#and the other is a person who can regenerate their limbs and stuff
deafenedsaltwater · 3 months
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I don't know what I'm doing,,
Design notes under cut
Four design notes because you know I love those;
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Lesser than sign (<) on his tail, I've been using it in other sketches, but it often just looks like a whimsical devil tail. Four makes a lot of issues around being lesser in value than others (in comparison to other algebraliens,) so I started adding it in the same vein as the plus (+) I give Two
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As to who would have the (>), I think Ten would. I'm not sure how I'll incorporate it into his design, but I'll try. Why Ten would have this, he values himself! And he's seen as better than the others, overall a great guy.
I also realize I have a bit of an association with hosts and giving them math symbols. (Four - BFB, Two - TPOT, Ten - BFPTM10 by proxy)
Notes on other things now!
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Sonas - Someone told me that if I was an object, I would be a cardboard box, and it was the first answer other than "quartz," so I took it. Clipboard is my own personal idea, I've been using it as my main objectsona. Might make a 360 ref for it bc I have an idea for how the limbs and face work
Penny & Dime! I'm trying to flesh them out more, so I've been exaggerating Dime's emotions. Also, they get hobbies now! Penny gets to sing, and Dime gets fun times w trains. Stereotypical autism thing, I know, but how he interacts with trains is working mechanics genuine trains
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Ships... I like Gooring, and there isn't a lot of content for it, so Gooring bite/hug was made. Nickel and Clover may or may not be a ship. Honestly, I just wanted to draw Clover
Cameo of Gigi reading off cardboard manufacturing details! If you get that reference, lovely!!
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ASAOP stuff! Several ideas I haven't sketched out before, and bee-haw
Caddy used to have Beans, as well as limbs. RIP
Got the CC design down better, which is always good, AND I get to talk about the idea of Gigi getting a bite taken out! I think Gigi can naturally regenerate gum over time, but it takes longer than the kill/recover trick.
Swiss FINALLY gets use of tools other than knife! I think switching out different tools just changes mood, which is partially inspired by Pitcher OSO(?). Swiss gets dizzy and overstimulated with too many tools out, AND she has more limbs tucked in there.
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So, I mostly just need some advice. I want to introduce stuff like the combat wheelchair into campaigns I run and play in, but some players say it’s “unrealistic” for stuff like that to be in a campaign because “why wouldn’t you just get greater restoration or regenerate casted on you or something”. I know that’s a bunch of bull crap, but I’m not sure what to say to convince them.
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Heavy Topics: Disability in Fantasy
I'm going to start this off with saying that people with a lot more education and experience than me have written quite a lot about the inclusion of disabilities in d&d, and I encourage you to seek out their testimonials.
Next, you don't need to convince anybody about introducing things in your campaigns, especially when that introduction is specifically to highlight inclusion and diversity . They're YOUR campaigns, and people that cry "realism" when it comes to matters of inclusion are almost always covering up for their own prejudice.
Now what I can do with expert efficiency is address the bullshit claims that people try to use to support their prejudice, how it doesn't line up with the mechanics of the game, and how it doesn't line up with good storytelling.
TLDR: Disability is a fact of life, and so it is a fact of stories. In trying to brush it aside by saying " oh magic could fix everything" we also brush aside the lived experiences of millions of people, equally deserving as seeing themselves as characters in the fantasy epics we tell. Purely form a storytelling and world building perspective, it's also far more interesting to see how people adapt to challenges then it is to make those challenges simply not exist or be easily fixed by author fiat.
First lets talk over the mechanical issue: In vanilla d&d there's no way to restore lost limbs short of the regeneration spell, which is 7th level and thus requires a 14th level character to cast. 14th level characters are thin on the ground, meaning that your average person would have to undertake an arduous journey to find such a caster willing to perform this working , to say nothing of finding one willing to perform the service for any payment a commoner could provide.
Likewise, regeneration specifies that it's SEVERED limbs that are restored: rules as written it doesn't fix neurological damage, birth defects, or congenial traits. As someone who's needed glasses from youth onwards, I find it hilarious that a flimsy pair of lenses can fix what high level divine magic ( possibly even the wish spell) cannot, but that's more a matter of the designers thinking more about the lives of adventurers than the worldbuilding implicit in their rules.
Turning to 3rd party material and homebrew, we enter into some very interesting territory. There's much back and forth about magic that "fixes" disability outright and where I fall on the discussion tends to land on the idea that said magic lets the character overcome many of the hurdles of their impediment but doesn't negate it completely. Here's some pop culture examples:
Toph from ATLA is always go be the go to for disability representation in media: She's blind, but uses her earthbending powers to be able to sense vibrations in contact with the ground allowing her to "see". In a badly written show, this would totally negate Toph's disability, but thankfully ATLA is written by people who know what they're doing so instead Toph's blindness provides just as many novel drawbacks as it does advantages. Toph can detect things happening on the other side of walls and doors, but is vulnerable to projectiles that don't touch the ground. She can sense if people are lying, but can't read printed text. Force her onto a small, isolated platform or into water and you cut off her ability to see just as much as a fully sighted character in pitch black darkness.
Edward Elric from fullmetal Alchemist is missing an arm and a leg, and uses a pair of integrated robotic "automail" prosthesis which seem to give him all the functionality of a regular set of limbs. That said, any utility the automail provides is matched with whole host of downsides, ranging from their lack of touch, their weight causing discomfort, and the expense of having them in the first place. What's most pressing is that these limbs are mechanical and prone to malfunciton from overuse, requiring Edward to see a specific technician to get them fixed. When they break ( which is often) or simply require refitting, Edward needs to travel days or weeks out of his way and then suffer through a painful process of reattachment in order to get the use of his limbs back.
Professor Xavier from the Xmen is paraplegic, but in many depictions has some kind of hoverchair that lets him go out into the field and navigate difficult terrain without the aid of others or other mobility devices. While certainly an upgrade over a totally mundane wheelchair it again doesn't completely compensate for his inability to walk or his vulnerability should the chair be damaged or taken away from him.
With these examples in mind, we can look at how different 3rd party resources can model various forms of accommodation, giving characters with disabilities the utility they need to go out adventuring, without removing their disability in the first place.
The "combat wheelchair" is a great example of this, giving characters unique options while at the same time making them atleast partially reliant on a somewhat cumbersome object. In terms of logistics, it's not much different than having a centaur in the party and the fact that most dungeons aren't wheelchair accessible just means the party has to do maybe one or two more platforming problem solving challenges.
In my own time running steampunk games I’ve usually instituted a “misfire” rule onto most technology, including the ubiquitous mechanical limbs. A natural 1 using that limb means that the limb is suffering a malfunction, and until the malfunction is fixed, another natural 1 will break it. It’s an easy way to get across that these marvellous contraptions aren't perfect yet.
Now lets talk storytelling:
Upfront I'm going to say that I don't consider myself disabled,I have some mental health hurdles that I have to navigate on the regular, but my body works at a solid 6/10 most days. 
I think there’s a lot potential in examining disability in stories, and not just in the “overcoming adversity” inspiration porn sort of way. The loss of a limb can represent a sacrifice and the toll of war, prejudice against disfigurement can drive a character down a dark path, sometimes there’s no greater thematic reasoning behind it and a character is living with disability because that’s a thing regular people live with. What I will say is that disability introduces vulnerability, a theme that power fantasy games like d&d don’t often deal with as their centeral arc is about characters getting stronger and stronger and stronger until they can challenge the gods. 
Vulnerability runs counter to that desire for strength, but it makes a better story because what a character does with vulnerability makes them a more interesting character: Do they rely on others? Close themselves off? Come to terms with their weakness or strive to overcome it? These are all fascinating questions that you wouldn’t get to ask with a character that was 100% able bodied, well adjusted, and socially accepted.
It’s not a stretch to say that people who have regressive political views are terrified of vulnerability. that’s why the right-wing chuds are so vehemently opposed to the idea that someone with a disability could be a hero. To them, adversity is all about the superior overcoming the inferior, and the thought of someone with weakness or disadvantages, someone they consider “inferior” triumphing against someone stronger is a direct challenge to their place inside their own worldview.
Finally I’m going to leave you with something relating to vulnerability to consider from my own campaigns:
In my home games when someone fails their death saving throws, I generally don’t kill them, killing them cuts the narrative short and I want to see how things play out. Instead I give them an offer: do they pass on into death, or do they let me take something from them? 90% of the time they chose the latter option and I make things interesting. What happens to the master archer who can’t string a bow anymore, or the fame hungry bard who’s scars distract from their performance? What price will the wizard pay to regain the use of her eyes?  Forcing players to confront these questions takes a lot of tact, and a lot of trust, but always yields better stories but given enough time to develop.
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The sounds of paper ruffling can be heard coming from the Monitor
"Hmm...? Ah a live feed from the fac... Huh, well these logs paint a bad picture. Are you alright Young One? Besides your leg- please see if you can stop the bleeding for now...
I feel like if we let your leg remain the way it is... something bad may happen... Now Young One, luck seems to favor you at the moment... well not exactly since you are missing your foot, and you may not like the deal I am about to make.
There is a way for the the harm done to you to be undone... but there is a price. That is the most reliable way I can provide aid at the moment. There is always a price for things like this... and if you don't believe me... I ask that you at least Humor me, and take it as merely hypothetical.
There are three ways you can pay for the returning of your leg: A price of equivalent exchange, where you will have to trade one of your hands for your missing foot. A price of regeneration, where your foot will be healed but your body will enter a extremely starved state to pay for the cost. And finally a price of a Curse... which I cannot determine. The curse may be light, or it may be heavy, it's a gamble, but you will avoid the other two outcomes.
I must warn you however that no matter what you pick, should you choose at all, is that it will be painful. There is no way to avoid that when healing a lost limb.
I leave the choice to you, and if you wish to use this gift, that is also your choice. I wish you luck in whatever you aim to do within those stained halls. May You One Day See The Sun."
The audio from the Device cuts out... but the stranger's offer still stands. Let us see what this child shall choose.
(Very neat blog you have here Mod! Hope you don't mind me throwing in some 'aid' for hopster here. If you do mind and don't want to throw in magic stuff, it's 100% okay for you to toss this ask into the void, I totally get it (maybe even asking for it just a bit). I'll be watching for what next befalls the Hopster next!)
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Wait actually?! YES! I’LL DO ANYTHING TO HOP AGAIN! I…don’t want to lose a hand. And being really hungry could also be really dangerous. So I’ll choose the last one. Anything to get my foot back.
Mod note: Had a really big debate with myself whether or not to include this ask or not, so magic themed asks might not always be answered. Also to that one person who sent that image with Hoppy in a wheelchair, I’m never answering it. Treasuring that one in my inbox forever.
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Ch. 242 Spoilers Ahead
Seeing Takaba's power in full swing is such a great reminder of how absolutely borked the power rating system is in Jujutsu Kaisen. The system is described as being a way to determine which sorcerers go to which jobs by having a sorcerer's grade show they're somewhat more powerful than curses of the same level, but throughout the series we see that both ability mismatch and politics make the system a bit more arbitrary than perhaps one would want when determining what curses they're gonna go up against.
Ability Mismatch Part 1: Nanami vs. Mahito
We first get discussion of this back in Junpei's arc with all the stuff between Nanami and Mahito.
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Akutami makes it clear that, while technically a jujutsu sorcerer at a certain rank should be able to take out curses at their rank and lower (and Nanami, while only Grade 1, has an ability that allows him to do a LOT of damage to even special grades), a mismatch of powers can really upset the "rank" balance.
Both Nanami and Mahito are most deadly at close range, but Nanami's attack requires precision that Mahito's doesn't, and Mahito, being a curse, can just regenerate while Nanami can't. This means that while Nanami might be able to take down a special grade with a similar cursed energy level to Mahito, Mahito himself is going to give Nanami trouble because Nanami doesn't just have to have perfect offense. He also has to have perfect defense. Mahito, on the other hand, doesn't have to be perfect about anything.
Nanami's tough enough that the single hit he took from Mahito back then didn't kill him, but it did do a decent amount of damage.
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It's easy to think that taking so much damage might be more or less a common job hazard for Nanami, but when he fights Jojo Siwa Shigemo Haruta in Shibuya, we see that's hardly the case. For all Shigemo's cowardice, he's actually reasonably competent, and between that, his ruthlessness, and his ability, he might actually qualify as semi-Grade 1. But when he kicks Nanami, Nanami doesn't even flinch, and Shigemo himself compares the feeling of the kick to kicking a wall of stone. What's more, the sword slash he landed on Nanami might have sliced Nanami's fancy shirt, but Nanami himself doesn't have a scratch on him. (Also, Nanami didn't flinch for that, either.)
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Nanami's a tough cookie. Even Dagon, a low-to-mid-level special grade, comments on this when he sees Nanami didn't simply survive Dagon's fish attack, but has all his limbs and his wits (even if Nanami is a bit worse for the wear).
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And, as anyone who watched the after-credits scene for Thunderclap knows, Nanami even took a direct hit from Jogo, who appears to be the strongest of the three cursed spirits Kenjaku's currently allied with, and whom he describes as being "as tough as eight or nine of Sukuna's fingers," and Nanami survived. Survived and is walking around, still holding his weapon, even when severely burnt by an attack we first saw Jogo use on Gojo's head when those two fought.
Point being, Nanami, a Grade 1 sorcerer, can absolutely hold his own against "lower tier" special grades, and is even likely to survive long enough to escape against some low-to-mid grades. But if he's up against a Grade 1 curse (or a low-level Special Grade like Mahito) with the wrong kind of close-range attack, they're gonna give him more trouble than expected.
But we actually see this "earlier" in the series, too, and against no one less than The Strongest himself.
Ability Mismatch Part 2: Gojo vs. Miguel (and theoretically some others)
I glazed over it in Part 1, but it's a bit difficult to gauge the exact grade of curse users. And I'm about to glaze over it again (for now), except to say that Miguel, the person Geto assigns to "keep Gojo busy" during the Night Parade of A Thousand Demons in JJK0, is probably (like Nanami) a rather tough Grade 1. He might maybe, possibly, be a Special Grade, but even if he is, what does it matter? He's up against the man, the myth, the legend, Gojo Satoru himself.
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This fight should be a cakewalk for someone at Gojo's levels. Miguel might be a talented fighter, but you might have noticed he canNOT land a blow on Gojo. Meanwhile, Gojo is slapping him silly.
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So why'd this fight last so long?
I mean, sure, Gojo was trying not to seriously injure any of Geto's family, but he starts the fight by telling Miguel he's in a hurry, and then reiterates he doesn't have time for all this later on. Why can't he speed things up?
Well, Gojo tells us himself.
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The regardless of Miguel's own power level, the whip he wields contains a special-grade curse. Later in the manga (you were warned there'd be manga spoilers; get out while you can), we learn the curse negates other cursed techniques. Despite Miguel being unable to land a blow on Gojo, the curse is still mucking with Gojo's abilities. Gojo is basically slowly burning the whip away with sheer cursed energy, and he's probably only able to do that because, well, he's the strongest.
I think there's some discussion to be had on whether this fight gets dragged out because Gojo's concerned about Miguel using the whip on other allies of his, or if Gojo just wants something that might muck with his own abilities gone, or if Gojo's allowing himself to be distracted because he wants to give Yuuta a chance to tap more deeply into his abilities... but that's neither here nor there. The point is that Miguel, a considerably less strong sorcerer than Gojo, was still able to keep Gojo busy for so long Geto tells him he's late when he finally shows up. If Miguel hadn't had that technique-negating whip, it would have been much harder for that fight to have dragged on as long as it did.
But while we don't really see any other sorcerers or curses (beyond Sukuna and a quadruple-team-up of Jogo, Hanami, Choso, and Mahito) giving Gojo any real trouble in fights, the narrative lets us know that a few lower-grade characters (such as Grade 1 Sorcerer Hakari and the aforementioned Hakaba; Yuuta doesn't count at this point since the story's made it clear he pretty much matches Gojo at this point) might actually give Gojo a run for his money simply because of how their techniques work.
In fact, that stupid little ass Shigemo might also manage to escape Gojo (at least temporarily) or land a blow (though maybe not a killing one) due purely to his technique, and both Hakari and Hakaba definitely outrank him. Hells, Nobara might be able to get a hit on him if she could manage to create an appropriate shikigami, and she's not even Grade 1. Which reminds me....
(Seriously, guys. Get out now if you don't want spoilers for Shibuya.)
Ability Mismatch Part 3: Nobara vs. Mahito
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Nobara might go into Shibuya under the premise that she's going to be assessed for advancement to Grade 1, but at this point, she's ranked as a Grade 3. And while one could make an argument that she should be Grade 1, it's also worth noting that when she sees watches Nanami go to town on Shigemo, she immediately feels horrendously outclassed.
So between those two things and just how much trouble Mahito gives Nanami, when Mahito goes after her, it should be an easy victory for his Special Grade self, right?
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Unlike Nanami, Nobara's technique works best at range. She doesn't need to be close to Mahito to do damage to him. So once she gets him pinned down, she can start hitting him with relative ease.
What's more, at this point Mahito has split himself in two. AND one can't just damage his physical form to take him down. They also have to damage his soul, his sense of who he is. This isn't an easy task. At this point, only two characters have succeeded in it: Mechamaru (although he burned through a TON of power to do it) and Yuuji (because his technique is weird and because housing Sukuna makes him a Special Grade). AND Nobara isn't even fighting the real Mahito, so this duplicate is a bit more disposable than Mahito's actual body would be.
But Nobara's technique utilizes sympathetic magic. She only needs to damage part of the whole (or even just a doll that's been prepped as a stand-in with the smallest part of the whole) to hit a curse to its core. So by pinning Copy Mahito down and then smacking him with Resonance, she manages to land what's absolutely the most devastating blow Mahito has received yet.
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That's right; the worst blow this Special Grade takes is from a Grade 3 (or, at most, a Grade 1 who's still technically outclassed by Nanami, who had to flee his first fight with Mahito, only did as well as he did in the second one because Yuuji was there, and... well, if you're reading the manga, you know how the third one goes). It's so bad that Mahito decides he's going to need to run away from her for a bit while he sets up a new strategy to take her out.
If she hadn't let her guard down at just the wrong moment, there's a good chance he wouldn't have won that fight. Man, what a difference that would have made....
But I've talked enough about ability mismatch. Let's move on to politics. Don't worry; this bit only needs one part, because there's one character who embodies getting screwed over by politics more than any other....
Politics: Maki and the Sway of Jujutsu Houses
Of all the students at Jujutsu High, Maki ranks the lowest: Grade 4.
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Her own twin sister calls her a weakling, and by Jujutsu Society standards, her inability to sense or even see cursed energy without tools makes her worthless, little more than a normal human even if she has a Heavenly Restriction. To make matters worse, House Zen'in is old-school misogynist. Once it was clear she was born female, her only chance of being seen as a worthwhile human being by her family was by displaying impressive cursed energy and technique (preferably the house technique), but they already knew that wouldn't happen.
When twins are born into a family with jujutsu in their bloodline, any cursed energy they might inherit ends up split. Neither Mai nor Maki would ever have the kind of cursed energy their house demanded. While Mai ended up with some, it's barely enough to fabricate anything useful unless she seals it with a binding vow... which she does exactly once as she bestows the last of herself to her sister.
Maki's Grade 4 ranking puts her at the bottom of the stack, but she likely wouldn't even have that ranking if it weren't for Gojo. It's not like the Zen'ins were keen on her going to any Jujutsu High. They didn't want her to train, and saw her as little more than a failure and a bother. But Gojo wants to surround himself by strong allies in his students, and while I don't remember off the top of my head if he directly sponsored her enrollment, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did.
And then he puts her up for assessment to jump straight from Grade 4 to Grade 1.
This might seem drastic if one has never encountered Maki, but as Miwa was quick to notice during the Exchange Event, Maki's Grade 4 title is hardly an accurate gauge of her ability.
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While Maki's just as blown away as Nobara is by Nanami's display in Shibuya, when she ends up in Dagon's domain, she doesn't even slightly end up fish food. This is of course due in no small part to Dagon grossly underestimating her, but as she points out, his perception of her power level is inaccurate enough that he's unable to finish her with one blow.
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Shibuya Arc Maki probably would have lost to Dagon, and lost hard, had she been on her own. Even with two Grade 1s fighting beside her, they weren't able to make a lot of progress. But then everybody's favorite (and Maki stans most-loathed) character Toji shows up to give us a bit of foreshadowing of what Maki can become. Because it's not any of the sorcerers that takes Dagon down. They mostly stand there slack-jawed while Toji, a man with zero cursed energy whatsoever and thus who couldn't hold a rank in Jujutsu Society on technicality alone, beats the shit out of Dagon.
It takes a while before Maki reaches (and then quickly surpasses) Toji's level, and after she does, she eventually goes toe to toe with Sukuna, the King of Curses himself.
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Sukuna immediately recognizes her as a tough opponent. She withstood the rain of fire he sent via Nue and doesn't have a scratch on her. And while Sukuna notes his cursed energy output is all over the place, he also notes his physical movement is fine, right where it should be.
This doesn't stop Maki from landing several hits on him, even without Itadori running support. In fact, she and Itadori might have taken down Sukuna then and there if his backup hadn't shown up, so I think it's safe to say she's definitely at Special Grade level now, and probably even outclasses de-Sukuna'ed Itadori.
But at this point in the story, Grades are pretty much irrelevant. After all, they're a function of Jujutsu Society, and between Geto's disappearance, Maki's slaughter of Clan Zen'in, and Kenny's murder of all the Jujutsu higher-ups, subsequent forceful takeover of the resources in House Kamo, and Idle Transfiguration to bring back both a bunch of old-timey sorcerers and awaken a bunch more sorcerers (including a large number of Special Grades), formalized Jujutsu Society is effectively gone.
Even when it was there, it had a TON of outliers just due to politics. Maki aside, curse users are by definition separated from it, and as such they aren't granted ranks. Maybe there were more Special Grades hiding amongst them this whole time, but who can say? They're largely untallied, unaccounted for, and untested.
Jujutsu Society never had room for outliers. How fitting, then, that the house known to be the most unforgiving toward outliers would fall to the person they saw as their worst outlier?
But Let's Get Back To Takaba
And we thought Hakari's cursed technique was weird.
Takaba's ability bends reality to his will. If he wants things to go a certain way, they do. If he thinks something's funny, it happens. And everyone around him is caught up in it.
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He's basically a World of Darkness marauder dropped into Jujutsu Kaisen. I'd say, "Thank God he's on our side," but long-term, that might not actually pan out so well. His lack of awareness of his own powerset means if he's in the right mood, he could easily sweep up allies and foes into his particular brand of reality fuckery, complete with altering their states of mind to what he needs for whatever scene he's creating.
Kenjaku is losing to him.
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Since he was so eager to flee Gojo, it might be easy to forget that Kenny is MORE than competent with Geto's body both in hand-to-hand combat and in cursed technique use. At the end of Shibuya, he implemented Geto's technique to a level we never even saw Geto use as he employed several techniques from the array of curses he'd collected, signing it all off with Mahito's Idle Transfiguration on a national level. Geto wishes he could have pulled this off.
Then, when Kenjaku went after Tengen, he soundly beat Choso (who might be inexperienced, but is quick to adapt and hardly weak) and, with a much greater level of difficulty, took down combat specialist and Special Grade layabout Yuki.
Point being, he can hold his own in a fight. What's more, he's repeatedly shown he has a mind for strategy and is more than willing to take the time to plot out elaborate plans that take lifetimes or even centuries to come to fruition.
But that's just it. Takaba is not letting him think. Literally. All his thoughts just become part of the bit, which gives Takaba an advantage and keeps Kenjaku on his toes.
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I'd say this is a true battle of wits, but Takaba seems to be acting more on instinct than anything else, so I'm not sure wits come into play at all on his side of things.
But until he showed up, Kenny hadn't spared Takaba a second thought. Takaba isn't brimming with cursed energy like Yuuta and he hasn't been overtly displaying his strength in a way the Culling Game measures like Higuruma, and so he wasn't even a consideration to this centuries-old sorcerer in a Special-Grade body.
Is Takaba Special Grade? Who knows. His output of cursed energy isn't high enough for others to be actively targeting him, but his technique itself is so bonkers-crazy it's taking down someone else who was once called The Strongest and who's being piloted by an evil mastermind. And it's doing it casually. Takaba is having the time of his life, seemingly having completely forgotten that he and Kenny are locked in a fight to the death (if Takaba ever knew that in the first place).
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Maybe it was nice to think this was a series with a stereotypical power structure that could be easily defined and ranked up within. Then again, it was also nice to think this was a series where the stereotypical hero-type characters come out on top through the power of friendship, and look where that's got us.
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ar-lene · 4 months
Hello fellow yttders!!! Tis i!! The midori connoseuer who drew him once during jeandori takeover.
Under cut is a midori centered (Though The main cast have alot of elaboration on them, too.) yttd bungo stray dogs au me and 3 other people thought on a bit.
I intended to do something bigger with it. But since im working on the midori dating sim. I just cant. So im using this as a sort of hivemind post for anyone to compile ideas for this au!!!
So! Let us start with the *new* ability users and their abilities
Sou 'midori' hiyori:
Ability: "the silence of the lambs"
Affiliation: Armed detective agency. (Early story)
Rats in the house of the dead (later in the story)
This ability, allows anyone with contact to midori to establish a mental connection to, midori. Where they can swap out conciousness, speak telepathically. Or even hear the other persons thoughts and emotions. Midori is the one in control of all of that, though.
Now, as you might have guessed. This *does* have something to do with shin. Specifcally, midori ripped a layed of his skin, sew it into a scarf. Which shin now wears!! Meaning as long as that scarf is on shin. They can swap out conciousnessnesses! Shin is aware of this.
Funfacts: in yttd we see that midori has a very slight hunch. In this au, its due to shins bad posture, blowing his cover whenever he was in midoris body. So after many horribly gone attempts in fixing shins posture, Midori had to compromise.
Midori mostly uses shins conciousness in situations where his "non human way of thinking" would be a hindrance like: when he was passing the ada entrance exam.
Gin ibushi:
The switch is instant. And happens in the blink of an eye.
The name "midori" was given to him by the ada
Ability: "Knuffle kitty"
Affiliation: port mafia
Gins ability, allows any plushie animal, organ, or essentialy 'living tissue' made by gin. To become functional as if it were a living thing. With gins ability, you can easly replace someones organs or limbs as long as theres a surgeon to attach the plushie limbs to the actual host. He can also create poisonous animals to then throw at his enemies. Which is whoever is watching over him most of the time. (Lets face it. Its shin and sou who're getting stuff thrown at them.)
Fun facts: gin was transferred to the port mafia via saras request.
Kyuusaku and gin were buddies before Q witnessed the horrors.
Mori views gin as a sort of "mini yosano" and has a little collection of poisonous insects which gin has made for offensive use.
When dazai first met gin, in chuuyas presence. When gin began speaking in his "woof, meow" s. Dazai pointed at chuuya and said "he talks like you"
Joe tazuna:
Ability: 「トリプルドッグデスバラージ」 (TRIPLE DOG DEATH BARRAGE!) (Sorry i had to)
Affiliation: port mafia
His ability. Is self explanitory.
There are three dogs.
They will death barrage you.
And they regenerate atsushi style.
Funfacts: hes here due to!! Sara!!
He tried to get ryoko (was that her name??? Doner kabab gurl.) Into the port mafia too, but sara said its too dangerous for her.
Sara chidouin:
Ability: "Muses, mad men and prophets."
Affiliation: Port mafia
Her ability is meant for crowd control, and large, quick genocide. Whenever sara kills someone. They manifest as a "hallucination." Of themselves. Which wander around like normal passerbys. She, can swap her location with any of these "hallucinations" . No matter how far.
Hallucinations cannot be contained. And pass through walls. Hallucinations will dissipate after an hour has passed.
Funfacts: she works with kouyou for her training.
She was introduced to the port mafia via her father.
She kicks ass
Reko yabusame:
Ability: "perfect pitch"
Affiliation: port mafia
Juonos hearing. She can detect sound waves. She is all hearing. She detects them snitches.
Funfacts: she came to the port mafia for alice.
She and nao are girlfriends
Tia safalin:
Ability: "Babushka's doll"
Affiliation: none (sort of.) She does freelance work for whatever faction needs her. She has the most expirience working for the special ability division, rats in the house of the dead and the port mafia.
Her ability allows her to create dolls which she can give a portion of her memories to, they will then function as normal people. And can go through with tasks.
Funfacts: i got none
Ability: "The tea party in the woods"
Affiliation: none (because she deserves happiness)
Her ability causes the person shes using her ability on, to expirience a vision in their mind. Which time does not pass in. The vision will display the most comforting envoirment for the person the ability is used on. Maple, can interact with the other person during this vision. And the vision can only be stopped once the host, has drunk a whole cup of tea. This room can be used as a sort of quick therapy room, or somewhere to share confidential information with. Only 3 can enter at a time.
Funfact: she comes to the cafe under the ada very often, and has made great friends with lucy and atsushi. Shes also met midori, but its just a little baby crush.
Now, we get to characters with no ability, and their affiliations.
Alice Yabusame:
Hes part of the port mafia due to reko
Yelling. Alot of it.
Shoved in here by midori so he pays for the attempted murder
Tries his best.
Keiji shinogi:
Affiliation: Armed detective agency.
The wahaha man.
Hes a little like ranpo, in that he has no ability but is very preceptive.
When he joined the ada midori was so panicked he forced shin to interact with him. So now midori has to act like shin whenever keiji is talking to him.
Its not fun.
His arrival at the ada was NOT expected.
He was transferred to the ada from the speacial ability division.
Kanna!!! :
Affiliation: port mafia, because she kicks ass.
She helps out with mais bakery alot since its right below her house.
Shes learned alot from sara. And it shows in her fighting style.
She fights with her FISTS
She likes kyoka alot. Kinda sad shes in the ada, and sneaks to go to the cafe to see kyoka.
During one of these sneaking sessions shin (in midoris body) spotted her. And now shin has to cover for her whenever shes off to see kyoka.
Just. Genuinely a very kind girl
She doesnt deserve to be in the port mafia. And everyone knows that.
She could probably beat chuuya in a fist fight if chuuya didnt use his ability.
Shin tsukimi:
Affiliation: port mafia.
Shoved in here by midori.
Everyone and everything is out to kill him so he has a gun and several knives under his very large coat.
Most of his time is spent yelling at computers because theyre too slow for his liking.
Picks fights with sara over the stupidest little things, which sara wasnt even disagreeing with him on.
The unfortunate person who has to watch over all the children
Koyou scares him.
Higuchi is like the only non intimidating person to him, and exclusively because of how non-decietful she is.
Hatred for dazai osamu
Admiration of chuuya nakahara
Hatred of mori
Confusion of akutagawa ryuunosuke
People i dont have much thoughts on:
Megumi is a part of the special ability division.
Hayasaka is a member of the port mafia
The satous are part of the port mafia.
Mishima and nao live normal lives.
Q-taro is a part of the guild.
Hanako is an ex port mafia member
Clown girl is leading a normal life as a clown. (But im kinda considering throwing her in rithod and giving her an ability)
Ranmaru joined the port mafia for sara
Miley works with tia. But has ties to the port mafia
Teki....is teki???
Shes like..the miku of bsd i guess.
Main plot points im experimenting with: (midori exclusive)
Midoris motive from joining the ada being finding fyodor due to more information on "god" and assuming they follow the same god for this.
Midori being found out by dazai/ranpo/keiji , because midori is forced to switch into shins body to save shins ass during an ada raid. (Probably during the cannibalism) because midori isnt skilled enough in combat to hide his combat style. And shin cant fight for shit.
Midori getting his ass beat by keiji due to giving him piss hair and trauma.
Midori and fyodor kiss and make out (aka midori magically manifests in the tower during dead apple because his ability would just...be a copy of shin)
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stormscience · 5 days
Radiant Healing Is OP and Also Terrifying
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Ok so buckle up because I have opinions and concerns.
Look, Radiant healing is just far, far too powerful. There are no obvious limitations outside of the injury/illness being fairly new, availability of Stormlight, the patient still being alive (unless you're Lift), and having tissue to work with (and since whole limbs can regenerate like they're salamanders, even this is dubious).
So first, narrative wise this is just not great because the stakes are so much lower when most anything can be healed. I'm pretty sure anti-stormlight was invented to overcome this somewhat, but the reality is that injuries feel far less consequential when Radiants can heal themselves so fast and two orders can heal others as well. Pain, injury, disability, and death are all risks that make for compelling storytelling, and being able to just recover from penetrating head injuries makes fights seem less significant and intimidating.
But this isn't my big gripe. Oh no, my nerdy friends. See, I have questions that fall into two categories: 1) knowledge, and 2) illness.
Knowledge: ok, so if you're closing, say, a stab wound to the thigh, it seems like Radiants can just touch a patient and the wound heals. Which is absurd because even relatively straightforward cuts that go through multiple layers of tissue require expertise. You can't just hold two sides of a wound together and call it good. You need to make sure everything lines up properly. That the blood vessels go to the right places and don't leak. That muscles can move properly. That tendons are repaired. I am down for healing, especially field medicine healing, but for it to be believable you can't just have someone with no knowledge of anatomy and physiology touch someone and fix a complex gut wound or a deep laceration to muscles. They need to know what they are doing so they don't connect the wrong stuff.
Illness: can Radiant healing fix diabetes? Stroke? Liver cancer? We know it can fix visual impairments, can it fix other organ dysfunction? If it can fix chronic diseases of the body, why can't it fix mental illness, or at least the neurochemical aspects? If it can restore someone's spinal cord, can it fix epilepsy? If it can regrow limbs can it restore blood after major bleeds?
Limits would make the narrative more compelling. Plus, we need more representation of disability in fantasy! Not everything needs to be "fixed", and once you look at cultures around disability, saying a Radiant could make a deaf person hear when they are culturally Deaf feels off. Plus the internal, subtle journeys are far more interesting than the simple external "fixes".
Plus now you have to take your private medical concerns to Lift, who would handle intimate problems with all the subtlety of parrot on cocaine. You get to go to people like Renarin while having a difficult labor and delivery, because having someone who cannot bear to say the name of the parts in question makes treatment easy. You get the Stump for fertility concerns.
Surgeons are needed. Training is needed. Limits are needed. This is a recipe for chaos.
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mushroomly · 1 year
Family (au)
Before I actually write this, I need to write down some important info! This family au will be a series of headcanons. It will be a polygamous relationship, so if you don't like that stuff you don't have to read. Basically, you are the wife of Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza. You are a cambion (half demon). In this, muzan has signed a peace treaty with the corps. The only reason they exist is to hunt down rogue demons. Also, with the help of the corps, the blue spider lily was found.
I know I'm changing a lot. But this is my au.
Muzan isn't evil. Douma has emotions.
You have eternal youth like most demons, increased healing speed (you can survive some fatal wounds, but you don't need to be beheaded to die), regenerate lost limbs slowly, have slightly better strength and senses, and a blood demon art.
Blood demon art: emotional link. By using your blood as tattoo ink and tatting the names of you and your loved ones onto your skin, you establish an emotional connection with them. The tattoos default to white and change color as the person who's name it is experiences emotions. Additionally, the name will glow softly if the person is close. This bond can be between multiple people. Finally, you have h/c hair with tips that change with your emotions. Reference mood bracelets for the corresponding emotions.
So, basically, the kamaboko squad (+ muichiro) are your children! You've also adopted Daki (age: 13) Gyutaro (Age: 16), and Rui.
Tanjiro: he’s Muzan’s biological child. He’s four years old. He is a full blooded demon. While many toddlers can be a handful, Tanjiro was a sweetie, helping out with his younger siblings and always following the rules.
Inosuke: Douma’s biological child. He is three years old and quite the handful. His stuffed boar is always with him. He’s constantly getting into trouble…
Zenitsu: the only human of his siblings. He was found by Akaza, and you wanted to take him in. He is currently three. He’s very clingy and cries easily.
Muichiro: Kokushibo's biological child. 8 months old. Pretty sleepy, but also mischievous.
Nezuko: Muzan's other biological child. She is 2 months old (demon pregnancies are faster than those of humans). She sleeps a lot and always has a pacifier in her mouth.
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
I'm curious about the healing capabilities of the Black Box. Like currently we do know that it's very regenerative of internal problems, as in it's extremely difficult for a Black Box to get more sick then a minor cold and internal injuries can be recovered fairly quickly. And external injuries like cuts and bruises also regenerate very quickly compared to a regular human.
But what about other major injuries? We know that if the injury is fatal enough, the black box won't be able to regenerate fast enough before the person died, but I'm curious of how it deals with certain things.
Like can the Black Box regenerate lost limbs or body parts on a living Black Box or is that something it can only muster when fully regenerating/copying a person who died? What about things like poor eye sight or other stuff like that?
It's hard to tell because all of the characters who are known black boxes (the MC, Nancy, and I have a slight suspicion maybe Jenner might be one too due to the no soul being absorbed by the soul stone) kinda don't get major injuries that don't instantly kill/obliterate them...
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a-buisness-panda · 1 year
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° . °☆°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° . °☆°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° .
Alright people, in my last post I talked about my problem with the fem!y/n fanfics so in this one I want to show you my y/n character and talk a bit about her sou you can know who you'll be. 😌❤
Feel free to ask questions and leave suggestions!
I suck ass at drawing so you'll have to be pleased with this gacha character 😭 (i think it turned out pretty well tho 😌)
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꧁ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎꧂
Ah! Nvm I found a pretty accurate art on Pinterest of how the character it's suppose to look like
I'll still keep the gacha image tho, I'm really proud of it!
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Credit: battsyprr on tiktok
Age: 17 y/o
Height: 6'7" (200 cm)
Weight: 236 lbs (107 kg)
Skin color: brown
Hair color: half dark brown - half white
Eye color: red
Sexulity: bisexual
Gender: female
Quirk: sanguine manipulation
About her quirk: Sanguine manipulation is a blood type quirk that allows its user to manipulate the blood that's outside of their body.
• Pros:
Once the blood cells leave the body they multiply by 10× so the quantity of blood also multiplies. So 100ml of blood would come out as 1 litre which is really helpful in combat.
The cells also regenerate really fast so the blood that gets lost can go even unnoticed if it's not in huge quantities.
The quirk also helps with healing wounds. The wound heals about 20x faster than a normal person's one.
The quirk can also heal harmed organs. All this processes are related to the brain. The brain is the one who controls the quirk actions and it has to be at a bigger procent unharmed then harmed to function properly (about 70% unharmed to heal the other 30% and the rest of the body damage). This basically makes the user immortal (as long as 70% of the brain is ok) but of course the user can die from stuff like drowning, suffocating, old age, diseases, hypothermia, fire, etc.
• Cons:
So, as the blood needs to be outside the body the user needs to cut themselves to use it so the person needs to form and have a very high pain endurance.
The quirk doesn't heal broken bones and it can't replace missing limbs.
The unused blood that is outside the body will oscillate around the user and will re-enter their body after a short period of time so it needs to be puked out as fast as possible before causing severe nausea or blood diseases.
The periods are a huge disadvantage as they are twice as painful and messes up the blood circulation. They can cause problems with the release of the blood from the body.
The quirk in combat:
When the blood leaves the body the user takes full control of it. It can be manipulated both as liquid and solid forms.
The blood can travel on the ground as a liquid and can harden in a matter of seconds forming some extremely sharp spikes. It can also harden around a person and get them stuck.
The hard form of the blood is extremely hard to break.
The blood can also oscillate around it's user and can harden into some extremely sharp shards mid air that can cut trough a 7cm thick wall of iron.
The blood can also warp around it's user body forming an armour. The armour is very resistent being bulletproof and resisting at temperatures of almost 1000°C.
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Something like this but covering more of the body.
I hope what I said makes sense. 😭 Anyway, let's talk about y'n physical appearance.
As I said, you need a huge pain endurance so I see her body as being very worked out, very strong.
Something like:
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Idk who the artist is, sorry 😭
But look at thoes things and tell me you don't want to take a bite out of 'em. 😫❤️‍🔥
Do you guys like tattoos?? I for sure do. And I keep thinking of a cute scenario like: y/n first coming to class with like, that kind of full black body suit under her uniform, with gloves and all that shit, so she can keep her body covered to not risk going against UA rules. And the first time someone sees her in the dorms with just a t-shirt to lose their absolute shit on how badass you look. 🤩❤
So yeah, I can find some pretty cool tattoos for you guys if you'd like. 👐
Of corse her past is going to be a sad one, for a bit of ✨️spice✨️ but I'm going to talk about it in a whole different post.✌️
Her style I kind of want to be like alternative, cause I have some ideas for some future posts.
A bit of punkgoth and a bit of grunge rock style with a strong vibe of riotgirl. Something like this:
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Here's a link to my Pinterest board if you'd like to see more 🥰💕
Hope you like what I came up with till now and if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments 💕✨️
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axolotlsauce · 10 months
since the tags do not show then would thoust like to elaborate on one of them. mayhaps about candy or the werewolf (who is not koi)(i am curious about your oc lore)
I think the tags that got cut were about the fact that one of the versions of saturn lives in a lovecraftian treehouse and is constantly in hiding from a dead god which reincarnated itself as a terminator? But anyway yeah I'll give you the dirt on those other two if you want
Candy is an anthromorhphised axolotl. Being an axolotl they can regenerate limbs, and if you ask any character with regenerative powers you'll find out that if you can afford to lose your limbs, then the story dictates that you WILL lose your limbs, a LOT. It's basically the expected injury for candy to sustain in any fight scene. It's basically like a broken arm to them in terms of recovery time, but I still can't help but think that that has to be a little discomforting. Being one of my oldest OCs, Candy has shown up in a BUNCH of universes, which leads to the pretty funny implication of this dumbass salamander person losing their arms and legs nonstop is some kind of universal constant. At some point I gave them a sister called Chrome who I decided to make a mechanic, which then led onto later universes where only one of them appears, with Candy typically having Chrome's engineering skills conflated into them. I thought this fit pretty well since in the earliest versions of them they were a doomguy-like character who used firearms and power armour, so typically they make that gear themselves in most modern versions. Both the axolotl people are canonically aliens in most universes. In fact, all axolotls are aliens, even in some universes where Candy and Chrome don't even show up. The only 2 times Chrome has shown up without Candy are the times she built a metal gear in the old west and also the timeline where she lives in space. (yes, she is also responsible for letting that planet die.) The most recent version of Candy was thrown into the one-piece universe, where they're basically iron man. In the latest original thing that they're in, they come from a city that was sealed off for years inside a bubble that made every year in the outside world a century inside the city. Somehow, it took until these two most recent versions for them to start using a lightsaber. I don't know why they didn't get on that sooner.
My little werewolf boy is currently so deep in the WIP dimension that he doesn't even have a name, but his life kinda sucks. Basically, scientists decided to kill an eldrich god, and the resulting blood splatter caused a bunch of weird stuff, like werewolves, cities being sent thousands of years into the future, and magic existing in general. He's pretty powerful, especially in werewolf form, but can't control himself, which leads to the amount of angst you'd expect. He was also drafted into Dracula's monster army, AND forced to use a magic sword that can create moonlight, meaning he's in constant risk of activating his werewolfism, even during the middle of the day. My plan is for him to eventually join the main cast (where Candy also resides.)
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midnightactual · 2 years
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I posted 992 times in 2022
680 posts created (69%)
312 posts reblogged (31%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 984 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#out of character - 527 posts
#in character - 455 posts
#character: yoruichi - 445 posts
#verse: bleach main - 319 posts
#muse aesthetic - 139 posts
#asks - 130 posts
#era: paradigmatic - 127 posts
#link: night sky - 119 posts
#free range - 110 posts
#crashingheavens - 105 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#[ i originally thought of it as yoruichi's (late) commentary on 'leaked nudes' ]
My Top Posts in 2022:
Something that lowkey pisses me off is how little credit Yoruichi gets in the Bleach fandom.
I’ve touched on that before here, noting that everyone hands Aizen and Kisuke all the kudos while minimizing if not totally ignoring the contributions of Kaname (who actually ran the Hollow program) and Yoruichi (who just straight up is Kisuke’s boss) with there only really being one common explanation for that (hint: it’s the skin color of the latter pair). But I think Yoruichi actually gets it worse than Kaname because she’s also a woman on top of that.
Kisuke gets this reputation for always having a plan and his superpower being means and all this other stuff, like he’s Sherlock Holmes, Batman, and L all rolled up into one. But I want you to really, really think about Soul Society arc.
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Kisuke isn't there. This is the sum of his action until the arc is over. He only appears in flashbacks. He set up the pieces but he has zero ability to influence the outcome. He may as well be on the dark side of the moon while it all plays out. The person actually in charge is Yoruichi:
See the full post
39 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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something like this seems to break down the power parallels
Basic Movement: different methods but basically similar results
Advanced Movement: Shinigami need the physical Senkaimon to act as a structural basis (along with Hell Butterflies), Quincy seem to need the Gate of the Sun similarly
Sensory Perception: Quincy actively use equivalent techniques to Shinigami, as Uryū demonstrates to Ichigo and Shunsui demonstrates to Lille
Defensive Utility: there is no Shinigami name for the defense provided by reiryoku but Kenpachi demonstrates it handily
Combat Utility: this one is iffy but these all largely fill the same roles
Special Utility: each has a method of ignoring or reverting damage; more powerful Shinigami display no pain response or impairment from injury despite having organs crushed or limbs removed (though there is no name for this), lower-ranking Arrancar and Hollows regenerate, Quincy can puppet themselves
Tier III Upgrade: basic combat ability upgrade. Arrancars seem superior to their equivalents because they are essentially always passively in this mode at minimum
Tier II Upgrade: this is fairly self-explanatory; the fact that Shinigami Bankai prevents the use of Quincy: Vollständig suggests they are equivalent. (from raw destructive power it seems like the claim that Vollständig is superior to Letzt Stil is specious; Vollständig seems weaker but lacks the drawbacks... however, Vollständig is run through Yhwach as Quilge and Auswählen reveal, which is itself its weakness)
Tier I Upgrade: we know there are such things as “Final Bankai” because of Isshin. these seem equivalent to Quincy: Letzt Stil in terms of depowering the user after use. Resurrección: Segunda Etapa seems unique in that it appears not to have limited uses
(there is an implication as a result of this that the Sanrei Glove is actually the Quincy equivalent of the Shinigami and Arrancar zanpakutō, which may or may not be really related to one another that much)
(it seems likely that Ichigo was actually using something like all three Tier I Upgrades simultaneously given his heritage and his lack of an actual zanpakutō)
even if one wants to quibble over these entries (which aren't exact as each has pros and cons versus the others) the general parallelism strongly suggests that all three systems are correlated and related rather than completely disparate. the odds of three systems coming to resemble each other this closely by pure happenstance are poor, even accounting for convergent evolution. this suggests a common origin
47 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Great Noble Color Theory
This is just a little bit of a stretch, but it seems to me that Great Noble Clans tend to have color themes which may filter down to their Noble retainers.
While Yūshirō wears something like a wisteria or heliotrope sash and arm warmers on top of what looks like a mildly modified shihakushō, this isn’t the “official” color of the Shihōin. Yellow/gold is:
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See the full post
49 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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My commission from Sora of K-Pop AU Yoruichi and Kūkaku as Itzy Yeji and Itzy Ryujin covering Bebe Rexha’s “Break My Heart Myself”!
59 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It’s October 1st in Japan, and that means...
I’ve had a delightful time with Digi (@crashingheavens) figuring out these two finally getting together and discovering how they mesh with one another, and I hope that continues for as long as it may, so I had to get something done to commemorate it! I commissioned the lovely and talented Sora to make this and I believe she’ll be putting it up on her Twitter on the 10th, but for now it’s only here!
72 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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boxloonaer · 2 years
ripping your partner in half and eating them is kind of hot
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Good Day/Evening, QW. I have this request for you: If All For One had the Shie Hassaikai under his thumb, what secondary Quirks would he give each member to make them more deadly. This is in the same vein as your post about what Secondary Quirks AFO would give members of the LOV.
While I'm not sure this would work out from a character perspective given how much Overhaul hates villains, it is interesting from a combination perspective.
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Shin Nemoto- Rivet Stab: There really isn't any deeper reasoning for this idea. It's just something to give Shin more offensive viability since his Quirk can't be used that well in a fight.
Soramitsu Tabe- Tongue Web: While I wanted to do this one for the pure creepiness factor, it does work to help out Tab. It can work to improve the range of "Food", letting him pull stuff into his giant mouth.
Rikiya Katsukame- Hypertrophy: This mostly works to extend Rikiya's range, letting him grab people more easily for "Vitality Stealing", but it could augment the power of his larger form by making him even bigger.
Chronostasis- Air Walk: Since Chronostasis needs to stand still to fire his arrows, being able to move and stand in the air could give him a lot more options to fire his arrows while mitigating the risk of being an easy target.
Toya Setsuno- Shoulder-Mounted Jets: Not much to say about this one. It could help Toya get away if people get too close to him, and it would give him more angles and opportunities to use "Larceny" on people by flying around or passing them.
Mimic- Storage: Considering that Mimic can move around without being noticed, he could just carry around the various Yakuza in his own body, making it extremely useful for either escape attempts or surprise attacks, essentially becoming a Yakuza clown car.
Yu Hojo- Springlike-Limbs: Not only could this help Yu's poor mobility by giving him springy legs, but it would massively improve his offensive power, augmenting the damage his crystals can do. People are going to be impaled on his crystals by the time a fight is over.
Deidoro Sakaki- Muscle Augmentation: The whole point of this upgrade is to help Deidoro's staying power. If he's muscled up, he can stay in the fight longer and keep up with people to keep them in the range of "Sloshed". The only issue is trying to stop a giant drunk dude when he gets hammered.
Hekiji Tengai- Air Cannon: Again, like Shin, this is to make up for his poor offense. The only reason I went with "Air Cannon" is because it could be used more easily, allowing him to drop his barriers, attack, and then put them back up without worry. Maybe he could combine it with "Barrier" to blast people who get too close.
Kendo Rappa- Impact Recoil: This is such a good combination with Rappa's brawler style. With his arm speed, Rappa could easily absorb an impact before it hits him, and then immediately counter with his own strength and the added strength of whomever is attacking him. The only issue is that he might refuse to use it out of a sense of fairness. In which case, I'd give him "Shock Absorption" instead.
Overhaul- Super Regeneration: While he has a lot of coverage, Overhaul is sorely lacking in personal defense. So with this, he can deal with damage without using "Overhaul" and not have to worry about losing his arms. And if he blows bits off of himself, he could grow them back, giving him even more biomass to work off of. Maybe he could even act as a weird healer, spreading bits of his flesh around to fix others.
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medicated-au · 2 years
Injuries and How They Relate to the Transformations
So quite a while back, (when chapter 9 was the most recently released chapter) we received a very good question on the main fanfic for this AU that asked the following:
“Slightly random but I started wondering about some of what the potion does i.e. the rules of the magic system you want to establish:
If an injury occurs in one form, does it carry over to the other? What by extension would that mean for the healing process e.g. if amphibians don't get scar tissue would human scars dissappear in time?
What is equivalent? Say you break a bone but only one species actually has that bone to begin with; does the injury dissapear and does it reappear? Teeth. Amphibians make many teeth in their lives and shed them continuously. What becomes of the lost teeth? Do they simply vanish like a weird version of the cinderela style magic system, do they remain inert teeth seprate from the person, or do they too turn back into human teeth... all of the hundreds of them 🤢 or did just some turn into baby teeth like it was a rare loot drop?“
And the two of us who are in charge of this AU actually discussed this at length until we came up with an appropriate answer that satisfied us. I think it’d be appropriate to put our answer here because it seems like something that you guys would want to know about. So we’re just gonna copy and paste what we wrote back then. So here you go!
“For small cuts to the skin along with bruises and such, that carries over. If it's something like a lost limb, that would also carry over. As far as scar tissue goes, the anthropomorphism in Amphibia actually allows them to form scar tissue. Proof? Grime's face. So scars would also carry over in turn. Sasha's new face scar would carry over to her toad form. Scar tissue is living tissue, so this checks out.
If you break a bone that only one species has and then transform, it only carries over phantom pain. The next transformation will reset the physical part of it. However, the phantom pain will remain until long after it would logically be healed. It would be best to keep one's form until it's fully healed unless you're desperate in the short term because otherwise you'll be dealing with the pain for a lot longer due to the subconscious part of the brain becoming confused on whether the injury is still there or not.
Now, I don't know who we told about this, but someone once asked how Anne's clothes still fit her after she transforms. The answer is that her slime coat soaks into it in her frog form and said slime coat only exists due to the potion. So her slime coat is very lightly magical and kind of imbues the clothing with stretching magic during her transformation. If she transformed into human form and then changed clothes and someone were to properly wash the slime coat residue out of her main set of clothing, then the clothes would shrink back to frog size.
I point that out because this means that her slime coat still permeates stuff even after she transforms. It doesn't turn into human sweat. Therefore shed hair and teeth in frog form stay in frog form after being detached. If she loses an adult tooth in human form, then there'll be a gap there when she turns back into a frog. Due to how they work, though, it'll grow back in frog form. The human form's equivalent tooth will be back when she transforms back. So for that specific instance, the transformation will allow for regeneration of things that can be healed in one form and can't be healed in the other. Unless, of course, one allows scar tissue to form overtop of it.
If, theoretically, the potion turned Anne into an axolotl instead of a frog and she lost a hand in human form then immediately took a potion, then the axolotl-typical limb regeneration would still happen. If she let it run its course and it fully regenerated before she turned back into human form, then she'd have her hand back. If she interrupted it and transformed again when it was only half-formed, then due to the fact that humans can't regrow lost limbs, she would be permanently stuck with a half regrown hand. If she waited until the bleeding stopped before taking the potion, she'd be SoL for regrowing it.
Also, when a human hand is cut off, there's a small window of time where it could be reattached. If Anne's hand got cut off in frog form immediately before her transformation, then it would transform with her because the tissue is still living and still has traces of the potion in it. If the tissue dies before she transforms, it stays as a frog hand permanently. However, if she gets a hand cut off in human form and immediately takes a potion afterwards, then the hand will remain human because that's its default state and there's no potion that's getting to it. Reattachment would then fail because of the differences between human limbs and frog limbs.I hope this answers your questions!
Feel free to ask more if you have them!”
So there ya go! I hope that this answers some questions that some of you guys might have!
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princeanxious · 4 years
An idea I’m drawing stuff for:
Okay so g/t sanders sides au idea but where the tiny people are actually mini android/cyborgs made to accompany people /if they want to/ as companions to humans that can connect to technology and the internet. (Medium-big sized ramble under-cut)
They arent nessesarily helpers, but they can help humans w/ technology issues if they want(and there are lots of human laws in place that prohibit forced labor and captivity from this new sentient race, but as you might guess, just bc there are laws doesnt mean everyone follows them or gets caught breaking them) the rest of the world is kinda up for development but i can tell you these tiny android people sometimes come with additional features such as tails w/ audio jacks/place where the tail would go to insert an audiojack, eyes and fingers that glow, ear type varients depending on what time they were born/created, have as many bendable joints as a human, but their legs and feet are naturally a bit thicker/wider both for balance and more room for technology in their tiny bodies.
Theyre a very intermingled mix of liveform and android(and are probably best explained as just. Straight up aliens to planet earth), to the point that theres no actual way to seperate tech from bio-matter. And theyre so tiny that trying to seperate the two on such a small scale is still scientifically impossible at this current time. Damage and wear/tear to their body can heal quickly with enough energy, rest, and time, but losing body parts can be nearly detrimental to their health if said parts cant be reattached quickly. They are not strong enough to regenerate a full limb.
It’s not an immediate death if they lose a limb, but its very much an emergency due to how spread out their bodily function sensors are in their tiny bodies. Losing a certain leg can mean losing complete mobility of both legs and balance, or losing certain patches of memory, losing a certain arm can mean losing the ability to balnce well, or go nearly sensory blind(meaning they can see things, but no longer feel them that well.) the tail is the only bodypart that is not immediately detrimental to their health, just their lifestyle. Their tail is their only way to directly connect to the online world without assistance. Without it, they rely on adapter prostetics that wear out over time and need to be replaced on occassion.
That being said, in this au, Roman, Remus, and Janus are tinies in this world. Roman and Remus are twins, and both suffered an injustice of experimentation that involved one of their legs each being removed, and being reattached(successfully) to the other’s body, as a test to see how similar twin tiny’s bodies are and if the similarities assist any in surrogate limbs attaching successfully. Theyre rescued and rehabilitated amd rehomed together before anything more was done to them, but they live life knowing they have eachothers leg and function as if said legs are really their own, and it connects them in a very odd way that they cant really explain.(it comes w/ a bonus of being able to send messages to one another, but a con of being able to see a portion of the other’s memories, be it mental, or physical muscle memory)
They live with a group of humans, Logan, Patton, and Virgil, who are aware of their situation and have welcomed them into their home to live normal tiny lives. Patton and Virgil are brothers, and Logan is their childhood bestfriend. Remus tends to travel w/ Logan the most bc Logan isnt bothered by Remus’s constant hyperfixations on dark and grusome things.(they hold alot of convos abt dark literature and anatomy, and astronomy. Remus finds Logan’s voice soothing on his semi-irratic stream of thoughts, and talking abt astonomy helps sooth Remus to sleep the fastest.) Roman clings to Virgil mostly but passes inbetween Virgil and Patton pretty frequently depending on whose at work. (Virgil and Roman bicker about everything under the sun, but it’s still healthy for them. Virgil keeps Roman’s ego in check and Roman helps Virgil gain more confidence in things, especially things in public.)
Janus is.. well, he was born.. defective, in a way. No ones really sure exactly what happened, if there were dificulties in his development, or if his existance was fused semi-incorrectly with another while in the preverbial womb, but he is born with his body being partially down the middle on one side with another set of tiny genetics, leaving 1/4th of his body from one side of the head to just below the same side’s ribs to be a different skin & metal plating color. One eye glows gold, the other a bright milky white, the same going for either hand w/ his finger-tips on the same sides. Pure snow white skin, plating, and hair is unnatural, and its theorized to be a permanent glitch in his physical coding seeing as the ‘other tiny’ that had yet to combine correctly would not have developed any physical traits until birth to mimick a combination of it’s parents, it’s physical attribute coding would remain dormant and thus not addapt with the rest of the body.
This leaves Janus visually different, and physically different. He has his own two legs and tail so that part of his body functions normally, but the arm that is inter-functionally dormant leaves him with terrible balance issues(thus leaving him to require a cane) and his on the same side that is similarly dormant leaves him functionally blind in said eye and deaf on said side.
He’s developed an extremely defensive personality because he refuses to be pitied for something he was never in control of. He’s plenty independent without help and beyond grouchy. Has been known to bite humans who try to help him but wont listen to him, hard. He’s never been allowed to live a normal tiny’s life because the parents he was born to gave him to humans to ensure he lived, then got retroactively babied since. His foul temper has lead to a difficulty in the homing process, and the humans are almost about to give up on him when Virgil walks in one day, curious about homing a third tiny to help stabalize the twins antics and frustrations born from there only being the two of them.
Janus is just as foul at first as he is to everyone who approaches him, because he fully expects pity. Instead of Virgil moving on in rejection/dismissal of the rude behavior, Virgil just chuckles in amusement. “Oh boy, you’re fiesty huh?” “Have to be, lest people think they can do and think whatever they want about me. Better to give them my worst so they don’t get any god-complex over my disability, right?” And Virgil relates, and isnt hesitant abt mentioning his own struggles w/ how rudely people treat him w/ his general anxiety disorder and chronic depression.
Virgil manages to convince Janus take a chance and come home w/ him. And then Janus meets Patton, and things go so much better than anyone expected them to go. I mean, they get worse before they get better, but the getting better is so much further than any resulted backtracking. Janus likes Patton, and is uber protective of him. No one knew Patton to bicker much, but oh boy, does he bicker with Janus, often abt taking care of one another. Its all out of love and care, and its honestly jarringly sweet. (Patton gets Janus hooked on chocolate chips, and may or may not bribe him with a bottle-lip full from time to time if it means making Janus relax.)
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pandastern · 4 years
What’s Your Poison, Captain Levi
Part 1: Desire
Sub!Levi Ackerman x Dom!Reader
Warnings: explicit, mature content
Word count: 2989
Genre: romance
When Levi overhears a fight between Y/N and Erwin about their newest addition to the squad, his curiosity leads him to investigate. Little does he know that this decision will confront him with his deepest and darkest desires he had hoped to keep buried.
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The castle fell silent after a long day of work, most of the cadettes were already asleep and those who weren't, better got to it before he found out. Levi sighed deeply and downed his last cup of tea. The fragrant blend had lasted him for almost 2 months, but as so many things in his life even this was coming to an end. 
Levi did not allow himself many luxuries. A clean space and some tea. That had always been enough for him. 
It had been a week since Eren had joined his squad. The boy was so lively, so full of life and determination. How many soldiers had he seen with the same kind of attitude. How many had died before his eyes.
Putting down the cup, he got up and rubbed his eyes. Levi couldn't tell how long he had been sitting there, contemplating so many things, he could barely remember what he had mulled over. Maybe he was just utterly sleep deprived. 
Yes, that had to be it. 
“Off to bed it is then…” He mumbled to himself, blowing out the candle on the table. The moon was shining brightly, the light coming through the windows illuminating his way enough to find his path without needing another light source. 
How eerie this castle could be at night. The creaking of old wood and the howling of the summer breeze almost sounded as if the building itself was breathing.
Halfway up the stairs that led to his quarters he suddenly heard a door slam in the hallways below him. The loud sound made him freeze. “This better not be one of the brats out of bed.” He grumbled and listened into the darkness.
“No Erwin! I dont give a flying fuck. That kid has been here for a week. A Week, Erwin! He's been in my office with burns, a bleeding nose, overexhaustion and oh, yes, snapped tendons! Ah! No! Close that mouth of yours I don't want to hear it! I don't care that he regenerates like some Lizard on drugs! Eren is 14!”
“He is a soldier and doing his duty. As should you. Eren is not a child and he knows the cost of his purpose! This young man has seen more than enough of the gruesome reality of this world to make his own decisions!” 
“Yes, Life is shit. Reality is cruel. Trust me, I fucking know that! It doesn't change the fact that you are sending children to die, asshole. And no excuse of yours makes it right.”
“Y/N, you-”
“No, fucking save it. I don't want to hear another word. I am not a soldier, nor a cadette, so you can shove your Commander bullshit right back up your arse.”
The sound of angrily stomping footsteps followed by a never ending string of curses echoed through the staircase. Levi rose a brow. He had recognized that voice. Y/N was one of the Medical staff they kept here to support the survey corps. Usually that woman worked under Hanji Zoe's Squad unless she had to take care of injured soldiers... Or Eren. 
He couldn't remember having ever heard her use that kind of tone before. He'd seen that woman pop a dislocated limb back into place while sweet-talking the whimpering soldier into a blush like it was nothing. Not much of a soldier herself, he had to admit, but she kept her medical office under strict rules that no one dared to break. Y/N was strict, but she was never harsh. Not like this.
He knew it was probably for the best if he just went to bed. It was none of his business. They weren't friends so he was probably the last person she wanted to talk to right now. Especially since he was also a reason why Eren was here in this castle. Granted, if he and Erwin had not intervened the boy would be dead by now. However that didn't change the fact that whatever argument Y/N had had with Erwin she would most likely have with him as well. And as someone who had seen what that woman was capable off, he'd rather not be on the receiving end of that.
After hesitating for a moment Levi sighed deeply and turned around and followed in the direction of where Y/N had stomped off to. Why, he couldn't say. Maybe it was that slight tremble in her voice when she had hissed at Commander Erwin, that he had never heard before. Maybe he was just...curious.  
It took a little bit of searching before he found her. Y/N was sitting outside in the grass, resting against a tree. When Levi approached her the scent of something sweet and burning wafted around him. 
“What the hell are you smoking?” he asked and wrinkled his nose. “Don't tell me you actually got your hands on tobacco. What merchant did you shake down for that?”
Taking a deep drag from the hand rolled cigarette in her hand she gave him a very calculated look.
“Isn't it past your bedtime Captain Levi?” Her lips curved into a smirk that made her look like a Cheshire cat. “Don't you know? To stay sane in this wretched world everyone needs a little pick me up. Some people like to fuck an excessive amount, some people drink alcohol till their liver burts like an overripe tomato. Others…”
She took another drag from the cigarette, the sweet musky smell getting stronger. “Others just know where the good stuff grows.”
Y/N chuckled softly, shaking her head. Levi didn't reply to that. He could sense the frustration in her demeanor. “It's not like you to numb yourself with substances to escape whatever upsets you.”
Another dry laugh.
“I am not. This is St. John's wort and lavender. Helps me sleep. And considering you're up at  this ungodly hour I am guessing you could use one as well.”
Levi watched as Y/N softly patted the grass next to her, motioning for him to sit down. With a sigh he let himself fall into the grass. Silence spread between them and Levi just watched her carefully. 
“I heard your fight with Erwin.” He finally said.
Y/N clicked her tongue and shot him a glance through narrowed eyes.
“Oh? So you're here to...what? Scold me?”
“No. Not like a brat like you would listen to me.”
“It doesn't matter what I think anyway, does it?”
Levi sighed and stretched out his legs, leaning back against the tree. “You know that what we do here is necessary. You also know that Eren is not a child. No matter his age. It may not be pretty and it may not be what you want for him, but you can't forget that Eren killed twenty Titans by himself in his Titan form.”
Grinding her teeth Y/N pressed the cigarette bud into the ground and cursed again.
“Fuck you. Don't you think I know that?! I am fully aware that this kid can turn into a building sized naked killer man. Trust me, Hanji told me all about it in one of their ‘I am horny for Titans’ rants. It doesnt change the fact that he is a child. Just because he's seen some shit doesn't make him any less of a 14 year old kid. If you're sending soldiers to die, then at least make sure they are fully grown first.”
Her voice had gotten louder with every word she spat out before she cut herself off. Levi watched her take a deep breath and pull out a second hand rolled cigarette.
“We have no choice. Not when the survival of the human race is on the line.” he stated with a stern voice. It wasn't that he didn't understand where she was coming from but sometimes sacrifices had to be made.
“Spoken like a good little soldier. I know that of course. Doesn't mean I have to like that shit.” Y/N scoffed. “How far you've come from just a little underground street rat.”
Levi stiffened. It had been so many years since someone had brought up his origins. He wasn't ashamed of who he had been, but being confronted with it so suddenly still made him tense up.
“What, surprised? Of course I know. Where do you think I come from. You're not the only underground rat dwelling on the surface. Like you, Erwin was the one who pulled me up.”
Now she sounded almost bitter. 
“Now that you mention it, it explains a lot about you.”
Like that time when he had watched her knock a hysteric solder out cold with one brief move so she could treat them.
“I suppose it does.” Y/N pulled out a lighter and ignited her second cigarette, taking a deep drag. “I've always been good with herbalism. Drugs...Poison...Back then I used that knowledge to cater to Clients with a very particular taste of pick me ups.”
Another side shot glance and the smirk returned on her lips. “But enough about me. What is your preferred poison, Captain?”
The swift change of subjects did not go unnoticed to him. Not that he minded. He personally didn't much like to talk about the past. That, however, caught him off guard.
“What do you mean?” He asked carefully.
Y/N sat up, put out her cigarette and leaned closer, her eyes having a glint in them he had never seen before. “Like I said before. Everyone has that little something that keeps them sane. So what is it for you? And please don't say tea. That doesn't count.”
“Why wouldn't it count? Who gets to decide what keeps me sane if not me?” he huffed. Levi didn't like where this conversation was headed. As Y/N leaned a little closer, he instinctively leaned back but the tree trapped him in place. 
“Because I am talking about something more...decadent.” Her husky chuckle made him shiver, her face now so close to his, he could feel her breath on his skin. She smelled sweet, just like the herbs she had smoked earlier. To his surprise it wasn't unpleasant.
“So...tell me. What is it the Levi Ackermann, humanity's strongest soldiers desire? What is it that makes your fingers itch? You always seem so stoic but I know there's more. I can see it in your eyes”
Levi finally recognized the glint in her eyes. It was the same look a cat had that was playing with a mouse, ready to pounce. And he didn't quite know how to feel about that.
“I have no idea what you're going on about.”
“No?” Another soft chuckle that made the hair on the back of his neck stand. She was so close now, he could make out the soft dusting of freckles on her cheeks. Before he could stop himself he evaded her eyes to focus himself.
Soft fingers grasped his chin, forcing him to look at her.
“Do you think i haven't noticed? The way your eyes follow me the moment I step into a room?” She whispered.
Levi could feel his face grow hot. Had he really been so obvious? 
“I- wait, Y/N its not- “
Before he could answer, Y/N moved even closer, climbing into his lap. Levi stiffened, his eyes wide as her warm hands cupped his face. 
“It's okay, I don't mind. Not like I haven't done the same thing…”
Her body was pressed so flush against his, her body heat almost scalding him. Levi's breath caught in his throat. Their faces were so close, noses touching, breath mingling together and somehow the entire world started to fade away, leaving just the two of them together. His heart was beating so fast, he was sure the sound must echo through the entire castle, but he just couldn't push her away. He knew he should. He knew he couldn’t allow this. Knew this wouldn't end well for him.
But the look in her eyes told Levi, Y/N already had him in a trap he couldn't  escape. Not that he wanted to.
“Such pretty eyes you have, Levi.” She whispered in a low voice. “I’ve always wondered what's going on behind them.”
Keeping one hand on his cheek, Y/N gently brushed a strand of hair out of his face making him shiver. No one had ever touched him that way before. “W-what do you mean?” He managed to whisper hoarsely.
“What you crave of course. Everyone has something. Fantasies of pleasure and lust that keep playing in your head when you are all by yourself and need some release.” Y/N laughed softly, her thumb brushing over his bottom lip. Gods he was blushing like a boy but that look in her eyes kept him enthralled, unable to move a single muscle.
“I have two theories. Lets see which one hits the spot.” She purred. “My first theory is that you crave control. You are the captain after all. So what is it you think of when you watch me?”
Another shiver ran down Levi's spine, Y/n's feather light touches ghosting over his skin igniting his nerve endings in exhilarating sparks. Why was it so hard to breathe? 
“Do you think of me, naked? Tied up with ropes, suspended limbs hanging in the air like a doll...completely and utterly at your mercy as your wandering hands coax soft moans out of me? Do you dream about teasing me till I fully submit to your authority?”
Heat started pooling in his stomach and instinctively Levis' hands moved to her hips gripping them tightly. Y/N leaned in, softly brushing her lips against the corners of his mouth. Levi froze, his fingers digging into her soft, supple skin. “W-what?”
She was searching his eyes intently and it felt like she was stripping away every little layer of protection he had built over his lifetime. Dangerous. She was dangerous. He'd always known that. Hed known the moment their eyes had met for the very first time.
“No...no that's not it…is it?” A lascivious smirk spreading over those sinful lips of hers. “So I was right. See, my second theory is the one I find most plausible. It's human psychology after all…”
Her hands started to travel down his jaw before resting gently around his throat. Levi swallowed hard. He could feel himself tremble softly and that predatory glint in her eyes told him, she felt it too.
“You don't wish for control Levi, do you? You crave release. So much responsibility on your shoulders. Always having to be reliable. Humanity's Strongest. A leader in his own right. But what you really want is to let go. To give yourself into reliable hands that roam your body just the right way”
Levi could feel her lips on his ear, nipping at the soft skin. The gasp escaping his parted lips was almost treacherous and wrong. But dammit she was right. And he hated that she was.
“I am right, aren't I? I can feel you getting excited…”
As if to prove a point Y/N rolled her hips against him, coaxing a soft moan out of his parted lips. Levi's head fell forward against her shoulder, the scent of her herbs wrapping around him, more intoxicating than any booze he'd ever tasted.
“Please-” He rasped almost helplessly.
“Please? My, my, Levi...such beautiful sounds you make.”
More featherlight nips and kisses trailing down his jaw and neck, making him dizzy. She was toying with him.
“Your arms tied behind your back, maybe even on your knees. Helpless and taken care of at the same time. That's what you crave isn't it? That's the deep dark sinful little desire that's burning in your heart. Submission.”
Nimble fingers threading into his hair, gripping it tight before yanking his head back. 
“F-fuck!” The moment the groan left him Levi already knew he was done for. She was gonna swallow him whole.
“Say it Levi...is that what you want?” Y/N purred, her forehead touching his. It was an order. She was giving him an order.
Levi shuddered under her gaze, his throat so dry he barely resisted the urge to lick his lips. “Y-yes…”
“There we go...that wasn't so hard was it? Don't worry...I'd be more than happy to do that for you darling. I will keep you safe… take you apart piece by piece until you lose yourself in pleasure. Until you fall… and then I will put you back together.”
Her lips were hovering over his, a tease, an invitation. Why couldn't she just kiss him already?
“What...are you saying?” Levi whispered barely audible, his chest heaving with every breath. His lungs and all his senses already filled with her scent, her body pressed again so flush he could feel every curve through her clothing.
“I am making you an offer, Captain. And I want you to think about it before you answer. If that is what you want...come find me in my office. I'll help you fly in the best and worst way  possible...understood?”
Not knowing what to say or do, Levi just nodded. There was no way another word could make it past his lips. He wanted her. He wanted her so damn bad, the desire was burning him up alive.
Her soft chuckle echoed through the night.
“Good. I bid you goodnight then. Come find me when you're ready.”
Before Levi could process what she had just said, Y/N got off him and jumped to her feet as if nothing had ever happened. His body shivered at the sudden lack of heat, already feeling empty without her so close to him. 
Stunned, Levi watched her wink at him before disappearing into the night. What the hell had just happened?
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