#like you’d have guard dog privileges if you were dating him
briyourmotherdown · 2 years
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i want to swing from his arms
by my teeth
the way i would treat this man like a jungle gym. a playground. a swingset (was gonna make a swing-het joke but felt too cheesy) but HIS FUCKGIFKGJF ARMS.
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
Can you give us a headcanon about Jason in a relationship?
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Jason is a big man with an even bigger heart, no one can take this away from me, no one. You can try but you fucking can’t.
Being with Jason automatically gifts you with scary dog privileges because whilst to you, Jason is a sweet man who’d get all pouty when you don’t kiss him in the morning or call him by the nicknames you’ve picked out for each other and will make you breakfast in bed because he wanted to show his gratitude to you for staying by him and loving him when he didn’t think you should.
To others however Jason was a this big 6ft something dude who could beat them into next week a multitude of unique ways if they even thought of looking at him funny. He radiates danger just by standing there and yet to you he was the reason that walking home at night from work had become just that little bit easier. It’s not much but it’s enough for you to know that you’ve got someone who’d watch your back vigilantly 24/7.
Jason’s fatal flaw might as well be either loyalty or devotion because this man will not act out of line with you, he refuses to betray and throw away everything you’ve ever done for him just because his eyes lingered elsewhere; which would never happen as Jason’s eyes were firmly locked onto you from morning, noon and night. You were just that perfect in his eyes that he’d rather die again than ever look at someone else the way he does you. You’re his person, his one and only simple as that because you’ve claimed his heart the moment you met.
Your trust is something he values deeply and he isn’t one to play stupid games with your trust either. So if you were to ever tell him about a boundary being crossed or talk about something that rubbed you the wrong way, you best believe Jason will honour that and promise to never do it again.
Two words; Book. Dates.
More specifically the ones where you’d a) go to those cute book cafes where you could enjoy reading your favourite books together in comfortable silences whilst enjoying a warm/cold beverage. Or b) have an in book date within the confines of your shared apartment, where Jason had this small hoard of books he’s been meaning to read, most of which were primarily Jane Austin’s body of work with some of your own recommended books in between.
It’s almost like your own little book club just for the two of you. It’s your thing that you share together that brings you closer together as a couple.
Jason loves it whenever he gets to read one of your favourite books as it brings forth and intellectual conversation between the two of you as you got to hear Jason’s view of the story and characters while Jason got to hear your own point of view; It was beautiful way of admiring the way the other person’s mind worked and find even more ways of falling in love with each other, as if you weren’t already deeply in love in the first place.
Jason loves being near you and once he gets past his aversion to touch, he’ll want to touch and hold you in any given capacity because he’s become well and truly addicted to the feel of your skin against his; so much so to the point where you’ve got him practically melting and closing his eyes in content as he humming in pleasure it almost came across as that of a cat’s purring.
If Jason could he would wholeheartedly want to live out the rest of his life within your arms, they were his safe haven, the one place he could call home as he could let down his guard and just melt into your embrace and allow you to pamper him in kisses and sweet nothings that leave him feeling more warm and loved then before, a tear of two may slip but it’s because he’s so fucking happy to have you in his life. So don’t be frightened when he starts hugging you back tightly, making it near enough impossible to escape his grasp.
Jason is your number one fan. Always has been, always will be. So may your insecurities begone because this man will pull out an exaggeratedly long list as to what about you Jason loved so much.
Spoiler alert: it’s everything. I don’t make the rules because this man will love your gap tooth, your acne scarring, your stretch marks, your love handles, your laugh, your eyes, your voice, your hair. Anything and everything that you’re majorly insecure of Jason will love tenfold because YOU. ARE.PERFECT. THE.WAY. YOU. ARE! And don’t you let some test tell you otherwise!
Also Jason falls under the ‘wear whatever you want, I can fight’ category of boyfriend because it’s not your fault you look drop dead gorgeous.
Hell you could walk in your apartment in sweat pants and an oversized shirt and Jason will stare at you with heart eyes like he would if you were wearing something that you felt confident and sexy in. Please wear it and be your sexy self you sexy bastard! Be the main character in your story!
For by the end of the night Jason will have everyone apologising to you for ruining your night because they thought they could get away with being freaks and weirdos.
Agree or disagree, I don’t care but Jason would 100% would want to take care of the dog -especially if it’s of a breed that’s massively stereotyped as aggressive- you found that was left abandoned in the rain, hurt and suffering back to full health and find it a better home or decided to keep them because he’s grown attached.
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jjuzoir · 3 years
#GUARD_DOG | Ran Haitani
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synopsis: Ran had confessed to you a few months ago and even though you had turned him down, he still follows you around like a guard-dog. Maybe that’s why you weren’t expecting things to turn out so badly, but thank goodness Ran was around to make sure things turned alright.
warnings: harassment, violence, description of said violence, strong language, possessive behavior, ran beats up a bunch of men with a baton, ran is kinda creepy, knife mention, smoking mention, men corner and bother reader/you, possibly triggering.
word count: 2,399
a/n: if any of the warnings trigger you or might upset you, please don’t read this! this is the darkest (?) thing i’ve ever written;; i totally get it might be too much (or maybe you think i’m exaggerating^^) honestly as fun as it was to dabble, i think my strong suit is 100% pure fluff (TT) i’m not good w/ violence
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At first it was embarrassing; the way he’d follow you around as if he were your shadow. You weren’t even dating, he’d asked you out and you’d turned him down, but it seemed like Ran didn’t really mind, still spending time with you as if the confession had never happened, and you wondered if he even heard you or remembered that day at all.
He still followed you around like a puppy whenever his brother was away, a tall, lanky, very intimidating puppy that wasn’t afraid of swinging his baton around if it felt threatened.
And you’d grown used to him, unfortunately. Your friends might even say you’d grown a crush on him, his persistence did make him kind of cute – you’ll admit – it’s flattering to have someone like the elder Haitani so interested in you when he could have basically all of Roppongi (if not Tokyo) at his fingers, but you didn’t know if you’d grown to like him. Not yet, at least.
There were many plus sides to having Ran around – that you’ll admit with no hesitation –, one of them being the fact he granted you scary dog privileges, meaning you could be less careful when you walked around the busy streets of Tokyo.
Plus, he was a nice guy, sure his humor walked between the macabre and sarcasm, leading you to often wonder when he was serious, but you’d be lying if you said you hated his company and learned to enjoy spending time with him, especially on your way home during late nights.
Maybe that’s why you were so genuinely shocked when a bunch of men cornered you outside of the convenience store during one of your impromptu visits, having grown so used to people like them cowering when they caught sight of the braided boy beside you that you had momentarily forgotten about how dangerous Tokyo could be at night, especially around areas like this.
It was meant to be a short trip, you’d go in and get your stuff, walk home and stay there until the next day, it’d take at most ten minutes, so why had almost twenty gone by and you were stuck petrified on a dark alleyway with a bunch of men much stronger than you cornering and taunting you, spending what felt like hours basking on the fact they were terrifying and harassing you.
You weren’t weak, but you were scared. It was late and you had nothing but a bunch of snacks (all soft, you note) and one ice cream container that was partially melted. You didn’t have money, you’d spent it all on your food, and they didn’t seem interested in taking away your midnight snacks, leaving you to assume the worst with no one around to assure you otherwise.
“Please,” you mumble, your gaze jumping around the alley in an attempt of finding some sort of escape, “I… I don’t have anything, I spent all my money already and… please, just let me go.”
“Ey, Hiro? Could ya’ make out anything?” A tall blond snickered, mocking your fearful tone, Hiro shakes his head, “For a second there I thought pipsqueak over here was tryin’ to say something!”
“Must have been the wind,” another one laughs, bending down beside your ear, “this one over here is a good one, right? They wouldn’t make a scene.”
You tune out their voices, their mocking words and jabs at your expense disgusted you, their words soon muffled by a harsh gust of wind and your unwillingness to continue hearing them.
These men scared you, they were taller than you, bigger than you, more aggressive, and you were sure you saw one taunt a knife at one of his friends at some point. And here they were, having the time of their lives making fun of you before doing who knows what. They’d been poking at you, blowing the smoke from their cheap cigarettes on your clothes, creeping close enough to you that the smell of their cologne clung onto your clothes and skin, making you wonder if any amount of soap would take away the smell.
In a last ditch attempt at convincing them to let you go, you raise your voice a bit higher, interrupting their stupid banter, “Just… let me go, I have nothing on me other than– hmph!”
You’re taken aback as one of the men grabs your wrist, you think he’s Hiro, you wince at the way his fingers pressed unneeded force onto your wrist, as his other hand grasps at your cheeks – squeezing your face. He looks annoyed, green eyes wild with unfiltered rage, he didn’t like to be interrupted, you guessed.
“Oi, bitch, can’t ya’ just –”
Just as he was about to continue, you heard a loud “thunk” from the entrance of the alleyway. Masqueraded as a tall figure with a metal baton in hand, Ran stood out against the dimly lit space almost looking like an angel.
All of the eyes that had been glaring at you now snapped at the oldest Haitani as he glared back at the group, at the sight of the delinquent, some of the men who’d been watching the scene ran away, others stayed intrigued by the appearance of the famed man.
“What is this?” He sneers, purple eyes blown wide in disgust as he eyes the man who was currently pinning you against the harsh brick wall.
“Ran…” You sigh, relief washes over you, your knees feel light as tears gather in your eyes.
“Ha, you two know each other?” One of the men asks, stepping away from you, “If you’d told us you were Haitani’s bitch then we- ukgh…”
He can’t finish his sentence before you hear a thud and see the man falling down onto the ground, you hear a gurgle leave his mouth before his eyes gloss over and shut, with a swift move Ran had knocked the man out with the metal weapon in his hand. This caused the remaining members to scramble to get away, but Ran didn’t seem to pay much mind, only focusing on the smaller group that had been surrounding you.
“What the hell man?” One of them asks, “We were about to let them go!”
“They’re definitely not worth a fight with a Haitani…” One whispers, nudging at his fallen friend.
“Y-yeah, s’ stop being a fucking brat and take them!” They all grunt in agreement, but make no move to actually release you.
“And if I wasn’t here, what would you have done?” He asks, eyes deadly as he looks around the men.
Silence follows and you think that this was the end, that they’d let you go and you’d be able to go back home. But soon, a blue-haired man attempts to charge at Ran, who swiftly hits his neck with one blow leaving the man to gasp and crumble to the ground, nursing his nape as he scrambles to leave the scene, the knife he’d been holding forgotten on the floor.
“I can’t even have fun doing this, isn’t that pathetic,” Ran muses to himself as he picks up the sharp object, “you,” he points the knife at Hiro, who’d been clawing at your hand and cheeks, his voice is cold as he talks, “let them go, I don’t want them to get hurt as I beat your ass.”
“Hah? Did ya’ not hear what we said? We’re letting yer bitch go!”
Ran only continues to stare him down, “You’ve really got balls, you know? I even feel bad for you.”
Purple eyes look around, out of the four men who’d been actively harassing you, only Hiro and the blond man remained untouched, for the time being.
“You’re lucky they’re here, if not,” Ran doesn’t even entertain a smile as he pokes at the man he’d previously knocked out, “I would’ve killed your sorry ass.”
He pockets the knife and prepares his baton once more, the blondie – who’d been closest to him – tries making a run for it but gets his stomach smashed in one blow and falls to his knees. Readjusting his grip, the oldest Haitani smacks him one more time on the head, not hard enough to kill but enough that his head falls loud enough that you’re sure it could be heard from a few streets away.
He doesn’t even blink as he kicks the body of the blue haired man as he makes his way towards you and Hiro.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asks, but he makes no move to let you go, his breath reeking of tobacco and cheap alcohol.
“You haven’t let them go,” Ran notes, his head tilting to the side as he eyes your aggressor up and down, “if it weren’t for me here, who knows what you would’ve done…”
A displeased look comes over his eyes, an idea seemingly forming in his mind causing his jaw to tighten in anger.
“We were only joking, right? Come on, tell him.” He nudged you, making you flinch and shut your eyes instinctively, you felt a few stray tears run down your cheeks; you stayed silent, only shutting your eyes harder as the grip on your hand tightened.
“I’m not.”
“Fucking bitch,” the man mumbles, he tightens his grip on your wrist causing you to yelp and Ran’s eyes to widen, “just take them.”
He peels himself off of you and shoves you into Ran’s chest without a care, you trip over one of the unconscious bodies but ultimately arrive into his arms. You were tired, so, so tired.
“Ran…” You mumble into his clothes, you feel useless and used, disgusted and disgusting, you could still smell the men in your skin and you wanted nothing more than to forget tonight ever happened – that you hadn’t almost met a, possibly, horrible fate. You shook as you thought about what could have happened to you, god… you felt so embarrassed at how useless you had been, but you were scared, those men had terrified you – you felt as if there was nothing you could do but accept your fate.
“[Name],” He reassured you, snapping you from your train of thoughts, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back grounding you, “it’s okay, I’m here.”
It’s while you’re in his arms that the remaining man decides to make a run for it, his steps are coated with nervousness as he hurriedly stumbles away from the scene.
You feel Ran tense up as he runs past you two, but before he can tell you to stay there as he beats the leader of these idiots up, you hold him tighter: “Please… just stay here with me.”
You feel him let out a small chuckle, but he complies, letting his baton fall, he fully wraps his arms around your shaking frame as he takes a glance at Hiro’s fleeting form – making a mental note to remember his face and to question the bastards now lying on the floor.
“If that’s what my baby wants.” He whispers, nuzzling into your hair, “… I’m sorry for not being there for you.”
“It’s okay,” you mumble, your breath shaky, “you’re here now, you… you saved me, it’s okay.”
“You know I’ll find him, right?” He asks, probably sensing your uneasiness, his hands are still rubbing soothing circles on your back as if to further ground you, “And I’ll make him – all of them – pay, okay? Mhm, I’ll make them regret even looking your way.”
You nod but make no effort to remove yourself from his embrace.
“I’ll call Rindou to get someone to pick these guys up, I’ll take you home now.” Ran lets you know as he pulls away slightly, caressing your cheeks with his gloved hands, “So don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you.”
You lean into his touch, and maybe you’re too tired to filter yourself or have come to the realization you’d been putting on hold for weeks, but you find yourself muttering the words he’d longed to hear for months.
“Thanks, Ran,” you whisper, your eyes closed as you softly mumble, “guess this is why… I really like you.”
His hands stop their movement for a second, his eyes widen slightly before his features are overtaken by a smile, Ran could feel his heartbeat pick up at your words – the heat now rising to his cheeks serving as evidence to his giddiness, you had no idea how happy your words made him. His hands are shaking from excitement and it takes a lot of self control not to pick you up and kiss you or say something stupid that might make you take back your feelings, so instead he settles on simply holding you close.
“Ah,” he breathes out, trying to think about what to say, a small laugh escapes his lips as he tries to ground himself in reality, “I’m glad my hard work paid off, I knew you couldn’t resist my charms forever.”
You only laugh a little, too embarrassed by your own words to look him in the eye, you look at the bag you’d been holding onto all this time, “Want to come over? I have some extra food for you,” you raise the bag, “and I’d like to thank you.”
He smiles, violet eyes shining with adoration, as he takes the bag from you and holds your hand.
“If you really want to thank me, how about a date, hm?” He asks while he leads you away from the alley.
“… Okay,” You nod, giving his hand a tight squeeze, “but you pay!”
“Okay, okay,” he laughs, swinging both of your arms as you make your way back home, “I get to pay as long as I choose the place.”
“Hah… Aren’t you greedy, Haitani?” You tease, “I’m already going out with you, isn’t that enough?”
“Nope, I'll always want more if it’s you~” He winks at you, leaving you flustered as you try to make out what he meant.
By the time both of you arrive at your house, he asks you to head in first as he makes a call to his brother, giving him the directions of where the bodies were and what the man looked like. Both of them were well aware they’d spend the next day dealing with the pests that had been bothering you.
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koishua · 3 years
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➷ ... 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗲𝗲-𝗷𝗮𝘆
aka my little offer for valentine's day <3 everyone thank @yyxgin for making me do this bc im actually rolling on the floor this is so cute ;-;-;-;-;
jay cooking in the kitchen while you and hee watch, light quips and comments here and there and the atmosphere always light and playful
walking on the street and you have scary guard dog privileges
picnic dates where you gaze at the clouds, picking out all of the weird shapes and teasing each other
movie nights would be the most fun thing ever
both of them look at you with the warmest and lovesick eyes whenever you rant about topics you’re passionate about
speaking about passions, powerpoint nights would be a regular thing
jay would love love love making the two of you his models omg
sometimes one of you would do something stupid and the other two would have to step in and scold the one who caused trouble like stressed parents lmfao
birthdays would be so cute and sweet with the two of you secretly planning a small celebration while the person in question would have absolutely no idea :(
ganging up on hee to serenade you for like an hour straight because you both love listening to him sing like that
they’d invite you to the studio a lot of the times and you’d be their designated hype man and most of the times, the videos they’d upload would be recorded by you :’)
sometimes they’d decide on being little shits and make you be the only one who jumped into the pool when all of you were supposed to do it smh
your phone wallpaper would be a picture of your two bfs being the silliest goofiest funniest two people ever and it would make you smile every time you unlock your phone.
your lock screen is a cute picture of your shared pet :((
god, finally chores wouldn’t be such a hassle to do, because both of them are pretty responsible and helpful.
you’d blast music and get dressed in clothes that you don’t mind getting down and dirty with and by the end of a few fun hours, you’d have a sparkling clean house ;-;
halloweens would be the best time of the year to dress up as iconic trios like powerpuff girls or something haha
both of them would be dragging you by each arm and onlookers would comment on how cute the bunch of best friends looked and then you three would knowingly look at each other, holding back laughs, because oh boy you were much more than just best friends
you would be each other's best hype men ;-; any gig one of you would have, the other two would be there to support and cheer on with your entire chests. Sometimes it’d be embarrassing to receive so much love, but oh well, you loved them anyways
sometimes activities would break all hell loose and full on passionate arguments would occur about how reese’s was the best candy bar or something, to which someone would disagree and so on and so forth
when two of you would argue, the other would be the designated peacemaker and do the “now hold hands and apologize” lmao
when you’d be homesick, they’d sit next to you and give you the warmest hugs ever and comfort you till you end up falling asleep and then jay would carry you back to bed and hee would tuck you in and give you a little forehead kiss ;-; can you hear me crying in the club
speaking of clubs, bro. these two. omg these two would be so protective over you, you best bet you’re absolutely safe in those kinds of environments bc duh heejay have your back.
jay would glare at anyone who touches inappropriately and they’d run off bc jay, as we all know, has a terrifying and super intimidating angry gaze oof
possessive hee would awaken and wrap an arm around your waist, staring down at the person who wouldn’t take a no for an answer from you smh
as i said, scary guard dog privileges lmao
omg and also per the input of @mosviqu STUDY DATES‼️‼️💔 study dates where you really try your best to concentrate and they try their best to help you, but they'd end up serving as distractions only and you'd get nothing done and then probably fail your test <//3
overall you'd have the best partners in life who'd help you overcome pretty much anything life throws in your face :(
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© koishua 2022, all rights reserved || reblogs appreciated
taglist one. @shekllls @eternallyhyucks @yjwfav @beyondthesheets @speckled-sunshine @luvningkai @youreverydayzebra @ilandsghost @jensrose @yongmins @nikis-mum @w3bqrl @candysofthours @moontines @rielleluvs @heefused @squiishymeow @just-uaau @catecita @namjoo-jay @shrutiajit @baekhyunstruly @changmin-wrlds @changminurheart @chewychubchuu @taegicarus @marknaeroni @enhacolor @heelariously @chaebb @nshitae @clarakyunisageek @i-m4rk @tarosaurus @aeonghaseyo @hotgirlsunoo @misah0e @ily-cuz-i @jungwoniics @enha-hwajinna @todorokiskitten @notcamila
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Back when things were still easy, Billy and Max used to have sibling days on the weekends when Neil wouldn’t be home, setting aside their issues to have just one day that was meant for doing something fun together.
The tradition had been dropped after the move to Hawkins, and Max thinks that’s where a lot of the strain on their relationship comes from. Without those designated times to let go of some of the tension building between them, they fall to pieces.
There’s one day in particular where it’s just Max at home all by herself, her mother and Neil having gone on a trip to the city she opted out of, when Billy shows up much earlier than he said he would be back, ruining the calm when he slammed the front door so hard a picture frame fell off the wall.
Neither of them say a word to the other, all she gets is an apologetic and glossy looking glance for the noise as he storms past her like she isn’t even there.
She doesn’t see Billy again for a long time after that, just hears the angry music blaring in his room. By now, she’s wisened up enough to know that meant he was probably crying in there, and though she doesn’t know what happened, she feels bad.
It’d been far too long since they acted anything like real siblings, not that they were actually related, but they used to be just as close, so after her brother’s been brooding for literal hours, she knows she wants to do something.
Her opportunity to bring it up comes when Billy makes his grand appearance at her door, stopping by to ask if she ate dinner just so he, quote ‘wouldn’t get any shit for it.’ She nods in agreement and asks, “Do you know what day it is, Billy?”
He shrugs, “28th of June.”
“Well, doy, but it’s also Friday.” Billy raises an eyebrow, missing the point, and Max rolls her eyes. “Friday. You know, like, the one day we get to hang out.”
Too cool for that stuff anymore apparently, he scoffs and leans against the doorframe, and she just knows he’s going to say something snarky, so she turns the puppy dog eyes up a notch, “Please? It’ll be fun.”
It works, Billy sighs way over dramatic and steps into her room, throwing himself down onto her beanbag chair. She can’t contain the smile on her face when he asks with fake defeat, “What did you want, shitbird?”
“I want a makeover day. Like we used to do.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Why?” She crosses her arms, “Just because that’s what I want to do?”
He fixes her with a look that says ‘seriously?’, and explains, an edge of frustration to his voice, “No, because you know what’ll happen if I’m struttin’ around in nail polish and shit when Neil gets back.”
“They’re not supposed to come back until like, Monday though,” in response to her excuses, he mimics her in crossing his arms over his chest, so she tries harder to reason with him, “And we can always just take it off when we’re done.”
“That’s just a waste of your stuff, then.”
“Come on, Billy, please?” she’s out of actual arguments and he’s winning, so she brings out the big guns, the little sister privilege, the one surefire way she knows will always knock her brother off guard, “I miss you.”
He squints at her, seeing through the attempted guilt trip, but he can’t muster a frown, and he must know it wasn’t all fake, because he says, “Whatever.”
She knows that’s his version of a yes and he’s just too proud to admit he caved, so she squeals and claps her hands together, taking off like a shot to dig under her bed for the stowed away beauty kit. It’s a little wicker basket filled to the brim with nail polish and makeup, the same one they’d used years ago before everything went wrong, and it makes her happy, bringing the old thing back out.
She stops to put a record in her player, choosing Queen as the closest thing to a middle ground between their respective music tastes, they at least both weren’t supposed to listen to it, and drops down into the other chair beside Billy.
On the latch-hook rug in front of them, she starts to empty the basket, lining up all her brightly colored bottles of nail polish, slightly dried out after months of not using them. “What color?”
“Why do I have to go first?” Billy asks. All Max has to say in response is a know-it-all “Because I said so.”
“Fine. You pick.” The moment he says it he looks like he regrets it, Max is notoriously bad at making decisions, but she ignores him and starts holding up bottles anyways.
First, after few minutes deliberation, she chooses a pretty dark green, and he scrunches his nose and doesn’t say anything. She picks a purplish color, which he tosses away on the bed, a very firm ‘no’ that makes Max giggle. Then she gives him a bright orange bottle, and he holds in front of his face, studying it before turning that one down too.
“God, if I knew you’d be so annoying I would’ve just painted them all the colors.” She remarks, lining up her polishes so she could do just that.
“That’s actually probably not a very good idea, kiddo.” Looking a little panicked, he digs through the bottles himself, settling on one he pulls away and stares at for a second before handing it to her and telling her, “Just do ‘em red.”
It confuses her, but she agrees regardless, and makes him turn in his seat so he’s facing her and his hands are flat on the floor. His hands are a little shaky, so her paint job isn’t the best, she even drips some on the carpet, which she hopes her mother won’t notice, but Billy doesn’t say anything about the mess.
With his nails done she moves onto his hair, she wants to do double braids like how he taught her to do in her own hair, so she shoves his arm to get him to turn around. “Scoot.”
He lets her push him around until he’s in the right place that she can reach his hair, but once he’s facing the far wall he tells her, “Don’t you dare use that brush on my hair, Maxine.”
“Jeez, relax. I’m not gonna mess up your princess curls.” She mocked, but she still went for the comb to run through his hair instead.
She waited until she could get it through without catching on any tangles before bothering trying to talk to him. When Billy was upset, he tended to clam up, but she didn’t particularly like feeling awkward in the silence, leaving all the talking to the record player. “Can we talk about why you were mad earlier?”
“Would you tell me if I told you about my day?” She tries, but he shuts it down again with an “Unlikely.”
“I’ll tell you anyways.” Max didn’t know what had happened with Billy, but she knew she hadn’t had the greatest morning herself either. “I had to ask Lucas to bring me home early because me and Mike got in a fight.”
Billy snorted, and spoke with just as much sarcasm as Max had used on him. She learned that from him anyways. “You and Mike? No.”
“Yeah. He was being a total ass about El, trying to like, own her or something, so I told him to lay off ‘cause that’s totally not fair.”
She knew that Billy, having graduated and turned 18 now, was probably getting a little old for this type of drama, but he was a good listener, no matter how much he pretended not to care, always giving little bits of insight and saying things to make her laugh.
She continues, “Well, anyways he like, totally bit my head off for sticking up for her, so then I told him he was just a miserable mouth breather who’s jealous of El being happy, and he tried to kick me out.”
Billy laughed at that, muttering a little ‘ow’ when the action made Max pull his hair, “But you left before he could kick you out right?”
“Duh.” She sighs a little, the fun part of the story over. “Then when we pulled up outside, Lucas said something stupid about it being my fault or whatever, so I dumped him again.”
“Good. I told you not to take any shit from them anymore.” Billy had been less than happy with her friends a lot recently, when she’d come home from school or from hanging out upset over something they said. They never meant to hurt her feelings, but Billy didn’t like it all the same, and made her promise she’d stand up for herself a little more. Like she did to him.
“Yeah, I guess.” It makes her feel light on the inside, to know Billy was proud of her for following his advice, in his own way at least. “So? What happened to you?”
He shrugs again, and blows her off, “It’s nothing.”
“You were crying.”
“Yeah, and it’s none of your business.”
“Maybe not,” she fumbles with the braid and loses it, Billy’s stupid uneven mullet making it way too hard to braid so many different lengths of hair, “But I’m like, an expert now. El says she likes my advice.”
Under his breath, Billy mutters, “‘Course she does.”
Max purses her lips and pretends she didn’t hear that before continuing her offer, “Anyways, I can always try to help.”
“Listen, it’s just stupid dating stuff. Nothin’ you need to be worrying about.”
“But I’m a girl. I can give advice about that.” She thinks about it for a second, “I mean, I know more about being a girlfriend than having one, but it’s probably about the same.”
“Maybe.” Billy mumbles, focusing all his attention on picking at the nail polish that had missed the edges of his nails, and just from the way he tensed up she can tell she’d overstepped Billy’s boundaries in some way or another.
She finishes of the braid she had already started over twice now and puts a blue scrunchie on the end of it, giving him a minute.
When she starts combing out the rest of his hair is when Billy speaks again, not a drop of his distinctly Billy attitude in his words as he admitted softly, “You know, shitbird, I never said anything ‘bout having a girlfriend.”
That’s confusing to her at first, because he had just told her it was a dating thing, but Max’d been hearing all the nasty things Neil said about Billy for years now, and while she might just be a kid, might be the clueless and annoying little sister, she still knew the weight of what he’d just admitted to her.
It had always made her sad, to know Neil didn’t really like Billy, all the mean words he used, ones she wouldn’t dare repeat, to describe Billy and his friends, all the lies he told about him behind his back. But she doesn’t buy it, what her asshole step-dad had to say.
Her brother was cool, and she liked hanging out with him, when he wasn’t being such a jerk. The fact that he had a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend didn’t change that in the least bit.
She hums, trying to gather words and, her voice strained against the outburst of happiness, says “See? I can totally help with boy stuff.”
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toraashi · 4 years
princess au ft. chuuya nakahara
Title: Untitled Princess AU
Pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Genre: Fluff and light angst. One of the awful aristocrats makes a comment about you eating too much, forbidden love *gasp*
Word Count: 1,754
Author’s Note: Hiii! Here it is, the princess au I keep hyping up. It’s actually decent, I won’t lie to you, so I hope you enjoy it! 16 year old me was the biggest weeb (I still am rip), so there is a Kamisama Kiss reference in here I’m cringing but I promise it’s not bad!! Please hmu with your bodyguard!chuuya brainrot to feed my lonlieness when you’re finished reading :)
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She reached across the table to select a raspberry pastry, her fingers brushing against the red-head’s as they left her side. He visibly tensed, but she ignored it, along with the minute pang she felt in her chest. The dessert was flaky and crumbly in her fingers, it’s deep, striking red jelly oozing through the cracks in the glazed surface. 
“My oh my, are you stuffing your face with delights again? How unsavory.” The person in question twisted her head, hiding her scarlet stained gloves behind her back. 
“Lady Nikolina!” She elicited a wry smile from the woman, whose cold eyes disapprovingly darted to her out of view fingers.
“You really ought to think about that figure of yours more. Before you know it, you could be a cream puff! Suitors want slim ladies, dear, not large ones.” A strike of crimson striped her smooth cheeks and she nodded.
“Of course, My Lady.” The princess could practically see her devoted bodyguard’s seething gaze, he always had disliked Lady Nikolina, after all. The protectiveness radiating off of him was comforting, and soon the blush she beheld wasn’t being caused by the snobbish Marquiess before her. 
“Speaking of suitors-”
“Actually, my apologies, Nikolina, but I’m afraid I’ve got a dance coming up, and I can’t possibly wait. We shall have to continue this lovely little talk at a later date.” Casting the woman a charming smile, she scurried off, pulling Chuuya along with her. He immediately split their hands.
“Princess.” Their gazes met, his swirling pools of cerulean reprimanding her without a single spoken word, but she got the message, and it burned another hole into her soul. 
He couldn’t be with her.
He didn’t want to be with her. 
Tears prickled her lashes like raindrops, but she pushed them back, refusing to show vulnerability amongst a crowd of powerful politicians and kings. She could see his hues soften, and then harden merely seconds later, his hand habitually reaching to adjust his hat. His familiar mouth looked so inviting, his orbs safe and comforting, but they were not hers. 
When she had admitted her flaming affection to him, she had been sure that he had reciprocated those passionate emotions winding around her heart, but he had swiftly shut her down, all of the fleeting touches and lingering bouts of eye contact dissipating like boiling water, vanishing like a ship at sea, breaking like her fragile heart. 
Sweeping her scarlet skirts up into her hands, she traversed the expanse of the ballroom, waving politely to trading partners and their stunning wives, nearly tripping over her golden heels if it weren’t for her companion’s lightning reflexes. A murmured ‘thank you’ kissed her lips, but she was quick to continue walking, her dance card heavy in her pocket. 
“Princess! It’s almost time for our dance! Wherever have you been?” 
“Lord Mizuki. I was conversing with the lovely Lady Nikolina, I’m afraid.”
“Ah. And what positively thrilling topic did you discuss this time?” A laugh escaped her lips as she gazed up at the snow-headed boy.
“My less than attractive addiction to the cook’s tarts, per usual.” Mizuki's emerald colored eyes followed her every moment as she chuckled at her previous encounter; he held his ivory hand out to her.
“Let’s dance, shall we?” The only person she wanted to dance with was Chuuya, but she obliged, letting her dainty palm rest against his. To say she was shocked when he reached forward and urgently grabbed her forearm was an understatement. 
“Chuu...ya?” He immediately released her. 
“You better come back right after.” She huffed, swiveling her gaze away from his alluring eyes and letting her suitor tug her away.
He swept her out to the dance floor with grace and agility, weaving through the herds of human beings like a serpent, one hand resting on her corseted waist. Once the waltz had begun, he twirled her and moved her with ease, his grace and royal privilege shining through like the golden sun. His firm grip on the curve of her body was relaxing and coaxing, as if catching her hesitance and disliking for the ordeal. 
“My lady, what was that all about with your… bodyguard, is it? I’ve heard he is quite extraordinary.” She let her eyes flutter up to meet his, mind breezing towards Chuuya’s form, his strong arms and beautiful hues.
“You are correct, Lord Mizuki, Chuuya is quite effective. He has his faults, for example, his extreme impatience and impossibly short tempered, but I’ve known him since I was a child.” She looked fondly over at his tense form, narrowed eyes and locked jaw. “He is awfully protective.” 
“As I can see.” She averted her eyes back to her dance partner, whose own were sharp and limpid, staring directly at the opposing man. 
“Mizuki… you’ve stopped dancing.”
“Ah! Yes, my bad, pardon me, Princess.” He quickly got back into the flow, keeping in sync with the plethora of other couples. 
Once the music had faded out, she curtsied slightly towards her companion, immediately leaving the marble beneath her feet and heading towards the sidelines. Rather than immediately treading back towards her designated “lap dog”, a plan formulated in her brilliant mind, one she wouldn’t have been able to pull off with the ability user around. 
Hues flicking to Chuuya’s position (he was clearly searching for her), she scurried towards the back stairway, grabbing Lady Nikolina’s garish hat directly off of her head as a disguise. Swinging her hips in the Marquiess’ fashion, she easily traversed the velvet carpeted steps, gloved hand delicately running up the glass railing, tracing each intricate design and emblem. Lady Nikolina’s rooms were just down the hall, so she presumed that if she headed left she could discreetly loop around without causing a commotion. Chuuya wouldn’t risk a confrontation with Nikolina even if he suspected it was the princess. She flicked her hands towards the guard discriminatingly, as a sort of greeting so he knew where she was headed off to, which she hoped he assumed was her chambers. Refraining from viewing the astounding paintings of her heritage lining the towering walls and sky-breaking ceiling, she stepped forward with urgency, gold slippers clicking on the obsidian beneath her feet. She could practically feel freedom in her hands, the balcony merely meters away, she could feel the cool autumn air piercing her lungs, the comforting hum of crickets and light gabber of guests still entering her father’s party. 
The shining glass french doors were open in moments, and she spun in euphoria; no more pining suitors, no more reprimanding love interests, no more chastising Marquesses; her plan had been utterly foolproof. Except for one little detail.
Just as she had gotten used to her balcony experience, the entryway slammed open again, a deep, familiar voice slicing through the silence like a bomb, loud and uncontrollable.
“Oi! What the hell do you think you’re doing out here?! Running away like that? Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to recognize you with someone else’s hat on?!” She gulped bracing herself for the lecture to come. “You’re such a stubborn little shit. First you insist on wearing that absurdly fancy dress, then you decide to waltz with that sly snake Mizuki, and for some reason you still have the nerve to sneak away from the ball- from me!” His glare could kill the fluffiest of bunny rabbits, but it didn’t faze her.
“Well, maybe you should stop being a prick about your actions! I could care less whether you held my hand, you idiot!” She thrust her arms down to her sides. “And what does my dress or Lord Mizuki have anything to do with this?! Are you just jealous or something?!” A low growl rose from his throat like the impending rumble of distant thunder, but she was unperturbed. “I’m not stupid, Chuu! I know you feel just the same way I do! I’ve known you for years, you dumbass!” A wisp of hair tumbled in front of her eyes, shielding the building tears from the man. They rebelliously streaked down her rosy cheeks moments later anyway, like rain pouring from (e/c) clouds. She swore she heard a relenting sigh puff out into the silence, but her own quiet whimpers made her unsure of his intentions. Abruptly, one lithe arm looped around her waist tugging her in, his head balancing on top her hers and consequently sending her glittering tiara tumbling to the floor. 
“Listen up, [Name].” She felt a bout of dizziness waft over her as she breathed in his addictive scent of cologne and wine, her corset suddenly felt wound too tightly, and she couldn’t breathe. 
“You’re a princess. I’m your bodyguard. You are supposed to be married off to a wealthy prince, not your me.” 
“I don’t care.”
“See? That’s the problem. I care because my job is on the line.” Craning her head up, she met her eyes with his shockingly blue ones, pleading from the depths of her heart.
“You’d choose your job over me?” He grumbled, fixing his hat.
“You are my job, dumbass.” Continuing to look up at him through her lashes, she tossed the bait.
“Are you saying you don’t want to lose me?” Hook. Line. Sinker. He peered back at her, a light flush across his cheeks. His gaze never left her, and they sat in a forcefield of quiet for five minutes before she made a move, leaning forward into his space. Allowing her lids to flitter closed, she met his lips boldly, the warmth from him enveloping her entire being, drawing her in, and he managed to kiss back, soon becoming more passionate than her. Hands flying to her waist, he tugged her flush against him, her arms winding around his neck and plunging into the forest of orange that topped his head. 
“[Name]...” He murmured, his voice low and husky with desire. His longing was simple to spot in his deep, flaming smooches against her lips, and she was feeling the same emotions course through her. He loved her. She loved him. They had known since they had both realized it within themselves. 
She was the first to draw away, and he immediately tried to capture her lips again, but she held him back, smiling slightly. The snarky remark lingering on her tongue melted away when she met his eyes, her heart swelling at his adoring expression. 
“You’re right,” He murmured gruffly, keeping her close. “I do love you.”
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Request Here!
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Tokyo Tower (Part 3) Spy Games
Fingel is an unexplored character in most of Dragon Raja Novels. His past is shrouded in mystery and is revealed little by little in hints and tidbits across the novels. So even though there are five novels out, I still can’t say I know that much about him.
The phone rang twice by the time you crossed the room to get it. It was an ornate metal phone standing on lion paws with a turn-style dialing wheel and an earpiece that looked like the brass handle of a castle door. Still when you pick it up you answer. “Pizza Hut. How can I help you?”
Caesar’s smooth voice carried a smile over the line. “Hello MC. I take it you’re all settled in?”
“There wasn’t much to settle. I could rattle around in this place.”
The premier suite of the Takamagahara was second in luxury only to Whale’s own full floor living quarters. This area was nearly one thousand square feet. Coming into the entrance, the floors were covered in mahogany reclaimed from an old dojo. The silk wallpaper shined bright from the walls all the way up to the ten foot vaulted ceiling that hung with a magnificent chandelier.
The sitting and dining rooms were furnished with antique World War II era wood furniture. A grand piano occupied a space near an arched window. The kitchen area was the smallest area as most people who could afford to stay here didn’t bother cooking for themselves. Half that area was just the expansive wine rack and liquor cabinet.
The bedroom floor was a rosy Berber carpet. The king-sized bed took up most of the space. Its tall ornamental posts were overlaid with a silken canopy of gold. The walk in closet was bigger than the entire area you’d stayed in until now.
The bathroom had marble tiled flooring, heated of course, a jacuzzi tub big enough for four people and an infinity shower with more buttons than you knew what to do with.
You roll your eyes around the room, sitting on the bed in your satin lavender night dress, your wet hair wrapped up in a towel. “It’s quite the upgrade.”
“You don’t sound that enthusiastic.”
“I’ll miss falling asleep to voices outside my door.”
Caesar paused at that, silent.
“A wise young man told me that… the world… as it pertains to you, is only composed of the people you know. Even though I have gotten the privilege of staying here, my world has gotten a lot smaller. You boys get on my nerves a lot. And we don’t always see eye to eye. But you are my entire world. Don’t forget it.”
“I bet you say that to all the guys.” Caesar replied.
“Yes! All the guys in my world.” You laugh at his throwing your words back at you. “Anyway… How did the meeting go?”
“Smoothly, much to my surprise. The main target is the King General. Ruri Kazama will be the assassin, Lu Mingfei will be running a sniper position. Fingel will be providing a listening point by laser sensor on the windows. Chu Zihang and I will both be guarding the perimeter in an underground garage from a nearby building to avoid infrared detection. Our job will mainly be to stop the King General from escaping. There are two places you can be. Either with Lu Mingfei as a second sniper, or with Chu Zihang and I on perimeter watch. Take your pick.”
You think seriously on this point. “Hmmm… where will Mingfei be stationed versus where you guys will be?”
“Mingfei will be on top of one of the surrounding buildings with his rifle. Having you up there might be a reassuring second shot should he need backup or suppressive fire. Snipers need teams but we’re low on manpower. Chu Zihang and I will be fine underground. There’s a cable duct we can crawl through. That said… being underground is right in your Soul Skill’s wheelhouse. Either way you choose will enhance the team.”
After a moment more thought, you say “I’ll go with Mingfei.”
“You deserve it. Have fun on your date with Chu Zihang.” You stick your tongue out at him through the phone.
“Hey, he and I are on good terms now. It’s you I worry about. Don’t you think seeing the men who took everything from you not that long ago might shake you up?”
“You don’t go into a rage every time you see your father do you?” Caesar was silent and you waited for him to speak but he didn't. “Do you?” ask again with some surprise in your voice.
“Not...externally. I didn’t think of Herzog as your father.”
“A cold hearted person who kills without much thought doesn’t sound familiar? There’s a reason I am the way I am.”  You slip under the heavy comforters on the bed while holding the phone to your ear. 
“You’re not cold-hearted.” Caesar’s voice was more of a command than a statement.
“I can be.” You respond. “Hearing his voice again will be like going home.”
Caesar sighed with exasperation. “Let’s change the subject. Have you thought about my proposal yet?”
“I think... it’s crazy that you’re willing to lie to the Academy about my bloodline problem then install a know-nothing freshman to the rank of Leader of the Japanese Branch, but yes, I have thought about it.”
“Good, then your training starts now.”
You squint. “Training?”
“You need to know some basic things about Dragons, but you’ll catch up on that knowledge at your leisure. More importantly, you’ll need to understand how to navigate around the Yakuza here.  Remember that Fingel is assigned to monitor the Japan Branch for the principal?”
“You just happen to be the beloved of the Devil Clan commander. That makes you a valuable information asset. Fingel may seem to be a numbskull but he’s a master spy. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s wiretapped this phone and installed listening devices and pinhole cameras all over your room.” Caesar said this in a growl. “He was evasive when I asked about it so I can guarantee you he has. I don’t want him to be looking at any lewd pictures of you.”
“Are you serious? But I’m a fellow student?” You’re completely appalled.
“He does this on campus! He’s a dog with no morality! But he’s useful, that’s why I keep him in the Student Union. I know him well. If you’re going to be the leader of the Japan branch, learn to find bugs and hidden cameras. For every one you find, I’ll fine him five thousand dollars and give it to you. This phone is probably tapped so I know he’ll hear me say this.”
You flip back the covers. “Oh my gosh…” You start opening drawers and looking inside. “Thanks  Caesar,” you sigh.
“No problem. Just looking out for you as always. Go to sleep in an hour regardless. It’s a big day tomorrow. Fingel, 5,000 for every one she finds.”
You start with the bathroom.  Given his love for racy photos that would probably be a hotspot. In 10 minutes you managed to find three. Fingel needed to find good angles of the Jacuzzi and shower and there weren't that many places to hide and get good shots.
There’s a loud knock on the door. You grab your claw-dagger and creep forward, flipping off the lights. “Who is it?”
“R-r-room service.”
Fingel. The phone really was tapped. You straighten up in disapproval. “You’re too late, I already found three.”
“No! Wait, please. I… uh…”
“In the bathroom…” Your voice is low but it carried enough threat through the door.
“A just leader shows mercy?” came Fingel’s whimpering voice. “I don’t have 15k okay?”
“Wait a moment.” You cover yourself in a long robe and return and open the door. “Fingel, you’re dressed as a waiter. Taking cues from Ruri Kazama already? You probably infiltrated the room while I packed and talked with Caesar.” He was tall but cringed away from your icy stare. 
“H-how could I not, right? I’m a quick study! But let's not talk in the hall, the first rule of being undercover is not breaking character!”
You let him in and shut the door. “In that case, I can understand why he gave you a stage name so quickly,” you say.
“The lady has a very clever boyfriend!” Fingel seemed pleased even though he had no say in the matter. 
“I’ll give you the devices and say you found them. But only if you remove all the devices from the room. Understand? Remove all of them and show me where you hid them and how you did it.” Caesar wasn’t going to teach you about spy objects and hidden devices, the master spy, Fingel would!
“Of course! Of course! But I have to keep an eye on you right? Second rule is knowing where everyone is at all times!”
“You will not know when I got to the bathroom!” You hiss.
“I will know because that is now a blind spot.” He sighed mournfully but then ducked when you reached for your knife. “Okay, okay! You have to be quick on your feet. Assume you’re being watched at all times and observe everything! Caesar already warned you right? I’m on assignment from the principal to watch the Japan branch!”
“So this will be an ongoing lesson!” Your eyes widened.
“Precisely.” He winked.
“You’re wearing a wire.”
“What? No, I’m not!”
“Don’t worry I can’t see it but I assumed it after you said that. You are. Am I supposed to search you too?” You start walking towards him. “Five thousand dollars…”
Fingel for a moment, looking for an exit. He finally reached into the inner lining of his jacket. The listening device was just a small button-like object and a little copper wire pinned to his shirt. “Wow… it’s so small!” You marveled.
“You… probably wouldn’t have found it if you looked!” Fingel said with a rueful grimace. “But I can’t afford to take that chance.”
“How did you know this is the room I would be in?”
“Oh that was simple, prepping a room this size for occupancy requires a lot of staff. I just looked natural enough to be co-opted automatically in the work. If anyone asks questions, I just pretend I don’t speak any Japanese!”
Fingel walked the room. “None of the surveillance devices are in anything that can be moved easily.” He paused by a light switch, took out a tiny screwdriver and removed one of the screws. A listening device was right behind it! “People can move furniture or cover it. Any good spy will put a device in an area that’s more permanent. There are exceptions of course. It depends on the target. Usually, I will spend as much time as I can studying my target and her habits. I have to fit into her world.” His smile was surprisingly gentle. “Since you are a Cassell student, I didn’t need a lot of information to fit into your world. I just needed to show that I was with Caesar and Chu Zihang and you automatically assumed I was clear and never thought of me again. Right?”
You sigh, completely and utterly overcome. “You’re right. I immediately let my guard down and assumed I could trust you.”
“Caesar knows me better than that.” He pocketed the device.
Caesar called him a dog with no morality. Your pupils sharpen like a knife. No way he would remove all the devices. He was going to leave a few for you to find.
Fingel’s eyes meet yours. “You’re a quick study.”
“You’re going to decide how much this costs you.” You say coldly. “You have money. You can afford it. You’re conspirators! This is a game!”
“Woah! Woah! I do not have money!” He holds up his hands. 
“So the devices you leave will be the hardest ones to find.”
“Bingo!” He winked. “I gotta keep an eye on you. No offense. But now you’re thinking like you should be. You need to test people, even Cassell personnel from the Academy. Remember that I came here as an intern. There is little trust between the Japanese Branch and the Main School, so I was tested thoroughly as to my credentials. They knew me better than I knew myself on arrival so my acting started long before I arrived.”
You nod. “That’s right. Our rooms were extremely tailored to our needs on arrival to Japan. They only knew I was from Northern Siberia, but they knew that because of the way I spoke.”
Fingel tilted his head. “Good. This isn’t going to be as difficult as I imagined. You understand now that this is a normal thing, to intensely spy on each other. I had to do whatever I needed to do, to prove to the Japanese students that I was one of them.”
“You do bad things?”
Fingel passed up the kitchen and went right to the bedroom. “I do my best not to. An easy way to get out of doing something really terrible is to pretend to be completely incompetent. So they’ll assign something like that to someone else.” He pulled the night stand from the wall and unplugged the phone wire from the jack. The wire seemed to be inserted normally into the wall but it wasn’t! There was another phone jack cover under the first one. The first phone jack cover had a small computer chip that was intercepting the phone information and diverting it to where he was. Fingel had successfully installed this listening device in plain sight.
You’re not sure you would have found it.
“You answered the phone as a Pizza Hut employee. Where did you learn that?” He tosses the device to you and you catch it.
“I liked to watch James Bond. He always had a special way of answering the phone so that only people who should be calling him are calling him. If it's an outsider who doesn’t really know me, then they will assume they dialed wrongly.”
“Yeah, that surprised me. But Caesar knew it was you so he wasn’t surprised. That’s a good technique. Keep doing that. But change it up a bit so it fits the area you’re in and it’s not so obvious.”
He straightened up. HIs demeanor had changed while talking to you into someone much more serious and quiet. “I’m all done. If you find the last device? I’ll give you the 5k myself.”
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minsugapie · 4 years
Bodyguard (part 2)
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pairing: bodyguard!jungkook x idol!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst (but not for long)
words: 5840
a/n: i wasn’t going to post this originally but i got some requests for it so here it is 🤷🏼‍♀️ hope you all enjoy 💜 also this is like 12 years late lmaoooo oops
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Jin wasn’t mad, because how could he be? In reality, he was just disappointed. You knew you weren’t supposed to date, and Jungkook knew he wasn’t supposed to date you. Jin couldn’t be mad at you because you couldn’t pick who you fell in love with. He knew very well how much you initially hadn’t wanted Jungkook around.
No, the person whom he was mad at was himself. He was the person who’d hired a young, good-looking man to spend every waking second with you. Of course, you’d end up closer to him. You spent more time with him than you did with any of your friends, and unfortunately, you’d been so busy lately that he wasn’t even sure you still had any left. Jin decided not to make it public that you two were together. He kept it to himself as he decided on how to deal with the situation. 
It didn’t take long however because one morning, a month after Jin saw the video from the recording session, neither you nor Jeon were answering your phone calls, and you had a busy day ahead of you. Photoshoots and interviews were set up, but you weren’t there. 
Jin took it upon himself to head over to your dorm and wake you up. 
He was expecting it when he found you and Jungkook in bed together. In the back of his mind, he kind of hoped it would happen, although he wished you two could have hidden it a little longer. He wanted you to be happy, he really did. Gingerly, he went over to you and woke you up with a shake. 
“Y/N, get up. We need to talk. Jeon, get out and pack your things because you’re fired,” Jin calmly said as he pulled you out of Jungkook’s arms and into the bathroom to start getting ready. 
You immediately woke when you heard Jin’s words. You hadn’t even had time to register where you were or the fact that Jungkook was no longer in your arms. Jungkook getting fired had been the last thing that you wanted to happen. It wasn’t like the two of you were planning on going public or anything, but Jin didn’t even want to talk about it. If anything, Jungkook’s professionalism had heightened because he wanted to be extra careful that you weren’t going to get found out. He barely looked at you in public if he didn’t need to! The only times you were really like a couple were at night when you would spend time together in the dorm.
“Wait, Jin, this was all my idea! Don’t fire Jungkook, please!” You begged, grabbing your manager’s arm as he attempted to drag Jungkook from the bed and across the hall to his own dorm. 
“Let go of me Y/N, or we’re terminating your contract too. We wouldn’t have had to fire him if he would’ve just kept his dick to himself and not between your legs,” Jin expressed as Jungkook threw his arms into the air and started to walk out. You’d never heard him speak so crudely, especially towards you. 
Jungkook looked at you from the doorway of your bedroom, silently pleading with you to stop arguing with Jin. “Just stop. Don’t worry about me, Y/N. I’m a big boy. I don’t want you to ruin your career over me.”
Jungkook’s words hit you harder than you thought they were going to because this was essentially a breakup. 
“You’re a smart man, Jeon. It’s too bad that this happened because you were a good bodyguard. Too bad you just couldn’t keep it in your pants, kid,” Jin got the final word as he pushed Jungkook out of your room and closed the door. You were still surprised that Jin had that kind of side to him. He’d always been such a good manager. 
“Why are you doing this to me?” You meekly asked from inside the bathroom, tugging on a pair of jeans and a sweater. 
“Your contract explicitly states that you cannot date anyone for three more years,” he replied, keeping any and every emotion off his face. Jin felt bad. He hated being this way, but if he made an exception for you, he would have to make them for his other artists as well. 
“But we weren’t obvious, and literally nobody suspected it! You didn’t have to fire Jungkook! You should have just reassigned him! Besides, don’t you think he’d do an even better job now that he had feelings for me?” You countered, ready to fight for Jungkook’s job until Jin fired you. 
“Don’t push me, Y/N. Jeon knew very well that he was not supposed to enter into a relationship with you and that this would happen. I’m confiscating your phone privileges until further notice. Now, let’s go. You’re already late.”
• • • • • •
Jungkook was sat on the sofa in the living room of his parents’ house is Busan, listening to the song you’d released for him over and over again, not noticing anything going on around him. He had to think about what was going to come next for him.
He fucked up. Earlier that morning, he had to explain to his parents that he was home because he got fired and no longer providing any money for them. He was able to help them out for so long, but he screwed the pooch. “What’s with the song? I heard it on the radio this morning and now you’re playing it. I have it memorized by now,” his dad yelled from the kitchen, where he was making supper. 
“It’s one of her songs…the artist that I was guarding.”
“Jungkook, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it…it’s just a job,” his mother had tried to console him, but it wasn’t only the job that he was sad about. He’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted you. He was scared that he’d never feel again in his lifetime the way he felt about you. Not only was he scared of losing you, he was scared of you moving on from him. 
“Oemma, appa, it’s not just the job. The reason I messed up and got fired was because I fell in love with her, the artist. Remember when I told you that I couldn’t nor wouldn’t date the artist? Well, I lied because I did date her, and that’s the reason I’m here and not with her anymore. I broke my own heart,” he had explained, not able to meet their eyes. He’d never been the type to date around or even express interest in women at all until you. His parents had been surprised to say the least. 
“So why were you fired? I’m confused,” his dad had probed, putting an arm around his mom. 
“My contract stated that I was not allowed to date her, while she’s not actually allowed to date anyone for another three years,” he had clarified, covering his face with his hands. All this talk of you made him miss you even more. It was crazy how fast he’d realized that he needed you around him. He knew how much he meant to you.  Even more so, he wondered if you were safe with whomever they hired to replace him. What if he was a creep, a sleaze…took avantage of you?
“You didn’t fight for her?” His mom asked, clearly still trying to wrap her head around the situation. 
Jungkook shook his head, looking out the kitchen window at the people walking across the street. “It was better for me to leave quietly, or she would have been fired as well.”
“Well, if you want my opinion,” his dad had started, putting a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, “I think you shouldn’t give up if this girl means that much to you, no matter what the manager says.”
Now, he was still sat on the sofa, contemplating his next move. Was he going to fight for you, or was he going to try to find a job here and move on with his life?
If he valued his own happiness, he knew there was only one choice. 
• • • • • •
Jin was worried about you. You’d reverted back to your old, lonely life before Jungkook was hired, but it was a bit worse this time. It was worse because your performances were suffering due to your fatigue. You were working endless days and nights, never taking a break. You slept minimal hours and were at the company before sunrise. You were clearly burning yourself out. People were starting to take notice of what was happening. You’d seemed so happy and thriving when you made your most recent comeback, but something had almost immediately flipped. 
During today’s dance practice, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok decided to step in. “Y/N, we haven’t had a game night in a while. Can we come over tonight?” Jimin asked, making you look away from staring at yourself lifelessly in the practice mirror. 
You gave the boys a fake smile as you answered, “I’m not really feeling up to it. I think I’m just going to stay here and perfect the routine.”
Taehyung put an arm around your shoulder, silently motioning for Hobi to do something. “Are you sure? We can have a great night in with your favourite snacks and a Park Seo-joon drama on the tele?”
“Really, guys. You know it takes me longer to get the dance moves. This choreography is the hardest I’ve ever had. I don’t want to disappoint my fans,” you insisted, shrugging off Tae’s arm and walking towards the table with the water bottles. 
At that moment, Hobi, who had previously left the room, came back in with a surprise…your pup.
“Oh my, God! How did you guys get her? My baby!” You cooed as the black lab hurriedly came to you, wagging her tail excitedly. You dropped to the floor and took her in your arms. She always knew what you needed. And right then, she let you hold her like you hadn’t seen each other in a lifetime. It had basically been a lifetime. “I missed you,” you whispered. 
Before you even realized it was happening, a tear slipped down your cheek. Your dog just sat with you, giving you her infamous hug with her paws between your legs and head tucked into your neck. 
She was the best comfort and had been with you through many cries. So there you sat, breaking down on the floor in the middle of the practice room. It was the first time you cried after all that had happened. You didn’t care how much you told yourself that you were strong and would get over it. You were sad. It wasn’t your fault. You’d finally given your heart to a man. A man who had become your best friend and the person who made you feel safe at all times, in any situation.
But that was all taken away from you. You hadn’t expected any of it when you’d signed your contract. The new bodyguard that they had hired for you was fine and did his job well but he just wasn’t Jungkook. You didn’t trust him like Jungkook. You didn’t like his company like Jungkook. You just couldn’t get yourself to rely on him like you relied on Jungkook. 
• • • • • •
Jin was walking down the hallway towards your studio, doing his daily rounds. Really, he wanted to see how you were doing because he knew that you were taking it hard. He’d pulled some strings and spoken to your family, persuading them to let him take your dog to you. He stopped in front of your practice room, knowing very well that you now had your dog with you. After cracking the door open and taking a quick peak, he realized that he shouldn’t enter and ruin the moment. You were sitting on the ground, dog in your arms, clearly crying. There were a few people watching you, bodyguard ready to pounce at any second, as your shoulders shook with every cry and breath. 
In that moment, Jin wondered if he had really done the right thing by firing Jeon. He liked the guy. He was very good at his job and would have done anything for you, but like he had said, he needed to keep his company in order and not make any exceptions. 
But still, it gave him a lot to think about, especially with Jeon’s multiple attempts at contacting you and the company. He still had your phone, and it was blown up with messages from Jeon. The thing was, apparently the whole company had known about the two of you dating, and nobody told him. Suga and RM admitted that they had known about it from before it even started. Jin asked himself if it was possible to make an exception just this once...
• • • • • •
You couldn’t wait to get back to your dorm and sleep tonight. You finally had your dog back, so you were guaranteed to feel at least a little bit better about the situation. You thought you may have finally had a decent rest that wasn’t disturbed by your endless wanting. 
When you got out of the elevator to your floor, you were really surprised to see Jungkook with his back against the door of your dorm. You hadn’t expected him to be there at all. Your current bodyguard drove you home just like Jungkook used to because he now lives in his dorm, but he always stayed outside for five extra minutes to smoke a cigarette. Thank goodness for that. You didn’t know how you would have explained this to him. 
“Holy shit!” You yelled, slapping a hand over your mouth because you haven’t meant for it to be that loud. “Move out of the way and let me unlock the door before Lee comes up!”
“Who’s Lee?” Jungkook asked as soon as the door closed behind the two of you. Your dog went right to him like she’s seen him a thousand times before. 
“My bodyguard,” you replied taking off your jacket and putting your purse on the coffee table. Jungkook took the leash off your dog while you simply stared at him. 
He noticed you staring and met your gaze. A small smile creeped onto his face as he looked at you, but it quickly turned into a frown. “You look exhausted.”
“It’s been really hard. I hate not having you around. I lost my best friend.”
“I guess your phone is still confiscated?” He took the first step towards you. You stared for only a second before closing the distance between the two of you with a hug. 
His warmth made you want to fall asleep right then and there. Your hands linked around his waist, holding him tightly to him. You could hear his heart beating as he put an arm around you and stroked your hair. You tried not to cry, but he was really in front of you. A sniffle escaped, and you pushed your face deeper into his embrace, lips brushing his neck. “I missed you so much,” you revealed, only tightening your hold on him. 
The two of you stayed together for a long moment before you reluctantly pulled away from his embrace and headed to the bedroom, so you could grab some clothes for your shower. “And yeah, I still don’t have my phone back.”
Jungkook knew what you were doing by heart, having had spent many nights with you, getting to know your routine like the back of his hand. It only took you a few minutes to shower tonight because you’d wanted to spend all the time with Jungkook that you could. It was when the two of you were laying in bed, TV show on low volume and dog cozily laying at your feet, that you finally felt like yourself again…all the exhaustion catching up to you at once. Even though you felt like you’d been run over by a truck, you were happy. 
“I should have fought to stay,” Jungkook admitted, playing with your damp hair that was falling onto your cheek. 
“No, I should have fought harder for you to stay,” you countered, breathing becoming heavier as you started to fall into a much needed sleep. You tried to stop it, but it was inevitable. 
“I’m planning on going back to the company tomorrow, so I hope it works in our favour,” Jungkook explained, but it was already too late because you’d fallen asleep in his arms. After placing a lingering kiss on your forehead, he turned off the TV and let himself get some sleep as well. 
• • • • • •
You barely awoke from your alarm that just sounded, feeling like you’d actually gotten a decent rest. It might have totally been from the man that was lightly snoring beside you. Not long after the first flutter of your eyes, there was a knock from outside tour door; it was Lee. “Get up, Y/N. We have to be in hair and makeup in forty five minutes!” Thankfully Lee always just knocked on your door.
“You have to leave already?” Jungkook’s morning voice was heaven to your ears, even though it was a groan of disapproval. He reached out to your and hugged you, pulling you into him before he took a deep breath, stifling a yawn. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, pushing away from him with all the willpower you had. You missed being with him like this. “Plus, I have to feed and let out my dog.”
“I’m going to the company today. I want my job back,” he started, sitting up and watching you as you walked to your closet to find a shirt and jeans. Continuing, he smirked, “and I want you back.”
“You never lost me, Kook.” You stared back at him, not willing to break the moment. But Lee did it with another bang on the door. “I’m coming! Let me brush my teeth,” you yelled, racing to the bathroom. He was not a patient man. 
“Maybe Jin will be lenient on me when I drop by later…”
“And maybe he’ll give me back my phone,” you mumbled through the toothpaste. Obviously, not having a phone didn’t stop Jungkook from coming to see you. Maybe Jin would see that. 
• • • • • •
Jin was stood outside the company, trying to collect himself before possibly turning around and forgetting about the whole thing. But he couldn’t do that. This was important to him. Money for his family and you were the two things that made him come back. He’d be lying if he didn’t say that this was the best job he’d ever had. 
The walk to Jin’s office was natural at this point, that he barely even had to think about where he was going. On the way, there were a few confused stares, probably wondering where he had been or why he was back, but he only stopped when a familiar face blocked his path: Namjoon. 
“Are you back or what?” He asked Jungkook, taking a sip of the iced coffee in his hand. He seemed to be acting a little protective. 
“I want to be back…I’m here to talk to Jin,” Jungkook revealed, trying to divert his attention from Namjoon’s hard gaze. 
“Y/N’s been out of it since you left.” He didn’t let up his ruse. 
“I didn’t leave, Namjoon. I wouldn’t have left. Jin fired me, but I want to be back.”
Namjoon had a hard time keeping his smile down after Jungkook’s words. “Well, don’t waste your time with me. Go get your job back.”
Jungkook sent him a grateful smile, looking down to the end of the hall where Namjoon had come from. He swallowed, nodding his head. His eyes went to Jin’s door. He had to push all his nervousness down if he wanted to really convince the big guy that he wasn’t going to regret it. 
He knocked on the door with confidence but it faltered once again when Jin told him to come in. Opening the door, the fact that the last time Jungkook had seen Jin had been when he fired him popped into his mind, but he was on a mission. Jin looked up, not surprised to see Jungkook standing in his office. If he was being honest, he was surprised that he hadn’t come earlier. 
When they made eye contact, it was like all the oxygen got sucked out of the air, Jungkook’s lungs empty. He bowed, but Jin barely acknowledged it. 
“Why are you here?” He asked, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed look on his face. Jungkook wasn’t able to read his expression or body language. It had generally been easy to tell what he was thinking, but right then, it was impossible. 
“I’ve come to ask for my job back,” Jungkook tried, trying to keep his confidence in tact. 
“What makes you think I’m going to give you your job back? Lee is great. He takes care of Y/N, and most importantly, he is married with three kids.”
Jungkook had to practically force himself to not argue straight away and stay calm and articulate. Of course, he could have commented on the fact that Lee still could make a move on Y/N if he really wanted to. Men. But, he decided to take a different route and talk about you. “Because I’ve seen what’s gone on with Y/N lately. She’s different, and she seems tires…Plus, Taehyung has been keeping me updated on how she’s doing.” He was a little skeptical about mentioning Tae to Jin, but he wanted Jin to know that he had the best intentions going into this. 
Something flashed across Jin’s face, and Jungkook realized that he’d hit the button right on the nose. Clearing his throat, Jin finally looked away from Jungkook, swivelling the chair, so he could look out his window. “It’s true she’s overworking herself—I won’t deny that, but that still does not change the fact that the two of you broke the rules. I already gave you time to be together. After all, I saw a tape. I didn’t just find out about it that morning.”
Jungkook was surprised. He had been sure that the two of them were careful. Before he could ask what video, Jin continued, “It was during a recording session…the two of you were holding hands and discussing your relationship.”
“Oh,” Jungkook looked down, deflated knowing that Jin had known and let them have some time together. His chances of getting his job back looked thin. 
The were a rumble outside the door, causing both men’s attention to fall to it. A shadow from beneath the closed door was clear. “Who’s outside my office?” Jin’s voice rose, clearly unimpressed that someone had been eavesdropping on their conversation. 
Namjoon timidly opened the door, blush clear on his face. He looked embarrassed and sorry. “I’m sorry…I just overheard a small part of your conversation before I knocked over the plant outside your door…If I may, can I say something?”
Jungkook stared at Namjoon like he’d grown two heads. Joon made brief eye contact with him and sent him a smile.
“Fine.” Although his body language showed disinterest, Jungkook was sure that Jin was interested in what Namjoon had to say, regardless of his stumble. 
“I speak for every artist I know in the company when I say that I’m okay if you bend the rules this time. Hear me out—we all knew about their being together for a while, and everyone was happy for them. You wouldn’t believe the shock when we found out that Jungkook had been sent home.”
Jin scrunched his eyebrows together. “So what you’re saying to me is that you think I should hired him back because nobody is going to say anything about their special treatment. In fact, they’re all encouraging it?”
“Essentially…and I know Y/N would become healthier again. She told me that she’s never trusted anyone as much as she trusts Jungkook, not even Lee.” 
Jungkook remained silent as he looked at the pair, deciding whether this interruption was going to work out in his favour. 
Jungkook stilled, unsure whether he heard Jin correctly. “What?”
“You’re rehired, kid,” Jin concluded, waving his hands in the air. 
Namjoon clapped Jungkook on the back, almost pushing him over. He was practically in shock. “That’s it? You’re not going to grill me any more or make me break up with Y/N if I come back?” Was all me managed in his state.
“Do you want me to do those things?” Jin challenged, picking up his phone and tapping it a few times before putting it against his ear. “Yes, tell Lee to come see me straight away.” Digging through his desk drawer, Jin also gave Jungkook a phone, your phone to be exact, before he finally said, “Go find her.”
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice as he raced out the door, practically tripping over Namjoon in the process. He made his way to hair and makeup because you were filming a dance practice video later today, so you’d be getting ready for that. He didn’t even bother knocking on the door before barging in. He was right when he guessed you’d be sitting in your chair eyes closed and enjoying the few moments of relaxation until you had to get back to your day. 
“What do you need, Lee?” You asked, not opining your eyes. 
“Actually, it’s me,” he whispered from just above your shoulder. You opened your eyes, making eye contact with him through the mirror. 
“A-are you allowed to be here?” You asked, hastily turning around to see him and make sure what you were seeing was correct. 
Jungkook smiled, taking a spare chair and sitting next to you. He motioned for the makeup artist to continue her work while he answered you, “I just spoke to Jin, and I’m rehired. He’s talking to Lee as we speak.”
“You mean…you’re MY bodyguard again? You’re not going to be assigned to someone else?” You had to close your eyes again, so you couldn’t see his face, unfortunately. 
“I’m all yours, baby,” he whispered in your ear, causing you to smile. “But from this moment on, I’m back to being professional.”
You had to force back a laugh at him because you knew he was going to stick by what he said. And if you were being honest with yourself, you were all right with professional Jungkook. He was pretty hot. 
“Did he say anything about us dating?” You asked outright. You heard Jungkook clear his throat, clearly surprised by your blunt question. 
“I cannot say much about that here, but I can assure you that everything will return to how it was before I left,” he politely answered. You could tell that he was now no longer sitting in the chair but standing further away. 
You did have to get away from the distraction and continue getting ready. You were filming a music video today, and unless you wanted to be there until 5 am, you had to get a move on. Thankfully, Jimin took your dog for the day to keep her company. 
There was silence in the room for the next 20 minutes, but you could hardly wipe the smile off your face. Jungkook was back with you. You already started to feel more like yourself again. 
“Yes, CEO, she’s smiling again,” you heard him quietly whisper to someone, you assumed through his headset. You knew you weren’t supposed to have heard it. 
• • • • • •
*one month later*
Nobody was supposed to have known that you were leaving that day, but still, the airport was full of fans and paparazzi trying to get close and take photos of you. Jungkook was a few feet behind you, keeping fans away while Lee was doing the same from a few feet in front of you. As it turned out, Lee was still a part of your crew, which was constantly growing with your popularity.
You tried your best to sign a few autographs and smile for some pictures, but in reality, you were exhausted. You’d barely gotten any sleep last night, and you had just put in a full day of rehearsal and work. The last thing you wanted to be was cooperative. 
This, however, did not work much in your favour because just as you were finished signing an autograph, a “fan” somehow managed to push you sideways. They had more force than you were expecting, and you fell to the ground faster than Jungkook or Lee could catch you. 
You’d never been super graceful, and the way you’d landed perfectly demonstrated that. Actually, the angle at which you fell caused your body to contort and hurt your arm. You tried to breathe through the pain, but there was definitely something wrong. You knew right away that you’d either broken or dislocated your shoulder. You didn’t want to cry in front of anyone, but it fucking hurt so that’s what you did through your quick breaths. 
You laid on the ground for a long moment, a silence taking over the crowd before Jungkook came down to meet you. “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?”
You couldn’t answer any of his questions right away because he didn’t give you any time. Tears were slipping down your eyes and he quickly wiped them away. “M-my shoulder,” you managed, clenching his jacket with your hand. 
“Lee, call someone or something!” Jungkook demanded, shifting you so you were in less pain. 
“We should take her to the hospital, Jeon,” Lee said, already dialling Jin. 
You didn’t notice it then, but the way that Jungkook was holding you wasn’t like the regular way a body guard reacted to his job. You only realized when you say the multiple pictures that people had posted about the event. 
“Kookie,” you whispered, closing your eyes and putting your face into his neck, hoping he’d somehow make it all better in a second, “I’m so dizzy. I can’t see anything.”
“Shh…you’ll be okay. I’m going to take you to the hospital okay? Can you walk?”
“The car is out front,” Lee added, as he kept the road away from the two of you still. 
You didn’t answer Jungkook, but you attempted to stand on your own. It was a failed attempt, considering you were still nausea and everything was blurry. Jungkook pulled you into him, trying to help you stay balanced. At this point you were no longer crying, but the pain pretty much took over your entire ability to move. You were a wimp. You knew it. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you to the car,” he whispered in your ear. 
• • • • • •
“It’s all over the internet,” Jin said as you sat in front of his desk with your stupid sling. 
“What is?” You’d just gotten out of the hospital yesterday, taking a few days before you fly out to where you were headed before.
He turned his computer monitor towards you to show you the pictures of you and Jungkook in the airport, looking more like a couple than an idol and bodyguard. 
“Oh, those are quite the pictures…” you trailed off, looking at them more closely. You were going to be in BIG trouble. 
“I was going to give you the talk, but you and Jungkook have been very very good lately. Nobody has suspected a thing until now, and surprisingly, the reception has been positive. I think it’s mostly because of the way he’s treated you. So I’ve decided we’re not making any kind of comment on the situation. You and Jungkook will continue on as you are. This could be good. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s quite popular with your fans, both because of his looks and how he takes care of you.”
The only thing that you registered out of that was that Jungkook would stay by you, and you didn’t have to be alone again. 
Jungkook stood right outside the door, listening to every word that the two of you were saying. He’d been on edge since the airport because he’d failed at his job. He started to doubt whether he was good enough to protect you after all. 
At that moment, before he could self-deprecate too much, you poked your head outside the door. “Let’s go somewhere,” you said, taking his hand and dragging him to your studio. Jungkook remained stoic the entire way there, but when the door shut, he managed a small smile. “I’m not getting sacked?”
You looked up at him through your lashes, biting your lip. “You still have your job.”
He held your face with his hands, pulling you closer to him. “But I failed to keep you safe.” He didn’t look into your eyes. 
“It was a fluke. I practically fell on my own. I’m fine. Please don’t do this to me again. We’ve talked about this already, love,” you countered, letting your free hand snake around his waist. “Now, are you gonna kiss me, or what?” 
Jungkook cracked a small smile, nudging your nose with his. You guessed it didn’t take much to convince him…or distract him. 
Kissing Jungkook never quite felt the same, in a very good way. It was never boring, and you never knew what to expect. Every time, a fresh wave of butterflies flew in your stomach and a new feeling blossomed in your heart. Every kiss with him felt as if it was the first one. 
He pushed you towards your couch, where you’d shared your first real kiss together. You wanted to do everything and anything with him at that moment, but only having one arm made you frustrated. 
Jungkook laid you down, careful not to hurt your shoulder. You were on meds, so it wasn’t too bad. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him to you. 
“I’ve missed you. You’ve been so busy lately. I feel like we haven’t had much time together,” he confided to say between kisses. You hummed, putting your hand under his shirt, feeling the warm skin underneath that you craved. He quickly shucked off his jacket and threw his shirt over his head.
He looked at you for quite some time before kissing your cheeks as you shamelessly felt up his toned muscles, slowly making his way down your jaw to your neck. You leaned back, giving him more access. You were expecting everything to go further, finally getting the time with your boyfriend that you so desperately needed, but he stopped and admitted into your neck, “my mom called me earlier, and she wants to meet you.”
The last thing you wanted was to think about was his mother. What a mood killer. 
• • • • • •
77 notes · View notes
abbi-normals-brain · 5 years
A Credible Threat
An interview between a human from Australia, and a highly credulous alien tasked with cataloging and rating potential threats and hazards throughout the galaxy. Derived loosely from a recent writing prompt I saw lurking Reddit. I don't post there, so here it is.
"We had a war with them, you know."
The human puts the "cigarette" to his mouth again. The smoke activates the extractors, which are calibrated to remove all toxins from the atmousphere almost as soon as they appear.  You scroll through your notes with one tentacle, looking for a mention of whom he's referring to.
"A war? With the...the large criminal faction typically referred to as 'The English', I presume? I understand your people were exiled from--"
The human interupts you with a harsh laugh, like the sounds made by the dogs you'd unsuccessfully tried to interview earlier in this experiment. You make a note to re-open the issue of whether these sounds may  constitute a spoken language after all.
"A 'criminal faction'! Ha, that's a good one! But Nah, mate. I didn't mean England. I mean the damn emus."
"Emus." Ash falls from the glowing tip, and you nervously check your notes. Who let him have that thing? It must constitute some kind of hazard rating. The preliminary analysis from the lab decribes the item as 'a thin tube of bleached fibrous material containing dried plant matter of the Earth genus Nicotiana which has typically been impregnated with preservatives and other compounds. Nicotiana is very toxic in large enough doses, and alters neurochemical makeup with consistant exposure, but it is vanishingly difficult to expose oneself to these conditions unintentionally, particularly in a well-ventilated space. One end is hot when in use, but the items were judged largely harmless and placed in the lowest threat category.' Hm. Fine. Doesn't seem right, but the lab technicians generally know what they're doing.
"Expand on this, please."
"They're bloody emus! What else is there to say?! You mean to tell me you guys went cruising around in your little UFO grabbing up randos from all over Australia--"
"We  actually took samples from an evenly distributes pattern of points across the surface of your world."
"And NONE of them told you about emus?!"
The human snorted and shakes his head. You enter a few notes, waiting for him to continue, and when he doesn't, you do.
"You are the first subject to mention them. Frankly, the first to mention war with an non-human animal at all, and I can't say I'm not suspicious of your claims."
"Suspicious? Mate, it's just how the place is. First thing people think of when they think of Australia."
"The Galactic Travel Guide is familiar with many of Earth's most dangerous predators outside of yourselves. We've heard about the lions. We've heard about the hippos, and how they're actually much more dangerous than the lions. We've heard quite a lot about the moose. We've even heard of your screaming, spitting black and white geese. We've even heard of the small population of flightless dragons with necrotic saliva.  But the idea of creatures such as these attempting to make war on the dominant sapients of the planet--"
"It was a little more than an attempt, mate," the human muttered.
"You don't mean to suggest--"
"Yeah. Yeah, they won."
"Is it something about your treatment aboard ship that makes you so obstructionist in these interviews? You know that if you simply answer our questions about the hazards your species navigate on your planet, we will return you to your home. Most of our other samples have completed this task, been mindwiped of the experience, and returned to their normal lives."
"Nah, the food's great. The room's comfortable. I'm not 'obstructionist'. I'm just tellin' you what's out there."
"And what else is there?"
"Go on."
"Long tail. They can stand on it a little. Hops along on its back feet as fast as a car, but can't move backwards. Massive, vicious sharp claws too. Tall as a man, almost, and punches like a freight train. And they breed pretty fast, enough they're pests in some parts."
"Pests as in, an animal populous enough to cause damage to human settlements?"
"Yeah, they put up special fences in some places to keep them out."
"Fortifications?! Just for these creatures?!"
"We also got'em for crocodiles."
"We've heard of them before, from a subject in..." you check your notes, "Egypt."
"Ours are bigger. And meaner. World famous for it, really."
"So you say."
"And I bet that guy didn't tell you the kicker about crocodiles. If you're looking for a threat rating, well... See, they just...keep growing. Most of them come in at an average size, but sometimes there's one....as long as they have enough food to support themselves, they literally never stop growing, AND they don't age like you and m--well, like me. So they could hypothetically get to be older than dirt and bigger than a bus if you fed 'em enough."
"Right. Moving on. Setting aside macrofauna, how would you describe the toxicology profile of your land? Insects, plant and fungal life, etc?"
"Extensive! World famous for that too!"
"Of course you are."
"It's not all bad. Some of our animals carry their babies inside--"
"Yes, we're aware of the ordeal that is mammallian reproduction and would thank you not to bring it up."
"No no, the marsupials. Like the kangaroos. The babies are born as just this tiny fetus that crawls by itself into its mother's pocket until its got hair and stuff."
"So now you're saying the kangaroos wear clothes?"
"No, the pocket is in the skin."
"For Glob's sake, if you think I'm such a fool that I'd enter this in the GTG databases--which 100's of bargillions of S'zezdars rely on for their very lives as they attempt to avoid the many deadly threats in the galaxy--"
"Can't be that deadly out there, if you're this scared of kangaroos."
The thick mane of barbed spines down your back rattled against each other as they rose up straight--"like a porcupine" a different human subject had said. You were starting to lose patience.
"Human." you said with a measured firmness that made the human pause and look warily at you, shifting eye contact between your various ocular organs as they bulged, pulsing with pale yellow light. "What the GTG does may seem silly to you, or pedantic, or useless. To be quite frank, this is because you as a species live on a tiny ball of spittle and haven't even been to the bottoms of your own oceans yet. Out here, in the vastness of all space, where the species like us who have earned the privilege, this is a literal matter of life and death. Living, thinking, sapient being in numbers that your species literally can't comprehend depend on accurate up to date information on the unimaginable array of threats that await them off-world."
"Mate, I'm sorry, I'm really not here to condescend. I'm actually trying to help you."
With a conscious effort, you pull your spines back down into a relaxed position. They make a single simultaneous clacking sound, like an old mechanical lockbox.
"Then please give my work the gravity it deserves."
The human put the "cigarette" in his mouth again, and exhaled thoughtfully., giving you a curious look.
"...so, uh. I take that means you don't wanna hear about the platypus?" You're about done with this subject. He's been holding up the experimental process for days. His claims get more and more outlandish and obtuse with each interview. Clearly you're not going to get accurate information about this subject's natural environment from the subject himself. An away mission will be necessary to verify details first hand.
Your tentacles flex and curl nervously. But what if what he said was true, or at least had a grain of truth to it? You consider it for a moment and discard the idea. If the location were really that dangerous, they would be downplaying it to exaggerate their own power over such a hostile environment. Clearly they're doing the opposite, trying to exaggerate the danger. Or more likely, fabricate dangers completely. He must know the land has no natural defenses and doesn't want to be overrun by hostile Galactic faction. Or maybe they just want adventure tourist dollars--this is for a travel guide after all. You decide in an instant that you're calling his bluff here and now. 
Either way, this subject is being ejected from the study post-haste. You release the thin panel of a screen you'd been taking notes on, and grasp the microphone of the voice COM in your desk firmly among your suckers.
"Guard." you say flatly. A heavily armed and armoured S'zezdar slithers into the room immediately. "Take this one for mindwiping and send him home. We're going to have to check out the local flora and fauna on the surface ourselves." You distantly worried about the tongues-lashing your supervisor would give you about it, and about how you handled this subject in general, but getting out on an away mission again would be worth it.
The guard looked surprised.
"Without even a preliminary threat rating for the area?"
"Don't worry. I'm expecting no problems at all."
The guard grabbed the human by one of his upper appendages. The other appendage crushed the synthetic foam filter of his "cigarette" device into the table. The human didn't resist as the guard pulled him up out of the chair. Instead, the human stretched out its mouth. Sideways. You almost feel like it could reach his ears if he tried. You've seen no record of this facial expression in humans. You don't like it. It shows too many teeth.
"A'right, bye then, mate. Good talkin' to ya..." The human... (you cast about for the word for a moment) laughs. As the guard drags him to the medical bay, he calls back once more over his shoulder.
"Good luck with the emus!"
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hisgirlwonder · 6 years
Atonement - Part Three
Length: 2.3K words Warning: A lot of this is power play with intrusive thoughts but there’s also the addition of smut in the form of sex toys/anal stuff, humiliation, some degrading pet play, sadism of sorts, voyeurism, that sort of thing~ Synopsis: With his trust broken, Michael is doing all he can to make you regret ever crossing him. Notes: Here’s the third part in the continuation of my favourite fic series I’ve written to date (I think my niche might be humiliation which probably speaks volumes about me lmao) and you can find part one and two here on my master list. Hope you enjoy!!! I should also probably point this out but I always write Y/N as consensual because we all know she secretly loves Michael and can’t resist him (even if she might come across as loathing him)
Michael’s actions towards you had caused quite a commotion in the Outpost. Since that show in front of the others, they were all scared stiffness and didn’t want to be the next in line and abided by his rules. Nobody realised that Michael wasn’t interested in punishing them even if they acted out because you were his target, his prey, his toy. He would have just snapped their necks and let that be that. But with you? No, you were different. You were his.
“What the fuck, where are they?”
Desperate hands of yours rummage through bags of clean laundry trying to find your own. You specifically remember last night putting them on a wash cycle and one of the other girls said she’d take care of the rest which by your calculations means they should be there. But they’re not and you’re stressing out. You didn’t need more punishment on top of what you were already being given.
Certain you’ve got another outfit hanging up in your wardrobe, you run back to your room as fast as you can. The adrenaline pumping through your veins turned you into a fumbling mess and made trying to unlock the door difficult, albeit not impossible, and you get there eventually. Once inside you rush over to your closet and fling open its doors.
Michael surely had better things to do than take my clothes, didn’t he?
Apparently, you might have been wrong. The cupboard in front of you is bare, stripped of your belongings. You mutter a fuck under bated breath, heart pounding. Knowing you don’t have much time, you quickly move onto your drawers and yank them open whilst praying you’re still in possession of something, anything, to wear to his office – your search falls flat. You haven’t even got a pair of socks.
There’s a knock at the door. It was if your thoughts were so loud that the Devil himself answered you because you open the door and who was it? Michael.
“Good morning, little grey. Did you get my message? I hope you enjoyed it.”
His tone was all too self-righteous and cocky for this early in the morning.
You’re staring at him in confusion, saying nothing.
I didn’t get a…
It clicks. He took all of your clothes to send you a message.
He continues, “I just love that look upon your face right now. It’s like you’re becoming aware what I can do to make you feel your own shame. There are a few things planned so don’t take too long to get ready. Make sure you shower first,” Michael says, rubbing it in with a wink. You wanted to slap the smug off his own.
A concerned Ms. Mead clears her throat, breaking the silence in the room.
“Michael, don’t you think you’re being just a little harsh on that poor girl.”
You look up from your screen to see Mead staring down at you, sadness in her eyes. She hated seeing you like this – she missed the old Michael, the one that had become buried deep under a cloud of jealousy. Mead could read you like a book and knew from the way you were reacting and the things she’d observed that you really did care for Y/N but you didn’t know how to show it.
“Thank you for the concern. I really do appreciate it but after she went behind my back and metaphorically shat all over me then she’s going to get every last bit of my harshness. How dare she let him-” you pause, smacking your clenched fist down in exasperation.
Miriam leans in on the edge of the desk, sight focused on you and trying to read your expression since you had a guard up. You’re refusing to look at her and instead your vision veers off to the side with flared nostrils and a mouth scrunched up in disapproval, matching the current mood.
“Michael, please, look at me.” Mead begs, moving around to be in your line of sight but you move your head again, still refusing to look at her, “It doesn’t have to be like this, you know? You don’t need to let your feelings get the better of you. You’re not a monster, Michael.”
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Michael. You’re not a monster, Michael.” You mimic, deflecting the obvious truth she was speaking. You did feel something for her but the news of betrayal hurled you back into the past when you were abandoned by your own flesh and blood.
“Wow, okay. I see I’m getting nowhere with you. I’m going to go and attend to other things but you know where I am if you decide you actually want to act your age and not like a defiant, spoilt child.” Mead sighs heavily then walks out of the room. You notice she’s left the door ajar as you hear her speaking in a surprised tone, saying, “Oh, hello, Y/N. Michael’s in there.”
“Uh, sir, hello,” your words were sheepish, uncertain. He doesn’t acknowledge your greeting nor does he do anything besides type away on his laptop. You’re about to say something else when he bluntly tells you to come to him. You comply with the instructions and tiptoe over to him, standing to the right of his desk.
The tapping of fingers on the keyboard ceases once he feels your presence near. He closes his laptop, pushes himself off the seat, and walks around you in circles with eyes fixated on your exposed skin.
Those icy blues are taking in the sight of the damage inflicted on your body. A single finger lightly skims over the parts that were tinged in shades of blue and violet from where he’d dug in too hard. With cold yet curious tone, he asks, “Do these hurt?”
The answer to that question is simple – of course they hurt. You were in agony trying to fall asleep last night because of that. If he had asked you, however, if anything had hurt more then that was an entirely different story. You’d say yes because it didn’t just hurt, it tormented you to be around him and to almost suffocate on the anguish filling the room that he was experiencing, all because of you. You can’t recall him ever using the word “hate” but you wouldn’t be surprised if that was how he felt about you nowadays.
You pull together a sentence but your words are spoken too timidly for him to hear. He wraps his hand around the bruised skin, gripping where the marks were present, and squeezes as he’s demanding for you to speak up. Tears pool in your eyes and you’re wincing in pain, yelling out that they do. Gasping under the pressure he’s putting on your contusions.
Michael begins to laugh to himself for some reason and drops the clasp he has around your bruised limb. Your eyes, slightly narrowed, on him and you’re rubbing at the soreness. He sits back down on his chair and as he’s pulling in his chair, he mocks you, “I already know what you’re going to do before you do, little grey. You think you get the privileges of a normal human being? Don’t be silly. We both know where you belong.” His head tilts in the direction of the floor, “Down you go, on your hands and knees.”
You’re amazed at how well Michael pulls off the cold, clinical act but you fail to realise that this is what he’s taught himself throughout his life – through the hurt, the abandonment, the pain, the loss, the best and only thing he can do is to build the fortress inside him higher, and stronger; even if this means losing himself even deeper each time he rebuilds it. He’s done it so many times you could almost call him a master in carpentry.
With you following his commands, you’re resting on your bent knees and flat palms. Michael squats down for a minute, eyes perusing over your positioning. You part lips to speak but Michael snatches your face up in one hand and he snaps, “Does the little bitch wish to speak? Too bad she can only bark.”
His emphases on the word bark showed how serious he was, he throws you from his hand and stands up, hovering above like a figure of authority. “You want to speak? So do it, and you get points if you make it extra convincing.”
You put two and two together and come back with something that makes a whole lot of sense. He didn’t want you to speak, he wanted you to bark like a dog because his aim was to make you feel less than human. So, naturally, you don’t want to rock the boat and you show him how convincing you can be.
“Very good. I think you’ve earned the right to speak for a little bit.”
“Thank you, sir. What’s the point in all of this?”
“To teach you obedience, silly. You clearly lack it and all dogs need training sometimes. Oh, and before I forget, I have something for you... a gift, if you please.” Michaels words were mostly calm but there was a touch of condescension thrown in there for good measure. “Before you feel the need to waste any extra oxygen in this room by asking another trivial question, just know it’s something I’m sure you will love, like the slut you are.”
You’re trying to swallow down your nerves but it’s as if you’re a cat with a furball caught in its throat, wanting to cough them back up.
Michael can’t do anything worse to you than he already has.
You’ve been staring at the floor and psyching yourself up to bundle your nerves and shove them deep down inside you that you didn’t notice Michael had disappeared until he came back. You look up and there he is, holding up a red bag. “Little grey, get up off the floor and come and get this,” he swings the bag in front of you by the handles, like an owner waving a toy in front of their pet.
Dying to speak, you bite your tongue for fear of backlash. Michael already senses it in you and pipes up with, “I know, I know. This must be confusing, right? I’m punishing you and then I’m giving you gifts,” Michael grabs his chin in his free hand, pursing his lips before he continues, “I guess you’ll just have to sit on the edge of your seat to see what I have planned next, huh?”
You stick out your hand to grab the bag from him, looking at him in the eyes but you can’t work out what’s going through his mind. Part of you wonders if this is some kind of joke and then the other part wonders if he’s trying to win you over just to gain more control.
Your teeth chew at your bottom lip and you pluck up the courage to dive in, feeling what seems to be a bottle and something fluffy. You pull both out and place them on the table; a butt plug with a tail and a bottle of lube. “I don’t understand. Why these?”
“I just thought I’d get you something to help with your canine transformation since apparently you do quite like being a bitch.” His hands grab for the bottle, shaking it around before holding it out to you, “See? I’m not entirely cruel.”
He places the bottle back down on his desk, continuing to explain his plan, “You’re going to wear this, if not for me then for your own self, because I can promise you things will be worse if you don’t.”
Your eyes hit the plug – it wasn’t like you hadn’t had anything up there before and it wasn’t overly huge so you figured you could do it.
“Do I make myself clear?”
You nod your head.
“Good. Now show me just how clear I’ve made myself.”
Michael points at the toy, “I want you to put a foot up on the chair so I can watch you stick that,” then he points at your ass, “In there. I also want you to look at me so I can feel every second of it. Got it?” He tongues his front teeth in some kind of sick enjoyment.
You bite back the nerves and nod your head again to show your understanding. Despite your submissive streak, you were being crushed slowly and painfully because this wasn’t how you wanted anything sexual with him to go.
With one foot propped up on the chair, you pick both the bottle and toy up, hands trembling slightly, and squirt fake slick on to the plug before rubbing it in and bringing it to your ass. The flesh of your behind hitting Michael’s gaze.
“No. Turn your face around and look at me when you do it. I want to see you.”
Was this just a punishment or his own fetish?
You turn, facing Michael, trying your best to be brave but you knew he’d be able to see the pain. It was pain because over and over again thoughts like you’ve done this to him, he’s hurting because of you, you worthless piece of shit, Michael is right to teach you like this ran through your mind.
For the first time in who knows how long his eyes light up as he’s staring at you pressing the tip of the foreign object into your hole, gasping slightly as it easily slides in. He’s tried to remain calm and composed this whole time but even he can’t hide his own enjoyment, whether it be from the power or from him fill your ass with something, and it’s showing. He’s biting down on his fingers at his own titillation over your docility.
“Wow, you didn’t even cry out in pain, almost as if it’s not your first time filling that ass of yours with something.”
His eyes are stuck on you, particularly on your ass, as his feet lead him to be behind you. His hands pull at your hair back his direction, you too were growing aroused but trying to hide it, “You really are a slut. Shall we see how much you can take?”
Taglist: @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sensitivethot @sammythankyou @sevenwondr @langdonsdemon @creamy-pasta-boi
 Also wanted to add in you darlings since you loved the first two parts!! @icylangdon @langdonsrapture @cocosfern
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The Bodyguard Ch.9
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Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4/ Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8/ Chapter 9
Summary: You are a hired bodyguard who has just been employed by BigHit Entertainment. You have sworn to never get too involved with the ones you protect again since your last job ended badly. But will you be able to keep that promise to yourself or will your heart be the one who needs better protection? (Sort of based off the movie) 
  Namjoon looked out the window of the car that you were driving. The rest of the boy's had all nodded off. You had been travelling for quite some time and had changed cars a few times along the way. You wanted it to be as difficult as possible to track, to completely disappear. 
You had phoned their managers as soon as you were on your way telling Namjoon to let you handle it. It hadn't gone down well as you had expected but you had been very clear that if it didn't happen the way you insisted then you would go and if that happened then were they willing to chance losing their most successful breakthrough group to date? 
Was it worth the risk? 
You had managed to persuade them although begrudgingly. You were astounded really, wouldn't they want to look after their biggest asset? They were talented boys and extremely kind, that surely meant something to them.
Namjoon at this point had no idea where you were you or where you were headed. He'd never been this far out of the city before and you must be pretty far from home now, you had been driving for hours.
Namjoon found himself nodding off too as it began to grow darker and the noise of the car lulled him to sleep. Soon, not even the odd building could be seen. 
The trees were growing thicker and thicker and it was obvious that you had come to a pretty isolated place. The dirt road that you were driving along wasn't that worn and was very bumpy, so much so that it jostled the others awake.
Namjoon moaned as his head bumped against the window. As he opened his eyes he noticed how they were no surrounded by dense forest.
"Wow! We really are in the middle if nowhere. How long till we get there?" He asked while the others stared out the window, a few looking a little scared at how dark and scary the woods looked.
"Not far now." You aimed a smile behind you to reassure them. You knew it had been a long time to be inside car for so long but soon they'd be able to get out and have a little more freedom. 
Before you had left you had made it a point for them to leave behind any technology. Just in case. You had a landline at the safe house and you always had a burner phone as backup there also. You could tell they were reluctant to be without their phones but it was for the best and you had explained that to them although you were concerned how they would be without them and to live with their boredom.
You finally arrived at your destination. You parked outside and let out a relieved breath at finally getting to the end of the long drive. You got out and went around to Namjoon's car door to alert them to your arrival.
They had all fallen asleep again. You nudged Namjoon to awaken him. It had gotten really dark and it would be best to get them inside to get proper rest. The safe house was more like a cabin and it was quite spacious with a lake nearby. There was four bedrooms the boys could share easily, thankfully they all had single beds with one guest bedroom that had a double which you would take. 
You used to come here often with your father as you and him would come here to fish and in the winter holidays to get away from his busy job and spend quality time together. Now it was used for when you needed to get away from everything and the odd occasion such as this.
Namjoon and the others got out and looked over the cabin in the dying light.
"Wow. This place looks so idealistic, do you own the place?" Jimin asked.
"It's my father's but I mainly come here now, so, technically." You unlocked the cabin door and stood back to let them enter. 
"I'll get a fire started then I'll show you to the rooms down the hall. There's a bathroom just down there if you want to go or freshen up before bed." The prospect of showering really appealed to them as they hadn't had the chance since last nights performance as you had whisked them away straight away.
Once the fire was lit you showed everyone to their rooms. In the end Taehyung and Jungkook ended up sharing the room at the end of the hall, Yoongi and Jin the room adjacent to that and because the other rooms both contained two beds and nobody wanted a room all to their self you suggested moving one of the beds into the others. 
Once that was done Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok were left to share. You made to leave to check the perimeter and go to bed yourself when Namjoon approached you. 
"Where will you sleep?"
"There's a room just down the hall. I'll sleep there, I'll keep the door open to keep an ear out but don't worry we should be safe here. Relax and get some sleep." 
You said before you let out a yawn that you couldn't hold back.
"You must be tired, you drove for so long. I could have taken over for you." 
Namjoon seemed  a little concerned as you had endured a really long drive that normally would have had a few stops a long the way if it was just an ordinary trip.
"You didn't know where we were going?" You smiled amusedly.
"Oh, yeah... Well, you could have given directions." 
Namjoon really was very thoughtful. Even though he was going through a crisis at the moment he was thinking of you. You felt yourself more and more thinking you really had the wrong idea about idols and celebrities, you had blanket covered them to be very self privileged and selfish but Namjoon and his friends were proving you to be wrong.
"It's fine. I like to drive anyway. I'll let you get some rest, I'm going to check around and do the same."
He nodded, shuffling a little awkwardly. "Goodnight then." he said trying not to sound as awkward as he felt.
"Goodnight," You gave him a soft smile that was a little weary. "Namjoon." 
As you walked back down the hall Namjoon watched you until you were out of view. The soft light coming from the bedroom was just enough to illuminate his expression that Jimin just so happened to catch.
"I thought you were tired? Not too tired to moon over Miss. y/l/n, I see?" Jimin said giving Hoseok a wink as he teased Namjoon.
"I am no mooning, I was just..." He took one look at Jimin's face that was looking expectantly for his excuse,seeing the teasing light in his eyes. "Never mind, just... go to sleep."
"Sweet dreams you guys. Especially you, Namjoon." Hoseok said returning a conspiratorial wink to Jimin. "Ooh, miss. y/l/n! I love you!" Hoseok said imitating Namjoon as he hugged himself and made kissing noises.
Jimin and him laughed as Namjoon threw a pillow at him but couldn't help his laugh also. 
"Shut up and turn the light out will you?" Hoseok controlled his laughter and threw Namjoon his pillow back and turned off the light finally.
You grabbed your burner phone as you stepped outside. You decided to bring your father up here too, he usually kept the place tidy and well kept in case you needed it and if you were honest you could do with his help. He never had a position like yours but he also had military background and you felt his presence may even help around the place plus your dog which was in your father's care was an excellent guard dog that would be a tremendous help to you and you missed her a lot too.
Her name was Maggie but you normally called her Mags for short. You had trained her to be quiet and alert you to any intrusion. She was extremely loyal and very unique looking. She was a cross breed. A mix of an Australian shepherd and a Siberian husky. The official name for the breed was a Aussie Siberian and she was beautiful. She had the colourings of a shepherd the grey blue markings with a few light brown spots, her ears were black and were upright but folded over, but what truly made her striking was her one piercing pale blue eye. Her other was dark brown, so much so that the pupil was indiscernible. She was your most loyal companion and protector.
Once you had phoned your father you had had your ear chewed off about not calling often enough and you had felt bad but being good at your job meant you were in demand and everyone wanted your protection. You had apologised and asked him to come down. He had agreed saying that it would be his chance to actually see you. You had rolled your eyes but had thanked him and told him to bring down Mags as well. 
"I was going to anyway." Was his response. You laughed a little at that he was just as much in love with her as you were and the last time you had left you had given Mags instructions to take care of you father whilst you were away. By the sounds if it she had done a good job.
"Thanks, dad. I'll see you soon."
"You haven't said. Who have you got down there?"
"We'll talk about it when you get here."
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Okay, bye.”
You heard your father hang up, you put the phone in your pocket and let out a breath. It had chilled off since getting dark and a chill ran up your spine. You hugged yourself and headed back inside to get some rest. Tomorrow your father would be here and you would probably have to deal with quite a few questions from both him and Namjoon and his friends. You'd need as much sleep as possible to look forward to that.
Once morning came around you were surprised to see that Taehyung was already up along with Jungkook and Yoongi. You always got up extra early to do a round of the perimeter so you were surprised to see them up especially since the day before yesterday had been so hectic and they had slept in the car and then not until late last night so they couldn't have got much sleep in.
"What are you guys doing up?"
"Tae said you'd teach him some self defense." Yoongi said tilting his head giving you  a questioning look.
"Yes, I did." You looked between them not really sure where this was going.
"Can you teach us too?" Jungkook asked. "I mean I know some stuff but I bet you know more."
"I've been through a lot of training it's true and of course you're welcome to join if it makes you feel better."
"Oh good!" A voice from just inside the doorway startled you. You turned to see the everyone else emerging from the cabin. Hoseok gave you a thumbs up as he passed. "In that case. Please teach us!" You hadn't expected everyone to find out and want to be taught but you were pleasantly surprised.
"Alright. You all have to take it seriously though." You said sternly.
"Yes, Ma'am!" They shouted in unison.
"Alright, then. Breakfast first? And then you can all meet me in a small separate space from the cabin by the lake.”
They all headed back in for breakfast except Namjoon who hung behind.
"Something wrong?" You asked.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" 
"I don't know. I wish I did, these things need to be handled properly and you returning when there might still be danger would be a mistake. Just relax not that you're here. Worrying about things won't make time move faster or your situation blow over any quicker, okay? Trust me."
He nodded, looking out across towards the lake that was nearby. 
"It's very beautiful here."
"It is. I came here a lot with my father when I was little."
"You don't anymore?" He looked to you now, curious.
"Not as much. But I asked him to come here now for his help and of a friends."
"Your father? Why?"
"He used to be in the military he can be immeasurably helpful sometimes when I have to look at a problem from an outside perspective."
"Wow, I suppose I should have guessed."
"Guessed what?"
"Well, I heard that before you were a bodyguard you were in the army. It kind of makes sense that at least one of your parents were probably part of some sort of service too."
"Hmmmm, when you put it like that."
"You mentioned a friend. Who?"
You smiled. "You'll see."
You moved past him and made your way back inside. He watched you go. Taking one last look outwards he took a deep breath in and released it before heading in to eat something as well.
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Unconventional Relationship
Write a couple in an unconventional relationship. Try to include a segment with a third party in the middle. 
Eira had never considered the actual reason that she seemed to be unable to stay in a single relationship for more than a couple of months. Terra would have had the answer, of course she would, because Terra always knew exactly what to say and exactly how to phrase it so that it seemed to have jumped right out of Eira’s own head. She supposed that was what happened when you love someone for that long. You learn each other’s languages, so that you can speak with perfect clarity. Terra had been unnervingly quick at figuring out Eira’s, whereas Eira was never certain that she’d even begun to learn.
Somehow, Eira always seemed to come back to Terra, no matter how hard she tried to stay away. She’d move to the other side of whatever country they happened to be in, even get on a plane at random and find herself in an entirely new place to explore. There would be a few weeks, a few months, once even a year of happy, comfortable bliss in which Eira didn’t have to think about anything other than the person she had discovered and the love she had found with them. An awfully short amount of time to spend devoting your entire self to someone who you’d just met, but Eira had practise at that by now. And then, there was the inevitable break in the chain. Terra would send a taunting message, or Eira would simply get bored of being still, being comfortable. She would pack her bags and go back to Terra, and they would continue as if nothing had happened. The repetition was maddening, but neither of them seemed to be able to escape the loop they’d landed themselves in. The thing was that Terra didn’t behave like she was granted a privilege when Eira showed her any affection, she acted like it was something she was owed. When Eira ignored her for a while, for any reason, Terra acted like she was being stolen from. Eira could never work out if it made her feel special or scared. Perhaps it was both.
 “You’re too much for just one person to cope with,” Terra said, altogether too conversationally for the coffee shop they were in. Eira choked on her third sip of hot chocolate, half laughing, expecting a joke. A glance at Terra’s expression made the laugh die abruptly in her throat, and she cleared her throat, a slight huff creeping into her voice.  
“Speak for yourself. I’ve yet to see you stay in a relationship longer than a few days.”
Terra smirked, reaching out to slide long fingers up Eira’s thigh.
“That’s different. I don’t try with them. They’re just a distraction.”
Eira rolled her eyes.
“And of course, you assume I’m different. Of course I’m totally invested in this while you just swan along on top of it all.”
Terra leaned back in her chair, surveying, calculating.
“I’ve yet to see anything that tells me otherwise.”
Cheeks flaming, Eira took another sip of her hot chocolate. She glared at Terra over the rim of the mug.
“I don’t care about them like you think I do. I just want something better than you for a while.”
It was just a second, but Eira saw it, a momentary tightening in Terra’s lips, a fractional chink in her composure.
“Whatever you say, love.”
Eira settled a little in her seat, assuming that the conversation was over, and revelling in her brief victory.
“I’d let your next conquest know sooner rather than later though,” Terra’s eyes were hard. “Make it a little easier on them when you leave them in the dust.”
The hot chocolate soured in Eira’s throat.
 The thing was, Eira didn’t consider the relationships she had as insignificant. Take Rohan, for example. She’d been dating him for a few months now, longer than most of her relationships lasted. He had gorgeous dark eyes and an infectious laugh. Eira loved him, of that she was sure, but how did that make him any different from the others? The second Eira learned anything personal about someone was the second that she began to fall in love with them. There were so many little things that you could become enamoured with; the way that someone talks when they’re passionate about something, the way that someone laughs when they’re caught off guard, the soft singing that they use when they think they’re alone. Loving someone was not the hard part, staying with them, staying dutiful, that was the hard part. Because as much as you love those little things about someone, there are always more things that you can find to love, and they could just as easily be found in someone else.
Rohan had those little qualities that she found so enticing at first, and he was handsome, and kind. And just because Eira had fallen for him fast didn’t mean she hadn’t fallen hard. She couldn’t understand the idea of being with someone without loving them entirely and all consumingly.  
Three months into their relationship, Terra sent her a postcard. It was ordinary, dog-eared at the edges, an oversaturated picture of the London bridge on the front. On the back, in Terra’s spidery print, were three words.
Come find me
Eira stared at the postcard for hours, turning it over and over in her hands, searching for… something. For more information, for something to tell her how to deal with the little tangled knot of emotion that formed in her chest when she thought about Terra and the life that was still waiting for them. What she felt for Rohan was love, she knew it was. But her feelings for Terra were fierce and competitive, burning away those little things that had made her fall in love with him.
She told him that she was leaving that night. He didn’t understand why, but he loved her enough to let her go.
He turned to her one night as they lay together in bed, huddled under the blankets against the autumn chill outside. The faint glow of the streetlight threw strange shadows across his face, so that when Eira first opened her eyes to look at him, it was unfamiliar and alien.  
“Are you even going to miss me?”
His voice was low and scratchy from sleep. She reached out and cupped Rohan’s face in her hands.
“Of course I’m going to miss you.”
There were tears starting to build in her eyes. She swallowed hard, pressing their foreheads together.
“I’m going to miss your smile, and your eyes, and-” She broke off as he reached out, winding his arm around her waist, and pulling her close. For a second, they clung together in the silence of the room, and she could feel their heartbeats thudding in tandem.
“Please don’t make me leave you like this.”
“I don’t understand why you have to leave.”
She was whispering now, the words barely making it out. Her throat felt swollen and thick.  
“Neither do I.”
 After finding the postcard, it had taken Eira a day to pack up and abandon her flat with Rohan, another to find a plane to London. The flight was late and crowded – Eira felt herself almost falling asleep a few times, jerked awake by a pounding of mingled excitement and nerves. The constant glare of the overhead lights made her feel faintly sick.
Disembarking the plane, she rounded the corner, and before she’d even got her bearings, she had found Terra’s face amongst the crowd. Thin, high cheekbones, hungry green eyes. Terra was already looking at her.
Her bag dropped to the floor, forgotten. It was like her brain was struggling to catch up with her surroundings. Suddenly she was running across the station, heartbeat pounding hard in her ears. Terra didn’t move, but the corner of her lip curled into a smirk, and she opened her arms.
They crashed into each other, hands tangling together, desperate and grasping as if they couldn’t get close enough. Terra kissed her, hard and intense, almost knocking Eira off her feet.
“I missed you.”
Eira was surprised to find that she meant it. Terra grinned at her, eyes sparkling, hair wild.
“You always do.”
They stayed like that, pressed together while the noise of the airport rose into the air around them, echoes of conversations passing them by. Eira hid her face in Terra’s shoulder, breathing in her scent, relishing the feeling of flannel against her cheek.
When Terra finally stirred and muttered, “Let’s go home,” Eira found herself staring up at the departing plane, a strange feeling in her stomach. She kept hold of Terra’s hand.  
They both knew that this was temporary. Eventually, Terra would say something extreme and maddening, and Eira would become uncomfortable, and find her comfort somewhere else, in another face, in another town. Terra would scream and shout, but eventually she would accept, and leave before she could be left behind.
Don’t go far, Eira always found herself thinking, as she watched Terra drive away.
I’m going to need you again.
Story Planning: 
- Introduce Eira and Terra’s relationship, establish the toxicity
- Write Eira and Terra talking in a scene together to give the reader a better look into the way they interact with each other - start trying to establish their power dynamic so you can mess with it later. 
- Establish Eira and Rohan’s relationship then break it up 
- Reunite Eira and Terra
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bookxofxfables · 7 years
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❝ A terrible thing happened!❞ ❝ This would be easier if I could understand you better. ❞ ❝ I’m about to make it worse.❞ ❝ Oh joy. Now my mother can get that kidney operation she so desperately needs.❞ ❝ This stays strictly among the Fable community.❞ ❝ Lay one hand on me, asshole, and you’ll regret it.❞ ❝ I’m taking you in.❞ ❝ Never discuss personal hygiene with a bridge troll.❞ ❝ You’ve occasionally been clever, _____ … but never smart.❞ ❝ You’re getting a bit nosy, mister/miss/misses ______❞ ❝ If you can’t maintain a normal human appearance or purchase a concealing Glamour from one of our witches our rules mandate that you be relocated upstate to the Farm, where all the other nonhuman Fables live.❞ ❝ Both of you shut up and let me work. ❞ ❝ This is abuse of authority! And I got a witness! ❞ ❝ Does it matter?❞ ❝ We have to make as best we can.❞ ❝ Is he/she the one?❞ ❝ If she/he opens her/his mouth again, pick her/him up and carry her/him home.❞ ❝ I can’t help but notice things. I believe that’s why you hired me,❞ ❝ I’m not much interested in what you think is and isn’t a good idea. ❞ ❝ You look out of breath, ____. Been climbing beanstalks again? ❞ ❝ I’m afraid this time it’s different, I understand there’s blood. Lots if it.❞ ❝ Did you run all the way over here just to trade verbal barbs,or is there something else you need? ❞ ❝ Don’t be so dramatic. I already know. My ex is back in town.❞ ❝ We’ll see.❞ ❝ Can’t you go faster? ❞ ❝ Damned right I want to know. I’m going with you❞ ❝ You power-mad fuckshit!❞ ❝ Fine. I get the message. I’ll keep quiet – for now.❞  ❝ I take it back. You’re still a monster through and through.❞ ❝ It looks that way.❞ ❝ Hide your wallet first.❞ ❝ I won’t take up too much of your time, but I have a few questions.❞ ❝ I’m bleeding you shit! Why’d you do that?❞ ❝ Is that why your handsome prince/pretty princess divorced you?❞ ❝ Get up. It’s morning. I need to go to work and you need to get out.❞ ❝ Whoever did this is one of us.❞ ❝ You make it sound like a fucking synonym for — I don’t know — a turd sandwich.❞ ❝ Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?❞ ❝ You can’t fool this nose.❞ ❝ Watch your smart mouth, sonny boy/ girlie❞ ❝ If you’re going to advance, advance like you mean it. ❞ ❝ Unlike you, I have responsibilities.❞ ❝ I thought I’d find you out here.❞ ❝ How can you be sure? ❞ ❝ Don’t you have a government to run?❞ ❝ I can’t just now.❞ ❝ Did you kill her?❞ ❝ Nothing to apologize for. I expected it to happen sooner.❞ ❝ You’ve gone dotty, sweetheart.❞ ❝ Mister/Miss/Misses _____, if you’re going to insist on calling me princess/prince, please don’t do it in that tone of voice.❞ ❝ Why don’t you tell me what you want, so I can get back to work.❞ ❝ Don’t beat up on yourself so much.❞ ❝ No, ma’am/mister. I’ve never had much of a sense of humor.❞ ❝ We’ll get around to him/her. But let’s finish up with you for now.❞ ❝ If you think that, maybe you should add me to your suspect list.❞ ❝ I apologize for the waterworks in there. That wasn’t very professional of me.❞ ❝ Thank you for coming on such short notice.❞ ❝ Why don’t you let me handle things from now on?❞ ❝ Then my money says ____ did it.❞ ❝ So what actual conclusions did you come to?❞ ❝ It’s comforting to discover your voice haven’t lost any of its venom over the years, lovey.❞ ❝ And what about the time you tried to raffle off the map to your remaining magic beans?❞ ❝ I will, if it becomes necessary. I promise. But so far that isn’t the case.❞ ❝ How dare I what? Speak rudely to a mass murderer?❞ ❝ Then you’re wasting my time and yours.❞ ❝ I don’t eat sweets.❞ ❝ I’ve had my one loss of composure. You won’t have to worry about further emotional fits from me.❞ ❝ Then quit your fucking dissembling and answer!❞ ❝ You’re always trying to beat the system, ___❞ ❝ Think about that before your next lesson.❞ ❝ The minx seduced me.❞ ❝ This shouldn’t take long.❞ ❝ Well, ain’t that a big kick in the pantalones. ❞ ❝ Feel better now?❞ ❝ I’m not a delicate flower. I can take bad news.❞ ❝ You can’t keep sneaking into the city to crash on my couch.❞ ❝ When did you get to be such a potty-mouth?❞ ❝ She/he ‘s dead – carved up like a Christmas turkey. And rumor has it that creepy boyfriend/girlfriend of hers/his did the dirty deed.❞ ❝ You are an impertinent man/woman. I demand satisfaction!❞ ❝ But she/he only dated him/her to make me jealous.❞ ❝ Not to worry. Sit down. Make yourselves at home.❞ ❝ We can have it lab tested if you like but there’s zero chance that it isn’t her/his blood.❞ ❝ What? How dare you!❞ ❝ I’m charging this pompous asswipe with ____’s murder.❞ ❝ We called ahead. Your boss is expecting us.❞ ❝ I’m leaving now, before I scream.❞ ❝ I like to come here to think – which I do best when left alone.❞ ❝ On-guard position, ____. My turn to attack now.❞ ❝ You may not have done anything this time, ___. But you are never innocent.❞ ❝ Then comes the fun part I promised. You get to make a big mess.❞ ❝ But I can’t help but wonder if you haven’t turned back to your old eating habits.❞ ❝ I’ll keep that in mind if I ever do decide to kill anyone.❞ ❝ Where did you get all that?❞ ❝ And when exactly are you planning to clue me in?❞ ❝ Oh look. After all these years, the wolf has finally shed his sheep’s clothing to once more show us the true beast underneath.❞ ❝ Oh, we don’t need to stand on formalities. Not when it’s just you and me.❞ ❝ You are a tedious, small man, and in need of more frequent bathing.❞ ❝ How dare you treat me in such fashion! ❞ ❝ Talk now and you can save yourself some pain.❞ ❝ That’s not the way we do things anymore.❞ ❝ Oh joy. Then don’t carry it that way, or you’re likely to cut your own head off.❞ ❝ Wait! Both of you! We don’t want to talk ourselves into rash actions here.❞ ❝ Machines hate me. I’m a genetic luddite, incapable of operating anything more complex than my toaster.❞ ❝ Do what you need to, but have this wrapped up by the gala.❞ ❝ Boo-fucking-hoo.❞ ❝ Has it escaped your notice I’m bleeding? I need a doctor.❞ ❝ Excuse me?❞ ❝ And don’t let the mundys catch you.❞ ❝ Get him/her, ____! He/she ‘s trying to kill me!❞ ❝ I have no idea. It came out out of the blue.❞ ❝ Good hunting, sir.❞ ❝ And what are you going to be doing while I’m doing your work for you?❞ ❝ This is the vorpal blade of Jabberwocky fame. Kills in one cut, snicker-snack and all that? Does all the fighting for you?❞ ❝It’s all very complicated and I can’t explain it yet. So just go along.❞ ❝ I was half-way hoping you’d have gone home for the night, so that I could put this off until tomorrow morning.❞ ❝ Mop, wax, scrub and paint until you return it to pristine condition.❞ ❝ Let’s all step back, take a deep breath, declare a minute’s moratorium on the chest-thumping and see if we can’t think things through a bit more rationally, okay?❞ ❝I’m content to cut at you all day and all night, until you confess❞ ❝ You can be one frustrating son of a bitch!❞ ❝ Your record’s been clean since you came to town.❞ ❝ Be my guest. I’d love to have that menace out of my life.❞ ❝ Poor baby.❞ ❝ Keep your pants on! I’m coming!❞ ❝ You need to prepare yourself for some bad news.❞ ❝ I’m sorry.❞ ❝ The only easy day was yesterday.❞ ❝ We’re coming to your rescue.❞ ❝ Don’t put ideas in his head!❞ ❝ What are you talking about?❞ ❝ We both know you’re too much of a narcissistic asshole to ever blame yourself for any of your many failings, so did you blame her/him/_____?❞ ❝ Not a chance, boys. Hauling all this crap was just the first act. Your workday has barely begun.❞ ❝ The best mother/father any boy/girl could want.❞ ❝ Drop the knife and back away from the boy or I’ll rip your fucking throat out.❞ ❝ I need you to be in one piece for the big party next week.❞ ❝ I’ve got more bad news for the two of you.❞ ❝ Nonsense. If I were trying to kill him/her, he/she ‘d be dead now.❞ ❝ Can we go now? ❞ ❝ What do you say? Growing tired of the taste of gingerbread?❞ ❝ If I have to lay my hands on you, it won’t end until one of us is dead on the floor.❞ ❝ My hero. *sarcasm*❞ ❝ That means there’s no hope that she/he/___ is still alive.❞ ❝ Yeah, well my heart bleeds for you, you know what they say.❞ ❝ Most of us knew it was only a matter of time before you reverted to your old ways, ____. Nature cannot be denied.❞ ❝ I want something of my own. ❞ ❝ I suppose it would have been too much to expect to be born smart as well as privileged. ❞ ❝ Where do we buy the lottery tickets? ❞ ❝ Why dwell on one unfortunate incident so long ago? ❞ ❝ I imagine that will only grow worse after tonight. ❞ ❝ Both of you, quit your damned bitching and crying.  ❞ ❝ My god, are you completely devoid of social skills? ❞ ❝ I didn’t anticipate being the center of so much attention ❞ ❝ You’re about to find out exactly how much I can prove. ❞ ❝ Enjoying the party? ❞ ❝ You ought to know. You helped put it there. ❞ ❝ Don’t start. ❞ ❝ Pardon me, but you’ve suddenly grown wearisome and pedestrian. ❞ ❝ Many of us didn’t have the chance to run. ❞ ❝ Ladies and gentlemen, lift your glasses and join me, please, in drinking this toast. ❞ ❝ I want to grow up, I want my balls to drop, and I want to get laid. ❞ ❝ But maybe there’s a way for all of us to avoid that harsh necessity. ❞ ❝ But still working for a minimum wage in a ________ ❞ ❝ All sorts of things never occur to you, dear. ❞ ❝ Why go into hock to win more lost lands and another useless title? ❞ ❝ How much have we made so far? ❞ ❝ But you’ve got nothing on me– nothing you can prove, anyway. ❞ ❝ You’ve never danced before? ❞ ❝ Are you on the menu? ❞ ❝ I’m an old veteran of these affairs. ❞ ❝ There you are. Don’t you look nice. ❞ ❝ But we’re missing the party! ❞ ❝ I am most certainly not having a good time. ❞ ❝ As promised, my love. ❞ ❝ If I win, I’ll be a princess/prince in my own right. ❞ ❝ Are you going to act like this all night? ❞ ❝ It wasn’t our/my business. ❞ ❝ I finally made it. ❞ ❝ Oh my, is he your date, princess? ❞ ❝ Don’t literally watch your feet, just kindly stop stomping all over mine. ❞ ❝ Shut up, you pathetic, bleating child. ❞ ❝ Shallots? But you clearly said red onions! ❞ ❝ Perhaps women wear low necklines to filter out the gentlemen from the dogs. Those few who can still manage eye contact, even in the presence of breasts like these, might actually have some potential. ❞ ❝ You poor girl/boy ❞ ❝ And this time leave the guns, daggers and battle axes at home, please. ❞ ❝ Do you see why I needed your help? ❞ ❝ Don’t spoil the evening, darling. ❞ ❝ Oh gosh. I sure hope not. ❞ ❝ So how long do we have to do this before we eat? ❞ ❝ Gently, please. I’m not some suspect you’re about to wrestle to the ground. ❞ ❝ You look like you’re trying to peek down my dress. ❞ ❝ I was beginning to think I’d been stood up. ❞ ❝ I swear you’ve had that same scowl on your face for the past three or four hundred years. ❞ ❝ No wonder they call lotteries taxes on stupid people. ❞ ❝ Why don’t you run your own damned errands? ❞ ❝ So it’s not as if you’d suffer any embarrassment if I never showed. ❞ ❝ Everything must be coordinated to arrive at the proper time! ❞ ❝ I demand an explanation! ❞ ❝ Now, follow my lead and try to stay off my feet. ❞ ❝ We need to be out on the dance floor. ❞ ❝ No matter. You always go this thing stag, right? ❞ ❝ When did you forget how to enjoy yourself? ❞
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idemandoolong · 7 years
Being handsome sucks.
I know, I know. You’re thinking, “Being handsome has no disadvantages. It’s like being rich or white.” Truth is, there are disadvantages to everything. And being a physically attractive man has its disadvantages. Allow me to explain. Just hear me out.
First of them all, let’s be honest. There’s a strong belief among many people that men are dogs. Men are perverts. Men are sex-crazed. So much so that words like “whore” and “slut” are exclusively attributed to women for doing the same exact thing men (allegedly) do. Keeping that in mind, handsome men are even more prone to be thought of as sex-crazed and players and pimps than average or unattractive men are, because the belief is they can get women much more easily. So that’s what they’re doing.
When we see a handsome man, we immediately think, “Oh I bet he has a lot of women after him. I bet he’s juggling five or six women at a time.” Media reinforces this by showing us music videos and movies and television programs with fifty women chasing one man or dancing all over him or entering contests to be with him.
Think about that.
When have you ever in your life seen a woman literally chasing a man? Or following a man around in a store because she thinks he’s hot? Or a man with eight or nine women dancing on him in the club. Either never or practically never, right?  Unless he’s famous. But if he’s not, even handsome men don’t really get this daily level of attention in real life. Only in scripts.
Which brings me to my point.
When people see handsome men, thanks to constant media reinforcement, they believe he actually does have women literally chasing him and competing with 20 other women for his “love.” People who would otherwise like to get to know him then have their guard up and think “Well he’s not going to get me! I’ll show him!”
They’ll reject him if he does show any interest in them.
They’ll be rude to him out of revenge for all the hearts he’s broken…in their imaginations.
They’ll expect any type of interaction he initiates is actually his way of hitting on them…because that’s the only think handsome men think about, right? Sex.
He got in the elevator with you because he wants to have sex with you.
He walked down the same aisle in Wal-Mart as you because he wants to have sex with you.
He’s from the same hometown you’re from because he wants to have sex with you.
Believe it or not…and you’d be wise to believe it…one problem handsome men deal with is potential romantic partners not trusting them. That is, if they even get that far. A lot of times, they’re rejected right out the gate because the perception is “You’re a player.”
Ok, so you may be saying, “Ok, being trusted. That’s ONE downside of being handsome. But there aren’t any other ones.”
And I may be saying “You’re wrong.”
Ok, I am saying that.
So what’s another downside? People expect handsome men to be virtually flawless because that’s how they look.
Now look. EVERYONE judges people based on their physical attributes. We can all sit here and say we don’t, but we do. And I don’t mean facial features. I mean hair, clothing, weight, muscle mass…we take one look at a person’s physical characteristics and are convinced we know things about them without even asking. Think of a time where you knew of somebody that you didn’t speak to for an extended period of time. Then when you did speak to them, you realized most of your assumptions were wrong.
That’s what handsome men deal with on a daily basis. Only thing is it’s impossible for them to live up to people’s assumptions, because no two people on the planet have the same idea of what a perfect person is.
When two people see somebody they both agree is handsome, they’ll automatically attribute traits to him based on their own idea of perfection—and a lot of those traits contradict the other person’s. Person A will think, “Wow. I bet he really likes children, is highly educated, reserved, is socially conscious, has a close relationship with God, is caring, makes a lot of money, and can sing very well.” Person B will think, “Wow. I bet he’s down-to-earth, extroverted, adventurous, dominant, spends lots of time with his romantic partner, loves sports, and is very clean.”
The handsome man can’t be all of those things, because some of them contradict one another. Highly educated and loves sports? That’s very rare. Extroverted and reserved? Psyche! Makes a lot of money and spends lots of time with his romantic partner? Get real! Ok…enough slang from the early 1990s.
What I’m saying is there is absolutely no way this handsome man can meet both these people’s desires, and there’s barely a chance he’ll even meet all their individual ones. But he’s handsome…which means he must…because it’s been drilled into our heads from early childhood that attractive things and people are good, and unattractive things and people are bad. When you’re told something essentially every single day, and it’s reinforced through media, it’s close to impossible to just stop believing it at the drop of a hat.
So what happens when this handsome man does get with a romantic partner? Disappointment. The romantic partner realizes he didn’t get his bachelor’s degree from Harvard, his two master’s from Oxford, and his PhD from MIT. Oh, and he can’t sing. And sometimes he snores. He’s impatient. His handwriting is sloppy. The movies he likes aren’t that great. He called it “a glove department” rather than “a glove compartment.” He doesn’t follow politics. He can’t find Estonia on a map. He slams the door when he leaves. He leaves soap residue on the bottle and doesn’t clean it off. He laughs too hard. His ringtone is so annoying. Oh my god…he’s a normal, regular, average, everyday person with the same flaws and faults as that average-looking guy I turned down. HE TRICKED ME!
Ah, yes. Handsome men are constantly accused of “tricking” people. Tricking people into believing they have these wonderful perfect magical lives where nothing goes wrong and they never make any mistakes. That’s why women who date male celebrities known for their looks are called stupid and dumb for breaking up with them.
“Oh my god?! Why would she divorce him??! She’s crazy! Look at him!”
She divorced him for the same reason everyone else gets a divorce. She wasn’t happy. And I’m not saying she imagined him to be perfect, but the expectations handsome men have thrust on them tend to be much higher than the expectations average and unattractive men have thrust on them. This explains why handsome men tend to get away with bad behavior—it’s figured he must’ve had a good reason to do what he did, because he never does anything wrong. Average and unattractive men don’t have to live up to god-like expectations from people—especially from romantic partners.
They’re allowed to annoyingly slide their feet when they walk. But a handsome man better glide silently or he’s a trickster.
Average and unattractive men are allowed to wait until payday to do something, but handsome men better be able to drop $2,400 easily, every day, all day. Otherwise he’s a fraud.
Average and unattractive men are allowed to miss the point of what you’re saying and only focus on the easiest part to reply to, but handsome men better be able to repeat verbatim what you said. Otherwise he’s a charlatan.
Ok. So what have we covered? Handsome men must overcome the instant player accusation and they must be damn near perfect in every way, even if those ways contradict each other. Then there are the other inconveniences handsome men deal with:
Being stared at in public. Remember how irritated you got when that one person was staring at you? Now imagine it happening pretty much every day and everywhere you go.
People they’re not attracted to not taking “no” for an answer, no matter how polite or rude the handsome man is. You know that person who texts you and never has shit to say? Handsome men are talked to every day by people who don’t have shit to say.
Being flirted with when he’s not in the mood to talk to anyone. You ran into the store to get some batteries right quick, then went back home. It took the handsome man twenty extra minutes because the cashier wouldn’t stop talking to him. He just wanted batteries too, but he has to feign interest in people you walked right by and wouldn’t remember them if you saw them 15 seconds later.
Envious people trying to make his life hard. Most hiring managers are men, and if they think this candidate is handsome...well he won’t get hired because the hiring manager doesn’t want to feel self-conscious every time he sees him. Or if he does get the job, co-workers and supervisors are harder on him to show “You aren’t so great!”
The belief that if a handsome man is kind, it means he’s romantically interested. If he’s unkind, it means he’s conceited. Handsome men aren’t allowed to just be friends with people. They’re not granted that privilege because we’re told they don’t want friends. They want sex.
Loneliness. People don’t trust him and/or they ONLY want to associate with him in hopes of dating him. Nobody is genuinely interested in his well-being. Nobody feels he has real problems and needs help. Nobody texts him in a crisis.
Now you STILL may say this doesn’t seem so bad, but oh…it is. We can all think of times when people said they envied you for some reason, and you thought, “Well it’s not so great, actually.” You pointed out the downsides of whatever it was they wish they had, and they were either surprised…or they denied it. They still told you what you had was perfect, but you insisted it wasn’t. It has its good parts AND bad…but they wouldn’t hear it. It got to the point that you were annoyed at how ignorant and arrogant they were to literally tell you that your experiences are incorrect.
So after reading all this…don’t be that person.
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megabadbunny · 8 years
No Place Like Hohm (1/8)
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Maybe she wasn’t the most important woman in France, but she wasn’t bloody expendable, like so much cheap luggage or a forgotten pet.
(The Doctor wouldn’t desert them again. Rose wouldn’t give him the chance.)
(Aka the obligatory post-GitF fic, for anyone else who ever wondered what might have taken place between a trip to France and an adventure in a parallel universe. Ten/Rose, all ages, full of angst, fluff, a pinch of romantic bickering, a dash of mutual pining, and a dollop of swashbuckling adventure!)
Chapter 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8
Just hours after an encounter with homicidal robots on a 51st-century spaceship, Rose Tyler lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, fidgeting and sleepless as she battled demons of an entirely different sort.
One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Ugh. Even steeped in misery, Rose managed to muster the energy for rolling her eyes at that syrupy-sweet sentiment. The Doctor was no angel, not by a long shot, not unless one’s definition of “angel” was “someone who thinks that re-using dead bodies is the same thing as recycling” or “someone who neglects to mention that occasionally the artificial gravity goes out on the TARDIS during repairs but don’t worry, Rose, the nausea will fade after a few minutes—a couple hours—a day or so, tops.” Reinette would have discovered that on her own soon enough, had she come with them.
Rose grimaced. She didn’t want to think about that, about Reinette left waiting and wanting. Something about it made her feel sick and a little guilty, and she didn’t want to know why.
But you and I both know, don’t we, Rose, that the Doctor is worth the monsters.
Of course, she was right. The Doctor was worth the monsters, and the demons, and the paradoxes and the danger and the homesickness and the fear, not to mention the sleeplessly late nights and far-too-early mornings, the days spent in odd prison cells and dank caves and dark, twisty space stations, and the outrageous amounts of running resulting in even more outrageous amounts of bruises and blisters. Of course the Doctor was worth all of that. Even Mickey—who would never, ever, absolutely-not-in-million-years ever say it—even he knew this was true. But surely it wasn’t acceptable for Reinette to say those things if she hadn’t experienced any of it for herself. Surely she hadn’t earned the right, the privilege.
(How could you fall in love with someone you’d only known for a day?)
With a frustrated sign, Rose sat up in bed, catching sight of herself in her bedroom mirror. She frowned at her reflection. Her eyes traveled over mirror-Rose’s too-bright blonde hair and its tellingly dark roots, her sun-kissed skin, her small breasts framed by broad shoulders. A square chin, big mouth, and prominent teeth drew her eyes upward; no matter how she painted her lashes, no matter how dark or bold, she would never be able to draw attention away from that overbite and sharp jawline. The lips that she used to take pride in, all pink and plump and sweetheart-shaped, now seemed almost comically oversized, practically garish compared to other smaller, more delicate mouths. She pulled her hair into a loose pile atop her head and quickly dropped it. No gentle golden curls or fair porcelain skin or dainty features graced this body. There was no comparison, not really; if she was a bloke, Rose knew which woman she would choose.
But that wasn’t exactly fair, was it? Reinette was so much more than a pretty face. Accomplished, the Doctor had dubbed her. Her own rooms at the palace, even her own title. The Uncrowned Queen, he’d said. Important, he’d practically shouted. Rose, on the other hand, was occasionally charming and sometimes clever and, if she was lucky, beautiful—for a human.
Rose plucked morosely at her cuticles, sighing at the rough and ragged edges that would surely catch and pull on anything finer than her cheap cotton tee shirt and jeans from the discount bin. Probably Reinette’s cuticles were flawless, just like the rest of her, all soft and delicately translucent. But why wouldn’t they be? She was so perfect, she almost could have been written that way, her every glance, touch, and velvet-voiced word artfully crafted to send hearts all a-flutter. Could Rose really blame anyone for chasing after her, could she really fault anyone who drew toward her like a moth to a flame?
(Only that wasn’t quite right either, was it? Because the Doctor was a fire all on his own, offering warmth and light and heat and hurt in equal measure. Perhaps he sought the company of someone more like himself; maybe he was tired of creatures that so easily burned. And in that way, wasn’t Reinette an ideal companion, didn’t that make her a perfect match?)
Groaning loudly, Rose buried her head in her hands, hating the deluge of self-pity and reveling in its delicious awfulness all at once. It was like a picking at a scab. She knew she should slap on some antiseptic and a bandage and let the wound heal, but it was ever so much more satisfying to just sit there and rip at the wound over and over and over again, savoring the pinch of pain as flesh separated from flesh, relishing the sting of air on raw skin, watching the pink shiny edges pucker and bleed. After all, scabs and blisters and feelings rubbed raw—she could deal with those. The Doctor was always a terrible flirt, and years with Jimmy Stone had taught Rose to harden her heart against the fickle nature of men.
But something was different this time around, and it had slowly crept through the background noise of Rose’s mind, needling its way into her thoughts the moment the Doctor jumped through that time window. It was a thought smaller and darker and more painful than all its other nasty fellows, a tiny sharp-toothed parasite burrowing deep into her chest.
He had abandoned her today. He did it once. He could do it again.
Eyes cinched shut, Rose shook her head sharply. No. Maybe she wasn’t the most important woman in France, but she wasn’t bloody expendable, like so much cheap luggage or a forgotten pet. She was so much more than the girl she was when she left behind Jimmy and the Estate, and Mickey was so much more than just the tin dog.
The Doctor wouldn’t desert them again. Rose wouldn’t give him the chance.
Rose stopped fidgeting. She swung her legs over the side of the bed. She stood up. She drank in a deep, deep breath.
Well, she thought. Here goes nothing.
 The Doctor’s ears perked up at the sound of Rose entering the console room, her bare feet pat-pat-pattering softly over the metal grating.
“You’re up early!” he said, tearing his attention away from the diagnostic screen to shoot Rose one of his trademark smiles. He tilted his head to the side, taking in her clothes, the same she had worn the day before. “Or perhaps you’re up late. Bit difficult to tell in a TARDIS, especially when her internal quantum barometer’s been off for a while. Well, maybe a few years. Well, maybe a couple of centuries. No more than a millennia, at least.
“So are you up for another trip already?” he asked.
Rose fiddled with the hem of her top. “Sort of.”
“Excellent!” the Doctor beamed. He stepped slowly in her direction, edging round the console. “What’s your pleasure?” he asked, flipping a switch. “The infinite beaches of Kabos Prime?”
He pushed a button. “The singing forests of Tharvis?”
He pulled a lever. “The pirate court of Madame Ching Shih?”
The Doctor leaned forward, bridging much of the distance between their bodies, to conspiratorially whisper, “Or maybe the bioluminescent oceans of Astrion? Ooh, now that’s a good one. Go back about, oh, eighty-thousand years, there’s not another living soul in sight, just millions upon millions of tiny glowing jellyfish floating about in the deep, black sea, like stars against a midnight sky.”
Rose stared up at him with round, dark eyes, but didn’t say anything. Unusual, that, but perhaps she was still a bit sleepy. The Doctor, however, was not sleepy, and longed for a distraction of some kind. Any kind. He wasn’t particularly picky. He just didn’t want to be left alone with only his thoughts for company. That sounded absolutely horrendous.
“What do you think?” he prompted with another mischievous grin—it was, he’d quickly learned, the fastest way to win Rose over in this new body of his.
“I think…”
Rose exhaled loudly. “I think I’d like to go home.”
The Doctor blinked. “You are home,” he said, frowning. “The TARDIS is your home.”
“Yeah, but for how much longer?”
Scratching the back of his neck, the Doctor averted his gaze. “I don’t see any reason to put a label on such things.”
“Why not? Seems like a useful thing for an expiration date.”
“That’s a rather macabre way to look at it,” the Doctor said slowly.
Rose laughed. “But all good things, eh?”
The Doctor frowned at her again. “Is it just me, or are we having two completely separate conversations? Not that I mind, only it isn’t typically human custom.” His face brightened. “Now, if you’d like to take a trip to Pyrethea, we could meet the two-headed Pyretheans and have ourselves some very interesting two, three, and four-way chats—”
“No. I want to go home,” said Rose.
Something about the look on her face, the pinch of her mouth and set of her jaw, filled the Doctor with unease. He felt certain he was missing something here, a nasty little pesky thing nagging just beneath the surface, but he couldn’t think of what it might be. Nor, really, did he care to examine it all that much.
The Doctor masked his sudden discomfit by turning away, fiddling with a dial on the console, pretending to adjust this and that. “Got it,” he replied. “Home. Where the heart is. Where you hang your hat. No place like it.”
Drawing in a deep breath, he shot Rose a tight smile. “Threw me a bit off guard, I suppose, but it’s not entirely unexpected. Though I’ll admit, I figured you would want to wait a little longer between visits. Seems like the last one wasn’t all that long ago. But the TARDIS could probably stand to be refueled anyway.
“All right,” he continued, clapping his hands together. “A brief shore visit, it is!”
“No,” Rose said, and, faltering, she shifted her gaze to the floor, where her toes were turning pink with cold. “I don’t mean it like that,” she said, to her feet more than anyone else. “I mean…”
She visibly braced herself, her eyes shuttering closed. “I mean I need to go home.”
Oh, the Doctor didn’t like the sound of that. It made his throat clench uncomfortably, set tiny alarm bells ringing in his head and squeezed something in his chest, maybe twisting a bit for good measure.
(Did she really have to do this now? Especially after…)
“For good?” he asked lightly.
“I don’t know. Maybe? I hope not. I just need to go and think for a while, get my head on straight.”
“Well, I don’t know if you need to home for little old that. Lots of places to go thinking on the TARDIS, aren’t there? Library, drawing room, garden, pool—or if you’re feeling overly literal, we could even go watch Rodin work on his most famous sculpture—”
“No,” Rose said again, sharper this time. “I don’t want to see any sculptures, I don’t want to see any pirates, and I don’t want to hole up and hide on the TARDIS. I need to go home, Doctor.”
Dumbfounded, the Doctor fell quiet. Tense silence hung in the air between them, thick and impossibly opaque. The Doctor wondered how this conversation had got so far away from him, what on earth Rose could be on about. She had seemed perfectly fine earlier in the day. And surely nothing significant had happened just in the last few hours. But she didn’t seem eager to explain, so he shouldn’t ask. Right? If she wanted to talk about it, she would say something. She usually did. Didn’t she?
“Okay, then,” the Doctor said, nonplussed. He shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Okay,” Rose agreed.
The Doctor cast about for anything else he could say, but the nets came back empty. And Rose didn’t offer anything either. She was, once again, unusually quiet.
He did not care for this turn of events. Did not care for them one whit. The Doctor had no desire to be alone again. He especially did not wish to be alone after everything that had happened in—after everything that had just happened. And no, Mickey the Idiot did not, in any way, count as adequate company. He would certainly be no replacement for Rose Tyler.
The Doctor briefly entertained the notion of refusing, of chit-chattering until he wore her out, or taking a page out of his previous incarnation’s book and just putting his foot down. He could do it. It was his ship, for goodness’ sake. He could bloody well take it wherever he wanted. But something in his gut told him that was the wrong approach here, that the determination hiding behind the tiredness in Rose’s eyes wouldn’t be so easily swayed. He knew that stubbornness all too well. And worse, he knew he wouldn’t win against it. Didn’t even have a fighting chance.
(Daleks, Autons, even mad Time Lords hardly presented a challenge, but one look at that face—right, that one, with the furrowed brow and slight pout—and he crumpled. It was ridiculous, honestly. Inexcusable.
“Very well,” the Doctor said. “If that’s what you want, I’ll make it happen. I’ll take you to home first thing in the morning.”
Rose hesitated, as if she might say something else, but she closed her mouth and simply issued a tight nod.
The moment she turned to leave, the Doctor indulged in a sly little smile.
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papilliondepapier · 7 years
we forget,
sitting in the lap of luxury and the self-indulgence of ignorance,
that there are very real problems happening back home,
that the apartheid is still a raw wound,
that my family can tell you about carjacking and having the National Spiritual Assembly ask you to leave the country because prison riots were happening.
This is all far removed from our iPhones and Mercedes,
from a world where one’s worries revolve around shoes and prom dates
and a political climate of talk and pompous plays.
We forget–
I forget–
that I’ve squatted over pit latrines,
been to the compounds where children play with footballs made of plastic bags,
where goats are tied to the baked dirt in front of one-room houses
home to fire pits and cracked, callous heels
where domestic abuse is common,
even more common than bribes to a police officer
because my father is white and American
which equates wealth
and the only thing keeping him out of jail
is half a snickers bar.
which I ask you to do
only because this is not your reality.
It isn’t even mine,
because I was used to the vegetable lady with her tomatoes stacked just so
in the cheap plastic bowls that shed empty into plastic bags
as my mother paid a few cents
I have grown fat, lazy
in this culture of running water and complaints of reverse racism
and have forgotten the gamble of running water and electricity,
of guard dogs and the men with AK-47s.
Think this is exaggeration.
Go ahead. It is your privilege,
because you are white and American
and do not know about eating at Black Steer,
about paying $20 for a McDonald’s hamburger
because capitalism is bleeding my country dry,
sucking the marrow out of these chicken bones
boiling the feet for stew.
It isn’t half bad, you know.
Eating chicken feet.
I wish you’d know,
even something as small as what chicken feet taste like,
what inswa are,
what the white-washed thatched roofs look like
and how to catch a minibus,
how to cry to the police as a white woman
because once I’m home my husband will be so upset
(he will beat me)
the choking exhaust of Blantyre
and the smell of the supermarkets and ripe body odour.
I wish I could show you as you read this off your iPhone,
listening to the rush of cars and cozy in your house
with Internet that doesn’t take forty minutes to load a single video.
I wish you knew that the apartheid was real,
is real,
in the compounds and sprawling mansions.
I wish you knew.
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