#like yeah they team up. but. where's the friendship the funny moments the banter the little things that really sell the love
bylertruther · 8 months
sucks that the party is supposed to be important n meaningful and yet [to me, it feels like] the duffers put more effort into scoops troop than them. sad sad sad i'm gonna walk off a cliff immediately
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lakesbian · 3 months
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I said. “Even if we were warned, we wouldn’t last long.” I leaned close, close enough to whisper in his ear. “But some of us would last a while, you little creep. Long enough to make sure that your parents … well, use your imagination.” He stepped back, drew back his fist, and swung on me. I dodged the blow. I grabbed his head with one arm and jammed the fork against his ear. I fought a nauseating urge to twist the fork, to make him scream in pain.
What had I just done? In all the time we’d been fighting the Yeerks, I’d never made a threat like that. What was the matter with me? I felt … not exactly ashamed. But I knew I never wanted to talk to Cassie about what I’d just told David. Or Tobias. Or even Marco. And as for Jake, I found myself filled with a terrifying surge of pure, utter hatred for him. I couldn’t begin to explain it. But I swear at that moment I hated Jake far more than I did David. I should have gone back to the cafeteria. I should have told them all what had happened. But Jake already knew, didn’t he? Jake, the smart, determined leader, already knew all about me. And I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t face what he knew about me.
i would like to preface this post with the fact that i was discussing this matter and i was like "where's that quote i've seen about here on ruthlessness that was tagged as taylor hebert? that's how marco works" and then i googled it and
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apparently that quote is just straight up literally from marco. whoops. stop being taylor, marco. being taylor is taylor's job. very funny thing to find out though. ohh that quote i was remembering and thinking was applicable to a fictional character was literally from that fictional character. okay. anyway.
the jake/rachel dynamic here is probably objectively more interesting but i'm particularly enamored with the rachel/marco dynamic because it's like. they're not particularly close. they're banter buddies but not friends beyond that. but when it comes down to the bloody shit they're perhaps the most closely aligned on the team in terms of how they think and act, in that rachel is the one whose immediate suggestion is always "what if we kidnap/murder/maim them" and marco isn't cruel but he is, well, ruthless in the manner described by the above quote i didn't realize was from him. it's such a weird little cross-angle of closeness where they're close in a way that doesn't mean they're friends (for a certain definition of friendship, anyway), but does mean something is severely wrong if she can't even go to him with the blood on her hands. it rocks.
the dynamic with jake is also really good. being the type of person that the one whose job it is to understand & direct you all knows should be called on if he needs someone killed in a cold fit of rage, and the resentment that stems from having to recognize this about yourself thru someone else's recognition of the fact
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
New Year's surprise
Summary: You spend New Year's Eve with your favorite people. Something catches you by surprise...?
Pairing/Characters: Team Gojo + You
Word count: 2,3k
Content warning: -
A/N: crossposted on AO3 // published on New Year’s Eve + written for Megumi’s birthday // I tried to make it funny back then but now that I am reading it again... crrrrriiiiiiiiiiinge. I also used honorifics here to show the banter and relationship between the characters.
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ou have been looking forward to this stress-relieving day for a month now. It was a well-deserved break for all this work you've been doing lately.
Last week particularly wore you out from using your cursed technique, the ability to manifest and manipulate light, repeatedly as the curses kept getting nastier and more annoying. Being one of the handful of Jujutsu Sorcerers was a pain sometimes. Just like Nanami, you hated working overtime but it was bound to happen as the branch you were working in was not exactly what the youth of today wanted to do - let alone even know of - understaffed as ever.
Not that you minded being on missions but sometimes you feared that your co-teacher, the most praised and famed Gojo Satoru, wouldn't properly teach the kids in your absence. You weren't even a teacher to begin with but some time after graduation, your teacher Yaga Masamichi - now principal of Jujutsu High in Tokyo - had asked you the favor of supporting that idiot Satoru... just in case. It's not like you could decline anyway, nobody else was up for the job, so you accepted. As time passed, you truly grew to love this job, especially this year's first-years had you enamored with them.
So it happened that your dear friend and ex-classmate suggested a Christmas party, which also served as Megumi's surprise birthday party, at your house. Coincidentally, this friend happened to have white hair and regularly wore a blindfold to work. Coincidentally, he was deemed the strongest. Coincidentally, his name was Gojo Satoru. “Do I not get a say in this, Satoru?” you had asked, your back facing him. His blunt answer was a simple “nope.”, which earned him a whack to his right shoulder. “I've already told the first-years about the time, date and location,” the man grinned sheepishly. And he knew you wouldn't be able to decline if it was about your beloved three students. You had no choice.
“Well, Satoru, since it's come to this,” you leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “why don't we use this opportunity to throw a surprise birthday party for you-know-who?”
The white-haired sorcerer grinned, “Sounds like you've been planning this all along, if you ask me.”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Nobara; but give me one or two days - I'm still quite busy,” you said. He gave you a thumbs up before replying, “Then I'll handle Yuuji. Give me a second.”
He clapped once. Then, the man was gone from your sight. Like a poof.
Being able to communicate without words was one of your favorite things about Satoru's and your friendship.
And so, a little over a month passed ever since you and Satoru made that agreement. It was easy for Satoru to convince Yuuji but you had known from the beginning that it took a little more coaxing for Nobara. In the end, you also successfully managed to lure her in. Even though you had to postpone it, it ended up being a New Year’s Eve party instead.
Damn these higher-ups, giving you a 4-day mission a day before Christmas Eve. You have looked forward to this party too, it saddened you greatly to have it postponed. Fortunately, your students and Satoru decided to wish you a merry Christmas via video call. It was truly a delight on such dark days. Besides juggling your two jobs, you've also been preparing for the party diligently. After all, you didn't want it to be a flop.
It wasn't exactly easy to convince the higher-ups to let you and Satoru take a day off from missions and frankly, you didn't convince them at all; you both just ditched them, probably pushing them onto Nanami or whoever was on hand (sorry?). As for lessons, Satoru managed to persuade principal Yaga that you and him were planning an “important extracurricular class”. You weren't sure if Yaga had actually bought the excuse or just let it slide. It did not matter anyway, who would dare to stand in the mighty Gojo Satoru's way? Moreover, you rivaled this man in both stubbornness and authority. Nobody stood a chance when the two of you planned to see a plan through.
You've been cooking (and baking) since morning while Satoru was dancing around your house to decorate it. After all, he was no help in the kitchen and his long limbs made it easy to reach high places, so he was forced to placed in charge of decorating by you.
“Satoru, when are the kids coming again? What time?” you called out from the kitchen. A head popped up by the door, “8PM, so two hours from now,” it chirped. “Megumi will come half an hour later, as planned,” he added. “Good. That's plenty of time.”
It was not plenty of time. You should have known. Something was bound to go wrong. Especially with the way this idiot was skipping through your home with his lanky, long limbs. Of course, he'd knock over some things, including a big filled vase in the living room. There was screaming (from you) and roaring laughter from the culprit; chaos ensued as you chased the tall man around your house with a broom. “GOJO SATORU, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS,” you yelled. “What happened to ‘plenty of time’?” he laughed, simultaneously running for his life.
“You dumbass, I would have been done with cooking a while ago if you didn't knock my shit over so I had to help clean this mess!” you shrieked and stopped running. Satoru looked back - he knew the look on your face: you were done chasing him around. Gulp. You took a step back with your right leg. “I ain't a pokemon trainer but I'll make sure to at least catch you, Gojo-sensei,” you said, just loud enough for him to hear, as a string of concentrated light appeared in your hands. The man on the run knew you weren't able to hurt him thanks to his Infinity but he knew damn well, you could at least restrict him.
Like a lasso, you threw rope in his direction. A clap. More claps. He was teleporting away from you. Yeah, things like this frequently happened with the two of you. “Multiply,” you murmured and your rope did as you commanded. It took the form of a spiderweb... or a fishnet.
“Stop running, so it will be easier for me to catch you, Toru-chan~”, you called.
“Ain't no way,” he said as he ran and turned his head to stick out his tongue. You clicked your tongue. Inhaling deeply, you positioned your leg even farther back. This kind of felt like the Olympic Games or something.
Using the force, you threw out the glowing net. In reality, you knew it was just a second but the moment seemed to stretch in your eyes. “Would it be a good catch today?” You almost heard the fishermen say at the riverbank.
The moment your net connected. The sound of a plop on the ground. Yes, it was indeed a good-looking catch, you mused. Not that your net actually touched him, thanks to his ability, but at least it caged him like a cocoon for the time being, only leaving out the head.
“You look so smug,” Satoru commented, pulling a face. The cocoon vibrated against him, compressing made difficult due to Infinity. “Of course, I just caught a big shiny Magikarp,” you retorted. “Wait, are you calling me useless-”
Ding dong. The sound of the doorbell had your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. A sigh left your lips and you stuck the light to a wall as you trudged your way to the entrance door to let in Yuuji and Nobara. At least you could expect some real and less chaotic help now.
The first thing that greeted them after putting down their presents in the living room was the sight of their white-haired teacher dangling from the ceiling by a mysterious, seemingly sticky and shiny rope thing. “Sorry to ask, sensei, but… did we interrupt something here? Or would it be better not to ask?” Nobara asked, Yuuji was agape. “Yeah, we were-” Satoru started but you quickly shushed him.
You shook your head, “No, but Gojo-sensei couldn’t refrain from pranks, so here we are.”
“Oooookay,” Yuuji said, still flabbergasted.
“So guys, we aren’t quite done yet. Me and Gojo-sensei require a little help… especially in the kitchen,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“Sure, I’ll help in the kitchen then,” Nobara volunteered. The pink-haired boy raised his hand, a sign that he also wanted to help: “I can set the table.”
“Perfect! Nobara and Yuuji, come with me. We have 30 minutes until Megumi will be here. As for you, Satoru, you better clean the mess you made,” you commanded as you shot the cocooned man, who was smiling innocently, a sharp glare. With that, you and your two baby ducklings left the living room.
You showed Yuuji the cupboard where he would find everything he needed, from cups to plates, bowls and whatnot. Nobara helped clean the dishes while you finished up what you were doing before. A few finishing touches were left. Christmas music started playing in your house as you heard someone pace in your living room. Satoru was probably hanging up the remaining Christmas lights in your spacious living room. After all, it was clear as a day that the man would be able to free himself after a few minutes.
You and Nobara made it just in time: 28 minutes. Your pink-haired student, Yuuji, did a surprisingly excellent job, setting the table as beautifully as you had imagined. The dishes were laid out on the table, just waiting to be eaten.
The eagerly awaited guest arrived no sooner than expected, unlike a certain someone, even bearing presents as it seemed. “Christmas is over, why did you decide to play Christmas music?” Megumi remarked, not sounding like he was over the moon.
“Woah, Megumi, you look as grumpy as always!” his male teacher noticed.
“Lighten up a little, will ya?” Nobara added, while the adorable Yuuji gawked at the bag of gifts Megumi had brought with him. “Oh, stop it, you two. Megumi is just not that good at outwardly expressing his emotions,” you defended… and the student didn’t know whether that was an insult or not.
“You brought presents? So cool!” Yuuji was delighted, still looking at the bag and not even paying attention to whatever was happening, until Nobara tugged on his arm to lead him to the dinner table.
Dinner was a little chaotic; everyone was excited, some things were spilled, a lot of words were exchanged, a little banter happened, gales of laughter echoed through your four walls. It was joy. Chaotic joy.
Finally, it was time for the presents. After everyone received their presents, a malicious grin appeared on Satoru’s face from what was to come. Yuuji’s face also had a tinge of mischief to its expression. Yours and Nobara’s face were straight up devilish, the eyes in particular. All of you were looking at him.
An uneasy feeling rose in the dark-haired boy’s stomach. “Run as fast as you can,” it told him and his foot twitched a little, which was not missed by Satoru at all.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!” Nobara exclaimed, then ordered Yuuji to restrict Megumi (which he did) as you put one of Satoru’s blindfolds on your poor, baffled student. Satoru forcefully stuffed Megumi’s mouth with one - then two - mochis to prevent him from making any noisy ruckus. All he heard was feet shuffling through the room. After what felt like an eternity of nervosity to him, the blindfold was finally lifted and Yuuji loosened his grip on his friend.
Unitedly, the four of you, who had planned this surprise for him, wore party hats and chanted, “HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, FUSHIGURO/MEGUMI.”, holding more presents for him into his face. “Ooh, he is embarrassed!! Look at him, look at him~” Satoru teased and Megumi looked away, a blush spreading on his face. “Am not,” he attempted to retort before being ushered to open the gifts by Yuuji. One by one, they were unwrapped, revealing a nonfiction book from Yuuji, a comfortable hoodie from Nobara, a pair of brand new headphones from you and–…
“Gojo-sensei, I do not mean to impose but…”, you breathed out. “...is that a maid costume?”, Megumi finished what you wanted to ask. “Hell yes, I thought our Megumi would look so nice in it!” Satoru had that shit-eating grin on his face.
“Sensei, can you hold him so I can give this perv a good beating?” Nobara asked as she turned to you. “Sure,” you replied with an innocent-looking smile. You heard someone cracking their knuckles. “I’ll help you,” Megumi said. So the sound came from Megumi. “Wait, wait, guys!” your same-aged friend fretted, head whipping in Yuuji’s direction, silently asking for some help. The latter rubbed his head, debating whether he wanted to be a part of this mess or not. He ultimately ended up trying to help his teacher but couldn’t tear away the glowing restraint you put upon your co-teacher.
However, before anyone could land a hit or be saved, a menacing roar could be heard. It was followed by multiple phones ringing and someone banging on your door. “Please, Y/N-san, it’s very urgent! A grade 1 curse is in the city… with a few of its friends!” It was Ijichi. For a moment, everything stood still and you looked at everyone. Satoru spoke up loud enough for Ijichi to hear, “We’ll head out.” He nullified your light technique.
You looked at the man and nodded, heading out with him.
“Wait, sensei, we are coming too,” Megumi said, his face determined as he, Nobara and Yuuji followed the two of you outside. “Fine by me, but don’t die on me,” you said.
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The Outsider
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Request: Enemies to lovers with Thor by @jennie22feona​ I hope you like this love ;)) This was a challenge because Thor is so lovable. Happy reading!
Fall Prompts Masterlist
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff, a few curse words.
Permanent Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder​ @ladyacrasia​ @agustdowney​ @raspberrymama​  @littlegasps​ @swaggysposts​
Send me an ask if you wish to be tagged!
Word count: 2.1k oops!
“Well if you don’t try, it won’t get better now, will it?”
Steve reasoned, patting Thor’s shoulder as he passed him, carrying his dish out to the dining room where the team were gathered for dinner. Thor frowned looking down at his own plate, staring at the lasagna you’d made for everyone.
It was one of those rare times when he was staying at the compound, not busy saving the nine realms. The team got together for meals more frequently after the Ultron incident.
A real sense of family developed over the years, friendships were formed as new people became a part of the Avengers. Thor had no problems getting along with anyone in the past, except you.
He met you during the battle of New York, watching you fight like the strongest warrior alongside Natasha and Clint with your unparalleled combat skills.However, you seemed distant and gave him a cold shoulder when the team hung out. Every attempt of making conversation was met with an eye-roll or a look of disgust, and usually ended up with you walking away from the scene.
Thor sauntered out to join the rest, taking a seat right opposite you and digging in.
“Oh (Y/N), this is delicious.”
“Indeed. So tasty.”
Everyone complimented your dish, as you looked around the room, positively beaming. You met Thor’s eyes and he gave you an awkward smile, clearing his throat before shoving a large bite in his mouth.
“You know Asgardian feasts are the greatest. Nothing can ever compare.” He smiled proudly, hoping you’d appreciate his ‘attempt’ to make nice.
Steve shook his head in exasperation, while your smile disappeared. You went back to concentrating on your food, jamming the fork in the food a bit too forcefully and muttering,
“Well it’s not bloody Asgard.”
Nat placed her hand on yours soothingly, and turned to look at Steve, who was equally bothered.
“I’m sure about that Thor, but (Y/N) here has prepared this lovely meal for all of us, don’t you think that’s nice?”
Thor opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off,
“Don’t bother Steve. It’s fine.”
Everybody remained relatively quiet for the rest of the dinner, Clint tried to break the awkwardness recalling funny incidents that happened during the last mission.
Thor kept stealing glances at you, guilty for having made you this upset. He’d actually enjoyed the food quite a bit, but his efforts at making small talk had left you deflated.
Two weeks had passed since you’d last seen the proud Asgardian God, not that you would ever admit you had been counting.
You were busy chasing potential Hydra leads with Steve, who on multiple occasions mentioned that Thor was trying to get to know you better but didn’t know how to.
“He’s so stuck up and proud, I just can’t stand him Steve!” you’d stated.
The captain had tried to play mediator several times before, however it hadn’t gone too smoothly. You expressed that it was best to not try anymore, some people just don’t click.
After a particularly tiring sparring session one evening, you strolled into the kitchen to grab a drink, when you heard cabinets opening and closing as you approached. Thor was searching for food, you deduced, as you watched his rummaging from the kitchen doorway.
You didn’t want to face another awkward conversation, so you figured you would just tip-toe around the fridge, grab a drink and get away without him noticing.
Having successfully retrieved a bottle of beer, you turned away from the fridge and collided against the large chest of the God of Thunder, who had chosen at that exact moment to walk out.
You hit your bum pretty hard on the marble floor, back going next but Thor’s instincts kicked in and he saved your head by placing a hand underneath while bracing his body with his other hand to prevent crushing you. The beer bottle smashed from your hand splashing liquid everywhere, as a yelp left your mouth.
“Lady (Y/N) I am so very sorry, I did not see you. Are you hurt?”
His voice soft, worried as you felt his breath on your cheek, you had shut your eyes on impact, scared that you were just about smushed.
Peeking an eye open, you saw Thor’s face right over yours, brilliant blue eyes studying your face, concerned. You felt frozen, lying on the kitchen floor with Thor’s body on top of yours.
“I’m fine.” The creeping pain in your back and ass said otherwise, with Thor’s help you scrambled to a standing position, heat warming your cheeks, heart still racing. You were very much aware of Thor’s grip on your upper arm as he still ran his eyes over your sweat-covered gym clothes.
A sharp sting in your left hand drew your attention there and you saw a piece of glass lodged in the side of your palm, blood trickling from it. Thor saw it too, jumping into action as he grabbed a towel from the counter and approached you.
Exhaling loudly you braced yourself, carefully pulled the shard out, more blood rushing to the surface. Tears stung in your eyes as you pressed the towel down on the cut.
“Probably need stitches.” You muttered as the towel changed color from white to red, already walking out of the kitchen.
“Please allow me to assist you, Lady (Y/N).” he called after you, following you towards the elevator.
“Uh no, I think you’ve done enough.” Muttering rudely, you entered the elevator and pressed the button to the compound’s infirmary.
Thor followed you anyway, stayed by your side while you got stitches in the med bay, explaining to the nurse how it was completely his fault, even riding the elevator back with you to your apartment floor after the wound was attended to.
You didn’t say much the entire time, pangs of guilt coursing through at his thoughtfulness. Discourteous as you had been, this man still tried his best to help but, your stubborn self refused to admit it was all your mistake.
Leaning on Steve for support, you limped towards the common area for a movie night. You had a sprained ankle from your latest mission that hadn’t quite healed yet and was bandaged.
“Easy. Are you comfortable?” Steve carefully propped your leg on the wooden table, before placing a small pillow underneath.
“As I’ll ever be. Thank you Rogers.” You gave his hand a grateful squeeze and placed the large bowl of popcorn in your lap.
“Your hand isn’t fully healed yet. Seems like you’re losing your edge, (Y/L/N).”
Glaring at his statement, you already regretted telling him about the kitchen incident. All hopes of this embarrassing event staying between two friends had gone to shit when Nat and Sam brought it up earlier today and Steve hid his face, sniggering.
“I’m not losing anything, you’re about to lose your arm if you keep this up.” You threatened, though you both knew you were kidding.
Your banter got cut short when the Asgardian God walked into the room, swinging Mjolnir in one hand and a large candy bar in the other.
You had literally been avoiding him ever since, excusing yourself to fake phone calls when he was around, eating dinners alone in your room under the pretext of wanting to be with yourself.
And now, knowing Steve – Mr Goody-two-shoes, he would ask Thor to join you here, and he did just that.
“Hey Thor, we’re watching old classics today, come join us.”
Steve ignored your death stare and continued to look at Thor expectantly, who seemed undecided for a bit, but then smiled and walked over to the couch, accepting Steve’s invite.
You threw a handful of popcorn at Steve when Thor wasn’t looking, he merely shrugged, mouthing ‘you-should-talk-to-him’.
Thor took a seat next to you, keeping a considerable distance in between while you resumed the movie. Halfway through it, Steve made an excuse to go to the bathroom only to never return, leaving you alone with the Asgardian.
You’d fallen asleep before the movie got over, not realizing when Thor had covered you with a blanket or when he’d moved closer to support your head on his shoulder.
The noisy crunch of popcorn from your right, brought you back to consciousness as you noticed the bowl now in Thor’s lap, and his other hand wrapped securely around your shoulders.
He was so warm. You didn’t have the heart to move away.
“I’m sorry did I wake you?” he asked, removing his hand away, much to your disappointment.
“Yeah. It’s—it’s fine though.”
Scrambling a foot away, the previous distance returning, you felt your cheeks flush.
A few minutes passed as you both watched the second movie that had begun, before Thor broke the silence.
“How did you injure your ankle?” pointing to the bandaged limb.
“If I tell you, you’ll laugh. It’s embarrassing.”
“I will do no such thing, you have my word.” He replied sincerely, turning to face you fully.
You began telling the story honestly, how after the mission you were walking towards the jet and accidently tripped on a previously unseen stone that had resulted in a nasty sprain. You skipped the part of how actually your mind had wandered to the day you and Thor had that kitchen mishap.
He seemed genuinely concerned for you after hearing it and like he promised did not laugh.
“You know the healers on Asgard would’ve been able to mend it in no time.” He added.
“Your ability to bring your Godly realm into every conversation blows my mind, really.” You laughed, rolling your eyes.
“Well, all of you have such incredible stories from Midgard to share, and I feel like an outsider, I just thought sharing stories from my home planet would make for interesting conversation. Which I now realize is the cause of your annoyance, so I’m really sorry about that.”
He frowned, a sad look flashing in his face, before he replaced it with an understanding smile.
You felt terribly guilty for never having thought it that way. He was just trying to make conversation. He was a literal outsider, always taking great interest in wanting to know about ‘Earthly traditions’, having nothing to add to that hence sharing his Asgardian tales.
Wow. And you had been a real bitch about it this whole time.
Suddenly Steve’s words came back to you, all he wanted was try and get to know you better. Well now, it seemed like you had blown your chance of that ever happening as you kept staring down at your hands, unable to form a response.
“It seems like my presence is no longer wanted, I’ll leave you be, Lady (Y/N), enjoy your eve—” Thor began but you cut him off.
“No wait! Please.” You said almost too loudly, grabbing his wrist as he was half rising from his seat.
“I owe you an apology, several to be honest. You have been nothing but kind to me and I was a bitch. That little kitchen accident was all on me, I tried to sneak past you because I wanted to avoid an awkward situation. You helped me through that even though I was so rude. Hell, I even faked being busy to avoid dinners. This makes me such a terrible person and I am so sorry Thor. You didn’t deserve it, really I’m so so—”
In all of your gesture-filled apology frenzy, you had missed Thor leaning in slowly with an amused expression on his face, before his lips made contact with yours taking you by surprise.
His soft lips covered yours, hands moving to cup your face gently as he kissed you, feeling you relax against him and return the kiss.
It ended sooner than you’d hoped, breaking apart you found yourself grinning like an idiot, touching your lips, as if to make sure it had really happened.
“You’re not a terrible person (Y/N). You’re a strong, poised warrior. Maybe a little set in your ways.” The God added quietly, making you giggle as your forehead landed against his chest.
After a few moments you figured it was time to head back to bed, seeing as it was way past midnight. With Thor’s help you stood up, who ducked down and took your hand in his.
“Allow me to escort you back to your chambers.”
All you could manage was a shy nod, and he had effortlessly picked you up and had begun walking towards your room.
From a dark corner, Steve groaned as he removed a twenty dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to Natasha who had a victorious grin on her face.
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19tozier · 3 years
wish you were sober pt. two (richie tozier)
part two of this imagine
warnings: swearing, angst w/ a happy ending
[losers + reader are 16+]
as much as you wish it didn’t, that night after the party changes everything.
you don’t really know what to do with yourself. your heart aches to believe what richie said, but the larger part of you knows he was just drunk. he’s been your best friend for years, there’s no way that he actually likes you, let alone loves you. you just need to forget about it.
you don’t really know what to do about it, though. the logical part of you says it would probably be best to avoid richie for a while, at least until your feelings settle down again, but you’re not strong enough to do that. you’ve never gone longer than the weekend without seeing him; you don’t think you’d survive not having him within arm’s length.
but still, your blood burns whenever he’s close, so almost without you realizing it, you put distance between the two of you. not much, not enough to ruin your friendship, but enough to be noticeable. always at least one loser between you at all times, never being alone with him, talking to him really only when there are other people around. you know he has to have noticed and you feel guilty as hell to hurt him like this, but you’re slowly dying and he has no fucking clue.
you do, however, notice when sandy stops eating lunch with all of you. you notice when his jean jacket stretches over his own shoulders again. and you notice how no new girl shows up under his arm. you notice it all, and it makes you think.
hope is a dangerous thing. it can kill you if you’re not careful.
you think you’re doing a pretty good job of it, all things considered; you still laugh at richie’s jokes, you still banter with him over mundane topics, you still team up with him to rag on any of the other losers. you’ve always believed yourself to be a bad friend because of your feelings, betraying his trust and his privacy by being so in love with him. you’re certain you’re obvious because sometimes you feel like your love for him is bursting out of your skin, but you’ve never admitted it in as many words. you’ve never told anyone about your feelings for him, not even bev or stan. it is a secret you intend to take to your grave.
you only realize you’re wrong when the tension between you and richie explodes.
it starts at lunch one day. you’re all sat around your usual table, being as rowdy and out-of-control as all of you typically are. you’re sitting in between bill and bev, laughing at the story eddie tells, consciously keeping your eyes away from richie. any time you look at him, you can’t pull your eyes away because of how beautiful he is.
still, you’re only so strong, and when eddie gets distracted by bill asking him a question, your eyes flick to richie’s face. you jump when you find him already looking back at you.
he raises an eyebrow at you, a cheeky grin spread across his mouth. he’s got his hair pulled back in a bun today, a few unruly curls spilling out against his cheekbones in a way that’s unfairly attractive. you’re stricken by it, especially when he drops his eyelid in a wink. it’s so hot, you want to climb him like a tree and kiss him—
you jerk, ripping your gaze away from him. you desperately refocus on eddie, ignoring the way bev nudges you. your cheeks are flaming, something hot traveling through your chest and down your arms. you can feel richie’s gaze still on you, prickling and too perceptive. you feel flayed out under it, like he will be able to read your love for him in every line of your face.
you very carefully do not look at richie for the rest of lunch.
you almost think you’ve gotten away with it. richie doesn’t try to catch your attention again, and when the bell rings you book it out of the cafeteria before he can try and talk to you. you don’t share any classes together after lunch, and you think you can probably avoid him after school too if you pretend to talk to one of your teachers. you’re fine. it’s fine. you can do this.
you’re still thinking about it when you take your customary trip to the bathroom, the way you always do sometime during fifth period. it’s less actually having to go to the bathroom and more needing to get out of class, still jittery from lunch but starting to crash and burn out from the school day.
you’re swinging the hall pass around your finger, humming to yourself as you take the long way around, when you pass by the janitor’s closet and feel a hand wrap around your wrist to yank you in.
you squeak in surprise, your heart in your throat, before anger takes over and you whirl on who grabbed you. you can’t see in the dark of the closet but that doesn’t matter. “what the hell? not funny, asshole, who do you think you—”
the chain for the light is pulled. your words die in your throat when you find yourself looking up into richie’s face, his jaw tensed and his eyes dark.
“who do i think i am?” richie prompts when you don’t finish, glaring down at you. his arms are crossed over his chest. “well let’s see, who am i? maybe your best fucking friend who you’ve been avoiding? yeah, that sounds about right, doesn’t it?”
you gape at him, your brain still struggling to make sense of what’s going on. your voice is weak when you mumble, “i‘m not avoiding you.”
“bull-fucking-shit,” he sneers. “you’ve been avoiding me for like, two weeks now. the only reason we’re talking right now is because i pulled you in here, because if i’d have asked to talk you would’ve just blown me off.”
he’s not wrong; you probably would have. still, you blink at him, your eyebrows furrowing. “how did you know i’d be walking by?”
he glares at you, like he’s furious that’s what you’re focusing on instead of what he’s saying. “you always go to the bathroom during fifth period. you had to walk by eventually.”
slowly, the confusion fogging your brain is clearing, giving you the space you need to throw up your defenses. deflect, you tell yourself. “so what, you decided the best course of action was to skip class and wait for me in a janitor’s closet? you couldn’t have thought of literally anything else?”
“i tried!” he growls, his voice rising in volume. “i tried to talk to you about it last week and you just made some excuse and fucking left! you won’t even look at me, toots, so what the fuck else was i supposed to do?”
“not wait in a dingy ass closet?” you bite back, rising up to your full height. it’s not much, not compared to his, but it makes you feel more powerful anyways. “do you ever listen to eddie when he talks about germs?”
richie ignores you, taking a step closer to you. you mirror that step backwards. “you’ve been avoiding me since that party,” he says like you haven’t even spoken, “so something had to have happened then but i don’t remember anything about—”
anger erupts inside your chest, spilling white-hot through your veins and making your hands tremble at your sides. “that’s the fucking problem, richie,” you interrupt him, your voice cold. “you were wasted and you don’t remember anything.”
he blinks at you, his shoulders tensing slightly. “so something did happen then. what the hell was it?”
all at once you are so sick of this conversation. you wish you could go back in time and not go to the bathroom today. you wish you could go back and not have gone to that party. you wish you could go back and never have met richie. you don’t really mean that, you know you don’t, but in this moment you are so hurt and so tired that you do. you feel tears prick at your eyes.
“nothing,” you say, working to keep your voice cold and not let your exhaustion creep into it. “i’m going back to class.”
you reach for the door handle, intent on getting as far from here as you can, but richie presses his hand to the door to keep you from leaving. you glare at him, tugging fruitlessly at the handle, irrationally furious over the strength of his fucking noodle arms.
“nuh uh, we’re not done talking yet,” he snaps, his eyes sparking hotly. “what happened at the party?”
“nothing happened at the party,” you nearly snarl. it’s true, after all; nothing had happened at the party. it was only when you took him home that he had said what he did.
richie growls, stepping closer again. you take another step backwards, your back hitting the door. he’s so close now you can see the circle of brown in his left eye. “stop fucking lying, (y/n). tell me what fucking happened.”
the heat rising from his skin sets you on fire, the scent of his cologne making your head foggy and adding to the blaze of your anger. it rises and rises inside of you, quickening the pace of your heart and making your stomach clench, before finally, with the suddenness of a rubber band snapping, you can’t hold it in anymore.
“fine! you wanna know what fucking happened?” you hiss, jabbing a finger into his sternum. “i drove your sorry ass home and got you into bed and you fucking told me you wished i was your girlfriend instead of sandy.”
his brow furrows, his nose scrunching slightly as he stares down at you. “that’s it?” he asks. you nearly start screaming before he continues, “you’re mad at me because i told you the truth?”
abruptly, you’re even more angry. richie’s never been a cruel or even a mean person, but this feels like he is willingly tearing you apart. sure, he could be an asshole, but you’d never thought he would make jokes like this at your expense, nor that he wouldn’t know where to draw the line. part of you wants to punch him and part of you wants to cry.
you settle for scowling at him. “stop fucking teasing me, richie, it’s not funny.”
he rolls his eyes at you, frowning. “who said i was joking? (y/n), you’re fucking oblivious if you think i haven’t been in love with you since before we even fucking met. sure, probably shouldn’t have admitted that while i was drunk, but guess i just needed some liquid encouragement.”
his words draw you up short. he looks so sincere but you’re hesitant to believe him, certain it’s a joke. things like this don’t work out for you. you don’t get to have the cliche fairytale moments. you’re certain he’s going to laugh and yell how he’d gotten off a good one, but as the seconds tick by he just watches your face, not even trying to fill the silence that is steadily growing thicker. his expression doesn’t shift from the vulnerable earnestness it had settled into.
finally, you manage to shakily murmur, “but what about all of those girls?”
he sighs, carding a rough hand through his curls. “just a distraction. they were fun and all, but they weren’t you, doll. you’re my best girl. no one could ever compare to you.”
“and you’re not—” your voice cracks. you stop, clear your throat. try again. “you’re not joking?”
the smile that spreads across his mouth is soft, sweet, a little bit shy. the way you are suddenly realizing he has never looked with anyone other than you. “no, sugar,” he murmurs. “i am absolutely, 100% not joking.”
your breath stutters out of you, your shoulders slumping against the door. you have emotional whiplash from the past several minutes, abruptly exhausted over what is one of the most insane experiences you have ever had. and you’d bashed in the skull of a murderous demon clown at thirteen. part of you doesn’t think this is real, but if it’s not, may as well take advantage of the dream.
“hey rich?” you whisper, reaching out to touch his ribs. he shudders.
“yeah, doll?” he murmurs roughly.
you smile up at him, brushing your thumbs along his waist. “kiss me?”
he smiles back, reaching to tuck your hair behind your ear. “don’t mind if i do.”
he kisses the laughter right out of your mouth, getting close enough to press you back against the door with the bulk of his body. his hands slide around your hips, his teeth catching around your lower lip, and he whines when you reach up to tangle your fingers in his hair. his mouth tastes like the mint gum he likes to chew and the smell of him is dizzying up close, you think you might drown in it—
the sound of the bell breaks you apart, both of your chests heaving and your lips swollen. you stare up at him for a moment before you both burst into giggles.
“fuck, i love you,” he beams, kissing you again.
you grin back, brushing your thumb along his cheek. “i love you too, tozier.”
his expression goes so soft it hurts to look at, but you can’t look away. he shakes his head, still smiling. “do you wanna ditch the rest of the day and go get milkshakes with me, baby?”
you nod, slipping your hand into his when he offers it to you. “i would like nothing more, rich.”
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Helloo i was wondering could we get a smutty roger blurb pretty pleasssseee maybe due to the recent pop quiz videos 🙄 like he's on the show and youre watching in the audience as a friend and his team losses + he's hella annoyed so he's determined to get home asap so he can relieve his frustrations but you decide to come home with him to cheer him up but you don't know what you are in for because he can't resist you when he's in this mood 😍
1st Holiday Advent post yay! (send me a request here and check out the explanation here) Anyway, this has been in my inbox forever, so thank you for your patience anon, I reward you with a honkin’ 2.5k words (warnings are smut, 18+) Masterlist
You were attending the taping of one of the episodes of Pop Quiz that Roger was on. He had invited you the week before after you had mentioned that you always caught the episodes when they aired and liked answering the questions yourself. It wasn’t totally clear if this was a date or not, but you were fine with either. Not that you didn’t really fancy Roger, you just were okay with it being a friendly invitation as well. The two of you always flirted and were touchy, but you knew you were just a flirt in general and Roger himself was touchy with all of his friends.
The idea of asking him out had been something you were toying with, but whatever was between you and Roger seemed like something that would develop on its own time and in its own way. You knew it wouldn’t be a conventional sort of relationship, which you were totally okay with, so you figured it’d be best to just let everything happen the way it was going to.  
Sitting in the front row of the studio audience, you had a great view of the stage other than what was obstructed by the cameras. Luckily, Roger wasn’t obstructed so you could watch him all night. At the beginning, he would wave to you during commercial breaks or mouth things when the other team was answering and he was sure he wasn’t onscreen. He made you laugh a lot with all of his faces and you had to stifle yourself to keep from interrupting the taping.
Unfortunately, as time went on, it became clear that Roger’s team was losing and by three quarters of the way through, they were too far to come back and win. You could tell Roger wasn’t happy. You would’ve bet money that no one else could really tell the difference in his behavior, but having been his friend for quite a while and seeing the way he acted in the studio, you could see the slight differences. His hand was tucked into the collar of his shirt and you could see his fingers underneath the fabric moving underneath like they were tapping out a quick rhythm. His answers to the questions became short and gone was the funny banter and quips that he was usually known for. He probably wouldn’t have been so upset, but his team was doing poorly mainly due to a few mess ups on his part, and he felt guilty and stupid for getting the answers wrong.
Roger kept his composure through the rest of the show, but as soon as it was done, he was finding you to leave. The host tried to invite the two of you to the pub with everyone else, but Roger waved him off saying it wasn’t a good night for it.
Once he got to you, Roger grabbed your hand a little roughly and pulled you next to him, saying with a gruff voice, “Let’s get you home.”
He led you out of the studio quickly, to his car that was parked in the garage. Roger let your hand go so you could both get in, turning on the car and then practically speeding out of the garage. As soon as he got to the highway, he pushed the accelerator hard, going well past what you knew the speed limit to be.
“Roger, Roger, slow down!” you cried out, gripping the door next to you and subconsciously pressing your feet into the brake pedal you wished was on your side.
“Don’t worry love, the street’s empty,” Roger assured you, keeping up the speed.
“Well, what if someone else gets on?”
“Then I’ll slow down,” he looked over to you to make sure you accepted his answer and when you nodded, he turned back to the road, increasing his speed further.
A little less worried, you started paying attention to where he was going and realized he was taking you home.
“You’re going to my house?” you asked in confusion.
“Yeah, I said ‘let’s get you home,’” he reminded you shortly.
“Oh,” was all your reply, disappointed because you knew he was planning to just drop you off and be on his way. You had been looking forward to the rest of the night with maybe a drink or two and lots of good conversation with Roger.
It wasn’t long before you arrived at your house, Roger stopping in front of your driveway and putting the car into park.
“Sorry I kind of ruined the night. ‘m just not in the greatest mood after the shit that was that show,” Roger said, looking down at his hands on the steering wheel instead of up at you.
You put your hand on the closest of his and he looked up, “You know, it wasn’t all on you. And besides, it’s just a bit of fun for a show, right?”
Roger moved past just feeling the warmth of your hand on his to answer, “Yeah, I guess.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you suggested, “Why don’t you come in for a drink or something. I hate to send you home without having cheered you up, even just a little.”
The earnest look in your eyes and how close you were to him made Roger eager to say yes to your suggestion. But he thought again and wondered if he should because he knew that whenever he got in this mood he was prone to doing whatever he could to relieve the frustration. That often included sex with whoever was around and willing, but he wasn’t sure that the possible risk to your friendship was worth the fuck he wanted just to release some steam.
Roger also knew there was something between the two of you and wasn’t sure that now was the time to expand on it, without practically any patience on his part. He was about to decline your offer and just drive home to work his irritation out on his drums when you let go of his hand.
Before he could react, you shut off the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition, unbuckling and throwing open the door of the car. You got out, shut the door, and ran, stopping about ten feet into your lawn.
“If you want them back you’ll have to come in first!” you shouted to him. He watched you in surprise, which quickly turned to shock and then a fire low in his belly when you tucked the keys into your bra with a laugh.
He got out of the car, almost slamming the door shut and you tensed in anticipation. He started like he was going to start running and you bolted a couple steps, but he was just messing with you. So you watched him again, and he walked, slowly this time, until he was five feet away. When you were least expecting it, he lunged for you, but you were just far enough away to stay out of his grasp. You made it to the door and unlocked it before he got there, leaving the keys in the lock to slow him down before continuing into your house.
Roger watched you disappear into your house, shaking his head as he pulled your house key from the lock and walked in, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
“I’m going to get those keys,” Roger announced to you as he sauntered into the kitchen where he already knew you’d be.
You held out a drink for him, whisky, neat, that you had poured from the bar cart in your kitchen.
“Not for awhile you won’t,” you replied as he walked around the counter to you, leaning back against it.  
He took the drink you held out to him, and the two of you cheersed before taking a sip, looking each other in the eye.
“So what do you suggest we do until then?” he asked, swirling his drink and cocking his hip to the side.
“Well, we’ll have to finish our drinks, of course,” you reasoned, moving a step forward and taking another sip.
Roger, on the other hand, downed his drink all at once, then looked at you and said, “What next?”
“We could listen to some music,” you suggested, getting another step closer.
“Not really in the mood to listen to music,” Roger muttered, setting down his empty glass on the counter; you did the same with your still mostly full one.
Rolling your eyes, you took the last step until you were right in front of him and then waited until he looked down at you before speaking, “What are you in the mood for?”
There was a moment of silence and tension before you rushed together, meeting in a fervent kiss. Roger gripped you by your waist and you held yourself steady by wrapping your arms around his neck. That steady was knocked off balance as Roger flipped the two of you around, pressing you against the counter with his hips. You moaned and parted your mouth when Roger’s tongue ran along your lower lip. As he deepened the kiss, his hands slid down to your ass, squeezing it before using his grip to lift you onto the counter.
Laughing, you widened your legs and used your heels to pull him closer until you could feel his growing hardness pressing against you. The kiss made you feel hot all over and you shrugged off your jacket. Roger let his fall to the floor before moving his hands to the buttons of your blouse. He undid it as you nipped at his neck, but when he tried to undo your bra, he couldn’t.
“Oh, it’s-- it’s in the front,” you explained and undid the clasp between your breasts. Then, when you did, Roger’s keys fell to your lap.
The two of you paused for a second before you burst into laughter and Roger dropped his head to your shoulder, his breath tickling your skin.
“I--I told you I would get them,” Roger told you through chuckles.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you replied as you tossed his keys to the side, and he did.
As the kiss got more intense, you raked your fingers through his hair, pulling roughly at the ends. Roger groaned deeply in his throat, pulling back to mouth at your neck, using his hands to feel your breasts. As a spike of heat travelled through you, you pushed him back a little to hike up your skirt (which you were grateful you wore) and pull down your underwear as quick as you could.
Roger did the same, kicking his pants off all the way before pulling you to the edge of the counter. You reached between you and ran your hand along the length of his dick, getting a sense for it and making sure it was ready, the moan that came from Roger’s lips just being an added bonus. He reached between your thighs and swiped his thumb up through your folds, gathering some wetness before rubbing your clit in tight circles.
“Fuck. Mm, just fuck me now, I’m ready,” you said breathlessly.
Nodding, Roger let you guide his cock to your entrance, pushing in slowly until he bottomed out. Giving you a second, he pulled out just as slowly then started fucking you for real. His pace wasn’t too fast, in fact it was just right and hit you in all the right places as you gripped onto his shoulders and used your legs for leverage. His thumb stayed on your clit and that matched with his sharp thrusts made your pleasure grow faster than you expected.
It wasn’t long before you couldn’t keep quiet, telling Roger all the ways he was making you feel and how good he was fucking you. Roger was just as loud, but with moans instead of words and each of his sounds sent another bolt of pleasure through you.
“Roger, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna co-ome, keep going,” you said, your voice breaking.
In return, he snapped his hips into you with each thrust, and as you clenched around him, his shaky moan was all it took for your orgasm to take over. As your muscles tightened and your eyes closed, pleasure waved through you, making it almost hard to breathe with how good you felt.
Roger kept going, and even as you came down, showed no signs of stopping. You could tell that he was working off some frustration, and it honestly made you feel heady that he was using you for it. Luckily you weren’t too sensitive, and despite already coming, each thrust still gave you pleasure.
Wanting to help him along, you clenched around him, at the same time moved to kiss his neck. You kissed until you found the spot that made him groan, deciding to suck and nip your way to leaving a hickey there.
Before you knew it, you began to feel another orgasm building, and you moaned against Roger’s neck as a particularly strong wave of pleasure went through you. You kissed your way up to Roger’s mouth and kissed him again, reveling in the feeling of his tongue against yours.
But then you felt his fingers on your clit again and you broke the kiss to tell him, “Oh Roger, oh my gosh, you’re gonna make me come again. Fuck me.”
“Already am, but I can sure go harder,” Roger joked, voice a little uneven.
“Yes, that, do that,” you agreed, nodding quickly.
Roger complied, and as his thrusts grew harder you keened at the feeling. His free hand went into your hair, pulling your head back enough so that he could lean down and get his mouth on your breasts. He kissed his way to one of your nipples, bringing it between his lips as he sucked.
One of your hands went behind you to keep you up but the other went to the back of Roger’s head keeping him in place. And then Roger tugged at your nipple lightly with his teeth and you were cumming, tightening your grip in his hair and moaning brokenly at the feeling.
Even as the hot pleasure ran through you, you could feel Roger’s hips stuttering and the change made you whine. Just having caught your breath enough to talk, you grabbed Roger’s shoulder, “Come, I need you to come.”
“I’m on birth control, inside me, please, fuck,” you pleaded, a little because your sensitivity was getting stronger, but mostly because you wanted him to reach that high too.
And just a few thrusts more, with the clench of your walls around him, Roger came into you, moaning into your chest as his thrusts slowed down. When he stopped, he stayed inside you, and you ran your fingers through his hair as he came down.
Breath still heavy, Roger started pressing lazy kisses up your chest and neck before finding your mouth and kissing you slowly. After a minute, you pulled back and smiled at him.
“So that happened,” Roger said, his smile matching yours.
“Yeah, finally,” you said with a laugh. “Guess we should thank Pop Quiz for adding the last bit of frustration that made it all boil over.”
“Yeah, guess we should,” Roger muttered, leaning in and kissing you again.
tagging bc its sooo long: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @theblossomknows   @buckyluvrs   
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Chapter 3
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
Ao3 Link
“Police! Everybody put your hands up!” they shouted barging into the main hall of the abandoned mall.
Heads turned and there was a brief moment of disconnect; on one side you had the fighters wondering who snitched, and on the other you had officers equipped for a potential multi-party drug deal and instead got a fighting ring operating in broad daylight.
People scattered, some ran to the exits; some hid in the rubble of the crumbling building; some were still with shock; and others were close enough to get grabbed by an officer. Out of those, a few guys fought them off, but others--such as the Dream Team--went quietly.
The Dream Team and two others were led out of the building.
“Where are you taking us?” the younger girl walking along with them asked, worry etched on her face.
“We’re just taking you to the parking lot,” the officer said. “Then you’ll be taken to the station to make a statement.”
“First time?” Dream asked, trying to make a joke.
Sapnap whacked him upside the head. “Not funny.”
“I’ve never been caught before,” the girl murmured to him, her tone significantly hardened. She quickly lightened up her voice and addressed the officer, “Will we be charged?”
“Mostly likely.”
The officer led them out to the parking lot.
Captain Craft met them at the barrier. “I’ll take them from here X33N. Jordan's just arrived to take over the scene, I’m going back to the station to get these guys processed.”
“Yes Sir.”
“We’ll send out rotating cruisers to pull in detainees as your team apprehends them.”
“Understood Sir.” The officer--X33N--left the five of them with Officer Craft.
Captain Craft’s junior partner then abruptly grabbed Dream by the shoulders and shoved him down to the car.
“You are under arrest for loitering on private property.”
“Geez, I get it! No need to be so rough. I came quietly, for goodness sake.”
“Just had to make sure you didn’t get away,” they said snidely.
“The only place I’m going, is the fucking station.” Dream let the officer pull him upright. “I’d like Captain Craft’s car if I get the choice.”
Captain Craft gave his junior partner a nod as well as a hard look. “Be gentle. Treat them with respect, otherwise things will just get worse. You respond, not instigate,” he reprimanded. Captain Craft was much gentler with Sapnap, George, the girl, and the other boy.
Dream and George rode with Captain Craft, while the other three took another car driven by the junior partner.
“Fuck,” George whispered under his breath.
“What is it?”
“Specifically,” Dream amended.
“Mother is gonna kill me.” George dropped his head forwards. “She’s been on my ass for that 92 I got in biology last week.”
“She’s still on about that?” Dream asked. “Dude it was a 92, people would kill for a 92.”
“Word choice,” Captain Craft teased from the front seat.
“Sorry,” Dream quickly said, attention never fully leaving George. “She’s too hard on you.”
“And now I’m being taken into the station.”
“George, you’re the medic. You didn’t do anything.”
“Willful ignorance,” George cried pitifully.
“Dude shut up. Anything can and will be used against you and all that.”
“Fuck. Right. Sorry.” George took a deep breath. “It would come out in questioning anyways. Fuck. Mother’s gonna read this on the news.”
“You didn’t have to come with us.”
“I need to live Dream.”
Captain Craft parked the car. He opened the door and ushered the two of them inside, the other three following close behind.
“Names?” the receptionist asked.
“Dream Taken, you?”
“F1NN,” he replied offhandedly, typing Dream’s name into the system. “No current warrants. Next.”
“George Lore.”
“Sapnap Halo”
“Hannah Rose.”
“Walli Bear.”
“Any injuries?”
All five of them stood patiently as F1NN led them through the spiel, the Dream Team bored, Hannah putting on her scared little girl front, and Walli looking genuinely panicked and muted. Dream was then taken away for solo questioning by Captain Craft first, and the rest were taken into a communal holding cell in the station.
“Dream Taken, was it?”
“Yes Sir.” Too formal.
“How are you this fine afternoon?”
“Wonderful. Going to me on my best behaviour for the few weeks I believe. I’ll try too anyway,” he bantered.
“What’s on your mind Captain?” Dream leaned forward on his elbows. “Any questions for me?”
“There was this kid--your age--in the parking lot.”
Dream blinked, his joking persona dropping for a split second. “Yeah? What about it?”
“He was doing homework. Said that was his spot to get out of the house. What’s the likelihood he didn’t know what was going on?”
Dream wasn’t about to throw Techno under the bus. “Pretty high. He could have gotten there before us and not noticed everyone parking around him today. Also could be a case of thinking that this was normal and not questioning things. You know, Las Nevadas guys running around, best to keep your head low.”
“Advice you clearly stand by.”
Dream shot the officer a wide smile. “That’s my aim.”
Captain Craft scribbled something down in his notebook. “How often does that ring meet?”
“Every so often. It moves around.”
“How many locations?”
“Three? Four? Not sure.”
“Fight often?”
“When I’m told the location.”
“Where’s the next one?”
Dream wiggled his eyebrows. “Not telling.”
“Less community service hours coming your way if you ‘fess up.”
“Need that in print before I hand everyone over. Besides, I only attend when it’s at the mall.”  Dream smiled again, clearly having fun with the banter. “Am I done here? I think I’m done.”
“Nothing more to say?”
“I didn’t fight this afternoon. I only watched.”
Captain Crafted jotted it down, he flipped the page and wrote down another note before ripping it off and closing the book. “Take this to F1NN and call your guardian for pick up. Loitering on public property, and willful ignorance to assault and battery.”
Dream stood up and pushed his chair in. “Not gonna walk me there?”
“We’ve been here enough times,” Captain Craft sighed. “Best behaviour?”
“Of course.”
Captain Craft cut open Dream’s zip ties and sent him on his way.
Dream gave the note to F1NN and was given the phone in return; like clockwork these visits were. That was a bad thing wasn’t it?
After two rings Bad picked up his phone. “Hello?”
“Hi Bad, it’s Dream.”
“Tubbo just left,” he said as if he knew exactly what Dream would have wanted from him. “Techno just came by to pick him up.”
“That’s ‘cause I told him to,” Dream explained. “The three of us got picked up by the police, think you could bring us home?”
Bad could be heard moving around the apartment, and he heard the clinking of keys. “I’m on my way. Anything I need to know?”
“George and Sapnap will probably be calling you, once they’re finished with their interviews.”
Half an hour later Sapnap was sitting shotgun in his dad’s car, while Dream and George chilled in the backseat of the car. The first stop of the night was Punz’s house, so they could pick Tubbo up, before dropping Dream off at home.
Bad parked on the driveway, and Dream got out of the car. He walked up to the front and used his spare key to get in.
It’s quiet, and too early for the fourteen year olds to be asleep. Tubbo and Purpled are good friends, they had been since childhood; getting dropped off at Bad-Halo’s-Unofficial-Daycare-for-the-Siblings-of-Petty-Criminals-and-Their-(Count-‘Em)-One-Normal-Friend did that to friendships. They should have been playing around here somewhere.
Dream stalked around the house looking for clues as to where they might have gone. It was in the kitchen that he found a note.
“Purpled went out. Didn’t want to be here alone. Went to Ranboo’s.”
Dream grabbed the note and groaned in frustration, all this way for nothing? He checked his phone. Nope, Tubbo hadn’t even sent a text message. He left the house--making sure to lock the door behind him--in a huff.
Opening the car door, he slid in, exhaling loudly. “Punz wasn’t home. Purpled’s gone. Note saying Tubbo went to Ranboo’s. I’ll just bus home from your place. Think Techno left my bag with you.”
“He did. I noticed it on my way out.” Bad pulled out of Punz’s driveway. “Why don’t you stay the night?”
“I would, but you know Ranboo’s parents. If they find Tubbo there, they’ll kick him out, and I’d rather be in the apartment if he has to come back.”
Bad nodded. “I’ll drive you and George back to your places then.”
“Actually, Bad?” George interjected quietly. “Can I crash at your place? Mom’s been a lot this week already and they got our picture. Think we’re gonna be in the news again.”
Bad sighed. “You’re ruining your future. How will you get into university with those articles?”
“Good grades and scholarships,” Sapnap said.
Bad laughed. “Of course you can stay the night.”
8 notes · View notes
what do you say
summary: you never were the best at addressing your feelings with Matthew, and neither was he. 
warnings: mentions of smut, some steaminess, alcohol
word count: 4.7k
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Your mother had always told you hindsight was 20/20 vison, but back then you just rolled your eyes and kept on complaining about how you regretted sending an embarrassing text to the guy you liked.
But now you knew what she meant. And the irony was not lost on you.
You should have made your friend tell you where she was taking you. You shouldn’t have let her pick your outfit for the evening, the lacy dark green bodysuit tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans a tad too revealing for your taste, even when paired with a jacket.
And you most definitely should have turned and walked out the door the moment you realized whose house party you were at.
“I’m leaving.” You stated firmly, turning to face Isabelle the moment you crossed into the apartment. Your back was to the crowd, and your friend shot you an innocent look before searching the crowd. “I thought you said this was a party by the guy you were seeing.”
“It is.” She looked a bit sheepish, and you raised a brow in question.
“Then why is half the Flames roster here?” It was pretty easy for you to recognize the players for two reasons. The only one you were willing to admit to was that you were a pretty big hockey fan and had dragged Isabelle to more than her fair share of games. Her sheepish smile grew, and you felt a wave of worry wash over you.
“What would you say if I told you he was on the team? And that I’m not just seeing him, but he’s kinda my boyfriend?”
You wanted to be annoyed, you really did. Annoyed that she didn’t tell you she was seeing a hockey player—not that you cared about his status, she just knew how much you loved the sport—and annoyed that she hadn’t mentioned her change in relationship status.
But that would make you a hypocrite.
See, a few months ago you had hooked up with Calgary’s very own Matthew Tkachuk. And then you kept hooking up. It was a no strings attached relationship that developed into a friends with benefits as a result of the sometimes hours of hanging out with him before actually hooking up with him. You hadn’t told Isabelle about it, because you knew things were too good to be true, and you had been right.
Because then you had to go and fall for the guy. To save yourself from having to explain why things couldn’t continue the way they were, you ended things with him. He tried to protest and salvage your relationship, but you thought the best thing for you would to be to cut him out of your life. It had been weeks since you had last seen him.
And now he was probably at this party, and you were going to have to spend your whole night avoiding him instead of getting to know your best friend’s new boyfriend.
“Who is he?” You settled on answering with, and if Isabelle saw the way all the color drained from your face, she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she seemed to find whoever she was searching for because a smile lit up her face and she was tugging you by the wrist into the party before you could make good on your threat of leaving.
“Noah! Hey!” She called, dropping your hand in favor of embracing the hockey player with a kiss and a hug. When she finally pulled away, she turned to face you with a grin, and her happiness did little to help the dread that was piling in the pit of your stomach. She introduced the two of you, and you had to pretend like you hadn’t heard so much about him from Matt.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Noah shook your hand, one of his arms swinging over Isabelle’s shoulders. “I was starting to think she didn’t want me to meet her friends.”
“If anything, she was hiding you from us.” You teased, keeping your gaze focused on him and forcing yourself to not search the party for any signs of the curly haired nuisance that had taken up residence in your mind rent free for so long.
“Protecting him from you, more like.” Isabelle shot back, earning laughs from both you and Noah. You rolled your eyes at her, and before you could come up with something to say back you were interrupted by someone calling Noah’s name and beckoning him over to the pong table.
“If you want to get a drink, everything’s in the kitchen right through there.” Noah told you and you nodded, silently cursing Isabelle for abandoning you for her boyfriend. You were stuck between deciding whether or not to follow them to the cup pong table, but you figured if you were going to spend the night wondering whether or not you were going to run into Matthew, you needed something to drink.
The kitchen was mostly abandoned, and quickly spotted the cups, alongside vodka and some mixers. You were in the middle of pouring the cranberry juice into your cup when you heard someone enter the kitchen, but you were so distracted by trying to make your drink strong but still palpable that you didn’t look up.
“What, not doing shots tonight?” You would recognize that voice anywhere. Smug, cocky, and somehow endearing all at the same time. You stayed facing the counter as if that would make him go away.
“Last time I did shots I had to sneak out of some guy’s apartment the next morning.” You shot back, cursing yourself for how easily you fell back into your banter with him. It had always been too easy with him.
“You didn’t have to run off, I would have made you breakfast.” There was a lightness in his tone that you honestly didn’t expect, since considering the last time you saw him you were telling him you didn’t want to sleep with him anymore.
“Matthew.” You warned lowly, finally turning on your heel to look up at the boy. You kind of regretted it, though, because you were reminded with just how handsome he was and how much you missed being around him. You didn’t miss the sneaking out of his apartment or the feeling of wanting more with someone who only called your name once the sun set. “That’s not what we do. Did.” You were quick to catch yourself, because your rendezvous were in the past tense and would stay that way for as long as you could help it.
Matt’s grin faltered for a second before his cocky front was back up. It hurt to watch; you knew that he was so much more than how he was portrayed in the media. Yeah, he was a pest and there was no denying that, but he was also incredibly kind and ridiculously funny. But that was part of his danger, funny guys were always the ones to watch out for because one minute you’re laughing and the next your pants are on the floor and you’re in his bed.
At least, that’s what happened with you and him.
“Is this new?” He questioned, and you only knew he was talking about your bodysuit because his hand slipped underneath your jacket and was brushing over the material at your side. His gaze was flicking back from the garment to you and it took all your willpower to not melt into him right then and there.
You gripped his wrist, moving his hand away from you. He separated with no argument, and that almost made you want to scream even more. Of course, he had to be a gentleman and take being rejected so easily. If he had pitched a fit, it would have made ending things with him so much easier for you.
“It doesn’t matter.” You tried to keep your voice steady, but you couldn’t meet his gaze, not when he was grinning so devilishly handsomely and especially not when his simple touch brought back memories of your past nights spent together. Matt sighed, moving away from you to lean backwards against the kitchen island while you stayed rooted in your spot by the counter.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, and it was honestly a valid question. When you first started your whole no strings attached arrangement, you had made a rule to not mix friend groups. It was why Isabelle had no idea you had a past with Matthew and Noah had no idea who you were. You had some close calls, definitely—that one time Johnny had barged into Matt’s apartment while you were there and you heard him teasing Matt about having a girl in his room still made you flushed and you hadn’t even technically been caught.
“I’m here with a friend, apparently she’s dating your teammate, Noah.” You explained, finishing your sentence with a long sip of your drink and a wince. It was definitely stronger than you meant it to be but at this rate you didn’t care. Matt’s laugh was loud in the kitchen, and you hadn’t realized it before, but the other people that had been in there with you had long since left.
“That’s ironic, considering we used to—”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” You interrupted. Your threat was empty and both of you knew there was honestly nothing you could do to stop him, but he laughed at you anyways and held his hands up in innocence.
“I won’t say it, but you know, you could always come back to mine after tonight.” He smirked. You hated to admit it, but the offer was tempting. You hesitated, and as the seconds ticked by since he made the proposition his smug grin only grew.
“I can’t, Matthew. We ended things, and let’s just be civil for the sake of our friends.” You reasoned, and once again his expression faltered. Only, this time, he didn’t go back to being smug and instead studied you for several tense moments of silence.
“No, you ended things. I was perfectly fine the way things were.” His tone was colder than what you were used to hearing from him, he wasn’t harsh, but it was definitely clear that something was wrong. You chuckled dryly at him, the comment irking you because you were not fine at all with the way things were.
“We’re just friends now, nothing more.” You told him decisively before slipping past him and back into the rest of the party.
Oh, how you would come to regret saying that.
Admittedly, you were never really good at telling Matthew no. But now, with this whole friendship angle you had given him, he was taking things to a new level. He started texting you more often, claiming that friends had conversations. And as much as it hurt you to do so, you were responding to each and every one of his texts without fail. You figured, fine, he’s not doing any damage through the phone and there’s no way you’d accidently end up in his bed if he stayed in his place on the other side of Calgary.
But then he showed up at your apartment.
“Matthew—” You started to whine as soon as you opened the door and found him standing on the other side, heart skipping a beat as you catalogued just how attractive he looked. It wasn’t fair that he always looked so incredibly handsome, whether he was in his game day suit or a pair of sweatpants like he was currently.
“Friends can have dinner together and watch a movie.” He grinned innocently at you from your doorway. He had a point, but you didn’t think that applied to people who had seen each other naked.
“I’m not sleeping with you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, stepping aside to let him in. It probably wasn’t a good idea, but you weren’t one for making good decisions when it came to Matthew. He just laughed at you, making himself comfortable in your apartment.
“I mean, I wouldn’t say no, but that’s not what I’m here for.” He snickered, grinning at you despite the frown you wore as you watched him warily. He had found your living room, and quickly took up residence on the center of your couch, arms spread on the back, so you’d be within his reach no matter where you sat. He did it on purpose, if the self-satisfied grin he wore told you anything. “I’ll even pay for takeout to make it up to you.”
And you were never one to pass up a free dinner, so an hour later Matt was still at your apartment, empty Chinese food containers on your coffee table and a movie of your choice on the television. You had started on the cushion farthest from him, an action that did not go unnoticed. He sighed, assuring you with a grin that he didn’t bite, unless, of course, you wanted him to.
He earned a shove to the shoulder for that comment.
Calgary was cold in the winter, and your apartment was really quite cheap, so it wasn’t long before you were shivering. You pulled the blanket that was folded on the back of the couch over your legs, warming only a small amount.
You let out a surprised yelp as Matt’s arms wound around your waist and he yanked you across the couch and into his side. He was laughing at your reaction and you simply glared at him. His arm moved out from around you and back to resting in its previous position on the top of the couch, but you weren’t quick to move away from him.
“I’m cold, and you have a blanket, so we can share.” He stated, and you rolled your eyes.
“You could use your words, you know.” You shot back, keeping your gaze focused on the screen and hoping that Matt was doing the same so he couldn’t see the smile you were trying to hide. It was moments like these, where he was being an adorable pest, that reminded you just why you fell for him the way you did.
The thing with Matthew was that he was always able to get you exactly where he wanted. Or maybe, you were just so far gone for him that when he said jump you asked how high. Either way, as the movie resumed, and his hand found its way from the back of the couch to brushing against your shoulder absentmindedly, you found yourself leaning into him slightly. His touch was electrifying, and you felt an undeniable pull towards him. You could handle it; you were an adult and could stop yourself from jumping his bones.
But then the movie played a sex scene you didn’t remember it having. And if you had known it was there, you would have picked something else. Matt chuckled lowly beside you, and you felt the vibrations through your whole body.
The scene brought back memories of the dozens of times you were in bed with Matt and how he’d make you feel like you were on top of the world. Subconsciously, your thighs clenched together at the memory of how it felt to have his head between your legs, momentarily forgetting that he could feel you shift from where you were sitting pressed against him.
“Tense?” He questioned, and you whipped your head around to look at him and his ever-present shit-eating grin. God, you hated how handsome he was. The curls, the light scruff he had been wearing as of late, his playful blue eyes—he was everything you could ever want in a guy, not even mentioning his whole cocky persona that did wonders for you. It was like switch had been flipped inside you as you studied him, a ghost of your past relationship taking control.
You either really hated yourself and had no self-control or it had been longer than you thought since the last time you had been with someone because before you even knew it you had launched yourself into Matt’s lap. As soon as you were straddling his thighs, his hands came to rest on your waist and yours went to his curls the same way they had dozens of times before.
There was a split second where nothing happened and you simply looked at each other, and you saw what looked like hesitation in his eyes. But it was gone as quick as it appeared as your lips landed heavily on his.
Kissing him was familiar, like coming home, and that thought terrified you so instead of dwelling on it too long you focused on grinding down Matthew and slipping your tongue in his mouth. He was intoxicating, and you wondered if it was really such a bad idea if you reignited your previous no strings attached arrangement, feelings be damned.
It was a horrible idea. But you were never one for making the best choices, and you really didn’t feel like starting right then as you rolled your hips against his once more.
But then Matt pulled back with a groan, like he couldn’t believe he was making himself separate. His hands were firm on your waist, grip tightening just a bit more as you raised a brow at him questioningly.
“You said no sex, and I don’t want to cross that line.” He explained, and you leaned back, studying him for any signs of insincerity. This was your Matthew, sweet, caring, and thoughtful. No matter how the media framed him, you saw the man that gushed about his mom and sister to you for a half hour one night.
And though you had been the one to start things, you were glad that he was respecting the boundaries you had set in place when he arrived. Though, it wasn’t doing anything for the continuously growing feelings you were harboring for him.
Or the growing ache between your legs.
But you had to get over him—and getting under him wasn’t going to be any help.
“Thank you, Matty.” You whispered, and his responding smile, albeit tighter than it should be, warmed your heart. You climbed off his lap, settling into your previous seat to try and watch the rest of the movie. Admittedly, it was a little difficult, with the way you both were restlessly shifting to try and get comfortable.
“Okay, this was fun, but I have to go.” Matthew announced, a lightness to his tone as he jumped up from the couch. The movie wasn’t over, there was at least another forty minutes left, but he had already found his coat and was shrugging it on by the time you came to your senses and caught up with him.
“Why are you leaving so suddenly?” Your question was met with a chuckle as he stopped by the door.
“I’ve got to go take a cold shower.” He teased. Your face flushed at his words, gaze flicking down to his crotch to see he that was, in fact, half hard from your brief make out session on the couch. You flushed even more when you realized justwhere exactly you had been looking. He chuckled again, and you knew you had been caught. Just before he could slip out the door, he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, the action making your eyes flutter shut for a moment on their own accord. And then he was gone, and you were left wondering just what the hell had happened.
But you knew one thing for certain—a cold shower sounded like a really good idea.
As weird as that night had been, it was the first of many. You found yourself back in your normal routine of going to his after games, except this time there was no hooking up and instead you would watch a movie, or you would cook dinner for him. Neither of you made a move, besides Matt’s obvious flirting and the quick kisses he’d press to your cheek or the top of your head when parting. And then he started asking you to go with him for coffee sometimes, which morphed into meeting him for lunch.
You were in unknown territory. Up until then, your relationship was clearly defined as being set in the bedroom and mostly physical. Now, you were spending time together in the light of day and in pubic settings where there was no chance of Matt getting lucky. It did nothing to help your feelings, it felt like you were dating and doing things the right way instead sneaking out of his bed every other day when he was home.
All these new developments in your relationship with Matthew was why you had easily agreed to meet him for lunch.
The restaurant was a little fancier than the casual places you usually frequented with him, but you didn’t mind. It was a bit packed, considering it was the lunch rush on a Saturday, but eventually you spotted his familiar mop of curls.
Except, he wasn’t at the table alone, and when he stood to greet you, the two other people sitting at the table turned. You recognized them instantly, and you were certain that the blood had never drained from your face faster.
Much like you should have done at that party weeks ago, you turned on your heel and promptly left the restaurant.
Your feet were carrying you outside fast, but Matt had the advantage of not only being several inches taller than you, but also a professional athlete, so you were only a few feet away from the door when he had caught up to you and was calling your name.
“Why the fuck are your parents in there!” You spun around, facing a guilty looking Matthew. His hands were raised like he was afraid you’d run off—even further—if he moved too quickly. Your heart was pounding in your chest, there was no way you could meet his parents and still carry on as if nothing was wrong. As if you weren’t falling for him harder and harder with each passing day.
“I should have said something about them coming—”
“Yeah, you think?” You cut him off with a scoff, not believing that was what he chose to lead with. Not an ‘I’m sorry.’ or ‘I didn’t know they were coming and by the time I saw they were here my phone was dead and I couldn’t warn you.’ The second one was highly unlikely, but you had a hard time thinking that he would drop a bomb like this on you without any heads up.
“It’s just, they were in town and I wanted you to meet them, but I didn’t know if you would show up.” He scratched back of his neck awkwardly, his gaze fluttering all around but never landing on you directly. And, okay, that was a lot to process, but you could only focus on his actual words and not any deeper meaning behind him.
“And what, introduce myself by saying ‘Hi, I’m the girl that used to sleep with your son, but now we don’t do that anymore except for that one time I made out with him and he shot me down.’ Is that what I should do?” You knew you were being dramatic, but you didn’t care in the moment. What mattered was that Matt realized that him bringing you to meet his parents was not a good idea. You were still trying to figure out where you stood with Matt, you assumed that you were just friends, but his actions completely blew that idea out of the water.
Annoyingly, Matt was not as panicked as you were. Instead, his grin only grew as you ranted and by the time you had finished, he was full-on laughing. You pouted, swatting his shoulder playfully to get him to stop. Your heart was fluttering at the sound, and that wasn’t very helpful in trying to figure out what was going on.
“I mean, you could say that. But I would just give them your name. And I wouldn’t say I rejected you, you’re the one that said no sex.” His grin was bright, and you only pouted further at him. His expression faltered, morphing into a more serious one as he gestured with his head towards the restaurant. “Are you going to come inside?”
“What are we doing, Matthew? Because if you’re not in this to start something, then I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to stay.” You sighed, a bit defeated and a bit exhausted at not knowing where you stood with him. His brow furrowed, as if he was confused, before he smiled and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, tugging you into his chest.
“I wanted you to be my girlfriend months ago, but then you said you didn’t want to sleep with me anymore, and I figured that was your way of saying you weren’t interested.” He mumbled into the hair on the top of your head as he kept you pressed into him. You went to interrupt, probably scream something incoherent about how you wanted something more back then, too, but he continued. “And when you showed up at that party, it kind of felt like I got a second chance, you know? I let you walk out the first time when I started things by hooking up, so I started hanging out with you without sex and somehow it was even better.”
“Matthew…” You breathed, pushing away from him so you could look up at him. It was too much, hearing him say all these sweet things you’d been wanting to hear for months without being able to look into his eyes.
“Don’t get me wrong the sex was amazing, but I love hanging out with you.” He joked, and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he was worried that you were taking his confession wrong. You chuckled at him, and it was then that you realized that you had a tight grip on his shirt, and he snickered when he glanced down and saw your white knuckles. “What do you say? Be my girlfriend finally?”
“I like hanging out with you, too.” You started slowly, trying to wade through all the feelings Matt had thrown you at you in such a short amount of time. “I’d like hanging out with you a bit more if you didn’t spring your parents on me.”
He tilted his head back and laughed at that, and you just admired him. You briefly entertained the idea of what it would have been like if he had just simply asked you on a date when you first met at the bar, instead of inviting you back to his apartment, but you dismissed the thought. That would’ve been too easy, and Matthew was anything but easy.
You let go of his shirt, hands moving up to cup his face and tug his head down to meet you for a kiss. His hands gripped your waist, steadying you as he kissed you back with a sweetness that had never quite been there before. It made sense, you were entering a new phase with Matt, the kisses would be better.
“My parents are waiting for us.” Matt mumbled against your lips, still unable to get himself to tear away from you. You grinned, linking your hand through his before he led you back inside. He kept glancing at you over his shoulder as he walked, his bright grin landing on you and each time you squeezed his hand.
When you finally got back to the table, his parents were still sitting there, and though they clearly were a little confused, they still smiled brightly at you.
“Sorry, we’re all good now.” Matt apologized. And though you were a little flushed from embarrassment, you couldn’t help the smile you were wearing as Matt leaned over and pressed a kiss to your temple. His parents shot him a confused look and you took the chance to extend your hand out for his parents to shake.
“Hi, I’m Matt’s girlfriend.”
440 notes · View notes
Speak of the Devil (S2, E2)
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Damn. I love this show.
As usual, my time stamped SPOILER FULL thoughts are below.
As always, I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if talk about depression/mania/suicidal ideation is going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading. 
0:14 - Hector’s back!! hahaha :) 
0:40 - So Martin is worried about Malcolm.....he could stop manipulating Malcolm if he’s so worried. That would make Malcolm feel slightly better at least. 
0:50 - What. A. Boss. That ambush was gorgeously executed *chef’s kiss*. haha how many times do you think Jessica has orchestrated this type of ambush on one of her children? 
0:52 - I love this outfit on Malcolm. Seriously - why is it sooo attractive when he’s not wearing a tie?
0:55 -........he’s not seeing Gabrielle....but but he had a lollipop last episode. Am I supposed to believe he buys his own lollipops? Maybe he bought some to throw the team off the scent? UGH. MALCOLM, SWEETHEART, GO BACK TO THERAPY. YOU’RE IN CRISIS. ....wait. I bet you he’s not seeing Gabrielle because she knows when he’s lying. He’s probably scared that he’ll end up telling her about Endicott. And I’m pretty sure that legally Gabrielle can’t keep a crime a secret regardless of doctor-patient confidentiality. 
1:02 - .....Malcolm didn’t know that he wasn’t paying his own therapy bills? WHO DID HE THINK WAS PAYING THEM?!?! Damn. Rich people, am I right?
1:10 - You ever wonder how many therapists Malcolm saw as a kid before they found Gabrielle? Just me? Cool.
1:15 - OMG. “Sexual in nature”?!?! Calm down Jess. He’s a grown ass man and even if it was sexual Malcolm sure as hell wouldn’t want to talk to his mother about his sex life. 
1:19 - Oh so now both of your kids are in a “good place”? Martin, less than a minute ago you were ‘worried’ about Malcolm. Further proof that Martin is a liar and we can’t believe anything he says. Ever. 
1:43 - Tom Payne’s physical acting during this interaction with Jessica is incredible. Ugh. Honestly, can I give him an Emmy myself? Look. Look at his face when he says, “You wouldn’t understand.” This is a teenage boy trying to hide something from his mom and is terrified that she’ll see the lie if he makes eye-contact. <3 
1:45 - You know, Jessica really isn’t a perfect mother (especially to Ainsley) but she does care about her kids. I love her for it. She actually shows more concern for her adult children than most parents with adult children that I’ve been exposed to. 
2:08 - I can’t decide if I love the music that was playing through that scene or if it’s just super cheesy and cringey. I mean “I did a bad bad thing” right as the title page rolls out? Kind of amazing but also super dorky. 
2:13 - So Mr. David hears this whole conversation. Malcolm talking about his guilt, Martin calling Malcolm a hero, and Malcolm saying that the only person he can talk to about his problems is Martin. Sooooo either
 Mr. David is being paid very well to keep quiet on Whitly family drama, 
 Mr. David stopped listening years ago.
 Mr. David is a moron who can’t connect the dots. OR
 Mr. David is going to blow this whistle on this fiasco to Jessica soon. I mean, he called her in the first season when Malcolm started visiting Martin. Mr. David has Jessica’s number...and I have a hunch that Mr. David cares about Malcolm. He’s watched Malcolm grow up into a troubled, bizarre, but very sweet man. 
2:14 - “Why are you calling me?” Malcolm sounds upset that Martin is calling him; so why pick up the phone? I mean, I guess Martin will call him back incessantly but still. 
2:19 - Malcolm’s completely honest version of how he’s doing mentally is heartbreaking. He “doesn’t recognize himself anymore”? Ugh. Baby. My heart is shattering. Someone hug him. OR TAKE HIM TO GABRIELLE.
2:30 - There is a moment when Malcolm says, “narcissistic psychopath” where is genuinely sounds like he’s about to have a complete breakdown. This boy is on the verge. My whump heart loves it and it makes me evil. 
2:56 - aaannnnnnd there’s Malcolm on the verge of tears. This boy. Ugh. <3 
3:00 - “It’s not going away Malcolm. The guilt. Take it from me.” Sooooo Mr. David isn’t a moron right? He’s going to connect the dots. He has to. ISTG Jessica keeps saying “No more lies” in the promos because Mr. David told her what he overheard. 
3:06 - And that is the face of a boy who is dead on the inside. Seriously, he’s spent his whole life trying to convince himself (and others) that he is nothing like his father. But here we are - all his fears confirmed and it’s killed him. 
3:20 - “Is this what you used?” Ainsley is talking about how Malcolm disposed of the body right? Because last episode she thanked Malcolm for covering for her. Sooooo she clearly knows that she killed Endicott even if she doesn’t remember it. I mean, she was covered in blood - Malcolm wasn’t. 
3:23.- OMG. Endicott was killed with the Milton family silver. hahahaha why is that so funny to me?
3:43 - Just how big is that gap in her memory? I’d truly like to know. When did she check out, when did she check in, and are those times different than what she’s letting Malcolm believe?
3:55 - Yeah - I still want to know why she moved in. COVID? Is she afraid she’s going to do something else murdery? Because surely, living in the house where you know you killed someone can’t be pleasant. Or easy. Unless of course Ainsley is more like Martin than we’d like to believe. 
4:09 - hahahahaha I am living for Malcolm’s facial response to Jessica saying, “I am in charge of boxes.”
4:22 - hahahaha Malcolm and Ainsley teasing Jessica about Gil is so precious. I love it. I wish they were always that happy. 
4:40 - Look at Malcolm’s face when he says, “You and a certain Lieutenant”. He’s practically giddy. Whether that’s because he’s thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to tease his mother OR because he’s always wanted Jessica and Gil to be together in that way that many children who grow up in single parent homes hope for a fairytale parental ending. My guess - a mixture of both.
4:45 - Ainsley looks delighted at the idea of Gil/Jessica too. I assume it’s because she loves the gossip and the opportunity to tease Jessica. BUT I also wonder what Ainsley’s relationship with Gil is like? Do they have one? 
4:58 - “Does he let you wear his turtlenecks?” OMG. bahahahaha comedic GOLD. 
5:10 - THIS. The evolution of JT and Malcolm’s friendship is everything. 10/10 would recommend. So sweet. LOOK AT HOW CONCERNED MALCOLM IS. <3 <3 Malcolm’s been calling JT?!?! UGH. This warms my cold dead heart.
5:20 - JT is a bad liar. This dude is not okay. 
5:27 - “When I say I’m fine, I’m always lying.” .....we already knew this but it hurts to hear Malcolm say is so nonchalantly. 
5:32 - JT does the sign of the cross....so he’s definitely religious. 
5:56 - “Holy...” “Watch it Bright.” hahaha how much do you want to bet that Gil took Malcolm to church once (1) time as a kid. It went so poorly that Gil never brought him again. Malcolm was probably questioning the priest and generally just asking a lot of “why” questions. 
6:15 - Gil is so done with the Edrisa+Bright banter. Look at his face - he’s just sooo tired. .....is Gil particularly cranky this episode because Jessica is dodging his phone calls?
6:23 - Malcolm looks pensive as soon as Gil mentions that the Father had been with the church for 30 years. Why? 
6:56 - I’m not going to lie. I’m really getting tired of the crap Dani (and even Gil in this episode - is he mad at Malcolm for avoiding him when he was hospital-bound? Or just cranky because Jessica isn’t calling him back?) are giving Malcolm. He’s asking a question relevant to the case. Sure - it’s not an easy question to ask but last season they wouldn’t have glared at him for asking it. I understand that Dani is upset with Malcolm for lying to her and she probably thinks he knows something about how Endicott died. I get it - Malcolm screwed up. BUT Dani’s reaction is so over the top. I understand where she’s coming from - she has trust issues. That doesn’t give her the right to treat him like garbage for the rest of his life. It’s been literally MONTHS. 
7:11 - “That’s not a no.”....Damn, he looks cute when he says that. 
7:30 - I LOVE that Malcolm knows so much about the Bible and Catholicism even though he’s not a believer. It makes me think he investigated a ton of religions as a kid - looking for relief from his trauma. I respect that he did the research and I respect that he doesn’t (openly at least) think other people are moronic/short-sighted for believing in God(s). 
7:56 - I’ll be honest, my first reaction to Jonah was: “Why does he look and sound like he’s dying?”
8:03 - “Catholic.” haha I love some good religious comedy. BUT AGAIN GIL, THAT GLARE IS SO NOT NECESSARY. That wasn’t a ‘warning - you’re being insensitive’ glare. That was a ‘I’m your father and you’re in sooo much trouble’ glare. I love Gil with my whole heart but everyone is being a dick to Malcolm today (minus JT and Edrisa) and I’m done with it. Malcolm’s fragile mental state can’t handle it. Be nice to my boy. 
8:35 - Is this Gil’s church?!? Why does he know all the church staff by name? He either attends this church or someone gave him an amazing briefing before he got to the church.
9:34 - At least Gil knows something is wrong with Malcolm. 
9:41 - What? That’s it? No. Gil - press on. Don’t accept Malcolm’s “I’m fine”.
10:18 - I wish this scene didn’t end with Gil’s look of disbelief and concern. I wish we got to see Gil tell Malcolm not to go see Martin. I wish we got a more concrete papa!Gil moment. 
10:42 - Something about the fact that Martin is tethered to a pole like a tether-ball is hilarious to me. Also - why are some prisoners not tied up? The inmate talking to Friar Pete has no rope. 
10:52 - Ugh. When exactly did Martin give Malcolm “The Talk”? Like how old was Malcolm? How traumatic was it? Ugh. It’s very upsetting to remember that Martin acted like a good father to Malcolm for a good portion of the first 10 years of Malcolm’s life. It really doesn’t help Malcolm’s PTSD. 
11:00 - That’s right Malcolm. Don’t let Martin ramble. Stand your ground. <3 So proud of Malcolm <3
11:15 - Listen to the way Malcolm says, “Who is that?”. He’s some combination of resigned and scared. I love it. 
11:33 - Friar Pete is so creepy. The way he just walks up to Malcolm until his rope goes taught?! UGH. Poor Malcolm looks so done with this whole situation. He’s rolling his eyes and grimacing at various points throughout this scene. He has some major sass right now and I’m here for it. 
 11:41 - “You two should talk!” ....Is this Martin’s really eff-ed up way of trying to help Malcolm with his guilt about Endicott? I don’t like it.....and Malcolm’s face tells me he doesn’t either. 
12:48 - Is that true? Can churches really not exorcise people without medical permission in the current day?  I thought exorcisms were just banned? IDK - I’m a Christian, my branch of faith doesn’t do exorcisms. 
13:33 - YES! A JT AND MALCOLM SCENE. <3 <3 I’m unreasonably happy about this. 
13:45 - sooooooo is this Norman’s real home and his real mother? The first time I watched it I thought it was some sort of weird catholic-inpatient facility but now I’m not sure. 
15:10 - Ok. I can’t hold back anymore. Malcolm’s shoes. They. Are. Awful. I understand - Tom Payne is a short guy. He probably needs heels to fit in the shot. I’m not mad about the heels. I’m made that they gave him very very ugly heels. Is it just me? These shoes are hideous. 
15:14 - “Hi Norman.” .....Malcolm is so soft here and I’m in love with it. My cold dead heart is melting. Also JT’s freaked-out look in this scene is everything. 
15:25 - There’s something about the way Malcolm says “Good.” that just hits me really hard. It’s beautiful. He sounds and looks a little scared but he’s also really calm and professional and it’s just...*chef’s kiss*. 
16:44 - “He’s clearly mentally-ill.” I love this. I love that Malcolm is defending the person with a severe mental illness because he doesn’t have any proof that Norman committed a crime. It also breaks my heart. Makes me think of how many people dismissed or judged Malcolm poorly throughout his life because Malcolm’s mental illnesses. Even though they weren’t quite as extreme as Norman’s.
16:54 - I love this. JT is telling Malcolm to stay behind the line partially out of fear (because this whole Norman situation is clearly freaking JT out big time) but also partially because he just cares about Malcolm. I love their friendship and it’s evolution. SO. MUCH. 
17:21 - Is there a mirror of something? How the hell did Norman know that Malcolm crossed the salt? Was it the slight creaking in the floorboards?
17:54 - Dude. Is every suspect this season going to accuse Malcolm of being a killer? First Boyd, now Norman. This is not helping Malcolm’s mental state or his ability to hide his guilt from the team. 
18:30 - “Malcolm Bright. Always crossing the line.” lol. I love JT here. He’s half-teasing Malcolm. Makes me think that he subtly trying to tell Malcolm that he isn’t the killer Norman says that he is. 
19:00 - “What the hell do you have?”. Wow. Okay. No. I love Gil. I understand that he loves Malcolm like a son and he’s scared for Malcolm and Malcolm’s mental state. But this question is so over the line. Gil knows damn well what Malcolm’s mental diagnoses are. It feels like he’s accusing Malcolm of being crazy. I don’t like it. 
19:17 - “Are you serious?” Ok. Dani really needs to start being nicer to Malcolm. She doesn’t have to trust him but some professional civility would be great. I really don’t like how hard the writers are pushing this tension between Dani and Malcolm. It makes Dani look so immature. An adult would be pissed but get over the anger after literal months. The relationship wouldn’t necessarily be the same but it sure as hell wouldn’t be this hostile.
19:40 - Something about Malcolm being the calmest person in the room is both comforting and upsetting. 
19:55 - “My father gave it to me.”.....that’s so not going to help Gil’s concern about Malcolm.
20:50 - This is cute. We don’t get to see enough of Jessica and Ainsley acting like a semi-normal mother-daughter duo. I love it. 
21:00 - “We are WASPs. It’s. What. We. Do.” OMG. Hahahaha 
21:05 - I love how invested Ainsley is in the Gil/Jessica relationship. It’s so clear that she wants her Mom to be happy and I love it. It also makes me wonder if she ever wanted Gil to be her real dad as a kid.
21:30 - Damn. This episode is creepy.
21:45 - First clue that this is a dream - Malcolm says “we” but he’s alone. 
21:57 - ...are Nuns allowed to paint their nails? #GenuineQuestion
22:14 - Not going to lie. This made me cry. I relate to Malcolm so damn much here. I’ve had a severe anxiety disorder for as long as I can remember (seriously I saw my first therapist - against my will - at the age of 4). I’ve also had chronic depression for almost as long. AND I’m a christian. I can’t tell you how many times other christians have told me to “cast my worries on the Lord” and “be free” of my pain. Or that I don’t really believe in God because I’m still suffering so visibly. The problem is - I don’t know if I want to be free. I’ve had these issues so long that I’m genuinely not sure who I’d be without them. It’s how I define myself. It affects every aspect of my personality. I feel like Malcolm might feel the same way - he doesn’t want to suffer anymore but he’s afraid of finding out who he is without the pain. 
22:17 - Okay. So there’s Gil’s voice. So Gil+ Malcolm = “we”. As though I’m supposed to believe that Gil would split up with Malcolm when they’re looking for a nun, who isn’t even a suspect, at a church. Nah. I don’t buy it. This is clearly a dream. 
22:30 - “You have to tell them what you did.”...and then we see the knife. Does this mean Malcolm is slowly convincing himself that he killed Endicott. Not Ainsley? Either way - I agree with nightmare-Ainsley. The team loves Malcolm but they’re also detectives. They’ll figure out what happened. And when they do - yikes. 
22:46 - I hate this. All season suspects have been calling Malcolm evil. Martin has been calling Malcolm a “hero”. Malcolm’s guilt is eating him alive. Simultaneously, the people who are supposed to trust and care about him (Dani, Gil, the precinct, Jessica) have all shown signs of doubting him. Dani alone has pointed a gun at Malcolm’s head. Now she’s wearing body armour? AND LOOK AT THE OTHER COPS. THEY ALL HAVE THEIR HANDS ON THEIR GUNS AS THOUGH MALCOLM IS A CRIMINAL. A THREAT. DANGEROUS. This is very bad for Malcolm’s mental health......God, the whump-whore in me hopes he has a major panic attack or something this season. 
23:23 - I love this scene. This is the papa!Gil content I’m here for. 
23:51 - JT expressing fear and concern for his unborn child makes my heart grow several sizes. Look at his puppy dog eyes here? Ugh. So precious. This whole JT arc is heartbreaking and beautiful. I love it.
24:15 - Sooooo JT knows about Jessica right? He’s a detective and a husband. He so knows. hahaha this is so cute. 
24:19 - Gil. You. Are. A. Liar......and you’ve been really grumpy this episode but I’m going to forgive you because I love you. 
24:28 - GIL. You’ve waited 20 years. How much longer can you wait for Jessica?!?!
24:35 - Maybe JT didn’t know? At least - not until Gil rambled on about waiting? JT looks like he just connected all the dots and he’s super uncomfortable.
24:43 -...... so she verbally attacks him all episode then drives him home and acts like she did toward Malcolm by mid-season 1? I’m getting whiplash. 
25:18 - This scene is so cute. They actually made the real life version of heart-eyes at each other. And Malcolm pours her a glass of water. Because 1) she’s driving and 2) she’s a recovering addict. He’s so casually respectful and I love it. 
25:28 - “Are you any different?” Ouch. Look at how hurt Malcolm is. :( Although, props to Dani for confronting him about it. Someone needed to and she’s being really calm and caring about it. 
26:10 - Dani’s little speech about being a black woman feels a little forced? Like the writers put it in so she doesn’t feel left out compared to JT? Idk, the whole thing just seemed not quite believable. Probably because when JT was racially profiled Dani - a black woman - pulled out her badge and all the white cops listened to her. It just doesn’t track. They wouldn’t have listened to her if they were racist and bold enough to attack JT in the first place.
26:47 - Anyone else think that all those lit candles are a fire hazard? Just me? Cool cool cool. 
 27:21 - Yo. This is stupid. I understand why this happened - because the plot needed it to happen. BUT WHY DID ALL THREE ARMED COPS LEAVE THREE UNARMED PEOPLE ALONE?!? And when does a team of 4 split into a group of 3 and 1??! It makes no logical sense (except for plot purposes).
28:03 - Creepy. 
28:30 - Oh. HELL no. This is absolute bs. My entire heart is breaking for JT.
29:05 - I really like how chill this Priest is. Like - he respects that Malcolm’s a disbeliever and he’s willing to talk to him without trying to convert him. 
29:55 - Listen to how upset JT sounds here!! :( :( :( My heart. :( 
30:08 - Ok so how did she end up tied in the closet and not murdered? 
30:40 - ....so did Jonah ruin that painting while Sister Agnes was in the closet or is the Sister just a moron who didn’t say anything about the guy ruining the painting?!?
30:50 - Sooooo Jonah is an “expert”. He taught Sister Agnes how to safely handle the lead-based paint. Yet - he didn’t use the protection? We saw him with a gas mask at the beginning of the episode? Did the sister not notice that he wasn’t using the protection? So much of this doesn’t track. Thankfully, I don’t watch this show for the “murder of the week” plot line.
31:30 - Malcolm is a good dude. Even now. He’s trying to help Jonah. <3 Heart of gold. 
32:25 - Martin - shut. up. 
32:45 - Friar Pete is a creepy treasure. I love him. 
33:24 - “Oh you’ve gotta be kidding.” hahaha I feel you Malcolm. I feel you. 
33:34 - Not gonna lie - when I watched this the first time all I could think is “How the eff does Malcolm remember everything Pete just said?” Maybe it’s just me but I would need Pete to go 1-2 words at a time. And slowly. ....maybe Malcolm took Latin in school? 
24:06 - Oh so all the killers this season are also going to accuse Malcolm of being a killer and/or evil. 
34:40 - Damn. I wish the team walked in right as Malcolm was screaming “the power of Christ compels you!!!”.
35:15 - I. Love. This. Gil screaming on the phone is everything. Him going to bat for JT is everything. Malcolm saying “This is bad”?!? *chef’s kiss*. ISTG Malcolm’s been scolded by Gil when Gil is that mad at some point during his teen years. 
35:53 - “I’ll take care of it.” JT. Is. My. Hero. What an absolute king. He’s going to take care of it, even though he’s terrified, because he needs to protect his family. Not just Tally and the baby. But little sister Dani too. <3 My heart is full. 
36:11 - ....okay so not to ruin a totally beautiful and profound scene but every time I’ve watched this scene JT doing that lean into the wall is very weird to me. Because he turns to face the camera. If he just slid down the wall or just leaned his head against the wall - it wouldn’t have felt so strange. It honestly distracts me from the scene. Every. Time. 
36:18 - This is hot garbage. I don’t even want to rewatch this scene because it makes me so upset. 
37:51 - I understand where Jessica is coming from but I also think she’s being a moron. I will say though, I respect the hell out of Gil for walking away when asked. A lot of men wouldn’t but he respects Jessica even if he doesn’t like what he’s hearing. So he left because she asked him to. 
39:00 - If this isn’t a red flag for Jessica about Ainsley’s mental health idk what is. 
39:25 - Poor Malcolm looks like he’s on the verge of tears here. :( I’m genuinely scared that Malcolm is becoming suicidal. He’s reaching the level of depressed and guilt where I think it’s a possibility. I genuinely think he’d rather kill himself to stop his guilt and suffering than to admit it to Gil, Jessica, JT, or Dani. ...for legal reasons he definitely can’t tell Gabrielle. 
40:00 - Sooooo Martin is finally suggesting that it was his idea to dispose of the body. I hope it’s the truth. 
40:05 - Martin is a piece of trash. He really needs to stop playing with Malcolm’s head. It’s literally killing Malcolm. 
40:50 - Oh. SHIT. Malcolm just clapped back hard. I am so so proud of him. ...also concerned about this deep anger in him though.
 41:46 - I swear - if we don’t get a Gil and Martin face-off when Martin breaks out, I will lose my mind. It’s one of the top things I want from this show. A Martin+Gil showdown. 
Ok. So I kind of loved this episode? Even though there were...many plot holes and things that annoyed me about it. Is it just me or has this season felt much darker than last season so far? It makes sense given last season’s finale but it’s still thrown me a bit. 
BUT I CAN NOT WAIT FOR 2x3. That promo. Ugh. <3 <3 We’re going to get traumatized teen!Malcolm content and I’m a sick bastard who is living for it. 
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Haikyuu Thoughts Season 2 (Episodes 1-10)
"Hey Kuuro" "ShUt uP"
"I haven't even said anything yet!"
"Damn right I'm like a SuPeR gEnIuS"
"So you can teach this owl frosted tips a lesson!" "So you wanna talk hair hah?!"
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(I had to do the gif for this one because the facial expressions had me all out cackling)
"Like if your balance is off and you feel like your sure to be blocked if you take the shot you hit the ball against the blockers on purpose so it can bounce back and you can set it up again! Make sense?"
"But a lot of the times it doesn't work and the ball winds up getting slammed back in your face."
"Yeah... that happens to you a lot Bokuto..."
"That was your cue to say it hasn't been happening to me that much lately!"
"Spiking isn't all about slamming it onto the floor, ya know? You just stay calm and have a clear head at the moment of truth."
"Yeah that has not been happening to you a lot lately."
"Watch it Akkashi!"
"We need to stay calm Bokuto." "I aM cAlM"
Sorry about that guys, I had to do it. I've been watching the dub so far and it's got some of the funniest dialogue that I've ever heard. I mention the dub because one of my more recent husbandos has one of my favorite voice actors voice acting for him. So far season 2 has been an absolute blast to watch. With that being said, let's talk about husbandos because I have three of them that I need to hit. We are now at a capacity of six and one of them I was kinda surprised by.
The one who caught me completely off guard is that my love of Kuuro has grown ten fold since this season started. I saw more of him I think and that did a lot for my love of him! He wasn't just the leader of Nekoma anymore, I saw him as a person who just wanted his team to be the best but he could also be an absolute goofball troll at the worst of times. His teachings for Lev and Hinata were also something that I wasn't expecting! It's obvious that he wants for them to do their best and I loved that for him. The mentor was a really good look for him and I absolutely loved that he took on that role. Kuuro as a character is one that grew on me since I started to see him interacting off of somebody that he's actually close to, that being Bokuto. I love their friendship and the way that they both interact off of each other. They can be so side split-tingly funny with Kuuro's more troll sense of humor. I really, really hope that I get to see more of him coming! He's a lot of fun and I love the way that he interacts off of other characters.
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(I have grown to 100% love this dumbass, he cracks me up and I love his relationship with both Kenma and Bokuto.)
Speaking of Bokuto, let's talk about everyone's favorite number five wing spiker in the nation, Koutarou Bokuto! Going into this show, I just knew that I was going to fall ass over tea kettle in love with him. He has the voice of one of my biggest heroes, Ian Sinclair and every roll that he has he brings all the energy and enthusiasm to the table that one comes to expect from him. However, what I was not expecting was for me to absolutely not even know how bad this was going to get. Even though @moons-and-stars-and-shit warned me that it was going to be bad, since Bokuto is her number husbando but hoo boy I was not at all prepared for him whatsoever. Ian is a fabulous choice for his voice for starters, he nails everything that he has to do, from the comedy to the "sad" Bokuto hours when he loses his cool, to his banter with Akaashi. I loved everything about him. He had me rolling on the floor laughing, but also I loved his mentor/mentee relationship with Hinata and how he helped him learn to move forward with his spikes. As a whole Bokuto is just so, so much fun. I've only known him for only a few episodes but I already love him so much.
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(I do absolutely adore Bokuto but part of me is afraid of Lexci and taking him from her so going into this I was like I could either go full simp for one or the other and I decided in this case to go the other route.)
We've reached the final one, I swear. He's the last one hopefully for forever (I say this now I already have a fear of meeting Satroi Tendou since I've seen clips of him dubbed and it cracked me the hell up). For those of you that don't talk to me on a regular basis my tastes have gotten a slight upgrade recently within the last year. In watching Promare and Sk8 The Infinity I have discovered that I have a thing for calculating pretty bois that usually interact off of the himbo that they get paired up with (Lio with Galo and Kaoru with Kojiro) So this means that you've probably all figured out that if you had to twist my arm who I'd consider more husbando material from the last ten episodes. Can I talk about my boi Keji Akaashi for a hot minute? I absolutely love, loved the little glimpses that we got of Akaashi in the episodes that we had him in. To me he's the perfect amount of grumpy yet at the same time caring. It's obvious that he cares about Bokuto it's just that he knows how he gets and when he gets into a slump it's really hard to get him out. He's caring, but not overly so to the point where he's bouncing off the walls like Bokuto which makes them the perfect setter/spiker pairing in my mind. Akaashi is just adorable, I loved how his voice matched with his personality and how I could still detect the lightly teasing lilt when he would poke fun at Bokuto. These roles could easily switch from which one I prefer at a later date, when they both get more screen time but for right now Akaashi is my favorite between the two of them and I have a feeling that it's going to stay that way.
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(Look at my curly haired beauty! I love him so much, I kind of wasn't expecting to find a calculating type in this show but I had my heart stolen by Akaashi.)
Whew! Sorry if this was a lot of me rambling to all of you, it became a lot bigger of a problem than I thought it would. If I had to pick just one of the three than I'd probably surprise even myself and say that Kuroo was my favorite of the three. I wasn't expecting him, he kinda just came out of nowhere and was like "That heart of yours, you don't need it to do you *yoink*" I plan to be done with the show by the end of next week. Does anybody know where I can watch season 3 dubbed?? Hulu tragically at the moment does not have it.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Top 10 Aladdin episodes
I did this a while back with Legend of Tarzan so why not this. I might do Hercules next. Anyway, it turned out to be much harder to top 10 aladdin episodes. So it's 10 plus highly suggested. Not in a particular order.
Some Enchanted Genie: This is a fun episode mainly because the female genie in question, Eden, is so fun with her meta moments and maniac transformations that she is the perfect mate for Genie and you really root for them. Plus there's flying pigs. Basically, it makes me smile.
Strike up the sand: Someone called this part of the Sadira quadrilogy and I have to agree, most all of the Sadira episodes are good so I put the first one here. This is her debut highlighting her yandere tendency but you feel for her because Aladdin was the first and seems to be only person who was nice to her. Anyway, I personally prefer her next two episodes, Sandswitch (confirming AlJas's love even with the role reversal of her as the street rat and Aladdin as the prince) and my fav Dune Quixote where Sadira starts her redemption when she and Jasmine team up.
Forget me lots: Abis Mal, a villain as abysmal as his name manages to get a one up on the good guys by using the rose of forgetfulness, turning Jasmine into the Scourge of the Desert. Also I'm sorry but Jasmine kicks much more ass when she's evil (Maybe its because she no longer remembers royal protocol?), she has a whip and everything. There must be some sort of dominatrix joke in there.
Seems like old crimes 1&2: I love the backstory for Aladdin and Abu's friendship and highlighting how Aladdin is different. He has morals, he is loyal, but will not fleece innocent people for a buck even when his former allies do.
The Citadel: The debut of Mozonroth, the junior Jafar, the sexy Draco Malfoy in leather pants of the Aladdin series. Despite being a psychopath who only wants power, somehow he constantly sounds like he is seducing his enemies. It's impressive. There are other Mozonroth episodes I prefer to this but if I listed them, this will all just be Sadira/Mozonroth/Mirage episodes. Anyway, other Mozonroth episodes one should check out are The Lost City of the Sun for some backstory and Two to Tangle for classic Freaky Friday switcharoo. Secret of Dagger Rock for some Jasmine badassery and Mozonroth snark. Also The Hunted where he hires a creepy lizard called a Muhktar aka a genie killer. Basically Mozonroth adds the danger.
In the Heat of the Fright: Mirage, Evil Incarnate makes her debut here, voiced by Broadway legend Bebe Neuwirth. Mirage is vicious, scary and invented mean. If Mirage makes any episode she is in more menacing. She ups it. So not only do I suggest her debut but also The Lost Ones featuring Aladdin's old friend and a bittersweet ending. There's also Shadow of Doubt and While the City Snoozes are nice surreal horrors too. And finally When Chaos Comes Calling featuring the personification of Chaos, funny one liners, and evil Aladdin.
The sands of fate: A trapped in time one, yes please, it's a bit like the X Files and further cements Aladdin as a hero. Basically Aladdin as some who've seen the series points out, has a hero complex and destiny seems to be pushing it. A similar time travel one is Lost and Founded which takes on Back to the Future like vibes.
Do the rat thing: I like this one, because it points out how even though Jasmine has gotten out of Agrabah, she still is pretty naive to how it works and the greater disparities between poor and rich. So when she sets out to prove she's not some sheltered naive princess, she accidentally turns herself into a rat. So yeah, she might need a lesson in street smarts which is why Iago-rat is there to berate her and banter with her as they try to change back.
Fowl Weather: Thundra, the thunderbird provides a match for Iago so this makes a fun episode as their love turned sour relationship just when Agrabah needs her waters the most and general comedic hijinks. Be sure to look out for Thundra's reappearances in Rain of Terror and Love Bug. Moonlight Madness/Flawed Couple: These are both comedic AlJas episodes, as if there aren't enough reaffirming their love, but it also shows them fighting and working things out as couples do so it wasn't an automatic happily ever after as so many believe at the end of Disney movies. The first references LadyHawk, the other is just plain fun.
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hoaxexistence · 3 years
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I finished the show last april and im doing my 2nd full rewatch and this time I'm watching it alongside the commentaries so im kind of in a slow pace. Lol. I said up there that it's my 2nd full rewatch bec for i time i was watching random episodes until i had the copy of the commentaries. So far here are my thoughts for the first 13 episodes.
“I see your value now.”
Episode one is a actually a great start. I mean sure they are clearly finding their dynamics but still, it has great scenes and lines and not all shows got that strong pilot. Really love that panning up shot of the school at the end.
“Milady, milord”
Spanish 101 is a fun episode, really hilarious. Ken jeong is funny, and hey i actually see britta better now. I remember watching this show the first time and i tried to like her but ended up liking annie instead. But now im actually seeing her. I like the bit where they did their presentation and annie was in a boat and alison had tears, cracks me up. Also i like jeff and annie so the tiny detail of the first milady milord here is so personal to me. AND the tag!! The bibliotheca rap, God was it iconic.
“falafel as fallback”
Introduction to film. Oh the first time i read this, the film buff in me just cheered! It was really sweet of britta to do that for abed and i see in this episode how they really treasure him as a person and i really love that, that's what he deserve.
(im writing all of these from memory and my memory sucks so these first few may not be that greatly executed.)
“you asked me to stay and you said we we're friends”
Ah social psychology. I love that line from abed so much and Annie's reaction. She was taken aback with how her words meant to him and i am deeply touched as well as her. My favorite part in the cold open was chang and Annie's moment hahhaha. Aaaaand, jeff and Shirley moments were here! Shirley's really funny and i love that part when she just makes fun of vaughn's nips hahah. I love the friendship between her and jeff. Also the tag is funny. Trobed tags are funny.
(i started sliding through the episodes now just to refresh my memory. Lol)
“because if crazy people can't be at Greendale, then where are we supposed to go”
Advanced Criminal Law. The freakin gif that I've been seeing for a long time finally had a story for me. (That one when chang was looking at the tiny paper. Lol) I love jeff and britta's relationship as well as annie and pierce's that were shown in this. Yes, jeff was helping britta to be closer to her because he wanna sleep with her but more than that, he likes her and he's her friend and he wants to not be an ass even for a while. Annie's cheerleading story was a good bit. Lol.
“I peed alone my whole life. Women have always hated me.”
Football, feminism, and you!! Aaaaa i love this episode. I said that I never liked britta that much but that's my biased opinion talking. I usually don't like characters i see myself in, so yea, at times i could really relate to britta. This actually talked about her too though they kinda did that already in the previous episode but of course, the show is introducing us to these characters so it's necessary for characters to overlap stories duh. Oh and this is the first commentary that alison brie was in because this is kind of a big moment for annie here, though this episode is for troy, okay this episode is for everyone dammit 😂. Anyway this is where i started to really appreciate annie and where they actually put a clearer path to her character, though still navigating. I love her confrontation with jeff and how his reaction after looks like hehe. Also that last scene before the tag, another milady milord. uwu
“I am batman. Or am I?”
Introduction to Statistics! WHEN DAN CONFIRMED THAT THAT DANCE SCENE BETWEEN ALISON AND JOEL MADE THEM CONSIDER JEFF AND ANNIE was a great bit from commentary. This is Slater's first appearance and her character helped in exposing Jeff's character. Shirley's deep emotions were navigated in this episode as well with how she divert her anger to slater. That scene of her and britta was really touching. I love it when the girls have their own moments together just like from the previous episode. Also i loved how joel, chevy, and dan admired alison's talents in the commentary.
“you're a nerd”
Ah, Home Economics. I love how they let us into abed's dorm. We see here that slowly they're really starting to become a family, although yes, annie got a thing for troy and jeff got a thing for britta but still.
“man is evil”
Hah. Debate 109. The kiss for the team. I love this scene and the simmons guy. That hallway scene will never not be funny. Also this episode birthed the imma die by werewolf rap from alison sooooo. Shirley was really funny, especially when she giggled when she teases jeff and annie. Speaking of that scene, God. The way he looks at her. That was probably the moment where i could say that jeff notices annie as a woman. The way he looked into her eyes before he looks at her hair, it was beautiful. That reproductive joke bit was funny but the phone will always crack me up, Jeff's tiny voice when he said he could just get another one is hilarious. Britta and pierce had their moments here and as much as i like their tandem i like annie and peirce more. Idk. Also their laptops are very cute, very old. Lol
“we're trying to save the planet, print 500 more of these”
Aaaa, Environmental Science. That opening was really good. This episode is a highlight for chang's character and i loved his and Jeff's relationship, they really make a fun banter. What can i say the last part of this episode was just great. That montage of troy and abed singing somewhere out there while the dance is happening, it's just brilliant. I like that transitions and how we see that jeff is capable of doing something decent even if it doesn't always look like he's doing anything.
“I am totally comfortable being uncomfortable”
The Politics of Human Sexuality. Troy and abed were kinda challenging themselves and I really love that for them. How abed cares about Troy's feelings really debunks the thing that he's emotionless. I love that the girls were able to do things here again, even if it's sneaking into the dean's office. Lol. Giant thumb in a turtleneck. 😂. Alison was in the commentary again for this episode and talked about how that closet thing story was based on her real life experience. Really fun bit. Also! That line from dean when he said alcohol just makes him sleepy, really funny.
“it's December 10th!”
Aaaaaaaaa Comparative Religion! This one's really good. I love that they get to talk about religion and beliefs without like picking on it. Also have i said how their overlapping murmurs and talking over each other in the background was really great? Nope? Yeah, well this cast make a pretty good background noise, i love it. Troy's face is the best. That shirley line where she said, “why do you hate me and jesus?” will never not be funny. And that bracelet that she made was really sweet. Yes she could get manipulative and may be good at gaslighting but i love how they still redeem her and make her still likeable in the end. And Yvette's voice is just so brilliant! Dan said that this episode was the episode where they really felt like they're really are a family, especially in Jeff's point of view.
“Annie's pretty young we try not to sexualize her”
Oh i love the opening for Investigative Journalism. I love how they hug after coming from their own breaks, and that jack black was suddenly there. Lol. I liked that bit where annie thanked jeff for getting mad and jeff said that those were the upside.. Really felt like somehow, behind all his bs and his inability to process his feelings, he's still capable of having one. This episode showed how he has the in the palm of his hand, yet as the show progresses, we'll see that it won't stay like that. And I love that. They're growing. And yep in the commentary alison said she gets those messages still, and after more than a decade, she still do. Sad. I remember what Dan said, she's a forbidden fruit. :)
05/19/21 - 05/21/21
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yourehereyourereal · 4 years
(long rambling post about the finale ahead)
I simply have no words. @playchoices this book is FREAKING GOD-TIER and I LOVE IT SO MUCH and I don't say this lightly. I can honestly be singing praises to Blades until the end of my days. I fell in love with it at first sight but it was aging like a fine wine with every chapter and becoming even better. I really hope book 2 will be equally powerful and I believe in the writers and the team, they've got to deliver. I don't even mind for them taking the time, even though I will miss the book so much. It was my greatest quarantine joy and made the first half of my 2020. Here are my messy thoughts about the finale because I have finally found something new to nerd out about and Blades deserves all the love in the world.
First, the fight was epic. The Shadow Court lady was gorgeous, even though we had to end her. Nia the Dreadlord was SO ICONIC. The way she wanted to break through the darkness, how she controlled it, and her self-sacrifice. Speaking of which, I really regret not letting the timer run out, because, from the experience of Bloodbound, I knew there had to be something interesting, but I didn't have much time to think and kinda assumed that if you don't kill Nia she just kills herself or the Dreadlord does it or something. But I saw screenshots of everyone dying and... wow. It especially hit me how Tyril fought until the end, even when he was already stabbed - characters with that much inner passion and determination are my everything, and it was so sad and definitely how he didn't deserve to go. I'm kind of a sucker for dark endings that show "what could have been" and aren't actually canon or can be avoided (like in It Lives series), because they have a lot of depth and this alternate reality makes you really appreciate the times with your LI and friends.
The Nia art was AHHHHHHH. How come this book blessed me with such amazing, epic LIs and I'm supposed to choose between them??? I adore all of them, but I have a special soft spot for Nia and Tyril since their stories are truly god-tier. I romanced Nia from the very first chapter (and then Imtura a bit), but switched to Tyril recently, and I don't regret it one bit because he's amazing and incredible and I love him so much. But during these scenes where MC told Nia to resist darkness I was constantly thinking of how it would hit differently if I romanced Nia until the end, because I'm a MASSIVE SUCKER for tropes when someone's pure love breaks the spells or darkness in the other person. It kinda reminded me of the Bloodbound finale when the LI did it for us. I just have to replay one day and romance Nia, even though it will be sooo hard for me not to flirt with Tyril.
I knew the fandom would explode at the option of flirting with Aerin. I myself am not a huge fan of romancing him but I chose the seduction option anyway because I was curious, and it failed me because I didn't have history with him which cracked me up so much 😂 Then Kade punched him and it was truly something - you go, Kade! I wonder what consequences will it have in book 2, I was almost debating setting him free so we could see him again. He was a good villain. I also laughed at the "sack of potatoes" line.
MC with the Blade of Light was just... I FELT that writing. Like there was fire inside them. Like they were fire. Speaking of which, the writing in the finale was so, so good, I can't remember when it was that good for the last time. It was worth all the hiatuses.
THE SCENE WITH MEDALS GAVE ME SUCH A HUGE STAR WARS A NEW HOPE ENDING VIBE. I was so proud of the squad, they've come so far and reached a better understanding of themselves on a personal level.
I played a 30 diamond scene with Tyril and I'm speechless. I honestly don't know where I can ever find someone like him because he raises my relationship standards so highly. It was wonderful to go on a real date with him and have some relaxed fun as a couple. He said "my MC" and oh my freaking God that was awesome. Their romantic exchanges are always the best. They are cute, poetic, sincere and don't feel forced. There were so many indications of true love between them, and it's like PB wanted to feed us Tyril stans well today because the scene was simply neverending (I was playing it for such a long time, it seemed endless) and they just kept professing their love for each other and that's how you write satisfying, amazing diamond scenes that you don't regret buying and would buy all over again (take note, Witness). I'm a huge Damien Nazario stan and finally I found a LI with diamond scenes that are just as epic and emotionally charged as his. I feel like Tyril and MC's dynamics even remind me of Damien and MC's a little bit (and the two do have some similarities, but I'll probably make another post about it someday)
And the sex!!! I'm not a huge smut fan because I'm ace/demisexual and those things are not very relatable for me (that's also why books like The Nanny Affair are a bit cringe to me, just not my piece of cake), but I LOVE good sex scenes where the two characters have a strong emotional connection and genuine love for each other (totally a demisexual point of view). I was smiling and giggling like a little girl, especially when they were talking about making sounds and doing it in public (again, I somehow thought back to the Eiffel Tower scene with Damien/Dames and it made me laugh). And then he said those beautiful things like "you complete me" and ahhhh... Tyril loves us so much. We love him so much, too. MC just wants to be with him and assures that he grew as a person, even if he always doubts himself. It's true, he had the most amazing character development.
I will have to fully stick to romancing Nia on the next replay, I'm curious what her diamond scene was like. I have a feeling it's just as adorable and wholesome and has a lot of complexity. God, I really felt for a second like she's gonna die, PB gave me a scare as it did feel final and I was like "did they really just...?". I don't know much about other LI scenes but I heard Imtura's was cute (and you could shout "that's my orc girlfriend" which itself is great), and Mal wanted to open the orphanage and wow I'm so proud. On a related note, it's freaking great that they give all LIs similar scenes but don't copy-paste their dialogues like in some books, there are clear differences as they all have a unique distinctive personality. And, I forgot to mention that Threep and Loola are the best bat-kitties! (even though they wouldn't approve of this term)
I was on my second hour of playing that chapter (yeah, it was like, the longest one ever! Maybe it's because I was excitedly sharing screenshots with a friend and freaking out the whole time) when the book finally seemed to be coming to an end. I love how my MC fell asleep in Tyril's arms and then we had this nightmare that foreshadowed book 2. I'm glad they gave us a glimpse of what to expect (imagine if we didn't know it will have a sequel, plus the finale had a bit of a standalone feeling, and then boom! Surprise). I fully hope this book will have a book 2, book 3, and a Christmas special 😂 It's just so, so incredible, and this universe deserves expanding like no other.
I hope PB knows how we all collectively love it, and I also hope they'll learn from the success of Blades and will write more books where the funny banter and serious moments are balanced, the friendship group feels natural and like a family, the plots are breathtaking and the LIs are god-tier. It's obvious how much heart Andrew and the crew put into it, and I'll be patiently waiting for book 2, however long it takes. Hopefully, not too long, but like they said, masterpieces take time to create!
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the-heart-alchemist · 5 years
White Rose Fics of the Month: August
I know I’m a few days late shhh. So anyway, I decided that I can create small lists of fics that I read each month and post them here to share. Since I really only read white rose (lol big surprise) I thought why not just keep adding to my huge master list that I made before? 😆
This will contain fics I continue to read from the master list with updated/longer descriptions or fics that I’ve just recently read through completely and really liked it. Also, these are all Ongoing fics. 
Again, please remember: These are fics that I've chosen from my own preferences and likes, fics that I alone think are great. So, please don’t expect all of these stories to be to your liking. Also, I don’t provide links in this but the fics should be easily found when you look them up. if you have trouble, you can ask me and I can get them for you :)
So, here we go:
Dust Trader by brokenmirmir- This story is an AU about Team RWBY basically being space pirates and it is absolutely a wonderful and exciting read! It’s full of adorable fluffy pining from our favorite pair with lots of action and tension within the whole team. It’s awesome, please go read it! 
First Time at a Second Chance by TheGreatWeissShark- This story is an AU about Weiss and Ruby in a modern type of universe, where Weiss is a young single mother and Ruby is a college student/barista. There’s angst here and there about their individual selves and situations, but also lots of adorable moments, especially ones where Ruby makes Weiss’ daughter happy, which, of course, makes Weiss even happier. Read it! It’s great! 
Dream Theory by mikotyzini- This is a futuristic modern AU story and is a Bees-focused fic, however, believe me when I say that this story has the BEST VERSION of white rose I’ve ever read. Amongst thousands of white rose fics I’ve read in my life, this is my personal favorite of all of them. For the white rose part, they have a forbidden type of relationship in this and so they’re a million times sweeter, more in love when they’re together than I’ve read in any other story. It’s fantastic and they have so many great moments in this, both individually and working together as a team. 
These Fading Colors by MyBestFriendsBestSeller- This story is a tragic Soulmates AU where Weiss and Ruby are soulmates but meet in the worse possible time. However, this fic is full of pure lovely moments between the two despite their situation. It’s plenty angsty but it’s definitely worth the read. Where it is now is hinting at a happy ending! 
Dark Harbors by teleportingoctopi- An amazing action/adventure Pirate AU fic about Ruby being a notorious pirate and Weiss as a rich princess basically and she ends up as a prisoner in Ruby’s ship. I’m sure you can assume what happens next ;) This is full of painful angst and misunderstandings but they overcome them every time that happens. They’re so hopelessly in love in this story it’s pretty funny tbh. Please read it, it’s soooo good. 
Crash Landing by fictionalportal- This is a like a normal modern AU where everyone in RWBY goes to college and they’re all friends. It’s formatted as just text messages from the characters but it's absolutely hilarious and filled with so many genuinely great moments between every character. It’s a fun read!
Darkening Horizons by SwagWizardSupreme-This a canon divergent story set between the earlier volumes where they’re still in Beacon. I honestly feel like this is such an underappreciated story cuz it’s full of really nice Weiss and Ruby bonding. There’s even nice bee bonding in this too. Also, in the recent chapters, Weiss gets to see some of Ruby’s scars and they have small intimate moment ;) READ IT!
A Scattered Plate by skull025- This a story that was recommended for me to read and thank god too because this is such an amazing story. It’s an AU where Weiss is the head chef of a restaurant and Ruby becomes her new sous chef. It’s filled with some incredible banter and really forward flirting sometimes that make you wanna scream lol also, awesome food is here. I mean c’ mon, really good white rose content AND food? What else would you want?? 
Painting the Town by bandiits- This was also recommended to me and omg how have I actually never read this before?? This is so cute and fun to read! It’s about how Ruby and Weiss’ friends get them handcuffed together and the only way they can escape is to go on a date set by the said friends who set them up lol It’s super funny and awesome! Please read it!
Of Roses and Mirrors by DerpySlurpyTheDerpMaster- This story is another recommendation to me, and is basically an alternate version of how Weiss and Ruby reunited in volume 5 and how they interact after that. This one is such a sweet and tender read. If you want some wholesome white rose content, you should read this. 
The Fate We Choose by HopeOfMorning910- OKAY OMG THIS ONE THO! This one was such a surprise for me in terms of quality. Like holy hell there’re only 2 chapters in this so far but oh my god. It’s soooo good. This is like a magical modern AU where Weiss is a vampire and Ruby is a Fae. The magical rules and properties in this story are like super important and relative to how Weiss and Ruby interact. So, not to give too much away, Weiss is in trouble and happens to find Ruby who helps her and takes her to her apartment for the night. Adorableness and cuteness then ensue plus REALLY REALLY GOOD WHITE ROSE BANTER. like omg top tier writing. I love this. Read it. 
The Snowball Effect by ShadowBlazer- This is another modern AU where Ruby is a political science major in college who is found by Winter who asks Ruby to be in a fake relationship with Weiss. Hilariousness ensues and of course Weiss and Ruby get along really well. ;) 
Fly Together by Etheriell- This is a Superhero AU where Ruby and Weiss are both heroes (Weiss is a brand new hero tho who heavily admires famous Hero!Ruby if you know what I mean *winks*). Ruby and Weiss are almost like partners in justice (not crime) and its so cute because they’re just constantly flirting with this heavy sexual tension around them every time lol so yeah, lots of action and lots of pining/flirting happens! If you want something fun to read, definitely read this!
My Girlfriend is a Dragon by Kirika Nai- This one is a fantasy AU where Weiss just escapes her home to live freely but then discovers this dragon who saves her. Later, said dragon becomes a beautiful girl around Weiss’ age, who she learns is Ruby. Then they get into all sorts of trouble while Ruby learns to be a proper human in society. It’s a hilarious story full of fun and really sweet moments between these two. 
Running Away From (Towards) You by ArrowOvis- this is a modern AU story where Ruby is a professional track star and Weiss is her current roommate at their shared apartment and they’re best friends (yeah not romantic... YET). This story is filled with a lot of misunderstanding type of angst between them but they really love each other. It’s basically a story where Ruby goes through stages of grief because she can't control her feeling for Weiss any longer and she doesn't want to burden Weiss or ruin their friendship because of it. Currently tho, they’re very happy and very much together. Please read it. 
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thekazumakuwabara · 4 years
Hey have you noticed that the Japanese dub and manga versons of kuwabara and hiei feel like they are less hostile to each other and more like friends. Like near the end of the manga, him and kuwabara got into an short funny spat and he ended using yukina to get him to use his best sword.
There are a few manga pages someone posted online a year and a half ago that are in my drafts but it definitely talks of a fondness between the two of them (even if Hiei at the time was trying to act ‘cool’ in that he didn’t care any of the team) and this is before the end of Chapter Black. 
And eventually, Hiei ends up actually helping out with the whole rescue Kuwabara plan. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have been near the entrance where Sensui and co. were waiting to open the rift between the worlds. He certainly wouldn’t be following Yusuke who was in the same area!
And yeah, that bit where Hiei seems to be okay with Kuwabara’s crush on Yukina enough to use it to motivate him (because while he doesn’t outright say it, he actually knows the extent of Kuwabara’s abilities and that it would work the way they wanted it to) and it’s a way for Hiei to show he actually has confidence in him without actually outright telling him. (Which is a great counterpoint to Kurama who totally vocalizes his support for Kuwabara’s abilities! Character continuity!)
Hiei and Kuwabara are friends, but they’re the bantering/bickering type, who when the other is in trouble will actually help out (even if one of them won’t actually say what they feel unless it’s utterly life or death).
(I actually giffed a few of these moments because sometimes the only evidence people will accept is when it’s right in their faces.)
I really could go on about their friendship (and how Kuwabara’s words/opinions about Hiei actually matter to Hiei -- hello that face he made when Kuwabara chastized him for saying the word ‘hot!’ in Kaito’s territory?!) but it was nice to see this in my inbox, anon.
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And don’t get me started on the banter/friendship that Shigeru Chiba & Nobuyuki Hiyama have because it’s really adorable and it’s fun to watch them being so fond of each other while ad-libbing in character!
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stonerbughead · 4 years
maria watches friday night lights (#4)
season 2, pt 2!! (2x08-2x15)
ugh Matt is really having his Being A Stupid Teenage Boy season huh?
-lol love a good naked dude being chased scene — in this case, Smash on his recruiting trip being chased around by a potential future teammate. Classic.
(it’s kinda cute that Matt came to pick him up tho)
- the latest in season 2 being off the fucking rails: really? Riggins’ new digs include a meth lab on wheels??
-Landry confessing to murdering someone and then having his sheriff dad drag him out of the station to go home is the whitest shit EVER. Like, Landry is literally *trying* to be punished and they just won’t punish his white, cop-kid ass. ‘Murica. (I mean don’t get me wrong: it WAS self defense against someone literally stalking and trying to rape Tyra, but the point still stands that if Landry was a black kid he’d have been tried as an adult and convicted no doubt)
-YESSSSS a MySpace shoutout! we love to see it
“I hate you” - Santiago (and also me) @ Buddy Garrity
-omg Coach Taylor noticing that things aren’t good at home for Riggins and taking him in, my heart!
-Wow in just one scene Riggins charmed baby Grace, warned Tami’s sister not to shame women for eating a lot (“it can lead to anorexia, especially in girls”) and then offered to go out to the store to get baby formula in the pouring rain. What a man.
-and yes, Shelly, you fully grown woman, it IS a bad idea to lust after a TEENAGE BOY
-wow Riggins protecting Julie from the SUPER DRAMATIC TORNADO that made me laugh. Do we get to have a Riggins-Julie friendship??? bc I’d be down. We need more friendships.
-Thank you, Tami, saying “EW” to her sister watching Riggins work out! Someone has sense to know a fully grown woman shouldn’t be lusting after a teenager! Julie can lust if she wants tho, that’s age appropriate.
-DYING at Landry being aghast that Tyra’s never heard of West Side Story.
-oh god, Lyla — it is totally fair to assume your mom would tell your dad she’s getting remarried, especially if she knew you’d be seeing him — so I’m sorry you’re the one who accidentally set off whatever nonsense Buddy is gonna pull now that he knows his ex wife is “marrying that treehugger.”
“Who’s that?” “Some douchebag named Chip. who names their kid Chip anyway?” Same, Tyra, same.
-Landry, one of my biggest pet peeves is asking someone out while they’re on the clock. Like, come on! let Tyra work, boy.
-Jesus Christ it’s like everywhere Julie looks, she has to see Matt making out with someone. That’s rough.
-and oop Matt you busted bc Julie actually knows who Carlotta is!
-once a cheater, always a cheater, Buddy. And yes to Pam for being like “nah bye I’m happy now, it is over.” You treated her like garbage so here we are, sir!
-hilarious that Landry is the one who ends up throwing the first punch that gets the post-tornado, school-crossover tensions to finally boil over
-I like that they show both the fall formal and the party where everyone who didn’t go to the formal is. Nice.
-Aw poor Julie got drunk af to deal with all her feelings. This really is the season where they have Julie and Matt being sixteen year olds in the most painful ways. So maybe it’s good they’re not together during this tho I’m still looking forward to when the tide turns their way again.
-anyway, Tim is a good friend for getting the creep who thought he was “one beer away from getting laid” off of Julie.
-And....in true Texas dad fashion, Eric Taylor misinterprets everything! Noooo. We can’t have nice things.
-This Noelle-Smash partnership is definitely an interesting pairing. Two very ambitious football people courting all these recruiters while Smash’s mom side eyes them in the corner? Hilarious.
-omg not this Oklahoma tech recruiter harassing smash’s mom in the grocery store! GTFO here! Give her some fucking personal space. They really do such a good job of showing as much of the toxic shit about football culture as the inspiring, big moments.
-Aw and I love that Tami tried to help Mama Smash get the guy to go away. It’s such a familiar scene, women helping each other get a dude harassing them away. And then they have a heart to heart in the parking lot? Love that.
-omg what a throwback that Shelly TAPED OVER Eric’s football game to tape a NEW EPISODE of The Office! Love it. “Y’all should get a TiVo.”
-omg watching Tami and Eric work out arguments is so beautiful, they communicate very well! We stan a good marriage.
-wow seeing the other coach from tornado school lose his shit publicly after he knocked down Riggins was uh....wild???? This is the second time he put his hands on Riggins!
-awww Eric actually coming to apologize to riggins for overreacting about Julie when he hears the real story??? Love it.
-Weevil from Veronica Mars shows up as a friend of Santiago’s? Of course.
-WOW and Logan from Gilmore girls as a Christian radio host...tracks.
“Is that your way of telling her you like her?” Jason making a surprisingly astute observation about Tim. (And Lyla.)
-yo why would you invite your daughter’s boyfriend’s family over for dinner just to say they shouldn’t date? (And bc it’s an interracial relationship.) Southern culture is wild to me lol
-wow the racist coach from last season is now off spouting his mouth about how “no wife of mine would be working with a kid at home.” I love that Eric calls him out as sounding stupid and ignorant — you better!
-hearing that Lyla burned her cheerleading uniform is one of the most badass things she’s done so far tbh along with that dealership destruction
-off the rails update: 2x12 was toooo much!! Like, Jesus between Smash’s sister getting harassed at the movie theater by the racists who hate on smash and Noelle...and this plotline with Santiago and his old friends trashing Buddy’s place...it’s like, can we breathe.
-I could not be more excited for Carlotta to leave and another teenage boy with adult woman relationship to end.
-wow can’t believe the plotline where Riggins stole $3000 from a drug dealer isn’t ending well for him. And now Smash is getting arrested bc of those racist guys from the movie theater episode? One recap I read said that too many of this season’s plots feel contrived and I think that sums it up.
-is there any character who HASN’T worked at Buddy Garrity’s dealership at this point?!
-and yikes at all the other salespeople being mad that a salesperson in a wheelchair was hired...y’all mad ugly and ableist for that
-Tyra and Landry are....confusing
-Wait Logan from GG is an actual preacher and not just a Christian radio host? CREEPY. And he kissed Lyla? A lot to unpack there.
-lol Tim trying to woo Lyla is kinda funny to watch simply bc Tim is clearly so confounded by rejection
-I love how much space they give for Smash’s sister’s pain in the Noelle-Smash theater incident. A lesser show wouldn’t have centered her as much.
-is it mean of me to say Jason is boring AF most of the time
-yeah this dreads girl is seemingly way more compatible with Landry than Tyra yikes! Like she made him a power metal mix cd???
-wow this Smash storyline where mouthing off to the press is what gets him suspended....really checks out bc teenage boys are dumb
-I love Tami as a volleyball coach and getting to see another sport! Also as someone who’s been on a losing team I know that feeling of finally winning a game!!! Go Dillon volleyball!!! (Am I maybe currently writing a Bughead fic based on my underdog field hockey experiences? ;) yes yes I am)
-Oh shit now Saracen’s at the nihilistic Nothing Matters phase of teenage angst. Right on schedule!
-lol these two short haired blondes (white dreads Jean and Tyra) being in a love triangle with Landry is wild
-Omg jean just said, “are you a friend or are you competition?” She is not playing!
-I love Riggins dragging Saracen to practice
“I don’t want you to become at an at-risk youth” -Landry teasing Saracen while also sincerely caring about him is some of the best friendship banter on this show. The accuracy 😂
-It seems like Julie gets a lot of hate? But I think I have such a soft spot for Julie bc I was a bitchy teenager with undiagnosed mental health disorders and I just wish so much #growth for her! Also I really do miss her and Saracen’s relationship, I’m so excited I’m almost at S3 where it seems like it’s happening again?
-LOL this guy at the dmv is the first person in Dillon to be like, “no I hate football.” That tracks.
-wow Saracen is getting driven to the hospital to make sure his grandma is okay by the sex worker who was just giving him a lap dance. Amazing.
-also I hope grandma is okay!
-okay Tyra throwing her hat in the ring for Landry at the last minute? Idk I think Jean deserves the win but there’s no way it’ll happen bc she’s a guest actor?!
-awww Saracen’s abandonment issues coming out whiles he in the tub after being sobered up by Eric Taylor. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” 😭 and “your daughter left me for a better guy” - will take that crumb — first mention of Julie out of Saracen’s mouth in a minute
-hey, Landry, my friend: flirting with a girl (Jean) to get her outside then dumping her immediately is kind of a wild bait and switch. But I get it, he’s been in love with Tyra for a long time and Tyra IS right — they had a very fucked up start to their relationship so it makes sense she needed a minute to process her ~feelings~. however I definitely identified closer to a jean in my high school experience L O L (minus the unacceptable white dreads)
-these Julie and Tami driving scenes are painfully accurate, btw. Love them.
-wow the scene of Smash hyping everyone up, the adrenaline/energy of the team cheering with helmets and a classic “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” - then the whole team running out onto the field and leaving an empty locker room with just Smash breaking down into tears....#art
-alright y’all I’m gearing up for the last episode of S2! Thanks to @lockitin for reminding me this is the writers’ strike season — I was in eighth grade then and remember being pissedddd about the shortened fourth season of “the office” — so I’m fully prepared for the abruptness to come.
-I love when they parallel showing the white church and the black church
-and Tim going to church just to see Lyla makes me laugh
-ooooof Jason you cannot put on this waitress you had a one night stand with the fact that this could be your only chance to have a baby!!! Omg this poor woman who just pointed out she, too, is NINETEEN.
-wait so is Riggins doing a sports show on a Christian radio station? What?
“I think you’re really hot. Your long hair reminds me of Jesus” -Christian girls being horny for Riggins LOL
-awww Saracen being like “okay Landry you’re gonna impress Tyra right now” before that football play was a cute friendship moment for those two
-aww I love how this Smash storyline is turning out with Coach Deeks whose had his eye on him for six years my heart 😭
-also unclear to me whether Logan Huntzberger the Preacher is a fully grown adult dating a high school senior?? Biggest teen drama pet peeve once again! Stop this!
-Tami is my heroine for just leaving Eric at the restaurant fighting with her ex. “see you at home, honey!”
-I’m sorry, is Jason gonna like actually convince this girl to have a baby with her one night stand at 19??? Oh lol wait THAT ended up being the cliffhanger of the whole season? Fucking hilarious.
well I made it through season 2!!! Super psyched for Season 3, Jay has been hyping me up for it. See y’all next time! (I’ll try to post more for season 3 bc this accidentally got long af.)
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