume several years in a row. her mom made it for her and the photos are adorable.
-eridan is a band kid. he plays the euphonium
-karkat used to steal his mom’s romance novels and read them under his bed when he was a little kid
-eridan always felt like he had to be the “good kid” and excel at school to make up for his brother cronus rebelling
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setoandjewel · 4 years
Freaky Friday
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WARNING: Not suitable for all ages.
Some cursing
A tiny being scared/panicking.
Story: Non canon. If the events of Freaky Friday were applied to a certain Seto and Gabriel after a silly argument.
This actually has a sequel but not it’s final third part. I’ll need to write all the parts and then upload.
Seto opened his eyes to see himself.
Big brown eyes watching him, eyes that he’d seen in every mirror he’d ever looked at.
They were his own eyes, almond shaped and slowly fading to grey at the sight of him waking up.
“Dad! You’re awake.”
Why was he calling himself dad? And more importantly, why was he talking to /himself/?! Why was he looking at himself from another person’s eyes?
And more importantly,
“SHIT!” Seto scrambled backward from between the giant’s arms, only to be clumsily caught in his own hand and forced to face himself. “No, no, NO! This can’t be happening! I can’t be sma-”
Why did he sound like Gabriel?
A quick glance over his body and a few fingers running through his short hair told him that he looked identical to the adopted Terran he found so many years ago.
Why did he /look/ like his own /son/?
“Why do I look like Gabriel?” Seto asked, his voice cracking as he looked to himself, towering over with a frown on his face that made the sorcerer press further into the warm, soft, skin of his own palm.
“Dad, you don’t just look like me. You /are/ me.” The voice rumbled deeply like something he’d never heard before, and he shut his eyes tight and turned his head away, trying to control his breathing. He couldn’t break down, he couldn’t. Not in front of his son.
He felt a breath wash over him as a strong wind, and he found himself stumbling backward as the hand moved away and returned to its owner.
Seto took a sharp inhale and brought his eyes back to the giant before him, seeing the clear worry on his familiar features. The giant was crouched down before him, hunched over as low as he could, so his darker locks grazed the floor. The sorcerer couldn’t help the awe that came over him, in the true sense of the word, at the sight of a /giant/ before him, let alone himself.
He recognised the stance his larger counterpart was taking, and gave a breathless wheeze, his words still caught in his throat.
“So that’s what I look like when I do that.”
Fuck I’m terrifying. I’m that big I could...
“So that’s how small I am. To everyone. To /you/.” Seto jumped away from the giant as he stooped deeper and his face came within inches, as well as his hand, which hovered behind him for a moment.
“I never really thought of it but I’m only as tall as your thumb." Gabriel said, as he looked to himself with a frown, brushing Seto’s fringe from his eyes. “But we have to time for that. We need to find a way to reverse this.”
“Me being in your body, you being in mine?”
“Yes. But if I just get up, I can take get you somewhere safe.” Seto lost his breath when he watched himself stand, his own body reaching taller and taller in the sky. Not used to his eyesight reaching so far above the ground, feeling like he was on stilts, Gabriel stumbled.
Seto ran. He dodged the clumsy footsteps that constantly knocked him off his feet, yelling as his own son came close to squashing him flat more than once. He hated it, he hated being small again!
“GABRIEL! Stop! You’re going to kill me!” Seto cried as he fell into a shoe longer than he was tall, but to his delight, it stopped moving, though the other came to rest right by him. He recognised the pair, some of his favourite shoes, which he picked out especially for today.
“Dad? Dad are you okay? Did I... did I-”
“No. But you bloody well came close to it.” Seto tried to walk forward only to come face to face with himself again, making him flinch backward with hands ready to inflict damage, before stopping to lower his hands.
“Stop doing that?”
“Doing /what/?”
“Scaring me?”
“Dad. I’m not doing anything.” Great, now he was getting scared of nothing. Every movement made him flinch, every word rumbled, just seeing himself made him squirm inside.
“Sit down Gabriel. We have to work out a few things here.” Seto turned his eyes away as he was stepped over, trying to ignore the crushing feelings of insignificance and the memories that hadn’t stopped. No full-blown panic attacks had come on yet, but he felt the hitching of his breath and the pounding headache in his near future if Gabriel didn’t get his shit together soon.
“What happened?”
“I think it was because of the argument we had. You know that movie, Freaky Friday? Can’t Eridan do stuff like that.” It sounded so weird hearing Gabriel’s tone and infliction but with his own voice, but it made sense. They were fighting front of the fawn; they were fighting over personal misunderstandings.
It can’t be, that’s just a movie. But the fawn can..
“Eridan is so dead if that is true. I told him specifically to never take matters like these into his own hands, but of course, he did.” Seto still hadn’t met the giant eyes watching over him, and didn’t plan to, yet. “I need to go and-”
“We have bigger problems here, dad. I have a major javelin competition tomorrow, and you have a date with mum, as well as my school and your genetic work.”
“And if we mess that up,” Seto looked up to himself, standing and stepping onto the plush surface of the hand that had lowered to his level. “You could lose your reputation, your grades, your friends.” The face approached rapidly as he was lifted, the floor beneath him dipping and curling as Gabriel made sure his dad wouldn’t fall out.
“Your job, your major project, your /wife/.” Gabriel continued, and he began to chew at his thumbnail, something distinctly /him/, and Seto’s instincts kicked in as the same hand brushed away a fringe and his large eyes closed, brow furrowing.
“This is all my fault. If I hadn’t listened to you, if I just appreciated the things you were trying to do for me, none of this would’ve happened.” His voice went deep and husky, and Seto immediately jumped in knowing that he might really cry.
“Gabriel, no, no. None of this is your fault. Look at me, cap.” His words were obeyed, but this time there was no flinching when the giant eyes turned on him, or when he came close enough to reach out and touch his own face. “We /will/ talk about this later, but for now, fringe down, nail out of your mouth, stop trying to sound so sexy. You’re about to get a crash course in becoming /me./”
Gabriel smiled down at his dad, and leant down to hug him, which only resulted in Seto getting squished against his own warm cheek, even getting a brief kiss which pretty much shocked him out of his wits. But then he was held up to his own amber eyes which were full of excitement.
“Did I do good, cap?” Gabriel asked Seto, as well as a whispered. “Was that like how you hug me?”
“Perfect, dad, perfect.”
Reblog if you enjoyed! Have a good day!!
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emperor-of-blood · 4 years
She Ra
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Or Adora rather. Raised in the horde as a soldier for their tyrannical conquest of Etheria, Adora learned of the cruelty of the horde and chose to change sides, joining the rebels and assisting them in their fight against them. Alongside her friends she learns to unlock a power hidden deep within herself by the way of an ancient artifact: The sword of She Ra. This allows her to assume the form of She Ra, Princess of Power. Adora is strong willed, showing her great determination to see things through whenever she can; and sometimes, even when she can’t. She is courageous along with most of the marking of a true hero; the sort of generic kind you read about in story books. Not that that’s a bad thing, especially since she’s not without her flaws. Adora sees the good in people, even the most scummy lowlifes around. It’s not a stretch to call her naive for this. She’s also prone to some pretty deep depression, and with her powers being linked to her emotional state, she has a pretty glaring weakness. It’s honestly very refreshing since it’s alongside the whole “Power of friendship” thing the show has going on. 
So what is she? Adora is...
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A Knight of Hope
One who exploits [Hope]/protects with [Hope]
Before we dive into this, something quick that I think I haven’t covered before is the lack of [aspect] in a Knights session. The lack of aspect is directly tied to them exploiting it, and why it matters so to speak. Dave exploiting Time with crazy time travel shenanigans over the course of the 48 hour session he was in is the easiest way for me to think about it. Karkat also has a solid example in his session as a Knight of Blood. Between all 12 trolls, there was so much bad blood and he still managed to coral them long enough to beat their game without any (permanent) deaths despite several players straight up trying to murder one another. 
Adora’s world is one that is Hopeless for sure. For starters the only Hope for the rebels was raised by the enemy. Once she finally get’s out and joins the rebels, she finds that in order to defeat the horde she needs to convince all the other princesses to join the rebel cause, which they don’t want to do. There’s always something else. When she finally gets Glimmer back, the entire planet has been captured by Hoard forces. It’s constant and yet, she perseveres. She’s always finding the small glimmer of Hope (No pun intended). 
Adora’s story is all about the constant obstacles in her way and still finding a way. Her ability to assume the form of She Ra allows her to protect her friends. It allows her to jump in front of attacks that would shred her allies that instead just knock her back a couple yards. Other times it unlocks treasures otherwise inaccessible through her ancient magic. But it also doesn’t work all the time. Sometimes she takes to much damage and goes back to her normal form. Other times she’s in distress and can’t focus. If she doesn’t believe she can transform, she can’t. A key part of the Hope aspect is how closely it’s tied to having Hope. Eridan believing magic is fake, and therefor not being able to sue it until he overcomes that. Jake not believing in Brain Ghost Dirk making him not real at a crucial time. Their powers only work if there’s Hope to exploit, and when there’s not, they’re done for. 
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In a session Adora is likely to be a complete powerhouse similar to her role in the show. I imagine she might cause some trouble with her rashness. Tossing something into her sprite carelessly that fucks everyone over maybe. maybe she’s just so eager to help out that she ends up biting off more than she can chew, loses Hope (And her powers), and dies. If she has someone to guide her, focus her attention, and make her follow the plan, she’s likely to be the powerhouse she needs to be. I imagine her quest is mostly figuring out how to not lose Hope. Maybe she has to endure great pain to save innocent creatures or something, teaching her that life sucks, but that doesn’t mean you should back down. Keep pressing on and you’ll make it someday, it just takes time.
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lizardlicks · 4 years
Eridan for the prompt?
God I should learn not to reblog these things at midnight right before I go to bed, huh. Sexuality Headcanon: Canon Eridan is pan af like all trolls.  He just desperately wants to feel loved, wanted and needed without being judged and he doesn’t much care who does that.  Since he’s a parallel for toxic masculinity, it’s really fun to explore how that affects his being able to identify and relate to non-cishet normative attractions in AUs.
Gender Headcanon: We still don’t have an answer to what exactly trolls view as defining gender or what would make them divergent to their assigned gender or how that gender even gets assigned (drones?  Brood cavern attendants?  Lusus?)  Pesterquest did throw us a tasty bone for Eridan in that he’s reaching a point where he’s starting to question some societal norms and is experimenting with presentation.  He’s clearly frustrated/done with being stuffed into certain boxes and has declared the whole experience of gender to be dumb.  Mood. If we’re running with Humanstuck AUs I like Eridan being an absolute jack ass in middle/high school, then having some very sudden queer awakenings in college once he’s escaped the oppressive toxicity of a very traditional, conservative house hold, and has to grapple with all the baggage there in. A ship I have with said character: Please.  Okay, okay, y’all know I stan erikar forever but here’s some other excellent Eridan ships for your perusal: Eridan/Nepeta (excellent pitch potential actually built on healthy competitiveness... if Eridan can pull his head out of his ass), Eridan/Dave (fast talking, deadpan ironic movie director and the theatrical, melodramatic diva star), Eridan/John (This one is just pure slapstick comedy gold and I feel like John would not mind Eridan’s clinginess so much)   A BROTP I have with said character: Eridan/Roxy.  Wizards, scarves, guns, commiseration on weird gender bullshit and relationship woes.  Roxy gives Eridan a cat because she decides that he’s lonely.  Eridan would die for this cat and he would die for Roxy. A NOTP I have with said character: Serkets are just kind of the catch all NOTP mostly because I just don’t have an interest in reading about them.  I can certainly be convinced by the right author/plot hook though.
A random headcanon: Eridan’s rings actually serve a purpose and aren’t just there to look pretty.  He used to chew his knuckles/bite his nails when stressed.  Still hasn’t broken the habit of chewing his scarf but it’s better than the bloody shreds he used to reduce his hands to.
General Opinion over said character: What a fucking trashfire..... I care him.
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
A Christmas Miracle
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Well, except you.
You tossed and you turned in your bed as the wind beat at you window, causing the glass to creak and groan. No matter what you did, no matter how much you shifted, you just couldn’t fall asleep. Your mind continued to wander well into the night.
Thoughts and dreams of drooling maws and gurgling guts kept you up at night. Dreams of digestion and hopes of hunger kept you squirming. It was a foolish fantasy, you knew as much, but it wouldn’t leave your mind. The best gift you could get for Christmas was a soft gut to stew in.
A crash downstairs brought your fantasies screaching to a halt. You shot up in bed, eyes wide with dread. For a moment, you hoped it was all in your head. But that clattering sounded much to real. You couldn’t have imagined a sound like that. 
Your steps creak beneath your feet as you scurry down to the kitchen. You flick the lights on to find… him.
Gamzee Makara stood their blinking at you, his scrawny arms cradling the plate of milk and cookies you left out for the sake of tradition. He shrugged, put the plate down, and stepped carelessly over the broken glass on the floor, leaving milky footprints trailing behind him. “SoRrY aBoUt ThE mEsS, mOtHeRfUcKeR.” He said as he looked you over, pausing only to lick his lips. “i WaS jUsT hElPiNg MySeLf To An ApPeTiZeR.”
You stared in shook, trying to process that, somehow, someway, a Homestuck character was in your house. “I- how… what?" 
Gamzee raised an eyebrow before realizing. "Oh. RiGhT. tHe ReD mOtHeRfUcKeR sAiD tHiS wOuLd Be WeIrD tO yOu.” He rolled his hand lazily, like this was a regular inconvenience and not a fictional character coming to life right in front of you. “YoU dOn’T hAvE tO wOrRy AbOuT a MoThErFuCkInG tHiNg, MoThErFuCkEr. I’m YoUr ChRiStMaS gIfT. yOuR cHrIsTmAs MiRaClE.”
Your eyes flicker from his face to his guts as they let out a conveniently timed gurgle. “Wait… you’re here to…” He smirks a bit as his eyes glow purple. Your mouth finishes the sentence of its own accord. “Eat me.”
Gamzee leaned over you, looking you over like you were a scrumptious Christmas dinner. Which, technically, you were. “YoU tElL mE, mOtHeRfUcKeR. iSn’T tHiS eXaCtLy WhAt YoU wAnTeD fOr ChRiStMaS?” Gamzee opens his jaws right in front of your face, his warm breath washing over you as you spot his uvula in the back. Saliva dripped down across his tongue as it hung out haphazardly, spilling drool onto the floor. His purple cheeks and wet, dripping teeth seemed eager to welcome you.
You blushed at the display and shivered when he forced out a light burp. The smell of his breath burned its way into your nostrils and his eyes bore into you. Gamzee asking for your approval was nothing but a formality. You both knew you would say yes.
So, instead, you just stuck your head inside. Gamzee’s jaws popped out to accommodate you, allowing your head to bulge out his cheeks as his teeth clamped onto your neck. Saliva coated your head as his tongue lavished you, slobbering all over your face, eyes, nose, and mouth as your squirmed about inside him. 
Gamzee’s hands clasped your shoulders as he lifted you off the floor, shoveling more of you into his maw. He half moaned-half purred around you as your face squeezed into his throat, his breath and heartbeat squeezed past you as his tongue massaged your chest.  You could feel him slobbering over and chewing through your clothes, it almost makes you wished you’d come downstairs naked.
You hear his belly gurgle ahead of you and you squirm towards it, twisting yourself through his throat as Gamzee laughs around you in the way only a practiced pred can. Another gulp causes you to shiver and kick as his tongue slithers across your belly. You swear he’s tickling you on purpose as you twitch and kick and laugh sporadically. The half chuckle around you only confirms your suspicions and you squirm deeper into him. His stomach called for you. It’d be cruel to keep him waiting.
Another swallow pushed your head into his gut, mashing your face into the stomach walls as they stretched to accept you. Your legs kicked around in the air feebly as Gamzee’s gut gurgled around you. You could feel one hand pet your head as another gropped your ass outside of him, causing you to gasp and moan inside of him. “Take me…” you plead inside of him. “Swallow me down. I’m yours.”
You can feel Gamzee tilt his head back and slurp your legs up like noodles. The rest of your body swiftly falls in on top of you as his gut expands and your entire world is shaken by a colossal burp as you try to turn yourself upright. Sticky purple slime and saliva soaks into your clothes as stomach acids tingle at you. Stomach muscles pulse around you as Gamzee rubs his massuve gut, kneading purple slime into your skin.
“YoU’rE aN eAgEr LiTtLe MoThErFuCkEr, ArEn’T yOu? TaStY oNe ToO.” Another sharp belch compressed the stomach around you, forcing you to shiver and moan. “sTaRtInG tO wOnDeR wHo’S gEtTiNg ThE cHrIsTmAs GiFt HeRe.” Gamzee almost purrs as he continues massaging you. You press back like you’re playing a game of patty cake, causing him to chuckle. “HuMaNs AlWaYs Go DoWn EaSy… BuT i CaN tElL yOu FeEl RiGhT aT hOmE iN tHeRe.”
As Gamzee continues to pet you, you look around your purple, squishy home. Seems like Gamzee is quite the glutton, as you can see you’re surrounded by half digested pie tins and bike horns. You spot a few trinkets from previous meals, like Nepeta’s hat and Terezi’s glasses. You can even spot the leftover scraps of Eridan’s cape. It’s a wonder he doesn’t have indigestion. 
Suddenly, you feel a cool liquid pouring on top of you, cold milk runs down your spine and pools at your ankles. Apparently you weren’t enough for the greedy, gluttonous slob as you can hear him digging through your fridge and chewing cookies. Part of you almost wants to feel incredulous. The rest of you fully embraces it. You’re food now. Who are you to complain?
…You’re food now. That’s such a strange thought to have. All your experiences, your memories, your family, your friends… they don’t mean anything. You’re food now. It’s so demeaning… but so oddly comforting.
Why should you worry about what troubles tomorrow may bring? Why should fret about taxes, disease, poverty, or politics? You’re food now. You have no worries now, no concerns. You only need to sit back and digest.
Gamzee clearly agreed with that sentiment as he eagerly rubbed his gut. Chewed up cookies stopped raining down on you heard him slam the fridge door shut. “YeAh, ThAt OuGhT tO fIlL mE uP fOr ToNiGhT.” You could feel him stretch before your home shook with another belch, mashing some of the chewed up food into you. “tHiNk It’S aBoUt TiMe I sLePt YoU oFf.”
Gamzee’s gut rocked back and forth, presumably from him making his way up the steps. You paid it no mind. You just sighed blissfully as hus stomach gurgled and groaned around you. The acids had begun to rise… it wouldn’t be long now…
You heard your bed creak as Gamzee lazily flopped into, shaking another burp out of his guts. He pet your head through his thick stomach walls. “MeRrY cHrIsTmAs To AlL…” He muttured, clearly dozing off “aNd To AlL a GoOd NiGhT.”
Soon, you were the only creature stirring that night. Stirring and stewing in a tight purple gut as your body broke down. Hours of burps and churns would eventually lull you to sleep.
You wake up on Christmas day from the best nap you’ve ever had. The events of last night still fresh in your mind. You could only sigh as the smell of Gamzee’s guts were still fresh in your nostrils.
Before you could get up, however, you found a note taped to your head. The dark purple ink on it almost made you shudder and it confirmed to you that this was the best Christmas ever.
SeE yOu NeXt YeAr ;o)
More wonderful work from Gamzanon. A wonderful Christmas gift ;u;
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me-and-my-gaster · 4 years
I don't know jack shit about homestuck but here you go! 3, 27 and 74! (I hope the questions apply to you) Oh and also 40 because I like when you ramble about ships even if I don't know those ships! ^3^
The 100 Homestuck Asks!
3 - How many times have you read HS?
It’s hard to count, I guess? I started reading it once and had to stop after the Cascade (about halfway). Then I re-read the first half to ‘get it’ when I read about the Alpha Kid’s session and finished the whole thing. Then I often worked with a YT queue of ‘Let’s Read Homestuck’ playing in the background. And I also often jump in and read a page or a hundred when my friend who is currently reading the whole thing for the first time reminds me of something awesome. So... Personally, fully, with my own two eyes with no breaks (that was a mighty binge, I tell you)? Once. Overall... hard to tell.
27 - Favorite carapacian?
I’d say The Mayor, because everybody loves the Mayor and the Mayor deserves all the love. I do also have a weakness for the Windswept Questant (White Queen) because her design is very pretty.
74 -  Earth C headcanons?
Everybody lived happily ever after, the end. Also, this was only the first planet they inhabited, later on, they traveled further to explore their new Universe. Good shit, good adventures, good fun.
40 - BROTP?
Ho boy. You like me ranting about ships and you picked one of the topics I can rant about A LOT.
Dave & Rose - they behave like siblings, squabble, talk shit, whine about each other, but despite that, both are ready to maul a bitch for the other AND die to keep the other one alive. 11/10.
Dirk & Roxy - they gave each other a hard time but boy if I don’t love how deep their pride and respect goes when it comes to one another. Especially since they grew up in similar circumstances and GET each other in ways that nobody else could. Good sibs again. Kick ass, chew gum, and have unhealthy coping mechanisms together.
Meowrails - at first I thought Equius was too overbearing towards Nepeta and that he was trying to keep her on ‘a leash’. But then I reminded myself that he kept her safe from the goddamn revenge spiral Vriska started and if Nepeta really wanted to do something, she would. I like the difference in height and personality between them. Nepeta being a very small, active, extroverted, and open one is a good balance for Equius’ big body and proper, stiff, and formal behavior. There are also those little things you notice like Nepeta having a blue tail, which meant Equius used his skills to help her with the Lioness life. Like how they’re usually shown together. Like how Equius trying to protect her while simultaneously knowing he’s too weak to keep her safe by his side, so he sends her away. Like how Nepeta was following him anyway and was ready to maul a mad clown because her moirail was hurt. All of it. I just really like them and I’m glad most of the fic writers always keep them together. 
Dave & Dirk - jesus wept, that one long-ass talk between them at the very end of the story hit me so hard. Both of them talking about Bro, about Alpha Dave about how they grew up and what are their expectations of each other. This was one of the best convos in the whole thing for me. I wish I could see more of them, cause there’s so much good shit that can happen. Every fic with Dave and Dirk being good brothers in any older/younger configuration is A+ content for me.
John & Karkat - I know JohnKat is a very fun and nice ship and I don’t blame anybody for preferring those two as a romantic couple but... there’s something for me with them being close friends (or moirails, please gods, yes). They really had a very good relationship in the story, one that had a lot of buildup and growth. One of my favorite convos comes from their interactions. (hi karkat!) They are both leaders of their respective groups, self-proclaimed or not and they did work together (with a lot of help from Jade, that is) to figure out how to save everybody’s asses. They also seem to balance each other out, or at least John is a good balance for Karkat’s unending anger rants. Karkat is also a lot smarter than John and isn’t afraid to point out the other’s dumbassery, so there’s that. What also appeals to me in the idea of them being moirails is how it could be a lovely way to work through John “I Am Not A Homosexual” Egbert’s internalized masculinity stereotypes.
Now, let’s delve deep into the BROTPs that didn’t have much material in the comic.
Sollux & Dave - I didn’t give this pair any thought until I’ve read a few good fics with them being in a pale quadrant, and let me tell you... this shit’s good. Those two are assholes on the outside and would probably be the duo that annoys the everloving shit out of everybody in the close vicinity just with their banter. And I just think they’re neat.
Davesprite & Hal - those two would have hit it off immediately, even if only for being the fifth wheel in their respective “kids set”. Both seem more bitter than their ‘alpha’ counterparts. Both also seem more mature, due to being a bit older/wiser but also a little bit more broken. Both also got mighty forgotten by everybody which, not gonna lie, hurts me a lot. I have a lot of feelings about Davesprite and how much he went through and I also have a lot of feelings about Hal, who’s both a human stuck in the shades and an AI at the same time. I just wish to see the two interact and be bros they really need. They should be happy, dammit!
Roxy & Eridan - the scarf and sniper rifle duo! Ok, I love both of them because they are my comfort characters for various reasons and their stories hit home very hard, so I am mighty biased. But... They both have issues that seem to be polar opposites for the most parts and I really dig the idea of them moirailing the shit out of each other. Roxy being a very open person who is first to make friends would have no issues with befriending Eridan “Water Asshole” Ampora any time of the day. And I think he needs somebody who would listen to him properly and attack him with too much love at any waking moment but also somebody he would have to be actually responsible for. Also, like I said, both are snipers who also use another extra specibi, so I think they would make a lovely power BROTP. 
Also, I do love the idea of Eridan painting Roxy’s nails because she never could get it right herself because she was either drunk or running with pumpkins and the polish looked shitty immediately after she applied it.
Ok, that’s about it when it comes to the BROTPs from the top of my head. Thank you for your ask!
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interrogatormentors · 5 years
Event Ten: Ghosts
Despite all of Eridan’s hopes to the contrary, life did not return to normalcy after the events aboard the HBC Condescension. The Reichenbach found its flight path altered a perigee later, rescheduled from routine patrols near the Syphoran border to instead orbit around the Empress’ ship in a listless rotation. Tensions rose within the ship as the crew grew restless with inactivity, with no answers from the higher-ups as to why their schedules had changed so drastically without warning.While hiring hadn’t been in his repertoire when he gained the position, Eridan had grown to take pride in his success in finding dedicated crew members as Head Admin. None of the people he hired had come to the Reichenbach seeking a cushy escort ship position. But how could Eridan even begin to explain the Empress’ sudden obsession with him when he barely understood it himself?
Another night saw another orbit around the HBC Condescension, and Eridan’s finger tapped an unsteady beat on his own arm held behind his back as he watched the ship pass underneath them from a viewport. Sometimes coming this close meant nothing, just that their hulls almost kissed with the two helmsmen aboard each ship playing a careful dance around each other. Most of the time, however, it meant an interruption to Eridan’s routine. If he waited by the airlock for a summons, odds were half the time that the Empress would keep him waiting for hours before sending him a flippant message that she had no need of him that day. If he tried to get any work done with the schedules or order forms, that was always when she needed him most.
Eridan reached into the breast pocket of his uniform as he watched the other ship, fumbling out a small flask he’d taken to carrying with him.  God, he hated this backup uniform. The pockets were so tight he had to shimmy out his flask with more than a little difficulty, garnering odd looks whenever he did so. He didn’t have a dependency or anything, despite the concerned glances the crew cast towards him. There was no shame in steadying his nerves. What did anyone expect? The Empress had an intimidating aura by virtue of position and maybe some pheromones; anyone would need a little help to withstand her presence. Besides, she seemed to like him better a little tipsy anyway. His jokes seemed to land more, eliciting tinkling laughs that echoed Feferi in the most pusher-pulling way. And when the Empress had trimmed and pierced his bitten fin with her own nails, setting golden rings and fuschia stones in the membrane, he had soldiered through the pain without so much as a whimper.
Bricks’ voice pierced through his musings, and Eridan hastened to stow away the flask before turning around. “Were you listening to me, Ampora?”
“What?” Eridan ran his fingers through his hair, mind struggling to catch up to the conversation. “Yeah, yeah, ‘course.”
“So you’ll be there in an hour?”
“Yeah.” Eridan glanced to the side, back to the other ship out the viewport. “I’ll be at…?”
“Shakes’ DnD session? You missed the last three,” Bricks said. “You doing okay?”
Eridan nodded, opening his mouth, but squeaked and jumped instead as his palmhusk buzzed. He fished it out, waving off Bricks’ questions as he opened Trollian.
[textileAperture [TA] has begun trolling caligulasAquarium[CA]!]
TA: 8< is this Head Admin Eridan Ampora?
CA: wwhat howw did you get this handle wwhore you
TA: 8< um
TA: 8< the Empress’ seamstress.
TA: 8< she said you’d be here at four for a new uniform fitting?
Eridan wracked his pan for any mention of a fitting, checking the time. Five. Upon drawing a blank he stuffed his palmhusk back in his pocket. “Sorry, gotta go,” he said, making for the airlock without hesitation and brushing past  Bricks. “Tell the others I can’t make it.”
“What?” The odd tone of Bricks’ voice rankled Eridan in a way that had him hunching his shoulders. “Hey Ampora, if you need to talk--”
“Get back to work, Bricks,” Eridan called back down the hall. If he sounded a little too quick, too agitated, that wasn’t anyone’s business but his own. He had his priorities in order. The Empress came first. Any thoughts to the contrary were tantamount to treason.
He broke into a run once Bricks was out of sight, speeding across the length of the ship until he came to a halt in front of the airlock doors. Eridan inhaled sharply to catch his breath before hammering on the intercom button.
“Oh my god, stop!” Shakes’ voice said from the intercom. “You wanna dock?”
“Yes! Of course! Hurry it up!”
“Do I have to? The Helmsman gives me the fucking willies every time I have to interface. He didn’t think entering the docking code in Wingdings was funny last time either. Everybody fucking looooves the Wingdings.”
“Fuckin’ dock now, Riesse!” Eridan pressed his face an inch away from the intercom, not bothering to swipe away the sweaty hair that fell into his eyes. How could he have forgotten? He was late, so fucking late, and the Empress would have his head if she found out.
Shakes swore under his breath, and the ship changed directions to align its docking bay with the HBC Condescension. Eridan bounced on the balls of his feet, every muscle tensed as he watched the other ship extend the docking corridor. “Come on, come on, come on,” he said, chewing his lips like a woofbeast worrying a bone. 
The moment the airlock opened Eridan sprinted off, footsteps clanging on the metal. The Helmsman’s voice crackled over the intercom as he ran. “Welcome back, Eridan. Do you know where you are going?”
“Not now, Helmsman. I’m late!” Eridan grabbed onto the corner of a wall as he slid past, swinging himself in a wide circle into the intersecting hallway without slowing his momentum.
“Late for…?”
“The fuckin’-- the uniform fittin’! Shit-- Okay, where’s the fuckin’ seamstress at?”
“Which one?”
Eridan stopped, boots squeaking once on the floor as he came to a standstill. “Uh. Fuck.” Had he forgotten another detail? What was happening to him? “I dunno. A jade- She had a scissor quirk or somethin’.”
“Ah, you want Marlen. Uploading floorplan to your palmhusk now.”
Eridan flinched as his palmhusk buzzed, but pulling it out showed only a message from torpidAnnihilator, with the map of the ship as promised. Part of Eridan wondered if anyone else was privy to such information. He could see every pathway, every escape pod, every crew member flitting about with their attached hex code. Eridan pulled his eyes away from the #77003C currently stationed somewhere in the upper decks, following the plan as it zoomed in without any input on a hexcode in the X74 zone of the ship. 
Eridan started running again, glancing down every time he rushed into a new corridor to assess his progress. He ignored HBC Condescension crewmembers he passed in their gilded uniforms, having no time to waste on the way they tittered as he passed. By the time he made it to the X zone of the ship from B, his lungs burned with a fire like switching from salt to freshwater without time to adjust.
Eridan slammed his hand on the pad outside the door, swearing when the pad flashed red. “No, fuck, this has to be the right block!” He slapped the pad a few times, breathing starting to catch in his throat before the door slid open to reveal a tall jade holding a bag.
“Oh, sorry,” she said, setting the bag down. “I didn’t get a response, so I was just packing up to go.”
“No, well, I’m here now,” Eridan said, pushing past her into the block. He turned his head, coughing into his elbow as his chest continued to ache. “You’re Marlen, right? Look, if you’re busy, you really shoulda told me so I could reschedule instead of bookin’ my ass all the way here for you.” He pulled his flask out again, draining the rest and stifling another cough around the burning soporific.
“Sir, you never--” Marlen stopped herself after catching the look Eridan shot at her, closing her eyes and taking a breath before starting again. “Of course, Admin Ampora. Just let me get set up again. Go ahead and get undressed behind that screen there.”
Eridan went behind the folding screen the jade indicated, starting to relax once he was both out of immediate sight and starting to feel the warming effects of the soporific he’d just imbibed back around Bricks. He smoothed his hair down, letting his fins wave freely to cool himself off before stripping. He donned the overlarge uniform that the seamstress draped atop the screen’s edge, eyes lingering for a moment on the fuschia strip running the length of his sleeve.
Eridan slid the folding screen back, stepping out into the room again once he stopped hearing his pusher beating in his eardrums. Kanaya was waiting for him, comparing two seemingly identical spools of black thread with a pin already pursed between her lips.
Before Eridan could open his mouth to ask where Marlen had gone, Kanaya had vanished and Marlen was back. Her gaze lingered on him for a moment. “... Is everything alright, Admin Ampora?” 
Eridan cleared his throat and shook his head, closing his eyes. “Yeah, uh. Sorry. Shit. Where do you want me?”
And there she was again when he opened his eyes. Kanaya waved her hand in front of her and he obeyed, in a daze as he tried to figure out what was going on as he stood before the mirror she indicated. This wasn’t right.
But as Eridan closed his eyes and opened them again, Kanaya remained. She extended an expectant hand, and without thinking he stuck out his own arm. Kanaya plucked the pin from her lips, pinching his sleeve to judge the give before using the pin to close up the excess fabric. “I must say, Eridan, I was not expecting much upon meeting again and yet somehow, I am still disappointed in you. Is this really how you are spending your time now?”
Eridan swallowed, managing a strangled “Nnng,” that Kanaya quickly dismissed with an imperious upward quirk of her eyebrow. Eridan cleared his throat before trying again. “Nice to… To see you, Kan?” His voice was a trembling murmur, almost unintelligible. 
Kanaya let out a soft tsk, the click of her tongue echoing in the entire block. “Oh, do speak up if you have anything to say... though, I cannot say I can return the sentiment.” She held up a finger, looking down her nose at Eridan until his words shriveled like so much ash on his tongue. “You are well aware of what you did, and what you are doing now.”
“Do I?” Eridan flinched when Kanaya cast him a disdainful look, another pin coming dangerously close to piercing one of his torso gills. “Er, I mean, sure. I guess? I ain’t doin’ anythin’ wrong anymore, though.” His throat felt dry, a tickle itching at it and an increasing need for the bottles of soporifics starting to pile up in his block.
“Nothing legally wrong, perhaps.” Kanaya picked up her thread again, thumb running over the individual spools before selecting the thread on the right. She touched the end of the thread to her tongue, wetting the end. Her sharp fangs caught in the light, somehow so much sharper than Eridan remembered. She threaded the needle, getting to work tightening his sleeves. “But tell me, Eridan dear. How much dignity do you have left to you at the moment? I cannot imagine much, considering you are going belly-up faster than an inadequately fed pet fish.”
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Eridan kept himself staring forward, focusing on the wall ahead despite the echoes of highblood rage gathering in his acidic digestive pouch. He tried exercising the control the Condesce had been doing her best to drill into him. You have to learn to control those feelin’s, guppy. Just turn them off, like a husktop. “You’re wrong.” Despite himself, his wigglerhood stutter almost lead him to stumble over his w’s, and he clenched a fist so tight his nails dug into his palm as he refocused his control.
“Oh, damn, I find myself helpless before the verbose defense you have placed before me,” Kanaya deadpanned, tutting again as she pulled out a pair of shears from her belt. The blades barely whispered as they cut through the excess fabric. “Why do you even bother denying this? You are only lying to yourself at this point.”
Kanaya pointed her shears directly at him, and Eridan shut his mouth with an audible snap. “You know it. Your crew knows it. They whisper behind your back and it is only a matter of time before there is a mutiny against your authority that not even your captain will have the capability to suppress. The Empress will tire of you eventually, and you will be left to pick up the pieces should she deign to leave you anything.”
Eridan looked down at the ground, sweat dripping down the length of his nose again as Kanaya went back to hemming his uniform jacket. “No,” he said. “She’s thinkin’ of namin’ me a’ official consort, so I don’ know where you’re gettin’ all this talk of me bein’ some kind of throwaway lapwarmer.” He gritted his teeth, flinching to look away as Kanaya scoffed. “Really. I wanted this. I’m finally gettin’ the respect I deserve.” His nails dug even tighter into his palm, voice beginning to shake as violet blood started dripping down his knuckles to the floor. “I dunno where you’ve fuckin been, Maryam, but I’m makin’ strokes in the fuckin’ world all of you rebel fuckheads couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams.”
“A gilded cage is still a cage,” Kanaya said. She almost sounded sad, then, but her tone quickly adjusted to reflect her earlier distaste. “Colors aside,” she paused, tapping the stripe of tyrian running along his sleeve before picking up her needle once again, “she marks you so shamelessly she may as well have you branded to finish the job.”
Eridan stiffened, suppressing a growl. “You don’ know anythin’.”
Kanaya sighed, setting down her needle and putting a hand on her hip as she gestured with the other towards his cut ear. “You know your history, Eridan, and you spend quite a bit of time with the last remnant of Ancient Alternian slavery practices.” She began to circle around him, leaning her cheek into her hand in exasperation. “You know why the Helmsman’s ear was cut, to identify him in the slaving markets. You know why the Condesce bit your ear, and why she failed to heal it back to functional status it despite her more than capable regenerative abilities.” Kanaya advanced on him, eyes narrowed to predatory slits as she reached out. “You’re nothing more than a lowblood slave playing at royalty.”
“Stop it! Stop it! Shut up!” Eridan lashed out before Kanaya’s fingers could touch his torn fin, digging his claws into the flesh of her cheek and flinging her away. 
Marlen slammed into the mirror behind her with a crack with the force of Eridan’s strike, falling to her knees as she raised a shaking hand to the fresh wound on her face. Eridan’s chest heaved, mind reeling as he attempted to reconcile what he had just experienced to the terrified troll in front of him. He shook his head so hard his glasses flew off his face, jade and violet speckles of blood spattering to the floor from his now quite injured hand. “Go.” When Marlen hesitated Eridan bared his teeth, screaming as he threw out an arm. “Go!”
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Marlen scooted backwards before she found her footing, scrambling up and bolting for the door. She bobbed an awkward curtsy as she left, which Eridan for the most hopeful moment thought intended for him until he caught the scent of the sea. He sank to his knees, defeated and staring down at the floor as he caught the sound of heels against tile.
“Oh, guppy, what have you done to dearest little Marlen?” The Condesce extended her trident, tipping up Eridan’s chin with a prong to enforce eye contact. “She looks a right wreck of a wiggler.”
“I… I’m sorry,” Eridan said. His throat felt dry, so dry, but he knew all too well that he’d drunk his entire flask only a few minutes before. He wanted to disappear. “I didn’ mean it.”
The Empress reached down, hauling him up to his feet as if he weighed no more than a couple of grapes, grabbing his glasses almost as an afterthought. She took his injured hand in hers, swiping away a streak of jade from the puncture wounds in his palm. The skin glowed pink before healing over, pain fading to a memory. She pushed his glasses up his nose, tutting at him. “But I so hoped you’d appreciate my little surprise. Don’t you like your new uniform, little clam?”
“Surprise?” Eridan struggled through his panic, trying to fight through his sopored up fog. “But… But she said you scheduled me for four? I was late. I didn’ mean to disappoint you, I’ll make it up to you, really.”
The Empress tittered as she circled Eridan, smile widening into a wicked grin. “Oh, did she? I must have forgotten to let you know. How shelly of me!” She slid across his shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze.
Eridan choked back a whimper, but the Empress’ amusement immediately snapped into cold indifference at the sound. “What was that?” Her claws bunched in the loose fabric on his shoulders.
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Panic ran through him but he couldn’t afford to show it. He couldn’t give her a reason to be upset, he had to be good. “Nothin’.” There was only a fleeting sense of relief that graced him for the fact that those words didn’t shake.
“Eridan, Eridan, you shelly, foolish buoy.” The Empress stroked his cheek before sliding a hand down his forearm, moving back around to hold both of his arms at the wrists. “What did I say about your feelin’s?”
“They don’t matter,” Eridan said. He swallowed. “I gotta… gotta control myself.”
“That’s right,” the Empress cooed. She squeezed his wrists once before releasing him, setting her trident upon the floor. She held a hand out, eyes flicking once to the shears. Eridan obeyed the implicit order, fumbling the shears once before managing to hand them over to her. “Good buoy.” The Empress stroked his hair, rubbing a hornbed until Eridan sagged and closed his eyes. “And what happens when you lose control of yourself?”
“I get… I get punished.” Eridan could hardly more than a whisper, his adrenaline from his earlier experience fading into dull resignation. “It’s what I deserve,” he continued when the Empress paused in her ministrations.
“You’re learnin’, good.” The Empress pulled her hand from his horn, lifting his hand. Eridan opened an eye a crack, muscles tensing as she raised the shears to his finger tips. The Empress began to cut his nails with the shears, agonizingly slow so the nails fell to the floor in perfect crescents. “You know I take no joy in this, guppy. I want you to succeed, I want you to rise above your baser instincts.” The shear’s blades cut into the quick of Eridan’s pinky, but he schooled back his expression into a blank mask. He was lucky he wasn’t losing a finger at the moment. “Until then, we gotta take these preconchions. I don’ like treain’ you like a pitiful little meowbeast, but I can’t have you savagin’ any more of my trusted workstaff. Do you know how much I must invest into a reliable member of my staff? Do you know how easily ranks can be infiltrated by traitors?”
“Yes, Mistress.” Eridan flinched as a cool hand touched his cheek, but relaxed when the Condesce only wiped away an errant tear that he hadn’t even been aware of. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”
He yelped as the Empress smacked at his face with the flat of the shears’ blades, his eyes shooting wide open. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, guppy,” she said, no sickly pretense of tenderness left in her voice. “We both know what you’re like. What are you?”
“A… A failure.” Eridan knew the answer she wanted by this point. There was no point fighting it, at this point. He’d learned.
The Empress lowered the shears, rage immediately dissipating. “That’s right.” She set the shears down, considering she’d clipped all his nails anyway, holding out her arms out. Eridan’s feet moved of their own accord, shuffling him forward into her embrace. She tucked his head into his chest, rocking him slowly in a rolling motion like the waves. “There we go. Should we retire to my blocks? We can get you a nice pick me up before you work to make up for what you’ve done. Do you like the sound of that, little one?”
“Yeah, yeah. I want to.” Eridan hung his head as the Empress pulled away, staring at the floor all the way back to the Empress’ bedchambers. After a few drinks, the panic his own mind had conjured faded into the background. His view shifted from floor to ceiling, the intricately gilded designs of the Empress’ ceiling tiles branding themselves into his eyelids. He saw nothing more.
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paracosmic-gt · 5 years
Prompt 39 - Solution
"I'll do it. It's the only way."
The effect on Jewel was immediate, the Anhemite straightening up as she moved to grab Seto by the shoulders and shake her head at the Japanese man. He wouldn't be the one to hurt himself, not in that way, not forever.
"No. I can't let you."
"But Jewel, I should be the one sacrificing something." He retorted, gently pushing her hands away to hold between his own, feeling cold scales warm beneath the heat of his palms. "After all I've done to you, I can't ask for something so permanent."
It would be permanent, sometimes Jewel forgot that fact, the one that made her heart ache. To obey the Rican district law and legally care for a wanted human as their son, one of them would need to give up their whole life. Their job, their perspective, and, to be frank, their privilege.
They’d need to become human.
They'd both frozen when they heard it at the interview, that to legally adopt a human, one of them would have to be under 6 foot 6 inches in height and able to interact with the human only districts in the town. There were quite a few, in fact, bordering the mixed areas while there were none close to the places with amenities for only giants, but being giants, neither Seto nor Jewel could get into them. Which meant Gabriel couldn't legally be theirs.
They'd walked out with grim expressions, looking to each other and wondering if the little boy from Terra was destined for a proper family. But now, the real argument was brought up. Because they both wanted a child they couldn't have together, but being a sorcerer meant there were loopholes Seto was willing to utilise.
"I-I can't. It's a trigger, this isn't good for your health."
"I know you won't." The younger man said, turning away from her and letting his hands drop. Jewel had been adamant that maybe this wasn't the best idea, maybe a giant child would be better for them to raise in a giant's household, but Seto refused. And the Anhemite could understand why; she'd seen the emotional connection he'd made with the little boy that clutched onto his fingertip like it was his mother's arm. The forbidden desire to care for him, raise him safely and like Teresa Knight would have wanted.
"Seto, I- you can't say that. You don't know, people can change..." The alien whispered, sighing as she hugged the man standing rigid against the bench and kissed him goodnight, feeling his arms soften at the action so alien coming from her. Seto whispered a goodnight into her ear and released her from his embrace, watching the only other giant in the small apartment move into the very next room to sleep.
'People can change, doesn't mean they will.' Seto found himself thinking, as he stepped into the bathroom to brush up for sleep.
That night, the evening of the interview, was two weeks ago.  A week of discussion, tension, and snapped comments yet to be apologised for, then a week of 'taking their minds off it', had steered Jewel in the right direction, and that was to the door of a certain Fawn. The first visit conceded an agreement, that the Anhemite would take a potion to assist in the preparation for shrinking to the desired size, one that enhanced her strength so a jump in size wouldn't damage her in any way.
Eridan wasn't surprised to see his brother's wife, his sister-in-law, turn up at the small home that he had made his own ever since Terra had become much too terrifying to live in. She always visited with the brown-haired sorcerer he'd known from a child, but he knew why she'd trekked here in the rain a second time. And it wasn't just for a friendly chat, the second visit was going to be the last time she'd speak to Eridan as a giant.
Jewel was shrinking.
"You must be frozen, come in, come in."
Inviting her inside, he offered a drink, politely refused as the Anhemite sat down in one of the chairs he'd modified to suit his lower half. Her psyche roiled with anxiety, fear, and the slightest sprinkle of determination, and it wasn't long until those flattened pupils fixated on the darkened room behind him.
"I'm ready, Eridan. I'll have as much as I need until the end of this year." Jewel followed Eridan's instructions, entering the room to sit within a circle engraved on stone and chewing on a strip of willow bark to reduce anxiety and stress, all with an ever-steady trust in his craft. This wasn't her first time in a sorcerer's den.
"Human children need their mothers for many years, are you sure about this?"
"I'll rear the child until he can survive without me guiding him, then I'll return and switch if need be."
The Fawn acknowledged her firm nod and continued with his preparations, ears held still against his head as he collected the potion, unclipping it from its clawed base and flipping the top to take a sniff. The needed ingredients were diced and added, and with another sniff, Jewel was allowed to take the intricate vial between her thumb and forefinger.
"Sizeshifting can be dangerous for your health. Don't undertake two doses in one day or something might go wrong with the elderthrit, that's one of the active ingredients."
Eridan said, speaking clearly as he perched on his hooves before her, gesturing to the second bottle.
"For those times when you need to be small, give a day to cool off before administering growth."
"I will."
"Now, here we go. No turning back, take it at once, please."
"Of course. For our family."
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...re you...kay?
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Eridan brushed his thumb over the Anhemite's forehead, watching her slowly regain consciousness before those eyes opened, her whole body stiffening to the point where the muscles in her arms cramped. She wasn't one to visibly panic when the time came to, so for now, she just stared up and tried to comprehend Eridan's mass, glancing to the finger resting dangerously close to her neck. Seeing the visible fingerprint in the skin as small grooves that removed any sense of his hand being soft again. Feeling its heat, radiating off every part of him, blowing out of his nose as he exhaled like a steam-breathing monster, making her scales feel absolutely /freezing/ in comparison.
Comparison. Like she could ever be compared to him again...or Seto for that matter.
The Fawn loomed overhead, wide eyes Jewel could see every detail of seeming only centimetres away due to the fact they filled her entire plain of vision, short lashes she'd never noticed before, the kindly face put under a magnifying glass to expose little details that could no longer be called little. Strands of his blonde hair thick enough to grab, the texture of Eridan's skin, the hidden flickers of gold tucked into the grey eyes that now had /visible layers of muscle./
It was too much; too much of /him/, too little of /her/, and not enough space between their vastly different bodies to let her process what she'd just done to herself.
"Uh...Eri...dan?" Jewel croaked from a throat burning with the leftovers of his potion.
"Yes, Jewel?"
She couldn't help glancing down to watch his mouth
"Can you...move...move back?  You're..."
"Too /close/."
The fawn completed her sentence,  except with his words sounding otherworldly due to the fact they resounded without trying to.
"I'm sorry, I'm sure Seto will be better with you in this fragile time."
The Anhemite couldn't help her heart jumping to her throat thinking of Seto, words sticking as she mentally replaced the form, still looming over her despite backing away, with her husband. She began to hum in panic as she regained control of slow limbs and tried to physically push herself away from the thought; Seto wasn't going to be that big, wasn't going to be the only one who'd be able to wear her wedding band, wasn't going to be giant.
"Th-This was a bad idea, Eridan." Jewel pleaded, hoping to find solace only to feel another wave of insignificance as he hadn't realised she was speaking to him, her voice too quiet and his easily overpowering it.
"I can't...I-I...I can't do this!"
The Fawn fell quiet, calculating eyes falling over her as the minute features of his concentrated expression shift and loosen to form one of concern. A hand reaches to comfort, perhaps to hold her own or even to make contact with the shivering woman, but it's dismissed with a scared glare.
Oh no...
What could he say? How could he calm her down enough to not act like this before his brother, the person who'll want to hold her close and help her only to be completely unable to. Eridan wasn't letting that happen.
As hard as it was, he got down on his hands and knees, hooves still touching the ground before he lowered completely onto his stomach and tucked his hands respectfully beneath his chin.
"I know you're scared. But none of us want to hurt you."
"I know that." Jewel softly hiccupped, trying to tone her voice up but only succeeding in her sounding like a scared child. "I know you'd never do anything to me."
Eridan waited until she was finished this time before he began to speak, head bobbing as he kept his chin firmly pressed into his hands.
"Sparrow will understand, he'll respect your need to have space until you adjust.
"You did this for him after all."
Jewel blinked at the statement, remembering Teresa, the son cupped in Seto's hands, their small fights about the matter. His determination to be the one to shrink.
Her acceptance and willingness to give this up for them; Gabriel and Seto.
"I did this...for our family, Eridan." She corrected, finding the ability to curl up slightly and look up to her brother-in-law's looming grey eyes. Only a few feet above her head yet she had to crane her neck.
"Noted. /I/ just need to make sure you can do everything you're supposed to before we go see Sparrow."
The Anhemite couldn't help searching for a sinister meaning behind the cryptic sounding words that warped the very air around her. "What do you... mean?"
"Stand up for me, please.
The momentary hesitation on Jewel's part from a small movement of Eridan's hand had the Fawn nervous, but he pulled a kind expression quite easily as he shifts the limb backwards and closer to the other.
Slow motions. Focus on her.
"I just want to make it easier, should I need to catch you."
Sparrow = Seto
[This is a canon story]
I may or may not have a follow-up story depending on if I write it or not (duh) as a further prompt since this is part of my 100 G/T Prompt Challenge which I’m doing in order over on my Wattpad. 
It /would/ be very adorable, since Seto seeing Jewel at that size would be a total surprise as well as a sacrifice he /must honour/ with hugs and presents.
Both pieces of art are mine, sketched on my phone. They came out surprisingly well for something meant to be transferred to my iPad, and I think they’re better like this.
Bye for now!
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the-fancy-cookie · 6 years
i want to know like all of ur gamzee headcanons cus from ur art, i can tell we have similar headcanon
Uh, okay! This is gonna be rapid fire!
His middle name is Edna.
He has some insecurities  but he’d rather  keep them secret as to not annoy or stress his friends out about them.
He’s either really chill and quiet or get’s really hyper about something and goes on and on and on and on about it! Even if it was just a cool bottle he found!
Still loves the SHIT out of baking, especially with Tavros or Jane, but can’t cook anything besides stoner food and pancakes besides that.
After the game, either i see him living with Tavros, Vriska, Karkat, or Eridan.
Living with Eridan actually helps gamzee feel comfortable enough to just complain about shit with him, mostly about home improvement shows where rich people just ruin anything cool about their house. This is he and Eridan’s favorite past time.
He tries to keep it on the down low, but he has B.E.D, binge eating disorder, and will brush it off if anyone asks.
He also has pica, but, that one is much more obvious and typically just noted as Gamzee being Gamzee.
Gamzee never studied law, so he breaks the law of gravity/physics/common sense often. 
Back in the days of sopor slime, his taste was majorly dulled, so he never really thought it necessary to just toss out any mistakes he made in cooking. Now, he’s still pretty much the same, but can actually know when something doesn’t taste good.
After game, he has a crippling fear of Jane’s fridge, and tight spaces.
He has nightmares. Often.
He still has Cal, but with a blindfold, mostly using him as a  comfort item.
On a happier headcanon, when Gamzee is talking about something he really likes like faygo or his friends, he flaps at least one hand up and down.
He really likes  the feel of gooey and slimey things.
He chews on stuff a LOT, like pie tins, his shirts, hell even  his fricking honk horns.
Whenever Gamzee’s really happy, he has a bit of  a jig in his step!
He bleps a lot.
He’s aware of the forth wall at times, but ignores it.
the only time he drinks coffee is when something isn’t okay.
Aaand there’s a few at the top of my head! Sorry most of em are sad.
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