#like why do people hate to see the original girlboss win
Not to say something so capitalist as a socialist, but I kind of don't care if the Barbie movie is actually some big ploy to sell more barbies, its been so much fun to see people excited about something that is at its core is made for girls enjoyment, for a traditionally feminine interest to be celebrated not ridiculed. Also at least its propaganda to buy dolls not like military propaganda or something
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maoam · 2 years
I'm starting to wonder if there was any need for me to panic at the release of this novel. Whenever I see a panel, sasuke looks as if he is ignoring suckura 98% of the time (I mean he does in canon but i thought they would change that in this novel, at least a bit), the prisoners seem to show more interest in her than he does, he always seems displeased or even... annoyed? (Maybe its the way they draw his expressions that make him look like that) Suckura acts more like a 14 yr old girl than a mature woman (Shes not mature in canon but you'd think that they would write her to be good in her own novel). On top of that, Suckura is drawn ugly a lot of the time (I'm not saying this cause of my hate for her, I genuinely think she looks bad).
If a novel like this got released for my ship I would not consider it a win. Isn't she meant to be a mature, smart, sexy girlboss that takes no rubbish from anyone? Why is she acting so ridiculous? Why is sasuke not showing much emotion towards her? Like i said before, i thought this novel was to make them look good? Like yea, the whole novel is rubbish but i thought they would show sasuke caring for his 'wife' more than he does in canon, in this novel his expression towards her is always indifferent. They don't act like a couple in their own novel. And they're drawn ugly on top of that. I think sasuke said some rubbish like 'do a married couple need to be with each other all the time?'. Like HUH? Doesn't sound like you miss her.
It's not really a win for ss is it? It just made suckura look dumb (displaying the uchiha crest and going 'omg, he must'av used earth style jutsu to make this', like girl WHAT?), immature (sasuke was injured and she wants to play peekaboo), and the whole thing just makes them even look more like they're not in love (On sasuke's part anyway). The way she was blushing when she received the ring reminds me of a schoolgirl getting her first kiss, not like a couple that have been with each other for a long time that care and love each other ( and the way sasuke just gave it to her and was like 'wear it', no smile or emotion, reminds me of my mom when she buys me clothing I don't like but still says 'wear it'. He also looks freaked out when she holds her hand up to view it).
Sorry, this was a mouthful. Me freaking out of the release of this rubbish had been for nothing, in fact, it dragged ss through the mud even more.
I also don't get why they make Sakura so unlikeable in it.
She insults Tsunade in it (which is not out of character for her but again, I thought this manga would try to make her look better).
She is dumb and wears the Uchiha crest undercover.
She acts like a little girl, actually worse. She's blushing like crazy over the ring made out of dirt. Like isn't she already married to Sasuke anyway... why is she acting like he's senpai?
She's playing peek-a-boo with an injured Sasuke, like hello? Even if she were a teenager that would be cringy.
Also it still doesn't change the fact Konoha wives do wear wedding rings, so Esaka just did not do her research or she tried to bullshit.
And again I don't know if the artist just doesn't know how Sasuke is supposed to look when happy or what, but it does look odd. Sasuke is looking at Sakura like she's a weirdo (which she is, but again I thought this was supposed to make SS look good).
The manga makes Sasuke look like he's being held hostage or something. Like he looks like 😐 or like there's no life in him lol. And Sakura does look kind of ugly, I agree, and I don't even think she looks ugly in the original manga. But in this manga she just looks cringe.
I mean it's not canon and if I was a fan of Sakura I wouldn't want it to be canon because what?? It will make people mock her more if anything.
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kimikiui · 2 years
Why You Should Vote for Hakupo
Hello. Good evening, morning, afternoon, brunch, sleepytime whatever time it is for you right now. I am here to sell my little autism creature to you. This is going to be a fairly long post so, just sit tight.
The second round of polls will not be out for a couple of hours. I wanted to reblog the post with this, BUT- I have class at 3 when the polls are released. Plus, gotta get those non Hakupo believers before they vote for anyone else, amirite?
Also the stickers used between catagories are the official line stickers by Pikomaru ➜ https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/3951590/en
Reminder; It's only Shinji sweep until its Hakupo sweep.
No, I'm not putting a section breaker because even if you don't read it, I want you to see the sheer size of this... It's an essay at this point. Let's get started shall we?
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What is a Hakupo?
Hakupo Tsukishiro is a energetic and powerful masculine voicebank for Utau (and amadeusy but we dont talk abt brunnnoooo). He was released all the way back in 2010 and has had many important milestones in his 13 years of distribution. Four compilation albums, 7 voicebanks, 2,500+ fanarts (that i all have), and uses by really awesome people *points to the crowd*. That's all of you guys out there. <3
Hakupo as a character is inspired by moe, thanks Clarice. Like most moe characters, he's a bit air headed and happy go lucky person. His positive attitude is sometimes brought into original songs he's featured in, which just makes me smile- girlbosses love a good pick me up song.
Also he has a stupid little coat and pants. This is all you need to know to vote for Hakupo, but I will continue forward incase you are still on the fence.
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Cool Hakupo Facts
He almost has the same exact suggested range as Miku (C3 to E5)... His is actually larger... he goes higher (C3 to G5).
The "Do Re Mi FâåÁaæ↓" incident of Christmas 2020, contact me I will elaborate further.
There is a little bit of an evil twin thing going on. Yeah. This is a win.
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His genderbend design Kohaku is revealed when you turn down the brightness of his official reference sheet (he pulled a scott cawthon guys).
He hates to be called cute and have his head patted... which is cute.
Despite looks- His description says he has curly hair come on guys- LITTLE FLUFF.
By looking at his official Twitter bot, there's a few extra things we can learn about him. He is very stupid, very impatient, has a horrible sleep schedule, bad at multitasking, and can't stand still (I can elaborate more on these if asked).
I wrote a 43 page Utau cartoon pilot script with Hakupo as the main character. Shameless plug.
I also wrote my college admissions essay about Hakupo. Thanks for getting me into college Bobo!
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Sick Bobo Uses
Get boboed.
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What does Bobo mean to me?
I found Hakupo 7 years ago now, sitting in the middle of an Utau melody. I told myself I would just turn off my tablet and listen to the music. Yeah that worked- guess who was next after the screen turned off. BOBO! I needed to see the little creature creating this melody. I turned on the screen, and was not disappointed. Fancy twink in a oversized tailcoat with weird pants. I remember rambling to my mom later about how cool he was, why he was so unique, and why this one specifically caught my attention.
He's been my special interest since then, everyone around me knows Hakupo wheather they like it or not. He's about 80% of everything I draw, 50% of what I talk about, and 100% of my little creature I snuggle up with every night.
I have a Hakupo bodypillow. Can't sleep without him.
Anyways, he's helped me find a lot of my best friends *coughcoughmeatcoughrevcough*, never fails to make me happy, and helped everyone around me realize I'm extremely autistic. The least I can do is write an ungodly long propaganda post while drinking my coffee at 9 am.
Stan Bobo Oobieero.
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Hakupo Memes for Propaganda
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Thanks, have a nice day.
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spoonsforminutes · 1 year
I keep seeing posts of people hating on afab autistics (with the word white tacked onto it for people to sound progressive) accusing ‘low support/high functioning’ (put it in quotation marks because I know people don’t like functioning labels including me) afabs of ‘centring ourselves’ in the autism community especially on social media, accusing us of turning autism into a ‘quirk/superpower’ and saying we aren’t taking it seriously. What’s worse, a recent post I saw was by an autistic woman herself! When I called her a misogynist, she said I was ‘misunderstanding’ her post 😡
I understood perfectly well the ever ongoing debate on how there are ‘too many autistic afabs’ now. It was baffling to me that OP has a pretty large following for posting content on how she is constantly treated badly for being afab, then contributes to the stigma and responds to autism moms accusing afabs of ‘minimising’ our condition?!! I lost all my sympathy for them.
Idk, I’m just tired of afabs constantly being told we are taking resources, and now even ‘space’ online (can’t friggin win) when talking about health conditions/autism. We are always ‘taking from people who have it worse’ according to others. We are ‘taking high support needs people’s voices’. Exhausting.
With everything that's been going on in the sphere of gender issues, it's definitely made me realize that quite a few women or afab individuals have taken the misogynistic treatment they faced and then projected it onto others, perhaps as a way to process all the hurt and trauma. It's definitely not okay to do, but oftentimes projection is a way that people try to soothe themselves, but all it does is create more problems. As an afab individual myself who largely acts able-bodied despite the harm it does to my health, I've had a lot of people attempt to use my femininity to both praise my damaging work ethic while also sowing doubt into my own abilities, which is super fucking ableist to anyone regardless of their disability. Feminism should work to be more inclusive because whenever there are discussions around women's rights, a lot of it is rightfully on empowering women and balancing out gender inequality, but I don't think a lot of it can apply to those with disabilities. I think bout what happened to the term "girlboss": originally, it tries to empower women and womanhood to positions of power, but then the term became a meme and with it, all of its credibility was lost. Sexism turned it into a term where women in power can be ridiculed because "girlbossing" has shifted where the idea of afab individuals receiving authority is treated as a mockery due to undeserved effort, and that's ultimately what sexism is: anything outside of manhood and traditional masculinity is not given the same respect and thus allows anyone to degrade a whole person's effort based on their gender alone.
I hate functioning labels as well because by that logic, the fact that I'm college-educated and working makes it seem like I don't require support, but I do. EVERYONE needs support, but because the U.S. in particular is obsessed with individuality, community and mutual aid has been ridiculed by the capitalist mindset. Although I'm not autistic, I've had quite a few autistic friends, and genuinely I think autism is so cool. Like with my own disability, it can definitely suck ass, but everyone I've known with autism has strengths surrounding intelligence and humor. What's so wrong with considering it a superpower? It's literally your life and how you function, and especially since many able-bodied people want to make disability and neurodiversity a bad thing so that they can shame you, refusing to play into that and empowering yourself is huge. Plus, it's genuinely fun to upset people by being yourself. And since this particular autistic woman is complaining about both gender and autism, her projection just shows why ableism needs to be openly discussed and pointed out. I will probably struggle with internalized ableism all my life because neither culture nor disability awareness currently allow me to truly live life WITH a disability. Unfortunately, I feel that too much of the conversation is still about hiding or minimizing disability to appease the thoughts of others.
Sexism is also the reason for why people will complain about too many afab individuals with autism. I feel like the autistic community is well aware of the difficulties in being afab and getting a diagnosis because sexism is alive and well in our perspective of health. While getting my degree, I realized that gym bros are not actually wrong when they talk bout health and fitness; the actual issue again stems from how we view health and disability. Not only are gym bros operating on this assumption that everyone's health is fully able-bodied, but also they assume that every health issue can be fixed with a healthy lifestyle which isn't true? Ignoring the fact that research still uses white cisgender male data as the human physiological default, if you have an enzyme that doesn't function correctly in metabolism, intense exercise will definitely make you sicker, not better. It's the same with disability. With autism, the diagnostic criteria is supposed to help identify what possible supports you could need, but it still depends on what is actually helpful to you personally. With this economic crisis and the potential downfall of capitalism, disability is actually a great way to talk bout how capitalism isn't possible for anyone because productivity and the economy are talked about as if they are magical forces instead of behavior carried out by people. Capitalism pushes even able-bodied standards, so by supporting disability, we can also argue for better conditions for everyone, but that's the ideal scenario.
I ramble a lot when I write because writing is essentially how I think, but yeah, it's unfortunate that she's currently using her platform to push harmful ideas about gender, disability, and autism. No matter how severe your disability is, there is no such thing as taking away needed resources because those resources are for you. It's great if you don't need as much support as others, but if you need support, you should absolutely be allowed to do anything that makes your life easier. I'm largely going to be ignoring what society thinks bout disability and even about life in general because doing what society thinks has only ever hurt me. It's very funny to me when people try to complain about marginalized people as if we're the problem, not the people and the systems who reinforce the perspective that asking for help, asking for accommodations, is somehow a big ask. It's not, and I think we should be more mean about it because it's wild that we let people dictate what kind of support we can ask for.
To all of my autistic followers: hope you had a wonderful April, and please feel free to correct me on anything! I'm always learning, and your voice is incredibly important.
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cactus-joke · 3 years
the thing i will never wrap my head around is introducing sylvie as a frankenloki & then giving her absolutely no depth despite her being the key protagonist of season 1... like mike must hate women for the fact that
1) all the tva women of color are sidelined immediately (at least the two w the most prominent & interesting roles/backgrounds) for a white ladies development
2) you can count all the tva lady agents we see onscreen w one hand
3) frankenloki aka sylvie has a bunch of gaps for a character like where’d she get blonde hair dye. if ure hellbent on revenge why are u making stops at wallmart 2 get a box of hair bleach. where’d she get asgardian leather but SPECIFICALLY for her top (she’s wearing baggy pants & combat boots w that ensemble??? which as i say it also sounds like those corny wattpad “put my hair in a messy bun, wore my combat boots” fanfic outfits 😭), why and how did she get the AoA loki horns, she didn’t have them when she was taken. if she hates the loki association why’s she wearing the horns & the color green which is... the biggest target to be perceived as loki
4) if she’s an important part of the self love metaphor romance why does she always make this face “😐🤨🤢😐🤨😐” when loki talks (berating him & betraying him in the end aside ofc!)
5) why do we not know her nexus event? why do we not know why she chose the name sylvie? why does she have no prominent character traits outside of having a vagina? why is she cis? why did she get taken at the tender age of an elementary schooler but not when she was born if her crime was being born a girl?
6) has mike waldron ever met, spoken to, or seen a woman? has he engaged in critical, intelligent conversation with anyone, really?
7) can i be emotionally compensated by disney for simultaneously the most BORING (how do you make.. the god of mischief & tricks... boring is beyond me) and convoluted overstuffed show for wasting my time?
I don't know that Mike hates women, but I do think, based on his interviews and the resulting product he made, that:
1) It was certainly a choice to make the two prominent black female characters slaves to a fascist organization and one essentially a leader of it. A choice I don't think anyone involved in creating this show spent a second to think about.
I don't think they were necessarily sidelined on purpose, however. I just think it's an inevitable by-product of the show's terrible pacing and even worse writing. That scene one between B-15 and Renslayer, a scene I think was ultimately a waste of time, made me think that they probably did want to highlight at least those two characters on their own merit. They failed, of course, in the end, and with the set-up I think the intention or lack of intention doesn't really matter since we get what we get, you know?
It's not really a shinning example of giving your characters of color time and care, either, but I do have to highlight B-15's moment of doubt, a scene I think Wunmi Mosaku absolutely killed (seriously, everyone needs to check out her other work, she is effort and talent personified.).
Besides that, if you ask me, no character in this show has any real development anyway, including Sylvie. It is an uneven display of screen-time because obviously she's a main over everyone else but, like, can it even be said that Sylvie particularly benefited from it? I don't really think so. As you said, she has no depth, she is just an empty girlboss fantasy, and the diversity in general in this show feels empty to me.
2) I didn't really even want more TVA foot soldiers to be women. It wouldn't be a diversity win so much as just more empty pandering and Marvel's typical (military) propaganda fuel.
Anyway, I'd like to highlight some youtube creators of color who make great in-depth videos on this issue:
Khadija Mbowe: Color-blind vs. Identity-conscious casting and examining Hamilton and Malcom & Marie
Town of Tawiah: Performative Diversity and Colorism in Film | Dear White People Review, My Wife & Kids,HTGAWM & More
Cheyenne Lin: GOOD Representation Matters | Colorism and Casting
There's obviously way more, but these videos are a good starting point to expand on this topic from people who know what they're talking about. I put a link to their videos while the link on their names will lead you to their respective channels.
3) Sylvie's whole appearance is bullshit from the get-go. They deliberately used comic book references on her to confuse us and make their dumbshit twist of: oh, see, she actually is a Loki variant!
I remember seeing a post essentially saying whoever thinks Sylvie is a Loki variant with 100% certainty is media illiterate lmao, so I guess it worked on some people.
So, you know, IMO, it doesn't matter that it doesn't make sense for her to wear Loki's signature colors and the iconic AoA head-wear, she just does because fuck you.
Also, "if ure hellbent on revenge why are u making stops at wallmart 2 get a box of hair bleach." lmaooo - she just wanted to be her own person, you know, visually, but only with her hair and nothing else :)
4) Sylvie so very clearly doesn't even like Loki all that much, certainly not as much as he likes her (she is a girlboss after all, "she's got shit to do!"). It would be funny if it wasn't tragic. I do feel bad for Larry from accounting :(
5) I'm guessing we don't know her nexus event because they kinda never bothered to define what it was and they don't care. Maybe Renslayer saying she doesn't remember her nexus event was supposed to be this moment of like cold truth, or an attempt to hurt Sylvie because she knows but won't tell her, or, you know... actually, who cares.
6) I think Mike has spoken to women and I think he's had plenty of intelligent and critical conversations at his level. Which is a relative zero to a generous one. Perhaps two on a good day.
Idk though, jokes aside, his writing on this series is childish and lazy, his view of Loki is boring and reductive, his original script he used for this show is absolute shit, and that's all I can really say for sure.
7) I wish. The show really is boring when it isn't actively infuriating. It still boggles my mind how this mess even happened. Like, I knew the show would be bad, but this bad? Man oh man.
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madeyoumyvillain · 3 years
Although I say I love Aleksander because he's hot and evil and sexy,this man genuinely makes me tear up. I love him. No,you don't get it. I love him. I have immense respect for this man and how driven and determined he is even at his worst. He deserved better,and this is a hill I'm willing to be buried alive on.
The fact that when he was a child,who was almost murdered by children his own age, decided to make this world a better place for others like him so NO ONE has to go through that,is said to be his "villain origin story" is so fucked up.
Respectfully,that's not a villain. That's a child who knows nothing but fear. Fear of living. Fear of being caught. Fear of disappointing his mother. Fear of not living upto his potential. Fear of forgetting his own name. This child was almost murdered by his own kind,but it did not make him angry. It made him understand. It made him realise that the helplessness of his people is the reason why they take such desperate measures. And he promises himself that he will make sure no other person his kind has,no matter how weak or strong,will ever go through the same circumstances. This isn't a villain origin story,it's the birth of a revolutionary, tired of being scared of merely existing.
Alot of people in this fandom say Aleksander is a fascist. Who's gonna tell them that a man fighting against the majority who allow his people to be murdered is not a stand-in for Hitler? He is the oppressed minority here,not the oppressor. He's not the one killing innocent people for existing. (Read a book,y'all)
The Grishas face state sanctioned violence,are sold as slaves, treated like lab rats and experimented on,burned at stakes like witches for simply existing. And Aleksander is a man who's seen centuries of this. He is someone who's fighting wars on three different fronts. This man is the only one in those books trying to break the status quo and bring down the monarchy. If you stop siding with the oppressed minority just because their methods don't fit into your boxes,you are siding with the oppressor. Of course he's going to be brutal,he did not turn into what he is in a single day. He was a child who strived for peace and centuries later,he's an immortal who's tired of fighting the "right way". He is the only person who fought for the Grishas. Alina joined hands with the same monarchy that ignored the violence against Grishas and Nikolai is pretty much the woke,white saviour,a product of the same monarchy. Even if it's called The Grisha Triology,it's heavily anti-Grisha and does nothing to ease their suffering. The narrative that "killing=bad" is shoved down our throats multiple times. In itself,it's a pretty centrist take. Aleksander was NOT a supremacist,he was NOT a fascist. They did not care about his motives,they just saw him as evil because those methods didn't cater to their ideals. So they killed him,destroyed the Fold,one piece of protection for the Grishas and called it a day. What about Shu Han experimenting on Grishas, Fjerda burning them on stakes and Kerch selling them as slaves? Bad guy gone,Fold gone,time to fulfill my cottagecore dreams<3 Also,Zoya becoming the Queen of Ravka doesn't solve anything. Assuming this gives off the same vibes as "Oh,a Black President,racism solved!!!" NO. Girlboss-ifying Zoya isn't the answer, especially when people have such strong hatred towards Grishas. It needs to be eradicated from the grass root level and will take years to happen.
The flashback in the show,where the king's soldiers repeatedly shoot arrows at him no matter how many times he told them he did not want to harm them and then seeing Luda being killed immediately while he kept on begging,makes his behaviour totally understandable. "But there has to be another way,right?" Try telling this to the centuries old man who has used any method possible. Served several kings and won them wars to get on their good side hoping it would make things easier for his people. His methods are shown to be brutal now because he's been trying for a long time and nothing else worked.
Given the present day scenario and minorities all over the world facing systemic oppression and their lives being threatened, Aleksander did NOTHING wrong. We can take into account the BLM and Stop Asian Hate movements. If you do not fit into their boxes of activism and protests,they claim you're the wrong ones. They do not work for your betterment,but they keep on demonizing you and belittling your cause. In the same way, Aleksander was leading a rebellion against the persecutors,while the Good Ones™ only cared about his methods and reminding us how evil he is, not giving a single fuck about his motives,or the geopolitical situation. At the end of the day,they win. Because it's easy to kill the rebel,easier than helping him in his cause and taking away the suffering of his people. If Alina and the rest of them really wanted to be the heroes of this story then they shouldn't have made killing the only man who gave Grisha a sanctuary and was trying to improve their situation as their main goal if they were going to do nothing after their woke victory moment. I have absolutely no idea how they're going to acknowledge racism against Grishas in the show and kill the only person striving to stop it without recieving backlash for it.
TL;DR: If a revolutionary man came to me, asking for help to make this world a better place for OUR people,stop their oppression and bring down the ones who use our people for their benefit but do not bat a fucking eyelash when they're killed,I would've helped him. No matter how evil or corrupted I'm being framed as. RIP to Alina Starkov,but I'm built different. (I'll also like to fuck him but we're talking about serious stuff rn and y'all already know I'm a whore for him)
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c0rpsedemon · 3 years
hnoc's crimes, a non-comprehensive list:
- not enough palomydes (i like him, he's very polite and i think he should get to hold hands with tristan and isolde (the irish one), he wasn't mentioned once)
- killing off both tristan and bedivere in one sentence (the two original variants of tristan's death were sooo sexy. and this? this wasn't. also bedevere usually lives and there's a narrative significance to bedevere being the last survivor of camelot. plus the like,,, one story i know of where he does die, there's a patroclus parallel there, they could have at least given me that)
- the two isoldes aren't even mentioned (they hate to see girlbosses winning)
- spelled ywain "uwain", kei "kay", and gawaine "gawain" (self explanatory)
- only had one ywain (there are over ten)
- old galahad (he's supposed to be a 15 year old who thinks he's better than everyone morally and kins jesus christ and has an eyestrain carrd filled with religious imagery and may or may not bite people)
- lancelot x arthur bad (alright this is a more serious one but lancelot couldn't be paid to care about arthur, like at all, his feelings range from disinterest to dislike, but more importantly arthur was like,,, 30,,, when lancelot was born and it was even said in the vulgate that arthur viewed him as a son)
- lancelot x guinnevere bad (alright this is bc medieval authors hated women and shouldn't be carried over to modern works but she was SO bad to him)
- arthur x guinnevere bad (HE TRIED TO KILL HER!!! REPEATEDLY!!!)
- the mechs don't know what a broadside ballad is (pellinore and the beast is described as one. it isn't)
- gawain (self explanatory)
- how DARE you separate mordred's betrayal from the deaths of his brothers, how DARE you make him betray anyone before gawain dies, how dare you make him oppose gawain, how DARE you portray mordred as the sympathetic and rational brother (demonstrates clear misunderstanding of mordred's character)
- where the fuck are the other orkneys, you don't understand gawaine or mordred's motivations, fuck you (namedropping gaheriet doesn't count, he's two separate characters by the end of the tradition)
- no galehaut (the most canon queer character in the tradition who?)
- story beats Bad (the grail quest had nothing to do with the fall of camelot it was elayne of astolat's death that caused it!!!! this is elayne of astolat erasure!!!)
- clearly based on pop culture a.rthuriana (pop culture a.rthuriana sucks)
- has clear th wh*te influence (seen in the existence of pendragon polycule and use of the phrase "once and future king", th wh*te was,,, very shitty to put it mildly and i don't want to trigger tag this post)
- has clear m*deline z*mmer br*dley influence (morgan as mordred's mother, once again i don't want to trigger tag this post but she's genuinely a monster and i hope she's rotting in hell)
- fridged morgan (what the fuck dude, she doesn't even die in ANY of the original texts)
- morgan as mordred's mother (i'm pretty sure they only speak to each other in like,,, one text, and even then they're part of a bigger group)
- ygraine as mordred's mother/arthur's lover (what the fuck dude THAT'S ARTHUR'S MOM)
- i hate pellinore's ass don't give him his own song (i don't want to trigger tag this, you could've given the song to palomydes and it'd have the same effect AND make the slightest bit more sense)
- guinnevere doesn't even vaguely resemble medieval guinnevere (she's a political genius ready to step in as regent at a moment's notice!! her role is strategist not gunslinger and she dhouldn't have to be able to fight to be seen as strong!! if you wanted a woman strong in the fighting sense there was morgan!! or sebile!! or even lynnette!!)
- arthur was a dick in the original (arthur was a dick in the original)
- villainized ladies of the lake (nimue/ninniane's only crime was what? sealing away merlin when he tried to [redacted bc i don't want to trigger tag this], she was obviously in the right!! vivviane/ninniane's only crime was kidnapping baby lancelot but she didn't know any better and he was fine with it!! (ninniane was proto-vivviane/nimue from the vulgate))
- merlin was a [redacted bc trigger tagging] in the original (you didn't have to have brian be him... you could have had brian be nimue and it still would've worked...)
- i've said it before and i'll say it again, if you wanted love-triangle-turned-polyamory, tristan, isolde and palomydes were right there!!! (this is pop culture arthuriana though so i'm willing to bet money the mechs saw that isolde was married to tristan's uncle and that was it when mark didn't even like her and he married her to piss of tristan and it was palomydes who was in love with her the whole time and i'm cutting myself off here bc i was writing this whole thing about why i thought tristan, palomydes and isolde were definitely in love and it was getting long)
- the conspicuous lack of palomydes, old galahad, and the whole perceval getting mentioned once thing means we don't get to think about palomydes having to babysit catholic children in the woods while they bully him into taking them with him to hunt the fucked up giraffe he's dedicated years of his life to (i like that scene)
alright this is all i can think of off the top of my head but like. yeah. i'm definitely going to rb this.
no this isn't in the place of that hnoc Bad essay i was writing. no i didn't forget about it for a month, what makes you think that? i'll post it Eventually. until then, follow my sideblog where i post about actually good a.rthuriana and also gothic lit, shakespeare, and classics sometimes (but mostly a.rthuriana), @acegalahads,
also if you want a) further explanation for any of these, b) to know what i refused to type, c) actually good arthurian recs, d) an explanation why i think palomydes, isolde and tristan are in love, or e) just know about anything arthurian, feels free to ask me, this may become not just a hyperfixation but a special interest and i love infodumping
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wavetapper · 4 years
just do all of the music ones except for the Beatles one. i dont care about that list
oh epic style ok :)
1. what song off a otherwise popular album do you think more people need to hear?
idle worship is the best song on after laughter but i think its relatively overlooked :(
2. what band/ artist needs more love?
WOOZE should be the most popular indie rock band in the universe but 2 people listen to them
3. who do you think is/ are the most overrated artist/ band?
hozier :^I  cool epic haha hilarious answer tumlr cringe (in all seriousness i get why people like his music its just not for me)
4. what are your favorite subgenres of music?
5. share a little known fact about a band/ artist you love?
tri4th is pronounced as triforce, which was the band’s original name back when they had 3 members.  they changed it to tri4th when they added a 4th member but kept the name when they added a 5th
6. when someone asks you for a music recommendation what bands/ artists do you say?
7. how much do you actually like those artists, be honest.
a lot! i only really recommend music that i personally enjoy
8 what is your biggest musical guilty pleasure?
headphone-destroying rhythm game speedcore is actually very epic and cool
9. how do you make your playlists?
depends on what its for. usually i just scroll through my Big Main Playlist and add everything that fits and then search for more after
10. what are the best playlists you’ve made?
superscript and barry the benson’s epic nice funny music deluxe :)
11. what artist have you pretended to listen to to fit in or sound cool?
12. what was the first artist you remember being pretentious about?
frums probably
13. i know you say you hate modern pop, but do you actually? if so, why?
eh i guess its just not for me. i tend to listen to Weird music so like. by definition pop music isnt really in line with my tastes. some of it is pretty epic though
14 skipped and also answered
15. be honest, do you listen to any female artists? if you do do you feel superior to the other pretentious music kids because of it?
yeah i love to hear a girlboss winning. i feel superior to other pretentious music kids anyway because i have better taste than them
16. how do you feel about artists “selling out”?
its never happened to any of the artists i particularly like so im not sure
17. do you think going to a big venue is worth it to see an artist live?
eh, meh
18. how do you feel about venues with seats?
ive never actually been to a concert but i love sitting down
19. what artist did you know about before they got big?
jack stauber. and im super glad to see that he’s more popular now, i absolutely love his stuff
20. how does it make you feel when an unknown artist you like blows up?
epic they deserve that money and recognition
21 “no one should be judged for their taste in music” do you agree with this statement?
unless its like. very offensive or made by a publicly shitty person then whatever dude music is epic
22. what artist did you try to like because you thought they were “cool”, but just couldn’t get into?
tame impala 😔
23. what artist can you absolutely not stand?
cant think of one off the top of my head :(
24 what artist do you think influenced your style the most?
graham kartna’s epic weird webcore techno shit makes me want to dress like the internet
25. do you watch anthony fantano? if o how much do you let him influence your taste in music?
no but i saw that he didnt like 10 by tricot all that much so i hate him violently how dare you not have the same opinion as me
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progressiveparty · 5 years
Young Women Actually Make Up More of Bernie's Base Than Men Do
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Polling shows the 2020 candidate'€™s supporters aren'€™t just Bernie Bros. New findings from The Economist show that women under 45 make up a larger share of Bernie Sanders’ base than do men in their same age group, contradicting a popular narrative that says the 2020 Democratic candidate's supporters are overwhelmingly white and male, to the virtual exclusion of other groups. This narrative often hinges on the “Bernie Bro,” a term Atlantic writer Robinson Meyer coined during the 2016 election to describe a type of mansplaining internet harasser that some came to see as representative of all Sanders voters. Bernie Bros were a “mob” flooding the Twitter mentions of Hillary Clinton supporters; they were “sexist,” even “enthusiastically” so; and they were loud and aggressive when expressing their uncompromising support for their candidate. Polling has continually proven that Sanders’ base is much more diverse than the figure of the Bernie Bro would suggest: An analysis of polling between November 2018 and March 2019 found both that Sanders was more popular among people of color than among white people, and that women supported Sanders just as much as men did, “if not more,” according to Vox. Earlier this month, a Univision Noticias poll found Sanders was the candidate Latino voters favored most after current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. And The Economist’s latest numbers show Sanders in the number-two spot behind Biden with Hispanic and Black voters. Yet the Bernie Bro concept continues to endure, much to the chagrin of Sanders’ women supporters, who say it ignores a significant portion of the Vermont senator’s base. “It’s really frustrating to see that the idea of the ‘Bernie Bro’ is still so pervasive,” said 24-year-old Megan Magray, a reproductive health advocate. She also serves as a co-coordinator for NYC-DSA’s Brooklyn electoral communications committee. “It’s insulting to see women, women of color, and people of color being erased from his campaign because they’re really integral to it.” Mari Toro, a 27-year-old community advocate and data entry specialist in Boston, told VICE she didn’t find the perception of Sanders’ base frustrating so much as she found it irrelevant. As a young Puerto Rican woman, the description of a supposedly archetypal white male Sanders supporter simply didn’t apply to her. “I felt the same way I feel about most internet rumors or stories that I have no connection or affinity for,” Toro said. “I didn’t even come to resent it—I didn’t feel the epithet characterized me or my fellow supporters at all.” Sanders supporters may be facing even more scrutiny this cycle than in 2016. With Sanders running against not just one woman candidate, but five—it was six until Kirsten Gillibrand dropped out of the race—some say that there’s no reason to vote for a white man when there are so many women to choose from. This argument can grow more specific for Elizabeth Warren supporters, some of whom argue that the Massachusett senator’s politics are nearly identical to Sanders, so why not vote for her instead? “Why would Democratic voters choose Sanders when Warren is running?” Guardian columnist Moira Donegan wrote the day after Sanders announced his presidential bid in February. “The two are not ideologically identical, but the differences between their major policy stances…are relatively minor, especially compared to the rest of the field.” Whether there are consequential differences between Warren and Sanders’ campaign platforms is an ongoing subject of debate on the left, particularly as Warren has begun to edge past Sanders in the polls. Mia Arievitch, a 24-year-old socialist who attends the City University of New York School of Labor and Urban Studies, believes Sanders and Warren are running completely different presidential campaigns, with Sanders focusing on grassroots movement-building while Warren homes in on federal policy. Lauren Christianson, a native Wisconsinite now based in New York, said that while she loves Warren for “supporting many of the same progressive platforms as Bernie,” she doesn’t find her to be “as progressive” as Sanders. Magray said she believes there’s a “wide gulf” between the two candidates’ politics, emphasizing that Sanders is a democratic socialist while Warren is a self-professed capitalist “to her bones.” But quibbles over progressive bonafides aside, these women object to the underlying principle that gender should play such a prominent role in deciding who to vote for. When Sanders’ women supporters encounter the belief that they should vote for a woman candidate because they themselves are women, feelings of resentment arise. “People cling to the idea that if we have a woman in power she’ll enact more feminist policies,” Arievitch said. “There are so many of Bernie’s plans that you would have to totally ignore to say he wouldn’t benefit women or women of color or working-class people. What is your definition of feminism if it’s what the person’s identity is who’s enacting the policies that matters most?” Magray is also skeptical of the reasoning that a woman in the White House is an undeniable good for all women, and she rejects the notion that voting for a woman is an inherently feminist choice. Feminists who push these talking points are buying into an individualistic “girlboss mentality,” Magray said. "There’s a strain of feminism that’s really focusing on empowering individual women to serve as inspiring figureheads,” Magray continued. “It’s not about lifting women out of poverty through socialism and anti-capitalist movements." A significant share of Sanders supporters—Magray included—consider Warren their second choice, and if she wins the party’s nomination, would cast a ballot for her with little to no hesitation. But in the meantime, many of them will continue to be frustrated by the way Sanders’ supporters are portrayed, and the looming specter of the Bernie Bro. In 2016, the idea that Sanders supporters were, by default, white and male made Christianson “feel like had to choose between being a woman and supporting the candidate who inspired me the most.” “It was also a quick way to stop any conversation about actual policy and ideals,” she added. “I hated it. I still hate it.” This Piece Originally Appeared in Vice Read the full article
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/07/07/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-7717/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 7/7/17
I took last week off, but I hope y’all had a great 4th of July weekend. Life’s still kinda kicking my ass, so this’ll be an abridged edition this week.
I finally got around to watching a movie! It’s been on my list since I first heard it was in pre-production, and I’m amazed it took me this long to watch it, considering my love for the source material. The Founder stars Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc, the “founder” of McDonald’s who really just stole the concept from the McDonald Brothers. A down-on-his-luck shake machine salesman, Kroc happens upon the fledgling McDonald’s restaurant in Southern California. Knowing a good thing when he saw it, he pretty much insisted on becoming a part of the operation, mainly focused on franchising the business. And that’s when things get interesting. I LOVE McDonald’s. You can hate me all you want, but like Jim Gaffigan says, “Everyone has their own McDonald’s”. Mine just happens to be the actual company. I don’t know enough about the history of the company to know how factual an account the movie was, but it was sure damn entertaining. Keaton is amazing in it, and I feel like anyone would enjoy the movie even if they think they don’t give a rat’s ass about McDonald’s as a company. I highly recommend this film.
We finally got our first trailer for Marvel’s Inhumans, and now I realize why they were so hesitant to release it. MY GOD THIS LOOKS TERRIBLE! It looks like Into The Badlands – a show that I hate because people fawn over it when it looks like something that would’ve aired after Xena on Saturday afternoons 20 year ago. Yeah, I even told one of the Badlands creators that when he confronted me over my “appraisal” on Twitter. Badlands is a bad show, but it gets “diversity points”, so folks give it a pass. This show doesn’t even get diversity right, so it’s really just a shitshow in the making. I hate hate HATE that this is considered an official part of the MCU, even if it’s just a part of the never-referenced TV wing. Anyway, this trainwreck debuts in IMAX on September 1st, but will officially air on ABC beginning September 22nd.
Speaking of diversity points, CBS lost all of theirs when they let the Asians go from Hawaii Five-O last weekend. Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park both left the show after salary negotiations broke down as they requested pay equal to their costars. I’ve never seen more than 15 minutes of that show, but I know the dude from Lost seemed pretty important to things. He was basically the White guys’ interpreter to all things native. CBS has claimed that they offered them sizable increases, which weren’t deemed acceptable to Park and Kim. Now the Five-O showrunner, Peter Lenkov, is now joining the side of the network, saying that CBS made “generous offers” to the stars, yet they decided not to renew their contracts.
This has turned into a discussion of race in Hollywood and how things still aren’t equal across the board. I’m a big fan of billing. Billing is important, and should go to the most well-known star. It’s the reason all the ’89 Batman posters say “Jack Nicholson” first. Dude was a bigger star. Now, I didn’t watch Lost and I didn’t watch Battlestar Galactica, but I still recognize Kim and Park from those shows. Maybe it’s just because I’m a geek and folks were always talking about those shows. The show’s star, Alex O’Loughlin? I can’t name a thing he’s been in. Don’t know that dude from Adam. And the other lead? James Caan’s kid? Whatever. Y’all mean you couldn’t pony up the cash to keep Lost Dude and Battlestar Girl? We’re not talking about big names here so, unless there was a favored nations clause where O’Loughlin would have to get a raise if they got raises, thereby thwarting the whole “equality” thing, I don’t see what the problem was. As has been pointed out, all O’Loughlin and Caan had to do was stand in solidarity with their costars and this would’ve been a non-issue. Word on the street it O’Loughlin is quitting at the end of the season anyway, so it’s not like we’re talking another 5 years here. He couldn’t keep his ego in check for a season? Nah, for too many folks, as long as they’ve got theirs, they don’t care if you’ve got yours.
We also got a trailer for Pitch Perfect 3, forcing me to reiterate that NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE A TRILOGY. I know everyone involved likes money, but sometimes there are natural, built-in ends to things. That thing was a 2-movie franchise and that’s it. Don’t forget – I lived that life. I was in the same competition the Bellas won in the first film (we came in 2nd), and I experienced the aca-graduation blues that the girls experienced in the second film. That’s pretty much it. There’s nowhere else to go. I mean, sure there are some random outlier outcomes. One of my groupmates is a hit producer in Asia now. Another is a pretty big pop star in Hong Kong. The rest of us? Dead-end jobs and bills. I used to occasionally do karaoke, but even that got to be too depressing. That shit is fun while it lasts, and then you’ve got to move on. So, in that vein, I can understand the plot of the 3rd movie, with the girls wanting to have one last hurrah, but I don’t really understand the concept of putting them on a USO tour. Is that something the troops wanna see? Has Pentatonix been dropped into the theater of war? It just seems kinda farfetched to me, and I was fine with how things were left in the last movie. Sure, I’ll see it, but it won’t be in a theater.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Hide grandma’s wallet – QVC is buying out Home Shopping Network.
After 3 seasons, The Carmichael Show has been canceled by NBC. I really wish someone else would snatch it up, as it’s a smart show
Netflix has renewed Dear, White People for a 2nd season. Meanwhile, they canceled Girlboss after one season. Reed Hastings giveth and he taketh away.
Speaking of Netflix, hearing the cries of fans, Sense8 will officially conclude with a 2-hour finale special
Netflix also renewed one of my favorite original shows, F is For Family, for a 3rd season.
Apparently a series based on the popular Step Up film series, called Step Up: High Water, will premiere on YouTube Red, where absolutely NOBODY is gonna watch it.
Fuller House season 3 will coincidentally premiere on the 30th anniversary of Full House, September 22nd.
Make your vacations weird again, as Cirque du Soleil has purchased Blue Man Group.
Patton Oswalt is engaged to 80s actress Meredith Salenger. Ya know, the same Patton whose wife died last year. I guess we all grieve in our own ways…
Lack of interest brought down The House, which bombed at the box office last weekend. It was reportedly Will Ferrell’s lowest live-action opening for a major studio.
Nick Fury will reportedly be making his MCU return in 2019’s Captain Marvel
HBO is reportedly getting the True Detective band back together, with a 3rd season to star Mahershala Ali
Nixing speculation that she was still up for the White House Press Secretary job, Kimberly Guilfoyle has reupped her contract with Fox News
Rob Lowe and his sons will chase the supernatural in The Lowe Files, and I literally cannot wait.
New game show, Snap Decision, premieres August 7th. Hosted by David Allen Grier, the show breaks precedent because it will debut on GSN and in syndication on the same date.
The world’s leading (and only) bar scientist favorited my tweet this week
We’re gonna do something different here this week. Usually, if you’ve been paying attention to the week’s news, you can at least try to figure out who or what had the best week. Some weeks it’s harder to choose something than others. Then I remembered, “Will, this is YOUR site.” After all, this is all pop culture through my lens, so it’s my rules. So, sometimes I might choose something that meant a lot to me that week, while you were none the wiser. But I bring it up on the site so that we’re all on the same page. And that’s the kind of pick I have this week.
After watching The Founder, I was left thinking, “Michael Keaton is a goddamn national treasure”. After watching Spider-Man: Homecoming last night (yeah, we’ll talk about it next week, when more of y’all have had a chance to see it), I was thinking “Why have we been sleeping on Keaton the past 20 years?” I mean, with the exception of The Other Guys, I honestly hadn’t seen a Michael Keaton movie since probably Batman Returns, and yet Birdman is the one considered his “comeback vehicle”. In The Founder, he really made you feel for a traveling salesman who was at the end of his rope. After a string of laughable failures, he finally found something to which he could hitch his wagon: McDonald’s. And while he also had to prove this to everyone in his sphere of orbit, most importantly he had to prove this to himself. He really needed a win, and Keaton did such a great job conveying that.
In Homecoming, Keaton plays Adrian Toomes, better known as the Vulture (though he’s never called that by name in the film). Not unlike Alfred Molina’s Dr. Octopus, he’s something of a sympathetic villain. Were it not for the fact that comic book franchises deal in the good/bad binary, you could almost relate to him and understand where he’s coming from. He’s a modern-day working class guy who feels ignored by the fat cats up on high. He doesn’t have evil goals. He simply wants to provide for his family, and he has a code of honor that dictates he must do whatever it takes to make good on that promise. I felt that Keaton did a great job expressing the plight of the working man. Sure, he got to utter some cheesy villain dialogue, but that simply comes with the territory. If you stopped for a minute, and ignored the fact that Spider-Man HAS to win, you realize that Toomes is actually kind of on to something. Again, though, I’ll get into more Homecoming thoughts next week.
My pal Chad pretty much swears by Michael Keaton as his favorite actor – a lot of that having to do with his immense love of 1989’s Batman. I’ve gotta say, I was never a huge fan of Keaton’s Batman, and when Chad would laud Keaton’s praises, I wasn’t really seeing it. I see it now, though. I have seen the light and I am healed! Dear Hollywood, more Michael Keaton, please! He pretty much impressed me on two different cinematic fronts this week, and that’s why Michael Keaton had the West Week Ever.
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