#i almost did
jeanmoreaue · 1 month
Characters ranked by how long Andrew could hypothetically stand to be in their presence
i’m choosing to do this not based on actual plausibility (like obviously Jean and Andrew and Jeremy are not going to interact that much) but in a scenario where they’re all on the same team or smth:
1. Neil
2. Jean - they would sit in silence but they would be able to spend long periods of time with each other
3. Renee
4. Kevin
5. Jeremy - i stand that Andrew would like Jeremy (in fact Andrew would like Jeremy and Neil would hate Jeremy. my favorite hc is that Jeremy and Neil can’t stand each other)
6. Nicky
7. Matt
8. Aaron - okay.. sibling behavior i am intentionally ranking him below Matt. in some ways Aaron would be at the top of this list but they do not talk to each other. but Andrew would die for him lol
9. Dan
10. Allison
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hansoeii · 1 year
You have a huge community, your art reaches so many people and a lot of them really look up to you, just like me, i'm not an artist but still I look up to you. You clearly have a lot of passion for your art and i can feel that by looking at it.
You're so good at what you do, and you worked hard for it, people buy your prints and commissions and youre selling your art at dokomi. You've achieved all of these things i could ever imagine to achieve for myself and in a way im jealous of you, maybe that shows that we are all jealous of something other people have and we ourselves dont (yet). I really wish you all the best, we are all gonna get there someday <3
This message was in my inbox for a while and I saw it just now. I really want to respond to you as sincerely as I can:
First of all, thank you so much anon! Your words really mean a lot to me. Thank you for your honesty too. I know how easy it is to get jealous, but seeing that you're so positive about it is incredibly nice.
I'd love to give you and all aspiring artists a little hope!
I only started growing properly last year, before that I didn't sell many prints, commissions or anything of that matter. I spent a lot of time wondering what I even wanted to do. For the longest time I thought I wanted to get into character design or concept art so I worked towards that, but slowly realized that it's not for me at all. It felt like I was forcing myself into a box I didn't belong in. I started befriending people who worked in the industry and I realized that it's not what I want to do. I felt really lost after that. Nothing was really working out for me.
But then Our Flag Means Death came out and I started creating fanart again. Something that I had somewhat stopped doing, because I believed it wasn't professional enough and that I couldn't get anywhere with it. But I enjoyed it so much and pushed out so much art that I started growing a proper community! And then I just kept drawing what I really wanted to draw, not forcing myself into any box anymore. And because of that, I improved so quickly too. And now I managed to be at a point in my art journey where I'm not that scared of my future anymore.
So please, just keep doing whatever it is you enjoy the most, don't listen to what other people tell you. Be patient with yourself as well, because everyone's journey is different. You can absolutely achieve your dreams! ❤️
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refinedstorage · 8 months
Emile Corsi is a fake ass AI artist don't fall for it he fake
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
Have I probably acted like a hypochondriac regarding my stomach? Yes, I probably have. But you would probably get yourself into a paranoid frenzy too if you'd had a bad stomach for three days in a row. And sure, it's fine so far today. But if it acts up again, I will probably become paranoid again. Because my overthinking tendencies make the (probably) perfect breeding ground for hypochondria and paranoia.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Wait so you love Lando but hate Carlos? but you post Carlando? girl how do you justify that
"wait so you love lando but hate carlos" <- absolutely correct anon, you got it!!
"girl how do you justify that" <- easily: i do what i want here on tumblr dot com.
hope this clears it up for you anon ❤️
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mytardisisparked · 3 months
I feel like the weight of the last week is finally hitting me and I maybe need to sleep for 48 hours but I just drank a ton of caffiene so I guess I'm gonna read instead.
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for tagging me last week @m0srael. I’ve been thinking about this for a bit cuz most of my WIPs are for anonymous fests, so i can’t really share much of that. But i did find something from an old WIP that i might continue some day. Not sure when. Anyway, here are 6 sentences. And I’ve also NOT forgotten about a tag game for once. I feel like this is progress!!
The darkness around him filled his lungs, making it impossible for any air to come in. Panic wrapped around his chest. He couldn’t breathe! He was going to die! This was it. But then, that quiet, soothing melody was back again, pushing the panic away.
I’ll be tagging some people as well @nelweensfic @owl-of-fandom @steampunkserpent27 @shealynn88 & @getawayfox. Feel free to skip this if you’ve already done this or if you don’t feel like doing it :))
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dlrconlicense · 4 months
If there's anything more annoying than Star Wars fanboys, it's Andor fanboys 🙃
Just fucking stop shitting everything else and let others enjoy other content and frankly no one gives a flying shite what you think
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iqmmir · 8 months
I think im gonna pass out
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ainyan · 2 years
@Petterodden suggested: Topics: Drama - Space.
Thancred, G’raha Tia, and the Warrior of Light remained grouped together near the hall to the solar. Both men were watching the Warrior with concern; she was gazing quietly into space, chafing her hands together. Finally, she sighed and began to walk off. Thancred reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glanced back at him, frowning. “What did he say to you?” the hyur asked quietly.
G’raha Tia sucked in a breath. “Who?”
The gunbreaker’s hand remained a warm weight on the Warrior’s shoulder. “Fandaniel had a word with Kali here,” he said, his voice barely low enough to be heard within their cluster. “While we were gathering.” She flinched and shifted her shoulder, but he didn’t release her.
“Kali,” the Exarch began, then stopped as she glared at him. 
Abruptly, she darted forward, sliding out from Thancred’s grip while simultaneously spinning around to face them. “He said nothing but posturing nonsense. It’s not about him, it’s about all of this,” and she gestured angrily at the Stones. “It’s about duty and work and the end of the bloody world. So I’m sorry I don’t have time to play around any more, Thancred, but I’m sure you’re starting to get tired of me by now.”
A silence fell over the Stones so profound that they could hear the soft murmur of the patrons in the tavern beyond. “I…” Stunned, the gunbreaker faltered. “But…”
She stared up at him, her chin lifted defiantly, and all he could see was the impatience in her lavender eyes. G’raha saw more in the curve of her lips - he saw the misery, the pain, and the fear - but as he opened his mouth, her gaze cut to him, fierce and angry. Biting his lip, he subsided, gripping his staff and twisting it in his hands. “Thancred,” she said, and her voice was soft all out of proportion to her gaze, “you’re an amazing person, and the gods know I’ll never know a better time than I had with you - but we both knew it had to end sometime. Better now, before things really get bad, than in the middle of the biggest battle of our lives. I need my space, you need your space - so let’s find it. Apart.”
“Is this truly what you want?” he asked, his voice soft and inflectionless.
The answer was plain in the pained set of her mouth; once again, G’raha Tia opened his own, but when her fingers fisted, he subsided. “What I want, Thancred, is to be your friend. Always. I don’t want to risk that any longer for a bit of fun.”
Y’shtola stood, seeing the pain behind the cool relief that flickered across the gunbreaker’s face. “Thancred -”
He ignored her, reaching out instead to touch Kali’s cheek testingly. When she didn’t react, he shrugged, withdrawing his hand. “I told you once before - we’ll always be friends, Kali. If that is truly all you want, then you’ll get no argument from me.”
From his angle, he couldn’t see her lip tremble. G’raha Tia could. “Kali,” he said urgently, but she ignored him, stepping in to Thancred and going up on her toes. He reached out, cupping her waist gently, and leaned down to meet her halfway. 
He tasted as he smelled, of oil and leather, gunpowder and sweat, all tempered by the rich sweetness of honey - tastes she’d grown to love over the past several months. It took every onze of her will to keep from grabbing him, from flinging herself into the arms that had held her so tightly since the First. With a muffled gasp, she tore herself away, lowering herself to the ground and gazing up at him, her expression nothing but a poorly fitting mask over her pain. “Good bye, Thancred.”
He saw nothing but casual dismissal, his own anger and pain blinding him to hers. So he gave back in kind, determined to give her nothing but the friendship she said she craved from him. “Good bye, Kali,” he murmured.
She turned, walking unsteadily towards the Respite. He didn’t watch her go, instead turning away and striding for the bar. G’raha hesitated, torn between the pair, then darted after Kal’istae, while Y’shtola abandoned Urianger to join Thancred, sliding onto one of the stools at his side as he gestured curtly for a bottle of rich golden whiskey. “Thancred,” she began, but he shook his head fiercely.
“I promised her,” he said, his voice low, “that nothing would ever change our friendship. I don’t know why now, but with everything going on, I imagine she simply has no time for me any more. It’s fine.”
Helpless, Y’shtola watched him pour a measure of liquor into a glass and toss it back, coughing softly at the burn. “Thancred,” she tried again, then flinched as he flung the glass at the wall. It shattered with a loud pop.
“I always said I would give her anything she asked for. She asked for this, for space. I cannot - will not - deny her.” He turned fierce citrine eyes on the Sorceress. “And no one else will make her feel as if she has done anything wrong.”
Y’shtola’s eyes widened. “Of course not,” she said firmly. “But surely you do not believe-”
He turned away, reaching for another glass and the bottle again. “Of course I believe her. You saw her the same as I did - it was what she wanted. There was no hesitation.” Not that he had seen - but Y’shtola had seen with a different sort of sight, and she’d seen the flares and pulses of Kal’istae’s aether that had indicated distress. And not just the distress at having hurt Thancred, the sorceress suspected, not from the Exarch’s reaction.
But the gunbreaker was not in the mood to listen. Not now. “As you say, Thancred. We will support you both in this decision, of course.” She sighed as he poured another drink. “Must you?”
He stared down into the amber liquid. “I have not had more than a sip since the First,” he said slowly. “I have no intention of falling back into my rakehell ways. But do you not agree, dear Y’shtola, that just this once I deserve it?”
How could she ignore the misery in his eyes, even if his face remained carefully bland. “Then permit me to sit with you,” she said gently, “that you do not drink alone.”
He was silent for a long moment, then lifted the glass to his lips, taking a healthy sip. “My thanks, Shtola,” he said, and her heart broke at the sorrow in his voice.
Original Ask Meme
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fucklife101 · 2 years
I almost did it today. I almost took the pills. I don’t know why I didn’t. I’m such a piece of shit.
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exilebussy · 1 year
Don't forget this fuckass show is on tonight😊
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miketownsends · 1 year
all the Aquasox players are at the Mariners game tonight (they’ve got a rare off day in the middle of a homestand) and now i’m regretting not wearing my Aquasox jersey today lmao
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agentemo · 1 year
I don’t want to turn 30 alone I don’t want to spend pride alone I don’t want to turn 30 hating my lonely self alone I have been alone for most of my life and
it feels like I’m
hmm in a. little puddle and it’s drying up around me, just some flip-flops chancletas what have you soaked in some grimy shit
no arch support! and now it’s almost summer, now the concrete’s hot
I hate metaphors
I am scared of talking to people
I don’t want to turn 30 during pride being scared of talking to people
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rowanhoney · 1 year
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I didn’t cry at the moldy peaches gig ✌️
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disruptxrr · 2 years
went to get my blood drawn
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