#like. girl help lol. thats your job. please
themetalvirus · 1 year
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bugs013 · 2 months
“Shut up and kiss me.”
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Fem!Reader
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Not my pics/gifs
Warnings- Men. Brief mention of assault, homophobia (if you don’t want to read that part just skip to the end flashback mark!), dyslexic writer lol, i think thats all but correct me if i’m wrong please!
A/N- am i the only one who firmly believes that Janis is a huge softie on the inside? Like in public she plays the big bad bitch but in private she’s an angel, like she’s definitely the type to massage your feet after a long day or switch food with you just because you said hers looks better. Yk what i mean? Anyway I’m completely open to criticism just don’t attack me too hard lol
It all started when Janis helped you get away from one of the creeps at school.
You were just minding your business at your locker when you felt a hand slap your ass, your jaw dropped open and you quickly spun around to see a random guy you didn’t know. You felt so embarrassed and you were speechless, frozen. “Whats up baby girl” he says smugly and you couldn’t do anything but feel disgusted. “Look at you,” He puts an arm around your shoulder. “You’re blushing.” Though your so called blush was from embarrassment and anxiety. You attempted to pull away but he tightened his grip. “So what are you up to tonight princess.” He asks but suddenly a voice responds. “She’ll be with me.” Janis ‘Imi’ike, you didn’t really know her well but you have classes together. “Let her go, she doesn’t want you.” Janis says as she took your hand and tugged you away from him. The guy got annoyed but didn’t do anything but scoff. “Of course, lesbians.” He rolled his eyes and walked away. You let out a breath of relief before turning to Janis and thanking her.
And thats when you become a trio with your best friends.
—flashback end-
“Babe, she likes you, you like her, it’s so painfully obvious!” Damian said to Janis who was rambling about wanting to ask Y/N out on a date. “You don’t know that. I mean she’s never even confirmed if she’s gay or not.” “Oh come on, you really think she’s straight? Have you seen the way she looks at girls? The way she looks at YOU.” He states. “What do you mean the way she looks at me? How does she look at me?” Janis says with confusion. He scrolls through his phone for a moment then turns and shows a photo to her. “Like this.”
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Not my pic
“She does not look at me like that.” Janis said tho the thought of you looking at her that way makes her smile. “You’re so oblivious.” Damian rolls his eyes.
“Guys! Guys!” You said, running to Janis and Damian in the hall, you immediately ran and hugged Janis, making her stumble backwards. “Oh-” “I passed! I passed the art presentation!” You said excitedly. “What?! I told you you could do it!” Janis said with a smile as she hugged you back, blush creeping up on her cheeks. When you pull back you have the biggest smile on you face. “Yeah because of you! If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have passed!” Janis scoffed though everyone knew it was true. Without the help from Janis you’d have an F in that class. “Good job girl.” Damian chipped in before giving Janis a look and excusing himself, Janis knew she needed to take this as her opponent to ask you on a date. “Hey, uh- are you busy this weekend?” “Hm, not that i remember, why do you have plans?” “Well i was hoping we can hang out…um…just the two of us…” You smile, brows furrowed with curiosity. “Ok, where are we going? Your place?” “Well actually i have plans, but it’s a surprise. Meet me at the park on Saturday, around 10?” Janis say’s anxiously. You grin and nod. “Sounds fun! I’ll be there!”
Saturday rolls around and soon you were walking into the park, you look around until you finally spot Janis, you can see she has a blanket laid on the grass with a picnic basket and some flowers sitting on it. You can’t help but smile as you walk over. “No way.” Janis turns and looks at you as she hears your voice, she smiles, a bit of blush growing on her cheeks. “You like it?” “Like it? I love it!” You hug her before the two of you sat down. You look around admiring the nature around you, and Janis. “This is amazing Janis. I’ve never been on a real picnic before.” You said with a excited smile. Janis returned your smile before opening the picnic basket. “I hope you’re hungry, i may have over packed.” She says with a little laugh. “In that case I’m starving!” You say with a giggle. Janis began pulling food from the basket, various finger foods such as; strawberries, cheese, crackers, etc. for drinks she packed some capri suns of multiple different kinds.
The two of you ate and talked until it was eventually starting to get dark out. Time really flew by and neither of you noticed.
“Shut up! No you didn’t!” You said through your laughter. You had been sharing random funny stories about yourselves for a while now. Janis nods laughing as well. “It’s true! Ask Damian he was there!” You have been smiling and laughing so much that your cheeks were sore. “I wish i was there! Oh my gosh that killed me, i’ll never forget that!”
When you finally stopped laughing you laid down on the blanket and look up at the sky. Janis does the same, laying next to you but not too close. “The stars are pretty huh?” Janis said “mhm, not as pretty as you though.” You said in a whisper as you glanced over at her. Janis eyes widened a bit, she looks over at you with a confused expression, afraid she heard you wrong somehow. “Huh?” “Huh?” You repeat with a smirk tugging on your lips. Janis rolls her eyes and playfully slaps your leg as she sat up and looks at you. “Come on don’t play dumb. What did you mean by that?” You sat up as well and shrugged. “What do you think i meant?” “You’re calling me pretty but- but are you saying I’m pretty in a way like ‘oh you’re pretty’ or like ‘oh, you’re pretty” or even-” she rambles, You laugh before stopping her. “Janis- Janis stop.” She stops and looks at you. “I’m saying i like you, ok?” Janis felt her heart skip a beat. “You- you mean you like me, like- you like me as in ‘oh you’re my friend, i like you’ or-” you roll you eyes. “Janis!” She froze. “shut up and kiss me.” Janis smiles gently and nods a little and soon your lips met in a gentle, sweet kiss that made butterflies go crazy in both yours and Janis stomachs. The kiss went on for what felt like years until you both pull away slowly, cheeks flushed. “Wow” she muttered, you nod. “I like you Janis, i like you a lot.” You say as you interlocked your fingers with hers, looking down at her hands in yours Janis smiles, she looks at you again. “I like you too Y/N.”
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georgies-ftts · 3 months
my thoughts and opinions on this weeks episode as someone who didn’t have time to watch last weeks episode, has never watched live american telly before and has discovered a new found hatred for your adverts. Also i swear a lot.
let’s begin
(spoilers obviously don’t be a knob)
1. he cannae be captain he’s only got two stripes on his epilette why are we focusing so much on this man
2. Bobby eyeing up that gun I like that (the acting)
3. this guy is giving me uncanny valley and i don’t like it
4. hehe dongle
5. i mean fair enough… in and out just like he said
6. Hen love of my life where the hell have you been loca
7. “and you won’t be anymore either” that’s actually dead funny to me
8. husbands that saw together survive trauma together <3
9. “everyone survived” i know foreshadowing when i see it
10. there’s a lot of drunk driver hatred (as deserved) somethings gonna occurr
11. oh he’s dead… lol karma fuckhead
12. Hen, i love you but why can noone on telly give me actual realistic CPR… break them ribs girl
13. christ these american adverts are weird
14. let me tell you advertising prescription medicine isn’t actually a normal thing to do
15. I don’t know boss man am no a dr but that’s an awful lot of blood are you sure you should still be breathing????
16. “Are you happy” “Yeah, Yeah I am” i have a feeling that’s all about to change buddy
17. just me or can anyone else not see a fucking thing that’s going on this episode why’s everyone in the dark for?
18. moving on from that i love the lighting in the office scene… chefs kiss
20. Why do American comm’s systems always fail whenever you actually need them
21. They were axed to pieces. I will let you off -_- this time…
22. “I didn’t shoot him” honestly… same i hope you get yer pay out boss
23. Athena please for the love of god pop a paracetamol or a codeine and chill the fuck out
24. cause it has never been hard enough for them you just had to add a bastard bomb
27. The Rookie ad i love it carry on
28. If he wasn’t under the influence then he was just being a cunt and hen had every right to react as such thankyou very much
29. Oh my fuck what is happening - don’t tear them apart i’ll start crying
30. Bitch you’re taking on water stop being a pussy and help
31. “Don’t test me.” Queen, you rag his arse
32. “port stabilisers are gone” surely you should be tilting like a bitch right now or did i miss a frame
34. why’s that lizard from london?
36. “i didn’t save him either” he quite literally refused your help despite being detained
37. didn’t get that SS Menow reference… try the Mayflower next time
38. “Saving the ship” “course she is” GIVE THEM ONE MOMENT OF PEACE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU
39. okay good they are tilting like a bitch i will shut my mouth
42. i don’t know but all your meds just seem to be doing the opposite of.. you know… keeping you alive.
43. woah therapy flash back get me one of those
44. you forgot to mention imminent death in your therapy session Mr Sir
45. “We did what we had to do” YOU’RE ALLOWED TO LIVE TOO.
46. “I couldn’t save my first family and I can’t save you either” and what if that was my last straw Robert Nash
47. ABC you can tone down the writing now i’m fucking sobbing
49. glad the us also have those Haribo ads
50. first time in my almost 20 years of life where i’ve seen an ADVERT for ANTIDEPRESSANTS that also actively make you MORE DEPRESSED
51. Hen i knew you were slaying you’ve never not slayed <3
52. no need for it was there mr boss man? no didn’t think so
53. You have no jurisdiction past the Gulf of Mexico??? ummmm??? distressed cruise ship full of your citizens???? idk??? do something????
54. oh. welp. no surviving that one, have fun with poseidon my loves
55. i don’t know about you but once i’ve been capsized like that in anything bigger than a kayak im giving up…
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lifmera · 4 months
Hello! I saw you do matchups so I wanted to request one!! I'd like to request a Hazbin Matchup. If you can't get to me that's quite all right, take you're time!
I'm 18, my pronouns are She/Her, and I'm Pansexual. My favorite color is yellow. My zodiac is Saggitarius (December 21st). I'm 5'3" (short/average).
I am an actor (mainly a stage actor). I love to sing, paint (abstract cause its more forgiving), and cosplay (a lot).
I talk a lot. Some say too much and I was often bullied for it. I curse like a sailor. My teachers are sick and tired of my foul moth they don't even say anything anymore lol. Im very social and like making friends, though i dont have many. But i still try and be a friendly presence and someone people can feel confortable around. I have anxiety as well. I'm super clumsy its actually ridiculous. My family gets nervous everytime I'm near stairs, and I have a scar next to my eye from being so clumsy (I tripped and fell into the corner of a coffee table and bashed my face next to my eye. After my stitches were taken out and it healed, I tripped and fell again, bashing my face into a doorknob in the exact same place 🙃). I'm a danger to society from just how much I fall :) but I'm getting better at catching myself.
I like anime and video games (mainly indie horror [Batim, DDLC (is DDLC indie??), Poppy Playtime, Fnaf, and others.]), and D&D.
I also love musical theatre :)
I'm kinda sensitive as well so please be nice to me. I have an insane fear of Needles and Dogs (which Is super unfortunate). I like fruity flavors over chocolate when it comes to candy.
I hope this is enough info to help you figure out who to match me with :) if not you could just respond and say it's not enough and I'll give more :)
Thank you so much :)
Hey Hun!!
You might hate me, or love me.. BUT..
I’ve paired you with.. ADAM!
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Dont hate me.. i love him..
He would definitely force you to act for him. He’d enjoy it so much. And honestly he’d want to play with you!!
He loves your paintings, at first he didn’t really understand why… but when he saw the final product, he loved it!
He’d also force you to cosplay for him.
He’d be like .. “could you cosplay a cute cat girl..? Please? 🥹” (you could kick him in the balls its ok.)
He would bully you, AT FIRST. I think if you confided in Adam he genuinely would stop. He already lost two wives, it probably took him a lot to even bag someone.
Adam seems like a dick head but he would do anything for his s/o.
He would love that you curse like a sailor. You guys would cuss other people out like its a job.
He loves that you are friendly with other people, but holy shit this guy would be POSSESSIVE.
Especially after how clumsy you can be??
This guy is by ur side 24/7. On ur ass like its his LIFE MISSION
Hes definitely a clingy man.
You can talk to him about anything, but just as long as you are able to listen to him too. He just talks ssooo much.
Although like i said, hes pretty much an asshole, he’d get better for you.
He will change for his s/o, because if anything, if he loses another one? Thats just… 😅
He would totally feed you sweets and fruits though, he loves them too!
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fuckfuckgoback · 6 months
paracosm dashboard simulator
Inspired by @maddgical-boy :D
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
Repeat offender caught west of main. Subject has short brown hair, brown eyes, and was known for pickpocketing. Confiscated goods are pending return.
🤺 bcbd-group Follow
caught west of main
thats our area you fucking leeches what the hell
🫐 orions-belt Follow
We actually ran into them in the mid city, and chased them all the way over. 😅
🌃 justice385627
And we wouldn't have had to if any of you could do your jobs.
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🕶️ monsterfucker378 Follow
something about that slime guy from last week... c'mon police just let me visit i could fix him
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
In reference to the reblog below this: Let him figure it out on his own.
🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
girl he's been posting pics of baggy Ts with khaki shorts please let me intervene
🌃 justice385627
K told me to reply "It's a canon event" and you know I'm not a girl?
#confusion aside it hurts me as well but he has to start somewhere
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🫐 orions-belt Follow
does anyone have any fashion advice
🫐 orions-belt
like, how it works?
🫐 orions-belt
where do people buy clothes...?
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This attack on our city cannot go ignored. The public should not fear humanoid monsters or people creating electricity to destroy and steal from our community stores. It is revolting.
Possessing powers at all makes these individuals inherently dangerous, but we should not ever see them used to their extreme like this. Action must be taken.
🕷️ gayspiderlover Follow
oh to be able to summon lightning and take down capitalism with my spidergirl girlfriend
These people are causing real chaos and destruction. You are sick for joking about this.
🕷️ gayspiderlover
#happy six year anniversary to this post #and the attack ig #i hope theyre still together
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
"his pronouns are she/her!" - E probably
🌃 justice385627 Follow
What? I am well aware tack uses she/her pronouns.
🫐 orions-belt Follow
It's a joke, it's based off a different meme, I think they're just saying you'd say something like that.
🌃 justice385627
This site is a waste of time.
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🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes Follow
been experimenting with making small bombs recently and i put one in my bag and almost brought it home on accident. if my little sister had found that....
what is it with these fake self proclaimed "vigilante crime fighters" nowadays trying to be so cool? we know you don't make bombs, quit stroking your ego
🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes
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673 notes
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if you have any of the slots on your ci ring set to anything fancy unfollow me immediately. its frankly quite rude to switch into that in front of your friends who can't afford something so expensive
a ci ring is $6000??????
LMAO imagine complaining about not affording a suit yet owning the rich person identity stealer 2000
#everyone here died 💀 #anyway its super easy to make knockoffs
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💕 fangirl-hours Follow
whoes that new guy with the blue hair? I think hes been running around with the team down by the bottom of the hills? vigilante fans help me out here!
🫐 orions-belt Follow
thats me actually! I am newer around here but I'm with E's group. my hair might stand out a little too much lol
💕 fangirl-hours
OMG. uh hiiiiiiiii. youre very cool I love when you do stuff with uhh gravity. wanna hang out sometime?
🫐 orions-belt
uh, E doesn't really want us meeting up with anyone outside the group in our secret identities. so probably not.
💕 fangirl-hours
oh well can we still dm?
💕 fangirl-hours
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
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🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
definitely left
💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee
poll canceled everyone my partner is here 🥰
🌑 night-fight Follow
doesn't your blog say you're aroace?
🪨 scumoftheearth
yeah and it also says that im in a qpr with them so whats your fucking problem
#do people on this site not read?
203 notes
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📌 tack---- Follow
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2,078 notes
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sugar-omi · 23 days
honestly all that was sooo what i needed to hear rn bc a girls been STRESSED so thank you <3 😭
i'm gonna major in biotechnology! i went to a votech and that was my trade there and i loved it so i wanna continue studying it. not totally sure what job i want yet so i don't know how much schooling i'll do but yeah! :D
BIOTECH??? THAT SOUNDS SO COOL N SO COMPLICATED please i literally had to google that shit bc idk what it entails but this is some big brain shit, n all i gotta say is good luck n i am cheering you ON!!🎉🫶🫶
although i think you got this in the bag already. anyone with the balls to do something so advanced. is a very smart n strong person. from what im reading on google this is some really cool shit, no matter what direction you go with it. n you have your work cut out for you, but i know you got this!!
so don't doubt yourself!! you got this!!! your brain is huge n you are powerful!!!!
n of course!!! i figured saying something like that would help with anyones anxiety, because really, its the pressure (even if they're not actually pressuring you) and the overwhelm of questions and expectations that make the future so stressfullll
*ramble utc because i... cannot help yapping i guess LOL and while i'd usually be embarrassed and delete my ramble n word vomit, but i figure someone else readding this may appreciate the relatability of what i have to say about my fams reaction to my plan after hs, and find some comfort in my word, if thats not to presumptuous
because i decided to take a gap year (it's been a year since i graduated, for reference), and everyone freaked out. my mom n uncles first reaction was "yeah well, you won't go if you do..." before they came around n agreed with my reasoning. and my dad was all "if i had it my way, you'd go full time--" (mind u, he likes to brag that he worked n went to school full time AND partied.... he did not finish college LMAO) and when i graduated, said to me a MONTH. AFTER MY GRADUATION. "if you're not going to college any time soon, go into the air force."
and when my extended family would ask my plans, and i only had a short "i'm just gonna take a break right now, figure some things out, work... and by then i'll have come to a decision." because i was tossing around the thought of art school, and then i thought abt getting an english degree to be either a teacher or go into writing/editing, journaling or whatever... but was also tossing around the thought of psychology and even real estate. my ideas for my future were absolutely jumbled, and i was torn between what would make money, what i loved, and what i was interested in that i thought could be a career.
it's tough. especially depending on your financial situation yknow, so your thought process always leads towards something profitable but also wanting to do something you enjoy, maybe even love, but not wanting to burn out and tarnish your beloved hobby/hobbies.
like while i did have people who supported me upfront, and never doubted my plan, it's the small things too yknow. because for months my dad's words haunted me, i felt like i wasn't doing enough. or when i met family, and they asked how it was going, or what i was doing now, i felt disappointed that my answer was always "i haven't been doing anything. just been sleeping, drawing, writing..." or eventually that and "practiced driving.. n that's about it."
or when i'd talk to close family members, and i admitted i was going through a hard time, my mental state finally falling on me now that i didn't have to be strong n power through school. i even got sick a couple times, because my body was finally feeling the stress. even now, i feel a mental lag, a fog. but i feel clearer, a bit.
but yknow, the looks and the "you said that last time" or "i think you're lying" is tough.
but at the end of the day, if not working for the summer, or not going to college for a semester, or 2, or 3, or a whole year. or if going part time, or whatever you're doing... and it benefits you, and it benefits your mental health. then do it, don't listen too much, don't feel too guilty.
because if you need it, just like i needed the time to rejuvenate, then don't listen to anyone else. don't force yourself to do anything. because if you have the ability to take a break now, do it. you're not doing this because you're lazy, or selfish, or unambitious. or anything like that. you're taking that break, you're taking this break right now, for future you.
because if you don't take it now, when will you take it? and when you do take a break... will it be at the cost of your health? will it be at the cost of something greater? when the break comes, will it come when you're being handed the gold medal you've been fighting for.. and then it slips out of your hand just like that.
anyway.. do whats best for you. what you need. don't worry about figuring things out too fast either, because in fact, i've been plotting this moment of my life for about 10 years, genuinely, and i still had to revise it. still had to come to a conclusion because even with all that plotting, it doesn't plan for the hard times. or the 'you' you are right now. you will be someone else next week. and you will be someone entirely different 2 months from now.
take your time. because if you jump into something, and are unsatisfied, or "waste" time doing something other than what you "should be doing", the time still passes.
if you "waste time" anyway, waste it on yourself. not others expectations. or wishes. or their dreams.
and once enough time passes as well, no matter what you do by then. the questions do stop coming. the weight of the future, once you get there, is suddenly not so... big. intimidating.
you do not need a grandiose plan. if you are content with the future in your mind, that is enough. because at the end of your life, who will sit in that chair and ponder the life you lived, and weight it's satisfaction, if not you?
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
Take my Ramblings on how I think relationships work between the Lustrous because 2/3 of my personality is made up of these gems' dynamics
So before I get into the main meat of what I think, I should probably talk about the families. first of all. I think that the families can have romantic relations between each other. Insert booing and rocks being thrown. Okay wait! let me explain myself before ya'll start abusing your rocks you heathens. basically, this is gonna get into territory that i'm not fully equipped to explain, so you know how the "Uchihas" from naruto are? they basically inbreed with eachother ya know but they still aren't fully related at all so they can have healthy kids but they still share the same dna, you could even say they share the same "structure"? yeah, thats basically how I think the gem family relationships are. they do share the same structure and name and call themselves family but they don't have to restrict themselves to JUST being siblings, they can be lovers too. they can call themselves "brothers" while being romantically involved. they aren't like us and they don't share the factor that we could produce unhealthy offspring if they are involved with their sibling, since they can't have children nor do they have blood!!(thankfully, since that would be insanely gorey) and I may be wrong but I don't think that the term for "Brother" in japan is only limited to siblings. fact check me if i am in fact wrong please.(Btw i'm not in the naruto fandom at all, I've just watched some theory videos and watched some video essays, also i watched a few episodes of naruto when I was younger)
Now, before I get myself hit with more rocks. time to talk about how I believe the gems' relationships are. mainly the romantic ones since tbr, romantic relations are some of the most complicated things ever and that's probably why we're so drawn to them (sorry romance nonfavorable/romance repulsed aromantics, you will be missed)
I personally think that romance in the lustrous world, is actually incredibly discouraged. these gems can still enter romantic relations but it is incredibly discouraged because, we have seen what happens when these gems lose that person that they love.
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They go absolutely crazy. they even break themselves. and this is off topic but now that I think about it, Diamond and Bortz's relationship is like how trans people see other trans people who look more like what they want to look like, at least from what I've heard from some videos on youtube. and ngl, its kinda scary- anyways, back mostly on topic with Rutile. I've recently watched RGU(Revolutionary Girl Utena) and tbh, how Rutile treats Padparadscha kinda reminds of how Utena treats Anthy. Utena practically puts Anthy on a pedestal and wants to help Anthy end her job as the Rose Bride even though, Utena practically knows nothing about Anthy because Utena projects what she thinks is right onto Anthy, although it isn't entirely off, Utena doesn't even try to understand Anthy. JUST LIKE FREAKING RUTILE AND PADPARADSCHA- Rutile and Utena practically lose their identity when they lose Padparadscha and Anthy. just- UGH it's so good. Now time to stop talking about Rutile, and go to our very shiny friend and my Autoromantic/Panromantic/Polyamorous headcanon, being Diamond, since they were the one to bring up the fact that Cinnabar may have Romantic feelings for our beloved Phosphophyllite.
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Dang both Ventricosus and Diamond ship CinnaPhos. they can't get a break lol. especially with most of the fandom practically shipping them lmaooo. And this is just a little headcanon but I think Diamond used that "Are you gay?" card on Cinnabar when Cinnabar was rambling about how much they "despise" Phos because that's practically what happens when these gems lose the ones they love. They probably start blaming the ones that got taken before they start blaming themselves because it practically starts becoming a pattern in Yellow's case. omg now I can imagine Yellow just talking about their romances with their former partners lol. and now that I think about it, Yellow did blame Zircon for being an idiot for trying to save Yellow, more toned down than Cinnabar's rant and how much of an idiot Phos was but still, that stings. and now this has become not just a little headcanon and more of a parallel it seems. wow, how we can change during writing.
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Also- possible romance between Aqua and Emerald???
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Eh probably. anyways ima end this tangent even tho ima probably gonna get a lot of backlash from the people in this fandom for my controversial opinions but that's fine, hopefully. yeah no i'm probably gonna get murdered.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
sols roundup masterpost
i mentioned i was reworking the original post on my ao3 and so here it is! please note that a) there are a LOT of spoilers under the cut  (guy who has 80+ hours and multiple multiple endings) and b) there’s a lot of ways to take sol and these are just me having fun with them, if u dont like thats fine but dont tell me i don’t care. lol. also worth noting i think time loops are most fun when they subtly influence each other so there’s a lot of that in here LOL
worth noting i think theres a few traits that are pretty universal to them? wants to do right and full of love are the big two, tho curiosity, (seeming) warmth, and ability to fit in w/those around them are also pretty important tho i think more flexible. its just fun the way various sols can have those traits like.... manifest? an alien-hater sol who goes hunting all the time is just as valid as a sol dating dys that wants to end the war. just different ppl they love and different experiences. its fun
with that. onto the Meat
1) solana (she/her (demi?)girl, loyalty leaning lawyer, neutral end)
baby’s first run! outwardly warm but pretty cold inside. hypercompetent everywhere except in her love life. fell for tang when they were like nine on the ship and just sort of, never stopped, feeling that way, including when she was 100 years old and had outlived tang by nearly forty years, partially bc fixating on tang as people were dying was kind of. the only solace she had. wouldve really benefited from a good therapist.
2) solanaceae (he/him tguy, governor, peace ending)
childhood optimist with a hero complex turned "realist” but actually-exactly-the-same-just-depressed-about-it adult. saves tammy and tonin and hal! cannot save his parents :) grows a little distant from most of the people around him as a result, except dys, who Gets it. avoids tang for pretty much no reason he can understand, just has a sense of She Will Hurt You If You Get Too Close when he sees her sometimes. becomes governor solely bc he wants to save people. the kind of person you can trust in your house with your keys and your valuables and then someone asks ‘hey whats his favorite color’ and youre like. i dont. actually know
3) solane (they/them nb, gardener ending)
manic overconfident freak. definitely a ‘i wont tell people about my dreams bc it’s like i’m a HERO this way!’ type. saves everyone and extremely proud about it. coasting through life from ages 14-19 until they go find dys after the bomb has gone off and he’s dating. someone else? which makes them freak out bc THEYRE the hero. so instead of being normal about this they become a gardener in a desperate attempt not to be left behind
It’s Bad!
4) solanaceae (he/him cisguy, colonial hero, neutral ending) x / x
this is the one ive been referring to in private as “fascist manwhore sol” and honestly. yeah. just as overconfident as the last but extremely charming about it. the kind of guy you kinda wanna hit but also can’t help but like? somehow manages to be close w/most everyone in the colony despite their various opinions. really really hates the gardeners + even sym, for some reason w/in himself that he can’t explain. 
in Love with dys for most of their lives but cant ever make it work, fwb with rex, dates vace despite having matching tattoos with his ex-gf. hes just that kind of guy. dies young and a hero, less than a year after dys disappears into the ridges. dont think abt it too hard.
5) solane (she/her nb, neutral end, roboticist on accident somehow but a social skills job wouldve fit much better)
if third sol Thinks theyre god this sol like. actually Is. extremely clear dreams, used to talk abt them pretty much always until her first trip to medbay, at which point she stopped ever letting adults know. kind of existentially exhausted as a result. using this life literally just as a coffeeshop au lol. poly but also probably aromantic; open rship w/rex, who they love a lot but no more so than literally any of their other friends. pretty happy with stuff! 
until they go to see dys off when he “vanishes” from the colony and they accidentally let it drop they couldve like. ended the whole war. he’s. displeased. they still make an effort to enjoy the rest of their life but when they die theyre thinking abt how they should try to be a better person next time. and also hoping they remember less.
6) solanaceae (genderfluid but generally refers to self as a lesbian, peace end, botanist) x
cheerful heroine! desperately wants to be normal and tries so so hard to ignore her dreams, which works kind of, right up until they very purposefully ignores the one abt tammy and tammy dies immediately after :) at which point they completely switches gears and uses their dreams to try and save Everyone they can. bffs with nem since childhood & into her pretty much Always. everyone’s friend! dies content and at peace.
interestingly, bc this is the route where i got paradox ending on a save, probably the sol closest to the wormhole + everything about it, despite not actually remembering much from his dreams. it manifests in other ways. lol.
7) solane (she/her cisgirl, neutral end, roboticist)
coward who can only be brave when it’s for the sake of the people she loves, most notably tammy who she actually dislikes until she saves her life, at which point she realizes maybe she Can be a hero too. better with robots than people, spent most of her childhood following cal around bc he was one of hte only ppl to make time for her. falls madly in love w/tammy; their family is her biggest joy. a good parent.
8) solanaceae (he/him agender, neutral end, doctor)
feral intense child who becomes a terrifying eagle-eyed doctor. max perception by age eleven, somehow. STRONG sense of justice. strongest belief is “if you ignore someone you couldve saved, you’re garbage.” not quite high enough friendship w/nem to convince her to leave vace as teens; helps her later on when theyre adults. years and years later after dys “dies” they end up moving in and spend the rest of their lives together.
9) solanaceae (they/them nb, peace end, entertainer)
awkward ace kid who always speaks their mind. accidentally destroys tammy’s confidence every time they talk. gets confessed to by both marz and rex, shoots them down extremely awkwardly due to both aforementioned asexuality and the fact theyve had a crush on dys since they were thirteen. takes their promise to let him go seriously to the point that when he tries to bomb hte colony, they let him, and when he wants to be a gardener, they don’t stand in his way. is alright with this at first but slowly begins to feel lonelier and lonelier about it as time passes, and when they die and realize they won’t actually be with him again they feel. Very Bad. pass on wishing they’d not let him go but resenting him for asking to.
10) solane (she/her cisgirl, neutral end, xeno wrangler)
ive been calling this one “cuckoo bird sol” for a reason. desperately wants someone to be devoted to Her and Her Alone who Won’t Leave, and feels like. cal is good for that. doesn’t like tammy as a result, which means that when she has a nightmare abt tammy dying she doesn't even care, it’s not like its REAL. yeah. It’s Bad! she feels guilty abt it and then feels bad bc she’s also happy bc cal spends more time with her but also she does sure feel like shes competing against a dead girl huh! so! that’s fun!
eventually she does work her shit out and realize she does like cal himself and does want kids on her own terms but like. the process of getting there! one fucked up kid. dies more content than she realized she could be, glad for her family.
11) solanaceae (she/her nb leaning, peace end, parent) x
rowdy. her heart is 80% love and 20% pure unadulterated rage. unaugmented, which she personally doesnt care abt, but she sure does get pissed off at ppl trying to be soooo nice to her abt it! too busy w/sfc stuff during wet and as such completely misses her chance to talk dys out of the bomb. when she finds him on the ridges afterwards they yell at each other abt being in love w/each other for forever and she manages to drag him back home.
in some ways this would be my “golden run” (full friendship with everyone) (jesus christ) but despite that her actual bffs besides dys are tammy and (unfortunately) vace. in another world i would retcon this to ot3 but in this one she kissed sym and then he died in front of her and despite herself she kind of cant stop flinching away from him now if he tries to make a move. they do hinge poly instead it works. has a boatload of kids and never augments any of them. dies exhausted and delighted and in love w/the world. 
12) solane (he/him cisguy, peace ending, parent oops)
delusion run! sol who cant stop talking abt his delusions even when he knows he should. pursues dys in the “we were In Love before so we will be again!” way not the “i like you!” way until he gets. y’know. lobotomized. in some ways not focusing on his dreams is good for him but also he loses a lot of his personality? focus? afterwards
teases tammy relentlessly but ends up falling for her but bc for some reason this run glitched and tammy’s pregnancy just. kept going. she never had the kid? so i didnt date her even tho he wouldve lol. tbh most of th ending for this one is what id consider noncanon for him but ill retcon it later when i have more Vibes in place
13) solanaceae (they/he, peace ending, astronaut) this is a dead dove run (mentions of abuse)
unlucky number thirteen :) sol coming out of a delusion run with the creeping sense that they should not trust Anyone with their secrets. a little disconnected from the ppl around them tho they get on well enough w/dys and tang. madly in love with the wormhole. desperate to get off the planet and back into space so they can see it, a sentiment no one shares until, y’know. vace.
in Love (lol) with him after his 50. first time theyve ever met anyone they think Gets them so they enable him. fucking crushed when he starts dating nem. when he offers to cheat they take him up on it, which means he learns nothing and they lose one of their childhood friends :) eventually they go into space together just like they wanted! it’s bad! die in the wormhole and i think thats the first time they ever truly, from the bottom of their heart, regret everything. never want to fall in love again.
14) sol (no pronouns whenever possible but sort of ok w/they, peace ending, farmer) warning for abuse mentions in this one as well
sometimes you get so badly abused in one life your next life it still affects you! kind of an odd child, gets along better w/congruence than the other kids but thinks of cal is like a brother. doing ok until helios lands and then it’s like. h
avoids vace like the plague, despises/is afraid of him but doesn’t realize why until after sol starts understanding dreams more. when he dies i think sol wants to be like Good Riddance but. cant fully. approaches rex bc sol want to know What’s Up With The Whole Rex+Vace Deal, end up falling pretty hard. dating sym also, the three of them living together is an Experience i think. dies full of Love.
15) solana (he/him tguy, peace end, athlete)
rambunctious! cheerful! kind of dumb! falls in love w/cal from a young age and is convinced they’re gonna grow up and get married and is subsequently crushed when cal starts dating tammy instead esp bc. cal sort of. lead them on a bit w/it. slowly falls in love w/dys in the aftermath.
a bit immature. plays sportsball even in the middle of war, tension with both cal And nem as a result despite still being their bffs. he and nem are on opposite sportsball teams for the rest of their lives and yet go out for drinks after constantly. she’s his sister, basically! dies pretty happy w/how things turned out
16) solanaceae (she/they, neutral end, merchant)
greedy greedy greedy. wants money and love and attention, time and people and things, everyhting you can think of she wants it. she marz and tang are the Terrible WLW Trio of Girls Who Might Be Dating. bit of a soft spot for dys she can’t quite rationalize, will be kind to him when she’s not to anyone else. fond of rex as well.
she and marz flirt by flirting with tang, aka the person she Actually likes. pretty happy when they finally hook up, but isn’t devastated by the breakup as much as she is.... left hollow. another mistake on top of everyhting else (capitalism, dys vanishing, girl shes liked forever dumping her, also theres maybe a fleet from earth coming but haha dw abt it) she tells rex abt the fleet maybe a year? before it shows up. dies wishing desperately she had been able to be kinder.
17) solana (he/him tguy, peace end, professor) x
sugary sweet! childhood friends with tammy, they’re v similar people. loves her a lot, cannot wait to be best man at her wedding to cal LOL. despite his gentle demeanor he is also absolutely the kind of guy to do Whatever It Takes for the ppl he loves (ie poisons uncle tonin to keep him alive LOL)
thinks nomi is like, the coolest person in the universe when they meet bc they can MAKE things. so so stupid about them. when they start dating its embarrassing for everyone but they are so happy together no one can actually say anything. dies happy but wishing he was more confident in himself/brave
aaaaaaaaanyways that’s the current list. for Now. there may be more coming. i have offshoots of some of these as well that may or may not pop up wwww generally for fic that isn’t set with a specific sol i tend towards an nb sol closest to personality+dreams to my sixth sol? cheerful and trying to help but also Just A Kid about it!
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shegottosayit · 1 year
@widgenstain posted this to all and I'm doing it
1. are you named after anyone? On my mom's side of the family a tradition has emerged for girls to be named with the same first letter as their mothers grandmother. I'm not gonna say what my letter is but it's on my brother to do an E if he wants to. (please see below)
2. when was the last time you cried? Cried? This afternoon. Full on sobbed? Last week I think. Maybe the week before. Caught me at the right time for that one.
3. do you have kids? Lol
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know. Do I?
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? Their height. I'm 5'1" and am aware of the world around me.
6. what’s your eye color? Blue. The eye dr I recently went to was like "you have such beautiful green eyes! maybe some hazel flecks" I questioned everything about my life. But then I got home and stared in the mirror and took closeup pics of my eye. And blue.
7. scary movies or happy endings? I don't understand this. Can't a scary movie have a happy ending? Idk for sure because I don't watch scary movies but that just seems to make sense to me.
8. any special talents? I'm a really good cat bed
9. where were you born? New York City
10. what are your hobbies? Ummm... Walking to Trader Joe's and Target?
11. have you any pets? I have a Quimby
12. what sports do you play/have you played? In my youth I did a lot and was good at nothing
13. how tall are you? 5'1" maybe 5'2"
14. favorite subject in school? Choir. Beyond that I was there and ready and wanting to learn everything but I didn't have any teachers who made me care about a subject
15. dream job? Andrew Scott's travel bestie. Wherever he goes he'll have a friend. Me. I'll also run lines with him and if there's a kiss in the scene I'll jump in. To help him. Thats why.
I'm going to take inspiration from the open call I responded to and invite all to do it if you want. It's fun! Tag me if you do! Or don't! You do you!
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Thursday, February 8th, 2024!
11:26am Absolute hell of a week. This is an autistic planner's nightmare of a week. I am burnt out. That's really kind of it lol. The M-F 9-5p work schedule I worked so hard to stick to the past two semesters has just gone out the window bc of my disorganized teachers and school program. There's no standards, no respect of personal time, and they're just like 🤷🤷 tHaTs HoW rEAl LiFE wOrKS no tf it is not!!!!! Where tf have y'all worked you guys need better jobs ffs. Nobody's boss should be changing things after 5pm, sending emails at 10pm FOH bruh 😑
7:04pm... Accidentally deleted my rant, long story short, I don't miss the gaslighting, narc, bipolar ass shitshow, insecure, little dick boy. Borderline threatening, 100% your shit will be on the porch now. Go ahead and take the cats please, I would love to see how that goes. N&T don't talk to him anymore, his own dad and stepmom don't talk to him anymore (which means his little sisters too). He hasn't just burned bridges he's literally burning the whole town down. Please just stfu fr. If you didn't want my opinion ... Why tf are you telling me dumb shit it's not like I'm digging for or asking for this information it just keeps showing up on my doorstep. Wtf is wrong with him, weird ass bitch.
Oh yeah and they've been dating 5+ months, went through all the holidays, about to be Valentine's/ bday next week.... And you guys are still arguing about me??? Wtf WHY THO? 🏃💨🚩🤡❤️🤡🚩 Shit is toxic affffff the man wasn't too solid to begin with I can't imagine this is helping him.... Karma bro
I just can't believe how cringe that whole conversation was, like do you seriously have nothing better to do than start random drama like you're a fucking 14 yo girl?? I meant what I said dude, get a grip. Ppl only get mad when you say true things, ppl don't get mad about lies 🤡
0 notes
pesterloglog · 6 months
Jake English, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 5805-5814
GT: Roxy?
GT: Rox! What is she saying?
GT: Talk to me roxy!!!
GT: Please dont leave me hanging here.
GT: I cant take it i cant bear having two of my closest chums hate me and then having you shut me out on top of that!
TG: ok sheesh jake calm ur microshorts
TG: im here
GT: Ah there you are.
GT: Im sorry for being a pest but i just see jane there pecking away at conversations with you and dirk and it feels like youre all kind of leaving me behind.
TG: no jake nobodys doin that
GT: Ok yeah im probably being paranoid...
GT: But ive done such a bangup job of alienating my other friends.
GT: So youre the only one i can talk to for now.
GT: Wait i havent alienated you yet have i?
TG: nah dont worry we are still humanated
GT: Are you really sure roxy? Are you sure youre not just trying to spare my feelings?
GT: You can be honest with me! If you hate me now too please just say so.
TG: no i dont hate you i promise youre still my bro god dammit!
GT: Ok. Phew!
GT: Then talk to me!
TG: um
TG: about what
GT: I dont know. Anything! What are you talking about with jane?
TG: my drinkin problems
GT: I see.
GT: Would you like to talk about them with me? Maybe i could help!
TG: damn jake
TG: like
TG: that is cool and appreciated in theory?
TG: but this is some kinda heavy shit 4 me
TG: i rly dunno if i can do double duty on my alcoholism with you and jane simultaneously
GT: Oh. Yeah thats probably not the best way to go.
TG: yes prolly not
GT: Sooo then. What else is there we can chew the old fat about?
GT: Really bond over together in an emotionally fulfilling manner?
TG: dag you are an extra silly guy
GT: Well??
TG: dunno j why dont u tell me what youre thinkin an we go from there
GT: Alright.
GT: So. That sure was a doozy of a kiss you gave dirk there huh?
TG: LOL fuck
TG: yeaaaahhh
GT: How was it?
TG: it was
TG: uuuummmmm
GT: Go on!
TG: it was fuckin INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!
TG: and yet
TG: and yet.........
TG: omg it was so choice
TG: but wrong!
TG: wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
GT: I dont know. It seemed innocent enough to me.
GT: What was so wrong about it?
TG: a whole host of things...
TG: not sure in how much detail i wanna spell out why exactly it wasnt cool
TG: but like
TG: jake ur a pretty simple guy and i mean that as <3ways as possible
TG: it just wasnt right
GT: No disagreement there. But like i said im here to talk about whatever you feel like.
TG: ok see this is just another embarrassing thing from my past
TG: when i was more out of control
TG: with dirk i was just
TG: waaay too aggressive
TG: i hassled him all the time
TG: pretty much every day just like he said
TG: about
TG: me and him
TG: like
TG: yeah
TG: so not cool lookin back on it
TG: and i had no excuse i always knew he was just
TG: SUCH a gay dude
TG: and i guess maybe hitting on a guy who dont like girls once or twice maybe is alright or even flattering but after so long it was probably just pissing him off or messing with his head or something
TG: it def wasnt what he wanted to hear from a friend
TG: let alone day in and day out through garbled drunktexts
TG: so when i fuckin harassed him into kissin me...
TG: it just brought back some low rent shit i thought we put behind us
TG: just another way i completely humiliated myself in front of him
GT: So is that why you cant talk to him now?
TG: mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm
GT: I certainly have no trouble relating to that.
TG: yep
TG: i dont even know why really
TG: hes like taciturn to the max about everything
TG: but theres somethin about him
TG: that just makes it hurt to feel like you let him down
GT: You really love him dont you?
TG: siiigh
TG: yeah jake i guess
TG: the answer is
TG: a categorical unapologetic fucking 'yeah'
TG: but
TG: i dont think that was much a secret
TG: and the fact that it was so LOUDLY not a secret exemplified my stupidity on the matter
GT: Its fair to say i never came close to feeling as strongly about him as you.
GT: I envy you actually. Ive actually worried at times that i just wasnt capable of feeling that way about anyone.
GT: And maybe thats why i was just meant to be alone.
TG: ehh you aint missin much
TG: love is a brutal shitninja w/ turds 4 nunchucks
TG: be grateful that stank ass motherfuckers flippin out nowhere near you
GT: I noticed you nearly slipped that wedding ring on his finger!
TG: oh GOD
TG: that ring
GT: You almost scooped my boyfriend out from under me in one fell proposal.
TG: oh DID i
TG: from under u eh? ;)
GT: Wait. No i mean...
TG: ;););););) wonks 4 eternity
TG: easy dude just messin
GT: Oh.
GT: Ha ha ok.
TG: man
TG: that ring tho
TG: what happened to it do you remember?
GT: Not really.
TG: god damn it
TG: must of lost it when i was a FUCKING trickster
TG: sflkjfslkfj
TG: *shakes fist @ all trxstrs*
GT: Did you need it for something?
TG: need it?
TG: not really
TG: i just really liked that ring
TG: kinda spoke to me in a way
TG: hehe
TG: want to know something lame?
GT: Yes.
TG: the moment i first saw that ring
TG: i was like in my head
TG: thinkin
TG: some day i want to give that ring to the person i marry
TG: whoever that is
GT: Daw.
GT: Thats not lame thats nice.
TG: nah its pretty lame but w/e
TG: shows what sorta one track mind i got
TG: god i am obsessed with findin somebody to kiss arent i
TG: it is rly quite pathetic
TG: although the funny thing is the ring turns you invisible
TG: which might be my subconscious telling me something about my lovelife
TG: like i find a guy of my dreams
TG: slip it on his finger
TG: and POOF he disappears!
TG: bye bye hubby
TG: o well dont matter
TG: the ring is gone
TG: and with it so too
TG: are my lame, lame dreams ;(
0 notes
satsumaspeach · 10 months
January 25
You are my only romantic fiction
February 13
Well I don't know, I enjoy you
March 28
If I am a sapiosexual flirt the answer is you
April 19
Don't be sad though, think what you have achieved in the last few months. Your much better off than you were and you only narrowly missed out on this job. Not because you couldn't do it but becsuse they preferred another candidate for their own personal reasons.
Not entirely, but you are a friend who I would not wish to hurt
April 27
Always a good choice is my favourite as well x
April 29
Make the most of it you deserve it.
Don't cry, toast to your success and go to bed more than satisfied with all you have accomplished.
May 3 (Chicken Wings)
Saw that on TV and thought of you
May 5 (Maria Ressa)
The thought of my two favourite Filipinos working together lol
Well I had faith in you so eventually I believed that you would change your mind
May 17
It's been a long day for me too. I think you'll like this one https://youtu.be/seZMOTGCDag get some rest and enjoy and sleep well
Its very chilled I listened to it this morning and thought of you.
May 29
Hi Ri I am fine, my weekend is still going and is a good one, I managed to achieve what I needed to yesterday and was busy fixing the garden. I have heard people say before how reading an old book is like revisiting an old friend but not being a reader of books its not something that I have experienced. I am glad you enjoy it though. Why do you say your existence is stagnant is it because you are still yearning for change or because you are missing something? I found that when I was younger I would think about doing great things, but growing up and growing older is a process of coming to terms with the limitations of life and the constraints of this world, realising what actually is important. So find your place in this world, enjoy it and continue to flourish because I know that your existence can never be stagnant x
June 3
Morning Ri x, hope you are well. How has your week been? Have you connected with the real world a bit more. I would ponder that on my trip into London each day. Please remember I am always wishing for the best for you x.
Thats okay I thought a lot about messaging you but based on your previous reply I thought maybe I give you a little time. I kind of thought thats why you hadn't messaged.
June 4
Morning Ri, I am not sure if it is a long or short 6 months. So much has changed since we first spoke but it also doesn't feel like that long ago. Its very suprising what an awkward conversation can lead to and sometimes its the unexpected things that give us the greatest joy.
June 7
You have to remember alcohol is a strong social drug
Lol, the trick is to drink a little, which is good for overcoming anxiety and involves you into their social customs…. but not too much.
June 9
Well there is questions about most efficient and flexible way for governments to meet the needs of people, but by creating federal states there is a risks… such as fueling those areas want for independence or increasing the divide between areas
July 7
Keep excelling and using your muggle born magic lol
July 10
I wil toast the girl for swatting up better than even the swattiest of swats 🍻
July 14
I would say always take positive steps, if you are unsure of your current work the answer is not to step backwards but find a way of taking another step.
Personally I don't think your reasons are strong enough to make the decision to go back. You were overworked,your colleagues were lazy they relied on you too much, you worked crazy hours, you horrendous travel and no expenses.
Also, going back seems like an easy option… its certainly an easy option for them. However recruiting you to the same position doesn't make me think they value you as much as they should and once they have done that where is the progression, where is the incentive for them to proactive in helping you progress.
Also, going back seems like an easy option… its certainly an easy option for them. However recruiting you to the same position doesn't make me think they value you as much as they should and once they have done that where is the progression, where is the incentive for them to proactive in helping you progress.
What you should have learnt after quitting is that you have talent and those talents are saleable. Be the ambitious and driven person that you are.
July 15
Not everyone no
July 26
Hopefully your life is clicking again where you can find comfort in both your personal and professional life.
August 4
I think you are more successful than you realise, I am pleased that finally you feel appreciated at work. I hope that this vindicates your decision to battle through for a bit longer and proves that you arethe person that she hired 😀.
August 9
I hope you will figure things out. Our conversations correlate with a big change in your life and I believe a very positive one. Relationships are often formed and grounded by shared experiences, so aside from lust, thats how more meaningful bonds are created.
August 10
The problem is its not the movies and the world is not ideal, no matter how much you can try to be okay and pretend to understand… really how are you supposed to feel. Especially when you would not have done the same thing. In the movies romance conquers all and love is something that shines through and is even strengthened by adversity. I completely understand how terrible such a thing is and the damage that it can cause. But you get have continue on, find new meaning and eventually be brave enough to trust someone again.
And thats the cruelty of it a mental scar that is not visible to anyone but you.
August 11
It would be easier if you were a slut, but you may be lonely and weird and have misplaced beliefs, but above all you are caring
Well I don't think it will be easy to forget you.
You are a complication, not what I originally expected
Something I shouldn't exploit
Someone so open to be loved and to love with the fullness of their heart
September 2
I do realise. I like your deeply affectionate nature. However it also worries me because in searching for affirmation you show that you are vulnerable and fragile. I wish you could just be Ri and enjoy life, confident in how great you are (but not big headed lol). The question is what am I a friend, a part time lover or a projection of your wants and desires. I think it has been a muddle of them all. I am not sure what I can be for you, or what is best for you. I would just like you to be happy.
0 notes
theskyexists · 10 months
Perhaps I will never find a book again that deals with female characters as protagonists the way I want again.
Anyway I try again! The world in a different place of the world. The Hallowed Hunt. The Weald. Makes sense that she'd pull demons riding humans and making up a balance out of the book - that's what I WAS THINKING.
So the girl was given away to be raped by a prince..uh huh. And she called on the Son of Autumn. I guess thats somehow a bit more effective than calling on the Daughter of Spring???? What are the Daughters weapons? The gender determinism in this (violence IS COSMOLOGICALLY a man's job, right, capability) is grating on me more and more.
But it seems strangely coincidental that the leopard also had a demon...or maybe he could see it. Or maybe she just got the one from the Prince.
Ah she thinks the truth can be seen as self-evident. The truth will be hidden of course. Ingrey has a decision to make. He doesn't conceive of it that way as of yet, pretends he's neutral, that the judge can be swayed and he won't have a say??
His duty is to deliver the girl. But he was also the investigator on the site. HELLO
What is it with this author and always hating on the female servants for being frightened, chatty, weak.
Oh damn, so r these animal spirits demons or just animal spirits? And then you don't go to heaven. Well. That sucks. In this land of certain heaven. Oh. Now they say the Wealdings DID worship the gods. Then why forsake your damn soul.
Always the men have to be older and more experienced. And if not, then always Ista must have equal men galore. And always women must prove somehow more capable than expected
Didn't save her, she saved herself, then tried to kill her, almost drowned, she saves him. Lol. But no romance please.....
Ah, she is the son's chosen...oh. she's not. But she MUST be. Ah the animal acts as spiritual channel.
So this animal stuff is wholly different from demons. It is the Son's business. Goes to show that even the Quintarian (ofc) can do genocides etc.
They assume HES saved her. Urgghg
Man. This better turn into a triumph for Ijada
Ok. So vines from all gods....but they are bad....
So why would disorder from a demon allow the animal spirits to lead their humans to a second reality.
It honestly seems that the Wealdings weren't half wrong about taking animal spirits within them. But is it really true that then they can't be taken up by their gods?? Who would do that to themselves???
Why is it that Ingray loses time and control of his body to his wolf when Ijada is perfectly at peace and one with her Leopard lol
I'm starting to warm up to the romance. That's because protagonist is a bit of a failman though normally quite competent, and his refusal to be a tool has stirred. It seems like he might be Ijadas equal and he is spiritually attracted to her (as well)
Yes. Ingray is leashed to some death centaur still...
They call the son ' brother' here. Is the Daughter also Sister?
Starting to like how the protag is falling all over himself discounting himself
Ah. A horse. Wencel is absolutely the man who has Ingray on a leash.
Does Wencel carry a demon on top of his animal?
Does Ingrey not REALISE that Wencel is digging and planting and trying to get rid of them??
Why would Wencel share this knowledge about the animal-god? Ijada might be right to say that he simply wants others to KNOW, smugly delightedly. But clearly he is possessed with a very old animal-spirit, passed down Horseriver kin.
Ah but so is Ingrey's. That's why he saw so much history.
It seems Ijada is also of some deep line, her dower being the genuine site of great genocide
Maybe Wencel yet aims to marry Ijada somehow to come by her dower. But he doesn't need to legally own it to enter.
The Ice Bear is the Daughters? No of course not - the Bastards. Forgot that the Bastard is also the Son's brother lol
Good thing Jokol the prince is himself deeply in love. He will surely want to help Ingrey. 'yep I love someone- she beat a prince to death bc he wwas trying to rape her at the time.' Lol
Oh. To be so an intimidating man as to be able to intimidate your very own master.
He did pretty well teling Hetwar and the Prince off. Appealing to higher ends, the gods, practical considerations, personal revenge (his).
The author is a woman, and I am sure it is nice j( I thought so) to inhabit the freedom's and greater powers and particular problems of patriarchy as a man. An insanely gifted man, always, of course. Bit i cannot inhabit it fully, when there is always such a tempting female character around to inhabit instead - not as object of pursuit, affections, admiration. But as subject....
I like how Ingrey is decidedly different from Ista and Cazaril - more doubtful.
Ah. The king was already immortal and bound. So that is who Wencel is.
Really describing some serious genocidal maniacry here. Darthacans were pretty crazy about colonising the Weald. I don't believe for a second that the Weald was so bad.
Ah right. The problem of empire. One sets boundaries to the land where one's people dwells. Then they are picked at by the other people, the enemy now. You campaign against them, conquer, set boundaries further in, but now these must be defended, and are picked at. And aren't you justified? Better to genocide the lot, make it all empire in one, for peace. For peace!
Yes well - Wencel the ancient animal spirit is telling them because he must emotionally tell them.
OH! So the Son comes to Ingrey but not to Ijada???
Yep there you go. They split animal from human spirit after death. No problemo. The Darthacans were idiots
So why does HE command the animal spirits. Anywayyyy. Ah because Ijada needs to be grateful to him. For no reason
Jeeze she's laying out magical possibilities and then when you think you've pinned it down she extends those possibilities AGAIN
If Ingrey is the Wencel Old Weald Prince heir then why would Wencel throw him away like that. I guess there must be other options. A younger Scion somewhere
So Ingrey or Wencel has to become King in order to break the spell and restore the old Weald. Doesn't make much sense that Horseriver king never headed a cultural campaign, and never aimed for the kingship.
The book will end as such: they will kill Wencel and in that moment call his melted hodgepodge of a soul out and into the Son's hunt. But not before Ingrey becomes king (breaking the spell and making such a thing possible). All in the same moment
Wouldn't it be great to be saved by a good, funny, wnd wonderful godblessed woman and be able to offer service and know that you were contributing to good with absolute certainty on a deeply personal level as well? Now that would be a good life. Every day a day of gratitude and friendship
This was the FIRST time he could have stolen the kingship back???
'The terrible charisma of kings... men crept close, longing to bask in it, for something more than material reward. The lure of heroism, the benediction of action, might have only death for its prize, and yet men flocked to the king's banner. The seductive promise of perfection of self in service to this high bright-seeming thing?'
Aha. The sons got elected before the fatherss died.
So .... They did a big spell that would have made the warriors immortal but only the king was in it yet. The gods did not come to help them and let them be slaughtered by Audar. (Seeing how much they meddle to resolve sticky supernatural situations - why can't they goddamn well meddle in politics some more). The culture was destroyed and colonised. They struggled free politically but very like their conquerers now. The king kept going and going, the warriors killed there could not reach the gods, and their souls could not be taken up anyway because of the animals. The king was so upset by the gods betrayal that he kept the place closed from the gods. Audar must have known and deliberately genocided 4000 not just lives but also eternities. The king tried to break the spell, because it was torment, and he could not get back the Old Weald. But he needed the Hallowed Kingship and the Banner woman and the Shaman to cut the loop of the spell. But how in the hell did that bit of Hallowed Kingship even end up in the current King? If the old Bannerman never made it out of the slaughter?
And what was up with that heart on the banner??? Why half half? What ???
The magic in this was elaborate and elaborately elaborated and in the beginning the mysteries too spoken and in the end the mysteries not enough explained.
0 notes
trendfag · 11 months
ok the REASON i needed a drink is that ok im going to arizona flying into phoenix well i had a layover in kansas city but there was bad weather in kc today so my first flight got delayed like an hour and so i missed my connecting flight and you know i had a really stressful week filling in for my mom like have you ever been an autistic trans girl filling in for an office manager of a dentist office? that shit is stressful!!! AND i met with an advisor at a community college to enroll in some classes on wednesday and NO ONE knew i was even in the process of enrolling in classes except for my therapist…i told my boss who is my moms best friend because she was talking to one of my coworkers about going from working mon tue wed to tue wed thurs…and so i was like wellll i just enrolled in classes for tues thirs…i was kind if implying like “please keep doing mon tue wed because i just enrolled in classes for tues thurs and i want to keep working here” but she said like after being like omg thats so great bc shes my moms best friend and so she cares about me as a person she was like “well dont worry about it you can come in just whenever youre free dont worry about it” which is very nice i do love my boss she is really so great i cannot rave enough about my boss like yes she is my moms best friend but i see her like fighting herself because shes caught in the whole “i need ti charge more because i have a family i need to support” vs “i am in dentistry because i want to help people feel good about their teeth and im very empathetic and i want to just do everything for everyone but also if i do that then i wont be able to send my children to the schools i want them to go to including my son with a learning disability but who loves the school specifically for kids with learning disabilities that i decided would be good for him after seeing how he didnt do well in the school his brother goes to” like you know i love my boss sorry i dont remwbwr what this was all about uhmmmmmmmmm…………ok but anyway i like chose my classes so id still be able to work most of the time theyre open but its fine its whatever also im sure my mom will probably talk her out of it….if im being completely honest i dont remember what this post was originally supposed to be about im drunk off two shots of tequila + a can of redbull sorry…i still have like an hour and a half before i start boarding! im going to eat like a chicken sandwich there is one that has avocado yayayayayayayayay
ok basically i was saying ive been really stresseed all week because i had to answer phones and make calls abf basically be the face of the practice (except all my coworkers are soooooo nice and considerate and think about me it wasnt like THAT bad) but it was still stressful like even watching my mom do her job is stressful sometimes much less doing it MYSELF!?!?!! so i got a drink because of my work and also because i missed my connecting flight so now im drunk…like that feels so stupid to be like yeah im drunk off two shots of tequila plus a redbull red (watermelon flavor it literally didnt cover the tequila at all) i think i might text my friend from college…anyway im here at my gate i still have like two hours before boarding im going to watch drag race lol…i thi k i’ll go to the bathroom first anf maybe get something to eat well i am hungry…i should text my cousins as well
0 notes
soopscoop · 1 year
life adventures log 5
june 27, 2023
haiii!!!!! :3
you are currently in a silly and goofy mood because you just woke up from a nap and now you’re super hyper. you were messing around in the bathroom and had the sudden urge to write. its been a bit!
its been 2 months of summer so far. you’ve been keeping busy by doing commissions, playing video games, hanging out with friends, and surprisingly, working! its been a very busy summer, but it somehow feels more fun than the previous. yesterday you began your summer class, so hopefully the fun wont be drowned out by work.
you absolutely adore your friends. truly the dearest things to you right now. you never fail to have a great laugh with them whenever they’re around! please continue to always be there for them and let them know that you can talk to them about anything at all :)
in about a month, your friend’s debut is going to be held. you are beyond excited. you’re dancing in beautiful gowns and suits with all of your closest friends and the practices are giving you plenty of time together. you worry for her. she’s so sweet, the world might eat her up. you pray for her.
you miss college. although you will be away from your friends here at home, you cant help but miss how life was as an independent (kinda). next semester you will aim to not be at home as often, as to live a more independent life (mom thinks its because you will be busier). you want to see if you can really do it (you want to show how capable you are!!).
you can really tell that you and everyone around you is getting older. your parents are aging, your grandparents are getting frailer, your friends are being as independent as you are. its a bit jarring. but its exciting none the less. the future seems bright!
you feel very naive. beginning work makes you feel not as capable as other people. its very jarring to be a newbie at something again, and working at an ice cream shop is making that feeling very apparent. its like, you know you can do something, but you still haven’t gotten to the point where you’ve gained enough experience to meet not only everyone’s expectations, but your own. your coworker said the training was garbage anyways so maybe you aren’t as incapable as you think lol.
you hate feeling incapable. a friend went into heat stroke and it just tore at your heart to not know what to do. the ice cream job makes you feel like an idiot all the time. being at home with your grandmother makes you practically go insane because she still treats you like you’re 5. you are naive! guys, let her live in her delusion in peace!
you like doing things at your own pace. if only life went as slow as you liked going then things would be alright. thats clearly not how it works haha
its june. for a couple of months you’ve been considering things. putting your life into perspective, some may say. like, no cis girl would ever say “god intended me to be a boy before he put me on this earth.” like wow you never really thought it about that way until a little recently, but its been this way for awhile hasn’t it. genderfluid? perhaps? and you dont think you’re bi, not like how you’ve said in the past. every time you think back to that one time you told your roommates that you were questioning about being bi you cringe. thats like. no. it was a little embarrassing and pretty wrong. maybe. idk man. about a year ago you watched the jaiden animaitons aroace video and that definitely resonated with you then, but then suddenly men became so hot..? hormones? insanity? both? maybe you’ll understand when you’re older.
you’ve said to a friend “i think i like men in a... gay way?” they didn’t understand, and honestly, neither do you LMAO. there’s definitely something fruity about you, thats for sure.
you hope you can become someone to love. someone better than the present you. you dont mind being by yourself, and you feel content with the people in your life as of now, but you wouldn’t mind having someone to hold, yknow? anyone? or maybe i should make moves? you feel like you would be such a good partner. thats probably a lie. 
you are a feminist. there have been little things happening around you that just set you the wrong way lately. you remember that women have a place in the world and its never been completely fair. its something you just kinda.. deal with? but you know for sure that there are plenty of men that you sit high above on your beautiful and sexy throne. go babes go.
you’ve been feeling better about your body. its getting smaller. you cant help but think if its just terrible beauty standards or your own personal goal. its both probably. keep it up to at the very least be healthy! take care of yourself please!
as of now, life is good. if only it went a little slower.
cyanide - daniel caesar
smithereens - twenty one pilots
with all the love and appreciation,
past you
p.s. you want these to be seen when you die. a little bit of a tonal change but like, yeah. you want people to know who you are. you want to be seen. you’ll probably write down the log in info in your phone or something. idk!
0 notes
vorrentis · 2 years
M Reader x Sana - Irresistible Love~
Tumblr media
This is gonna be an interesting smut fic.
This DOES contain NON-CON and it is INCEST.
So if you’re squeamish at the idea of it, please go past it or don’t read if you want.
I marked the non-con below, but don’t worry, it’s not non-con afterwards.
Sorry to anyone if this makes you uncomfortable, I plan on making a regular version of this soon.
WORDS: 17023
New updated smuts, even non-con smut as well, and story with grammar fixes and better flow.
Tags: NON-CON, INCEST, and just about everyone else lol
Imagine your 10-year-old self was just playing with your dinosaur toys when suddenly your mom suddenly came back home...and introduced you to your new adopted sister. 
Of course you didn't understand at first, but later, but your parents told you that they adopted this girl because of issues with her parents. 
She had no where to go as you went towards her with your toy dinosaurs.
"Hi, I'm Sana."
"I'm (YN)."
"Cool toys." She pointed.
"Thanks, want to play?"
And just like that a new friendship was born. 
You and Sana have been living together since; growing up and school together, but one issue about her; Sana was incredibly shy.
She would hang out with you constantly and you didn't mind, but now in high school, you would have to help her make new friends and adjust to being able to live on her own. 
And thats what you did in your first three years, she was now comfortable with others, but going into your senior year...things made a drastic turn in your life.
Both eighteen  and you both had to move due to your parent's job to relocate, moving  to a new foreign state of (wherever you want) and transferred to the nearest high school. 
Of course being the 'new' kids was tough especially since it was your senior year, but you both had each other so it wasn't that bad.
During the first week of your new high school, Sana would still be around you, you however already made a couple of friends, but she would try to be with you. Since this was a new school, she was going back to her old ways.
Eventually you told her that she would need to make some friends eventually.
"What if they don't like me?” She asked as you smiled.
"Then do something to make them like you." You replied as Sana pondered about this and then seemed to got an idea. 
Little did you know, it was a big mistake for you.
And now, you were regretting those words.
You were currently sitting in your desk reading a book when you heard Sana's voice. She was talking to her next 'target'.
'Target' because everyone here knows that Sana...was now known as the girl to fuck if you needed to get some release out.
She did not care who it was, girl/guy, she would go on and say yes to almost every request. Sometimes she would even go up to people and without saying a word, they would just go with her somewhere to fuck.
You needed to be up to Sana's standards and that's not high, but it's still there. 
If you pleased her enough, you'll get her again. 
Of course she only said no to a handful of students, mostly the ones who seemed like they lasted a couple of seconds.
Oh and you...
I know, I know, you're her step brother, but lately...you just couldn't help it. Your damn hormones were rising up and while the girls were cute at school, none of them compared to the goddess of your sister.
 You wanted to get in on it...well get in her. 
It was the worse, not only does she seem to be teasing you here with her version of the school uniform.
A shirt that she ties up to show her bust size with a bit of cleavage showing, her skirt that somehow is a bit shorter than the average skirt to show off the legs and if your lucky to see, a bit of her perfect butt. You don't understand how teachers aren't seeing this.
Her looks alone could make you hypnotized, but then add in her assets and the way she shows them off. God help us.
Of course she was never around you during school anymore after the first week. She was there in classes, but during transitions, you overhead that she gives BJ's in the clean up closet. Before school, she already had a guy prepped for her. And even during lunch she was often gone to get her daily 'exercise'.
Now you wished that the person she was talking to was you. Before you didn't even know that Sana could be like this, but...
“Where the hell is she?” 
Classes had ended a while back and you were sent to find Sana as your parents were waiting and you figured she was held up by her friends and started to search for her. 
You called her cell, but no reply, so you decided to check around the deserted school with very few students around.
After your search seemed worthless , you decided to check the roof as a last resort, that was her favorite spot when she had free time so maybe she was up there.
Luckily the door was open and you barely approached the roof door when you heard strange noises from behind the door. 
You peeped through the door opening and your eyes widened, because through the crack of the door…
“What the fuck…”
You were watching Sana on top of a guy, but the part that got you was that Sana was naked and clearly, she was having sex with the male as Sana was bouncing and riding the man for everything he was worth.
Her breasts were heaving up and down as Sana had her hands on the man’s chest, whom was still clothed except his pants were around his ankles.
Yet Sana’s clothing was all around her and him as her butt rode up and down with speed, both their eyes were shut so they couldn't see you and they were clearly  holding in their groans. 
The position they were in had a perfect view of the side of them, but more on Sana as your mouth gaped as you saw the unbelievable sight to you. 
Sana, your sister, was having sex! 
Just right here! 
The door wasn’t even locked so they clearly didn’t care if they were caught!
It was wrong. 
You shouldn't be spying on her. 
But you could only stare and watch in fascination as the bulge in your crotch was begging to be attended to, but you couldn't move nor figure out what you should do.
“Oh god, so good~” Sana moaned, but she didn’t yell it out as her head leaned back, her breasts now in full on view as you were hypnotized by her hardened nipples and clearly the guy was too as his hands went up to grab them.
"Sana...you feel so good...I'm gonna cum..." He told her as she lowered her head slightly to look down at him.
"Me too..." She replied back as he smiled at her. 
He smiled back at her and took his hands to grab her by the waist and slightly lift her ass up and then continued to pound inside her and focused mainly on his thrusts and release. 
"Ahhh...I'm cumming!" He then thrusted into her once more as Sana remained still and moaned as they were huffing.
You knew he came in her as your eyes widened!
After ten seconds Sana then hovered up from him, his penis now disengaged and flopped onto his chest as you saw plastic over his cock and Sana’s very damp vagina as she stood up.
“Damn now that was something...” Sana moved herself around and started to collect her clothing.
“It very much was~”
The male didn’t move as he looked at Sana.
“Got time for one more?” 
“Sorry, I really got to go, maybe tomorrow?” She asked as the guy nodded and Sana started to put her undergarments on the the guy pulled his pants up.
Seeing as how they were getting ready, you shook your head and left quickly towards the lobby.
You were sitting in the lobby seats, images of Sana was dug into your mind.
You received a text from Sana saying sorry for not answering and asked if you can wait a bit more while you left the two and said that you could go to her, but she said that she’ll come to you instead and just wait in the lobby. 
Still dazed you replied with a yes and here were thinking...
'When I meant 'make them like you' I didn't actually mean doing that...that couldn't be Sana...it just couldn't...the Sana I know would never be like that...but it was her...and why did I 'felt' that way?' 
After about five minutes instead, Sana finally came down the lobby stairs to meet you in the lobby itself.
"(YN)! I’m sorry about the wait." She acted all cute like with her tone with her small smile, looking like nothing had happened to her. 
Hair was done and makeup was spot on.
"O-oh, it's okay." You said while standing but in your mind, you couldn't help but picture her clothes off.
As you both were walking towards the car to your parents, you couldn't help, but take sneak peeks at her. 
'Stop it (YN), that's your step-sister, you're family for fuck’s sake.'
"Are you okay (YN)?" She asked, clearly noticing your stares as you nodded..
"Y-yeah, just, worried about you," She gave a look at you.
“Worried?” She asked as you nodded.
“You know, about school and such, it’s getting to a point of exams you know,” You clearly kept control as Sana giggled and then…
She held onto you with one arm.
“Aww~ I’m happy that you care, but remember I have you to tutor me whenever I need it~” She winked at you as you gulped and nodded slowly, “but thank you (YN). You’re always caring for me~" She spoke sincerely.
"Uh, n-no problem." You replied while nearing the car of your dad's without another word spoken as Sana kept her hold on you.. 
'What have I done?' You asked yourself.
Of course, that was then, you thought maybe it was a secret new boyfriend, but the way she talked seemed like it was another case.
Four months since then, and you realized that it wasn’t a first.
Talks started to pop up about Sana and those rumors soon became nothing but reality. 
This is how it began, Sana took your advice and went up to make friends with the wrong crowd, at first it was a group of guys and one of them asked Sana out to which she said yes and well that date ended pretty happily for Sana as she went again and this time, she lost her virginity.
That excitement in bed had Sana thriving and while it didn’t last long between her and the guy, Sana started to see others and well, it got to her.
All the popularity she was getting, wrong reasons though, was making her feel out of this world and plus, she enjoyed having the sessions as it made her feel a whole sensation in her.
Though she didn’t go out with anyone after that first guy, she was still a popular girl that most men and women would talk about. 
She was indeed the fuck girl of the school. 
Of course, you didn't tell your parents, I mean what could you say.
Now here you are slightly agitated by her. 
You wanted to be with her and seeing her with others, just made you go insane with the lust for her as the bell rang for class to start and Sana would come in and sit, not without all eyes on her. 
You were at home, your parents weren't at home due to midnight shifts at work, but they left dinner for you two to eat.
"Sana, dinner is ready." You yelled out.
"Coming~" She said as she was going down the stairs and of course if you thought the school uniform was hot, her at home was another thing.
Wearing shorts that made her legs visible and her butt better by the shape it hunged to her, a crop top that was tight on her that fully exploited her sexy body. 
Her 'comfortable' clothing as she calls them while ‘torture’ clothing as you called them.
Living with her was a blessing and a curse. She was almost daring you to watch her.
You looked away at the sight, any more of that, and your cock was going to be noticed by her as she sat down.
“Hmm~ Looks good (YN)~ Arigato~” She gave you a smile as you turned to her, nodded, and looked away. 
Both ate quietly, just the cling clang of forks and knives as you kept looking at her, texting, and kept silently laughing at something…that caused you to be irate.
'Probably a new boy toy.' 
You thought as anger began to rise in you as you ate with newfound feelings. 
Dinner was done with as Sana put her utensils on her plate, yawning as she rose her arms up, her breasts going up with her as you stared at them for a second before looking down at your food as Sana lowered herself.
"Now that was good~”
“You want seconds?” You asked as Sana shook her head.
“Nah, I’m good, but thank you. I think I'm going to take a nap. I'm really tired from school today." Sana craned her neck as you sighed.
'I bet you are…' 
"No worries, I'll clean up." You said as Sana smiled and rose from her seat to go around and…
"Thanks (YN), you're the best~" 
However, the height difference of you sitting and her standing, your head was pushed against her breasts as you felt her body pressing onto you.
‘She’s killing me…’
“Good night (YN)~”
And with that, she went up the stairs as you watched her butt jiggle with each motion.
You sat there frustrated. 
You couldn't take it anymore, with all the gossip about how good she is and her wearing clothing like this in your home almost every day and jerking yourself off wasn’t doing any good as you wanted more.
‘Why should she sleep with every person she meets but me!?’
You glared while your fist curled.
“Fuck this, I’m gonna show you that I can be the best Sana…" You mumbled as you cleaned the table up.
After about an hour, you decided to go for it. 
It was currently around 9 PM.
Your parents informed you that they won't be home till maybe midnight due to an overload in some shipments.
You then went out of your room and sneaked into Sana's room, changed into loose clothing and no boxers on so you can quickly release your companion as you silently opened Sana's door and looked through the crack. 
You were in luck, she was sleeping and you were even luckier and now hornier. 
She was sleeping in her undergarments as well.
You tiptoed over to her knowing that she was a heavy sleeper since you had to wake her up most of the time to get her up, but you still had to be careful. 
You stood over her taking in her beauty, snoring softly and peacefully and legs spread as well.
And then at her body. 
There was literally nothing covering it all as she wore a matching set of lacey pink fabric that hugged her body well.
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
==================NON-CON SMUT START====================
The sight itself caused you to have more lust and you lowered a hand at her lower attire and carefully slide them to the right.
There it was, her pussy: shaven and slightly wet. 
Either she was having a wet dream or she played with herself before dozing off, either way, it was lubed and presented for you as you pulled down your shorts with your other hand to have your hardened cock out.
Sana being in this position also made it easy for you to figure a position out as you squalled down and held your cock next to her pussy and started to slowly slide in. 
“Oh god…”
The pleasure was too much for you as you mumbled your lust out. 
'How the hell can she be this tight?!' You thought.
 It took all your might to not moan out loud as Sana also let a slight moan, she was indeed likely having a wet dream now. 
You slid yourself in slowly and-
"Hmm-Wha-(YN)!? WHAT THE HELL-MMPHH!" You covered her mouth with your right hand.
She tried to push you away, but you were far stronger than her as Sana clamped her hands on your arms and face too, but it didn’t matter.
Then just like that something change in you. 
You didn't care about anything right then and there.
“I’m tired of letting others do what I want Sana, now, it’s my turn~” You uttered as Sana stopped moving for brief seconds before she continued struggling as you pushed her back towards the bed, laying her down on it as you straddled her hips and it made a new wave of anger noises from Sana and her muffled protests got louder.
You however just ignored her pleas and spread her legs forcefully to get a good look at her pussy and started rubbing above her opening, looking for her little pleasure bud. 
Once you had found her clit as shown by the involuntary bucking of her hips, you applied more and more pressure to it, forcing her towards a sensation that Sana did not want to experience. 
But she was panting, trying to resist giving in to the tightening coil in her loins but she couldn't help unraveling when you pressed hard on her clit. 
She was one to masturbate and have sexual cravings regularly but this really hit her with its intensity, making her almost forget where and with whom she was right now, it was so go-
You began pushing into her. 
Your cockhead stretched her opening as you forcefully pressed into her. 
Sana was protesting against the hand over her mouth at the intrusion and the feeling of being stretched so much, and yet only the head of you was actually inside her yet. 
All of her thoughts came to a halt as you began thrusting at a slow rhythm, trying to embed more and more of your cock in her with every thrust. 
Sana felt so tiny underneath you, her small frame dwarfed by you and you loved the feeling of your cock stretching her insides. 
But as much as you wanted to savor that feeling, your lust couldn’t hold itself any longer.
Sana groaned as you pushed your cock back into her pussy and began really fucking her with quick, hard thrusts that sent her tits bouncing and had her gasping in pain every time your thick cockhead would forcefully push against her cervix.
You loved watching your cock stretching her pussy to the limits every time you pushed it into her. 
This was way better to you than fucking your hand, and your sweet sister felt like heaven as you pounded into Sana. 
You were close to cumming, but wanted to feel her pussy clenching around you in orgasm as you came, so you reached your other hands down around her to rub her clit.
Sana, while her progress of thought was nulled, trying to escape your clutch, felt weakened and hated that it actually started to feel good when you rubbed her clit. 
The pain stood bearable now and pleasurable feelings were mixing in with the typhoon of emotions she was having, her mind urged to fight back but her body was arguing with this notion.
She still hated how you, her brother, were forcing her into this so much, but her body still responded to your ministrations the same as if this had been a voluntary experience.
She screamed, loud even through the hand on her mouth as she came in a haze of pleasure and pain. 
On one hand, Sana was disgusted and violated, yet the fact of the matter was that you were starting to make her very soaked no matter how much she tried to ignore it. 
She was thoroughly by this reaction of her body, but ultimately her pussy clamped down around your cock pushing you into your release too. 
“Fucking hell!”
You held yourself deep inside her as you shot jet after jet of hot cum right against the entrance to her womb, grunting and groaning in pleasure all the while… 
“Hmph! Hpmph!”
Naturally, Sana’s body reacted to your hot cum shooting inside her by drawing out her orgasm, pulling the cum deeper inside her every time her pussy contracted, leaving her in a blissful state of pleasure for almost a minute.
Once she came down from her high, Sana started feeling the aftermath of what had happened. 
She felt a weird warmth inside her where your cum was still lodged deeply by your now flaccid cock, only a small amount dripping out…and then she felt your hand move from her mouth.
“G-get out…” She uttered as you looked at her.
Sana kicked you right above your pelvic area with her leg that was free from your grasp. 
Her force was strong but you merely rubbed the area where she kicked. 
"Get out! Now!" She yelled, pointing at the door.
You then ran out of her room and into yours, quickly locking the door and pressing your back to the wooden panel, processing everything that happen. 
Seeing the look on her face...speaking of…
Sana laid on her bed, shocked and in disbelief about what happened. 
You, her own brother, just fucked her…no, you forced yourself onto her. She was lucky she was already under the affects of birth control pills as she felt your jizz empty out of her.
Why?...why would you-
“I’m tired of letting others do what I want Sana, now, it’s my turn~”
It’s no secret that everyone knows about her in school, but she didn’t think you-
Sana stared at the roof of her room, still feeling the after-sex emotions. 
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
==================NON-CON SMUT END====================
It's been three hard days for you and Sana. You both hadn't said a word nor even made eye contact with each other for more than seconds since that night.
You felt guilty, horrible, shame, or any negative that comes to your mind. 
You honestly had no idea what got over you that night.
It wasn't 'you' that was doing that to Sana, but like some other person, but that's no excuse. You wanted to talk to Sana, you really did, but you didn't have the courage to do so and she would avoid you as well.
Sana was just upright silent at you. 
She didn't want to have to do anything with you and distracted herself from you by doing what she was best at; getting with the best of the people in school that she knew of.
Unfortunately, nothing was working. 
Nothing was keeping you out of her mind.
And it was making things worse for her as she just finished a session with a woman this time.
Right now, she was on the floor of the backyard shed where they kept outdoor equipment. 
It was never locked so she came here wherever she wanted to after school when they didn't need the equipment which seemed like never, just as long as she cleaned up after.
The girl next to her was sweating hard while Sana looked like she hadn't even broken a sweat yet.
"Damn, you really were horny…my cunt is just numb…" She said while catching her breath. 
"Ehh…" Sana shrugged as the girl glanced at her.
"Ehh?” Confusion darted towards Sana and she turned her head, uninterested.
"As I said ‘ehh’. You can go now.” The girl sat up while shrugging.
"Alright, but if you need me again, just say so~" She winked at Sana  and put her clothes back on before cleaning herself with a towel the shed had and left Sana, still lying on the floor and in her thoughts as she grabbed her forehead with a hand.
'What's wrong with me...not even girls can make me stop!? Argh! Stop thinking about (YN)!' She thought to herself angrily. 
Nothing was working, each person she was with, her mind only reminded her of you. 
Especially the guys.
Whenever she looked at one who she was having sex with, she saw you in place. 
So much so that she almost mumbled your name on several occasions.
Sana lay there thinking, thought and thought, day after day about how to break this curse of you. 
“What can I do?! It’s not like I can just ask someone about this…” She groaned while closing her eyes.
She lay there until she came to a realization. 
A conclusion that she would never have thought of.
"Unless…c-can it be that I actually want...to have sex with (YN)?" She silently said to herself, now sitting up hearing her phone dinged. 
It was her mom asking where she was. 
Sana texted back saying she had to stay behind and learn more about something she didn't understand, but that she was on her way.
After that Sana cleaned herself up and left home.
The final thought of actually wanting sex with you dominate her mind. 
It was 9:32 PM
Sana was lying on her bed, still thinking about you and about that night. 
Even though she was trying her best to forget about it the past few days, she still had the idea of wanting you and just embraced the memory. 
Now the more she thought about it, the more she had a different view about it. 
It was wrong, really wrong, but Sana thought that you felt...different.
Different from all the others she's been with. 
Maybe it was since you were her step-brother...but no...it wasn't.
She remembered the way you looked. 
Powerful, intense, assertive; almost animal-like. 
Like you were on a mission and nothing was going to stop you with the way you looked at her with those intense eyes.
It almost turned her on, now that she was visioning it.
Your tone of voice when you told her that it was your turn, bottomless and alarming. She wouldn't be lying if she said that she got slightly wet from hearing you, but she would never admit that.
Then the fucking...my god the fucking, true you weren’t as buff as other guys, but something about you was...well she didn't know how to describe it. 
It was that exemplary.
Sana's phone lit up. She picked it up and saw a text from her mom.
Sana, your father and I are going to be working late again. 
Please tell your brother. He's not picking up his cell. 
Thanks and love you.
Ok, I will, be safe and love you too
After setting her phone down, Sana went back to her thoughts again. 
The more she thought, the more she came to that same conclusion back at the shed. 
Now she’s convinced of herself.
'It can't be...can it? I mean it's crazy...right?' She internally debated herself. 
She then sighed and sat up on her bed. 
'If this whole thing started with him, then I'm sure it has to end with him. But what am I going to say?' 
About 10 mins later, she was satisfied with what she was going to say to you, now standing up from her bed and heading straight to her brother’s room.
You were sitting at your desk in your room attempting to do homework. 
Key word: attempting.
Your mind was drifting to Sana every second. 
For the past days, you've been thinking of what to say...but what can you say?
Apologize for forcing yourself onto her? How does one even start with that?
You placed your head on your hands as you rubbed your temple. 
The only good thing about this is that Sana hasn’t told mom or dad, but she hasn’t said a word to you since as well as keeping up her reputation at school.
“God what I have done…”
You ruined this fam-
You looked up at the door. 
“Yeah?” Thinking it was mom or da-
The door opened and Sana came inside the room as your body froze.
"S-Sana?" You stuttered as Sana closed the door behind.
"No, don't say another word unless I ask you something." She said as you were about to say- "If I hear a single word from you besides that, I'm leaving. Understand?" 
You nodded while Sana walked closer, looking at the desk to see your homework, then back at you.
"Okay (YN), I hope you know that what you did to me was wrong. VERY wrong. Not only are we family, but you…you forced yourself onto me…" you nodded slowly, “why?”
You looked dow-
“No, you look into my eyes.” She declared as you turned your sight to her’s deeming for an answer.
“Because…because hearing all the other students talk about you I-it made me think so too…”
“So you were frustrated and pent up?”
You nodded.
“And you think fucking me while I was asleep was the best idea?!”
“For fuck sakes (YN)...buy a god damn toy or something?! Or the very least talk to me about it?!”
Sana sighed.
“Well sorry doesn’t mean shit. Especially for what you did.”
“...you want to make up for it?” She asked suddenly as you nodded fast.
“Y-yes! Anything you need Sana, I’ll do it!” You begged as Sana grinned.
“Well, here’s the thing. Since then, I’ve been trying to fuck my way out of thinking about what you did, but guess what? Nothing works,” you remained still, “and  since I can't take that night out of my head and I tried my hardest to do so, believe me...but...the more I kept thinking about that, the more I realized something” she took a breath, “I want to have sex with you again." 
"I know it's crazy and I know I just said that we're family and all, but...the more I think about it, the more I keep thinking about you, and it's driving me crazy to a point that it’s making me delusional and…sigh, I know it's fucking crazy, but somehow, you keep appearing in my mind."
You gulped.
“So I thought and…oh god damn it (YN), do you want to fuck again or not?!” She asked crossing her arms under her breasts as you gulped many times that you went dry in your mouth.
You didn't know what to even think. 
Was she pranking you? 
Was she filming this to blackmail you? 
What’s going on in her damn mind? 
Especially after that night?!
"Hurry up," She tapped her fingers as your conscious is telling you not to do it, to stay the hell away from any of that subject from Sana...but fuck that. 
You nodded slowly and Sana smirked. 
"Well brother~" she declared in a seducing tone, "I hope you didn't plan on getting any homework done~" leaning forward next to your ear, "and if you ever force yourself to me again, these," you groaned as Sana pressed her hand hard against your manhood to a point of pain rather than pleasure “will be gone for good, are we clear?”
“Y-yes,” You muttered as Sana gave a chuckle.
“Good, now come here~”
==================== SMUT TIME===================
You then felt your sister's soft hands on your jaw and turned your head towards her, looking up and your eyes widened as she leaned down and placed her warm and soft lips on you.
You were shocked once again. 
The feeling of Sana’s lips on your felt amazing as she moaned against your lips, which only heightened the pleasure of your first kiss. 
You didn't know what to do so you stayed still, feeling her hand rub against your jaw, sending a shiver down your spine.
Sana slowly lowered you down to the bed during the kiss as you felt your back hit against the soft bed, but your attention was solely on the kiss. 
You stayed motionless as you were uncertain about what you were supposed to do. 
This felt exhilarating for you. 
You could feel her pressing her lips further to you and at that moment, you felt her breasts press up against you as your body twitched at the soft feeling of her large breasts against you. 
You groaned when you felt a bulge in your pants grow. 
It felt incredibly tight in your pants as your penis twitched against the fabric of your boxers with Sana eventually pulled away from the kiss, and a trail of saliva between their lips formed, as she stared down at you. 
Sana slightly giggled at your facial expression of pure euphoria from just a kiss. 
She rubbed her hand against your cheek and then kissed you again, moaning and trailing her hand down your body until it reached the bulge in your pants. 
You arched your back slightly as your sister's touch made you suddenly feel elated with her starting to rub the bulge and you could only groan into her lips.
She broke the kiss once again and licked her lips while rubbing your bulge continuously causing you to clench the bed covers tightly with your hands. 
She giggled at your reactions and moved her hand a bit faster and leaned down to kiss you on the neck. Sana nibbled on your neck slightly and sucked on your skin, leaving a reddish hickey spot on him. 
All you could do is moan in satisfaction as you were dealing with emotions that you couldn't believe. 
You became so distracted by the pleasure that you were unaware that your sister was moving down your body and then crouched down in between your legs at the edge of the bed.
Licking her lips seductively, she took a hold of your pants and dragged them down to your ankles with your boxers going along with them. 
Your erection popped up from its confinement as it stood stiff and erect in front of her. 
You felt a cold breeze in your lower body and lifted your head up to see what happened as your eyes widened as you saw your sister staring at your penis.
‘So this is what’s making me think so much? Damn, he’s actually packing, not the biggest, but it’s up there.’
"You're pretty big (YN) I’ll give you that, bigger than most." You heard Sana say as she suddenly grabbed a hold of your erection with one of her hands. 
The moment her hand touched it, your mind went blank as you were overcome with a new level of pleasure that you imagined for months now.
“So this is what you wanted me to do for some time now~” She asked while stroking you a bit as you nodded, “how long~” 
“F-four months…”
“Four months huh? Well, guess I don’t blame you that much for being pent up, but don’t worry~ cause now, all your fantasies will come true~”
Her warm and soft hand felt incredible against your skin as you could only moan in delight. 
Sana giggled at your reaction and began to move her hand, stroking your erection slowly, allowing you to get used to the amazing feeling you felt for the first time. 
You groaned again, gritting your teeth and clenching the sheets. 
"Aaaahhh...Sana...this feels amazing..." You told her as she smiled and moved her hand faster. 
She saw you squirm along with her movements and it made her grin at your erection as if she found a new and exciting toy to play and ravage with. 
The only thing it needed, was something she could easily fix. 
She reached to the top of your erection and slowly started to peel your foreskin down your mushroom-shaped bulb. 
You winced softly, feeling a little pain from her doing so, but she was able to do it without real problems. She moaned when she stared at her brother's tip. 
She had a look that showed how much she wanted to lick it. 
So, she did.
Her desire and lust were increased as she leaned closer and started flicking her tongue against your cock.
She licked around your bulb, placing her lips against it and tasting her own brother's penis for the first time. 
She lightly sucked on the glands while using one of her hands to lightly stroke your length as you felt like you were no longer in the room, but floating on a soft cloud, floating in the sky. 
The warmth feeling of Sana’s tongue on your penis was from a different world, a world filled with pleasure and good sensations. 
A world you never wanted to leave. 
It was pure ecstasy. 
Her wet tongue and soft lips only intensified your pleasure. 
You couldn't believe how good this felt and Sana’s sexual desires were growing with every second and the thought of your cock only heightened them. 
She flicked her tongue continuously around your bulb and began tasting your bitter pre-cum. 
However, she loved the taste and showed it by going to the very tip and flicking her tongue against it as you moaned and groaned when she did this. 
"Are you ready, (YN)?" she asked him, but you were too caught up with your own excitement that you didn't hear her. 
She took this as a sign to go on and started taking your penis into her mouth. 
Your eyes opened wide and your back arched higher as you felt your sister's warm mouth envelope your penis as she continued going down on you until she was able to fit your entire length inside.
"Ahhh! What the...this feels amazing!" You screamed in pure delight as your sister's warm mouth over your penis shook your very core. 
It only got better when she started moving upwards, all the way to the tip and then back down. 
You clenched the sheets as tightly as you could as your sister gave you your first-ever blowjob. 
She continued to bob her head, moving at a decent speed and pace, making sure her brother didn't release so quickly. She wanted to keep doing this as long as possible.
You on the other hand were so consumed by the pleasure you weren’t aware of anything going on. 
Your own sister was bobbing her head on your penis. 
You couldn't describe the sensation. 
It just felt so damn good that you didn't know if you could live without it and Sana…
'Why...why does this feel so much better than any other guy?' Sana thought, loving the taste of your penis. 
You were not as big or had the same girth as a few, but it felt way better. 
She didn't understand it. 
Maybe it was the erotic mind of doing it with her brother? 
The incest thoughts that made her hornier than usual?
Or the way you were that night that made her moister than anything?
However, she didn't question it for long as she continued to slurp on your erection, roaming her hands across your thighs. She then felt your penis throb inside her mouth and knew what was coming. 
“Cum (YN)...give me all of it…” She bobbed faster.
"Ahhh! Sana...not so fast...ah...I-I’m coming!" You screamed as the pressure was building up to its breaking point and tightly held onto the covers as you were at your breaking point. 
"AHHHH! Sana!" You arched your back and thrust upward, releasing your orgasm into her waiting mouth. 
Sana moaned as she felt streams of your hot and sticky cum shoot into her mouth and took in everything you sprayed inside her, not missing a single drop. 
She held her head in place as she waited for your orgasm to die down.
For you, this orgasm was ten times better than any time you had, especially three days ago. 
It was just incredible how much of a difference it was. 
Her warm mouth seemed to be the cause of it and you loved it as you slowly laid your back down on the covers as your orgasm died down with one last spurt of your semen entering Sana's mouth. 
She moaned and moved her head up and down slowly to clean you up. 
Once she got everything, she removed your penis from her mouth with a pop and backed away from it. 
She swallowed the remaining semen in her mouth and smiled, seeing your erection up and ready for more.
"Hmm, shame, you came quick (YN).”
“S-sorry, I just…it’s my first so…”
“Oh really~ answer me this (YN)~ you’ve ever masturbated to me?” She asked as you nodded slowly. 
What? Sana, your sister, just gave you a blowjob, no point in hiding anything at this point.
“Hehe~ ah (YN), this is gonna be fun~ And at least you got stamina cause you’re still hard as hell, which is what I can’ say for most, don’t be as quick again.” She demanded as you opened your eyes, no longer in the state of euphoria you was in as she crawled on top of you until she met you face to face and lowered herself and kissed you on the lips, moaning into your mouth. 
You, who was still at your high point, closed your eyes and pushed yourself forward a bit, trying your best to kiss back.
Sana made a soft noise in surprise as she opened her eyes slightly to look at you and smiled and kissed her brother back, pressing her chest down onto you, rubbing herself on your cock, stimulating you for the next round. 
She forced you to open your lips and she quickly entered inside and roamed her tongue around the inside of your mouth and ended with a dance between each other’s tongues. 
You both moaned continuing their passionate make-out session with love only they could feel.
Sana pulled away and stared down at you with a warm smirk as she completely dominated you. 
You opened your eyes and stared up at your sister, calming from your racing heartbeat from the intense kiss they shared. 
She smiled at you and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and grabbed one of your hands and led them straight to her breast. 
Your eyes widened at the softness of her large breasts. You may not be having direct contact with them right now, but they still felt incredible to touch.
"W-Wow..." You muttered in awe. 
“You don’t think I noticed you catching glimpses at me from time to time?” She said as you looked at her, “you’re a naughty boy (YN)~ I see why now~”
“Go ahead, do whatever you want~”
Sana smiled at you as she clenched your hand and started moving your hand. 
Your ears twitched at the angelic sound she made, the same one that you loved. You felt proud to be the one who made her moan like that and not someone else. 
How you wanted to hear it again.
"That’s it, keep doing it~" You started moving your hand on your own, your body responding to your excitement and gave her breast a squeeze, making her moan again. 
How much you loved that sound. 
You continued kneading and squeezing her breast, stimulating her body in ways that she loved. 
Sana bit her bottom lip, as she desperately wanted to feel your hands against her actual flesh, taking your hand and removed it from her breast. 
You frowned in disappointment as she smiled at you. 
"Hold on..." She told you and straddled your waist, your erection rubbing against her pelvis and lower abdomen. 
She grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. 
You could only look in complete awe as she removed the fabric with one fluid motion making her breasts bounce. 
You felt your cheeks get red as you couldn't help but stare at her white bra-covered breasts.
She tossed her shirt to the floor and then reached behind her to unclasp her bra and tossed it to the floor as well and revealed her large mounds to you. 
You were at a loss for words. 
You have never seen something so beautiful, so sexy, and just so amazing looking. Her pale skin and her pink perky nipples looked beautiful. 
Your sister's breasts looked incredible in the light and that was more than enough for you to latch onto one of her breasts and grabbed the other with a hand. 
Sana squealed as she felt you begin to suck on her boob, flicking your tongue against her nipple like a hungry carnivore. 
Your hand squeezed and kneaded her other breast, stimulating her twice as much as with your previous contact. 
"Ahhh that's it (YN)~ it feels so good~" She screamed in delight as you smirked. 
You pinched her nipple in between your fingers and pulled them softly to pleasure her more and did the same with the other, except you nibbled on her perky nipple while keeping your mouth latched over on your favorite part of your sister.
Sana squirmed on your waist, loving everything her brother was doing to her body. It was completely different than any person doing it and she was glad she decided to do this. 
She loved your warm mouth against her breast to the point she was disappointed when you let go, only to switch breasts. 
This made her elated and consumed by lust.
She wanted more though. 
As you continued to attack her breasts, she used her hands to slip off her clothes and then her white panties, leaving her completely nude in front of you. 
She rubbed her cunt, feeling how wet and hot it felt, showing how much she needed a dick inside her. 
You felt something wet against your penis, prompting you to let go of her breasts and looked down to see your sister now completely naked above you. 
You felt your entire face get red.
"W-when did you..." You muttered as she giggled took her hand and rubbed her hand up and down your erection.
"Alright, I think I’m wet enough for the main event~" You gulped as you looked at her lust-filled eyes. 
You were about to have sex with your sister once more and it sent chills down your spine and a feeling of excitement. 
There was also nervousness too, but you did your best to hold that emotion back as Sana took hold of your cock and aligned it with her opening.
Your eyes widened as far as they could go as you felt her hot and wet insides immediately clamp around your penis, making you feel the pleasure. 
Sana moaned as she took your entire length inside her. 
Your penis wasn't as big, it didn't fully reach her cervix, but that didn't matter to her. 
In fact, your penis just felt so different, so much more amazing than any penis she ever had inside her. 
She didn't know why this was the case, but she didn't question it and just enjoyed the pleasure it gave her.
Your mind was gone as the pleasure of being inside your sister was all you cared about. It felt incredible to be inside her. 
The tight walls that surrounded your erection, plus the heat and wetness of her vagina, was an experience that you could die from. 
It was just that good as you gripped her thighs tightly as the tightness of her walls was making your release come sooner than you wanted. 
However, you couldn't help it. 
You just lost your virginity and you were happy that it was your sister who took it from you…what an odd saying now thinking- 
"W-Wow Sana...this feels amazing...you feel so good..."
"Heh I haven’t even moved (YN), you really are a virgin."
She didn't give you the chance to say anything as she leaned down to you and placed her soft lips on your mouth again. 
You moaned as you kissed back, moving your tongue with hers. 
Her breasts pressed against your chest as she roamed her hands under your shirt and up your body. Her touch was spine-tingling as your penis contracted inside her. 
She moaned when she felt it stiffen and smiled into the kiss. 
She pulled away and straddle your waist again. 
“Hope you’re ready~" 
She asked you and you nodded.
Smiling, she placed her hands on your chest and then lifted her hips and began riding you at a slow pace. 
You curled your toes in satisfaction as you watched Sana bounce up and down on your cock. 
Her breasts bounced along with her movements, hypnotizing you and making you love her mounds all over again. 
You licked your lips and raised your hands to grab both of her breasts. 
She moaned when you made contact, squeezing, pull,ing and kneading her breasts, earning an angelic sound from her mouth.
You loved that sound.
Sana felt like she was in heaven. 
Your cock felt great inside her. 
Having sex with her own brother was compelling enough, but this, this was worth the risk.
She moved her hands from your chest and towards the covers next to your head as she focused more on her movements. 
She sped up and the sounds of their flesh smacking echoed throughout the room, mixed along with their moans. 
You leaned up and took one of her breasts into your mouth again, sucking on her teat like before and kneaded her other breast in your hand and began thrusting upward, matching her bounces and joining her in their forbidden lovemaking.
Sana moaned your name continuously, her eyes filled with nothing but lust for her brother. You removed your mouth from her breast with a pop and kneaded them in circles, squishing her breasts against each other.
"Sana...this feels incredible...oh..." You moaned as you felt another orgasm approach.
"Ah~ (YN)...oh this is wonderful~...I'm gonna cum..." She screamed, rolling her head back in pleasure.
"Me too...ahhh...I’m not protect-" 
“I am, just cum inside me!” Sana instructed as you grabbed her waist and held on to her tightly. 
Both sister and brother felt their orgasms approach quickly as she bounced faster on you and you thrust fast into her and looked down at you and placed a hand on your cheek. 
She leaned down and kissed you as they made out while in the middle of their intercourse, but pulled away quick and screamed as she felt her orgasm reaching its boiling point. 
"Ahhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming (YN)..."
"Me too...me too Sana!" You tightened your hands on her waist. 
The bed creaked with every one of their quick-paced movements as their simultaneous orgasms were about to erupt. 
"I'm cumming! Sana!" You let out a final scream as you released and came inside your sister again.
"(YN)!" She screamed your name as well, her walls tightening around your cock and forcing you to release your semen into her waiting womb. 
The two stayed still as they rode their orgasms. 
Jet streams of your hot and thick seed filled her up again, giving her a pleasure that she couldn't describe in words.
Both of you panted as their orgasms died down. 
Your groin was covered in her vaginal secretion and semen that leaked out of her opening as her body glowed in the lightly dimmed room. 
The sweat that covered her body glistened against the light, making her look absolutely stunning to you. 
It was like a work of art that you exclusively wanted for yourself.
She was like a goddess in your eyes as she looked down at you and smiled, leaning down and kissed you. 
It was quick but felt just as good. 
"Sana...that was amazing..." You said as she caressed your cheek.
"It was incredible (YN), but now…now since you’ve done such a wonderful job~ I’ll let you pick the next position~" She grinned while  staring at you. 
And again, something changed inside you. 
All that questioning you had of this was now gone.
You then smirked and stared back.
“Doggy?” You asked as Sana grinned and Sana got on her arms and legs as you stood up behind her.
Her ass was on display and couldn't help, but slap a cheek hard as Sana moaned at your roughness, but…
“I didn’t say slap me! I said fuck me!" She ordered as she stretched her pussy walls with her hand herself to invite you in.
You positioned your cock in her and grabbed onto her hips and slowly pushed in as both moaned yet again as you started to go in and out of her in a pace, but you really wanted to please her so you drastically  increased your speed as Sana took your cock.
"Oh god...(YN)! (YN)! (YN)!...keep going!"
Your groin was connecting to her ass every time you thrusted in her and Sana could only hold onto the sheets of the bed and moan loudly as she was getting pounded rapidly. 
"Oh yes, yes, yes, yes...just like that. Oh god..." 
It was indeed like last time.
This was it. 
This was what Sana was missing and craving for.
Who cares if your siblings, no one needed to know.
This was way better than any of the other students and she didn't know why and didn't care. 
All she cared about was you and her.
After about a couple of minutes of raw fucking, Sana…
“Oh god (YN)! I’m gonna cum!”
“So am I!” With that, you grabbed onto Sana’s hips and really drilled into her.
“Ah (YN)! Ooh my fucking god!” Sana gripped the sheets as you groaned without any words and then…
“Hmph!” With one thrust you released another wave of semen into your sister’s pussy and Sana lumped on the bed as she felt your essence dripping out of her love hole.
“Ah~...oh god…Mmmm...so good~" She said as you released your deflated penis, all slobbed with her juices and laid down on the bed next to her, both heavily breathing and sweating like you both ran a marathon, "that...was amazing~" Sana hushed as you nodded.
"Yeah it was," you replied. "so…what uh…is this a…?”
“Just say it (YN).”
“A one time thing?" You said as Sana chuckled and patted your chest.
"Hmm...well, I don't know, it was-”
“(YN)! Sana! I’m back!” Your dad’s voice echoed as both of you were alerted. 
"Shit!" “Crap!”  Both said while getting up, adrenaline surging you both as you two quickly dressed back up and hid anything to remove any evidence of the sin both committed on the bed as Sana stated that they’ll be down in a minute as your dad said it was fine while he was getting a drink.
Before going out, you stopped Sana.
"We need to talk about this...about us."
"We will, but later."
You nodded as the both of you walked out together and down the stairs.
Well, it's been a week since that night and still, you both haven't talked yet.
You were impatient about it, but you wanted to give Sana time to think about this, after all that you two did was different.
You can tell that she was thinking about this during her time. She wasn't really the same since that night as she was quiet again and she seemed to be going back to her old self again.
Even though you both live under the same roof and same classes, you both barely said words to one another as you were at your locker with 7th period was about to start, but something was weird today. In fact the past week. 
Sana actually dressed appropriately. 
No tied-up shirt or a low skirt, but the way the school clothing should be.
And she seemed more upbeat. 
You are glad, don't get yourself wrong, but it was strange. Last week she wasn't herself and now-
"Hey (YN)." You looked to see Sana walking toward you. She was still clothed in the way it should be and not her version.
"What's up Sana."
"So I was wonderi-"
"Hey, Sana." Someone from behind her spoke up. 
You both turned to see some guy walking towards the both of you.
Most likely one of Sana's 'friends'.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Actually, yeah you can. Mind staying with me some guys after school~" He said leaning against the lockers, "we're hosting a small get-together after our win last night and wondering if you wanted to join us?"
"No, I'm good," Sana answered.
"I said I'm good." Sana repeated as you rose a brow and smiled at her as Sana smiled back at you.
"So I was wondering-"
"Hey!" The guy yelled as he grabbed her wrist which made Sana panic, "you can't blow me off like that!"  
You then went in between and grabbed his wrist.
"Let her go!" The guy wasn't that big; he was similar to your height.
He looked right into your eyes.
"And who are you asshole."
"Her brother. Now I won't say it again. Let. Her. Go."
The guy glared at you and let go of Sana...only to shove you hard. You took a couple of steps back. By now a crowd was starting to form around you three.
"Hey, you can't push him like that!" Sana yelled at him.
"Like a give a damn and you still haven't answered me."
"I said no!" Sana yelled and then came to your side and held your hand, "come on (YN), let's go." She said as you both walked away.
"That's a first. The fucking slut said no." The guy yelled out causing everyone to look at Sana as you looked at her and her face said it all: Hurt, embarrassed and sadden.
You let go of Sana's hand and turned towards the guy and walked to him.
"What? You going to d-" 
But he was cut short when you punched his face and grabbed his shirt, roughly pushing him into the lockers and brought your arm up and tried to punch-
He kneed you in the stomach in return as you hissed and he turned the two of you around so that your back was against the lockers now as you guarded and tried to retaliate.
The crowd of students was shouting words, some recording and some calling for help as Sana stood there petrified, legs frozen as she didn't know what to do.
The guy then went for a punch, but you used an arm to block it, then out of nowhere...
You head-butted the student hard, right on his nose, stumbling back, holding onto his nose as you rubbed your forehead. 
“So much easier in the movies…” You complained as the guy dropped his hand and saw blood as it poured out of his nose.
"You little shit!" He yelled as he lunged-
"ENOUGH!!!" A loud voice came through the pack of the students watching as the principal came through, "Both of you in my office! Now! Everyone get to class!" He yelled out while getting near you both and grabbing your arms.
You two were forced to follow him as…
“(YN)!?” Sana came quickly to you and hugged you as you hugged back.
"Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Just get to class alright." You whispered into her ear and let go of her as she nodded slowly, her eyes glossy as you smiled at her, “I’ll be fine Sana, don’t worry,” Sana nodded once more as you followed the principal.
She looked back to see your back slowly growing smaller as you left while Sana remained rooted, a single tear falling as she couldn’t hold her emotions.
“(YN)...I’m sorry…”
You were in your room after you came home early from school.
Yeah, you got suspended. 
Your parents came to pick you up and they gave you a stern argument in the car ride home as you told them that the guy was messing with Sana and while they were still mad, they thanked you for protecting your sister but said that the fight was unnecessary. 
Now you were on your phone on your bed passing the time until...
The door was crashed open as Sana appeared in her uniform.
She ran and jumped on top of you as you held her back.
Her head in the crook of your neck as she held onto you with you patting her back for a few seconds before she then pushed herself off and letting you sit up.
"A-are you okay?" She asked with concern as you nodded.
"Sana I told you I’ll be fine. Just got suspended for a week." Sana released a breath of stress out.
"Thank god. I was scared that you got expelled."
"They were lenient on me since other students came up to tell the story of how I was just protecting you. Not sure about the other guy." Sana sighed. 
"I'm sorry (YN). If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened."
"Don't blame yourself Sana. That guy was an asshole."
"But nothing Sana. He badmouthed you and I couldn't let him get away with that." You said with a smile.
"But you got hurt because of me." She looked down.
"I don't care." She looked back up, “I’d do anything for your safety Sana.”
“Don’t be stupid (YN), I don’t want you to get hurt for me!”
“It’s not stupid Sana, I’m supposed to look out for you.”
“Well, I can take care of myself just fine (YN)! I don’t need you to-” Sana stopped as she took a breath in and out, “sorry, sorry I’m just-” Sana stopped once more as she moved to be next to you and placed her head on your shoulder, “I don’t want to see you get hurt (YN)...I don’t…”
“I know Sana. Same to you, I don’t want to hear anyone insult you like that.”
Sana didn’t move, “, especially to the girl I love.”
Sana’s eyes widened.
“Lo-” Sana turned her head to look at you.
“When our parents adopted you, they promised me that I should be the best brother I could be. Someone to look after you and to take care of you. That's why I don't care. I don't care about getting hurt if it means you'll be fine."
"(YN)..." Sana said softly.
"Growing up, you were shy and hung with me, but I didn't care. I was supposed to take care of you so I let you stick close to me. I needed to be with you to protect you, but soon that 'need' turned to 'want'. And growing up, I started to develop a crush on you." Sana gulped,  "It was wrong I know. But being a young kid and growing up with someone attractive like you, playing and hanging around with me almost 24/7. It just...got to me. Of course, you were my sister, so obviously I had to push them away. But what they said about your first love being hard to get rid of...it's true."
"You mean, actual love?" She clarified as you nodded in response.
"Yeah, actual love, not in a sibling way, but romantically. I love you Sana."
"I love you for a lot of reasons. You're beautiful, unique, smart, playful, and funny. You're all that and then the minor things, the way your hair flows in the wind, your smile that brights me up, your silly laugh that makes me smile. It's honestly everything about you. In a word, you're perfect Sana, you're perfect for me."
Sana just took everything. 
Her heart was beating like a drum. 
"But you're my sister and I tried to get rid of that love, but couldn't and every time I see or even hear about you at school...I was so jealous of the other students, and I couldn't take it anymore, and...and now here we are, but I can't help to think that I'm just another guy to you," you said looking down, "someone that you'll be tired off and eventually move on."
Sana just sat there and took your confession. 
You loved her. 
And it pained her to see you this way.
"(YN), I'm sorry that I made you feel this way, but I can promise you that I'll never leave you." She then grabbed your face with both her hands to look at her. “You're not just another guy to me. You're someone that I know is always going to look after me. Since we were little kids, you've been there to protect me, you've been there to see if I was okay, even now you're taking punches for me. You're someone who is very important to me (YN) and I know we haven't talked yet, but you're different."
You couldn't help but smile at her words.
"And then after our second night together, something has been bugging me, nothing bad no. Well, I can't really explain it, but you were different from anyone that I've been with. It felt...right. And that whenever I'm with you, my heart just beats fast and I feel funny around you. And when I think about this feeling, you're the only one that pops into my head and I can't help but...smile and be happy that it's you that I'm thinking of. I'm not experienced in love or anything, but," she grasps your hand, "I think this is the way you feel about me."
"(YN), I-I think I love you too and not the sibling way either," She then looked away. "I'm so sorry, I was hurting you this whole time, the entire time. I-"
"It's fine Sana, what matter now is the now and the future okay? That’s all that matter." She turned to look at your smile. "So...what do we do? What are we?" You asked.
"I guess we're a couple now." She said. "And we do what couples do, we can go on dates, you know dinner, movies, that sort of things, but we have to keep this a secret between us." She explained as you nodded.
"Yeah, yeah, okay, I'd love that." She then just leaned into you enjoying your warmth and comfort as you held her. 
It's been two weeks since each confessed to one another and both couldn't be happier. During your week of suspension, you and Sana have been at home just being in close proximity to one another. 
Each day would be the same, every morning before she went off to school; she would see you privately without your parents around, and with her uniform being proper like, and give you a kiss goodbye, a 'long' kiss goodbye for before she left home.
Then when she came home, she would once again, in private, give you a hello kiss, yes a long one too. 
After that, she would be in your room or vice versa and both would just watch TV, and play board games, and on their phones, it really didn't matter if it's something both can do.
You both even went out to hang out with some friends a couple of times. 
Of course, they went to go on secret dates. 
You both went to see a movie and had a lunch date together over the next couple of weeks. It was really fun, both talked a lot about what you missed in school and other stuff. 
You both really enjoyed these moments and none couldn't be any happier.
Now that you're suspension was up, you came back to school. 
Sana was still in her proper uniform and hanged around you as much as she could. Guys would occasionally ask for her 'assistance', but she either ignore them or say no and walk away before any drama would start.
All in all, it was a good two weeks. 
Of course, you both haven't done 'it' since that night, but it didn’t matter since-
You stared at your door.
"Yeah?" You said as Sana opened the door with a notebook in hand.
"Hey," You said as she came into your room.
"Hey, you doing anything?” She asked as you shook your head.
“History homework, what’s up?” Sana closed the door behind and came closer while placing her notebook on your desk and you noticed a bunch of math formulas.
"I got this math test on Friday. I was wondering how you do the trig functions?" She asked as you stared at her, “Please, I’m beyond confused, and the teachers suck at explaining this.”
You nodded.
“Sure, huh, let’s sit on the bed and I’ll show you.” Seeing as how you only have one seat, being on the bed would be more room to show as Sana grabbed her notebook and you grabbed some pencils.
And after a twenty-minute lesson, she was starting to get it. 
You gave her problems and she went to work with you overseeing her.
"I think this is good." She said as she handed the paper to you.
"Hmm....yup, that’s the answer. Nice job." Sana smiled.
“Okay, I’m starting to understand now. Can we still do this?” She asked as you nodded. “Hehe~ thanks (YN),” 
“Course,” and just as you were going to talk…
“So I was wondering, if I do well on the test, can I get a reward?" She said eyeing you.
You were a bit confused about her question.
"Okay? What do you want?" She then smiled and gave you some serious sexual eyes.
"I think you already know~" She said cooingly suddenly starting to massage your cock over your shorts as you flinched at the contact, “Ara ara~ someone need some help~ it has been a while~" She said still glazing at you.
"Sana, we can’t do anything like this when our parents are here…" You said quietly, but her massaging you was not helping.
"Oh they can't hear us," She leaned closer to your face, "and besides, it’s kind of erotic that they can catch us. Hmm~ it’s making my pussy wet just thinking about it~ you want a feel~" She suggested putting her other hand over her shorts, “maybe a lick~”
'Fuck…god damn it Sana…'
Both of you quickly went to normal as the door was being knocked on.
“(YN)? Sana? Do you want anything from the kitchen, I’m making a few sandwiches?” Your dad’s voice was heard.
“Nah,” “No thanks dad,”
“Alright,” is all he said and a few seconds passed as you turned to Sana and rose a brow.
“See. And as much as I want to and I really want to. We can't do anything like that okay? Not when our parents are home." Sana pouted at the words. 
"You’re so boring (YN), fine, but do I still get a reward?" She said while putting her hands on the bed.
"Yeah sure, you can still get your reward...if you manage to get an A." She widened her eyes.
"An A?! (YN) I only have three days to learn this!"
"And I know you can do this. You're a smart girl, I know you are. Your grades aren't really showing it, but I know you can do this. Back in middle school, you were one of the brightest girls there was."
Sana, since starting high school, hasn't been doing well in her grades, your parents were confused since she was smart back in middle school, but they reckon it's because of the change from middle to high. 
“Can you help me?” She asked as you nodded.
“Of course, anything for you Sana.” She smiled as she leaned toward you and both shared a quick kiss as Sana pulled away, leaving you with a smile, “thanks (YN).”
But here she was asking for your help with homework and you stared at her, as she wondered why you were looking at her like that.
"What?" She asked as she saw your stare.
"It's been a while since I actually saw you care for school work," Sana grumbled and playfully pushed you.
"Rude, I do some homework here and there. In fact, I've been catching up on assignments. Getting my missing work in and everything." You rose a brow.
"Yeah? What changed?"
"You." She said looking at you.
"Yeah?" You repeated as Sana nodded.
"You’ve working on your assignments while suspended so I just thought that I should catch up on homework too." She said nonchalant as you smiled and pecked her on her lips as she smiled after.
"Well, shall we continue then?" She nodded and both continued to learn.
Friday came and you and Sana were in your room while both of you were on your bed, no, not doing that. 
Sana was nervous holding her laptop on her lap and kept refreshing the page of her Math class, waiting for the update on her score.
"Sana don't worry, I'm sure you did well." You held onto her shoulder with one hand as Sana sighed.
"I know I'm tryi-It's there!" She said while looking away, "I can't look, tell me whats the score." You leaned down and saw the score on the right as you grinned.
"I'm sorry Sana, you didn't get an A..."  You felt her shoulders drop, "you got an A-" 
Sana looked at the screen and indeed she got a 92 out of 100. 
"You JERK!" She turned and pushed you as you laughed. "Why’d you say that?!" 
"Haha! Sorry Sana, I couldn't resist." 
“Meanie…” Sana pouted but looked at her score and smiled, “I can’t believe I got an A.” You smiled and leaned back up to her.
“Well you are smart Sana, not sure why you keep doubting yourself.” You poked her head as Sana looked at you, “congrats,”
“Hehe~ And it was thanks to you (YN),” She smiled while leaning forward and you two shared a quick kiss as you shook your head afterward.
“Nah, it was all you Sana,”
“Still…” Sana took a look at her score and closed her laptop, standing up and placing it on the desk while turning to you.
"So~,” Sana walked to you and straddled you, her hands on your shoulders as you smiled at her, “ about my reward~" She asked with her face close to yours.
"Already Sana?"
"We’re alone (YN)~, which means~" She leaned closer to whisper in your ear, "we can fuck as hard as we want my dear brother~" The way she whispers, god it was grand.
"I guess so~ my dear sis~" She smiled at you before pushing her face to yours and kissing you on the lips. 
===================SMUT TIME=====================
Sana had always been a great kisser, but today, this kiss felt like the best thing in the world. You wrapped your arms around her slim body, pulling her tighter against you and deepening the kiss.
Both tongues met halfway in each other's mouths, licking and tasting each other. You couldn't help but get an erection growing in your shorts.
You both groaned into each other's mouths, hearing the lust between the two rises.
You moved your hand into her top, and to your not so surprise, no bra as you grasped onto one of her soft breasts, and the moment you did, she pulled her mouth away from yours to let out a low and hot moan that made your cock twitch. 
Sana tossed her head back, exposing your neck to you. 
You quickly latched your tongue onto the soft skin, causing her to moan and rock her hips on your cock.
This went on for a couple of minutes before your lips met again.
You then lifted her top up, displaying her large globes and hardened nipples to you. You lowered your head and took one of her nipples into her mouth, licking and rolling around them with your tongue.
"Ahhh! I love that~" Sana moaned wrapping her arms around your head and pulling you closer to suck her perfect-sized breasts, taking your time, going from nipple to nipple, enjoying the taste of her skin as well as the feel of them in your mouth.
You kept sucking onto her neck, but Sana had other plans. 
She pulled your head towards hers and began kissing you once more. You let yourself enjoy the taste of her mouth while your hands were busy going inside her sweatpants. Sana then put her hands on yours and smirked at you.
She stood up from your lap, enough to be out of your reach. You knew what she was about to do, it was like the last time they did it. We smiled at each other before the beautiful brunette started to strip in front of you.
First her partly already shuffled top came off and was thrown on her desk. She then turned around presenting her shapely rear to you. She pulled her sweats down slowly, revealing her sexy ass to your sight with an antagonizing pain.
She was wearing black panties that barely covered her.
She then kicked her sweats away and started walking backward, butt first towards you. Once she saw that she was close to you, she brought her hands onto her knees and bent over.
Her ass and her damp panties were now inches away from your face.
"Well come on bro~ Eat me up." She said as she shook her tush at you.
You pulled the panties down quick and pressed your tongue against her pussy. Licking her from the bottom all the way to the top. She tasted wonderful like last time and you were trying to lick up all the juices running down out of her.
You rant your tongue inside her, licking and exploring each wall of her lips. Sana was groaning and moaning as more of her juices flowed into your mouth. 
Sana was enjoying this so much that she began pushing her butt against your face. She was rubbing her ass on your face trying to get your tongue deeper into her.
Believe you, you were trying to go as deep as you could.
Then you brought your hands up; one fondling her ass cheeks and the other toying with her clit.
"Mmm...ahh! (YN) I think...Ahh!" Sana moaned out loud, evidently close to an orgasm. So you kept going, this time with more effort as you tongue fucked her and sped up your fingers on her clit.
"Yes...yes! Ahh yes! (YN)!" Sana yelled out your name as an orgasm ripped through her body.
Her juices came onto your face that you closed your eyes to shield them from the liquid, it went on your face and dripped downwards onto your shirt and shorts.
Once she figured she was done, she quickly turned around and licked your face, cleaning and tasting her own cum.
Once that was done, she dove into your mouth to share some that she stored in her mouth and forced it into yours. You didn't mind one bit. The taste was exquisite. 
"God that was so good!" She said happily.
"Damn Sana, you got all over me."
"Can you blame me, I've been holding out for this moment ever since our last time."
"Holding out? You mean you haven't been with anyone else?" She shook her head.
"I know I have a...reputation at school, but I haven't been with anyone since we did it last time. Like I said, you changed me somehow."
You just smiled at her statement and brought her into a passionate kiss. 
You let go of her, "I love you, Sana." 
"I love you too (YN)." Both then stared into the eyes of each other for a bit before...
"Alright enough talk. Time for action and I believe it's your turn now brother~" Sana said before dropping to her knees in front of you.
Sana quickly pulled your wet shorts down, making your cock pop out as she gave it a smile before licking your hard shaft from the balls to the head. It was your turn to groan as your loving sister used her sexy mouth. 
You watched as she opened her mouth wide and pushed your cock inside.
You watched at amazement as your cock continued to disappear into her mouth inch by inch until halfway through.
Sana looked up at you, her soft brown eyes connecting with yours as she wrapped one of her soft hands around the lower half of your cock and began pumping. She pumped your cock as she used her mouth and tongue to tease and play with your head of you.
It was all amazing.
The first time she did this to you was great, but it was nothing compared to the intense pleasure she was bringing you now.
Maybe due to the new love each one had for each other.
You ran your hand across her hair, tugging her brother's cock softly as she kept pumping and licking recklessly. She bobbed a few times before popping your cock out.
"This is perfect. Your cum, I want it. I need it."
She then dove down onto you again.
If there was one positive thing coming from her past experiences, she was talented...very talented.
She then again pulled it out and looked at you.
"Fuck my mouth, (YN)! Fuck it!" You nodded and she put it back into her mouth as you grabbed her hair tightly and began pumping you even deeper into her mouth, she let go of the grasp she had and let you take control and held nothing back and started fucking her mouth.
"Oh god Sana!" You moaned as you felt her tongue swirl and dip all around your cock's head and shaft.
You were so close to cumming and breathing heavily and felt your cock twitch and your lower half stiffen up.
"Ahhh! SANA!" You yelled loudly as you felt the cum explode from your cock and down her throat. Sana then pulled you out as she continued stroking you, aiming it all over her face and chest as strains of your hot cum came streaking at her.
You couldn't take or give anymore and sat on your bed, breathing hard to regain your air watching Sana scooping up your cum with her fingers and putting them into her mouth, savoring the taste.
"God, so good~" She moaned.
"Glad you enjoyed it." 
"Oh I am. And since we made a mess last time on your bed. How about we use the shower this time? We could use some cleaning as well." Sana asked while still covered in your cum.
"Sure." Was all you said.
And with that, both headed quickly to the bathroom, taking off the remaining clothing both had as they went.
Reaching the bathroom, you turned on the shower and tested the temperature before hopping in while Sana was giving you a handy to get your cock hard again, which was succeeding. 
After the water felt warm, you jumped in and signaled her to come as she walked to you, trapping your cock against her pussy and your pelvis. You wrapped one arm around her frame and the other squeezed one of her ass cheeks.
"Mhmm. Someone's excited." She asked me over the sound of the water splashing on her body, cleaning away the cum from her skin. 
"Can you blame me?" You responded to her as she started to grind herself on your body as she felt your cock stroking her pussy lips, making both moans into each other's mouth. 
"Mhmmm, Fuck me (YN). Take me. I'm all yours." 
She moaned, still rubbing her body against yours, making your lust for her increase. You then lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my waist. You pushed her body against the shower wall, and slowly pushed yourself into her tight pussy. 
Sana screamed as you pierced her folds. Her pussy was so tight, but the water and she was making it so wet that it just slide in without any difficulty as the intense tightness made your eyes shut, your body shivering in the pleasure of it.
"Ohhh, fuck!" You shouted, feeling her walls adjust to your size. 
You firmly held Sana by her ass as you slowly thrust into her.
Your lips met once again, tongues once again fighting for dominance, only it was for a bit as you increased your speed, forcing Sana to pull away and lean her head back against the bathroom wall.
"Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!" 
Sana screamed as you adjusted your position a bit, You spread your legs apart, therefore, spreading hers apart as well and forcing her to open herself more. You felt her pussy loosen a little, allowing you to thrust faster and with more power within each one. 
You lowered your head and sucked her neck again. Sana raised your grabbed your head hard, holding on for dear life as you drove her closer and closer to another orgasm. 
"FUCK ME, FUCK ME! I love my brother's big dick tearing me apart!" Shouted Sana, obviously not caring who heard.
It was all wonderful, her body felt amazing against yours: her breasts against your chest, her nipples grazing you, her legs and arms around your body and head, privates smashing into one another. 
Her pussy was tight, wet, and hot, you never wanted to leave that feeling. 
"Ahhhhh...Ohhhh FUCK! I'm cumming! DON'T STOP!" You had no intention to. 
You held on tightly to her body as you sped up the fucking. The sound of your bodies slamming into each other could easily be heard over the sounds of the shower.
"OHHHH!" Sana continued moaning with her pussy tightening around you which signaled her orgasm.
"(YN) (YN) (YN)!" She screamed as she came hard.
Feeling her cum sent you over the edge and came with her. 
"OHHHH!" You grunted as you sent your cum deep into her hot pussy. 
"Shit Sana...mph...mph!" You continued to curse as the orgasm you were feeling nearly knocked you out. You were careful in not to fall since you were holding Sana up by her ass. You still held her against the wall as both initiated a kiss. We then separated, breathing hard at what just happened.
"I can go for one more." You said.
She then told you to let her down. You did and Sana turned around and looked back, she used one hand to spread her legs to show her pussy.
You then inserted your cock into her and slowly fucked her from behind. 
"Oh (YN)...I'll never get tired of this..." Sana said as she held you by the neck.
"Me neither...ready." As you grasp her hips.
"Of course."
You then sped up and began thrusting upwards into her, her ass jiggled with each thrust and Sana could only moan at the intense fucking she was receiving. 
You then brought your hands from her hips and fondled her breasts. They were smooth since the water was rinsing over you two and you fondled and grasped and did whatever you wanted with them...and Sana loved it.
"AHH! (YN)...I'm-I'm MMM (YN)!"
Sana came quickly. Her juices flowing down the drain. She was a bit disappointed she couldn't go any longer, but the pleasure was that good. You kept thrusting into her without caring about her orgasm, but you were close.
"Sana...I'm...inside or-" 
"No, let me drink it."
You then pulled out and she then turned around and kneeled on the hard shower floor, she put your cock in her mouth and gave you a quick blowjob to which you groaned.
"S-Sana...i-it's...SANA!" You yelled out as you came again. This time Sana was determined to take everything in. Her throat was instantly getting drowned in your cum. It was very warm and delicious to her. She couldn't resist it. 
She took it all in and after she sucked you dry, she stood up.
============================SMUT OVER=========================
The water was still running as you just stared at each other. Brown eyes to (Color) eyes.
Sana then pushed her body forward to yours as she closed her eyes. 
"I love you (YN). I really do."
You smiled and swore that you were slightly crying out of happiness.
"I love you too Sana. I love you too." You said still holding her.
She opened her eyes and felt water in her eyes. Maybe it was the shower or her, she didn't know, but Sana knew that this was the happiest she's ever been.
Both kissed again, but it was a loving one this time.
"I think it's time we get out. I have no idea what time it is. And if dad is out shopping, he should be home in ten minutes or so." 
She nodded and both stepped out of the shower.
After drying yourselves up, Sana went to go change, but you dried yourself faster and simply got into some sweats and a tank top. You decided to make a light snack of some eggs and toast for you and her.
You barely got the eggs out when you heard Sana coming down the stairs.
Sana joined you in the kitchen and instead of wearing something of hers, she was wearing one of your shirts. It looked big on her frame, but she looked so cute in it. She approached you and gave a peck on your lips as she went to wash the dishes. 
Both started to work on each of your activities but kept glancing at the other person only to smile when each one got caught.
It felt so good being with her and her with you. 
'This...this is the woman/man I want to be with forever.'
It's been one year since you both confessed to one another, your parents don't know still.
The relationship was still strong and grew each and every day. 
Sana changed for the better in school and got her grades up, getting to the top 5 students in the class. You were proud of her when she received her diploma from the staff. Her smile brought you to a smile and one tear escaped your eye from seeing her so happy. 
Sana changed her role at school.
No longer was she the 'slut' of the school.
Her whole behavior turned 180, she was now this proper, sweet, and still as attractive girl. Turns out she was still the one that everyone wanted, just not having sex or anything, but going out and starting a relationship.
Too bad she's taken for.
She would deny any and all requests and stick close to you. 
Only not showing that she was yours.
Both you and Sana eventually graduated high school and both got enrolled in (University), but the bad news was that it was three hours away driving. 
So you and Sana told your parents if they can move out and share an apartment together, rather than a dorm, together that was close to the University.
It was cheaper and both would be together.
The first reason was for their parents, the second was for Sana and you, but you didn't tell them that.
Ultimately they agreed and after long goodbye, you two left the apartment they found earlier in the starting month. They promised they visit over some weekends and holidays.
Of course, the first thing you both did in your new apartment was broke the bed.
Now they have their own privacy no one was there to catch you two.
No one was there to disturb you. It was just the two of them and they couldn't be happier. Each and every day they would have classes at the university, but coming home to each other's arms made their days better.
Currently, you were walking back from your classes, tired after doing two exams. You came into your apartment to find Sana sitting on the couch. 
"Hey, you're here early?"
"Sana, you doing ok?"
"Can you sit?" You just sat on the couch.
"What's up, something wrong?" She shook her head.
"It's been one year to do this day."
"Our anniversary is next week though." You said confused.
"No, our first time together." You made an 'oh' face, "I've been thinking for a bit, the past couple of weeks, and...you've changed me (YN). Ever since that day, I wasn't the girl for the first months of our senior year, ever since we started our relationship, something just clicked in me and changed me...and it was you. When you listed the reasons why you loved me. You didn't love me because of my body, but for me. It made me excited and I wanted to be those reasons again. So I stepped up and changed myself: I worked on my studies, I avoided guys; not you of course, and become more modest. In fact, I probably would be repeating the senior year again, if it wasn't for you tutoring me in all my classes. And I'd probably still be the old...disgusting me." She said with a look of shame on her.
You put an arm over her shoulder to comfort her. She looked at you and smile a bit.
"I love this new me (YN), and you're the reason why. I love you deeply and so much." She then brought you in for a kiss, a heartwarming one to which you returned. She then pulled away.
You were about to say something until she stopped you.
"I'm not done yet. Now, I know it isn't common, but...," she then pulled out something from her pocket and your eyes widened. "It's not big or anything, but I think it will do the trick." She then hopped off the couch and got down on one knee. 
"(YN), throughout our childhood, I was shy and alone, my family was torturous and I didn't have anyone to go to, but your family stepped up and adopted me. And then you came into my life. You took care of me, protected me, helped me, and advised me, and you did everything you could to make sure that I was living a good life. And in turn, I hurt you," she took a pause as she thought about how she hurt you in high school by being with others, "and I'm sorry for that. But that only made us get close (YN), closer than ever and we discovered our love for each other. I have no idea what your plans are for us in the future, but (YN)...I need you in mine. And I can't wait till or even if that day comes." Sana then outstretched her hand with the ring in her fingers.
"(YN) (LN), will you marry me?"
All you could do was smile. Of course, you did plan on marrying this wonderful girl, but it looks like she beat you to it. So without any delay...
"Yes Sana, I wi-hmph" You didn't finish as Sana jumped on you.
"AHHH! Thank you (YN), I couldn't be happier that you accepted and I promise I'll make you as happy as possible for the rest of our life together."
"And I'll make sure that I will do whatever it takes to do the same...and I'll cherish you forever." You said.
And again each one kissed once again, but this moment ensured that they would be together, with each other, for the rest of their lives. Both not caring about their family status or their parents. 
It was only their love for each other they cared about.
Their irresistible love for one another.
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