#like. always be a gnc billy girl
prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
steve harrington is getting hotter by the second
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mourntheantagonist · 2 years
Oh oh oh Little Billy's first Halloween as a Little? Getting all the fun of costumes and candy and decorations!
ok ok ok! but now you’ve got me crossing over my little!billy and gnc!billy headcanons and I love you for it.
when billy was a kid his favorite movie was cinderella. his mom would sing a dream is a wish your heart makes to put him to sleep every night, and every year when october rolled around, he would always ask if he could dress up as cinderella.
he and his mom would have to compromise and ask to be prince charming instead.
but neil always had the final say, and even prince charming was too girlish for neil’s taste. he’d go as an astronaut or batman or a football player. something distinctly manly—even if he was only five years old.
the disappointment of not getting to dress up as cinderella didn’t fade, rather, it was replaced by the disappointment that he was told he had to stop trick or treating when he was only seven years old. sure, he never got to dress up how he wanted but at least he got to have fun running around the neighborhood at night hauling a heavy pillowcase full of candy!
it was the first is a long list of things billy would have taken away from him. he could have only wished that the worst thing to happen to him would have been having halloween taken away from him.
when steve approached him one morning when he was little and asked billy if he wanted to go trick or treating, billy was confused.
“am I allowed?”
steve just musses his hair. “of course buddy! nancy’s taking jonathan and robin trick or treating and asked if we wanted to join them!”
billy sort of just sits there for a second. it doesn’t make total sense to him. “not too old?” he asks, bracing himself for steve to say “oh yeah, you are too old aren’t you.” or “you weren’t seriously thinking I’d take you trick or treating right? that’s for babies! are you a baby billy?”
but of course, steve says nothing of the sort.
“no you aren’t too old! you’re never too old to trick or treat if it makes you happy! so do you wanna go?”
billy nodded his head, trying his best to hide his excitement, but he apparently wasn’t doing too good of a job at it with the way steve was giggling.
“alright buddy, what do you wanna dress up as? you can be anything you like!”
billy blushed at the question, because his mind immediately went to the one thing he always wanted to be. the one thing he was always denied and told was only for girls. billy wasn’t a girl. he didn’t want steve to look at him the same way his mom had when he would ask. but at the same time, he couldn’t think of anything else.
“anything buddy. you name it!”
billy pursed his lips, debating whether or not he should say it. he didn’t want to have to compromise with prince charming again. he wanted to be pretty like cinderella.
“c-can I be cinderella?”
when billy looked up and saw steve’s wide eyes, he was ready to cry.
“is that not allowed?”
steve quickly started shaking his head and started rubbing his shoulder. “no of course that’s allowed bud! stevie was just surprised is all. is that what you really want?”
billy nodded his head.
“alright then buddy, we can go costume shopping tomorrow.”
when halloween eventually rolled around, billy was all around nervous. steve had laid out his costume for him; a long and pretty blue dress with a black choker and some sneakers (no glass slipper, he’d be walking around all night). he hadn’t thought about it until it was looking right at him—other people would have to see him in it, what if they laughed at him?
“hey buddy, what’s with the thinkin’ face?”
billy didn’t say anything. he just shrugged.
“don’t wanna tell me? that’s ok bills. how about we start gettin’ ready? wanna start on your hair?”
billy liked when steve brushed his hair, so he was okay with that. it would be a good distraction if nothing else. he took steve’s hand and followed him into the bathroom, taking a seat in the chair as steve gently brushed the knots from his hair. billy just smiled at himself in the mirror as steve pulled all his hair back into a pony tail. “you want it to look just like hers?”
billy nodded his head. he wanted to be pretty just like her.
even through all the poking of the bobby pins, billy’s smile didn’t falter one bit through the whole thing.
“lookin’ like a princess already.” steve said, admiring his work. but billy just hung on the word princess.
“pretty?” he asked.
“so pretty.”
billy was slowly starting to feel better about the whole thing. if steve thought he was pretty, well that was the only thing that mattered.
“you ready to get dressed?” steve asked.
billy nodded his head rapidly, excitement clear.
steve led him back into the bedroom and helped him out of his clothes and into the pretty blue dress. it looked just like cinderella’s (steve dropped a pretty penny on that thing because he’d be damned if billy didn’t have the best first little halloween ever). it wasn’t even itchy like his costumes were when he was a kid. the material was soft and he not only was looking like a princess, but he felt like one too.
steve secured the choker around billy’s neck and helped him tie his shoes, and once everything was all put together steve brought him over to the mirror to look at himself.
billy instantly smiled.
“pretty.” he said.
“you sure are billy. you look beautiful.”
billy couldn’t stop staring himself. it was a dream come true. like a fairytale.
“oh, I forgot something! I’ll be right back.”
steve was only out of the room for thirty seconds before he walked back in with something behind his back.
“what’s that?” billy asked, trying to peek around steve’s back.
“well, I know she doesn’t wear one in the movie, but I thought a princess as pretty as you are should have one of these.”
billy could not have prepared himself for what steve had hidden behind his back.
it was a tiara. it was so shiny it nearly blinded him with the way it reflected the light. but it didn’t light up nearly as bright as billy’s eyes had once he’d seen it.
“may I?”
the head nods were just getting more aggressive.
“alright kiddo calm down you’re gonna give yourself whiplash if you keep doing that.”
billy could barely hold still as he waited for steve to place the tiara on his head, and once he did, billy started to cry.
“oh no did I poke you?”
billy shook his head. “no.” he said, taking a deep breath and smiling, “I’m a princess!”
steve just pulled billy into the tightest hug possible. “yes you are!” he said “you’re my princess! all ready for the ball.”
then there was a knock at the door, and any reservations billy had about showing people his costume went out the window, and all he wanted to do was show everyone. he ran down the stairs (steve calling from the top not to lose a slipper on the way down).
steve eventually caught up with him and let the group into the house, nancy and her two littles pouring into the living room in a fit of laughter.
robin was dressed as robin hood and jonathan was dressed as david bowie (will did the makeup for him) and nancy was dressed as tinker bell. but nobody cared about them, they were all staring at billy.
“wow.” was all that nancy said, her breath barely above a whisper.
“nancy look at billy!” was what robin said, her voice high pitched and pointing at billy.
billy felt his face flush from all the attention, and he was dreading what their next words were gonna be. his confidence was draining.
“I see him robbie!”
“he looks so pretty nancy!”
“yeah he looks just like cinderella!”
and just like that his confidence was back.
“he sure does!” steve said, rubbing comforting circles into billy’s back. he must’ve noticed him tense up. “what do we say billy?”
“thank you.”
“hey steve, where’s your costume?” nancy asked.
“shoot, lemme go change real quick. give me two minutes.”
two minutes was actually five because steve could not stop messing with his hair.
but when he came down the stairs, well, billy didn’t think his smile was capable of getting any wider.
“oh look at you steve, demoted from king I see.” nancy said, giggling.
“well you can’t have cinderella and not have a prince charming.”
billy was right. he was in a fairytale.
“alright guys let’s get out of here before we turn into pumpkins!”
robin and jonathan both threw their pillowcases in the air and simultaneously shouted “candy!”
billy wasn’t thinking about candy. all he could think about was how he was about to have the best halloween ever.
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stackthedeck · 2 years
tell me more abt child star johnny storm!!
okay, I already answered the other anon that asked me about this but thank you for another opportunity to talk about my favorite flaming boy! Let's talk about Johnny Storm's compulsive heterosexuality!
Also I'm not dumb. Marvel will never make Johnny Storm canonically queer. They recently had the opportunity and the author that tried to hint at it more explictly has not written for them since. Comics have a tendency to create new queer characters but are hesitant to confirm anything about old ones and while I see the appeal of new characters, it's undeniable that the old ones have more cultural significance and can be very powerful representation. Unless comic readership changes drastically, Johnny Storm and Peter Parker will never be queer. This is not "proof" this is not an accusation of queerbait. This is an interpretation.
so for those that don't know compulsive heterosexuality is this phenomenon where gay people—because of societal pressure—convince themselves that they do feel heterosexual attraction. It's being sick to your stomach around people of the opposite gender and thinking "oh this is what people mean when they say they've got butterflies in their stomach." It's picking a person of the opposite gender that is unthreatening and convenient to date rather than how they look or if they have a nice personality. It's picking a boy at random because all the other girls are talking about their crush. It's having celebrity crushes on nonthreatening gnc people of the opposite gender that are so out of reach that you can't even conceptualize dating them. For example, my first comphet crush was on David tenant, a skinny flamboyant middle-aged man acting in my favorite tv show next to an actress that I found much more attractive but didn't have the words to describe that yet. Like my "crush" on Tenant went away the minute he wasn't next to Billie Piper or was several years younger or he wasn't in the Doctor costume.
So... Johnny Storm. So first off, Johnny is queer-coded to hell and back in the 60s comics. Which like he's literally flaming, the jokes write themselves. But he's consistently damseled, demasculinized, and mocked for caring about his appearance and vanity. And if you look at the early art of him kissing women, he always looks so uncomfortable and sure that could just be bad art except, no marvel comics did know how to draw kissing, Johnny just doesn't like it. But he's not gay! Look, he's a playboy and always has a girlfriend. But by comic book rules, he doesn't have a girlfriend because there isn't one girl he's constantly interested in especially in the early years. So there's no one to have relationship drama with and so to fill in the personal storyline, they play up his rivalry with Spider-Man. So textually Spider-Man is Johnny's love interest in the 60s. And then in the 70s Spider-Man has the Skip Westcott storyline and suddenly the human torch and Spider-Man team-ups are few and far between.
But Johnny does have named love interests. But the people he dates that stick around long enough to make a story out of are rarely below him in social status. Like he dates Medusa, the queen of the inhumans who is also married. Like she's the impossible perfect woman and they have nothing in common. He dates and marries Alicia Masters, Ben Grimms' long-term girlfriend whom he has known since he was a kid she's a very familiar person to him. Except no he doesn't because she's actually a skrull, a shape-shifting alien, and he's not that pissed that she's been lying to him. There's a beard couple metaphor in there somewhere. He also dates Namorita, an Atlantian princess that he has an on and off again thing with. The relationship is very public they're clearly using each other to get into the tabloids and annoy their exes. And then Johnny makes her a member of the fantastic four when he has to go dimension hopping I think he does this with another girl that doesn't have superpowers?? and he also does this with spider-man. So the people Johnny votes into the fantastic four are his girlfriends and Peter Parker. Like all his relationships are so public, they're a performance, an attention-seeking thing, and incredibly short-lived because he isn't interested in them and they're not interested in him.
And he has this thing with Akihiro, wolverine's son/clone??? Listen despite the fact that I'm gay, I really don't know that much about the x-men. The author of Dark Wolverine said that she was under the impression that they were dating in past stories. After Akihiro came back from the dead, she intentionally wrote sexual tension between them because what do you do when your boyfriend is back from the dead. So Johnny is written as a bi man, but the marvel statement is: no, he's straight. Although Akihiro is bi, is attracted to Johnny, has pheromones that can make people attracted to him, and he has used them in the past to intestate physical contact as well as real relationships. He either is not using his powers on Johnny or that is how Johnny acts around people he's attracted to, which is deeply concerned while emotionally unavailable.
And don't even get me started on his relationship with Peter Parker!! which is private and intimate and long-lasting which is in stark contrast to all of his romantic relationships. Like they have a special spot just for the two of them. And the only other people Peter has that with are MJ and Gwen Stacy, Johnny is that important to him. They have a roommate era where Johnny is in full housewife mode. He tells Peter to look after his family when he's gone because he's the only one he trusts to love and care for them like he does because Peter is his found family. They are constantly drawn in suggestive poses and scenarios. They're always saving each other both in a dynamic duo way but also in a damsel in distress way. Johnny asks Peter to watch his sex tape with him! When Peter uses a memory wipe spell to protect his secret identity (it's not like no way home) he reveals himself again to two people, Felicia Hardy and Johnny Storm who both have the same reaction: I knew I felt something about you but I couldn't place it until I saw your face and now it's all rushing back.
Johnny also has a thing for Dazzler briefly. Recently it's become a joke in marvel fandom that being a Dazzler Fan is code for homosexual because most of her named fans are queer and she's basically the marvel comics version of Lady Gaga. Like if you're a dude that has a crush on Lady Gaga, I'm not judging but you should be asking yourself some questions.
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Hey, here's my take /as/ a queer man. anyone, gay, straight, etc...can dress how every they want and how ever they feel expresses themself. to me it's a non issue, even if like, you think someone is being disingenuous, I don't think it's an issue and i find it more harmful to me and people like me to have this debate in the zeitgeist to begin with. more straight girls have argued with me about why xyz behaviors is problematic and i find it exhausting. It is more destigmatizing to not put barriers around fashion in the first place & focus on uplifting queer gnc men than tearing other people down.
This is from a couple months ago but I didn’t have the mental bandwidth to answer it until now (sorry).
I appreciate you for responding with your perspective. Like I said, I’m not a queer man (I’m a queer woman), so I really don’t like speaking about the experiences of queer men as a generalisation.
And I agree with you actually! Men (cishet or lgbt) should 1000% be able to wear whatever they want with zero comment from anyone! And if we were debating whether or not Harry Styles dressing in a gnc way was problematic in general, then that would be a pointless conversation. But that’s not the the issue.
My argument was that- while he’s valid a million times over for however he wants to dress or act or whatever- the media and mainstream pop culture fans are wrong for elevating him into this unprecedented progressive icon of masculinity because of the way he dresses. And Harry (imo) is wrong for allowing it and playing into it.
Listen, if Vanity Fair or Vogue (or whatever magazines it was idk I don’t read them lol) regularly gave cover photos and full page profiles and stuff to other gnc people praising them as sort of new age icons for their gnc-ness (specifically gnc openly gay men, or gnc poc, or gnc people who are not stereotypically young and fit and traditionally attractive), then them also giving Harry that treatment would not be sus at all…… but we all know they don’t have a history of doing that. And we all know that when Billy Porter (an older black gnc gay man) or Sam Smith (a plus size gnc genderqueer person) etc live their truth and dress in gnc ways, they do not get as much adoration and adulation and worship and excessive praise by mainstream pop culture media as Harry (again, a young white skinny traditionally attractive most likely cishet- or at the very least not openly queer- man) and the reactions from the general public are always far more mixed. And that’s definitely sus.
It’s almost like the societal establishment realised that newer generations are accepting and celebrating gnc-ness, and knew that they had to pander to that, so they decided to elevate a gnc person….. but because the societal establishment will always edge as close to the conservative status quo as possible, they picked the blandest, whitest, most basic male model type (again- young and fit and noncontroversially hot), who is as close to cishet as they can get (because he refuses to categorise himself as queer, has not shown any evidence of being queer, and thus allows folks with complex homophobia to assume he’s not) while also still allowing them to get half a queer rep point (because, hey, he doesn’t categorise himself… so he might be queer, right?) without having to earn it at all.
And if Harry is just completely Head Empty I’m Just Vibin In My Flower Skirt oblivious to this whole issue, then that’s fine I guess lol- let him vibe! But considering how he’s made it part of his brand to be an lgbt ally and how his fans attack anyone who says anything about this problematic conundrum by screaming that Harry is extremely socially aware and has supported the queer community more than anybody, How Dare You Accuse Him Of Anything!!!- …..Like, it’s either one or the other bro.
If Harry really does know that much about the lgbt community (enough to insert his opinions on in-community issues such as how he thinks gay characters being portrayed as sexual beings is wrong), then he HAS to know that it’s problematic for him to be accepting all these fat ass magazine cover checks and skyrocketing his personal brand with glowing profiles and grasping at more fame and positive recognition for himself via fashion choices, and generally just basking in the praise he’s getting for being a bOuNdArY bReAkInG hErO,.. that other minority gnc people with much less privilege than him have been struggling to receive for decades and STILL struggle to receive.
It’s not like it’s a capital offence or anything. I’m not saying he’s a complete and total worthless piece of shit……. It’s just grating.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
Lilies of the Valley
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This one’s for you @mourntheantagonist​!  And @cherrydreamer​, thanks so much for the loan of your name!
Harringrove April Prompt day 30: Lilies of the Valley!  Neil had opinions about Billy's mom, and Billy's mom's makeup, and Billy.  What he thought doesn't matter anymore, but Billy's still a little worried about bringing it all up to Steve.  GNC Billy.
When Billy was five, he’d tried on his mom’s gold pumps and her rainbowy nail polish, and she’d laughed and spread her arms for him to stumble into.  “Hey, glitter-bug,” she said, kissing his head all over until he giggled, trying to protect his neck from her attack.  “How’s the prettiest boy in town?” she whispered, blowing raspberries down his chest and stomach, and then finally letting him up once he was giggling so hard he couldn’t breathe.  
She’d let him sit on her fancy vanity stool, spinning him now and then so they could see how he looked from different angles in the three mirrors.  “Oh no,” she whispered, her eyes very wide.  “I thought you were prettiest from this side, but every new side is prettier!  How is it, sir, being the prettiest,” she asked, offering him an imaginary microphone.
He beamed into her face, and cleared his throat.  “You’re the prettiest,” he told her, his eyes big with anticipation, and sure enough, she yelled and scooped him up, dumping him on the bed and cuddling him until they’d both laughed so hard their lungs hurt.  
“You are,” she whispered.  “I made the prettiest boy in the world.”
“You’re the prettiest girl,” he said loyally, and that time she kissed his nose.  “Anyway,” he whispered, “—you have…” he trailed off, reaching up to touch the sparkling powders over her eyes, and the bright greasy red on her lips.
She drew a shaky breath, pushing herself up, and glancing towards the door.  “...do you want to play with my makeup, baby?” she asked, and he sat up too, springing upright so fast they nearly clonked heads.
“Can we?” he asked, keeping his voice low, like hers, but nearly vibrating with excitement.
She bit her lips together, tucking some of his curls behind his ear.  “You know how there are some things we keep secret from Daddy, sweetie?”
Billy squirmed around to face her, nodding, and folding his hands like a grownup.  “Like when you kiss Mrs. Sally,” he whispered, then, belatedly, cupped his hands over his mouth.  
“Like that,” she told him, nodding.  “If I’d kept kissing Sally, he might have found out, and not let me see my lil’ glitterbug anymore.”
“I won’t tell,” Billy said, shaking his head, his heart pounding with the weight of adult responsibilities.  
“I know you won’t,” she told him, smiling, but she looked sad.  “But I can’t do anything that might make Daddy take you away, can I?”
Billy shook his head, wondering, as always, why his mom had married someone who didn’t like either of them very much.  He kind of wanted to ask, but she reached out and held his face, squishing his cheeks together like a fish, and he batted at her hands.  
“Makeup is like that,” she told him, and he frowned, trying to understand.  “If I put makeup on you, Daddy will be very angry,” she told him.  “So we have to wash it off before he gets home, and keep it a secret, just like me kissing Sally, right?”
It didn’t make a lot of sense, because Billy had seen his dad fussing with his hair, and his ties, and he knew his dad wanted to be pretty too—but maybe, he thought, his dad was mad because he was jealous, and that kind of fit.  He nodded seriously, licking his lips, as he wondered what the lipstick would feel like.
It felt weird and sticky, but it looked beautiful, and he gasped as he opened his eyes in the mirror, leaning closer to touch the mirror, and then touching his lips.  
“You’ll smear it,” his mom said, smiling, and Billy yanked his hand back into his lap.  He closed his eyes and felt the shiny powders brushing over them, his mom’s warm hand steadying his chin.  Very slowly, so as not to jar her efforts, he kicked his feet in happiness.
“There,” she said,” rubbing her thumb along his eyebrow, and squinting into his face.  “You’re adorable, honey.  Your mamma did so good.”  She spun him to look in the mirror again, and he stared as she kissed his cheek, and then redid his lipstick, because he couldn’t stop chewing at it, fascinated.  “Other mommies would be so jealous of my lil’ glitterbug,” she whispered.
An hour before his dad got home, she popped him in the bath, leaning in to scrub his face gently, and he sighed to see it go.  
“We’ll play again, sweetie,” she told him, kissing his forehead.
That night Billy’s dad clicked his tongue at her bright red lipstick, and went and got the Bible.  He made them stand, listening, while their dinner got cold.  
“‘Therefore I say unto you,’” he read, “‘Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. For the life is more than the food, and the body than the raiment.’  What do you suppose that means, Billy?”
Billy watched his mom shut her eyes, swallowing, and he tried to think, to get it right, but he never understood the Bible.  He told his mother once that he thought they should have somebody write it all down that talked normal, and she laughed for the whole afternoon, and then told him that was another thing to not tell his dad.
“I thought that school was teaching him to read, and now he can’t even understand language,” his dad said, and Billy’s mom flinched.  
“It means we should think about god more than looking pretty,” Billy’s mom said dully, and Billy watched her, and then his dad, wondering why he’d even wanted to marry her, because she was beautiful and funny and perfect, and Billy’s dad even got mad over things like the neighbor’s Christmas lights.
She didn’t wear the bright colors, after that.
 Years later, Steve was driving back from picking up burgers, and Billy shoved a handful of fries in his mouth, and slurped his soda.
“You ever miss fucking a chick,” he said, weirdly flat.
“Uh,” said Steve, who hadn’t.  “...um.  Uh, d’you?” he asked, warily, and Billy shrugged, unwrapping his burger.  He took a huge bite, grunting appreciatively, and Steve tried to think of what to say.  “What...are you missing,” he asked, slowly, and Billy smirked over.  
“Nothing big, don’t flip your shit,” he said, taking another bite of burger, and staring out at the passing scenery, as Steve tried not to shake him, or bite his lip, or look like he was flipping his shit.
“...what is this,” Steve asked, finally, clenching his hands on the steering wheel.  “You cheating on me?!”
“No,” Billy said quickly.
“You want to?  You wanna break up?!  Where the fuck is this going, Hargrove?!” Steve hissed at him, and Billy sighed, letting his head thunk into the window.  
“No, fuck you, I don’t want...any of that,” he sighed.  “Calm your tits, Harringt—”
“Fuck you,” Steve spat back.  “If you’re fucking bored—”
“No!  I didn’t mean that!” Billy shot back, throwing a french fry at him, and Steve grabbed it and ate it, chewing with his mouth open, and his teeth bared.  “Fuck you,” Billy sighed.  “I just asked you a question, don’t get all pissed.”  He sighed again, lowering the burger to his lap, and frowning past it.  “I just wondered.”
Steve had kinda relaxed, waking every morning and seeing Billy sprawled next to him, his hair in his open, snoring mouth, and he’d forgotten he was Steve Harrington, the guy people left.  “Fuck,” he whispered.
“I just meant the—they’re soft,” Billy said, glancing over, and then back down, his jaw working.  
“You’re saying I need to get fat?” Steve asked dryly, through his teeth, as he pulled into the garage.
“No!” Billy shoved him against the door of the car.  “Forget it.”
“Not likely,” Steve muttered.  Billy shouldered past him into the house, and then ignored him until Steve went to bed, and Steve laid up in their bed alone.  He didn’t cry much, but the couple tears that escaped went right in his ear, and he was tempted to just...go down and throw every porn cassette he’d ever owned at Billy’s head.
 The next morning he got up and made bacon and eggs—he was hungry, even if Billy was being an asshole—and Billy came in and helped himself.  
Billy’s eyes were swollen and red, and Steve didn’t know what to do with that—he’d never broken up with anybody he really liked, he thought, dully.  Maybe it was hard.  “Sorry for trying to have a conversation,” Billy hissed, and walked off, and Steve slid his plate of food aside, suddenly not hungry.  
After a few minutes, Billy stomped back in.  “What, you gonna stay out of rooms I’m in now—” he started, snarling, and then he stopped, and probably took stock of Steve’s head in his arms on the counter, and his breakfast getting cold.  Steve jerked his head up, rubbing his face.  “Fuck,” Billy muttered, grabbing Steve around the waist, and turning him enough to kiss.  “I don’t…” he said, softly, biting his lip.  “I don’t want somebody else.  Don’t be a fucking dumbass, jesus, of course I don’t want someone else—”
“How the hell should I know?!” Steve hissed back, but relaxing, a little, into the kisses.  “You just said you missed fucking women.  I’m not one, if you missed that—”
“I didn’t say that,” Billy told him, taking Steve’s hands.  “I asked if you missed it.  Stroking your hands up here,” he breathed against Steve’s lips, and slid Steve’s palms up where Billy’s sides were shirtless and smooth under his denim jacket.  “Feeling something...elastic, maybe,” he whispered between open-mouthed kisses, and lifted Steve’s hands up farther, to stroke over his nipples.  “Something silky.”
It felt like the conversation had taken a sharp tilt, and Steve felt like the marble in a little maze, trying to avoid dropping through the holes.  “...on you,” he whispered back, to be sure, trying to imagine it.  
Billy was perfect already, he wanted to say, from the little softness over the waistband of his jeans where he’d stopped working out so hard, once he was away from his dad, to stretched pink scars that reminded Steve there were more places to kiss.  But Billy was already withdrawing again, his shoulders hunching as he smirked, and Steve tried a “Keep talking.”
His hands were abruptly fuller of Billy as he leaned in, shoving Steve back against the counter.  “I gotta keep things fresh, right,” he whispered.  “Make sure you still want what I got.  Maybe…”  Steve waited as Billy searched his face, biting his lips, and then took a shaky breath.  “Maybe dress up...a little,” he mumbled, losing momentum, and Steve hurried, feeling the need to catch some fragile part of Billy before it smashed.
“You wanna dress up for me?” he asked, making sure to grin, because it honestly sounded weird, but Billy wanted to—and Steve didn’t really give a shit about flowers, either, but even if they gave him hayfever, he knew to be happy when somebody picked him out a present.  At least, he thought, whatever Billy was talking about was unlikely to make him sneeze.  
Billy’s smirk went a little smaller as he flushed, and he laughed, shaking a little.  “If—if you want,” he said fast, grinning tensely.  “If you...if that…” he muttered, looking a little shiny-eyed, and Steve slid his hands around the soft, scarred skin of Billy’s back, and down toward the swell of his ass.  “Imagine something bright down there,” Billy whispered, breathing against Steve’s jaw.  “You could snap the elastic, pull me over.”
That sounded like Billy Hargrove wanted to wear lace panties, and Steve fought back an instinctive snigger, squeezing him closer, and trying to think of something to say, something that wasn’t “You’d make duct tape hot, babe,” or “Y’know we could not do that, and just fuck,” or anything else that made it seem like Billy’d asked him about something weird as hell, and important to Billy, and Steve hadn’t even listened.  “Yeah,” Steve whispered, not sure what was required.  “Sounds hot,” he said lamely, but Billy relaxed against him.
“Yeah,” he whispered, nodding, and laughing, and stroking his fingers through Steve’s hair so clumsily he almost poked Steve in the eye.  “Yeah, yes, it’ll—it’ll be good, you’ll like it,” he whispered against Steve’s lips.
 The next day Billy disappeared after school, and came home squirming and pink-cheeked.  He wandered up like nothing was going on, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder, and Steve turned and drew him in.  Billy had his jacket buttoned, for once, and a flushed smirk, and Steve unbuttoned it from the bottom, sliding his fingers up over what felt like soft, elasticy cotton.  It was a clingy little camisole thing, he realized, nearly a tanktop, nearly unisex, but the satin edging around the top, the thin straps, and the bright red put it squarely in the women’s section.  
Billy laughed nervously.  “It’s not even that pretty,” he said, glancing at Steve’s face, and then baring his teeth a little into the distance.  “Fuck, this was dumb, in this little hick town, I couldn’t even find anything—”
It was stretched out across Billy’s chest, not the shape it expected to fit, and his nipples showed around the straps, the soft fabric clinging to his skin.  “No,” Steve whispered, sliding his hands over ropy satin straps, and Billy’s skin.  He ran a finger along the strap and down, his nail catching on Billy’s chest, so he shivered.  “No, it’s—it’s really...pretty, Billy,” Steve breathed, and Billy reddened like Steve had never seen before, his smile widening into a beaming grin.
“They’re just cotton,” Billy whispered, “—but they were red, at least—” 
Steve smoothed his hands over the soft fabric.  He slid his fingers down the back of Billy’s jeans, and felt—yep, he thought, grinning as he felt Billy laugh, another thin elastic edge that definitely wasn’t Fruit-of-the-Looms.  “Just cotton,” Billy whispered again, sighing.  
Steve had bought lingerie before, but he’d never really thought about it for Billy—or even Nancy, who was too ticklish for lace, and liked the spontaneity of showing up and pushing Steve onto his back on the couch more than she wanted to set anything up with candles and rose petals.  He felt a little guilty, though, seeing Billy squirming around, panting a little, his dick hard as a rock in plain cotton briefs, red or otherwise.  “So you…” Steve started, and then stopped, uncertain what he was trying to say.  
“What,” Billy bit out, glaring up at him, which looked...less than intimidating, in what looked like underwear for a kid, or somebody’s mom.  Steve ran his fingers along the line Billy’s dick made in the panties, fascinated, and it twitched.  Billy jerked his knee up, grinning, his freckles fading into his blush.  “Quit it,” he said.  “You’ll make me mess ‘em up.”
“...you like being...pretty,” Steve said, and Billy twitched, pulling his knees up and together.  “No, don’t, uh, don’t pillbug up,” Steve told him, leaning in to hug his boyfriend’s knees.  “Um, how...how pretty?  What...what kinds of…”
“The hell d’you mean how pretty,” Billy growled, warily, and Steve bent his head, pressing a kiss to Billy’s tanned knee.
“You just...want pretty clothes?” he asked, as Billy took a shaky breath.  “I just—I mean, you were talking about...girls.  You want like…” Steve ran his thumb over Billy’s tense, curled toes.  “You want I should paint these?”
“God, will you?” Billy asked, pushing himself up as he yanked Steve into a kiss,  knocking them both off-balance so Steve landed on top of Billy in his soft, elastic cotton, and Billy groaned.
“Yeah, I’ll paint ‘em,” Steve whispered, kissing Billy’s hot face.  “Don’t...really think you can get much prettier,” he said, feeling Billy’s cheek grin under his lips, “—but I’ll help.  I might have something upstairs.”
“The hell would you have,” Billy snorted.
Steve felt indignant for a second, then kind of dumb as he shot back “I could wear nail polish, you don’t fucking know,” before he registered that it probably hadn’t actually been an insult, and he started to feel his ears go red.  He cleared his throat.  “...uh, no, though.  I don’t.  But my mom.  There’s some of her stuff up there.”
“Oh,” Billy said, sitting up.  “You...you’d let me use your mom’s stuff?”
“Why not,” Steve shrugged, pulling him up.  “Maybe she’s got some nylons or something.”
“Holy shit,” Billy whispered, but he grabbed Steve’s arm, pulling him back around.  “You don’t think she’d...she’d think it’s gross, right,” he asked, still smirking a little, like he was trying to keep it up.  “She wouldn’t want some dude wearing her nylons.”
“You’re not some dude,” Steve said, rolling his eyes, “—and if she’s so damn precious about ‘em she can buy some more, come on.”  He drug Billy upstairs—Billy was very manhandleable, in bare feet and a sheer cotton underwear set, and Steve tried not to think about the difference it made—and pushed Billy down to sit on his parents’ chintz duvet cover.  He dug through her drawers, and found some nylons, and brought them over.  Billy laughed, wide-eyed, and Steve reached down and grabbed his foot, thinking.  “...y’know what,” he said, “—Mom used to do all this stuff to her feet, and I bet it kept her damn nylons from running.”
“...you saying I should go get a pedicure?” Billy snorted, and Steve shook his head, squeezing his boyfriend’s toes.  
“Nah.  Lemme see what she’s got, we can figure this out,” he mumbled, pulling out drawers.  “Can’t be that hard.”
“...you gonna give me a pedicure,” Billy muttered, like he didn’t know whether it was a question or not, and Steve was about to roll his eyes when he finally found the right drawer. 
“Oho,” he said, grinning over his shoulder.  “The mother lode.  Come look at the colors.  I mean, they’re mostly kind of pink, but there’s some reds.”
The bed creaked as Billy got up and came over, and his breath hitched.  He reached towards the lipsticks, and then jerked his hand back, and Steve grabbed the reddest one, and leaned to kiss him, softly, opening the lid.  Billy closed his eyes, panting a little, and Steve kissed him again, because Billy’d probably wanna sprawl around looking pretty for a while without anybody smearing it, once he had lipstick on.  
“Open your mouth, babe,” Steve said, and Billy did.  Steve could feel the pulse pounding in the skin under his fingers, but he just brushed the tip over the corner of Billy’s mouth, narrowing his eyes intently.  
Billy licked the tip of the lipstick, and Steve hissed at him, hsht! like Billy was a little kid, or a cat.  “I can’t do this if you eat it,” he pointed out, and Billy laughed.
“It tastes the same,” he said, softly.  
“...you eat it a lot?” Steve asked, realizing he had mouth open in concentration, and his tongue licking his teeth in the direction he was rubbing the lipstick on.  He bit his lips together, smiling in embarrassment.  
“I used to,” Billy said, letting Steve turn his head left and then right, and smiling.  “Mom would dress me up.”
Steve paused for a second, at that, his hand on the lipstick stilling, and then he started again.  “Dunno if I’ll do as good a job,” he said, and Billy laughed again, swallowing hard.  “...maybe I’ll get better with practice,” Steve told him, and Billy grinned, yanking him in for a hard kiss.  “Who-mmmph,” Steve protested, then leaned into it, feeling Billy sigh contentedly, and hum.  
When Steve pulled back, his dick went half-hard just for the way Billy looked, leaning back against the side of the bed in his soft red underwear set, his eyes closed, his grin smeared and lazy.  The red stood out, shiny and rich, and Steve wished—silently, to himself—that lipstick ever tasted even a tenth as good as it looked.  “...jesus, that’s nice,” he said.
“I’m the prettiest, right,” Billy whispered, and a couple tears leaked from under his closed eyelashes.  He sniffled as Steve lifted and turned his chin to fix his lipstick.  “Shut up,” he said hoarsely, even thought Steve hadn’t said a word.
“...just thinking you look gorgeous,” Steve told him.  “You look so pretty, babe.”
“...’life is more than the food, and the body than the raiment’,” Billy said, snorting a laugh, and Steve said “...what?”
“It’s a bible thing,” Billy said, his eyes widening as Steve pulled out a tray of eyeshadows, and held them up to Billy’s face, squinting.  
Steve squinted, decided the green would make Billy look like he had a weird Christmasy disease with the lipstick, and pulled out the other one, pinks and golds.  
“...it means you should worry more about following god’s word than dressing up like a slut,” Billy said, quirking his mouth.  “‘Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’  Like, God makes you like he wants, you shouldn’t...change it.  Try and...look...different.”  Billy sighed.  “He used to make us say it whenever we asked for new clothes.  I told him I might as well go to school naked, then.”
“I don’t remember the part in the bible where Jesus called people sluts,” Steve said, leaning in to kiss Billy’s cheek, and then concentrating on brushing gold over his eyelids.  
“Just be as nature made you, y’know, don’t...try to be...what you’re not,” Billy said, smirking.  “He never found out I wanted to wear lace panties.”
“Good,” Steve told his boyfriend, then whispered “God,” as he sat back.  “...Billy, god made you a lily.”
“What?!” Billy laughed, scrambling up to go look in the bathroom mirror.  He was quiet for a long minute, and Steve got up and followed, grimacing.
“I’ll get better with the little brushes,” he said, leaning through the door, but Billy was just making kissy faces at himself, entranced.  
“I’m the prettiest boy in the world,” he breathed, and Steve bit back a laugh.  “Come here.”  Steve wandered over to slide his arms around Billy’s waist from behind, and kiss his neck.  “...you like it, right,” Billy asked, and Steve nodded, squeezing him.  
“Come on,” he said, “Lemme do your toenails.”
“Jesus,” Billy said, giggling, kinda, his eyes shiny, and Steve just held him there, letting him look.
 The next day, Billy changed the oil in his car, his nails and lips red, and his face smeared with engine grease when Steve pulled him out from under the car for a kiss.  While he was tinkering, Steve drove clear to the Indianapolis Victoria’s Secret.  “I’m dating an Olympic swimmer,” he told them, having practiced the lie.  “She’s got no tits and these big shoulders, and she’s hotter than anyone else in the world, can you help me out?”
My other Harringrove prompts are here!
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princelymlm · 5 years
Gotta Be LGBT+
This is a list of just some of the LGBT+ content out there. Anything on this list was contains LGBT+ characters or was made by LGBT+ creators. All entries on this list were sent in by followers and have not been confirmed by the mod. (Entries with ‘rep not given’ next to them mean that the suggestion did not include what kind of representation is in the content)
Put everything under the cut since this list started getting really long
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera (mlm)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire-Saénz (mlm)
Symptoms of Being Human (genderfluid)
Lily and Dunkin - Donna Gephart (trans/trans woman)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (wlw/bi)
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue - Mackenzie Lee (mlm/gay/bi)
Been Here All Along - Sandy Hall (gay/bi)
History Is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera (mlm/gay)
Blue Is The Warmest Color - Julie Maroh (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller (bi/genderfluid)
Once and Future - Cori McCarthy (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/nonbinary)
Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Beck Albertalli (mlm/gay)
Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli (wlw/bi)
Grasshopper Jungle - Andrew Smith (questioning/mlm)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here - Patrick Ness (mlm/gay)
Flying Tips For Flightless Birds - Kelly McCaughrain (mlm/gay)
I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson (mlm)
Point Pleasant - Jen Archer Wood (mlm) 
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - Gerard Way (mlm/wlw)
The Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers (wlw/aro/trans man/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Vesuvius Club - Mark Gatiss (bi)
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller (mlm)
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman (bi/mlm/demi/gay/pan/wlw/lesbian)
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (wlw/lesbian)
Magnus Chase Series - Rick Riordan (genderfluid)
Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (gay)
This Is Kind of An Epic Love Story - Kheyrn Callender (mlm/wlw)
Gracefully Grayson - Ami Polonsky (trans woman)
If I Was Your Girl - Meredith Russon (trans woman)
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman (mlm)
Red, White, and Royal Blue - Casey McQuinston (mlm)
I Wish You All The Best - Mason Deaver (nonbinary)
Dreadnaught + Sovereign - April Daniels (wlw/trans woman)
The Art of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson (trans)
The Gone Series - Michael Grant (mlm/wlw)
One Of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus (mlm)
Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (mlm)
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo (rep not given)
The Last Sun - Author Not Provided (rep not given)
Romeo and/or Juliet - Ryan North (rep not given)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (mlm/gay/bi) 
The Mage Wars Series - Mercedes Lackey (gay)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Bryan Lee O’Malley (mlm/gay/wlw)
Boyfriends With Girlfriends - Alex Sánchez (mlm/wlw/bi/gay)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - David Levithan & John Green (mlm)
This Is Where It Ends -Marieke Nijkamp (lesbian/wlw)
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell (mlm)
Stranger Than Fanfiction - Chris Colfer (mlm/trans man/gay)
The Reader Trilogy (The Reader, The Speaker, The Storyteller) - Traci Chee (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman (trans)
Heartstopper - Alice Oseman (mlm)
The Broken Earth Trilogy - MK Jemisin (trans woman/poly/pan/mlm
A Boy Worth Knowing - Jennifer Cosgrove (mlm/bi/gay)
The Rifter - Author Not Provided (mlm)
Snapdragon - Author Not Provided (wlw/ trans woman)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon (wlw/lesbian/mlm/gay)
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
The Paying Guests - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
I Am J - Cris Beam (trans man)
Little And Lion - Brandy Colbert (bi)
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren (bi)
Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender (trans)
Birthday - Meredith Russo (trans)
Stay Gold - Tobly McSmith (trans)
You Should See Me In A Crown - Leah Johnson (lesbian)
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan (lesbian)
The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar (lesbian)
Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann (ace)
The Lady's Guide To Petticoats and Piracy - Mackenzi Lee (ace/aro)
The Vanishers' Place - Aliette De Bodard (wlw)
Ash - Malinda Lo (wlw/bi)
The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist - S. L. Huang (wlw)
Everfair - Nisi Shawl (wlw)
Dread Nation: Risse Up - Justina Ireland (wlw/bi/ace)
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez (wlw/lesbian)
The True Queen - Zen Cho (wlw)
The Devourers - Indra Das (genderfluid/bi)
We Set The Dark On Fire - Tehlor Kay Mejia (wlw)
Smoketown - Tenea D. Johnson (wlw/lesbian)
Falling In Love With Hominids - Nalo Hopkinson (wlw)
The Fox’s Tower and Other Tales - Yoon Ha Lee (nonbinary)
Her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado (wlw)
Beneath the Citadel - Destiny Soria (mlm/gay/bi/ace)
Witchmark - C.L Polk (mlm/gay)
The Prey of Gods - Nicky Drayden (trans/bi)
An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon (wlw/trans/nonbinary/intersex)
The Root - Na’amen Gobert Tilahun (mlm/gay)
Gods & Monsters: Snake Eyes - Hillary Monohan (wlw)
Labyrinth Lost - Zoraida Cordova (wlw/bi)
The Winged Histories - Sofia Samatar (wlw)
The Weight of Stars - K. Ancrum (wlw)
Huntress - Malinda Lo (wlw)
Will Do Magic For Small Change - Andrea Hairston (bi/pan/nonbinary)
The Last Chronomancer - Reilyn J Hardy (aro/ace/genderfluid/lesbian)
A Taste of Honey - Kai Ashante Wilson (mlm/bi)
Deadline - Stephanie Ahn (wlw/lesbian)
The Read Threads of Fortune - JY Yang (wlw/bi)
Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee (wlw/bi)
Timekeeper - Tara Sim (mlm)
Ascension - Jacqueline Koyangi (wlw)
When The Moon Was Ours - Anna-Marie McLemore (trans)
Amberlough - Lara Elena Donnelly (mlm/gay)
The Perfect Assassin - K.A Doore (gay/ace/mlm)
Afterparty - Daryl Gregory (wlw/lesbian)
Borderline - Mishell Baker (wlw/bi)
The Cloud Roads - Martha Wells (bi)
An Accident of Stars - Foz Meadows (wlw/bi/aro/trans)
The Last 8 - Laura Pohl (aro/bi)
Failure to Communicate - Kaia Sonderby (wlw/bi)
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling (wlw)
The Wrong Stars - Tim Pratt (wlw)
Full Fathom Five - Max Gladstone (trans)
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine (wlw)
Silver In the Wood - Emily Tesh (mlm)
The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie (mlm/bi/trans)
Ariah - B.R. Sanders (mlm/bi/nonbinary)
The Raven and the Reindeer - T. Kingfisher (wlw)
Planetfall - Emma Newman (bi)
Black Wings Beating - Alex London (ace/gay/mlm)
The Scorpion Rule - Erin Bow (bi)
Inkmistress - Audrey Coulthurst (bi)
Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Vengeful - V.E Schwab (ace)
Blackfish City - Sam J Miller (nonbinary)
Daughter of Mystery - Heather Rose Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Stranger Grace - Tessa Gratton (bi/pan)
The Brilliant Death - Amy Rose Capetta (nonbinary)
Chameleon Moon - RoAnna Sylver (wlw/trans/ace)
19 Love Stories - David Levithan (trans/queer)
It’s Not Like It’s A Secret - Author Not Given (wlw)
Picture Us In The Light - Author Not Given (mlm)
Two Can Keep A Secret - Author Not Given (mlm/bi)
Death Sets Sail - Author Not Given (wlw)
Becoming Dinah - Author Not Given (rep not provided)
Witch Wolf series - Winter Pennington (wlw, lesbian, bisexual)
Underrealm series - Garrett Robinson (wlw, mlm, nonbinary, trans man trans woman, trans, pansexual, bisexual)
A Cloak of Red - Brenna Gawain (wlw, lesbian)
 Blood Canticles - Naomi Clark (wlw)
Welcome to Night Vale (mlm/gay/wlw/nonbinary)
Dreamboy (mlm/gay)
Alice Isn’t Dead (wlw/lesbian)
The Penumbra Podcast (mlm/bi/genderfluid/nonbinary)
My Favorite Podcast (trans men)
Within the Wires (wlw)
The Adventure Zone (mlm/wlw/trans/gnc/nonbinary)
Limetown (wlw/lesbian)
Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness (nblm/nonbinary)
Friends at the Table (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
LezHangOut (wlw)
Bright Sessions (mlm/demi/ace)
Queer As Fact (historical lgbt)
History Is Gay (historical lgbt)
Always Here (historical lgbt)
And That’s Why We Drink (nonbinary)
Magnus Archives (mlm/ace)
The Two Princes (mlm/gay/bi)
Girl-ish (trans women)
The Bright Sessions (gay/ace)
TV Shows/Movies/ETC
One Day At A Time (Remake) (wlw/lesbian/nonbinary)
Love, Simon (mlm/gay)
A Single Man (mlm/gay)
Brokeback Mountain (mlm/gay)
In The Flesh (mlm/gay)
Weekend (mlm)
RWBY (wlw/trans)
Jessica Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Critical Role (mlm/gay/bi/wlw/lesbian/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Pose (trans women/gay)
Schitt’s Creek (pan/mlm)
White Collar (wlw)
Lucifer (bi)
Umbrella Academy (mlm/wlw)
Call Me By Your Name (mlm)
Brooklyn Nine Nine (mlm/gay/bi)
Steven Universe (nonbinary)
Sailor Moon (wlw)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (wlw)
Sense8 (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian/trans woman)
Doom Patrol (?/rep not given)
Good Omens (nonbinary)
Gentleman Jack (wlw)
American Gods (mlm/gay/bi/two-spirit)
Orange Is The New Black (wlw/trans)
Blue Is The Warmest Color (wlw)
Shameless (mlm/trans)
Euphoria (wlw/trans woman)
Modern Family (mlm/gay)
Daisy Brown ARG (wlw/lesbian)
Deadpool (pan)
Deadpool 2 (pan/wlw)
Alex Strangelove (mlm/gay)
Wynonna Earp (lesbian/gay/wlw)
She-Ra (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/lesbian/nonbinary/trans man)
SKAM (rep not provided)
Gotham (bi)
The Haunting of Hill House (wlw)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (wlw)
Kipo and the Wonderbeasts (mlm/gay/nonbinary)
Billie and Emma (wlw)
Carmen & Lola (wlw)
Carol (wlw)
Disobedience (wlw)
Elisa & Marcela (wlw)
Good Manners (wlw)
The Handmaiden (wlw)
Heart Beat Loud (wlw)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (wlw)
Rafiki (wlw)
Stranger Things (wlw)
Handsome Devil (mlm)
Pride (wlw/mlm)
The Prom (wlw/lesbian)
Be More Chill (mlm/bi)
Fun Home (wlw)
Spring Awakening (mlm)
A New Brain (mlm)
Falsettos (mlm/wlw)
Rent (mlm/wlw)
Firebringer (wlw/bi)
A Very Potter Musical (mlm/gay)
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (wlw)
Bare: A Pop Opera (mlm)
Everybody’s Talking About Jaime (mlm/gay)
Yank! The Musical (mlm)
Octet (wlw)
Ghost Quartet (wlw)
Spies Are Forever (mlm/gay)
Willow: A New Musical (wlw)
Over And Out: A New Musical (nblw/nonbinary)
Video Games
Fallout: New Vegas (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
When The Night Comes (mlm/nonbinary)
The Arcana (nonbinary)
Dream Daddy (mlm/gay/bi/pan/trans)
Dragon Age (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans/pan/bi)
Smile For Me (wlw)
Undertale (trans/nonbinary/wlw/mlm)
Monster Prom (nonbinary)
Cookie Run (nonbinary/mlm/wlw/bi/pan)
The Missing (wlw/trans woman)
Fable 2 & 3 (wlw/mlm)
Borderlands 2 (mlm/wlw/bi/gay/lesbian)
Gone Home (wlw)
Prey (wlw)
Dishonored 2 (nonbinary/wlw)
Deus Ex Mankind Divided System Rift (rep not given)
Assassins Creed Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans)
The Last of Us (wlw/lesbian) 
Mass Effect Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/bi)
Life Is Strange (wlw)
Overwatch (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
Animal Crossing (pan)
Night In The Woods (pan/mlm/trans woman)
The Elder Scrolls (trans/wlw/lesbian)
Dreamfall Chapters (mlm/gay)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (wlw)
In the Outer Worlds (wlw/ace)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (mlm/wlw)
Fallout 4 (wlw/mlm)
Hades (mlm/bi)
Obviously this list is far from complete so feel free to add to it or let me know of anything else and I’ll edit the post to add it as long as you include the category it belongs to! Be sure to include what representation it has though otherwise I can’t add it!
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neurodiversenerd · 5 years
The dramatic teenage girl stereotype is literally so fucking harmful like a teenage girl could literally experience severe trauma and depression and everyone will just see an “angsty scene edgelord who likes Billie Eilish XD!!!” 
Women are already seen as unreasonable and overly emotional, especially women who are GNC, trans, WOC and mentally ill. Teenage girls literally have tons of stress from dealing with misogyny (and other forms of identity based bigotry), school, work, family, and friends. 
And yet, despite having mountains of homework, unsafe schools and boys who are allowed to prey on them with no accountability, every time they express an emotion it’s always just
“I diagnose you with hormones!!1!”
Women and girls are expected to constantly emotionally support the men around them as well as dealing with those problems above, and then are given no support and are mocked when they dare to ask for help. 
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ankhmeanswombman · 3 years
So we have Elliot Page calling herself a "man" because she is uncomfortable with viewing herself as an object, and Billie Eilish claiming embracing womanhood = being an object
"feminism" in 2021😂😂. A tale of two sellouts on two sides of the gendercult coin.
Like I've always said, there's only one of two options. Perfecting femininity or perfecting transition. You can't just exist as a female person in 2021.
While Billie Eilish would probably claim the "ciswoman" sect of the gendercult, Elliot Page claims the "transman" sect. Both view being a woman as being an object, that's why the former believes that coming out in a new lingerie shoot gives her a "connection" to womanhood, and the latter feels distress with such tropes & caricatures, and therefore cannot possibly be a woman and must undergo radical changes to her female body. The overwhelming message is you must be an object in order to be a woman, and if you don't want to be an object, then you must have been "born in the wrong body" because this body was made to be pornified, hypersexualized and invaded by the perv gaze.
Both of these female people were at some point, icons to lesbian & GNC girls. Both of them sold us out for the sake of fitting in with HollyWeird's messaging.
And for Elliot Page, how can you go from being distressed and disturbed by the lesbophobia you experienced, to claiming you were a man all along (caving in to the pressure butch girls face to "align" with the messaging of gender identity theory). Elliot Page lived through a lifetime of female socialization and lesbophobia and now I'm supposed to believe the self loathing reactionary transness with the double mastectomy is just "being your true self". Your true self is the self you are already, minus physical changes, minus performative feminisation (looking at you Billie E).
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What was the name of that short British man who liked to wear super short skirts and fishnet stockings while taking pictures of himself in the men's room to prove how safe it was? I was always sleeved out by him tbh. There are some neutral examples of gnc straight men like David Bowie or Eddie Izzard, but almost every man attracted to women who chooses to dress in sexually provocative ways is waving their red flag. I knew crossdressers who would get off on wearing a cardigan twinset, ankle length skirt, and a wig, so there is a valid argument how the clothes themselves don't matter, the man wearing them is the only aspect that does. Male gender non-conformity, when it's displayed solely in the wearing of female clothes, is shallow and I wish we could say that without throwing the guys who have a healthy balance of it all, like Billy Porter, under the bus.
I’m not sure who you mean, exactly, but it sounds familiar. I mean...David Bowie fucked underage girls, but I don’t think that was to do with his choice of clothes as much as just being a man in power. And, yeah, some men can wear full-length skirts and it still feels “off”, but I don’t get that vibe at all from Billy Porter in a dress.
I used tight, short dresses/skirts as an example because I don’t think it’s appropriate casual clothing, period, and it’s so obviously the opposite of women wanting to wear “men’s” clothing because it’s practical. I think a lot of people take the clothing issue as being solely about expression without taking into account the wider implications. “Men’s” wear and “women’s” wear has never been a draw from the hat. Clothes designed for women have always been to restrict and simultaneously reveal or make vulnerable. It’s one thing to want to want to wear such clothing when you’ve been socialized into it (though it still warrants looking critically at); it’s another when you haven’t.
Now, a knee-length loose skirt doesn’t impede a walk (or even a hike, come to that, as long as the fabric’s tough enough to withstand thorns and branches), and no one’s doing manual labour when going out to eat at a restaurant so a dress is neutral in that context. And in cases where the clothing becomes neutral as far as movement, etc. once again, I have no issue who’s wearing it, male or female. Jewelry, hair length, and colour, I just don’t care at all, do what you want. I mean, do what you want anyway, it’s not like I’m pushing for men not to be allowed to wear tight miniskirts out in public, but running into such a man is going to put me and some other women on edge.
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
was thinkin about gnc billy & like. what about trans gnc billy? 👀
when he was hitting puberty things started to feel weird and wrong so he went hard with the masculinity thing, trying to make up for it. when he was like 14 he buzzed his hair and only wore baggy clothes, got angry and aggressive and was always trying to prove himself. but then as he gets older, starts hrt, gets more comfy in his own body, he realizes that he misses some stuff he used to let himself like. having long hair. wearing jewelry. it starts small, with growing his hair out, "masculine" rings and his mom's old st christopher pendant.
but eventually, when he's happy, living with his boyfriend and in a good place, he takes that next step, worried what steve will think, what max will think. but two days after he casually saunters over to the women's section while he and steve are clothes shopping (his palms sweating, and feeling like he was gonna vomit, but he managed it, and steve didnt say a word about it, he wasnt sure if that was good or bad) he finds the skirt he was eyeing, in his dresser all folded up like it'd always been there. and three days after that max asks if she can braid his hair.
turns out she's terrible at braiding, and he teaches her a thing or two instead. but the skirt works out good. it ends up being his favourite thing to wear, cuz not only do his legs look amazing in it, but it makes for easier access when him and steve have a quickie in public
(hope ur migraine clears up soon 💕)
I’ve thought about this too!!!
billy knew something was wrong as soon as they all started puberty. suddenly all the boys at school started turning their backs on him because “boys and girls can’t be friends” and that felt wrong for two reasons. a.) of course they can what? and b.) billy suddenly felt like he was stuck on the side of a wall that he didn’t belong on. the girls his age leaned heavily into their femininity ditching their jeans and t shirts and instead wearing skirts and dresses and billy figured if he wanted to break through that barrier, he couldn’t look like the other side. so he refused the skirts and dresses and stuck to baggy jeans and oversized t shirts. he took his dads clippers to his hair and gave himself a buzz cut so he would look more like phillip or danny or the rest of the guys he watched play basketball from the sidelines, changing himself little by little just waiting for the day that he looked the part enough that they would finally let him join in.
the day they finally did was the day he leaned into the masculinity hard. he started to mimic the aggression of his dad because to him that was how men were supposed to be. he picked fights and tried to prove himself every day. at home and at school he was still just a tomboy, but to random strangers in public he was “young man” and each time someone used a male identifier for him, it made it just a little bit easier to shake off the feeling that the long dress sitting in the back of his closet gave to him.
because the thing was, he didn’t dress the way he dressed or wear his hair the way he did because it made him feel right, he did it because it had him be perceived the way he wanted to be perceived.
when he finally put a name to everything at the age of eighteen, he went in full force. he left his home and started a new life with his new name and he threw out all the dresses and skirts because he was told by another trans man that it was very therapeutic.
but it wasn’t like that for him.
he sobbed when he set fire to the clothes.
but he brushed it off. he brushed it all off because he was a man.
he started hrt and slowly became very comfortable in his body and comfortable in the fact that he was really a man. every step in the process was an “I can do that?” kind of thing.
the day he learned he could still wear dresses and skirts and makeup and his hair long and still be a man was one of the most enlightening moments of his life since he first heard the word transgender. and he was finally in a position where he felt like he could because his voice was deep and he was more muscular and he had facial hair and him having long hair wouldn’t make someone automatically assume incorrectly anymore.
so little by little he changed things. he let his short cut grow out into long curly locks, he wore jewelry on his fingers and had his ears pierced. he doesn’t do much. he wears the hair in a mullet and keeps the rings more “masculine” and has only one ear pierced because “having both would be too feminine”.
but when steve comes into his life he becomes a dampener for all that noise in his head telling him to push away all those urges to buy that skirt he saw on display at the mall. and one day, despite everything telling him not to, despite worries over how steve might react, he does just that. while steve is searching for his size in a pair of jeans he casually moves over to the other side of the store where the short flowy black skirt was hanging prominently.
and steve doesn’t say one word about it. he doesn’t even make a face when billy adds it into the pile of clothes for purchase. he just hands over the cash and they continue on with their day.
what billy didn’t know, what billy wouldn’t find out until two days later when he finally got the courage to put the skirt on and show it off, was that steve was only trying to hide every bit of excitement while they were in that store.
because the skirt looked fantastic on him. not just in the way it showed off his legs and his ass, but he just looked ten times more confident and ten times more himself. billy was finally able to look in the mirror and not see a stranger looking back at himself.
showing max was almost more terrifying because unlike steve, she’d known him before. it was a lot harder for her to grasp onto the concept of having a brother and it was an unfortunately slow process of getting her to finally see him as a man, and he was worried that this addition might destroy all that progress.
but it doesn’t. she doesn’t ask him the questions he expects to hear.
instead she asks him if she can braid his hair.
and of course he says yes.
and she’s shit at it but still, he likes it. it might be messy and have pieces flying everywhere but it’s still a braid and the purpose of the act wasn’t superficial like that, it was her way of showing her that she supported him.
so he kept wearing the skirt. and they slowly added more and more to his closet and the denim and leather didn’t take over as much anymore.
and the best part. of course. was that especially easy access.
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