#linear motion battle system
mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 17: Hypothermia
Summary: Fives, Kix and Rex arrive at the medical facility first, which doesn't help them all that much considering they have no idea what they are looking for.
Warning: N/A
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
"It's freezing in here..." Rex hissed between chattering teeth, immediately regretting having taken off his bucket as soon as they entered the Umbaran medical facility.
The Captain was right too. The quick preliminary scans that Fives had done upon the trio sneaking in, revealed that the entire building was at almost sub-zero levels of cold. For what reason, he couldn't be sure, but it probably had something to do about storing bacterial culture samples or whatever the hell it was that natborn doctors did with the stuff they collected off their patients during tests.
He had already lived through a lifetime of medical tests performed by plenty of Long-Necks and Droids, that didn't particularly care about his or his vode's comfort during said procedures. He didn't really need to know what the nattie docs got up to outside of the war efforts.
"Put your helmet back on." Kix ordered as he uneasily looked around the hall they'd ended up in, after climbing out of the dusty ventilation system. "Your armor's thermal regulation system should keep you from freezing your shebs off."
"Tell me something I don't know..." The blond grumbled as he put his bucket back on, sighing in relief as the bitter cold was chased away in mere instants. "Much better... But moving on, we need to find a floor plan for this place..."
A wise idea, as they couldn't waste time running around blindly. If they got their hands on a map of the facility's various floors, they'd be able to find what they were looking for much faster, rather than risk getting lost in a maze of recovery areas, operation theaters, or even storage closets.
There was no telling how long they'd have before General Kenobi and the 212th could no longer stall for them, and with no word from Coric's group things were starting to look a little grim.
Getting to the facility itself had been a struggle. Between hiding from the Umbaran scouting parties, avoiding the aggressive wildlife, and keeping an eye out for the infected, the journey had been a constant uphill battle where they couldn't even resort to using their blasters. Unwilling to bring unwanted attention to their positions.
Given that they hadn't encountered the other medics, they assumed the others were struggling just as terribly. If not worse. They had no idea if they'd escaped from the base unscathed. For all they knew, Coric, Pitch, Twitch and Sponge had already been caught. Or worse...
And with only a vague idea that they needed to access a database to seek out some critical (but not very explicitly elaborated upon) information, the trio really wasn't all that prepared for this sort of excursion.
One medic would definitely not be enough, should they find a cure. That much they figured, considering the number of infected troopers in the 501st alone. Kix wouldn't be able to tackle the issue on his own.
"You think the others are ok?" Fives asked as he looked around, somewhat unsure if the way they'd chosen to go first would get them anywhere of use. He was walking slowly, steps as light as the bulk of his armor would allow, keeping an ear out for trouble.
"They're tough." Rex nodded slowly. Trying to be optimistic, considering he knew how frighteningly stubborn the medics could be, but still coming off as somewhat unsure in the end. The circumstances weren't easy ones after all. "They're probably just being careful, like we were..."
"Yeah... Yeah probably." The ARC nodded back, before motioning for the other two to stop near a corner where the hallway turned. He had a very quick look, and then gave them the all clear. Moving just a bit quicker now that he had a goal in sight.
Down the hall was a flight of emergency stairs. Besides it, attached to the wall as per standard safety regulations, was the digital emergency floor plan. The three rushed forward to have a look, barely containing their elation as they realized the interactive floor plan had pages that displayed the other floor layouts.
Thumbing through the available information, they saw exactly what they were looking for. The main datahub, which would contain all kinds of data-banks stock full of useful medical information.
"Basement floor." Fives groaned. "Of course the dang thing is in the creepy basement..."
"Not so much creepy, as probably absolutely frozen over..." Kix shook his head in disbelief. Sounding somewhat put-off at the possibility of facing even lower temperatures. "The entire basement of this huge building is dedicated to computers and the server banks. The amount of heat generated would need to be mitigated by considerably frigid mini-climate..."
"Kix, it's already pretty cold out here. I doubt the basement will be much worse..." Rex pointed out. "That said, if it IS worse, we should be as quick as possible. Even if our armor will protect us from the bitter cold, it won't do us any good if we stall and end up overworking the thermo regulation system. We'd freeze on the spot."
"Wouldn't want a case of frostbitten tootsies." Fives nodded, sounding morbidly amused at the idea. "Or hypothermia."
"If there ever was a place to catch your death, I suppose a hospital isn't the worst of options..." The medic responded with his own amusement.
They carried on, hoping their fellow troopers would meet with them soon. They could really use some help looking for the correct data at least... Hopefully the cause for their delay was indeed caution.
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transflynnscifo · 1 year
ohh ok moon mod again, sending as an ask both so I don't have to spam the others but also I do have more questions actually! mostly abt gameplay, bc if it does genuinely go on sale (i saw it's at like $10 rn omg?) i might look into buying and playing it myself
ill bullet point these lmao
what exactly is the gameplay: turn-based, open world, fighting game where it's open-world but not im not sure how to put it, puzzle solving, etc? I'm assuming it's like a fighting game that pulls you in a small arena, but elaboration is appreciated :0
does it,, go on sale on steam or is it purely for the switch it goes on sale? if you know, i totally understand why you might not
thank you once again :'D !!
hello hello!! thank you for asking!!
tov's gameplay uses a "linear motion battle system" which is reminiscent of a fighting game, but you have 4 characters fighting agsinst the enemy. you control one either on semi-auto (which leaves you Locked onto your target), or manual, where controls are harder but it means making a Huge fancy combo out of your controlled character!
the game is open world consisting of the following: the field, towns, and dungeons. you walk around the field (you may encounter enemies as you make your way in the world), you interact with npc and whatnot in towns, while you travel in dungeons and encounter enemies there too.
theres a lot of freedom in how to manage your party members in battles, including the skill system, equipable weapons, battle settings where you can tell the ai how to attack/where to move/etc, and you can even toggle which Attacks they can use. its pretty flexible and each character fullfils different roles! judith for example is aerial combos but is also close combat that you canbhave fun running with!
fights themselves occur in a small circular space when an Encounter happens which does remind a bit of an arena! but only boss fights take a while to beat. some dungeons have a tiny bit of puzzle solving and whatnot but even if you get stuck we have folk online who have put out solutions readily.
honestly the most puzzling aspect of the game is one thing it has kept from Ye Olde style of jrpgs: needing a guide if you want to 100%. not even just to 100%! the game has a few infamous instances of missable sidequests, events that have a limit as to when you can trigger them at latest. one of which is ACTUALLY a judith sidequest. i have done a 100% playthrough twice and i personally did not mind it much but in that regard i am not reliable, i like the challenge of it LMAO
i have good news for you: steam is where it almost always goes on sale! now i have to say that apparently its the steam port that has had the most difficulties with lag and all but ive only played less than 10 hours on the steam version so far. i would say its fine but its definitely better suited for a controller though o7
on the steam version someone managed to create a little file you can put into the steam files that lets you have character outfits from unused and cut content, or even outfits that did not make it from the ps3 version of the game (karol, a boy in the party, had a literal keroro outfit. huge frog outfit really changes the atmosphere of some scenes its hilarious)
feel free to ask more if desired :D
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bobgoesw00t · 2 years
Top 10 Video Games of All Time: bobgoesw00t Edition (Part 07)
We’re getting down to the nitty gritty of this list and it’s time to reveal my Number 4 game:
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I had a REALLY hard time picking which entry in the Tales of Series to use as there are SO MANY GOOD GAMES IN IT!!! It was a tie between Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria and Berseria but I ended up going with this one in the end for a few reasons.
The first one being that other than Symphonia and maybe Vesperia, this is the entry I’ve played the most and I have a blast with it every time. Secondly, combat in Abyss is one of the best IMO and literally every game after it has payed homage to it in some way. The last reason is something I’ll get to a bit later, as I want to talk about the overall gameplay for a bit.
Abyss took the Multi-Line Linear Motion Battle System from Symphonia and amped it up to 11 with the Flex Range Linear Motion Battle System. Giving us the Free Run ability added a new layer of depth to battles, and they simplified how Mystic Artes work from the last game that was released outside of Japan with the AD Skills. When you throw in the Field of Fonon system that can alter the various artes if you use a certain one while it’s active, battles get even more explosion than before. Not to mention this is the first game IMO were every character controls well and is fun to use. Luke and Guy are your typical melee users, while Tear and Jade function as the healer and elemental DPS and kick ass at it. Natalia can dish out large amounts of damage with her bow and she also functions as the main buffer with strong single target heals, making her a worthy addition to the party. Lastly, Anise and Asch (who is playable for a small portion unless your playing on the PS2 and know about a certain glitch which I’ll get to in just a second) are cool hybrid characters that have decent melee attacks and can harass foes from the back line with offensive spells.
I HAVE to address the black sheep (in a manner of speaking) of the cast that is Asch, who is actually (I feel like I can spoil this twist as it’s revealed fairly early in the story) the real Luke who is playable for about…two hours or so in the main story depending on how much time you spend on other things and is kind of awesome. Some people prefer using him over Luke due to him being a bit faster and him having the ability to use offensive spells mid battle and in the original PS2 release of the game, there was a glitch that allowed you to actually have him replace Luke for the remainder of the game. The Map Glitch let you run to other areas before they could be accessed and was rather useful over all but they ended up patching it for the 3DS re-release as the game will crash if you remove the game card without properly closing it.
Which is something else I want to mention. I actually think the 3DS version of the game is better than the PS2 version due to the original having a glaring number of bugs (most of them weren’t game breaking but there is one that made it almost impossible to use one of the more powerful Mystic Artes in the later stages of the game without the entire thing crashing) and stupidly long loading times. The change from a PS2 DVD to a 3DS Game Card shrunk the load times MASSIVELY and most of the bugs ended up being addressed to better polish everything and while I’m not 100% sure, I think they removed the bug I mentioned earlier when you try to use Lost Fon Drive.
OK, enough about the gameplay onto the story. Some people say the story moves slowly while others think it goes by quickly. I’m in the opinion that it moves at a decent pace and there are indeed points where the pace fluctuates but there aren’t very many to be honest. The game does a good job explaining various aspects of the world, there are a variety of locations and the cast is INCREDIBLY well acted with special shout outs to Kirk Thornton as Jade and Melissa Fahn as Anise for being able to switch between being serious and cracking a joke a second later. Not to mention how hilarious the banter between Jade and Dist is at various times…especially the bit before the part goes to Mt. Roneal and Dist is passed out at the Inn. I also love how a good chunk of the reoccurring bosses (the Six God Generals) also have sympathetic backgrounds, Sync being my favorite. I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!! HE DIDN’T NEED TO DIE IMO AND I STILL GET MOPEY AT THE LAST BOSS FIGHT AGAINST HIM!!!!! Speaking of the ending, this is the one ending in the franchise that still causes me to tear up at the very end no matter how many times I’ve seen it. The way the last scene starts with Tear singing with the rest of the party around her and then Luke shows up to keep his promise is just GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT!!!!!!!
Lastly have to mention how Abyss has one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE scores in the Tales of Series with Motoi Sakuraba delivering some of the best tracks ever, the first battle theme “An Arrow was Shot” gets you into a frenzy and ready for a fight. “Awkward Justice”, the God General boss theme is intense and epic, while “Everlasting Fight” which plays during the cameo battle in the coliseum is the previous track with the intensity blasted into space. Lastly, we have the theme song for the game “Karma” by BUMP OF CHICKEN. This was the first time were the theme was kept the same internationally with the only difference being that they replaced the vocals with Electric Guitars making the song a bit more intense IMO.
This was nice as the next two games to be released in the West kept the vocals with the lyrics being translated into English while still being sung by the original artist. Xillia and Xillia 2 took that one step further and ACTUALLY KEPT PROGRESS AND SONG 4 U AS THE THEME IN THE WEST WITHOUT TRANSLATING THE LYRICS which was the right call cause I don’t think using an Instrumental version of those songs would have worked in the end. Which is why when it was announced that Zestiria was going to be the first entry to have a dual audio option, I had a tiny nerdgasm…which quickly flew out the window when it was discovered that the west would NOT be getting the original version of White Light by Superfly, but an instrumental version in the same vein as Karma for various contract issues with Superfly and their agency. I was pissed but thankfully the PC can be modded to play the original so I ended up getting it on Steam. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT HOOHAA AND ON TO THE SCORE!!!
Tales of the Abyss is the first game to have a truly 3D real-time battle system which is still one of the best versions of the Linear Motion Battle System to date, a strong story with an ending that makes me shed tears of joy EVERY DAMN TIME I GET TO IT, a cast of party members that are outright hilarious at times, and one of the best soundtracks Motoi Sakuraba has composed for this long running franchise. bogoesw00t here gives it a 5 out of 5: 5/5
Tales of Zestiria: Even with the whole bullshit of them giving us a shitty instrumental version of White Light that doesn’t work as well as it did for Karma (due to the latter being a fast-paced song and White Light being more slow and intense), this is still a great game with one of my favorite cast of playable characters (Sorey is so adorkable, Edna is fucking hysterical and Meebo/Touchy-Feeleo IS TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH SOREY GO AHEAD AND @ ME BUT SORMIK IS CANON), a unique combat system (the complaint that the game FORCES you to Armatize is a load of bullshit as it can actually hurt you to use it in every fight for various reasons which I’ll get into if I ever review it) and a really cool villain.
Tales of Berseria: The prequel to Zestiria addressed a good chunk of complaints people had about the last game, fixed them, and helped flesh out the world the games are set in, gave us one hell of a BADASS protagonist with Velvet Crowe and a colorful cast of allies to join her (Magilou can be totally broken in battle and is even funnier than Edna IMO while Laphicet is THE MOST PURE AND PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL THE FRANCHISE HAS EVER HAD), a battle system that’s easy to learn but can be difficult to master, and a villain that you just want to CRUSH after he shatters Velvet’s world (even more so if you’ve seen the original, uncensored cutscene when he kills Velvet’s little brother. They tried to keep the impact the same in the west, but it doesn’t hit nearly as hard IMO)
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legiongamerrd · 2 months
Hace 16 años se lanzó Tales of Vesperia. Un RPG de acción desarrollado por Namco Tales Studio y publicado por Bandai Namco para el Xbox 360. Es la décima entrega principal de la Tales Series. En Europa fue lanzado por Atari. Un port expandido fue lanzado para PlayStation 3 al año siguiente en Japón, pero no vio la luz en Occidente. Esta versión será lanzada para PS4, XBOX ONE, Nintendo Switch y en Steam, bajo el subtítulo Definitive Edition. El gameplay es similar a Tales previos, mostrando una nueva versión del conocido Linear Motion Battle System, así como introduciendo nuevos elementos como tableros de puntuación online.
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44gamez · 9 months
Top 6 Best Co Op Games on PC Game Pass
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Screenshot: Ghost City Video games LTD, 343 Industries, Tribute Video games Inc. With the vacations across the nook, you (like me) most likely have much more free time in your arms than typical. So, why not make investments it in a sport with a good friend? There are quite a lot of them on the market, however the ones that observe on this checklist are what I feel are one of the best of one of the best. On prime of that, you solely a necessity Recreation Cross subscription for PC and also you’ll get entry to them with out spending greater than your month-to-month subscription. So observe together with the highest 6 co-op video games on PC Recreation Cross
6 Greatest co op games on Recreation Cross PC to play this vacation
This checklist is that it’s not ranked, so you'll be able to decide whichever one and I can promise you and your mates can have an excellent time. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge
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Screenshot: Tribute Video games Inc. Leaping into this beat-em-up motion sport is as simple as respiration. The colourful 8-bit motion sport has a simple studying curve, which makes it simpler for everybody to get into. Whereas Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge is a four-player sport, you'll be able to nonetheless dominate with two individuals. Every character has their very own, distinctive playstyle, so you'll be able to experiment to search out out what works finest for you. Due to its easy but deep mechanics, gamers of all talent ranges can have a blast with this retro arcadey beat’em up. Sea of Thieves
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Screenshot: Uncommon LTD Taking part in as a pirate is nice, however with the ability to create a crew with a number of gamers makes issues even higher. Sea of Thieves provides you the liberty to create your journey however nonetheless helps you not get misplaced. The missions you get require everybody taking part in to place their heads collectively because it’s not simple. These kinds of video games are additionally nice for making content material in case you’re planning on launching a gaming TikTok or YouTube channel. Plus, the PVP factor provides one other sense of immersion the place issues are literally at stake. Moreover, being cross-play helps out a ton as effectively, this fashion your mates on PC and Xbox can be part of your crew. A Means Out
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Screenshot: Hazelight If you wish to get misplaced in a novel, story-driven expertise that isn’t lengthy and may be very simple, take a look at A Means Out. Gamers take the roles of two jail escapees and should navigate the world and make some painful selections. Whereas A Means Out is linear, the story itself has a ton of weight to carry every little thing collectively. Each selection you make is felt and has dire penalties. With out giving something away, the ending does make the narrative for your entire sport value it. So it’s a must-try for the vacation. Nevertheless, maintain Kleenex close by, crying will likely be a traditional factor as the sport is emotionally charged. Gear 5
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Screenshot: The Coalition Some of the iconic video games for the Xbox continues to be alive and kicking. Gears 5 has a ton of traditional components reminiscent of the long-lasting cowl system, the chainsaw melee assaults, and extra. Nevertheless, the sport does add extra reminiscent of mild open-world mechanics and some aspect bosses that you simply and your mates can try. Gunplay is a significant component in all of the Gears of Battle video games, and in Gears 5 it feels even higher. Plus, you and your mates can take the combat on-line with the numerous modes. There’s quite a bit on this little package deal, so chances are you'll be busy for the vacation season. Overcooked! 2
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Ghost City Video games Ltd. Earlier than I am going into this Overcooked! 2 is that this sport requires a ton of persistence. I’m not kidding. My pals and I might have a yelling match over the place rice ought to go. So if you may get over that, you’re midway there. Nevertheless, the sport does have a steep studying curve that fortunately helps you get used to it shortly. From having some over-the-top ranges to being a sport the place communication is essential, has made Overcooked! 2 stand out out hit for co-op video games on PC. Halo: Grasp Chief Assortment
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Screenshot: 343 Industries One factor I really like about Recreation Cross is that I can play Grasp Chief’s finest tales multi functional place. Because of the Halo: Grasp Chief Assortment, you and your good friend can witness all of the mainline video games as much as Halo 4. Plus, with it being cross-play, you'll be able to broaden your occasion measurement to make going by the story much more enjoyable. It’s only a disgrace that Halo Infinite does have the identical co-op features of the opposite video games which may have made issues much more immersive. You additionally get Halo Attain and Halo 3 ODST, so you'll be able to have hours of play with this compilation. If you wish to sport this vacation however don’t have time to put money into one thing tremendous deep, now we have some easy-going video games which can be a blast to get into. Read the full article
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] So neuroscientists use an strategy known as “dimensionality reduction” to make such visualization potential—they take knowledge from hundreds of neurons and, by making use of intelligent methods from linear algebra, describe their actions utilizing just some variables. This is simply what psychologists did within the Nineteen Nineties to outline their 5 main domains of human character: openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion, and neuroticism. Just by understanding how a person scored on these 5 traits, they discovered, they might successfully predict how that particular person would reply lots of of questions on a character take a look at.But the variables extracted from neural knowledge can’t be expressed in a single phrase like “openness.” They are extra like motifs, patterns of exercise that span complete neural populations. A number of of those motifs can outline the axes of a plot, whereby each level represents a distinct mixture of these motifs—its personal distinctive exercise profile.There are downsides to lowering knowledge from hundreds of neurons right down to just some variables. Just like taking a 2D picture of a 3D cityscape renders some buildings completely invisible, cramming a fancy set of neuronal knowledge down into just a few dimensions eliminates an excessive amount of element. But working in just a few dimensions is rather more manageable than analyzing hundreds of particular person neurons without delay. Scientists can plot evolving exercise patterns on the axes outlined by the motifs to observe how the neurons’ habits adjustments over time. This strategy has confirmed particularly fruitful within the motor cortex, a area the place complicated, unpredictable single-neuron responses had lengthy flummoxed researchers. Viewed collectively, nevertheless, the neurons hint common, typically round trajectories. Features of those trajectories correlate with specific points of motion—their location, for instance, is related to speed.Olsen says he expects that scientists will use dimensionality discount to extract interpretable patterns from the advanced knowledge. “We can’t go neuron by neuron,” he says. “We need statistical tools, machine learning tools, that can help us find structure in big data.”But this vein of analysis remains to be in its early days, and scientists battle to agree on what the patterns and trajectories imply. “People fight all the time about whether these things are factual,” says John Krakauer, professor of neurology and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. “Are they real? Can they be interpreted as easily [as single-neuron responses]? They don’t feel as grounded and concrete.”Bringing these trajectories right down to earth would require creating new analytical instruments, says Churchland—a job that may absolutely be facilitated by the provision of large-scale knowledge units just like the Allen Institute’s. And the distinctive capacities of the institute, with its deep pockets and large analysis workers, will allow it to provide better lots of knowledge to check these instruments. The institute, Olsen says, features like an astronomical observatory—no single lab might pay for its applied sciences, however all the scientific neighborhood advantages from, and contributes to, its experimental capabilities.Currently, he says, the Allen Institute is engaged on piloting a system the place scientists from throughout the analysis neighborhood can counsel what types of stimuli animals ought to be proven, and what types of duties they need to be doing, whereas hundreds of their neurons are being recorded. As recording capacities proceed to extend, researchers are working to plot richer and extra reasonable experimental paradigms, to look at how neurons reply to the types of real-world, difficult duties that push their collective capabilities. “If we really want to understand the brain, we cannot keep just showing oriented bars to the cortex,” Fusi says. “We really need to move on.”
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tonkigreat · 2 years
Tales of symphonia unison attack
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#Tales of symphonia unison attack full#
When this is full, a "Unison Attack" can be triggered, allowing the party to use techniques simultaneously on a single enemy. Damage dealt to the opponent fills a "Unison Gauge". Some of these choices have minor ramifications for the game's storyline.ĭuring battle sequences, the game uses the Multi-Line Linear Motion Battle System. Four characters from the party are chosen to battle those not controlled by a player are guided by artificial intelligence with instructions set by the player beforehand. The player will be able to make certain decisions that imperceptibly affect how the other characters think of Lloyd. Overworld map skits affect Lloyd's relationships with other party members. Skits concern anything from character development to side details.
#Tales of symphonia unison attack full#
On the overworld and field maps, various skits between the characters can be viewed. They involve animated character portraits, subtitles, and, in the Japanese version, full voice acting. The battle screen is a 3D representation of an area, in which the player commands the characters in battles against CPU-controlled enemies. On field maps, characters are directed across realistically scaled environments. As with preceding games in the series, the world map can be traversed by foot, on the party's quadrupedal pet Noishe, and on flying vehicles known as Rheairds. The overworld map is a 3D model, featuring a scaled-down version of the game's fictional world which the player travels through to reach the game's locations. Tales of Symphonia consists primarily of three major areas: an overworld field map, town and dungeon maps, and a battle screen. Using the Eternal Sword, Lloyd merges Sylvarant and Tethe'alla together and germinates the Great Seed into a Giant Kharlan Tree to supply the world with mana. Mithos attempts to take the Great Seed with him but is foiled and killed by Lloyd. He succeeds but Mithos survives his apparent death and possesses a member from the party before fleeing to the comet Derris-Kharlan. Kratos is revealed to have been gathering materials to have Lloyd use the Eternal Sword. They decide to confront and defeat Mithos before seeking the Eternal Sword. Their actions instead destabilize the Great Seed, the supplier of mana to both worlds, causing it to grow and engulf Sylvarant at an exponential rate. After the party re-stabilizes the seed, they learn from Yuan Ka-Fai about the origins of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla and how they used to be one world but was split by Mithos with the Eternal Sword the party realizes they can save the world if they wield the Eternal Sword, merge the worlds, and germinate the Great Seed. The party learns that awakening the Summon Spirits in both worlds will sever the mana tie between them. Believing that to be the answer, they successfully sever all mana ties between the two worlds. The party leaves for Tethe'alla to search for a way to save both worlds and are joined by Zelos Wilder, Presea Combatir, and Regal Bryant. She tells them about how the two worlds vie for each other's mana through the journey of regeneration. Hoping to find answers from the angel Remiel, they party meets him at the final seal and are betrayed by Remiel and Kratos both are revealed to be part of Cruxis, an evil organization led by Mithos Yggdrasill. On their journey, they meet Sheena Fujibayashi who comes from Tethe'alla, a world parallel to Sylvarant. The purpose of the journey is to replenish Sylvarant with mana, a necessary energy to their survival. The path of the journey consists of five temples which must be unsealed by Colette. Lloyd Irving and his friend, Genis Sage accompany the chosen, Colette Brunel and her guardians, Raine Sage and Kratos Aurion on her journey of world regeneration.
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aboveandbelowgame · 8 years
LMBS System now in place!
With the use of Moghunter’s LMBS plugin for MV, and my battler artist, svarn, I can finally say the framework for the linear motion battle system is in place!
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Based off the original system from Tales of Phantasia, turn based combat is thrown away for a preferred real-time action system. Both the player and enemies are locked onto a linear field where skills, items, and magic can all be used instantly at the press of a button.
Along with that, the game’s intro is completely finished, and quests are starting to be implemented. The busts for two characters, Riley and Jade, have also been finished. 
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jhasegawa25 · 2 years
Tales of Arise Thoughts and Review
**This was originally going to have more sections, but it turned out super long and messy already so this just focuses on the important parts: Battles and Story/Characters. Other sections can be added here or in a part 2**
Tales of Arise was a game that boasted major change to the long-running “Tales of” series. Despite major hype surrounding it, as a long time Tales fan, I had my worries given my experience with out “major changes” in video game series. Having finally completed the main story, this didn’t really feel like a major change or major step up outside of one area. It still felt like a Tales game. However, while some of my initial doubts were proven wrong, some still held up as the credits rolled.
Let’s just get right into the part I care about most in my games. Gameplay is above all else for me, and very rarely can a story alone carry me through a game. 
Arise’s gameplay promised big change for the series from Berseria, however I feel as though there isn’t that much change from Berseria and the battle system feels more like a natural progression from that game. Berseria did away with the Linear Motion Batle System (LMBS) in favor of just permanent free movement, and Arise continues with this. As much as I’ve enjoyed many iterations of the LMBS, I don’t mind this change at all and I think Arise really does well with the free movement compared to Berseria. Arise also brings back aerial movement and jumping, which was greatly missed from Berseria and Zestiria. 
New to the system is the division of ground artes and aerial artes. You can equip 3 of each arte to start off with and eventually  artes all together. This is pretty limiting as some games even allowed you to equip up to artes. While the division of artes is nice and streamlines a lot of the trial and error of crafting a good arte’s combo, I think it serves to further limit artes selection.
Some Tales games have a dodge mechanic to reward player, and Arise has its own that’s a large part of the system. When performing a “Perfect Dodge” (dodging at just the right moment from an attack), the combat slows down. Obtaining another skill allows you to perform an attack that breaks the enemy a and jump right into a combat. This will also teleport you to the enemy if you’re a good distance away. It’s a nice and simple mechanic and adds to the enjoyment of the gameplay, however its uselessness during boss battles severely hamper the experience. 
Also sort of new is the boost attack, Each character has a boost attack which summons them to the targeted enemy to perform an attack with unique effect. For example: Shionne downs aerial enemies, Rinwell steals spells that enemies are casting, and Kisara stops charging enemies. Each attack has a charge up after use that’s filled up through attacking and being attacked. This mechanic can really add a strategic element, however, when enemies are somewhat more reliant on you using a boost attack that’s not charged, it can arbitrarily lengthen battle time.
After attacking an enemy to a certain point, you may get the opportunity to execute a dual attack. This is signaled by the directional inputs shining on the enemy and is triggered the same way as boost attacks. All characters have a unique pair attack but they all serve the same purpose as an instant kill for the enemy no matter how much HP they may have left. Often times I didn’t mind this mechanic (more on this later), but it really trivializes battles since it isn’t hard to trigger, is free of charge and can happen multiple times a battle.
Finally, this games TP/CC is divided into two different mechanics. The first is the Artes Gauge (AH) which is very similar to Berseria’s Soul Gauge with all the risk taken out. This controls how many Artes you can use and if you have no AG then you have to wait for it to replenish. It’s a standard system and both have similarities to CC anyway. However this time, there’s a new resource system called Cure Points (CC). Cure Points are similar to TP, however they’re only consumed when using Healing or Support Artes.
 I found a lot of my problems with the gameplay started here as CP is often drained at a fast rate since the AI isn’t exactly good at dodging or staying out of danger. This wouldn’t be too bad however items that restore CP are absurdly expensive. All healing items are more expensive than previous games on average, but CP items are more than double the price. They can sometimes be found in the field, however its very rare and I rarely saw them respawn. In addition to this, CP is also used for exploration to open new paths (or in Shionne’s case, heal wounded NPCs) for items. It’s an attempt at a risk system and almost Metroidvania approach to exploration making you choose between items or healing and encouraging returning to previous areas. However, systems like this were in place in previous games without cutting into your healing resource that is already pretty scarce for other reasons. It didn’t encourage me to return and only frustrated me more. 
I only played as Alphen outside of the coliseum, but from my short time playing as the others, I can say that each character feels fun to play as. Even Kisara, whose style I was not a fan of previous, grew on me after finding the right artes. I only ever play as the protagonist in Tales games so when a game has me interested in trying out other characters, its a win.
Finally, the boss fights. In my opinion, this is where your battle system should shine, this is where you will have most of your fun with the systems. There were definitely some fun bosses in this game, but majority of them (specifically the man story bosses) are just...not fun. Where do I even begin? The bosses are straight up damage sponges, absurd amounts of HP compared to the damage that you’re actually doing with your artes. Bosses don’t stagger at all. It makes sense to some degree as you’re mainly fighting large monsters for bosses, but even humanoid bosses do not react at all to the fact that 4 of you are smacking the hell out of them. If they do, it’s for a very small amount of time. Remember the dodge mechanic? It’s still in play here, but because Bosses don’t stagger so you often times put yourself in harms way with the extra attack. Going back to artes, a lot of them don’t do much damage except for one from Alphen (Reining Slash) which does an absurd amount of damage though is a bit on the slow side. I still found myself spamming this and doing a significant amount more damage than playing regularly. Every time I had fun with one boss, the next one would be the most frustrating battle ever. And near the end of the game, some of these bosses become regular recurring enemies. Having played most Tales games on Moderate or Hard and preferring that difficulty, this is the first time I bumped the difficulty down as low as “Story” for the BOSS fights,
This battle can be fun, and I can’t deny that at times I did have fun, but too many times I wound up frustrated and not having fun because of the choices made with certain mechanics. And there’s not too much different from previous entries to really warrant the idea that the battles are a big change for the series
As mixed as I am about the gameplay, I’m just as mixed about the story and characters. I feel as though there were a lot of good ideas that just fell short or completely nosedive by the ending.
The story starts off pretty strong. There are two worlds: Rena and Dahna. The Renans have invaded Dahna and enslaved all of their people and treat them pretty awfully. You start with Alphen, or as known as “Iron Mask”, who as the name suggest wears an iron mask over his head that completely covers his face. He’s a Dahnan slave in Calaglia who has no memories, not even remembering his name. He also cannot feel anything, though his body still reacts to pain and damage.  Eventually he meets Shionne, a mysterious Renan woman who has “thorns” around her that hurt anyone that touches her. Because of his lack of feeling, Alphen is able to touch Shionne and is able to wield the “Blazing Sword”, a fire engulfed sword encased in an elemental master core that Shionne holds inside of her. With this, the two team up with the goal of liberating Calaglia and possibly all of Dahna.
The goal is pretty simple and straight forward for most of the game: Kill each realm’s lord and liberate Dahna, and you pretty much go through each realm’s areas learning about its culture, how each lord rules, meeting different liberation forces and ultimately taking the lord down. It’s simple but it works, and there’s plenty of good twists with each realm’s story that keeps you engaged. The 2nd lord’s reveal that leads to an emotional event had me shocked and hooked me fully into the story. I was ready for revenge, and I wanted to take down every lord.
The 3rd realm has an interesting twist as the lord there, Dohalim, eventually becomes your party member. Instead of war and abuse that was found in the other realms, Dohaim cultivated a place where Renans and Dahnans work together, where Dahnan’s had free reign to work and serve him if they wanted, However you quickly learn that it isn’t all peachy, and there’s dark secrets lying under the realm’s and Lord Doahlim’s nose. It was an interesting change from two realms where the two worlds were fighting and it was constant gloom. It was an interesting look into how even those with privilege who mean well can be naive and oblivious to the deeper, darker evils. 
Unfortunately the story takes a bit of a nosedive after this. The next realm tries to portray Dahnan’s unfavorably, showing most of them having a more violent approach to their liberation, and being fueled by vengeance for the horrible treatment they’ve endured. It gets even worse when the lord comes back, does typical Renan things to the realm’s Dahnans, and we learn that Rinwell has her own personal vendetta, almost as extreme as the other Dahnans. For what its worth, I think there is something interesting that could’ve been said about people developing extreme ideologies that consume them, but the game portrays it in such a pretentious way. It almost villainizes Rinwell’s (and the other Dahnans’) valid feelings about the Renan’s and the treatment they’ve received from them. Later in the game during a quest, Rinwell starts ranting to Dohalim about all the things that Dahnan’s don’t have or lost out on because of the Renan’s and it gets pretty heated, but not as heated as in the 4th realm. Rinwell is reacting the way someone in her position should act but the game has Alphen reduce it to “both sides are in the wrong” just because of RInwell’s tone, and that just wrong. Once you get a “respectable” Renan in the party, the game uses it as an excuse to create a bit of a “both sides” argument, but we’re playing as a party that has killed 2 Lords and was planning to kill more even after Dohalim joins. 
By the end of the game, its as if the writers don’t know what to do with the story. The game takes a weird supernatural turn (which is weird to say considering this already is a supernatural story), with a new foe and new goal. Cutscenes are reduced to lore dump after lore dump which becomes tiring with how long winded the cutscenes can be. It has the Act 3 syndrome that a few other Tales games suffers from and probably should’ve ended far earlier. 
At the same time, the story also shifts a hard focus on the relationship between Shionne and Alphen. Its a relationship that was built up throughout the story, but by the end the game focuses on it, their fate/duty, and Shionne’s “Thorns” more than ever in addition to the weird alien plot. As someone who doesn’t care about romance, this is probably the only saving grace to the end of the story as it has proper build up compared to everything else, but its disappointing how much their story takes over above every other character’s.
Characters (and Skits)
Speaking of characters, as I mentioned before I was mixed on them. Tales is known for its lively characters and interactions. While the story starts off really strong, I think Arise’s characters start off pretty weak. If I’m being honest, they were a bit boring at least until the last two party members join. Even then, it takes awhile after until the usual Tales level banter starts up.
I do think that most of the characters have good development throughout the story. Shionne, Rinwell and Dohalim in particular have great development and you really see their characters learn and grow through their experiences and their relationships with the party, The other three are a bit less developed or rather less impactful compared to those three.
It wasn’t until I had a quarter of the game left that the characters fully began to click with me. The character build up really ramped up, but also the banter. The party had more fun moments with each other and let loose when (mostly) appropriate). The party dynamic began to shine more and it finally began to feel like a family I was apart of.
This is mainly in part due to the skits so let’s talk about them. They’re a Tales staple and can add to the understanding of the story, but they’re mostly there to add to the characters and their dynamics. They’re mostly fun or goofy moments but can also provide extra context to story beats. Unfortunately with this game, they were mostly just added story beats and less fun.
Often times it felt like skits were replacing full cutscenes, which was a problem with Berseria as well. This may be due to budget or just a design choice,  but it really dampened the pacing of the game. Skits in previous games averaged on the short side (in Versperia I rarely saw a skit above a minute) however because a lot of skits in Arise doubled as cutscenes, they averaged longer. It was extremely rare to see a skit under a minute and a few even got close to 4 minutes. Long is long, but it would be more tolerable if they were at least fun to watch like Berseria (at times, I still hate Berseria’s skits). However there were very few fun moments in skits for most of the game. I groaned when I would see another skit at times.
Skits also got a bit of a redesign. Before they were drawn portraits that would be in boxes (or half portraits in later games) that would move around and jump up and down. They were minimal but still had some level of expression that allowed its funny moments to shine. In this game, they used the 3D Models and adopted a sort of manga style presentation. This allowed for alternate costumes and attachments to appear in the skits, which clearly wasn’t tested fully (the DLC wing sets can often block out a whole panel). This may be unpopular, but this presentation didn’t add anything to the skits. It made them more sluggish, and nothing interesting was really done with the models to warrant their use. They often just stood around, occasionally you’ll get a panel a panel that shows they did an action, but that’s about it. It’s very underwhelming to me and takes away the snappiness that skits used to have.
It wasn’t until late game when many of the skits started leaning more into the fun side. There was more of a mix between more story lore and just outright goofy. It never really reached the heights of some of the best Tales skits, but it was a major improvement. I wish that the fun skits were more spread out throughout the game than being at the tail end. Unfortunately this makes this the game with my least favorite skits as a whole.
I’ve rambled on way too long and I’ve kinda lost the plot of this post, so I’ll sum up my thoughts. Despite my gripes with this game (and a lot of them are major), I still enjoyed it to some degree. I don’t know if its the Tales fan in me or that the few things I liked just really spoke to me. It’s a heavily flawed game, but I do think that it’s something the dev team can build on to make better. Make regular battles more satisfying, fix the boss battles, reduce the length of skits (and change their presentation back honestly). Tales of Arise could be the foundation of something really good, but as is it doesn’t feel like the major improvement for the series that its hailed as.
If you’ve made it through this long tangent, I commend you. Lol
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coldgoldlazarus · 3 years
I've seen a few people give Prime 4 wishlists, and while I could probably expand more on this later, here's a bullet-point version of mine:
-Prime 1-style world layout, interconnectedness, and progression. (2 and 3's approaches are cool too, but 2 felt too linear and 3 felt too disconnected, I'd like to have one big world to run around in)
-Prime 2-style area design (I think Prime 2 had the most interesting individual area layouts, though, complex yet distinct, so that on top of the less linear world setup could make for a more interesting navigation overall.)
-Prime-2-style tone and dark atmosphere (2 is my favorite despite it's flaws for how much it put me on edge and made me act with caution and forethought, and I hope 4 does the same, to some extent or another.)
-Prime 2-style bosses (Echoes really really nailed the area bosses, which all felt larger than life and took multiple stages to beat. I want our battles to be legendary!)
-Prime 3-style narrative strength (maybe not as direct in presentation, but I want to have similar or better emotional investment in what's happening, which they managed to do with Gandrayda, Ghor, and Rundas. Something like that would go a long way for me.)
-Prime 3-style Gunship use. (Even if it's not hopping planets, I still like the idea of the gunship being used to clear puzzles and as a fast-travel system, rather than gathering dust in a corner.)
-Prime 3-style key hunt, if there has to be one. (Corruption's energy cells were easily the least obtrusive and best-integrated way of doing that, so if they feel like they have to do yet another key hunt, I hope they take notes from this.)
-Mixture of the best of all three's aesthetic sensibilities (Prime 1 had the most distinct areas while Prime 2 was the most aesthetically consistent, so something that hits a nice sweet spot in between would be ideal. And Prime 3 was easily the most cinematic and gorgeous, so bringing that energy to the table as well couldn't hurt.)
-Same depth of worldbuilding as the trilogy (Make the scan visor just as core as always, and keep the slower pace so players can stop to take it all in. Also, new friendly races like the Luminoth please!)
-Soundtrack soundtrack soundtrack! (Dread's isn't as bad as some say, but it's definitely uneven, some really good pieces and some really bland ones; I hope they take cues more from older games on this front while creating new original themes.)
-Motion controls! (Prime 3's motion controls are excellent and intuitive, and retroactively improve the first two games further, and I know the Switch joycons are capable of it, so I would love if they brought back that setup.)
-Cut out the annoying stuff (While I love the trilogy, there are some things they didn't do so well; Chozo Ghosts and Dark Pirate Commandos were a pain in the neck to deal with, Prime 2's spider guardian is satan incarnate, and Prime 3's hypermode gimmick simply wrecked a lot of the moment-to-moment gameplay. I also hope we can avoid a Magmoor Caverns situation where there's one area you have to tediously travel through every five minutes to get to the next upgrade, or Corruption's dumbing down of navigation for the sake of wider appeal.)
As for stuff that none of the prior ones have already done...
-Branching-path progression (Unlike the prior entries where there's one main path with short digressions here and there, I hope this takes cues from Hollow Knight in having more of a loose overall structure where there are multiple paths that can give progression, while maintaining the overall metroidvania formula.)
-Better use of the 3D in world/area layout (Aside from the Phazon Mines and Sanctuary Fortress, most of the trilogy's areas were pretty flat. I want to see more use of verticality and layers, not just in the rooms themselves but in the map design as a whole.)
-New story concepts and characters (While it sounds like Sylux is probably going to be relevant in some form, I also hope we get to see some more new stuff and not just retread old ideas. You'll note most of my wishes have been about world structure and gameplay, because I want the story to be... Something that I didn't specifically ask for, but that I will enjoy all the same. On that note, please no Ridley.)
-New. Suits. (Need I say more?)
-Most importantly, I want it to take risks. (For all their faults, Echoes and Corruption both took Prime 1's baseline experience in different directions, and Prime 1 itself was a risky shift from the 2D games' setup. I want 4 to maintain the best of what the first three had, yes, but I also want it to do something new and unique and unpredictable that gives it its own identity.)
(Also one of the other wishlists I saw suggested that Prime should shift to third-person instead of first, and I really hope they don't do that, because just, fuck no.)
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years
My dream RWBY videogames
Since asking everyone else about their dream RWBY games, I figured I'd have a go at it. With my dream games, barring one, I'd like for them to be standalone. Each game or game series would take place in its own universe but still retain common elements that make it RWBY, such as:
Though before carrying on with my dream games, there's a subgenre which I don't think would fit with RWBY and that is the SoulsBorne subgenre. Difficulty aside, the SoulsBorne games are all about slow and methodical gameplay and that doesn'f sit well with RWBY's faster, high energy combat style.
With that out of the way, let's get to it!!!
1. Bandai Namco
Series influence: Tales
Gameplay: Linear Motion Battle System
Story: Standalone AU
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Bandai Namco's Tales series are pretty much just like playing a fantasy anime and the beautiful cutscenes by Ufotable enhance that experience even more. Imagine that? RWBY animated by UFOTABLE? That would be rad as hell!
In terms of gameplay, the Linear Motion Battle System is a signature to the Tales series and Berseria has my favourite version called the Liberation Variation. This means that the player is able to roam freely within the battlefield and each button can be assigned for a specific attack. The fast pace of battles fits right at home with RWBY and can make for some pretty fun combat.
2. Shift/Bandai Namco
Series influence: God Eater
Gameplay: God Eater System
Story: Standalone AU
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God Eater's world could easily fit within Remnant. A group of young heroes battling monsters with crazy weapons and powers? Textbook RWBY! And once again, animations by Ufotable. Man, I love that studio!
The battle system has a feature where you can swap between melee, ranged and shield mode, which can be pretty handy and allows for a variety of different combos that you can use to defeat your enemies! The variety in Aragami can be an influence for the Grimm and the missions can be placed all over the various kingdoms, adding variety and exploration to the world of Remnant. You can't go wrong with God Eater, folks!
3. Square Enix
Series influence: Final Fantasy
Gameplay: Active Cross Battle System
Story: Standalone AU
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I mean, RWBY was influenced by Final Fantasy and what better studio to tackle a JRPG-infuenced anime series than Square Enix themselves.
I LOVE Final Fantasy; the different worlds, the fun characters, the epic storylines and the variety in gameplay! It's just so awesome and Square Enix would have no trouble of making RWBY into an epic game. The gameplay style that I chose to go for was FFXV's Active Cross System, which focuses on real time combat, dodging, parrying and using the environment to your advantage. With some fine tuning and switch ups, such as swapping out weapon fighting styles instead of new weapons altogether, this could fit well with the cast of RWBY. Plus, the open world allows for tons of exploration, more so than God Eater, where you can take missions, go on hunts, search for upgrades, etc. The possibilities are pretty much endless.
4. Capcom
Series influence: Devil May Cry
Gameplay: DMC 5 style
Story: Canon STRQ prequel
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A hack n' slash RWBY sounds like a no-brainer. Slicing up Grimm with style and savagery? Sign me up!!!
While more linear compared to the open worlds of both Final Fantasy and Tales of Berseria, the adrenaline pumping gameplay more than makes up for it. The style system ensures that players are able to keep on the offesensive, experiment with various weapon types (both melee and ranged) and increase their score ranks each time they encounter enemies. Compared to my previous dream games, this one would be more in line with the anime canon and would follow STRQ in the prime. Focusing on a group of adult Huntsmen can allow the writers to experiment with darker themes that wouldn't fit in the anime.
And those are some of my dream RWBY games. I'll be sure to make another list in the future and focus on how each story would be different from canon. Let me know what you think of my list and if you want to contribute with your own list, you're more than welcome to!
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endlessdoom · 3 years
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DBP21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars
9 Maps by the Doomer Boards Community
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01. "Corporate Secrets" | Big Ol' Billy
Welcome to the dark past of the UAC. Or should I say, Ultimate Aryan Corporation? This is a great introductory map that tunes exploration with combat under a fun visual theme. 4/5
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02. "The Final Frontier Solution" | Phobus
Shorter than the previous one but with a more powerful flow that follows a linear path full of enemies. Oh, and you bet your ass there will be a lot of Rammstein here. 3/5
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03. "Blut und Eisen" | hardcore_gamer
Short level that has us moving in an almost straight line while crossing a variety of rooms in a kind of scientific base. 3/5
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04. "Unterdämonen" | Big Ol' Billy
A Nazi base with a few secrets tucked between different zones with excellent encounters and variety in layout. 4/5
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05. "Mars for the Reich" | Walter C. and Benjogami
A great map with a multitude of combats and a worthy ending. Entertaining encounters intertwined through a well-designed layout that promotes constant gameplay, without breaking the dynamics and always in motion. 4/5
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06. "The Gas Chambers" | joe-ilya
Plenty of enemies and plenty of opportunity for combat make this map a fun example of satisfying power-fantasy. 4/5
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07. "Ares Vallis" | glenzinho
Fantastical map full of action, fun and violence for everyone. Ultra-violence that is. That MIDI absolutely rocks. 5/5
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08. "Drakoidian Outcast" | valkiriforce
Huge map with an intricate and complex system of interconnected paths that lead us through a glorious adventure of extermination. 4/5
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09. "This Spell Banishes Space Fascists!" | Big Ol' Billy
A fantastic ending with an unexpected and welcome boss. With a fascinating design that encourages full movement under massive fire, this is a fantastic ending to a great WAD. 5/5
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10. ‘‘End Credits’‘ |
And of course, the end. 3/5
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» DBP21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars (2020) By the Doomer Boards Community
Well, well, well, look what we have here, a conglomeration of the most controversial topics in history under a new coat of paint that may or may not have lots and lots of blood and some specks of Satanism. I can neither confirm nor deny that, yet on the other hand, I can confirm that what we have here is an absolute surreal work that brings us the best of both worlds in an engine ready to rumble, one where BJ would be happily smiling over all our glorious, rip and teary, work.
Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars is a project created by the famous Doomer Boards krew where we are thrown into a world full of Nazis in space (Mars, to be exact) along with a few demons that possibly have something to do with all the related chaos. The project is an extensive example of the use of Wolf3D textures used under a strict but accurate layout system that creates images as provocative as cool to admire at all times, under any circumstances of combat and always with the great touch of quality. Self-proclaimed as the biggest agglomeration of sectored swastikas in history, I can say that probably that claim has a lot of weight confirming such a thing. Every map is a blast that shows us what Wolfenstein could have been if it had been given some love during the Doom era, luckily, Doom already gives it more than enough love in one form or another, otherwise, this project gives it not only a big hug of appreciation, but forms a respectful ode full of inspiration and grace.
As usual, I like to acknowledge the work of each mapper in these projects, even with a few words: Starting this time, we have none other than @Big Ol Billy with MAP01, an ambient intro that immediately traps us in the new spooky atmosphere while showing us some of the juice of the WAD. MAP02 by @Phobus pats us on the back as he throws us into a small but intense map with good flow. MAP03 by @hardcore_gamer shows classic tints in its design that remind me a lot of the original Wolf3D. MAP04 by @Big Ol Billy is a huge base with a multitude of secrets and interconnected paths that work synergistically to create a fun adventure. MAP05 created by @Walter C and @Benjogami expands on the previous map and opens the doors to exploration, intense combat and excellent entertainment that never stops. MAP06 is an opportunity to unleash our power-fantasy desires, created by @Joe-ilya, it pleasantly fulfills that function. MAP07 by @glenzinho is an absolute blast from start to finish that takes my heart by possessing an unstoppable flow, a fantastic layout with a well thought out design and a gameplay that combined with an exciting MIDI creates an orgasmic work of bloody proportions. MAP08 by @valkiriforce, as we can expect, is a huge labyrinthine adventure with a multitude of interconnected paths and an evolving level development that features different encounters with varied and entertaining combat. Finally, MAP09 by @Big Ol Billy brings us a rain of pain in a boss-fight arena where we face off against the boss of the Nazis on Mars. A glorious final battle that, accompanied with Rammstein, gives birth to a totally rewarding finisher. And of course, MAP10 is the credits map that curiously gives us, literally, the credits. Tarantino somewhere?
Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars is a fantastic project from start to finish, with 10 total maps that are an absolute blast to play thanks to their incredible unparalleled presentation and excellent balance that allows players to enjoy a challenging but well-designed adventure for every type of doomer out there. I love the simple fact that it takes inspiration from the great father of all FPS's (at least that's what they call it) and recreates it in a new version that is able to present a unique, engaging, fun and well identifiable style. With great use of new textures and skins for the demons, as well as extra sounds and even a few new tricks up its sleeve, Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars gives us a head-to-toe tribute to what Wolf 3D was and what it could have been. With little references like collecting the gold relics on the maps, or simply finding the hidden secrets where we can find wonders, WAD fulfills its purpose of delivering quality under a nice shade of, uh, Nazis and demons.
By this point, the projects have demonstrated a superior ability to enhance crazy ideas and give them new life. The idea of creating a WAD with such hardcore themes as Nazis, demons and gore in a total project of 10 maps sounds crazy, and could prove catastrophic if not done correctly. Fear not, for this WAD demonstrates with absolute grace how to create something that even though it sounds like a bad idea, can give a fantastic result. This WAD should definitely be on your must-play list, not only because of the simple idea and concept it brings to light, but because it's a blast that offers fun maps, with an entertaining combat flow and perfect MIDIs; do you like Rammstein? Do you like to have fun? Do you like Doom? You like… uh, forget it. Play this, dammit!
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legiongamerrd · 8 months
Hace 12 años se lanzó Tales of Innocence R. Es un RPG de acción, originalmente para Nintendo DS, y luego re-hecho para PlayStation Vita. Innocence es la 9na entrega principal de la serie Tales, desarrollado por Alfa System y publicado por Bandai Namco (NDS). El remake para PS Vita (la versión que conmemoramos), Tales of Innocence R (テイルズオブイノセンス アール Teiruzu Obu Inosensu Āru) fue desarrollado por 7th Chord. Varios elementos fueron traídos de entregas anteriores, incluyendo el basado en acción Linear Motion Battle System. Innocence R incluye tanto un sistema de combate actualizado, como contenido adicional a la historia. Ambas versiones solo se lanzaron en Asia.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #BandaiNamco #7thChord #AlfaSystem #TalesofInnocence #TalesofInnocenceR #Talesof #PlayStation #PlayStationVita #PSVita #PSTV #CosasdelaVita #VitaIsland #RPG #JRPG #APRG
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battleanimrpg · 5 years
Fire Magic: Final Fantasy
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Fire - Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - Simple, interesting in that the animation is pre-rendered in the particle, which is a good solution for their first foray in 3D.
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Fira - Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - Really reminiscent of FF5′s? Kind of FF6′s as well. I like how Final Fantasy keeps this language of “tier 2 fire magic involves a pillar of flame” very consistent throughout the franchise.
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Firaga - Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - The flashing and particles are both very effective. The flame orbs that linearily expand, not so much.
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Flare - Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - Still don’t like the linear animation. But the contrast between red and blue really gives this one an intense feel. The only one so far to have a glow texture for the floor, too.
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Flamethrower - Final Fantasy VII(PSX) - Creative little way to recycle the Fire spell textures.
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Beta - Final Fantasy VII(PSX) - This one is just so random lol. It looks cool, once again nice use of the subtle hints of blue. The flashing, camera panning and sheer scale look imponent and ominous. Meanwhile, this one is very cheap, despite the little particles.
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Fire - Final Fantasy VIII(PSX) - Love the attention to detail in this one. Main fire particles, black smoke particles, small magic / fire sparks, and a floor lighting texture mesh. Classy, simple and effective.
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Fira - Final Fantasy VIII(PSX) - This one even more faithfully recreates FFV’s Fire Pillar concept, simply because of the floor mesh particles that spawn between caster / target. Really nice. Fire texture on the cone, smoke still checks, fire particles...
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Firaga - Final Fantasy VIII(PSX) - A real improvement over its past iteration in terms of timing and motion of the explosion itself. Still, I miss some of that knack of the flashing particles. But see? Good animation easing is sooo important.
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Flare - Final Fantasy VIII(PSX) - Reiterating on the concept of concentrated heat, this spell uses a really interesting zoom out zoom in effect on the character model. The orbs of fire that stay put before zooming out and dissipating really play into that concept too. I’m not a fan of the particles in the beginning of the spell, though, but otherwise really good.
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Fire Breath - Final Fantasy VIII(PSX) - Really improved upon the previous iteration, even if you ignore the flashy Limit Break intro. The most obvious downgrade is that the flame particle is no longer animated or randomly positioned, which makes it look very artificial. But the use of the flame rings in the spawn point, and the collision fire effect are both great.
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Fire - Final Fantasy IX(PSX) - This game’s animations vibe a lot like a mixture of FFT/FFX. Kinda miss the little fire sparks, though.
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Fira - Final Fantasy IX(PSX) - The fire pillar got a LOT larger. (The animations actually scale organically to the enemy this time around, by the way.)
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Firaga - Final Fantasy IX(PSX) - I don’t like the timing very much. Very pretty and detailed.
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Flare - Final Fantasy IX(PSX) - I had to make SEVERAL takes of this because the animation is just so large and the gif gets so heavy. Needless to say, this one’s amazing. Very good screen shaking effects, the sparingly used flashes really drive the point, multiple explosions, the few frames when it gets color-inverted... Pretty amazing. May be my new favorite Flare.
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Fire - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - I’m shocked. Realizing how similar this is to FF7′s is, wow. It kind of is similar to FF1′s (WSC-onwards) too. They all use these pre-rendered wisps of fire in “random” spots, FFX’s two changes to the formula are way higher quality animation for these individual wisps, and the obvious smoke. Also, there’s subtle heatwaves, too. Classy.
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Fira - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - Iterating on the Flame Pillar concept again. Notice how swift and sleek it is, though. Masterful timing! The blue accents are subtle but really accent the animation overall, too.
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Firaga - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - RAINBOWWSS. I LOVE RAINBOWS. i’m gay
the sound effect for this is really good, too, it really does justice to the motion there -- energy sucking in then exploding in one fiery blast. This is once again another iteration on the common Firaga you’ll see through the series. Don’t understand why this one doesn’t have a floor mesh when Fira does though, I feel it’d do wonders to hide the parts where the billboards meet the floor.
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Flare - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - Surprisingly underwhelming. Almost monochromatic, the timing isn’t as good: The colors are better on FF7′s, the intense heat trapping effect on FF8′s was engaging and FF9′s was just superb, if too lengthy. By the time you get this spell, it’s mostly useless anyway and you’ll be spamming Quick Hit...
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Flame Thrower - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - Really simple, but effective. A mix of fire and smoke particles, with the former on additive (?) and the latter on subtractive (?) blending modes. the motion and timing is real good. The subtle impact flash and particles add the last bit of polish.
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Meteor Strike - Final Fantasy X(PS2) - It’s funny that it’s called Meteor Strike when he’s launching what’s depicted closer to a fireball. It’s entirely billboard-based, too. I really like all the alpha masking and layering they got going for the FFX animations (not used a lot on the Fire spells)
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Fire - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - This game went quite simpler since so much was happening onscreen at the same time. Sleek and effective though. Gone are the multiple fire wisps and a single pre-rendered fire billboard appears, though it spawns simple fire sparks on impact. I don’t know if hardware limitations are at play, but FFXII had to deal with way higher information density and a player-controlled camera.
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Fira - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - Boom, screen shake. Take that, FFX’s Flare. I think the fire animation might be played in a cone-shaped mesh? also, the initial fire animation only plays once. EDIT: No, it does play for every target as Firaga shows. It’s just hard to see here because of the angle.
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Firaga - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - It’s just Fira, but 3x more fire. And about 1.2x hotter. Very readable, although it raises the concern of indistinguishability to the player.
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Flare - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - She’s GONE. Gone Girl. A movie I just know of because of one Ben Affleck scene. This one once again iterates on the concept Flare has throughout the series - heat that concentrates, cooks the target, then explodes into a fiery blast. This one I think is a maximum Effect Capacity spell -- a spell that, except on the modern remaster, needs to pause the whole battle system to play by itself, due to hardware limitations. You can see it really goes to town with all the particles. Amazing use of contrast, and that darker frame before the intense explosion just enhances everything. Also, notice the hue variation and subtle blues and purples.
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Ardor - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - The most powerful Fire spell is blue. I’ve heard that blue flames are the hottest, but the wikipedia article contradicts this. It’s 5 AM and I can’t digest text so I wouldn’t know. Still, an interesting choice.
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Firaja / Pyroclasm - Final Fantasy XII(PS2) - I don’t know even if I should put this here as it’s more of a cutscene. The fire is simple but the motion and flames themselves are great. Awesome heatwaves.
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Fire/Fira (+Ruin?) - Final Fantasy XIII(PS3) - This one is really weird to capture. I’m kinda tired, too, may get back to it later -- It’s 5 AM and I have to sleep. Still, fun to see they came back to the FF7-styled fire wisps for Fire, and the fire pillar for Fira.
Resources used: FFVII FFVIII(1, 2, 3) FFIX(1) FFX(1, 2, 3) FFXII(1, 2) FFXIII(1, )
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teaveetamer · 4 years
Alright just for fun Ima rank my personal preferences when it comes to Pokemon gens.
1) Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Admittedly this might be a bit of nostalgia talking since these were the first games I really played as a kid, but idc I love them. Archie and Maxie are kind of ridiculous but Hoenn is such a wonderful region that’s interesting and intuitive to explore, the music is pretty kickass, and it’s full to the brim with Pokemon that I absolutely adore.
Main criticism: 7/10 Too Much Water (Also I was not the biggest fan of ORAS as remakes).
2) Black, White, Black 2, and White 2
I’ll admit I wasn’t too keen on these ones when they first came out, but now that they’ve had quite some time to sit I gotta say I love them. IMO this is the last Pokemon game that really took risks, what with having the largest cast of new ‘mons since Gen 1 (and Black and White actually forced you to use them). Admittedly some of the new ‘mons were a bit hit or miss, but with such a large cast there’s at least a lot of cool ones to choose from. I also really wish they’d revisit the sequel idea at some point, getting to explore Unova again from a different angle was truly something special.
Oh, and I’d say Team Plasma is probably, like, the least ridiculous of all the evil teams (barring maybe Rocket, since at least they’re just a gang without world ending aspirations). It honestly had some pretty interesting characters and character focus that I wish more Pokemon games would do.
Also I really liked PokeStar Studios. Sue me.
Main Criticism: A little too linear at points. I know they were trying to phase out HMs, but it did create a sort of annoying situation.
3) Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Also perhaps a bit of nostalgia but Sinnoh is an excellent region. Another roster of kickass new pokemon, including some new evolutions to give some of the older ‘mons a bit of an upgrade. Another thing I really wish they’d revisit at some point. There’s also lots of neat little nooks and crannies to explore, and the series’s best rendition of pokemon contests. The little areas with the AI partners and forced double battles were also really cool, IMO.
Main criticism: Not enough new Fire Type ‘mons.
4) Gold, Silver, Crystal (+Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Crystal was technically my first Pokemon game, though I was too young to really play it properly. I know HGSS are technically remakes but I don’t think I’d like the originals so much if they didn’t get such fantastic remakes. Everything about HGSS is absolutely amazing. Pokeathalon was a fun diversion from the main game, two regions in one game was amazing, and the cute little ‘mons following you around were amazing. Buuut if we go just by the original games then they’re definitely lower on the list, just by virtue of being older games without a lot of the little modernizing touches and QoL fixes we got down the line.
Main Criticism: I find the game generally enjoyable, it just didn’t really grab me like some of the higher games on this list did.
5) FireRed and LeafGreen (with a special shoutout to Let’s Go! Eevee)
I actually didn’t play the original RBY until I was an adult, but I think by now we all know those games were being held together with scotch tape and hope. Kanto, as the OG region, has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts but I just… can’t really get that into it anymore. I mean I enjoy it, but given GameFreak’s incessant need to throw the OG 151 into everything I’m just kind of bored of the region and the ‘mons that came with it.
I will say that the Let’s Go games really spiced things up with the visible map pokemon, following/ride pokemon, different catching system, boxlink letting you switch up your party on the fly, and the adorable as fuck little partner you get to have riding around on your shoulder the whole time. Not to mention the fun little post-game challenges for the completionists out there.
Main criticism: Overuse. Also Let’s Go only included the original 151, even though many gen 1 ‘mons got evolutions or pre-evolutions in future titles. Would have liked to have seen those carried over. Was also not a fan of the lack of breeding or GTS to make certain Pokemon easier to obtain.
6) Sword and Shield
Might just be recency bias, but I did really have a lot of fun with this game. A lot of the locations were really beautiful and I really hope they bring back a big, explorable wild area type thing in the future. It’s one of those things that Pokemon always should have had, but you don’t realize how good it is until you’ve got it. The new ‘mons were probably my favorite new cast introduced in the most recent three gens. Also the clothes perfectly captured my bum aesthetic and I appreciate.
Unfortunately this game loses a lot of points with me because of just how unfinished it is. The towns were woefully small and the story was pretty non-existent. It just screams of a game execs wanted to push out to reach a deadline.
Main Criticism: Obviously unfinished. Probably my least favorite collection of starters ever.
7) X and Y
Honestly the last two slots are pretty interchangeable for me, but I will say I had a lot more fun with X and Y than I did with Sun and Moon. Even if it’s not my favorite I have replayed it at least once, which is not an honor I can give to Sun and Moon.
That said… I just hated a lot of the things X and Y did. I hated megas (and how they were forcibly shoved into ORAS), I was not a huge fan of Fairy type, the rollerskates were fucking stupid, the story was dumb, and just like Sword and Shield there were a lot of “this is clearly unfinished” moments. Granted there were less than Sword and Shield, but they were definitely still there. This was also the first gen to start the “less than 100 new pokemon per gen” tradition.
I’ll also say that this is the first gen where “exclusions” started to become really noticeable. Newer gens always removed features from older gens, but it was usually small stuff or side stuff like contests or the pokeathalon. This time around they put in a whole ass core gameplay  feature (megas) only to completely remove them two gens later with very little explanation.
That said, Kalos was a really beautiful region on the whole. PokeParis is probably the best “massive city” that Pokemon has ever done.
A Random Compliment: They finally added sitting to a Pokemon game god bless.
8) Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Ridiculous amounts of handholding, small cast of new pokemon, very few Pokemon I was actually tempted to use, and a region I was very meh on. Island trials really didn’t interest me. IMO they didn’t do enough to mix up the formula, it was very much still a Pokemon Game going through the Pokemon Game motions, just with a slightly different coat of paint.
I also find the existence of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon insulting. X and Y were unfinished, but they didn’t then try to sell you the improved version one year after the release of the original at full price.
I know the existence of third versions is a bit controversial, but they didn’t bother me that much with Gens 1-4. Yellow was completely it’s own thing, and Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum were just improving on already extremely solid games. Sun and Moon made me feel like a beta tester. I was honestly so disgusted I’ve still never finished playing Ultra Sun to this day.
Biggest Fucking Criticism: They took away my ability to sit?! One gen after they introduced the magic of sitting?!
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Greedfall Opinion
Greedfall is an approaching position enjoying movie sport revealed by Concentrate Home Interactive scheduled to launch on September 2019 on Microsoft home windows Laptop system. On the other hand, GreedFall at least tries to make the natives heterogeneous and morally complicated, and I ponder if that may have been a net optimistic for Native American representation in online games. Greedfall makes use of a genuine-time action battle method which can be paused at any position to solid spells or use products. There are a number of circumstances where you can reply to a issue or offer some feelings, typically after finishing a phase of a Companion's personal questline, but the huge part of participant-to-companion conversation as an alternative takes place inside Greedfall's story scenes on their own.
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You activate and install Greedfall to enjoy on Steam, it is a non-refundable match that stays in your Steam games assortment. GreedFall is an RPG to its core, with an emphasis on flexibility in both character growth and how you proceed by means of the world. Created by French studio, Spiders, GreedFall drops the player on the esoteric island of Teer Fradee as a diplomat charged with securing a treatment for a disease that has ravaged the lands again home on the continent.
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