#listen I’m way too ADHD to sit still and be quiet so I get it Pete
thefanciestborrower · 2 years
what do you think of pred!peter? I was thinking in a more 'the tables have turned' situation because he would never sit still and the poor sap in his belly would likely want waterproof earplugs by the end of it all, with the kid's endless chattering and moving
Ohhh my gosh you’re so right he absolutely would not shut up. While I mostly see him as a chaotic prey lad he ABSOLUTELY has played pred on a few occasions. Mostly I can see that happening with either MJ and Ned or Banner, and both options are equally hilarious to me. He wouldn’t even be going on about anything relevant to the situation either. You’d think he’d be asking all sorts of questions about what he’s like inside but really he just won’t shut up about this one episode of Star Trek he just saw, and while Ned finds it entertaining, MJ would really like some earplugs please. Tho if it were Banner he’d eaten Peter would really just be geeking out the whole time about some rapid fire science nonsense and pretty much no one can understand what he’s going on about. 
Also I feel like he’d forget that whatever he does affects his insides so he’d just, try and swing or climb up something and immediately get kicked at for making gravity go all wonky for his ‘passengers’. He also is incapable of keeping his hands away from his stomach while he’s got someone in there so you’re just gonna have to put up with being squished and prodded the entire time 
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
hii ik ive requested before but could i request a neville x huff!reader where like the reader is really loud and extroverted and has adhd but neville is his quiet self and he loves listening to her ramble about everything and anything? <333333 love your work bestie
You can request as many times as you'd like bestie <333
Prompt List-If you wanna request!!!
Masterlist- All my fics in one places for you!!
His (Chatty) Hufflepuff-Neville Longbottom
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Neville wasn’t exactly the most extroverted person. He was typically quiet and didn’t say too much in class unless called upon. He had very few friends, and he honestly kept to himself a lot. Neville was picked on and teased for being ‘forgetful’ and sometimes, it made him sad, but he knew that what the people said was true, so he didn’t mind all too much. 
You on the other hand were like a bouncy ball. You’d talk and talk and talk until you physically could not. You were very energetic and tended to convey that into your words. You had quite a few friends and you were known for talking really fast. People liked you, and knew you as ‘the energetic Hufflepuff’. You had a habit of telling everyone everything and some found it quite annoying, but you didn’t care. 
Thats why, when Neville asked you out one day during fourth year, people were surprised when you said yes. They were even more surprised when you two continued to date for the years following. You and Neville were polar opposites and people found it odd that you two had been together for so long. 
“His quietness would send me through the roof.” Some people would say.
“She’s too loud, and she is quite energetic. I would get annoyed quickly.” Others would say.
But, you never listened to them. Probably because you were too focused on talking to Neville. 
“OH OH OH OH OH. AND THEN, and then Cathrine told Henry that she never actually liked him! Can you believe that? After seven years together you think she would’ve truly liked him. I mean, if it was me, I would’ve never been with Henry because I’m convinced his favorite food is garlic bread! He always smells like garlic. I actually like Garlic I think it's yummy. And I like dipping it in pasta. Do you like Pasta Neville?” 
Neville smiled up at you from where he was sitting. He was trying to do his herbology homework but he was so engrossed in listening to you that his homework had made its way back into his bag. You two were sitting underneath the tree in the courtyard, and Neville watched as you laughed and smiled. Truth is, he was more paying attention to your lips moving and the sound of your laugh than your story, but he still answered you. 
“I like Pasta.” 
“Oh that's good because I LOVE Pasta, if I could eat pasta everyday I could. Well, maybe not everyday because I would get sick of it, and if I got sick of pasta I would be so sad because I LOVE pasta Neville. I really like when they put that white sauce on the pasta too, with the chicken. OH speaking of chicken, did you know my brother has a chicken farm in Italy! He raises chickens, Neville! Can you believe that?”
“I cannot.” 
“Me either, I could never be around chickens. They smell and they are very very loud. Kind of like Henry. OH OH OH Did I tell you that Henry and Cathrine aren’t together? They broke up because Cathrine said that she never liked him.”
You continued to talk, all your stories and little speeches always got mixed and tangled together, but you somehow managed to always bring it back to the main point. 
Neville sat in the courtyard listening to you rant about everything for the next hour, but he didn’t mind it. He loved the way your voice sounded, how you would laugh at your own jokes and the way you always asked him a question every now and then to keep him interested in the conversation. 
People walked past and they wondered how you two could stand each other. But you knew that with Neville’s quietness, and your chattiness, you were a perfect match. And no one could ever make you think otherwise.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Mr Bell x Student!reader- burning anger
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So the reader got adhd and you got a new teacher and they don’t understand you so you walk out of lesson and went to mr bell office and he help calm down - Anon💜
You had been in the quiet room for most of the morning, so when you decided to go to lesson you were a few minutes late since it was on the other end of the school.
Walking in, you looked at the new teacher and walked over to him, handing him a slip of paper.
“Sorry in late sir, I was in the quiet room, this is a note from Mr Hyatt.”
“Just sit down.”
You shrugged, leaving the paper on his desk and taking your seat, looking at the board at what the lesson was for today.
Geography was a boring lesson, and you didn’t enjoy it much, but you still went because you had too.
Though todays lesson was nothing like what you were used to, it was talking about sediment flow, rivers and lakes and going into much more detail than you were used too.
While watching the video the teacher had put on, you rummaged through your bag for your stress ball, bringing it out to redirect some energy you were feeling.
You squished it, tossed it between your hands lightly, rolled it around on the table.
The teacher stopped next to you and tapped his hand on the table.
“Enough of that, put it away.”
You looked up at him.
“I’m sorry sir, it’s to redirect some of my energy to help me focus.”
“Right well it’s a video not a sports lesson so put it away or I’ll take it away.”
“You can’t do that, I’m allowed to have it, Mrs Carter said so.”
“And this is my classroom, and I’m telling you to put it away. First you come in late, now your distracting other students.”
You furrowed your brows a little, looking at him in confusion.
“No I’m not, they don’t care.”
“Put it away, give it to me or leave me lesson.”
“I haven’t done anything man!”
“Right stay after class.”
You grumbled and put the ball away, staying in your chair, but as the lesson went on, you were finding it hard to concentrate.
So you stood up while you worked, moving from side to side a little bit to keep yourself occupied.
Again, you were told off, and you simply had enough so you left the classroom.
You didn’t want to put up with this new teacher, and you felt like you shouldn’t have to explain yourself to him.
You made your way down to the PE office and kicked the closed door a few times.
“I’ve told you to knock not kick my door (Y/N).” Mr Bell said.
You opened it and stepped in, throwing the stress all as hard as you could at the wall.
“(Y/N)?” He asked.
“People piss me off.”
“Right, no swearing, but tell me what happened.”
You carried on throwing the ball, and he got up, taking the ball as it bounced back from the wall.
“You’ll break something.”
“I don’t care.”
“Alright maybe not but that cup you made me in art might get broken and I don’t want it to be broken.”
“You can’t even drink out of it it’s got a hole..”
He smiled a little, tossing the ball to you and you bounced it on the floor to catch it instead.
“That doesn’t matter, you made it and that’s what counts. You want to tell me what happened?”
You grumbled.
“You want to do some boxing?”
This caught your attention and you nodded, so after helping him set everything up, you began to hit the pads on his hands as hard as you could.
“I didn’t even do nothing wrong!” You snapped.
“Did you explain to him you have permission?”
“Yeah but the asshole wouldn’t listen! I shouldn’t have to explain to everybody that I have ADHD!”
You threw a particularly hard punch, missing the back and hitting Mr Bell in the chest making him stumble back, knocking the wind from him.
“I’m so sorry!”
You quickly took the gloves off and backed away slightly with your hands in the air.
Mr Bell took the pads off, placing a hand on his chest to rub the spot you had punched, and took a few small breaths.
“Jesus (Y/N), nobody told me you could throw one hell of a punch.”
“I’m really sorry!”
He laughed a little, shaking his head at you.
“It’s fine, it’s alright. You think you’re the only student to hit me? Because you’re not, I know it was an accident you’re in no trouble okay?”
You nodded a little and he smiled, walking over to you handing you your gloves back.
“Come on, let’s work out all that anger, then we’ll go have a meeting with this teacher yeah?”
You put them back on and carried on boxing with him, burning all your anger as you did so
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francis-writes · 2 years
hii, i haven’t made a request yet bc i’m so scared whatever I request wouldn’t turn out properly due to my explanation. BUT I realized I might as well. Could you possibly do a scenario where the grabber is dealing with a reader who has adhd? I mean, up walking around, talking to much, ranting on about how scared they are, to the point to where he gets tired of it and yells at them, maybe slaps them to shut them up?? the reader starts to get quiet and doesn’t act like their self for a while, he starts to feel guilty and talks to the reader about why he acted the way he did.
this is an odd request but i’ve struggled with adhd my entire life and people have always reacted in such way. I’m so so sorry if this is too much. Big fan of you 💗
it's sad such things happed to you. I hope I managed to write what you wanted. Have a good day💜
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The Grabber was tired. Of course, he got used to the fact that his victims doesn't enjoy being kidnapped and he usually tried to tolerate their complaining (to some degree). But you were too much for him. Whenever he visited you in the basement to just look at you in peace, you were ranting about how scared you are, whining and begging him to let you out. Sometimes you were changing the topic and telling him your thoughts or shared facts about your personal life. In other situation, the Grabber would enjoy the fact that you willingly tell him the truth about yourself, but this time your constant blabber was only annoying for him. Especially when you interrupted him when he tried to say something. There weren't many things that the Grabber hated more than lack of respect and disobedience and that's what interrupting meant for him. Moreover, during your monologues , you kept walking around the room and that was angering him terribly. He tried to be understanding but one day his patience ended. As usually when he came to the basement you complained that you're starving and asked if he can free you if you won't tell anyone. Instead of replying, the Grabber slapped you and you fell on the floor. Your face burned in the place he hit and you were too freezed with fear to even speak. "Why are you like this?" He shouted "Can't you be quiet even for a moment? I can't stand you anymore!" And he stormed out of the room, leaving you convinced that your end is near. It took some time before the Grabber visited you again. He needed time to calm down and honestly, he didn't have a desire to listen to your annoying rants again. But he had to finally feed you and make sure you won't get starved to death - not because the Grabber really cared about your wellbeing but he would prefer different end for you. Maybe a bit more bloody. When he entered the basement and laid the tray on the floor, he noticed that something was off. You stood in your place as if he interrupted you a walk. He expected a complaint, a cry, anything... but not that you would stay quiet. "I brought you food, bunny" he said, analyzing your strange behaviour. You nodded and muttered "thank you". It seemed that you waited for him to leave so the Grabber came back upstairs without a word, wondering what happened. Did his outburst terrified you so much? Well, that was possible. Since the day he locked you in his basement, you were kinda nervous. But the Grabber wasn't really worried about it. Honestly, at first he was even glad with this turn of events. He loved to see that spark of fear in people's eyes and gain complete control over their lives and emotions. That was the thrill he was killing for. He came back soon after, just to watch you. As he hoped for, you were still silent, just sitting on the mattress without a word and looking at him every once in a moment, flexing your fingers nervously. He usually liked seeing his victims like this but this time it felt different. Somehow the fact that you changed took away the pleasure of observing you. The Grabber knew you weren't acting naturally because you didn't want to make him angry again. And he felt guilty for that - what surprised even him. "Why are you so quiet, little dove?" "I thought you want me to be silent" The Grabber rested his head in his hands and thinked for a while. "You must understand me, bunny, I don't want you to be completely silent. I am not forbidding you to speak. I just..." he was looking for the right words "I was tired, you know? I like talking with you and listen about your life but I wish you could talk a bit less. And maybe complain less. You have no need to be afraid as long as you behave good and whining won't make your situation better for sure" You nodded, still quiet. "Tell me something, whatever you want" the Grabber encouraged you. "Okay. But can you warn me when I will be talking too much? I may not notice it and I don't want to make you... tired again" "No problem"
hey, if you enjoy my work, maybe you would like to support me on ko-fi? Only if you can afford this. It would mean a lot to me<3 link is in the pinned post
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underoospeterparker · 7 months
hiya love!
- 🍩 (marauders please)
i'm 5'9 (tall gal) and i've got curves for days (thighs of thunder fr, it’s one of my biggest insecurities), i’m a brunette with curtain bangs (wavy long hair)
adhd 🤝 dyslexia, i go from quite chatty to reserved quite often (i love a comfortable silence)
i love reading, video games, baking, movies (the cinema is one of my favourite places)
welcome to my 300 celebration!
hi! thanks for requesting- by the way, i saw your other ask so this is based on both :)
i ship you with sirius black! ( this is for anon 1 )
a. although sirius doesn't seem like an avid reader, he still accompanied you to the library whenever you wanted to go. one time, you even managed to convince him to read one of your favourites.
"this is it," you'd whispered, not wanting to upset the strict librarian. sirius studied the cover, a confused look on his face. "and what is this supposed to be about again?" he asked, forgetting to keep his voice quiet. you giggled, a sharp burst of laugher that made sirius grin and the librarian glare at you from across the room. "why don't you read it and find out?" you responded, a soft smile etched on your features. he picked up the book and slung his arm around your shoulders as he did so. "i mean, if my favourite girl wants me to read it, then i guess I will." you buried your head in your shoulder to hide your blush.
b. sirius enjoyed listening to you ramble, and he was always in tune with your emotions. when you went quiet, he would fill in the gaps in the conversation, or just leave you in your silence. plus, he was into your gossip too.
"so then," you continued, almost out of breath. "luna and cho asked me to sit with them, and i told them 'why not?' but then guess who was there?" sirius gasped, his mouth forming into an O. "no. she wasn't." you laughed, then said, "she was." he laughed. "what'd you say to her, then?" he paused. "you told her something terrible, didn't you?" stifling another laugh, you whispered, "i told her to go to hell." he stared at you for a second, and the two of you dissolved into giggles, everyone staring at you as they walked past. once sirius wiped the imaginary tears from his eyes, he murmured, "that's my girl."
c. you and sirius were both wary of touch, but tended to seek comfort in each other whenever you needed it. you knew he would always be there for you no matter what happened.
"siri?" you called to him, voice quiet. although you never wanted to disturb him, he'd made you promise you'd talk to him whenever you were feeling down. he shut his charms book and turned to look at you, a soft smile on his face. "you okay, sweetheart?" getting up from the desk, he climbed onto the bed with you, wrapping his arms around your frame. even though you were around the same height, he enveloped you in a hug that made you feel safe. you sighed, a happy one that lifted your chest. "thank you." your boyfriend pressed a kiss to your forehead. "of course."
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Hey hey! I heard match ups are open you know what that means :) [okay but seriously don’t feel forced to do this if you dont wanna!]
I go by Nanako, pronouns are she/her and im a straight girl. Sooooo.. i’ve got curly black hair that’s like halfway down my back, a square fringe over my forehead and faded freckles scattered pretty much all over my nose and cheeks. I’m 5ft and im often mistaken as a 12 y o (i’m not). My cheeks are usually reddish. I like wearing off-shoulder tops, shorts + skirts. Sometimes(rarely) i’ll wear stockings.. like if it gets cold. Oh and i like boots. But mostly i like shorts or skirts cause my legs get wayyy too itchy and uncomfortable if i wear pants/leggings or anything else. My mbti is intj and im usually pretty quiet and observant + easily flustered but despite that i like to jokingly flirt with ppl (if they’re okay with it) and im very affectionate :> still, i’m more introverted and it’s super easy for me to get anxious to the point of feeling faint when im in crowded places. when im in my comfort zone im usually very jumpy (adhd go brrrr) and chatty. my mind’s constantly wandering and i can skip from topic to topic- it gets annoying so i usually warn ppl to tell me to stop if i start doing it and they feel bothered. I get distracted by everything. Still somewhat manage to be analytical tho? according to @m5dearbri i kin mitsuri but im not sure, of course and i cant be 100% mitsuri. Unfortunately i get jealous easily but i make sure to never show it
I write in my spare time and draw! But i also practice flower arrangements and im an avid reader.
I’ve got like a huge sweet tooth and will devour any pastry but i have a soft spot for green tea mochi…. I likeeeeeee ppl who dont ignore me cause im usually overlooked for being the youngest in my family and who actually take me seriously + scary stories. So my dislikes.. bugs and people who hurt others on purpose.
Hehe i’ll shut up now and let you be in peace :) love ya!
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Your match up is..
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Tanjiro Kamado!!
Note : I apologize if it's short..
🌊 ; Tanjiro the person that everyone falls for
🌊 ; The Kamado Tanjiro who falls for you ♡
🌊 ; When tanjiro first met you he was easily calmed by your presence, you seemed to be quite a lovely person and because of that he decided to talk to you!
🌊 ; he was a bit worried when he introduced nezuko to you, thinking you'd be frightened..
🌊 ; But you guys enjoyed eachother's company!!
🌊 ; but enough of nezuko.
🌊 ; when he found out you were great at drawing boy was amazed 💖
🌊 ; he kinda shyly asked if you could draw him
🌊 ; he drew you as a thank you😍
🌊 ; just dont ask him to draw anyone who isnt you or nezuko.
🌊 ; it would look hideous
🌊 ; you kinda remind him of mitsuri in a way honestly
🌊 ; If you told him you have adhd he'd be confused. When you explain to him he'll care for you more! ( does that make sense? ) asking if you're comfortable whenever in crowds, when you look like You're about to faint he carefully drags you out of the crowd and asks if you need anything
🌊 ; he loves you sm<33
🌊 ; always complimenting your art!
🌊 ; he doesn't mind the fact you're talkative around him he just sits and listens to whatever you have to say!
🌊 ; HES ALWAYS HUGGING YOU I PROMISE but if you get uncomfortable he'll stop just ask him
🌊 ; whenever he comes back from missions he either has a handful of flowers or sweets he bought for you
🌊 ; cooks you anything you want literally just ask him he doesn't want you to cook since he's afraid you might get hurt
🌊 ; if you flirt with him as a joke his face would turn as red as his hair
🌊 ; before you guys started dating he kept talking to nezuko asleep telling her "she's really pretty"
🌊 ; whenever he looks at you and nezuko talking to each other his smile widens
🌊 ; oh you dislike bugs? He'd keep a 5 meter distance from you and the bugs
🌊 ; overall 10/10 s/o :)
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
ooo um.. could you do tate w/ a gf with ADHD? I love ur writing aaa
yes ofc!! (writing this as hcs bc it’s easiest lol)
so I actually headcanon Tate as being neurodivergent in some way like maybe autism or adhd
regardless, Tate is kind of the king of ‘accepting differences and what makes you special’
so anything that makes you special or just not like others is another thing he adores about you
he loves when you stim, only happy stims of course, and if you let him, sometimes he’ll stim back your most frequent ones
but more than anything, I think he really understands you
for example, feeling inadequate in school and not being able to complete assignments
he’s been there basically his entire life, and if he can’t help you (which he probably can’t), he at least makes you feel better when it upsets you
if you talk a lot, it’s never an issue with him. he loves good conversation, even if it’s about the stupidest things, he will 100% sit and listen to what you have to say
he’s a really good listener, and even when he gets quiet and you think there’s no way he’s still paying attention, he’s still listening
like for example, you are going on a long tangent about something you’re really interested in, and he seems to have been ignoring you, you’d ask him what you were just talking about, and he’d give you a complete play-by-play of your every word
he’s obsessed with you, how could he not soak in your every nonsensical word?
if you have trouble concentrating, he never minds it. he’s constantly all over the place, too, and if you are mid board game and you decide to quit and start vigorously solving a rubik’s cube, he will simply cheer you on
over all, Tate loves you for you, and adores what makes you different, so he never tries to change you in any way, like forcing you to sit and focus on something or anything you wouldn’t normally do
because he truly loves you and understands you, he’d rather exist alongside you in your chaos than try to tame it, because his life is chaos too, and now that he has you, he feels like things are okay even if they’re not perfect
i also hc Addie to have autism, so Tate’s always been around women who are neurodivergent, and it’s actually something he’s come to love in women
i think you’d get along with Addie a lot too, like you’d totally be besties and this would absolutely make Tate’s heart explode
he loves the two of you so much and to see you two being best friends would just make him fall in love with you even more
if you’re the type of person to stim to music (i am, lol) then he’d constantly try his hardest to look out for songs he knows you’d love
like i can imagine him curating an entire 5 hour long spotify playlist specifically dedicated for you to stim to (bc we all know he has a million more playlists made for you)
that’s it!! i have autism, not adhd, so i’m a little inexperienced when it comes to the subject but most of my friends have adhd so i tried my best lol
also i wrote this fighting for my life in the bathroom (i had a cheeseburger and i’m lactose intolerant) so that’s why there’s no auto capitalize, because my phone doesn’t have it on
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manekicatwriter · 3 years
hellooo! i was wondering if i could make a request for an modern au sbi x gn sibling reader where they’re around 17-19, and they’ve got depression. they’ve had to go away for a few weeks after a bad episode ended in an attempt and they were hospitalized and sent somewhere for rehabilitation and now they’re coming home and they’re all anxious and quiet and stuff- so the boys do their best to like comfort them and reassure them that they’re loved and they belong there? i’m sorry if that’s an awkward request, i was just recently discharged after a similar situation and honestly the comfort would be great. it’s totally your call if you chose to write it tho, i understand that this is a difficult and triggering subject and not everyone is comfortable with writing things like it. if you aren’t comfy please feel free to just ignore my ask! <3
you’re here, and that’s what matters.
TW: mentions of attempted suicide. please proceed with caution.
hey! i just wanted to let you know that i’ve been through a similar situation and understand how you feel (though my case was not as severe). i wish you a safe road to recovery.
note, i think you asked for their characters but it leant itself towards their rl versions. i have a feeling the dsmp versions would be too chaotic for this sensitive subject.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! please do not be afraid to send in an ask. ANON IS ON!!
- phil was very scared about you being so gravely hurt, it kept him up for some nights. thankfully, you pulled through.
- he visited whenever he could. if he couldn’t, he was busy making sure coming home felt as comfortable for you as possible while also educating himself on how to take care of you.
- phil would listen to how you felt, and be understanding of your feelings.
- “You don’t have to tell me why you did it, I’m just glad you’re here,” pulling you in for a warm hug.
- when you got back home, he made sure he and the boys had prepared your favorite dinner and desserts.
It was the day you had just got home from rehabilitation, and you two were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t said much, you felt like you had nothing to say. Phil had asked for you to sit down so you two could talk, one on one.
You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m sorry,” your voice started to crack. “For making you guys worry about me.” Tears started to form from your eyes and you wept into your hands.
Phil immediately reached over to you to hug you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “We don’t blame you. We don’t blame anybody. I just want you to be here safe with us. Let it all out.” He pat and rubbed your back soothingly as you kept crying. But it was a good cry. He was just glad you came home.
- even though many see tommy as a loud and obnoxious boy with a general disregard for others, we all know deep down that’s a persona. he will go out of his way to make other comfortable in his presence if he truly cares for them. which he does, for you of course.
- he wants to make you happy! when the time is right, he’ll crack jokes and offer to play minecraft with you.
- would tone down the yelling. not because you asked, but he’s afraid of triggering you. treats you like glass. if you notice he’s being quieter than usual and you don’t care, you tell him you don’t.
- if you’re feeling it, he’ll take you out to fun places and to eat. nothing that’s too outlandish like a theme park, but just enough to have a reason to get out of bed that day instead of sleeping in.
It had been a week since you had gotten home and Phil had instructed you to maintain somewhat of a schedule to upkeep yourself. Right now was your nightly routine, washing yourself, brushing your teeth, and finally sliding under the covers. It felt nice. The blanket of sleep consumes you easily…
Until you bedroom door opens you’re being aggressively shaken awake. You groan, shying away, but they’re persistent.
“Ey, wake up, it’s morning!” Tommy shakes you again.
You realize you didn’t dream, but think nothing of it. “Tommy please, what do you want.”
Finally, Tommy pulled your warm sheets from over you, making you flinch. “I wanted to go out to the park today! Feed the ducks! Yeesss!”
You sighed. If you didn’t comply now, Tommy will refuse to stop nagging you for the rest of the day. You rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. You could very clearly hear Tommy’s cheers.
You two had gotten ready, eaten breakfast, and said goodbye to the rest of your family so you could head over to the park. It was close enough that it wasn’t unbearable to walk to. Even if you weren’t completely yourself yet, you were glad Tommy was.
After the short walk you two finally reached the park. Tommy immediately bolted toward the pond and you jogged behind. He had already started throwing the ducks some seeds, and even threw it on a duck. It didn’t seem too pleased.
You two sat at the edge of the pond as you watched the ducks eat. “Hey.” You hear Tommy call to you, and you turn your head to him.
“Can we talk about what happened? With you? Is it okay?” You could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
“Go ahead, what is it?”
“When Techno found out what happened to you, and told us the news, I was scared shitless.” He let out a sad huff. “I thought we were going to lose you.” Tommy kept his eyes fixed at the pond in front of him. “I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have brought this up. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He sighed.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Oh Tommy…” You started, “I’m sorry for making you worry. You shouldn’t have to feel like that because of my actions.”
Tommy was lost in thought for a moment, before finally speaking up, “No, please don’t apologize. It’s not anybody’s fault this happened, right?” You nodded.
Tommy stood up, dusting his pants off from the grass. “Come on now, let’s go get some ice cream!” He pulled you up from the ground.
“Last one to get to the shop has to pay!”
Immediately, Tommy bolts in the direction to the ice cream shop, and you catch up to him. No matter the circumstance is, he never seems to fail at putting a smile on your face.
- i HC wilbur being the oldest, being older than techno by 3 years and older than tommy by 8, like IRL. :]
- i think out of all of your siblings, wilbur exudes the most “protective older brother” energy, yeah?
- remember when tommy lied about his mother being in trouble and how worried and anxious wilbur got? turn that up to 11 with what happened with you.
- with wilbur being the oldest, he of course had the responsibility of taking care of everyone. but somehow you and him didn’t spend as much 1 on 1 time as much as wilbur did with his other siblings
- wilbur definitely was going to change that, realizing that and not wanting to make that mistake again.
- he decided that finding a new hobby with you wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
You were sitting at the dinner table, being the last one there. You were poking at your food for the most part, and Wilbur got home late from… whatever Wilbur thing he was doing. Phil cooked pasta for dinner tonight. Wilbur put down his bags at the door connected to the garage. “I’m home! What’s for dinner?”
“Mmm, I love some good ol’ pasta.” He said, already taking a plate out to serve himself. “Also, hey, I bought something I wanted to build with you. Do you mind?”
You finally looked up from your very interesting pasta. “Build..?” You had no idea where this was going.
Wilbur placed his plate on the table and approached the bags of groceries, going through them to find the bag he was looking for. He pulled out a LEGO set. More specifically, a LEGO City set from the looks of the box? “Wilbur, how much was that?”
He blinked at you innocently. “It was only, like, £25. And look! It’s got a little submarine we can make with a rock and ugly sea monster—“
“But why?”
“Why not? It wouldn’t hurt for you to do something new, yeah?” He smiled at you, shaking the LEGO box in front of him to show it off. You sighed, but smiled. “Alright. But maybe you and I should eat this pasta first before we start building.” Wilbur nodded.
“Speaking of water, don’t you think I could teach you how to swim or something?”
“Oh, fuck off with that!”
- i think out of everyone in the family, he understands you the most in terms of how you feel.
- not suicidal, but just generally having depressive episodes due to his ADHD.
- techno’s generally closed off, but started to really open up to you because he wanted to show he cares, even if it meant going out of his comfort zone.
- techno suggested journaling. once a day or once per week, it didn’t really matter. just as long as you could write down your feelings somewhere.
- he didn’t explicitly say it, but he also bought a book for himself so he could do it along with you. although, he more often than not just forgets to write in it until you mention your own journal.
- if you want to be sad and quiet, you can be sad and quiet with him. his room is a safe space for you if you ever need it and you’re always welcome to come in, just as long as you knock first.
With one hand on your mouse scrolling through the internet, and another resting your head on it, you were safe to admit you were utterly and completely bored. Honestly, you thought about taking another nap after your last one, but a knock on your door stopped you right before you pulled the covers over yourself. “Can I come in?”
You rose from your bed. “Come in. Oh hey Techno.”
He gave a simple wave and his signature “Halloo.” He walked right over to you and handed a journal and a ballpoint pen. “I got this. For you.” His stare was sharp but you could sort of tell he was nervous.
“What for?”
“I dunno. Writin’ your feelings down or drawin’ or somethin’. Whatever helps you vent.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh Techno, thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” You gave a slight smile, but saw that he still had another journal in his hand. “You have two journals?”
Techno raised his eyebrow in confusion before looking down at his hand. “Oh this? It’s for me. So we could do it together, I guess.”
You let out a happy hum. “That’s nice. Say, why don’t we go to your room? I want to see your new lava lamp and stuff.”
Techno shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got more stationary too if you want.” He waved his hand before letting himself out the door, with you following not far behind.
hi hope u enjoyed reading as much as i did writing it. this format was new for me but very fun!
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amatchinwater · 2 years
For the prompts—Romantic List, 1. "I could listen to you all day." My #1 ship choice is Sterek for this but feel free to write any ship that comes into your mind <3
Thank you so much for the request!! Sorry it took a bit to get done! It's Sterek and there aren't any warnings I can think of!
Hope you like it :)
Being the kid with ADHD, Stiles was always dubbed the spastic, annoying kid who talked too much and never sat still. Like it was his fault his brain went a mile a minute and the ideal medication was basically watered down speed. Seriously, whoever thought that Adderall was a good solution for people with ADHD was fucking high.
But he dutifully takes the pill as asked, no matter what weird effects it has on his body. The first time he accidentally took too much, he cleaned his room in about twenty minutes while Scott stared at him with a slack jaw. Don’t even get him started on the research rabbit holes that he goes on without the drugs. Good thing there’s usually enough monsters terrorizing Beacon Hills that Derek regularly needs the human’s help figuring out how to stop them.
It took the second monster’s research only taking him a short two hours for Peter to give Stiles a key to his apartment so he could have access to the Hale archive. Talk about awesome! The creeper wolf is actually pretty decent to be around with his sanity intact, like an older brother or uncle Stiles wouldn’t mind having. Derek even sits with them most nights they’re scouring through texts. Stiles is sure he’s just being a proper Alpha. His heart- that has a major crush on the wolf- would like to think he’s the reason Derek comes around so much.
Not that Stiles truly believes for a second that the wolf could have feelings for him too. But a guy can dream, right? Hope that the stupidly gorgeous Alpha could fall for the lanky, mole-speckled human by sheer willpower alone. That’s totally a thing that could happen. At least Stiles hopes so because he isn’t going to say a damn word. Embarrass himself like that? Nuh-uh. No siree. He’s just going to love Derek from afar and do things for him in hope that’s the Alpha’s love language.
Because words are fucking hard.
As of late though, Beacon Hills has been oddly quiet. No rogue hunters trying to wipe them off the face of the earth. No random Omegas joining forces to kill their way through town. Not to mention the wendigo last month eating anyone it could get its hands on. So, Stiles finally has been able to do things for himself. He’s missed staying up late at night with both Hales trying to figure out how to protect the pack. But nothing beats laying in bed, a bag of doritos at his side, and God of War on the t.v. Honestly, the only thing that could make this better is if a certain Alpha was here with him.
But how the hell does he ask the wolf for company outside of pack related activities without giving himself away?
A question Stiles doesn’t have long to contemplate. Just as Kratos gets to Freyja’s home, there’s a tap on the window. Locked in a cutscene and having played it enough to know there’s no fight after, Stiles lets it play while he sees who it is. Glowing red eyes meet him when he reaches the window and Stiles wills his heart to beat normally in his chest. Having expected Isaac to be waiting for him, not his fucking crush showing up after wishing he would.
“Are you gonna let me in or not?” Derek asks, shaking a to-go back, snapping the human’s focus back. Apparently he’d spent too much time trying to calm himself down. “Come on, Stiles, I’m starving.”
Right. He’s still just standing here.
Opening the window, Stiles takes the offered bag so the wolf can climb in. The human can’t help himself, Freyja looks out her window to her home land and Stiles gets locked in. Shoving his hand in the bag for some curly fries, he sits on his bed. Piling them in his mouth, he listens to her talk about how Odin wronged her.
“That’s right,” the human says around a mouth full of potato, “fuck Odin.”
Derek snorts and sits beside him, kicking his shoes off. Grabbing a burger for himself, the wolf asks, “why do we hate Odin?”
“Are you serious?” Stiles asks, pausing the game when the Alpha nods his head and takes a bite. “Odin is not much better than Zeus if I’m being honest.”
“We don’t like Zeus either?” Derek asks carefully, thick eyebrows rising.
“Oh my god,” the human groans. “Odin married Freyja for money and power disguising it as peace and love. Took her from her home and forced her to bear him sons. Then, when she tried to gain some sense of independence to be a fucking person, he casts her aside, strips her of her full powers, and erases her name from history. Condemning her to only be remembered as Frigg, his wife, it’s bullshit.” Stiles takes a gasping inhale at Derek’s shocked expression and realizes he hasn’t. “Sorry,” he clears his throat, “I got a little carried away there.”
The Alpha smiles softly at him. “You don’t have to apologize, Stiles.”
“No, honestly, I’m sorry,” the human repeats. “I know I tend to ramble and talk too much.” Stiles sheepishly looks away. “I should probably be told to stop more often.”
“Oh, please,” the wolf chuckles before eying him seriously. “I could listen to you all day.”
“You-” Stiles narrows his eyes, mouth falling in an open frown. “What?”
Derek wraps his burger back up, setting it on the other boy’s nightstand. “I love hearing you talk about things you’re passionate about. Or when you learn something new and get so excited you’ll tell anyone who’ll listen.” The Alpha ducks his head with a smile. This is the most he’s spoken in one go, Stiles isn’t about to interrupt. “Why else do you think I work with you and Peter?” Blue-green eyes meet amber pools and the human shrugs. “Because I want to be the first person you turn to. I- I want to be the one you tell everything to.”
“Well, yeah,” Stiles starts, thinking this must be the reason, “you’re my Alpha.”
“Not just because I’m your Alpha, Stiles.”
Obtuse as ever, Stiles continues down the path of obliviousness. “Well, you’ll have to fight Isaac for the title of best friend, dude.”
“I don’t want to be your friend,” Derek corrects him.
“I don’t-” Stiles shakes his head. Not really understanding what the Alpha is trying to say at this point.
The wolf pinches his face in contemplation and the human patiently- anxiously- waits to let him think. Derek must’ve come to some sort of conclusion because he looks at Stiles with newfound determination. “Understand you can say no.”
“What-” Stiles doesn’t get to finish voicing his confusion because the Alpha’s lips press against his own. Derek’s. Kissing. Him. Holy shit! As if he could say no to that. Yeah fucking right. The human eagerly leans into it, deepening the kiss, not caring one bit that he’s kind of squishing the paper bag between them. The wolf moves the bag and it thuds to the ground, grabbing Stiles by the hips to put him in his lap, growling in the back of his throat. “Wait, wait,” he says against the Alpha’s mouth. Not wanting to stop, but needing to sort his brain.
“Sorry,” Derek pants, leaning his head against the headboard. “Too much, too soon, sorry.” He tries to move Stiles off of him, but the human holds firm.
“No, it’s okay. I’m not mad or anything,” Stiles assures, trying to catch his own breath. “Just trying to process the fact that you like me too. I had no idea.”
Derek reaches up and brushes a stray hair from Stiles’ forehead. “Do you think I bring every member of the pack dinner so that I have an excuse to be around them?” The human opens his mouth with an exaggerated shrug, the Alpha covers his mouth. “No, I don’t. It’s called courting, Stiles. I thought you had looked up everything there is to know about wolves.”
“Not the fun stuff,” he responds under the wolf’s palm, knowing he’d still be heard.
Derek chuckles and lowers his hand, “had I known you had no idea, I would’ve been a little more obvious about it. I’m sorry.”
“Uh-uh, no apologies,” Stiles leans in to kiss the wolf. “More kissing. Lots and lots more kissing. You’ve got lost time to make up for here, Sourwolf.”
“Anything for you,” Derek says, sealing their mouths again.
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presidentbungus · 2 years
goob morning bungus !!! i bring you many scout things all at once bc it's easier to format (and so you don't have to track em all down)
definitely has adhd. constantly moving all the time. if he is forced to sit still for long periods of time he will get so fucking irritated and jumpy and as soon as he can stand he Will be sprinting out the door and running laps for the next 40 minutes.
hyperfixating HARD on the saxton hale comics. he could describe the plot of any volume with ease but if you ask him what event comes before another he will start blanking and killbind /hj
very loud all the time. has zero sense of how loud his own voice is, and it shows. he uses it to his advantage though, he knows if he calls out anything about enemy location or what they're all doing Someone will hear him.
(forensics minor time) has very messy, angular handwriting. light lineweight due to being written very quickly. large letter size, inconsistent letter spacing, and tends to float off the page. open Es and Os, letters tend to connect and blend together, crosses Ts right of center with a curve bending up. it's very distinctive when compared to everyone else's. engie probably has little notes from him tacked somewhere in his workshop, he says he thinks the way scout writes is nice to look at, but really it's because that's his Freakin kid
is it canon he's an artist? i see it referenced a lot in fic but i haven't looked for sources. anyway if it wasn't already, it's canon now. he draws in a similar way to how he writes: loose and angular, messy, but not unintelligible. it's like watching a figure drawing class. he likes redrawing his favourite panels from the saxton hale comics
he... really loves his team. he's generally just a cheery guy, even if a little cocky and headstrong. if anyone tells him they're proud of him he Will start crying though (same bud).
scoup teeftoo is one of the guys ever i think . lil boston boy (affectionate)
goodmorning. like 2 days later. LOL
has adhd 1000%. literaly just constantly fidgeting all the time constantly (just like me fr). sometimes someone’s like what are you doing with your hands and he’s like what? I’m not doing anything and hes doing one of the Z-move dances or whatever from sunmoon
he draws fanart of the saxton comics. you can’t convince me otherwise. he keeps a special sketchbook in like a locked box under his bed for it and if anyone found out he would beat them to death. I think he has a huge massive crush on saxton hale too but tries to ignore it whenever possible (to be clear I. Don’t really ship scout/saxton. I just think itd be funny)
he has one of those voices that just like… sound like they fill up the whole fuckin room and not really in a good way. like I have a friend irl who’ll whisper as quiet as he can and you can still hear it 10 feet away. it gets suuuuper annoying to listen to after a bit whether or not you’re annoyed by him in general but it does make him a really good candidate for doing callouts and stuff. which is also good when he’s literally the scout. his job is to scout ahead. if he sees you every single person on the other team will instantly become aware of your location and it’s not very fun a lot of the time
like this analysis of his handwriting. and it’s definitely true. and the engy thing too. he’s about the most sentimental person to ever sentiment and he plays it off sometimes like he isn’t but like uou Said scout wrote him a “happy birthday engi your pretty cool” birthday note 3 years ago and he STILL starts crying if he looks at it for too long. if scout were a tiny little bit observant he’d probably notice he can get engy to do literally anything if he calls him dad and gives him a picture frame or something like that
he draws a few pictures of spy getting hit by cars and stuff in Expiration Date and iirc there‘s some allusions to it in general canon. it’s not a big character trait or even really called out at all but we see some of his drawings somewhere and they’re pretty good. the thing about his drawing style is true and I alreadhy talked about saxton fanart so yes I agree
he loves everyone. mean scout is overrated. you know all those competitive lines where he’s like “ok guys we’re besties. ok guys I have a birthday party coming up I want you guys to come up. we’re doing such a good job we’re such good friends” I want to see more of THAT scout in canon. why don’t we have it. give him to me
he truly IS the guy ever. I think he’s like cringe fail but in a quirked up way. yknow? little man trying his best and we love him for it
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write Jesse, Asa, and poly Ghostface with and autistic gender neutral partner please.
Slashers x Autistic!GenderNeutral!Reader | Headcanons
Thank you so much for the request and compliment, I'm glad you enjoy my writing. :) I really hope you'll like these Headcanons! [Fortunately, I'm 98% sure I'm autistic, on top of having BPD, which has great overlaps with Autism anyway, so I've done lots of research over the past years and yeah- I'm just saying that I am definitely not unfamiliar with it and I hope I did an alright job! I focused on certain aspects that I know pretty much every autistic person experiences to some extent at least and that I'm personally familiar with as is. <3]
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Stimming; Meltdowns; Sensory Overload; Special Interests & Infodumping; Routines; Semi-Verbal; Asa is autistic, too; Stu has ADHD; Dealing with Difficulties in Social Situations; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm (unintentional); Implied/Referenced Ableism; Implied Murder; Poly-Amorous Relationship.
Characters: Asa Emory/The Collector; Billy Loomis; Stu Macher; Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull.
Asa Emory/The Collector
With Asa you’re lucky, since he’s autistic, too – so whenever you talk about your special interests, he’s not only listening attentively and engaging in an actual conversation with you; he also goes on about his own afterwards!
In addition, it was such a relief to not be forced to mask around him at all, and it was only later that you realised just how much less exhausted you were at the end of every day then
He obviously understands all the struggles you face better than anyone, and while it’s not all exactly the same for him, he can sympathise with you and help you out, just like you do with him
If you suffer from sensory overload, he knows exactly what to do – he turns off all lights, gets out your noise cancelling headphones and stim toys you might rather have instead of hurting yourself with more extreme stims you have at times like this
He handles your meltdowns really well, too – he always lets you ride them out and makes sure you know that you’re not alone and that he’s here for you
Some days you might not talk at all, and he couldn’t care less – he knows what it’s like, he is semi-verbal as is – and so you two have come up with a system to let each other know what’s going on; and you have prepared cards for more mundane things, while you otherwise resort to texting each other about more important and unique things
On the other hand, you also can’t shut up sometimes and generally he is okay with it; he actually enjoys the things you tell him, but when he needs to focus on his work it can be a bit distracting of course – still, he never holds it against you – he just tells you to be quiet and talk to him later, and you understand it; so it’s fine
The two of you also have a whole box full of different stim toys you both use, and it makes you incredibly happy to have a shared collection of them with your love – it’s almost strangely romantic
Since you’re both autistic, it was super easy to come up with routines that work really well for either of you when you moved in together – that way you never get in each other’s ways or upset one another
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Stu has ADHD, so he understands you better than Billy does in this department, but they both put in a lot of effort in knowing what boundaries you have, what they’re supposed to do in which situations, what you struggle with most, etc. – They’re happy to make accommodations for you
Sometimes Stu’s current hyperfixation is something in the realm of one of your special interests and so you just talk back and forth about it for hours, which can drive Billy a little insane, but he secretly loves just how passionate you two get, while he’s just sitting between you two and watching you go on about topic XYZ
If anyone at school or college thinks they have the right to mock you and these two witness it, or you tell them about it, you can be certain to not see that person ever again
They never make you feel weird or embarrassed about your stims, interests, or specific ways to do things – it’s who you are and they love everything about you, especially the things that others usually didn’t
Just like Asa, they are ready to help you out and provide for you, when you’re suffering from intense sensory overload – you’ve walked them through what is best for you in such situations and they’re really good at following what you said
Meltdowns, too – you’re never made to feel ashamed; they never treat you any differently and just let you ride it all out, as they comfort you afterwards and tell you that it’s alright
Even though they’re both very social, they never force you into situations you’re uncomfortable with and make sure you’re okay whenever you do come along to house parties, or meeting with several people at once – if you need to leave, they’ll go with you and comfort you if needed
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
You tell him that you’re autistic pretty early on, and while he didn’t know too much beforehand, he does his research and lets you tell him how it affects you, etc.
He is incredible, really – he lets you infodump about your interests and engages in it via signing or texting you what he thinks; he is genuinely interested in whatever you have to say and admires your passion and the way your entire face lights up when you get to talk about something so important to you
He might not understand your sensory issues entirely, but he doesn’t judge you for them either – he gladly accommodates you in whatever way you need
He buys you stim toys you’ve been eyeing, but couldn’t afford by yourself; and he generally doesn’t make you feel bad about your stims and behaviours
In case you tell him about the ableist things people have told you before, and how they might have mocked you for things you can’t help, he gets angry on your behalf (he may target some of these people next, too – just for good measure)
If you happen to have a meltdown in his presence, he makes sure to not agitate you more; instead he assures you of his presence and comforts you when you need it – if you’re okay with cuddles and kisses, he’ll primarily use those to calm you down when the worst is over
He never gets in the way of your routines and always makes certain you can pursue them properly – he doesn’t want to cause you any distress
Whenever you may lash out because of sensory overload, he doesn’t take it personally or get mad at you; instead he asks what is causing the overload and accommodates you – especially in public; he’ll remove you from wherever you may be at that moment and comforts you to help you come down from it
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imjeralee · 3 years
Not the same anon but I really liked your adhd hcs! Could you the same but with Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao please? (could you also add the fact s/o absolutely can't focus for shit on anything more than 5s before zoning out and they tend to be overstimulated very easily by their environment lol)
hi anon!! thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :) Not a problem, I guess this can be a part 2 ehe. I hope you like this one too. Please see below - 
You’re actually one of the best workers he has in Dawn Winery, because you’re efficient and smart and bustling around like ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
But you do tend to zone out a lot and sometimes you end up working so late into night and you don’t realise it but you had forgotten to eat dinner so you go to the kitchen and it’s like 3am and Diluc is there because he works late too and he’s also just finally getting the chance to eat so you are always having food together whilst everyone else is asleep :3
At work though, if you had forgotten to do something such as paying the bills, no worries, Diluc has a backup plan - the maids usually help with this 
You usually ramble away to Diluc about anything you think of, even when he’s working at his desk. He’ll just be sitting silently and occasionally throwing you glances every now and then as you pace the study up and down and gesture with your hands. You know he’s listening. 
You may be messy, but the maids help clean up after you 
If you can’t focus, Diluc will help organise your day because he is organised himself and has lots of deadlines and also he has trustworthy employees like Adelinde and Connor who can help come up with a schedule for you on a daily basis but Diluc keeps you close by his side which also means you most likely do a lot of things together and you work/stay very closely with him
In order to help you stay focused and on task, he wants you to accomplish one thing at a time and often Diluc will do this with you personally 
If he was in the middle of doing something else, he will pause to head over to assist you. If he’s not able to, he’ll get Connor or Adelinde to help
When you’re overstimulated because there’s too many people visiting the Winery or feeling really uncomfortable in general and your thoughts are darting all over the place, Diluc will take your hand and lead you away and to your special, quiet place where you can just focus on him and look at his face which helps you gradually relax and calm down
You might zone out a bit when he starts talking but then you notice the intricate details on the buttons of his shirt and the buckle on his belt and you’re like ‘cool’…. And start pressing your fingers over them and he’s like “…….”
He still loff you a lot though 
Somehow everything you lose always end up in his possession??? Like you might go up to him and go ‘Kaeya! I lost my sword! I don’t know what happened to it! Its just disappeared!!” And he will just whip it out from behind his back and be like “You mean.... this sword?” And you’ll be like “YESSSS gimme.”
“Nuh-uh, not yet.”
“You have to give me a kiss first.”
It’s actually pretty cool and reassuring because you have no idea how he does it
And this is the kind of relationship you have with him so you’re never bored around him because of how unpredictable he is 
You tend to zone out a lot so he likes making up little puzzles and brain teasers for you whenever you’re with him and keeping you guessing all the time
If you ask a question he’ll answer your question with a question. Can be either infuriating or very stimulating. Hmm.
Also enjoys telling you ghost stories 
I suspect you and Kaeya may actually be a pretty messy duo because you’re both busy with knightly duties and shit and your house will be utter chaos. Kaeya has arranged for a knight to come around twice a week to clean up tho
He loves to act as your own personal assistant and remind you of things so you don’t forget, usually by coming up behind you and leaning down to whisper in your ear 
If you zone out again, he’ll feed you some candy or hold your hand so you can play with his long fingers and the studs on his gloves or he’ll make little ice crystals with unique patterns and make them float around in the air for you 
He’ll also allow you to play with his ponytail
He’s quiet on his own so he’ll be a good listener
When you are experiencing sensory overload, Kaeya will usually sort it out for you one way or another. You’re in good hands. Then you will go and take a nap together.
Xiao is your mentor. He speaks so fluently and to the point and also expects you to be clear and concise when dealing with him and so unceremoniously end up helping you organise your own thoughts 
Otherwise, you might zone out often and very easily because there’s too many things going on in Wangshu Inn and it’s too much to handle but then the smell of almond tofu being cooked in the kitchen helps kick you back to reality and you’ll realise Xiao was standing there by your side the entire time 
Ok ok so we know from Ganyu that Xiao is punctual and hates tardiness so he’s good at reminding you about appointments/deadline if needed.
I mean he will drill this into your brain with an iron fist. Defy him if you dare
It also means he will inevitably come up with some practises and teach you how to be mindful, how to increase your awareness and also various breathing exercises
Aside from that, he will notice you lose things a lot esp when he finds random stuff littering the Wangshu Inn ranging from cheese and vials of whopperflower nectar so he will keep an eye on you from now on.
Or if he’s not around, he will ask Verr Goldet to take note of what you lost so she can easily and quickly replace it thanks to Wangshu Inn’s connections
Xiao observes what you do on a regular basis from the shadows and then returns to the inn and also ask Verr Goldet to check up on you every now and then and remind you when it’s time to eat because he noticed you often forget to eat
One day you might return to your room and discover that he’s actually left some food for you and there this note on it with the word “EAT” scribbled on it 
Your impulsiveness and the hectic and chaos that surrounds you works well with him because it’s not like he has a schedule either, I mean he often turns up in your room at 4am after fighting so many demons after 3 days straight and he’s in agony from all that bad karma but there’s you and you’re awake because obv you forgot to do something and went back to it hours later but now that he’s here and in your presence and you want to talk to him about your day and he’ll be listening to everything
And listening to your voice and the way you speak is actually really soothing/comforting to him and even makes his pain goes away
Then you’ll remember what you were doing and rush off and he’ll be back up and running and go off to destroy more demons so the world can sleep better at night 
or if he’s free, you drag him outside to go on an adventure and explore the area around the inn and beat up some hilichurls 
If you have some trivial task to do and need his help, he’ll just offer his assistance at no cost, quite simple as that
During his free time, he’ll try to find out more about stim toys to help you. 
Xiao will learn what triggers your overstimulation and purposefully help you avoid it or get rid of the problem before it actually happens.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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lemon-boy-stan · 3 years
dating min yoongi includes -
a quiet life.
yoongi's not a very open person so people probably don't know that you exist.
which is good because you wanted that too.
you and your boyfriend share similar personalities.
you're an introvert and he doesn't like people, it's perfect.
you're also both really sarcastic.
there is a lot of sarcasm in this quiet relationship.
you guys both get a grey cat together because that's really aesthetic idk why
because you're not famous the boys try their best not to talk about you in public but sometimes you can be seen in the back of videos or heard talking to the others or giving him food.
yoongi isn't open or touchy so not a lot of pda happens but you actually like that better, you've never been one to hug people or who's liked recieving hugs and that's the same for holding hands.
although he knows you better than your therapist so please don't try lying to him, thanks.
but just because he doesn't show his love to the world doesn't mean he shows his love in other ways.
for instance, yoongi spends months in his studio writing, choreographing, and producing whole albums solely in your name. fans of agust d often theorize over who the mysterious girl is but he never answers their questions. that way, no drama happens.
speaking of drama, arguments with yoongi are very short and level-headed. he's a naturally calm person and will always listen to your end, no matter how ridiculous it is. arguments never get loud or violent; they always end quickly with apologies (sometimes tears and cuddles) from both ends.
when he's had a really long day the two of you will hog the couch, making it impossible for the other boys to sit on; he'll collapse there and you'll lie on him with your head on his chest and his arm lazily wrapped adound you I NEED HELP
if you have adhd like me, yoongi loves you very much. he normally wouldn't be so patient and calm when it takes you like, fifteen times until you finally get something. he doesn't even throw his arms up or pull his hair in annoyance!!!
for anxiety, yoongi remains calm. he knows what to do or at least tries his best, and certainly doesn't get annoyed when your brain goes in circles.
yoongi probably suspected if you have depression. correct me if i'm wrong, but he's been through something like that before so when you started getting worse or both of you sensed a re-lapse he did everything in his aid to help you and get you better, even if it meant forcing you to go to therapy.
so, there's always a clothing item a boyfriend's girl steals, right? for some reason you always take yoongi's socks. SOCKS! you have no idea why but they're much better than yours. he rolls his eyes whenever he asks you where they are and then sees them on your feet.
like i said before, you guys don't really care about important dates like birthdays or monthly anniversaries.
on both of your birthdays the rest of the guys know that you just want the house to be quiet for once and to let the two of you do whatever you need or feel like to do.
although you both like "good morning" and "good night" texts and enjoy the casual (if not daily) phonecall and facetime whenever he's on tour.
if you really do want to be an idol, though, i feel you would either be on a famous k-drama or you would be a solo artist.
meaning you do a lot of duets with your boyfriend, making the relationship public.
you would also be jin's bestie???
sex with yoongi is sweet, slow, hot, and absolutely incredible.
he's not a top or a bottom, more a just a "whatever goes" kinda guy, if you know what i mean. so long as it leaves you out of breath and satisfied, min yoongi is flexible like an elastic band.
sex with yoongi has to mean something. he won't fuck you for no reason before you're dating, he'll wait a while after you started going out and when he sees you want it.
he also doesn't really have any prominent kinks, it's more just whatever he feels like, what kind of mood the kink is suitable for.
min yoongi goes with the flow and the flow is honoured to have him by his side.
he doesn't get jealous often. calm and level-headed, yoongi knows that you love him, however when he does get really jealous he'll probably straight-up tell you, to avoid any stress.
he likes to plan. he's a by-the-book person, he likes instructions. which is fine, even though instructions give you a headache, but with yoongi's incredible preparations you guys are never late and always have what you need, sometimes even extra (eg. face masks).
you guys loved lockdown. when some people (maybe hoseok) couldn't sit still, the two of you always found something to do.
like, puzzles. that's your new tradtition now; yoongi buys you a whole bunch of puzzles from wherever he is, ships them back and you wait for him to do it together awww
not a lot of nicknames although he does enjoy it when you blurt out the word "oppa".
you both like your own space so the boys are often confused as to why you're snoozing in his jumper on the sharebed and yoongi's on the couch asleep.
very small matching outfits like nailpolish or clothing brands you'd only be able to notice if you looked for it.
overall, being min yoongi's girlfriend isn't much, but it's all you ever wanted and will ever need.
BTS MASTERLIST - requests are open!
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70swizards · 3 years
james & adhd
tw// everything to do w adhd?
james never understood why he always procrastinated. he never understood why he could never bring himself to do the work he knew he was supposed to be doing
“why can’t i just do it? i need to do it- i can’t- i can’t do it,” he’d whimper to himself, his charms homework lonely on his desk.
why did james always forget what he was saying? he swears the idea was there a second ago, but it’s no longer there, and to save his life, he couldn’t remember what that was.
james would raise his hand in class, the answer clear in his head. he knows what to say. as soon as he is called on, the thought slips like water through cracks. it was gone
everything was so goddamn loud. why was everything so goddamn loud?! auditory hypersensitivity? he couldn’t stand people talking on top of each other, he couldn’t stand the loud tv, he couldn’t stand the noises, unless he was the one making them.
he was a master at multi-tasking, but at the same time, he absolutely could not do it. if he was listening to music, and someone had walked in to speak to him, he’d turn the music off or he wouldn’t understand any of it.
on the other hand, while in class, he couldn’t just listen to his professor speak. it was impossible. he had to be doing something else. he was so under-stimulated it hurt.
james had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. he had memorized how many stars were about to fall off, and how many moons were scattered about. the nights he had stared up at his ceiling, not being able to sleep were countless
rejection sensitive dysphoria.
he was so sensitive to rejection. one time, when sirius wouldn’t reply to his owl, he was sure that sirius hated him and never wanted to speak to him again. he cried in his bed for hours, desperately wanting to believe otherwise.
it was the same thing with criticism. he knew his friends were just trying to help him, but it still hurt him that he wasn’t doing it perfectly.
“hey prongs, your dive wasn’t the best last match, you should probably work on that!” sirius said to him during practice. and of course, it wasn’t his fault, but james could only smile and nod, feeling his heart wrench
he couldn’t handle his emotions well. if he walks in to the boys’ dorm, and they’re watching tv, that’s way too loud for james’ preference, he’d ask if they can lower the volume. if they say no, james would a twinge of sadness as he feels his eyes water.
one spring break, remus took the marauders to a muggle mall, and sirius insisted on stopping to check out the toy store. there, james found a little red and black fidget cube. at first he had just bought it cause it looked cool, but afterwards, you’d never spot james without it. if he was forced to stop using it in class, he’d bounce his leg, play with his quill, twist his ring, bite his lips, pick at the skin around his nails. anything. he needed to move. he needed to fidget.
talking about moving, he’d get in trouble for standing up too much in class. he couldn’t sit anymore, he felt as if he were about to combust, he shouldn’t be getting in trouble for that.
what was up with the two week obsessions that kept shifting?? one week he was so adamant on learning how to crochet, and the other, he just wanted to know everything about greek mythology. but soon enough, he didn’t care about any of those things anymore, and it didn’t feel right to him
james loved transfiguration. it was his favourite class and surprisingly enough, he loved when mcgonagall gave them homework. one time, she had told them to write a seven foot essay about the book they read that term. they had two weeks.
but james? he started it the day before the deadline, not because he didn’t want to do it, but because he knew it would take a ton of effort. but as expected, he loved doing it once he started. so he sat on the floor for six full hours, not moving a centimeter, working on that essay. no water breaks, no bathroom, no food. nothing. just the essay. hyperfixation.
for some bizarre reason that james would forever wonder, he always needed the pressure of failure or a competition / deadline to focus and get things done.
when it comes to regular tasks, he preferred to finish bigger tasks in one sitting, even though it rarely happened. but with smaller tasks, he would alternate, they’d get boring way too fast
and before actually starting said big task, james would feel paralyzed. he would be too overwhelmed to do anything. he’d just sit on the couch, and do nothing. because if he couldn’t do that task, he couldn’t do anything else. he just gets to sit there and worry about it. he hated it.
james struggled to wait for his turn. he knew it was rude to interrupt people, he knew he should be quiet when someone was talking, but he just couldn’t. before he’d even process what had happened, he’d cut someone off, mid-sentence, and say what he wanted to say, only to apologize afterwards.
body doubling. james always needed someone in the room with him as he worked or did anything really, as it helped him focus and complete the task faster, without getting distracted. just sitting in the same room would help
james constantly used anecdotal communication. he thinks he’s comforting others when he does this. but usually, they just get mad as they often think he’s trying to invalidate their struggles, when he’s only trying to make them feel better. he’s trying to show them that they’re not alone
“i’ve been failing divination and i don’t know what to do,” someone would tell him. “i’m failing divination too! really horribly! mate, i even get extra homework and stuff! it honestly sucks, you know? all the extra work doesn’t even help!” and that’s when the person thinks that he’s only trying to talk about himself.
his mind and thoughts were always faster than his mouth and hands. when writing, he’d skip words, or end up writing in a horrible handwriting. when reading aloud, he’d stutter and mix words up, since his mind was reading faster than his mouth was speaking.
everything. was. in. slow. motion. why did everyone talk so slowly? why couldn’t they talk faster? walk faster? just be faster.
james hated the way polyester felt. he couldn’t touch it. there was no way in hell you could get him to put a polyester jumper or jacket on. no. get it away. when he’d touch it, he’d feel like his hands were dirty, and immediately had to wash them
often during classes he would zone out, sometimes aware of it. his eyes would bore into the wall, as he stared into nothingness, his mind racing.
he loved to daydream. though it usually happens out of nowhere, as his thoughts drift, he enjoyed it. he loved to imagine himself fighting off aliens or winning the house cup.
he was the most impulsive perosn youd ever meet. if he felt like jumping into the black lake with his robes on, he would do it and there’s nothing you can do about it.
james had comfort items. a teddy bear he would never get rid of, one he had since he was a new born, and a gryffindor quidditch hoodie that was a tad bit too big for him. he’d wear that hoodie every single day if he could, and he could never fall asleep without the teddy bear.
james had adhd. living with it might’ve not been the easiest, but it made him him. and in his own way, he loved it, even if it got really really hard sometimes
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slytherinbangchan · 4 years
College Tutor! Hyunjin (Nerdy HJ- Requested)
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Blog's Masterlist
Warnings: Smut, corruption kink, sub Hyunjin.
Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem Reader.
Word count: 2.7k
You've been failing so much in college lately. Honestly you should just stop partying and focus on studying for a while but that's so boring and almost impossible for you to do. It's not like you haven't tried but you end up sleeping and mainly binge watching stuff til the next party.
And now here you are at the library looking for a seat. You sigh and look around before sitting right in front of Hyunjin. You know him from some classes where he's always there before anyone else in the mornings sitting in the front row. Someone told you a while ago he had a crush on you but he's probably over it by now.
You watch Hyunjin for a while as he takes notes. He looks nice today. You never paid that much attention to him before but doing anything but studying is good enough for you and in this case your attention is all over him right now.
You're biting on your pen when he looks up into your eyes and you smile. 'Did you need anything?' He ask with a sober tone and you chuckle softly. 'No, but I can't focus'. You say and he sighs. 'You just got here, it's impossible you're already tired'. He says as he keeps writing down stuff. 'I know, I can never focus no matter how hard I try'. You inform him and he scoffs as he smiles. 'But you're not dumb at all as some people say. Sounds like ADHD to me'. He says looking at you for a second before re-reading what he just wrote. You smirk. 'How do you know I'm not dumb? Maybe I am'. He looks up and fixes his glasses delicately with a finger. 'Well, some time ago right before an exam, you told one of your friends you didn't even take a look at what we had to study for the test and asked him to explain it to you. He had like 8 minutes to explain everything and still you got almost the highest score'. He says and you chuckle. 'Ah, right. Guess that's the only thing that works for me'. You say but he just keeps writing.
'Hyunjin'. You call him but he doesn't look at you this time. He knows what's coming next. 'Can you tutor me?' You ask and he scoffs as he smiles. 'You think I have time for that?' You frown. 'C'mooon. You're my last chance to survive the academic part of college'. You say then move to sit next to him. Your hand is on his thigh now as you whisper to him. 'Pretty please Hyunjinnie'. You pout. You squeeze his thigh and he suddenly blushes and closes all his books nervously. 'O-Okay'. He says. ‘Really??’ You ask and he nods. 'But you have to respect my schedule'. You smile and hug him happily. 'Of course. Whenever you’re free just text me okay?' You say and he blushes even more as he puts some books over his lap. ‘Yeah, just... Go now. I’ll see you later’. He says as he keeps putting stuff over his lap. You wonder what’s going on with him suddenly but decide not to think much of it.
Anyway you leave the library and head to the dorms. A bit later you receive a text from Hyunjin informing you that he's free tonight at 10pm. It's a bit late in your opinion but you promised you'd adapt to him since he's doing you a favour.
You sadly say bye to your roommate who's leaving for a party and take a quick shower before Hyunjin arrives.
He looks so tired when you open the door for him. His books fall from his arms over your desk as you watch him from bed. 'What are you doing there? Come here, you can't study in bed'. He says and you chuckle. 'Oh my, my...' You say as you stand up smiling then take your roommate's chair to sit next to him. 'Is this okay, professor?' You say and he blushes. 'Shut up and please take this seriously'. He says. You bite your lips as you feel some kind of electricity running through your body after hearing him. He looks so serious but you can tell he's clearly nervous around you. Just like this morning at the library.
He starts explaining and you try to focus and listen to him but soon you're lost in how his lips are moving, and how his hands hold the pen he's using to point at what he’s reading to you in the book.
He just looks so good and correct and pure and you just want to mess with every part of it.
'Hyunjin, do you have a girlfriend?' You ask out of nowhere and he sighs. 'What are you talking about now? Are you even listening to what I'm saying?' He asks and you smile. 'A boyfriend?' You ignore him and ask again making him blush. 'I'm not dating anyone. Why do you care anyway? You wanna joke about it later with your popular friends?' He asks still blushing and you smile as you softly comb his hair with your fingers, then you lean over him and wait for a moment just cms away from his lips before kissing him.
At first he's a bit clumsy and doesn't know what to do with his tongue so you pull away. 'Hyunjin, was that your first kiss?' You ask and he blushes. 'Y-Yes'. He says and you bite your lips trying to hide your excitement. 'Mm, I see. Should I kiss you again?' You ask and he nods. 'Okay follow my lead then'. You say and he nods again right before your lips collide a second time. He's moaning into the kiss after a while making your heart race at how whiny he is already.
You leave a trail of kisses and bites all the way from his lips to his collarbone then you take a look to his crotch. 'This must hurt huh?' You ask as you poke his hard cock over his pants and he blushes even more. 'Should we move to my bed?' You say as you stand up but he doesn't move. 'Are you okay?' You ask and he looks away a bit embarrassed. 'Sorry y/n. I don't think I'm ready for that yet'. He says and your heart skips a beat. You have practically heart eyes right now. He looks so cute and innocent. You have to bite your lips not to squeal. You want to take that innocence away and make him your dirty lil toy.
But for now you tilt your head as you smile. 'That's fine sweetie. Don't you want to keep kissing a bit longer though?' You ask and he looks at the books for a second feeling guilty about you missing your tutoring hour before shyly standing up and joining you in bed.
You kiss him as soon as he's there and leave some love bites on his neck. Then your roommate appears. 'Oh, this is what you call studying y/n?' She laughs making Hyunjin blush again but you laugh it off too. 'Shut up. Why are you back? Go to that party'. You say and she chuckles. 'Yeah I'm just here to change my dress. Someone spilled a drink on it'. She says as she changes her dress right there. Hyunjin blushes even more as he looks away from your friend and you chuckle before kissing him. 'You're so cute'. You say and your friend says bye but you don't care. You're too focussed on Hyunjin. 'A-Am I?' He asks and you nod. 'Yes, yes you are love. Would you be my cute little toy? I want you to be mine so bad'. You say. 'Y-You do? But I'm a virgin... I have no experience at all...' He says and you kiss him. 'Mhm~ I'll teach you everything you need to know'. You say then peck his cheek. 'How does that sound, love? It's okay if you don't want to though' . You say as you softly caress his face and he kisses you before answering. 'Yes... I want to.. Please play with me all you want from now on'.
Days pass and you promised Hyunjin you would take your tutoring hours seriously after that night so you try your best to do so. You're more distracted than ever in classes though. Your eyes drift to him so many times without you even noticing. But he's so cute and handsome. Your mind goes wild thinking of all the ways you wanna mess with him in bed. You can't believe you never noticed him before.
And you're having so much fun with him. Pushing him inside empty classrooms just to make out, and he gets so blushy and needy. It makes your heart flutter.
The class ends and you go say hi to him. 'Will I see you tonight?' You ask and he nods. Then he holds your hand to take you to a quieter place. 'So... I was thinking. Maybe we could do it tonight?' He says. 'Yeah?' You smile and he simply nods. 'Sure'. You say and he sweetely smiles. 'Okay, do you mind if we do it in my room though? My roommate is leaving for the weekend so we'll be completely alone'. He says and you agree then he pecks your lips before leaving.
The rest of your day flies after those news and soon you're standing right in front of his room.
He opens the door and blushes lightly as soon as he sees you. 'You look so beautiful y/n'. He says and you peck his lips. 'You look hot'. You reply and he laughs. 'Thank you. I took off my glasses'. He says, pointing at his eyes. Making your heart flutter at how cute he is. He locks the door and you sit on his bed. 'Come here'. You call him and he sits right besides you. You can tell he's nervous so you smile and kiss him softly.
Your hands travel down to his crotch after a bit to palm him as you kiss. At first he gets a bit startled when he notices your hand cause he's shy but you quiet him down. 'It's okay, you don't have to be shy around me'. You say with a sweet tone and he keeps kissing you.
A bit later you unzip his pants and get your hand under his boxers to pump him. He's blushing so hard. His tip is leaking precum so you take a look at his blushing face before you start kissing and nibbling on his neck. His eyes are closed now as you do so then you take one of his hands and place it over his length. 'Show me how you do it'. You whisper on his ear and he looks at you with pleading eyes. 'B-But...it's embarrassing...' He says and your heart skips a beat. 'Yes, it is baby'. You say then lick his cheek before biting it lightly making him groan softly. Your hand over his so he would start moving it. 'C'mon, let me see how you like to be touched'. You whisper to him again and he closes his eyes as he does what you asked. His cheeks must feel so hot with all that blushing.
You climb his neck with your mouth and nib on his earlobe before whispering again. 'Jinnie~ When you act dirty my heart beats faster'. You say and he lets out a moan. You chuckle softly and kiss him. There’s a lot of sloppy kisses. He's so into everything that's happening right now he doesn't even notice your hand helping him out again at first. 'I-I'm gonna cum..' He says and you smile as you comb his hair with your fingers out of his beautiful face. His lips yearning for yours as he feels his release so close so you kiss him, then you feel the warmth of his seed over your hand as he moans on the kiss. You bite his lips as he keeps moaning then peck his cheek. 'So cute'. You say as you stroke his hair and peck his nose. His chest going up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
You sit astride him and take off your top, then you take his hands on yours and guide them to your boobs. He blushes again as soon as you place them there but you make him squeeze them and tell him to do whatever he feels like with them. And even when he started off shyly, soon enough your bra becomes a nuisance for him and he needs to get rid of it.
You chuckle softly as you unclasp it and throw it away from him. And he hugs you to bury his head between your tits. Nibbling all over. Making your heart race once more.
Soon you can feel his dick getting hard again so you guide his chin with your finger so he looks at you. 'Are you ready, love?' You ask and he nods so you peck his lips before standing for a moment to get rid of your panties. 'You have any condoms?' You ask and you can see the panic in his eyes for a second so you chuckle. 'It's fine, I brought some'. You say and look for them in your bag then go back to him. 'I think it's better you sit against the headboard'. You say and he moves instantly.
You climb on bed and sit astride Hyunjin again while you unwrap the condom then pump his cock a bit before placing it slowly. He shyly looks at you and you smile before kissing him as you grind a bit against his tip getting it wet with your juices. You stop kissing him only to see his face as his length stretches you out slowly. He feels the sweet pressure of your walls around his hard cock, making his eyes shine with expectation. 'S-So tight' He says and you smile. 'That's cause you're so big, baby'. You tell him and his dick twitches inside you.
He places his hands on your hips and you start moving up and down slowly at first but you pick up the pace as you find your sweet spot. 'Y/n... W-Wait...' He says. You moan in his ear and he throws his head back. 'F-Fuck...' He groans and you feel him getting soft after a bit so you stop. 'You came?' You ask and he nods embarrassed so you caress his face softly. 'It's okay. We can try again in a bit if you want'. You kiss him. 'Yes. I want to cum with you'. He says as he pouts and your heart flutters once again.
You've been kissing for a while now, both of you lying down. You took his hand and taught him some tricks to make you feel good down there and so far he's doing great but you want to cum with him so you stop Hyunjin from what he's doing and make him some room between your legs. 'Come here, it's time for the most vanilla position of all'. You say and he chuckles. You're both pretty aroused after all that touching so he slips inside you as soon as the condom is on. You moan softly as he moves faster. And it's so hot in that room... He's sweating so much.
You comb his long black hair back with both your hands to see his face better and he leans over you to kiss. It’s not like you were talking much before but now it's all grunts and pants and moans.
His head is resting on the crook of your neck now as he catches his breath for a bit. You peck his cheek and pat his butt softly. 'Let's change baby, I'm getting close'. You say, then you turn around and wiggle your butt at him as you smile.
He chuckles and stops your movements with his hands on your hips then he leaves a kiss on your lower back. 'C'moon'. You whine even if that was the cutest thing ever and he rubs his tip on your slit as he looks for your entrance.
He thinks his view couldn't get any better as he sees his cock sliding in and out of you. And for you, he's hitting all the right places so you wouldn't complain either. You grasp on the bed sheets as he picks up the pace. You're feeling so good right now your moans won't even leave your mouth. 'I-I'm gonna cum y/n... S-Sorry'. He says just when you feel your high aproaching. 'Yes...' You moan out, as the only thing you manage to say, and he moves even faster releasing just a moment later. His sweet groans filling the room along with yours.
He lies on bed after getting rid of the condom and you lie next to him. He's out of breath but so are you. He smiles and you wipe the sweat off his cheeks and forehead with your thumb then kiss him softly. A bunch of sloppy kisses come after that but no words.
Just you and him and kisses.
Part 2
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