#listening to music like -----> oh i understand every sound that is happening and how they compliment each other and why it fades in here an
bugjester · 11 months
messing around in music programs like what da hell how do u add more than one noise and make them sound like they all go together
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rememberwren · 3 months
/•Harmless Fun 4•\
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Further Parts
For anon who asked for reader calling simon and johnny to pick you up from the bar after getting drunk. Thanks for requesting!
The phone rings, and Simon answers it before he even knows he is awake. Perhaps it’s that ingrained military training within him that has him snapping to attention at…quarter til two in the morning according to the glowing numbers of the digital clock on the nightstand. Or maybe it’s the remnants of the sleepless nights when Johnny was in hospital, when Simon would spend the hours staring at the ceiling and dreading the ring of his cellphone. Yes, he was perfectly fine when he kicked you out, but he’s taken a turn for the worse and doesn’t have long left…
“This is—” Ghost. Bravo-0-7. “—Simon.”
“Wha’ is i’?” Johnny slurs from the bed beside him, still more than half asleep. His hair is a mess, lines on his face from the pillow. He reaches out and finds Simon’s hand and they tangle fingers briefly, communicating via touch. Soap’s head lowers, though he doesn’t begin to snore again. He’s listening, more than likely. That military instinct is still in him too, even if his body can’t make the same use of it anymore. 
There is ambient noise from the other end of the phone, but Simon can’t quite make it out. He untangles his fingers from Johnny’s and puts the hand against his exposed ear, blocking out extraneous stimuli. There are voices, talking back and forth. Someone somewhere is laughing. Music, in the distance, though he can only make out the undercurrent of it, something with a heavy beat that he could likely feel in his teeth if he were there. 
Rustling. Then your voice: “—ut it, I’m on the phone, can’t you see? I—Simon? Are you there?” Distantly, like you’ve held the phone away from your mouth, he hears you admonish: “You made me miss him!” 
Simon slips out of the bed wearing only his boxers and leaves the bedroom in case Soap decides that he wants to fall back to sleep. He keeps his voice low when he says into the phone: “I’m here. What’s going on?” 
“My girlfriends all found boy-friends,” you mutter morosely, your every emotion heightened by the alcohol pulsing through your system. Simon doesn’t think he’s ever heard you sound so sulky, not even when Soap ate the last of your leftovers from the diner last week. 
Someone in the background says, full of charm: “I could be your boyfriend.” 
Simon’s eyes narrow. He switches the phone to his better ear. “Who’s that?” 
“Who’s—? Oh. That’s Alan,” you say, your effect brightening somewhat. “He’s buying my drinks at the bar. Free drinks, Simon! Isn’t that nice?” 
Simon wrenches his keys off the hook beside where your own should be resting. Slipping back into the bedroom, he sees that Soap is sitting up now at the edge of the bed rubbing at his thigh. Simon gives him a nod, searching for his pants in the dark and stepping into them. He shoves his keys in his pocket. 
How fucking sweet, Simon thinks. He can imagine exactly what a pissant like Alan is thinking, too: that if he buys this lonely girl enough drinks at the bar, she’ll be easy to convince to come home with him. That maybe even if she puts up a bit of a fight, it wouldn’t be much trouble to persuade her…
He picked the wrong fuckin girl. 
“Have him open up his generous wallet and buy you a fuckin’ water. A bottle of it. Break the seal yourself, understand?” 
“I understand,” you say, sounding a little more sober in the face of Simon’s obvious displeasure. He works to temper his voice. 
“Put Alan on,” Simon says silkily. “Let me make sure he’s taking good care of you.” 
“You want to talk to him?” You sound baffled. Maybe you aren’t as drunk as he thought. 
“Said so.” 
There is a rustle as the phone is exchanged. 
A very unsure, masculine voice says, Hello? 
“I’m going to be there to pick up my girl in ten minutes or less,” Simon says into the phone. “If anything happens to her between then and now, I’m considering you personally responsible, Alan, do you understand me? Whether you had anything to do with it or whether it was an accident out of the clear fucking blue. You will answer for it. So if I were you, I’d take good fucking care of her. Am I clear?”
“I—I didn’t know she was taken—“
“Put her back on the phone,” Simon barks. 
You pick up the conversation right where you left off, not missing a single beat. “Anyway, Alan said he would give me a ride home since all my friends bailed, but I remember you said that if I needed a ride, I should call you and…oh Simon, I’m sorry if I woke you. This is stupid, isn’t it?” 
“Negative,” he says, slipping his belt through the loops. “Not stupid, I mean. Send me your location—your address. Get that water. Absolutely do not go home with any fucker who isn’t named Simon.” 
“What about fuckers named Johnny?” 
“Not even them. Name’s too common. Can’t trust you’ll get home with the right one.” 
“I resent that,” says Johnny, reaching for pants of his own. 
Simon hangs up the phone with you. “Ready for some field work?” 
“You know it, LT.” 
Johnny’s heart is thrumming happily the entire way there, something about the late night adrenaline and knowing you are on the other end of this excursion. He’s fine in the passenger seat, even if Simon’s driving is enough to give a civilian a heart attack. Johnny can tell that Simon desperately needs the control right now, his knuckles white where he grips the steering wheel, eyes dark and glued to the road except when he glances at Google Maps on his phone every now and then to be sure they are heading in the right direction. 
Johnny hasn’t driven since the accident. He could, likely, but it would be hell on his sore leg. Maybe after he heals more…
By the time the two of them arrive, it is threatening to drizzle, the wet sapping the warmth out of the air. He’s glad he brought his jacket, already shrugging out of it to give you, memory vivid with the skimpy little dress you were wearing when you left the house, the one that bared your legs even while it covered you from shoulder to wrist. 
They spot you leaning against the brick wall outside the bar, sipping your water bottle. They pull up to the curb and Simon reaches for the jacket, abandoning Johnny inside with a firm, Stay Here. Johnny watches from the passenger seat as Simon slips the jacket around your shoulders and takes the water bottle. You are clearly unsteady on your feet (those shoes don’t help, bonnie though they are), and Simon gets to loop his arm around your waist to guide you to the car where the hazard lights are flashing ominously. 
Johnny rolls down the window. 
“Hey lass,” he says. 
Your face lights up at the sight of Johnny. You put your arms through the window and wrap them around him, smelling faintly of your perfume and sweat and Johnny’s own jacket. 
“Alright,” Simon says dryly. “Wrap up the reunion. It’s about to rain.” 
“Come sit in the back with me,” you breathe, breath smelling of sweetness with the underlying tinge of alcohol. Whatever you had been drinking tonight had been strong to have you so out of sorts. Your fingers tangle in Johnny’s shirt a little, tugging. “Please, Johnny? Sit in the back!” 
“Alright, alright,” he agrees with a laugh, even though it is painful to get out of the car and into the backseat, and there isn’t as much room back there for his leg to stretch out. He’s afraid that he might do anything for you if you asked him like that: looking at him with your guileless eyes, fingers tangling in his clothes, moonlight like liquid silver on your skin. 
He slips into the backseat with you and has to help you buckle your seatbelt when you can’t get the clasp closed. Johnny feels Simon’s eyes on him, heavy and dark through the rearview mirror. He meets those eyes and gives a nod. He knows that you're drunk; he doesn’t intend to make any passes at you. 
He just doesn’t expect the passes you make at him. 
Cuddling up to his side, you slip his arm around you and meld into him, careful of his bad leg. It’s hard not to be half in love with you when you treat him like this: with such care, even when you’re three sheets to the wind, but never like he is broken. Never like you doubt his masculinity. You look up at him, forehead briefly brushing against his jaw. 
“Did I wake you up, Johnny?” you ask him, soft and sweet. 
“Aye,” he says. “From good dreams, too.” 
You groan. “I’m so sorry. I knew I should have let Alan drive me home.”
“Who the fuck is Alan?” Johnny asks with a laugh. 
“Forget it,” you mutter sleepily, burrowing against him. His jacket slips off of one of your shoulders, and he has to stretch to replace it. 
He thinks you’ve fallen asleep when it happens: your mouth brushing against the juncture where his shoulder meets his neck. He goes still, eyes flickering to Simon in the rearview mirror (he is dutifully watching the road). Was that an accident? Were you asleep? His every cell seems attuned to yours, to the quiet even breaths you draw in, to the warmth of your body pressed flush against him, to your bare legs stretched out beside him changing lights thanks to the passing streetlamps. Then it happens again: your lips brush against his throat, this time with more intention.  
Johnny can’t help but tilt his head to give you more access, his eyes falling shut, full mouth parting around a longing sigh. Even as his body encourages you, his words seem to carry a threat to them. “Lass, you shouldn’t.” 
You hum and press a kiss there, soft and chaste as anything. The next one though is burning with the warmth of your tongue, and Johnny groans softly, unable to stop himself. You match the sound with a whine, shifting in your seat. Uncomfortable, he realizes—because you’re wet. Because you’re searching for friction on your needy little cunt.
“Fuck, you don’t know what yer doing to me,” he whispers roughly. 
“Johnny,” Simon says, an audible warning rumbling in his tone, eyes now watching in the mirror as often as he dares take them off the road. 
You slur something, but what it is and who it is to is lost in your drunkenness. The hand of the arm you had slipped around him finds a way to his belly, resting against his abs, rustling his shirt upwards a little as you cop a feel. 
Johnny half-heartedly takes your hand away, tries to lace your fingers with his own but you are single-minded in your desire to touch him. 
“This is hardly fair,” he says, his breathy laugh turning into a groan when your fingers brush against one of his nipples by accident. Your fingers finally find the way beneath his shirt, your touch chilly and soft against his heated skin as you stroke along the trail of hair just beneath his navel—
Simon hits the breaks hard, jostling you both in the backseat. The seatbelt locks for a moment and is pulled tight across Johnny’s chest, the lap belt scraping against his hard on in a way that has him hissing.
You lean forward, blinking owlishly. “Did we almost hit somethin’?”
“No,” says Simon. He deadpans: “Just traffic.” 
The road is empty. You find this hilarious, laughing until tears are in your eyes. Even Simon can’t help the effect your laughter has on him; he seems to sit taller in his seat, his hands gripping the wheel with less anxiety, the lines at the corners of his eyes growing as he fights a smile. 
Johnny lets out a chuckle too, one that is more of relief than anything. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but the last thing he could let himself do is take advantage of you. Nuzzling against the crown of your head, he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. His erection fades alongside your laughter, and the rest of the drive passes in silence. 
They pull into the parking lot of the apartment building at half past two in the morning. 
“Can you walk, love?” Johnny asks.  
No response. Your eyes are closed where you lean against him, mouth parted in a silent snore. 
“Fast asleep,” he tells Simon, brushing his fingers against your temple in an apology when you flinch a little at the sound, eyes fluttering open before settling back into sleep. 
“This is getting out of hand,” Simon says simply. In the mirror he looks tired…and maybe it is just a trick of the light, but he looks sad. “You need to talk to her.” 
A beat of silence. 
“Don’t you mean we need to talk t’her?” Johnny asks. 
Simon doesn’t answer. 
Outside, it begins to rain.
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 9 months
meeting him at the pub
(cw: age gap)
I don’t know how it happened, how I ended up chatting to the tall metalhead at the pub. But I was meeting my friends there like every other Wednesday and when I got drinks from the bar, a dark, friendly voice piped up. “Hey, nice shirt.” My head whips to the side, looking for the person who gave me the compliment.
Right there at the table, sitting alone, a huge, tall guy with long dark hair. Tattoos adorned the big strong arms distracting from his bandshirt, I think it’s from Dark Tranquility. The drawings span to his hands ending at the knuckles, that moved as he grabbed the bottle of beer standing right in front of him.
My eyes close in on his face, a ruggedly handsome one. A nose that seems to have been broken at least twice. Lips formed into a friendly smile. Serious eyes looking straight at me, eyes that had seen some shit, but the laugh lines around them speak of a man who rather likes to laugh. He also looks a bit older than me.
I almost stumble over my own feet, halting for a moment to look which shirt I’m wearing today. It’s my Death shirt, the one with the Symbolic Album art. I look back up at him, smiling. “Thanks!” I continue my trip to the bar, a pep in my step.
When I walk back with the drinks in my hand, I shoot another friendly look in his direction. One that he answers with a nod and tipping his beer in my direction. And I totally blush at the little friendly gesture. I sit down with my friends handing them their beers, but I can’t help my eyes finding their way back to him every so often, to see what he’s doing.
He’s just chilling alone, at his table, drinking his beer, looking at the TV where some kind of soccer game was being shown, playing with his phone from time to time. It is so fucking tiny in his huge ass hands. And half the time I look in his direction, his gaze is already on me. Which is making me nervous. Not because it’s creepy or anything in that sense, but because he’s attractive. Oh my, ruggedly handsome, seeming like a gentle giant, while the way he’s sitting and observing everything around him is telling a different story.
“Just go fucking talk to him.” My friend sitting to my right grins at me. I shrug. “I don’t know.” They roll their eyes. “Just do it, you little chickenshit.” I throw up my hands. “Fine, fine, okay.” I snatch up my beer and hesitatingly make my way to his table.
He’s already looking at me, sitting up straight, as I approach him and ask with a shy smile on my face: “Can I sit here?” I point at the stool across from him. He seems a bit surprised, but he nods. “Sure, take a seat.”
I sit down and then a moment of silence falls over us where we just look at each other. The corner of his mouth is tilted up, a half-smirk making his face even more handsome, a few strands of hair falling over his left eye and cheek. He seems a little bit tense and I suddenly feel a little bit self-conscious. We just look at each other. And I can’t stop looking at him.
“So, you like Death too, huh?”, I ask him, and then I hear how that sounded. “The band, I mean.”, I clarify laughing. He joins in, a dark manly chuckle falling from his lips, and I can see his shoulders drop down a bit. Seeming a little more relaxed.
“I do.”, he answers. “Actually, one of my favourite bands.” His voice is a bit higher than I would have anticipated from such a big guy, he has a nice timbre and some kind of accent when speaking English, that he’s trying to mask.
“Understandably so.”, I say, going on a rant about my favourite bands. He just looks at me, stunlocked. His mouth slightly open. His eyes scanning my face, dropping down every so often. I don’t stop talking and he listens, nodding along.
“I also like Lorna Shore a lot, do you know them?”, I want to know. He shakes his head, still intently listening while only speaking every so often. “They’re a symphonic deathcore band, and my god, their music just blows you away.” He chuckles again. “And they’re in town next week, but I don’t have anybody to go to the concert with me.”, I say, turning down the corners of my mouth.
“I could accompany you.”, he chimes in which shuts me up. A friendly offer. But the way he’s looking at me is making it feel like so much more.
“Really? You would do that?”, I ask surprised.
He shrugs one of his shoulders, looking to his fingers that fiddle with the label on the beer bottle. “Yeah sure, I can be your company for that evening.”
I close my mouth and think about it for a moment. “Of course, that would be… very nice of you.” Great, I’m so eloquent when it comes to flirting with men. Especially older, tall metalheads. But the way he’s still fidgeting with the beer bottle, I think he’s having a hard time as well. Which makes his offer so much more surprising. But I’m not mad at it. Not at fucking all.
I clear my throat. “Maybe I can get the tickets and you can get the drinks?”, I suggest. I wouldn’t want this to seem like I wanted to mooch off him.
He hesitates for a bit, but then nods. “Sure.” I nod as well and drink some of my beer. So that’s that, huh?
“So, what do you do? For a living?”, I ask him. He halts for a second, and I add: “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, of course.” I tilt my head and push my cheek into my propped-up hand.
A smile forms on his lips, as he looks to the side for just a moment, but his eyes find their way back to me. “You’re a nosy one, huh?” which makes me hide my face in my hands looking at him through my splayed fingers, but he only laughs at my gesture.
“I’m actually a soldier, a mercenary. I’m currently on leave.”, he explains. My eyes widen at his words.
“Really? Damn okay.” That explains the aura around him that I couldn't pinpoint before. “So like, what’s your specialty or however this is called in the military?”, I ask, still being nosy.
His lips curl into a confident smile, his whole demeanor changing a bit. “I’m an insertion specialist.” And the way he says that makes my skin tingle, my jaw dropping down a bit. Because the tone in his voice makes me think about a certain kind of insertion. The ‘drop your clothes, get naked together’-kind.
He laughs again as he sees the expression on my face. “Get your mind out the gutter.”, he jokes.
“Huh, I didn’t say anything.”, I defend myself, weakly, holding up my hands in defense. He pulls up his eyebrows, donning a knowing smile and leaning back.
“M-hm.”, he says and his fingers wander to his lips, stroking over them absent-mindedly. “I specialize in breaking down doors and getting people out of whatever situation they’re caught in.” How he says it makes me smile, because he says it so non-chalantly, but I can see the pride behind his words.
A little silence falls over us again, but instead of being uncomfortable we just sit in it and look at each other. He drags his hand through his hair, his fingers threading through the brown strands. And I’m so normal about this. My god, why does he have to be so attractive?
“How old are you?”, he asks me, his eyes searching my face like I’d have it written on there. The first question he asked me this evening.
“I’m 25. And you?”, I return the question. He winces a bit, but he answers: “I’m 41.” I nod and sip on my beer. Well, I already assumed that he’s older than me, so I’m not really surprised by the age gap.
“I’m old enough to be your dad.”, he says and takes a sip from his beer. My eyes are glued to his lips, the way the bottle rests against them. Then he swallows and I follow the motion as the liquid flows down his throat.
I arch a brow. “No, you’re not.”
He tilts his head to his side, a little smile forming on his lips. “Well, maybe if I started early, I could be.” His eyes dart to me, for just a moment.
The other brow joins the one already sitting at my hairline. “Did you start early?”, I ask him.
His smile gets wider while he slowly shakes his head. “No.” He takes another sip and leans back a bit.
“So, not actually old enough to be my dad.”, I conclude the conversation, a grin turning up the corners of my mouth. “I’m gonna get another drink, you want one as well?”
He looks at me, his eyes boring into me. I see the little twinkle in them, but he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I got to get home.”, he finally says, the expression on his face turning apologetic.
I hide my disappointment behind a charming smile. “Okay, no worries.”, I tell him.
He leans forward, coming a little bit closer, and I stand my ground, even as his scent hits my nostrils, and I have to damp down the excitement flooding my veins. He’s smirking at me now and raises his hand until his finger makes contact with my nose. He just booped my nose. “Tell you what though. Let’s exchange numbers and then we’ll see if you’re still up to going to a concert with me when you’re sober.”
I laugh a bit and pull out my phone from my pocket. “Okay, deal.” But his words also make me think. “Don’t you trust my judgement?”, I ask him as I hand him the device which looks ridiculously small in his hands.
He grins while tapping on the screen. “I do, but I don’t trust myself when I stare into the face of a beautiful woman.” He looks at me again and hands me back the phone, getting up. And he gets taller and taller and taller. I mean, I saw that he’s freaking huge when he was sitting down. But my god, he’s more than a foot taller than me. I have to put my head back to be able to look up at him.
“A beautiful woman, huh?”, I repeat his words back to him, ignoring the way this sentiment makes me feel.
“Aye.”, he says leaning down a bit. “Good night then.” He presses a small, almost chaste kiss onto the top of my head, while at the same time grabbing his leatherjacket. He puts the worn piece of clothing on and heads in the direction of the door.
I look down and see the new contact in my phone. His number, but instead of his name the little crown emoji sits on the top of the page. “Wait, what’s your name?”, I yell after him.
He turns around again, the long hair whipping over his shoulder, grazing over the worn leather. A grin lights up his face. “König, you know, like ‘king’ in German.”, he explains. He raises his hand again and waves goodbye, then he’s out the door.
He’s gone, but he’s still on my mind the rest of the evening while spending time at the pub, on my way home, as I’m getting ready to finally sleep. Especially the little forehead kiss lives in my mind rent-free.
When I wake up again in the morning, I contemplate what to do while I get myself a coffee. Finally, I gather my courage and shoot him a text.
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metalhead!König has me in a chokehold, so this was veeeery self-indulgent. i hope you still like it <3more to come soon, because i can't wait to go to a concert with him :')
part 2 or more stuff in the Masterlist
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Rye Whiskey
♢ Summary: Celebrating Sean's return to camp includes a drunk Arthur, which allows you to discover this whole new side of him. ♢Words: 2057 ♢Warnings: None except for the whole alcohol/drinking theme, basically it's just a one-shot of a fluff idea I had watching the video of drunk Arthur saying nonsense to Saddie. ♢a/n: I recommend reading it with the mindset that Arthur is in the same state as in "A Quiet Time" and listening to Rye Whiskey to put you in the mood! Wrote a little sequel for this! Read it here. ♢Credits: These gorgeous dividers are from @cafekitsune!
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♪ "O Mollie O Mollie, it's for your sake alone,
That I leave my old parents, my house and my home!" ♪
Even if one didn't know Sean had returned to the gang, they could have noticed it right away hearing his cheerful singing, his thick Irish accent rolling the words even more musically. As the main entertainer of the gang, he was absolutely delighted to have a party thrown for him, and honestly, his big toothless smile made your heart feel warmer. Tonight, in the fresh air of New Hanover, it was only laughter, guitar notes, and drunken sounds that were echoing through the camp, everyone finally having a real good time since they had settled at Horseshoe Overlook after such a long period hidden in the ruthless cold of the Grizzlies.
You were sitting around one of the campfires, with Javier, Sean, Uncle, and John. Karen had also joined, gladly sitting on Sean's lap with a bottle in her hand; you were sure there was something between them, and the poor man probably deserved some sweet time after what he had been through. Talking about bottles, the floor was flooded with a large amount of them around your little singing group, almost like a big pond of green shining glass you all fed every few minutes when someone would empty one.
You had your fair share of drinks already, a slight blush burning your cheeks, the alcohol keeping you warm under the night's cold breeze and happy despite the gang's precarious situation. Funny, how whiskey would make everything easier and more entertaining, no matter who or where you were looking at.
Alright, you had to admit it, maybe you were a bit tipsy, but so were John, Javier, Sean, and Karen, their happy faces softly lit by the golden flames. But Arthur, -Oh Lord, Arthur was far beyond drunk, he was wrecked. Looking at him from where you were sitting and singing along, you could see just how much of a mess he was; at least three of his shirt's buttons were undone, said shirt opened messily; his hair scattered under his hat and looking a bit sticky, almost as if he had put his whole head into a barrel of beer; he had a constant smile on his face, and his body was swaying slightly as if he was an unstable bottle being tossed around by the waves of a tormented sea. You chuckled to yourself; he was quite a sight to see, and you wondered if you actually had ever seen him that drunk. A few weeks back, Lenny had told you about the wild night he and Arthur had at Valentine's saloon, but the man in question had slept in jail and came back to camp completely sober, which made you unable to see his incredibly drunken state and made you wonder what the hell he must have done to end up in said jail.
♪ "If the Oceans were whiskey, and I were a duck, -Quack quack !-
I'd dive to the bottom, and get one sweet sup !" ♫
You chuckled at how Arthur had added the quacking part, finding it quite endearing. It was almost as if it was a whole new side of him, and you couldn't stop watching. His deep voice sounded surprisingly good as he was singing with the others, and you caught yourself liking hearing it. After all, you always had a sweet spot for him, so you wouldn't complain about having the opportunity to look at him as much as you wanted without him noticing it (or at least, being too drunk to understand what exactly was happening). His bright blue eyes, sparkling with the orange ashes of the fire, along with his light brown hair and stubble, his black opened shirt, his thin lips curled into this big stupid smile... It was all making your heart melt more and more. You almost lost it when he started drinking again, roughly grabbing a nearby bottle, probably without even knowing what it was containing, and bringing it to his mouth, the golden liquid sliding in his throat, making his Adam's apple bob, some glistening drops of it flowing from the bottle all the way down his scarred chin, then his throat, ending up lost in the dark hairs of his chest.
You're suddenly pulled out of your starring trance by his loud voice cutting through the song's lyrics: "Lenny, mah boy! Come and sing with us."
"Arthur... You had too many drinks again..." Lenny answered with an amused giggle as he was passing behind him, catching his inebriated eldest as he had got up to greet him, but ended up stumbling on the way and almost tripped on him, it only made Arthur laugh at himself.
There was no need to specify that Lenny had trouble holding him upright, Arthur being under normal circumstances quite a weight to carry, and even more so when he was in such a state not making any effort to prevent his face from kissing the ground. Quickly, you got up yourself, and took a few steps towards the men, helping Lenny on his difficult task.
"Look who it is... Miss Y/L/N !" Arthur greeted you with foggy eyes and a wide grin as if you two hadn't seen each other for years when you had talked only a few hours ago. He instantly put one of his arms above your shoulders and the other around Lenny's. "C-come ooon, let's dance !"
Lenny sighed before laughing a bit, letting Arthur bring him into his drunken enthusiasm; you chuckled along with him, not complaining about being so close to the handsome cowboy you had your heart and eye on for a while, even if he was barely able to register what he was actually doing and with whom. As Javier started playing a lively song, Arthur, Lenny and you were throwing your legs up in the air; you laughed some more noticing how your favorite cowboy had a hard time actually following the rhythm. You couldn't believe just how euphoric he was tonight, almost as if the bottles had turned on a switch in his mind, making him go completely wild without any of his usual gruff restraints. Maybe that was what the alcohol did to everyone. Maybe that was what it was doing to you right now but you couldn't be sure if it was, precisely because you were happily drunk and carefree.
The night continued and you blushed realizing Arthur hadn't let you go, his arms always ended up around your shoulders or on it as he was sometimes leaning against you. His manly scent, a sweet mix of smoky tones brought by tobacco and gunpowder, and woody ones, supported by pine and leather traces. Your head was starting to feel dizzy just by smelling it, your mind even more intoxicated by it than the alcohol you had been drinking all night.
You brush away your thoughts, he was really drunk, and he could have been like that with anyone. You spent the rest of the night having fun, drinking some more, laughing, singing, the whole gang having more and more fun as everyone had loosened up thanks to the booze. However at some point, the main man of the party, Sean, disappeared with Karen, and people started going to bed. After all, it was almost morning already, the stars of the night not as bright anymore as they were around the middle of the night, subtle sun rays making their presence known behind the outlines of the mountains, but not appearing just yet.
It was now only you, John, and Arthur left around the campfire, the dark-haired man looking down at his brother at heart, an amused grin on his face. Arthur was half asleep at you and John's feet, bottle in one hand, his other arm curled up around your leg. With all the proximity and physical contact he had given you through the whole night, your heart and body had gotten warmer, and you had to make enormous efforts to keep your thoughts in line, not wanting to have any false hope about him and his behavior.
"He's so goddamn drunk... " John sighed.
"Come on, let's carry him to bed." John said to you, getting up with difficulty from the log you both were sitting on.
"Aah, you guys are no f-fun!" Arthur protested, his voice even hoarser than usual due to his intoxicated self. "Come on, one more drink!"
"Nope, you're going to bed." John's own croaky tone answered his partner. He then looked at you while bending down, expecting you to help him lift Arthur's poor body.
You leaned over, helping John. Arthur was barely able to walk, leaning heavily on you and John, one of his arms above John's shoulder just as earlier with Lenny, but his other one around your waist. Your cheeks burned. Even if it was just drunken attention... You liked it.
The three of you started to walk to Arthur's tent, as fast as you could considering his feet were more brushing the ground than actually stepping on it. You just weren't capable of having any coherent thoughts at this point, your whole being living for the warm sensation of his big palm on your waist, feeling how his fingers were gently rubbing against your clothes.
"You two... Are the b-best..." Arthur slurred out in a rough voice when you had reached his tent. As gently as you both could, John and you were trying to lay him in his cot.
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, Arthur." John answered with an amused chuckle, placing one of his legs in its rightful place on his bed.
"Y/N, you're beautiful..." Arthur added in an almost unintelligible rumble, as you were pulling back from him. "I l-love you."
Your jaw dropped. What did he say? Did you hear that right? You froze, eyes glued to the outlaw, who was already turning around to sleep on his stomach, lips parted, a light snore emerging from his noose; he had instantly fallen asleep as if he had permission to now that he was in his cot.
John looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't take it seriously, Y/N." He advised you. "He already told that to Abigail and Karen before, even Saddie if I reckon right."
"Oh, erm... Alright, I won't." You answered your friend. Honestly, you probably would have slept better not knowing that; a sharp little sliver of disappointment subtly piercing through your heart. "Goodnight then, John."
"Goodnight, Y/N, thanks for the help." The scarred man greeted you before heading to his own tent. It was so late, you were sure Abigail would reprimand him for that tomorrow morning.
But that was John's problem, and you already had one yourself.
You took a last look at your sleepy cowboy before walking off to your own tent. He looked cute like this, hair messy, clothes completely disheveled; even his snoring was pretty endearing to you. You reluctantly turned your back to him, resisting the urge to actually lay with him in his cot. After all, he wouldn't have complained, wouldn't he? He probably wouldn't even have noticed... These thoughts got stuck in your brain as you lay in your own cot, pretty tired yourself after partying all night, your spirit slowly drifting away in the realm of dreams, sleep troubled by blurry visions of what had happened during the night, a beautiful, charming, stupid smile keeping on reappearing from time to time in your slumber.
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Arthur opened his eyes. "It hurts"; were the first words that came to his mind. His back, his neck, his goddamn head, everything was hurting him. Getting old was definitely not a piece of cake. He rubbed his eyes, which felt dry and burnt, just like his thorny throat, even if a slight string of saliva had slid from his mouth. Getting that drunk was definitely too frequent for him lately, the other night with Lenny still engraved in his memory and his tired body, fed up with his poor drinking decisions. He slowly got up, rubbing his face, carefully avoiding his gaze from looking at the sun, its light way too powerful for him in this hungover state.
Looking around the camp, he smiled internally seeing Karen emerging from Sean's tent. Little bastard had gotten himself a good time last night. While thinking back about what happened, he had a hard time remembering all of it, as often when he was that drunk. Maybe it was better that way, considering his impressive capacity to get in trouble and make a fool of himself in those kinds of situations. However this time, something was lingering in the back of his mind.
Your delicate smell, how the soft fabric of your clothes felt under his fingers, how your voice sounded into his ears, how smooth and mellow your leg was. How the hell did he knew about all that? He focused, frowning, trying so hard to remember what had happened, but all he had was these sensations, those pleasant, haunting sensations. He couldn't help but feel flustered all by himself, sat on his bed, cheeks getting slightly flushed, just imagining the reasons why he suddenly knew so much about the grain of your skin and the warmth of your body against his;
He prayed deeply he didn't do anything stupid with you; Lord knows how important you were to him. Hell, he had thought about you a lot already, thought about offering you flowers or maybe a nice jewel, something that would be as pretty as you even if to him, no physical object could ever compete with your astonishing beauty and your adorable, sweet, sunny personality.
But before all that, he needed to have a few words about last night with you. Probably would stumble on his words, look like an idiot again, but at least he would be able to be close to you, just like in those sweet lingering memories in his head.
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Sequel here.
a/n : Alright so... Here it is! My first one-shot ever. Please, if you notice anything, any mistakes, or a weird-sounding sentence: let me know! English isn't my first language and I'm actually anxious as hell to publish this! Anyway, thanks for reading this until the end and take care <3
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sujiri · 2 months
°⋆♡︎.ೃ࿔:・ loving you
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: nanami kento x fem!reader, 5 signs of love language, fluff
a/n: i'm a sucker of how romantic kento could be. random headcanons are written. this is how nanami kento shows his love to you^^
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𓏲𝄢 words of affirmation
kento is a man of few words, that's the start. he's not the one who always talks, babbles up about this and that, no.. he's not typically talkative. he prefers to listen to you all day, he thinks that you have more interesting things to say, no matter it's about your day, this random memory from 5 years ago or last night, complains and rants, and anything that he finds endearing. your voice is his favorite sound— favorite music, if you even have a podcast, he would gladly listen to it all day long. he would comment to every word you say and pays attention no matter how nonsense and hilarious it sounds. this also comes with those times when the two of you argue, damn, the world— the universe knows how patient and calm man he is, his words would sometimes humble you if you're in the wrong, he doesn't raise his voice nor cursed at you, no matter how angry or disappointed he feels. never. if you both have cooled down, that's his cue to talk. although he's a man of few words, he knows what exactly to say. kento assures you in every way, although your humor would be a little different from him, he tries his best to understand, saying i love you's, i miss you's, i'm sorry, you're gorgeous, stunning, pretty, beautiful. praises and assurance, oh how it makes you melt. kento loves everything about you, and if he needs to understand your personality, behavior, or humor again, he would take the time to learn. because it's just another piece of you to love.
𓏲𝄢 physical touch
kento loves to touch you. not always in a sexual way. he loves to touch you, hold you, feel you, and embrace you. in a way he would just hold your hand, shoulder, face, waist, and other parts of your body. this usually happens, whenever you're talking then he would suddenly hold and caress your arm or hair in the middle of the conversation while he's listening. sometimes, it's your hand, rubbing it with his thumb gently and feeling your skin, your warmth. sometimes, kento wraps his arm around your waist and shoulder, of course he wants his girl close to him. can you imagine how many times he have kissed your forehead and cheek so sudden? moreover, hugging and kissing are no exception, he always hug you any time of the day. when you're cooking, alone, cuddling, or just sleeping. this comes with the kissing part, kento loves to kiss you slow but passionate, not sloppy, not rough, but passionate. he wants to taste you in a proper way, therefore he takes his time. the way your lips presses to his makes him flutter (if you only have any idea), your kiss is something he yearns after all, anytime anywhere, it's the reason why he breathes. it's a need.
𓏲𝄢 quality time
no matter how busy kento is, he will always find ways to make time for you. he wants to be there for you no matter what. he's the one who mostly propose dates. going outside the city? he would pack everything for your small trip, fancy dinner? he would book the fanciest restaurant he knows in the meantime. picnic dates, movies, coffee dates, cooking together dates, aquarium dates, amusement park dates, you name it. kento would organize and prepare everything, you don't have to worry about anything except packing your clothes or making yourself pretty (he always see you pretty). as long as you're with him, everything is perfect. he wants to create every memory with you. nanami kento is contented, always contented by your existence.
𓏲𝄢 receiving gifts
since when you and kento enters this relationship, this marriage, he got this habit where he gives you gifts. either small or big. you complained about it, not in a way where you don't like it, it's because you're worried. he went to the point he gifts and buys you a lot of expensive materialistic things; brand new jewelries, make-up, and clothes are just one of the things he always buys for you aside from flowers he gifts you in every random day. i have a thing that kento found another way to gift you, he learned origami. it's kind of funny when he tries to hide what he's creating one time to make it a surprise, he's not skilled when it comes to crafts, his origami would look crumpled, he struggled in another step, the results was far from his expectations. mostly, he creates flower origami. he's even surprised himself that he can manage to learn a skill like those things. gifts are just one more thing that kento wants to show you as his affection. the way your eyes sparks, how your lips shapes into an ‘o’ or turn into a smile, and how your entire face lits up everytime he gifted you something. it makes him flutter and fuzzy although his face doesn't entirely shows it. he wouldn't always mind to spend another penny just to see how happy you can get in every gift he gives.
𓏲𝄢 acts of service
i would bet that kento shows his love more in acts of service, it's next to words of affirmation. it's always the little things, you're exhausted after a stressful week? he would cook, do the dishes, clean around your home, and do more basic house chores, it's a piece of cake. fixing your dress if he noticed that it doesn't look good, giving you the exact thing you needed without saying it first, carrying the grocery or shopping bags, wiping your face when you sweat a lot, placing your slippers or shoes when you're about to go outside or inside, bakes you the pastry recipe he learned online, and if you have any day of not-the-very-best, kento would do the usual; cooking your comfort food, wrapping you some warm blanket or giving your comfiest pjs to wear, switching the tv channel to your favorite movie, and he'll just stay by your side, cuddling you until you're ready to talk about it. he understands that everything doesn't have to be said immediately. nanami kento shows his affection to make you special, in every way, every situation, anytime anywhere. he would always make sure you're fed— not just fed with food, but fed with his love. you're not just his wife, you're his lover, partner, best friend, one and only, and his everything. that's why you always feel the exactly the same.
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natti-ice · 6 months
Dream Invader- Castiel.
Pairing: Castiel x fem!reader
Summary: Castiel takes a trip into Y/N’s dream and finds some interesting information
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The Impala drove down a dark road, no other cars for miles. They had just got a case two states over. They had just finished a hunt so they didn't have any time to rest. Dean is in the driver's seat, Sam in the passenger, Y/N in the back passed out. She wasn't new to the game, but it always wore her out like a newbie.
Dean went through all the channels on the radio, either they were static or they were playing some new top 40 song. He wasn't a fan of this new generation's music. He was getting annoyed, he settled on silence.
"All this new technology and they can't get better signal out here" Dean grumbled, mostly to himself.
"People don't listen to the radio anymore, Dean" Sam mumbled, fighting his sleep. He was exhausted, he got four hours of sleep in the past two days. He was always on edge, afraid something would happen when he slept.
"Shh, Y/N's sleeping"
"Must be nice" Dean said looking up at the rearview mirror. "Jesus!" He said startled.
Sam jumped, the tired leaving his body. His hand immediately reaching for his handgun, snapping his back to look in the back seat.
"Cas, you have to stop popping up out of nowhere" Dean sighed
"Sorry, I figured this was better than showing up in the middle of the road."
"I wanted to come with you guys on this hunt, I had nothing better to do" Castiel explained.
"Why didn't you just call?" Sam asked
"I uh- I lost my cellphone" He replied, he had no idea where it was. Probably some country in Europe, he's been to too many places this week.
"Whatever just give us a warning next time" Dean said
The four of them drove in silence for another thirty minutes. Y/N is still sound asleep. As much as Dean loved to drive, looking at a bunch of nothing is boring. He was trying to think of a game to keep him occupied, maybe like 'count how many trees you see' he probably couldn't count that high.
Checking the mirror once more, he saw a faint smile on Y/N's sleeping face. She was always a peaceful sleeper, he wondered how after all the things they had seen. How could anyone sleep after that? He was happy she could sleep, he never wanted her to know the feeling of running off adrenaline and bad coffee.
He got an idea, not his best work but he had to deal with what he had.
"Hey Cas" The angel looked up, he didn't know road trips were this boring.
"Yeah?" He answered
"Why don't you hop into Y/N's dream, see why she's got that smile on her face"
"Dean-" Sam started
"C'mon it's harmless Sammy. Just a little bit of fun" Dean said before his brother could tell him how that it was an invasion of privacy blah blah.
"I don't think that's a good Idea, Dean" Castiel didn't understand how this would be "fun" But he knew humans found entertainment in weird ways.
"Don't be a buzzkill. Just use your little angel powers and see what she's doing."
"She's probably running through a field of flowers or something"
"Fine. I'll do it, but don't ask me to do anything weird for at least a week"
"Deal, now go" Dean said, he could feel his brother's disappointed glare as Cass disappeared.
"What?" he asked
"Boundaries Dean, boundaries." Sam sighed
"Oh please it's not like Cas doesn't show up in our dreams three times a week"
"No, he doesn't" Sam said confused
"Whatever, you know what I mean" Dean nervously squeezed the steering wheel. Oh god, do I dream about Cas? he thought.
"Right.." Sam replied giving Dean a skeptical look
Castiel landed on some unstable surface. Looking down at his feet, his black shoes were sinking in sand with every step. He looked around at his surrounding, he was on a beach. The sun was starting to set, the sound of waves crashing filled the air. It was so picturesque.
He could hear faint music coming from his right. Off into the distance, he could see two people standing. He figured it was Y/N, but he didn't know who the other person was. He walks closer to the pair, he noticed small candles lit around the two.
They were swaying to the tune playing from the small radio on the ground. It was one of those old love songs. It seemed whoever she was with, they were romantically involved. When he got about 6 feet away from them, he could see who the mystery person was.
It was him.
Well, his vessel.
They seemed so happy, in love with the moment. Y/N had her arms wrapped around his torso resting her head on his chest. While dream Castiel's hands were on her waist. He didn't know she felt that way about him, maybe it was just the dream.
He watched them for what felt like forever, as he took in the sight. He had a strong love for Y/N, he had trouble figuring out what kind of love. She was one of the most beautiful humans he'd ever met. She's smart, funny, caring, in his eyes she was perfect.
Though, he wasn't sure how relationships between humans and angels would be seen by the man upstairs. Honestly, he didn't care.
He guessed he had been standing there so long Y/N felt his presence. She looked over and saw him. "Castiel?" her eyes went wide.
He freaked out and didn't know what to say, he vanished out of the dream landing back in the Impala.
Shortly after, Y/N woke up from her sleep. She looked over and saw Castiel. Her hope of that meeting being a part of her dream went out the window. He saw what she was doing. She prayed to anyone who was listening that he didn't think anything of it.
"Morning sunshine" Dean said when he saw she was awake.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, he could see she was disheveled.
"Fine" She replied, trying to keep it together
"Did you see anything in there, Cas?"
"Nope. Just like you said, fields." He came up with the lie on the spot, he didn't want to embarrass Y/N anymore.
"That's boring-"
"Hang on, you told him to go into my dream?" Annoyance in her voice
"It was just for fun Y/N, plus like he said, he didn't see anything" He said in defense.
"You son of a bitch" she said flicking his ear
The rest of the drive was mainly silent. Y/N didn't talk to Dean much and didn't say a word to Castiel. She was so embarrassed, out of all the dreams he could've walked in on it was that one.
It had been reoccurring for months, she and Cass on a beach in each other's arms. Not one problem in the world, it was just them. Her crush grew stronger as the dream progressed. She had done so well hiding her feelings for the angel. Now all of that is gone because Dean is nosy.
They finally made it to their next case, pulling up to a motel parking lot. Sam and Dean went inside the office to get a room, leaving Cass and Y/N alone.
They stood outside the car waiting for them to get back. Needless to say, it was pretty damn awkward. The silence was killing Y/N, she spoke up.
"Thank you" she said
"What?" Castiel was confused
"Thanks for not telling them what you saw." she kept her head down
"Oh, you're welcome... I didn't think it was my place to tell them about your dream."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy" he felt so bad about this.
"It's alright. At least now you know." she sighed
"Know what?"
"You're gonna make me say it?" she looked up at him. He looked very confused
"That I like you, Castiel."
"Oh," he swallowed "I didn't want to assume anything, I had no idea about this"
"No one knew, I didn't want it getting in the way of the job. Plus I know there's no chance you feel the same way-"
"You're wrong" he cut her off
"About how I feel, I do feel the same. I guess I've been keeping a secret too." He looked deep into her eyes to make sure she knew he was telling the truth. " There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about you, how kind and sweet you are. Not to mention how stunning you are."
Y/N thought she was still dreaming. She couldn't believe what he was saying, her heart started to race. She couldn't find any words, so she used her actions.
Her eyes flickered down to his lips back to his eyes, leaning in slow in case he wanted to back out. He matched her actions, leaning in connecting their lips. She runs her hand through his hair deepening the kiss.
"What the hell did we miss?" Dean's voice pulled them out of their daze, pulling apart from each other.
"Hey guys" she nervously smiled
"Hey" Dean mocked "Should we get you two lovebirds your own room?" he laughed
"Leave them alone" Sam said "c'mon rooms this way" he led the group towards the motel room
Dean walked in between Castiel and Y/N one arm on each of them pulling them in for an awkward hug.
"Isn't this great, my two best pals together. I can hear the wedding bells already!"
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forestmossling · 14 days
okay. oh my fucking god. oh god, okay.
this is INSANE. this is absolutely fucking crazy. what i’m about to recommend you is absolutely fucking mind-bogglingly pants-shittingly bonkers in its brilliance, so y’all better read closely.
it’s always the fics with the shortest, least descriptive summaries ever, the ones you absent-mindedly stashed in your “marked for later” and forgot about them, isn’t it?
anyway, this is a masterpiece. in every definition and understanding of the word. there are too many great points about what’s going on in this fic and why you absolutely have to read it, so forgive me if i’m gonna be pretty incomprehensible and incoherent rn, okay?
first of all, the way this fic just ties the whole of the st universe together, the way eddie munson doesn’t just spawn out of nowhere in the beginning of s4, but actually exists in hawkins all this time. the way he witnesses all the crazy going-ons in town from the sidelines, and still has his own opinions and thoughts on them, even if he didn’t actively take part in them. just, love to see it.
second of all, different “first” meeting. oh my god, but how i love thee. obviously it wasn’t really the first meeting here, but steve and eddie coming together before the original timeline is something i will never get enough of, and it was done brilliantly here. the way their first conscious interaction happens when steve comes to apologize for being a piece of shit, and the way the narrative, from eddie’s pov, never lets you downplay and just forget that steve was, in fact, a douchebag in high school, is also something i love to see. yes, he’s forgiven, but not because he wasn’t that bad in the first place, as a lot of fics love to make it out to be (which, i don’t blame them, that’s also fine), but because he actively works to become a better person. we see him, time and time again, actively holding himself back from sliding into the “king steve” persona, owning up to the shit he did and proving that he has changed, and it’s beautiful. and it’s also nice to see here, because eddie doesn’t even find out about all the upside down shenanigans in this fic, so for him, steve isn’t a better person now because he saw him in his heroic martyr era and was impressed. he’s better because he doesn’t just let these objectively heroic and admirable actions automatically absolve him of all his sins, but actively works to repair the damage he did before he committed them. which also happens in canon, i guess, but i really love how it was shown here.
third, eddie. characterization in general, but eddie’s in particular, because oh my fucking god. he’s absolutely insane in the most humane and captivating way possible. the way he has so much history that made him the way he is, the way we see this past overlap with the present and realize how it affects the decisions he makes, the interactions he has with other people. and the way his past was written in general, the way it flashes him out so deeply as a person is absolutely brilliant. and the way he sees the world around him, the way his perceptions of the moments we catch him in is so deep and full of volume, dimension. it’s like one second you’re with him, listening to the conversation he has with another person, and another - in a wave of sound and music he taps on his leg with his fingers, in the songs he hears reverberating through every feeling he has. and the author is so masterful with throwing you around from one plane of reality to another, the way eddie is in his brain, and it’s so much it’s almost overwhelming, but they catch you just on the edge in the last second and keep your brain from being torn apart from trying to comprehend the absolute insanity going on in eddie’s head.
it really felt like this fic was repeatedly slapping me across the face and all i could do was deliriously ask for more.
and, while we’re on the topic of characterization, literally every character and every interaction between them are so real and so fitting for who they are in this universe. the way even through eddie’s warped perspective of him, steve’s actions and views fall into a perfectly functioning justified mechanism for the reader, not a screw out of place. the way through simple, and, on the surface, absolutely mundane conversations about the horror and romance genres, about the characters in the book eddie’s writing (he is, btw, and it’s also brilliant), we see the whole of who these characters are, how they see the world and themselves in it, their deepest fears and desires. and even aside from steddie, a personal stand-out for me was jeff, because he has a whole life outside of eddie’s narrative, and still manages to contribute to the plot and give insights into eddie and himself while not being a cardboard cut-out, only existing for the benefit of pushing eddie’s story forward. and the rest of hellfire - past and present - while mostly serving the purpose of showing how precious steve’s attention and care for things they didn’t get about eddie is, are still their own people.
whatever the next number is, i’m losing count, - the language the fic is written in. it’s just so fucking clever. the dialogues are witty and captivating without stinking of made-up-ness, the metaphors are so deep and colorful and voluminous without being pretentious and over the top. the words of this fic are something you have to chew on before you swallow, let the author immerse you in the picture they’re painting without breezing from one predictable trope point to another (which, they aren’t really predictable and expected here, which is another huge pro) in the everlasting greed for cheap escapism, as i am prone to doing. and that’s another thing i’m really grateful to this author for - making me sit with the words i’m reading for a second, instead of just gorging on them in my haste to get to the end and start another story, frantic to keep my brain occupied.
also, this fic genuinely had me endlessly invested in the fate of the characters, scared shitless or elated for them. it yanked me right out of the usual safety of predictable plot tropes which usually makes fanfiction so attractive for me, but i really wasn’t complaining. on one of the most stressful and deciding scenes of the fic (no spoilers tho), i genuinely started crying. i felt eddie’s resignation and anguish so deeply and personally, i couldn’t hold back if i wanted to. and that’s another thing i’m extremely grateful for - the absolute rollercoaster of emotions i went through before i got the reward of the happy ending.
i would also like to say that i was floored with how period-typical homophobia and other social issues were presented in this work. obviously, i can’t really vouch for it being realistic or not, because i’m not american and wasn’t even alive during that time, but i can say that it did feel very very real. in a lot of other works that talk about these issues the homophobia and societal judgement seem like such nebulous, far-away concepts, that are obviously real and have a tangible impact on the characters, but it’s like their still escapable, still out of reach (which, again, is not a bad thing). but here i felt like the repercussions for being who you are were physically breathing down my neck, incapacitating me with horror. and, on that note, just, the author’s overall attention to detail and period-fitting pop-culture and other little things that painted such a larger picture of living in that time period, tying the fictional story so tightly down to it. it felt so grounded in reality, that i felt like a person could tell me their older relative had gone through this in the eighties and i would believe them. but, as i said, i’m obviously not an authority on that topic for aforementioned reasons.
and also, aside from the reader’s perspective on the work, as a person who tries to write myself, i realize that this is the level of writing skill i’m aspiring towards. this is what i want my works to feel like to a reader, and i’m really not there yet, but seeing works like these inspires me so much to grow.
also, i would’ve absolutely loved to see a little bit more of robin there, to find out how this change in the canon narrative would affect the events of the s4, to see how steddie’s relationship would develop and transform with the upside down thrown into the mix. and that’s definitely not a slight against the fic for not including this things, but more of a testament to how greatly invested the author made me in their version of the story and how hard it is for me to let go of it. this fic is perfectly complete without those things, but, once i got a taste, i couldn’t help but want more and more, even though this story definitely isn’t in any way lacking or in need of those to feel whole. but that’s mostly my selfish desires speaking, don’t mind me.
and, here, have a couple of snippets with no particular reasoning behind them, just because they made me giggle:
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i’m getting real rambly and i’m genuinely afraid this whole post is absolutely unreadable with how frantic and jittery i am in trying to get this off my chest, but when i’m telling you i was buzzing with this word-vomit, almost frothing at the mouth with the need to express the absolute glorious hellscape this fic left me in after i finished it, i’m probably underselling it.
so, in conclusion, please read this fic. please please please read this fic. if not for my sake or the @fabelds-blog’s (who got criminally little recognition for this masterpiece), then for your own, because i can guarantee you that not one second of reading this work will feel like a waste of time or a disappointment. *me, pointing a gun at you with shaking hands while tears stream down my face* please, PLEASE read this fic, because it’s absolutely worth it.
so, yeah. i don’t think a number large enough to rate this work even exists, but my closest approximation is 999999836526272910018172654244536384847635526728190199986553781010018654463892010197654272458499900909261379/10, am recommending. and, obviously, it’s up to you if you’re going to actually read the fic, but if after this madman’s rant you still opted not to, i regret to inform you that that is, in fact, the wrong choice, and i’m strongly urging you to reconsider.
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sehodreams · 7 months
sex money feelings die - fifth visit
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fourth visit ↬ fifth visit ↬ sixth visit (tba)
WC: 5.5k
TW and Tags (permanent for the story): rich client!Anton x stripper!reader, smut, fluff (?), a touch of angst for the moment, inexperienced reader, fingering, kissing, masturbation, lots of silly conversations.
Summary: Working at a night club was difficult in many aspects, your sleep schedule was messed up for life, your feet were more used to high heels than sneakers and you had to lie about where you went to work those nights. Still, even with all those cons, you didn't hate your job, you had more than enough to pay your bills, feed your brother and save money for his college. However, what happens when your boss makes you do the one thing you asked to never do.
You carried his card everywhere, you hadn’t call him, but you liked to watch it every time you opened your wallet.
A music producer, you repeated on your mind. It fitted him, he always knew what songs you talked about and even gave you options you listened from time to time when you remembered him.
Still, you couldn’t understand what he was doing coming to a place like Shotaro’s club, you were sure he could easily get a pass in any other club that had his favorite drinks in the menu, and he wouldn’t have to carry his own every time he visited, unlike the place you worked at.
Not that your club was ugly, it had good clients, all of them coming to see you and your gorgeous coworkers, but you had heard of better places that let them do more to the girls, some of them even allowed them to request sexual services, something they would never get here.
Anton had been the only one until now, and you didn’t like the thought of how it all started, but at least Anton had been respectful with you and hadn’t touched you until you asked for it.
You blushed.
You couldn’t forget what had happened on Monday.
Every time you went to sleep you would remember how his long fingers felt inside you and how good he looked under you. The taste of his mouth and the wine was also impregnated on your tongue, not daring to look at a bottle of wine even if none of them were like his.
‘’Is there anything wrong?’’ one of the girls asked when she saw you all lost looking at your phone.
‘’Oh, it’s nothing, just a little tired, and now we’ll have to entertain the pretty boys, I was thinking what to drink to survive the night’’ you smiled and exhaled. It was Friday and they would arrive in a couple of hours.
She nodded, ‘’Yes, but I heard Anton had something to do, I don’t think he’ll come today.’’
‘’Who told you that?’’ you asked confused.
‘’My boy told me the last time they came that Anton and another of his friends may not come today since they had a big meeting or something like that, and they couldn’t move it.’’
You nodded to it, bewildered since Anton hadn’t say a single word when he came on Monday. ‘’I see, well, I guess I should get ready for a show then’’ you tried to not look too surprised.
She stood up and walked out, leaving you alone in the room, and when you felt that no one would come in, most of them grabbing a quick snack in the kitchen before the doors opened, you grabbed your phone and introduced his number.
You watched it on your screen, the many digits intimidated you and you thought about just not calling him, but your finger pressed the green bubble before you could choose.
Not even three rings sounded, and he answered. ‘’Hello?’’ his voice sounded deeper through the phone, more serious than the usual soft tone he used with you, and you almost got weak in your seat.
Biting the inside of your cheek your breath flattered and you felt the nervousness creep behind your back before you could talk, ‘’Hi’’ was the only thing you could say.
‘’Hi’’ his voice changed to the same tone he always used with you, you even heard how he let out a relaxed sigh, making you picture him with his typical soft grin. ‘’I was waiting for your call’’ he murmured.
‘’Yeah well, Shotaro finally told me how much the cleaning fees are.’’
Shotaro hadn’t even spoken to you about it, the only thing he did when he saw it was shrug, shake his head, look at you and walk away, leaving you there next to Sungchan who looked at you and murmured, rich people wine smell different, uh? making you nod before you ran away to hide your blush.
‘’Oh really? And how much is it?’’ he asked, honestly curious.
‘’Are you sitting? Because you may pass out, they will leave you broke.’’
You heard his breathy laugh on the other side of the line.
‘’I’ll make sure to ask for a discount then.’’
‘’I think you should, I can go with you to his office today if you want, he kind of owes me one for teaching the new waitress the basics.’’
You gulped and started to bite your cheek again, nervous to not hear him smoothly talk like he always did.
He hummed before he continued, ‘’I think we’ll have to postpone that, I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to go today. I have an important meeting tomorrow and all my team is staying the night to check the last details.’’
You tried to not sound disappointed, ‘’I see’’.
Recognizing that hint of sadness in your tone, he blamed himself for not telling you sooner, ‘’Sorry, I wanted to tell you when we met this Monday but… well, you know we didn’t talk much.’’
Anton closed his eyes, and his smile came back to him because he knew you were blushing, there, alone, waiting for him, and his hand gripped his phone trying to not remember you that day, he had too many people waiting for him behind the door in front of him to get swayed your way and risk a whole deal just to go and see you for a couple of hours.
But he couldn’t lie to himself, he was already thinking about you even before you called him. He had gone out for a bottle of water when you popped his mind and didn’t let him concentrate on what one of his workers was saying, and just like a miracle his phone had started to sound inside his pocket before he entered the room after deciding to go back and completely forget you to focus on his work again. The screen showed an unknown number, and even if he didn’t know who it belonged to, it made his heart skip before he answered with the hope it was you who called.
‘’I’ll see you this Monday, promise, but meanwhile, do you mind if I call you later? And that means, tomorrow, and the day after, and maybe Monday too.’’
‘’I do mind, if you wake me up, I’ll block you’’ you denied.
He chuckled and nodded, already used to your sharp answers. ‘’Then what about a text?’’ he offered.
‘’Better, but please don’t forget about your debt, the poor couch suffered because of us so I’ll ask for the discount, don’t worry.’’
‘’This girl…’’ his breathy laugh sounded for a couple of long seconds, making you smile, happy of being the cause of it, ‘’I already paid him.’’
You covered your mouth, so he didn’t hear you chuckle, and hanged up.
Choosing your outfit for the night, you tried to think on anything else that wasn’t how you wouldn’t be able to see him later. It was good, you tried to convince yourself, there were many clients that probably missed you those weeks, and you shouldn’t neglect them if you didn’t want to lose them.
Shotaro saw you in the bar having some small talk with the girls that served drinks and told you that you could go to the VIP room if you wanted, after all, one of the girl that accompanied Anton’s friend that wouldn’t come was still going, but you rejected the idea immediately, if he wasn’t there, you didn’t feel like staying the whole night with the group.
When his group arrived all the girls ran to the second VIP room, excited to see their favorite clients and have their fun, while Sungchan, seeing you go to the other direction, to the scenario, without much thinking said, ‘’Ow angel, won’t your pretty boy come tonight?’’
‘’He has work stuff, but better, I needed a break’’ you replied with a smile, and Sungchan, finding the disappointment you tried to mask with your uninterested tone adorable, patted your naked back before he followed the other girls.
Luckily the night ended fast, you did a couple of shows and one of your past regulars called you for a private dance, giving you a good tip saying how much he had missed you the last weeks, ‘’You’ll always be my favorite’’ he said, and you, by instinct, said that he was your favorite too, but you perfectly knew how much of a lie that was.
The night finished without much emotion and you went home as early as you could, it was only four in the morning when you were already standing in your door, two sandwiches in a bag courtesy of Sungchan charming the kitchen lady with his smile, and you accepted them gladly, relieved of not having to make breakfast for your brother, who was sound asleep in his room after studying until late.
Walking as silently as you could, you cleaned your living room a little bit, just tossing old packages and watching that there wasn’t nothing dirty. Your brother, even if he had an even worse schedule than you, always made sure to leave the place as clean as he could, and there wasn’t much for you to do, dishes washed, kitchen table clean and trash can empty.
You sat in the darkness and exhaled, feeling extremely alive for the hour and tired as hell because of the long trip at the same time.
After washing yourself you felt more at ease, hair wet and rolled with a towel because you couldn’t turn on the hairdryer at that hour, and you decided to do something you only did on special occasions.
You searched your client’s name, in this case Anton, online.
You got surprised with the quantity of results there, you had never had a client as famous as him, with so many profiles and articles with his name, it seems he had already produced a couple of popular songs, not many, but enough to let him have a name in the industry, and you, sitting in the border of your old mattress with what used to be a beige bedsheet, pale after so many washes, felt a struck of reality.
Why would he treat you so well when he could go and have an actual connection with a girl as popular, or even more than him, in real life?
You read as many articles as you could, not believing your eyes but at the same time smiling with the praises he had received despite his young age, all of them talking about the future he could (and will) have, a music producer in the company of his family, a life already bright enough to always let him go to bed in peace and never worry about tomorrow, and you did it until your alarm brought you back and you had to go and wake up your brother.
He was a heavy sleeper, you sometimes wondered how he would be able to live without you if he couldn’t wake up with the five alarms he put on his cellphone, but while you could, you would wake him up with pleasure.
Knocking his door, you went to the bathroom and started to dry your hair, thinking in what you would have to cook for dinner and leaving what you read about Anton well behind your mind, because if you remembered it every time you looked at him, you would start getting conscious of yourself, which would definitely change your tone with him, and wouldn’t let you talk as free as you’ve been doing until now.
Not much later you got exactly what you wanted, concentrating on your brother, his dinner and your own breakfast, with the help of the news in the background and the rush of the hour, you forgot him.
However, Anton must have a signal to go back and fill your mind with him whenever you completely forgot him, because when you were about to go to sleep after a long night and morning, ready to not think at all for at least the next five hours, you saw a text from him.
You saw it in real time how the little notification appeared while you watched a video, a message so short and direct that had you smiling and rolling your eyes before you decided to answer.
Are you awake?
You could ignore it and pretend you didn’t see it, but having the opportunity to tease him, you couldn’t lose it just like that.
You waited for him to answer in the chat, there was no bubble moving showing that he was writing, but he did read it, it appeared like that, and he was online too.
You imagined him reading your message and nodding, thinking ‘’so she’s asleep…’’, ready to not bother you anymore, and you laughed, trying to guess how much time would take him to notice that you had lied.
Minutes passed by, and when you were finally drifting to sleep, your ringtone started to sound.
‘’…I hate you’’ he said when you accepted his call.
‘’Maybe I should hang up then.’’
‘’No’’ he interrupted you, ‘’It’s just… I really believed you for a second, I was ready to not bother you anymore.’’
His breathy laugh made you smile, and you decided to not tell him that you were actually about to sleep, and he had woken you up with his call.
‘’It’s pretty early, why are you calling me at this hour?’’ you didn’t sound angry, just intrigued, had he gone to his meeting? Was he calling you right before his meeting? You wanted to know what pushed him to talk to you at 8 am.
‘’I wanted to know how your night was, the boys told me you didn’t go to the VIP room.’’
You hummed, moving your phone closer to your ear, to hear him better. ‘’I wasn’t needed, the girls were just fine without me.’’
‘’You could’ve gone to rest a little bit, I still paid Shotaro for your time’’ he confessed.
‘’What?’’ you were so surprised you had to sit.
Shotaro hadn’t say anything to you when you left, well, not that you waited for him either, you just grabbed your share of the night and left the rest with Sungchan when he gave you the food.
The point was, you didn’t understand why Anton paid when he didn’t spend the night with you.
‘’Why?’’ you simply couldn’t understand.
‘’I wasn’t going to leave you just like that, it was the least I could do, to be honest, I wanted to give you even more for not seeing you last night, but I thought that maybe it would be a bit too much, even your boss looked at me weird when I said I would still pay.’’
‘’Anton…’’ you couldn’t believe how much he thought about you to do something like that.
And just like you were afraid of, you started to remember all the articles you read and how much they talked wonders about him.
A respectable young man ready to take the industry, and the world, in his hands.
They had no idea how awesome, and impressive, and kind, he really was.
‘’You didn’t have to do that, you didn’t see me yesterday, you got nothing out of that.’’
‘’But I wanted to, if I didn’t, I would’ve felt bad the next time I saw you, thinking how I made you lose your night just because I was busy.’’
‘’Anton, if you don’t come, I can still work’’ you tried to make him understand, ‘’the next time you don’t have to do that.’’
He didn’t answer.
You heard his breathing through the phone and your hand started to play with the border of your shirt. You didn’t know what to say, and suddenly you felt like you couldn’t talk with him like you had been doing, because you really were on different positions, and for you it didn’t make sense how he always had you in his mind and treated you that good when he could do a lot better.
‘’Well… then you won’t like what I bought for you to show how sorry I was.’’
‘’Anton!’’ you called his name louder than expected.
‘’I’m joking’’ he said, happy that you didn’t sound as tense anymore.
He didn’t have to see you to notice the little things about you, even your silence talked for you, and he had sensed how you suddenly got uncomfortable after he admitted how he had paid.
‘’Don’t you have a meeting?’’ you asked after he finished laughing at you.
‘’I already had it, everything went well, I guess talking to you last night gave me luck.’’
‘’Please stop.’’ You begged, not being able to endure his lines anymore.
Perhaps that’s why his songs are so popular, you thought, because you had never met someone able to create corny lines as fast as him.
‘’I was about to sleep, I wanted to hear you one last time before I passed out.’’
‘’I was about to sleep too.’’
He hummed.
You stayed in silence a minute, just hearing each other’s breathing and the bedsheets on his side ruffling with his movements. You were still on your place, only playing with your shirt and waiting for him to talk.
‘’There was something I wanted to talk about… you know, about what we did this Monday.’’
You gulped.
You didn’t expect him to talk about it, you didn’t expect a conversation about it at all.
‘’I wanted to say that… I don’t want you to think you have to do it because I pay you.’’
‘’I know’’ you were quickly to reply.
You did it because you wanted, not because of anything else, not because of the money, or the alcohol, or Shotaro, and you had worked hard to help you go around the next days with an easy mind. You were a big girl, and you could do that kind of thing without feeling guilty anymore.
Anton had been nothing but respectful to you all those days, and you couldn’t let him think that you did it for anything that wasn’t your decision based on how good he treated you.
‘’I think I made myself clear the first days’’ you continued, ‘’I wouldn’t have let you touch me if I didn’t want to.’’
‘’You’re right’’ he sounded relieved on the other side. ‘’Then… is it okay if we do it again? I mean, did you like it?’’
There was no one in your house, you were completely alone, and your door was closed, but you still whispered, as if you were about to say something wrong, or, more than wrong, inappropriate, something that no one else, apart from him, should hear.
‘’I liked it’’ you admitted.
‘’I’m glad, I liked it too.’’
Your mind started to reply that night.
Without thinking, like every night when you remembered it, your arousal started to appear, pouring out of you with the expectations of feeling him again. The image of him under you brought a pression in your abdomen you weren’t used to feel before that occasion, of course you had felt excited before, but the way Anton had showed you how capable he was of driving you into that kind of pleasure made it a lot more intense, almost painful and that made it impossible for you to not move uncomfortable on your seat.
You closed your eyes and exhaled through your nose, trying to control yourself and your mind from making you feel like that with him, not physically there with you, but still there.
‘’You’re thinking about it too, right?’’ he asked you.
You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how right he was.
‘’Are you?’’
‘’You have no idea how much I think about it, I do it every day, every hour.’’
Me too, you closed your eyes again hearing his voice say something so bold without feeling ashamed of it, he was using a different voice, it wasn’t the one he used when he tried to maintain a conversation with you in the club, or the one he used when he answered his phone when he didn’t know it was you who called him, it was deeper, a lot more mature and confident, like the one he used when he made you cum over his lap with his fingers inside you.
A whimper almost escaped your throat and you hided it with a cough, trying to think a way to change the aura of the conversation.
‘’I’m sure you’re getting wet, that day you were dripping all over my hand’’ he then said, and you couldn’t help but gulp again, the faint sound telling him everything he needed to know.
Anton imagined you lying down over his bed, right next to him, with your hand between your thighs, looking at him with those teary eyes, and that was enough for him to get hard.
Every day he imagined the same thing, you over his designer bedsheets, with the little light of his lamp beside his bed, your pretty face frowning and calling his name while your hand played with yourself, waiting for him in his apartment, getting ready for him to take you after a long day at work.
Just that occasion was enough to push the last little will he had to contain himself, he didn’t know how would he be able to face you and not touch you the next time he had you in front of him, but he wanted to leave everything clear before that, he wanted to make sure you enjoyed it as much as he did.
He needed you, and making him feel like a teenager again, every day he dreamed of you, he thought of you, and he jerked off with the memory of you.
‘’Anton…’’ your voice made him look down to his now hard member and groan.
‘’I want to hear you’’ his tongue had to wet his lips, dry of thirst for you, ‘’touch yourself, please.’’
He was begging with such urgency you didn’t know how to say no, and even more, you didn’t want to say no.
Your mind was already telling you to touch yourself like he had done that day, it wouldn’t be the same, you had already tried it those days without him, but it would help you soothe the pain.
‘’I don’t…’’ you wanted to confess how it wasn’t the same if they weren’t his fingers, but you felt your face burn just with the thought of it.
‘’I’ll tell you what to do’’ he interrupted you, ‘’so… will you be good for me?’’
Fuck, you wanted to be good for him.
Anton pulled down his pants and his underwear, just enough to leave his cock free, which jumped to the sound of you lying over your bed and getting comfortable for him.
‘’What are you wearing?’’ he asked, and just his voice made you get more wet inside your panties.
‘’A t-shirt… and panties.’’
‘’No pants? Isn’t it too cold for that?’’
You couldn’t tell him that you were more used to the coldness because of your work, you felt a lot more comfortable wearing just that at night, and thankfully your apartment was warm enough, it was old, but the winter was bearable.
In summer it was hell though.
‘’I can’t sleep with pants.’’
‘’I can’t sleep with t-shirts, I guess we’re the perfect pair.’’
You bit your lip to not laugh, but he knew you wanted to do it, so he laughed for you.
‘’I can give you all my t-shirts if you want, I don’t mind.’’
‘’Okay’’ you answered, surprising him. He expected you to tell him to stop, but that answer satisfied him even more.
‘’Okay’’ he repeated, ‘’that way, the next time you miss me, and I can’t be with you, at least you’ll have my t-shirt to think of me.’’
That sounded too good, he imagined you wearing his shirt and playing with your clit, drenching the back of it, and he liked the idea so much his cock bounced in front of his eyes.
You, on the other hand, only imagined how comfortable you would feel with his smell lingering around you at night.
‘’Now…’’ he interrupted your thoughts, ‘’don’t take it off, just lift it, as if you were showing me your chest.’’
You felt so embarrassed you just gripped your shirt, eyes closing with force and your mind telling you to follow his words but your conscience too awake and clear now to do it.
‘’I can hear you not moving, I thought you’d be good for me’’ he had already guessed you weren’t going to make the things that easy for him, but he still expected you to do better, for him, ‘’This is the only time in which I won’t tolerate you fooling me.’’
He was right, and feeling the weight of his words, your hand didn’t doubt to lift your t-shirt this time, feeling the morning coldness impact your whole torso, nipples slightly hardening.
He could hear your breath hitching and the fabric of your clothes moving, feeling content with you listening to him this time, maybe he had to be stern with you in bed, he thought, to show that he could play in any other moment, except that one.
‘’Well done.’’
You licked your lips while your eyelids fluttered with his words, you wanted him to continue talking to you like that, so forward and authoritative, as if he knew exactly what you needed.
‘’Play with your nipples, just like how you want me to touch them’’ his hand lifted his shirt to his abdomen, just to rest his hand over it and imagine it was you who was touching him.
You did what he said, and touching your right one with the tip of your finger, you decided it wasn’t how you wanted him to touch you, so to add more intensity, with your whole palm you grabbed your tit, too big for your own hand, and massaged it until your thumb and your index finger pressed your little bud with more force.
That’s how you want him to touch you, with more force, to not be as delicate, he wouldn’t break you, and when you closed your eyes, you could see his big hand cupping you completely without problem.
He heard you breathing get harder, not louder, just with more difficulty, and he could imagine those beautiful nipples begging for him to give them a taste.
The last time he couldn’t, but the next time he definitely would, he had no reasons to stop himself anymore.
‘’How do you feel?’’ he asked when he heard you sigh.
‘’Good, it feels good.’’
He cursed in his mind, what he would give to be there and touch you, and make you feel good with his own hands.
‘’Shit, you’re going to make me cum just with your voice.’’
You moaned.
‘’Don’t say that…’’
‘’Because I want you to cum with me.’’
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Of course you’d drop a bomb like that one, he should learn by that point that you always surprised him for the best in moments like that one, so sweet, and tender, and perfect for him.
‘’Touch your clit, like I did that day’’ he said as he could, one hand going to wrap his member while his thumb spread the pre cum leaking in his tip.
It was already hurting him, but he was so focused on your voice he had forgotten about himself.
‘’It feels good’’ you moaned again, suddenly feeling your own fingers good, not like the previous night you had tried to touch you, it finally felt good.
‘’What I would give to be the one touching you right now.’’
‘’Anton‘’ you cried.
You were using just one finger, flicking your clit up and down and thinking it was him touching you.
‘’Don’t be afraid of using more than one finger, like I did, do it just like I did’’ he ordered, and you obeyed.
You tried to make the same motion, up and down, feeling your juices making a mess inside your panties.
He didn’t lie, you really were dripping for him.
It was so wet, you felt your fingers sliding with such ease over your clit, making you feel incredibly good.
You had touched yourself before, even before you knew Anton, you were human after all, but his groans on your ear and the memory of his hand instead of yours made it a lot better.
You didn’t understand what was so good about masturbating before, it was good, but this was fucking amazing.
You wanted to cup your chest again, just like he would’ve done it, like he did over your bra, but you needed to have your phone on your ear, his voice was more necessary than any light touch over your skin.
‘’Please touch my chest the next time.’’
The next time, he became numb, you were being so good for him, begging with that honeyed voice to touch you, he’d do it with much pleasure, but to hear you say it, to ask for his touch so directly, it was too much for him.
‘’I’ll touch you so good, my angel, I’ll do everything you want.’’
He didn’t mean it only for when he made you feel good with his hands, or his mouth, he honestly wanted to do everything for you.
‘’Put one finger inside.’’
You sighed disappointed, it felt good, but not like when he did it.
‘’It’s not like yours...’’
You heard him groan.
His hand stopped moving, feeling your pain through the phone.
‘’Oh angel, I’m so sorry, I’ll make sure to finger you well next time too.’’
‘’Yours are so long’’ you cried, putting one more in to simulate the size of his fingers.
It wasn’t enough, and soon you had not one or two, but three fingers, which were the closest sensation to his fingers that day, stretching you just like two of his fingers did.
When you put all those fingers inside the echo of your wetness got louder, pushing him to continue with the way his hand was moving before, swiftly pulling his cock like your delicate hand would do, with those pretty fingers around him and those beautiful eyes looking at him.
‘’How many do you have in?’’ he asked curious, because it was impossible just one finger was making that nasty noise.
You didn’t want to tell him how many, it was so disgraceful for a girl to use that many fingers, at least you believed that.
You cried again because something so degrading was feeling so good.
‘’Tell me.’’
He wouldn’t stop asking, you knew it, he would respect your silence in any other occasion, but not in this one.
‘’Shit, getting ready for my cock.’’
‘’Anton.’’ You called for him, flustered with his statement, and pushing your fingers even more with that idea.
He was big, you felt it that day, even just over his pants you could feel how much he would open you, your three fingers were nothing to get that, they had to be his fingers to stretch you enough to accept him.
‘’You’re about to cum, right? I already recognize that tone’’ he was pumping harder his cock, following the intensity of your squelches and how your hand was more erratic, ‘’fuck, and I’m not there to feel your mess, my angel.’’
You repeated his name in loud moans, grateful that you were completely alone, and his groans became as loud as your moans, reciprocating your enthusiasm.
He bit his lip with force, back falling with force to his pillow, picturing you moaning right over him like you did that day, and while thinking about you, and listening to your actual cries, he came all over his hand in thick spurs of cum.
You also came, a lighter sensation than when he fucked you so good with his fingers, but still good enough to make you feel relaxed again.
After days of not being able to cum you didn’t realize how tense you were, maybe that was why you were so thoughtful and couldn’t sleep even when you felt so tired.
Both of you stayed like that for a good time, recovering after all those days away.
‘’I missed you so much’’ Anton said when your mind was drifting away.
Me too, you thought, but didn’t say it.
‘’You’ll see me this Monday…’’
‘’I’ll buy you something.’’
‘’If you buy me something, I swear I’ll punch you.’’
‘’Oops, I think I’d like that too.’’
You laughed, not hiding it this time, and fell asleep while hearing his soft laugh on your ear.
When you saw him on Monday you punched him, not hard though, because apart from the couple of his t-shirts he gave you, he bought you a small bouquet of flowers to show how sorry he was.
fourth visit ↬ fifth visit ↬ sixth visit (tba)
239 notes · View notes
kieranxvalentine · 10 months
Her Muse {Miguel O'hara}
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༻♡༺✎ After posting a picture, everyone starts to wonder who is the one who makes your heart beat. Not knowing he was closer than they thought ༻♡༺✎ Miguel O'hara x Reader, Miles Morales x Reader (Platonic), Gwen Stacy x Reader (Platonic), Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader (platonic) ༻♡༺✎ PG rating (one suggestive comment) ༻♡༺✎ 1.1k words ༻♡༺✎ Author's Note: Welcome to my first post in this little Mini Series with Miguel x Idol!Spiderwoman!Reader. I have plenty more for this series! Hope you enjoy! (This hasn't been proof read yet!)
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“You’re dating someone?!”
You chuckle softly at the surprised sound of your friends, Miles, Gwen and Pavitr all looking at you in shock.
You were a fellow spider variant, but not only were you a superhero, you also were a popstar, entertaining and saving the masses one day at a time. You were basically an interdimensional superstar, going to universe's and hosting concerts. (only modern ones though.)
You were really secretive about your life besides what you revealed to your fans, but after a recent picture that appeared on your Instagram had your friends and fans in an uproar.
“I could’ve sworn you told us you were going to be focused on your career! But what is this!!”
Miles, who you considered a little brother shoved his phone in your face.
You did make a big speech to them roughly like 7 months ago about how you were going to focus on your career and that you didn't have time for a relationship...
Well..clearly that was a lie..
It was a picture on your profile, it was clearly your waist, in an outfit from your most recent pop up performance, with a mans hands wrapped around your waist.
It was clear that the picture was cropped to obscure whoever you were with. You could only let a giggle slip from your lips as you took a drink from your water.
“Is he from your universe?” Gwen asked and you shook your head. This pulled a gasp from your friends and Pavitr was the one to ask the next question.
“Soooo…Is he a spider person?”
You went silent and avert your gaze playfully. Gwen stood up with her arms crossed a playful grin on her face. “That means yea! You’re dating a spider variant!’
“Yea but who? You know how many of us it is!” “Well, it has to be one of the older spiders, look at the size of that dude!” “Hmmm…”
You laughed again as you looked at the three of them. “You three are really trying to figure this out aren’t you?” That earned you three rapid nods and you only playfully rolled your eyes.
You hopped off the table, checking your dimensional watch seeing you missed a ping from Miguel O'Hara, the leader and head of the Spider Society.
“Oh sorry guys, I gotta go. I missed a ping from Miguel.”
Gwen nodded in understanding. “Oh yea, You might wanna go before you get in trouble, You know how he hates when people are late.”
Miles pointed a finger at you, “Don’t think that this is over Y/n! We will find out!!”
You rolled your eyes and gave them a wave as you head off to Miguel’s office.
When you first joined the Spider Society nearly 3 years ago, you couldn’t help but be intimidated by him. The way he carried himself with such authority and power, you remember after walking out his office you thought you were going to melt. He was just so perfect to you. He was strong, he was caring (although he struggled with sharing it), he was very, very, very attractive.
You couldn't help but make him your muse. Every great artist had one, and yours just happened to be your boss.
Most of your songs were about Miguel, nothing too explicit. Just cute puppy love songs, you were crushing since day one.
It wasn't hard to either, you would come up with lyrics after seeing him whenever you had to report an anomaly, or you'd bring your lyric book to meetings and use some of his own words in your songs.
Your fans loved it, trying to figure out who the mystery man was in your songs, but of course you couldn’t let them find out. Especially when some of the spider variants listened to your music as well! And it certainly didn’t help-
“Took you long enough.”
You gave a sheepish smile as you entered his office, seeing him up on his platform, looking over the various neon orange and red screens in front of him. You swung up to his platform, waiting as he turned around to face you.
He looked down at you for a bit before reaching to wrap his hands around your waist and pull you towards him, he places his face in the crook of your neck.
“I should’ve known you were going to post that picture of us..” He mumbled against your neck and you giggled as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry Miggy, You looked really cute..! Besides, I cropped our faces out, they only saw the lower half.” You responded as you moved his face to kiss his cheek.
He only shook his head before pulling back a bit. “Oh really?” He gives you a small smirk as one hand went to your lower back. “You should post the full thing.”
You raised an eyebrow. Miguel was a very private person, hell, only two people knew you were dating Jess and Peter, and that was because they walked in to give Miguel updates on an anomaly they were chasing, they got an eyeful of the two of you kissing.
He was embarrassed and demanded that they didn’t tell a soul that the big scary boss of the spiders was dating the bubbly popstar.
So it was surprising to hear him want you to post it...
“Why? If you don’t mind me asking?..” You ask as you lean against him. He placed a hand under your chin, tilting your head up so that you could be looking at him. You felt your heart nearly leap out of your chest.
Damn this man and his eye contact, he surely knew how to make you nearly melt right into a puddle in his arms.
“That way people already know you're spoken for. Can’t have others trying to steal my wife away from me...can I?” He flashed another smirk at you, showing his fangs and you felt a blush spread across your cheeks.
He chuckled at your reaction, paying no mind to you nearly short circuiting at such an action... “Mi preciosa, You’re acting shy as if we haven’t done anything else already.”
"Is it? I mean, unless you start using my-"
He ends up laughing at your embarrassed face and leans to kiss you on your forehead.
“Here, theres an anomaly that just popped up. I can intrust my little idol to it can i?” You nod as he puts the universe coordinates in your Dimensional watch.
He gives you a hug and another kiss on the cheek, whispering the words. “Be safe. I love you.” before letting you swing down from his office.
You exited his office and blushed deeply, pulling up your phone, scrolling through your phone until you reach the picture in your camera roll.
It was a mirror selfie, Miguel’s hand wrapped around you waist with his chin on your shoulder. This was taken at his home after you came to visit him after a performance, which explained the attire you were wearing.
You go to your Instagram and take down the original, before reposting the full picture with the caption:
My Muse and My SuperHero &lt;3
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After you returned from your mission, you were met with a Laughing Jessica and a confused Peter.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?..” You asked as you walked up to them.
Jess stifled another laugh as she pointed to Miles, Gwen and Pavitr. “Seems like they saw your post.”
You looked over and locked eyes with Miles and You gave him a sheepish grin before taking off running, the young spider man following behind you.
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©kieranxvaletine 2023 <3 Hope you all enjoyed!
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elisfashionn · 4 months
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : billie eilish x fem!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Claire is best friends with billie eilish but what happens when she finds out she has a song written about their complicated relationship
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : alcohol
Billie was Claire’s best friend. She’s been by her side through thick and thin since birth. Finneas has watched the two grow up together and become closer each year. The girl has been there ever since Billie first released music in her bedroom. From her first song ‘Six Feet Under’ to her third album ‘Hit Me Hard And Soft’ coming out May 17th. Claire couldn’t be prouder.
She was currently getting ready to go to the release party for the album hosted by Interscope Records. She’s heard a few snippets of songs but Billie wanted her to hear the album in full along with everyone else. It wasn't like Billie to do that but Claire pushed it aside and it’s understandable since she’s not releasing any singles. The brunette was currently blow drying her hair while blasting Mac Miller from her speaker wondering about what the new music is going to sound like. After about 30 minutes and doing makeup she walked into her closet. The girl grabbed a basic tee along with some denim washed baggy skater jeans and finished off with a leather jacket and yellow lensed glasses. She grabbed her bag checking to see if she had everything with her (keys, makeup and other essentials) before heading to the friends and family listening party in LA.
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Liked by billieeilish, dominicfike, sza and 256,000 others
claire: Bae’s listening party is tonite.
billieeilish : ahhh so excited!
➥ claire: ily
User : so jealous! What’s ur fav?
➥ claire : i haven’t heard any yet!
User : tell billie i said hi
dominicfike: see you there
➥ claire : see ya
tarayummyy : midnight!!
It was a pain to find a place to park, she didn’t realize how many people were invited. Anxiety rushed through the girls body. So many thoughts were buzzing around ‘Who’s going to be there’ ‘How many people are there’ ‘What if I'm late’.
Her thoughts were broken as soon as she walked into the room. Billie stood there waiting to greet the girl, screaming with excitement.
“Oh my god you made it” she screeched making peoples heads turn towards them as she pulled Claire into a hug.
“I did! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” it was the truth. Anything Billie did the girl had her full support. “Are you excited to hear the album” pulling away from the hug she stared at the girls face for 10 seconds before replying. “Of course I am! It better be good because I didn’t get an input this time" "It’s amazing! I’m going to go speak to more people. I was waiting for you to get here before I spoke to everyone else” with that Billie walked off but not before winking at the girl and flashing her a smile.
Claire looked around and spotted a bar automatically wandering over to it to grab herself a drink before going around to say hi to everyone else. She spotted Finneas talking with Claudia and one other girl who she didn’t recognise. 
“Hey Claire!” The strawberry blonde boy shouted out towards her. Walking over with a drink in hand she side hugged the boy as well as Claudia. She awkwardly stood there while the other conversed in conversation before her eyes landed on Billie again watching her every move and the way she interacted with people. She was so caring and so accepting towards everyone. Claire always knew that the girl would go far with music everything about her screamed rockstar. That's what she loved about her. Everything.
The girls would both say that over time their relationship has become complicated. The two grew up spending so much time together that their friendship became more. No one knew apart from the both of them of what happened behind closed doors. However tonight that changed...
Her thoughts got cut short after hearing the feedback from the mic indicating that Billie was about to start playing her album. Finneas no longer stood next to her but instead up on the stage with his younger sister. There were blue velvet couches to match the theme of the album cover color on the floor and one on the stage which was for the two O’Connells.
“Thank you all so much for being here, this album means a lot to me. It’s different to most of the stuff I've released but this is to my third album and a new era” the girl held up her drink which was echoed by everyone else in the crowd.
The first song ‘Skinny’ played and to say Claire was in tears is an understatement. She was bawling her eyes out listening carefully to each lyric that blasted through the speaks. She related to this song more than she wanted to. Her and Billie talk about everything and she knew this one hinted to the chats you've had together late at night.
It wasn’t long until LUNCH blasted through the speakers. This was one she’s not heard before nor even been mentioned.
 “I can eat that girl for lunch, yeah, she dances on my tongue, tastes like she might be the one’
Claire’s mouth was hung open. She was not expecting that opening but all she could think about was who “She” was. The girl felt jealous and she didn’t know why. Afterall her and Billie never had a label on anything.
 ‘Call me when you’re there, Said I bought you something rare and I left it under… Claire’
If her jaw wasn’t already touching the floor it sure is now. Some random girl sat next to her shaking her shoulders in shock. She had no idea who it was but all she could focus on was those blue eyes which were staring right back at her smirks forming on both of their lips. 
‘Taste like she might be the one’ The rest of the album they didn't take their eyes off of eachother. Something felt different after hearing that song. Something clicked. Billie watched her carefully analyzing her for each song she heard. This didn’t go unnoticed by her brother who was sitting back and watching everything fall into place.
Blue was the last song on the album. Claire obviously knew this one as she was in the room when Billie first wrote it years ago. It made her feel so proud that she put this on the album knowing everyone was waiting for her. And with that the album ended. People started getting up to get more drinks from the bar and to also congratulate the 22 year old on her new release. 
The curly haired girl finally found the girl after an hour giving her the biggest hug ever. Everything she did Claire admired her. In her eyes she was perfect. She always looked up to her. 
“Billie… What was that?” The girl cupped the singer's face. “What was what!” Billie grabbed the other girl's hands resting on her face and dropped them down between them still holding hands. “It sounded amazing! I loved it so much, it's definitely my favorite album you’ve ever made.” The girl giggled. “AND LUNCH! C’MON NOW” Claire almost shouted which caused Billie to shush her to quiet down. “We can talk about that later at the afterparty” and with that the girl disappeared again.
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Liked by billieeilish, oliviarodrigo and 506,503 others
Claire: if anyone asks. The album is a work of art.
➥User: timezones…
Oliviarodirgo : If anyone asks. I’m not okay.
➥Claire: me neither bae
billieeilish : whos that hottie
➥Claire: idk you tell me xoxo
➥Billeeilish : its you xoxo
Claire was stumbling around Billie’s house after a few drinks talking to random people with the new confidence buzz. As always Billie threw a party after every release to celebrate properly. 
People are going round saying how good her album was, even though they weren’t at the listening party but listened at midnight. 
That’s when Claire felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around a bit too quickly, stumbling around everywhere before grabbing ahold of the person's arms in front of her. She soon realized who it was. Billie stood there asking to pull her for a chat.
“Hey” this time Billie seemed nervous to talk. Claire turned her full body towards Billie before saying “Hey.” They both just stared into eachothers eyes trying to figure out what to say until Claire broke the silence. “Is the song ‘Lunch’ about me”. All the brunette did was look at the floor. Speechless. “Obviously it is…” she then rambled on about everything until she got shut up with a kiss…
A/N : Let me know if you want part 2. I think my writing is improving. lol, let me know! Also feel free to give me plot ideas! This one is over the place. AND THIS IS BILLIES BEST ALBUM. IF ANYONE WANTS TO GET ME TICKETS TO EVERY SHOW FEEL FREE TOO. I've listened to Billie since 2017 and not seen her once but its ok. NEXT YEAR IS MY YEAR TO SEE HER.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{21} - Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor, Smut
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Slight focus on Wooyoung & Jongho)
Words: 9,260
Warnings: Exhibitionism/Voyerism, Oral (Fem. receiving), a shit ton of praise. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: This is my first time writing a smut like this, so please bear with me. I really hope you all enjoy it, I didn’t actually end the chapter how I thought it would end, but I'll just end the next one how I originally planned this chapter to end. That being said, I don’t think the next chapter will be extremely long then, but I will warn you, shit is about to go down. For now, enjoy this fluffy smut! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Main Story - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen - Part Fifteen - Part Sixteen - Part Seventeen - Part Eighteen - Part Nineteen - Part Twenty - Mini Masterlist
A low hum escapes your lips as you bury yourself deeper into the comfort of your warm blankets. It’s been about two weeks since you made up with Seonghwa, and currently, you’re taking things one day at a time. Now, they seem to have a council meeting every few days to see if any news has appeared regarding Miyeon and her two dangerous male partners. You don’t know why, but you have this ominous feeling that she’s going to act soon.
Just as you feel your subconscious fading once more into the land of dreams, you are reminded of what woke you in the first place.
The sound of buzzing coming from right beside your head has you groggily reaching towards your phone. Blinking a few times, you register faintly who’s calling you before you’re answering on the third ring.
“Reina?” Your voice is somewhat strained as you press your phone to your ear. “What’s wrong?”
A moment of silence before you hear her sniffling on the other end.
Immediately, your eyes are flinging open as you sit up in bed. Worry pulls at your features as you hear her crying over the phone.
“What happened?” You move the covers off of yourself, standing to your feet in an instant as you shove your slippers on.
“I-“ she sobs, “I-“
“NCT!” She sobs into your ear, and you find yourself breathing a sigh of relief.
“For fuck’s sake, Reina!” You playfully scold her. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“WayV’s comeback!” She continues. “It’s… it’s… immaculate!”
“And here I was thinking your ex tried contacting you again.” You huff, shaking your head.
“Have you seen the Phantom music video, yet?” She asks, completely ignoring your statement.
“No, I’ve been sleeping.” You retort, sitting back onto the edge of the bed. “You know, like I usual do at this time.”
“Oh, shut up. It’s already noon.” The way she rolls her eyes at you is clear in her tone. “You need to go and watch this music video right now.”
“Babes, I-“
“Winwin has lines,” she cuts you off.
A moment of silence passes over you once more as you blink.
“The fuck! Why didn’t you lead with that?” You’re back on your feet in an instant, speeding to the cinema room down the hallway.
“Now, do you understand why I called you in tears?” She hums, and you can just tell she’s quirking a brow at you as she sniffs through the line again. “Actually, hold that thought. I’ll ask you again once you’ve watched it.”
“Okay, okay, hold your horses,” you trap your phone between your cheek and shoulder as you begin to set everything up. “I’m just pulling up YouTube now.”
“Oh, I can’t fucking wait for you to watch this,” she cackles maniacally. “Just wait until you see your biases.”
“Oh, no,” you chuckle.
“Oh, yes,” she cackles again. “Put me on speaker, I want to listen to the song again, too.”
“Okay, okay,” you say, doing just that. Taking a deep breath, you select the video. “Here we go.”
The opening sound of the drums fills your ears, and immediately you’re greeted by Ten appearing on screen. You blink.
“Okay, he looks mighty fine,” you comment.
“Oh, just wait,” she replies, and you can hear the grin in her voice.
Little do you notice the three males who have now appeared in the room, watching the screen along with you as the scene unfolds before their very eyes. Only Jongho dares to get close to you for the moment. A fact which you take every advantage of as soon as you hear one of the males on screen start singing.
“Winwin has lines.” Your mouth falls open in shock, turning to grab Jongho’s shirt as you begin to shake him frantically. “Winwin has more lines!”
Who the fuck is Winwin? Seonghwa grumbles as he steps into the room, Hongjoong following in his wake to see you continuing to cling onto the front of Jongho’s shirt while both San and Yunho stand off to the side of the room.
I’m assuming the one that just sung with the low voice. Yunho replies, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Reina, you bitch!” You turn on your phone in the next second, hearing her laughing on the other end. “You didn’t tell me Kun is living his gothic vampire fantasy in this!”
“I knew you’d appreciate it!” She replies giddily.
Your eyes go wide just as the second verse starts, hand coming up to be placed directly over your heart in shock, “Yangyang?”
“He looks good, doesn’t he?”
“Have you seen my son?” You blink, quite a few times. “What happened to my son?”
“Your son has become a man, Miss Girl,” Reina teases. “Ah! Winwin!”
“It is too early for this shit!” The hand over your heart grips desperately at your shirt. “I woke up, only to be attacked.”
“WayV always delivers,” she agrees.
“The theatre kid in me is screaming,” you comment.
“And the throne of swords? Bitch, I will gladly sit in any one of their laps in that throne,” her voice comes through loud and clear, and you cackle. “You know I would.”
“I know you would,” you grin, shifting your position so you’re holding your one elbow in your hand for support as you continue to grasp your phone in your opposite one. “I’m just mesmerized by the metal claws.”
“Oh, yeah, you did have a thing for that, even with Lion by G-Idle,” she says. “I’m just surprised you haven’t commented on the eyes yet.”
“I was getting there,” you sit on the edge of the couch just as the bridge hits. “Oh, we stan Xiaojun’s high notes once more.”
“You’re honestly acting much calmer than I thought you would be right now,” Reina notes.
“Well, to be fair, I just woke up,” you tell her. “Still, doesn’t mean I’m okay.”
More maniacal laughter can be heard from the other end as the song comes to an end.
Taking a brief glance around the room, you notice all eight of them standing around with pouts on their faces. Some, like Wooyoung, San, Yunho, and Hongjoong all stand with their arms crossed, too.
“Now do you understand why I called you in tears?” Reina repeats her question from earlier, a knowing tone to her voice.
“Yes, yes,” you reply, waving her off slightly. “You still scared the shit out of me.”
“Oh, believe me, if it was my ex I wouldn’t have been in tears,” she jokes.
“I would hope not, but you never know,” you reply.
“So,” she continues, “tell me your thoughts.”
At her words, you notice eight pointed looks sent your way. You quirk a brow.
“WayV never disappoints,” you begin, sitting yourself further back on the couch for the moment. “Though I will say, completely missed opportunity with not putting them in corsets.”
A loud cackle is heard on the other end as you watch both Seonghwa and San practically stumble over in their spots.
“You and I both know they would have been too powerful in corsets.” Reina’s voice rings out.
“Still, fucking SM strikes again,” you tut, shaking your head. “The chorus reminds me of Seulgi’s solo.”
“Oh god, this better not be another ‘Sticker sounds like a revamped Don’t Call Me’ thing.” She teases.
“It did!” You argue. “The beat was just sped up!”
“Don’t talk to me about the recorder trill song.”
“Says the ‘Two Bitches’ apologist.”
“At least that song was good!”
“In what fucking universe is ‘Two bitches’ better than ‘Sticker’?” You reply, eyes wide despite the fact she cannot see you right now.
“Um, in every universe, bitch,” she scoffs, clearly rolling her eyes at you. “Anyways, as much as I’d love to hear more about what is sure to be your hour long rant on men in corsets, I have to go to work.”
“Reina!” You sigh, exasperatedly. “You phoned me!”
“Yeah, because you needed to be aware of the absolute masterpiece that is Phantom.” She replies, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“And it seriously could not have been sent in a text?” You huff.
“Clearly not!” She sasses back. “I may not be able to see you, but I know for a fact you’re sitting down right now.”
“Well, yeah, but-“
“Which part was it? Was it the flashing eyes? Ten? Kun’s gothic look? The metal claws? All of the above?” She giggles.
“Sounds like someone is projecting,” you mutter, leaning forward to hide your head in your hands.
“Guilty!” She laughs once more. “Anyways, I really have to go cause I may or may not have actually called you on my break. Talk to you later! Ciao!”
However, before another word of protest can leave your lips, she ends the call.
Little does she realize the storm she left you sitting in as eight males continue to stare you down in the cinema room. You let out a long sigh.
“Um, good afternoon?” You attempt a greeting.
“Winwin, huh?” Yeosang is surprisingly the first one to break the silence, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looks at you expectantly.
You shrug in your own defence, “he got fucking lines, finally.”
“Yes, I’m well aware,” Jongho grumbles, pouting as he sits beside you on the couch.
“Whoops,” you chuckle, somewhat nervously. “Sorry about that, bubs.”
Reaching over, you pat his arm comfortingly, noticing how he immediately seems to relax the slightest bit beneath your touch.
“Is this a common occurrence?” Yunho quirks a brow, leaning against the wall.
“With WayV and Reina? Oh, yeah,” you nod. “I’m honestly surprised it took her this long to call. Last time she called me ten minutes after the music video dropped because she ‘needed time to watch it again first.’”
“You seem much calmer than she is, though,” Wooyoung observes.
“I am still processing in my semi-awake state,” you reply honestly, touching the tips of your fingers together as you lean forward, resting your elbows onto your knees. “Then again, it’d be a lot worse if it were a VIXX comeback, or SHINee. Still, oof.”
“Oof?” Mingi repeats, eyebrows raised.
“It’s a good song!” You shrug, defending yourself. “The concept is great, and it’s been a while since the last WayV release, so…” Then, more to yourself, “I wonder what the b-side release will be…”
“B-side?” Hongjoong quirks a brow.
“It’s usually also a banger,” you nod to yourself as if remembering something. “Mmmh, Action Figure.”
Taking a look around the room, you let out a sigh.
“Look, if you’re going to be jealous about it, can you go and do it somewhere else?” You spare a glance at all of them and notice how Jongho, Mingi, Yunho, and Yeosang seem to relax the slightest. “It’s been a while since I’ve been this excited over an NCT comeback.”
The way you see both San’s and Wooyoung’s pouts deepen causes you to let out another sigh.
“Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t mean I don’t like them,” you remind them all.
“We know, Darling,” Jongho replies, leaning further back into the couch. “It’s just difficult to watch you practically drooling over other men.”
“Do you honestly all think I’ve never thought about any of you in such ways before?” Your question has an immediate silence settling over the room. “Why would I want people who don’t even know I exist over eight highly powerful, extremely attractive Kings?”
Eight pleased growls echo around the room.
“Look,” you exhale a long sigh, standing back to your feet, “if there’s one thing I need you all to understand, it’s that despite wherever it may seem that we are in our individual relationships, I am committed to you, not anyone else. Yes, I joke, and yes I tease, but I would never act on such things. Loyalty is something I value above anything else, and you’ve all had mine since I started falling for all of you.”
“You’ve had ours since before you came to us,” Seonghwa voices the thought on all of their minds.
You turn to face him, a soft upturn to your lips. “I know. That’s why I don’t get jealous. I mean, I usually don’t, anyways, but you don’t think I’ve realized that you all probably have your own little fan clubs of demons pining for your affection?” You chuckle, arms crossed in front of your chest. “Just because I have interests, doesn’t mean I’m going to up and leave you all at the drop of a hat.”
They remain silent for the moment.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go change, and then I’m going to come back and spend the day either binging anime or music videos because it’s been a while since I’ve done either.” You say, already moving towards the door. “You’re all welcome to join me-“ at the way Wooyoung’s eyes gleam, you’re quick to add, “not while I’m changing.” Your narrowed eyes zero in on the way his pout is immediately back on his face. “As I was saying,” you continue, “you’re all welcome to join me when I get back. I would be more than happy to finally share some of my favourite things with you.”
Before you give any of them a chance to respond, you’ve left the room.
Not even fifteen minutes later you walk back into the cinema room to see all eight of them sitting in different spots, seemingly waiting patiently for your return. You smile, a fact which immediately brightens the room.
“I’m glad you all stayed,” you say, nothing but honesty dripping from your words as you make your way back over to the one couch to sit between Jongho and Yeosang, much to the other’s disappointment.
“We are always happy to learn more about you, Dearest,” Yeosang replies as he watches you sit beside him.
“Then, I think it’s time to show you all of my favourite songs,” you grin, already cuing up the next video on screen. “Warning: not all of them are happy.”
“We would love that,” Yunho smiles at you from across the room.
“Good,” you return the look, “because my favourite songs reveal more about me than I ever could.”
Little do you realize how each male straightens the slightest bit at your words. The significance and meaning of you opening yourself up in such a way washes over each and every one of them, hearts swelling in their chests. Attentively, they watch the screen.
For the next two and a half hours, you show them your favourite songs and music videos. Sure, a few of them, like Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong all still get jealous when you praise certain people on screen, but you notice it’s nowhere near as bad as it was before. Looks like your words truly did reassure them more than you’ll ever know.
“You seem to have a thing for dancers,” Yunho quirks a brow at you from across the way, and you notice how Wooyoung perks up immediately.
“Do I?” You hum knowingly. “I thought I mentioned how I appreciate good dancing before.”
“Once or twice,” Mingi grins, shooting a look towards San, whom then both turn towards Wooyoung in the next moment.
“I’d be more than happy to dance for you sometime, Gorgeous,” Wooyoung meets your gaze, and you notice how he rests his head on his one arm as he turns his whole body to look at you from across the room.
“I’d love that,” you smile back, and instantly Wooyoung can feel his heart absolutely pounding in his chest.
Just then, your phone pings, and you notice it’s a message from Reina. Only, when you open it, your eyes nearly bug right out of your head. That is, until the corner of your lips are quirking upwards.
Subtly, you shift your phone to show Yeosang the picture that is now displayed on your screen, seeing as you’ve taken the liberty to lean against him as more time had passed.
His reaction is immediate, and you can feel the way his breath hitches in his throat as his whole body tenses beneath you. His grip around your waist tightens ever so slightly, and you don’t even need to look at him to know that his eyes are glued to your screen.
Fucking hell, she’s trying to kill me. With each second that passes by, Yeosang finds it harder and harder to control himself around you, his gaze still never leaving your phone.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho glancing towards you with a curious gleam in his own. So, of course, you turn your phone to show him now, too.
This time, his reaction is instantly verbalized as a low curse escapes his lips.
All heads turn to look at you. You quirk a brow, a knowing smirk pulling at your lips.
“Here,” you shift slightly, choosing your next target carefully, “catch.”
In an instant, you’ve tossed your phone at San, noticing how both Yunho and Wooyoung surround him on either side. Wooyoung’s eyes nearly bug right out of his head as he sees the photo onscreen, practically snatching the phone from San’s grip as he stares at the picture presented to him.
“What? What’s going on?” Mingi, oh so innocently, asks, sitting forward in his spot.
“See for yourself,” Yunho clears his throat, snatching the phone from an overly eager Wooyoung who whines as soon as the picture disappears from sight.
You notice San still sits frozen in his spot, hand still in front of his body as if he’s still holding onto your phone. You giggle.
I think the correct term is she’s trying to kill us. Mingi has to stop himself from physically panting once he sees the image appear onscreen in front of himself.
If one of you don’t tell us what’s going on right now- Hongjoong begins before being cut off by Mingi in the next second.
See for yourself, Mingi tosses your phone at his Captain, who catches it with ease.
Again, his reaction is immediate. Hongjoong’s breathing deepens, and you notice his eyes swirling with that all too familiar blackness as he glances up at you. Even the eldest fairs no better, a low growl escaping his lips as he leans over to see what his brothers have had the pleasure of observing before him. No wonder they’re all reacting this way.
There, shining on the phone’s screen rests your figure, posing for the camera in the most intricate corset they’ve ever seen in their lives. The way a sultry grin pulls at your painted lips only adds to the image, captivating them at every glance.
“You can swipe right, you know,” you chuckle.
“There’s more?” Seonghwa practically moans out, grip deadly on the cushion beneath his hand.
Your nod is all the confirmation they need.
Instantly, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung are all on their feet, practically stumbling over each other as they race to see the other photos in the set. Jongho and Yunho are more subtle about it, but you can tell there’s an eagerness to their steps as they surround the two eldest still sitting on the couch. Hongjoong still holds your phone in his hand, grip trembling the slightest bit as he begins to swipe through the photos onscreen.
Turning your head slightly, you notice how Yeosang hasn’t moved a single inch yet. You can tell how badly he wants to go look, though, for his entire body is the most ridged its ever been beneath your touch.
Catching his eye, you simply quirk a brow at him, shifting your weight so he can move. Instantly, he’s stood from the couch, shoving his way through his brothers to see the images on your phone.
“Now, who are the one’s drooling?” You chuckle once more, shifting yourself so that you’re laying on your side on the couch.
“My Love, you cannot blame us,” Hongjoong meets your gaze, his eyes flashing black for the briefest of moments.
“I never said I did,” you grin, supporting your head in your one hand as you prop yourself up by your elbow. “Gives me a huge confidence boost knowing I can affect you all in such a way.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Mingi breathes out, both him and Jongho looking towards you out of the corner of their eyes.
“We’ve never-“ Seonghwa clears his throat. “We’ve never seen you like this before.”
“And you’re the only ones that have,” you reply, a devious grin to your lips. “Well, other than Reina, of course. She’s the one that took the photos.”
“You mean…?” Yeosang turns to look at you next.
“I’ve never shown those photos to anybody,” you confirm with a slight nod to your head. “Granted, I almost forgot they existed until she sent them to me again just now.”
“How…?” Wooyoung trails off, glancing between you and your phone, as if he cannot decide where he wants to keep his gaze. He swallows thickly.
“She dragged my ass to a renaissance fair, demanded we try on corsets, and then begged me to take photos for her portfolio,” you explain. At the questioning looks they continue to send you, you chuckle once more. “Reina is a photographer.”
“You mean there’s more photos of you like this?” San sounds a little too eager as he says this.
“Perhaps,” you smirk.
“Where?” Hongjoong’s eyes are near wild as he shifts his gaze to yours once more. “When?”
“Woah,” you giggle, and it does nothing to help the way each male feels in this very moment, “you’re all acting like I showed you my nudes or something.”
“You have nudes?” Mingi’s mouth goes dry, lips parting as he attempts to control his breathing for the moment.
Your eyes widen dramatically, raising your one hand in front of you in your defence as they all turn to look at you eagerly. “No, I do not have nudes. Don’t go snooping through my phone trying to find them, either. You will be severely disappointed.”
The way their shoulders all visibly seem to droop has your eyebrows raising even further.
“I show you several photos of me in a corset and you all decide to start asking for nudes,” you tut teasingly. “And here I thought I was the needy one.”
“You know,” Yunho clears his throat, “if you need any help sorting out those needs, we are more than happy to assist you.”
If your eyes go any wider, and you think that your eyeballs will fall right out of your head.
Then, a teasing grin is pulling at your lips as you quirk a brow. “All of you?”
“All of us.” San replies, breathlessly.
“At the same time?”
An air of stillness settles over all of them as you watch them stiffen.
“At the same time.” Seonghwa confirms, voice barely above a whisper as he meets your gaze.
“So, you would be okay with that?” You inquire, nothing but curiosity reflected in your tone. “If I wanted more than one of you at a time?”
“If that is what you so desire,” Hongjoong confirms, chest rising and falling dramatically as he meets your gaze. “As long as it was us, and only us."
“We only want to please you, Dearest,” Yeosang breathes, voice low and airy.
You nod, the corner of your lips tugging upwards in a smirk. “So, if I said only one of you could touch me while the others watched, you’d all be okay with that?”
Eight low growls reach your ears as their eyes flash.
“If that is what you wanted, Baby, we’d be more than happy to oblige,” San’s voice is but a low drawl on his lips, nothing but desire shining within his eyes as he trails his gaze over your figure laying on the couch. Of course, he’s hoping that he’ll be the only one able to touch you right now while the others watch, if that’s truly what you’re implying is about to happen.
“Seeing you experiencing pleasure would be enough for any one of us, as long as we got to experience it with you.” Seonghwa breathes, eyes locked on your figure as his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
You cannot help it, your breath hitches in your throat, and you find yourself immediately sitting up. Crossing your legs over one another, you take the time to meet each one of their gazes, seeing nothing but sincerity and desire for you shining within their orbs. You swallow the sudden dryness in your throat.
“Whatever you want,” Mingi rumbles out.
“Whenever you need it,” Yunho adds, just as lowly.
Cautiously, Wooyoung takes a small step towards you. His eyes are the darkest you’ve ever seen them as he trails his gaze shamelessly over your body, locking in on the way your legs shift subconsciously the closer he gets to you.
“Please, won’t you let us experience you like this, Angel?” His voice is low, desperate as he comes to stand directly in front of your sitting form on the couch. Slowly, he begins to lower himself onto his knees in front of you, shaking hands reaching out to place them gently on your crossed legs. “I promise we’ll make this worth your while.”
“All we want is to please you,” San’s chest heaves with every breath he takes, dark eyes watching your every movement carefully.
“Say the word, Darling,” Jongho cannot tear his eyes away from yours as he slowly begins stalking towards you. “Say the word, and we’ll do everything in our power to please you.”
You lips part the slightest as you find yourself uncrossing your legs. The whole time, Wooyoung’s hands never leave your body, fingers subtly pressing into the skin of your lower thighs as his palms rest over your knees. His chest rises and falls dramatically as he can hear your heartbeat racing in his ears, along with the way your scent spikes with arousal. His eyes flash once more, and he knows for a fact that he isn’t the only one this affected by you right now.
“Please,” the word is a near whimper on his lips as he looks up into your eyes, “won’t you let us?”
You blink, swallowing thickly as you are surrounded by their lustful stares. You cannot deny the way your entire body heats beneath their gazes, a fire lighting in your veins as they continue to stare at you with nothing but desire in their eyes. This is just as intense for them right now as it is for you, and you cannot help the way need courses through you.
“Okay,” your response is but a whisper on your lips as you stand to your feet.
Collectively, their breaths all catch in their throat as they watch you shift your hand to undo the button on the front of your jeans.
“You mean…?” Seonghwa’s mouth goes dry, eyes flashing as he watches you meet his gaze.
“Yes,” you confirm, your own eyes flashing. “Two of you may touch me while the others watch.”
Wooyoung’s grip on you tightens, and he can feel his whole body tense. None of his brothers have to hear his thoughts to know that he’s just daring them to try and move him from his spot kneeling before you right now.
“Who-“ Wooyoung can barely get the words out to ask you which two of them you want to touch you. His whole body begins to tremble at the thought of being so close to you, yet you choosing someone else.
The grin that pulls onto your features says it all, “whoever else can get to me first.”
The way their gazes all flash black is instantaneous, growls resonating throughout the room as they spare glances at each other out of the corner of their eyes. You have half a mind to quirk a brow at them all until you feel a warmth standing at your back, pressing himself further into you as his arms wrap around your waist.
You notice Wooyoung smirk.
“Like hell I’m letting you have all the fun,” Jongho’s voice is low, right beside your ear as he leans into you. “If we do something you don’t like, you let us know right away, Darling.”
Your heart warms as a soft smile paints your features, “I will.”
Jongho’s hands begin to toy with the hem of your shirt as you feel Wooyoung slide his own up your thighs. Slowly, the elder of the two begins to drag the zipper of your jeans down, eyes locked on your own and searching for any signs of hesitance or discomfort. He finds none.
“May we?” Wooyoung’s voice is low, and you can feel the way his fingers shake against your skin as he barely hooks the tips beneath the waistline of your jeans.
Six pairs of eager eyes watch you closely from around the room, each male settling into a spot where they can see you clearly. They will savour this moment for eternity, for as long as you will allow them to indulge.
“You may,” you confirm. However, your hand on top of Jongho’s pauses his movements of stripping you of your shirt. “But, my shirt stays on. I’m not being the only one naked in a room full of eight men. Sorry boys, that’s one power dynamic I do not like.”
“As you wish, My Queen,” Jongho’s voice is low, nothing but a drawl on his lips as he releases the material of your shirt from his grip.
“Whatever makes you most comfortable, Dearest,” Yeosang smiles softly at you from across the room, and you notice all of them staring at you with such fond looks in their eyes.
“We are just happy to be sharing such a moment with you,” Yunho says, lips parting as he watches Wooyoung drag the material of your jeans down your legs.
“Our Queen,” San’s voice rumbles out, eyes flashing as he trails his gaze over your body.
Eight pleased growls reach your ears, causing a shiver to run up your spine. A fact of which both males holding onto you feel, making them smirk.
Jongho’s hands settle on your waist, thumbs gently stroking over your skin as Wooyoung helps you step out of your jeans. In the next moment, he hooks his fingers through the waistline of your panties, eyes shining as he meets your gaze once more. As soon as he sees you give him a nod of confirmation, he slowly begins to drag the offending material down your legs.
Again, a shiver caresses your spine at the feeling of his fingers trailing over your skin.
The full scent of your arousal begins to fill the room, echoed only by the low growls you can hear as they all take a deep breath. You can practically feel Jongho’s chest humming against your back as he pulls you the slightest bit closer into him for the moment.
“Fuck, you smell so good, Darling,” Jongho begins to nip at the skin of your ear, his voice but a low rumble. Several growls of agreement echo throughout the room. “Makes me desperate for a taste.”
The way your breath hitches is music to all of their ears.
“You’re not the only desperate one here, brother,” Seonghwa practically growls at the youngest, dark eyes trained in on the apex of your thighs.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Yunho smirk, licking his lips knowingly.
“What I wouldn’t give for a taste right now,” San pants, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he clings onto the couch he’s sitting on for dear life.
Never would you have expected the effect of feeling all of their hungry gazes on you like this. The desire alone you can see swimming beneath the blackness of their eyes sets your heart racing, feeling yourself clench around nothing the more comments that keep slipping passed their lips.
Glancing down once more, you see Wooyoung bring your panties up to his nose, inhaling deeply as a low groan escapes his lips. His whole body shudders as his eyes flash open, instantly captivating you at the darkness swirling within.
“Fuck,” he breathes, “just as perfect as I remember.”
You cannot deny the way your stomach twists in pleasure.
Slowly, you reach a hand out to cup the side of Wooyoung’s face in your palm, noticing how he immediately leans into your touch. You smirk.
“How about we let someone else enjoy these for now, hmm?” You hum, shifting your grip slightly to snatch your panties out of his one hand.
As soon as you right yourself, you see six pairs of eyes locked intently on your figure. Stepping out of the two youngest’s hold, you begin walking towards one male in particular who straightens in his seat.
Hongjoong can feel his heart absolutely pounding beneath his chest as you come to stand in front of him with those hooded eyes of yours. He swallows thickly, watching you with dark eyes of his own as you gracefully drop your panties into his lap.
You flick a brow at him teasingly, that damned smirk pulling at your lips as you drawl out an, “enjoy, Captain.”
Hongjoong has half the mind to pull you into his lap right this very second, and claim you in front of the others like he’s always desired. Oh, so badly does he want to grab you by the hips, and kiss you until you’re breathless, pleasing you until he is the only thing on your mind.
Alas, Hongjoong is a patient man, and he is more than content with this turn of events. Besides, he knows that when the time finally comes where he can finally make you his in every meaning of the way, it will be that much more sweeter.
Reaching down, he’s quick to grasp your panties in his one hand, feeling the jealous stares of his brothers on him as he shamelessly raises the material to his nose and inhales deeply.
A shuddering moan escapes him as your scent fully surrounds him, his fingers tightening subtly on the material in his hand. Hongjoong can feel his already semi-hard cock twitching beneath his slacks, dark eyes locked on your figure as you situate yourself between the two youngest once more.
As soon as Jongho’s hands are back on your waist, you feel him pulling you down onto the couch behind you. His chin rests on your shoulder, back pressed against his chest as he holds you in his lap. He smirks, hearing you let out a small gasp as you feel his hard cock pressing against your ass.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Wooyoung shift the slightest bit forward.
In the next second, Wooyoung’s hands are back on your knees, his thumb gently stroking over your exposed skin. You notice how your legs seem to be hooked around Jongho’s for the moment, and you have to swallow the sudden dryness in your throat as you feel them both beginning to spread you open for all to see.
The feeling of Wooyoung’s hands running up your inner thighs has another shiver caressing your spine, lips parting in a silent moan. The way Jongho’s thighs tense beneath you has you practically keening against him as you look down to see Wooyoung staring, completely transfixed, at your weeping entrance.
“Fuck, what a pretty pussy you have, Angel,” Wooyoung moans, fingers pressing that much firmer into your skin as he spreads you even further apart.
You cannot help the way you clench at his words, hearing several other low moans echo throughout the room.
“So fucking beautiful,” Mingi growls out, chest rising and falling dramatically with each breath he takes.
“So fucking perfect,” Yeosang groans, eyes fluttering shut as he absolutely revels in this moment right here, right now, with you.
“And all ours,” San practically snarls, eyes flashing black along with all of his brothers’.
“Our Queen,” Hongjoong’s voice is but a low growl as he continues gripping onto your panties for dear life, black eyes locked on the way your dripping entrance clenches around nothing once more.
An unabashed moan tumbles from your lips as your eyes flutter closed, leaning your head back to rest against Jongho’s shoulder.
“My Kings,” your voice is breathless as you practically whimper out those two simple words, but the effect is still immediate.
Eight pleased snarls fill your ears, hearing their breathing all deepen in the next moment. You even feel Jongho twitch beneath you, a fact which makes you smile.
This is everything they could have ever asked for, and so much more. The fact that you trust them enough to indulge in such fantasies with them, that you are allowing them to even see you in such a state, means more to them than you’ll ever know.
“Fucking hell, she looks so good like this,” Mingi pants, his whole body visibly shaking. “All spread out for us to see.”
“Look at her,” Seonghwa moans, fingers digging harshly into the couch beneath him as he attempts to maintain some form of control over his body for the time being. “She’s practically dripping, and we haven’t even touched her yet.”
“Just how wet is she?” Hongjoong asks the question on all of their minds, gaze focussing in on that pretty pussy of yours on full display for every single one of them.
Wooyoung meets your gaze for the briefest of moments, noting how you nod ever so subtly as he leans even further into you. As soon as he has your consent, he’s shifting his one hand, running a tender thumb over your dripping entrance and feeling just how wet you are.
Shamelessly, a moan tumbles from his lips, eyes fluttering shut as his hands begin to shake. The way your own chest rises and falls dramatically does nothing to help any of them right now.
“She’s soaked,” Wooyoung groans, eyes flashing once more as they settle on your weeping entrance.
“Pretty Baby,” San hums, drawing your attention to him to see him practically devouring you already with his eyes. “Are you enjoying this as much as we are right now?”
“Yes,” your answer is immediate, nothing more than a moan on your lips.
They all groan in response, and you feel Jongho twitch once again beneath you.
“Tell us, Petal,” Yunho’s voice rumbles out, low and seductive, as he draws your attention to him next. “Have you thought about this before? Have you fantasized about one of us touching you? About one of us pleasing you while the others watched?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you swallow thickly. “Yes.”
Eight pleased snarls sound around the room.
Wooyoung licks his lips, inhaling your scent deeply once more as he slowly begins to lean into you. His hands shamelessly trail up your thighs, fingers digging into the soft flesh there as his eyes dart to your own briefly. 
“Then, let me make all your dreams come true, Angel.” The warmth of his breath ghosts along the skin of your entrance, causing your whole body to tremble in anticipation. Yet still, he waits for your nod of confirmation.
The feeling of Jongho trailing his hands up your sides and beneath the material of your shirt makes it increasingly harder to think. Still, you manage to nod your head, a breathless ‘please’ falling from your lips in the next second.
The word has barely finished falling from your lips when Wooyoung’s are on you, tongue darting out to finally taste you after so long of simply fantasizing about it. At the same time, Jongho takes this opportunity to cup your breasts over your bra, giving them an appreciative squeeze.
Your reaction is immediate. Your eyes flutter shut as a low moan escapes your parted lips, head being tossed back onto Jongho’s shoulder. Your one hand instantly moves to tangle in Wooyoung’s hair, fingers tugging at his roots as he lets out an appreciative groan.
The second swipe of his tongue between your folds is synonymous with the way Jongho practically tears your bra off of you, tossing it somewhere in the room in the next moment. Your protest practically dies in your throat as you feel Wooyoung beginning to suck your clit into his mouth at the same time Jongho’s hands return to your breasts, kneading the tender flesh beneath his grip. In the next moment, his fingers move to pinch at your hardening nipples, eliciting another of the sweetest moans from your lips as he rolls them between his thumb and forefinger.
Your breathing comes in jagged pants, a low curse escaping you in the next moment as you feel Wooyoung laving his mouth over your entire pussy. He pulls you closer, moaning shamelessly into you as his eyes flutter shut.
“Is she as sweet as she looks?” Seonghwa licks his lips, eyes darting between the way Wooyoung devours your dripping entrance, and every beautiful expression you’re giving them right now.
“Sweeter,” Wooyoung moans, feeling you clench around his tongue in response.
“Fuck- look at you,” Jongho groans lowly in your ear, his teeth finding purchase on the skin of your neck in the next second. “Look at you getting lost in the pleasure only we can provide for you.”
Another whimper escapes your lips, fingers tightening their hold in Wooyoung’s hair as you pull him closer into you. A fact which he is more than happy to oblige.
“So fucking beautiful, Starlight,” Mingi growls out once more.
“No idea what you do to us,” Hongjoong snarls, gaze never leaving your figure for one second as he indulges in this moment right alongside his brothers.
“Our perfect Queen,” Yeosang’s voice rumbles out, low and sultry as you just manage to meet his gaze.
Wooyoung moans against you, feeling you clench once more around his tongue at his brother’s words. Greedily, he continues to lave his mouth over your wet cunt, tongue delving between your folds before coming up to flick at your clit. He can feel your sweet nectar flooding his every sense, absolutely loving the way you begin to drip down his chin as he sucks your clit into his mouth yet again. This is everything he could have ever wanted, and so much more.
Nothing could have prepared them for the next word that falls from your lips.
The eight snarls that greet your ears are unlike anything you’ve ever heard before.
“I don’t think I will ever grow tired of hearing you say that, Petal,” Yunho groans, his entire body visibly shaking as he continues to watch your face contort in pleasure.
“Oh, fuck- Wooyoung-“ your breath hitches as you toss your head back, thighs twitching slightly as both your hands now bury themselves in his hair. “Just like that.”
A pride unlike any other fills his chest as his eyes flash black, a pleased rumble reverberating against your core as he feels you pull him in closer. Wooyoung has to see you fall apart because of him. He just has to. So, he does what he does best. He pulls you even closer, redoubling his efforts as his tongue delves between your folds once more.
You find you can barely keep your eyes open, the pleasure thrumming through your veins drowning you in an ecstasy unlike anything you’ve felt before. The added fact that you can feel their heated gazes on you, noticing how most of them begin to stroke themselves over their pants in time with your breaths has your stomach twisting in pleasure. Never have you ever felt so desired before in your entire life, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
What makes this moment all the more intense is the love you can see dripping within their eyes as they continue to stare at you. You can feel it in your bones: they don’t view you as some object to them, but as their equal. Always, and forever, you are theirs, just as much as they are yours.
So, you decide to remind them.
“My Kings,” your voice is low, airy as you can feel your release building within you. You know you have their complete and utter attention as that coil continues to tighten within your lower abdomen, seconds away from snapping. “You’re mine.”
The words are barely out of your mouth when you feel your release washing over you like a wave upon the shore. Your eyes squeeze shut, a loud whine escaping you as your whole body trembles within both Jongho’s and Wooyoung’s hold. 
The grip you have on Wooyoung’s hair is deadly as he continues to ride you through your high, tongue greedily devouring every last drop you have to offer him of your sweet nectar. Even Jongho finds it difficult to catch his breath, chest rising and falling right alongside your own as he gently strokes his hands over your sides for the moment.
All that can be heard throughout the room is the sound of heavy breathing and your muted whimpers as Wooyoung laves his tongue lazily over your folds.
Slowly, Jongho begins to trail his lips over the side of your neck, placing tender kisses against your skin and muttering subtle praises into your ear.
“So beautiful,” he whispers, fingers digging into your hips. “So perfect.”
“You did so well for us, Angel,” Wooyoung hums, slowly trailing kisses over the skin of your inner thighs as he helps to calm you further, grounding you back to reality with every press of his lips against you. “For me.”
“Our Queen,” Seonghwa hums, looking towards you through hooded eyes. “Thank you, for letting us indulge,”
You smile faintly, still attempting to catch your breath as you are more than content to rest in Jongho’s arms for the moment.
“I didn’t realize that would be so intense,” you manage to get out, resting your one hand over your stomach. Briefly, you spare a glance around the room as a heat blooms on your cheeks. “Did you all, uh-“ you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat as you feel all eight pairs of eyes on you, waiting patiently for you to continue. “Did you all enjoy it?”
You can feel the way Jongho smiles against your skin as you see the others all glancing at you with nothing but a tender fondness in their eyes.
“More than you’ll ever know, My Love,” Hongjoong is the one who answers, speaking the thoughts on all of their minds. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, some of us need to change.”
Your lips part in mild shock, heart fluttering in your chest as you realize the implications behind his words. Now that you think about it, you do feel a small wet patch against your ass right where you had previously felt the press of Jongho’s hard cock.
“Oh,” you giggle, and again, the sound is like music to their ears.
In the blink of an eye, all of them except for both Wooyoung and Jongho disappear from your sight.
“Are you okay, Darling?” Jongho keeps his voice low as he leans into your ear for the nth time this afternoon.
“We didn’t push you too far, too fast, did we?” Nothing but concern is reflected in Wooyoung’s eyes as he lovingly runs his hand over the skin of your one thigh.
“Not at all,” you shake your head, a smile tugging at your lips. “I rather enjoyed that.”
The brilliant smile that paints Wooyoung’s features sets your heart racing in your chest. A look you’re sure is mirrored on Jongho’s face as he tightens his arms around your waist, hugging you to him as he buried his nose into the side of your neck.
“Next time, don’t tear my bra, though,” you poke Jongho’s one thigh, feeling the way he chuckles beneath you as he slowly closes your legs.
“I can just buy you a new one, Darling,” his voice playfully rumbles out.
“Or I can just make one for you,” Seonghwa reappears instantly, drawing your attention across the room. “I have quite a few ideas after today, anyways.”
“Let me guess,” you grin knowingly, “there’s a corset in there somewhere, isn’t there?”
“Guilty,” he chuckles, just as Mingi appears with a glass of water held in his hand for you.
Taking the glass, you thank him lightly. “Then, there better be one for each of you in that order of yours.”
Immediately, all of their eyes are on you.
“What?” You grin. “I’m not wearing one unless all of you wear one. Make them matching for all I care, but I’m serious about absolutely loving men in corsets.”
You notice all of them swallowing thickly.
“But of course,” Seonghwa breathes, just as the rest of his brothers reappear in the room.
“Anything for you, Dearest,” Yeosang smiles as he hands you a fresh pair of pants and underwear.
“Hehe,” you giggle as you take the clothes from Yeosang’s outstretched hands, “yay!”
A moment of silence settles over the nine of you as you move off of Jongho to slip your fresh pair of panties on.
“Oh, so you don’t want these back?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, your other pair held in his one hand.
You meet his gaze, blinking a few times at him in response. That is, until a devious grin is tugging onto your lips. “I told you to enjoy, didn’t I?”
The way you quirk a brow knowingly at him has him disappearing instantly, hiding your panties somewhere safe in his room before he reappears in the next second.
“No fair!” San whines just as both Wooyoung and Jongho reappear in the room with a fresh set of clothes on. “I want a pair, too.”
A laugh escapes you just as you slip your new pants on, noticing how he’s not the only one who wears a large pout on his face.
“Oh, relax, will you,” you tut teasingly at Mingi, San, and Wooyoung. ��I have more panties, you know.”
At your words, all three of them instantly perk up, and you notice Jongho attempting not to look too eager out of the corner of your eyes. You laugh once more as you sit back on the couch, muttering about your damn horny Kings all the while. A fact which makes pleased growls build in their chests yet again.
“Speaking of, you all really do owe a lot to Reina,” you chuckle. “How many times now has she instigated something between us without knowing?”
“So, she’s a photographer, huh?” San inquires, a grin tugging at his lips.
“How many more shoots have you done for her portfolio?” Yeosang asks, oh, so innocently.
“What other types of pictures has she taken of you?” Mingi inquires, an eager look shining in his eyes.
You quirk a brow, noticing how they all stare at you intently.
“Where’s my phone?” You chuckle, shaking your head slightly. “I’ll just get her to send me all of the photos when she has a chance.”
Instantly, Hongjoong has your phone in his hand, tossing it to you in the next second. A moment later, and you’ve sent the message off to Reina, telling her to send you all of your past photoshoots with her when she gets a chance.
The excitement you can feel radiating off of them alone has a smile tugging at your features.
“Now, we wait,” you hum, tucking your phone beneath your one thigh as you lean back on the couch.
“Well, hopefully she doesn’t call you crying about WayV again,” Wooyoung jokes, plopping down on the couch beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“She might,” you tease back, a playful quirk to your brow as you lean into him.
Little do you see the brilliant smile that takes over his features as you do so.
“You mentioned something about her ex making her cry?” Mingi’s brow furrows as he recalls your words from earlier.
Immediately, your expression is darkening. “That good for nothing bastard cheated on her. Twice. And then, had the audacity to both blame her for it, and then beg for her back in the next breath.”
“He still contacts her?” Seonghwa’s brow furrows in confusion.
“Sometimes, he tries to,” you reply. “But then he is, oh, so kindly reminded about what I would do to him if I ever saw his face again.”
“More of those delightful violent thoughts of yours, My Love?” Hongjoong grins, knowingly.
“The bloodiest,” you smile, not so innocently back. Then, more to yourself, “serves him right after what he did to her.”
At the few looks you see them sending you, you let out a small sigh.
“I have no sympathy for people like that. People who fall under the categories of the three worst things I believe you could do to another person.” You explain.
“Which are?” Yunho inquires.
“Cheating, for one.” You begin, holding up your finger in the air for emphasis. Then, you’re raising another finger as you list the second, “any form of sexual assault, or rape. I absolutely despise people who feel entitled to another person in any way, shape, or form.”
They nod, waiting patiently for you to continue.
“And the third thing?” Yeosang voices softly, swallowing the sudden dryness in his throat.
You meet his gaze, “making someone believe you have feelings for them, or are in love with them when you couldn’t care less about them.”
A silence settles over the room as the eight males all share a worried glance. They can tell from your body language alone that something happened which made you believe this. Something bad.
“Not even murder?” San jokes, attempting to lighten the mood.
You grin, “nope. Different circumstances. Sometimes, it’s in self defence. I would never despise someone for killing their abuser, or their rapist. Though, on the scale of things, it’d be close fourth, but again, depends on the circumstances.”
“Literally, you could not be more perfect,” Wooyoung sighs dreamily as he rests against your side.
“That being said,” you add, and you notice how you have all of their attention on you once again. You just want to know something, and your curiosity is getting the better of you for the moment. “If I ever wanted you guys to kill someone for me-“
“Done.” Hongjoong replies, a little too eagerly.
“Say the word, and its yours,” Seonghwa breathes.
“Woah,” you raise your hands as much as you can while being held by Wooyoung. “I was just curious, is all.”
“You know we would do anything for you,” Yeosang reminds you. “That includes disposing of or protecting anyone you tell us to.”
You blink, clearly caught off guard for the moment. “Duly noted.”
San takes this opportunity to sit on your opposite side, sliding his arm around your waist where Wooyoung’s hold is scarce.
“Whatever you want, whenever you need it,” he whispers lowly into your ear, successfully causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You reach over and pat his knee, a smile tugging at your features all the while as you shift your attention back to the screen in front of you “Now, if you don’t mind, a certain red-haired emperor of the sea is calling my name.”
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cherrythepuppet · 1 year
Puppets before Christmas [Part 3]
AU belongs to @cloudy-dreams [This is only going to have 5 chapters! Each is pretty long word wise ha ha]
"This has never happened before!" The clown Dog, Barnaby, said "It's suspicious!" A witch exclaimed "It's peculiar!" Another witch exclaimed "It's scary!" A vampire
"Stand aside!" Howdy yelled "Coming through! We've got find (Y/n)! There's only 365 days left till next Halloween!" Howdy announced "364!" someone in the crowd yelled
"Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check?" Howdy asked "I looked in every mausoleum!" Barnaby said"We opened the sarcophagi!"  "I tromped through the pumpkin patch!"
"I peeked behind the Cyclops's eye! I did! But They weren't there!" "It's time to sound the alarms!" Howdy yelled...."Frog's breath will overpower any odor" Wally mumbled as he poured the frog's breath into the pot but it smelled horrible and he began coughing
"Bitter!" He yelled while coughing "Worm's wart! Where's that worm's wart?!" He said as he searched the cabinets until he found the worms wort
"Wally, that soup ready yet?" Poppy asked "Coming!" Wally yelled as he poured the worms wort into the pot before getting a wooden spoon and bowl 
After a moment Wally walked upstairs to where Poppy was working "lunch" he said as he set the bowl in front of poppy "Ah, what's that? Worm's wart! mmm, and...frog's breath" Poppy muttered
 "What's wrong? I-I thought you liked frog's breath!" Wally replied "Nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath! Until you taste it I won't swallow a spoonful!" Poppy told him while she held the spoon out towards him
"I'm not hungry!" Wally lied as he knocked spoon onto the ground "Oops!" He mumbled before bending down to grab it "You want me to starve!? An old Woman like me who hardly has strength as it is. Me, to whom you owe your very life!" Poppy groaned 
Wally moved the wooden spoon to hide it under the table before he pulled out a trick spoon from his sock then he stood up "Oh don't be silly" Wally chuckled He ate the soup with trick spoon "Mmmm, see. Scrumptious!" He said, Poppy was still skeptical but she at Ate soup...
"Did anyone think to dredge the lake?" Howdy asked "this morning!" Barnaby yelled then everyone went quiet As they could hear the sounds of faint meowing Everyone then looked in the direction of the meowing "(Y/n)'s back!" someone exclaimed
"Where have you been?" Howdy asked"Call a town meeting and I'll tell everyone all about it!" (Y/n) told him "When?" Howdy asked "Immediately!" (Y/n) yelled"Town meeting, town meeting, town meeting tonight, town meeting tonight!" Howdy announced as he drove around in his truck...
"Listen everyone. I want to tell you about Christmastown!" (Y/n) told the town as Music began playing
"There are objects so peculiar They were not to be believed All around, things to tantalize my brain It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe Like a most improbable dream But you must believe when I tell you this It's as real as my skull and it does exist Here, let me show you This is a thing called a present The whole thing starts with a box!" "A box? is it steel?" "Are there locks?" "Is it filled with a pox?"
"A pox How delightful, a pox!" "If you please Just a box with bright-colored paper And the whole thing's topped with a bow!" "bow? But why? How ugly What's in it? What's in it?" "That's the point of the thing, not to know!""It's a bat Will it bend?" "It's a rat! Will it break?" "Perhaps it s the head that I found in the lake!" "
Listen now, you don't understand That's not the point of Christmas land Now, pay attention We pick up an oversized sock And hang it like this on the wall!" "Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot?" "Let me see, let me look!" "Is it rotted and covered with gook?" "Um, let me explain There's no foot inside, but there's candy Or sometimes it's filled with small toys!"
"Small toys?" "Do they bite?" "Do they snap?" "Or explode in a sack?" "Or perhaps they just spring out And scare girls and boys!" "What a splendid idea This Christmas sounds fun I fully endorse it Let's try it at once!"
"Everyone, please now, not so fast There's something here that you don't quite grasp Well, I may as well give them what they want And the best, I must confess, I have saved for the last For the ruler of this Christmas land!"
"Is a fearsome Queen with a deep mighty voice Least that's what I've come to understand And I've also heard it told That She's something to behold Like a lobster, huge and red When She sets out to slay with her rain gear on Carting bulging sacks with her big great arms!"
"That is, so I've heard it said And on a dark, cold night Under full moonlight She flies into a fog Like a vulture in the sky And they call her! Sally Claws!" Everyone was cheering as (Y/n) walked off "Well, at least they're excited But they don't understand That special kind of feeling in Christmas land Oh, well..." They mumbled
"You've poisoned me for the last time you wretched Doll!" Poppy yelled before she locks Wally away and a loud dingdong"Oh my head...the door is open!" She said
"Hel-lo?" (Y/n) yelled "(Y/n) Skellington, up here my Friend!" Poppy exclaimed "Dr. I need to borrow some equipment!" (Y/n) told poppy "Is that so, whatever for?" Poppy asked
"I'm conducting a series of experiments" (Y/n) explained "How perfectly marvelous! Curiosity killed the cat, you know!" Poppy said with a small laugh But that made (Y/n) frown "I know" They grumbled
"Come on into the lab and we'll get you all fixed up!" Poppy added, Wally heard everything as he was leaning aginast the door "Hmm. Experiments?" He asked quietly"Otoo, I'm home!" (Y/n) yelled as they began to set up all their science equipment then began working
"Interesting reaction....but what does it mean?" (Y/n) groaned before they heard a knock? At the window?(Y/n) walked over to the window and saw a basket hitting it, they opened the window and looked down to see the blue haired Ragdoll
Wally smiled at (Y/n) making their skull turn a small shade of grey, (Y/n) waved at Wally before taking the basketThey looked down but Wally was gone...After Wally gives (Y/n) them the basket and sneaks off He picks a flower which turned into a Christmas tree then catches on fire
"Something's up with (Y/n) Something's up with (Y/n)! Don't know if we're ever going to get Them back! They're all alone up there Locked away inside Never says a word Hope They haven't died Something's up with (Y/n)! Something's up with (Y/n)!"
"Christmas time is buzzing in my skull Will it let me be? I cannot tell There's so many things I cannot grasp When I think I've got it, and then at last Through my bony fingers it does slip Like a snowflake in a fiery grip Something here I'm not quite getting Though I try, I keep forgetting Like a memory long since past Here in an instant, gone in a flash What does it mean? What does it mean?"
"In these little bric-a-brac A secret's waiting to be cracked These dolls and toys confuse me so Confound it all, I love it though Simple objects, nothing more But something's hidden through a door Though I do not have the key Something's there I cannot see What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean?"
"Hmm... I've read these Christmas books so many times I know the stories and I know the rhymes I know the Christmas carols all by heart My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart As often as I've read them, something's wrong So hard to put my bony finger on Or perhaps it's really not as deep As I've been led to think Am I trying much too hard? Of course!"
"I've been too close to see The answer's right in front of me Right in front of me It's simple really, very clear Like music drifting in the air Invisible, but everywhere Just because I cannot see it Doesn't mean I can't believe it You know, I think this Christmas thing It's not as tricky as it seems And why should they have all the fun?"
"It should belong to anyone Not anyone, in fact, but me Why, I could make a Christmas tree And there's no reason I can find I couldn't handle Christmas time I bet I could improve it too And that's exactly what I'll do Hee,hee,hee!" (Y/n) pushed open the windows "Eureka!! This year, Christmas will be ours!" they exclaimed as the town began to cheer but Wally looked worried...
"Patience, everyone! (Y/n) has a special Job for each of us! Dr. Poppy, your Xmas assignment is ready. Dr. Poppy to the front of the line!" Howdy announced "I knew it! Dr. thank you for coming! We need some of these!" (Y/n) said as they showed a picture of Santa and sleigh
"Hmm.. their construction should be exceedingly simple. I think" Poppy mumbled "How horrible our Xmas will be!" Howdy exclaimed"No--how jolly!" (Y/n) corrected making Howdy switch faces "Oh, how jolly our Xmas will be..." He said befire he gets pelted by rocks then sees the three trick or treaters
"What are you doing here?!" He asked"(Y/n) sent for us!" Julie grinned "Specifically!" Frank said "By name!" Eddie added "(Y/n)! (Y/n) it's Home's Henchpeople!" Howdy yelled
"Ah, Halloween's finest trick or treaters. The job I have for you is top secret. It requires craft, cunning, mischief!" (Y/n) told the three"And we thought you didn't like us, (Y/n)!" Eddie said with a laugh "Absolutely no one is to know about it. Not a soul. Now!" (Y/n) replied
(Y/n) whispered the plan to them before speaking louder nkw "And one more thing -- leave that no account Home out of this!" They demanded "Whatever you say, (Y/n)!" "Of course (Y/n)!" "Wouldn't dream of it (Y/n)!"all said with their fingers crossed before they ran out of the town and to a small little tree house
"Kidnap Mrs Sally Claws!" "I wanna do it!" "Let's draw straws!" "(Y/n) said we should work together!" "Three of a kind!" "Birds of a feather!" "Now and forever Wheeee La, la, la, la, la Kidnap the Sally Claws, lock her up real tight Throw away the key and then Turn off all the lights!"
"First, we're going to set some bait Inside a nasty trap and wait When She comes a-sniffing we will Snap the trap and close the gate!" "Wait! I've got a better plan To catch this big red lobster Star! Let's pop her in a boiling pot And when She's done we'll butter her up!"
"Kidnap the Sally Claws Throw her in a box Bury her for ninety years Then see if She talks!" "Then Mr. Home Can take the whole thing over then He'll be so pleased, I do declare That he will cook her rare!" "I say that we take a cannon Aim it at her door And then knock three times And when She answers Sally Claws will be no more!"
"You're so stupid, think now lf we blow her up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then (Y/n) will beat us black and green!" "Kidnap the Sally Claws! Tie her in a bag Throw her in the ocean Then, see if She is sad!" "Because Mr. Home is the meanest guy around If I were on his list, I'd get out of town!"
"He'll be so pleased by our success That he'll reward us too, I'll bet!" "Perhaps he'll make his special brew Of snake and spider stew Ummm! We're his little henchmen and We take our job with pride We do our best to please him And stay on his good side!"
"I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb!" "I'm not the dumb one!" "You're no fun!" "Shut up!" "Make me!""I've got something, listen now This one is real good, you'll see We'll send a present to her door Upon there'll be a note to read Now, in the box we'll wait and hide Until her curiosity entices her to look inside!" "And then we'll have her One, two, three!"
"Kidnap the Sally Claws, beat her with a stick Lock her up for ninety years, see what makes her tick Kidnap the Sally Claws, chop him into bits Mr. Home is sure to get his kicks! Kidnap the Sally Claws, see what we will see Lock her in a cage and then, throw away the key!"
"Sally Claws..hahaha!" Home exclaimed.....
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charmante-mp3 · 26 days
don't worry babe
-- Day 12; Against a Wall (Kang Yeosang x Fem!Reader)
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Kinktober ML Main ML Warnings; Oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex (NO NO), Yeosang's kind of rough, small breeding kink (maybe?). A/n: I'm not gonna lie this took me months- 2k
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After one of many of the infamous Ateez parties, something shifted in the air with Y/N and the group. Specifically Yeosang, they all knew something happened between the two. Neither of them had interacted with each other within the past week. 
“So are we gonna talk about the fact that Yeosang and Y/n haven’t been seen together at all this week?” Mingi asked the group, minus the two he just mentioned. Silence filled the room, none had any clue but took notice of it just as much. Minus Wooyoung’s loud conspiracy.
“D’you think they finally fucked?”
“Wooyoung what the fuck?” That was unexpected.
“Oh… Hey Sangie!” At Yeosang’s sudden entrance, Wooyoung dipped out behind the group. 
“What’s up with you and Y/n?” Yunho asked, trying to save the almost fuming Yeosang.
“Nothing,” The group started to assume it was an argument, the turmoil in Yeosang’s eyes only fueled that assumption. 
“Alright everyone back to their own business, come on we’ve got a busy day,” Hongjoong pushed everyone along except Seonghwa and Yeosang. The leader threw a look at the eldest member before following the crowd.
“What really happened, Yeosang?” Seonghwa asked this time, in a more calm and sincere tone rather than Yunho’s picking. The younger male sat in silence with himself, deciding to just tell him.
“I told her,”
In the back of the house, away from all the bodies, music, alcohol, and socialization, Y/n and Yeosang sat in a room together. Laughing at the recent antics of their group. 
“Wooyoung is so blunt, and for what?” Y/n complained, earlier today Wooyoung had told her to change cause ‘blue didn’t go with her hairstyle’ or something. Yeosang was so dazed he could barely understand the woman next to him. He just liked listening to the sound of her voice, she didn’t have to know how hard it made him when she whined a little too much. That exact thought is what brought Yeosang back from his cloud nine. How could he think that about his best friend? 
“Are you listening?” Yeosang’s head snapped over to the woman, eyes wide and face flushed. 
“What’s on your mind Sangie?” She teased. With alcohol buzzing in both of their systems, Yeosang said something he hasn’t stopped thinking about. 
“Just wondering when you’ll be mine,” Y/n froze at those words. ‘Oh shit,’ was the only thing Yeosang could think of the next morning he woke up. Frankly, he didn’t know what happened after the confession. All he knows you completely ghosted him and now here he is in the Ateez house with Seonghwa. 
“You haven’t texted her?” Seonghwa asked, it’s not like the group hadn’t noticed you two getting closer than just ‘friends’. Wooyoung didn’t say such an absurd sentence without reason.
“I mean she hasn’t texted me,” Yeosang said, albeit quietly. 
“Then just text her, the worst she can do is read it,” And with that Seonghwa also took his leave. Hongjoong was right, everyone had a busy day but this was a lazy day for Yeosang. His phone stayed in his hand for a ridiculous amount of time before sending a quick text to Y/n.
“Can we talk, really Yeosang?” A wide eyed Yeosang was met with a dressed up Y/n. He was propped on his bed when she walked into his room, having been here countless times. 
“Is there a party tonight?” He asked, taking in her outfit and forgetting all about what he needed to say. 
“Yes? Is this why I haven’t heard from you all week? Do you know what day it is?” Yeosang checked his phone, Saturday exactly a week from the night he blurted out nonsense. 
“You have fifteen minutes till it starts,” Y/n deadpanned at him, noise slowly started to overcome the house. With that Yeosang popped up, slipping on a shirt and walking out with his arm slung around her. A natural habit he picked up every time she’d pop into his room before a party like this would start. 
“Nope, no alcohol for you until you explain your babbles last week,” She pushed the red solo cup away from him, and the habits Yeosang developed withered away and his touch fell from hers. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He sounded unsure about himself. Suddenly, Y/n grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the closest room which happened to be Hongjoong’s at home music studio. 
“What did you say?” She asked him.
“I’m pretty sure it was just drunk babbling,” His voice trailed off, he could see a glint of sadness behind them. Unsure of what he had done, Yeosang kept his mouth shut. For once in their lives, uncomfortable silence clouded over the two. Y/n would’ve left at this realization, the confession Yeosang spilled to her last week had no meaning, but he was blocking the door. 
“I don’t remember what I said, but I’m pretty sure I know what I wanted to say,” Yeosang had made up his mind, he’d have to clear up everything and make sure he told her sober. 
“I’ve been in love with you since freshman year,” Two years he’s waited to say that, two years since they met at the first college party of their freshman year. Now, they were juniors each majoring in their own field of arts. 
“And the part about splitting me open if you could?” Yeosang’s legs almost gave out, along with his breath. 
“I said what?” The taller male spluttered out, he would never be able to drink again. His heart pounded in his chest at this realization, but a rising smirk from the woman caused a stir in his stomach. 
“You told me how much you’d love to see me fall apart under you. Wanted to see how well I could take your dick,” She listed off every drunken confession that left his lips that night, each one growing lewder. Yet, with each admission she took small steps closer to the male. 
“I think maybe you’re overexaggerating-” Yeosang was stopped by a thumb on his lips.
“You’re not even gonna let me tell you my favorite one?” Her thumb was now toying with his bottom lip. Rubbing her nails over the soft flesh before she spoke again.
“You said you wanted to see me squirt all over your dick? Do you remember Yeosang?” She looked up at him through her eye lashes, so innocently. 
“What do you say Yeosang, will you let me?” That question took Yeosang off guard.
“What do you mean?” He asked the woman as she pushed closer to him, her plump chest now pressed against his. 
“I want you to fuck me, Yeosang,” His face exploded red but he could feel the growing ache in his pants, getting tighter and tighter as the realization set in.
“Was that too much?” A timid voice broke him out of disbelief, but his actions spoke louder than words. Yeosang was quick to move, pulling her towards him before slotting his lips on hers. His hands found solace on each side of her face as the kiss proceeded to get deeper. He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for more access to her mouth. He started to push her further in the room until they paused. 
“Where’s Hongjoong’s couch?” Yeosang asked, knowing there was usually a couch in the studio, even his chair was gone. Y/n’s mood almost soured as she thought the moment was ruined, her hands still wrapped around his neck. In a split second, Yeosang grabbed her face.
“Jump,” His voice was raspy and deeper than normal, almost sounding like a growl. Y/n hesitated wondering if that was even possible, Yeosang was usually a patient person but, right now his patience was gone. 
“Tell me you still want this,” He whispered to her. The woman nodded her head. 
“I need words love,” 
“Please Yeosang,” Instantly Yeosang bent down. His arms wrapped around her legs just under the butt before lifting her and pressing her against the wall. He spread her legs wrapping them around his waist and his lips made their way to hers once again. As Yeosang held her up, Y/n’s hands unwrapped from his neck and traveled them down to the belt wrapped around his waist. She pulled it apart, the buttons on his jeans being the next target. 
“I’m gonna put you down for a second, but you’re going back up against the wall,” Yeosang spoke as he pulled away from her. Softly he let her down, before beginning to undress himself and Y/n did the same. Soon she was pushed back against the wall, Yeosangs’ shaft now pressed against her cunt soaking it with her juices. Unexpectedly, Yeosang had pushed her higher up the wall, his face now inches away from her cunt. His mouth sucked at her clit before shoving his tongue in her hold, gathering the slick. At this action, Y/n’s head fell against the wall experiencing a pleasure she’s never quite felt before. His tongue slipped out as his mouth went back to her clit, this went on a few more times before Y/n felt that familiar coil in her stomach.
“Yeosang,” Her voice wavered as her words mixed with moans.
“I’m close,” She heard the man growl setting off her orgasm, she spasmed her whole body shaking. He slowly sat down the woman, her legs shaking as she struggled to stand. It didn’t last long as Yeosang had spun her around, lightly pushing her head against the soundproof wall. Two fingers had made their way into her pussy stretching it ever so slightly, he tested a third and as it slipped in he ripped them out. Y/n whined at the loss of his hand, but something had proded at her hole once more and she pushed herself back. Yeosang slowly pushed himself into her, seething at the sensation. He stilled, trying to let the woman adjust but as she pushed further into him Yeosang lost control. He pulled out before slamming back in, ripping a loud high pitched moan from her. Proceeding to find the perfect angle and once he did, Y/n got louder with each thrust. She tried to grasp the wall but the panel wasn’t helping. Yeosang could feel the constant fluttering of her pussy, her walls sucking him in as quiet moans left his mouth. Y/n couldn’t even warn the man before she came for the second time that night. Once Yeosang realized she was coming undone, he pulled away from her before shoving his hands back into her cunt. He curled his hands against her gummy walls, Y/n experiencing the first sense of overstimulation. His other hand wrapped around her and his fingers found her clit, rubbing the small bundle of nerves in circular motion. Y/n tensed as she once again felt a sensation never felt before, her mind went blank as she came for a third time. Unknowingly, the woman had soaked Yeosang and Hongjoong’s floor. 
Yeosang still wasn’t done, once she came back to her senses the man shoved himself back into her cunt. His thrust was slower this time, trying not to overwhelm her too much. 
“Fuck!” Without warning Yeosang came as she had her fourth orgasm of the night. As he pulled out, a mixture of their cum spilled down her legs and Yeosang almost got hard once again. He dressed the woman as she calmed down after luckily finding tissues to clean her up. Once they were both dressed again, Yeosang sat on the floor with the girl as her legs gained feeling, and then a banging knock sounded on the door. 
“You did not just fuck in my studio!” Hongjoong’s voice echoed from the door and they noticed the music no longer playing. Yeosang and Y/n looked at each other, eyes wide. 
“So what lie are we coming up with?” Y/n asked the man.
“I don’t know if we're getting out of this one babe.”
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theaudacitytowrite · 11 months
White Light
Dean Winchester x Reader
A/N: Wrote this in like an hour after listening to Oomph's "Das weiße Licht" (the white light). I don't know why but every time I'm in my Dean Winchester feels, I always retreat to Oomph's music... I'm still convinced that Dero Goi would've been the perfect pick for the German voice-over for Dean.
Summary: Dean wakes up after a hunt that went wrong.
warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, injuries ...hospitals?
word count: 895
[Read it on AO3]
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Dean was still a little disoriented as he woke up, his head pounding. The last thing he could remember was Sam and you calling out his name in panic. And then it went dark.
His vision slowly started to become clearer again as he blinked repeatedly. He slowly started to understand that he seemed to be in a hospital, the harsh neon lights hurting in his eyes.
"You idiot." your voice suddenly resounded from the entrance of his room, stirring his attention directly to you.
"Y/N." he smiled, happy to see you. Your face was puffy, your eyes red-rimmed, irritated from your salty tears. You must've cried a lot while you worried about him.
"How could you do this to me? To Sam?" you croaked as you inched further into the room with shaky steps. Dean saw all the anguish and worry written all over your face. It tugged on his heartstrings. He didn't like to see you this upset.
"Hey, I'm ok." Dean tried to soothe you with a soft and reassuring smile, motioning you to come closer.
You swallowed hard, tears starting to roll down your cheeks.
"Y/N, c'mere." Dean cooed, trying to coax you closer and finally be in his arm's reach. He held out his arm, inviting you to take his hand. "Everything's alright." Dean hummed reassuringly, watching you creep closer hesitantly. "Soon, I'll be out and about again, pestering you as always." he chuckled. He wanted to make you smile... but instead, you broke out into heavy sobs.
"This isn't fair." you huffed out, swallowing hard.
"What do you mean?" Dean hummed bemusedly. Maybe he had hit his head harder than he thought. Had he forgotten something important? Had he betrayed his brother and you? It couldn't be. It sounded nothing like him.
"This isn't right. It's just not fair." you cried out, trying to wipe away the never-ending flood of tears.
"Love, what do you even mean?" Dean hummed emphatically.
"It should've been me," you whispered meekly.
"Hey! Don't say that!" Dean snapped harshly, his brows furrowing at you. He sat up in his bed, dangling his feet over the edge. "Don't... don't say that," he repeated, swallowing hard, trying to calm down again. "What happened, happened... it's in the past now. I mean, look at me." Dean smiled at you warmly. "I feel just fine. I barely got a scratch. See?" he got up, examining his arms and legs as he shuffled over to you in his hospital gown, proudly showing you his unscathed body.
"I'm fine," he repeated, smiling sweetly at you. But you didn't seem to be convinced. He felt like you were staring past him, probably still traumatized from whatever had happened to him earlier. Silent tears were running down your cheeks as you just stood there.
"Darling... I don't wanna be a dick, but I'm the injured one here..." he chuckled, wanting to lighten the mood, "You really gonna make me walk over there and hug you?" he asked teasingly, raising a brow at you. But you didn't answer. You didn't even move a single muscle in your face.
"Oh, come on, Y/N. You can be mad at me later. Right now, Imma need a hug." he grinned as he approached you purposefully, opening his arms to embrace you.
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly and instinctively nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
He tensed.
Something was off.
He couldn't feel the soft pressure of your body pressed against him as usual.
His eyes snapped open immediately at the absence of familiarity. He looked down on you in bewilderment. Dean watched as his hands didn't touch you... they just slipped through your form.
"...what?" his breath picked up as he started to panic.
He stepped back, looking at his hands before his eyes darted to your face again. Your eyes were looking through him instead of acknowledging his presence. Dean slowly stepped to the side, following the line of your gaze.
His breath got caught in his throat as he saw his body lying there on the hospital bed. A pipe came out of his mouth through which oxygen was being pushed into him so his chest would rise. A multitude of cables and tubes were scattered all over his body as the machines watched over him, trying to pump new life into his body. His face was swollen and blue, battered beyond recognition.
Dean let out a breath he had held in... if he truly could call whatever left his throat a breath...
He looked back at you as your face distorted into agon. You finally found the strength to approach his hospital bed.
"Oh, Dean..." you sobbed, "You can't just leave me like this."
Dean watched as you sat at his bedside, holding onto his hand while your other hand gently caressed his hair.
"I won't, Y/N." Dean tried to reassure you, but it fell on deaf ears.
"I love you, Dean." you hiccupped.
"I love you, too..." Dean replied dejected, feeling his throat constrict.
Dean watched you for a while as you cried until your tears ran dry. He watched as the emotional exhaustion overwhelmed you and you fell asleep next to his body.
He stayed at your side, determined to not leave you. He gently petted your hair while your head rested against his shoulder.
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The song:
Taglist: @hellowgoodbye @tommie-gvf @loz-3 @whorefordean @kayful00595
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Divider by @talesmaniac89
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slavghoul · 2 years
Interview from Classic Rock Magazine #309
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What stands out in your memories of 2022?
TF: Going back to touring was a fantastic feeling! In the beginning it felt almost unreal; still with a bit of restriction, which was kind of unintuitive, but the last tour we did, in August/September, was as good as normal. We released the record when we said we would, we managed to back it up with seventy shows. We cancelled one show in total. That's a good result.
Impera has dark, historically rooted themes, but it's also music that makes the listener feel so many things - joy, aggression, excitement, sorrow... After such a turbulent couple of years there's something cathartic about that.
I am very happy about how the record came out, and that it seems to be well-received among our fans. That's a tremendous feeling. I feel like I managed to do a lot of things I set out to do. We're gonna continue next year, we still have a lot of things to do. But right now we're just recharging a little.
Kaisarion has been a hit live. For a song about the brutal murder of a female Roman philosopher, it really gets the party going.
Yeah, I'm still surprised that with a song that does what it does - and was so well received and opened up the shows - there's never been talk about turning it into a single. Which I don't understand. But at the end of the day it's a label decision, and people around that decide which ones will, quote-unquote, 'work best'. And I've realised that I'm not really capable of choosing. I remember Mary On A Cross was a B-side.
It's weird how that happens with some songs.
Yeah, I must say I feel very optimistic with regards to how that song is taking a life on its own. Even though it was technically a B-side on a fun additional thing [2019's Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic] - it was not our main single from a new album we have always played it ever since it came out, on every show. Maybe a few exceptions, but I've always pushed that song as something that I felt very good about.
On that subject, you're viral on TikTok now. What is it about that platform that appeals?
I hardly knew what it was until two months ago! I have two almost fourteen-year-old kids, so of course I'd heard the phenomenon mentioned. It's an insanely big thing among kids and teenagers. What happens is they create these short snippets, funny, sad or emotional clips, to which they often tag some sort of music or sound. And if you are a creator of sound or music, you might be tagged on to a clip that might go 'viral'. That way you hit a lot more people that you might never entertain, you know, aiming your guns at. So it's a bit of a crap-shoot as well. We are not a big mainstream act, so obviously there's going to be a mixed bag of reactions. Because people in general are kind of strange to a lot of these aesthetics of rock, and especially the darker aspects of it.
It has brought the band more attention.
But if all that attention is a good or a bad thing, we do not know yet. There have been people who might have come on to the track, and as soon as they see what the band is about - or what they perceive the band to be about - there's backlash, because it's like: "Oh my, God fearing hater!" "I don't like it!" "This is communist bullshit!" So there are two sides of the coin. But it's a great bonus if we can get new people, especially kids, into liking rock music or other things, or if it makes them feel in any way better-informed, if you will.
Do you think TikTok will be a bigger deal for musicians in the future?
I don't know. I think when you're a musician, and you're making records, you need to have a certain strategic mind. But your job at the end of the day is making records and playing live. That is the heart of the matter. If you sit around waiting for a viral thing to happen, you can wait a long fucking time.
Back in May, the identities of the Nameless Ghouls were confirmed on social media. How do you feel about them not being strictly nameless any more?
Well, they haven't really been for quite some time. So for me it was not an overnight sensation. As long as it doesn't in any way interfere with what we are doing, there's no desire that I have for people not to feel proud or happy about what they're doing.
You've lamented not being able to play more guitar. If you could be the guitarist for a day in any band, which would it be?
Good question. There's several bands. I would have loved to be what Mick Taylor was in 1969, coming into the Rolling Stones at their best era - but I would have stayed around! That would have been a great experience. Very fun music to play. Definitely within the limits of what I can play really well. I spent a lot of time as a kid learning how to play guitar. Otherwise I would love to play in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers; I love what John Frusciante does. Def Leppard might be a good fit too. Joe Elliott spoke very highly of Impera when it came out. That would have also been really cool. Also a fantastic band. In an alternative reality, in an alternative life, I would have wanted to do a lot of other things. But I did hear that [Joe said those things], and it was very heartwarming, of course. A very big honour.
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unboundndd · 11 months
I just wanted to say that your recent heartsteel yone piece has been living rent free in my mind FOR DAYSSSS !!! Oh it’s so cute how he’s so nervous to meet the reader and didn’t even eat and then they went on a cute date together (how do you think that went by the way?)
aaaaAAa thank you so so much dear anon you’re very kind… i have to admit that Heartsteel Yone has been in my mind for who knows how long. I will elaborate on their date because that’s so so cute i love my bashful, boomer, bandmom katana welding husband!❤️
(Also replying to this on the go so sorry for the bad formatting)
Reader totally did not expect to be dragged out on a date by THE Yone from Heartsteel! For most of the car ride they are still a bit nervous and starstruck, it’s hard to think that for the majority of the year they were talking to one of their idols while being unaware of his identity.
Yone is so caring and understanding though, few words are shared in his car but he lets you be a passenger princess by making you choose all the songs you want, of course at a certain you try to put some of the music that made you bond at the start of your relationship. Yone is a very responsible driver so he tends not to get distracted but you can tell from his expressions that the song are having an effect on him as well.
Once you finally got out of the traffic that would inevitably form itself after a concert it didn’t take much to get to the ramen place Yone suggested. Conversation between you and him will slowly go back to normal after the server takes your order and you finally are able to ask him all the questions that had been buzzing in your head. You could listen to him talk for hours and even though Yone tries to keep the conversation lighthearted he admits to feeling guilty about not telling you who he really was and how certain days he was so tempted to reveal everything, especially when you would gush about him in your chats.
He also tells you how the other members are to blame for your secretly arranged meeting, how Aphelios spotted him talking to you on discord and eventually spilled the beans to Sett first and then everyone else. He also told you how Kayn could not contain his laughter when he found out what was going on and that before the meet and greet Ezreal gave him a pep talk! The mental image of an extremely concentrated Yone being glued at his phone all day made you chuckle, in a way it reflected what had happened to you since after you started talking more your heart would leap every time you heard the discord notification sound.
Now that Yone was fully relaxed, he was finally ready to dig into his food… more like pounce onto it like a starved man. At a certain point you even offered to share some of the gyozas with him and watched his face light up slightly, it made you wonder if dinner was the only meal he skipped out of nervousness.
Whenever he’d try to give you an apologetic look you’d remind him how much of a workaholic he was and how you under your watch he would be taking care of himself. After that you ordered another portion of gyozas for the two of you to share and Yone was glad you had temporarily turned your head the other way, he needed to compose himself and quit blushing so hard.
You’d always imagined that Yone would be a huge gentleman, his interactions with his fans were always so kind and insightful if needed but he really upped his antics with you. He would take your hand to help you up from your chair, put your coat on for you and even pay dinner for both! You wanted to thank him but for Yone this was his way of repaying you for being the one who always would cheer for him.
You would have to initiate most physical affection, Yone is the type of person to relish in the slightest touches of hands but never pursue anything more, his nervousness coming back whenever he felt the need to get closer to you. You find out how much he actually loves to hold hands and hugs, after you ask for one he’s the one who doesn’t let go even if you’re leaning on the dirty walls of a not very lit alley and it’s starting to rain. At least you’re comfortable though, your head is leaning against Yone’s chest and his coat and body provide more than enough heat to keep you nice and warm. You feel a bit dizzy from the sensations: Yone’s cologne, the crisp smell of his fresh shirt and the beat of his heart all make you melt further onto him.
He’s also such a good kisser even though it’s obvious he holds back at first. Despite wanting to show you more of what his feelings for you are he also wants to make sure you are comfortable throughout your date and that he’s not pushing your boundaries. He’ll also be the most attentive and responsible boyfriend ever, after your first date you can always call him whenever you need advice about anything ranging from finances to help with doing things like configuring the new router you bought. After every date Yone will ALWAYS make sure to drive you back home, especially once your relationship becomes more public.
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