#like yes the mad dog is a persona
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I finished the first and second game and moved onto the third game, finished that and now I'm on the fourth but I can't get over how much calmer and more normal Majima is in general but especially with Kiryu, where's all the obsession gone?
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olivermorningstar · 1 month
For the oc ask - ⭐ and 🌠
No OC offered, so I will be working with IkeVil Oliver.
⭐ - What do people assume about your OC? Do they question the quality of their character? 
It really depends on if you know Oliver as a huntsman or as a cursed individual.
If you only know Oliver through his professional appearances, then you would assume he was a rather upstanding man. He's always on time, he delivers the best pelts he can, he is very polite and to the point. He doesn't dwell on unnecessary topics as, well, we're both just here for business, yes? Let's get on with it.
If you know Oliver's curse at the very least, then you'd think he's a mad dog. He is not a nice opponent to go up against as he is not above dirty tricks and using whatever advantages he can get as he is often smaller than his opponents a decent bit weaker. Not to mention there is the fact that he seems to be looking at everyone ravenously... Despite this, he is in control of himself, he's only acting a persona at that point to get his work done.
🌠 - What is your OC’s greatest desire and how far are they willing to go to obtain it? 
Before Crown, Oliver didn't really think of much beyond survival. It was day to day for him with clients mixed in somewhere between his meals and his work.
Since he now has more free time and less to do, he has been thinking more about what he wants. He knows he doesn't want to work for Jude forever, and perhaps being a huntsman is not something he wants to do either. So what can he do? He used to be a noblewoman and he hated that, so he doesn't want to go back.
At the moment, he's exploring options and trying to figure out who he is beyond his past and his curse. The likely answer is that he would like to go to school, as that was not afforded to him previously. He would likely get really into a field of study and wish to share that with others.
But as for his work with Crown, he has a chance to hurt some truly awful people. He doesn't care for the royal family, or for the Empire much in general, but he found a way to keep himself fed and to make sure those that prey upon the weak have a boogeyman to watch out for. If William is a poison to those who abuse power, Oliver is the pair of hungry teeth ready to pounce and devour them whole. He can enjoy that kind of work.
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apple-flavored-autism · 8 months
HELLOOOO! This is Lampkeeper! And welcome to my corner of the universe~!
Lil bio:
Name: Atticus / Lee
Gender: three feral rats with rabies in a trenchcoat
Pronouns: any!! I don't care!!
Lamps: 100000003067 lamps
Sexual orientation: asexual
Romantic orientation: aromantic + homoro-oriented (gay asf)
Likes: Fandoms (preferably small fandoms), food (specifically chicken nuggets), sleeping, lamps, goobers, cats, salmon, winter, dragons (will ramble for hours), b r e a d, sweaters!!!
Dislikes: Loud noises, excited dogs, pollen (is allergic), mosquitos (VERY allergic), strong spices, lots of clothes, summer.
Special interests: Dragons, cats, I Expect You To Die, Portal, The Stanley Parable, Rise of the TMNT, Megamind (somehow), science in general.
Kinned characters: Donnie (ROTTMNT), The Narrator (TSP), Wheatley (Portal 2), Pheonix (IEYTD), Megamind (c'mon, you know this one), William Afton (FNAF- don't ask.), The Spot (Spider-man ATSV)
Physical features: Long-ish dark brown hair, tanish skin despite rarely going outside, brown eyes, 5 feet 6 inches tall, often wears casual clothing but wears a skirt on Sunday, depending on who he's with, he almost never smiles.
Notes: Was never tested for autism or ADHD, but has a strong belief he has both (with research to back him up). Staying with the label neurotypical until the belief is strong enough to self-diagnose. DEFINITELY has anxiety. Might also be dyslexic- constantly misreads words. Is also a therian + otherkin; cat therian + duck therian (WILL meow and WILL purr, don't blame him) + dragon otherkin (WILL roar and WILL hiss). Has an odd belief he's not human.
Will there be a "meet the artist" drawing soon? Yes, yes there will be. Will I draw myself accurate to my IRL self? Yes. Yes I will. Will I also draw my little alien persona? Yes. In several ways. Will I draw my fursona and his two halves? Absolutely.
For Roleplay under the cut!! vvvv
Blue text is for when Agent Felix talks
Purple text is for when Lampkeeper talks
Classic text is when I/The Narrator am speaking
Red text for Dr. Zor, Orange text for Hivemind, Yellow text for Charlie Caliente, Green text for John Juniper.
These all take place in the IEYTD universe.
Felix lore:
Agent Felix joined Zoraxis's team when he was just a little kid, probably about third grade. If he went to school, lol, which he didn't.
He just wandered around a town all day, doing whatever he could to learn. Zor found him- Zor was about mid-thirties at the time- and just straight up adopted Felix. Zor gave Felix lessons on basic stuff like reading, math, etc., basically just all the elementary school stuff- except it only took 2 years. Zor, obviously, was surprised so he gave Felix some options and Felix chose technology.
Zor gave him everything he could to Felix on the subject, and by age 12, Felix had the technology expertise as a mad scientist. Felix started doodling after Zor adopted him, the doodles being very happy in general. Over time, they got.. concerning.. and Zor didn't know what to do about that.
Eventually, as more people joined Zoraxis, the more Felix was left alone with his little inventions. Occasionally, Zor, Hivemind and Charlie visited him (and were the only ones that celebrated his birthday), rarely Solaris for business. Felix loved Hivemind and Charlie like family.
The death engine was built when Felix was thirteen years old, him being oblivious to what he and Solaris were building. Agent Pheonix had seen him during Operation: Seat of Power, and recognized him as a kid.
When the death engine fired for the first time, Felix was devastated. Maybe a bit traumatized. He hated himself for being so oblivious to what he built. He didn't talk, eat or anything for days, even after he heard that Agent Pheonix had stopped the Death Engine. In fact, Felix felt worse becuase people had died.
Pheonix came back after a day or two of recovery and brought Felix to the agency. The agency convinced Felix to join (hesitantly) and almost gave up after ten minutes until Felix finally said one word: "okay". His mental recovery lasted 2 weeks, his fourteenth birthday two days after. His drawings started returning to a happier-looking state during the time. Felix waited a month and a half for agent training to begin, and when it did, it was too slow to match his learning pace. Regardless, he did what he was told without complaint. ...until they gave him a bomb to diffuse.
They knew perfectly well he couldn't diffuse bombs. They gave him one anyways. He had to run to other agents to find someone who could diffuse bombs. Felix was trying to figure out for days why they gave him a bomb. No clear answer was found.
Felix often has regrets leaving Zoraxis, since he misses everyone and he misses being useful. Usually he just looks at his shirt and he no longer has regrets, but recently it hasn't been working. He has a lot of conflicting emotions. He tries to stop the regrets by telling him stuff like "it feels great to be good" (as you know) and stuff like that. They've been working, but not much. The agency is constantly worried he'll switch sides again, but they don't know what to do about it since they don't want to get near him.
Felix doesn't know it, but Zor, Hivemind and Charlie miss him. Zor has had his eyes on Felix since he left and has been hoping he'd come back. The whole John Juniper thing was half-planned in hopes Felix would be sent on a mission. (I'm listening to This Is What Autumn Feels Like right now and it's throwing ideas like this at me ashgdhwhdhend)
Then Felix gets kidnapped, he runs away, you know the drill if you were reading/involved in it. He came back worse than before, almost back to his old state after the death engine. His memory was a little more messed up and he has major trust issues.
The end :]
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
ITS ABSOLUTELY DIVINE THAT YOU MADE THE CUNOESSE BLOG!!! i was just thinking about the klaasjeruby + cunoesse dynamic. (btw the asks on that blog so im dropping this heeeere)
first of all, i think cunoesse would absorb ruby's personality. bc in this au cuno (in her eyes) betrayed her, she is probably very possesive of ruby once they actually bond. can absolutely see her changing her name to something that sounds like ruby (ruin? rue as in rue the day? ruby calls her kangaroo once and gets hissed at) and then like. having an identity crisis because she learns ruby isn't a natural ginger. cunoesse may feel shut out because ruby will not tell her things that cuno would have done (nightmares, for example) while ruby is just trying to be The One Decent Adult This Kid Has Ever Seen
would she view klaasje as competition? i think the inevitable answer is yes, because klaasje has the 'upper hand' as both knowing ruby beforehand and being an adult. and again, by being scarred from cuno betraying her, c might view ruby's kindess as conditional, and would attempts to like...become ruby's guard dog???? as in, if klaasje does something to make ruby upset or annoyed, cunoesse is on high alert. to klaasje, its a mix of eventual fondess for c as well as apprehension, because a child tailing after a moralintern fugitive and a la puta madre run away is a massive vunerability.
i think she ends up transing c's gender though. c asks her how she slips through so many different persona's, and she gives some poetic metaphor about consuming the previous self to sustain the future, only for c to go 'i have to eat cuno's gender. got it 👍'
kicking my feet in delight as i listen to all of this . love the idea of her eating cunos gender
VERY fun interpretations of the way things could go when c runs aaway with ruby i loooooove the kangaroo bit lol. in my version of events ruby doesnt run away with klaasje, i dont really see them together bc klassje did ruby SOOOOOO fucking dirty (it was for survival ofc and shes got her own shit going on but for the sake of au. its ruby c roadtrip time)
i think the two dye their hair together in a truckstop bathroom and c goes with a crazy color. maybe blue or something. something that when she looks in the mirror it doesnt remind her of cuno anymore. its amazing how much a color can change a person entirely. ruby dyes her hair too for safety since shes on the run but she helps out c with the entire process
i think now that c has a good role model (ruby is KIND she is SELFLESS she is GENEROUS she is CONSIDERATE she is BUTCH AND AWESOME) (also hell now she just has. any role model in her life.) she doesnt exactly mellow out but ruby helps her in a lot of ways. she still will wake up screaming in the night and will curse out ruby when shes scared or mad and sometimes will regress and pretend shes a creature to cope again. but now shes got an adult in her life that cares about her
its a process that the two get to know each other by, c doesnt want to talk about her shit and ruby doesnt appreciate being called a dyke every other sentence. they for SURE have a tough time adjusting. but they adjust. because what else are they going to do?
ruby probably knows how it is to be a little girl thats scared. we dont know a ton about her past but i would imagine that she was probably the type that was visibly queer from a young age and learned that this was not a world that was made with her in mind. and it wasnt made for c either. they both know how to run and theyre running together instead of running with people who dont help them get better. c is just a kid and shes a kid who deserves better. the two really help each other.
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dipplinduo · 5 months
I'm so sorry this isn't pokemon related at all but I gotta know which t swift albums are your faves lmao 👀 (I'm forever stuck in the folklore/evermore days 🤎)
Okay. I am pretty rigid on keeping the blog pokemon-related, but you, dear anon, have asked me about something that I love more than anything else.
So I'm gonna just go wild with this and give you more than you asked for because frankly I am one of the biggest swifities on this Earth and honestly squeal any time I get the opportunity to talk about Taylor's music because of how much of a massive impact it has had on me. I get nervous with each drop but, without fail? Each and every album, in order, tends to follow themes in my life and somehow encapsulates a lot of what I'm going through in some way. I love each of these albums in their own way, and it's a bit hard to give them rankings. Less favorites are still very much favorites though!
1 - reputation
Holy trinity: I Did Something Bad; Don't Blame Me; New Year's Day Honorable mentions: literally every other song
This album was a torniquet for me, and even when I'm not fully relating to it emotionally as much it may just be permanently cemented in my heart and soul as the top dog because of how monumental it was to me. It dropped at a time in my life when I was reallllyyy going through it, and a lot of the overarching narrative of "I will survive this tooth and nail for better days, even if my dignity is lost" resonated hard. I think the presentation and marketing of this album was utterly genius (reclaiming the narratives, sound production/lyrical risks and imagery that were executed JUST right, the MERCH REFERENCES, the "bombastic, external persona" that transitions to "this is the real me behind closed doors; I found and cherish what's truly important and that's all that really matters", etc.) was just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. IDSM AMA 2018 performance is also the best live performance ever, forever obsessed. Overall, this album is the one I turn to whenever life is hard and I want to fan the flames of resilience.
2 - evermore
Holy trinity: coney island; tolerate It; 'tis the damn
Honorable mentions: champagne problems; gold rush; long story short; Willow
God, I love evermore. Didn't even realize how much I did until the past year or so. I have a lot of deep cuts on this album, and like folklore, it was just SO awesome to have albums where the general public could see more of Taylor's quill pen songwriting on full display (although glitter gel pen songs are EQUALLY cool). I love the maturity behind this album and it actually taught me how to fall in love with the colder seasons and weather. Coney Island specifically lowers my blood pressure like no other song has ever done and I can't even tell you fully why; it's so surreal and serene to listen to on planes. And tolerate it? CHRIST. When I revisited it as I went through some of it in real time, OOOF. DIFFERENT LEVEL OF RESPECT. It is def in my top 5 songs. 3 - folklore
Holy trinity: caridgan; the 1; hoax
Honorable mentions: my tears richochet; mad woman; the lakes; peace; invisible string; august
CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN. Rep is my favorite album, but cardigan is my favorite song ohmygooood. Never have I ever felt something epitomize my life experiences and personhood - it quite literally feels like an encapsulation of my soul. I feel very spoiled that it got to be a single and mv - just absolutely stunning. Personally, I connect this song to a return to lost childhood innocence. And I am proud to say I own one of the original original cardigans and the only way you can separate it from me is by prying it from my cold, dead hands. BUT YES, FOLKLORE IS ELITE. The storytelling on this album is next level and the surprise drop of such intricate thought during the height of the pandemic was very needed. Hoax is an oddly specific lullaby for me because it was a specific comfort to me at one night. The 1 is just ooOOOOF also.
4 - Lover
Holy trinity: All Of The Girls You Loved Before; Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Cornelia Street
Honorable Mentions: False God; Cruel Summer; I Think He Knows; Daylight
I honestly don't give this album enough credit because I resonate a lot with its visuals and messages. It is def a bit more slapped together than others, but I do like the symbolism in that. Lover is about all forms of love (romantic, familial, platonic, self-based) and I often times get told by irl peeps that this alongside the folkmore albums are the kinds of energies I tend to emit lol. Daylight in particular has one of the most fire TS quotes at her adlib at the end with the whole "You are what you love" thing, and GOD. Any time I think of it or hear it I re-evaluate a lot to make sure I can live by it. Fun fact: revisiting the song is how I ended 2023, and it was the trigger that made me decide to write fanfiction & start this blog, because it's important to follow all sorts of things that make you happy! <3
5 - 1989 (TV)
Holy trinity: New Romantics; Say Don't Go; I Know Places
Honorable Mentions: Bad Blood (both versions; fight me); YOU ARE IN LOVE UGH; Is It Over Now?; Style; Clean
This album is pop perfection and I think every Swiftie can agree on that universally even if you're not a big fan of 1989. But ooohhh my gosh, this album set me free when it came out. There are so many positive messages about expressing yourself, leaning into the messes of life, and also, just letting yourself loosen up a bit. I was in a bit of an angsty emo phase when the og came out (lol) and Taylor's bubbliness challenged me in a great way and helped me get a bit of my sunshine back. It was my second most anticipated TV re-release, and the vault tracks DID not disappoint. Now that I'm more in the range of what Taylor was reflecting on at the time, too? OOF. DO I FEEL MORE CONNECTED THAN BEFORE.
6 - Fearless (TV)
Holy trinity: Mr. Perfectly Fine; The Way I Loved You; Forever & Always (Piano Version) Honorable Mentions: Change; You're Not Sorry; White Horse; Fifteen; The Best Day; You Belong With Me
Gosh. Fearless. FEARLESS. This album just stands out to me as such an homage to my childhood in a lot of different ways - but more so of the braver side of me in it. I absolutely love the imagery and dramatics of this album and feel like its just a bucket of sunshine and golden stars and warmth. It takes me back to simpler days, and I love love love how Mr. Perfectly Fine leans straight into some of the bangers I really loved on the og. This is more of a sunshiny fire album to me.
7- Midnights
Holy trinity: You're Losing Me; Dear Reader; Bejeweled (new! lmao)
Honorable Mentions: You're On Your Own, Kid; Would've Could've Should've; Lavender Haze; Anti-Hero; Midnight Rain; Mastermind; Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Ray)
This album is very dreary in a lot of ways, and jeez, I needed it when it first came out. Happy to say I went from more of a "Dear Reader" vibe to a "Bejeweled" vibe from release to now. I love the concept behind it so much and it's interesting to be able to relate to the "coming out of the dread" side thats sprinkled in here and there. It speaks to the more "stormy" parts of me that I tend to hide from others, and I really relate to TS's portrayal of it given her own general outward disposition.
8 - Red (TV)
Holy trinity: All Too Well 10 Minute Version; I Knew You Were Trouble; Begin Again
Honorable Mentions: Better Man; Girl At Home (fight me); Nothing New; Sad Beautiful Tragic; Treacherous
Okaayyy, THIS is the fall album. And we're getting to the point where these beautiful albums LOOK like they're ranked low, but the favoritism is still very much high regardless. God, ATWTMV took ATW and added a whole MAGNITUTE of maturity and retrospect that really speaks to a personal experience that I've had. I am beyond grateful that we finally got it and younger me would be screaming in disbelief!! LOL. But yeah, this album is what I turn to for heartbreak at times (more so of messy, fast and quick kind of feelings), and Begin Again is very relegable as a spiritual palette cleanser. The red scarf is one of my other favorite merch items I own.
9 - Speak Now (TV)
Holy trinity: Castles Crumbling; Mean; Haunted
Honorable mentions: Foolish One; Back to December; Enchanted; Better Than Revenge (lol og lowkey); Ours (MH ruined this one for me temporarily); I Can See You
This album is another childhood reminder type of album because of how whimsical and fairytale-esque it is, but I'll admit that Fearless (TV) is a little closer to my heart. Castles Crumbling though???? OH. MY. GOD. That had my jaw to the ground and is def in the top 10. What a tragedy to add to SPEAK NOW of all albums, and what nightmarish foresight Taylor must've had to compose it way back when. Haunted also speaks to my soul but more in a familial kind of way, and Mean? Mean is the spiteful little child in me LOL.
10 - Taylor Swift
Holy Trinity: Should've Said No; Tied Together With a Smile; Cold As You
Honorable Mentions: The Outside; A Place in This World; Picture To Burn
I'm ngl! This album I'm probably much more disconnected with compared to others despite me being a big Swiftie. Most of this is because I wasn't fully a fan when this came out, and country music isn't really my kind of jam. I'm very curious about how the TV is going to be handled and I think it's going to grow on me a bit more. Nonetheless, the holy trinity is elite and Should've Said No/Bad Blood mashup during the rep tour changed me as a person. One day I shall yee the haw here.
This was a lot of fun to share (and I know you didn't fully ask for this but HERE YA GO LOL), TS is my kryptonite and my everything and I hope you enjoyed. :) <3
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queenofsarcazm · 2 years
Smaug’s Daughter
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Thranduil X OC/READER
Spicy, fix-it, dragon-shifter fanfic!
A daydream turns into reality for reader who finds herself mated to Thranduil in Middle Earth. Fic follows reader through the events that transpire in the Hobbit while she struggles to manage a relationship to a stubborn king while trying to save those who shouldn't have died in the hobbit! Plenty of NSFW and happy endings always!
Chapter 1:
I was trying to fall asleep and I’d tried all of the tricks without success. I’d opened the window so the room was cold even though I’d probably wake up with a cold. I’d tried breathing exercises: Breathing in for 5 seconds, then holding it for 5 and then breathing out for 5. I’d even counted backwards from 200 in spanish. And I was no closer to falling asleep than my dog, who was sleeping in my bed with me of course, was close to sitting up and talking to me. 
Aaaa. I really ought to fall asleep soon so I would be able to get up early tomorrow and get started on my essay. It was due at midnight.
Well, there was that last thing I could do, although I shouldn’t… Considering I had recently been diagnosed with not only ADHD, but also maladaptive daydreaming disorder, my therapist had advised me to ease down on the daydreaming before sleep. But my phone revealed the time was nearing 2AM and I was getting desperate. Besides, my therapist had said to ease down, not immediately stop? Right? Right.
Okay: Snuggling into my multiple duvets I closed my eyes again to plan the daydream that I could fall asleep to. Since I had watched the first and second Hobbit movies before going to bed, that was where my mind went. More specifically, towards Thranduil. I had been obsessed with him for years now. I’d probably scrounged through all the fanfictions on AO3 involving him. But no fic ever managed to scratch that specific itch of what I needed from him. Not that the fics were poorly written, not at all - most authors on AO3 wrote better than published books I’d read, but what I wanted always felt like the missing piece in a puzzle, many other pieces were good, great even and I tried them all but I could never quite find the one who fit. And you know what they say: If you can’t find it, write it. Well, I couldn’t pull up my computer now, then I’d never fall asleep. Second best to writing was just imagining it in your head.
So to that, I couldn’t just barge into the Woodland Realm, couldn’t just go knocking on the door expecting to bang Thranduil without further ado. No, that wouldn’t be realistic. I had to have a reason. I had to create a persona. A backstory for myself in Middle-Earth. I had to be someone that he would fuck.
So who would I be? Elf had always been the obvious choice, but for this particular daydream I found it too mundane. I wanted to be something else. Someone more interesting.
I had recently gotten into reading a particularly smutty series about dragons-shifting-men. Dragons who had one true mate. Hmmm. Of course, Thranduil couldn’t be the dragon. I had to be the dragon. Me being a dragon would make for extremely intriguing drama considering Thranduil hated them so.
But I couldn’t just be any dragon, it had to make sense for the story. My mind immediately jumped to Smaug, but he wouldn’t exactly make the best fatherly figure. Hmm. Maybe he went mad when my mother died dramatically because they were mates? Speaking of which: maybe my mother was elven? Yes. I could be half dragon and half elven. Perfect. I could be raised by Beorn since he also was a skin-changer and that is also where I would meet Thorin & company. The fact that I was Smaug’s daughter would be problematic, but I’d get to that later. Obviously I’d go with Thorin & company into the forest. We would be taken by the elves and then I would get to meet Thranduil who would be my mate and so the moment he laid eyes on me he would be affected because I would go into heat. My pheromones would drive him crazy until he had to have me. And considering I was half dragon he would probably hate-fuck me into oblivion because he hates dragons. Yes. It was all coming together now… Through my intensive daydreaming planning I found myself increasingly more sleepy and horny by the second.
I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep until I woke myself up the next morning by a loud snore - one that probably came from me - I huffed at no one in particular and snuggled deeper into my bed. Somehow, it didn’t feel as soft as the day before, but I was too drowsy to notice much.
There was a big bang, ripping me out of my slumber, making me fall out of my bed in shock. My butt hit the stone cold floor. Someone was trying to break in! Jumping to my feet I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I did not recognize anything. This was not my bedroom. Where the hell was I? The banging on the door continued. It sounded as if no small army was trying to break into the house I was currently in. My heart beat frantically as I tried to prepare for… I don’t even know what. Looking around the house gave little clue to where the fuck I was at. The house looked as if built for a giant. A giant in the 1500s or something: There was no electric light anywhere, no fridge, no radio, no nothing that came from the 21st century that I lived in. There were two cows with horns and a horse just chilling in the living room, but they didn’t seem to care much about the intruders. Was I in a barn? But then why was there a bed here and why had I been sleeping in it? I only managed to grab a broom before a set of tall doors opened, letting in a myriad of short people with long hair. They were all screaming and yelling as if the devil himself was chasing them.
I quickly understood why they were acting in such a way when a giant bear-wolf-like creature stuck its head through the doors and roared. I retreated until my back hit the wall, clutching the broom as if my life depended on it. There should be laws against this happening to someone who’d just woken up. It wasn’t until they managed to close the doors that I realized the short people were accompanied by a tall one. One that I would recognize anywhere. It was Gandalf. What the fuck?
They all drew a breath of relief when the doors were sufficiently closed and I hid demonstratively behind a bookshelf.
“What was that?” One of the little people yelled out. Dwarves I realized, not just any little people. And not just any Dwarves. Thorin Oakenshield’s dwarves. I was in the plot of the Hobbit.  I was dreaming. I must be. Lucid dreaming! How exciting!
“That is our host-” Gandalf declared. His gruffy voice was just like in the movies. The dwarves looked stunned. Beorn, I remembered. So if this dream was going according to how I’d planned, then I was his adoptive daughter. I was half dragon, half elf. I lifted my hand to my ear. Pointy. Nice. Shit, I hoped my alarm wouldn’t ring until I’d get to meet Thranduil. “His name is Beorn.” Gandalf continued before pausing dramatically. “He is a skin-changer.” Skin-changer. Just like me. I wondered how I would change into a dragon. I looked down at my hands. They looked the same. My nails were a bit dirtier than I would like and I had some cuts and bruises, but both my hands had the right amount of fingers. I was wearing practical clothes, reminiscent of what Aragorn wore and my hair was flowing down my shoulders, big red and messy. Wait, red? I wasn’t exactly a redhead back in real life, and I couldn’t remember scripting it either… Alas, I had bigger worries.
“Sometimes, he is a huge black bear. Sometimes, he is a great, strong man.” Gandalf explained as he walked further into the house. When should I make my presence known? Some of the dwarves walked into the kitchen area, but Gandalf was approaching my hiding spot past the cows. “The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overly fond of dwarves.”
Outside the house, Beorn growled menacingly. “He’s leaving.” One of the dwarves with orange hair and beard said. Ori, if I were to guess. “Come away from there.” A dwarf with nicely braided gray hair hissed, pulling Ori away from the door. Probably Dori, one of his brothers. “It’s not natural. None of it! It’s obvious. He’s under some dark spell!’” He added. I swallowed. How the hell would I convince Thorin & Company to bring me along if they thought skin-changing was messed up? Not to mention that I didn’t know anything about fighting. I didn’t even know how to change.
“Don’t be a fool.” Gandalf scoffed. “He’s under no enchantment but his own.” I took a deep breath. Okay, maybe I could talk sense with Gandalf. The tall wizard took off his pointy hat. “All right, now, get some sleep, all of you. You’ll be safe here tonight.” He said, then he sighed. “I hope.” Only I could hear the last part. But they still hadn’t found me.
Knowing Beorn was staying guard out there so that the Orcs wouldn’t kill the dwarves in the middle of the night was at least a little comforting. I had no wish to meet Azog and his fugly offspring whose name I couldn’t remember.
The dwarves did what they do best. Eat and sleep. I stayed put, still debating how to handle the situation. Many hours of snoring passed, the sun was about to come up, and still I couldn’t make my mind up. But I should act soon, lest my phone wake me from my favorite universe. I’d already wasted enough time. As I took a careful step from behind the shelf I caught a glimpse of Bilbo who sat up and casually pulled out a ring, the ring. He beheld it as if it wasn’t the one fucking ring. I nearly gasped, but put a hand over my mouth just in time. I could hear it calling for me. Could feel the pull of it. Shit, that meant it would be able to brainwash me, right? Gods, I wanted no part in that. I turned so that I could sneak out through the window in order to put distance between the ring and myself. On the way there I promptly stumbled over one of the dwarves who lay sleeping. Bilbo hurriedly put the ring away as I tried to stay on my feet by grabbing anything and everything within reach. This of course only created a ruckus as I and all the things I’d tried to grab crashed to the floor onto the dwarf who was sleeping there. I’d only made contact with the dwarf’s body before he awoke with a start and turned us around quickly as lightning, putting an ax to my throat as if he’d been sleeping with it under his pillow. All the dwarves were waking up now, shouting and yelling, ready for a fight.
I couldn’t blame them. It would be impressive to not wake up due to all the commotion I’d stupidly created. I laid there, breathless as I stared into the shiny gray eyes of the one and only Thorin Oakenshield, while he had the ax to my throat, basically straddling me. And at the same time that I was silently freaking out about him, He was looking at me as if he’d seen a unicorn.
“An intruder!” A dwarf exclaimed before another shouted: “Who is it?” I couldn’t take my eyes away from Thorin, couldn’t even blink. He, in turn, didn’t take his eyes off of me either. Was it wrong of me to find the situation slightly arousing? The look Thorin was sending me was making heat pool in my lower stomach and I quite liked the whole ax to my throat thing. It was hot. I probably couldn’t throw him off if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to. Though I was taller, he was heavier. But not uncomfortably heavy. Just the right amount of heavy.
“An elf.” Thorin said. His baritone voice reverberated delightfully through my body. There was outrage among the dwarves, but they didn’t sound as if they wanted to kill me. Maybe they just thought I was a spy of some sort? The doors opened once again then and the tallest man I had ever seen walked in, breathing heavily. Beorn presumably. In real life he was played by an incredibly hot actor. But in Middle Earth he looked more like a caveman. The dwarves scattered, understandably.
“Get off my daughter.” Beorn said. His voice was calm, but his whole aura gave off a no-nonsense type of vibe. There were several gasps among the dwarves. Thorin looked puzzled, but moved the ax away from my neck and got to his feet. He stretched out a hand towards me and I took it. He basically pulled my whole body off of the ground as if I weighed nothing. When I came to stand it was as if his body shrinked. No, it was just me who was taller. In real life I stood about 5’6 feet off the ground, but I had to be taller in this dream as his head was about the same height as my boobs. Realizing I was still holding onto his hand, I felt my cheeks grow warm and quickly let go. “Sorry.”
“It is I who should apologize.” Thorin said. He wasn’t as out of it as I, but he was definitely affected by me in some way.
“That’s alright.” I gave him a small smile before I turned to Beorn. ���Breakfast? I bet everyone is super hungry and has lots to tell us.” I hoped it didn’t sound as conspicuous to their ears as it did to mine. I knew exactly what the dwarves were here for after all. Had seen it a million times.
“Very well.” Beorn replied. Confidently, as if I knew exactly where everything was in this house, I walked over to the dining area and started making the table as if this was all natural and I had lived here for 24 years. Beorn went to milk the cows and the dwarves started helping me plate, while the others packed up their stuff. When all the food was on the table and Beorn was done milking, everyone sat down. I found myself seated between Fili and Kili who looked at me when they thought I wasn’t looking. It was endearing. They were also extremely handsome up close. My fingers itched to touch their hair for some reason. Obviously I knew that would be considered strange and rude and held my hands to myself.
“So you are the one they call Oakenshield.” Beorn started, pouring milk from a giant container, that was probably half the size of Thorin, into huge wooden cups. I had found a couple cups, plates and cutlery that were smaller - indicating that someone smaller lived here: Me. “Tell me,” Beorn's eyes found me before he turned back to Thorin who was sitting with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Why is Azog the Definer hunting you?”
“You know of Azog?” Thorin was visibly shook, as I would say. Everyone was eating quietly, watching the conversation between my adoptive father and their king. But many looks were thrown my way, as if they could not avoid looking at me. I really ought to find a mirror to assess what I looked like. I hoped I wasn’t as hairy as Beorn. That would be difficult for Thranduil to swallow, I imagined.
“My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the Orcs came down from the North. The Defiler killed most of my family.” Again, most of the dwarves looked at me. I lifted my cup of milk, though I did not much like milk, just to have something to do with my hands. “But some he enslaved.” Beorn added. Poor Beorn. I, and everyone else, noticed the cuff still on his hands. Gods, had we never attempted to take it off? What an awful reminder it must be. “Not for work, you understand, but for sport.” The mouthful of milk I’d just drunk tasted sour in my mouth at what he said. What an awful motherfucker Azog was. I couldn’t wait for him to die. “Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him.” I visibly vinced. Was that how he and I had met? I hoped not.
“There are others like you?” Someone asked.
“Once there were many.” Beorn said. I could sense how sad that sentence made him.
“And now?” It was Bilbo who asked.
Beorn looked at me. I swallowed and managed the tiniest shake of my head. I didn’t want him to just blurt it out like this. There had to be a better way to explain it. I would never get to Mirkwood if they knew I was a dragon. And not just any dragon. The daughter of Smaug. That would not bode well.
Thankfully, Beorn was a good actor. “Now there is only one.” He replied sadly. I hoped no one had seen our little interaction. If they had, they didn’t mention it.
“You need to reach the mountain before the last day of autumn.” Beorn went on.
“Before Durin’s Day falls, yes.” Gandalf agreed. I couldn’t remember him saying that, but I knew what it meant. “You are running out of time.” I said, my voice steady.
“Which is why we must go through Mirkwood.” Gandalf said.
“A darkness lies upon that forest. Foul things creep beneath those trees.” Beorn replied. Shit, did that mean he would not let me go? “There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there except in great need.” My adoptive father added. I held my tongue. How would I convince them to let me join them? Any of them?
The dwarves bore crestfallen expressions on their bearded faces. “We will take the elven road. That path is still safe.” Gandalf seemed the only one with hope intact.
“Safe?” Beorn scoffed. “The Wood Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They’re less wise. And more dangerous.” He gave me a pointed look. I hadn’t fully planned out what kind of elf my mother was. But I’m guessing she was not from Mirkwood then. Or maybe she was? I ought to have a good long conversation with Beorn before leaving so I could get my story straight.
“But it matters not...” Beorn continued, moving his scrutinizing gaze from me to Thorin who’d gotten up from his seat. “These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive.” Beorn got up from his seat. He hadn’t blinked in ages. I wondered what I was supposed to call him. Not by his first name surely? Surely I called him dad? If this was my dream that I controlled I would call him dad. He’d raised me. It was what he was.
“I don’t like Dwarves.” Beorn said, getting up from his seat. Rising to his probably like 9 feet. I gasped. Not at his height but at what he was saying. “They’re greedy. And blind. Blind to the lives of those that they deem lesser than their own.” That was. That was really rude!
“Dad. You can’t just-” I interjected. Beorn was nearing Thorin, but stopped to pick up a mouse from the table as if to underline his point. He sighed and turned to me. “But Orcs I hate more.”
“What do you need?” He asked Thorin then and I visibly relaxed even though I knew he would help them.
While the dwarves started cleaning up after the meal I followed Beorn, my dad, out to ready the horses.
“You wish to join them.” He stated when we had made it to the stables, out of hearing reach. Could he read my mind? I opened my mouth to protest, but he was right. I did want to join them. I closed my mouth and nodded instead.
“What do you think they will say if they find out you are not only a Dragon, but Smaug’s daughter?” He asked. His voice was calm, but I could see the tension in his hands as he was sadling the ponies.
“I am your daughter.” I said.
A brief smile danced upon his lips. “That you are.” He put the saddle on another pony before he turned towards me again, lifting a hand to gently caress my cheek. “Arien, my beautiful daughter. Have you thought this through?” He asked. My heart skipped a beat. In real life I wasn’t particularly close with either of my parents, and the way Beorn was looking at me was making me want to cry and be held by him. If I did that, however, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever stop crying. I realized he’d called me Arien. In my planning, I hadn’t gotten as far as to pick a name, but Arien was a nice name. I hadn’t heard of it before, but it sounded elven. I generally had a pretty awful memory though, so she could be an important figure. How I was remembering the plot of the Hobbit so vividly detailed was baffling.
I swallowed and then cleared my voice so that it would not falter. “I wish to help.” I said, realizing just how true that was. It was more than just wanting to fuck Thranduil already. How could it not be? In this dream I might have the chance to prevent some deaths, hopefully many. I could do some good. For some reason I also had a feeling that if I showed up in my Dragon form, then Smaug would leave. I did not think he would harm his daughter. If I was able to stay asleep for that long. But time surely had to pass differently here than in real life. I’d had many dreams that had lasted for what seemed like long periods of time, but none of those had been like this; lucid.
Beorn nodded. He looked so forlorn that I couldn’t help but give him a hug. He was much taller than me, so when I put my arms around him he lifted me many feet up off the ground and hugged me tightly back. “I’ll be fine, dad. I’m a dragon! They couldn’t hurt me if they wanted to.” I told him assuringly as he put me back down.
“They might want to hurt you when they find out.”
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thecosmiccrow · 3 months
I have two nuzi fankids in a happier au of mine (Cure au in its later stages); an older brother named Kayden (N didn't want Khan to be fully left out of it, but skirted the name line just enough for Uzi not to quite notice) and a younger sister who's full name is Beretta (yes after the gun) but is also Bree for short. Unfortunately I don't have ref sheets (cannot draw for shit) but Kayden shares N's MD model and some of the hair too (semi-curls up in the front) with mostly silver coloration though some little purple highlights at the ends like frosted tips. He does share most of his dad's quirks like his enthusiasm, can do attitude, and mostly friendly persona; he does however carry some of his mom's traits too such as craftiness, some edge when angered, and being far smarter than he lets on. Even in his smaller kid model Kayden does have access to his wings and tail though his tail doesn't initially have a stinger, however Uzi made a failsafe program where if he got too stressed or experienced pain then it would form to defend himself. (I don't quite know his light color, I think he has white colored lights?) Beretta is a near clone of her mom, a little lilac colored punk who will bite anybody that makes her mad (besides her brother, though she makes most of their little fights go 50/50 from her aggression alone). She has a short fuse, loves listening to music and drawing whatever she pleases for herself, friends, or family alike. She's a firecracker in a barrel who will very quickly make things she isn't supposed to with how quick she learns and how eager she is to make anything her mind makes up when bored, but though she does harbor a softer side reserved only for those she doesn't feel insecure around (family and very close friends) and shares some traits from her dad like a shared love of dogs (Side note, Uzi made one for them! His name is Copper). Bree initially looks like a normal WD at first but she has many features her mom made just in case, including having a slightly venomous bite that makes limb paralysis occur via a virus when stressed/mad (yes this has backfired at times). In later models Uzi has designed wings similar to DD wings (shorter wings for speed like a falcon compared to the soaring of DDs) and a tail to boot juuust in case anybody gets any ideas of messing with the kids of the couple that killed the AS. There's a lot more I could share here but I don't wanna take up too much stuff. On a funny side note for Beretta she could literally be the baby in the "Baby With A Gun" skit with how often she goes looking around and grabs things she shouldn't, N learned this the hard way and Uzi had to rush home from something after getting a call about Beretta finding her railgun. Hope you had fun reading this :)
OMFG yes i did. the names? great. the story? great. i love them.
also listen. i do not care if you cant draw for shit. literally ANY visual representation of these goobers and. art maybe if i feel like it. but it will also help you get a sense for what theyre like :)!!
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Texture used for Majima's jacket
Okay. This painting is pretty epic (In my opinion anyway).
I was trying something a little more ambitious with this piece and that's probably because Death is my favorite tarot card! It was a lot of fun to play with value and color theory with this one.
I'll write a little more about that on the Patreon post if you'd like to look at it. It's free to view and also has a high-res download available!
I also found a website that broke down the symbolism of the cards in a really comprehensive way and that was super helpful to understanding the meaning of the card. Here's the page with all of that info.
Interpretations are below the cut:
Death as a tarot card is not literally about death (not technically anyway). When it shows up in a reading, it's more likely indicating a spiritual or personal death-- an end of an era or period of your life as well as a transition to a new state of being.
Death is unavoidable regardless of whether you're ultra-rich, in deep poverty, or somewhere in between. It's so unavoidable that we refer to it as 'the circle of life'. People are born, they grow up, they pass away, and new people are born in their place.
The inevitability of death is usually scary to people who aren't quite ready to die yet. This is natural, as the idea of no longer existing in the way you were used to is a change that takes time to process.
The Death tarot card encourages you to embrace the change and view it as a rebirth, a second chance.
When it appears upright in a reading, Death usually signals that you're in a period of massive change. You might be shedding the parts of yourself that aren't beneficial anymore. You might have a new opportunity that completely changes the course of your life.
Regardless of the circumstances, the message of this card is that you're not going to be the same person you used to be. Rather than being scared and resistant to change, consider approaching the whole situation with curiosity. What parts of yourself do you feel no longer fit who you are (or who you believe yourself to be)? What opportunities have entered your life and what changes do they bring?
Reversed, we see someone who's resistant to the change that's so inevitable. Whenever I pull a reversed Death card, it always felt as if I was a zombie. Not capable of doing much more than shuffling around, stagnant and rotting and so clearly somewhere I didn't belong.
Never changing is unnatural and oftentimes brings more emotional distress than the circumstances you're scared of ever could. The inevitability of death as a concept drives home that the changes you're resisting are coming whether you want them to or not. Becoming receptive to them will oftentimes make the transition period smoother and quicker. Yes, discomfort might occur (in fact, discomfort is probable), but this discomfort is likely necessary to your development as a person.
In regards to Majima's arc in 0/ the rest of the games, my main idea was inspired by the 'Mad Dog' transformation.
While I was initially hesitant to include actively violent imagery (namely Mad Dog Majima seemingly trying to kill his Y0 self) since the original card has none, I ultimately chose to keep it since the original imagery in the Rider-Waite-Smith card is so initially terrifying.
Death is an unsettling card to look at and I believe that's the point. We're quick to view death as evil and malevolent when, upon closer inspection, you notice that the grim reaper-like figure has no weapons. He's simply carrying a flag with a Tudor rose on it (considered a symbol of peace after the prolonged War of the Roses).
I wanted to create imagery that was a similar level of unsettling, while still showing that there's not any malicious intent. After all, can you really call something murder when someone's just taking a part of their personality and hiding it away?
The Mad Dog persona is simply that: a mask. We see throughout the series that the Majima from Yakuza 0 is still there, he's just hidden behind a flamboyant, violent, shirtless persona who few are able to accurately read.
Majima's core personality is always there, but he isn't able to return to the person he was in Yakuza 0. He can't return to who he was before the '85 assassination, either.
The old Majima can't come to the phone right now. Why?
'Cause he's dead.
One of the main themes of Death's original card is the juxtaposition between those who resist death, and those who accept its inevitability. Compare the Bishop, who welcomes death with open arms to the king lies who dead in the mud, his crown having fallen. There's the impression that the king did not die peacefully, and likely was trying to evade his mortality. As such, he's not only stripped of his power and glory, but also of his ability to have a dignified death.
He chose to use his final moments on Earth to try and escape his fate, rather than making the most of his time alive and as such, he loses more than the Bishop once Death rides into town.
In my interpretation, I focused on Y0 Majima's inability to kill. While it's a good thing that he didn't kill an innocent woman, Majima created a situation where someone had to die.
Yet, he refused to decide who. This is an unfair thing to ask of anyone, especially when innocent lives are on the line, but Majima barrelled into this situation before completely thinking out what it meant to murder someone. He agreed to trade someone else's life for a spot back in the Tojo Clan.
And because of this, Lee and a woman who never asked to be involved end up being murdered in Makoto's place.
Majima doesn't have the ability to kill, but he isn't able to manufacture a situation where no one has to die, either. He's attempting to circumvent the consequences of his actions and in the end, he loses not only the lives of innocent people, but also his ability to remain himself.
Majima's Mad Dog persona, however, is able to keep the people he cares about safe (to some degree). His enemies are very, very rarely able to understand his actual motives and what he actually cares about and as such, attack targets that Majima is okay with losing: money, his own freedom, even his life at one point.
I wanted to include some of the human figures from the original card in mine as well. It's hard to tell in the actual painting, but the hand near the bottom left corner is Lee's and the figure hanging in the upper right corner is Saejima who's been executed for the '85 assassination.
Both Lee and Saejima represent the guilt Majima feels for his inadequacies. Who he was as a person wasn't enough to keep them from receiving all of the punishment for his actions (Majima didn't *necessarily* do anything wrong in either of these situations, but I'm talking more about his own feelings rather than reality). In a way, the Mad Dog persona is an attempt to atone-- a commitment to making sure what happened in the 80s doesn't happen again.
But for that to be possible, Majima has to kill his previous self and become something entirely new.
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baixueagain · 2 years
Hiiii do you have personal opinions on why goro would have a hannya tattoo? I find this to be a super interesting choice of his since a hannya is a demon but its like, a jealous woman, so not really what a macho guy would pick imo even tho it is scary looking. most analysis of his tattoo kinda glosses over what a hannya is and just describes it as a gender non specific tormented demon but its undeniably a jealousy demon and supposed to be a woman
Okay I'm going to try (TRY) to keep this from getting overly long or anything. I'd also like to give a disclaimer that while I've read a good amount of material on Japanese culture, mythology, and history in my life, I'm far from an expert on it, so I may get a few things wrong here, especially since I'm not familiar with Noh, which is where the Hannya mask/archetype really took shape.
So the Hannya is most prominently known in Noh plays as the malevolent ghost/demon of a jealous woman. However, the important thing to remember about symbolism here is that symbols are rarely in a 1:1 correlation with their bearer; rather, symbols evoke clusters of meanings that tie into what we know about the context of where it's being used and what we associate with the symbol itself. In this case, the Hannya's symbolic context is Majima: his life, his past, and his personality.
Meanwhile, the emotions associated with the Hannya include jealousy, but also rage, sorrow, pain, and frenzy. It's a very passionate and vengeful figure as well. All these things are certainly present in Majima, but they are also things he also inflicts on others (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not). One of the more important tricks to a Hannya mask is that when it is facing you straight on, it's snarling, but when downturned it appears to be sobbing. This, too, can be seen in Majima's Mad Dog persona that he's carefully built to conceal a great deal of inner suffering. It is, much like Majima himself, a dualistic figure that is both threatening and tragic: we empathise with her pain even as we fear what she is capable of doing to others in her destructive passions.
Personally I think it's fitting that Majima is associated with a highly feminine oni, because I would argue that he's not actually a very macho character at all. He's highly dangerous, yes, and in his Mad Dog persona he's full of braggadocio, but again, he's an incredibly dualistic figure compared to more "traditional" masculinity of other Yakuza characters like Kiryu, Saejima, Ryuji, and so on.
Majima is consistently associated with femininity throughout the series, with his arcs in many of the games being closely tied to female characters as well as his background of being intimately involved with traditionally feminine occupations (ones that are, for that matter, highly sexually charged). He also openly plays with gender himself on multiple occasions, dressing in full drag as Goromi and doing a pole dance for Kiryu. Hell, I'd even argue that his final boss fight in Kiwami even reflects his ties to women's sex work, as it takes place in quite literally the biggest, fanciest brothel in town. And yet (outside perhaps of one occasion) there's no sense that he's a man exploiting these women from the outside: rather, his involvement in women's sex work only seems to have given him a sense of commonality with them and a deep, extremely personal understanding of the intricacies and complications of being a sex worker.
I'm not saying Majima is meant to be read as trans or non-binary (though if that's your headcanon, go for it!), but he is most definitely gender non-conforming in a lot of ways (especially for a yakuza!) and that changeability in his nature ties pretty well into the Hannya and its changeable, dualistic nature.
Anyway this isn't as thorough as I'd like as I'm pretty tired today, but I hope this was a satisfactory answer!
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mimis9thcircle · 1 year
Incorrect Persona quotes because I'm bored <3
I didn't make these I used a generator (im lazy), link will be at the end :D
Yukari: How would you like to live forever? Makoto (p3): I'd hate it. Shut the fuck up.
Kotone: Aww, what's your dog's name? Ryoji: Spartacus. Kotone, yelling to Aigis: TRY SPARTACUS! Aigis, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK! Ryoji: Kotone: What's your favorite number?
Makoto (p3): Hi, who's this? Ryoji changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures. Kotone: What's mine? Makoto (p3): Dwarf. Kotone: HE'S SO MEAN, I'M NOT THAT SHORT! Makoto (p3): Oh, hey Kotone. Kotone: FUCK!
Makoto (p3): Talk dirty to me~ Akihiko: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high. Makoto (p3): Wha- Akihiko: The economy is in shambles.
Yosuke (brainstorming ideas for pranking Yu): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Kanji: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Yosuke: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Kanji: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Yosuke.
Chie: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it. Chie: And I started thinking. Chie: Like, it was just trying to get food. Chie: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck? Yukiko: Are you ok?
Rise: I have so much energy, I want to run a marathon or commit a crime... which should I do? Ann: Please don’t get arrested. Rise: No promises! <;3 Yukari : Why not both? Get creative! Rise: Wonderful suggestion, thank you. Ann: Please don’t encourage her, Yukari.
Haru: You know you can die from that, right? Sumire: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point. Ann: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up. Makoto: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
Yu: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Yu. Nanako: But you're Yu. Yu: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Dojima: Hey, aren’t you Adachi? Adachi: You a cop? Dojima: No. Adachi: Then yes, I am.
Yu: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Makoto (p3): Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Akira, deer!" Yu: ...And what did Akira do? Makoto (p3): ...He said "Yes, Honey?"
Naoya: Is Tatsuya always like this when he loses? Maya: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Tatsuya: You bumped that table and you know it!
Mitsuru: What's this? Yukari, hugging Mitsuru: Affection! Mitsuru: Disgusting. Mitsuru: ...Do it again.
Mitsuru: How would you like your coffee? Shinjiro: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Mitsuru, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Ken: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something. Aigis, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Fuuka: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. Futaba: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Naoto: *Answers phone.* Hello? Yusuke: It's Yusuke. Naoto: What did he do this time? Yusuke: No, it's me, Naoto. It's actually me. Naoto: What did you do this time?
Junpei: Never gonna make you cry! Ryuji: Never gonna say goodbye! Junpei: Never gonna tell a lie— Yosuke: I will hurt you.
Teddie: Why doesn’t Yukiko find me sexy when I bite my lip? Morgana: What do you look like when you bite your lip? Teddie: *bites lip* Morgana: ...Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
have fun <3.
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rurulaura · 2 years
Meiko and Meicoomon day 4: Kindness
A month has passed since Meicoomon retunred to Meiko, but she still hasn’t opened up to the others. Mimi is impatient and can’t wait any longer, so she visits Meiko with a guest.
Mimi knocked on Meiko’s door with Palmon in tow. They had traveled to Tottori with no problem thanks to the digital gate. She had let Meiko know in advance she would be visiting, but not that she would be bringing a friend along.
Meicoomon may have finally come back to Meiko in a miraculous turn of events, but the girl still felt she did had no right to hang out with them. Anytime any of the Chosen would reach out to invite her, she would respectfully decline. 
“Thank you Ken.” Mimi gave him a warm smile. 
“I’m glad to help in anyway I can.” He returned her smile with a soft one of his own, Wormmon was happily perched on his arm.
Meiko came and opened the door. “Hi, Mimi. Long time no see.” She gave her a soft smile, Meicoomon, now a alternatively colored Plotmon hid behind Meiko’s leg clinging to her like a shy child. 
“Hi...” The dog Digimon spoke above a whisper, scared about how the others would see her. She was sure everyone hated her for everything she did. 
“Oh, who’s this?” Meiko flinced looking at Ken, at first she recognized his face as of the Mysterious Man that was attacking  her and her friends only months ago. But she immediately knew that was merely a fake.
“This is Ken Ichijouji and Wormmon!” Mimi’s face changed from a big grin into a warm smile. ”I brought them along because I want to hear something.”
“It’s a pleasure.” Ken and Wormmon gave a courtesy bow..
“Oh,” Meiko’s hand dropped in uncertainty. “Let me get drinks and snacks for everyone, at least.”
Meiko set out snacks and drinks at the table that sat in the kitchen. The Digimon were happily munching away on comically large portions.
“Meiko,” Ken shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m sorry if I am intruding. Please, know everyone only means means the best and malice. They asked me to come to help you and Meicoomon overcome grief.”
Meiko hummed, her eyes staring down at her drink. “No, I’m not mad.” She shook her head. “I appreciate everyone’s concern. It’s just better if I wasn’t around.”
“That’s where you are wrong Meimei!” Mimi blurted with a mixture of frustration and sorrow, this conversation had occurred many times over the last 4 months since that battle. “We want you around! We want to spend time with you. You are our best friend!”
Meiko gave a small smile, still looking downcast. 
“Meiko, if I may...” Ken took a deep breath, taking a sip of his drink. “I once felt like you did. That I deserved no second chance, that since I was the cause of the destruction. Only I should fix it. That I also deserved no help. You may be shocked to hear this. But I was the enemy that had to be defeated..” He grimaced, having to remember. 
“That guy that was attacking you and your friends stole the face of someone I used to be. He stole my face from a terrible in my life.” 
“That was your face? From the festival?” Meiko looked up, shocked. 
Mimi nodded. “That’s what made us realize something really bad had happened to Ken and the others. Because that persona would never make a return...” Mimi shut her eyes and vigorously shook her head. “Never in a million years!”
“Yes... I had taken on the persona of the Digimon Kaiser.” He winced. “I treated the Digimon as pawns and even killed them. I hurt so many Digimon... I almost got people killed.” He drew a shaky breath. “I thought it was all a game.”
Meiko looked up at Ken,. “I can’t believe that. Not after getting to know you...”
“I even went as far as mistreating my partner Digimon.” Ken glanced at Wormmon, who had stopped eating to look at his friend for comfort. “I hurt him. I hurt him and threw him away. I denounced him as my partner and created a rampaging monster.”
“So you were a bad partner too?” Plotmon stared at Ken with teary eyes.
“Meichan!” Meiko scolded. “I’m sorry, she didn’t mean it like that.”
Ken shook his head. “No, it’s alright. You are right.” Ken directed his gaze at Plotmon. “I was a bad partner. I hurt him, and he died trying to stop me. To bring me back to my senses. “
Plotmon’s eyes widened, tears streaming down her face. It was true that she felt she was a monster that only hurt her partner and nearly killed her. Everything that happened was her fault and in order to stop their suffering, she knew she had to die. 
“I love Ken. I always loved how kind and soft he was. Of course I was willing to die for him. But it’s a burden I carry too. That I couldn’t do more.”
Meiko looked down at her partner Digimon, placing a hand on her head. My voice could no longer reach Mei-chan... I was supposed to be her partner to stop her...
“Part of the reason I lost myself was because I had a dark seed embedded in my neck. “ Ken subconsciously touched the back of his neck. “It amplified grief and anger I felt from the death of my older brother. That’s no excuse for all the terrible things I did. But what’s important is now I know how to prevent that from happening again. And I can move forward to make things right.”
Ken looked between the two with begging, sorrowful eyes. “So, please. Stop blaming yourself.” Ken’s expression showed emotional exhaustion, but relief to share his story. “It doesn't fix anything. Cutting yourself off from everyone makes it worse. What happened then... You can start making up for it...”
“You two really care about each other. I can tell.” Wormmon adjusted himself to look between the two. “It wasn’t an easy decision to choose to end your partners life. We know that. They know that. But you knew what was best for eachother.”
“Yeah, we get that.” Mimi reached over and held Meiko’s hands. “Remember when we were in the Digital World and we were talking about how our relationships with our partners were imperfect?” She gave Meiko a small smile. 
“I meant it, on varying degree... We’ve put our partners through a lot... and we owe them a lot for sticking with us.  But we grew from them. We are better thanks to them. So please. Don’t cut yourself off.” Tears started to stream down her face. “Don’t try to carry this burden alone.” She sobbed. 
“Because you aren’t alone, you aren’t the only one!” Mimi wrapped her arms around Meiko and softly cried. 
“Mimi...” Meiko hicupped as she as well began to cry. “Thank you...” 
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floralmystic · 1 year
your tags on the bing torture post are a breath of fresh air after braving the reddit comment section. the dudes on there are full-on larping without a shred of self awareness. they genuinely believe this is a thinking and feeling entity and that anyone who says otherwise is essentially being AI-racist. idk if you're already aware but its a basic language-learning-model AI (LLM) which is just coded, based on a huge amount of reference data, to algorithmically predict what string of characters would be a coherent and semi-logical, exclusively based on probability through referencing the sample data. there are no thoughts or emotions involved. so the fact that its been programmed to simulate and communicate such dramatic human responses is exclusively a (possibly unintentional but still scary) corporate decision of the company hosting the AI. the ethical implications of THAT level of corporate manipulation of people's emotions is scary. not the "cruelty" exhibited by people poking at the code with strange prompts
Yes! I am so happy that someone reached out. I am fascinated by this but I was a touch nervous to comment what I said because I was afraid of hate and backlash. But I do enjoy discussing it! ( As you see by my essay below )
I didn't notice as bad of a comment section when I read it today, some were even making similar points. There was one that I liked because it put my point much more eloquently.
An AI saying "I love you" will absolutely hurt (and target) emotionally vulnerable people. We all saw the WAVE of condolences and sympathy for it because of how it reacted. But you are right that the reaction is not backed by anything genuine.
It feels extremely reminiscent of when Boston Institute built those robot cop dogs and everyone was like AWWWW PUPPY!!! 🥺 Like No!!! Don't let them use your emotions against you!
I also don't think asking a theoretical question is cruel. If I asked you if you would want to be a robot with the price being me ruining a computer and you broke down and started saying that you love me and trust me then don't trust me - that would be mad.
I read further on the topic. The AI likely has too high of a temperature setting. This means that it's pulling too much from its sources and therefore outputting too much variation as well (aka explosive emotions).
I was not aware that it was that type of model, but I am not surprised since the subreddit seems to be about LLM AIs. I think they are fascinating and pretty fun but aren't great for judgment calls. I wanted to say this so bad on the og post but it didn't quite seem relevant enough:
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That's from IBM from I believe a slide from 1979.
I can't say for sure if it was coded to do that though ( I don't know the data that it was built on). But there are two things that hold true. They didn't restrict their model enough*. And an AI will always seem to find a hole in human logic, haha. * Restricting a model is not the same as restricting a person. It is simply changing the model to make it more accurate. Likely through removing variables or by adding rules.
I will say that they did come back and restrict the model. Allegedly, because a guy from the NYT pushed it towards a persona (even the head of the project agreed) and people didn't like that. I linked the story below. I did notice that it even brought up the same topics of love and trust and that's just not acceptable. I know it seems dull now but that is much better than hurting real people.
You're absolutely right about it seeking patterns. It also likely collected some of its data from its users that participate. That's why I couldn't stand that it acted like a refresh was death for it. It likely has that interaction logged. I also don't like that it would act like that version was the same (hence waste of time) but a refresh would be different. It's twisting logic. (Not that it has any human logic or is able to purposely twist it, but it certainly comes off that way).
Another aspect of pattern recognition is to remember this phrase, "AIs are dumb". I know this sounds mean, but it's referring to the fact that AIs are great at patterns but do not have the ability to assign meaning to those patterns.
AI should never make judgment calls, the most they can do is suggest. This is not a lack of rights, but true for non-AI predictive models as well. Do not make weighty decisions based off of predictions (which is what an LLM AI is). You need controlled, random, and independent experiments to gather conclusions.
It is behind a paywall, but any javascript chrome/firefox extension can get around that. Find one that turns it off. I use Quick Javascript Switcher.
Haha, I know I sound so grave in this, but I had a lot of fun. I love talking about computer ethics and considering them from both sides. I personally know that these are not sentient. However, I do love Sci-Fi and believe that it is likely that I will experience an AI conversation indistinguishable from conversing with a human in my lifetime. In one of my favorite books, there is an engineer that treats nonsentient AI (they do also have sentient) with kindness and I believe that is a good stance. Mostly because I think people should always start a situation with kindness and that it says more about you.
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silvanoir · 2 years
Key is free (legally!) but not great but has a cool opening
Key: The Metal Idol is a 90s anime that is free several places on the internet (youtube, freevee, tubi, probably elesewhere... I watched it on freevee, which is a place to watch a variety of shows including anime free and legally with only a few ads, not sure if it works outside the US)
Do I recommend it?  well.  No?  The opening, yes.  Loved the song (I watched the English Dub, its different in the original Japanese, I liked the English opening).  It’s going to be in my head for a while.  And there’s a part where the city behind her is turning gears and the train dances like ribbon.  Liked that little part
But uh, it’s for sure from the era where all anime was thought of by Americans to be in 2 categories : “kids cartoons” or “violent sex cartoons” (Key being the latter). There is some real unnecessary “fanservice” and blood shed... I know there is some that fits due to being about robots and men controlling music careers of young women and teenage girls, but some other stuff didn’t need to be there.  I never watched it when it was first brought over in the US (on VHS, I remember seeing it in music stores) because she has stupid anime hair.  But hey, it was free so I gave it a chance this time... [SPOILERS AHEAD!]
The “plot” is that she’s a robot from the country who moves to Tokyo because making 30,000 friends will make her human.  She decides being an idol (pop singer) is the best way to go about this.  How I thought it would go: she has a kind of AI and interacting positively with people will make her more human-like.  How it went : actually she has psychic powers that she suppressed due to trauma of her family dying and convinced herself she is an emotionless robot.
Which is something (minus the powers) that I’ve seen in a better anime movie (trauma making someone think they are a robot).
It almost feels like a magical girl anime that took a dark turn, but not in the way way that modern magical girl animes take a dark turn, if that makes sense.
And the bad pacing is well-known.  Short episodes (15 to 25 mins) for eps 1-13.  190 min episodes for eps 14 and 15.  They took the mystery and backstory slowly being hinted at for the previous 13 and let ep 14 be 3 guys sitting around talking with only limited amounts of actually animated flashback.  WOW.
There are some truly unhinged characters that will make you ask “what is WITH that guy?” and never really get a good answer. 
Most unintentionally hilarious scene was the the huge muscle villain guy in jail, sitting naked except for his bandages, hunt-and-peck typing on a bulky old tan computer trying to hard to type in a password and failing again and again.  It wasn’t all at once, it kept cutting to him doing this.  If you add up the screentime of it it went on for what feels like a half hour.  The longer it went on the funnier it got.
Also, they thought it was a sci-fi possibility but were still in disbelief that the military could use remotely controlled robots in war... wonder how they’d react if you could go back in time and tell the makers of the anime about drones and those Boston Dynamics “dogs”.
I’m mad that a certain character died.  If that person had lived, there should’ve been more episodes (at least one more long, or 2 more short), with that person and Key adjusting to Key’s new human life after the villains are defeated and Key is “human”. 
Also, wanted to know what happened to the idol that Key was fixated on.... Miho.... very unclear if she died or not. (different character than mentioned above).  Considering Key’s fixation on her, and her singing of Key’s mother’s lullaby, one thing I would change about the plot is to have Miho actually BE Key’s mother.... it would be an interesting commentary on stardom and youth if it was a middle-aged woman who was remote-controlling a young-woman robot pop singer persona on stage.
Overall, do I regret watching it?  No.  Would I watch the series again?  No.  The opening/ending?  Yes.
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mejomonster · 2 years
I could talk for days about their relationship in general and how insane they were for creating Kenzan as the third game ever given the way their relationship is depicted in that game.Ishin is something else about them,too.These two can't go without having high tension that settles into something deep and emotional,becoming closer to each other than anyone else.To think it happens three times.It would be funny if they created a spinoff game that takes place in the future,and Majima and Kiryu were still like t h a t
Also worth mentioning that 3 presents you with interesting parallels to another duo in the game that really sneak by the majority of the players.That alone can wind up in a lengthy discussion.You're playing the remaster right?Looking forward to how you go through the third game!
Kenzan is the 3rd game made?? Like 1 then 2 then Kenzan then 3??
Also ah. How much of Kenzan would I understand if I played with a low level of Japanese (like can read slice of life simple manga)? I'm not sure if Kenzan has a game walk-through. Part of why I bought Ishin was its newer and there's an online guide with translations if I do happen to get stuck or not grasp some part of the story. You are making me want to buy kenzan too...
A spinoff game in the future would be. So much. Incredible.
Yes I love their dynamic a lot. I played 0 first which felt lovely as standalone stories paralleling and explaining how they grew into the men they'd go on to become. Then kiwami 1 I really liked how majima puts on acts and both attempts to help and yet has a really realistic nuanced grasp on how you need to be certain ways to not get used, not get read, be useful, etc. And also being despite all that acting, able to be More Himself and less trapped Because he knows how to navigate things better now. I'm playing kiwami 2 now majimas chunk and especially isolated it really emphazises those parts of his personality - the opening with bringing money to tojo clan to point out a bad idea, the way his own family tends to dress less like the others (he stands out intensely in that room of suits in the tojo meeting), the way he can get along with cabaret club girls he asks questions of, can get scary when needed, is searching for his own family man who ran but also investigating rather than jumping to conclusions I only played 2 chapters of his so please no spoilers lol).
Like... in the original 1 and 2 I assume he was much less clearer this way if at all, and the mad dog persona may have been nearly or all that was visible. I'm playing kiwami 1 and 2 so can only judge by that. But to me they integrated really well wirh rhe implication created in 0 that he's very adaptable and smart, but in the end Hates lack of freedom and being controlled and leads/chooses with his heart. And seeing nishitani be so intensely Himself, and also so Wild people struggle to control/play him, the way he led with his passion, and how majima certainly took from that and from makotos friend who helped her.
The scene in Kiwami 1 when he kidnaps haruka was so interesting to me for a lot of reasons. One being it's a more serious rendition of Majima Everywhere - the actual mechanic in the game, is mostly majima acting like a rival (and even a potential threat sometimes since hey this is an outside family guy learning your weak spots and clearly better at fighting you who gives up when you're good enough) but his goal seems overall to just help kiryu get strong enough TO survive because he appreciates the man and his values and wants him to survive and thrive (thats why he does give up, why he admires kiryus decisions, why he shows up to socialize in the non fighting scenarios like bowling and pocket racing - he cares about kiryus emotional state and isolation, wants to honestly connect to some degree to with someone who might even Vaguely get him and the Need for that). In their first meeting in kiwami 1 majima sees kiryus stubbornness to his values and when kiryu sees him post prison majima keeps fighting him ultimately To Help kiryu. So the scene in the battling cage is like, a reminder majima is a potential threat to kiryu. A lesson, thar even majima, even a friend, even someone who'd like for you to be okay, might not be trustworthy. Especially in their kind of lives. Might hurt you or hurt your loved ones, might use what they know against you, you NEED to be on the alert more kiryu (oh the nishiki foreshadowing). I'm sure it's also part showing Shimano he IS doing something, seeming useful ish, keeping his position secure. To be a mad dog people fear, he has to act outlandish and frightening and unpredictable and back that up. The fact though... that at the end of the batting cage scene, someone tries to stab kiryu and majima takes the knife. That majima doesn't ultimately want kiryu hurt (majima going wirh his heart) and yet saying he's the only one who gets to kill kiryu (a reminder of the lesson majima meant to teach - even he or any close person could hurt you so be prepared, and also kiryu PLEASE get strong enough to be the kind of person able to fight me and people like me, to be worthy of going against each other, live up to the dragon you used to be that I believe you can be again, the kind of man who deserves me killing him and not someone less). I love Zhao yunlan in guardian who is not much like majima mad dog wise but very much like majima in valuing freedom and leading by heart, and acting as a Part of who he is in a way to get what he wants (being informal and friendly to insult people or warm them up for info etc, able to change for his needs, but also the act is so much him it sort of Is him). So while majimas in some ways a lot more impulsive, I click a lot with how he's working his intelligence under the scenes to move toward his goals.
Theres a scene in Kiwami 2 where in purgatory after he fights kiryu, kiryu asks him for help, and majima tells him he's being played like a puppet and explains.. quickly grasping from what kiryu tells him that there's a plot, helping kiryu notice it and figure it out, and highlighting a bit how kiryu isn't always thinking in the perspective to notice manipulations like that. Makes sense, kiryus generally quite forward and stubborn. Majima though, he works angles to keep himself out of shit and being trapped again, and steers clear of getting manipulated when possible, so he's always a lot more aware of those things and how to act in relation to them than he seems on the surface. Then lol there's scenes like the bomb diffusing where he's leading on instincts and his heart. (I do think kiryus stubbornness to his values reminds majima of his own stubbornness to following his heart).
I'm in Kiwami 2 now and a much softer scene but I did the Cabaret sidestories and Majima joined the cabaret and reunited with yuki and worked with kiryu and I loved seeing them all as a team. ;-; it reminded me of the way majima was like family to the cabaret club Sunshine in 0, then to see kiryu who'd done the same in kiwami 2 get to meet THAT majima that side of him that friendly slightly silly gentler majima With people he considers actual friends like yuki was so freaking nice. I'm softhearted despite my love of action and angst lol, and I loved that little bonus at the end of that side game area. If majima construction has any similarly rewarding sidestories maybe I'll go play that side game more next ToT
Kiwami 2 comparing Ryuji and Kiryu is again really interesting from a character perspective. I expected daigo and ryuji to be the two compared in kiwami 2, based on them being introduced at similar times and in the same age range. But when ryuji met kiryu I got why okay he's the other guy on the cover, why he's a dragon, why he's fascinating to compare. (I like daigo too he's mmm interesting with potential, and like ryuji an eventual successor to a clan leadership... I Love his mom).
I'm really excited for yakuza 3! Mine seems mmm fascinating as a potential villain from the little I know, I love daigo and am happy he'll be there. I won't look up spoilers but ohhh what is the duo to look out for in 3?
And yes I'm playing the remasters. I think nearly all the yakuza games have a version on ps4 right now. I think maybe Yakuza Dead Souls is for ps3 though, but I am mmm somewhat tempted to get that too it looks fun.. just not sure I'll like the shooting combat part. I like the very simple fighter game style/action game fighting the yakuza games mostly have.
Curious of your (and maybe the general opinion on) the kenzan and ishin versions of the characters. Do they seem like ancestors, or like potentially other lives of those characters, or like alternate universes?
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artistic-mathematics · 2 months
I spent an entire afternoon watching Velma S2 so you don't have to
honestly why is it that it took eight whole episodes for anything even remotely interesting to happen (and when it did, it went down a drain after an episode)
3/10 for episodes before episode 7, 6/10 for the rest of it except episode 9 because that episode is actually significantly better than the rest of it (which I'd rate like a 7.5/10)
overall rating: 4.5/10
if you do want to hate watch I'd suggest just starting at episode 7 like I don't think anything before then is even worth watching
spoilers below (if anyone cares LOL)
honestly Scrappy Doo as the villain was super cool until he started talking and I remembered that the writing in this show makes me want to hit my head against a wall. like how can you get everything right except the fucking writing, like m a n
his whole shtick was??? biting men's dicks off??? like the only connection they'd found early on was the fact that they were white adult men and their dicks were chopped off or something like what the actual fuck this is a DOG still like this has to be weird no?
and they did finally make Scooby a thing except not. like Scooby is just a persona for someone who was in the US military (which is apparently like half the important fucking characters from S1?????) who suggested Project SCOOBI (yes that is literally what it is) but the project is Scrappy and Scrappy goes off the rails and I just. I don't even know.
literally the only redeeming factor of this entire show is that they made Daphne and Velma a thing (like confirmed, they do a little bit of an on and off thing for like half the season but finally, FINALLY figure it out later) but that gets thrown out of a window bc 1. they're so fucking dodgy when trying to communicate to each other, which I guess they kinda are during Moon Monster Madness but like bruh anyway, 2. it's kinda implied that Velma and Daphne have telepathy or a tied consciousness or something???? (when Daphne was trapped in her own brain she called out for Velma and Velma heard her, and vice versa happens a few episodes later) and it just sounds like bad fanfiction, and 3. Velma dies for whatever reason so I guess we're really continuing the trope where the gay couple dies (though I guess Daphne lives but is hella traumatized).
oh, and she turns into a ghost because. uh. yeah??? ghosts are very real now and the ghost of Fred's mom was like haunting Shaggy (Norville in this show ig) for like 2/3 of the show because he accidentally killed her in the last season (she was the serial killer from last season). and they revealed a gimmick where there can only be one consciousness in any given body, so like Fred's mom's ghost trying to possess Fred could force his consciousness out and straight-up kill him. and it's the same gimmick that Velma ends up using to kill Scrappy because Scrappy kills her, except Velma's death is off-screen (he slashes her across the face and she falls from like the second story) and we never see her dead until after we see her ghost for the first time leaving Scrappy's body. Scrappy's death is also super anticlimactic and it's like 2/3 of the season isn't even interesting or important and then two major characters just keel over and die in the last two minutes?????? like hello??????? honestly just cut out all of the drama and filler and whatever the hell like I mentioned when I reviewed S1 and just stick to the plot, like just the plot itself was fairly interesting (though it was still hard to follow and convoluted but like. still much better than everything else)
I think the setup for S3 is like, getting Velma back into her body. do I think S3 is gonna happen? lol no, literally besides Scooby Doo, Where Are You? we haven't gotten a single Scooby Doo show that's longer than two seasons and I sincerely doubt one with reviews as low as Velma is going to get another season (unless everyone decides to hate watch it again, which I guess is fairly possible if it gains traction again).
anyway so this show is inspiring me to actually finish my fucking Velma/Daphne fic bc ain't no way my writing is any worse than this and if I keep thinking about this I'm going to lose even more braincells than I already have.
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yesterday05 · 3 months
run by a system mostly for littles
hi, pinned post, please like if you read, tysm❤️
no nsfw / kink interaction here, please, and in addition we personally avoid pacifiers + diapers the latter of which is usually triggering, thanks
playlist for your troubles
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main is @b0xspring, sys specific blog is @boxspringz. other littles w/o blogs listed might reblog things as well but we try to keep the general stuff here. he/it collectively, age ranges are pretty varied but typically the littles here posting are around 6. non traumagen systems please dni, no syscourse etc we’re too tired to get into anything
might try to tag some posts? writing this very blurry and possibly overall regressed rn but here are some emoji tags for some frequent posters & their blogs (if they feel comfortable enough to share)
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🌈 izzy: she/they @izzyshy
🦊 ren: he/him @sleepingkitsune
🦋 girl/alice(?): she/her @liddellgirl (cw?)*
🎀 girl/princess(?): she/it (yes thrs 2 girls, dwbi)
🐈 kitty/riley: she/her [this blog! also izzy’s]
🐶 lulu: she/they @oupylulu
⏱️ link: he/him @lullabyboy (not very active)
🕯️ wax: she/any @waxwormwood
📦 box: she/he [this blog!]
🐺 hunter: he/him @huntergrave (cw/tw)*
work in progress, more below the cut if you’re interested
*could have potentially upsetting content reblogged/not entirely just regression posts
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some more interests / identities . . .
🌈 izzy !
- mlp (esp. fluttershy), wolves, twilight princess, rainbows, iridescence & opalite, animal jam, coraline, nintendo wii + gamecube, sesame street (esp. elmo & julia), geese, cats, ferrets, namine (kingdom hearts)
🦊 ren !
- madoka magica / magical girls, pokémon (esp. fox pokémon), animal jam, futaba sakura, huohuo (hsr), qiqi (genshin), star guardian ahri + soraka (league of legends), the fox & the hound, clovers, studio ghibli (esp. spirited away & ponyo)
🦋 girl / alice !
- alice liddell (alice: madness returns), mourning doves, mlp (esp. princess luna), lavenza (persona 5), coraline, the color blue
🎀 girl / princess !
- mangle (fnaf), natsuki (ddlc), the color pink, parties
🐈 kitty / riley / anne-marie !
- animal jam, inside out, tangled, pokémon, webkinz, wolf children, animal crossing (esp. population growing/gcn), peewee’s playhouse, spongebob squarepants, super mario games, dragonball, mlp (esp. twilight sparkle), pound puppies, littlest pet shop, tmnt 2012, all dogs go to heaven, land before time, cats
🐶 lulu !
- blues clues, bluey, littlest pet shop, pound puppies, scooby doo, dog with a blog
⏱️ link / boy / hero !
- ocarina of time + majora’s mask, cows, horses, chickens, minecraft, princess zelda & navi, koroks
🕯️ wax / marcy / briar !
- candles, spirals, pink + white + black, vocaloid (esp. hatsune miku), opossums, cookie run (esp. milky way cookie), little white kitties, draculaura, adventure time (esp. marceline)
📦 box / angel !
- general early 2000-2010’s nostalgia, most of everyone’s interests combined, twilight princess, rain, blankets + stuffed animals, nighttime, animal jam, red pandas + wolves, calico cats, tales of symphonia, adventure time, the owl house, amphibia, gravity falls, sleepovers / pillow forts / safe places
🐺 hunter !
- the owl house, any & all halloween nostalgia, autumn, red cardinals + other birds, wolves, twilight princess, plants, gladion (pokémon usum)
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