#like.... horror movies are my special intrest !!!!
victorlvsdeath · 4 months
Great idea:
Have a list of all my special interests.
DEATH. Taxidermy. Natural Disasters. Meteorology. Hannibal (all adaptations). Horror movies (specifically found footage and psychological). Forest animals. and the one outlier... the sims franchise.
If you share any...
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lokideservesahug · 3 months
Love in 3D
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Pairing: Logan Sargeant x reader. Part of this Mall AU collab with @ham1lton
☆ -idiots in love  | fluff | comedy | smau + written ☆
Warnings: A teensy bit suggestive at a few points, Logan and reader have crushes on each other but are super oblivious, mention to Oscar + his love intrest in the series (it's like a multiverse!)
Notes: I took liberties with what films were showing so it doesn't reflect their actual release date or showing time irl. A special thanks to @ham1lton for allowing me to be apart of this, brainstorming with me and beta-ing my work (you're amazing and ily <33 :D).
Summary:When you go to the cinema to watch a film that a friend of yours suggested, the last thing you expected to do was to develop a crush on a certain American worker (or be handed an excuse to come back). Or alternatively, when you keep on going back to the cinema, it's because you're just a massive cinephile...right?
Slight prelude here
Now when a friend told you to visit the cinema because you just "had to see this new film, it's so...you!" you didn't think much of it. You had avoided looking at reviews for it online and excused the visit as a means to treat yourself, especially with how hard you've been working recently. After taking a short journey into the centre of town, you traverse to the movie theatre. You walk through the towering glass doors and are suddenly enveloped by the comforting atmosphere. The low key, warm lighting bouncing off of the harsh crimson furniture in all directions makes you feel almost at home when paired with the low mumble of families waiting to see films and discussing ones they'd just viewed.
The atmosphere almost makes you feel drowsy so unsurprisingly, you wholeheartedly believe you are living a dream when you walk up to the counter and the most gorgeous man ever stands before you. His green eyes meet yours in a friendly encounter and you give him a quick one over. Your eyes scan from the bottom of his worn out, white trainers to his stained, blue t-shirt (was that butter splotched in the middle?) and even to his long blonde/brownish hair - that clearly hadn't been cut in a while as it swoops over his face, making him look like a prince-.
Somehow, your brain manages to coherently string together a thought that isn't focused on the man in front of you as you ask for "One ticket to see ‘Cats’ please." Yet as soon as the words leave your lips, you're back to daydreaming about the innocent cinema worker behind the counter. You've never seen him before because you're sure you'd have noticed. But then again, you were in the middle of town so of course you don't know everyone. How foolish. You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't even notice him softly asking you a question.
Your eyes widen in horror for a moment. Oh no. What did he say? Eager to only please him, you tilt your head and utter out a timid "Yes?" which sounds as confused as you feel. You glance down at his nametag as a means to hide your confusion and are met by the sight of a neat, embossed ‘Logan' in the centre. However, the answer must have been right because the man’s, Logan you suppose, face splits out into a toothy grin and he mutters a few positive sounding adjectives in response.
“Great. I'll get one ready for you now." He drops to a squat and rummages behind the counter as you furrow your brows. Did you just sign up for something? He pops his head back up from below the counter and you give him a small smile (that feels really quite uncertain with your fate. "Can I get a name for the card, please?" You respond with your name and his soft smile and compliment make your cheeks feel warm. He hands the card to you and you feel your breath catch in your throat at the brief contact of his warm fingers on yours.
"Have a great day and enjoy the film." You turn to mush at his sweet smile and begin to long to see only that sight until your dying day. You utter out a small "You too." and at that moment, you finally regain consciousness and want the ground to suck you up. Logan laughs melodically at your slip up which makes you smile at his laughter. "So sorry. I didn't mean that... I was just distracted!" This causes his laughter to die down as he squints his eyes and one side of his mouth curls up as if he was beginning to smirk. You shoot him a small smile and swiftly pivot and speed for an exit this time with a small "Have a nice day. Thank you."
As you finally reach your seat, you look down at the ticket and card he gave you. Huh? The tickets are much cheaper than you expected. Maybe you'd have to come back again sooner (and you suppose the cute workers aren't any deterrent). You place the ticket on the arm rest and your attention is drawn straight to the card he also placed in your hand. This must be what you unknowingly agreed to. You shake your head, cursing (and praising) your mindless state earlier as you look at the month long cinema pass lying in your hands. Well maybe you would have an excuse to come back soon after all.
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Logan stares at the man opposite him, gently tapping on the counter. The American had never acutely noticed just how non-existent his love life truly is. Well, until he met you, now he finds that every moment when you weren't blessing his shifts to be dull and in his books, futile.
Oscar's words cut through his thoughts. "Well, I think you can try and make it more obvious? I've heard some people give discounts to the customers they really like. Maybe you can try doing that?" 
Logan looks down and blushes. "I uh... I've already given her a staff discount." Oscar lets out a slow exhale. "Damn... you never-" "Yeah I know." Logan has only just accepted that he has feelings for the Y/H/C girl, let alone broken work policy... Himself a few weeks ago would have gone into cardiac arrest at just the thought.
"Damn, you must be whipped." Oscar's laugh at the end makes Logan break into his own set of laughter. “Well, no…” Oscar reaches for a roll from the floor to ceiling cupboard and pivots with a ‘Hearty Italian’ roll in his hand whilst simultaneously raising an eyebrow at the blonde man, making Logan laugh in resignation. “Yeah, something like that." The Aussie grins at his friend's newfound carefree nature. It has been a long time since Oscar has seen Logan this happy and the two of them have known each other a very long time. Oscar slices the sub as Logan begins his soliloquy.
“But you don't get it, Osc. She’s just… I’ve never seen such a gorgeous woman before . I mean the other day I told her a joke and she actually laughed.” Oscar smiles and mutters “no way” in the same manner in which you’d speak to a child. “And when she laughed I swear it was a taste of what heaven is like!” Oscar hums in acknowledgment as he mindlessly flicks a handful of ham slices onto the bread. “And last week, she bought some popcorn, which I couldn't charge her for of course, but she had both caramel and butter together. I’ve never met anyone else that does that!” Logan releases a dreamy sigh as Oscar opens the large toaster door and slides the roll in.”She’s perfect Osc. I think we were made to be together.” 
"Well," the Aussie begins whilst turning round and getting the sandwich from the toaster. "I say if she comes back then you shoot your shot. I mean who was it that was complaining the other week about their 'truly abysmal love life' ?" Logan looks down and chuckles. "Yeah man I mean it still is that bad but..." Oscar smiles in acknowledgement, he has his own struggling love life and completely understands Logan's dilemma.
You sigh as you fall back on the sofa. “So let me get this straight. You decided that the best course of action was to just go to his work several several times a week.” You turn and squint your eyes at your best friend's words. “Well no but…” She rolls her eyes at you. “But what Y/N/N? Because it sounds an awful lot like you're just trying to deny your feelings for him but still seeking out his company if it's for a few moments.”
You stay silent as you ponder her words. “I'm just worried about you getting hurt from this. I mean he's probably not even that cute.” You shake your head at her. “Oh no, he really is.” She tilts her head with a questioning look. “It's just… He's so sweet. He always helps the elderly customers and is such a  gentleman. Oh and don't get me started on how good he looks. I mean his eyes are such a gorgeous, enigmatic mix. And Oh those arms. You should see them when they fle-” 
“Oookay. I get it Juliet.” You sigh in longing at just the thought of Logan. “We will put a pin in that for later because there is a lot to unpack there.” You give her a tight-lipped,  thankful grin. “So, moving on, did you hear what happened to Melanie last week?” You try to push the thought of your favourite American to the back of your mind as you focus on the latest gossip of your friend. Besides, lack of boy talk should do you some good for once.
Oscar slides the signature sub across the counter. "Thanks, mate." Logan smiles and unwraps the warm sandwich and takes a bite. Logan groans at the familiar taste. "Damn it's not that wonderful mate." Logan shakes his head at Oscar's words. And looks around quickly, piquing Oscar's interest. The older of the two leans forward and speaks in a hushed whisper. "I came in last week and that new employee made my sandwich...." Logan pulls a face that can only be described as depicting pure, unadulterated disgust. Oscar only laughs in response. "It's not funny mate, I didn't know a sandwich could taste that horrible and I have the simplest thing ever!" Oscar shakes his head and sports a distasteful expression at just the thought of his co-worker. But doesnt make any effort to hide the expression as he begins to speak. "Yeah well, at least you have a good meal now." Logan tilts his head "Yeah I guess so." He glances at the clock and curses. "I'm going to be late! Thanks Osc, catch you later." Logan scrambles out of the food court towards the escalator and Oscar is left in historical laughter at his best friend's frenzied, pining state.
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When Saturday roles around, you decide that unsurprisingly, you are going to visit the mall you have found yourself frequenting recently. Surprisingly though, you walk through the doors with good, honest intentions today. You have a film in mind that you are desperate to see and you take a small amount of pride in the fact that you are visiting for the cinema’s true purpose rather than going just to ogle the cute American behind the counter. Over the past few weeks, you have seen a multitude of reruns of old, black and white films, only shown a handful of times all the way to new kids films just as an excuse to visit your favourite worker (not that you'd ever admit that of course).
However, as you approach the counter, eyes scanning all of the workers' space, you can’t seem to find Logan. Instead, you are met by the sight of a slightly older, quite attractive, blonde man (that is unsurprisingly very much taken as you gather from the shiny gold band on his weathered hand). As if he notices your wandering eyes, he asks “Anything wrong love?” Your eyes snap to meet his. “Sorry?” He gives you a friendly smile, “You just look quite distracted, that’s all.” You shake your head. “Sorry I just…” the words seem embarrassing now that you think of them. Oh yeah, sorry sir I only visit because I’ve got a massive crush on one of the workers here and I’m just really upset that you aren't him. 
You pull yourself out of your thoughts and address the man - a quick glance down at his name badge informs you that he is Jenson, a senior manager at the cinema. You nearly grin at the sweet badges pinned to his landward, hanging next to the badge; a multitude of film quote badges and oddly a few bakery item pins? How random. You focus your attention back on the man. “Can I have one ticket to go and see ‘Challengers’ please?” Jenson nods and types on the digital keypad in front of him. You reach down and rummage around in your bag to try and find the cinema card (and your payment card of course). When your fingers find the edge of the cards, you pull them out and hold the cards stationary in the air, level with the worker’s screen. “I have this cinema card that you can scan.” Jenson’s eyes widen, he gives you a quick look over before his mouth splits into a toothy grin. “Ah!” is all he says before he gently takes the cards and swipes them one after another in the card slot. 
His expression makes you feel as if you’ve been left out of something important but you don’t have much time to linger on the thought before Jenson is walking away from where he stood with a small promise that he’ll return shortly. You rock backwards on the balls of your feet in suspense, maybe the card didn’t work? You look around, a small part of you is hoping to somehow catch a glimpse of your newfound crush but to no avail. The mechanical sound of tickets being printed breaks you from your scanning of the lobby. Jenson places the tickets and the two cards back in your hand. Yet surprisingly, he also slides a large bag of popcorn in your direction. You give him a questioning glance. Was this yet another thing you’d managed to agree to buy without realising? Jenson only gives you another of those wide smiles before answering “He talks about you a lot. And you're the only one to have bought one of these cards. Well, unless you’re Bertie but you certainly don’t look 80 years old.” 
His words make you blush and huff out a small laugh. You pocket your cards, grab the bag of popcorn and walk away muttering a small thanks. You find your seat, mind whirring over what is left in front of you. On your left armrest is a bag of caramel and butter popcorn, paired with the memory of Jenson’s words. “He spoke about you” Your cheeks warm at the thought of Logan possibly reciprocating your feelings. And then you fully settle into your seat, prepared to finally focus on the screen, you can’t help but notice that the price on the ticket is higher than usual… How odd…
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Meanwhile, Logan's phone:
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Logansargeant: A nice weekend off for once
Liked by Oscarpiatri, Alexalbon and 46 others
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Oscarpiatri: mate you ditched me for a golf weekend?
↳Logansargeant: Sorry Osc, I just needed to get my thoughts together
↳Osarpiastri: ooh. Is this about **********
↳Logansargeant: Shush mate, you can make it less obvious.
↳Alexalbon: Oooh who or what is  **********?!?🤨
↳Oscarpiastri: 🤐 i’m afraid i’m sworn to secrecy
↳Alexalbon: Booo. You’re no fun
For the entirety of the day, Logan has been staring at the door each time it opens. At every worship of the automatic doors on the carpet, his head whips up, hoping to find you there, only to be met with a gaggle of 40 year old women or a party of school children. Logan isn't even afraid to admit the reason behind his peculiar behaviour. He has missed his “staring at Y/N time” as Oscar has so fondly nicknamed it.
After the text he received from Jenson, he can't help but feel a buzz of hope linger in his stomach. He's seen you many times before but the fact that you're coming even when he's not here and possibly looking for him (Jenson's words, not his)? Just the thought makes Logan grin. He already had today planned out in his head. You'd walk through those doors with your regular smile and come up to the counter. You’d then ask to see another random film that was showing at a later point today. He’d flash you a smile and when you’d go to pay, he’d stop you and insist that it was his duty to pay for a woman, especially on the first date. You’d be left in wordless awe and would beg him to let you repay him to which he’d only respond by swooping you into an eager ki-. His daydream is interrupted by soft coughing.
His head whips up only to be met with the familiar shade of your eyes which had plagued his dreams for many nights. You give him a soft smile and all of Logan’s previous “plan” exits his mind as he just gets lost in your eyes. He smiles back at you and lets out a breathy “Hi…” Your grin widens. “Hi Logan, how are you today?” Gosh even you just saying his name makes butterflies erupt in his stomach. He readily answers your question and the two of you fall into eager small talk. 
It almost hurts you to have to pull out of the conversation but you find yourself needing a distraction from the cute Yank on the other side of the counter. “So do you have any new film recommendations today?” Logan lets out a contemplative hum. “None that you haven't already seen.” You visibly deflate at his words. In the past, you have always been very strategic with when you visit and planned trips when there were new films showing.
However today you didn't look as if you were too wrapped up with just the thought of seeing Logan again. “Oh…” You let out an awkward laugh. “Well I guess you've turned me into a cinephile then.” You inwardly slap yourself at your words. Genius. You've all but outed your crush for him, you might as well get on one knee and start spouting sonnets. Logan's cheeks warm and he gains composure before he responds. “Is there, uh, anything else you can do near here? Go to the record store? He'll, my boss, know a killer bakery that he used to work at if you ever want any recommendations!” You almost feel like spilling your guts to Logan and revealing the true intention of your visits. “Well… In all honesty I've never really explored the rest of the mall, I've mainly stuck to the cinema.”
Logan perks up at your words. This could be his chance. He rubs his shiny palms on his trousers and shakily responds. “Well… I could show you around later if you'd like that?” 
You fight the urge to start grinning like a lovesick fool. “I think I'd really quite like that.” Logan's mouth turns into an uncontrollable toothy grin as he laughs in surprise. “Great. Yeah. Amazing. I can't wait!” You giggle at his cute rambling. “What time do you get off?”
The two of you sit in content silence. “This was great.” You eagerly nod at the man sitting opposite you as you take another scoop of your plain froyo. “It was truly amazing. Thank you and I hope we can do it again.” He smiles softly at you (despite how often he's done it throughout the evening, you still feel butterflies erupt in your stomach). He replies softly. “I'd love that.” He waves to one of the supervisors (who is involved in a conversation with clearly too much sexual tension with a curly haired man, clearly another supervisor if the badge was anything to look at). She catches Logan's eyeline and nods. After the two of you have paid (Logan insisted that it was his duty to pay) and left the restaurant, you walk around arm in arm with the man with a new found confidence. 
“So where to next time? Is it a bit too on the nose to suggest a movie date next time?” Logan laughs breathily as he pulls you into his side. “Sweetheart, I think you've seen enough films to last you a lifetime.” 
Jenson watches as his favourite worker leans over the counter with a wide grin on his face. He thinks back to a similar time when him and his partner were also like that. As you quickly lean in to peck Logan's nose, the older man can't help but feel a sense of pride for the man almost like his son and a sense of joy for your blossoming relationship; which very clearly is the best thing for the both of you. 
Logan glances up at the clock every few minutes. His eagerness to clock off makes you giggle. “What's got you so tense?” His face softens. “Sorry. I just really want to take my gorgeous girlfriend to this new shop that's just opened up.” You fight the urge to blush and instead just tilt your head playfully. “Really? What does she look like, maybe I've seen her before.” You glance around and consequently don't notice Logan scrambling over the counter and engulfing you in a large embrace. “Hmmm… I think I've found her.” Your protests get lost in the laughter as the two of you each off, Logan's shift finally at its end.
Jenson watches the two of you exit the building, arm in arm with lovestruck expressions on your faces. Gosh, you were adorable. And gosh he was going to have to do Logan's job and refill the slushy machine…for the third time this week. 
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Yourusername: Guys, I have to finally come out and admit it, this is the “view” I went to the cinema for.
Liked by: Logansargeant, Yourbestfriend, Oscarpiatri and 104 others
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Yourbestfriend: 😐Simp😐 Also Logan I am out for your blood
↳Logansargeant: What. Why!?!
↳Yourbestfriend: You took my wife from me😫
↳Logansargeant: My wife now (soon)🙂
↳Yourusername: Awww Lo, Ilysm❤❤
Logansargeant: Who is that handsome man?
↳Yourusername: He has a gf, sorry :/
↳Logansargeant: Is his girlfriend single because she is gorgeous?😍😍😍
↳Yourusername: Depends on who's asking🤨
Alexalbon: Awww! So cute to see you together after Logan spent weekends raving about you
↳Logansargeant: Nuh uh
↳Oscarpiastri: fym nuh uh?
↳Yourusername: Aww Lo. You raved about me?
↳Logansargeant: Of course baby how could I not💙
↳Yourusername: You're adorable
↳Oscarpiastri: 😐🤮
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Logansargeant: Finally made me change my ways (also if you see this and you're Jenson then we aren't breaking any cinema policies and see you on Monday)!!!
Liked by yourusername, Oscarpiatri, Alexalbon and 107 others
View all 24 comments:
Yourusername: Oh my gosh that photo of us outside the cinema turned out so cute❤❤
↳Logansargeant: Only because you're in it💙
↳Yourusername: Charmer…
↳Logansargeant: What can I say? It's the only thing to do when you have such a gorgeous girlfriend😉
↳Yourusername: Lo stop. I'm actually giggling and blushing rn wtf
Oscarpiatri: is this what you do on company time now
↳Logansargeant: I'm afraid so Osc
↳Oscarpiastri: does this mean you'll put a staff discount on my tickets now, finally
↳Logansargeant: Sorry Osc, I don't think I'm allowed
↳Oscarpiastri: oh but your gf has been getting it since before you even started dating!?!?!
↳Yourusername: Awww Lo, really? That's so sweet (and explains the cheap tickets now)
↳Logansargeant: What can I say babe? I've been whipped from the start
Jensonbutton: I suppose I can Ignore the fact that you had your phone out in the cinema room just this once.
↳Logansargeant: And this is why you ate my favourite boss!
↳Jensonbutton: You only have one boss…
↳Logansargeant: So you truly are the best!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @thatgirlmj
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Little Retrospective of Horrors: Little Shop: Bad Seed: That's Not a Joke that's the actual episode title (Comission by WeirdKev27)
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Well here we are friends, at the end of my look of little shop of horrors. I may return for the comic adaptations of the films one day, but for now.. there's one last strange and intresting plant to cover before we close shop and count the bodies. Intresting may be pushing it i'll admit but it IS strange, so at least it has that.
Little Shop is a 1991 cartoon based on the musical and film, which mashes together the 60's do-wop themes of the musical, peanuts and Rap into one series.
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Yeah THIS happened. I knew about it for a long time but hadn't seen hide nor hair of it till a reviewer I used to watch covered it. What clips I saw really didn't inspire confidence. However Kev loves to watch me suffer and coudln't wait for me to cover this whenever I could, so he paid me money to watch this thing.
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So I decided to give the series a fair shake, look at the first episode. And i'm glad he did in the long run as it DOES feel more complete having this series in the retrospective. My soul will never entirely heal but hey, that's the price you pay sometime in this line of work. So join me under the cut as I talk about an Audrey Junior that raps. If that didn't scare you off, join me won't you?
We begin little shop with the theme song. And credit where it's due.. the hook for it is fire.
It's a weird sandwitch of a song where the begining and end are great, a nice 90's style rnb hit. Problem is like many a 90's work they drop a piss take rap in the middle with lines like "get ready for a funny bone overload" "I'm comin atcha like toon style" "In full effect" and "the little shop posse's gaining respect"
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Look if you don't know how something works don't do it. It's why i stay far away from tik tok and why Little Shop shouldn't of tried to enter the rap game.
This decision.. will never not be hilarious. Eldrictch God Levels of maddening too, of course, but hilarious. See... you'd THINk from this decision Little Shop abandons the Do-Wop, 60's pop sound of the musical entirely. You'd THINK. Instead they have numbers in that style AND rap numbers with Junior that make Poochie look dignified. So the writers clearly GOT that the music was one of the most valuable, iconic and awesome parts of the movie and stage play.. but also failed to grasp that it clashed horribly with rap. Or execs did. Or roger Corman
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And the 60's style is still present for the most part as in their next baffling decision, they decided the best thing to possibly pair with little shop of horrors.. was peanuts
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Now this isn't something I've really had a chance to dig into on this blog.. but I absolutely LOVE peanuts. The specials, the films, and of course the comic that started it all. As my frequent use of Breaking Cat News and Bloom County panels shows I love me a good comic strip and I love the godfather of most modern comic strips. If it didn't come from peanuts it came from Bloom County or Calvin and Hobbes, which came from peanuts.
So I actually do understand the impulse to model little shop's style after peanuts: it's a classic style, it has roots in the 60's as the specials started there and A Charlie Brown Christmas is still played every christmas as gods intended, and it works well. And they do a good job styliistically: it's peanuts esque but has it's own unique style and I like the minmalist yet colorful backgrounds. it really pops and the show LOOKS good, even through the vhs rip I watched.
The big issue is that they go for the peanuts style.. but often don't actually match that tone. The start of the episode kind of does, Seymour is charlie brown now, talks about his bad luck, not being "smart" enough to be a nerd, and his constant bullying by Pain Driller
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Our DENNNTTIIIIST. The problem is LIttle Shop goes for a zanier universe. And it's not that Peanut's universe couldn't be rediculous. We've had things like Peppermint Patty being out of school for several weeks going to a dog obdience school thinking it was private school, Snoopy walking all the way to Kansas City when trying to get to Wimbledon and reuniting with his sister, Snoopy's awkward teenage nephew
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The Kite Eating Tree which is not Charlie Brown's imagination, the EPA trying to arrest charlie brown for biting the bastard tree, Charlie Brown having to wear a sack over his head due to a baseball shaped rash... Charles Schultz wasn't above getting weird with it, and I'm here for it. Weird peanuts is some of the best peanuts.
The diffrence is peanuts is more.. chill. There will be big events and weird shit but it has a relaxed tone. Even something as awful as Lucy throwing Linus out of the house... was mostly just Linus chilling with Joe cool at his dorm and their parents having not intervened because they were missing... and the reveal of WHY gives Lucy her commpuance in the best way possible.
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It's a fairly relaxed strip. There can be tense arcs and weird shit, but generally the stakes are just a setup for jokes or character work. So throwing a magical talking rappin plant into that kind of tone dosen't work. I get the impulse as the originla flim was also kinda relaxed.. at first. But it's hard to make "Carnvrious talking plant" work with "chill and relaxed"... so why do it? Why not just have them as teens at least? why? why/ Why?
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So we find out Seymour has a job at Mushnik's still because Child Labor dosen't exist in this universe and is still yelled at by him because Mushnik uses child labor you think he's above YELLING at his free child labor? Seymour, as you'd expect, has a crush on Audrey whose mushnik's daughter in this one so she has a reason to be around. In a series where almost none of the changes make sense, why is THIS the one that does?
She ignores seymour because she wants to be a fire fighter
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She apparently has a diffrent new passion every episode, like Daphne from Be Cool Scooby Doo but not as endearing. Seymour can't get her to notice him, and unlike the previous two versions she dosen't SEEM to have a thing for him back.
So Seymour needs to turn his life around and as usual finds a strange and intresting plant.. or rather it's seed as that's how Little Shop thinks plant dormancy works. Granted i'm not a botanist, but one google tells me that's not how it works. A plant simply stops growing and strengthens it's roots and what not to survive. So the IDEA of how Twoey isn't fozilied depsite, as we'll find out, being from caveman times, isn't bad.
This leads to our first musical number as Seymour tries to raise Audrey Junior to impress Audrey who in this version is a jerk about it while Mr Mushnik talks about his bad luck as does Seymour and no one cares because Seymour is a blatant copy of a way more popular characte rinstead of a kidified version of rick moranis and Mushnik reguarlly bullys a child.
So while we saw Seymour's mom earlier, he's sleeping at the shop. Apparently Mushnik bought him for a wadded up five and a slim fit condom. He dreams of caveman times, and Audrey Junior, who orders himself a pizza. Because apparently having a childrens show about Rambo, Warrior for Piece is okay but you can't sell one about a plant murdering a child's enemies.
So instead Junior just eats a lot. Anyways Pain is the delivery boy because child labor laws can go fuck themselves in this universe, and plans to rob seymour. So instead of being a murderous manipulative monster Twoey.. is just an asshole. Or dosen't know how money works.
Twoey does as usual offer some quid pro quo: Seymour tkaes him home later,a nd Twoey gets Audrey to notice he's alive. He agrees. Mushnik plans to fire the child he shoudln't of hired, while Twoey needs to hold up his end. So he decides to plant the idea in Audrey's head that seymour's cool, by literally pulling a seed out of the plant equilvent for a butt. His aim is lousy though so he hits pain instead.
This works to their advantage though as it allows them to steal his dope ass moped. Unfortunatley Junior finds that his home.. is now a petrified forest. And we get the one joke that actually made me laugh "Petrified Forest, please stay off the petrified grass". And I'll give them credit, Juniors sadness over his family being gone and being stuck in an urban hellscape is great.
The problem is that Junior.. lacks anything that made his predecessor Twoey or his grandpa also junor work. The original junior was just a mindless plant that Seymour was stupid enough to get hooked on corpses. The film version was a creepy trickster who manipulated Seymour ot his ends. A comedic twoey COULD actually work: keep the big eater thing and simply have him manpiulate seymour to his own ends. IT's not as good, but it'd work for what hteir goin for here. Instead while they try that, what we've got is a character whose just a selfish asshole with no trickstery charm and whose also a walking fossil of the 90's instead of the jurassic.
Still as is law Junior DOES help. In trying to lead a plant rebellion against humanity, he instead just makes all the flowers grow. Seymour accidently floods the place trying to stop him, which gets Audrey's intrest thinking he was fire fighting. I'm too tired to think of the logic here. Mushnik is happy to not fire him as long as their's buisness so we have our setup: Junior decides to adjust to modern day, Seymour keeps him because it benefits him, Audrey actuallyt alks to seymour now and Mushnik is taking advantage of a small child
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Little Shop.. isn't very good. You'd THINK tha't dbe inherent in "Little Shop of Horrors Cartoon for Children'.. but the idea of one ISN'T as bonkers as it sounds. Little Shop of Horrors.. works for kids as while there's defintely a lot of muder and violence, most of it is pretty subdued. Only the feeding scene from the film really has a lot of gore to it. So as "selling this to children" properties goes, the film with a big awesome puppet, catchy songs, and a happy ending that also has mutilations and spousal abuse.. isn't the wildest swing you could take.
And adapting it for kids.. is really easy. As I said, just have Audrey II be a selfish trickster ala zack morris, doing things for his own benefit. Which they have here, just with an annoying rap gimmick. You age up the characters to high school, take away the unecessary attempts to copy peanuts, and it works. The franchise is already goofy, and while done well serious enoguh, even th efilm and musical still have wacky shit like Orin's entire musical number. The premise is goofy enough to work as a goofy over the top comedy, you just gotta let it. Little Shop ultimately dosen't work because it dose'nt know what it wants to be, mixing peanuts with a magical sidekick, rap and musical numbers more along the line of the original. It dosen't know what it is and that's why it only lasted 13 episodes.
Will I revisit this series? probably. It's pretty nuts and while I don't LIKE it, it was riffable as all hell. And it does sound like it gets more and more bonkers as it goes. For now though the shop is closed, but i was happy to finally give the full breadth of the franchise a looksee. It was certainly strange and intresting.
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turtledude · 2 years
Personal headcanons for 2012 tmnt turtles. Fluff 🌸
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-secretly loves rom-com but will never tell a soul
-bonus: Mikey found out when he snuck into raphs room and saw him crying while watching the titanic, he never let him live it down
-has way to many protein shakes
-doesn’t like chocolate but LOVES sour candy
-he loves punk rock but occasionally lets his inner swifty out
-color blind because I said so and it somehow makes sense
-hyper active adhd
-Donnie had to explain pronouns to him. He understood pretty quick but didn’t think much of it. He probably wouldn’t care if someone used she/her on him but he prefers he/him
-he doesn’t like to verbally apologize but if he makes one of his brothers upset on accident he’ll leave a note in their room saying he was sorry and that if they told anyone he apologized they would face his rath
-gets really sad if an animal doesn’t like him but pretends he doesn’t care. (Def a dog person but likes cats)
-I also see him as Demi-romantic and bi. He can’t see a relationship happening if he doesn’t trust you or know you well enough, so I think it fits him(yes I know he fell really quickly for Mona but that doesn’t matter shh)
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-loves cucumber water
-fav movies are horror films
-he always points out the mistakes if the gore doesn’t look accurate
-I headcanon that when Donnie was younger one of his teeth was loose and Raph like tied a string to it and a door to get it out but it was the wrong tooth. Raph still feels bad about that(I got this idea from a fan made comic but I forgot which)
-He’s autistic you can’t prove to me she’s not
-he’s had a wide range of special intrests which is why they know a lot of random stuff.
-they already knew about pronouns and think any fit him, but it took her a while to realize her sexuality
-bi king
-he’s scared of dogs, def a cat person
-doesn’t like the texture of meat that much
-he often makes things for her brothers to show he cares for them. Time and gift giving is the way they show affection
-not used to physical touch but loves hugs, especially Mikey’s hugs. She finds it really sweet
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-they love pickles so much (probably tried it on pizza while his brothers just looked horrified in the distance)
-lactose intolerant but doesn’t care (his brothers suffer for it)
-def still watches my little pony (me too it’s okay)
-innetentive adhd
-forgets things constantly but always feels bad about it
-Raphs gotten into the habit of reminding him about stuff and Mikey really appreciates it
-loves action films but thinks horror is too scary
-their pan like I just can’t see it any other way
-bros got rizz with everyone/j
-doesn’t really care about pronouns but prefers they/he
-he prefers cats over dogs but still thinks dogs are cute
-their very physically affectionate and hugs their brothers as much as they’ll let him cough* Raph
-listens to music when he’s upset
-if he makes one of his brothers upset they get really mad at himself, they’ll constantly apologize and try to make them feel better
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-autistic and his special interest is space hero’s
-loves action and comedy movies(even better when it’s a mix)
-he hates mayonnaise, idk he just looks like he hates it.
-the type of guy to eat ranch on his pizza
-he’s gay your honor
-whenever he tries to act serious his brothers try to mess with him and make him laugh, it works everytime
-he’s trans and uses he/him cause I’m right
-literally cannot decide whether he likes cats or dogs more
-even though he tries to be mature, he can pretty hot headed sometimes. He’s also stubborn so if you make him mad it will take a bit before he apologizes
-but even with that if he calms down and realizes he actually upset his brothers or friends, he’s gonna apologize. He doesn’t want to ruin a relationship just because he’s stubborn
-he has scars from fighting and sometimes feels a little self conscious about them, but Raph always tells him they look cool and it actually makes him like them more
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awetistic-things · 1 year
Unfortunately spring and summer are longer/better growth cycles than winter insofar as hair is concerned ε٩(๑><)۶з been reading up on hair stuff growing out my curly hair, thought I would share. I think hair stuff is overtaking horror movies as most prominent special intrest; cannot stop telling ppl about the hair porosity water test. Our hair is so fucking cool holy gosh. Bf said, "there's a nen test for your hair???" Hunter x hunter enjoyers will kno
it grows better in summer??? well fuck it gets to like 118 degrees here in the summer i’m gonna have to cut some layers or something 😭😭
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leorawright · 2 years
Hiya!! Can I request an overwatch romantic matchup? I'm alright with any male character!
I'm a transmasc demigay voidboy(he/it/zhe prns!). I'm autistic and have adhd, and I also have a really bad iron deficiency (it can cause me to almost faint and sometimes makes me struggle to partake in alot of physical activity). I'm around 5'8 and I'm slightly muscular. I'm alot stronger than I look and also weigh more than what people expect. I have a shoulder length shag cut and jellyfish hybrid hairstyle that's light-ish brown and very wavy and soft.
I'd consider myself to be really introverted and I struggle to initiate conversations with people. I am good at keeping them going and I think I'm a pretty funny and interesting person. I'm kind of mean to people I meet at first cause I have a pretty severe fear of people, and bad anxiety in general. When I warm up to someone I tend to want to always talk to them and cling to them when I'm stressed. I have pretty bad sensory issues, loud noises set me off the most. I actually despise hairdryers and hand dryers, I hate those noises. Also, I don't like large crowds, but I can handle things like that most of the time. I struggle with speaking how I feel, so I convey it with actions instead. Alot of people think I'm intimidating too. Whenever someone annoys me I'm really good at scaring them off, as I can go long periods without blinking and I have a pretty monotone voice.
I have a ton of intrests, but my main ones are horror/horror movies (ESPECIALLY horror pop culture), fps games, rhythm games, indie horror games, biology and electronics. I have a really bad habit of taking things apart when they're broken to see how they work, then attempt to put them back together and find a new use for them. My special interest is marine biology and I know a ton about it. It's something I could talk about forever
For a partner, someone who I could tell loves me would be best. I have alot of self-doubts about how other people feel about me and I need a bit of reassurance. I'd also look for someone who would introduce me to new things. Generally, I just want someone who I can be close to, while they can also rely on me. I'd also love someone who's love language is physical affection. My personal language is quality time and giving gifts.
Tysm..... sorry it's so long ;; i love ur blog!!
Don't worry! I pick...
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First of all his favorite genre is horror so he'd definitely binge movies with you
He'd doesn't like people so he tends to avoid crowds and such as well
He doesn't often make loud noises so don't worry about being overwhelmed
He's honestly appalled when you tell him about your insecurities because in his eyes you're so beautiful and amazing
Once he's comfortable telling you he loves you be tells you almost every time he sees you
You and him often find new experiences together
He's super touch-starved so once he knows it's okay to cuddle he's almost always hugging you or cuddling you
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chaifootsteps · 2 years
One thing I really wish we could have seen in Transformers Prime is Knockout interacting with Jack and the other humans after he joins the Autobots. As a Decepticon, he's come to think of them as pests, but he does have an intrest in human culture itself. Imagine the kids showing him more things about human society, and over time, Knockout goes from thinking humans as insignificant to genuinley bonding and enjoying the kids and other humans. Not oy that, but I'd love to see him bond with the Autobots and realize how different they are from the Decepticons. I would have loved to see how his view points change through his interactions with the humans and the Autobots
If I'm being honest, Knock Out's my special perfect boy and I think he's too good for the Autobots who probably won't treat him like I think he deserves. I can't see him ever learning to respect humans as a species, but I can see him liking them on a case by case basis, and the thought of him watching horror movies with the kids is pretty cute.
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part1epoison · 13 days
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Hi!! I'm Jay! (He/pup), 17
This is my first Tumblr blog, so I'm not so sure what to put or post here!
I'm hoping to find some friends who have my interests (listed below), or maybe meet other witches, or kemonomini! ໒ ⸝⸝´ ˘ `⸝⸝ ა
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I am a demiboy bisexual!! I have Autism, ARFID, ADHD, and BPD! As stated above, I am kemonomini and I'm an Akita!! I am also a practicing pagan, I've never met another witch before so I'd be really happy to talk to some others. My special interest is bugs, but specifically tarantulas. I have one of my own, her name is Toph. I am studying to hopefully become an entomologist, or some sort of wildlife conservationist.
I really love reading webcomics, listening to music, drawing, writing, playing outside, etc etc!! Not very unique, but I don't mind. I'm a big yapper, but I enjoy listening just as much. ૮⸝⸝ > ꇴ <⸝⸝ ა
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BYF: I make NSFW + KYS jokes, if these aren't for you then just let me know! I need tone tags, I block freely, I'm critical of my intrests, and I talk in caps a lot
DNI: Kink blogs, NSFW blogs, under 15, Endo systems, and prosh|p!
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Music: Ghost, MCR, Rage Against The Machine, Oingo Boingo, Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, System of a Down, Will Wood, TV Girl, Tyler The Creator, Ayesha Erotica, Kendrick Lammar, Misfits, Big Thief, Mook, + SO much more!
Etc interests: Avatar, ATLA, Adventure Time, South Park, Night at The Museum, Horror Movies, Punk/Emo Culture, Homestuck, Media Analysis, Essay Writing, Spiderman, Sanrio
૮ ˶ᵔ ³ ᵔ˶ ა If you'd like to be moots, or talk feel free to dm me or interact with the post!!
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darlingru · 4 years
you sound autistic
I kno this is prob hate but like u got a good sense my dude I am actually on the spectrum
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alexiaugustin · 3 years
I am 100 % on board with your post about how Jo is an entitled and that has to do with her white privilege. But then you have to throw the gender factor into this and I don't understand the reason; Jo is acting like an entitled piece of shit towards her arab friend/LI because she's white (plus a shitty personality in itself), yes, but her being a woman has nothing to do with it. I think it's just internalized mysoginy-ish to throw that into the argument when it's not relevant, since white men are even LESS held accountable for their actions in fandom, just look at Jens' racist ass who's still stanned for being a "bi icon" by the fandom. Both white men and white women aren't held accountable for their racist actions, both in media and IRL, and are defended in different ways, but I assure you Jo would not be defended any less if she happened to be a man. If anything, straight fetishists would idolize her even more because that's how they do it with white mlm, just look at how Sander and Robbe are treated.
you know i think it's really intresting that you're coming to my blog purposefully misinterpreting what i said, drawing parallels to other shows/characters that have nothing to do with what i was talking about and then to really put the cherry on top calling my point misogynistic for.. recognizing skamfr's way of prioritizing their white female characters, who are white feminists, over their characters of color. because while some of us are busy anonymously accusing people of making misogynistic points, others have a good long look on how white feminism is a present issue on skamfr as it is deeply manifested in the way they write their white female characters, while simultaneously not caring remotely enough about their characters of color as they either couldn't care less about their seasons or villainize them.
you really think that white feminism is not an issue on skamfr and that im throwing the gender factor into this just because?? okay here's a list of things skamfr did that are the textbook definition of white feminism
having imane apologize to her group of exclusively white friends after a season where they were treating her like shit, taking ingrid's side over hers and pitying ingrid after imane called her out for her racism. leading to the conclusion of the season that her white female supposedly feminist friends are gracious enough to forgive imane, imane having to be the bigger person and inviting ingrid over to her house.. ingrid ending up with her brother??????
the entire existence of tiff's season basically but let's put some special focus on the fact that she got away with everything that she did without ever facing any consequences because she is protected by her white womanhood (something that is never actively acknowledged by the narrative)
tiff being a literal bully who told a mentally ill teenager to k word herself being the main of one of their seasons and being immediately forgiven for her past "mistakes" all while they slapped horror movie music over scenes where judith appeared, making her look threatening to poor helpless tiff and villanizing her one last time by making her deleting one audio message her fatal, unforgivable mistake. the narrative granting her zero sympathy
skamfr dedicating an entire clip to tiff saying "pink is a feminist color" and everyone just rolling with it as if that's not.. peak white feminism
the narrative letting jo yell at bilal, randomly get mad at him, calling him lazy expecting him to have enough free time to take care of all of her problems on top of her own, getting mad at him for saying that he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now etc.
those are just.. a few examples that immediately come to mind but im know that there are.. SO many more. and if writers write a show with that kind of white feminist mindset, heavily focusing on their white female characters to a point where they are taking the season of characters of color over (manon & jo being stellar examples for that) then you cannot look at this show without recognizing this issue.
it's also intresting that you are talking about how white characters are treated in fandom, when the one sentence of my post you're so concerned about being misogynistic was about how white women are treated in the media. my point was never about whether jo as a character is a white feminist- then tiff would absolutely still fall into this category- but about how jo as a character is just a product of the writing of a few people who decided to cement white feminism at the top of their show. the same people who decided that a black woman deserves to be villainized for deleting a message while they were bending over backwards to redeem their white upper class bully. the same writers who decided that dedicating five episodes to an arab teenager struggling with classism and homelessness must really be enough "activism" and that it's time to focus on the difficult life of one of their white girls again instead!
at no point did i ever say that i do not want writers to hold their white male characters accountable for the shit they do but this post simply wasn't about robbe or sander, it was about jo, a white woman who benefits from being written through a white feminist perspective. white feminism is a part of the issue with racism and white supremacy it obviously isn't all of it. but sure, if i ignored all of that i might come to the conclusion that the statement "one of these days the media will held white women like jo accountable for the shitty and toxic ways they treat others, especially people of color instead of brushing their behavior off as quirky and prioritizing their tears over the stories of people of color" must be reflecting my internalized misogyny!
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soundnvisionpodcast · 5 years
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Cherry Tree (2015) is an Irish-Dutch production based on the horror film villains and subject I love most, Witches! ................................................. This was a first time watch for me tonight and loved it. Yes it has a the cliches that you would expect from a witch movie...birth, death rebirth and the homage to rosemary's devil baby but I still love shit like that especially when it has awesome special effects, excellent kills and the characters can keep my intrest. A fun watch for sure🖤 . . . . . . #cherrytree #cherrytreemovie #davidkeating #naomibattrick #foreignhorror #foreignfilm #horrorgeek #horrorlover #horroraddict #horrornerd #horrorfan #horrorgenre #horrorgirl #soundnvisionpodcast #soundnvision #podcasting #podcast #podcastlife #podcasts #movieswelove #movieswewatch #horrormovies https://www.instagram.com/p/B8xIx6KlGGv/?igshid=lybbdpf5bv0j
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Christmas In July Finale: Mickey Rooney's Crazy Pills Present: Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker: A Rope of Sand (Comission for Cory Bryant)
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Hello all you people ane welcome to the finale of christmas in july where we have a special present for you
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This time he's supposed to be here. Yes folks to close out this festival of lovely holiday entertainment... my good friend Cory is having me review that time Mickey Rooney got hammered and made a movie where his puppet son kills people then dry humps a woman while telling her "I Love you mommy, I love you mommy" while naked and resembling a ken doll because MickeY Rooney apparently didn't know how to make a penis
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Yes this is a film that sounds way more intresting than it is, mixing some creative and bloody toy kills.. with a lot of padding: THRILL as our leading lady tries to get her traumatized son to talk two weeks after what he thought was his dad was choked to death by a santa ball that slammed him onto a fire poker. SHUDDER as we get an overly long sex scene and I pray for death btu death won't come. WONDER if Mickey Rooney is actually drinking Jack Daniels. CHECK YOUR WATCH IF YOU HAVE ONE as our leading man... stalks around, acts kinda creepy and is a red herring despite it being pretty clear it's either mickey rooney or his puppet son from the first 20 minutes.
Silent Night Deadly Night 5 is a weird film that's at the same time way more boring in parts than it has a right to be, trying to build up tension and care for our cast but instead leaving you wanting to
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Let's begin under the cut as we answer that question and more you never had as I finish the last review before vacation. The only thing standing between me and my vacation is Mickey Rooney and his robot son so let's do this.
So you might be wondering why i'm covering the 5th film in a series I haven't touched. Well for one like Nightmare on elm Street 2 last month, it's a standalone: Silent Night Deadly Night 4 and 5 are standalone films given the title because sequels = profit in video store terms. The first film had santa shock value the second had
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The third .. er exists, and this film, the only one of the five i've seen adn it's predecessor had good ole Brian Yuzna. Brian Yuzna is a horror legend, known for directing the gooey orgy that is Society, the dentist duology and the two reanimator sequels. These films were done mostly for the money, but it's clear he put some effort in and thus their more fun than they should be.
It was helped by another horror legend, Screaming Mad George. Yes that's his title and yes he lives up to it. He did the effects for most of Yuzna's films, along with Nightmare on elm Street 3, Nightmare On Elm Street 4, and Freaked which i'm bound by law to mention as Cory really likes it and I have not seen it.
Yuzna's effects are good, wether he has a decent budget like Soceity (another film I need to see), or a paperclip and a piece of string as with this film. Despite the thin budget Yuzna gets some REALLY graete kills out of this film: We see a santa choke a man onto a fire poker
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A toy plane pull out fucking buzzsaws, a toy superhero blow shit up constantly, and a toy hand choke a man while a toy snake forces his lover ot help choke him. Whent his film has kills, it has kills for days.
Unfortunately the bulk.. isn't that intresting. It has a good SETUP but simply not the acting talent nor the fucks to give to pull it off. The film starts with a boy named derek who gets a mystery present only to get berated by his dad, who he just saw rail his mom and who wears a gold chain while having sex because he classy. He dies horribly by santa nad fire poker as discussed.
This leaves poor derek traumatized, refusing to sleep in his room or speak. His mom is.. less than sympathetic. While you do at least get the sense she cares she wants him okay NOW dammit.. despite the fact it's been TWO WEEKS since she saw his father die and has given him zero therapy.
That is not enough time to build a wrestling angle much less help a child greive. I get she dosne'tk now santa ball murder him though I have to ask
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I mean did the cops not at least look at the santa ball or she at least think he tripped on it? It didn't slither away far as I could see, the toy was right there. And even if it wasn't she never questioned why her husband fell on a fire poker or thought "Gee him impaling himself somehow really startled little derek". She also fails to pick up his trauma buttons: he's scared to go to Peto's where the toy came from and around toys in general and tends to act like he's having a tantrum instead of deep seated trauma. It's hard to invest in her worry over her son when it's less "Oh god what has happened to my boy" and more "When can he stop being traumtized so we can move on". I get she didn't like her husband, and he seemed like a real dick, but Derek clearly still feels bad he died.
So most of the film is her trying to cheer him up with santa and petos. And yes Petos sounds exactly like what your sounding out and is exactly as awkard as it sounds. It's because his son is called peno who he turns out in the climax to have built because his son died when his wife died of a miscarriage. Get it PINO. PETO.
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Pino is also a name. Pino is mildly offputting but seems harmless while Peto is an absolute dick to him, raving at the boy while drinking constantly. While the abuse is acting, the drinking seems entirely real and was likely part of Rooney's contract. Their whole vibe is just Peto shouting abuse while Pino is awkard and weird because, as it turns out he's a robot and Peto couldn't help him become a real boy. Or build him a penis. And look It's weird to talk abou ta pinocchio stand in's lack of johnson but the film outright has Pino point it out and say outright Mickey Rooney cannot build a real dick for a real boy. Just as an assurance i'm not on jack , my give a fucks are already on vacation ahead of me.
So while Mickey Rooney is overly abusive, his rage is justified as it turns out later Pino has been modifying his toys to murder people.. something MickeY Rooney did in the past after his wife died in a murder rage and he taught Pino to do because that ended up working out well. I mean he's still a dick but I get him being mad Pino is murdering people and breaking into houses. Oh yeah he breaks into their house and then hides in the closet, is found and runs out awkwardly.
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With our leading lady only not calling the cops because Mickey rooney spins her a tale about having lived in their house... though later evidence suggests Pino is just a creep. We'll circle back to that.
The bulk of the film is what the film thinks is building tension.. but is really just slow scenes. Mostly from Noah. Noah is Derek's Mom's ex and Danny's REAL father, who she never told him about because gold chain man gave her security. Noah is heavily creepy, showing up to talk to just derek, playing santa which while his job he swaps with Clint Howard who died last film but is immortal and thus is in this one, so he can visit his son. Sarah runs away.. but later he corners her in a dark parking garage then once she figures out he's not the serial killer he acts like they fuck and reconcile leading to the climax. And several offscreen climaxes.
Before that though danny also shows he's a bit of a piece of shit as to get his landlord off his back while he investigates Peto, having found out his backstory I already told yas, he gives the guy at his hotel trying to throw him out a toy.. which kills him. I mean the kill is neat: the toy is a goofy antillion.. that burrows through his fucking brain and out his eye. I told you the effects were good.
The problem is ther'es good kills.. but not much else. And i'm a horror fan who prefers films with a bit more to them. A good kill is nice, and can save a film, but if a film's not either geninely good enough to carry the rest of it or goofy as shit enough to make me laugh during the other parts, it dosen't work and really most of the family drama is just there. About 2/3 of this film are just a boring woman being mean to her kid and a broing man investigating toys while neither show any signs of a personality.
When the film hits it hits: One of Danny's friends finds a present he throws away, and gets murdered goofily on rocket skates.. well amost murdered he ends up in a cast because this flim will kill gold chained men, hotel owners and mickey rooney, but will not kill a child.
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Look if your going to have a film about murderous toys, you need to follow thorugh.
We do get great stuff with Pino and Peto. Brian Bremer is fucking great as PIno, getting that "trying to be human but failing the turing test with flying colors" feel beautifully and Mickey Rooney is half assing it in a hilarous enough way for it to be good. This cumilates in the two later having a fucking fight, with Pino screaming and Rooney scremaing and BREAKING A BOTTLE OF JACK DANIELS OVER HIS HEAD. IT's so amazingly melodramatic and goofy. The film needed more of this. And more Clint Howard.
The final act though.. is pretty great. While the above garage stuff happens, Pino, having finished his father off screen, dons his face so we get santa mickey rooney murdering people. He leaves a shit ton of toys int he bedroom of Derek's baby sitters, who fuck for about 20 years off my life and OH NO A HAND HAS JOINDA ND GET IT THEY THINK EACH OTHER ARE DOING HAND STUFF BUT IT'S THE HAND DOING HAND STUFF. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Thankfully they die horribly and awesomely.. wellt he boyfriend does, his girlfriend just gets caked in blood and is left to be taken care of by the hero of the last film, which I know because I looked things up. I do research.
So we get a climax as Sarah looks for Derek, lead man whose name I forgot loooks for sarah and derek but gets acidic jiz sprayedin his face. We get the reveal santa mickey rooney is actually pino and pino has no dick, and kidnapped derek to murder hima nd replace him.. and then procedes to dry hump sarah while saying I LOVE YOU MOMMY I LOVE YOU MOMMY
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It's hilarous as it is GAH. Thankfully she escapes, he tries to play stab the kid but Derek fucking jumps on his back like Rambo taught him. No really he watches rambo and the force for freedom at some point because someone genuinely thought what GI JOe needed was more ptsd from NAM.. which.. it did so.. good job.
Thankfully male lead comes in awith a fucking axe, Derek can talk again and has met his real father and Sarah finished off pino. Id o like the final line of "it's only a toy mommy".. and the hint at as equel that didn't come as Yuzna and George had other things to do. God imagine the possiblities.. and the dry humping.
So this film.. is eh. It's worth a watch for the climax alone, but reviews like the one dead meat did gave me high expectations, with me remembering more the I LOVE YOU MOMMY of it all and not the fact most of this film just sorta happens. For your own santity fast forward if your bored, watch the carnage and have your self a merry july on tubi. The good parts are worth it, even if I wouldn't consider this high tier so bad it's good. But I respect the effort, the batshit insanity and the effects. It dosen't have ENOUGH but it has JUST enough for at least one watch. Merry christmas in july, thanks for reading and see you when I get back
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
The Shining 1977
This is one of my favorite books of all time so here I go:
What is it about?
Jack Torrance, reformed alcoholic, it’s dealing with the aftermath of the problems caused by his alcohlism which costed him his position as a teacher and caused a strain in his relationship with his wife and his son Dany. One of his friends gets him a job as a caretaker of the Overlook Hotel during the winter season and he takes it thinking it might be a restart for him and his family, unfortunately the hotel has different plans for them.
Thoughts: Simply fantastic, the alcoholism of Jack was dealt with such a realness that makes the reader uncomfortable at times but gives the book an honesty that is very appreciated. Dany, I love him to bits, he’s such a smart cute little boy that loves his parents (but specially his dad) SO much and it’s so unfair how scared he is of the hotel’s influence in his mind and his dad through his gift (the shine).
Wendy Torrance is such a strong woman and a fierce mom, I Love her a lot more than I expected (I’ll tell you why later) and I liked how complex she is.
The concept of a place charged with the energy of the things (good and bad) that happened there has always fascinated me because I’m very sensitive towards people’s energy, it drains me to fight with people, be in crowded places or going to parties so it was very intresting reading about this place chanelling Dany’s shine to materialize the bad energy imprinted there and manipulate his dad. So scary, because for me it feels kind of real in the sense that I’ve visited places that feel wrong, I haven’t seen or heard anything paranormal but it’s just a feeling that won’t go away, some kind of uneasiness that makes me wanna get away from that place, I don’t know if I’m making any sense.
Also probably my fave it’s Dick Halloran, such an awesome character, plays both the role of mentor to Dany and the savior to Dany and Wendy, and gosh how many people would risk their lives from someone they barely know?? Plus it’s a character of color and he is very well written.
Movie/ TV adaptations
There are 2: The very popular Stanely Kubrick’s “The Shining” from 1980 and the ABC miniseries produced by Stephen King himself in 1997 (fun fact: I was born that year!).
Let’s start with Kubrick’s version, I am very fond of this one because my family it’s a horror-movie family, we all huddled up in my grandparents’ house and watched The Exorcist, or the 1990 IT miniseries, or Kubrick’s The Shining in the living room (my mom never forgave my granddad for spoiling her the ending of the Shining) so yeah I have lots of childhood nostalgia with this movie, that being said as an adaptation it falls very short.
I had heard rumours that King didn’t liked it but I couldn’t understand why… ‘Til I read the book. The movie it’s visualy amazing: the shots, lighting, music, etc. Everything was lit af, BUT the story gets completely muddled up in there, there’s close to none humanity in Jack (he is an ass to Wendy all the time) and well casting Jack Nicholson in the role didn’t help a lot because he has that crazy face that works so well when Jack it’s possesed by the Hotel but with JN one almost doesn’t notice the change, Wendy’s strenght and whole personality gets ereased for no reason, Dany is so gloomy when in the book he is a normal happy 6 year old cracking jokes and playing with the snow that happens to understand very grown-up things thanks to his shine, and the whole background of the hotel is barely skimmed over, it’s a hot mess tbh.
The 1997 miniseries though, they are mostly unknown by the general public but they are AMAZING and I admit I liked them a hella lot more than the 80’s movie, there are three episodes and it’s mostly accurate to the book.
Steven Weber’s performance as Jack Torrance it’s Óscar worthy, the frist episode he seems like a good man, a man that loves his family who knows he has made many mistakes but he is trying SO hard to be better for them the ending just breaks my heart and his physical descend into corruption is unbelievable he looks like a total different person and he needs more appreciation to this wonderful performance.
Rebecca de Mornay it’s book! Wendy in every aspect, she is charming and resourceful, and so very strong, also little Courtland Mead as Danny was adorable af and accurate to a boot to book!Dany, the incorporation of the Overlook’s Hotel gruesome history, and most of all Dick Halloran is ALIVE at the end (like it was supposed to be). Also it was filmmed at Stanley Hotel, the building that inspired King to write the book in the frist place.
Anyway I totally recommend the 1997 miniseries.
“Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters”
“Monsters are real. Ghosts too. They live inside of us and sometimes, they win”
“The tears that heal are also the tears that scald and scourge”
“She had never dreamed there could be so much pain in a life where there was nothing physically wrong”
“Living by your wits is always knowing where the wasps are”
“We sometimes need to create unreal monsters and bogies to stand for all the things we fear in our lives”
“That’s our job in this hard world, to keep your love alive and see that you get on, no matter what. Pull your act together and just go on.”
Next book: "The Stand"
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Valentines day with the v3 cast!
lets just ignore the fact that its march whoops 
Also this took be 3 hours to type ugh
he buys you flowers, chocolates and a stuffed bear 
he spend the entire day with you, doing everything you ask
he’s very flustered the whole day, complimenting you every chance he can get 
he takes you out to a restaurant for dinner 
he insists that you get anything you want, he’ll pay for it all!
he gives you a very fancy necklace at the end of the night 
cute bushy kisses afterwards
you decide how long it lasts ^
she’s pretty new to this, so she does the basics, chocolates and flowers 
She invites you to stay the night!
so you two are in your pj’s when she offers to get you something to drink
about a minute late you hear the sound of a cup smashing
you rush down and she’s standing beside a broken mug, the contents spilled over the floor
she starts apologizing, she lost her balance and then her hand slipped and then-
you calm her down and help her clean up, insisting that its fine! It happens!
she plays the piano afterwards, to calm you two down
She shyly kisses you before you two go to sleep
she’s curled against you when you wake up
He takes you to one of those science center things that has stuff about 
he’s so excited to show you everything !
you better have lots of energy, he’s not leaving for at least 3 hours
he buys you a necklace as well
you two take the bus home, your head on his shoulder 
its so warm, and he gives you his jacket for protection
afterwards you two go home and end up ordering take-out 
he buys you a heart necklace
it has glitter in it, making it look like your looking into the milky-way.
You two crash when you get home, exhausted 
he curls you in his arms,planting a kiss on your head
Happy valentines. 
She isn’t quite sure what to do today
she lets you decide, shes happy as long as your happy
you eventually decide for a walk by the lake, and dinner 
She gives you a bouquet of flowers; they’re roses
She flushes when you ask her to hold hands 
you two cook dinner together
the entire experience is very normal, but it’s lovely all the same 
She reminds you that she loves you at the end of the day, placing a kiss on your lips
He tells you to close your eyes
he drives you to a building
when you open your eyes again, he’s dressed up and your in a candle-lit room. 
he shows you to your seat, across from him.
and then the food starts to come 
course upon course of fine dishes, and they don’t stop coming 
after you two have eaten, he takes your hand and you two dance.
he tells you how radiant you look
your swinging in his arms, as the last note plays out he finally gets down to the main course
getting on his knee
“S/o, You are the most divine creature I have set eyes on, will you make allow me the honor to marry you?”
you wont get this unless SOMEONE ASKS
on the other hand, she’d give you a nice choker as a gift 
wants to make you very happy today
so you come home...
“Ah! S/o! close your eyes!”
He leads you upstairs and tells you to open your eyes
there’s a blanket spread out on the floor, lots of pillows, a wrapped present and.... is that a scrapbook?
yes, yes it is 
you two make a scrapbook about you two, gotna’s prepared refreshments and offers a movie if you get bored!
its very fun!
he makes you open the gift, its a small pin of a butterfly.
you thank him with a gentle kiss
She puts weeks into her plan
finally the day comes 
the sits you down, making sure your very comfy
and then the show begins 
streamers fly and glitter flies through the air as banners fall into place 
and the show begins 
she’s moving everywhere, pulling a dove from her hat and then turning it into a flower and then the flower is flying in the air..
so much is happening, and its breathtaking 
at the very end, she walks over to you and takes out a box
she wishes you a happy valentines day, before collapsing, exhausted 
after she rests, she asks if you liked it
you kiss her on the forehead
“ It was splendid.”
if you want to, he’d let you decide what to do
drive-in movie? drive-in movie 
he gets you popcorn and soda and you two relax
romance movies are too cheesy
so you two are watching some horror film
you’ve got your shirt pulled up past your nose when the jump scare happens 
you just weren't expecting him to scream that high
in actuality, its a normal scream, but for his vocal cords its high 
you two make eye contact for one second 
and then you cant hold in your laughter, popcorn is going everywhere but that doesn’t matter.
you have to cheer him up afterwards 
you don’t ever let him fully live it down
shes so excited! 
she paints you a special picture to show her love 
she’ll even make a statue of you if she gets the chance!
lots and lots of kisses today 
she’d be so happy if you two made dinner together
there’s avocados 
she almost goes through he roof when you get her something 
get ready for another round of kisses
he’s shows up to escort you two, dressed as well as a robot can be 
he’s constantly blushing the same color so when you gently take his hand your afraid that he’s going to overheat 
the date goes well! And the food is really good!
so you two return home..
he tells you to go look in your bedroom
kiibo whAT
he explains that he couldn't decide what gift to get...
so he got them all
good luck eating all that, s/o
what of course Tenko has a plan, she’s a responsible woman who knows how to treat her s/o right 
internally, shes p a n i c k i n g
what if you don’t like her gift? what if you hate her afterwards?
she so scared that she wakes up early because of nerves
she’s pacing the kitchen floor by the time you come down 
“Tenko, its 4 in the morn-”
  poor girl
she finally gives you the present, a cute little charm with a tiny bell on it
she’s stuttering about how it will match the one she has so you and her could be a matching couple 
you tell her its perfect
she blushes and says her thanks, placing  kiss on your lips
he’s been disappearing the past week for a couple of hours
you don’t really confront it because honestly your intrested on what he’s going to do.
so finally valentines day is here...
Amami doesn't mention anything all day, he gives you a present but thats at
and then you two head out for dinner.
And then you get a look at the place
lanterns, fine table cloths, waiters and people ready at your every comand
its like you two are royalty 
the food is divine and there’s live music and everything is in a deep red color which just makes you fall deeper and deeper in love withe the boy
whe you two are alone, he cradles your face and slowly kisses you, wraping his hands in your hair, by your waist, pressing closer and closer to you
its up to you what happens next ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
happy valentines day s/o ;)
you decide to do all the cleaning, and cooking for the day!
she gives you a kiss of thanks when returns home
you offer her a bath and she graciously accepts 
she tells you to join her, and who are you to deny her?
So your sitting naked with your lover also naked now
she’s 100% calm
internally she’s panicking
You wash eachother’s hair and wait until the water gets cold to get out
 you have her cosy pj’s laid out for her! new ones!
you serve dinner and force her to sit still because she will get up if you don’t keep your eye on her 
and then she brings up that she bought a pet...
she what
he did not 
lots of kisses for her! 
she explains that while they do shead, at least it can be kept in a certin area
and its like you two are parents now!
 you thank her sosoosos much 
happy valentines day!
oh no
oh no no no
don't get me started 
he’ll pretend he doesn’t know what day it is, the majority of the day is him complaining on why theres more couples outside than usual
your about to think that he forgot about it completely when he takes you out 
your blindfolded, and are just relying on him to guide you
you get there in one piece thankfully 
you and him are watching a movie, in his.. private? living room?
he’s got everything you could possibly need, chips, cookies etc.
so when the movie ends, its dead silent 
and then he slithers behind you, whispering in your ear
you two have been together for some time now...
so now might be a nice chance to start.... doing it
he of course is stuttering slightly and is clutching onto to tightly 
so... when you say yes....
he laughs, and carries into the other room 
no one is going to bed early tonight 
she makes special clothes for you two! its a special day !
sweet walks in the park, and nice dinners at the local resturant, you two make the very best of the day 
you and her go shopping and critique a movie, and go feed birds
all in one day!
so when you get home your wiped
the bed is oh-so soft and fuzzy
your about to drift off to sleep when you hear her clear her throat 
you give a tired glance in her direction and bolt right up 
shes in loungerie
she made it herself 
you’re babbling and she’s blushing from head to toe
and now you can see very curve of her body, every hair that stands on end
and hell if she doesn’t look stunning 
she explains that she doesn't intend to do anything explicit... she just wanted to surprise you
well you’re definitely surprised 
you sleep close to her, for warmth as exhaustion takes over 
happy valentines!
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psychedelicfaerie · 7 years
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Oh boy guys, don't feel obligated to read this, just a little venting. Did it here cause i know not many of my followers will read it. Not that is a bad thing, i don't normally write things on tumblr so idc. I don't read anyone else's stuff most of the time lol, didn't expect anyone else to😂 Haven't been on for a while....haven't been on anything really. Kinda been more radio silent than usual. I had just recently moved in with my boyfriend on may 20 of 2017. I know i should be happy, but I'm not. Not because I'm not in love with him or anything, but because i had left a home with the family i had made. He makes me so very happy, and my intuition said to follow along this path. But i can't seem to move past the ssdness or worry that's consuming me. I loved with the two people i consider as my parents, a person i consider as an older brother and the new members to my family (a couple and their 9 month old daughter). I had dreamt about moving in with these chosen parents of mine since i was 12. It was all I've ever wanted since i was 12, and when it finally happened, my chosen father had almost died. Luckily hes stubborn and survived. But it just continued to go Dien hill from there in life in general. With everything constantly hitting us every time we thought things were starting to get better, I've noticed a difference in my views in hope once again. And i feel like everyone else felt the same. It killed me too see them so sad. And i feel like i just left them in the dirt, which is the last thing i ever wanted to do. All i feel is guilt, worry, depressed and even paranoid. I feel like I'm never gonna see them again despite knowing that I'll be seeing them at least once a week on Wednesdays. Though i am Wiccan, my chosen mom has converted back to the Christian faith permanently. In a way, it's really hard for me because wicca was what connected us in the the first place. She had decided to teach me when i was caught practicing (foolishly) by my aunt. She was the only person i really did anything witchy with, and now it's just me. But I'm more grateful than sad. Reason being is because she is happier, there's the comfort that she was missing. As long as she has that, I'm happy. In recent history, she had converted back for the third and final time and now attends a bible study with a bunch of our lady friends (one being the new family member in my life). She had invited me to join. Being the person i am, i accepted. I was wanting to show my support and will always show intrest in someone's beliefs when they share them with me (unless it's being shoved down my throat of course). I'm completely comfortable in my faith and knew that i was surrounded by a group of beautiful, loving, open-minded women. So i thought why not. Song as how the bible study is held across the street from my old place, I'll get to stop by and see everyone too. This last week, after the study, i traveled across the street to see everyone. When i got there, and when i got there, i got completely anxious and felt so awkward because i felt so terrible. I don't want to lose them in my life.. My first pair of parents that actually do the job, who raise, love and care for not only me, but my brother and sister. My older chosen brother who gives the best hugs. I loved when i had a rough day and hed give me a hug when he'd come home at night just cause, i even loved when he'd ask me to give him one cause his day sucked! I felt so special! Even taking me to rad concerts with him, or throwing on a random cheesy ass 80s horror or stoner movie and chillin in the living room with me! And his precious dog who'd always jump up on me when i got home, even sit with me for hours when i was upset. And my new chosen family members and their daughter. Both talking to me and building a stronger bond with every conversation, helped me whenever I needed it. And their funny, beautiful baby girl. (I'll post some funny pics i took of her a few days before i moved out after this post) Seeing them, i feel like all i did was hurt them or let them down. Even then i worry that I'm just being conceited for feeling that way...i also feel like everyone is angry with me and the terrifying part is not knowing if everyone really is, or if it's all just my paranoia. Its madness... i don't know what to do, what my next step is and how i should approach it. But while doing my Bible study hw last week, i came across this verse (ephesians 2:14, the verse i used in the pic) and it just really kinda stuck with me. The wording is so pretty and the meaning is comforting. So i thought it be the perfect finish for the picture i took of Maui when we went on that hike. Originally i took it to edit and make a Christian based picture (with the women in bible study in thought before i was part of it) Though Im not Christian, this verse really means something to me. I view it not with Christian eyes, but through my own unique pagan eyes and see what it means to me.
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The Focal Python: Vintage God
1. Where are you from and what made you start capturing the awesome photos we came across?
I’m from the jungle of Jackson, Mississippi and art has always been my passion.. me picking up a camera gave me a way express my form of art and I feel in love with it.
2. What made you come up with the American Horror concept?
Always wanted to do a SFX shoot and I found a MUA/Mise that could help me accomplish that so one night I was watching Sucker punch the movie and the theme just feel into place . I was inspired. They shoot went well . Everything was smooth and come out good . The only hard part was the muse was goofy . She kept laughing and the makeup had started to crack . It was all worth it though!
3. Whats the best photo you've ever taken?
That’s a hard one but if I had to choose . I would go with the shoot with the twins when they were on the big rock with the purple silk sheet. That’s my favorite shoot thanks to Alexis Noble the stylist!
4. How many shoots have you creatively directed? Whats your best concept?
Many . Too many to put a number on it but if I had to I’ll say over 50 I think . I reallly don’t know lol . But best thought out concept was the American Horror Story shoot .
5. If you could shoot with anyone, who would it be? Why that person?
Rhianna. That’s my goal . I just love her style. I might said basic but why not .
6. If you could compare your modeling/pictures to a song, what would it be?
Rae Sremmurd - No Type
7. What do you have planned for 2019?
Big big plans . My goal is to go viral at least 1 time this year . It’s coming soon !
8. Anything special you want to tell us?
The best shot is the one you take !
What are some other creatives that you would like to s/o?
@vintag3god @twisted.oreo
If your intrested in Vintag3god’s work, give him a follow on instagram and twitter.
Keep Creating.
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