#listening also reminded me of tlh
entropy-sea-system · 2 years
Primadonna by MARINA reminds me of Drew Tanaka in tlh
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Do you ship valdangelo or solangelo/valgrace ( or both?) :)
Tysm for the ask the answer is all of them. Multiship like crazy.
I’m still on HoH, so I haven’t actually got to the Solangelo bits yet, but they’re gay and cute, so ofc I ship them.
Valdangelo I love bc they’re my two favourite characters they’re both tiny traumatised orphaned autistics, and both metaphors for different ways of dealing with loss. I ship them platonically mostly, I just want them to be besties. Nico definitely recognises and relates to Leo’s sadness in ways none of the others can, and Leo’s not the type to try and heal or fix Nico’s sadness, he’d just listen and empathise. They are crying buddies. They sit five feet apart and not talk but just cry together and keep each other company.
There’s some Valgrace fanart/fanfiction that’s honestly SO CUTE I could die. I was a bit sceptical at first bc I definitely see Jason as the Token CisHet of the group, but I’m warming up to it more and more, and I’m even writing my own Valgrace fanfiction now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it in the books when Jason and Leo interact, particularly in tlh. Jason is the only one who sees through Leo’s mask (except maybe Annabeth), and makes an effort to remind him that he is a valued and respected member of the team, and that none of whatever went wrong is his fault and that he’s doing everything right. Leo never puts any expectations on Jason to be the Big Hero, and lets him just be Jason.
Brason is also my otp. Need I say more
VALZHANG is my brotp. I love them so much. I love how they are just opposites in every way- Frank is 7ft tall and built like a brick shithouse but is actually soft pookie bear, whereas Leo is built like a fuckin twig but is also a terror to society. I love how they intitially hated each other (bc they were intimidated by each other) but then realised they misjudged one another and ended up bonding over similar trauma and dead moms. I love seeing them be menaces to each other, but they are EACH OTHER’S menaces. No-one is allowed to annoy Frank except Leo, otherwise prepared to get BURNT. No-one is allowed to call Leo annoying except Frank, otherwise be prepared to get a bear claw to the face. They cannot live without each other. Who else is gonna ridicule the other without mercy and with a smile on their face? I want to see Frank being overly protective of his tiny reckless bf/bff in battle, refusing to leave his side. I want to see Leo being kind and considerate to Frank, making sure that all the meals he cooks him are lactose-free. Their rivalry/reluctant friendship is everything to me, and everything Caleo did, they could do a bajillion times better. Idc whether it is platonic or romantic I just love them together.
Yes, I know I just wrote a fucking thesis on this. No, I will not apologise.
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wagner-fell · 2 years
About the sleepover stuff... Might I just say random stuff?
I think this is done pretty much in every school, at least in Spain, but mine has this school dance/big-ass musical there's quite a bit of preparation for. In the sense that teachers have to make dances for their classes to dance, the prepare very elaborate costumes, etc (sometimes those costumes are ugly, I had to dress like a *spoon* in second grade), and there's obviously rehearsals. Those rehearsals started on Monday, and, you know, Monday I had exams. The thing is, my classroom isn't only annoyingly close to the little kid's classroom, it's also directly next to their playground, where the rehearsals for the end-of-term play are done. Wagner, I had to take my Spanish exam with the Macarena playing on the background at full volume. I was supposed to be writing about how this poets works (which are, let me tell you, depressing af) were influenced by his inability to be openly gay and the civil war and exile and all these bad, sad stuff while I had kids dancing and screaming to the Macarena.
Also, they named my school's basement after the former headmaster.
Um, I don't have book recs (because I'm not sure our interests really align lol), but I do recommend you not to read the first Bridgerton book.
Would you rather be able to manipulate gravity, make objects (and yourself) smaller or bigger at will, or be able to change the state (liquid, solid, gas) of objects so you could technically have sofa-flavoured juice?
If you could live in any literary universe, be it of a book, movie, show, etc, which one would you choose?
Would you rather Matthew remained single at the end of tlh? If so, do you have any theories on how the Fairchilds lived on until, well, Clary?
Favourite authors and do you have any book recs?
This song reminds me of Catia (the name translates to 'I'll dance on your grave' --lmk if you want a full translation, because this is getting too long). Also, I'll just let you know that I have a few headcanons about my lovely Spaniards Álvaro and Vicenta that relate to Spain, but this is getting too long so lmk if you want them lol
Oh yeah my school always did that too. (One time I had to dress in a lion onesie and sing oh I just can’t wait to be king from the lion king to my mom because she was a teacher there and the principal thought it would be funny) Is that poet by any chance Federico Garcia Lorca???
Anyway that’s awful. Ffs how do they even expect you to concentrate with all that noise
I was not planning on reading or watching anything Bridgerton but thank you for the advice all the same-
Hmmmm that’s a hard one but I think I’ll go with  manipulate gravity! Hbu??
The A Dark and Hollow Star universe, hands down. I’d give anything to be in that universe. But also lowkey I’d love love love to live in Mirror lmao Again, lol, hbu??
Honestly? I think he needs to heal from his trauma before he gets into any kind of romantic relationship but eventually yes, I want him to end up in some kind of romantic relationship. I actually do have him ending up with someone in HoS :)
My favourite author is Sophie Gonzales!!! And ima just put my top five books of all time in no particular order here lol
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales
Violet Ghosts by Leah Thomas
King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender 
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
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Do you remember what episode was it when they were talking about how to split rooms and Veth suggests Jester and Fjord share a room and Jester turns it down and makes it a point to go to the other room where Fjord wasn’t in? Is that the same episode Caleb tells Fjord that Jester can punch him through a wall?
Oh man. I feel like this ask is super passive aggressive, but just in case it isn’t... sure, I’ll play.
The episode was ep 54 “Well Beneath” and both interactions happen at the same time, but I suspect you already knew that, anon.
I think there’s a couple interesting things that keep getting overlooked when it comes to this exchange when Fandom talks about it, though. Especially when painted as proof that Fjord doesn’t respect Jester’s strength as much as Caleb does. Which absolutely isn’t the case.
I think, firstly, for context from Fjord’s POV it’s worth noting that this is very soon after the Pirate Arc, in which he struggled for weeks to precisely keep his friends safe under constant threat and felt responsible for it. Secondly, during that arc he slowly became more aware of the way Jester’s cheerfulness is a front. Starting with the jellyfish talk and leading to his efforts to cheer her up after the whole blue dragon thing, which we know he feels responsible for despite it being an unfortunate mix of events. He also started becoming more aware of how much her support meant for him (see the second temple, in which he was moved by her concern but also kept complimenting her fighting and spells at every given turn). Finally, let’s not forget they were preparing to sleep in a super shady place and boys and girls were going to room separately. I would argue, after the Iron Shepherd’s, there’s certain degree of separation anxiety for Fjord and, as far as they knew at this point of the Xhorhas arc, they were in hostile territory. So no, Fjord isn’t saying “Jester I think you are too weak” he is saying “Jester, your safety is important to me and I am trying to be more vocal about it”. In a hilariously misguided way, which is hilarious for someone as smooth as Fjord, but later experience has proved he gets very clumsy around her because of his growing crush.
As for Jester’s reaction, I think it’s important to note, first and foremost, that she was already crossed at Fjord and Veth before this conversation. She was pissed because she was nearly out of spells and asked them not to go into the well to investigate because she wouldn’t be able to heal them if something went wrong. And they were too curious to listen to her. Remember, what Jester actually called Fjord out on after the HFB WASNT that he left her with the dragon but that he disappeared. Again, separation anxiety. So she’s angry and then Fjord asks if she’ll be safe and she looks angry. But then her friends start loudly, and right in front of her, teasing him about it. This is the guy she is in love with and just convinced herself doesn’t like her back. How excruciating must that be? No wonder she walks away to her bedroom. Also, consider, she doesn’t snap at Fjord over the comment. She does snap at Veth about the teasing, insisting Fjord had no romantic inclinations while making that comment (lol it definitely came from his feeling for her but we know that now for sure).
Finally, I don’t see that exchange as Caleb respecting her more. Honestly. I think it’s a very interesting illustration of something I already talked about and is the fact that, just because Jester CAN take care of herself, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be checked in with, shouldn’t be asked “are you okay with this?” You can know someone is highly capable and still worry about them. It’s not mutually exclusive. I do appreciate Caleb loudly reminding everyone how strong Jester is, their friendship is one of my favorite things. The way he delivered that line was hilarious (though sadly ignored by her and everyone else in the middle of the ensuing teasing). But that’s about it for me. If anything, knowing about his crush on her, it almost feels like he kinda WANTED to incite conflict over the comment but it’s hard to speculate about it of course.
Lastly, I think it’s interesting to note that Fjord does this exact same thing a while later, after they just lost Yasha. When, again, they are staying in weird sleeping arrengments (dynasty military camp, this time), when again Jester is out of spells, when they are shaken and tense and feeling hunted down by TLH. He leaves the room and asks “are you going to be alright here?” And he’s v obviously talking to Jester because of his sight line but Sam dismisses it with “yeah, it’s a room” though Jester nods gently in response at the same time. She doesn’t take it as offense (when she isn’t already pissed).
Also, because now I’m thinking about it, you could say there’s other two parallels on Jester’s side to this exchange. Firstly, when she checks in with him in the Xhorhouse and implies they ran away from the ocean, to which Fjord responds defensively. And, much later, when she stops him before they walk into the cathedral, holds his hand and whispers “please be careful, please”. Neither of these means she thinks he’s weak or doesn’t respect him, right.
I don’t know where I’m going with this other than that scene came at a time where Fjord and Jester’s relationship was slowly beginning to mend after the Pirate Arc (I would argue it didn’t entirely return to their easy comfortable rapport until the Kiln Talk though it did get much better after the moorbounder/potions conversation) but people keep taking it out of context (both within their arcs and within the episode itself) and everyone is free to make whatever readings they want but ignoring nuances leads to misguided conclusions in my opinion. So yeah.
Anyway, the ep you were looking for was 54 (wow, over 60 eps ago!)
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bunkernine · 4 years
i don't think I would be able to write this so succinctly but there's really something about leo and hazel being together during the most critical parts of each others "arcs" and it really annoys me that hazel and leo had some stupid love square with frank and some dead great grandfather. you know and as much as I love jason and leo, literally why couldn't the prophecy be centered around hazel and leo then 😤 okay here's what I mean about their arc:
→ the first "quest" the seven goes on is leo and hazel finding metal with narcissus. however, this is also that moment when nemesis says that crap about leo being the 7th wheel and gives the fortune cookie. hazel says not to take it. leo does.
→ leo finds the archimedes sphere on a quest with hazel. self explanatory.
→ they were literally fated to meet 🤧 slightly related but they're also the only ones where GAEA directly messed up their lives? like jason and leo had hera, but GAEA??? THE BIG BAD????
→ hazel (and frank) is the reason why leo cracks open the fortune cookie that he believes is what leads to literally every bad thing afterward
→ hazel is the one who comes back to life. in tlh, leo calls that freaky behavior... and then proceeds to do it at the end 😖 i feel like this MAJORLY could've been tanked about REGARDLESS in the books
→ hazel and leo were on opposite sides of nico debate. this could've been like, embellished but 😤
→ technically everyone feels that way, but like hazel and leo were ESPECIALLY the ones who thought their gifts were a curse (and to be fair, hazel's was 😭) but like... something about death and fire... hm
→ one of the doors hazel is gives to pick by hecate directly involved leo/frank's probable deaths. hazel does not choose this door
→ hazel and leo are basically the ones most involved in successfully getting percy/anna out of tartarus' elevator doors
→ it's those two who manages to capture nike 🤧
→ hazel(and frank 🙄) are the ones with leo when he learns about the cure. she makes the fake vial for leo's death
anyway while this is more heavy sided toward leo, it annoys me a bunch now because why make the prophecy 'to storm or fire' when jason isn't with leo too much? why change the established trios to emphasize the dumb love square? but like, why throw hazel in the backseat when she's literally so critical???? nearly everything she does moves the plot yet she's treated like a secondary character????
anyway this reminds of this, where leo handles the 'to storm or fire' but hazel should've handled 'doors of death' in the prophecy
or like, why establish the lost trio at the center of it all and then not actually do that
(links are my posts cause i don't listen to other people 😤)
regardless. what was this for. what was going on here. why did this happen. too many questions and it just pisses me off knowing that hazel should've been treated better and that either this should've went all the way (to death or fire the would must fall) or like, not at all happened
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southsidestory · 3 years
i just finished reading a book called the love hypothesis and it gave me sasusaku vibes and used reylo-like characters for its cover, and it reminded me of you (: i recommend it if you have time to read or listen to it!
I am tickled pink that you recommended this book to me @disliike because Ali Hazelwood is a Reylo fan and The Love Hypothesis was originally a Reylo fic! I didn't have a chance to read the fic, so I have no idea how much it changed over the course of being turned into a contemporary romance novel. Regardless, I take it TLH was a very good read!
Anyway, the cover art looks Reylo-esque because it portrays characters who actually were Rey and Ben once upon a time! It's also an absolutely stunning cover, which is no surprise because it was drawn by the incredible @lilithsaur whose work is always flawless ❤️❤️❤️
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TLH Social Media Au: Corona Virus Edition
Part 2
This one doesn’t particularly have a ‘story’ running through, it’s more sort of the TLH gang going insane in quarantine. Also yeah I included Grace. Let me know what you think of her fancast!
I hope you guys enjoy this week’s instalment!! Give me as much feedback on it as you can (I listen to everyone’s feedback!!) I hope I can somehow help you get through quarantine or at least make you laugh or smile! ❤️❤️❤️
(I’m really sorry to nag again, I just want to say the reminder to please reblog if you can? You don’t have to, obviously there’s no pressure but ye)
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shewhobefuddles · 4 years
Jordelia Playlist
Okay, here's the playlist of Jordelia songs (and their explanations) I've compiled over quarantine through sheer boredom, and starvation of more TSC content. Feel free to skip the explanations, I just have too much time on my hands and wanted to get my thoughts out. I put a shortlist below to skip the writing. 
Add songs in the comments!!!
Heather- Conan Gray
All I Ask- Adele
Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift
Stone Cold- Demi Lovato
Like We Never Loved At All- Faith Hill, Tim McGraw
Make You Feel My Love- Adele
Apologize- One Republic
The Last Time- Taylor Swift
Moral of the Story (slowed) - Ashe
Burning- Sam Smith
Without a Word- Birdy
Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran
Salvation- Gabrielle Aplin
Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prelude- Bach
Heather- Conan Gray
We all saw this one coming, but it really is a good song that I think goes well with Cordelia’s situation. “But I watch your eyes as she walks by; what a sight for sore eyes.” The song quite beautifully describes a classic case of unrequited love, and how it feels to watch the person you care about be obsessed with someone else. Cordelia spends the book watching James follow Grace around, and pushing aside her romantic feelings for him, as she believes that he does not return them. Even after they’re engaged, she accepts that he will never love her, and his feelings for Grace will remain. Of course, we all know there are magical, manipulative forces at play here, but James and Cordelia don’t yet.
All I Ask- Adele
“So don’t get me wrong I know, there is no tomorrow, all I ask is if this is my last night with you, hold me like I’m more than just a friend.”  This song is absolutely beautiful, and if you listen to nothing else on this playlist, listen to this. An underrated Adele masterpiece. Anyways, it again relates to unreciprocated love, and the desire to have one last good memory with the person you love before you have to leave. This makes me think of the desperation of time running out in James and Cordelia’s fake engagement, and Cordelia trying to savor each moment, even though she thinks James isn’t doing the same. It makes me picture her trying to memorize how it feels to be held in his arms as his fiancee/wife, with their inevitable divorce looming over her. I don’t know if they will actually divorce, or even end up getting married. Who knows how their fake engagement will play out. But still, she’d be anticipating divorce, and feeling these things all the same. 
Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift (listen to the slowed version for even more feels; idk why but slowed versions always have more tension)
“Say you’ll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks; say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams.”  To me, these are the silent pleas of Cordelia as she prepares to leave James, hoping that he’ll still think of her, remember her fondly, even if it’s just in his wildest dreams. It’s also James. James will eventually wake up from his enchantment, and when he does I’m sure he’ll be filled with regret over what he could’ve had with Cordelia, remembering only once the enchantment is off how beautiful she was, how much of a wonderful person she was that he connected with so strongly. This song adds a layer of wistfulness and time gone by between the couple’s memories, and where the couple is now, recollecting them, which hopefully won’t happen in the books. I hope that years don’t go by between Cordelia and James seeing each other, after everything with their engagement. But it’s an interesting thought.
Stone Cold- Demi Lovato (her live/acoustic versions are also worth a listen!)
“I’m happy for you, know that I am, even if I can’t understand. I’ll take the pain, give me the truth. Me and my heart, we’ll make it through. If happy is her, I’m happy for you.” Tears. Tears. Cordelia is so kind, mature, and understanding, and she has never once blamed James for his feelings for Grace, or wished Grace any ill will. She just wants to see James happy, even if it’s not with her. She will continue to love him, and bravely, quietly endure the pain of watching him with someone else, because she cares for him so deeply that just having him close to her, in her life is enough (for now). I sense trouble and discontent, and think that the pain will eat away at her over time, but she really does want the best for James, and wishes him and Grace well.
Like We Never Loved At All- Faith Hill, Tim McGraw (yes it’s country, but hear me out it’s a good song, and I don’t even usually like country music!)
“How can you just walk on by, without one tear in your eye? Don’t you have the slightest feelings left for me?” This one reminds me of how James and Cordelia had about a week or so where he wasn’t under an enchantment; they had a passionate moment in the Whispering Room, James was all enamored and calling her Daisy, and they talked about reading together. And then, the return of the bracelet, and James’ feelings for Cordelia seemingly disappeared. I understand that Cordelia had already had reason to believe James liked Grace, as she’d seen them together before the enchantment was off, and she was probably never that secure in James’ feelings for her, as he only partially professed them very briefly before going back to being in love with Grace, but I have to believe there was a moment where she was very confused. Like, “James and I passionately made out in the Whispering Room, and then he told me he’d never wanted anything more than to kiss me, and now he’s back with Grace? Huh?” So, this song reflects that: having something with someone, only for them to act as if it never happened at all, leaving you with the memories and pain.
Make You Feel My Love- Adele
“Nothing that I wouldn’t do; go to the ends of the earth for you. To make you feel my love.”  A song of deep love and devotion. I imagine Cordelia’s selfless love for James, that burns brightly despite his lack of returned affection, or James’ eventual realization of his love for Cordelia. Him being devastated that he has hurt her, that she doesn’t believe he loves her, that he was never able to recognize his feelings before. I see it as James professing how he feels to Cordelia, baring his soul to her and showing her his devotion, trying to erase her pain and earn her trust.
Apologize- OneRepublic (again, I kinda like the slowed version; you can so clear hear the violin, piano, and tension)
“You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down, but wait. You tell me that you’re sorry, didn’t think I’d turn around. And say, that it’s too late to apologize.” How I picture some Chain of Iron angst, as a result of the confusion and miscommunication that will be going on with James and Cordelia, due to the enchantment. James will give her mixed signals as his true feelings battle with the feelings brought on by the enchantment, and there will be chaos and pain. James will have a lot to explain to Cordelia at some point, and we’ll see how receptive she is to what he has to say. Cordelia is forgiving and understanding, but she will not tolerate being toyed with, disrespected, or neglected by anyone, not even James, and the bracelet may make it seem like James is mistreating her. No matter which way the story goes, drama will ensue, feelings will be hurt, and amends will have to be made.
The Last Time- Taylor Swift, Gary Lightbody
“This is the last time I’m asking you this, to put my name at the top of your list. This is the last time I’m asking you why. You broke my heart in the blink of an eye.” This song is similar to All I Ask in that it describes the last, bittersweet moment of a relationship, and the desire to preserve that moment to keep with you after the end, and give you a reprieve from the pain. Again, it makes me think of Cordelia trying to savor the moments she gets with James before they have to split.
Moral of the Story- Ashe (SLOWED!!)
I don’t know if it’s just me but I can’t stand the normal version of the song, it sounds a little too poppy. Go listen to the slowed and reverb one on YouTube, it’s so much prettier and more haunting. Anyways, some little quotes that remind me of James’s situation are: “So I never really knew you. God, I really tried to. Blindsided, addicted.” and “You can think that you’re in love, when you’re really just in pain.” To me, in the context of TLH, this song is about James’s deep regret at being caught up in delusions about Grace for years, and ruining things with Cordelia, the love of his life. Also, reflecting on how he’s been held back from truly being himself and experiencing emotions for much of his life, which is devastating. The piano alone at the beginning sounds like melancholy and regret, James pondering the things that have happened to him and the decisions he’s made, and the pain that all of this has caused him, as well as everyone else (I’m guessing Grace will use him to do some scary, dangerous sh*t).
Burning- Sam Smith
“I’ve been burning, yes I’ve been burning. Such a burden, this flame on my chest.” This song instantly reminded me of them, because of the chapter Burn in ChOG, where Cordelia says something like, “For a year I will be close to him, and know what it means to burn.” The actual verses and lyrics of this song don’t apply perfectly to James and Cordelia, but it’s a song about the pain love can bring, how it can burn, so I thought the essence of it fit them.
Without a Word- Birdy
“Stand there and look into my eyes, and tell me that all we had were lies. Show me that you don’t care. And I’ll stay here, if you prefer. Yes, I’ll leave you. Without a word.” Again, I feel this relates to the concept of “Am I imagining everything that happened between us?” that was present with Cordelia after the bracelet was put back on James, only, Cordelia never confronted James. She just assumed she had been reading things wrong, making things up in her mind, and so she accepted it when James went back to Grace. But this song explores the confrontation of two people whose relationship/romance has ended, in which one person is demanding that the other be honest about what happened with them, what their true feelings are. While Cordelia accepted James’ return to Grace fairly easily, this song makes me imagine James confronting Cordelia, once the enchantment has been broken. I can imagine that Cordelia might not be forthright about her feelings for him, after everything she’s been through, but James will only just be realizing his deep love and affection for her, and will likely be wanting to know if she felt what he felt during their moments together that he’d forgotten, like the Whispering Room, or when she read to him. James will want to know how Cordelia feels, and this song is how I picture him wondering about it, and possibly approaching her.
Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran
“So kiss me like you want to be loved.” This one is just a soft, romantic love song. I’m all for the angst and drama, but I do hope that James and Cordelia eventually get time where their feelings have been requited, they are secure in their love, and they can just enjoy being together. This song makes me imagine them slow dancing in a dimly lit room by a dying fire. Sigh.
Salvation- Gabrielle Aplin
“Just a trick of light, to bring me back around again. Those wild eyes, a psychedelic silhouette.” I like all the different metaphors and details this song uses to describe the way that someone you love lives in your head. It reminds me of all the times Cordelia is distracted by James, or is thinking about little details of his, like his eyes or dimples. Her love for him has refused to go away, even through the difficult situations they’ve been put in, and thoughts of him are always floating around somewhere in her mind. James will likely be the same, once the enchantment is broken.
Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prelude- Bach
This is a piece of classical music with no lyrics or tangible relation to James and Cordelia, but it gives me moody, dramatic ballroom vibes, and I imagine it playing in the background of a scene in TLH.
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I may have sent this already bc the app refreshed before I finished typing it all out but okay you said you like musical theater? And like there are so many Crazy Ex Girlfriend songs that remind me of Matthew and Cordelia and the others.
“I’m So Good At Yoga” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 1 could basically seen from Alastair and Matthew’s POV on each other.
“You Stupid Bitch” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is again basically Matthew and Alastair’s fucking Anthem!!!!
“Friendtopia” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is basically Merry thieves. Though , I could also argue for it to be Anna and Matthew.
“Research Me Obsessively” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 2 is modern AU Matthew and Cordelia trying to find information on New Girl Grace Blackthorn.
“(Tell me I’m okay) Patrick” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 2 is the anthem of Matthew and Cordelia telling the other deep secrets about themselves instead their closer friends and family.
“You Do / You Don’t Wanna Be Crazy” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is Matthew’s anthem as he performs another impulsive stunt that is going to have negative consequences.
(Warning! Pg18!) “Strip Away My Conscious” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is basically how I imagine Kellington and Matthew’s relationship was like.
“I Feel Like This Isn’t About Me” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is Alastair and the merry thieves wooo!
Okay here is where I get sappy!
I think someone in Miss Rua’s controversial take stream, someone said a hc I’ve had for a while that Matthew might have bpd and like so does Rebecca (the main character of Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and like a lot of season 3 and 4 talk about that stuff so…
“A Diagnosis” from season 3 is basically a song that I wanted make a whole modern AU fic named after about Matthew, it’s just a really a good song about how fucking nice it is to know what your deal is and feel less alone!
“Back In Action,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is basically what happened when the adults are aloud to do stuff in tlh. And yes I imagine this is Will singing and Donna is Jem.
“The End of the Movie” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is very Matthew and Cordelia on the train to Paris vibes. Life doesn’t make narrative sense…
“Spiral” From the Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 album (I think the song was cut? But it’s on the album) and like big Matthew when he starts drinking, or basically when he’s in that church having basically a dissociative episode on the day Queen Victoria died.
“Maybe I’m just Broken,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is another rather peppy song by a peppy singer about “maybe I’m just broken” and like okay Matthew saying he’s evil and refusing getting get and just getting worse instead of helping himself.
“I’ve Always Never Believed in You” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4 (the fandom @ Matthew lol) the rest of the Fairchild family at Matthew, in Matthew’s own head.
“The Darkness,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4, this is another uh? Kind of personal song to me…it’s probably my favorite ballad in the song but again, I think most people who like Matthew agree his mental illness isn’t new and has been with him since basically birth and I think this ballad does a good job just…talking about what it’s like to live with that forever albeit comically. It’s basically a toxic relationship with your own brain.
“Anti-Depressants Are So Not A Big Deal,” another just great song that connections that modern AU I was talking to about in a diagnosis.
“I’m So Happy 4 U” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4 is basically Matthew seeing all his friends get into happy relationships and feeling abandoned
This is a LOOOOOOONG anon I know, but there are a lot of songs. Someday I’ll make that Crazy Ex Girlfriend Matthew Fairchild AU but this is what I’ve got so far.
hi anon!!
sorry for taking so long!!!
I keep postponing getting acquainted with that musical, but now I have additional motivation! I'm currently on holidays so can't listen to all of them at once, but I'll be slowly making my way through them! I'll post an update once I did! (I'll be coming back to your analysis/takes then!)
but omg Matthew au?!? Tell me more!!!
Thank you for the rec!!! I'm always open to musical theatre recs!
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okay so for tlh “khaahar” means sister and “baraadar” means brother (again we have the. -am ending = my) so that’s why alastair and cordelia call each other khaaharam and baraadaram
...and the kh sound makes its return :)
so i listen to both of them, khaadar sounds so different from the way i read it!!!!! after listening to baraadar, i have a question for you <3 it's pronounce really reminds me of "brother" and i saw that "maadar" is the world for mother, and their pronounce is also very similar imo - do u know if there's a reason for that or if it's all a coincidence? thank you <3333
also, if i got it right: mamân (how cordelia calls sona) is the informal way to say maadar??
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Congratulations! 🥰💖 Can I have 🖊 for tlh gang(ghosts) and Mina and Kit? And 💭 for teen!Mina and Kit? 💖😋
You certainly can! sorry if anything seems ooc since i don't really know the tlh gang
As long as Mina could remember she would walk in on Kit just talking to nothing. She knew rationally that ghosts exist and that he's not a complete loner, but still, it was a hard thing to reconcile in your mind when you can't see who your brother is talking to.
She had been walking past the bedrooms in the estate they'd grown up in (despite being twenty three now, Kit still came back every year for his birthday weekend) she overheard Kit say "I was thinking of wearing this suit?"
after a few beats she heard an indignant retort to what must have been a rude response "that's enough out of you Fairchild. Anna, is it seriously that bad?"
Mina almost thought if concentrated enough she could hear a gentle voice with a strange accent -not quite English but not entirely devoid of it.
Kit didn't really enjoy talking to the ghosts, she knew. he didn't like being reminded of his mortality, and some of them can be dreadfully honest. She also knew that he pitied them, knew the only attention they had was from him, and so he indulged in them from time to time. besides, he'd had enough practice talking to them when Jessamine visited (some world ending event almost happened, i'm sure) and would not leave him alone. Mina thought he had a bit of a crush before she left, though he'd never admit it.
Tonight, however the part faerie was preparing for his seven year anniversary with Ty. After the war to end all wars, and Livvy was finally able to rest neither were ready to be in a relationship, and thus avoided eachother once more. Kit had wanted to go back to the US every single day and confess his love for Ty hadn't ever faded, but six years after the first one had felt a bit weird but he finally got the guts and flew over there last spring. Mina only knew the story so comprehensively because she and Kit share a bedroom wall and she hears Anna ask every night.
The youngest carried on walking past. it was really amazing how Kit had a support system in place, even if he didn't know it.
Kit was freaking out. This dinner had to go perfect, and Matthew was not being the best vote of confidence
"Just admit its not about the suit" James says, sat next to his parabatai "or even that it's your anniversary"
Kit gave him the best reluctant and simultaneously innocent look he could give "what on earth are you talking about?"
"well, i don't know much about men's fashion these days, but i'm sure most men don't like to have a square sticking out of their nether regions"
"We may be old, but he isn't. Just say ass, Jamie" Lucie replies. It's strange, Kit thinks, for so many of the ghosts to be out at once. usually he only had two deal with two at a time
"You all knew" Kit accuses "That I was going to propose?". This illicits an unexpected squeal from the corridor
"Wilhelmina Carstairs, if you've just been listening to me i will kill you and make it look like an accident"
The young girl enters the room, looking vaguely guilty but mostly excited "sorry, i was just walking back downstairs and I heard, is it true?"
"well obviously. I can't lie to the ghosts, they see everything. Though it wasn't a traditional proposal. I know Ty likes to think through pros and cons before deciding on major life decisions, so i told him a month ago i was going to propose tonight so he could decide his response..." he explains, unsure of why, mainly excited to get it out.
"That's so romantic..." Lucie smiles before turning and slapping Matthews arm "why didn't you do that for me? you proposed at absolutely the worst time"
Kit ignored the bickering that ensues (for the record, he absolutely sided with Lucie. it's absolutely not romantic to propose to a woman when she is in the medical unit with a lot of broken bones) to focus on Mina. She had been smiling at Kit "that's really sweet... you know he's going to say yes though?"
"i mean... you can't be too sure..." Kit trails off, making a small noise of hurt when Mina flicks his forehead
"you're an actual dumbass if you think he'll say no. he's head over heels for you. Actually, he's not. He's just in regular love with you, a love that steadies him, keeps him stable. and Ty values that above anything... at least that's what Dru tells me" she smiles "sorry, that was a weird lecture from your sister"
He smiles before hugging her, tight "thanks... if he says yes, i'll make sure you're the flower girl". Kit laughs at her indignation "he'll say yes, dumbass. And I better be a bridesmaid if you're doing a mundane style ceremony"
i'm sorry this is bad, but i'm just coming off an illness and i wanted to make sure you got it. also, idk how it became KitTy i'm sorry
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thorne-archive · 5 years
Annabeth Chase?
OTP for them: Percy, duh!
BROTP for them: I love her relationship with Piper and I could totally see her and Jason being good friends with their preppiness haha
Other ships: none
What kind of fic I’d write about them: I’m a sucker for domestic scenarios so I’d write a fic where she and Percy move to New Rome together :’)
A favorite canon moment: Oh gosh, there are so many. One of my favorites is when she takes that dagger for Percy to save him, another is when she keeps track of how long Percy has been missing in TLH because it shows how important he is to her
Color that reminds me of them: gray
Song that reminds me of them: legends by Kelsea Ballerini (it’s so perfect for percabeth??? please give it a listen omg)
A headcanon about them: Annabeth goes to college to study architecture and while she’s there, she drafts blueprints of her dream house. Percy discovers them somehow, and to surprise her, he discreetly gets it built (the gods owed him big time), and takes Annabeth to see it with a blindfold on. When she takes it off, she first sees the house and she quite nearly screams, turning to Percy with tears in her eyes. But he’s not standing; rather he’s kneeling on one leg with a ring in hand :)
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: Annabeth is the resident nerd and to-be-valedictorian of Goode High School, and she’s been in love with her best friend, Percy Jackson, the most popular guy at school, since the beginning of time. She doesn’t think she has a chance with him since she’s almost positive he likes Rachel Dare. However, she falls sick one day and texts Percy that she won’t be going to school. She doesn’t expect Percy to ditch and bring her some chicken noodle soup and some of his mom’s world famous blue cookies and curl up with her on the couch watching The Little Mermaid. She’s dozing off when she hears Percy whisper “I love you.”
Anything else: I love the idea of famous!percabeth where Percy is a gold medalist Olympic swimmer and Annabeth is a world renowned architect and they meet at some fancy party. Percy hates fancy parties and asks Annabeth if she wants to get out of there. She agrees, though rather tentatively, and they somehow land at McDonalds, and it’s almost laughable, because they’re both incredibly rich and could’ve gone anywhere. Anyways, they end up talking through the night and Annabeth can’t quite believe he’s real because how can anyone be so perfect? They exchange numbers and the rest is history :) also soulmate!percabeth aus are the best omg
Send me a character and I’ll tell you...
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what is your absolute favorite ship? how did you start shipping your favorite pairing? what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? what’s a ship you hate that most people like? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? what’s your favorite headcanon of your favorite pairing? favorite AU ideas for a SoC pairing? what song(s) remind you of your favorite pairing?
what is your absolute favorite ship?
how did you start shipping your favorite pairing?
I’ve loved nico since the beginning of time
*Since 2007
*(bratty 10 yo angel nico di angelo was a big role model for me)
I worship everything he does and every choice he makes, boy, perfect,
Will is perfect for him
(Will solace has been a solid Bae since 2009)
*(Healers are a weakness of mine smh dont give anyone healing powers unless u want me to love them)
Anyway him showing up in TLH alone was a fucking god damn blessing in my heart and then rick is like “oh we are not finished with him yet” and damn just
sometimes i still cant believe it what a
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
idc if mal/carlos counts? Im not really in any fandoms wide enough to say what “most people” ship or dont ship. i dont think mal and carlos is v popular but i would fucking die for them thnks
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
i dont kno w !! i have some hardcore notps but but no means do i think its something “most people” ship
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
Since ive got PJO on the brain imma say Percy/Grover!! They’d be really precious please
ALSo i think im just getting picky abt the word “most” lmao. bc all my answers feel like lies bc i definitely dont think its the “most” underrated lmao. they just deserve more cred
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
BRUh idk!! i dont wanna be negative abt ships on my blog.
i rlly only have a problem w ships being popular if theres a bad age difference or inces/t or a power gap or something
what’s your favorite headcanon of your favorite pairing?
I REAd a headcanon somewhere once that Will always is wearing headphones/earbuds, and people always assume “eh apollo kids listening to music” but in reality hes listening to murder/horror podcasts or something?
Anyway that stemmed into me headcanoning that Will always infodumps about random old unsolved murder facts and things of that sort and Nico always listens and sometimes provides Underworld Kid Insight™ that Will goes absolutely wild for
Also nico likes to put his Cold Cold zombie fingers on Will’s neck when he isn’t expecting it and Will shRIEKS evrytime “YOU ASSHOLE!”
favorite AU ideas for a SoC pairing?
This isn’t a ship AU bc I never make SoC aus that are focused on one ship lmao but
i have a lame basic spy au where they all have code names based off constellations cuz im a ho
Kaz & Inej were Corvus & Crater (fucking duh)
Jesper and Wylan were Cygnus and Aquilla (A shitty assignment but I couldn’t think of anything better bc classic constellation matches r very limited options)
Nina and Matthias were Ara and Lupus (Which are only vaguely speculated to be related constallations but ya boi doesnt care bc the symbolic concept is gorgeous)
Kuwei was Orion but i might change it, but orion is a pretty badass spy codename and i like it for him
anyway i already hate myself for sharing this much lmao i hate sharing fic and original stuff so dont be surprised if i delete this part in like 10 minutes
and if i dont, good for me
dont ever mention this to me bc i will have a breakdown
what song(s) remind you of your favorite pairing?
Make you stay by TGATDC!
Favorite Record by FOB!
Plant life by Owl City!
Always by P!AtD
The Poison by All-American Rejects
Fight For Me from Heathers lmao
[Ship Asks!]
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
What do you think of "The Loud House"?
I don’t really like it, for personal preference reasons.
I knew Lincoln possessed a remote capable of freezing time, and I was intrigued because I wanted to pair this with Amanda Killman’s remote and powers of bending space (“Handsome Beast” / “Hall of Justice”). Both remotes are just jokes in their shows and not to be taken seriously, but that’s not the way I do things. I wanted to write a one-shot about Lincoln and Amanda getting into a fight about their respective remotes, which is why I wrote “The Fourth Rebel”. I don’t care what you guys think- I think I’m hilarious.
I watched most of Season 1 and a bit of Season 2 over the course of one week so I could get a feel for the show, but it just wasn’t engaging to me. To be honest, the reason I kept watching was because my favorite thing is intelligent little Lisa getting in physical fights with her siblings. I just think it’s hilarious. It doesn’t happen much, but it’s delightful to see. She just has such a tiny body and the huge glasses and tiny hands, and she’s vicious.
Lisa’s my favorite, but you know there’s a problem when one of my absolute least favorite character types is child genius and yet she’s the only character I like, pfft.
I like the episodes of Loud House that make it obvious that this needs to be a show about a large family, and has realistic episodes about what life is like in a huge family. For example, “The Sweet Spot”. I don’t really enjoy the episodes that don’t take advantage of the large family. I get that they’re good for character development or whatever, but I like to see the large family used to its full potential.
The continuity errors are what stops me from getting into it, mostly. Also, as a general rule, I get extremely uncomfortable with the idea that bullying someone is a sign of flirting / affection / healthy relationships, so I’m not a big fan of Ronnie Anne being paired up with Lincoln. I mean, maybe this is weird for you guys to hear if you’ve known me since my Total Drama days and you’ve read all the stuff I’ve written about Eva’s and Noah’s relationship, but… they were just friends. Show canon confirmed that they like each other enough to team up and agree to split a million dollars, so they’re really close friends, but they were never romantic. 
As per usual, I’m not much of a shipper, and if you made it to my ‘fic “Borderline”, then you know what happened when Eva cornered him and they had that argument about his asexuality and their relationship. I just. No. Teasing and bullying… falling in love with enemies… not my style. I like writing characters struggling with relationships when they’re either obviously not compatible, or they know they have problems and they’re trying to make things better, or the relationship is unhealthy and they’re trying to untangle themselves. I don’t normally go from being physically / verbally abusive to everything being dandy. 
I mean, I write a lot of problematic stuff for story purposes, but I try to make it obvious that such relationships are harmful. My writing about a couple has nothing to do with whether I actually ship them. I mean, Courtney and Ezekiel? I love writing about Courtney trying to tame feral Ezekiel and turn him into the perfect boyfriend we saw her want for season after season. It’s interesting. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy, or that I ship it. Sometimes you just want to write about the acid-drooling feral child going to prom, okay?
Anyway. Not a Ronnie Anne x Lincoln fan myself.
I like magic, and TLH is a more realistic world. If I watched more episodes, maybe I would get into it more, but I’m not looking for a new show right now, and to be honest, when I am, it probably won’t be “Loud House”. Among other things, it’s one of the only times I’ve ever recoiled from a cartoon’s art style. And Clyde spurting serious fountains of blood all over the place every time he sees Lori isn’t fun (Friendly reminder that I’m hemophobic to the point where my blood pressure spikes every time I go to the doctor and I have the blood pressure measurer put on my arm and they often have to measure me twice because of that and my fidgeting, pffft). Clyde is terrifying to me.
I literally gave the Fairykind rainbow blood in my fanfics because rainbow blood freaks me out less than red blood. They don’t break easily, so I can have fun putting them in painful situations that would result in lots of blood and pain if I did the same thing with Timmy. So. I don’t hurt Timmy like I hurt the immortals. Listen, there’s a painful balance between how much blood or physical injury I can handle and my obsessive need to make things accurate and realistic.
I’ve heard LH is a great show, but I don’t like it myself. Personal preference.
On rare occasions, I do reblog neat TLH fanart, though.
TL;DR - The only parts of this show that matter to me are Lincoln abusing the time-freezing remote and Lisa scuffling with her siblings and then sitting down to pant as if she’s run a marathon. Neither are things I think most of the LH fandom would appreciate if I tried to obsess over them, pfft.
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☺  :: what’s a character that you desperately want your muse to play with ? why ?
 ooh  ,  that's  a  good  question  ,  there's  a  lot  of  them  .    i  wish  there  were  more  tid  muses  for  my  cecily  &  jessamine  to  write  with  .    also  some  more  tlh  muses  .    that  would  be  nice  .
♨  :: what’s a muse that you wished had lasted, but didn’t ?
 over  the  years  there  has  been  a  lot  ,  but  i  suppose  a  big  one  is  emily  jane  pitchiner  from  the  guardians  of  childhood  series  .    unfortunately  the  fandom  is  really  small  &  at  the  time  i  was  writing  her  ,  the  fandom  was  also  super  elitist  &  really  not  welcoming  to  new  writers  .
♪♩♫  :: does music inspire your muse ? what’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse ?
 sometimes  it  does  ,  but  i  don't  listen  to  a  lot  of  music  while  writing  because  it's  really  distracting  .    i  might  listen  to  a  song  &  think  of  a  character  ,  though  .    i  have  so  many  muses  but  a  random  example  is  '  shot  of  pure  gold  '  by  max  reminds  me  of  jace  .
✧.°   MUNDAY QUESTIONS   »   @awhitedaffodil .
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jemsboner · 7 years
post lord of shadows thoughts and predictions
okay time to round up all this shit in one post. this is still all over the place though sorry, it’s in no order just writing shit down as it comes to me. this is going to be super long and spoilery so it’s under a read more
1. I enjoyed Lord of Shadows much more than Lady Midnight. LM was good but it felt very bogged down in character and plot introduction, not its fault it had a lot to introduce lmao. Wasn’t super excited to read los after lm cause it wasn’t that memorable, but now I’m dying for Queen of Air and Darkness. 2. Since LM was (I’m pretty sure been a while) told exclusively through the older kids povs, ty and livvy felt super young despite only be 2 years younger than Julian and Emma, but they really felt like teenagers who are just tired of being treated and seen as children in this one. 3. Um I really feel for Malcolm. Like a lot. Listen I know he went a little of the deep end there, but no one could argue against that he loves Annabel more than anything. All the diary entries and the house he built for them honestly kill me. I really don’t believe he left her alone on purpose which makes me sad because Annabel died believing he betrayed her and that was one of the reasons she killed him. I’m excited to see him before he knew the truth about Annabel in TLH. 4. Speaking of Annabel holy shit. Something is definitely not right with her. I like how powerful she is and she was pretty endearing at the end, she actually kind’ve reminds me of cecily. also I’m dying cause I just remembered while writing this that everyone thought that Livvy looked alike Annabel kill me. I definitely didn’t think she meant to do what she did at the end, obvs an explanation is not an excuse 😏, but she lashes out and then gets scared. she seems to regret killing livvy the moment after it happens and I’m interested to see how this affects her. 5. So I guess with no inquisitor that exile thing is not gonna work. but I still believe that cortana will have something to do with breaking the parabatai bond…it can cut through anything after all. 6. Speaking of cutting through anything EMMA FUCKING BROKE THE MORTAL SWORD. LIKE THAT CAN NOT BE GOOD AT ALL. AND WHAT WAS THAT BLACK SHIT INSIDE OF IT??? 7. I’m scared what Livvy’s death is going to do to Julian because the guy has really been slipping down the mental health slope for a while now. not gonna lie, Julian was TERRIFYING in this book. he really doesn’t give a shit about anyone that isn’t Emma or family. also the red flag for me was when him and Emma were arguing and he smashed that glass, like that is not a good way to take out your anger, but I mean Emma immediately puts a hole in the wall so they’re both not the best examples for how to act in a healthy relationship. also, despite what he told Emma, he seems to be absolutely fine with breaking every other parabatai bond just to be with Emma. listen I love Julian but he seems to be slipping a lil into antagonist territory. 8. Not that Emma wasn’t cutthroat either. she didn’t even consider mercy when it came to Annabel, she was gonna slice right through her, u know until the unseelie king spirited her away. 9. Kit and Ty were adorable. also has it been confirmed that they’re the Wicked Power protagonists? because if not I’m p sure they are. 10. I was so happy to be back at the London Institute. I loved all the little tid and tlh hints everywhere (jem and will’s height charts 😭😭😭) um so Bridget is still super alive somehow uuuuhh?? how??? jessamine is a darling brat as usual. love her. also that line where Magnus said they weren’t the first to think to burn down the blackthorn manor?? tlh reference maybe? 11. while Mark/Emma will always hold a place in my heart I really warmed up to Emma/Julian and Mark/Cristina/Kieran. btw I really feel like that’s gonna end in polyamory, I think cc has been wanting to write and actual poly relationship ( I love herongraystairs but I don’t think it technically counts going by only canon) for a while now, and while only Mark/Cristina and Mark/Kieran were introduced in lm, Cristina and Kieran def gotta a lot closer in this book and seemed to have a lot of romantic tension. anyway new ot3. 12. if u know anything about me u know I’M A SLUT FOR JEM AND TESSA. anytime they were mentioned I started breathing heavy. still sad they didn’t actually appear in this one, but it seems set up for them to appear in the final one speaking of… 13. listen I love Magnus and I want no harm to come to him but TESSA IS SICK I CANT DEAL WITH THIS. LIKE CAN HER AND JEM JUST BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY WITHOUT SOME INCURABLE ILLNESS HANGING OVER THEM. and like what other warlocks have been affected??? IS CATARINA OKAY? 14. y'all that guy with green skin has gotta be ragnor there is not doubt in my mind. cc has always regretted killing him and I’ve been waiting for this tree colored man to return for a while now. I want to know why he’s in hiding tho and he like bolted when Magnus showed up on the scene. 15. EY YO FUCK THE COHORT AND FUCK ZARA. at first I thought they were a little too cartoony of villains, like there was no complexity to them, they just seem like straight up douche nozzles all the time, but then I remembered that they’re based off real issues right now and people really do think like this sooo. but like Zara is absolutely the worst, how dare and her awful buddies talk shit to my children. everytime anything came out of her mouth I was like-LETS GO. OUTISDE. RIGHT NOW. TRIAL BY COMBAT, YOU LYING SNAKE. 16. I really loved the seelie and unseelie courts and their differences. like I agree cc is a little long winded, but her writing has greatly improved since CoB and it really showed in this one for me. I like the unseelie king and I hope we get to see more of him in the next book, and maybe more of Kieran’s brothers, wouldn’t want to let all those cute faerie boys go to waste. 17. as much as I hate to say it, I’m p sure that the seelie court member that was stolen by the unseelie was Sebastian’s and the seelie queen’s kid. LIKE I HOPE IM SO WRONG AND THAT THAT FUCKING KID DOESNT EXIST BUT ALL SIGNS SEEM TO BE POINTING TO HELL CHILD. 18. speaking of Sebastian, the way cc was talking about him before los came out, I was really expecting something big about him to happen, like his ghost (or demon seed ugh) he was barely even mentioned except closer to the end there. 19. oh yeah I can’t believe Clary’s dead???? like I’ve never been a big fan of clary or jace but the way she talked about like she’s already accepted it killed me. like if this happens it’s going to ruin jace. 20. I’ve become very endeared to Dru throughout los, I think she’s my fav blackthorn besides Julian. she’s chubby which is fucking GREAT and tho the whole pretend I’m not 13 thing with Jaime made me a lil uncomfy, he didn’t really flirt with her or anything and their friendship was really cute. it seems to me cc is setting her up with that Ash kid that appeared for 2 seconds. YO @emmascxrstairs JUST ROCKED MY WHOLE WORLD AND SAID THAT ASH IS THE DEMON SPAWN AND IM MAD BECAUSE OF COURSE HE IS LMAO FLEW RIGHT PAST ME. 21. that’s one thing that kills me with cc books, is that other than the main romances it’s usually super easy to tell who ends with who, and that she feels the need to pair EVERYONE OFF. lmao I was actually wondering why a love interest hadn’t been introduced for Livvy yet (Kit doesn’t count cause after that first kiss, it was real obvs him and ty were gonna be the thing) and then she died and I was like…oh…that’s why. 22. like many predicted, Diana is trans and im crying she’s amazing. her and Gwyn caught me off guard but I’m not gonna lie, they’re really cute. 23. also omg I just thought with livvy dying, what if Julian blames it on himself and the parabatai curse kill me. 24.so yeah all in all 👌👌👌 very good would recommend. now time to get fucking pumped for the last hours
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