#literally awake and unafraid asleep or dead
drugstoreperfumed · 2 years
I wanna live in the moment I heard famous last words for the first time forever
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wrenhavenriver · 9 months
top five albums
oof sorry, i fell asleep at the ripe old hour of *checks notes* 8 PM? also, my attention span is too bad to be a Whole Album enthusiast, can i interest you in top 5 songs instead?
first time i heard who we are by hozier i was stuck in one of those "haven't felt an emotion in 3-4 weeks" depression ruts and it cracked open my ribcage and was like "here are all the emotions you've been trying to feel over the last month all at once! enjoy." like when you keep hitting print because the printer's not doing shit and then they all suddenly go through and you have to scramble to cancel 84 print jobs before you drain your ink cartridges.
famous last words by my chemical romance. another prime "congratulations, you are experiencing catharsis. do not resist" song. the dreamy blurring of lines between life/death/sleep in the "awake and unafraid / asleep or dead" bit especially hits on a lot of ways i've come to think about death/the afterlife (and also just, like, existence and reality in general) over the years.
laura's theme from silent hill 2. i can't even explain it but this song was neurologically designed for me. listening to it literally cured one of my migraines once, the endorphins it releases are that fucking potent.
lemon by yonezu kenshi really is The Grief Song to me. the music video especially really nails that sense of dazed emptiness, the separation you feel from the rest of the world, how arbitrary and pointless so many societal rules suddenly become. this cover by raon lee is actually my favorite version but that's not a comment on yonezu kenshi's singing, i just really love raon's voice in general.
possibly it's because my first exposure to it was through this choreography but false confidence by noah kahan has set up shop in my brain this year and will not fucking budge.
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rilenite · 2 years
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 60, 90!
song & lyrics under the cut!
6. sleep // my chemical romance
[[okay so the ask thing said to put lyrics and i Will but i just wanted to say i saw this performed live in portland and they extended the bridge out to what felt like forever and it was literally incredible. all that to say the lyrics i'm putting is mostly due to the way they're sung bc they're. incredible]]
And through it all How could you cry for me? 'Cause I don't feel bad about it So shut your eyes Kiss me goodbye And sleep Just sleep The hardest part Is letting go of your dreams
12. prehistoric // now, now
I would trade this sleep for you in a heartbeat But this weather will not lift It leaves us shouting into cliffs without an echo Each day you come closer So close I can almost feel your breath on my shoulders But I know if I turn around you might run away again
18. famous last words // my chemical romance
'Cause I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid Asleep or dead
24. factories // autoheart
You picked me up and took me home You scrubbed away the bloodstain on the carpet I am petrified of changing You can’t tell a loser how to win a battle
30. the foundations of decay // my chemical romance
Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain Now, if your convictions were a passing faith May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays And as the vermin crawls We lay in the foundations of decay
60. to the end // my chemical romance
He calls the mansion not a house but a tomb He's always choking from the stench and the fume The wedding party all collapsed in the room So send my resignation to the bride and the groom
90. the manic // amarante
There’s a pain I’ll carry with me Through the days I will dream Of losing you Of losing me I’m not the man that you will need I’ve let you down entirely You’re better off You’re better off
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awsugar · 4 years
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rhetoricalrogue · 3 years
Five More Minutes
Inspired by all the talk about various detectives turning and knowing that Astrid needs to be Dramatic™️ at times, here she is, giving her boyfriend (and mother, and honorary mother figure, and best friends, and...) grief post-turning. This most likely would take place a couple of years into a relationship with Adam, and she’s had a while to decide that this is the path she wants to take for the rest of her (hopefully long) life.
As always, Fiona belongs to @asaucyginger. I borrow her from time to time for shenanigans and to antagonize Adam. Astrid also has Chris Hemsworth giving out complements as her alarm clock on her phone, but only has that alarm on when Adam’s not around since while she may appreciate waking up to the sound of her celebrity crush, she knows the feeling is most definitely not mutual for Adam.
She slept for a solid week after making the transition from human to vampire. It’s wasn’t even a typical for her type of slumber - eyes twitching behind closed eyelids, breath soft and limbs relaxed - she slept as if she were literally dead, stiff, no movement whatsoever. If it weren’t for the sluggish single beat of her heart every ten seconds (Adam knew, every count of ten had been absolute torture until he heard it beat again,) Agency doctors would have deemed the procedure a failure.
One of the few positives for her being unresponsive after her change - a change that had been fairly uneventful, boring even, blessedly peaceful in it’s own way with a minimum of pain - was that she hadn’t been awake to witness the doctors perform surgery on her leg to extract the various screws and plates that she had lived with since she had been nineteen. Adam wondered how their absence would change the way she fought, seeing that she and Fiona had worked to design a swordfighting style to accommodate for a weaker knee and to protect her ankle.
The scar would remain, the doctors told them both, fairy and vampire momentarily setting aside their differences for the person they both loved as they had both paced the waiting room in worry. There was a slight tone of apology to that announcement, but both of them had breathed a sigh of relief.
One of the things Astrid had worried about was losing her scars, voicing a fear that everything her body had gone through in her short thirty-three years of existence would be wiped clean and rendered meaningless. Adam hoped she would be pleased when she discovered it hadn’t, even though the last traces of the scar Murphy had inflicted upon her had vanished, her new nature taking care of what Agency magic and medicine had started. He wondered if she would be relieved to have it gone, seeing as its presence had always bothered her and she took pains to hide it, even though it hadn’t been that visible to the ordinary eye.
Since she’d still been unresponsive after the first hour, her first feeding, and every other feeding since, had been done intravenously. Adam watched through the security cameras as Elidor had carefully set her up for the transfusion. No one had voiced it out loud, but everyone knew about how she had bitten Murphy in a similar situation. If she had bitten off a piece of his face as a human, there was no telling what she could do as a vampire if she suddenly woke up and had a negative flashback response. To his credit, Elidor had been unafraid, patting her limp hand and holding a cheerful, one-sided conversation with her the entire time.
A day passed and visitors arrived at the observation room. Markus and Tony became fixtures, both refusing to leave even after Tony almost got into a fight with security about not being allowed into Astrid’s room. She was too unstable, they said. There was no way to know how she would react if she woke up: she might be fine, she might decide to make a snack out of one of her oldest and dearest friends. It took both Fiona and Markus to talk him down and lead him back down the hall before he got kicked out of the facility.
Adam and the rest of Unit Bravo learned a lot of goofy stories about Astrid from the other three. Markus tended to stick with anecdotes from battle re-enactments and drunken post-fighting party hijinks while Tony went on tangents about their many annual Fancy New Year’s Eve parties in the City. Fiona’s voice grew soft as she recounted Astrid’s childhood and what it had been like to be a caretaker turned honorary mother figure to her since Astrid was two. Rebecca, who hadn’t budged from looking at her daughter through the monitor, thanked her for being there for Astrid when she couldn’t.
On the sixth day, the doctors allowed Cashew in, thinking that a familiar pet would bring her out of her catatonic state. Cashew, Adam was relieved to see, was unfazed by his mistress’s transformation. He merely gave her chin a few headbutts while honking plaintively before curling up at her side, his head resting in her elbow and his feet fitting into the palm of her hand. After an hour of no response, Cashew was put back into his crate and taken back to Adam’s room in the Facility. Adam knew that he wouldn’t stray far from the place until Astrid could go home, so prior to her turning, the two of them made sure Cashew would be comfortable there. Aside from a few honks to let them know he would have rather preferred his own home instead of the temporary setup, the cat had seemed fine.
Adam broke rank on the seventh day. He didn’t know if it was his fear that the woman he loved would never wake, agony at being so close yet so incredibly far from her for an entire week, the fact that he desperately needed to sleep - Nate had begged him to rest, promising that he would wake him at the slightest hint of change. Adam had refused; how could he sleep with Astrid in this state? - or a combination of the three, but in the early hours of the morning, he silently made his way out of the observation room, moving past everyone dozing in chairs and cots that had been set up for them, and walking purposely down the hall. The lone security guard only made the barest of attempts to stop him before standing down, most likely because the look on Adam’s face had stopped them in their tracks.
Astrid’s room held a faint antiseptic scent to it, most likely from the wipes used on her arm for her daily transfusions. The monitor she was hooked up to beeped in time with the slow beating of her heart and now that he was there with her in person, he could see the shallow, barely there rise and fall of her chest as she drew breath. Adam sat at the edge of the bed and counted: ten beats for her heart, twenty for her breath.
“Must you be so dramatic?” he asked, his hand reaching out to bring hers up, his lips pressed against her knuckles before turning her hand over and leaving a lingering kiss to her palm. “This has gone on long enough, don’t you think?”
The video in the observation room, no matter how crisp, had failed to capture the almost luminous quality of her skin correctly. She’d always had a healthy glow to her pale skin, but now it was highlighted even more. The freckles that dusted the tops of her cheeks and across her nose were still there as well, but they were subdued, like constellations obscured by a cloudy sky. Adam winced at the thought, knowing Nate could come up with a better metaphor.
He pressed a second kiss to her palm, then another to her wrist. Aside from the barest of changes to her complexion and a brighter, healthier sheen to her copper hair, Astrid had not changed. It wouldn’t have mattered to him one way or another: Astrid was Astrid no matter what she looked like and he would love her in any form she took, but he knew it would matter to her. Adjusting to whatever new preternatural abilities she gained would be an ordeal in itself, adjusting while feeling like a stranger in her own body would have added a level of difficulty to the process.
“I know you hate to wake on time, but please.” Adam reached out with his other hand and tenderly cupped her cheek. “Wake up. For me.”
Moments passed. Three heartbeats, two exhales. Adam hunched down and pressed his face against her chest, silently hoping to feel her fingers comb through his hair. “You’re forcing my hand,” he told her, gathering her close. Moving until his mouth brushed against the shell of her ear, he closed his eyes and grimaced. “The things I do for you.”
“Hey you. Yes, yes, yes you. Today is your day. You’ve got this. You’re absolutely crushing it at everything you do.” He leaned back when the familiar sound of her heart sounded at eight seconds, then another at seven. “You’re more than capable of taking on the world, the whole world, by storm.”
It was faint, but he swore he saw her eyelid twitch. “Speaking of the world, did you know that it’s a better place with you in it?” He brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek. “You’re strong, you’re confident. You’re intelligent, you’re charismatic. On a scale of one to ten, you are an eleven.” He held his breath, desperately trying to find a change as he continued to recite words from a video she’d set as her usual alarm clock. The heart rate monitor next to the bed gave one beep, then two, the long, flat line on the screen making more regular jumps.
It would figure your blasted favorite actor would cause a reaction, he thought, pressing his forehead to hers. “You make me want to be a better man. Astrid, please. Open your eyes.”
One heartbeat, then two, then more until Astrid’s heart gained a cadence that was oh so familiar to him. Her breathing patterns reminded him of lazy Sunday mornings, of her asleep in his arms and half-mumbling about five more minutes. You’ve had longer than five minutes, he thought, hand tilting her face up. He didn’t have long, even if people woke to cause a diversion, until Agency doctors burst in with protests about how unsafe it was to be in such close proximity to a newly made vampire, no matter how well-fed they ensured her to be.
Astrid would never intentionally harm him, he knew that fact down to his bones. His faith in her was the reason he held no fear as he kissed her, hoping that the wishes he held back for her safe return to him would take root.
There was a twitch, the barest feeling of being kissed back that had Adam slowly sitting up straight so he could better look at her face. Ever so slowly, Astrid’s eyelashes fluttered until she blinked up at him.
Adam let out a relieved laugh, heart soaring at the sound of her voice, cracked and groggy from sleep as it was. “Hello.”
She took a deep breath and blinked again, looking as if she were taking a mental inventory of her surroundings and wincing at every sound. “It worked?”
He nodded. “It did.” Reaching over, he turned off the monitor so it wouldn’t continue to irritate Astrid’s sharper hearing. “How do you feel?”
She peeled off the sticky sensor from her chest and made a move to sit up, Adam standing and offering his hands to assist. “I feel…” she looked around, her hands squeezing his. “Different, but sort of the same? I can’t describe it. I’m me, but…”
“Take your time.”
She grinned as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, eyes instantly locking onto her leg and shoulders sagging in relief at the sight of a familiar scar. “Sort of have all the time in the world now, don’t we?”
Adam pulled her to her feet and held her close, fingers sinking into her hair. “That we do.”
“So, how long was I out? Did we miss that special on the History Channel we were going to watch while sipping on blood bags and eating a cheese board?”
He held her closer, the side of his face buried against hers. “Astrid, you’ve been asleep for a week. We most certainly missed the show, but I recorded it for you to watch when you’re ready.”
She jerked up, the top of her head banging against his chin. “What?” her voice was louder than normal and she winced at the sound. “A whole week?”
“Trust me, it was troubling for us all too.”
Her eyes widened. “Cashew! Who’s been taking care of my cat?”
Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, Adam settled for raising an eyebrow instead. “Our cat. Don’t worry, I made sure he didn’t starve.”
She froze, head cocking to the side. “There’s someone coming down the hall.” Her nose crinkled a bit. “This is so weird, how the hell do I know that’s Tony by smell alone?” She sniffed again. “And why does he smell like the cotton candy from that boardwalk we always go to on his birthday?”
“You’ll get used to it. I don’t think you’ll have a lack of vampires ready to help you answer any questions you may have.”
Astrid’s arms tightened around his waist and he felt the barest of trembles. Knowing her as he did, he knew she was trying to put on a strong front as she attempted to center herself in her new reality, acute senses and all. “I do have one question,” she stated, head against his shoulder.
“What is it?”
“Would it be possible to get a few minutes to myself? Markus is coming down the hall with like five other people and…” She looked up at him, the barest hint of fangs peeking out from behind her lips. It was maddeningly endearing. “I love them all, but it’s a little much?”
He nodded, kissing the crown of her head as he did so. “I’ll see what I can do.”
He had his hand on the doorknob when she called back to him. “Once you stall them, will you come back? I don’t really want to be alone-alone, and you…”
He understood the look she gave him, the unspoken sentiment that hovered between them. There would be time later to express it - and how light he felt, knowing they had today and tomorrow and a million other tomorrows after together! - but he knew what she meant. The noise and the presence of others may be a bit much, but just being around her was a balm to his senses, the sound of her voice soothing, the feel of her hand in his right, clicking into place as if he had been made to be at her side.
She was his home, and it still astounded him (and most likely would forever astound him) that she regarded him as hers.
Adam nodded, his mouth curving into a smile that matched the one Astrid gave him. “Always.”
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First Impressions - YangYang
Tumblr media
Warnings: drug usage, cursing, and violence
Credit to the original owners of the images.
GN "Bad Kid" Reader x "Good Kid" YangYang
Soulmate Au: First words to each other
"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Song questioned from her position in front of the board.
"Yes ma'am", you said, trying your hardest not to roll your eyes. She looked at you for another moment before her eyes turned back to the notes written on the board, which you had already copied all of them down. You felt a poke in your ribs, your eyes moved over to your right where your friend Andy sat. Before she could speak the bell rang. You instantly moved to put your binder in your bag and waited for Andy to do the same. The two of you quickly walked out and waited in the back of the parking lot for the rest of your friends.
"I swear that woman has it out for you", she says pulling a bag out of her backpack.
"So help me you get us caught-"
"Don't worry", she cut you off, "I'll be careful."
"You better be sharing", Darren said as he walked over motioning for Andy to hurry up. She rolled her eyes and passed him the pipe. He instantly took it and inhaled, handing it to you who did the same.
"How dare you start without us?" Ryder said as he and Bridget joined your group, stealing the pipe from your hands.
"Hey no smoking, you have to drive your cousin home and your aunt will kill you if she finds out your high", Bridget said as she took the pipe from him.
"Speaking of which, where is the little shit?" He said, his eyes moving around the parking lot.
"That reminds me, anybody wanna gimme a ride? My sister has to work so she can't pick me up", you asked the group.
"Yeah sure. I'll need someone to keep me sane after I take Bridget home", Ryder said.
"Trust me. I'm not too happy about riding with you either", a voice said from behind him.
"We'll leave in a few. First, lemme introduce you to the gang. The blue-haired girl is Andy. The one with all of the piercings is Y/N. Green haired dude is Darren and you know Bridget. Guys this is YangYang."
"Sup", Darren told him as he took the pipe from Bridget. YangYang just nodded, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. You felt a bit bad for him, but that didn't stop you from taking another hit before leaving. Bridget got in the passenger seat, leaving you and YangYang in the back. It didn't take long for the two of you to arrive at Bridget's. She kissed Ryder and told you all bye before getting out.
"I need gas and snacks, so we're making a pit stop", he said as he pulled back onto the road. He was in and out of the gas station passing you a bag of chips and YangYang a candy bar.
"So I gotta ask. Why do you guys smoke?" YangYang inquired to his cousin after a bit of silence.
"Numbs things a bit. And with it, things hurt less. Y/N is better at describing it", Ryder replied. YangYang turned to you.
"Let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore. That's what it's like without it", you said. He nodded and turned back to look out the window.
"That answer your question?" Ryder glanced in the rearview mirror to look at YangYang, who nodded. The moment the car arrived at his house YangYang thanked his cousin and jumped out of the car.
"Hopefully I don't have to give him a ride again", he said as he backed into the road.
"Eh, he didn't seem that bad."
"Let's just hope he doesn't tell my aunt I'm a stoner", he whispered. You let out a little laugh and continued to talk until you got back home.
It became a tradition for Ryder to take you home, and for him to drive YangYang home on Thursdays. It had been a month since the first time you had met him, and he still hadn't talked to you. But you couldn't really blame him, you were the classic "bad kid" that literally got stoned in the school parking lot, and he was the "good kid" that had the perfect record. It still amazed you that he and Ryder were even related at all. Just like the first time you rode together, Ryder had to make a pit stop at the gas station, though this time he was taking much longer. You found yourself growing more and more tired as you waited. It didn't help that you were unable to sleep last night and had smoked some with the group before leaving. You forced yourself to stay awake and pulled out your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the temptations of falling asleep.
"Awake and unafraid", YangYang whispered, so low that you almost didn't hear him. Your eyes widened and they moved to your wrist, which was covered by your sleeve. The exact same words were etched into your skin. The words that had been there since your birth and would be the first words your soulmate told you.
"Talk about a plot twist", you mumbled, causing YangYang to laugh.
"I wasn't expecting it either", he admitted
"Wait a second", you said upon realization, "I talked to you the first time we rode with Ryder. You've known for a month that we're soulmates and didn't say anything?"
"Admittedly I was a bit concerned when I figured out that we're mates. But then I realized, things aren't that simple, that I know nothing about you and have no reason to have concerns. But I wasn't sure what to say, so I waited for the right time."
"I hate the fact that is reasonable. Second off, what the heck did you mean by unafraid?" Your torso moving to face him.
"You're unafraid of what others think. And to say what's on your mind. I've noticed that after learning we shared some classes."
"We have classes together?" You asked, your face twisting in surprise.
"Several", he answered with a laugh.
"Dang I'm blind."
"To be fair most times you're stuck in your head. And most likely stoned during class", he responded.
"Okay, you're not wrong on that. But lemme guess, you don't want people to know we're soulmates?" As you asked the question the driver's door opened.
"Hold the phone. Y'all are soulmates?" Ryder asked as he entered the car. Tossing candy at you two. The two of you nodding in response.
"And to answer your question. I'd much rather people know we're soulmates."
"Why though? You're the golden boy and I'm one of the resident stoners", you inquired as you opened up the chocolate.
"Because we're soulmates? The differences will definitely cause some trouble, but we'll be able to get through them", he told you.
"I still can't believe you two are mates", Ryder said as he started the car. The conversation was then put on hold, you assumed it would most likely be continued tomorrow.
It was lunchtime when you finally met up with YangYang.
"Sorry I'm late", he said. He dropped his bag onto the floor and sat next to you. He kept his head down and eyes trained on the table.
"You good?" You asked.
"Uh yeah, fine."
"YangYang, you do realize that I can tell your lying, right?" You said as you leaned closer to him. He finally peeked up at you, his eyes were a bit red.
"I hate the fact that I can't lie to you", he said with a slight pout.
"What happened?" You questioned.
His shoulders sagged as he mumbled something incoherently. You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Just Blake and Liam being their usual selves." That's when you noticed the scratch on his cheek.
"Woah hold up. They did that?" You could already feel the anger rising in you. YangYang must've seen it in your eyes and began rambling about how it usually is worse, but as your fists clenched in anger he knew he messed up. Instead, he started backtracking, but it was too late, you were already storming out of the cafeteria to behind the gym. You knew the two boys hung out there during lunch, as cliche as it was. You could hear YangYang trailing close behind and begging you not to do anything.
"Y/N, what's up?" Blake greeted upon seeing you. Before you would've returned the greeting, but now you just grabbed him by the collar.
"Hey what fu-" Liam started, as he moved to you. But you glare turned to him, he immediately paused.
"Wanna tell me what you did to YangYang?" You asked, backing Blake up until he hit the wall.
"Why do you care?" Liam asked.
"One chance to tell me. I might not hit as hard if you answer", your grip tightening.
"Okay we roughhoused a bit, so what?"
"Is this the first time?"
"Yes?" Your right knee jerked up to hit I'm in the stomach. He groaned in pain and would've doubled over had it not been for your hold on him.
"What the hell Y/N?" Liam asked, his eyes widened in shock.
"Shit, fine. We've done it before", Blake panted.
"Oh so now you wanna tell the truth?" You asked rhetorically as your left fist reeled back and connected with his jaw. You dropped him from your hold as you heard Liam rush over to you. His knee made contact with your ribs, but you lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. As his back hit the concrete he let out a huff. You wasted no time on landing the punches. You rolled off of him when Blake attempted to yank you off. Your right foot landed on his chest and he stumbled back after the kick. You stood up, as he hobbled back towards you, and you grabbed onto his hair. He yelped at the pain of you pulling him up by it. You landed a final punch on his cheek and let go before shoving him to the ground where he sputtered up the smallest amount of blood.
"Bully anyone else and you probably won't make it out of the hospital next time. Understand?" You informed them as you moved to stand in front of them. Blake nodded and Liam groaned.
"And tell anyone that if they touch YangYang they're dead. Spread the word that if they mess with my soulmate, I will find them", you told them before grabbing YangYang's hand and walking back to the cafeteria.
"Where were you guys?" Darren asked when you sat back down.
"Had to take care of some assholes. And Andy blacklist Blake and Liam from your selling list." She nodded.
"So what'd they do?" Bridget asked.
"They messed with my mate", you told her as you pulled a blushing YangYang into your arms. Everyone at the table was surprised to say the least, well besides Ryder who was dying of laughter.
YangYang had decided to ride with Ryder again, he had asked his cousin to drop the two of you off at a local park. You waved Ryder off as he and Bridget backed out of the parking lot and walked with YangYang to a nearby bench. The two of you didn't get to talk after getting back to the cafeteria and you knew he had something to say about the whole situation.
"Alright, go ahead and say it", you told him. He gave you a confused look.
"That you don't wanna date me after the whole lunch fiasco."
"That's not at all what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that A) next time please give me a warning if you're gonna kick someone's ass. B) that was awesome. And C) let's go on an official date and actually start dating." It was your turn to be confused.
You could feel your eyebrows pull together as you asked him, "You still wanna date me?"
"Uh yeah?"
"Why?" You blurted out, prompting the boy next to you to laugh.
"Well I know you'll always protect me. And you're fun. And my soulmate."
"Well, I didn't expect that." He laughed again and stood up, pulling you with him as he walked to a nearby bakery.
"Now let's go on our first date, soulmate", he winked. You smiled, thinking about how it was definitely gonna be interesting to see everyone's reactions on Monday morning. And how the two of your story plays out, but you're looking forward to it.
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twink-frank · 3 years
🩸 🎸 🧛🏿‍♂️
& 🔮 what are lyrics from anything mcr/mcr adjacent that you think genuinely helped you/saved you/just made you feel a little less alone in your struggles, if you have any
Thank you nathan <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
🩸: do you have a memory associated to the first time you listened to each of the mcr albums? Not really? usually whenever i listen to an album in full i just kinda sit down and do it. and its been so long since i heard any of their songs or albums for the first time that those memories are nothing but blurs. 🎸: what’s your favorite song by ray toro? Oooogghhh can i say the entire remember the laughter album? its literally such a masterpiece and the fact that ray produced the whole thing himself with almost no help just makes it that much better. ray toro is in fact a musical genius and his compositions make my fucking monkey brain go oohh aahhhh and i feel like he deserves way more recognition than he gets, 🧛🏿‍♂️ : what’s the most rewarding thing for you about being an mcr fan? (finding friends, experiencing shows, etc.) i’ve been into mcr since i was like 8 years old, and ever since then its always been about the community for me. i heard their songs when i was a young kid being bullied and harassed and found out that i wasnt alone through their music. like the messages they put out i intensely connected with. and i think that was their intention, to let people who were a little fucked up know that its Okay to be a little fucked up.
🔮 : question of the anons choosing im gonna stick to mcr lyrics that helped me and made me feel a lil less alone bc if i went into mcr adjacent things we would literally be here all day.
I went a lil crazy so my answer is under the read more <3
“The boys and girls in the clique / the awful names that they stick / you’re never gonna fit in much kid / but if you’re troubled and hurt / what you got under your shirt / will make them pay for the things that they did.” ~ Teenagers
“Back home, off the run / signing songs that make you slit your wrists / it isnt that much fun, staring down a loaded gun.” ~ Cemetery Drive
“But nobody cares if you’re losing yourself / am i losing myself? / Well i miss my mom! will they give me the chair? or lethal injection or swing from a rope if you dare? / ah nobody knows, all the trouble i’ve seen.” ~ Prison
“Well mother what the war did to my legs and to my tongue / you should’ve raised a baby girl, i shouldve been a better son / if you could coddle the infection they can amputate at once / you should’ve been, i couldve been a better son.” ~ Mama
“She said, You ain’t no son of mine / For what you’ve done they’re gonna find / a place for you and just you mind your manners when you go / and when you go don’t return to me, my love.” ~ Mama
“Do or die you’ll never make me / Because the world will never take my heart / Go and try, you’ll never break me / We want it all, we wanna play this part / I won’t explain or say i’m sorry / i’m unashamed, i’m gonna show my scars / Give a cheer for all the broken / listen here, because it’s who we are / I’m just a man, i’m not a hero / just a boy, who had to sing this song / i’m just a man, i’m not a hero / I don’t care.” ~ WTBP
“I see you lying next to me / With words i thought i’d never speak / awake and unafraid, asleep or dead.” ~ FLW
“I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone.” ~ FLW
“Preach all you want, but who’s gonna save me? / I keep a gun on the book you gave me / Hallelujah lock and load. / Black is the kiss, the touch of the serpent son. / It ain’t the mark or the scar that makes you one, and one, and one.” ~ Venom
“Trust, you said / who put the words in your head? / Oh, how wrong we were to think / that immortality meant never dying.” ~ sorrows
“And now, the red ones make me fly and the blue ones help me fall / And I think i’ll blow my brains against the ceiling. / And as the fragments of my skull begin to fall / fall on your tongue like pixie dust, just think happy thoughts.” ~ Headfirst
“And in this moment, we can’t close the lids on burning eyes / our memories blanket us, with friends w know, like fallout vapors / steel corpses stretched out towards an ending sun / Scorched in black, it reaches in and tears your flesh apart / as ice cold hands rip into your heart. / thats if you’ve still got one thats left / inside that cave you call a chest / And after seeing what we saw / can we still reclaim our innocence? / And if the world needs something better / lets give them one more reason now.” ~ Skylines
“Sometimes I think I’ll die alone, I’d think I’d love to die alone / Just take me down / Just take me down / I think I’d love to die alone.” ~ Cubicles 
“As lead rains, will pass on through / Our phantoms forever / Like scarecrows that fuel this flame / We’re burning forever and ever / Know how much I want to show you / You’re the only one / Like a bed of roses / there’s a dozen reasons in this gun.” ~ Demo Lovers
“I’m sick, down from the bones to the other side / Red-mob we insects hide / King rat on the streets in another life / they laugh we don’t think it’s funny / If what you are / is just what you own / what have you become / when  they take from you almost everything?” ~ Destroya
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vendetta06 · 5 years
If you could pick one song to be on MCR's setlist for Return™ what would you choose?
ONE song???? oh god hmmmm Honorable Menion would be prison or deathwish because of the performance aspect of it, like it would be totally out of control and crazy. but I would end up choosing famous last words because it would feel like a religious experience just from the pauses on the bridge, and the idea of the anticipation and the crowd screaming back the lyrics louder than gerard would let alone make me cry: I see you lying next to me/with words I thought I’d never speak/awake and unafraid/asleep or dead — like if I heard this I literally would fucking die
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jcmorrigan · 5 years
New Game +
The F/O? Tony Dracon from Gargoyles. (Whaaat? It’s not Gio this time? What is this sorcery?) The S/I? Rachel Rosalind - woman who has given up on adulting to become a gangster, but looks too innocent and incompetent for anyone to believe she’s running with Dracon’s mob! Yeah, I decided to share some slightly older writings from the f/o’s I haven’t published yet, since here is where the selfship community thrives. Anyway, I wanted to start with the angsty hurt/comfort one first - running on the premise that Gargoyles is a Disney property, so it makes sense for the KH mythos to touch down there, right? (Also, all B.G.P. writings are third-person rather than first-person and I don’t feel like editing them.)
It came from their shadows.
           A single streetlamp illuminated Rachel and Tony as they worked to hoist the recently acquired missile launcher into the bed of the truck with no license plates. A single streetlamp was enough.
           It was impossible to tell whose shadow set it off. But one of them elongated far past human, gaining height, gaining dimension, lifting up off the street until it was standing and continuing to grow from there.
           “I still can’t believe we actually pulled this off,” Rachel muttered as she lashed down the launcher. “If the cops catch on, we are so dead.”
           “They’re not gonna catch on,” Tony deadpanned, throwing a sheet up to cover the weapon. “If anything – “
           His sudden stunned expression alerted Rachel that something was very, very wrong. He’d gone dead silent, and when she looked, she saw a terror in his eyes that was usually reserved for Goliath.
           She whipped around and got a look at the thing, now towering about as tall as one of the skyscrapers that bordered it.
           Rachel, being Rachel, had read a fair bit of H.P. Lovecraft. (While not being blind to the writer’s obvious biases, of course. And feeling a little bit of the old White Guilt having to explain this to Glasses, who really trusted her enough not to care.) She had also seen the popular fan depictions of Cthulhu and the Deep Ones, and monsters obviously spawned from the same breed of cosmic horror, starting to circulate the Internet as believe-it-or-not memes.
           So when she got a good look at the enormous thing, it wasn’t without a dash of “ia, ia” coming to mind. Its face was covered by writhing tentacles, leaving only a pair of yellow eyes like car headlights, glowing in the dark. Its blackness almost blended it into the night, so you weren’t quite sure if you were seeing an apparition or something solid. However, if your eyes adjusted, you could make out its jagged limbs, its broad chest – the hole that punched straight through it, allowing you to look from one side of the creature to the other. In the shape of a heart.
           Literally heartless, Rachel thought, and she wasn’t wrong.
           Was it friend or foe? To the Dracon syndicate, that question never mattered. If it was magic, it was foe. End of story. The good tried to rein them in while the bad tried to upstage them. This thing, however, did not seem so much good or bad as it did simply feral.
           It lumbered forward two slow, shaking steps, giving the impression that it was a sluggish creature. Then, like a whip, cracked its hand toward the truck, which went spilling.
           Rachel hit the pavement, hearing the crunch of metal some feet away from her. Luckily sparing her the crash. She was sure there was asphalt mixed into the skin of her cheek with how she’d scraped the ground. However, that was only a momentary worry, for the creature was now doing something rather odd: gathering up a ball of light – no, an absence of light, the physically impossible embodiment of the absence of light in its claws. The streetlamp’s influence dimmed.
           The magic was launched into the air and exploded, raining down as tinier spheres.
           That put fire in Rachel’s engine. She leapt to her feet, dodging each ball of precipitation. One of them didn’t quite miss, and where it touched the skin of her upper arm, it burned. Oh, this thing had to go, before it wiped both her and Tony off the map.
           (Where was he? Where was he? Where was he? Where was - )
           Now, ordinarily, Rachel might have seen this as a doomsday-type scenario. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, she had just so happened to co-opt in the illegal acquisition of an entire missile launcher.
           A launcher that had clattered to the pavement when the truck was thrown.
           She had no idea if it was too bent out of shape to use. So she girded herself for the possibility that she might be dead meat anyway.
           (Where was he?)
           The launcher mounted onto her shoulder. She took aim, shakingly. Then steadied herself. Just like shooting a person, with gun or bow. Bigger target, bigger weapon.
           The trigger was pulled. The projectile blasted off with a fiery trail.
           Then it collided with the eldritch face, melting it down upon impact and taking the body down to scrap in the explosion.
           The chunks fluidly morphed into intangible shadow, flitting away to hide in the corners of the city. Save for the upturned truck and the scorch marks on the ground from the onslaught of magic, it was as if that giant abomination was never there.
           Rachel forced herself to breathe. Dropped the launcher, not even bothering to let it down gently. Stared awhile, afraid the thing would reforge itself from the depths of the dark. No idea what it was. No idea where it had come from.
           But she had no space to ask questions about it. Not while one still prevailed:
           Where was he?
           “T…Tony?” she called out tentatively. “TONY?”
           No answer.
           A sound. Not a vocalization, but the slamming of something like a fist against metal. Relatively distant.
           Rachel’s heart fluttered as if pressed against a defibrillator. She knew exactly where he was, what was happening.
           She flitted around a corner, into an alley where a large metal dumpster was situated against the wall. The source of the noise. Her gait slowed; she knew what she would find, and her heart was already breaking.
           He was curled up on the other side of the dumpster, pressed into the corner where it met the wall, his breathing a series of erratic gasps as his knees were pulled to his chest, face buried in his crossed arms. Not a sight he would ever want anyone to see: Tony Dracon, scourge of New York City, caught in a panic attack.
           Rachel approached gingerly, quietly. Sat down beside him. Softly said “Hey.”
           “I’m…fine,” he choked out. “You know it’ll…stop.”
           It always did. (If he didn’t pass out.) He would get back up, brush it off, pretend it had never happened. If it had been anyone but Rachel to come across him in this state, he probably would have shot on sight.
           As it were, even knowing he would self-repair in time, Rachel couldn’t leave this alone. She shuffled closer, pressing into him, then gently moving her arms around him and pulling him toward her.
           He was wrapped around her instantly, nearly choking the life from her. One of her knees locked through his, legs tangling on the asphalt. One of her hands gently buried itself in his hair, entwining with the two-tone strands.
           As the years had passed, the white had taken over more and more of his hair. He acted like it hadn’t changed at all. She knew better. Everyone knew better. Its gleaming moon-white was a beautiful contrast to the raven-dark, even if it did prompt a few unnecessary jokes from clients about Tony being an “old man” so soon in life. (Jokes answered with a fist to the lip.) It stood as a mark of his fear, the repository where he kept it when it wasn’t flowing through him, the badge of shame.
           Which was why, when Rachel entwined her fingers in the white, he always felt as though she were digging at the core of it, teasing the fear apart, dissipating it.
           For a moment, there was nothing outside of the sphere of them, all eyes shut to give the illusion that the dark existence extended no further than a neat radius around their bodies. Rachel’s fingers stroked through Tony’s hair again and again, softly, slowly.
           “It’s gone,” she whispered. “Offed. Eighty-sixed. I killed it.”
           Guided by instinct, finding each other in the dark, they kissed, affirming that they were all there was.
           Then she felt him gently push her away; “I’m fine.”
           Rachel snapped away, getting to her feet. Best they pretend that never happened. However, it wasn’t like she was unafraid herself. No, Tony had spent his fear and would bounce back, but her dread was starting to settle in. As he stood beside her, she tried to say something optimistic.
           What came out instead was “That thing came from nowhere. And it turned into nothing.”
           The unspoken implication that it could return at any time, without warning.
           His turn, now. Tony’s hand settled in on Rachel’s shoulder; “If it shows up again, we’ll just have to teach it its lesson a second time.”
           She wouldn’t begin the trek back to the apartment without clutching his hand tightly in hers. “I mean, we’ve played this game before, right?” she babbled. “It’s…it’s like a Gargoyle. It’s like one of the Archmage’s things. We do this shit all the time.”
           “And we always come out on top.”
           “Yeah. We do. We do, right?”
           “We do.”
           Now he was her only stability in this dark night, despite things being quite the other way around earlier.
           “It’ll be fine,” Rachel panted. “Tomorrow morning, we’ll wake up, and it’ll be over. We’ve played this game before.”
           She could barely sleep that night, plagued by nightmares of things that came out of the shadows. He was like a corpse next to her in his unmoving restfulness, and she checked him for a heartbeat out of an irrational impulse.
           She had no idea if he was awake or asleep when he instinctively pulled her closer, protectively.
           At least there was that.
           The news reports the following morning made it clear that this was not, in fact, the game they were used to playing.
           The dark creatures had infested the city the night prior, and they were still running rampant in it on this newly-dawning day. Citizens were…devoured. In a sense. Not eaten, but something different, where they simply melted away in the grip of the critters.
           Wherever one human died, more of the creatures spawned. The implications of this weren’t lost.
           They looked almost comical in the footage. People ran in terror from armored knights half their size, like children playing dress-up, loudly clanking as they charged with limbs flailing. Big-eyed, rounded ant-like creatures swarmed; children reached out to pet them.
           Their hands didn’t get the chance to touch.
           “Okay, so this is different,” Rachel said as she stared at the screen, glassy-eyed. “This is very, VERY different.”
           The only thing she could even think to compare it to was Demona’s curse that had caused her to lose time unexplained until she had later heard of the petrification effect. A city of stone. But even that wasn’t a parallel at all. The only thing it had in common was the infection, the certain doom that flowed with it.
           Rachel was frozen, watching the reports in a dead dismay, fearing when the wave of darkness would reach her and –
           Tony had stood. “Well?”
           She flinched, following him with her eyes. “Well what?”
           “Well, are we going to teach them not to mess with us, or what?”
           “Tony, we CAN’T,” Rachel insisted. “If we pick a fight with those things just because – there are too MANY. They’re KILLING PEOPLE.”
           “Ordinary people,” Tony corrected. “We are not ordinary people.”
           “ – Perhaps most bizarre,” the news anchor was relating, “is what happens if one of the creatures is destroyed. Eyewitness reports in multiple accounts claim that if one of these creatures is struck with enough force, it will leave no trace of its existence behind. The only remains, according to these accounts, are foreign crystals and scraps of as-of-yet unidentified metals.”
           Those were the magic words that broke the spell. “…They drop gems?” Rachel repeated in awe. “They drop MONEY?”
           She looked back to Tony. “Suddenly, I don’t think fighting them is a bad idea after all.”
           “We kill,” Tony told her. “We collect. We profit.”
           “Is there even going to be a market with – “
           “You always forget about overseas, Cupcake.”
           “Are we doing this? We’re doing this.” Rachel sprang to her feet, pushing aside her inhibitions to make room for the pure, unadulterated avarice that kept her in this business more than any threat ever could. “Let’s go fuck up some monsters.”
           The selection of weapons was a sacred ritual. After some deliberation, Tony settled upon a projectile weapon from days past – a relic from a raven-haired robbery, one of only thirty or forty to survive the shipment’s destruction when the largest Gargoyle had first put in an appearance. Not a laser gun, technically. The laser was for sighting only.
           Rachel, on the other hand, was in the mood for something closer-range. Something that would allow her to palpably feel the revenge she was taking for the prior night. Her cheek was still raw, her arm still sensitive from the impacts. (Despite some careful, experienced nursing from one who’d been getting this type of scrape far longer than she had.)
           Most of all, for the memory of him curled against the dumpster, momentarily fragile.
           Switchblade? No. She hoisted up a (relatively) heavy crowbar, smacking it into her palm. “The ones on the news were all tiny little shits,” she growled. “Figures we’re the only ones to get the huge fucker. Not fair.”
           “Did it drop anything when you shot it?”
           “I didn’t pay any attention! I was kind of distracted by almost dying, thank you!”
           “Well.” Tony clicked the safety on his weapon. “We can safely assume the bigger ones drop even more loot.”
           “They better. If I see another one of those huge fuckers, I’m beating it to death with my own hands.”
           “I love it when you talk threatening, Cupcake.”
           She managed a smirk back at him. “And I love it when you’re a cocky egomaniac.”
           Weapons pointed away from each other so that neither was accidentally hurt in the midst of another quick, forceful kiss.
           “Let’s go,” Tony declared, and they moved out.
           It didn’t take them long to find a square filled to capacity with the insectoid ones. A hundred pairs or more of yellow eyes turned to regard the fresh blood.
           The fresh blood that was armed.
           Rachel’s crowbar slammed through beast after beast, scattering shadows and clinking crystals. At a command from Tony, she dropped to her knees, leaning as far back as she could, and he fired over her, the projectile blowing the center of the swarm to smoky bits.
           It wasn’t the game they were used to playing. But the increased stakes made it all the more fun to compete.
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drewand-minyard · 6 years
Two songs that remind me of Andrew Minyard
1. Miming In The Choir by Trophy Eyes -
I have something I'm afraid of
The answer to my problems
The reason to not be fucked up anymore
The truth is I don't want to change
I guess I'm happy with my damaged ways
I hate the water but I like the sound when the ice breaks
(Like this is literally Andrew when he realised what Neil meant to him and NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE)
2. Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I'd never speak
Awake and unafraid
Asleep or dead
I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
(This entire song just screams Andrew to me but these lyrics in particular are literally Andrew. He never thought he'd be able to be in a normal? relationship but he has Neil and they are MADE FOR EACHOTHER)
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team-free-squiggle · 7 years
I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living
I had no clue that I could write so much Polysanders but hey I ain’t complaining. I hope you all are enjoying reading these as much as I am enjoying writing them.
Oh, and guys - please feel free to request something. Shoot me an ask or something, they’re open. If you want a particular ship, or have an idea, I will gladly write it for you.
As always, feel free to request to be put onto a tag list. Just let me know which one and I’ll get you on there.
Anyway, here we go!
Oh and btw, this is actually hella long. Like, probably the length of a decent sized chapter in a long book. 
It was meant to be a one-shot - short but sweet.
I have no clue how this happened, but I like it. So please, read on!
Summary: Virgil is super into My Chemical Romance, so to cheer him up and show him how much they appreciate him, the other Sides come up with the idea (even though they’re not into it nearly as much), to take him to a concert (this is in the mindscape by the way, it’s not a human AU).
This is after the video where Virgil reveals his name, but not too recent, because reasons of Virgil being surprised and not being quite as comfortable with them yet as he would become in the future. 
Also, they aren’t dating (yet... you’ll see).
Type: A really long fic that has the possibility of sequels
Characters: Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders,  Thomas Sanders, and My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Polysanders
Warnings: literally nothing, just the fact that MCR is in this
Roman, Logan, and Patton were plotting. They knew that Virgil had been feeling more anxious than usual, as of late. After the  Accepting Anxiety videos and the , Fitting In video, he honestly needed a break. 
Virgil wasn’t used to feeling wanted, which the others (especially Patton, bless his heart) felt super bad about. The original three sides honestly cared a lot about their fourth, more than any of them had known, and wanted to make him happy. But how?
This question led them to Thomas. They decided to make a video out of it, but without Anxiety as this was going to be a surprise. Thomas was more than willing to let them help, of course, and he watched as they talked about what to do. 
Roman pouted - he was the creative one, and couldn’t come up with any ideas. “C’mon, Princey, think” ended up sort of becoming his catchphrase in this video.
Logan was logic, so he knew they had to do something that Virgil would actually want to do. He said as much, and the others totally agreed. Then came the problem of ‘wait, shit, what does Virgil even actually like??’ 
Luckily for them, Thomas had been paying attention to that one.
“Well, in the first video he was in, at the very end, Virgil said to Roman something about My Chemical Romance?” Thomas wondered aloud, not fully remembering the details. Roman, however, did remember. 
“Yeah, he said I was jealous ‘cause he had just been to a MCR concert. He looked happy about it too, so...” Roman trailed off as Patton jumped into the conversation.
“GUYS, THAT’S WHAT WE CAN DO!” Patton exclaimed, Logan having to remind Patton to breathe as he began to get overexcited. Patton calmed down as much as he could, before answering the others’ unspoken questions.
“We could hold an MCR concert in the mindscape!” Patton clapped, Roman nodding enthusiastically as Logan considered the idea. Thomas smiled, looking at Logan with a raised eyebrow to see if there were actually any disadvantages to their idea. Logan smiled, small but real, telling the others that (logically, of course) it was a brilliant idea. 
Thomas had them all sink down, waving goodbye as they left the real world to travel back into their home. 
They were quiet, so as not to wake the still sleeping Virgil, and got everything ready that they needed to. 
~~ small time skip, to after preparations to where Virgil wakes up ~~
It felt like weeks, but had really only been about 12 hours that Virgil was asleep. That was 12 more hours than he was used to getting, and honestly? It had done him wonders. 
Virgil felt well enough to actually try and dress decently today. He put on an MCR shirt - one of his “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge” t-shirts - his now signature purple hoodie over it, some black ripped jeans, and took a look in the mirror. 
Most of the time, Virgil hated his reflection. He always thought he was too skinny, or pale, or something else that he knew wasn’t true but still felt anxious about. Today, though, was different. 
He put on black winged eyeliner as well as the deep black (and also somewhat deep purple now) eyeshadow under his eyes. He felt that today, he looked good, and he smiled at himself in the mirror. This jacket, this newfound confidence, it was all proof that he was beginning to be accepted and that maybe someday, he could consider himself loved.
Maybe someday, the others would love him the way Virgil knows that he has a huge crush on all three of them. And sure, that’s high hopes. but Virgil felt hopeful today.
So he walked downstairs, surprisingly not seeing anyone but Patton there. Patton noticed Virgil as he cooked breakfast, smiling and handing the Anxious side some tea he had had the foresight to make. 
“Thanks, Pat.” Virgil smiled warmly, making Patton’s heart flutter. Little did Virgil know, but Patton had had a crush on him, Roman, and Logan ]since what felt like forever. This idea of his, Virgil’s surprise, could just be the closest he would ever get to a date with the three people he cared about most in the world. 
Roman and Logan came down somewhat soon thereafter, around the same time. They both smiled at Virgil as they sat next to him on either side, Patton sitting opposite Virgil after he finished getting breakfast onto the table.
They ate, Virgil somewhat shy. But the other three did their best to include him in the conversations, specifically trying not to exclude him from anything any more. Virgil noticed this, of course - none of them were exactly subtle -. and he appreciated it enormously. 
That’s when they told Virgil that they had a surprise for him. His anxiety kicked in a little, but only to the point of keeping Virgil slightly on his toes. They led him to the imagination, and what Virgil saw nearly had him in tears of amazement and happiness. 
The others would never forget just how happy Virgil had looked when he had seen what they had done for him. Gerard Way smiled down at the four, before they all heard the first notes of ‘Welcome to the Black Parade.’
My Chemical Romance played all of Virgil’s favorite songs and then some. It was an amazing day of his life. And then something even better happened. 
Gerard Way spoke to the crowd. “I need someone to help me sing this next song.” He was looking over the entire audience, but his gaze landed on Virgil, who was stunned when he smiled and nodded.
Virgil jumped up, really wanting to sing with his favorite band. Despite his social anxiety, it was something he had always dreamed of doing, and so his sheer excitement overruled the nervousness.
“What’s your name?” The band asked, smiling as though they already knew. 
Virgil was fanboying at about the same level as when Princey got to be in a Disney show, so it was quite hard to talk. But, he managed it anyway, because hello he was talking to My Chemical Romance.
Oh my god, he was literally talking to My Chemical Romance. 
“My name.. it’s Virgil.” He half-whispered, slightly more shy than usual. But he was still excited, and smiling, and honestly couldn’t wait to sing whatever song they had in mind. 
Gerard smiled warmly at him. He could sense the excitement, and consulted the other band members on what they would sing. The others agreed with his suggestion that they should let Virgil pick, and told him as much.
Virgil whispered his suggestion, so the crowd (including the other Sides), would all be surprised. MCR nodded, smiling, and Virgil got to stand right next to Gerard freaking Way as he began the song.
“Now I know, that I can’t make you stay. But where’s your heart? But where’s, your...”
Virgil smiled softly at the sounds of Patton cheering softly below him, smiling at his family as he sang one of his (many) favorite MCR songs. 
Gerard was singing along with him, of course, but let Virgil take over the lead and joined the backgrounds at the chorus. 
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone! Honey, if you stay, I’ll be forgiven! Nothing you can say will stop me going home!”
He sang it as loud as he could, trying to let the sides know. He wanted to be with them, he felt at home when he was with them. And it was okay, if they didn’t want him around. They didn’t ever have to feel guilty, if that was the case. But if they would allow him, he would stay. After all, as Virgil had realized a while ago, he loved them. 
Virgil felt some of his anxiety slip away and hope flare within him as he saw Patton, Logan, and Roman staring at him in awe and smiling. On occasion, they would cheer, leaving an even brighter smile on Virgil’s face each time they did.
Then came the part that Virgil really wanted to sing right, really wanted to let them know how he feels.
“I see you lying next to me. With words I thought I’d never speak... awake, and unafraid. Asleep, or dead!”
He sang out his heart, and he swore that even the deaf heard him. He looked down, towards the boys he loved, and saw them gently wiping at their eyes as they all clapped for him. 
“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone! Honey, if you stay, I’ll be forgiven! Nothing you can say can stop me going home!”
Virgil finished, strong and proud, and got the standing ovation he deserved for it. He made his way back to his seat (albeit after getting to hug the whole band), not daring to even look at the others on the way down for the fear he’d make a huge fool of himself. 
Gerard quieted the crowd as best he could, stating that they had had a special request for someone to come up on stage and ask someone else something. After that, they would sing their last song, but not before.
To Virgil’s utter surprise, all three of his crushes got up. They went on stage, all automatically knowing that the audience of the mindscape was super accepting of everything. In other words, no one would hate them for being gay and poly here. 
MCR stepped back, letting the Sides take the stage. 
“We wanted to ask Virgil, whom you all just saw up here, something important.” Roman was the one who started, smiling at Virgil before nodding to Logan. 
“A few facts about us, Virgil, that you may not know; number one, we are all poly.” Logan gestured to himself and the other two on stage. “Number two, the three of us want to date each other.” 
Virgil felt disappointed. Of course he was happy that they would always have each other, but... he wished that he, too, could be apart of their family. 
“The three of us also want to date you.” They smiled at him, nervous but warm. Virgil was taken aback, worried that this was all going to be a trick and he would wake up sad and angry with himself for going along with it. 
Patton, of course, sensed this turmoil, and bounced off the stage. He brought Virgil back onto the stage, holding his hands.
“It’s true, and believe me, I’m the heart. I know how you feel, Verge, and I want you to know that we all feel the same way, kiddo.” Patton smiled. He was rarely entirely serious - I mean, he’s not the one with the necktie - but this was one of those times.
Virgil looked at the three of them surrounding him with hope and happiness and warmth, and love. He was needed, he was wanted. Virgil Sanders was loved by the people he loved. 
Once he realized this, all it took was the utterance of a single word. 
Roman cheered, picking Virgil up and spinning him Disney Princess style. Patton fist - pumped the air, smiling widely and hugging the anxious side. Logan kind of held out his arms awkwardly, Virgil smiling and practically running into them.
The entire audience awwed and clapped, MCR doing the same before telling them to let them finish the concert. Everyone laughed, the Sides all blushed, and they held hands the rest of the night.
To be honest, Roman would later think, that MCR concert was the best thing he’s ever done.
Logan would analyze some of the moments where Virgil looked truly happy, to try and find (or make) a suitable collection of My Chemical Romance songs for Virgil that would remind him of the concert. After all, logically, they should all want to remember that night, right?
Logan wasn’t wrong on that.
For days later, Patton would decorate home made sugar cookies with different MCR album logos or symbols, each one getting scarfed down after a huge round of praise for how good they always looked (and afterwards, tasted). 
Virgil was just giddy. He had his boyfriends, and had gotten to sing at a concert with one of his favorite bands ever. 
The concert had been a really good idea, and the sides were all enjoying life together, as a true family. 
But then Virgil had an idea. 
What if, say, a concert for Logan’s favorite band was happening soon...?
Wonder if we’ll ever find out.
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(Sanders Sides)
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bomb-pop · 6 years
I was tagged by @coffeepluscandy
Idk how many people I’m supposed to tag, but uhh I guess do this if you want to?
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SONG(S) TO SING/HUM? Oh boy so many things..it really depends on my mood, but things like FOB’s Folie a Deux album, Melodrama by Lorde, and Danger Days by MCR are fun and fit my vocal range pretty well. If you want specific songs from each album I’d say Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet, Liability, and Planetary Go! respectively 
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT? I have a bunch of succulents and orchids because they’re easy for me to take care of and they’re cute (I’m an aesthetic loving bitch)
FAVOURITE COLOURS? Indigo- the perfect happy medium between purple and blue
WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE? Literally all I can doodle/draw anymore is glassware (that’s what you get for being a fucking glass artist Eris)
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR COFFEE/TEA? I don’t really drink coffee, but I like my tea lightly sweetened with sugar
FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT? Oh god I’m a candle junkie but I used to have this lemon and white tea candle that was PERFECT and I need to find one again
SUNRISE OR SUNSET? Sunset, they’re always more vibrant (also I’m awake)
WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR? Normally nothing, but when I’m being fancy I use Nirvana Black by Elizabeth and James (a sample I got from Sephora once)
WHAT’S YOUR GO-TO DANCE MOVE WHEN YOU’RE ALONE? Anything that a dad would break out awkwardly at a wedding that makes his kids go “ugh I’m definitely not related to that man”
FAVOURITE QUOTE? I’m real edgy and have a few: Humans haunt me (from The Book Thief), Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead (MCR), and So it goes (from Slaughterhouse Five)
FAVOURITE SELF-CARE ROUTINES? The basics really- eating and showering, but baths are really nice when I’ve been super stressed
FUZZY SOCKS OR HOUSE SLIPPERS? I hate wearing things on my feet when I’m at home, like literally my feet could be freezing but I still won’t wear socks and instead will just burrow under 20 blankets 
WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES? Green with flecks of gold in them
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE EYE COLOUR ON OTHERS? Honestly idk if I have one? I love striking colors (orangey browns, purple-y blue, deep green, etc..)
FAVOURITE SEASON? WHY? Autumn- the trees are so pretty and it’s sweater and jeans weather 
NECK, CHEEK, OR NOSE KISSES? Um I mean for like cute kisses I love nose kisses (idk they make me smile) but neck kisses make me melt
WHAT DOES YOUR HAPPY PLACE LOOK LIKE? Ummm honestly just a room surrounded by all of my friends being happy together (probably with food)
FAVOURITE BREED OF DOG? I love chows so much, you have no idea, they’re so fluffy and cute and ahhhhhh. Also pit bulls because they’re the biggest sweethearts ever
DO YOU EVER WANT TO BE MARRIED? Probably? Idk, I mean I know I want a partner and long term commitment
CURSIVE OR PRINT? When I’m being fancy I like writing in cursive because it’s so flowy but normally I just print things in messy little scribbles 
FAVOURITE WEATHER? I’m torn between sunny warm days where I can be outside and rainy days where I like to be inside and watch movies. I also like being out in warm rain, idk it’s silly but it makes me happy 
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got7doubleb · 8 years
*most fics are crossposted on ao3
Please don’t go, i need you - Mark+Jinyoung, Angst, PG, 2.5k+ words ~Where Youngjae is saved from the streets by Jinyoung and slowly find the meaning in Jinyoung’s forced smile. 
Accidental Dates - Mark+Jinyoung, fluff, G, 1.3k words ~Jinyoung mixes up his blind date venue only to land himself another date. 
Your Toxic Cures Me - Mark+Jinyoung, angst/fluff, M 1.4k words  ~Mark was tired of being Jinyoung’s affair/bodyguard because he was in love and Jinyoung wasn’t. 
Here comes the storm; Mark/Jinyoung, G 1.3k+ words  ~Jinyoung is enchanting in Mark’s eyes and Mark is possessive for all the wrong reasons
Baking for your favor ; Mark/Jinyoung, 700+ words ~Jinyoung tries to win his boyfriend over by attempting to make some macaroons. Attempting is the keyword. 
That Small Smile - Mark+Jaebum,fluff,G 800+words 
Deadbeat with dreams - Mark+Jackson, fluff, M 1.4k words  ~Jackson was part of Mark’s dream that was too good to be true.
I pretend because you make me feel things i shouldn’t -Jinyoung+Jackson, fluff, G 1.5k+ words  ~Jinyoung is having a bad day and Jackson just wants his company
Burning fury and cold expressions, Jinyoung+Jackson, G, 1.2k w. ~they fought and probably still are fighting, maybe they just need time to punch it out.
The View from My Window - Jackson+Jaebum, Angst, G 800+ words ~Jackson finds himself thinking of why Jaebum decided to leave him
Pit-A-Pat (Me Likey), Jinyoung+Bambam 1.1k words ~Mark gives them all a ride home from a night out of drinking, Yugyeom and Bambam are having a little too much fun for Jinyoung’s liking.OR Jinyoung has an enormous crush and has trouble controlling his emotions after one drink.
You’re My Shopping Mall, G, Choi Youngjae/Im Jaebum, 1.1k words  ~Shall i compare thee to a summer’s day day out shopping or Youngjae has a shopping problem and Jaebum is just hot.
Blue Neighbourhood - Mark+Jinyoung, Angst, M, 43k words [completed]  full post here [aff | ao3]
Awake and Unafraid, Asleep or Dead - Mark+Jinyoung, PG [discontinued] ~ Snow White AU with Jinyoung as Snow White. [aff | ao3]
It's Actually Never Too Late - Mark+Jinyoung, G, 3k words [completed] ~ Jinyoung reminisces about his childhood dreams in a playground he used to play in and Mark comes running in, quite literally. Part 1: You’re my playground | Part 2: Let Me (hold your hand) full : [ ao3 ]
Coffee, Crush & Child - Mark+Jinyoung, G, 8.8k words [completed]        ~A story of how Mark Tuan has a cafe where he creates a family and include Park Jinyoung and his 4 year old son, Park In Jae. [ao3]
Fireflies in September - Mark+Jinyoung, M, 23k words [completed] ~Mark’s time travel essentials are as follows: a firefly, a ring and a whole bunch of regrets. He had all of that, now all he needed was Jinyoung. [ao3]
Face, Jinyoung+Jaebum, G, 2.3k words [completed] ~ Jaebum screwed up more than once but all he really wants is to see Jinyoung’s face. Part 2: Forever or never | full : [ ao3 ]
Don’t You Forget About Me - Jinyoung+Bambam, PG [discontinued] ~ they have been friends since forever. [aff | ao3] 
I Hate You But Not Really (Maybe Not At All) - Yugyeom+Bambam, PG,  18.9k words [completed] ~ They are enemies, not friends and definitely not boyfriends. [ ao3 ]
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