#like zenith is Right There
floralovebot · 10 months
like not to make everything about racism again but i do Not trust when winx fans redesign musa and melody to be sci-fi themed like girl,, ahdljg
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yuesya · 12 days
The Lord of the Vortex.
There is none who does not know the name of Osial, That Which Lies in The Deep. The most powerful god of the Hydro element. He who commands authority over the tempestuous seas, who controls the monsters of those very same waters.
The bird remembers that the– the–
Remembers that the Mistress of Dreams had treated the Lord of the Vortex with honeyed smiles and wary caution. Knows that the Lord of the Vortex is a god of war and battle, even despite the genial countenance that he dons an agreeable demeanor, complete with cold eyes that make it clear the god will not suffer any disagreement to his commands.
“Will you not say anything, little bird?” The Hydro god arches an eyebrow coolly. “Answer. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Involuntarily, the bird’s hands twitch. Its throat tightens, and words simply –refuse to rise to its tongue. The bird does not know the reason why.
Quicksilver images flash through its mind. White hair, and blue eyes.
I don’t have orders. Just go.
… The new Master –Not-Master?– had not made any demands for obedience, nor compelled any vows of secrecy from it. And yet, the bird finds itself reluctant to speak of the young god to the Lord of the Vortex, who has already slain countless foes whom it deemed a threat, monsters and gods alike–
“Who killed Malphas?” Impatience is beginning to creep into the sea god’s voice. The faux-friendly air about the god is fading swiftly; the Lord of the Vortex’s mood is known to be as mercurial as the storms that rise over the seas that he rules. “If you will not sing for me, little bird, then clearly you do not need that useless tongue of yours.”
The threat is crude, and unsubtle. There’s a faint tremor of fear that the bird can feel fluttering inside its chest, but even so, it remains silent.
A cruel smile splits across the god’s face. Jagged teeth elongate into fangs, as the manifestation of the Lord of the Vortex’s power destabilizes the human shape that the god has chosen to take. “So be it. Die knowing that your loyalty to a dead, worthless god is what killed you.”
(Its god isn’t dead. Not dead, and not worthless)
You can wake up now.
Anemo swirls around the bird’s feet in a violent gust as it summons the last dregs of its power in defiance of the Lord of the Vortex. Truthfully, to one who’d been forced into the service of the Mistress of Dreams, death is not the frightening prospect that the Lord of the Vortex appears to believe it is–
“Osial. Cease your posturing.” An authoritative voice suddenly rings out from –above? The bird glances above, just in time to see a golden shower of Geo energy coalesce and condense into a human form. Tall, male. There is an air about this new arrival that makes them seem implacable, and immovable.
… Another god.
“If a single human who has been displaced here dies to your carelessness,” the Geo god states, amber eyes glowing, “Then know that I shall revisit this upon your seaborn kin threefold.”
The Lord of the Vortex’s form shimmers like the haze of a watery mirage, then smooths out into the image of a blue-haired human man once more. One who appears bored and unaffected, instead of ready to release its power mere moments prior.
“Ah, Morax.” The Lord of the Vortex smiles, bright and insincere. His delight upon seeing the new god who’d just arrived is genuine, but it’s the sort of delight that’s associated with bloodshed. “I’d wondered if you’d be coming to take a look at this interesting little spectacle as well. Haagentus isn’t around to keep ahold of your leash today?”
“We are allies of equal standing,” the other god does not sound amused. “Return to your waters, Osial.”
Morax, the Groundbreaker. One of the most powerful among the host of adepti in these lands, a god of Geo whose mastery over the manipulation of earth and stone was unparalleled. Another god whom the Mistress of Dreams had been rightfully wary of, especially since the Groundbreaker was in an alliance with Haagentus, the Lord of Dust. Haagentus was a gentler god of Geo, who was not known for her physical might, but rather the keenness of her mind instead.
“You and what army?” The Lord of the Vortex retorts, and sweeps out a hand around him with an exaggerated flourish. “Or do you care nothing for your precious land-bound humans, hmm?”
The Groundbreaker’s eyes narrow. The Lord of the Vortex laughs.
“Little bird,” the sea god says, not once lifting his gaze from the other god even as he addresses it. “I’d advise you to start talking. Morax isn’t nearly as patient as I am.”
The Groundbreaker’s gaze turns towards the bird. “… You know of what transpired here?”
The bird tenses.
“Knows, and refuses to utter a single word about it,” the Lord of the Vortex chuckles. “How very loyal, isn’t it?”
The Groundbreaker’s attention shifts towards the dark barrier stretching up into the sky behind the bird, assessing. “That barrier…”
“Don’t break it.” Somehow, the words blurt out from its mouth. The bird is seized with the urge to duck its head as soon as both gods immediately look towards it, but… this is something that must be said, before either one of the powerful gods decide to do something that would be deeply regrettable.
“Oh? And why not?”
“This barrier, it…” Body folding into a bow before both gods, the bird recalls what the white-haired god had explained to it. The god who’s still doing her best to combat the lingering traces of the Mistress of Dreams’ powers, even now. “The… aftereffects of the Mistress of Dreams’ death is being contained within. Please don’t break it.”
“Hm.” The Groundbreaker frowns. Then, stiffens slightly, because–
“How interesting,” the Lord of the Vortex smiles. Beneath his feet, the ground ripples, with a texture not unlike that of rippling waves. “Morax, if you and Haagentus are dealing with the results of Malphas’ unfortunate demise, do you think Chi might be grateful for the opportunity to finally feast with his darling children?”
Amber eyes widen, then narrow in fury. “You dare–”
“You should not have slain my bride-to-be’s brothers and sisters,” the Lord of the Vortex’s smile darkens. Hydro energy engulfs its body fully, a blue glow that causes the humans around the god to attempt to scurry back even further, to start running–
The bird is already moving before it fully realizes what it’s doing, forcibly swallowing bitter guilt and reproach over the words that it should not have spoken. Fierce winds whip beneath the bird’s feet, hastening its movements as it lunges forward to get the fragile humans out of the way, as many as possible–
Water erupts from the ground, amid the Lord of the Vortex’s delighted laughter–
“Osial!” The Groundbreaker roars thunderously, and the very earth trembles in response to the god’s outrage.
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feniksido · 7 months
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Zenith the Silver AKA The Dark Urge AKA the Chosen of Bhaal AKA the Prophet of the End AKA The Armageddon-Watcher and like a million other things he calls himself throughout the game cus he cant pick one
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dazedpainter · 1 month
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fanart dump!!
i thought it'd be a good way to figure out my style in drawing transformers, but instead of going to canon transformers characters (COUGH IDW SIDE EYE) looked too cool so i got scared
ocs - swiping left to right from the beginning - belong to:
@ratchetsfataft -> @asimp4bee (smaller one's mine) -> @starheavenly -> @wishingstarinajar
YOU GUYS HAVE SUPER COOL OCS!! if any of this isn't cool with you just dm and ill remove it
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stardustedknuckles · 1 year
The alternative to "either the campaign ends or the world does" is very simply "there is a third scenario in which the world doesn't end because that wasn't actually the intent and our heroes have just been confirmed to be missing something very big." it's not all or nothing. Ludinus doesn't KNOW what setting Predathos free will do. Folks are ASSUMING it can just jump out and gobble up divinity immediately and nobody can fight it, which clearly isn't true since it's been locked away before. Nothing is ending, certainly not all at once. There's something else going on.
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how come we allow light switch panels and power outlets to be so ugly. in our HOMES.
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wishing4nuclearwinter · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @bokatan ! No pressure tags: @bluepriestess @dishonesthearts @totally-not-deacon @paintpaw and anyone who wants to say I tagged them :3
[picrew link]
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Nadia Loving [The Ghost of Courier Six]
Varmint [FNV Companion]
Daisybell [Gen 4 Synth Prototype]
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artekai · 6 months
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Look who's stealing whose evil master plan because he's never had a single idea of his own
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
EnigmaTech - Ch. 1
My Tech lives AU! This one is based on the idea that the Bad Batch just needs someone with a clear head to follow his trail and appreciate the man for what he is truly capable of! So far I’ve stuck to one-shots and imagines, but this one felt like it needed a little more. I’m not a many-chapter-fic writer, but this one I felt like it could be divided into 3-4 solid chapters that focus on the beloved brainiac. Consider it a mini-series! 
(Part 2)
Chapter 1 - Clues 
Tech x FAB!reader (eventually, but he doesn't meet her quite yet) (just female pronouns; no use of y/n, it’s all in third person [she/her]; no physical description in this one) 
Word Count: ~2.5K
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Chapter Summary: Using only what the batch has at their disposal (a lot more than they realize, thank you Tech), a new friend manages to convince them that Tech survived and is in need of their help!
TW: mentions of Tech’s demise (but he lives!); reader infodumping (self-indulgent, sorry! I really connected with Tech on this and this is how I'm coping with the writers' poor decisions at the end of s2); I am a scientist, so I wanted to bring my own experiences into this a bit, hopefully, I got all the details correct, I'm not a geneticist tho, nor a comp sci person, so please be nice if I messed up!
Author's Notes:
Somehow, this came out from Hunter’s pov. Wasn’t exactly the way I’d planned it, and this might change in the next chapter, but I needed a way to illustrate how Hunter was struggling with losing two brothers and his little girl (he's 100% a girl dad now, no going back).
Also, this is totally self-indulgent. I always write she/her/reader's pov like it's me because that's what I know how to do. If I can write from the heart it's more genuine. Hope you guys are okay with that!
I like to make references to other fandoms and stuff when I write, hope you guys don’t mind that. There’s at least 1 blink-and-you-miss it Hamilton reference, among others… hehehe!
Side note, this was not beta'd. I tend to just crank stuff out because it's on my mind, and post it asap so I can get it off my chest. Please lemme know if there are typos and if you guys like it!
Tech dividers by @/djarrex!
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She joins the team shortly after Tech and Omega are stolen from them. 
When the bad situation they were in got even worse, they ran to Rex, in need of a calm, collected, commanding presence that wasn’t in the grip of fresh losses to help them figure out what to do next. Rex brought them his best analyst, an old friend who quietly helped out in secret during the war, and now helped him rescue as many brothers as he could. 
Echo knew her. They came up with a few battle strategies together when he was with the 501st. He trusted her with his life. 
Hunter, who always held his trust in reserve to begin with, now trusted even less since Cid is the reason Omega is now in the clutches of the Empire. But Rex and Echo insisted, and he knew they were in dire straights and would not be able to rescue Crosshair and Omega (and Tech) on their own, especially not while their better judgment was clouded with so much pain. 
At first, she just helps AZI patch them up and keep an eye on them as they heal. Slowly, they begin to trust her a little more. As she brings them water so they don’t have to get up, and sits with and chats with Wrecker until he falls asleep, and helps Echo with his prostheses, and always makes a point to do everything quietly to go easy on Hunter’s senses. They appreciate how her effort says she cares.
Eventually they start letting her learn them a bit more. And they learn more about her. She’s an interesting mix. She’s somewhat neurodivergent like Tech - she can go on endless infodumps and loves to learn. But she also has moments where she exhibits what Tech once described to the as “neurotypical behaviors”. She jokes with the men and flirts with them when the time is right. She gets a lot of social cues, but she does miss a fair amount too. The boys learn why Tech describes his differences like a spectrum. 
Eventually, Hunter and Echo come to the realization that she is going to need notes, detailed notes, if they are going to find their lost siblings. They have all tried giving her as many notes as they can remember, but in order to do enough research to find them, she would need to know more about Crosshair and Omega, and no one took notes on everyone quite like Tech did. They decided to give her access to Tech’s notebook, if all 3 of them agree on it. So they confront Wrecker. He’s all in. He trusts her, despite Cid’s betrayal, his determination to see the best in people has hardly wavered. Anything she needs to help them get their brother’s back is fine with Wrecker. And he trusts that if both Hunter and Echo have come to the same conclusion, then it’s worth it. 
For days she sat reading his copious notes, it kept her quiet and distant from them - Hunter was grateful for that, he needed time to adjust to her presence He wasn’t used to being around a woman so often. She brought a different way of existing to the soldier’s lifestyle he was used to. 
Her habits and mindset was somewhat new to him. 
“It may seem like an enigma now, but there are clues everywhere. You just need to know where to look and how to read them” she had said when she began her quest to learn more about their fallen brother, lost brother, and stolen sister. 
He was just grateful he, Wrecker, and Echo didn’t have to re-live the pain watching that horrible moment all over again to try to get something out of it. 
One day she begins to surface from his notes. Hunter braces, he had gotten used to her presence like that, and didn’t think he was ready for the conversations about brother’s end that were certainly coming. 
“This passage here, about Omega… it doesn’t make sense, it’s not Tech’s words” 
“What do you mean?” Hunter peers over her shoulder “that’s him alright, watched him write that one myself shortly after we picked her up.” 
“Oh, that’s not what I meant, sorry… these words are phrased exactly the way he writes everything, his speech patterns, his grammatical ticks, he IS the one that physically wrote the words down, except one thing doesn't match his pattern: the scientific errors. The one thing he knew none of you could check.” 
“So, you’re saying that Tech tricked us?” Hunter’s annoyance is apparent in his tone. His temper was on a short fuse these days, but she understood why. 
“No! I’m saying he’s employing a handy psychology tactic here. Usually used only for one of two purposes: reassurance or manipulation, but it’s definitely the former.” You hold up a hand, knowing Hunter is read to interject and snatch Tech’s datapad away from you for implying Tech would ever deceive his brother’s and harm them. “I know, you watched him write it and he would clearly never hurt any of you intentionally. A later passage about his conversation with Omega about feelings clearly conveys that quite eloquently and explains how deeply he cares for each one of you, but I think he might be trying to protect you from the full truth here, at least until he knowns what it is. As I’m sure you noticed, almost everything he writes has a double meaning, if not a triple meaning.” 
Hunter’s eyes remain narrowed, but he’s quiet, waiting for the whole story before he makes any decisions. He was protective of his little family before, and that’s multiplied tenfold since Cid’s betrayal cost them so much. 
“This passage here uses the word “perfect copy” to describe Omega, but there’s a lot inherently incorrect about that from a scientific perspective, and Tech clearly knows that. Perfection is, technically speaking, unachievable. There’s always something that deviates from the original, just a little, especially when discussing the complexities of genetics. I’m no geneticist, but his notes from when you first met Omega states that according to his scan (the results of which are included in the notes), she bears the female genetic marker - two X allosomes, and no Y - and has since she was created, which in and of itself means that she cannot be a perfect copy of Django who was male at birth, and bears the same male genetic markers that you lot do - an XY allosome pair. Which means, his statement here that she is a “perfect copy” is incorrect and he clearly knows that… at one point he even goes on to describe how she displays more neurotypical traits like you boys, rather than his neurodivergent ones… (whispered) paternal traits indeed, you’re definitely a clone of Django, you shouldn't worry about that Tech... He could be referring to her as a ‘perfect child’, however, again, perfection is inhuman and totally impossible when referring to something as complex as a sentient being, so that’s also unlikely unfortunately, as sweet as it would be for him to describe her like that… Earlier he mentioned that Nala Se told Tarkin that there were 5 ‘genetically deviant clones’ and that that must include Omega because Echo is genetically a ‘Reg’…” 
She turns to face Hunter directly, “Tech knew you were reading this over his shoulder and had access to it. He’s doing his best to describe Omega in a way that will only fortify your protection of her, not because that would ever waver - he describes several times how your paternal instincts are very attached to her, and he is both certain and grateful that nothing could change that - but he does it because she is very important to something, some big secret thing the Kaminoans are doing, though I don’t think he knows what exactly…” she trails off, searching through the datapad for more as she thinks. 
Hunter is shocked, first by her analysis, second by how easily she read Tech, and third by the fact that he, Hunter, is starting to agree with her analysis. “But if they’re ‘not his words’ as you said… then whose words are they?” 
She’s silent for a moment, as she considered this, still scrolling back through Tech’s copious notes. Hunter is struck for a moment how Tech always seemed to write like he was running out of time… 
“I think… I think, based on the way he explains how you lot describe Omega when she’s asleep and your paternal instincts ‘truly appear’ as he puts it, and,” she emerges from Tech’s notes for a moment, and Hunter is struck by how she’s just like Tech “and from my personal experience around you lot… I think he’s using your own words as a way to reassure you. Again, a handy psychology trick when used by a kind hand.” she nervously dives back into Tech’s notes. Hunter notes how she seems to make an effort to not annoy him again. 
She continues with her thought as her mind races on “all of the words he uses to describe Omega have positive connotations, there’s no hidden negativity, which means his intentions are good and not manipulative.” 
She looks up, but doesn’t totally dissociate from the datapad this time, her eyes still glossy wand swirling with thoughts. She opens her mouth like she’s poised to say more, but worry crosses her features “I’m sorry, I’m rambling again. I’ll stop. I do that a lot, I know.” 
She looks around concerned, by this point both Echo and Wrecker have joined the conversation, but none of them can look at her right now. 
Hunter is the first to speak “don’t worry, we’re used to it, Tech does the same thing all the time… or… used to anyways.” 
She tenses a bit “understood, I’m sorry for your loss, I still intend to help you as much as I can. Loss like that is cruel, let’s see if we can get him back, yeah?” 
“Yeah” Hunter relaxes a tiny bit, but feels the sadness of loss settling in. He doesn’t believe Tech could have survived that fall. 
She dives back into the notes. There’s a moment of silence. She continues to read quietly, giving the men a change to exchange quiet glances, feeling better now that they might have someone like Tech, something familiar, who can help them find their family. They find comfort in the quiet as she continues to ponder his scribblings with a knitted brow for a few moments. 
Hunter breaks the silence. “I feel almost ashamed that none of us figured that out. He’s our brother. I guess we didn’t know him as well as we thought we did.” 
“It’s not your fault, Hunter. Same goes for you two,” she pats Echo and Wrecker. “Pain of loss can be blinding. You do know him well, but your own emotions got in the way. It helps to have an outside voice to help you see through the haze of emotions. Nothing wrong with asking for help. I’m  here to help in any way that I can.” 
Her attention shifts again, and she emerges from the datapad completely this time. The hand that clutches it falls to her lap as her eyes find Hunter’s, and he’s not surprised to find a new thought sparkling in them. 
“You said Hemlock gave you back his goggles, did he not?” 
“Yeah” Hunter’s hesitancy returned 
“Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt any of you lot, either. I just need more information about the incident itself” 
Hunter sighs. 
“Did his goggles still have the recording device on them?”
“How did you know about that? None of us told you about that” 
“He includes many screenshots and videos from them in his notes” 
“Right. Sorry” 
“It’s okay. Hesitancy to trust is natural after being sold out like that, I understand. But please know that I just want to help you find your brothers and sister, they seem like good people, and this Tech fellow is clearly brilliant!” 
Hunter produces the goggles, recording device still attached. 
Echo chimes in “I checked for a recording from it, but scans said there’s nothing on it” 
“No backups? You’re telling me a man like Tech didn’t have backups of everything in a secure format? Is this not his backup datapad full of his notes I’m holding? I’m guessing that somewhere on here is a backup copy he fashioned himself that the Empire wouldn't be able to tamper with, one with a hidden access port - something the Imperials wouldn't know to look for since to them devices like this are usually only remotely accessed” 
She gently detaches the recording device from the goggles and inspects it carefully. The men gather around her and watch her with baited breath. Clearly the Empire did not remove it from the goggles, as there is still a fair amount of dirt on the side that had been next to the band of the goggles. As she gently brushes the dirt off, her finger nail finds the edge of something. Tracing it out, she finds a rectangle in the rubbery casing around the recording device, and gently pops it open. 
“Bingo” she whispers, as though a loud noise will shatter the moment. 
“I think I’m starting to agree with you” Hunter whispers in her ear, quiet enough that only she can hear. 
She inspects the port the silicone hatch revealed “I don’t suppose any of you lot have seen a cable that might fit this lying around somewhere?” 
They sit quietly for a moment, well aware Tech left cables for all sorts of things scattered everywhere. Each contemplating the most likely spot for Tech to keep an important cable like this, before Echo pipes up “I’m betting he’d keep a spare in his spare kit!” 
Wrecker launches out of his makeshift seat to grab the kit, and hands it to Hunter. “You better look for it, I don’t think he’d like me rummaging through his stuff… might break something…” he trails off, clearly sad. 
She pat’s the big guy on the arm and he sits back down, a little closer this time. Seeking her warmth for comfort. 
“He clearly loved and still loves you very much Wreck, even if he has his own way of showing it” 
Wrecker smiles, “thanks Y/N” 
Hunter produces several cords from Tech’s pack and holds them out. “One of these look like it might fit?” 
Echo reaches for the other end of the cable “what does the other end look like?” She let’s him inspect it while she attaches the one end to the recording device. 
“This one goes here,” he plugs it into the console they sit next to. “Let’s see what he got as…. Let’s see what trail he left for us” 
As the recording comes up on the bigger screen, they all gasp. Most of the contents of the recording are going to be a difficult mess to untangle, but one thing is clear: Tech is very much ALIVE!!!
(Part 2)
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Please don't steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
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levisofa · 7 months
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Green eyed stare
Oc on the left is @feniksido ‘s
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floralovebot · 10 months
that is not a silly complaint at all, it's very gross how musa has the cyberpunk stuff stapled to her even though TECNA fits that vibe in canon perfectly because they can't unthink of east asian people as a bunch of blade runner caricatures.
dude it's so weird how the fandom treats musa and melody like 😭 every single redesign is either making musa look like a walking festival or making melody a neon cyberpunk wannabe it's so embarrassing,, if it's not one extreme it's another
it's like non-asian and especially white fans are completely incapable of regarding asian people and by extension asian characters as just like,, normal people instead of whatever Aesthetic they enjoy the most. it's SO prevalent with musa especially like people refuse to treat her as a normal person. in canon she's this amazing girl who doesn't mind dressing up occasionally but prefers wearing comfy clothing, who has issues with her dad because he emotionally neglected her after her mom died, who tries to express her feelings so much but often has trouble doing so in a healthy manner,, and the fandom looks at that and goes "okay so she wears a qipao 24/7 and also hates her dad and culture and also melody is a cyberpunk retrofuturistic kpop dream!!" like bro SHUT UP
i've said this before but despite all the wrong rainbow did and continues to do, musa's entire deal was genuinely fucking perfect. she's one of the ONLY early 2000s asian characters that isn't a walking caricature. the ONE thing that rainbow did right,, and the fandom constantly fucks it up
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like white fans really see all this and go "ah yes melody. the scifi tech planet with neon lights where musa, our cyberpunk queen, comes from 😀 i see no problem with this headcanon and will not ask myself if it could possibly come from a racist stereotype that often hits east asian characters 😀"
and listen dude i Love redesigns and i would never just shit on someone's headcanons for fun but the way the fandom treats characters of color is so fucking gross. and i'm so tired of being like one of Two people who ever call it out or even notice. the amount of fully racist redesigns, headcanons, and art posts that get hundreds of notes just because people don't even Notice? like i honestly don't have the energy to constantly call out whitewashed art and it sucks so much to see people who claim to love winx sooo much and hate whitewashing and racism sooo much Also constantly support and love these very Noticeably Racist posts like,, okay. sure.
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yuesya · 5 months
I personally can't imagine someone normal dating Shiki nor can I imagine someone from Tokyo, although I did wonder if she would date Todo because I can't imagine someone calm or sane dating Shiki.
The question of Shiki's potential significant other is one full of its own headaches for various parties involved.
Todo/Shiki sounds like a crack pairing haha. Let's also be honest here; Todo probably doesn't have eyes for anyone other than his beloved Takada-chan.
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lirri-eats-eyes · 2 months
nothing beats the pure unintentional comedy of the fact that, at the height of the climax of the last book of the fireborn trilogy, dog, thorn, and zenith get 2.5 chapters dedicated to them being in a trapdoor room. and not being able to get out of a trapdoor room, because zenith is unconscious. truly the pacing of all time
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
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Solis Zenith, full-time pyromancer🔥(part-time tattoo artist!)
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confier-boyfriend · 4 months
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singingkestrel · 2 years
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I mean, if there's anyone in HFW that screams malice, it's Erik Visser.
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Though there might be some people out there who consider him more of a polarising figure?
He was outstanding in his chosen field, after all.
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