carpedzem · 4 years
Captain Swan as A Passion for Glory, Heart's Whisper and Savage Thunder 👀👀😂😂 (do any you like/prefer)
surprise! 😁😁  I’m sorry I didn’t draw savage thunder but something in it doesn't sit well with me I hope you will forgive me haha
this one I called swamp love. and I realised I live in a big fear of drawing naked Killian. therefore a shirt. again.
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you might see I struggled with drawing a horse but I hope I hid it well!
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kwistowee · 4 years
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“I’m a survivor.” ~ Killian Jones || Captain Hook
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rosalielesbianhale · 4 years
Was there ever an actual BTS explanation for why Emmett brought that bag of eggs to school? 🥚
He heard the song Gaston from Beauty and the Best and thought, yup, that checks out.
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killian-whump · 4 years
Serial killer Colin!
See, Colin has played a lot of murderers, so we have a WIDE assortment of Killer Colins floating through our inventory... I mean, Captain Hook had a definite body count, Dark Hook literally tried to half the town to hell and looked murderously evil the whole fucking time, right, and Hook even managed to look wicked and murdery and sexy whilst waiting in the library for Belle that one time. Peter in What Still Remains took out two dudes with such precision that you know those weren’t his first kills. We’ve got a LOT of Killer Colins.
There is one moment in JJ Sneed when I feel like Colin really nailed that Serial Killer vibe of “guy next door” one minute and “the last face you’ll ever see” the next. Because all of the most “prolific” serial killers have that vibe. They’re likable. They’re jovial. They’re friendly. You’d never suspect them of being depraved, soulless monsters until... oh shit, it’s too late.
So I’m going with THIS Colin here for Serial Killer Colin:
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Okay, I can’t find a gif of the EXACT moment when he unleashes the full darkness on that old dude, but there’s a moment in this scene when Colin just LETS LOOSE this totally malevolent look when he’s talking to the guy and HOLY HELL it’s terrifying and I love it. And the fact that it came out of the cinnamon roll that is Colin O’Donoghue is just mind-blowing to me. Someone cast him as a serial killer already, what the fuck, Hollywood stop sleeping on this.
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For the drabble thing with Killian (or really, whatever comes as inspiration!): 14, 21, 56, 73, 85 :D (don't feel pressured on writing any of these, just thought I could throw in some ideas!)
Five prompts combined = 500 words :D This little scene immediately came to mind when I saw your message and I rushed through this a bit so excuse any errors. 
I hope you like some angst with your whump lol
#14 “Let’s have some fun,” #21 safety, #56 begging, #73 brother, #85 “I’m okay”
Killian is not sorry he did it, but he didn’t intend to get caught. He can see the distress on Liam’s face, the disappointment, and the desperation as he can do nothing but watch as Killian faces his penalty.
“Let’s have some fun.”
Killian will deny to his dying breath the tremor that ran down his spine at the words, at the tone, at the purely evil grin that followed it which reveals how much enjoyment his punisher will get from this. Because Killian’s supposed to be brave. He can handle the pain. He can. (No, he can’t.) The agony of the whipping overwhelms him in moments, and his mind escapes to where his body cannot, tears streaming unchecked down his cheeks. A lifetime later, or so it seems, it’s Liam’s voice that brings him back to himself. Liam’s hands on his face. Liam’s sturdy arms supporting him to safety when his knees wobble too badly to walk. His back is aflame, and in his thoughts, hazy with pain, he wonders if the lash is actually still falling on him.
“Please stop, I’m sorry, let me go, please just let me go, I’m sorry.” Killian is barely aware of the broken pleas still spilling frantically from his lips. He hadn’t taken half his punishment before he’d begun pleading for it to end, and though he hadn’t meant to break down like this, even now he can’t seem to be quiet.
“It’s over. Stop begging, Killian,” Liam demands, “Do you hear me? It’s over.”
Hearing that almost harsh tone from Liam snaps Killian out of it. He blinks a few times, stares at his own hands gripping the lapels of Liam’s coat tight enough his knuckles are white. He swallows, sucks in a breath sharply, and loosens the hold but doesn’t let go.
“There you are. Calm down now, it’s alright.”
Another shaky breath, and he forces himself to let go of his brother and lie on his stomach, the way Liam’s hands are coaxing him to do. Liam is gentle as he carefully tends to Killian’s wounds, muttering soothing nonsense whenever Killian gasps or winces in pain. It’s a gruelling process despite Liam’s cautious touch, and Killian’s drifting into unconsciousness by the time it’s done, eyelids fluttering as he fights to stay awake. Though Liam hasn’t told him to stay awake, Killian knows that’s what his brother would want. That’s what his brother would do. And Killian needs to be stronger, like Liam. His cheeks feel hot with embarrassment, suddenly, as he realizes how he sobbed like a baby in front of the crew. How cowardly he is. He fights harder against the lure of sleep and shifts a little so he can see Liam.
“I’m okay, Liam.” And damn the way his voice still trembles, giving away how weak the lashing has left him.
“No, you’re not,” Liam says tiredly, and he looks so sad as he brushes the hair back from Killian’s sweaty forehead, “but you will be.”
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hollyethecurious · 4 years
Neverland New Year Fic: “How about this,” Pan suggested with a tone that denoted his growing boredom in the face of Hook’s vacillations. “I’ll sweeten the deal for you, by agreeing to give you a boon before you leave. Something that will aid you in your desire to kill the… crocodile.”
A Different Kind of Fun, Chapter 5: While he knew she would be ecstatic for him and his band, he couldn’t help but feel the celebration would be bittersweet.
Bridgerton/Regency AU: “But enough of that,” she said, her tone sweetening as an excited gleam shone from her eyes. “It’s time to ready yourselves for Lord Nemo’s ball.”
Mob Fic: “You should see his wife. She’s like a goddamn fairy tale princess come to life. She’s so sweet and full of hope speeches. I would hate her if she wasn’t so wonderful.”
1800s Prison AU: The press of Emma against him, the way it felt to have her back in his arms, the rose scented soap that perfumed her hair, all were an overwhelming assault to his senses, but none of them affected him like the moan of sweet relief that escaped her when his fingers began to work the tense muscles of her back beneath her layers of dress. 
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fraddit · 4 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on how the Belle/Killian friendship could've gone, please 😀
Well, my preferred friendship with these two is built on an imaginary version of the show where Rumple had a falling arc, instead of the confusing mish mash of redemption and continued villainy they gave him on the show where they tried to have their cake and eat it too. I’d have loved to see a friendship blossom between them where Killian is a safe space for Belle from the things Rumple did.  And he never says I told you so or anything like that, because he gets it. Additionally, I see Killian as a big reader.  One of my pet head canons is that he filled a good portion of his hold with books before leaving for Neverland (which I’m realizing now is predicated on my own personal time line for that period of his life that nobody knows but me and I apparently briefly forgot the actual time line... oops).  
Anyway, I see him as an avid reader, regardless.  And we know he speaks several languages.  So I think he and Belle could be delightfully nerdy together.  That they’d find in each other a sort of kindred spirit that they don’t really have with anyone else in Storybrooke or wherever.  Someone to discuss the deep intricacies of the universe with, and like talk philosophy and drama and poetry and whatever else strikes their fancy.  
They’d probably get in fun and overly intense arguments about things nobody else cares about or maybe even understands that eventually end with them both just smiling at each other and laughing it off.  Maybe it’s a frequent occurrence that one of them will be somewhere with other characters and the other will storm in and slam a book open on the table and point at a sentence and just be like “See! I was right!” and everyone else is like side-eye-monkey-puppet.jpg.
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shardminds · 5 years
Captain Swan!
Hello, my love! Thank you for the pairing. I know you’ve had some bad news today so here’s a little bit of angsty-ish hospital Captain Swan for you!
Cracks.Emma Swan/Killian Jones.196 words.
“Killian–” Fat tears roll down her cheeks and he aches to wipe them away. He doesn’t deserve them. He doesn’t deserve her. It had been a mistake to go after the Hydra on his own, and yet, foolishly, he’d gone anyway. Stupid. 
He’d reach for her if it weren’t for the damned sling cradling his once good arm tight to his body and the deep throb from his protesting ribs. He’d broken six in the fall, apparently.
“I’m fine, Love,” The smile he offers falls into a grimace as the thin hospital mattress shifts under his weight, sending pain shooting up his spine. It does nothing to convince her of his lie. Emma has always been able to read him, even after he’d convinced himself that no one would ever try. “I’m a survivor.”
“Don’t start with that shit, Killian. Not now.” She’s furious, eyes wet and face stained and he loves her a little bit more than he ever thought he could. Despite everything, she’s here. He’s here. They’re here. And that’s enough. Her hands shake as they hover over his injured chest. The ethereal glow of her magic sputters before slowly hazing into existence. 
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let-it-raines · 4 years
I don't know if it's too late for you (it's after midnight for me lol) but happy birthday, birthday buddy!!
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It wasn’t late when you sent it, but it’s late for me to respond. 🙈🙈🙈 Thank you so much! Happy (belated) birthday to you, birthday twin! 🎉
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
Happy happy birthday!
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Thank you!!!!
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spartanguard · 4 years
Happy birthday!! 😀
Thanks, friend!!! 😁
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carpedzem · 3 years
🌸 mutual
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kwistowee · 3 years
Your gifs from The Rite 👌👌👌 Thank you for making and sharing!
Why thank you! And you’re very welcome. I don’t remember why I decided to gif the entire movie but I’m only doing this once so I figured I might as well gif it thoroughly. And there is a lot more to come so watch out...
Also, your Colin gifs are gorgeous! Thank you for 5+ years of lovely Colin content!
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mryddinwilt · 4 years
Hey ya hey ya
I woke up from the same dream
I went to school but it never took, it never took
Raindrop it's the edge of the town it comes more from the porch to the ceiling
Struck by lighting sounds pretty frightening but you know the chances are so small. 
(give me a hi and I’ll give you a poem generated from first lines of 5 random songs on my playlist)
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killian-whump · 4 years
Can we talk about how the Colin character Coven would react to Abe being - literally - two dimensional? Like Mark would be like "You don't have depth!" and then Abe would be like "You don't have a FACE!"
OKAY, so first there has to be a trope here. Every time Abe is like, “Actually, I’m-” he gets cut off or the name gets drowned out by some loud noise.
So, like, he’s trying to connect with Gordo, you know, since Gordo’s based on a real person and Abe is- *CAR HORN*
He tries to talk to Harrison, because Harrison’s an english professor and Abe is- *AIRPLANE FLY BY*
And yes, he’s of course going to get picked on by Mark. Everyone gets picked on by Mark, of course. And he’ll be like, “Yes, well, who are you, anyway?” because relatively speaking, Mark’s just a bad friend who’s not got a face, and Abe is- *TORNADO SIREN*
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Hmm I was sure I had used this word more, but it seems I only actually wrote it in 2 out of 4 unpublished chapters. Good word though, thanks for playing!
chapter 7
His sessions with the cricket often leave him feeling drained, but this is something else – a dark, roiling storm of fear and horror throughout his body as his legs carry him onward without conscious thought.
chapter 8
Emma moves the blankets so it’s resting over both of them, and her hand settles on his left forearm as she burrows closer into his right side, like she can cuddle the fear right out of him.
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