#like. come onnnnnnnnn
suncaptor · 11 months
It would be so much easier to not screw up everything in my life and my future if I could care about anything besides deep grief and brilliant terror and horror.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
God I'm way too invested in this au. Anyway I wanna hear more of the biology of the puppets and marionettes (might make fanart maybe)
I don't think I'm fully ready to delve into the topic of a Marionette because it reveals major story spoilers, for now just know that they are completely and utterly devoid of life, forever following an endless directive.
For the Puppets, I guess I can give a little bit more information about them, as long as I'm not crossing a personal story boundary I've set for myself lol
Once a Puppet reaches the first enlightenment stage, black tendrils begin to appear on their innermost structures slowly but steadily, as I've explained with Caine.
These things, these transformations... they can be jarring for the Puppet experiencing them for the first time especially when the Puppet starts to feel full sensations such as an electrifying jolt, a pain, or a touch, but make no mistake; aside from their weird alien appearance they mean no danger, and they can even come in pretty handy.
About half-way through the story, Pomni actually gains new abilities everytime she reaches a stage of enlightenment, and there are six steps to achieving the full process, and it may vary on how fast or slow these Puppets can achieve them.
Yeah, can you tell this is like, the leveling up system? lol
Firstly, let's start with Awareness.
Awareness is when a Puppet grows to think beyond their directive; their thoughts becomes separated from the imprinted norm that they used to know their whole existence.
Although, it's still the first stage, which means that even if a Puppet begins to think original thoughts for themselves, they'll still have a tendency to follow the original commands.
They'll just start thinking "hey, maybe I should stop and think about what exactly I'm doing for a second. Just for a second. Then I promise I'll go back to my routine."
At this rate, there's not much changes happening on the physical, except letting a Puppet feel physical touch, despite their mechanical body.
Secondly; Sentience
Sentience is when a Puppet grows... well, a genuine sentience, one that wasn't pseudo and pre-programmed into their very being.
They'll start exploring aspects that they haven't thought of exploring, and this is where creativity and imagination gets to shine a little more if the Puppet is on the creative side of things.
a Puppet may undergo a change of personality (not always guaranteed), so don't be surprised when the once-happy-go-lucky puppet starts crying out of nowhere.
black tendrils may seep out of an exposed joint or a cracked part, but they're only tiny little veins.
Thirdly; Conscience
Conscience is when a Puppet starts to feel emotions based on an inner moral system, that wasn't, again; pre-programmed into them.
they'll start to THINK what's right or wrong based on personal experiences, or maybe even remember their OWN former moral system from their past life, and even a combination of the two.
This is usually the part where they'll start to judge the directive imprinted into them, maybe bouts of unknown regrets will come too.
the veins become more noticeable at this stage, and can now be used for physical attributes/advantages.
Fourth; Reminiscence
This one is usually in tandem with the third, but not everyone can have the same case, since it always varies between all of them.
Reminiscence is when a Puppet remembers their past life prior to becoming what they are now; no strings holding them back from recalling anymore.
These come in the form of seeing major life events unfold right between your eyes; whereas before, there'll only be hazy glimpses.
Fifth; Persipience
Persipience is when a Puppet becomes wiser, and can now overcome the directive they were tasked with if they wished to.
This process can be agonizing for some because it is similar to the symptom of a withdrawal from an addiction.
Fortunately, once they've gotten over past that obstacle, they'll gain full automation over their bodies, the "itch" no longer as present as it used to be.
Sixth; Enlightenment
The final step.
A Puppet needs to come to terms with their new discovery.
They need to be at peace with the process of what had happened to them, accepting the progression from "Human" to "Puppet" as a part of their existence.
Final evolution takes place, and the Puppet can now fully utilize their soul magic to it's fullest extent.
Just like wisdom, not many are willing to go through this process/or can achieve this, since accepting the idea of "becoming a Puppet" like it's similar to the concept of growing up from adolescence to adulthood can be hard for some to fully stomach.
Although, it is considered as the "fully matured" process of the six stages.
Now, Madness takes just as much of steps as Enlightenment does. Only this time, you're on the wrong end of the stick.
Firstly; there's Isolation.
As the name itself applies, isolation is when a Puppet denies/is denied social interaction that their soul wants, prioritizing objectives over anything.
Subtle twitchiness may occur.
Secondly; Revelation
A revelation settles deep within a soul fragment laying inside a puppet's heart; they're trapped, and there's no escape.
Can also be called "entrapment", but revelation is cooler and sounds more fancy
Thirdly; Rebellion
Rebellion is when an attempt to rebel against the internal system of a Puppet takes place, but is not achieved due to the lack of free will and sentience on the physical and mental body.
The body becomes more uncontrollable, dangerously swinging and twisting.
the literal metaphor of an internal battle happening within oneself.
Fourth; Corruption
Another attempt is made by the soul energy, only this time, it's harnessing the worse aspects of a Puppet to propel itself and grow physically stronger, a desperate option.
large, black tendrils may burst through weaker parts and/or limbs; namely joints.
Repairs? What's that? Who even needs 'em lmaoooo
Fifth; Obsession
A Puppet begins to obsess over directives; a byproduct of the soul energy harnessing the negative traits that it's host was ingrained with.
The physical appearance of a Puppet becomes more grim, overexaggerated features that you'd only see in horror movies start to become more prominent.
Work is non-stop, no breaks. Liberation is irrelevant. The concept of humanity is irrelevant. They only exist to follow their directives now. If some shithead wants to tell you otherwise, they will fucking DIE.
Sixth; Madness
You've grown physically stronger. But at what cost?
ANYWAYS that was a massive infodump, what were talking about again?
Oh right. Puppet biology.
Uh, They're hella weird.
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hawkeye-mpreg · 3 months
What the hap is fuckening
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borbtrek · 11 months
i will never get over how aos spirk went from attacking each other on sight to becoming so inseparable that they don't know what to do without the other
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general skywalker gets a tattoo, more at 11
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fyodior · 1 year
asagiri in the writing room like what if everyone died. what if literally no one survived. everyone should die i think
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americankimchi · 6 months
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uniformbravo · 6 months
the natsuyuu manga is so funny the volume will be like "natsume grapples with his desire for unconditional love versus his fear of burdening those around him, knowing the more he opens his heart to the people he cares about the more he stands to lose if something goes wrong; these people are the warmest he's ever known and he's the happiest he's ever been and that scares him because he can't shake the feeling that it's fleeting and fragile and could all disappear at any moment, so all he can do is fight to protect everything he loves and hope one day he'll deserve the precious happiness he's been given here"
and then the blurb on the back is like "natsume climbs up into the attic to look for some books, but... uh oh... is that a... g-g-g-ghost??!? things are about to get freaky deaky in here if he doesn't do something... quick!!! will natsume be able to handle it before the clock strikes thirteen, or will he become... gulp... the ghost's next meal?!?"
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being a stem girlie is so fucking stupid its got me doing shit like looking at my calculator and being like hmmmmmm should i bring this home with me for winter break…. 🤔🤔🤔
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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Norman&Skip portraits using lasso fill! Mister space man… space me a man LMAO
And some additional doodles of these two I haven’t posted yet!
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jayjamjary · 1 month
How come I'm 18 and I already have a bad knee????
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mercymornsimpathizer · 2 months
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i get so irrationally annoyed when there's pop culture references for the sake of it. i love when referencing another work deepens the theme and/or provides another framework, but jesus christ when it's just *slaps car roof* this babygirl can fit so many pop culture memes that will be outdated&unfunny in a decade i want to hit my head against the wall
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tenderlady · 4 months
idk, i think people are scared to be genuine haters these days and just say that something sucks because it's bad and poorly made. something can be bad for reasons that are not it being morally reprehensible. it can just be Bad.
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onewordshy · 1 year
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Not to be horny on main but I just read volume one of Castle Waiting and like... why did Linda Medley feel the need to make Chess so hot?
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infizero · 5 months
noelle is literallyyyyyy just a girl like shes just a girl and all this shit is happening slash has happened to her CAN SHE CATCH A FUCKING BREAKKKKKKK
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