#can help me with the mess of the pain and nothingness before me
suncaptor · 11 months
It would be so much easier to not screw up everything in my life and my future if I could care about anything besides deep grief and brilliant terror and horror.
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Coconut (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You got a coconut and need help opening it. You decide to ask your favorite guy. Does he fail or succeed?
»Characters: Demon Bros + Dateables
»Tags: Shitpost, Humor, Mammon's At It Again, Levi Is My Fave
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"Hand it over."
He's heard of coconuts but never seen one up close
Gently tosses it in his hand for a feel
Hmph this will be easy
Had to pull out the old worst cursed magic he could think of
It didn't work
The many cursed tools in the dungeons also didn't work
Sweating angry mess...how's it not open!?
Angrily chucks it through the wall
It knocked out a poor unsuspecting Levi
"I will get you literally anything else you desire that's not that."
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"Why's it furry?"
"What do ya mean you're s'pose to eat it?"
He didn't understand why you wanted this thing but he wasn't going to let his human down
Got upset that his attempts did nothing, however he hatched an idea
Got a booth at the carnival
"Pay up and test ya strength! How tough are ya!? HEY YOU! YOU'RE NOT A WIMP ARE YA?"
After hundreds of tries from monsters and demons, the coconut finally split open
He brought it back to you (wearing new bling and all)
"The Great Mammon never disappoints! Also...can ya get me more of 'em?"
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"Wooaahh a coconut!? I've seen these in so many anime beach episodes!"
The otaku was excited you came to him for help!
He was going to get it open one way or another!
He tried for an hour before sending you off
"I'll come find you when I open it!"
It would be years before he returns
(You lived in the Devildom after the program)
He journeyed through the Devildom in search of knowledge for his quest
He developed surprising friendships, suffered painful losses, but also discovered a new meaning to life
He did eventually find a way to open the coconut
He came back home wizard style
"I bring you that of which you requested"
"Levi no one knew where you went, you were just gone! We were worried!"
"I got your coconut open though! Quest complete!"
He thought the hugs and kisses from you were worth it, the coconut must've meant a lot to you!
I love him so much yall
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"A coconut? I've only ever read about them. Bring it here."
Gave it a few curious knocks
This will be easy 2.0
Tried to peel it and saw it did nothing
Tried to karate chop it, still nothing
He chuckled and a black aura surrounded him
I see.
He tried punching it and then clawing at it for a while
There is no god, just nothingness
He lost his shit in demon form
His rampage destroyed a chunk of the house
Coconuts are no longer allowed at the House of Lamentation
Like you can't even say the word coconut
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"What is that?"
He did not want to touch whatever that thing was
He saw the disappointed look in your face and changed his mind
He tried to break it open in half with his bare hands but it was futile
Why is this thing so tough?
He was not having it, he was going to open your precious coconut!
He could only think of one other way
A grumbling Mammon appeared
"Just stand there a second will you?"
He knocked the coconut against his head (HEY!) and the coconut split open!
It did break one of his manicured nails though but he thought the happiness on your face was worth it
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"Did you bring more?" (You did)
Was excited to try a human world fruit
Tried to break it in half with his hands
Was surprised when it didn't...but no worries!
He briefly bared his fangs and gave a sharp bite
It made a little opening and he was then able to split it with his hands
He was happy trying something new with you and was excited for future recipes
Yeah...no struggles here ajsjdlgkskdldk
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"Huh? You want me to open that?"
He was surprised but flattered you'd go to him
He wasn't even sure what that thing was
He tried to strangle it but just couldn't get it to open
Then he tried to threaten it
Still didn't work
Was exhausted at this point and thought a well deserved nap was needed
You found him clinging to the coconut like a plushie
You never got it back
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"Oh what a cute little silly fruit!"
He thought it looked precious!
Of course he would open it for you!
After a few minutes of trying to get the thing open, he was getting flustered
This can't be from the human realm? It's...it's diabolical!
He gave a sad pout and tried a *different* approach
"Please little one, open up will you?" He politely begged the unforgiving fruit
It magically split open and he triumphantly gave you your coconut back!
...Still not sure how that works but it's probably just... a Dia thing LMAO
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"I would be happy to. Although can you pick it up in say 30 min? I have another task to attend to."
He traveled to the human realm and picked up some chopped coconut and fresh coconut juice for you
He's a demon of many talents
He's also a demon of many secrets
He's never mastered the art of opening human world coconuts but he wasn't going to let you or anyone else know that!
He gave you a beautifully arranged plate and fancy jar
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"I can try."
He knew of coconuts but never touched one
He tried knocking it a few times but it didn't work
He tried to remain calm as he tried a few other methods
Burn it. Burn it Simeon.
No just ignore the voice
After one more attempt he lost his cool
He had quite a colorful vocabulary
Threw dangerous celestial magic spears at the indestructible fruit
Luke freaked out and knocked him out in panic
Luke was quite frightened and didn't trust coconuts after Simeons rage
Simeon hates when they refer to it as The Incident™️
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"Sure! I will handle it."
He's opened a few in his lifetime
He found a way to get it open every time!
He gingerly touched the coconut
So we meet again
He took the coconut and chucked it fiercely against the wall
He smirked at the small shattered pieces
He thought back on the first coconut he ever had the displeasure of meeting...he will never be made a fool again
You decided to buy coconut juice instead
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»Note: Imagine you ask Belphie to open a banana and he just immediately strangles the thing, like is that just how he opens things?? Yep, a new headcanon acquired!
⬦You might also like: Mexican Restaurant︱Waffle House︱Devil-Mart⭐
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moonlightdreamzz · 2 years
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kill bill
part one
you return back to korea one year after you and hyunjin broke up, only to find out he has replaced you. how could he replace you?
→ g: all of it. the pain, the sexy, the happiness. angstsmutfluff! <3
🎧 ➤ kill bill by sza
warning! you’re a heartbroken bitter ex girlfriend here, although for a valid reason. party environment! mentions of (w**d) and alcohol, language, and infidelity!
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I'm so mature, I'm so mature
I'm so mature, I got me a therapist to tell me there's other men
I don't want none, I just want you
If I can't have you, no one should
it felt so, so good to scream these lyrics from the pit of your stomach. you imagine anyone that could hear you and felix passionately singing alongside sza had many questions, the first being; who hurt you? but, as always neither of you care in this moment. the two of you have finally finished cleaning up the dorm in preparation for changbin’s surprise birthday party; the only thing left to do now was decorate and get ready.
you have no idea where the rest of the members are, but who are you to ask questions? knowing your friend, he didn’t trust them to get the job done in time. they could be so damn silly sometimes, taking forever to do the simplest tasks. it was adorable watching their sad attempts to hold all their jokes and playful tendencies within. they failed every time.
felix, who is clearly exhausted from your early morning grind can’t help but to back into the wall and slide down to the wooden floors. he takes a deep breath before blowing upwards, causing the hair covering his forehead to lift ever so slightly.
“someone’s tired.” you chuckle, deciding to lay on the couch over the cold wood. you are so tempted to beg felix for a quick nap, but you know he’s gonna ridicule you for it if you do—in a friendly way of course. he has been talking about this party and how perfect it has to be for what felt like forever. you know deep down his real reasoning for being so prompt was because of who’s birthday it is.
“how can I truly be tired though, y/n?” his aussie accent is thick as he confesses his shame to you, “you came all the way here, landed early as hell in the morning with jet lag, and here you are cleaning with me. i need to get up.” just like that, felix has risen again and stretches his arms out before moving to start taking the decorations out the box.
he was always too hard on himself. “lix,” you coo, walking towards him and placing your hand on his shoulder gently, “getting rest is vital. even if for thirty minutes, why don’t you relax for a little bit? at least close your eyes?”
you can tell he’s considering it by the way his eyes look straight ahead into nothingness, but just as quick as the thought comes, it goes. he inhales deeply before continuing to take things from the huge brown box.
“i promise I’ll rest after this is all over. i just…i don’t want anything to mess up on my end.”
so, they really were all the same huh? those words trigger what feels like a thousand memories into your mind— all of someone you know you will have to see tonight. you were certain he has spoken that exact sentence to you on multiple occasions when you expressed how worried you were about his physical and mental health. you still have no idea what you’re going to say when the two of you eventually bump into each-other at this party.
you’re fidgeting now, and felix’s heart feels as if it wants to jump out of him for the day, but not because he was in love with you or anything. no, felix was incredibly guilty. he knows you’re thinking about his bandmate. you were always so…dazed when he was on your mind.
all day there has been this weird silence in the air between you and felix, which was abnormal to say the least. before you moved back home, you were two peas in a pod. your conversations could last for hours if you let it. all of the boys, but especially felix told you that they loved how free they felt around you. they loved how normal they felt in your presence. you didn’t know why it was such a bad thing, but apparently it was a sin here to have some fun.
the minutes keep passing by and felix has yet to utter a word to you. have things really changed this drastically since you left? was he angry at you for leaving? did you not check up on him enough?
“felix i—
“hyunjin has a new girlfriend!” he spits out as if there was a pistol on his scalp. the balloon he was blowing up flies from the machine, squealing as it tries to find a place to land. if there was a metaphor to describe what those words just did to you, it was that. you felt like a lifeless balloon. the tension in the room is so thick you feel like your throat is about to start closing on you.
your clear vision is now red, so much so, that you were certain your tears would be the same color if you weren’t fighting for your life to hold them in your tear ducts. you hate that even after a year, exactly a year by the way, that he still has so much control over your emotions.
“who?” are the only words you can manage.
felix thought that confessing to you would make him feel better, but as he watches you clearly refraining yourself from having a mental breakdown, he feels a thousand times worse. maybe he should have listened to changbin and chris when they told him to just let you see it. no—he was right. if you were going to hate him, he would rather you be able to say he warned you instead of you finding out from seeing hyunjin waltz in here with his new woman.
“some girl. she’s not famous, and I have no idea where he met her. i’m sorry, y/n. i know you’ve been going to therapy and everything and I just—I never wanted to trigger you. it’s still not an excuse I just—
“lix,” you finally breathe after what felt like days, even though it had only been a minute or two. “i’m not angry with you. how could I be?”
“because i’m your friend.”
“you’re his friend too.” is all you can muster. you know a look of defeat was prominent on your features, but you can’t fake it right now. it wasn’t worth it. you’re trying to push it down, but the rage is burning in the pit of your stomach. you looked so sane to the naked eye. upset? sure. pissed? maybe? but you were way more than those two emotions. you were heartbroken and livid all over again; a woman scorned. all you can hear in your mind right now is the last thing hyunjin uttered to you.
i will never be able to replace you. i need you to breathe. i love you. i’m so sorry. i’m sorry I failed you when I promised I never would.
you heard it in your dreams and nightmares what felt like every night. his voice cracked so clearly on the phone that night. he usually tried to be tough for you, pretending as if nothing could get to him, but not this time. he was so hysterical.
you believed him. you didn’t want to, but he was sobbing. or maybe your ego was big as fuck, and the thought of hyunjin unable to move on from you fed into your fantasy of him suffering without you. you hated that you felt this way, but it doesn’t matter now. it was all a lie.
“y/n.” you hear felix trying to snap you back to reality.
there’s a million things you want to say. you want to see her. you want to ask felix if hyunjin is as happy as he was with you. but you figure you’d save those questions for when he had to see you tonight. if he moved on genuinely, fine. but he was going to have to say it to your face.
“I’m cool.” you smile as if you hadn’t heard the news. you begin ripping the plastic off the decorations you assumed went on the wall based on their shape. you can feel felix’s doe eyes burn holes into you, but you learned a long time ago how to ignore that.
“you sure?” he questions in disbelief.
“positive. i just needed a minute to digest it. I’m good.”
the song you and felix had been shouting the lyrics to has replayed, neither you or Felix knowing the lyrics sza was singing beautifully would foreshadow what was to come later tonight.
I did it all for love
I did all of this on no drugs
I did all of this sober
Don't you know I did it all for us?
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fit pics; a necessity when going to any function, but especially when you want your ex to feel sick to their stomach.
yes, you are that girl that makes your friends take your pictures over and over again—hating them all. no, you are not ashamed. this was jisung’s fifth round of taking pics of you, and you are trying so hard to hold in your laughter at his frustration. he’s looking at you, and you know he hasn’t blinked or breathed—already knowing that you’re going to tell him you don’t like the twenty new pictures he’s placed in your camera roll.
“if you don’t like these, i don’t know what to tell you. you look mad good. stop acting like that.”
“you’re lucky I’m pleased.” you smirk, pushing him playfully, “this is the least you can do for the many years you’ve spent trolling my ass, or have you forgotten?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he smirks back. his eyes attempt prove his innocence, but they fail and he can’t help but to push you back to play it off.
the music can be heard from outside of the dorms, and you have no idea how they are pulling this off tonight, but you never ask questions; you simply follow suit. you didn’t intend on missing the surprise, but jisung called you frantically saying that he was going to be late and that he would owe you if you pulled up alongside him. truth be told, you pretended that you were fine with being late because you loved him oh-so much, but in reality you wanted to make an entrance.
you wanted hyunijn to pace back and forth as his new girl got ready—heart practically beating out of his chest at the thought of having to see you. you knew he would arrive in preparation to say surprise! to his bandmate, subtly searching for you everywhere. obviously, you aren’t there, but he won’t know whether you are just in the bathroom, late, or not coming at all.
the time will continue to pass—but still no sign of you. his girl is there, so he won’t express his interest about your whereabouts out loud, but he will text felix wondering where you are. she’s coming, is all felix is going to respond, already receiving the text from you that you were running late to ride with jisung, but not wanting to spill your beans to your ex, regardless of the fact that he was hyunjin’s friend too.
you know his anxiety is going up and down right now. he’s probably not paying ole’ girl any attention because hyunjin knows. he fucking knows that any second now you will walk into that dorm and he’ll have to recall his last words to you. he’ll also have to see how damn fine you look tonight from head to toe. he’ll think of every single late night he tried to replace your body, but couldn’t. you love changbin so much, but he was crazier than you when it came to his lovers. he will understand. you also know he’s probably ten shots in by now, so if he was upset with you, the alcohol had drowned it away.
“come on.” jisung instructs. you’re surprised he’s not snapping in your face like everyone else does when you daze out. it had rained earlier, so the weather is perfect—not cold, but not hot. you and hyunjin love this kind of weather. if the two of you were still together, you’d probably be outside whispering sweet nothings to each-other while smoking a blunt and embracing the relaxing breeze that blew through the city.
you follow your friend, taking his hand that was extended out to you. he knows you too well. your anxiety was beginning to build up from the pit of your stomach. it always makes you feel sick and dizzy and you want to turn around and run off, but you can’t. your feet have began to hurt too—your boots although fashionable, never being the move when you were going to be standing for a long time.
“these are some of the trainees that’ll be in the next group.” jisung spills as you approach the entrance. you can’t tell whether they want to be here or not, but you can’t lie, this is adorable.
they greet the both of you respectfully—you, only because you were with their hyung, and the two of you step in promptly. immediately the smell of marijuana clouds your senses, and you can’t help but let out a cough. the music was so loud that you know you will likely have a headache in the morning, but it was worth it. there are people everywhere and they’re all doing the same thing; smoking, taking shots, and trying to find their person for the night.
“look who it is, finally.” a drunk changbin stumbles your way, immediately embracing you and picking you up. he reeks of everything in this room, including women, but you expect nothing less from the man of the hour. he looks nice—a typical all black fit from him. he continues to slur things to you that you can’t understand, but you know it’s something along the lines of “i’m so happy to see you.” and “don’t think you’re running from these shots.”
jisung doesn’t understand what he’s saying either, and the two of you make eye contact before he pats changbin’s back to put you back down in the ground.
“happy birthday!” the two of you yell in unison. ah, you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss him. he was always so sweet to you, and in this moment as you and jisung congratulate him on another year of life, you heart is warm seeing the genuine smile on his face.
“thank you, love.” he slurs once more. “you know, you were always my favorite. my favorite girlfriend that is. smart, gorgeous, and actually fun.” the music seems as if it’s gotten even louder, but you hear him loud and clear.
now you’re the one smiling. “thank you. i got you a lot of gifts, but the rest of them I need you to open sober. here’s one you can have now.” you see jisung’s panic as you hand his bandmate a little bottle of hennessy. you know the second either you two walk away or changbin does, that he’s going to cuss you out for not telling him you brought a gift. “from me and jisung.” you add with a potent smirk on your face. you see him exhale beside you, and here you are again holding in your damn laugh.
“now y/n…you know you have to take a shot with me, right? thank…thank you.” all of a sudden there’s a hand on changbin’s shoulder, and she’s pulling him back towards where the bedrooms are. you make your false promises knowing he won’t even remember you’re here soon.
“you owe me two, han jisung.” you twirl to face him now.
“yeah, whatever. look, as always I’ll look out for you, but I can’t lie it’s time for me to put some shots in my body and find me something to lick on…for later.”
“ew! you’re like…fifteen.”
“i’m literally twenty-two?” he blinks repeatedly.
“whatever. i’m going to the bathroom.”
and you’re off. you see a couple of familiar faces on what should be a short journey to the restroom, but isn’t due to how crowded the this place is. your heart is racing, fearing that you’ll say excuse me to someone, and they’ll turn around just for it to be hyunjin. you planned this out so well in your head, just to be shaking in your boots now…literally. your feet hurt even more then they did ten minutes ago.
you finally make it to the restroom after what feels like forever. you’re afraid to even go in there, terrified about who you may see partaking in adults activities and not wanting to argue with someone who was hogging the room just because they hate parties. you hate those kind of people.
you knock—nothing. you knock again—nothing. you can barely stand now because you genuinely have to pee, and maybe there is someone in there, and they are responding— you just can’t hear them, but fuck it. you open the door quickly, closing it just as fast so a creep doesn’t try to slide in here with you. you’re about to run to the toilet when you notice someone very familiar sitting on the floor with his face buried in his hands. no fucking way. no way.
he looks up at you, his eyes irritated at first from being intruded on. he probably did say someone was in here. but the second he sees you, his eyes widen. it’s as if he’s seen a ghost.
you haven’t heard him say your name in a year. you haven’t heard his voice. you don’t know how you’re still standing considering the fact that you’re having a stare down with the love of your life. you know your eyes are softening as you continue to make eye contact with him. he’s still so…beautiful. how was it possible that he has become even more attractive, even with his eyes slightly red. had he been crying?
snap out of it, y/n!
just as quick as all of the memories begin to run through your head, you turn the movie off, pulling down your shorts and panties. “move, hyunjin.” is all you say, quickly sitting down on the toilet and emptying your bladder. he scoots ever so slightly, eyes still burning holes into you even as you pee loudly and your eyes look straight forward now.
this isn’t happening right now, is it?
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authors note: part two coming soon…🤝🏽 I wanted to make this one big story but I said … that’s going to take too long to finish hehe. i hope you guys liked this.
© 2023 moonlightdreamzz. no one has permission to steal my work in any way, shape, or form.
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k-n0-x · 6 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 4·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hey guys! I managed to get this chapter out early coz I am so hot and amazing at everything my social life is at an all time low and we have Easter break. Some foreshadowing if you guys can guess, but keep it to yourselves for now. Mommy issues y/n? That’s a first 😨😨😨😨. This chapter is also Lucifer basically being: “No, you’re so sexy haha don’t cry”
Also, the slow burn is burning now! YAYYA 🎉
Enjoy! <3
You sit on the patio of your home, feeling as though you’re rotting away. 
It’s been 5 days since Adam’s full blown out tantrum, but it feels like it’s been 5 lifetimes. 
A cockatiel lands on your table, its bulging inky eyes staring at you, vying for your attention. 
You laugh, and give it some crumbs of your leftover toast from breakfast that you couldn’t bear to finish.
The bird eats them graciously, and flies away, you watching enviously. 
Oh, how you wished you were that bird. Carefree, and not trapped in the gilded cage that you are in. 
If only… 
Bzz bzz
Your phone rings. The contact Mom glows on your screen. 
Unwillingly, you swipe right. 
“Hey mom, what's up?” This woman never calls you, unless there are three instances; she needs you to get her something of monetary worth, wishing you a happy birthday/any other significant holiday, or-
“Darling, there's something I need to talk to you about. A little birdie told me that you've been stepping out of line recently~” 
Ah yes. The third instance. The times when your actual fucking personality shows, even for a sliver of a moment, and how it  could potentially hurt your ‘relationship’ with Adam. 
“Mom, it's not that big of a deal. I just was feeling rough recently, and-”
“Well it doesn't matter what you feel does it? What matters is that you honour our family. Being married to Adam is what's best for you. You acting outwardly is seriously jeaprodising your relationship, and I am just trying to help you stop before it's too late,” Your maternal figure’s sing-song-like voice turns sharp in an instant, like it could cut through butter. 
“You were always a wild child, a disappointment, I am trying to help you-”
You interrupt. 
“How are you helping?! Belittling me, treating me as some sort of– some do Ill?! I have tried, given my whole entire fucking life, trying to please you in every way, but somehow, it's never enough! And when I do fuck up, suddenly I'm a failure in your eyes?!” 
“You better mind your language young lady,”
“NO! I will NOT mind my FUCKING LANGUAGE. I will  swear when I want to, and I will do whatever I FUCKING WANT! I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOU- YOUR WAY OF THINGS!” 
You press the end button, calmly. 
You storm up to your bedroom and closed the door. Calmly.
You look at the bookshelf, always so perfectly clean, scarce of dust. 
Perfectly clean, no imperfections. 
You let out a cry of irritation and just start throwing out books, ripping the pages of each, crumpling sheets of paper, sobbing hot angry tears while doing so. 
When that was done, you just bring the entire bookshelf down with a bang, and you stomp on it until you feel a sharp pain in your foot, surely that's a splinter right there. 
You stumble over into your bed and scream and cry in your pillow, amongst the mess.
You submerge yourself in your pillow even more, until your anger numbs away, leaving you with a throbbing pain in your head. 
Absolutely drained from your outburst, you drift off. 
Everywhere is foggy. 
You look around, looking for anything of use, when your attention is turned to a glowing light, placed on a rusted pedestal. 
Since it's the only thing that piques interest, you touch the fluorescent ball and yelp when it scorches your hand.
“Ow,” you pull your hand away and decide to look for anything else. 
As you trek through the nothingness, you  feel like you're being tugged down by an anchor, or treading through quicksand. 
Suddenly, the ground gives way under your feet. 
You’re falling. 
The cold air whistles through your ears. 
You try to fly with your wings, but nothing; it feels like they have been ruthlessly ripped from your body.
You feel as though you're being stretched, squished and deformed like play dough, until you hear and feel something cracking. As you fall, you look towards the light. 
At the entrance of the hole, there are many, unidentifiable figures, just, staring at your downfall. 
You want to scream and cry for help, but it feels like your mouth has been cemented shut. 
A faint noise calls your name, which sounds closer and closer each time as you fall helplessly. 
You make a successful-ish attempt to turn on your stomach. 
In your horror, you see a halo, cracked and muted of its previous glow. Your halo.
Not that far below you, there are hot red coals. 
Oh God. 
The voice becomes louder and closer and you hit the ground with a scream. 
You jump up, to find yourself back in the dump that is your bedroom, slicked with sweat. 
“Oh my God, Y/N! Are you alright?” Emily, who was tentatively paving the way to get to your pathetic self. 
“Emi, hi… Yeah, just eh, rough day,” you smile weakly at the Seraphim, who’s concerned expression shows that she doesn't believe you, but she doesn’t want to put you under pressure.
“What’s all of this?” Emily motions to the wrecked room.  
“Adam pulled a tantrum again?” 
“Huh? Oh that, nono, sorry uhm,” you pause to clean the room as it was with the snap of your fingers.
“Why are you here Emi? Do you need something?” You wipe your eyes, but your bloodshot eyes are still apparent. 
“No, I just wanted to hang out with you, but I can come back if it's a bad time,” The Seraphim stumbles over her words as she looks up at you, slightly flushing.
“No, no you can stay. I’m just a little bit shaken up, but yep you can stay. Uhm….” you trail off. 
This place is feels really constraining
You need an escape. 
“Hey Emily, wanna go on an adventure?” You put on a face of newfound enthusiasm. The Seraphim just had that effect on people.
“Of course! But er, where?” 
“Shh, it's a surprise, now let's go!” You push Emily into the portal you made and go in yourself. 
“Woah, this is what it's like?” Emily says as she looks around the hellish landscape like a lost puppy.
She snaps out of it when you drag her out of the way of a thrown carcass headed towards the both of you. 
“Yeah, let's head inside,” You manoeuvre her into the hotel. 
The lobby is more populated than your last visits to the establishment, though all faces are familiar. 
“Emily, meet Angel, Husk Alastor, Charlie, who you know already, and-” Your voice dies down in your throat at the sight of the Demon King, with his strapping jacket and top hat. 
What is going on with you today? 
“And Lucifer,” You motion to the King, who gives you both an acknowledging nod. 
Your heart misses a beat. 
“Well uh, there's one more but I don't know where she is… WOAH NIFFTY!”
The little scamp runs towards the Seraphim with a knife about to stab her with malicious intent. 
“Niffty, no. No stabbing any more angels we talked about this,” Angel grabs the knife from the housemaid and throws it in the trash can. 
“Ugh, not a bad boy,” Nifty grumbles and begrudgingly rushes off to god knows where. 
“Well everyone, this is Emily, not sure if Charlie has told you about her but-”
“Is she your kid?” Angel asks. 
“I’m sorry, what? Oh no, no she is not my kid pff,” you say. 
“Well as I was trying to say, Emily here is another person on our side,” You give Emi an encouraging squeeze of the shoulders. 
“Well this is quite the improvement. Salutations! Pleasure to meet you,” The radio demon greets himself, extending his hand to shake Emily's. 
She takes it, though cautious. 
She turns to Charlie and warms up to the amicable face. 
“Hi, Emily, er obviously you know who I am,” The princess of Hell welcomes her, as some of the other Hotel residents go off doing their own thing. 
“Oh yes. Y/N told me about you, obviously we've met before, but under less casual circumstances,” Emily scrambles for conversation. 
Obviously, they need a little push to loosen up with each other. 
“Charlie, maybe show Emily the garden? Or maybe the entire hotel for that matter. Emi here has been dying to have a look around,” 
“Oh yes! Let me show you some of the suites, I decorated them myself,” Filled with giddiness, Charlie beckons the Seraphim upstairs.  
Emily turns to you, unsure. 
“Go on, don't worry, I'll be waiting here!” You give her a persuasive smile and shoo the pair upstairs. 
Now you had some time to kill…
“Agh!” You jump at the voice of Lucifer. 
“Geez, am I that scary?” He laughs and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Pff as if-” You snicker and give him a playful shove back.
“Anyway, how've you been? How's the old rusted machine been?”
“Are you always going to make digs and remarks at my husband in an attempt to get all three of his wives in your pants?” You raise an eyebrow sarcastically.
He sighs, feigning sorrow. “You know me too well. I thought it was the perfect plan, but clearly I'll have to tune it a bit,” The demon rattles on, but your brain fixates on the one word he said. 
Something you try so, so hard to be, but apparently isn't enough for your mom. 
If your mom doesn't love you as you are. 
Well, what's to say anyone can? 
“Well, what do you say, Butter-Duck? You have to find a nickname for me, but I'll call you that regardless, hmm?”
His question brings you back to the conversation. 
Which, leads you to ugly, fat tears. 
Lucifer’s face contorts into panic. 
“Wait, I'm sorry, it's was a rubbish nickname, sorry I thought it was funny-” He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“No, no it's not that,” You rub your eyes, your voice croaky. 
“The reason is quite silly, really, it's fine, I'm just being stupid hahha,”
Lucifer is not convinced. 
“Listen, you helped me out the other day, and even though I'm not good at this comforting stuff, please, at least let me listen,” He gives you a weak, gorgeous smile, one that is enough to make you stop crying about. 
Okay, it's really becoming an issue of you being distracted by…
“Well, just an argument with my mom; basically just her saying how much of a disappointment I am and-” your voice creaks.
“And I suddenly just don’t feel like her daughter,just a burden she has to put up with, and then what’s the point of all of this if you're not perfect,” 
And breathe. 
You put your face in your hands. 
“I’ll never find love,” 
“Hang on, but isn't Adam your husband? Don't you love him?” 
“No, I don't. It was a marriage purely organised by my parents. Completely transactional,” you mutter dejectedly. 
“Shit, that really sucks. Listen, I know it's hard to hear, but you need to hear it. Nobody is perfect. No one. That's what makes people interesting. And your mom wanting you to be that is far from perfect of her. Not sure if you're aware, but we're in Hell, right now, amongst many people who are basically morality rejects. But you, you're a Winner. Not in the physical sense, but also metaphorically. And for what it's worth…” Lucifer takes a moment to mull over his next words. 
“Many people love you, like Charlie and, that Seraphim, Emilia?”
“Emily” You amend. 
“Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is that you have many people that adore you, and that's what matters most,” Lucifer comes closer and stiffly puts his arms around you, which you return. 
“Thank you, Lucifer,” You sniffle into his shoulder. 
“No problem, anytime. You are my friend after all,” He gently smiles.
Your heart flutters. Friend? As in, person he considers more than an acquaintance? 
“So, what's this about a Butter-Duck?” You tease. 
“What? I thought it'd be a cool nickname for you,” He huffs. 
“Alright, alright… Let me think of a nickname for you then… Lulu!” 
He grimaces. “Ugh, that sounds like a name for a baby products brand!”
“Oddly specific, but if it annoys you more, all the better!” 
“Ugh, you're like worst than some sinners here I swear,” 
“Who said Angel’s can't be jokesters too?” You give him a wink. 
He coughs, a rosy red complexion appearing on his face.
Emily and Charlie come back into the lobby, to you and Lucifer making small talk on the couch. 
“Ready to go?”
 Emily nods. She goes to hugs Charlie, which is reciprocated. 
“Well, I’ll see you around?” You squeeze the demon’s king hand. 
He looks at you, and nods, hesitant to return the gesture, as if you were glass. 
“Yes, I will,” 
As you and Emily leave to make your way back to Heaven, you could've sworn you heard Lucifer whisper three words. 
“I love you,” 
You turn back with a questioning expression, but all that was on his face was nonchalance.
Word count- 2,194~
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yourtearsaremyink · 5 months
It's Just This Once
Chapter 1
Hey everyone! This is my first post. This work is finished but I will be uploading the chapters weekly. (I don't really know how Tumblr works so if y'all have suggestions or tips let me know)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Not many. Bucky and his PTSD, my life choices to write this, nightmares, Bucky's regret and self hatred. Idk. There's not even language in this thing its mostly fluff.
Summary: Y/N is an Avenger, she has healing powers and uses them to patch up the rest of the team. Bucky never asks her to use her healing powers on him, except once.
Chapter Word Count: 1,912
Chapter 1: Take the Pain Away
Y/N was working in her little corner of the medical wing of the newly built Avengers Compound. All was right in her little world, well as right as her world could be since reappearing after a five year absence. 
Everyone was trying their hardest to go back to normal but adapting to a life without Steve, Tony, and Natasha was far from it. Shortly before Tony and Steve's fallout, Y/N was recruited by Fury to join the Avengers Initiative. He had somehow figured out she was an enhanced and convinced her to join the team. She had hid her abilities so well in the past she had no idea how a man she had never met before found out about them. Y/N had the extraordinary ability to heal others, it had taken an insane amount of time, energy, and focus to master her powers. With the help of Wanda she had also been able to unlock another talent. She had intuition that was insanely on point so she could guide her teammates on their missions. Natasha had taught her some martial arts moves and Steve taught her how to protect herself in a fight. Y/N soon became part of the family and finally found a place where she belonged, but after a few billion people came back from nothingness, her family seemed to narrow down. She had fought in the battle against Thanos and tried, had really tried, to heal Tony with her powers but in the end it wasn't enough. She couldn't help but feel a little responsible for his death. When the battle was over and Steve left to be with the love of his life, he left so many friends behind. If Y/N couldn't heal Tony's physical wounds, maybe she could heal the emotional wounds he and Steve left behind. 
Shortly after the battle she became close with the remaining Avengers. She helped guide Sam on missions as the new Captain America, she comforted Wanda after her little outburst in Westview, she even got to know Bucky a bit more. Sam had convinced him to live at the new Compound with him instead of being alone in an old apartment in Brooklyn. Every so often Sam and Bucky would limp into the med bay in need of healing. She had healed Sam several times and Wanda a few but never Bucky. He always said she shouldn't waist her energy on him, and she always replied with, "It's no trouble at all, it doesn't take that much energy." Bucky would brush it off and say his advanced healing would take care of his injuries in no time. She never really pushed it, considering what he's been through with people messing with his body, it didn't surprise her when he didn't want to be helped.
Today was nothing unusual when Sam came into the med bay with an arm around Bucky and the other around his side. Y/N hopped up from the seat at her desk and began walking to the two men.
"What did you do this time?"
"This idiot took a bullet for me." Bucky spoke up as he helped Sam into a bed.
"Hey don't be mad at me for saving your life." Sam snapped back. He was taking off part of his uniform so Y/N could assess the injury properly.
"I have better healing than you, I would have been just fine." Bucky countered.
"I'll be fine! I have the best healer in the world right here, right doc?" Sam shot a quick smirk at Y/N as she started to heal him. A light purple glow emitted from her hands as she closed the wound on Sam's torso.
"Just because I can heal you in seconds doesn't mean you can be reckless."
Sam's smirk faded as Bucky gave a short "Ha" in victory. Y/N noticed Bucky was holding his left arm with his right and had a few bruises on his face.
"I could always heal you too Bucky if you need it."
"It's fine doll, these bruises will be gone in a couple hours." He said as he gestured to his face. Y/N turned her attention back to Sam as she finished up her work.
"All done." She said as she removed her hands. "Go clean up, Wanda and I are making dinner soon."
She grabbed a cloth and wiped some of the blood off her hands.
"You're the best doc. " Sam gave her a quick hug and headed out with Bucky. As they left she saw how tight the muscles in Bucky's were. With all of the experience Y/N had with healing people, she was able to see how much he was hurting. It could just be the stress of the mission so she didn't think much of it. 
Later that evening while Y/N was cooking with Wanda, she once again noticed Bucky. At this point she couldn't tell if it was just stress or flat out pain. Sam was tapping away at his laptop sending a report on the mission to Fury. He didn't seem to notice the tight expression Bucky was wearing. Bucky was absentmindedly rubbing his left shoulder where metal met flesh, he looked exhausted.
"You good Buck?"
He glanced up at her removing his hand from his shoulder and said,
"Yeah, I'm fine. " with a half hearted smile.
She hoped that a warm meal would help. Y/N loved to cook, especially with Wanda, she loved seeing people's faces when they ate the food she made. Pretty much everyone else was away from the compound so it was just the four of them. Wanda had suggested they make soup since Autumn came out of nowhere and settled in New York. They set the table and listened to Sam talk about the mission he and Bucky had just endured. Bucky let Sam do all the talking for once and kept quite happily enjoying the warm food. The creases in his features slowly melted away as he finished the soup. Once the story was finished and the dining room was cleaned up, everyone said their goodnights and started off to their rooms, all expect Y/N.
"You're not going to sleep?" Wanda had asked when she saw Y/N going towards the elevator instead of her room.
"I have some work left to finish since I was so rudely interrupted earlier." She had turned her head to Sam with a smile.
"Hey don't come at me." He said with his hands up in a surrendering gesture as he walked to his room.
She gave a small laugh, "Goodnight guys." 
Y/N headed down to her lab and picked up where she left off. She was running some lab work on some blood samples when she heard thunder shake the building. It startled her enough for her to nearly drop her test tube. Soon after she heard rain begin to pound on the walls of the Compound. She glanced at the clock as it struck 1:00 am.
"Just a little longer." She whispered as she resumed her work. 
Bucky was sitting in his bed when he heard Thunder boom outside his window. He hadn't slept since coming to his room, too stressed from the mission and in too much pain. He knew the rain was coming, he felt it in his bones, but that didn't make it any less unsettling. He truly felt like an old man knowing rain was coming by the way his prosthetic arm felt. The mission had caused a few unpleasant memories to resurface and that made his mind uneasy. All of that combined together resulted in a dull headache and an unbearable amount of phantom pain in his left arm. His shoulder was throbbing and it felt as if he was being stabbed by a hundred needles where his metal arm occupied where his flesh should be. His breathing was laboured and heavy, he was so close to a panic attack it wasn't even funny. The weather hadn't helped either, it made him feel cold and achey. He tried so hard to keep it together but the pain became too much. He needed relief and there was one person he could think of to help. He hated the idea of Y/N using her healing powers on him when she could use them for something much more valuable. He didn't want to inconvenience her with his pain but it was becoming agonizing. He sat and thought it over for a few more minutes when he finally caved and made his way down to her lab. He stood at the door and sighed,
"It's just this once."
Y/N was just about finished when she heard a small knock at the lab entrance. She got up and walked towards the door, she wasn't expecting to see Bucky when she opened it. He stood with his hand clutching his metal shoulder, his hair was unkempt and he had bags under his eyes.
"Hey, I thought you went to bed. Is everything okay?"
"Uh, not really. I hate to ask you this, especially this late, but-"
Suddenly thunder echoed through the lab and Bucky squeezed his eyes shut and his breath began to shake, using his hand to add more pressure to his shoulder.
"My shoulder hurts, and my arm too kinda." He looked down not wanting to meet her eyes.
"Like phantom pain?" She questioned
"Y-yeah, it feels like pins and needles. The vibranium feels heavy."
"Are you asking me to help you?" She asked in disbelief.
"I-if you don't want to that's fine I can manage."
"No, no come in, sit down."
She led him to one of the beds and guided his hand off his shoulder, eager to work on the one person she hadn't helped.
He winced in pain as he moved, his hand letting up the pressure it was omitting on his upper arm.
"Sorry," she stepped back for a second, "I need you to take off your shirt." In the dimly lit lab she could see him blush a little. "It'll be better if I have direct contact to the skin."
He complied, slowly and painfully taking off his blue Henley. She walked around to the side of the bed to begin.
"I'm just going to put my hands on your shoulder, okay?"
He gave a very tight nod and she began. Her hands danced across the mess of scar tissue where metal crept into his skin. She couldn't help but felt bad for what Hydra did to him. His breath hitched but his back slowly became more relaxed. She could feel his heart rate slowing and his breath even out.
"I'm halfway done, are you okay? " she was concerned. She had never been able to do this for Bucky before and didn't know how he'd react.
"Mhmm." he seemed content.
She stopped and moved to his front to place her hands on his collar bone. She tried not to make it too awkward by making eye contact but she glanced up anyway and met his blue eyes. They both quickly looked away and Y/N turned her attention back to his arm. She stopped when she felt she couldn't do anything more to help with the pain.
"Done, does that feel better?"
He immediately brought her in for a hug and whispered a quite,
"Thank you."
She hugged back happily,
"You're welcome."
It gets better I promise. It was originally a one shot but it evolved.
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roonyxx · 1 year
The Raven: Part 8
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Summary: A new threat to the world brings the boys back in action. She is big and bad, very bad. But is everything as it seems or is there more to her story?
Pairing: Dean x reader
Trope: enemies to lovers
Word count: 1501 (sorry it's a short one)
Chapter warnings: language, death, anger, confusion, tension.
A/N:  sorry it's been a while since i updated! Life got a little busy again and i struggle a lot with this story, it is complicated, we are nearing the end! hope you enjoy xxx
The Raven Masterlist
My Masterlist
Buy me a coffee
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Black and nothingness, I’m falling endlessly in a void. I am not scared or in pain, I could even say I’m comfortable.
Until I’m not, hands with sharp long nails grips my arm and tugs me sideways through a tunnel with a light at the end. Images are flashing past me at a high speed, I am in those images, and so is Y/n.
I’m getting pulled towards the light so fast my body is preparing for impact.
Just before I break through that glasslike surface, I see one image of Y/n, crying and terrified holding me as I comfort her.
Why is she so sad?
I take a deep breath and start coughing, Raven turns me on my side to help me breathe.
“W-what happened?” I pant, slowly sitting up and rubbing at my chest, the ache is still there. I look at her and she looks unfazed, her sunglasses back in place and her clothes in order while my pants and underwear are still around my ankles.
Good Sammy is on his run…
“You thought of her and your mind slipped into the wrong timeline.” She looks up at me, her mouth a hard line, “Do you understand now why I say it is important why you have to push away from her.”
“But… it doesn’t happen when dream.” and I think of her often.
She stands up, holding out her hand to help me up. I take it and she tugs me up with ease.
“Because dreaming is a special state of mind. With dreams your subconscious can float away without harming your body. When you do it while awake. This happens. You die. Tug up your pants, Hunter.”
I grab them and quickly tug them up. “Wait… I-I died?”
“Yeah, just for thirteen seconds, but yes.” she turns and takes another coffee.
“What…” I get in front of her “I just died and you’re acting like it’s normal!”
She looks me down while sipping her coffee, “I did warn you, multiple times, that there would be consequences.”
“You brought me back.” I look down at my arm and see gashes on it from where she grabbed me and tugged me back from the dead.
“I did.”
“Why and how? You wouldn’t have all this trouble if I died, it would be easier for you.”
She sighs and take another piece of chocolate, “I told you before, you dying isn’t the solution. And how? I just reached into you, found your soul and yanked it back.”
“Y-you touched my soul, only angels can do that.” I say in awe.
“And me.” She says before another sip of coffee.
I look at her, at this woman, this… witch, if that’s even enough to describe her power. She’s cold and hard and mean. Yet… there is something about her that I can’t shake off.
“Or you just had a heart attack from coming to hard.” She chuckles into her mug.
“I-“ I stare at her, a blush crawling over my face when I remember what I said, “R, I’m sorry for saying that… I didn’t mean anything with it. I swear I wasn’t thinking of her.”
“I did think you were more professional. And, ” she  comes closer, touching my chest, right where that ache is and pushes a little harder, as if to hurt me, “I did expect more of the famous Dean Winchester, the womanizer. I had hoped you’d lasted longer.” She steps back and I take that hit to my ego.
“But you came” I reason.
“I asked you to break me. I am still standing, am I not?”
“I kinda got distracted with dying to keep going.” I snap back.
She hums and shrugs, “I just expected more.”
I step closer, ready to show her more, to break her, to make her a whimpering mess, but she holds up one finger.
“No no” she tsks. “Once I let you touch me, out of curiosity. Never again. This can never happen again. Understood, Hunter?” She states.
Her words sound more for herself than me, and then I remembered her jealousy of Y/n. If she’s out to hurt me, I can only return the favor.
“I understand clearly. And I mean, I really have enough with my dreams about Y/n” I grin when I see her clench her jaw. “I’ll do my best to keep my mind clear in the day but at night when I dream, I’ll enjoy it twice as much. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow morning.” I wink at her and leave her standing in the kitchen.
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It’s been a couple of days since all that happened. R and I decided it would be best to not tell Sam. It would only worry him more.
My dreams… they have changed since then. They are mixing Y/n and The Raven.
One moment I could be thrusting deep into my wife and the next I would feel long nails scratching down my back.
The worst part? I’m not hating it…
She is beautiful in a terrifying way, if that makes sense. I can’t stop thinking of her body, her pussy clenching around me so fucking tight.
She’s wearing her pj, shorts and a big shirt, not sexy by any means but on her it is. Her nipples are hard and poking through the fabric. It’s distracting as fuck.
“Stop staring at my tits, or I will rip your eyes out.” she says while going over her notes.
We just finished our morning ritual. I told her everything aside that it’s now her when I dream…
“Is that how you lost yours in your other body?” I ask.
Her body changes before my eyes and she lifts her sunglasses to look at me with those creepy empty sockets.
“You prefer this body? Stare all you want, hunter.” She continues reading her notes whilst snickering.
“Why do you have this body anyway? What is your real one?” I am curious.
“I have it because I want it. Both are.”
“So what happened to your eyes?” I wonder.
“I took them out.” she flips a few pages back in her notebook.
“Why…” I breathe out. she took them out herself? With those nails?
“None of your business” she looks up and in an instant her body is normal again, “Why are you lying to me. You’re dreaming other things.”
“What? I’m not.” I argue.
“You are a horrible liar for a hunter, how do you get anything done? Tell me what changed, think of the consequences! You want to die again?”
“I don’t!” I yell at her.
She stands, bracing her hands on the table, the exact same table I fucked her on. “Tell me the truth or I make you.”
She starts to roll her fingers when I refuse to say anything and a tickling is forming in my throat. The words are bubbling up before I can stop them.
“I dream of fucking you.” Heat immediately envelops my face.
“Ah” she says and drops her hand, followed by a muttered “shit.”
She moves away from the table and starts pacing while rubbing her face. She looks more worried than annoyed. I half expected her to laugh in my face. Why isn’t she laughing.
“You act like it’s horrible.”
“It is Dean. It’s fucked up, nothing is going as it should! I shouldn’t even be here. I should be as far away from you as possible!” she screams at me.
I frown, her mask of coldness is slipping again, she’s freaking out.
“What are you not telling me. Stop being so annoying and just tell me!”
“I can’t!” she grunts in frustration and pushes me back “It’s all your fault, you had to mess everything up and then come back and I tried to push you away but you wouldn’t let me!” she keeps pushing and pushing until she starts crying. She never cried before.
I tug her into my chest, not knowing what else to do. I hold her tight to me and stroke her back. My fault?
“I don’t understand how it is my fault.” I softly say to her.
“It’s because of your stupid face.” She mutters into my chest and I can’t help but chuckle at how cute she is now.
She sighs and pulls back to look up at me, “I can’t tell you, I wish I could but I can’t. you just have to trust me and stop thinking about-“
She gets cut off when something sounds like breaking in the warroom.
We both run out of the kitchen to see what it is. Sam is already there, helping Cas up.
“Cas!” I run to him and help Sam. Seems like he made a crash landing.
“I know what happened.” He pants and looks between me and The Raven.
She steps forward as if to stop him but Cas is faster.
Cas’s eyes fix on mine and I can see the fear in them, “What?” I demand.
“You died, Dean.”
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Forever Tags 2023: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva@chocolateheart @magssteenkamp @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27 @yvonneeeee
Dean tags 2023: @akshi8278 @brilovesdeanwinchester @mrspeacem1nusone @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul@eevvvaa @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart@supernatural79impala @thoughts-and-funnies
The Raven: @globetrotter28 @jerome-valeska-trash @deans-spinster-witch @sassy-pelican @jamerlynn @pallographsunspot @nancymcl
(send me an ask if you want to be removed/ added from my tags, I know it's been a while since I used them)
You can support me here if you loved it :D
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muns0nslov3r · 7 months
“come on steve, keep your eyes open please. just stay with us.”
the muffled sounds of robins breaking voice filled steve’s ears faintly, his eyes scanning around but everything blurry. “steve look at me!” he could hear robin sob, feeling her trembling hands hold steve’s face as she looked at him. “don’t worry steve-“ her voice would fade and slowly come back.
“they are on their way.”
robin shakily said, who they was? steve didn’t know.. he didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t know how to react. but he could feel warmth all over his body, and a slight ache in his muscles. his mouth was dry, everything felt rushed but slowed down at the same time. the hurried sounds of feet, and sobs. those.. broken sobs of dustin, and robin.
those same exact sobs steve heard when he found dustin huddled over eddie, holding him in his arms as the life had slipped away from eddie’s body. the blood from the bites staining his shirt, that.. empty look in eddie’s eyes. the nothingness, god it chewed at steve. fuck did it eat at him, hearing the faint sobs of dustin whenever he’d visit because dustin’s mom called.
ever since eddie’s death, it felt like something was.. pulled away from him. someone he considered a friend, steve remembered the nightmares. how he’s wake up from him crying and screaming in his sleep, as those painful moments played over and over in them. the painful loss of eddie, that gut wrenching feeling.
half nights steve wouldn’t fall back asleep, shaken up from those nightmares. just laying, buried in his blanket as he stared at nothing with wide eyes.. tears threatening their ways to his eyes. surprisingly refer rick wasn’t arrested after all that, as he bought something.. just a little something to distract himself from reality.
he started off easy, just a simple ounce of weed. surely he’d be fine with just that, it lasted a good while. it helped, but not as much as he wanted.. cause he’d end up passing out anyways. then once he ran out, he went back.. wanting something harder at least.
something that would keep him awake, during those times his eyebags would be horrid. usually robin would point it out that he looked like he got ran over by a bus, but during those times he was high out of his mind.
so he’d laugh it off with robin like it was funny, yet it did feel like he did. he usually took it easy with his new drugs, yet the feeling felt so good.. he wanted it to last longer. so he took more at a time, during those times he’d struggle to shower. cause he just didn’t have the energy, he’d always make his way to the bathroom.. undress his shirt and would just break out in tears, his scars triggered something inside him.
he felt.. disgusted with what he saw, yet before then everytime steve stared in the mirror. he enjoyed seeing himself, how he did his hair made him confident. now his hair was just always messy, or greasy. his body littered in scars from past, it always torn him up inside, missing how he used to look.. yet he always remembered what eddie would say.
“those scars are gonna be.. badass, harrington.” eddie said in the woods, as steve just brushed it off.
most days really, robin would stay with steve. cuddled up on his couch, surely he probably doesn’t remember because he’d always be high out of this world. but he can remember the warmth, in his chest. that feeling of peace, that he always missed. most days steve would be careful with the amount of drugs he was taking, but today?
after going a while without it, trying to socialize with his parents when they visited. he didn’t care about the amount this time, he just needed to escape and get the fuck out of his mind. robin called, planning on asking about how it went.. sense steve was nervous as fuck, the phone rung one, no reply.
she called again, no reply. again, but no reply. so she hurriedly got to steve’s, terrified for her bestfriend. she had bursted into the room, to see steve lying on the floor in a mess of papers, clothes, little boxes, and.. needles.
robin felt her heart stop as she went down to steve’s side, having his head rest in her lap as she held him, close and tight.
“steve? steve can you hear me?”
she hurriedly said, grabbing her phone in ready to call for an ambulance. she heard footsteps downstairs, someone calling out steve’s name. “steve? are you home man? your door- is open?”
the voice called, as it was dustin’s. his footsteps went upstairs as he peered inside the room to see steve and robin, that image of them giving him strong deja vu. he pushed the door open to see steve, as he furrowed his brows.. tears hurriedly rushing to his eyes as he glanced around at the ground, his eyes locking with the needles then steve.. and his blissed out face.
“steve?..” his voice broke, those tears falling down his cheeks as he stood there in fear. “dustin- he’s okay- i swear.. he’s just tired- please- just.. he’s okay.” robin said as tears filled her eyes, glancing at dustin then steve, then back at dustin. “just- call for an ambulance please.” she sobbed, as dustin stared at them.. nodding his head slightly and taking the phone with quivering hands.
talking to the person on the phone as robin tried to keep steve’s eyes opened, as they would slowly roll back before going back to normal once robin patted his cheek to get his attention.
“steve come on.. stay awake.”
she sobbed, hugging him closely to her body. feeling his heart beat weak, as she just depended on not losing her bestfriend.. the person she could always go to and count on.
and dustin..? he just didn’t want to lose another person he cared for, a person he saw as a father figure to him. steve was the closest person to a father figure for him, he couldn’t lose him.
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heliads · 2 years
hi omg! it’s been a long time since I’ve requested a theo raeken fic huhu (been so busy with uni, the school works are so freaking demanding) but i happened to think of something at 12 am
what if theo and the reader are exes, and they broke up (they may be from a long time relationship, totally up to you) because they were too toxic to each other, then theo leaves. after a few months, someone who treats her right courts the reader. they were happy at first, but then as theo returns to their town, she can’t help but compare him with her present boyfriend (even though the latter’s literally a walking green flag)
kinda got the idea from listening to The Way I Loved You on repeat … it’s taylor’s power making me feel things i shouldn’t feel in the first place
anyhow, that’s all, i hope you’re doing great and i wish you the best on your studies!
- 🤍
yessss i MISS theo raeken! and i hope you're doing well in your studies too!
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You are headed out on a date with a wonderful boy, and it should all be absolutely perfect except for the fact that it isn’t. In all honesty, the fact that you don’t feel completely divine makes no sense. The boy you’re with is wonderful. He brings you flowers that are always in bloom. He knows the perfect things to say and makes you smile every time. All that, and you feel nothing at all. 
It is not there devastating sort of nothing in which you are pleading with yourself to feel something, anything, yet cannot muster up the strength for anything other than endless monotony. Nothingness has the power to hurt, a death by a thousand cuts, but for today and perhaps all days both before and after it, you feel nothing of the sort. All there is to you is a sort of numbness that comes unceasingly, refusing to even let you have the brief vindication of pain.
It is frustrating to be so empty. What you have now is good. You should be happy with the boyfriend, the boy you should be loving, the one who certainly loves you or else he wouldn’t put up with the fact that you’re clearly falling out of affection far faster than you ever fell into it. You try to rally up the strength to smile at him, to squeeze his hand back whenever he pulls you close, but it’s all so hard that you’re certain one day you’ll just give up the bothersome venture forever and let yourself be alone.
You’d like to say that it wasn’t always like this, and on further reflection, perhaps it wasn’t. You met your beautiful boy when you first moved towns. He was one of the earliest friends you met, and in a place like Beacon Hills, connections matter more than anything. Sometimes they can be the difference between life and death, quite literally.
You’re not entirely sure if meeting your boyfriend was a stroke of luck or not. You were certainly happy with him in the beginning. Everything seemed to be falling into place so fast. You had a friend group who had your back without a second thought, you had a boy who loved you, you had a town that was quickly becoming one you could call your own. Nothing should have felt out of place, and yet it did.
Perhaps it’s because you keep searching for something more. Your current boyfriend is not the first boy to ever want to call you his own, although he certainly is steadier at the task. No, there was another boy a while ago, someone who broke your heart as definitively as you broke his. There’s no chance of you meeting that ex, however– you left him behind when you moved, although the two of you should have parted ways long before your parents announced that you’d be switching towns.
That had been a relationship for the history books, indeed. It had been a mess, wild and out of control until the two of you burned each other out. There were fights in the rain, desperate pleas so cracked with agony that they left your throat raw, a thousand ways to say that no love was worth all the pain he put you through.
At the same time, though, you felt far more with that boy than you ever have with your current one. You didn’t fight constantly, and when the two of you were in a mood to lay down your weapons and just have each other, you felt like you could have taken over the very universe itself. You found the key to eternal life in a pair of flashing grey blue eyes, and when they left you, you swore you’d never be the same again.
That is in the past, however, a past that is closed and done. You have no more to share with the boy of your memories than anyone else in this town. Forget him, forget Theo Raeken and all the promises he broke to you. What you have is good, it’s dependable. It won’t leave you on storm-tossed evenings without an explanation that you surely deserve.
This is, after all, Beacon Hills, and that means you have no time to waste on figments of your past. Beacon Hills keeps itself to strict schedules, life and death tossed to the winds every morning. You had only been in the town for about a month before you learned about the secret side of things, how there weren’t just humans walking the streets but werewolves, banshees, all the creatures of your nightmares come to life.
You stumbled into the whole supernatural affair by accident. Sure, you had seen Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski around the school before, and Lydia Martin had always been kind to you since the second you stepped through the door on your first day, but they never intended on enlightening you. After all, why would they? Keeping secrets is how they stay alive. You were an outsider, someone they didn’t know if they could trust. There was no reason in the world that they would tell you unless something forced their hand.
As it turned out, something did indeed force their hand, and that something was a rogue werewolf attack. You were walking home late from school one day when something snarled at you from the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Next thing you knew, you were running for your life from a horror movie monster. Despite your best attempts to explain everything away as a trick of your eyes or something else that would protect you from this horrid truth, it was all too real, so you were very glad that Scott and his pack were there to save your life.
You’ve been a part of the McCall pack ever since. It’s a good life, if a dangerous one. At the least, it should teach you that quiet things are all the more precious for their innocent blessings, which should give you another reason to love the boyfriend you have and not the one who used to ignore your calls. Not everyone who knows what you know gets to have somebody as safe as your boyfriend. You should appreciate him, then, yet you still can’t give him all the love he deserves.
To ignore such thoughts for the time being, you spend your nights protecting the town with the McCall pack. You and Lydia have been receiving some self defense instruction from a rotating circle of trainers including Chris Argent, Kira Yukimura, and Jordan Parrish. You’re actually getting pretty good at it, too, and are quite capable of watching your friends’ backs when necessary. You’ve long since stopped getting in the way during fights and begun saving the members of your pack just as often as they save you, which is nice.
This is why you’re allowed to stick around when Scott gets attacked the night of the Senior Scribe. The problem is obvious– a large supernatural creature of some sort, complete with glowing blue claws several inches longer than those of your friends. It’s not the way you envisioned spending your night, but some part of you knows that you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Whatever this supernatural newcomer is, though, it’s stronger than you expected. It takes all of your friends fighting together to push it off of Scott, and even then, you don’t know how you can take it down permanently. Just when you’re sure you’ll never be able to shake this sort of tentative stalemate in which both parties are fighting as hard as they can yet reaching no real ending, someone else comes in to save you.
You can’t recognize your savior at first, just catch glimpses of a werewolf’s glowing eyes in between the quickly moving shadows. When he stops moving, though, and turns to face the awaiting McCall pack, you feel your breath catch in your chest. It cannot be. There is no way that the boy facing you, the one who’s staring at you like he isn’t half as affected as you are, could ever be here before you.
Stiles is the first to speak, and you’re grateful for his constant curiosity. Let it serve as a shield for a time being, protecting you from the shocked realization currently wracking your frame.
“Who are you?” Stiles asks, one brow raised.
The boy smiles indulgently, and opens his mouth to answer. You beat him to it, though.
The name seems to hang in the air. Theo’s eyes flashing in approval is the last clue you need to know for certain that no, you are not hallucinating. Somehow, despite all the odds being against it, Theo Raeken has managed to follow you here. Theo, the very same Theo who’s been on your mind despite the hundreds of promises you made to yourself and subsequently broke that you would never think about him again. He’s here. He found you again.
The sound of footsteps running up behind you makes you turn, and your heart lodges painfully in your ribs when you realize that it’s your boyfriend. You had left him with a hurriedly murmured excuse back in the Senior Scribe when Stiles texted you that something supernatural was going on, and he’s come to find you.
You smile apologetically at him, although you can’t find it within yourself to truly mean it. Something about knowing that Theo is just a matter of yards away is making your mind go wild, unable to form a thought other than wanting to know why he’s here and how it could possibly connect to you.
“Sorry to leave you,” you say.
Your boyfriend casually lifts a shoulder. “Oh, no problem. I caught up with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while and then figured I should check in on you as well. Who’s this?”
You register in the back of your head that this easy acceptance is something that Theo would never have treated you with, then turn to notice your boyfriend regarding Theo with a faintly curious expression.
Theo saves you the trouble of trying to figure out how to introduce him. He steps forward with a half wave. “Theo Raeken. I’m a new student here.”
You stare at him. A new student? This is permanent, then, not just one night in a swarm of thousands in which you picture Theo returning only to leave again just as fast?
Your boyfriend is far more unaffected by Theo’s glib manner than you, and offers up his name as well.
“He’s my boyfriend,” you add, because he forgot and somehow you need more than anything to see the furrow in Theo’s brow when he hears the title.
The group of you engage in some rather stilted pleasantries for a while before you make an excuse about leaving. Your boyfriend still doesn’t know about the world of the supernatural, and you’d rather get him out of there before he notices that there’s the fallen body of a strange glowing creature slumped just out of sight behind a nearby wall.
Your boyfriend keeps up a stream of pleasant chatter the whole drive back about how he can’t believe you’re all seniors and he was glad to take part in a classic tradition like this one. Bless him for trying; you can barely muster up the energy to respond, but you need to cling to some semblance of normalcy anyway. Theo, here. It seems impossible. It feels like everything you’ve ever wanted.
True to his word, Theo starts at Beacon Hills High soon enough, and then you have to manage the shock of turning a corner and seeing him there so casually. It feels like you cannot go ten minutes without seeing him somewhere– in your classes, walking in the corridors, painted behind your eyelids whenever you blink. It must be intentional, surely he’s doing this on purpose, trying to make you think about him in the way you always have.
You should be content with your boyfriend. You still stay with him like nothing has happened, but ever since Theo arrived, you feel like everything has changed. You can’t help but think about what it had been like to date Theo in your old life. Had his jackets been that much warmer, his hand against yours that much more electrifying? You cannot tell for sure, and your memories only serve to deepen the rose tint against what had been the most emotionally charged time of your life.
You’re not the only one thinking of the past, either. As a supernatural himself, Theo has inserted himself into the McCall pack, so you see him all the time. He looks at you like he knows exactly what you’re thinking, which only serves to send your thoughts further tumbling into a dizzy mess. Your boyfriend has his arm around your shoulders as you talk, and Theo’s gaze is sharp as a blade, expertly slicing into the flesh as if it could separate the two of you forever if he only looked hard enough.
If you were smart, you would realize that your boyfriend is good, and that’s rare enough for you to keep him. It is the right choice to make, the one that won’t end with your heart broken. You know for a fact that if you choose Theo again, you will regret it just as you regretted it the last time. There is no ending for the two of you that does not end with bloody hands and sobs echoing through empty houses. There is no future with the two of you together, and yet that is the one that you choose over and over again.
You don’t know that any of your friends are truly surprised when your ex boyfriend stops showing up to walk you home from school. You broke up with him a few days ago, and although some part of you was curious to see if you would finally feel something when you started missing him, the nothingness persists. In fact, the most you felt was the delighted spark in Theo’s eyes when he heard that you were no longer in a relationship.
And, exactly a week and a half after you ended things with your old boyfriend, Theo finds you at midnight. It’s dark outside your window, and Theo’s face is barely lit by the shifting slip of a moon that guides him to your house. He doesn’t have to offer you the warnings he gave you when you first started dating, you already know all the hurt that this will cause. Instead, he kisses you, and you think that the fireworks going off in your chest could burn you to ashes.
There is no righteousness in a game like this. Theo is all cleverness, all scheming plots and plans. He gets what he wants, and right now, that is you. Conversely, this time you have a hand in things. You want him more than anything. More than life itself, should it come to that. In a town like that, you have a feeling that it will.
And, at the end of the day, have you made a mistake? Most certainly. Will you treasure it on bloodstained lips, make sacrifices to the altar of it? Without question. It may not be safe, but every day with Theo reminds you of what it is like to feel. You would not trade that for the prettiest flowers nor the sweetest gestures. All you need is this, is him. It is Theo or nothing, and you would gladly trade your soul to avoid that abyss. He would do the same for you.
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @23victoria
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anfie-in-the-box · 1 year
Dreamtale_Not_Found & Aftermare Week
Short but with with lots of Hurt/Comfort.
The main story here! If you'd like to read it chronologically, feel free to skip this one because there are minor spoilers here.
For a second, Nightmare floats in nothingness. It's not disturbing anymore, not after years of experience. Then, when he has a body (although intangible) again, he opens his sockets. It's dark, except for two words hanging in nowhere and a small lawn in the middle. There are two figures there, sitting very close. Only Nightmare doesn't get to make a single step when he hears suppressed sobs. 
He runs. 
"Geno? Geno, what happened?" he asks while trying not to panic. "Does your socket hurt? Chest? Are there any more glitches?" 
Was your brother slaughtered again? Nightmare doesn't ask, too afraid to make it worse. He knows too well physical pain means nothing when compared to emotional anguish. 
Geno sobs again, hugging his Frisk closer, tighter. Nightmare still runs when suddenly he stumbles right into them, leaving them all on the invisible ground. 
Geno stares at him, tears still there but silent. Nightmare stares back. For a few long, long moments they stay like that, but then little Frisk wriggles out, and that's that. 
"you can touch us," Geno whispers reverently. 
Nightmare, not believing still, catches a red-ish tear.
"I can touch you," he repeats, then mutters, "You can see me. I'm not invisible. You can touch me. I'm not intangible. Not here. It's so… logical. I can't believe we've never tried it before. And now, when you need it the most…" 
Then Geno hugs him, desperately but with so much love Nightmare can breathe it in and never breathe it out, absorbing it into his body forever. He hugs Geno back, helping him sit. Geno hides his face in Nightmare's collar, trembling slightly but not crying anymore. The touch seems to ground him in the best way, and then Frisk starts humming a lullaby, and just for a moment, everything is alright in their little world. 
They'll pull through. Despite everything.
But for now, they caress each other's hands and faces, tickle playfully, laughing and asking to stop without meaning it, Geno snatches Nightmare's tiara, and Nightmare lets him, because they're in love.
Geno and his little Frisk are as much of a family as Dream is. 
Now that he thinks about it… 
"Come on, join us! I know you want to be a part of it." 
Frisk looks at them, shining with happiness of two touch-starved messes, smiles shyly, and yes, takes the first step to join them. If only Dream could be here… But that'd be perfect, and Nightmare knows perfection is a dangerous goal.
Together, the three of them fool around for what seems like eternity. For once the flow of time — or the lack of it, for they are still in the void of the screen — is kind to them.
But eventually, it ends. Nightmare feels the pull of nothingness settling in his bones. 
"I don't know how, but I'm happy and we'll repeat that and so much more. Love you two." 
Geno doesn't answer, but his shining eye-light tells it all. For a moment, he forgets his pain. That's all Nightmare wants.
Then Nightmare wakes up in his broken home that's only called home because his brother is there. If only there was a way to run away… 
Undertale © Toby Fox
Nightmare!Sans © jokublog
Aftertale © loverofpiggies
Aftermare Week © @bluepallilworld
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wabisabireiki · 1 year
Human Love
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What does that phrase bring up for you?
I was surprised to find that the phrase grossed me out, that it was full of narratives about how awful and messed up people are.
This morning I had a scenario unfold for me that allowed me to witness myself and a long held pattern of mine.
side note: In relation to my own domestic partnership and a lot of the things we have learned in couples therapy I was able to see some of these behaviors objectively. Especially through the intimate knowledge of witnessing my own lover and his core patterns. Without judgement I was able to witness how his pattern unfolds as a blueprint for how mine does.
It is Venus RX after all and the themes of this one have been powerful and dynamic for me.
I am also witnessing the breaking down of a life, as someone within my circle is losing the love of their life... as they are dying.
An awful realization that helped me to pinpoint what the wounds I have incurred around "human love" are.
(I have experienced betrayal most in my mind and in my actions to others, as I've rushed to commit the sin before it could reach me. All the while betraying myself first...)
I have three celestial bodies in my 11th house of the collective and partnerships: Moon, Chiron, and Lilith. Which are all in Gemini.
I used to write these off as repressed expression, abandonment, and rejection. But of course they are so much deeper, wider, and more visceral than that.
*My wounding in Chiron is fear of loving others because we are all going to die. And the nihilist in me cannot understand the sheer suffering I will willfully incur, the work, the pain and all the effort to love someone that will yield in nothingness... And of course that perspective is hollow and painful.
Shifting to the feeling state of "enoughness" and gratitude alters the meaning of the privilege of loving someone. To drop deeply into the nowness of the genuine feeling of giving love freely to someone you feel something for. And how beautiful it is to feel and experience anything but especially love.
*My Lilith wound is the deep anger and resent I've held onto for all of the things I've taken personally. (The core pattern I had revealed to me this morning). I've read the 4 agreements and it did change my life, but the pattern will persist if we are not diligent and creative in transforming it. This wound has made it difficult to receive love, as she looks for all the ways to find the faults and unravel the work love has been building for me. Yet it goes on like busy bees, repairing, and trying over and over again, as it will forever, no matter how many holes she rips into it thinking she's protecting me.
This wound shows me that I have to actively ask myself if I am taking something someone is doing/not doing/ saying- personally? And zoom out to find the ways I am making a story out of people's unawareness. That has nothing to do with me. And how when I do that I become unreceptive to love.
The reason being receptive to love is so important to me is because this has been conditioned into me to "make my purpose". That I be loveable, likeable, wanted.
There is nothing wrong with this but it made me realize I don't even know if I want that anymore...
I thought all I wanted was Love. Ironically all the while I've developed coping strategies keeping love at bay ( from others).
I think what I've actually been wanting and realizing all this while is if it is LOVE that I want, it is to love myself unconditionally. To be able to give and receive the depths of love from self. My human love to my human self. The wounds have externalized projections so that I can see them.
The collective is love. Human love is a journey inward. While the hive goes on about always repairing itself, robotically, no matter how individuals thrash about in fits and fevers of self loathing. In the illusion of separation and fear.
Don't be afraid. You are in everything and everyone around you. Zoom out. You're amazing. Human love is not one person, it's everyone and everything in our known and unknown omniverse.
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trash-monkey · 1 year
What The Hell Is This Mess!
Chapter 3
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When the first light of the sun shines on the land Hanmas pain fades leaving him knock out which lets us remove the stick from his mouth.
"Even though we share one mind I'm just glade we can't feel each other's pain." Sanzu mumbles as he helps Draken wips down Hanmas body as best as they can before putting back on his clothes.
"Looks like we're staying here for the day" Kesor appears from somewhere which Draken rolls his eyes at.
"Where do you go?" Draken ask as he get ready to go to gather for something to eat.
"I just take a look around that's all!" Which is return with a simple head shake.
"You're coming with me and stay close, if you see any danger say so." Draken picks up his great axe before adventuring into the wilderness which it didn't take him long to get the usual fruits we eat.
"Draken!" Kesor squeals before hearing a growl coming from a bush, with speed Draken takes a hold on his great axe from the forest floor and watch out the corner of his eye as a furless beast that resembles a wolf with white eyes and thick strings of saliva dripping from its mouth but whatever this creature is it's clearly starving beyond saving. Quickly he stands to his feet right as it lunches for him but he rolled out of the way and gives his great axe a swing which slices it's hind leg as it try to move out of the way, the creature gives a howl in pain before lunching again but only to be meet with a hard swing which throws it at the edge of the brush it emerged from and before it could try to get up it's head is rolling across the forest floor.
"Holy shit!" Draken expressed, knowing this day would come and try to prepare their mind for it but it's completely different from knowing and doing it. Having what he needs, he quickly returns to camp where the other two are waiting.
"What the hell was that?" Sanzu questions as Draken sort through what he got.
"Why don't you just check the archives?" Kesor snaps the HUD into existence with a sheet and picture of the beast.
Moon Madness Wolf
A regular wolf that had come down with a sickness called Moon Madness, they will loose all their fur as the mind descend into nothing but evil intentions causing them to attack anything in sight even their pack and these with this sickness won't eat anything they kill. In the late stage of no return the eyes will turn completely white as the moon and the body is starving, KILL ON SIGHT!
"I left it in the open!" Draken said after reading.
"That might a good thing! Haven knows what you'll get by touching it! Plus we don't have gloves or a shove to do anything with it!" Sanzu reasoned as he gives a hand full of fruit to a weak Hanma that's leaning against the tree, with that discussion over we continue on with the day helping Hanma get back to his feet and once completely fine around noon a notification pops up in our vision.
You have survived Hunter's Bane, heres your rewards:
- Crimson Rite
- Blood Maledict
- Primal Rite List
- Esoteric Rite List
- Blood Curses List
Crimson Rite
You learn to invoke a rite of hemocraft within your weapon at the cost of your own vitality, you may choose one rites from the Primal list and one from Esoteric list. As a bonus, you can activate a crimson rite on a single weapon with the elemental energy of your chosen rite but if you let go or become unconscious the rite will fade into nothingness. Inorder to activate a rite you must be prepared to substain some type of injury upon chance though with practice and strength the this will lessen, you gain +10 damage as it's magical and increases as you become more proficient in the Blood Hunter ways.
Blood Maledict
You now have the ability to channel and, sometimes sacrifice, a part of your vitality to cures or manipulate creatures through hemocraft magic. You may choose one blood cures for the list and when you using your blood cures you have the option to amplify it's affected before it touches the target but be prepared to substain some type of injury upon chance though with practice and strength the this will lessen, as amplifying the cures adds additional effect, creatures with no blood are immune to blood curses unless amplified. Every day you can use Blood Maledict four times a day.
'Though Hanma's Lycan order has many pros he's class eases it out with many cons.'
I thought as we read through everything on the lists before choosing Primal Storm, Esoteric Roar, and Blood Cures of the Marked which causes the three lists to fade from the HUD. After choosing Hanmas rewards we quickly moved one again which we spend many days traveling in the wilderness, using any large and clean water source to clean everything we have as best as we can.
"You actually do have the scar." Hanma points out at Draken's waist when we all washed the first time in a stream that collects into a big hole deep enough for us which we camped beside it for the night and after washing our clothes we're luck enough to have extra clothing among the other things we've been carry on our persons to dress in after drying, Draken and Hanma has common clothes except for Hanmas fancy vest while Sanzu has a set of fine clothes.
"It's funny how you're the smallest one out of the three of us!" Hanma laughs at Sanzu height as he easily pick him off the ground and onto his shoulder before hopping around causing Sanzu to growl at the tower of a man.
"But I'm tall enough to kick you in the balls!" He shouts as he pulls at hair causing Hanma to drop him harshly onto the ground.
"I'm just going to say that you three are pretty lucky that Angus is so mercyful to leave you on the only island in the High Lands that's close to resembling your home world instead of somewhere that has a lot of strong opponents!" Kesor said to Draken as he sits on a rock watching the two play fight on the ground.
"If you two have energy to play around then you two can train." He pulls Sanzu off of Hanma after a little while of watching which he gently shoves him a little ways to have some space between the two to spar while Hanma practice his aim with the bow with the few arrows he has but decides something else.
"You two think it would be a good idea for me to go hunt something to eat since we've been eating fruits, berries, and nuts the whole time we've been here! I know we want to eat some meat and since we don't even know how long we'll be stuck in this forest or medieval fantasy world it'll be a great idea to learn how to hunt and skin!" Hanma explained though he didn't have to but it's becoming a habit of the three to speak their ideas instead of using the hive mind they share as it's also becoming obvious that each of them are forming their own personalities the more days that pass but they had seen this coming since the first day so it doesn't really alarm them.
'It reminds me of that Harry Potter fanfic I had read long ago about Harry becoming a five headed Hydra. Hanma is outspoken and a troublemaker but can be very slick when he needs to be, Sanzu is quiet like Draken but if bugged enough by Hanma he can be roped into his messes, and Draken is like the leader with a nice level head.'
"Take Kesor with you!" Draken calls out to Hanma before he could leave and Kesor immediately start following behind, the two are left to spar. Hanma sneaks through the forest as quite and careful as he can with his over towering height while trying not to get to far from camp but Kesor speak up after a while.
"I don't think you'll get anything for a while as I believe your presence is too loud to sneak and hide around." Hanma sends her a glare.
"Which it why I have bow and as long as I don't get too close I should be fine." Hanma carefully climbs a tree to sit on one of its high branches and wait with an arrow notched into the simple bow.
'Hanma has already have incredible eyesight which confuses me on why would he need glasses for except appearances and now their going to be more incredible once I get his Order of the Lycan unlocked.'
I thought as I turn my focus on the two sparing back at camp, Draken takes a swing which Sanzu quickly rolls under towards the other male and before Darken can do anything Sanzu is already holding a dagger against his throat as he had gotten in the space between the great axe and his body which Sanzu is great for flexibility and speed to get into small spaces unnoticed when needed plus this helps Draken to learn to protect his openings.
"It seems I have win again." The scar on the right corner of his lips stretch as he smirks at the taller black haired man which Darken rolled his eyes at.
"You need to get faster at swinging that axe and don't swing to far as it leave you completely open." Sanzu removes his dagger to create distance between the two again.
'Though Sanzu has two daggers he'll only get the +2 damage from using one which I'm trying to get him better at dodging until he can get close up'
The two stands still as they wait for any sign and suddenly a strange call from some animal breaks the silence also causing the two to move quickly towards each other as they start to spare once again, with that I return my focus back to Hanma as he's still sitting in the tree but can see movement in the distance about half a mile out but wants to see what it is before shooting. The sound of it moving is to clumsy for it to be any type of prey as it breaks sticks and bushes without a single care so as a step of caution he pulls the string back while continue on watching before realizing what's stumbling towards his location and let the string go, the arrow forces itself into the chest of the Moon Madness Wolf instantly killing it before it could pounce on the poor scared and crying little girl.
"Hello, it's ok I'm here to help you." Not caring Hanma a stranger the little girl immediately ran into his open arms which wrapped around her tightly to try to calm her down from her sodding while the other two at camp stop their sparing to pack up everything quickly and make their way to the yellow dot on the HUD map.
"What happened?" Hanma questions the little girl when she had settled down a bit.
"Momma! Papa!" She points in the direction she was stumbling from right as Sanzu and Draken appears, Sanzu lays Hanma pack by his side and take the little girl in his own arms so Hanma can have his hands free to put his pack back on when a notification pops up.
Side Quest!
Return the girl to her relatives!
Reward: ?
- Would you like to (Accept) or (Deny) this quest?
"What's your name?" Sanzu asks in a motherly voice after accepting the side quest thought he send a glare to Hanma when he started laughing.
"Remember, you have a second identity so you might as well get some practice in." Draken suggest which Sanzu sighed at as he knows he's right and has to make his act as a lady of the high society believable.
"Well, you two are my servants." Sanzu smirks when he remembers that Hanma is butler Jasper while Draken is Troy a bodyguard, this slightly scares the two when Sanzu hands his things to Hanma.
"Jasper! Troy! We must get moving!" Sanzu's fine clothes doesn't really hides his manliness though he can hide the obvious like buttoning up his shirt and the dent in his pants to make himself look like a woman try her best to disguise herself as a man while we're hoping that Sanzu gorgeous face will distract anyone from the small details, right now we don't have much to make his second persona more realistic expect for Sanzu's disguise kit though he haven't looked through it yet and he can make a convincing woman's voice but needs to practice. Once Sanzu is done fixing himself he retakes the girl from Hanma so they can start moving on in the direction the girl had pointed in which Draken takes the front with Hanma in back to leave Sanzu and the girl in the middle.
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gildead · 1 year
It was worse. So much worse than he thought.
Gold's first instinct was to grab a Hyper Potion from his bag in order to address the Wigglytuff's injuries. He approached her as she sat down on the picnic blanket. Forever coiled his body around the Wigglytuff to help her sit up, his tail pressed to the ground. He nudged her to face Gold with his snout, gently so as to not hurt her. He remembered being in this position before as a Houndour.
If anybody could help her, surely it would be his trainer! Right?
"C-can you open your mouth?" Gold asked in a soft voice.
The Wigglypuff did so, and Gold immediately wished he never asked.
No wonder she was in so much pain, Gold realized as his stomach lurched horribly. What a lot of people didn't realize was that the Wigglytuff line had flexible, inflatable bodies for a good reason: to protect their fragile internal organs and skeletons. Legitimate Pokémon battles, even with Wild Pokémon, had been shaped through years of League regulations preventing the use of excessive force. Whatever the poor Wigglytuff went through had caused extreme internal injuries, leaving a bloody, gory mess inside her mouth.
She let out a pained wheeze -- far from the melodic tones Pokémon of her species were known for.
"She needs a Pokémon center," Please hissed to Gold. She reached her snout into his bag and slid over his damaged yet still usable PokéGear. "We need the help of the living."
Gold fumbled to the PokéGear, his sleeves scrolling down to find the one connection to his mortal life who knew of his undeath. As he did so, Please lowered herself to the Wigglytuff, her voice lowering. "Now, dear, what happened?" she asked, using the same tone she used when coaxing Hurry to bed, "We're here to help you."
The Wigglytuff moved to speak, only emitting another breathless wheeze from her mangled throat. She was cut off by a sharp cough from Away. "Foolish creature," Celebi scolded, "Do you truly seek to harm yourself further? We will get nowhere if you force yourself to speak."
"She's doing her best." Typhlosion glowered at Celebi.
Celebi sighed dramatically and fluttered over to the Wigglytuff. "I simply believe there is a more sufficient way. Let me read her mind."
Please still looked irritated, but she stepped aside. Celebi had a point; after all, its psychic abilities were how it learned of Gold's plight -- and without them, her beloved trainer would have been condemned to a fate of eternal nothingness. The Time Travel Pokémon reached its single arm out to take Wigglytuff's hand, eye shut in concentration--
And both screamed.
Celebi had barely touched the other Pokémon before it recoiled in horror, nearly falling backwards into Hurry. The tiny spectral Cyndaquil dodged out of the way and hid behind his mother, disturbed. Wigglytuff sunk against Forever again and whined. Gold, startled, dropped his PokéGear into the ground.
"It's okay, Celbi." Hurry waddled to the shaken Celebi. "Just us. No big scary Pokémon coming back to eat you."
"Thank you, young one, but... this was no mere Pokémon at work." Celebi's face darkened as its voice dropped. "But rather... human hands."
Everybody, even the Wigglytuff, went dead silent. So silent, in fact, that the only sound to permeate it... was tearing fabric and breaking bone.
They turned to Gold, whose sleeves had dropped and whose body was showing the wear and tear caused by the monster from long ago. As his pupils vanished, a horde of Unown came bursting out from the wholes of his sleeves, intermingling with one another as they floated above, where the Wigglytuff could read them.
He floated over Wigglytuff, his expression frozen in rage. As she looked up, the message from the Unown became crystal clear.
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sirmatthew1972 · 2 years
What is it with my muse jumping from one insane alternate CM universe to the next? How does one go from a vampire Hotch story into a pirate AU ficlet only to follow it up with panther!Aaron being kidnapped by shifter trafickers? Hell knows! Sure, I can claim that it’s whumptober... but me working on this insanity started in september. Worse, the fluffy and domestic scene that I had in my mind stems from long before it. Yet somehow little more remains of it then in the flashbacks of Aaron’s mind. Oh, you poor thing, suffering so beautifully. So defiant, but only human, well... shifter too. <insert evil cackle> But, as it goes, the joke is on me. Because now I am knee deep into the mess I have created for him... and I have so many more words to write. Almost three chapters finished thusfar. Almost. So where to now? Can I save him from the hunters and their sadistic leader before the end? Will I? Oh, I know where this is going, I think, but to get there is both the fun and the hardest part. ‘Cause I may have dug him and therefore myself in too deep.  👀 <stalks WIP fic like prey> Yeah, I’ll dig our favourite crime fighter out. Maybe! For Spencer won’t forgive me if I don’t bring his ‘Grumpy Cat’ home, injured or not. lol. Anyway, time for a teaser snippet of this WIP me thinks. Yes? So this is how trouble starts for Aaron, from where his life (and planned romantic evening for two) is going downhill into angst, darkness and pain...
An unexpected steel dart jams itself through his woollen coat, suit jacket and dress shirt to burrow deep within the soft flesh of his abdomen. Sharp and intrusive. Alarmingly fast followed up by a second dart to strike his outer left thigh... then a third one in his other leg. Aaron stumbles under the blunt attack. Sinks to his knees even as he growls out his shock unhindered by decorum, for his inner panther unleashes itself so he can survive the attack. Or rather... it tries to... and fails to push the shift through. Because of how it too is no match for the cold mist spreading onwards from the air around him into his flesh, muscles, bones and mind... in that order too, or so Aaron realises even as he fast crumbles under the powerful drugs dosed to deadly precision. Hunters? Wildcat traffickers? On a final rush of adrenaline Aaron deducts his chances... and how quickly they are vaporizing into nothingness, because he can't even scream for help or lift a single finger anymore. Sure enough, the far too experienced hunters narrow into target, to him. Blurred shapes. Dulled male voices. Aaron can't make all of it out for he's falling into the haze of the drugs. Ketamine being the most likely culprit. Enough to bring him down, but not quite out yet, for his wildcat gene is stubborn enough to keep fighting it... and his profiler self agrees with its instincts. The longer he can witness what's happening around him the better his chances to profile the why, who and where. And so he pushes against the darkness to keep it at bay, but for how much longer can he? 
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marinaiguess · 2 years
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited! :D
A wip, okay, here we go. (under the cut, 500 words, just so you know lol) I'm excited abt this cuz it's the first forces fic i've written. Alright, the first forces fic revolving around sonic. I am excited for a couple other fics like a sonaze req I need to finish and another forces thing, but yeah, have this for now:))
Groaning once more at the thought of himself not being able to run, he looked around in hopes to find a way out. How exactly, he didn’t know, but that was a problem he would deal with later. He searched for the source of light, head turning around just to find that the only way out was - what seemed like to him - miles away. There was a good chance the door was seal shut but breaking through the windows would be a piece of cake; he just needed a spindash.
Under normal circumstances.
He attempted getting up again, this time careful not to hurt his ancle any more than he already had, despite the increasing need to move, to run. As his eyesight had - sort of – adjusted at the protruding lack of light, he shifted his attention elsewhere, with the intention of further analyzing his surroundings. Well, it didn’t exactly take a genius to understand you’ve been locked up in a cell (especially when it’s not your first time inside a prison).
But this prison was much more miserable than the last one he was in; at least the police had paid their electric bills! And whoever was holding him prisoner here…was definitely gonna get a piece of his mind.  
But who was it?
Who was it that had managed to make such a mess of him and then capture him?
Eggman? Nah, without as much as making a huge announcement as soon as he woke up or without having posters and illuminating neon signs plastered all around his jail, writing ‘I caught that hedgehog!’? Not a chance. He screwed his eyes shut in an attempt to remember how he got here in the first place, but whatever had happened, was buried deep into his brain, memories staying hidden inside his mind’s safety.
A sigh escaped his lips; he needed to give his body a little more time to recover. However, that didn’t mean he would stay there and do nothing.
“Hey!” he cupped his hands to scream to anyone who would hear, only to be met with the echo of his own voice. He cringed at that, but went on nevertheless: “It’s kinda rude to keep your guest in the dark!” He snickered at his own unintentional pun. “Both figuratively and literally…”
He got no reply.
“Just wanna congratulate you for catching me!” He added in a sing-song voice, “It’s not every day you can get your hands on the fastest thing alive!”
Impatience getting the better of him at the sound of nothingness, he carelessly kicked the air with his free leg, resulting in a not-so-welcome reaction. He suddenly doubled over and yelped while his body begged for help, shooting pain coming back, fiercer than before. After a few moments of taking deep breaths, he sat back on the floor with a long, frustrated huff, refusing to use the sorry excuse of a bed they’d given him.
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
a sister’s sacrifice ; part three ↠
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↠ platonic!c!sleepy bois inc x fem!reader , platonic!c!tubbo x fem!reader ; angst just angst
↠ masterlist
↠ part one ; part two ; part three ;
↠ @leafyturtle @basheverythingyesterday @terribletoothbat @bestioe @junoblad3 @machiebach @ok-honey
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when considering the deaths of the people on the dream smp server, yours is the hardest
schlatt was detested by all when he’d died
few people still truly cared for wilbur when he met his end; the man he once was was long gone by then
but you
you never changed
you were a constant for so many & immovably kind to the rest
selfless, giving, caring
even when you just wanted an escape, you came to the aid of your brothers
you gave the ultimate sacrifice & paid the price
everyone mourns you
when the battle is won & dream locked away indefinitely
once everyone has come down from the high of freeing themselves from dream’s reign, the server goes into a state of grieving
there’s no denying your death
they all saw the message in chat
you’re dead
those that were close to you took it hard
niki was narrowly stopped from burning down the bakery you encouraged her to open and helped build
eret put her emotions into work on a memorial in their museum for you
even under the egg’s control, bad & ant put the eggpire aside for you
of course, those who took it the hardest is your family
when ghostbur learns of your death, he’s distraught
he doesn’t quite know how to handle the information
he protects your home & only allows people to enter when he supervises them
tommy took a while to move past his anger & deal with the fact that you’re gone
tubbo ran off to start snowchester
he chose to distract himself rather than truly process his emotions, even if you’d always done your best to break that habit of his
now that you’re not around, who’s to stop him from letting himself be numb to it all?
techno is another one of your family members who chose to barely acknowledge your passing
he became somehow more monotonous & emotionless
and phil
there’s no word for a parent who loses a child
wilbur was gone & of course it messed phil up to be the one to take will’s last life but by that point his son was gone
but you
you’d always been such a genuinely good person
phil did so little for you as a father
he was so absent
he never apologized to you for that
he never told you how much he loves & appreciates you & everything you’ve done to keep their family together when he couldn’t be bothered
it’s a few hours after he received the news from ranboo that all the guilt for everything he had ever put you through hit him
he broke down in his kitchen while trying to distract himself by organizing his cupboards
but all he could think about was you
you & your never ending kindness & compassion
he was never a father to you
yet you never hated him
why couldn’t you have hated him?
it would hurt less to lose you if you hated him; it’s what he deserves
he’s unworthy of your love
but he can only dwell so long on you
you are given a proper funeral
you’re buried by the seashore, somewhere between l’manberg and tommy’s abandoned vacation homes in an open field
the sever members plant so many flowers, your gravesite becomes a flower field
but soon, life goes on
it will only hurt for longer to draw out the mourning period
it would do no good for anyone
besides, you wouldn’t want the server to be sad for your sake
techno supposes it’s for the best that you died
he does his best to move on, filling his days with resource gathering and upgrading his tools, weapons, and armor while trying to think through his emotions logically
as much as he liked you
as much as everyone liked you, you were too good
you were the best of them
fate is not kind to heroes
technoblade is not an easy man to sneak up on, let alone scare
the greeting itself isn’t want startles him
it’s turning toward the voice to lock eyes with you
you who is dead
techno is not proud of the sound he made when he saw you but you of all people wouldn’t make fun of him for it
he just stares at you, slowly realizing what’s happened
you look desaturated, the color drained from your clothes
your skin is grey & almost translucent
you’re a ghost
“hello! who are you?”
techno tells no on one of your ghost form
he even keeps the rest of the server a secret from you
he leads you to your old home & leaves you there w/ ghostbur
he hopes your and ghostbur’s combined amnesia will keep you out of harm’s way i.e. the rest of the server
he visits you occasionally but mostly leaves you be
you live happily with ghostbur for a while
he is very glad to have you back
his memory is nearly as bad as yours, so the story of the server & what happened to you when you were alive is only given to you in bits & pieces that are near impossible to fit together
it was only a matter of time before someone came to visit your house
it’s tubbo who finds you first
or he finds your ghost
(tubbo) y/n! oh my god! you’re a ghost! you’ve come back!
(you) hello! *whispers* ghostbur, who is this?
(ghostbur, whispering obviously) that’s tubbo, one of your other brothers i’ve told you about
(you, whispering) oh, right
(tubbo) how long have you- oh, this is incredible! i have to tell tommy! he’s been so sad since you died; he’ll be so glad to see you!
tubbo messages tommy, who is skeptical but reluctantly comes to your house anyway
but there you are
your ghost anyway
which is good enough, honestly
(tommy) y/n!
you catch him in a hug easily, even if you’ve never met him before
(tommy) you’re alive!
(you) no i’m not. i’m a ghost!
techno happens to check in on you when tubbo & tommy are there
bad news for technoblade: you’d told them about techno leading you here
meaning: tommy knows techno hid you from him & everyone else
needless to say, he is not too happy about that
(tommy) you hid her! you kept her away from us!
(techno) tommy, you have to understand-
(tommy) i don’t have to understand shit! you hid her from us! you lied to us!
(techno) tommy-
(tommy) you kept her from everyone! you’re selfish and you’re a liar and you’re horrible and-
(techno) i did it to protect her! she’s been hurt enough protecting others; it’s our turn to protect her. the only way we can do that is by leaving her alone
(tommy) she’s my sister
(techno) your sister is dead, tommy. for once in her life, let her have peace
tommy gives up on techno & goes to you instead
(tommy) y/n! y/n, we can bring you back. we can revive you. well, dream can revive you but he’s in prison so he has to do what we say so we can bring you back. we can be a family again. don’t you want to come back?
(you) ...no
that isn’t what tommy was expecting
(tommy) what?
(you) if alive y/n comes back, i won’t exist anymore. and i’ve only just got here. i don’t want to go yet
(tommy) don’t you understand how much y/n means to me? y/n has to come back. she has to. she’s so important. not just to me but to, um... tubbo as well! right, tubbo? don’t you want y/n back?
tommy looks to tubbo for some backup but the shorter boy looks away
(tubbo) i think we need to let y/n go, tommy
the betrayal that fills tommy’s chest is soon gone as he locks eyes with techno
tommy knows techno is right
you’re too much of a good person
you’re too willing to sacrifice yourself for others
even as a ghost your kindness is blinding
this server will only drain you of everything you have yet again
he will drain you of everything you are
he’s just tried to convince you to cease to exist to bring back the former version of yourself
(you) i’m sorry. it’s just- i’ve heard there are these really pretty blue flowers in the swamp biome that i haven’t got to see yet-
(tommy) no. it’s fine. i’m sorry. i-... i should go.
tommy leaves your house & tubbo goes with him
even if tubbo caught on a bit sooner to techno’s reasoning, he’s still concerned at his friend’s sudden change in character
(tubbo) tommy... are you alright?
(tommy) ...i really want her back
(tubbo) i do, too. but she’s gone
(tommy) she doesn’t have to be
tubbo can’t argue with that
(tommy) but... maybe it’s for the best
(tubbo) really?
(tommy) yeah.
(tubbo) but just earlier you were telling me about your plan to get the revive book from dream
(tommy) techno’s right, tubbo. all everyone- myself included- has ever done to y/n is take. and she’s given everything
(tubbo) because she loved us
(tommy) as much as she loved us and as much as we loved her... the only thing we’ve ever brought her is pain. i think now... now is her time to rest.
(tubbo) ...that’s very pog champ of you, big man
tommy had planned to visit dream as many times as it took to get the revive book location off of him so he could revive you, but now he’s accepted that he needs to move on
he needs to move on from you & dream & everything dream has put him through
he decides to pay one last visit to dream, put him behind him, & never look back
he’s ready to start a new chapter in his life, one without dream
and the first one without you
but then he’s locked in the prison
two weeks pass
nearing three weeks & tommy still isn’t allowed out of dream’s cell
he’s irritated and annoyed and most of all he’s scared
but he can’t let dream know he’s still afraid of him, that’s why he pisses dream off enough to the point of being beat to death
tommy begs him to stop
but then he’s gone
everything is dark
is this what death is?
conscious in absolute nothingness?
tommy’s feet feel the ground beneath him
his senses come back to him
it’s still dark but he feels as though he can see again
where is he?
no, probably hell
or maybe neither?
what the hell happened?
the first thing to break the silence is the voice tommy has known since he was an infant
the voice of the person who raised him
the voice of the person who has always been there for him
the voice of the person who he has finally let go of
your voice
saying one simple word
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
fallin' all in you
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky takes care of you after a hella day.
word count: 1.216.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being the best man on earth.
author notes: as i said so, i didn't plan to post anything today but this is a product of my mix of feelings because of my period and the first time (of many) watching monday. i'm drunk too and i haven't re-edited it, so enjoy my little fluffy shit. i love you all. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
join the tag list here.
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It had been a hell of a day in the hospital, running from one side to another and attending a difficult surgery. As soon as you closed the door of your apartment behind your back, you took off your shoes and left them thrown along the hallway, leaving a path of clothes to the kitchen too. Conscious that Bucky would complain about the little mess you had done, you really didn't care about it. He knew you'd have a stressful and long shift. Grabbing a bottle of wine from your personal reserve, you opened it up before continuing your way to the bathroom.
The first sip came while waiting for the tub to be filled with warm, warm water, using one of those bath bombs your sister gave you with a floral smell and rose petal inside it. For a second, your mind blanked, keeping your eyes on the dense bubbles eroding in the middle of the crystal water until turning it completely white. Once it was ready, you didn't lose time on sinking your body to your neck, resting your back against the huge tub, closing your eyes while taking another gulp from the bottle.
The house was silent like a cemetery, just what you needed. Peace, calm, no noise. A minute to relax, feeling the pleasant temperature slackening the contracted muscles in your legs and arms. You rested your drink on the floor, next to the bathmat, to dip your hands and place them on your relaxed thighs.
You weren't sure if you were just too submerged in the nothingness of your mind for too long, after making your brain overwork during the day, or if you really fell asleep in the tub when you heard the front door being closed —but the fact was that the water was a little cold. Tilting your head to the hallway, you just waited with pouty lips and puppy eyes for Bucky to show up. And he did. He did show up with the same gesture on your face, causing in you an exhausted half-smile as he rested his shoulder against the wooden frame, crossed arms.
“Y'know? When I've come and seen all your clothes spread on the floor, I thought you were cheating on me”.
“Yeah, could be an option…”
“But then I thought… what a drag, right…? Fight, packing, move”. Bucky kissed his teeth while squeezing his bottom lip funnily.
“Uh—huh, don't have the energy to breathe, imagine having to bear with you… such a pain in the ass”. You joked, sitting up a little enough to rest your arms on the edge of the tub and your right cheek on them.
“Long day?”
He didn't need to ask and you didn't need to reply using words, the tiredness taking control over your face and body spoke by itself. Bucky removed his jacket to hang it on the doorknob and rolled up the sleeves of his t-shirt to kneel close to you. Beckoning his left forefinger to urge you to turn around inside the bathtub, you gave him your back, curling up your knees to your chest not knowing what he was going to do. But watching his flesh hand borrowing your shampoo, gave you a clue. His iron digits offered you the bottle of wine before taking care of his new mission.
Kissing the back of your head, Bucky focused on rub hand against hand to place them on your hair. His fingertips massaged slowly your scalp, starting by the roots and making some gentle pressure on your temples. It was like a dream, everything you needed at that moment —and everything you deserved. Your boyfriend was such a loving man whenever you needed him to, without asking him to pamper you, Bucky knew exactly at any second what to do to make you feel good, to feel better after a long, tedious day in the hospital.
He washed your hair without any rush, enjoying the intimacy between both inside the bathroom. And you could swear that you were about to fall asleep when he took the wine from you to take a sip and leave it close to the sink, on the floor. Grabbing the showerhead, as he took off the stopper, Bucky checked that the water had a proper temperature on his forearm. Not too hot, not too cold. Rinsing your hair with all the care and tenderness in the world, he helped you to finish your relaxation routine.
“You're a blessing”.
Your boyfriend chuckled because of the delighted purr you let out on his neck, whilst wrapping you in a cozy towel, carrying you onto his arms to your shared bed. Bucky left a kiss on your forehead, disappearing afterward to find one of his shirts to put you on.
“D'your hands hurt?” He asked then, staring at you drying your skin before wearing the piece of clothing he was offering you.
“They're good for now”.
“You sure?” You just nodded as he held them onto his palms to bring them to his lips and kiss them both. “What else can I do for you, darling?”
“Cuddle me?”
You couldn't help but pout again at him. Bucky leaned forward, pressing his lips on yours so loving that the gesture almost dizzy you. Licking his bottom one, almost brushing yours, he nodded one time.
“Lemme take my clothes off”.
You did, tucking in your side of the bed and waiting for him not more than a minute. Your boyfriend locked the front door and turned the lights off before meeting you. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as soon as his strong, toned arms wrapped around you, sticking his bare chest to your back. Bucky intertwined your legs and fingers together, spreading a bunch of tender kisses on the back of your neck.
“What I'd do without you?” You whispered holding back a yawn, feeling warmer by his body and caresses under the clean sheets.
“Wash your hair by yourself”. He chuckled, causing you to turn under his firm grip with a smirk showing up on your mouth.
“And also find my own clothes after the shower”.
“That's obvious”. Your boyfriend replied with a feigned deep tone of voice, stroking your cheek gently using his thumb. “Want to talk 'bout it?”
“About finding my own clothes?”
“Nah, 'bout washing your hair by yourself”.
You both laughed lively, still feeling like you were about to pass out at any moment, shaking your head. You couldn't help but sink your face into the crook of his neck, taking a deep breath of his strong scent under his jawline.
“Sleep now, doll… I take care of you”. Bucky murmured tightly embracing you.
His fingertips roaming your back —as if it was the first time he touched you, with so much delicacy and adoration— caused you to fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Bucky wasn't tired, actually, but watching you sleep peacefully under his caresses and soft kisses was his favorite thing in the world. He used to fall in love with you once and again every single day, but the trust you used to put on him every night when the noise and all the chaos were shut off (...), that made him feel sure that there wasn't a life for him without you.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
and REBLOG!!!
tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus
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