#like. it's SUCH an easy excuse to give
fisheito · 5 months
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This is what i mean
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kikker-oma · 4 months
so, I'm really really sorry to anyone who's sent me an ask that has gone unanswered.
I have like, 17 asks in my inbox and some of them were art requests (and good ones), some of them were comments about Snoots that I wanted to draw doodles for, and some of them were just messages, but I've been avoiding my inbox because of some unknown reason and now it's stressing me ouuuttt😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Some of these askes span back to OCTOBER. 2023. AAAHHH
SO. I'm going to keep some of the art requests on my own little to-do list, but for my sanity's sake, I need to clear out my inbox.
Idk why this is stressing me out so much, but I've had like, inbox paralysis for months and then I feel guilty for posting things when I have 17 unanswered asks and then I avoid it more and then as soon as I answer one I get another and AHHH.
now LISTEN. I LOVE ASKS. it's just my time of the month so I'm acting super extra and now I have to DELETE FOR MY SANITY.
Feel free to still send me asks, I just need a clean slate.
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thecherrygod · 1 year
i think the fact that kim is like "you can only ask about 1 (one) cryptid and thats it" and when you ask about another hes like "hey you promised it was only one" but just as you tell him "dont you wanna know more tho?" hes like "... fuck it yeah i do" really says a lot about him tbh
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thenixkat · 1 year
Anyway, if you aren’t Black don’t use any variation of woke. I don’t care what conservatives are calling fuckers/using as the new sjw/political correctness/what have you.
If you know what fuckers mean use what they mean, and if you don’t why are you copying what people are saying?
Woke ain’t for you. If the discussion isn’t about Black people being aware of and/or educating other Black people about racism/antiblackness/structural inequality/all the other bullshit then it doesn’t need to be used in the discussion.
#nix meows#aave#woke#aave misuse#apparently that one post i made where i directly mentioned how i don't wanna see boogleech no more showed up in his tags#which is generally how tumblr's search function works; if a word in there it shows up#anyway i do wish a motherfucker would learn to take a hint that i do not wish to continue a conversation#cause all i'm getting is excuses about how he's just paraphrasing��so its fine#that other people don't have an issue and not 'to shoot the messenger#my wigga i was forced to see the word 'wokeist' (yall know i can't spell) on a post from someone i know is white#who's posts show up everyfucking where in the corner of tumblr i generally operate in#why would i give a damn what the rest of the post was about when a wigga shouldn't be using words like that period#aint no fucking changing my mind#ya ruined my night and i don't wanna see ya#i aint ask nobody to block you or some shit like that#i personally don't wanna get microaggressed on my own damn dash cause my white mutuals (who mean well but dont all ways catch shit)#decided to reblog it untagged#like yeah its pretty easy to drop a bitch i only occasionally interacted with over the course of a few years over#it just on the innitial 'it's not an issue' dismissal#told me everything i needed to know#bogleech#may as well actually tag them cause I've been feeling a lot less charitible given how they handled shit and kept trying to shut me up#plus they're a vote blue no matter who fucker like genocide joe is harm reduction
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i love it when my mom gets mad at me for trying to tell her that I don't appreciate her basing her idea of MY autism off of stuff she looks up on the internet...literally just told her to ask me if she has a question and she got pissed lol. she got mad cuz he says I 'never let her talk to me about it'
uh, maybe it's because you try to tell me what my autism SHOULD be and make me feel like a freak of nature :) i honestly just give up and let her think what she wants. she's never going to listen to me anyways. she's so fucking vain and she doesn't even realize it.
me: rants to my mom about how college is stressing me out and causing me to not do chores cuz im more worried about my grades
me who just studied for 6 hours straight and had 2 panic attacks in one day:🧍‍♀️🔫
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lordartsy · 8 months
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Octokuber, day 6 - Kaiju
(pulls up a chair) This is a Final Wars propaganda post.
It is 125 minutes of pure nonsense. It is a cinematic boss rush. It is wrestling if all the matches were marinated in nuclear waste and fed to aliens. They bought the rights to Zilla just to wreck him to kingdom come. Actually, Godzilla bodies all the kaiju in this movie so hard that they're never seen again. The chicken guy I loved enough to draw and put here? He's there for like five minutes and he gets blown up. The soundtrack is unironically great. Take everything left from me. All. To. Blame.
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samarecharm · 2 months
I know that peach game is like. For kids. Im SO aware of it. But its. So fucking cheap???? This is like the bloatware of nintendo games. What is going on here ???? Not to give nintendo even an ounce of credit…but they generally treat their main characters better than this. And especially after seeing mario wonder, its really obvious how poorly put together and boring this game is. Which is such a shame. Bc Super Princess Peach is right there. Go play that instead.
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vaniliens · 13 days
I do wanna post about my ocs here a little. Other than reblogs. But i wanna change the whole story and everything so bad firstt
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
speaking of drawing people's faces and lifting any art of [will roland role based] characters overhead when you can tell the artist was actually trying to meaningfully use that inspiration beyond "brown hair. glasses" like wow once in a lifetime unsame as it ever was
not coming up a lot that Professional Illustrators are drawing will roland as [role] or like, in general, but that in fact there Are the examples of professional illustrator justin "squigs" robertson drawing him several times and it's like, doing stylized portraits of people working in theatre that are indeed focusing on distinguishable individuals versus, say, the style being more abstracted
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all drawn differently but various gists are there, and none of the people in these group collages look interchangeable or like oh and this person gets thee "generic/default" look
there's also the fact i'm like 99% sure there's a squigs-drawn larger portrait of will roland just as himself that i love to think of / sure further encapsulates that "thank god this artist drawing Features" but i can't find it or remember exactly what context it was in. augh
but also there's this other deh illustration ft. wrol jared i found lol. bonus
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#sooo replenishing#and like the issue pointed out that the excuse of [skill issue] is offered like It's Really Not A Skill Issue#someone can be very inexperienced at say; drawing; and still Evidently be actually trying to capture something Actually There in whatever#their model is. me as a like 5 yr old on the level of [yes all faces Are abstracted as =) ] still for example clearly depicting my mom's#usual hairstyle in my crayon portraits there#these examples here the polar opposites of The Nose Issue lol like stylized simplified And Yet still all clearly downturned#even the stylization leaning more convex nose bridge than that concave upturned nose slapped on anyone's face#deh#will roland#bmc#and forever the idea that Stylized Simplified drawing techniques are easy / bad but like it sure af is neither#you can note 'ah i see that this experienced artist's drawings are not photorealistic; formed of what i can tell are simple lil lines even'#but then be thrown off b/c of course it Looks easy but their lines are afforded a Casualness in their execution from their experience#knowing how to form and place them to give it that [Looks Good] without it being a painstaking &/or [9000 tries & errors] process for them#and like sure then anyone can Recreate it but you can throw yourself off thinking you Ought to be able to straightup Create It similarly...#like copying these obviously simplified stylized Faces made up of varying Shapes as seen here? prob a fun & neat & helpful exercise#especially if one's just working on breaking out of the ''i draw a Default Face for Everyone'' kind of situation#the exaggerated swoops and hard angles Geometry of compositions and forms overall is also a v fun element used here
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
Are you ever tired of the fact that in gaming/fandom spaces when a character uses he/him or she/her it's taken as a fact but when they use they/them it's used as a suggestion?
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dumbbullet · 8 months
me to me: i'm so glad you're feeling creatively motivated but can you just do a normal inktober challenge please im begging you you dont have to do something big just draw your own characters it'll be fine.
the 8 min animatic that's been living in my head for a week: get me out of here or im gonna give you long term health conditions
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thornsnvultures · 8 months
"please stop gatekeeping your content and blocking me"
fellas is it gatekeeping to want the bare minimum?
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neonbuck · 8 months
working to become less judgemental of others as a traumatized person is like, one of the most healing things i've ever done. i didn't even think it would help me too, i just wanted to contribute as little as possible to the misery in the world.
but no, i genuinely don't have to keep my eyes peeled for "red flags" 24/7 or worry that other people are a threat to me for no good reason. i don't have to constantly analyze other people's interests or behaviors to determine if they're "safe". and this relieves my stress by amounts i never thought possible.
i still know when to bail if a situation is actually unsafe to me, i just no longer have to live in constant meaningless terror
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thahxa · 3 months
"finding your true self" and then shifting in response to that to become more "authentically you" seems fine actually? like isnt that what self-development about?
like determining exactly what you want to be (true self) and aligning your actuality into that way seems perfectly fine! thats how humans work!
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aussie-bookworm · 1 month
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the joys of writing something with a clear passage of time
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4izawas · 1 month
so you're out here starting arguments, putting words in people's mouths, and then getting pissy when people disagree with you and you just give up and say "I'm not reading all that" when someone explains why they think you're wrong. Nice job, that's real mature. Also it’s not the same person fye. How do you even think he could be typing out that long response on his main blog while also typing out a long ask in your inbox at the same time? It doesn't make sense that he would be doing both at once.
homie it is 9am, go eat breakfast
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