#liriels art
helloliriels · 6 months
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'When all is lost, your face I see ...
... Do you, still then, remember me?'
Remember Me by helloliriels (GIF art made to accompany ficlet)
Based on this actual knitted soldier found in UK for Remembrance Day, Syston, Liecestershire. (I've moved it to London .... shhhh!)
Uncle Rudy w/Baby Sherlock, Mummy Holmes with Kindergarten Lock, Teenlock w/Mycroft, Sherlock alone, The Soldier (John) carrying Sherlock home to 221b. (wanted to do a few more of the in-between years, but stuck with just adding Uncle Rudy, like it had been their routine for years)
@chinike @rhasima @johnlocky @whatnext2020 @iwlyanmw @mrb488 @fluffbyday-smutbynight @totallysilvergirl @7-percent @sarahthecoat @kettykika78 @khorazir @musingsofmyown @mutedsilence @cmorris-art @safedistancefrombeingsmart @chriscalledmesweetie @discordantwords @john-smiths-jawline @gregorovitchworld @lisbeth-kk @dontfuckmylifewtf @so-youre-unattached-like-me @colourfulwatson @pocketwatchofmycroft @aquilea-of-the-lonely-mountain @loki-lock @missdeliadili @sgam76 @peanitbear @morgendaemmerung89 @zira-and-crowley @teamkidman @meetinginsamarra @keirgreeneyes @impalaparkedat221b @topsyturvy-turtely @a-victorian-girl @thegirlfromthesouth @insistentbass @arwamachine @solarmama @amyreadsandstresses @glows-n-the-dark @masterofhounds @inevitably-johnlocked @kittenmadnessandtea @raina-at @anyway-kindness @purplevatican
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the-banished-one · 4 months
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reading homeland vs reading daughter of the drow
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bluecoolr · 24 days
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Working on the twins' family tree and did the noble ladies 💁🏻‍♀️
They were a lot of fun to draw
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everybodyloveshippos · 11 months
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Liriel and Fyodor
I’ve been reading the Starlight and Shadows trilogy and liking it a lot.
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alicelufenia · 4 months
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Finally finished Dissolution. It was meh, interesting premise, but hearing how much has been retconned from those books makes me less eager to immediately dive into the rest of the series.
So I picked up Daughter of the Drow, and plan to re-read the Drizzt novels next. I've heard nothing but praise for Elaine Cunningham, time to see for myself.
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becachu · 7 months
Moments from our campaign caught in 4k
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Liriel has a bad habit of falling
This is my friend's design!!!!!
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lady-darkelf · 11 months
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Liriel_by_kiwidoc by kiwidoc
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devourm0us · 8 months
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A commission for @/riot_fae of their OC Liriel! If you want to read a bit about them, they’re actually featured in this fic that they wrote, which can be found HERE!
If you’re interested in getting similar art, shoot me a message or submit a commission request form HERE!
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History in Menzoberranzan
3917 DR
Menzoberranzan was founded by a priestess of Lolth named Menzoberra the Kinless 
1305 DR in politics
The drow wizards of House Mylyl, having been experimenting with creating chitines since 1233 DR,[3] finally abandon their efforts. The chitines, now free, form the realm of Yathchol beneath the Far Forest.
1313 DR
After proving his above-average agility and hand–eye coordination to Matron Malice, Drizzt Do'Urden begins training his martial skills with Zaknafein.
1318 DR
Having learned much from Zaknafein of the martial arts, Drizzt Do'Urden enters Melee-Magthere, the warrior school in Menzoberranzan.
1320 DR
Following the Thunder Blessing, the growing gold dwarf population is forced to spread out across the southern Underdark, seeking new caverns to settle and disturbing the long-held status quo of the subterranean races.
1322 DR
• Liriel Baenre is born to Sosdrielle Vandree in Menzoberranzan.
1325 DR
• Beers and wines made in this year become famous.
1327 DR
• Having trained for ten years at Menzoberranzan's Melee-Magthere, Drizzt Do'Urden becomes first graduate of his class.
1328 DR
After a raid on Menzoberranzan from the Illithid of Phanlinksal, House Baenre retaliates. In exchange for not destroying the settlement, El-Viddenvelp agrees to serve Yvonnel Baenre as an advisor.
1328 DR in people
• Drizzt Do'Urden flees Menzoberranzan and goes to live in the wilds of Nasadra. House Hrost Ulu'ar destroyed by House Xorlarrin
self-imposed exile
1339 DR
House Baenre destroys House Do'Urden of Menzoberranzan by the mandate of Lolth.
1358 DR
• House Oblodra (with its psionic powers unaffected by the Time of Troubles) plots to seize power over the drow city of Menzoberranzan. However, as the Troubles end, they are defeated and destroyed by House Baenre.
Led by House Baenre, an army of drow, goblins, and kobolds of Menzoberranzan attack Mithril Hall. The dwarves are joined by local barbarian tribes, svirfneblin, the forces of Nesmé and Silverymoon, as well as Lady Alustriel Silverhand and the Harpells of Longsaddle. Together, they defeat the drow and force them back underground.
in Menzoberranzan, where Matron Malice and the rest of the Do'Urden family are still waging war with House Hun'ett. With the help of renegade Jarlaxle and his group Bregan D'aerthe, the Do'Urden family win the fight moving them to Eighth position in the Menzo hierarchy.
Matron Malice goes to council with Matron Baenre, where it is revealed to her that Matron SiNafay Hun'ett is to join the Do'Urden family under the alias of Shi'nayne - the eldest daughter who has returned from her travels of distant drow city Ched Nasad. After several ten-days pass, Dinin and Briza with a small group of soldiers are searching for Drizzt in the tunnels of the Underdark, so that they can capture and kill him, and regain the favour of the Spider Queen, Lolth. 
The family of House Do'Urden gather in the anteroom, where Rizzen is being abused by Matron Malice. They discuss whether or not any of them should go after Drizzt again, Briza and Dinin not being keen at all since their last encounter. Malice hatches an idea, and so a ceremony takes place to bring forth a yochlol (maiden) of Lolth. To please Lolth, Malice has decided to sacrifice Rizzen so that they may regain enough favour to carry out her plans. As the yochlol is called, Malice goes to strike Rizzen but instead murders SiNafay, which gives her enough respect from Lolth to perform Zin-carla, a spell with re-animates the corpse of a single dead person but their mind is controlled mentally through the Matron of the House, a gift only given to complete a specific task. And so to hunt Drizzt, Malice re-animates Zaknafein knowing that he alone can destroy Drizzt.
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dreamingdarklyblog · 8 months
Picking it Apart
So... Continuing my attempt to talk about what happened yesterday here. Picking up the thread from here. Trying to keep the threads from getting too long by breaking them up like this.
I started talking about how things "Feel" or how it feels like they "Work" in a response to a question, but I thought like it should get it's own post. To sort of repeat the start of that answer, to get us back into the topic...
Yeah there's some... Hangover. If that's what you want to call it. First there's a moment of realization. At least, the way he has it "wear off", is pretty sudden. Or was yesterday. And so there's a moment when suddenly I'm thinking "clearly". I use quotes because I'm not really, yet. But the strain of maintaining the suggestion is gone and I feel like a weight is lifted. Then in this specific case of course, the suggestions are About not thinking clearly... Being super suggestible, and... You know. Dumb.
I'm not sure how that "works" exactly? I guess I think of it like every thought or action I take is going through a filter. Looking back on it Now, after the fact, I can sort of see it, or remember it... At the time it's all kind of background processing. I'm not really aware of it. But thinking about it now I picture it like a flow chart, or an assembly line or something. Throughput gets fed into the little "Suggestion" box, and comes out the other end altered. Very different meaning of suggestion box huh? There's definitely a story idea in there...
A thing happens, a stimulus, something that provokes a response. My natural response fires, whatever it is, but then goes into a filter that checks against whatever suggestion is running through my head, and it gets tweaked. Then it goes into the next one, and the next one, and keeps getting altered. Until finally it hits my conscious mind and goes out into the world as the response to the stimulus.
That's just how I'm thinking of it of course. The actual experience, now that I feel more aware of it, is more like just a hanging moment. Like this brief "Uhhh" moment, where my thoughts kind of hang, like the beach ball on a laggy computer, before I catch up and react.
I suppose in some ways a "Dumb" suggestion is one of the easiest to hold onto. Because most suggestions tend to slow down my thinking anyway, it's sort of a natural result. If I'm labouring under the weight of a pile of complicated things, I get pretty slow even if that's not the intention. Not so much the "bimbo" persona, of course, but just the difficulty understanding, slow to react, sluggish sort of dumb =/
That's just if there's a LOT going on though. Usually the hanging thought is very brief. Not even noticeable really, from outside anyway. At least not that I know of. The more there is going on though, the longer it gets, until it's very noticeable.
Ooof... Anyway
In the moment yesterday I wasn't really noticing any of that. I just felt... Slow. Thick. Dumb. Everything was kind of confusing. Hard to process. Difficult to understand. Everything felt like an art film with an obscure theme, or a trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of the squeeze theorem.
My writing partner would offer up other thoughts, and I would latch onto them like I was drowning and they were a life preserver. Like it was difficult to come up with any on my own, and starved for input my mind would just accept anything it came across. Anything he said...
It's honestly really hot thinking about it. Also rather conflicting and embarrassing >_<
Anyway... Thats's where a lot of my thoughts at the time were coming from. Wanting Bigger Tits... Wanting to post here... To tell you all about how much I'd been rubbbing all day... How excited I was to turn everyone on and tell them about it...
Aaand now I'm not sure where to go with this post. Or how to end it.
Liriel out?
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kannyelle · 1 year
Um amigo meu anda sem vender arte desde julho, quem trabalha com arte sabe que é muito difícil e ele esta passando por um momento de necessidade. Vou deixar alguns desenhos dele aqui embaixo, quem se interessar chama ele no pv, o user dele aqui no tumblr é @liriel-ycr
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helloliriels · 8 months
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"Let's get married. I want to keep you ..."
a FTH gift for @discordantwords and the brilliant fic that has me enraptured ... if you haven't read it yet, do!
Sharing! @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @masterofhounds @whatnext2020 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @topsyturvy-turtely @john-smiths-jawline @gregorovitchworld @missdeliadili @jawnscoffee @bertytravelsfar @totallysilvergirl @sarahthecoat @7-percent @shelleysprometheus @paulineholmes02 @inevitably-johnlocked @chinike @rhasima @khorazir @kettykika78 @iwlyanmw @colourfulwatson @arwamachine @2smach @tiverrr @anyway-kindness @peageetibbs @peanitbear @kabubsmagga @iamjustreading @calaisreno @meetinginsamarra @myriath @loki-lock @sgam76 @janetm74 @pocketwatchofmycroft @dontfuckmylifewtf @k2ntwo @mutedsilence @keirgreeneyes @morgendaemmerung89 @raina-at @solarmama @momma2boys @janeofcakes @bluebellofbakerstreet @simplyclockwork
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peachydreams-art · 3 years
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Liriel Baenre redesign for a campaign i am running.
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espressoxpanna · 5 years
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A Forgekin Puppetmaster & Her Logistics System
Support me buying a Ko-fi Comissions Open Twitter
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leadflowers · 4 years
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Suddenly, some Elder Scrolls art!
This is an old piece I did of my boyfriend’s Bosmer OCs (sisters) who are basically opposites of each other and bicker all the time. One is a grumpy mage with a strong sense of “proper, civilized” behaviour (Lalwen, on the left), the other is a frolicsome archer who likes drinking rotmeth (Liriel, right).
A conversation between them goes something like this:
Lalwen: You have bits of bone and feathers on your clothes, your breath stinks of rotmeth, and what is that awful gunk on your skin? Liriel: By Yffre's hairy toe, being this uptight should be illegal! Have some rotmeth, it will do you good. Lalwen: It's made from rotten meat and dead bugs; I hardly think so. Liriel: Suit yourself. More for me! Lalwen: ...This is why people don't take us seriously.
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princesssarisa · 4 years
10 facts about Shana and her mother Darika. Plus the full OC interview with each of them :)
Here they are! Shanna, the “Beauty” of my wlw Beauty and the Beast retelling (which still lacks a definitive title, though I intend it to include the word “rose”), and Darika, her mother.
Shanna 10 facts 1. She is 14 years old during the story’s prologue, 17 when the main plot starts, and 19 by the end.
2. My facecast for her is the late Israeli singer Ofra Haza (best known to some of us for providing the voice of Moses’s mother Yocheved in The Prince of Egypt) when she was very young.
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3. She’s mixed race. Her mother’s ancestors were white pseudo-Europeans, while her father’s came from a Middle Eastern-inspired culture. Both practiced the same Judaism- and Shamanism-inspired religion, though. She’s her world’s equivalent of a Jewish person who’s half Ashkenazi, half Mizrahi.
4. Her name is partly a variant of the Yiddish “Shaina,” meaning “beautiful,” and partly an abbreviation of the Hebrew “Shoshanna,” meaning “lily” or, more significantly, “rose.” It has nothing to do with the Hebrew “shana,” meaning “year” – they’re just almost-homonyms.
5. Unlike most traditional Beauty and the Beast Beauties, she’s the eldest of three sisters, not the youngest. Her two sisters aren’t wicked, but they are a bit of a handful because they’re so young, and she’s had to be their responsible caretaker. She plays that role well – her little sister Zuri sooner calls for her than for their mother when she needs help – but it’s kept her from fully exploring her own potential, which she finally does get to explore during her time with Liriel, the lady beast.
6. Her personality is very much like Disney’s original animated Belle: bookish, sweet, emotional, full of dreams, yet intelligent and strong willed too. She’s more socially awkward than Belle, though, and unfortunately, she also has the self-doubt of Robin McKinley or Megan Kearney’s Beauties. Unlike Belle, she’s internalized the idea that she’s odd and oversensitive, so she tries to act like a “normal” down-to-earth villager, until the year she spends with Liriel makes her realize her worth just as she is.
7. She’s an aspiring author and poet. At age 13, before her family fell into poverty, she wrote a play based on the popular story of the heroine Lady Yasfira, portraying her as more flawed and dynamic than in most retellings, giving more sympathy than usual to the “evil” queen who opposed her, and portraying them as having once been friends. (Think either The Prince of Egypt or Wicked, or both.) The play was never performed at the time, but years later, with Liriel’s encouragement, she fine-tunes it, and then they perform it together for Liriel’s animal servants – this plays an important role in their growing feelings for each other.
8. She rarely lets herself get angry, but when she does, she can verbally annihilate you.
9. She realized she was bisexual at age 11 when, after her first crush on a boy at her school ended, she developed a new crush on a girl. She probably realized this more quickly than most real-world bi girls do, because the setting, Zalina Island, has no homophobia. She never acted on her crushes, but only out of shyness, not because she saw anything wrong with liking girls.
10. Despite her gentle personality, she’s not especially femme: she’s more soft butch, or maybe futch. She dislikes dresses (fortunately, Zalina Island has no taboo against women in pants) and generally wears just one or two feminine articles, like a shawl or earrings, with otherwise boyish clothing.
Interview (as she would answer it around the middle of the story)
What did you want to be, when you were a kid? There were so many things I wanted to be at different times. A queen, a princess, a duchess, a prophet, a traveling bard, an actress, a shepherdess, a farmer, a lady knight, a prime minister, a priestess, an acrobat, a cook, a kitchen maid, a dressmaker like my mother, a merchant like my father, a doctor, a midwife, a goldsmith, a fairy… and eventually, I realized that the one way to be all those things was to be a writer.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer? As soon as I was old enough to realize that stories didn’t come out of thin air, but where written by people. I wanted to do it as soon as I knew I could.
Who inspires you? My mother, my father, and a wide array of fictional heroes and heroines.
If you got to choose, where would you like to live? With whom? I’d love to live in a castle. I try not to care where I live as long as my family is with me, but my dreams of living in some splendid beautiful place never seem to die. I wouldn’t want it unless my family was there too, though.
Which item would you never give away? My journal, where I write down my secret thoughts, poems and stories.
Tell us about the biggest mistake you made in your life. Until recently, I might have cited the time I forgot to write an important history essay for school because I got lost in writing my play Yasfira and Anefri. Or else the time I lost my temper with my three-year-old sister Zuri and hurt her feelings so badly that she ran away and was missing for over an hour. But now, there’s no doubt that my worst mistake was asking Mama to bring me back a unique flower if she could find one on her trip to the city. Who would have thought a flower would cost so much?
Did you ever fear for your life? Yes, the moment when I saw Lady Liriel for the first time, after I followed Mama back to her lair – half wolf, half dragon, and entirely terrifying – and even more so, when she sniffed the air and I knew she smelled me hiding there.
There’s people who say you’re strange. Do you have any comment on this? I’m afraid it’s true. So often my imagination feels more real than the real world, my mind flies off to places that no one else believes exist, my emotions swell and crash like tidal waves no matter how much I try to swallow them and put logic first, I’ve always asked too many questions, and I feel less alone with only my books, paper and pen than I do in crowds of people.
Tell us something about you that nobody knows. Well, not many people know how strange I am anymore. I’ve learned to copy Mama and pretend to be as sensible and down-to-earth as she and our neighbors are, instead of spewing my feelings and dreams the way I used to. If the villagers knew about my romantic fantasies or the stories and poems I write in my head, they would laugh or scold even more than the people in the city did when I was small. 
What would make a perfect day for you? A few hours spent reading, a few spent writing, and maybe a trip to the theatre in the evening, with people who understand me and let me feel free to be myself.
Darika 10 Facts 1. She takes on the father’s traditional role in the Beauty and the Beast story. Her husband was a merchant, but he died in the same shipwreck that destroyed his merchandise and left the family impoverished. But a few years later, she learns that one of his ships survived after all, has to travel to reclaim its cargo, but gets lost in a forest… and we all know the rest. Recent BatB retellings have put a lot of effort into answering the question “What happened to Beauty/Belle’s mother?” in interesting and poignant ways. To be different, I thought “Why not make her mother the living parent?”
2. My facecast for her is the New York City Criminal Court judge Rachel “Ruchie” Freier. Not that I know much about Judge Freier, but her face look right for the character.
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3. At the beginning of the story, she’s 35 years old. By the end, she’s 40.
4. She was born in a small, poor village at the base of the White Pine Mountains. Her parents died when she was a baby, so she was raised by her grandfather and her older sister, who have since died too. 
5. She worked as a seamstress in the village until she met and fell in love with a wealthy young traveling merchant from an elite port city. Despite the disapproval of his social circle, they married. After his death, she took their daughters back to her home village to start a new life.
6. Her impoverished upbringing and family tragedies have toughened her. She takes a very practical, hardworking, no-nonsense approach to life, tries to teach her daughters to do the same, and is calm and resolute in the face of hardship, focusing on “What are we going to do about it?” She sometimes loses patience with her daughter Shanna’s dreaminess and sensitivity, which makes Shanna, who adores and idolizes her, feel inadequate and weak.
7. Inside, though, she feels just as deeply and intensely as Shanna does. Her love for her family is limitless and she’s actually very dependent on Shanna, who fills the role of the family’s nurturing caregiver more than Darika’s temperament lets her do.
8. One thing she and Shanna have in common, which Shanna learned from her, is strong integrity and deep compassion for others. For her, the best part of being rich was all the good she could do for the poor, while the hardest part of becoming poor again was having so little to give to those even poorer.
9. Her sewing is more than just her job – it’s an art. She embroiders the clothes and quilts she makes with all kinds of colors and unique designs. The vibrant images she creates are an outlet for the emotions she doesn’t express.
10. Her personality is inspired by assorted beloved literary heroines, both classic (Jane Eyre, Elinor Dashwood) and modern (Tamora Pierce’s lady knight Keladry of Mindalen). For all their differences, and though they’re much younger than Darika, all these heroines are quiet, practical, dignified, staunch in their integrity, deeply caring and passionate on the inside, and yet with masks of stoic self-control that they only drop when intensely provoked. I like those heroines and admire them, yet sometimes their popular role model status annoys me, because it’s hard for a highly sensitive, naturally effusive person to act like them. So Darika pays tribute to them, but the story will also emphasize that her daughters don’t need to be like her.
Interview (as she would answer it around the middle of the story) What did you want to be, when you were a kid? A forest sprite or a good witch. I had a wild imagination in those days, before the real world tamed it.
When did you know you wanted to be a seamstress? When I first learned that the flowers and birds on my childhood quilt hadn’t sprouted there by themselves, but were embroidered by my mother, and that the storytelling tapestries that hung on the village temple walls were sewn by other villagers in the same way. I wanted to create beauty like they had, and to tell stories through pictures, while at the same time creating useful things for others: clothes, blankets, handkerchiefs, etc.  I think I willed my own talent for sewing into being to do just that.  
Who inspires you? My older sister Shanna; the namesake of my daughter. We lost our mother very young, so she took on the role of mother for me, and every day her love and strength have inspired me as I’ve raised my own children.
If you got to choose, where would you like to live? With whom? I would live in a clean, elegant, comfortable house with my daughters, a servant or two, and my husband, if only I could bring him back.
Which item would you never give away? My wedding ring.
Tell us about the biggest mistake you made in your life. Three of them, one directly after the other. First, when I was lost in the Great Forest during a storm, I took shelter in what I thought was an ordinary cave. Then, when I found that the inside looked like a castle, I should have turned and left; even then I knew that such an enchanted place would be dangerous. But I was cold, wet, and afraid I would die if I went back out into the storm, so I stayed. Last but not least, when I discovered the greenhouse garden in that castle-cave, I crept in and picked a rose as a gift for my daughter Shanna. Who would have dreamed a single flower would cost so much?
Did you ever fear for your life? I feared for my life when I was lost in the storm, but even more so when I came face to face with Lady Liriel. I’ll never forget the sight of her matted fur and vampire-bat fangs as she glared down at me.
There’s people who say you’re cold and stony. Do you have any comment on this? They don’t really know me.
Tell us something about you that nobody knows. Very few people fully know me, not even my daughters. I play the role of the calm, practical peasant woman, but it’s only skin-deep. Shanna thinks all her wild passions and romantic dreams came from her father, but really she inherited them from me too. My grandfather knew the secret me, and so did my sister, and my husband. But they’re all gone, and as I’ve buried each of them, I’ve buried those aspects of myself more deeply.
What would make a perfect day for you? A quiet day of embroidery by the fire at home, with my daughters all near me and all happy.
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