#like…. does this make sense I have a headache
mingtinysworld · 3 days
May I request a Vampire! Seonghwa. This is my first request ever.
Hi!! Thank you sm for requesting. I wasn’t sure what kind of genre you wanted so I tried to do it pretty vague haha. Hope you like it!
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Pairing: vampire!seonghwa x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
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The music blares around you, making you lose all sense of balance, barely remembering where you are. Your so called friends have abandoned you for far too long, and you can't help but wonder if they'll ever come back. They dragged you to this cheap club, covered in the scent of sex and alcohol which makes you wrinkle your nose in disgust. As you walk around the edge of the dancing bodies you sway slightly, the alcohol in your system being put to work.
Out of nowhere, someone bumps into you causing you to lose your footing. As you stumble a pair of arms swoop around you to hold you up. As you're squished against this stranger's chest, you squint your eyes and take him in as best as possible. Even though your vision is blurry you can tell that he's beautiful. His body feels warm against yours and you can't help but close your eyes and snuggle against him.
The stranger simply lets out a chuckle and directs you toward the exit. As soon as the outside air hits you, you shiver involuntarily. He takes off his own jacket and drapes it over your shoulders, warming you up just the slightest.
"Can I take you home? Where do you live?" He asks.
It takes you a few moments to realize that he was speaking to you. His voice sounded so melodic and smooth, it was like music to your ears.
"I live in the condos on spring hollow street." You manage to get out with a heavy slur.
"Alright you pretty thing, let's get you home." He makes sure that you can stand properly before snaking a polite arm around your waist. As you walk on the empty sidewalk your arm swings back and forth and you hum an unintelligible tune.
"Ok we're at the condo. Which floor and apartment?"
"Hmm I think third floor and apartment 250." You answer with a wrinkle in your forehead.
"You don't sound very sure." He notes, but starts the journey up the elevator nonetheless. Once you're in front of the door he starts rummaging around your bag for the key. He feels as if he's committing a crime but you're pretty much asleep at this point so he has no other option.
You somehow get through the hallway and the living room to your tiny bedroom. He sets you down on your bed and ponders whether he should help you out further or would he be crossing boundaries. He decides on leaving you be, now that you're safe and away from potential harm. As he turns to leave you grab onto his arm, gently pulling back. Your eyes are narrow slits, vision extremely limited.
"Who are you?" You ask in your daze.
"My name is Seonghwa." As you take in his name, his eyes flash red for a split second and he disappears right in front of your eyes. You blink twice, unsure of what you had seen, blaming it all on the alcohol. With sleep calling your name however, you can't help but succumb to it.
The next morning you wake up with a groan, head pounding from an intense headache. You force yourself to get up and take a nice long shower. After your shower you start brushing your teeth, and as you're repeating the motion you freeze. The toothbrush falls out of your grasp and you gasp with a hand over your mouth.
The stranger.
It wasn't a dream, you're sure of it. Yes, you were drunk, but there's no way you simply imagined it all. He found you at the club and made sure you came home safe. And then you remember his eyes and your heart does a somersault. Those ruby red eyes. You shake your head as if you're being silly, even though you know what you saw. Choosing to ignore it, you get ready for your day. It's your turn to take over the store and you head to work with your still existing headache.
You walk around the store, straightening clothes and shoes as you go. You go to storage to grab more boxes and as you're coming back you trip on a pair of shoes. You yelp as gravity pulls you down and your knees meet the floor harshly. You curse as you see all the boxes scattered every which way and you reach to correct them when you feel a near presence. You look behind you at the front desk and nearly scream.
Its him. You know it.
You stand up tentatively and make eye contact with Seonghwa. He's sitting in your chair as if he's a regular. You stare with an open mouth, not sure what to do.
"Sweetheart, you can speak you know." He says in a teasing tone.
"What are you doing here?" You manage to get out a question.
"Well, you see, I simply wanted to check up on you. See how you're doing. I was only curious." He states matter of factly.
"How did you know I worked here?" You question. At this, Seonghwa stiffens slightly and puts on a serious face. He beckons you over and looks around to make sure no one's watching.
"Do you trust me?"
You scoff at him, thinking he's being ridiculous. "Seonghwa, I don't even know you and you expect me to trust you?"
"Ok fair enough. But I promise I mean no harm."
"Okayyy." You trail off uncertainly.
He stands up and wraps an arm around you and you instinctively shrink into yourself. You close your eyes and hear a whooshing sound around you.
"Open your eyes." Seonghwa instructs.
As you open your eyes you stare in awe. You realize that you ended up in a completely different part of the city.
"Seonghwa, did we just teleport?! What-how-huh." You blabber in amazement. He grins at your reaction and just watches on smugly. "What are you?!"
"I'm a vampire." He says nonchalantly.
You blankly stare at him. "Vampires don't exist."
"Oh so then how did we just teleport?" He asks, and you can't help but stutter. You take in his appearance and things start making more sense. His long luscious hair, his smooth pale skin, and when his mouth parts, you can see the thin fangs protruding from his gums. You don't even know how you missed that in the first place. You take a tiny, hesitant step back and Seonghwa immediately notices.
"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you. If anything, I'm fascinated by you. I think you're beautiful." You blush and can't help but look away. He tips up your chin to make sure you look at him and the look in his eyes takes your breath away. They're blown wide and ruby red, and hold so much passion that it feels like there's a heat emanating from him.
"I think you're beautiful too." You admit in a small voice. Seonghwa's face lights up at that and you think you've never seen a smile as beautiful as his. Your heart pounds in your chest and you await his next action.
"I should take you back to work before someone realizes you're missing." Before you can protest he beats you to it. "Don't worry, I'll stay there with you."
He wraps an arm around you once more, this time noticeably tighter, and you two are back at your store. It feels almost comical the way that you have to pretend to be normal. You have a vampire in your vicinity and you just have to get on with work. You count down the minutes until closing time and giddily put the "We're closed" sign up. You look at Seonghwa and it looks like he's been anticipating this as much as you have. You lead him back to your apartment and can't help but think what's in store for you.
"Alright mister vampire, we've got a lot of things to catch you up on."
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soullessjack · 5 months
oh my god also another thing is that the entire domestic au is just so terribly hetero-nuclear. like the show already established TFW2.0 as an unconventional surrogate family by like the end of s13. rowena telling Lucifer that as far as Jack’s concerned, TFW are his fathers altogether. jack telling Sylvia that he has “more dads than most” and telling Laura that Cas is “one of” his three dads. dean telling john he has a family despite it not being the What Is And What Should Never Be -esque vision john had. Sam telling Lily Sunder that Jack is their kid and Cas directly relating Dean’s (and their) suffering in 14x07 as the loss of a son.
and that’s not even getting into how jack and Mary canonically see each other as mother and son, leading into jack technically having 2 moms. they all have house chores. jack has an apron to do the dishes and dean has one to cook. Sam has a jogging routine. they have movie nights and game nights and they go out to eat after hunts. they go shopping in town. Etc etc.
so much of the domestic aus just seem to disregard this entire dynamic, especially when it comes to Sam being the uncle instead of one of Jack’s three dads, or he’s the target of “who’s the mom of the group” discussions. sometimes he doesn’t even live with them anymore?? sometimes they do have a little apple pie life house and cas is (Sometimes) drawn up as effeminate and dainty and very obviously meant to be the Woman or woman-lite in the relationship. Jack is of course either a baby-shaped clutch purse or a smiley cardboard cutout whose entire existence is to make his dads look cuter and gayer.
And it’s just. Weird. Like, I personally read TFW2.0’s family dynamic as inherently nontraditional (see also: queer). The show puts repeated emphasis on it being unconventional, especially from the outside world’s perspective, but maintains that it is their family. It’s the same brand of unconventional surrogacy that has always been part of the show. as @honeyedwhiskey my beloved puts it, “‘the urge to unqueer a queer family and turn it into a nuclear one” is quite strong in this fandom.’”
it’s already happened with destiel and unqueering two men into The Man and The Woman and it’s happening still with the way this fandom views TFW2.0 as a family and their concept of “domesticity.” this constant need to make somebody The Woman or the Mother because you guys have no concept of men being nurturing or of masculinity being inherently queer lmao
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raiiny-bay · 6 months
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he's a fashionable man
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lamortwrites · 6 months
SAREVOK TAMOKO DURGE AND GORT PARALLELS!!!!!!!!!! durge and xvim!!!! I can’t
OKAY I HAVE TO PREFACE THIS BY SAYING. I am on team cleric of Xvim Tamoko I have not been active in any bg1 spaces probably since I was a teenager I do not know what the fandom consensus of her deity was but I DO remember that it was never actually confirmed in game (do I think the plan was for her to become Sarevok's Chosen? Maybe. Maybe the original plan after Sarevok's apotheosis was to help Tamoko push someone else off of the throne she wanted. You know, much like a popular durgetash theory ;))
ANYWAY the point is. Tamoko was a cleric of Iyachtu Xvim to me. So imagine being me running around as an amnesiac Bhaalspawn and finding out I USED TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR A BANITE? Already. AlREADY the wheels are turning. Already I am going HMM. THIS FEELS FAMILIAR.
And like...obv this is all up to interpretation and kinda depends on your choices in your own playthroughs but. Gort being so happy for you if you shake off Bhaal's influence? Vs him jumping straight to pragmatism and well guess you have to die for me if you won't be my ally? And then later w the brain, the theory that he knew the stones weren't working and chose to try and take the hit for you even though you don't remember him or any of what you had, maybe even showed up w a new lover? Compared to Tamoko being so willing to die for Sarevok just bc he told her to, even though he'd strayed so far from the man she loved? Did Gort know durge planned to betray him in the end? Would he have been willing to die for them?
And YEAH the durge/Xvim parallels are...SO tasty. Durge being born before Bhaal was even resurrected? Were they supposed to be his ticket back to godhood like how Bane did it? The fact that durge is technically a cambion too... Like, did pre tadpole durge chafe against their leash? WERE they planning on patricide? Was that the real reason for the lobotomy?
There's just. Idk there's something really poetic to me about Sarevok changing so much that he is unmoved by Tamoko's death vs durge having the potential to change so much that they are unmoved by Gortash's...
Also. I would save the man within the beast he wishes to be. You know. Which couple am I talking about here.
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antennatoheaven · 2 years
caleb wittebane keeps making me cry bc this is a character that so far doesn't have a single line in this show. he hasn't even been animated for christs sake. his only appearances so far are paintings of someone's memories, a statue in a park and some sketches his brother made. the effect he had on the world around him, while clearly there, is barely tangible, just some loose bits and pieces tied together trying to make sense of what he might have left behind. does he live on in the images his brother made of him, or has his voice truly been lost to time
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amamillalatortilla · 1 month
does anyone know why laptop screen ouchies but phone screen yippee?
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revenant-coining · 1 year
i've finally like. accepted my weird combination of nonhumanity and plurality and wow life sure does feels better when ur not stressed all the time huh
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dan-crimes · 8 months
Nah but I'm convinced there is no way people are out there everyday livin life without pain constantly thru their entire body like I literally just can't imagine it at this point it is such a constant regular everyday thing for me that whenever I'm feeling pain I'm like Eh dude whatever everyone else is also in pain so like it's really not a big deal it's not that tiresome
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lesbiandarvey · 1 year
“you will do anything you can to impose your will on me” <- something shawn actually says to henry (psych 1x12 cloudy with a chance of murder) like he said it. they acknowledged the power henry wields over shawn, routinely and maliciously and more importantly SHAWN knows this and is willing to say this
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earthpit · 1 year
thinking about how. to ME. when jon and martin were playing silly games to pass the time on their s5 cross country journey. well. to ME they played games when martin was staying at the archives too <3 and jon was much more awkward about it but it was silly and fun and oH. i want to write a fic about it one day
REAL..when I was on my road trip me and my brother would play like guess who I am and you’d get unlimited questions to figure out who this person is and I think they would play tjay and Martin would be weirdly good at it and ask silly questions to make Jon laugh. My favourite question for that game is ‘can they do a backflip right now’ bc it tells u a lot about the person with how it’s answered and I think Jon would laugh without thinking and it would be very good for both of them <3
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myname-isnia · 10 months
Since I’m visiting back home I have stolen borrowed my sister’s switch to play Pokemon and animal crossing, and that, of course, got me thinking about if Pokemon existed in the avatar universe, which ones would my OCs have
(Up front, I don’t see either of them going into competitive championships, too much shit going on in their lives to even consider it. Oh, and also, my knowledge of Pokemon comes entirely from my sister infodumping, me watching the entire first season of the anime twice, getting a bit too invested in Hanamusa fanart and playing Y, Moon and Shield (never getting to the end of a single one rip) so keep that in mind)
For Midori I feel like she’d have the ones that she could naturally find in the backyard while doing gardening or other work – oddish and bellsprout and budew and the like. Maybe a sandshrew or caterpie or rattata. I’m completely obsessed with eeveelutions so if she had an eevee, it’d evolve into a sylveon bc of how much love Midori has to give. Starter-wise, if she had one despite not doing competitive battling, definitely a bulbasaur, but since she doesn’t use it for anything but help around the garden it probably wouldn’t ever evolve, though they’re both okay with that. And I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t shoehorn some angst in, so before the RL left for the South Pole, Ghazan gave Midori his camerupt for safe keeping, saying it would protect her in case she needed it. She hides the pokeball with it from Haya and only lets it out of she knows no one will see her, terrified Haya would do something to such a blatant reminder of her brother
Suiren’s a bit harder since she has enough to worry about without getting a bunch of animals involved, but theoretically, I’m thinking squirtle for a starter that she has managed to evolve into a wartortle but not further yet. Eeveelution wise vaporeon would be the obvious choice but with her cold nature I think she’d invest in an ice stone instead and get a glaceon. I like to imagine that while she was travelling for a mission one day she ran across an absol in the mountains and took it home despite knowing the rumours it was a bringer of disasters and a bad omen (she relates to it, but you couldn’t waterboard that out of her). Maybe she found a yanma in the swamp at some point and kept it once she found out how cool its evolution looks. Likewise, she found a phantump and, remembering how phantumps come to be, couldn’t bear the thought of leaving it (and, well, its evolution and how it controls trees through roots reminds her of the swamp). Back with the angst, she inherited her mom’s milotic (Ming-Hua was a kid when she found the ugliest fucking fish she’d ever seen in a swamp lake and snuck it food. It warmed up to her and eventually she stole a pokeball and caught it. Fast forward a few years and it suddenly became the most gorgeous pokemon in existence. Shit happens). She hides it too but once she learned how to navigate the swamp she takes it to that very lake.
Suiren leaves her pokemon with Midori when she goes on missions, not wanting to endanger them, and every time Midori is scared that those pokemon will end up being the last things she has left of her sister, just like the camerupt and milotic are the last things left of her parents
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
you know what i'm gonna ramble a bit because a friend sent me smth that they said reminded them of my portrayal of sonic and i want to gush a bit
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This kind of stuff. This side of Goku. This is what I try and put into my Sonic portrayal.
Sonic never wanted to be a HERO per se. They just wanted to do what they thought was right. Live life their way. Make sure everyone has that chance themselves, because they know what it's like. How the easy path is always sitting right there, at the detriment of others, and how it can so easily be seen as the right choice.
How they're only a hero because of the way they are, not the other way around. Anyone can be them. Anyone can be a hero. Power's power. It doesn't matter how you got it. It doesn't matter who you are. Potential is potential and can be used however you want it to be. Nobody's life is set in stone. The future isn't, either. The only person that gets to define who you are is YOU.
People always assume Sonic will never understand, but it's a truth they have to live with every day. They hold so much power in their hands and every day it's a CHOICE to live their way. So many opportunities to stray from that path.
Then they see other people, as despicable as they are, and they see that same potential that they have-- that ANYONE has. They want to give a chance, no matter how bad, to be better. To prove the them of the past wrong. It won't be easy. Every day's going to be a new challenge, but if you're already hurting then why not TRY it anyways? All it takes is that first step.
Someone's always going to believe in you, after all.
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All you have to do is believe in yourself, too.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Someone talk me out of quitting my job lol
#i won’t actually do it i’m just so annoyed with people today#like tell me why there’s 6 of us in and i’m the only one fucking doing anything#like what type of sense does it make to have one person on hot food (read: twiddling his thumbs); one person (me) doing the till and drinks#and cakes; and three people standing at the end chatting#liiiiiiiiiike#and i happened to raise this and now everyone is making jokes about me being a fucking superhuman#and i’m like. i raised a valid point. i even said it in a joking way and now i am NEVER going to live this down am i#like i can go home if you want and see how well you can run this without me lmao#i will happily just not come back. believe me#ugh i don’t know if i’m being too sensitive but i really feel like handing my notice in today and just going home#it’s really sinking in that i don’t like working here and i usually like the people but if they’re going to laugh at me i’m going to go#nuclear and there’s not a single thing i can do about it#like that’s not my choice. i’d rather not do that. but i can. i will#maybe i’m just hangry. i’m seething and eating mini cheddars right now lmao#you know what it is. i didn’t sleep well enough last night. i went to bed too early because i felt sick and i wasn’t actually sick but i#fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and then i couldn’t get back to sleep again#and then when i finally did (probably around 3am or something) i had really bad dreams#literally woke up with the world’s worst headache and i still feel absolutely frazzled#i wish the till was working properly because i can’t add up in my head and i’m having to anyway#we’re definitely out at least a quid already because i gave someone too much change#so. that.#i’ve just decided what i’ll do. i’ll finish my lunch break and then i’ll use the bathroom and then get back to work#and just do whatever. and if anyone makes any stupid jokes i’ll do a really loud fake laugh for so long that they start to get concerned#tl;dr i don’t want to work here lol#anyone got any vacancies? asking for a friend#personal
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sakhafa · 1 year
man I hate that I’m apparently too young and inexperienced for anything but at the same time I’m “in my prime” to be engaged to someone who has ACTUAL life experience
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d-lissa · 1 year
2ha book 3 - Beginning to 233
Ok, so I was gonna make this about how Shi Mei FINALLY showed some character and how great it was, he even made me tear up the little bastard, tho it was still too little too late and I am still expecting him to come back somehow, but then-
Goddamn I cannot with this fucking book. I feel light headed. Actually, I'm the one that's gonna die from this, I can feel it. RIP Shi Mei, I will never know what the fuck your deal was.
Ok so now we got dimension travelling, Taxian Jun is back as a corpse, sure, whatever, I guess. TOTALLY makes sense. He sees Wanning and immediately starts to flirt and being innapropriate, I am not even surprised by this, this man seems to only have two moods, egocentric mass murderer and hornee for the shizun. One of his underlings starts to badmouth Wanning and he kills them without even looking, too busy staring at the face of the man he claims to hate. God, this guy is a mess. Mo Ran, where are you, please come back, rpotect your boyfriend's chastity, it is in grave danger.
I am ... Gonna stop for now. A break is needed. Just the title of the next chapter is ready to give me a heartattack.
The fuck you mean "The Emperor is Back" I cannot with this story T^T
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caswlw · 2 years
mentally i’m doing great and socially/academically i’m doing great ! physically i could use a machine to stretch me and douse my bones
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