#like winter is so lucky
freddycartr · 5 months
jacin clay is fucking underrated. that’s it. that’s the post.
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biblically accurate ethan winters
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justaz · 4 months
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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went-out · 1 year
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Fanart for Retail Therapy by Hocus on AO3... Or inspired by it?  
for @friendshipgun 
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kuromi-hoemie · 5 months
i love looking down or catching my reflection in a window and being like oh i forgot I'm hot today
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
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There is heat. Actual heat on my skin.
While Jen and I amble along the edge of St. Stephen’s Green I'm dimly aware that she’s saying something, and really, I should be listening because it is her birthday and she deserves my undivided attention, but the sun has just appeared from behind a building and for the first time in months I am experiencing its warmth on the side of my face. Months of dark, wet gloom have almost made me forget what this feels like. It’s a familiar rush, actually… MDMA. Yes. That’s what it's like.
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“Are you listening to me?” She says accusingly, and she snaps sharply into focus. 
“Yes, of course.”
“Well then what did I just say?”
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“Um,” I peer around for clues. It is the fourteenth of March. The shops and restaurants surrounding the park have begun to put cheery little shamrocks in their windows, and the Shelbourne Hotel has hung tricolour flags up above the grand doorway. We squeeze in close to the iron railings to allow a slow moving crowd of Canadian tourists with fluffy green Viking hats, and Guinness t-shirts under their coats pass by. “Uh, you were saying that you hate St. Patrick’s day.”
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She scoffs, “Um, well, I do hate St. Patrick’s day, it’s gimmicky, but that’s not at all what I was saying,” she makes a swing for my arm and I manage to dodge her, “I can’t believe you weren’t listening to me on my birthday.”
“I’m listening now, sorry, sorry…” The sunshine glints between a gap in the bud laden branches overhead and I squint against it. God, that really is nice…
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 “...driving me kind of crazy, like, honestly, if we could even talk about something else for a minute…”
Oh, shit. I focus really intently on what she’s saying. “Michelle,” I announce triumphantly, “This is about Michelle.”
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She rolls her eyes, “Yes. Of course. If someone could enact a ban on her going on and on about Evan all of the time, it’s like, Evan this, Evan that, ‘Evan is so sweet, he’s just not like those other boys’…”
I snicker, “Oh, they’re just in love. Don’t be such a misery guts.”
“Yeah, nobody goes on about it as much as them. I get it. It’s been like, six months now can they not just cool it?” She heaves out a sigh, “And I’m just saying, I’m not a selfish person, right?”
“Nuh uh, never.”
“But if we meet them in a minute and all they do is gaze lovingly into each other's eyes I’m going to be mad, okay? I’m going to be fully upset about it. It’s my birthday. They can bloody think of things to say to me.”
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I sling my arm around her as we amble through the gates of the park. The spring flowers are in full bloom now, and the smiling faces of the daffodils beam up at us from the borders along the path. “Of course they’ll make a fuss about you, Jenny, they’re not monsters. Yeah, they’re full on with the PDA and talking about their big feelings but they love you and they’ll want your birthday to be special.”
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“Well, good,” she says primly, “This is my one day.”
“They’ll have me to answer to if they don’t behave.”
“Ooh, big scary Jude,” she giggles, “Will you shove them in a locker or flush their heads down the toilet?”
“I never did that to anyone!” I elbow her gently in the ribs, “who do you think I am?”
“Like I don’t remember the breast-pocket-ripping rampage you went on in first year!”
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We’re both tittering as we round the gentle curve of the path and are assaulted by the sight of Michelle and Evan in the grass by the Pavillion, lying horizontal and open mouthed kissing each other. I gasp and shield Jen’s eyes with my hand. 
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“Ugh! No! Too late, I’ve seen them,” She cries, and I spin her around to me and get into her eye line instead so that she has something appealing to look at instead. “Do you think it’s too early in the year for ice cream?”
“No,” she says. “Are you gonna buy me some?”
“Yeah, as many scoops as you want. Maybe when we come back those two will have finished their little performance.”
“Ugh, yes please. How do you always know what I want before I do?”
I shrug, “talent.”
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“Jude Turner,” She shakes her head as we walk towards the exit together, “you're such a friend to women.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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syrenki · 15 days
my family was just robbed of two thousands and my grandmother was denied a permanent residence card despite her daughter and grandchildren having lived here for 20 years and despite her being 80, so she can only spend a total of 90 days here in the next 5 years, and we can't visit her because we'll be arrested as soon as we cross the border, all this together meaning she will probably die alone there. and how are the rest of you all doing
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foxcassius · 17 days
jake and i are hesitantly planning for japan again in october 2025 or 2026 and the downside is thats soooooo long from now and the upside is october is objectively a better month than may to be in japan
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ohitslen · 9 months
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Read Guardians of The Videogame. Thanks :)
No but seriously it is such a good story I am begging you PLEASE PELASE PLEASPEPLEAS PLEA SE- Its so good for the lovers of stories where everything connects and makes so much sense, and well written characters, and amazing plot and AND (sedate me)
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freddycartr · 27 days
scarlet fucking blushed when meeting winter. love my bi woman
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necromancy-savant · 2 months
That one poll reminded me of how one time in high school one Ms. Pease saw me quietly listening to my ipod in the hallway waiting for my next class and she just ripped it out of my hands. And I was staring in pure dumb shock for like 30 seconds and she was like "are you coming or not." She then proceeded to explain, once we walked the whole fucking school to her shitty little office she shared with 15 other people, that ipods aren't allowed in hallways. Which was news to me on account of everyone had them or cd players. She was known for being horrible for no reason but damn. I wish it was her who got arrested for cocaine
#it was a Spanish teacher. and not even the one I had whom everyone immediately suspected#let this be your sign that if you hate high school kids don't be a teacher#that was my one and only interaction with her miserable ass and I literally hope she died horribly years and years ago#a history teacher who caught me smoking once was sympathetic about my stolen ipod and helped me get it back and she was a literal angel#more of her and less of Pease in the world#people used to joke about the language department's food based names. Like Mr. Crabb and Ms Pease and Mr. Kofi#Mr. Kofi was a native French speaker from Cote D'ivoire. he was my French teacher and he was awesome. And they pronounced his name wrong#I was lucky I got him. We also had a teacher who taught French and Latin and spoke both with the strongest British accent ever#not to disrespect her or anything. She let us watch Gladiator in class. And I told her after like 3 weeks of class I finished the book#and she said ok here's the next one. if you get through that you can move up a whole year and go from Latin 1 to Latin 3/4#after winter break. and I did do just that and I got the best grades in Latin 3/4 too#at Latin day I was a junior so I didn't get picked for the kartamen team (sp?)#and they lost first round#meanwhile I took multiple choice exams all day. My favorite. and I got 1st 2nd or 3rd place for every single one#so I literally won 10 awards all my myself at Latin Day. Just by taking multiple choice tests. they must have felt so stupid#I received those awards onstage at school the same day I got like 3 or 4 medals for the National Latin exam and the state exam#and the mythology exam#so I went home with like 15 awards that day so fuck you everyone who didn't want a junior on the kartamen team. I destroyed your sorry asse
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jenivi · 1 year
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its my dream to go to one of the splatoon live performances in person💗 i have a grad trip planned to go to japan in the summer, so i was a liiiitttle bummed knowing they announced one in january (since it lowers the chances of them having one again so soon after; excited to watch it livestreamed tho). fingers crossed for a live in summer 2024 hnngg
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intertexts · 9 months
they call me the migraine haver. On account of all the fucking migraines i have. -_-
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cospinol · 6 months
TODAY’S EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Koku you amethyst time!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And it’s apparently the moment that the show’s staff have been waiting for just as eagerly as I have because it’s the best looking episode not just of this season but maybe… of the entire series since its inception…????!! I genuinely can’t think of another one that has Multiple dedicated cuts of detailed action in a row like the sequence from kyou kai snapping on the mountain road to the encounter between shin and kyou kai + rai do and koku’ou at kan ki’s camp, and certainly not one anywhere near as good looking, it’s such a treat…!!!!!!!
[quick aside, before I forget I want to add that rai do is addressing shin as ‘obocchan’ in the last cap above :DDD truly the gift that keeps on giving]
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And anyways that’s without even touching on how good this sequence would be regardless of looks because it’s still Amethyst Plot time 🥰❤️💞❣️💓💍💘 Bi hei giving in to peer pressure in just the kind of moment of weakness that you can’t actually detest him for (of course you would want to believe him when he tells you it wasn’t a civilian village..), kyou kai absolutely fucking snapping, the cool head ten maintains between trying to hold shin back and immediately pivoting the hi shin unit to a defensive formation for the real possibility that shin and kyou kai actually start pvp against the kan ki army , and of course shin and kan ki putting their cards on the table :)))))
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^ my favourite panel of him ever now animated!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and my favourite moment in the exchange between them, shin’s is still yet to come (I think all his talk in this week’s episode about kan ki not being equipped to handle sei’s dream of unification *is* sweet and sincere but it’s also dumb and that’s why kan ki is able to refute him so easily; the point that really matters and where his moral stance becomes unassailable, for me, is in the fact that it’s all for hyou’s sake. there’s no counter-argument about what you may or may not be turning a blind eye to there, it’s the mandate made absolute and incorruptible instead…) but this is maybe my favourite line of kan ki’s ever… he’s just following through on the promise he made you; these are the rules you agreed to play by! 🥰🥰🥰 i don’t even need to go into the premium emycore aspect of ever part of this sequence lol, the indulgence of it all…
also I was pleasantly surprised to see that they preserved just about all all of the gore from the scenes covered in this week’s scenes; there are some minor changes (the zhao soldiers kan ki is having the saki clan interrogate early in the episode are shown a little less mutilated than they are in the manga, and there’s no nudity) but they really are minor which bodes pretty well for the saki clan artworks coming up soon :~) I think there’s a chance we might not see that scene until the week after next since next episode’s primary focus will of course be Bi Hei And The Hi Shin Unit as per the ep title, but i’m so curious to see what they do with it since the anime has *always* omitted saki and saki-adjacent activities in the past. but I won’t get ahead of myself when we still have all of bi hei’s crisis to savour first :D
also, in shin’s speech telling kan ki off, we got a little additional visual of ran dou from sanyou campaign! always on the lookout for scenes from s1-2 appearing in flashback in the current art style <3
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and i really had forgotten what he looked like lol even though this is another scene I absolutely adore for similar reasons to the one in the camp in this episode - though there’s no mou ten around to step in and defend shin this time, of course… :)
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rippy-bits · 2 years
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lyric from AJJ A Big Day For Grimley
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floorpancakes · 1 year
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uh oh i tripped and fell and now have a #25546754783th emily temple cute dress that i want
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