#like. they clearly aren’t for so many of you
samheughanswife · 1 day
What is a kiss? Usually a way to express love, affection or as part of a greeting.
So let’s put this into perspective.
. Cast photographed together before boarding the bus that drove them to Murrayfield. So it’s a given that greetings were exchanged. Kisses and hugs, at the very beginning of the class excursion to TS concert with both the Headmistress and her deputy in attendance.
. Arrival and settling into the VIP tent and waiting for the pre show performance. Drinks, talking and familiarising themselves with the setup. Access, security, toilets.
. Sam and Caitriona would have been cognisant that the performance was filmed. All the other performances have been with multiple cameras and drones. TS set the standards very high with the use of technology so everyone can enjoy and benefit from her concerts.
. The chances of being filmed were high. They were very close to the stage and in the line of sight of the multiple cameras. These are two people very well versed in outdoor and location filming. Not novices. They would have seen the crew pre show.
. Paramore start their set with introductions and then their performance.
. Not sure how long they were in attendance before Paramore came on stage and not my job to find out. But suffice to say co-star catchup interactions were done and dusted.
What the video shows is a woman, Caitriona, so intuitively and intimately comfortable with Sam that she draws him in, arm around his neck and kisses him. Twice. It’s there on film. And it’s this that has the tumblrinas knickers so twisted.
We see a Caitriona who clearly not only “likes” her costar ( you know that she is said to hate him) but initiates UNNECESSARY closeness and deep affection, LOVE, for Sam whichever way you look at it. It was hours into being together on the excursion, not minutes.
These aren’t stills or screenshots. It’s on film. In technicolour. Swifty technicolour 🩷💚🩵🩶💙❤️💛🤎💜.
The existence of this video was dropped into the inbox of multiple accounts. It was there to watch and disseminate and ultimately share.
The only one to do so was @sgiandubh. I thank you so much and I’m saddened but not surprised that you have had to deal with the typical bullshit that comes from sharing any content that rattles the entrenched group think and mindset of so many.
“You think I’d leave your side, baby
You know me better than that
You think I’d leave when you’re down on your knees
I wouldn’t do that” By your Side, Sade 🤎
Caitriona showed not only her support for Sam after the HH pap walk but love as well. Platonic if you aren’t a believer and of course for me a woman who was unafraid and with zero fucks to give because she was aware that there was a chance it would be seen and still she moved in with the kisses and hugs.
Smooth operator ( sorry couldn’t help myself 😘)
N.B. Real life happens, I’m not here hitting refresh 24/7.
I’ve enjoyed reading the experts trying to make it make sense. The discomfort is real.
Caitriona forcing herself to get through a few hours of non work ( but it kinda was) with a co star she has barely tolerated these past few years and what do we see, deep down love and affection.
As as it’s often screeched ‘photos or it didn’t happen’ well we have video footage!!
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the-bitter-ocean · 2 days
2 for the isat ask meme!
(Act 3/ Act 4 Spoilers) Thank you for the ask @beneathsilverstars ! I’ll be saying my response under the cut:
2- favorite npc?
Okay aside from the main cast (Loop, Mirabelle, Isabeau, Bonnie and Odile) I’d have to say my favorite npc would have to be Euphrasie!
I adore her design and I just grown to really appreciate her/ writing her in general when applying the theory/ hc I had that she’s from the island like Loop, Siffrin and the King are. I’ve talked about that theory in depth in the official ISAT discord server, as well as here on tumblr. You can find a huge summary of that theory/ hc I initially came up with compiled by my good friend @felikatze who wrote a master post analysis on it here. My personal ramblings and theories about her can be found here and here.
From what little we get to see of her I just think she’s neat! A very fun and sweet character! I personally enjoy both writing her and drawing fanart for her. I’m a sucker for the characters who adores are kind and lighthearted/silly but still willing to do what it takes to protect the people they care about! Euphrasie is cool and it makes me sad when people say she isn’t really a character bc that’s wrong imo! Idk man even if we aren’t given a lot in the game itself, I think Euphrasie is in a similar category with characters like Petronille (Bonnie’s sister) or Claude ( Mirabelle’s roommate) we can clearly see glimpses of what they’re like based on how others describe them and flavor text/ interacting with objects in game etc. Like in canon Euphrasie has: 1) helped guide Mirabelle and many other people in the house of change 2) was one of the few people who knows about wish craft/ did her own research on it to help stop the king and 3) literally gave her own powers/ blessing of being immune to the King’s time freeze to Mirabelle so that she could escape being frozen at the cost of her own safety. Hell even when the world seemed to be ending and Siffrin shoved her away when he went super fucking huge kaiju star mode, she seemed to be fairly lax on the whole situation. Holy shit. Nerves of steel. What a gal. I love her vibes.
I know most people think nothing of her because she doesn’t get to talk or do much, but I find her role fascinating in the context of the game especially knowing that in the loops Euphrasie is aware that the world is breaking apart or that she’s forced to repeat/ say things like a broken record against her wishes. If you don’t understand what I mean by that you should check out the ISAT script project website which can be found on the tumblr blog @isat-script-project
TLDR- I like euphrasie a lot and I like when people in aus or fanfic and fanart expand on her other npcs characters in depth in general. It’s very cool and awesome >:)!!
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
Well, I went through all the trouble of typing a response and then they just block me before I can post... if only there was a tag I could post my response in... 🤔
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You’re the ones who invaded our tags first,
That's pretty clearly not true if you've been paying attention to anything happening over the past several months on this site and anti-endos constantly posting hate in inclusive tags.
Not only do you take away system resources,
What resources? Be specific?
Terms? Because again, besides Plural as a term, fictives and factives were taken from the endogenic soulbonders. In reality, vast majority of system terms in circulation came from endogenic and pro-endo systems.
Maybe you mean resources like Pluralkit and Simply Plural. You know, that are made by the pro-endos. And get many of their donations from endogenic systems.
Or, I don't know... do you think the non-trauamgenic systems and non-disordered systems are seeking mental help from your trauma therapists? 🤣
Come on! Tell me the resources! Don't just use this as a buzzword!
Tell me, you have no actual medical professions claiming endogenics are real and we have many claiming they aren’t.
Oh? You do, do you? Can you name them? I can name mine!
Here's Dr. Eric Yarbrough...
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That book, Transgender Mental Health, was actually reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association, by the way!
Of course, if you want the opinions of an expert in DID, there are these emails from Colin Ross!
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Oh, but what does he know? He's just one of the foremost experts on DID with 40 years of experience.
How about brain scans? Here's Dr. Michael Lifshitz, psychiatry professor of McGill University discussing some of the findings from his $50,000 study into tulpa systems, sponsored by Stanford University, which showed neurological changes in tulpa systems while a tulpa was controlling their limbs.
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To be fair, the results haven't been published yet, so maybe you can hold onto the hope that this professor with many published papers on his belt is lying about the results. That will be a fun hope to see crushed!
And I could go on... and on... I have a long list and this is just a taste of it.
But anyway, you were telling me how these "many" medical professionals are claiming endogenic systems aren't real. Can you name them for me? Even just one? Come on. If there are so many, it shouldn't be hard!
People like you groom actual systems into believing their trauma “wasn’t bad enough” so they think they’re endogenic
"Punk" to you is apparently using authoritarian right-wing queerphobic tactics of misusing the word "grooming" to make people associate the out group with child abusers. (See every right-winger accusing LGBT people of grooming kids to be gay or grooming them to be transgender.)
Not to mention you stole the term syshopping from RAMCOA survivors.
Nope. That's a lie.
System hopping, as a term for traveling between different bodied-systems, existed since at least as far back as 2005.
The RAMCOA association came from one RAMCOA system in 2021. The system who originally said that later said their words were taken out of context, deleted the original tweet, and condemned anti-endos for using their tweet to spread hate.
I've gone over this before with sources in the post below, thoroughly debunking this lie.
There is zero basis to this whatsoever.
Although you bringing this up and reminding me how anti-endos are trying to rewrite history to take this term too is only increasing my motivation for taking the systempunk and syspunk tags.
Not to fucking mention, you steal actual therapists from us by trying to make them believe in endogenic bullshit.
I thought you said no medical professionals believed us!
Now we're stealing therapists by making them believe in endogenic systems?
Which is it??????
never touch the systempunk tag again
Nope! Sorry! Too late for that now!
Anti-science hate groups don't get safe spaces. And the fact that you've created an echo chamber where you can safely spread lies like the systemhopping libel above is only evidence that I need to make more of an effort to correct the lies of anti-endos at their source.
No Safe Space For Hate!
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thevilehq · 3 days
I’mma be honest, admin because we all have the most respect for you. The reason why certain people weren’t as active on the dash or willing to join this was because y’alls clique is marked. Y’all dealt with weirdo rpers who stalk your pages and clearly copy your work on here or other platforms. We don’t like that and nobody feels safe rping on here no more when the same people still in the same tag && still stalking and stealing from this group. Everybody sees it and we just feel like why don’t we stay where we know nobody can copy us bc they have 0 access you feel me? It’s uncomfortable asf to rp on here knowing people are watching and stealing. You are a very loved and highly respected admin. Either get in the tag and get in they ass or disappear from this site and go where you’re appreciated/loved by ppl who have 0 connections to them. that clique is narcissistic asf and if you’ve ever been in just one group with them you’ll never in your life want to rp with them again. All they do is steal. Y’all too creative and smart to sit here, marked, and giving these people their next rp ideas
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First off, thank you for all the nice things you said about me as an admin. I appreciate that. Secondly, I understand how you feel and will take it all in consideration. Thirdly, some people who are OGs prefer this way whereas the newbies prefer other ways. My goal has always been to give people what they want. This has been going on since April. Three rpers have gotten 100+ badges and two are on the cusp of getting theirs. Lastly, I have to keep repeating myself. I do not give a flying fuck about who copies. I’m too grown to care about that shit. They can copy all they want and my rpers will still never join their shit do lmao. I mean, do you, hun. Have fun with your friends, but you’ll still miss out on the essence of my plots because the people behind the success aren’t in your shit. Period. Going forward, if you are not comfortable on here, please understand that you do not have to feel pressured to be on here. I have another private group for a reason. Stay in that one. This one is not ran like that and is strictly for ff style writing. Nobody runs their rps like I do on here. I have so many unique black writers and all they do is write. It’s minimal social media posts and really para/development based. Everybody doesn’t like that so go for what you like.
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honeysfilmclub · 9 months
As a Rose (and tenrose and tentoorose stan), I’m so so scared of engaging with literally any ninerose stan. I’m so fucking scared.
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god-u · 3 months
people on twitter are being real weird about chance.. that man is dead so idk what the point in some of those posts are now. if anything i’m really keeping his family in my thoughts. it’s crazy seeing anyone my age go out like that and i’ve lost family the same way. i’ve lost friends from shootings and more. it’s okay for people to feel shock about something like this. you aren’t better than anyone for saying you don’t care because he was *insert -phobic* when you probably have family who disregard your own identity for the same reason but you’d still cry if some shit like this happened to them because of the little good you experienced with them even if the bad outweighed it
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art-student-rants · 9 days
i hate when authors CLEARLY dislike one of their characters and give them no real backstory or character development. it’s so annoying. like dude you created this thing at LEAST give it some attention. no wonder it’s misbehaving it’s crying out for HELP!!
#read this stupid book that i HATED called#four weeks five people#and i was really curious about how they would portray npd because i basically know nothing about it#and there was this character named mason and he was the FLATTEST NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AWFUL PERPSN#BUT ALSO THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON IN THE ENTIRE BOOK#AND THE AUTHOR DID NOTHING WITH IT#anyway after i was like huh is this what people with npd are really like???#so i went down a rabbit hole and literally NO. it’s NOT. the author literally did the worst job she could have#within twenty minutes of research i understood it better than she let on that SHE did throughout the WHOLE BOOK#the book was so annoying overall the mc stella was literally AWFUL#HATED HER#the book was weird asf i just read it cause it was suggested on my library app and i had to kill time while i was waiting#but literally SO BAD#the whole thing ANNOYYYEDDDD MEEE#and the even more annoying thing is that people were like I LOVE YHIS!!! on goddess’s#like bro#did you even READ it???#idk maybe i’m the problem but that book drove me CRAZY#not to mention the ridiculous glorification of alcohol as a means of escape?? wtf?? aren’t you guys supposed to be 14-16??#ALSO the romanticization of an extremely controversial setting that many people have spoken out about being HARMFUL and ABUSIVE is crazy#idk i just think it’s very interesting#the author clearly did basically no research#literally tons of the the information is infactual#ugh like BROOOOO#COME ON#ITS JUST BAD THE PLOT ISNT EVEN GOOD#thoughts#books#bookblr#writeblr
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no1ryomafan · 4 months
Once again debating about the side mega man blog but regardless if I do make it or not, when I have the time I might make a whole long in depth post talking about the male ZX protags cause man while I have no idea how the tumblr fandom is I’m remembering some dumb takes with them so I think they deserve a proper breakdown to show “no they have character you fucking dumbasses”
#meg text#not gonna tag the fandom this time for my sanity tho#tbh I have too many bad takes that while probably aren’t universally agreed upon seeing them more then once concerned me#more specifically when it comes to this series it seems like people skipped it entirely or just mashed through dialogue#cause I cannot begin to understand why people think it has a “bland cast”#my brothers in Christ P&P are right fucking there as interesting characters#and prairie too!#but aside from the villains minus the ones I mentioned Vent and Grey have it the worst#it’s both a mix of “people don’t care for the story but like women so find them superiority”#or “people actually pay attention to the story but only for the females and clearly ignored the male routes”#I seriously don’t know which one between the two pisses me off more#the fact just because vents route is less emotional people ignore the fact he has a character arc#or the fact Greys story makes WAY more sense narratively then Ashe but people don’t care about him bc he isn’t funny#when greys story is built upon being confused and having subtle info dumps handed to him#and this isn’t to diss aile and Ashe bc I love them and overall think Aile/Grey the better narrative route#but it’s annoying to see this shit when both routes to their core are the SAME STORY just in different povs#(oh and when people say the girls should’ve been pair up together… you REALLY didn’t play greys route to understand why he’s paired w aile)
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the lack of respect for the httyd books pisses me off ugh
#if y’all like the movies more power to you! i mean no I’ll will towards you! this is just how i feel! and it is wildly unpopular!#they were first!!!#the movies capitalized off cressida cowell’s creation!!! and then changed everything but the title and some names!!!#i’m sorry but when i search ‘httyd books’ and pretty much all that shows up is movie crap like…#don’t specifically tag the books unless it’s bookverse!!! nothing is the same!!!#and i Hate movie toothless i’m sorry they changed his entire character aND APECIES BTW#cressida names and creates so many different dragons and the movies really went ‘tehe let’s make up Our Own’#and now everyone thinks toothless is a night fury or whatever the hell and UGH#it just makes me so so so mad#i’m sorry ik so many people like them but as i reread the books now i can’t help but feel so angry at the movies#and the ppl who created them#like…. ppl like them more bc they’re pretty which is everything the book isn’t#EHICH IS THE POINT#they���re vikings!!! they aren’t clean! they’re dirty and their societal definition of attractive is Not what our world’s is!!!#creasida’s art gets dismissed So Quickly bc it isn’t perfect or whatever but it has more heart than every movie put together#the book art reminds me a lot of the m.p100 art whefe ppl crap it bc it’s a lil messy and it doesn’t fit conventional art beauty standards#but it conveys so much emotion!!! and then ppl tell me the books are too childish well#1. clearly you haven’t read past like book three or four and 2. wHAT ARE THE MOVIES THEN??? ARE TBEY NOT??? THEY’RECHILDREN MOVIES TOO!!!#ugh sorry guys the disrespect by the movies and fandom makes me angry these books are so important to me and ppl are so quick to dismiss em#you don’t have to read them or even like them but you can’t really be a true fan of the movies if you don’t acknowledge and appreciate thei#origins and that’s what people don’t do. they ignore the existence of the books and UGH the books are so deep and meaningful…#okay it’s one am i’ll stop now it just makes me upset you know#corey talks:)
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reasoncourt · 1 year
i just don’t think people who say taylor swift isn’t talented are serious people. like you can argue that she got to where she is because of her parent’s money and her white privilege etc. that’s totally true. and you can argue that there are many super talented artists who remain in obscurity for their whole career despite being absolutely way ahead of the game and more deserving of worldwide renown. all that can be true. and it’s worth having discourse about. but you lose me when you point to someone who is so clearly talented and say “she’s mediocre”. because she is obviously not mediocre. like idk. it just bugs me. because i think there are so many valid criticisms to make about people like taylor swift but it gets goofy when you call her talent into question
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mihrsuri · 2 months
Sometimes I think about making a post about the Mizrahi Jewish Experience Of Getting Into The Tudors and then I don’t because well :/.
(inspired by post I just reblogged etc)
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pepprs · 1 year
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gonna delete this later bc i know it’s unproductive to screenshot / namedrop and i actually am thinking the best approach would just be to privately share this thought w the dev who posted this in a possibly futile attempt to effectively advocate for the change i want to see (#worktag2 lol). but im workshopping it here w my beloved mutuals first as i always do which is kinda shooting myself in the foot given that the devs can probably see that but whatever. my thought is like… i get it. i really do. i get that this place needs to stay afloat and some of that is gonna involve sacrifice or something from everyone involved. but… why would you try to snuff out the things that make this place what it is and just make it like all the other places. why would you not even take into account how the changes are going to impact EXISTING users who are loyal even if they don’t pay. people aren’t going to come to tumblr for more tiktok and instagram. they’re going to come here for tumblr. for the anonymity and the customization and whatever. so like i just don’t get it. why is the solution to this problem to experiment with changes **that existing users won’t like** and not to listen to what existing users want and do more of it bc other ppl likely will want that too.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
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maiteo · 1 year
im getting….extremely tired…of y’all lying on me in my smoochuals inbox to be honest..
I don’t let internet folks piss me off but to go to a FRIENDS inbox trying to stir shit up is soooo beyond juvenile who does that!!!
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s-cullayy · 10 months
It fucking sucks to love your work but hate your job. Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen you are my enemy. I will not mourn your death, and I hope it’s slow and humiliating
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arttheclown · 2 years
i’ve gotten pretty chill about differing opinions on fictional shit as i’ve gotten older but i do have to say. i sincerely don’t trust people who don’t like sienna LOL
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