#lin's follower milestone
threadbaresweater · 2 months
Summertime (and the livin' is easy)
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A multi-fandom collaboration to celebrate warm weather, good vibes, and an exciting milestone!
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Welcome, one and all! I'd like to thank everyone for making this such a cozy little space, for following along with me through varied interests and life events, and just really...for being some of the most incredible, talented people I've ever had the joy of knowing. I'd like to invite you to celebrate with me and join in a collaboration of writers and artists alike to commemorate this occasion. I'll outline the rules below and provide you some prompts to get the creative juices flowing.
The theme is summer! Parties, beach outings, swimming, boating, exciting vacations, long drives with the wind in your hair, planting flowers, having barbecues– whatever piques your interest. You're welcome to choose your own prompt or use one of the suggested ones below.
There is no minimum or maximum word count for writers. Be as concise or as detailed as you'd like!
You can choose if it will be sfw or nsfw, but please use appropriate tags/warnings for any subject matter that might be sensitive to some readers.
Does not have to be a romance! Write about going to the beach with your friends or planting flowers with your neighbors.
This is open to all fandoms. I'm a blog that's made up of several different interests, so you're welcome to submit anything.
There's no hard deadline, but I'd like to have all submissions by August 31st so that I can compile a master list. And if for some reason you can't participate or you run out of inspiration, don't feel bad! I understand that life gets in the way sometimes.
I'll compile a preliminary master list to save your spot. Please send me the following: fandom, characters, title (if you have one), and whether it's sfw or nsfw.
You can write or draw multiple entries!
When you do post the final product, please either tag me or send me a link via dm or ask, and I'll add the link to the master list.
You don't have to be a follower, but it would be nice if you were 🙂
Any questions? Please ask! I'd love to help.
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Prompt List (these are just generic prompts to use as suggestions/guidelines. Create your own or use any one or combination of them)
the smell of sunscreen
running around barefoot
dancing through the night
fresh fruit
ice cold cocktails
starry nights and stargazing
endless freckles
night swimming
long drives on an empty road
the warmth of the sun on your skin
spending the day at the beach
staying up to watch the sunrise
laying in the grass
music festivals
Thanks for being here! I admire every single one of you.
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harrycrozby · 5 months
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Lin's 2k follower celebration
I hit 2k followers a few days ago, which I still can't believe, so the only thing I can say is that I'm utterly grateful for each one of you 🥺.
The truth is I've never expected my blog to become followed by so many of you, there are so many amazing blogs on here, with so many talented createors, writers etc. so why would someone follow me? Me someone creating a few gifsets and icons here and there...
The fact that so many of you have means a lot to me, I mean it. Thank you so much for following and, of course, visiting this mess of a blog ❤️.
Also, thank you to my mutuals, the amazing people I've met here, and I can't think to spend my days without having your content on my dash and talking to you guys ❤️.
So cause this milestone means so much to me, I've decided I'm going to celebrate it with you.
If you want to participate, please send me an emoji 😊.
🎈 - send me a movie and I make a gifset of it
🦋 - send me a tv show and I gif my most fave character
📢 - send me an actor or an actress and I make a gifset of them
⚡️- send me a movie or series and I create a few icons of them
🍦 - send me a movie or series and I gif one of my most fave scenes
I'm also tagging a few of my fave people 😊
@nastasyafilippovnas @daughter-rhaenyra @bellamysgriffin @jakeperalta @harritudur @feuillesmortes @isitandwonder @arabellas @prideandprejudice @marinad3lrey @letthefairyinyoufly @sandushengshou @sarah-shooketh @cristinasea @emziess @tisdae @wynafryd-manderly @tudoraddict @afewreelthoughts @rogue-coyote @frodo-sam @victorysp @natasharomanovf @noah-sebastians @evclynquan @jesperfahxey @lovedust4starlust @saw-x @buchanans
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
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oh my god??? you guys oh my god?? we hit 1k followers and i could never be happier :,)!! thank you so so much, and for all your support. to everyone who’s always interacting with my works like reblogging, commenting, or sending requests—thank you all so so much, you are the realest ones out there 🧞‍♀️🩷
now, because i hit 1k i’m just gonna drop my socials here: linktree, don’t be afraid to interact with me or whatnot, because i’d love to talk to y’all and become mutuals hehehe 🤭 i’m not gonna do an event because i am preparing to go back to college soon and i am gonna slow down on my writing, so i do hope you all understand <3
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
Hydrogen-powered trucks are expected to reach life-cycle cost parity with their fossil-fuel-burning peers in China by 2027 even without the aid of subsidies, a milestone which the world’s biggest producer and consumer of the zero-emission energy source, seeks to achieve eight years ahead of Europe.
This will push forward the country’s ambition to dominate the market for hydrogen fuel cells in the transport sector as Beijing’s enabling environment starts paying off, an industry executive said.[...]
“China has developed a world-leading industry in commercial vehicle applications for hydrogen fuel cell technology, with enterprises ranging from upstream raw materials to downstream products over the past decade,” said Robin Lin, chairman and president of Refire Group, a Chinese supplier of hydrogen fuel cell technologies.[...]
China has stepped up its game this year with the central and local authorities releasing a variety of hydrogen-related policies and incentives, following the release of its first national-level guidelines for the hydrogen energy industry in 2023.
Nearly a third of its end-2023 fleet of 18,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were sold last year alone, according to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, indicating the gathering pace. In a further sign of accelerating offtake, China targets to have at least 50,000 units on the road by 2025, according to its national plan.
According to Lin, China has seen significant reduction in the manufacturing cost of hydrogen fuel cell systems, which account for roughly half the cost of a hydrogen vehicle. The cost has dived from over 30,000 yuan per kilowatt in 2015 to less than 4,000 yuan per kilowatt now.[...]
“In transport, heavy-duty trucks could be the first to achieve successful commercialisation of hydrogen fuel cell technology,” he said.[...]
In China, high-purity hydrogen generated as a by-product from industrial processes, such as Shanxi province, is around 25 to 40 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, while high-purity hydrogen in other regions, such as Shanghai, is around 50 to 70 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, according to Refire.
13 May 24
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yell0wsalt · 4 months
What would be on your OTP’s camera roll? [Linzin]
Tenzin's camera
Several prompts them creating their own rendition of the Murad Osmann “follow me” photo. Initially, Lin thought the idea was ridiculous, but seeing his accumulation of these photos at the different places they’ve travelled is admittedly beautiful
There are a few sneaky photos in there Tenzin took drifting lower to get a shot of her butt
Lin mid-bite eating when they were on a date at one of their favorite restaurants. There was a slight dribble of sauce on the corner of her lip. He find those moments with her endearing.
A couple of selfies of them side by side. He sneaks a peck on her cheek then dives in for more kisses
A candid moment of Lin and Oogie bonding. Tenzin’s not jealous. No. Definitely not.
Lin's camera
Tenzin meditating. Looking carefully in the photo, there is a slight twitch in his brow having his concentration broken. She’s not so sneaky as she would have hoped. Plus he’s terribly sensitive to any disruptions to his mediation sessions.
A view of Tenzin from behind steering Oogie mid-flight. Simply enjoying the view. Of the city from a bird's eye view... yes. Exactly that.
Tenzin’s butt as he’s getting dressed.
Photos of them and their "children" aka the Krew at important milestones in their lives.
Action shots of Tenzin getting the chance to lead and play games with other Air benders
Inspired by these pieces (1, 2)
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marslovesdaisies · 8 months
Look what you made me do || P.SH
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Minors do not interact.
WC: 3.9 k
Pairing: Mafia!Seonghwa x Mafia!OC
Warnings: Death, murder, violence, gaslighting, manipulation, mafia themes, weapons, angst, gore, eventual smut.
A/N: This is not a single parent!au, rest assured.
Chapter 5
A child.
Hundreds of pictures of a young little girl lined up her phone's vault. It was encrypted, but they were still there. The kid became younger and younger the more I scrolled down to reach the end, and there was nothing else in it. Only the girl. Fuck. Every milestone was there, recorded forever. There were videos too, probably of her first step, her first words, and whatever shit parents liked to record of their children. Iseul was still sitting across me on the chair, pale faced and looking defeated. Her eyes were shining, and she was probably going to cry. She hadn't moved ever since Yeosang had come in. There was nothing else on the phone, he had confirmed. No wonder she didn't want to give her phone away.
I kept staring at the child, trying to look for any facial similarity between Iseul and her. There weren't any stark features, though I couldn't help but think about her eyes. I had seen those eyes. I turned to the stunning woman sitting in front of me, horrified beyond end. "Iseul, you have a child?"
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Seonghwa kept staring at me. I didn't answer. I didn't want to. After a moment's pause it was Yeosang who spoke. "Well, I'll leave you both to it then. Remember you're supposed to be down in the meeting room in ten." The door shut behind us, heavy, expectant silence returning. I got up unsteadily as well, fully ready to follow the man out. Not two steps later my hand was wrenched back, legs hitting a small table. Glasses shook with the sheer force of the contact, rattling hard.
"Where do you think you're going?" Seonghwa stepped even closer, invading all the space in front of me and peering down into my face.
"The meeting room, as your boss told us to." "Like hell you are. Answer my question Iseul. Who's the father?" Anger blossomed into my chest, deep and burning. I pressed forward, almost snarling into his face. "That wasn't your question now, was it Park?" "Don't fuck with me right now Iseul. Answer the damn question." "What if I say yes? Huh, Park. What if I say yes? It's my child. I'm the mother. I gave birth to that little bundle of joy." I let it sink in, seeing his expression lose a lot of his anger. "But that isn't what you want to know, is it Park Seonghwa. Why don't you ask me your actual question? Go ahead, admit it. Say it out loud. Ask me what you really want to ask." I jabbed at his chest with my finger. "Ask me, or I won't tell." He quietly stared at me, not a muscle moving on his face. Then a very soft, uncharacteristically vulnerable sound from him. "Is...is she-" "Is she what, Park. Be loud. I can't hear you." His jaw clenched. "Is she mine?" I looked at his face. He looked so fragile and in pain, like he didn't want to hear the answer. "And what if she was?" His face lost all remaining colour. "Fuck, Iseul. Don't fucking kid arou-" "Shut up, Park." I snapped. He actually shut up. The Park Seonghwa actually listened. "What if I say she isn't?" His expression darkened, his grip on my hand tightening. "Don't lie to me Lin." I twisted my hand to shake his grip off, but he held on even more. "Hands off, Park." "Tell me the truth, Iseul. And be very mindful of what you're saying." "Because you won't like it? Can't bear the thought of me sleeping with someone else? Maybe I did. I fucked someone who wasn't you, while I was fucking you. How does it feel, Park? Knowing I opened my legs for someone else? Imagine me screaming their name-" He snarled. Actually snarled. "Shut the fuck up, Lin. Stop fucking talking." He grabbed me by both hands and shook me once, the small table hitting me below my knees as he did. I was heaving, my outburst leaving me without air. But I wanted to see his reaction. I wanted him to lose his cool. I wanted him to feel the terror. I peered at him, and then I laughed. Laughed at his face, his expression, his confusion that was now his main emotion.
"No, Park. She isn't yours. How lucky for you, huh?" "Iseul if you're lying I swear I'll find out and-" "-and then what? Ruin my life? Ruin someone else's life? Ruin her life?" "Don't test it, Iseul. What we had was simply a mutually beneficial arrangement. And it was you who broke it off, might I remind you. Three years later you bring a two year old girl who looks eerily similar so don't you dare be mad at me for thinking I was the father." "As if I'd have a child with you." I quipped. "And shut up, Park Seonghwa. The world doesn't revolve around you, as unbelievable as it may sound." "I'll ask this once. Who is the father, Lin?" "Why do you want to know?" "Just asking." "No thank you. She isn't yours, its one burden off your shoulders. It doesn't affect you in any way who it is, so drop it." "No." I seethed. "What the fuck is your problem, Seonghwa? I said she's not yours. You made it clear that we weren't anything more than and I quote, 'a mutually beneficial arrangement.' She does not concern you. So fucking leave it at that. Take my word for it that you aren't involved, it is someone else's problem. Now leave me alone. I have bigger problems than this." I breathed deeply, pausing my outburst. "Your biggest problem right now is me, princess. I suggest you don't forget that." And he was back to his cold, unforgiving persona. "Don't think that Hongjoong's fake hospitality will save you, Iseul. He isn't a giver." I jerked out of his hold, and this time he let me. "Suggestion duly noted." I massaged my hands a bit, applying pressure on all points that had suffered in the last few hours. He walked to the chair, picking up his suit jacket that he had dropped off earlier in one hand. I stood where I was, waiting for him to get ahead. Seonghwa had suddenly gone unusually quiet, taking quick steps across the long hall while fiddling with his phone. I walked behind him, lost in my own thoughts. There was a ping on his phone that made him pause. I took a step ahead of him outside when an arm suddenly pulled me back in.
"What the fuck, Park?" I yelped as I crashed into a solid chest, feeling the heat radiate off him. He twisted me back so I was facing him, and I was ready to go at him again when I caught his expression. His eyes had darkened, jaw set, face triumphant as he held his phone held in one hand.
"You aren't the mother, are you Iseul?" I took a step back as he walked closer to me, ready to bolt at any chance. "What?" He looked terrifying in his cold, merciless, beautiful smile that spanned his face. My hands tried to reach back, finding the door knob, my flight or fight response choosing the former. "I said, you aren't the mother of the child. She isn't mine, but she's not yours either, is she?" I froze. "Why would you think-" "Shh. Just shh." He whispered softly, his tone sending shivers down my spine. His breath caressed my neck as he walked closer and closer into me. "Don't talk, Iseul. Not right now." He breathed in a low tone as his lips crashed into mine, hands caging me completely as the sheer force made me go flat against the wall.
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The meeting room Hongjoong had ordered us all into was more of a sitting room, sofas lining up in the center and similar chairs scattered in strategic positions. I walked behind Seonghwa. Neither of us had said a thing since leaving the chamber. I could still feel the ghost of his touch on my lips, which I was trying my hardest to forget. I had spent the walk here collecting and reorganizing myself, trying to think of a plan of action. Given my current state of mind and inability to look at Seonghwa after what had happened, it was safe to say that I was miserably failing in my attempts.
We had been the last ones to enter the room. Park hardly gave me a glance as he picked a spot, pointedly away from his boss. I claimed one as well, six sets of eyes on me. Seonghwa wasn't looking at me, and Kim Hongjoong was looking at his underboss.
"Where are we?"
"Still in the city, rest assured." A new yet familiar voice spoke up as Jaemin entered, glancing at his watch. "I apologize for being late, my lady." My lip curled. "Bang! You had me believe that you'd died in the hallway." Jaemin laughed. "Aah Lin. You don't give me enough credit. Remember what I told you back in the holding room?" I did. His warning hadn't left me, though things had changed a lot now. "Sure. So do you answer my questions today or...?" I froze, hoping nobody would notice. I turned my attention back to the eight. "Well?"
"How long before the twins are unleashed?" The little humour left my face. "Do you mean the twins, or do you mean my uncle?" The question about Daesung and Daewon had been asked by Yunho, meaning the others were also involved now. His face didn't change. "Isn't it the same?" No, it wasn't. But they didn't have to know that. "Depends. How long have I been here?" "You don't need to know that to answer the question, princess." "Watch it, Jeong. You're taking it too far." He stared back, one second. Two seconds. Three. "Answer his question, Lin. You can be out of here sooner." I looked at Seonghwa, who still hadn't said anything. "Alive?" I taunted. His muscle twitched, sign that he was indeed aware of what was happening. The twins hadn't probably been alerted yet. Especially since that dickhead Renjun was involved. He must've done something to delay their response. I cursed internally. That little shit had taken it too far. You are taking it too far, his voice echoed back. Maybe I was, who knew.
"Lin." This time it was Seonghwa. "You can do it the easier way by cooperating, or the hard way." He reached into his pocket, getting a flashdrive out. "This has all instances of your family and their men following my members. Proof and footage of your cousin discussing deals with port operators on our territory. One of your fuckbuddies picking up informants off the street. Footage of you trespassing on Lee's property, listed under sealed government zones. Do you want me to go on?" "What proof do you have that you haven't done the same?" I raised my brow. "Well, I am not the one caught red handed being in places I shouldn't be in." "He sent me an invitation." I shot back. "You forged it." "What? No why would I-". It all clicked in place for me in an instant. It all made sense now. Why those men outside the door yesterday hadn't been surprised to see me, the crispness of the text. Seonghwa had forged it all on my behalf, including the text. "You fucker-" I seethed. "You're blackmailing me. Surely that's an offense in everybody's book, regardless of which side you are on. And my only crime is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You can't hold me here for that. You don't have any proof against me." "Sure. Lets propose an exchange offer then. Tell your family to give up the culprit. I'll let you go in return for having the actual perpetrator in this chair." I almost blanched. Seonghwa knew he had got me. In no alternate reality was my family going to give up one of our own. He'd planned it all. It sounded ridiculous, even in my head. Who was going to propose a swap? If I was innocent, my family could demand retribution. But Hongjoong could simply use the flashdrive to demand other culprits, mainly Jun. I gripped the chair harder. Maybe I should give him up, he'd survive. I glanced back up. "How do I know that the drive isn't empty?" "Are you denying the contents then?" "That wasn't my question. What if it's a bluff from your side? I don't really trust you, given the circumstances." An emotion passed his face, quick to vanish underneath his mask. "It is filled, I can assure you. Getting proof of your lies is easier than you'd think, as you have already found out." I clenched my teeth. "I have years worth of material, Lin. You don't have the upper hand here." "We'll see about that." I muttered. But he was right, I was most likely stuck here. Especially with the proof attached, uncle and father both would be stuck trying to figure out how to deal with it. I couldn't concede more ground than we already had. "Why me then? You could've gone after anyone. You could've taken one of the twins, even both. You could've taken even Jun. Surely he's a more attractive catch than me." "Downplaying yourself, Lin?" My eyes turned to Wooyoung. "Woo, come on. You must know of all people that I am not involved. Tell your second-in-command here," I motioned at Seonghwa, "that he's grossly overestimating things here." Soenghwa's face twisted with malice. "Woo?" He turned to Wooyoung. "Come on Woo, tell me what she wants you to." Wooyoung gave him a blank look. "If you have something to say, out with it Hwa." Hongjoong still was looking at Seonghwa. They clearly weren't seeing eye to eye right now, but that was a fact I was going to exploit later.
"You didn't answer my question. Why pick me?" Seonghwa finally spoke to me, still not looking at his leader. "Do you remember the enchantress?" I shuddered at his question. "The broker? Of course. Who doesn't?" Seonghwa nodded. "How much do you know about her?" This was clearly a bait. "That she was guessed to be a woman. Apart from that, as much as the other person. Nobody knows much about her." I looked at Jaemin. His warnings had started to make a lot of sense. Fuck, I hadn't realized that the woman was involved in this. "What does she have to do with this?" "You already know, most of Jong In's confidence in himself came from the sheer amount of information he could obtain." It was true, but I waited for him to continue. "Well, his confidence grew with each passing day, and he made a gamble he could not sustain. He faced a lot of fallouts and had to give up some especially heavy leverage, breaching a lot of his contracts including yours and ours. Then there was the 'incident' with his son. But you already know all of this." I nodded slowly, seeing clearly where this was heading.
"Now, Iseul. " Seonghwa's voice deepened even further. He was almost growling at me, his face reflecting an unknown victory. Warning sirens played in my head like ominous music. "Your uncle decided it was adequate for the traitor to be tried for his dishonour. But he never managed to live till his judgement, did he?" I kept my face blank. "What are you implying? I did something? I can swear on my life that you had ordered a hit on Lee Jong In before I even found out where he was that night, Park Seonghwa. You wanted him dead, whatever the method might have been." He pursed his lips. An awkward silence had engulfed us, all of them giving surprised glances towards the man of the moment. It was however Jongho who spoke up, the youngest man having been silent the whole time I had been here. "How do you know that?" I didn't want to think about how I knew. Seonghwa and I knew each other years ago, under very different circumstances. I'd happened to overhear a phone call that he did not know about. However, I wasn't telling them that. "It is my job to know everything about a potential hostility." "Is that how you really found out?" Hongjoong sounded silently amused, his gaze occasionally darting back and forth towards Seonghwa and me. "What does the Enchantress have to do with this?" "Patience, princess. I was getting to that. Tell me, your uncle wanted Lee to be stripped of his credibility, a sort of character assassination. But someone from your upper ranks wanted it to be more brutal and final. Was that Renjun or you, and more importantly, why?"
I kept silent for a moment. This was no longer about me. "You have some balls, Park Seonghwa, for assuming for one fucking moment that I was going cooperate with you, proof or not." I hit back at him. "Do whatever the fuck you want, but I promise you this. I'll enjoy seeing you try to get answers out of me."
"You mean none of you went after him as an organization, but you took him out on your own."
San had spoken up. Of course he had. He must have been bidding his time, trying to find an opportunity to fuck me up at the worst possible moment. Now that he had started that line of questioning, Seonghwa would soon find out about Mirah. My hand started trembling slightly and I gripped it tight to stop it from showing. There was no doubt that Seonghwa had noticed it, along with the others. Thankfully, for the time being he didn't comment on it.
"As I was saying," Seonghwa continued, seemingly ignoring San's jab, "the Enchantress disappeared soon after Jong In did. Can't say I miss that demon, but the incidents are clearly related. Word on the street-" he pulled his sleeve down on his wrist in a theatrical manner. "-is that he was her last contract, after which she left. Or got killed. Whichever. Nobody knew how she looked like so it was even worse. But you, Iseul, you know who she was didn't you?" I was going to have a heart attack. Just how much resources had he spent spying on me? Nobody knew. Nobody could have betrayed me. But he wasn't yet done speaking. My stomach dropped. "But it is expected of you isn't it, Lin Iseul, as the third in command?"
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"How long have you known?"
Seonghwa looked at me. "An answer for an answer." "Oh I'll give you an answer-" I half rose from my chair but Jaemin's hand gently but firmly pushed me back down. "I suggest you don't fight this one, my lady." I kept glaring at Seonghwa, who was smug and gleeful in this stature. There had been a few involuntary gasps when he first gave away my identity but all of them had recovered fairly quickly, now eyeing me as a threat instead of a prisoner. His taunting eyes had flames dancing in them, not taking his gaze off me.
"Let me get this straight, Park. You spent years worth of organization's resources tailing me, hunted down my methods, collected evidence for blackmail, forged a plan with a dead man to lure me into a trap, all because you couldn't be careful with your business in the first place, and right under your boss's nose? " I laughed. "Park Seonghwa, are you in love with me? I can see why you wanted to have this conversation alone. Getting all vulnerable, admitting mistakes, your ego could never."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you princess?" His voice brought back memories. Memories of him when he was a bit more kind. No, scratch that. He'd always been ruthless. He'd been kinder to me. Kinder and closer, but I had lost all of it when I'd lost Mirah. I pursed my lips at the memory of her, haunting images of broken skulls threatening to undo my composure. Seonghwa had walked closer to me while I was lost in my head. He picked up a spot and lounged on a chair, head thrown back. His neck muscles strained, the column of his throat exposed. He looked just as delicious as I last remembered him. I shook my head internally, realizing I was staring. He looked back up.
"But no, that is not why I took the efforts of dedicating so much time to you. I did it because you, my darling Iseul, went rogue." "Huh?" "Don't play dumb now. You went off the rails after the son died. You went after anyone and everyone at random, starting with Lee. You sabotaged deals under truce on your whims. Your father and uncle protected you, but that wasn't your greatest strength, was it? You had the Enchantress doing all your dirty work. Nobody else could get in and out of such situations without leaving a trace. And then the demoness disappeared. Most people still believe that the broker took one last stand before going down, but it wasn't her at all. It was you." He stared at his nails for a second before continuing. "Now, I'd like to believe that someone as smart as you wouldn't just forget her senses in a hotel room, so I did a bit of digging. And guess what, I found something very interesting." I think I had already dissociated from reality. I looked up at him, and for a moment I could see surprise lighting up in his eyes. Not being able to bear eye contact, I looked away again. Of course he had found out, and of course he'd be disclosing it. There was no point asking him to shut up.
"A buried report."
My world tilted on its axis. My stomach felt like it was upside down. Lee's son had died for that bundle of papers. I had died for that bundle of papers. Seonghwa had made a grave mistake. I was going to come at him, even if it cost me my life.
"A report that you spent a fortune making sure did not exist, along with the existence of the person who filed it. A report on the supposed car accident of one Cheon Mirah, declared dead on the way to the hospital." There was a sudden spike of another presence in the room. I knew who it might have been, though I just hoped that Wooyoung would manage to calm San down.
"Upon further enquiry, you made them declare her dead prematurely, while in actuality she had been alive for a few hours after the said time of death. Sadly, another woman had to die in the same night later on, but she didn't even exist, did she?"
Seonghwa moved towards me, getting a small bunch of papers from his jacket again. But he was interrupted in between, the copy of the file I supposed snatched from his hands by a seething Choi San. Pure, unadulterated fury marred his face as he read and reread every page in his hands. And then he looked at me.
"How, dare you." Was all he said before his gun was out in his hands, aimed straight at my head.
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A/N: I'll edit this later. Happy reading!
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ailendolin · 7 months
6,500 words and the first draft of the epilogue for Grace is finished.
I have been working on this fic for over a year now - probably closer to two - and knowing that this is the end, that Thomas and Grace's story (or Baby Cooper as I like to refer to her) is now over, honestly makes me a little sad. It's been such a passion project of mine and while I'm glad that I'll be able to post the final chapter before the last episode airs, a part of me wishes I won't have to let this fic go.
But I'm also looking forward to writing new stories. I am just shy of having 800 followers on here so I might do another round of Six Idiots prompt ficlets soon to celebrate that milestone - maybe Christmas / winter-themed this time? Let me know if you'd be interested in that.
Have a lovely evening, everyone, and thank you so much for all your support since I've joined this fandom!
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threadsun · 1 year
Oh they all sound so fun !!
Very curious about how each one of them looks like !!
-JDA here-
OMG OMG the blind date thingy sounds so much fun !!! I wanna try !!!!! Also !! The visual novel thingy also sounds so nice !! Imo I think you should add,,, everyone— silly description about everyone but they sound pretty lovely !!
I would estimate I've got a good... 30? Decently fleshed out OCs just like... in the same orbit as Zander. Like people he knows. Mostly exes of his or friends (or both). I also can't draw so I only have picrews of them and they don't always look right 😭 I will give you a complimentary Lin picrew tho cause he's my second biggest brain blorbo, he's babygirl and he's insane <3 Oh and a Z just cause I can >:3c
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I really wanna do the blind date thing!! I may keep it up my sleeve to like... idk celebrate a follower milestone. If I can figure out which milestone it should be. idk how many followers I need before I can actually do follower milestone things and get asks for it?
But yeah, maybe one day I'll try to rope one of my artist friends into making a VN with me >:3c I'd probably start with like... maybe a little Lin game? idk, they're all sort of originally from the same vague universe I like to call Weird Earth, which is also where the dnd campaign I run with my friends is set. So most of them are pretty heavily involved in magic in one way or another. So I feel like any VN with them would inherently have to be one about magic? idk there's a vague plot to the world they're all in which kind of impacts all of them. So... lots to think about before I do anything.
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govindhtech · 8 months
Developing new subsea cables to connect South Pacific
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Google are unveiling today the details of the South Pacific Connect program, which will assist improve the resilience and dependability of digital connection in the Pacific by deploying two new transpacific subsea cables, Honomoana and Tabua.
Subsea cable routes in the South Pacific
The South Pacific Connect initiative, in partnership with several entities such as Fiji International Telecommunications, the Office of Posts and Telecommunications of French Polynesia, APTelecom, and Vocus Group, aims to establish new international subsea cables that will link Fiji and French Polynesia to the United States and Australia.
Honomoana, called for the Polynesian words for “ocean” (moana) and “link” (hono), will link French Polynesia with the United States and Australia. Named for a sacred whale tooth in Fiji, Tabua will link Fiji with Australia and the United States.
Furthermore, Fiji and French Polynesia will host physically distinct cable landing stations as part of the South Pacific Connect initiative, which will also connect them via an interlink cable. Through this, users in the Pacific Islands and worldwide will benefit from improved reliability, increased capacity, decreased latency, and connected transpacific connections.
Australia, Fiji, and French Polynesia will form a ring around each other thanks to the South Pacific Connect project. Pre-positioned branching units within this ring will enable additional Oceanian nations and territories to benefit from the initiative’s dependability and resilience. This is one of the first initiatives of its kind in the Pacific, offering a region vulnerable to natural disasters redundant international access.
In order to increase digital connection and resilience, the Government of Fiji is thrilled to collaborate with Google to reach this significant milestone. Google common goal is to open the door to a more digitally connected and secure future for Fiji as well as the Pacific region at large. With this collaboration, Google hope to create a long-lasting legacy of advancement, skill building, and economic prosperity that benefits everyone. Honorable Sitiveni Rabuka, Prime Minister of Fiji, said, “Fiji expresses its profound gratitude to Google for this collaboration and reaffirms its unwavering commitment to support this transformative initiative, dedicated to fostering peace, prosperity, and a brighter future for our people and the broader global community.”
The digital economy has been identified by the French Polynesian administration as one of the four main areas for social and economic advancement. “We are thrilled to have Google as our partner in this endeavor,” French Polynesia’s President Moetai Brotherson remarked.
“Fintel is thrilled to be working with the global technological giant, Google, to assist the South Pacific Connect initiative. The CEO of Fiji International Telecommunications, George Samisoni, stated, “This will strengthen Fintel and Fiji’s telecommunications hub status and provide the much-needed reliable and resilient connectivity between the people of the Pacific and the rest of the world.”
“Vocus is thrilled to be Google’s preferred partner for executing the South Pacific Connect initiative, which will greatly improve the resilience, capacity, and dependability of Australia’s global connectivity. According to Ellie Sweeney, CEO of Vocus, “the system will establish three distinct Australian landings along with dual cable paths to the US, substantially improving the resilience of Australia’s critical connections to the world.”
OPT has been developing its underwater cable network since 2010 in an effort to close the digital gap for isolated islands and provide internet connectivity to the people of French Polynesia. In light of this, OPT is proud to work with Google to expand its network and expertise in this fantastic project for Google region and communities, following in the footsteps of Honotua (2010), which linked Tahiti to Hawaii, and Natitua (2018 and 2023) which linked 22 islands of Tuamotu, Marquisas, and Australes archipelagos to Tahittiti, as well as Manatua (2020), which linked Tahiti to Cook Islands, Niue, and Samoa.
“Partnering with Google is a great example of how companies can work together to accelerate and deliver connectivity solutions that will change the world,” stated Eric Handa, CEO of APTelecom. “Increasing the reliability and resilience of digital connectivity in the Pacific is a fundamental objective of APTelecom.”
Sustainable cable laying in the South Pacific
Subsea cables increase internet accessibility and dependability, which boosts productivity and the economy. People can learn new skills that lead to job prospects and businesses and public sector organizations can provide better customer and constituency service with more access to digital services. Google are thrilled about the implications for their users and Google Cloud clients in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
As Google collaborate closely with their partners to close the digital divide and enhance connection throughout the Pacific, Google look forward to sharing more.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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threadbaresweater · 2 months
Summertime (and the livin' is easy)
Collaborative Master List
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Still accepting submissions!
For the original event announcement, please click here
*links will be added as fics are completed
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@forest-hashira Butterflies. Fandom: JJK. Suguru Geto x reader. Prompt: botanical gardens. sfw
@forest-hashira Cool Touch. Fandom: JJK. Satoru Gojo x reader. Prompt: sunburns. sfw
@strawbrrystarlight Under Cotton and calicoes. Fandom: BNHA. Eijiro Kirishima x reader. nsfw
@gardenofnoah, that's the home of my love//she's dancing in the sky. Fandom: JJK. Nanami Kento x reader. nsfw
@eussstasss Don't distract me. Fandom: One Piece. Eustass Kid x reader. sfw
@dottedsilktie Dolce far niente. Fandom: JJK. Nanami Kento x reader. nsfw
@mintmatcha Savor. Fandom: JJK. Higuruma Hiromi x reader. sfw(?)
@scary-grace The New Postmodern Age. Fandom: BNHA. Tomura Shigaraki x Reader. nsfw
@thus-spoke-lo Until the First Leaf Falls. Fandom: One Piece. Shanks x reader. sfw
@kyoiai Dates and Ducks. Fandom: One Piece. Sanji x reader. sfw
@kyoiai No Wasting Food! Fandom: Black Butler. Sebastian Michaelis x reader. sfw
@kyoiai With You. Fandom: Love and Deepspace. Zayne x reader. sfw
@desceros Untitled. Fandom: Rise TMNT. Leonardo x reader. nsfw
@boundinparchment Untitled. Fandom: Genshin Impact. Dottore x reader. rating tbd
@thejudiciousneurotic Untitled. Fandom: TMNT. 2012 Leo x f!reader. nsfw
@snail-eggs Two Headed Lamb. Fandom: Fallout. Cooper Howard x ofc. nsfw
@snail-eggs Dancing Barefoot. Fandom: Fallout. Lucy Maclean x ofc. sfw
@snail-eggs Over by the River, Downstream. Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur Morgan x ofc. rating tbd
@pileofmush Untitled. Fandom: One Piece. Fluffy x reader. sfw
@zorosdimples Untitled. Fandom: One Piece. Roronoa Zoro x reader. rating tbd
@forest-hashira Lost and Found. Fandom: JJK. Shoko x reader. sfw
@difficultdomains Untitled. Fandom: JJK. Gojo x reader. rating tbd
@bas-writes Untitled. Fandom: JJK. Nanami x reader. rating tbd
@bas-writes Untitled. Fandom: JJK. Higuruma x reader. rating tbd
@papersirens Untitled. Fandom: JJK. Toji x Reader. sfw
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syauqibadri-12 · 8 months
The 301K Challenge: A Path to Financial Freedom and Success"
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of online business and affiliate marketing, the 301K Challenge has emerged as a promising opportunity for individuals seeking financial freedom and success. This innovative affiliate program has gained considerable attention and recognition for its unique approach to helping participants generate substantial income. In this article, we'll delve into the details of the 301K Challenge, exploring what it is, how it works, and why it has become a game-changer in the world of affiliate marketing.
What Is the 301K Challenge? The 301K Challenge is a dynamic affiliate marketing program designed to empower individuals to reach financial milestones by promoting products or services offered by various companies. It's not just about making money, but also about providing valuable insights, training, and mentorship to its participants.
How Does the 301K Challenge Work?
Comprehensive Training: One of the standout features of the 301K Challenge is its commitment to education. Participants receive comprehensive training that covers the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, digital marketing strategies, and effective sales techniques. This training equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the affiliate marketing industry.
Proven Systems: The program provides access to proven affiliate marketing systems and tools. These systems have been fine-tuned over time to maximize conversion rates and earnings potential. This ensures that participants are not left to navigate the affiliate marketing landscape blindly but can leverage tried-and-true methods.
Mentorship and Support: Participants in the 301K Challenge benefit from mentorship and ongoing support from experienced affiliate marketers. Having a mentor can make a significant difference in one's success, as they provide guidance, share insights, and help troubleshoot any challenges that may arise.
High-Quality Affiliate Partnerships: The program carefully selects affiliate partners with products or services that resonate with a broad audience. This ensures that participants have access to lucrative offers and a wide range of niches to explore.
Why Choose the 301K Challenge?
Financial Freedom: The primary goal of the 301K Challenge is to help participants achieve financial freedom. By following the program's strategies and putting in the effort, individuals can generate substantial income streams that have the potential to transform their financial situations.
Flexibility: Affiliate marketing through the 301K Challenge offers unparalleled flexibility. Participants can work from anywhere with an internet connection and set their own schedules. This flexibility allows individuals to balance their affiliate marketing efforts with other commitments.
Community: Being part of the 301K Challenge means joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This community provides encouragement, accountability, and networking opportunities, which are invaluable for success in affiliate marketing.
Results-Driven Approach: The 301K Challenge is results-driven, and its systems and strategies are continually optimized to ensure participants achieve their financial goals. This commitment to results sets it apart from many other affiliate programs.
Conclusion: The 301K Challenge is a groundbreaking affiliate marketing program that offers individuals a pathway to financial freedom and success. With its comprehensive training, proven systems, mentorship, and a focus on high-quality affiliate partnerships, it provides a solid foundation for aspiring affiliate marketers. If you're looking for a way to build a sustainable online income and join a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs, the 301K Challenge may be the opportunity you've been searching for. Take the challenge, and embark on a journey toward financial prosperity and personal growth. Buy this product through this Link: https://www.digistore24.com/redir/449013/syauqibadri/
#the 301kchallenge
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jakeperalta · 1 year
Congrats to your 15k milestone 🎉! You deserve every each one of them! Love seeing you and your beautiful work on my dash. You are a true inspiration 😊 ❤️ also thank you so much for following me. I'm so honored 🥺 I hope you can celebrate your next milestone soon 😁❤️!
this is so sweet of you omg thank you lin! 🥰🥰
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Sonys PlayStation hardware chief to retire next month
Sony’s PlayStation hardware chief to retire next month Sony’s PlayStation hardware chief to retire next month Sony’s PlayStation hardware chief retires on October 1st. | Image: Famitsu Sony’s longtime PlayStation hardware chief is retiring on October 1st. 60-year-old Masayasu Ito, who led the engineering for both the PS4 and PS5, is retiring according to Bloomberg and will be replaced by current director Lin Tao. Sony announced the changes in a brief press release today. Ito originally joined Sony in 1986 before moving to the company’s PlayStation division in 2008 to lead PlayStation hardware engineering. Ito oversaw the engineering for the PlayStation 4, a hugely successful console that hit lifetime sales of 117.2 million as of March. The PS4 even reached a milestone of selling more games than any other console in history last year. Ito was also responsible for the creation of the PSVR headset, the PS4 Pro, and Sony’s latest PS5 console. Sony began work on the PS5 in 2015, and Ito and his team spent five years designing and developing the console. Ito detailed the PS5 development process ahead of the console’s launch in 2020, revealing that Sony focused on reducing noise levels and improving cooling capacity in the PS5, alongside favoring “a well thought out, beautifully designed architecture” inside the console. Image: Ifixit Sony favored a well thought out architecture inside the PS5. While the PS5 is the biggest game console in modern history, Sony has been reducing its weight in recent revisions. Sony quietly launched a revised PS5 last month, reducing the weight by 13 percent from the original launch model. The new PS5 model comes just as Sony hikes the price for its PS5 consoles outside the US. Sony is increasing its PS5 prices in the UK, Europe, Japan, China, Australia, Mexico, and Canada. Prices are jumping by 10 percent in Europe, 21 percent in Japan, and by around 6 percent in the UK as inflation rates impact Sony’s gaming business. Ito’s replacement, Lin Tao, will now be in charge of any future PlayStation hardware generations. Sony first released its PS3 in 2006, followed by the PS4 seven years later in 2013, and the PS5 seven years after the PS4 in 2020. Given it took Sony five years to plan and design the PS5, if the seven year pattern holds true for the next-gen PlayStation (2027?), Sony could be about to enter the early planning stages for a new PlayStation generation with a new hardware chief at the helm. https://ift.tt/CF7X5AP https://ift.tt/TEnSIYA
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sanccharine · 3 years
yk what i’m here for… #26.
26. milfs or dilfs?
i regret every decision i've ever made which led to this event. not you asking this when you know the answer •_• but um,,,,milfs all the way !
also thanks linnie, ilysm too and congrats on 300 again dude – sooblin supremacy !
send random asks !!
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tiger-lin-hu · 6 years
150+ Follower Milestone
Hello everyone! I really didn’t expect this to be even more popular than my main blog and this is kinda late owo; but I’d like to thank all of you for following! Combining with a Christmas Celebration, Lin Hu will now available for roleplay!
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Please read the board of my rules HERE before roleplaying! Feel free to send a starter right now!
I’m also going to introduce my very own NEKOJISHI OC, Rai!
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A yaoguai born with unwanted capabilities, Rai lives among the modern people to keep himself away from the threats of the gods. It was foretold in the ancient times that a day will come where a yaoguai will come to be, bearing the unholy faculty of consuming gods regardless of their ranks. He was determined by the necklace he bears. Because of this, Rai was exiled from his tribe and is often feared by many when doesn’t mean any harm. Now homeless, Rai gains the knowledge about Liao and his three cats, giving him the goal to seek help from them if ever they would allow his presence.
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If you’d like to RP with Rai, he’ll still be in store, unfortunately. He’ll be ready to roleplay or be asked about very soon. Again, thank you all for your marvelous support! Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
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laiqualaurelote · 3 years
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It’s my one-year anniversary of discovering Miss Fisher! by which I mean casually wandering over from Miss S going ‘hm wonder what the original’s like’ followed by ‘WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHY AM I SO OBSESSED WITH THEM’ and one year later I have written six fics for it which a) is more than I have ever written for any fandom and b) more fics than I would write in a year. I’ve achieved milestones I would never have thought possible for myself a year ago, like writing a fic longer than 50k words. I’m still marvelling at the whole thing and I hope it never ends. Recap here:
The Proper Care Of Foxes (T | 5,983 words) The AU where Granny Lin isn’t wrong and Phryne is literally a fox spirit (poetry, East Asian mythology, random facts about foxes)
Red Right-Handed Murder (M | 11,662 words) The Peaky Blinders crossover where Phryne is Tommy Shelby’s ex and he hires her to solve the murder of Grace’s husband (casefic, gangsters, Crypt Of Tears-divergent London reunion)
Night Shift (E | 1,203 words) The fic with Jack’s desk (my first and only E-rated fic, I still blush to think of it)
World Enough And Time (T | 51,542 words) The Doctor Who AU where Phryne is a Time Lady, Dot is from the past, Mac is from the future and Jack is completely out of his depth but still along for the ride (in fact a time travel AU containing several other AUs, including but not restricted to a Shakespeare AU, a Regency AU, a post-apocalyptic AU and a fake marriage AU but with aliens; my not-so-secret fave of all the fics)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (M | 19,349 words) The AU in which Phryne is a secret agent and Jack is her long-suffering handler (she thinks she’s in a James Bond movie, he thinks he’s in a John Le Carré novel, how to balance your career and a weird dating thing)
there’s something wild about you, child (G | 4,685 words) The fae!AU where it’s Cocaine Blues, but Phryne is a changeling and Jack has the Sight (dark fairy tale elements, like OG Grimms-level dark)
Happy anniversary, me! here’s to many more years down the MFMM rabbit hole.
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