#like...... WHAT is the point of sending a message like this. genuinely what on earth
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Wait so you love Lando but hate Carlos? but you post Carlando? girl how do you justify that
"wait so you love lando but hate carlos" <- absolutely correct anon, you got it!!
"girl how do you justify that" <- easily: i do what i want here on tumblr dot com.
hope this clears it up for you anon ❤️
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sixosix · 3 months
a little love letter to my readers
to start off, i know that the series is based off the entire reputation album, but i like to think that this whole series was written around call it what you want.
how it started LMFAOOO
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This was previously titled ‘melt’ before i was like ‘nah ill make it, like, thaw” and earthtooz went, “Thawed?” little did earth know,, that name would literally take over my docs,,, my tags,,, my ENTIRE account
A message to my readers: From the bottomest bottom of my heart, if you have reached this series until the very end, thank you so, so much for reading. Read that sentence again. And again, until you realize how grateful I truly am as a writer. Thawed is such a big project that I still can’t believe I was able to even start. I genuinely never thought it would garner this much attention, and in all honestly, I was intimidated by it, because I had no idea what I was doing, and I was afraid I would disappoint.
This entire project was intimidating, and I considered so many times to just drop it and end it on chapter five. I struggled so badly to write after I introduced the characters, and I thought: “well, that’s it. I guess it was fun.” I even told my friends that I would do that; and yet 14 chapters later, look at where we are now 😭
Writing it was so exhausting. Working on a series while studying as a student really makes it difficult to remember details about my own story T__T I had to reread Thawed so many times to the point where I don’t even like it anymore.
But I know the reason why I decided to continue it! It sounds so horribly cliche, but it’s true. It’s thanks to all your overwhelming support :( Each ask, comment, reblog—they all fueled me more than you think. All those replies of even incoherent gibberish made me realize that, ‘hey, someone read it and liked it enough to send an ask about it. Maybe I am doing something right!!!!’
some thawed extras for readers who are interested
If you haven’t noticed, the chapter titles aren’t actually accurately about the chapter. Those titles were taken from the songs in the Reputation album, in order. And the chapters are loosely based around them!
reputation is, like, widely known as the edgy album from taylor, but in reality its such a big love letter and i know that other people noticed that, too! i think it’s very fitting to the story of thawed: it’s dark and messy, but at the end of the day, it’s a love story. do you get what i mean hehe. i hope that’s how the series came across…
im sorry if aether doesnt appear in the last chapter :( in my head, mc is coming home. and by then i dont think aether would be in fontaine at all! but rest assured they definitely have met up twice or thrice while in the other regions heehee. Also aether will ofc be there for their weeding. 🙏
i have nothing much else to say aside from thank you for reading! i hope u enjoyed thawed as much as i did
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lou-struck · 4 months
The Smell of Denial
Eijirou Kirishima x reader
~ Kirishima's day takes an unexpected turn after his friends point out something that is obvious to everyone in the world except for two people.
W.C. 1.5k
a/n: a little bit of friends to lovers to end the night! This has been in my folder for far too long.
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Eijirou Kirishima is plenty thankful for his job as a pro hero. But on days like today, where there are no distress calls, and his agency overbooked the number of heroes who need to go out on patrol, he feels extremely bored…
The wheels on his chair go round and round as he spins in little circles around his desk. For once, he is all caught up on paperwork. He looks over at Denki and Mina, but the two friends are deep in concentration. As much as he wants to, he probably shouldn't bug them right now. 
With a sigh, he stops spinning and flops against the padded back of his chair in defeat. Just as he does he hears the light little chime of his cell phone. He lunges for this new distraction eagerly, and his shark-like teeth flash with an involuntary smile when he sees that his new message is from you.
His best friend.
You must be bored as well because you are flooding his inbox with dozens of funny little videos and memes that have him laughing out loud. Sometimes, he thinks that you know his sense of humor better than he does. When he gets to the end of your thread, he starts furiously scrolling, trying to find funny videos that will have you laughing till you cry as well.
“y/n texting you again?” Mina calls over from her desk. The Pink Haired Pro Hero has a knowing look on her face as she spins around in her office chair. 
“It is.” He smiles, pressing send on a video of a guy who teaches his pet monkey with a pyrotechnic quirk how to light a firework. “Is it that obvious?”
“Totally.” She laughs crumpling up a bright pink sticky note and tossing it into the waste bin in the corner. “You are always smiling like an idiot when you are texting them.”
“Excuse me,” he scoffs, pretending to be offended by this completely true statement. “I happen to smile all the time.”
“Not like that, you don’t,” Denki laughs, “You’ve got it bad.”
The Crimson-haired pro hero furrows his brow, “ got what bad?” he does not understand why his two friends are looking at him like he just told them the Earth was flat.
“ Obviously, everybody knows that you are in love with them.” Mina grins, giving him a punch on the arm.
“Except for y/n, of course.” Denki chuckles. He sniffs the air and looks around, confused for a moment. “Hey, do you smell that?”
“Smell what?” Kirishima answers by sniffing the air, not picking up on anything unusual. He furrows his brow and tries to figure out how a strange smell in the office is more important than the notion that he has feelings for you.
“That, my friend, is the smell of denial. You reek of it. You better tell y/n how you feel before someone else decides to steal their heart.” He tries to lean back in his chair but ends up tipping over. 
As the electric pro hits the floor, Kiri is too preoccupied to help him up.
Is he in love with you?
Eijirou Kirishima definitely is NOT in love with his best friend.
He is just standing outside your door with an armload of your favorite snacks because you told him that you had a rough day at work because he is a good friend. 
He just happens to know all of your favorite snacks by heart because…
He’s Manly?
This extremely weak self-justification is exactly what he needs to bring himself to knock. Just seconds later, he hears a loud crash and a series of jumbled movements just beyond the door. Before he can react, you swing it open and greet him with a genuine yet kinda frazzled smile. Your skin has a wonderful natural glow to it that is enhanced by your bright eyes. 
“Hey,” you breathe, opening the door wider for him to come inside. 
“Hi,” he says, walking over the threshold like he has done thousands of times before. “What was that thud I heard back there?” 
“Oh, that was just me,” you grin, shutting the door behind him. “Nothing serious, I promise.”
There is that smile again, why does his heart feel so strange. Did he have too much coffee today? It feels like it’s about to burst out of his chest. Although you tried to hide it, he can tell that this silence is awkward, and he has to bring himself back to reality. “I got snacks,” he offers, holding up the grocery bag as a peace offering to end this awkwardness.
“You’re wonderful,” you say, taking one of the bags. “I ordered us some takeout, fried chicken, okay?”
“You had me at meat,” he laughs, striding into your kitchen and setting the bags down on the counter. “So what happened today?”
“My Manager was on one again today. I swear, Kiri, A villain could crash through our window, and he would find some way to blame me for the damage.” You say with a groan, grabbing the ice cream he got you and tossing it into your freezer. 
“Ouch. Do you want me to go down there? Show 'em who’s boss?” he says sarcastically, rolling up his sleeves and flexing his well-trained biceps. 
“Nah, just having you here is enough,” you say with a warm smile. Your eyes trained on Krishima’s face with a dreamy intensity that has him fighting a blush. You blink and take a flustered step backward. Your eyes flicker down to his phone and zero in on the thin red line where his battery percentage lies. 
“Dude…Charge your phone.” you tease, “ what if for some kind of world-ending emergency?”
He scuffs. “You know, I would’ve had a full battery. But someone kept sending me videos, and it completely drained my battery.”
“Oh, who would do such a thing?” You gasp sarcastically. “Come on, You can use my charger; it's in my room if you wanna plug it in.”
You turn and walk across the carpet, your bacon and egg-printed socks carrying you into your bedroom. As Kiri shuffles behind you at a polite distance, no
“What’s wrong?” you ask, taking in his furrowed brow. 
“Something’s different,” he mutters, looking around your space, trying to pinpoint what exactly has changed. 
“It’s my comforter,” you laugh, “I just got a new one.”
“Oh, looks nice,” he comments, setting his device on your bedside charger. 
“It’s amazing,” you gush, “I have never slept better in my life.” 
Have you always looked so adorable when you are excited about something?
“Oh really? I doubt it’s that comfy.” he challenges, raising a crimson brow. 
“I’m serious-” you are interrupted by a knocking sound coming from the front door. Your lips curl up into an eager smile. “Oh yay, food here. I’ll go grab it but you have to at least try my comforter for a second.
Eijirou holds his hands up in surrender, earning a big grin from you as you run down the hall to greet the delivery person. As he hits the surface of your bed, he expects to bounce slightly, but instead, he sinks into the pillowy foam. 
“Oh, this is soft,” he says aloud, readjusting his head against your pillow as he takes a deep breath in and relaxes deeper, feeling the stress of the day melt away. Closing his eyes, he smells something familiar. Its sweetness washes over him as if there is a weighted blanket covering him from head to toe.
He should move…
But he doesn't…
Held captive by the plush duvet under his ridiculously strong arms he stays breathing in that smell he just can’t seem to remember the name of. It dances teasingly just under his nose.
“Hey, are you really gonna fall asleep and leave me with all of this food?” You call from the doorway, freeing him from his trance. 
He jolts up immediately, an embarrassed tint on his cheeks as he looks over at you. “Shoot, sorry.” He says, walking out of your bedroom, trying to hide the flush on his cheeks with his loose hair.  “I guess that mattress pad or yours was a bit more comfortable than I thought.” 
“I told you it was comfy.” you laugh as he walks past you; he is shoulder to shoulder with you when that familiar smell breaks through his curtain of crimson hair.
His heart starts beating wildly in his chest as he realizes that the puzzling smell that has ensnared him is your shampoo. “The scent of denial,” he mutters to himself.
“What was that?” you ask, cocking your head to the side adorably. 
“N-nothing,” he says quickly, wondering how he is ever going to tell you how he feels.  “Just thinking about something someone said to me at work earlier.”
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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uninformedartist · 11 months
So just finished watching the ep so review. Spoils ahead:
So the episode was ok to me, solid 6/10 one of the better episodes which since this was supposed to be an "extravagant" ep why does it got better quality than the main eps, idk Viv has her moments like this ep and other eps its a train wreck in writing ect.
Mammon worked on my nerves, from design to his movements, personality ALL of him was annoying, which props for an annoying Villian but its Villian I never want to see back again and he's hinted for some sort of return.
Side tangent: Mammon is like the how many-ith Villian to get a return ep/hint at one. It was 1st cherubs, then dorks, then stella/ice twink, striker/crimson now Mammon & according to the leaked storyboards a ghost guy that tries to talk IMP into off-ing themselves... its a flipping lot and cherubs & dorks seem to be forgotten dispite dorks knowing & having hard evidence they exist, flip Viv chill it with your Villian of the week cos its way too many now.
Anyway, Blitz didn't need to be in this ep besides the flashback. Ozzie got him to talk Fizz out of being Mammon's puppet but ultimately Ozzie spoke him out of it & gave him courage to quit/confront Mammon. Even Blitz being a bodyguard/killing people for Fizz could've been any imp. Blitz is starting to feel like Steven from SU, in every ep even tho the ep doesn't need him/ the episode surrounds topics a wee child shouldn't be in (i.e Lapis trauma dumping on Steven & he a child isn't really equipped to handle that situation).
My fave part of this ep was Ozzie and Fizz. Ya'll I legit prayed Viv wouldn't mess these two up and my prayers were answered. Absolutely a joy these two were. Fizz especially what a darling. Loved that small scenes with him and the deaf imp child, l dont know sign language but it looked genuine animated and was just sweet moments.
From their interactions, Fizz's panic attacks/self doubt felt & were genuine... I felt that as someone that has panic attacks from high stress on my studies/life. It was just handled well. Fizz feeling less than and needing to prove himself from 1. his past 2. his appearance, that accident affected his self image/worth so much (why I felt him forgiving Blitz was too hastily done but I digress) & 3. him doing this Mammon contest still to gain/earn Ozzie's love for him cos Fizz believes Ozzie only sticks around because of this fame Mammon gave Fizz. Ozzie finally saying what he loves about Fizz was lovely, wanted that in the 1st ep but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Their song was... I didn't like it BUT the message in it was beautiful. Lastly Fizz saying fuck you to Mammon from the courage/strength Ozzie gave him was a nice send off... also Ozzie saying he loves Fizz ah ngl that made me smile agh I just love them. I want to see them more than the Stolitz show but thats only a wish. Props Viv, you get 1 brownie point not messing this up.
Last findings, the ep was bloated as hell my soul Viv please stop cramming so much in an ep, this one is 30 mins long & yet still felt bloated. Pacing was a motherfuka damn it was bad & the swearing was jarring (its a Viv written ep I don't expect any less but still gonna point it out) and the comedy wasn't so prominent in this ep, Blitz/Mammon gave some comic relief but in the best and worst ways:
The way the VA delivered this line "to be fucked" made me laugh, the line is cringy but the delivery lol gold
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Aand Blitz, my soul shut the fuck up & get out this ep. Last ep & this one he said something so agonizingly cringe I pulled my face
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The world of HB is legit American hell or earth just painted red since Fizz named all these places in America just "hellified" where his fans come from.
And very last, congratulations Salem glad you got the cathartic send off you deserve from working under Viv, truly fuck you "Mammon" indeed :) also glad they credited you this time.
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biceratops7 · 1 year
… let’s talk about “Arrival”
So I was fully intending on making a more general but thorough peruse through the new Good Omens title sequence, because my FUCK aren’t those always a gold mine. But then I thought to myself, “hey wait a minute, I can be even more unhinged and on brand.”
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Something I’ve seen nobody talk about yet is that the movie that the procession is marching into is The Arrival, which is a 90’s movie that draws a pretty straightforward parallel. But I think if it doubles as a reference to 2016’s Arrival, THAT has some much more interesting implications. Either way this reference is doing some heavy lifting.
For those who haven’t seen the movie (or that one philosophy tube video about it lol), the basic plot is that a group of aliens later named heptopods arrive on earth scattered across the world, and just kind of invite humanity to check them out. Each country hires a team of linguists who are all tasked with figuring out what the visitors are here for. But the thing is, it’s only about aliens on the surface level. This is really about communicating, cooperation, and how language holds the power to alter your very fabric of reality.
Spoilers for the movie:
Two major revelations occur towards the end of the movie. The first is that an element of fluid time is revealed. Throughout the movie, the main American linguist has been having flashbacks to a daughter that passed away of an illness. But since the heptopod language has no regard for chronological order, we learn that these are actually flash-forwards when she becomes nearly fluent. In other words, learning heptopod, having a genuine curiosity and even compassion for these vastly different beings. has given her the ability to perceive reality in ways thought previously impossible.
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Even before noticing the Arrival reference, I’ve been side eyeing these “flashbacks”, but this and the image above confirmed it for me. Any instance of the word “becoming” when talking about the past indicates some sort of fluid time nonsense. The past is fixed unless something ✨happens✨. I don’t think these are simply memories, I think something rather cosmic instead is afoot.
But it’s more than just “there’s probably time travel in this” though. Simply having Aziraphale as a companion has changed Crowley. It’s given him an ability that he’s not meant to be capable of as a demon. He already had it in him to be good and have mutual relationships based in trust and kindness, I’m sure all demons can if given the right nurture… but Crowley is experiencing love. In the show, something tangible to the senses and distinctly angelic. I’m very much hoping that that whole element of things is going to somehow be a driving factor in what’s occurring over all, and possibly involved in time going screwy.
The other element of Arrival’s ending that’s of import, is the heavy emphasis on the importance of cooperation. First of all, we learn at some point that not every country has the same message to decipher, they each have one piece of a whole. Some of the countries begin using games to communicate with their heptopods, and this poses a problem because it causes messages to be more easily interpreted as hostile. For example, the phrase “we brought a tool” can be easily misconstrued as “we have a weapon.” Eventually, the world gets impatient and scared, and a war is imminent. What finally leads to everyone putting down arms and cooperating, is the American linguist sending a message to the Chinese linguist saying “in war, there are no victors, only widows.”
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Something noteworthy about this particular march is that the procession never splits like it does at the end of the first season’s. Not only are both angelic and demonic figures marching into the light atop a mountain as a United front, but this actually seems to be a theme this season. Heaven and Hell aren’t working together as far as we know, but they are at least working towards the same goal, which for some reason is getting Gabriel’s ass. There is also a heavy emphasis on mending broken relationships, with Crowley and Azirphale trying to fix a (probably) lesbian couple literally being the B plot.
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Now this is where we bring in what’s actually on the movie screen, which is that damn box. So at this point we know basically nothing about it accept for it probably being a Mcguffin. But we DO have the imagery of three feathers, a black one, a white one, and a bluish grey one, falling into it… and it sure as fuck looks like a moving box. So back to arrival, what actually was the message? The heptopods told the linguist that they’re here to help humanity (via giving them a tool or new tech I think?) because in 3,000 years, they will need humanity’s help. So with this and the world eventually being inspired to stand down and share their pieces of the message, it’s this over arching theme of setting aside fear of the other and cooperating indefinitely for the benefit of the whole. The black feather, the white feather… and then something that is somehow both yet entirely unique.
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I think… somehow, someway, this season may culminate in Heaven and Hell reconciling. Whether it be against a common enemy, for a shared goal, or in love, there seems to be many clues both symbolic and literal that show them learning to be one again. Learning to understand eachother’s language and see new ways of being neither before could fathom.
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Aoi Twitter 2023:
10 Jan: "I've been working on melodies with Ruki's voice in mind for the first time in a while, and my head is so filled with Ruki that it’s almost like I’m in love. …Maybe, just maybe, I’m actually Ruki, and he's Aoi… Ugh, my head!"
10 Jan: "By the way, I’m just playing around, trying to figure out what kind of approach would be interesting—like a sketch or something—so, sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, it's not hinting at a new release or anything!"
13 Jan (Taujan QT): "I’m sorry to bring up something personal, but I just want everyone to celebrate this with me. Hara-san turned one of the few genuinely straight feelings in my twisted heart into a new item. I’m heading to Hiroshima to get it stamped. 🫶"
19 Jan: "Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me Happy birthday dear myself Happy birthday to me ふぅ🎂🤧"
21 Jan: (*゚ω゚)っ The drawings you all made were beautiful and super cool, and I was really happy. Thank you!"
26 Jan: "Recently, I occasionally get the urge to live deep in the mountains. I wonder if it's some kind of sign? 🤔 Nah, it's probably because I’ve been watching videos of people building cabins in the mountains on YouTube before bed. The sounds of chopping wood or digging the earth in the quiet help me sleep well, that's all. But while the guy looks satisfied making a bed out of wood, I’m thinking, 'No, it’s way too hard…'"
1 Feb: "Man, I was just thinking, 'Oh, it's still only 11:30,' and now the next moment is already here—time flies. For real. HBD RUKI 🎂 I’ll send him a message in the morning. 💌"
17 Feb: "There are only a few left, though there’s a slight chance some remain. by Nietzsche"
25 Feb: "By the way, this time the bear is a rabbit because it's the Year of the Rabbit. There's no twist, but I think it turned out looking cool and kinda like me, don't you think? 🤔 Oh, and by the way, the hood can’t be taken off, so if you try to pull it off forcefully, the brain will jiggle."
10 Mar: "Everyone is really good at drawing. I’m super grateful, really grateful. ┏○))"
15 Mar: "It seems like there's a camera around here somewhere... nichaa (grinning mischievously)"
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16 Mar: "I tried to look cool and show off a bit. There's this book called Daimyo Tōsan (The Daimyo's Bankruptcy) that seems interesting—it’s a two-volume set. Since I’ve already got it, I’ll read it on my way to Tokyo."
27 Mar: "It's cloudy today. But I believe there is light ahead."
27 Mar: "Right? This band is so cool. Walking this path with them and all of our fans, I’ve never had a day where I didn’t want that to continue. During the MASS tour, I was so happy to enjoy it to the fullest again today. I can shine because the members are here, and you’re all by my side. I’ll continue to grow and return before you even better! Thank you again for today 😘."
27 Mar: "I selfishly hope you’ll witness who we are now. Precisely because we’ve been through so much, I want to share this space with you all, as a kind of turning point, and take steps toward the next future together. So, let’s meet at Nippon Budokan on July 15th! I’ll be waiting for you <3."
31 Mar: "I’ll let you in on a little secret: my headbanging masters are you band girls. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? All of you headbanging."
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4 Apr: "I generously gave water to quench everyone’s thirsty (probably about now, I’d say) hearts, yet there aren’t enough likes. And now my heart has dried up. Oh no, should I cry now? glances"
6 Apr "Seeing Kai’s tweet made me wonder, what was I called again? Was it Aoi-sama⤴︎ぁ🫶 or something like that?"
8 Apr Uruha: "I missed the timing to post this during the tour, so here's a shot with REITA from Sendai that's been maturing in my folder for a while‼︎"
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Reita QT: "Call me the guardian deity of Wi-Fi 😎."
10 Apr: "That thing on Ruki’s Instagram, it’s totally premium content. On one hand, I feel like you should accept it as a special discount service item, but honestly, I took an even better pose just before that. I bet it was so divine that Ruki thought your hearts wouldn’t be able to handle it. But still, I kind of want to break your hearts before Budokan."
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10 Apr: Ruki 🫴
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Aoi QT: "Good evening. It's VISUAL GOD."
10 Apr: "Ahh, sorry about that. While everyone’s excited before the show, we were just messing around backstage 💦 But once the show starts, we’ll shine like stars. I mean, a light that can’t be contained is a crime, right? 💁 On a different note, anyone who calls me Professor Snape is getting Sectumsempra’d. I haven’t seen a single movie, but it must be amazing, right?"
12 Apr Reita: "The correct answer is 'DECADE.' You all are amazing. Since there are so many correct answers, the rhythm section will give you a present 🎁."
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12 Apr: "While I’ve been secretly practicing, the deadline for the super fast pre-sale is approaching. Worship me."
15 Apr "Lately, my morning routine has been waking up and checking Twitter for the GazettE-related topics, but this morning I came across something unpleasant, and even a Buddha like me couldn’t help but turn into a hannya. I guess there really are people out there with rotten hearts—I thought it was just an urban legend."
15 Apr "Since I am a Visual God, I’d prefer to avoid making statements like this, but since the opportunity has presented itself, I thought I’d make things clear. Anyway, that’s how it is. I truly want everyone to enjoy themselves, and we’ll do our utmost to make sure that happens. See you later ✋"
18 Apr "Thanks so much for all the applications for the fastest fan club pre-sale! I'll be pouring love into you on the day, so look forward to it 🤤"
25 Apr "I've opened a new door. I am satisfied 🫶"
28 Apr ‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\( ´)/›› ‹‹\( ´ω`)/›› m9っ`・ω・´)<OHAYO!!
11 May "Did you know that I’m the type who wants to be left alone but also wants to feel wanted?"
14 May "Today is Mother's Day, a day to give thanks to Mother Earth and the great oceans. Dedicate yourself to me 🕴"
22 May "This is an ad 💁I watch. You watch. We are friends 👯‍♀️"
25 May "It seems I’ve been away from here for two days. The human heart is fleeting, so maybe no one remembers me anymore. How sad."
26 May "Ngogogogogo… (The sound of the gods stepping down on the earth as they now prepare to rise)."
27 May "I’m planning to celebrate the 20th anniversary with you all again in the digital realm starting at 9 PM today. (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ Let’s get hyped!"
27 May "HBD MY BRO."
Uruha: "I’m really sorry for completely ignoring Aoi-san during the solo in REGRET! 🙇haha"
Aoi QT: "It’s okay. I’m used to it…"
27 May "I forgot, but I’m actually in the GazettE. Watching their videos, I realized again how cool they are, and now I’m feeling embarrassed about my previous tweets…"
9 Jun "HBD URUHA🎂"
14 Jun "I'm sure you're all lonely without me here, right?"
24 Jun "I don't really need it for live shows, but I ended up buying an amp♡"
5 July "Honestly, I can manage to do pretty much anything. The only thing I'm really bad at is probably love. July 5, 2023 - Cloudy the GazettE Aoi"
5 July: Uruha: "The first day of band rehearsal is over! I had a problem with the LCD display on my pedal not showing anything and I couldn't use the touch controls, but I guess it's just a scratch. 😭
Aoi QT: "A scratch can be a fatal wound, you know. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ Well, it’s quite sensitive."
12 July: "The string broke. That’s a bad omen. I thought a hannya was reflected in my phone as I typed this, but it was just me. Cursed."
16 July: "(It might seem random, but I want to leave here what I wanted to say on stage yesterday. Despite how I may seem, I’m actually the type to carefully draft my love letters to everyone multiple times.)"
"Everyone, thank you so much for coming today.
It’s been a little over two years since we released 'MASS.'
We've faced countless hardships, but thanks to being able to perform live so many times and receiving energy from all of you each time, we've safely made it to this stage today.
When what was 'normal' was no longer normal, we wanted to respond to the feelings of everyone who still came out to see us. So, we approached each performance with even more dedication and care than before. Through this process, I discovered my own potential and the band's possibilities, and I've come to realize that you all are more important to us than ever.
To carry forward the discoveries and the important connections that 'MASS' has brought to us, we want to keep moving forward, step by step, steadily.
I want to do more with all of you and see new sights together. That’s how I’m feeling right now.
Thank you so much for today. Please enjoy yourselves to the fullest until the very end!"
19 Sep "I left my youth at Nippon Budokan on July 15th, and now there’s a void in my heart. Back then, my hair only reached my shoulders, but now it’s grown long enough to use it as a jump rope. I’d love to do MASS tour again."
23 Nov "I’m guessing that by now, everyone’s starting to feel a bit starved of the GazettE."
24 Nov "Good morning. I'm glad I was able to go for a run before things get really busy. The weather feels great ☀︎"
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14 Dec Uruha: My AirPods Pro Max broke, so I came to get them repaired. It looks like it’s going to take a while to fix… When did they become the number one thing that would be a pain if it broke?
Aoi QT: For me number one thing is the bond with the fans and the members, but it's different for Uru-pon? 🥺
Uruha QT: "Our bond should be fine, if you are calling me Uru-pon. Lol"
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thekingofwinterblog · 7 months
The Kinslayings, an escalation of Pointless Violence
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One thing I love about how Tolkien portrays the Kinslayings of the Feanorians, is how they tell a tale that ties into his ideas of how evil is an influencing force that will destroy a person over time if he ever tries to justify wickedness for "the greater good".
And he should know, as a man who fought and survived WW1, one of the most pointless wastes of human lives there ever was, justified by "othering" men with the same roots, religion and values as oneself in order to justify killing millions of them, as well as sending off an entire generation of young men to die for these hollow ideals, he would know a thing or teo about justifying wickedness "for the greater good".
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The start of the first kinslaying is the only one that is arguably "Necessary" from a brutal, utilitarian perspective.
The Noldor need to get across the sea, meaning they either have to procure ships, or they have to walk across the deadly land bridge in the north.
So with these two options, if they choose to sail, they have 2 options. Either they get the ships that alreqdy exists one way or another, or they take the painstakingly longer road of making new ships themselves.
Now this second choice doesnt exactly line up neatly with an event that came later, but it very much brings to mind how during the war of the last alliance, the gathered forces of Arnor and Gil-galad spent years painstakingly making equipment, procuring food, and making battle plans for the campaign that would lead them to victory.
Now they didn't exactly have any easy options then like the Feanorians do, but it shows what Tolkien's message is. The hard road, with work, preparation and planning is the way to go.
But of course Feanor was not one such.
Instead when he was not allowed to borrow the ships, he and his responded with threats, then murder, as they slaughtered their own until just now friends and "Countrymen"(In as so far that they were all elves of Valinor".
It is a brutal, heartless afair that sours any and all goodwill they might have gotten from the Valar if they had done this in a better way, and has massive consequences for all elves who now find themselves barred from Valinor.
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But that's not where it ends, because what follows is Escalation.
Feanor and his sons have gone down a path from which there is seemingly no going back from, and so, deciding that if he uses the boats to go back to valinor and ferry across the rest of his own people, his subjects, the people he hinself lead to kill their own comrades and friends, he leaves them to their own fate and burns the ships he stole down, in order to ensure that he would remain the unchallenged leader of the Noldor in Middle Earth.
Taking the boats, horrible, and evil though it was, was a genuine means to an end.
This is simply banal politics that not only split the Noldor at a time they really, really needed it, but probably cost hundreds of thousands of them their lives during the crossing of the Helcaraxë.
Its a slippery slope.
Once you give in to justifying evil for a cause, you will innevitably become more than willing to excuse other evil for it.
But you know what the best part is?
Acording to one version of the Kinslaying, One of Feanor's sons wanted to go back to Valinor, presumably to repent, and despite having sworn an "unbreakable oath", he was willing to go back on it because he came to realise that his actions were wrong.
And he was not killed by some divine bolt of lightning, but his own father lighting the ship he was on ablaze withouth knowing he was there.
Again, Tolkien makes his view on people who cling to "justifications" for evil quite clear.
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The second Kinslaying is even worse than thw first, for it exposes absolutely everything for how it is.
It is important that this takes place AFTER the battle of unnumbered tears.
There is no glory left for the sons of Feanor at this point, for any chance of actually defeating Morgoth, avenging their grandfatger, father and all their now fallen brothers and reclaiming the silmarills by some glorious feat of arms has now passed.
They, and all the rest of beleriand now lives in the shadow of Morgoths innevitable victory, which he is taking his sweet time with.
But since there is small chance at taking the silmarills from Morgoth, they give up on that, because that is the hard road, and these men do not have the character of strength to actually take the hard road, which demands actual strength of character.
Instead they decide to target the one they can target, the one carried by King Dior, a man who has done them no harm, no injustice and by all accounts is a good man.
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And they murder him. They kill his wife, and destroy his kingdom, one of the few realms that still exists and still fights the good fight against their supposed final enemy Morgoth.
And then, in an act of cruel and wicked spite, angry that this man had the gal to resist when they came to steal from him, and murdered his people, they take his two sons out in the woods, and leave them to starve or be slaughtered by wild animals.
But should we expect better? These men partook in all the ills of the first kinslaying, and so, are willing to cross any and all lines for their "great cause", for that is all that they have left.
Maedhros tries some repentence at this point, and decide to seek out the children his men left so cruelly to die, but he does not find them. The narratice does not reward him for this halfhearted attempt at redeeming himself if he is not willing to give up this vainglorious oath of his.
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Which leads us to the final kinslaying, though i would argue there was a fourth one, which serves as the ending of this tale
The third kinslaying is the worst of all, and it is such an evil act that even some of their own troops, people who stood by them through the first kinslaying, the betraying with the burning ships, the tragedic defeat and aftermath of the battle of the unnumbered tears, and the second kinslaying, turns on them and tries to oppose them, having found the guts to do what none of the sons of feanor ever had and abandon this foolish quest.
Upon learning that Elwing, the only surviving member of Dior's family they unjustly slew is chilling with the survivors of the rest of the genocides of Beleriand, they decide, screw it, lets just sack this last remaining, undefended city, kill everyone we can, take the silmarill and sort out the consequnses later.
The previous kinslayings were unjust, evil, wicked, but they were military conflicts. There was a fight, regardless of how onesided they might have been.
The slaughter at the havens is anything but.
Is is genocide, snuffing out, or as good as, the last remaining survivors of Doriath, Gondolin and others.
If any of them survived this final sack, they were so few that their entire cultures effectively died out with them.
And once again, they are denied their price. They capture Elwings sons, Elros and Elrond to use as hostages in hope of negotiating back the silmarills.
With all of this in mind, the final chapter of this story is not particularily surprising.
For after the war of wrath is over, and the Valar's forces has done what they could not, and defeated Morgoth and taken back the silmarills, they are bluntly denied them when they try to claim them from the victorious forces, citing all their very evil deeds.
The two surviving brothers have a debate of what to do. Breaking their oath, or trying to fulfill it, either by once more trying to take them by force, or by going back to valinor and seeking pardon, hoping to once more get back the silmarills not by force of arms, but by showing themselves worthy of them after seeking redemption.
Of course, the first and last option would require actual strength of character, and so the two of them decide to take the two silmarills at hand by force, assuming they will die trying.
However, they are denied that death, and instead the commander, after they slay several of his men, decides to let them go with the silmarils, rather than respond with the death these two probably deserve at this point.
Their prize, as he expected, rejecta both of them.
The holy jewels they started this whole adventure to find, the ones they exterminated people to get, now violently rejects them for their evil deeds and character.
And in one, final set of utter and total showcase of what pathetic men they are, rather than abandoning the gems so that they could be returned to Valinor, they instead ensure that if they cant have them, nobody can.
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Maedhras throws himself into a gaping, fiery chasm to ensure that both he and the Silmaril are lost beneath the earth.
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Meanwhile Maglor throws his into the sea, to ensure the same thing, only chooses not to take his own life as well.
It is a last, spiteful set of acts that shows that neither of these men ever had the fortitude to do the right thing, and as a consequnce of their horrible oath, it all spiralled to this point, where even if told by the silmarills themselves how evil they have become, they still arent able or willing to do the right thing if it means going against their own oaths.
Because if they did, then that means that absolutely every, single evil, monstrous thing they and their brothers did was conpletely inexcusable, and they dont have the guts to do that.
It takes character to admit that you were wrong, owe up to your mistakes and take responsibility rather than clinging to the justification that brought you down this road to begin with. Or as Tolkien described both himself, his countrymen, and his enemies, all so similar to each other during the first world war.
"We were all Orcs in the great war" - J.R.R Tolkien.
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lestappenreads · 8 months
I'm enjoying my wip so much, i just had to share a snippet.
"Sometimes Charles felt like the two of them could have full conversations by just looking into each other’s eyes and they wouldn’t even need to say a word. It’d been like that ever since they’d been karting together.
Charles specifically remembers the incident in Austria 2019. Charles remembers being furious with Max. That was his race. He was supposed to win that. The finish line was within his sites and it was lap 69/71, he could taste the victory, the champagne he’d be showered with on the podium when he saw Max in his mirrors. He had used the DRS to get ahead of Charles, but when Max had dipped into the inside of the turn and pushed Charles off the track, Charles had seen red. He doesn’t think he spoke to Max for a week after. They had just exchanged looks. Max would never apologize for his racing to Charles, and in his mind that was fair, that was just hard racing to Max. 
With every look Charles and Max had exchanged that weekend Charles had gotten his point across. While Max shot him looks of concern and almost yearning, willing Charles to at least talk to him Charles had shot back fiery looks. Looks of equal yearning, but what Charles wished to convey the most was you hurt me. There weren’t many times in Charles’ life where Max left Charles feeling genuinely and maliciously hurt, but that was one of them. Where Max had crossed a line that left Charles almost shattered. 
But now when Charles looked at the man above him, all he saw was just pure love and adoration, and an underlying hunger in Max’s eyes that Max only had when he looked at Charles. Max had many looks that were especially reserved for Charles. Right now Charles hoped Max could understand the messages he was trying to send to him through his eyes. I love you. There is no one on this Earth who I trust so completely, who I would give myself too in my entirety. You are my everything."
again, this was just supposed to be a filthy smutty fic but when can i ever stay on task. hope u guys enjoy!
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
My third time trying to send it, Oh My God, I apologise if you receive like... three asks. Me being dum-dum with smartphone. Apologise for my poor English, too. Hello, Jude!
I want to thank you for your fantastic WWC-if. I deeply enjoyed it, because it has a very interesting plot, very well written atmosphere/vibe, but your characters? Oh man, your characters are the most delicious part of your work (-s even). I find them so different, so unique, so deep and really well-written, because I feel them; sometimes hate them too, but for a good reason, that they make me go “ah shit I strongly disagree with you, but FINE”. Love them all, eat them all, too.
Moreover, I’ll be patiently waiting for your new works to be continued, really excited about them. I must admit, so far I’m captivated by Dante, because he’s such a monster (affectionate). I know, that he’s morally bad, does terrible things that contradict with our very normal and modern views, but you know what? It’s good! I love psychos (scientifically)! As a fellow creator I can see the appeal of that kind of romance — destructive and wild. I’ll go for Dante-romance just to witness his love burn and cause damage. I want to have options for Luce to hurt Dante back, make him mad, but, you know, in a very passionate way or something like that. When I see characters barking at each other and then make out, I feel happy, because it's interesting, even if one of them can kill you (whatever, I swear, I don't care, have my green light to make Luce suffer). I don’t expect (and don’t want to, to be honest) Dante suddenly to change ‚for the better‘ or set aside his views, background and other things, that make him, well, him, because of a magical power of LOVE. In fact, I hope I'll see this exact love bringing the worst in him, showing what he can (and probably will) do for Luce or to them. You know, distorted views of love and affection are the best yet rarest among the ifs. Authors are mostly scared to create a deranged character and show their love in an ugly way. However, few people and I surely crave it. I don't want to cry on your shoulder, but I'm really tired of 'toxic romance' to turn suddenly very sweet and nice, showing only some scenes of jealousy and possessiveness, and that's it, sadly. So... thank you for not making him another 'good bad guy', I guess (so far?)? Seriously, you're doing God's (Devil's, maybe) work here.
Long Story Short, thank you so much for your works, I wish you the best, a lot of luck and Inspiration. I like you as a person and as a dark writer! I will watch you making your progress from the shadows of the deepest lake on Earth. You have my support, Jude.
So many times I’ve gotten apologizes from people saying they don’t speak English as a first language and yet they’re so eloquent in their messages 💀
Yeah I’ve never been a fan of fiction that has the love interest do a 180 because they’re in love. So does that mean they’ll become the same person the minute the love interest leaves them? Then that’s not true change and it’s not real character development. It’s one thing for a person to show you how to view things differently but it’s not genuine if you’re doing it to please them. I don’t think I’ll ever do a fix-it romance
I do get why some creators are hesitant to create romances like these because you’ll likely be subject to backlash from people saying you’re promoting abusive relationships or what-have-you but depiction is not endorsement nor romanticization or justification. That idea seems lost on people sometimes. I won’t justify my characters bad actions as right I will simply explain why from their point of view they believe things they do to be ok and not because they want to fuck the MCs over (although sometimes that’s exactly what they want to do)
I love how my characters frustrate you! And thank you lake underground nonnie ☺️
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p1xiemeat · 4 months
You've never been "original" either lmfao☠️ everything stolen or copied from someone else. Sigh.
i'm genuinely confused by this. i come online and post pretty pictures and share stuff about video games most of the time. idk what i stole or copied in doing that? of course 90% of the images i post aren't mine and are edits of photos found on pinterest but when i have the credit for them i always give credit when i can. if you have a problem with that then tumblr is NOT the social media platform for you because BTW MOST of what ppl share and post on here is not original photography. i've seen countless blogs post the same exact photos. its not a big deal unless you are claiming someone's art as your own, which i've never done and would never do.
also, if you think i'm so awful and claim i do all these things then why do you continue to look at my page? what is the point of that? do you genuinely have nothing else to do other than harass strangers for literally no reason? what do you gain from hiding behind a screen and insulting someone you don't know. you only see what i choose to post and maybe 1% of that is about myself or my life. i mainly use social media to share my interests and express myself.
i don't wish any bad vibes your way, but i do sincerely hope you find it within yourself to do yourself a favor and spend your time doing positive things that will actually benefit you or make you happy. i can't imagine someone who is happy with their life would want to harass someone they will never meet or has no affect on their life whatsoever.
we both deserve better.
harassment gives me anxiety to the extreme, but i felt it was necessary to address you in a way that will hopefully open your eyes to how much of a waste of time it is to send messages like this. you only get ONE life. as someone who almost lost my life MANY times, it taught me to make the most out of my time here on this earth. i choose to spend that time doing what makes me happy and sharing what makes me happy with others. so many people message me on a daily basis telling me how much they enjoy my silly little edits on here. and i love that.
tearing other people apart constantly usually means you aren't happy with yourself. hurting people will hurt people. i don't want that for you. and i don't want to be at the receiving end of it either. my blog is my own. i will post and share whatever i wish to. and if you still choose to be mean about it thats on you, but its not going to make a difference in my life.
𝔅𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔢 ☽🌕☾
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dollking081 · 5 months
Are your hate anons getting brushed off by the people you send them to? Do they not inspire the visceral self hatred of the victim that you want them to? here's a handy guide for upping YOUR hate anon game!
(DISCLAIMER: The techniques used in this guide are not guaranteed to make your victims cry)
Step 1: Verbosity In this day and age, a simple "kys" just won't cut it! People throw that phrase around all the time like it's nothing, so it's unlikely to leave more than just a shallow cut.
What you wanna do, in actuality, is put some effort into your wording. Make them read a paragraph about how disgusting they are, rather than just a sentence. Below is an example of how much more hurtful your messages can be if you give yourself a minimum word count you have to hit. E.G.1: "you suck kys genuinely"
E.G.2: "out of everyone on this shithole of an earth, you somehow manage to be the most disgusting thing I've encountered. for everyone's sake, go die in a ditch you freakish asshole" As you can see, example 2 leaves a much longer lasting impression, due to it's unique wording. Next time you send anonymous hate, try upping the word count for a harder-hitting result.
Step 2: Language Upping your word count is a good step forward, but we can go further! Consider the language you use. Swearing too often makes the words lose their punch, while not swearing at all can make you seem afraid to. Try to limit your swearing to the parts of your message you want to hurt the most. Below is an example of how messages can differ based on usage of swears. E.G.3 (overdone swearing): "holy fucking shit. you're the most disgusting fucking bitch I've ever fucking come across. I can't even fucking fathom the idea of someone shittier than you. fucking kill yourself, for everyone's sake" E.G.4 (limited swearing): "holy hell. you're the most disgusting, fucking abhorrent, freak I've ever come across. I can't even begin to fathom the fucking idea of someone shittier than you. kill yourself, for everyone's sake" E.G.5 (no swearing): "holy hell. you're the most disgusting freak I've ever come across. I can't even freaking fathom the idea of someone crappier than you. kill yourself, for everyone's sake"
Can you see how all three differ in tone, and how you interpret the people saying them, despite all being the same message aside from the swears?
Step 3: Frequency Don't wanna write several essays about how much you hate someone in a day? Good, because you shouldn't. Sending hate anons too frequently will make them lose their impact, much like with swearing. If someone wakes up to twenty uber long hate anon messages in their inbox, they'll likely read half of some of them before rolling their eyes and blocking you. Send them occasionally, just whenever you have time to kill. If that's not often enough for you, find multiple people to hate to keep you occupied. I guarantee you, though, that the less often you send them, the more of a punch they'll have.
Step 4: Research If you want your anons to REALLY hurt, you're gonna want to stalk your target a little - not in real life, of course. Find out what they're interested in, their writing style, etc. If you have even the slightest thing to poke fun of, it can seriously up how much it hurts. Bonus points if you reference a recent post of theirs. Examples of how a targeted message can differ from a general message below. E.G.6: "you're a disgusting bitch, y'know that? nobody wants you here, you fucking freak, so go ahead and kill yourself already" E.G.7: "you're a disgusting bitch, y'know that? nobody wants you here you freak. and you think you're so fucking funny with your little "XD" at the end of all the shit that comes out of your mouth. go ahead and just kill yourself, because clearly all your mutuals can go on without you, what with how little you actually talk to them"
Notice how message two picks on insecurities, and makes the receiver seem like a bad friend? It leaves much more of an impact than message one, which could easily just be sent to anyone.
And that's all! I hope you got something from this! If you want to practice, send anonymous hate to me, and I'll grade you based on how well I think you did - though remember, this is all just my opinion on how to better a hate message, and there is no wrong way to be a hater!
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grokebaby · 5 months
Hi!! [Points a million microphones at you]
Can I ask you about MewMew?? What's their story? What's their personality like? What relationship do they have with Evilicus? If they could send a message to the world, what would it be? Are they a milk-before-cereal or a cereal-before-milk kind of individual? (Or none? Do they even drink milk? I heard grown-up cats couldn't have milk)
+ any random facts you want to add! Take this ask as a ranting invitation.
This is such a nice surprise! Alot of what you're asking upfront can be discovered by just looking at everything I've posted about Mew thus far :) here's a few posts to get started though > Mew and Evie Part1 and Part2, follow ups to that part3 and Part4
Those are pretty good for catching up on what the "situation" between them is currently! The story is ongoing and I plan to reveal stuff about their past as well, slowly. I'd planned new developments to their current situation and adding more characters but I don't have the technical opportunities to do that now (irl stuff going on lol).
I've also answered tons of asks to talk about Mewmew in the past but I'm not sure how reliable tumblrs search function is... I'm very sorry. 🐟
Basic summaries!
Mewmew (Original intro post) - (m/ms or mew/mews) A mecha shapeshifter cat thing with a go getter attitude and a dark past in the Galactic alliance of public safety, aka a several galaxies wide military force. Mewmew has since retired due to preferring actually peaceful methods to attain peace. Now lives in a far off peaceful human village in the mountains and wants to live a normal life and do the little, everyday things that matter. If m could send a message to the world, it would be "Be kinder to everyone. This includes nyourself"
Evilicus - (they/them) An ex powerful demon lord covered head to toe in cursed armor, with a very nihilistic attitude and a grim perception of the world. Though since being defeated by the heroic Mewmew and hitting absolute rock bottom, they're aiming to do better, if at least for the sake of being fair to Mew, who ever so kindly offered them shelter even after their messy history. Rather oblivious to things we consider ordinary, and quite clumsy once you get past the spiky demeanor.
Their relationship - this may be subject to change as their story goes on but both have difficult feelings about each other I can say that much. Evie struggles with what's fair and acceptable behavior and tends to be jumpy around Mew as well as prone to outbursts (in fear or otherwise). Mewmew struggles with compassion fatigue and feeling like m needs to be a good person but struggling to find the limits and boundaries within that and knowing where to give or take in any situation.
More posts exploring this Here, and Here. (These ones in particular happen to be very grim)
Note that while the character premises are obviously silly, I do explore very dark topics in this story and I find alot of passion taking silly character archetypes and applying some level of realism onto them and putting them in situations that way :) it's not an "Edgy" reimagining, I genuinely love these characters and love exploring their roles in a story while balancing their inherent sillyness. Still, be warned!
More on Evilicus related stuff Here, here and Here
Milk before cereal? - Mewmew can in fact drink cows milk, m isn't a Cat (the animal) the way we know it. Mewmew is an alien biomechanical entity. Who chose to look like an earth cat, and is approximately under two meters tall. Frankly mew doesn't care for which one goes in the bowl first, ms eaten dry kibble before (yes, cat food.) but tends to prefer vegan options for milk, so soy rice or oat. Other than that, no notable preference! Mewmew is quite passionate about environmentalism
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hexhomos · 1 year
I really don’t want to be rude, but what is the point in having a League blog if all you do is reblog ATSV stuff? Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this to be malicious or anything. I know it’s your blog and you’re allowed to post whatever it is you’d like, and it’s selfish of me to even send something like this in, but genuinely what’s the point? You have a SV sideblog, why not just stick to that one completely for now?
In a previous ask, you spoke about not being interested in the Soul Fighter event & that’s part of your explanation for distancing from League - which is valid because it does suck, but still. Again, I know it’s selfish and it seems like I’m policing your posts and your blog, but it’s genuinely just confusing.
It just sucks, because the number of VikJayce content creators has gone down so much in favor of Spiderdads, which, yeah, that’s just how the Ship Circle of Life goes, but it’s still disappointing to watch happen.
I really, really hope you don’t take this in a negative light, again, I’m not trying to police anything and if it comes off that way, I’m really sorry. It’s 1 in the morning and I’m in my feelings about content for my comfort ship slipping away and being drowned out by a new wave of arc*ne watchers who don’t understand these two characters & keep making OOC content that’s completely unenjoyable
I am reblogging those things because the same people who like my vkjc work may find that they enjoy my different fanwork as well, and that's a win-win situation. I have moved on from interest blogs before without a single nod to my new user and gotten messages from old followers about them missing my stuff, which is why I am actually reblogging now for anyone who wants to keep track of it.
I get that it may be a bummer to see less vkjc art for a while but to anyone reading this ask: You Can Still Make The Art You Want To See. I was pretty much working off fumes and my own individual interest to make fanart here and I'm not special for it, I was just the guy who took initiative. Please make bad art. Make things you're unsatisfied with so long as they speak to your internal interests. Make sort of mid stuff until you start making really good stuff. Don't rely on the whims of anyone else to maybe someday do it for you; that's how good things never come to exist.
I genuinely stopped checking AO3 tags for an entire year+ as soon as fandom trends started bothering me and went to sit on a corner to do my own thing. I did that for so long a bunch of other people ALSO got interested in the game version of these characters! I believe in you. I would really encourage you to distance yourself from the 'ship lifecycle' mindset; vikjayce itself has been around for over 12 years and it still hasn't been nuked off the face of the earth, which should say something about how long niches can last. It does rely on a collective effort to make things happen though, not just one or two guys. You should find the thing you see as most enjoyable and make it happen.
But I'm having fun working on something else at the moment, and that's an equally worthy pursuit!
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signanothername · 11 months
-slams table- Ohhh boi the hyper fixation is hyper fixating, Burn Bot’s caste headcanons:
Mini headcanons before hand 😅:
1. I believe that in order to be a rescue bot you need to have thinner plating in order to adapt to different types of vehicles, since they serves both in and out of planet and probably, of Blades is anything to go by, had to take different forms accordingly (maybe why they were traveling without any before arriving on earth)
2. Rescue Bots, despite being more aligned with the Autobots, are neutral in the war. They’ll help who ever needs it, but this was regardless a threat to the decepticons who play by a “you’re either with me or against me” rule
Heatwave: middle-upper working class. I believe he was hatched into the firefighter job, but I have two sub-headcanons for him.
Decepticon: Dude, your HW decepticon, joke or not, got my brain rolling and I really wanna put my two cents in: HW is definitely a fighter at heart and probably made friends outside of his caste, mainly gladiators. Watching how he’s friends had to fight for their life’s day in and day out just to be shown the barest level of respect really made HW despise the system, not helped by the fact that many didn’t make it back at all. So when Megatron first proposed to eradicate the caste system and grant equality to everyone he was all for it. Things change when the decepticon cause started to corrupt. HW has a strong sense of justice and harming so many innocent bots to send a message is not fair in his eyes. This leads him to turn to the rescue bots, a force that helps all, regardless of caste, or side. Orion would probably be the most recent prime at this point and he gives HW faith the the autobot cause, making him wish he could one day join the war.
Ps: I really, really want to hear more of your version of Decepticon HW cause you got my hamster brain rolling
Rescue bot: Starting again with HW being a fighter, seeing how his planet was starting to get divided, he probably felt like being JUST an on call fire fighter wasn’t enough, he wanted to do more, be in the field, but thin platting and intense battle don’t really mix so he wasn’t accepted as a soldier but recommended as a rescue bot. I think this would motivate HW to train just that much harder like we see in the show. In this version he would definitely see the decepticons as aggravators and blame them for the war. In a way this would cause a little tension between him and Blades but I’m getting ahead of myself
Chase: Upper/Civilian Velocitronian class: If Blurr’s anything to go by, Velocitron is definitely more laidback than Cybertron, but what may seem laidback to Blurr would probably count as borderline lawless to Chase. I genuinely don’t see him fit in una place like that, and since he would have enough privilege to do something about it, he’d move to cybertron looking for a better sense of structure. On the bright side, Cybertron does have more laws to enforce justice, on the down side, is biased against lower caste bots, something Chase would profusely disapprove of, so he transfers once again, this time from city police to Rescue Bot.
Boulder: middle-lower working class. Another bot who I believe was hatched to their occupation, kinda. Boulder was lucky enough to be given a name, and a designation that more or less aligned with his interest but focused more on demolition than construction. His strong interest in creating and learning rather than simply doing as told, combined with his more gentle spark would make him a bit of an outcast among his workers, but appreciated. If his painting on all spark day is anything to go by, he had friends out side of the Sigma, friends who probably noticed his more thiner plating and arranged for him to enter a Rescue Bots academy where he could explore and help others.
Anon holy shit
I had fucking blast reading through this, you my friend are a treasure
Time to ramble >:)
1- THIS!!! I completely agree, Rescue bots obviously need to adapt to different types of situations including being able to have the ability to get different forms
I don’t really believe it’ll be a mandatory thing, but I feel like depending on the bot’s abilities they might be assigned certain roles/ ranks depending on how much their plating helps
2- YAS YAS YAS!!!! I wholeheartedly believe the Rescue Bots are neutral, i mean, I find it interesting that in Academy, the younger bots are never taught to only save and protect “good people” or are even given any sort of rules that need to be met on order to rescue, help, save, or protect someone, only thing they’re taught is to serve, save and protect, regardless of identity, alignment or faction
And Whirl didn’t even know what a Decepticon was even, and while we could go on and on about the fucked up indications of what this could mean in terms of how Cons are treated after the war, and how it could take part as to why the rescue academy never teaches them, I believe the academy specifically doesn’t mention them cause it’s somewhat unnecessary (keyword: somewhat), cause it could put some sort of imaginary standard that there are “certain sort/type” of people they should be looking out for, which is unnecessary in rescue work , (i do, however, think they should’ve been taught a bit about accurate history)
The thing is, I wish Academy explored that concept of how Rescue Bots should do their work, we get the Laserbeak episode, but it doesn’t really go that deep into the morality of things, and I believe that is sort of cause
1- it’s for kids, so the show doesn’t bring up much of the darker themes integrated within TF as a whole
and 2- the 11 minute runtime that severely hinders the writers’ ability to explore such wide concepts (I will forever hate the 11 minutes runtime, shows need to go back to 22 minutes)
Anyway back to topic, I believe every rescue bot is trained that way in which they look at the world through neutral eyes, including HW, Boulder, Chase and Blades
In fact allow me to throw in my own headcanon: the reason the rescue bots even have the Autobot insignia is cause they were all forced to “choose” a side, war and what it does, cause it was practically frowned upon that neutrals even exist during a difficult time and neither side seems to trust them, so the rescue bots decided on the Autobot insignia cause let’s be real, Megs makes it difficult to align with him when he’s on a rampage, and y’know, better one side then no side trusting them, but they’re still pretty much neutral and would help anyone in need, Whether Autubot or Decepticon (and that includes Cons of higher ranks like Screamy, Soundwave and even Megs)
Tho as you said, that means Decepticons end up seeing them as a threat, which definitely made rescues difficult, tho I like to believe that the rescue bots kinda developed a protocol to deal with this problem, usually by using gestures that show they aren’t a threat like raising their hands with their palms facing the Con, showing them they don’t have any weapons and trying to calmly talk with them, getting them to understand they’re a rescue bot, and since it’s pretty much universally known that rescue bots are neutral, 7 times outta 10 it’ll work, while 3 times outta 10 it’ll end in disaster, depending on how jumpy and suspicious the Con they’re rescuing is, but that’s just part of the job in the end cause what’s rescue work if it isn’t full of danger
After the war, the factions were already integrated into Cybertron’s social system, albeit unfairly so where Autobots are seen as the heros and Cons are seen as the villains in a very (and i mean VERY) black and white view, so it’d be really hard for the Rescue Bots to suddenly go back to “hey we’re not Autobots technically” 
And while I believe some civilians choose to stay neutral, I feel like neutrals suffer socially in Cybertron’s new social system, cause with how everyone perceives Autobots as the “heroes”, people who stay neutral are immediately perceived as untrustworthy, it’s like “damn you’re a neutral??? That’s sus bro why wouldn’t you want to be an Autobot??? Are you secretly a Con???” Especially from younger bots and it’s really sad to think about
It makes me think that some neutrals end up putting on the Autobot insignia so they won’t have to suffer, kinda putting it as a front of sorts even if they truly don’t see themselves as an Autobot (cough the rescue bots included cough)
This entire franchise is tragic my god they need some happiness dhhxhxhxh
Con HW (talking about your take here):
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE! Heatwave is a fighter, it’s his nature and social class absolutely means nothing to him, he’ll definitely become friends with lower castes and especially gladiators, and if we go by the headcanon that HW used to be an upper middle caste he probably would try to use any privileges he got to help his lower caste friends, whether by providing energon or protecting them from upper castes if the need arises
And as you said, he has a very strong sense of justice and that what would get him to join the Cons at first, only to leave when Megs became mad, Heatwave is a protector first and foremost and seeing so much energon spilled for no reason isn’t something he’d be fond of
I feel like Orion’s rising can definitely spark hope in many, especially Autobots and/or neutrals who wish to join a side
RB HW (talking about your take here too):
HW definitely hated seeing how his planet devided, and I love the way you connected his intense training with his desire to be a soldier
Y’know tho, I always felt like HW isn’t that great at differentiating between what he wants and what he needs, that’s why to me, he shouldn’t be indulged too much, cause just because he wants something, doesn’t mean he’ll be happy/satisfied once he gets it
He’s pretty impatient so he always jumps to any opportunities to get what he wants, never stopping to weigh his options or to truly think if he actually and genuinely would be happier if he got what he wanted, that’s why I think OP’s decision not to include him in his team at the beginning was of sound judgement
Cause when OP finally asks HW if he wanted to join him later down the line, HW refuses and says that if he did join, not only would OP be disappointed but also his own team
HW is a fighter, but not a soldier, not at heart, and I believe HW does realize it later on and it’s so damn heartwarming to think about dhxhhxhz
Ok since you wanted to know about my version of Con HW ahem
I like to think HW was a nameless low caste miner, immediately thrown into the mines under Cybertron to work there, and by extension, later participated in the gladiatorial arena as many others to get energon and healthcare
He didn’t participate in many fights, only what was necessary for him to survive, otherwise he’ll work in the mines, and his participations were brief and very few not cause he was afraid for his life, but due to how he despised the energon that spilled by his own hands, it made him sick and very angry, not only at himself but at the unfair social system that forced him into such position
He later abandoned the arena completely, and while it put his life at risk due to how low energon is, he found it better than the guilt and regret he holds over the energon on his hands, his conscious wouldn’t allow him to continue in that path
When working in the mines he was quiet for the most part, but don’t let his silence deceive you, he’s a storm on the inside, he absolutely got into fights with the guards responsible for the mines over their mistreatment of him or others, and it always was a nasty sight, so everyone (other miners, guards never seem to want to leave him alone) were always keeping a safe distance from HW, he’s a ticking time bomb and no one wants to be the poor soul that sets him off
He was transferred from one mine to the other due to said fights and his temper, and every mine is worse than the last
So here you have Heatwave, lonely, furious and broken, seeing Megs rise to fight the same social system that screwed him over, it seemed like a dream come true, freedom finally at reach, and at first? It was, he no longer works a job he never signed up for, he’s no longer forced to kill an innocent bot who was there for the same reason he was for a bloodthirsty audience just to get basic life needs like energon and healthcare, and he actually gets treated as an equal
So he followed with blind obedience, he’d do anything and everything to help further Megatron’s goal to destroy the caste system, that is, until things started escalating, the fight turned from fighting for freedom and justice to just fighting, and the more time he spent a Decepticon, the more he witnessed the energon spilled for no reason, the more his doubt grew
Until he saw Decepticons kill innocent civilians who weren’t even part of the fight, and that does it for him, this is not what he wanted when he aligned with the Decepticons, and so he runs
Having nowhere else to turn, he gets back to working in one of the few mines still working at the time, and it’s like he got back to square one, so you can imagine how hopeless he felt
I like to think that at some point, the mine he was working in collapsed, and HW, mostly unharmed but pretty much on high alert, tries to find a way out, he finds a few other miners who need help and without a second thought goes to help them, even going as far as donating some of his own energon to keep some of them alive even tho it puts his own life at risk
And to the horror and shock of the other miners, he also helps some of the guards stuck with them as well without any hesitation, and to further their shock, HW doesn’t wanna hear a signal complaint about it
Blind to time he just digs and moves every little rock to find a way out, goes as far as order some of the unharmed miners and even guards to help, and in doing so realizes how the storm inside him is quite, he feels at peace for the first time in his life, and it’s because he’s using his hands and his mind for actual good than mere tools to move rock or for spilling energon, he finally feels like his life has actual purpose
Eventually HW and the other miners and guards are saved by some bots who call themselves “rescue recruits” and it’s like HW’s eyes opened to a whole new world he never knew existed, he immediately asks the nearest rescue recruit -and ahem, I like to think it’s Chase >:) - if he could become a rescue recruit himself, and lo and behold he can, he’s lead to the rescue academy, still at work amidst the chaos happening on the planet
He starts his journey towards becoming a rescue bot, eventually gaining his name which I like to believe was an affectionate nickname his classmates gave him due to his temper, and HW finds himself attached to the fire fighter job
Enter, Rescue Bot Heatwave :D
Chase: YESSSS! Especially when it comes to him being velocitronian!!!
Like ngl the moment my eyes landed on Chase when I started the show I was like “YOU. Velocitronian.”
And yeah, Velocitron definitely isn’t the best place for Chase, he’s too lawful to be ok with living there, and just like HW, Chase has a strong sense of justice, so to see how biased and unfair the system is towards so many Cybertronians??? it just disgusts him, being a rescue bot would seem like the best option to go for, and in some ways, I feel like Chase did find that satisfaction in his rescue work over being a rule enforcer
And this may seem silly, but I often think of how it would go if Chase met IDW Prowl, both of them are super fixated on the rules, but how each perceive these rules and the contrast in which they enforce them is very fascinating, it makes me wonder how Chase would react to Prowl’s grey morality and uh- questionable behavior
That aside i feel like Chase didn’t have much difficulty in joining the rescue academy, due to the privilege he has he was aware of its existence early on, and so he immediately joined when he felt like the police forces on Cybertron are corrupt at best, and as a police bot himself, he refuses to align himself with these corrupt people, so he joins the rescue academy in hopes he finds it fair and just, and to his pleasant surprise? It is
Boulder is an engineering genius, and hope you don’t mind me throwing this in but I feel like Boulder was on very thin ice, i like to think he was gonna end up as low caste miner, but by very good luck and his apparent genius he was decided to be a lower middle caste engineer
Which Boulder is grateful for actually, better his luck than the poor guys literally fighting for their lives, and Boulder doesn’t strike me as the type to complain, he always seems satisfied by the little things in life, doesn’t mean he liked seeing the injustices that occurred, or how life seems so difficult, but he’d always try to focus on the positives than the negatives, and while I feel like others would definitely think of him as weird for it (an outcast as you said) they appreciate his positivity, they need some sunshine in their dark world
To me I like to think he became a rescue bot after meeting HW
To put it into perspective I like to think Chase was the first to join the academy, then Blades, HW and last but not least Boulder, and how HW and Boulder met was due to a rescue HW was tasked by, in which he met a very curious Boulder and a tiny bit impressed HW by Boulder’s kindness and positivity, HW proposed joining the academy to Boulder, and the ever kind Boulder who loves to help people immediately accepts, and joins the academy later on
I like to believe even after joining the academy, Boulder still visits his old home and friends, tries visiting them as often as he can, it’s strange to his friends why would Boulder willingly choose to visit the same old home that made his life difficult, but the home itself never mattered to Boulder as much as the people and relationships he made there, yes life was a lot more difficult but it was worth fighting for and he gets back home with as much energon as he can to share it with his old home
Woo boi that was a long one, nevertheless enjoyed rambling so enjoy reading xhhdhdgdgd
And cause your lil ask was fun here’s a lil art i made that I wasn’t really ever gonna share, it’s got nothing to do with what we’re talking about it’s just me exploring ideas in my brain (it’s very loosely based on my version of Con HW but something like an aftermath that has nothing to do with what I shared about him xhhxhxh)
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Part 2 (of the ask)
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imnotverybright · 6 months
Okay here goes telling you about my OCs. (as an ask because this would be WAY too many messages)
The heroes/villains:
Pix: (she/her) short for pixel, she's 4th wall aware and can create and manipulate meta constructs (I think that's the right word?) she like climbs on text boxes, attacks using onomatopoeia, does minor time travel through panels, etc. At this point in the story (I haven't posted anything but I'm working on a first chapter when I have energy) she's a very bubbly person and loves being overdramatic as a joke. Her hero name comes from the rules of her universe being that for plot to happen there must be a "viewer" and until the start of the story she had no viewers at all and was so far removed from being part of the story that she would only ever show up as a single pixel on someones screen. The story has a planned villain arc for her where she tries to get rid of all viewers by making every hero, villain, and vigilante stop being interesting even if it means killing them, so that the plot can stop and there would be no tragedy (this is not what would happen, and on some level she knows it. In reality, the cause and effect are reversed, something big is happening, so a viewer shows up. But oh boy does she think that this would do something.) As she gets more unhinged, she learns more about her powers. At the start she's not that OP, she just hits people with onomatopoeia, climbs text boxes, and occasionally goes through panel borders, but only as little pranks because her 'time travel' isn't reliable enough for a fight. By the end she'll basically be a god of her world.
Okay that was a lot.
Crescent sun: (they/she) They can manipulate light, but work only in absolutes. Technically she CAN do illusions, but does not like to. Their philosophy is that if something's worth doing, it's worth finishing, and to her the light bending won't be finished until it's either 100% light or 100% dark. Their team doesn't have a real healer, so they put a lot of effort into learning first aid because she wants to protect everyone. They also make snacks for everyone. Will congratulate the villain on a fight well fought after winning, and give them bandaids and/or a cookie. Just really happy to be with everyone, didn't want to be a superhero, but this their friend brought them on to the team and they're really glad to be there.
Taunt: (he/him) Sarcastic and rude but cares very deeply for his friends, and WILL admit it. He is always reminding his friends just how much he loves them, and then insulting them to their faces. He would never talk bad about someone behind their back. Really loyal. It takes a bit to get his trust, but once he trusts someone he would follow them to the ends of the earth. Even though he openly mocks people out of love, he has trouble bringing up genuine criticism for fear of offending someone. The least people-pleaser-y people pleaser. As for powers, hyperempathy powers. What power he has depends on what feelings the people around him are having, and how strong they are depends on the intensity of the feeling/how many people are feeling it. Sews a new patch onto his costume every time a villain is beaten, with a smile/frown/angry face/etc. depending on the emotion used to beat the villain. Anger is super strength, pride is fire, excitement is electricity, fear is invisibility, and I'm still working on the rest.
Lily: (he/she) Plant 'villain'. Just wants to be left alone, he lives in a very secluded forest, but for some reason people keep showing up! The first few people she killed were important politicians on a (illegal) hunting trip who were going to shoot her pet deer, so now they just keep sending people to deal with her. she just wants to live in the forest in peace! He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but they just won't back off. He loves fashion design, and makes all his own clothes out of vines and flowers. Literally just minding her own business. Actually a very reasonable person, but people keep coming to kill her so what's she supposed to do?
H2(s) (pronounced Hiss): (she/her) Ice villain! Name comes from her armor which is ineffective but super cool because it's made of hydrogen in it's solid form. Her ice powers are extreme to the point where anything that touches her skin freezes solid almost instantly, but her insides are molten, allowing for movement, eating, breathing, etc. I know this wouldn't actually work, but in my universe it does because I think it's neat. Just wants power. Actually treats her henchmen well, she wants to be the most powerful for the sake of being the most powerful but doesn't really want to use the power. Literally a villain for the bragging rights. She's smart strategically, but doesn't know much about the real world and will have her henchmen doing most of the daily tasks because she gets overwhelmed really easily. Really positive work environment though.
that's all I have for the heroes/villains for now, although I'm working on more characters when I have energy.
The Casino characters:
Murphy: (they/xe) Spirit of bad luck who owns the casino. Believes in cheating at all the games, if you can win against their bad luck aura you deserved it. Somehow everyone loses money, often even the house. Mischievous and fun loving, always looking for new games and making little bets. Xer casino is a place for anyone to be accepted, and xe makes as many accommodations as possible through magic. Repairs of the magical systems takes a lot of time, so the majority of security staff is actually working on keeping everything running smoothly.
Chance: (she/her) Murphy's mom, a spirit of good luck. Loves her kid and will occasionally pop in to the casino while wearing a veil to disguise herself so nobody asks for good luck blessings. The staff all have a big debate going on about who this lady is because she always wins. Murphy will not tell them that "Lady luck" as they call her is xer mom, because it's fun to watch them guess. She can't talk, and communicates either with sign language, an aac device, or magic depending on the person's familiarity with sign and if she has her aac device with her. Using magic telepathy tends to give her a headache so she doesn't like using it much. Her personality is very similar to Murphy, she's always looking for something fun and getting into well meaning mischief.
Connie: (she/they) She's the bartender and also a snake person! She's petty and can snap at people, but she's very kind overall. Uses pet names for people "what can I get you sugar?" or something like that. They don't start anything, but boy can they finish it. Her favorite revenge is to just tell someone they messed up BAD, and let them stress about what she's gonna do. Somehow nobody has figured it out yet. She herself rarely gambles, but she knows the strategy behind every game. Also they have a prosthetic tail and a wheelchair which they use interchangeably depending on how they feel on the day and what types of activities they'll be doing. They lost most of their lower body in a landslide when they were young. She loves chemistry and mixology and her favorite game is to guess what type of drink a customer will want before they order it.
Squeak: (it/its) The only security guard who is actually a security guard, and the only one they need. It's a little mouse person, with huge sharp teeth. It's really protective of everyone and will not hesitate to throw anyone out if they're causing problems. Refers to itself as a feral ratboy. It often jokes about excessive violence, but really only throws people out of the casino. It loves its job so much, and plans on working at the casino until it dies. It loves looking cute and kicking butt. Will dig through the garbage for something shiny. It's pretty good at reading people but often not sure what to do if someone's upset. Normally either "Do you want to pet my head? I'm really soft" or "Do you want me to punch something for you?" are it's two methods of reassurance. Weirdly enough, this usually works.
I'm also still working on the characters in the casino, but these are the OCs I have for now. Thanks for listening!! Probably good I don't have more of them fleshed out yet because this is pretty long, and I'm realizing I'm not great at describing personalities. Sorry it's so long.
Thank you so much for letting me share my characters!! I love the little guys in my brain. ^-^
SORRY I TOTALLY FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS! your OC's are so cool!!!! im in love with crescent sun, im a sucker for characters who could be more powerful, in theory, but can't get there because of their mindset. also an ice villain who has boiling insides is so sick, idk if it would work either but rule of cool wins here in my book. augh they're all so cool!!!!
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gomacave · 6 months
Lol, it is sooo nice to come across someone who still cares about kkm in 2024 😭 just gonna send as an ask so we aren't tag paragraphing back and forth. (Tried just messaging, but you know the tumblr app's reliabilty...)
I have so many thoughts on wolfram and yuuri as people and how they would work as a couple
Re: your original tags i 100% agree that yuuri would be the one to initiate their actual relationship with a kiss he didn't even put any thought into, body just acted. 
I've had this vague fanfic idea in my head for the past like... 10 years (i can't believe i first watched it so long ago) that after getting used to wolfram being his best friend and enjoying being around him in that way for a couple years yuuri would start to catch feelings without even realizing it. Then he'd kiss wolfram in some dramatic dangerous context (like your comic) and immediately fall through a puddle back to earth once the danger is over, without getting the chance to talk to wolfram about it. 
And then yuuri is just like, stuck on earth for a whole month or 2. Ruminating on the kiss, using 2007 style discussion boards to try to figure out his sexuality (😂 poor kid). Maybe watching some random movie (i genuinely don't have a specific one in mind) and realizing that the 2 male main characters have crazy chemisty, remembering something about shipping from that discussion board, searching male character A x male character B and reading some fanfic/seeing some fanart that makes him go "shit maybe i am into guys." Then he like... reads a real romance novel or something that his mom buys him (a teen book! I should clarify. His mom is quirky but not totally oblivous to what would be appropriate), because she's supportive and knows he'd never buy one on his own. And he talks to her a few times about this realization throughout this 2 months. 
Basically, i like the idea of yuuri being forced away from wolfram and all the normalized queerness of shin makoku and still coming to the conclusion that he likes wolfram and wants to be with him. And "hey, im not even gonna be living on earth much past the age of 18 anyway, so why should i care about any of these cultural norms anymore? And my family gets it, so honestly, fuck it."
And then he finally gets back to shin makoku and word vomits/lays this 2 months worth of soul searching at wolfram's feet.
And wolfram is just like, "well it's actually been 8 months or something for me. Glad you figured all that shit out, even though i still don't get what the big deal was, but i definitely panic spiralled into thinking you weren't coming back ever again because of that kiss. So honestly, i'm pretty happy right now. But ngl, you reciprocating my feelings is a little... off putting? No, maybe more like... completely unexpected. I'm in no way prepared for this."
And then their dynamic switches to wolfram being the one who's kind of uncomfortable with public displays of affection (he still likes it, but is noticeably shy/tense). And yuuri just trying his best to not spook wolfram and understand why he's like this now.
And it all just culminates in them having a talk in bed before the fall asleep a couple months after yuuri comes back where wolfram trys to explain how high up on a pedestel yuuri is in his mind and how, to him, it feels like them actually being together is just dragging yuuri down. And how yes, he loves yuuri romantically, but it's also so much more than that. He loves him as his  untouchable best friend who he was JUST getting used to always being out of romatic reach when yuuri got spirited away to earth for 8 months. He loves yuuri as his king. He loves him as an IDEAL. So being with him as his actual fiancé is going to be a slow process. It's a lot to recontextualize in wolfram's head.
But yuuri is fine with that because he's like 18ish/still a teenager at this point and wasn't ready to get married immediately anyway. 
Thanks for the invite to head canon dump on you. It feels good to share these vague ideas for a story i'll never write with another person who GETS the ship in the same way i do 💞
I'm also eager to hear any head canons/ideas you have about these 2. We're def on the same wavelength in terms of wanting to give the characters in kkm more context and agency outside of it being a silly little fantasy adventure thing (with a weirdly well fleshed out world, to be fair) 😂
REAL....... ur so real for everything here..... i think this is 100% how it would go. love the 2007 forums 😭 hes troubleshooting his homosexuality like its a game bug or smth thats so in-character i also agree w the wolf being startled by the reciprocation thing like he would 100% not be able to handle yuuri becoming "real" to him. like an actual option to date and stuff cuz my hc (bc i love suffering) is that he kind of likes or its convenient? that yuuri doesn't reciprocate cuz its so easy to be devoted when u dont have an actual relationship to talk abt and its one sided. it also gets more fanatical that way (aka yearning is stronger when it is left unfulfilled LOL) i also feel like he doesnt deserve it 2 some degree, not that hes not confident but that it's not his place. i feel like this is common in fanart/fic but where yuuri is like ok so can we kiss now and wolf is like ? kiss? we are a symbolic union between blah blah blah
BUT YEAH...... ALSO I LOVE THEM HAVING TALKS TOGETHER IN BED its just so.... like nice 2me...... the vibe of like having to sleep together.. the heart to hearts in bed is so funny but nice. the 16 year olds having a heart to heart while playing house (as a married couple) like the dissonance between their emotional immaturity and the tension and the closeness between them is so juicyyyy like SLEEPOVER TIME except ur discussing ur divorce arc w a 16 year old boysoldier who wants to die for you So Bad
my personal hcs/pure self indulgent bs under cut
ok first i feel like i have to clarify that i dont think that my hcs are canon i just like to have fun w kkm chars like dolls lmfaoooo..... but here are my self indulgent how-they-get-together-hcs ALSO its been like a solid two or three months since i last thought in depth abt kkm so i might be messing some details up
i kinda like the idea of wolf drifting apart from yuuri (from his constant rejection as well as duty and circumstance) and yuuri never reciprocates during this time (also never realizes) and eventually wolf goes off to bielefelt to do his duties and become the patriarch after everything settles. (i also like greta a lot so this is where she goes off to her own nation and wanders as a knight and alsooooo has a lesbianism with beatrice at around 20? years old..?) ANYWAYS they're in kind of awkward limbo and 2 yuuri wolf is someone he wishes he was closer to like when they were kids but isn't and he also avoids him from the guilt/shame of rejecting his feelings
at this pt yuuri has noticed in hindsight that he was in love w wolf but anyways something happens (like an attack) and wolf and yuuri are stuck living together again, wolf is once again risking his life for yuuri and his actions sort of betray that he's still just as in love w him as he was before they separated, he just decided that it would be better not to burden him with his feelings (at this pt he's self-aware that 16 year old wolf had a lot of baggage and codependency lumped in with love like the deifying stuff) and eventually yuuri reveals that he thinks he was in love with him too and wolf has to confront the fact that he wasn't looking for romance in the first place and also that yuuri is still too bright for him to touch (in his mind) so he's kinda like i do my job and u do urs for the good of this nation. BUT OFC they eventually get together after a lot of awkward divorcedness YAAAYYYYYYYY
OH ALSO unrelated to prev scenario but one thing i love ab ur hc and teen yuuram is the contrast between the world-ending desperation of wolf's love and the teenage first crush sweetness of yuuri's. I LOVE THE IDEA OF WOLF BEING LIKE. "i would die on the cross for you" (wiping the blood from his brow) and yuuri's just like "ok lets take this one step at a time" the part of the ship that's just yuuri getting to be an awkward gay teen and wolf eventually discovering awkward teen crushisms is sooo cute to me. like discovering that holding hands in a romantic context does not at all feel like what they did in the closet!! soo sweet and cute
ok ty for listening THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRRRYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭 feel free 2 throw ur hcs at me anytime...!!! ^^
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