#listen my parents were yelling at eachother in the car earlier
boxloonaer · 2 years
ripping your partner in half and eating them is kind of hot
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voooorhees · 4 years
As much as I'm shy as hell to ask, could you please write for Billy x fem!reader in which they both fall for each other but he he was still with Sidney and have to do something about it first?
Thank you
Yes! I’m trying to go through my ask box cause i finally have time to do some :) I thought this would make a nice little short story
billy loomis x reader
warnings: fluff, mentions of murder
Billy didn’t know how to handle his emotions- it was very evident in his newer “pastimes” he developed with the help of Stu. Murdering was a way for him to release all these pent up feelings in a way that didn’t leave him feeling vulnerable and weak as those emotions amplify everything else. As for his current dilemma, he had a plan that Stu helped him with. The two of them would throw a party when Stu’s parents were out of town- they planned everything, making sure the smallest details were known. Billy would finally get rid of one of his biggest issues, that issue being his current “girlfriend” Sidney Prescott, and by getting rid of her he could finally have what he needed. Like a starved man being allowed food, he needed you like nothing else but he had his little issue to work through first.
You had noticed something off about Billy, he was a little distant more recently but you brushed it off as this month would be the one year anniversary of his mom abandoning him and Sidney’s mom’s murder- that and the recent killings had made everyone act off. Seeing how spacey he seemed while walking through the halls with you, Sid, and Stu, you decided once Sid left that you would invite the boys to have a movie marathon at your house, seeing as both boys got an odd confort in on-screen bloodbaths and terror, you were just a “casual” fan, something Billy would lightheartedly mess with you for, claiming that since you him and Stu were always watching something together, you should be as into the movies as them. You asked the boys before entering the last class of the day if they wanted to go to your house later and they agreed. You said your byes to them as you entered the class.
After class had ended, you went to try and find the boys at the usual after school meeting spot but you only met up with Sidney and Tatum. Sidney seemed like she had been crying and Tatum was more defensive today so you just decided to go home, “why bother finding them if I’m just gonna be yelled at by Tate?” you thought to yourself, wanting to save a headache. You walked alone to your house but something was wrong, the front door was unlocked, your parents cars weren’t in the driveway, and when you went to enter your room you noticed the door was slightly ajar. Knowing something was up, you quietly set down your bag and slowly opening your door.
To your surprise Billy and Stu were the only ones occupying your room.
“What the hell guys?! Couldn’t have you left a note that said you were here before giving me a heart attack?” You spoke, holding a hand over your quickly beating heart. You went to say another smart remark but you finally read the duo’s expressions. Stu’s face held a stern expression that quickly made your worry return and Billy’s was the same spaced out face as earlier.
“Hey is everything okay? You two haven’t seemed your normal selves today, did i do anything?” You questioned them, taking a seat on the bed next to Billy, Stu perched on your desk. No words were spoken but the look the boys gave eachother was like a silent conversation, the two of them easily communicating through small, seemingly unnoticeable gestures. Billy nodded at Stu, almost telepathically giving him permission to speak.
“Y/n, you didn’t do anything so don’t worry, you’re okay, it’s just...we have an issue and we don’t know how to work it out” Stu spoke softly, idly messing with his hands and not looking you in the eyes. Billy finally sat up from his lazed limp position. He ran his hands over his face before exhaling and looking at you
“Y/n I’ve told Stu about this a few months back but I never had the nerve to tell you and the issue is Sid. Ya see, I want to break up with her but it seems like now if I did, it’ll ruin her but with what i’m feeling, feelings i’ve had for as long as I can remember, I just can’t do it with her anymore”
Your eyes widened at his statement, shocked. “Billy you have to do what makes you feel the best, for your sake, you can’t control what she feels and it’ll be a weight on you for a while and if dropping that weight is what you need to do, then do it, it’ll feel wrong for a while but you’ll come to realize it was what you needed-“ you tried to get out before being cut off
“Y/n, the thing is, I never loved her. I couldn’t bring myself to love another person when the person I’ve loved was you” All he did was look you in the eyes and your whole being went through a double take, going from being cold to a heat wave coursing through you and showing as a blush on your face. You tried to speak but all you could do is stammer, eyes wide and taking in how a small smile crossed over his face. Stu just grinning dumbly at your blabbering. Billy leaned over, closing the small gap between the two of you and kissing your forehead softly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug, holding you there for a second until you returned the gesture. You never thought he would have these sorts of feelings about you, and his revelation shocked you to your core. You leaned back out of the hug to say something back to him but he shut you up before getting a word out with a simple kiss to your lips, a smile showing on your face now, “Billy, I-“ you tried to speak out
“Y/n I already know how you feel, you know how we both tell Stu everything”
“Yeah sorry y/n I just had to reassure him that you cared for him but i might’ve told him a bit more” Stu laughed out, getting up off your desk and walking over to your spot on the bed. “Anyway uhm, since we got this whole situation over with, can we pick a movie and i’ll order food?” Stu said, pulling out a few movies out of the bag on the floor.
The three of you finally settled on a movie, it was a simple b-list film that the film store had just gotten in. You took up your normal place on the couch- in the middle of the two boys, but this time Billy pulled you a bit closer and you rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling slightly drowsy.
You ended up asleep on Billy’s chest, legs laid out on Stu’s lap- not that he cared because the serene expression that befell his best friend’s normally blank face made it not matter as he was finally truely happy with how his friend felt.
As you entered a deep sleep, the boys carefully wrote down the final plans on a notebook page that they passed back and forth, making notes on how to do everything together correctly and how to pass off a grief stricken father-turned killer into the reason for the planned downfall of the party. The plans were perfect, both had decided.
Once the party came around and all the “issues” were dealt with, the boys could finally have what they wanted. Billy could have you without having to worry about any obstacles in the way and Stu having his two best friends. Billy finally decided that it would all matter in the end if it meant he could spend moments like this all the time with you.
All you knew was he was planning to break up with Sid. That’s all you would know up until the night of the party until a masked figure cornered you in a unused room, knocking you out.
That’s all that you could remember when you were questioned by the police after being released from the hospital. As you left the interrogation room, your heart quickened at the sight of the two boys being led out of another room to leave. After being escorted out of the police station and meeting with the boys, they told you how Sid’s dad went crazy and butchered everyone at the party and how he attacked and nearly killed them, they even showed the stitches they received from the hospital. But the scars or the massacre wouldn’t matter to Billy. His issues were gone and he had just what he wanted. His best friend and the girl he truly cared for- no fake scheme to frame anyone, just what he wanted.
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Bug Bros
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Word Count: 2.4k
Requested by @lina-lovebug: Jaime Reyes x Parker! Fem! Reader? They both have a cruch on eachother and Tye and Ed and Barr tease him a lot about it, and always wonder why he doesn't just ask her out. Jaime just doesn't want to start a long distance since she lives in New York, but when she becomes part of the Young leaguers, now he has no excuse. They go out on a first date, which ends abrupt cuz his friends ended up following him. She kisses him anyway and he walks her back to Mt. Justice.
“Dude, staring at her isn’t gonna do anything.” Eduardo snickered at Jaime.
“There’s this thing called talking, you should try that with her.” Tye shook his head as he tossed the guys a soda, sitting down in the Mount Justice lounge with them.
“Shut up, guys!” Jaime groaned, face burning red.
You and your teammates, Peter Parker and Sam Alexander, were here in Rhode Island on official S.H.I.E.L.D business. This wasn’t your first visit here, so nobody was surprised when none of you had really paid attention to the debriefing back at S.H.I.E.L.D (as per usual), so the trip was taking longer than expected (as per usual). Your twin brother, Peter, was currently trying to work out some sort of deal with Black Canary, you and Sam were not listening. You were both bored, and eventually snuck off to the lounge, where some of the Outsiders were chilling.
“Guys mind if we crash here?” Sam asked them, sitting down next to Bart without an answer.
“Sure.” Tye mumbled sarcastically at him.
“So what do you guys do to avoid meetings around here?” You asked as you leaned against the back of the couch behind Jaime, eyes on the tv, which was currently playing Remember the Titans. Jaime’s eyes widened and he stiffened with how close you were to him, and his friends noticed.
“Usually just run the other direction.” Bart said through a mouthful of chips.
“What’s your meeting about, anyways?” Eduardo asked.
You and Sam both shrugged.
“How many times do we have to visit you guys for you to know we never know what’s going on?” You grinned.
“Yeah, we just follow Web Heads lead.” Sam stole a handful of chips from Bart. “It’s funny how you think we take our job seriously.”
Everyone looked at the both of you, concerned.
“We’re kidding, we take it seriously.” You reassure them. “Just nothing to do with...business meetings.”
“Nova! H/N! Get back here!” Spider Man ordered you. Sam rolled his eyes and took one last handful of chips before putting his helmet on and flying over.
“See ya later, Bug Bro.” You ruffled Jaime’s hair before shooting a web and swinging back over. Jaime’s face was now bright red, and he was clutching his soda can so tight his knuckles turned white. Eduardo and Tye started snickering at him, Jaime throwing his empty soda can at them in retaliation It didn’t affect either of them the way Jaime wanted it to, and they kept laughing at him.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Bart asked.
“Because.” Jaime crossed his arms and pouted.
“It’s a simple resolution, dude.” Tye picked up the soda can and tossed it back at him teasingly.
“Just ask her out, amigo!” Eduardo shouted a little too loud. Thankfully, you were too busy getting scolded by Black Canary and Batman to hear. “She obviously likes you, and even a deaf and blind man would know you like her!”
“I can’t ask her out, guys!” Jaime snapped at them, now actually angry. Now they stopped laughing and looked at him, concerned.
“Dude, whats up?” Tye asked his best friend.
“Looks, she lives all the way in New York. I live in El Paso.” Jaime sighed. “There’s no way it would work.”
“But you’re mostly here.” Bart tried to reassure him. “Rhode Island isn’t too far from New York.”
“Asami lives in Japan, we still make it work.” Tye added.
“Asami doesn’t live in Japan. She moved here last week. Don’t think I don’t remember.” Jaime mumbled.
“But before that we had a long distance thing.”
“For like a month while she sorted stuff out with her parents.” Jaime scoffed. “Y/N lives in New York. She’s not moving anytime soon.”
“So...you like her, but you’re not willing to even give long distance a try?” Eduardo raised an eyebrow.
“Well that makes me sound like el huevón, dude!” Jaime snapped. “Look, it just won’t work, okay? Would you guys just drop it?”
The boys all glanced at each other, shocked at Jaime’s outburst. He was always so chill, would hardly even yell at villains, so they almost didn’t recognize him when he was angry. Even Tye didn’t, and he’s known the guy since middle school.
“What’s the ups, dudes? Change the channel, games on.” Virgil waltzed in, snatching the remote from the coffee table.
Virgil didn’t notice the tense atmosphere until his team scored, and he went to high five Jaime, and didn’t get a response.
“Uhh...don’t leave me hangin, bro!” Virgil said, then finally looked at the other boys’ faces. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Jaime grumbled, getting up and walking out to the balcony.
“What’s his deal?” Virgil asked. “I didn’t think it was physically possible for him to be angry...”
“I’ll go talk to him.” Tye rushed after Jaime.
He walked out to the balcony, Jaime sitting on the rail and mumbling to himself, something he often did when he was nervous. Tye would often catch him doing this before math tests or trying a complicated skateboard trick.
“Talk to me, man.” Tye leaned against the railing, resting his chin on his hand.
“I really like her.” Jaime said, just above a whisper. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you can either tell her and try, or never tell her and miss your chance forever.” Tye said nonchalantly, staring out at the city.
“Wow. That makes me feel better.” Jaime chuckled.
“Hey, you can always count on me to be real with you.” Tye nudged him lightly.
“That I can.” Jaime playfully shoved him.
“So? What are you gonna do?” Tye raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Bug Bro!” You shouted, before jumping onto Jaime’s back. He yelped, quickly straightening up and holding onto the backs of your legs to keep you up.
“Warn me next time?” He asked, grinning up at you and you leaned over his shoulder to see his face.
“Sorry.” You laughed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “I have news, bro.”
“What is it, bro?” He asked as he continued making his way towards the kitchen for some lunch.
“Fury gave the green light, I’m joining the Outsiders!” You beamed excitedly.
“What? Really?” Jaime asked, eyes widening in shock.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be a counselor too.” You smiled.
“Why aren’t you staying in New York?” He asked as you hopped off his back and walked next to him.
“I need a change of scenery.” You shrugged. “Some space from my brother. I love him and all, but he never lets me do a lot on missions. Thinks I’ll get hurt or whatever.”
“Is it permanent?” He asked curiously.
“Nothings permanent, Jaime.” You giggled. “But maybe. I do want to help people more directly. I love my team but I just don’t have that kind of opportunity with S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“Yeah...S.H.I.E.L.Ds kinda scary.” Jaime rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well, I’m glad to have you on the team, Y/N.”
“Now I’ll be with my Bug Bro all the time!” You grinned, elbowing him playfully.
“Yeah! Totally.” He grinned nervously.
“Dude, what do I even say?” Jaime hyperventilated as he paced back and forth in front of Bart and Tye.
Tye and Bart didn’t really get along, they tolerated each other, but thy weren’t best buds. But when Jaime needed help, they would stop the bickering and work together.
“You got the hard part over with.” Tye shrugged. “She said yes to the date.”
“I know. I thought that was the hard part, turns out it’s not.” Jaime said as he checked himself in the mirror for the thousandth time. “Now I gotta actually make sure she likes me?”
“Well...Yeah?” Bart blinked at his homie. “Dude, just be yourself.”
“But a little less nervous.” Tye added.
“And maybe stop sweating.” Bart nodded.
“Quit worrying about your hair, it hasn’t moved since 2008.”
“Try to flirt a little more.”
“But not too much, you don’t want to come off as an idiot.”
“But you said be myself! None of those things is myself!” Jaime shouted at his friends.
“Be yourself...but calm.” Bart instructed.
“How am I supposed to be calm? I-“
“Dude! You’re late!” Tye yelled when he saw the time, 7 minutes past when Jaime was supposed to leave to pick you up.
“Shit!” Jaime snatched his keys from the dish on the side table. “See you guys later! But what if I mess this up-“
“Go!” Tye and Bart both yelled. Jaime stuck his tongue out at ten before rushing out to his car.
Bart and Tye sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, blankly staring at the tv.
“Wanna follow him?” Bart grinned.
“Oh yeah.” Tye nodded. “Let me call for reinforcements.”
“...and then Danny punched a hole trough the wall and hit Sam on accident.” You giggled as you finished a story about your teammates.
“Isn’t Danny supposed to be the chill one?” Jaime chuckled.
“Apparently.” You shrugged. “To be fair, he had a reason to be mad.”
“I suppose. So-“ Jaime opened his mouth to ask another question, but froze when he saw something: a few tables back and on the row across from them, he saw Tye, Bart, Eduardo and Virgil wearing sunglasses, fake mustaches and their hoods. He instantly glared at them, motioning discreetly for them to leave.
“What are you-?” You turned to look where he was.
“Wait Wait Wait!” Jaime shouted, a little too loudly, gaining the attention of several other customers. He smiled nervously and cleared his throat. “Um...you mentioned earlier a time when Sam crash landed into the White House?”
“Oh yeah!” You laughed, and began the story.
Jaime wanted to pay attention, he really did, but he couldn’t take his focus off his idiot friends. First of all he couldn’t believe Tye agreed to the ‘disguises’. Second of all, he couldn’t believe they were spying on him! Had they no regard for privacy and personal space?? Okay, so, maybe he did believe it.
‘Jaime Reyes, I advise you to focus on the Y/N Parker. She may grow angry if she discovers you are not listening. Shall I activate and obliterate the Tye Longshadow, Bart Allen, Eduardo Dorado Jr and Virgil Hawkins so you may focus properly on the Y/N Parker’s story?’ The Scarab asked.
“No! No obliteration!” Jaime mumbled.
“Is the Scarab talking to you?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah, sorry. He’s been yapping in my ear, it’s hard to concentrate.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh. Well, we can leave if you want.” You smiled and waved over the waitress for the check.
“Please, let me.” Jaime set down his credit card before you could even open your wallet.
“Come on, you drove us here.” You sigh as the waitress took his credit card.
“It’s no trouble, really.” He shook his head. “It’s my fault this is ending so abruptly, it’s the least I can do.”
Once the waitress came back with his card he led to back out to his car, glaring at his friends as you passed the table. They all snickered, quickly paying their bill and piling into Virgil’s car.
“Where’d they go?” Bart asked as he leaned forward, between Virgil and Tye.
“Uh...there!” Eduardo pointed ahead. “¡Dale!”
Virgil stepped on it, following close behind Jaime’s black car. Tye looked at his phone when a text alert went off, seeing a text from Jaime: Quit following me! You’re all dead!
Tye just snickered, before responding with: wow, texting and driving? Not cool, man.
They followed Jaime’s car all the way back to Mount Justice, Eduardo and Bart bickering as they tried to see between the front seats, shoving each other. Virgil parked far behind them, just close enough to be able to see.
You were clueless to the car full of idiots as Jaime walked you up to the entrance. Jaime was well aware, and worried that you would notice them.
‘Jaime Reyes, get her inside quick. Once the door shuts we shall obli-‘
“Scarab, Stop!” Jaime scolded.
“He’s still chatty?” You giggled at Jaime as you reached the doors.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You can’t help that the alien parasite attached to you is talkative.” You smile up at him, making him laugh. “Uh...I had a really good time. Even if it was cut short.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled back at you, equally as nervous and awkward.
You both stood there for a few moments, not sure what to do next.
“What are they doing?” Eduardo asked as he shoved Batt aside to see better.
“They’re just standing there.” Virgil shook his head. “Is this dude really not smooth at all?”
“Trust me, hasn’t been smooth ever since we were kids.” Tye shook his head. “Doesn’t have a smooth bone in his body.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure your bones are smooth-Ow! What?” Bart rubbed his arm where Eduardo punched him.
“Come on, Jaime, do something.” Virgil groaned, starting to get second hand embarrassment for the guy.
Jaime knew he wanted to kiss you, but was it what you wanted? Would you yell at him? Not return it? Never lack to him ever again? Luckily, his anxious thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly craned your neck up to be able to press your lips to his. It was a quick peck on the lips, just to test the waters. He pulled you in for another kiss, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to lift yourself up a little higher.
“Finally!” Tye shouted, probably loud enough for the both of you to hear if you weren’t so busy.
“Oh, gross! I said kiss, not suck face!” Virgil pretended to gag.
“Dang, they’re really going at it.” Bart mumbled.
“You guys ruin the mood.” Eduardo shook his head. “Is this what it’s like to date you?”
“First of all, watching someone suck face is way different than sucking face.” Tye said.
“Quit saying ‘suck face’.” Eduardo cringed.
“Second of all, I am a delight to date.”
“Ha!” Virgil snorted, then slapped his hand over his mouth when Tye sent him a death glare. “I mean...yeah dude, who wouldn’t date you? You’re just so...lovely.”
“Uh...guys...Jaime’s coming for us.” Bart warmed.
“Crap! Start the car! Start the car!” Eduardo shrieked as Jaime activates his Blue Beetle suit, flying at them with the thirst for revenge in his eyes.
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enchantedtomeethyun · 4 years
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Cruel Summer: Part Two
Warnings: language
Pairing : Chan x reader
Walking down the hall of the hotel I wished he would chase me. I imagined him to confess right before I walked out. He would say " you're so much more to me." Then I would look at him and he would look at me and see me and not my body. I quickly made it to the elevator looking at my hand holding the room key.
"Fuck..." I muttered. Standing in the elevator my mind replayed the last moment. His face was facing downwards so I couldn't see how he felt. But he knew how I felt. I made it so obvious in that moment. He wouldn't want anything to do with me now. Not after that. Get tangled up with someone who had feelings for him when he didn't feel the same. He won't call me I thought. He won't text me and this will end here. A not so happy ending to my night. What started out with stolen stares and secret meetings turned into a dramatic exit of a side hoe. I'm ridiculous. I really thought he would just chase me and confess. I'm more delusional than I thought.
The elevator dings and I step out looking around the lobby one last time. I recall the moments we shared in different places. Our first night when he was getting us the room he looked so nervous it was endearing. The concierge picked up on what was happening and figured we were a young couple finally able to break away from our parents for a night commenting "Have a night away you too and I wish you a happy future." To which Chan blushed and bowed. Moments like that made me feel like we were a couple and it felt so right.
Walking to my car I remember the first time he kissed me. It was raining and I was looking for my umbrella in the back seat. He laughed behind me already holding it and keeping us dry.
"Chan! Why didn't you tell me I've been rummaging for four minutes now!" I said annoyed but smiling.
"I figured you would figure out since you're not wet from the rain." He laughed pulling me in.
"You just wanted to look at my butt I bet!" I said playfully slapping his arm.
"You caught me!" He laughed holding my face in his free hand. "You caught me.." he mumbled looking in my eyes longingly as he moved toward my face kissing me.
A single tear ran down my face knowing this is the last time I'll see him. That's the thing about illicit affairs.. they show their truth one single time and then they die. A billion little times.
I step into my car and sigh defeated. I'm stupid. I'm stupid. I'm stupid. If I stayed and kept my mouth shut everything would be fine right now. But no I had to make a scene and now I can't even think of him without hating myself. I check my phone for any sign of a second chance with Chan. The screen was blank with no notifications. I guess I never mattered to him.
I hear a tapping on my window which scared me a bit and I roll it down to see a figure standing at my door.
"Hey ma'am there's someone who's been following you to your car just to let you know. I've been watching on the security cameras he took the elevator after you and followed you out here. He's sitting over there by the vending machines." A man in a security uniform tells me.
I look over to the vending machine to see a dark figure leaning on it but looking away.
"Oh ok thank you sir." I said as he walked back into the hotel through the security door.
How peculiar I thought. Maybe it was him.. I felt a sudden jolt and got out of my car leaving my things inside. I locked it and approached the figure slowly. My feet on the gravel making my foot steps known the figure turns around.
"Christopher?" I asked waiting for him to smile at me and walk towards me. But the man stood still. Maybe he didn't hear me. I approached him closer asking again.
"Christopher is that you? I didn't think you would come out here and" my sentence stopped once I realized it was not him. The Man standing there held a camera and wore a grimace. My head beat was in my throat at this point and I froze.
"So you know Bangchan huh?" The man said his face appeared but he was wearing a face mask so I couldn't make out his full face.
"Uhh no no I was just looking for someone else my brother ran away.." I panicked backing away.
"That's not what these picture tell me. I've been watching you two for a few months now. I know everything." The man said confidently.
"Why didn't you sell the pictures then?" I asked quietly.
"Cause I knew I could sell them better with a story. How's the headline "stray kids bangchan's secret affair ends sour". He said laughing.
"Or how about "exclusive interview with leader of stray kids Fuck doll" he laughed again.
I didn't know what to say. I simply just began to cry. Not only did I lose Chan. But I ruined his career.
The camera flashed at me and all I could do was stand there and cry. The entrance opened and the manager came into to see what was the commotion. Shooing away the camera man he walked me to my car and asked me questions. But to be honest I don't remember anything.
I woke up the next morning in bed. My tear stained cheeks told me it was not a dream and it all clearly happened. I reached for my phone to check the time.
1:58 am
I look around in the dark and smell a familiar scent. Sitting up quickly I waited a second for my eyes to adjust to the night. How did I end up here? All I remember is the flashes of the camera and stumbling to my car with the help of the hotel manager but am I home? I hear something stir behind me and I then piece together everything. I'm still with Chan?
My shocked breath and jerk of my body awoke Chan who seemed awake almost immediately.
"Chris..." is all I could say. He breathed out deeply and sat up.
"Is it ok if I turn on the light?" He asks me and I nod assuming his eyes are adjusted like mine.
He rolls over the turn on the table lamp and rolls back over looking at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"I know you don't want to talk but you don't have to.." he began.
"All I ask is you listen.." he said taking a deep breath and looking at me.
We sat in front of each other. Our legs crossed and our eyes looking into eachothers. The mood felt serious and I wasn't sure about how to feel. It never felt this way with him.
"I want to apologize first.. I never meant for it to end up this way. I know you might think badly of me I can tell by your body language but I'm unsure why to be honest." I felt my blood begin to heat. He doesn't know why?
"I feel energized with you. You're an escape from my job. You make me feel good and I feel like I have a lot of fun with you." He explained looking in my eyes. He only sees me as fun? I'm like an arcade for a group of kids after finals is over. A reward. The taste of an ice cream cone after a long run. Tears begin the well up in my eyes which cut off Chan's umms.
"Actually listen I don't think I want to do this no I can't Chan." I said stuttering. His reflexes made him reach for my hand which i sharply pulled away hurt.
"How dare you..." I said louder than his calm talking voice he was using before. This caught him by surprise as he leaned back. Eyes wide open he looks like he's about to speak.
I cut him off " How dare you do this to me. You've made me a mess. I can't stop thinking of you. You call me baby and you don't think of the consequences. You kiss me with so much passion you make me think it's real for a minute. You hold my hand when we cross the street and squeeze it when I get nervous in crowds. Then you say I'm your fun away from work." I raised my voice. Getting up from the bed.
"Have you ever thought about how I feel?" I cried. I walked towards him. He was now staring at me eyes widened. His breathing was heavy but not as labored as mine as a weep between my rage.
"I'm a toy to you right? You play with me then I break. You'll find a new one yeah..." I was hysterical. Dropping to my knees with a thud I sobbed uncontrollably. Chan stood up immediately. You would of thought I was stabbed judging by his reaction as he rushed over to me. It felt that way though. I felt as if my heart had a knife tearing through it every aching moment with him in that room.
"I need to to breathe... come on please just take a breath" he said to me as he tried to help me stand but gave up and just held my shaking body. I pushed him away from me and stood up using the bed to support myself. He composed himself and stood up aswell.
I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you! Ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard!" Wiping my tears I look to the window as a head police sirens approaching. I sniffled and shuffled toward to window to see what was happening. He walked over to the window and stood silently with me watching.
The man who was holding the camera to me earlier that night was being arrested and yelled at by the hotel manager.
I glance over at Chan.
He looks up grinning like a devil.
"It's new. The shape of your body. But it's blue. The feeling I got." He said looking at me. I turned towards him confused.
"It's been a cruel summer..." he continued.
"It's cool.. we didn't make any rules it was an unbreakable heaven.." I laughed sadly.
"I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you. " he said still looking at me. Reaching for my hands I let him hold them.
"I love you..." he finally said smiling.
"That's the best thing I've ever heard." I said back as he pulled me into him. Kissing me with as much passion and vigor I had wished.
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
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part five
Genre: Thriller AU
Characters: Yoongi, Hoseok x Reader
Previous — Next
„Bye, mom!“, you yelled before storming out of the house to catch the bus. After being awake throughout the night you‘d finally fallen asleep right before your alarm went off but it took you too long to realize that you were running late already. You couldn‘t stop thinking about the message from the unknown number trying to come up with a plan to catch the stalker. But it had only resulted in a sleepless night.
As you ran to the bus station you could already see the bus from afar drive off without you. You slowed down pulling your hair in frustration already dreading to have to walk in late into class.
„Missed the bus?“
You jumped at the deep voice that came from behind you turning around to see no one other than Yoongi standing there with a smirk on his lips. After you‘d calmed down again you nodded with a deep sigh.
Yoongi didn‘t reply but cramed in the pockets of his black jeans to take out a bundle of keys wiggling them in front of you with a smile.
„Mind if I drive you to college?“
Your eyes widened at his suggestion surprised that he was really offering to drive you all the way to your college. It would take too long and didn‘t he have anything else to do?
„Oh, no... you don‘t have to-“, but you got cut off by his palm that he held up to stop you from talking. He shook his head with his eyes closed his hair bouncing from one side to the other and you tried to hold back the urge to run your fingers through them.
„I insist! I really have nothing else to do and I‘ll get to see a little bit of this big town as well. So are you ready?“
He leaned down to look into your eyes and they were so full of friendliness that you couldn‘t resist and so you nodded.
You and Yoongi walked back to his garage and got into his unsurprisingly black car as he drove off towards your school. The whole ride was filled with small talk that you couldn‘t hold up and ended up in awkward silence multiple times. You didn‘t know what to say or what you could ask him to keep the conversation flowing since he seemed to be the quiet type as well.
But suddenly you remembered something you were curious about and looked to your side at Yoongi whose eyes were fixed on the road in front of you.
„Can I ask you something?“
Yoongi hummed still focused on the street telling you to continue.
„Your parents... where-“, you couldn‘t finish your sentence as he cut you off sternly.
„They‘re no longer with us.“
„Oh, I‘m sorry“, you said suddenly feeling very stupid for asking that but you were curious why they were living on their own.
„No, don‘t be. They‘re not dead, but they are to me.“
He turned his head to look at you for a moment and you could see in his eyes that he didn‘t want to talk about it so you changed the topic.
„What kind of music do you produce?“
He seemed to be more comfortable with this question and you could see a small smile form on his stone cold expression and you internally cheered for finally having found a topic he was passionate about.
„It‘s better if you just listen to it yourself“, he said after a pause as he fiddled with the radio pressing several buttons before you could hear a catchy beat sound through the speakers of his car. Soon you heard someone rapping to the beat and you recognized Yoongi‘s voice immediately and you just stared at him in disbelief.
„Woah, this is you?“, you couldn‘t help but nod along to the beat as you watched Yoongi‘s lips turn into a proud smile as he nodded.
„You‘re very talented, Yoongi! I have to show this to my friend“, you yelled over the loud music and Yoongi turned the volume down as he looked at you with wide eyes.
„You really like it?“, his voice was surprised and so were his eyes as he looked at you and you nodded enthusiastically showering him with praises and compliments because it was really that good. The color of his cheeks was turning more and more pink along with each compliment you gave him and you could see that he wasn‘t used to getting so many compliments so you stopped to just look at him with an encouraging smile.
He pulled into the parking lot of your college and turned the engine off turning his body to you looking deep in to your eyes. You suddenly felt uneasy underneath his gaze shifting in your seat feeling your hands getting sweaty and your heart picking up its pace.
What was going on?
Yoongi kept looking at you for a while before he thanked you for your words.
„Thank you... it really means a lot to me.“
You couldn‘t reply out of fear your voice might give away your sudden nervousness but you smiled at him which he replied with his gummy smile. Thanks to Yoongi you were just on time for your class and you felt like you had to thank him properly for driving you all the way to your college.
„I‘ll show you my favorite café and buy you a drink, okay?“
Yoongi‘s eyes widened at your offer clearly taken aback he looked at you confused as you just laughed nervously. Did you just really indrectly ask him out for a coffee?
„As a thank you for driving me to school?“, you added shyly.
Yoongi finally seemed to understand the situation and his cheeks flamed up again and at this point you just found it adorable how shy he was.
„I‘ll pick you up after school then?“, he raised his brows his eyes full of hope and you nodded getting out of the car. For the rest of the day you couldn‘t sit still only wanting to finish your classes and leave to meet up with Yoongi as soon as humanly possible.
„Why are you so on edge the whole day?“, Hoseok‘s voice brought you back to reality as you shook your head to get the daydreams out of your mind. You weren‘t a good liar and you knew Hoseok could see right through you so you eventually told him everything.
„Oh... you’re finally coming out of your shell Y/N, that‘s nice!“, he said smiling at you warmly. You couldn‘t help the way your cheeks turned bright red at his comment and you playfully punched his arm. Hoseok couldn‘t stop asking questions about Yoongi until the class ended but you couldn‘t even tell him that much since you‘d known Yoongi only for about a week now. You showed him his songs while walking out of the classroom and watched his face light up.
„This is good!“, he showed both of his thumbs up after the song ended and you two walked out of the building. You immediately spotted Yoongi leaning against his car and waving at you with a smile that you could recognize from miles away. Hoseok looked down at you with a grin slightly pushing you into the direction where Yoongi was waiting for you.
„Have fun Y/N.“
After saying goodbye to Hoseok you walked up to Yoongi with a smile that you could hardly hide. You were happy to get to spend more time with him feeling the ice around the both of you slowly melt the more you were together.
„You have an excellent taste Y/N. This is my favorite drink from now on.“
Yoongi declared after downing the French Vanilla you‘d bought him at the café. You grinned widely proud of yourself that you‘d chosen the perfect drink for him. He took another sip looking up at you with wide eyes and you didn‘t hesitate to snap a picture of him on your phone. The afternoon went by with you two just talking about trivial things and you got to know eachother better and better with each minute spent together. You loved how attentively he was listening to you never losing his focus as you felt like he was really interested in what you were telling him. It felt nice to talk to him and you were comfortable in his presence the feeling of being accepted surrounding you.
„Oh god, it‘s dark outside! We totally forgot the time“, you exclaimed looking at your watch in panic. You didn‘t even tell your mother that you were going to be this late and you decided to call her immediately.
After telling your mom that you were running late Yoongi kept apologizing for keeping you this long.
„Stop it, it‘s not even your fault. I was the one who invited you and honestly I had a great time.“
You both walked out of the café and you glanced to your side to see his eyes fixed on the ground but a smile was evident on his lips. He looked satisfied and it filled you with so much joy.
„The pleasure is all mine, Miss Y/N.“ He stopped to look at you properly and you could feel the same uneasiness from earlier today crawl up inside of you. His intense eye contact just made you feel some type of way and you were afraid he might be able to hear your heart hammering against your chest. You were waiting for him to say something but he kept looking at you with a blank face before smiling at you warmly, a smile that made you weak in your knees.
What was happening to you, you asked yourself as you continued walking. Soon you arrived at your doorstep and you turned around to Yoongi who had his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans. It was quiet around you the streets were empty it felt like time stopped when you were near him.
„Thank y-“
„Y/N I-“
You both started at the same time and broke out into a fit of laughter.
„You go first“, you said looking at him expectantly as Yoongi gathered his courage to speak up.
„Y/N, I had a great time today and I...“, he stopped removing his hands from the pockets pulling on the seam of his shirt to even it out. He seemed to be very nervous.
„I wanted to ask if I could take you out for dinner.“
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A/N: I know this one‘s more on the fluff side but admit it, we all love fluffy Yoongi🥺🤧 I promise it‘ll get creepier with the next chapters...
Thanks for reading and commenting I purple y‘all💜☺️
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rivershallows-blog · 4 years
Am i looking at this wrong
so i am adopted. my parents are also looking after this girl MS (my sister) who i consider as a sister. she is really manipulative and can sometimes be emotionally abusive. last summer she said that she wanted to kill her self and that it was all MY fault. but she became better when she started taking medicine for her depression. but then she would try to control me by saying that i didn’t care if she died and threatened to run away multiple times. i do really care about her but recently it has gotten so much worse. she is known in my immediate family for sneeking her phone and talking with random strangers. a couple of days ago we were hanging out in my room when she told me that she was dating someone online. when she was telling me about him at first i was happy for her. but then she told me that he was eighteen. she is 12. i told her that what she was doing was illegal but she didn’t listen to me. the next day i saw a video on tik tok explaining what grooming was. it was describing the exact thing MS’s boyfriend was doing. i warned after sending my mom an email about what happened. a few hours later the cops showed up at our house. apparently MS was talking with my ex when she told him to call the police because she was feeling suicidal. so she went to the hospital for the second time between weeks of eachother. she didn’t even want to be in the same car as my mom. so she went to the same hospital she went a few weeks earlier when she attempted suicide. i confronted my ex about what happened and he said that she told him that we were yelling at her and planning on disowning her. when i asked her about it she completely denied it. my parents were planning on adopting her. right now she is still in the hospital and we don’t know if she will continue living with us, but she won’t go back to her family wich is what she wants. what i want to know is am i wrong to be mad at her?
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andiwantitliao-blog · 6 years
My first ever fanfic!
The New Girl. Part 1
This is a kaitlyn x MC (AU). Its set at highschool where kaitlyn and MC (Charlotte) meet and start to develop feelings. (Thinking of maybe trying this as a series. Be kind, it's my first try at this :')
Charlotte woke to a loud banging on her bedroom door. Pulling the blankets up over her head she sleepily called out. "Urg! What?!"
With no warning the door swung open and her little brother burst in to the room. As much as she adored her brother, the energy of an 8 year old was not ideal for the morning of the first day back at school. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie! You gotta get up!" He sang as he practically bounced all over her room. "Come on Charlie! We're gonna be late!" With a sigh, Charlotte threw off the covers and looked over at her brother with a loving smile before pulling herself from her bed and shuffling downstairs.
"Come on Connor. I think your cartoons are on." She said, taking his hand and leading him down the stairs.
The table, as usual, was set with a lavish breakfast that their mum had cooked up. Charlotte grabbed a few slices of bacon and sat down cross legged in front of the tv with Connor, just in time to hear the theme tune for Renegade Rock Rangers; Connor's favourite show about 5 teenagers who's instruments and rock music could vanquish any evil.
"Charlotte..." she heard her dad say with a quiet laugh. "Aren't you a little old for this now?"
"Plenty of kids my age watch cartoons dad. Besides..." she ruffled Connor's hair. "We're huge fans of Rock Rangers." Her dad laughed again as he collected his things for work, giving them both a kiss on the tops of their heads before leaving for the day. After 30 minutes of watching the show and a few air guitar power-ups with Connor, Charlotte started to get ready for school.
Sitting in the backseat of her mum's car with Connor, Charlotte looked over her class schedule for the new year. Most of her classes she enjoyed, and the ones she didn't was only because the teachers of the classes were boring to listen to drone on. The car pulled up outside her school and Charlotte was already searching the crowds for her friends through her window.
"I see Justin and Kevin!" Connor shouted excitedly. "And there's Kyle, Sara and..." Connor paused as a deep red covered his face. "....Laura." Charlotte had noticed long ago that her brother had been crushing on her best friend. It was cute watching him get flustered every time Laura came to the house. Kissing him goodbye and trying to hold back the grin creeping across her lips, Charlotte said goodbye to him and her mum before rushing over to her friends.
"CHARLIE!" Justin and Kevin called out in unison. They were twins who seemed to deliberately do everything together. "We missed you all summer!" Justin said before capturing her in a hug. Kevin tapped his foot in mock offence as he waited for his own. "So what's new with you?"
"Literally nothing!" She laughed. It wasn't as if they hadn't seen eachother for long. The twins were just dramatic. "What's new with my favourite identical idiots?"
"Nothing with us either... but...!" Kevin trailed off.
"But what?" As she asked Justin nodded his head to indicate behind her. As Charlotte turned around she saw her long time friend kyle sweep her newest friend Sara in to a deep kiss. "Ohh... that explains why she was invited everywhere with us last term.
"Called it" Justin said smugly as they started towards the school. Walking through the busy halls, Charlotte stooped at her locker and began filling it with her new textbooks. As she put away her schedule, the locker door slammed shut in front of her.
"Don't I get a hello?!" Laura snapped before breaking in to a sly grin. The two girls embraced eachother as though it had been years.
"Hey gorgeous!" Charlotte squealed. "How was skiing in aspen?"
"Amazing, you'll never believe what I did..."
"What? The last I heard from you, you were flirting with that 'suave, sophisticated, obviously-way-cooler-than-any-boy-at-our-school' college guy."
"Well.. we might have..." Laura began whispering in Charlotte's ear. What she admitted to doing on her vacation made her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red.
"No way!"
"Oh yes!" Laura giggled.
"How was it?!"
"Details later." Laura winked at her friend.
"Better not discuss it at my place though. Remember someone has a crush on you..." Charlotte said with a small laugh. Just then she noticed Laura's attention had fallen over he shoulder at something behind her.
"Um.. Can we help you?" Laura asked impatiently. Charlotte turned around to see a dark haired girl bashfully staring at the two of them. She had silver rings piercing the length of the ears.
"I... uhm. Sorry, I'm new here and..." She practically mumbled, earning her a sigh from Laura.
"If you're new, the school offices are that way." She abruptly pointed. The dark haired girl turned on her heel without another word and scurried off. "Jeez. Just what we need, another weirdo at this school. As if the twins aren't bad enough."
"Laura, you could have been nicer..."
"I save all of my niceness for you Char. You know that." Laura linked their arms together as they walked to class.
The first few minutes of home room were abuzz with people swapping summer vacation stories and friends reuniting. The twins were whispering and staring over at kyle and sara, who's lips hadn't seemed to break apart yet. Laura was gloating about the amazing resort she and her parents had stayed at in aspen. Charlotte was listening to music on her headphones and doodling in her English book when the teacher, Mr Hopkins, called for the classes attention.
"Quiet please. Quiet Quiet Quiet." The class didn't respond. "EVERYBODY TAKE YOUR SEATS!" He yelled. "KYLE, PUT SARA DOWN! AND CHARLOTTE, TAKEOUT THOSE EARPHONES."
Just then a ball of screwed up paper hit her in the back of the shoulder. She looked behind her to see the twins pointing at the front of the class. "Oh. Sorry Mr Hopkins."
"A nice start to the new year." He sighed. "We have a new student joining us. Kaitlyn, please come in and find a seat."
The dark haired girl shuffled in to the class, not making eye contact with anyone as she passed them. Her eyes scanned the empty seats until they landed on one nearest the window, directly next to Charlotte. She sat down and put her bag up on the desk, but before she could catch it, the bag fell and the contents scattered all over the floor. The class laughed at the display and Charlotte could almost hear Laura rolling her eyes next to her. Leaning down the help the new girl before she suffered any more embarrassment, Charlotte picked up a note book with gothic writing scribbled all over the front. 'We are all the masks we wear, and mine is weeping'
Charlotte lifted the book to the new girl who was frantically picking up her belongings. As she noticed the book in her hand, she quickly swiped it from Charlotte and stuffed it back in to her bag. The rest of home room passed without a word from her.
As school came to an end, Charlotte watched Laura wave goodbye as she ducked in to her parents flashy car. The twins both blew her a kiss as they walked towards the bus stop, arguing about their favourite movies. Charlotte waited for her mum to pick her up, knowing that she had to get Connor from school first. As she scrolled through posts on her phone a quick tap on her back made her jump. She turned to see the new girl standing there, looking as uncomfortable as possible.
"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked genuinely.
"I..." was all the new girl managed before losing her confidence.
"Did you need something?" Charlotte smiled, trying to put her at ease.
"I... Um. Thank you." She said, almost as a whisper.
"For what?"
"For not laughing. And helping me earlier."
"Ohh." Charlotte giggled. "I'm sorry I didn't help much. And I'm sorry for touching your notebook. You seemed kind of protective of it."
"No, no. It's ok. It's just... it's kind of private." Her face was becoming more red by the second.
"You don't have to tell me what's in it. And you don't have to thank me. It looks like we're going to be neighbors, in home room at least, so we should get along."
"I'd like that." She said with a little more confidence in her voice. It was only then that Charlotte noticed the Texas accent that rolled through her words. "I'm Kaitlyn."
"Charlotte" she replied, raising her hand to shake. "But most just call me Charlie."
"Like the unicorn?" Kaitlyn giggled.
"I really don't like to invite that comparison... but yes, like the unicorn." She laughed. Just then, her mums car pulled up at the front of the school and she could already hear Connor calling from inside. "That's my ride, but I'll see you tomorrow kaitlyn." With that, Charlotte rushed over to the car and got in, sparing kaitlyn a quick wave before the car pulled away.
"See you... Charlie." Kaitlyn whispered as she found herself standing alone.
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my-magical-babies · 7 years
Submerged Pt.2
Summary: Yoongi learns his lesson to never cheat on you again as he has time to think about it as he waits for you to wake up. Warnings: Angsty?, a little fluffy towards the end
3 hours after the accident
“Hello is this Min Yoongi?”
“Yes. Who is this? Why are you calling at this time at night” Yoongi looked over at the clock, it was 2:48 am.
“I’m a nurse at here at the hospital, you are the only emergency contact that we have been able to get into contact with for Ms. (Y/N) (L/N)-”
“What happened”
“It looks like she was hit by a car into the river, she is unconscious so we don’t have any  information that we need, there’s a police officer here to ask and answer some questions, if you could make it here as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated-”
“I’ll be there in half an hour” With that Yoongi hung up the phone and got ready to go to the hospital, briefly messaging the boys on his whereabouts.
Another 3 hours had passed since Yoongi was called to the hospital, they had been able to trace the car that had hit you and the owner had been taken into custody. No news on your health had been presented to him yet because they needed to check with your actual family if it was okay to let him know, however you hadn’t spoken to your parents in over 9 years, the only contact with family that you’ve had is with your older brother and his fiance but that was a year ago and all of their numbers had changed so getting in contact with them was harder than any of them thought it was going to be.
After a while they decided to let Yoongi visit your room but still not inform him of any of your injuries. When Yoongi walked into your room he first noticed your pale body, you were usually a tan coffee skin tone and seeing you a pale brown, like faded wood, he was guilty. He knew that if he hadn’t even invited his side chick over, or even started his relationship with her then none of this would have never happened.
“Yoongi?” His head lifted to see your brother’s wife standing at the door of your hospital room, “Have they told you anything about her yet? Do you know how or why she got put here in the first place”
“They only told me that she was walking across a bridge and a car hit her, the car is fine but she was kinda flung into the river. She left the house because we got into a really bad fight.” Both of their heads turned to see a nurse walk in. She took a look at your sister in law and began to tell of your injuries.
“Fractured her ulna, needed stitches in the back of her head and she’s going to need a back brace for a good month or two. She should be waking up sometime in the next hour.” The nurse smiled and walked out.
“Yoongi, why is she here. Why was she out at night, you and I both know that she hates going on walks alone especially at night. What happened.” She looked at him with a pained expression as she held your hand.
“I was being stupid and implied very loosely that she could have been going on a path that would lead to us breaking up because of her boss. I overreacted and walked out, going to a bar where I met this girl who used my anger to her advantage and coaxed me to pursue her. This went on for a while and Earlier today I was supposed to see her at my house to have some services done, I was originally just going to tell (Y/N) but she was gone all day so I got frustrated and texted the girl. When (Y/N) came home, I was so conflicted and the only thing my mind told me to do was accuse her of cheating. Then shit got messy and the side chick came and everything went downhill while me and (Y/N) got into an argument then she left and 3 hours later I get a call from the hospital. I feel like shit because I could have stopped this. I don’t deserve her but I need her because I love her and when I see her in this bed i can only think that it should be me there while she goes on and lives a good life with someone who can love and appreciate her more than I can.” Yoongi began to cry as he explained the situation, he couldn’t look at your body lying there because of his mistakes.
“Let her know, because I know you two can make it through this if you two talk it out.You two were made for eachother, she’s a very forgiving person and I know that this will change things for you guys but it can also make you guys grow stronger, you can show her that you will never even consider cheating, you can show that instead of growing hot headed during an argument and leaving- you talk it out and fix it right then and there. Change the bad into something better Min Yoongi, because I swear to god if you make me regret not killing you on the spot- i will fucking hunt you down and cut your balls off with the dullest, rustiest knife i can fucking find.” With that she stood up and walked out of the room.
Twenty minutes later, Yoongi sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair looking at you with pain in his eyes, your eyes held betrayal and sadness. However you weren’t screaming at him or ignoring him so there was a little bit of hope in him.
“Can I know why you cheated on me at least Yoongi?” You had finally spoken, your voice was raspy and sounded like the desert had decided to live there instead of where it should be, and it felt like water was never something that had been introduced to you, your lungs felt like they were burning but you told Yoongi that you refused to let him call the nurses until the two of you had talked everything out.
“I was angry and I know its a horrible reason to but I needed to let out my frustration and she had a way with talking, saying how she could take away all of my stress and make me feel better. I don’t know why but I had expected her to talk with me instead of leading me to her hotel room and having me sleep with her but as you have pointed out millions of times- humans are fucking stupid and vulnerable. When I saw you laying there for nearly an hour I felt like shit, I kept wishing that it were me in your place and you moving on and finding someone else who is much better for you. I waited for nearly 4 hours for you to wake up so i could listen to you yell at me and tell me that I was stupid and that you would forgive me but that we could no longer be together anymore. The fact that you are so calm about this breaks my heart because you are such a caring and understanding person but I took advantage of that and made you quit your job then proceeded to hurt you. “
“I am mad that you went out and cheated but I love you Min Yoongi. I wish I could say that I hate you but I physically cannot, should we take a break? Maybe. But i refuse to break up with you because I love you way too much. Come here and give me a hug you look like you’re about to burst into tears.” You opened your arms for him, he shook his head and gave a small chuckle.
“Doctors first, then I’ll hug you.” He paused and stood up, “Let’s take a break, a week or two to heal from this then we go back to normal, and I’ll show you that I can be the man that you deserve.” Yoongi smiled then went to call your doctor, while you sat back and smiled, thinking of ways to tell Yoongi that you knew he was cheating on you from the moment he came back home the next day. That you had been texting that girl and had come up with a way to expose him, that you knew she only wanted a one night stand with him but you wanted to show Yoongi that cheating wasn’t okay, but you decided against it, hoping that after you guys’ break the situation would be behind the both of you.
TO Crime Committee: Thank you for the favor, I’ll make it up to you when I get out of the hospital. :) I hope he learns from his mistakes.
From Crime Committee: NP, hope you get better soon. I think I’m gonna stop picking up random guys for a while. I’ll see you when you decide to repay me. Xx
You deleted the messages and put your phone down as the doctor and Yoongi walked back into the room, giving them a small smile as you went through your checkup.
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